INSANE: KINGERiv Destroys Massive Mountain

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Working yet uh let’s go here give it a second to catch up waiting for your stream to go live okay looks like it just went live oh and it’s popping up and I got a lot of audio my mic is crazy loud I turned it up last night

You’re going to hear an echo for a second I apologize all right all righty let’s get Tik Tock up and running here if I can get the play button I go destroying about, day go live let’s see if Tik Tok wants to go work immediately give it a second

Here says I’m live no not currently eating a ban on Tik Tok oh popping up all right I got audio I got music got my mic everything’s working that is a good sign let’s See all righty everything it seems like it’s working quick energy drink and get to it all righty couple quick spins make sure nothing’s lagging and we’ll call it live click off the Elgato streamlabs thank you all righty then time to remove a mountain so that we can finish storage up

So we going to take out this whole back side of the mountain today maybe not the most exciting but it’s got to get done I already mapped out the whole area we need to carve out and then eventually terraform but add it to the list of everything else

Going to go through a lot of picks and a lot of shovels today we’ll see how it goes there it goes still getting used to having the new monitor to my right got to figure it out hey Q Dog I see you’re in here I saw you join

In appreciate the likes already guys 200 likes uh 2 minutes in it’s a good ratio right there early stream today yep figured I got myself a free Saturday I’ve been waiting to work on this project and uh figured it was time to get it done I want storage completely done and

Checked off the list no reason to leave it unfinished any longer hopefully ow not as many internet issues as we had last night shouldn’t though we’ll see I think I’m going to bring shulkers over with me that’ll save me a ton of time flying in and out of storage to collect

Everything caffeinated today too so hopefully yawn a little less get a little more done so it’s going to be five for now six we’ll do think I’m going to set up my collection point just for right now here so we’ll just start filling shulkers with whatever we get out of the ground

And then sort it later we’ll put grass in this one we’ll do for now dirt in this one and then the stone we’ll just keep ah not that keep going as we go fly away there we go so this whole chunk needs to be removed and then this all needs to be

Terraformed and then once that is done we can finish wrapping storage and then this Saga of this Beast of a build will be done we can go start working on a couple new things I want to put in a h a new tunnel Bo on my list I want to we have

To do all the chest monsters too I did forget about that still have a bunch of chest monsters and tearing out old storage is going to be a stream in itself so checking some boxes so that we can move on to new projects trying not to leave too too much unfinished in the

World one layer at a time what was the other project we were going to start working on we were talking about it in stream the other day I can’t remember the name of it we were talking about getting something done do you use a tunnel boore

For getting netherite uh yes and no so when I originally got all my first round of netherite I used a tunnel bar I’ve the uh one I used to use and the one I use in the Overworld does not work in the Nether and I don’t know why the uh

For whatever reason it lags in the nether which makes no sense but I’ll figure it out eventually probably have to design a new one cuz you guys are you guys are definitely wearing on me to start the grind for a netherite beacon now it’s

Not all going to be in one go hey phone how you doing today man you having a good night BR I say good night I’m so used to streaming tonight having a good day brother oh one second guys I forgot to shut notifications off give me one second Here all righty my bad on that and back here and back here all right and we’re back there we go my watch on it’s annoying me should catch up there it goes all right is there anything as satisfying as taking down a mountain using uh haste 2 and efficiency 5 I love breaking

Stone I mean it’s definitely a lot of work taking down this much Stone but it’s super super satisfying there we go one layer at a time all righty I think I’m going to start sectioning it off so let’s take out this corner right here so our line should be right there

Yep I can break than come on oh there’s the [Applause] edge I don’t know if I have enough netherite shovels prepared we might be either running one of the XP Farms or just making a bunch of diamond shovels and then just burning through them I don’t know which one’s easier to

Do the XP farm is not a fun Farm to run on stream because it’s so loud then again we could use the furnace trick which I have a ton of XP saved up at my old super smelter so we’ll see couple different options when it comes to Healing tools I mean just

Creating a new bucket of uh break this break this all right grass blocks go in here and then dirt goes in here Stone’s going to go in here and then we’re just going to keep everything I’m not going to actually putting these up here is just going to

Get them in the way so let’s oh they’re all going to okay all of them yep all right so empty empty stone is here ah we’ll make you dirt you’re grass you’re empty so put you there for now let’s do something like this give me I have no item frames in there this

Will work do it easy so this is going to be all my stone shell ERS this will be all my dirt and then this will be all grass and then we’ll just keep cycling in new shulkers as needed and then keep everything else just in generic inventory definitely

Going to need more than just the shulkers I grab though so grab more while I’m thinking about it put those back just get this out of my inventory for now just give me a whole bunch of shulkers why not just take them all now do I have any chests left here I

Don’t we took them all when we went to the new witch farm so let’s go here go here I only need two for now perfect that’ll do I have more shulkers over there did I build this whole thing yeah this is all my build everything in this world is uh

Built by Me Myself and I it is a solo single player world shulker Farms difficult to make no shulker Farms are very easy to make and for the reward of getting lots of shulkers to use definitely worth making easily one of the top five Farms you should have in

Your world iron Farms are always going to be the most important Farm everything after that is just bonus but I don’t know where ow I fell I don’t know where I would be in my world without my shulker farm simply because I just use so so so many of them anytime you

See a white shulker box in my world it’s just generic storage so any of the ones in my Ender Chest I’ll have corresponding colors and names the ones in just the general storage for like those white ones uh it’s Bedrock Bo so I play mouse and keyboard on on PS5 not Java

Unfortunately I know uh seems like everybody coming in here asks if I’m playing Java I’m not I play Bedrock Edition so if you play on your switch or on your Xbox or your PlayStation it’s the same version so everything I do on here you can do on

There you know just and the only reason I play Bedrock over java I mean everybody ask is simply because I just play on playstation so PlayStation is the uh Bedrock version of the game that good old Better Together update that came out in 2019 was Better Together 2019 what year was better

Together I think I’m just out of range of the insta mine Beacon should be like right here I should snag it there we go might put down another beacon in this area or we just yeah for for the sake of this project let’s just turn this Beacon into a haste 2

Beacon uh both versions definitely have their pros and cons I mean I like Bedrock Edition simply because I play Bedrock Edition I have nothing against uh against Java Edition one thing I wish Bedrock had that Java has is TNT duplication but at the same time I’m really glad that uh Bedrock has Trident

Killers because they’re super super useful we’re going to turn you into haste two for now sleep really quick nailed it so I don’t have a preferred version I really don’t I just play Bedrock because it’s the one that’s easiest accessible to me so now that that’s haste two we

Should should be able to carve this corner between this haste two Beacon and that Hast two Beacon get this corner taken out of here but this whole Mountain needs to come down so that we can finish the storage project build anybody who was in here today I apologize for last night’s stream I

Don’t know why my internet was struggling so much uh must have been a busy Friday night but it’s all there have not gone back to the witch Farm how long have I been in this world Cara I’ve been in the world a little under 2 years and a little over

5200 days like in the world itself so February 2nd will be the 2-year anniversary of this world and uh last time I checked I was at 5200 plus days like actually the exact number give me one second notebook here the exact day count as of two days ago was

5,226 and I played a bunch last night so uh what you plan right now for what I’m building so we go up here storage is all built the filters are in place been using it as our main storage base but I need to continue the wall so if we go I can’t

Fly can’t fly so I have this wall design right here right and this wall design needs to wrap the entirety of the base so how it works back here is there’s not enough room to wrap the wall around and spawn proof it so I’m currently carving out this whole

Mountain so once this whole mountain is done you can see kind of the layout of where the wall is going to go we’ll put the wall in spawn prooof everything terraform this so it doesn’t just look like a big Cliff face and then I can officially sign off my new storage

Storage building storage base as completed so that’s what I’m working on right now trying to get this all done kind of one of those super grindy projects that you just you know got to get done the building part was fun the Redstone part was fun now it really

Boils down to just removing a mountain hence the name of the stream removing a mountain or I think it’s destroying a mountain not too bad with netherite haste 2 and effici 5 just a little grindy so caffeine music and streaming make it go a little bit easier hey rapes I saw you

Join you popped up for me remove that and then one more layer down and this chunk so I think we’ll take this chunk out next cuz it’s a little one right here not too bad eventually you can see kind of where I hollowed out what’s the plan my guy we

Are finally removing the mountain behind storage it’s time to get rid of the mountain you have a good video for auto sorters so user what version are you want are you want Bedrock or Java you’re good Q Dog don’t worry about it depending on uh what version you’re on I

Can suggest a couple different videos I don’t have a video myself on auto sorters I have recorded a whole video just have not had the time to post it and uh put it on Tik Tok yet Java so I would look up mumbo jumbo if you’re looking up anything Java

Related mumbo’s probably the best one to look up and see what uh sorting system he uses if you’re on Bedrock I recommend uh silent whisperer on YouTube he’s a phenomenal Redstone uh engineer for Bedrock Edition or you can always check out IL mango for Java

Edition I don’t know if he’s got a video on storage systems though no problem user I hope you uh get it all solved the uh sorting oh that doesn’t go there these sorting systems between bedrock and Java are not too too different but they’re different enough

That I want to make sure you’re looking at the right one and not getting yourself uh mixed up save you some effort what about JC plays JC plays is pretty good too uh again the sorting system I use is from um silent Whisperer so that’s who

I’m going to shout out JC plays is a good real I say he’s a really good Bedrock uh tutorial Farm guy on YouTube but his Farms are usually pretty stripped down and basic now I’ll give the guy credit they always work anything he puts out I can guarantee you is going

To work in your Bedrock world but I kind of like going to silent just because if I need like recommendations on Redstone I kind of want to see the the expert in the uh the field and I don’t let me phrase I don’t know if silent the uh

Expert expert on Bedrock but he’s the one I trust the most but JC plays is also a really good Bedrock tutorial if you’re looking for uh farms for your world so this corner is is done makes sense fair enough right I mean I’m sure there’s even you

Know great creators out there who you know don’t get the recognition for it but you know kind of just uh if I take any inspiration from anybody I’m going to give them a shout out in my in my videos if anybody asks no uh I hate people who uh like

Steal content and stuff like that I mean it’s the internet you can kind of do whatever you want to do but at least give credit to the people you’re ripping off is what it is way back when when I used to do war zone Clips I had one of

Mine go a little crazy and then I kept seeing it posted on different accounts that weren’t mine and it is what it is not too stressed at it so this corner is almost done here do use silent Whisperers iron farm so I use an iron farm that I designed

Myself uh I use it there’s over I think I have six of them in this world I’m actually going to put another one under storage at some point but that’s that’s in the oh fell that is not going to be for a while I want to build

An iron farm underneath uh like the main elevator area just so that I have iron always being farmed here when I’m spending time in storage my recommendation to anybody who wants a long-term world is to build an iron farm anywhere that you AFK a lot so if you’re like frequenting your storage

Base and that’s like a part of your world where you like leave your character alive or you know you just kind of are at a lot I would highly recommend building an iron farm there Iron farms in Bedrock are crazy simple to make and they may not have the biggest

Output like they’re definitely not as fast as Java Farms but that’s not an excuse not to have one you know this is my carrot all right let’s start taking the top off this guy so here’s the corner we’ll level out the top and start at the bottom uh it does repeat it’s pretty

Brutal on on Tik Tok with the uh especially Farms I will say this I kind of went down a rabbit hole the other day on just Tik Tock uh Tik tokers creating Farms on Redstone and it’s all just the same Farm on like a dozen different accounts uh

With just different music put over the background a little bit different of an editing Style just straight up ripping each other off trying to pump out content for likes again another reason I don’t do tutorials you did a face reveal so this isn’t my first live stream

Stream with a webcam but uh I don’t know I was feeling myself a little bit today it might be the caffeine and the coffee talking but I figured I’d do a face reveal I don’t know if it’s really a revealed there’s my face is on my page

In a couple different places I just don’t normally stream with a face cam we’ll see how it goes did an uh experiment the other day with the uh face cam did did two live streams I did one with the face cam and one without to see which one would do

Better and you guys hurt my feelings a little bit the one without did better and it was the same thing but it is what it is we’ll see all right so that’s another layer done is that enough no we need to go down one more if anybody’s curious why

I’m chunking like this there’s a certain certain reach you have underneath so if should be one more layer down and then I can just grab from the bottom instead of working my way down what definitely not going to be out of dirt for a little while actually hold

On I’m I’m doing this the dumb way I need to go get a couple friends mine hi guys I know you’re over here still ow popped the totem for the first time in like six months last night it was brutal all right you’re going to be

My dirt guy you’re going to be this guy and you’re going to be this guy all right you get dirt you get grass and you get stone and what do you want what do you want to be buddy you know what you probably should be dirt cuz we’re going

Actually you don’t have anything you probably should be dirt cuz we have a lot of dirt right now give me this all right I got to sleep little guys and then we’re going to go back to tearing that mountain down oh no they’re going to follow and go straight through the

Portal okay well we’re going to have to go into The Nether and get our little friends back that’s on me for not paying attention no you don’t go in there you all go in there we lost our little friends we’re going to have to go get them

Back they’re all in the nether very unhappily now there goes in there the rest of this I don’t care about that can all go in there this should never be left out cuz I will go somewhere expecting to have it and not have it all righty let’s go get our little uh our

Little friends back go through the nether portal come back to the nether portal in the world you remember where where everything goes yes so a lot of play time in this world especially in the storage base lately so I know where this goes that goes and everything else oh creeper and that

Just decimated one of my alls this is why it’s we need to spawn proof holy [ __ ] well we lost one of our little friends and my portal and a good chunk of the floor that sucks oh broke the portal too that’s annoying all righty now this has just

Become one big spawning nightmare so let’s go get the stuff to fix this really quick that’s super unfortunate ow and that’s why we have blast protection so it just give me a few stacks of this and then it should be not there in here I don’t need the shards I need

Bricks Moss blocks and prismarine this should do it that’s funny oh that’s kind of rough I feel bad for our little laay we just lost got to get rid of this before stuff starts spawning in here if anybody is curious how a creeper got into here the front of storage is not

Spawn proofed yet so a creeper must have tried to follow me into storage walked into the portal and then ended up in the nether Hub and then because this side of the world was not loaded as soon as I loaded into The Nether Hub he was here waiting for us

So give me this this and this did we lose any of the wall so I actually didn’t lose any prismarine that’s a good sign I don’t have any blue carpet in so I’m going to have to get some more are’s hard to get uh not really once you find one you’re pretty much

Golden cuz they breed up just by dancing with amethyst shards so they’re not not hard at all to get so this goes right here that goes right there that goes right there this goes right here here rotate you around almost fully repaired put the Moss

Back yes uh put the wall back come here you guys hey come here come here thank you break this and then I should have you then my tools then lights hopefully that did not mess up the linking it shouldn’t but Bedrock likes to mess up portal linking all the time so let’s

Well you just went through let’s see if that didn’t break anything if I okay well that’s a good sign my laser all here all right so this can go back no wrong chest and then this can all go in there all righty hopefully 44 truck thank you guys for

The Falls don’t go through come on damn it you two hit your time limit the other guy didn’t so we got to go get the other guy back out of the nether the Lays were supposed to make things easier they’re not uh making things easier currently all right all three of

You are in here let’s go all three of you back out of the nether all right all three of you are back out of the nether come this way come this way without going through the nether portal all right good there we go now we’re back at

It pain in the ass sometimes come on you three they generally make things easier just not today apparently all righty back to it not that this all right one two all right they’re already collecting look at that they’re already doing their job oh there’s a huge Cliff right here huge hole in the

Ground Diego Thank you for the follow appreciate it thank you little guys back to tearing down a mountain might want to take some time in the Stream today too and spawn proof the front of storage so that we don’t have another creep on the other side of the uh nether

Portal Spade thank you for the uh follow appreciate it brother welcome to the channel or the page is it Tik Tok yeah Tik Tok calls it a page right it’s not a channel that’s how we refer to it what are you going to work on So currently I am tearing down the mountain

Behind my storage base so that I can finish the uh the fence that’s going to go all around it and spawn prooof it as we just unfortunately learned my uh the front of the base isn’t spawn prooof and a creeper was able to go through the nether portal at the front and uh

Accidentally killed one of our little LA’s Cara thank you for the follow Rusty Barnes thank you for the follow welcome that’s a nice house thanks Spade appreciate it man we spent a lot of live streams working on oh I’m out of haste two distance give me haste two back I

Need haste two back give it back there we go Jake thank you for the follow welcome welcome try to get some new followers in here today little longer stream on a Saturday got some time got a few hours trying to hammer out this project once the tearing of the mountain

Is done we can finish the fence and when the fence is done then we can go ahead and finish the fence that’s not a mountain I haven’t seen a single silverfish Gremlin were you in here the other day when we were doing uh mining out at the Corey and we got like 17

Different silverfish spawning no all right fair enough I guess it’s not a mountain in the names of Minecraft but we’ve been tearing it down all the same it’s not a mountain biome just if you really want to get specific it’s a very large Hill that needs to go

Away if I tried to flatten out a whole Mountain we would all be here all day or I would be here all day and you guys would make me do something else come on now so this corner is just out of the range of haste 2 which is good to know

All right look guys let’s empty my inventory real quick all righty so that stone filled up we’ll do dirts filled up and grass blocks are filled up so give me two more shulkers we’re just going to stack shulkers on top of each other right now so this is dirt this is

Stone and then everything else I’m just going to junk into here for now back to it 3K did we hit 3,000 likes thank you Q dog thank you to everybody who’s liked the stream so far appreciate it you guys 3,000 likes in 30 minutes is a hell of a ratio to

Have appreciate it you guys thank you very much all right I’m going to clog this hole because I have a heart no no no no you do not get to go down the hole one of my La will chase a block all the way down and then we will never see it

Again what is right here that’s not letting me place there we go Randy how you doing man the witch Farm I haven’t troubleshooted yet it’s all built uh all of the like structure the sorting system all that stuff is put in place but for whatever reason the farm

Itself only runs at night now I don’t know if it’s a glitch or a bug or something like that but uh that’s something we’re going to have to troubleshoot on another stream got a little frustrated last night between the internet issues and that stream not and

That the farm not working so it’ll be another stream in the future when we go to troubleshoot the uh the witch Farm why it’s not working Koda Bear thank you for the follow welcome welcome I don’t know if my alerts are working today but I’m going to do my

Best to keep up with all the follows no promises if I miss your name I do appreciate the follow and I’ll try to uh try to shout you out as I see them come in good old Tik Tock live studio just doesn’t want to work all this

Time I am just out of range of haste two give me haste two back thank you come on might end up putting in another Beacon but this should be the back corner over here so let’s get all the stone out of the way so for those of you

Who don’t know why I’m able to insta mine is I have uh efficiency 5 on my pickaxe and then I have haste two in the area but a little known fact is if you have haste or uh efficiency three or more on your shovel you don’t need haste

Two to instamine any of the dirt gravel or sand blocks so I have it on mine just for the sake of having it but you don’t need it all right we’re going to have to find a way for you guys not to end up in the nether every time I need to sleep

So H how am I going to sleep without you guys actually I know where I can sleep our farmer who has long since passed away may he rest in peace left his bed over here so this is a perfect spot to sleep for now I sent 1K likes thank you

Very very much appreciate it two dots I can’t see your name but I appreciate the follow welcome to the welcome to the stream all right so we’re just going to have to use our old long since past Farmers bed for now Zach thank you for the follow welcome welcome all righty

Let’s take another chunk out of this wall break that break it all righty ow I will pop a totem in this stream it will happen my thumb officially hurts well don’t hurt yourself on my behalf man I appreciate the love but don’t cramp your thumb up Evan thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome so this will be the next Chunk we take break it I’m going to end up hitting one of you and it’s you’re going to make the little squeaking noise and it’s going to be really move you were in the way all righty break this and that I

Know you want to collect Stone because it’s the job I gave you but you’re getting in my way right now come on break break break let’s St the wall Q dog thank you for sharing the live live JT thank you for the follow welcome welcome what’s the blue thing so these

Are LA and these guys are pretty cool they’re in the vanilla game you can find them they were a mob vote a few mob votes back and what they do is you can see like this little guy right here is holding a stone block so if there’s

Stone on the ground he will collect it fly over and give it to me so I can do the same thing with like dirt like I have one of these guys collecting dirt for me so you can see that guy I’ll scoop it up he’ll come and

He’ll bring it right back to me just makes collecting blocks a lot easier when you’re like doing huge projects like this if you’re more curious about how to like really maximize using these guys I recommend checking out the video pinned at the top of my Tik Tok page you

Can make a fully automatic Corey using those little guys how do you get them to follow you around some but they stayed where I found them so you can see how these guys are holding something right so this LA right now is considered tamed cuz he’s holding a block I gave him a

Block if I have an open hand and I left click on him I take the block back now he’s just going to pathfind around he’s no longer tamed by me he’ll fly around but the beautiful thing about a is they never despawn so they’re such a rare mob

That they don’t despawn this guy will just fly forever can they throw them at Hoppers yes they can ban and if you check out the uh video pinned at the top of my page it’ll show you exactly how to do that but now all I’m going to do is

