Video Information

Good evening everybody my name is R Salter of hollars English leader of the Tempest Guild and today we’re playing some Minecraft I know that we were kind of supposed to play some for fortnite but uh that’ll be rescheduled but for tonight we got to build a finish so

Hope you guys are ready for a nice comfy evening some some more Minecraft building hope you guys are excited for that uh hope you guys are excited just have a nice chill night tonight hello hello hello hello hi everybody also uh s km RNA and could I

Get thank you very much for the five gifted members thank you guys that’s five more kidnappings for the guitar membership stream tomorrow morning morning thank you so much thank you thank you not going to lie I thought you finished your lava pumpkin last time you know I attempted I

Attempted it’s a work in progress but that’s what tonight’s for right we’re going to we’re going to try to build or finish building the lava pumpkin I lost it there it is okay it’s over here it’s still a pumpkin what you think it was I mean what else is orange you know

Uh kind of foul mouth um well I guess he is kind of smart but portrays himself as a hmbo a pumpkin right a pumpkin hey why are you guys saying Axel hey that’s that’s not very nice nice that’s not very nice oh shoot I got to get

Lava I got to go some lava because I think we left off last time we didn’t finish the stealing cuz we died let’s finish the ceiling pumpking pumpkin Soul that’s so hard to say like it doesn’t flow as well as you know snail tear o tear uh sea slug

Tear you know all tear doesn’t flow as well pumpkin Co M oh I want to grab some building blocks we have building blocks never mind we’re good we’re good we’re good oh lava how you feeling today I’m feeling I’m feeling okay I still have

Like a uh how do I say this like a tightness in my chest and whenever I whenever I talk for a bit it gets a little bit stressed and you know tight and stuff so I’m going to be taking it a little bit easy that’s why I might be

Talking a little bit sof but uh overall I was I slept a lot today I did a little bit of work then slept at a nice good old time of like 6:00 a.m. 5: a.m. and then I slept a long time by the way I put on a

Minecraft OST it’s called 10 hours of Minecraft music nostalgic and I felt like that would fit the theme you know that would be pretty pretty comfy for tonight so now thank you very much for the gifted member thank you so a 10hour stream listen it really depends

On how well I can build this cuz I’m not going to lie I’m not the best Builder and I’ll never lie about that we can figure something out we can figure something out and figure something out okay I was doing like some kind of pattern but it looks like the pattern broke there

Uhoh that’s not good by the way did you guys see the the tweet that I retweeted uh was it last night I think it was last night time disappears from me Minecraft lava physics the almost cat yeah you guys probably saw that we have some stuff coming out with omal cat and honestly

I’m pretty excited because when I heard that when I heard that we’re going to be doing this collaboration I was like cuz I’ve heard so much about it right and it’s their artwork’s amazing so hope you guys can cop that when it comes out if not well I’m sure the Rog at some

Point how many times have they done merch drops for that I don’t know this is disgusting I hate this ceiling it’s not going to be even unless we’re going to need a lot of lava we’re going to need a lot of lava lava Physics that’s not Okay I guess I guess this whole like all this merch that I’m getting with uh Hollow Meats I mean it’s really all because of hollow meat so super happy to be part of that got to go to a lot of places maybe some places soon not telling you

Where but it’s a huge opportunity and I’m happy that they gave it to me although maybe I think they I think they go through like each year um different talents so hey maybe one of the boys can get it next time they deserve it after all

Uh CH thank you very much for the five gifted members thank you so much thank you thank you very kind of you thank you and also thank you for the gifting member and the 12 month resub thank you rem membership welcome [Laughter] back I never celebrate my birthdays

Nowadays so let me spend it with a milestone chat today ye thanks cters for giving me till 12 months let’s go it’s your birth year gift the cters have given you a birth birth year Gift thank you guys thank you guys so much for being so I guess kind and open with gifted memberships I know that it’s something that recently came out in the past like year or so maybe two years or so so let guys really does help us so but

First before we move on from that happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear happy birthday to You happy Birthday happy happy birthday make sure you make yourself happy today make sure that you uh uh you don’t have to make you can be a little bit selfish today you know it’s your birthday make it your day doesn’t have to be anybody else’s day you can be Selfish but uh speaking of Hall of live meets there’s one more appearance that has been announced uh are any of you guys going to anima anime NYC that’s what it is right hold On we just make sure music getting kind of intense yep anime and myy yeah music is getting intense what is this turn it down a tin a bit can’t hear myself there you go but if you guys are going on Saturday I’ll be doing a little

Thingy for like 30 minutes to an hour on the at the hall Booth so uh if you guys or if you guys going maybe you can go check it out could be pretty cool I’m pretty sure it’s public so lava buckets right lava lava lava the Saturday badge is sold out

No I kind of wanted to travel there and go like Incognito but after I got sick recently from traveling H I think I’ll I think I’ll put it on the cooler for a little bit I need an elytra this is too slow which convention uh anime

NYC I guess it’s like the hall Live xvr Chat thing and I I heard that there’s actually something that you guys can do from home if you miss it um apparently there’s going to be like a special World in VR chat which by the way you don’t

Need VR for you can just play on PC which is pretty awesome um they’ll have a special world where uh the things from the booth will be streamed to a I think a video feed in the world itself in VR chat so even if you can’t make it to the

Actual convention itself you can still check it out in VR chat and still see what I’m doing in my uh in my little panel so hope you guys utilize that I think it’s pretty cool because you know I’m a huge VR chat guy I’m I’m a huge like VR

Dude so I’m super excited to see these kind of things like happen with VR I don’t know I think it’s pretty cool right you can kind of mix VR and real life by broadcasting these things I don’t understand lava physics I don’t understand lava physics it’s confusing nope nope kind of nope what is This what am I Missing Nope I don’t understand Minecraft I’ve been playing it for so long and I still don’t understand it ah it hurts my brain hurts my brain also uh LDA thank you very much for the five kidnapping thank you thank you thank you so much appreciate you we have music we don’t need that

We’re good to go Zoom happy Friday Friday okay I’m not going to lie guys when when I when I was sick with uh the corruption days were kind of just like melding together and by the time I knew it like I’ve just slept away 2 weeks I’m like where did the time

Go I didn’t do anything those two weeks I just slept I guess I recovered but I just slept I recovered I played a bunch of Binding of Isaac I played some risk of rain too some wild frost a couple games like that but write that

Down I did write that down as a song idea so but I just felt like when you’re sick right and being awake is not exactly the best because either you have like extreme congestion in your chest and your throat and it feels like you have this like glob on the back of your

Throat that like takes up half your Airway it’s not really Pleasant to stay awake uh during so uh the entire time when I was taking off I was just sleeping you know doing the bare minimum they called me the bare minimum Bandit it was boring I couldn’t do anything I don’t understand lava

Best to sleep as much as possible true but I didn’t want to be sick I hate being sick I wasn’t able to see any friends for like weeks and I couldn’t play any video games cuz I felt super sick and and and then I got like a headaches from just

Coughing it was not a great time so I think regard regard less of where I go I think when I travel I’m just going to keep a face mask on like I’m not going to take a single risk cuz I hate being sick gets in my

Way hey hero boy I don’t think I’ve been called hero boy many times but you know I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it fever dreams are the worst did I have a fever dream I don’t think I Dreamed a single time I don’t think I Dreamed a single

Time when I was sick which is weird Also let’s start to do this systematically this is not the best for me uh bu bum bu bu okay starting off with this bu this is doing nothing awesome let’s put some glass where it belongs Abby thank you for the 13 months

Thank you hopefully I I’ll recover soon fully but until that day your boy is is probably going to be taken you prettyy easy especially collab wise cuz I feel like I need to talk a lot during those do you not dream often I I used to dream quite a lot when I was

In high school uh I would not sleep too much to be honest but I would dream quite a lot and although I would not really remember every sing single dream I had I still remembered them and doesn’t really happen anymore it hasn’t happened I guess Consistently in a long time this looks so cool I don’t like lava I do have fire resistance but I’m the kind of of person in an RPG game where I get like a fire resistance po potion I’m like wow this is really really cool and then I never use it and then I

Die most likely to fire or lava got to get better at that though can thank you for the thank you thank you very much thanks for kidnapping five more C the C here thank you so Much also I don’t know what this is but I can barely hear myself let me check something with my settings there you go wonder why it wasn’t Saved okay now I can hear myself I was hearing like a muted version of myself the entire time felt Weird you’re the one that gets scolded during the raids what are you talking about no I I never make any mistakes where like you know you know Axel gets hit by a giant blast that you know wasn’t supposed to be for me but you know since he’s such a

Kindhearted lad you know it’s not because I’m messed up or anything you know it’s it’s kind of his job to tank things but still I never mess up during raids never never never H it’s it’s called like a hero’s Instinct right like even though on paper it might not look the smartest listen

Listen the enemies are often weakest before they do their their final killing blow and if you lure them into that killing blow it’s pretty easy right it’s called baiting and on the master that This music by the that’s what we always say about you so who’s your Oshi oh my oshi’s Maybe I don’t want that Title lava I don’t understand lava which part is lacking no no no no I don’t understand Lava oh huh huh I don’t understand lava what is this witchcraft anyways uh Susan thank you for the super just wonder to say welcome back Miss Lots completed my Hollow meets alter cosplay I got to see it thank you so much lots of love and hugs thank You uh thank you for the three months y thank you love you too what thank you for 11 months welcome back uh what’s up you know it looks it looks fine from the bottom yeah this looks you know that Meme of Homer Simpson where he’s like welcoming home

March and he’s like really really fit and stuff but then he clamps like his his skin to the back like that Meme as long as they don’t see it from the top you know it looks pretty good right yeah it looks fine it looks fine it looks fine looks beautiful looks

Beautiful you know how people in movies like they they they make their sets for their movies and have like all kinds of crazy stuff happening but when you really look it up they just they’re at a studio they’re just they’re Faking It just on squint on yeah I’ll just

Institute a no flies in over this place what do you Think okay got to be fast at this oops I think that’s pretty good oh uh one thing I wanted to say is I’m doing this Minecraft stream a little bit differently from how I normally do it because first of all as you can see it’s a little zoomed out and my reasoning for

That is because I kind of play at a high fov because where’s the fov 90 cuz I have I have a pretty big Monitor and it might look weird when it’s like stretched across a stream a screen so hopefully this provides something better for you guys to look at

If not then just let me know if you guys don’t like it okay also I brought more of these start replacing It also I’m playing more than just Hol s music which I could play the instrumentals for the new songs that we just came out with ooh kind of spicy maybe we’ll mix it up a little bit later we’ll see we’ll See what happens if I remove these not very good half block okay that looks pretty cool what can we do about this it’s kind of impossible to do like a redstone we could do a red n that’s too much that’s too much that’s too much that’s too much let’s just come back and

Get like a crafting table or something because I made like a small little redstone Stone like Secret Door earlier I guess over a year ago I suppose and I never really did anything with it so maybe maybe but I’m not very good at Redstone that’s the problem I’m kind of stupid not my

Thing good check on that the rain effects are Weird still kind of works I have no idea what I was going to do with this but I was kind of just testing redstone Poor cat’s been alone for so long okay what were we getting we were getting a crafting table right let’s go get that let’s just make an axe tools ax ax ax T we chop some trees down nice uh km thank you for the Super Chat hey alter I’m looking forward to the

