INSANE Hardcore Minecraft Stream 5 – YertaPain’s First Version

Video Information

Oh I’m late again I am late again hello hello my lips just chapped again I don’t know why they keep doing that but hello you guys I see fire cat gaming and animation was the first one in the chat I welcome you and all of you but you

Know fire cat get some some of the superiority over everyone because he was first oh was um Andrew had to go but he he was second and then and anti Bob Association was third nice you guys hello hello anti what’s up what’s up what’s up fire cat L yeah so I I

Probably should have announced this stream but I kind of just came home and I was like oh wait I actually have a little bit of time I mean not really I should be in bed in 4 minutes but you know what we’re going to do it anyway um

I got I caught up on on a little bit of sleep last night so uh you know we’re chilling we’re chilling how’s everyone’s night going so far hope everyone’s doing fantastic all right yeah it probably won’t be a very um exciting stream but you know what that’s okay that is okay I

Keep forgetting okay so I don’t have my um I don’t have my phone because it’s almost dead so I have to read chat by looking over here and it’s kind of weird going good awesome all right here um let’s put some Minecraft music on this music’s okay it’s just you know not Minecraft

Music all right let’s just start at the beginning there we go wait there we go this is like kind like the it’s the key the first song on this playlist that I found all right here let’s see um wow man like nobody showed up but

It’s it’s okay it’s okay I I have been streaming quite a bit but I I actually have important news I am actually going to be working on a pretty interesting video so um it’s going to be it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun I’m not going

To share any information about it it’ll be a surprise I got an uh electric guitar oh wait hold on can I can I make this wider well there we go you got an electric guitar for my birthday oh that’s awesome dude oh yeah yeah you said it was your birthday dude

Happy birthday happy birthday Mr dude Mr fire cat Oh wrong wrong button there we go all right it says fat free wow amazing that is quite interesting yes fat free yay I won’t get fat eating Minecraft okay I’m I’m losing it I’m SL I’m slightly losing my mind you guys

Just want you guys all to know that but it’s okay by another video yeah dude honestly I need I need to start making videos more maybe I should work more on videos rather than just doing live streams but live streams are so much fun I just I’ve always been a live

Streaming kind of guy you know like I’ve you know I started out on Twitch and it’s just it’s just so much fun I love it all right let’s play me die soon round two oh yes we have the castle we have the castle my dudes it’s still it’s so weird version

One is so laggy and it’s it’s pretty funny honestly let me eat some pork chops well this called cooked pork chop nice it was yesterday oh yeah yeah it was yesterday yeah I think you mentioned it in the Discord server right if I’m not mistaken was mentioned but yeah fun times yeah

Nice all right what should we do I I I I got some work to do on the on the castle for sure we saw we have more Cobblestone okay let’s actually I mind that little staircase but or actually hold on do I have enough resources for yeah I’m going to make some

Ladders shoot how do you make ladders I honestly forgot um is it let me see no is it the other the other way I don’t remember wait hold on let me just restart how do you do it how do you make ladders you guys oh my gosh I can’t remember yo

Thequack haven’t been haven’t beaten the Ender Dragon in six minutes SMH right six in an H shape oh is that it oh my gosh I thought there was wood planks it’s it really just oh wow how did I I thought I was an OG and I didn’t even know that that’s

Sad that is honestly sad it’s very sad but how you doing quacker I mean uh uh ducko your guys’s names are very similar there we go we got some Le deers very very nice Um it only makes one ladder yeah or I think it makes two per uh per craft where should I put it let’s put like right here there we go so got some extras all right yeah this is a beautiful castle oh my gosh you guys just admire how awesome this Castle is

It’s just so good it’s just so good it’s um I can’t compare it it’s just so powerful actually that’s kind of a good a good height no let’s let’s go one one Higher shoot but yeah how’s your night going uh Mr ducko doing good only only got one day

Of of Christmas of oh exams left I thought you said xmus I don’t know why I saw the X and I thought xmus was like wait one one more day of Christmas what but yeah exams are not fun definitely not fun I I don’t miss that about school you

Know High School oh my gosh it was not it was not it was not very fun there we go Chef’s what chef’s kiss Castle what I’m so confused you’re I’m building a cottage in the woods right right right right in Minecraft do you have any ideas for of

Things I could add dude I do not build I am not a builder in Minecraft I’ve been playing for so long but I do not know how to build a thing and it’s very sad so I really don’t know little cottage I mean this is just like the

Base shape of the castle I’ll I’ll add more to it of course I hope if my world doesn’t corrupt again you know and just break that would not be fun um nope actually nightmare but we’re almost through it oh my gosh yeah you’re almost through it bro you can make it

You do it you do it you got this you got this mate you’ve got this don’t give up oh my gosh I must build my castle good sir all right um I was thinking so H it’s a very small Castle very small Perfection yes thank thank you

Fire cat my my castle is just so beautiful hold on what should I add should I add some like hold on let me see add like a little area right here so I could actually be inside the Tower or like at the bottom of it the base of it shoot oh I dropped

It I will get it later uh remember to save a backup for after every episode delete the pass but to conserve space yeah exactly that’s what I’ve been doing I have a folder on my desktop that uh is just like the every updated uh uh save what is that

Sound wait oh shoot well I died I actually lost two hearts wow that’s um that’s concerning I don’t want to do that again oh my gosh I can’t build you guys I’m horrible at this sort of medieval medieval Cottage nice yo voo what’s good bro how are you

Doing tonight man we’re doing a little late night stream not a whole lot of people have stopped by but you know it’s okay that’s all good you can make support beams out of wood inside the house I guess I oh yeah that’s a good idea maybe I should I should integrate

Like wood into the castle that’ be cool that’s an idea um gaming and animation oh you know they they really YouTube really needs to uh distinctly uh change the color of the the the chat name and then your chat message because it’s it’s literally like the same color on my

Screen right now it’s so hard to tell um you can oh I already read that uh anyways I have to go I’ll see you later bro almost to 700 uh Subs yes dude we’re getting oh we got one more I don’t know who subscribed but if you’re watching

Thank you for subscribing I appreciate you you’re awesome you’re a legend now time to build I need to build have any of you guys ever watched the eggs guide to Minecraft video from uh I think it’s Element Animation that those videos are the best dog what’s popping dog shark bite

My my bro my main man how are you doing man how are you doing well I need to go back over here we we we we wonder if servers are possible I had a feeling that was what going to happen hello oh a creeper too are you kidding me you got to be

Joking that’s really annoying a creeper spawned in there and a and a zombie yeah let’s let’s mine these areas out there we go oh on I will read chat in a bit I must worry about these torches and the mobs I don’t want a creeper spawning and just like literally killing me ruining

Everything um yo what’s up Michael what’s up what’s up bro how are you doing man um animation is awesome dude I love their shorts I love the um or like the videos I love the village villager news villager number 47 we we are being abducted by alien oh

No I could do their voices pretty well I think um what is what does wsp mean then that’s literally what I’ve thought that meant this whole time oh my gosh yo what’s up quacker how you doing bro when will they add uh zom zombies to Minecraft zombie bees I wouldn’t doubt

That Minecraft would add that but they would take 3 years to add it if they ever decided to do it you know they can’t work their Minecraft employees you know too much only only 15 hours a week only 15 hours a week that’s that’s the cap that is the