Give him a block back and now he’s considered tamame by me so even if I run all the way over here he will follow me wherever I go so even if there’s like like say I leave a bunch of dirt over here then I run way over here that little guy will

Go he’ll First Look for the dirt scoop it all up and then come find me to give it to me makes it super super easy definitely an underrated mob people don’t take advantage of them enough they’re not so good mining like if you’re underground they can get in

The way because they do interrupt your pickaxe swing but right now I’m using them to uh clear out huge chunks of this mountain so I don’t want to waste time collecting all the stone and I don’t want to lose all the stone so I’m just going to let this guy fly around like

He’s got a full inventory right now so they can only hold 64 items at a time so his inventory is full he’s going to fly over to me and he’s gonna give it right to me and once he gives them all to me he’ll cool down for about 10 seconds he

Realize there’s more Stone on the ground and then go pick it up not a mod chance so this is vanilla Minecraft this world is completely vanilla Bedrock Minecraft so everything you see me doing here you can do on Xbox or switch or PC if you play Bedrock on

PC not many people do if they have a PC usually they go Java but if you’re on Playstation or Xbox or switch or iPhone everything you’re seeing me do in this world is completely doable on those devices that’s so cool there super super helpful these guys are called alls you

Can find them at uh Woodland Mansions or at Pillager outposts and then once you have one their breeding me uh mechanics are super super simple so we’re actually going to get another one cuz these guys can’t keep up with the amount of blocks I’m break uh breaking so we’re going to

Breed up a couple of them and get a couple extras Kenzo thank you for the follow welcome up cass played Minecraft since 2012 and never done that so these guys are only about I want to say year and a half in the game they have not

Been around forever so in order to get more all you need is one La you’re going to need a music disc and some shards so what you’re going to do is when you play the music there’s no music playing because I use a lot of clicks so I have

Them off you can see they do this little dance so every want they’ll spin where’s this guy so like he’s just going to sit here and oh he’s too far from the note block come over here come here and Come dance so that you can see your little

Spins so wait for it he’ll do a little spin he’s ready to make a baby give him an amethyst Shard and then now there’s another one so I’m going to tame this guy by giving him a piece of stone now if I throw Stone on the ground he’ll

Pick it up and he’ll bring it to me so as long as you have one you can breed the alls infinitely now they do have a long cool down it’s about 10 minutes before you can breed them again but once you get a few going you’re good to get as many as you

Need Clans this is 100% survival Minecraft everything you see in this world is done 100% in survival so if you’re interested in a world tour there is a full World Tour over on my YouTube page we did it live about a week ago this is the project we’ve been doing mostly on streams

Lately this is my new storage base it holds a little over 2.2 million items and uh I’m trying to finish up the exterior on it because I’ve worked on this project a little longer than I wanted to and I’m just trying to finish it up so that we can move on to new

Things in my world sneaky thank you for the follow welcome welcome man appreciate it thank you chance I appreciate it man it’s this is my all-time favorite game I love Minecraft I’ve been playing for over 10 years I played back when there was no hunger bar

You just had Hearts I remember when it was just creative mode and gra and uh glass looked like hell how many hours in this world so it’s a little over 5200 days in game and a little under 2 years real world time so last I checked I think the so I

Checked three or 4 days ago and I was at 5,226 days in the world I want to say about a third to half of that is probably AFK time because the name of this world is Farm Topia because I have built a farm for almost every single

Farmable item in the game how much for you to delete my world I would never delete the world brother it would have to be an astronomical amount of money I just I like this world I’ve been in it for a while people ask if if I’m

Going to keep playing in this world and I’m at least going to play through this world into 2021 or into uh 1.21 for the new uh the new autocrafting and stuff like that once I do everything in that update I might start a new survival world have not decided yet

Every time I you know think about starting a new world I’m just like oh well I got to go get all the villagers and I really hate the new villager changes that are coming out so I have don’t really have much of an interest in starting over if I’m those changes are

Going to be become part of the vanilla game cuz they’re awful the new villager changes are awful I fully take advantage of how overpowered villagers are in this world and I kind of don’t want to give that up Cliff hey Randy sorry I Haven been responding on YouTube trying to keep up

With the Tik Tok comments hope you’re having a good day Randy I appreciate you being on the YouTube side of things what are the Villager changes so it’s not really super dramatic to like the generic villagers but librarian villagers trades are now going to be specific to the

Biome they’re in so like you can only get mending from Swamp villagers and you can only get like efficiency five from uh tigga villagers ta How however you pronounce that so in order for that to work it’s you know you’re going to have to breed up villagers in different parts

Of your world and that sucks also you’re only going to be able to cure them down once so instead of being able to get like uh like one melon for one Emerald which I take advantage of farmers in this world or one rotten flesh for one

Emerald now you can only tame them out once oh they’re over here I’m like I lost my shulker boxes I forgot I was doing it over here so that’s full my inventory is full right now so my poor alls are just trying to throw stuff into my inventory and it’s not

Going anywhere look out guys so that’s all Granite this can just go in here actually just do this place the block if I have a lot of granite we’ll do the same thing with coal ore just to get it out of the way I don’t think I’m going to get that

Much copper might as well do that and then we’ll leave that for gravel that makes sense to me more Stone more dirt and then more grass blocks hold on I got to catch up hopefully we have backups to this world I do have backups of this world of

Course uh this world is actually on a realm so I’m the only player in the world it is a single player world but the world save file is so big that if I just kept it saved onto my console it actually crashes all the time so I have

To play on a realm in order to keep this world loaded together what did so I think I explained everything with villagers but so right now I have over 100 villagers in this world set up in a massive trading Hall and I trade with them for everything so

You’re only going to be able to cure them once instead of Contin contining to cure them until you get the absolute lowest price possible and all of the trades for books so like all of your enchantments uh are all going to be biome specific and it’s already been added they’re listed as experimental

Features so they haven’t officially gone forced live in the vanilla Edition which is what I play but eventually probably when 1.21 drops they’re going to make the Villager trades uh the Villager Nerfs Like official official and make it be forced part of the vanilla game unfortunately so if you have villagers

Now or if you think you’re going to need a lot of villagers do it now before 1.21 comes out cuz once they do it’s going to be Struggle Bus all right let’s go sleep before mobs spawn and we get another creeper situation and sleep so 1.20 is already out it’s 1.21

And usually the updates came out come out in June or July so we have a little bit of time if you’re worried about doing your villagers I always say do it sooner versus later because dealing with villagers is a nuisance in this game from somebody who has done a lot with

Villagers they suck to work with so I recommend doing it now before they really suck to work with lag yeah I don’t like to me there no more one for one trades lag is the stream lagging Randy I don’t not showing that I’m having any issues I apologize if it

Is oh definitely not lagging as bad as it was last night last night was brutal with the lag oh I fell ow feather falling for the wind pick those back up and bring them to my inventory thank you but yeah I don’t know they they have not released an official release date for

1.21 yet my guess it’s going to be sometime in June or early July cuz that’s usually when the updates for Minecraft come out usually updates are Nate thank you for the follow or Nats thank you for the follow if I missed anybody’s follows I apologize trying to keep up with chat

Play games and mess with my La is a little difficult PJ Austin thank you for the follows welcome welcome Jacob thank you for the follow welcome appreciate you guys Jiffy Loop thank you for the follow welcome hopefully my alerts are working it looks like they are that’s a good

Sign cannot seem to get the little notification philli Cruz thank you for the follow welcome welcome Mr Block there all righty see this is where aays get super helpful so instead of having to fly down there and get those blocks myself you can see my grass block laay

And my dirt Alay are picking it up for me I don’t have to worry about it you play Bedrock Edition yes I do one of the few Bedrock players I guess people always ask that question I’m just uh I’m on oh smack one of you

I’m on PS5 but I ow but I do play mouse and keyboard so I’m definitely better Swift sneak yes Swift sneak is behind mending I have to say sniff sniff sneak is definitely one of the better enchantments for those of you who don’t know what sniff sneak is or Swift sneak

Is basically you get this from an ancient city and this is like my normal crouching speed right and this is also with speed two in the area for my beacons Cara thank you for the Snowman appreciate it so like this is your normal sneaking speed right with sniff

Sneak if you put this on this is how fast you move so from someone who does does a lot of building and a lot of uh crouching incredibly powerful uh enchantment to put on your boots this goes in there I need another shulker box give me just going to continue the

Tower of shulker boxes is it practical no but it’s what we’re going to do that goes in there that goes in there this goes in here the little kobby than you for the follow the little blue guys are aays they automatically collect blocks for me so it allows me to chew down this

Whole Mountain which is what we’re working on today to answer your question Austin is finally taking down the mountain behind storage it allows me to automatically collect the blocks and I don’t have to do it myself so they’re super super helpful little guys you can get them in early

Game almost immediately if you get lucky you can find them at a Pillager Outpost or you can find them at a woodland Mansion if you wanted more in-depth review of them you can see the top of my Tik Tok page has an explanation on them they are possibly the best uh companion

Mob in the game like wolves are cool and camels are cool and and you know cats are cool but alls are just so extremely helpful like it’s just Bar None like the best mob for companion play and completely vanilla not a mod nothing you can get these you can spawn into a world

And have a LS in 5 minutes if you get lucky enough I play modded but people stuff like you do vanilla thank you very much I appreciate apprciate that the whole point of this world was to push vanilla unmodded Minecraft as much as I could and recently with the completion

Of the witch Farm which only took me so long to do because I could not find a witch hut anywhere I have a farm for pretty much every feasible item in the game like my my objective with this world is to make it as much like creative mode as I possibly can Matt

Thank you for the uh uh follow that’s the word I’m looking for appreciate it welcome to the Tik Tok stream live words words are difficult heavily caffeinated trying to keep up with two chats Matt Charlie thank you for the follows welcome welcome Austin thank you for the follow welcome do you

Have a tree farm yes I do it’s not super super fast I use a massive bamboo farm for almost all my wood needs now since uh 1 uh yeah 1.20 came out giving bamboo its own wood type tree farms besides Aesthetics became like super irrelevant now they’re still good and there’s some

Crazy good ones like uh if you guys are better Rock Edition I highly re recommend checking out the tree farm that silent Whisperer just put out it’s crazy cool will I ever like build it in this world no I don’t really have a need to but if you like technical sides of uh

Bedrock Minecraft that tree farm they just designed is amazing best level two mine for Diamond if strip mining one above Bedrock that’s where I run my tunnel BS so or actually tunnel bars I run two above Bedrock just because of the explosion on the TNT but if you’re strip

Mining I would do one above Bedrock if you look at the displacement map that uh Mojang put out a little while ago the further down you go makes uh more diamonds hey Juan I appreciate that what are those birds that are picking up your blocks so these are alls

Uh they’re completely in the vanilla game they automatically collect blocks for you so like I have a little dirt guy you can see he’s going to scoop up all this dirt I didn’t pick up once he’s happy and he collects it all I must have missed a piece down there he’ll fly back

Up to see me and throw it right into my inventory so there must be more dirt down there he’s looking for but eventually like oh Stone guy so here we’ll give Stone guy something to collect n there’s our dirt guy Stone guy collects it all throws it in in me I

Collected in my inventory house tour uh if you guys want a world tour and all stuff like that there is a fully updated or uploaded 5,000 day World Tour on my YouTube page how do you get them so you can find these little guys at Pillager outposts

And at Woodland Mansions if you want a more in-depth guide of how to like push these guys to their Max the top of my Tik Tok page has a pinned video explaining how to do that hey framer how you doing man having a good day agreed especially for building yes

Swift sneak is is incredibly good for building oh I broke my I heard scaffolding break yep let’s just get the rid of this dirt out of my way so I can just insta mine all the stone and definitely going to have to go get a new pickaxe in a

Second the question is I probably should tether up my LA because if I don’t they’re going to keep going through the nether portal again 8K did hit 8,000 likes thank you guys very very much for everybody liking the stream in a little under an hour we’ve hit 8,000 likes

We’re already got 50 new followers I appreciate everybody who’s been a part of it today all right I’m going head out I’ll come back if you’re still here I will be on till about 5 5:30 eastern time and then maybe after that JT thank you for the tiny Dino appreciate it

Man and I don’t know if I said it earlier but Cara thank you for the Snowman there’s so many different stickers on Tik Tok it’s hard to know uh all of what they are JT thank you for the chili don’t feel like you guys ever need

A Don or anything like that I just appreciate you guys being here talking in the Stream and just just being a part of the uh the can I call it a community do we get to count does Tik Tok have a Minecraft Community I think we do

Right there’s very few of us bed rockers out there and it is what it is right yeah we do nice good to know some of my regulars aren’t in here yet so I’m waiting for them to hop in ask your follower no name join from live videos so whoever just joined and

Follows me welcome to the stream Bedrock on top have you played Java before so I first played uh Java Edition on PC on a beat up old HP laptop more than 10 years ago back before there was a hunger bar and I don’t even know if there was an

Ender there might there probably Ender Dragon back then but it used to be just like just creative mode and the UI was horrible but I think that counts as Java Edition and then uh had it on PC still technically have it on PC I just don’t

Play it then it came out on PS3 and all my friends play on PS3 so I got it on that and that used to be what was considered the Legacy edition of Minecraft for anybody who played Legacy Edition and then when I think it was 2018 or 2019 The Better Together update

Came out for the PS4 version of Minecraft and that’s when they migrated everything but uh PC or Windows Java Edition to bedrock where like iPhone and switch and Xbox and Playstation All became J or became Bedrock Edition and that’s what I’ve played ever since I started on Wii U I started like

On an old PC and then I think the first real Comm world I had is our school gave us iPads in middle school which was just not something you should ever give a bunch of kids but we pretty much figured out immediately how to jailbreak them

And get uh access to the App Store and we used to have a huge schoolwide uh like we had one iPad that always had a Minecraft World open and then that’s how we played Minecraft for the longest time oh uh Malik do you remember the

What was it called the uh oh was like the nether generator or it was like it was like four Gold Blocks with like in a certain pattern you had the reactor was it the Nether Reactor oh I missed the nether reactor core reactor that’s what it was

Called oh God I remember that and it was so creepy cuz it would build like just a random chunk of the nether in the Overworld that would be just filled with zombie piglins oh that makes me feel old thinking about that I remember that I bet you I have

Screenshots somewhere I’ll have to find them of me being on the uh School Wi-Fi at the time and I was just like I said I was just telling you guys we used to have school iPads and we had a school Minecraft world and we weren’t supposed to have it but I

Think I got to have screenshots of the first time we beat the Nether Reactor on the on the old first first gen uh School iPads all right next chunk so we’ve removed a lot so far definitely making good progress these guys are helping out a lot so let’s take another chunk let’s

Say we’ll start right here what am I building so not building right now so this is my storage base we spent a lot of streams working and putting it together I don’t know if you guys can see through the windows but there are Auto sorters in there can sort

A little over 2 .2 million items and now I’m taking the time to tear down the mountain behind it so that we can finish the terraforming behind it and get ourselves uh words are difficult get the rest of the farmed raft or wrapped and uh so that you can see where the fence

Is going to come around and spawn proof cuz just at the beginning of the stream we learned why it’s I’m so hardpressed to spawn proof my storage base is because a creeper somehow made its way way into my nether portal and uh one of the Els paid the price when I went

Through not paying attention so trying to get this mountain torn down once the mountain is torn down we’re going to finish the fence once the fence is done we’re going to finish the spawn proofing and once the spawn proofing is done then I’m going to start by ret terraforming the area so it

Doesn’t look like I just Hello Goodbye La that’s why it’s important to spawn proof oh ow that’s why I’m so hardpressed to spawn proof CU creepers can spawn at my my storage base yes so this is just storage so this is just a storage base uh my main house I guess

You could call it I don’t really know if I have a house in this world is uh is that big tower over there you guys can kind of see in the distance so my penthouse is right there up at the top and that’s kind of what I live out of if

I had to say I had a house this is just storage where was I cutting through right here something about spawn proofing something like that see that’s the exact reason right there luckily my ow as I fall twice L you guys shouldn’t follow me down here it’s

Dangerous as one of my La almost eats it because I wasn’t paying attention give me some Stone and then we’re going to go this way at least in this corner I won’t have to all right but yes this is just storage keep berating that point but so

You can see like uh in here there’s a bunch of Auto sords built in you can see we have two layers of chests I will go in there at some point but the front of storage is uhoh I may have lost some malays or else they’re collecting blocks I only count two

Uhoh that’s not good little guys are you Al lie oh I hear one in the wall somewhere little guys you alive oh one just died in the wall where are uh oh there’s one there’s two I think the creeper killed two a we lost one of my stone guys and we

Lost the dirt guy a moment of silence for the alls we just lost oh that’s sad well let’s go get more all righty one two none of you guys are going to make it out of the wall huh rip to our little La let’s go make some

More alls are taking the toll yes Al are definitely taking the toll right now they do not have a lot of HP Jackson thank you for the follow so much progress is done we’re working on on it all right you two are going to have babies come here and

Dance I just realize I ran over here without the ability to tame them wait one second so we lost the stone guy and we lost a dirt guy so I need Stone and I need dirt now we can how many total hours oh God I have 3,000 hours on PS4 I got about

2,000 on PS3 and gosh got to be at least probably another thousand on PC many many hours come here you I need you guys to dance come here do your little dance so I know you can you’re ready to make come here come here come here do your little dance do

Your little dance all right there we go baby la give me this one and then you’re ready to go too where’s your baby there he is all right so we’ve replaced the LA we’ve lost give me this that can go back in there oh not that that can go back in there all

Righty back to work now we have our full full uh Fleet of La back Tanner thank you for the follow man welcome to the stream all righty back to it put the dirt back put the stone back scaffolding actually while I’m thinking of it before I end up breaking a netherite tool give

Me some tools give me a new silk touch give me a new shovel and we’re good to go they reproduce with music and Amethyst yes so when you put a music disc down they’ll start doing this little like twirly dance thing and then if you give them an amethyst Shard

They’ll uh like a they’ll just duplicate I don’t know if duplicate is the right word but they’ll just duplicate and and then you tame them by giving them a block but they do have a crazy long cool down on the on that so once you duplicate one they’ll

Uh it takes about 10 minutes before you can duplicate another actually I know where in L might be did you get trapped down here why do I feel like one of the ls that just died is just going to start showing up 1 2 3 4 5 six nope they were

Alive the whole time we had a moment of silence for nothing the LA were still alive the whole time they were just hiding what’s another way you can use a lay so what’s super cool about a lays is they pair to the player but you can also pair

A lays to note blocks so if you pair an laay to a note block instead of dropping items on the player it will drop them on the Note Block so you can create like an auto collection system which is what I use for my Corey in this world so I have

A huge stone quy that whenever I’m like really low on Stone I have a whole Army of Ls over there and that collector and that will just allow me to gather tens of thousands of stone super super quickly using a Lae NE like I said I play modded so

Vanilla stuff there’s a yeah I mean I’ve always like been interested in modded Minecraft like I played Sky Block I did super flat survival that stuff’s all fun to me but I really like taking the vanilla game and pushing it as hard as I can yep so like well we’ll run away a

Little bit so these guys are my stone guys so right now they’re going to fly around they’re collecting all those stone blocks once their inventory is full they can hold 64 at a time they’ll come bring the blocks right over to me and then just give them a second to cool

Down and then they’ll go pick up more blocks can you use them to pick up totems in a raid yes so if you put an aay in a mine cart put a note block directly behind them they will automatically collect any uh totem that goes by in your water stream and then

Try to throw it on the Note Block in which case they’ll just throw it into the hopper that’s on the Note Block but I will say this I don’t do that in this world simply because when you have an laay paired to you like this so paired being they’re holding a block

And then you go into The Nether they will follow you now if they’re in a mine cart they might not but most of the I I don’t want to say all the time but a good number of the time even though they’re in a minecart they will somehow

Inexplicably get out of the mineart cart and then end up in uh in the nether with you and then your sorting system that you just spent all that time doing does not work soul I appreciate you asking this is only a single player world I’m the

Only one in here unless you count these little guys helping me out I’m playing all the modes 9 right now and learning some of the mods is racking my brain I’m I’m sure it is all the mods is uh a lot to learn there’s got to be thousands of Minecraft mods

Out there right like I said I there’s still things about the vanilla game even though I’m pushing it to its Max that I still learn all the time have I ever played on Java yes so the first version I ever played of this game was technically Java Edition before there were split

Editions and then ever since Minecraft came out on PS3 and I I don’t know the date on that is when I switched to PS3 playing Minecraft on Playstation then uh when the Better Together update came out for the PS4 version is when I started playing better Rock Edition because that’s just what I

Had I need a survival multiplayer to join it’s been seven months since I played this game there’s a lot of them on Tik Tok I’m learning so this is just single player so I’m the only one in here but I see streams all the time of survival uh survival Minecraft like multi player

World so maybe if you get lucky you can find somebody streaming on there or maybe like a dedicated account that’s just for survival multiplayer servers like this I don’t see so this is uh Soul thank you for the follow risot I missed your follow earlier thank you appreciate it welcome

Welcome so this again isn’t multiplayer this is just survival Minecraft just maxed out like I’m really as the the Redstone part of me is crazy excited for the autoc crafter I don’t know if you guys are I kind of like joked about it in a Tik Tok

