Insane Hardcore Minecraft VODS – Don’t Miss Out!

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Boys we’re we’re here we’re back on Hardcore you owe me a hydrate from yesterday I didn’t know I missed one I’m sorry Remy you’re a hydrate even the server saying hello can I I I just went live [Laughter] fine you are the favorite I like I just come up by

Starting soon and we can hit with that oh yeah all right POG that way we start with a yeah but I guess thank you for the belated hydrate REM me and vampish player thank you for the follow I saw that while I was like still on um

Starting soon but we’re here now we’re going to find this Essence if it kills us so I I got a little bit of a teaser and I found out that we were in fact in a worthless stronghold that had nothing in it um and once again it was still

Farther than o ever expected us to go so it was like ah poopy um so that’s that uh supposedly it’s in way more strongholds now uh and supposedly we’re doing a we we have be a little bit better off um have you looked around the stronghold

River river has no comments at this time like no no comments on what’s going on not a single thought behind those eyes we’ll have to wait for an answer to that question I guess no that’s fair thanks o really appreciate it big guy love the icon for the server

Yeah is up don’t look up still pinging whatever little Jo ah here we go uh fun fact shortly before the stream started I was actually up there I ran down here because I was immediately getting merked by skeletons but we’ll head up now uh I also realized in that

Time that I was getting merked that I have no weapon but that’s okay um supposedly we should check out the portal room maybe I don’t know we have emptied this place out Jesus H Christ this poor poor stronghold did not deserve this treatment hold on let’s um these

Absolute goblins all right without even trying I’ve pretty much made a slave camp where they have oh wait okay there are four of us thank you God so this one might actually not be be a valid one you guys ripped it apart so give me the number of how many and I

Will give a reward to give to each of them I am expanding the range of them so other strongholds may now be valid in like an hour props for this though yeah you guys have what’s up with the blood ritual I was getting desperate man dismantled the whole thing dang ah I’m getting

Rocked Okay so this stronghold is a bust which honestly makes sense I mean we already kind of emptied it out I don’t see how of it could hide an Essence here after we already literally lobotomized it um I will happily take my gift with a

A smile on my lips um and we got to roll out hold on but first before we do that we should check out the see so this is what I was talking about they turned this into like a workstation you know like a little like home they had like

Wheat growing here made a nether portal they made elevators with like you know the straight drop down and then like a lift up with like functioning so I’m not going up I don’t want to go up they they don’t know how doors work though uh the trades but yeah pretty

Much that’s that we we have this is what we’re looking at dang you guys really did have a lot of equipment okay I’ve been told by River High that there are eyes of end yeah right there Eyes of Ender in this chest um did the Ender Chest get broke

No it’s in one of the libraries so we’re going to find one of those libraries we’re going to stick this library on the left we’re going to stick the valuables in there because of the whole stronghold Fiasco um I’m cra me something changed uh the grace period is still up right

Yeah yeah I think in like an hour it destroys itself though yeah so the grace period’s up for now um I don’t know how long I’m really like I can only be on until ly shows up I didn’t get to like hang out with her

Yesterday so as soon as she gets on then it’s like you know it’s soft core in time um but up until then I don’t want to die do we have dismantled this place so thoroughly I don’t know where anything is anymore now I just have to find okay

There was this library but I don’t see the Ender Chest in here so it has to be the other Library give you a li chest for a disc kind if you have an Unbreaking book I I have an Unbreaking pumpkin do I even have an Unbreaking

Book on me I might have one in my Ender Chest I definitely have one at home I know I have an Unbreaking 3 book at home that’s not really important anyway I kind of want to get my own elytra even though I know it’s going to be the most

Agonizing pain I will ever experience I kind of want to be able to find it myself here we go so in case you missed last stream which I encourage you to check it out um we got revived and there was like a uh during a grace period right

Immediately after we got revived so not everyone would like immediately die cuz people started dying left and right um we got back to our home after o killed us so we just respawned there um after we also blend Emily Essence looks sick in your resource pack yeah

Brother it’s 3D yeah cuz I have a 3D add-on looks extra sick what’s up backo AR says Hi Mr oh I love Ary hey Flair but yeah I uh we um I O go like one’s hidden inside of the ancient city if you know where to

Look and so then I got in my wacky mind that was like maybe it’s a warden which just by the way isn’t technically only in an ancient city it’s just in a deep dark uh so the hint wasn’t fully accurate that’s what I get for reading chat I

Guess okay crap we got to find our way back there before it stuff despawns though good thing there’s a grace period yeah God bless hold on where’s the stupid I found it on accident I’m not going to be able to find my way back there

Again oh you got to go up the staircase like once more it’s up a level all right yeah so yeah that yeah hold on River High light me question mark the other the other stronghold where’s the other stronghold the the other Library River uh oh

Hi got it I got an ad on your stream I can’t see man my poor poor armor hey just let me be dog all right anyway um we killed the warden with Ox assistance but we got the final hit on it and it imploded and it dropped

A little blue guy and that little blue guy is the secret to all ultimate Whimsical power um among amongst a bunch of other things okay it’s it’s not just like that there is other things involved which is going to make it um difficult where the challenge comes in but this is a

Component now we need another component and like a million other things namely a bajillion diamonds but if we get our hands on it we’ll be in a very very good place so the goal for today is to get our hands on it and go home that you

Know because then once the grace period ends we don’t die we we can actual die so actual die we can actually die so to that end um we need to get out of here did you guys make a no you didn’t cuz you have an elevator so we need to

Head up and then we need to start roaming out until we find a stronghold I don’t know if the stronghold we found next to our house will work there is a chance cuz we didn’t exactly have to do that one out but we did find it there’s no theoretical limit to how

Many hearts someone have so you can just genuinely be God if you grind hard enough interesting interesting okay here’s the question though would OAC have put something inside of that stronghold that we found that’s like over 10K blocks out I really doubt it but there are only like 48

Strongholds that generate in a world so did O take the time to do all 48 minus this one and the spawn one probably or is it still only some of them that’s the question we probably should just play it safe and just look for another local stronghold 128 I don’t

Know why I thought there was 48 then whoops yeah no OAC definitely wouldn’t have taken the time to do 128 that one’s insane all righty then if we want to find a another stronghold the solution is to head closer to 0 but then that’s going to start taking us to a different

One if we head that way we’re going to be heading back towards that other stronghold that we found and I guess the solution is like we can stay 7,000 blocks out but just decrease our X here even more and then eventually we should find another stronghold so if we just embark on this

Direction in that mountain there is a deep dark again an ancient city or a deep dark yeah uh ancient city wow I guess that is at least vaguely closer to where I live but it’s a little too late now what the hell is this what melon it’s a melon stem but like

Dang just dang that’s all I got Oh I thought I was to gonna have to fight a freaking drown guy oh that Golem’s throwing mad hands brother that Golem won I like there was no contest okay I think we’ll go with that strategy we’re going to head in this

Direction until we get probably into the negatives and then we will probably be finding a stronghold so this is going to be a lot of a roaming stream with the big hopes that we don’t die cuz if we die that super Beyond Mega sucks yeah cuz we could not be more in

The middle of nowhere also bless o praise o real quick Chad as well homeboy uh splurged a little bit more money in order to like upgrade the server so that it wouldn’t like time out as much since we were all exploring so much so yeah he’s a little he’s a little

Sweetie cutie pie for that I’m sponsored by them I just had to DM oh never mind all right Ox a little sweetie cutie pie for human confrontation we I don’t know where we’ be without OAC that’s pretty cool I’m glad that just had that on

Hand o Emerald I heard a skeleton so I immediately tweaked but o Emerald Stony Peaks isn’t there always a like a um one guaranteed under a Stony Peaks an ancient city I mean uh it’s like a 100% guarantee or something insane oh nice ow same with Snowy Peaks just underneath

Like snowy and Stony Peaks it’s just there is one more like Pony Saks you know I I’m actually in danger County that’s why I’m in danger County all right nothing can hurt us that was almost death I was like two two two shots in the head away from death oh my God

I’m trying to make it back to the uh the first stronghold so that I can grab my items and start following you cuz I went Mining and also went to go grab some totems of undying because yeah let’s actually make a weapon there we go the only totem of undying I ever had

Was cats which I wasted oh look at that skeleton spawn camping us why is is he freezing to death what was that sound there are seven creepers in total at the spot I am at oh sub optimal I hate snow biomes bro I hate him what the

Hell don’t worry about it yeah yeah I’m going to choose not to actual anxiety genuine fear my veins just turn ice okay we’re solid we’ve escaped the Tundras now all we need to worry about is yeah this that that’s happening right now I love the like when areas generate

Like this this is one of my favorite Generations in Minecraft it’s like you have like really like tall like Forest Cliffs right and then there’s this huge Chasm into like this River Valley thing it’s actually gorgeous I wish more places in Minecraft generated like this

I love it so much except for the ugly lava waterfalls like who who who thought that was a good idea to incorporate into the game how are you I’m doing great flame how are you hi grumley it’s a dripstone cave I’m not even going to bother throwing an

Eye of Ender until we’re like at least in negative 2000 no I’m sorry just at Zero for this a I mean because it’s just going to go back to the same strong hold I we can try it but it’s going to go back to the same stronghold yeah

See so we really got a the hall how’s you boy I’m I’m doing pretty good I I’m I’m a okay you know we are hunting for the third stronghold in this world uh we’ve been to two but the neither of them how we were looking for so now we need to find a

Third one uhoh ow ow I’m just getting rocked these skeletons have genuine Aimbot you still haven’t found it yet nope no maybe it doesn’t exist I’m I’m pretty sure at this point it might be a social experiment on ox’s behalf to just Gaslight the entire population of the server into believing

It exists but realistically it’s not there it is just a figment of our of our Collective crippling the dementia we are all imagining it it’s a joint psychosis it’d be really funny thanks to the idea no I was already talking about I was like what if it’s in the end and O was

Like oh it might not be in some strongholds and it’s a stupid o m game CU I wouldn’t put it past him you know say something like that so oh it has to be in the stronghold but then in reality it’s like in the end I was going to be

Furious if that was the case I I was like act I all last night I started Gathering I yeah I was like what if it’s an Ender Dragon drop cuz it just it doesn’t really have drops right now all it has is just like um the experience it

