Insane! I Defied Death for 300 Days! Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

Hey guys it’s onetap and today we’re going to be playing some more minecraft well we’re back inside of our 200 days minecraft world there’s a lot of things i want to do in today’s video but first i want to apologize by saying i’m sorry for not uploading as much there’s been

So much schoolwork in my life recently and i’m trying my best to make these videos it would mean the absolute world to me if you could just go and lightly obliterate the like button make sure you do it lightly though because these videos can take me up to 100 hours to

Record and edit can we hit 3 000 likes for 400 days also leave some ideas of what i should do down in the comments below now with all that being said i want to thank the sponsor of today’s video this video is brought to you guys by

Frag pro shooter which was one of the best games of 2020. the game is designed to be played on mobile devices and has 60 million players with 1 million daily active users in the sick fps game your goal is to destroy the enemy bunkers as quickly as possible and the first team

To destroy it wins there’s also over 80 characters to collect and customize your own deck and strategy the developers also work hard to update this game frequently there’s always new content and stuff just so you can always feel like you’re playing a fresh game and for example they just released a new

Character called tekashi he’s this really cool dude with like a small pistol and he can like fly around and have like a shield like it’s crazy dude this guy looks so sick also there are multiple gamers you can choose from including 2v2 which is my personal

Favorite you can just grab a friend and hop right into this mode you choose three characters from a deck of six while your partner will get the other three and since it’s a 2v2 mode you play against two other players so you guys i’ve been enjoying this game a lot

Recently and if you want to try out this game as well click on the link in my description and you get a special starting reward you’ll start off with a golden chest 500 coins 50 diamonds worth six dollars of in-game purchases so you can get a head start on all your friends

That is going to be the end of this message thank you frag pro shooter once again for making this video possible on day 201 nikon was just trying to get used to being back i’ve been playing rollcraft for the past month or so so it’s kind of weird to go back to vanilla

Minecraft some goals for this 100 days i think we should probably get full netherite tools and also maybe use some cool megabills and that kind of stuff we also have most of our farms down i think the only one we have left that’s like actually major is probably an iron farm

I’ve been delaying that for a long long time okay now we’re gonna get straight into things something i’ve always wanted to build was a huge library or not really huge just a nice big library as a place where we can just store some books and also store our librarians for

Trading i think i was gonna plan out how big i wanted to be right now then i can go and grab resources and all that kind of stuff i want this thing to still be kind of like a house like a similar building style to my house with like two

Floors and like and a winding staircase maybe i don’t know that’s just what goes on in my head when i think about a grand library and for the next couple of days i had to get a bunch of wood and a lot of materials that i was gonna need for this

Library right now i’m thinking maybe some concrete i feel like concrete would be a really cool block to use i haven’t used any concrete in this world yet but yeah as i was saying concrete some spruce some oak and of course we’re gonna need a lot of leather for books i

Also started cleaning up our building area and not even gonna lie i feel like this might be a bit too big i was envisioning something a bit smaller in my head but you know what we’re just gonna go for it i made a shoulder box

And turned it blue and i wanted to name this thing building materials but we did not have an anvil down here i was looking for ones i thought i thought we actually had one but i guess not so we might need to make another one or i

Could just go use the one in our old house i started clearing out this villager breeding place i just made like a really bad one actually because i wanted to breed a bunch more villagers to turn them into librarians when our library is finally done i threw some

Food at them and a hard start of hearing and it looks like we already got a baby that was really fast now we just need to make like about 100 more and next up i was gonna build just a little bit of the foundation not gonna build like

Everything in one sitting because i know i’m gonna get really bored of that but i’m making this thing two blocks elevated because sometimes when you elevate things it kind of gives the building a better look to it it’s not just like flat on the ground and boring

Yeah and i got a lot of good work done on day 207 as you can see here the whole like flooring outline is just completely finished so that’s pretty hype i promise you guys i’m actually going to finish one of my big builds like oh my god i

Start so much big stuff and i never finished them but this one i got to finish this you know i’m kind of thinking of incorporating an anvil in my design of the library and of course i’m probably gonna have to build an iron farm here it’s probably for the better

Because like i can use iron on so many different things and an iron farm is just like super helpful i’m going to construct this iron farm around this area and now it’s time to go on youtube to find myself a tutorial that doesn’t require too many villagers okay after a

Bit of digging i think i found one that’s perfect for me so this one doesn’t really look too hard to set up it’s actually really simple i’m using mr cat’s easiest minecraft iron farm 1.16 design i’ll put the link to the video down in the description below mr cat

Makes some great high quality tutorials well anyway the resources should be up on your screen if you want to come build it with me i need to get three new villagers i think i actually do have three brand new villages though so that’s actually perfect with all that

Being said enjoy this hopefully short time lapse of me building this iron farm Oh and of course my favorite part by far of building this iron farm we already know guys getting the villagers to the very top i tried many methods and a lot of people said that the bolt method was the best with like water and all that kind of

Stuff i couldn’t figure it out for some reason the boat was super hard to control and i just couldn’t get it to go up i don’t know if i’m missing something but i just stuck to using the rail method it took a bit longer but i got

All them up there at the end all right i’m just gonna save you guys the time this replay is kinda boring so we’re just not gonna watch it all right after a lot of trial and error i think it might be working i’m not really sure it’s kind of like glitchy

And it’s not like working properly a lot of the times they don’t spawn like half the time the villagers don’t even get scared when they’re clearly seeing like the zombie i don’t know why i have to like build a pillar off and then block oh turtles

Cool anyway i have to build a pillar up and like block the vision and then like reset it or something to get the villagers to be scared like look at those guys they’re not even scared at all look there’s a zombie in front of you bro yeah i’m really not sure why

It’s happening oh it looks like they’re getting a bit scared oh yes okay there’s a there’s an iron golem wait that’s a good okay it might be working now it just spawned two in a row i’m pretty sure i’m just gonna leave it be this

Made me kind of annoyed the rest of the day i spent doing a lot of trading we got to get back on the emerald grind also i’ve been breeding a lot of these villagers and just look at this there’s like an overpopulation in here this is crazy this is definitely going to be

Enough for how many librarians we want i think at least hopefully those guys are happy in there i’ma just do a bit more trading and honestly i’ve been a bit tired of building so much recently like pretty sure all we’ve done so far is just building and stuff i need to take a

Break we should go like exploring mining or something i don’t know we gotta like spice things up do something a bit different and that is exactly what i set up to do on day 212. i grabbed my elytra and it started heading off in some random direction oh wait i’ve been to this

Village before okay i gotta i gotta go in the opposite direction then i can’t be retracing my steps here i came across a sick ravine um you know what we’re gonna go down here and try to go mining for a bit see if we can find some diamonds maybe some redstone gold and

Lapis oh yeah you can see this lava flowing right here that’s how newly formed this thing is i just loaded this trunk in and later down below i found a mine shaft with some coal and redstone oh and look at all this loot i’ve gotten

So far but later in the mine shaft i found a patch of diamonds and there was only five but that’s still pretty good super hyped that we got some diamonds and i wasn’t able to find any more diamonds after that but i found this flower patch up on the surface here and

I decided to just collect it because we could use these roses for some cool decorations around the base literally like 30 blocks away from that rose patch was another huge ravine and this thing looked pretty epic there was also a mine shaft down there um i decided not to go

In it just because we were just mining and i want to do some exploring i want to see if i can find like maybe a pillager outpost or a ruined nether portal or another village that would be nice and later i came across just that here was a random ruined nether portal

Just sitting in the middle of the desert there’s also a lot of bunnies here pretty sick i want a pet bunny one day the loot in the chest was pretty mediocre there was like nothing in here just an enchanted gold chess play and leggings nothing too special and later i