Doppelganger game the other boys L fun h in their pre- chests leaving out to the uh to the reveal I was curious to see if you had any as well I don’t think I did because I don’t think I was streaming at that time right so I don’t

Think that they were able to put that teaser up maybe that’s maybe that’s maybe that means something you know maybe it doesn’t who Knows the world may never know like could be crazy if this if like you know at all it’d be crazy it’s probably going to call us pigs no no Walter would ever do that guys none of my doppelgangers would ever do that alter would never do that at least Al te

Wouldn’t um grab this oh this looks really cool the rain and the sunset sunrise sunset sunrise sunset this music A that’s it’s pristine Vibes right here Bum bum Bu awesome can we also see reges where did reges why are you talking about reges I’m right here at least I’ll terious okay that should be enough wood hopefully hopefully hopefully hopefully uh m P boom boom boom boom okay all good perfect I love these tree farms they’re so efficient they

Don’t grow big they’re easy to replace comfortable and easy to wear you’re pretty nice I don’t need a demon king when I have a hero I need a Hero whoa okay let’s go get some more lava and then we can go finish the thing and then we can make a really cool pumpkin house maybe it’s still looking it’s still looking okay I guess doesn’t look the greatest but we’re working on it we’re working on it wrong

Button take that off my bar perfect uh oh I see I hate these sounds I hate them okay let’s go dppy thank you very much for the five kidnapp BS welcome on in and Lynn thank you for the 10 months good luck with work okay don’t work work hard but not too

Hard make that bank so you can make your uh daily purch support your daily membership fee good luck at work okay let’s build one of these maybe we can do something with That let’s try this maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe y hey what is this lava is so fascinating uh-oh I don’t understand lava in this game it makes no sense it’s not just me Right I hate lava I hate lava I hate I hate lava I hate lava it was so perfect before what happened what happened to us where do we where did we go wrong I love [Laughter] you I gave you all my lava and de devotion okay perfect will it work now though or

Or Source blocks always so mysterious nice nice we can get back in finally uh let’s take this do that okay how are we going to do this entrance maybe just tile all the way back could get that a try bum bu bump bump yeah this will work this will work welcome back inside

Okay I need more of them I need lots of these things oh that feels weird that shouldn’t okay that’s what I thought it shouldn’t work out like that uh-oh oh no now I can never leave this is a cursed pumpkin this is a cursed cursed pumpkin oh no please

Don’t that looks like it works with my entrance nice that looks great nice need some more listen I never claimed to be the best builder okay I’m I’m just I’m just a little guy doing my best you know never claim to be the best but gosh darn am I

Trying okay let’s start replacing the there’s got to be something cooler that we can use like a Decoration how can we make this more unique on the inside what can we do about this I want to add something on the inside of the walls that first of all makes it impossible to just jump into the lava right maybe iron bars that’s a lot of iron but we do have infinite

Iron pumpkins make a smaller lava pumpkin what if we just like make a like a pumpkin out of pumpkins what do you guys think about that you know something something nice you know something that doesn’t require me to work with lava again can’t we just like you know get a

Bunch of pumpkins together and just just build a small little pumpkin inside and be like hey it’s a pumpkin house no has has to be suffering it has to be pain oh that’s that’s that’s what being a hero is I suppose taking on everybody’s sadness and pain and misery and keeping a smile

Okay since since that’s the pain that I want you to forget I guess I have to okay how are we going to do this let’s see Um we could go one Two make it a little bit smaller a little bit smaller but at the same time we might need everything that we can get let’s make it one smaller yeah let’s do hop hop h h hold up one 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Okay okay I think I understand sacrificial Pit guys it’s underwater it it’s it’s on top of water I don’t I don’t think I can make a pit Here Unless we got some traveling to do guys let’s come back to it let’s come back to it let’s just you know put the pit to the side and let’s uh go gather some supplies and you know maybe maybe for a really cool build Right let’s drop all this off first nice okay what do we need we need a new pickaxe first of alling goodby is the fortnite thing happening today uh it is not it is going to be postponed probably until like next weekend we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll

See uh what do I want to do uh right time to go on an adventure I wish I had an elytra I don’t have an elytra difficult okay we can still do it no problem buckle up Adventures it’s time for adventure bo back to my room and then we can play video game

What a great adventure the great journey speaking of Adventure have you seen the news about Zelda film Zelda film Zelda fil there’s a Zelda film I don’t know how to think about that H I’m sure that they will do it justice but I’m scared I’m scared but I would say that

I’m cautiously optimistic because I feel like companies have been doing a better job with video game adaptations this does not look right I don’t think this is the right place H I feel like companies have been doing a better job with those with this video game adapation so it could Pro it could

Probably come out you know pretty well but at the the same time you can’t help but have a little bit of apprehension right you can’t help but just think it you know besides the only possible person they could possibly get The Voice Link it’s me and I haven’t gotten any you

Know offers to do voice acting so I’m just saying it cautiously optimistic but it could also go south besides who else would you pick to get someone to be like This is it this one I think it’s this one I don’t know which way it’s back to my house but I hope it’s this one need splurgle and splur I don’t think this is right either why are there no signs we need to make some signs I don’t

Know well thank you for the 12 months welcome back for one year thank you you’re perfect you’re breathtaking oh okay if it’s not this one it’s got to be this one it’s got to be this one it’s got to be this one I feel like I’ve gone on this one before oh

No no I’ve been on this one before deja vu deja vu okay awesome AR we lost just a tiny bit just a tiny bit I need to just go back and grind and get another ltra because I don’t know like walking like a Plebian doesn’t really fit me the Zoro gild tempus and I will absolutely take that that Zoro is awesome he SS a lot he’s strong he’s handsome he’s tall it’s lost I think it’s Perfect into the unknown uhoh I can’t see a single thing shut up pig I got to storm another one of these hopefully there’s no broken tracks over here so I just fall into lava uh-oh He I can’t see anything go go go go go go go go go go at least there weren’t any gests guys at least there weren’t any gests oh didn’t get hit they call me Speed Racer they call me Speed Racer and they call Axle lady Chaser and then they call uh uh B

Um major laser and then they call F on way too strong for his his build he’s so small but he can like suplex me he’s way too strong clown failure no I wouldn’t call a failure no no no no lose clown homie he’s a clown homie the the the best just

No the Fantastic gold just maybe I should stay stay away from naming people that’s a bad idea coming from someone who calls their hero sparf slurp spurl stuff like that I don’t think I really have a a right to name people I think that should be a

Something that should be taken away from me I have too much power in that aspect I heard a gas over there but there’s no gas pH it is taking so long to get there and where’s my music Minecraft music no it’s not there yet this takes way too

Long what I eventually want to do with the nether highway system is I want to be able to grind enough blue ice because if you have blue ice and you put it all the way as a highway system and then you use boats boats I think have like no

Friction or something so they go super D D D D D fast but the distance that we have to travel is going to take a lot of boats and unfortunately you do need a a 2X two surface you can’t just do like a 1 by

One surface so it’s going to take a lot of ice it’ll take a while hi Nadia hello hello hello I mean maybe we could do that as a project but that’s going to take so long maybe if I don’t think of anything that I want to build maybe I’ll just do

That cuz there’s always something to do on the server right like I may have gotten burnt out a tiny bit of Minecraft but there’s still so much we got to do for example we got to take the Ender Dragon to the uh surface World somehow a there it is the

Portal we can build a giant contraption that breaks the blocks around the the nether portal so that you could have the portal with no obsidian around it could do that Nice and we can sacrifice flam or half medaka oh that looks so cool okay what are we here for we are here for did I move everything already where’s the chest where did I put the chest right I put the chest down here I remember what we did last time holy crap

It’s been so long okay this is is where all my stuff went um okay in that in that case what we need is glass no glass glass we’ll take a little bit of glass uh uh uh what am I looking for what am I looking for uh sponge right sponge sponge where’s a

Sponge it’s a BS spongeb there it is uh anything else I need I think that’s all I needed from here well maybe we should think just a second uh I think I’ll take my diamond armor I think I’ll take my diamond armor 100% And and our armor has death

Shredder Unbreaking mending mending met no mending okay we got to be a little bit careful then okay let’s go leader have you had your dinner yet I have not had dinner but uh I did go out with Mom te and we got some gimpa so I’m going to eat that really

Really yummy really really tasty vom he’s going to lose all the diamond armor no I’m not I’ve got a fire resistance potion right there I’ll never lose it I don’t know what you mean okay let’s do That sorry was coughing a little bit had to drink some water still not 100% but still working towards there man but this mine cart sound is so loud how do I do it friendly creatures wait why is the mine cart a friendly creature okay sounds good to

Me rock freeze thank you for the nine months welcome back thank you so much by the way uh one thing I wanted to ask you guys is I’ve kind of not really been paying attention to any game releases recently are there any games that came out recently that you guys want me to

Check out particularly I put in the perms for a couple of games but hadn’t really gotten too many back but if there’s any games that you guys want me to check out let me know okay I’m down for more Rog leges I’m down for more more shooter shooter bang bang games

Slay the princess i’ i’ I’ve heard of slay the princess but what is it about did you get perms for home body nope not yet risk of rain returns I was actually playing that last night but no perms on risk of rain yet I was thinking about doing Mario

Kart today I was really really close to doing Mario cart that was so close maybe next week Mario RPG yeah I am planning on playing Mario RPG next Friday or maybe a yeah maybe next Friday or maybe Saturday it’s been a while since I did a Saturday stream I’ve never played Mario RPG

Before and I’ve only heard good things about it and yeah know I like my paper Mario games so I’m assuming that it’ll be a good time how many of you guys how many of you guys have played it cuz I’ve honestly never even heard about it until

The past like 5 years and never played it before you’re in for a treat really really really a slay the fire Nadia I actually just played it recently um I stopped playing it because I beat the heart uh I know that you can do like a bunch of

Ascensions and stuff but uh I think that was a pretty good stop off point we got a couple streams with that so there’s always the vot if you want to check it out I was thinking about bringing back gungeon because we never beat the rat and the rat’s a really really difficult

Boss I was thinking about it it’s one of the games that Define my childhood a definitely got to play it that Mario RPG was a collab between Nintendo and squar and X okay you know how squar and X likes their like very like realistic graphics with Final Fantasy Mario RPG except in

The movie style Cris Bratt ah ah ah you will never get the hero of vanquished again into fear but a hero of slime it’s all too easy all the day work for an Adventure okay the task is number one I want to make the outside of the pumpkin number two I want to make the Trap I want to make the cage inside there underwater what are you looking at with sponge and cages anything else that’s left on my on

My bucket list for today let’s see uh I guess just decorate a little bit of the inside and I’m I’m good to go on this I don’t want to make it too crazy because there’s not really too much to to Really decorate to build but we can to do a lot

Vom okay Back Here There and Back Again boing boing boing boing what cage so inside of the pumpkin we were thinking maybe we should build another pumpkin but then someone was like hey why don’t we just build a cage for all the adventurers and cters that misbehave

And I thought that that was a wonderful idea so I decided maybe we can build little cage in the water so that anybody that misbehaves can just be sealed there eternally what do you Thinking oh let’s get some iron we need iron so we can make some iron bars I would go there willingly you guys are slimes though like I would say iron bars are probably not the best way to keep you guys sealed if I were to you know do it

