Insane Luck in Minecraft Walls Movie!

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What’s going on everyone Jerome here along with Ben Alex and toy and we are back with some lucky block walls Lego Lucky Block boy Ben that was so that Ben you sounded so oh boy no it’s so boy so I was moving my head at the same time oh bu Chef Bo oh

Boy oh boy oh boy no what you oh come on I can’t be the only one who knows the old Chef por D commercials no really I have no idea oh boy oh boy oh boy no come on I can’t the video oh my God you’re both staticky

Megatron drum yeah behind you Ben Ben Ben drum Ben Ben Ben okay I’m well you you you wait just flying around in an airplane but as you guys can tell I am very excited mostly because I am back and I’m not going to lie I didn’t get to

Talk to these guys very much this entire weekend so for me it’s just oh you know the The Boys Are Back In Town D no that’s such a good song it is a good song It’s a good throw I I’m gonna go listen to that I got to go listen to

After this now yeah but either way I’m excited so the way we play lucky block walls is simple as a little Refresher for those of you joining us oh not it sorry Ben you’re right but for those of you joining us that aren’t used to the

Uh lucky block walls that we play pretty much we break 64 Lucky Block we then go ahead and do a 10 lives battle to see who’s the best with those lucky blocks and then each and every round we change things up based on what you all vote for

So in chat if you guys said we want to do 2v tws with you and Ben Ben Ben on a team then that’s what happens me and Ben versus the world but the first round we always do a freefor all just kind of get us warmed up get you guys to kind of

Understand the blocks and what you can expect from them because as you guys know by now each and every Lucky Block is completely completely different and uh that’s about it so thank you all for joining us we have 3,000 people right off the bat in the first like two

Minutes which is epic happy Monday everybody and apart from that let’s get on into it in a big old three can can somebody op me Ben was really salty and deed me I got you thank you thank you I appreciate it all right let’s

Go B B B all right three two one and break them I got sponge win oh God he did win all right well that’s how we play that’s the end of the game everybody uh we’ll see you in the next round yep I got a lava I got the

Edly no I got a rock you know what I love the most when we had all these Lucky Blocks created last summer everybody they had the edly drink in there from the first one and instead of telling them to rewrite it we love the joke so much we told him to keep

Misspelling it and that’s why like all of our if you see edley drinking a lucky block you can almost guarantee the nice posture Squad had something to do with that Lu y yep yeah another one another one another one oh speaking of which I had something

Interesting today sent to me by a fan oh no yeah it was a Lucky Block what what the nice posture Lucky Blocks no way really just completely custom made yeah someone sent them to me in our fan Discord they were just like hey here’s a

I made these for you guys and I was like wow so we’re going to we’re going to have to uh test them out soon that’s yeah I I’m so down to use fanmade nice posture lucky blocks are you serious why did you tell me when did this happen

That’s so cool oh I found out just like 30 minutes ago yeah now we got nice posture and I just saw someone type in chat that they miss the uh non live stream videos well if you missed those this entire weekend that’s all I uploaded there’s nine of them backlogged

So you can go check those out my friend well those are pretty I’ve got this lava thing three times also are we going to set a rule on what we can can’t use for armor and weapons uh well weapon is always the plus 25 rule I’m pretty sure we all

Right okay all righty so I think with these you get like a plus 27 and a plus like 30 just trade it for the plus 21 one 21 21 21 21 uh as for armor is there any armor changes we need to make I can’t remember from

When we there’s no there’s no armor changes just a weapon is there a is there a slash concede button SL concede dude I’m not going to lie Alex I don’t have any weapon at all either so I got actually I got a Gun and apparently the lucky bow that’s all I have I have the lucky bow I not looking to got I’m in big TR guys can we a kid guys look look look in chat that’s about how good I’m doing yeah yeah I just got the LEGO legend

Sword for plus 38 and the Lego mall so I’ll just trade that down for the plus 21 one I can’t remember the name it’s like the probably just the Lego sword honestly it’s just the Lego sword that’s what it is yeah type and thank you we just passed 4,200 viewers so we passed

The 4,000 mark thank you so much smash the like button everybody if you’re excited for us to be back in action oh yeah oh back we all back guess who’s back Ben is back tell why I have to show you a video a meme toy I love memes wait why don’t I

Get a meme cuz cuz you mean all right you know you know how usually tradition how I do really bad at these just these spin God just these I’m pretty I’m pretty sure this is the worst I’ve ever done no don’t say that no Ben I’d feel too bad like I’m not

Kidding this is the worst I have ever done I feel like Ben’s trying to uh snowball us or trying to sandb he’s trying he’s trying to snowball us yeah I’ve never heard that say I’m used to sorry guys yeah running killo well I’m happy to say my side isn’t damaged that

Much that I could probably reuse it well my side’s gone me my side’s gone okay well then we can’t reuse it I had literally just an entire whole TP me drum okay SL TP and for those of you wondering before people wondering why I’m in creative mode I

Took the weaker sword and I got rid of my better sword so that’s what I was doing there I’m going to use the max damage sword you toti’s damage is so great that it it made it into the mid of the map oh yeah it literally blasted all

These blocks over here blasted blasted blasted all right well Ben what did you say that say oh I’m said I’m going to use the most powerful sword I got no no like really no yeah it’s going to happen I’m afraid no it’s not oh well let me guess though is your most

Powerful like really look bad no no it’s got 36 damage but I’m using then you can’t use the most powerful sword jome Jerome just just we had one rule Ben please one Jerome are there any rules about armor and weapons yeah this is the only rule about armor and

Weapons let me disregard the Only Rule about armor and weapons Ben fris 2017 yeah what’s up pen look at me look at me I was I was wearing all of my armor that I got here Ben I’ll have to leave it up to the other guys cuz Ben

They’re not looking much better yeah Ben look look at me Ben I only have a hat wow is it a CO hat I am naked I got no gold armor I could just Ben just I could just see Ben running around naked just swinging a huge sword b b

B my goodness just the way you profess that oh am naked man I am there’s nothing I can wait can you do like an angry British accent like I’m naked man like that no maybe next time frisland pop star everybody 7,500 likes no all right you guys you guys ready to

Go Yep this server’s lagging oh we need to do a uh a command thingy for 10 oh yeah as well yeah yeah uh who is running them am I oh you made it all glass no yeah now I can’t do the sand sand Escape well oh that’s the most annoying

Thing in the world Alex yeah no one wants that all right come on guys let’s do it oh I no I’m still running no one ran any commands all right go no go go go I’m okay go oh okay I was kidding okay go bye guys 10 lives 10 lives and remember

Stream you could start recommending things for us to change up right now in the chat and hopefully we’ll get to him next round I love this game Ben got Frizzle and pop D there we go oh that was a close one Alex you were dealing some good Ben I got a kill on

Jerome B sneaking from the high ropes there B I don’t like this game y all right there Ben no I’m mildly salty wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me kill Ben first let me kill Ben let me kill Ben is it just who oh

To not today toy not today toy not today hey hey whaty I killed him get him this a this is a quick round no what people have really bad armor this round d isy top is that Jack spicy you know what I’m just done let me

Go let me know when you guys are done and I’ll reload the work Ben you got one more might going on anymore one of these days he just joins us from mcft you guys do the intro at the same time and no but it does Ben’s intro what’s popping everybody

Wait I need to get the final kill on Ben great I this then I’m sorry but I think that was the worst luck we’ve ever seen with lucky blocks I don’t think we’ve ever had people with less armor and weapons but if it makes you feel better it was out of your

Control I mean ow why you sitting in lava oh jeez well that was a little scary of an explosion what over here Ben jeez why are there explosions coming from the Sky oh sorry bud all right and then there was three lives left Alex oh I see you down there I’m out the big guns oh that Lego lucky bow those are usually really powerful H got him whoa more bombs oh my gosh this map and by the way I see you

Stream chat everyone in chat is asking for 2v tws right now so what we’re going to do is after this round we’re going to set up a nice 2v2 so start letting us know who do you want us to be teamed up with everybody and we can get around to

Doing just that as soon as possible and and we got one life left on Alex Ben as possible you might want to start reloading the world so we can go look at to split right into the next round well I I can’t do anything called Dad well GG everybody

GG a quickfire first round right there GG if you all enjoyed smash the like button we have 1,800 likes and 6,000 people watching a big reminder at 5,000 likes I’m going actually I’m going to volunteer I will sing at 5,000 likes I’ll let Ben off the hook just this once

Because it’s a special day it’s my first day back live streaming for break so yes please and it wasn’t actually really a break I went to San Antonio and got to meet some awesome fans they were really nice people so shout out to those people I got to meet they’re very nice all

Right we got right and looks like the chat is asking a heavy heavy amount of people for the dawn donator so it’ll be me and Dondo trondo wow that’s actually a really cool name if you were a robot sorry me and Dondo Dondo the robot well well Ben you

Know what I’m going to eat a cookie yeah Ben Alex can can can you be a robot yeah myty what sorry did you just have a Rick and myy moment yeah oh dond claimed this is claimed I’ll takeing the back left corner that’s I always take that one I’ll take take the

Left all right somebody I all right so we all know the rules 64 Lego Lucky Blocks still 10 lives but it’s 2v2 and me and donator chond donator are on a team together all right sounds good Captain can we just keep changing your name Alex every single time we say it please

Don’t thanks Dad all right let’s do it then and in a big three two one and go all right then hopefully we hopefully we have a little bit more better luck than we did last time I’m just really glad that my helmet had strength on so I could one shot Ben

With it every time all right good news Alex I actually got a sword right off the bat nice all right Ben I have nothing all right let’s go I started breaking battle time then tuty uh I still have I I nothing I’m doing pretty good drone I

Got lots of armor lots of it yeah that’s oh okay well Ben we definitely lost I got legs oh Alex I got the mega helmet covered an enchants okay well I can’t say what I got but that me I can tell you exactly what I got

Nothing I literally have a full set of Enchanted armor already what yeah how you and I got a Lego legend sword but but why I don’t know why is that the way that it is I got a sword for you to trade in if you need it oh thanks but I I already

Got the Lego sword so I’m actually at Peak unless I’m Ben who apparently can use whatever sword he wants Ben calling you out Ben I used the right one okay calling you out Ben we’re looking need armor I’ve already got a full extra Set uh yeah I I wait full extra one yeah

I have only a helmet so yeah I’ve got Enchanted uh leggings boots and I have a chest same yeah I got an extra helmet again and another extra helmet I’m guessing you so my message toity uh wait no I did oh those laggings oh oh oh that’s just to what I

Go yeah by the way Alex I just got some bottles of enchanting and an enchantment table so we can enchant some of our gear blue pickles nice but luckily I know where to find those P well then the map exploded on me got lucky bow yes please

Okay hey Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben yeah t have you got any armor here this is you that’s all I have sorry and you can trade that in if you don’t have a sword Alex I got a helmet that I’m pretty sure you’re going to like

Nice Bast you nice pasture hey to I got a present for youo really du a Ben thank you I’ve always wanted one of these nice B dcka that’s all right I’m good good save there Alex ow that hurt me oh look oh what was that

I got boots oh ni what kind of boots you got in there Ben very good ones oh good good boots everyone lik good boots b yo it’s over you guys may be good but I I’m I’m coming up to the plate what Ben just got just got to get

Me a pair now yeah what do you need just boots just boots can you take care of that no you what do you need buddy uh I need the armor that I’m not wearing right now toy that was boots you like that is that smart

All right here we go let’s see if we can do okay oh no here take that yes it’s within regulation Alex all right take that CH way behind oh pick it up there you go right there right there right there right there oh okay well Ben rats well yeah you have

Any boots to daisies boots yeah um which uh let’s see this one there you go thanks and more blue pickles uh yes I do and uh let me know if this helmet at all interests you because it is a really good helmet uh cuz check out this

Super do you want uh strength one helmet wait no I’m fine I already got huh nice M mine’s pretty mine’s uh I have the same effect for it so Mine mine’s okay you can keep yours oh wait oh I I’ve already got one oh okay then this one’s better than M okay y

Y you add that effect or not that’s a good effect to have yes hey hey Mr Ben now the question is hold on ow ow ow ow ow Ben wow these are bad oh I’m excited and by the way stre we have 6,700 likes remember smash that like button if you’re all enjoying

Because at 5,000 likes I’m going to be singing for you all and of course we do have have uh oh my gosh wow we’ve gotten 200 subscribers already this stream and we’re only 20 minutes in thanks everybody welcome bl’s you oh thank you miss you

Toy Mike was aski you forgot to bring in your ender pearls toy did you finish your supper you forgot to bring your end pears let me get a good R2D2 in wow oh sorry Alex I was freaking out cuz that other thing tried killing me okay uh I am I

Think as good to go as I am ever going to be so okay this is good yes the Hunger Games 2016 be there or be b or be square be there or because Minecraft ha okay well anyway uh Ben we’ve run the scoreboard commands uh no I’ve been getting ready you know to

Never runs these commands but Ben it’s not my job Ben sorry Ben what was that I don’t know I just wanted to make a random noise and me let’s go all right all right wait oh oh we’re going from your side we’re planning our attack we’re going we’re going in a battle push me okay let’s go go it’s not I’m barely

Pushing you go it’s working all right here we go three two’s go one go I’m pushing Alex I’m pushing go go go go go here Alex wait oh that didn’t it did get okay you’re good oh that’s you’re G to kill me we’re good Alex we’re good now there’s no way I they

Won’t even notice stop know what hit him oh here you go oh shh they W even see us coming he fire bow he’s got a gun fire fire get him Alex get him all right let’s go who oh Ben Ben’s got knockback sword I’m got you said that I’m sorry

Alex I’m panicked and I killed Alex do you have any special potions on jome no invisibility and Fire Resistance okay oh I have strength one on my leggings and my boots that’s probably I keep getting I keep getting one shot if you don’t have a full you just get one

Shotted like well let me see if I take off my boots make them a little more fair so I only get one strength one I got a full set so it’s okay well you’re dead Ben there we go oh man this is this is we keep getting some crazy overpowered gear today ow

Ow cuz you’re a cheap ow ow I think I legit how do they do these have thorns on them yeah they do have thorns okay that’s what it is I wonder how much damage is reflected back at me because I could have sworn I probably just killed

Myself there no get out of here I don’t know Thorns doesn’t really reflect damage it just does like one or two little bits of it oh yeah this is much more fair without my boots on you guys are actually able to kill me I’m not hitting a billion

Damage nicely done Ben yeah I think two sets of strength gear is really what breaks it so well if I don’t have a full set it’s normally has that 15% damage well you also have to take and take into consideration that this is the set that