Earlier uh couple weeks ago but man there’s going to be some crazy stuff I’m going to do in this world once I get my hands on that autoc crafter I’ve joined people’s S3 through Tik Tok yeah so there’s a lot of Minecraft creators out out there and

There’s some truly incredible ones but a lot of people’s whole page is dedicated to like their server so like they’ll have a survival multicraft Ser or multiplayer server Ser oh wow words are getting difficult a uh multiplayer server and uh then you can kind of join

In that way I’d say at least once a stream I probably have two or three different uh creators come in here and ask if I want to do a world with them and I appreciate the invites I really do but I’ve never really played uh multiplayer Minecraft besides playing

With just like my IRL friends I don’t really uh interact with any other Minecrafters I wish you luck Soul come back and let me know what you find maybe in the future I am planning on doing a Bedrock survival server with my followers at some point not that

Technical of a person so I’m I’m going to have to learn how to set that up it might just be a realm that I pay for and we go that route but that won’t be anytime soon so I can’t promise you oh let’s not do the whole [ __ ] internet thing today Tik

Tok oh am I back up my back up Dawson ye Big Mac thank you guys for the follows looks like the stream lagged there for a second give my internet a second to catch up come on now oh my inventory is full isn’t it these guys are just going to infinitely

Throw blocks at me I’ll go empty my inventory hold on let’s not start the whole lagging stream thing again today Tik Tok how about how about we say we do and we don’t CU it was really annoying last night all right so at least I can take stuff out of chest

So it’s keep up the awesome job heading to work have a great day at work well after falling Dying Three Times losing half my stuff I’m finally at Bedrock level Q Dog you have some of the worst Minecraft luck ever man you got to take things more slowly I’m rooting for you I

Really am I hope you find your diamonds uh what was I about to go in here one I need fireworks two I need where’s food food food and fireworks necessities and more carrots good to go all right back to it hopefully the stream doesn’t lag again that was let’s just hope that

Was a random event we were struggling with it last night working on the witch Farm you know hold on I got to find I don’t know where this we’ll count this as wood knock on wood if you guys didn’t hear me shout out Dawson ye and Big Mac thank you for

The follows I don’t know if that got caught up in the lag Spike or not but I appreciate you welcome to the page welcome to the little Community I’m building and I appreciate your uh your supportting that also thank you guys for 8,000 likes going crazy with the likes

Today all right break that break that break that break that nope nobody oh I’m sorry soul I wish I wish I could if I find somebody Soul I’ll tag tag you in their account looking for players so if I see somebody looking for members on a survival uh series I will I

Will shout your name out all righty let’s continue we are so close to taking down what was left of this mountain so we got to go all the way to the edge there and there so we’ve done all this so far in a little over an hour we got this far to go

Let’s put a line right let’s say let’s just take a chunk at this wall right here hold on I got to my watch is telling me to stand up apparently I’ve been sitting for a while wouldn’t know how that happened watch does it oh unstable internet did I get

Dropped looks like it’s still up look yeah Mr sheep Goodbye Mr sheep all righty this stream is proof face cam I I guess you’re right I’ll I’ll keep the face cam for a while it’s the trick of keeping my Internet working apparently is the uh is my real thing I need to

Solve you guys aren’t getting a face cam when I come back from the gym that’s that’s one exception I’ll do a face cam for normal streams but I’m not going to do it when I get right out of the gym after I’m done showering cuz I look

Rough that’s fair I think that’s a fair uh Fair uh compromise that’s what I’m looking for so much progress I’m sorry that I’ve been missing comments on YouTube yes phone I’ve been making decent progress get back up here before you get trapped down there forever come up here come on come on

You’re dirt go get that thank you appreciate you now don’t get trapped down there all righty you know I’m going to clog this hole up too because one of you would manage to get trapped down there in that one by one hole I have I have no faith in any of

You you are adorable and super helpful but man your pathf finding is brutal come on I am super excited to finally check this project off the list of stuff to do oh also I just remembered is we’re going to have to spawn proof and I don’t have a working Moss farm right

Now going to have to fix figure that out aren’t we H my Moss Farm I’ve used forever doesn’t work anymore I’m going to have to figure out that time 11k we did hit 11k and thank you guys very much for the likes appreciate it Q Dog don’t cramp your

Thumb up on me I love the support I really appreciate it but I don’t need you’re breaking your phone screen for me and everybody else who like you can’t damage the LA so you can when they’re not holding an item so they just get in

The way right now like I can’t hit them it’ll make like like a squeaking noise when they get in the way which so it just kind of makes the missing noise but if he wasn’t holding an item he would take damage he or she I don’t know if the LA

Have a gender but as long as they’re holding an item they can’t take damage from the player they take a lot of mob damage though so the only thing you can that can kill them really is creepers cuz they have such little Health which is kind of why I said they’re super good

For like clearing areas but when you’re like in the ground like this and when you’re uh doing uh Branch mines never bring these guys to branch mine cuz they’ll just get in your way the whole time again oh excuse me got a burp there let’s go up

The again super super helpful for like clearing stuff like this whole area where storage is now I used these exact the Lays cuz they’re from over there to clear out the whole area but I wouldn’t take them down to do Branch mining would they just get in your way the whole

Time and you don’t and especially in you’re like a 2X two hole they’ll definitely get in your way because you’ll mine out a few blocks in front of you see like right there I went to break a block and one of my lays got in the way so it’ll like interrupt

Your flow while you’re Branch mining but projects like these super super helpful like my inability to throw away any of my blocks is definitely quadrupled by the fact that I can have these little guys collect them automatically for me get out of the way see like that guy’s

In the way of me breaking that stone not a super big deal but if you’re like in a one one by two and you’re Branch mining that gets annoying real quick and I speak from experience it gets annoying really quickly it gets old you’re like hey they’re cute and they’re helping me out

And then the the hundredth time you’re not able to to break the Block in front of you is when uh when it gets annoying how are you so fast so I’m instant mining because I have haste two in the area and I have speed two from one of my beacons at my

Storage base so that allows me to run around this area super super fast like this go away oh you really died from that little fall but that’s what allows me to insta mine this area but we kind of talked about it earlier in the Stream if you have a

Pickaxe with efficiency three or more you don’t need haste two to insta mine I probably should move the bed over here 15,000 likes I appreciate you guys very very much thank you to all the new followers all that stuff if I’ve missed anybody’s follows shouting you out I appreciate everybody who’s followed so

Far thank you everybody who’s been part of the stream so far Jason thank you for the follower Chase 2.0 thank you for the follow all righty do I take the bed with me I mean the farmer villager who this used to belong to has long since passed

Away Carl I’m assume that’s Carl thank you for the follow I think I’m just going to take his bed I I appreciate you farmer villager he unfortunately tried to go into The Nether and did not make it out of the nether so one of the he was the last standing

Mob from the village that this area was in front of let’s put this here add things to the great uh I don’t know if you guys can see it on Tik Tok but uh there’s so many entities in this area like when I turn and look my frames

Go from like 60 to like barely 30 it’s brutal but that’s the point of big storage is to have just a ton of stuff here is there there a light goal there is not so I don’t put any like requirements or goals or anything on you

Guys I have the follower goal just to track followers but uh I just kind of let the stream be Q Dog saying 20,000 so I’ll leave it up to him he seems to be the one taking charge of it but you guys hanging out and being a

Part of a part of the stream is more than enough for me trayon as I’m hopefully I’m pronouncing that right thank you for the follow welcome welcome hopefully I pronounced that right do my best all righty so there’s I guess there’s your answer is it’s 20,000 is the goal for today appreciate you

Guys hey another Pig we know what happened to the last pig that was here 25k oh ow there was actually the last pig that was there all right good I’m glad I pronounced it right all right nobody was going to call me out on leaving a whole line of dirt over here

Not lined up with the rest of it come on you guys never let me get away with anything what am I doing so I am removing the mountain you can kind of see what we’ve cut out so far that is behind my storage base so that I can

Finish w in the storage base up and spawn proofing it the terraforming of this wall is probably going to be done another time cuz by the time I’m done cutting all this down I just want to take the time to actually build finish the base instead of making all of the ground

Around it look good can you move I need to break this block thank you appreciate you guys just starting to get in the way I thought two of you died in a creeper explosion that’s why I made two more and now there’s too many of you you what’s with the baby number of

Likes you guys do whatever you want to do with the likes I appreciate whether it’s one or 100 you guys are doing great how long is the storage base taken so let’s see here so the entire building of all the Redstone and stuff probably 6

Hours I mean I had all the resources for it already taken care of uh I did that in a video I just have to edit the footage for it but I think I have a total of whoops maybe 10 hours of live streams saved up working on the base you’d have to go

Look at the uh YouTube page are the fairies part of the update so these guys are called Al they came out a little over a year and a half ago and they’re part of vanilla Minecraft so these guys have been out for a little while now I

Think they came out before the warden but I could be wrong on that I don’t remember what update the laise came with they’re a severely underrated mob though I can tell you that much they automatically collect blocks for you and they’re super super helpful so if you push aays to like

Their Max of what they can do they’re crazy helpful mobs oh sorry I didn’t pick up some of your stuff buddy here you can try it again there we go you’re next I forgot I have a lays following me come here I don’t want any of my lays to end

Up dying to a creeper again they’re part of the caves and cliffs so it’s been a while you’re live at 2 pm Bailey thank you for the follow yes gray I’m live at 2 pm had a free Saturday at least for a couple hours few hours so I figured I

Would go live and start hammering away at getting the uh this base done oh dirt does not go in here dirt goes in here what is taking up space in here so wow I’ve gotten a lot of granite I did not realize there was so much granite in this wall yes a face

Cam what do you have in this world so Ian I have a farm for almost every type of feasible item in the game so a lot I have almost every collectible I’m missing two armor trims currently and once I get those that my armor trims

Will be done I have all the pots I have all of the music discs so good amount if you want a world tour or you’re missing any of this the 5,000 day World Tour is saved over on YouTube you guys can go check that out at any time when I eventually hit 6,000

Days there’ll be another live stream World Tour but you know be a little while before I hit 6,000 days I’m only at 5,200 right now probably 5,300 by now so a little bit of time before I get to 6,000 days terraforming is going to be fun yes

Terraforming is going to be fun we’ll put fun in quotation marks right now the objective is just tearing the mountain down and getting storage done and spawn proofed because that’s it needs to be done I want to get the fence in today if I get the entire Mountain torn down and

The fence in I’ll consider today’s stream a good use of Minecraft time because we’re right to here we’re going to tear down you can see right here this is the last little bit of mountain we need to tear down at least today thank you Ian I appreciate it Jacob thank you

For the follow I I can’t see what your username is but it’s like pie emojis so thank you thank you pie for the follow welcome to the page think that counts is your name the pie Emoji coming through weird Marty thank you for the follow welcome welcome we are definitely making

Progress going to eating through netherite tools though insta mining huge oh fell that works been taken down a lot so this should be more than enough room to run the fence and then we’ll spawn proof the inside of the fence and then eventually I’ll make this look like I didn’t just shave a

Huge chunk of wall out and actually terraform it but that’s going to be in the future cuz I am horrible at terraforming so we’ll have to wait for uh another stream to experiment with that are you on YouTube or twitch so I’m on uh YouTube currently so I split my

Streams between you between Tik Tok and YouTube I don’t really post YouTube videos what I do is I use uh YouTube to store my past live streams so if you ever miss a stream or you know you want to go back and watch a stream they’re always saved over on YouTube same

Username same profile picture and I try to match the name of the stream on Tik Tok with the name of the stream on YouTube I don’t terraform I just make a big Stone uh retaining while that could be an idea could do that that could that could definitely be our

Way of getting out of terraforming this whole Beast could do something nice using like stone brick maybe I could see it I could see it we’re going to have a lot of stone cuz we have getting a ton from this and uh the nether Hub I built did not use as

Much Stone as I thought it was going to when we were when we had the uh resource Gathering stream because I ended up finding a different witch hut you guys hit you you guys blew right past your 20K goal I appreciate it guys Teddy thank you for the follow hex thank

You for the follow welcome welcome how does one get so good at fortnite well you got to do a lot of like uh no builds to get your aim really good and once you’re really good at no builds then you switch to uh to like turbo building you

Do like the one V one modes really helps your game but once you do that then you actually want to play a lot of Minecraft and like get really good on mouse and keyboard and never go back to playing fortnite you’re good Ryan I knew what you were going for I’m just being

Sarcastic what is the most likes so the most likes I’ve ever gotten on stream was 130,000 and it was when we were working on the uh the cathedral build so again I don’t set a like goal I mean I appreciate all of you you guys doing best I love the support that’s

That’s definitely a great feeling but I’d never like expect you guys to sit here and break your phone screens 150k easy all right I appreciate you Q Dog I’ll I’ll let you go for it don’t turn off stream I can get to 200k by myself I have all the faith in the world

That you guys can do that I let’s see it is 2:00 now I got at least another three and a half hours of streaming in me so like I said I’m tearing this mountain down today this mountain is gone we’re going to finish putting in the fence

Around the base and we’re going to spawn proof it and we’re going to do it all in memory of the two that died when I went through my uh nether portal and there just happened to be a creeper on the other side we’re going to we’re going to remember them that

Way Alfredo thank you for the follow welcome to the page man appreciate it I’m glad you love your mom it’s important to love your mom I’m eating breakfast right now and the other one that died too yes your mom followed a lot of moms in chat right

Right now all righty our Tower of smooth stone is getting or stone is getting taller every time I don’t think I’m going to have to farm for stone anytime soon all righty also get a bunch of like colal or and granite of all things Jam Colin thank you for the follows welcome

Welcome there’s a little left in there how we’re getting through the storage base once this is done like I said we’re just going to finish putting the fence I don’t even know if I can reach up this high can I all right good we can keep the Tower of shulker boxes still

Going might need to start another Tower here in the future though getting a lot of stone the uh the comparative collection rates are are definitely different all righty move there we go back to it if you guys are ever removing huge chunks of your world I recommend doing

It this way somebody is asking how I’m so efficient at doing it so like break it off into like sections instead of like mowing down like huge areas all at once that’s why I keep breaking them down kind of like this as I go cuz then

And you’re just taking down one chunk at a time I don’t know just from somebody who’s done a lot of this it goes easier that way you guys hit 25k still going strong all right then definitely going to get some use out of our grass lays right now

See if I Cann not hit my scaffolding every time I get into this [Applause] corner come on now you guys are starting to get into the way I I appreciate the help my little guys but you’re getting in the way a little bit right now hey a gray sheep go that way you’re

Going to get in the way too I’m not trying not to kill you just fall off the cliff and take a little bit of fall damage if you I’m just warning you little buddy you get in the way while I’m doing this you’re you’re not going to make [Applause] it one

Warning the Lays are useful you are not they get in the way but they’re also helping me go that way Goodbye Oh our sheep friend didn’t make it I don’t know what happened he he just jumped h i remember when uh we were doing the super flat series I had to

Make a grave for every named mob we came up with and I loved y’all for that but we ended up with like 10 Graves at one point for creepers and fish and horses and I wasn’t allowed to kill anything without us making a grave for

It Ian thank you for the follow I don’t know if I missed it or not I appreciate it you should make a grave for him hey Ace how we doing welcome to the stream I’m not making a grave for the gray sheep I wish I could do I’m doing really

Good Ace having a good stream day so far chilling getting a lot of progress done with tearing out behind storage and uh making a bunch of new friends in the Stream today it was Greg he had a wife and a child I don’t even want I’m kind

Of thankful that it’s really hard to get your stats on Bedrock cuz it’s going to be a lot of dead an animals in this world I do not uh like being inconvenienced sleep sleep there we go not so laggy today don’t jinx it Ace AJ thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome don’t jinx the lag don’t do it uhoh hey we finally finished an entire thing of hey look at that we filled two more shulkers get rid of these grab two more place right there place right there all right more grass blocks more dirt and you’re just going to get yeated

Do we get an egg do we get a chicken no chicken gravel can go in there those can go in there all right back to it don’t J JS the lag AJ don’t do it oh look here’s Greg I wonder what happened to Greg this is all that’s left of

Greg Greg is no longer with us can you do a shulker farm in Bedrock of course you can so I’m sure there’s a bunch on YouTube shulker Farms are extremely important they’re really easy to make in Bedrock Edition too uh Bedrock shulker Farms are incredibly

Easy the hardest part is just oh I got to Eevee thank you for subscribing over on YouTube for once the streamlab notification worked that is the first I think God that’s going to be like the first time in a month streamlabs has worked why are you making a shulker farm

You should shulker Farms are the one of the top five late game farms not even easily one of the most important Farms you should should build what mod is this this is no mod mood this is vanilla Minecraft push to its Max this is completely vanilla survival if you play

Bedrock Edition everything I do in this world you can do on your phone your tablet your uh PS your PlayStation your Xbox or if you’re one of the rare people who play Bedrock Edition on PC you can do all of this stuff like I’m on my PlayStation right

Now but I do play mouse and keyboard which tends to throw people off a little bit how long have I been playing this world so the world is a little under 2 years old uh February 2nd will be the 2-year anniversary of the world and I have a

Little over 5,200 days like in-game days in the world so I’ve had the world a while how do you get your pickaxe to Max Health while keeping all the enchants mending mending no sorry buddy mending is what I use on all my tools what are those bird things so

These are aays so these are in the vanilla game they’re pretty awesome basically they collect blocks for you so these are all my little companions so like say I throw dirt on the ground you’ll see I have a little dirt guy he’ll come scoop it all up and he’ll

Throw it into my inventory just like I have a guy for stone or two guys for stone and then there’s also a grass block guy somewhere around what do I use to M tools so I have a bunch of different Farms lately I’ve been using my gold Farm a lot

For mending tools simply because I’ve been using my pigin bartering Farm a lot so I need a lot of gold but if I don’t need gold then I’m going to use either the drown Farm which I guess I guess I could say I probably used the drown Farm

More recent than I’ve used the uh gold Farm simply because with all the new copper blocks coming that is definitely the farm I want to run the most so basically any of my mob Farms that give XP now if I’m really in a pinch and I

Really need to quick heal my tools I will use uh one of my furnace arrays so I have two 64 furnace arrays that I’ve have run tens of thousands of blocks through and each one of those furnaces holds XP so if I like go to my industrial district there are there’s an entire

Furnace array there with 64 furnaces that all have enough XP saved up in them where I can just use them and basically full heal a tool that’s on the brink of falling apart Ian Hol thank you for the follow I don’t make sure send user thank you for the follow welcome welcome is

There a good way to men cuz can’t hold a tool in your off hand all I’ll do is I take my armor off and then I just sit there and hold until my tool is healed then go to the next tool then go to the next tool and then usually I’ll fill up

Like I’ll go down to where I’m safe take everything off fill up my inventory with everything that needs to be healed and usually I just turn the sound off chill and let the uh and then I’ll just like watch YouTube or something while all my

All my stuff heals up and then I’ll just go to the next item I don’t stream it because it’s extremely boring Extremely Loud so there’s no real reason nobody wants to I don’t even watch me sit there and M my own tools I kind of like do it

In the background while I’m watching YouTube or TV or something like that but that’s how I go about doing you can’t hold them in your off hand which is super annoying but you know there are ways around it that’s why also I have so many backup tools made so that I don’t

Have to do that very often I mean I keep an entire shulker box of netherite pickaxes and then I have an entire double chest in there back up pickaxes and axes armor elytras uh all that stuff so that very rarely do I have to sit down for a

Couple hours and just do nothing but heal tools what enchants do I have on my pick so I run Unbreaking three soak touch efficiency 5 and mending and then I have the exact same thing on my shovel on my axe I run Fortune three that’s because I use that

For when I do uh when I was getting like cherry trees and stuff because you get extra saplings and apples back when I was trading with villagers a lot so use that there and then my sworded people don’t always give me crap for is I don’t use sharpness I use Smite because when

I’m fighting the Wither a lot I want to use Smite in order to do more damage apparently that was the first chicken I’ve killed in this area sleep oh it’s not night time yet awesome thank you no problem zel hopefully it can help can you show us

Your gold Farm so Ian if you’re interested about the different farms in my world I have a full world tour video up on YouTube and part of that world tour is reviewing my gold farm so everything that I have in this over 5,000 day world is completely uh shown

Off in my world tour video on YouTube it was another live stream when I hit 6,000 days I will definitely do another live stream of the world zel thank you for the follow it your name’s a cat Emoji so cat thank you for the follow I’ll go I’ll say that is hopefully that’s

Right ow we’re going to do this chunk next uh actually Ian real quick there might be a video on my old gold Farm on my Tik Tok page I think it’s under Farms I’ve only run once that series couldn’t tell you though so my new gold Farm is

Built on the same principle but it’s smaller very it’s actually the first Farm in this world I’ve ever torn out my bigger version of the farm and built a smaller one DK thank you for the follow men thank you for the follow welcome welcome yeah it’s on farms we only run once

Yes so that that’s like the rare case of a farm in this world where I took the time and actually made it smaller I don’t think I’ve ever done that Marie where thank you for the follow welcome welcome I think I’m saying that right your name’s got the pound or number symbol in