Finally returned home refilled my rockets and i went over to this shattered acadia biome just to like scout out the area see if i got some inspiration for some builds whoa that is a deep drop but for sure one day i gotta build something here this place is just

So cool i can’t like not i’m still not 100 sure what i want to build here though yeah we got this really cool like hanging over dark place by this cave thing oh that’s a spider yeah i think that’s about it though i’m kind of homesick right now let’s get back home

All right first thing i’m gonna do is look at this basement down here um it’s been dirty and disgusting for a while i don’t know why i haven’t finished this yet this is definitely something i should just finish up just so things can look a bit nicer around here oh my

Inventory i gotta clean this thing first holy crap we need to add more chests too now enjoy this little time lapse of me remodeling the basement you can see i kinda had to make the ceiling dip down a little bit i was trying a lot of different like designs a lot of them

Didn’t really work out and look too good so i ended up just removing a lot of stuff and you know it was kind of like a trial and error this is honestly super satisfying to watch just me breaking and placing all these blocks is super fast

Just looks super cool on the camera i don’t know something is just satisfying about this kind of stuff All right well i welcome you guys to the brand new basement look at this thing this already looks so much better now there’s no disgusting dirt and all that kind of stuff lying around we have a lot of choices about where we want to expand

Like i could expand a hallway this way i could kind of expand it like that way i could expand down this way there’s a lot of possibilities i could add another row of chests here also if i needed to but i think we’re good enough now also this

Part is still a bit dirty but i think i’m just gonna leave it be just because you know uh we’re not gonna really be here often it’s just a super smelter yeah but i used up a lot of spruce for this build that i originally was gonna

Use for my house and library so i think we might need to get some more and on day 116 and leaking a little bit into day 117 i grinded a lot of xp but the main purpose was just for some bone meal i wanted to go harvest some more of my

Spruce trees but i don’t really have like a farm right now i kind of just bone meal the tree and then i just like harvest it it’s kind of how it goes so yeah we’re gonna need some bones from this farm i also checked on an iron farm

Later in the day and it looks like it has been working so this is pretty good it might seem like there’s not much in there but i think it might be because i haven’t really had this trunk loaded that much alrighty now that my tools and my armor were all mended up everything

Was pretty much perfect it was time to get to work grinding these spruce trees i used my bone meal on the wrong corner at first but i quickly fixed it up and yeah we got our huge trees here this is pretty much the way that i do it instead

Of going all the way up and then breaking down i just start from the bottom and i spiral my way up like this and once i get to the very top i get greeted with an amazing view i can see my whole area of my first base compound

From up here and then pretty much when i’m done looking at the view i just go right back down oh and something i just thought about is that we do not have a wool farm yet i’m gonna try to make one right now like a super simple one just

Like a one by one wolf arm it’s gonna be fully automatic so i need to make some observers and you know the reason i want to make this wolf farm is cause like all these sheep here are just sitting here i’m not actively shearing them and

You’ll never know when you need a lot of wool for like a big build and also like i’m at a point in this minecraft world where all you do is just build a bunch of farms and build a bunch of mega builds and that’s pretty much it here we

Go this is the widely popular 3×3 sheep farm fully automatic i’m just gonna have it sitting over here and who knows maybe if i ever want to i can restart up project rainbow which is from last season where i tried to make a wool farm of every single color alright i think i

Should probably focus on building the library now let’s get this thing done okay first i made up my mind i want to have like one part of the walls just completely out of white concrete some nice colored concrete mixed with some of the spruce wood it’s a really common

Like building block pellet and i think it’ll look really good for this build not sure how much concrete i’m gonna need for this but if i’m gonna have like a majority of the wall out of concrete i’m probably gonna need tons of stacks for this build because this is a pretty

Big library as for the next couple of days grinding the materials that i needed for the concrete oh and i also learned something new today so as you guys can see i was getting only flint from the gravel and that was because of my fortune 3 on the shovel i didn’t know

That it actually did this and that was dumb because that means i have to go all the way back and get a brand new shovel that did not have fortune 3 because i’m looking for gravel right now not flint good thing we got a tool smith just for

That i’m gonna buy two of these from you guys well i guess it’s time to cue the mini mining montage And now for everybody’s favorite part the actual concrete gathering you know this is just so entertaining it’s probably like my it’s the favorite thing i do all day it’s about on the same entertainment level as like watching paint dry you know it’s it’s up there it’s that kind of high this was perfect

Because we just grinded out some skeletons which means we had a ton of left over bones which i could turn into some white dye and after torturing myself for a pretty long time it’s probably time where you can actually start building a lot of materials we already got and it’s looking perfect

Let’s get to building oh and i apologize if you guys see me like jittering around a little bit at the beginning sometimes i’d pause the replay for a little bit and then when i came back i started building but then i realized a little bit in that i forgot to resume the recording

Oh in this part of the replay you can kind of see me jumping from log to log while i was on top it’s like a lot of fall damage i was kind of just testing out my parkour skills and clearly they weren’t that great all right we’re going

To skip a little bit forward in this replay because this is getting really repetitive at this point oh and for this part of the build i tried using some oakwood and i really liked it so i went out and grabbed a lot more oak wood the material gathering for this build was

Just absolutely insane and now we can really start seeing like what this is going to look like i’m really digging the white and brown color palettes i feel like they go super well together for a kind of medieval style cottage style build i’m definitely gonna be using this for some other builds around

Our compound and i highly recommend you guys to go try it out it’s also really cheap too it’s pretty much just white concrete and some spruce wood but as you can see here bottom layer we went to all white concrete top layer all stripped oak and i’m gonna be cutting out windows

And all that kind of stuff later on i’ll be adding decorations but right now we’re just gonna leave everything blank and for the outside bushes i originally wanted to go with oak because i like the texture of oak leaves just a bit better but when i placed them down to turned

Orange because of our texture pack so i had to go with spruce for the inside doors i tried out spruce but i didn’t really like it and i don’t know i just wanted something else now for an interruption to the building we went out to a dark forest and

Collected some of their beautiful flowers they had some nice flowers in the area and of course got some of their wood now for the windows this was a big pain to do it was really boring too for some places i had to like pillow up really high and then place some windows

In then break down and then repeat the process next added these cool windows on both sides of the house i think it adds some depth to these flat walls and it just makes things look a lot better and also like a lot of things in life i regretted like the front thing

Completely it was just too boring for me again this was like a flat kind of wall so i just extended it out made a little balcony and hopefully it should look a lot better now oh and sorry for these dirt pillars by the way i know they look pretty bad

I’ve pretty much got everything done and now all i have left is just the outside roofs since i was going with a medieval stealth build i went with these super tall elegant like medieval arched roofs i’m trying to say roofs right guys i really am it’s i’m struggling right now

But yeah they look great and they’re super tall now finally for the roof material i was choosing between two colors either red or blue first i made a small batch of red concrete i kind of just laid it out and then i went back and took a look

Then i also had my blue batch of concrete and i also did that and i really could not decide they both looked pretty good but at the end i think i’m gonna go with the red and i’m gonna need some slight different shades of red just

For a bit of texturing because i know one whole color is gonna look kind of bland so i’m gonna break off all of this blue concrete this was probably the biggest build i’ve ever done on this world to this day i think it took about 11 ish days to gather all the materials

And also build this thing yeah i built this whole thing in one sitting and i’m super tired right now it’s a school night too i should probably be going to bed on day 30 i had everything cleaned up i had the soaker box cleaned up everything was done all the dirt pillars

Were gone it was looking beautiful my inventory was also clean as well there was nothing wrong with it oh maybe maybe those axes though there was a lot of axes being wasted here this was a really wood heavy build but i’m super happy how this turned out this thing looks so good

