Insane Ending to Kyo Kaneko’s Final Minecraft Stream!

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[Applause] n No N Oh He [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] A Oh [Applause] A Oh [Applause] He A [Applause] [Applause] Aah what’s good Ola Ola [ __ ] good morning my God I’m not going to lie chat I feel like sh it okay I got a terrible headache but I still want to stream because um it’s my last week so you know I’m try to make the most of it you feel me um but

Hope y’all having a better one than me I have zappy zap thing on my arm maybe it’ll make me feel better I don’t know I’m like electrocuting myself and in a different direction so maybe it might help not really sure sometimes it does I’m excited today the day my

Original song is going to be released you know if you want to you it’ll be released at my normal stream time tonight so yeah if you would like to look at it you know what I’m saying the link is pinned um but yeah I’ve worked pretty

Hard on it and I I hope you guys enjoy ni how you doing this this morning I hope you’re doing Well Have as sleep freezing cold where I’m at helping for a song kill me wishes come true I know bro y’all weren’t King the dulu was the trulu this one time and it was the culu you know what I’m saying one second there you go sorry I’m just

Turning off all my alarms so they don’t [ __ ] bust my eard drumes low okay we’re good you can’t tell me being delusional doesn’t work okay but like the thing is like I have I was planning this before before y’all got all dulu so it’s like I mean to be

Honest like the dulu might be the culu and the trulu sometimes but in this case like I was going to do this anyways I only became a k me four weeks ago and this my fifth but it will be a graduation you I’m sorry I’m going to miss alarm [ __ ] is

Crazy to miss alarm C is crazy hand thanks the membership thank you thank you and lero thanks so much for members as well so you gasl us basically what do you mean how the [ __ ] did I gasl yo whoa whoa whoa whoa I gave you a a music you

Know a song and you guys are like you gaslit me what the [ __ ] simple thank you you know suffices know you don’t need to be that [ __ ] sunary stupid you said you weren’t going to I just said I wasn’t going to do a karaoke I never said I wasn’t going to do any

Song you know you know what I’m saying it’s a bit different this my birthday and you’re leaving I’m sorry May thank you happy birthday Moon Tay Tay thanks for membership as well bro you want know what’s crazy I used to eat at the same Cafe okay so I

Go to the same Cafe every morning to get like a sandwich and like a drink right because I don’t know I don’t like making breakfast man I’m tired and like I’m not going to lie I can afford this so I might as well right and the thing is is

Like I used to go every day have no issues now recently every time I go there and I eat the food my stomach be hurting like crazy I’m like what the [ __ ] happened like I swear I used to eat this [ __ ] every day have no issues and

Then now all of the sudden I can’t [ __ ] eat it it’s like my stomach is just like I don’t [ __ ] with this anymore and I don’t know why it’s literally just egg sausage and some bread like what the [ __ ] no it’s not flavored fatigue cuz I still like it it’s like my

Stomach just hurts afterward did you change your recipe no maybe it’s cuz I’m stressed I don’t know that’s my only other theory is I’m stressed but it’s like damn bro I just want to eat the tasty food and it’s not like it’s like super unhealthy either like I don’t know why

It don’t know why it doesn’t allow me to you know because you’re graduating nothing changed though like in terms of how I eat or what’s in there it’s literally the [ __ ] same that’s why I’m like what the [ __ ] what caused this uh ruy thanks so much for 17 months

Maybe just a bad day to eat it but it’s been like hurting my stomach for the past like week and a half like two weeks now maybe no egg no milk I don’t have milk don’t have milk also eggs are good for you but like I don’t think it’s too much of

Any ingredient or anything because I swear to God I literally ate this [ __ ] I’m so serious for like 5 months in a row never had a problem and all of a sudden the last two weeks it’s a problem like what the [ __ ] but it’s not like I eat it once in

My stomach hurts for a week I’m saying like every morning when I eat it my stomach hurts periodically for like the next like four or five hours so it’s not food poisoning either y’all got to listen to me I got to listen understand You can develop an intolerance well I’m already intolerant to eggs I just eat them anyways because [ __ ] that I ain’t going to lie this was five months are catching its effect yeah but it would hurt like it would be like a overall thing and not

Just make it hurt like on that day you know doesn’t make any sense AR eggs is a thing yeah that’s the only food I’m that I actually eat I’m intolerant to which is crazy but like you can get like a food test maybe it’s a drink guys I’m telling

You it can it I I don’t think it would be the food because it’s the same food that I have never had a problem with for like over a year so maybe it’s stress eggs milk potato God damn you hate everything good well like bro I

Like eggs what the [ __ ] yo I like eggs stupid okay I’m just saying like my body when I did a test is intolerant to It you know if they use x from supplier I’m guys I’m telling you nothing changed bro the supplier ain’t changed I can guarantee it what the [ __ ] I hate how they it does this like every few months like I have to like sign out and then sign back in of Minecraft cuz

It [ __ ] sucks for some reason I don’t know your body is B truly your biggest hater that’s what I’m saying bro what if they’re expired bro I they wouldn’t have expired eggs for two weeks straight man the [ __ ] only eggs too much your liver might get bad okay that is the most like

Pseudoscience [ __ ] I’ve ever seen you someone say my life eggs are not going to kill your liver dog what anything is going to kill my liver it’s going to be like all the meds I’m [ __ ] pumping through my bloodstream 24/7 not eggs bro did you clean your hands before you ate

Yes sometimes I feel like I’m not going to lie the solutions you guys give are like I’m going keep it a buck most out there nonissue things like if I didn’t wash my hands and before I ate it it would maybe hurt my hand my stomach one time right but

Not like consistently for the past like next two weeks you know what I’m saying heating dragon food can get the bow moving bro and that Peak can can turn green to p on the chemical Maria what what what that was so Random I ain’t going to lie

Maria yeah I’m talking about how I’ve been eating the same thing from this Cafe every morning and then all of the sudden recently like it’s been making my stomach hurt I’m like depressed cuz I’ve eating it the same thing for like a year and all of a sudden all of a sudden now

It’s a problem I’m like why you know what I’m saying like that makes no sense and then my chat is telling me it’s because eggs are going to kill my liver and um I didn’t wash my hands how was your 3.0 Mari I was asleep I’m

Sorry I I listen I wanted to watch it I was going to give you a suggestion of what to say and I was going to say like full Mari power or something and then I forgot to finish typing where the [ __ ] am I what the [ __ ] Hello ah oh okay I know where I am now I was so [ __ ] Confused did he add anything to this I don’t remember what material is this the Aquarium heyo finally than 17 months my black zipper won’t be here anymore yi yi it’s okay guys sometimes good things must come to an end you know what I’m saying you’re nine please stop watching my stream please I’m going to like give you like permanent psychological damage and I

Don’t feel like feeling guilty about that for the rest of my life you know what I’m saying I’m put a graveyard filled with people that is okay I’m not going to lie I’m like damn that’s [ __ ] up but I’m also kind of like damn that’s a good ass

Idea so it’s like I don’t really know which one I’m more in agreeance with you know is it [ __ ] up or is it a good idea I don’t really know Los do a Luna that I never finished yi yi yi well I like pretty much finished the exterior at least of the

Stuff I started but I never finished finished it I feel like lowkey I did a pretty good job all things considered you know like damn I can’t believe I designed this [ __ ] myself Who Am I who like kind of good at Minecraft low key I’m so good at building exterior designs

But the second I got to do something on the inside my brain turns the [ __ ] off I designed the outside of this building of that one the the entire outside of this one minus like this little bit front like pillar thing right here Design This like bro who am I

Oh don’t watch any tutorials the only thing I watched a tutorial for was like I said this these two columns going up connecting to this bridge and these two columns going down everything else was me the Clock Was me well the clock I did kind of copy from like something else I

Saw in the Ian server design wise but everything else was me it’s kind of crazy this was entirely me this was a tutorial I’ll be honest this this this little Fountain thing tutorial but yeah that was me the pattern there was me the roof that was me that was me oh [ __ ] Know he Luna uh Nick thanks for the Super Chat hey sorry I don’t want to sound all S at the beginning of this live but I believe this is going to be my first and last Super to you going to miss you very much prin boy wish you all the best man thank

You Nick I appreciate it for supporting me and you know thank you for super chatting I miss you guys too Mr P thanks Super Chat Bark Bar stop stop stop stop stop no I almost fell for that and Tom thanks for Super Chat Christopher will miss you oh yeah

Christopher will miss me bro the Christopher Arc was crazy I’m not going to lie that [ __ ] was awful bro lowkey though I don’t know what was worse the Christopher Arc or like what was another Arc I had that was crazy okay I recently had like some voice problems but it was

Like a lot worse the Christopher Arc was pretty bad though I’m not going to lie the lighting can Arc was bad too oh yeah and I designed inside of this too lowkey though like I said interior design is not my thing bro like I ain’t going to lie like this looks okay but

Damn could have used some improvment you know what I’m saying this this this like architecturally though is cool the stairs I think is cool this is going to be an elevator which I think is cool stop saying their fridges chat they’re lockers they’re lockers I do think this was like pretty

Decently designed with all things considered and then if we go over here bro this is just so funny to me look oh wait I forgot I built out the platform oh my God I dead ass forgot about that I was about to say we just fall off the

Edge but no I did finish building the platform I mean I didn’t build under here cuz I was going to make this like a underground thing but like a underground tunnel yeah I did actually finish it I made this [ __ ] so [ __ ] big and there’s just like cozy ass kitchen

I really like this chandelier thing I really do good times bro my Christopher ARC building this oh and there’s like the second floor with the Cozy TV viewing area the bamboo stairs that y’all wouldn’t let me cook on until I cooked and then you were like damn he cooked the dorm

Rooms all right this is my room got a fish tank and [ __ ] and this is we’s room cuz she claimed it somehow I feel like I improved a lot from this building though to like this one at least like the exterior stuff first stream of you was Minecraft

And how I just join the membership too can’t believe I’m going to watch the last one too thank you K thank you wa for the 17 months thank you thank you um and Mr P thanks for Super Chat I’m going to miss you so much thank you for everything thank you

Bro I do really like these stairs too I of wish I could have done like a bit more I left I just got uninspired I don’t know if I like have to build when I’m uninspired I feel like the build just becomes kind of [ __ ] oh taking a little break

You know I might do I might bring this in one how much know how complicated that will be I know that would’t be too complicated actually my life is more uninspired than those stairs bro that’s crazy that’s [ __ ] wild I ain’t going to lie that’s crazy and there’s like the roof I was

