INSANE LOOT! 1 Year Hardcore Minecraft Storage Upgrade

Video Information

OD everything’s weird I don’t know what’s going on everything is broken already welcome everyone how are we hope we are well hope things are good hope we’re doing the things of the stuff of the variety of the things right do it check music cuz that’s usually broken on

Here as well when this doesn’t update and that’s the wrong button Audio Oh audio is working cool I think we’re in we’re good we’re live we’re doing stuff welcome everyone I’m good Aiden Ginger Ginger is it look different for you cuz um I’ve lost compatibility mode for some

Reason it’s not my overlay anymore I can’t do it it isn’t a thing so yeah you basically have to watch sideways now guys I’m sorry I apologize so yeah that’s that’s just how it is unfortunately but today we’re going to do some storage cuz we’re going to go uh

And bring all this down bring some more stuff in and bring it all the way down and we’re going to add another layer I’ve decided this is the need because I feel that like as good as this having this sort of stuff is it it’s not good

Overall I feel like we need more storage right I know I added in all of the chests beforehand but I think we can add in a load more like semi manual dude yeah are you actually at the stadium now Joe also Joe I’ve lost compatibility mode for some reason I think they might

Have taken it away from us which kind of sucks if I’m honest but it is what it is oh did I not do another gold or apparently I didn’t there you go see that’s why we need it yo how you doing Canadian welcome back bro welcome back

Uh another gold or that can go into a smelling system I don’t need that on me right I’ve got an idea oh I feel all alled out today we’re all good it’s all weird everything’s weird on stream everything’s not working properly I mean what is going on in the house of

Commments of marks right I close my view account it was really bugging me yest last stream and I’m going to hide all My Views don’t need to know how many of you are there we can just stream and it doesn’t matter right I kind of also want

To do some decorating today just some little bits little tweaking because obviously we got rugby in like two hours so we’ve got two hours to get things done we’ve got plenty of resources hopefully plan today to get things done uh Redstone I kind of want to create a

Redstone area storage so howy doing bud what time do I normally go live on Saturdays now now is my usual time 11:00 well between 11 and 12 and then on until about 2 3ish depending on what I’m doing is usually the plan for a Saturday if I’m honest uh Greenery we need Greenery

Chest so I’m thinking more with regards of storage do we put things where things should be right rather than having a storage unit like we’ve got here where everything’s just in one place hey gy it’s 8:00 a.m. for you right now so yeah whatever your time is now is my usual go

Live time how you doing griffy welcome back so I’m thinking right all the stone stuff I initially said was going to go in the m in the mountain over there and all that sort of stuff but kind of do I play I used to I don’t anymore you’re on

Your lunch break oh you’re at work aren’t you of course you are BS to that hey J thank you for that follow and also Lou thank you for the follow also I got no alert sounds um everything has updated and it has broken all of my

Stuff all right so let me just see if I can change it for Tik Tok uh I can’t change anything I can’t change noises how do I change the alert sounds it was in here last time was it yeah basically everything is broken it’s like I’ve got no alert sounds I’ve got

Nothing I can do alerts here we go I can add an alert right hang on we can do this there we go right that’s that that’s that add Source in done cool we’ll bang the alert and we’ll put you guys sort of I don’t want to do it too

Much cuz I think we need loads of followers cuz we’re massively popular we’re not put you in the top left all right there you go cool done sorted easy how are we thank you for the follow Lou and J thank you guys so much welcome everyone we’re doing pretty good cast

Welcome am I live on Tik Tok I am Tik Tok YouTube twitch I’m live on all of the platforms doing all of the things twitch for some reason it’s a little Tik tok’s a little bit broken today um I’ve lost my um compatibility mode yeah I’m

Live on Twitch ripm is the name on everything because I like to keep it all nice and simple um so here we go let’s go with where my mind is at the moment it’s Racing 100 mph so try to keep up buckle up um right I’ve uploaded quickly before I

Start anything else quick little plug for the channel I’ve uploaded the latest YouTube video to Tik Tok so if you want to watch it in two parts it’s on Tik Tok now it’s my most latest videos check them out but if you want to support me

Properly go over to YouTube and watch it there cuz um it’s about this and it’s bloody awesome it took me ages right um so I’m I’m thinking with Greenery do we create its own separate loveliness of storage right over here somewhere so like rather than having just all of my

Storage in one place do we put it over here a little bit you know what I mean do we kind of move stuff I’m doing pretty good Wells how you doing and series how you doing hope you’re good I’m doing pretty darn good we won the

Rugby so we are winning it life you know what I mean do we put do we move this to like here do we move some stuff about do we create a little bit more of loveliness is that what we’re doing by the way guys if you don’t what this is

This is super flat Minecraft um all of this has been placed by hand as you can probably tell to be honest it’s in the layers on the mount it looks like a render distance is really low yeah it is my render distance is low I had it oh

Actually I can turn it back up yeah I’ve got it at 12 so it’s still 12 chunks I might be me just uh bang it up to like say uh 14 I do 14 chunks all right I do 14 mainly because uh my PC likes to die

There you go there you go I’m doing pretty good Ted how you doing welcome to the stream hello there hello mag how you doing also log welcome dude I say create more stuff but don’t move everything that’s yeah that’s what I’m saying if we create more of an area we can kind of

Like link stuff up you know what I mean so like obviously that’s a greenhouse that is literally a carrot Farm that’s all that is so yeah different layout because basically Tik tok’s live studio thing is updated and it’s caused me a whole load of

Problems I kind of want to do a bit more with those there’s a lot I need to do like interior we need to sort of work on this I kind of so this is where the question is right do we take this further down and put more storage underneath and basically

Create this again but further down right or do we uh not do that and just sort of deal with sort of some shulkers in the middle cuz like we’ve got all this empty space where realistically I could put some chest here and then this could be

Leaves and then over here could be um I don’t know what other blocks you know what I mean I can put like a load of stuff you just D dude nice man welcome across um yeah YouTube’s the one for some reason that I kind of really want to

Push if anything but I it’s just cuz I need to get the money the monies you know what I mean I think that is the plan if we can do all of that get that what I’m getting my auto clicker I getting Auto clicker nice like I kind of

Put some chest systems in here maybe fill this corner room with a little bit of a decoration or something super cler yo let’s go you’re first the one and the only man camera switch up yeah we’ve moved some stuff uh basically my uh this the whole of Tik Tok decided to reset

And I’ve lost everything dude oh wait wait it’s amilio thank you so much for that follow subscription on YouTube thank you appreciate it I forgot is oh indeed Ser D Shar appreciate it dude makes my head look smaller does it need to be bigger oh up

Them res I don’t think it works like that do I need to make it bigger do I need to make my head bigger do I need to like make it the camera bigger or are we good my hair is out of control you Subs oh dude thanks so much

Man appreciate the subs on YouTube guys I really do um but watch my videos instead that’s that’s what I prefer Let’s uh let’s figure this stuff out I really do you know what I want to do one one day not now we’re going to go around

And fill oh we already are like fill at least one chest worth of everything I kind of feel like that would be kind of cool although really painful actually now I’m thinking about it it’s just strange I’m used to your face being huge is a big face I mean it’s a big fat

Face I watching good that’s what I like to say I love that love that lovely watch as many as you can that’s what I appreciate to be fair that’s dedication that’s what I like to see oh right let’s get it done for Ser take gifts and Joe as well thank you

Guys really do seriously appreciate it um yeah this is where I’m kind like I said I’m kind of lost in the idea of uh what do we do with regards to storage because like obviously we’ve got all of our main blocks in here but do we

Consider the fact that maybe we can do a little bit different do you have a bed in every build yeah pretty much I Tred to I try to that’s literally genuinely what I try to do cuz if I’ve got beds then everything’s good right if you’ve

Got a bed I mean you can just sleep everywhere I mean why not why wouldn’t you have a bed everywhere you need to be sleeping I sleep through most of my world um I’m genuinely considering a video uh where we’re going to be doing a uh structureless world right so I’m

Tempted to do 100 days of I Survived in structur super flat blah blah blah in a baron Wasteland basically I’m kind of thinking that might be a good idea for a video and sort of see how we get there what Farms have I got pretty much all of them apart

From anything that’s automatic I don’t like Auto Farms really too much if I’m honest I think they are a little bit too op and yeah I’m kind of not into that sort of thing just purely down to my own preference i’ like to have uh a little

Bit of a say in what I’m doing and then I kind of do everything like I would I don’t have um what don’t I have actually I do have a couple like some random Redstone ones I’d do but I won’t do like TNT dup in like cuz it it’s dup in at

The end of the day I’m not a fan of dupes you know what I mean what does that do c spot on you want VIP I have to do on my phone give me two seconds Dash VIP car spot I got Please spell this spotting Sam thank God you’ve got like a

Relatively simple name to add as VIP there you go bro I I’m I used to by the way it’ last for one stream only um but if mon I’ve got really lazy and just have not un vipd everybody else who doesn’t need it basically go I’m just going to run

Around and throw a bit of bone meal the reason you do bone meal guys just add a little bit of life to it uh adds the textures basically and uh it looks pretty good then we’ll put some trees in in some places and see what looks decent

But I kind of want this to be like a Windswept Hills so maybe leaving it plain is kind of a Good Thing heyen Luke welcome bro I don’t want to do too much of just you know placing of the blocks today cuz you know that’s what we did

Yesterday and the day before and the day before we spent like all that time the never doing to be honest not a lot did we we didn’t really get much done well we did we cleared a load of lava but that’s not really doing anything let’s see how that

Looks uh I think that looks right that took way too long to eat right let’s have a look I mean it start to look a bit more like a meadowy kind of feel to it let’s have a look yeah that looks a better by the time we had some trees I have a

Little bit more of some stuff actually looks quite good what do I think of the rugby the rugby was good man I hate the first half I was scre I literally shouted out at one point in the uh in the Press stand and

Um I kind of got told to sh by minut I think I just kind of like felt really awkward cuz I just started screaming at one point and I was like yeah I probably shouldn’t be just shouting at things yo Ser how you do buddy welcome to the stream on the

YouTubes bro is how you doing okay welcome buy hello there that’s why was going to change it to yeah that’s what’s broken like all of my stuff’s broken all my alerts are broken everything’s broken on YouTube uh on Twitch Tik Tok even nothing is working well I don’t know

What has happened if I’m honest with you um that always that feels like an OCD thing now every time I come down there I go straight to that every single time and I’ve genuinely got no idea why I do it it’s just now pure habit two more gives us away is that

Eight it is isn’t it is that eight we got oh I mean we could just go and get one more block no hey welcome to the stream of the things right we need to do a lot of get like all of this stuff needs to kind of go

Well that needs to go to the end ooh ooh we could go get some skulls and we could do some more eggs we could do the eggs that is what we could do a shout is it that is a shout we could do that actually maybe maybe uh or we can build

Lights lamp posts let’s build some lamp post instead screw it we’re going fancy we’re going lamp posts what do we need electons oops to that off lanterns I think we we’re going do some building screw it we’re doing some texturing and paths and stuff like that

That’s what we’re going to do I need walls I need walls Oak Spruce trap doors and a slab and if I remember any of this guys it’ be a bloody Miracle all right yeah should be fine should be fine let fences right I need Leons where Leons

Are in here boom Leons oh I’ve only got seven I can make seven nice cool wood don’t need that I need wood planks I need fences nice I need trap doors nice I need slabs need more of those um L Lantern got 40 nice okay we can

Make 10 out of the lanterns oh my God I forgotten the other things stone walls stone walls oh we have absolutely smashed it I’m a genius I remembered things what was the other thing I needed slabs that’s it it’s a simple build it’s a simple build we just need some slabs

Oh Jesus okay easiest build in the world coming up you’ll never you’ll never guess how good it is guys it’s going to be amazing it’s not it’s average at best right where we at mistakes like so I feel like like eventually maybe one day perhaps we can actually get something

Going where like the world looks good like we can oh nearly vences no slabs why did I get sticks for is there a reason I got sticks was there a reason for Sticks no don’t know don’t know don’t know don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing right

It’s fine let’s go chck these in and then we can put trees up around it so uh that Lantern needs to disappear and we need to just go right here going up by two nice and simple this is like one of the easiest ones to build cuz all you then do is

Just grab yourself a lantern that’s wrong idiot go and on top of there there’s a slab nice and on side the slab is just for of these should not put the slab on that slab is causing me a hell of a lot of problems get out of this slab just come

Back thank you right why is this so difficult to place thank you Jesus right boom and then all you need is four lanterns and you’ve got yourself a lovely beautiful wonderful average looking wait what why are you not placing it does go off the slab did I