I’m really loving it now it’s going to take a while i already know to get the roof done because that is going to require a lot of red concrete we can save that grinding for another day but for now i need to take a break in real

Life for the rest of the day i worked on just trading with our villagers and getting a lot of emerald profits i need to be doing this more because you know i gotta build a huge stack of emeralds one day i can maybe build a beacon with it

Also i gotta make sure that i show the villagers i am superior and i am their god by just having all the emeralds in the world to flex with i also ran into a wandering traitor it’s been a while bro where have you been i haven’t seen this

Guy in ages i bought all of his stock for his flowers because i don’t have any of them right now i don’t think but who knows maybe one day i’m gonna go out try to find a flower farm and i won’t even need these but it’s okay we don’t have

Them now and i’m just gonna buy them okay it’s day 131 and i want to start getting our villagers inside of here i want this library to be fully functional a place where we can store our books and a place where we can store our librarian villagers i actually have one of these

My main survival world it’s like a different kind of building but it’s the same concept it’s a separate building where i store my books in my librarians okay so i’ve gotten done filling in all of this flooring right here and i’ve decided that this is enough for me i’m

Really excited to do the interior but i was thinking about something we’re on like day 232 or something like that and we still have not done a raid or anything like that yet i feel like it’s a good time to get totem of undyings right now because those can just

Literally save your life and raids are pretty fun too before i was gonna depart on my trip to reach a pillager outpost i decided to trade for some golden carrots i want golden carrots to be our main food source now because their saturation is just insane and they’re super easy to

Obtain and soon i was able to find a pillager outpost there were a ton of them spawning around me though i was literally getting circled yeah there were just too many of them they just started shooting each other too but i was looking for the dude that carried

The flag around so these guys don’t really matter and inside the chest with some decent loot actually let me take that back there there’s pretty much nothing in there one bottle of enchanting is legit gonna give us nothing and yeah even on the next day i

Still can’t find the flag guy i don’t know why they’re so hard to find but it’s just right now it’s only just normal dudes i’m just trying to find the flag guys so i can get out of here man and eventually i found him chilling inside this floor with like a ton of

Other dudes i dropped in and i didn’t even realize that there were so many down there so i had to play safe they were all grouped down there looking like idiots and it was so easy for me to take them out now that we had our bad almond

Effect it’s time to dip out of here i headed over to our local village and i was gonna go to bed first right before we start this raid oh what a nice morning what a nice sunrise uh this skeleton let me get rid of this guy

The raid has now begun let’s go baby hopefully i don’t get stuck fighting like one last dude hiding in a cave or something ooh look at those guys over there okay so i just started recording right now because i could not find this last guy for the past like five minutes

Dude and i finally find him literally as soon as i start recording so that that was a nice coincidence there he was on the other side of the village let’s end this dude real quick and yeah this kind of continued for the next couple of days just me fighting these dudes here’s a

Little montage of kind of what happened a lot of villagers died in the process though so that wasn’t good but it’s a good thing that i don’t really use this village for anything i guess this could be my raid village for now on it’s really close too i think it’s like a

Couple hundred blocks away from my base oh yeah also right here i was getting a little bit reckless i was trying to like 360 180 or whatever on this dude and i forgot he was an axe guy and this guy was hitting me like four hearts or

Something like that it was crazy i didn’t have my chest played on so that’s probably why i came decently close to dying that was kind of scary i think i redeemed myself with this kind of sick clip though jump off hit that 360. and then i hide behind this wall and i

Hit a flick on him where are my fps players out here oh my goodness dude i hate raids bro i can never find the last guy this dude is invisible like how do i how do i even kill him i am so lost right now okay i’ve officially like given up i’ve

Looked around to everyone on google for this answer i think it’s a glitch they’re not supposed to be like invisible like that and even if they were i should be able to see the particles and yeah like i can’t even hit him it’s super weird like i should be

Hitting him right now right yeah the witch is working fine earlier but this random one is just invisible it’s kind of unfortunate but i managed to get one totem out of it so i guess that’s good once we use up this totem i can go back

And do another raid okay so since we’re gonna be trading these guys a lot more now i gotta get these guys trades down because they are still expensive like this farmer for example if i want to get food from him i definitely need to make him cheaper so that means i’m going to

Have to expand on this villager trading hall this super trash looking village trading hall okay so i’m trying to move these guys into their spots and this is just so frustrating dude it’s taking me such a long time for some reason i’m always really bad at this kind of stuff

Oh and i accidentally hurt this guy i’m really sorry i don’t think they were that mad i’m pretty sure they realized it was an accident thank you villagers for understanding oh look at this this looks amazing dude day 139 we’ve got all these guys in place after a lot of hard

Work with me dealing with these villagers i think we’re good now now i’m going to set these dudes down and hopefully the zombie will infect them then we can get cheaper trades from these guys that is going to help us out a ton all right zombie you can do your work now

And pretty much all of day 40 i spent getting a lot of sand because we need sand for concrete and also for glass i’m using glass paints to trade with cartographers right now it’s a great way to get emeralds for me and we also need

A crap ton of red concrete for the roof of our library it’s time to get grinding and on day 141 our farmer villagers are finally back and cured now we can trade with them with discounted trades this guy didn’t discount that much but it’s gonna be okay we can just use our

Potatoes our emerald output should be a lot better now because it only takes about one melon or pumpkin for one emerald that’s just crazy and here i am um we do not have a flower farm yet so this is kind of the crude flower farm

That it came up with i’m just in a spot where poppies can spawn and i’m just kind of breaking stuff and placing down bone meal hoping that i can get a poppy one time and the rest of the day was spencer doing some more trading just trying to get the maximum emerald output

We were starting to gather a lot of emeralds at this point we had so many different ways of getting emeralds it was just crazy we definitely need more librarians though because librarians is also another way you can use the bookshelves and books but we do not have

One that sells bookshelves right now we should be getting a lot of librarians pretty soon though on the next day i went down into the basement of the library i’m currently digging out a huge like room kinda because this is where we’re gonna be putting all of our

Villagers in this main floor up here and the second floor as well is gonna be we’re restoring our books and down here is where we’re gonna keep all of our villagers i’m gonna be building a trading hall down here and i’m gonna try to make it look nice i promise see i’m

Gonna get to work on this the only thing i’m a little bit unsure about is how i’m gonna get the zombies to work or like if i even should have zombies down here because then it’s just gonna be super annoying when you just hear a moaning and groaning all the time And so far i’m actually really liking this design i think i’m not gonna go with any zombies for now if i want to individually infect them i guess i could kind of like extract the villagers and then bring them to like a separate chamber where they could get zombified

Then i could turn them back and then bring them back it’d be a pretty hard process but like i don’t really want zombies down here because this place looks too nice for zombies alright well i welcome you guys to the brand new library basement oh you can kind of see

Some light poking out from under those stairs there i’m super excited to show you guys this i mean you guys have pretty much what you see in the time lapse of me building it but when you walk downstairs you first have this sick view of those like i don’t know lots of

Wood armor stands on both sides of us and here is all we got so far but yeah i really like this design and i even incorporated some like leaves into it to make it look a bit more like lively more alive just not like just boring it had

Some great color to it and yeah my inventory is a mess right now but it’s okay just ignore that but i can’t wait to move our villagers down here let’s go do that all right i spent all of day 145 getting this stuff all set up and ready

So hopefully this goes to plan i’m gonna break this guy out and try to get him into the minecart that is the first step come on nudge them into the minecart come on this guy doesn’t want to move all right now that i got him in the