Cap all right let me see uh let me make some Cobblestone slabs and actually let me see let me make a uh oh to make a little like wall thing might add some Tex texture to the Castle texturing yes but with B very basic blocks and limited resources love it um wsp means what’s up that’s no no that can’t be it I I’m pretty sure wsp means what no no now think about it that doesn’t make sense either I don’t I don’t even know but

What does that does that actually mean what’s up that’ be so funny oh my gosh um oh also Hi zorin how are you doing bro how is your fantastic night hopefully going or how is your night hopefully going fantastically yes oh man I am uh severely um sleep

Deprived so that’s fine become the castle yes I will become the is that what kind of emojis is that a like a is that a YouTube no that’s just a normal Emoji right I didn’t tell you uh to I’m I’m I’m doing good to nice you are doing

Good Mr Michael that is awesome bro good to hear let’s add some texture on this side too oh let’s see just literally a line of blocks think it’s going to look okay we’ll add some more also I remember my old castle like my old castles when I

Was younger I would add uh blocks of lapis like kind of like spaced out in like the walls I don’t know why but it looked cool and I think I saw it in like an old like animated Minecraft video back in the day and I was like o I want

To build a castle like that you know pretty funny uh good guys streaming earlier than usual I see actually this is surprisingly late I should be in bed right now for work tomorrow because I’m like waking up at 4:00 a.m. um so this is late for me now but at one point I

Was streaming at like literally midnight sometimes it was crazy and I don’t know how my channel gets 33 Subs I used to have 36 now 33 um if you don’t upload consistently and someone sees that your channel is inactive people will unsubscribe cribe I think that just happens you know it’s uh

It’s hard to keep subscribers sometimes just got to stay consistent keep them interested you know stuff like that oh hold on hold on that’s grossing me out hold on this is wrong let me let me fix this that that hurt my soul to see that it wasn’t parallel and like I don’t know

Um I’m going go by all right see you later Quacker uh look in general okay here let’s see General amundo wow that bit rate the quality is just St like my face is so good oh my gosh look at look at the Quality oh dude the wrestle like my my my camera it’s just beautiful look at this you guys

Admire this is great that’s great I love that thank you for sharing that I love to see how I spend so much money on my camera and it doesn’t even you know no I think it’s just Wi-Fi you know that’s pretty much it all right what else should we add oh maybe

Some like here let’s see yes let’s see if this is even enough every two blocks hopefully yes it is it works it works you will have holes in the walls we peeking through when we need to it’s perfect yeah we are one sub away from

660 I just hope we don’t get to 666 cuz you know um bad number oh my gosh Oh wait hold on oh it isn’t even it’s off a little bit oh well whatever I love Minecraft yeah it’s so funny how my streams will like do really well and then sometimes do like absolutely horrible you know what I mean I guess that is live streaming though that’s that’s

Really really is live streaming for you and I think I’m kind of doing the that same old thing too often you know not I got to like shake things up a little bit you know if you know what I mean just do things a little bit differently why do they have

Perfect should I should I have the holes in the actually I’m starting to consider like not doing that H I don’t know I think it looks cool I guess maybe I should add like trap doors next to the I don’t know I guess we’ll see uh so how’s your December 2nd Eve

December 2nd Eve going it is going Immaculate Mr shark bite yo zero hands two feet welcome to the internet yo dude zero I and I actually I was not I was not expecting you to actually you know subscribe to my YouTu YouTube channel when I was like switching but I

Appreciate you bro I appreciate you zero I remember when you stopped by and you were gifting all those subs dude it was so cool oh man one of these days I mean it’s going to be a long time but I’ll get uh partnered on YouTube um eventually it’ll be pretty

Cool and we’ll actually have like memberships and stuff which will be interesting but you know right right for right now I think it’s just it’s just fun chilling you know playing games and just having people watch like I it doesn’t I don’t I don’t I don’t want it

To feel like it’s just like some kind of like gross business where I’m trying to make money constantly like I feel like that’s how like I don’t know I’m just ramping now but like like kick streamers and stuff I feel like it’s it’s all about the money that’s all it is you

Know I I wish I never went over to Quick kick for a short bit you know anyway how are you doing zero how is your night going no problem man it was fun there uh it’ll be be fun here too dude I I appreciate the optimism yeah I I think

It’ll go pretty good um it won’t it won’t always be crazy fun but you know what I want to what the main thing is I want I really want to create content something actually enjoyable to watch instead of just me streaming video games while I talk to you guys which is what

I’m doing now but I have YouTube videos available as an option so I could I could post those make those make shorts make Community posts you know like um really just a lot of stuff there’s a lot of stuff to do on YouTube it’s really cool um so I’m hoping that YouTube goes

Well for me but um I don’t know I I’m also I I just I just got mad at twitch you know I was I was tired of like then like changing stuff and making it like like really weird and awkward they have all that like whole pole dancing stuff

Now that they allow on the on the site I’m like what in the world is going on this is a gaming live streaming app like I think what it was meant to be right I don’t even know can you join uh can you Join This

Server uh oh yeah so this is a single player world this is a world try and find your Niche while also enjoying it exactly zorin exactly I want to I want to make some sort of real content you know like videos that may or may not go viral or well you know even

Just my 500 Subs special that thing got 400 views and like a bunch of Subs um and it wasn’t like it that that video okay so I recorded it I recorded it and then edited it in the same day and it took 20 or 30 minutes to edit it edit

The video edit it I can’t talk I am talking but I cannot talk I cannot do it oh my gosh um yo what’s up Jim Jimerson uh Happy solstice I lowkey forgot what a solsis is I just so like something with the sun and like the rotation of the sun around the

Earth or I don’t even know I’m too stupid to understand that or remember that um pole dancing I’m going to I’m going to I’m going go bounce over over to Twitch I’ll see later you’re kidding yeah it’s like oh oh in that case let me

Uh let me just go check it out real quick let me let me make sure that you’re telling the truth that’s that’s what you’re doing um that’s what you’re doing zorin oh my gosh yeah the twitch situation is crazy honestly I I just don’t want to be associated with that

Anymore and you know same with kick I just didn’t want I didn’t want um a gambling company to fund a site I rely on you know I don’t know it was weird the the artistic nudity nonsense got reversed 2 days after they started it but some Shenanigans has still

Remained oh okay they did reverse it okay that’s good that’s good but I mean but still it’s just like why would they do that like they shouldn’t even be doing that in the first place you know I don’t I don’t know oh well really doesn’t matter that

Much okay I’m going to get I’m going to get some Cobblestone slabs I Think you guys like my Minecraft singing Voice um longest shortest days of the year I believe oh that’s what it is okay the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere okay all right all right all right that’s cool that’s pretty neat pretty neat oh you of course know a lot

More than me have you tried to make a Youtube short that ends in a cliffhanger that leads you to your main channel oh like um like how it like links long form videos to the bottom of like the short um I don’t know but my most my

Most recent short was uh my most successful it got 4.5 th000 views that was pretty pretty sick it was pretty cool it got like 170 likes I think that was awesome I got to make more shorts like that and that that short also took me like an hour to make which is like

Crazy to think about cuz I’ve spent like a lot of time on some other shorts and they didn’t they got like 300 views crazy gambling oh yeah anti-gambling Association or now it’s anti- Bob but you know winter solstice is in 7 minutes actually kind of cool well that’s cool very neat very

Neo very neat indeed okay let me sleep with my head glitch time is it oh it’s actually not too it’s not too late we still have um more fun to have you know but yeah yeah the streaming sites you know the the streaming War the competition and