If you have a full one you can take 300% damage I know but that’s very deal I know it becomes a very oh I mean you either get you either get one shotted or you have that 15 I mean so does that mean we’re all

Stopping the full set cuz I Alex has got a full set and I have a full set as well no you guys do whatever you want I stopped it because I had uh I had strength one of my boots and leggings and I was just one shotting toti and

That’s it’s only fun when it’s Ben sorry Ben yeah sorry Ben oh okay toy was SL by oh oh triple kill all right’s out wait you you literally eliminated toti no Dy can you not be bad please oh no oh I Ed I EDI Ben

So he is gone nasty 2y One V one rest quick Scopes only yeah you can take Ben I believe in you I I probably could actually Ben we must do battle don’t great all right come on there he is hello Mr Bing oh whoa Ben he just really went in heavy there

Boom Ben if you keep that up you’re going to lose it’s like wow Ben you got two kills but if you keep it up you’re going to lose sorry Ben I mean it’s just I’m just telling you the facts Ben it’s just everyone my chat keeps yelling me to put

The boots back on I guess they want me to play dirty so I’ll put the boots on I’m hidden there’s one shot for me b and TP to B I found him come on I’m just going to it’s over I can’t take two of you at once all right here

We’ll start doing some One V ones One V one Russ Ben who do you want Alex I’ll take the I got him I won Alex what do you have you say 20 hearts of damage the 300% thing you got full set now so you have oh yeah you have 30% chance to take

300% damage ah wow goodbye goodbye 20 Hearts missing a chest plate my chest plate exploded no here drum drum cuz I’m oh wait we can just kill B and win that works too yeah that works too well if you give me the chest plate

Al I’m down to have a little One V one Showdown I actually don’t have one nasty this game’s bad I can give you I can give you pants and then you can put it on your your here you go put this on but I already got pants put them on

Your put them on as a chest plate like put your hands in through the two legs and that’s your shirt oh okay here let me try again it’s not working H ow all my face I won all right everybody well that was round two we are going to be going and

Loading up round three right away everyone so keep it up this is going to be awesome it’s going to be so so cool it’s going to be there we go so who do you want me to team with this time everybody would you like us to do

Another 2v2 and in which case uh help me pick the teammate or would you want to see a 3v one type in 3v one for Juggernaut mode in which case one guy gets like super gear and the rest of them get a little bit weaker and they

Have to try and beat the jugernaut of Doom juggernaut’s always fun the one when we did a Star Wars was so much fun oh Juggernaut and star I love that one dude that was too much fun so much fun so what do you think stream Juggernaut mode 2 V2s Ben Ben you guys that one right no Ben Ben that was what are you guys do sorry it says I went to uh the supermarket and then I bought a a lightsaber that cost like $120 jeez they sell them at supermarkets well I I didn’t want to say

That the store but um yeah oh okay oh oh oh oh oh okay little secet trading going on here all right everyone want to see 3v1 so does anyone want to volunteer as Z jugut not it not it not it Ben’s it J didn’t say it so yes he did I’ll be it

I’m fine with that but let’s just make it fair so we have the guy who’s it what do what do I get and what do you guys get and then we have to pick lives I get five stacks of blocks then that’s the opposite of Juggernaut mode the

Juggernaut supposed to get more unless I open like 35 of them oh my good could you imagine that a 35 stack Lucky Block opening no it would it would probably take like two hours at least it’ be amazing actually probably take like two hours uh okay so how many

More Lucky Blocks should I get then we get uh 20 you get 64 okay and then lives same amount of lives or you get 10 lives we get uh three each yeah we’ll give that a go all right so let’s see what happens everybody you

All voted for it we’re going to make it happen Juggernaut mode Let’s get into this thing in a big old three two one and go 20 blocks game mode zero so we get 20 blocks yep and I got a stacker okay ow my face I got armor I got some

Armor okay ow my face we’re going to have to work together on this one guys face I say Alex I say we kill Ben first mhm and then and then surrender yeah I finally got the chest plate so I’m happy with that oo the only downside is three lives

Is not a lot for you guys how many do you have uh 10 Ben said okay okay it will be I don’t know that’s going to be rough I mean it we should be good oh no I’m oh no Ben is going to need

My entire side of the map is about to go boners crazy explosion I’m pretty sure yep yep yep oh yeah did oh my gosh I’m done that’s wow well I still have like 40 left so I might be a tiny why are you so slow Jerome that I that means I broke

Faster than you did I’ve already broken 24 wa 24 huh how many blocks we get we got 20 okay but we’re allowed to use any sword Drome on this Ben 25 Dage no sense 25 your logic your logic makes no sense you’re still going to one shoty then no

25 change up the rules here crunch let me go to Game Mode one and grab my sword all right I’m open up my stuff at the spawn nasty room oh that’s a good chest plate nice we go so stream who do you think is gonna win you think it’s gonna be me or

Team nasty against the Juggernaut only time will tell turn turn turn the next next episode Dr on Dragon Ball Z Las Dragon drag that’s the out tonight at 9: tonight at 9: tonight at Ben oh no you guys are all crazy all right I’m ready kind of you’re just

Jealous cuz I have a butter finger what wait really yeah I bought a bag with like a bunch of the small ones oh the entire spawn is gone and I feel so bad what that t can I can I have one I don’t know I think I’m lagging into the void oh no

Do you what kind of what kind of candies do you have wow a lot of people think you guys are going to win team nasty of course we are because we’re amazing obviously what else what what other kind of candies you got now so there’s crunch there’s why don’t you

Just run into his room and grab them Baby Ruth I need to know what my options are Baby Ruth and nestal milk chocolate oh Babe Ruth bars are nice oh babe can I have a Babe Ruth bar consider it please guys I have a plan toy come

Here over yes I finally got a sword okay I have a plan all right what’s your plan just come over here come over here is this plan b h no this is XD what what what okay oh my gosh guys I still don’t have boots or so I think you guys are

Going to beat me as the Juggernaut this round you guys are definitely going to beat me as the Juggernaut wait you didn’t get boots or leggings no oh no this is going to be so brutal unless someone over there wants to trade I got a chest plate I can give

You for leggings no I don’t have any spare you think we have spare armor yeah yeah no all right well let me go into creative mode and switch out my Lego mall for a little I thought was going to be like all right then I’m going into

Creative grab myself wggs like I don’t think that’s how it works I’m sorry are you sure I’m pretty sure that does work I mean Ben does stuff like that all the time oh I’m out of I’m out of I have no M oh perfect do it there we

Go so all right what exactly is our strategy here this is the strategy to win The Hunger Games nothing less no this is the best idea if we go he goes yeah are you guys rigging explosives everywhere no no no no no of course not I have one more to put down

Can can someone just I have 12 more okay well let’s uh is the scoreboard set you okay there all right let’s do it guys I think I’m about as ready as I’m ever going to be said yeah I well not you drw you don’t teleport whoever wins I we then break

Them again we do it and let’s just switch up the guy who’s the Juggernaut and see who can last the longest or win as a juggernaut no why guys there’s no I SC oh no the laugh oh no all right you guys ready no I got to

Find a command to clear it you’re going to have to give me a seconds oh my God anybody wonders where we’re late toty everybody all right we’re ready we’re ready all right let’s do it in three two one go oh my God there’re supposed to be friends no I no wait

Can I can I actually TP back to you guys yeah yes yes okay I’ll clear your death as well soon oh oh you’re good you’re too nice you’re too nice okay so Jerome we’re over here don’t there’s no need to crouch there’s no no need to crouch I’m

Not crouched I have invisibility bottle on I’m patrolling [Applause] oh oh b b why did you what are you guys doing um oh no oh no no all right we just reset all the kills no we’re fine you have one blew up to spawn we’re good

We’re I didn’t blow up the spawn though you did I wasn’t even I was sneaking around no you blew up the big metal platform so we have like an extra death wait what big metal platform yeah just reset everything I don’t what just happened just reset it we had a trap and

Then Ben set it off with all of us still still in it you guys are literally the worst out of people all right here we go again one job guys three one job two one go guys I’m on my own okay I can I get a re under on my TNT oh

My God 2y why 2y has just play so muchow ow ow ow Ben no oh no guys this is not looking good for us at all I blame really not though all right come on J fight me you want you want to go toy I’m Not Afraid toy that’s

Me he’s lighting it off ow watch out got him great got him got him real good great great teamwork every oh all right there’s one all right so don’t worry guys nine left all right yeah we have to kill them nine more times Alex I got you a present maybe the

Should get like five lives or something wow you just took seven Hearts off me good job you’re welcome I feel like the Juggernaut should get like a five lives Maybe wow no no I mean we we’d be doing fine if team killing hasn’t gone on we just get one shotted there’s like

I think this is the probably the worst block to do uh Juggernaut mode on it’s just fine toy it works because you either get one shot Ben you’re out oh am I Ben it’s really not that hard Ben grow some eyes oh it’s it’s on the gun battle of the

Century come on we got this I need to eat I’m de oh no I’m coming for thee g g I I think I think for the next round Juggernaut should get the same amount of lives as everyone else no there does Juggernaut on this block just does not

Work yeah I just don’t think Juggernaut on Juggernaut on this blocks work because of just how the one shot thing works because if you don’t have a full set you get one shotted but if you have that’s true so it’s like I I think I just don’t think it works on this

Particular block but don’t we have worries well we could oh we do have other blocks I mean but this is the Lego one guys we’re doing leg yeah let’s just do a 2v2 again all right so stream who do you want we teamed up with I was already

Teamed with Alex should I be team up with Ben or toy for the next round Ben if you want to get the next map reloading up and we can hop on in honestly I think I think this map might be okay I mean I mean I I could use my

Side but it’s pretty bad oh okay and everyone’s asking Ben to sing if we get to 5,000 likes I said I’d sing but who knows maybe you could get Friz and pop star to come out as well 5,000 I got I got him to sing The Fresh Prince of belir on my stream

And you didn’t volunteer to sing on my stream Ben no it was amazing I was in a good mood toties put me in a bad mood so sorry Ben a toy why it’s not it’s not my fault yeah I mean if toy wasn’t as nasty

I I’d maybe you know Ben who put down the pressure plate and blew all of us up Ben you did Alex wait I don’t know oh sorry about that I for the server was starting wasn’t me wasn’t me all right it looks like everyone wants me me oh wow it’s an even

Split between Ben and tuty so I guess uh not it not it oh Ben’s it well all right Ben you’re with me then all right so this round and then we’ll do one with toy oh this will be nice it’ll be nice that’ll be very nice very nice very nice wow Bower memes

Memes me me me memes me Mees Mees me okay ready okay all right so Ben we are teammates now so do not do not try and nasty me okay bud we got we got you I ever got it no no we’re working together Ben that’s how it works in the game come

On Ben okay all right SL spawn point game and thank you so much stream before we get into this next round just a brief rundown of what we’re doing today cuz we have a really epic day ahead all of us as always are live streaming I myself

Did a prison stream earlier we got this stream we finally got modded TNT working for TNT wars coming up in the next stream then I’m doing Bloon Tower Defense tonight de is streaming OverWatch right after this I know Alex is probably getting another OverWatch stream in tonight I know toy is getting

Some awesome streams and he had Bloons earlier and what are you doing tonight for yours toy I don’t know I don’t know but he’s still streaming and then Ben’s got one as well coming at you later tonight point is nice posture Squad streaming all day night that’s all we

Ever do so show some love and support my friends and W that was pretty musical Ben what was that where’ that come from let’s hear it again Ben no and on that and on that note get your 64 Lucky Blocks ready to go and in five four three one

Go hey I got a farm nice you know what I like jome what’s thaten I like that there’s nobody else out there right now that can use the TNT mod like we can what TNT mod the T mod we’ve got oh the modded one yeah yeah there’s nobody else out there right now

We’re the only ones so there’s the T the modded T the the TNT mod and the problem is it didn’t work for multiplayer uh unless you did like into some other stuff H so it didn’t work for multiplayer and it didn’t work in dispensers and I did Dynamite now we have all of

That working yeah I kind of fixed a lot of what about gravity guns Ben no I’ve removed them no B what none of us don’t to use real cannons oh yeah you’re going to learn no does know how to build a real Cannon I you know what Chad put a one in

Chan if you want Jerome to build a real TNT cannon or press two and if you want to have a portal guns as well with gravity any guns I can’t actually can’t add Portal guns um Ben we want Portal guns well this literally just not possible otherwise I would have drum

Don’t you want Portal guns Portal guns I Portal guns yeah Ben shoot the TNT through the portal guns I mean it would be cool but I can’t do it loud noises Ben loud noises how many blocks are we breaking uh 64 the usual oh okay I kind of only grabbed 32 oh

Poor Ben Ben that was that wasn’t that the smartest move yeah oh my gosh I have some good gear already guys I have I don’t have much at all I’m doing all right so two people do well two people always do bad guys what were we voting for in chat

Um Portal guns oh okay and one for uh and one if you build real cannons it’s a it looks like it’s like 60% On’s 40% 2os oh oh Cannon time but real cannons aren’t as fun actually they’re a lot more fun cuz you can launch lots of

TNT yeah they do get crazy you just have to teach us Ben cuz we don’t know what to yeah no that’s fine we can do basic canning Canon Cannon well that’s a hard word caning cannoning Canon earing there we go thank you T I can GP to me okay

You got it wait but he’s not your teammate he’s my teammate I don’t doesn’t matter all right drum look at this this wall right here and turn your face a little and looks kind of like a face why you are you are the worst but yes toy it did kind of look

Like a face yeah you know what’s the worst when you’re hungry and you can smell food being cooked and it’s just a I think that’s like the best no I’m hungry and I can’t eat because I’m you know I’m with you guys hanging out with the but it smells so

Good I don’t know what it is so J have you eaten yet what yes I have eaten good sir well I I hate you sorry I didn’t want to have lunch with my friends anyways I got you a chest plate I always have a I’ve already got a full set B

Enchanted but I just need a sword I don’t got one I’ve got a sword look I got just a thing for you buddy I’ve got the sword that you need but I need armor Dr got me left over oh uh I can just give you stuff for it I don’t care um

Well we’re on the same team what do you need exactly uh yeah so I’d rather you be a little no speaking of the devil I actually just got an extra leggings for us you’re too I do actually need them there we go and you got the extra sword for me right Bud

Yeah i’ got I’ve got an a sword all right let me TP you cuz I just broke all of my stuff uh I got a bad feeling about this round Ben I don’t know man yeah I mean look at Me hello Mr hello Jerome jerami salami all right uh I don’t need that oh here you go Ben there’s some leggings for you thank you and let me go change up the Lego mall cuz once again everybody we have a rule where it’s a plus 25 attack rule so

