Insane Iron Farm Windmill Build | Hardcore Minecraft 005

Video Information

Hello and welcome to the fifth episode of the Minecraft hardcore survival series in the last episode we built this automatic sugar cane Farm here as well as the overgrown nether portal somewhere behind those trees and in between this episode and the last I did a Long play

Where I made paths that connect all of our builds in the Long play I only did this part of the world where basically on this side of the bridge uh where our house is and the nether portal and the mines but off camera I went on ahead and

Finished up the rest of the paths so even all the way over to the docks I did I actually was recording with the replay mod so I’m going to try and put together a quick little time lapse where I build all these paths real Quick Now that I have all these paths complete it really does help to tie the world together and just make the whole experience feel a lot more imers immersive as we walk from build to build even just this little area right here I take a left and then walk around this

Little curvy path right up to my log cabin from episode one but for the start of this episode we’re just going to put together a quick little automatic wool Farm just something temporary for now so I think somewhere around here we have some sheeps here in the

Forest um oh uh I put some raid captains in a boat uh in the Long play thinking that it would stop patrols from coming in did a little bit more research on it and turns out that is not the case so they don’t really uh need to stay there

Yeah we got this little sheep here and we’re just going to put together a small automatic wool Farm just somewhere I’ll just put it down right over here yeah just something real quick like this uh just so that we can start farming wool because in our build today uh we’re

Going to need a lot of wool uh a lot of white wool so this guy is actually perfect need to get a couple of shears put into this dispenser and then we should start getting wool it turns out I forgot about a collection system so uh we’ll have to

Get a hopper mine cart and hook it up to like a little chest or something all right so I believe I could just put the chest here and then the hopper and mine cart on top of it and then if we have wool and it gets sheared oh like that it

Goes in perfect perfect and then into the chest sweet so now we’ll have a passive income of white wool temporarily while we do some other projects so my main plan for today’s episode was to build an iron farm seeing as we only have 23 ingots left in total I’ve been

Using so much iron on all these lanterns for the path and obviously the hopper mine cart we just used here and on on the sugar cane Farm all right it’s time for these guys to go so I believe making a simple iron farm over in the farming district will

Be really good for us to get a nice source of income or wait I meant a nice source of iron I don’t know why I said income anyway so objective number one right now is is to find a village I’ve actually explored a decent amount in

This world I know all the way down that way I went towards the spruce this way and then a little bit to the left is the Prairie where we got Houdini and then over that way I explored in the first episode and all I found was a bunch of water so the only

Way we haven’t really explored is behind the house I know there’s water there but I did see a small island so we’ll go head over there and check it out see if we can get lucky and find a Village Oh a village and I feel like we ran quite a big distance let’s see they’re about 12200 blocks from Spawn hey there’s a blacksmith over here oh gosh I should have brought some fish with me there’s cats here but I’ll have to get some fish real quick but first let me check this

Blacksmith see if there’s anything good here oh just a bunch of apples well I’ll replace my iron sword they can have that one it’s a little bit used wonder if I can quickly try and Leash these cats and put them in a boat so that they don’t like despawn or

Anything hey I got him on a leash nice okay I saw a black cat yeah right over there we got to make another boat and get that guy as well no okay I got him I’m going to try and bring him back down to like the same

Boat maybe yeah so once we get some fish we’ll come back here and tame both of these cats now the question is how do I get these villagers 1,300 blocks back home I’m almost thinking we should build a nether portal somewhere around here and just transport them through the

Nether might be a little bit dangerous but it’ll probably be the quickest way okay there’s a guy in here let’s go ahead and lock him up inside this house just in case like I I don’t want to risk like a whole infestation going on while

I’m working here so if we can get some of these guys to stay safe inside of their little homes we’ll be able to repopulate the Village just in case if anything happens ooh some potatoes I don’t think we have any potatoes yet yeah it’s our first potatoes nice wonder if these guys

Have beetroot anywhere is that that’s a carrot oh there we go beetroot seeds sweet I think that’s every crop in the game you know we’ve got wheat seeds back at home pumpkins and melons and everything else so I’m also going to take all of this wheat this will be very

Nice for when we need to breed them now I don’t have any obsidian or a diamond pick with me so I think I’ve got to go back home and grab a bunch of blocks and everything so that I can come back here and make a portal and Link the two that

Way we’ll be able to come back here easily and also be able to transport the villagers way easier and way faster all right I’m back at the Village I’ve got the obsidian I’ve got some flint and steel and I killed some salmon along the way too let’s try to get the cats real

Quick hopefully 19 fish is enough for both of these guys let’s see wow that guy only took one really and this guy is eating all of it okay there we go 12 or oh we have 12 left nice so I got a comment saying that you can leave