Going to do too that I never [ __ ] Did I’m On Top Of The World Hey damn I’m about to die about to [ __ ] die hey and there’s the the the the the the the the goat that Sunny gave me all my memories the library with the second floor that I kind of did nothing with but it’s okay it’s still looks

Pretty W thanks for the Super Chat can we get a chippy chippy chaa cover from you I did it on the chibi debut the chippy Chippy thanks Super Chat it’s beautiful thank you I feel like at night it looks so pretty too look at this bro it’s so pretty Yi y Yi only I finished it if only I finished it I do like lowkey hate this though I’m not going lie this was not it full offense to me but what the [ __ ] was I thinking with that bro I was not cooking I was not Cooking well there supposed to be the Moon phas yeah but it just doesn’t look good you know like it was supposed to be but it didn’t end up looking like that so we’re going to move on to to new things new creative Endeavors that do not include

That I’m going to try to like use the pattern from there I don’t remember how I did it Though I do have like an idea that I could do I could kind of Let me See Um wow I could do like this like I like that doesn’t look bad like that pattern I don’t know let me Seebe I can have like an occasional Break Had like one there I could do one like every other one oh I think that actually looks good wait I’m going to do that I’m going to do I’m going do that so every other one I’m going to do a break okay okay I’m cooking I’m cooking the [ __ ] who who wants

Those no body no I don’t want these ugly ass fish get out of my [ __ ] way ugly ass fish I’m doing like this zigzag pattern okay there’s one problem though like it does go around the corner I could wall it off maybe like do this start new hello I think that doesn’t look bad and then what did I do break it every other one so like there’s one here leave that one here leave that one here leave that okay and one here leave that one here leave That okay I need more diorite My First Love where’d you go I miss you so where’ you go I I have all this white wo the [ __ ] where’s my dire white like I have a whole chest of this s some crazy oh God it’s been so long I forgot where my chests

Were oh okay we’re Good um marisu go into the square hole thank you for the Super Chat hi K I just want to let you know that you’re Luna buildings creation are really beautiful and definitely one of my favorite in the end server I wish you the best wherever

You go next thank you so much that’s so sweet thank you thank you I really appreciate it thank you for all the kind words guys are too nice I feel like this pattern actually doesn’t look bad and then we can use like glow stone like here here maybe maybe here connect It for continuity I have any glowstone left though like I’m kind of out yeah I’m definitely out wow [ __ ] you taking from the waterfall thought you didn’t like that is true I was going to build out this area too and I never did yi yi what do I drop for this this [ __ ]

Um mon thanks for Super Chat as well not to on per social but you really helped change my life I got close to other Kies once my first con and did my first s project so thank you so much good luck on our new creative Endeavors thank you

Yeah thank you guys so much for working so hard on the cover and [ __ ] the server lagging oh I think it is yeah I know there’s been some lag issues recently CU I’ve been seeing people talk about it the server the Discord server um yeah thank you M for

Supporting me for so long Ruby thanks so much for the Super Chat as well this is one of the coolest builds I’ve ever seen I’m glad I got to work uh I got to watch you work on it uh thanks for the crazy incredible you wish you all the best thank

You and syia thanks for Super Chat as well thank you car what’s amazing and wonderful you you I love Kies thank you so much shout out to the Kies bro like I said I would not be here if it was not for y’all so I really do appreciate it

And bro pickaxes suck ass underwater actually crazy is actually Crazy um y actually 11 months and CX thanks for six I’ll miss you K good luck luck on your new creative Endeavors thank you and rain is a kill thanks for the 17 whole months of support thank you for supporting me for so long hi K I’m

Going to miss you so much but I’ll continue to support you as a person wherever you decideed to go love you K thank you okay glowstone I’m just going to test I’m not 100% sure where exactly I think it should go I feel like if I just

Do it every time there it’s just not going to look right you feel like I need some variety That looks fine Wait I forget if that’s connected yeah the B should be here there you go I feel that kind of Blends in better now I can even like like do this there more seamless now all coming together uh Al Alex thanks so for the super

Chat or Alex hi K I just want to thank you for helping me cope with my chronic illness as a fellow content creator you have truly an inspiration to me thank you bro means a lot you know that’s one of the biggest honors I can get is being

A inspiration you know so thank you yeah hopefully you don’t let your chronic illness kick your ass too much you know it’s not fair we were born this way but hey we got to make the most with what we got so you know is what it is

Telly thanks for Super Chat ke uh Hey ke mostly VOD Watcher because of time but you are my first English and N YouTuber so thank you so much for making me laugh after rough days you’re a big inspiration and motivation thank you Telly that’s so sweet thank you so much

I said it really does mean a lot to me to be like you were my inspiration cuz I’m like how but yeah I really appreciate the the kind messages and the support and everything so thank you I’m sweets thanks for the whole year here thank you thanks for all the fun times

Uh and being my first ever streamer membership I’ve now fallen down the rabbit hole have fun on your new creative Endeavors thank you thank you so much I’m just getting rid of this to clean up the the environment think it looks ugly Like it looks ugly and um s Hong thanks so much for the Super Chat my first Super Chat you were always my most positive role model I’m really going to miss the printer wish you all the best in the future thank you thank you so much thank you you are too kind

Thank you thank you damn I already have 64 okay what else could I drop oh yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] the fish bro damn there’s so many of these what the [ __ ] okay [ __ ] the lasso too I’m use the chicken women fear me fish want me what the [ __ ] yo y That’s crazy this is the last stream I mean this is just the last Minecraft stream not the last stream ever last stream ever is like next Friday I Dude where’s your shovel um I don’t

Know this a kill kico stream you expect me to like have all the correct tools man like who do you think I am get all the Soul Sand any goals for today no I just kind of want to like Vibe what I’m saying have a good nice time hanging out

In the Minecraft server before I have to go bye-bye nothing crazy yeah this looks nice nice together now I don’t need these anymore Help look at it so Pretty they still laughs and memories kill on miss your Savage comebacks and brutal honest the most but wish you all the best in your new creative Endeavors thanks Venus I appreciate it thank you so much Kaye thanks for two months I know I haven’t been here for a long but

I’ve um a long time uh I have ever had been the best it’s ever been but thank you kill and Kies I’ll miss you thank you bro thank you Kaye you know appreciate the support even if you haven’t been here for a long time still

Means a lot to me still means a lot to me all right bro you got any good [ __ ] Loki that’s not a bad bad deal bro but uh [ __ ] you anyways hey come here stupid all right you next you next don’t spit on me [ __ ] alpaca llama dummy

Come here yeah the [ __ ] I thought TR to spit on Me trying to spit on me I go this is my first Super Chat thank you cassa thank You Massacre three students yeah [ __ ] them forgot about this cute ass Cafe I made yi yi the Sky Cafe the Roof yeah look at how nice the path looks now it looks so Good going to collab with anyone this week yeah I have a few big Ian collabs I planned um I’m going to finish Bak with Ren he agreed that to a time I set oh yeah and tell you thanks for Super Chat I’m very thankful to be a k

Me and Lun lunatic I wish you the best on your new Journey listen to distance you and fin will be amazing thank you a lunatic I forgot we said that one time moon will be a Killin thanks for Super Chat can’t believe we’re going to lose

The kill Bob the Builder I know I’m sorry I’m sorry man thanks for the 4 months thank you for all the laughs we wish you the best in your future creative Endeavors thank you my new creative Endeavors Sparkle Emoji yeah I think the path looks so good like that

Okay I might build up The Path like other buildings like here and [ __ ] I how big did I make it one two three four five six damn six that’s kind of thick six okay long is the stream going to be I don’t know how until I feel like being done

Probably I’m no particular specific timeline going to go till I’m kind of tired there we go um PE thanks for Super Chat me and you have the same graduation year 2024 crying Emoji n that is crazy well congrats on graduating bro now hopefully you’re get happy to be done

With esquala I know [ __ ] I would be [ __ ] if I could have graduated school I feel like I would have been that guy for real but I just could not [ __ ] could not deal Graduating high school oh I graduated high school okay never mind stupid yeah you have to graduate high school the [ __ ] lowkey I wanted to drop out in middle school I’m so dead ass I was like I [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] I’m too sick for this [ __ ] this this system is rigged

And I dead ass wanted to drop out middle school and then my parents would not well I mean you really can’t do that but like my parents wouldn’t let me do it anyways and then I wanted to drop out of high school again and they were like no stupid and I was like

Okay I’m kind of glad they didn’t let me but like there was a part of me that was like I want to leave let me let me leave bro I think this might look better if I yeah lowkey I think this would look better if I [ __ ] let me see let me

Let me test me Game Theory I do feel like that looks better bo bo W what the [ __ ] did I do I don’t even know oh there we go I wonder if it’ll look better if I just that NOP okay four so six would start here okay I’mma get my [ __ ] shovel all right I’m G get my shovel God damn it or someone says

Something uh kidro cat thanks for the super chat or the donation I usually ever look but I’m going to miss your Minecraft streams a whole lot man wishing you nothing but the best of the Future Good Luck thank you so much thank you more glow stone all

Right and may thanks for the four months thank you so much for all the laughs wish you the best in the future thank you may and ghost thanks for the Super Chat and uh swana thanks for super chat but K me for months uh I like your style of

Content thanks for making me laugh with your jokes and interactions good luck in the future thank you thank you thank you oh [ __ ] I forgot this [ __ ] is op okay I do feel like I should leave like one block here so I think this is

Where it should start I am going to do the path maybe I should leave two yeah I think two actually looks better okay I’ll do two I’ll do two two we’ll do two I got remember the dirt ASMR Arc bro that was my best Arc I just talk and [ __ ] place dirt was

Kind of a Vibe I ain’t going to lie okay so then there’s one two three what the [ __ ] one two three four there one two three yeah my dirt placing streams were a [ __ ] Vibe you can’t tell me otherwise bro one two three four five [ __ ] I only made this three though B

Award now we’re here for the dirt ASMR Arc basically I just [ __ ] placed dirt for like a long ass time on my stream I’m so serious it was chill bro I know that sounds lame as [ __ ] and it kind of was but like it was a chill ass time I ain’t going to

Lie when I was building the base for this whole area cuz it is in the sky imagine making money just placing dirt bro like when you put it that way oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] this up I fault I fault there we go one two three four nice

Nice put it that way make me sound like I’m a lazy piece of [ __ ] bro okay damn where’s my d right um I need some more Cobblestone too Cobble Stone okay now not many can put so much dirt on a Minecraft stream that’s what I’m saying