Say it was easy I lied all right I lied these are very difficult complex things to build um especially when you got the brain cell of a with idiot needs to go on the actual slab because it needs to be at the top the scumbaggery of this is

Insane thank you I don’t know how it’s going to look being there though it might be a little bit too in the way but should be fine hopefully cool how’s that look that looks really tall and skinny why is it why does it look like this if

I went too high have I screwed this up I love how I said I was going to remember it and it’s an easy build it’s been 2 seconds I’ve completely forgotten oh it is it’s cuz it’s one you idiot right me I got to tear it

All down and move it down one block this is one thing about Minecraft I wish we could like just tweak a little bit like if you just bring it down one BL like oh it also doesn’t help it this is like this okay does that look better okay yeah it

Frames it better and I can bring it down one it’ll be fine yeah it’s going to be fine it’s going to be good it’s it’s it’s going to be what it is all right that’s how we we going to roll cannot believe this this is stupid

This is stupid stupid why have I decided to do this why why oh that’s right cuz I want to get rid of lanterns like all of this this such a good build it is a good build but I mean it’s stressing me out already it’s been like 2 seconds I’m stressed with

It we build seven of these so we got to be a bit little bit sparing on where we’re putting stuff at least I’ve figured it out now where to put put things facility how you doing you in New York right now dudee nice why are you up so early wait

28 in my head that doesn’t seem right you know what I mean that doesn’t seem like the right thing you know what I mean that that sounds like you’re lying to me I know you’re probably not that’ be why I couldn’t reach it cuz it was too tall

Fact are you live no I’m not no I I might be live eventually though at some point now this is a recording I just happen to guess what people are saying at the right time how you doing Penny welcome to the stream though yes I am oh that’s that’s

Better maybe it should be there though I kind of feel like it it’s a little bit in the wrong place this one is go here let me two of these oh this is a nice and simple build dude your cat woke you up nice see cats are cats are

Great cats nobody even people who say they like cats They Don’t Really they don’t really like the cats trust me trust me I know things I don’t I don’t know anything let’s be honest I’m playing craft at this age right nothing wrong playing the craft man what’s going

On follow me Chanel thanks much for the follow welcome hello there we’ve got this done though this is a hell of a build I tell you what like I think I could have added chains to have it a little bit lower but actually I think having that height up there is a

Is quite good I was genuinely tempted hey Sarah thank for liking the life I really do get genuinely appreciate that hello That I like it with the L like the lantern if you if you get rid of the lecon and you put in a red stone to um bulb torch thing Redstone bulb um what you do is you can then put a daylight sensor on top and then they’ll come on

At night and go off again which is kind of cool like that’ be quite a good little um little thing to actually have I think so like now the lights have come on but I think they work quite well and I’m pretty sure if I get rid of this

Light do a light level check we should still be good on lighting and we are I think yeah we’re good so I can get rid of like this one over here hopefully oh no see we got light issue here now so it just mean that obviously as well as

Having the lights on like these uh we’ll stagger these going all the way through because they’re going to be like our main features we’ll have to use a little bit you did these in your world as well shopping nice I like that they are in my

If you want to know how to build these um to be honest not that difficult but you can just go and check them out over on my YouTube channel I’ve got a uh in actually in the video where I do all of this it’s in there like how to build it

If you’re that if you are interested if you’re not then um I screw you it’s fine you’re allowed to not like it it’s fine yeah I am going to be at Megacon um in Burmingham next Sunday not this Sunday the Sunday after I think it is uh if I’m

I got no idea when it is I I book the tickets and haven’t really pay attention because that’s how I roll right I don’t know what’s going on 99% of the time that’s fine I’m going to put another one like here I think another one can go in

This little Gap there and then if I break this how much have we caused ourselves a problem oh we haven’t yeah we have this one cool so this one here should hopefully solve that issue I I think maybe who knows let’s have a look Bosch if this solves the problem I’m a

Genius I’m not a genius but I mean we we could pretend all right guys let me have a moment for two SE right yeah thank you I wish I had a better way of like doing inventory you know what I mean I wish that’s the update I would like is the

Inventory update I don’t know what they would do where are you from I’m in the UK F see I’m in the UK I’m doing the uh the Minecraft of the things of the stuff um what have I said that for that doesn’t make any sense yeah I’m in the UK um

Doing the oh you scumbag we can solve this we can absolutely solve this with a shovel nailed it I’m a genius I’m so damn good at Minecraft right anywhere else red no cool so a little bit annoying though when it rains they still come on oh the light ones well when it

Rains the lights come on is that how that works no what time is in the UK right now it is 12:30 in the middle of the day so so it’s like what is it 12 yeah 12:32 it’s noon I don’t know how you would say noon well it is noon in it

Just the middle of the day it’s the middle of the day uh need those those those three more to place I kind of want to put one maybe here let’s go here why not and like I like to um like I’m creating the walkway with them so that

It looks as good as it well can do essentially is you know being the build that it is it’s not going to look amazing and mainly cuz it’s me building it but like I want to create Pathways today I want to work on this uh I was

Going to do storage genuinely I was full wholeheartedly going to do storage and then I saw how big the uh the task was and then gave up basically is what happened dude that’s that’s how it works out yeah I kind of got into a position

Where I was like I don’t know what I’m going to do and thought nah I don’t really want to do more storage I’ve done storage for the last God knows how long oh that’s why it looks weird it’s in the wrong hand there you go better yeah that’s fine I want to put

Another one Place one I can get rid of you pretty confident I can get rid of you wait where’s my bow G why is it what right you just stay in there right light level checks oh scumbaggery um uh I’m going to have to put a torch I’m

Going have to hide a SE Lantern or something under here with some Moss yeah we’ll Moss the we’ll Moss the edges I don’t know something like that we’ll Moss it we’ll Moss it we’ll Moss it hopefully we’ll see what happens uh let’s put another one right about here

And I kind of want to do this I like to use these at the bottom to like genuinely hide the uh like what’s it called like the bass bits cuz I think they look terrible and plus it makes it look like it’s a bit more um secure and has like

Actually a bit of purpose behind it cuz sometimes like things in Minecraft look flat right I don’t like flat in Minecraft as I don’t know you probably can tell cuz I play super flat and I’m making the entire world not no longer that basically um but like I kind of

Want it all to look as good as I can get it that’s the main oh for God’s sake right we have to go around and sort lighting out like like lighting really if I had a bit more of a brain what I could do is I could genuinely do this as

It goes rather than doing it like now so as I’m placing all of this rather than placing these I should probably Place stuff into the floor like check where it is and put floor and then I can like go over the top of everything would make a

Lot more sense I have one Lantern left uh or Leon sorry so let’s get rid of you put that there put that there there actually it kind of works cuz there may be one more there but at the moment I think we’re okay cuz we don’t know where

Like the edge of this is cuz I haven’t got that far with the terraforming just yet so I think I think we’re in a good we’re in a good position everything’s worked out pretty well for the seven that we’ve got in and uh yeah it’s going to look decent

I think it looks good which is the main thing main thing is it looks okay and it creates that sort of more more of a garden effect actually if we’re going to make this into a garden we could leave Leaf why can’t I hello oh you’re on the

Oh of course you are like why would you work I mean that would be an absolute Abomination if you just that worked okay so that looks fine that looks fine I don’t like this here let me just fixed it right perfect yeah that looks fine uh yeah it looks good they

Will lean inwards so you see the colors nice yeah that looks better cool create a little bit of what way are you able to get leaves so you can do bushes and put LS on them yeah so what I’m going to do with these lanterns is I’ll take these

Out and I’ll hide it with moss Reese I’ll show you what I mean uh let me grab some bone meal first have a little nap and grab some bow meal right bow meal and sing Yeah so basically what you do is uh like I showed you in the video I’ll um I

Will do a load of Glowstone or whatever like sort of blocks underneath normally I go with Glowstone you’re a better Builder than I oh that’s okay yeah see look I do that and then I hide under bone Mill and then you can’t see it under the Moss cuz the carpets and stuff

And do little little patches of this so it looks like it’s a little bit more overgrown and a little bit I don’t know just better basically that is the method oh ficity that’s really nice you say thanks so much I um I I do I do

Genuinely have to try though that is a bone blocks over here bone blocks are these I think these bone blocks no that’s quartz that’s bone that’s quartz that is bone wait is this bone that is bone yeah that’s bone oh where are my bone blocks at bro who follow me Harry

Thank you for the follow you absolute Legend welcome to the stream I’ve got like a lot of yeah I did build this house yeah there’s a full YouTube video on where you are now um it’s my latest one kind of explaining the whole process well hopefully explains the whole

Process anyway but like I’ve got plenty of leaves um I don’t have enough aelia leaves so we may have to go get some aelas and some Acacia leaves actually I’m going to go with Acacia and Oak they’re the leaves I’m going to go for love the world dude thanks so much man

Appreciate it Arch even Jesus Christ with that archery Jesus why can’t I read Harry thank you for liking the live as well man welcome to the stream uh yeah we got loads of these they need to go somewhere else and they’re spares so like this is the sort of thing I have

Loads of extras of composters by the way composters work really well as uh plant pots so if I just show you what I’ve done like here obviously I’ve got to put um some like leaves and stuff in it to actually no no no you don’t FG off whereas there

Are aelia leaves aelia leaves are really good I’m stuck ah um I’m trying to figure out what I done with bone meal I may have to go and grab some uh let’s going put these back so I don’t need the woods no I don’t I don’t

Need Woods I don’t need Spruce we don’t need that we don’t need those and we don’t need the sticks sticks go over there and that’s Oak cool right you follow me again thanks so much man appreciate it dude I love your world it’s so cool see I know it’s all right

It’s all right it’s not getting to where I want it to be yet so we’ve still got a long way to go which is kind of a good thing and a Bad Thing dude thank you it looks decent I do like the world like the way it works out is

Really cool like I think it’s just one of those ones where like once that gets done it’ll look a bit more immersive and just trying to like make everything as immersive as I possibly can it’s what I want to do like I want it to look like a normal world

Without it like looking like I’ve made it a normal world if you know what I mean cuz obviously at the moment we’re at a stage where I’ve come down here for something I’ve forgotten bone meal grab some bones from in here no in this one bone meal and some Moss can you to

Yeah there is tours uh there’ll be one coming out soon uh in 50 days that’ll be another one cuz we’ve got uh 2,000 days of Minecraft is almost up uh so yeah if you want to see the world tours they are in my Tik Tok and I believe I’ve even

Got them in YouTube uh cuz I’ve got them saved doing their things basically this is an issue Oh see now this is where the issue is I need that to like trigger every so often hey don’t know back dude yes so there is a fact one the fact this is

Good we’ve only oh yeah I don’t worry about that Steve man I yeah I’ve kind of accepted it you should see what my average on Twitch is it’s horrific it’s like two yeah this is sort of broken um I haven’t quite figured out why if I’m honest because like I’m giving it plenty

Of time to change it just doesn’t well change basically doesn’t like me man the game doesn’t like me it hates me it’s an absolute nightmare like it’s something to do with the water flow or something causing problems break thank you break again one more but then the both should line up

Hopefully now yeah no okay so we end up then we like yeah let’s see these I don’t I don’t get it man it’s my Redstone clock yeah I’ve this is on a redstone clock but then this doesn’t work enough on a redstone clock if you know what I mean like I I

I’m not good with timings and stuff so I’ve got to try and figure this out and why it’s not working really but I’ll get there eventually maybe one if iuck can be bothered um I’m going to remake this anyway cuz I don’t like it I’m going to

Put in its own like housing and all the rest of it I just need to grab a little bit of whatever it is so that’s all fine cool I didn’t need that much cuz we’ve got plenty uh actually ooh I could do have a Sher box right

Now oh there my white W I forgot to change awesome I’m I’m an idiot right yeah let’s go that dude hey J what’s this ripm aite mon what’s your favorite color and the rarest name that you’ve ever seen in ch my favorite color is orange I mean it it kind of goes without

Saying like the red orange of like a sunset that deep orange is beautiful right it’s amazing angel thank you for that follow um trying to get my wheel to work on my PC your whe to work on your PC you mean what what do you mean you

Know you don’t run with hamsters uh the the weirdest name I’ve seen in chat um the weirdest name I’ve seen in chat Christ um I have no idea I can’t even think of a name steering wheel oh mean steering wheel oh that made make more sense have

I gotten Birch yes I have cast we got it uh about 50 days ago so I played Minecraft for 1,900 days before I got Birch could you imagine it’s a travesty um the best name I’ve seen in chat the best name I mean ripm is a