You got to get rid of the Lego mall get yourself a Lego sword right there sword a sword oh he’s got the sword the diamond sword man do you got the sword sword a diamond sword Ben uh what kind of helmet do you have or chest plate uh I

Don’t good good man I mean I have a strength two chest plate I could use both of them okay never mind right I’m out of blocks what about that one hey okay so uh if you got in the armored drone that would be appreciated because this is all I’ve

Got uh I kind of gave you everything I can ruin a set if you want you’re bad we’re teammates Ben yeah but you couldn’t give me what I needed so I killed you I if you want I can give you some I mean what have you got like what have you

Got uh just what I’m wearing so guys I have a no no don’t ruin the perfect set bonus I have a health I have the things that give me Health bonus right is it all right with you guys if I get health pots so when I die and respawn I can get

Full health again before I go into battle you will anyway toy you sure about that yeah watch this oh no P’s gonna kill you I’m in Creative so it doesn’t affect me well get out of creative see I’m out yeah it does work would you look at

That yeah yeah it’s weird I dude you’re completely right some block does does it work does it work for everybody yeah M mine’s been working so I think these blocks just happen to work with that I know what you’re talking about though you are right toy most of the time they

Don’t work most of the time they don’t okay well now I just have a bunch of instant health potion twos okay cool okay uh well let me quickly uh do the thingy migger yeah ah yes the thingy migger we all know what she’s talking about obviously did

You right you ready bud you ready you ready bud we’re going to go from your place Jerome all right I also wow what is going on on your side I also need to run this command uh SL uh replace near 250 Sand glass a a sad face very sad I mean

Unless you want to break stuff for like 20 minutes I like breaking things oh I mean you can you know you can run through the sand right Ben all right here we go guys either way three two one go go let’s go all right this is actually going to be a really

Fun battle it should be good it should be very good to I broke the Mario blocks oh oh oh they’re off to a good start there Ben get ready oh no oh you guys got if you guys got attack us as a team if you

Don’t attack us at a team you’re I mean I get one shot no matter what right so Ben I feel so bad for the Ben I can’t do anything oh oh T you’ve been eating hits man I sorry Ben I am I have jome you you

Chose wrong for a teammate it’s okay Ben I’ll try and pull through for us oh my gosh well Ben keeps just running straight at me yeah R I can do Ben here I haveed helmet can I give it to you no just use range a Jes here take

It oh no what jome the range weapons do no damage if they get the if if they get the 300% you’re good Honestly sorry I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done oh no no stop it finally some good fortune that was like ridiculous that none of you guys got the 300% damage I’m dead all right Where oh sorry did that do any damage ow yeah hurt J stop it stop it jump stop it it’s all about luck these are all all about luck and I’m getting extremely lucky see like want to KN sorry oh that was lucky that potion went

Right through the I have le I’m I’ll go away I’ll save you dond yes there we go down I am getting so lucky are you kidding me wait to you killed me I you I was putting you out of your misery you were suffering I had milk I I love

This wait wait Dr Dr where are you watch this ready okay yeah what am I watching it’s over I already it’s already over Ben died my God you guys are the worst dude you guys you guys are getting so unlucky when it comes to hitting me yeah I’m surprised you keep getting the

15 we keep getting the 15 percenters on 2D right like it’s like I’m getting so lucky here out yeah Ben for a while then oh you wait were you keeps killing me I don’t think I’ve killed jome once oh that’s what that’s the 300% hit that we were looking that’s the one

Okay as long as I keep you guys isolated I stand a chance oh you keep getting these oh no no no no no that’s the I stand a chance with the luck as long as I keep you guys isolated ah we go okay okay that’s all I got to do okay hey

There he is my name is Ben Frizzle and pop on fire I’m on fire okay there we go man we would have stood a chance but if you had the armor I yeah it’s okay buddy okay where is oh ohes my face where is you shall not pass ow stop that stop

That doing no damage to me oh that’s doing some damage to me I I think it’s does no damage do you have some kind of potion on toti what jump boost three for some reason I don’t know why jump It’s when you get a full I think you like

Jump boost no cuz now it’s now it’s gone I had jump boost three and now I don’t have jump boost three oh it’s every time I think you smack people with a sword yeah now I have jump boost three when I smack d W that what that is the

Weirdest enchant thing that is awesome oh no and now come back no there we go I feel like 2D I do zero damage zero damage and then 100% yeah pretty much like my health because I have Um I have one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 oh no Alex Alex what what are you doing with that TNT there bud 22 Full Hearts that’s a lot of heart Alex BL jump boost where did he go let’s get him where’d he go nobody knows wait

Actually where did he go I’m everywhere toy but nowhere I see him no no he doesn’t he’s ly where is okay he’s not lying where’d he go come on where what where is he hello he’s in front of me D he’s by the spawn the

Center Oh I thought no he’s not no he’s not don’t listen to him I’m on my way he’s gone crazy he’s gone crazy why I I never get lucky guys look up out here uh is that Ben Ben’s gone wrong uhoh Ben’s gone crazy with power Ben you’re lagging

The whole server Ben what’s going on no I’m not oh okay I don’t know what that was going on up there that’s definitely lagging up the whole server all right no it’s not it’s literally uh actually just uh 500 Alex Alex that’s no me I’m not even touching it Alex is being the

Destructive one right now oh D shooting it he shooting it I have a bow with flame enchant tuty what lava what is going on I the that that lava down there I fell into drums but oh where did you go wait Dondo ow dor no hey watch out wait what oh no ow

Okay oh hey jome hey guys I just fell into the middle but then I got unfilled jeez the lag B ah Ben please stop man please battle me let’s do battle I’m trying my FPS I can’t actually f3a f3a a no I didn’t oh no we’re all down oh 999 TI

Up and what has been probably the most ridiculous battle it’s been the best battle you’ve ever seen it’s up to you I’m going to one shot you Drome no you’re not no you’re not not if I shoot you jump out of the Arena I’m going to

Jump jump drum jump it’s open oh no stop stop stop stop stop I have an idea Dr Dr I have an idea no stop it stop it stop it all right we only have let’s do I have an idea tell me when you’re at are

You at full health I’m at full yeah okay we take turns we hit each other and see who gets luckier okay oh okay I’m down you ready you first all right your your turn oh oh okay oh oh yes the look not how do I not kill you Die

Why I think you just don’t have strength on any of your gear Alex no but Dr Drum look at my gear put my gear on okay that was the gear that I had on Ben how could we not today Ben um I only got two pieces of it in I had

Two Health boosts my chest plate was strength too and I think my like boots were a knockback resistance so I had like 24 hearts of Health Plus strength to like I was like probably one of the best sets you could get oh my gosh it

Was it was nice Ben what are you doing here with all the team oh no Alex why oh no oh no what oh well okay well that just happened to the arena I’m not I’m not like 100% sure about this guys I don’t know about your

Side of the map but I think we might need a map reload just a just a tiny bit yes oh oh oh god oh well don’t worry guys I’m just going to crash Ben server with 6,000 blocks of TNT so anyway everybody I want to thank you all so

Much for coming out to this stream I hope you all joyed if you did make sure you smash that like button and subscribe as well on the way out but the fun doesn’t end here I’m sure Alex is going to be joining D now yep DEA is live

Streaming right now on some good oldfashioned OverWatch and if you want to join her and Alex Link in the description go check out dea’s stream give her a baka raid let her know the Baka sent you go now go now go quick dea’s live stream with Alex for

OverWatch what’s not to love about that and then I’ll see you all in just about 30 minutes or so for my next live stream we’re coming at you with some epic epic modded TNT wars like has never been done before in the past and I mean that this

Has like been specially edited for the nice posha crew so amazing stuff coming ahead everybody but apart from that take care of my friends have an amazing day go check out dea’s stream right now once again go check it out Baka raid I’ll be watching the stream too go say hi to her

And Alex live streaming on her channel uh and I’ll see you all next time thanks friends bye bye oh oh buddy what’s going on everyone Jerome here along with Ben Alex and toy and what okay well you right there buddy okay and welcome to lucky block walls everybody coming at you right now

We’re doing some Delta Lucky Blocks so it should be a fun time this seems to be like a fan Mega favorite every time we ask you guys it seems like this one’s like your alltime favorite and I’m not going to lie I love them too like the

Blocks and stuff that are inside of these are just nuts the drops are crazy the mobs are crazy it’s just all around fun time so we’re going to be doing some One V One V One V One V One One V one to start off and then after that we’re

Going to take user suggestions about teams we should do or things we should change up like the number of blocks just you name it we’re going to try and change things up and make it that much more special so thanks for joining us everybody let’s get into it uh you guys

Ready to go we’ll do 64 Delta lucky blocks to start and some steak as well yep okay there we go so 64 Delta luck block oh uh the Delta ones are weird though is it the white text or the green text I’m just do I just do the white

Text okay perfect it doesn’t matter there’s no difference there’s no difference oh okay I didn’t know there was a difference okay and oh leading off the star here thank you Jennifer stano for the $10 donation that is absolutely awesome I appreciate you all right ready to go Gentlemen

Let’s do this buddy all right here we go SL point and there we go three two one go spaghetti oh Jesus wow that’s a bad way to start um good job I got struck by lightning and on fire great oh a mystery are we Banning mystery potions just time

Yes always yeah uh and the emerald Notch Apple style so enchanted Emerald apples are no good normal ones are good though Emerald apples I’m pretty sure I’m going to use a mystery wow okay I just ate the Notch Apple Emerald one and it gives you strength four yeah I have a one shot

Wonder I have a gloss hey how’s it going dude what’s up dude what are we send setting for damage 25 again what sorry oh 25 for a sword yeah yeah okay what happens if it’s not a sword oh no it’s 25 for the weapon bud um see I don’t know about that

What all right I’ve gotten no legit weapons I have shears with sharpness five which actually aren’t that bad I just killed something I got a golden shovel with sharpness full oh my gosh well I looked out I got a yellow lightsaber and it’s 25 attack damage on

The dot it is literally yeah the peak of what I can get that is actually amazing it’s perfect so we can use the shot Wonder right only on Ben okay that’s what I thought oh yeah but to be fair it breaks as soon as you use it

So I got two Tod gets good luck oh you want to play are we Bing dark armor or we going to allow to use it uh I’m assuming that’s why I can’t kill this Sith Lord guy cuz he has dark armor so no no no no no it’s

Notor the the sift Lord is just really hard to kill drone okay cuz it like I was smack smacking him with 25 attack damage SW he’s still not dying um oh thank you by the way Thomas Sawyer for a $30 donation he said Jerome you’re amazing keep up the good work and kill

Ben first sorry Ben well sorry Ben sorry Ben you have to die Ben you know it’s got to if it’s got to happen it’s got to happen you know I I don’t make the rules but I just follow them around here follow rules nah just kidding

Around there we go pick up some of these how you guys looking with armor and weapons weapon I’m all good I i’ I’ve spent the last probably 45 seconds to a minute trying beating on this Sith Lord hoping that he dies and drops his lightsaber okay nice that um well I’m

Still hitting him and I’m about to break through and a diamond sword I just got a pickaxe with attack damage 80 uh so assuming that’s not good to use no you can use that one that’s obviously yeah yeah it’s not a weapon oh okay good yeah

Than uh Jennifer steno by the way for a $50 donation you’re amazing we’re like five minutes into the the stream and we’re at like $90 in donations which is nuts and I blew up and died I died Alex prank honestly splashing the mystery potions on yourself while you’re

Trying to break the blocks is such a good idea but but Ben but be but Bean I’m still trying oh no oh no um well that’s a waste of my mystery my favorite I drink a mystery potion I got mining I love it oh well you know you win why won’t he

Die Jennifer Steno thank you again for a $50 donation oh my gosh wow you’re crazy wow thank you so much we really appreciate it okay oh boy what what’s going on Ben oh I got some really good jump boosts 49 Hearts well Ben this is why we can’t use mystery

Potions exactly this is what that wasn’t even a mystery potion that was just one with no name yes there we go I say Ben isn’t allowed to use anything like strange right like if Ben doesn’t know what it does he’s not allowed to use it because it’s usually ends up being a

Cheat kind of thing sorry cheated Ben Ben Ben Ben you cannot look me in the eye and say you’ve never cheated before I’ve never cheated before wow that was I’m just not believing it Ben I mean to be fair he didn’t look me in the ey

So he did or I mean he didn’t I mean to be fair I mean I can’t how many miles away seven four miles oh that’s a lot of evil bunnies that’s a lot of bunnies Okay I the darkness blade causes wither but it does .5 attack damage only

That’s still pretty good though but it’s good to have like in your hot bar and just swap out from your real weapon yeah that’s exactly what I was doing I’m doing really bad with armor same all right d oh oh oh no I’m sorry I uh here H take

Oh the life sword is that the one that heals you up every time you hit someone or is it like only randomly there was something weird with the life sword no no no no nothing about it here I stole your armor what do I do sorry dude

Wow D I forget how good these blocks are here you go dude what the chopzilla axe though oh can we not not today oh no that bacon Overlord really really today okay not today toy not today exactly what I pitch toti Has oh god oh he’s oh the lava can I have a can I have a killer no no I don’t actually have it clipped on my uh yeah I don’t have it on my clipboard I’m sorry Ben kill at a oh there my lucky B yeah and I have

Burned to death yay will you try drum oh there I go I tried no will go away sorry guys everyone everyone gets more Lucky Blocks dude I am just dying left and right today this is bad dude I I’ve literally got so much bad gear yeah tell me about

It I’ve got some status effect weapons so I now have the poison uh sword I got the Wither sword why did I just get strength two resistance two to uh that was because 78 n no I resistance to as well well I I no longer have those oh no never mind I get

A Sith Lord here what are you guys doing yeah what’s going on over there guys we’re beating this Hitler okay Anakin no The High Ground I’m still waiting on like a good helmet I haven’t found a single good one yet I just got a great helmet wait Tod I

Know what to do he one shotted me when I had are you guys on the same island yeah yeah yeah somehow oh okay I was like somehow you stole me Island you stole me Island you stormy luy Island my J you stormy Island lady okay thanks stream by the way for

Over 5,000 people showing up to this stream it’s amazing so thank you so much dude this bacon overlord’s a real baller dude go careful that guy is just is nasty how are you supposed to beat this step one get him step two got him thanks strong what did I do has a

Teleport trap everyone look at oh I’m sorry guys it just literally chucked me out the map all right I love this game you triggered my trap card oh my gosh random username uh like he just came from Ben stream after donating 2,000 and he just donated $500