Doesn’t drop anything and so like it would makees sense and the same with like a warden doesn’t have a drop but it’s kind of lopsided because killing an ender dragon is so simple for like most people you know but killing a warden is like a genuine herculan task like you

Could kill like a Ender Dragon with like no armor you know if you’re like smart enough you there’s no killing a warden with no armor like you have to be goated to kill that Warden there’s 120 Javas strongholds in Java World it could have found them all yeah

But that’s a lot of work you know and I wouldn’t expect him to go through that much work so I’m not going to expect him to actually have done not because that that that is just an insane amount of work and it’s definitely like it borders

On too much if he did it holy damn what a nuts man but yeah kidding that is something over could o joined the game he also wants to Embark he’s on his Lewis and Clark expedition you know if I had a silk touch pickaxe America bus backwards America no it’s not it’s a

Aira Aira okay is that way still some meme candy is like she it was like talking with me about it I don’t remember what it was but it was like I kept asking her to do something and she’s like it’s like that Meme it’s like the guy that’s like leave me alone and

Then it’s like a memory flashes through his mind they’re like Akira and he’s like ah yeah kayak I’ll give that one too kayak is a palr I wish they found a way of making pal pal androme a palindrome wasn’t there some kind of phobia that they named like it was like

Phobia it was like oh yeah it was like I IO iophobia and it was like the I was like phobia backwards and it was the fear paland drumes something like that there are a lot of phobia names there’s a phobia name for everything you’re right no pal paland Drome is a paland

Drome it’s from the anime movie Akira really that that blows my mind are you sure it’s called Akira Aira I don’t know what the hell just sent in chat it looks like a glass of water yeah that that was about to say yeah it looks like a glass of water yeah

It’s transparent they needed to invert the color it needed to be like more the liquid needed to be white it needed more white pixels going on in there to be a glass of milk yeah iophobia is the fear of paland drumes yeah and it’s phobia backwards I can’t believe did they

Update like Minecraft stuff like since when could you actually send emojis in Minecraft maybe they figured it out because of bedrock and then just decided as screw we’ll put this in a uh yeah they’re like as screw we’ll put this in Java Edition too why not there’s no shot wait does that mean

The shrug you know the like old shrug Emoji is that one’s still cursed or does it actually look like a shrug now or the Lenny face that’s what I mean the Lenny face people would always send like the Lenny face in like Minecraft whenever I was younger but it always like look

Weird there’s another swamp it’s not a mangrove swamp though no no yeah okay I see they still made the Lenny face weird yeah they updated like the Unicode that Minecraft uses language base so now you can actually use that sort of stuff side effect what version they the Lenny

Face uh I think it was very recent probably the same version that they you know added chat reporting it displays fine in the server console huh pal La is a paland drum and an imort laap and imort laap is a pair of words that when spelled backwards it still

Spell words like drawer and reward or desserts and stress that is so you’re telling me a m noap is an actual thing that you got to be [ __ ] with me I refuse to believe there’s actually something that exists that is called an immortal la like that is an actual like English

Term people aren real hipopotam monophobia is the fear of long words I can believe that imagine like watching Mary Poppins and like hearing that one song and just fearing for your life you know just screaming incoherently it’s a worm that is something I don’t believe it’s a

Worm that looks like a sideways Fish Hook it’s a worm man how far do I got to walk this way I really did need to wait until like x equals zero we on the track though it’s our solemn Mission and then we got to walk

Like 20K blocks in order to get n screw that I’m hopping in the nether first chance I get what’s our progress on the thing um the place there at was a bust so we got compensated for our our our heartache which is very very sweet um so now we’re

Going to check another one and we’re currently heading straight in this direction because if I go out far enough in this direction from the other stronghold eventually these eyes are going to start locking onto a different one and then hopefully that one is good

Um we’re still like 7K out on our Z but it might move closer on the Z I don’t know I’m just trying to move out exclusively on the X because if I move too close to 0 I’m probably going to find the stronghold that everyone else

Found which is not beneficial to us at all so we’re pretty much just trying to head out as West as we can though it’s doing us a whole lot of nothing right now we’ve walked like how long have we walked actually like 2K I mean obviously strongholds are like

Way more far apart than that but still all right now we sail how long did we need to walk in order to like I think it was like 5K for the other um stronghold to like stop like being attached and US finding a new one and then we still ended up

Walking like a hot second it’s going to be a while like I the I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it home in this stre which I’d like to so we can take advantage of like the um Grace but we might just have to start

Playing smart as soon as we find this other stronghold it’s highrisk high stronghold base actually doesn’t sound terrible yeah but it’ also be in the middle of nowhere I like my ancient city it is my it is my humble abode it is also where all of my netherite is so I’m never abandoning

That MC worlds are big bro yeah they’re infinite now like there’s no more far lands like MC worlds will genuinely like infinitely generate there’s no like upper limit there is farlands the game just oh you’re right it’s just exceptionally farther out now or something it’s like I

Think you can go 30 million out and it’s fine but if you like mod the game to because it now just stops generating oh once you get to in theory farlands territory mhm and so if you mod the game to just say hey don’t have this limit just keep

Generating then you can get to far lands did O miss the stronghold you were at yeah we were still like too far out so got on is like all right you you you [ __ ] I got to populate more strongholds now and so that’s what we’re doing right

Now is we’re trying to find another one I was worried some of the strongholds wouldn’t have the room I needed and so I was like and now we got a hit chat out now we know it’s at the portal room or am I just lying No you never do that I think it’s perfectly in character nah you’d never do that hold on did this one burst or did it drop oh wait I already picked it up okay cuz one already did pop but it was a while ago uh we’re now in the negatives we’re

In Negative X wow that is a ruined portal right there definitely can’t repair it though that is way too ruined that is a god Apple all right you know what sure everything’s coming up Rex this is nothing new uh do I care enough to take the obsidian with me though yeah definitely

Do actually what am I even questioning here why Dan in disbelief re everything’s coming up Rex I lost all my gapples and if I died in the nether I’m already recuperating my losses that’s going to be tricky every time we want our health to increase

We’re going to need like two of them um so that also puts like a that’s some constant exploration you still have to do you’re going to have to find like more ancient cities and loot them in order to get enchanted God appolds and just other like um loot chests in

General but I think ancient cities just have the light like highest likelihood of having God apples I still can’t believe you just found that randomly walking actually insane I had to jump into C just to say that I’m on my Trailblazer Arc what can I say I’m going to lose my

Mind know I don’t get tra Blazer Arc obsidian Burns in lava but they obviously could C why we think backwards yeah they no we can’t enhance a pre-existing item we’re going to leave it burning you you can stay that way I’m also starting a forest fire by proxy there we go hello

Trades five six seven 8 9 10 if none of these burn we’ll have enough for a portal which will when we get to our location will allow us to make a nether portal and then go home hopefully it’ll still be agonizing cuz it’s you know the

Nether but it’s going to be way like it’s going to be way less than like 20K blocks I perch I did not have an Unbreaking book uh gunpowder thank you I thought it broke the leaf breaking sound I thought it was the obsidian so it stopped breaking and now I make my way

Be careful because elytras do go fast if you don’t have Unbreaking on them s is cold lava they melt back into lava in theory I guess it’s fair goby did hand me some Phantom membrane yeah but if you repair it too many times then it’s going to cost too

Much to keep repairing it you just need to get mending that’s why you just get mending yeah yeah oh God it’s night again so help me if it ever gets like dicey yeah and like I’m starting to get scar I’m digging two blocks down we’re waiting like 10

Minutes and I miss the you old days of Minecraft where building a diamond house was like an idilic dream and then whenever like you load up a single player world the goto you do is build a diamond block house do people still build diamond block houses is that

A thing like I tempted to in this world you have enough so I wouldn’t be surprised tunnel boring is stupidly overpowered man how do you tunnel boore you just get TNT and then just nuke it is a TNT slime block machine ah that sounds interesting just moves itself yep

You hit the note block and it moves forward block shoots out TNT onto a thing of ancient debris and then moves along and it’s ancient it doesn’t break yeah yep you explode one check for any diamonds or if you’re mining for other stuff mhm and grab that and then

Continue along wow yeah you actually do just run a factory you literally got machines to do your work for you still takes time and work because you got to sit there and yeah but that’s what you have laborers for yeah it’s so so free I I ran it like once or twice and

Now I’ve got like 11 or 12 12 stacks of diamonds yeah that’s more than you could ever know what to do with other than build a diamond house oh God that is death that is straight death that is a swiftness spider jockey what the hell why Minecraft a swiftness spider Joy I get

Hardcore mix it that spiders can sometime generate with effects what are the odds for it to generate with sness and with a skeleton on its back that’s got to be low that is insane that was a cannon event I just witnessed because funny that is like a

Hardcore Ender right there if I didn’t run for my life what’s like the infamous thing was like filsa died to what like some kind of potion effect spider and a golden yeah golden armor baby zombie I want to watch that clip I’ve never seen it I’ve only ever heard about

It Dan went through hell earlier yeah a skeleton killed him and then picked up all of his netherite in yeah and then guess who went to the Nether and then immediately died and lost all his stuff because it despawned you lost all of your stuff yeah you’re

Broke I have extra stuff I always keep it on um a bunch of like oh you always stay strapped right I see yeah I don’t have netherite but I do have Diamond so it’s fine I want to do I saw a video where it was like my ideal start in hardcore

Minecraft and he made like I think his ender chest is filled with just Shuler boxes that are also filled with like he has one that’s like all backup pickaxes one that’s backup boots all Max enchants like just a [ __ ] full shulker of all of his perfect gear some

People I guess just never reach the singularity of like now I don’t know what to do next I guess by the time they get there then they just wait for the next uh Minecraft update he legitimately just like before he did anything before he started any like big hardcore project

Where like I’m going to build a mega farm he just like all right so here’s my perfect start my enter chest has you know perfect copies of all my gear that I’ll ever need and then he uses it like he has use out of it he was like digging a

Uh Giant mountain away and he’s like yeah so it’s times like this when I I don’t want to run all the way to my XP farm so I just open my Ender Chest grab another three pickaxes and work through those I am mle search for the F yeah good luck I’ve already walked

Like oh like 4K blocks I think I can pass you actually [ __ ] o hey I saw like a flicker appear on my screen and then there you are this those underwater things they’re so dangerous but so worthless there’s just nothing in them not white they’re worth

