Insane Hardcore 100 Days in All The Mods 9 Survival

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This guy shoots lasers out of his eye and this guy well let’s just say you do not want to be on his bad side this is all the mods 9 the largest mod pack ever to be created in Minecraft 1.20.1 things start off really peaceful in this world the next thing you know

Something like this thing gets all glowy and summons a purple laser beam from its mouth packed with magic technology and Adventure mods imagine trying to spend 100 days in this world that seems pretty fun right now imagine trying to do it in hardcore yeah that makes things a lot

More difficult it’ take a real mad man to want to try and do that I mean what’s this wait what armor pile Oh my God oh my God that’s right I’m going to be attempting to survive 100 days in all the mods 9 in hardcore

Mode in fact I’m going to try and set a record and spend 1,000 days in this mod pack the thing is this series is also basically in hardcore mode you see each video will be powered by a like go if you guys don’t get this video to 20,00

,000 likes then I won’t continue the series so make sure you hit that like button if you want the series to continue on to 200 days this is basically a full-on movie so grab a snack sit back and relax my name is Josh m v and this is my attempt at surviving

100 days in the all the mods9 mod pack in hardcore wa okay here we go this is my attempt at surviving 100 days in all the mods 9 hardcore now this mod pack has over 300 50 mods so surviving 100 days in hardcore mode is going to be

Extremely difficult I really don’t know what to expect it looks like we’ve already got some structures over here I’m going to head towards them we’re going to approach them with caution here this looks like a friendly house oh nope I already hear zombies already here’s

Okay buddy what is that is that a zombie with a fish head this is not what I expected this is not what I expected so early on okay we’re going to steal this we’re grabbing fish in a from a barrel oh we just got a fishing pole hold

On oh okay yes yes Iron Golem go we got an iron golem to save us perfect he took out those creepy fish dudes okay what is this okay we already got a fishing rod with Nature’s men looks like there’s some good chest around here nothing

Crazy oh we got an emerald take that and a sturdy B cage this B cage is getting sturdy nice let’s get it so we already got some food this is going to be good hardcore you know one of the first things you want to do is find food you

Don’t want to die of starvation now I’m wondering if I break this is there going to be one more sort of hidden okay yes there was a hidden barrel here okay so we got iron forged turtle shell of the fast wi guys our inventory is getting so

Filled already I love mod packs that give you a lot of loot because it makes me feel rich and I I like feeling rich I want to get extremely rich in this mod pack of course you know we we can’t die because then that’s not going to happen

So we got to be careful but let’s put some armor on that might help get this little turtle shell helmet on look at that look at that we’re already looking good here let’s go and get these chest over here oh yes another Emerald we’re going to take those maybe we can trade

With these villagers okay can we trade you for anything three emeralds for some leather pants that’s stupid okay your trade is trash what you guys got cooking up here oh yeah okay let’s take this iron sword I don’t know if the other sword even works yet so let’s steal this

Dude’s bed you know we’re in hardcore survival we got to take what we can get and there’s vein Miner perfect oh my gosh yo look at all this holy we got nine iron uh some more ender pearls compressed iron so we got an ender pearl already perfect oh my gosh this is great

Enchanted scroll can only be used on an ally okay thank you for all your stuff good sir that was a good chest oh no the sun’s going down already we’re thriving at this point we got so much good loot already we’re running out of inventory space okay day one has gone really well

We’ve gotten a lot of good loot I’m going to go ahead and head to bed here and see you guys in the morning we did it we’re alive I wonder what this world has in store for us today we’ll find out I know that’s a dungeon so uh we’re going to stay clear

From that what is this this looks like almost like a a jungle temple but made out of wood we’re going to approach it with caution we got a sword at least here’s the entrance okay it’s a little dark and scary down there okay hold on we need torches let’s get some wood all

Right let’s grab some sticks make some torches here let’s see what’s down here we’re going to be really careful we could okay this could be a trap something something’s off oh oh I knew this place would be trapped you can’t trust anything in this mod pack literally

Nothing okay I don’t know what to do here don’t oh oh that was just the magma block obviously you can’t walk on that what am I thinking okay let’s eat some bread maybe we should just break these we need a we need a pickaxe this is ridiculous you know what I’m making a

Pickaxe okay we can make an iron pickaxe already get rid of this oh it had some loot in it poison arrows familiar Stone wooden gear take the poison arrows oh look at all this what Vortex Cannon hey yo golden horse armor saddle saddle we we could get a horse we should definitely

Do that okay honestly I think this iron sword’s a lot better because it’s a glacial iron sword of slang I think it’s clear at this point we need to get a backpack cooking real quick so let’s go find some cows oh extra chest what the

Heck is it just be there a mini zombie in a block oh my gosh look at all this loot more emeralds bunny Hoppers oh we won’t take fall damage we should wear this okay we put him on look at that we can jump high now we we’re immune to

Fall damage a poison Ward Ring grants poison immunity dude are you kidding me I want that yes we’re wearing it we’re immune to poison now that’s going to be perfect and let’s wear this necklace cool all right guys I don’t know what that is we’re going to leave that zombie

Alone and get on with our life here okay sick so far day two is going really well I’m excited for the future I’m still a bit nervous but uh hopefully things go all right let’s go off this way we need to somehow get a backpack oh look at

That Tower kind of scared to approach that don’t know if there’s a wizard up there it’s becoming night once again uh we’re going to have to sleep here shortly maybe we can make it to this Tower before doing so that way we’re safe oh what the heck is that an ancient

Temple look at that thing what in the world we really need to get a backpack we find cows soon let’s go in here anybody home what’s that flaw Brawlers gym don’t know what that is a lot of gemms in here okay no one’s up here okay we’re going

To head to sleep here real quick all right guys day two complete what a day got some great loot I’m going to head to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow good morning day three I’m excited let’s get it we need some leather ASAP to make a back back pack

That’s my goal for today oh hello I will take this minus 20% gravity but we do get some armor probably better to have armor than it is gravity am I right yeah we’re going to we’re going to be on our way here and uh go explore this world

Let’s go find some cows get some leather hey sheep we we could go explore this Ancient Temple what do you think she okay you’re a creeper why don’t you go that way and I’ll go this way do not blow me up sir we’re at this Ancient Temple curses find a bath house what

Does that mean and why is it called curses I don’t hello anybody friendly home we’re going to go in this one room at a time sure not to set off any traps hello some deep slate coal so far this place oh my gosh that looks like a trap

Something about this place is a bit suspicious so I feel like we really need to be on our toes there’s some cake I don’t care to grab these really so okay okay awesome can we get some leather please oh no I hear skeletons am I really ready to fight

These sound like oh no oh no no no get away from me break this break this that gave me a heart attack I did not expect that okay iron gloves let’s grab some iron gloves yeah we got iron gloves dude okay we got more bad guys to

Deal with I don’t know why I’m doing this but we’re going to fight them get away from me we’re going to do this really carefully okay we’re going to be smart we’re not going to make any sudden movements look at that break it boom we’re good see guys we’re good we’re pro

At Minecraft I’m literally a Minecraft pro come on game give me something harder should we go up here oh gosh I thought I heard something oh what’s that oh it’s a Wither Banner oh there’s a chest there how would we get up there oh right right here let’s let’s be real careful here

Fight fight fight you’re dead you’re dead you’re trash buddy you’re done okay let’s get this gold I think this is better put that on okay wait is that a chest or a trap I I can’t tell I’m scared it’s a player head what kind of loot is that lame oh it’s a