Minecart i’m using the same pathway that i used before to move these guys down here i’m gonna push him up here and get him into this like dirt pathway he’s gonna take a little damage but it’s gonna be okay then i’ll take my boat and then get him

Inside of the boat now he’s inside the boat we can get out oh and i accidentally run into the dirt we’re gonna pretend that never happened but yeah we take this dude and now we can row him all the way over to the library all right so once he’s here at the

Library i’m closing up this thing so it doesn’t get out breaking off the boat now hopefully he gets in the oh oh my god i did it wrong all right now i’m gonna have to go and grab that minecart and try this again alrighty take two let’s see if he gets

In the minecart this time yes sir he takes some damage it’s okay we got him in there now he’s trapped down here and he should be like naturally like um connected to that lectern thing there so he should be able to walk into that like one by one that i

Can close him off yeah just like that perfect now i’m gonna go do the same with one other villager and on day 147 we got both of these dudes in here finally and i’m gonna make like a little chamber where they can breed just so it’s easier for us to get more

Librarians down here instead of just transporting their every time we have to so we can just breed them and take those babies and turn them into librarians when they grow up here i’m going to expand this thing for you guys i think this room is a bit too small alright

It’s all up to you guys now i need you guys to make some babies for me here’s some more bread by the way if you guys want it all right now go make me some kids because we need more librarians i put five beds in there too so there

Should be plenty of room for you guys to have a kid it’s day 150 and a look at this library we’ve got a lot more done here i was building a little bit of the interior while i was waiting for those baby villagers to grow up but yeah

Here’s what we got so far so um i’m not sure what these are going to be yet i’m not even entirely sure if i want them here so that’s why they’re kind of just like um i don’t know just planned out i guess not sure what i’m gonna do here

But it felt a little bit too empty when i first walked in so yeah that’s why those are there um anyway upstairs there really isn’t much right now just a small balcony you can look down into and then this door goes out to the actual balcony that’s outside i can see my unfinished

House over here it’s pretty cool how that hurts but downstairs we got um i don’t know if i showed you guys these already but here’s some actual diamond armor in here and i moved in one of my villagers i think this is my mending yeah this is my mending builder we got

Smite five here too whoa okay and wait this this is a good villager mending laura three and smite five i will i move them into here and also these dudes yes three grown up villagers so i can constantly breed these guys and when i need them i can move them up into their

Own trading hall areas that’s pretty dope and i need to get home before it gets dark the next day i swiftly got back to work on working on our house here i wanted to start filling in some more of the roof and the second floor and just getting

Things done because our house isn’t really livable right now i’m not gonna lie also i’m sorry if you guys can hear thunder outside um i probably should not be recording right now when there’s a storm because it’s pretty loud and i still cannot comprehend the amount of

Spruce wood that i need i’m constantly going back and just farming more it’s been a big long process not sure if i really regret it but like i don’t know it’s gonna it’s gonna look good at the end if it’s bigger and as you guys can see here this house is really starting

To come together now the second floor just makes it actually look more like a house kind of because of how like wide it is it needs some height to like balance it out i’m only gonna be doing this like right side of the house because this is the place where i’m

Gonna probably be spending my time the most so i’m gonna focus on this side first and then we can kind of expand and work on the left side i really don’t think i need this big of a house because honestly we’re just going to be spending

99 of our time down in the storage room and ladies and gentlemen here we are this thing is looking pretty magnificent on the outside oh wait hold on let me kill this zombie right here all right as i was saying just look at this thing i added some arches on the

Balcony area kind of thing and it really like makes it look a lot nicer it looks more just like more realistic and fluid and less blocky and i kind of just lifted every wall up by one more floor around like the whole right side of my

House and yeah one more point i want to make is this roof here i tried using normal spruce um but i’m not sure if i really like it i also try normal oak and that just looks even worse so i’m not really sure which wood i should use oh

And yeah this zombie gave me a jump scare when i walked inside the house kind of creepy yeah like i was saying i might try to go for a darker wood i haven’t used dark oak on like anything yet in any of my builds and i do have a

Dark oak tree so i could definitely go harvest that and use that for my roof and on day 153 i finished up just some minor adjustments to our house just cleaning things up and making things a bit neater i installed our roof also and

I made it with a dark oak and i think it looks pretty good we’re just going to keep it for now on day 154 i’ve entered down into the nether i had two things in mind one i wanted to get two more skulls because we already had one skeleton school i just

Need two more so i can summon the wither and also we gotta get some more nether right to max out our tools first thing i did is head over to our another fortress let’s go search for some of these wither skeletons come on now i need your skulls

And it’s perfect that i have looting three on my sword that’s going to make things a lot faster and bingo our first skull came in pretty quickly i continue to do this grind for a bit longer until i finally received my second skull and i really wasn’t worried

About my durability because i had mending so pretty much every time i killed one i got xp that just healed up my sword so it was like perfect now that i had my second skull we had enough to make a wither let’s go ahead back and now find some netherrate let’s go check

Up on our sheep farm because i need some more beds which means we need to get a lot more wool all right it’s stacked yeah that’s good i’ll take that stack with me i’m gonna go kill you guys around here we already have an overpopulation of sheep i don’t think we

Need you guys i also applied mending on my bow because for some reason i didn’t have mending on it yet and it was already half dead now i’ve got basically everything i need i can go back into the nether now and try to look for some netherites well this is gonna be another

Boring grind i’ll see you guys in a bit foreign while i was just chilling mine some courts a baby hog then decides to come and just like jump scared me out of nowhere he didn’t really do much damage i just thought i’d throw that in there

For you guys and now we’re finally home and we got our last netherworth scrapped finally cooked up let’s turn these things into some netherright ingots all right i think i’m gonna upgrade my sword here we go we got sharpness for looting three and mending and also our

Pickaxe as well i think this thing is max we got unbreaking three efficiency four and mending oh i know i think is there official z5 i think there might be it’s okay efficiency 4 is fast enough look at us bro we kind of decked out right now getting a step closer to full

Netherrite on day 262 i cleaned up the inside of our house a little bit you know just adding some more decorations because when you be walked in it’s super bland there’s really nothing anywhere so i was going to add some stuff hopefully spice up the inside there was a lot of

Different like things i wanted to try doing and a lot of them didn’t really work out it was hard trying to think of some good interior design because that’s not only my strength yeah but one thing i kind of like is the ceiling you guys

Will see what it is in a bit yeah one of the biggest problems that i was facing right now was this side of the wall here it was super open without any decorations or anything and when i tried closing it up it just looks too cramped

Now like i don’t know what’s good and also it’s gonna be really hard to get into the basement if i have walls here yeah i’m not really sure what to do here and also this dome thing why is it still here i know on this replay it looks

Really fast like i’m just speeding through zipping through breaking all this stuff but this took a long time to break down almost the whole day pretty much it was because the glass like there was no way for me to harvest the glass quick enough it literally took me longer

To break this thing than to build it which is kind of crazy but yeah i got some nice plans of a better version of this dome because this thing just sucks and here we go as you guys can see i kind of was like a smaller build the

Last stone was a bit bigger than i wanted to so this was just going to be super tiny it’s going to be like a nice little greenhouse kind we can store some plants it’ll be cool and guys take a look at this i have it pretty much done

On the outside now it’s more of like a tall shape other than my really like flat and low dome i kind of like this one better and also added a lot more wood and less glass because all that glass looked a bit weird on my old dome

I’m going to add a bit of like vines or these are actually leaves but they’re going to be vines pretend they’re vines i’m adding a bit of vines on the side to make it kind of look like it’s overgrown because this is going to be a greenhouse

Kind of so i don’t know it’s nature nature is our topic here the next day i went back to doing some more capitalism because you know my bow was super low and i completely forgot to even hold my bow so i wasn’t even mending it so i was