Myself you guys are slimes and slimes can just like you know kind of f fit fit through everything because you know they’re slimes and we’ll take a stack just in case do we have Wi-Fi nope that’s your punishment you got to stay there with no internet no electronics and the only

Thing that you have to read is Moby Dick not even the Abed version the original version you have to just like take 10 points of confusion damage and then you have to write the 10 page essay MLA single spaced report on the meaning of life but if you’re on good behavior then

Maybe I’ll you know maybe I’ll uh how do I say it uh maybe I’ll put you on you know good behavior maybe you can have a little bit of time on the on the internet maybe like 10 minutes a week that way you can do your dailies real

Quick and uh you know text your loved ones I’ve been told that I’m quite benevolent pop po po remember I’m good guys I’m a hero of course that’s a good option there’s also free dental insurance no health insurance or you know humoring insurance or revision insurance but there’s dental insurance

And the deductible I heard is not the best but you know it’s still better than nothing right so it’s not like you’re you know leaving empty-handed or anything do you guys have teeth I mean I haven’t heard any complaints about our Dental nor positive reviews but it’s still there you know maybe

Everybody just has an amazing life and just doesn’t need the insurance don’t think too hard I’m on okay here just don’t worry about it everything’s okay we’re getting scammed no it’s it’s not a scam guys it’s just uh cutting costs it’s difficult economy renting a Guild Hall for this long we don’t even

Own well I guess technically now we do the renting life is difficult that’s all I’m going to say okay how should we make this let’s see take this let’s build out bum bum maybe one more bum bum okay start cage oh that’s going to be trippy how far

Deep a little T tad bit more that way they’re in the thick of things instead of just near the top we’re just renting well I mean I thought it was going to be rentree but I guess you know if you don’t want me to be rent free in your

Heads then it’s okay too we can always look to uh purchase or or lease or mortgage mortgage works too you guys want haircuts too okay I I I’ll easily arrange that I got you guys I’ll get you guys free haircuts um free uh free massages from this new machine I Got it’s it’s a little bit harsh but you know how else can you get The Kinks out of your neck right right it’s a great missile tool I’ve always wanted to start one of those channels on YouTube where uh you know how people put things in into Crushers it’s like crushing a a

Lamborghini and uh crushing your your your your your heart or stuff like that I was thinking you know we we have a unique opportunity given to us because when you guys get splatted uh you know nothing really happens right you guys just you know take form again everything’s good in the

World maybe that could be a business opportunity and hey if you cooperate maybe I’ll give you health insurance includes like a stipend of like one lesser healing potion per month it’s pretty good I would say like I said better than not having it right and when a new of you comes out we

Can put you in a hydraulic press absolutely not I would die I’m human guys remember I’m human come on I can’t do that what if oh this is just this is just bringing too many similarities to uh my my my cousin too many similarities to my

Cousin I can’t I can’t to start getting abilities just like that my boy rimu you know I thought the name was pretty cool right Tempest Guild Tempest right you know we got the family values here in Tempest and I was like what if I’m just like a slime Demon Lord I mean

The world is our oyster bu bu H H okay got to break this that nice this is going to take a while these dolphins are making it really really hard to swim and like line myself up the dolphins please you guys are great but just not now oy hair we not doing that

Guys we can’t do waist hair come on guys where’d you even get such a ludicrous idea o oy hair no always here really okay what is an oyster look like oh no I’m not no oyster Guys would you still love me if I was an oyster sorry that’s a strange question to ask will you guys be the Pearl in My Life Jesse thank you for the five kidnappings thank you and M monstro thank you for the 10 kidnappings thank you thank you so much thank you thank

You guys if I was an oyster would you okay that is too cursed to say I cannot say that I really cannot say that I’m I’m an idol I’m an idol I may be an oyster but I’m also an idol I’m using an image as a Reference it’s going to be tough this is going to be tough maybe a little bit bluish ooh not quite white but a little bit colored there you go there you go this is going to be a little bit difficult but we’re going to try to draw oy air

Here give it our best shot uh let’s see I’m looking at an oyster right now and this is going to be kind of hard to to draw to be honest uh let’s go with like a darker okay now we can do like like a little gradient going all the way

Around o okay now let’s get like a tiny bit of like gold in here too like right there all around the the edges okay okay okay okay and then we’re going to need a little bit more orangy towards the center right here why is this oyster going to be the most

Beautiful thing that I ever draw I’m I’m I’m trying my best I I I don’t do art very often so I apologize okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s take like a like a like this okay way too big way too big way too big that looks horrible I’m down that

Looks horrible I’m not down maybe I should just use black what did I come back to what do you think this is just just give me a guess give me a guess come on humor Me the map for the UK Sri Lanka It it looks amazing that’s what it is okay let’s make bring this all all the way back here okay okay okay and then we’ll take we’ll just merge those two together I think then I take this and then I make it more orange more orange more brownish I suppose

Yeah where do your eyes go uh It’s we’ll figure that out we’ll figure that out I have not thought that far yet and it’s embarrassing I’ve not thought that out yet oops let me place that on there and we place that and we do this vom v v bit more curve to

It I’m just doing an art class now even though I’m not very good at Art I’m making another creation I suppose that’s what you can call it behold my creation okay let’s grab this let’s go really small let do 75% how perfect of a circle can I

Draw even though I know that these aren’t perfect circles not the worst not the worst What is this I got to add more out here I got to add more more out here but I’m just having fun with it uh let’s go like a gold in here what do you think not done yet but what do you think yeah n now out

Hair yeah you’re right I should I should I should out of here you’re right you’re right you’re right I got to add the hair that looks so demonic that looks demonic as heck that looks horrible oh my my my um Let’s do let’s put a little little bit of white in

There what else can I do that’s not it got to put that there and then we do like a darker blue too dark too dark too Different How else can I make this look more like an oyster I guess it has like multiple things on the outside that kind of curve inwards I also got to clean up the top and stuff too this is going to take forever hold on this is going to take

Forever I’m not even proud of this one either oh no be old and goodbye off with your head oops that’s not a it’s not an eraser my bad behold my Creation wh wh this is going to take forever okay let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it he also has ears that’s an important like uh distinction from him and the other oysters out there he can hear you he has ears better watch out if you’re talking

Crap he’ll find you he’ll stab you should I just save the hair I probably should I probably should it’s a it’s a big annoyance just to do all this again but yeah I probably should Oops maybe what I should do is I should play passport 2 and just draw my the alair animal family the alter Animal Kingdom the alter Kingdom and see which one sells for the most once we get to like the later stages that could be fun I remember I

Wanted to play it when it first came out but I never did probably because I’m not good at Art it’s a little intimidating you know keep the ears keep the ears Farm Teran passport too wait what do you mean Farm oh I guess yeah yeah I guess yeah Farm old all had a farm help me please let me off this cursed Farm EO there a snail snail snail there oh God where did the snail go now there’s a snail there’s a snail there’s

A snail there’s no snail everybody snail snail old snail tear had a wait what what happened to the farm tear old snail tear had to farm the Takeover my brain is melting same I’m focusing on like not making this complete crap even though it’s pretty difficult when I’m

Attempting I don’t know I just admire artists a lot they’re built different oh what is that he oh yeah he’s got the edgy the edgy hair over over his eye and in the Red Corner we have oy give it up for oyst ha everybody hi everybody hi everybody my name is oy I

Can’t hear you what you want to say oy I just wanted to say you guys are really cool hold on let’s zoom in closer Voom hey guys okay okay okay okay okay let’s let’s do a little bit more um let’s do something like this except darker yeah some greediness

Okay and we put this up here ooh that looks disgusting but I think that’s the color that I want unfortunate uh let’s do This I don’t like that color help me this hurts to use okay any other let’s put a little bit of shading right there I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this got to get back to Minecraft soon guys got to finish this up I’ve been

Doing this for like an hour I feel Okay now we just need to make that part little bit darker then we get this and we make it Darker it’s like a little orange thing up there I wonder what that is a little bit more orangey except darker It’s like like it like lines up right right over here All right I’m done I’m done with it we could do some more shading we could do a little bit of shading unless n so so low effort we can do a little bit More we can do a little bit more we can do a little bit more we can do a little bit more oh with this nice lava in the background okay we’re done with this oyster Oyster Oyer like this yeah that’s good enough hold on I’m going to post on Twitter now uhoh that’s bad uhoh uhoh uh-oh all right let’s do this I’m scared my new oi no I’m just creating competition for myself [Applause] always hair I hate it post all right let’s let’s let’s get

Back to let’s go back to Minecraft shall we let’s go back to Minecraft okay what were we doing uh we’re putting in some more stuff oops that’s the wrong thing bum bum bump bum bum bump thanks for making oyster you’re welcome I think oh okay we’re good we’re

Good we’re good we’re good it’s an I think because I’m not sure what his what his personality is going to be right Because oysters oystars specifically have One what do you call it what do you call it the the the jewel inside them the the the buildup of of of stuff what do you call it Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl he is the Pearl but like if he gives you his Pearl

Then that means like he’s kind of like a romantic type to be honest if he gives you his Pearl that means he wants to be with you forever so uh if you guys ever look out if you ever find an oy hair in the wild um maybe take his Pearl that

Way he’s forced to stay with you I mean uh charm him and then get his Pearl pop welcome to all te Regus all te’s amazing digital circus welcome customer what you like to play I think I killed my first customer listen I I never said that this place was you know safety certified

Okay he was trespassing bu okay okay okay almost one full wall done almost almost almost give your crush a pearl necklace got and not loot it huh wait how huh how’s the Pearl NE huh pearls you guys are guys some vif imaginations huh it’s Pearl bunk okay uh I think that’s already Dr

Out wow this is going to be a big cage maybe we can host a barb fre here make some ribs in this cage Sorry okay we’re working on it we’re working on it we’re working on it three four okay where’s my music I hear no music uh cake thank you so much the S the the world is our oyster right so you oy te must be our world a rising up already

For the for the Pearl huh well you’re in first place already oy ha was pleased oy still will remember this o there is a new visual novel print protagonist or character oh ow oy there is the is the is the uh secret route you can have everybody from

Doppelgangers like the demon king of the ice Plaines and then you can also have the secret ending where you give an oyster a chance you know okay now we make a floor and then we can finally use all these dinosaurs I mean sponges all right where do we go uh

Oops yeah I’ll be fine right you’ll be fine over here you’ll be fine you’ll be okay um if we were to make a floor probably out of iron iron stairs I hate creepers oh man okay we can be a little bit Bouy with this the state got a lot of funding

For this floor [Laughter] so no air no air okay we’re good oh my God gosh I quite literally just flew in the water there okay let’s do bu bu bum I think a dolphin died it’s not my fault whatsoever what’s all te building check it out it’s going to be a

Cage for all the non-believers you like it looks pretty cool right okay let’s take out the sponge huh are these water logged I think that these iron bars are waterlogged we can’t get rid of all this water with all those iron bars in that case how do we drain this

Then can we even use iron bars then glass pan but if it’s glass and then then then truers can or the uh the prisoners they’re just going to be you know they can just break out that’s easy I want them to know that they’re underwater I want them to know that

Escape isn’t is uh Impossible you need a lot of sand oh is that the only way that we can do this then is just drop sand and then just break it all cuz if so I think we can do it that shouldn’t be too hard right boing boing glass on the outside let’s try the sand dropping