Bathtub take a quick bath clean up you know we got a long journey ahead of us we got to make sure we’re clean see what else this house has to offer if it doesn’t have anything else really I does it go deeper I feel like it does definitely

Does oh my gosh what is this you know what I don’t care if there’s good loot in there I’m leaving I I got to play it smart guys we got to survive for 98 more days really need a backpack to start clearing out some inventory space it’s

One of the first things you want when you play a mod pack like this you know freak man is any is anybody else seeing this that’s crazy oh digging closet that could be useful what do you guys say we uh we wear the digging cloths yeah we

Got digging cloths so now I can just mine stone with my fist oh this is so sick that looks creepy where’s my bed oh no go back to the Village this is really scary okay come on get me in this house I’m sleeping sleeping woo all right good night guys what a good

Day all right let’s take this bed with us okay feel a lot safer now we’re on day four nowo we’re cruising through these days so far so good I’m still a bit worried about how things are going to go later on I know this mod pack progresses pretty intensely you know

With having so many mods but feeling good we’re pretty set up for for being this early on in game at least but um we need to get a backpack we still haven’t met that goal yet let’s find some cows oh there’s quests oh nice just got some

XP torches and steak oh there’s a bounty board kill the Elder Guardian kill the the Wen Chima so if we do these we get rewards tips and tricks magnet hammock lets you sleep during the day that’s lit it’s good to know that we can follow these quests and they might give Us

Rewards okay some sort of Ash tro looking thing should we approach it mysterious Cube yeah this cube is mysterious why is it here looks like it’s from the applied energistics 2 mod I think that’s a storage mod I don’t think we’re ready for that we don’t even

Have a home but I want to explore first oh this is an abandoned Temple I can hear the skeletons inside I’m staying away guys we’ve raided enough stuff for now I don’t have enough inventory space for or anything else we got to really got to get this backpack here if we

Could only find some cows that would be lit a I see a cow let’s go die that was easy leather what I turn around for 1 second and this cow turns into this what the heating the Amber block over a cozy fire might okay we got to try this I

Think if we find a campfire we can melt the cow on it I don’t know though it’s only one way to find out gosh dang it the only two cows we found we also need leather to make a parag glider which could be useful but we need more cows

We’re just going to keep searching this must be a sign hold up yeah this is a sign it says 400 blocks that way maybe we’ll go over there kills oh yeah plenty of them hello guys do you mind if I uh well excuse me I don’t know what came

Over me can we make a backpack now please looks like we can we’re going to need some string though you know what that means what what is this doing here does Santa live there like I don’t is it a dungeon oh this world’s crazy okay this is a another dungeon we know what

This is we we’ve been here before this is we should probably stay here for the night and well you know sleep the end of day four here and things are going great still I’m a happy guy maybe getting a little lonely but you know I’m enjoying myself surviving the the challenge is

Going good and that’s what matters we just got to you know see it through we got a lot of days left and I hope things go well if you’re watching this uh wish me luck anyways it’s Josh and V here I’ll uh see you tomorrow morning good night

All right day five baby day five 95 days to go I’m feeling good this world is truly unique to say the least a lot to explore which keeps me on my toes my next goal is to find some sheep to get some string or if we go in this m shaft

We might find string in there but it could be dangerous I’m feeling kind of Brave ah string that was easy all right backpack time we’re just going to make the normal one for now make a chest okay so so I think it’s like this and boom

Got a backpack now we can fill this up with all the goodies we don’t necessarily need to hold on to right now let’s read these chests what the heck yo look at all this loot man Shield scroll oh there’s a lot of cool scrolls look at

That man that’s cool holy cow it’s a spider oh freak me bro okay that they’re slowing me down with their arrows we we don’t want to go close to that there’s probably a lot of good loot in here but I we’re not ready guys we’re really not

We need to find some sheep actually actually and make a sleeping bag if we get more string to we need to make a bow I hear a sheep time to get sheared come here come here thank you so things going all right we had a little scare there

Earlier on but uh we’re good now right now we’re sort of just you know testing the water seeing what this game’s about oh is this a an ice M shaft the heck got to be careful with things like this they suck you right into it next thing you know you’re facing zombies

That are powerful and kill you what the freak man look at all this iron Spike Maul ow ow hey hey get away from me holy cow we got a name tag another backpack that’s cool we’re good Mar the toasty is awoken nearby okay what the heck man oh there he is at

Least we can see him let’s head out oh it’s night it’s night it’s time to sleep that’s what that means all right y’all day five success see you in the morning all right day six we are still making some great progress here I’m happy I’m excited still M shaft was pretty sick we

Got some good loot now we’re back on the road we’re going to see what’s out here run away from okay okay all right we’re going to run this way is that a fox oh it’s a snow fox I want to get out of this snow biome somewhere a bit more

Warm are you what is that once her oh yes okay I see a dog let’s kiss some bones out my first pet come here boy hey hey first try you must like me oh what’s up buddy should we get two why not come here come here girl yeah got a boy and a

Girl dog what’s up guys guys want some meat good puppies oh hold up oh my they made a kid I was just giving the meat I didn’t mean for that to happen but it happened so we went from zero pets to three dogs that’s a lot I’ll adjust all

Right guys you ready to join me on my adventure going to have to come up with names for you how about Samantha George and Peter Peter the pup all right guys guys follow me we’re going to get through this snow biome soon here though

I want to find a place to settle down at least uh at least for a starter base you know starting to become numb it’s okay is this the end oh my gosh I think this is the end thank God finally can already feel my toes warming up now yes horses

We found some horses jump oh and it tells me the speed and the jump high this one can jump higher so we’re going to get to tame it horsey come on be my friend let me tame you oh I didn’t mean to hit you no no no

No no no dogss no well thanks for having my back but I didn’t mean to hit it you just killed my okay all right well looks like we’re going to have to go with the less jumpier horse over here it’s fine come on tame come on Charlotte did you

Tame yes she tamed all right let’s get our saddle out armor get you set up here the saddle on the golden horse armor yes let’s go we got a horse all right now we can travel faster what I want wanted to make was sleeping bag oh it’s really

Easy to make a sleeping bag open our crafting inventory and oh we can choose oh that’s so good okay we got a horse we got three dogs George Samantha Peter the pup we got Charlotte over here I’d say day six was a success all right well

It’s becoming night so uh I’ll see you guys in the morning good night oh day seven full week and modded Minecraft we’ve survived a week I’m proud we’re doing good well say we hop on Charlotte here in let’s head uh East off we go this sure is a nice biome I

Haven’t really checked out these this Tower yet so well I say we give it a try let’s climb this thing all right we’re almost at the top here oh is it just a Way Stone that’s cool and some emeralds feathers yes we can make arrows yeah guys we can

Make a a parag glider yeah we got a parag glider oh man Perfect Since we’re up here kind of scared I mean could be fun right so 3 2 1 Yahoo woo woohoo look at that oh man there’s a there’s a timer I hope hope it doesn’t mean it’s just

Going to drop me it it drops me all right that’s good to know good thing we have bunny uh feed on that way we can survive the fall damage good combo look a chest these amst shards actually look like they can be pretty handy so I think

We should grab him is this the top oh look at that blast protection four nice we’re going to fly down back to Charlotte paraglide woohoo Charlotte see if I can land on her nope oh we hit the tree all right if I know uh how the stories usually go

