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Okay all right we’re getting in back getting in testing hello hello you all know everyone here hello – what’s up talk uh not taco toast what’s up toast how you doing are you doing waiting for people to get on we are ready oh my gosh we’re back we’re

Back we’re back here in um uh survival hardcore mode I’ve already lost my my one chance to not die I’ve already lost it Jess and Jason did not give me another so what do I have in my inventory I don’t even remember I got water so I don’t set myself on fire

Again no my gosh for those who here last time welcome back to the prisoners house there’s my friend toast my best friend toast oh yes all right let’s do this we’re gonna get back to life snap back to reality I got a got a harvest stuff except

Nothing’s grown so actually uh forget it some things have grown I got three carrots that time some things have grown got the chance okay we need a mission today I didn’t make one I don’t know what the mission is today but I got some carrots we’re gonna get some more pigs

Pigs carrots all around yes make more baby pigs gimme gimme all right I need a mission today I didn’t have time to plan one so I’m gonna I’m gonna let you all decide what we’re doing today yeah is that a is that an awful plan I guess so

Also tell me why I’m watching Jesse while watching Chris he watch the two streams at the same time I was gonna see if anyone wanted to stream with me but it was really short notice so you just got me again got the golden baby hang on we could try sneaking into Jess and

Jason’s place again and see if that crashes my minecraft there are so many of you maybe I need to build a new house toast needs some Jam what so you mean like another horse nether I could try and go to the nether slay the wither I don’t

Even know how to summon the with it you’re all thinking way too big we we’re starting small we’re starting simple i raided the other village over that here’s what happened last time I built the gardens I built these lovely Gardens I’m gonna get some dirt there for a step

I built these got them grown I built the depends for the animals I led the animals to them I went to another village and raided it took all of their stuff and I discovered that there’s a big scary cave right here which is why I

Put doors here and I lit it up by your skeleton is it dying in the lava no that’s the lot here’s the lava that killed me oh no I got rid of it so there’s no lava down here interesting I could try digging more try and find

Like a find like it there’s some coal there I need some more supplies I made supplies because we are not in creative mode we’re in survival I got flour I’ll take it yes dirt leave the danger cave in case some more stuff spawns there maybe I could should take

The torches house of stuff spawns there I don’t know let’s see start a raid and try to survive no I’m by myself there’s no way I’ll survive that go big or go home Shh build a lava Miranda oh that’s right I was going to build like a wall around

The city to protect and I okay I need to work on fortifying the city so here’s what we’re gonna do here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna go get a bunch of trees you’re gonna get wood how much would I have got a decent amount planks stripped logs you know think that two

Fences I need to build like a watchtower so I don’t have a lot of cobblestone I’m just gonna I’m gonna put that there I got lots of hay for my buddy toast out there hey buddy alright so we need stone for like a watchtower and I need wood to

Build a big ol fence around the entire town that is a lot of wood let’s get to work alright toast oh I need you lead so oh should we should we work on wood first or should we go into cave because I also need to kill a slime so I can

Make a lead so I can take toast with me and he can stay on a post whenever I’m working so he doesn’t run away alright yeah I should go into a mine shouldn’t I let’s get all this up here because I’m still going to hang on to it put a bit

But I got pickaxes I can you know yes let’s go into the mine and I Will Survive I’m scared I need to take food do I have more food in this chest I’m definitely gonna need food slimes are in swamps but there’s no swamps near here

Are they in caves – let’s take get that bread I do look at the chat venom and you were an okay movie for a while you go get so Damon swamps did they do they spawn expands I don’t know I don’t have torches it oh

I do have tours okay good good good good all right let us start right here we can go downward oh my gosh dust baguette I’ve already hit broke my shovel immediately maybe I should actually go find like an already dug out cave oh yes there is one I found one in

The last episode hang on another shovel I did find one and I’m gonna show y’all where it is I’m not going to take toast with me because I don’t want him to get hurt because I don’t want to leave him outside the cave and I’ll be all alone but there’s one

Over there I found a big old cave I almost fell into it yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna do a hi Liz plays thanks so much to everyone for coming to the stream we got tons of people like pastel dreams a bot two three three four five six shape a tooth

My mod Fox music list plays Lizzy tea kitty brian plays so many people yes here is the cave I saw darkness looks beneath yes this is where we shall begin it’s dark already the Sun is outside making my computer screen hard to see I do have a diamond

Pickaxe but I wanted to get rid of this iron pickaxe first so we’re gonna there’s another opening oh my goodness what’s down here nothing okay well I might as well get some coal while I’m down here here’s the thing yeah we’re gonna need a lot of cobblestone we’re gonna need wood we’re

Gonna need a slime I’m getting coal to make four more torches and fires and stuff man very anticlimactic I know that’s the thing we got a we got a we got to do all the things that the thing you think about the live stream though I’m sorry we can’t skip the boring stuff

But we’re gonna press onward oh wait yeah I wanted to go back into that ooh I like the sound of a dungeon coulda sworn that was scary sounds get this iron I hope I can use it and I don’t die no all right forget hang on I’m going back

Because there gosh got to dig my way up cuz there was a thing I mean there was a more more cave to be explored yes yes we’ll come back to that one there’s more iron I need it we’ll come back to this one my gosh there’s more iron oh my gosh

We’ll come back to that no bad guys yeah yeah it’s dead end well let us continue onward then so this is uh this is what it will become yeah we’re gonna have a little bit of a slow start while we start digging because that’s thing about

A hardcore mode on a live stream you can’t skip the boring stuff and I don’t know a lot about Minecraft so I don’t know the best places to dig but you know what we don’t have to start off knowing everything the the soft piano music kicked in so gonna do a nice

Little inspirational why should I have taken to bed with me let’s point is sleeping during the night if I’m gonna be in the cave all the time already and if I die that’s it so there’s no point in having a respawn point I was hoping this dirt would open to a cave doesn’t

Look to be the case you never do hardcore minecraft because you would die immediately well guess what I already died immediately so that’s why we’re here trying to build fortifications so I don’t do that again hopefully I can protect my city this is very exciting what am I looking for I’m just looking

For any place to explore while getting a cobblestone well I guess I’m getting gravel right now that’ll be helpful for making flint for arrows I’m just uh Splore anothing here alright maybe I can do something with this uh what is it called again what is this it is granite build some granite

Countertops have been neat how far does this granite go Shay how do I minecraft let’s connect you know this isn’t turning out to be a very successful dig maybe I did go somewhere else you know yeah let’s just let’s just keep going down would you know yeah

Let’s go to this direction build a nice stay away downward until this iron pickaxe breaks and then I shall use my diamond pickaxe up there it goes very well then we have it has come to this already wait phantoms will come if I don’t sleep when did this start

Happening what do they do how often do I need to sleep what is all this new stuff that minecraft is added I don’t know any of this oh my gosh so well I need to go back and grab a bed that we all are saying it sounds scary

I hear skeleton I hear him that way getting closer yeah I am oh that’s a cave that’s a scary cave I mean like yes I should go get a bed first because y’all are talking about the phantoms Oh skeleton Oh you die die die die oh my

Gosh I yeah forget this all right I need my diamond sword I need to eat I need to go get a bed huh is that right well all right fine at least no this is here we’ll be back I’ll come back for you I got to go get a

Bed so that I can sleep and not be attacked by what you call them bet it’s fine it’s fine there’s a water slowing me down hello there yeah give me that gunpowder eventually I could do I have enough to make TNT now do I have a flint and steel

Do I have any friends friend different oh you’re not friends can I have your stuff though dang it give me your stuff alright we’re gonna sleep then we’re gonna share some sheep make another bed and then I can go exploring forget you guys I don’t care go away

