Insane Gaming Action: Watch KissuKissu’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

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E For I f I I La D Hello hello hi everyone it’s wonderful to see you all hi devil hi everyone hello yes yeah we we haven’t streamed in a whole week this is our first time streaming in a whole week I’m glad you all came to see us this is our this is a this is our

First first stream of the New Year Yum rare stream where I’m actually playing the game too I always try to find games that you can join in um know so so last week you guys uh probably remember we finally started our patreon and and so far it’s been really it’s going been really well thank you

All so much for your support I appreciate it yeah I definitely wasn’t expecting to get subscribers right away that was a nice surprise right now we have a guest with us miss aah person is on Mike she is with us currently hi hello it’s me Leia everyone’s

Favorite I’m also joining in the game yes for something that’s right Alonzo Leah was here with us today um so uh the patreon uh promises uh they’re going smoothly I should have them all by this coming week um I’ve gotten everything all done except for uh

One thing which I have to go over with Mizuki first but uh one of the redemptions was uh uh was a special something for Helen Prime and he’s going to be getting it right now it’s me there we go heli and PR gets his own name tag on the [Laughter]

Tiny oh my gosh it’s amazing we’re going to yeah that’s adorable I love it I like how we keep finding little ways to like add size interaction speci with the audience as part of a Helens uh T he gets to have a name tag on the tiny on

My um other people who are in that or here yeah we’re going to um if we get enough people we’re going to alterate during streams yeah well uh the next next stream it will be instant cake because he’s also in that tier um and then uh we’ll probably go

Back to H and pride cuz by now we leave two in the in the cuti ti um but yeah I don’t even remember all of our we to do are there’s two other ones yes I’ve memorized them all because I had to go over with Tru on uh on

Figuring out uh how to make little Discord Pages for each of them and uh I’ve since memorized all of the all of them in order it’s out with adorable and then it’s a oh no oh no I BL it hold on okay it’s adorable then it’s sweet treat and founder cutie then it’s

Sweety sweety T and then it’s uh cutie and then it’s uh best tiny very very of course [Laughter] yes to redo the tears um that actually brings up a question one of our patreon users is named devil and I thought that was you alist but I wasn’t sure cuz

Their name is just devil and I don’t know who it is and I don’t see them in our Discord server and a lot of our patreon benefits come from is it set up goe no and I I was I was going to say isn’t it set up to automatically um like

Add them to the channels and stuff but I realize that’s probably if they’re already in the Discord only or something I don’t know it might send them an invite but it does automatically give them the the roles for for each tier yeah l so there’s like secret channels that you can’t see unless

You’re subscribed yes also I for the people who are most active Okay okay well I wasn’t sure if devil was the devil that was in our patreon that’s why I wanted to ask but um uh for people who have been in our community for a long time and are active in our

Community I I gave them a special founder Ro and that includes you alza you have been given the founder role and the founder role allows you all the benefits of the the sweet treat here and below so it’s basically just me giving thanks to all of our wonderful people

Who have been uh with the pleas follow Chanel on be mons it’s very appreci to help so we didn’t nothing nothing got broke but if I had done I definely would have broken a lot could you could you say that again me uh I said I that wasn’t nice idea you

Came up with like it’s like just giving the people who’ve been here the longest and like all the lower cure stuff for free instead of you know like instead of being like hey pay to see all this stuff thank you the I may be giving more founder red

Founder Roes to more people who are active in our community um but yeah I just wanted to get something nice because we have so many people who have been part of the community for a long time now well well we’ve only been around for 3 months but they’ve been active for

That long and I wanted to show my thanks to them because they mean a lot to me all of you guys are so wonderful and you guys come and support us and I wanted to give thanks in that way devil Alister thank you so much for the bitties

So um I don’t think you mentioned it but I know um two of the other uh reward things we have to do is uh we got to record some sleepy time chats um oh it’s if for those that aren’t aware that it’s just like an hourong thing where we’re

Just me and cuu are talking it’ be like pre-recorded and we upload it I think that’s one of the like lower TI that gets that we got to record those and then we also one of our tears has movie watch alongs um legally speaking we can’t provide you with the movie uh I’m

Willing to help but uh we we just basically it’s just a stream where we’re watching the movie with with you guys and commentating and being obnoxious so you can’t hear the movie yes we’re going to be doing the watch alongs on Discord and we’re also going to be having a room

Where you guys can you can uh request what we watch so like if you want to watch something like just a new movie that came out or an older movie that you’ve been wanting to watch for a long time but it was exclusive to Amazon or

Netflix or something then we can you can watch it with us if you want to watch the entire L the Rings trilogy oh no I’m going to get so tired watch it all in one sitting [Laughter] gosh shut up for this 10hour stream no I’m never that 10 hour stream why so

Long um we’re going to be playing Minecraft today um I don’t know how much you guys want to watch Minecraft I love playing Minecraft but I don’t know how much exciting it is to watch play so this is going to be kind of just like an experiment but um I was actually going

To show you our old world or what what I can show you some parts of our world I can’t show you I can’t tell you why either just know that there are secrets and some of our older worlds but I’m going to get on those worlds I’m going to just walk around and

Show it to you yes yes you do just think of our Pokémon world for just two seconds and you’ll remember why we can’t show them um me and me and Leah are in the game do we need to like go out of the game like do you got to change the

Server or or is this like a you can do this from your end locally I’m going to do it from my end um the starting at the games is going to take a while and I’m warning you um it does run a lot really heavily on

The CPU so what I’m going to do is while I’m opening the games is I’m going to turn off my voice mod uh during that time and then when it’s fully booted up I’m going to turn it back on so if you guys suddenly hear a weird robot or you

Hear a little Japanese girl that’s probably why go ahead mus I thought you had it set up so that uh when you turn off your voice mod it just won’t like there won’t be any voice data transmitting I know I was I was joking if my voice ever got leaked on on the

Stream somehow I would just say screw it and just never uses it canot I like okay well you guys know now here you go consequences at work be Darned but but if you guys ever do hear my voice go don’t tell my don’t dos my work cuz they will fire me they have a strict new online presence policy go ahead music go Ahad mus no online presents at all no online like it it’s they have this whole

Paperwork but basically yes they don’t they don’t watch people who are known on the internet in their company they want you to be a nobody that they can control yeah fer is weird about that that’s in you uh what did you say you going to work and

Like um imagine you go into work andless four like 60-year-old Japanese guys in like, suits pull you into their office they’re sitting at a round table they’re all on one side you’re all the other there’s a laptop in the middle of the table and they play Believe saying something oh

No I would literally die I would literally [Laughter] die that would be that would be so embarrassing I uh I had worries about a similar thing like not streaming but uh just that I was like on size Twitter and stuff at work and I I imagine that kind

Of like exact scenario but you know not with for Japanese guys and expensive suits I just decided back then that happened I’m just gonna get up and walk out say anything no it’s American guy just suits course you what you just like she said Amic oh Yeah dis suits is it like they don’t right they I thought they don’t think jeans jeans and t-shirts um no okay wait wait wait do you mean like outs like like cuz we there’s definitely people in any professional job like wear suits like a big higher up kind of jobs

Broken maybe I just I’m just seen I guess maybe I’m God I bet it is a lot more strict in Japan like I never had a job where I could wear jeans and a t-shirt like I had to wear dress pants and a buttonup shirt from the company and you know like

Like that but I’ve only really worked lowend jobs I I know like like in an office you wouldn’t be wearing like a three-piece black suit um but I mean it’s we’re wearing jeans and a t-shirts definitely not normal for a job here yeah I guess I’m used to see like

Americans and professionals that only in like stuff like like like the game of warrs where you see like uh what’s his name um Skyrim Guy what’s his name oh Skyrim guy oh now I can’t remember yeah yeah he always we a super it’s famous it just works yes thank you he’s always wearing

Super casual clothes but he’s like the big boss of that business but I guess everyone else that the game awards is always weing FY ties but I thought that was just a just part of like being in the awards you know I don’t know I I guess I just don’t know much about

The Game Dev culture thing like like some places some kind of jobs are have different kind of dress requirements than others like like I’ve heard Google is like really lack about what you wear and I imagine when you’re high up enough in a company you can kind of just say

You know what I don’t like wearing a suit and high [Laughter] heels no I’ve only worked in like it doesn’t matter internship in like programming but like programming there the dress code did seem very laxed it was like 10 years ago those who I remember damn you had a coding in 10 years

Ago 15 my life is it’s a whole thing and it’s probably closer to seven years now actually I think about it oh hi JL thank you for coming second paes every right yeah I’m read never acqu red C time next 4 minutes 11 seconds Discord notation J has effectively time for

Stream thank you so much for coming to I I dm’d you specifically because you wanted me to B you when when we’re streaming did it Z do I have to ask you has the has the controller improved your ability to catch the star oh yes greatly unfortunately I don’t

Think I’ll be able to do that this stream seeing as I’ll be joining you so if anyone else in the chat wants the chance to catch up on me and stars well you can start now you probably won’t do what are you doing you’re spawning so

Many we tabs out in the middle of Ling start [Laughter] I’m F about it hi asroy thank you for coming oh Alo got two starts good job we just been standing around in the base now yeah unfortunately H crime can’t catch these Stars he’s a bit stuck did he remove his stream Avatar

Too like oh no I I was like you should remove his stream Avatar would he do that or like attach it to your leg that’s a really good idea possible actually if they can’t do that I’ll do it next stream I’ll do it next stream but that’s a really good

Idea related to me S I’m going to so I used to yeah go ahead and and do the go ahead and do your story why you do that I’m going to silence myself and I’m going to start opening Minecraft but yeah go ahead and tell your story

Okay so I used to play World of Warcraft a lot and there was this point where I was doing uh dungeons with this group of Australian guys and I found their accent so [ __ ] hilarious back then I was I was like 15 or something and and I loved

Them but I was around the time um fishville I think for mypace or Facebook came out and our tank which for those who aren’t familiar the tank is the person who keeps all the enemies attention and they all attack him cuz he has high defense or whatever so our tank

Uh Levi he just in the middle of a fight he just like stops moving stops taunting enemies stops like using cool Downs just stops doing anything and like people start dying and they’re like Levi what’s going on like what are you doing and like he’s not answering for a second and

We all die and then he comes back he’s like oh [ __ ] we died we’re like what were you doing he like oh I I had to feed my fish we’re like wait a minute what he goes I had to feed my fish and fish you [ __ ] Ted out in a middle of

A fight to feed your fish and little somebody’s got to do it oh my gosh that’s I guess he had to do it right then there was no other time he could wait 20 seconds for this flight to be over they need to be F now like who the face goes off you Respond okay th that the world some that we built before that kushi’s going to show us like I freaking love them so much like legit made me sad when we stopped playing that I didn’t really have a good way to like record and memorialize them like cuz it like I could never really

Stick to Minecraft for more than a few months and then I just come back like six months later or something and do a new world but so we’ve we’ve had a couple worlds now and we had some builds that I I really loved getting them

Um yeah I know we can play again but like like if I could just have like a localized instance where it’s just our main town and I can go like play around in it I guess I could do that actually but you haven’t considered asking for World download okay it’s I have not

No oh yeah we still have one cinematic redeem left waffles tell that yeah and I’m not going to be redeeming that one today that’s not you guys okay when I run a server I yeah I can hear you y I was worried that would make my my thing break fortunately you are still

Cuu um kishu J said waffles so you need to draw the virtual jar and put him in it for that crime crime against panc Island get him I got banned from pancake Island for that Mizuki such a troublemaker she are always apologizing and stuff I’m like no do it do

It you should been talking like I can’t hear anymore did she turn it off again I think she’s just doing something oh she eating it’s amazing goodby nice you sorry I was making sure uh like I opened up the the server but I didn’t open up the world so I was making sure

It didn’t break while I was opening the world all right now favor uhuh M could you just uh uh scooch off the screen for just one moment it won’t take long i b I just need you to uh there you go yeah listen I love you all please follow on

Twitter I was St a Dr [Laughter] me listen I love you all so much but I’m warning you where we are now you do not I repeat do not bring up waffles ever I will find you and I will get you for your for daring to mention waffles here at kissu

Kissu this is our tanake house do you all hear me this is your only one loud and clear okay good oh you didn’t see it it was on the you didn’t see it on the the stream [Laughter] itself I hope you guys like that I worked really hard on

It it was fun to make though okay me you can come back Now didn’t scare her off too bad hard to make that I I just wanted to make a really cool threatening magic okay I was I Wasing and and On vtube Studio you didn’t do anything you were just standing like like right here and I was just like watching like it’s something going to

Happen she’s talking like something’s going to happen she stands there menacingly yeah that’s that’s it that’s all I get but I am warning you I swear you will be put in a jar Alonzo I want you to CIT that please he’s probably still working so he can’t hear me but that’s [Laughter]

Okay I want spish pan pancakes M uh Callas I had no idea you could speak Spanish oops I’m messing everything out okay I’m going to move to the gain scene now iences oh my God we is this 27 pieces or did it come like this it’s 27 you you need 27 firstes to

Build that like I know the Cave’s not up I don’t know if we should be talking about it but to already on and I was on earlier sorry this isn’t a fresh World everyone and I did a few things already that been a bit impressive apparently oh

Di you know we had a mine all the way down to bedrock like 50 ft away from this right yeah I was aware I wanted to do my own BLS oh okay they’re more controlled oh God make at different layers that’s actually that do want oh no no you can see

Screen I don’t the game position yeah yeah thank yeah yeah yeah perfect I’m I’m going to move the screen to the Bott no that’s Pokemon world I’m watching oh my gosh Amo thank you so much for the follow oh speaking of follows we have a

New um a goal that we set this year uh and uh both um oh I’m gosh sorry uh both uh Rumi and I have both uh made a promise to each other at New Year’s that we are going to do our best to get 500 followers this year that is our goal and

I really hope that we can achieve that but yeah during our Ry stream she and I I made a promise to get 500 followers we can do it you’ll see on the 30% of the way there yeah our flow follow gold says that we’re currently 34.0% okay so I can’t move around too

Much in this world because if I do I’ll spawn some stuff that I can’t show you you guys but uh but yeah I’ll move slowly and and show you guys about uh is my voice mad sounding all right is yeah I think it sounds okay do I don’t

Even I don’t even remember how many of those size pictures we had around this place so yeah this is our Pokémon Center um we worked really hard on this for like a long time um this is our spawn point yeah this is I changed it to be just this

Cool a cool little spawn point um just a little place to make it look pretty um I have a uh I have a character and I I I’ll tell you guys about her some other day but uh her name is FY and this is her egg I’m not going to go into details

Right now with it but she she is this just girl that comes with me and I have to protect her in a survival games it’s just the way I uh enable to um entertain myself when I’m playing single player in a lot of uh open World building games because I find them

Really boring and uh really like aone way and I I just came up with this fix oh see chair to entertain myself in the the crafting doing games as you can see Mizuki and I made this really dig pretty C this was my uh gift when I vanished for uh

Arober last year not last year but the year before last I vanished to do October I want to leave something so that everyone can uh see that I was you know going to come back and I want to leave a gift and I left this pretty companion