Stuff it’s interesting to say the least oh yeah I was going to make craft um slabs man it’s slow yeah let’s see um is this all the Cobblestone I have I need more Cobblestone there we go that should be enough I mean for now at least I don’t

Know oh is Bob still a thing I haven’t seen the Bob people sto by in chat uh recently or like the people that like kind of started the whole bore thing for those of you that don’t know what that is uh be thankful you don’t know what it

Is it’s just like this random nonsense like some people stopped by and like started talking about but it’s honestly hilarious so I I you know it’s fun that looks okay that actually this is actually starting to look pretty cool not even going to lie it looks very

Simple but cool at the same time yeah I like it I like it a lot oh shoot okay wait hold on okay water water bucket skills or MLG water bucket thing let’s see oh do you watch skidy toilet my favorite series and it’s basically about

Yeah no I I’ve seen it I’ve seen it um I’ve seen like I think like two shorts and I was like this is definitely going to capture the attention of literally every child on YouTube you know not to like not to like you know make it seem like insulting or anything but it’s

Definitely like you know a very short form of entertainment but it’s cool that they make episodes that is pretty cool I did it let’s go or did I just not take fall damage no that that that’s the height of for fall damage I think but it wasn’t very hold on let’s

Oh no I’m actually I’m not going I’m not going to test that cuz I’m in hardcore and I’m not going to go risk my life um skib toilet or what is it SK skid yeah it’s skib toilet right I don’t know how you say it yes yes

SK okay why do I know that why do I know that why do I why do I know that oh my gosh I like how it looks like a classic OG Minecraft base dude that’s exactly what I’m going for like I’m literally trying to recreate my old Minecraft bases that

I used to build like this is my old this is the the style I used to build like my old uh Minecraft castles with like my friends and it was oh it’s just so nostalgic for me you know it’s cool let me craft another pickaxe we will go mining for some more

Diamonds and Cobblestone at the same time oh let’s do it boys also hold on I I don’t need these ladders anymore I I want to clear out some space some space Mundo uh let’s spell some Iron yeah all right I still have that axe that’s funny um what I what do I not need sugar cane I need this is a lot of dirt oh my God why do I have so much dirt oh from mining never mind that’s probably it all right scoid toilet SC

SK scoy B scoy blue hold on let me do something real quick I’m going to be right Back Oh man I am uh I’m hilarious just got to say that I’m hilarious you guys aren’t I so funny oh oh my microphone my uh headset thing oh you know I should have paused the game I could have died from a creeper that would have been hilarious dudes that would have been so

Funny I had to check my phone while it’s charging herob brain music oh my gosh it’s so scary scary so scary guys I’m so scared please send help I’m so scared scared of herob Brien all right but um on a serious note what was it going to say I don’t

Even know anyway um but yeah so what do you guys have planned for Christmas that’s a good question um what are you guys going to do anything special anything fun you guys going to um spend time with the family or go out to eat somewhere have a whole Christmas dinner or

Something I I don’t even know what we’re doing but the thing that sucks is I actually have to work on Christmas like Christmas morning 8:00 a.m. I’m going to be at work that suck oh man not looking forward to that all right let’s uh we got some coal let’s M for some diamonds

Diamonds bamundo that’s the weird slime thing that was so Weird there we go hold on my chat not updating oh no no there just no one’s no one’s talking that’s funny at least I think so right yeah yeah there we go I will go to my aunt’s house then my other aunt’s house nice yeah I I I don’t miss going all

Over the place during Christmas Day I you know honestly I remember when I was younger all I could think about was just coming home and playing with all my toys and stuff that I got all like the video games and stuff like that you know I

Just be like like you know the um family’s houses and stuff and I’m just like oh I want to go home oh my gosh it’s pretty funny uh is my chat not updating oh no one’s talking poor Yura for sure well I guess I’ve just gotten used to um like

Lately we’ve been getting like a ton of viewers um every stream but like today was like probably like the least amount of views I don’t know it’s okay though it’s really I shouldn’t beat myself up about it um but I you know I I do you

Know I shouldn’t but I do it’s all good though maybe I should actually focus on making more content rather than just live streaming that would probably work all righty let’s see let’s go yeah I love how you called me out on that zorin that was pretty

Funny oh man I am tired but you know what The Show Must Go On see if we we can find any oh hello going to find some more um more diamonds or or lapis we need some lapis blocks for the uh Castle when I was younger I cared about

Gifts but now I just like to see the family during the holidays and eating my mom’s cooking dude honestly my mom’s homemade cooking my mom’s homemade cooking is probably better than your mom’s homemade cooking not not even going to lie M my mom’s better just just she just that much better I’m just

Kidding oh my gosh but yeah homecooked meals man and like the like the all out like going all out and like making a bunch of like cool stuff oh man it’s so much fun but yeah now like I don’t even ask for anything for Christmas I just I’ll be like you know

Clothes that’ll be nice cuz I don’t really go shopping for clothes clothes English is weird clothes such a weird word all righty let’s See this game is so Relaxing oh yeah I’m also thinking about buying a new microphone but at the same time I don’t think I really need it yet if this one breaks I’ll buy it but it’s like this uh really expensive one but it’s like one of the top-of-the line

Ones you know I don’t know maybe I will buy it and just like go all out become a voice actor or something I don’t even know I will become a voice actor I don’t know oh Man oh hello all right let’s let’s keep mining how much Cobble oh I don’t have very much Cobblestone just mine off in random dis random directions random distances gravel looks odd very odd do you know how do you even know how to do voices um like in

Impressions you don’t have to do like voice impressions to like be a voice actor but I mean I know how to do some I guess I don’t know also how are you doing Lord void it’s been a little bit how are you doing bro hope your night is going great or

Whatever time it is for you well let’s find want some diamonds I want some diamonds never mind my brain my my brain malfunctioned it’s all good Lord void also dude that um it was cool seeing that um that video that you uploaded that was all playing uh Among Us that was

Cool that was pretty cool dude appreciate the uh the video you know like little shout out kind of thing it’s cool the daytime and decent I guess yeah feel like every day is just like kind of decent for me too you know like not nothing special but nothing like

Really fun either you know I don’t know well this music is kind of Loud it’s good music but a little loud oh wait shoot there we go um posted a video today for my new series o what kind of series is that that’s cool Dude oh let’s make another one honestly might as well bro I love this song so much it’s so good so good what’s the furthest you’ve made it in a hardcore in Hardcore Minecraft so the furthest I made it so it it was that last world where I got full diamond gear

And I was about to build an enchantment table and possibly go to the Nether and once I had like Enchanted armor but the F like the world corrupted after like a power like it was like a power outage or something uh in my room or like it was

Actually it was our whole whole whole house the power went out for a split second and then it shut down my PC and corrupted everything so that was fun that was pretty chill also I think instead of mining in just straight line maybe I should actually do some strip mining I don’t

Know why I keep doing that maybe I’ll just do yeah like right here someone someone was like showing or I saw like a video bro okay there’s no way there is actually no way I just that’s funny showing a video on how to strip mine properly oh dude it’s so the old

Diamond look is just so satisfying it’s so satisfying you guys oh my gosh it’s Minecraft and it’s a server called windcraft basically you could pick certain classes like Assassin and Mage oh that’s cool dude yeah there’s a lot of those out there that’s oh is this a eight

Vein hold on I want I always like to mine out like the the rest of it oh I think it’s an eight vein oh my gosh we are rich you guys yep it’s an eight vein dudes dudes we just like more than doubled our Diamond Supply