Thank goodness no it’s in my bed this time alright but ow why are you still alive I’ll kill you ha ha alright protected the village it’s a good day for me alright alright that’s gonna drop we don’t need any of this so let’s drop this off throw the iron ore in here

Throw the : yeah I got some flint got some gravel got some gunpowder how do I need five to make you dynamite I don’t remember mm-hmm yeah yeah sorry Shay I forgot how to minecraft I don’t know anything this is fine it’s fine what did I come back here

To do came back here to build a bed I have wood do I have Cheers do I have a flint and steel give me a flint and steel hang on yeah yes give me I also got some bones that’s right I was gonna look for wolves too

But I didn’t find any at least not yet all right where the Sheep where my sheep at chivay give me yo fluff hmm BAM eat hay oh yeah eggs all a minute gosh the mines are scary I wish I could just to live that simple farmer life you know

Alas which is not it’s not my destiny mmm are these potatoes some carrots are ready to harvest I guess um we got some hay to you know let’s uh let’s give them a little feeding before I go you know be like hey I’m gonna miss you guys

Hopefully I don’t die I need to make it bad yeah they’re four of uses good good even number if you grow back your coat already Wow we got one baby sheep we got two baby sheep oh the way Jesus you pick up that experience oh you know what let’s uh

Let’s feed the pigs while we’re at it because what actually it probably hasn’t been long enough let’s feed the chickens Chad’s I got seeds nope they’re in the chest Hello chickens another egg lovely hang on there is one two three four five six seven of you so one of you will be alone tonight it was just fine we got three baby chickens one two there should be three who didn’t get fed Oh to know there are three baby chickens

Okay nevermind I’m just crazy hmm hmm all right go Justin Jason space until you see if they knows I can steal their stuff get a name tag name the sheep I gotta find a name tag though all the animals that would be so many name tags

Oh my gosh I’m just looking at comments okay couldn’t build a bed need a crafting table give me that bed hmm BAM hit yes give me that all right so I’m gonna take that with me I don’t need the shears anymore put you back put you back put

Some eggs over here oh my goodness all right I need to eat okay all right back in the mines I have a bed now so I won’t go crazy from the Phantoms oh we’re gonna explore until I get a whole ton of cobblestone as well as

Other stuff mmm so that I may protect my town because that is what I have been charged with I will protect this city like superheroes isn’t me get out of my city a back story maybe look for a mansion at some point are those like in

The forest I think I remember those all right oh there’s a witch I just heard it I’m not confident in this going well stop shooting me okay yes I know the witch is here you die you die I don’t want you to throw some potion at me I

Don’t have any way to heal oh I should have grabbed some milk milk is good for potions right for witches what okay I got the witch there’s so many skeletons and I hear another witch oh oh dear oh dear Oh All Right see ya ah really really ha ha

Well then this uh uh did not go well it is come on the armour that they prepped for me the stuff they did you know what you know what no it’s not gonna end here it’s not gonna end here this is why Jessa Jason they’re like oh you shouldn’t do a

Stream of Minecraft if you die it’s all over as I get no it’s fine I can build just fine oh my gosh they have the Sheep inside the sheep I didn’t see this before how on earth did they get all of this how did they get this

It’s just insane insane oh my gosh all of their animals escaped what happened what happened in the last episode oh they left the gates open now they wandered everywhere they look oh my gosh they left all of this here I are they even doing survival anymore are they

Doing hardcore mode oh hey little [ __ ] that’s a big hole what happened down here well this has been an unsuccessful hidden with that determination it’s not gonna end here it’s not gonna end here they found a way to bring Jason back right no you know what I don’t want to

Bring I don’t want to bring back we’re gonna do we’re gonna we’re gonna a nice gift from you tears Jason I wish I could see what’s in I can there’s nothing in it it’s just a big old cake that uh a big old present that they made

Maybe they’re gonna use that in a video and he just got everywhere my gosh my goodness gracious oh man oh man oh man oh man alright alright here’s what we’re gonna do we’re doing this live so there’s no there’s no going back we’re doing this slide Shay Shay we need

We need another plan need a back-up plan Shay are you on discord Shay we need a backup plan for discord hang on hang on man Adam in my admin chat Shay Shay are you there Shay a discord get the admin admin mod chat We Need to Talk

We Need to Talk you figure out what our next step is I had armor hello Shay what do I do this is all is all going bad well let’s see you’ve got a couple suggestions from people in chat uh-huh let’s see go to your own world we’re just gonna set your

Own hardcore to start my own hardcore people weren’t yelling at you to enchant with the 31 levels that you have I don’t know how to enchant we should know this oh boy you know yeah CheY CheY dude do you want again minecraft I I’ll I’ll get on minecraft thanks for the five dollars

Kelan whetstone from my childhood kelan is a wonderful dude a wonderful dude oh my gosh all right hang on hang on what if my minecraft server get get out of here we’re gonna do this hard-core mode hi hi diamond take two diamonds here server address here I

Don’t know the server address I just wanted to create one of my own this is oh wait ad server single-player multiplayer I have to own a realm or something don’t I what you can’t make it sir they’re saying I can’t make a server like that I mean you can they’re not the

Greatest hang on hang on hang on see back here in the last name uses her nose can’t believe babe I’m glad I have two monitors now I’m glad they rescued me from this dungeon but they appear to have rebuilt under construction please do not kill us oh my gosh what are they

Planning now they rescued me to have me go on my own adventures only to have me I live episode 2 you know minecraft was never my game anyway I was never really good what were they thinking putting me on a hardcore server Jess I’m calling you out this is your

Idea there’s a village of it you better hang on Mac has a village around here somewhere it’s where the big old forest is and I just got to follow that then I can find max village y’all can see behind the scenes of that stuff is loading this

Isn’t the right village is it chunks are loading a voice actor minecraft I don’t know how to play it also Shay diamond how are you two doing today that’s no that’s no good that’s no good that’s shame feeling better you know yeah I’m doing fine just moved into a

New house moved in with my friends you know them Chris Erica and her twin brother Eli and my girlfriend but I was gonna say how is my house my boyfriend courts doing he is doing fantastic he was a Butthead for the first like five days yeah we’re trying to fight with the

Other cats I can transport through here because they have three cats and I have two courts the cat super cute well we built and great tabby for anybody in the chat who’s built this giant golden idol to bring Jason back they can’t do the same for me because the same to you

Oh it’s live we can’t we can’t be SNe stuff like that anymore also sorry for saying the term BS it’s I don’t mean – there’s a kid-friendly Channel alright well we’re doing this live we’re gonna change it up what game can i play Oh what happened oh I respond with

Nothing there’s no one here so no one could have done this huh what did you almost died from taking fall damage right I am scared there’s no one else even on the server to have done that spiders chasing matter having air weapons that’s so far don’t look a gift

Horse in the mouth run your butt home and hide I’m sleeping in their beds I’m too far for mine oh I don’t have any tools my diamond stuff is gone oh poor poor baby boy what do you mean the admin is watching there’s no admin otherwise there’d be a

Name in the server list yes I didn’t step what’s it called it doesn’t have a name meaning it’s not important well I think by minute I can casually step out now thanks for talking me through that all right I’m somehow back in the world no idea what happened

Jason’s stuff for Halloween I have no I got nothing I just stole a diamond swords which I’m probably gonna have to put back at the end of this stream been streaming for only 30 minutes already died oh oh I have some diamonds I have some diamonds back back at the house

Back at the village – Irene brought me back that’s really what happened Shea and diamond have been my moderators for years they’re so supportive and cool oh my gosh I don’t even like this I don’t like this village duh look at this sign over here uh-huh do not try to escape overlord Kitty

Castle you know what forget this get this going on my own adventure and take my stuff the stuff that I stole and I’m leaving I don’t want to build this town up anymore uh-huh we’re just gonna we’re just gonna set out on an adventure instead you know yeah well mm shouldn’t