Kind of a waste and yeah i also came here because i’m low on food oh but just look at this here guys i literally traded with these guys like twice and my bow is already back to full from being half like the power of mending is just

Crazy and now guys take a look at this thing it’s almost done all we have left is just some bit of interior work but we have some birch here i decided to use some birch as like some tables that we can put our plants on if we get a bee in

Here that would be sick i’ve never worked with bees in my entire life so i’m not sure how i’m gonna do that but i think i’ll figure it out yeah this thing just looks amazing like i don’t know all the lights coming inside just just looks

So good super excited to see how this turns out i spent most of this day designing the interior of the greenhouse something that i really want that i don’t have right now are some vines i think those would add a nice touch here okay so i’ve been thinking i found this

Really nice tutorial on youtube about a villager breeder and it doesn’t really look that complicated like some of them you got to put them in weird spots and it just takes a bit of time but this one looks pretty easy so i think i might give it a shot i’ll leave the

Description down below it also doesn’t require that many resources either i’m going to be building this thing underground underneath our library because i feel like i’m probably going to be needing a lot more villagers down here And here we are i finally got all the villagers moved in well it was only really two and now we gotta see if this thing actually works they have food available and they should be able to breed inside of there well i guess only time will tell now all right let’s go do

Something else while we’re waiting for this breeder to work i’m looking at the street farm over here and i’m thinking about reviving project rainbow from last season i feel like once we have a color of every wool it’s kind of like an achievement too because we got to get

Every die and it’ll also allow us to make a bunch of cool art so i’ve been trying to find the perfect place for this thing and i think i found a pretty good one right over here on this side of our house it’s kind of like a mountain

Here and i can build it along this mountain i’m just gonna get some cobblestone and kind of just make like a mold of what it’s gonna look like and we can kind of build off that and now here is this rough mold of this like rainbow

Wool farm oh i just fell yeah well this is probably gonna take a while to complete we never even finished the one from last season because yeah we never got the chance to finish it we gotta collect one die of every color this is probably gonna take a pretty long time

Now enjoy this building time lapse i’m just gonna be doing red orange yellow light green and green first Alrighty here we are with the last sheep here once you get this guy in we’ll finally have all these five colors done now i just gotta push this dude into this hole come on sheep get in there you can do it man there we go okay now he’s

In there died in red and we are done with this let’s go we got our five first colors already and set up this place is gonna look amazing when it’s done i’m hyped also you can see small one block holes like underneath that thing i’m gonna replace that with the color of the

Wool but first i’m gonna need these sheeps to get sheared and then i can get the wool oh yeah and on day 275 i went back to go check on the villager breeder there was a villager just chilling on the first floor here and that was a good sign i

Think because that means that they were breeding but also there was a problem and also there were three dudes children here like there was not three in there before i think there was only one before um but yeah i guess that’s a good thing it seems to be working okay so the

Problem was that there was a ladder here actually before i forgot to take it out and apparently those guys can climb them so they were able to just like be free from their little chamber oh my i need to kill this zombie i’m sorry this thing is so loud

Okay so as i was saying the villagers were like climbing up the ladder and they were just getting free but now that the ladder’s gone it should be all good and working so yeah pretty much if you guys don’t know how this thing works is those guys breed they make a kid inside

Of the farm and then the kid like tries to go on the bed um and yeah right there oh we just saw it happen in real time he falls off and then um yeah he gets inside this little chamber that okay i’m sorry but why do these zombies keep

Coming back man i gotta i gotta kill these dudes i think there’s a cave linked here or something yeah there’s a cave right there i’m gonna i’m gonna patch this up hopefully no more zombies are gonna be spawning here i spent the rest of the day gathering materials for a flower

Farm because of course if we want to continue on this project rainbow thing we’re gonna need some more flowers fur dyes and i also want flowers for decorations because like some of the flowers that you find in flower hills and stuff they look amazing i’m going to be using chococraft’s design it’s really

Simple i used the same one from last season i’ll link them down in the description below in case you’re looking for one as well i got all of my necessary ingredients let’s head on to the nether roof and now this is the time when i use

Trunk base to try to find where the nearest flower farm is which i realize i haven’t done yet so i gotta do that first okay so i got the coordinates that i need i have to get to um x 259 and z 168. so that should be pretty

Straightforward i’m just going to follow my coordinates up in the top left and just try to get to that point so i can build my portal there here we are at another portal i got a sign it says flower hills on it and that can indicate

Which portal i’m about to go into let’s head into this thing and let’s just see what it looks like oh my goodness this looks so beautiful look at this tree dude this is like a japanese like cherry kind of tree thing i love this texture pack yeah this is

Definitely a flower forest oh wow look at this place dude so many flowers they got bees as well let’s go this place is just absolutely insane i’m gonna love it here man i someday maybe i can come out here and do some builds all right i’m

Not gonna do a time-lapse on this build because it’s just a flower farm it’s not really that big so i don’t think it’s that necessary alright guys let’s check these things out so i built a two flower farms actually let’s go to this first one first you can see we got some red

Tulips orange tulips i think those are yellow tubes in the background we got some of these purple flowers i don’t know what they’re called i think this is a pretty nice one overall let’s get this thing started all right i just gotta hit this one over

Here and it should start going oh yes sir there we go a little bit of lag but it’s okay oh my there we go oh okay i was i was struggling turning it off for a second yes sir though we got all of these oh that fence is not supposed

To be there we got all of these flowers this is looking amazing all right let’s go check out the other flower farm so right here we got um some more different colors we got some blue we got some pink we got white and yeah i think this is a nice selection as well

Let’s get this thing started all right good thing these both worked because i never tried them before this so that’s pretty sick oh yeah i also built this like auto composting station um i can just turn all of my useless excess seeds into bone meal okay i think we should

Probably head home now i spent the next day using the dyes that i got from the flower farm and i added on three more colors to the wool farm light blue blue and cyan so that’s gonna complete the first row and after a bit of building

Here we are this is the first full row of the wool farm completed and it’s looking pretty sick so far i’m super excited to see what it’s gonna look like when it’s finally done yeah we got our blue we got our cyan we got our light blue here and it’s already working it’s

Totally functional yeah i’m gonna put this off to the side for now and we’ll come back to this project later because because i’m bigger and better things to do oh yeah and i probably should finish up the roof of this library over here it’s gonna look much better once i have

The full red roof in there oh my bad i meant to say roof not roof i’m sorry i’m sorry and also um we’re gonna add a lot of pathways and just a lot of decorations around this area it’s not gonna be all grass because that looks kind of boring but pathways and street

Decorations and all that kind of stuff takes a long time so uh it’s gonna take a while to get there but it’s gonna look sick when we’re done and on day 283 i purchased a name tag from one of my librarians because i forgot to do

Something we got to name our horse from the last episode and the horse name that was selected drum roll please was henry congratulations to you your name got picked so now we got a horse named henry hopefully we can use it more because i haven’t really been using him

That much because you know our elytra has been kind of insane but yeah i really like that name hopefully we can make a horse stables for him to chill at some day oh and also i forgot about this chest here i just noticed it and it

Actually has a bit of wood left over from like when i was actually building my house that’s quite a pleasant surprise i’m gonna clean this up and just bring this downstairs to our storage room and later that day i started getting some items to prepare myself for the wither battle i think it

Is about time to do so we are definitely very late on this but you know it’s okay also i didn’t miss out on the chance to get a bit of wither flowers or whatever they’re called wither roses i don’t really have a use for them but i’m

Pretty sure i might need some in the future so i’m just gonna get some just in case i managed to get these chickens down here and now i’ve breaded them up and there’s a decent amount of chickens down here i’m gonna wait for them to

