Insane Gura’s Minecraft Creeper Farm – Mind-Blowing Fun!

Video Information

Um Um real wow what is that a llama what’s on the mig it says uru live let’s play the game hi welcome to minecraft i live this will be easy do you think so yes that’s me look look what i did look Yeah there’s a ah there’s something inside waiting for me uh that i was not expecting uh until i heard it and then i saw it leaking out of the side of my house i don’t know who left this for me i have an idea but ah my uber eats delivery has arrived

Hi my friends oh guess what we’re having for breakfast for the next forever scrambled eggs is this from chiara look at it i wonder what this house smells like now with all these chickens in here it smells like chicken who griefed me i’m thinking this is kiara for somebody this feels

This feels a bit like a chiara yeah thank you so yeah i uh i completed i don’t want to let them out because i kind of like having their company but also at the same time i need to finish my house oh well okay we’re gonna Okay so the outside of the house the shell is done um and i was realizing like what i wanted to do ah shoot i didn’t i i made oh did i oh shoot okay so i spent time um making making more blueprints for this right here

Like here i don’t want to really in i don’t want to interrupt what am is doing here and i know that uh hachima is in the mountain here somewhere and i don’t want to interrupt that but i wanna i wanna get as close as i can

To make space here if that makes sense and i wanna do like uh what are they called ionian ionian posts all the way down you know practice for atlantis but i think i did pretty good for it for for building uh building my shark hat

Just kind of like off off the off my head i think i did okay yeah so i want to clear out a lot more of this mountain here and you know i was on my 57th pickaxe when i realized i didn’t want to do it by hand anymore

So i was like well tnt is the thing right guys so how do i get tnt oh well i need gunpowder also i’m bunking at ina’s place yeah so i want to build a creeper farm and i i decided to build it uh i wanted to keep it away from

Every everything and everybody because i know they’re kind of they’re kind of not the prettiest to look at or mine certainly isn’t so far uh so it’s it’s behind the house i’ll go this way and i know like for like a like a from i was doing research

Because i don’t i mean i obviously don’t know how to build this off the top of my head i have to look up tutorials and guides and stuff um but you have to be up high you have to like afk uh a couple hundred block like 170 150 blocks above it right

In order for it to work and i was thinking because i put it here it is so far since i put it behind the house i was thinking if you can see it up and over you know the tower if you can see it then maybe

It’d be like a cool way to build a a test trident for atlantis too maybe i don’t know that seems a bit ahead of me but yeah this is the start of it um how does it look so far yeah i know i know i started it off

Stream and i stopped myself because i was like well maybe i should wait until we’re on stream but i have more where are they i have some of these well i’ve been doing my research i’m a good shark here you put the i know that you put the kitties here

Now and you put a kitty here and then you put a carpet right yeah um so i guess well i’ll put some stuff here i don’t know you need the hoppers because the goal is to spawn the creepers and push them down into lava so that they die right and

Then the hopper will just funnel everything that comes out of them into the into the chest it was really interesting watching the gameplay oh shoot i’m up yeah but i was watching a lot of a lot of footage of people making these types of arms

And it’s so crazy how much you can build you know big brain shark ah i don’t know yet guys we’ll have to we’ll have to see ah banning shark maybe it’s all right i’m gonna i’m just gonna i’m gonna take my time i’m gonna build this the right way you know

Dead space i keep seeing people recommending me to play dead space oh yeah uh and i want to play dead space i don’t really think i know anything about it but i’m very i’m willing to play you know um music whoa we got lots of wood who needs one trap the wood huh

I don’t know i don’t think i need that many more of these what do you guys think i don’t think so 10 i’ll build a few more is the stream buffering for you and if the stream is buffering um perhaps perhaps turn down the quality a little bit tiny bit little tiny bit

Hi gouda hi so has anybody here have any of you guys ever built a creeper farm also i is building isn’t she’s planning on building something i asked her i sent her a discord uh message i was like hey are you building a creeper farm are we about to have two creeper farms

But she’s busy playing la noire pump she’s building a iron farm or a mob farm uh okay buddha has a big heart a big brain but a small man yeah and and what of it how big is yours huh how big is yours huh that’s mighty that’s my

Mighty large view to come in here swinging like that oh i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna throw some throw some money down and say whatever i want say whatever i want hey buddy it doesn’t work like that buddy okay buddy buddy pal buddy pal buddy pal

Coming in here call him and cook thank you for your super chat he called my chest flat he doesn’t understand hydrodynamic oh this music is nice okay so i have my guide open how do you get the cats that’s the work that’s my question so this is

Me i need carpet i know i need carpet and i need to build hoppers excuse me but if you’re hydrodynamic but you still need floaties listen it’s different it’s different it’s okay hydrodynamics just means that you are able to flow freely without friction under the water okay floaties is

Is uh listen that’s different that’s different hey thank you thank you for your super thank you for your super chat guys thank you also if i sound a bit different today uh my voice kind of hurts today kind of feeling a little scruffy a little scrubby hey look what else i

Did you see oh yeah dirt and we got rocks or crankers how do you say your name is it crinkles or crancos i’m gonna call you cronkos because it sounds cool we got dirt doughy please do it don’t hurt and then we got brooks or stone what is this called i think it’s

Cobblestone well it’s rocks it’s gonna be rocks now okay what was i doing carpet what color carpet should we do let’s do red i have a red carpet because i was gonna do the inside of the the inside of my um The inside of the shark hat i want it to be red like the inside of a mouth pink carpet no that’s red carpet Red the carpet where is this window yoho hey there you are there you are back to game okay one piece i think that’s enough right i can put this back now how cool is this did you guys see what inna built and she went the extra mile

She did it in order this is the order of rainbow red orange yellow green blue pink it feels so good in my brain doesn’t it power rangers yeah i guess so what’s your color what color what color what’s your favorite power ranger i like oh that’s a good question

Oh i see red i was going to say yeah either red or blue or um yeah written red or blue go go power rangers there’s a cave under here i’m actually wondering if i’m gonna come into issues with this maybe this won’t go down that far Oh no it kind of it banks takes a turn so we really did spider gold had a bone what what did you say i went too fast i couldn’t see it higher gold had a bone thank you for your super chat you friendly friendly friendly friendly friend

Friend how do we do this again this is here is this right maybe i don’t know maybe it’s this i don’t know this is right yeah three apart one two one two three one two three one because this is for what did i hear or what did i read this is for s

Spiders possibly i don’t know if anybody knows feel free to let me know because i’d like to know because i’m very interested in this all this stuff one two three one two three spiders don’t spawn it’s not for spiders what is it for i don’t remember what it’s for

The fork has been missing since debut i don’t know when to pull the fork out because it it just gets ah it just gets in the way it gets it seems to get in the way actually okay so thank you for your super chat by the way uh speaking of the fork

I’m very excited i mentioned this earlier but i have i i’m excited i have a fun stream planned uh it’s coming up it should be like oh i don’t know i might i might move it closer but the the ah we did that the schedule is already looking pretty pretty pretty nice

This week with everybody so i might move it i don’t know but i’m excited and we we can use trident then a fork carpet is for spiders not to spawn and the trapdoors are so that zombies and skeletons don’t spawn yes that’s what i figured i remember seeing the spider thing was

With the the carpeting is for the spiders also i’m crashing in his place again hi ela yeah so yeah creeper farm because i want tnt cause in order for me to finish all this i’m gonna need to to to uh get rid of a lot of earth and i

