Insane Hardcore Minecraft Survival – 100 Days Challenge!

Video Information

I’m spending 100 days in vanilla Minecraft this will be going all the way into 1.21 and hopefully it can keep going for further but in these 100 days I try to amaze all you guys with amazing builds and cool Farms if you guys like these videos make sure to subscribe and turn on

Notifications it will help out a ton comment if you want more of these videos and yeah guys enjoy the movie day one we spawn in this beautiful world and you know what we always do we start off by getting some wood making ourselves some B basic wooden

Tools and then get stone tools so we’re going to start off by making a crafting table we’re going to go into this little cave and we’re going to get our new tools some wooden ones and then we’re going to get some Stone we’re also going

To grab some coal cuz that will come in real Handy next we’re going to try to get some sheep so we can start to make a bed cuz this would be crucial and really good for night time so we don’t die and we’re also going to kill loads more

Sheep to get some mutton next we found a village nearby and we’re going to start raiding it and see if we can take some special items we’re going to take the bed in here so we don’t have to waste our wool and yeah we’re going to take the

Blast furnace cuz this is just way better than a normal furnace and up here we found ourselves a ruined portal and the chest was decent it wasn’t too good just couple of obsidian of flint and steel and I guess I’ll take the hoe but now we’re going to

Make ourselves a furnace we’re also going to get ourselves some logs so we can get oursel a smoker and this will help cook our food quicker as well after that’s all done we’re going to visit inside this cave and we’re going to search for iron now because we

Need our iron tools and iron armor so we can guarant protection and I spent a couple days on the mine trying to look for diamonds but it did I just couldn’t find it I strip mine for caves and I just couldn’t find any diamonds it was like impossible to

Find got some more iron in here and this is this is going to be like a long series and I’m going to need loads of iron like tons of iron cuz I’m even going to make need loads of Hoppers Redstone components and yeah I’m just going to build really cool creations in

This world so hopefully you guys enjoy we got some gold nice and then we can start go making our way up and see if we can find a home I’m going to put stuff here and call this like a mini starter base I guess but this is where we’re going to

Put our stuff for now and we will move later on I just need to find a good place to live can make ourselves iron stuff there we go we got some iron armor and let get loads of dirt this th will come in handy for what

I want to build I kind of want to build like like a terraform my own area I guess for a base that’s my goal for this year make some torches we got 60 of them and I see a little cave inside this mountain and that looks really

Cool and it’s huge there’s so many like stalagmites stalagtites it’s kind of crazy we also find ourselves a mob spawner down here which is really cool so if we do make this our base this would be huge we can get like a XP farm inside here as well got string gunpowder

And name tags and we’re light this whole area and make this our home that’s our goal after I take these guys out we can start lighting this whole place up we need to get all the little spots where they can spawn and yeah this should be a really cool

Base we got our chest up here and I think it’s time to make some Hoppers or a hopper and then we can put our iron and stone up here and it will just Auto smell into the furnace and we just take it out whenever we need to this would be

Nice so when we terraform we’ll have loads of stone for it so we can start by taking down some of these stalagmites that are in the way and that’s our first step and it’s going to take a while since I have an stone pickaxe but this is what I have

Right now I have like a little staircase here and a little border around here so I think that will make a really cool part of a base and after that I just use some Stone and Cobblestone and with some andesite and then put dirt on the out

Edges and that kind of like makes a cool little mountain and now we just got to fill all this in with Cobblestone after that we fill it in with Cobblestone and we put some top inside to make it have more of a cool texture and I think it looks really

Nice and we just got to take more of the mountain out as as well now we’re going to go in more caves and just try to find some more diamonds cuz we need diamonds right now for like better pickaxes but first we’re going to grab all the iron we see as well cuz

Iron is going to be key and we’re also going to grab some gold or any ore that’s really good that we find we also found a m m shaft down here and I’m just hoping to find n apples or something good inside here but we also

Found an a withth this geode we found a golden apple in this chest with some glowberries and some bread which I’ll grab because I’m actually low on food but this amethyst would be really nice but it’s half in a m shaft so it kind of destroyed the chunks which just

Didn’t really have much CR budding amethyst so I just move along after passing diamonds and not knowing it’s there I finally found them got my first diamond but it was only one and I’m using complimentary shaders I did add it on like day five if you didn’t notice