CU over here is um some pixel art that both Mizuki and I made just some of Pokémon that we really really enjoy wa I I don’t think I did anything here this is a witch hut that we were doing a bunch of the witch mods

In um I don’t think we got very far in this world in the in the witch mods but we turned it into like a Pokemon Center kind of yeah WI yeah we kind kind of turn into a resource for poke we got here’s our town from above the music go

Ahead our Pokemon Center has a Nurse Joy and I think it has a chansy I I don’t remember if we put a chansy in there or not but we also have like an arena thing with TM you got show the inside of this stuff oh of course of course this isn’t just Like most of this stuff you can play with it does stuff think you got hit the yeah there he goes there he goes it’s a little seesaw it’s a seesaw and it doesn’t doesn’t it bounce you or something if you jump on it yeah oh the free swing then this here

Is I can’t really look at that but I yeah this is our a little jungle gym I love it oh no no you’re not going to swing it can I oh I I can do it from this way I just don’t want to show the pitching it’s just a swing they can swing

On yeah like go up ever I had to use the grappling hook mod I don’t remember the yeah like climb over here over here is the best part r one at least I’m LoveIt okay uh today invisible black bug but God me this is a screen that’s this screen’s connected to a computer

Um and I changed Which rare Pokemon or unusual Pokemon spawn in on Route One um punch those empty blocks above the screen real quick I think if you punch them they reappear because I like how this thing looks if the whole thing’s there looks like it broke it but it

Did no just punch it it’s fine okay yeah so this is muki’s round made it to look like a square Master love idea so much I should really just delete the pictures and then come back it’s got a bunch of different little environments for Pokemon spawn like here’s a cave

Um and that kind of like goes all the way through and this a little field area and these are trainers you can fight them every day and I give them different Pokemon and I have them all set to give uh the same like certain rewards like each one

Of them I think each Wing you get like three Pokeballs and these coins that I started calling meizu coins because I set up a whole shop system where you could use them I uh you drop the coins into this slot and then it uh it dumps

Them into to a trash can and ejects the item you purchased yeah I love this idea so much I was working yes and I was working really hard to get rare items from the mey store I remember this guy had I should try that one of these days

It’s fun setting up um they I like shops and like just I guess setting them up too and it’s like we had whole rows of uh of different stuff you could buy and that that person she’s looking at as the last person on route one that you can set enemy strength like whether

They’re a normal enemy or a boss enemy or something like that so he’s actually stronger than the other ones and this was is like a whole system of dailies because the items you get from beating these people were like items that we had a high demand for in

Pixelmon um like like Poke Balls and the coins and and since you get and this here is this is a berry dispenser when it’s not broken it will it’ll shoot out one Orin Berry and one whatever that other one is every minute but it’s it’s always broken so it gives you infinite Berry

Speace Right or left click it and it’ll give you a berry and then it’ll pump another one out into the thing there my uh hot Keys AR working this because I had to reinstall the forge so I can’t summon my Pokemon right now but I did but that’s okay H think are It it usually is a lot of chel there’s another hot taken over um I get a lot of that’s why a lot of this place looks why a lot of this place looks outlined um cuz obviously there’s not blocks with like stripes on them like This she did all the like these stairs and stuff these are TM vendors here and I think one of them like sells evolution stones or something but they use a different currency than the misu coins I just don’t remember how how they work I think they have their own built-in

Currency next is is the pokon oh so the Poke has its own um has its own yeah it has its own um coin system and it’s really hard to get those coins so what we did is we made it so you can trade a

Magik art for M cuz M has the ptic so this water here summons a Magik Hub you can catch it and then trade her from yow they can um get the the coins to start buying stuff at the Shops and and the shopkeepers this uh Pok is probably so much

Time yeah Mizuki spent so much time on this it’s Amazing so anytime we we obtained a new TM added them here I love it top do it at the top there you go yeah and you can you can take it out learn the TM and then put it back and there’s more invisible blocks up there that’s that would normally be

Fully W in but we had issues with the little tiles mod and it kept fuing up our blocks like yeah like right There yeah you shouldn’t be able to see through the floor you’re not supposed to take the items out of the frames even though you technically could yeah we just put some cute rare items there for display and this is where we go for the misu coin dispensary so those have a misu coins

That you got from beating the uh beating the the trainers in r one and then you come up here and again you’re not supposed to see all that but if I was to update the blocks it would so broke I made those doors too by the way

Those those AR an item I made you could just like place and then break a block and then I’ll update it yeah if you put a block on it and then break it it’ll it’ll update it I think but there’s so many missing BLS God

Yeah well I think we’re g to be here all day all yeah if you if you look at the at the box if you look at the wall there it says what it is like what it’s for how much it costs and then it shows the item below

And you put the coins in the chest um a pipe sucks them out and throws them into a trash can but when the pipe sucks them out some kind of like detector thing checks to make sure that they’re coins and how many there are and then it it’ll

Spit out the item if the conditions are met so it effectively works exactly like a shop watch it’s going to be broken now though oh no it did it it did it it put the it put the thing in so now you just take it

Out it put one in the in the wall in the frame see give it to you I’m a big fan of those screen like yeah F displays you can uh revive the fossils in those machines there I think yeah uh we used to play this game with uh shrinky stuff and she would

Always find all these rare Fossils and so she became our uh our designated fossil person cuz she always got us some really good fossils and I got a CU fossil Pokémon because of Her think the inside of the Pokémon sun is my next favorite one then me to the Pokémon Center I feel is just amazing the way it turned out so this originally had a sign that said gym that I made but it looks like the the thing got broken but it was on

A you can download and install chill yeah this is my gym that I made uh and um the gy leader had either rat you can do fight this really hard level five person or you can uh go over here and just fight this person who is much more reasonable

Um but I loved the gym and I loved how it turned out there are two different uh things you had to do to complete the gym you had to complete this room and you have to complete the room on the next one so once you go past this you can’t

Go back so what you she crossed that line you’re you’re trapped and you you stuck fighting the gym but look at this look at this pixel art that um Nuki did she made all these all ones and she made this floor and it’s just so stunning yeah I suck at building that I

Can decorate with chisel pretty well I feel like does a giant make a lotony in that inside this little Forest thing I made and then once you get all the way through you get a key from her and you open this and she gives you the first part to uh to beating the

Gy then this is the second part and we had a lot of fun making this part cuz this is is the inside of a city oh of course the city isn’t working but you were supposed to be able to look out here and see like all these cool

Buildings with lights and stuff it looked really cool cuz it was the first rotoscope I’ve ever made like you it would look have a 3d effect to it but it’s not working now to me I had to defeat all the s Scouts in po

I have to do what now can you go down here and beat the Sout to fight all the saor scouts to beat the gem you could tell all the people here are different anime characters I’ll do my best is thata it is hat Miku yes we seen it all the characters in

Here characters that you should be able to identify is black magician girl amazing and then Tuxedo Mask is the last one you have to fight and then he gives you the key to go fight the gym leader with the five sailor Scouts work the CH final challenge

Nope I forgot how to get out of here oh I think the only way to get out is do that lock door where oh never mind this is a a car okay yeah okay I just made a c roller coaster or a c the elevator the poor man’s elevator yeah that’s our

Gy and I was going to make um eight gems okay but I we only ever ended up making one oh no Steve we got stepped on I forgot about that and it’s got like a broken fence pool there go Clos so you can see the the fence pool and the broken

Ben yeah one of these is there but it got broken as well cuz it got stepped on oh no poor Steve I made this as a surprise for Mizu cuz she hadn’t played for a week and and when she came back on I wanted her to

See the F bread with Steve Bean squish wish I thought you would find it really funny I loved it also I was mistaken when I said the Pokémon and the Pokemon Center are my favorite rooms cuz I forgot about our lobby thing which is I I think is just

So much better than just about anything else we’ve ever done this is my favorite build I’ve ever made down there is out Lilith I gave her a name tag she’s super sweet I’m just careful she might explode but yeah I love this uh Lobby so much yeah here’s chancy and there’s joy

To heal your Pokémon as it is a Pokémon Center after ring oh and over here is where the professor Liv those are cages on the thing next to nroy are like aquarium things that you can you can like shrink and go into oh just right we put a person in

There I forgot about that we put a little tiny NPC in there is just he’s just living then this warned you about Team Rocket and as you can see she caught some Team Rocket People I think she comments on it too if you talked to her this is yeah if you comment she she talks about how a she’s only given a mission right now oh then again all this uh chisel and bent work was done by Mizuki looks so good including these decorative gold

Things on the floor and the lovely Chandelier on the roof yeah as someone who can neither build nor decorate I am stunned Lord flabbergasted if you saw my world’s am I going to comp in server with these people if you saw my my single player world like trash compared to this like UT

Trash there was a point where there were like thousands of Pokemon in here but they lagged the server so I had to get rid of that n made me get rid of all my water Pokemon sent them to the farm yeah so behind this wall is uh is

Our lobby and I don’t remember how to get there without breaking the lobby but I’m going to try over here yeah okay here it is the so here’s M this is this my favorite room wonder if the TV still works okay yeah it doesn’t work C pixel art yeah this room is so

Yeah this room is so amazing uh Discord Pictures good each one of these rooms was for one of us and they inside in the center the those are what we’ve been calling shoe boxes they’re called compact machines and you can shrink and go inside of them and it’s like a whole room inside of a

Box but um if you go can you go back into one of those rooms um and we have little cage not cages but little like terrarium things in the wall with like a little house and a tree and stuff oh oh all right so to get in

There to get in there um you shrink and then on the ground underneath it you can see there’s a little like portal thingy that you walk through oh gosh what was the item every time I hit I I don’t remember but I know if it’s he used this SL scale command

But uh we did have that one at one point but I don’t think that’s the used to get into into these and these mailboxes actually work like we would leave little notes for each other oh I can’t look at that one station room room yeah you can only open your own

Mailboxes so I made a little stationary room um this is our s made server news thing that I update um and I had fun with that too um Jesus all of our pictures are ruined um you can get free station are you watching us you use the uh stationary to write the

Letters and then and then you use the envelope and then you go mail them the uh for the TV oh yeah the webay this is a TV and we used to play um music on it we would have dance parties in the middle right

Here it was fun when all four of us were online and we could have little dance parties listening to music on the TV you can sit on the couch and there’s a Winer and you can like put different [ __ ] you can put take turns putting YouTube on and stuff and this little

Center area was a place for us to have Pokémon battles so this is like a fun little little Hub Lobby thing for us like we get on and check our mail and like we could just hang out here I freaking loved the little terrariums and the way I rigged it up to

Access them I thought that was so fun gosh I completely forgot the name of the the black Game Boy item see I could sit in the chair and then over here was our guest I don’t remember how to even well I’m not going to show their names cuz uh cuz I

Don’t remember how much they did oh oh oh perfect perfect oh they didn’t have oh here it is yeah I don’t remember who it was but I want to see that picture oh right chiseled me right that was the this was a GU room this was an

Expansion cuz we we were going to have more people play but yeah this was the the chest uh the back end we gave everyone when we started these are what allow you to shrink but it’s not working ‘s the red one I’m in tears yeah you need the

16 there we go and then when you were small you can actually go into the cages that wasn’t important for meow because yeah one doesn’t have it’s important for me that with the whole making you walk slow because when you can just run around at full speed and

Jump at full height like it doesn’t really feel as much like you’re small but when you when it takes you 10 seconds to cross a lock you can actually shrink like so small that like you can’t see past the block you’re in May you don’t fit yeah that’s that’s that’s the

Trip you should fit you didn’t even try to go in no there’s a I can’t get any closer oh I’m walking away and I’m go back no no turn back to normal and then shrink again I think that fixes it oh god oh gosh did your hitbox not get updated or something

It’s we had this bug a lot we knew a way to fix it though I just don’t remember what it was I have never had problems with the one I used but that’s a shame oh maybe you do have to die to fix it so close try

Dying thank you stuff try dying I think I think that’s right I think you just have to Die I that oh nope not slash kiss I’ll be right back Kiss so this is inside dear I didn’t sh SL kiss this is inside the um the spaceship that’s above our spawn I love this so much um I was going to make this the Elite 4 and then need toite please tell was going to take you to a different

Elite Form at once we beat the uh the a gems you’d be able to access here and then you would stop on thoseo would take you to for hey Hello oh yep that worked I forgot how to navigate this but yet oh and now we’re inside well tiny C and then this was shrinky staff and this was uh Riley’s little characters then we built this little house that you can actually explore and live in if you wanted to super

Cute and there’s a way to get out I think you have to go in the back okay I’m back yeah got in there a little portal buy figured it out I love this so that’s actually water in the P but I made it look like the water I

Made it look like the water is the portal that’s really smart on I was bullying step um you can shrink down to like one out of 2048 or 4096 and I I think I gave her a chisel which will um mine one out of 512 mini

Blocks on a single block so like it it takes 512 clicks to get rid of a block like I kept making her smaller making your mind the block and uh eventually you can go to small enough what no you can go way smaller than that you can go to like one out of

4,096 no I mean the you get small enough you would oh have you never used chiseling bits uh I have well I mean it’s been on the servers but I never built anything with it I always thought it did like one 16th Blocks it has different settings um the smallest you can do though each face of a block is 16 by 16 I believe and the smallest you can do is one out of a face of those 16 516 so it it ends up being like there’s a it I think 512 is

Actually me under shooting how much it is but it’s suffice it to say it would take a very long time to mine it one tiny chisel bit at a time but eventually when you’re small enough you can’t even see past your block like I was standing like right in

Front of the block shoes on and at a certain point she stopped being able to see me like it just becomes fog in the distance so we can’t enter mizuki’s machine because if I remember it was it had a lot of uh had a lot of really cute

Pictures but I don’t think we can show that um don’t remember what work but I don’t remember step is the one with my convers s you got to show steps oh yeah we definitely have to show steps that’s like the best one this one is amazing but first we’re going to show

Mine just because it’s the it’s the next one I don’t I don’t think Ry did anything with hers uh but we’ll we’ll go look at mine no you R only played a couple times you build a huge freaking house thing though like really fast

So as you can see mine is very rich and magical girl themed want to make just a pretty mansion that uh that I can carry around with me and take on Journeys I left the fridge open oh no oh no it’s been open the food has definitely gotone several years probably close to

11 months now [Laughter] yes there we go good is [Laughter] new but yeah this was The Shoe Box I going take with me on on our our ring trips and when we explored the world whenever I wanted I could just come back in here and have a wonderful relaxing

Time if I felt stressed while exploring go ahead music go ahead yeah so we both really like we both really like the idea of having like a portable base that we can bring with us um like I tried to specifically limit mine so that it wasn’t just like a full full base

Like there were still reasons to go back to our actual base but it was really neat being able to just like in the middle of a cave at like y level five just be able to drop down our shoe box and go in and have a whole base where we’re safe

Yeah uh ever since I played um Starbound or Starcraft or whatever it’s called but not the not the Bethesda game but the but the game where you it’s like 2D Teraria okay yeah is that play back in that the idea of this spaceship in the