Do that a shield could save ya how do I build a shield I redid so much work building the garden you think I should stay I should stay I shouldn’t shouldn’t run away I can rebuild can restart you know I still got toast I still got all of this other

Stuff I’m building new diamond pickaxe I don’t have enough for armor but um yeah I need to somehow build a totem of undying oh and Gavin it’s Gavin here – I miss Gavin mister there little bit it will face I lost so many loaves of bread make more

I’m gonna we’re gonna take this hey we’re gonna make some more lost my iron I lost my diamond hoe wheat seeds what do you want listen listen it’s uh it’s been pretty rough how do I make bread I don’t even know how to make bread listen

Can you show me how bread three in a row perfect yeah I only make three more loaves of bread I only have six loaves of bread potatoes it’s fine stuff will despawn a but wait you’re right what if what if my stuff is still there hang on hang on

What if it’s still there I mean care I don’t even care bad guys might still be there but maybe they’re not six one blocks an ingot has it been five minutes already oh maybe they’ve already spawned maybe they’re not even there it’s hardcore mode I don’t know if stuff drops when

You die dah dah we’re gonna try mmm okay here it’s all here they’re not there yeah stuff run run go home Oh irena bless thank Irene thank the heavens no no I can’t can’t not until I get home not until I get safe forget that forget that tunnel never going back

I don’t like mines okay I got my stuff back okay um another time sword so I can put this diamond sword back maybe maybe uh make stairs when you go mining I did I dug in a stair pattern I just didn’t make cobblestone steps if that’s what

You’re talking about all right all right oh uh gold boots uh yes back in my Harbor ah all right we need a new plan cuz clearly going mining is not good someone said strip mining so and you just need to dig to the very bottom of

The world start doing a big ol mine like um like Jason did I’m gonna take some cobblestone gonna make some cobblestone stairs huh huh huh huh huh BAM that’s a lot of cobblestone sir that’s not enough I need more need more cobblestone and more cobblestone oh thanks lovely iron

Ingots no sorry I was getting over a cold try not to die anymore Oh Thank You grace everything’s going wrong Oh stairs more stairs alright okay here’s the plan here’s the plan I’m taking my bed I’m gonna dig all the way down you aren’t supposed to dig

Straight down I know so I’m gonna dig like a stairway down and I’m gonna get to the very bottom of the world then we’re gonna strip mine I’m I Will Survive wait I need the bread I need to put the wheat back oak saplings I’m like

What do I need iron ingots I don’t need to put you over here Wood I don’t need that I’m taking the extra diamond sword just in case torches I need arrows I need a shovel pickaxe whoa I guess I can leave those here in case something horrible happens again oh

I don’t know okay I’ll leave that here just in case believe that I will leave that flower other crossbow sure why not all right going on a new adventure make shield right you know yeah okay forget who’s gonna take gonna take these gonna look up how to make shield cuz I don’t know

How wait someone said it was like and that right that’s not it all right I don’t know how to make shield weapons shield that’s how I got I get in my inventory yes I’m shield good all right back in the cave back in the cave for those just

Joining I died immediately we’re doing a new plan somehow i respawned I don’t understand maybe the game was like oh you’re alive for less than four hours maybe you should get a second chance I don’t freaking know all right here’s what we’re gonna do so I can dig we’re

Gonna dig a stairway down build actual stairs and then I’m gonna start strip mining because why am I even mining in the first place did we did we um did we discuss that just because I was looking for stuff I guess was I looking for a

Slime I should find a jungle for that shouldn’t I oh great I hear something oh there’s a cave already it’s a bad cave yep I don’t like it you know no this is fine it’s fine I’m just going to seal myself in and press onward none of you will disturb me

Yes this is my cave all right onward maybe I’ll dig that out again if I decide to explore again you can repair Armour maybe I shouldn’t make Diamond armor out of that a diamond that I have from that one video where we’re strip mining trying to bring Jason back I

Guess I didn’t need a giant golden baby statue to bring me back because somehow like Irene respond me I swear I didn’t do anything I don’t know if anyone else did someone hacked into the server and brought me back to life cuz there’s no one else on the server so no one like

Opted me or anything great I can repair armor with an anvil I don’t know how to make an anvil listen you all are really overestimating my ability to play a game that is now like 20 years old oh that’s nice or some gold I don’t know what I’m

Gonna use it for maybe make a cool hat or something maybe I could is there a way I can use this to make a totem of undying because that would be really handy accidently broke a step I need Anvil’s made a blocks of iron great so

Now I just have to harvest a thousand iron what is this what is this I don’t need any more places where monsters could possibly spawn lava wonderful why don’t I just dip my toe in it and die again so hang on I can’t I can’t dig straight down that way cuz that goes

Right into the lava doesn’t it no I can continue onward I’m just gonna keep mining in this pattern till I hit bedrock do some vein mine Armour and I’m scared hang on I’m great now I’m paranoid I’m like all right in case lava comes in through the walls I got water ready okay

We’re good onward everyone give a shout-out to diamond planet I mined some diamonds ei gosh alright we have bedrock I have made it as far down low as you can now what maybe I’ll just say a mine from here you know there’s really nothing down there yeah you know I could start

Like a vein mine factory eventually make a rail that can go all the way up there I need to plant stairs apparently so I can run away faster all right hold up so for that I’m gonna have to dig like a whole new a whole ceiling alright alright alright we’re gonna dig

We’re gonna dig our ceiling on the way up so I can just place stairs on the way back down oh this is so exciting I listen but those of you who came here expecting someone to be good at Minecraft I am sorry to disappoint oh I hear scary scary sounds again does that

Mean there’s a dungeon nearby no one answered that for me guess I need iron to make an anvil so we’ll take this on the way back all right hang on which which one was I on I was on this one okay ah yes here’s my cave that I sealed off wait hang on

What’s going on what’s going on go back for the lapis I will get the lapis eventually and need to wake up into the plant stairs to let me know that’s good I’m looking two comments I got resurrected by Irene yes that is true we should tweet just tweet that tweeted

Jess and I suck at Minecraft and somehow got brought back yes all right you know what we’re good alright stairs somehow my set up any more stairs where are my other stairs all right damn doc I set up BAM dude ting tang walla walla bing bing no I

Need I need that lapis for enchanting okay that’s all of it all right all right Carl the wish doctor and they sit some to me see doc hi I’m I strip mining here you know yeah let’s let’s call this the strip mine area now I need to make

Sure that these stairs work hang on and just I need you there yeah you know that’s fine all right dang I need more headspace more headspace there all right yes I can sprint back to the surface until here all right good I am going to sleep so I

Don’t get phantoms haunting my dreams okay ah oh my gosh you’re bad at taco what nonsense I love tacos yes burn in the sunlight I shall pick up your belongings when you are got my shield to protect me got some creepers I can kill as well yes

You die give me your stuff going for the morning harvest of corpses there’s a lot of creepers out here actually I might as well get some gunpowder so I can make some dynamite so I can just blow myself up accidentally I see you I see you back there ha ha ha

Nope today thank you you burn in the sunlight freaking creeper gosh dang it it’s okay though it’s okay Shay you were waiting for that you’re waiting for a creeper to sneak up on me sup ha it’s fine see I got armor I got shield okay actually a screen kind of hurt my throat

Okay it’s fine you’re going back in the mine I’m gonna start strip mining dad I do have the extra bed so I can sleep down there huh here at Sun not dying yeah I didn’t die yes so we go back in time I know you’re like it sounds like

It’s a envelo three blocks on top winking a light up your mind I did light up my mind look at this oh yeah oh yeah no I tell you to keep water for this season what does the water have to do with creeper I have water I have water for