And it actually brightens up the or and yeah it’s really cool we’re just going to grab everything we see like red stone diamonds gold iron cuz we’re going to do big inventions we found the deep dark biome and we found more diamonds here but I don’t want to go any deeper

Because yeah I don’t want to die we found another mine cart chest we got ourselves another Golden Apple some seeds and stuff we found another mob spawner we got loads of gunpowder more name tags which will come in handy for want to make future Farms we got some other random

Stuff another mob spawner another golden apple and we also found our first Notch Apple I was so happy because it’s they’re really hard to find and now we found the ancient city down here and we are going to get these diamonds and I did save the coordinates

For this place so that will come in handy and when we make a home we’re going to empty off our stuff in the chest put all of our iron in the hopper and let it all smelt now we’re going to make full diamond armor and now we’re looking

Great we got full diamond and yeah we’re going to make ourselves a bucket and we’re going to get our loads of obsidian we’re going to mine it all up and that’ll be useful for nether and future nether portal builds that I plan on doing we’re also going to get some

Leather and sugar cane so we can make some B books and we can make ourselves an enchanting table there we go we got it we got some food in here as well and we go back in the mines to find some more diamonds until I’m happy with how

Much we have so I find a couple here and there and yeah we found ourselves another emth this geodin I actually need calite for a future build or future builds if I decide to make more cool houses so I’m going to gather a load of this

Up three and a half stacks and I’m going to grab some a with this as well next we’re going to need some Spruce Wood loads of spruce so we’re going to chop down all these trees and yeah we’re going to make a stone cutter so we can get some deep

Slate bricks and stone stairs and some stone bricks and this will just make make a nice texture for our house so I think right here will be a good place to put it so I’m going to terraform this part with dirt to make it kind of like a

Hill might add a little more dirt but I think it looks good for right now so we’re going to fill it on fill it all in here make Spruce arches and we’re going to cut it so it can be stripped then we’re going to get some deep State brick stairs and slabs and

This will just make a nice roof for what we’re going to do so we’re going to grab a stair put it there pull it on the end here then we can just build on top and make it like how it is then with some details we got

The roof done and the interior is not going to be built yet but we got campfire on top of the window we got ourselves a little Bush for the planter and we also got our little enchanting room here I think it looks really nice and we can actually get Fortune to and

Our pickaxe so I just need a little bit more levels for that so we’re going to make ourselves a lecturn and we actually found a diamond in this chest inside the village that I missed and we’re actually going to kidnap some villagers to our house it’s

Only like a couple 100 blocks away maybe like I would say that’s like 150 blocks away but down the side of the mountain we can bring him home to our house now we’re going to going to try to lure him with a Lecter see where he goes and he seems to

Be walking to my house but now we’re going to place all our beds in here we’re going to place this thing Lecter and we’re going to get the villagers inside from our first one we got mending and that that’s a really good price for a mending so that was really good so I

Go around gather sugar can around my little island and make some paper and then I try to get the trade in with this guy so we can keep mending there we go we got ourselves a really good Ming villager now we’re going to get loads of wood and this can

Be used to make some sticks for this other villager the Fletcher and we can get loads of emeralds this way I’m thinking to myself I think I should make like a villager farm and the best way to do that is by making a hole in this mountain and make like a little

Cave entrance to it since I’m living underground so I’m thinking this is a nice little area to put it I just got to terraform it but we’re going to get fortune on our pickaxe and I think that’ll just come in handy later we’re also going to farm more sugar

Cane and we go back in the village to grab loads of beds and this would be useful for the farm cuz we do need beds in there for them we’re also going to grab some hay from the village so we can start breeding the villagers after that we’re going to

Start digging out a huge area for this build this build is going to take a long time to break out all the stuff with just the iron pickaxe so yeah I’m just going a quick speed little time lapse here after all that’s done we still got to

Make a big open area and I think a really cool light source since we haven’t made it to the nether yet would be Jackal Lem I’m also going to grab a load of dirt since we’re going to need that for the crops and yeah we’re looking good next we’re going to gather some

Sand and the same will be used for the glass around the outside so we can look inside let should be enough and after breaking out this whole open area my video actually got corrupted so I can’t show you but I’ll show you the rest of destroying the landscape later in the

Video but we got our little layout here we got our little slab here we can put water on top and that will make a water source with a composter on top and we just put the Jackal on top open up the area and put some dirt after the dirt’s there we’re going