Pretty cool name I mean that is that is where it’s at I’ve just remembered why my uh POV was so low so you guys can see this when I was doing it I do have it it’s a Java um Farm though so just so you’re aware the rarest name how do I

Know what the rarest name is in chat the rarest name in chat M swamp M swamp has been in the chat there you go yeah M swamp’s been in the Stream quite a few times so I’d go M swamp there you go if you don’t know who he is he’s a uh

He’s a super flat God who does the things of the stuff variety of the Minecraft in he’s pretty godamn good at it as well right you take a stack that’s enough Cobble can just go in the system I don’t care that’s F yeah if you’re playing on Java uh you can quite easily

Do what I’m doing now uh my Farms are on Tik Tok and YouTube so everything I use is on Tik Tok and YouTube heymont what’s going on we are doing paing and stuff I thought you weren’t going to be doing today yeah I was uh today was the plan

It was yesterday I didn’t stream because I was at the rugby Cup final which we won baby I say we won as if I played didn’t play what’s the name what’s the cat’s name jelly it’s a Jelly Cat it’s got to be jelly homage every day we got to say hello to

Jelly I love jelly that’s it’s like I I love the just the story behind it as well like the fact it’s like one of the um like it’ll always live on if that makes sense it’s so cool I love it it’s cute as well right so the reason I’m

Doing all of this right is so that basically I can take this light out I forgot I actually am doing lighting and I forgot lighting right basically I like to add of moss cuz it just looks a bit more ink and it makes it more alive it

Doesn’t look too strange am I live on Twitch am I’m live on Twitch Tik Tok and YouTube I do all three of them um mainly at the detriment myself because it seems to really be killing my twitch Channel because my average is two two is my

Average I mean we don’t talk about it cuz I get upset but it’s fine it’s fine it’s like they know that I’m raming the audio and video are out a syn are they actually what on Twitch no it’s not is it genuinely is it really how think no it’s

Not you’re lying to me don’t lie to me I can’t be it’s fine here BL it’s fine this it’s fine on YouTube yeah I go watch on YouTube if you got issues Oliver thank you for that follow really appreciate it uh right let’s go grab some glow we’re going to use glowstone mainly

Because shroom lights are pain dude do you share your lives anywhere else Facebook game gr uh I do yeah I do sometimes not always though I don’t on Facebook the one thing I’ve never touched is Facebook because I um I don’t to use my it’s my personal

Account I don’t want to be put my personal account out on there like Facebook is more my personal stuff so I don’t want to be kind of and I do need to make myself a thing though might just be me res yeah yeah just refresh it refresh it heyan welcome to

Stream um I’m going to go do some trading quickly who are the ones who sell lighting is the question I thing is the uh we may have to n to NE and get some glowstone how can you get Glowstone glowstone glowstone trade it right you can trade glowstone I’m pretty sure you

Can trade it I hope glowstone baby yeah it is yeah cool bit of XP come here scumbags all right you glowstone thank you very much oh that is a fair dink a man of Glowstone nice and guess what oh thank you two stacks beautiful is that better

Hopefully it’s uh Resort its life out dude this is the stream I could spend the whole day watching on a good day or a bad day makes my day oh man D you got to be careful it give me an ego and I am not the guy who deserves to have an ego

Nah I mean yeah keep watching that’s what it is yeah my lines are I try to do my I try to do my videos in the same sort of way um obviously they’re a little bit more staged so it is no oh yeah by the way wait where is it there is the

Bobbling the bobbl I can’t repair my boow I can but I’m going to wait for it to get really low and then repair it so it’s like try to do more how do I get ORS literally like I just did dbtv uh literally the same as I have just what is this

What I got an advert as I was what my stream just updated to ultra what has just happened twitch be good is twitch and Tik Tok still there am I still live it my what yo hey K welcome to the Stream what is just happened there Tik Tok I’m

Guessing you guys probably didn’t see that but jeez what was that it just took over my entire stream and now my stream is all just gone completely different Big Boy bro okay it’s now just decided to upgrade me to ultra right which I paid for anyway what fine oh I can’t make this

Jump right I’m not a parkor God okay leave me alone I can make this I can make this I got stuck in my farm and then I need need to now make my way out of the F that is ridiculous Becky thank you for the follow welcome to the stream of God

Knows what’s going on right I’ve got to find a way out this is my old carrot Farm uh it did used to work really well too well which is why we’ve had to move it cool and then we have to come back out and then we’re out again right uh B

Me lighting and we got plenty of light now get done dude the the real potato dude your hardore world is keep keep very good keep going I’m not going to stop we’re never going to stop Ethan thank to that follow as well welcome to the stream hope you’re having a great

Awesome wonderful average day hopefully it’s beautiful right and even if it isn’t you know what hopefully this can make it a little bit fun I’m still live good nothing broke that was so weird what’s my favorite build here so far uh I think my end Poole for me is still my favorite build

My endp was insane it took me like a month to build so I think by default I have to love it right I have to love it it took me a month this took about a month to design and work on but it’s quite plain and if I’m honest

There’s a few things that I’m kind of against like it’s a bit too plain here there’s not enough texture in the walls and stuff the end port uh yeah you can over on YouTube looks like this this is my end portal over here so go and check

That out on YouTube yeah yeah a real world month not Minecraft month no no took me a real month the purple orb you see in the middle so there’s a purple orb like here it’s a big ball in the sky that took 6 hours to place that’s before

You count like getting blocks and stuff like that that took a solid 6 hours of my life to actually do which kind of sucks there you go boom lighting hidden that’s what we’re going to do today we’re now going to hide a load of this lighting right that’s just the way it is

Uh grab a bit of bone meal and just right we don’t need those they can go away we don’t need seeds but we’re probably going to end up grabbing a load uh we can get rid of you and turn you into you place that around it and then on top

Get one of those beautiful the numbers denote the uh light levels so basically I can tell if there is a um an issue where Mobs Can potentially spawn cuz that’s the last thing I want is any mobs to be able to spawn around anywhere because it’s going to cause me a world

Of pain right bro what’s up I miss you yesterday I wasn’t streaming yesterday bro I had the day off to do the rugby which is so you didn’t miss too much luckily uh nothing oh hello yeah nothing happened yesterday so you’re uh you’re quite lucky in that

Fact you missed it so you’re all good man don’t worry about it nice we’re good to there that’s fine we got rid of that light beautiful uh I feel like I need a bit of moss pretty much right there don’t run but there there we go bit Moss there we go

Perfection cool yeah these like little Mossy patches will make the world look so much better oh you just saying you miss oh you miss me oh man again you got to be careful guys I’ll get an ego right watch yourselves uh no wrong there there there there there thank you

Cool all right I don’t need that so let’s just try and set my inventory up so it’s better there you go perfect uh don’t need that either bang that there put a bit of moss Beautiful Love To See It smash perfect woo looking good I quite like

The idea of this this is such a good way of doing lighting or you need to oh I do need that you scumbag right that goes there swap you out then for that oh this is such a faf am I just being difficult is that more

The issue or is this genuinely being a faf like it feels like a bit of a faf to muck about with if I’m honest perfect a bit of moss who doesn’t love Moss ooh look at that perfect looks so natural Harry thank you for the follow man why

Is the live like zoomed out oh turn your phone sideways that’s why it’s because basically how do I get diamond TOS in my world uh villagers man can you can you show us the portal closeup uh can do at some point yeah yeah best way to do it

Is genuinely to watch my YouTube video though if I’m honest cuz I want to get like this done rather than perhaps linger too much in a uh world that you know somewhere where I’m not actually sort of playing the game essentially uh yeah that kind of works

Just maybe bring it out this way they perfect Co get rid of the tall ones guys you don’t need tall ones in the world nobody likes them okay everyone hates tall things let’s be honest they look bad the tall the tall ones are fine in the distance but not here the numbers

Are light levels so if you notice this so basically if they’re green like this where this five is it means no mobs can spawn but the fact there’s one here means that mob can spawn so I need to place a light level to get rid of that

And I can hide it with this and then just Chuck a little bit of bone meal on the floor and then everything sounds right bang cool goodbye sweet I just do that and then it like hides it all and then everything’s lit up and it actually

Looks pretty good so I got these lamp posts and basically it looks like um that’s it basically they’ve changed my uh the way it works how many people are watching you in total Tik Tok YouTube and that I don’t know about twitch and YouTube I’ve got it turned off cuz it

Was really winding me up uh but I know there’s 44 on YouTube on Tik Tok right now which is a bit it’s all right it’s all right it’s fine we don’t we don’t we don’t worry about the numbers too much I don’t I try not to focus on it because

It does wind me up sometimes CU I’ve had a big Fall From Grace somehow I don’t know what’s going on but it’s fine I do that we should get rid of the tall ones and then get rid of this and we good to go perfect cool big ones

Happy Days it looks a bit blocky but actually it’s fine uh let’s just maybe just cuz I got bone meal on me Chuck this around we are going to Chuck some trees here don’t worry and some bushes and stuff and going to do bushes next and then we’ll do trees

So don’t worry it’s going to look a lot better than it does already um oh that looks a little bit too high with the old leaves looks a bit too overgrown does it looks too much get rid of all the tall ones it looks bad unless you have a couple hidden

Around it’s fine get rid of these looks too big why did it change the live it was better before I didn’t change it they’ve changed it they’ve changed the way that it works so I can’t see it that’s the problem right they’ve changed it so yeah the numbers are like are

Essential for the light levels so if I get rid of this like all this area can spawn mobs and they will spawn a lot because basically my entire world has been spawn proofed um cuz that’s basically how I like to play it man I like to like make sure nothing can get

In my world to cause me any issues and why have I so much in my inventory right now uh get rid of this and then if I get rid of that get all this do that better get you go that looks fine that looks fine I hate the two high tree dude some

Random man just walked into my office and how very dare they okay how very dare they what in your office are you at work should you be watching streams at work I mean I respect that kind of dedication who needs who needs a job when you can watch my streams you know

What I mean you get it I like that level of commitment that’s what I’m about right get that grab that one cool uh there should be another one which is that thank you very much sweet we’re out of here oh sh might do we’re not out of

Here I’ve changed mind I’m tempted do we grow some aelas like here maybe if I just grow this one see what it looks like see that that that how they grow it’s so bad how long did the custom terrain take actually only took one stream and not that

Long yeah I’m alone so why not fair enough if you’re alone I’m alone I got my new hoodie today um oh I haven’t got it I could go grab it but it’s I really like it I like a hoodie I’m going to wear it on Sunday when I go

To uh the meacon thing yeah see this is the problem I don’t like this tree it’s a bad tree I don’t like how they grow uh so we may have to make some custom trees and stuff yes all custom terrain as you can see uh we’ve had to build up if I

Jump out like we’ve got this going on as well so all of this was what was yesterday’s stream uh not yesterday uh Thursday stream was all of this and all of this I think was like two days worth of streams so that’s about four hours of

Work is that really I don’t like that tree I don’t have a thing on me either to sort it out anyway let’s go do some light levels before I get too distracted let’s just keep keep pling along peeps keep keep it going we got this use a rocket why not proud of me

All right uh I need a Mossy carpet thank you cool that I’m don’t be too pedantic in places Lou thank you for that follow welcome well I thought it would take long yeah it doesn’t take that long actually to be fair to ter terraform uh the thing that took the longest out of

All of this is the actual well obviously the build takes a while but it was more the actual Um what was it that that waterfall that we did over there that took ages cuz it just didn’t the water just did not flow how I wanted it to and it was just being an absolute scumbag and it didn’t want me to succeed

In life and I got to admit not a fan of that if you know pretty terrible where’s the light source for here oh it’s there um yeah it kind of really screwed me screwed me over wait is that all fine over here if it’s fine there I can move

Over here go here how you doing storm welcome back bro that can go there that can do that one that can do that and I need a one of those can go there cool nailed it AC it genius it I’m awesome I’m not out awesome average we’re looking good oh

Look at that see no light level needed let’s go baby uh yeah I like the little dashes of moss cuz if I now go up right I’ll show you what it looks like from above see how it like you’ve got these patches it looks so much better get rid of the

Numbers a second see how much better it looks it gives it like a little bit more of a Terrain and then what I can then do oh my eyes um I’m going to put some bushes in add some trees and then it’s going to end up looking a bit

More sort of like this you know oh I haven’t HD those ones but yeah like like this a little bit more uh I’m not I may not go with the spruce I’ve gone with Spruce because it I I I got really lazy in the video if I’m honest I just that’s