Something bad’s about to happen I don’t know what could be a number of things to be honest with this this amount of mods but we’re just going to enjoy the good times while they last hold on see a camp oh finally campfires we can melt

The block and see if the cow comes out all right so if we place this on top of this fire what’s going to happen to this cow man anything I hear it sliming around it’s it’s doing something oh yes it spawned a cow so that could be helpful we could actually

Use bees to capture animals all right do these Traders have anything good we do got some emeralds here wait sticks for emeralds oh we need 32 let’s Vin mine some of this real quick give me your emeralds sir please I said please ah no more emeralds lit now we have 29 that’s

A lot I think we should build up to that and see what’s up there like nothing could really go wrong if we do that and it’s cool to see what’s up there you know it’s becoming night so we could probably sleep up there but I’m just going to build straight

Up and we’re at the top what’s going on up here man a nippa no I did not mean to hit you Peter secret chest with nothing in it let’s go all right game all right game that was not worth it think it’s time to go to bed day seven complete first week ah

Things are going good it’s exciting see you guys in the morning good good night day eight I am ready what do you say we ye down here woo let’s go no no our wolf died oh my gosh we lost her wolf I think it was Peter the pup well our first loss rip

Peter the pup I I think we should we should probably make a grave for him r i p Peter the pup he was lit for real for real all right moment is silence for Peter the pup all right well Peter your memory will live on we’ll miss you all right

Charlotte continue heading East H are we strong enough for this I don’t know we’ll find out all right Charlotte you stay here all right we could at least try and try to play it safe it looks like it’s filled with Mobs I don’t know if this is

Smart okay I can do this it’s just a giant dungeon wait wait wait no no my dogs are going to die dogs come back come come back I can’t have you puers dying we already lost Peter sit sit all right stay here all right I hope there’s

Some good loot this better be worth it oh my gosh wait hold on that’s a lot oh ow hold on ah no no no no there not good loot no I’m trapped Glider okay I thought I was going to die there jeez okay we’re not strong enough for that yet we’re going to have to come back for that maybe we can check this out all right let’s check out this Lighthouse floating Lighthouse anyone in here hello it’s

Your boy Josh m v just coming to say hi waa look at all these Redstone lamps oh it’s cuz this is an actual Lighthouse what that’s sick you know let’s take these lamps why not all right well that was cool all right let’s head back to our pets Samantha George we’re heading out

All right guys let’s go find a spot to build we need to settle down all right let’s figure out how to get past this magic biome the sun’s setting another day complete what was this day eight still I guess weaker than I hoped but you know

We’ll get stronger I think I’m going to call it a night here all right I’ll see you guys in the morning good night All right day nine let’s hop on our horse here and off we go I want to find a nice spot to build hopefully we can find something cool all right we’re going to bridge across right here boom all right let’s go grab our horse Charlotte made a bridge all right we made it

Across who whoa what’s this Charlotte stay here I’m going to check this out hello oh no it’s a Pillager Outpost [Applause] oh he says ow dogs attack no I hit my dog gosh okay maybe we should try and make a shield there we go all right guys I

Don’t know if we should be doing this but we’re doing it hello is anyone in here oh look at this inscription table there’s chest up here wheat an agile crossbow huh we’ll take it oh it’s a mage run run run oh he still shot me my

Dogs are killing him I can’t leave my dogs though no maybe if we drink a potion of regeneration no he killed my dogs he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me no my dogs no George and Samantha keep thinking I’m too strong and I’m not

That’s it I’m going to come back stronger than ever before oh no oh no get me out of here Charlotte where are you no gosh dang it I lost Charlotte too we need to sleep I’ll see you guys in the morning good night okay we got to kill this guy what

The Get Wrecked yo did a tree just move what what is this Cascade weld Walker bro that is crazy what could have sworn she was just around here somewhere there she is Charlotte scared me well I guess before we go we should probably say our goodbyes to George and Samantha stupid

Zombie can’t you just give me some peace rip George dude was it for real for real rip Samantha she was a real one # a no way all right let’s have a moment of silence for our our dog family that’s now well in the Other all right I think it’s time for us to move on George Samantha you guys will be missed this is a crazy biome what what’s this another one of those weird beams looks like we got some sort of purple encampment run run it’s a it’s a camp of pillagers no look at them

There’s so many holy well guys it’s becoming night again and well we’re alive still that’s all that matters but lost my my dogs Samantha Peter George I’m still here though I got Charlotte and we’re doing all right we got a long ways to go though if we’re going to make it to 100

Days wish us luck I’m going to head to bed and I’ll see you guys in the morning good night well it’s uh day 11 man time is Time’s flying right now I’m currently looking for a place to build my base I want something that looks really cool if

I’m going to settle down I I want it to be in a good spot so I’m not going to stop searching till I find the perfect spot well guys we we still haven’t found the the right spot to build yet and looks like looks like we’re we’re in

Another snow biome it’s getting real cold Charlotte’s starting to slow down a bit and I’m starting to feel I can feel my insides freezing up oh what’s what’s this is this a snow Temple what I think I heard a skeleton oh no oh no ow oh no

He slowed us down got him okay let slide this place up up okay is this like a normal desert temple but in snow no the pressure plates are everywhere did we just yeah we did no we blew up all the loot well if we find another one we know for next time gosh

Dang it found an iller Fort guys I am not getting near this thing look at that oh no no no no no we’re freezing no no worst possible case scenario 100% oh gosh Charlotte we got to get out of here that was literally worst case scenario

It’s very dangerous as you can see I’m going to I’m going to go to sleep real quick okay that was a stressful day I’m heading to bed I’ll see you guys tomorrow good night we really need to find a spot to settle down this is taking forever well it says there’s a

Village probably 300 blocks this way looks like there’s a snow village up here oh yeah it’s a snow village hello is anyone home maybe they all froze to death oh look there’s kids what we got a trident Grievious Trident the current will inflict weakness we just got a trident guys

That’s sick I think that’s about it I’m going to hop on Charlotte and try and get out of this wretched snow biome okay here we go finally think we’ve just about made it out of the snow biome yep well guys it’s coming night I’m going to

Head to bed once again I think today was a good day we made a lot of progress getting through that snow biome but man it is sure hard to find a good place to build what was that noise h find out tomorrow oh I’ve been on this horse for so long

Yeah all right we’re going to going to keep going act like that didn’t happen I feel like whoever was the first person the milk a cow was low-key suspicious you know what I’m saying like well once again it seems the Sun is setting it’s currently day 14 and what the Blood Moon

Rises distant sound of the undead can be heard oh no Vincent the head of potatoes as a woken nearby what’s going on what’s going on oh there’s creepers everywhere holy holy hold on hold on I got to sleep I can’t rest during a lunar event okay we’re just going to have to run

Gosh dang it we should probably get to the top of that Tower maybe we’ll even get some good loot you got to just roll with the punches and do your best that’s what we’re doing right now okay we got a Way Stone Jericho the lazy has a woken

Nearby boss has a woken nearby it’s not good another parag glider we don’t need that I’ll take the end Pearl all right guys well I’m just going to wait out this Blood Moon I don’t know how long it lasts to be honest hopefully Charlotte’s okay down there and if I make it through

The night I I’ll see you guys tomorrow all right it’s another day the blood moon has passed we’re alive thank God first things first need to find Charlotte don’t know where she would have gone Charlotte there you are I want to find a nice green biome which has been

Harder than I thought so far but we’ll find one eventually I’m sure honestly on top of this mountain could be pretty sick we could flatten it all out and it could be nice you know what I think we should do it let’s park it right here