To start tilling the ground and it seems to be working really well next we’re going to gather capture some villagers and then we can to start putting them inside here so one will go in the Middle where the other villagers will be giving him the carrots and it will just go down into

The Hoppers and yeah it will just give us those carrots and this villager right here actually gives carrots or trades for carrots with emeralds so I’m going to give them some of that with the mob spawner we’re going to open up the room and also dig down a couple of

Blocks and this will just make us so the they’ll fall down and we can use some water to push him down now we’re going to make an infinite water source and if you did this right there should be one block hole in the ground when we’re done with the water

We go let’s dig down 10 blocks let’s build a little open room and we can place three blocks here in three slabs as well with our chest Hopper here now we can place three more slabs and now we got to break all the Torches and this should be working

Fine there we go I just got to break this and all the skeletons should be falling down and it’s just three XP and Bones now we’re going to make ourselves a a diamond axe and we’re going to put pot three on my armor from getting loads of XP from these

Guys and from farming some more we’re actually going to get power four on our bow it’s just power four but that’s fine and we’re also going to get Pro three on our chest plate now we’re looking pretty stacked let’s make some golden carrots with all the gold we got from our mining

Adventures we also got ourselves an Infinity villager so we got Infinity on our bow now we don’t have to carry stacks of arrows on us now we’re going to get some more obsidian and make a nether portal let’s go to the nether when we make it to the nether we

Spawn in a decently good place I wouldn’t say it’s too bad but yeah it’s kind of like on the side of the cliff so we got to carefully make our way around then we’re going to go up and get loads of Courts cuz observers will be

Nice to have and just quarts in general will be nice we can make our way up here and gather the loads of glow stone since this is actually a way better light source than Jacko lanterns or at least it looks nicer and it’s easier to attain and we found a

Bastion here I had to break my way across now we can go up and this is a treasure Bastion so hopefully I get some good stuff and for nether right now you I’m in a 1.20 so you do need smithing templates and there’s one in every treasure

Bastion so this will probably be really good for me we’re going to make our way down and try to take out the brutes this where gets a bit scary these brutes do a lot of damage and I just don’t want to die to them this guy comes up try to bridge my

Build my way out and he hits me and gets me to like three hearts I quickly jump over here and I seem to be safe for now he falls off and looks like we are good now we can grab the rest of the gold blocks here let’s grab these lanterns as

Well cuz they look neat we look inside the chest got soul speed one not really useful and we also got ourselves snout armor trim which is nice to have we’re taking out more of these brw and make him our way down to the treasure we should just be able to

Bridge our way across and break our way in looks like we’re in a good place so I’m going to drop down I think block off these sides and there’s some Pigman but they’re not the piglins so I think we’re fine we can just snipe all the piglins down here so they’re not a

Problem after making our way down we are going to start by taking out this m cream so he doesn’t knock me in lava and we’re also going to grab loads of these Gold Blocks cuz there is a lot now one fell in the lava but it’s fine there’s always a piglin like making

A weird noise once you like take the gold or look inside the chest and yeah you you can kind of hear him but we got ourselves a netherite OT and a um smithing template which is amazing so we can get one netherite weapon and in the warp Forest we’re

Going to get loads of Ender Pearls so we never have to come here again we going to start by killing all these Endermen and hope they drop pearls we’re also going to grab some shroom lights since they look really cool as well well and I feel like that’ll be cool for future

Builds and over here we found ourselves a another Fortress so after bridging our way across we made it to a fortress we’re going to get enough blade rods for IR Benders I shouldn’t take too there we go we got eight I think that should be enough for now so we can

Start looting this Fortress let’s take some Nether wart because I don’t want to come back here anytime soon if we can take out the Wither Skeleton and no skull we did find some diamonds and obsidian in here so that was pretty nice turn these into blocks so we have

More space and take out more ender so we have enough pearls 14 should be enough so we can head back home and just start gearing up after that we can make a smithing table and we I think we should get ourselves a pickaxe since we are going

To be mining and terraforming a lot so I think this will be really nice we got ourselves a netherite pickaxe we’re going to put Unbreaking three on our helmet and we got Pro three as well now we have Pro three and four armor then we’re get loads of carrots

And start trading them with this guy and hopefully get loads of B ones we got seven which is okay but it’s really good I guess we’re going break more trees and we can get more emeralds with sticks as as well we also got ourselves some oak