It I’m going to go I’m going to hopefully say that’s right all right back to it my inventory full again it’s not you guys are slacking on your block collecting right now so it’s Q dog says it’s on farms I’ve only run once so there should be a

Pin playlist on the top of my page where you can find a video of that farm when I building users so I’m not really building anything right now what I’m doing is we’ve been tearing out this mountain so that I can finish wrapping my storage base and getting it all spawn

Proofed so if we go around to the front just catch you up so I have this fence design that wrap that I’m going to wrap the whole Basin and then I’m going to spawn proof everything within within the fence but unfortunately this mountain was in the

Way back here so the stream today has been removing the huge swath of this mountain do you have to tame anything to the vets to give the blocks so all you need to do to tame an LA is like this guy’s holding a grass

Block right now so he’s T if I take it back from him he’s now Untamed so aise will never despawn but he’ll just wander and wander and wander and wander in order to get him back tamed to me I have to give him a block so now that he has a

Block all of these guys will follow me no matter where I go so like I’m over here now you can see all these guys are tamed by me they’re going to fly over if you’re interested more on a lays there’s a video pin on the top of my Tik

Tok page explaining how to like use LA to their fullest how the heck did you collect Bedrock for the blasting District so that’s a question I get all the time uh in 1 do oh ow 1.9.5 one there was a way to break bedrock using n crystals TNT and gam and

Respawning the Ender Dragon with a little bit of game suppression so if you want the full breakdown on how to do it it’s not something I came up with myself you’re going to want to look up silent whisperer on YouTube and he goes over exactly how to

Do it unfortunately it has been patched out but uh I did it enough where I was able to build a prison for the Wither out of bedrock and then I used that for my blasting District so as of right now as of 1. 120.5 there is no way to break and

Collect Bedrock but for a brief amount of time in 1.9.5 one it was possible to break and collect Bedrock okay hey thank you for the follow welcome welcome I was basically waiting for that to happen because Bedrock was on the list of blocks I need to collect trying to find a way in

Bedrock Edition to collect a cursed portal that is on the list that I have to get done next as well if anybody doesn’t know what a cursed portal is that’s when you’re able to get an actual like it looks like a glass pane but it’s a portal bit from

The nether portal so I got to find a way to get that in survival it’s on the list kale thank you for the follow appreciate it Clayton thank you for the follow welcome welcome sleep no moms hey we’re over 100 viewers and we’re at 30,000 almost at 30,000 likes you guys

Are going crazy today and I truly appreciate it thank you to everybody who’s been a part of the stream so far we’re going to keep it rolling Ethan thank you for the follow welcome welcome there was a way I’m sure there was most of the time I just kind

Of keep my YouTube alerts on so when one of the more technical players of Bedrock Minecraft figures out something usually I get an alert on YouTube and it’s like hey you know this past video you searched for there’s a new video on it and then at some point or another I’m

Going to get a cursed portal in this world I just I just go to I can’t not have one but getting Bedrock was super super difficult I won’t I won’t lie to you guys the uh the method that you had to use was so painful it was not a fun

Experience and I had to do it for hours upon hours upon hours to get enough and it was brutal Sloan thank you for the follow Kurt so the entire playlist we’re listening today is nefix on YouTube they’re a pretty cool group they don’t copyright their videos or copyright

Their songs so you can just leave it playing in the background and uh just let it go uh hi recommend you need a Wither Rose or it’s called thing all right ye definitely going to have to check that out when I’m off stream trying to find

That so this chest is just about full where is Red Stone give me another I’m running low on chests we’re going to have to go out to the bamboo farm and I do not want to go to the bamboo farm so I’m going to need my brain’s not

Braining let’s just take the mob junk drops and put it up here no reason to keep this junk in with this stuff don’t need this in there don’t need this in there I’m going to put path blocks in here simply because we’re about to get a lot of path blocks cuz

We’re starting to get into where the old village used to be before I tore it out up here oh I don’t think I’m going to be able to fit another shulker box on our Tower of stone shulker boxes I don’t think I can reach above it so we’re

Starting the tower over Stone now goes in here wait where’s our hold on there’s Gary there’s what’s left of Gary Kurt thank you for the follow Sloan thank you for the follow do you prefer Bedrock or Java so I don’t have a preferred version so I first version I

Ever played was Java on PC a very Greg you’re right it was Greg a very long time ago and uh played on PC for a while and then Minecraft came out on PlayStation 3 so so that’s what all my friends played on so I switched over to

That and that was a Ed that was the Legacy edition of Minecraft then uh eventually when the Better Together update came out they did away with the Legacy Edition and then it became Bedrock so I just continued playing on Playstation so this is where I I play now rest in peace Greg

Yep if you guys remind me and you’re going to have to catch me before I inevitably dump that wool into the storage system I will I will put Greg in an item frame I’m not going to build Greg a grave for a random gray sheep I

Killed but I will I will give him an item frame if that’ll Sate your guys’s uh desire for me to give him a grave move you’re in the way if that helps we’ll give we’ll give Greg an item frame at the storage base that’s fair enough this is this is the

Last Chunk we have to remove by the way we’ve made really good progress on this today you murdered him with a move from the 300 I didn’t do anything Greg fell to his death I warned him he was in the way Greg Greg knew the risks of being around while I was

Building while I was mining away a chunk it’s on Greg for falling off the cliff you were God speed C is what it is poor Greg will will live on your God speed CRA hey look white lily all righty eventually oh my gosh I can only

Think of how long it’s going to take me to terraform all this it’s going to be brutal I hate it all we’re definitely going retaining wall I don’t know who suggested uh the retaining wall but the more and more of this I mine down the more and more just

Building a retaining wall sounds like the way to go bro has elves I love it I missed the last part because I’m at work don’t worry blade if you miss any of the live they’re all saved over on YouTube you can watch them back anytime they’re named the same way on

YouTube that they’re named on Tik Tok now there’s no music in the background on YouTube simply because we all know how YouTube is with copyright uh didn’t want to risk having any my lives taken down so it’s just Minecraft and my voice over there tracon Ben lady Rose thank you for the

Follows how does the blocks break so fast so this Beacon right here is giving me a Effect called haste 2 there’s other beacons in the area but we’re focusing on haste 2 at the moment then on my pickaxe I have an enchant called efficiency 5 and that allows me to insta

Mine Stone so with these two things compared together I can sit here and insta mine all of the stone it’s actually faster than creative mode so mining with efficiency 5 and haste 2 is actually breaks blocks faster than you would in Creative pretty great Katie I right now am tearing down the

Last chunk so we have torn down all of this today this is the last chunk I got to tear out so that I can can finish putting the fence around my new storage base so once this is done we’ll map out the rest of the fence line put the fence

In once the fence is in we’ll spawn proof then uh figure out what we want to do from there is this neix yes I got neix in the background versus Loi simply because I am caffeinated I had a coffee and I’m enjoying myself a Nos and I’m trying to be a little bit

More upbeat today because my voice is back I can actually uh actually speak again which is nice how do you get those little guys picking up your Stones so these guys are called alls they’re in the vanilla game you find them at Woodland Mansions or Pillager outposts

You tame them by giving them a block like this little guy right here is my grass block guy so you can see he’s holding a grass block I’m going to take it back from him so right now he’s not tamed to me but if I give him a grass

Block he’s now tamed and if I throw any of these on the ground he’ll scoop them up and then he’ll bring them back to me so it works the same way with stone with like dirt so these guys are just helping me collect all of the items as we’re

Clearing out this area if you want a more in-depth review of a you can find a video pinned at the top of my uh top of my Tik Tok page so these guys have helped me collect all of the uh shulker boxes of items you guys see here I also

Realized this is starting to look like a middle finger but we’re just going to we’re going to leave that there dirt goes in this one we could put the lily of the valley in there Al dup with amethyst crystals exact exactly does it work with bedrock

So lady Rose this is all Bedrock I’m one of the few people who streams Bedrock Minecraft so everything you guys see here is completely vanilla Game survival you can do this on your phone Xbox PlayStation tablet switch all that stuff anything you can play Bedrock Edition including Bedrock on PC but not many

People play Bedrock on PC uh you can do all of this 60 or P thank thank you for the live Fest I’ve never seen that one before I appreciate it sorry I had to read what that what that said real quick I am going to take off my watch real

Quick it’s starting to dig into my wrist I primarily play on my Galaxy Tablet yeah so Galaxy tablet is the same thing as Bedrock so everything in here you can do on your tablet all right brain was not braining we need to go in here I need another oh

I’m on my last silk touch pick in here so you guys are going to have to be tethered this will actually be enough to go through this last chunk right here Bryce thank you for the Roses man appreciate it we also just hit 30,000 likes you guys are going crazy I

Appreciate all the support tonight or I guess say tonight I’m so used to streaming at night but uh thank you guys for all the support today it’s been a uh it’s been a great stream so far cannot thank you guys enough definitely glad I started streaming again the support since I’ve

Been back has been astronomical really appreciate it toe thank you for the follow welcome welcome oh Bryce thank you for the 2014 Ian thank you for sharing the live Cody thank you for or Kobe thank you for the follow why not just make an auto

Kelp Farm to go will you do this then you can repair your pick so I don’t really have to worry about XP uh I have a super smelter right in there that has more than enough XP stored up to heal all my tools price thank you for the ice cream cone

And the lightning bolt and the chili and I’m not going to be able to keep up Moon thank you for the follow Liam thank you for the follow Lilith thank you for the follow welcome welcome Bryce thank you for going nuts with the stickers I can’t keep up with

All appreciate it we also just blew right we are at 31,000 likes Liam thank you for the follow a jack I appreciate that man thank you brightening my mood I’m already in a great mood but that that helps always helps can you give me a shout out a shout out for what

Ian I don’t follow you so I don’t know your account can’t shout out an account I’ve never watched I’ll make you a deal when I’m done the stream I’ll check out your account and then maybe in the next stream I’ll shout you out is that fair

Don’t want to shout out anybody I don’t know yeah that’s fair okay also I did not kill this sheep I don’t know who killed this sheep I’m not making a grave for it Greg is getting an item frame and we’ll leave it at that all right nailed

It I think I’m officially out of NOS onto the big jug of water all righty then so close to being done with these chunks oh I saw you what are you selling anything good buddy come here nope bucket of puffer fish isn’t bad that’s a good trade but I don’t

Really need it right now the uh the bucket of puffer fish was probably the most important trade I got when we were doing the super plat series simply because I didn’t really need the puffer fish cuz I didn’t need water breathing potions but man was it nice to

Have extra buckets until we had the iron farm running is that big building your house so this is just my storage base you can kind of see in the background that main tower has my penthouse at the top of it I guess I don’t have a dedicated house

House but that’s where I would consider the my house in this world this is just storage so I have a whole base just for the storage of my items holds just over 2.2 million uh items in total 5,000 days in the world at a bunch of just random chest monsters all around

So it was finally time I was like you know what I I owe it to this world to sit down and build a full-fledged storage base ow we’ll keep it going though all right definitely going to fall off like 10 oh you know I did really good

About not breaking the scaffolding for a while there all right now that we’ve cut down the mountain I don’t know if the stream title lines up anymore how many different kind of items do you store in your base oh I don’t know did not count that so it’s one two

3 4 eight modules 16 32 hold on I bet you I wrote it down somewhere I scribble everything that is Guardian Farm Crap there it is so I can Hold 320 unique items as well as so that’s each individual sorder there’s 320 sords in there and then an additional eight sords and 30 chests of just overflow storage Skittles thank you for the follow Parker thank you for the follow another tip I give anybody who plays like long-term Minecraft is get a

Notebook and then scribble everything in the notebook it’s great for writing down coordinates and like doing a little bit of math so like when you do big projects like this you want to make sure you have extra stuff Brian thank you for the Roses appreciate it Kathleen thank you for the follow

Brian thank you for the follow does your 5,000 day vid go through the storage unit it gives an overview of it I have all the recording saved of me building this at least the Redstone of it all of the decoration and the wrap and all that

Stuff were done on live streams but the actual physical building of the storage system will be a video on YouTube like the Redstone that went into it I have not edited it yet guilty secret is I love playing the game I’m starting to really love streaming the game I hate editing

Videos Ian I am 26 and Aiden thank you for the follow love playing the game love streaming the game editing videos is like the bane of my existence and it’s not it’s not really that hard I won’t lie it’s just uh I like the live stream format cuz I

Can just play and I don’t have to worry about going back and adding you know like cuts reformatting and making sure that it’s not pixelated and my voice comes through much easier just to to live a little bit of music and then just interact with you guys in real

Time that’s why I started the YouTube channel just so that all my lives can be backed up and saved so that I had a way to interact with my followers outside of just uh just streaming I still post I’ve started doing stream Recaps that was a

Promise I made in a stream a little while ago so those will continue but as far as individual videos those are going to be far and few between but again I do have all the recordings for the storage based Redstone and eventually I will do

It I just I got to you know pour myself a coffee sit down and get through it I don’t and thank you for calling out Ian it is just me horrible thank you for the follow I appreciate it it is me myself and I unfortunately all righty oh my inventory

Must be full yep come on guys we’re going to run over there and drop stuff off all righty drop drop drop drop that’s all that put all the Dirt away thank you for the more dirt go in here place all this down and so now we filled up another one there what’s in

Here what is my gamer tag what was that colored Stone wow I got to catch up what was that colored Stone the gray stone with the colored bits in it which one is it in this chest Moon Carly thank you for the follow welcome welcome is it in this chest is this what

You’re looking for I’m curious what you mean by uh let’s see here Stone and stone is dirt full nope dirt’s not full yet but it’s full enough that I need another shulker box still on the part you were taking down okay give me one second to go back

Over there and we will look and see what it was this is Mob loot keep going what is the gray block you were talking about curious all right is it over here that you’re looking for uh Ian I don’t play with followers man I appreciate you asking but uh I don’t play with

Followers what are we looking for it was on the edge of the slap this one copper is this what you were looking at Moon so this is copper ore copper Stone ore right there I’m I’m running out of suggestions thanks okay so it was the copper ore you were looking for

Okay there are problems with your live uh oh somebody’s posting stuff in here they shouldn’t be Tik Tok flag one of you all right careful whatever you guys are putting in chat because somebody just got flagged by streamlabs or by uh live studio I don’t know what it’s not

Telling me what was sent but it automatically got smoked my kids play I play a little bit but not much fair enough never a wrong question in here feel free to ask try to I’m not the master of anything but I have a probably an unhealthy amount of play time in the

Game so I can try to answer as best I can what are the enchants on your pickaxe my bad so I run silk touch Unbreaking mending and efficiency I run silk touch on all of my main pickaxes it’s just so much easier for collecting masses amount of ore and stuff like that

As well as Stone do you have a dog unfortunately my dog passed away uh last year and I’m not ready to have another dog yet is this modded Minecraft so this is completely vanilla survival Minecraft everything in here is 100% doable in vanilla survival no mods no

Add-ons not even any uh like graphic changes completely base game ye it was you when strip mining how far apart do you put your tunnels two apart so if I’m going to strip mine there’s two ways of strip mining how I do it so you can have like your strip

Mine where you do that then you go over two and you go like that you go over two you go like that or what I like to do is I’ll go out five I’ll do this I’ll mine in a little bit turn right mine as far

Out as I can possibly do kind of peek around go to the other side mine out as far as I possibly can you know go another two blocks mine out as far as I possibly can mine out as far as I possibly can and see what I can get so

When I have to do a lot of mining this is how I do it that’s crazy to be I feel like I’m out of stuff to do in vanilla there’s so much to do in vanilla Minecraft you can’t run out of stuff to do but I also completely sympathize with you I have

Done a crazy amount in this world and very rarely do new things excite me but so like my goals in this world is I wanted a farm for every item and collect every items collect every mob stuff like that so that gave me like lofty goals to work towards which definitely helped

With my ability to play a ton of vanilla where’s the world tour it’s over on YouTube Cara so if you look up uh it’s King R IV on YouTube same profile picture same all of that you’ll be able to find the world tour what happened to the other sheep I

Don’t know what you’re talking about the other sheep can you fly to your house I want to see yeah so actually we are about to go into the storage base I just need to tether these guys because if I don’t they’ll go through the nether portal and then they’ll be stuck in my

Nether Hub until I go and get them come here one of you you is not on a lead I know one of you isn’t where are you there you are come here there we go do that real quick I need your item good sir I need your item appreciate you both

Thank you all for your help give me that and give me that you guys we’re the best we’re missing one so which house do you want to see uh do you want to see the inside of the storage base or do you want me to go

Over to the penthouse to sleep I’ll give you guys the option somebody wanted to see the inside of one of the bases Rosa thank you for the follow welcome welcome could you possibly explain what you’ve done in the world real quick I heard something about Farms Penthouse all right we’ll go to

The penthouse to sleep and then I can actually explain the farms in the world so give me one second to sleep all right here we go sleep so we’ll sleep real quick make it day and then we’ll uh I’ll explain the Farms so this is my long running world

It’s a little over 5200 days and I named it Farm Topia because my goal for this world was to create as many farms for every item in the world as I can so this is the Great Wall of farms every light you see on here is a different fully automatic farm that

Exists in this world and actually we can check off one of these today because we finished the witch farm so it’s right here so it’s about dead center I can turn this light off because we finally found a witch house how did I get the name in a

Picture okay so people always ask if I used like a third party app or something to get my logo in the world I didn’t it’s a map art so it’s 128x 128 block map art in the world that is where all of the logos have come

From so that is how I did it using a bunch of wool so again which Farm is about dead set in the middle of right there okay going to flick the switch on so about dead set middle is right here that checks off the witch Farm only

Missing a few Farms now like the ice Farm haven’t built that yet because I have a massive ice spikes biome but now with the completion of the witch Farm We Are One More Farm away from having a crazy amount of Automatic Farms getting it done could you possibly explain so car

That kind of explains uh I guess quickly about the world so trying to build a farm for every single possible item at least feasible items and then this is what we’ve been working on in the last few live streams this is my new storage base and the live

Stream so far today has been removing this huge W or a huge uh Mountain ender pearl Farm of course so I have a pigin bartering farm and a uh come on world catch up and a uh Enderman Farm was one of the earlier Farms I built that’s just dirt so now I

Can tear this out give me all this and we can actually start doing the fence food goes away then fireworks then tools then Redstone collect this back thank you car I appreciate that give it a lot of play time in this world again if you want the

Full details there is a World Tour on YouTube it’s about 2 and a half hours long that goes over every single build project location in the world of course I have a bone Farm is there a farm for snow there’s a snow farm right here actually so I threw this snow Farm

Together when I started this project super super basic one runs really well eventually I’m I have another one that’s just like it over at my industrial area and uh this one eventually is going to be torn down once this build is done cuz I don’t really need any more

Snow going to take this Beacon out and once this Beacon is out that will be time to put the wall in I’m going find a farm you don’t have yet there are still some like I haven’t built a warden Farm why why not just use a snowman so

It uses two snowman actually so let me tear this Beacon down and I’ll show you how the no Farm works pretty basic design but super efficient pumpkin farm of course I use pumpkins for trading with uh farmer villagers for emeralds it’s one of the main sources of redstone in

My world is actually from melon and pumpkins cuz I use the farmer villagers to uh trade for emeralds and then I have cleric villagers to get redstone thank you Connor I appreciate it beetroot Farm I have a beetroot Farm it’s part of my villager crop Farm I

Think it’s on it’s on my Tik Tok page already under the series Farms have only run once is your YouTube vids on the kids YouTube so no I do swear Moon I try not to but it does happen every once in a while when I get frustrated I try to

Be as family friendly as I possibly can but I can’t promise anything again I try my best not to swear and I try to be as uh appropriate as I can be but I can’t promise all the time I don’t swear if I’m being fair spider farm yes

Of course do we count a mob farm as a spider farm because I have a dedicated spider spawner Farm that’s very old I don’t even think it works anymore and uh I also have a mob farm that kills spiders hey Shane how you doing brother all righty no more

Beacon do you have a YouTube vid of my first house uh yes and no it’s on my uh it’s part of the world tour the first part of the world tour is actually a tour of my starter base so you guys can check that out there jungle log Farm yes

I have a 2X two tree farm at my uh Industrial Area best way to get emeralds villager trading not even close uh early game Minecraft in Bedrock Edition at least you can make a super super simple gold Farm you get a super simple gold farm and uh

That gold Farm will actually give you rotten flesh and then if you use cleric villagers they will trade rotten flesh for emeralds and then you cure them down to get you know like one rotten flesh for one Emerald is a crazy good deal and uh I use that for a while to get

Emeralds so the best Emerald farm raid Farms glowry Farm yes I can’t see your name thank you for the follow Wild West thank you for the follow in your opinion do you prefer Java or Bedrock so I’m on Bedrock Edition and I don’t have a preference again to go back into

Explaining it I first ever played on PC on Java Edition over a very long time ago didn’t mean to break that and uh uh oh where’d you go there you are and then Minecraft came out for PS3 so when my PS3 came that’s what I

Started playing on so I used to play on Legacy Edition Minecraft which was the PS3 version and then eventually PS4 then uh eventually PS4 Legacy Edition became the Better Together update which was the transition to a Bedrock how do you have those signs which signs are we talking about Alex