Method first and then maybe we can try glass later if that doesn’t work there’s no sound coming from my game no sound coming from the music let’s just go ahead and just cycle this back in back again then there we go the good good stuff should work by surrounding the

Cave cave cage with solid blocks removing the bars then Draining can I put the iron bars back or will it just allow the water to seep through Again if so I think I think just putting glass on the outside is going to be Best let’s just put glass on the outside that’s the easiest thing to do I think that’s the easiest thing to do although do we have glass uhoh got sand that should be enough I think got some more lava they only get loged if you put them in a water s

Oh okay I understand gotcha I understand okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I understand I understand gotch you gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha H oh uh that reminds me um Minecraft is a horror game Minecraft is a horror game okay uh let’s do this bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

Bu 1 2 3 1 2 3 I hope I have enough stone for this ah should be fine the first victim of the jail if they don’t respawn then maybe we could do something with [Laughter] It conduit I’ve never built a conduit h ah who needs a conduit okay 1 two 3 1 two three okay what you about to say before you got spooked right uh let me pull it up real quick I just want to give a special thank you to uh L Maria Clarissa

Uh milia and Shir and yukina thank you guys so much for all the flowers and all the love that I saw in Indonesia thank you guys so much it was really really awesome I I appreciate those flowers because like I said I don’t I don’t get

Them too often and to be honest men don’t really get them too often so it was a nice little surprise thank you guys big love thanks guys just want to give a special thank uh shout out for that that’s what I wanted to do yes I can take care of myself yes I’m

An adult and yet I’ll still walk into lava you foolish little boy uh I guess I can use sand too ni I heard you picked out poo in the wait was that poo I I remember I saw like these banners I saw a banner of you know me I saw a

Banner of snail tear and I was like I got to pick the person with snail te like that’s that’s going above and beyond too what’s that poo a thanks for all your Heth hope you had fun during that panel I feel like these these convention appearances let me see and meet people

That have been you know Big Time fans and it’s it’s amazing every single time so I’m glad a thanks for making the snail tear Banner what was the inspiration did you just want to you know give your a tithing do snail tear that day which I understand by the way

Maybe next time I can take you guys all on adventure we can do something maybe next panel I can host or something one thing that I’ll say is that I do have a convention appearance coming up eventually where I’ll be doing a panel with someone that I have not really

Spoken to yet but I’m excited to get to Know and I will not spoil who it is is it your Senpai I’m not even going to say anything I’m not going to say anything yep no alter Holland anymore they used to know me for my one Taps and my leaks but not any longer I need more blocks let’s get some more blocks no crumb of hints it’s with one other person that’s information that you could have surmised by yourself but it’s a hint and you guys didn’t really you know specify too Much it’s like being the omniscient reader I know everything well not really everything but I know a lot and I can’t share anything with you guys oh what a Shame let’s see why am I here I need more blocks bu no gravel and a sits and dirt and more dirt if it was Haka he’s already Bono in Holland who do you think in tempus is the most like is the most like H it’s the person that leaks the most

Amount of stuff because I’m going to have to tighten up security then axle axle axle axle axle axle axle FL axle axle axle axle okay axle axle axle okay ax I’m seeing a common theme Here axle axle axle okay axle axle axle axle axle okay Axel Axel gotcha gotcha gotcha I

See axe I ain’t no snitch that’s fair okay I’ll just look out for someone named axe Zoom ding need a muscle nah that man can’t be contained by a muscle I’ve tried he just bites through it somehow it’s weird that boom h 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is that it I think I covered everything except for the floor but that’s okay we can we can fix that real Quick okay one two three 4 One Two 3 1 1 two one two 3 4 by surrounding himself with n and n h he he can be contained if anything that’s going to make him spill even more you really think you can just you can no no no no that’s dangerous that’s dangerous you’ll do anything that they ask that’s bad Okay let’s try this one more time let’s see what happens if I just put the sponge here is it because it’s water locked interesting Interesting SES forever to break there you go I know I could have gotten some enchantments to make this a lot easier but let’s just say that uh didn’t expect to do a Minecraft stream today but I’m still having having fun still having a good time just hanging out playing some

Minecraft you know how it be okay okay hi Terence hello okay you’re right we should make some walls uh we’ll take this we’ll put that here no stone but we can get that pretty quickly bu bu bum bu okay Stone where you at dig into here that’s

Sand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 see nice I thought I thought the sun was coming up oh that could be a cool plan I just came up with an idea what if we just make a Giant floating lava thing

And call it the second sun and since Fon really wants to make lava Mountain happen why don’t we just make that into lava Mountain I’m just saying could be fun hey Patrick welcome back to the guild hope you’re ready to do some work the bathrooms need to be I’m joking I’m

Joking you can grab a you can grab a Quest from the board if youd like just make sure it’s signed off you don’t want to be like Axel who just you know takes a quest and just goes without it being signed you know axel left one of the one

Of the clients this one time did you know that it was an escort Quest and he was he he was he had to go somewhere else but he just took the quest and just left before the you know the person that wanted to be escorted even got

There that’s why I made it like imperative that’s that every single Mission signed off on good old Axel good old axel sounds like him absolutely at the same time that kind of trade is admirable I envy him sometimes not needing to think just act oh uh let’s make two of

These I guess just one of them what happened I thought I had 16 did I not have 16 am I stupid boinging what kind of quest do you think the members would be good at specifically H let’s see let’s start off with axel Axel would be good at hey there’s a monster let’s go let’s go slay it in order to protect a town or something

He’ll be great at that because there’s not much to do in the mission except you know attack destroy right and and you seen our Monster Hunter streams you guys see how we hunt we’re we’re professionals um let’s see going down the list uh battle would probably be How do I explain it Rec Recon he’s a Recon kind of guy like he’ll go to he’ll go to this party like super dressed up living the life there but then he’ll be like secretly gathering information they’ll be telling him everything you know his Quantum rzx is showing we just need one let’s put that in there that in

There let’s do that oh what else do we need I think that’s okay that lava should be flowing for quite a long time so we can just plop this right here that was easy H let’s put one more he’s a spy I suppose so can’t do any cool

Tricks with his butterfly knife but guess it’s cool enough I guess awesome Okay next up Fon Fons you know those missions where like let’s say like in fairy tale right there’s a guy who’s evil and in order to infiltrate and you know save some people he only hires like maids and and and and and and really really cute girls right so F On’s Quest that he’d be

Really really good at is that he would crossdress as a girl and infiltrate those kind of places You Know and if and if stuff ever goes south well he can just call us aress and then he’ll be fine you can escape no problem he might actually enjoy his job too I was looking in a stream the other day okay come on come on come

On I guess I I wor my sister dressed me too so guess I can’t really say too much about that Huh it was sick it was twisted forcing your younger brother rather to wear skirts sister I’m going to get revenge on you Someday uh who’s next uh Haka is next Haka honestly when the people can’t listen you know when brand when when you ask for a brand and you know since it’s brand name it’s pretty expensive right when people don’t really want to call the Ghostbusters because you know

All the royalties and you know all the difficulties of acquiring licenses and stuff and you know sometimes they don’t want to be on film and you know all that kind of stuff uh you know sometimes they call Haka and they’re like hey can you can you uh exercise these these

Ghosts who are you going to call bons haaka keep a great at those quests close Walmart Ghostbuster listen Haka services are are amazing they’re they’re they’re absolutely Prestige but like you can’t beat a brand name like that so he’s you know we we got to cut prices a little

Bit so hey if you can’t afford the Ghostbusters bonaka coolest and cutest Exorcist of all of xenoy and then shinry shinry is probably the easiest to think of he’s he’s going to be really really good at like doing those escort quests except he’s good at escort quests right but there’s a specific

Specialty of escort Quest that he’s good at and you know those like you know there’s like ladies who who spend like fortunes on trying to find their cats right like I remember Naruto they had had a woman who was like that like oh find Torah find my cat find my

Cat I feel like shinry would escort people but he would like if they’re like older ladies he would be so Charming he’ be that that perfect that perfect guy right how do I hire shinry come to the Tempest Guild and uh fill out the form we can we can put a

Little uh quest uh request out for you and uh yeah we we can get that sorted out payment is up up front though of course so unless the quest difficulty changes in that case we might need to add some extra charges but it’s not as b as other places so pretty

Good okay uh let’s build a let’s put these back let’s build a shovel what are you doing all here let’s build a shovel and go bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bum Can I hire you to do school workor if you really want to fail I can give you guaranteed like e because I’m not good at school Work I would say I’m more Street Smart than academically Smart you guys do fetch quests you kind of have like a policy against fet quests listen they just they’re kind of like like they take a lot of our time and our time is pretty precious cuz you know we’re recording covers and you know doing appearances for events and stuff

Like that and streaming and stuff so uh unfortunately this Guild does not take fed quests unless you’re Axel cuz that’s a special occasion cuz that’s you know that’s fun for him you know going fetch okay hope that makes sense um if you have any complaints uh send us also

To Axel because he’s he’s HR Nice how do I get out of here that’s the problem and I I mean as a hero my quests to uh you know save all the princesses of the world and save the world I feel like those kind of quests I’m the best at you know it’s

A it’s a special Quest given to uh the chosen ones of alysium hopefully that works What what about a quest we had to play an over complicated mini game that’s badly coded do we have to I mean is it necessary towards the Plot Break break can I hire hire you for a quest to save me from my sleep paralysis demon I’m okay I’ll I’ll take the quest I will take the quest okay it’s going to be difficult hold on let me do my preparations real quick okay give me one second give me one

Second okay I’m ready stay paralysis demon right okay this Quest will be completed in the next 30 seconds hello oh uh hey Frank um can you stop going into this you know can you stop going into their dreams please like they’re having you know they’re kind of

Terrified of you and you know sweepe kind of just wants to get some sleep they’re a little eepy so uh yeah just um Frank just cut it out for a week you know you can come back maybe maybe to a different person but uh yeah just just calm down a little bit okay

Buddy I know you’re sleep paralysis demon but remember I I own you okay shut up I own you shut up so I just knock it off for a week okay beep beep beep okay sweepy I got you mission complete did you need more than a

Week did you want like a two weeks I can do two weeks does Frank get health insurance he doesn’t work for me I just influence his daily decisions leader how did you meet Frank in my dreams he was like he was going to take over my dreams and he was going to

Be like Oh I’m your sleep paralysis demon but then he noticed who I was he was like all tear some I’m so sorry and he was like quivering in his pants I was like I just kind of wanted to scare him a little bit so then I was like you dare

Disturb my Slumber literally and then he devoted his life to me cuz he was so scared you know he was he thought he was going to be erased so doesn’t backstory about me and Frank to be frank he probably wouldn’t have gotten out of that alive so he made a good Decision let’s grab this let’s also toss This oh the zombie over there forgot tree thank you for the super hter is someone died while after falling down a flight of stairs does it mean that they’re in a Stairway to Heaven no cuz they were bad I bet they I bet they didn’t hit the notification Bell and

Reach us Al of hollar English leader The Tempest Guild YouTube channel so they get notified of each and every stream that’s a sin but yeah normally yeah I would say so and they’re not a member of the C here oh my gosh it’s blasphemy it’s blasphemy uh H Magi thank you for the