Leaves and we can use the rest of the wood and sticks to make fences and we can decorate our cave with the fences we can put some oak leaves next to it and try to make like a little railing that looks kind of cool and after doing this I think it

Looks really good at the end okay I think this looks really good as you see um they like dripping and it’s like Mossy leaves in a way but we’re going to get sharpness four and a diamond sword and we got looting three and Unbreaking three which is insane so

That is just really good for us now we are going to get some my AV vendors and we just follow the direction to where the portal is first one broke but we still got more pearls and blaze rods in our inventory and this is actually really

Close to my house like the hill behind me is the cherry blossom Forest so this is only like 300 blocks away maybe but dude this is a good seed I love it now we’re going to dig down and we find ourselves the stronghold now was time to find the end portal

We’re going to make ourselves a shield since I forgot to make one or forgot to equip one there we go we found ourselves our first Library we’re going to grab loads of books because that’ll just be nice just for other reasons I guess we found a sharpness four book got Pro three

Efficiency 4 and we also got the eye armor Trim in this other chest we got another eye armor trim with Smite not too good after going down these stairs we find ourselves the end portal room going break the spawner and we got two eyes in there so we have 10 here

Which should be good enough for all and now we can start the end boss fight once we make it to the end we can start bridging our way over and hopefully I don’t fall in the void and we’re going to start by getting interrupted by Enderman and then we’re

Going to take out every single Tower the towers are the easy part just because it’s simple and the normal Ender Dragon boss fight itself should be pretty easy I don’t have any slow falling on me or feather falling boots but I do have a water bucket in case he knocks me up

Going get this cage one and that should be all of them so now it’s time to actually do the boss fight bow seems to be doing a good amount of damage and I’ll do even more when he starts to purge I don’t know how I got set on fire

But I did get pretty weak here so I’m going to pop a golden apple and I’m going to get my stuff out and try to get some good damage it was acting really weird I got set on fire I got I don’t know was just a weird

Fight but he should be dead in like one more shot there we go we defeated the Ender Dragon we got ourselves we’re going to get loads of XP for this so this would be nice and yeah we did it we feed the Ender Dragon in day

42 we’re going to get loads of XP let’s take out this Enderman so he doesn’t actually damage us and so we don’t get knocked in the portal there we go now we can grab all the xped and all this XP puts us to level 69 so we are looking good for a

While we’re actually going to go straight to the end City or end bins or whatever it’s called and we’re going to go look for elra after exploring for a while we found our first n city but sadly it looks like it’s only like a it doesn’t have an end

Ship but the good thing is we can get shers out of this so I guess that would be pretty nice there is two chest up here and yeah it was decent with curs of Vanishing but we got mending and Fire Protection not the best but we got we

Got some more diamonds and gold than here we found ourselves another n city and I don’t think it has an end ship which is sad because that took a while to find but let’s make our way up to the tower get ourselves a lot of Shuler shells and be in the chaos this

Places cuz it’s crazy we got ourselves a Spire armor trim um and some really bad armor and now we got some bad armor and we got a good sword with mending so that would be really nice only downside is that has knockback now we’re going to get some

Cool little armor Diamond chest plate with mending so we can now get mending Diamond chest plate now we can make two Sher shells as well we can put all of our loot that we got from the end cities in here and we can go look for some

More we made ourselves found ourselves a ship let’s get inside take out the guy guarding it we got ourselves some elytra I I’m actually not going to use alra like yet cuz I’m not really exploring that much I don’t really need anything special I’ll just be using wood

And leaves for most of my stuff for now we’re not going to forget the ender dragon head and we’re going to loot the rest of the place got ourselves a breaking three Sil touch and efficiency vending pickaxe we also got a protection respiration helmet which is also nice as

Well and this other end ship we’re going to get ourselves another elra cuz I feel safer with two than one more gold and Saddles that was like the worst two chest ever I’m going to take it out on the Enderman now we can make at home we’re also going to grab our dragon

Egg cuz this is a treasure that I really like and it actually looks really cool with these shaders so it would just be a cool addition in my world and now I think we’re ready to go home now I need to go to my house and we

Can start some more stuff we’re going to get full mending on our armor with all the um stuff inside the thing and I’m going to destroy my old farm and make a new one soz I think this is going to be way bigger than like four

Times the production size and I have a really cool concept with Spruce and just Spruce planks after this I just put glass in the front and Spruce on the sides and then I put a hopper here with Minecart or right I’ll put a hopper mine cart