What I had in MYRY that’s all I had so I thought you know what that’ll Ding Dang Doodle right that’s what it is so okay uh you asking before I have just looked um two people are watching on Twitch two and I’m one of them so yeah twitch is uh

What’s the word you can’t say dead can you but it’s definitely not alive um yeah for me it’s just I don’t know it is what it is so the numbers on the floor are for my stuff Joe what time wait you’re there for the ear leag oh yeah two I passed two

Kickoff isn’t it or like 2:00 kickoff something like that half two so I be that’s when I’ll end the stream is when that starts cuz I want to watch the ruggers that’s why I’m streaming now getting it done for the peoples of the things and doing the

Stuff right Coolio right over here grab one of these Chuck that along here as well kind of want to just hide all this 215 kickoff yeah they’ll be a little bit earlier perhaps I watched Gloucester somehow nearly lose even though we won it was so painful to watch

Yesterday I was SC literally screaming almost embarrassed myself genuinely not to the point I got a little bit embarrassed by my own shouting light levels are I’m pretty sure yeah the light levels are the best thing in the world Cody they are literally like really necessary unfortunately because of the fact that

Like um I’m not sure why I’ve done that uh yeah otherwise like especially in a flat world cuz where the way things spawn in flat is if they can spawn they spawn like billions of them like I’ll show you if I just fly out like look they just spawn

Everywhere you got mobs like you wouldn’t believe so mob Farms are really efficient on flat worlds uh the only problem is though so is my entire base just covered in MO in uh zombies and stuff so yeah you got to make sure it’s good game was insane on it was stupid

Like kicking the I’d watch do but I just like that’s the thing no one likes the ads and that’s what it is I’m sat next to the tunnel on the left dude you s next to the tunnel wait is it like halfway how much are your tickets twitch equals Wales chances of winning

2% I’m a Roby fan yeah the kicking was driving me actually Bonkers every time we got like over halfway we just kick it to like kick out constantly but it was like it wasn’t even like aggressive kick in it was just you can have the ball for a bit it

Was so bad it was genuinely horrific which must must have been the game plan um cuz no one in their right mind hopefully like as a 10 would be considering that every single opportunity me and my dad were going 60 qu ticket that ain’t bad that’s that’s good for like where

You are as well man that is a decent that’s that’s good especially for a six nations ticket man I know the England ones are stupid like England tickets are insane like me and my girlfriend were kind of looking to go to um Italy next year for like a

Home game I say for a home game for an Italy game and like obviously you have you know got the weekend in Italy then as well you know which is always always a bonus um but like I was trying to find a way of doing it and they’re like not

That bad post a picture of where I am nice dude I’ll keep a look I’ll keep a lookout for you what the numbers for Finn the I swear to God Finn I don’t know if this is Finn who’s been here for a long time and knows and

Is just trolling me or whether it’s someone who just genuinely doesn’t know what the numbers are uh they’re my light levels so I can see about Mobs Can someone pi a message so that I don’t have to keep saying that my light levels are they’re for light levels so I

Can see where mobs spawn um and basically it’s just it’s helping me spread lighting out and get rid of my lanterns cuz you don’t need I really that’s one thing that if I can learn and get better at is doing this that’s what it is like cheers joke

You know I wish I could just get a little bit better at maybe doing my lighting as I go uh rather than doing what I’m doing now cuz this this takes I’m not a fan of it not a fan like here we could have like easily as building we

Could just place like a torch not a torch a um a glowstone into the floor and it would do the exact same job you know what I mean like why are the dogs barking why are they going mental babe babe can you grab my hoodie can you Gra have my hoodie for me

Please it’s up in the wardrobe at the top uh so mom’s only spawn on zero so they’ll spawn on like wherever it’s red I well show on stream that’s All I know I can hear it that’s why I thought sh so I got a new hoodie I know people don’t tend to care but I’ve got a new one right this is awesome I kind I’m really happy with it it’s one of them like boys get sads I know if you’ve seen

It but like it’s PR sweet obviously it’s got a little bit at the front there right got like a little logo and on the back that is insane I got I’m well Cho with it it’s a thinner hoodie as well which is quite nice you can wear it like like quite

Normally whereas a a lot of the big ones um like a lot of big heavy hoodies are just too OT you know what I mean whereas that’s like a nice little one oh it’s so good I’m really happy with it if I’m honest like genuinely that’s the is

Really nice it it’s it’s quite it’s not too soft though but like it’s quite a thin one uh so mobs will spawn on these zeros so light level zero is what a mob spawns on um one they won’t so where it’s green is safe red is danger

Basically so I place that and it goes to Green that’s it yeah yeah it’s a really really nice hoodie like I’ve wanted to get one for a while and I just thought not I don’t know like how I feel just about having one really so I was

Like oh um I may as well just get one for you know just have a go get it see what it’s like so I did and I got one that’s basically my story well done welcome to my TED Talk yes so I’ve got one now and it’s

It’s pretty sweet I’m kind of I’m happy with it though that’s the main thing it came today I’m really h i I like a hoodie right I kind I’m definitely a hoodie person um I just like hoodies they I think they’re just comfortable more comfy I

Don’t like Zip I don’t like Zips against my um so that’s the thing YouTube doesn’t have any Minecraft lives right now in my English language you’re the only one I’m the only person on YouTube streaming Minecraft that can’t be right surely what in what language Felicity are you putting

In I’m surely there must be other there has to be there’s no way I could be the only person doing it it’s on the pond what in you do I forget the lantern what Lantern don’t I miss a lantern VA Sunshine what Lantern oh there’s a lantern over there

Oh yeah I’m not I’m not Bob about those ones yet I’m not doing that way going this way this this it’s in the pond it’s in the pond oh it’s there thank you yeah see there’s a light level over there which is where we’re sometimes getting

Uh mobs over there so we got be a little bit careful I don’t know if TT is even still on or not at this right yeah yeah on the shore oh yeah yeah I got it I got it I got it I got it thank you so much

Appreciate it actually chist on my chat was helpful now that is a rarity that’s a lot you guys are awesome to be fair boom nice oh my map yeah look at that loud look we got a bit of color going on looks pretty sweet kind of happy with it

Though do I like football not really I’m a rugby man I’m a rugby man I like proper sport I like I like it where men try to pretend not to be hurt rather than pretend to be hurt I like it man or players should I say cuz we’ve got um

The women Six Nations is coming up and I’m actually excited for it I’ve got tickets for it so I’m like I’m like I’m I’m looking forward to it man because I I went to the um the ladies Premiership final it was really good so it’s pretty yeah it’s really really

Good so I’d watch I I prefer rugby if I’m honest yeah rugby is just a better I don’t know it’s a better atmosphere there’s none of that like like I don’t know the whole tribalism isn’t really there in rugby people are there just to enjoy the sport

And I’m more there just to chill granted I’m not there being chill but you know I’m there to support and do things I just kind of get really stressed at rugby I get really stressed I sit with my head in my hands half the game shouting and then realize it’s just a

Game and then I’m fine again for 10 minutes and then I W myself up basically I start rabeling just start shouting rabble constantly and then just I go insane genu I think I lose my mind at rugby I just cannot comprehend why my brain goes

The way it does at rugby too just too competitive that’s all it is I like football cuz I think rugby is just football except there’s hands instead of that oh really you you think that rugby is like football but with hands actually to be fair if you watch

Gloucester at the minute yeah you’re probably right cuz they just kick every single time what is the aim of what the aim of what rugby to beat up the opponent more than they can beat you up and that is a what it’s about what do you mean the stream try

Say you being more specific to the stream or just in general what is just what is the point of the Moss no there’s multiple things it could be what what’s the point of whatever I’m doing usually it’s what like just as hiding my light sources cuz I don’t like

Seeing them I’m a builder at heart and I screwed up if it’s on TV I’ll watch it it’s on TV yeah yeah Ry like usually on I think yeah like if there’s football on it depend on what it is like if it’s a big game I’ll probably watch it because

I’m still a sports person um it’s just that I don’t enjoy the the like I just like Bruno Fernandez for me is exactly what’s wrong with football like just the constant crying about everything and just the whole attitude of it is the is the issue I always say that like Bruno

Fernandez is the reason I don’t watch football like I just hate the winging like the referees need to get a grip a bit and just be like nah done you know what I mean aim of this Minecraft world oh the aim of this Minecraft world is

That the entire world is flat right my entire world is flat uh we do play with structures on let me just turn light levels off so we have structures on which is why you’ll see like empty M shafts and sort of holes and Villages and stuff and then

Basically what happens is I take it from this and I’m digging up dirt from like my ocean which we’re creating ourselves uh we’re going to have a Mesa bi over here this could be a jungle biome and then we build up hills and everything and uh yeah we just create our own

Environment so basically we’re making our own Minecraft world essentially from flat and right now I’m just getting rid of all of my lanterns because they look bad basically it’s the only uh thing which is why I’ve got my light levels on so I can actually see you know what I’m

Doing is right and I’m not going to create a giant mob farm up here cuz that’ be genuinely bad we don’t want more farms uh we’ve got enough of them and uh yeah we don’t need more is what I’m saying about Ean thank for that life man appreciate it like it thank you

What thanks dude KATU dude welcome back kuu how you doing you should keep counter of every time you had to explain how a flat world works I it would be insane that that would genuinely be insane if I had to genu if I had a cter

For each time I’ve said what what do the numbers mean how to get diamonds uh how do I get to the end uh how do I get tools netherite how do I get diamonds how do I get wood if this is a flat world that should be a phrase that should be uh

Counted if how many times someone says if this is a flat world that should definitely be a a thing how to explain how flat Works should be another one but like that’s the thing like no like it’s such a small niche of flatness that people don’t know and I’ve got no issues

Explaining it it’s just on the 16th time 16th time in 30 seconds it’s a little bit much that’s the only problem yeah people don’t know so I’ve got no issues explaining and educating you know what mean I’m a teacher I’m not a teacher could you imagine if I was a teacher

Jesus it’d be horrific you never get a lesson planed done there’d be no form of actual classes I do need another one in there I was hoping I was going to get away with that one I’m I’m honest but obviously I’m just too damn good at placing torches uh

B cool another one done and we’re looking good I think no we’re over it just random noises oh cra this was terrible uh but yeah so it’s the idea of just changing out all of them for lighting so that we can actually hide everything it just looks more natural as

Well like if I got just these patches as well looks so much better follow me James thanks so much James appreciate it netherite yeah how do you get netherite how do you get I can’t think what other things it would be like how to get um what that another one yo you know

Martinez Garcia thing you I’ve completely butchered your name and I do seriously apologize um don’t hate me I kind of I just can’t read to be fair your name could be jnan I still get that wrong I it’s James James is the one no not James it’s Jack Jake Jakes It’s the

Jakes I can’t do the Jakes and stuff like that Jake Jack Jake and stuff they that that explodes my little peee brain looking good looking good is there lighning over here I’ve already done it I’ve done that one I feel like there should be one here there is it’s there

Going too far without Moss basically right get out of this scumbags B thank you thank you very much cool looking good yeah so then essentially I’ve got twitch it’s ripm R MTS leou I swear to God that’s one way to get known on streams R see now I remember Rowan is the one

Who always wants to be known on streams so technically it’s kind of worked for your own I’m honest because I now know that you’re the r who comes in is like remember me you and Alive you get rid and also you sir get rid thank you very

Much sir right get rid of that one I do realize I’ve just placed one didn’t do it I can’t you can hear me let him start uh Bosch and where’s the other one I just placed over here cool right bom let’s Go nice nailed it aced it I’m a goddamn genius baby right you Bosch thank you you Bosch thank you cool right nailed it any more yeah over it oh there’s so much to do love your sh I appreciate that thanks so much I mean they’re average at

Best let’s be honest but that’s what we’re about we’re about the pure averageness if you’re not average then you know people expect stuff and at this stage yeah I don’t want to deal with that imagine if I have to be a good person Christ terrible right

Uh uh one M those there we grab this check this out thank you very much and bang and we grab one of those and give that perfect cool hidden hidden hidden hidden hidden I think this is the last one are we done we could be done holy

Cow I mean I’ve only spent an hour doing lighting jeez how have I spent an hour doing this I’ve G insane are we done are we done I think we’re done are we done are we actually done on this side I’m not seeing a lantern apart from like down

There I don’t care about down there at the minute up here’s the new bit lights off let’s check I think we’re good I think we’re really good I don’t like that tree that tree is got come down uh Actually I very much dislike these trees how they grow terrible Badness Minecraft sort it out uh I have a stump I’m leave a stump there as a remembrance guys so for those you who are in the Stream you’ll know why those two random things are there