Nice yo Grace how are you doing welcome to the stream we just found we just found an eight vein of diamonds and I’m just just admiring the the satisfaction the satisfying look of these diamonds it’s awesome um and wincraft uh has a story line uh a little bit if you choose

Continue the story line I guess that’s cool nice yeah I I I I played uh this one um kind of like um server it was like this world thing oh this is so satisfying yes eight diamonds hold on I have I have to throw them all I have to throw them

All do the thing oh yeah look at those diamonds guys nice I’m doing good how um how how are you man I’m doing actually not very well at all I’m exhausted but you know what um I um I don’t know I I’ve just felt like kind of

Like maybe a little too addicted to my YouTube lately so I’ve been streaming when I really shouldn’t be but you you know what oh well I would have been up like this late anyway just on my phone like scrolling through Tik Tok or something you know yep guys steal the

Diamonds I know right yeah no don’t touch my don’t touch my diamonds bro those are my diamonds those are my Diamonds oh we have enough Cobblestone let’s go back up oh man it’s been a long long day I got up at 4:00 a.m. this morning and worked and then now I’m here

So that’s a very long day oh my gosh cooked chicken I need to get like an animal farm honestly like just set up like uh I need to find some cows to breed um do you want to know how I found your channel so basically one day I was searching for a Roblox

YouTubers how to I found youran Channel I’m so humble yo I appreciate that I appreciate that dude yeah that’s cool you were like you were searching for um YouTubers you know in Roblox and stuff that’s cool dude that’s awesome oh you know let me let me put some torches up

Here oh I hear some mobs oh boy um yeah yeah I I need to I need to do more Roblox with viewers that was pretty fun but tonight tonight I just want I just kind of wanted a chill stream just to chat with people you know just

Chilling um and oh yeah I get that but but make sure to get get rest I know yeah I um I definitely need to do that but it’s just okay the hard thing is is like when I spend pretty much my entire day working like I can’t just come home

And just go right to bed cuz I’m so tired you know I have to like get some sort of enjoyment or some sort of like oh that was close I missed that I missed the uh the hit oh there’s an Enderman right there oh oops Little Too Close Little Too Close you

Guys also I’m going to cover it up with the hole intact just the very top hope you guys don’t get too mad at me oh oh dang it I don’t even have enough wow um they’re not your diamonds anymore no void don’t take my diamonds sorry

That was very a very delayed response no problem uh because I like to play Roblox it’s okay yo the castle is getting there yes we have updated the castle a bit it’s looking pretty good for the like the version it has you know and limited blocks we don’t even have Spruce planks

Or Spruce logs or no I think we have Spruce logs but just not the planks we actually get some Spruce logs that that might actually look pretty good over here on the um in the castle grab some dirt I need to fill up that hole and then let’s see what can I smelt

Gold I’ll keep my diamonds in the chest even though if I die I’ll just lose everything anyway um yo gaming with Camden you’re at a long time no see yo dude uh now mobs will spawn down there exactly that’s true maybe like a spider or two

But now yeah maybe I should just cover it like fill it in and not make you guys go Insane I guess it could fit like other mobs there we go old better all better all and swell all is swell Okay so maybe I should should I start making some grass and like wheat so I’ll need to lure in the pigs I really want some cows though that’s what I really

Want um but yeah uh Camden how are you doing bro how are you doing tonight it’s always fun seeing you in chat um I I only cover the top part of the holes when creepers blow up too it’s normal yeah no I think it’s completely normal cuz like people don’t want to

Actually like spend time like you know covering it up it’s funny iron the iron I love the old looks of like the gold and the Diamonds it’s just so so good I have I have more raw chicken oh oops nice and some pork chops very nice

Um with that voice that reminded me of like Batman that one line wait what I’m confused um the the way he missed the one one block oh my gosh did I actually miss a block oh no doing fine nice but I mean if you have

Four to five stacks of dirt it’s fine to cover the whole all the way yeah that’s true I’m just too lazy I’m I may have the blocks but I don’t want to go and do it you know all right um um we got some Gunpowder we got some of that got some

Flint surprisingly hold I should make a bow let me make a bow yeah let’s make a bow do we have string is it oh no we need one more string that is doooo farts I apologize for saying that um you guys can cancel me now if you

Want all good dirt is unlimited wait I just heard blocking what’s that sound is it the squid that was weird um dirt is unlimited pretty much you dropped a diamond a little bit ago and didn’t pick one up no I didn’t no I hold on hold on hold on I should have uh

15 let me make sure now you you literally have me worried okay I have 15 you liar you Sly dog Lord void um I would place a torch then only cover the top in the dirt that’s true but then you waste a torch and you waste

Some coal and a stick so and sticks are pretty valuable sticks are very valuable indeed wood nice okay so we do we do have wood wood logs like this but they they can’t be turned sideways like in the uh newer versions oh that was weird oh one block

Dang you can find dirt basically anywhere unless you’re mining for diamonds then it’s like it’s like the one time you need dirt you’re like oh I got to mine for dirt now that’s funny to actually like find dirt wao these the cave sounds in this game like I think they removed the cave

Sounds from the newer version kind of funny I didn’t see that he was worried for a second you guys are trolls oh my gosh I played tic tac toe on your head what what do you mean firat did you draw it like in Discord or something hold on

I got to check this now hold on then Discord teac toe on my head what I’m so confused is it media oh oh My Lou Legend Danny and firat are are playing tic tac toe who won though who won oh wait no I think is it a

Tie wait no who was red I it doesn’t matter oh well oh my gosh I guess you can’t tie in Tic Tac Toe you could just um not win and it’s just a draw that’s funny Tic Tac I have such a hard time finding diamonds so I I get uh so happy

When I when I find only one are you talking about like the newer versions of Minecraft cuz like the old versions you just go to a certain like white like y level and it’s super easy finding them but like the new versions like you literally have to like search like

Everywhere like all those caves and it’s like really hard to find them I think at least I think it is I don’t know I haven’t played the new versions very much personally for I had a I have a shovel I have a shovel and I guess I’m afraid to use

It um is in media oh yeah yeah now he’s concerned yo what’s up purple coola what’s good bro how are you doing tonight man void what I I think I didn’t drop them all I won because I played Uno reverse oh the the Uno reverse card yep that’s how you win every life

Situation yep you just you know you’re about to get fired from your job kicked out of school just Uno reverse card instant wi you can’t you can’t lose a life if you have an UNO reverse card in your pocket at all times oh my gosh and the new version go to Y level

53 oh my gosh why is it actually are the diamonds common though or like like even more rare no wonder uh the newer version is so hard like I’m searching and making tunnels at least for 3 hours it’s not fun oh my gosh yo is that look a need look a need

Pearls pearls into chat yeah teleports like an Enderman into chat steals my diamond blocks oh yes we found cows okay hold on we need some wheat or this guy’s just going to walk over to me hello you guys are loud how to get pain more in a reverse

Card right I’m playing Minecraft while watching you play Minecraft purple Kool-Aid that is literally the best way to do it you get inspired to play Minecraft while watching someone else play it it’s perfect on do I I don’t think I have wheat but I may have seeds

Hold on let me grow some uh some wheat real quick get some seeds come on I’m going to breed You yeah maybe I shouldn’t have said that during a Minecraft stream probably wasn’t the best best idea um Divine punishment from above in a reverse so instead of finding diamonds to get distracted and find animals to name nice I do that too I just don’t use