Just figured it’d be a lot more interesting to watch um and also it’d be more interesting for me to play a kaboom farm yes we should call it the kaboom farm that’s what we’re gonna call it it’d be more interesting to like try and build a a creeper farm make

Big boom make a kaboom farm so that we can kaboom the earth instead of just making a gazillion pickaxes because that was getting a bit tedious for me okay kaboomer so yeah we’re gonna make a bing bang boom boom farm kaboom farm thank you whoever recommended that

Kaboom farm that’s so good why did i come back here i need to do stuff i need to make a hopper also there should be cats here i think maybe someone had cats hanging around villages also there’s no cats here i know where another cat cat is

So if you give cats uh raw salmon do they follow you like or do you need a name tag do i need name tags for these cats or can i just find a cat make you have kittens we need to do that though also is it okay if this is

You just need fish all right that’s that’s easy can this be dirt or should this be something else yeah it should be like raw salmon from what i could do it’s fine dirt’s okay it’s just kind of ugly yeah okay maybe i’ll make it pretty maybe all right let’s go let’s go make

Some hoppers we might have to get iron which is good that there’s an untouched mine here i think it’s untouched maybe yeah because can you imagine like four more streams of me one by one getting rid of a lot more of this big mountain i don’t even know if i would last that’s

So it’s so tedious use green concrete to make it look like a creeper that’s a good idea i was gonna make it pink i started making a bunch of uh pink concrete pink concrete powder hi gouda what’s two by two well funny you should mention that two by two is

I learned two by two is this wait where i can show you it’s two by two two by two baby wow girl you’re so smart thank you thank you thank you yeah where oh where i think it’s in here yeah i was making pink because i was like oh i know

I’ll make this pink because why not cause pink pink works with creepers right no how much iron do we have they have two i’m gonna go check my house maybe there’s more iron there also we still need to make i want this server to have uh what the jp server has

The jb server has the rgb sheep i would i would i would like i think that’d be really funny to have okay iron iron iron i yawn brian thank you brian oh we have no i think we gotta go find some iron you can mine iron with stone right we’ll

Just okay we have enough we’re good okay let’s go get some iron because we need it for the hopper and we needed to make um because we need a lava i mean water we have i have a bucket here’s a bucket So let’s go back to the uh let’s go back to the wait i need just in case need some torches is it lava or magma blocks we need wait what lava Lava then we have torches we have um i’ll just do this real quick take some of my food it’s magma oh shoot that wasn’t done sorry sorry sorry oh how satisfying is this you guys ah god it’s so good wheat asmr is there minecraft asmr does that exist

It must exist yes it does okay that’s very good so my my ring fit adventure came today as well as my my capture card no no my ring fit came today my ring fit yeah you guys know what ring fit is for those of you that don’t know ring fit adventure

Is um well it’s ring fit adventure it’s exercise game and nintendo switchy version And i i took it out of the box well first i i kind of murdered the box i didn’t mean to i was trying to figure out how it opened and it’s one of those ones with the the tabs right oh my goodness cows you’re so loud stop it Please have brand But yeah i don’t know uh obliterating the box and whatever i try my best and then the really the word isn’t the the reason i’m telling you this is i was really embarrassed um i wanted to try on because it comes with a it comes with a leg strap right we’re

Gonna strap on one of the the joy cons to your leg and i couldn’t figure out how to put it on my body i couldn’t figure it out i was like how does this go how do you how do i wrap this how they won’t stick

So i had to i had to uh i had to google i don’t want this i had to google how to put on the um the the ring fit adventure leg strap it’s not i was kind of bummed about it that i had to google that but you know

It is what it is and i did what i had to and now i know yeah you have to like slip your leg through the hole there’s like a hole and you have to slip your leg through and then you tighten it but i couldn’t get the i was like wait

Why won’t this why won’t this velcro lie flat as a children’s game i shut up everybody works differently okay everybody working differently Okay so we have a cave out we have a cave here sir are you lost sir I think he’s i think he’s lost let’s hope for some iron ah ask and you shall receive guys i’m telling you this i’m telling you this i’m telling you you can line iron with a stone right oh oh we got lucky guys lucky is there anything else

Oh my soul hurts so badly today that sucks must be allergy wasn’t there a villager down here where did he go hello oh he’s going back home he’s back home he goes there’s a there’s another cave a little late and let’s keep going we can go

Maybe we should go sleep i don’t kind of want to sleep how cute is this though do you see all these little these little like ponds and everything isn’t it cute fix my boots what are you talking about i need to make new armor okay let’s go back in uh and sleep

And then we can uh make some something some some armor of some sort come on come on come on what is that breathing sound is that the sound the turtle makes huh eat well look at that we have lots of bread we can make an egg sandwich how delicious hi

Okay let’s head back whoa whoa whoa Man today just went by so quickly do you guys ever have days like that sometimes days i should say sometimes time goes by really slowly and it’s almost painful and then sometimes it goes by so quickly it’s like you you woke up you had a drink and then the day’s over

It’s like wait i i barely got to do anything that’s craziness wow take a sleep here kung shu Time for food yeah i’ve gotten into the habit of eating the same thing over and over again because it’s easy although i made hot chocolate today and i did something i did something shameful and i honestly i deserve i deserve everybody who is going to make fun of me for this

Because i deserve it this is terrible what i did um let’s smelt this though ah where are you anyway so i made hot cocoa right and hot cocoa you can use either water or milk um i only have a little bit of my milk beverage left

So i poured some milk and then i i thinned it out with water because i’m like you know i don’t i don’t want to use all my milk because i don’t want to have to go and buy more milk so i’m just going to stretch this milk out with water

Ah i did that with a bowl of cereal the other day too i was like you know technically i won’t be able to taste the difference so i did a little bit of milk and a lot more bit of water that’s called skim milk yeah exactly it’s like skim milk

Or or almond almond milk what can we make with eggs can you make stuff with eggs you can make a cake with eggs right skippy thank you skippy wait why can you only stack 16 eggs it doesn’t make sense that does not make any sense so we’re gonna wait for the iron to

Smelt boop does it say desperate times calls for desperate measures you did good soldier thank you oh no wait i messed up something there we go all right back to normal do you pour your cereal first on the milk i mean i’m normal in that regard

You do cereal first and then you do the milk i’m normal in that regard do not do not frit what does it say oh went on feet oh that’s right we have to i have to change my armor because my armor is a bit beaten oh yeah the soggy cereal tactic tactic

I’ve talked about that oh okay cooked salmon i think that’s my kachama gift she gave me salmon and fish cooked cod raw cut yeah what you do yeah you pour a glass of milk and then you just have like a cup of cereal and then you do cereal in

The milk so that way it never goes soggy you just don’t ever let it touch soggy cereal is fire uh some kinds of soggy cereal is fire like i’ll have like mini wheats mini wheats are wheat wow like wheat a big cereal except they have hard crunchy frosting on top

And those are good if you let the wheat part get soggy and then the it’s it’s all about timing you know it’s just like cooking mama it’s all about timing have you ever tried thinning out your water with milk but i’m sure that’s next on my list yeah but if you let the

If you let the mini make you very super chat if you let the the wheat part of the the mini wheat get soggy and then you make sure that the cereal part i mean the sugar part stays crunchy oh yeah chef case delicious okay what are we gonna build we have to