Your animals out of the boat oh wow like you don’t have to break the boat if you use a lead I did not know that okay that’s cool wait why is he getting back in but yeah we’ve got two new cats now and I’m going to go ahead and look

Through the comments and pick out some names real quick okay I found literally the perfect comment for this this is from Jenna 7161 and they say if you ever get a black cat could you name her Solstice um that’s my black kitty’s name in real

Life then I also have a calico cat uh who I named Tiger Lily aka the native girl from Peter Pan so I I just think this is perfect like there’s literally a calico cat here and a black cat both at this Village and uh yeah I mean what are

The odds of that right all right I’m going to put Tiger Lily here and Solstice ran off oh there she is uh but I’m going to take this little home right here and we’re going to build our nether portal inside of here just something quick and easy and small just put it

Right here and hopefully this will bring us in a safe spot and we could just make a nice little easy tunnel to get to back home uh we’re in a Crimson Forest above lava which is always scary so we’re at 1176 -48 basically we want to go towards

0 that’s just where spawn is from there I should be able to make my way back home I think I’m literally just going to make this like little Cobblestone like halfth I guess all the way to 0 and that’ll be our way to and from the

Village and back home also I don’t have any gold which is not a good idea nearest gold I see is up there and it’s right where this guy is if I can quickly kill this guy and then grab the gold okay we got four ingots that’s enough

For boots but I’ve already got diamond boots on I have a carved pumpkin on My Head though and I would kind of prefer to have a gold helmet so that I can replace this pumpkin just for that extra bit of protection if I could find one

More piece of gold that would be very nice oh sweet here we go I just need this I can make one more Ingot and then make a helmet so we got to retire the Christmas helmet just while we’re in the nether now that I have my gold helmet I started

Digging out this 2x two tunnel and making bridges over any gaps that we ran into oh my gosh no way wait that’s Cobblestone that’s I think that’s the portal right there wait the Portal’s right here wait those are my traitors dude this is perfect can’t believe I

Just found ancient debris I didn’t know ancient debris spawned up here at y75 that’s pretty high up I should be able to just like oh not do that going to say I should be able to like dig this way and then I think I should run into the portal

Perfect one of the llamas is still here oh my gosh this dude’s been trapped in the nether forever I guess all right this worked out like way too perfectly I mean right as we found ancient debris we’re literally right next to the portal here we’ve got a straight shot back to

The Village just got to finish making it a little bit safer here around the Crimson biome because all these hoglins down here make it a little bit scary all right I think the tunnel is safe enough let’s go back to the village and grab some guys and try and get them through

The portal here see if we can bring them back home all right we got both of the guys in here but the second one literally just ran right into the boat with the other guy and that’s going to be an issue we should probably block off the portal

So that they don’t run back try and separate these two guys all right sweet we got this guy back here and this guy here now all I have to do is just keep rowing my boat on this Netherrack until we get all the way to the end of that tunnel

Oh my God this guy scared me dude oh no he went into the boat with the villager oh no oh my gosh are you kidding me yes I got a kill him now all right you just need to walk through the portal my friend and then I’ll meet you on the other

Side he’s running want to get in the boat good I’m just going to box this first guy up inside of this Cobblestone real quick just in case if any zombies try and get over here while I’m gone all right sweet we got the second guy in here now first guy is over there

Uh I need to build like a temporary villager breeder I think right over here by the river I’m I’m just going to build a small square basically just to make a little temporary like breeding area for the villagers I know it kind of sucks just doing like temporary stuff but the

Main goal of this episode today is just to get the iron farm up and running so somewhere down the line you know we’ll we’ll eventually make like a an actual wool farm and an actual villager breeder rather than just these temporary Little Farms arms oh yeah something just like

This gets the job done just a nice little place where they can be protected and I can just throw a bunch of uh red at them and just keep pumping out little babies there we go I got both of these guys moved in here now I just got to

Craft up a couple more beds and then we can start giving them some bread let’s go check on the wool Farm here let’s see how much we’ve got okay Well’s not bad uh it’s all right I’m going to grab all that wheat from earlier and make a bunch of bread for our

Villagers all right there we go you got a bunch of beds in there going to throw a bunch of bread to these guys now I guess we just kind of hang around and wait for them to make a couple babies I think in total we’re going to need five

Villagers because to make an iron farm we’ll have to have three guys and then in order to keep the population going we’re going to need to keep two in here so that’s five in total but yeah we we’ already got three now we’ve got our little new little baby part of the part

Of the crew now and I think these guys have like a 10minute cool down so hopefully uh time kind of flies by and you know we can get this show on the road while we’re waiting for the villagers to breed I guess we can keep ourselves busy you know we did leave our

Cats back at the uh the village over there let’s get some name tags name up our cats and then bring them back home all right now we officially have Tiger Lily and Solstice and just like that we made it back home with the cats safe and sound