Lava so we go back in the mine it would go through the mines of moria where I will undoubtedly die yet again alright let’s do this this is the exciting part of the street I hear more lava next to me probably gonna leak in and kill me

Another cave ah I almost fell in forget this next vein we’ll take this iron while I’m at it this game got a lot scarier in the like four years since I played it seriously all right I do have a discord actually Monts if you want to drop the link for

The discord fan chat we do have a disco group I’m still new to streaming on YouTube so we got to figure out how to set up a bot for commands like dropping a link to the discord and stuff or a link to my iTunes and Spotify channels

Stuff like that you know what we’re working on it god that’s the same cave why listen listen I just wanted to strip-mine live a normal happy life instead you got to come here where all this lava is trying to kill me is that more diamond it’s not very much but it’s

Okay we’re gonna do this are they watching Justin Jason watching no they’re gonna see how bad I am listen I’m trying to do a thing trying to be successful and not dying here’s what happened I somehow died already but respond because the minecraft gods were

Kind to me I know Jason is there being like oh you know we trusted you with this surfer that we made that you can play on and you know maybe he’ll the girl your channel if you keep going for a while well guess what Jason I died

Twice and I’m not even done with them so – so there’s that and then Jason side yeah we went to all this work to get them in for you instead you’re just gonna throw it all in the garbage you know meanwhile Jess is just laughing in

Her chair like oh you’re so bad at my crap how’d you die a Minecraft already and then I’m like what is this there’s grass underground there’s just more lava why is there just more lava I can’t take anywhere cuz there’s just lava oh hey let’s go explore I mean what’s the worst that

Could happen right I just count skeletons yep yep is in the water what I had my shield are you really quiet when I’m scared speaking of scared there’s more sounds happening here like a little zombie through that doorway forget it I’m not digging that way I don’t like you I

Don’t care for you or the way you choose to live your life gray my pickaxe is almost dead – yeah – escape die missed but stay in the water will it not kill me oh it’s stuck in the water okay nevermind maybe I’m getting too lost not

Good to be long take this iron and what is that sound I hear bad things I don’t know what sound that is that makes that alright we’re just gonna take this iron we’re gonna go home you can stay there you’re fine in the water dad this place

Is scary where did I emerge from hello original original vein that I was mining that’s why my lagging so yeah why’d you get closer all the sudden oh no it’s a server lagging oh that’s bad oh that’s bad that was fine wait where is ah gosh I am maybe now I

Can I can build the tower that I wanted we didn’t find any slime yes lime are in the jungle they’re not they’re not in caves it seems our slimes only in the jungle yeah yeah alright that’s a little that’s a little too much adventuring for me we’re gonna we’re

Gonna do some happy happy farming today oh hey look look at all this wheat make some space so I can pick up the wheat gonna take the wheat we’re gonna replant the seeds great oh man sure enjoy the life of a peaceful farmer and the only

Thing I have to worry about is getting getting my my animals fed oh yeah that’s a that’s a way to do it you know that’s the kind of life I want here crafts oh my gosh look at all these carrots it’s a good profitable year hey hey Luiz baby we’re gonna last the

Winner we got a lot of carrots we’re gonna do it baby uh you and me and and the animals we’re gonna make it yeah you don’t have to worry about donor caves with evil Enderman yelling at you through walls that I can’t see you know what I’m not gonna get any more beetroot

Unless I plan it so maybe I need to make a plot for my beet roots so I think I took all the beetroot seeds from the town already so ya need a need to build a tower that I can shoot things from afar with I could develop my house I

Could capture more animals I mean yeah capture more animals like donkeys and horses and start breeding them you know all those things sound sounds safe I only have one block of dirt I’m just gonna kind of put some more there guess some more potatoes let’s feed the

Animals gas and wheat seeds and carrots don’t milk the good ones what does that mean Hey carrots oh you’re also grown up to two three four five six give me three baby pigs one two three it’s such a successful ranching two three four five six I think I got everyone I need to save some for the sheep’s for the Sheep out of the way ah

That’s one he rode what’s the one I read I’m looking back every once in a while listen you got to understand there’s some comments I’m gonna miss every once in a while Sup chickens give me them eggs I need to make a cake then I can have something happy in this God forsaken Minecraft world how they ate all my wheat y’all hungry y’all ate all my carrots too that I took why is there nicer an egg over here

Which one y’all put this egg over here I don’t even want those eggs if they’re your eggs alright we’re gonna make a little farm for beet root I’m gonna gonna make a watchtower what’s a cobblestone do I have man I need to organize my stuff get some gold

Ore in there uh give me all the cobblestone that’s enough to build a watchtower yeah got some stairs already too got a bucket of lava for some reason I don’t remember why I decided to keep that that seems dangerous huh Chris you’re talking yourself I’m always

Talking myself do you do not know that uh there’s no one else here with me that I am literally talking at everyone I’m not talking to anyone hmm anyway this seems like a good place for a watchtower although I suppose I could put it in the center of town plus yeah

If I need more animals I’m probably gonna build the Pens over here so never mind this isn’t where the watchtower is gonna be it could be right here yes indeed see no I do want to put another guard in here yeah all right so that’s not a good place with a watchtower

Either I could just put it right next door you know I want to make like a good pathway to because this mossy grass is no good so we’re gonna make like a good stone pathway maybe hello sir I remember Mac killed the last trader that came by but what have you got we

Could get a slimeball whoa bucket of tropical fish I could get a slimeball that’s good for a lead right do I need one slimeball for a lead yeah my house that’s all my emeralds what do you think what do you think guys should I uh should I trade him all of my emeralds

For one slimeball and I can make a lead oh if I kill him I’ll get free leads that’s not a good way to do business besides what if his llamas kill me wait hey yeah hey yeah we got we got a lot of people debating so should I should I

Kill him in the llamas take the leads or should I trade with him I’m gonna be swimming for another 45 minutes ish everyone wants me to kill him they’ll shoot at you but just friend quickly hmm well then clearly I should just kill the llamas first cuz they’re the only ones

Who are going to attack yes the time has come I have your leads and you have nothing but I’ll still trade with me nice okay see ya I took the leads so now I have them for for toast sup toast got you a lead that’s a good way to make friends right

Nice all right stupid all right let’s put the lead over here we’ll put the money back oh my god lots of diamonds – maybe I should make diamond Armour so I don’t die again gold ingots let’s get that iron in there you know yes I need

Diamond I’m off or do I need a new diamond pickaxe that’s probably better so I can use that to mine more diamond huh yeah I should make but pickaxe first and then we will concentrate on armor so I need a new diamond pickaxe did I miss it

I did yes okay now we’re gonna make diamond chestplate and I don’t have enough don’t have enough diamond for anything else it’s okay get rid of that god diamond chestplate that’s a progress yeah I look awful mmm yes yes umm okay okay okay we’re gonna put this back we’re gonna put that

Back we’re gonna save this for later because I was building a tower except it’s getting dark I’m scared Oh put all these away I need to come up with a storage system oh you know what I could convert that house into a storage house or no you know what I’m just gonna

Build it in my basement I’ll put like a ladder system here go down to the basement and I’ll have my storage house be down there I have some ladders right there yes I do oh yes lovely I want one more yeah yeah this will be neat this will be great

Let’s because I want it to be aesthetically pleasing I’m going to replace these with cobblestone I need some more ladders just a couple more ladders how do I make ladders any more sticks probably yeah that’s fine okay now how do I make those our rails I

Could put those in my mind as well and he ladders so that’s how you make ladders it’s okay I just needed a few more anyway yay all right big I should build my basement got a try and remember how far how far I can go out before the hill starts going