Thank you so much random username like jeez man oh wow he’s like he’s always donating or she or who random username is thank you so much random username like that that’s incredible I really I it’s mind-blowing actually so thank you way I gave everybody a good potion effect and then I got another

My oh good mystery drink yes h okay I could really use like a full set of armor please stop giving me these yeah I don’t want no M Lucky Blocks I want to try something I keep getting more and more Lucky Blocks I can’t get rid of

Them I’ve got 21 Lucky Blocks still I’ve got 16 and I thought I was like it’s it’s B dude how many Lu blocks you guys all have I have a lucky potion on wait okay what about this ow ow ow okay so that’s the one I want

Use sorry I have strength four right now cuz that whoever gave me that potion that’s me I don’t know yeah Ben gave me a pretty nice potion thanks being the uh the emerald sword is actually amazing I got lucky lucky armor it it gets you

Good is it like a enchanted or is it just like a power it’s just it just has plus 10 attack damage default oh that’s actually a good base yeah but the problem the thing is Jerome the base on these speakers Dr the thing is watch so

This is this is yeah behind you drum uh yes hello so oh wait no I can use I can go this guy so you see how you like normally hit this guy watch stop stop stop stop a sorry and then the Wither Warrior out of nowhere you ready drum see how fast you

Can click with this thing yeah see so are you want to about the overlord that’s ridiculous I’ll take that thank you I’ll take that Dr oh face y give me good no toy you can’t take my gems they’re all my gems now Jerome my side and steal my gems I’m

Going to go steal all the Ben stuff now as well bad idea sorry guys and wow thank you by the way to uh Jennifer steno for a $100 donation thank you thank you she’s been donating like crazy today too thank you wow crazy dud lazy wait hey

D I got eight blocks I’m nearly out yeah I’m finally almost out of these Lucky Blocks dude the Emeral I the Delta Lucky Block sorry they’re just so abundant come back I have I have slowness dude oh my God I have no idea what that did I can’t

See I can’t see anything yeah I’m right now I’m going to do SL kill on myself that way I can uh you know actually start seeing again I don’t like being blind and oh thank you stream we just passed 6,000 viewers that’s amazing thanks so much for coming out everybody

Welcome welcome welcome I I realized I’ve broken all of my armor Now by messing around good job bud it’s all broken good J so I lost you just knocked me off like like all my armor is about to break I’m about to break okay I got run

A killo one second no oh no oh do you have to no no I need why why do you do you need to because I got mobs on my side killing me get good temporarily Go creative mode wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m so happy you said that to him

Because I found a lightsaber on the ground oh yeah that was mine I thre I away oh thanks all right Ben if you want to do it you could have just asked me I’d like six of them no I just want I mean I I

Don’t I feel too needy so do you want a red one no I want to be I want the blue one I could be uh Bean Kenobi Obi Bean Kenobi yeah Bean guys oh boy what I finally added Lucky Blocks yeah I mean that took me forever

As well but I broke through them I’m just setting on my armor now yeah me too oh my gosh random username jeez he just donated another $500 R random username thank you so much man like really you don’t you don’t have to do this thank you for all the love

And support you give the nice posture guys geez thank you man it’s crazy dude no it is I it’s just it’s like mindblowing it’s like d it is next level yeah just just know we really appreciate it thank you so much pal that dude made me speechless in my

Stream I know I just kind of like where I’m at right now I’m only 15 minutes in and he’s wow okay it’s insane actually it’s mindblowing yeah completely what are you guys doing I have that oh thanks dter okay wait like that see is this stuff usually enchants yeah there we go

Oh dud I got him good oh oh oh oh buddy yeah obviously just Mak sure I heard that correctly I mean yeah dude yeah dter yeah D yeah D ah jeez a jeez dude oh you guys are going to have a terrible time I have no one full set of Armor sorry they also have a a helmet that will never ever break he said a well you have a helmet that’ll never break never break how’d you get that one slash clear Frizzle on and pop hey it broke poor be how to get him step one got him

All right well I’m ready to go in battle by the way guys I oh y I am I just finished my stuff so has anybody ran the uh kill counter commands uh no sir nope okay right let’s do slash spawn point how to B right they’re on so how many lives are

We getting Jerome uh yes all right well there you go so I use my pickaxe that’s 80 damage correct right it’s not an actual weapon so obviously no we’ll do uh how many lives you guys think 10 lives 10 okay good good that’s what we usually do just making

Sure all right well let’s get to it then here we go guys three two one go the game’s I’m not ready okay I’m ready hey Tut that’s cute oh you think you’re de you think you’re de Ben tough are you how tough am I we’re we’re not doing King what are you guys

Doing I’m stuck in here oh hey D oh no me please oh no I’ve got I’m excited for this onez I’ve got a lot a crazy status effect things like I was saying okay well I have like nothing good so I have I am a guaranteed loss

Here I don’t know if this does any damage to you oh oh no oh Ben that’s a good weapon you got there oh there we go yeah I got no full set of armor so it’s pretty rough for me get the one shot off but my helmet has protection 20 go

Yeah I forgot I had some of Those hey hey oh no well I accept my fate hey Ben oh great yeah just you know what slash kill there we go oh cuz I blinded you in with or sorry wither no no no I unlucky potion him oh okay that too yeah that usually will do the trick Don’t

Drum that is strong what is the Wither I was at half why are you in my side dude the Wither potion is absolutely insane it’s just it’s it’s it’s not right okay no please please please please please please walk through the fire hey and unlucky potion Ben your pants are

Off Dy you’re I hit myself oh Alex oh I’m sorry uh you might want to check your super chat I check my super chat you check buddy oh my gosh random username thank you again for a $500 donation he just said medic and all capital letter buddy

I H honestly like just thank you from the bottom of my heart like that’s you don’t need to do this and just thank you just just know it’s very appreciated that’s a thank you man like that I’m like almost speechless about the whole thing that’s that is crazy that’s crazy

Dude he always comes on these streams I’m pretty sure he’s donated to you countless times toy I know he’s done the B myself he’s just like the biggest nice posture supporter ever all guys triple kill all right Ben you got to die now yeah sorry you want about I died seven

Times yeah Ben’s not doing too hot right now one more one more can’t hurt I’m just going to go hide now Fair actually come Ono battle I wonder if he’s gonna do the same that he did to me Jerome 2017 and you did forgot he did that and I’m dead that’s crazy come

Here ow there we go oh I was trying to the golden apple on the retreat I almost had a chance oh nice Ben nice sler good oh hey buddy oh no it popped a GG I’m out oh you’re in your spawn I won’t I’m backing off I’m backing off

Well Ben I’m out oh I’m sorry Dy no you’re not no I’m really not because you kill me that entire time no you’re not no no you’re not but I accept my def raro boys hey D hello Mr Ben what H okay actually Ben what potion effects

Do you have on I have absorption on but once I eat my golden apple and my plain Emerald Apple together it gives me strength too okay well I’m I’ll hey buddy I’ll talk to you when your effects are over well I still got some more of

These left oh my I talk to you when all cuz you’re just wrecking us right now with that stuff Ben you’re all hiding these don’t last very long exactly oh hey Bud I’m afraid the everyone’s armor seems to be breaking left and right I just had to repair some of my armor to be honest just in case and I’m dead I think we should lower the the limit to like 10 damage just because we can get strength two on Emerald apples

Or do we just ban strength to just we could just ban Emerald apples yeah yeah it might be that because they give strength too because strength to is 260% in damage increase so that’s like a 50 damage yeah I totally down with getting rid of Ben has no shirt

On got him knocked them out be apple Bean all right there we go come on Ben what you want wow that tell me what you do a lot of damage the Wombo combos of course they do a lot yeah the womo combos mhm wow I’m out G GG boys GG not

Alive you’re cheating so stream it looks like that right there is round number one but don’t worry Ben’s be loading up the second round for us right now that being said I saw a lot oh oh actually yeah we don’t even need to load it up

Let’s just head on over there stream ins side yeah I mean no yeah we’re fine we’re fine then so stream while we’re all setting up and getting ready for this bad boy uh even though there really isn’t like any set up at all so let me

Just do a Delta Lucky Block 64 and stake uh who would you like to see us teamed with so do you want me to be with Ben Alex or toy comment it down below and uh oh my okay never mind I thought I thought it was another one it wasn’t

Though no right you saw I saw it move and I had like half a heart attack for you I was like jeez no okay um but yeah everybody so who do you want to see us with uh Alex toy or Ben let me know down below and let’s get to it for

An awesome two versus 2 battle thank you to the 7,800 people as well that have showed up for this stream that’s always amazing to see so many bright and Shining faces hope you’re all having a fantastic day means a lot to me and thank you to the over 100 people who’ve

Subscribed as well if you guys want a chance by the way to participate in a $100 giveaway our $100 Amazon gift card giveaway sorry you can go to the second link in the description right there it’s a link to my giveaway you just free to participate have some fun it’s it’s a

Good time it’s a good time so might win all right and looks like my chat heavily is asking for zet for my team Andre oh man how’s it going buddy how’s it going paleo so me and T will be on a team together then let’s get ready to break

Up guys in a big three two one go oh my goodness I know it’s my favorite one oh no oh no oh no um has anybody got a kill K Ben get your own kill this is mine fine I’m a k free One ow ow

No get out of here cave spider go away oh guys don’t worry we just got 10 more Lucky Blocks thanks Ben did everyone yeah I I got four I didn’t I don’t think I got that many I got a rock I that’s that was such a good like

I don’t even know what you’d call that I guess Brown It’s like a well no there’s multiple it was like a cartoon pretty much yeah like a yeah like a cartoon I got a rock but that but that Char Brown and the Great Pumpkin I’m talking about

That one in PEC Charlie Brown Ben is like a classic American okay I don’t know no I went to a I I went to a place called nottsbury Farm in uh California and they had a Charlie Brown land it was pretty amazing yeah yeah notb Farm apparently is awesome I I’ve never been

But I’ve heard it’s like just beautiful dud I’ve been and you wouldn’t believe it you’d go to Disney on the same day in like California and it would be packed you go go there and it’s literally like two second lines jeez it’s ridiculous and oh my

Gosh thank you David Todd for the $50 donation said hi from Arkansas money Wars question mark yeah actually I’m going to be streaming money Wars uh either tomorrow for an excd actually I’m doing skybounds tomorrow so I’ll do skybounds tomorrow but I’ll be doing money Wars uh sometime this week for an

Epically long stream like a super stream almost if you will oh Jo you going to do what we did I don’t know if I’ll do 10 hours of money Wars but uh no same style uh possibly once again probably not uh anywhere near remotely as many hours but uh

Yeah okay oh sure why not I can think of a lot of reasons why not Ben then CU I a lot of time and I’d probably lose my mind you do eventually like reach a point where you kind of just go crazy oh great yeah we hit that point

Multiple times actually you’re just like all right guys oh honestly not yeah actually actually very accurate yeah like that what’s that from uh Bruce Almighty like the reporter guy what what I’m talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah dude takes over the reporter guy yeah yeah he’s a really

Famous actor I used to watch that movie all the time as a kid I am in big trouble um so is it okay if I replace this chest plate for an emerald one um it’s an enchanted Emerald one with protection 10 and plus 80 Max health so

Are you guys okay with me downgrading that to a regular Emerald one no I I think you should just no we not no you have to use it all right 80 total Hearts that’s cool with everybody then yeah 100 absolutely dude honestly keep it that’s

Was just bad I I can’t dude there’s so many rows of Arts do it drone just keep it do it I just do jugernaut mode you put it on my gosh that just it actually would be sick for Juggernaut mode though to be fair if we did that be

Amazing by the way to I don’t have many good anything um so same Jerome can you run K I had no problem running a killer because I was trying to kill a Sif Lord and he dropped me his armor also I just want to point out the fact that I think the my most the most annoying drop is the killer bunnies those are the most

Annoying one oh yeah oh yeah and you’re just like oh great great so we’re doing no uh no uh Emerald apples this time right yeah no Emerald apples no sir yeah no Emerald apples and thank you master gaming for the $20 Nation he said drone memory from some streams of course I do

Buddy how have you been it’s been a it’s been a short while how you been man you been have you been good have you been well did you eat your vegetables did you yeah a very important one that’s the most important very important question question is you’ve always got to make

Sure you eat your vegetables kids also are any of my mods being active in chat right now cuz I see some very nasty things that fly through and I don’t have time to block them all so uh let me let me poke my mod team to jump in your chat yeah I’m

Trying cuz they just keep popping up and I I literally can’t I keep every time I look to the side I keep trying to block these things and it’s just not like it’s just they keep flowing so I can’t I can’t take care of it while I’m streaming

Yeah I’ve messaged them my should hope hey Dr hi toy oh there you go Bud armor do you need it no no no oh I mean do you have any I need boots okay so I don’t need boots or the helmet I only need the leggings so here I’ll just take these

And the rest are all yours Bud we here Drome take I don’t need I don’t need that that that wait no I need the boots I threw the boots out okay well I got to get rid of my chest plate anyway um so I’m going to throw all the armor random

Username thank you for the $100 donation and this one has a long thing to read um I can’t tell what’s going on cuz they’re all quotes uh so it says AR rizle 11 quote can I have a shout out end quote Loretta uh hoz quote up Jerome

8m your biggest fan ever man end quote is a duplic can I he just I think he copy and pasted the chat accidentally no no I maybe he asked people what you he wanted them or him to say to oh okay that might be what’s going on

That makes sense then Izzy dupus said can I have a shout out uh bug Moon said jome I’ve been sub to you for six years now and I want to say keep up the good work dude happy face uh well thank you random user once again I don’t know if

That was just like you collected stuff from people who wanted to say stuff in chat or what what that was but uh but thank you thank you for the donation again my man Cra Crazy when you’re trying to run away from the the dark SI Overlord can we

Talk about how Don died 25 times oh my oh no that’s fine oh my oh no oh why can’t we use with app I got like a stack of them this time that’s why Ben that’s exactly why actually how to get him step one tell him the facts step

Two you got him sorry Ben okay I got to run a kilo is everybody good for killo yes sir uh yep there we go all right my best sword to is only 13 points 2 so Al have you got anything good I I bestow upon you

This the Halo what do you have do you have anything better um I have an emerald heavy sword and I also have um what’s the attack damage 12 and I also have a diamond sword with sharpness 3 so 1075 but I also have an emerald bow as

Well well take that that’s 13.25 at least all right thank you thank you buddy um no worries I just got the master sword oh here’s a Sith Bo dude dude if we kill this we’re good yeah but there’s no way we can kill him he’s so tanky Jerome how many hits you think