First I’m going to make a stable for my horse so I’m going to go chop some wood all right Charlotte for now I want you to stay right in here all right Charlotte’s safe in there now it’s time to start planning where we’re going to build and I guess what we’re going to

Build all right I’m going to build just a little starter base right over here and it’s already becoming night we found finally did it we found a spot to build and I honestly think this is going to be really cool day 15 I’d say was a

Success let’s go to bed and I’ll see you guys in the morning good night good morning rise and shine it’s time to build our starter base I’m pretty excited we finally have a good place to build oh it’s a creeper no get away woo all right we’re safe how does this Look all right once again it’s becoming night we’re getting pretty close to finishing our starter base here I think it’s coming along pretty nicely we can place our bed in here at least and set our spawn well guess if we die it won’t really matter but anyways I think it’s

Time to sleep good night y’all day 17 man we’ve already spent 2 weeks in this world I feel good kind of kind of am lonely I’ll be honest but it’s all right we’re challenging ourselves and that’s the whole point all right well let’s finish this thing if we

Make a pain look at that that’s perfect let’s get some chest in here okay so I have this warp scroll here and I want to see if I can set it to this location and it’s gone well Place some doors now I feel a lot safer put some

Torches in here and we’ll create a little patio Area all right we got a bit of a starter base going on here dare I say it’s time for us to enter the caves I think we all know that has potential to go very badly first things first what I think we should do is dig straight down and make

A little passage system that way we can get up and down this mountain a lot easier it’s going to take some time but we’ll get it done as you can see the sun’s setting so I think we’ll do it tomorrow oh man guys I feel so good

Getting a place set up a place to call home I still missing George and Samantha but maybe we’ll see them another day in the afterlife or something I don’t know either way guys I’m I’m going to head to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow morning good night good morning guys all right I

Think I’m going to get started on that M shaft M it’s probably best we place it somewhere right here for now I’m just going to dig straight down all right so we have a cave here I’m going to actually make a bunch of stairs but it looks like it’s becoming

Night we might need to go to sleep real quick see you guys tomorrow all right so I’m going to need a bunch of staircases and what we’re going to do is place them like this maybe oh look at that we’re already at the top Perfect all right let’s go

Mining and we don’t take fall damage so we can literally just go woooo time to enter these caves I really don’t know what to expect we’re going to keep our eyes peeled and stay safe as much as possible we got to be really careful we’re just going to mine

Everything oh it’s a spawner wait a second we could use this for a mob farm yo that’s sick we got a spawner right under us cool osmium we’re going to need a lots of that all right we got some lapis some lead copper iron dimensional Shard or we need a diamond pickaxe

Diamonds where are you oh we got a spawner we don’t need it we’ll break it diamond leggings and Diamond gloves Tombstone soulbound so if we die we’ll keep our items even though it’s hardcore it won’t really matter we got blessed diamond boots of the climb with mending

Yo we are actually getting good oh no skeleton got him creeper we need our Shield okay we’re good okay those chests are actually they have good loot we need to look out for those more the Blood Moon Rises distant sound of the undead can be heard great another

Blood Moon good thing we’re underground I don’t think it’s going to affect us Le I hope oh no maybe it is affecting us great special zombies oh no oh what the he just got launched back Vengeance Spirit come on kill him oh no guys the blood moon might be

Affecting us down here the blood moon oh no there’s pillagers too okay we got to get out of here oh oh no ah ah I’m on fire no the blood Moon’s No Joke Man it even affects the mobs in the caves I’m scared to go outside now let’s hurry up and get in

Here Patrick is awoken nearby not Patrick like how you know a SpongeBob’s going to appear somewhere it’s actually a great run if anything we need more coal well all right we got this little Sentinel trophy yeah check it out nice well guys I’m going to wait out this

Blood Moon I’ll see you guys in the morning good night guys I’m just going to chill here for a bit all right guys well I survived but uh we’re going to have to go back into the caves because I actually need some more coal and some other supplies you know like diamonds I

Want diamonds so we’re going to head back into the mines here and well try not to die yooo I don’t know how there’s no coal around here oh no you kidding me there’s coal right there wait there’s some right here look at these XP orbs they’re so nice

Now we just need to find some coal looks like there’s some right up here perfect 21 coal now we can make some torches now we’re good oh look it what’s this nothing much I guess oh of course there’s coal cool little campsite wait what’s this diamonds we found

Diamonds let’s go woo I’m going to be rich three diamonds just enough for a pickaxe let’s go wait is this more there’s more oh my gosh let’s go we already got nine diamonds just like that wa why is this guy it’s got fire resistance for 138 days

What brother was born fire resistant oh we got a mini zombie ow hry let’s make a diamond pickaxe boom we got a diamond pickaxe diamonds we got more diamonds oh spawner TNT and a I’ve been wanting a lead let’s go and silk touch oh my gosh yes diamonds yo we’re lowkey getting

Rich just saying question is oh yes more diamonds bro what oh spawner got it ah ow leave me alone oh it’s a boss qu the non-suspicious I don’t know bro qu’s looking sus but let’s try and kill him he’s almost dead come on want that shot yes we got

Quid oh and there’s diamonds I almost missed those there’s lots of diamonds holy cow look at all this what could that thing possibly be sitting on I don’t know if I want to find out that’s the thing all right it’s day 21 I think and I want to

Head back up to my base I got a lot of good loot and all these bags here but the problem is I forgot I was supposed to remember how to get back to the staircase that we dug I’m not going to say I’m lost cuz I just don’t want to

Put that out there but like I might not potentially know how to get back or where exactly I am in this world right now so oh hey what’s this no no I did not know they had traps that’s crazy let’s just got a free diamond

Pickaxe yo what’s this hold on we got to kill this ow what did I just find dungeon holy look at all this loot someone just left this all here for me allows you to teleport to your respawn point oh okay I’ll take that Enchanted Voodoo poppet allows you to prevent certain types of

Death prevention of burning prevention of falling prevention of dark wait what this might save me guys if I almost die but it’s kind of scary to have something about it scares me well we got some good loot I’m going to keep trying to find my starter base wish me luck all right we

Did it I made it back yes there’s Charlotte she’s looking pretty and uh yeah look at that 25 diamonds what a good start so I want to start completing some quests here this is the main quest line it goes all the way to killing the warden killing the dragon making

Jetpacks getting power and I think these are some good goals for this first 100 days if we get this video to 50,000 likes I will do a 200 days in the series my goal is to get all the way to 1,000 days but you guys are the ones who

Control that so make sure you hit that like button and we’ll see just how far I can survive in hardcore all the mods nine all right so I think it would be nice to set up some functional storage here so real quick I’m going to do some

Of the simple quests that are kind of boring and I’ll be right back we got a sink and a universal pipe what we’ll place the sink right here now I’m pretty sure this gives us infinite water so that’s sick we just got a free upgrade

To our furnace wait you can do slash at home oh that’s sick let’s cook some bread into toast we just made toast ender pearls iron a cat spawn egg what yo we could get our own cat but yeah it’s uh it’s night time I’m going to head to bed

And uh I’m going to keep working on the quest tomorrow morning good night another day another chance to complete some more quests all right we need to make a furnace upgrade let’s go ahead and smell some more copper oh we need to go to the nether I don’t think

We’re ready for that okay we can make that [Applause] boom novice spell book we’re going to become a wizard look how smart we look hello I’m Josh andv well that’s cool we’ll have to dive more into this mod later on become extremely powerful using magic for now let’s complete these