Bro like think about the skill you know just saying bro sh is uh it’s not easy task right clicking is very difficult especially for someone with arthritis man come on think about it I was increasing my likelihood of getting carpal tunnel for you guys Um soy thanks for the Super Chat will you start the cotton candy business after graduation yeah I’m going to work at Walmart and sell cotton candy yep that’s my future those are my future creative Endeavors Walmart and cotton candy than thank you guys for the support they could do better selling printers I

Knew it someone CH said I knew it in all [ __ ] caps is crazy bro not that I knew it I know whether to be offended or not what the [ __ ] I knew it is mad that’s kind of mad how did I do this other side I just connected it okay

I have a specific side I did it on no I don’t think it matters actually And then for the corner I just wall it off and change the direction Right yeah I’ll travel across the world to every wmart to find you that is insane I mean I appreciate the Dedication there’s no way I’m out to die right didn’t I just get a bunch hello am I crazy swear to God I swear I swear I swear on Everything this is my first Super Chat I never said it but I have to tell you now that I like your live and I wish the best of the future thank you so much thank you thank you thank you for the Generosity G to make a Minecraft grave too do y’all want me to make a Minecraft grave everyone keeps asking it’s like I can I wasn’t thinking about doing it in particular but like I’m not opposed to it I don’t know where to put it Though I don’t know where the [ __ ] to put that [ __ ] I don’t really know what the [ __ ] just happened but I don’t really care I’mma get the [ __ ] up out of here [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out uhuh [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out and no things don’t

Mind me I’m just pack my [ __ ] and leave excuse me please [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out nope I should have done that as a cover bro wellow okay there’s no way I would have gotten permit for that I’m going be honest cuz I don’t know if the artist

For that is still even around that shit’s like ancient if they were still around I damn near 100% would have tried you know I was going to do like the Lost In Paradise thing with Ren I literally got the instrumental made and everything thing I just didn’t have

Enough time like record and release it which I know you guys are going to be like sad about but you know the truth tried my best but terms of like instrumental and waiting for someone to mix and everything it would have taken too long Oh just never did it but hey you’re still getting a song for me so stop crying oh [ __ ] I’ve been I’ve been awake for too long take refuge take refuge and that’s in the School got you [ __ ] mondan thanks for Super Chat hope uh you don’t desaturate after graduation stay desaturate is [ __ ] wild bro probably desaturate a little bit this is more colors that I’m used to to be honest You it’s okay my personality is still colorful so was my my verbiage um M thanks for Super Chat doesn’t matter how much times the pass you were still the only oan that made me feel as though that I oh [ __ ] I don’t know what as though that I don’t know

What I made you feel man it cut off but I appreciate you How about some in the chat just like I love Walmart I’m so glad you love Walmart shout out to you I need more [ __ ] glow Stone you a Walmart bag yeah drifting through the wind wanting to start again Uh-huh do you ever feel a little tur inside Lodge deep with in wanting to [ __ ] again do you ever feel constipated in life stuck in one place feeling a sense of disgrace there’s still a chance for you you can push it out let the [ __ ] inside

You leak and spill out CLE your inside you you got this cuz you got to ignite the light and let your [ __ ] fly just on the Night like the [ __ ] of your life cuz baby you’re constipated but you can’t get this [ __ ] um uh what’s a what’s a good word I can use release what’s inside yeah you shouldn’t keep it right right [Applause] right cuz baby you’re a bowel movement let the fluidy Come From

Within release your [ __ ] to the outside don’t let it stay stuck [Applause] inside there you go guys there’s my cover of Firework by Katy Perry my parody cover um it’s going to be called bow movement okay you can buy it on iTunes and Spotify um thank you one of those people

That like does the remixes with the background music can you please grace me with that that’s my one wish okay you did with my with my ocean no Co off rip parody do it with this too all right thank you shout out to you my oi Misty thanks for Super Chat doesn’t

Matter how much time has passed just know you’re my only o that made me feel as though that ey yes like I said as though that ey can take a [ __ ] L thanks to Super Chat I just want to pay tribute to your first Minecraft streams where you died every 5 minutes Gathering

Materials proud of how far you’ve come I know bro I’ve really made some progress like i’ I’ve really made some progress you’re right my God shout out to me shout out to us I wonder if there’s a way I can like do this and make it still look good even

If I’m like technically breaking the format let me see let me see think I could just do a mini version of the pattern or maybe I could just fill it in entirely that might just look better damn I’m out of materials and Su way thanks to the membership

Why is my Oshi like this y I’m going to miss his poop wraps and him talking about his bowel movements and meing on his constipation and IBS and Crohn’s Disease even though it is a bit [ __ ] up to make fun of someone’s bowel Health since it is commonly made fun of I feel like it’s socially accepted yi yi I’m going to miss my [ __ ] filled ooshi what the [ __ ] is the Cobblestone you try you lying to me that I’m out of

Cobblestone bro you [ __ ] lying okay I’m about to say like what the [ __ ] Ain’t No Way ain’t no [ __ ] way please never say that again but why not why not I’m just saying what some people are thinking okay chat what do you feel about that that like additional pattern

Right there should we is it yay or nay go to the door or should I just like fill it in with like a solid color I’m going let y’all aside I might yay okay y’ say yay does feel a little off that’s what I’m saying bro it feels a little bit off

Let me try hold on I’ll just fill it in what does it look like I mean low key I think that looks better I’m not going to lie just filled in maybe like like that I think that looks Good All right cup of air thanks for Super Chat this is my first and last time I watch you play Minecraft I just started watching a month ago anyways do what you want thank you thank you so much I appreciate it I really do I’m I can do what I want Shadow my haunt

Yeah one two three four wait I crazy I feel like I’m losing my mind oh I’m telling you this shovel is too strong I do feel like it would just be better to continue this though low Key wait yeah no I might just do that [ __ ] it might be a little bit off but I feel like it’s going to look Better wait no it actually doesn’t look off at All I’m just dumb lau and since that one was broken we break this One hey POG Pur gra thanks for Super Chat thanks for making me desensitize to poop talks you’re welcome bro # spread the bow movement are you going to finish Aluna before you graduate no I don’t have time for that but but I’m going to try my best to do as much as I

Can right now I’m just like doing the pattern stuff to just make it look prettier having these like ugly ass dirt patterns cleaning up what I already have does anyone have glowstone I can rob like it’s my last time on the server I’mma just steal bro okay let me know I

Gotta I got to do my final my final the my final you know [ __ ] Ben heist in this [ __ ] before I leave so I mean just let me know where where the location is drop the pin drop the coordinates and I will rob the [ __ ] out of anyone okay

Where where where can I find the glowstone don’t P may have some oh yeah pom said we could take her [ __ ] I remember she literally pinged the server fre to take any of my stuff so where is it where is it I’ll be joining her soon anyways I can thank her

I can thank her properly I will be one with a Pomu don’t remind us CR we’re trying to be trulu okay like let’s be let’s still be realistic chat wait where is where is her stuff though I don’t know where that is can someone remind me where what does it buy I’m a little bit mentally you know um delayed in some aspects the

Sanctum [ __ ] very H by the library yeah I’ll look there first cuz I know where that is the sanctum I lowkey don’t know where that is um what even is the sanctum I’m crazy what like is some is that the aquarium area Okay where by the library forgot how cool this Was ink Farm is at sanctum oh okay left from library my channels everything that’s what the [ __ ] I’m saying like I dead ass work here and this is literally part of my [ __ ] job and I know less than these [ __ ] like how like how man left of the library where is what I

Am I crazy there’s no Hut cross the Bridge oh here Homo’s Homu why to PM’s home take what you want from the chest oh my God see she even said it wow thank you pomu I don’t know what the exactly this contraption did but my God there’s so much brick love brick TNT magma blocks Turtle wait there’s oh

Yeah there’s turtles in this [ __ ] I forgot wa she kind of got some cool [ __ ] in here what the [ __ ] and it’s organized damn thank you palmu wait is there even there even not even close there’s quarts and [ __ ] too we got everything bro Food um damn is there no glow stone [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of stuff another wart block Diamond grappling hook shroom light what is the shroom light wait I’m I’m I’m going test that out I know what that looks like downstairs wait there’s a Downstairs I’m going to be honest I have never really been in Here oh yeah what the [ __ ] I can literally see the downstairs wow I am so stupid wow I am so [ __ ] stupid no chat I don’t want to hear [ __ ] I don’t want to hear [ __ ] I know I’m blind okay I know I’m blind oh what block is this that’s

Pretty I know I’m blind okay you don’t have to remind me is that a dragon egg kind of cool Gravel terracotta brick the silen [ __ ] string cobblestone um to thanks for Super Chat maybe uh you are graduating but here’s one thing that will never change no matter is that this’s this awesome vtuber his name is konico I want to O but I have no tears

In my eyes anyways thank you thank you Tori thank you so much and Nina thanks for Super Chat I love your Minecraft streams have fun K also I’m so excited for your sign to drop me too I’m really nervous though I’m not going to lie but I’m more excited than Nervous oh my God you were right chat you [ __ ] right okay loky I don’t even think I need more than 64 I’m going be honest I’ll leave the rest of it here I’m being a little bit Greedy I don’t know how you get copper but I’ve never used it wait what the [ __ ] was was the exit also Ellie Ellie what the [ __ ] yo thank you so much for the massive donation thank you thank you thank you so much we got some hearts in the chat for

Ellie Ellie oh I didn’t realize it got a glow stick is that new did did one of us add that or did Pomo add that I don’t remember that being there Eno fi fiber wiper tiger tiger tiger I don’t know the rest of this because I am kind of stupid did it

It fire fire Fire I don’t know if these are two separated or Not I I Ain going to lie the reality of not being able to laugh at Clips You is kind of hitting right now you can still laugh at clips of me what I’m not the clips aren’t going anywhere laugh at the clips Forever Um ghost of P thanks for the Super Chat thank you for giving us mail kill me a safe space to relax enjoy your streams best of luck whatever you want to do next thank you thank you so much 630 minutes to go want to stick with the

Kill me piles thank you Ellie Ellie once again I don’t know why I forgot to read your message but I really appreciate it thank you thank you oh my god I’ve been seeing all the like kill me pish stuff on Twitter it’s so cute guys are like

Yui uing together and [ __ ] I’m like a wholesome made a song I did it’s coming out later today it’s getting distant distant okay that’s one of the lyrics my fault I spoiled well I don’t really think it’s a big deal cuz that is realistically not [ __ ] there