This or the mob heads which which sign are we talking about here I should have smooth Stone yes so this is a map art so in my world I have a 128 by 128 block map art of my logo and name so that is all wool so every little pixel you see on

Here is actually a wool block and that’s from a massive wool farm that is at my Industrial Area it is a crazy project and I really enjoyed doing it but at the same time I don’t see myself doing another map art anytime soon they’re super timec consuming Aiden thank you for the follow

Welcome welcome yeah so again to kind of reiterate everything you see in this world is completely vanilla everything from the mob heads to the map part has all been done entirely in Survival Minecraft now it’s not hardcore because I do play on bedrock and there’s no

Hardcore on Bedrock but it is all still the same 100% survival obsidian Farm yes I have an obsidian farm at my Industrial Area ye you’re not it’s going to be real difficult for you to find a farm I don’t have the one I will openly admit to not

Having is I do not currently have a uh a warden Farm just because I haven’t taken the time to build one because they’re not super helpful and also the warden’s kind of a nightmare to fight excuse me taking a quick drink of water all righty

So 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this is going to be a stone block so these two need to connect Now 36k I’m only showing 39 but I believe you again with all the likes I appreciate you guys this oh ow did not know there was a hole here see if I can do this without Bas planning nope I really don’t want to tower out okay let try this again there we

Go there’s a hole there yes you did you just covered it there was holes over here ow what the [ __ ] is your problem you chased my ass all the way over here what is your problem go away did you despawn that I Fly Away Enderman was pissed I didn’t even look at

Him good he’s gone what is that oh that’s kind of cool so there used to be a village here when I put out the video on my uh building the Redstone for this I leveled this whole area basically doing the same way we did this but there is a glass

Pane from a house there was a like Cathedral part of the village right here and apparently I didn’t I missed a chunk because was it’s hard to see I don’t know if you guys can see it on the stream or not but I can see it there’s a glass pane right

Here so there was a little bit left of the village no I’m not going to leave it there I’ll do this though I I’ll be fair hold on how many times have you beaten the Ender Dragon so the Wither oh God got to be 100 200 times because I have a

Crazy amount of beacons I fought it the traditional way once and then I used end gateways to trap and just constantly kill them then now the Ender Dragon I’ve only beaten once in this world 55200 days and I’ve only beaten him once simply because I figured 1.21 was

Finally going to be the uh the update to the end and I didn’t want to put a bunch of effort into fighting the dragon if I was just going to reset my end to uh to um uh beat the Ender Dragon a bunch of times uh last part of of storage Oh cannot

Spell Village can’t spell at all apparently so there we’ll keep the momento I’ll put it in here that was the last part of the storage Village before I removed it all that’s fair right Dylan thank you for all the roses are you ever going to make an End Hub or build it if

You don’t have one so I have a nether Hub uh now that 1.21 is not going to be an end update I have no reason not to go beat the Ender Dragon a bunch of times and make a uh end Hub saddle Farms yes

And no I do have a saddle Farm because I get saddles from my RAID farm so I get a bunch of saddles from The Raid farm so I guess I really use the raid farm for totems and uh emeralds but it does also as a byproduct produce Saddles so I guess

That’s technically a saddle farm right counts all right then I need to go hold on 10 out so it’s 10 out from this corner 10 so that’s the corner right there then it’s 10 here so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 should be right here okay that

Lines up and then from this corner one two three four five 6 Seven 8 nine 10 oh nine and this is 10 just double check one two 3 four five 6 S 8 nine 10 okay Mike thank you for the follow Dylan thank you for the follow welcome welcome

Finally got a diamond six vein nice man congrats the next project I think I’m going to do after this uh the storage base is finally done and I can say I can ignore this area is I really want to go and put in a new tunnel B at the new

Witch Farm cuz those are all new chunks so the diamond spawns out there should be better and that will allow me to get more diamonds cuz we really hammered through the diamonds when I was collecting all of the armor trims making like constant copies has been a

Lot I also kind of like cheaped it on the armor trims is when I first started doing it I was doing it all on iron armor Cara thank you for another snowman appreciate it wolf Farm I don’t have a wolf Farm all right I’ll give you I’ll

Give you credit I don’t have a wolf Farm actually yes I do sorry that’s also a lie I have a passive mob farm that kills wolves they don’t give me any loot but unfortunately I do have a passive mob farm that kills wolves so I feel bad for that one but I

Do have that it’s not meant to kill wolves but it’s definitely a byproduct of the farm that wolves die in it I feel bad for that goat farm I have uh you mean goat horn Farm I do have a a goat horn horn Farm does not work very well and it

Constantly is killing the goats but I do have a farm for that cat Farm yes one two like cat drops or like physically killing cats one two three four five six seven 8 nine 10 is the hillst carved out are going to make it look uh so I don’t know I was

Originally planning on terraforming this whole wall so I would tear it down and stagger it and make it look like this was a natural kind of so like slant it but looking at it now somebody just had the idea just why don’t I just make a big retaining

Wall so this might just turn into a big retaining wall because I really don’t want to do it I’m not good at terraforming best advice to start a new world find a seed you really like 1 two 3 4 5 6 Seven 8 nine 10 don’t

Just start a world and be like hey this is the world I’m going to play now take the time to look and find a seed you want to play in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 cuz if you commit to a seed and then you

Realize like oh the nearest Village is 1,000 blocks away the nearest deserts 3,000 blocks away it gets really annoying frog light Farm yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yes I have a frog life Farm as well that is also on the it’s on my Tik

Tok page already uh it’s under I think it’s Farms I’ve only run once try to farm several I have three current drown farms in my world I have two one of my drown Farms I just burn the Trident because I don’t need them 1 two three four five

Six don’t really have a need parrot Farm parrots don’t give you drops besides feathers I guess uh no so you got me there I don’t have a parrot Farm parrots don’t do anything hi Goku how are you doing I don’t I don’t get uh what you’re coming in here and saying

That for but you know if you got a little inside joke for yourself all good you in you found a farm I don’t have is it possible to build a parrot Farm I mean it’s got to be right there’s got to be some way of doing it I think

My initial statement for the for all the Farms I have though is like practical Farms I don’t know if we would count a uh a parrot Farm as practical that’s kind of just inhumane I don’t think there is Star Wars oh no I knew you were going for

Star Wars Goku I just we weren’t talking about Star Wars I was just curious where the Star Wars came up all righty so that is the ring built so now the whole ring of the fence is built now we can actually put the fence in what’s a good starter house to do

So I have I don’t don’t know if I can give you that answer leather Farm yes uh good starter house pretty much once you put uh a uh furnace next to a crafting table I don’t care if it’s a dirt house that’s a home right

There there’s oh wow big lag in my own that’s weird once you put a uh once that furnaces next to that crafting table it could be a hole in the wall that’s a good starter house your starter house is just what you want to commit to First building all righty so while I’m

Thinking about it let’s collect the pile of resources we have over here you’re my brother and trapaholic thank you for the follow welcome welcome we are six followers away from 100 new in the Stream today so let’s collect all these shulker boxes kind of tear down our little area

Here we’ll come back for all of that cuz that’s going to fill my inventory pink wool Farm yes so I have a wool farm for every color of wool how far away am I from my starter house thousand blocks not that far I can take you guys

There in one second just let me put all this away should not have to mine stone for a while there’s some Stone there’s some Stone there’s some Stone and okay and then grass blocks are over here so that’s just dirt grass block that’s just dirt dirt grass block okay that’s

Full going to have to condense these at some point break this you for now can go right there cuz you just in the way dirt can go right there ah [ __ ] it dirt can go right there dirt can go right there put that there and then dirt can go right there all

Right so that solves that hey Madison I do have a face cam now I decided today to do the face cam so y all righty so we’ll go take a look at my storage base before I put or my uh starter base before I put my uh start putting the fence on the

Storage base do I have OCD a little bit I just like everything to be square in my world so this is my starter base this is where this whole world came from was this little house right here and then this is my first uh storage room so

Everything in the world came from this humble little storage room in here and this uh this little cabin by itself over here so this is my storage base just with some sugar cane villager breeder this zombie is like 4,000 days old he won’t despawn because he’s holding

Something and he has a leather helmet and so he doesn’t burn to death he doesn’t stay here he just constantly stares at the villagers I actually just recently came back to this area and completely cleaned it up so it was a little torn out like I

Had torn out the lava farm and the bee farm the concrete and all this so ID stripped it so I came back and completely refurbished it to how it was before I uh before I moved on oh this world’s a little over 5200 days this Farm or this area was did not

Take that long to make there’s no way you have a flint or fish farm so Flint’s difficult I do have an auto Cory for that uh and fish farm I do have a fish farm and a tropical fish farm what are the color rings so this was a project I

Started one night and never went back to so I have no idea what this is I don’t remember what my original thought process was I don’t remember what I was mapping out but this is a few thousand days old and I just can’t bring my

Myself to remove it like I I stocked up a bunch of wool and I just did I don’t know I really can’t tell tell you what that farm was what this is supposed to be I think it was going to be another Tower like that but circular based as I

Think Statue of Liberty maybe oh I got to stop spinning around when I fly in here cuz I lose where my bed is I got to crack my Knuckles here all righty so now I’m going to need gray concrete this should be enough I have an entire CH have extra water

Farm uh what do you mean I have a bottled water Farm I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for okay so I do have a bottle of water Farm I don’t know if that’s what you’re reaching for in the way of uh water Farm

But I don’t have a water bucket Farm cuz not super useful I mean you can build one they’re possible but uh again not uh not a project I’m overly looking to get invested with look at this it’s all in a gr have you thought about making your live

Interactive with gifts I have not Cara I uh actually kind of have a uh disagreement with some of the live streams here like I feel like they’re just begging for coins with the gifts like especially the people who do like the uh like trying to place blocks as

Fast as they can with the uh fake face cam on I just I hope some people realize that a lot of the time those streams are just recordings on the face cam and it’s not an active player actually playing it’s just a bot placing blocks uh so I don’t do stuff like that

Just not the kind of Minecraft content I want to create we are spiking we’re at over 100 viewers I appreciate everybody stopping in welcome everybody lava Farm yes I already have that wish I could join me one more day Lil I’m sorry uh in in the future I’m definitely going to

Make a survival world with my followers I don’t know when it’s going to be I probably just going to be a realm and unfortunately with Realms it’s a 10 player online at a time cap I know so Sophia thank you for catching me Nemo thank you for the follow Enzo thank you

For the follow so the whole center of the farm is based on a three- wide Gap in the middle so on the sides there won’t be one but right here you can see that if I was to go two over it would be out of line with the center of the farm

It’s the same way on the front of the farm I appreciate you guys for catching that anime edits thank you for for the follow welcome welcome I’m new to Minecraft how do you build like this uh just play time I’ve played a lot I kind of have

Found my rhythm and how I like to play and builds like this are just pattern repeating so it’s the same pattern over and over and over again and then because of the scale of it it looks a lot more complicated than it is but the whole Farm or the whole building basically

Boils down to the glass windows are five wide then you have stone brick pillar then snow and then grass wrapping around the bottom and it’s that exact pattern all the way around and you can just see it copies and pastes and when the whole thing comes together when the whole thing comes

Together it looks like this so it’s just pattern building over and over and over again but you can see like here on the front you can see there’s a three block Gap here and I kind of did a single uh pylon here so I’ll do the same thing in

The back no I couldn’t see because of the follow okay hold on sorry about that Jackson thank you for the follow Nora thank you for the follow but this is the storage base right here red sand Farm I don’t know if I have a red sand

Farm but this is the uh actually I’ll land so you guys can take a better look at it give me one second here all righty so again it’s just pattern building over and over and over again and it’s the same thing with the fence so the fence is just the Red Sand

Farm is there such thing as a red sand Farm I know I have a desert Corey that I use a la to automatically collect sand and there’s red sand out there so I kind of have a semi-automatic farm for red sand but uh I don’t know if it counts as an actual

Farm again you’re going to be hard pressed to find something I don’t have if it’s practical again if it’s a practicable mega base so I have the cathedral which is probably which is the biggest build in the world uh we actually did that on live stream the

Beginning of last year and i’ finished it off stream had been afking a farm and the world crashed and unfortunately I lost about 25 to 30 hours of it which meant it was not finished concrete Farm oh yeah very very long time ago built that Apple thank you for the follow

Welcome welcome Apple you are the 100th follower of the stream today I appreciate it welcome do raid Farms work on Bedrock yes I have a raid Farm they are super super helpful Russell thank you for the follow it’s your boy thank you for the follow

Coco Bean Farm yes I have a cocoa bean Farm H thank you for the follow welcome can you show the cathedral this stream it’s been a minute since I’ve seen it let me get the fence built and then I will go out to the cathedral is that is that a fair

Compromise Q Dog Ryan thank you for the follow haunt thank you for the follow welcome welcome after we finish putting in the fence flower farm yes tutall flower farm and a Shaker flower farm Rocky thank you for the follow I do need to build another flower farm obsidian

Farm yes how long did the base take to build so the Redstone the auto sords and the initial layout probably took six hours wrapping it decorating it and all that stuff has probably taken a little over 10 so that’s all of the decoration the wrapping all that stuff has taken place

On stream so I don’t know if you add all the streams together that’s how long it’s taken me to do it mushroom farm yes uh big mushrooms and like the little mushrooms Farms yes Lindo thank you for the follow Stephen thank you for the follow welcome welcome bone meal Farm

Yes gold meal gold Farm yes gold Farm was one of the first farms in this world been through three iterations mushroom cow Farm I don’t have that ye you got me I don’t have a mushroom cow Farm you find finally found one I did not

Have that is on the list totem Farm yes VD thank you for the follow I do not have a uh that is on the list because I have not found a mushroom biome yet once I find a mushroom Island biome uh that farm will be built we need a setup tour

Like my gaming setup it’s not that impressive just somebody who should not be allowed to spend their own money and egg Farm you mean a duplication for the dragon egg what’s a mushroom cow farm so mushrooms if you hit them with lightning funny enough will turn into a brown

Mushroom a mushroom sorry a brown mushroom and then if you feed a brown mushroom like a certain kind of flour like a dandelion let’s say let’s say you give them a yellow flower dandelion right and then you use a bowl and you take get mushroom musroom stew from the

Mushroom the brown mushroom it’ll give you suspicious stew but because you fed it a dandelion it will give you swiftness or speed boost so basically there’s a super way there’s an easy way to make like potions without having to brew potions anime edits I do not have a block duplicator farm right

Now I used to I did used it to duplicate sand gravel and concrete powder did not use it to duplicate the end egg because I felt like that was pushing the duplication Farm a little bit too much Aiden thank you for the follow dashes thank you for the follow Logan thank you

For the follow welcome welcome ever feel like the game has gone too far not really I feel like Mojang’s starting to slack on the roll outs and not understanding what their Community really wants from the game but uh I feel like there’s always something to do so the beautiful thing

About Minecraft is there’s so much to do that you can really play kind of any way you want right like if you want to never get off stone tools and just build a little house in the woods go right ahead build a little house in the woods that’s

Your whole strategy my you know good friends that I play this game with they play two maybe three weeks a year they build a house they do a little bit of farming they die in a cave once and then they don’t touch the game for another

Year but that’s how they love this game and they’ll swear that they always love and enjoy playing this game but that’s their whole thing that’s all they do is they play two 3 weeks a year die a couple times build a house and then don’t pick up the game again for another

Six months to a year but they love it quenny thank you for the follow Darren thank you for the follow what would you recommend I do first when starting a new world so depends on what you’re going for I always the first thing I do is build a

Base and then get an iron farm going the I always prioritize getting an iron farm built simply because they are the most important Farm to build in the game iron is used in the most crafting recipes over wood over Cobblestone iron gets used in more crafting recipes than any other

Item fair enough how long have you have I done Minecraft I played Minecraft back before there was a hunger bar and there was really no survival mode so it was like first when it first came out on Creative I used to play on PC and then

That’s got to be over 10 years ago now I don’t know how to pronounce your name so Yad thank you for the follow welcome welcome that’s like the cycle my friends but we kill the Ender Dragon I can’t tell you I bet you I have friends

Who probably have two 300 hours in this game right just from those two we binges and I don’t think they’ve ever fought the Ender Dragon but the community is so broad I think it peaked in 2012 so I will argue that point with you AJ I think it peaked

In 2012 and then again in 2019 at the beginning of Co Minecraft like saw a Renaissance and went crazy with the explosion didn’t Minecraft come out in like 2011 I don’t remember uh maybe you might be right Ray thank you for the follow Phantom thank you for the follow

Strant thank you for the follow welcome welcome everybody easiest iron farm I’m bad at building Farms so I have a design I use in this world it’s incredibly easy to do it only works on Bedrock Edition uh I haven’t put it to tutorial out on it simply because it’s not the best iron

Farm it does more than enough for me and it takes very good care of me but I don’t like doing tutorials cuz I don’t want to give there’s people who are more qualified than me to show you guys how to build like a mob farm or a iron farm stuff like

That can I see your iron farm sure just let me get this done how many villagers so mine uses 20 20 villagers 20 workstations 20 beds so it Maxes them out I have six of them all across my world I’m eventually going to build one here but I’m going to

Bury it so it’s going to go underneath my storage base basically what I can recommend is if if you’re going to be involved with building a iron farm build them anywhere you’re going to spend a lot of time have a good day Dawson I appreciate that what is the biggest build you’ve

Ever done is the cathedral so I have a absolutely massive unfinished cathedral in this world that uh we’re actually going to take a visit to after I’m done putting this fence in and uh it’s unfinished because we did most of it on stream then I went and finished it off

Stream and AFK a farm after and unfortunately my world crashed in between then and there and I lost about 20 to 25 hours worth of work on it so it was a pain it’s more than enough some people making quad village farms over can L for a server my Farms

Do more than enough for me I’ve never ran out of iron five my first iron farm we actually flew by it when we looked at my uh starter base since I built that farm I have never run out of iron and I have six of those all around my

World will I ever finish it yes Q Dog fully intend to finish the Cathedral at some point I just it’s really hard to find the motivation to go back and work on it after knowing what it looked like when it was done and even if I went back now and completed it I

Know it’s like finishing like a really really big project and you’re really really happy with it and then you lose a ton of progress and even though you went back and you redid it all it doesn’t look as good as the first time you did it so that’s my fears like I really

Loved the cathedral and how it came out going back now and looking at it it’s just I want to be happy and enjoy it but I’m planning to for the stream at least finish it Sebastian thank you for the follow Evan thank you for the follow

Chris thank you for the follow llo why Bedrock over java so I started on Java Edition way way back when m mcraft first came out then Minecraft came out on PS3 so that’s what all my friends played on and that’s predominantly what I gamed on so I switched to the PS3 version that

Was the Legacy Edition then I switched over to PS4 when PS4 came out then uh PS4 did The Better Together update which made uh Bedrock Edition cross platform and all that stuff then uh I just continued playing on bedrock and just haven’t really looked back I don’t

Prefer one version of the other there’s things on Java Edition that I wish I had over on Bedrock there’s things that I could never live without that’s on Bedrock not uh not Java uh how do you tell your Bedrock versus Java it’s what to play on so anything other than dedicated Java PC

You’re playing Bedrock Edition so if you’re on switch or Xbox or Playstation or your iPhone or your tablet you’re playing Bedrock Edition and there there’s just different minute details on like how mob spawning Works how uh how Redstone Works stuff like that so not too crazy but there’s like

Always this thing within the Minecraft community of saying one version is better than the other but I have a lot of play time in both and I there’s pros and cons to both I will not say that Bedrock is less buggy than Java though there’s a reason bck gets the joke nickname bug

Rock yeah thank you for the follow Peta thankk you for the follow welcome welcome all right I should not need any more of this did not use nearly as much as I thought I was going to Java see Java has really really good mods they also have really easy add-ons I will

Give you credit for that but you know it is what it is there’s pros and cons to both and we could sit here and argue all day all stream and that’s what this would turn into is just an argument of Bedrock versus Java but I’m I’m just playing what I what I

Play time is it 3:00 another two hours to go sweet next is end rods all right give me this this should be more than enough en rods I bet you when I redid the nether Hub I took all of the iron trap doors I bet you I have none left

Here willing to bet I’m going to have to craft new iron trap doors any left here and 64 is not going to be enough but it’s a start at least it’s yty okay thank you for the follow yty and then here and here ah [ __ ] it we’ll do the that one’s

Fine did you ever play the super hard maps by Vex did not how long did it take you to get all that long time this is a 5200 well probably 5,300 now we’ve done at least 50 days since stream started today but uh little under two years of playtime of like real time

And a little over 50 we’ll say 53 I think we’ve earned the right to say 5,300 in game days Luke thank you for the follow welcome welcome do you know how to get netherite easy in Bedrock y level 15 use beds or end crystals or TNT and just try

Not to blow yourself up I would say use a tunnel Bo but the tunnel BS I use have a tendency to blow themselves up now and I’ve used a couple different versions off YouTube and their versions also don’t work so I don’t know if the Nether on Bedrock right now has something

Against tunnel BS but uh basically explosive works if you’re really down for a pinch I mean efficiency five pickaxes insta mine netherite so you could easily get away with just uh Branch mining in the nether if you had to but always why level 15 why golden carrots instead of steak