Sky was so inspiring to me that I really can’t play open world crafting exploring games like this without having some kind of substitute for it because it it makes uh because a big part of what I don’t like about Minecraft is I can’t teleport to my home base like I like if

I’m a thousand blocks we have to travel a thousand blocks to get back home and this is the ability to feel not Tethered to my days while still having that days element still oh it’s reallyy oh my gosh yeah remember I I mentioned that uh

I had a little OC named roomy who would uh would live in the world with me and yeah this is Roy my witch escaped some point I had a wit yeah I’m love I so much we’re going to go ahead and enter this room without I I I hit a secret

Room behind a naughty picture but we’re not going to look at at the yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I have a big uh computer here that uh you know you could just sit out and just do your work quick quick quick quick Quick’s a prin here’s a printer and I’m

A printer there please to sit and watch the fireplace there used to be my most favorite items though I don’t know what happened to them I I guess they just vanished but that’s Okay oh and these These are every male that Riley Mizuki and staff sent to me I just want to hang them on the wall because I cherish them so much I’m L that when people would send me like letters and stuff yeah the letters thing was a lot of fun

Like you could like just send in each other little letters that I don’t know like we were talking to each other every day constantly anyway but it’s stuff fun all right and then we go through the naughty picture and then there are two ways to go I well there’s only one way

But this is my little safe po Pon Center so like if I need to heal my Pokemon or the teleporter and I didn’t know it you and yeah all the pictures on the yeah I can’t really show that side but all the pictures on this wall were were

Just characters that inspired me in one way or another I can’t really show them off but you get the idea I just pictures I really find attractive but also they’re of characters that inspired me for one reason or another uh it’s just a hot spring it’s just a fun place

To heal my Pokémon then there was one more I see pul on one of those pictures piure who at trulie from too I could have been mistaken oh yeah there it is and then this I made Muki make me this bad like I commissioned her to make

Me this bad and ah it’s so Amazing I forgot about the lazy curtain bed oh after I made this Mizuki made laser walls God kind surprised looking at stuff that I made what like damn I really did that yeah I just wanted a room that you know like I can wear like sexy L

And and I had a b that complim and yeah after we if you look at my after we made those guide me if you look at my like actual building skills compared to decorating like the fanciest I get is like putting an overhang or a

Roof oh my God there is a bunny named secret here in this whole time yeah she’s been here the whole time meu you never knew it I her for you funny for way longer than just the just a YouTube channel guarantee she’s around 1.16 world as [Laughter] well wasn’t This

1.2 wait she both of our she hid her from me for over a year as as you a long time to let a joke go for no payoff I think it was a payoff no no no I me say it’s paying off right now no as we speak

No uh secret is I I think I told you like she’s just she was my pet rabbit uh when I was little and I kept her a secret from everyone and just let them let people find her naturally and yeah now you found it CU your parents has let you keep a

Rabbit like notice all right the only place left to look at is shrinky stuff I already forgot what I was going to say after uh I made that Dad Muki loved the the curtain idea so much that uh she put the curtain here like my requesting

That that bed was a big inspiration for mizuki’s building stuff and I love that yeah I I love the laser curtains I transpar things in general I [ __ ] both PL musy is a each of these has different characters in it I know in mine tiny Riley I don’t know if the

There’s more characters than mine that’s my old model by the way that’s my old musicame model it’s not the one I use now but yeah tiny music those stuff’s old character mine has an actual house Sor sorry panties it’s no problem it’s a CO very cool world we are GNA be playing Minecraft

Again tomorrow and you’re more than welcome to join us again tomorrow yeah I will I will she is one of my bigger Creations oh it is yes that’s stuff what you say m nothing yeah these all originally had our pictures on the front of them too I love this so

Much it was my idea to add theed all over this place uh Mizuki asked me stuff that she would recommend putting it up by by m when you look at the box from outside it says Taylor’s old shoe [Laughter] box Taylor’s C shoe box didn’t realize my model was messy up

Um so okay point of note that wooden chest over there um if you put stuff in it uh it sorry s there’s a wooden chest and there’s a uh like Hopper thing next to it or something um one of the things I would make Steph put her her personal

Shrinking device into it so she couldn’t get out and it would suck the item out into the Overworld so she wouldn’t have access to it then there’s another Port outside that puts items into that wooden chest so I could like give her items oh that’s the

Hopper right there yeah so like I’d make her give me her things so she could get out and I’d like give her food or whatever and you can go in the shoes too like I made it so there like buildings I don’t remember what loot things i r

Over the place so you might want to be careful I forgot about that oh yeah yeah I forgot I made her give me her thing and then I was was supposed to put it back before I went to bed and I forgot so like she logged on

The next day and was just stuck in the Sheep that’s so good you yeah it wasn’t even intentional which makes it kind of Better over hold boy St you could probably show them my do so be careful about looking it those three walls but I think they’re like pretty safe for work art if I recall I would agree but I recently heard that even just under boobers is not allowed on on on

Twitch and that made me really scared to show the pict pictures oh there I think I’m get hi M I love your box so much it’s so great but I actually think I’m going to avoid it can you like briefly just um turn off the display like for the stream and go

In it and see if they’re like okay to look at yes maybe just punch them out if they’re not you don’t have like a backup of this world it’s actually not uh very easy to do that so like the block that the pictures are on is like the size of a

Sign but it has options to like scale the picture up so like you can’t just punch the picture you have to punch the right block well then just play The Guessing Game win time so this box is empty except for pictures so I think the box that we’re

Thinking of is currently in your inventory cuz this one didn’t have anything in it except for pictures you’re going have to like use some commands to figure out that and probably take some figuring out yeah Alo I have homework for right now did you hear your homework that you have to do

Sweetie but yeah this is our 1.12 world and I love it so much there are other builds that are here somewhere they’re like out in the world and stuff but we’re not going to show those today maybe we’ll show them again some other time but there might exciting as the

Pokémon Center the Pokémon Center was really what we wanted to show off yeah there’s a a bike tunnel too with bikes on both ends of it I thought was fun oh our featur onama tubes for gotot about those use the tube to go to the Pokémon

I think that’s the longest route and you can like see how far it g guys we had to like run these things [Applause] underground I ask someone in chat like I know it seems like Alonzo didn’t hear me but can someone please like equp when I

Did my magic spell earlier in the Stream if you can’t that’s okay I understand but I would appreciate it yeah I think that’s the entire that’s everything they show I think it’s so wonderful go need it Leah do you have the ability to get obsidian right Now we’re just going straight into talk about the actual world uh that’s why I’m working on next oh okay great I uh I was trying to start up Ender iio and after like an hour of [ __ ] around I realized I can’t get obsidian cuz I don’t have a diamond

Pick cut you off and divert the conversation SP did we want to on 16 world or did we want want to just move to the 1.20 world let’s just move to the one20 for this Stu cuz we’re like an hour and a half in me and Leo kind of just hopping

Around we in particular I’m T out after time I’m out to but yeah a pyramid I’m glad you all got to see our world I loved how much it how well it turned out um what so yeah it look pretty good oh thank you P we’ll show off the 1.16

World another time that was the one where we did a lot of more stuff with our shoe boxes more so than that we overwhelm yeah yeah we made my whole spaceship I’m going to go quiet again and then I wrot the 1.21 so theed box so our current world that we’re in

Is not nearly as impressive we’re pretty early into it um kushu built a house and she built some like facilities for animals and we bu a tunnel and we a dug a tunnel but I that’s not always C done um weirdly we got animals done like

Right away um I like I feel like I don’t usually mess with animals for a while but like we just ended up having like all of them like deep chicken cow was ended up and llamas ended up having them here so she built this whole like underground thing oh Ki disappeared

Entirely it’s gone now to the Minecraft Dimension all my cute little stream avatars be gentle is what’s it I said be gentle no promise it takes so long to load sometimes I used to um back when I smoked I would like sometimes would just before I started smoking I would just boot the

Game up because like I know when I’m ready to play it’s going to take like at least five minutes to get into the game oh yeah yeah it takes a while and there Oho what did you need um this is also my first time playing on 1.20 like so personally I don’t really

Care too much about the vanilla changes like some of them are really neat of course like the underwater rework was cool and the expansion to caves and stuff but like I feel like most of the the changes to Minecraft over time have like large Liv stuff I didn’t care too

Much about like they all seemed like largely exploration focused and like when I play maded Minecraft I usually do a lot of the machine stuff so I’ll spend a lot of time like building up machines and wiring and um just setting up uh like environments for it and like it

It’s not really like how you’re supposed to play Minecraft per se but because of that it it didn’t really matter that much to me when it was like oh if I only play 1.16 I don’t get the negative 60 y level thing but it was like it doesn’t matter to

Me yeah I 100% agree although I do pop off every time there’s a new tree we do love our new for some reason these ter BL trees I love collecting all the woods and I never build Orchards or anything I I I don’t even do anything with them I

Just like having them around I just like knowing that the woods exist like I might not be using this but I have 5,000 of it in a drawer I don’t know if anyone recognizes this character that um that I’m playing as here this model but um she’s from a

Music video and she was what musicy was originally based on um and then I like made a bunch of changes to her to like make her my own character um Pearl still has a pause so you can’t see it but I basically did the same thing with M oh did you was your character based off someone else too it’s here we are at long finally an hour and a half I been waiting I’ve been waiting to do this stand in the look at Leah let’s see

Leah oh no it didn’t work Why didn’t it work a the wrong item wrong item you got to punch hering like you’re attacking her okay now I got I got it I got it there we go no can shrink other so tiny two I don’t think this one makes you move don’t

Anymore pack that’s the good size mods yeah we got to add that later I almost wanted to add it before the stream but I was like no it’s going to [ __ ] it up going to third person B amazing I know if uh she could get a lot bigger than this

Too that wasn’t as big as I can get I just so I see you Guys check this out hello what wa hied up Leah I I literally can’t see anything what happened where am I that’s so [Laughter] good I don’t know how to drop you though oh no being stepped on is that what’s happen it like attached to my legs oh

Wait I see it well on in first person it looks like you it looks like you pick her up again and she is I don’t know how to drop her press shift and oh no you you hit you sneak you hit sneak I think it’s how you get

Out yeah that’s what I did or no pick her up again real quick turn this off Googling it okay than you I I have yet to be able to put her down all right well she’s she’s walking around in the world it’s oh is she she next to

CL okay you killed me too I forgot about that we had that bug happen before that kills Giants oh my normal size we um I remember we we had this glitch before where it was like being break out but the other person couldn’t tell like like on my screen you never like left

It I got to show you what we can do on one of these days yeah it’s neat we got see we like full size cuz we only put size stuff in here is like a little fun afterthought thing but it sounds like you servers are made for it I put

It size was the primary reason I it so much cool stuff I I mean I I love the the Cherry gr it’s so pretty the falling I just adore it so much had a cherry one yeah yeah it’s I had a mod with cherry wood and I personally think it

Looked better than this wood but the tree themselves this tree looks better but the Cherry what I had I agree I I agree I think the Cherrywood in the mod was a lot better but I think these trees are overall better everything else like aside from how they

Look but these trees win yeah also the air yeah the stuff that you can build with these trees look really pretty but go ahead will you say music oh yeah I was just going to describe the wood it was like a kind of dark red like Maroon or something almost I don’t

Remember exactly but I remember I love it also I wonder Ste many and this you just right are you serious you my back yeah right yeah I got where to go well I stole your Shir I can change the setting now I just To you’ve been you’ve been got little tiny me you sits right in the shoe I can just see her legs walking from inside yeah so here is our um animal I nothing too special under over here a bra I mate she triy to tell you a few times a bridge to access the pass this Canyon that we have cuz I can we go over there to those trees to get our wood and uh yeah I would like see

You yes I love this stick so much they do not block arrows though we found out the hard way yeah well don’t worry do not black area did you say you had a problem where like the person would appear to be like still stuck to your leg or

Something yeah I you I’m still riding you’re still carrying me right now but but yeah when I get off you’ll still it’ll probably still look like it looks like Me’s in your cage really that’s yeah my feet are sticky that’s that’s that’s the best that’s we got the best seat this is our

Mindar no other chairs it looks scary but the way you access It Is by just taking a Dive there we go we’re inside the mine very bottom of it did fuus 63 you know I should probably give you these back I Le to get back up I made a boat elevator similar to the minecart elevator but it’s a lot thicker because it has to be a 2 by

Two it works the same way oh the Minecarts these hold right click and you climb up to the top so like we actually have teleporter BLS in this game yeah yeah I found that out later clicking it first and I don’t know if you sawu but uh I did a few things like

Not much but Leia found freaking diamonds and has a giga furnace over here she done her own that doesn’t even smell faster far as I can tell what is the point of it it was a disappointment see something yeah this is a more convention looks dangerous which

Uh uh don’t worry I put water at the bottom but you still have to be careful I like to put like layers that you can like go to so uh just just be careful oh I I almost hit C this furnace oh uh I don’t know if you saw in this pack but

Uh hammers a hammer yeah you remember I was trying to find drills cuz I drill and then I on and Le just throws me a hammer I was like I can’t believe this I saw that the thing I was trying I saw that like 2.1 right away

Two block one block wide M I like oh I can impress them with this I should have gone to try and find a drill I should have I should have searched for 3×3 that would have that would have helped me I would have found the Hammers yeah I was going to use

Aral I think mining gadgets is yep yep that was one I wanted to build them mining gadgets was one option and I don’t remember gadgets is a bit expensive though cuz it’s like just a whole bunch of diamonds you need for some of its stuff like yeah

I I have it bookmarked but yeah you need like five diamonds to make it and we hadn’t found any yet uh I know Ender iio has one but like every every drill like thing that I could make was too expensive but hammers like that’s [ __ ] awesome I love

Hammers get to touch pretty easy though so uh probably make that at some point like the diamond cost is expensive but terms of other resources it’s very cheap so probably worth actually like making those and using that but for now we have hammers and forever to go up yeah should install

Prob that would take forever to build so you guys yeah um for like two ender pearls you could probably create teleporters that go talk to bottom I don’t know what their range limit is it might not go that far it’s three well each teleporter costs one each teleporter costs one and you need

At least two teleporters for it to do anything but you might need a third or fourth you guys saw them in the one point the one yeah we have them in the one point you just Crouch or jump you crouch or jump and it like teleport you up or down to the next

Elevator like that was what we for this m well I mean okay yeah yeah you’re right they’re not they’re not technically teleporters yeah so it’s not much but this is our little world uh and you already saw my um my shoe box in this world not too much going on there oh

The your mind’s an empty 3×3 thing with iron blockes like Manic quartzes the walls and floor toing I like I like not really able to do much since uh you haven’t been on when I’m on cuz like I don’t want to start like building a house or something

Cuz I suck at it and there’s no room in this house so like I like I’ve been like Mining and getting like resources ready for the tech mods and stuff but I like don’t have anywhere to put stuff and like our chests are all getting full and

I’m just like hoping I log on and there’s like a [ __ ] Mansion you built while I was asleep or something I tend to do that but this time I only Built a bridge while you were gone yeah um is that okay if we take a break