Seven months thank you uh window welcome back to the C there thank you so much welcome back are there any weird any more weird things happening over here let’s break that one okay that didn’t work hold up is that clean I think that’s clean y nice let’s replace this real quick

Anything else I think it looks pretty clean let’s separate these out let’s do nice nice nice okay break that break that I think I have enough oh yeah have plenty I have plenty a quest that handles kids who would be the best at handling kits okay I’m going to rate the Tempest

Boys based on how well they would take care of kids from the worst to the best okay coming in with the worst gav is better sorry bro gav is B in sixth place I don’t think I need to explain why yeah in fifth place a fon no offense homie is

Crazy homie’s crazy he’s crazy I feel like the the kids shouldn’t have that kind of influence on their lives I say that with love I say that with lots of love in fourth place AXA yeah it’s it’s Axel it’s Axel I’m afraid that he’s going to like take them gambling or something it’s

Going to like make them give up their life inheritance for csgo cases or they they’ll probably get like I don’t know it’s probably dangerous for them to stay with him in third place wait third place in third place probably me I would say me cuz I

I’ve been told that I am very good with kids considering I have worked with kids before however I do not like kids so even though I’m capable I do not wish to do that so I’ll take their place it it really depends on how old they are

Right if they’re like 12 13 Oh They’ll listen but gosh are they going to be annoying uhoh but like if they’re if they’re tiny then you know maybe it’ll be maybe it’ll be fine depend friends on their age next up second place Mr bonsu Naka I’m sure he’s going to be a great

Dad although whenever his kids come home and you know they get bad grades they’re going to be like why did you not get good grades yeah it’ll be like you know yelling at your child except he’ll be doing scream out at his child which wouldn’t really be too intimidating I suppose

It’s going to take forever this going to take forever this is going to take Forever if I was taking care of kids I would you know most definitely of course uh their safety is number one but I will count the hours until I have to get rid of them trust me I’ll take good care of them but I’ll only do if nobody else wants to okay

Okay only if nobody else wants to and in first place come on jenry if he can take care of Tempest then he can take care of kids you know I trust shener in that aspect he can take care of take care of anybody but at the same time I don’t want to

That that responsibility on him every single time so he’ll be first place he would be the best but I’ll definitely help him out if he needs help cuz I don’t want him to you know do too much he already does that on the on the regular so and that’s not making sorry B sorry F sorry axel Not saying I wouldn’t trust you with my kids but it would be quite difficult we got to finish this thing it’s been 2 and a half hours oh I can breathe down here oh that’s perfect okay just break upwards reset reset reset this music’s kind of like perfectly fit for a watery

Theme I wonder what the song name is called let’s see this is 3940 3940 biome Fest I understand approximately zero of that biome Fest in B’s case it feels like staying away from Kids is for his own safety at that point he’s probably going to take the kids to like steal the

Declaration of Independence or something that’s what I’m scared about he’s going to take them on some kind of crazy adventure and yeah yeah bu bum is that all the way to the top almost almost almost ble being the clown at parties that kids cry at no no

Bal it it’ll be the clown that all the kids cry at but all the moms are like is this clown single goodbye dolphin remember Quantum rzx that guy’s Riz levels off the charts oh that’s not good it’s because there’s a block there it’s this one right here why is it bleeding Through let’s try that T I guess that’s that’s a that’s a solution i a b nice I had one of this CL sounds in my childhood birthdays before I cried a lot so my mom [Applause] made Why is Minecraft Sword yeah at least your oi’s not a clown [Laughter] right I mean why are these all bleeding in now I I suppose you can call me a class clown that’s what I was in in School F like I was a Class Clown all the time just so i’ be noticed people would be like oh he’s funny guy this is not good this is not good this is not good guys this is not good good this is not good water is

Pouring back in I Didn’t Do It properly I don’t Think I think it’s because there’s stuff attached to the walls near there I feel like that’s the reason why that’s not working oh I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate water loged Blocks you try for Success all the time and yet you fail this would be so much easier to do in creative mode starting to get riled up I’m starting to get itchy starting to feel warm it’s manageable uh me ver thank you for 11 months thank you thank you thank

You how do I prevent them from not let’s try breaking them and replacing them it’s like something up here let’s break that one and we’ll put I guess two of them works and it doesn’t work awesome I’ll finish this off stream I’ll finish this later let’s do the outside let’s do the

Outside okay how are we going to do the outside we need it so that the lava doesn’t spill over like this okay so if we go up here we have these steep slate brick slabs Oh no I got to compare it to the actual Minecraft uh pumpkin

Uhoh this is going to be quite a bit drop that drop that pick this up put that there H oh this is going to be annoying okay one two 1 2 3 4 One Two let me see if I can find it I don’t think I’m going to be able to 1 2 3 okay one 2 3 4 so this one right here let’s go one more down to oh this is going to be so difficult why did I have to make it out of

Lava h how can we do This from the inside we can do it from the inside uh and welcome back to the C thank you so much hope you enjoy your emotes and uh Terren out of curiosity Al here what’s your favorite Minecraft mods Pixelmon I would say Pixelmon I’m just Big M I’m just big

Minecraft and Pokemon guy what can I say although there I believe there’s another mod called kobon that people are playing seems pretty interesting seems pretty good welcome back Chris uh hypothetical random question is someone were to make a card game like a tabletop card game you can bring out and

Play with friends based on the Tempest build what would you like to see in it I personally am a big fan of Rogue lights right Rog lights Rog likes I enjoy when games are different every single time if there’s a way if it’s if there was a tempest you know

Tabletop card game or something and if there was a board I would like to see either layouts of the board change every game or I just want something to make things different every single time you play right uh for example one of my buddies uh he’s making a

Card tabletop card game where one it’s like based off the Labyrinth like the minars Labyrinth there’s a Minar in in the in the middle um The Labyrinth is I I I I suggested like making it different every single time every single turn but the Labyrinth can be changed

Um and the players have to go around gather the three keys and Escape The Labyrinth But the keys can be like communal Keys like everybody can use those keys or you can choose to take those keys for yourself and basically the game is to be the first one to leave um the the minor tar can like go around and uh like

Attack player with their HP you can kill the Minotaur with weapons it’s a pretty cool game I I kind of wanted to play it with uh like with the boys on stream one day but we’ll see we’ll see something like that you know where like the layout can

Change too I like this kind of games oops cuz for me I would say it’s kind of hard for me to get into uh card games personally because of my attention span and stuff but when I do give a CH when I do give card games and board games a

Chance they turn out to be pretty fun so I’m excited to see if there’s anything hypothetically cooking up and if there is maybe we can play one day that could be fun okay let’s do this this this this this okay now that we have a layout of

This front face now we’re going to have to do things backwards copy me open an image thing paste the pumpkin face okay how are we going to do this image flip horizontal okay let’s give this a try one two I think that should be the front right one two 3 one

Two one two 3 2 3 4 five how do I do this how do I do this how do I do This oh this is going to turn out so Bad where is It oh it’s multiple blocks all right oh jeez this is going to be tough that’s exactly what I was scared About Oh this is Bad I don’t think this is going to turn out well this might be a failed project guys this is probably going to be a failed project yeah I don’t see how this I don’t see how this is going to Work I wanted to cool though if it doesn’t look like this then it’s not going to look cool hopefully the fire resistance potion doesn’t run out sink it’s irreparable this is so much more pain than it’s worth everybody this is so much more pain than it’s worth

It was worth a try come on that was worth a Try still fixable I think h h h h h okay now do the next row okay I think we can slowly but surely even out the front but I guess to complete the project we could just put something floating on the outside but I feel like that’s such a

Copout it was going to be so cool with like a a lava entrance and a deep pit in the met in the Middle let’s see what could we possibly do to make the outside stuff look cool on the same level of what we wanted to do h still moreap I think that also gets blocked off and then this one oopsies wait what I don’t need this is do that and one two three go the

Water break break break break it’s possible it is possible but gosh is it going to be a pain to do okay let’s fill in this last thing oops nice if I do it bottom of the top huh one two one one two three let me think for a second on how to do

This let’s block it off is that easy or at least it should be that Easy let me see on the inside Let’s see we have uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 uh-oh wait one one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 it’s small the inside right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 that’s good still accurate okay uh 1 2 3 16 one two 3 wait one okay yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 that’s awesome I should bring a ladder AR no fall thank you for the Sleep Fair no worries good luck with grocery shopping I want to go grocery shopping I want to get some snacks I need my chocolate and shwa thank you very much

To the 12 months welcome back for one year thank you welcome back welcome back welcome back uh let’s see okay 16 that means we can use this as a basis 1 2 3 down 1 2 3 4 5 three down five to the right three down five to the right three

Down five to the right three down five to the right okay one 2 3 that’s didn’t seem right 1 2 three 1 2 3 4 5 I need another health potion that’s bad okay that’s fine we we can just keep going with this one two okay we can slowly go

Down one more there you go and then we can just build off of these to wrong place again so I’m a little little bit focused on building we’ve been streaming for about almost 3 hours and I’m not done yet so oops one two okay let’s go over here there’s one over here one

Two 3 one two one two bum bum okay I’m just putting the stencil right outside of it so I can that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine what else uh okay we can do this go okay one two three one two 3 three wa one two

Three one two okay that’s the left eye of the pumpkin one two okay one two 3 wait 1 two 3 o o one two three one two 3 oh h h h okay one two three four and five Hyo buddy want to die thank you I am feeling a lot better

And I’m kind of just vibing right now just playing Minecraft so hope you hope you’re enjoying your night so far uh one two 3 4 One 2 3 one two okay now we go back up one two uh one two three bum bum bum bum bu bum bum okay that should be the

Outside of the mouth awesome good morning asset okay 1 two three bum bum bum that’s fine bum bum no more of that we can use dirt dirts bum bum awesome okay that’s the mouth that looks off center why does that look off center oh no oh no one two open one one

Two one two three oh no wait one two is that right yeah that looks good enough that looks good enough I can’t just go with good enough one two and then we have 1 two 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 blank blank or just one blank okay so this is perfect this is perfect okay we’re doing it correctly sarine have a good night sweet

Dreams good night good night and welcome back for two months have a good night pop pop pop pop po come on not too many more I can’t reach that oh one 2 three 4 okay now we get starting the last eye and then things are going to get a little bit

Messy but hopefully this works I’m excited I’m very excited okay let’s h h h h h h h h okay break that one 2 3 4 BM one two 3 wait 1 2 3 4 okay hop h h next up we go up up bu bu bu bu okay one two three and

One okay that should be the face of the pumpkin although now the problem is making the lines through that so we can make it Hollow and if we’re going to make it Hollow let’s make a bunch of Deep Sleep slabs let’s make it out of this I need more more more more

More a face only a mother could love I think it’s pretty cute huh excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me please don’t me shoot thank you thank you thank you h h h h good thing I’m a mother wait mama Luigi okay let’s do this I

Need more bricks do I have more bricks we can make a lot of bricks but ni what are you guys what are you guys whatting about what what what what’s going on tell me your deepest desires I may or may not be able to help it out I can’t you know uh guarantee

Anything of course and uh know just legally binding um you know can’t promise you right you said that you’re a mom since when I’m not a mom what the heck no I said I your mom that’s what I said sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I’ve made a continuous a in