Quests we just augmented our furnace nice do we have any platinum we do we could make a platinum Hammer oh yeah we can upgrade our backpacks we got a iron backpack can we do gold yeah wait what’s the next one Diamond shoot man why not

Why not we got a diamond backpack oh my it has so much storage holy cow bro yo that’s perfect I don’t even think we need these now can we make the Platinum Hammer yes platinum or Hammer so how does this work oh so we can duplicate our ores so for

Example if we get iron there we go now we have 50 iron so we can duplicate our ores now guys that’s sick what a good day things are going great I think soon I’m going to try and make some better weapons in armor but for now I’m going

To head to bed and call it a night day 24 complete things are going great I’m pretty happy right now to be honest I’ll see you guys in the morning good night all right well I think it’s time to make an anvil that way we can perhaps

Spawn a cat in what’s up buddy how’s it going welcome to the world hold on we got to tame it there’s some fish come here come here yeah we got a cat all right I think we should name it after a subscriber all right let’s place this down so

Subscriber Jak 531 left a nice comment on my video and so we’re going to name our cat after him hello J King welcome to the world buddy he even talked back that’s so cute all right you’re going to keep all the creepers away right is that

Your job awesome we got a new pet that’s awesome we should go get obsidian and make an enchantment table wo all right let’s get some obsidian oh die woo that was close oh there’s diamonds right here what how did I not know that all right I’m looking for obsidian oh look another

Spawner we got a zombie spawn egg oh that’s actually really useful because we can use that to set a spawner that’ll be sick oh no it’s a Pillager one we’re going to raid these and get out of here we got an enchantment table what yo that’s lit guys we just got an

Enchantment table we don’t even have to make it all right you need to die sir goodbye still need obsidian that’s what I came here for here we go all right let’s mine this boom got five well total we have 20 I think that should be enough let’s head

Back home you can actually do SL home in this it just has a huge cool down 2 hours and 46 minutes jeez yeah that’s a big cool down all right well well it’s night time so I’m going to head to bed and tomorrow we’ll set up the enchantment table good

Night all right now we need to build an area for the enchantment table let’s get started let’s make some bookshelves place them right here all right let’s make it look nice [Applause] now All right well we finished the enchanting area so tomorrow morning we’re going to get to some enchanting hopefully we get fortune on our pickaxe we’ll see I’m going to head to bed it’s been a good day you made some good progress and yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning good

Night hey Jay good morning buddy let’s go enchant I want to enchant my diamond pickaxe Fortune two huh should we do it is that all we’ll get well we’ll just try it all right we got Fortune 2 and XP boost two now if we try to enchant a

Book what would happen let’s find out projectile protection 4 don’t want that what if we make some diamond armor Diamond chest plate could come in handy rebounding that’s kind of trash H if I make a helmet I might just take protection too honestly okay so our chest plate can get them breaking three

Why not well we got full diamond now that’s nice and we got four Fortune 2 which should at least help us a little bit oh if we make candles it increases our Arcana well now that we have a fortune pickaxe I’m going to go mine just for a little bit longer and then

We’re going to get started on some technology mods these mods can be extremely useful for things like jetpacks there’s crazy weapons and tools like the atomic disassembler there’s all kinds of machines that can do crazy stuff for you so I think that’s going to really help us out in the long term if

We get set up on that early on all right time to mine holy this place is huge I think we’re set on Redstone oh spawner it’s a husk nice some good loot in here chainsaw trees will be annihilated okay that’s I’ve never seen that enchantment before holy holy we need a shield craft a shield real quick there we go break these break this spawner grab the loot Enderman spawn

Eggs we can make an Enderman Farm we can use that to make an Enderman Farm automated infinite ender pearls are you kidding me bro what that is so lucky to find that that’s sick okay we need to keep that we got respiration three that is hype diamonds holy steel touch Diamond chest

Plate of iron and reactive one elastic diamond boots has a chance to cast the inscribed spell on tool used or player heard mending pickaxe feathery diamond boots of iron Fire Resistance potion nice what a good chest so this has fire protection so maybe we’ll keep that on

For now Thorns one might as well put these on and let’s grab these diamonds we got 11 diamonds nice cool some good loot around here no no oh my gosh bro I just fell straight into that lava I need to watch where I’m going all right well I’m going to head

Back home and I want to try to use this Enchanted tablet of Home allows you to teleport to your respawn Point hold right click to teleport so we’re going to try and see if it works we’re going to hold right click do some Abra cadabra

W we did it it works nice well that came in handy so we came out with 28 diamonds or more than that actually we have 43 now we actually got a ton of good loot now I want to enchant this efficiency book on our Fortune

Pickaxe and I want to see if we can combine this mending pickaxe what would happen we get mending on it dude that’s sick what wait that means we could combine this fire protection and Unbreaking on our Diamond chest plate yo and I want to put respiration

Three on our helmet there we go all right we’re going to make a stack upgrade here and we’re going to try and get it to Gold stack upgrade tier three and now we can place this in here so we can actually Place more than 64 in a oh

What the heck what the heck what the heck what is that what is that why is it so scary where’d it go guys what just happened am did I just am I seeing stuff I’m going to bed I’ll see you guys tomorrow Professor Esmeralda the Thirsty has woken nearby she thirsty hey yo

Anyways we can actually hold more than just one stack so that’s going to save us a lot of space all right today is Tech day I’m going to be following the mechanism progression here there’s so many cool things that you can make and it’s a great mod to get started on early

On first things first we’re going to need a lot of osmium so let’s grab some and turn it into dust and then we can start smelting it all right now we need to make a heat generator take copper some wood boom heat generator now we can

Start making power we also going to need a metallurgic infuser there we go metallurgic infuser I feel like we should make a little Factory let’s chisel some blocks here like this is giving me Factory Vibes along with this all right where do we want our Factory maybe right here [Applause]

All right we cleared out some land here let’s make a pathway well it’s coming night here so in the morning we’re going to get started on building the factory I’m so excited to start diving into Tech well guys I’ll see you tomorrow morning good night all right Jay good morning it’s time to

Build a factory here we Go Well it’s getting dark again another day almost complete the factory is coming along nicely I think we’re almost there we just got to finish the roof I’m going to head to bed I’ll work on it tomorrow good Night No oh my gosh bro where did you come from why didn’t he do any damage it’s Weird all right guys the warehouse is done now we just got to start putting machines in it but it’s getting a bit late so I think I’m going to head to bed I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning good Night all right Jay good morning it’s officially time to start using these machines all right so we got our heat generator and our metallurgic infuser I think what we’re going to do is place the heat generator right here and then we’re going to place the metallurgic

Infuser right here so if we put charcoal in this it’s going to start gener generating power and filling this up what I used 10 charcoal that quick we might need to go get a tank and fill it with lava here we go all right we can make a basic fluid tank with redstone

And iron let’s do that there we go all right time to go find some lava sick we found a lava pool oh and diamonds I’ll take that what’s this a dungeon oh oh oh no oh gosh oh we got to run we’re going to die

Oh my gosh we almost just die I’m going to eat a golden apple and try and fight it wait it’s in the lava it’s immune to Lava all right well we’ll leave it in there let’s get these chests backpack does have anything in it no compressed iron leggings that’s cool B gun ammo