Um I got to use the party and I just want to want to stand up for a little bit but we’ll be back in a couple minutes if that’s okay me take a few seconds to stand up yeah I mean I just want to stretch my legs yeah I’ll be right back everyone

And we’ll get started on play Minecraft good thing we made that be right back screen yes w N Then you can smoke the dust we’re back we’re back I keep touching The keep touching the cable the the fire that uh M uh Leah said are next to our house with fire place oh yeah here I’ll put I’ll put a little safety on the Fireplace you can put sticks above it I’m a little confused on building this thing it needs steel to build it right but to make steel you need a thing called cold dust which you can’t get without the [ __ ] machine that I’m trying to build another way to get it

It’s the the Sagal the Double R or it’s one of those weird things where it’s not a recipe it’s like hold this item and do this thing and shift right click a block of obsidian while holding flint and three coal so weird they I’m steing some know you can bu the

Squeezer can a chest for there it is I actually bringing my hor stuff and putting in that chest what the why is the squeezer so cheap what the heck well no no squeezer is appropriately priced why is the sagma so expensive I have never been this St for

In any of my games you need them what was that one of the best mods that we’ve added that is so so convenient is you can just cck right click on the crafting table and instantly start crafting from here that having to set down the crafting

Table so amazing oh yeah yeah um okay so um okay guys I need three Co we only have two I already saw there’s only two more quite a few monsters out somehow despite TCH when did you get did you get a trident the enemies drop them careful will destroy

You oh oh yeah I definitely feel pretty disy the reason they there were so many enemies is cuz the Necromancer summoned them okay so I guess necromancers can spawn in this um mod pack there’s all these item armors and weapons with the fixes so like you can be a lot stronger

Than you would normally but the enemies can also have that armor with the fixes so like you might get a creeper with like plus 50% move speed something um first of all creepers can’t second of all oh you’re right yeah neveress with well you might get a

Skeleton I don’t mess with them but the enemy drops if an enemy drops an item and it’s like extra reach extra attack speed I’m like oh [ __ ] yeah it’s a lot better than my half broken iron sword where should I put the either of you have a single

Piece do either of you have a single piece of coal I just need one coal I’m looking for coal I’ll find you some coal give me just SEC thank you I kind of I appreciate that they redid the Y levels stuff um like even though it’s more inconvenient now it’s

Like before it was basically just go to Y level 12 and stay there like and you can just get everything at y level 12 except like uh uh copper or something from this one mod but like everything else you can just get it y level 12 and

Now it’s like you actually have to go to the appropriate areas to get the appropriate things and that’s why U that’s why I built my own drop shoot because you can’t do that with your big water drop thing plus you know I had the hammer

Wait what you think I might as well use it Hammer basically made this the equivalent of digging one block oh you got a cool [ __ ] yeah thank you we have been like perpetually out of coal like I’m cooking [ __ ] charcoal thank you now we can get play make this four Multiplication yeah we haven’t had very much luck with digging in this world yet Me oh the nether portal should just oh um okay you got C shoes kind of the read on that but I prefer it not be like right up by our base cuz I don’t like hearing the Pigmen and stuff when they come through I I need that back though you need

One I need the the obsidian I had to place it first but I actually have to use it now I only need two I’ll give you the rest back in a second IR are we making a dark Steel so I so did you give power the SAG

Maill it’s perent so I I think it’s tree to power I could be wrong NOP no it takes power F I don’t actually know what the engines are generator as I remember is easy to craft and gives a good ratio oh hell yeah what’ you say it’s called sorry all

Generator RF tools power here I can I can craft it real quickly me scrunch up all the all the pieces f it that is actually very easy to make sound like I’m kind of spoiled by thermal Series where like everything is reasonably affordable and like now that

I was like trying to use ender iio and it’s like want all this crazy stuff right away like like I don’t even have diamonds yet I’m like with thermal I go on one mining trip I get a bunch of iron and like some Redstone and I’m good for

A while but .io it’s like oh you want to start get it done oh my gosh I was going to do mechanism oh mechanis yeah I’ve done mechanism but that one I have to like read a [ __ ] guide for cuz it’s like complex I like it it looks pretty but

It’s like it’s hard for me to do I mean I already figured out all the complex stuff and you only have to do most of it most of the time especially if you just want to just I don’t want been just excited To I have a very specific reason why I want to do mechanism it is the easiest passest power generation mod ever oh is it really I only did it once so I’m not familiar with it and my experience experience in the early game extremely efficient for how cheap they are they’re

Basically passive they you just have to build up a couple of hundred blocks it’s tedious but you only have to do it once and then you can just place down 64 wind turbines for not and not in considerable resource cost but manageable depending on the

Pack and then you got like 10,000 RF a tick coming in or something silly like that I remember um back when industrial craft was a thing um there were solar panels and there was another mod that had wind and water turbines I can’t remember what it’s called now though doesn’t sound familiar to

Me yeah Sol and ring a bell it’s industrial craft is too old for me I barely remember most of it oh yeah and good with there was also like build I didn’t really like either of those bcra mcraft was a classic song is good it gets up

Pass I loved songcraft so much it was so fun being able to make your own dimensions and being able to being able to just like make your own private world it was kind of like my shoe box before I knew about the shoe box uh mod that was a thing in

Farmcraft I did not realize uh mcraft I’m sorry mcraft is what I’m thinking of cuz it was based off of the game M which was a game where you traveled through books and stuff we have RF tools dimensions in this pack which is basically miscraft except instead of books that’s

Technology that’s not even the only mod we have the is you new like there’s another one that lets you create Dimensions but we also have we also have the aether mod installed which is like a sort of like Heavenly realm thing if I recall but I’ve never played

It and yeah and I I think um I think BuildCraft and Industrial Craft both had steam engines I think okay where am I building the nether portal I got a bunch of Obsidian that was a question h on sorry I’m just eating an apple teach give me an Apple oh I heard you laugh and I thought you just didn’t like fully the question do something um no sorry it’s um it’s just a I’ve been um trying to think of a way to

Build a a house in the sky and I haven’t really thought of uh like what we were going to do with the the Nether and stuff like I wanted to build like a like a boat or a spaceship in the sky as like our main base where we keep all of our

Items and stuff we’re going to convert this house into a um house like this um oh gosh like a like a little station where you can load up all your items so you can so you can uh just be ready for an adventure there’ll be like your your

Stop for adventuring station where you load up all your armor and stuff uhoh my I’m trying to it item Somehow oh no me trying to do that happened to me the other okay what happened to me once oh gosh is backpack mod not stable what’s it I mean sophisticated backpack used to be almost as far as I know it’s very stable but I guess we always make a I delet by the

Way that was an accident we um we make backups by you can hit a when you’re in when you’re in ji you can hit the a button and it’ll add a bookmark to the left and um if you bookmark a container that has stuff in

It it it will contain those items if you spawn it so like when I spawn my backpack it has like my shrinking device in it and stuff oh I did not realize it worked like that M did you make those two teleporters I did not I don’t think well

We still have two ender pearls but I I thought you made them actually cuz remember remember I got on and I was like what happened to our ender pearls I don’t know how to make the elevator oh oh my gosh it’s so easy okay yeah it’s it’s only two w it’s only

A wool and an ender pearl that is super easy yeah they they really keep outside of needing an ender pearl but like you end up wanting a lot of them cuz it’s like once you have one it’s like well I want one on every twostory building

Now oh my God there’s so many steps to make this stupid thing and I’m like I keep not having the materials to make it like I like oh I’m missing one stone I have a very speci specific thing I’m speed running to and it is of course refined storage I want that

Up I I want to be able to put things in the magic box and never have to I personally prefer the aesthetic of uh applied energistics too but I did refine storage once and it was like oh my God this so much easier yeah I yeah

Is refin there is a command you can use to disable the channels what’s that Sho is refined storage the computer mod that like you type it in and it no gets different computers that’s that’s applied energistics too that’s applied energistics too refined storage does the same thing

Basically but it’s like like easier to set up if I recall um I I think apply looks prettier because I like the the Sci-Fi aspect of it but but yeah refined storage is a lot more Accessible yeah my goal is get mechanism get wind turbines get refined storage that’s that’s the priority oh my Sagel needs a capacitor oh right probably should mention that one at some point but I wasn’t sure it was still in20 like that I it’s easy to make at least like oh my God another

Step no I don’t need obsidian for this one I actually have everything I need thank you it’s always nice starting in i a bit then you would just have like bunch of capacitors lying around from dungeon booth and it would be like oh nice okay um come on a qu

Ey we we now have a sag Mill to double our ORS so any or you get don’t smelt it put it in a sag hey thank you for telling me right as I started IR I I’m genuinely surprised you didn’t know about this because like almost

Almost every Tech mod has a way to double your ores but I know mechanism does and you you should definitely know about it from mechanism I mean obviously I knew I just did process that oh you’re making it right now right this second so maybe I should hold off on smelting this okay 100 iron before we get this e theys what’s the easiest what is that grinding B I think it’s like Co or

Something is a copper one oh it’s a jockey oh no oh no oh no okay it’s a jockey oh where did he go where did he go by the way another Jackie let me see you on the map here two dockies I’m across the bridge Gathering

Flowers oh yeah I guess there’s a range limit on the map or something cuz I don’t see you anymore that’s okay Leo why are these furnaces in the air oh [ __ ] Are they block the fire no uh you remember no just I thought you moved it

But I I thought I had one there on the ground and you moved it but now I remember I didn’t have one there oh mo forgot about P Nownow oh um Le are you actually try to meis cuz I have a I have a bunch of like mechanism specific ores in my portable base thing I like I put them away cuz I know doesn’t need them and they’re just taking up space well yeah you should probably put

Them in the end place there cuz I’m going to start it at some point I think first thing I need to do actually to get more diamonds and then I’m going to put them in this chest out here cuz our chests in there are like full oh

No it’s only some of these are mechanism that’s fun hi boys nice to meet you oh I almost oh no leave me alone you win you win help oh I’m coming back I’m coming back to the base should he dominates the neighbors yeah I just wanted to explore that pretty

House that was it that’s all I wanted to do I was okay admittedly I was playing on stealing stuff that I found so maybe that was wrong so maybe they might have been justified in shooting me we really need some more space for a house yeah I’m curently making

Um the tars to start building the house oh nice Le’s making gravel um they go is to make sand actually and then turn that into silicon and then turn that into copper alloy and then turn that into copper alloy grinding balls just for a little boost think if you put the ground back

In there it’ll turn it into sand too so you can get even more yeah that’s the goal Happ Rebecca chat I have no idea what they’re talking about don’t tell them it’ll be our secret they’re doing complex mods that I’ve never even heard of the Ender aisle has not been around

For a while like guess it recently came back hello sheep you you you’re randomly in in the middle of nowhere I’m going to die you green a dark gray sheep now steal It hello sheep kidnapping you you get up in you too are we still in the sheep for so the BR to the house cuz there one of them is a different color Dy that I don’t have oh H they broke free no come back boys where’d your lead go so

I H I’ll show you guys my um my shoe backs in a little bit it works a little differently than it did in our 1.12 World um it can basically be any size that we wants the 1.12 World it had to be 16 by 16 that was like the Max and if you

Tried to get out of 16 it would uh give you wether and it kick you out of the shoe box so what I’m going to do uh but then need the ones on this world they don’t kick you out at all which is amazing cuz that means I could

Build an entire city and stuff out into the into the shoe box I can make my own little like entire world and base and like stuff that I can just keep inside of my pocket and take with me whenever I go on adventures and stuff but um but um

In was L it uh uh we decided to have a limit on it so that you couldn’t just use it whenever you want it so what we decided was uh we’re going to have tear it’s going to start as a 3X3 and then a 6X 6 and then uh 16x 16 from

There and uh after the 16x 16 then we can dig outside of our little box and then we can just use the Infinite Space outside of the box uh we haven’t decided what the cues are going to be but but we decided I bet we’re going to make them

Um uh what’s the D andd term um it’s not level uh it’s a checkpoint or it’s a d andd term for Lev one um yes sir I forgot what it’s called um um it’s like when you get a sh in the story that’s when you level up instead

Of using exp you use this other system anyway um but uh regardless um we don’t remember what the tears we haven’t decide what the tear past 3×3 are but the first point is going to be just getting in the another once we get into the ne for the first time we’re

Allowed to break out of our 3×3 and then move into the 6×6 so about that and then from there we’re going to have to just decide if you’re wanting to do it like the way it was with the shoe boxes it’s supposed to be 3×3 5x five 7 by S 9 by 9

11 by 11 and 13 by 13 are the sizes if I’m not mistaken uh I don’t care if you want to do that the six though I’m sing out a bit in the in the other mod it was 5×5 is the next tier yeah I just built it to because it

Was symmetrical when we if you go if you take the 3X3 and then you go two blocks out and then you build there and then you build two blocks out there it was always a perfect two squares for the natural black box to the G so I just use the black box as

My my way point how would you like By because I just uh well it’s a 3 by but then it adds an additional three more blocks cuz it’s the block that uh was holding the 3X3 in that makes four then it’s two more after that so six we has built the Nether I would love to to go into The

Nether right now but I’m not can I go into The Nether until I’ve made our first base what did you say you don’t know what I definitely don’t think we’re NE prepared but I said I’m not able to visualize this like what you’re describing with the 6×6 thing it sounded

Like you were describing a 7 by seven but I was like okay I don’t get it it might be S by seven but I now have enough wall to make the just taking a PE another there’s nothing I particularly need from here right this second so I I

Just built it because I had the obsidian and you said it was a tier so I’m like I bones that’s that’s what we’re here for get these bone blocks grow some trees I thought we had Spruce you have Spruce somewhere we do have Spruce sapl yes I’ll go grab

Them well they’re not in the plant bar we went on a tree Expedition I no they they weren’t I put them in a bad place that they don’t belong in cuz I was silly oh there my your pocket bres are oh think it’s not here but here okay okay here are some

More that’s all okay all right coming back to this oh no I lost my torches I love my elevator is a a squeez squeeze him like a b what if you actually need the squeezer before now that now that we have the SAG bu does that like confer some other benefit

Uh un real Mostly oh uh look up look at the recipe for raw iron we’ll see you get some nice ratios for that the mechanical squeezer specifically you get three per or wait five strong fine well two of those have 50% chance of being yeah thank you for this is that

Strong why is that so strong um no idea mod balancing it used to be even more strong for no reason on the number one pack I played you could get 12 per or and I’m like why how is nuts hey got me zoo that might have just been a custom

Thing but yes that is that’s why I wanted so touch over 14 thank you feel free to borrow the coal generator if you need it for your thing I put the last of the cool in the aloe smelter here these are spr saplings by don’t expect me to be organized I’ll try to

Respect but not always right right now we basically just have everything shoved in the closet is our storage system but once once we havei storage it won’t really matter access it all from a computer screen you better put down that big torch somewhere that’s that’s what’s blocking mob

Spawns oh oh I I put the torch underneath the elevator it’s still there oh come on go cut down some trees I like how build a house you just built a large enclosure yeah through houses often it’s like oh good enough deal with skeletons you think I R to build a magnum