Build a hopper what do we need for a hopper i have that recipe pulled up somewhere copper paper we need a box and one two three four five stuff okay so we gotta build we need one of these oh we need two of these because we need two hoppers for this size

Farm i’m doing um and then you do this and then you don’t you doing this this this are these actually called hoppers i’m pretty sure these are called uh i don’t know i call them funnel that’s interesting and then dip you can turn off friendly creatures

Ah ooh you can turn off the cow sound that’s actually i mean it’s cute i don’t mind the cow sound it does get a little annoying sometimes but uh okay i have a question do i need like should i have separate buckets for the water in the lava or can i

Can i like just do it differently because i don’t want to waste the iron i don’t think yeah separate oh wait i’m sure you guys will tell me if i did it wrong oh we’re gonna we need wait what did you make i once made hot chocolate while

Sitting a mint tea sachet in the cup to make choc make chocolate mint flavored hot chocolate well yeah yeah then it’s like uh oh we had trapdoors oh then it’s like hot cocoa with essence of uh oh i don’t even need to pause the game to read

I’m such a ding-dong then it’s um where’s my it’s like mint extract we’re gonna make uh armor from this just for the time being how do you make a chest piece just a piece i think i was saving this for books but it’s pretty easy to come by so we’re good

I don’t want these to get hurt though yeah okay where can we put this this no that’s full i need another box man does anybody else ah i don’t know sometimes i peek into like inna’s chest or on my chest and they’re always so organized and mine is just not not organized

At all whatsoever oh well ah thank you okay what else do we need for this we have our hoppers we have a bucket that we’re gonna need to fill with lava and water meow so we need to find a source of lava can we take lava from the nether question marquis I had a bucket in the chest oh wait there’s lava right here kind of dumb that’s all right though you guys already know that um i know you need wooden signs maybe i should go make some of those while i’m here let’s fill this bucket with water i’m in

Dude somebody said that they saw a bucket in here oh they did oh there’s three dude it’s huge okay so let’s go fill this one with lava lava okay we’re good okay of that didn’t really work guys minecraft called me hot stuff i think it likes me what do i do Okay wait so we have our lava we have our we have water water lava we need glass so we gotta go get we need to make i’m gonna make a a quick shovel rta shovel lava equals mikko what happened Is so this we have for okay now let’s go get some sand so we can make some glass and then we’re gonna make wooden signs lava what am i doing sand how mad would amelia be if i just dug up all of this ah she would hang b hang me by my toes

I can only imagine okay oh well there’s there’s a lot of sand over here that i do know there’s so much room for stuff this way like i’m only one we’ve only really built here i mean i still have all that stuff ways away it’s really interesting

I can’t wait to see what this looks like in here all right i don’t wanna die so i’m actually gonna go sleep cause progress is hard to come by for me as we know so yeah i made blueprints for this the the shark hat house with all the ionian ionian posts

How do i get up here what happened and i was gonna i was gonna show you guys but i think i think i’ve closed my my uh my photo program my my editing pro my drawing program before i saved it so i can’t show you anymore Yeah we saw the prank from kiara it was chiara right i don’t know i don’t want to blame kiara if it wasn’t kiara It was kiara ms paint no of course it was kiara of course it was chicken okay we’re going to get sand what did kiara do kiara uh she well she gave me a taste of my own of my own medicine quite frankly she filled my house with chicken

That’s where i got all the eggs give kiara diamonds we could give her can you make pancakes maybe we should make cake but she she gave us oh sand sand get the sand i don’t have that many diamonds uh i have the ones that i tim i gave me and

Then me and amelia found a bunch ah how okay let’s get some stuff for sand i mean glass i love this song isn’t it cute let’s try to make this look natural do you know how to make it natural looking so you sta what is it called Sandscaping wait was it the minecraft stream that one of you guys said shark attacked because that was that was really good yeah this looks natural doesn’t it oh yeah sugar date Now what am i supposed to do when do i despawn that’s exactly where i need to work Do i have any i think i have some yeah okay let’s go use ina’s oven because she’s she’s close by and i can replace the um the stuff i’m going to use what is it called coal coal you can use lava to kill the pillagers without getting the bad omen

You always get a bad almond if you touch the pillagers are they pillagers or illagers i think i asked that every stream because i just don’t know oh oh huh you use a block of coal how do you make a i’m actually not gonna ask that that’s probably pretty simple

Shark in russian is a akula akula a shark What was i doing glass Not a word out of any of you not a single word i don’t want to hear it i don’t want to see it i don’t want to if i glance in this direction i don’t even wanna not a chance not a chance i thought it was a blast of it or a

Blast furnace this is the blast furnace i keep getting whatever there was a 50 50 chance okay i don’t know what a blast oven is gargoyle garbanzo beans it doesn’t matter You’re excited for smash i am too i’m excited i’m practicing i’m practicing my combos i don’t know how to play though like i don’t know i don’t know if the inna you know amer are good at smash i’m kind of nervous how much glass do you think we need like 12.

Am i going to use pikachu oh i don’t know i don’t know bowser’s cool i kind of want to do you think do you think amber’s going to use steve i kind of feel like i’m is going to use steve something just tells me deep in my bones

And if she doesn’t use steve i guess i can use steve i don’t know but i just feel like oh there’s a steve person Meow Hi roses are red violets are blue if i had floaties i’d give them to you thank you for your super chat that’s funny that’s good that’s good thank you so much that’s really funny oh this is all red violets are blue i need to think of something before i get back to you

I don’t know how much glass i need yeah 12. okay we need let’s go make the the wedding signs can i replace this no okay oh okay oh we can do it here nice okay how do we make sign we need stick is this right nice

Maybe i should make another box to put all this stuff in just so i stay extra organized because i really wanna i really wanna make progress it’s not that i wanna i don’t it’s not to prove to you guys that i can do it i

Think it’s to prove to myself that i can do it you know because i know i don’t have the best track record of um being organized hi gooda hi Hi kiara is kiana here ah let me up no i say hi to kiara hello yara i found your eye i found your uh yup she asked if i liked my new pets uh yes i do yeah you’re welcome thank you I like you know they they they add personality you know they give the house a bit more character i like it i’m excited i’m excited to uh just turn with keith with you kiara kiana we’re gonna be we’re gonna be streaming together soon i’m very excited very very very excited a bit more

Chaotic god has ina trained you guys you guys are good did someone say kfc yes okay i built a box for this so that i can be organized my middle name will now be organized we need like x’s blocks wraps yes all right that’s all we need now now it

Just comes down to like digging the area that the creepers will both spawn in and then i don’t think we need do we need them here just don’t get blown up well okay i mean i was uh i was watching you guys in the pre-stream chat

Pre stream chat um because i like to sit and watch watch what you guys are saying i just like to hang out and pretend i’m part of the conversation and i saw you guys say oh death counter oh so uh very funny i don’t think i’ll die any actually if

We’re gonna if we’re gonna be placing bets on how many times i’m gonna die i’m gonna say i’m gonna place a bed on myself i’m gonna say i’m not going to die a single time not not one time hello mommy’s home he jumped on me he’s gonna snuggle with me

Okay let’s go get this house but it’s not a house it’s a buck with a bee okay what’s the wager oh you think i’m gonna wager with you guys that’s dangerous that’s dangerous who knows what you guys would all right yeah there’s so much okay noob question how is the water freezing