A name tag I just I’ll just be like you’re Jeff now enjoy your new name or you know Epstein no I’m just kidding um I don’t even know who that is not really you know um you’re you’re about to be struck by lightning um Uno reverse card oh my

Gosh I’m here sorry I didn’t get the notification till now oh it’s all good bro it’s all good clouds No worries bro um yeah YouTube YouTube is weird with its notifications like you’ll you’ll have um all notifications turned on and you won’t get any notifications and then

You won’t have any turned on for a certain YouTuber and then get like every live stream notification instantly it’s so weird oh gaming with Cam then just subscribed again I guess thank you oh my gosh I’m clipping that I’m going to breed you please okay if you actually clip it

So we actually have we have a um there’s a category on the homepage of my channel and it’s all of the clips the community Clips um for the channel they’ll get featured there it’s pretty cool so I’m sure it’ll pop up there I miss Sheldon the turtle he was my pet

From my old Minecraft server with my friends nice Sheldon was he was he very smart and like kind of like arrogant you know what I mean I’m just kidding um be right back get a snack all right enjoy your snack bro so true so true indeed Um when I go to my grandparents I’m going to sub on my other account dude no honestly don’t even worry about it bro it’s all good cuz honestly I’m not chasing the subscribers right now I’m chasing the watch hours like you guys just watching my channel is helping me a

Ton that’s all I need that’s all I’m asking for it’s just for you guys to sit back relax and enjoy the stream um he kept following me around and it was it was the best oh that’s that’s cool I’ve never had a I think one time my brother tried to like make some

Some vaby turtles but um I never tried to you know set them set up like a little area for him I know for some reason mobs attack the eggs for some reason it’s kind of funny got Redstone nice um oh yeah I need a hoe I’m not going to say anything more

About that do not expect a dirty joke from that just saying I need a hoe I didn’t realize what I said until I said it I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t please don’t report me oh I didn’t mean for that to come out the wrong way

Oh I’m done I’m done my YouTube channel is done I am I am gone goodbye you guys oh my gosh ending stream right now yep okay I’m done aren’t we all trying to get monetized you need know it’s okay Michael’s just like it’s okay it’s okay bro no worries it’s

Okay Bob oh no you need a yeah exactly I need a ho ho ho I need a I need a I need a Santa Claus that’s what I need okay let me uh oh what the heck oh yeah we’re making some why is that oh cuz I don’t have water I’m

Stupid wow that that turns bad really quick forgot what what the distance is but stop turning into dirt I swear I’m going to kill this dirt is that better I don’t even know should be fine old Minecraft is weird all right you need oh my gosh oh

My gosh it’s so bad it’s so bad I need seeds it’s only four blocks okay wait hold on this I’m confused oh it should be Fine STP stupid bro oh it’s still eating my grass oh that’s dumb wow that’s um it’s a very old mechanic to the game for sure on I’m literally just Gathering seeds right now like you guys are watching the most entertaining stream to ever exist this lost my hardcore world to a dumb

Skeleton oh you were playing hardcore nice yeah it’s um skeletons are probably like the worst mob not even going to lie I got three seeds Okay I am what give me a few more few more seeds oh oh that that didn’t break it but wow it’s kind of

Funny all right wait hold on it’s still breaking this stuff oh well I don’t care anyway it is ASMR grass breaking in Minecraft oh my gosh all right boys I’m gonna I’m going to pop open my first glass first glass can of Coke wait what glass can of Coke there’s glass

Cans now I’m so confused oh my gosh let’s see we got gravel we don’t need gravel I put I I’ll put some saplings around here though bro Minecraft is so beautiful so beautiful you guys Minecraft is so beautiful you guys think Minecraft is beautiful pretty beautiful a glass can it tastes fine

Last can what I just enjoyed uh wait Mount Macha pois I don’t even know what that is I’ve never heard of that but that’s cool Coke oh your your matcha Pocky I don’t know what that is Yo Minecraft is fun I had I had to

Lend it to my cousin yo what’s up Jacob how’s it going bro yeah Minecraft is very fun we’re playing the old version the first version of the game or first official version I guess um but it’s pretty fun pretty fun too bad you had to

Uh you had to lend it to your cousin or I guess I guess if you’re helping them out you know let them try out the game it’s pretty cool cool thing to do let me I should I do this ew that’s gross that is very gross I don’t like

That all right actually I think I need more uh slabs got about That there we go 30 slabs that should do that should do good um it’s beautiful I think Minecraft is really great y can we play Roblox this Stream So I we will not be playing Roblox because I should be going to bed um right now but you know I don’t know I

I just wanted to do a chill stream tonight you know something that wasn’t n too chaotic um cuz like we we would only be playing for like 20 minutes or something you Know um I’m having what you’re having strawberry okay can’t wait to find the armad the armadillo yeah D honestly I want wolf armor wolf armor would be so cool having your pet like actually have armor and like you don’t have to just keep making like more dogs you just have one pet you

Just name him like Bob the Builder yeah I’m so funny you guys I had to like I had to really think about that I had to really think pretty funny um Pocky is so good it’s it’s it’s cookie that is like a stick and it’s covered in uh this this cream oh

Okay stick covered in oh God luck no look no no stop it luck stop it Lu um when will you stream uh Among Us Again cannot play late at night um Among Us honestly we should do it again we should do it again I think that’ be pretty fun

But not tonight I don’t really know I think it’s uh it’s good to do stuff like this um have have have a fun time yeah dude exactly right now I’m building an OG like kind of styled Castle so it’s it it like that kind of reminds me of like

How I used to build castles as a kid so it’s uh very nostalgic for me it’s pretty cool and it’s similar but like better I think I don’t know uh I always make an army of dogs yeah armies of dogs I I just wish I wish dogs ran faster cuz when they’re

Attacking like a mob they’re kind of slow like they really don’t they’re really slow you know I don’t know yo what’s up painfully average how are you doing bro how are you doing my man chill time yeah I have I have chugged the bottle nice anti um can’t wait to eat

My okay um I’m not going to read that out loud uh once I get two dogs they multiply yes had a pet fox one time how how do you breed or how do you make a fox into a pet don’t you have to like like breed them and then like the the

The kid like the the child will be why am I doing that um the CH the kid one will be uh will be like your pet one I I don’t even know I don’t know what I’m saying I’m so tired right now it’s so funny I got words with every sip nice

It’s funny when the dogs attack your friends oh yeah it’s so funny or like and and they’ll die and respawn and continue to attack the friend like non-stop that’s pretty funny let me add does this look cool that’s the same height that’d be cool cool to have actually no I don’t want

That all right it’s sleepy time sleepy time oh yo we’re at 600 600 660 Subs I appreciate whoever subscribed you’re awesome you are awesome appreciate you um about to do some racing nice playing like the the Forza game or something right is that what it is I don’t know I don’t

Remember um simple cre simple creative mode yeah two blocks higher wait what wait you’re watching with the boys no there’s no way you’re watching with with your with your nine friends there’s no way that’s hilarious luck that I’m a Chad all right yeah I guess I’m a Chad I am a Chad very

Chad six more subs dude oh you just did oh yo Jacob I appreciate that bro I appreciate the heck out of you man we are we are on we’re we’re we’re 40 away from 700 Subs already like it’s only been like a couple days that’s crazy

Maybe like a week since I hit uh since I hit 600 geez I’m stuttering a lot tonight um yeah I’m almost at 666 Subs oh my gosh for the uh for the spike tops I use stairs yeah so this thing about stairs is um they don’t they don’t like kind of