T the big Tor whatever it’s called in this back an environmental controller environment controller might be called you could put modules in it and want an to not have mob spawn within like 60 blcks and another was of night vision and healing while you’re at the Pokemon

Center area I thought that was pretty fun she almost used that thing on the Pokémon Center to make Ms not spine and and I had to save lth cuz she almost killed Lilith with it I was like that wait don’t hurt Lth so pretty up here black d so uh I guess that’s going to be an adventure so we just allowed to do SL time set day like can I just use commands to set the time today or you g to yell at me for that one oh how do we do that

I don’t remember how to step the time you can try it I don’t know if you have command oh okay there you go I’m up we don’t know have bed set up I have as much power as I deserve I don’t remember who taught me

The trick to climb up on top of the tree and dig down instead of starting at the bottom and digging up but my God that saves so much time oh yeah that’s same that’s how I always do it and there’s a and for like the 2 by

Two trees there’s a trick you can do to mine two blocks kind of at a time where if you like angle yourself just right you can do it so that once you mine one it automatically goes to the other h I think this Tre is just I like to just make a spiral

Staircase out of the tree and then dig down from there oh yeah that’s if you can see where I Ro our leg what I use the lther technique I I’ll show it to you uh if if I had a spruce sapling on me and some

Bone meal I would show it to you but basically you just put ladders on the tree and climb up it that way it’s that simple oh you get the thought you were saying this what the hell are you talking you can use a stone Powter in your inventory

Yeah oh Leah Leah watch this oh my gosh you use STS to make ladder oh be better like one of the first one of the first things I did was get a bunch of they’re so good I [ __ ] love them they’re amazing anyways yeah be a good me how is everyone in DOS

Have goad N now a lot of mod packs have this thing called tree capitator where it like you break one block on the tree and it FS the entire tree like in real life you know but it’s like it feels like incredibly convenient but then like it quickly feels really broken when you can

Mine like 200 wood and in like under a minute oh yeah yeah though you can kind of do that with the hammer right you can kind of do that with that’s still slower with Cobble depending on the mod some a hammer only works on rock type blocks

And not dirt type blocks and wood type blocks no it works ont in this one oh oh good good I don’t know if it does it work on one I I just it’ be great if it did but I haven’t tested yet but I guess I will

Soon I just mean that if you use the the mod to cut down the entire tree you kind of had it down at the same Pace as wor as the hammer collect Stone it doesn’t work on the tree gr it works on the tree but you don’t get the wood which is really surprising cuz like you don’t need a tool to get wood oh wait it deletes the tree it deletes the wood yeah it’ll break three wood but like the wood just doesn’t

Drop oh fa obviously isn’t the intent of the hammer this is almost certainly an axe that does something similar to that I I feel like axes always go from like it’s a normal fast axe to like immediately cuts down the entire tree it’s like can’t there be a happy medium

Here unfortunately this pack does have brania which means eventually I will be destroying entire Reco systems the Ste T thing Mizuki been weird in our yard I don’t know what they do put hor in the SAG Mill and then you can cook them in the thing to the right of it thinkinking

Machines don’t tell don’t [Laughter] tellu Cas you’ll never know what I really wanted was like I wanted like immersive um shrinking machine things like the compact machines which I imagine is really like super intense CPU intensive or something but like imagine if instead of right clicking the compact machine and then a

Loading screen happens like imagine like a little door opens on the bottom of it and you shrink and walk inside and it’s just like a full like full room at the correct size but it’s actually tiny but everything still works oh gosh yeah I would have that would be tricky to do

Like I know the immersive portals mod would let you kind of replicate that effect yeah but yeah I I I never us came to mind made me think of it yeah it’s incompatible with a lot of things maybe one day I’ll make a mod pack

But yeah I was I was never able to get it to work with with what I used but it looked really neat to me yeah I think it’s exclusively for fabric cuz we tried to we tried to do it before but it only works with uh Fabric and all of our mods were

Forge oh yeah I’m not about to switch systems I’ve never used Fabric and I don’t really know what it entails but I feel like the main mod scene is on Forge and I don’t want to like give up I’m familiar with just to get that that’s kind of weird in general

That they have two different like mod system things like you’d think everyone would just be on the same page with it uh I they have their reasons and I have no idea what those reasons are my only guess is the similar to a game engine where where every game

Engine when you’re building a game they can it’s good at certain things and it’s bad at other things and maybe for and fabric just can do certain things that uh du the other one can’t do I I don’t really know I mean that must be the case cuz

The mer course only works on fabric so yeah sometimes our mods are compatible with each other but not that one in our last server on fabric and I don’t know if I mentioned this but there’s a mod that literally let you like right click someone who’s smaller

Than you and you can like pick them up and it’s like they’re in your hand and it’s like it’s like everything you would dream of basically everything you would hope it would no I had to do some custom coding for the item stuff but you could like

Hold them in your hand and it’s like you know you can see your whole them yeah it’s it’s very fun I enjoy doing that of course was that the one that let you use a a piece of paper as a glider yeah I think it does have that

But it’s not goiv mod but I’m pretty sure was inspired by it I like gigant ISM or gigantic or something like that and it’s sadly fabric only and it’s not even on 1.20 we have to give up the why I my server fabric I’m trying to build our start

Building our base but I need um smelted uh Stone but we don’t have any coal I might give up the justco har trees well fortunately I am a big tree I’m coming back with two stacks of oak wood so we can just make some charcoal but there should be some coal

In allo smelter outside coal generator okay that there is a call in the smarter it’s just um no that work never mind okay I just didn’t want to take your okay my axe my axe broke like five trees ago and I’m just punch killing [Laughter] trees that’s no

Good Oho with known what happens when you right quick small when you right click small people hand and that’s what you do in my server not here unfortunately is that different from the inverted stups in like a meaningful way uh you hold them in your hand

Instead of wherever it was when you were doing them but like mechanically it’s approximately the same thing except mechanic it’s about the same thing you know you’re holding them you’re walking around yeah being being able to hold them in your hands way better than having them clipped inside your torso yeah for

Sure Austin get More cool actually I think I’m going to Pivot no I’m going to go get Cal I was going to say I was going to Pivot and go get charcoal but yeah I’m kind of charcoal yeah oh don’t know I always feel like collecting coal is a waste if you don’t have Fortune yeah

Know this is so much cool it’s like [ __ ] infinite this is like the only time I’ve ever been out of schol same Same uh we know we just started and like we’ve barely been mining and I Haven even you collecting Co nodes when I pass them oh I got to remember what SP Tool’s about to break I should Um I should uh save my tools so I can make my ARS Nar book with Them we did you place those on I gave you yeah no I think immed I did well just a spruce just this thing right in the middle of your field isn’t it well would be a problem I built it on the wall enclosure that I’ve never seen that that’s

Interesting uh it’s mostly so that all this grass doesn’t turn into podole oh oh that’s smart P is for but ugly as [ __ ] so what’s some drying Basin and squeezer combined they like do something together or uh you put mineral logs in the drawing Basin in the squeezer you

Squeeze them down and you get like a whole mineral block it’s how you get it’s the main way you get your initial Supply but ideally you want to upgrade to Mechanical almost immediately but then I remember those require Diamonds don’t worry Fam I’m I’m working on building a base as we speak I just need a lot more smelted Stone I plan on doing something a bit sneaky to get us a bunch of diamonds you’ll see eventually she’s breaking the the Diamond economy we cooking Stone in three different things right

Now welcome back Alonzo so earlier I gave you a homework assignment but you weren’t here to to receive it which is fine though I will penalize you for for being to wait for class I’m kidding I’m kidding better be a tour controller functional story I’m going oh I remember draw a

Controller yeah this is a different mod that is okay okay okay I remember this I remember this so basically wait wait yeah but basically you need the linking tool in order to actually use it that requires a diamond but don’t worry I am heading to the mines as we speak making preparations

I’m interested in what your sneaky get a bunch of diamonds well I have no idea if it will work it is completely untested and it will likely require a whole bunch of coal or charcoal I mean it’ll work I just don’t know how efficient or fast it will be

Follow um I can confirm from kush’s elevator that you can go at least 68 blocks and down go that get know good know I mean I don’t like was I mean I guess that’s probably a good sender pearls but you know exactly I’m right now

So I’ll do things the the stupid way for Now that’s right alono you got homework I’m off to the mine so earli in the Stream I I used a threatening magic sty on chair and I want you to Weon it was that before we were actually playing Minecraft H we w’t play me games back then your M shaft is very dangerous to fall to you have leges flipping out just go into the upper right corner you’ll be fine are you here to join me on an epic adventure

I just wanted to see what you were doing with your Idea but this isn’t the idea I need more diamonds to build it and I forgot torches fantastic oh here here here here 64 right there behind you thank you I have two steps I always keep um supplies in my backpack back like 64 sticks and 64

Torches and planks um in case I need to fantastic idea I should start do I can make you a backpack if you want I think we have all the stuff I just made one I just don’t wear it because of Aesthetics what are you doing mining

Right next to me want to mine like three blocks out because of like lock overlap I mean you know unless you can’t keep your eyes away from me that much yeah I’ll go over on it well first I want to fix this on even now and

I oh what this Hammer is Stone I I can’t uh I can’t mind certain or what that I just noticed uh it’s Stone yeah you you can make a IR one it’s not even that hard or expensive and I I don’t know why I’m using Stone when I have the other one But no you know we don’t have infinite iron yeah no iron is actually has been somewhat constrained lately I think I might I think maybe I should make an infinite uh charcoal Farm just seems like we need it you know how to do it what do you mean infinite I made

One 16 World remember no it’s not actually infinite it just it just Auto renew itself I you start have the man I m the Trees um the mod that we were using it Just no okay there’s a machine called the phytogenic insulator that grows trees or plants and it requires power and uh like some kind of compost and you it it’ll grow the tree inside of itself like it won’t physically grow a tree and it’ll just put the wood into its output

You tie that to a chest and then you just have an automatically refilling chest of of logs might not require compost anymore yeah I haven’t played this actually required it um I knew it was an option like you could uh do phog grow it was called it was definitely mandatory in some

Older packs I’m pretty sure yeah would makes sense I’m this it’s nice not being the it’s nice not being the one that knows the most about the mods cuz like like when I didn’t know how something worked in a mod when I was playing with just kushu and stuff I was like well

[ __ ] I guess we don’t know I’m so used to playing vanilla fru hello wolf ranger thank you for coming to our stream I’m just a hard cuz we are so startled for for coal in our World I’ve never been starved for coal before this is a very new Experience yeah I usually have to like just stop mining coal cuz it like I just get so much of it I’m like are you doing I need more than five steps on this TR it kind of takes a long time to mind if you don’t have like a 3X another four

Diamonds oh my God nice Mizu can you make me another not we’re using um I believe for the the Bas is D wolf 1.20 I don’t know but we we’ve added a few mods of our own to it as Well yeah it’s just the Direwolf 20 1.20 pack um and then we added like two or three mods on top of that this music is so pleasant and it shits my C really well it’s play me in that Zen Minecraft state um for anyone listening interested

In in moded Minecraft um Dy wolf 20 he makes one for like every version of Minecraft his are a really good like jumping in point and he does like a whole like 100 episode series for each pack where like he kind of teaches you the stuff as he goes like like he’s

Playing Minecraft but he’s like explaining what he’s building and what it does and stuff so it’s like a great way to like get started with a mod pack if you’re like new to modded MineCraft with Mods well there’s also a some certain mod packs they have like Quest books and

Those can sort of lead you along stuff but yeah it’s that’s also a good starting point probably better than just going with Quest Books it’s been a while since I’ve played the pack without Quest books to be honest I do these kitchen sink anymore yeah well you know I what’s

Kitchen course I started with kitchen packs I still know what I’m doing it’s what does k kitchen sink pack mean h it means it’s just a whole bunch of mods with no real Direction just like a collection of mods it’s like like what this is just a collection of mods I think only

Fancy I think I’ve only exclusively played kitchen sigmat cuz I’m like I want Pixelmon so bad but I also want ARS noar and like and then from I got backpack go meu I prefer these kind of packs just cuz um it’s fun to like learn all the

Mods and just have a bunch of different options but I have most of the mod packs I play they still have a whole bunch of mods and a whole bunch of different options but they also have a quest book and it varies how how they set it up depending on the

Pack but actually think about it all of my servers have been basically kitchen sink packs except the one that didn’t do very well so yeah oh thank you so much Mizu I appreciate it well that real sh oh is this an eighth vein of diamonds it’s an eighth vein of

Diamonds we are rich everyone Jesus Christ that’s right after a well give me good tonight don’t get out inventory space do you what are you trying to make you gave me that back what is this thank you I appreciate it what did you say there so what a world

Tree I said please do not eat Dying said we’re eating good tonight so diamonds delicious Diamonds whenever I put by myself I always only uh dig out two diamonds and that’s it and then uh from there I like I don’t dig up another Diamond until I get Fortune three I’m so I’m so like wait I have to have those extra diamonds yeah to make the enchantment

Table you don’t even get a diamond pick oh you and chance are really no no I enant I Enchanted oh yeah yeah I I first enchant the iron Tech into to get the for I get the diamond pick and then I CH that to get Fortune

Three yeah usually uh okay I’m going to be honest it varies a lot depending on the pack but mostly just don’t do Fortune because like it would take a lot of work to get I don’t like XP grinding and most of the packs I play I have some crazy set up

Anyways what you get a skeleton spawner uh XP farming is really easy but that’s not like skon spawners I think are the true I’d say in order the best spawners are skeleton and then spider and then nothing all the other spawners aren’t worth using unless they’re like special

Mobs well okay I mean I really like I like uh I like venom spiders a lot uh but I think overall SC are best mob do you have a mob spotter cuz they give those arrows not let to restart your voice thing and they it’s uh messed up three times in the last

Minute yeah just started acting up like a minute ago more iron you can’t smelt dust in the Primitive alloy smelter it’s so silly oh okay it’s because it’s an induction furnace I’m cooking 49 iron bsts and I got like five furnaces making stone for you kishu something that uh you were saying

Earlier how you don’t like the aesthetic of the backpacks um I remember in our last pack we had a mod that like let us toggle our visibility on and off and I was like I was playing as Lucina and I had a cape and a flame sword and like I

Didn’t like armor appearing on my character see I thought that was pretty cool but I don’t think we have it now yeah I look for that we don’t have it uh I could check which mod it is and see if we can add it in later oh yeah if you 1.6

In our 1.16 world we had these tiny stat on your backpack and that made the back the statues are great cuz I have cuz I have a little baby Mizuki hanging around on my statue on my backpack at all times I love this St that’s great y are cute sadly my most

Recent Server doesn’t have that but but you can pick up tiny people so it’s like you know give and take I have an idea for a short but I want to make soon that involves the tiny statues but I’m going to need me’s help

To make it cuz the only way to get the statue is for someone else to murder you so I wanted so I need me I’m wearing a very specific skin use commands or shoot it in gotcha I never figured out how to do that and the easy way is you never fig