So golden carrots give you the most food back and I have a gold farm and I use farmer villagers to get a all my emeralds uh and stuff like that so I just basically have an infinite supply of golden carrots so it’s just easy that

Way if I was really being honest to what I have the most of I have a passive mob farm that gives me cooked steak but I’ve had a chicken uh cooked chicken farm since the very beginning of this world and if I was smart I’d just be using

Cooked chicken but I don’t know I I feel more professional using uh golden carrots I don’t know if that’s the right way to put it but it’s the truth how do you choose a block from inventory by looking oh so this is pick block so I have picklock pinned to my

Scroll wheel so like I can click and I won’t pick up any uh grass blocks cuz I have no grass block but if I look at an end rod and I click it it’ll pull it out of my inventory and put it in my open

Hand and also if my hand isn’t open so say uh we’ll just take this say I wanted to replace this totem I can pick block and replace the totem in my inventory it’s completely vanilla you can get it on uh every version oh hello bye so you just need to set it to

A key so it’s not an add-on or anything like that it’s completely vanilla and it is possible to do on controller and mouse and keyboard you just need to go into your settings because right now it’s not assigned to a block or a key got to make use of the gold Farm I

Love golden carrots carrots have got to be like one of the most satisfying things to farm honestly if uh want of I kind of want to make a huge gravity fed carrot Farm zero reason to make it I have a villager farm for all my my carrots but

Uh definitely want just have like the like the Primal like urge to spend a crazy amount of time and resources building a giant gravity farm for uh carrots no reason don’t need to kind of just want to maybe that’ll be a project in the future go back out go back out

Nope I need to place block stairs guys can all all four of you are going to be on this side go on the other side go on the other side NOP keep going keep going keep going thank thank you Boston thank you for the follow welcome welcome good to pick block

Doesn’t have a default bind in Bedrock it does not so you have to go into your settings and set it to something so once you assign it you’re golden like I have it on my scroll wheel so I have on my mouse I have two buttons bound besides you know place and and

Break I have pick block which allows me to you know pick a block I also have my pickaxe bound so anytime I’m building people are always like how how do you instantly swap to your pickaxe I have it bound on my mouse so anytime I want my pickaxe

Out I can just click and it sends me right back to my pickaxe just muscle memory at this point and I’ve played so long that way that it’s just uh it’s muscle memory to do that quick switch right there are you going to fill the openings under the

Fence yes So eventually this is actually all going to be Moss carpet to prevent spawns I’m just uh and there’ll be Iron trap doors on top of these and then eventually the plan is to terraform the outside so I definitely cut more down in this corner than I

Needed to but we got some resources for it so I’m not too worried but uh the plan is definitely to all this has to be spawn proofed uh I don’t want to risk any if you’re here at the beginning of the stream we had a creeper make its way

Into the front portal and then when I went through it it blew up and it made a huge mess and actually killed two of my La Chris thank you for the follow welcome welcome you missed a section I’ll go back and fix I just wanted to sleep so that mobs don’t

Spawn I got to figure out where I missed here did I miss a section around the corner I don’t see oh right there good catch thank you for see that’s why I like stream with you guys especially I know not uh everybody’s favorite streams are run when I’m running the Diamond

Boar but you guys catch diamond blocks almost faster than I do so whenever I’m running the tunnel bar I like to stream it now again not the most exciting stream but you guys usually catch the diamond ore before I do which is super helpful not a complaint at all here

Thank you hey simple how you doing today all righty then yeah soon as we do the iron trap doors then we’ll take a trip over to the cathedral and then the Moss carpeting begins I’m not doing the terraforming oh around the base today can you show the

Diamond boore so uh not today Brew if you want to go see it uh there is a 5,000 day World Tour over on YouTube of my world that I did live about a week ago uh it is in that video so I don’t know how long it is into that video but

It is in there if you want to uh see what a diamond tunnel Bo looks like you can feel free to go check that out I will be doing another world tour at 6,000 days don’t know when that will be we’re already at 5,300 so these are end rods so you can

Get these from end cities or if you use uh blaze rods and popped chorus fruit you can uh get these little white bars that emit light so they’re just cleaner looking torches and I love using it in this kind of design build here cuz it makes a really really nice modern looking

Fence we need an end update also I was I was really hoping for an end update guys I I won’t lie to you uh I was really hoping 1.21 would be an end update but did not turn out that way unfortunately so not trying to be mean you look like

You been me I appreciate that I have not served uh was not the path I chose to take in life uh can’t see it but I have a mullet out the back of my hair uh but I wear the hat to keep my hair out of my face

When I’m playing games but it was just not the uh route I chose to go in life and no I would never take offense to that either my uh my dad is career militari and definitely his service had an impact on my life so I appreciate

Everybody who has served but it was just not the path I chose to take did we see the cathedral yet we have not gone to the cathedral yet how do you check how many days you have so on Bedrock it’s a little wonky what you

Have to do to check your days on Bedrock Edition is make a copy of your survival world and then go into creative mode in the copy not today cuz it’s not clean or uh per my hair is a little bit greasy from uh the gym so I’m showered and clean but my

Hair is still a little greasy so does not look too good you guys are stuck with me in a hat today the new update is actually a they’re adding I can’t remember the name of it it’s it’s basically a dungeon it’s w what are they what are they called

They’re basically adding like a new underground structure and yeah it’s cool cool but that’s like the second underground structure we’ve gotten in 2 years like ancient cities yeah super cool and then now we have another underground structure it’s like oh super cool how about we update the end that

Hasn’t been touched 10 years trial Chambers yes so 60k so ye just to let you know you may have hit your light cap because I’m only showing 42,000 I don’t know if it’s showing different for you or it hasn’t loaded but I I trust you that you’ve done 60,000 I appreciate

You trial Chambers yes armadillo the armadillo’s cute man I I get it I I really I you know I understand it uh Minecraft Community saw armillo and not everybody are like kind of I I don’t like the word try hard but not everybody plays Minecraft like I do where it’s

Like super late game stuff dog armor is going to have zero effect on me in this world like it’s just not not g to do anything for me yeah it’s cool I think I have three dogs in this world they never leave the houses they’re

At so oh sorry how are you play modded not for me how are you saying we see how many days in Bedrock so you need to make a copy of your world in creative mode and once you make a copy of that world in Creative again don’t ruin your survival

World make a copy and then you want to enable cheats and then you type slir like q u e r y days and it’ll tell you exactly how many days you’ve survived in the world or not survive but been in the world so that’s how you find out in

Better Rock condition unfortunately that is the only way not unless like there’s some thirdparty sites like websites that let you do it but you got to be really careful with third party sites I I don’t really trust those Minecraft stat sites I wish we had a

Better way to do stats in Bedrock but we just don’t Minecraft kind of died because moting never adds anything to change the way I play I I’ll be honest with you right now uh the sniffer is just is just a terrible terrible mob total waste of an

Update uh it it does nothing for the game like yeah it’s cool it’s like here’s your dinosaur that’s dope a big big dinosaur what’s it do give you two flowers that I’m not going to be able to platform gave you two flowers that you can’t do anything with no new potions no

New game mechanics they’re super difficult to find like uh when 1.20 first came out I had a really long stream and we streamed for like eight hours and we did nothing but look for the sniffer and it took all eight hours of just nothing but looking for the sniffer to find the

Egg and it was like okay cool I could have been doing anything else all righty ow exactly Bella gets it again the last couple I don’t know again deep love for this game and you know on some level you know I always got to thank the developers because they built this

Beautiful game for us but at the same time your community is starving for stuff to do like the giant dinosaur yeah super super cool I’m glad we have the sniffer now it it doesn’t do anything and you know we’re about to be a year plus and even the flowers is the ancient

Ah ow I am going to pop a totem this stream it’s going to happen did my El should break no h i feel like last few updates haven’t even registered my it it is what it is uh so this is your new storage base do you have a regular base uh yes

And no I have a massive industrial area that’s kind of served as my base for a while uh do this one second guys uh show us your first starter base all right I have to keep a promise first we do have to go look at the Cathedral because after we finish the

Fence I did promise we’d go look at the Cathedral so we’ll check that we’ll check the starter base and then I need to come and update the uh there’s an LA in here sorry buddy we’re going to let you’re just going to be free in here you

Get you get to exist now you don’t you just get to live in here now buddy okay we need to go this way fly and then we’re going to just drop off this Stone while we’re in here eventually this chest monster needs to be torn out just a bunch of crap in here

Go cannot trigger my Electra to save my life right now this way so you guys are asking what the upside down thank you for the follow Ryan thank you for the follow welcome welcome if I missed anybody’s follows I do apologize welcome to the stream I’m sorry I’m trying to keep up with

Everybody as I can monkey thank you for the follow Austin thank you for the follow welcome welcome a thank you for the follow hey the world didn’t lag out Mason thank you for the follow make thank you for the follow Kennedy thank you for the follow are you on PC I am

Not but I am on PS5 mouse and keyboard Howe and Kaden thank you for the follows why don’t you have full armor so I have full armor but I’m wearing an elytra edit Smith a face centr Ohio thank you for follows welcome or Auto sorry thank you for follows so

This yo I run Smite on my Axe and my sword so this is the cathedral so this is the biggest build in the world uh we did all of this on stream and we had finished or I had finished the build I went all the way up here to build height

Had these nice super Majestic Towers on it then I went AFK to another Farm overnight came back the uh the world had crashed and the save file had corrupted and unfortunately I lost 25 to 30 hours of build time on this project and I have not had the drive to

Go back and finish it so maybe it doesn’t come across on the screen super well but this is absolutely massive I guess the best way to see it is from all the way down here kind of looking up at it like that are you on Twitch if not you

Totally should so I split my streams with YouTube so all of my streams if you guys miss them at any point are all saved over on YouTube but the uh the reason I haven’t finished is I don’t have the motivation is kind of explained it a little bit earlier in

The Stream is uh it’s like finishing a major project right like this was a it’s looks big in here but this was a crazy big project I was working on I had finished it then I love the way it look I was super proud of it I was getting

Ready to you know post videos and keep working on it and then I lost the save and my fear is no matter how much work I put back into it I won’t love it as much as the first time I built it so I don’t

It’s going to take another 25 hold on 25 30 hours to finish this project and I just don’t want to commit that kind of time to it and hate what it looks like when it’s done that’s my thing I’m going to finish it there’s no doubt in my mind I won’t

Come back at some point and Finish the build but I’m just going to have to really sit down and say hey it’s time to finish the cathedral build track I just got a lot of place time man it’s I I understand that I’m a little bit above average in Minecraft

But I mean I just kind of vibe out and play and I don’t I don’t do anything else that not everybody who has the game can play I do not know how to pronounce your name I’ll just say K thank you for the follow do thank you for the doll follow

Tony Matt thank you for the follow welcome welcome gray welcome back highlight you have a great day as well but all of this is just you know time spent in game Lily Danny thank you for the follows welcome welcome K thank you for the follow welcome all righty oh here’s the stuff

From the zombie piglin xanter thank you for the follow welcome my game always gets super frame rating when I try to load this because there’s just so much here Mac Zach thank you for the follow up here kind of want to see if we can see the fence from up here

Follower notifications make this unwatchable I’m sorry I can’t really uh here we can do this we’ll move them up there I moved him Zach thank you for the follow is your YouTube link to the Tik Tok or the same it is linked so it should be on my

Profile kind of want to see what the fence looks like there I moved it up so now the uh the notifications will pop up on my face yes starter base time exactly just let me uh I want to so this is all now lit up so I’m glad we went with the zigzag

Pattern we when we originally talked about building this I wasn’t going to go zigzag but looking at it now I’m glad we went with like the zigzag pattern with the with the fence just need to put in all of the Moss carpet now but we will go look at the starter base again

Sullivan Thea thank you for the follow Zach thank you how is the nether portal so huge so as long as you keep the same ratio you can build Nether Portals bigger enough it’s like 23x 23 is the biggest nether portal you can build so we’ll go take this is the first

Iron Farm by the way we were talking about this earlier I haven’t torn it out because all of those stairs are water logged and it’s a huge nuisance to tear them out but this is my starter base in this world recently I went back and completely cleaned it up like replanted

All the crops there was actually a mangled Tree in there took that out re cleaned up my storage base really spent some time cleaning up this whole area but it’s still one of my favorite places in the world I just don’t spend a lot of time here the

Original villager breeder all of the villagers in this world and my farms and all the stuff down the line all came from these two guys right here at some point or another but yeah so this is what I considered my starter base I know some people like joke like real late game

YouTubers have these massive uh and streamers have these massive starter bases nope mine was this humble little log cabin with this you know nice little two-tone survival room or storage room but now I live out of this massive Tower and have a massive storage base and then the huge industrial area over

There for those of us who were love the content thank you track you know what’s really I’m really going to be excited to go back and watch my old lives and just see where this started where it is now it’s come so far and I appreciate everybody who’s been a part of the

Stream of putting this all in is there anything in the lower levels of the penthouse well actually we’ll sleep at the penth house why not yes and no so there’s like a lobby area if we fly in here so like I kind of have this super basic Lobby look

And then if we go up one level here this is where I originally planned on putting all my armor trims this is also where the portal to here connects so this room event originally was going to have all my armor trims in it never ended up doing that and uh

Ended up moving them all to storage anyway Killa thank you for the follow appreciate it how do you not get bored I this game doesn’t really bore me I kind of just zone out and play you know this is my comfort game like I play other games games like I’ve been playing

A lot of the finals was playing a lot of Apex for a while but I just kind of came back and was this is a game I can turn to Anytime and just zone out and play how do you get bubbles in the water so those are from the soul sand at the

Bottom it’s just a bubble Vader all it does is it forces you to the top so like you can see right here Soul Sand at the bottom of a water tunnel will push water up magma cumes will pull it down so if I stand on top of this

Like I can’t go down in the water and it’ll constantly bubble me up I got to get out of it real quick have I tried playing Lego worlds have not don’t have fortnite we are almost at 50k qg you’re killing it and thank you to everybody

Who has liked the stream this is the biggest stream I’ve had since I’ve been back streaming so since July this is the most support I’ve had I or my last live was like middle of July and then I came back last week this is the most supportive I’ve gotten since last uh

Really since last July so I appreciate everybody who’s been a part of it Fred thank you for the follow Killa I caught your follow thank you words are getting difficult all right now here’s here’s the thing we’re how I’m going to I want to take the easy way out with the Moss

Carpet I really do ryce thank you for the Roses but I have this pattern at the villager trading Hall that I want to use promis is it’s difficult Cara thank you for the glasses appreciate it thank you very very much so this is my trading Hall so we were talking about villagers earlier

This is where all of my hydration PL one second this is where all of my uh villagers ended up which is just where I keep them right H backwood thank you for the follow welcome welcome so I used a pattern with carpet and Moss uh Green carpet and Moss

Carpet out here money gun thank you very very much and I kind of want to take this pattern because I really like it right like it’s kind of like the stripey lawn look and car thank you for the heart me but it’s so much easier just to do the

Moss carpet but I I don’t I don’t know it’s it is mind-numbing too to do this over and over and over again and then switch and do this over and over again but it looks so good I’m just not committed to doing that over at the

Uh Keegan thank you for the follow too committed to doing this over at the uh the new storage base a thank you Bryce I appreciate that man Moss stays on top Moss looks so so good and it’s so easy to get and it’s spawn proofs you really can’t dog on

Moss right excellent thank you for the follow it’s it’s super super easy to get lots and lots of moss I don’t like this uh the whole like my whole like collection lawn that’s all Moss this whole thing’s been mossed I can kind of stick with the

Theme of the area and just wrap this in Moss but I really like the stripey pattern I I don’t know I’ll be honest with you guys that stripy pattern is brutal to put in it’s it cuz it’s literally this or it’s this over and over and over

And over and over again for like thousands of pieces of carpet I don’t know if it would be so bad because of these angles we’ve made nobody was going to tell me there was a scaffolding tower on the front of my base just letting it hang there do

The stripes vote Stripes Q Dog vote stripes okay we’ll do we’ll do Stripes that’s that’s fair right all right let’s get rid of this extra so the real question is how much Green carpet do I have so I have an entire thing here let’s go check

Industrial cuz I know I have enough uh Moss carpet and I have a moss farm so not too worried about that it’s getting all of the Moss or getting all of the carpet but I don’t use that much Green carpet so hopefully the wool Farm is full where’s Green there’s green oh yeah

I have more than enough green wool to do this project okay so you guys win I’ll do the striped I uh I’ll buckle down and get it done give me a shulker box take some extra just in case go down oh who uh yeah we were asking about Bubble columns

Earlier so you can see that Soul Sand has bubbles going up magma has bubbles going down so if I stand in here it pulls me to the bottom but if I go into the this side it pushes me up just kind of a super easy way to like go up and

Down that’s why I use it a lot in my world all right back to here I really what they need to add on Bedrock Edition here’s something that they have on Java they don’t have a Bedrock move all so people comment on the stream all

The time why not just shift click it so this is shift clicking on Bedrock Edition unfortunately that is how it works it’s painful I like the starter base thank you how do you find Soul Sand so it’s in the nether you can find it pretty much everywhere you said youls PS5 with

Keyboard and mouse yes but the uh the add-on in order to move all items does not exist in the keybinds for PS5 why Bedrock over java so I originally played b rock on Java Edition then I switched to PS3 when it came out on the PS3 edition played the Legacy

Edition of Minecraft for years then uh after the Legacy Edition I switched to PS4 which was the Legacy Edition for a while and then when the Better Together update came out the Legacy Edition went away and you could only play Bedrock on Console so I just kept playing Ro on

Console so I have no real preference to one or the other it’s just I guess I want to say grew up playing on I hope you guys are ready you voted Stripes it’s going to be this for like an hour and a half I grew up playing Bedrock Edition

So it’s just the version I’m most comfortable on nothing against Java no preferences there’s things on Java Edition I wish I could play play but uh just not in the cards I have a PC that can play Minecraft I just again I’ve always played on have played console for like

10 years on Minecraft there’s no reason for me to switch now guys I can’t tell you how little I want to do this stripe pattern I know it looks good but I’m just having flashbacks to how long it takes to do the stri pattern it looks so good but it takes so

Long to do oh I’ll commit to it you guys you guys said it but I’m going to complain the whole time this is and it’s this the whole way around this whole project we might we might table so that would go there and then here and then

Here and then here and then here yep so that goes away that thank you for the follow I appreciate it welcome time to lock it in it’s this is where we’re going to find out who really enjoys the streams because it’s about to be this for a

While and I won’t I won’t uh judge anybody to who wants to bow out of this those of you who voted for this are sticking this out you guys voted for Stripes you’re sticking with it you have so much patience with answering questions better questions seven times since I’ve been here everybody has

Questions man I I try to answer it as best I can I mean you know PE people join a live stream they don’t know what’s going on they’ve never seen my videos before and maybe that’s their first time in my live stream who am I to you know not you know

Be an [ __ ] and not answer it yeah so in my area I have speed to so I have you can see the beam right there there there are four actually good catch chance I need to go fix that Beacon away from haste so I run speed at my storage base

So that I can move around quicker give me oh the question is what is this Beacon running I’m pretty sure that speed and that speed uh I can’t see what this is so it’s strength and regen okay and then this should be speed boost ow this should be speed all right

So the front one in the back when speed boost which means I need regen over here all right this is currently running haste two right yep so we want resistance and Regeneration all righty how do you get the beacon so do you play games for a living I don’t so I

Work a full-time job that I genuinely enjoy doing and uh this is just kind of a hobby for me so in priority of my life so my job obviously comes first or my family then job so on and so forth but this is uh

This is just kind of like a hobby for me I don’t intend to make any money and people ask like oh do you see a career in this I’m just chilling out how do you get Beacon so you need to get a you need to kill a Wither and then you get a

Wither star and then is that what it’s called what’s it called I think it’s wither star then you can uh get a beacon so you need to kill the Wither in order to get a uh to get a beacon nether star yeah that was

Close yeah so I work 40 hours a week and then I powerlift so when I’m not during the week it’s very rare I stream on the week days uh usually it’s out of work straight to the gym for a few hours and then shower and bedtime so if anybody’s

Curious about when I’m going to stream next usually it’s only weekend streams uh the promise of 2024 which I promise followers is that I would stream every Sunday night so bare minimum you guys will get a Sunday night stream weekly Andy thank you for the follow Colton thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome I came in here for something oh yeah I need grass blocks I got a feeling tomorrow you are streaming yes so my stream will be tomorrow night I’m uh I’m having dinner with my I’m lifting in the morning and then I’m taking my parents and my sister and her boyfriend out to

Dinner and after that I will be online streaming so it won’t be till late afternoon early night but I don’t work Monday so I will be uh I’ll be on for a bit Monday Sunday 8 hour shifts so I do 10 so I work uh Tuesday through Friday

6:00 to 4:00 A.M or 6:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. that’s my picked schedule careful Deary uh so that’s the schedule I pick so that I can have Mondays off so that I can stream on uh on Sunday nights was the original plan when I took

Over when I got my new job is I negotiated to have a 410 work week because one I don’t like working five days a week uh Monday is usually my heavy day in the gym so I like to get to the gym early so I’m not rushing through my