Bend around in this version actually I I have an idea make some stairs real quick also the the drag clicking doesn’t work either it’s so robust I hate it but also really love it because it’s old and classic maybe I should this will add some

Style oh I’m out oh that yeah I actually like I really like how that looks let me let me craft some more Um I I upgraded to iRacing what’s iRacing what’s that the council has decided that yura is a Chad dude that’s hilarious well if if you do have your friends watching me tell them that’s awkward no I’m just kidding tell them tell them they’re pretty cool

Too oh there we go we got oh we got okay that’s maybe a little bit too much but you know what well no actually I think that’s good that’s good enough that’s enough should be Enough this add some texture a little bit of oomph little bit of Oomph yeah that looks cool I like that I like it a lot you are my dad my dad is named Chad oh really that’s cool it’s pretty neat wish my dad was named Chad he would be pretty cool I guess well my dad’s already pretty cool

So it’s all good um I was too lazy to find a fox and uh put it in my oh I see so you had you put it in your in the in the house or you just spawn like one in creative mode that’s perfect honestly when you’re playing

Your own survival world like honestly it doesn’t really matter if you’re like using cheats and stuff it’s just fun you know um iRacing is like that big boy Sim the most Pros used to train oh really you like like you have like the steering wheel and stuff oh we’re at 662 where

Did that come from y guys it just said 660 where did that come from yo help the council is screaming because you told them they were cool help okay hold let me do the thing oh oops not that not that that’s the that’s the Windows key oops U let me do the thing

I’m doing the thing you guys all right everyone who is watching off of Lux phone if you guys are watching right now you guys are you guys are amazing you guys are awesome you guys are dope you guys are cool I hope you have a great Christmas

And I’ll never forget the name of your to pain because it’s going to be not popular one day because I will never probably get popular I don’t know I don’t know I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore oh my gosh all right um the friends sub maybe I don’t

Know dude you were so awesome oh my gosh Grace I appreciate that bro they’re breaking they’re breaking KY ears oh my gosh do they actually sub hold on are you actually are you just are you just playing luck I don’t I can’t even tell but I appreciate the two

People that subbed you guys are amazing all right here let’s Okay I need to add the stairs to the inside here h how should I do that this going to look weird if hold on maybe I’ll just do on the back side what am I building I’m not building a

Furnace um fun fact I’m wait what Nigerian chadan and some Mongolian nice that’s cool um I’m part Norwegian I think I’ve got ancestors from Norway which is pretty cool I don’t really know much about Norway but I kind of want to learn more about it is it all wait what

Oh there we go that that worked I guess all right here let’s see not two people that I knew subscrib just now oh really oh that’s crazy what um I appreciate that Grace oh yeah I got one of one of one of damn nice Logitech wheel and pedal sets

Dude that’s crazy you actually I you you got to send some pictures in the in the media channel of that dude that’s that sounds awesome um my friend says like for free air in his videos like for free air you should like for no reason you should you

Should drop a like on this stream for absolutely no reason I don’t know cuz maybe I should just do like no that’s weird that’s weird I don’t I don’t know should I just do on the sides I don’t know hold on let me see I guess it doesn’t look that bad I

Don’t know it looks no that looks cool I don’t know I’ll get used to it um make a funny parkour up to it up it wait H what like over here on the walls Park oh I can’t jump wait parkour no dude I literally suck at this game I’m so bad parkour

Parkour parkour oh yes uh okay I’m going to upload a short you guys of someone talking in an AI voice and then just doing parkour in my Minecraft on like the bottom screen I would instantly get like billions of views easy it’s so funny I’m Irish somewhat I think I don’t

Think I don’t think we’re Irish but thought maybe no my brother looks Irish but he’s not uh my friends can’t sub right now they got their phones taken away because on digitally good thing I had in my phone oh yeah it’s it’s all yeah no worries no worries worries that’s pretty

Cool that’s pretty funny um yeah man I remember when I was younger and like my my mom would like take away my phone when I would like play it too much it’s kind of funny I miss I kind of miss those days of like just being a little

Kid you know or not like not like I’m calling you like a little kid but like you know being in like you know junior high or like you know high school and like still you know having to worry about stuff like that not on the back yeah I don’t know

Okay maybe I shouldn’t yeah okay that looks no that looks awful that looks awful no like from that top view it looks pretty bad just sides um I also can’t believe that Christmas is in 4 days like what yeah it’s crazy oh man I still have to wrap my I

Still have to wrap the gifts I bought from my family oh my gosh I think I think they all ared today but I still have to wrap them Prett funny uh loose nail just fell out and what what did you what wait what a loose

Nail just fell out oh why did I think of like a fingernail I was like a fingernail hit you in the head what I was so confused I in an immediate get bet painfully average but yeah that no getting hit hit in the head with a nail it’s not

Fun I’m going to be joining the work force soon so that is going to be a bit nerve-wracking yeah dude oh my gosh I I hate working so much but at the same time it’s nice having money or it’s nice being it you know make like making

A consistent income you know so you can actually like do stuff that you want an actual yeah an actual nail a fingernail I don’t know why I thought it I instantly thought a instantly thought of a fingernail I’m going drink some water man I’m Tired all right um what what should I add to this castle wall should I add like I feel like I should have built it a little bit larger so I could actually add like a decently sized house in the middle well actually I I could probably add a add a little

House in the middle maybe a little farm area I don’t even really know y do you have any epic job recommendations besides the mman one um well the only other two jobs I’ve worked was retail and I I wouldn’t suggest retail at all it’s horrible and it doesn’t pay very well

Um what is that I hate work also everyone dang I want some money yeah exactly I was about to tell you to drink build a moat I should build a moat of lava and then accidentally fall inside of it but no actually a mode of like water would be pretty Cool Al here let me um wait never mind thought it like didn’t register like the water like the infinite water um a few years ago I stopped I stepped on a screw and I went halfway through my foot thankfully it did not hit a nerve oh my gosh that’s

Horrible I’ll be back out I want to play some Roblox games all right sounds good Michael um my brother has quit lots of jobs in his life and it wasn’t it wasn’t fun yeah I I I I my current job is my third job I’ve wor I used to work at

Albertson’s and Lowe’s and both of those jobs were not very fun at all at least the low’s job paid you know a little bit better but still it was customer service and you’re dealing with grumpy people all day it’s not fun okay well maybe let me add some more torches maybe oop

Oh it’s not in the middle it’s not it’s not centered what should I Dobe I should just wait just do that oh that one’s not centered either there we go oh now now it’s gross now it looks gross hold on I got to do it

What is this what is this song this song is weird um welding is good welding okay feel like welding would be a very dangerous job to to have I feel like you could like you know burn yourself so easily or like hurt yourself um but I’m sure it does pay

Very well cuz probably because of how dangerous it is uh it happened after swimming too I was chasing a oh okay chasing a chicken in just a spr goes into your foot I’m sorry that happened bro that’s that’s horrible man sounds oh my going like through your foot oh that’ be

Painful what what should I do now that’s too many torches or should I add more torches yes yes no I’m just Kidding wait all right I want to want to keep them on there there we go um or eventually I’ll get some glow stone it happened oh dude your microphone glowing different colors is so awesome yeah I know I I I really like this microphone but the only thing is is