It’s in memor of a terrible tree how close are we to the netherite beacon we getting there we’ve almost got another block to ad um I just haven’t done it yet today if that makes sense I just haven’t got around to it yet cuz we’re doing the old uh well lighting issues

Over here at the minute trying to solve this I say it’s lighting issues it’s not so much of an issue it’s just I’ve got to uh just sort out my lanterns really I mean we’re getting there we’ve added some lights in we’ve got it all looking

Good I’ve got a few down here to do and then we are absolutely done with this entire area which is kind of an achievement if I’m honest cuz that’s a lot of uh like how many have we got up to a Stack’s worth now like a Stacks

Worth is a lot of stuff nice cool you go there cool Happy Days oh I’ve got over there as I can’t be bothered right I’m going I’ll go to here I’ll go to here all right see this is the issue um I’m inherently lazy and uh things don’t get

Done when I’m being lazy no bad once thank You cool now it a it genius it right happy days you get rid yeah definitely need one in here yeah why semi I do know I dude what do the numbers mean don’t even start AI don’t even start I swear to God unless you genuinely don’t know then that’s

Fair but I mean they light levels I’m going to say anyway I’m going to go insane they light levels that tell me if mobs can spawn and I just need to make sure I’m like when I’m removing torches I’m not like creating a mob farm in my own base because I’m not paying

Attention properly just an easy way for me to make sure we are good to go yeah we’re up to a full stack again oh got some leaves as well um I need you go there there there cool get R of these grab a oh I need a carpet awesome

Do I grab it no there it is thank you our carpets holy cow is this the last one this could be the last one this is wait I L you on a secret guys this is the last one we’re done for the lighting over a stack of uh everything has been used so

If it says zero zero is mobs will spawn uh so if I put a block on there see the zero mobs will spawn cuz it goes red you need to have at least a uh a one basically you need a one ones are good sweet yeah so ones are fine uh

Zero’s bad which is why I kind of have torches everywhere the any other places we’ve got torches I don’t like are up on there uh lanterns on the roof I need to find a way of hiding them that’s one thing that’s got to happen dude so we’re there we’re in we’re done

The lighting is done I kind of need to decorate this a little bit I might add like maybe not gravel but like some coarse dirt or something in it just to sort of change it up a bit to Spruce it up you’re welcome I’m here all day right

Sleep it’s been a day yo King thank follow welcome to Twitch of the world of the things hello there so yeah this is how it all works out man uh you could use glowstone and caret on top yep that’s Lally what I’ve just done M are you are you going insane literally

What I just did uh okay moss in the system glowstone in the Miss system that in the system that in the system and we need to make some bone blocks and get those into the system cool uh bone block thank you right Happy Days let’s do this now the

Way that I did this previously is you can do this you hold control q and slam them all out on the floor happy days and then you’ll end up picking them all up that’s fine CH on the floor boom Oh you just got it yeah literally you it’s what I’ve been doing

For a little bit of time you’ve timed it well though to get there uh nice cool then you just go bone block thank you bone block thank you and we’re done cool easy that’s how quickly you can change bone into uh bone blocks cool so what happens now is

Everything goes up into that uh that’s a Sher un loader but it works it’s just a normal thing uh the item frames would be harder to spot than what we harder to spot than what my lighting you can’t even spot my lighting apart from my lanterns what what do you

Mean there’s not even a single thing out here there are no lights out here you can’t see no lights and also it look gives it texture I’ve textured it with um yeah look you’re telling me that don’t look good you’d rather have item frames on the floor you

Hide it in boom Mill man hide it in the bo hide it in the bo hi stuff welcome back ficity yeah of course yeah of course course dir in there it’s going to be good I think what you mean I’m what do you mean explain yourself bro explain

It uh let’s go put two lot down oh sh you some flower pots on here let’s do that how do I make flower pots bricks how do I make bricks play balls looking good King oh thanks man appreciate it the way you say my name what ptic is that

Wrong is it wrong uh item frames be had SP see I pr this I know where stuff is with these obviously this comes first cuz it is the best wood in Minecraft Chang my mind you can’t exactly behave yourselves scumbags right need bone oh oh we got this we got this I’ve just

Realized I’ve left all of this in here and that needs to go in the system as well so yeah this is an auto sort so basically if I just Chuck stuff in it a sort at the top it’s all good girl man we’re making progress like

It’s not very often I get to actually make a little bit of progress not like some is it me or is his steak lagging a lot my steak you mean stream steak streak what what’s lagging stream am I lagging I shouldn’t be lagging am I lagging shouldn’t be Rel log log log log

Log log Rel log bro relog see what happens uh PVC like the stream yes you did H yeah the way you Screech it’s funny Screech I don’t Screech it’s not lagging for you good OD thanks so much man appreciate it also not lagging on YouTube go watch on YouTube if you want

It twitch I got no idea what’s going on with twitch but yeah know YouTube is a thing be I think twitch know that I’m multi streaming it’s like cut me cut me off basically sea pickles I like sea pickles we like orange Dy cuz it’s the

Best Dy let’s be honest uh we got a bucket of fish that can go in the ocean right fish number two is going in the ocean all right no it’s better no super like okay cool emeralds we’ve got coal we’ve got which is hard to actually get

Rid of got that to clear out the reason I’ve got gas tiar in here is cu we’re making end crystals so we can build uh so we just do more dragons to get the stuff of the things right you can eat SE pickles I’m not eating sea pickles don’t

Be silly that’s ridiculous uh basically my sea pickles are for lighting in my ooh we don’t need them though it’s fine C pickles are just good things to have man how’ you get like Ethan I swear to God I’ve already told this don’t even start with me I will fight you to the

Death I will fight people right this is my dumping chest of Randomness okay that’s just where that goes right bucket of fish fish number two he’s going to be Fish Two Fish Two boom fish two cuz fish one died all right leave me alone did I get

The Birch F what we’re going do it Warden balloon Charlie thank you for the follow welcome Lego as well oh Lego hell yeah bloody love Lego I mean that’s all Lego it’s amazing bloody love it love it yes I don’t I’m getting really I do know

I’m get excited Lego what am I building Birch Forest give me bone meal oh I got this I love a bit of birch I love a bit of birch as well man Birch is awesome uh bone blocks give me two of them cuz I can do this and it gives me

22 that’s not enough cool stack in half is good and then we’re going to grab our uh saplings I think uh in here I’ve only got three Birch saplings that’s questionable okay oh I spent two hours yesterday watching all L vids dude my vids why would you

Spend two hours watching me ah cuz I’m that damn average I love that right I appreciate bro thanks so much Bruce theves needs go on the end it’s going to really bug me like they’re not in line no be in order get in order thank you very much right yeah

Birch uh and we’ll go release him into the ocean get some more Rockets let’s do it yeah you should watch you should spend even more than 2 hours I mean that’s not the level of commitment I’ve come to expect guys I expect better um let’s release him into the wild I’m

Going to Chuck him just in the middle all right that way he probably won’t try and kill himself like the other one did boom we have a fish number two go fish go live your best life he’s definitely going to go missing please don’t go missing just fly you fools right

Perfect no I can make it I can make it that is a very badly placed lighting block under there by the way got better do you have any Cherry boss and Forest no I have no biomes um so my only biome at the moment is my

Actual uh world how many days have I survived Ean I swear to God we are going to fight uh 1,954 days oh it’s fine for you CL I appreciate that man water’s good I like water water’s good yeah this is my Mesa biome so far it’s not looking great another water bucket

Uh what did I come in to do rockets I need to make more more mud which means I need more dirt which means I need more stuff Rockets can go in tour oh wait what am I doing stupid being stupid uh Rockets are there I grab 30

For now don’t mind how do you keep your mind on this game and to keep you keep on playing huh how do you keep your mind on this game to keep playing do you mean like how do I not get bored and get distracted and lose things um I don’t

Know genuinely I do not know I think it’s more just the fact that um I just enjoy it I think it’s more the issue I remain quiet and just listen to your RADS love it is it fair fair enough that’s see how it is uh I need course to somewhere right that

Can go system that can go in the system I need to kind of start thinning stuff out a little bit in here I might just BR a Shuler and dub everything in and start clearing these guys out these ones need to go over to the mountain at some point

So I might start doing that in the Stream he needs to head over to the for uh the the uh the ocean mountain mountain ocean he needs to go to the the farm if you follow me hopong hop aong frog dude thanks much for follow appreciate why did you why did you start

Flat world instead of normal World cuz I like to uh I like terraforming terraforming is what I enjoy the most um so for me that’s kind of it’s a lot easier on a flat world to terraform otherwise it gets a bit boring if I’m honest I I find normal worlds boring

Because you’re just Base building and I yeah as much as I like to base build I think there’s more to the game than just Base building it’s a bit a bit na if I’m honest I don’t enjoy that just one sort of part of the game uh the only thing is

Though getting copper is nice going mining is quite nice like doing the actual going out and getting things done which is why like if there’s the option to probably join an S SMP creat a base s SMP like hermitcraft or SOS or something like that I would definitely 100% do

That um I won’t do just like a normal one because I don’t have that time but if it’s a big one dude you’re back deck oh I built some stuff don’t you worry about that I’ve got a new uh new but I don’t know what you’ve last seen though

Depends on what you’ve last seen if you’ve seen the storage unit uh then no yes I have no I haven’t sort of thing I love to Z on SS that’s the thing though I don’t think I’m not the I’m not the sort of person for IT well I am but I’m

Not definitely not the CR Can you tame goats in Minecraft uh oh Can you tame goats in Minecraft I don’t think you can tame them how have you found all the materials oh I just spent 1,954 days that scared me I heard a creeper okay yeah I’ve spent a thousand

Days doing it so basically just grinding so hard yeah yeah you’re here welcome back epic yeah I’m just not I don’t I’m not um over sizewise and obviously I don’t know them or anything like that there’s no connection there uh show me your new storage room that’s my new

Storage room up there if you want to see it check out my YouTube video you thank for the follow man got a new video out based on that so let’s duug in some of this uh Birch which I’ve actually got more Birch over here so yeah this is the

World so far there’s a swamp biome over there that’s our new storage Hut I’ve got all this to decorate I’ve got a lot basically dark oak forest is going here um yeah what I do go to yeah I do but I don’t use them I only use them to so if

You subscribe to on Tik Tok uh you guys get a totem so basically subscribe to the channel do I do YouTube videos yes I do clo over on YouTube rmon r p m o n TS is the channel go and check it out right let’s go and uh play some birch trees

Cuz we love a bit of birch best wood in Minecraft um where do we start start at this end and we’ll bring it this way we’ll see where we end up oh torches I don’t want to do anymore oh that’s going to suck I’ve just realized lighting is an issue Indeed who followed me no one scumbags Charlie you did sorry I apologize Charlie ah you can be a scumbag if you want it’s up to you roll a bunch of scumbags right let’s do it uh right there why not that’s fine that’s all fine they’re all in a line that’s

Annoying get R of you scumbag there no no there better I don’t like that one need to go there uh better go that’ll grow M how does one get a girlfriend I don’t know I found mine on the internet I didn’t I did I didn’t I did epic how

You doing is you you should put glowstone on Birch trees hide it in the leaves so what I’m thinking is I might I might actually have um lanterns that’s the badger on the leaves so under in the trees I’ll put lanterns love a bit of birch is that all

My saplings right let’s go for it up you go Sunshine o oh that’s a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be that’s what she said all right uh go happy go thank you oh that looked out oh this looks good oh that looks

Good oh ye get rid of the tall one no one likes the tall leaves B them Minecraft get rid Birch Forest baby he says go up what do you think of gler winning the Premiership Cup come on Jerry H yeah Charlie amazing although kicking every two seconds at the start was driving me

Insane i’ I’ve said this numerous times I’ll continue to say it stop kicking there there’s a word in there that I didn’t say but you can gather it right you can guess it you can guess that word true that was I was I love the fact that

Everyone was booing them we booing our own team cuz it was just kicking constantly it’s like it’s it’s called rugby not football want to watch people diving around there’s a cow I heard a Cow there was way too much kicking going on for my lik I don’t enjoy the kicking game to be fair the scrums take ages there’s like 5 minutes worth of setting up scrums not a fan of all right oh I need to get rid of

This as well I’m out of bone meal but let’s have a little fly by and see how that looks I have no idea if it’s going to look good it might look terrible I mean it just looks like a it looks quite dense hang on I may just do that section and leave