Down stairs mmm make a watch tower on the roof of the house now that’s not a bad idea either could just put ladders going up too and build up from there you know that that’s probably that’s what I should do all right where are my torches I don’t

Want anyone spawning down here while I’m working that lost my iron shovel couldn’t make a diamond shovel but kind of let’s save that until I get more armor so an iron shovel it is gonna make South and iron chef oh because I want to

Be able to dig hmm yes let’s see I could just do it like that oh yeah I wanted to get rid of this layer so I’ve got more Headroom because I don’t want to be claustrophobic down here ah space in my house so this is the exact size of my house now

Guess I can put some storage down here yeah so I get some chests made need uh make some chests hang on hang on hang on we’re doing this all wrong So hang on now I’ve got 32 let me let me let me let me hear you do this 32 and half there half there half there lovely I’m going to make one to see six of these four now six chests and we shall do it in a system like this that I

Used to do all the time we’re gonna make some signs to label them I don’t remember how to make anything I need one more set of signs because I would like six signs yes all right over here we’ve got some more light please yes thank you all right and

Over here as well yes indeed all right now look here in this first chest we shall have oh my gosh I can’t type would wouldn’t let my keyboard is freaking out wooden things in this chest we’re going to have stone just things in this chest we’re

Going to have food things in this chest we’re going to have ah can’t have that torch there this last one is going to be like too well hang on it’s going to be two weapons things you have the torch be somewhere else guess it can be it can be there but

That’s not aesthetically pleasing uh yeah that’s fine you know this one we’re going to have be like like a Jew things And this one we’re going to have random things yes that’s good very good for now let’s put all these in here stone things random thing I’ll have dirt Joe thing yes I’m just gonna organize everything for a sick I know I hear bad guys outside but I’m

Staying inside so I noticed this and this is for like general storage actually don’t trust them out there I’m gonna sleep da my crossbows in the way we’re fine we’re just gonna organize a bit while they all die outside what wouldn’t thinks I’ve got doors I got

Signs I got stone things I got and I study all right granite and just ight that’s rule food things that’s and the other stuff and jewel things that’s like Nuggets redstone iron tools like weapons stuff like that armor shears jewels also need days random things more dirt a leather feather gunpowder bonemeal

Strings wool probably not doing the best job organizing that’s fine so we’re back in the mine no we’re in my basement hit just taking taking all of this yeah you know we should just keep food up here so I’m going to not have food to be downstairs I am gonna take the rest

Of this random stuff that’s where I need to expand the house so I can put all this in it oh my gosh think I read I was able to be brought back wait I can’t I can’t I don’t have room in my inventory all right hold up

Hold up tools saddles count do map to so instead of food wait can you place China signs on chests nope let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see instead of food I’m gonna have that upstairs you know I’ll decide to name it later still we’re doing random stuff in here

Stone things look at all that in the long run nothing here my door that’s it I have to crouch and place signs maybe I can make a few rows of things then actually yes hang on I need some some more small chests for organizing purposes more chests what if

We got rid of these still work but no oh my gosh you’re right hang on so this is what things I’m just gonna be like wood stone Stowe that’s not what I wanted I don’t know I need one more time I need one more chest yeah yeah one more chest there’s creeper

Outside I could see it out of my peripheral all right what was this ah yes tools weapons armor minerals min min rest’s minerals ingots let’s see random one and random two because I haven’t decided yet all right yeah that’s a pretty good we got another half-hour of the stream

So you know what we’re gonna finish my tower I mean that would I need to make more ladders I have it all give me that stick put that in and more ladders we’re gonna give my home an upgrade okay I thought I saw a tree press it there’s a

Spider us all there’s the creeper yeah we’re gonna keep food up here so let’s take all this green stuff I’ll take the lead to food can stay in including the poisonous potato for some reason we’re gonna follow all this and random stuff – hey yeah I need I need these we always have

The water with us oh there’s an extra lead I don’t need that right now all right give me this and these yes I need I want this over here want this over here this can go here okay Oh buddy where’d that creeper go I’d be able to

Get up high and see if my tower were finished so let’s get on it make some some ladders don’t remember how to make ladders but we’re gonna make a lot of sticks so I’m gonna need a lot of ladders okay that is right and do half

Half half mm-hmm I got a lot of ladders that’s good enough all right and of course it’s just level one I might build more levels as we go down all right we don’t need this we don’t need these we don’t need these I do need an X and I

Need stone lots of stone you know I already I built this house before when we were getting ready to make this series oh I need the rest of the ladders and now we are doing some new stuff to the house I’m very excited for progress you know yeah maybe we should just make

My whole roof out of stone I could make my house at our do we think about that but a lot of work into building this house to make it pretty for the series and now we’re just taking it apart so I can make a giant monolith instead an

Auto fishing farm I don’t even know well I don’t even know how to begin to build something like that these are gonna be the kind of special episodes when I bring in a guest like Michaela or Jess and be like hey help me figure out how

To make this stuff I think the game knows we’re getting close to the end of the stream starting please music get out my garden you’re ruining everything what’s up buddy you’re not gonna attack me are you I think the golems gonna attack you Oh have fun you guys

Yeah they killed him instantly oh there’s some extra string I can go get good job protecting this village but there were me I’d probably be dead does that’s kind of been my luck and yes Shay you will be a guest as well I see I know I know don’t worry well I

Guess I’m sleeping without a roof over my head tonight cuz skeletons are gonna start spawning and try and shoot at me if I don’t go to bed soon so ya got a roofless Shack now got all this wood that I’m gonna turn into the fence for our village

Oh yes that’s more in there thanks toaster buddy old pal you’re sneaking around my house you weirdo sleeping under the stars tonight yeah I’ve gotta get that string that uh dude drops stuff buddy alright I got a shield I’m kind of figuring out how to survive in this world all right

Now here’s the thing should I harvest more wood so I can keep these towers going like this the the wooden pillars I didn’t bring a big axe did I well let’s go down and get a pickaxe so I can fix mistakes I asked my pickaxe it’s

Almost dead I almost jumped off huh yeah I should probably keep the the aesthetic of the logs so we will place wood and replace the logs later oh you know what I’m gonna build a nice balcony too so hold up yes I’m gonna build a second floor maybe

That’ll be my bedroom is like the main room so I want the roof to be probably that level yeah that gives some nice Headroom yes so this will be oh wait but I don’t want the floor to be made a cobblestone no no I guess it’s fine whatever doesn’t matter and then the

Second floor will have like a nice balcony and everything I’m probably gonna move him up I forgot his name already I wanted to do the joke that rain RV is junior did and said that’s a pat the head so you can pat the head but I’m like yeah that jokes already been

Taken so I’ll probably move him upstairs but yes this will be the second floor possibly where my bedroom and balcony will be all ye see there’s a mine crafting this is the kind of mine crafting I can do I can do some home renovations ya know put like a like a stone fence

Out here so I can come out here in the balcony be like ah it’s a lovely day and then I’ll have the tower right above us yes this will be great oh my game keeps lagging a little bit but whatever yeah so let’s see we do need one more level above yes

One more level and then the roof so this is the roof layer yeah like the roof we’ll start there uh-huh that’s it wha it’s fine it’s fine yeah I’m just gonna have a stone tower because I’m not good enough minecraft player to make a nice aesthetically pleasing home but you know what

Functionality is key when it comes to survival maybe I’ll make some windows here or something so yeah this is gonna be some more blocks up yet so I guess we will yeah yeah okay and then the top floor this is where the view happens yes so I’ll have like Watchtower type

Stuff with the barracks and all of that I need to harvest some wood so I can finish these things gonna need a chop down quite a few trees for that you know what that’s fine actually I probably don’t need that there yeah cuz I can come up here I can do that yeah