There I got a bed and composter and also tiled the ground and planted carrots and this would be like a middle aquarium part I think would look really nice and I’m going to make like a sorting system kind of thing like the carrots are going

To fall from the top all the way to the middle there I’m going have to break a load more of this place to get this done after that we’re going to need loads more Spruce Wood so we’re going to chop down loads of trees and hopefully we’ll get enough wood this got just

Little just under six Stacks I think this would be good enough for the whole entire build so this is my walkway I’m going to just make some little pillars here and some walls and I think this looks really nice now I need to like finish that on

The sides here as well but overall it’s looking good we got our all four down here and yeah we can just go get some the spruce wood cuzz this would look way better considering there’s no like lighter Spruce log I’m thinking this would be good for the aquarium part just

Spruce log Tower with a little bit of decor and I think this is a really cool design next we’re going to build all these pillows up till we have our head on the ceiling and we do this on all sides now we’re going to place a spruce wolf roof over here

Cuz it doesn’t really matter how it looks considering we won’t be inside or on top of it and we also finish off the Dome with the Spruce Wood got it the bed here and composter and we can make ourselves some chest got eight and we can turn those into

Hoppers I think 32 will be in enough I think I want a bit Overkill cuz I’m not I’m not actually going to use that much we put a hopper mine cart here and the villagers would just dispense it to their friends so in the meantime I’m going to

Be some breeding some villagers and hopefully making it work after getting this villager all the way over here we can now try to push him inside the hole and we got to do this eight times and yeah this is going to take a while after all that’s done we got a couple

More villagers that need to go inside the little glass cages here we can try to attract him with the composter and there we go we got the last guy in so I got this little Archway here that I made with some dark oak and then I put some leaves and lanterns on the

Ceiling and filled in the glass cage and red redid the same design with the top of the aquarium and I just spouted leaves everywhere and put some lters with chains I think it looks really nice CU that cool like underground Vibe we got some barrels here and some hoppers in the

Back and now I got to find a way to actually make them go up so what I used here is a soul sand like dispenser so when you throw it up it all goes down the water or goes up the water elevator and then down in these

Barrels this took a a while to figure out because I couldn’t figure out a really unique design but this is the best I came up with so when it goes in the hopper it goes into the dispenser and I have a dispenser clock here so it

All goes up the water elevator and then on the roof it’s just loads of water tunnels that push it all the way into the aquarium front of it and it’s it works perfectly nothing gets stuck and it’s a really cool Des sign so let me put all this back and

Yeah this was this is really cool I do love how I made it next we’re going to go on an adventure to get some Coral so we need to find a warm otion for that and with the coral it would look really cool inside the aquarium since we’re at a desert right

Now I might as well gather loads of sand for some glass and any TNT if I need it under four Stacks that should be enough and we also find ourselves a desert temple let’s break our way inside here and now we can dig our way down some gold that’s nice two Golden

Apple that’s pretty good and I’m going to grab all the gunpowder as well because I have elra now and and we need loads of fireworks we did find a coral reef over the top of the Sand Hill and we’re going to try to get some of this

Coral when I break it it doesn’t drop the coral it actually turns into dead coral so I looked it up and you need silk touch so I actually have to run back home and get silk touch so I kept the coordinates of this place and I head back home and get ourselves

Some s touch three lapis all right there we go we got ourselves silk touch now we can head back and we can get ourselves 20 of each coral and some Coral like plants or whatever that is and I think seeve pickles will also be cool as

Well just they give more like a little bit of light you know so we’re going to grab a couple of those and the aquarium should be pretty easy so we’re in here right now we can actually reach and put water on the roof but we’re actually going to make an

Infinite water source first just so we can have all the water we don’t have to leave the cave and I’m going to start by making a sand floor like a mountain part kind of like a little Hill and I’m going to use Sandstone to kind of like act as like

A foundation for it so the sand doesn’t fall now come up come up with a design kind of like this little Hill and now we can start placing our coral and when I place it it actually starts to die cuz there’s no water so wasted a bit of coral

But it should be fine so we got to we got to fill in the whole ceiling with water after we do that we can now start the coral and break the bottom of this um to try to give it more like a little nice shape and I think that looks pretty good

Maybe I’m going to add a little more to it we’re going to add all the colors we found and we can start off like that break this and just try to find out with a cool design cuz it you got to make it look natural