We’ll just leave them here for now eventually we’ll probably like spread all the pets around the world but for now you know they’ll just stay outside my cabin oh wow we’ve already got two villager or two baby villagers here hey this is going faster than I thought

Actually hope they have enough bread to keep breeding cuz I’m all out of bread I’m out of wheat so hopefully they’re they’re good on their own there um I am going to start working on clearing out an area over here so that way once we get all the villagers breed we can just

Load them up into the place and start farming some iron and I just realized that the area that I’m going to start working on is a little bit too far from this automatic sheep farm so we’re just going to tear this down real quick and

Rebuild it a little bit closer to the uh area that we’re going to be working okay yeah we got this uh little sheep farm moved over here right in front of the barn cuz the area that we’re going to be clearing out is actually right over here

Through these trees so yeah like right over here let me get a quick vantage point so you can kind of see where we’re at but that’s the barn right there and over there is the sugar cane farm so now I’m going to get to work clear out a

Bunch of these trees and get some uh materials moved over here so that we can start building And now we’ve got a nice flat and clear plot of land here we’ll be able to start building our Windmill and iron farm and I went on ahead and brought over a bunch of materials going to be sticking with the Birch Spruce Oak and Cobble deep

Slate like in the other builds but I want to go take a quick look at the Villager breeder and see if we have any more babies oh wow there’s an iron golem that uh spawned outside of the place I guess there was must have been a zombie

Or something that came up here and started scaring [Applause] them oh my 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah so I guess these guys are all maxed out there’s six villagers here and six beds meaning everybody has a bed here and even if I gave them more bread I don’t think any

More would spawn in so I guess that means we can start taking some of those guys over and actually start working on the iron farm so I don’t think the boat method is really going to work super well considering we have to go uphill here so I think I’m going to try and

Like lure one of them out with a barrel hopefully they don’t all just start running out um okay okay okay okay there we go okay he took the job you come over here will you take it all right keep coming keep coming keep coming I basically just got to keep

Doing this all the way until we we reach the plot of land that we cleared oh no he must see the barrels over by the place over here oh you idiot what are you doing this guy’s really going back home he went into the boat oh my God I hate

Villagers so much this guy’s an idiot okay we got our first guy finally all the way over here guess I got to go bring three or two more guys all right we managed to get all three guys here just in time for the sunset which means

I can probably go to sleep here in a minute and then we could start uh building the iron farm all right now this is going to be the challenging part um we’re actually building this iron farm in the sky and I need their beds to

Be at a certain height all right so this will be their little platform for their beds I got to figure out how to get down here like this um I’m actually going to need to make a Stairway for them to reach that so this is probably not the

Best idea I think the wise thing to do is wait until it’s night time and then set their beds up at the at the platform up there and then they should just walk up the stairs here I’m going to need a little bit of wool here from from the

Woolf Farm oh wow got 40 so yeah once it’s night time they should just walk up these stairs if they see their beds like this then I think we should be good maybe I’ll make the platform a little bit bigger so that they can actually like walk around here I’m actually going

To be following a tutorial by shulkercraft uh for a nice little compact iron farm here so I’m going to get to work on that and maybe I’ll do like a little time lapse or something something or another I don’t want to like go into detail about it because you

Know it’s not my farm so if you guys are actually curious on like how to make it and all that stuff I’ll leave a link to Sher crafts video in the description so I just followed exactly what Sher craft did for this Redstone portion of the Farm and then night came extremely quick so I found a zombie and gave him my Christmas hat that and then I trapped him in a boat so that he won’t despawn I figured I could free the villagers at night and they would path to their beds but instead they both just

Ran in different directions away from the build after catching both of the villagers I was trying to find a safe place to sleep and make it daytime but I wasn’t quick enough and a zombie hopped in a boat and infected one of our Guys so then I made a brewing stand got another Christmas hat for the holiday spirit and then brewed up some splash potions of weakness and a golden apple and then I started the curing process for our zombified friend and after all of this chaos I finally managed to get to villagers up

To their platform I think bringing them close to the stairs and then breaking the boat made it way easier easier for them to find their job site and beds but now that they’re up there I just followed the rest of the tutorial to make a somewhat functioning iron

Farm man that was super stressful to build I think it should be working now might have to wait until like it’s actually fully night time for the villagers to go to sleep uh I’ve got this random waterfall it’s not suppos supposed to be like this it’s just cuz I

Don’t have enough Hoppers to start uh collecting the iron once it starts spawning actually think I need to let the or let the villagers sleep a little bit longer all right I’m in a little free cam mod and it looks like all the villagers are in their bed so if I wake them

Up they’re going to jump out of bed and then we should get iron golems spawning we’re supposed to get iron golems spawning right now okay yeah there we go all right sweet this is working perfectly so yeah once we get Hoppers it’ll be a lot better right now I just have this