I want I want to get like a really good like like a really good one you know I don’t know maybe one day it’s like uh it’s like $40 an hour for my mom $40 an hour I may have to switch careers honestly that sounds that sounds pretty

Nice that that chicken really screwed you over oh my gosh your dad had to pull it out oh jeez like with like tweezers or something or like pliers just like fry out the oh jeez that sounds Horrible uh mine mine sft minae I don’t even know torch torch God yes I am torch Guard torch God Mark markar cart mince Mincecraft Breck make Breck make I love that yo how’s it going holy Starling how are you doing tonight appreciate you being here it was connected to some wood oh

What is this song this is not Minecraft is it it is Minecraft it’s chirp whatever chirp Is what’s door what’s this this is interesting all right oh oops oh it’s just a normal sound sorry I got distracted there we go um it’s CD wait what it’s a C I’m confused oh the music disc SHP oh okay now that makes more sense I’m just having a brain

Aneurysm I I don’t even know what that I think it’s like in like internal bleeding or like brain bleeding or something I don’t even know aneurism all right uh um what else should we do what else should we do how long how long have I been live for by the

Way brain fart yes brain death that’s me oh I forgot the old like like wheat this what they used to look like oh oops wait does it break if I standand on it for too long I’m so confused this is annoying oh my go okay so if I walk on

It it literally just breaks wow that’s really that’s how is that even possible I crouch I don’t even know oh well now your brain isn’t braining my brain is not braining in my uh yeah yep you’re exactly right because I’m not I’m still not braining my brain is still not braining not at

All hour and 24 minutes okay Y into Tony Tony Chopper but okay I’m I I think I think I think I’ve played enough Minecraft for today the crops ain’t cropping honestly oh my gosh okay let’s um let’s just chill right here at the entrance look at this beautiful little Lake I have so beautiful all right all right you guys um Wikipedia

Speedruns oh my gosh those are actually kind of interesting like like the images or something like that those are pretty cool all right but let me do the little outro so let me just remind you guys that you guys are the real Legends here and you know another big thing is

Without you there is no G of pain there is no streamer there is no YouTuber without you there is nobody there is no content there are no videos there’s nothing entertaining because if no one watches it no one’s going to make it you know um horrible timing again it’s it’s

Okay Starling it’s okay I I in the future I will I will definitely do longer streams so more people can make it um or you know I’ll just start making actual videos and stuff you know you are so you so awesome dude Grace I I appreciate that oh my

Gosh y you have you have an excellent night yo you have an excellent night Jacob Mr Jacob you have an excellent amazing night also sorry if that’s your IRL name I it’s kind of weird how YouTube does like the whole like you you link your email account to the YouTube

To YouTube and then in live chat like your literal name is like your username and it’s like why do they why are they exposing people like this I don’t I don’t get it all right um if you’re wondering about the look in general okay you’re not Pooky what no I am oh okay

Okay all right but good night Legends have a good rest of your day also merry merry Christmas if I don’t stream before Christmas have a Merry Christmas all right bye guys oh my screen is locked all right now A Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Streaming the First Version of Hardcore Minecraft | Stream 5’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2023-12-22 17:21:20. It has garnered 111 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:36 or 5316 seconds.

Tonight is a super chill stream! we’ll probably get some work done on the castle then maybe find some more Diamonds!

I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun and vibe!

If you want a Text to Speech Message displayed on my stream click this link to donate! – this is the streamlabs tipping page!

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  • Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem!

    Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, Ronaldo and Messi play, Their adventures in blocks, in a creative display. With a lie detector in hand, the truth they seek, In a virtual world, where friendship is unique. Messi’s house is grand, with a garage so wide, Ronaldo explores, with a detective’s pride. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, Their Minecraft journey, a tale well-spun. So subscribe to their channel, join the fun, In the world of gaming, where victory is won. With Minecraft facts and rhymes that ignite, Ronaldo and Messi, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft plot twist: Steve’s midlife crisis! #lol

    Minecraft plot twist: Steve's midlife crisis! #lol No one expected such a turnaround in Minecraft, just like no one expected me to turn around and accidentally punch my own pet wolf in the face. #oops #minecraftfail Read More

  • Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China

    Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China Exploring the Monke Chronicles in Chinese Minecraft Unraveling the Mysterious World of Monke In the vast world of Minecraft, a peculiar tale unfolds as SyNo reincarnates into the body of Tutorial Man’s son. Building his own monkey army of beggars, he embarks on a journey that terrorizes every town he encounters. The adventure is filled with unexpected twists and turns, making it a captivating experience for players. Encountering the Unusual Characters As players delve deeper into the Monke Chronicles, they come across a variety of intriguing characters. From the Bandit with her enigmatic powers to the Dashing Beggar with… Read More

  • Crafting Horse Armor in Minecraft

    Crafting Horse Armor in Minecraft Exploring Horse Armor Crafting in Minecraft When it comes to equipping your trusty steed in Minecraft, horse armor plays a crucial role in both protection and style. Whether you’re looking to craft gold, diamond, iron, or leather horse armor, this guide will walk you through the process in all editions and versions of the game. Crafting Gold Horse Armor Gold horse armor is a luxurious choice for your equine companion. To craft it, you’ll need 8 gold ingots arranged in a crafting table in a specific pattern. Once crafted, simply place the gold horse armor on your horse to… Read More

  • JJ and Mikey’s Impossible Choice in Minecraft – Maizen

    JJ and Mikey's Impossible Choice in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information I finally arrived on this earth now I will dominate her I’ll start with this city I’m from here it will be completely mine but no one will be able to dominate it so let’s go I’m going to start releasing my boys here and they will defeat all the citizens they have here in front of them and who dare to hit me headon so come on cities will now be completely mine isn’t it guys good morning we are in another video I hope you enjoy today’s adventure let’s get started man I had a weird… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes - Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information ice spikes biome is one of the most difficult to survive it has no food no trees and no animals and I’m going to survive for 100 days in a world of nothing but ice spikes I won’t just survive I will turn this world into an oasis but first I need to look around and see what this world has to offer there’s a cave here and it’s pretty big I see colon iron ore in there but I’d better take a look around for a while I feel like I’m in the Antarctic I’ve never been… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMING

    Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Meme #shorts #viral #minecraft #viralvideo’, was uploaded by #GAMING OF PLAYZZ on 2024-06-18 14:08:03. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft shorts shorts minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft funny nico minecraft survival cash cash and nico minecraft tutorial short minecraft challenge minecraft 1.20 minecraft update canman18 minecraft mods minecraft animation shorts minecraft minecraft speedrun sharing free phone camman18 camman18 minecraft video camera minecraft memes camera phone video phone camman18 shorts minecraft but you cant touch the color minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex – LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!

    Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex - LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by Dino Gopi on 2024-06-14 11:17:30. It has garnered 973 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:35 or 755 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE Addon

    EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE AddonVideo Information BL F to the kill [Music] the know [Music] the that so going [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] in [Music] the sorrow blacking all staring down the Barrow waiting for [Music] the This video, titled ‘Warfare Addon for Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by MCPE Mods on 2024-03-16 17:48:59. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. Addon name: Warfare Tags: Minecraft, Pocket Edition, gaming, sandbox, building, exploration, crafting, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, game modification, game customization, virtual world, block-based, survival, creative mode, adventure, multiplayer, redstone,… Read More

  • SCANDAL: Jamesy’s AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!