Arrows I’ll take the ender pearls let’s receive this knowledge more knowledge oh look how much xp it gives us that’s sick all right well let’s go ahead and get the lava there we go we’re filling the tank now this can hold I think 32 buckets of lava

So it can hold a lot now can we just break it yeah we already have 32 buckets of lava we have one more tank to fill oh the heck is it still down there all right we got 64 buckets of lava let’s head back home all right so come

Over here place this on top should be able to fill this up with lava all right and now we’re generating power okay so now we can use this metallurgic infuser to craft other items zombies are coming out oh my gosh we’re going to go to sleep real quick while we can I’ll see

You guys tomorrow morning all right another day I was looking at the quest here and the main quest line you actually need to use a different generator in order to complete it so I’m going to go ahead and craft this coal generator real quick boom we got a coal

Generator all right so I think hey hey oh wait is this a boss it’s a boss guys he’s almost dead one more hit yes what do you have dark house Giant slaying Rock truncator of penetr okay so we’re going to place the coal generator right here so that means

If we put coal in it it’s going to generate us power which might even be better than this heat generator I’m not sure nice we completed that we got a free sink I guess we’ll we’ll keep a sink in here we might need water in here

We’ll place it over here for now okay so now we need power storage Wireless power power cables early game flight a wood jetpack we can make a jetpack let’s go ahead and make power storage first what are our options so maybe we do a power cell or basic capacitor Bank feel like a

Basic capacitor bank is going to be our best bet but we’d need grains of infinity hold some Flint on your off hand and some deep slate or Cobble deep slate in your main hand then right shift click a block of obsidian we could do that so right now we’re trying to make a

Place to store our power that way we could charge our jetpack all right let’s see if this works so we’re going to need deep slay right here Flint right here we need a block of obsidian place down if we right click what hold on oh we switched these oh there we go it’s

Working so it’s not even using the Flint it’s using the Deep slate to make it interesting I wouldn’t expect that now we have 62 grains of infinity all right let’s go craft the basic capacitor Bank boom basic capacitor Bank we did it okay let’s place this right on top of

Here now it’s storing power and a lot of it but it doesn’t look like we can actually use this to put into our jetpack which is a little frustrating if we’re going to be able to power our jetpack we need to make a basic energy Cube which just takes some infused

Alloys which we can make using Redstone and iron in this metallurgic infuser so if we put some Redstone in here put some iron in here it’s going to start making infused alloy the meantime let’s see if we can craft anything else need steel steel Dust how do we get steel coal and

Enriched iron enriched iron we’re going to need coal and iron shouldn’t be too hard start with that or anymore all right so we have enriched iron now we put the enriched iron back in with the coal which turned into carbon and now we should get steel dust yeah there we go

Okay oh did we run out of power already yep we did oh it’s becoming nice night guys we will have to come back to that I’ll see you guys in the morning good night oh my gosh why is there so many zombies they’re not burning either holy they’re summoned what the

Heck there’s like a mage outside my door ah they’re fast oh that guy just yeated off the side of the mountain woo that was close oh my gosh jeez okay I think we’re good now all right so we got four steeling yots all right let’s craft the steel casing craft

The energy tablets and now we have a Basic Energy Cube just like that so if we go and place this right on top of here it’s going to take all this power we generated and put it into the energy Cube now we just need to craft our

Wooden jetpack let’s see what we need wood Thruster sticks Redstone probably going to need some oh my gosh what were you doing here the heck is that lost soul all right we’re going to need a lot of wood so I’m going to chop these trees

Down all right let’s see if we can craft this wood capacitor basic coils we’re going to need a lot of those make the wood capacitor go grab some leather make the leather strap now we need the wood thrusters basic coil we need four of those now make one more of these wood

Cells all right wood thrusters we need two of them craft the final wood Thruster and boom we have a wood jetpack no way we already have a jetpack oh my gosh this is hype so if we place this in here it’s going to fill up with power

Boom 20,000 Fe okay now we put it on and we can wait hold on well guys right now I’m trying to figure out how to enable my Jetpack back oh there we go we got it yes we’re flying very slowly but it’s working now it’s also going to be

Draining power really fast so we got to be careful of that however we can’t take fall damage because of our boots so it’s the perfect combo well I say we’d try and upgrade this thing but for now I’m headed to bed what a great day got a

Jetpack got a bunch of Technology going on we’re getting modded guys this is only the start we still got a lot of time to spend in this world for now see you guys in the morning good night morning world all right so we got a jetpack here let’s go ahead and claim this

Quest so I say we try and upgrade it to iron if we made an Ender farm and we use that to generate power using some sort of Ender generator we might be able to bypass having to make extreme AER reactors in this we might be able to

Bypass that and actually be able to make a lot of power till we get set up to make the reactor so if I type in Ender generator looks like we have this from generator Galore it does take an obsidian generator which takes a diamond generator which takes a gold generator

Okay so this isn’t even that hard to make we can make this right now I think this might be the move guys so if we make an automatic Enderman Farm use that to collect ender pearls and then we can funnel the ender pearls into the Ender generator which we then can funnel into

This power system giving us tons of power now this Ender generator makes 300 Fe a tick which I think is like way more than than this we might be set up if we do that I think that’s the move so the first step will be to make the Enderman

Farm let’s go ahead and get set up for that so we need to get silk touch on our pickaxe I do have a silk touch book somewhere silk touch so if we put this on a diamond pickaxe let’s name it silky we can go and get that spawner

Downstairs we’re also going to need our Enderman spawn egg all right now we need to go get that zombie spawner down here Yahoo should be right around this corner perfect there we go and now we have an actual zombie spawner can we use our jetpack to get up here

Fast fast is an interesting word with the wooden jetpack we definitely need to upgrade jetpacks this is so slow all right so now we need to choose where we want to build this Farm honestly we could build it right under us that might be best somewhere like right here that

Way it stays activated so I’m just going to dig straight down here and we’re just going to vein mine a large area all right so we want the spawner to be right here put some torches on it all right now we’re going to make a 9×9 Square

Cube all right we’re we’re going to dig away straight towards our M shaft that way we have an entrance here Perfect all right now I think it’s night time outside so I’m going to go oh what the heck all right I’m going to bed real quick I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning

We’ll finish the mob spawner then good night all right now I have a list here of everything I need to craft in order to make this farm work so I’m going to go ahead and craft it all and then we’ll get to building all right I have just

About everything we need to set up this automated Ender generator farm so we have the Ender generator which really isn’t too hard to craft an XP tap a mob Masher some Redstone 17 mob fans a gold Spruce chest a gold chest some item pipes fluid pipes a pipe wrench Oak

Drawers jumbo tank an absorption Hopper which vacuums up items and XP and that’s pretty much it now it’s time to set up the farm so we’re going to head down here walk right into here now first we’re going to set up the mob Masher right here then we’re going to place

Four mob fans here and four on the other side now all along this wall here we’re going to place mob fans all right now we’re going to place the absorption Hopper right on top of this and we’re going to go behind it and we’re going to place some fluid pipes here and some

Item pipes now it’s really important you shift right click on each one of these here that way you set them to output and they take the items in XP out all right the next step is going to be to pipe these to where we want them to go which

I think is going to be up a bit so I’m going to do that real quick okay so right here actually is where I’m going to place the Ender generator we’ll have the item pipes going into that and then here I’m going to place a jumbo tank with an XP T and

That’s going to have the fluid pipes going into that now here we’re going to place a buffer chest and then we’re going to go ahead and place the drawers right along here I think four should be good for now so we’re going to have the item pipes

