Insane Joker Builds Epic Town in Minecraft!

Video Information

Hope it’s not too loud check my stream and see if it’s too loud real quick one of You yeah see good yeah it’s looking good nice ah now time to link everything you guys fix all the creeper holes I’m surprised wait what fix all the creeper holes yeah uh you see how nice and smooth the land is my that was my doing

By the way that was you I thought that might have been MOS absolutely not how was my doing um El do I link oh yes so lost this looks so looks so Bland now that Moss’s giant jungle trees in here we can we can do things about that

Just looks so empty in the middle of like uh Petco’s house and the that’s why this that’s why this this time is dedicated to advancing the town and making it better I have a quest mate and what is this Quest would you like to go on a

Actually actually like to go on a mining trip with more a mining trip yes you see I’m low on iron mean I could loan you some I’m going to need a lot of iron as I said it’s alone well what are you what are you willing to

Take my iron back of course as I said it’s merely a loan you’ll pay me back I suppose how much is it that you need stack perhaps that’s all a stack and I and I thought you needed a lot you’re talking to the richest man in Lando

Whoa oh man you know what you know what why don’t you just come over here and take a look inside my chest and be stunned would you like to store that to my newly form Bank no what why do I why do why do we need a bank why do we need

That in case you need to sore valuables that you want no one to touch no I’m sure mine is fine for now just go ahead and take a look yeah yeah I mean I’ve been at it I’ve been at it I mean it’s all right like overrated overrated op overrated in my

Opinion here you can have this stack right here but as I said it is aone so I do uh quest in I stack back eventually yes and I also uh one more thing I require from you and that is hi Jack you see yeah I can see uh partner I’m afraid I don’t

Oh um uh for what exactly I need to go into the other dimension and find a NE Fortress ah yes the nether fortress yes ah that can come at a later date I’m sure I mean come on take a look take a look look at all this flat land this

Beautiful flat land out here Surly there’s some structures that can be built not just here over in your District as well there’s more to be done around the town then we can move on to getting to the Fortress and all that I need to so I can finish my

Bank you can put your bank on hold bro what are you looking for what are you looking for in that bank for that pink anyway I need blaze rods as I suspected well you know finding another Fortress is going to be 50,000 years into The Nether that we’re

Going to be searching for exactly why I need help and we will get to that eventually God awful render distance that we can’t do anything about so yeah that’s Tough you know what you’re lucky I need to set up a farm yeah see there’s always stuff you can do starving this is going to be something get away two zombies so many creeps Bes you mean it’s creeping know it’s creeper he ni be back why is there so many Zombies bro might as well be playing freaking Left for Dead all there is is zombies everywhere just playing that a few days ago actually playing it right now with a with a diamond sword no guns

Insane not that insane here’s a creepy Crawley I’m going oh I’m going to start spamming torches around this town I’m going to do it I promise you too many you know what we need an iron golem that’s what we need oh man oh good luck not us some

That it it might need to happen you got more than enough I saw the chest true do it yeah I might but I don’t want it to wander off too far I also want oh we got to make a snow district for Christmas okay I got to leave this is

What happens when you run around armor yeah we do not live anywhere near a snow biome yeah that’s true uh how do you even make the snow um the snow um you know snow how do you do that uh I don’t know oh man that sucks snow won’t melt what do you mean

I’m yapping what’s wrong with being the yapper not going to melt I want a snow go four snowballs which you do not have okay and I can get some like are you trying to persuade me not to do it or something like do you not celebrate Christmas like come on Christmas

Specials are fun they’re cool got to have a Christmas episode I’m not how am I up non you look like nonsense how about that yeah I up on my body come me Al it’ll ruin the Christmas season a Christmas episode what that don’t make no sense this is not chill Persona 4

Music it said it said chill work it said work and chill why am I working to this my chill and work Hey listen it’s going to make you tired I just read it okay I just went back for no reason oo this arm it’s not built for this right

Now I don’t know I don’t look at all these zombies whatever I’m just going to get XP yep why are they tankier than Creepers Oh the soundtrack does go crazy though but like I’m not chilling you play snow anywhere other than a snow biome it’ll melt I don’t believe you what if I I can make my own snow biome it can be artificial I feel like it’ll be fine that’s what I feel like please torches

In yeah Place torches we’re not placing torches on on the snow that’s going to going to be we can make lamp we can make lamps it’s going be fine you sure those don’t melt it either it better not this dude had to get his Lick in huh

Is there a reason why you’re just barging into my house without knocking you’re running upstairs talking to my guest there specific Reas I have a present for both of you a present for both of you mhm blone what say you here you go what oh what is that pot it’s a pot pot

What am I supposed to do with this and here’s a special pot is the special part that it’s pot number two what did it do you can put flowers in it maybe what is this yeah you can fire boy symb just Decor it’s it’s just Decoration oh no I didn’t mean to that uh do with that what you will flowers in it you can do flowers Jack said nice pots see Jack and she also call me Baldi as well I’m just saying what she says so don’t get mad at me you don’t have to mention it though

That’s the thing I feel like it would be oppressive if I didn’t impressive yeah I got to I I got it’s free speech man free country you just want to be a gaslighter what what does that have to do with gaslighting you want me to say something about Jack first off that’s instigating

Not gaslighting secondly I’m just saying what she said it’s not my fault I think it’s right I think it’s the right thing to do how did house turned out listen every nearly every time I I stream this is when we play it I don’t stream or we don’t play when I’m not

Streaming usually so his house is still the same and I’m pretty sure you saw the last episode where MOS burned his house down and we had a whole court case so yeah so we need a courthouse that is very true where should I put that I don’t I don’t really want to put

It it can’t be right there in the middle so you missed that episode Jack you weren’t there for that oh yeah you weren’t there for that episode well better go back to see the LA we had a whole court case it involved the Dio he

Dio and Moss had uh uh quite the dispute but luckily my uh my judge skills came in handy and we resolved it luckily but yeah this is uh this is the result of his house this is his house right here this is where it used to stand it’s G Doo is

A mile high ghoul uh rap guide as you you like to call him yeah yeah Yeah he almost did something worse to Moss but luckily okay you can have uh this God fetish of yours that doesn’t mean I got to play into it relax come on calm down oh talking about some address my God accordingly Loser shut up woo woo woo woo what is wrong with you Creeper Creeper Creeper are you the alarm or something yes creeper alarm anytime it it entered the village uh I will sound I I doubt it but sure what was I Doing don’t make you sound like what I don’t know what you mean I just went with my Interpretation oh this stupid birch tree grew I’m a r I’m J and no no no no wait a second now hold on a second this song comes from Persona yeah yeah I heard this song so many years ago that just gave me flashbacks what the I know I

Know it’s Peak it’s Peak yeah Persona got some pretty good writers I think R was one of them H you said bar Barky Barco nice O in here here here we go here we go with Jack nice uh Jack said Rap God uh smile emojis Emoji hi Rap God what’s going on Jack that’s insane not real I haven’t heard from Jack in a minute Jack what you been up [Laughter] To as I said just My interpretation don’t don’t get mad he said she’s been chilling with school Work by the way what I got a new disc the newest disc actually that they added in this update that’s nice ay Jam let me hear it okay and that’s why exactly why you’re not in this game exactly why you’re not in this game and not letting

You hear it wow oh I’ll hear that right and I’ll be in that game as soon as I get my full diamond armor and my diamond SW whoa that’s what I lost and that’s what I won you see you see what I mean wow I don’t

Care you took me on that that trip and you left you blocked me in to die there is no you you blocked me in to die I didn’t mean to block you in it doesn’t matter if you meant to or if you meant to it doesn’t matter because at the same

Time you did it at the same time you did it and that’s what matters full netherite armor that works too I don’t care but diamond armor and a oh you’re crazy diamond armor and a bow that’s what I want I said IND run run there’s there’s

A thing behind you a thing behind you he starts running I start running after him so I can kill it and then get out as soon as I run up to Ender I see him blocking off the way out now I’m stuck in there with 16 different piglins I

Don’t care what y’all say I want my stuff like I don’t understand how that so much to ask for dude you I’ll give him KJ I’ll give him the sword but you’re going to have to have to give theor I didn’t show you I didn’t show you my funds just to give

It away this is not a charity no no no no no no that’s not that’s not what this is I showed you this isn’t about being a charity this is about the betterment of the village you know what you can do come come with

Me see this you can take a pick and you can ride down there and get to hacking away at the ores and and find what you need that’s what you can do I’m not I’m not doing that well I don’t know anyway edits uh it’s

Been cool as you can hear we got some some disputes some problems that hopefully will get resolved sooner or later um where’s my bone meal here it is I didn’t continue working on the Cherry Grove District are you sure you can’t like have zero OU alone or

Something nope I want my stuff I lost everything I understand but do you truly need it immediately when you get back surely there has to be another way yes surely there’s nothing that you can think of nothing the only other way I could think of the only other thing I

Could think of is you helping Ender that’s another way why am I getting dragged into this that’s not why I asked you I asked you you’re the only other person that has the funds but either way I can’t think of another way the only

Other way I could think is if he gets me my exact bow back that’s hard cuz I had power for I had no no no no I had uh what’s it called what’s the other thing that’s not power but it’s it’s like power uh Punch Yeah I had punch four power one uh

Flame on it I had Unbreaking three I’m going need all that that’s not that bad I can drop that you get me punch one power four bre and Flame I need those exact detail I don’t want I don’t want to see no I don’t want to see no power two I don’t

Want to see no Unbreaking one I want exactly or above that I give that’s another option background information uh edits they went to the Nether and died and apparently uh zero here accidentally ran like a coward you know this was a possibility when we

Went to that bash where my hor I know it was a possibility and that’s why I was and that’s why I was willing to die for the greater good for the both of us but you left me to die that’s the problem I didn’t leave you to die I went back in

There try to get your stuff and you want to know what happened I also died and I also lost all my stuff and now I’m over here in gold armor trying to make some food cuz I’m starving I’m starving and I’m dying Stu back he did do that no no

No no no that that that’s absolutely his fault you know why cuz after I died I said I want all my stuff back he said is your stuff still there I said no I’m pretty sure it all burned in lava so he went to go look for nothing and I told

Him that before he went to go look for it so him dying has nothing to do with me I told him that my stuff isn’t there and he went to go look for something that isn’t there I told him all the information he needed I said I just need

You to get my stuff back cuz you have all those diamonds that’s all I said still blocks there there were still block there that it could have fallen into edit said at least you have leather armor you know what screw full diamond armor and a diamond sword I’ll take

This I’ll take um we have some new two stacks of ir two stacks of iron here actually diamond armor is a lot not going to lie a New Yorker hat two and a half stacks you can get a free membership at my bank can get can I move in with you Max

MOS M you have a house yes I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I to say I don’t know you’re very close you’re very close to being a wanted criminal who how about how about uh what are you lacking watch him underpay me what are you lagging going say 32

Wheek let me ask uh my armor and my sword okay ORS are you laging how about I could use some more iron that’s why I said two how about you take a diamond sword and a free tier three membership to my bank good on that I rather just

Buy I I can I can guarantee you power three that’s cool we’re about to punch One Flame one and breaking [Laughter] three listen hear me out I can guarantee you power three uh sharpness three and these these can be for different things oh wait actually oh no that’s fire protection uh efficiency 2