Underneath me ah it’s my boots it’s a it’s an enchantment on my boots amelia gave these to me frost walker uh during the daytime yeah it’s elsa power during the daytime the ice melts but at night time when you walk on the water the ice will not melt

So you can it’s really easy to work above water at night time yeah i gotta be careful though because i don’t want to hurt these anymore so if anything comes at me i’m better i better get a duck or swap out the boots take the boots off at least

Okay so i need a cat i don’t really know how to get a cat but i want to fill the rest of it i think you can repair them yeah i probably want to repair them then okay back to my guide because i’m not quite sure

How many blocks down do we build this oh we have to do this i mean you guys said we could use dirt so we’re going to use dirt because dirt’s easy dirt is easy and dirt don’t hurt silly don’t hold we gotta because the we gotta make it darker maybe it’s not

The best idea to make it darker before everything else is done but we’re gonna we’re gonna work efficiently okay i guess i could take dirt from this nope i’m too lazy we’re gonna go back and get there from the box yeah i’m wondering how deep it’s gotta

Be maybe we should bring a bed there too so we can just really work efficient We’re going to make another layer on top so essentially what we’re going to do is make a sandwich between the floor and the trapdoor level because i guess light gets through the trap doors so we want to we want to make it extra dark so that the the creepers will spawn

You know also i think i started mentioning this earlier we have to build a we have to build a tower right because you have to be so many blocks above all of this for it to work so now we’re gonna make a sandwich yeah sandwich like this you know

Maybe we can maybe the tower can be uh i think i did mention this but yeah the tower can be the the tower can be the trident why do i need a creeper farm because i need tnt and in order to get tnt you need gunpowder

Wait that was how’s a stack of blocks that quickly yeah i need gunpowder why tnt though guys why not no because i have a lot of earth i need to get rid of and i really don’t want to do it by hand i just want to do it with a big tnt

About also tnt is fun listen i am thinking for the future of of this of this realm tnt is fun yes somebody said earlier we’re gonna be this is a kaboom farm we’re making which is absolutely correct taboo serious question good have you ever watched stargate i have not

I have not watched stargate uh but amelia watched space dandy the other day right i’m pretty sure she’s been watching space dandy and she sent me one of the songs from from the from space dandy what is it called something pipeline uh star star dust pipeline i don’t know but she sent it

And she was like oh i can see you singing this and i listened to it and i went oh it was so good so good actually kind of made me want to watch the show just based off the song stardust pipeline is it yet yeah it’s good very very good i like it

I just need to find a instrumental foot did you sink atlantis with tnt you know funny question funny you should mention that no i’m joking i joke excuse me sir this is a hard hat zone yeah keep moving squidward okay so now when we go in here it should be relatively dark

Once i close this up it’ll be dark you know wait how do i get out of here then oh right i think for now i’ll just do this a fax machine okay so now we’re gonna do the i think i’m following a guide because i would be absolutely clueless without this you

Guys i’ll be very honest what do we do i don’t want to play the audio how many do we dig down like three five let’s do five then yeah let’s do fine hey get out of here target has atlantis what do you mean is those one two three oh no

Is this gonna be a thing are you gonna be here sighing in my ear the entire time okay well whatever when i take my lunch break i expect this tunnel to be done all right okay good deal okay so we went down one wait one wait does it matter how deep you go

One not really all right we’ll just go down this this then this will be fine listen if you don’t want to be here you can go oh okay you do want to be here then then quit your complaint in there okay what should we call this guy what should his name be

You guys get any good name ideas bury him i mean if he doesn’t get out of here he’s gonna bob gerald i mean bob’s good bob was the first one we’ll call you bob how you doing bob okay bob what’s bob short for robert or is it something something unusual

Like oh bob is short for patrick we need to put okay i don’t want any surprises here while i’m building this so we’re gonna put the torch here and the torch here i’m just gonna do this here boom bob is short for timothy i think bob’s short for like robert or richard

Okay so we build down and then we gotta build i’m gonna do this from memory excuse me how how many tall does this have to be oh it’s gonna be a long day with you bob bob is short for bobber bob isn’t short you are gouda hey that’s not what i meant hey

Did you hear that do you see what they said ah exactly get some doritos doritos are nice i like the uh the purple bag the most this only needs to go as far as the water will reach right okay what was that what was that guys bob what was that bob

Phantom that didn’t sound like a phantom it didn’t sound like a cat okay that’s fine that’s fine how many does this have to be eight are you sure i’m hearing things a fox it does sound like a fox it does sound like a fox have you guys

Ever heard of fox in real life what’s up no no no no that sounds like a fox or some kind of wild cat yeah it does it does it does all right now what do i need to do oh lag is somebody joining the server no how do we get up here bob

Oh i left all my stuff that i need um yeah about that we need the water bucket that’s what we need we got to go up and get the water bucket i’ll be back all right is your voice getting deeper are you tired mom okay we’re gonna be real sneaky here

Okay bob on second time we’re gonna have a nice conversation until the daytime comes bob i got it oh i don’t got it bob defend yourself mom are you you’re joking me right seriously couldn’t even be bothered to pick up a anything thanks bob wow i knew i could count on you

Okay we need this we need this we need this this to be fair there wasn’t anything for bob to pick up that’s very true you guys very very curious can you imagine if you could uh like can you is that a put shot where did that come from are they fall ah

That’s good that’s good okay so we have water i don’t really know how we’re supposed to so we did we put the water here and just let it run down clip it clip what i didn’t know how was i supposed to know stop it oh okay i see what we have to do

We have to make like a two level yeah okay so we just kind of gotta let it let the water do its thing okay so we’re going to uh oh my word get out of the way bob get out of the way you know the sad thing about this is that

I think bob’s gonna have to perish because there’s no way for me to get him to the surface again now we got to make like a little room here right for the hopper and the boxes excuse me excuse me should i put you in a corner

Don’t kill bob i mean i’ll do my best maybe we can we can get him into a maybe we can get him into like a corner and he can um keep watch over everything pub the builder he can give bob his own special little place his own special little little bob corner

Can we push him there we go we’re gonna put you in your own little wait no no no no no you got a 60-60 order i learned that on the gordon ramsay show i know what that means 66. hey here we go yeah you sit in your corner then how big

Does it matter how big the room is i don’t think the room size matters necessarily when you’re when you work at a restaurant though and you you 66 something that means you remove it from the menu i think i think that’s what i learned from that anyway i know it’s a number

Oh 86 you 86 something that’s right it’s 86. my bad no no go back in there go back in there you’re good you’re good there you go 66 is the star wars reference oh okay yeah it’s 86 when you 86 something like if you run out of french fries and the or the menu meal has french fries you got it oh 86 or something she says or or something or something like that

You know how many tall does this have to be it looks like it has to be like four four tall okay maybe it doesn’t matter who cares honestly who cares we’re building a we’re building a creeper farm emperor palpatine do it what goes here oh wait we should do it ah here

Wait this is not right okay this is what the creepers are gonna do the creepers come in here and then they yeah oh yeah and then except there’s lava here and then they die and then i get gunpowder and then i win everybody see this is when i get nervous when the

Lava comes out okay but this is where okay yep yep yep and then our box our chest where’s our chest i need the chest okay we’re gonna build down here we’re gonna build down here because i don’t want to go back up oh hey where’s my other one what

Huh this is great bob will be the last thing they hear uh keep up the good work happy thanksgiving uh oh thank you warrior thank you i hope you have a happy thanksgiving too for those of you that are gonna sell that’s tomorrow is today i believe i have some fun stuff planned