It only for the Nautilus shells on This Server really oh yeah I guess that’s fair then you just farm that that is one thing I’m glad that I’ve been able to do I feel like there is some useless items that now at least have some shred of use yeah that’s

Fair I being summoned to be safe H when in the world did he get here I have been hitting F3 on my stream so I had to do is just Zoomies with his elytra and Crossing negative thousands and then 7,000 is and I’m like all right wait where did that this

Way ah finally it’s latched onto something new here we go oh you’re not supposed to eat I’m not just too drifting around waiting if I eat the Eye of Ender it’ll show me where to go my stomach will guide the way like the uh [ __ ] what’s the the tcan the

Toucan toucan Sam the cereal guy what [ __ ] cereal is that I have no idea what you’re talking about it’s not Lucky Charms it’s not Frosted Flakes it’s not C is it Captain Crunch I want to no Captain Crunch is the [ __ ] Captain you dun well yeah but he has a

Bird I didn’t know if that bird was a twocat or if it was a parrot no I know there’s like some sort maybe it is I don’t know I swear he has his own dedicated cereal someone in chat’s got to know FR Loop FR Loops yeah you

Know how he like during like the ads it’ll it’ll be like he has a he like starts floating he’s like my no will show me the way no I’ve never that’s that’s what you would be like I cannot remember a FR Loops commercial all I can remember are

Like the um frosted flaks and he’s like they’re great see growing up I I was never allowed access to the TV unless my parents like vetted it first right yeah and um like I they had to vet the ads too so we would get like the DVR recordings whenever I wanted to watch

Something and um the DVR recording had like a Froot Loops at at the start and so they were able to like approve that but then they got busy and then they would never approve anything so for my entire childhood all I could watch was the Froot Loops

Ad you guys I’m lying but like I’ve been able to convince someone of a story just like that that you like oh yeah the only thing they were ever able to they were only ever able to vet both 200 2008 so I I have it by memory and they

Were like what I remember reading like a Reddit post that was like about someone like memorizing all of like Shrek cuz they watch Shrek so much that they memorize like it frame by frame they just watch it in their head yeah and then they’ just like space out and watch

It in their head and they got to the point they would watch Shrek like they go on like a road trip and just like do you need like a game or something they was like no I’m just going to watch Shrek and then they’d space out for a

Couple hours in the back seat and then it got to the point where they were like watching they had to watch Shrek every night before they’d go to sleep so sometimes their parents would like you know come into their room and just see them like spaced out in their bed

Staring at their ceiling like stop watching Shrek I could never love a movie that much never not to the point of tic memory of the every frame and every line and then it enjoyable to not only haven’t memorized that much then to re-experience it in my mind so how are

You today I’m good I’m just watching Shrek in my mind hypnotic yeah that’s some hypnotic crap hypnotic is such a goofy a movie I cannot sing its praise enough it’s so bad it’s a Freaky Friday like I I I don’t want them to make a sequel because

Like you know I genuinely enjoy the movie or something I want them to make a sequel because I will I will love I would love it we are in hell you throw the the the Eye I wonder where are we where did it oh it lagged for a

Second went this way I think hold on I got to grab it I lost it ah there it is chat what do you guys think of Freaky Friday I still me and Rex actually two years ago we we Freaky Friday swapped and haven’t swapped we’ve just done a really

Convincing job being each other like we we tried to solve it for a little bit but we didn’t have like the dedication to like really figure it out and so we just just kind of like called it a day and just accepted like ah okay you’re o now here’s your social security

Number how do even nightmares about hypnotic my guy it was so goofy dance just talking in general still has night still has nightmares I put us in purgatory oh there we go hey we found land I wish I could see it oh [Laughter] oh honestly yeah Fair we’re gonna be back

In the ocean Rex oh no wait this River almost died I’m going to drown don’t we were swimming through a swamp and it wound us back whenever we were underwater in the swamp and then Rivers just started suffocating I was I think I was in the sky uhoh oh see in h

River from a high place is it back I forget new versions load really quickly yeah it’s nuts well I’m about yeah where am I it’s okay I’ve got respiration well apparently Mary’s air is poisoned right now River High issued server command TPS negative 2,000 I trying to look at

The thingy [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell was the way yeah what where am I did you make the land I’m still I don’t know where I’m at what are your cords I think it wound us back I just don’t know where 2,300 somewhere I have a

Boat I hell blocks this is before we even started the ocean Quest oh [ __ ] oh no I don’t think it wound me back cuz I’m negative 2,500 7800 wow yeah I got wound back I’m Treading Water all right I’m boating I’m a Titanic Survivor this ocean is enormous it’s like over a th000

Blocks those are drowned row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merily merily I don’t remember the last part was it life is but a dream I don’t remember it fill the boat with cream it’s an ocean did you think it was going to be small Minecraft not used to

Minecraft oceans being like big be I’m on the flattest Island I’ve ever seen that’s not man-made I’m trying to roll my way over I think I’m generating new chunk still take a left you mean a right oh was it left never doubt me again you’re right this is like um [ __ ]

Flatus Island when I was younger I used to generate worlds until I was just on an island in the middle of the ocean and then I would never leave the ocean yeah I would never leave the island I would only ever stay on the island sorry I’m whole

Exploring oh neat it Link’s back out and this stre I’m about to end out back at 10K again a ship yeah it’s a ship we can take it in it completely upside down I didn’t know these ships could generate like still intact cuz we found

One and I was like what the hell oh yeah all shapes and sizes what I was like oh okay it’s River helmet River Fall damage I placed the boat and actually smacked my head oh my God what the hell no not again no please oh no if the server dies I’m actually

Going to die cuz I don’t have a gapple on me well welcome to Mangrove Island guys this feels like the point in like the uh [ __ ] random Adventure movie where it’s like it’s going to be tough feels like I’m going into [ __ ] Jumanji or something I’ve never seen

Jumanji this is just my vague impression of it I I love Pirates but I don’t know any way of like doing Pirates that’s in a unique or cool way you know what I mean doing pirates in Minecraft is also tough because like the boats suck and every boat mod

Kind of sucks yeah the closest I got to living out like my Minecraft fantasies was like by having it yeah in Skyline the closest cuz it’s like whenever you make like pirate you like you can’t just make Pirates you can’t make historically accurate Pirates the the closest you can get to Fantasy

Pirates is like Pirates of the Caribbean you know but then at that point you’re just doing Pirates of the Caribbean so it’s like how do you do pirates but in a unique like actual like way so it’s like screw it I’m just going to inject it into an actual unique story I hate

Mud oh get good scrub mud you look like mud sucky thing if it’s in this mangra swamp it’s going to be hell because there’s no way I can throw an eye in here and the mangr swamp’s going to be enormous Vine right here you’re right the trees it might actually be easier to

Navigate on the trees too yeah yeah mangrove swamps are huge too because they’re like oh people learn the player is going to want a big Mangrove swamp when they finally find the mangrove swamp way it broke fell I am not Tarzan is what this is teaching me I also fell I’m

Champion of these trees I’m going crazy toward in the jungle okay yeah I have five ender pearls with some hi Queen oh my God you guys are over there small of you guys are so fast and I’m getting stuck in like rope oh I tried to jump to a Vine and

Fell it not end well for no Taran abilities still this way oh my it’s popping all of the eyes now how many do you they’re getting stuck on the I got 12 but I still have ender pearls and blaze rods so I’m not like too fuss I have enough for like

Eight more there’s no way I’m going to run out of that many it’d be really funny you like were missing One Singular eye you’re like 20,000 from home my first fall and it had to be in front of you guys I I didn’t even see you’re good embarrass yourself in front of your

Friends I do like the unique unique parkour challenge that I’m going to die from these trees the unique parkour challenge that mangr swamps uh adds I like they can actually climb vines mcraft now a it’s j there’s a savannah oh we’re almost at the end uh well it gets thicker

Still it’s a it’s a pocket of Savannah I think but yeah that’s like there was a pocket of sand in like the last one that we found it was like a little sand Oasis Utopia man you know if I were to build a base it it’d be hidden here CU nobody no

One will find it yeah nobody’s actual like Viet Kong member what [Laughter] the oh that’s a lava lake there’s going to be a forest fire you know what I’m trying to relocate you guys cuz I went to go investigate the Savannah don’t worry Rex is like losing me ever so slightly

Because I’m running into like mobs that actually that I snaap the ankles of and that you can’t evade yeah there was another swiftness spider but I ditched him invisibility spiders are my favorite especially like during the daytime yeah that that’s funny little floating thing I ran into

One but I I think I see the pocket of Savannah no throw away joke throw a trident at something note throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea oh my God still going oh no this is actually a pocket we’re going right back into it

Guys I’m searching the entire pocket and I can’t find you just real something I can’t ignore now what uh 3,78 sakur 380 sounds like a video game ow oh no okay we are escaping the main grve I’m back fast the Minecraft audio is delayed for the stream no shot there’s no way

Look was that delayed it’s lighting up in the same time on my end yeah it is what’s your Z chord it was before huh what’s my what Z chord uh that 8,500 it was before I believe that it was before birthday is next week happy early birthday Queen I might be streaming on

The day that your birthday is so you know happy late I’m I’m like hundreds late my bad I might be able to wish you happy birthday then all right River defend me while I do jumping jacks two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 40 50 don’t Splunk me

I’m going to die what the hell is this generation vertical this is Amplified over tweak the settings M how big how big is this mang gr swamp it’s still going oh my God it’s Got Roots it’s still going I see it on the Left I don’t like this I I went out no sky on my birthday there’s no guarantee for that one but yeah he’s promising okay been sent to the ad realm oh no man I am so good at Minecraft I’m like right behind you so I’m like making sure I don’t

Die dude actually like going through mangr swamps is kind of boss I want to live in this no you don’t you almost drowned in it yes I know but insane to drown in a mangrove swamp I have yet to see a water pocket that’s two blocks deep that one we were in was

Like super dense like we had to like swim underneath like they they got like two or three blocks deep and we had to like swim in it I got trapped underneath like a lily pad but my or move so like I couldn’t we were we were stun

Locked had to gpp to survive yeah yeah I didn’t have a totem on me oh yo it’s always coming up Rex go got to keep going this way how far away is this thing we’re at about it’s around 8,700 it looks like cuz I don’t think we need

To go over I I’ll keep the mangra propagule I guess so that I can plant it ah yes you’ll want to such a fun tree to remove oh but it’s a nice color wood it’s a very sexy color that’s true I don’t think it’s one that