We get out get some air let get out the pink coral and we can start making a little pillar here I think that looks pretty nice and we can start adding all the little stems we can also add some sea pickles now we just need to make this a water source

And yeah it’ll light up got do that with the coral as well by the looks of it so we can do that and it all just looks really nice I think it looks really cool and for my next thing I want to do I want to make a storage system because

My chests are loaded with like loads of cobblestone and stuff so I think I’m going to build a way over here it needs to be seven wide I believe and then seven High so it’s going to be cool and there’s a cave here so what I’m going be

Building right now is a iron golem farm and I’m going to make a big platform here and this is just the walkway up it’s not actually starting the farm yet I’m going to put the spruce here and build up the walls and it’s all going to look really

Nice going to take out the witch because I can and I’m going to finish up my walls the platform needs to be I believe it’s 19 by4 which is pretty good and this this Farm’s really productive and it does the job really well we’re going to put all

The beds here and where the spruce is we’re going to dig down three blocks and put Soul Sand at the bottom we’re also going to put slabs here and at the bottom we’re going to get all the villages we need and we need a total of

Eight this does take a while but we found a way to make it work and we just need all the villagers in their place then after that we can start building a little bit higher and then we can start placing the water as well there we go all villagers are in we

Got slabs here as well so they can’t escape then we’re got to place leaves all the way here and this will make us so Iron Golems won’t spawn here and we also need to break the floor here and put some Soul Sand do that to both sides

Let me put water here so the zombies will get bumped up and that’s where the zombie will sit they’ll just keep going up and down and that will scare the villagers and that’ll work really well now we can fill this all with leaves and this bottom part is almost

Complete next we’re going to build up four high here and then we can get started Ed on the roof process okay we got the walls here and now we can add a floor here and the floor pushed the Iron Golems into the lava but we got to make

Sure that you know it’s not like bad lava or it doesn’t burn everything down so I decided to change it all in the spruce put chest here and put Hoppers here here all the Cobblestone I just replace with Spruce Wood and that’s about it we got some torches here as well and

We got to make sure that um it all doesn’t burn down so I had to take a trip quick trip to the Nether and make get Warped wood and put that here as well and also make sure it doesn’t burn the normal wood so we’re going to put

Water here and this will make it so the Iron Golems will get pushed into the lava now we get a name tag we’re name one gy and we’re also going to name one Tim cuz that’ll be a good name for two zombies next we’re going to try to get a

Zombie from the cave below me and I do have to spawn proof every single block down here and it will make it pretty pretty easy I think I just need some buttons and that’s really about it buttons are string either one will work but I just need one of these guys

To come in there we go we got one in and now we can put up here we can break ourselves out and replace it with wood and we can block this up and yeah I think this is going to work we just need to do this the other

Side as well and after that we’re going to start finishing our roof job let’s put this one Higher and iron golems did spawn on the outside here and the farm does work it just um yeah I need to put some string either around the chest area to make sure that

They don’t come up with the stram we can just do this and they won’t be able to spawn this Farm is working really well zombies can’t re or the iron gos can’t reach the zombies and it all goes into the M or the chest and right now we’re getting loads

Of iron from this it’s actually crazy and we just got to finish the roof here and yeah we got loads of spruce logs in here so this should be able to be this should be able to work there we go room is done and I think it looks really

Nice now we can put all of our stuff away and we can grab our torches light it up a bit so no mobs will spawn and I think this place is done next we’re going to go to the Nether and we’re going to try to get some Wither

Skeleton skulls so if we can get a beacon and that will help mining our little area with haste too so we head back to the nether go to our nether fortress and we can start taking out wither skeletons and I was unlucky for so long but after many of with skeletons I

Finally got my first skull and already have two stacks of Bones so it took forever to find it and this next skeleton after actually gave us a skull and so we just need one more after this they’re traveling around this little area we got ourselves some more wither skeletons in a blaze and

This guy drops us our third skull that makes three and it took forever I kept having to reload my chunks by just turning my Rend distance to like two and then it like reload the mobs but up here we’re going to start by placing the Soul

Sand and then we can start the Wither boss fight I think we’re ready I didn’t bring any golden apples or any Notch apples that I had all I have was a bow carrots and a sword so hopefully this goes well I’m so used to like Minecraft mod

Packs that my bow would do way more damage than that little sliver so I actually did get kind of scared but we should be fine going keep shooting at him and whenever I’m weak I’m just going to eat a golden carrot now time to get the sword action start hitting