Going out of this buffer chest and into the drawers then we’re going to disconnect this from the furnace all right so actually we don’t need this here I’m actually going to place the Ender generator right here and that means we can move this tank over and

Then I’m going to place the energy cube right under it and then I’m going to place an item pipe from this drawer going into this Ender generator and we’re going to set this one to Output all right now we just need to connect the fluid and item

Pipes there we go cool all right so that should be set up now we need to make sure we enable this mob Mash we’re going to cover all this up oh well we know that works all right now we just need to turn the fans on in

This Center fan we’re going to put four distance upgrades that way it reaches all the way to here real quick we’re going to set this spawner to Enderman there we go now we just need to wire up this Redstone here to the fans there we go turn those on all right now these

We’re going to want to control so we’re going to use repeaters to set them up then right here we’ll have a lever now we can turn these on or off all right let’s go ahead and close this off take this torch away close this close this okay I think we’re

Pretty much done here I’m going to take away these torches the Ender are going to start spawning we’re going to get out we’re going to turn these on now let’s go check and see if it’s working we do need to make sure this is set to ender

Pearls and we also need to make sure this is set to Output all right now for this to really work we need to have this filled with ender pearls that way the ender pearls will start going into this Oak drawer no other items will clog it

Up uh-oh we’re going to have lots of Enderman around our base aren’t we maybe I didn’t think that went through well we’ll just you know use this every now and then we can always turn it off but now we’re also getting XP and just like that we got tons of

Power we already have 1 million Fe that’s crazy and we’re also going to have infinite ender pearls we’re going to get free Hearts we’re going to get all kinds of items what’s that noise what’s that noise what’s going on no oh no oh no oh no a no

No oh oh come on please please I don’t take fall damage I just need to run I just need to run if I I can just fight the Enderman I’ll be much safer oh my gosh that was so close oh my gosh I’m alive I’m alive oh thank you

That was way too close that was chaos pure chaos jeez all right so now that we have a ton of power I think it’s time we get a sword that way we can you know actually try and defeat mobs and go to the Nether and whatnot I think we’re going to try and

Make a diamond paxel and enchant it we need a pickaxe a shovel and an Axe and boom we got a diamond paxel which has 10 attack damage now can we enchant this XP boost it’s kind of lame maybe if we enchant the shovel with one will it change this 3 still kind of

Lame man the enchants in this are kind of trash all right well let’s see if we can enchant this diamond sword and get something good life stealing these are all so bad let’s try it one more time with another diamond sword Unbreaking three do we have any cool books cool Enchantment books last Protection well we could at least combine These see our XP tap working good oh yeah look at that oh my gosh we’re getting so many levels we’re already at 30 oh my gosh okay our XP farm is working great all right let’s enchant this bow and see what we get power three it’s not bad should we try one more

Time just try one more time power four and Flame and XP boost okay sick all right that’s much better oh yeah now we’re talking well all right guys so I’m thinking we’d try and upgrade my Jetpack as much as we can and then go to the nether I know it sounds dangerous but

It’s something I need to do if I’m going to progress we need to get all the modium tools and armor there’s some strong bosses in this game and we need to get as strong as possible and to do that we’re going to need to go to the Nether and get netherite it’s becoming

Night time so I’m going to go ahead and head to sleep here and tomorrow we’ll get started on upgrading my Jetpack ah what a good day good night Jay see you guys in the morning all right let’s get started on upgrading our jetpack we need a bunch of

Copper I think we can do that boom now we have a copper jetpack now it’s time to upgrade it to iron boom now we have an iron jetpack I think we should try and get to gold why not we have a lot of gold and there we

Go a gold jetpack that should be good for now let’s go charge it right in here there it goes it can hold 10 million Fe what hold up that’s a lot all right well it’s going going to take a second to charge we already have 241 ender pearls

And 20 miniature red hearts it’s giving us backpacks too that’s sick all right we’re almost at a million Fe 9 million to go it’s draining the power pretty fast I think we need to upgrade our energy Cube we could actually set up two Ender generators at this point just get

More power Wireless so we could set up a flux Network probably smart we will need blaze powder we’ll have to go fight some blazes so I think in the meantime I might set it up to where we have two generators going at once well guys that

Was a fantastic day we got a gold jetpack it’s being charged right now we made a lot of progress I’m excited good Night good morning all right so right now we need to make some more of these infused Alloys put the Redstone in there because I want to make an Advanced Energy Cube which is not too complicated to make that way we can store more power which we’re definitely going to

Need two of those now we just need osum all right so now we do need our energy Cube so let’s take this for a second and since we’re going to set up more generators I think we’re going to set this up a bit differently here all right

So we’re going to take our energy Cube and we’re going to make an Advanced Energy Cube which can hold 6.4 million Fe oh my gosh that’s a lot so we’ll place it right there and then what we’re going to do actually is grab some pipes we’re going to want to pipe these right

Here we’re going to grab our wrench remove these and now I’m going to craft another Ender generator luckily for us they are not too hard to craft furnace copper generator into an iron generator into a gold generator into a diamond generator into an obsidian generator then into

Grab some more ender pearls then into an Ender generator all right so now if we place this right here this is going to fill with ender pearls and now we’re going to be generating double the power so hopefully this jetpack charges twice as fast we still have 5 million Fe to go

That’s all right in the meantime we’ll build a spot for our nether portal all right where do we want our nether portal H I’m thinking somewhere around here hey sir what are you doing get wrecked all right I think we should go somewhere in here maybe right this

Way we could have the nether portal sitting right here oh my gosh boom there it is let’s go ahead and light it now we have a nether portal all right I’m going to make it look nice around here real quick [Applause] Well it’s becoming night we work on that tomorrow morning head to bed another day another Minecraft experience good night all right let’s finish the portal it’s nothing crazy but it looks all right later on we’ll get some Vines and stuff make it look a bit more jungly

Abandoned how’s our jetp pack doing oh it’s filled we got 10 million F in our jetpack like that’s going to last forever all right so how fast do we fly let’s go oh my goodness look how fast we can fly we can literally just cruise through the world no problem to infinity

And beyond woohoo oh I’m going to get lost oh no where’s my base so wait does this mean we can take this place on now cruise through here shoot these pillagers oh we got a we got a mage I can’t see I’m blind 13 seconds left of

Blindness great I’m going to burn this place down guys screw you ow okay let’s block this off grab all the loot oh man these guys do not sound happy I’m here hey oh no there’s a mage I going to grab everything I can’t can’t see I can’t

See okay the Mage is the ones we got to look out for got him jeez that does so much damage I’m going to eat a golden apple wait wait we got a oh my gosh we got a totem of undying ah let me out of

Hereo guys we got a to a totem of undying do you know what this means means right we have a better chance at surviving than 100 days okay so for the totem of undying to work it has to be in our off hand that’s good to know I

Didn’t realize these pillagers were so hard to fight man wait where’d it go oh there’s a totem of undying slot I think I hope it works there I think it will well it’s becoming night already I think I’m going to sleep and try and loot this place a bit more these pillagers are

Crazy man the Mages are so hard to fight imagine trying to do that in vanilla I have a jetpack and armor and it’s still hard no stupid Mages oh what happened ah ah jeez thank goodness we had the totem of undying bro I got sucked into the

Wall and I got stuck those vectors are crazy hold on we need to kill them now because we need another totem of undying but I we need to do this smart okay we need to be extra smart here oh my it’s so cheap that they can just do