This bear I think that works it works doesn’t it I think it works how I get saplings wanding Trader the greatest god in the world I got to get on ear so I can get stream by stream just ended I think on Twitch YouTube are we there yeah twitch just decide to turn

Off twitch has just turn off twitch is just broke come here and said yeah twitch just turned itself off yeah I reckon they know I’m multi streaming they’re just they’re canceling me basically they being canceled by twitch ridiculous yeah they just turned it off YouTube was off is it now just

Needs to refresh YouTube yeah k k if you could K if you just messag saying refresh YouTube uh just so people know to refresh K thank you for that follow man that’s ridiculous man like it’s it’s a joke I don’t know what I’m supposed to do I

Just turn it off it’s back okay Co it’s back yeah yeah twitch isn’t twitch just turned off twitch is just black screen and out completely twitch is out twitch is done just turn me off right what am I supposed to do right let’s go grab some bow meal and get back

On that bow meal Train I know there’s a lot of Mossy bow Milling stuff going on um but unfortunately it’s one of those ones that we just have to actually do uh where’s Moss over I wonder how many times I’ve jumped how many times times jumped jumps 231,000 times I’ve jumped

231 times I’ve I’ve been about to yeah twitch is out yeah I think I might drop twitch completely and just do purely YouTube and uh Tik Tok sad to say but I think it’s going to have to happen it stopped streaming me so I’m on YouTube now yeah yeah it did yeah yeah

Twitch just turns off it just decides ripm isn’t allowed to stream now it is what it is you know it is what it is it’s nothing I can do about it if they’re just going to end my streams then you know what what could I do if

Twitch are doing that to me you know they’re not they’re not doing anything they’re not promoting they’re not like in any way helping so I think I think that’s I think that could be could be me and twitch done guys so if you are on

Twitch uh I think I’m out if I’m honest I think I’m out of twitch now I think we just got to focus purely YouTube Tik Tok hello there hello there bo bo someone just followed on Twitch you kidding me just as I say that all right

I changed me mind I’ll stay um creeper what how have you spawned excuse me yeah wait how have you spawned you spawned up there oh that’s how You’ spawned oh this could be a nightmare to Hider I’ll hide in here it’s just about hiding stuff now doesn’t care about streamers no they’ve

Really um well basically they’ve just turned my stream off right now so it it is what it is it doesn’t promote small streamers they care about the big guys which you can kind of see in their business model cuz obviously it’s just pure ads so yeah I think I’m going to go just

Purely twitch and uh uh YouTube Tik Tok I I kind of want to push YouTube more oh someone’s Bing awesome yeah I’m going I’m going to stick with that then someone’s now botted my follows so just get absolutely follow botted over on YouTube Hello hang on let me just stop [Laughter]

This oh why his on screen capture why is it grabbing this that you can see everything that’s insane um hang on I got get rid of that there you f is there Jesus I don’t know why it’s showing everything I know what’s happened on my stream yeah there you go

I have to sort that out so we don’t get hello there every two seconds yeah what it’s still giving me a hello there dude let me just go save for a second safe mode uh I there cool there you are sry got rid of it so basically yeah we’re not on Twitch

YouTube are you still there guys YouTube I don’t if YouTube the thing is I don’t only lose YouTube so I think that’s the main thing I just got need you guys make sure you talk to me yeah yeah that was yada y as a jius what

What’s the yada yada is a genius what I’m a genius what h i okay he’s working Adam thank you so much for that follow for the rose man appreciate it yeah dude how do you get ORS Kai to go mad uh villag I don’t tend to actually get ores themselves uh I have

To get the blocks sort of separately so anything that’s uh like needed comes literally straight from villager villagers basically villagers villagers villagers villagers villagers are absolute gods in this world wait I may not even need that cuz his L is right there do I have a dirt block cool

Right uh we good we good we’re good we’re good I think we’re good cool let’s go light up over here then another one it yeah bone meal is like the thing that makes everything good in life it can hide all of your problems trust me bone meal and everything show me with YouTube

It’s only if you guys want to like I’m never going to say please watch on a certain channel it’s just whatever you guys prefer to do for me personally yes YouTube would be better because that I’m trying to Dy like my my old aim for this year is to get monetized on YouTube

Right and just people to watch my contract do you like Honey Buns do they have those what’s your favorite I don’t know what a honey bun is if I’m honest yeah YouTube is rmon my my say my name is the same on all Medias uh well not in

ASDA or Tesco maybe a corner shop yeah we I don’t know what honey bun is my favorite candy is like I like chocolate so chocolate is my uh is my thing I really do like chocolate I’m a big chocolate guy um yeah chocolate’s the is

The poest thing in the world for me I really do love a bit of chocolate uh I am borderline obsessed with chocolate actually I’d say like it’s my my main thing is chocolate I don’t like I don’t really like the American candies as such like the like I think the Palma

Violets are rough you cannot be saying Palma violets who who right genuinely whoever say Palma violets you are an absolute rter you don’t you like dark you like dark you only like dark chocolate and Palmer violets what is that to YouTube We Go only if you guys

Want to like obviously like my main aim is just like I say to get monetized on YouTube uh is my goal for this year because it’d be quite nice to get like I don’t like taking money from ulot essentially you lot from view I don’t like say viewers though but you know you

Lot um because it feels scummy to me like it’s a bit beggy and I don’t like that that side of content um but if I can get money from companies like through sponsorships and through video people watching videos then that’s like the dream you know what I mean pal vites

Are Elite don’t even like really Liam don’t you don’t you agree with them I like butterscotch candies Better B what is wrong with people just have a masar thing is the American chocolate’s terrible that’s that’s your big problem isn’t it you like your American chocolate stuff is let’s be honest it’s

Horrific guys it’s actually genuinely terrible uh there is nothing nice about American chocolate it is like just pure just I don’t even know what’s in it is more the issue I think like it’s just not good American chocolate like Hershey’s okay one thing I will give you

Is um what’s the peanut butter stuff Reese’s Reese’s are pretty good Reese’s Reese’s is good I do like Reese’s Reese’s chocolate is pretty damn good Reese’s are pretty good but it’s it’s more just cuz I like peanut butter a’t it you know what I mean peanut butter chocolate’s good that’s that’s about as

Much as I’m giving you guys America all right you’re going to take that you’re going to be happy with it there’s no better than Cab’s dairy milk oh like a Dairy Milk Bar just play Oh beautiful the even the Creations creation stuff with the um like the popping candy and that in it

It’s pretty good it’s pretty good I’m telling you now if you ever come to the UK people you’ve got to try our chocolate like we have good chocolate that’s why we got bad teeth we have good chocolate and bad teeth I mean what else you know we’ve got chocolate that’ll

Make your teeth fall out that is good what’s the numbers I swear to God fighting Fredo Fredo are taking the piss boycott Fredo cuz those guys he’s either grown up and got a mortgage he he is not suffering with the cost of living Fredo he is taking the absolute piss out of

The entire British Nation frog is taking the right where’s that there must be a torch round here somewhere for there to be light here oh wait I’ve already covered it up that’s how good I’ve done I didn’t even realize I’d done it it used to be like 5p fros now they’re like

89p you got sell your house and buy him rmon do I sing oh yeah I am so good at singing guys do you want me to sing more chat I think chat would love it if I sang more I do sometimes drop a few bars

Let’s be honest but no no I I really can’t see so much because of reees for Contex name is re use a t just tease him cuz his name is said similar to a chocolate I mean that is um that is brotherly love right there wait is there

Actually no o I’ve absolutely smashed it there is no need for that round there lovely you love to see it love to see it absolutely going well uh oh hello I can’t bone meal this which is a problem um if I get rid of that we have an issue over here oh

Actually we may genius I’m so damn clever guys NASA should hire me to send Rockets to space wait that spreads no this is a game changer peeps this is a game changer I didn’t realize that spread oh WR thing okay you know I said about being a genius I tell you

What get me on board peeps get me on board I am flying spaceships at this rate oh Jesus okay here we go up you go Sunshine perfect cool nailed it AC it genius it boo yeah s raw man said the same and we hate each other oh that’s fair see that’s the

Same it’s brotherly love man it’s bra love dude dude we should leave the singing at the door we should definitely not have me singing on stream let’s be honest I’ve done it twice and people left is he Ginger yeah if he’s Ginger’s de he’s done smells a fox piss and

Everything amazing I love how like that is so like socially accepted is that we can all just hate on gingers I love that about the UK the whole UK has just decided that like any form of discrimination is bad unless they’re Ginger and then it’s

Fine ins say F you there bro do you have skills and Sour Patch Kids yeah we do we do have those yeah I prefer skills I’m a smarties man myself though I do love a bag of SM a bag a tube of Smarties Smarties are insanely good I know they’re like very different

Things but I do like um I do like a good smarte would you like a smarty would you like a sweetie um those you know the meme right oh here we go oh my God there’s so much lighting lighting takes ages man watch the numbers Gumball I fight you start fighting people

Soon we you going to turn YouTuber boxing into um no longer YouTubers fighting it’s just people fighting viewers R why did you start fighting you what what was the thought behind starting it well people asking me about light levels and I was going to go insane so I decided to start fighting

People and if I lose then um basically I’ll tell you what the light levels are if I win you’re never allowed to mention light levels ever again that is a fact this way like we’re on YouTube what day are we on now 1,955 I love Galaxy minals ooh do you

Know what I used to love was Mars planets Eevee how you doing Eevee welcome back I play bedw I’m C they’re like levels so basically mobs spawn at a certain level zero above zero we’re good so basically if I remove this Mobs Can now spawn where I’m stood well they

Can’t because I’m here but I mean like they could be able to spawn where I am so I’ve got to make sure that doesn’t happen cuz super flat mobs spawn like you would not believe they are everywhere and the best way of doing it is to hide it under bone meal and

Carpets so basically no one can see it a’t that beautiful and there you go there’s no torches anywhere now and if I now pop my drone out we should if I check my map yeah mobs are there we have a bit of a birch Forest going on over here and all the light

Levels are gone and there’s no torches to be seen apart from I might have like two trees in here but yeah I quite like that little bit of birch there that’s fine little ring of it and I may just come down here with a little bit more

Clearing out as we go that’s that’s it man nice I can’t do Birch cuz I’m out of saplings are you kidding me I P stack of saplings how was that even a thing oh I’m going absolutely insane right and plus we can get rid of these torches and we don’t need them so

Win-win it just looks decent as well it looks so much better cuz you can hide stuff and just I don’t know I don’t like the look of torches out there what days do I stream I stream pretty much every day um a apart from Tuesdays and Sundays

Just cuz they’re the days I have often spend time like my girlfriend family dogs and stuff so I get to see just like they’re my days I have life basically I go outside I touch grass I don’t go outside that’s a lie who goes outside Gumball thank for that follow you

Absolute bloody genius welcome sir I say sir I mean hello there hey bu cancelled ended before started beautiful right so the idea is like just to try and make this world so if you don’t know this is a flat world as you can see very flat

Yeah yeah yeah yeah so basically yeah I I need that’s what I was saying before I really do need to start getting a little bit better at as I’m building this terrain not putting torches down and actually doing these dude have you seen it yet he has almost 30 dude yo just

Seen you in trexler’s new YouTube video it was who’s whose Video trexler’s new video I don’t know who that is I’m not in trexler’s video have you seen it yet I have almost 30 I don’t have 30k Subs yourself I don’t is that selfpromo is that what it is is that selfpromo is that your channel if it is that’s

Hilarious nobody’s watching though bro so you like just self promoe to me just to Me please tell me it is oh come on play play with us be fun this is not super fat Kieran is super flat don’t start with me bro it is a flat world I have no nothing but flatness going on my life is just flat and

Nothingness I live in a whole world of nothing think we’re good oh I’ve already done over here oh this is actually a Win this is genuinely a win if I’ve actually already done most of this oh we are in for an absolute treat I say treat let’s be honest let’s not get too carried away um it still Minecraft but oh God that Discord is for rip mods dude that Discord is for dude

There’s yeah I know right you guys can come look at the screen top left corner and figure it all out for yourselves I know right 2K World Tour there will be a 2K World Tour yes there Will why do I say super flat don’t start he’s built everything do have I done that in the flat yes right okay I should have slept let me sleep first my bed’s there oh I’ve only got 23 Rockets actually got load any tips for streaming

Um don’t get your hopes up just go for it have a go confetti dude George thank you so much for that confetti holy cow I missed it thank you so much there is a torch I’ve noticed it’s up there I haven’t finished yet so this is going to

Be the dam at the end of our thing j just link twitch your I I did see it thanks so much man appreciate it so yeah basically this is a flat world so when I spawned into Minecraft uh my world looked like this basically this is my