And um Unbreaking To that’s like four enchants that I can guarantee that can different things I have those exact enchants I will give you those in exchange for diamond armor a DI Sword what is that a deal for those four enchants those exact enchants I’ll just give you what if I give you those enchants and you give me my diamond and Diamond Sword back no I I I have those enchants I’m I’m offering them to you I know but what

I’m saying to you is I have them so if I give them to you would you give me diamond armor damond sword why would you give them to me if I already have them so you have more you put them on more things yes the majority of us are black

Uh inner um no I I don’t I don’t I don’t need that bro sniffed it out you don’t need that and you don’t want that because it’s not the same exchange I’m going to be having a boat that’s nowhere close as strong as my vat because it only has power three with no

Armor and no sword oh boy let’s see what we can do here good grief full Enchanted set of diamond armor an enchanted diamond sword and anant fully Crazy for all for all of that three stacks of iron shouldn’t be that much an that okay that’s insane that is insane

All my diamond armor everything I had everything I had what Jack come on come on this is friendly fire bro what does power do again more damage punch is the one that knocks back does power do more damage on anything or just a bow uh B sharpness Ah all right jack that’s enough mods how about for 3,000 seconds gotta popey is lowkey nasty I wouldn’t say that is fine for 10 seconds everything gets deleted when you get timed out wow I didn’t know that I didn’t know that either that’s Tough um y’all are making me lose my train of thought what was I thinking about I know uh want a want a sharpness want a sharpness three sword fond sword that will work also some armor I can give you full iron armor in this enchanted diamond Sword I’m afraid that won’t work all how about this how about this how about I won’t I won’t go getting you this stamina armor but I can enchant it for you when you need to so in exchange for my diamond armor and Diamond Sword you want me to let you

Enchant me my my stuff that I could do myself so if you want to enchant it you’re going to have to be spending your time going down there in that skeleton farm and getting all that XP for each and I’ve been doing that for ages I

Would not give that task to somebody to do that you could do something else if I have to give up my diamond armor and Diamond Sword yes I will continue to do that that is not an equivalent exchange I don’t know I’m all ears for offers but what are you going on the

Equivalent oh I don’t know Ender you’re going to have to figure something out you be the mediator this time what do you mean me man it is told I told you this should be a good I told you this should be a good opportunity to fix your problem solving skills put it

To the test you can add this to your resume I I told you I’ll I’ll give you a diamond sword and a tier three subscription to my bank tier three subscription he does that’s the best subscription actually I’ll go I’ll go be above and beyond for you in specific I’ll give

You free access to TI 4 what does that mean yeah what is four tier four is under chest no yeah I would have said no to that too what you giving him an Ender Chest bro what you don’t understand how hard that is to get I don’t how hard is it

And I can go searching for it by myself once my get my diamond armor diamond sword you know how that wins later edits have a good day that was in the nether or a night exactly that’s where it is ender chests are not worth full diamond armor and a diamond sword and Enchanted

And a bunch of arrows all your Valu those arrows but those are too easy to get um Joker remember the axe you gave me yeah I do remember giving you an axe how do I fix it I don’t want it to break shut up Jack there’s there’s uh time zon

Um come come here you have iron on you um I don’t know let check my I’ll check my chest you don’t know if you have I give you I’ll give you a diamond sword and a free IOU to make any build want yeah I have five iron okay if you

If you smelt that iron right and you go to my uh uh you go to my Smithy I’ll take um I’ll take the Diamond Sword and the IOU but I want the IOU right now and I want you to do nothing until you’re done if you agree by those terms then

Sure and I want you to build the entire Mansion I’mma charge you uh I’mma charge you some coal bro you said an i no you you can’t change the deal you can’t change the deal now you can’t change the deal now you said and I owe you to

Any I I’m choosing Di’s Mansion what you thought I was going to say a shack this is full diamond armor and the diamond sword we’re talking about all Enchanted and Enchanted B I’m going need that deal that is worth neit that’s like worth full NE right there no well you’re the

One who offered it and I owe you for any build and I want deal are you dancing what is that the head just passing the time how much iron do I need to fix this uh if you don’t want to do that it would be faster just find diamond find

Out this isn’t what I meant it’s going to charge you coal for it’s going to charge coal to use the smiy all right how about I get you helmet and boots with the sword so the most useless parts and KJ will get you don’t say my name the Chate don’t say my

Name I’ll give if he agrees to get me the rest yeah hey what it says an enchant cost a for but you just said you’ll give me the SW so two swords a helmet and some shoes okay wow drop me the drop me the axe I said one sword I said

How do I back out of this again I I haven’t played this in too long just press e or yeah E I think it’s not e Escape Escape I’ll take some I’ll do with a chest piece and some leggings but boots and a helmet the worst part

Iron I’m not good on diamonds what do you want me and look at my stream are you looking at my stream your stream okay look at your stream well I’m not good on anything right now I’m going to show you yes you you have a whole

Shop of food not diamonds yes you got all the food on the server we’re over here struggling for food over here then get then pay me what it’s do and then I’ll be back you put the iron here you see this this is its durability here and you don’t see it that means

It’s full durability it’s back to normal all right you see it says enchantment cost four that means yeah it take four of these right here of your exp oh four of the iron to fix it oh four of the experience okay but and I’ll give you I don’t want

To lose my do you have where you get all these diamonds I do this this will cost you 10 coal by the way if any of you stole my food when I was gone you better pay me for that if we if somebody stole your food why would they say why would they

Be like yeah I did just pay me now I already know you touched it crazy dang no we have like a law for false accusation can I put him in court wow he’s ready no we we don’t have a false accusation that’s not going to put I

Don’t think we do have Lander wait it’ser can I have a copy I need that coal uh a copy a coal how much coal 10 I I don’t have the resources to make a copy just yet yeah this is why we need security craft I got to put a camera on my shop

People are robbing my goods security craft people are robbing my goods no one is robbing you man I’m robbing my goods be shared what’ you say what who what did M say I don’t know I didn’t say anything no you did say did you say we

Shared M bro give me my money M why are you making it no he said we share M if you if you tell me who you shared with I will let you for go for your charge no no no I I said um I was talking to um Joker what what do we

Share he’s obviously we shared the um we’re sharing the ax what bro M just tell me who it is and you don’t have to pay nothing bro I Swear I swear to God no I’m be serious you don’t have to pay nothing if you tell me who the other corprate is no no there I really didn’t do anything all right okay just yapping everyone everyone put it on your mom okay they knew it say I put it on my

Mom put on your mom what I knew he was going to Ste no food for me S your next dang M me why are you questioning me what I yours you don’t want to get into that what I please tell me what I did to you in this server what I’m not talking

About you oh my M if we’re taking what’s rightfully on then your chest is about to be empty oh we don’t got to get to this we don’t need another court case we don’t at least wait till I make the courtroom want to say take what it’s own

You want to steal my food live on my property free of charge L say take what I I lived on your I lived on your property when did I live on your property remember you had a bunch of chest and a and A’s that what do you want for that

See he’s he’s a good man trying to get better you know how much you going to pay for the food I didn’t take any food okay I believe you say like I only have coal I could really only offer you coal or wood all right Coal’s

Fine not right it’s not right one two three five two three four five yeah I got to thinking all right KJ why are you saying my name he’s such a gracious God oh brother really I shouldn’t be like Jack is a for real at all because I mean

We’re part of different districts here he’s part of your district and why are you what yeah you’ll be in in this district for the court case if that’s what you want cour yeah yeah wait till he presses charges I can press charges for what for endangerment what huh for endangerment and destruction of

Property don’t think I forgot about you blowing up my chest oh so we’re going to forget about the murder murder case huh going about that too yeah exactly this was not a murder case I told you that was an accident it’s still murder we don’t understand by

That or actually it wouldn’t be murder it would be manslaughter depending on the case but it could still be murder you you blew up my chest on purpose don’t matter i’ rather someone blow up my belongings on purpose than kill me on accident Len I have the law book right here I

About to read it out loud so everybody can hear since everybody’s here for the most part from now on these laws will be applied and for anything that’s not here in this book you’re allowed to try to press charges if you have a good reason and maybe it will be

Accepted into the court anyways for what is in laws first we got No Stealing second no griefing without permission which includes breaking others blocks including any blocks on their property also including underneath their structures as well no trespassing in houses no offensive build or structures keep the environment clean no floating trees no

Excessive torches uh the the ones that we have around the town are an exception right now because you know monsters no animal cruelty animal farming is fine but no overpopulation or overly cruel means of farming them zero who’s he talking about no excessive automated farming machines for or or

Animals no PVP without consent if you harm a player without consent this is considered assault if you kill them without consent that’s murder and you got defensive rights a player has the right to defend himself if they feel their life or property is in danger all right there you go that’s it’s in

The book for now well that doesn’t carry over to my dist it does this is the entire land you can have exclusive laws to add on to it but these laws still apply they can’t counter our laws though it’s only add them what see I knew he was going to do that

Why I had to state that it’s not fair we’re a different District we’re a different city over here no you’re the same still the same country we’re also we’re also a district we’re both districts but the whole land is yeah those arees Jack said and I quote no pay him

Back Bal this is you just listen listen you just made these laws you there was no votes or anything on them you just made all right does anyone yeah all right I do oh wow that’s one out of five yeah you lose that right line ain’t gonna help

You out here I don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect me mon it does affect you though he’s going to press charges against you because you you lived in on his property no he said that off he wants coal I told you guys starting now from when I explained it so technically

It wouldn’t apply oh okay no but I still cold cuz I’m a morally just person mhm so there you have it I really hate that this like this might have to make it myself yeah might have to do that whoa this is bad Whoa much better oh man I hate this nothing I hate what I have to do all right KJ uh the battle music plays and I get ambushed by zombies great all right KJ come on split it up all you saying my name yeah you can get the chest plate I’ll and the leggings

I’ll get the boots and the sword who whoa whoo whoa who how about make it even get the chest plate even why is my even for something you did no I’m helping you minim I’m pay no I’m still paying more you’re still going to be

Paying less how am I pay how are you paying more I’ll do the chest plate and boots and you do the no no no no you can do the chest plate and a leggings whoa ask it’s take responsibility for your action this isn’t responsib yes it I think like if he did

To himself then convince him it’s his fault he can’t cuz it’s not and he knows that all right is his fault you came over here telling me you wanted to go to this Bastion and I helped you and you fully knew that this was going to happen

Or something like this was going to happen no I fully knew something like this could you’re just using me you’re just using me has some way to cope with the fact that you lost it I’m being you’re not being generous because you knew what you

Did now you take my we both we we both for there you take my deal or it’s it’s off what deal give you CH plate boots and a sword that’s it you better pray that KJ pitches in only thing I can promise you is a sword and boots for now

So it’s time to make history yeah all right Ender how about you just do the diamond diamond chest plate and Diamond legging no that’s it that would be the same well yeah it would be the same price cuz you said you’ll do that you said you do the chest plate and the

Boots and you do the sword so that would be like you’re you’re spending like two more diamonds doing the leggings yeah more two more is a lot I don’t think you realize that well you should have thought about that before blocking me into death true real and true that was

See this is your problem I’m still living fine here over here it’s wearing my stuff you do realize that I I I I want to play with my stuff so if I don’t have that stuff then I have nothing left to lose you do realize

That right oh here we go you have a lot to lose actually I’m looking at this well this restaurant right in front of me and well that Resturant means nothing I’m my diamond armor diamond sword can’t just commit some crimes in our village like that leash a

Zombie like can I put a zombie on a leash I’m like tired up somewhere no why why would you want that I just realized I could wear my arm in my sword so I was going to make like a little pet or like a fighter for me that would absolutely never work