I’m going to use though I want the blue wood bro what is this generation look up what the hell there shapes River psyche the shapes and colors and hey you have wings oh my God he he’s swimming hey he can’t even take struggling to take off a There He Go [ __ ] come [Laughter]

Back I’mma get you a boss [Laughter] fight are produced by flowerings pollination occurring via wind and insects once pollination occurs the seeds are made attached to the parent tree they germinate propagas before dropping into the waters below now see that sounds gross I think the term propagule is

Gross is it a bird is it a plane no it’s o oh you actually hit me yeah this time I’m coming through with the axe ow damn it you’re taking the dolphin no we are I need that hey it likes me come here all right hold on let’s hop on that

Island probably need to keep sa this Island’s closed CL for renovations oh my god [ __ ] I don’t actually have a boat this time a you have the ACAA one no the Dolph I tried grabbing it but the dolphin took it the Dolphin took it yeah the Dolphins can be

[ __ ] what it’s an interaction in Minecraft they could steal boats they can can steal yeah they’ll play with them oh my God one time I died near one and they just like scattered all of my stuff throughout the little Bay that it was in oh bye are you guys still going

Southwest mhm ready yeah what’ you guys do today look for a stronghold fun fact that’s still the itinerary we are venturing into Nega 10,000 territory okay there’s no way we’re not like right next to it now oh my God oh my God you kidding me hold on I got this hold on actually

If you CH here give me one of the under eyes now I got this because you might have been able to item Clump it yeah where if you throw one Clos then if one popped I would have been like dead inside no you don’t need

To throw it oh like throw it throw it just like hit q and it might have I think I got lost how uh we’re at 5,900 8,800 stop how far is this thing oh he’s so Excited it’s like right here it went down I think it went in the ground yeah let’s go X not having it’s danger down here oh God it’s bad damn that’s a lot of creepers yeah I know you’re on your own what do you want me to do prey Christ on a

Bike if you run the direction I did there’s a uh like a cut in the ground that I think goes to the stronghold maybe I’m hoping I’m coming back to lead you yeah I’m trying to safely make my way down come on ah I got watered

Ah all right let’s go I’m being juggled all right show me where watch your step watch your step think it’s this way yeah stream of water right here maybe hey hey River hi diamonds yeah my priority is living I thought the the mobs on the server was bad before maybe the

Uh config I changed wasn’t good oh God maybe it was something there re what well on one hand this is a good hardcore experience praying for life where’ that go this way here River then down maybe that one actually applies to you respiration too watch your Stu

River did River push you into a hole Yeah with you got it oh what the [ __ ] okay floting door now River do you need another you know on my on my end the tots of undying are the little things from uh crash yeah oh my God burn oh burnt the entire

Library that is baller actually that’s so cool see if there’s anything you have you have fire R still two do not you might want to get out of there before the Fire Res expires yeah it’s not like a super long amount of Fire is huh I do not need these eye armor trims

I bet they’re fun to have I already have some ow that’s actually a dang all righty wait what the hell is this a meta is it what a meta doing this we’re trying to find your secret oh that doesn’t sound good can you not nothing here nothing nothing two diamonds but not

It what unique rooms generate in strongholds there could still be another Library we found the fountain there’s the origin staircase there’s also the arch room this room there’s this thing doesn’t look like it’s in here though about upstairs this is a massive ass stronghold very big whe Well Bread but oh

Diamonds treasure map I guess never going to check them out okay hold on I’m greedy where we are hold on oh why do we still have a stone pickaxe okay there we go dude okay yeah maybe mob spawns are a little broken now CU I did change some

Settings related to them and I’m like oh this should result in less mobs spawning might have just made it worse yeah yeah good Lord I’m fighting for my life jeez I’m supposed to be the bis there is nothing down here it’s just a strange little pocket all right whatever up this

Stairwell there’s still a fountain there’s nothing in the fountain so screw the fountain underneath this thing there’s nothing H yeah this is the upper level of the library okay well here’s the portal room die silverfish up here and I’ll go ahead and complete the P can I oh VI did you pick up some of my Eyes of Ender yeah okay cuz I need one more River’s getting harassed good play

River another Library River getting assault both of them get burnt down this one got burned partially yeah Unbreaking three lure two book man piercing four fire aspect 2 efficiency three piercing three oh here those B of bendu yay and that’s that now we need to invest tigate ow get fcked

Uhoh ow stop bringing my armor I need that you need to set bed before you accidentally fall in that portal you think I have a bed River do you have a bed that’s mute for no I I don’t I don’t have a I don’t have a bed oh

No well folks me neither all right River come here so really pray that you don’t fall in that classes in session River come here look underneath what does this mean there is something here that we I get it I get the puzzle he got sent outside the puzzle works

Oh [ __ ] what if we don’t have enough I I was sent to hell we can also try this help oh my God you’re down where did I get sent I just over here where are you guys at hello River trying to get hi also this was underneath the uh the spawn

One dang oh then it is then there’s one underneath the spawn too then yeah man this is a very cute puzzle though actually where did I go now if only I could stay down there long enough jeez without getting sent into hell oh wait hold on how would how

Was the way you break bedrock again it was a funny way we don’t need to break bedrock we just need to teleport into it yeah but that’s going to be a b this is a shitty one because there’s so much room to teleport into yeah you’re

Yeah so you go everywhere but in it oh my God we were right next to it the portal room yeah I noticed it cuz I went back into like I was like oh I’m in the upper level of the library and then I saw it and I bro in through the

Wall put me in does it go through bedrock surely it does all right I’m about to start trying to ender pearl through the corner you see me playing fortun Spaceman again maybe eventually I’ve been wanting to play a lot of Minecraft lately idea oh I got it you did it yes yes

Chance look in all of its Glory that’s so POG look at it like let’s go can we get some Hypes in the chat God damn this is a certified W moment this is why I brought up the the Bedrock underneath it it was all worth

It it was all worth it that means there is one at spawned too though dang yeah well now you know where to go to get one River yep I am what do you think I’m doing right now or Rex if you want ultimate power get all of them like the

Infinity Stones I don’t have enough Co fruit for that oh my God what if you eat like your last course and you end up in here in theory you should be able to ender pearl the corner as long I just escaped yeah yeah dang that’s cool course fruit I

Figured made it a little more difficult to uh worm out yeah or it at least very very cool Jesus holy hell what happened to here oh yeah R that’s right yeah genuine Moon ow I see why o didn’t put the obsid the the the Bedrock one in this one though he was like and didn’t exactly give me a whole lot of room to work with no it’s also that the uh schematic I use uh I reference off of the lava

Pool underneath yeah that I don’t know if I don’t know where this lands I have three under pearls I don’t know where the spawn stronghold is so this is on you Riv yep I had to make my way home at this point I’m not another [Laughter]

Minion I took your boat candy than for the GI yeah that’s fair now I just have to find my screenshot and try to make my way home so that I can stash this cuz if I die with it that’s going to be a totally like elbow Zone moment really

Funny I just don’t have any other thank you so much Kandy Queen oh wait no there’s C okay yeah never mind I’m good Sur have screenshoted my portal there it is position in such a way they can read the coordinates oh my God okay we need to go it’s not super [Applause] far and then after that you need to kill a w yippe yeah good luck yeah yeah good luck in 5 hours oh and Grace is falling oh dear lord let’s not go that way maybe I will gather a

Team and then backstab gather a team of Highly capable individuals now you escape oh God ow okay here we go now we just got to head this way and that way and we’ll be solid for about a th blocks now don’t pull at me what die die in the

Nether look at this Boss Ass item though now that is awesome all righty now I just have to not pull a Dan and evade death at every turn uh try here I just K me some egg roll this are some good egg rolls did you butter Them all righty think you buttered them with your dope find oh man so clean we’re actually polished ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow what the hell sh I almost just died already holy crap I’ve never been Wombo comboed by with like a by a Magma Cube that hard

Rest that would have been really tragic yeah would have been like years of Academy training wasted that was a little bit of a ballsy jump just a little bit my heart hurts now not my fault fully I’m trying to make my way through these Delta is as safe as possible but

It’s not exactly easy it is a very pretty biome you’re right it is also hell you’re also right there hold on screenshot cuz there’s a fortress there and then they see the same Fortress or a different one oh my God H we’re not even that high up honestly yeah the lava bottoms there

We’re just really unfortunate with this generation in the nether this is like the only Bridge across is this like a little bassal Bridge here there’s not slime behind me is there oh that’s little puny guy yeah see this this is what I call unlucky we could go to the lava floor

There I I guess that’s what we should do I’m an ender pearl all righty going to drop in I’m trying to finish Sky Room episode one have a great stream a thanks for U thanks for tuning in I hope you’re enjoying it so far a lot of work is going into that

Series I’m glad you managed to find it Okay actually I don’t need to keep going this way I need to go this way now by quite a lot ah he’s whatever it’s great I’m only 2 hours in L I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far yeah you have hours of content now so congratulations you should be bored anytime

Soon okay we need to go this way 300 blocks and then pretty much we got to go back another 100 then watch all of Mythos that one’s a little more uous but yeah man all right hold on there we go okay I want the Netherrack there we

Go what’s my level no we’re fine on y level pretty much eight blocks above the Y level we need to be at so that’s not going to be an issue I’m watching you while I cook nice now I should honestly make some food at some point too I’m a wee bit hungry

Sadly only I’m on episode 27 that’s not an unfortunate thing you know techn myth is already like all happened so you know I just watch it at your own pace if there’s one to keep up with the I’d say Skyline cuz that one’s the one that’s like ongoing actively you’re constantly

Working on it and the reason why Mythos vods go up as frequently as they can is because you know they’re really old live streams I didn’t upload on YouTube for like years and then when I finally started you know I had that huge Mythos backlog and they’re still going up there’s still

Like about 100 episodes left I more like less than that but yeah so that’s still like at least a few more months worth of a Mythos I’m actively running yeah I’m I’m at the ne Under the Influence Rex is funny yeah I really appreciate that broken history that’s really really sweet of

You still have 200 more blocks to go in this direction I cannot believe this hasn’t opened up at any point now here’s the thing I have to really hope that nobody durability here I do you have to hope that nobody got bonked spawn oh spawn I don’t think so I