Grow up i’m not sure if it matters or not um i also did a bit of mining as you can see i got 26 lapis yeah i’m gonna wait for these chickens to grow up and then i’ll summon the wither alrighty i think it’s about time now i’ve waited a

Pretty long time let’s get this thing started oh wait i forgot i can’t shoot him right now uh wait oh he’s about to explode one sec i gotta i gotta stand back i forgot about that and the fight was on clearly i was pretty overpowered for this since

I had full network armor and also a netherride sword yeah i pretty much was attacked to the wither like this for a pretty long time i never needed to use that golden apple and soon enough the fight with the weather finally came to an end and i got

That sick nether star let’s get all of these weather roses oh this is just so sick man we finally got our another star we can make our first beacon in this world let’s go back and do that right now okay we should get to crafting shall

We first i’m gonna grab a bunch of emeralds for some blocks so we’re sitting on the bottom a five glass and another start in the center there we go we got our beacon let’s craft that up now let’s make some of these emerald blocks okay uh it’s slowly coming to me

I don’t think i have enough for this i need 280 or so 280 full blocks of um emeralds or iron and i only have like 30. that’s not good i also went over to my iron farm as well and we don’t have much iron in here either this iron farm

Is uh not really efficient and it’s also because i’m never like in this trunk so this trunk isn’t really loaded most of the time that’s like 30 or so blocks from iron decent i guess okay so since we clearly don’t have enough emeralds i’m gonna just focus on trading for the

Next couple of days hopefully we can get this pretty soon yeah but it’s gonna be capitalism non-stop the emerald flow is gonna be crazy and also i’m in the process of turning these librarians down here into like actual librarians because they’re kind of just chilling down here

And we only have one librarian that is in its position right now so let’s try to get some more let’s go i finally got the zombie down there with them and uh now hopefully he’s not distracted on me go kill those villagers over there buddy uh it seems like he’s still distracted

I’m gonna just get out of here let the zombie do its work yes sir you can hear them dying okay this sounds bad but we’re gonna cure you guys it’s all right no villagers are gonna be killed in this process the following day i returned back and i

Killed that single zombie and now we only had zombie villagers and i’m gonna cure these guys in here now hopefully they shall give me some cheaper trades when i come back a couple minutes later first i gotta get back to trading though and for the next two days i continued

Our trades with our villagers to work up our emerald stash because i really want to get the beacon down this episode man oh yeah i’m looking down into this villager hole right here it looks like there’s a pretty big accumulation of villagers i think i’m gonna have to turn

This off somehow i’ve got an idea though yeah i basically just continued trading with people until i reached about two and a half stacks i’m really close to getting there too and also i don’t think i mentioned this yet but one of those uh villagers that i turned into a zombie

Back there uh one of those was actually a librarian that sold infinity and i want to put infinity on my bow so can i just do this um oh wait what i thought it would i thought it would swap infinity out from ending but i guess you

Can’t just swap it i think you just have to make a completely new bow because i feel like infinity is probably more worth it for me than mending yeah i just don’t really want to like refill my arrows every time i use them up so i think infinity would be really helpful

All right so i’ve been trying to pick out a spot for this beacon and i think back here is gonna be pretty good because i can see myself kind of expanding a lot of pathways into this area back here there’s a lot of open

Room for me to build here so i think i’m gonna build it here also i’m gonna be building this beacon like on the surface so that’s why i’m kind of clearing all this stuff out i usually build my beacons underground but i think i’m gonna build this one on the surface this

Time i don’t know i’ve been building my beacons underground since the very beginning of time and i just kind of want to switch things up a bit and yeah i didn’t quite have enough but i was expecting that because i didn’t get the full 2.5 stacks of blocks yet and you

Can see in the middle i filled in a bit of iron uh i’m gonna go with some emeralds on the outside because in my opinion those just look a bit nicer all right i’m gonna have to go and get some more emeralds now oh and i found something pretty horrific so i realized

That this was open like before i came here i i just patched that up that was open and um apparently i think this is what happened zombies were coming down at night and they were coming in and they were infecting the villagers down here when they were cured and uh yeah

They’ve been despawning because i haven’t fed them golden apples the second time i don’t if you guys understand what i’m saying but pretty much we lost a couple villagers and that’s not good because i used golden apples on them hopefully the guy that’s still alive is my infinity villager

Though because i like that dude at least we got our villager breeder over here this is gonna help us out and get some more villagers back all right placing the last couple of emerald blocks finally dude come on and then let’s place down our beacon now we just gotta wait for this

Thing to just start charging up there we go we got the achievement bring home the beacon and beaconator let’s go baby first beacon on the world let’s put our emerald in what should we get here um i’m thinking regeneration uh regeneration and speed maybe i don’t

Know let’s let’s just do that speed one yes sir come on oh okay speed and regeneration yeah this is gonna help because i don’t have to use my firework rockets as much when i’m trying to like travel close areas like let’s say i wanted to just firework back to my house

I don’t have to waste the whole firework just running back is good enough oh yeah just like walking around is just a lot more efficient oh look at that beacon it’s amazing it’s beautiful later we definitely need to kill a lot more withers to try to get max beacon buffs

Because you know good thing i got looting three on my sword that should make the process fairly easy i spent the next day unwinding a bit and just building some more paths around our compound just gonna lay out some basic pathing around our base just to make

Things look a bit more neater and i kind of got carried away and started doing this for a while as you can see here i made this long pathway extending from our front door all the way to the back area and it also connects over to a

Library and i made this huge patio thing over here out of an assortment of different kinds of stones and our path also connects to the garden yeah this patio not sure really what i’m doing with it right now but i kind of like the look of it and i’m thinking of adding

Some chairs and stuff in the center okay guys something just came in my mind that i completely forgot about do you guys remember in the very beginning of the episode my goal was to get full like netherride tools well there’s like five days left and i’m having i’m not there

Yet let’s head back down let’s do some ancient debris gathering let’s reach this goal before the end of this episode and our first piece of ancient debris actually came when i was trying to mine out an area for a bed it was just there like that’s pretty lucky we’re gonna

Need eight pieces of this in total to get my axe and my shovel into netherrite though and so over the course of the next few days i gathered a bit more ancient debris and finally there was my eighth piece of ancient debris let’s head home and make our tools into netherrite

So now we’re back home with only one day left to go i’m gonna smack these things into the blast furnace let’s cook those things up oh this is so exciting man i can’t wait to get our tools into all netherrites something i just realized i forgot about a villager back here um i

Want to see who this dude is i’m hoping he’s the infinity guy oh yes he is he actually is the infinity librarian let’s go the other two villagers were kind of useless i don’t really have trades on them yet also my diamond axe i forgot isn’t even upgraded at all it’s just an

Efficiency one normal diamond axe and we don’t have a villager that sells efficiency books so i think i might have to do just normal enchanting with this one okay i’m here at my old house we have our enchanting setup right here what do we have oh i’m breaking three

For the third enchantment i don’t have lapis right now i gotta go get some this could be promising alright i’m back with lapis let’s do this what do we get oh just normal unbreaking three damn dude i was hoping for some more let’s try this again alrighty attempt two it’s the

Exact same i’m breaking three oh we actually got it efficiency four on breaking three that’s that’s like the max you can get from a chanting holy we’re so lucky dude this second try i have mending books at my house so i can just add on mending dude that’s crazy

Let’s go bro now we actually have some of the best tools dude that’s so sick and now we’re back home we got our mending axe i’m gonna make the two netherright ingots and let’s put these things on our tools and our netherey axe here let’s go there we go