Uh tomorrow i think it’s fun i don’t know it’s a bit different maybe it’s not i don’t know we’re gonna try it anyway though um Okay now we need to build glass i think we do it this way that’s the goal uh the goal is so that they don’t come out it’s not lava it’s magma it’s the same thing guys it’s the same thing isn’t it magma lava and we put the hoppers down And then we put the the glass i see okay it has to be too high to contain the lava okay so let’s put the hoppers down wait this doesn’t look right i did this wrong oh i did this so wrong okay it’s supposed to be here it’s okay easy fix

Magma magma it’s called magmagura magma ah it hurts fix the hoppers how did i miss the hop prism how do you how do you connect the hopper connect the hopper with this oh you’re right wait how are you how you connect just at the bottom put the chest under the hopper okay we

Can do that i know how to do that that’s pretty easy yeah we’ll do that now gura hey i’ve never done this before it’s all fun shift click on the chest i don’t get my chest back you just need to shift click okay i can yeah let me try that done

I might as well you should click while you’re placing them oh that’s not right should click with the hopper shift click while placing the hopper what would i do without you guys okay shift click shift click is that right no that was not right on the chest okay okay who can check it

That’s all right that’s all right we have the undo button that’s what it’s there for okay shift click no what’s the point it can’t be there it can’t be there it has to be underneath it Should have clicked where you want it to go and i said i have to shift click to keep it on the thing Okay that must have been right that must have been right yeah yeah yeah the side of the chest yes okay now let’s try it with some bread does it work Yes did you see that bomb did you see that we work together thanks for your help guys thank you okay now we gotta do this And it has to be two too high wait i gotta think this through how am i gonna how am i gonna place this without dying yeah we’re gonna leave bob behind so that’s that because now the lava won’t spill out right and now we got to

Hold on back to my guide he’s gotta study it’s an open book test okay open book tests are the best kinds of tests am i right of course i’m right what should we say kaboom farm baboon farm no i gotta make uh i gotta make a back

Entrance in order to get here so i gotta make like a a message to the creepers need some ice for that burn creepers Say a girl say are you frustrated yet but you’re not you guys aren’t frustrated you helped me the chest is blocked what do you mean it’s connected to the side though it’s connected though i gotta stagger them like this oh okay what should we say to the creeper hasta la vista creeper

Glass won’t block the chest yeah we’re good wait the glass will block the chest i thought it didn’t block the chest test by throwing we did we did test um we can throw one of these no i think it works i think it works is thomas the tank engine in this game thomas All right what’s next oh the lava oh god okay this is when everything goes bad isn’t it oh okay i see i see so the goal the lava is gonna balance in between here somehow um okay i’m a little nervous about that oh magma my bad it’s magma

No it’s lava it says right there it says it says lava bucket oh we can make magma blocks oh use a magma block instead of lava but i want to use lava where’s the fun in where’s the fun and the magma block there’s no fun you don’t need magma you need this

Should i get water just in case yeah lava works don’t worry i have a cheat sheet here how am i gonna get up do i have any more oh i do oh there’s there’s water right here i’ll be fine i’ll be fine okay should we place the lava

We just place it this could go wrong very quickly where do we uh wait let me yeah let me let me just let me just watch this part one more time let me just double check okay okay okay we’re good we don’t need any more signs we’re good

It’s good it’s fine i mean we can i guess for safety measures would be fine if we just did two two more no whose idea was that which one of you said that all right replacing the lava now wow i think that’s a wrap that one surprisingly well i’m gonna be honest here

Bye bob see ya adios goodbye bye okay oh thank goodness okay i need to get cats i need cats yeah we need to make a back door so we can get to the chest okay so we’re gonna have you guys ever heard foxes in real life i think i already asked you that

But they are they sound that this game makes boxes sound very cute they normally they sound pretty scary yes they sound like banshees okay how do we get cats fix the carpet is the carpet wrong i’m pretty sure the carpet is right we’ll go back for bob looks right to me

It’s for spiders there you are okay Oh wait wait did was that a cat why did the fox just meow wait because we need cats how’s the cat this is good this is so good okay let’s go uh-huh let’s get some fish we know where the fish is i did one on purpose i didn’t do nothing on purpose

What are you talking about you can find cats in the village yes okay so let’s go get some fish raw salmon delicious taste they prefer raw shark well that’s just unfortunate for for them where what where did they go i’m gonna do my my my uh inventory real quick wow Um i’m coming for you salmon oh ho hello oh oh tasty how much salmon do you need how much salmon do cats eat yeah yeah i want to have cat ears someday can you imagine me as a cat shark so instead of saying shock i can say

Wait that doesn’t work what did you say now ah here’s the deal guys if i ever get cat ears whenever i stream with the cat ears i only speak in yeah okay i’m gonna drown it’s a cat shack is eight eight should be enough right yeah that’s a deal good yes it is

Is this enough fish let’s go see the village and we’ll steal the cats the cats will follow you neko neko shark girl you would love to see that hi daniel thank you daniel thank you thank you thank you i’d like to see that too sometimes i see artists

Who draw me with cat ears and it’s very cute it’s very very cute i think i think i’ve seen everybody with cat ears but just about everybody with cat ears so cute so so so cute okay to the village y’all go with cat ears have we have

Have we seen that yet has somebody done yoga with cut yours wait he would then be called nyago i’m sure somebody has said that do you think you would say meow for us can you sing yeah please where are the cats where is everyone you will be a cute tiger short thank you

Bond verse thank you thank you thank you can we hear this is where we heard them right maybe maybe they’re in in the forest here maybe Yeah yeah this is an abandoned village yes what it was recently abandoned because i was there i’m like not that long ago and there were people or villagers oh we should also build the back entrance back entrance should be like here is that bob bob bob oh bob speak to me buddy

Marco michael he’s here he’s here he’s here no you guys are supposed to say polo bob’s gotta say polo yeah it’s like here this area let’s all right we gotta go find those cats still because that’s that’s the last step well it’s not the last step but it’s the

Last step before we have to build the tower here Looking for cats ah thank you nicole brown nickel yes we are looking for cats we i heard one there’s dogs here wait jungle cats can you use any type of cat for this i don’t uh yeah i have several for you ah ah it’s so cute where are you hiding oh

What is that is that a rabbit oh is that easy oh it’s purring how do i oh follow me please my sweet angel oh do you hear that sound do i have to like right click it is it like a dog yes yes are you stuck oh my sweet precious

I will save you here you go come come come come come come come please what is it doing no teleport oh okay i love kitties what should we call you Okay we need another we need one more key we need to recruit one more one more one more i love cats the sound they make it it really i don’t know it feels really healing to my soul it keeps me very i don’t know it just feels

So good that little name is so cute wow will the dogs hurt the cat i mean there’s you know has a cat so maybe they can make a kitten that might be easier i think that’ll be easier we can do that make a kitten wait is that a cat

Did you eat that sheep well thank you i’ll be on my way now mao use my water i don’t have any water what are you talking about let’s just take another swing bike because see there’s people here now i don’t think it’s it’s not abandoned maybe no it’s abandoned