Basically like Lazarus is still yeah that’s not it’s not the case pal can I get help out my base please I’ll pay you coal I’m I’m on my way cuz he they took all my armor and my weapon and I can’t do anything now Nobody messes with Mo oh my

Goodness whoa what happened there he’s getting jumped back foul beasts this sword of mine is oh no I lost all I lost my XP it’s all right now where this coal sir where’s the coal at can I get my reward here oh give 10 to De I I owe him

Some Joker it is so easy to find gold just just m EO if it’s that easy how about you give me coal I pick it back up yeah sure I can go get some oh I didn’t actually expect you to agree I mean you you don’t have to after

I’m done with the boring of my house I’ll go look for some more that would be very appreciative if I did get that yeah yeah that’d be nice i’ like that action Moss can I interest you in opening up an account at my bank what does your bank even do

Right well I’m glad you ask are you I am you see at my bank there are three tiers of membership each one has more storage than the other and with each membership I can guarantee you that it will be safe all of your items you put in there

Any money any anything you will put in there will be safe and if on the very very very off chance it somehow disappears or someone steals it or something I will provide my services in trying to get it back or even if you really want to killing

Them what uh okay I got a couple of questions here whoa before you get to your questions killing them no no no no you just have to give compensation that doesn’t give you no right to kill nobody you just got toist that is called they’re they feel threatened my mind

Sounds like man my my my clients will feel threatened if they put like all their life savings into this chest well I have to threatened no they feel threatened they’ll feel disappointed that the person that said hey uh you want to spend money to open up a bank in

An account so I can save your items and nothing bad will happen to them and then something bad happens to them you just lied you need to be like if something bad does happen I can promise you five diamonds that’s what you got to be like yeah if you’re not if you’re not

Willing to say that it sounds like you’re not too confident no you need proof you need proof for that yeah all right you need if you do want to do that uh you’ll need proof of uh storage every time you put something important in here just

Tell me and and here’s my question why would I use your bank when I could just have test at my house because I’ll I’ll give you comp compation for it it ever does so if I ever do lose my stuff I’ll get profit from your bank is this this

One here yes yeah that’s what you should have started with um what’s the first tier I’m very glad you’re asked Moss first tier gets you two double chests right two double chests of storage plus no that’s it it costs two iron for tier one two iron two iron for tier one um tier

Two is three double chests of storage which costs four iron actually no that’s not a lie that’s a lie it cost six iron my bad um by the way this is a one time purchas this uh this will go on for as long as you use our services tier three

Is four double chest worth and 12 iron tier four for my Ender Chest membership is 14 iron for an initial fee plus two iron per week we it’s only two iron per Minecraft week I will be counting the days don’t worry sounds like a scam don’t fall for

It mossi that’s what Jack said you want to know about the Ender Chest if you don’t already know I don’t what Ender Chest like it like I I remember using it in the old days did they change anything about it in the old days no okay then I know how it works but

Don’t I need another one it’s been an hour already you will and I will provide I will provide another one messages but currently currently that membership is uh not working right now because I don’t have one but uh it will be working soon okay um to access my stuff do I

Just have to wait for you to come back or can I just go get it no you can you can just go get it you can just go get it but doesn’t that mean anybody can go get it that is true but that’s where the compensation comes in if you say

That that someone has stolen from you and you have you have somewhat of like some evidence of them doing this or anybody doing this then I’ll compensate for you for it you take any um other forms of payment we can negotiate okay I I’ll I’ll get back to you on end

I’m kind of nothing to my name right now so um yeah might might take some everything just shut down H oh oh there is one more function one more function of my bank yeah I need to work out the details but basically the idea is you can check in items at the bit in items what is that mean could you do that with calling mon broy is kind of

Crazy huh Jack that’s what Jack said in chat couldn’t you do that with the Ender Chest back in the beop sure yes but some sometimes the Ender Chest can be too expensive for some people so I will do be doing personal check-ins if you can’t afford

It well on my tab can you put a diamond chest plate diamond leggings you’re not even in the game get out of here anyways wow cuz I’m making sure that you have everything true I told I told you I told you about this take my deal or leave

It what what his deal eat those leggings he said Diamond chest piece and some boots and a sword and a sword you’re gonna have to eat that part you’re not I’ll give him the sword you’re gonna have to give him some leggings too or a helmet

Too yeah no no no no not the helmet not the helmet do you care about the helmet I’ll take the helmet but if you’d rather just give me a chest piece leggings and boots I’ll take that he there you go sounds like a good deal get

To it all you do the leggings what do it no I told you to get to it give him those leggings I told you my deal I’m not budging on my deal you killed man no I didn’t how about we ask everyone else if whose fault it was and see because if we

Get outside the perspective then you can’t say anything so let me explain to you what happened exactly detail after detail I walked up to Ender and I told him I told him that I found a Bastion in the nether if you want to go explore it then we can go and

He was like okay cool let’s go to the Bastion so I showed him that it’s a Bastion different from his it’s a new one so we can get more Loot and we couldn’t find the entrance so we found our own way in we broke a two-way path into the wall of this

Bastion so that we can get in we got in we already found the loot room but we’re surrounded by piglin brutes so what we do instead is we look around see what we can do and Ender thinks he has an idea so he builds up he builds up to a different floor and

What does he do when he build up he attracts a piglin brute and he starts attacking him and chasing him and he’s like I’m about to die I’m about to die and I’m like there’s a piglin on you run so he starts running and I’m like keep

Running I’m right behind you and I was hitting the piglin so it couldn’t hit him and what do I see once I get close enough Ender outside of the Bastion blocking up the way to get out while I was chasing the The piglin Brute trying

To get him off of him and also trying to escape cuz when you alert one piglin brute when you hit one Pig brute and make one mad they all get mad and they all charge at you every single piglin in the Bastion starts trying to kill you so

I tried to get out too cuz I knew there was a bunch of piglin brutes in there and they’re going to come after me if I don’t get out so I was trying to get the pig and boot off of him and get out with

Him and he blocks the path up mind you he was the one who alerted the piglin brutes in the first place but when I try to escape he blocks it up so instead I’m left to defend in his honor and die to 16 different piglin brutes cuz I’m

Trapped this is not how I remember it let’s see you you were almost correct on that except for the part where I did hit that piglin or I didn’t hit it it just chased after me and I was going to die I said I was going to leave the place and you

Said go like you said something along the lines of oh go ahead I’ll I’ll distract it I’ll distract it and exactly I was hitting it off of you your and I was hitting it off you while running to the exit yes and I got to the exit and you were talking about before

You you got to the exit you were talking about how you were basically seeing how you were going to sacrifice yourself basically whoa whoa now we’re adding line to the story that never happened that never happened that’s how I sacrif myself are you crazy that must be why you don’t feel like

Getting my back cuz you remember an entirely different story I never said I wanted to sacrifice Myself that’s what I remember I said that run cuz that piglin was on you so he didn’t have aggro on me so I was hitting it so that we can Escape yeah but you were talking about how it didn’t look it looked pretty Grim when you were getting I guess close to the exit I assume and I thought you’re just going to go go out in a blaze of glory that’s it sounded what you thought

Wrong what I’m I’m going based off of the facts and everything that happened you’re going based off how you thought just based on the way you were talking okay well uh what do you think boss um uh I’ll go take your time um yeah I’ll let me just I’m still

Processing this can someone else go what do you think uh Pon H what do you uh what do you think of uh their uh the thing they got going on I don’t have any personal opinion on it I just think that I mean you can’t get the stuff back you might as well

Just let it go because that’s what I had to do you’re never on my side you’re never on my side that’s what I’m starting to realize what do you mean forget about it have you ever gotten fully diamond armor and a fully Diamond SW all Enchanted by the way all

Enchanted and lost it because you got trapped in a box by somebody else and stuck there to die and you’re saying know it oh yeah yeah but that’s different that is completely different first I’m not trying to I’m not sighting against you you did help me like a whole lot I

Would have died if you didn’t help me but I’m just saying there’s a lot of important stuff that I lost too that I can’t get back now so there’s a lot of stuff that I’ve lost and I can’t get back but that was because of me I lost that stuff that’s

The difference if let’s say let’s say this if you lost KJ’s diamond armor right and I didn’t come to help would you not try to pay him back oh yeah of course because I would feel so bad you wouldn’t want KJ to just forget no I know that he won’t forget

And I basically stole his stuff and lost it that’s just double bad Now it would be different if Ender just hit the haze he just ran he said I’m not doing this he was zetu and he just dipped that would be okay because I should have dipped with him that’s my fault for stay but it’s the fact that I

Also tried to leave and he blocked me in that’s the problem that’s where the problem lies not because he ran it’s because he boxed me and trapped me to my death she does Jack she Does H I was just answering Chat um well does that change your opinion at all so so basically zero was the one who lost your stuff who that’s what this is about basically zero got him killed because he was trying to help zero and zero left and left him left him die but in said

Like was sacrificing himself for him so he didn’t really feel bad about it he left him to die and in M he blocked him off so he couldn’t leave a that is bad to a certain certain degree that’s why I’m offering this deal but I’m not getting you everything back I

Mean I I I said I said not everything actually I’ll be fine if you just give didn’t give me the diamond sword but you’re trying to give me the most useless stuff a helmet and boots at least give me the diamond chest piece and the leggings I told you I told you

The chest plate and the leggings you don’t understand how many diamonds that is you don’t understand oh yeah that’s he lost of course he understands exactly I went back in there trying to get yourself and I lost everything too and I would and I would be like and

I would feel bad if I didn’t tell you that all my stuff burned in lava before you went there all your stuff didn’t burn in lava yes it did I was there to see it I know where you fell and there’s blocks There I think the the chest piece of leggings sense what what can we please go to sleep please can we please go to sleep not even sleeping why you talking true and you’re going to have to wait he said why are you talk you g why

Are you talking said why are you it’s AAR isn’t it it’s a what who yeah who who’s that who’s that you you’re wrong dang I see you chopping down wood get back to your house shut up Baldi I’d be appalled if a Baldi told me what to do why don’t you

Use your head to shine off the monsters are you sure you you know everything about the monsters so will use your Divine head to get him away just going to take that I didn’t expect that truth is a powerful tool Jack said I apologize on baldi’s behalf

He’s such a lowly person he can’t afford hair what makes you think he can afford to give you all his stuff back proba have been the funniest thing Jack has ever said what makes you who is this that is funny but not all my stuff I’ll take a discount but you know

Diamond diamond chest plate diamond leggings at least the bare minimum you Know that’s all if you I’ll give you the CH plate and leggings and that’s it I won’t give you no sword that’s fine KJ said he’ll give me a sword or I might make one I don’t know actually I don’t think I can that might

Have been on mybi I got bro go to sleep tell me what to do the sun is rising probably daytime there’s no point really isn’t any point no I don’t care cuz next night I’m going to see a thousand of these Phantoms and I hate it

How about you get better H did you ever think of that getting better at the game what did you say to me die I’m mortal here we go and if you can’t get better just say that no I just realize every day how delusional you are being an ugly piece of

Doooo guys isn’t he an ugly piece of doooo yeah he’s an ugly piece of doooo thanks see he’s talking to himself tell all right let me be real Jack is he an ugly piece of garbage this Jack Jack what of course you jack what is I’m asking a different