Don’t know if anyone solved the mystery yet the only ones that might have stood a chance of solving it is Cameron Justin yeah as long as you got coar fruit then you’ll probably be able to nail it and make sure you have like either enough course for it to escape or some ender

Pearls on you yeah that’s a cool gimmick I get the clue and everything now I never would have expected it but I get it it was definitely very cool all righty take care of broken history what is your favorite Arc of Mythos honestly it’s the arc that is

Uploading right now because is a super super big one um and it’s the ethere arc like ione’s going to go on for a while um well yeah no it does go on for like at least a little bit it spanned over a long time because you had a lot

Of work that we needed to do for it okay hold on we need to go back this way um but yeah it’s like every single region they got it just kind of gets cooler and cooler um I think we’re with the uploading is we just got to the

Second area which is like a kind of really cute like aesthetic area honestly I really loved uh how winter tide Resort turned out um this is also around the time that we started like actually building like locations before like we actually did um use them um before we

Kind of made like a location we were working on forever and then we just like used it and then worked it in a plot now we came into these knowing like how we wanted them to work in plot and then we built them like based on like plans and

Everything so we never really were used to like working with like pre built like actual like locations that like we meticulously thought of beforehand so it’s was really cool and refreshing where am I I need to go this way there it is we’re home but um yeah know so we did that

First with like Nirvana which was an Avalon and now we did with wiy TDE Resort which was an I don’t remember Rapture I can’t remember I don’t remember what province it was of aetherian Kingdom Arcadia thank you yeah it was an Arcadia but yeah it’s just it was really

Cool and it was really cool to work like that you haven’t even seen the best one yet um I think the most gorgeous out of all of them and outside of the like aetherian capital is uh reverence reverence is beautiful like Dro dead gorgeous yeah build alone like it had that going

For it riding was also insanely good during those arcs cuz that’s around the time that we were figuring out how we wanted to write oh my God that’s so cool that is so cool look at that look at that chat we now have one of each we technically never need to get another

One I mean it’ probably be cheaper I’m not sure if it saves time but it would be cheaper to maybe find more Essences of spirit if you get lucky um but as for like essence Soul it’s not really there’s not really a big Advantage there um we we kind of just need to

Duplicate this one we it’s going to be a long time and even if we ever reach that point it’s probably going to be too expensive to even fight it um be able to fight the warden again unless we come up with some way of farming the warden but I don’t see that

Happening what’s good rose look at them oh it’s so cool so now if I look up the recipe let’s say hypothetically right we wanted to make another heart well first we cannot use these ones in specific yeah so we cannot you get more Sol well you can come

Back that is true but I don’t have the elytra and that’s the only way I was able to beat it uh we’re just not going to get another Soul we can duplicate these but the way we duplicate them is for this one you have to have one

There um and we need to surround it in blocks of diamonds with one Co fruit in the well that’s for that one is a CO in the middle here for this one we need a sculp catalyst right here which is also easy to get because you know deep dark so

That isn’t the issue the issue is like the the money from the diamonds and also this course fruit can be like probably difficult for us but we need to go into the end eventually anyway to try to get in the lra um the hard part comes from

When we have these in order to make like the actual like the the the the the actual item that will give us the heart we need one of each we need a beacon which means we need to kill a Wither we need two enchanted golden apples which

Means you can’t craft these we’d have to find more and we need a heart Pottery Shard which you can only get from the sniffer that we have none none of and I have no idea how you get a sniffer so as you can see it’s going to be a

Second before we can possibly start becoming insanely powerful but it’s definitely something to work towards I mean once we get to that point we are we are unstoppable but let’s see to to get the amount of diamonds needed for one duplication let alone two it would be 9 * 7 which is what

63 so it would take us 126 diamonds just to duplicate each of these if we find another essence of spirit we don’t need to duplicate it which means it would just take 63 diamonds to duplicate it once and then with coar fruit uh well sorry and then with golden

Apples we’ll have to find more deep darks and raid them or to find more that’s the only option really uh we’ll need to get a sniffer and we need to kill wither thank you for the hydrate Remy I’ll tell you what we sit on these and relish in the

Fact that for a while we are going to be the only people with both of them for now we store the rest of this actually we take the block of diamond cuz for now we’re going to want to actually liquidate this into being an actual resource for us as

Diamond here’s what we need to do just intrinsic empirical fact of what we absolutely have to do we need a way of farming experience consistently and we need to start Max enchanting equipment because now we have netherite which means we can start making netherite tools but unless we can max out their

Enchants there’s no point so you have the Looting three swords so Beacon I have looting three swords to get the Wither we will not survive a fight with the Wither that is just guaranteed death that that could not be more death you might as well go ahead and replicate

This smithing template just like right now before I forget there we go have two of them again that’s another thing we’re going to need an insane amount of diamonds every time we want to even upgrade a piece of equipment uh that’s seven every time that’s why you should do it while you’re

Immortal yes but like if I spawn a wither and I can’t kill it it’s kind of just like problematic in general cuz there’s no way even if I’m Immortal I I just physically won’t be able to survive fighting the Wither I will die like way

More than I’ll even be able to damage it is a Wither buffed it’s hardcore so the Wither’s insanely strong the Wither like effect will kill me in seconds but even outside of that the Wither itself whenever it gets like the half Health Point it starts regenerating and I I I’m

Just not going to I don’t have the DPS to kill it at that point so that that’s not really like a viable option there is we we just won’t be able to kill the Wither I mean farming the Wither skulls maybe but you know what I’d like to do

I’d like to get full netherite before I I tried doing that because realistically we can do it all right we we can get full netherite yeah I yeah um let’s think of efficient ways of getting diamonds as well we have to strip mine that’s one it’s probably what

Is just what we’re going to have to end up doing we can also explore the poor cost of ox poor poor server because there are a lot of diamonds inside of buried treasure chests where else do you find copious amounts of diamonds it’s really just buried

Treasures where you find a shoot ton of diamonds cuz you don’t really find diamonds down in deep cities you find diamond hose you find diamond pants and we’ve already got Diamond pants like that is fine like that that is borderline like maxed out pants right there it’s just missing Swift sneak boom

There we go that’s Swift sneak 3 I’m got to consolidate these books real quick the C of binding is like an L but like whatever we just never be able to take off our pants I guess we can also just throw prod on like a different like pair of pants or

Something see this one has mending on it so maybe we work with this one too C of Vanishing isn’t really much of an l and I mean we’re going to want mending on everything you know so let’s see what we can try maxing up first all right so

Like hypothetically let’s let’s max out an axe okay so we have mending we know we need that for an axe for our maxed out Giga axe right since it’s going to be maxed out you know it’s going to be our weapon but it’s also going to be our

Tool we’re also probably just going to want to get efficiency on it just already you know we want to get that efficiency out of the way that’s also an efficiency book we’ll need Unbreaking three we need sharpness on it it’s also an efficiency book that’s also an efficiency book that’s prop four

Interesting but see in order to keep enchanting these books and getting the things that we want we either need to keep finding strongholds and loot the books from there or just they’re also enchanted books in end cities but to explore the end is just not going to happen for us right now

That’s going to take like literal hours to just like Bridge across the different gaps our best bet enchanting off the bat I’m at work I got two hot dogs and O exra fries and what I got was two hot dogs and a piece of bread and no fries

So I’m not happy about it but it is what it is that sucks I’m sorry about that Rose there’s two hot dogs and a piece of bread that’s also a sharpness book see that would be sharpness four we would need sharpness five on it though sharpness five efficiency five

It’s obviously not going on IR an axe it’s going on diamond axe sharpness five efficiency five do you put for on on an axe what what what enchants you put on an axe what enchant on axe actually what am I even saying we shouldn’t max out an axe

First if anything we should max out a pickaxe because that’ll help us get more materials go to Y level 53 go into one block hole with a trap door and do some strip mining find strip ring that way gives you a good amount of diamonds okay yeah we can do

That 53 good shot let’s see if we can make a really good diamond pickaxe first and then we’re going to use it to just clean screw the axe for now let’s look at making an OP pickaxe instead so what what all would we want on a pickaxe we

Probably don’t want silk touch on it cuz that’s going to be a pain in the ass all right silk touch you can put on a stupid screw off item it shouldn’t be on a netherite pick we’re definitely going to want The Mending book so let’s delegate The Mending book first to that we’re

Going to want the Unbreaking three I’m not worried about lure to because enchanting a fishing rod is so easy screw the sharpness we will need efficiency these three books get me to efficiency five this is efficiency 4 but it’s also wasting multi-shot and rip tide as far as I know aren’t necessarily

Easy en chants to come across we can also try seeing what enchant this diamond pick we have on us has real quick Unbreaking three I was hoping for like an efficiency four that would have been huge all right where was the other cube in the stronghold you should definitely you

Mean the other Cube the blue one we didn’t get the blue one from the stronghold we got that one last stream but if you’re talking about the pink one uh we got that from a really cool puzzle okay let’s grab this hoe and let’s go get some experience from where um maybe

There I should just start clearing up skull because we want to make this place cool question mark I don’t want to impact the skull in the city cuz I want to be able to repair it I going bu or crossbow there’s too much St for both there’s too much St for

Both I mean a crossbow would just be superior though you can shoot firework Rockets out of it but I think we try to get both thank you for the blessings uh I’m trying to like see if there’s like a cave that branches off Oh shoot what am I saying there is it’s over

Here we just got to go up to it completely safe in this deep tur by it’ll never be attacked by mobs the other one though that one’s are against icy but like up here cuz I don’t think mob spawn in the ancient city I think it could spawn like nearby like the Deep

Darks um like an adjacent biome but and then walk in but they’re not going to spawn inside of it yeah we’ll definitely probably use that iron three looting or looting three iron sword in order to get the stuff here this cave we can just go ahead and empty this out for starters level

15 I mean for now until we make an experience form we’ll probably just get our experience from just destroying skull cuz I mean this netherite hoe is never going to break it’s just it’s not going to happen we’ve pretty much made an immortal hoe I can’t see here that should help you guys

So for now we can probably stall having to make a farm wow and look at this it’s already paying off um just by mining all right only one Diamond though unfortunate wow did not spend a long time getting food River High I I have damn was yeah got came strapped

Yeah also the one at spawn my audio just my headphones come on let me plug in real quick give me hearing back you take care Rose good luck at work I’ll see you later yes we also need more L grab this the stronghold that spawn had a