It’s abandoned it’s pretty pretty close pretty pretty close what are you talking about wow Okay so we’re gonna we’re gonna go back how do you make cats make baby is it like the other animals where they kind of just you let them You feed them together fish so it’s like the other animals okay Like the sheep oh do you hear that sweet sweet music Guys we’re almost done with the creeper farm how cool is that yeah we’ll sleep we’ll sleep and then we’ll do that come here come say hi pop a squad right there i’ll be right back thank you you know how to make babies i know how to make the cat babies

When will super limit will be continued very soon you’re gonna draw gouda cat shark now ah Oh what’s this How do i how do i do this no i i don’t want them to like run Do they both have to be standing Wait if i feed this cat if i feed ina’s cat will it will it stick to me like will it change like owners or whatever no it won’t okay because i don’t i don’t wanna i don’t wanna do anything like that no okay okay okay um will you stand Hey come here oh no I don’t think they want to make baby no yeah and then no they don’t want to ah hey ah come here [Applause] Looks smug Okay um so i’m i i am the owner for this cat so this cat will follow me and this cat will follow me not this cat i feel like this cat will uh will you eat more will you follow me why aren’t you following me

How do we get them to sit on the thing look how tiny yeah you go go take over the world go do it little guy yeah look at this little he’s gonna take over the world look at him go okay you’re sitting so you’re not i wait on my salmon

All right come with me does he need to be a big cat Please come here again come here ah okay hold on come on can you sit there you sit there i’m gonna get more salmon you see how tiny his little legs are they look like little uh cotton swabs little q-tips very cute okay simone hello i need to feed my children i think

I think i want to fill my shark house with cats yes i think that is the goal all right this is good right this is good okay so we have our cats do it yellow cat house cat yolo who says yolo do people still say yolo where are the cats there they are

Hello if i feed him more will he grow faster hi you’re so cute name them shrimp and shrimp junior i don’t have any name tags but that that is a very good name i like naming uh i don’t know i like the name fish for a cat i don’t know why

This thing is cute come on we should call the little one squeaker though oh scampi that’s so cute Wait how are we going to get them over the water do they teleport over the water come on oh yes they will all right come on my children well the the mobs are scared of cats right because the goal here for i mean i’ll try and explain from what i understand but like

The cats sit here and the mobs spawn and they’ll be scared so they’re gonna they’re gonna run here they’re gonna be poured into the middle and that’s when they go down the water slide and into the the death tunnel yeah creepers run from cats that’s your guy’s job all right

All right good okay we’re on the same page ah okay we’re gonna we have to let’s take that back tunnel yeah uh are they sitting i don’t want them to follow me and get hurt so let’s hi a squat right here who’s your good kitty where’s your kitty okay now sit

Okay very cute did i watch who’s guide for creepers i don’t know his name i don’t know the guy’s name what the name chap chapman that’s the channel i’m using chapman’s guide for creepers it was the first one that came up okay should we guess here we gotta build that back tunnel

I’m really scared to mess this up this feels right yeah yeah this is right this is right isn’t it i don’t know if i finished this i’m starting to think i missed a step well this is this is dangerous guru oh no i gotta go count i don’t like this

I gotta double check because i don’t want to mess anything up that i’ve worked so hard for i need to count this do i don’t i i guess i could do this just for the time being just so i can get around this yeah that’s a good idea i’ll go this way

Come on gravel i got stuff to do i love the kitties and they’re so cute yeah we’re gonna dig up we’re gonna go straight up instead of down one two three four five six seven eight hiya bob how you doing down here buddy oh exactly all right progress you guys this is

Progress isn’t it bob needs an evacuation route he’s fine he’s the last thing the creeper sees before its demise okay so we’re gonna build an escape hatch for us we’re gonna build a twisty winding staircase oh look how close we were not bad put a door on the staircase we can do

That we can finish off the uh progress progress by uh putting a a door on it huh oh we can do this we do this uh we need to build the door let’s go by the door real quick oh that’s a big zombie why is the voice so deep

No i don’t know the door a spruce door that’s a big zombie it sounded pretty big had a deep voice okay this can be the start of it wait we might have to go up one and do it like this that’s progress fellas isn’t it i’m actually really proud

I did i did good so far i mean i used i used a guide but i still think that’s okay i went and i got all the materials so far and i didn’t get distracted very much we did good you guys even helped me how do you place a door uh

It’s kind of hidden sort of ish okay here is our here’s our way in and out so we can get to the chests glass does not seem to block the chest we’re good we’re good we have kitties kitties kitties kitties it is a treehouse you’re right it’s pretty much

Like a treehouse isn’t it you’re gonna die my friend he didn’t like being taunted hey even bob can we do anything with the villagers can we interact make a trail of torches no that’s okay i don’t know where it is toy uh so we just need to place the cats how

Is there an easy way to place the cats on the on the what is that pedestal on the trapdoor where they need to be give bob a bed why does bob need a bed a leash how do you make a lead can you make a lead i thought you

Couldn’t make a lead because i don’t i don’t have one take one from inna does inna have one we can borrow yeah i can i’ll borrow one is that daytime music is it safe to come out now hey we’re gonna run for it that’s a souped-up zombie goodbye

I’ll be back yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna borrow a yes we’ll give it back of course we’ll give it back i love how my game likes when they come over to the this my house yeah so i’m gonna fill the inside with red and i want to make it two floors

And then i’m gonna add the white teeth around it that’s why i’m wearing the hat today so you can see uh you can see how how much of a good job i did didn’t i do a good job you guys bob doesn’t get to sleep bob is on a round-the-clock surveillance watch

That’s the problem i mean that’s not a problem but that’s that’s just how it is bob is our surveillance there’s no time to sleep isn’t that right works 24 7. you see this okay ina can i borrow your lead i’m sorry to be in your boxes

I would like to borrow your lead for a moment just for a moment oh you have 10 out of 10. thank you i’ll be back i’ll bring it back i promise i thought you couldn’t make leads can we put the lid on bob why does bob need a bed he’s fine does

He die i am borrowing guys come on i don’t think bob needs a bed he just need some caffeine quicker mickey d’s run no be good ah slime that’s right slime that’s how you make sticky pistons too isn’t it sticky stones okay now we have to go up in the air

Though after we do this we have to get up in the air my babies oh you’re so big you grow up so fast i missed when you you’re still small aren’t you okay i have a gift for you for you for you okay now i need you to come with me

How do we do this oh here come come come come wait no come here come come come go come up huh where’s the child hi you’re so tiny do you listen to me yes you do hi what’s your name it’s so tiny look how big your head is

You look funny you look like a bobble head alabama shut up guys stop it all right we gotta put you on uh we gotta put you up here up here come on how do we get the kitty up here come on how do we get key up

Maybe drop from above oh that’s a good idea okay let’s try that come on come on come oh ah we were so close all right i have an idea come on oh shoot let me okay we gotta put the oh yes nice nicely done okay okay okay nice now it’s your turn

Oh he’s so tiny wow he’s so cute and tiny i just wanna kiss it i love it okay come with me yes hey stand come with me we’re gonna go this way look it’s your son looks just like dad or mom i’m not quite sure all right

Oh yeah we have to build like the the window the glass window so you can see the creepers going in i probably have to do that too all right we’re gonna ah these carpets yeah and then we gotta remove the torches yes you’re right remove the torches so that we can uh

Make sure that the the mobs actually spawn and then hope i did everything right come on come on no we were so close all right all right we try again we try again hello guru hello how are you we’re trying to get the kitties we can push him that might be easier ah