Waterfall that the iron is just going to fall down here good there it goes nice well we’ve run into an issue already I think uh cuz I have this hole here it’s like messing up the water stream and the Golem is not touching the lava yeah I’m

Not quite sure what’s going going on he actually just can’t even hit the lava for some reason okay I put those corner pieces in I think it should be working now hopefully fingers crossed I’ll sit back here and watch it for a little bit okay yeah it sounds like it’s

Working I finally figured out what was going on with this and why we were having some issues it’s because I didn’t have the Hoppers installed yet and basically I had dirt blocks right where those Hoppers are and it was letting the Iron Golems spawn on there but yeah it’s

Been working pretty well so far I’ve got my storage system set up right here and I afked back at the sugarcane place for about 15 minutes or so and yeah we’ve got like a stack of iron already but for now I think I’m going to go on ahead and

Turn off this little piston it should stop the zombie from jumping up and down and also stop the Iron Golems from spawning I just wanted to turn it off just because we’re going to go ahead and start building the windmill here and once we start placing a bunch of blocks

That are not like slabs and stuff like that basically any block that an iron golem can spawn on it’ll probably spawn outside of the farm and then just interrupt this whole build process so yeah the Farm’s are going to be off for now but let’s go on ahead and build this windmill

So for this build I started off by marking out the doorway and using Spruce logs to Mark out the columns I use stone bricks all around to make a sturdy base sticking in theme of the other builds I used Birch planks for the walls upside down and and right side

Upstairs connect really well to the glass pane windows and for the roof I used Cobble deep slate slabs to make a trim I wanted to add some character to the roof but I made these flares on the corners and the peak and then of course I use Spruce to

Fill in the rest of the roof but I left a circular shape in the middle because I planned on having the tower for the windmill go there I placed a bunch of buttons to prevent Iron Golems from spawning on the roof and then I built up the corners of

The tower using Spruce logs I wanted to use stripped birch logs on the edge of the walls and then planks in the middle just kind of helps break up the texture a little bit since this Tower is circular the roof is going to be cone-shaped so I

Made a ring of coule deep slate around the top then I created the shape of the cone and made all four sides meet at the peak I used Spruce to fill in the rest and made sure that all four parts are symmetrical it’s important to note that

I only use stairs and half slabs for the exposed parts of the roof again this is just to prevent Golems from spawning up here then I began to work on the windmill part by creating the axle and surrounding it with trap Doors thanks to our automatic sheep farm from earlier I was able to get enough wool to make these Blades carpets also prevent spawning all four of these blades are the same each one is just rotated 90° then I added some quick details to the outside by making the walls circular and adding some buttons and trap do Shutters I wanted to make an awning for the front door and campfires make the perfect roof for This to detail the outside of the tower I added some flower boxes more trap doors and this cool little roof over some of the windows since we have a lot of iron now I use chains to hang lanterns at different heights but the inside I changed the floor to Oak

Planks I made a ladder out of trap doors that leads to a catwalk where we can have access to the iron farm I thought that adding a fireplace in the corner would make this place feel very cozy and of course if you have a fireplace you’ve got to have a chimney outside

Man the way this renders over the trees right over here with a little bit of fog too oh this is so nice I’m sure we’ll keep a couple of trees here but I think uh clearing it out a lot and putting in some Farmland will look really really

Nice but let’s head on in here and turn the farm back on and just double check to make sure everything is spawn prooof you know I did use the buttons and the carpet for the uh actual windmill part and all these are like the bottom slabs

So nothing should be able to spawn here hopefully all right so all I got to do is place this torch here zombes going to go up and down and then soon we should hear an iron golem dying I’m going to fly up here in my little freak cam mod and

Yeah and then all that iron will just flow down this little Hopper stream into this chest here where we can collect it as well as some poppies too yeah this place is actually feeling really cozy too like it feels like there’s like an actual you know like a farmer here he’s

Got his bed here let’s actually turn this into a red bed I think uh having a little bit more color here might be nice but this little like corner fireplace here and I I put a bunch of poies all around all over the place just to like

Kind of like honor the Iron Golems or something I don’t really know but this side of the house over here doesn’t really have much and I was initially thinking maybe we could squeeze in the Villager breeder over here but it just doesn’t really make much sense to have

It like in the windmill so I think instead we’re going to do some sort of like automatic composting bone meal thing since we’re going to be getting a lot of seeds once we plant all the crops around and all the poppies we get we can also recycle so this is just a super

Simple design that uh you just basically just stick whatever you want inside of this uh chest here and then it filters through the the composter will make bone meal and then everything will get put into this chest here let’s grabb all these poppies real quick and see how it