That oh my and then they just blind me this is hard guys like this is actually hard oh my goodness this is so hard ah all right we need to find the one we killed and see if it dropped did it drop anything yes it dropped the

Totem of undying all right I’m getting out of here okay that’s all we wanted totem of undying we’ll put that in her slot and get out of here holy cow so we still need to get way stronger to even defeat one of these that’s crazy like that’s absurd make some bread enchant

Frostbite onto our sword cuz why not so if we get wither bones we can make heart canisters which actually give us an extra heart I think we need to go to the nether man well guys I’m going to wait for this bread to smelt and then I think

It’s time we enter the nether all the mods 9 Edition I’m nervous let’s get it as you can see it’s pouring rain outside and I’m just in here waiting for toast to cook with my cat Jay life’s going good you know of course seems life always goes well right before

It goes terribly wrong but uh I think we’ll be all right well our toast is done I think I’m going to head to bed and then tomorrow we’re doing it we’re going to the nether good night see you in the morning all right it’s about that time you know time where you do

Something you probably shouldn’t but you decide to do it anyways okay it’s already sounding terrifying oh yeah the boss spawned nice okay Ariel the extra fishy huh okay interesting well guys we’re we’re here we’re in the nether let’s grab some quartz maybe we’ll do it with my fortune pickaxe oh

Oops yeah there we go let’s grab some glow stone oh it’s a ghast whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hello hello Piggies someone woke up in the wrong side of the mud why are you so mad at me what’ I do leave me alone shorty call my phone Ben and night ore

There’s a lot of interesting ores and whatnot around here I’m also going to silk touch some of this cuz it’s probably best wait can this give me Blaze no gives me orange dye lame oh what do we got here chest hello chest please be some something good Common Ink

Uh it’s all right Nature’s men golden shovel kind of lame Scroll of aluminum sight huh everything’s kind of trash in there hey but we need to remember where our nether portal is cuz I already lost it hold on I lost it I’m lost no forgot

To set a waypoint guys never do what I just did never join the oh here it is never go in the Nether and not set a way point near your portal that’s the worst thing you could do there we go now we can find our our way back not get lost oh hello

There buddy I’ll take your gas TI thank you very much nice we got some gas tiers I know we needed them for something I I just can’t remember what it’s a ghost it’s a ghost run this things freak me out vibranium more wait hold on I think this

Is rare can we even mine it I don’t think we can oh you stupid Pig I don’t think we can by the looks of it I’m sure it’s just going to break it’s going to be worthless we need to test it it oh it’s gone forever well now we

Know all right let’s explore wo this looks cool this a cool biome so nice having a jetpack it’s this a little piggy Palace oh little Oinky boy oh no oh okay lots of pigs here okay what’s did we get good loot here oh oh oh jeez they actually do a

Lot of damage quick I wish we had more golden apples that’s not good okay so none of this is good some weird tunnels in here man oh check this out smithing template netherite upgrade what can that be used on I don’t really know but it looks cool

Got him I got to send these fools to oink kington City get oinked you fat pig you you’re all a bunch of fat pigs oh my gosh that hurt time to send you to aington City all right well I think that’s enough of this place let’s

Keep exploring we got to try some fat pig mate more gas there you are oh get wrecked yeah they got nothing on me look at this huge portal what’s this wait what armor pile Oh my God oh my gosh what holy holy look look look how much damage

He does it’s a walking armor pile I’ve never seen this before I’ve never seen this before oh he’s swinging at me oh my gosh look at him look how scary he is oh he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me no no no look at

Him no we got Cinder Essence I was hoping he’d give me netherite armor to be honest for the upgrade orb Alchemist cauldron that thing was crazy it’s interesting place keep exploring what else does this evil world have to offer sure we can find some good in it right

Oh that Piggy’s dripped out shees my boy oh my gosh we got ancient debris I didn’t know you could get that in these what we found another Fortress yes we need blaze rods oh he didn’t drop any what is this man oh oh holy is that wither archers

What are you doing in here buddy got him some more arrows holy look at this portal what is I’ve never seen such a big portal before what no way it’s huge oh my gosh guys what is this place I’ve never seen anything like this oh my look

At all this loot look at all this blaze powder smoothing upgrade Warden upgrade oh my gosh okay our inventory is getting really full but we’re also getting really good loot oh my gosh a firewood ring grants fire resistance we’re going to be resisted to fire these chests in the

Nether are so good so if we wear this ring grants poison immunity I’d rather be immune to fire right now okay there’s just so much going on netherite ho there’s no way well this place was sick our inventory is getting pretty filled here we need to get some blaze rods

That’s what we’re here for yes we got one here we go is this a spawner yes spawner okay we’re out of arrows there we go they’re dropping some yeah we got three blaze rods perfect let’s get a bit more oh three at once our Armor’s taking a lot of damage here

How’s your day going where the heck did that just go did I just eat that across the world or what oh my gosh all right we got five blaze rods we’re looking good here die we’re at eight blaze rods right now it looks like we found some sort of

Fortress a lot of loot diamond leggings oh we could if our wait wait this this might bring our pet back to life oh my gosh oh my gosh Peter he’s back wait hold on he’s in the nether how am I going to get him back okay we’re

Going to have to get some sort of mob tool to pick him up dude Peter’s grown and he’s alive he just came back from the dead okay hold on hold on I’m freaking out I’m freaking out okay hold on we need to we need to protect him I

Mean no one’s going to hurt him right he’s a dog no one would do that all right we’re going to set a marker here I’ll come back for you buddy so good to see you I know you’re alive oh my gosh there’s no way that just happened

Apparently that thing we just got from the reward allowed us to bring our last familiar back which was Peter the pup who’s now a grown oh yo chill all right where’s the good chests I know there’s somewhere around here oh my gosh hold on it’s opening the

Door what how is it doing that yo the crate mod is sick oh my gosh Magma Cream all right I think we pretty much looted this place three wither heads we can make wither heads spawn the wither I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet but soon very soon we

Need a better sword I don’t know what to make that’s the problem all right well I’m going to fly back to the nether portal I’ll see you guys when I get there we did it we survived the nether in fact I’d say we thrived there were

Some close calls but man we come out with so much loot holy cow the nether is filled with loot I wonder what the ends like jeez that was awesome I think we’re going to have to upgrade our storage system at this point because these chests are cutting it that’s going to be

It for this part of the series but there’s still plenty of things for us to explore so if you don’t want this series to stop make sure to hit a like on the video for 200 days

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Joshemve on 2023-11-11 14:00:40. It has garnered 99487 views and 11005 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:33 or 4833 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 in Hardcore Minecraft… (Movie)

All the mods 9 is a BRAND NEW 1.20.1 Minecraft modpack that has over 400 mods! Today i’m going to try to survive 100 days in the modpack while in HARDCORE MODE! It sure is going to be difficult, so wish me luck on my adventure. As I try to survive battling all the bosses, build insane modded bases, and crafting cool modded weapons and gear!

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  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

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  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿ’€

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  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

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  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

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  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building โ€“ holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand ๐Ÿทโœจ” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand ๐Ÿทโœจ" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft โœจ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. โ–บHi friends ๐Ÿ‘‹ thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like ๐Ÿ‘ and write any good comments๐Ÿ—ฏ๏ธ, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy ๐ŸŒ, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘ป #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘ป #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฎ creepy build ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ tick tock heck ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฎ #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฎ creepy build ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ tick tock heck ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฎ #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More