It’ll take a lot it’s worth it cuz he’s got he’s got the plus potion on yourself that just sounds like a hor idea oh sorry I just whacked Drome sorry buddy wait toti because we can’t use him anyway I’m drinking an enchanted Emerald Apple for strength four Whack Him good Jerome keep whacking

Him come on he’s got to die eventually man you so why won’t you die dude this is stream is this not ludicrous what is going on get up has regen 10 you know what he actually probably does have regen yeah we’re never going to get him dead

Toy but I’ve killed oh I like when I get fre mystery potions in a road it just like but what Ben oh stop giving me lucky block dude why sorry oh that make everybody teleport yeah little sorry guys and oh thank you master gaming for $50 donation he said

I’m good I got 43 Subs to my YouTube channel from recording and streaming Minecraft GTA 5 godmod uh I have two Minecraft servers uh master gaming. server.js I need some staff members well if you’re looking for working on a server guys go uh hit them up and thank

You buddy and congratulations to the 43 subscribers very cool man ah okay I’m good oh boy okay real talk what am I supposed to do with all of these Lucky Blocks eat them obviously well that’s the thing I’ve still got 42 drum drum drum out of curiosity Bud um out of

Curiosity one second let me see here is it okay if I use this sword I think it’s fair okay okay let me see uh anything you have to question is not fair yeah it’s fine dude are you kidding me yeah here take it is that’s dude that’s like

I don’t even know why you had four let me let me see if it’s fair Ben Ben I want to see if this is okay yeah it’s fair see Ben it’s honestly not that bad dude I’m trying to break like the 32 Lucky Blocks I have left guys just just

Guess the attack damage 100 150 yeah that’s fine then who cares especially with strength four that’s like barely anything not even going to scratch the surface exactly exactly I think that’s very fair do you have any enchanting bottles or you have any levels uh you have seven levels also

Super Chat oh Super Chat just came through thank you to random username for $100 donation uh he said fan comments dot dot dot okay so they were fan comments and then he quoted MLG Illuminati quote you guys are the best YouTubers ever when I first watched you

I was so happy can you guys please give me a shout out uh then he quoted C Bez Vlog saying could I please have a shout out cuz I never got a shout out then Jaylen Rose saying say my name in a video please please well thank you

Random username for pulling those things up and thank you for the donation pal I appreciate it that’s like actually really nice of him he’s like taking the his time and mut just to help other people get noticed that’s really cool um okay this is

Bad please tell me you got a full set of good armor don’t so toy if I could borrow your levels could you uh repair some of my gear for me yeah thank you bud okay you call them Bud yeah bud oh and thank you sea Walter for the $20

Donation pal you’re awesome man thank you all righty Jerome where are we going I mean I do have a full I’m right here okay uh the anvils are right behind you so let me give you some of the armor real quick oh yes poison dagger how do I

Repair it um so you you put it into the Anvil right and then you take uh the gems so I have all the gems you need I just don’t have the levels and you just uh you put it in the other slot so like oh Jesus so right in

There um so we got this one this one like it’s almost all broken pretty much uh and then in order to repair that uh we need I got diamonds so okay good so just the helmet and legs uh everything but the chest plate helmet legs and I

Think you got boots in there as well yep yep yep yep and thank you for another $50 donation everybody to CSG Drome you need to make nice posture skybound series I’m sad you quit I didn’t qu guys I filmed it 5 days ago I I’m I’m filming it tomorrow like what

J why you why you why you quit Ser sorry jome I I couldn’t fix your legs but wow dude that’s so good jome why’ you quit all right I was like guys geez he’s probably like oh okay oh good this is good news drum did not quit drum

Did not quit not yet yeah I’ve been really enjoying Sky bounds why would I quit now I’m curious I’m going look at my channel make sure that I didn’t mess up here yeah five days ago yeah no I don’t already stream I did not quit yeah cool cool the episode I’m

Quitting I like it okay all right quit I’m ready to go whenever boys yep I’ll be good in a second uh anything uh good weapon wise for me don’t though uh for you no yeah great I mean this is I mean does this count I guess uh okay toty you threw the armor

Back on wait uh oh toy uh yeah is there any way did I give you the wrong pants the protection four ones or do you just not have the levels or I just didn’t have the levels S I have any spare Darkness armor like a chest plate helmet and

Maybe some boots oh here Dr here’s um here’s extra legs I just picked up oh I I have Protection One Diamond so don’t worry Dr there’s a lucky villager right here I am I am dumb all right I can what are you what are you going to buy from

Here drum I don’t know I haven’t seen what he’s offering I can’t I can’t click on him so oh okay I’m gonna buy I I’m gonna buy you boots and leggings okay so I just I just bought you boots and leggings and here’s the rest of my

Diamonds what do you have uh healing leggings by any chance healing what leggings mean life legs yeah I gave a pair to Jerome what do you want to trade us for him nothing you’re the opposite team why would I give you anything because we’re tra because we have

Something you want in return Ben that’s how negotiating works yeah Ben I mean I mean I don’t need it that we’re just getting the benefits here it’s May a backup did you mean benefits my leg okay let’s do it then guys uh if everyone’s ready let’s get a bunch of

Clear all is going I’ll I’ll try and help you guys to uh you know yeah I’m I’m pulling mine up now so I just type in chat SL clear all no it would have been a little funny no okay well just me then sorry guys I tried there we go oh nice stre

Good timing there bud all right stream here we go for the second battle in a big three two one I fell off perfect great great and thank you by the way TNT Destroyer 295 he said hey Jerome just you know I’ve been watching you

Since 2013 I’m a big fan can I be a moderator please thank you for the $50 donation and of course you could be a moderator there you go I I’ve I’ve seen him around in streams I always pick people that I’ve seen around for streams

For like a while and I’ve seen that guy around for very a lot of streams actually he’s like yeah he’s been around for quite some time so OG original Baka it’s basically I just pick people to be mods that I’ve just recognized the name and I’ve seen around in streams for a

While now so anyway let’s do it 3 2 1 go come on dudy 10 lives each let’s do it Bud for our team oh this is bad news oh I’m dead oh no I’m dead do you have your full at have oh no no I’m not using the 80

Hearts Let’s jump together one two three jump ah wait where are you guys going what’s going on what oh okay and thank you random mus for the $20 donation he said uh fan comments again and this was Miley zuk uh quote I want Jerome to know that he’s my

Favorite YouTuber Cole ASF said quote it’s my birthday just got Minecraft Happy Birthday Cole and random username himself said happy birthday no it’s not my birthday guys this is a rumor it’s not my birthday I feel like this is going to be a rumor it’s going to be my

Birthday every day forever and ever good job Alex I’m just going to St the way Alex I was by I was really tempted to just not jump there that’s nasty how funny how funny would that have been though over this is terrible I can’t I can’t

Function he is dead not be surprised no great oh no two the PO the poison dagger is so good yeah really is mixed with the Wither it’s like a guaranteed kill yeah I didn’t have the Wither sword this time but last time I would just go wither

Poison I just got two shot I like this game did you really Bean yeah your pants came off no how did I actually just two shot you Ben with a bow that’s awesome no it’s really not whenever I go mid I always lag up an entire storm no it’s because I’m breaking everything

Oh you are as well see I thought it was just me where’s Alex where are you Alex just digging underground right now oh hey Alex where are you going bud he’s going on a trip in his favorite rocket ship zooming through oh my God B you don’t sneak up on me like that

I thought you were jome you walked past me oh my gosh you guys are thought you oh B it’s so laggy for me okay no I’m not good sorry Dr I literally got poison three for trying to shoot you with a bow Jerome oh did I accidentally hit you I’m sorry you know

You didn’t hit meing ping ping bing ping ping bing did that do like any damage no so why why does that do no damage to you but I literally two shot B like Don watch this watch this watch this cuz he’s got good armor he Shar nothing he’s

A bad teammate watch this watch this Shar nothing that’s all I got watch this Watch what why is that two shot B I’m so confused by this get over here Alex I don’t know you using the darkness armor Alex Ben please stop getting you just AC K three times you so you shot me great you’re the best teammate ever you’re so

Good at this game I was shooting Dr please toy don’t try and just snipe me for a great I love this game okay oh no ow hey Ben no yeah you know what drone go for it there we go all right bet I’m sorry dude I didn’t mean to kill

You just keep running in front of me four times yeah it was two times it was at least three to be honest it was three that’s what I counted I don’t I didn’t count four I counted three it was pretty bad dude that’s so it was pretty bad come

On got him I got him I got him I got him think you can out bow me huh huh they call me the Dr Ranger wow dude that’s crazy it’s Alex whoops I’m sorry Alex whoops oh no accidentally hitting you sorry my favorite all right and let’s get him come on toy

He’s actually doing all right with his armor buddies it’s he’s actually yeah he’s doing very well so we got we got we got to chip away those lives he’s only got four left dude I’m actually doing pretty well with this he’s yet to kill me with my with my bow and arrow

Skills dude okay where is he they call me they call me the the teis I blast them okay hello Mr Alex not to D got him there we go got your back oh he was shooting the bow he respawned 36 the no scope take cover time to go oh wait my pants are

Off great that’s literally me every day ah jeez GG we did it J yeah GG good game very good game well I think honestly even though the sides are all destroyed just for the sake so we don’t have to reload it you guys cool using the same map and doing a third round

Yeah let’s do it yeah all right so stream who would you like to see us team with this time uh just with 2D so type in chat Alex or Ben with who you’d like to see me uh as my teammate whoever it is see the thing is if you pick Alex

You’re more than likely he’s going to kill you but if you pick Ben you’re more than likely lose there’s no win sorry there’s no there’s no winning in either situation there thanks thanks yeah sorry so stream what do you think buds we’ll have to find out in a moment I didn’t

Mean to be fair Ben you like R you’re Ben you’re like that no see Ben you’re like that really energetic dog that just like runs under the everyone’s feet all the time just like accidentally like yeah you accidentally kicked it and you feel awful about it no the only time I

Will say that out of all those that I think Ben definitely uh unfortunately but I I got to say you probably probably wasn’t your smartest move was when Alex was in the tunnels and just snuck up on him I would have probably panicked too

In it’s cuz the reason why is Dr like no no no no no let let me stop you there he St at me for a solid two seconds before he I didn’t think you swalled me though cuz then it’s after that I heard drone being oh Alex what are you doing man

What you doing you SW at me all right either way the stream wants spe to be team with Alex so we’re going to go ahead and do that then let’s get the 64 Delta Lucky Blocks let’s get the 64 steron and let’s keep your distance let’s get to it

Okay uh ah dang it game mode oh and I’m running a quick kill all everybody well we what oh we already oh I haven’t opened up any blocks yet yeah I’m just going to yeah oh I accidentally grabbed the negative 80 luck oh that could have been really bad that could have been

Amazing for who for who Bean okay all right here we go three you guys got it even better going on over there one and go oh guys like I like explosions I literally got a red lightsaber as soon as it started all right Alex I think we got this one I’ve

Already died twice just don’t kill me I mean I don’t think he can promise much on that one just try not to betray me butd and we’ll be good I’m sure all right I’ll kill Ben I’m pretty actually that that is good that is he’s on the other team that

Is very good look I started with 64 blocks and now I’ve got 72 but I don’t think that’s how it works dude see that’s what I thought but I’m sitting here no to be fair I’ve I’ve had so much TR uh trouble just kind of getting rid of all my lucky blocks in

The past rounds I keep getting more and more and they just keep stacking they won’t stop I’m just placing them I’m just going to see what happens I’m stacking I don’t think that’s a good idea toy you can you help me more than Alex did as a teammate this

Time no actually I have no idea Ben depends what I get depends if you walk in front of me when I’m things wait is this oh it’s Shadow stuff okay um I got poison dagger oh thank you bud okay the poison dagger is like my favorite it’s so

Good oh I love this game oh no B 2.0 I think that’s Ben’s new line I love this new oneliner yeah I think it’s it’s so funny cuz I love I love when he says it every time it is actually pretty funny most of the time every time it’s for something different

Guys I love this game I love your I legitimately never really got Nat soldi at games before until I started playing Minecraft you’re wel no no no I played Minecraft and I was fine it ever since I started playing Minecraft with 2y wow you’re okay that bad no I’m fine

Beanan sorry or being teamed of Alex I have one okay Ben I’ve opened it up open up all me blocks and really dude I have 51 left how dy I keep getting more like I’ll break 20 and I’ll get like 15 back can I get to kill all

Please okay oh this is lit oh sorry I did you want to kill him I got it okay no what right as you guys did that um Darth Vader was spawn and I got all of his gear wait the Sith Lord guy Bud yeah I

Got Darkness stuff no not a full set but like so good dude I know I got hat I get uh I love when I get emerald boots to have Unbreaking 30 Ben it’s like our favorite game right I just fell in lava all righty Ben uh here oh would have

Never good job bud all righty Ben here here here here don’t open up what do you need is it just a full set bonus that makes Darkness good or is it just genuinely good I think it’s just I need a I have a chest plate of dark do you

Have uh the rest of the stuff of dark for me no no I don’t I only have these so here you have a light saer cuz I actually don’t have one yet I don’t have a lightsaber but you can you can use mine thank you so take that take

This I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got good oh oh really yeah all I need is a helmet sadly I don’t you can help me bud okay take do you have oh great great great see okay those are Shadow I I always give you the good stuff thanks thanks be

You sure about that okay Alex how are you doing on everything by the way doing all right okay I’m doing awful great J sounds like me every day okay a oh there’s a little kind of dang it’s just a mystery potion oh say hey bud hey

D oh no let’s not talk to this guy he seems rough TP oh it’s not a good idea bean I got him I got him I got him uh can I get a uh am I good to kill all yeah yeah please here we go perfect I

Just got one of the mega super big lucky blocks and it didn’t drop anything from inside of it what is going on B 2.0 okay Ben Ben Ben Ben B yeah can I have a killer wait not yet oh never mind yeah oh I got shot in

The butt right as I was running away toy wait give me a hand my booty get a do a kill all o d look head chest plate head plate for you I have it Ben I have one I was just trying to help just don’t appreciate anything I do for you because

It’s not good enough it sound like a married couple all right Ben you can have that no no I don’t want my why have I picked up my lucky blocks again moved inside of a lava thing I need the darkness helmet yeah CL this I got is a shadow

Helmet sorry Bean that’s okay do you want some more blocks to open up cuz I got more oh great great oh buddy it’s my favorite running to kill all everybody is that okay little rabbits all right Ben where do you what do you got here how many

More blocks do you have to open you take another five six Perfect all right Drome how you looking my friend pretty good pretty good buddy get away from tuty and by that I mean pretty bad pretty bad good good job I’ve Lally got like Darkness leggings and here no no no