Person what is the problem you know exactly what Jack’s G say I I mean if you think Jack is going to agree with me that just means you’re inse I yeah I do I do think he’s going to agree with you because I know that what he’s going to say because

That’s the usual response he says all right you’re in insecure Jack said who Baldi of course he is well see what I mean see what I mean if you can predict that you’re a piece of garbage then that must mean deep down you know that you’re I I can predict

What that fiend over there is going to say wow Jack said that’s a sign personally I agree all right man I’ll give you the CH plate and leggings please leave me alone yeah yeah my diamond ja said you’re the one sacrificing your friends you should be banished from your own

District no one lives here except for Me slowely out in the Desert all right well we’re not that far away from you though yeah but you don’t live here so in my little area you’re still part of the W lives in your area District yeah that’s true underground yeah Waka doesn’t want to join us though he’d rather do whatever he’s

Doing he said he’d be right back but he never came back sad it is sad Jack said that the fact that nobody else lives in the district with you is another sign No you’re just lame and boring ah finally the flooring is done I just think that a lot of people don’t want to be a cowboy Years Years people they’ve been doing for years living in the same old plains that they always have nobody wants to live in a Dusty desert

Bro I had to tell it to you you could have said you could have said snow you really could have said anything else and I promise you you see snow around here do you see snow around here did you look at where you’re at you are not in a

Desert you are in a beach and you’re coping not in a I’m not in a beach you are in a beach no desert has water like that there’s no there’s W tell you to do what did w tell you to do uh I’m that sand up the water all right I’m not

Doing that you don’t have to do that sand up the water ever ever heard of an oasis like come on that is not an oasis I don’t know where you got the information of what an oasis looks like but ois you need to do a fact check you

Got to you got to get that that’s what an oasis looks like in Minecraft huh what no no it’s not if I Google up Minecraft Oasis I’ll see something totally different not true so I like how you said he’ll accept my deal but he’s not in the game isn’t

That crazy sure he isn’t in the game oh it’s not that he’s not in the game it’s that he’s just on wait I’m Ender’s hair what whoa yeah I guess I guess you really don’t I am not in here cuz gone is the only person I know with that name

Whoa see you really don’t need these leggings don’t be ugly you can be bald and still give me my stuff take it Back what’s up with these people help me help get me out of here Ender don’t you need guards don’t you need don’t you need guards to guard your bank cuz anybody could just rob it when you’re not there so you should pay me and I can look over your

Bank every bank has security guards you going sit there yeah you can I guess I could use like a an accountant or something that is that was not what he was saying at all you completely utterly missed the point account account SL bodygard all right your job will be

Sitting here at the front desk and doing Che people things offer for yous from your offer I will be returning this axe after I fix wait after I fix it of course but um I would like you to enchant this for me um you do that I’ll pay you

Actually you don’t you don’t really have to I mean one iron per I only lended you that axe only give it to you if you want to enchant it’s going to cost you yeah I know I know that that’s what I’m asking to for you enchant it okay what do you want on

It uh I want Unbreaking no wait do youing efficiency any XP and I want I have five but I don’t think that’s going to be enough absolutely not uh you sound like a mobster what I’ll give you I can get you efficiency how do you get mending you can’t wa

Oh you how do then how do you get mending what does mending do Again your it uh fixes your weapon when you get XP oh doesn’t it isn’t there a negative to it or something don’t you get less XP if you have it in your hand while you use it you’re not going to get the XP in your

Levels oh that’s it oh oh can can you get efficiency and um Unbreaking I can get an efficiency three and I did C experience uh I’m pretty sure I have a book for that in my Smithy please close the door behind you but uh let me let me file up the how

Much Moola it’s going to cost you it might cost you quite a bit because not only are you taking my uh I uh do I not have Unbreaking thought I did oh I don’t have wait I Do would you like to name this axe um call it what else could I be please off the uh never mind if I’m if I change it it if I name it it’ll cost you you’ll be charged extra uh why why wait why would it be charged extra it costs an extra

Enchantment point for me to change the name oh can’t I just name it after you uh use it after you do the thing um it’ll still AJ is a legitimate business office our businessman man said do you want a name do you want a name uh it’s gonna cost me

Extra experience point so you got to pay more you accept it Force keeper yeah Force keeper all right all right name Uno now let me let me tell you let me tell you the charges and why you’re getting charged for one using both the Smithy and the uh enchantment

Table and two for for taking away seven enchantment points from me that I’m leaving it in your house by the way that’s all right what’s chess I’ll take 40 coal 40 coal huh I was going to give you two saacks of coal but I’ll give you under the stairs

Well if you tip me I would have mind if you tip me I would mind then all right okay that’s fine and you get a bonus you get Bane of Arthropods I’m pretty sure it helps you kill uh water beasts or something spiders he’s lying I didn’t

Know I said I said pretty sure like dang up don’t trust him he sound Shady pleas you’re doing business with you life is like a sandwich no matter which way you flip it the bread comes first beautiful standing on business indeed now as much as I you know Whatever this dude is starving I know you don’t have hunger on you oh no he’s eating rotten flesh he’s got struggle meals every Second he is living a struggle are too expensive you eat rotten all the time I mean listen I don’t have any food at all either do not eat I eat rotten fleshes when times are tough which is why I can tell you he struggling right now that’s all you do struggle meal

Central hope you know I have yummy yummy two stacks of pork chop that’s what I got can coal can coal be the sub currency can that be like somebody feed bro can can accepted Co but I don’t know if do or anybody else accept it oh

Co all right it depends on the on the shopkeep but IR some diamonds or gold looks up gold iron is the real regular currency here y’all heartless I don’t know what you mean we just trying to make money off of our progress right like come on for a price like get

Real all this work I’ve been doing all for it to be charity no no I run a charity I’d run a Charity you should he’s not lying he’s not lying you’re going to recommend me yeah don’t you need charity don’t you need charity for your District right your District can use one so somebody can go there who said that I didn’t say that well if KJ makes one then you would

Still have to make one for your District what do you mean means what he said this is a Citywide thing like this is a oh but I thought we were separate districts what happened that’s for law dang bro getting eaten up like a fish Fila from McDonald what what first of all nobody

Gets that from McDonald’s second what are different than from this Charities like what you mean what clearly different I know I wouldn’t say different there’s just more lws no yes no no you’re you got the same functional laws pal same functional laws why don’t might here you do here you here you please

Here what do you want buz off or crawl off I guess you look like a buzz off you know want to get into what I think you you look like all right point taken he have no house no armor Ro feasting on zombie meat y town is Ruthless welcome to capitalism to capitalism Here here I’ll to get two Shot I’m going to need to lot More I’m not an Ender cuz I have heads of hair still not in this game which is crazy I have to do with you being H H then I can call you the bark eating bum that you are chop down no no Barn no restaurant no underground Subway all you have is a

Bank shut up a bank a saloon my house been full wow you have a house seen one of those before it looks like we have company I can tell I’m sorry for this he’s me isn’t he oh he’s actually he’s actually not come on come on

Then this dude is not a protagonist why is he scampering around what just broke off me oh I live oh oh oh no hey Grand blue actually did come out at 12 a nice let post about that real quick nice let me let me uh you share there it is okay and more

Message dang everybody locked in oh I left the voice call when did I leave I don’t know how I left but I did yeah how did you we’re wondering how did you disconnect I’m wondering how I disconnected too don’t wor I can hear what is that everybody went along with

It I kicked you out no more sat Andi why did you kick me out like a loser because you did the freaking there’s company coming oh I can’t hear when I leave because I have stre mode on yeah I know I realized I remembered I was like I in

Here wait did you did y’all make a new server icon or change the name oh never mind I see it oh [ __ ] huh yo do do you accept coal as a as a purchase for your food it’s going to have to be a lot of it dang depend on what you

Buy we got to actually let’s get that sorted out now we got to figure out the actual currency of each four we know that iron is like I guess we can make that like we can make the iron like $10 all right coal can be like a

Dollar Coal can be like a dollar and then gold gold would be 20 emeralds would be 50 well I don’t know about thats are pennies honestly they’re not they’re not even easy enough they’re Nickles I can’t believe this honestly I’m not I’m not going to lie Emeral shouldn’t even count I’m not taking

Emeralds yeah I was going to say the same thing so um unless you want to take emeralds that’s up to your business yeah but that’s not currency 10 for iron one for coal diamonds I say should be 50 and netherite should be 100 but iron is IR iron should be

$5 then what would be 10 I I I know it wouldn’t make sense to make gold more we can’t really do it in regular money standards because you make gold but that’s it’s just not going to work gold is easy to find gold is easy to find and and you don’t

Need a lot of it iron you come across having to need iron more than gold iron is the most valuable and then next is well aside from diamonds yeah but to get iron you need coal That’s still true there too true there too that’s hard but it’s not as as iron hard that’s what that’s why iron and coal that’s why I said coal can be $1 iron can be five and diamonds can just be 50 diamonds are St goed and netherite 100 that makes

Sense netherite nether so wait say it again hole $1 iron five netherite 100 and a diamond 50 what can you do with netherite so what about gold so gold hard to get and super valuable yeah gold can also work but I think it’s kind of an emerald category so iron is five

Yep I’m might have to change my prices That like in a good way or a bad way good for him bad for you not a bad way it it no it’s not going to be like bad but if you see like okay so right now I have my menu set up for individual

Iron so it says nine that would be nine iron so instead of making it nine iron we can do 9 * 5 and what do you get get moss heit what you get 45 yeah so instead of putting nine you will put 45

I’ll put 45 on the men so then if you if you wanted to pay with like a diamond or nine iron or 45 coal that would add up to IR okay I don’t understand this how did I find another Bastion before I found another Fortress I think it’s because you are Bomer Bmind I want to ask if you’re okay but I know the answer to that Question all right and you solidify it somebody help him please somebody I’m still glad this is on this is domain expansion that’s not domain expansion y each 10 gu you you understand don’t you m what you understand what I’m saying right you’re saying but I understand the emotion behind it that’s good

Enough what’s the emotion behind it Insanity all right then so he needs mental help got Insanity bad for his You need to terrible unbearable pain I’ll be right listen I I know what I said before but rapping songs is even more more dangerous regular songs huh copyright yeah oh I forgot you were streaming you said what songs he’s not doing his he’s singing a song I said I

Said rap songs are are even worse than regular songs I think why I don’t know I feel like I feel they’re more money hungry I feel like they’re more money hungry all the money in the world why they want to take it off of a because they’re evil evil companies all of

Them evil Corporation yeah well they’re not going to steal they they can’t copyright you if you haven’t made money off they yet yes they can they they they can they can’t yes they can they can no they can’t yes they they can they can’t copyright strike you but they can they can

Copyright you so when you do start making money you make money off all your videos when you do start making money that specific video will not make any Moola ever and that sucks and you won’t get you won’t get copyrighted if you if you don’t put ads on it and you don’t if

Then that’s when you get copyrighted all right then and I don’t want that I want to have ads and stop being right yeah terrible unbearable pain bro that’s not even like it’s not even same honestly I’m not gonna I’m not going to lie I actually that was I I honestly just did

That I forgot about the whole conversation in that Split Second that song is too good man I lost it all oh I just want to put it out there that I will pay for any sapling anything that could grow into a tree like the mushroom or anything any

Sapling a lot of I’ll adjust it I’ll adjust it but yeah I’ll pay but for the non- rare ones they’ll get like Penny you’ll not get as much as the rare ones what about will you take Birch Rich I’ll take it but you’ll be giving