You go kill Holland kill Holland kill Holland kill Holland leak leak leak leak hit h k strikes again H you’re welcome stupid okay I gave you a preview I gave you a preview think glow right here look good yeah yeah okay it’s coming together I like the path I feel

It so bad at keeping your mouth shut well I intentionally look at how nice the path looks okay I did a good job I literally just pulled this [ __ ] out my ass shout out to That she wait I missed it oops you’re gonna have to wait GG thanks so much for the [ __ ] akasuba thank you thank you kill the last Red Packer for you wish you all the best in your new creative Endeavors thank you and once again happy Luna New

Year guys happy Luna New Year one of my friends who uh celebrates he like sent me like this like um this message was it in English she’s like oh my God made me so happy to see you mention it and I was like oh you so

Cute he was like do you celebrate and I was like I mean I don’t really celebrate cuz growing up um I was like cuz I’m white and then they literally just sent me like a [ __ ] page of laughing emojis I was like I mean I grew up uh White and then she just

[ __ ] she was just like L mou stupid it was so funny it was was so [ __ ] funny I was like I mean I grew up white you know what I’m so uh you know not really but hey I’m aware of it now so funny to me so funny I was like

I’m white what do you think like not to imagine being white that is crazy I don’t have to imagine I just am the [ __ ] what you mean I’m imagine imine is Crazy white man standing Emoji no dead yo I used to use this one emoji I talk about this on this collab Enda like this like [ __ ] like Club Peng sweeping emoji and then my Nitro ran out so then I just started using the standing emoji and it’s literally just what I use when

I don’t know what to put but I’m like I’m like it’s kind of like when I say bruh you know if I’m like bruh like I’ll use that emoji it’s like my bra Emoji you know what I’m saying like my bruh Emoji I don’t know I feel

Like singman Emoji is so bruh you know what I’m saying like it’s so good am I crazy like it’s a good bra Emoji like lowkey sji does kind of sound like BR that’s what I’m saying or if I’m like or if I’m kind of like it is what it is I don’t

Know it’s I kind of use it as like a Bru no you’re right that’s what I’m saying it’s like yeah you know or it’s like yeah when you’re like what it works too yeah I don’t know but I feel like it’s a good bra too personally I’ll when I’m confused yeah

Standing on business creative Endeavor standing Emoji yoop I like using when people make me uncomfortable but like that’s like BR is used for that too you know what I’m saying after K leaves standing man emoji see I feel like that works though no am I crazy am I

Crazy what stream is he I don’t know like it’s pretty versatile B movement during the family gathering see like that’s that works though I’m telling you bro the standing man emoji is so versatile okay y’all hate on me but like realistically you guys just gave me an outlet to express

Myself so so I really do appreciate it cuz realistically before this my BR Emoji was this [ __ ] was this Club Penguin [ __ ] but now I can universally use this brought Emoji anywhere so I appreciate y’all for you know allowing me to express myself via new mem you know thank

You if y’all had started the standy man emoji meme I wouldn’t have had that you know so I really appreciate it POV kills first day at Walmart but that works it works for everything it’s crazy it’s like a life hack but like more useless you Know I don’t know I feel like I feel like you V checking out all your items at Walmart yui yui thanks for the Super Chat can’t wait for the song and I’m going to miss your Minecraft streams line happy Lunar New Year kill Kies thank you

Got I guys where should I build my like my [ __ ] grave site bro like I don’t really know where to put that [ __ ] in a Luna just like [ __ ] in the building that I never finished y v trying to do a AST and run stat in emoji see but it

Like it it works for that though building your grave yeah yo Kur shut up bro how you feel about this this building I built bro I built this [ __ ] from scratch I’m lowkey kind of crack no no look at me bro I mean this is a weird

Flex I ain’t going to lie being good at building a Minecraft is a [ __ ] odd ass flex but hey you know what it’s a it’s a non-transferable skill I got to flex it while I still got it you know what I’m saying I don’t know where to build my Grave how the hell I don’t know I really like exterior design stuff but when it comes to designing the inside I like am like I lit don’t know what to do it like looks like [ __ ] but the outside looks great shout out to that I mean I could

Build my grave at the University I just feel like I don’t know it’s so nice why would I why would I ruin it um imagine I just say this moon is My Grave by the fountain but I don’t want to like ruin the aluna’s design at all you know what I’m

Saying underneath this the school there is that whole area underneath it like here you’ll be the ghost of a Luna that is crazy also car are you going to do uh are you are you working on the the third uh impact um guy version of that vtuber voice matching thing please

Please tell me you are I want to see that so bad like that [ __ ] would be after seeing his reaction to Anna after seeing his reaction to Anna I want to see his reaction to me and Kenji so bad I recorded last night okay bet bet bet I’m excited to see that come

Out uh Annie cat thanks for the 10 Buck thank you I TR to sh the laughter and comfy Vibes watching you build a Luna and I loved being a believer in the process yeah y’all were always yo I ain’t going to lie listen chat half of y’all did trust the process every

[ __ ] time but some of y’all some of y’all [ __ ] okay some of y’all never believed to me you were like this looks like ass this is like [ __ ] but then it always ended up looking good okay I just need some time all right if I’m not following a tutorial I got to

Think okay I have to pontificate a little bit you know what I’m saying so it takes a little bit of time so you know that’s why my building is slower than everyone else’s but it’s like cuz I’m building it from my brain most of us just follow tutorials lowy it

Is kind of nice to fall tutorial though I’m not going to lie like I did it one time and I was like damn this [ __ ] is very convenient but everything a bit easier you can set off your brain doing tutorials yeah and it’s just easier because you can just like focus on like

Actually streaming you know like you don’t got to focus on building for me I’m always kind of like ah what do I do ah it’s wild alsoa did end again he needs time for new creative Endeavors yo y’all [ __ ] bro I swear to God he you’re offly quiet on this stream

What do you mean are we are we watching the same the same stream hello stupid put your volume up okay I want to plant some trees too someone said watching on mute watch on mute is crazy yay I love cherry blossoms so pretty if you grave next to the building with all the

Chests I just feel like oh this one this one kind of [ __ ] curved toward the inside I’m not going to lie I’m not the I wish it didn’t do that [ __ ] I was hoping it would kind of stick over oh maybe it doesn’t because of it’s on the edge I

Don’t actually know mightbe why bring Aluna for graduation cry emoji no not the cry Emoji just trying to make it pretty before I leave should I stay or should I go oh [ __ ] okay that was that’s not ideal um we’re going to have to break that we going to have to

We going to have to break that that is that is not what I wanted I’m [ __ ] hugging the building damn don’t you have an axe yo shut up why you so loud that sh go in the building bro Bruh Bruh is this going to disappear on its own or

No cuz it’s hugging the building I don’t actually know well I’ll find out in a little bit there we go oh [ __ ] it’s touching this no absolve yourself of any involvement with this these other these other cherry blossoms please that was a big that was a big [ __ ] damn that one said [ __ ]

You take up all this space he i p in here [ __ ] it why not don’t be too big why are you curving that way bro like that [ __ ] just be looking kind of awkward I ain’t going to lie why you do that why you’re not the you’re not the

Type of of tree I was looking for what the [ __ ] it’s like you bending in the most worst possible Direction I make it extra ugly or something like what’s happening I not have an axe oh I say I swear to God I have an axe uh [ __ ] I don’t need the shovel anymore

Uh Celestia thanks for your Super Chat grave ideas under or near the cherry blossoms under the school in front of the fountain or haunting the printer hope this helps Yi thank you I can buy my chicken too and Calypso thanks for Super Chat posted my new Nails inspired by you on X

Oh yeah put them in the art tag put them in the art tag we got to get rid this ugly ass tree bro this [ __ ] kind of a disgrace No Lie Look at this nice tree see how hard was that could just do that yourself stupid huh had to be all Unique had to be all Quirky using an hacks not clickbait is crazy Let’s try this one more time bro please please yes what a nice ass tree bro that’s a good one right there I ain’t going to lie that’s a pretty ass tree I like that one good Tree sometimes all it takes is some extra you know willpower I bone meal this what Happens ohow kind of cool actually my goal before I leave is to make a Luna as pretty as it can be while still being incomplete because you know what it is incomplete my fault I never finished it but hey I’mma make it Pretty you look it’s already prettier wow what a nice magic school what a nice Institute of the mystics can look down on my hard work admire it oh [ __ ] oh my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my

Fault you weren’t supposed to to die yet is crazy bro oh want not grow cuz it’s right next to the chest is it still too close damn okay damn okay oh that’s a nice tree I like that one stop wasting bone meal we have an infinite bone meal Farm don’t worry I’m

Not wasting anything I’m just utilizing the resources I like this tree this is a good ass tree bro I’m not going to lie favorite the best tree Na best tree na a B it didn’t grow because it was in the shadow of another tree and needed no space to grow no I just think it was because of the chest the chest were like right next to it you could place like two saplings next to each other and it just makes like a super

Tree oh I think it was more That to our Luna one more time for us I just I kind of did earlier I lowkey want to like I don’t know where to build my grave I can’t decide I feel like it’s such a big decision like it’s such a big decision I don’t know someone said then

Don’t you’re so you are so right true Andre P Harry Potter and build your grave in the bathroom no M made like a whole separate Island make a whole new island guess I could yes I could you for real trying to graduate before the 17 yo Chad shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up I’m just going to build another Island

I kind of have an idea Boop booping on the ship button fine for it life right now I just have it where it’s um where it’s a toggle so like if I click it once it just stays on there I’m good that way I don’t have to worry Boop we get a family discount at Walmart yeah sure okay so it goes three one two three four five 2 three four five six so three six then what one 2 3 four five six well 3 six six and then two ew math I’m just trying to make it Even so three one two three 6 one 2 3 4 five 6 6 one 2 3 4 5 6 one 2 and then it goes up one two three 4 I’m not going to lie I was risking it There four Five six and Five so four five 65 four five 6 5 four okay all Right or 5 one two 3 4 five 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then five again one two three four five four hi Doo thank you for the raid hello Sidekicks what’s up hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hope you guys had a good stream with Mr P Mr

Po all was well where is our number one yeah I should told yall to say that let’s go where is our number one bro what I’m saying tell him tell him tell him oh my God okay guys we we salvaged I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m I’m Al see first

Year’s are number one see if I wasn’t a first year I would have died there you know what I’m saying shout out to me well I think it’s six right one two three four wait S one two three four 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 3

Okay bro I was about to make his own grave dead ass yeah I was one two three 4 5 6 one 2 3 three four five 6 that’s three one two three by the way if those wondering what I’m doing I’m building my own grave dead ass my