Judgment okay uh let’s make this okay let’s bring these one two and three it’s too many okay never mind awesome let’s get to it up and this is the hard part Okay water excuse me no I refuse I also refuse this is going to be impossible this is going to be so impossible no hold up I just broke one I just broke one oh man okay H how’ it look from the outside though probably looks [Laughter] horrendous it looks it looks okay I guess uh let’s see oh okay uh okay uh we can do this and we can do this we can do okay uhoh this is way too this is way too much for my small little brain to handle my tiny tiny Simeon brain

This is a cry for help okay let’s do this let’s do this let’s do that okay that’s a good start that’s a very good start look at this we have liftoff now whether it stays as a liftoff or not that’s the real question but it’s a good start uh let’s do this

Okay okay are we good on that somehow that works oops probably shouldn’t have broken those all right now we replace this with this this with this uh Ollie thank you for the Super Chat thank you all T your Minecraft streams are always super comic I especially love when you start burning

In the lava and water water water water oh I see see like my suffering you just want to see me suffer don’t you in that case you came to the right place with that I mean let’s just uh let’s just finish this build showing let’s finish this bad boy

Off okay how do we do this uh that wouldn’t be a bad idea okay next up this one this one this one pos that’s fine right yeah that’s fine okay let me just make sure with everything okay is that correct one two one two looks correct we got to get rid of this Uhoh we’re good we should got to put a ceiling on this hi hello I am Dutch hello welcome I am alysian hope you’re enjoying your night so far hello hello uh possible possible possible possible is this possible this seems impossible oh I got to put one right there right there

I can’t do this can’t unless I can no No this is impossible my poor armor okay we’re going to have to replace that up here there you go there you go slowly but surely slowly but surely slowly but surely we got this okay okay and okay awesome okay how does this Look it’s doable and we can do something in the center here or we can just leave it blank but I don’t want to leave it blank we’ll see we’ll see for now just fill on the sides nice is that good yeah that works let’s get rid of the bridge right here

Uhoh get rid of unnecessary blocks that we don’t need do we need this I think it’s contained enough right maybe not so all the way over there let’s see okay we’re going have to replace this one up here nice nice why is that there do we need that why is that there oh

No don’t think we need it I don’t think I think we need That nice he he I got to make another pickaxe beby sploosh reset can’t get up there can’t get up There H H nice y yes I’m attempting to make the pumpkin but it’s a work in progress it is definitely a work in progress I I was hoping to finish it today but it’s it’s it’s a lot harder than I thought it was going to be maybe because

I’m not used to building in Minecraft again or maybe I’m just overstepping my boundaries I’m I don’t know but we’ll see all that I’m learning all that I’m doing right now though is I’m learning a lot about lava physics in Minecraft I should write my PhD on it

Okay how’s that look from over here that’s a that’s a doable angle we can break these not that we don’t really need it too much BP but still got to fix this thing over here why is all this happening okay that didn’t that didn’t break anything okay that didn’t break anything

Either awesome now we can continue uh do this doing that pH see in Minecraft you know I did I did some schoolwork in high school with Minecraft it was like I forgot what it was I think it some kind of like engineering thing or something I don’t

Remember but I do remember that we built stuff in Minecraft and and I did a whole presentation in Minecraft man times have changed and I’ve heard that kid have Minecraft in school nowadays it’s like Minecraft educational version or something and that’s awesome I had to convince my my teacher

To be able to do it like what are they learning over there lava physics I guess that that would help especially in your life situations like this um it’s a good point I don’t know I guess I in high school I was also voted um best gamer alongside you know uh perfect

Attendance and stuff so if that counts for anything well of course you okay listen okay come on come on at least you know I’m a gamer certified gamer okay let’s do the other eye a zigurat in Minecraft that’s awesome kids these days could never uh how far does this go

Back I should really use like dirt instead of deep slates takes so long to break it best among how many uh my school had 6 700 people per class quite a bit how many people did how many people were in your class curious oh not not sorry not like

Classroom I meant like full like uh your your graduating class I suppose five total in the one in the whole school holy crap I had like 2,000 it was crowded was crowded per grade yeah about like 650 per grade so in my classroom I had like

Uh depending on what class it was to be honest anywhere from like 15 to 30 150 Mig grade okay okay okay I think I got most of it awesome 120 in yours 100 to 160 maybe I just went to a big high school

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh no I goofed oh no 900 in your graduating class holy crap now 900 in your graduating class and then they say like oh yeah uh nobody’s going to be going into this field and then every single one of your

Classmates go goes into that field it’s a little rough and you’re all located in the same place pretty much nice why why why okay start doing it again H H not over there right over here let’s bring this over Water I’m lucky there’s water right next to me okay we good there sh City that’s right Patrick we almost did it Shell City yeah man we almost made it shell City I hate lava I hate lava I hate lava I hate lava I hate lava oh is going to turn

Bad this is so messy this is so messy okay I hope that’ll at least plug up a little bit okay is that good we chill we chill you’re not chill you’re not chill mayday mayday mayday why no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you uh-oh uh-oh

Uhoh of course it’s not CH lava you got me there you tricked me you bamboozled me and you shall no longer nice okay okay okay okay okay uhoh this is Rusty okay awesome now then where else put that here put that here bum bum Bum we good never mind we’re not good we’re just going to keep that there for now okay let’s build out a little bit see what we’re looking at 1 two three that’s up top uh we can probably replace this uh-oh please stop please stop please stop okay villager one two one two

Three I think that this one is unnecessary so we can get rid of that nice okay one two three one two three 1 two 3 one two 3 oops break that this stuff again 1 two 3 one two wait one two there’s something supposed to be here three one 2

3 am I wrong one 2 3 4 one one one one two yeah yeah yeah uh let’s take yeah we can take this okay means I can break that open we can exchange this for that maybe not never mind uh we’ll do that we’ll do that okay almost there almost there

We’re getting used to the process which is very good and now it’s just executing bu nice bu bum bum okay let’s break this break that break this how much further down actually we have one more that we can actually use right here any more than that I think that’s the bottom

Floor this feels and reminds me of um Tony St trying the suit for the first time yeah I’m the dummy I’m the dummy I want to watch more movies I feel like I haven’t watched a movie in a while even though I just watched uh I know I just watched uh Tokyo

Drift I want to watch more okay that works that works did you watch the FNAF movie not yet not yet I wanted to but just haven’t gone to the cinema like I still haven’t watched the Mario movie even though I really want to watch the Mario movie just because I just haven’t gone

To the theaters yet okay how are we going to do this and I’m a pretty big fan of uh a Five Nights at Freddy’s but just haven’t gotten around to it nice nice nice Erica thank you for the seven months welcome back thank you just why just why just why just why

Just why just why just why just why just why why do you keep why do you keep leaking out do you like Marvel movies uh not really to be honest I don’t know whenever I watch Marvel movies and I mean this with the most amount of respect it seems like they found a

Formula that works however to me that formula is boring and that is my opinion I’m just not a big fan of Marvel movies I don’t know like I I barely watch movies to begin with right and I feel like movies nowadays if I want to watch them they’ve got to be worth my

Time and if I if I can pretty much just guess what’s going to happen in the movie because it’s a uh a certain formula that I’ve seen before then I’ll probably just skip it even if there might be like some curved balls cuz at that point I I got the general drist of

It I’d say wasn’t me was not me surprisingly it was not me it’s kind of playing with fire nice might as well outfit the bottom too we’re okay I need more food up up up up slowly but surely fixing what the problems that we’ve had slowly but surely okay this is work

Nice okay we can probably outfit this one too still the bottom layer bu bu bu did you see the spiderverse movies I I watched the first one when it first came out I think I watched it two times um and then actually when I was sick I watched across the spiderverse on

Netflix it was pretty cool didn’t expect it to have like or to be a Trilogy I suppose cuz it’s probably common knowledge at this point but I didn’t know it was going to be a Trilogy so I was kind of peeved that it didn’t resolve itself or the story didn’t

Resolve itself at the end of the movie but I guess it’s just how you watch or that’s how they get you to watch a mult multipart series right they don’t give you everything that you want and to be honest I don’t mind I’ll watch another spiderverse movie they’re

Very very well made and I enjoy them so I don’t mind po pop pop uh-oh okay we’re good on that and I also heard that the movie also had multiple small little versions of it because it is like you know across the spider vers and stuff

Right that part pretty cool I like that as long as there’s not like anything important that other people are missing out on that requires you to watch multiple times sure I’m down with that small little changes and I’m I’m sure that older movies have done the same thing just it’s just not a

Popular thing to do now not sure I’m also very low to health so once we clear up this middle this inside Space I’ll go get some more food so I’ll survive we good we’ll figure out that top part we’ll figure out the top part but first is that part supposed to be on

That yeah it’s supposed to look like that looks strange but I’m sure it’s fine need to hollow out that part too but first food let’s go Gazo thanks for hanging out by the way guys it’s nice and comfy tonight I don’t feel like I’m streaming for too long even though I kind of

Am about three and a half hours in I just want to finish this thing you know it looks more than it has been before so let’s finish this thing where’s my music music do we go we put that on right there v v v helps you finish work let’s Go just work hard okay just work hard that’s all I ask you can catch the streams you don’t have to catch every stream even though it would be nice if you did but uh as long as you’re doing fine as long as you’re doing your work and getting stuff done I’m

Happy live your life a little bit only a little bit okay uh what do we need probably more deep slate yeah we’re going to need a lot more deep slate hi pee unfortunately you cannot join this Minecraft server because this is a private server but I’m sure that

There going to be uh public servers that you can join as well that are equally as fun so uh Stones let’s take tough let’s put away that that that that bring that that that that all right Cobble deep slate Cobble deep slate Cobble deep slate Cobble deep slate deep slate bricks

Awesome and a bum and a bu bum bu that’s already done it took me a second bum bum bum good to go so a lot of temper get together on platforms to play so if you’re interest to play for Minecraft that’s a good Outlet true I’m sure there’s I’m sure

There’s a Discord servers out there for tempest even though I wish that we could you know join the Discord servers but I asked very very early on they were like yeah we can’t really do that for you guys I’m like oh man but with Hollow plus depending on how that CU maybe that

Could work just haven’t heard too much about Hollow plus music there you go holus can let you do that I have no idea I think it’s only in Japanese right now and I am not too sure yet Uhoh one below it Too ah somehow that worked awesome cool Dang it how many pickaxes have I gone through I feel like so many three four five I’ve lost count whatever that gets released outside Japan yeah it might take a little bit but I’m sure that they’re doing all their adjustments so that when they do eventually release it should be

Perfect should be good to go let them cook why is this one still does that work no Lava is so finicky wait that wasn’t even supposed to be no unblock its Path Axel announced What what did Axel announce did he did he did he leak something again okay we got to fix at least that is very very very very good very good start very very very good start oh the hashtags ah yeah that’s uh not sure how that’s going to work out considering

Twitter or I guess X’s uh searching functionality is not the best so if we can’t have hashtags it’s a dark time indeed a dark dark time cuz hashtags are like the best way to find things right because when when you scroll through and scroll through all the search stuff you have to scroll

Through every single one of them without them being filtered so not having hashtags would really suck in my humble opinion as a social media expert I still fail to understand this but we’re just going to continue with this let’s just make an aesthetic you know a happy little accident yeah happy little