You’ll not get a lot from it yeah like I’ll I’ll say one or two coal how much how much we talking for rare ones I’ll pay like 10 coal a piece whoa 10 coal what about a what about what about a o let me go read what I actually need

Let not let’s not get this I’m not going to lie our we’re under inflation right now who what when in reality you would only be paying 10 iron but it looks bad on the sign one cake in my restaurant is 50 iron KJ why is there an end in here

What you you you heard there an end you heard when I said we have company but then somebody removed me from The Voice channel so I I couldn’t I couldn’t help you my bad wow I told you they come out of nowhere you’re fine is my pet still alive is what’s his

Name again turkey turkey he’s dead he’s been dead you didn’t care for I don’t think he’s dead I would get a notification no no you wouldn’t sometimes they just die and yeah he would well if you did you name it the game I didn’t name it uh well I I didn’t

Name him who named him who did name no I that’s his name but I didn’t name him oh you didn’t give him a name yeah it doesn’t show up unless they have if they have a name it always shows up if you’re in is he dead make a gravestone for

Straight dang this dude is ready to accept it immediately wow no car no care I was trying to see what kind of saplings I had but it was blocking it I know that I have a bunch of cherry saplings and D already has cherries I don’t

Really want that they are rare though I just brought them over here I will I’ll still take them I’ll still take them yeah I only have those in do but that’s it Oak is the most common thing you’ll get dirt for that you said you would take anything what what

Happened I know I know just get paid you’ll get paid very little that won’t be worth it that’s not pay I’m stupid I just have you give her dirt my bad what if I give you a no I’m saying I’m saying it’s like basically worth throw but I’ll

Still give you coal I’ll give you like one coal depending on how much it is what about moth sapling MTH sapling what’s I’m saying that I have something but I don’t need any Uno it’s where you becoming Uno yeah bring those Oaks to me and I’ll give you uh how much do you have um total you know what I can use some extra coal I don’t mind hello Ender oh my God I got so much resources to deal with I have 14 Oak saplings 14 I might raise the prices

Saplings I’ll give you five coal for all of that actually I’ll be generous since you’re my first customer I’ll give you 10 KJ and I have good news forget about the diamond sword apparently I had a spare sword in that Adventure cuz I have a enchanted diamond sword in my chest

Unless you put that there but it’s used so I think I use it Man oh crap this night time I agree nope he’s dead all right go to sleep everybody you said was your question yeah he’s still hanging out of my house f I got to get rid of these stupid stupid Monsters oh no I know who it is are you still selling the white

Horses we can’t sleep because of him fine yeah he’s up here oh my God there’s an Ender hang on I’m about to say a cool Line end I’m afraid you’re going to have to get evicted you saw making me cringe he was literally shaking in his boots simple you can take that embarrassing thing off your head now clearly he’s de you can call it embarrassing if you want to but I don’t care told me you

Just told me to stop making you cringe when a little moment ago you said better than what you did right there not true shut up Jack what do you know gotta get back back to the past Samurai Jack yeah that’s what you know Samurai Jack and Jack and the bean Stu please let me find it you can probably find it in the daylight no I can’t there’s no daylight in you’re in NE whatever it doesn’t matter doing he doesn’t have to be here to sleep if he’s in the nether it’s fine why is it still three out of four

Because there’s five people in the server one person is in disconnected one person is in the nether so I’m slipping I’m slipping had to fix my all right jack be that way that’s fine Uhoh why are you saying that W the bed what huh yeah you might I look away for a second and this top floor is flooded what what did you do oh you did more than wet the bed okay Moss all right hang on and this dude

Oh can this be a lot did it again I do not have enough fa Breeze for this Bro and your bed is yellow oh no Moss listen you’re potty trained you have to stop this is he though yes you don’t know that I I had a nightmare okay well you had a nightmare secondly listen can you please refrain from I don’t you have a toilet in your house

Having because I don’t have to use the bathroom I’m just like that could you please refrain from having like your horse like tied up to my house especially like his name is Rusty okay his name is Rusty all right especially up here where he can I don’t know fall

Off and almost die or maybe hang himself that would be be pretty dark wouldn’t it whoa he’s not suicidal he he’s very happy about life that can that doesn’t matter he can do it accidentally he can just be trolling and fall off and then well no more Rusty Rusty’s Dusty cuz he

Bit the dust Rusty look at me look at me would you do that his head up who’s Rusty he noed he’s been out on the streets he don’t have no home training I don’t believe it he can ride a horse and he can hold in his ladder piered by a skeleton is a

Horse wow are you scamming people you mean scamming people what are you talking about you spoke about selling skeleton to horses but I’m seeing them everywhere they not I told you I told you that’s what I’m saying what do you mean they are everywhere that’s because they they wandered

Off I need something they wandered off why did it say it was an error I don’t think I need anything back here clearly Moss you don’t know anything in the art of business oh your horses wandered off from you we lost them a few of them had some children

And cut it out they grew up cut it out what happened with the Yap and the C that’s what happened though all right okay pal the Cherry Grove district is coming together can’t even call that one grain of sand beach a desert District wow that was that was

Insane oh wait I forgot I need to go out and get somewh Oh oh even better look at what or I can do boys look at what I’m about to do it might be over for me that makes one of us and only one of us two Gas gasp can’t do this me it can will it is I think everything’s working that’s good you look like I compliment you and want to be a bum just think about it yeah pretty much that’s pretty crazy Man you know have my ways Who’s over there oh never mind who goes there who goes there just a wind just collecting some milk please I’ll pay somebody I’ll pay somebody to to find nether fortress please why do you need another Fortress I’m not skilled enough to do that it so we can get wither

Uh skulls so make what do you need with skulls for make a that thing yeah what he’s looking for it so he can find a blaze so he can get blaze rods yeah what is a blaze rod what does it do uh I think Avenger’s head but in a stick form wow wow

Wow shocked I’m being serious this actually what it looks like I’m starting to understand why you really hate the nether now fish out of water doesn’t wow wow I didn’t know where he was going with that but that’s pretty good can’t lie Why can’t I lie he lies every day about having hair wow yesh see would say something about that but currently I’m planing for my life so get better Buddy he got pushed at the truth and doesn’t know what to do yesh it’s tough please H let’s start on the farm please don’t hurt

Me Jack found it funny Too Jack finds anything really up with this Jack ha why Not only people not ugly can hate on Jack not wow wow dude it was a GI CH wow I’m starving get out of there someone come to the nether I’m starving leave I can’t run anymore uh I like my diamond equipment so I’m going have to pass I like living please I’m not

Skilled enough to go there I need to live thank you rap guy what are you paying me boss please boss would do anything for money you should asked him first you know what I don’t find funny I’ll give you a free how blinding that bald head can be as what Jack said I’ll

Give you a free tier at my bank that doesn’t sound like something Jack the max huh no that is what Jack said actually never mind I know my how did she respond to that so fast okay I don’t know ask Jack what are you talking about stop

Making you sound I can’t on top of a bean St I’ll give you I’ll give you my next tier if you give me food I’ll give you my next tier in my bank not going to lie I’m never using that bank I will for the Ender Chest that sounds like a good I’m

Not I’m just in an Ender Chest to store all your valuable stuff where no one can touch it I don’t nobody is touching my stuff who cares that much for now yeah yeah for now till we get like five other people in this world then maybe maybe I’ll consider but for

Now we do have five other people well no when I say five other I mean more I don’t know what you’re going on about ja I can’t you you didn’t have you didn’t have a Tunnel built under two of your establishments how about you feel that I mean he did under his

House hey man I did my time leave it alone a reformed man he’s trying to be I gave my Niel should I do still on the record I don’t know what I’m going to do Here Moss all I’ll give you free Ender Chest membership and tier three if you find me another Fortress I don’t know what that looks like and I don’t want to Google right now why wow oh I don’t know what I want to do here diamonds how about that you

Think diam busy right now so I can’t really help you wow is honestly insane yeah I got to agree it Is won’t help him either what what what you guys talking about don’t worry about it I know they’re all no no no we don’t want to help you for free but he’s paying so I can’t really say anything about that I mean Jack said that uh zero would scam

Moss when have I ever scammed Moss first of all second of all well you did take away my diamond and then refused to give it to me but then you finally gave it to me wow he was on business he was ready to point you out

For I don’t you gave it back but like there’s little delay remember when uh when like we’re going to make an alliance then you left me and died and then you basically got me killed hey what hold on how did that happen that is not how that happened don’t you ever bring that

Up oh no I remember okay um you got me killed because you didn’t tell me a creeper was behind me and I blew up so I died and then you ran off and killed yourself that’s not my issue I got an idea did you run off and killed

Yourself wow he leaving multiple people behind so Jack said oh it’s crazy leave no one behind I died I died full diamond armor no die no you died cuz you lack self-awareness that’s you every day o That’s you every day M he’s coming for your head what you going to do what you

Going to say back M let’s hear it sry what I think did you say he has no hair what yo stop talking shark dang just helping him out here man lack self awareness try to give Farm is coming out real nice give him a chance he betrayed

Me I gave him a trade offer you didn’t accept it that’s his fault what are you yapping about no idea it’s none of your business if you like talking to yourself that’s fine you like thinking you’re IM mortal that’s fine but I to bring anybody else the

Illusions I am though you Oh I thought you were in the nether did you actually go into The Nether why are you here Moss you’re going to kill yourself Moss you’re going to get killed no no man he’s trying to make a bag stand place all right I’m

Just went to the stand place but why you’s not there he’s at his house why’ you say to do something that is what it sounded like I won’t lie I didn’t hear it on you you pointed that out on yourself what do you mean check up on me

Hm I thought you were in the nether Ender Ander you’re making this look bad on yourself you talking about what do you mean how’s he going to check up on me if I’m in the nether what N I was I was going to your base cuz I thought that’s where the nether

Was but uh clearly you’re already there so I don’t know why you wanted me to go to the nether for if you weren’t there I came out because I was starving and dying that’s funny didn’t tell me you left though well yeah yeah you didn’t well to be fair I got some nice

Prices at my restaurants if you need some food I got you guess not yes why oh I see you got a a nice stack of dirt in your chest do you want it of of what what dirt yes and why are you snooping in my chest do you want it you want this

Dirt no hold on a second I’ll give you some I could just take it if you don’t want any of it I could take all this Dirt Off Your Hands I was going to say because I have five more on me let me okay I’ll take that too you guys want

Dirt sure that’s something I sure can’t offer finally something I can afford you have a lot of that why are you trespassing my house what do you mean trespass why you trespassing you didn’t knock you just ran in this is not a public place is see Violet you’re lucky I’m not

Going to press charges you know what because they both asked they both asked they both asked if they could uh temporarily live here and I said yes doesn’t explain de you what about him he does here de he comes in here all the time no he doesn’t he hasn’t even

Been here ever since he joined the server what are you going on about that’s a liot that’s not a lot not a lot I can go back I practically have security guards here put on put put all right then let the security guards do something about it no it it they’re not

Actually security guards I was making shut up get out my house wow after I gave you those nice pots H you know what I think about these pots what yeah oh it’s a toilet the pots are a toilet just you know what you know what I’m making the bounty board right now you

Know what this is a piss pot that M that Moss H that Moss used H yeah Moss oh DK it why are you disgracing my pots I didn’t need I didn’t need a toilet this is this is this is quite enough thank you there’s trees everywhere ex especially in this guy’s