Don’t worry drum I’ve got this I got a Darkness helmet now too so I have Darkness leggings what what what do you want to train darkness and helmet helmet uh yeah Darkness legging and helmet okay well I was about to say here okay then did you ask what I wanted for the

Darkness helmet yeah I don’t think I want anything cuz giving you a full set of Darkness would probably be tragically bad for us yeah that’ definitely be game losing hey to here yeah Bean uh take what you need from this um do you have any what’s your highest second attack damaging thing

Never mind I have a 13 damager well that’s everything Alex you take that then all right so here’s what we’re doing right you here I’m about to drop stuff for you okay okay thank you oh fancy thanks this is all uh just Ben yeah oh this is good this is good

Stuff yeah you got you got you got that setup because you’re good at cycling yes thank you bud wait T do you have a good helmet all right so what else do you need extra for you well that’s perfect for me all this stuff what what I’m going to do that actually

Right now you want to see something cool I always do this every time so you come over to here right that was not planned that was probably very uncool let me try one more time here TP TP to me look look look here I have a gift for

You no where did you get this why I had it dude okay you ready this is the other part you just mine up where yeah yeah yeah oh by the way toy if either one of them has dark armor don’t hit them with a sword hit them with a

Pickaxe yeah or just hit them with the poison Darkness uh the poison and darkness blade and just poison them through it no no I I mean yes but Alex this thing just blows up any blue lapis that’s great no no in a bad way it like won’t pick it up it just explodes

And it disappears oh not great oh here here here I have something for you as well I don’t know if you already have one but oh thank you but I actually don’t think I did have that oh no I did I did now we can breathe under waterer toy do

You want a Darkness blade uh what’s the attack damage oh it just causes weer oh then yeah yeah totally thanks Ben um and thank you random username for another $50 donation he said uh from fan comments Kevin Wang said quote Jerome you’re the best YouTuber JT cool dude

Said quote random username please tell Jerome that he makes me smile every day case and Hansen said quote random username please tell Jerome that he’s made my day well thank you so much everybody that means a lot to me all those nice comments and thank your random username again for the donation

You are awesome man hey tuty can you uh hit me with a sword is Shadow better than emerald oh no what oh no Ben hit me with a sword no tutty tutty tutty I have zero potion effects on hit me with that sword yeah Alex these pickaxes are so

Good they just evaporate any block that they mind jeez H well this is bad I need to can you have a pickaxe that can M me some lapis quick I actually can I actually do yeah okay cool can you just get me some lapis real quick I got some

Moves I got some moves oh yeah the only way they’re going to be able to kill me is the way that you’re about to kill them and the reason I can stay look T hit me now here you go buddy oh there you are yeah here you go do you need

More I love this yeah especially as they’ve got Unbreaking 30 I love this game well guys yeah lost wait how we lose why what you guys have game’s over I I uh I I have a yeah I’m not going to go into it but I have Dela boots that

Are unbelievable he has a thing Alex have you seen the enchanting table that was down here uh no sir hello look like drone won’t be able to enchant that’s fine I don’t need to enchant this stuff I have some really good stuff in here so I’m

Fine I got to get enchant hey TD do you want to do you got any of them blue pickles left I dropped on the floor well no well I mean I they’re right there okay let me grab them you want to enchant your gear with me I have nothing I

Mean yeah I’m as ready as I’m going to be I was kind of hoping for that enchant but I guess the tables are gone I got tables but i’ I got the only BL blue pickles I’m a blue pickle a pound you can’t enchant dark armor never mind no

Point oh all right right well let’s go yeah if everyone’s ready let’s do it then uh let’s start resetting the scoreboards here real quick um so there’s one of them and oh thank you random username for $50 donation again he was quoting more fans said Cameron

Echel said quote notice me I almost die in surgery and can I be a mod you make my day and I’m glad to still be here in random mus please put this in your super chat please and make my life happy there you go he says well thank you Cameron

Etel I’m really sorry to hear about the surgery I I hope you’re doing a lot better now cuz I have no idea what what surgery it was or anything but but I hope you’re doing all better now and and I and I’m glad we could really help you

Through these hard times and just thanks for being awesome man I appreciate you yeah all right let’s do it all right I’m ready here we go three two one go w oh okay oh the middle is a little bit broken I that was not me Ben it was you

Oh I fell for Ben that was you well oh no oh no go Ben why you run so quick what what what is going on going mid is just lags up my whole Ben Ben’s running a million miles a second oh no whatever will I do hey

Alex Catch Me If You Can I probably can’t because I can’t see anything but I will Outlast yeah potions what is going on Alex is I mean Ben Ben what do you have though is that speed like four or your armor speed speed boots just for my

Armor oh nice oh dear oh this is awkward I am uh I’m uh fully blind so if I hit someone it’s literally luck at this point I’m going on sound oh I’m not in a good position to fight here boys hey D H Ben I think Ben’s going to

Sing I think Ben’s going to single-handedly kill all of us my spawn and uh I can’t see where oh my gosh I accidentally jumped into a pit did not see that pit there oh no you have one extra life strong no it’s fine it’s fine you’re going to need it to

Kill Bean you yeah I I don’t think it’ll make it I think Ben’s going to survive the whole time with whatever that armor is he got hidden in there hey buddy that is some vicious stuff though to be fair it is you got super lucky what potion effects have you got on Alex

None oh at least I can see now yikes ah ah there see that’s such a deadly combo oh my gosh that wither hey Dr No Way Ben you and I make a dirty combo if I can get off my um wither and poison effect they can’t run and then

You can just beat them down Alex I’m not sure what we can do I mean if we take so fast well one thing we can do is if we take out 2D at least we can 2v one Ben but that’s probably our only legitimate strategy ah who W oh my gosh B

Ben please I regret giving him my items dude that’s not your items at all I can literally take all this armor off and still be fine that’s fair but it is the lightsaber the lightsaber helps oh you know what I could swap to the chopzilla delter if you want to Nah Mr tuty I don’t know where I am I’m really really l oh look Alex here’s Alex hopefully the Wither will get to you yeah it’s going to yeah oh that’s such a good combo like honestly the worst thing in the world being able to strafe at

This speed oh my gosh that’s crazy actually crazy without my boots I die like they only give me speed uh2 but that’s like speed this situation we both just die I know cuz we’re both do the same strategy it’s the poison wither Strat what and here comes the race car

Guys n the race car the race car came in oh he came in like a bean bag I’m I have no health I the only bit that’s making me die is the fact I don’t have a gold great thanks J why why who’s got a bow I I need to kill Bean now

What great they’re gone JY no try Me and toy are the Epic batt of the centuries again I just got a poison like I just swing around swinging my poison dagger and wither sword hoping hoping I get you to this would be such a close fight if oh dude that wither is strong like dude the

Wither as long as you guys hit me with the Wither and what wither effect does it give Ben like wither two with two yeah you guys are about to have a much more equal fight well I’m about to be out like to be fair they’re all out to

Be yeah we’re about to all be out to be honest yeah hello hello oh wrong person I feel like I’m just going to watch toty die and then I’ll be involved with the fight Ben you’re a really good teammate Bud oh sorry there we go I killed one for

You all right my arm is about to break I’m gonna go boots only B you don’t got to do that for us but we’re on our last lives I think we I think we’re effectively dead yeah yeah good luck I’m so GNA kill you oh my

Gosh oh my God all right I actually have to hop off guys I’m going to go join de’s stream so I’ll talk to you guys later all right peace out and hey GG wow I was whacking on Ben too I died and withered away so it looks like

Toy and B are able to take home the last win before we head off I just want to thank the last two big donations from random username so random username he copy and pasted one and he said uh from Co ASF plays Minecraft random username

Tell drum that he makes me smile ear to ear uh Jack Wilson said random username can you please put in Super Chat it will make my day uh and then random username donated of $50 again and said uh Austin Warner says quote Ram mus please ask Jerome ask Jerome ask Ben if he

Remembers me for BTD battles please and uh unfortunately Ben well oh Ben’s still here I’m sorry Ben do you remember War what’s the username Austin Warner oh yeah he destroyed me oh great no no no actually he didn’t destroy me I chose the wrong deck of cards and had to

Leave the battle oh okay nice U and then Dragon o Frost said Rand music can you tell drum that I’ve watched since before Team Crafted that’s awesome thank you for being a long time Baka that means you’ve been here since either early 2013 or even earlier than that yeah this is

This is what clutched the game oh Ben protection 10 jeez well so good that makes a lot of sense anyway stream thanks for joining us today we hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you all in about 2030 minutes with my last stream of the night we’ll see

You all there thanks for coming out everybody love you guys bye oh buddy what’s going on everyone Jerome here along with Alex benon toy and welcome to an epic epic OverWatch lucky block walls live stream that’s right everybody we’re going to be heading in for a couple of

Big rounds using the OverWatch Lucky Blocks it’s been a while since we last used these and the reason we’re coming back to them is because we wanted to celebrate the brand new OverWatch update cuz apparently they had like a super big update that was like really really cool

Uh and I know that Alex was very excited about it so we decided to just it’s it’s not out yet but it is in their testing regions and it’s really cool cuz that mean literally what it is is there’s like so many brand new things you can do

For custom games and it’s going to be awesome and there’s a new Capt of flag game mode it’s awesome it’s awesome exactly so we decided just kind of celebrate that by actually playing with the OverWatch Lucky Blocks very excited everybody but before we begin I just want to thank a few people really

Quickly because you know when I’m live streaming I often get super chats which are donations uh I I in between streams I don’t know what happened in between streams uh but a couple people decided they just I guess wanted to donate for the sake of being awesome and I just

Wanted to give them a big shout out uh so before the stream sh uh started uh Sher bazo donated 500 Canadian dollars I I’m literally speechless Sherry uh thank you so so much that that’s incredible and uh it just means the world to me so

I just want to say thank you for that uh thank you X-Man 445 57 for a $200 donation saying Jerome you’re the best uh thank you man I literally same thing I’m just speechless by by the amount you guys really don’t have to do this then he sponsored my channel and then X-Man

Continued to donate another $50 uh and I just wait like yeah xman X-Man 4457 uh that guy dropped $200 on my stream as well well xman just thank you for your love you’ve shown to all the nice posture guys thank you to Sherry as well I just once again before we got

Into this I just would feel wrong if I didn’t thank these people uh even though it happened before the live stream started so just uh thank you thank you very much uh and on that note everybody let’s get ready to do this we have 64 OverWatch Lucky Blocks I’m ready to go

What about all you fun gentlemen of course not give me just a second dude I totally thought you were uh you were ready to go there I was like all right we’re ready to go we’re gonna have a a clean intro here this is going

To be just like of course not why would I ban your staty oh B come on fix it up bud all right uh so I guess without further Ado let’s go ahead and do it in a big three two one break them everybody oh God super creeper wire how oh my God

Am I good now yeah you’re all good that was a bad start oh no a TNT chest what is every block I break trying to blow me up well that sounds that sounds rough for uh that sounds rough for you oh I got Reaper’s uh shotgun

Look at that that’s pretty cool oh my gosh it actually shoots like a shotgun too it shoots multiple pellets I a soldier leggings I got I got Genji’s weapon the not helmet and boots I didn’t get his uh sword I just got his Dart thingy I got the uh I I got

The uh aror for the only person who knows how to use I got Road hogin Soldier boots what no roadhog and so it’s a road hog Soldier 76 combo question mark and could you imagine if you could do that in the actual game and

I just got a peacekeeper I got the I got Pharaoh’s uh launcher but it’s called a rocket launcher a phoh rocket launcher yeah I get it it’s a combination oh no what we’re not we was just a just a prank oh gosh dang it I keep getting

Inside of these houses and it spawns me inside the leg of a table and I have to break everything to get out there a second one in a row it just spawns me right smack dab in the middle of the leg of the table um and real quick thank you

So much everybody to Michael Paul ninja killer super boss wolf ruler X-Man again Melissa car uh Cary now uh copper 1 123 uh Dr Walker and Maniac monkey thank you so so much and actually Melissa said I love you Drome when is the next time you could play Risk um so

Those all the people that just super chat donated guys they want us to play Risk again you know what I’m down we haven’t done it in a long long time we really haven’t it has been forever since we’ve done risk I kind of I think we

Should play soon I really do uh we have uh uh Ben can you turn on fire fire oh yeah yeah I got it I got it I got it I got it why did you do this I like the I like the combo armor between characters

Like I got Merced helmet and roadhog and Soldier boot or Merced Soldier helmet and roadhog and Soldier boots I like that they’re combining characters that’s actually got I got a MK Peacekeeper you know OverWatch a lot more than any of us do what would the happy bomber most likely be junkrat

Junkrat junkrat Tony do you do OverWatch I mean do you OverWatch do you even OverWatch dude dude who doesn’t OverWatch when they they just want to play a good bit of like like like thing is I don’t really play OverWatch much but if I do I’m going to play

Junkrat nice how do you play Reaper or or I love Reaper I always play as soldier or I’m trying to get into uh who who’s the the girl character with the sniper assault rifle it’s it’s my head Widow Widowmaker yeah I like playing as her Widow Maker she’s so cool like she’s

Like really powerful so I like playing as her oh oh guys wait one second I’m going to oh Ben this is awkward oh this is okay never mind goodbye I’ve been have I’ve been getting so many ranged weapons and I’ve been having a serious lack of any weapons wait drum drum drum drum

Drum wait I want to try something take off your armor real fast okay they they asked for it what about this weekend over yeah it’s High Noon you think you’re so funny with your OverWatch [Laughter] jokes but Jerome I’ve seen quite a few messages asking for this and I I I think

We should think about doing it okay this weekend what about if we did a risk and Uno uh I would love to stream what if I guess we what we could do is because I’m actually going away uh Friday and Saturday so I’m not going to be here

I’ll have videos going oh yeah but Sunday I could do as a mega day where I could do Uno and risk oh my gosh wait no no no what if we did board game day dude Alex you are the man that is a great idea that is a great that’s going to be

Amazing I’m down only if we can find out how to play Monopoly online then board game yeah I I I’ve got it I’ve got it I’ve got it uh we use a board game simulator it’s it was perfect stream type in one in chat if you like the idea

Of board game day Sunday to celebrate me coming back cuz once again I’ll be gone uh Friday and Saturday so I can’t stream but I’ll have videos going up really cool ones too I’m doing like an hourong money Wars video in there uh actually I

Think I might be doing two of those we got a prank video coming out as well for prisons we got some cool stuff coming so uh it’s going to be a good weekend of videos but yeah it really is though it’s going to be an amazing weekend of videos