There you go champ looking good all right look at this what is progress you’re late that’s okay i mean look we should call him chum buddy you want to be somebody okay cats check tunnel check how many we gotta figure out how far down the uh

The thing is so we can build that window oh god i don’t want to guess i really don’t want to guess but i think we might have to guess don’t forget the trap door the center oh yeah yeah we have to do that too oh no okay good

Sorry i’m a bit quiet guys my throat’s really hurting i think i’m i don’t know i keep thinking i’m getting sick but i think i don’t know i think i’m fine but my throat really hurts today for some reason so i’m trying not to be too crazy crazy crazy uh water’s broken no

No it’s good did it break oh no okay there’s water right here we can just go and scoop some more it’s all right quick fix well we can see if it’s still working before we go in and fix anything yeah it’s not perfect like it’s not the

No it’s not the way we left it um but if it still works then i guess it’s all right okay so my guess is that okay we let’s do it this way let’s go this way and then that way we can because now we want to build a window hmm

I know what i’m doing i don’t know what i’m doing we know wait it’s like seven weekend seven from the door one two three four five six seven oh yeah we can use coordinates sometimes when i use the coordinates though for the first time in the game uh

Game gets a little freezy so let’s see what this does okay it’s good quick right down five three nine point three we’re gonna do the three decimal importance my nose four five nine point seven zero what did i say i said five three nine that’s five eight zero what are you talking about

You talking about huh yeah you like my pc specs what’s the new the new graphics card everybody’s talking about what everybody was talking about but now it’s sold out everywhere and impossible to get your hands on the the 3 8 30 80 rtx 3090 390 ah what’s the best one my baby

Well the 30 90 sounds better because it’s the bigger number is that right 30 90 is the ow where did you come from oh my okay we’re gonna go this way we’re gonna go away we’re gonna just go i gotta just go just go just go oh my Oh not like this hello Oh why are there holes in the ground stop i just want to get to my chickens all right off the bed shoo shoo shoo get out of here i gotta sleep 3090 is overkill well i don’t really know anything about pcs uh that i mean you already know that but

The 30-90 is a rip-off oh i don’t know anything about any pcs but i do know that i want to upgrade my pc i’m a little nervous upgrade my pc because i think i’ll need a lot of time to make sure i get it right so i’m

Trying to figure out when i can do that because i don’t if i mess something up oh shoot if i mess something up that’s incredibly likely then i don’t want to have to like wait a while for me to fix it do you know what i mean uh

Okay we were building uh a thing hi can you stay there and be cute okay perfect come here fellas i didn’t do that fast enough the farm is working it’s working i need my health to come back because i need to go get rid of these guys oh great wow nice shot

Okay now i gotta get rid of this guy because he’s gonna cause me problems i just i can feel it hello are you a troublemaker are you a problem causer huh no bones about it baby goodbye okay we can uh we have levels now we cannot we can enchant

And change stuff okay good you’re okay hydration time Okay five three nine three so here ish and then my news four five nine oh here it’s exactly here or maybe here probably here i think it’s here yeah we’ll do here here here try to build a shovel we should build a shovel big hair

Okay let’s go build a shovel for we have sticks and we have stone how perfect is that you guys look at this what is progress and then we gotta build a tower and then we’ll be golden i’ll see you bob and then we can put our kitty in the

House and the kitty can stay with the chickens i’m sorry i don’t have any salmon for you little guy i’m sorry i’ll go get big salmon for you yeah i want a kitty so bad you know how bad i want a kitty ah i’m sorry i’m showing my crazy cat

Lady sign but i just i don’t know they do something to me it just makes me feel so good okay we’re digging now i think i mentioned this but i’ve been watching uh when you watch kitty asmr eating videos have you seen that there’s go try and find the one

It’s a little black kitty and he’s eating a sausage it is the cutest thing ever i love it okay so now we’re gonna build the window so we need glass this should be i mean we’re gonna have to see we have to figure out where the lava lava’s hiding

Listen this is what are you jim so we have jim and we have bob so we put them together you get jim bob okay so we have lava here um what should this be like three one two three as long as we can see them uh yeah

I have a sneaking suspicion jim is going to fall okay okay so i was off i was off so that’s fine we gotta do this listen if bob if he falls in that’s his fault i gave a warning i said this was a hard hat zone yeah that’s good right that’s good wow

Ah that’s not what i meant to put oh dang it ah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever okay we gotta go we gotta make we need two more pins of glass dang it okay there’s lots of sand here lots and lots and lots and lots and lots see

Guys we’re so close i’m so excited i don’t know i don’t think i’ve ever done a minecraft stream i didn’t know foxes could swim oh yeah then we gotta clear out the the torches inside build tower ah you’re so big they grow up so fast i never finished my sentence my bad my

Brain is my brain is just flooded with a pure adrenaline of finishing a build in one stream okay we’re gonna build a furnace i’m gonna build some glass and then i wanna kind of make this look a little bit better i mean as long as we get it to work

Then i’ll be satisfied where’s the danger zone okay feeling good about this she will never be satisfied i will i just gotta if i finish something in a stream i will be incredibly satisfied apple ah we won’t sleep should we sleep let’s get that glass and then we’ll clear out the

Mind but the things oh wait we turn this to ena i should eat the water’s fine the water still works see it reaches exactly where it’s supposed to go oh wait i have stuff i can cook look at that you volunteer at an animal shelter i’ve done that before

And you have to go and you uh you go and take care of the kitties and the puppies you walk the dogs and you you play with the kitties and whatever else they need help with like cat box poopy box stuff like that it’s fun it’s good

Hey but sometimes it’s hard because you get attached to the animals you know and you just want to make sure that they go to happy homes but i don’t know maybe it’s just me i get attached really easily ah sorry my brain is in go mode has anybody else ever worked at a

Shelter before an animal shelter well i mean it’s hard because you know a lot of a lot of the animals in the shelter have been surrendered by people that can’t take care of them anymore or you know they were found and on the streets in a bad condition

And then you just want the best for that animal and then you’re so happy when they find a home but also it’s like now i don’t get to visit you anymore and it’d be weird to ask the owners like hi i love your pet can i come over to your house

Friday night i’ll bring i’ll bring a pot roast just please let me sit with your pet for a little while okay so here’s our window so this is where we’re gonna see the creepers uh perish all right we’re gonna get rid of these yeah it’s dark in here

Do you have to build trapdoors i’m pretty sure you can just leave that open and they’ll go in I’ll come back later yeah what are you gonna do with that huh build me a mud castle that’s what i thought do you have to put one here like above the cat like at all there’s a fine like that we do need to do trapdoors well i do have extra we can do

Will they fall over the trapdoor they’ll just they’ll fall over this or do i have to build a mechanism okay oh trap door but open okay okay okay geo gonna say goodnight but congrats on the kaboom farm thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for your super chat

It’s nice to see you Right and then like that does that look great Looking good all right chat says it’s looking good i feel good about this how do you feel about this all right thank you for your input okay now we need to go up i miss the torch okay now now we’re gonna go to our window ah little bit of a heads up

Ow buddy yeah give me that level give me that tasty level how far does anybody know how many uh blocks high we need to go from the the chest what is it like one it’s like where 150 one 128 round 120ish all right okay i have another stupid question um

I’m gonna we’re gonna sleep now this is one block high correct so if i just count up one like one up up up up yes god you guys are so helpful ah i love it thank you okay we’re gonna sleep and then we’re gonna go up high we’re gonna make a scaffolding yes