Backyard look at all those cherry trees shap [ __ ] the Cherry District No something you can that was give me some food you know what you know what you can do you know what you don’t have to give you can just go in your bed and go to sleep do that right shut up anyways what are you talking yeah yeah Why are you well you’re not really snooping in anything okay you’re good yeah uh oh is everyone sleep why is he weird why is he weird everybody everybody se you may not rest now monsters are nearby n gota be hold on guys there’s a creeper outside my house right

Now he’s dead I don’t even know if I can sleep anymore but we’re going to do it anyway let’s go BR bro needs to down why are you getting out of bed we were sleeping through the night because he’s trying to find a way to sleep next to me

Huh why are you like this okay trying to do it undercover maybe but on stream 4K is crazy what do you mean undercover you think I’m hiding anything what yeah this guys someone help him he honestly I feel a little violated good not going to lie he needed

Help once he changed his hair like that what do you mean once he Chang his hair what Hair sorry I didn’t hear that what huh oh the sapplings you’re quite what do you mean you’re quite familiar with that sound a Razer mean the stuff that you use to I mean the things shops the things you yeah you use it to take care of animals in your

Safaris right you you take care of animals in barber shops in safaries I have do razors you use those to guess you would know a raisers are used for take care of them you use them all the time I sure don’t but you sure do you do no

Being everybody say I if you think Ender uses razors I dang notice how nobody answered sorry saari sorry Safar sorry Safar all right how about how about I get more personal with it so I can make sure everybody knows hey hey Dio do you think Ender is bald how about

That how about that let me be direct give you I’ll give you IR if you say nothing I’ll give iron if you say nothing I’ll give how much I’ll give you one I’ll give you one I’ll give you one he’s bald yeah complely shiny he hit me he

Hit me he hit me assault I got it on stream I got it ony pay up up what you mean pay upay up or I’m charging you pay up or I’m suing you you mean pay up I’m not paying I’m he just hit me on stream he hit me on I got

Proof was not on not on stre it was not on stream do you want to make this a whole or do you just want to make this yeah I want to make this yeah too I’m streaming too I want to make this a court case yeah I want to make this

Court case all right court case it is another court case oh my goodness H time to bust out the AC hey man I try I tried I tried to take the easy way out I got video proof and he still wants to go to court so I don’t know bro this

Can’t be we haven’t even gone a full day with our new laws and they already been broken why they’re not broken they’re not broken this guy just want to go to court find out we’ll find out the court date I don’t want to go to

Court I said pay up no what do you want to pay I’ll pay you up in rotten flesh that what you want all right we’ll see what the judge has to say about that cuz I did nothing wrong honestly I’m giving you a gift is uh the court date is uh and 10

Minutes you got you got 12 12:51 everyone needs to come to court I’m kind of busy too bad you have to attend court I I hate had to say it but you have to is there any uh rewards it’s like no it’s just required about is yeah it sucks in Minecraft doesn’t

It be a rain check for this score uh no you can’t do a rain check for this I I’m afraid so we’re going to have the cour outside in the rain yes Co this is he said 1051 right yeah 10 uh no uh 1251 yeah or 1251 yeah we rain is going to

Yeah it’s going to go down in like 9 Minutes this should be enough space honestly it actually might not be enough space What do you uh how you doing PCO just chilling just hanging out how do you like the Cherry Grove uh District so far looks pretty nice huh it is very nice there’s a lot more

Trees than I remember I’m just under the shade to keep dry and I’m going to have to start getting some more because made some more trees and a lot more Cherrywood which makes me very very sad because I need to get rid of these leaves and

These Cherry Grove trees have a lot of leaves oh gosh this can’t keep happening one can’t I have to if I want to get rid of these leaves fast I need to like use shears don’t they despawn on their own can I’m about to just go somewhere far away outside

The town and just plant them everywhere oh you don’t like the little flowers the soccer yeah they do despawn on their own but they take a really long time so just get some shears yeah no and shears want to break at the speed of sound that is not true I have my shears

For a brick you I don’t think you get a chance I have a whole herd of sheep I promise you I’m using them right well that’s different that’s because that’s because your your uh shearing sheep you’re not using it on leaves why would leaves be harder to

Shear than how about you take your shears and and and come try and get rid of some leaves and you’ll find out I am okay oh oh oh oh oh oh I got sheep to Shear that’s what I’m doing right now I had to make a check up on my

Barn animals they’ve been unattended for a while ah so that’s the case M I’m a good owner unlike this chicken farmer man cannot be a Witness farming chickens I don’t know what you’re talking about by the way KJ he still has that up he’s breaking the law what his chicken farm oh yeah I’m afraid that going to have to go I won’t I won’t really count that but that this isn’t a chicken farm yes yes it Is not a chicken farm a chicken farm there’s I’ll I’ll read it to you in court if you actually wanted to be charged don’t want to be charged because well it’s just a chicken farm like something wrong all right well don’t worry we’ll get to it we’ll get to it

I thought you would understand but where’s my horse um uh why not because you weren’t actually a witness you did not see it happen I have a bunch of eggs I need to put them somewhere I love having so much eggs cuz I make pie but I make cake

Too I can make cake for you come to my restaurant and I get you some cake don’t worry the bakery is coming soon and it’s going to be a joint company I’ll make cake for you you watching his stream will make it too is not being a witness you’re just

Watching the video evidence you have to actually be there on the scene to be a witness well technically if you see a crime happening on cam like live then you would but she didn’t technically I oh she’d just be playing back footage that’s not being a

Witness they can just do that in court right but they can still call like un witnesses to the stand they got to be a witness to called to the stand um they just have to pre-select their people they call yeah yeah they have to be pre-selected though they can’t just

Randomly call for the jury I believe okay so what if I pre-select jack um I guess she’s not a witness but to be yeah you know what you know what hang on let’s find out sorry everybody for wasting time Ender wants to be ugly and not just own

Up to it you you you really you you really want to do that Jack H that what you really want to do hang on that’s what you really want to do I am lagging out the w g to make another chest for eggs I’m not let’s check your

Discord that’s what’s required if you want to do it you want to be a lawyer you’re going to have to be a public speaker why is public speaker or I don’t know how do you you get over here so fast you know me I am speed uh honestly we might actually have

Go to sleep it is raining why did you ask that check your Discord what do you mean what disco whatever should I do oh I can’t s that either can I Absolutely I lost one of my horses okay that’s that’s that’s you then you giving your chance Violet Moss KJ and deal all asleep and one Baldi left to [Laughter] Wander uh it seems that’s the case cuz he’s just not nothing it’s too quiet in my H it’s too quiet in my house sorry Rap God bruh oh now you want to go to Sleep it’s all right jack we’re going to win this case okay you already got the video evidence everybody please make your way to my house because we still don’t have I should have clipped it on metal yeah have to go but I still got video proof so it’s okay

What I swear I swung at that thing it must be crazy it’s okay that was crazy on no that really needs to stop see here missing uh well I guess it’s not time yet I need to bring a good witness to Here did anybody borrow my horse any chance no I don’t take other people’s horses seconded where did my horse oh wait I have my own horse yeah I know that I think I might know where he’s At late to court turkey get some fresh Air could you could you guys please Mount your horses somewhere I’m afraid you can’t bring them to court all right hold on didn’t it didn’t no bring his camel over here one time yes and he and he put the camel up he didn’t have the camel at

The court where where’s my I don’t feel like showing up oh it’s right here uh what do you mean you don’t feel like showing up you have to show up I’m I’m sending Moss to represent me no you have to show up but you still have to show up yeah otherwise you’ll be

Fine about $200 I don’t have to show up if you don’t show up you will be fined some diamonds what do you mean f first of all this was never stated second of all there will be consequences if you don’t make it to the uh I Mones $2 is 40

Iron by he can’t I’m afraid he can’t represent you because you are in this case you you’re you’re like the you don’t have to take it to court at all if you just admit to what you did just pay up you’re the defendant you you you have to be in court you’re the

Defendant bro why are you doing this to me it’s the truth go he literally told you if you don’t would to push Char up press charges press charges that’s what you told him here you knew this was going to happen you know what sh you know what yeah yeah I’m glad you did

Okay this dude thinks he’s freaking Scott Pilgrim thinks he’s Ace Attorney look at him he’s not even here I’m looking for my horse hold on whose house is this over here cross the river m ‘s house then who what is this Moss’s house oh across the river oh that’s horen that’s

Miss Horn’s house all way down there that’s all right hold on let me uh how do I go in third person what a scummy guy making a bad name for bald people across the globe wow Jack really has it out for you whatever just wander yeah typical

Jack all right uh it’s should the default setting should be F5 or F3 you can change it to airplane mode if I click that will my Wi-Fi go off don’t click it then uh just go press pause go to options go to controls keybinds and then scroll down until you see toggle

Perspective I have it on alt okay that’s my favorite button to put it on actually I already lost one of horse oh where did he go um ah could you guys please um I lost I lost Bonnie bro there’s my horse Ender has it did you guys please isn’t that like law breaking

Um technically M law after law after law why are you looking at me like that all right M would you like to press charges you didn’t you didn’t tell me or ask I didn’t I don’t know how I’m feeling about this I was literally just riding around this chair the two minutes

Border all right everyone we are here today we are here today because deal over here is pressing charges against zero for let’s see let’s see uh uh check the files Ah that’s it also pressing charges against them interesting all right so deal is pressing charges for PVP without

Consent you harm a player without consent is considered assault all right and what are you doing this for zero defamation information and would you like to explain how he’s telling everybody that I’m bald when I’m clearly not but it’s it’s not defamation there is defamation and I’m pressing charges

Against you and you’re going to lose bum I didn’t tell everyone you’re bald I just called you Baldi wow oh never mind I guess it’s harassment then is that’s the case it’s just harassment you never told me to stop if you told me to stop and I

Continue then it would be harassment you never did so not harass me I did I I clearly showed you that I didn’t want you to now that’s your fault for keep oning order Order in the Court no arguments please all right fine first let’s hear what Di has to say is

There anyone you would like to call to the stand or anything you’d like to preach about before you um I would just like to say that I have some very strong evidence on this crime and Moss and violet were doing their own things calling them I’m the only witness

In this case and when my evidence needs to be provided I will show it but that is all interesting very well all right what about you zero anyone you’d like to call to the stand or anything you’d like to preach about uh I’d like to call Moss to the

Stand of course I knew he’s going to start with this very well go ahead and stand right here for Me all right carry on no no yeah you’re good right there and he can ask you Questions so moss moss moss moss is it true That Theo has been calling some people some fls my I’ve been hearing a lot of things I’m not really certain about what I’ve heard but I’ve heard some things I can’t really say if he did actually I think he did say some slurs Yeah interesting do you think that these could be harmful to people like me or the judge or even Violet you do you think he probably I have a thick skin so I can’t really uh say about myself but for other people yeah it could affect them oh indeed indeed I’m afraid this

Uh I’m afraid Jack that’s not the case here um there is relevance this time around this pertains to what zero is going on about right any more questions You’ like to ask him MH Uh do you think this is actually actually I don’t think that’s needed M you’re free to go all right thank you hold on may I talk to MOS a little bit oh very well okay get out all right Moss I’m going to make this a little bit quick uh do you

Know what the law of defamation actually is nope okay well in order to prove defamation oh harassment okay never mind moss do you know the true meaning of haras um I think so but now irck me doubt myself so I would like an explanation uh so basically on there’s multiple types of Harassment now I’m going to tell you I’m going to give you some descriptions of harassment and then I’m going to tell you what I did so some descriptions of harassment could be abuse threats of abuse stalking sexual assault or serious harassment by someone you have not dated not close to