Book oh what would the book say uh it say it’s titled 99% very apparent but this one would be too obvious you have the idea though look took for the horizons ah so it’s a hint yeah I took the H now no one can have this hint they’ll see an empty torch there

Honestly probably just leave it that would probably be courtesy though we already know it so might as well give other people a chance yeah my brother is clinically insane I’m going leave the Catalyst chat for various obvious various for very obvious reasons but that’s for sensors and everything

Else we can make more of those catalysts are fine night even though all we’d have to do is go out find another deep dark and break some Catalyst I’m still going to leave them there’s no point breaking it fortune 3 definitely does help though I

Mean like if you make like a mob farm and then somehow Farm the skull out of it with like a fortune 3 like hoe you are like pretty much just tripling the experience output that you’re getting from those mobs and that seems like a straight dub to

Me screw the skull fibers they don’t give experience and because this hoe has Unbreaking three on it Lina what’s good how you doing it’s been a sick how have you been o hardcore yeah technically it’s a grace period right now but yeah it is Hardcore right now we’re trying to get

Some experience so that we can start getting tough big tough ow my ears sorry my bad I got so excited do all right just been hanging with friends more AKA Kos that’s good that that’s important I’m glad you’ve been able to hang out with your friends

Though how have you been oh I am great I’ve been doing amazing and feeling amazing right now I’m playing with my good friend River High and we’re goofing off on Minecraft and if ly ever eventually gets on then we’re going to play Minecraft and goof off with ly too

And it’s going to be awesome need course I have eight eyes of end find one I don’t need to Mhm he’s actually clinically insane sounds it yeah yeah in a very goofy way oh got to do jumpy Jets one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 so just kind of just finished hey it’s don’t be sorry about that it’s no big

Deal thank you for the hydrate uh what’s the the phrase say that’s a life you don’t need to apologize I’m not going to like hold it against you or anything definitely didn’t miss seeing you around but like you know when you’re busy you’re busy you know what I mean

And also like um I know that there’s like a u at least a good amount of my audience is also a little bit like on the younger side um and it is just a genuine thing like when you’re like I’m not saying this appli to you uh when

You’re younger like especially like high schoolers um you’re kind of trying to figure out your friend group and like who you are in the world and what you want to do um and when that happens it kind of means that like you go through like a lot of different phases of stuff

You go through different friends you know know um that definitely is what happened with me it takes a while before you kind of like settle into a rhythm with something I’m not saying like I’ve completely settled into a rhythm I’m like landlocked now with like the exact people I’m like interacting with and

Everything you know um but it’s it’s definitely like you know streaming is just like one of those things you know someone that might enjoy like watching my content like all the time might just like you know grow up a little bit and then just be like I don’t

Have the time for this anymore nor do I like or like you know I don’t have the same connection that I did like forever ago okay where is the shrier I’m not going to tempt fate with this Warden anymore yeah I don’t know where the Sher

Is this how life is yeah just how life is but yeah that’s what I mean by like it’s what it’s I don’t hold it person against like anyone and I even still have like some friends that are like still in high school and it’s like you know I I

Totally get like whenever they’re like you know like always hang out with like IRL friends like doing this other friend group it’s like you know you’re you’re still trying to figure out like where your priorities lie and like you know what you want to like do so it’s fine to

Like have different people you interact with and to interact with different people what’s good Grim man he’s beating me with like his dead Brethren’s flesh we’ll start eating bread War out of that okay I guess this is a decent amount of levels I mean once you get to like the

Higher levels it’s kind of harder to get more experience there we go level 34 now I need to crawl back anyone hear plans for project Sakura do I ever Queen tell me tell me what your plans for project Sakura a it’s really sweet Lina yeah I I totally get that too when

You feel like you found your people it’s definitely a really nice harmonious feeling um it’s nice no one wants to be like completely alone uh honestly that’s kind of where I was at with streaming I was kind of like a little bit like lonely and so being able to stream and like

Meet different people and talk with them like through the streaming medium is like an experience I wouldn’t trade for or anything I still like highly value it like without it I’d be like so like I’d feel like I’m severely missing something so I don’t see myself stopping this anytime soon yeah it’s

Unique people have like different hobbies and stuff like that one of my hobbies is being able to still interact with [Laughter] people okay the spawn r on mobs is cracked oh yeah it is try to walk now do I try to make another diamond pickaxe I think I

Will just because I can I’m trying to eat food and not die completely out of wood oh man hold on that’s not a bad idea or anything okay let’s see I need a second pickaxe all right even if it gives me efficiency three we’re kind of better off but I’m hoping for efficiency

Four I it’s like kind of like a shot in the dark but let’s see if two enchants we can get efficiency 4 they both uh oh no no no sorry it’s not like it only changes the enchant after you’ve already Enchanted that wasn’t so it’s not like they’re both of

Unbreaking three we have to enchant it first that’s right oh I just went ahead and put away all of that lapis and I was just about to use it come here you checking another stronghold now RI oh yeah I’m oh my gy God what the hell that’s Unbreaking that’s efficiency

4 Fortune three Unbreaking three man never punished God damn how many days have you guys been on the hardcore world oh man how long has this been going on it’s been months now I’ve been dead for most of it yeah that’s on brand for you too we’ll combine these books then

Combine it with that and then slap mending on it the luck is crazy Hey it’s been going on for a while I obviously have not been playing it for months though I I’ve not been an avid player but that’s all right is that now a maxed out pickaxe I’m pretty sure that is now a maxed out pickaxe I can be corrected if I’m wrong

But is that not just a completely minmaxed pickaxe now is there any other other than silk touch I don’t want silk touch that that ruins Fortune it might be I think it is I think in a manner of seconds that we we have just maxed out our pickaxe pickaxe enchantment

List only thing that’s missing is Curse of Vanishing we don’t need that we got it it’s maxed out we got efficiency five Fortune three mending Unbreaking three yep boom we just won here it comes Lads wait add the smithing template there we put in the the the UI Jak cuz

It got reworked but um I’m using an old resource pack oh yes boom boom it’s a netherite pickaxe never punished never punished oh that’s so nice feeling look at that this absolute Beast of a pick it’s a little bit damaged but you know we could just go right back to the

Skull caves and just quickly fix it up we’ll even need to mine up more iron while we’re out too anyway next thing we should look at honestly should be getting armor no it broke the next piece we should make is probably like a like a like a chest

Plate or something or honestly pants we are close to maxing up pants we might as well just try to max out some pants see the only issue is we have cool pants this is missing this is mending and Unbreaking three this is Ming and Unbreaking three this is Vanishing this is

Binding this one also has binding this one’s the best one it has binding the issue is like what if I ever want to take off my pants for whatever reason I physically can never ever for the rest of my life and I don’t like permanence all right that’s something you should

Know about me chat I really hate anything permanent I hate it so um we I think we we go with the vanishing pants and we just have to somehow slap prop five on it until you die in game yeah but if I die in hardcore I kind of yeah I die in

Hardcore it’s already like GG I have a silk touchbook wowe name of the cardio look at my Pick O I made it one two 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 put a name on that thing that’s actually a good

Shout we’re going to call it the butt Blaster okay then oh I’m so pleased with myself as we speak [Laughter] sorry what you name it I blinked the blood Blaster hold on I just now realized as well pants I think we have use the curs of Vanishing

Ones Pro five if we want to get prop five on it we need do you have a single protection book protection three okay this is Unbreaking three book that’ll go down there what do I have this it’s just a curs of binding book that’s it be not everything because pads and

Rows but the M will creep up the wall before it start get mixing with Mossy Cobble and then Contin miss the way up the sun gets thr in the next it be completely St this reach the roof go back to myy Cobble that sounds really pretty prop

Five doesn’t exist it only goes up to four oh okay put the binding Book on a pumpkin and throw it in a dispenser that is demonic but also genius all right power four so okay prop four is the max then boom there we go that’s a prop four book then we

Need Swift sneak 3 wait don’t we yeah hold on wait is that already maxed out pants if I come over to the vanishing pants The Vanishing pants crop for Swift sneak 3 you can’t get anything else on pants can you that’s it let’s look it up Diamond legging enchants

Minecraft you can get no Thorns we need Thorns crap that one’s always the tricky one we need to somehow get our hands on some Thorns do we have a single thorns book the’s as dicey CU it we your armor a lot faster I guess but like if it’s

Netherite I don’t see that ever being an issue I don’t know I like the idea of someone hitting me and then just losing all of their health that sounds fun Okay so we’ve almost got the maxed anyway then cuz that’s prop forward that’s sft sneak that pretty much Maxes that out except for

Thorns Thorns is an enchantment I never see like normally I just never see okay I got to do something about these Iron Pants how about I put some on maybe Rex Ming prop four and breaking three pants yeah I think these will go on it sucks you can’t take enchants off

Of like a thing that’s already Enchanted how do you make a grind Stone I might as well just turn them into XP oh okay that’s easy I need a stone slab though how do you make a stone slab do I just need like actual smooth Stone I guess

Okay to short for my YouTube payout this but they scream that’s not $3 from a YouTube short that’s absolutely bonkers wilding out here okay crap I need Cobblestone cuz I need Stone all right to the surface we go if I had $3 I would hit my YouTube

Payout oh $3 short for my YouTube payout this month I thought you meant you got $3 from one YouTube short and I was like that’s nuts that sucks I’m so sorry o better luck next time El boo Schoo wait doesn’t it no cuz the um it

Calculates like the cash out like on the 20th doesn’t it so wouldn’t you have already missed it gnarly brother get my man’s o to 14K now on no stories right yeah it’s O stories on YouTube B hul is by month but payout is 20 to 26 every month I

See I to take to my obsidian with this almost no time holy I think I gave us so to get payouts in twitch yeah probably I a little dancing Dino certified Lina din moment I’ll never forget the the cursed reveal of Lina telling me it’s pronounced Le Vina [Laughter]

Dina that one blew my mind dancing Dino moment look at that it’s adorable honestly okay now we need I don’t want to waste coal L is sus the stre people say my name either way I’m so used to saying Lia and then you gave me the green like to continue

Saying Lina I was like huh but then you were just like yeah it’s supposed to be Lena very cool iron raw iron we’ll just hold on to it for now cuz we’re about to mine up some more okay there boom boom boom boom boom boom boom that makes a

Grindstone now let’s take all of these Iron Pants and turn them into experience does it not remove the curse from it doesn’t it doesn’t remove the curse from the pants you cannot remove curses what the hell yeah that’s cursed get it yeah let’s get rid of those chest to City