Accent bum bump bum bump don’t really want to waste all my deep slate bricks yet the inside should be cleaned up now hopefully up up up up up and then we got to do a M of a mouth and then I think that’s pretty good from there maybe next time we can start

Decorating the inside a little bit more I just don’t want this stream to go on for too long it looks so weird okay let’s check it out h Oops There You Go bop bop bop bop to the top okay next up uh mouth we might need to clean up a little bit of stuff on I me po po po po H did that work nice easy clap okay slowly falling down slowly slowly going down Nice cleaned up a little bit perfect okay now comes the hard part I don’t like how this Looks maybe we can put some Redstone in the center some Redstone right here that way glows red cuz I don’t like I don’t like the Deep SL deep slate Bricks by themselves of course it’s probably going to look better after this but let’s see let’s see we shall see I made pretty good damage sounds yo video game company’s hiring me I got You do you know what I want to do I want to sing Disney songs if anybody works at Disney tell the mouse that I want to sing Disney songs you better tell them well make sure he understands now that Disney and Hulu merged maybe I should ask

Hulu could probably be easy to get perms that way uhoh uhoh why is this so difficult is there a villager down there I heard a villager like damage sound oh I still was devastated yeah I I heard that he did uh Disney Karaoke oh how I love you fire protection too you’re amazing especially over here it’s a little bit of a Mess yeah it’s a little bit of a mess pop set okay finally going down finally going down okay got to figure out how the how the layout of the mouth is so what we’re going to do is we’re going to flip this Image okay it should Be that’s the ey one one 2 that means there should be something over here there you go then there should be something over here nice it uhoh do you really have to do this buddy okay one two blank Blank uh one two we can do that that’s not exact what I wanted to do Uhoh that worked that’s not what I wanted to do either the life of an adventure is very very perilous guys it’s extremely perilous life expectancy is like 21 season 2 years especially when playing with lava this is so messy this is so messy this is so messy okay that’s good

Perfect if I recall correctly it should be over here never mind was it down here Stay Stay Stay awesome stay stay no stay stay okay we’re going to just keep it like that then okay one two should be one up here nice then another one that what that what that okay one two

One one one two what nice one and two does that work that should be the top of the mouth okay let’s break that break that break that there you go nice Layer Two uh I think I need this does look like it’s part of it okay I think down here I think that

Works nice okay now that that’s done okay this lava’s got to stop excuse me Mr lava you’re not supposed to be here I won’t allow you I’m ticketing you give me the money okay uh let’s see one two one two blank blank blank blank 1 2 3 okay there was one over there Three nice this one going right There that doesn’t seem right that is definitely not right what am I thinking what am I thinking this is so messy what a genius does that work right now okay let’s see uh let’s see let’s see let’s see one two right okay that looks correct 1

Two 1 2 3 4 don’t think I need this right One is that one too high then I’m trying to make sense of this hold on it’s backwards 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 okay um nothing over here whatever you can flow oh my brain my brain hurts my brain Hurts 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 one two 3 that that okay one two 3 4 okay one two one two three four five this should not be here there you go one two three this should be the same thing so that should not be there Either 1 two three one two this one’s going to be the doozy okay one two uhoh we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out we will figure it out why Happ if I just do that it looks like that needs to be done

So why not even though that doesn’t look right does definitely doesn’t look right two three is that it one two 1 2 3 4 5 one two three yep one one my head hurts one two 1 2 3 4 5 I should have used the same color block that’s my

Problem 1 2 3 this should not be there these should be though one two one two one two oops um another one of my pickaxes gone uh yeah I’ll just make a stone one hi Rea welcome back welcome back welcome back H we’ll keep that actually okay one two three one two one

Two this is going to be up here and that’s going to go all the way out there okay let’s go from this side then uh one two three okay one two Three yo Adrian thank you so much for the super hi it’s been a while I just finished my data analytics boot camp and earned my certification yesterday let’s go congratulations super happy for you all your hard work is finally paid off right I’m no longer on hius Welcome Back

This cold you can call it cold just for tonight only for tonight though okay other than that it’s a Culture Club okay uh let’s think about this I’m really happy good job proud of you one two one two 3 four 5 one two 3 one two 3 one 2 3 4 one two

Three don’t need that one but that does go there right okay this one goes over here I believe then this next one goes up here and the next one goes down Here okay this one goes here then another one not there this is confusing okay one two 3 four five this one ends should be ending right here he did I miscount oh yeah I did miscount should be right here there you go awesome nope no okay and then this one’s going to be

Four nice is that it that might be all take care at have a good lunch enjoy enjoy Time that looks pretty clean to me okay let’s do this let’s break all these blocks just so we can get a nice clean space going on this is going to be such a [Laughter] aare why did I decide to do this okay uh let’s do this break change this

Okay time to start changing everything to deep slate at least the outlines means these two three four and five awesome let’s break these as well one two oops 3 four and five we’ll break this top one too nice okay the outline gets all of these deep slate that way we can hollow out

The inside is that is that I think the thing that’s bothering me the most about about streaming right now is the fact that I have earbuds on and gosh these earbuds are hurting my ears if I wear them for multiple hours at a time it’s really uncomfortable like I kind of just want

To switch back to my headphones but I do want to be an earbud that’s the thing maybe it’s maybe my earbud tips are too big maybe they’re too small I’m not sure but my ears are getting a little bit sore Now I wonder how it’s comfortable then how is it comfortable for people to wear earbuds all the time or maybe trick question it’s not Thing is it’s not exactly the ear tips it’s the it’s like the outside where it like fits into your ear maybe it’s maybe I just have a weird ear type or something I don’t know yeah maybe it’s the shape I’m not sure maybe maybe maybe okay we still haven’t finished outside

So you just have to find the right brand I was thinking well one of my friends he got these acoustic like earbuds where he went to this ear doctor person and then they like made a mold of his ear and then he got earbuds off that and

I was like that seems like so expensive and it was expensive but he says it’s the best earbuds he’s ever worn and is it worth it though sennheiser’s IE Series this is an Sennheiser ie2 200 so like not too expensive but still a Sennheiser it it sounds nice

I feel like it’s lacking in the base like whenever I listen back to my voice it sounds weird but it’s kind of uncomfortable now I I just use I just use speakers because I don’t want to have my earbuds in all the time painful that didn’t work I’ll just fill this up why

Not okay what else what else what else what else what else they pay for themselves over time if you get Customs but they’re so expensive [Laughter] I think I’ll wait off on that I think I’ll wait until I I’m sure I really really want them maybe I’ll get

Them as a Halloween as a Christmas present or something for myself who Knows okay uh let’s See that should be the outline for most of it so 1 2 3 4 there you go okay that one’s done um is there a reason to prefer earbuds over headset I’ve always been a headset person but I feel a lot more Freer with earbuds in like I I don’t feel like

There’s something on top of my head all the time which is true cuz there’s not something on top of my head all the time for me it just feels Freer for me I on paper should feel more comfortable but I’m not feeling very comfortable so I might switch back to headphones we shall

See it’s but the thing is is that I wear airpods all the time and I can’t hear anything anything but at least it doesn’t like hurt my ears but at the same time I want to use something more than just airpods you know I’m a Professional okay let’s put that down bu bu bum bum bum bum okay slowly but surely slowly but surely bone conduction headphones and other types of open ear buds are a lot more comfortable open bone huh I don’t even know what that means I’m not going to lie bone huh Bone conduction I’m assuming where it like reverberates through your bones but bone conducive ear buds Check it out I’ll check it out but for now can’t get too distracted I have work to Do no thank you we good not good okay we’re going to keep that over there for now you kidding me why why why why okay perfect nice nice okay nice slowly but surely slowly but surely we’re getting it done why they’re super good for base I don’t

Know how well they manage trouble well my uh there’s another problem that I have with head or earbuds too and it’s that I can I can’t hear my voice as well as I can while I’m using headphones with in ear monitoring like for example I can hear

My voice whenever I talk that way I can you know hear what I’m talking very useful uh but these earbuds are really really bad to use for it I feel stop thank you ow ow nice one okay I could probably start hollowing it out couldn’t I why why do you torment me

So okay let’s start hollowing out uh that that supposed to is that supposed to be there I don’t think so uhoh that’s fine okay let the hollow in Commence do they have active noise cancelling uh I quite honestly do not know they might they might that might be it hey seven is it still Halloween I wish it was but no it’s not Halloween anymore I wish welcome back uhoh is that and and do that meant supposed to be there I

Don’t think so now we just got to get the halling uh probably keep that actually yeah we should probably keep that and replace these nice and replace This nice and okay uh I guess we can also do this one man I need I need to get some iron so I can make some more pickaxes I just thought that you know siser they’re like oh senzer headphones or earbuds they’re really good and then

I was like okay I’ll I’ll get it I just didn’t do my two diligence I wish I did G man could have been so much better maybe I I probably would have spent more which I’m not I I don’t really want to do but it’s okay

If anything else fails I can still go back to my headin which is fine he set nice perfect uh let’s see anything else I think we’re good over here maybe we’ll finish up on the left side and then finish up on the right side after that shouldn’t be too hard It just sucks sometimes right because sometimes you just have a really good hair day and then you don’t really want to mess that up by putting headphones on cuz then you get start to get the dents in your hair and in your head and everybody knows you don’t want

To have a headphone dents in your head no no no no no no no that’s just why I wanted that’s why I wanted earbuds that work so badly but this they not going to work why are there so many chickens I don’t remember having that many chickens whatever Bo boinging

Boinging it might have been shinry sh oops oh no oh no where did I put the Iron time to go back are your current earbuds Circle or more oval I think they’re Circle I think they’re Circle I don’t think it’s like the earbud piece itself it’s oh sorry uh looks kind of like an L it like fits into my ears pretty well unless I’m wearing it wrong which I

Don’t think I’m wearing wrong Futurama looking how much would you spend on earbuds M considering that I use earbud or I guess headphones and earbuds all day I would probably spend like a decent amount on it like a decent amount on it just cuz it’s something I’d use you

Know something I’d use all the time every single day and it’s helpful perfect and nice nice be set be set okay we need that not to self uhoh that wasn’t supposed to be there but that works anyways okay uh I guess we can Hollow it Out guess we could hollow out this stop there you go have you tried SW swapping the left and right earbuds well it says like left and right on them so I’m assuming I’m wearing them [Laughter] correctly maybe they’re just not fitting into my ears properly maybe I’m just bad at them I don’t

Know maybe I got to push them in more who knows okay how much more let’s [Laughter] see I think we can leave it like that right bu bu bu bu bu bu yeah it’s probably best to leave it that side okay that side is completely done I think let me just double

Check what is this what is that get it out of here I see that’s what it is it shouldn’t be there why is that there no that should be there and this should also be there no that shouldn’t be there what the heck is going on that’s not supposed to be there is

That one two 3 I’m so confused oh that’s backwards ah right okay in that case I’m just not going to worry about it right now we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good my armor is not doing too great but we’re good okay uh let’s fix that up there hopefully that

Works this her is Clumsy okay when have you ever seen a hero that isn’t clumsy give me an answer solo leveling fair but that’s cheating cuz he’s cool he’s too cool on the same reader’s Viewpoint okay but he he kind of knows like everything though that I feel like that’s I feel