Them and we seem to be doing fine we got to get all those crits in there we go we took out the weaer it’s pretty easy and he gave me loads of dirt from this so I’m going to gather all the dirt around and see how much we can stack up

To I think that’s all the dirt we got over like seven Stacks so that’s going to be nice now we can make ourselves a beacon this will give us haste too and we got loads of iron from the iron farm as well so that can be used for the

Beacon we’re going to place it right over here going to make it like a I’m going to do it like a double like a two layer Beacon so this will work and we actually need to break the roof so the beacon can shoot out so there we go now

We can dig down and we could put our gold inside and equip haste to so let’s pick haste two and there we go we got ourselves haste two mining will be a lot easier and in here we can get ourselves a mending book and we can get our our netherite pickaxe mending on

It cuz it’s getting pretty low and it will just be nice that it doesn’t break now I’m thinking we should break this whole area up and make a huge storage room here it’s going to be seven high or more depending on what I want to fit inside but this is going to be

Pretty big dimensions and this was a long one this took a long time to break but here’s a quick time lapse of what I did after that’s all done we can now get out of our XP farm cuz we just mended our pickaxe now we can get back to Mining

And add the little corridors that we need to add there will be how much is it seven corridors with 7 * 3 is 21 so it’ll be 21 long and seven wide or nine wide but yeah this is really huge and I got to break all the way up

Here and yeah after that we got our first row done now we got to add two more here and here’s our little things we’re going to put Barrels in in between the little Spruce logs and yeah we got loads more to go now we’re going to make loads of hoppers for our storage

Unit but I see we’re getting close to running out on our days so I might not be able to finish this project but it definitely will get close I’ll definitely finish the mining part of it now we’re going to get loads of wood cuz this wood would be nice to make

Loads of barrels I need over like seven stacks of barrels and after that I got a couple stacks of wood um I’m hoping this will make a lot I don’t know if it will but let’s hope so now we can craft slabs so we can make make some

Barrels we got two and 1 half stacks just about and we’ll try to fill them all in put all my flint and unwanted stuff in here now I going to put all the barrels in and yeah this will look really nice when it’s done I really only got one of the six sides

That the barrels need to be on so that’s unfortunate so I’m going to have to go get loads more wood and yeah I spend a long time in the forest and I get myself loads of wood got loads of birch and Oak it’s kind of crazy and I think we’re going to

Have to use all this H barrels we got just about six Stacks six Stacks under or whatever and this is I actually messed up this is supposed to be six High not seven so I did save a little bit of barrels here after that we can put them all

In and I did not mine the top right now but I will at the end of this time lapse after that’s all done we got everything done and we just run out of time on 100 days so hopefully you guys can stay tuned for the next one and we

Can probably finish off the storage room hope you guys enjoyed this 100 days video I had so much fun doing it and I want to do this more and make my world ultimate like make it look so good and do Epic Builds if you guys want to see

That as well so make sure to subscribe subscribe if you enjoyed guys comment down what you want next if you want more of these vanilla 100 days all the way to 1.21 or if you want more modded videos thanks for watching guys see you next time

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore! Here’s What Happened…’, was uploaded by KixCharms on 2023-11-04 14:00:28. It has garnered 3432 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:23 or 3083 seconds.

100 Days – Minecraft Hardcore I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

In this video, I survived 100 days in Minecraft on HARDCORE. But this wasn’t a normal survival, I modded this completely and was inspired by Luke The Notable and Forge Labs. I survived 100 days in modded Minecraft. Zombies, Skeletons, and even pigs would destroy me just as I try to survive 100 days of Minecraft Hardcore. This was a big challenge for me because I don’t usually play vanilla survival. I mined a lot of Diamonds, fought many zombies, and attempted to fight the Ender Dragon. This was my attempt to survive 100 days in Minecraft hardcore. In the storyline, I strive to become a Minecraft knight by defeating two of the deadliest bosses in the game. Can I do it?

★ I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did please SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

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—————————————————————- 》”100 Days” Inspired by @Forgelabs

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Video Includes: 100 days Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Hardcore Modded Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Movie Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Modded Minecraft Movie Modded Minecraft Series 100 Days in Minecraft 100 Days in Modded Minecraft 100 Days with Mods in Minecraft Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Survival Modded Gameplay Movie 200 Days in Minecraft

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    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More