Workout and uh that about gives me the ability to stream Sunday nights as well as you know have a good solid lift on Mondays death I appreciate you asking it is just a single player world you are more than welcome to hang out and chat and interact that way you’re

Good Ian so I’m a work systems facilitator so nobody in the stream’s going to know what that is uh my job basically boils down to say company a wants something that Company B has could be like a data analytics program or like an onboarding process uh HR hierarchy meeting Cadence something like that

Something that company a has a or Somey something one company has a patented on or is listed as the owner has and the other company wants it so I get hired by one company to come in accounting and legal make their argument they’re like hey we’ll pay you x amount of money to

Use this patent or use this idea that you have and uh we’re going to send our facilitator to learn all about the program so then my job is to go to that company learn everything and anything I can about the program and then help the implementation of it at the uh the next

Place it’s going so right now I work for a uh pharmaceutical company all pharmaceutical or nutrient I think it’s nutrient technically is what they fall under and I’m helping them put in a data analytical program at one of their manufacturing plants so it’s a super n nerdy super

Boring job but I really like it and I’m really good at it so I’ve kind of found like a niche job that I really enjoy doing sorry I kind of like info dumped on what I do there I was trying to answer your question I I can talk about

My talk about my job for hours again that’s why I don’t intend to find a full-time gig streaming or do anything like this is because one my job pays me very well allows me to do stuff like this because I have enough money to where I don’t need to like work couple

Jobs and at at the same time I like what I do you know it’s it’s it’s a challenge every day which is makes it fun I mean you have to really love statistics and operational management and dealing with people but it uh it’s rewarding in its own way when you like

See a project come together and especially when the company you’re being contracted by like starts doing really well because of the new system you put in it’s like hey you know I made a impact here okay not the people part it’s again it’s not for everybody you got you got to really no

And I I will not tell you guys who it is due to confidentiality stuff like that I would appreciate not guessing either all righty kayen thank you for sharing the live did I miss any follows Drey thank you for the follow man I appreciate sorry I missed your follow

Earlier trying to keep up with it as best I can today how do you get good at building just play time man Gavin thank you for the follow welcome welcome I don’t even you guys say I’m good at building I I don’t really see it there’s some truly

Incredible content creators on Tik Tok that I’ve been seeing lately now that I’ve been streaming for or streaming more and uh they’re incredible Builders I just I just have a lot of play time this is about the only build style I got is I can build in modern that’s where my

Strongest build pattern is definitely going to be modern style you get like these guys that like build these like traditional stuff and it’s just incredible have you personally come up with these designs yeah so everything you see in this world is designed and built by me I have a uh super flat world

That’s just a creative testing world where I build everything first and I build and look at block pallet block pallets and test my Redstone and stuff like that and then once I confirmed and I like it over there I bring it into this world Tony I’m from New

England Gavin thank you for the follow I don’t know if I missed that earlier we are making our way through this zigzag pattern slowly but surely I’m only kind of losing my mind doing it did we hit 90k I’m showing 50 6K I think you hit your like limit

Again might have to leave uh you might not like my answer I’m a Pats fan but I’m a super LAX Pats fan as you know I love football I really do I never got the Allure of like falling in love with a team the only team I like or I guess I

Don’t know how to put it let’s see here uh I’m a Tom Brady fan solely for the fact that he left the Patriots and basically put on the biggest Fu in sports history of bellich going you’re nothing without my system and then him coming back and winning a Super Bowl

With a team that hadn’t done anything in years Aaron thank you for the follow Nate thank you for the follow so I love I played football all through high school all through college loved it just never I always love sports never liked watching sports never get

Into it if I wasn’t on the field and actively participating it just didn’t feel the same didn’t have the excitement do you like hockey I don’t dislike hockey I like watching hockey uh games in college I like going to the hockey games that was fun being there never played hockey can’t

Skate I tried to skate all that stuff never I can’t I can’t skate we’ll uh we’ll begin and end it with there do you like UFC uh I watch anytime there’s like a major fight but I can’t say like I’m going out of my way to watch pretty much I’m not super exciting

I’m either at work or I’m at the gym or I’m uh I’m playing games so if it’s not checking one of those boxes I’m probably not doing it we are making our way through this awful pattern repes thank you for the Roses appreciate it brother I can’t believe you guys tricked me into

Doing this it does it it will look so good but even when we get all the way around the entire build doing this it’s going to have to do the whole thing again where’ you play football in college again getting a little on the edge of personal so will not answer that

I just played at a small New England D3 College you know I get the Josh Allen thing a lot I really do I got that back when I was streaming last July I just just uh I don’t know where it came from I I’ll go out on the LI I I guess I

Look like him enough people have commented it that it just uh just happens out that way hasn’t been too bad oh that’s not for you guys you guys can ha a I’m sitting here clicking over and over again I was a outside linebacker so I was in our heavy package

Doesn’t look at coming through the screen but I’m 61 260 lbs I’m not uh I’m not little you know the camera adds 20 pounds but I can kind of hide behind it you know what’s funny is I got bigger after college ball than I was in college

Ball I have like time to like properly pursue lifting right now and it has gone great oh it’s gu to be night time because I can hear the skeleton spawning behind me all right so our zigzag pattern is coming along kind of hard to see with the grasp

Here do you go by King to not give out your real name kind of I mean I’m not hiding my real name but I’m also not not getting it ker has been uh my username forever I mean God 20 years ever since I could create usernames ker has been my username so it’s

Just tradition how come zigzag Moss so what we’re doing with the zigzag Moss is we’re going to put Green carpet in between and it makes like a diagonal pattern that I used over at my uh villager breeding or villager Hall and I let chat vote on which one to do

And we agreed I’m going to say we agreed they decided the zigzag pattern look bad look the best sorry not bad the best Huxley thank you for the follow pton thank you for the follow Ryan thank you for the follow welcome welcome I like this idea oh it looks great not going to

Lie when it’s done it’s a phenomenal looking pattern the problem is is it’s so many zigzags and even after we’re done doing the whole thing with zigzags we got to zigzag the whole base again with Green carpet so it’s a lot of uh w or sa sa sa

On my keyboard over and over and over again code thank you for the follow welcome welcome it’s not Ikea is this Ikea oh did we get through all the netlix songs hold on I got to figure out where my cursor is on my actual PC no we got

Another hour okay I don’t want to accidentally cuz I listen to a lot of music while I play games I don’t want to accidentally get into some copyrighted stuff and have to deal with that would not make a ending when the stream but Lorenzo thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome but what time is it it is 4 o’clock okay I have till 5 to play today can you create a server like sever like views to join in the afternoon yeah you can see him right there uh I am planning to make a server or a

Realm sometime in the future I don’t have an exact date I’m not the most technical person uh believe it or not even after explaining what I do for work the computer sides of things I have people for so I don’t know how to set any of

That up and before any of you guys offer because we have that in almost every stream uh I would always want to make sure that I was the one doing it just so that nobody nothing went wrong I’d have to keep my own finger on the pulse so to

Speak I’m going to put my name on something like a server I’m going to want to make sure that it’s run Totally Above bar fair enough right starting to get into the part where I’m losing my mind Bryce thank you for the follow welcome welcome I think I can create play

Together yeah death I appreciate the offer I really do I’m just I’ve always been a solo player uh besides very occasionally playing with my IRL friends who play two weeks a year if that uh I don’t really play with other people I kind of just my favorite part of the

Game is kind of just zoning out and vibing and the most involved the most the closest I’ve gotten to playing Minecraft with other people is streaming bringing you guys in that is the closest I’ve gotten to playing Minecraft with other people and I’m not opposed to it I just haven’t

Ever really played with people who play Minecraft let’s put it that way Joey thank you for the follow like I like playing with my friends but again we kind of talked about it earlier they’re big two maybe three weeks they’ll get you know a set of iron armor build a house and then

They’ll die lose their armor in a cave and then not pick the game up for another year you like rave music yes so I listened to a crazy amount of I listen to almost everything last year in 2023 I had 177,000 minutes on Spotify if that summarizes how much

Music I listen to I’m almost constantly listening to music all day at work whenever I’m streaming and playing games and stuff like that Joey thank you for the follow welcome welcome but uh so I listen to everything from EDM to trap music to house music music to uh divorce

Dad music been listening to a lot of divorce dad music lately I don’t know just Creed has definitely like reentered my like daily playlist and I don’t I don’t know from where but like I listen to like really really fast trap when I’m at the gym or

I’ll listen to like remixes of Katy Perry songs at the gym so I get pretty much everything I don’t know but I can only play so much music through my stream I don’t want to deal with any sort of like copyright or issues I see some people who just straight up put

Spotify on the back of their Tik Tok stream and I got to imagine that’s not the best practice so I usually if I’m playing games usually it’s low-fi music in the background of Minecraft easy enough to do not a lot of it is copyrighted when I’m not doing that

Though I do neix which is who we’re listening to right now they’re a pretty great band I love a lot of their songs so this is their top 100 and none of their stuff is copyrighted so it’s kind of like a little bit faster of a Vibe for the stream because it’s a

Day stream you forgot one you missed one around the corner I know I’m going back I’m going back give me one second I have to do something else first I’m going back I promise we were supposed to do this earlier and you guys didn’t call me out on

It we got to get rid of this mess cuz it’s in the way all of this needs to be taken down I am definitely not going to have enough inventory space for it you’re good all good I know I missed one on the corner I

Realized as soon as I flew away I missed one on the corner I will go back Poppy I split my stream with YouTube so uh if you ever miss a stream they’re all saved over there other than that I am Live on YouTube right

Now uh so you can go watch on that side of things too item frames have a breaking time on Bedrock yes is this start on Bedrock or console edition so this is PS5 so I am on mouse and keyboard though which throws people off all of this is done on Bedrock

Console Minecraft did I get it all sweet let me go game is getting super frame ra oh okay these go in here hey Sean how do you build so much stuff playtime my man have you tried Lego fortnite I have not tried Lego fortnite actually funny enough Sean in

Here who just commented is one of my IRL friends and he uh this world way back when over two years ago started as a realm with he was one of the players in here and uh his base still exists and I like to send him random snaps of it have not

Touched or done anything to the base since he last played cool seeing a fellow Bedrock player thanks Jacob I appreciate it there’s not a lot of us who at least stream the game I mean Bedrock Edition is more is more popular than uh Java just solely based on number

Of people who play due to the fact that it’s on every version of the game gravel I put Cobble in there because it’s cheap it’s just on everything right so when you have more access to something it’s it’s more well received you can play Bedrock Edition on switch iPad

Console uh you know tablets all that stuff you can probably play Bedrock Minecraft on like a Samsung Smart fridge I bet you there’s somebody out there who can figure that out hey ell sorry if I I missed your message how are you doing tonight today I’m so not used to streaming during the

Day all right are we happy I replaced the one in the corner are we happy can I are we happy that I flew back and fixed the one in the corner you guys called called me out like 10 times good I’m glad we’re happy I fixed it what’s the first first

Build what first build I don’t want do you have live schedules so I don’t uh have a live schedule I always my promise for 2024 is to try and always stream Sunday nights and if I can’t stream Sunday night I’ll stream Saturday night and I’ll let you guys know because it’ll be

On my page all that good stuff but during the week things get tight because usually when I’m out of work I’m straight into the gym so finding time to do it then is difficult Tess thank you for the follow Gavin thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome so if I ever have a day where like work runs long and I don’t have enough time to go to the gym I’ll hop on a stream so any stream during the week is kind of like as I’m available but there will always be a stream either

Saturday or Sunday nights unless I’m like out of state or something like that the first build in the world o difficult thing so I have my starter base which I guess is the first build in the world I guess that counts right that was you know 5,000 plus days

Ago the oldest Farm in the world is the iron farm we flew back I’m back from the morning welcome back Ian I know you you’re good welcome back hope you’re doing good are you going to watch the live fights tonight I am not I’m actually getting drinks with an old teammate of

Mine from uh college so he he is in town he let me knew he was going to be here so I am going out to get drinks with him and his new girlfriend who we came up with which is why I got to get off at 5:

Because I need time to get a shower and cleaned up and shave I’m scruffy right now how was your day Nash I’m having a great day Christ or Christy I’ll go toz is back welcome back toz Poppy I have not played modded Minecraft the closest to modded Minecraft I’ve had is I played

A good amount of Sky Block and we also did a super flat Survival series uh for a little while are you going to do a pattern across yes So eventually let me go sleep real quick we’re going to pattern this Chris okay it’s so funny there’s so many

Entities in this area now my frame rate tanks are you Christian I’m C Catholic all right I don’t know I haven’t been a church in years I was raised Catholic if that counts Nash thank you uh what am I making I’m got conned into doing a pattern I’m going to say I

Got conned you guys picked the cross or the striped pattern I definitely got conned into it but so this carpet or this is moss carpet right and when we’re done with the Moss carpet we’re we’re going to do Green carpet and it makes like this zigzaggy look like the lawn

Kind of mode pattern so hard to picture now but eventually when it’s done it’ll all come together a little while ago we flew out to my villager trading Hall and you can that pattern is done entirely out there as well it looks really good it’s just super annoying to do because I

Got to do this zigzag pattern over and over and over again you’re one of the happiest streamers I’ve seen you seem happy I’m just enjoying it Danny I app I really appreciate the support I mean people ask like why how did you start this streaming thing what made you want

To stream I just got Tik Tok sent me an email one day and said hey you qualify for live studio and I’m like oh cool what’s that it’s like oh you can uh you know live stream to Tik Tok and I’m like you know I’ll give that a shot and ever

Since then just the support and the community I found in here has just been great so I just am genuinely just happy and enjoying streaming and what’s even you know it’s kind of on my fault is I streamed a lot the beginning of last year pretty much

Anytime I loaded into the world I had my live stream going and we did a bunch of different series and all that stuff and it was a lot of fun I had a lot of good followers still have a lot of them and then in July I just quit

Streaming and I just for no real particular reason just work got really busy and the gym got really busy and anytime I played games it was kind of just me time and I didn’t want to have to answer questions it was nothing to do with with anybody or anything like that

I was just I just didn’t want to to answer questions I just wanted to have my music in you know have a beer and and play Minecraft then uh turn of the Year came around and actually my friend he’s in the Stream somewhere I saw him join was

Giving me crap that I had this great platform and great followers and he’s like hey you’ve done nothing with your stream you should really try picking it back up and I posted a Tik Tok and uh my Tik Tok did really well and a bunch of my followers who I hadn’t really talked

To or interacted with in a long time were like hey he’s back he’s back he’s back and I’m like I kind of obligated to come back so I opted I did one stream and just almost immediately the support and all the followers who are still from me with back then were just just

Immediately there and I’m like all right part of 2024 is I’m just going to try to be better and at least own up to one stream a week I am not in the Marines I uh I do not serve in any of the Armed Forces my dad is career military in the

Air Force though so kind of where the the vibe comes from R thank you for the Roses Aaron thank you for the Roses I miss some streams Yohan Johan Connor Nash trust uh Chris Michael and big boy thank you for the follows welcome welcome everybody appreciate the support we are

Almost at 200 followers on the stream that is astronomical that is super crazy I love all of it thank you guys very very much and 65,000 likes I know there’s you guys are in here trying to blow up the likes trying to break 100K and I appreciate that as well Ivan thank

You for the follow Len that is quite the name do you have any mods I have several mods they’re in here uh they’re not uh nobody’s doing anything that they need to act on I appreci uh if that’s you asking I only let people mod who I

Know so people who I know IRL are the only people I’d let mod in my streams and that’s not a dig on anyone that’s just you know I I don’t want I don’t know if safety reasons are the right way a right way to quote it but we we’ll go with that

Way wh thank you for the follow welcome welcome Ivan I don’t know if I missed it but Ivan and Ivan thank you both for the follows two Ivans in a row appreciate you guys thank you for the follow Caleb thank you for the follow welcome whiz with the double follow

Thank you very much appreciate the follow are you guys happy I moved the simple Wyatt thank you for the follow welcome when did you start this world so this world will be two years old on February 2nd and I can promise you to stream this February 1st I don’t know

What day of the week it is yet I will do a midnight stream because we did a midnight stream for the one-year anniversary of this world I will do a midnight stream for the 2-year anniversary of this world as well uh how long are you going to be

Live for so so I have plans tonight so I need time to shower shave get cleaned up so I’m streaming for another or 48 minutes so at 5 o’clock Eastern I do need to get off February 1st is a Thursday okay looks like I’m taking Friday off work and we’re doing a midnight

Stream So the two-year anniversary of this world I will be doing a midnight stream going into it and we’ll do it that way did it last year do you have infinite Moss yes well I do and I don’t so I have a moss Farm doesn’t work right

Now I don’t know what broke it or what went wrong but it’s not working but I have an incredible amount of moss reserves so all I’m doing in case you’re curious is using pick block so all that is is just a button on my mouse that

Allows me to pull items out of my inventory without having to go in my inventory to select them is it Java or Bedrock it is bedrock Edition so it’s not creative mode I’m not spawning the moss in all I’m doing is taking out of my inventory using a

Completely vanilla command that you have to set on your system you’d be amazed how many people don’t know what pick block is like I’ve used this for years you used to be able to do this on Legacy Edition way back when on PS4 and I’ve just played with it

For so long I didn’t think it was like this hidden secret but people are always uh curious about what it is yeah so you don’t automatically have it on I will say that you need to go into your settings and assign it to a key so anytime I’m you know I have it

Sounded to my scroll wheel so when I click my scroll wheel pulls it out of my inventory I’m glad you enjoyed it Jacob I hope you uh thank you for following I hope you do find me again I will be live tomorrow night I’m taking like I said I’m taking

My parents my sister and her uh boyfriend out to to dinner then uh after that I will be getting on and uh streaming so I don’t know what time I depends on how long dinner lasts but after that I will be online vibing with you guys again place the block break the block

Break the block here we go we’re so close I know we’re only halfway there Cara we got to put all the the uh Green carpet in too uh I played outside linebacker so I uh I was in our heavy package I camera doesn’t do me justice

But I’m 61 260 lbs I’m not a not lith and actually it’s funny now is I’m actually bigger now than I ever was when I was playing college ball Carly thank you for the follow welcome welcome all right that is all the Moss done my sanity is still intact the Moss

Is done and and I’m haven’t gone insane it’s a good sign now we can do the same thing with Green carpet Nash uh I’m not going to tell you where I played I played for a small D3 school though so nobody nobody super super fancy you missed a single block there’s no

Way I a if you’re right I appreciate you catching it but I really hope you’re messing with me yep you’re right good catch nope I’m thank you for catching that a I appreciate it see this is why I like you know I will say this since I started streaming

And recording videos you I don’t miss a lot much now because you guys call me out quick if anything uh if I miss anything at all you guys are on it do you like soccer I played soccer until second grade when I was eligible to play football

I have nothing against soccer uh one of my best friends in the whole world uh I guess she counts too one of my best friends and his his wife uh they met in college she’s one of my really good friends too she played college soccer

And lot of lot of fond memories having a few beers and then going to soccer games to cheer so kind of like my sake on all my other games is I don’t don’t really find the joy in playing it but uh I’ve watched a lot of it like in person and

It’s you know nothing against it ow all righty back to the Grind I should have brought Moss carpet with me cuz I will find moss carpet placed wrong in here break that so I’m have nothing against socer again I played it until I guess first grade and then second grade

I was eligible to play flag football peee football and then never went back oh it’s we agreed it’s going to look good I completely agree with you that this this pattern with the with the uh carpet looks great it’s just a nuisance because I got to do that like a

100 times I used see if I can hold on I might be able to oh it kind of works give me more all righty does an iron farm work over the ocean anymore mine works just fine over the ocean in my Industrial Area favorite TV show best y level for

Iron in the mountains find a mountain biome and you never need to like bore for iron ever sleep favorite TV show loaded question uh basically I love Reacher right now I don’t know if I have an all-time favorite show I got to think what would be an alltime I honestly don’t know maybe

Avatar last air bender uh I love that show did not was not a big fan of Kora the legend of Kora uh I don’t know that’s such a good one but I I if any you guys saw it there used to be a uh show called

Chuck and I used to watch that all the time too do I like anime yes so I did not watch anime at all growing up just never interested me we kind of had some I I don’t like the terminology but kind of had some weird anime kids in high

School who would do like the Naruto run who didn’t necessarily keep themselves too clean like the stereotyp you know what I’m getting into the stereotypical stuff and that kind of deterred me from watching it then uh one of my best friends in the whole wide world was like

Dude you you got to sit down and watch it I’m like no I’m good no no interest in that at all then uh I got covid of all things and was forced to I got Co bad like 103 degree fever for multiple days

On end it it was it was rough and I was just bedridden for about a week and I’m like you know what I’ll try it right Watch Attack on Titan loved it watch Sword loved it and just have just been picking away at different ones here and there ever

Since I don’t know if I have a I don’t know yeah we’ll see I don’t know if I can pick out a favorite one because I have like a top 10 and they’re wish washy all the time like it’s like some days I’m like oh this is my favorite other days I’m

Like ah no this is actually my favorite makes it really hard to choose have you watched Eminence and Shadow yes season 1 was so goated I I did not get the same level of like enjoyment out of season 2 I really didn’t like season 1