    SCANDAL: Jamesy's AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!Video Information today we’re combining our favorite characters so for example if we combine AAU and a snail we get this AAU Abomination look at it’s got googly eyes coming out of her head but lizard do Lou and Gracie know I’m going to be cheating using SL slash pace which means I can get these giant builds in 1 second guys are you ready to do a build challenge I don’t know if I’m good enough to do what I’m slipping and sliding uh just get off the eye all right Gracie press the button and see what we’re… Read More

  • Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viral

    Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘house build easy minecraft house build tutorial minecraft 🏡#viral #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Hunter evil war gamer on 2024-05-28 06:15:04. It has garnered 476 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecart house build, minecraft house build, minecraft house build tutorial, minecraft house build easy, minecraft house build hacks, minecraft house build video, minecraft house build battle, minecraft house build ideas, minecraft house build challenge, minecraft house builder, minecraft house build shorts, minecraft house build app, minecraft house build modern, minecraft airplane house build challenge, minecraft airplane… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!

    Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!Video Information हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो सभी को वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम दोस्तों आज थोड़ा सा मेरा दिमाग खराब हो गया था इसलिए थोड़ा और नेट भी चला गया था मेरा तो इसलिए बहुत ज्यादा लेट हो गया बहुत ही ज्यादा लेट हो गया दोस्तों माफ कर देना बस सिर्फ माफी मांग रहा हूं सिर्फ मेरे को आना था च बजे मगर डिले होते होते होते होते बहुत डिले हो सभी को सॉरी यार सभी को सॉरी दोस्तों सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी बहुत लेट हो गया बहुत ही लेट हो गया फिलहाल हम लोगों ने स्ट्रीम चालू कर दी… Read More

  • The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shorts

    The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shortsVideo Information la masa es tan bien un lente fluye bien Por eso hay que volverse un poco TR Mister trans TR trans te va a hacer bailar This video, titled ‘🤣КАЖДЫЙ ДЕЛАЛ ТАК😂#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-08 12:05:57. It has garnered 9521 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any… Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • FredBobbersSMP

    FredBobbersSMPWelcome to FredBobbersSMP! This server has a Earth based map with a claim plugin (lands) that allows you to create towns and nations!We are constantly adding quality of life and game breaking plugins!Dynmap: PMCd629222cacea6cf7c0aab186124ab8aeDiscord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it really worth it gamers…

    Is it worth it to spend hours building a giant house in Minecraft just to have it blown up by a creeper? Probably not, but at least you’ll have a high meme score to show for it! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Jef’s Hilarious Minecraft Prank!

    Jef's Hilarious Minecraft Prank! Exploring the Hilarious Adventures of Jef in Minecraft! 😂 Join Jef on a side-splitting journey through the world of Minecraft that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Watch as Jef navigates through the game with humor and excitement, creating a truly entertaining experience for viewers. Unveiling the Laughter in Minecraft As Jef embarks on his Minecraft adventure, the gameplay is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. From hilarious encounters with mobs to comical mishaps while exploring the vast landscapes, every moment is sure to keep you entertained. Humorous Gameplay Moments Witness Jef’s antics as he navigates… Read More

  • EPIC Pizza-making at Domino’s in Minecraft!

    EPIC Pizza-making at Domino's in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey MAKE PIZZA In Domino Pizza in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mizer Craft on 2024-02-23 06:32:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!

    Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!Video Information where’s my music dude I just can’t hear anything oh my god dude Nvidia is a like a curse I don’t know what it is hey Jack how it going D blue how you guys doing my Nvidia broadcast Nvidia broadcast is a thing you’ve seen that can make your background a green screen even though you don’t have a green screen and you can like remove the background noise on your mic and it just keep keeps launching despite me saying I don’t want it to launch when I turn on my computer and it keeps launching… Read More

  • Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeed

    Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make minecraft old photo #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by TG gaming on 2024-05-03 10:09:44. It has garnered 4272 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what… Read More

  • Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shorts

    Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shortsVideo Information [Applause] [Music] huh Grandpa fought in World War II he was such I can’t even finish school him violent my God that’s so insane that’s shame next don’t feel so bad but I can’t help myself I’m feeling bad feel [Music] like the worldest violin needs an audience so if I do not find somebody soon I blow up This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by All Gaming on 2024-04-05 08:00:07. It has garnered 865605 views and 25679 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616

    Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Lamp Post #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-05-13 17:00:16. It has garnered 174243 views and 15809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!

    UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!Video Information egomi fushi Guru has been shown multiple times within the show to have insane potential even being recognized by sukuna if y’all have read the jjk Manga y’all already know what this leads to sua taking over megumi’s body created a beast who was able to beat Gojo himself it’s without a doubt the strongest swarm of any character we’ve seen in the show so far with the ability to control the 10 shadows and still have access to his slashing techniques This Man sua created a monster he was even able to fully teame the aasta mahara… Read More

  • Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!

    Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!Video Information लेजर वाला प्रोटेक्शन यहां से ओ नूब नूब के पीछे गाइ वही पड़ गया चू चार्ल्स भाई आजा आजा आजा भाई नूब आजा जल्दी से आजा नूब आजा ओ यार ये तो वही छू चास है अब हमें यहां से भागना पड़ेगा भाई यहां से हमें भागना पड़ेगा गाइ य पहले ट्रैप बिछाने दो इसको गाइस यहां पर ट्रैप बिछा रहा है ओके नाइस ये लो शावल अब यहां पर ये नीचे गिर जाएगा शावल जैसे यहां पर देखो गाइ यहां पर जो शावल यहां पर गिर जाएगा ना वैसे ही गाइस ये भी नीचे गिर जाएगा और… Read More

  • Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥

    Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥Video Information [संगीत] ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला अरे यह कौन है काला काला आदमी अरे इधर देख तो मेरी आंखों में अरे इसको क्या हो गया मैंने तो बस इसकी आंखों में देखा था अरे बचाओ अरे आज तो बहुत काम कर लिया मैंने अरे एंडरमैन कहां से आ गया चलो यार साइड में से निकल लेता हूं नहीं तो यह मेरी ऐसी की तैसी कर देगा इसको तो देखना ही नहीं है बिल्कुल अरे ये एंडरमैन क्या कर रहा है यहां पे तो कैसा है तू अरे कांपने की जरूरत नहीं है तुझे… Read More

  • Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!

    Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Mutant Toilet Vs Titan Drillman Multiverse || minecraft addon battle’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-05-18 11:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to TentenCubify! Subscribe today and join the Cubify community! Read More

  • Intermix

    IntermixWelcome to Intermix! Dive into the captivating world of Intermix, hosted at We’re not your average Minecraft server; we’re a box server! Discover Limitless Creativity: Intermix is all about maximizing creativity within the confines of a box. Challenge your building and survival skills as you navigate and thrive in our compact world. Survive and Thrive: The compact size of Intermix adds an extra layer of challenge to your survival experience. Gather resources, build shelters, and collaborate with others to make the most of your limited space. Unique Boxed Adventures: Despite our compact world, Intermix offers a variety of adventures… Read More

  • FoundersSMP – Vanilla SMP Survival, Community Events, Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.21 Java

    Founder’s Vanilla SMP Whitelisted Minecraft 1.21 Enjoy 100% vanilla gameplay on our whitelisted server with a focus on long-term planning. Explore our fun seed with Trial chambers and deep dark directly under spawn in the new 1.21 world generation. Apply on Discord for whitelist access to our small community on our dedicated server. Features: PvE Community-Based Events Builds No-Raiding No-Griefing Legit Vanilla Apply on Discord now – Whitelist ON! Read More