Out well it’s just if you manually like if you added like an a statue with ji or whatever it wouldn’t uh give the skin that you’re wearing and I wanted specifically a a statue with a very specific skin yeah I think you have to like there’s a you can like rename it though

It I don’t remember if it’s in which version it is but in one of them you can like rename the stat statue to you and it would be your statue I love how these trap doors around our fence if you stand in front of it and lower it it like makes you go

In the swimming position where you’re like below the fence like sneaking through a little like tunnel Fork thing you made this is not the skeletons can’t shoot you obviously cuz you’re below the fence all right I’m going to get started on making the I’m making the the base thank you again for the

Me I did it’s still kind of messing up but I’m just going to leave it for now unless it gets really bad but I think we’re H so how do we feel about turning on keep inventory oh we had that on before yet uh what is it like SL gain rule keep inventory

T have to run back to my grave one last time oh you know you can just type slash back to go to your grave when you die right oh right right the only thing I don’t like with keep inventory is it you don’t lose your experience points either um so if you

Are doing enchanting it’s kind of like just cheating but we’re not really doing that right now so it doesn’t matter maybe turn it off later I but I mean you can use slashback as well and it’s like super fast and easy I I stop dying to be

Honest yes you know you get protection for you get like Terror steel armor or whatever is in this pack that’s good mechanism power armor really wanted to go crazy which I really don’t want to build another nuclear reactor I I honestly don’t like the more advanced mechanism stuff it’s just so

Many stupid machines that do all these stupid things that like you need like it’s not F yeah PARTA of what I meant when I said it was like complex or difficult for me like like I remember there’s just a bunch of machines and they all have like

Weird names compared to what I’m used to like enrichment chamber but I don’t know what the [ __ ] that does and like like like yeah yeah why basically only get as far as like I only get my toes into mechanism I only go far enough that I can get really fast melting really fast

Over dling really fast crushing and I call it a I don’t even really need to do that we have I’ve never done create to be honest well then you are going to see some impressive things this pack thinking about doing it cuz like I like the idea of of multi block machines

I think they’re like a fun idea but I feel like they also require some level of building skill to make them look good like like otherwise I’ll just end up with a don’t make them look all over the place oh right I I do need an ender pearl for this I hope we

Have well that’s going to be insan I don’t know if we do oh already here no no ender pearl even the shards are gone oh no okay they’re in this um four shards makes an under Pearl make you one it’s and now it’s Clay I yeah we grab clay in the waters kind

Of a [ __ ] of a distance away I’ll go try to get some clay cuz I’m just kind of hopping around while you’re there can you get H it’s some can you get some glass I get some sand we have a couple stacks of sand in that outside chest okay thank

You when you wants to just throw one of those into the furnace yeah I’ll do that now wish is some white s later yeah I think playing raft did [ __ ] wonders from my theophobia like [ __ ] D oh yeah like I was like I I’ve always been like terrified of darks

And deep water and stuff but like after just repeatedly going Toe to Toe with Moi like it was kind of just like that scary anymore like I kill this stupid shark all the time that’s great I’m glad to hear that did we ever fight the boss at that one

Island we never did that fully underwater place which didn’t really sound fun to like without the last it’s still underwater levels suck yeah if you were interested in playing uh playing again I can do that uh that portion for you and then we can hit it up later

Ian aren’t we like almost at the end of the game already though no we’re only at the first boss really we have we yeah I think we have four more uh Islands to go to I could be wrong I got 76 play is that enough Leah yeah I need 16 they’ll do for a bit gosh I feel if I feel so starved for concrete and other materials I’m like I miss our our infinite computer of infinite resources cuz I’m just like gosh I wish I could just build like 20 stacks of concrete right

Now don’t worry K I’m going as fast as I can yeah you’re doing theying concrete for unrelated reasons oh okay that’s what you meant okay I thought you were saying you’re Gathering concrete too and I was like that is a huge Co what are you um using ppat Fori I just like the color the colors are really pretty oh okay so for decoration but uh I mean I have diid and I still have the FL where I diorite goes with everything if you’re not careful every B you do won’t be nothing but St to die

Right it is a curse with the caveat that you have to first stone cutter it so that it’s not [ __ ] hideous yeah but I have a stone cutter in my pocket and you can use Stone Cutters in your that’s amazing oh you can use them in your inventory like uh the crafting table

Yeah that is incredible it do oh I was like what is happening but it’s the cloud RIP by a tiny piece of here we are on the ground click what there clay for on the ground all that use this stupid jumbo furnace to smell this CL so chats and things that

Uh that I want to start doing uh now that I’ve gotten all the patreon stuff and all the other stuff done and I have more free time some things I’d like to do are start doing like series streams I want to know what you guys thought about

That well once a week we have a stream that’s dedicated to yeah strange I like every like Wednesday will be like Final Fantasy 6 day and like we like Lau day and like it’s a it’ll be a stream that you’ll know exactly what’s going to play

No matter what week because as long as we’re playing that game as long as we’re playing that game in the series we’re going to keep playing that series until the series which is you know usually happens from yes I want to start uh streaming uh three times a week instead of two times

A week you streaming on your own do a series we already gotta we already gota do L Longs and sleepy time chats I don’t think I can do a third stream too on top of that if we weren’t doing that other stuff maybe yeah I mean feel free to to join the

Stuff that you want to join but that was just something that that I wanted to do you know then I would ask you if you wanted to do it with me of course like all the stuff that we do yeah it’s I mean the problem for me

Is like if we’re only doing two streams a week then that means 50% of our streams are going to just be the same game for like months at a time and that probably will get pretty boring for people who are particularly interested in that game um I don’t think

It’s like super necessary to know like a month out that we’re going to be playing that cuz I mean like we we kind of like just pick our games like a few days before we stream anyway and like we’ve already been doing like like we played raft like three separate times and we’re

Like played a few games a few times like we’re already kind of doing that just not on like a a strict of a regiment I guess oh here is some for you oh oh thank you it’s always appreciate it yeah like obviously if of something

You want to like just just do on your own that’d be fine but I feel like there’s like too much work now for me to also be doing a third stream cuz like we already have to do a third stream every other week for the watch alongs and we

Also have to record those sleepy time chats in private which is like basically a mini stream yeah I understand what you’re saying the nice thing about the Sleepy t uh Chad so is um they’re only an oura so they’re like they’re they’re easy to commit to I

Guess and then like if we wanted to we can like record like three at a time and then that would be you know all all that we’d have to do for like 3 months right I don’t know how we to record three at a time he like we have a whole hour long

Conversation and then it’s like all right let’s start a new different conversation for an hour yeah I mean I I am I’ve always been interested in like doing certain like games multiple times like like before we even started I wanted to do like a raft series thing cuz I remember watching uh

Markiplier play it for like 60 [ __ ] episodes I didn’t watch it but I saw B had like 60 [ __ ] episodes of it and it looked fun to me and this should be a fun thing to stream several times and like have people like see our progress go up over Time yeah I would like to get back to R I always always enjoy that game but it does get to a point where you kind of just get burnt out on it cuz like like you said like we had all the crafting items we kind of we were on the verge of

Finishing our boats and stuff yeah like that like that it reached the point where it like I basically would lose interest for the most part cuz like we had basically everything on are and we were basically finished with a revamped boat and it was like we didn’t really need resources or

Anything anymore for the most part like we like once we finish the boat like we basically have everything you know and so then it just becomes do these little mini Adventure Island things and I never thought those were like all that fun like I was more interested in the actual raft stuff

But yeah I mean it’s the same problem I have with modern Gra like you just you reach a point where you have so much stuff done and you have so much power and it’s just like what’s Left I I agree for the most part um though Minecraft is a game where I always return to it if you look at the hours I put into each game that I play every year the two that are always always always going to be the ones that

I put the most hours into is uh is Minecraft and a ring hit Adventure yeah plus like Minecraft is like you can always find a new mod pack after a time so it’s like not like a new experience but like very different like what I do with like just Exactly I skeletons around I put down the Magnum torch for a reason is this Necromancer there should be a master the master torch should still be there I put it underneath the elevator so it’s still there yeah it has to have exposure to exposure to the

Sky it was doing this before you moved it we were wondering why the necromancers were spawning oh okay it’s going to say a minute ago well hi every time I play Minecraft again like I always come back to it but every time I play I like try

To play a different version or mod pack because cuz it’s like like I know there’s new stuff in it now there are things I haven’t experienced in this pack like I’m not just like restarting a game I’m playing a different game in a sense so it’s like it’s always something

I come back to cuz there’s always something new and new builds to do again I’m not a builder but yeah what you it’s for bless not a hurry we’re kind of closing in on 4 hours on the stream and I’m St to lose a little bit of steam thank you so

Much I appreciate it you spent like the first hour and a half not playing with you I’m sorry I hope that wasn’t boring for you and Leah well I mean it was fun checking in I like see stuff yeah I’m glad I’m glad I think I might become super spoiled to

This using a crafting table in my inventory I can see this being something that I will demand to have for the rest of my Minecraft career well some CS have like crafting table on a stick yeah yeah I I used to use crafting table a stick I I actually prer this right Click I prefer the right click the table much because thefting table on a stick uh you have to be holding the item to use it which means it has to occupy a space on your hot bar um well I guess opening your inventory anyway I like the advanced crafting table on

The stick because it’s actually a nine slot bag like it it’s a crafting table but it can hold its items even if you close it so it’s like a little nce slot bag oh my gosh that’s so good this right clicking in your inventory thing is such a game changer

It feels like it should belong in Minecraft like it just it just felt like one of those qual of lives that I’ve wanted in my life forever and that’s why just like the backpacks I feel like this is going to be one of those ones where

Even if I’m doing vanilla this is going to be one of my vanilla mods actually thought the right quick testing was a 1.20 feature I realized that was a on maybe it is I actually don’t know I’ve never played 1.20 before until now I’ve only watched other people play

It it’s like oh my gosh J Groves are nothing else because everything else is too rare for you to actually enjoy [Laughter] wow it’s like boy I sure would love to check out the architecture and also check out these uh new sniffed mobs but no those things are so rare that you’ll just

Never run into them oh well oh I almost fell I will never stop bitching about M Minecraft I was deciding adding Cliff Racers from morind was a [ __ ] good idea like like who voted for this who who thought this was a fun idea flying screeching bat creatures that attack you

At night like in a creep as [ __ ] like I hate them so much I I spent a long time not knowing that you get rid of them by sleeping so it was just like every night like dive bombing me from the sky oh my God The entire mod voting system kind of makes me angry in general because they should just add all three of those mobs into the game like it wouldn’t be hard for them to do like they should just add crabs and AR and Penguins to the game I feel like it’s another one of

Those please we’re just a small indie company things cuz like they always have the the Minecraft Fanboys will come in and be like like oh why don’t you make the mobs yourself and it’s like okay well we have Indie people who have done that and they can add more than one mob

Every year so like that excuse doesn’t fly when you’re like a billion dollar company and you have all these resources and this game’s been out like 15 years like there’s really no excuse for only adding like one of three mobs they’re not hard to code yeah every year there’s a every time we

Add a new mod or Minecraft version they add a mod that is add the mods that weren’t in the in the votes it’s just a m v the losing mod that didn’t get voted in I find that funny it’s like hell so they can just add it real quick in a mod

Yeah because of more like the design processes the hard part not the implementation and like all the edge cases making sure it works like really well with everything I would imagine but you know if they wanted to they could do it I am pretty sure it’s just they don’t want to yeah they

Definitely could I mean if if one person working on his own can do it like then they could spend a little bit longer with their whole team of people to just make sure it’s all working and all like I I truthfully I don’t know how complex it is but I know like

Individuals who aren’t being paid to it so I just I don’t give them much leeway for saying it’s too hard to do or something especially with j literally the most sold video game ever made wow yeah it’s not Pokemon they can a lot of see you’re

Right I need to go a little bit higher iterations would you say Leo sry oh my like they go through iterations because they like get community feedback so that’s kind of a factor too oh yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh ringtail hello oh my gosh hello oh we got r

Oh dear there a lot of people hello everyone we been sitting like hello everyone from sitting like five viewers now hi ring to it’s good to see you hold on I have a I have a thing for this and I know it works now thank you thank you oh yeah we l command

Thing what that work that that I say so I’m waiting to see what it does on the stream it’s just a thank you so much for coming we appreciate it do the doar one that shows all the Rewards or all the like follows and stuff we got I haven’t seen that yet

Where like puts them all into the jar well in uh Minecraft today we are uh being very sted for [Laughter] charal and it is making making our sky base really hard I’m also here special guest yes and I special guest person work you can get you get really big with

This size changer thing oh my God the is not working tonight I can’t zoom not enough to see oh my gosh oh I thought you were down there and you were able to peek up into my face hi me you crazy I’m want to go down

I want to see how I want to see how tall I am down there yeah definitely not tall enough to reach where is Nick you woke up in Ane hey hello Golden spr Boy I’m tall enough that if I stand on the ground um by our house like like the lower floor I you can I’m still standing like over like my head up over the edge you can peek over like a like the attack on Titan I can’t can’t go over

There I can’t see anything in third person so I don’t get to appreciate it oh I look at the string I’m Dum the cherry blossom yeah oh the cherry blossom Grove is so beautiful isn’t it I love the Cherry BL girl it is like the best

It is the best feature for Minecraft is added isuki vtail wants to see you big again I think he was asking why we have um this size changing device that you can strink or grow yourself with like here I’ll show you point two um are you looking at me SHO

Hello tiny music this is the smallest you can go you can do it to other people too like you can treat them I’m TI it to now orow them I’m realizing in retrospect the big personality to probably wasn’t referring to being Giant Hello yeah we had a much better world that we were showing off and this one this one’s nice but we haven’t done any real big cool builds to show off otherwise I’d give you a tour um but uh right now uh all that we have right now is all really

Prettier um chry Blossom Grove Cherry Gro um yeah you guys missed earlier we we were showing our old 1.2 world we built like a whole Pokemon Town thing with a poke Center pokemonart a gy a route one with dailies and rotating Pokemon a little Arena to do Pokemon battles in

Give me the materials I’ve gather Stone much appreciated bless there too yeah when I when I start doing the rooms that you guys can put your your fancy mods in I’ll make sure that they’re they’re on an elevation that doesn’t clouds the really visibility when I build into the

Sky oh I didn’t even know you can do that it’s the same somewhere I need sugar canes papers you need paper you said we can make paper out of wood okay come here let me show you this it’s neat yeah I need a book at some point to

Do but I think I need like four so like you put wood on here and then you right click it with the ax and you’ll get did it give you an item I think you took it yeah but it’s like I would need like

12 logs in order to do this so it’s kind of tedious can I still turn these into charcoal after we do this to the wood yes wow it’s awesome yeah you can I’ll I’ll make these papers for you okay thank you music Al you were doing that thing again where you’re explaining it

To me when I’ve already done it before he said you needed four of them yeah four paper where rewards I’m with 5T tall 4 foot five or something I said it’s s enjoy we’re just building like a nice little casual sky base cuz uh Mizuki and Leah