Belts man this one hits with both of them binding and Vanishing yeah wait and how lucky are we that we didn’t get a curse on that God pickaxe huh I in curse ADV Vanishing when made much of a difference but like dang right never punished I I swear you can walk into

Like a casino and you’d like make them bankrupt somehow it’s immediate jackpot yeah that’d be funny the god luck absolutely okay now let’s fix up this pickaxe real quick and we’re going to do that by pretty much going back into those skull caves maybe won’t even further up cuz I think

There’s a second Skull Cave even higher um and then holding the pickaxe in our off hand we’re not going to gain like virtually any levels but like it’s going to start repairing I should take the time to also make stairs for this Giga case because like jumping like this is

Going to murder hunger and is also really slow so so the Aimbot oh you’re getting skeleton I might pop a totem there’s two of them tragic that’s another thing we’ll have to figure out how to get totems too that making use of the handout Farm

Oh no there how long do you plan on repairing the city or do you just going live the ruins I want tools you know so that I can like actually like repair it but until I get those tools then it’s like you know I guess g than for the gifted sub come

Here really appreciate that congrats lenina Nina my brain is still comprehending that it’s it’s lenina Dina and not Lina Dina exactly right like [Laughter] huh to be fair you know I can’t blame Lina Lina I don’t know he’s like it’s it’s I was listen man I’ve been like

Multiple chats really haar going by I prefer going by Blake I’ll try to remember that Blake I’ll do my best but thanks for letting me know I now know where the [ __ ] did this [ __ ] go I’m like running over oh [ __ ] I’m about to pop a totem yeah we’re picking up no

Experience right now cuz it’s all going into the pick which I mean it’s fine we need to repair it anyway but we’re going to have to get you used to this kind of thing whenever we do like a big excavation trip or anything where it’s immediately going to

Be followed by like digging up a bunch of skull and stuff in order to try to repair this thing hey no what did you name your pickaxe Rex what do you mean what’s wrong with my pickaxe Candy Queen what is wrong with my pickaxe tell me now what is wrong with this

Pickaxe now I have three names to deal with Lina Lena Blake sauce yeah everything is wrong with I don’t like these opinions being thrown around what’s wrong huh what do you mean wrong with you what’s what’s the problem River you’re bad oh my God can you still respawn River did Grace send no

NOS we’re good okay it’s coming on why did I name why did you name your pickaxe the butt blast what it’s what it does it does not do that it does you don’t know that I I understand what pickaxes are supposed to do yeah this one blasts butt it’s the butt Blaster

Brother I need you to stop shaming him though he he doesn’t appreciate that shame him is his button his last name Blaster you’re going to give your per your pickaxe pron but you’re going to give it the name butt Blaster hey hey hey we don’t start actually his pronounce are butt

Blast why did you just say his he’s multiple prouns what he slbt SL Blaster slash him I don’t like thank you the pronouns are p/ ax I like that those are those are also his pronouns he’s got those too P’s got those to go nice oh sorry that was terrifying oh my

God I forget how boss skull is look at this chat I’m not going to let this creeper blow it up look at this just give it a second I didn’t do it that time all right they’ll do it here check this out chat oh this is nice it

Propagates there’s a guy look it just created a sensor it just sprouted one up I love skull all right screwed those guys though yeah that’s how you farm skull but there’s like a better like skull Farm where you just make like a mob grinder but the mobs fall onto like a

Thing and then the skull will like skull it and there’s like Redstone that like push it out and then they can like break the skull and because mobs are constantly like creating like experience the scul keeps spreading it’s very cool going click more experience then we’re going to try to get

Thorns please sleep I’m not near a bed River High ah someone’s sleeping you’ve been spared River High spared ver High There’s nothing more satisfying than just running through a giant like flat of skull and just you know yeah I was above a stronghold and I died oh you’re such a [ __ ] that’s such an elbow a moment there was three skeletons five zombies and a spider yeah skeletons are big rough they’re just the

Aimbot Yeah go hit her with the blood Blast with the machine gun sounds oh yeah just digging up skull just a I want Tokyo uh drifted at a at a camp in a kayak wow it didn’t end well I tipped over the boat with another friend I was with get soaked ELO yeah me too Graham I wish I could

Deploy that in random places like I don’t know why they didn’t make it like that it’s so stupid that they did it like if the requirements are fulfilled like if there’s enough skull for him to emerge you know like maybe it’s it’s got to be a dark area too you know but like

Still like they should allow you to be able to place it and then cause that it’s really dumb they don’t really stinky I have stories i’ would love to hear them there’s slime hold on oh holy God Dear Mother of that Arrow that Arrow chat that Arrow did you see

That we’re running back now screw this slime was not worth it okay wait it’s kind of worth it no my slime all right we’re alive pretty sure you the Sher in a sensor if you place a shrier down like it’s not an naturally occurring shrier it will not spawn the warden the shrier

Specifically has to be like naturally generating in order for it to work which sucks Jesus fortune 3 I broke three lapis ore and got 37 just fix our pickaxe real quick since we have the full capability of doing that boom now it’s fixed trying to get up to like level 33

Or something again so that I can either enchant books or enchant pants it’s expensive to make a bunch of pants and enchant them though but that’s the best way of getting Thorns cuz making books it’s like so not guaranteed but even with enchanting pants it’s also not guaranteed it’s just not a common

Enchant and they need to be Diamond pants every time so every time we would want to give it a shot it’d be like seven diamonds right now it would just be more efficient to like use books I get if we’re insanely lucky we’ll get it but okay let’s go get those

Shers couldn’t you make one spawn in M kill mobs in skull can spawn one that way I don’t know if that works grumbly maybe it does that is a really good shout I’m not sure if that counts it might is this going to spawn the wood no okay remove Darkness all

Right what is Emily on about oh oh no this is a tragedy I hope Emily didn’t lose everything that she had holy deep dark chat yeah that s wasn’t creepy oh Emily had a totem and didn’t use it oh that’s true that would be silly no whatever there’s so many

Catalysts I don’t feel bad about that one pass the pop what’s butt blasters throw Downs up but the forth nice Pop Quiz that’s so funny I love that what oo dang digging of skull is the best way of finding diamonds what the hell and because we have a fortune 3

Pick we’re going to get more diamonds now this is just a solid win chat we’re going to be rich and then we’re going to be immortal it’s all coming up Rex hold let’s eat the suspicious stew dang it gave me blindness that such a pensive moment I’ll wear that Crown look at

That all right I’m going to go back into the main chamber I don’t want to waste time in this tiny cave suspicious two tacin packs I like that that’s a nice head Cannon the one time I need watermelons and there’s none elbows though where are the melons man I am Rich whoops okay I got to stop breaking Catalyst now jeez is it raining I think it is oh hell yeah it is the sun hasn’t set yet but it’s like super gray well I mean the Sun is setting so it’s like darker but but it’s extra dark because there’s just

Like clouds I heard like faint very faint rumbling um but that’s cool uh I love rain I don’t think it rains enough you know but I don’t like a copious amounts of rain you know to the point where like floods my house CU that’s happened before I just like a little bit

Of rain you know the pleasant amount know the gentle like rolling thunderstorms I think that’s holy skull skull topia yeah I’m going to try to get to level 36 it’s three enchants before I need to come out and like get more you know I am now a over a th000 BL who

Needs mob Farms when you just have a netherite hoe with mending efficiency Fortune you know maxed out netherite hoe maxed out netherite pickaxe it’s all coming up Rex man maybe I should name this netherite Hoy if ly ever joins the server I’m telling her you said that I might tell her I said

[Laughter] that she’s doing all right she went to go get food like over two and a half hours ago I’m actually going to check on her real quick see if she ever responds oops wait that wasn’t the third one right no okay we’re good let’s just move

Away from this wall so I’m not going to tempt fate I’ve never had to use bone arrows since I was seven or eight years old I’m good at it but I made some weird shots shooting up a Target it made would out Target better n so Target I get that

Piece of wood in the center huh that’s pretty interesting that reminds me of like the seed and brave where she like split the arrow if my stuff is gone I will SOB the Minecraft Pringles are proof oh yeah wasn’t there suspicious stew Pringles that’s crazy not the wait where am I the suspicious

St oh God how do I leave that’s bad this is not the time to be lost Rex oh God gang how do I leave no it’s got to be this way right yeah it’s got to be this way yeah it’s this way okay that is the last one till the W

Spawns though I think but we’re good it took my elytra it took my elytra what took your elytra the oh another totem wait a mob picked up your elytra somebody sleep a mob picked up your elytra yeah I can’t even tell anybody to sleep because I can’t that was a certified on

Man moment that’s my sheld it’s goated a zombie or a skeleton it’s a zombie raid bus zombie an elytra it has Diamond pants it has a golden helmet it has my sword but it’s just a zombie though didn’t Dan die in like super beefed up a zombie with like netherite gear that’s so

Funny okay well shoot now we have just an extra diamond pickaxe all right whatever that someone will make silk touch uh we do have a silk touch book so maybe we can make a second op pick why not but I’m not going to worry about that right now please

Sleep please no the fact these thing is goated no all right let’s enchant some books there’s there’s oh my God I’m not getting my chat’s giving you advice of drowning it then you get it all back supposedly it drops when it becomes a drowned apparently they’re burning oh but that

One won’t another it has a helmet that’s another totem oh my God you’re so bad bro I’m going to pop another one on accident just die already feather falling four okay I don’t I don’t mind that one I I’ll take a feather falling four book I don’t need efficiency though

Um how did that go so bad I I mean it’s efficiency 3 that means it’s something else no it’s just efficiency 3 that was a scam Quick Charge 2 respiration three these were worthless all right the only only one that was good was the feather falling we

Might be able to minmax some books if we can get Thorns books oh God we’re never going to get Thorns books River you wouldn’t have have any Thorns books would you maybe well when you get in that Library let me know if there is one in there yeah I I

Will I don’t have do I have everything back huh that’s really cool blade that’s actually really interesting we should probably work on boots like ASAP too like after the pants you should get boots next for the sole purpose of like I fall a lot so might as well have feather falling for maybe

Survive a little bit longer I want thorns and I don’t want to put I don’t I want to put thorns on it only after it’s like maxed out because then it’s like well what if I die there it goes it’s gone but like also um it’s harder to enchant something that’s