Now a I called Ender Bal does that line up at all to the meaning of harassment no thank you and uh one last question um what was I about to go off to uh actually I think I think that might be it yeah that is all M thank you for your time all

Right I’s see is there anyone else that is there anyone else that would be called to the Stand one once one twice all right okay this seems that it might be a this seems that this might be a clear and concise case very well now once more I’d like the both of you to present your case as to why you are right starting with zero since Dio just finished go

Ahead well you see like I’ve stated you has been harass me and spouting all of this all these lies about me and I think that not only does it really hurt me But I’m afraid that if he keeps on doing this I’m afraid that he’ll keep on hurting other people like maybe even you judge I just want to stop this before it really gets out of hand H i see you believe he has truly been harassing Yeah I mean to also take a look at the true definition of harassment uh all right I’ll read it as it is stated harassment is any unwanted Behavior physical or verble or even suggested that makes a reasonable person feel uncomfortable humiliated or mentally distressed H uh depending on certain

Laws the definition of harassing can vary but that seems to be the general law uh your honor yes what But where where did um where did he Scamp off to he just left he just a zombie what do you mean I just left a zombie just attacked me yeah never came back I I went to go get a weapon so I can kill it anyways I can excuse uh could you repeat

That can you repeat that definition of harassment I’ll say once more harassment is any unwanted Behavior physical or verbal or even suggested that makes a reasonable person feel uncomfortable humiliated or mentally distressed is the general definition um so do you feel you fall under this category zero yes how

So well as it’s stated in the definition it was a verbal assault of me and my character and felt very hurt and uncomfortable when he said these things to me all Right very well we shall move this one at a time PCO you’ve been awfully quiet I suppose I’ll give you a chance to speak oh thought I was going to go yeah but giving this uh making this go one at a time it’s kind of easier than going back and forth

Between two different topics all right PCO if you have anything to say you can go on but first I’d like to ask what you think of Zero’s plea just to restate once more he is trying to charge Dio for harassment now harassment isn’t necessarily in our laws but as I said before

Anything that you think viable can be pressed and you know tried in court so yes do you believe that zero is just in his plea of Dio harassing him I’d like to hear your Thoughts um how exactly was Dio harassing you zero what’ you say you he just called me bald on multiple occasions and I felt hurt by it h well don’t trust him Viet I at this this is kind of if he were to call me that I wouldn’t appreciate it

It I would just simply ignore It I would call it harassment if he did it continuously on multiple occasions and you told him to stop right I have I’ve expressed my oh what’s the right word I express that I don’t like it when he says something like That well then I I suppose that would unfortunately have to qualify as a bit of harassment may I ask questions you may yes okay now Violet by the definition of harassment you are right you are completely correct but the legal definition of harassment is entirely different it has to be directed at a

Specific person that torments terrorizes or terrifies that person and serves no legitimate reason at all knowing that their actions would cause a reasonable person to fear for their own or a loved one’s safety or suffer substantial emotional distress from fear of injury death or continued harassment

Now I don’t think that I made him fear me and honestly I don’t believe I’ve even said it that many times cuz I only ran into zero one time so I maybe said it once I will admit that but it definitely wasn’t intention to cause him torment or

Terrorize him or even terrify him and if he can prove that that’s what I meant to do then it would be illegal but I it doesn’t seem like that’s what I meant to do it seemed like a nice joke that everyone can hear and everyone could

Laugh at it didn’t seem like I tried to cause this man torment unless he can prove that wrong now my second question that still falls under the same category causing him torment pretty much the same as humiliating or making him feel uncomfortable or mentally distressed but you continue but that

True but that’s only if I continue to do it while knowing that I’m doing that to him interesting but I didn’t so you’re saying and on top you’re saying that you’re saying that you didn’t know that this caused him distress no he never exactly told me to stop he

Never said he was afraid he never said that this harmed him or embarrassed him or I was harassing him he just came back with another rebuttal and honestly I could be suing him for the same reason if that was the case and I did hear zero object what say you your

Honor this man is [Laughter] Lying objection your honor he’s stating something as a fact without any proof overruled let’s hear what he has to say I as I said before I have expressed my disdain for this for what he’s been doing this whole time in the world you’ve expressed it what exactly did you say well sometimes I

Just um how do you Say I would just sit there And show to him that I uh I’m uncomfortable with what he said or say how it hurt me I’m afraid I I don’t I don’t understand how did you show him that it made you uncomfortable just by expressing how if I were to say the same to him that he

Would feel the same way wouldn’t he but he just kept on going after that do let say you to that uh his word express is very vague I never got any text any call he didn’t even speak to me in person mention this and to add on to that uh I’ve

Heard and uh I’ve been doing my studies about our laws in this town and we haven’t even gotten a law for harassment so honestly this point should be out of the picture but even if we were dealing with this case like I said before I could be

Charging him for the same things cuz he’s also said some harmful things but I’m not because at the end of the day it’s not harassment H very well then with that being said Pekka does your views change at all to give you another rundown Theo says that zero exclamate wow that Zero’s

Expressions of disdain were vague from what we know he didn’t necessarily say anything about di wanting to stop so does this change your views at all well it’s an even split on one side it still qualifies as harassment but if his Expressions were vague then it shouldn’t

I wouldn’t say that it it shouldn’t matter but there’s no need for complain I see excuse me sir no twerking in court all right sorry can I Milly Rock uh I see but other than that de clearly since we’re in the middle of a court case that expresses enough

Disdain and you should probably stop it it does now however since the court since this started yes we’re doing another trial I’ll explain it real soon is there anything else you’d like to say about no that’ll be all all right to explain it really quickly de over here has brought zero to court

For um assault and zero is also charging di for harassment and right now we’re going over zeros first over harassment what we we have just settled or in violent opinion since zero didn’t clearly Express that he wanted what di was doing to stop that uh the harassment doesn’t necessarily count as

Much as it should since he didn’t really Express that it showed him any discomfort now we’ll move on to the next person Moss please make your way up to the stand I’d like to hear what you have to say about this now have your views changed on this are

You seeing what Petco is seeing or are you more on the side of zero let’s hear what you have to say I honestly I’m kind of why are you doing that um honestly like I I honestly they’re both kind of I’ll be on de’s side I see and can you explain why simply

Because Ender has been uh been a little biased couple times and um kind of been rude but but rection your honor relevance relevance understandable yes please get to the point Moss okay well if Ender if Ender just said to like deal like like just please stop or like not please but like just

Like you know like if you like confronted him proper and if the still hasn’t stopped then I would like admit there’s a case but I don’t recall ever hearing something like that NOC this one I don’t want to have to tell you Again I see all right I’ve heard enough you may return to your seat Moss now concerning zeros concerning zeros charges pressed against do we will get to the result after we finish de now we will move on and hear what Di has to say explain one once more your case of

Assault you may come up to understand and preach you’d like well you see your honor um I was looking around for my horse heading back to my cattle to feed them some more you know replace some stuff extract some I was leaving my house and I was

Running and out of no where I get hit in my back and I’m I’m thinking it’s a mob but I turn around I’m surprised to see Zero is standing there and when I try to look around there was no witnesses that really caught this but luckily I got it all on

Cam so I have certified proof that this man laid his hands on me without consent and that is illegal and the book of Lando it’s illegal so I think he should uh pay up a fine but that is all all Right is there something you have to say zero I’d like to State my side of the story you’re honor very Well hang on you see poor you dare ruin my court case Oh continue the Crouch at the end So um this Jack it’s a cour case come on both me and Dio were happen to be going the same way I happen to be coming from uh your house actually judge and I think that was the night that we had a whole sleepover and everything if you remember that I’m

Afraid I do remember that not a good Memory Well do you need do you need help I think he needs some help he’s okay he’s Good it’ll be fine after turned the dangerous side after a turned morning I decided to go back to my home and rest up a bit more and that’s when I happened to run into Doo I was running behind him and we were having a conversation I remember

And I guess he thought I was was maybe far away from him but you Know so you’re saying you hit him on Accident hold on I’m getting to that part okay so we were having a conversation and I I happened to give him like a little little punch you know as we friends do right sure you’ve done it a bunch of times Mhm and I happened to give him a punch with my hand I I don’t know if he thought if I was holding a weapon or something I just gave him a little little shove and after that he just went ballistic on me and started call I

Was assaulting him or whatever I I got a little afid and I was like well whatever and then I went back to my house and that was the end of it I see all right you may return to your Seat we’ll find out Jack Moss come to stand please i’ like to hear your opinions please keep it quick short and concise do you think that zero committed assault to dealo considering what you know yes oh okay any explanations or is that all I’ve heard the I heard theal I don’t

Know what was happening the whole context but I remember I was just minding my business doing my trees then I heard deer scream ass salt ass salt and then something happened I don’t remember what Anders said but that’s that’s the core memory so I believe he committed assault I

Understand honestly you may take what he heard your honor your honor have something to say have a statement yes should we be using a a jury that can’t really even fully remember what had happened that would be or the air all right P that would be aelous are are you saying that he’s

Autistic excuse me no that doesn’t mean he has to be autistic but someone who’s de blind he just VI remember well committed Assa right now that wasn’t me I accidentally I accidentally shov Violet say that wasn’t me I mean no that’s okay listen leave me alone anyway Violet doesn’t want to get

Paid anyway anyway anyway PCO you don’t even need to come to the stand tell me real quick what do you think about this please keep it keep it quick short and concise do you believe that zero has committed assault you think he’s guilty of this I I I I don’t think so I

See all right how about we get to the bread and Buttero I’d like to see your evidence of course I had that on Deck now one go do me favor and check General I should be able to change my all the context was in there so his rebuttal about it being a friendly tap is false cuz the context was in there and you

Heard everything what all right listen here’s the Discord right here we’re going to we’re going to open up and everyone on stream we’re going to take a watch everyone uh be quiet so we can see what happens here completely shiny he hit me he hit me he hit me

IA let me play one more time so I can understand completely shiny he hit me he hit me he hit me IA I see well precisely uh did everyone in chat get a good it I played it two times I hope you saw it right uh see

Okay now that we’ve all seen the evidence your honor i’ like I’d like to make one more statement okay you may make your statement first of all we clearly had a conversation and he obviously knew I was there I don’t know why in his statement he said that he

Didn’t even notice that I was there so I didn’t say I didn’t notice you I said I was walking outside of my house and you came by and hit me that’s the thing though I didn’t do any damage to you as we clearly saw it was just like a little haha little punch

It was who said I didn’t feel damage you hit me without my consent did your hearts go down doesn’t matter you hit me your heart go down answer the question you hit me answer the question okay go go go outside and slap someone in the face right now court order in the court

Go outside and slap someone in the face right now see if you get locked up you didn’t do any d damage to them all right exactly okay listen now it was just a haha punch will not hold in court wow that’s just crazy all right well that is Zero’s argument

This in mind moss and Pekka do you think zero is guilty of this crime he did in fact hit Dio without consent however he did not do any damage do you guys still think that this should count towards him that he should still face the consequences of

His actions you honor before they uh respond may I give my last take very well go on before you guys answer after you’ve seen the video proof I just want to remind you that the law definition of assault is an intentional act that gives another person reasonable fear that

They’ll be physically harmed or offensively touched no physical contact or injury has to actually occur but that accused person must have intentionally acted in a way to cause that fear and as you can see on the clip he was saying oh yeah oh yeah so he knew