Both need space for their uh mod packs that they’re playing with and eventually I’m going to need a mod packs for my or space for my ARS naar mod cuz arar is wonderful and I love space down here yeah like furnaces I’m working as fast as I can all Over hey me do you see where I’m holding yeah have you figured out my plan do you know what this it is you going to make a mining Dimension I GA I’m going to make it money how are you doing on your stream r D are you Playing whoa why you put them like this what is this this looks neat Builder oh and he’s on reason while he’s going to do some cool [ __ ] here bit if you want pretty standard stuff but do stuff here yeah letom me go see what Le is doing the little block

With the block with the pickaxe just right click it okay so you’re powering it with four of these and the chest is to give it materials and you’re going to have it filled W oh my God Le you have a wall of furnaces oh my gosh we are going to need

A lot of charcoal to power this thing oh okay your own a flat world this is a mining Dimension yet I still don’t quite know what she’s doing but this this thing can conru stuff that’s crazy I have this this all the charcoal I got I pr sure I have eight

Charcoal oh my God go I forgot the lever I have the materials to make I’m good yeah levers are pretty easy to make I don’t know how to leave this place so I’m hoping that you guys do know uh You’ SE this BL right click all right let’s see how fast this

Is probably not that great because this is not a good power setup at all got this needed much power it’s it’s not building yeah it’s quarrying but what what did you think I was doing like I thought well this is a builder I I thought you were building a structure

I I didn’t realize the Builder is also but it also I used this before sir I charcoal if you need it you said yes thank you do we plan on keeping this Dimension def find keeping this is I think this is just for her to mine stuff with her thing

Does this Dimension have like special properties like is there extra ores here or something so you area wait what you say right before you said we get more or for Area so this will be better once we have more Power now and gold spawns at likeus 20 oh we’re getting a ton of clay out of us that’s really good um are we going to keep this you plan on destroying it this is not a destroyable so yes we’re keeping it like okay so if I put stuff I put

Stuff here it’ll it won’t go away forever yeah if you put stuff here it will not go away forever okay I was just checking cuz I know sometimes with these quiry worlds I know sometimes people like to make them mine them strip them of all the resources and then destroy them and make

A new one that’s why I ask Prim you got to go to dinner have a good night Helen I’m so glad you had fun helan you have a wonderful night he in this okay we going to we’ve been streaming for about we’ve been streaming for 4 hours

So I’m going to test something that might crash the server oh no and if it does B it’s not very big I just want to show the the Raiders uh something I got okay but uh but uh feel free to keep playing um I’m just going to try this if

It crashes the server I’ll immediately restart it uh but after that uh whether if crashes server now I think I’m going to going to tr end the stream in just a little bit I don’t know if music if you want to keep playing or if you might keep streaming I

Me we’ll see we can keep playing after the stream I just yeah um I was trying to ask a minute ago I didn’t hear what Leah said when I was asking if uh if this world had special properties that made it better for mining uh no caves no caves okay that’s what so

That because like there’s not empty space right like it’s it’s solid all the way down or whatever oh W well that also means blocks that require air exposure won’t spawn doesn’t it like you won’t get any cool out of this I don’t think I no Cool’s not the one lapis you won’t get

Any lapis out of this I bet cuz lapis only spawns um exposed to air I’m I’m [ __ ] it up I don’t remember but what certain ores only spawn if they’re exposed to air it looks like lais still spawns here according to the thing yeah oh I knew you were going

To was going to be structurized that you were using she said I like press The well Dam we never going to need clay or Cobble deep slit again yeah well I I was hoping to get gold and we have gotten no gold so so far this has been kind of a failure though I could just be doing this in like the wrong wine

Level I get like some glass uh best level for gold is- 16 according to this Chart yeah I was trying to do that but the way it works is I have to like un fincky the way you have to like use what level mind because it’s like because of the way it calculates area and you have to kind of do it

Custom like I I need to like double check where it’s mining hello Nick good to see you this will be F once we have more power welcome to the stream ni curious what other structurized stuff you have what blueprints you have set up I’m trying to set it for some reason it’s not Stting go do creative mode right click to reenter I did that see what C you can you see what Ki put up in your Ling looks like it Did these are my all the cute girls from Far night okay they’re they’re there I don’t know why the build structure is still surrounding it let me try and get rid of that oh yeah they’re there I was worried about uh I was yeah I always just worry that the

Structure thing the little outline will quag and crash and stuff so I always worry it looks like it’s fine yeah the the outline is not there on on my Screen okay okay all I had to do was hit the a okay yeah looks like they got place just fine yeah this is one of my builds that I did I always like to do bels like this where I uh where I just like to uh make um either fun little houses or

Structures or I like to do the pixel art this is a garnet Eco uh Mar the jck and fya uh also Final Fantasy night the structure eyes doing crashed but I’m going to try one more time this time I’m going to try and place Diva which is a much much much bigger

Build I just wanted to start off small at first good meing woman I don’t remember oh well this took a lot of diamonds to make didn’t it Le uh not really four okay was wrong I don’t have Diva saved so it looks like she’s not being placed in this world for

Now this thing is insane I can’t believe how much clay this is getting us we’re basically going to have infinite uh infinite uh uh concrete with this that’s perfect CL no no concrete is gravel and sand and there’s actually ways to get infinite of those in this pack that I could set

Up relatively easily had more gold Oh I thought concrete it work right clay no it’s die which is kind of tricky and sanding Gravel oh this isn’t going to work you’re doing that’s the wrong way he show me how to do it I don’t know how to do it uh from this angle you can’t golden golden friend boy thank you for the Follow I appreciate it a lot the chest now we literally don’t have room to do this thing yeah just you what if you put a second chest this is what you do either that or you get a second chest you move it over manually you have any wood on You yeah I wasn’t trying get rid of that I was trying to add a second just do it yeah we would need like pipes for that and I could make pipes not even hard but crafting steps you know how it is yeah I forgot I was in Creative oh no six

Gold it’s 12 gold when you put it in the S milk remember it doesn’t necessarily double don’t tell me what I did oh oh good all right fix that explains all right never know they’ll never know I need to it wait you do 100% chance to I gave you a tend to do

Like did you do a cuu oopsie No I gave you a kissu k k oh a k I would never do an oopsie no hu is perfect she would never how much Point did you need end you don’t know probably like you don’t really need it right

Away say under iio and whatever mod that squeezers from must not be on the same balance level cuz that sag Mill was hard to build and it doesn’t even give as much as a normal like uh murator whatever they call guarante more by using a third material

But this one it’s you only get a chance to get two and it was expensive where’s the squeezers like you like [ __ ] five and it was cheap to build okay so the squeezer only use or blocks not raw ore so it’s different there’s no easy way to get

Like double in this pack unless you want to do occultism which I have no idea how to do I’ve never done that mod or you want to like get crazy with mechanism which like I don’t like doing yeah mechanism’s a bit of a it’s like

For the most part unless you want to get fancy it’s 1.3 I know there’s probably something in this but you’d probably know better like usually there’s there’s a mod that like includes a bunch of like just little stuff well it’s not like its own full mod and and I usually see like

This like at least one or two overpowered that or doubler type things or something like that I check option we can do blood magic to get double but that looks complicated to set up not simple at all um a never even done that Chad can you guess what’s inside

Side Mill if you use grinding balls can probably get you about double but well maybe not double but very close but you need like the grinding balls are like a resource you got to make sure you’re putting them in so not three four going doubles but that’s a whole setup on its

Own I I thought could do it but I wasn’t 100% what do you think the cake is not a lie it’s been here the whole time inside the Companion Cube inside the companion [Laughter] Cube when I placed the very last block on the Companion Cube it was all silent you know it was like raining and it was quiet and the moment I placed the last black all I all I heard was like thousands of zombies and Endermen and and spiders and skeletons spawn inside

The cube and it scared me so I decided to decorate the inside of it and that’s when I came up with the idea of putting the the cake in the inside the Companion Cube okay we are out of charcoal once more this thing is going to eat charcoal until we’re done and think I’m gonna configure this thing to get iron now because that’s what we need you can do that you can just tell it what to do you can tell it which y levels to

Mine yeah oh that’s neat which I’m making a more charcoal because you shrunk me I can now swim under blocks that are one high like I can the the furnace you have in the air I can swim under that where oh that’s cool yeah like your character goes into a swimming animation

If you like if you stand uh crawling animation uh yeah yeah like if you open a trap door while you’re standing there it’ll like push you down and it’ll like make you in a swimming animation instead of just hurting you we’re running low on wood too I really like this Dimension that you

Made willia that’s really cool thank You we got to finish smart Charco the Bas up there but now that we have what seems to be infinite clay m you’re smaller than normal that’s adorable 70% needs his own private hiding spot have you guys ever seen that people make these Minecraft all right have we seen what these Minecraft size videos with like modified Minecraft models like it it’s so odd to me like they don’t look like this like our models do they look like more normal but they’re still clearly Minecraft like like go have boobs and Bots and stuff but it’s just

Like it’s so bizarre to me that there’s like all these videos of like basically like Minecraft por I tried this thing apartment i’ I’ve never even thought to look that [Laughter] up I have in the dark part of the internet I I have seen the Forbidden part that we

Never I have seen a few um size Minecraft things but never never anything like that this pool in that uh in your little hole thing here in my co thing oh oh you’re talking to Leah was talking thank you a cherry CA so Pretty those flowers in nice does anyone in the yeah does anyone in chats of who we should Rid excuse me Um yeah I saw Peach was on but I think we’re going to rate someone else I love Peach but yeah we’ve been raing her a lot I want to spread spread the love to someone else I wonder was Minecraft like the first game that used this kind of crafting

System where like you had a table and you had to like arrange items in a certain way to make Stuff far as I’m aware that’s n than anything else you guys remember when Minecraft didn’t even tell you how to make [ __ ] tools like like there’s still no tutorial or anything but like back in the day if you would in blind it was like you’re just [ __ ] guessing like

Like you’re doing your best to figure out what shape makes what yeah like reci there was a Time yeah that was definitely a time where everything you learned about in Minecraft was all from just experimentation toenter all right I’m about to send the raid is there anything you guys what’s it um so you guys want to say um thanks everyone for for coming see you all next time and hope

You enjoyed watching us do random Minecraft chores yeah yeah we’re going to be streaming Minecraft again Tomorrow yeah I was always worried about streaming Minecraft cuz I don’t know if people find the grind of harvesting R materials and and building like that’s how therapeutic and I love to do it but I was worried that it might not be entertaining FS to watch but we I just

Decided to do anyway as just to experiment Leah what did I do wrong here not working you all have a wonderful night and we will see you again tomorrow Right I think this is our longest stream alza yeah we’re at 4 hours hours and 17 Minutes well maybe it’s cuz of the lever yeah was of

This video, titled ‘KissuKissu is playing Minecraft!’, was uploaded by KissuKissu on 2024-01-07 08:19:21. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:32 or 16412 seconds.

[Archived Stream from 1/6/2024]

Come join KissuKissu in playing Minecraft live with special guest @leah_size


KissuKissu is a Vtuber duet with Kyushu and Mizuki, while we normally stream together, some streams feature only one of us

Our Socials: TikTok: Twitch: Twitter (Kyushu): Twitter (Mizuki):

A cozy, casual stream to start the new year! 😀 — Watch live at

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    Laurda Natt: Minecraft Music Video The Minecraft Edition of “Laurda Natt” Music Video Experience a journey through time and creativity with the Minecraft Edition of the official music video for “Laurda Natt.” This unique rendition is part of the official soundtrack for the Minecraft movie, featuring a cover of Khalid’s “Saturday Nights” from 2018. A Creative Evolution From its inception in 2001 to the vision of scraplapps in 2019, the recording in 2020, the remix in 2023, and finally, the music video release in 2024, “Laurda Natt” showcases a lifetime of development and innovation. Life Lessons from Minecraft As the music video reminds us,… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Shenanigans

    Minecraft Parkour Shenanigans Parkour Biome Episode 47: A Thrilling Adventure in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Episode 47 of Minecraft Parkour Shorts! Join Faster Gaming Plays as they navigate through challenging obstacles and showcase their parkour skills in this action-packed video. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players are transported to the Parkour Biome, a unique area filled with intricate parkour courses and thrilling challenges. From jumping puzzles to precision timing, the Parkour Biome offers a test of agility and skill for Minecraft enthusiasts. Mastering Parkour Techniques Watch as Faster Gaming Plays demonstrates their mastery… Read More

  • Labubu Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

    Labubu Portal: Minecraft PE Magic In the world of Labubu, a portal we’ll make, In Minecraft PE, a journey we’ll take. Labubu, the elf with ears so long, In this magical world, where we belong. Crafting and building, with blocks so fine, Labubu’s world, a place divine. Sharp teeth and a mischievous grin, Labubu’s adventures, about to begin. Follow along, as we create and explore, In Minecraft PE, we’ll open the door. To a world of wonder, where Labubu reigns, In this realm of creativity, where nothing restrains. So join us now, in this Minecraft delight, Labubu’s portal, shining so bright. Let’s dive in,… Read More

  • STEAMy Minecraft Surprise: What’s in Store?

    STEAMy Minecraft Surprise: What's in Store? In the world of Minecraft, a new rumor did spread, On Steam, the game appeared, turning heads. But alas, it was fake, just a trick, Pavel Dyundik warned, don’t fall for the slick. The SubGame on Twitch, ready to play, With updates and news, every day. Join the channel, support the stream, For Minecraft fans, it’s a dream. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, In the world of gaming, show you care. The SubGame brings the latest scoop, In rhymes and jokes, a Minecraft group. Read More

  • Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft!

    Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft! Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you witness the creation of a village from the ground up. Join the journey as players dive into the world of Minecraft to construct a bustling community for the villagers. Starting from Zero Beginning with an empty canvas, players are tasked with laying the foundation for a thriving village. From designing houses to setting up farms and crafting essential tools, every step is crucial in establishing a sustainable community. Key Elements Minecraft 100 Days Challenge: Experience the passage of time as players navigate through… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Huawei vs Samsung in Minecraft Phone Battle

    Crafting Chaos: Huawei vs Samsung in Minecraft Phone Battle In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Huawei and Samsung, in a mobile gaming dream. Performance showdown, loading times to compare, Graphics comparison, vibrant worlds to stare. Gameplay mechanics, controls to explore, Battery life tested, which phone will endure? User experience, interface to discuss, Join the battle, share your thoughts with us. Hit that LIKE button, SUBSCRIBE for more, Minecraft adventures, let’s explore. Tech battles and gaming, in a mobile showdown, Which phone will triumph, wear the crown? So grab your snacks, settle in tight, For the ultimate Minecraft mobile fight. Huawei vs Samsung, who will win?… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Villager Farm Tutorial Minecraft: Building a Villager Farm Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and create your very own villager farm? In this guide, we will explore the steps to set up a successful villager farm in Minecraft, along with other exciting features and elements of the game. Setting Up Your Server Before you can start building your villager farm, you’ll need to set up your server in both Java and Bedrock editions of Minecraft. Make sure to follow the necessary steps to create your server and get ready for the adventure ahead. Entering a Server Once your… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft 1.21 in 19 mins

    Mastering Minecraft 1.21 in 19 mins Minecraft 1.21 Advancements: A Speedrun Journey Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the latest advancements in version 1.21.1. Dive into a world filled with challenges, creativity, and endless possibilities. Follow along as players push the boundaries of survival mode in a race against time. Seed and World Download Set in the seed 1920597807115725671, this Minecraft speedrun takes players on a whirlwind journey through a meticulously crafted world. For those eager to experience the excitement firsthand, the world download is available here. Explore, conquer, and test your skills in this challenging environment. Inspiration and Evolution Drawn from the inspiration… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live"“I’ve spent more time trying to figure out how to craft a diamond pickaxe than I have studying for my actual exams.” Read More

  • Rhyme Time: Heartsteal Serenade

    Rhyme Time: Heartsteal Serenade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Heartsteal Serenade, a song of a dream. Crafted by AI, with lyrics so true, An animation in the making, just for you. The playlist on Spotify, a treasure to find, With Heartsteal at its core, a melody so kind. So dive into the world, where creativity flows, And let the music guide you, wherever it goes. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Heartsteal Serenade, a tale to be told. So join in the fun, let your imagination soar, As we bring Minecraft to life, like never before. Read More

  • Minecraft Lapis Lapdance 😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Minecraft Lapis Lapdance 😂 #minecraft #gaming “Why did the girl in Minecraft break up with the boy? Because he couldn’t handle her lapis lazuli obsession! #minecraftrelationshipproblems” 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown with Friend

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown with Friend The Minecraft Showdown: A Friendly Competition Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft as two friends, including @goodguitar6, engage in a friendly competition to determine who reigns supreme in this virtual realm. What started as a casual challenge has now evolved into a weekly showdown filled with excitement and surprises. The Challenge Unfolds As the competition unfolds, both players showcase their creativity, strategic thinking, and survival skills in a bid to outdo each other. From constructing elaborate structures to navigating treacherous terrains, every move is crucial in this epic battle for supremacy. Weekly Updates and Engaging… Read More

  • Spooky Shenanigans: Minecraft Modded Madness

    Spooky Shenanigans: Minecraft Modded Madness Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Modded Gameplay Episode 6.5 of Horror Underground takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft modded gameplay. Despite a minor setback in recording, the adventure continues as the protagonist, Episodius Roku, delves into the mysteries of the Underground Crypt and sets out to explore Target #0, a mysterious map that holds the promise of excitement. Navigating the Underground Crypt The episode kicks off with Episodius Roku embarking on a quest to navigate the treacherous Underground Crypt. Armed with determination and a sense of adventure, our protagonist braves the dark corridors and… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft’s Nightmare Modpack

    100 Days in Minecraft's Nightmare ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft’s SCARIEST Modpack’, was uploaded by Auro on 2024-10-10 14:00:15. It has garnered 13972 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:52 or 4552 seconds. Episode 2 of my 100 days horror series where Modcraft and I attempt to survive against 100+ horror mods… Join my discord: Shaders and modpack can be found here ^^ Music by @co.agmusic Check out @LykosHorror to see modcraft’s perspective Episode 1: #minecraft #horrorgaming #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days Read More

  • Sneaky SMP Episode 57: Ghost Town Exploration

    Sneaky SMP Episode 57: Ghost Town ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 57 Join Public SMP Join fast | Road To 500 #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Minecraft GG on 2024-08-04 21:36:51. It has garnered 1003 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:09 or 7989 seconds. **🔴 Live Now: Minecraft Survival – Ghost Town SMP! 🏚️👻** Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 56 Join fast #shorts Welcome to our Minecraft Survival Ghost Town SMP! Join us as we explore, build, and survive in a spooky, abandoned town filled with mysteries and challenges. Ghost Town SMP IP Java ip :-… Read More


    ULTIMATE TITANS READY TO CRUSH TOILET SKIBIDIVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 TITAN TERBARU UPGRADE KE 3 SIAP UNTUK KALAHKAN SKIBIDI TOILET DI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-05-31 08:19:25. It has garnered 907890 views and 31797 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello guys! This is SKIBIDI TOILET WITH 10000 VILLAGERS EPISODE 2! THIS STORY IS JUST A ROLEPLAY NOTE: ALL YOUTUBERS HERE ARE NPCS (NOT REAL) Want to continue? First like up to 10,000 likes to continue part 2 inspiration: GroxMC, remanrhn, not safe, reff Join the Azuya Surya membership so that your skin is animated, join… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Showdown: MIZERKA vs Tiny JJ – SHOCKING Outcome!

    INSANE Minecraft Showdown: MIZERKA vs Tiny JJ - SHOCKING Outcome!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey SHUT DOWN Tiny JJ in CHUNK in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by MIZERKA on 2024-10-07 01:00:02. It has garnered 1403 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:49 or 3829 seconds. How Mikey SHUT DOWN Tiny JJ in CHUNK in Minecraft ? – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Official Maizen Channel – Official Maizen Merchandise – This channel, created by big Maizen fans!❤️ Read More

  • 🚨 Insane Mods! Beta Minecraft Snowstorm! ❄️

    🚨 Insane Mods! Beta Minecraft Snowstorm! ❄️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Modded Beta Minecraft 🧊 Chill Monday [ Stream VOD ] – [ Existence BTA SMP ] – 3’, was uploaded by ArtGnat on 2024-04-16 02:44:58. It has garnered 94 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:04:59 or 25499 seconds. Playing the Better Than Adventure mod for Beta 1.7.3 on the Existence Community Server for it. I’m using some small Client-side BTA mods and a BTA Texture pack that changes small things. I recommend joining the Better Than Adventure Official discord server and checking their Official Website to play the latest… Read More

  • Estella Starfall – I saved a newborn in Minecraft?!?!?!

    Estella Starfall - I saved a newborn in Minecraft?!?!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERYONE TELL NOVA I’M REALLY GOOD AT MINECRAFT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AND THAT I SAVED A NEW BORN’, was uploaded by Estella Starfall Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-07-27 17:32:59. It has garnered 622 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:39 or 6519 seconds. HI I’M STELLA STRAIGHT FROM THE MATERNAL CREVICE AND WELCOME TO THIS 10 PAGE ESSAY Support me: ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Socials ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Twitter: Marshmallow: ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ RULES ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ☆ Please be respectful to me, other viewers, and mods! ★ If you donate through… Read More


    INSANE YOUTUBE DIVE WITH MONDRE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SELAM YOUTUBE??’, was uploaded by Mondre on 2024-01-17 17:29:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. craftrise #minecraft – SEE DESCRIPTION – if you like my video, you can subscribe and I will get your Like + Comment Texture … Read More

  • Insane Gaming Tech Revealed! #shorts

    Insane Gaming Tech Revealed! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘tenge tenge | moye moye | #shorts’, was uploaded by Tech with Games on 2024-05-04 11:30:02. It has garnered 495 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft survival canman minecraft challenge minecraft update minecraft tutorial minecraft shorts minecraft but challenge minecraft mod 1.20.1 camman18 minecraft minecraft but i cant touch grass camman18 100 players minecraft speedrun camman18 shorts minecraft but you cant touch the color minecraft how to minecraft facts minecraft seed minecraft rarest minecraft tips shorts camman canman18 1.20 minecraft 1.20 1.19 camman18 exposed… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Music Collab: Female Titan Gaming in Roblox, Free Fire, and Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Music Collab: Female Titan Gaming in Roblox, Free Fire, and Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘#musicgenre #femaletitan #gaming #roblox #music #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Takerhat Adda Officals on 2024-07-17 09:28:33. It has garnered 107 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Herocraft SMP 1.20.4 RPG Dungeons Classes Professions Custom Crafting Custom Survival World

    Welcome to Herocraft! Strange portals are appearing across the overworld… Do you have what it takes to conquer them? Choose from 18 innovative classes and embark on epic quests through 10+ terrifying dungeons. Build the ultimate home and master one of 8 distinct professions. Whether you crave thrilling dungeon raids or a peaceful town life, Herocraft has something for every type of player! Key Features: Unique survival world with breathtaking terrain and an overview map. 18 classes and 8 professions to specialize in. 10+ challenging dungeons filled with powerful loot. Active and friendly staff to support your gameplay. Community-hosted events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Blockbusting Chat Shenanigans

    Well, at least this meme is more popular than most of my Minecraft buildings! Read More

  • Minecraft pickaxe fail ☠️ #shorts #lol

    Minecraft pickaxe fail ☠️ #shorts #lol When you accidentally use your diamond pickaxe to mine dirt instead of obsidian and you can hear the disappointment in the pickaxe’s voice. “Really? Dirt? Again?” #minecraftfail 😂🪓 Read More

  • Adults React to Minecraft Music

    Adults React to Minecraft Music Welcome Back to Minecraft: A Journey Through Nostalgia You find yourself back in the world of Minecraft, greeted by the warm glow of the morning sun and the crackling of a cozy fireplace where you and your companion last left off. The gentle patter of rain against the stone walls brings back a flood of memories from your past adventures in this pixelated universe. Nostalgia washes over you as you recall exploring lush forests, delving into deep caves, and constructing intricate homes together. Rediscovering the Sounds of Minecraft As you soak in the atmosphere, the soft melodies of Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await! #minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await! #minecraft Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “MINECRAFT : Warden VS Every Golem💀 WAIT FOR IT… #minecraft #shorts.” While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly showcases the endless possibilities and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. Imagine being part of a community where you can experience epic battles, hilarious moments, and creative adventures like the ones featured in the video. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world on YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a dynamic and engaging… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Impossible Maze!

    Minecraft's Impossible Maze! The Impossible Maze of Minecraft! Imagine paying $100 to have the most impossible maze in the world created for you in Minecraft. That’s exactly what happened in this exciting Minecraft event! The Challenge The challenge was set – navigate through a maze that seemed to have no end in sight. With twists, turns, and obstacles at every corner, only the most skilled players could hope to make it through. The Community Being part of the Minecraft community means being part of something special. Joining in on events like this maze challenge brings players together in a shared experience of… Read More

  • Get OP Gear NOW in Minecraft! 🚀

    Get OP Gear NOW in Minecraft! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴『Minecraft』Lets finish up things and get OP gear!!~’, was uploaded by MrFufuko Ch. on 2024-08-21 15:54:57. It has garnered 260 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:41 or 13481 seconds. 🚫RULES🚫: 🚫Slurs and offensive language is strictly forbidden! 🚫Avoid saying anything inappropriate. 🚫Please kindly don’t trauma dump because we wanna keep the streams fun and happy for others!! 🚫Do not promote any type of channel! ❤️Socials❤️: ❤️ Instagram: ❤️ Discord: ❤️ X(Twitter): ❤️Credits❤️: BGM: #gaming #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Reacting to Minecraft Train Finale

    Reacting to Minecraft Train FinaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich REAGIERE auf das FINALE von MINECRAFT ZUG von CHAOSFLO44 (Folge 10)’, was uploaded by Ryan Cole on 2024-08-04 08:36:46. It has garnered 15271 views and 1296 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:07 or 3067 seconds. I REACT to the FINALE of MINECRAFT TRAIN by CHAOSFLO44 (Episode 10) Merch: Chaosflo44: Minecraft Train Episode 10: Join us live ► Instagram ► Twitter ► Discord ► Many people wanted me to react to the 10th episode of Minecraft Train by Chaosflo44. So today is the day…I’m reacting to… Read More

  • “Deadly Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft | Survival Short” #minecraft #minecraftshorts

    "Deadly Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft | Survival Short" #minecraft #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling Minecraft’s Top 5 Deadly Mobs | Survival Guide Short #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by PocketPicks on 2024-05-03 02:25:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the perilous world of Minecraft with our Survival Guide Short, from the elusive Enderman to the explosive Creepers, learn … Read More

  • 🐼 INSANE COLLAB! Pandas & Gamers UNITE 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    🐼 INSANE COLLAB! Pandas & Gamers UNITE 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT 🔥 SMP Realm #gaming #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by pandaXguy on 2024-06-18 01:26:19. It has garnered 384 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:53 or 10973 seconds. I am playing MINECRAFT on the Hawkwood SMP Realm, Day 1 💪 BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER: 👉 JOIN THE DISCORD: 👕 CHECK OUT MY MERCH: ⭐ GET CONNECTED: 💻Website: 🐦Twitter: 📷Instagram: 📱TikTok: Read More

  • Mind-Blowing NCXXRON Motion Blur Trick!

    Mind-Blowing NCXXRON Motion Blur Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion blur’, was uploaded by ncxxron on 2024-10-07 10:51:40. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. HI EDIT IN – PREMIERE PRO! SEVER – GAMERTEE PC – CPU – RYZEN 5 GPU -RX 6600 RAM -8 Tags – Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure: Tyrecordslol x STEAK

    Insane Minecraft Adventure: Tyrecordslol x STEAKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Tyrecordslol x STEAK’, was uploaded by Tyrecordslol on 2024-08-23 23:43:46. It has garnered 31747 views and 1364 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:42 or 5262 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: (Minecraft Server Hosting) Can you push `TYRECORDSLOL` now gives 35% off for the first 2 months Socials: Instagram – Tyrecordsloll TikTok – Tyrecordslol Xbox – Tyrecordslol Discord – Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Unbelievable: Illegal Vault Discovery & Deadly Player Ban

    Unbelievable: Illegal Vault Discovery & Deadly Player BanVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I found Illegal Vault in this Public Minecraft Smp 🤯😱 Why I banned deadliest player 😆💯’, was uploaded by RuinerAlive on 2024-01-15 01:49:12. It has garnered 1399 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:16 or 736 seconds. How I found Illegal Vault in this Public Minecraft Smp 🤯😱 Why I banned deadliest player 😆💯 Smp ip java/mcpe- My discord join for fun - #loyalsmp #himlands #pojavalauncher #lapatasmpseason5 #minecraft #lifesteal_smp #minecraftlive #minecraftindia #minecraft_hindi #minecraftsurvivalvideo #minecraftvideo #live #hindilive #livegaming #livehindigaming #mcpelive #KALKi ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP,… Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Survival – Episode 28

    Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Survival - Episode 28Video Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] Minecraft (1.8.9) – Hardcore Survival 6 – #28’, was uploaded by kmb600 on 2024-09-03 05:04:21. It has garnered 89 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:48 or 6288 seconds. It is the 10-year anniversary of Minecraft’s Bountiful Update (update 1.8), so let’s upgrade the Hardcore world to version 1.8.9 and check out all the features added in this update! I have a Discord server! Join here: Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power! Mace + Wind in Minecraft ▫ S3 Ep.99

    Unleash Ultimate Power! Mace + Wind in Minecraft ▫ S3 Ep.99Video Information This video, titled ‘Mace + Wind Charge = SMASH! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [Ep.99]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2024-06-25 10:00:16. It has garnered 55778 views and 3227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:46 or 1126 seconds. The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.21 – the Tricky Trials Update! In today’s video we take our first proper look at the Mace, a new weapon crafted using the Heavy Core and Breeze Rod. The Mace’s specialty is risk/reward – doing heavy damage when the player drops from higher… Read More