It’s GNA be a lot of fun amazing time can can can we do a find a button TR that seems to be our routine I want to do a find button a but they’re always so hard Ben but yeah but they’re almost always so much fun they really are like

They’re like my favorite Maps out of all Minecraft maps just find the buttons those are a lot of fun oh Jerome do either what what’s wrong oh my gosh the whole chat is just blowing up with on for how many messages a minute are you getting right

Now I mean it hasn’t even updated yet it says 140 which is clearly not so yeah I’m assuming it’s a lot more Crazy and mercy Soldier chest plate what is that well so mercy so Mercy or the name in front of it is the type of Enchantment has so Mercy how have you guys got left I I broke I broke all mine about like two minutes ago same really

So yeah but just been running around M jez and thank you Stream So Much by the way we’re at 7500 people watching on OverWatch walls that is awesome and a big shout out to all these people who donated in Super Chat in the meantime we have Maniac monkey 037 we have Shila

Harwood we have bomb squad gaming we have Tyler martinell we have Avery P Justice tanken we have Martin Roma we have Wolfie Pokemon life Nolan wingart James the Destroyer macadamia nut hello again macadamia nut nice to see you again in chat uh and then we have Ryder

Guy uh XX zombie XX Mass oh a master Omega gameer uh gamer he’s he’s been around since like the Pixelmon days I recognize him that’s awesome man thanks for coming back my my paleo uh and then yeah I think that’s everyone cool thank Youk so much I think they want a board

Game weekend all I Ben they’re still going it’s literally it’s literally flying 1,400 messages a minute oh my goodness of mostly people saying that they want just to break that down everybody that is that is 20 PE over 20 people every second right now essentially are saying they want board game

Weekend oh I guess I guess they don’t want it drum I guess it’s a Minecraft on uh Minecraft only 20 people a second going Bor game boor game board game oh my gosh that’s so cool I literally I’m just got some uh I love I

Love how excit this is what I like guys is that like you know people ask me all the time what my favorite part about like live streaming or making videos is my favorite part is how excited you guys get about like imagine if like whatever you were doing and you were super

Excited about it and then you had literally thousands of people equally as excited like oh my God yeah like yeah let’s do it yeah like like can you imagine like when you have those like ideas that your friends are like yeah yeah but imagine like 7,000 of them

Like J that’s it’s called a stadium yeah there’s lit a stadium that’s true actually well um I am going to go I have one day where you you rent like an arena and people can come you just sit in the center of the Arena on a computer playing playing and oh my goodness

You’re just like all right guys scream in the arena if you guys want us to play 2v tws well you know what I I Envision I’ve talked about this before but I’m going to bring it up real quick while we just get ready for the for the actual battle

So get ready stre we’re doing a 10 lives battle right after this last man standing wins of course but before we do that guys let me know what you think about this this is something like I I picture this to be the future of gaming

You ready so what I picture is people in like 10 15 years when they go to watch a YouTube or something right they’ll put on a virtual reality helmet cuz by then I’m sure they’ll be mainstream we’re talking like 15 20 years in the future and then you’ll literally be in like a

Stadium so it’ll put them down in a seat somewhere and they can watch like people play games like imagine if like this walls match there was Stadium style seating all around it and people would literally be watching you like doing this actively and you were actively

Doing it too that’s how like I Envision the future that’s I I think that’ll be within five years I didn’t want to be overly but I kind of agree I I don’t want to shout them out but have you seen Facebook’s VR thing oh ridiculous Facebook V I don’t know if

You’ guys have seen it but for those of you who don’t know DOTA has something like that right now where you put on a VR headset and you basically yeah so it’s not exactly like that but you’re basically sitting in this like kind of like this room where you can there’s the

TV and so you can watch the TV but you can also look around and see all like the pro players as well and you can see what hero they’re playing and you can like zoom in and all that as well and walk around the room it is

Amazing okay well we could talk forever about VR but we got to kill each other so let’s do it guys 10 lives Last Man Standing wins three two do we have kill counter kill counter kill counter oh oh oh good catch more like more like bean

Counter am I right guys all right and while Ben setting that up thank you to master gaming thank you to fuzzy Boy Thanks Stimpy thanks macadamian nut again and she said board games uh The Flying Pig thank you Noah Costa and the boss man 17 thank you all those people

For donating using Super Chat I appreciate you guys all right let’s do it three four one go go go go go go go go go go so I better win this because my channel is just OverWatch right yeah basic I got for long you’re starting to switch into uh rocket League too more

Like be yeah I might play some rocket League which I expect all of you to join me so we can have some good time I want to play I’m really bad at Rocket League though I’m just warning you ahead of time I think that’s why it’s funny I got

One death already yeah don’t worry I I deed i i d e d e d d e d dead Ben you’re right there yeah oh he got a diamond sword oh wait you have a melee weapon too yeah I got a diamond toy has one too

Be careful ah dang it you gave away the secret no oh no you did not get the greatest of armor I don’t have a chest plate and I don’t have leggings can I give can I give you some do you have extra do you mind yeah

Dude Ben what do you have on I just splashed my strength two potion on that I got off the ground here jump jump jump jump thanks Alex and I have full mercied armor by the way too oh jeez thank you bu jeez how’ you get such good armor I don’t

Know maybe it’s because the game knew I I’m I I I film OverWatch and they’re like oh we got to give this guy all the good stuff I think that might be it that’s probably it thank you P oh strength to oh Jesus really hurts it really hurts actually yeah especially

With full merci gear Ben literally one shots me are you with a gold sword yeah jeez AR so stay away from Ben then yeah basically you want a go Dr I I got a wood sword it’s it’s a knockback one oh God the poison oh gosh no ow yeah there we go okay

No I don’t want to waste this potion that’s the one B Don does anyone have a flame steel um of course honestly I had one but I threw it away sorry dude CU I have two stacks of TNT and I’m wanting to do something with

It I actually have two TNT um I have two stacks of TNT too maybe if we all pull together oh I pulled out the wrong weapon Ben how many strength twos do you have to throw up oh my God Ben no strength twos Ben no that’s a legit

Potion you can get I know but Ben Ben strength yeah it’s 180% increase in damage Ben no strength two is 240% come here friend that’s more than two times damage all right everyone’s got to go after Bean Ben sorry you got to go now I’ll take care of him we’re Ben sorry

You can’t bully people and pick on them all day he where Ben you’re going down dude let’s go dond no not yeah let’s go he’s running away oh my well I don’t think that was very well advised watch out troll watch out oh Ben take cover

Bud hey Alex hey get no it bends like the Hot Potato don’t touch him go get you know what he is you know he’s he’s he’s Greaseman right now Drome oh gosh he’s being Greaseman that’s the one strength potions oh God Al I’m caught in here with him I’m caught with Greaseman hey

Greaseman him he’s running he’s running I need help I need heal Ben how good is your armor too does my Reaper thing do anything to people I have no ideaa the I have the Peacekeeper which does like 17 damage yeah I’m going to start using that one instead where

Is nice got him that’s how you got him step one you get him step two he’s got it you got you got him I I like when you give us a step one step are you dead are you out step one get him step two got

Him you got him all right now I’m on my last potion of strength oh my no Ben oh and thank you in Super Chat I can’t see who it was but $20 donation you’re awesome thank you so much and get get away from me Ben get

Away from me my sword broke yes sword now the field day of Ben hunting in go watch out watch out it’s Ben hunting season sorry Ben this is what you get for bullying people all game what you mean bullying I was just using the potions it would have been completely

Different if you would have done it no not really we would have targeted Jerome too yeah yeah I would have targeted Jerome too okay wait no I wouldn’t have that’s me hi tuty no no no get get away get what what that’s all I got that’s my

Only meele weapon I mean I got I got a gun too but how many lights do we have uh 10 10 okay oh you got the knockback resistance this is bad guys this is really really bad this is an interesting battle very rarely do our Lu block

Battles end up as ranged mostly but this is pretty all range I’m not doing any damage am I why is no one come to my side cuz we don’t want we don’t want to deal with you bean oh I don’t have any yeah I doubt that W sword any damage got him got

Him step two you got him I have a present on my side for toity don’t do it Dondo wait can I light it up with this wait wait wait oh no one wait wait for me wait for me to get a bigger pile wait oh no let me stack some

Of mine on there there you go no I’ve got exactly the same on my side I just used two stacks of my TNT oh no y I’m going to wait Dr do you have something to light up with um no I can make a wooden uh pressure plate sorry guys yeah

Do that do that come here drum let me go collect some wood quick we’re blowing it up J I got an idea yeah but I don’t think Ben’s going to like it give me the wood pressure plate okay I’ll tell you what toy I’ll give you two wood pressure plates are you

Ready for this there you go Bud okay Ben I’m sorry ready Jerome I’m ready uh can can you sing my uh what what do you want me to sing oh s oh the server well at least got it been bean I jumped into and teleported

Bean to me and we both blew up that’s what I was wondering why he died too wow you completely crashed my CL I there we go that me uh not today I mean it oh this looks like a this looks like does half a heart every

Like this looks like a clean up and a half is that right to clean up time you know explain so much that you were behind me tuty because Alex was shooting me and doing like no damage then all of a sudden I was like never mind Alex this is doing

Like five hearts of damage and then I just yeah d e d e d dead dead Bean thanks bud appreciate it I appreciate you apparently Alex can’t be knocked back way to go Alex I have uh two knockback resistance armor Jon jonan didn’t see me

Oh wait I didn’t see you were you on my side you literally walked right over me you hiding on my side buddy no no no what the oh my Tony what are you doing down there oh God Alex oh God a wild card’s here come on T you’re missing lots of

Cu how are you hitting me from there okay now you’re shooting no stay in the pit stay in the pit Al stay in the pit Al I got a new sword made man I should have made this sword when I had my strength I don’t even is

That doing any damage to you Reaper shotgun not really it does like half a heart per shot oh it’s not even worth it it’s just worth using the [Applause] Peacekeeper you’re not doing this is that Ron what who’s who’s doing the I think benis oh yeah sounded like skip

For some reason no come on Wow look these do so much damage to over H Ben what did I don’t have anything on that’s just my armor I got full strength set on I feel like the most undergeared person in this Arena yeah do you want to know how bad it

Is my chest plate is full Mercy my leggings mered and they’ve all got strength on them I’ll take you on so you got the best gear of the best gear yeah basically I hope you’re proud of yourself I’m I’m out oh apparently I can’t do anything it’ll serve you well thank

You what is that even doing any damage half a heart okay good thing I have 64 of them aop I literally just threw 64 of them at you please tell me I at least did like a heart I have like three and a half hearts okay so I was doing I’m not going

To get into a ranged Battle With You Goodbye Oh bye Ben see you next time bye okay to in Creative I mean great toy thanks hey Dr hey Ben hey Ben Alex is just standing all the way over there get Alex get Alex I’m not getting him because he just hides away

And uses his range weapons says the person hiding away from him 5 Seconds of course I’m am going to hide away the only way you’re getting in here is if you get in here my no no M I don’t want to literally I’m going to die and

Get inside of this house here there we go this is my house now guys I took over a house see I’m not leaving hash shoot him Hash Hash stop kids afraid to leave is got him that’s me I’m stoop kid right one you got him step two you sho you got

Him all right and back on to thank you some people real quick thank you Dylan Ro rominsky I recognize you Bud he’s always here donating thank you tied dog for the $20 donation thank you Luke thank uh Luke M thank you Ben petersdorf thank you Wolfie and thank you macadamia

Nut again and macadamia nut wanted to say hi toy that’s you hi oh that’s me hello I’m not I’m not that no okayy Alex I left my Hiding [Laughter] hole wait wait wait wait wait let me just regen really quick I know what I need how much damage do I do

Alex when I hit you uh what do you mean when I hit you how much damage do I do who’s shooting me oh it’s sh I’m just hiding away boo uh you do like three hearts or something boo boo Dy what you think about my Cannon

Wait where are you Dr I’m coming oh no oh no oh no this spot wasn’t as good as I thought it was was shoot him got him I got him R22 All I Got Away ah oh I Got Away by crashing my Minecraft client great great you have

Like reach or something Ben jeez yeah I was wondering that too about Ben uh to well now while to reload it step one American justce Justice St I got one extra life when you get on if you wonder dude that was perfect I wish you could have see that

Ben how are you hitting me do you have reach oh yeah definitely reach you know that good old reach hack that I just quickly downloaded for this battle no on any of your gear you goof I’m not doing anything all right guys I’m finally I think I’m back on even though I crashed

Randomly welcome back Dr very conveniently timed if I might add too I’m got eight lives left which is nasty not eight two lives left that’s the one eight lives left yeah bet all right well let’s see they cheated to kill me once so I got seven more lives all right yep

That’s one well to be fair you server killed me Ben and I didn’t let that affect me I to be are you Captain America no C you ready for this get away with me with the ranged weapons I can’t stand up to them oh come on Tudy stop hitting me I’m

Not hitting you Ben I dude I literally see you swinging I’m not swinging Ben if I was you I’m not hitting you wait Ben was slain using American Justice no dude that’s bad that is so bad it’s only funny because he’s British and not American Jerome Jerome take this you’ll

Need it it served me well American Justice oh it’s game time buddies oh it’s game time You Can’t Ban Freedom Ben even though I’ve been banned no you passed the torch on yeah that’s I was able to pass the torch on kill Ben using American Justice do it this bad

Absolutely insane oh you’re out out I mean yeah I’ve had like come on Al give me a good old America Justice beat down let’s go wait you don’t really hurt that much because you don’t have strength like bended yeah cuz Ben cheated yeah I know oh go here Alex walk walk walk

Walk I missed the Fourth of July Lucky Blocks those are fun hang on Donkey Kong ow ow ow my face ow my face you know there’s cake right behind you right no I can’t see I am Blind we were like both oh wow I had one and a half hearts left nice nah it’s all right to be fair Ben if you want to start reloading the map but to be fair I’m pretty sure uh I lost that uh considering I I lagged out during a pivotal moment and probably

Would have died anyway and then I also kind of used an American flag to beat so I think I’ve lost morally and uh and actually so Alex you won all right okay so looking through the chat though I want to give a big thank you to macadamia nut once again for donating uh

Dylan rinsky as well Luke M again and Ben petersdorf thank you for $25 donation you are Z man thank you my friend and uh guys you ready for the next round I think we should do some 2v twos what do you think I can’t tell if those are screams of joy

Or or of Joy all right so I guess okay well uh I guess we’ll do teams then stream who would you like to see me teamed up with you want to see me with Ben toy or Alex comment down below letting us know and we will get to it