What he was doing he knew the torment he was trying to give a yet he still acted so him damaging me doesn’t necessarily matter it’s the fact that he hit me and offensively touched me and I did not like them so that is though all right let’s hear from the

Jury what do you guys think both of you have had your share your fair shares of harassment towards each other Dio is guilty of calling him names and zero is guilty of hitting him and also calling me names okay Moss I have the G of violet here they’re

Both kind of guilty no they both really are guilty okay uh let’s for let’s see why do you think why do you think that both of them are guilty Moss hey well Theo is calling people names well not names but using slurs and Ender did assault him and he he did it

Very minutes like objection your honor we we have no law about harassment and even if we did we would have a lot about speech so that should be overall uh I must say while we don’t have objection objection your honor yeah you SE in your own words that we

Could if we felt that we were still in harm or any way that we that is true press charges I did indeed say that is true but at the same time frame my speech so you can just say slurs out of nowhere huh yes that’s how every I I I make my case

Here on uh okay go ahead go ahead all right okay everybody give me a sec I need to think all right wow this took quite the interesting turn that I wasn’t expecting however me and you are the same I think I understand and for everyone to understand got to do this one more

Time from the beginning my name is Miles Morales and I’m your neighborhood Spider-Man never going to take you seriously all right we start off with the first charge coming from zero he believed that Dio was harassing him verbally of course he was just minding his business playing building exploring the nether

When Dio would continue calling him bald this made zero this made zero feel uncomfortable frightened and as if he was being harassed however we do know that zero did not make it clear that he felt um hurt by these words he didn’t tell him to stop or anything he didn’t

Make it clear he was too vague with it next we have Deal’s charge against zero deal was just minding his own business that is when zero came up they were having their own conversation and things got a little heated oh yeah oh yeah zero said and then he hit Theo right in the

Back Theo shouted assault he assaulted me and made sure to get video evidence of this transaction and that ladies and gentlemen is our court case with this we’ll be able to understand who is the person that will be facing a penalty now Settled the harassment guilty or not guilty Moss PCO come to a decision if one of or the other is guilty isal guil of of harassment towards zero yeah Moss yes the harassments towards zerox Umbreon Dio is guilty next zero assaulting di guilty or not guilty guilty that is guilty I see Zero is

Guilty now it’s punishment time so what shall Dio’s punishment be what do you guys think nothing too bad something simple do I have a say in this sure why not on one day in jail the prute he’s a cannot make this decision he can’t make it his suggestion was fine um

But I must say a day in jail for harassment is a bit too much and my opinion oh I got a great one the next meal that um zero chooses will be free yes with that just one meal though free stack of steak whoa meal not I

Don’t even sell stacks of steak I sell them in 20s so free 20 of steak next meal so whatever de considers a meal all right as for zero what should his punishment be what do you guys one day of jail m what are you thinking P up this is not personal

Ender this that was definitely Justice it’s Justice well that’s kind of hard I think one day in jail was a little overbearing I would also like to be the warning if that’s possible no you would not be rewarded no the W no no I want it to be the the warden

Oh I also think is a bit too much I think that instead F in my opinion you should be committed to community service what type of work you ask that’s simple we got to get more buildings in here right but not every land we have so far is nice and smooth

Please I’ll build know end he needs to finish the road you know what Ender I don’t want you going around picking up dirt so instead I’ll give you another option I suggest that he could just be fed and just pay up find I’ll I’ll do it I’ll do community service m

All the dirt you want it will be in your chest all the dirt you want what about you Violet you’re the you’re the deciding F community service one day in jail or a fine or you can make up your own uh punishment I guess community service is fine that would make sense all

Right Deo found guilty of harassment his punishment allowing zero a free meal zero on the other hand guilty of assault this punishment community service clearing out some ground and giving me the dirt as proof everyone you are dismissed I have some service you need to do

Huh like to fix the road and all my pleas whoa whoa when were you the one doing all this hold on I was told I was going to clear out the land not make a road the road is part of the village it goes through everybody’s uh told of

Making a road I was clearing out the land clearing out the land yeah like th here we go here we go with the zombies again another great episode of Judge Joker yes sir judge Joker judge Joker so uh where’s my free meal man want it now yeah yeah

All right I’ll give you a free m now long as you get to that community service get wow truly I did not expect it to go that way yeah I knew the same way you thought I would expect it to go yeah whoa what’s with this you got a camera

Installed or something hang on hang on hang on hang on what’s with this my camera where are you can you please come to Bro do not please don’t die I hope he stays there forever Nota Cherry Grove got name got a name tag I’m a name tag him what what

Zombie no look zombie villager ah we are L villagers hold on let me uh get a villager I can make an iron golem huh oh yeah don’t bring those raids here please don’t bring those raids here I’m afraid more goem we don’t have to worry about

Them yeah true and that’s not how you get an iron golem are you able to I know we can make it be better stay here yeah he’s going to wander off if he doesn’t have a villager to protect anyways keep leing that one where’s my tools whatever I’ll provide you Tools in

A little bit we need to trap this why is he being smart when did they make him smart I don’t remember this I’m trying to hit him in but he’s like beating me a he hit me back oh he is smart what the world Pegasus you behind actually you got it

I’m hit him in I’m on my house basically I got it get in there he went over yes sir yeah hold that dirt block for me hold that dirt block for me I forgot what we got to do doesn’t he like a health potion we need to use like

A golden apple and make some sort of potion some splash potion I potion of weakness weakness yeah I don’t do you have have one should come in come in here for a bit I don’t think anyone has actually I do have a brewing stand I have one in my restaurant

You I forgot about that glad put it to use do you have the ingredients for a br St I not BR St for the weakness I don’t remember what you need for a weakness potion not gonna lie seems like he wanted me to go to jail let me check not smart enough to

Build yeah I really wanted to put someone in prison didn’t matter who and since you put me in prison last time I just wanted to do the same to you really well wow he let you well Moss angry as that makes me I have an offer for you I

Want you to be my Warden how does that sound what do you mean to be your Warden what does that entail exactly REM my jail you just have to watch you have to watch whoever’s in my sput conversation here but here’s your materials don’t slack bro anyways what you

Saying why I have my own jail C you what I have my own jail cell your own jail cell huh yeah I have my own one where let’s look this up oh it’s underneath my house what whoa that’s not a jail that’s a dungeon Excuse Me is This legal this

Can’t be legal this can’t be legal right I mean it is his property so you can do whatever he wants with it he has a dungeon he’s gonna kidnap someone and put them in there well he hasn’t done it yet Moss how about just forget about that for now and come my Warden

And I’ll pay you pay you an iron how about that iron for what how like days I’ll pay you one iron every day someone is in jail that is terrible that is kind of kind of terrible listen economy is not great right now or we need going down we’re going on a

Downhill no times are tough I might be able to you a raise if you do your job nicely okay but that’s only if someone does go to jail right dang Jack is on me yeah yeah and can like edit the jail cell yeah you can edit it but okay sure

You will have to keep the obsidian that I am going to have in it just to make sure that they don’t get out going to put obsidian oh the obsidian is already installed I’m asking you to not do anything with that okay but currently the jail isn’t uh

Built but I will inform you when it is and when it’s ready to be used okay uh oh nice doing business with you m you will get paid handsomely for this I don’t think we’ll be able to do anything I’m pretty sure we need blaze rods to brew or blaze

Powder by the way the guy died are you serious who who plays who plays glass oh I did my bad why did you guys P glass I didn’t think that if I thought if the sunlight didn’t hit him it would like affect him I didn’t think it actually worked through glass wait

What that’s it burns him through glass he is now me he’s that’s what he is he’s just now what are you doing get back here and pass this hole up that’s your job whoa I was I didn’t say that I was I’m getting rid of stuff like this where do you want

Me where do you want me to yeah this dude’s struggling huh what what where do you want me to to clear out who we’re going man that did such a good job wow can’t believe how cool I am we’re crossing into my correct all right not yet let me see Violet’s house all

Right P’s place From from here to here all the way here level this ground level the ground to be like this right here okay The barn nice and love to see it so can I keep like some of the dirt sure yeah it’s public dirt yeah I get can I get some advice please did you just say advice I can give you free advice sure I talk to the after yeah what do you advice on what

Can he come to my house on the fields that’s what I love to see what Jack said what a menace he said come to your come to your house also nearby I’m about to I’m about to take away that pumpkin that pumpkin from you you can’t keep walking around like

That why why are you stopping your work where did I put it I just want to take a good okay what do what do you think I should add around here this is basically what’s going to happen but there anything else I should add to make this look more

Pretty anything else you should add um what is this what is this I was going to say that a fencing would be good but should be it I didn’t think that was actually going to be this is my tree farm I would say my my tree I don’t know

What I would call it but M how much Oak do you have I have a lot H nice and if I were to buy actually you should make a wood shop this is yeah I guess you could call this a wood farming not really sure what I would

Call this you can how much are you willing to sell and how much are you selling it for actually don’t have any Oak but I have a lot of spruce horer you don’t have any not doing my or farming it orc ah orc don’t worry I’m G get to farm it

Right now this so the left area is going to be to be Spruce the right is going to be o the bottom left is going to be jungle and then the other one’s going to be and then I have two more to make this this is a fine idea can do whatever you

Want keep up the good work if you want because I need SPO saplings later could get some probably Redstone lamps instead of these torches yes I yeah I need to find a way how to light this up better cuz it gets pretty dark yeah but LS would have to be powered by Redstone

You’re just going to have to make like some post around it and let me see what it looks like so far is your a whole house made out of logs no it isn’t even his house this is like next to his house might uh make a Contraption for

You to just turn on and off the lights that might be easiest it doesn’t seem like next to all right do you guys know how I could turn like the grass the same as the grass as trees or do I just you have to plant it and eventually it’ll grow

That way yeah okay how to like make this grass the same as the other grass I guess have to take Downs of dirt wait which which grass you talking about this like soil this brown soil yeah this brown so right here yeah uh once these grow like say if you grew

This one right here it’ll automatically turn all the dirt into this so like get some bone meal and grow this one and all like a whole bunch of this dirt is going to turn in it okay what I have toil right now oh my God Moss has been on his demon

Grind I think uh that’s probably where I’m going to end it now it’s a good court case I got some good Cherry gr come back next time for Ray AJ here we go being ugly all righty can’t believe it can’t have a prop off all right where do I put this dirt

Where do you want this dirt give me come to my house I’ll take it everybody come everybody come from my house we can say bye to the stream uh oh my horse I’m pretty far away I’m I’m coming dear I have a gift for you thanks you’re

Welcome uh I don’t know what um I don’t know why but thanks Moss’s horse blocks the whole door that’s why I hate having it here you got to move it before you log off everybody’s here come come here no we don’t need any thanks Moss for being a champ all right

Ah arm much better now for everybody watching stream thank you for watching don’t worry we’re going to stream again soon and if you’re new subscribe like and click the Bell so you can always know when I’m streaming and that would be great byebye good night have a good

Night um Jack said good night to all of you good night Jack and the be Jack have a good dream you byebye everyone except Baldi crazy Zer you did it again my bad my bad my bad I didn’t mean to do that that’s two times and I got that on stream

This video, titled ‘Building our town in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Joker on 2023-12-14 07:10:53. It has garnered 28 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:28 or 12448 seconds.


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    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition"That friend is basically running a petting zoo in their Minecraft world while the rest of us struggle to keep just one dog alive. Read More