Memorial I’m adding an island to a Luna to make myself have a grave since dead ass I think like the only thing I really built here was this so I thought it would fit you know you know what I’m saying one two three 4 five 6 one 2 three 4 5 6

One 2 three not the Yi y Yi Luna will be a haunted house wait [ __ ] I [ __ ] this up how did I [ __ ] this up what happened hello why do I always [ __ ] this up Bro Where is the [ __ ] Up oh I see wellit I [ __ ] up like twice how I was counting Bro that’s crazy why does it look so crooked well stupid I’m trying to figure it out okay one two 3 4 one two three wait one two three four five one two 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 hello one 2 three 4 one two three four

Five oh one two three four five I see one two three four five six s what the [ __ ] was I doing bro hello What did I just change okay hold on I actually think this side look nicer one two three four one two three four five one two three four five 6 7 eight one 2 three four five six okay six so three four five six one 2 three four five let me write this

Down we have two and we have one two three four then we have four and we have one two three four five six I have six then we have one two three four five six seven then we have seven and we have one two three four five six now we have

Six then we have one two three four then we have four okay I’m going to sleep go to bed bro I am You [ __ ] it okay you know what this is why I walk this is why I walk okay I’m not with the shits most of the time all right anyways we got one two okay one one two three 4 then we have one two 3 four five okay we need to make that

Six okay then we have 1 2 3 4 five six 7 and we have six 1 2 3 4 5 6 six then got four again one two 3 or okay this still is wrong what the [ __ ] I don’t understand Bottom left is Higher bottom left is one block extra wait bottom left where is the one block extra tall or out You un block high on the left side so here or where I think we do the seven Blocks or is this one one Taller I hate how you can’t just do it straight up I’mma count this [ __ ] one more time bro okay one two one two three 4 One 2 three 4 five 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 one 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 Okay one two one two 3 4 One Two Three 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 five 6 1 2 3 4 so where is the issue Maybe it’s not off but it just looks off I don’t [ __ ] know I confused

Okay after the four there’s the two one two and then there’s one one 2 3 4 five 6 then it’s six and then one 2 3 4 five six then it’s six again then one two 3 then it’s three okay oh [ __ ] hold on I need to look yeah it’s included with the

Six right yeah 3 4 5 6 one 2 3 4 5 6 1 two three my God I did it I did It it only took like my entire mental well-being but it’s okay y you y you damn bro Okay stop Hello is my [ __ ] ow I was crouched I was like why the [ __ ] is it not working working I need brick brick brick brick brick brick brick okay I have more smooth Stone why do I have so much [ __ ] de plate big bag thanks so much for the five gifted thank you thank you you got a gift it make sure you say thank you thank you so much bro appreciate itout out to you thank you thank you Man okay Papa all right now I just have to fill this in and then I got to put um dirt on top of it and Grass y Walmart is in the chat yo shut up not the official Walmart you can’t lie to Me you can’t [ __ ] lie to me stop saying they’re hiring only thing hiring is your delusion right please these guys not the Walmart the first balloon graduating first that’s cuz I’m smarter than the third years they’re all dumb I’m a genius bro they just don’t know don’t Understand they don’t understand my power they underestimating me am Bro genius is rarely understood in the moment that’s what I’m saying bro they don’t get It I don’t [ __ ] understand I’ve learn New York h thank you thank you makaki Happy New Year [ __ ] I’m out already damn I didn’t even do half of it Hey I don’t even have much Stone left y Yi I do not yearn for the mines please please please okay I’m going to rob pomu to stealing and Beyond thank you Palo what are you building um my grave my resting place oh this is a gold mine let’s go don’t mind if I [ __ ] do another grave is mad why make someone’s grave to build your own grave that’s crazy that’s not even her grave the grave is somewhere

Else she said it there’s a sign saying we can rob you know I’m just I’m just following what she said you know she gave permission you know what I’m saying I have no guilt I’m absolved of all guilt she said and there’s a sign in there take whatever you

Need even in God’s absence she is still here saving us Robbing politely yeah exactly robbing ethically ethical robbery I see no issues here or I have robbed with consent like some people are really fast at doing [ __ ] like this and I am just so [ __ ] slow like sheesh we’re out already how so thanks for the five gifted thank you thank

You thank you thank you okay I think I’m just going to [ __ ] I think I’m just going to mine some [ __ ] this the one with uh so touch yep once again I reminded that I do in fact year for the mines despite popular belief that I don’t Rip cobblestone Generator Bo bo bo bo bo have just Auto smelted the Cobble yeah but then I have to wait for it I feel like that just takes longer No I mean don’t worry about getting a membership you can’t afford it bro I literally do not care we Chilling What happened why are we in the mines I ran out of blocks bro I ran out of blocks I always run out of blocks I make everything too big Yi y Yi Than to the Super Chat happy Luna New Year happy Luna New Year ow key I might get a pizza today I ain’t gonna lie I’m in like that mood This’s this one pizza place that is so [ __ ] good by me guys I’m so serious but it’s so expensive like guess like a $20 pizza but when I tell you that pizza is like the best pizza bro made with fresh ingredients is Detroit style it is so [ __ ] good I

Had a friend over and they were like bro that was some good ass Pizza I was like I [ __ ] told told you stupid sometimes I feel like people just don’t believe my recommendations you know they don’t believe in the truth okay I’m not wait am I [ __ ] I don’t need dirt [ __ ] [ __ ]

Dirt pause okay are we full yeah I think we’re full all Right always believe the opinions of a picky eater I feel like the thing is like if I don’t like something I don’t like it but if I like something I promise you that [ __ ] is good bro like I promise you that’s the thing like people

Act like my taste is ass but the thing is like I’m just very particular but if I do like something it’s really [ __ ] good normally that’s my point okay just don’t [ __ ] work then it’s fine fireworks what’s up dude how’s the boat going like I’m just saying if a pig

Eater system is good that means it’s normally good bro but everyone acts like I’m bugging 247 I’m tired of it that my opinion is invalid because I don’t like certain things listen if anything that just means if I like it it means it’s extra good no I just all I’m

Saying I knew it the moment you like moochi ice cream bro Moi ice cream is so don’t even say that word bro don’t stop stop you’re making me hungry stop it sh I said zip it I said zip it I said do not speak I’m so on the moood for Mo Guys yo

Why the [ __ ] did you have to say that now I’m hungry yi yi [ __ ] you [ __ ] like you’re right but like damn I’m just thinking about it like that would be fire right now I L forgot what block I’m looking for cuz I’m so hungry now [ __ ] trigger warning Emoji oh I know what I’m looking For I know what I’m looking for I’m looking for Um lanterns because where the [ __ ] did I put those because I want to um put some on the the the the in the base the flooring so it looks cool from the bottom I know I have some where the [ __ ] did I put them where the

[ __ ] there’s no way I ran out right I feel like I had so many at one point he blind did I pass them go back first chest here there’s no lanterns that’s A what are y’all seeing Oh not these I mean like sea lanterns bro I mean sea lanterns my fault I need to be more specific I’m talking about sea lanterns like those Shits bro we both stupid that’s crazy I feel like I had so many at one point I just don’t know where the [ __ ] they went must I use them I just can’t believe I used them all be honest with you the blind leading the blind yeah I might have used them all [ __ ]

Okay let me see how many I can make with this probably not a lot seven [ __ ] okay damn it damn it all right guys it’s time to see if Pomo has any sea lanterns I can steal Liz thanks for Super Chat first chat High kill just want to say I really

Ado watching your streams I’m excited to see what’s next for you I don’t know how much Mochi ask Miss but Mochi funds thank you thank you I appreciate it great robing part two guys it’s ethical stealing ethical I don’t know if she has any though

Oh she has a bunch of this though I mean this is kind of just as good I ain’t going to lie I’m going just put some of this stuff in here for now and then I want to make some and then take it back out all

Right there has to be a crafting table in here surely charie Charli okay I think that’s enough 55 seems kind of good I’m not going to need that many all right we’re chilling not y saying sure dot dot dot surely dot dot dot yo I’m putting like one every

Like like every like 10 spaces or something really sh thanks so much for the surely laughing thanks for Super Chat ocean law remember I know thanks for the 13 months Bros I can’t wait to start saving six bucks every month starting Saturday let’s go saving money Hog how how often did I do it on this actually I need to Look I don’t [ __ ] I’ll just guess me [ __ ] it I don’t care D I’m back what we doing we’re still building my grave we’ve just we’ve had some Delays by some delays I mean a lot of delays but it’s okay we vibe We stolen from palom lot shout out to Her did you follow the reduce reuse recycle that’s what I’m saying like the resources were just sitting there you know someone’s got to use Them otherwise it’s like pomu wasted all her effort getting these resources for nothing when I leave everyone can use my resources I mean even though like half of them I hacked in a long time ago but you know aside from that aside from the quartz that I did not mine at all

Um all of the resources were ethically sourced I think that might be a lie too I ain’t going to lie that might be a lie There you got a rain 4 okay and to work on my my my building rain or shine my grave will be built please don’t spawn some damn monsters while I’m trying to work on this bro please okay I’m going to sleep wow it’s actually enough I know

Bro I’m surprised too but shh you trying to jinx it bro sh said close your dirty mouth ehy I said zip it okay now I got to space out the sea lanterns the sky was either to gather their emotions yeah the sky was yui Ying

But now this guy is no longer yui Ying okay bro like this is what I did not want to happen like why the [ __ ] come on creepers I’m still working on it man the [ __ ] The creepers want you to stay so they’re delaying your progress bruh [ __ ] maybe maybe they are hello I am not out I am not out I am not out What so we back in the mind depression is on the rise rise rise rise rise rise rise I [ __ ] hate this time why am I always in the m m m m m mes I just want to die die die and cry cry cry cry hands up because I got to swing my

Pickaxe hands up my depression is rising I hate doing this this [ __ ] sucks in it [ __ ] it it’s [ __ ] this cuz in the mind depression is rising again cuz in the minds depression is rising again Rising again so I want to [ __ ] die die I don’t like going into the mines but baby

Tonight depression is rising again again again [ __ ] tired of this [ __ ] man not someone saying hit that no white boy and all caps that’s going to be y’all Later You’re going to be hitting them high notes I mean there’s like I mean my voice can’t go that high but it won be like one I don’t know just you you’ll hear it later okay be ready my God pleas my least favorite part of the game Man Um uh Brian thanks so for the super chats red Pockets here sorry I didn’t see the first one I was going to read it I promise but thank you so much thank you thank you happy Lunar New Year guys Lun New Year when you eat like the moon cakes or my