Works put them in this chest and then the hopper drops them in there and it makes bone meal and the bone meal gets put into the double chest sweet this does look a little bit ugly just uh all these Hoppers and stuff like that so we could probably just like try and make

Some sort of uh little table or something here to try and hide this mess so something like this I think looks pretty good you know you got some bookshelves or whatever maybe bookshelves on like a agriculture or something and obviously you know this still functional right you can just put

Like foliage up in there and it’ll start bone mealing it um but I wanted to keep these composters exposed just in case if we do decide to let villagers roam around here I want them to come up here and actually become farmers and you know like occupy this house as Farmers that’s

Why I didn’t use any Barrels in here but one last thing I think that would look nice is just putting in a little table like how we have at hour house just something like this you know a place to sit down and eat your lunch or whatever

I think this place is pretty much done um just in the in the meantime of making that little uh storage area down there with the composters and stuff uh we’ve already got like another stack of iron and more poppies of course yeah I think that’s all we’ve got for this windmill

Here uh next up I think I just need to clear out a bunch of these trees and fill in a bunch of these holes we’ve got just a ton of just like random holes all over this place that you know we’ll probably fill them in we probably won’t

Make it uh completely full just do like two blocks of dirt so I just cleared out a bunch of these trees around here let me actually fly up here in the little free cam mod just so you can get an idea of how much space we actually have with

This windmill so you guys might be able to get an idea now of what I’m going for with like having like a little curvy path that connects up here and then and just a bunch of circular Farm plots that go all around the windmill and believe

It or not I was actually going to try and do that this episode but I just edited everything that you guys just watched and we’re already at the 30 minute Mark or sorry I guess we’re actually over the 30 minute Mark we’re going to come in here take one last look

At this place and yeah just let me know what you guys think about it I think it’s uh it came out really cool like I think it’s a really creative way to kind of hide an iron F Farm I don’t know I’m just really happy with the way it turned

Out and I can’t wait till we get like the actual farming plots in here I think we’ll grab Solstice here and Tiger Lily and we’ll head over to the windmill where we’ll read the comment of the episode okay please forgive me in advance cuz I’m absolutely going to

Butcher this but the comment for this episode comes from Arya K I hope I’m pronouncing that somewhat close but they say sending love from Nepal your videos are my go-to seriously shared the magic with my buddies and they’re hooked too no worries about upload time good things

Take time right keep shining and can’t wait for more epic content well thank you Arya I really do appreciate the kind words and the fact that you shared it with your buddies really means a lot but I picked out this comment because I wanted to highlight all the different

Countries that my videos are reaching I just find it crazy that people in all these different countries like I’ve seen Nepal of course Brazil Romania the UK of course the United States and it’s just wild to think that the videos are just kind of reaching out across the world

Like back when I kind of started making YouTube videos when I was like way young it would mainly just be me and my buddies that would watch the videos not really anyone from across the world so it always puts a smile on my face whenever I see you guys commenting where

You’re from from like different countries and everything I don’t know why but I just find it so amazing and and it’s just really fun to like see all these different countries that you guys are from so thank you guys for sharing but I think that’s going to do it for

This episode next episode we’ll work on doing the crop farms and everything like that but I think this video is going up right around Christmas time maybe Christmas Eve so I hope you guys all have a wonderful Christmas wonderful holiday season spend it with your family

And I hope you guys get all the presents that you wished for so anyway make sure you guys leave a comment and you might be chosen for the next episode’s comment of the book but I hope you guys stay safe take care and I’ll see you guys in 2024

This video, titled ‘The Iron Farm Windmill | Hardcore Minecraft 005 (1.20)’, was uploaded by Etat on 2023-12-24 18:00:10. It has garnered 619 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds.

In this 5th episode of the Hardcore Minecraft series, I do a little bit of exploring, find some new friends, and build a cool windmill that produces iron automatically! Thank you for watching this episode, don’t forget to leave a topic/question for the next book and quill comment! Take care, stay safe, see you all soon!

Shulkercraft’s Iron Farm:

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    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure Welcome to! Today we have an exciting update for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. While you may be busy with your own projects and solo survival games, there’s a world of adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With an epic survival game experience and regular Minecraft mod updates, Minewind offers a vibrant community for players to explore, build, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why not take a break from your solo adventures and join the fun on Minewind? Connect with like-minded gamers,… Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • Crafting a Mollie Macaw Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Mollie Macaw Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Molly Macaw Portal in Indigo Park Exploring the eerie world of Indigo Park in Minecraft, players encounter the main antagonist, Molly Macaw, a bird-shaped creature. To delve into this mysterious realm, UzeMing guides viewers through the process of creating the Molly Macaw portal. Let’s embark on this thrilling journey! Materials Needed UzeMing prepares the essential materials for crafting the portal. These include obsidian as the primary material and additional elements like yellow and green walls. With everything set, it’s time to construct the portal in a 4×5 size. Entering the Portal Stepping through the portal, players… Read More

  • Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft

    Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Creativity Minecraft, a game loved by millions around the world, offers endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From mining for valuable resources like Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Diamond, and Emerald to building magnificent structures, the game captivates players of all ages. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is delving into the depths of the world to uncover rare resources. Players can embark on mining expeditions to collect valuable materials like diamonds and emeralds, which can be used to craft powerful tools and armor. Building and Crafting… Read More

  • 😱 INSANE Minecraft Stream with Bobby Brotherhood

    😱 INSANE Minecraft Stream with Bobby BrotherhoodVideo Information I think we’re live let’s see let’s see let’s see should be live and it says upcoming oh wait check this out hey we’re live we’re live oh [ __ ] no it’s gonna do the thing hold up I got to you’re throwing earbud in never mind they’re dead Okay um yeah um I’m playing some Minecraft um just kind of going to create a new world and um see where we go from there been kind of feeling Minecraft been building in creative mode a lot but yeah just going to kind of just do a… Read More

  • Freky19 Downtown SMP Livestream: Dig Again!

    Freky19 Downtown SMP Livestream: Dig Again!Video Information This video, titled ‘DOWNTOWN SMP LIVESTREAM – MAGBUNGKAL ULIT! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Freky19 on 2024-03-28 04:59:02. It has garnered 92 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:17 or 8957 seconds. Subscribe or else Music used: Thumbnail by: CerbzMC #minecraft #filipino #downtown Read More

  • 🔥 TOLK FIRE – Shocking Truth Revealed! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 TOLK FIRE - Shocking Truth Revealed! 🤯 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information like a baby I of This video, titled ‘They Are Favourite But….🥀|| #shorts #edit #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by TOLK FIRE on 2024-05-27 11:30:01. It has garnered 513 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. जय श्री राम Title – They Are Favourite But….🥀|| #shorts #edit #minecraft #technogamerz #iyecommunity #iyeedits #iye Edited by – @TOLKFIREOfficial & @ObsessedBanda Youtubers in this video :-@GamerFleet @BeastBoyShub@YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht@YesSmartyPieShorts1 @TechnoGamerzOfficial@UjjwalGamer @NotGamerFleet Song Name – none Inspired – @SSEditzs55 अगर आपको यह वीडियो पसंद आया तो लाइक और सब्सक्राइब जरूर करें🔫☠ Ignore Tags- minecraft pvp minecraft minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Doknes Haunted Skyblock Troll Prank! 😱👻 | Minecraft Madness

    Doknes Haunted Skyblock Troll Prank! 😱👻 | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information na moim serwerze powstają naprawdę bardzo dziwne domy i aż Dziwi mnie fakt że tak mało osób buduje po prostu domy w powietrzu jeżeli popatrzyć na to z drugiej strony to niebo wydaje się dobrą alternatywą do baz podziemnych bo na niebie też ta baza jest ukryta jakby nie było ale w dzisiejszym odcinku spróbujemy zbudować Skyblock nad bazą Widza z tym że ten Skyblock będzie nawiedzony jak na to zareaguje widz oraz czy się wystraszy o tym się dzisiaj przekonamy A wy Zostawcie koniecznie łapkę w górę i subskrybujcie kanał filmy codziennie No dobra więc przechodząc tutaj… Read More

  • INSANE money hack on OP Minecraft server!

    INSANE money hack on OP Minecraft server!Video Information today I joined the biggest Minecraft server and became the best player in 24 hours first when you join go to your private mine and then start mining as many blocks as possible and for every single block you mine you will earn orbs to upgrade your pickaxe then right click your pickaxe and upgrade the orb greed enchant and this enchant will multiply the amount of orbs you earn per block and make it easy to upgrade This video, titled ‘i found the easiest money making method on op minecraft prisons server is super op…’, was uploaded… Read More

  • 🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿

    🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello oh I didn’t put the game on screen that’s what I forgot oop oops forgot to get the actual game on screen hold on oh [ __ ] anyway hi hi I guess give me a minute to figure out how the [ __ ] I’m going to get Minecraft on here why isn’t it working amazing start to the stream H hold on hold on also let me get chat pulled up on my phone I haven’t had to do that the last couple days cuz um I’ve been playing like… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!

    Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!Video Information yes what you good luck foreg some U uh it is I am I see how it is megie I see how it is you left me I see how it is I see she was in stream I see how it is megie I see I see you leaving me like that huh what the hell over yeah here I me Missy it’s fine you should probably recognize don’t say it out loud don’t say it out loud but on on your streaming still but do you see I was already checking but nice I mean I’ve… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 5 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-10 23:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!Video Information byebye by bye byee [Music] This video, titled ‘Mewing #minecraft #short #animation #prisma3danimation #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Block Studios on 2024-04-22 00:13:15. It has garnered 3516 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. ⬛⬜Thank you for watching ⬜⬛ And I hope you are always healthy. Don’t forget to press the play button (subscribe) and the like button too, if you want to share this video, that’s very welcome and will help to make my latest video viral and I will make it for you entertaining 🖤🤍❤See you next video people❤🤍🖤 Template by… Read More

  • DaemoniaCraft

    DaemoniaCraftWelcome to DaemoniaCraft, Immerse yourself in a unique Minecraft experience that blends the charm of medieval history with the excitement of an SMP Towny server. Features: – Medieval Kingdoms – Thriving Economy – Dynamic World – Intriguing Ranks – Resource Kits – Community & Events Join us at DaemoniaCraft and become a part of our medieval world, forge friendships, establish kingdoms, and embark on epic adventures. Your destiny awaits, noble traveler! Read More

  • Falloutcraft: modded

    IP Address: Welcome to Falloutcraft! Are you craving more post-apocalyptic vibes in your Minecraft experience after watching the Fallout TV show? Look no further! Join Now! If you’d like to join the semi-exclusive Falloutcraft server, simply leave a comment with your Minecraft username. I’ll whitelist you and send you a DM with the server’s discord link! Read More

  • Survival Quest 1.21 – Free For All survival

    Welcome to Survival Quest 1.21 – your ultimate destination for a pure, unaltered Minecraft survival experience! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey, Vanilla Quest offers a simple, classic survival world where your creativity and skills can truly shine.What We Offer:Pure Survival Experience: Enjoy Minecraft as it was meant to be played. No mods, no gimmicks – just pure, unmodified survival gameplay.PVP Enabled: Test your skills against other players in our open-world PVP environment. Form alliances, battle foes, and claim your dominance!Server Rules:No Hacking/Xray: Fair play is our top priority. Any form of cheating, including hacking or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty or Trashy?

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty or Trashy?That meme must have some serious mining and crafting skills to have such a high score! Read More

  • Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft’s Hidden Door Encore

    Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft's Hidden Door Encore In Minecraft, a hidden door we shall create, With redstone and items, we’ll demonstrate. Place a comparator on each side with care, Add an item frame, the secret to share. To close the door, just add an item inside, Turn it a bit, the entrance will hide. Remove the item, the door will reveal, A hidden passageway, a secret appeal. Subscribe for more tutorials, tips, and tricks, In Minecraft, creativity clicks. Stay tuned for more #MinecraftShorts, Where gaming fun always transports. Read More

  • Which pickaxe is the hottest?

    Which pickaxe is the hottest? The one that’s been upgraded with turbo boosters and a built-in espresso machine! Read More

  • Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents

    Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents Exploring the Magical World of Minecraft Mods with Scarlett In a thrilling video, Scarlett takes us on a magical journey through the Minecraft universe, testing a series of incredible mods that turn him into the greatest wizard of all time. We follow every step of this mystical adventure as he experiences new mods that add magical abilities, powerful potions, and ancient enchantments to the game. Origins of Magic Scarlett begins his magical quest by selecting the Origins mod, specifically the Magic Origins, which introduces a variety of classes. He chooses the Druid class, turning himself green and gaining nature-related… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a mysterious Minecraft legend in a video by RSmoody. The video titled “GİZEMLİ MINECRAFT EFSANESİ SHADOW BENİ EVRENİNDE HAPSETTİ!” takes viewers on a thrilling adventure as they try to unravel the mysteries of the SHADOW legend. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re a fan of fun, mystery, and adventure in Minecraft, then you’ll definitely want to join… Read More

  • Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀

    Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀Video Information [Music] again [Music] [Music] nice [Music] you [Music] [Music] well well well if it isn’t the forbidden food hello hello chat it’s been too long I got a new shirt I got this shirt today how’s it looking who we got tell Rock gray magic remove CL hi Moss how are you Kathy long time no subathon how you been Mark Mark salute hello to the Boys wormus music a little too loud you’re so right thank you okay it’s the song’s changing it’s not gone I promise I promise audio balance audio balance my uh my face… Read More

  • Bedwars Live Fun

    Bedwars Live FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Live- Having Fun Join In’, was uploaded by Veegu on 2024-06-16 01:11:57. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:41 or 2021 seconds. the secret tags shhhhhhhhhh…………. #minecraft #bedwarsminecraft #bedwars #minecraftbedwars #hypixel #hypixelbedwars #likeforlikes #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #likes #mcig #minecraftserver #georgenotfound #hypixelserver #gamerboy #memes #bedwarshypixel #like #minecraftpvp #minecraftpc #dreamminecraft #hypixelskyblock #mcpe #mcigisbeautiful #hypixelskywars #minecraftbuilds #likeforfollow #youtube #skeppy minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft builds, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft… Read More

  • Sunny’s INSANE Minecraft Fan Girl Encounter!