And another red shuffle as well look at that dude that is just amazing all another right tools looks like i kept my promise from the very beginning of the episode i’m actually super happy that i got this done because i know you guys would be yelling at me in the comments

If i forgot about it and it was just in the nick of time we are on day 299 and i woke up on day 300 we’re gonna craft some red concrete because i really wanted to work on the roof of the library but it doesn’t look like we’re

Gonna have time in this episode we’re gonna have to leave it for next time just gonna spend this day gathering some concrete and working on the roof a little bit to close off this episode and right before this sunset i placed down some of my last bits of concrete that i

Had and also don’t worry i’m gonna be adding texturing to this later on i’m kind of just like planning out what this roof is gonna be i’m watching the sunset right now on day 300 oh shoot it’s actually getting kind of dark looks like this is going to be the end of today’s

Episode what an amazing episode man i’ve had so much fun making this video over the past like month and a half or so and now it’s totally getting dark and that was how i survived 300 days in hardcore minecraft hey so you made it to the end of the

Video let me know what you guys thought of this video down below and if you’re new to my channel and you like the content that i make consider subscribing it would really make my day and we are on our way to the 50k subscriber mark

It’d be great if you were a part of that now for real for real that’s gonna be it for today’s video i hope you guys enjoyed it and i will see you guys next time peace out You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 300 Days in Minecraft Hardcore [Season 2]’, was uploaded by OneTap on 2021-04-23 20:00:15. It has garnered 44298 views and 4058 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:39 or 3099 seconds.

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I Finally Survived 300 Days in Minecraft Hardcore…

Minecraft hardcore mode is a special difficulty you can set when creating a world. There is no starting chest, and the difficulty is locked to hard. Today I take on the challenge of trying to survive as long as possible while using the day format originally came up with by @Luke TheNotable . My goal with this series is to entertain and soothe the viewers with calming Minecraft music in the background. Well, why am I still writing this? Let’s get surviving!

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    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “ใƒžใ‚คใƒณใ‚ฏใƒฉใƒ•ใƒˆใงใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใ‚คใ‚บ๏ผใชใซใŒใ‹ใ‚ใฃใŸใ‹ใ‚ใ‹ใ‚‹๏ผŸ้–“้•ใ„ๆŽขใ—๏ผˆใ‹ใ‚“ใŸใ‚“๏ผ‰118 #shorts #ใƒžใ‚คใƒณใ‚ฏใƒฉใƒ•ใƒˆ #ใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉ #minecraft15 #ใƒžใ‚คใƒณใ‚ฏใƒฉใƒ•ใƒˆใงใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใ‚คใ‚บ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft

    Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a legend is told, Of signs disappearing, a mystery to unfold. If your notice board vanishes into thin air, Delete the world save, don’t just stand and stare. Game Koala shares this urban tale, With a warning that’s sure to prevail. Subscribe to his channel for more gaming fun, And remember, in Minecraft, the story’s just begun. Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survรฉcu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 40

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 40 Day 40 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft: A Forest Adventure ๐ŸŒฒ Hello, fellow gamers! Today marks the 40th day of the wood challenge in Minecraft, where our dedicated player creates a new world every day to gather more wood than the previous day. It seems like luck was on their side today as they spawned right on top of a lush forest, making it easy to gather the necessary blocks. Greetings to the Community ๐ŸŒŸ Our player took a moment to send shoutouts to some of their loyal followers. Special mentions go out to Mauricio Acevedo, Marcos Morales,… Read More

  • Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft Nightmare

    Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft NightmareVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed…’, was uploaded by AssaultXD on 2024-02-26 12:40:55. It has garnered 3998 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… In this video :- I will show you some Most Scary Seeds of Minecraft and checking If they are Real or Fake. So, Watch this video till end to know the Truth and If you loved this video then please Like this video and Subscribe to the Channel. Business Enquiries email me at : [email protected] Follow me on… Read More

  • “Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft – INSANE TIPS! ๐Ÿ˜‚” #shorts #trending

    "Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft - INSANE TIPS! ๐Ÿ˜‚" #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make accessories in Minecraft? ๐Ÿ˜‚#shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Galaxy space on 2024-03-18 12:23:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make accessories in Minecraft? #trending #shots ๏ฟผ I trolled a Minecraft villager with @DaquavisMC in the new 1.20 … Read More

  • ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trending

    ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amplified Water Bucket MLG #shorts #minecraft #jump #stunt #foryou #trending #physics #mod’, was uploaded by MINERINO on 2024-01-14 13:00:14. It has garnered 5558 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #minecraftvideos #minecraftshorts #dream #waterbucketmlg #jump #amplified Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod Free download: Licensed under CC BY 4.0: Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Find Minecraft Bedrock World Files – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 3244 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Learn how to find minecraft bedrock world files in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate… Read More

  • INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon Bingo

    INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon BingoVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW WAS SHE THAT LUCKY! Pixelmon Bingo In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-06-12 22:00:39. It has garnered 1692 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:24 or 4404 seconds. Someone Check Dropsy’s Computer For Hacks! Buy My Shirts: Follow Luminosity: โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ Business Inquiries: [email protected] โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ Join our discord here: โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ Friends… Read More

  • INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!

    INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 + days in cataclysm mod Minecraft 1.20.1’, was uploaded by iGAUTAM on 2024-03-16 21:25:36. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:25 or 2125 seconds. Playing minecraft with viewers live in hindi Played on PC with the highest settings in 1440p THANKS FOR WATCHING Discord Link- Cataclysm mod minecraft live minecraft live 2024 how to vote in minecraft live 2021 when is the next minecraft live minecraft live 2022 mob vote minecraft live 2023 minecraft live player count minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live action movie minecraft… Read More

  • Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! ๐Ÿคฏ

    Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle ||’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-04-07 10:39:00. It has garnered 589 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle || #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • “Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!” #viral

    "Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by I Want Gaming on 2024-06-14 07:49:11. It has garnered 48219 views and 1905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #shorts #viral – #MinecraftShorts – #MinecraftVideos – #GamingContent – #MinecraftGaming – #GamerLife – #MinecraftAdventures – #BlockyFun – #MinecraftMoments – #GamingHighlights – #MinecraftShortFilm – #MinecraftAnimation – #GamingCommunity – #MinecraftCreations – #MinecraftBuilds – #MinecraftSurvival – #MinecraftPvP – #MinecraftExploration – #MinecraftBuilds for building and architecture… Read More

  • Applbees

    ApplbeesApplbees is a 1.20.1 Java Edition server. It is compatible with VoiceChat, you can get married, claim your land, make friends, and have fun! We always have an event going on, so feel free to join our discord to stay posted on updates! Read More

  • Iperios SMP McMMO Custom Enchant Nation WarsGeopolitics Lore Dynmap Whitelist

    Iperios Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation, refine your McMMO skills, fight in wars, gain Geopolitical power, conquer new territories, and earn wealth with Custom Enchants. Create your own nation with unique government, laws, and ranks, or join an existing one. Geopolitics: Conquer resources camps in-game for income towards your nation’s expansion. Find the full list on our discord channels with active support. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to join: Join our discord and request whitelist access. Find IP and starter info in #info-new-players. Receive beginner kit and start your adventure! Contacts: – Discord: Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Is that a Mallet or a Minecraft pickaxe”

    Well, if it looks like a mallet to you, maybe it’s time to hammer out your opinions on Minecraft memes! Read More

  • Survival Tower: Minecraft Base Build Bonanza!