Am I [ __ ] dumb I remember I had one in Japan um um it is okay I have one in Japan did you forgot who gave it to me no that’s Autumn it tasted good it wasn’t Petra it wasn’t a i member um it was the girl from virtual real that was with

Us just forgetting the name oh opo yeah she gave me one it was t tasty that’s mid- Autumn oh I [ __ ] need to turn it into stone first oopsie what was the filling uh it was not red bean I don’t know why I really

Do not like red bean I don’t I I like there’s so many good things but then there’s just red bean in it and it just like kills the vibe for me I don’t know why I don’t like it I wish I did um but it was like something else

God I really wish I liked red bean but mean is good it’s just too earthy oh tastes like dirt I don’t know [ __ ] I think I think matcha tastes like dirt and then red bean tastes like like like like a sweet but like with a little

Bit of dirt you know what I’m saying and I that dirt taste is what I don’t like it’s like when you have coffee but you put a bunch of creamer and sugar in it that’s what red bean is to me but like I can still taste the coffee

You know so I can like still taste the dirty the dirt taste makes sense like it’s not bad but it’s like I don’t really like it either like if they were like eat this or die like I I’ll eat it one two three four five wait one two three 4 okay I’ll just

Do four in between it one two three 4 hi melico hi my loves one two three four I hope uh poppy play time part three was good you like it does she get scared one two three 4 one two three four one two three four one two three four

Boop one two three four Boop booop one two three four for those of Y wondering what I’m doing I’m building my grave my tomb my tomb M # kill is dge I find K comies thank you melico have a good night get some rest it’s [ __ ] late bro my God it is late for

You but I hope stream is well I’m debating if I want it for this one oh I might do that I think it’s a good idea I like double layer it so that for these it shows it Okay guys maybe 50 won’t be enough if I do this but oh I can use glass ooh ooh ooh smart smart kill yeah I bet y’all didn’t think I was smart so did you know I’m a genius yeah yeah stupid I ain’t going to let you get the chance call me

Dumb uh Bel thanks for the membership thank you thank you Ike and Almond’s mom thanks for the 17 months you thank you and traumatic thanks for the 13 God 17 months is crazy bro I’ve been around for so long I really appreciate appreciate it I really do thank y’all so very Much Okay I’m just going to place some torches bro [ __ ] keeps spawning damn that’s a lot of creepers bro what the [ __ ] no you [ __ ] stop spawning please trying to build God damn it hate creepers hate them [ __ ] I forgot I did grass in the middle I might die again actually I think that’s

Prettier creers want to be a part of a Luna I know but they they’re not one of us they they don’t belong they’re [ __ ] imposters all right I need some grass blocks so I can kind of start the chain of grass growing are you building your grave yes I am d

Think grass in between this would actually look nice one two three four Boom I’m Missy thanks for the Super Chat uh don’t worry I really don’t like red bean paste and matcha yeah I just I don’t know I don’t like it I wish I did but it’s like I just don’t be honest with y’all I just don’t really like it damn I’m out of dirt

[ __ ] he do I have any more of these where I even got those from Zilia I’m not sure um Amber thanks for Super Chat my eyes are giving up on me Yi enjoy building your grave that sounds bad thank you for always The Comfy Minecraft streams thank you Amber thank you for watching supporting thank you thank thank you AV thanks for 5 months thank thank

You traumatic thanks for 13 Bros I can’t wait to say start oh I already read that but thank you bro and Spooks thanks for Super Chat as well almost cried uh almost 12 hours since the announcement updated hope everything is all right can you say happy birthday to me if you

Could happy birthday uh Spooks thank you so much all the support I appreciate it Do well this is filling in so slow get up a little bit God damn It okay you want to delay your plans no trying to build wonder do I have the sheared leaves anywhere do Wonder that’s just a way to get more that I’m not thinking of do anyone know what typee of tree those leaves are from cuz I’m honestly not Sure do you want not have shears what the [ __ ] These chest are so unorganized my God I hate myself man like they were organized for a period and then I gave up well I’m going to need those I don’t need the qus right now All right let’s get some leaves kids never watch you a time but whatever I click on a stream or video you always let me smile good luck wherever you go enjoy yourself thank you Leah and thanks for the membership as well than than you yeah these leaves yall know what tree these are

From but maybe I can just figure it out Oak this is Oak right yeah give me your leaves damn them shits broke fast All right we’re all maxed out see look at how cool it looks Bruh Bruh Bruh are you uh Leah thanks for for the Super Chat also it was me raising you up in Final Fantasy oh when you sent me the [ __ ] tell that was kind of that was funny bro

That was funny I remember that and uh sne thanks for the Super Chat red em love you happy Lunar New Year happy Lunar New Year [ __ ] this is why I crouch bro this is why I always Crouch I don’t Crouch I Fall don’t die yet I think y’all are some comedians when you say that think you’re so damn funny huh huh okay one two one two three four Boop one two three four actually I’m going to that’s going to be I need like an outline one two three four Boop okay

Oop good news is once I do it it’s easy to estimate one two three 4op okay one two three four Boop okay that’s it for this Side One two three 4 wait one two three 4 Bo One two 3 4 this is so easy now that I have like it mapped Out I can’t do there oh yeah that’s it okay yay we’re done with that Uh Mary thanks to the membership last Minecraft stream I wish you the best Mr future printer we’ll miss you thank you I how when you say Boop it almost sounds like poop okay well you know what damn damn why it ruin everything why you got to ruin Everything what did I do To All right now we’re going to fill the rest with dirt What are the lights it so that on the underside it’s lit up thank you for the Super Chat somean thank you thank you sad to say that I can’t hear voice in this familiar BM anymore but I love your Minecraft stream I hope you have many wonderful things

That will happen to you in the future too please let me support you to the end big sa thank you so much thank you sonan I appreciate it I’m not out of dirt bro it’s dark damn it oh is that of stuff man shh hush hush for all right we got

Dirt and look how cool it looks in the bottom I’m nice and Organized guys I use the correct tool take a while for this dirt to turn into [ __ ] grass but hey I made this [ __ ] way too big I ain’t going to lie I did not need to be this big it’s okay it’s I’m a big deal Cuz you’re compensating for your height wow but I’m literally tall now What how does that make any goddamn Sense Always be small in our hearts I mean yeah that don’t mean I’m not actually tall though facts and feelings aren’t the same thing dummy [ __ ] I need more dirt damn Bro who had a lot of dirt Oh thanks bomu got a whole chest of that [ __ ] [ __ ] it I’ll even leave this for dirt that’s how desperate I Am crey it looks so pretty at Night monori thanks for three months time to eat and watch K’s house house fall apart from a creeper no why do you wish bad things on me what the [ __ ] the server just lag am I crazy like I teleported yeah it’s lagging okay let me have some

Torches just W up go morning com com morning I know we’re back to the dirt ASMR chat we’re reminiscing quite literally this exactly what I did in the early days while just saying talking [ __ ] about random stuff no I’m out bro I lie this is a satisfying ass sound Power Max

Out uh n now thanks so much for the membership than thank you thanks for the How do you turn the grass so slow [Applause] Bro I really wish like the grass [ __ ] overpower the dirt quicker cuz this [ __ ] going to look ugly for a minute um L there’s see 11 months thank you for the broadcast all the time it’s Unforgettable content and projects then I hope you can have healthy and happy

Every day thank you so much that’s really sweet I really appreciate it thank you for supporting me for so long as well thank you thank you all right the platform is cleared hope I have enough of these to go around For oh I I have shift on I’ll be chilling Well I didn’t have enough [ __ ] wa the grass is actually kind of kind of doing its thing quicker than I Expected okay I want to make shs this is taking forever [ __ ] that I have no Patience Get to work all these [ __ ] leaves give me all your leaves we don’t want the one in that ugly ass tree though no Birch leaves are no no don’t off to you birch trees but y’all your leaves are ugly actually full offense [ __ ] your leav [ __ ] your ugly ass Leaves I’m not the Lorax I’m the opposite [ __ ] the trees okay I want the leaves I’m like the LX but I like steel all right that’s that’s just broken anyways I will discard it I’m the KX I speak for stealing the Leaves Boop boo I’m really glad I like thought of this like Leaf lining thing cuz it looks so Pretty I wish I had time to do it for the whole Thing okay sleep you’re awesome thanks for being awesome streamer and knowing uh want to talk to my parents and come in or Leave the Room what do you mean what Not me not me having your parents oh no not me knowing your parents that’s Terrifying back is bro still building his grave yes I’m still working on it a slow and steady Process I need more of these the grave it’s not going to be like a grave it’s going to be more like a memorial of my resting place you know my accomplishments proceed need me cuz I feel like graves are just kind of ugly no offense sorry for all my dead

Folks that [ __ ] ugly ain’t going to lie for general purposes like not looking so hot it’s not looking so hot I I hate to Brak it to you I’mma die I’mma die in style you feel me not trying to die in no ugly ass you

Know no sir no ma’am no they slash them and no nothing okay a Dy in style best believe all right looking so nice wow wow now I just wait for the [ __ ] grass to finish I’m building my casket yeah welcome to my casket thought I was a yeah I’m the alien prin that’s

Me Yep all now it’s time to bust out the Quartz I have smooth cord Stairs you know what [ __ ] it If we don’t have it I can just make it leaving anyways who cares if I waste the materials they’re not going to be used for much longer Do I might not be the alien Prince but I can do what I want n n no me all right I’m going to like make this like kind of indention thing that like leads to like this kind of pool Fountain thing hold on y going to see I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking

Okay the [ __ ] oh that’s a I was like what is that Blocks be be don’t know they don’t know how to act a little bit confused d all right um I I want to do this I kind of want to make like this thing where a bunch of stuff water flows into this one area I need to like map out the shape

Like a pond kind of yeah one two three four five one two three four one two three four five Okay then I want one thing Here no wait no was one over right yeah one over then one two Oop Then One Going to think like that word that would look better try that I’m just winging this [ __ ] I ain’t even going to lie but we’ll see One two three one two three four okay one two three four five six I’m going to make like these be fountains that kind of flow into this like I want it to kind of like go up you Know Not like That Wait did I F this up oh I did one two there yeah Okay now this this okay have that and these ones And then and where the the normal Court Stairs What this angular I think it’d be better if we like did this cuz otherwise I don’t know I feel like there’s too much many angles and it looks kind of weird never mind that looks way worse okay I take it back I take it back Maybe oh yeah this is off now cuz I [ __ ] [ __ ] up the first one this one should be here There we go okay now it’s good all right okay I think it might look cool if I just I just make the water go around it completely so like this so these are going to be like in the water poking out the other ones are