And this is neat it will put like some chests for some extra bows and arrows if I get if I get that skilled yeah so this will be my bedroom and then like the main entry room for like food and crafting stuff like that and then

Storage down here if you share my IGN what does that mean do I have an IGN what what are you talking about what what does that stand for not Instagram in game name Oh freaking Chris Escalante that’s all it is I’m not really gonna be like adding

People but you know whatever it’s just my name Chris Escalante yeah okay um I need to chop down some trees chop down some tree all this new terminology I don’t understand are you talking about IGN the website okay that’s fine oh yes and now my oh yeah that’s coming together

I think I’ll put a balcony on all three sides have a nice open air environment yes hey buddy how do i how do i pick up the lead do it no sorry toast I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m trying to grab the lead all right did I break it

Nope okay I picked it up ah yes we’ve got some trees to chop down over here it’s gonna be great all there’s a cave in that mountain – maybe I’ll explore that and die there in the future Why am I here zombie already other scary stuff everywhere alright forget it alright alright buddy can I attach a lead – just a plank or does it have to be a fence come on buddy mm nope can’t do that doesn’t need to be a fence I didn’t bring any with me

Well let’s go back get a fence you know now that I’m looking at it it’s not very tall I should probably build it taller give it another two or three floors okay hang on okay buddy all right let’s go chop down these trees not the ones with beehives cuz they will

Kill me and we’re gonna stay out of caves forever because they are the worst okay fence lead stay here I know the sun’s already going down gotta got to get some chopping in before call it a day oh my gosh stuff is glitching maybe I should build like a watch tower on top

Of the mountain as well be like a signal tower again this is all if I survive long enough because clearly I don’t have a great track record at living hey I don’t want those kinds of trees I need those kinds of trees but that has a beat fine let’s go back already

What’s over here it’s big old river and the river Giada all right let’s go bud guess we’ll chop down those trees tomorrow and that one that’s got a beehive I don’t want to kill the beehives okay and and go to bed chop down some more wood tomorrow

I need the logs for my tower okay all right morning bud let’s go let’s chop down some of these trees today Don’s gotta be oh yeah yeah lots of trees over there oh yeah DISA forest hello donkey hmm can’t seem to cross here yes so buddy

You’re gonna wait here well I go chop down some trees we need to make a thing for sugarcane as well ah and make a place I can grow sugar cane ah there’s so much to do all right oh don’t want to chop down their trees okay don’t worry we’re just chopping down

Trees to get logs I don’t want to destroy beehives don’t worry bees you’re fine I just need logs so I can fill out my house to make it look cool oh look at this tree so I think I’ve learned something today and that is something that I think everyone

Already knew deep inside but just took a just just needed a moment a moment to to just reiterate that in all of our hearts and that is the single truth that I suck at Minecraft and this is probably going to be the worst minecraft playthrough you’ve ever ever watched yeah because

You got someone like me doesn’t even know how to build a shield kind of trying to survive in hardcore mode hardcore mode insinuating that I’m not a noob and that I can indeed play Minecraft in a hardcore sense which I’m just sorry to say is an outright lie so

I’m sorry that you have been duped into believing that I will be able to survive this we’re in episode two and I’ve already died twice I don’t even know how I respond after I died because it’s supposed to be permanent I’m not supposed to be able to respond on this

Server and yet by the grace of whatever minecraft god out there Here I am yet again guess is back back again guess is back tell a friend that’s a lot of logs I’m gonna keep going until even there’s lava over there I’m gonna keep going until nightfall and

We’re gonna we’re gonna plant some of these back I’ve got some apples so if I need more wood in the future I can just grow it again can’t wait to see that episode or maybe just episode 3 when I die again what sorry didn’t mean to invade your

Space that’s got a it’s got a beehive it’s no good can’t chop down that tree even though it’s huge and we get a lot of what out of it oh yeah there’s that other village I raided man I swear if my village gets attacked and pillaged I’m

Just gonna leave and take over that village because they seem much better off no offence of the other village I’m sure they’re doing their best yes all right any more sapling to plant otherwise these trees aren’t gonna be here when I need to harvest again give

Me yo SAP uh well we got we got 10 minutes left in the stream I think I’m going to head back to tattoo my house put these logs in and Dan to resume next week hopefully I won’t die you know I think here’s the thing I’ve died twice

Both in caves so I think I found the solution I just uh never go into cave again like that one probably not gonna go in because I’ll die you know I think we figured out the formula to living and that is the Sun the Sun is a great place to be

Now shut up in a cave where bad things happen and because because as you’ve seen it’s been proven bad things happen in caves so I’m gonna stay out here in the Sun gonna live a nice healthy long life alive I am I gotta I gotta do some oh no

I don’t have to I can just resume from the second floor okay that’s nice and then let’s actually just put cobblestone on this last one so it matches ah there’s been a nice playthrough and not not panicky at all that’s a lie doc didn’t do that right I forgot gotta

Have the right direction when placing blocks yes that’s another new update of Minecraft I was unawares of like whatever Caves equal richness you know a caves also equal death they are the worst and I’ll thank you to never mention it again because caves only bring death and destruction as is evident by this and last episode all right yeah I have a feeling over time I’m gonna want to make

This taller but you know what this is great I can see all around if anyone gets up in my space I can be like yo I accidentally wasted it Erol gonna need to make more Han let’s make a stone fence for the balcony I should be able

To do that right you make stone fences yes no that’s a dia door right wall I need a stone wall and dis tight come on where’s the stone wall you know yeah how do I make an end dis tight wall I’ll just do the same with a cobblestone perfect

I know people have told me I pass the Stonewall by completely missed it so you know what it’s used to logic to make another one oh yes my people my farm we shall survive hello golden baby were of no help to me at all I guess I could

Make a balcony on both sides as well but you know what that sounds like a plan for the future oh gosh this is all coming together you know hang on yeah well we’ll do these instead I’m gonna go make a couple more yes what team should be good

No but they gotta be filled in you know I actually don’t know if that’s enough make some more yes five torches they put some torches up here so nothing spawns mmm no need a lovely I need to take some of this coal don’t have any more sticks yes I need to

Make some torches all right you can go back in get some more torches and all of my floors so nothing spawns to kill me that would be ideal oh yes nice and laid up here it’s good I’m sorry that was stupid yes this is all coming together nicely

I’m going to go to bed and with that we are going to end the stream we’ve had such good adventure today lots of death and panicking happening but you know that’s a kind of how life goes sometimes just panic and I put all my stuff away minerals and ingots get that mineral get

Dad dirt get that stuff all over the hey I’m sorry lead on me we’re gonna put the food away in here food food greenery I guess can go in here for now until I figure out what I’m doing with that put some extra torches down too

Yes I want that I want this oh my gosh yeah sorry huh no no it came over me I need to find a wolf I want a wolf friend we’re gonna feed all the animals one more time why’d you bring a mule into town I mean you do you

I guess but seems like an odd choice Some more seeds oh I don’t have any wheat to feed so I can feed the cows and the sheeps sheepy who would have thought we’d make it to end of stream two and somehow I’m still alive huh I know I didn’t and actually I technically did not make it to the end

Of life but you know what because of the grace of Minecraft God I did all right everyone everyone’s cows next I especially need you to have more cows to have more babies because uh I’m gonna need to eat you all eventually doing here I have a way to get you in so

You’re not joining all these chickens we’re gonna have so much meat everyone everyone got everyone got some seeds everyone good maybe next time I’ll try and chanting – now that I’m getting experience back oh I can give seeds to the baby chickens to make them grow faster yes I don’t know

We’ll get a couple more sheep to sorry sheep exiled the breath put the carrots back you know we’re gonna we’re gonna harvest the carrots – oh my gosh so many carrots nope I think we’re making progress as slow as it is thank you all for being patient with me I suck at this