World flat and what we’ve done is take it from this and started to build everything that kind of needs to be built really um we’ve got our mountain with our gate coming in a little Bridge into this is a mob farm in here so that’s all hidden for a mob farm

Everything is built for a reason to hide stuff really um this is hollow obviously cuz this that would be stupid if it wasn’t let’s be honest um like if it if this wasn’t Hollow it’ be stupid but inside of here we’re going to be building a um

You don’t have to gift man it’s it’s free I’m I’m streaming if you gift or not I do appreciate it thank you uh yeah in here we’re going to build a Dwarven Kingdom I’ve started to do a little bit of a resource gather but it’s a lot um

So I’ve got AIT quite a bit of that to do over here we’ve got our Ravine this took four hour this took like two streams to make this took over four or five hours maybe six hours to make and it’s just a ravine hang on look we built

Our own Ravine it took like 6 hours to build that which is ridiculous still what cheapers on yeah we have yeah yeah this is fully hardcore so it is all legitly done on stream make sure you follow r on twit just across everywhere yeah and then we over here we’ve got our

Moss biome back a gift yeah this is our actual thing this a swamp biome that we’ve made we’re thrown together it’s got a change though this is a wood Farm Library the new storage system which is a new YouTube video out right now and that is

Pretty much it how do you get never TOs and everything you got a villagers a lot of it comes from villagers and then you sort of develop from that and uh yeah we’re just sort of building up so anyway yeah flat world where is that torch that someone pointed out a torch

To me over here do you remember where it was torch over here oh it’s there so yeah guys I really appreciate you following thank you so much genuinely good who’s following now gifting Kieran guys thank you so much man I appreciate it Kieran I thought you were already here unless it’s just a

Different Kieran um then I feel bad for shouting you’re a scumbag I don’t feel bad let’s be honest right I hi the Torches like this and then we grab one of these po it in there and then that’s fine cool nice get rid the torch cool then we go turn light

Levels back on so we can see that we haven’t screwed it up and we are looking good we’re all good everything’s good I’m not seeing any bad torches I didn’t place that give that torch how do we look now we good any zeros not seeing any oh there’s a torch right

Here so yeah basically I’m trying to get rid of torches oh yeah underneath here there’s a cave so I may have to do a little bit of tinkering underneath to hide what we’ve basically just done underneath so we got a bit of a problem down there uh I think we’re good there

One over there so yeah it’s all just about hiding stuff is what we’re doing right now like cuz otherwise it just doesn’t look legit like if you have too much going on sometimes it looks too bad or and also on the other side of that if you have

Not enough going on it also looks bad so you you got to try and weigh it up and it all works out basically there you go cool perfect and then all the light levels are now hidden over here basically wherever you see moss I’ve

Usually got um a hidden thing but if I I do it everywhere GI thank for the 21 roses as well thank you so much get get yourself on follow epic I like that DJ Kieran thank so much for the follows guys welcome what’s the nether like give

Super flat it’s normal um I like to have my flat nether as normal uh that’s purely because the um it’s just more fun like that’s the only real risk we have is the nether so to take the that away would be a bit bad I have like no more coins now I’m

Going to buy more don’t do it don’t you don’t have to man save your money seriously I know you’re on Java but do you know that uh com found 12 is it 12 NE 12 12 it’s around there for iron but if you if you genuinely if you’re

Playing um and you’re normally just going about your business this on uh just go mining go caving how do I find diamonds I don’t find diamonds I do find diamonds that’s a lie in the end and I have to go end busting for diamonds so yeah I have to go full on

End busting for diamonds or trading villagers for tools really it’s the only way oh is this our last one hell’s yeah it is how do you find stronghold you run around like a lunatic um until you find it not even joking uh okay give me two sex let Chuck

Dir there thank you go and Moss block up here go there then that becomes that that comes there to there cool Break You Ren break you grab it place it cool then now it with Geniuses cool we smashed it that’s all of our light levels done the

Only we want to do is a few more bits but we’re fine right let’s go fly how’s that look better I think maybe a tree here might look good doesn’t dirt just turn to Grass yeah it does it’s just I didn’t have grass so that’s why I was just chucking

It down Ser yeah it will turn straight into a thingy but I’m throwing down Moss so Moss is the main thing in our world at the moment we just throw down a load of moss getting it all sorted right we’ve timed that quite well let’s go put some stuff

Away in here we’ve got bit of carpet and a bit of this lovely we don’t need that that goes into there cuz we have it on my greeneries thr some lily pads in actually download My Thing the problem is that you can’t Farm them how annoying have slimes been during all this

Horrific slimes can genuinely jog on if anything else can be deleted from a world it’s bloody slimes all right I hate them so much slimes are an absolute Abomination that’s not even an exagger exaggeration Abomination no not doing it not doing it too good for that J read

Thank you man appreciate it put them back into the system off it goes gool uh I’ve got a little bit on there got spare lanterns they go in the car go uh torches we don’t need and also there fine I need more of this I’ve just

Put away my bloody Moss I’m an idiot J thank you so much why is my screen absolutely changed and I don’t know what’s going on strongholds are floating in the air yes if you want to see how my strongholds work uh I can kill the dragon super flat

Yes I have a video all about that as well um just go check it out it’s like how I something about the dragon and super flap go check it out you can’t miss it it looks like it’s a giant like purple thing I’ve actually got a

Playlist uh if you over to YouTube I’ve got a super pack playlist uh once a nether port man how to how I get nether pole so how I get to the nether and stuff uh how how I get to the end is also there and then also my latest one

Is storage how I get stuff in there as well there you go epic I’m there thanks man I appreciate it right so that’s how I roll how I get things done uh obsidian gravel I’m just thinking I’ve Got Dirt somewhere I think I’ve got Co dirt I

Want to just do a little bit more of a a thing Imaging over there heyen hary welcome to the stream man it should be in here Co dirt root of dirt course all right we make Co dirt let’s go four and four let’s go give us eight

Stacks should be more than enough Co dirt we got this one two three four gool Happy Days BOS course that let’s go stream VI I’m caller than everyone else you’re not stream viip what you about Oh you got it so it did turn my stream off and back on again then awesome cool I’m not going to give it to you just cuz it’s the same stream bro I’m not doing it I’m not doing it I’m not sticking to it today how do I craft concrete uh concrete

Is uh concrete powder you make gravel and sand so it’s I think four gravel four sand and a dye in the middle for whatever color you want it to be there you go that’s how you make it you’re welcome you’re not getting it why I’m just going to sit

My you can get tomorrow cuz I know I’ve already given some of it today and it feels a little bit too much if I do too many yeah I just kind of want to do a little bit of a pathway I don’t to look too much so I’m just doing like little

Bits yeah concrete powder is the way forward oh hello yeah I’ve got a lot more to do with all this the only problem is here is I’ve got to be careful with my lights oh wait no I haven’t I’ve put Li in in yeah boy right quickly there yeah concrete that’s

A craft concrete by the way if you’re wondering there you go BOS solved another one how do you start playing Minecraft like how old were you uh I only started uh three years ago four years ago now yeah four years ago I’ve been playing Minecraft for like four years I

Don’t I’m like still learning I don’t know too much about what I’m doing uh I’m just kind of enjoying it if I’m honest enjoying the journey yeah I’ve only ever done it when did you first get water in this world really early I got it really really early I got

Water uh because you get water from the villages so I just ran and got water from a village that was nearby it wasn’t actually that difficult it’s one of those ones that’s actually quite simple so just to grab some water there you go cool so that’s

Just like a little bit more of a path just to add a little bit more of a roughness to it where people like cut corners and stuff I think that’s sort of where I don’t really like it if I’m honest but by the time we ever grow it

With some leaves it look good yeah water was the main oh I you have to leave some inventory uh this is all fine that’s fine it’s here that’s the issue it who’s following now jok it a anybody that do sorted how does that look much better much better than natural cool to

Two seconds so you get money I don’t want you just spend coins so you get money don’t get money from rip coin dude can you get villagers on Bedrock worlds uh you can if you use mods if you don’t then obviously not unfortunately it is a thing crafting concrete is quite simple

Uh you need concrete powder and then you just wet concrete powder uh there’s some certain Farms out there that people use which are pretty well heavy to be honest uh they’re a little bit much for my likin I like to do it a different way

Where I can just sort of Chuck what I need where I need it if that makes sense uh cool where are we at I think we’ got everything there three bone meal left H kind of want more leaves I need uh aelia leaves Acacia leaves I like Acacia Le

These Acacia leaves are really good cuz they’re like really vibrant hey you doing babyc to the stream welcome back how are you doing have you change your name to baby girl cuz I don’t remember there being a baby girl which sounds horrible if you had

The same name yeah okay see see I wasn’t a bad person little boost right there that’s a bit too tall be yourself thank you or you just Spam the bushes about cuz it makes it look so much better like you just sort of spam them in like they

Don’t need to be too precise it’s just that you kind of adding a little bit more of a um a detail to things rather than having just like a plain green world or you know just a plainness it just kind of takes it away from being plain

Okay that’s fine so you end up with a little bit more if I come up it’s not going to look great because obviously I’ve just died some about but yeah we still trees to go in I like this Greenery around here so it looks like

It’s a bit more oh it’s Cur yeah there you go see yeah see see I knew I knew I just started my two week face because of you oh you’re welcome good luck with it fingers cross you can smash it with it though I am making a custom biome

Literally what I’m doing I’ve did the I want to try and do um the tree trees I I’m tempting to make my own trees but I’m not sure how I’m going to go about making my own trees cuz sometimes trees like go out well sometimes they don’t so

I’ve got to try and be think thank for that follow man yeah that’s one thing I want to do I want to try and get that right because otherwise it’s a bit pants you know what I mean tell me you also know by the new

Twitter logo or the X I don’t mind like I don’t like that it’s called X but I don’t mind the new logo being X I’m kind of over it you’re an artist no hell no there is no AR from me I’ve got I’ve got

People to do it for me cuz that’s how I roll most welcome thanks man appreciate it have a great one you should build a big treehouse yeah I’m going to in the uh jungle bio don’t you worry about that this this do I have a main base uh

Probably this is as close to a base as I’ve got but not really my entire island is a base cuz I have everything scattered out uh one thing I do want to just go and see cuz I noticed I didn’t have him is um coming on down I down

Here I’ve got an absolute load of these and I want to release them into the wild I would put I’m really tempted to put puffer fish in there but at the moment I don’t want to risk dying cuz they will kill me in hardcore I just wanted to smash my face

Into that and land imagine if I died imagine if that’s how I lost my world cuz I wasn’t uh paying attention here we go right ready uh fish three is there a way I can copy this fish four fish five this is stupid fish five we’ve lost fish one already all

Right five fish six am I am I doing this I am doing this fish seven fish seven Jesus Christ all right fish eight fish eight I am double checking so I will genuinely forget fish nine Fish N Fish N fish nine fish 10 Jesus Christ fish 10 wait fish yeah fish 10 fish

11 fish 11 cuz I committed already I’m committed to it fish 11 fish 12 so fish 12 right got 12 fish to drop into the ocean let’s go and do it let’s go that’s ridiculous why you Nam them why not a Georgie thank you for the follow Geor

Even sorry that Georgie idiot right I’m over here where’s Fish Two Fish Two where are you I’ve got some friends for you bro fish two do they despawn do they despawn they’re named named push despawn do I any name tags oh no he’s over here hey buddy hang on got you some

Friends oh I have to do it in order cuz otherwise the whole numbering system is wrong three and four off you go three off you go four enjoy it enjoy life it’s going to be great Fish five fish six off you go seven eight off you go fish nine fish 10 off you go they’re all like different fish as well which is kind of cool fish 11 and fish 12 look at it yeah boy we got 12 fish yeah I did place all this W myself

Yeah no they’re all here cuz he’s over here fish fish two’s here the fact that I know the color of fish is insane we’ve already lost fish one fish one um disappeared can you eat fish not saying you should you can eat fish I’d have to like swipe and I’ll get the

Actual fish look at him he’s got friends are they bullying him I swear to God don’t you bully him Follow the Leader he’s your boss we lost fish one all right leave me alone I don’t know where fish one actually went but we’ve now got 12

Fish um yeah the the ocean’s kind of a big size uh you kind of don’t have to place too much cuz you make it Square I am changing the bottom yeah so as you can see I’ve kind of like textured here I’ve got for a bit of gone into like

Three different schools stay away from the edges that’s all I’m going to say fish one is already gone I don’t know where fish one went if I’m honest oh have more fish it’s insane yeah and I’m also going to be redesigning the whole thing and making a monument and I’m