Like that’s unfair you know he he’s literally omniscient and he reads like that’s a Chad move I I can’t imagine reading he’s got two up on me although I am taller and more handsome and you know funnier and cooler and more blue yeah he’s got some stuff over me and I will

Admit that cuz I’m Not Afraid H we need that okay anything else I think that’s all that we can hollow out the mouth nice although it is kind of still a little bit too much on the top let’s take some off shall we please don’t start exploding on me

Please oh no it’s exploding on me please most characters in Bleach are not clumsy but what a is that her name what about her she’s like the the Incarnation of clumsy at least her character Is she’s a cute anime I’m not a cute anime girl I’m a cute anime boy and apparently that’s the the plague Aon [Laughter] Society still keeps building I’m not going to lie there’re are times that I’ve wished that I was a girl when I was a lot younger to be

Honest but there are times how about you guys have you guys ever had the urge to like be like yeah wonder what it was what it could be like but I I like being me I feel like everybody has those thoughts like even even if it’s briefly

Right like after I heard about periods I’m like yeah I never want to be a [Laughter] girl I’m like yeah I’m kind of glad to be guy heard some horror stories I think when I was younger I wanted to be a girl for like a very short amount of time

Because my sister was taking figure skating lessons and I also wanted a figure skate but uh never ended up happening oops let’s take that out of here instead I enrolled in hockey so I at least know how to you know check and how to skate but it’s not it’s no urian Ace or Anything Wait now they feel way more comfortable what the heck I just like rotated my my earbuds a little bit I think that’s how it’s supposed to fit oh that’s weird ooh that’s Weird Congrats on figuring out your earbuds thank you what I’ll I’ll I’ll take genuine compliments unless that wasn’t genuine but knowing you it’s probably genuine I have nothing to worry about if there’s that ever a genuine person in my life it’s my slimes those guys are chill is is okay how much

Further we’re almost done with that part I do want to introduce some lava into here but also what happens if I remove the the outer layer you know my teasing and insults are also [Applause] genuine they better be they better not be half full cap or No

Cap okay let’s fix this up a little bit good thing there’s water nearby nice job on your raid good job good job good job okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to toss everything that we don’t need I know I just toss a lead oops

Whatever we’re going to take bunch of lava buckets and we’re going to fill in we’re going to fill in down here at least and then reconvene after that h h h you always get full cap thank you I hope that’s not cap lots of enemies we should probably sleep too unless we

Don’t be every night okay by nice switch him out bum bum grab an extra okay swim with dolphins okay let’s do this properly okay Okay if we fix right over here H up here we need more lava up there I mean it’s not the worst it’s not the best but it’s not the worst Right Nice what’s up Dude up there as well got to fix that H H and then maybe I want to add some Redstone in the center of each or to fill out each of the eyes I think that’ll work really well up h h h up up okay let’s uh break these two

Okay uh these need to be broken too okay one two and three uh nope nope okay maybe haha how’s that working I don’t know how that’s working but it’s working we’re good hi Nova hi hello guys welcome on in still playing some Minecraft almost done for today I said an hour

Ago but uh we’re just finishing up a small little build here hopefully of course of Course it looks weird with these on but okay nice okay uh let’s break these wow my earbuds are a lot more comfortable [Laughter] now oops T Oops zombie okay ow there you go okay another pickaxe that makes like number 20 I got to remember where these are okay nice okay let’s break more of these just really hope they don’t start cascading down that’ll be the worst okay Moment of Truth that’s fun that works that works that works that

Works don’t you know the black one on the on the lower right side of the mouth it’s mirror the left side mouth uh it is actually not mirrored um the pumpkin face texture in Minecraft is actually asymmetrical looking at the eyes and everything hold up let me just make sure

It’s flipped right now for me you’re right I do have two more over here you’re absolutely right you’re you’re absolutely right M you’re absolutely right I think down here I need two more row you’re absolutely right good job good catch uhoh ah we’re good we’re good we’re good okay

Okay come on come on come on break apart come on break apart okay what to do the old fashion way bum bum bum bum bum bum nice I think nice it looks so so weird with these but there’s kind of nothing I can do about it

Okay I hope I have enough red St uh-oh I don’t think I have enough redst I knew it huh oh of course that’s that’s when it of course this sucks it sucks what the heck is this don’t you dare do anything you stay right there we guci we Gucci nice we

GUI nope we’re going to have to keep this one over here okay that’s okay that’s doable bu bum bu bum break that break that break this break this break this break this uhoh that’s a lot of lava is that is that is that tackle this from Below

Okay slowly but surely go down yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes I hate lava lava sucks Okay that should work that should work at least for Now I’m not going to lie guys I’m getting tired my voice is starting to hurt a little bit because I’m streaming way longer than I was expecting to that’s because I under or overestimated my building skills okay that should be pretty good but I need to finish this here you

Know I have to finish it here if not then when another Minecraft stream let’s take these down for now let’s go look for some oh yeah I hate that I hate that I hate that I hate that I hate that I hate that I hate that I hate

That there you go that kind of works I hate that still but so what we got to do what we got to do are you making a lava pumpkin yep MH bu of course of course something breaks that back here of course it all breaks down

Here just the process of going back and forth back and forth fixing and rixing fixing rixing I’m good Is okay okay that’s a good sign that’s a very good sign that’s fine this means that we can actually get rid of it unlike the other sides bum bum bum Nice I’m just burning myself over and over Again okay next one up awesome that doesn’t do anything if you want to delay tomorrow’s membership n nah uh I kind of want to still I still want to do the membership stream tomorrow because by the way if you guys haven’t heard I’m doing a guitar membership stream tomorrow

Morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time sorry time just changed or I guess 11:00 p.m. Japanese Standard Time if I’m remembering that correctly so hope to see you guys there uh I’ll probably talk more about what I did over the weekend or over the

Weeks come on come on it’s not working worth a risk but it didn’t work I’ll probably talk more about my weekend stuff and probably some more personal stuff but uh I mean that’s what memberships are for right they’re for the more intimate times the more times that we

Can I don’t know talk face to face more if that makes sense okay get f fix please nice looking pretty good okay I think last thing I want to do before we end is probably put some Redstone in the eyes and stuff not sure what to do about the about the

Mouth maybe I’ll keep it like that all in all not very not very satisfied with it maybe I’ll work on an off stream or something or maybe we’ll just do a third stream okay what am I looking for I need Redstone you I normally throw away all my Redstone so this is

Bad uh uh I got no Redstone Axel you won’t mind if I use some your Redstone right vasper you won’t mind if I use a little bit of redstone right does nobody have Redstone thanks bro thanks Omie stay away I’m going to go to sleep first these guys are annoying worst mob

In the game best mob slime I’m not biased or anything just a little bit maybe okay back to it uh found it at least it’s pretty easy to find considering it’s you know large red orange glowing Axel has a house in Minecraft just barely just barely just barely oops okay it looks

Okay it looks okay Axel survived a surprisingly long time I’m so sad guys I wanted to do that collab so badly I even made a thumbnail and everything for it but then I just I stopped myself I was like I should rest I not feeling okay I had a thumbnail and everything

Ready I was so excited maybe one day maybe one day oh super dead that day 100% dead like I could barely even get out of my my my chair I couldn’t even string a sentence together that’s how bad it was to cough to be coughing and was not very fun

So it looks so bad it’s okay it’s okay looking it just sucks that these things have to be a thing if that wasn’t a thing then it’d be a lot easier oh would look a lot better sorry not easier can’t break that I’m unsatisfied with this

Build then again with me what am I satisfi then again with me what am I satisfied with glass blocks how so where will the glass blocks go yo pyro thank you very much for your first Super Chat thank you that’s very kind of you thank you so much

Also thank you very much for the 10 kidnappings thank you thank you thank you thank you what’s on the inside don’t worry about it it might look really really ugly but we’ll get it fixed we’ll get it fixed glass glass glass glass glass glass would it be if we put the glass on

The outside is that what you’re suggesting glass panes to replace the slabs H it could definitely be really really good oh these slabs oh I guess we can try we can give that a try let’s just place down the crafting table let’s put down this is how you do it put

Down two of those pyro thank you for the thank you for the fire thank you than go you’re fire hot fire okay uh yeah let’s do that let’s give it a try let’s break that I guess it could work yeah it seems durable enough unlike my

Pickaxe did you hear that F die Doby I did hear that yes I I’m not surprised that dude is an anomaly I’m not surprised that he died Toby and that is not Shain it’s just if there’s any way that Fon would die in Minecraft it wouldn’t be this this epic

Boss battle and stuff with you know everybody fighting against Elder Dragon no it it would be him dying Topp be that’s 100% him so he punched a be by accident was it by accident you sure about that you sure it was by Accident oops okay both of you can work too that works as well nice okay I I think the the glass panes does seem to work a little bit hold on I got to I got to fix that over there will I I want to I want to I I want to

Confess to my Senpai Uber how about this guys let’s just call today let’s call it today it’s midnight it’s been about 5 hours it doesn’t look the best but we can come back to it for some more ideas okay we can come back to it plus we still need to add the little

At the top too so we’ll call it here for today guys thank you so much for joining everybody that was Minecraft uh probably play some more next week um still got to finish this even though it looks really really bad right now but listen buildings and architecture it’s

Not perfect on the first try it might fall you know might it might hurt some people but it’s all about the journey and the and the growth along the way so so maybe next time we’ll make this pumpkin a little bit better um but so

Far hey we did a pretty good job I’d say took us 5 hours just to make a face oh my God oh my God it took us five hours to make a face oh my God but it was fun we also Drew always there so thanks for joining everybody uh

Many thank you today thank you I suppose if it’s daytime for you guys have a wonderful rest of your day eat some good food take good care of yourself um make yourself happy today and if it’s night time for you guys have a wonderful night have good a dream good

Dreams um sleep well keep a dream with me and I’ll catch you guys tomorrow morning for a membership stream and then we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see okay love you guys thank you for the supers thank you thank you s got thank you dippy dip toodles thank you for the 10

Kidnappings thank you just as a small little reminder guys if it is uh tomorrow morning Saturday morning at 900 a.m a.m. eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time God this is going to be so hard to get back get used to or if it’s 11:00 p.m. Japanese Standard time then I

Hope to catch you guys for my memberships only stream we’ll be playing some guitar just hanging out so hope to see you guys then uh Diana thank you for the seven months thank you thank you thank you I’ll try my best to I’ll try my best to dream but

I don’t dream very often so we’ll see we’ll see anyways guys have a good night take it easy love you guys take care way back Maria thank you love you guys take care bye bye bye everybody take care Byebye oh yeah one second uh shout out to m 2 13 they’re the one that made the previous uh uh pixel art uh ending screen but they uh actually gave me this right before stream so I decided I was going to use it thank you so much guys go

Check it out I’m actually going to go go ahead and retweet it right Now you’re send the support guys thank you so much love you guys Byebye and yes that’s snailed Te Bye guys see you tomorrow morning goodbye

This video, titled ‘This build was supposed to be finished last month hahahaha….【MINECRAFT】【34】’, was uploaded by Regis Altare Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2023-11-11 05:21:27. It has garnered 9975 views and 1268 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:30 or 18030 seconds.

Regis Altare リージス・アルテア | HOLOSTARS English-TEMPUS- Leader of the Tempus Guild, at your service! let’s save the world, together!

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  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More