Game but you all know that now and try not to disappoint you and try not to die the next time where’s my hole I need to fix this plot point did one of the villagers ruin it I swear I will murder you all where’s my

Hole need some dirt to hoe dirt no I could have made some stairs for this house maybe we’ll remodel in the future there now there’s the thing all the way around it that I can hop around yay yeah I don’t want to eat the potato not yet

I will eat when we are done alright I won’t eat I’m gonna have some I’m gonna have some bread get some bread give me that bread yes you know what hang on hang on hang on we’re gonna we’re gonna expand by just a few minutes I’m sorry we’re going

Overtime but you know what as long as he’s here hey buddy will you just stick around stick around for a little bit a little bit need some more fence fence we’re gonna get toast a friend that’s not enough weight yes it is I just need the other leads so they both stay still

Hang on hang on where’s the other lead I had two leads didn’t I okay I need you buddy Oh Jessica thank you for the $2 donation I need I need you buddy to just to you know stick around for a bit we’re gonna expand give you a friend

And they’ll be plenty hey for both of you I do need to make more Finn’s because hang on hang on hang on I’m building you guys a home calm yourself yeah that should be enough now I need to remember how to make feds cuz I don’t yes

Oak Fitz no not birch offense offense give me that all right that should be enough – yeah let’s have the two gates right there offense of two gateways right yeah yeah and I will make you my friend buddy I need an empty hand don’t I hear you’re good you’re gonna love me

Did it work yeah all right buddy Oh who’s good who’s a good boy oh yeah now let’s get you off here because now you two have this place oh let’s get you some more hey that’s facing the wrong way I got some more hay for you downstairs hang on hang on

Random hay bale yeah Oh best friend toast well you know what that’s not the case anymore cuz now I got two best friends this is toast and butter no that’s not good that’s not good placement I need this so now I can do that there here we go

Toast and butter ah yeah you guys cute okay now I’m gonna put stuff away go to bed one more time and call it a stream all right don’t have any ingots to drop off no I’ve got a couple leads to drop off got some wood stuff to drop off I

Got some dirt to drop off dirt one seat doesn’t matter I’ll just hang on to it doesn’t put the hay bale away and uh yeah it’s been a good stream so thank you all so much for coming and having a good time and witnessing my utter

Failure but you know what it’s at least fun utter failure so yes this has been episode two of a Minecraft hardcore mode and I’ve been having so much fun with my two best friends okay I love you all and I will see you escalator bye bye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE MODE STREAM 2’, was uploaded by Christopher Escalante on 2019-10-24 01:20:10. It has garnered 249287 views and 7322 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:00 or 7500 seconds.

Day two of Hardcore Mode, and I’ve already died once…………WELP






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    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure

    Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Nanami and Kusakabe, living the dream. Two salary men, seeking adventure and fun, But will they survive when the day is done? With mods like SorceryFight and Jujutsu-Kaisen GT, Their journey is filled with excitement, you’ll see. From battling monsters to exploring new lands, Their Minecraft adventure is in safe hands. But beware of the dangers that lurk in the night, Creatures and mobs ready to put up a fight. With mods like PlayerRevive and Shoulder Surfing Reloaded, They’ll navigate through challenges, their skills unfolded. So join in the fun,… Read More

  • Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viral

    Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort’, was uploaded by PDT Patil on 2024-07-19 02:02:00. It has garnered 103 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort minecraft cash nico cash and nico maizen omz family friendly aphmau no bad words minecraft mods no cussing nico and cash no cursing minecraft funny johnny johnny minecraft minecraft challenge dash dash minecraft minecraft mod boys vs girls roblox here’s johnny girl hunters vs boy speedrunners in… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 10+ VIRAL Build Hacks!’, was uploaded by Ender Hacks on 2024-03-09 12:00:19. It has garnered 934 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Hello builders! Today I’ll be showing you 11 awesome and viral build hacks! From a pasta, to a fish aquarium, to a mini tank, to even a fedora. I hope you enjoy the video and learn some new build hacks! All of these builds are 100% survival compatible. Just follow after me and it should be easy! All these builds are done in Java… Read More

  • 🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral Music

    🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral MusicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by NxT Nikhil YT on 2024-02-19 09:14:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts tiktok, StevesWorld, satisfying, minecraft but, minecraft meme, gaming, … Read More

  • Wills Minecraft Server


  • Nations SMP – smp, non-whitelisted, END-FIGHT, WARS, 1.21+

    Welcome to Nations SMP! Join us on this server where you can explore the Earth in a 1:500 scale, create nations, cities, and more. Declare wars and build to your heart’s content. New players are welcome and please remember to be respectful to others. The End-Fight will start in 3 hours from now, so hurry and join the discord and Minecraft Server to gear up! To join the server, please join our discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft munching melody (MP3)

    Why did the Creeper bring a spoon to the picnic? Because he heard it was going to be a real blast! Read More

  • Minecraft Villager finds loophole in rail cart system!

    Minecraft Villager finds loophole in rail cart system! When you spend hours trying to fix a Minecraft bug only to realize it was just a villager riding around in a rail cart causing chaos. #minecraftproblems #villagertroubles Read More

  • Mastering Bedwars in MCPE: No Commentary

    Mastering Bedwars in MCPE: No Commentary The Exciting World of Bedwars in Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) Welcome, fellow gamers! In this video, we delve into the thrilling realm of Bedwars in Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) without commentary. Witness the intense action and clever strategies as players aim to destroy their opponents’ beds while defending their own. Engaging in Epic Battles Watch as players engage in epic battles against each other in the quest for victory. Learn some tricks to secure a win in Bedwars and experience the excitement of the chase throughout the game. Key Highlights: Intense bed destruction gameplay Clever strategies and tactics Exciting… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Iron Farm Survival

    Crafting Chaos: Iron Farm Survival The Exciting World of Minecraft Iron Farms Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in exciting projects like building iron farms. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of creating an iron farm in Minecraft Survival mode, as showcased by Devil369 Gaming. Setting the Stage As the video intro rolls, viewers are greeted with the promise of a thrilling gameplay experience. Devil369 Gaming, a popular YouTube channel known for its Hindi gaming content, takes players on a journey through the world of Minecraft Survival. The video promises to be both informative and… Read More

  • INSANE twists on Minecraft hardcore SMP Day 9!

    INSANE twists on Minecraft hardcore SMP Day 9!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft 1.21 – 30 Day Hardcore SMP (Day 9)’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood aka Martyn on 2024-06-23 06:28:30. It has garnered 3058 views and 149 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:22 or 6382 seconds. 💚 BECOME A MEMBER (cheaper than Twitch!) 😍 DONATE – Streams: Twitter: YOU: Come and chat with us on Discord! Business enquiries: [email protected] Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Clutches Across All Ages

    Mastering Minecraft Clutches Across All AgesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Clutches In Every Ages (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-21 17:17:03. It has garnered 29102 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen… Read More

  • “Unlock Hidden Powers in AR DUDE CREATION!!” #minecraft

    "Unlock Hidden Powers in AR DUDE CREATION!!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Beginning!!! | BEAST MC | How to Join? #minecraft #malayalam’, was uploaded by AR DUDE CREATION on 2024-06-21 12:43:54. It has garnered 387 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. New Beginning!!! | BEAST MC | How to Join? #malayalam #minecraft #minecraft #spadikam #anarchy #malayalam #gaming #arjunmp HELLO, Everyone ❤️ . . My Name : Muhammed Murshid Pv Guyz Road To 7k Sub🔥 ————————————————– [ Ee Server Inte Ip Vendavar Ee Discord Serveril Join Cheyyu IP avide Kittum !!! ] BEAST MC ————————————————– Ellarum Power Akkuka❤… Read More

  • EPIC Battle in Ender Dragon Dungeon! Click now!