Going to be kind of at the base of the edge like here got all this dirt for no damn reason I behind this is it one here all right okay need one more set of quartz stairs this is going to be kind of difficult to do going to lie I make my Tombstone Yes trying to make like a nice Monument of for my death now may I rest in Beauty I don’t know about that bestie yo shut up okay let me cope why can’t I rest and be beautiful at the same time huh got to be ugly even

When I’m dead like come on like at Le give me like one wish of being like decent looking you know I’m just that’s it I’m not really asking for much pretty simple guy you know what I’m saying I mean I just want I look Okay how your wish of being tall but why not Aspire for more you know just saying Bo okay only we dig the grave of the person not the person digging their own grave well we’re we’re a little bit you quirky and unique here you know we we’re uh we’re celebrating our own death

L okay what does that look like okay not bad okay Ice actually no I’ll put that back wow wait wait wait wait I have a better idea all right okay I’ll be back I need I need to sleep I need light this this moment is beautiful not depressing that’s what I’m saying bro exactly I it was is better than the sunroof wait what

Sunroof I suggest the sunroof I dead ass have no no recollection h okay got the stairs too all right now will you be streaming till the song Premiere uh [ __ ] no I’m going to end probably like I don’t know when I’m done with this I’m not an endurance streamer you

Know my milk T thanks for the Super Chat my work uh low sensus at 3 goodbye 12 hour I’m coming home will you be streaming till then probably probably not bro I’m going just stream till I feel like I have you know ample energy why and when you cannot stop so

I’m not [ __ ] exhausted for other streams I have another one tonight it’s just on fana’s Channel boom beepop okay why is it curving like that whatever I’m going to fill these with like water be hey and then on this thing I’m going to put an armor stand with my armor on it is there any do I have a head of myself I don’t think I

Do do you know how to make one it’s a command I could ask like one of the admins to do it yeah I ask one of the admins let me just ping right now in server is I admin or ukie That making my grave right now and wanted to use my head can I ask in the server I ask let me do like the infinite water thing here here we go all right we’re in business these [ __ ] [ __ ] dirt blocks bro I need to despawn I think I’m going to do normal

Quartz slabs for that the smooth one’s kind of like ah quartz lab okay you can find your head in the church does everyone have a copy of their head in theur Church how do you know yeah everyone does oh really I had no idea okay I’ll look I’ll look I’ll look

If it’s there I’ll tell Uki and I they can they don’t have to worry about It yeah I like better with those in my opinion Yeah [ __ ] there you go actually I don’t know I I don’t know if I like that maybe just on the Outside he were a girl at first well that is everyone okay um let me go to the church I need to get more Rockets though first just in case Jennifer thanks for the five gifted thank you thank you thank you so much I appreciate it thank you so much thank

You Jennifer thank you you than thank you where the where the [ __ ] are the Rockets at I know I have some I you can’t lie to me game I know I have some somewhere oh lamu let me leave the ice here for now and some Cobblestone and the Glass where’s the church again how do you spot it so fast I just open and scan my eyes really quick and just pray I’m going to be honest I mean I’m not really the most accurate like y’all are always like you missed it so my method is not foolproof but it is

More efficient in my opinion if you your eyes work where in the church are they oh what the [ __ ] okay I see I see I see I see see Nani kusas and Nina kosakas Jo Kano okay let me let me let me delete my message cuz I already have it good I’m

Good thank you chat I had no Idea how do you make an armor stand by the way is that hard I need [ __ ] for that um oh no hello hex what’s good hex how was your stream bro and hey sickling what’s up I’m building my grave okay I’m dying my last Minecraft stream ever so I’m building my

Grave okay you you know if you want to do my funeral got you y are called sickling and I’m sick so hey what’s good what’s good okay I need this and I need like what one of the one of these in half All right we’re good we’re good yeah I hope you had a good stream yeah brother on a great stream also daffne thanks for the Super Chat hello K thanks for making thank you for everything you did your streams always making me very happy please never stop making your dreams come true love you

Bestie thank you so sweet thank you so much no par social of course no parasocial looks so funny I’ll put my armor on it I’ll put my on it after I’m [ __ ] done cuz I you know I need that [ __ ] currently cuz I am not accurate with the

Shits how you leave it like that it’s lowkey funny and I could Why did I come back to kills Minecraft head on a post because um it’s my funeral welcome to my casket it it I didn’t [ __ ] ask Yet I didn’t [ __ ] ask you wome to my kid thought I was your head dead did you know I’m the Prince my bloody my prince I’m going to ask R if I can play casket on my [ __ ] graduation I’m so serious I’ll be like yo Ren Ren please

He’ll be like I got you bestie cuz I don’t think I have to worry about copyright if it’s his song Right okay I was going to put water up here but like since I don’t need to I’m just not going to cuz I’m [ __ ] lazy so [ __ ] that I ain’t doing that [ __ ] know I’m the pr run about to copyright claim the VOD imagine like [ __ ] nii does it on

Automatic I mean I guess the money is going to the same place realistically doesn’t Matter only three more hours to my song that with finana I know I’m so nervous so nervous I hope you guys like it hopefully I don’t sound like [ __ ] wait lowkey uh how do I undo that I got I did too much you know that looks fine

And now I got to even out the [ __ ] water just always a [ __ ] nightmare I hate this part I’m so serious this is the worst part about doing anything with water in Minecraft is like got to spend like for forever how to make this [ __ ] even

Like you can just throw colors in the water what do you mean what do you mean and sometimes you throw a bucket in the same spot and nothing [ __ ] happens on like bro am I supposed to know whether to do it there or not I’m going door on the edge first water never looks so watery before I loky know what you mean bro like this texture pack makes the water look very wet very reflective very watery I long even playing Minecraft bro I don’t [ __ ] know I feel like like consistently probably since nii started

But like prior to that I guess I dabbled in it when I was younger with friends like I don’t know on occasion type [ __ ] but was nothing crazy was nothing crazy how did nothing happen if it’s literally not even I saw it I feel like it’s almost even we’re getting there we’re getting

There I think we’re good we good I can’t tell I think so yay look at how dumb I look POG POG I need a Sign what type of signs they have in this game let me look sign okay we got this one we got that one this one looks more like official dark oak okay stick and dark oak planks I think I have some dark oak somewhere Yeah oh [ __ ] I don’t have room okay [ __ ] the dirt all right use glow Squid Ink uh do I have some of that let me I think I might actually low key I do wait is it just the ink sack or do I need to turn do I need to turn this into

Something I if I can make this my [ __ ] resting place I just the sack okay Coolio well that’s not where the [ __ ] I meant to put it yo ano um 2020 I debut in 2022 right yeah do conico 2022 to 2024 rest in peace Sag Someone said why is it naked because I I still playing so I don’t want to take my armor off yet I will soon TM Trying to think what else I could do I kind of wanted to add like trees but I feel like it’ll distract from this I don’t really want it to distract from that how to think you know sometimes when they have like these monuments they have like little things on the side

Too maybe got do that flowers I can do Flowers car leaves I can do something with that Too I don’t know if I like them Here maybe h I think that looks good in May mix up with some aelas I just don’t know I I kind of agree that that could look cool I just don’t know how I would implement it without it just looking like a weird pattern oh maybe if I did this instead

That looks better I like That uh vanon Vil thanks for the super chat or the donation hey K just wanted to thank you for all the [ __ ] gos I’ve had with you since you debuted you really help me uh with the courage to express myself more good luck with your upcoming creative Endeavors Sparkle Emoji thank

You and uh Vivan the say so thanks for the 12 months haven’t been around in a while but always reading for you K and happy to be a kill me and the Shadows happy 12 months thank you so much I don’t think if there’s anything else I could Add have blue flowers I don’t I don’t I don’t really know where to get Them blue lanterns I could try that well how do you make those again we need like Remember like you need Soul Sand I could be wrong you make Soul Sand to torches and then turn those into Lanterns do I have to get Soul Stone torches and then make a lantern how the [ __ ] do I need coal I already have lanterns why can’t I just turn those into lanterns What the fu what the f I don’t know if I have any coal like I’m lowkey out I ain’t going to

Lie I do not want to go back to the mines no no I refuse damn I thought that was Coal I’m going to go steal the mines can wait fevery is my top priority we Robin no one needs to know no one needs to know we’re just doing subtle robbery subtle If she Has I don’t know what the [ __ ] that’s even used for that is crazy Though I know it’s just Co I don’t think she has any no but but but but But Che the furnace nope H yeah she doesn’t have any that’s so unfortunate I’m so lazy I don’t want to [ __ ] how do you make charcoal How do you make charcoal burn Wood I have no wood to burn you know if anyone else has coal I’m just going to look Around [ __ ] please I need some thas got to be some not the Flint anything about the Flint yo I’m so lazy I ain’t going to lie like I just hate I just hate mining bro I just that so not fun thank you Alvin you can steal it back from me when I’m done lamu hello F girl oh my God everyone’s writing me today what the hell What’s

Happen happening hi fuan hope this stream went well I’m trying to build my grave hi Confidant this is my grave so far been a work in progress rip kico 2022 to 2024 my chat wants me to add like these Soul Stone things so yeah I just added an extra Island to like the Aluna area cuz this is pretty much all I’ve

Ever built you know my entire time here I have not worked on anything else but my one project what else do I need Co stick oh I need some sticks hope gra is going well morbid but very sweet good luck to the stream thank you the goat just

Speak God that scared the [ __ ] out of me I was like yo okay I just had sticks that I put in the chest boom okay now we have a bunch of these to make this we need some iron nuggets let me put some put this in

There let put that in there let put that weie aren going to need that many um yeah that too that get that too that okay where’s the iron at don’t day stop [ __ ] oh we might need more iron I feel like I had a lot though somewhere not quite sure

Where yeah there we go okay now here some to these I’m just going to Max these out I’m la oh my God that’s too many that’s too many okay okay whoa whoa whoa okay my fault my fault fa um wow we have a lot of soul torches there we go 62

Damn all right we’re good oh my God I have a genius [ __ ] idea genius idea I don’t know if I can do this anymore cuz I just used all these but let me see okay what if we made a soul campfire right right no no no no peep game peep game

Now I don’t think it matters what type of wood you have right I need sticks okay one two three 4 5 6 seven okay we’ made Seven all right ah okay okay what I’m going to do is I’m going to put Soul campfires on top of the