Netherite apparently like it’s more expensive so you kind of want to minmax your enchants and then netherite it also hold on before I forget let’s go back here this cuz I only have one spot right now boom and there we go so it ended up an iron so the zombie

Got iron helmet iron pants and boots and the chest plate and then kind of took my diamond pants and had a shield and my sword yeah it’s way more expensive yeah so it’s just we literally need the Thorns first don’t you need smithing templates as well yeah but since you get the butt

Blaster it’s not going to be hard to get duplicate the smithing I’ll just make some big potatoes real quick and we’ll get back to skull farming welcome to the stream by the way hold on it’s just skull fing now I got to use the restro I’ll be right back

Chat I’m your babysitter for now uh uh have some food no arson no Chad chat no arson [ __ ] chat oh chat you’re gonna get me killed how about how about okay you know you know it’s okay see if we burn anything chat just just make sure it isn’t important

Important okay I know there’s no way stopping this if I if I tell you guys no either way yo like I I looked out my window for like a second and it’s like it’s like a glitched Sky Box it is non-stop flickering like you know I I can’t see

Like individual lightning the sky is just like flashing white and like flickering white constantly constantly like I’m staring at my window right now too like it is just nonstop flickering nonstop that’s so cool looking okay damn wow that is just cool okay what is it with the arson come for three

Seconds nothing happened don’t worry about it okay back to skulling is it up God where the [ __ ] is it let’s get back in the Giga caves I got a $2 bills a tip once that’s cool did you keep it like do you still have it or did you like immediately were

Like no this is going into an 18 TM it was not my fault chat I yes how dare you no don’t believe their lies no vanilla left the game I still have it that’s cool I don’t remember who’s on the $2 bill do you know I don’t remember

Somebody important I think no way really River crazy Oh hold on I want to propagate look at that chat oh ohami ow he’s got a shovel what queen I trusted you Thomas Jefferson is on the $2 bill I’m roking your food right no a lot of the founding fathers aren’t actually like great people I think Andrew Jackson was one of the

Worst was it and Jackson I think so I remember which billly he’s on it’s either $5 or $20 I can’t remember all right no more food I yeah you guys lost your food rid I’m not feeding you guys anymore use a redstone torch for light now this is what happen

Uh-oh why did Rex jump into the Ravine with the warden who knows but he did it he the wen’s going to get ticked off because of the zombie we just need to not be nearby I guess oh yeah that zombie has royally pee peeved him I have located the

Stronghold excellent go claim your reward now I have to go figure out if there is do you have hor fruit uh I have n good luck God speed breaking just eliminate as many places where you could possibly teleport as like as much as you can so that it’s

Just that and then when you need to escape it I Ender pearled the corner and ended up in the stone outside of it and then used a pickaxe and take my way out before I suffocated hey Rex you want to know something cool I would would love to I spell vending wrong vendi

Machine that is a torch and I’m going to use it warden’s still there there he is look at that stupid idiot teting a village Rex huh guess he’s going to make way for uh more factories there’s no way this this one doesn’t have a portal room right there’s totally no way that this

Doesn’t have a portal room I just had someone come into my chat with the name shat pants 12,300 shat pants 12,300 did you help him out yeah I don’t know can I Mr Mr 123 12,300 how can I help hello everyone of course this is the people you attract to your audience

Yeah spelled hello with an E I like that energy I like this how else would you spell hello they they spelled it like this which gives a nice Whimsical energy to it hello hello do you have a Discord yeah I do is my Discord bot in chat man I got to make

A bot I was like oh people will find the banner you know but no one uses the goddamn Banner no one knows that I don’t know if you can even see banners on mobile now you’re all good chat pants 12 wait Fortune works on ore now

Yeah that was the main purpose of it my friend well like on iron ore can we call so I can join please um I’m sorry shat pants uh this is a like a friend SMP and I unfortunately don’t know you unfortunately you’re not my friend somebody was well unfortunate

Because I mean if someone is well I mean 12,300 I kind of want to be friends with them but like absolutely damn okay this Wen is getting pissed you killing another I would not stand a chance he’s just getting angry at bats the thing is he’s in my way I’m trying to farm

Here that’s too but because this bat is pissing him off he’s not going away and at this me I might as well try to kill him that’s the only way I’m going to get rid of him why’d you spawn him yeah FR like that was intentional I thought you only had like

Two shriekers and they were like in a back corner yeah I went I went to a different skull caves I’m trying to farm skull right now oh cuz I need experience cuz I’m trying to level not The

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft – 3’, was uploaded by Rexiipher VODS on 2024-01-08 18:00:04. It has garnered 60 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:04 or 9604 seconds.

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    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More

  • Mastering Industrial Farming in StoneVania

    Mastering Industrial Farming in StoneVania Becoming the Best Industrial Farmer on the Server! Embark on a thrilling journey with GrimFalcon746 as they kickstart their Minecraft Industrial farms on the StoneVania SMP server. Join in as they set up an Iron farm, Slime farm, bamboo and sugar cane farm, and dive into creating a villager breeder and trader station. Meet the Stone Vanians StoneVania is bustling with talented Minecrafters, each bringing their unique flair to the server. From Cocolydocoly to Stonewarden, the community is filled with creativity and passion for the game. Key Features: Iron Farm Tutorial: Learn the ropes of setting up an efficient… Read More

  • Minecraft: Story Mode Finale

    Minecraft: Story Mode Finale Minecraft: Story Mode – A Journey Through the Minecraft Universe Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic adventure spin-off series developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios. It takes players on a thrilling journey through the vast and diverse universe of Minecraft, exploring iconic locations such as The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Players are immersed in a rich narrative that unfolds across multiple episodes, each filled with exciting challenges, memorable characters, and epic quests. From battling dangerous creatures to uncovering ancient mysteries, Minecraft: Story Mode offers a unique and engaging… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

    INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | PS4 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Ninwiindo on 2024-09-09 04:32:27. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:35 or 5615 seconds. Minecraft Lets Play Read More

  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

    Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL RL CRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Lion HIMSELF on 2024-08-06 04:38:50. It has garnered 1140 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:54 or 13974 seconds. Minecraft Survival Caseoh #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftharcore #caseoh #minecraftfirstday #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreepers #minecraftcreeper #creeper Discord ► Donation ► CashApp ► $Shlonkboi Live! ► Live on Twitch 8pm Monday-Saturday! ►Instagram: ►Twitter: ►TikTok: Read More

  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – Recipes+ – Resource pack: none Shaders:… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival modern house build’, was uploaded by Blue Clue Gaming on 2024-04-22 09:44:44. It has garnered 0 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Sacrifice – Trapped Families Steve & Navar” #clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Sacrifice - Trapped Families Steve & Navar" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Flying Gaming on 2024-09-17 04:38:33. It has garnered 203 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds. Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice 💔⛏️#minecraft #shorts Steve’s Epic Battle: The Giant Zombie Showdown 💥#minecraft #shorts Steav Vs Herobrine 🥹 Part – 4 #minecraft One Trader Kid VS Two Villager Kid😂 Minecraft Funny animations shorts #minecraft #shorts Heart of a Bear: Child Loses Parents in Car Accident, Rescued from Wolves #minecraft #shorts Eating from Trash, Losing Her Emerald: The… Read More

  • TerritoryMC PVP Towny Modern Weapons Custom Enchants Launches This Weekend!

    Welcome to TerritoryMC! This is a Towny SMP with Custom Enchants x Modern Weapons, where players can participate in massive multiplayer battles during the weekends. We recently reset the server due to low participation, and we are looking to gather more players for the second season. If you are interested in joining the community, please join our Discord server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft"Wow, a score of 53 in the highly coveted Meme Olympics! Watch out, we’ve got a meme connoisseur over here! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “1.21 생존기 3” showcasing some incredible creations in Minecraft version 1.21. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re looking to join a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, collaborate with fellow players, and embark on exciting adventures, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and a welcoming… Read More

  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • “Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀” #minecraft #mcpe #viral

    "Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀" #minecraft #mcpe #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Swishy Playz on 2024-06-03 14:07:20. It has garnered 10498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral Read More

  • EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!

    EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fabio veroorzaakt een aardbeving’, was uploaded by Moik’s SMP Shorts on 2024-04-04 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. goddammit Fabio [Moik’s SMP] An SMP where Moik and his friends play modded Minecraft. The SMP consists largely… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 – Can we beat them all?!

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 - Can we beat them all?!Video Information This video, titled ‘We tried to beat EVERYONE in Minecraft PvP || EOD SMP Ep. 4’, was uploaded by HeyhayVODS on 2024-08-16 15:00:16. It has garnered 634 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:15 or 4155 seconds. Check out the community discord for Siege! Get some merch! Find me, heyhay13 at: VODS channel @heyhayvods Twitch – Tiktok – Twitter – #minecraft #eodsmp #heyhay13 Read More

  • Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #Minecraft

    Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fire free girl de Love 😘😍 #minecraft #drift #automobile #music #remix #nightcore #nightcoresongs’, was uploaded by Jonas Fischer on 2024-10-01 11:39:57. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrow

    EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #hanumanji #pixelart #minecraft #algrow’, was uploaded by AX OP GAMING on 2024-05-29 11:43:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Lord Hanuman Ji Pixart in Minecraft || How To Make Pixelart in Minecraft I make hanuman ji pixelart in minecraft give title … Read More

  • “Ultimate Herobrine Chase – INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation” #viral #shorts #clickbait

    "Ultimate Herobrine Chase - INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation" #viral #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-16 06:30:11. It has garnered 2105 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos,… Read More

  • 🌳 TREE SMP 🌳 Vanilla SMP 1.21.1 Semi-Anarchy New

    Join TREE SMP for End Fight on October 5th! Come join us for the end fight on Saturday, October 5th and be a part of our Minecraft adventure. We are looking for active players to join our small Minecraft community. Details: Map size: Border at 6 Million (3 mil each way) Render Distance: 10 Chunks Gamemode: Hard Griefing/PvP: Enabled TnT/Carpet duping: Enabled Netheroof: Enabled Bedrock break: Enabled IP: | Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “After 4 years of waiting, It can finally RIP”

    Minecraft Memes - "After 4 years of waiting, It can finally RIP"“After 4 years of waiting, this meme can finally rest in peace…but not before achieving a solid 7 out of 10 score, a true legend in the meme world.” Read More