    Survival Tower: Minecraft Base Build Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, IrieGenie’s here to show us how to survive. With a tower base, medieval and grand, Every detail crafted with a steady hand. From the exterior to the interior design, Each room unique, a true goldmine. A bedroom, a smelting room, and storage galore, An enchantment room, and a farm to explore. With Faithful resource pack, the visuals pop, Better Leaves Addon, making trees never stop. BSL shaders bring light to the scene, Creating a world that’s vibrant and clean. The music sets the mood, each track a delight, As we watch… Read More

  • Villager Drama: The Minecraft Chronicles #meme

    Villager Drama: The Minecraft Chronicles #meme “Villagers in Minecraft have been through more drama than most soap opera characters. From trading with players to getting attacked by zombies, their storylines are truly riveting. Move over, Days of Our Lives, we’ve got the Histรณria dos Villagers!” Read More

  • Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap

    Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where endless possibilities await with the awakening of the MOD System. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds as you freely add and modify mods to enhance your gameplay experience. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the MOD System at your fingertips, unleash your creativity by adding a plethora of mods to your Minecraft world. From new items and tools to exciting gameplay mechanics, mods allow you to tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences. Exploring New Dimensions One of… Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon in Luxury Mansion! Epic Loot Inside

    Ultimate Dragon in Luxury Mansion! Epic Loot Inside The Luxurious End Dragon in Minecraft: A Treasure Trove Awaits! Exploring the End dimension in Minecraft has never been more exciting! In the 12th episode of the series, our protagonist embarks on a journey to the End, only to discover a lavish island filled with surprises. A Lavish Island Awaits Upon reaching the End, our adventurer is taken aback by the opulence of the island. What was once a desolate realm is now transformed into a luxurious paradise, teeming with treasures and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Unveiling the End Dragon As our hero delves deeper into the island,… Read More

  • Insane Luck! Get Chelly’s Lucky Minecraft Seed Now

    Insane Luck! Get Chelly's Lucky Minecraft Seed NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Java Edition | pls give lucky world seed’, was uploaded by Chelly on 2024-05-07 21:42:51. It has garnered 128 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:39 or 12579 seconds. I’m back ๐Ÿ˜€ – Time for some chill Minecraft, maybe I’ll get a lucky world seed ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Twitch โฏˆ Discord โฏˆ Join the Channel โฏˆ Read More

  • Sly Creator’s 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft Short

    Sly Creator's 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending’, was uploaded by surendra bhai 15 crore views. 21 hours ago on 2024-06-15 08:00:12. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending #youtubegaming #youtube #gaming #youtuber #youtubechannel #gamer #youtubers #ps #twitch #youtubegamer #gamingcommunity #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #sub #playstation #pcgaming #videogames #youtubecommunity #youtubegamingchannel #games #youtubelife #twitchstreamer #xbox #youtubegamers #subscribe #gameplay #game #instagaming #gamers #gamingchannel #streamer #smallyoutuber #youtubecreator #gaminglife #gamingmemes #youtubemusic #youtubesubscribers #twitchgaming #gamingclips #youtubekids #callofduty #k… Read More

  • Unleash the ๐Ÿ”ฅ Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddon

    Unleash the ๐Ÿ”ฅ Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MInecraft live stream falco gamer #minecraft #shorts #macaddon #gamerfleet #technogamerz #dream’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-21 20:33:59. It has garnered 1934 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:32 or 5312 seconds. #yessmartypie #anshubisht #dream #dreamboy #ezio18rip #himlands #herobrinesmp #herobrine #lapatasmp #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftnepal #minecraftindia #mrjunior #mrfalanag #minecraftshorts #minecraftchallenge #steelwing #lucon #adispot Minecraft challenge Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our… Read More

  • INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!

    INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tf2, subnautica and perhaps minecraft modded stream’, was uploaded by DEADloCKED33 on 2024-02-20 01:03:11. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:27 or 8787 seconds. Yo make sure to subscribe and stick around for epic content with epic people! Every day I play and only play when I’m live So hope you all do great and have a crazy time watching my videos Additions because people asked: DONO(Know if you want to do this, nobody is forcing you to, so just know that): DISCORD: Read More

  • SECRET METHOD to join MC Servers on CONSOLE! (2024)

    SECRET METHOD to join MC Servers on CONSOLE! (2024)Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join Minecraft Survival Servers on CONSOLE (2024)’, was uploaded by FreddyFPS on 2024-03-31 17:16:59. It has garnered 12292 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Royal FF Hack! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ’ฅ #shorts #trending

    Insane Minecraft Royal FF Hack! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ’ฅ #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ’– #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-03-08 14:43:38. It has garnered 114 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok… Read More

  • Unbelievable Myth Busted by Jack_Bhaiya ft. AnshuBisht ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Unbelievable Myth Busted by Jack_Bhaiya ft. AnshuBisht ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jack_Bhaiya Ki Masti @AnshuBisht #gamerfleet #minecraft #fleetsmp #jackbhaiya #herobrine #anshubisht’, was uploaded by Mythes on 2024-04-14 02:30:01. It has garnered 664805 views and 22629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #payalzoneroast #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Ballu Beta๐Ÿ˜„ @Gamerfleet hardest mlg ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ณ#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft ๐Ÿ”ด techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG clutch @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial #mlg #minecraft @YesSmartyPie is All… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE – Minecraft with VIEWERS! Recordings happening, join now!

    ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE - Minecraft with VIEWERS! Recordings happening, join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE – Playing Minecraft with VIEWERS! Might record, come join!’, was uploaded by PixelPE on 2024-06-16 09:48:00. It has garnered 126 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:56 or 6416 seconds. i do the video gaming and i do the screen recordin g Discord: Carrd: Enjoy! ^^ Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Designs ๐Ÿ’ฅ Which is YOUR Favorite?!

    Insane Minecraft Designs ๐Ÿ’ฅ Which is YOUR Favorite?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is your favourite Design in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-02-21 17:00:44. It has garnered 421 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Top 3 Best Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song minecraft 100 days minecraft paluten minecraft benx minecraft redstone minecraft… Read More

  • VxidCraft

    VxidCraftPlay a survival server with your friends and grind until you have the most cash and money and dominate the server until your unstoppable! Read More

  • โœจ Aeltori โœจ Semi-Vanilla Community

    Survival || Creative || Community Aeltori is a small, friendly Minecraft server with an emphasis on community. Join now and find your new home! IP Address: Version: 1.20.6 We are strictly against pay-to-win practices and all gameplay commands are available to all members. Our staff team plays in survival mode without spawning items. The experienced staff team has spent 3 months planning and building the server. All aspects are EULA-compliant, with no competitive advantages given to donors through our store. Read More

  • Azmy – Vegan SMP server

    Azmy - Vegan SMP serverThis server includes a datapack that makes it more vegan, by adding vegan friendly food recipes, as well as other items, and by removing drops from peaceful animals. No animals have been killed during the testing of the datapack!! Maybe…Other mechanics are changed, to make the game more refreshing, such as changing some recipes to slow down end game progression, as reaching the end game is normally too quick, making it boring. You can check all recipes in the recipe book.Everyone is welcome if they respect people. Safe for LGBTQ, disabled, women, any ethnicity, different backgrounds, and you! It is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –


    Minecraft Memes - <p>GHAST 360 NO-SCOPE MLG MONTAGE <em>earrape</em></p>That ghast must have been practicing its trick shots in its spare time! Watch out for those 360 no-scope fireballs! Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys' Musical Desire In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With Martin as the storyteller, his words are bold. Desire for love, in animation so bright, LGBT+ elements, shining in the light. For those who embrace, this tale of love, Martin’s channel, a gift from above. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay, Just move along, no need to stay. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, For Martin’s creativity, a beautiful sport. Minecraft animation, boys love in the air, A story to cherish, with love and care. Read More

  • Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Why did the plank go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved issues with creepers blowing it up in Minecraft!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #memes Read More