Tempted to try and make a coral reef somehow out of two blocks so that’ll be interesting I have two block High I’m going try and make a small coral reef and have a little bit of an area that’s the idea anyway hopefully that can work out how you doing hi YouTube you’re

Talking to YouTube across it see you epic yeah the whole thing’s going to get changed up um but I’ve got other projects I’m working on first that kind of need doing more than anything else at the moment that’s the only thing yellow dots on my map are

Mobs yellow yellow dots are mobs that’s why we have the map mainly is because it helps with me finding stuff so rather than me having to fly everywhere and doing stuff um it helps me out a lot more if I can just do it you know what I mean if I can

See what I’m doing get away let’s go back right so this is one thing I’ve been doing as well is clearing out lava from there for lava buckets and with the lava buckets what I can then do is go back into my Overworld and it it runs my Farms yeah that’s how it Rolls on the screen you see yeah yeah so you see on YouTube you see on Twitch as well he just talking to yourself across the streams love it yeah so that’s what it is yeah so the yellows yellow dots and mobs so basically it tells me like a lot

Of information so I should never really get crept up on by a uh Mob and if I hold tab you see how their faces appear it kind of just shows me stuff it makes it a lot easier for you guys to see things and do stuff and interact and

Also for me to be able to do whatever it is I want to do and need to do uh how we looking here we got quite a bit actually right so we’ll go 1 2 3 four five into there and then 1 2 3 four five into

There cool and we get kill beautiful now AC nice you followed me now kayin thank you for the follow YouTube is the best chocolate type what’s your best chocolate type you like white chocolate I don’t know what think oh should we get some of that what’s the

Time we got 10 minutes 10 minutes until rugby uh we got a little bit of this got 10 minutes left good up the ne for 10 minutes chat we good up the ne for 10 minutes JY Graves even not Greaves Jesus J play football thank for that

Follow man appreciate it see let’s good Lu the nether we need uh four pieces of ancient debris that’s it just the F oh I should have got Rockets always forget bloody Rockets what’s the favorite thing I’ve built um my most recent build is my favorite uh annoyingly well not

Annoyingly like kind of expectedly is my uh my storage unit is really nice I do like the storage unit but it’s I don’t know if it is my favorite now I’ve said that I think my ort my ort build is probably my favorite the most I’ve taking

Ages it’s just a flying machine that stops and goes up and down I just had to change the Redstone a little bit to go up and down but yeah it’s really simple build oh wait whoops I’m going the wrong way let’s fly through the mountain and we’re into the mountain to

Go grab some Redstone baby and by Redstone what I mean is a gunpowder should be hopefully stream lagging oh yeah I’ve kind of uh yeah yeah I’ve kind of accepting that twitch and YouTube are just going to try and like Envy themselves right we got 61

That should be more than enough I’ve got my Flint still good okay go head out of here this been more dangerous to fly through cuz I’ve decided to put dripstone everywhere yeah if we head on through here I am going to change the way the pool comes out hey right welcome back

I’m going to change this portal where it comes out cuz at the moment it comes out on this like in here which I don’t particularly like I want to lower it down so that’s the idea is eventually we’re lower it all the way down and then

We’re going to come this way so I need to sort of clear out all of this area I’m slowly clearing out lava behave yourself SC back missed I’m try to just blow it all up so basically what I’ve been doing slowly if you can tell is um destroying everything

Cuz I’m creating a level 9 flat I’m creating a world flat I don’t use Luna no I have I make my own I don’t like using clients um I just use basic Minecraft and then use my own mods that I’ve gathered and sort of do my own

Stuff uh a lot of it is all client side yeah I don’t I usually use bad bad line um but I just don’t really like the fact there’s no customizability with it well there is but there isn’t and I prefer doing what I like to do rather than what they want me to

Do all righty more lava that’s fun um not before Mimi shouts at me I don’t know if she’s here but I’m going to do that just in case what is that someone subscribed Mr night MC thank you for that follow uh the sub even I’m not sure if you’re

In the Stream or whether you’re on for a video or whatever but anyway thank you so much I appreciate it I hate the lava the lava is the biggest thing in the world that’s probably my problem that’s my biggest issue in the game is MRA is lava cuz if

I screw this up right essentially what happens is I die you know I lose my world I’ve already died once to Lava that was not my fault I got stuck in the flying animation and they ended up causing me a whole world of issues and

Uh yeah that’s not a good thing to not a great position to be in if I’m honest with you yeah I don’t like clients clients for me are a nogo um just because I have like more customizability with this if I do it my way the reason I’m blowing up so much is

Because obviously I’m extending this all the way out here and doing it that way I’m not actually like as much as I am actively hunting for ancient debris I’m kind of not at the same time because uh I’m just needing to clear it out as well like it’s sort of there’s multiple

Reasons for doing this not just the ancient debris it was originally just like pure ancient debris mining but now I’ve decided I’m just going to clear out everything it looks um fun it’s not fun this takes ages right but I’m C want play Minecraft but Minecraft so bad but I can’t cuz mom

Doesn’t want you to oh that that’s fair I guess especially now there’s a lot going on in the Minecraft world at the minute Jesus um I can get it oh is that it is that all I’ve got I might have ancient oh I’m not

Going to for still C uh no it’s not it’s my um where is it where’s Pachi Pachi is my pickaxe yeah Rick Ash is my pickaxe who’s following Luci V thanks so much man appreciate it welcome we should be so close to 18K we are not far off guys I appreciate

You guys follow thanks so much that’s going to be my push I think I need to like kind of change the follower goal I might add a follower goal for once I don’t usually have one cuz it feels again I don’t like the idea of having follower goals and stuff like that cuz

It feels a bit again beggy um but I may actually genuinely have to do one just to get that last little push to 18K why I I a single piece of ancient debris in that stack normally in a stack you’ll find like a couple of ancient debris but

Again I’m not really mining at the right level like nothing’s particularly right for what we’ve got you are at 18K I’m not I’m at like 19 I’m at like 17920 or 30 or something it’s just over the 50 so it shows you guys is that epic Apple grinder holy cow man welcome back

Been a while how you been see I do remember some people guys just not all of you right where we at ah that was bad okay I thought that was going to be a lot better than it actually is so anyway clear this out been dead for a

While well I’m glad you’re back bro I’m glad you’re back well back as much as you here like you know I could have done with a ancient debris CU I need one to change this shovel into Netherrack nether even Netherrack Netherrack pickaxe see I’m I don’t know

How I feel about this mace um the new mace that’s being added how do you guys feel about it like I’m not um not a fan if I’m honest I think we I’m kind of me with it kind of very me about it I don’t

Think it’s a good thing I don’t know how like everyone else feels but for me I think it’s a little bit too much of a change and I don’t do change right so yeah basically this is what everything’s going to look like this I’m flattening the nether down here so it looks better

Is the honest thing you know I just kind of mine all this out why level 9 is where we’re going to be sticking to it’s going to be a lot of effort a lot of time down here which is why I kind of do it s of I

Missed you know it’s kind of one of those ones I’m doing randomly as I just kind of go along just to try and see if like one there’s a bit of ancient debris and it’s just an added part of the stream that we’re just sort of another project we’re working towards cuz this

Is all genuinely part of getting a netherite beacon um but I’m tempted to try and like I don’t know if it’s going to be worth me making like a world eater sort of thing down there and just sort of clearing this area but the problem is is

Lava will break everything so there’s a lot of lava down here and I’d have to like mine a channel for it to go through and clear the lava before it gets there and it’s just a whole whole nightmare really so I don’t know if it’s really

Worth that amount of hassle to do it so you know what I mean Pro Gamer how you doing buddy thank you for liking the live I really appreciate it I’ve just called you out I do apologize I just saw it after CRA need 7 like what get it will be useless what good

Time to get c h after crafting recipe you need something like 2% yeah it’s like yeah the thing is 2% but then you’re going to be grinding it out anyway but like I think it’s going to change PVP it makes very difficult item you need like 2% chance to get for

Legendary chest but that’s not that’s not that difficult like if you grind enough you’ll get it it’s time and then once you got it you’re op you know like once you’ve got it that’s so like anything like that is sort of like people go oh it’s difficult to get like

Cuz it’s a chance based thing I’m like yeah but you play long enough that chance is almost guaranteed rugby Stein oh is actually oh Christ thank you box man I I’m end stream soon guys I got to go stream time baby right I love you all

I’ve been RI month you guys are awesome and peace out I’m watching the vby so yeah basically the reason to stream today is because um I want to go watch your stream yeah I just came to tell you bro right okay I’m on it I’m on see you

Later guys I’m going to save it here quitting it I’m off I love you all thank you so much for being there I’ve been RI mod you guys are awesome I will see you when we get to the other side which is going to be uh I’m going to wash your

Rugby have a great one enjoy your weekend I’ll be back Monday 800m UK time for the last from the last stream of the week for the stream of the week really because there’s no stream Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday so make sure you here Monday um I don’t know why to be

Fair if you want to be here be here if you don’t that’s fine I appreciate you guys have a great one enjoy the rest of your night your day your week whatever you’re doing I’ve been much

This video, titled ‘More Storage! 1 year of Superflat Hardcore Minecraft | 1.20 Lets Play |’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2024-03-16 14:24:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Brand New Video out NOW! This Minecraft Live is all about superflat …

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    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

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    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

    I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘I Trapped this entire Smp and now they want revenge #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Slayertheone_YT on 2024-01-03 15:45:20. It has garnered 132 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

  • Mimo survival

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival Server (Version 1.20.4)Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The agony of another year without an end overhaul”

    Minecraft Memes - "The agony of another year without an end overhaul"Looks like Minecraft’s end overhaul is stuck in a never-ending loop just like my mom’s lectures about cleaning my room. Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial Minecraft Mob Farm: A Guide to Building Your Own Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? One essential structure that every player should consider building is a Mob Farm. This article will guide you through the process of creating your very own Mob Farm in Minecraft. What is a Mob Farm? A Mob Farm is a structure designed to harvest mobs for various resources such as experience points, rare drops, and more. By creating a Mob Farm, players can efficiently gather valuable items while also defending their base from hostile mobs. Building Your Mob… Read More

  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

    Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod TutorialVideo Information Hola Bienvenidos a una nueva review en el canal y nos encontramos en un mod muy interesante el cual tenemos en nuestra serie de enl eh el cual nos va a implementar Estas armas que estáis viendo aquí ahora mismo en la pantalla eh las cuales eh veremos más adelante que tienen unas habilidades especiales muy chulas ap parte de un diseño brutal y antes de empezar Ya con la review quería mencionar y comentaros de que estamos a nada de conseguir ya los 1000 suscriptores de acuerdo y eh est Muy preparando para el especial de 1000… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with Dizziness

    INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with DizzinessVideo Information [Musik] coy sendupernya bermasalah ngikutin tutor yang mana suker Craft lah kok gak ada honey blocknya emang harus pakai tutorial gak ada sih What the mana ada gak pakai honey block loh gak ada l gak ada gak ada itu yang mana l ini Ini bentar bentarar aku 3 tahun lalu sih Pa yang baruesan gak bisa Aduh gimana pula ini ya udahlah Bikin lagi Bikin lagi kocak banget Anjir malam-malam bikin gituan kita tentunya tidak akan bikin itu lagi enggak kan kita engak akan bikin itu lagi itu adalah hal paling membosankan kita bikin semuanya ya ini… Read More

  • Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2

    Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2Video Information हेलो टो गेमर्स तो कैसे हो सभी लोग आ गया हूं मैं और एक न्यू वीडियो के साथ वापस तो आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैंने जो फर्स्ट वाली वीडियो में ने अपना घर जैसे जैसे करके बनाया था वो भी घर कहां है तो भाई वो वाली वीडियो में ना मैं गेम खेलने रिकॉर्ड करने के बाद में दूसरी बार मैंने जब गेम को स्टार्ट किया ना रिकॉर्डिंग करने के लिए मतलब एपिसोड बनाने के लिए तो भाई उसमें ना जॉम्बी ने मेरे पे अटैक करके ना मतलब मेरे को खत्म कर दिया था और वो… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #24: The Black Sands Waystone’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-04-14 09:00:31. It has garnered 53 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New vs Old Minecraft – NOSTALGIA 🤧 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-03-20 15:08:16. It has garnered 195 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft 2024 vs 2014 🥺 Nostalgia #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More

  • “ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan’s rage in Hololive finale!” #clickbait #hololive

    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL: ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official: ・hololive DEV_IS official: Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More