Was so good season 2 it it was like they were like trying to get through as much as they possibly could in such a short amount of time you know it was like oh here’s this Arc we’re going to make it two episodes Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen yes I saw

Season 1 and the movie I’m waiting for season 2 to stop airing so that I can just binge watch it all in one go again just like everything else in my life I kind of have to schedule when I’m doing stuff so between work and the gym I

Don’t have a lot of free time and also gaming and streaming now so sitting down and watching a whole bunch of anime I have to be like okay I know I have two hours free here I’m gonna sit down and do that it stopped aing okay so that’ll probably mean that’s going to

Be like a Friday night uh sit down and just bomb through as much of it as I can and before anybody asks I’m on uh 700 something for One Piece I’ve been working on that for like two years that is consumed a substantial amount of my

Time what do I do for work so I’m a work systems facilitator so I kind of went into it earlier basically think of what I do as uh corporate project management instead of getting into all the details kind of like I did earlier I do corporate project management we’ll go on

That that’s Moss carpet I have not watched Naruto or Dragon Ball yet they’re on the list I I fully intend to watch them but I have not gotten to it yet they’re on the list I promise I will watch them one day but I don’t have an i

You rocked me last time an Enderman was over here do you have a video on how to build your iron farm so Hayden I don’t really do tutorials simply because everything I build in my world bar a few things I completely design myself and my iron

Farm it’s reliable it works I have six of them across the world I’ve used them have never run out of sense building them they are not the best there are more qualified people I say qualified on YouTube to help you out with that problem I wouldn’t want to give you a

Farm that wasn’t the best farm it could be stronger an ax or a sword so axes can break shields uh and do more damage to Undead mobs but swords are better for like PVP if they’re not using a shield I mean it doesn’t really make a

Difference to me I mean I have a really good sword and a really good axe so I’m not like I’m hurting on tools at the moment what are the potion effects on you so it’s not potion I have beacons in the area so I have speed strength and

Regen basically just allows me to be more or less Invincible when I’m at my storage base so they’re not potion effects they’re Beacon effects and I’m not using haste cuz I don’t want to accidentally instamine something I shouldn’t I was using haste earlier though oh max level

Beacons so let me fly up real quick so I have a beacon on all four corners the front two give me speed the side two give me strength and regeneration so that I’m never ow I’m never uh out of Beacon effects in this area Naruto is my

Childhood I got to catch up how do you build a beacon oh so in order to to build a beacon you need to create a or you need to kill a Wither get a Nether Star and then it’s three obsidian five pieces of glass and the nether star and

Then you put that in uh onto a pyramid of iron or Emerald or diamond gold uh even netherite if you’re being so bold I do not have a netherite beacon I have up to a diamond one punch yes love one punch one of the first animes I watched incredible see one is

Goated uh I love the fight with gos but and the fight with baros is dope season 2 the animation is not as good but still [ __ ] still great I’m super excited they’re making season 3 and that UFO table is the one making it they just got asked help from

Another popular Studio I can’t name the can’t say the name of it yes where’s season 3 going to be streaming on I don’t know they haven’t even announced the release date yet I don’t think I know it’s going to be 2025 so it ain’t going to be anytime

Soon I’m happy no one spoiled ji- Jitsu Ka in me I mean Tik Tok spoiled it I got a pretty good idea of everything that happened not uh good old internet doesn’t usually mess around usually pretty quick to let me know but uh still little things I’ll

Still watch I mean I’ll still watch it to watch it you know what’s like showing for you I’m showing 70,000 70,000 and we did hit 200 new followers I appreciate everybody who has followed this stream thank you guys very very much for 70,000 likes and 200 new followers to the page

I appreciate it guys welcome all right I cannot believe you guys talked me into doing the zigzag pattern I’m losing my mind here oh come on now uh am I out of Green carpet yet I’m not still got more Green carpet to go just watch anime we do it so I’m

Streaming so I can’t be watching anything right now if I was watching anything I wouldn’t be able to keep up with comments and I don’t want to feel like anybody’s questions or uh what they’re saying is being ignored I want to do my best to keep keep up with it C dog

There we go oh my gosh place the carpet right I’m only kind of going crazy they really got you Zig they I’m losing my mind a little bit that’s very kind a thank you Nash I appreciate that man I’m just trying to do what I can

Do also if you guys don’t know my chat’s displayed over here so when I look over I’m not looking at the camera I’m looking at the the chat screen that’s why I keep turning my head like that like Tik tok’s displayed up here like I have a monitor above M and

Then I have OBS running to YouTube over here and then both chats are over here so I can try to keep up with Tik Tok and keep up with YouTube at the same time gold I’m doing good man so if you guys ever hear me like talking to somebody

That’s you don’t see their comments it’s because their comments are coming through on YouTube hey gold I’m currently working on the storage base we spent the first part of the stream completely tearing out a mountain and now I got talked into my Tik Tok chat my Tik Tok chat talked me

Into doing this zigzag pattern this whole thing hey pton how are you doing favorite food o depends on the mood like I love ice cream and I Love Popcorn like I like snack foods but uh right now I’m cutting so I’m trying not to eat like crap so I’ve

Been eating a lot of uh Caesar salad like grilled chicken and Caesar salad and man a good Caesar salad you just yeah you just can’t beat it like there’s a lot of good fried food and stuff that taste good but a good like homemade Caesar oh so good it’s probably not the

Answer you guys are expecting so I’ve been uh Hey Apollo how you doing I have been working on this world for a little under two years the one or 2-year anniversary of the world will be on February 2nd which I have recently learned is a Thursday so I’ll be doing a midnight

Live stream for the 2-year birthday of this world the thing in my left hand that is a totem of undying so for whatever reason my hearts were replaced to zero this kind of gives me a doover to make sure that I don’t lose my levels my life my items stuff like that

Basically makes me live in Ely Bailey thank you for the follow Joseph thank you for the follow appreciate welcome guys I think we’re getting to the point where it’s just lit up enough that I don’t have to worry also this horse might be bugged into that wall cuz we’ve

Been doing a lot today and that horse has been there the whole time I was higher levels I was over 500 a couple weeks ago I just keep burning replace the blocks under the leaves with sea lanterns so underneath there is actually Stone uh smooth Stone I like it

Because it kind of looks like a void like the pattern with the leaves mixed with the smoo underneath kind of makes it look like you’re looking into a gray void so that’s already deliberate appreciate the suggestion though oh I gotta catch up Bailey Joseph emojis I don’t know what your

Name is Meg and uh tan thank you for the follows welcome welcome so the singer is nefix also no all right so we’re not full proof yet sleep oh something came through oh thank you for the Roses appreciate it Anarchy thank you for the follow February 2nd is a Friday so that’s uh

Sorry let me put it that way February 2nd is a Friday but we’ll be doing a midnight stream uh uh Thursday night into Friday for the Oney year anniversary that’s what I meant to say my bad is there going to be an entrance to the gate or you just flying in and out

Flying in and out so the nether Hub is connected and then anytime else I just fly I mean I’m so dedicated to my elytra you have a great rest of your day Nash I appreciate you hanging out all righty but yeah so Thursday night into Friday there’ll be a midnight stream of the

World did you stop the super flat world I did and I didn’t so I still have the world I just haven’t been streaming in it oh thank you for the Roses appreciate it oh am I finally out a Green carpet I’m finally out a Green carpet got to get

More uh later on bro have a nice you have a great rest of your dinner too Aon jce thank you for the follow Juliana thank you for the follow welcome I don’t know why I’m using a crafting table I’m pretty sure I can just do this in my inventory yeah I

Can this isn’t painfully slow to do all right that should be more than enough to finish out all righty then let’s get this done it’s 4:30 still need time to shower and shave and get cleaned up but oh that’s Moss want to get this done also got to film The Stream

Recap got to do it well all this fun stuff the elytra is getting worn yeah unfortunately I’m pretty sure it’s my last one too my my other ones are all pretty damaged from when we were doing the witch farm and flying around a bunch hopefully I won’t have to fly

Around too too much more though CU I should have enough carpet now Force I Hab it just to fly everywhere might have to slow down on likes getting raided and rust oh good man 70,000 likes is still absolutely wild I appreciate all of you guys crazy good stream

Today I can get Phantom memores I got to my Phantom Farm I just I don’t I don’t even know if I built it I think I ran it for like an hour and I don’t think I’ve run it since I don’t even think that thing’s connected to my nether hub that might

Just be a lost Farm out in the world somewhere it’s h might I bet you it don’t work no more that Farm’s two that Farm’s 1.19 old favorite build in the world o loaded question I love my starter base it’s like quaint and nice and it’s probably

One of the most aesthetic builds I like the cathedral I know eventually we’re gonna have to finish it I’m pretty proud of this build my new storage base my nether hub’s really nice I don’t know again like my favorite foods favorite songs all that stuff might totally depend on the

Day thank you sebie I appreciate that uh let’s see oh I don’t know how to pronounce your name delmo and Steven thank you for the follows welcome welcome hopefully I pronounce that right you know what’s really annoying this one corner of this whole island is considered a tiger so we get like the

Dark leaves is what it is Cameron bradden thank you for the follows welcome welcome come on place the block there we go oh we’re so close to being done the carpet place place place place place place place place place place only again only slightly losing mind never mind I got there boom

Back to speed you’re going right for it ye I appreciate appreciate it a come on there we go so close to being done with this awful zigzag pattern place it so close to being done with this nightmare Davis thank you for the follow welcome welcome I keep accidentally tripping

That’s why my screen shaking is I keep accidentally tripping uh the speed to and Sprint because I’m clicking too fast on my keyboard is what it is give me this n give me this this nope do what I want you to do Vic thank you for the follow welcome welcome all

Righty we’re done we’re done with oh no we’re not now we’re done now we’re done with the awful awful zigzag pattern I don’t know how I let you guys talk me into that I nailed it but it does look good I I won’t argue that it doesn’t look good but man was

Out of pain to place we’re going to have to terraform around a little bit but uh I think it came out good and now we know that the entirety everything within this fence is spawn proof and there’s no way in hell I missed one and if and if I did so be it

Today so be it I’m so done with the zigzag pattern oh so done with it Phantom Farm connected so what I’m all right I I explain that better so let me just get rid of all this Green carpet cuz I don’t need it we’re done with that this is empty

So oh I still have some in my inventory that goes in there I not going to bother sorting this this goes in there [ __ ] it that can go in there too this is all just wool yep I didn’t use as much wool as I thought I was going to that’s a good sign

Thinking so we go back through here so what I mean by nether Hub is my entire world is connected through the nether cuz it makes getting around a lot easier now my oh there’s a slime in here no it’s a Magma Cube so everything in my

World is connected in the nether so this doesn’t look like the nether but trust me we’re in the nether so like all of these individual Farms like all of this stuff is all connected through the nether because it uh it makes getting around easier now my Phantom Farm is

Somewhere in the world I built it over a year ago and I’m 90 I’m if it’s not on this wall odds are it’s not in the farm actually I can tell you hold on everything I connect to the hub gets a name so I know where everything is and there is definitely

Not because what I tell you right now I’d use Phantom membrane to name it and I don’t have any Phantom membrane in this chest so definitely lost Farm I’m sure I could find it if I flew around and looked for it but I only have 10ish minutes left on the

Stream so hey R is still in here hi little buddy one of you is going to be sacrificed to a charge creeper you should figure out which one of you it’s going to be Alex thank you for the father yeah a little bit seus I have not been so I started

Streaming again uh first of the year so I am back I remember you of course I remember you seus you were there when we were doing the cathedral build and all that how do you keep it where Phantoms the only mobs that spawn in the farm so

So you use light level and magma blocks for a more in-depth explanation I recommend checking YouTube this is your new account but same name new account same name uh I had a thought and I already forgot what my thought was it’s pretty much just white noise between my ears

Right now after placing all those zigzag carpets I’m kind of losing my mind oh I know what I I forgot to do okay uh I want to put storage across the front just like I did with the uh trading Hall I want to put storage right

There so I did move but that’s not why I stopped streaming I stopped streaming just be because uh I just I just one day I just stopped and I I don’t know why I don’t I don’t have a good excuse as to why I stopped streaming I just one

Day I just just up and stopped yes my electri breaks I have plenty of water and a 10 two totems I mean I popped a totem today or did I pop it last night no when we were building a witch Farm last night I popped the totem

I haven’t popped a totem in this world in 6 months and I did it exactly how I said it was going to happen is I flew directly into the ground because I was using black glass to build the farm and was not paying attention I I know sebus and I apologize

For that I I did make a promise as the 2024 is I’m going to stream every uh every Saturday or Sunday night there will always be a stream uh on my page uhoh okay Cara thank you for the happy weekend I appreciate it so this is the

Industrial area there is over 30 farms in this area and this is actually where I used to live out of for my old storage so 4,999 days I lived out of a storage system that looked like this no automatic storage just kind of maintained as I went oh excuse

Me but dude thank you for the follow I can’t tell what your name is but thank you for the follow welcome welcome but this is the industrial area are you only live on Tik Tok right now so I am live on Tik Tok and YouTube so if you ever

Miss a stream here on Tik Tok all of my lives are saved over on YouTube so this is one of two industrial areas actually so I have this area which is my industrial area and then I have the mass farming area which no twitch or why no twitch or

Kick so dude it’s completely up to you whichever one is easier for you to view on uh it isn’t like any sort of goals with this just kind of kind of chilling with it so if you want to sub on here sub on YouTube completely up to you I

Know twitch so I didn’t like twitch because they delete your Vlogs after a while so I want I know on YouTube any of my lives there will always be saved right so you know a year from now you can go back and watch any of my lives not saying anybody would but

They’re all there right it’s an easier platform to keep content saved on but so this is the mass farming area this is definitely going to freak out dude thank you for the heart me I appreciate it Z thank you for the follow welcome welcome we’re going to see if the world

Wants to load we’re we’re we’re loading a lot in a very short period of time and if you’re here for that World Tour man my world did not enjoy loading uh a lot of different farms at once here we are that worked okay Cara thank you for the

Perfume and The Tick Tock thumbs up and the you guys are going nuts with the Don right now thank you very much but uh this is my mass farming area not a lot of farms in this area but all the big ones so like this is where you guys

Asked where all my wood and stuff came from uh this is where all the bamboo comes from and it fills this fly up real quick we actually built this on live a very long time ago but it’s just three flying machines works very well we kind of get a view

From up here we also have my huge wheat farm so I use Target blocks in my sorting systems so I need a ton of wheat this is where it all grows that’s just uh H course fruit so you guys asked where all my um I can’t think of the

Names right now end rods came from so all my end rods come from that farm my sniffer is the most useless mob in the game not not the most useless I mean Sil frish are pretty bad but I have a disdain for sniffers just for how yeah

We’ll move on Nether wart farm this is one of my many iron farms around my world you know thanks to my sniffers I have all of the uh all of the ancient seeds I have my goat horn farm and I have my bees in this area oh as well as foxes for sweet

Berries no idea why I built this big of a sweet berries Farm but I have a sweet berries Farm see you later making brownies with little sis have a great night car I appreciate being part of the stream but uh where what happened to the little castle so the cathedral is still

Around slime farm is underneath the industrial area so we’ll go back to the industrial we’ll go back to storage and then I’m going to uh end the stream there because we’ve been going for over four and a half hours Shadow thank you for the follow welcome welcome all righty

So if we go back to the industrial area Shadow I oh I don’t know how to pronounce your name thank you for the follow mysterious thank you for the follow welcome welcome so what was I coming here for oh yeah slime farm so hard to see through the glass

But right down there is a slime chunk and underneath that is my slime farm the build that took the longest is going to be the cathedral but the new storage base is coming up on that so this is the slime farm underneath my Industrial Area fov set to9 the same settings I use

On apex kind of a weird comparison but that’s just the fov M used to so this build is doesn’t hasn’t taken as long as the cathedral but this is like the recent big build so this is my new uh storage base so today we put the fence on we did

A bunch of mining out the back you know it uh it’s coming well eventually I need to terraform all of this it’s on the list just haven’t gotten to it yet oh no oh no I’m going to act like I didn’t see it moving on I’m not doing any more

Zigzags today guys I can’t do it even that little bit thank you Eric I appreciate it man it’s a lot of play time how many deaths do I have I I don’t know I did see it I know I’m not fixing it I don’t want to no more zigzags I

Can’t do it it’s been well over a year since I’ve died in this world all right but yeah so this this build’s probably the longest it’s not as long as the cathedral everybody in here if we’ve kind of been pitching it the whole time but if you missed anything and you want

To see the world I have a 5,000 day World Tour up on YouTube we did it live here on Tik Tok and YouTube it is still up there you can go back and watch it it goes over every Single part of this world it’s about 2 and a half hours long

You can slide through and look at what you want to look at or what you don’t want to look at and no offense or or anything taken here uh yeah I’m running out of words to say my brain has just like stopped working Hy Austin thank you for the follows I

Appreciate everybody who is part of the stream today we had 80,000 likes 9,000 views 230 new followers over a th000 comments you guys have been absolutely awesome and I appreciate all of it I will be live again tomorrow night taking my family to dinner then uh when I’m

Back from dinner I will be going live on both Tik Tok and YouTube again if you missed any part of the stream just to put it out there all all my streams are Saed on YouTube you can go watch him back there wre you have a great night

Jayon have a great night Joseph I think you’re GNA be the last follower of the stream I uh I will see you guys all tomorrow stay safe stay healthy take care of yourselves have a good rest of your night guys guys and gal guys and gal and everything in

Between I got to find my Q where’s my mouse it’s lost in one of the screens there it is all right now bye and goodbye to YouTube as well have a good night guys if you’re watching this back in the future and you made it this far through the live VOD or live

Stream I don’t know what the correct term is have a good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Destroying a Mountain’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-01-13 22:15:15. It has garnered 38 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:36 or 15756 seconds.

Come chill with me in my 5000+ Day Survival World Farmtopia!

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  • Minecraft server

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  • (formerly hisparquia) is a cracked vanilla anarchy minecraft server with no rules that started on August 2020 running on Minecraft 1.20.4 The world is 4 years old, it has never been reset, and is over 700 gigs in storage. (hisparquia) es un servidor de minecraft de anarquía de vainilla agrietado sin reglas que comenzó en agosto de 2020 ejecutándose en Minecraft 1.20.4 El mundo tiene 4 años, nunca se ha reiniciado y tiene más de 700 gigas en almacenamiento. Read More

  • The Worst Players Minecraft Server! Semi-Vanilla Adult-Community Survival Whitelisted

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  • 🌊

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Screaming Goat: Still loved, but stay off my screen

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  • Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft

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    Minecraft meme - versi @MCXbedrock #litAF “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #minecraftmemes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discover Unique Peripherals Equip yourself with top-notch peripherals to enhance your gaming experience: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: Logitech G213 RGB Headset: HyperX Stinger Core Powerful Laptop Components Ensure smooth gameplay with high-performance laptop components: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H Graphics Card: RTX 3050TI RAM: 16GB DDR5 SSD: 512GB Recording Software Capture your epic Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge – 100 Days in DUO CAVE World!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge - 100 Days in DUO CAVE World!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Days of DUO CAVE ONLY World in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by IsKevin on 2024-08-02 22:00:39. It has garnered 45093 views and 1002 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:13 or 7633 seconds. 🙏 Donate here: In today’s video, My friend and I survive through 100 days in a Modded Cave only world! A world filled with dangerous caves, mobs and massive dinosaurs! Join us as we strive to make a living and conquer the dangerous caves in Minecraft! #100days #minecraft #minecraft100days Become a channel member and play with me on… Read More

  • Unbelievable Scary Story in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Scary Story in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What’s This Thing? 😯 #minecraft #scary #shorts #ai #story’, was uploaded by Minecraft X Scary Story😱👻 on 2024-04-30 15:08:34. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    HARDCORE ULTRA Full DIAMANTE Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Me Paso Minecraft en HARDCORE ULTRA || Full DIAMANTE || Episodio 3’, was uploaded by Hamboldor on 2024-09-12 18:56:55. It has garnered 76 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:22 or 862 seconds. Hello, everyone, in today’s chapter we will get the full diamond with the help of the ñatos villagers and we will explore the nether in search of a fortress Previous Episode 👍Like to keep it going. Instagram: Don’t forget to Subscribe 👌 @hamboldor #minecraft #serieminecraft #minecrafthardcormode #creadordecontenido #hamboldor #youtubegaming #uhc Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art! Watch Now 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art! Watch Now 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART 🎨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Viallity on 2024-06-18 14:54:10. It has garnered 10381 views and 346 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! AsteroidLord’s Epic Fail in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! AsteroidLord's Epic Fail in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When 2 Idiot’s Play Minecraft..’, was uploaded by AsteroidLord on 2024-04-16 20:36:54. It has garnered 1308 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:05 or 125 seconds. SUBSCRIBE _______________________________________________________ thumbnail by: @imdudeman tags: (ignore) faduuvr jmancurly gorilla tag valentines space update gorilla tag swamp old gorilla tag with mods gorilla tag copy gorilla tag copy on applab gorilla tag mods gorilla tag ghost trolling gorilla tag ghost encounter gorilla tag copy with mods monkey project vr kintopet vr kintopet horror gorilla tag hacks how to get gorilla tag how to become a… Read More