Fountains because some of them like the water I don’t actually need to be fully in the area right I just need to be in the front portion so realistically I could just get rid of it in the back and then put those on top of it and it would

Kind of look lit no literally look lit literally watch this [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking watch like at night that will look cool as [ __ ] no that’s some crazy ow Like see like I I don’t know I think it look kind of cool me me personally you know I think that [ __ ] looks lit oh Wow [ __ ] see I don’t know I feel like it’s getting kind of and kind of spooky should I just like place these randomly though that’s the Thing Do these work the same as torches to keep mobs away yeah okay long as that as long as they still work I don’t care they’re not as bright most mom’s way but not silverfish freaking pretty messy yo y’all tell me y’all hating I ha him bro but with torches it’s not messy

Huh yo Rose thanks much for the ARA Superba thank you thank you holy [ __ ] bro thank you so much appreciate it feel like this looks good Oh oh it’s already night time why does that look like your skeleton that’s the point supposed to now we’re going to equip him with my my with my armor where the [ __ ] did it go why can’t I see it what the hell oh it’s on me now

Okay what the [ __ ] I was like I was like hello I was like what the [ __ ] what happened how do I put it on this do I just Click that oh now it Works what the [ __ ] okay can I put the elyra on it a going to lie though the elytra look kind of dumb without uh without [ __ ] armor on it I’m going to I just get a chest piece I get a chest Beast the Elijah looks so stupid the Elija looks Stupid yo tostados holy [ __ ] bro thank you so much for the AA Superba as well what the [ __ ] hi K hope you’re doing well just got back from uh a soccer game I hope you have a good stream thank you thank you bro I really appreciate it

Thank you so much for the generosity thank you thank you tostados thank you so much man I really appreciate itk thank you and Rose once again thank you thank you so much bro and Tama thanks for Super Chat you guys so much thanks for the support I need this elytra on me because

If I don’t have it I am going to die see look how cool at night that looks it looks all mystical and like spooky and like someone’s grave is kind of the point I feel like I did a good job yo to this for the 20 gifted as well

Thank you thank you thank you thank you and the 20 more holy [ __ ] the 40 yo thank you bro what the [ __ ] thank you so much man I really appreciate it thank you thank you I hope your I hope your days been going well thank you bro what the [ __ ] thank

You so much than you thank you my YouTube is [ __ ] lagging hold on hold the gifted broke it it’s Bren Yeah thank you bro thank you so much oh my God guys at my grave Yi y yi yo cono is Dead I think it looks good I’m be honest listen I wa I love my grave no this is lit on my own little island and [ __ ] also adding the camp the [ __ ] soul fire campfires was a [ __ ] fire ass idea I need to get one more

Though I don’t know what I need more of oh it’s probably sticks are you going to hang up your tools can you do that item frames eh all right we have one more there a small K me S from the nii Minecraft games that’s not in this

Server cuz that was a custom server but we can’t do we get a grave no y’all aren’t dying y’all are not dying y are y’all are Li y’all are still breathing wait apparently I can put an item on this too I better not be trolling me now no I can’t won’t let

Me br someone lied someone lied how dare how dare I got one guide you’re right I did get one guide you are yeah you’re right all I did I did auctioner thanks for the donation so what do we start selling so when do we start selling his remains yo

What the [ __ ] I just I just died man what give me like a second you know what I’m saying like like like you know a day or two to breathe sheesh want to sell my [ __ ] already bro kind of kind of [ __ ] up that’s kind of kind of messed

Up kind of kind of [ __ ] up kind of [ __ ] up man I don’t know me personally I think it’s kind of [ __ ] Up look you can see the grave burning ever brightly in the background forever and Ever look at all of this that I have built all of a Luna these nice side dude bro the the sidewalk pattern I I did looks nice I actually really like that fits in with this very well This is was never completed but maybe one day well it’s not going to be completed but look and then you can see my grave from here too I actually think the shape is nice Too and then from underground you can see the lights from it see that’s why I wanted the lights cuz like it makes it look I don’t know less just like a random Block in the sky and more like Intentional stands out my God why are there so many mobs give me the [ __ ] out of Here yeah I’m sad I never got to complete it I don’t know I just feel like I kind of certain point got kind of like burnt out and also it was just hard to design the inside man I don’t know whenever I like struggled to design the inside I

Got kind of burnt out on the on the whole process but hey I feel like I did a pretty good job at least on the exterior and I feel like I did a good job on this grave too toono 2022 to 2024 guys it’s the end

Of an era it’s the end of an era my Minecraft era over I will never step foot on the nii sanjian server again that’s Crazy actually kind of crazy like BR I feel like I I built a lot you know I’m proud of what I built proud of this proud of that proud of that proud of that proud of this even though it was a tutorial proud of this like Island

Concept thing I came up with I’m proud of my grave Too was someone to take a screenshot F2 oh yeah oh take a few for the Tweeter and C kazer holy [ __ ] thank you so much for the akupa as well what the [ __ ] thank you thank you thank you for the last Minecraft stream watching you build Al Luna has been so fun and this feels like a perfect ending anyways I might get carpal tunnel from drawing you

So much in your last few weeks but I can’t think of a better way to go take care ner thank you so much thank you thank you I really appreciate it thank you so much bro thank you yeah like I said I had a lot of

Fun building on the server one of the things I was really looking forward to when I got into nii was like playing on the big server with everyone cuz I don’t know I’ve never had like a big Minecraft server to play with and although I feel

Like not going to lie after I joined like a few months later the hype of the server kind of died you know we all kind of drifted away from being on it all the time it was still a lot of Fun a lot of fun Is This Server going to be abandoned no other people will still play on it it’s just I won’t be on it anymore you know the end of an era for me hey child chest my items chill DN like yeah put your stuff away so people can use it I

Know let me mourn for a second God damn it what the [ __ ] trying to tell me to chest my items immediately like I’m not human you just trying to use my stuff that’s [ __ ] up also thanks to the animals that Sunny somehow flew up here

I don’t know how the [ __ ] he did that [ __ ] to this day but it was impressive kind of just put the good stuff in here all right that’s all the good shape I else can go in here and I’ll put the I’m going to bring the elytra to the communal section Too it’s K guys over on the Minecraft server a final look at everything got the dorm room actual School building the library entrance the first entrance second entrance my grave and the nice paths I built fountains and [ __ ] now it’s Gone goodbye Luna and now I’ll be joining the the rest of them like Nina you know ping out for a mommy where she’s you know resting here and yeah that’s it for the nii sanan server for me I have a lot of fun playing on this and I’m going to put the the elytra back

Even though it’s not the communal one I feel like it can now be one of the communal ones but for any new members that need one feel free to take it I remember back when this there used to be a sign that said communal ltra not

For K cuz I literally took the communal one and stole it at one point I just kept forgetting it was I needed to return it before I logged out and so I never did so they literally got another one even even the Sky is Crying you know

Doesn’t want this to happen but hey end of an era you know like I said I had a lot of Fun it it’s k k remember the day K made the ground works for a Luna Institute and a certain fair and Mafia B leader put PP block dirt blocks every oh yeah I remember that too bro that was they kept making peees everywhere I was like yo I’m

Trying to build a school that was funny but thank you Mame for the Super Chat and yeah that’s it guys um I’m going to log out for the final time you know there’s been a lot we’ve had going on here we went through three nii Sanji servers the first nii Sanji

Server that is no longer around that got merked with the Calamity the second one that was a rebirth where we had a whole rebuilding Arc and then the Third one where we were finally connected to the main servers and I was a part of it for for all all

Of them which is kind of crazy yeah I don’t really feel like I’ve been here for that long but when I kind of when I look back it has been a little bit you know it has been a decent amount So yeah thank you guys you know for always chilling when I play

Minecraft and hanging out all that very nice game to just relax especially in the morning I feel like I would always do Minecraft in the morning but I didn’t know what else to do I be like morning Minecraft L Monroe validator thanks so much for the super chat or the donation the rain

Was a paid actor yo lowy you are not [ __ ] lying you are not [ __ ] lying the rain was a [ __ ] paid actor thank for all the Minecraft streams yeah of course I feel like like I said I do wish I could have finished the Luna before leaving

But I just didn’t I I didn’t know what to do with the inside and I I feel like if I really forc myself it would just not have been a fun time so I decided to kind of leave it and figure it out later yeah who’s inheriting a Luna I mean it’s

A Luna so anyone in a Luna can use it I guess if I or Uki wants to do the inside they can feel free as long as they don’t destroy the outside but yeah they can decorate the inside to their heart’s content of the main building and if they want to decorate

The inside of the main building feel free feel free cuz I never got the chance so yeah oh my God it’s crazy I if I was there for all the servers um creson thanks for 17 months thank you thank you thank you for being around for so long bro appreciate It Luna is forever I know Luna is forever Now it’s K I always forget where to find Minecraft screenshots I feel like they’re so [ __ ] they’re so [ __ ] difficult da da da Where’s screenshots ah found it found it my God I can see all the stuff I ever built all the screenshots ever took a bunch of fun Ones Do all right I tweeted my final my final Minecraft build on Twitter hit K thank you for hard workare I can’t believe I’m going to be kill soon guys you won’t be celess for too long I promise go find someone every time I see a Minecraft stream I wonder how Luna

Is thanks Tom for the Super Chat thank thank you and aquel lamento thank you so much as well yeah guys I’m going to end just because I want to take a little bit of a break before before I do the stream with finana um however you guys do want

You guys do want to hear my original song with finana it is linked I’m the pinned comment right now it’ll be my first ever song project so feel free to you know feel free to watch it if you would like and yeah I’ll be on her Channel

Later today to talk about it afterward but yeah thank you guys so much um we’ll be out in like four 2 hours is 2 hours 15 minutes yeah I hope to see you guys there thank you guys so much for hanging out and as always have yourself a damn good one What he

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 LAST MINECRAFT STREAM 【NIJISANJI EN | Kyo Kaneko】’, was uploaded by Kyo Kaneko 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-02-10 22:03:43. It has garnered 42991 views and 4520 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:39 or 20499 seconds.

Kyo Kaneko plays Minecraft

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My name is Kyo Kaneko, ILUNA Institute of the Mystics 1st Year. I’m a cheerful first year with a chaotic edge from NIJISANJI EN

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Maria Marionette

That Bitter

Aster Arcadia

Scarle Yonaguni

Ren Zotto

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  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ Bedrock port :19132 Discord : #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Skills on Point

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Skills on PointWhy is Steve always yelling “CREEPER!” when he sees me trying to craft something? Oh wait, that’s just my terrible crafting skills. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More