    Sunny's INSANE Minecraft Fan Girl Encounter!Video Information Sunny get over here why didn’t you throw the trash out uh I’m so sorry my love I’ll do it now now if you look closely goats you can see before you a wild s specimen how do I always forget these things I’m going to make her angry again now as you can see he doesn’t want to make his beloved Sunshine angry why you might ask this was Sunshine before she was his beloved girlfriend just a few more trades and I’ll be able to get that precious armor yes take my Beats yes emeralds so… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Steve vs Enderman Editz #viral

    Epic Showdown: Steve vs Enderman Editz #viralVideo Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый Лис на цветни краска искупалась This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steve vs Enderman editz #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Strikerush editz on 2024-06-03 03:04:49. It has garnered 11322 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Live Build Nightmares in Minecraft!

    Shocking Live Build Nightmares in Minecraft!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to another video and this we’re going to be continuing our let’s Bill little nightmares 2 in Minecraft this is episode number 86 and we are really me6 pinged like very early that time before the stream even like officially started that’s crazy there it is finally I don’t know why it Tak so long anyway um I haven’t made a ton of progress on this but that’s fine I I’ll get into that in a second but um here’s what I have done since last episode I don’t remember where we… Read More

  • Ultimate Mobs Battle: Luxtructosaurus vs. Crimson Steve’s

    Ultimate Mobs Battle: Luxtructosaurus vs. Crimson Steve'sVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft |Mobs Battle| Luxtructosaurus VS Crimson Steve’s More Mobs’, was uploaded by 100 Hundred Plus on 2024-03-03 13:15:03. It has garnered 1299 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:52 or 592 seconds. Hello My Friends… I Hope You’re Doing Fine …Please Be Happy And Subscribe To my Channel and Give me Your Opinion in Comments … Thanks Mods : Alex’s Caves Link : Crimson Steve’s More Mobs Link : My Main Channel The Twilight Forest Cosmic Fiend Archaic Sentinel Mutant More Mutant Beasts Blue Skies Summoner Farseer Vanilla… Read More

  • Defeat Dragons and Finish Minecraft! RAAAAAWRRR [Vertical Stream]

    Defeat Dragons and Finish Minecraft! RAAAAAWRRR [Vertical Stream]Video Information [Musik] yeah yeah let’s go Hai guys welcome welcome welcome welcome di channelnya Kaira Kaira apa Kaira apa Kaira apa ya jelas Kaira Asla semoga kalian selalu bahagia semoga kalian selalu terhibur jangan lupa pencetatnya loncengnya dan juga subscribe-nya ye kalau kalian lagi sedih atau gunda Datanglah ke sini karena ada Kaira dan apabila kamu tak bisa datang kalian bisa Nonon video Kaira lainnya ka wangi Kaira wangi Kaira wangi Kaira wangi kairawangi kairawangi kirawangi kairawangi kairawangi kairawangi kairawangi kairawangi [Musik] ye yeah yeah ye ye yeah yeah yeah let’s go Hai guys welcome welcome welcome welcome di… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft journey in 15 years!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft journey in 15 years!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft 15 year journey special live |’, was uploaded by TiXX on 2024-05-26 04:24:42. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:43 or 4603 seconds. Road To : 800 subs VALO ID : TiXX #tixx Link For Subscribing : Join Discord : For Tipping :- –❯ UPI ID : sajhansakkir1@oksbi Step into a world bursting with excitement and adventure! Welcome to our gaming paradise, where every pixel comes alive with thrilling gameplay and electrifying live streams. Join us as we dive headfirst into a kaleidoscope of gaming… Read More

  • Faiz Sensei’s Mind-Blowing Round 🔥 #shorts

    Faiz Sensei's Mind-Blowing Round 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Round is 🔥 #shorts #shortsfeed #viral #viralfeed #trending #trendingshorts #viralshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Faiz Sensei on 2024-05-22 02:55:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tagssss plz ignore this – edit #viral #trend #shortsfeed #ytshorts #viralfeed #minecraft #freefire #gamerfleet #danishzehen … Read More

  • JeriCraft

    JeriCraftJeriCraft is a semi-hardcore SMP server with a focus on Slimefun, Economy, Jobs, mcMMO, Seasons, MythicMobs and more! We are a small, tight-knit gaming community, consisting of professional staff and mature members who want to have fun (chatting and banter) while gaming, where taking part is just as important as winning. JeriCraft thrives on the quality of its members. It is, therefore, our mission to sustain and promote good gaming, loyalty and honesty in the lives of gamers all over the world. We plan to achieve this mission, primarily, by allowing members to play in a competitive yet friendly environment…. Read More