    EPIC Battle in Ender Dragon Dungeon! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons and Ender Dragons 249: Shooty Shooty’, was uploaded by Tfin on 2024-01-13 20:00:01. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Continuing our epic Minecraft-themed D&D campaign, with some of the most popular YouTubers we could gather. Or something like that, I can’t remember. #D&D #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #rpg #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Desi Minecraft with Unreal Graphics & Infinite Distance!

    Insane Desi Minecraft with Unreal Graphics & Infinite Distance!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best graphics | minecraft unlimited render distance | minecraft shaders’, was uploaded by Desi games on 2024-04-02 11:00:06. It has garnered 107 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. About this game ! Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft:… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Top 20 OP Minecraft Mods! 1.18.2-1.20.4

    ULTIMATE Top 20 OP Minecraft Mods! 1.18.2-1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 20 Minecraft Forge Mods OF All Time | Ep. 1 | (1.18.2 – 1.20.4)’, was uploaded by EnderVerse on 2024-03-21 14:00:40. It has garnered 158998 views and 4474 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:18 or 1398 seconds. Hey there, here’s a list of the top 20 Minecraft Forge mods of all time, I made an unusually long video since some of these mods are not small at all, I had to dig the most value out of them, Enjoy! Join My Discord (if you want): —— What is this series? This series… Read More


    ULTIMATE IRON FACTORY BUILD IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL | EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT THE BEST IRON FACTORY IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL | EP-4’, was uploaded by SenseiParrot on 2024-07-07 13:05:01. It has garnered 404 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:34 or 514 seconds. Hey My Parrots 🐦 Welcome back😊 What’s up ? I hope you are very well by the grace of god 🩵 I BUILT THE BEST & SIMPLE IRON FACTORY IN MINECRAFT 1.21 | EP-4 (HINDI) 🪄So in this video I have built probably the best iron farm in Minecraft PE 1.21.Also cover this with a shape of a factory… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Tutorial! 🔥 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Tutorial! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by Ahmed Building on 2024-02-12 17:33:34. It has garnered 2915 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Dog Chaos in Minecraft Realm LIVE!

    Insane Dog Chaos in Minecraft Realm LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Survival Realm *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Wam Dog on 2024-04-09 11:43:43. It has garnered 89 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:42 or 8922 seconds. Me, CBG and maybe babycat play a survival vinilla realm. Read More

  • Mora

    MoraMora is a Minecraft economy and Survival server mainly ran by the community, There are land claims (Also known as grief prevention), Constant giveaways, Active staff, And also a good starting community. Even tho we are small we are growing quite steadily and we have some fun things for people to explore. Read More

  • Boofa SMP – SMP, Whitelist, 1.21, Java, 14+

    Boofa Vanilla SMP Welcome to our newly created Vanilla SMP server where decisions are made by the community and free speech is encouraged! Join us in creating amazing projects and working together in our world with a 3.5k x 3.5k border. Features: Version: Fabric 1.21 Server Specs: 8GB RAM, hosted in Germany Events: Frequent events for all players Mods: BlueMaps Chunky Clumps Death Counter Ledger Lithium ModernFix SimpleDiscordLink Datapacks: Back to Blocks Double Slabs Dropper to Dispenser Sandstone Dyeing Straight to Shapeless Universal Dying If you are a mature and silly player looking to join a fun community, participate in… Read More

  • Sigma Smp

    Sigma SmpThe server is properly run and moderated.Beware! The server is not 24/7! (You can ask me to turn it on in discord)Join the discord!Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jesus went hardcore on Minecraft water walking

    Minecraft Memes - Jesus went hardcore on Minecraft water walkingWell, I guess all those years of playing Minecraft really paid off for Jesus! Read More

  • Survival Success: Day 5 – Organize to Thrive

    Survival Success: Day 5 - Organize to Thrive In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Exploring, building, and secrets to keep. With natural regen turned off, the challenge is high, But with golden apples and potions, we’ll reach for the sky. Solomon Leatherland, the man behind the screen, Guiding us through this world, calm and serene. No flashy edits or overhyped scenes, Just a chance to chat and enjoy the means. So come along on this journey each day, As we escape reality in a relaxing way. Interact with the video, show some love, Supporting these episodes from above. Let’s work together, grow this community strong,… Read More

  • Hot Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft 🔥😂

    Hot Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft 🔥😂 Why use a regular toilet in Minecraft when you can have a Skibidi Toilet? Just make sure to do the dance every time you use it for maximum efficiency! #minecraftlogic #skibidichallenge Read More

  • Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods

    Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods Minecraft Discoveries: Unpopular Mods Exploration Exploring the world of Minecraft mods can lead to exciting discoveries, even in the realm of lesser-known, unpopular mods. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to delve into mods with only up to 10 downloads to see what hidden gems could be found. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Among the unique finds in these unpopular mods were: New Currency: Introducing a new form of currency to the game, adding a fresh economic element to gameplay. Golden Potatoes: A quirky addition that brings a new twist to farming and cooking in Minecraft. Gamer Gear and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Boys vs Girls in Security House!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Boys vs Girls in Security House!Video Information This video, titled ‘BOYS vs GIRLS SECURITY HOUSE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-07-11 21:27:43. It has garnered 75719 views and 1160 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:37 or 14377 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are doing a BOYS vs GIRLS SECURITY HOUSE in Minecraft! Read More

  • Ultimate Gaming King

    Ultimate Gaming KingVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣👑 King👑😂🥶’, was uploaded by Gamer_02_7 on 2024-05-11 18:38:54. It has garnered 472 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. 🤣👑 King👑😂🥶 games minecraft poki game gta 5 gta5 online games pokemon gta v car games gaming pubg chess free games subway surfers video game solitaire steam rummy valorant dinosaur game chess online rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards ludo king ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku gta gta san andreas pc games to play google games mobile legends clash of clans mpl pro lol… Read More

  • 365 Days of Insane PvP Action – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    365 Days of Insane PvP Action - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp funtime отфакал 3х1?’, was uploaded by 365xXxUwUxXx365 on 2024-06-18 12:57:11. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:15 or 255 seconds. Recruitment to clan psycho write to ds it’s below! discord ne36ff #holyworld #gg #minecraft holyworld minecraft, whoopsen anarchy, broke bedrock in player base, wipe anarchy, trade after wipe, after wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, carrot farm minecraft, ifrit farm, griefing minecraft, sold my base, how I sold my base to griefers, magma cube farm, auto-potion makers, anarchy brewed a lot of potions, earnings… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SPAWN TOILET INSANITY! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I SPAWNED EVERY SINGLE SKIBIDI TOILET IN MY MINECRAFT WORLD #gaming #minecraft #skibiditoilet #mlg.’, was uploaded by BLOWUPGAMERZ on 2024-02-18 19:05:09. It has garnered 2507 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. ### Minecraft Keywords: 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Minecraft tutorial 3. Minecraft building ideas 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival mode 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8. Minecraft let’s play 9. Minecraft multiplayer server 10. Minecraft mini-games 11. Minecraft house design 12. Minecraft pixel art 13. Minecraft farm tutorial 14. Minecraft mob grinder… Read More

  • TomDark EXPOSED by Nicholas DeOrio & Chud Logic

    TomDark EXPOSED by Nicholas DeOrio & Chud LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Community’s FALSE ALLEGATIONS… ft. Nicholas DeOrio & Chud Logic’, was uploaded by TomDark on 2024-03-15 21:56:20. It has garnered 226909 views and 3528 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:29 or 14309 seconds. NICK: CHUD: Join Members for $5 a month for exclusive content – Members Only podcast, Stream VODS, Unreleased videos & more! INSTA: BIRD: BASE: Read More