Exactly i don’t have my boots on when is the next stream um my schedule i have a schedule up on my twitter but i have two streams coming up we’re gonna be chatting chat chat uh i was thinking about opening a marshmallow so we can we can chat

A bit you guys we can do scaffolding in quotations i saw that i don’t know it’s been a while since we’ve done that and i feel a lot more comfortable than the first time we did that so i think i’d be i think i’m more ready to talk more about uh myself

So it’d be fun to get to know each other better that way don’t you think and uh it’s it’s thanksgiving for a lot of people and i like i think it’d be nice to spend spend quality time together okay wait f3 what block are we on oh oh oh 70 right

71 72 73 ninety three one two three four five six seven eight nine one hundred one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five four three two one when do they fall did i miss a step did i miss count did you see that

Did you see that we got one we got one how do you zoom in wait f3 block 119 so this you just you just i use afk what’s optifine oh it’s a shader oh i don’t i don’t have any shaders or mods i don’t think

Do you have to be above it or is this just so you can see it press c to zoom it doesn’t do anything how are we gonna get down we should oh oh we’re above the clouds we are what is this 128 blocks yeah but you don’t have to be we can be

Like just away right like being up above it is just so we can watch it yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s there’s another one did you see there’s another one that’s three three creepers i did it i should say we did it we did it

Oh i’m so proud how do i get done now guys i just gotta dig i’m gonna dig back down uh but then i’m gonna go oh i wonder if i built it far away enough we did it we did it Oh what did you say friend hunter hello you wonder if i had any fun stories oh what kind of fun stories hmm fun stories yeah i left the block so that i knew how high up to go even though i could have just looked at my coordinates whatever

That’s a good question though anybody’s stories about um i have to it’s hard to think about them on the spot if it comes to my heart if it comes to my mind though i will definitely i definitely see well speaking of cats one time one time we were we were traveling

I was traveling with my family and uh we stopped at a gas station and i had a dairy queen and uh there was cats everywhere easily 30 or 50 just hanging out and it was i mean i really like cats so i was in heaven um

Yeah i mean that’s not that’s just a story i guess just a bunch of wildcats it’s working oh my god i can’t believe we did that i feel so accomplished it works it works bob you guys we did it ah okay nice job everybody high fives all around

Have fun everybody high five come on high fives all around everybody yeah everybody yes right awesome hey come with me up that’s not what i wanted to do well no no no in honor of the person that i saw recommend this come with me kaboom farm ah i feel so good

Is this what it feels like i mean i felt that way when i finished my house but uh this is anything is possible for shark brain thank you thank you thank you thank you that’s right see it’s true you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it

All right i think i gotta take it he lies on the bed That’s amazing i love this game gupta morgan loop demorian i gotta kill these chickens they’re lagging my game out your mom owns six dairy queens do you get free dairy queens i’m sorry but it’s time to die stop pushing kitty around stop it hello to you hello to you yup sorry hello

We gotta 86 the chickens isn’t the blizzard that’s the thing that’s like oh if you you can turn it upside down and it’ll do stuff i don’t know no no yeah order 86 forget 66. route 66 goodbye chickens goodbye ah my game is gonna be less congested no offense you guys

I’m but build another shovel hi wow there are so many of you all right come on how’d you go it’s time to go you were cute while your last impetus i’m lagging my game out hey Oh there’s so many stop please how do we make cake Okay there’s more chickens Wings thank you best stream ever ah i’m happy enjoying it a 30 day membership anniversary for me tomorrow so i will see you then great job on the creeper farm thank you thank you oh wait uh wait to make a cake you need uh eggs wheat and sugar ah i have

We have do we have sugarcane i don’t know if we have sugarcane can i sleep with the kitty i love it i love it i love it what’s this uh i should probably build a another one of these what is that i’m gonna build a box okay because i need to

Put some stuff away like yeah i need to return this we gotta we gotta make a make a shovel so we can get rid of all the dirt you need to go i still hear bubble book do we hear about football or is it just

In my head at this point it might be in my head at this point yeah that was kiara’s prank it was good he’s kidding rabbit hide where’d we get rabbit hide uh somebody recommended that i put coral reef underneath here for the flooring i think that’s a really

Good idea i want to do that okay i go back to the coral reef biome the future plan of atlantis yes all the rabbit hide yeah i guess let’s what are we building shovel to get rid of the dirt i should probably start from the top and work my way down yeah

Wait does ice not melt when it’s in the in the shade oh it doesn’t oh it does okay we have to eat thank you thank you thank you thank you for keeping my eyes open for that i named this kitty chum buddy by the way this is chum buddy it’s you guys

It’s you guys chet all right here’s the house i can get rid of this now this is so uh curious chickens wouldn’t spill out check out my xp yeah you guys get a load of that level 16. nice all right so i think i think next time i want to finish

I want to finish the house next time we play minecraft like i said i want to make it uh two floors or maybe like a loft you know like this could be a upper floor here with a balcony and then stairs down and i want to have some some red for the

Inside like i see inside of a mouth and then i want to have white here like my hat yeah i think that’s a good idea also i remember somebody said that having a wool house is a not good because a lightning could strike and burn it down so i’m

Thinking it’s a good idea if i start collecting stuff for uh blue concrete yeah blue concrete big dangerous yes big dangerous causes uh big bad and we don’t want that because i worked so hard on this you know ah wait come here kitty kami let’s go return ina’s inna’s lead

Come here come come come come come All right that’s good sit there stay there good kitty and i was actually wondering if i should change the color of the house to match my hood more because i know that the there’s like a teal color you can do i kind of like the blue but i think the

Teal might be close you can make a glass ceiling we could i mean it is flat on top it’s flat on top so we could do like a sun roof a sunroof is what it’s called or a moon moon roof we could do that but yeah okay so what do we do this

Stream we built and completed the creeper farm uh why do we build a creeper farm because i want tnt so that i can blow up that mountain essentially um 50 diamonds 50 diamonds and i’m over here like yeah guys i built a dirt tower it’s all right like i always say

Everybody’s progress looks different but uh wait i’m gonna make oh no we don’t have that that’s bamboo i thought that was sugar cane but um anyway i think i’m gonna call it here i feel like this is a good place to stop we built a creeper farm

Here’s what my house looks like so far isn’t he cute we got enos ballin yeah she’s good she’s good she’s good pretty good yeah we built the door we put a door on the uh the stairway down the bottom ah yes don’t blow up eagle rock what is what what do you mean

Eagle rock eagle eagle rock i’m not gonna completely obliterate it it looks like an eagle from the beach on the other side wait does it and look we built the door here progress progress all right guys uh i hope you have a good rest of your day a good evening

For those of you that will possibly maybe you’ll be waking up early for thanksgiving to start cooking and baking i wish you good luck um remember to wash your hands if you lick your fingers while baking don’t be gross don’t be nasty um but i hope you have

A good day i hope you have a good day with your families or come hang out with me or ame or ina or cali or kiara or any of the hall of life girls that will be uh hanging out as well um i’m sure we’d love to have your company yes okay um

Until then bye bye yes Okay bye-bye Bye bye bye goodbye Um You

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Let’s build a Creeper Farm!’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-11-26 06:21:03. It has garnered 836870 views and 41449 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:22 or 11002 seconds.

I just want TNT ok? #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds


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  • EPIC TNT Mod Review – LANCOK GmG!

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

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