Right away I’m excited though this is going to be it’s going to be a good round I’m feeling it I’m feeling like I might get a little bit of better luck with my lucky block breaks here I might get a lucky break with the lucky blocks see I did there

Sorry this kind of didn’t sit well in my stomach my jokes were so bad all right uh OverWatch 64 saroo 64 and everyone choose a different corn well I guess I’m just going to choose the same Corner I’ve chosen for the last like eight months straight we’ll go to this back

Left corner all right I’m going to go back left back left this my corner get your own Corner yeah go backlash this is my corner okay there we go Ben if you don’t mind running keep inventory commands it’s it’s already turned on but the one I am going to do is

Uh fire spread yeah yeah and everyone’s saying they want me to be with Alex not surprising me he is the master of all things OverWatch so Alex uh let’s do it bud and if everyone’s ready we can take this one in let’s do it okay good five 4 three

Two one go oh I already went one oh okay oh what Alex ruin my epic start intro thingy oh it’s a lot of TNT well I’m dead anyway so you don’t got to listen to me ever again um come on okay bye Ben is that really all You’ say if I died

You B Yeah by Dr okay that’s fair oh no it’s starting again what’s starting what is I’ve already got oh I got divish Soldier boots a and I’m dead dead dead to the lava oh I got Mercy Soldier boots yeah I had see that’s how I was winning drum I

Had the full Mercy set so wait you had four strength thingies on yeah four strength twos yeah a Ben with strength two Potions by the way yeah yeah yeah and any point time did not occur to you this might not be fair well no cuz it’s in the blocks I

Mean unless we’re Banning the uh that that armor then sure Ben Ben never mind win which means I yeah you were nasty Ben that’s why sorry guys I have a hilarious setup I’ve got uh I’ve got three peacekeepers so I can literally just without reloading just alternate between them constantly sorry

Guys they should just brought me a shamrock shake and it is delicious what where from McDonald’s I want I don’t get I never get any free shakes I forgot that I forgot that they had those and then she got me one cuz oh talking about McDonald I that’s where I’m going off the

Stream I’m going to go get it’s like a minty I don’t I don’t even know what I don’t even know what flavor it is it just tastes good it’s probably like minty uh cuz it is Shamrock flavored and then chocolate probably like mint chocolate I don’t think I I don’t think it’s any

Chocolate can we going to kill all please I am I am milk and mint I don’t have it save vanilla I ad I think it’s not vanilla it’s vanilla you’re not my dad yeah who are you tuty I don’t even I don’t even I don’t even know who you are what who are

You where’s my real dad where’s my real dad okay world of T never ran that KO did you not get it Tudy nope I refuse to I’m too stubborn I’m done that’s great you know what I just I just fell in a lava trap

Uh no I’m going to I’ll get the kill all come in cuz you guys I just reset my spawn oh I’ve got four stacks of uh shurikens fun they’re not that bad I I used the whole stack and got Alex two hearts so they’re just like really bad

But they’re not that bad you know what I’m saying Ben you know that like fine line between really bad and that bad like you know you know Ben knows very well yeah cuz Ben’s oh no my armor is unbelievable how you doing buddy uh I

Don’t have a chest plate or a helmet but I have an extra leggings and pair of boots for you ah I actually already have full armor uh but I do need weapons as well uh Toy I’ve got spare armor for well I got peacekeepers if you get any

Said I needed any armor helmets Andor Well yeah if you get if you get any helmets let me know okay I got I only have a frocket and some throwing stars so but I I still have so many Lucky Blocks yeah me too yeah me oh boy

I got strength two potions it’s on no Ben no strength two potions I like you’re on the same team you’re like no there’s nothing wrong with strength two potions just a drop it is when you one shot people Bean yeah I can’t I don’t I don’t have the strength set this

Time so I can’t onot people no but I do have a just over 30 Hearts oh well so let me get this straight so you have strength two potions 30 hearts and full set of armor and no knockback just just making sure I understood the situation okay good and

What kind of Sword are you looking at Bean uh I don’t have a sword yet you have nothing to worry about I don’t cuz it seems like I have a lot to worry about no no no no trust me you have nothing to worry about I’ve got some pretty good armor

Actually to be fair so what are the rules about killing my own teammate uh encouraged I didn’t encour cool highly encouraged all right slash I’m wow let’s turn this into a let’s turn this into a juggernaut mode guys Alex hello buddy I’ve got everything everything a helmet if if you

Start killing me I will leave the game a I was Dy oh Dr yeah what’ you get what’ you get take this take this it’s for the it’s adjustment that’s why I’m saying we have nothing to worry about well just but it’s just knock back no no no ex Ben

Doesn’t have anything to stop it no he has knock back resistance yeah I have knock back resistance that’s why he says no knock back oh well never mind John we lost I was like what else you just gave me hope and then you dashed it away well in the

Meantime thank you to Ben petersdorf and Ben petersdorf again for donating thank you to Macadamia up for donating again thank you to vampy for donating thank you fuzzy boy thank you Ender guy 467 and thank you Ben petersdorf again for a $20 donation he said you are my favorite YouTuber YouTu tuti

You what did you need sorry uh helate oh that’s easy here we go do you have any boots actually I don’t I think will’ll be just fine though because check out check out this chest plate that I got oh wow uh to guess what wow it’s my lucky day oh okay we’re

Good did you want one with uh the helmet do you want what’s the one you have now knockback resistance you want Health boost yeah I didn’t know that full set gave you speed three yeah oh really it does yeah wait where’s the helmet yeah it

Does uh What uh do you have an enchanted chest plate to I picked it up again yeah oh what does it do H it’s just Road hogin oh would you like a uhre speed range weapons deal 30% more how did I notice that oh Alex oh I’m typing in chat to you

Something okay uh Slash MSG smells that’s what I have in total it’s not bad huh that’s that’s um that’s a thing that’s pretty pretty good pretty good all right well uh stream remember Everybody by the way if you’re all enjoying this and you want to see more

Smash that like button and subscribe as well if you are new and then finally a big thingy as well that I want to remind you all about is at the top of the description I doing a giveaway right now now you might have checked out that giveaway yesterday if you did fantastic

But the cool news is today the giveaway has another component added so if you want more chances to win you can go and check that out uh pretty much just go and check out my latest upload the creature Quest video and uh to go and just I don’t know go check it out

Everybody and apart from that I’m also doing another giveaway on that video as well so if you haven’t seen my creature Quest video go check it out we’re doing a giveaway all you have to do is download the game join my guild in theame game and you’re good so just go

Check out the video it explains everything so two giveaways for the priz of one and if you want to go to nice for the next two days so up until Wednesday you could use the code Bak a day one word all capital letters and get 20% off of any purchase of

Clothing of mine like this shirt right here everybody 20% off signed or unsigned go check it out uh anyway Alex uh I’m good I’m going to go back to my spawn area Ben do you mind setting up the scoreboard roonies uh yeah give me a

Second I got to get a CFT table and uh Hey TTY could you uh paste it in for me or do you want me to uh paste what in and jelly CL donated and said Jerome fish fish fish and thank you to my two new sponsors Sean Thomas and queen squishy appreciate you

Both squishy the queen of squishy Alex actually yes she’s a queen come on drum drum can I ask you something yes you can Dad do you have a 3DS uh yeah actually my backpack right next to me I literally can pull it out right well you know what I want to do one

These days and you can do it too is I have an extra 3DS I have two 3DS’s what if me you tuty and DEA has one as well play the new Mario Party on the 3DS I’m so down and you can stream it I’m so down that’d be that’d be really

Cool I’ve never I’ve never tried it so I’m down oh my God I’m so damn you can just use my my 3DS wow all right well without without further Ado everybody the 2v2 round of a lifetime is ready to go let me go ahead and clear out these

Scores can I just tell a quick story as well before before hey guys so that 3DS Ed drum showed you guys it looks really nice right now imagine the bottom screen the bottom screen filled with a cell soup oh cell soup yeah because of an Instagram picture yeah for an old brand

Deal covered yeah that was so funny just covered in Campbell Soup poor DS wow good job yeah right let’s get this started here we go then three two one go go go go go go go go go oh Alex I’m on your teammate I’m your teammate yeah I was just saying oh Alex

Okay what I can’t say your name in a rhythmic pattern without trying to intentionally kill you oh jeez that was an accident that was a lot of damage you have strength not that much Dam yeah of course I did okay and activate Retreat is that doing any damage to him no not

Really is that doing any damage to you yeah it’s doing a lot doing a lot oh my gosh it was like an automatic Cannon right there well that’s a that was so much damage that was my auto Cannon my spawn point disappeared Ben TP to me yeah yeah give

Me a second all right they’re up by one Alex TP no worries dude not today to what just happened did you just accidentally hit Ben with a potion nope my God I saw Tut and I was like I’m going to kill tutty b t still I’m like

Oh oh no dead instantly instant death we both died oh no I’m on fire oh that’s awkward huh T are you done I’m done Ben I had I I had one edly drink and I had to hit you and I just had to hit you with it sorry

Ben I need assistance I’m here Alex I got your back bud oh no dang than you dude thank you dude got it him I’m on fire I’m on fire but that’s fine watch okay here I got an idea to help put it out I’ll just hit

You with a sword really quickly but if I hit it quick enough it’ll blow out flames you know what I’m saying I don’t think that’s how that works that’s exactly what it is okay hey hey it’s just science Alex you can’t beat me in a one V one battle oh never

Mind maybe you can oh no what is your armor out of curiosity Jerome uh I have two Health boost twos same oh so we’re going same oh 2m then just double team me watch out Alex yep here let’s group up like in the OverWatch game we got to group up dude

Okay sounds good we’re at ah what is this how are you hitting me you’re so far away from me speed three I think it’s the speed three boost maybe it literally looks like you’re just racking me yeah I think I think it’s the wait wait let me see if it is then had

That last round as well where it seemed like he was like reching I think it’s just part of the yeah it’s just speed free yeah yeah hacks oh we killed each other Bud good good stuff good stuff wow good good job a good little bout right there that’s a c

Mind the fact that I have a diamond sword though oh I won this battle Drome yeah you got the jump for sure oh Alex maybe not what how much health did you have three and a half hearts which was basically one more hit oh my gosh oh it’s you Alex I’m sorry yeah

Pretend I didn’t just try and shoot you because I didn’t hey okay oh jeez Ben don’t worry I’ll protect you I’ve been Frizzle po no okay oh sorry Bean wrong person I’m going to boost you bean oh get him oh got him all right Dr stay with me I’m here staying alive staying

Alive where are you dude oh no I am at Mid I’m fting off the bean the nasty Squad there we go he’s dead Nice Shot nice shooting a there we go good teamwork there bud rough that’s how you do it this is how you do it

Okay hello again Mr toti watch out Bean coming watch out Dr out here no no I died yes got one dang how many hearts do you have in total jome 24 22 wait is your chest plate give you strength too no I have strength one on I

Think I have strength one and strength one so I guess I have strength two I can really use your backup yeah I’m here oh jeez wrong person okay yeah I have strength one and strength one all right so I have knockback resistance on one of mine and I think that’s why you

Keep beating me yeah so I have a slight Edge then yeah okay makes sense oh to’s on fire take advantage of it Alex to’s lit Fam hello Ben I have two and a half hearts right Now okay no let’s get Alex out we got to get Alex out come on oh toti’s out not yet but okay to’s about to be out hello Frizzle and pop hey Jan Oh God I’m coming buddy like don’t don’t yes yeah there we go oh sorry tuty where are you I’m killing

Both of them Bean drum I need some backup okay I will do my best I just realized I have a strength one potion so now you and I can battle evenly well I’m dead t p a bean well Ben it’s only strength once so now I have the exact

Same strength the chome I’m not nasy I’m a strength two strength two strength two strength two that’s strength eight uhoh uhoh come on tutty no no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no come on come on come on come on come on oh no

And it used my health po instant Health pot too oh feels really bad actually Alex is low oh I got your back Alex wrong person I’m taking you with me there we go I’m out apparently he literally Jerome what strength level do you have Jerome probably level I have strength

One and strength one and then Health boost two Health boost two that’s how you play the game yeah I don’t have anything super super overpowered guys I mean I mean I guess the health boost to health boost to would be but toy had too I think that was pretty standard oh hey

Ben knock me into the lava I thought you shot me Alex for a second I was like no betrayed by my own friend bet knows how that feels like yeah I do it happens every single stream sorry Bean I’m not coming to fight you not with that not with that sword

Really I’ve died too many times got him oh but to too many cooks which uh which uh what is your strength which one is your strength chest plate or do you have a strength chest plate is that what it is uh no Health boost chest plate okay here take

This I can’t do that to Bean it’s pretty funny actually just want the health cuz I don’t have any melee weapons oh it just makes more sense I know I I can’t do that to Bean though even though he would do it to us I know it’s just funny

Ben where are you bud oh I was uh taking note of to’s gay oh o that’s a little okay that’s a little on the risky side the risque side but okay not really cuz I’m dead yeah no but we never share Gear with the dead and the I just it’s not

Against the it’s just never been done before it’s a gray it’s a gray yeah it’s never been as I’m saying it’s not against the rule it’s just never I mean we can not do it from in the future but I feel I I feel like Ben’s so far behind

It’s okay yeah I I don’t mind too much I mean it’s he’s gone cuz it makes sense because it’s now it’s just Ben so Ben can get get my stuff and then they can battle it out not going to do anything this time Alex oh no I’m very curious is rough no I

Can’t he has way too much health for me GG that was a good round like real OverWatch so I’m thinking for another round what we do is more of like a sudden death style thing where what we do is we do 32 Lucky Blocks five lives each turbo round roone D TP to

Me what do you guys think one second it does sound good yep all so the turbo round it is then Ben do you mind reloading the server what you reloading the server Bud yes I said yes oh man at stream let me go read some of the stream donations that uh went

Through while we were gone so thank you to my sponsor Sean Thomas Queen squishy macadamia nut for sponsoring me as well we have BL able and Sean Thomas and splashy plays thank you to all those awesome awesome individuals for going ahead and sponsoring my live streams I appreciate you and of course everybody

Thanks for coming out make sure you smash that like button and if you haven’t done so already the giveaway at the top of the description that is a $100 Amazon gift card giveaway go ahead and join in it’s easy to do and easy to participate so go check that link out uh

And apart from that there’s a new thing in there as well so even if you checked it out yesterday there’s a brand new way to enter as well free brand new frings in there you can do three different extra ways to win yeah so if that interests you go

Check it out everybody it’s uh it’s right there it’s right there one of the ways to check out my creature Quest video and that’s actually another giveaway in and of itself the creature Quest video so if you want a chance to win something there you can too all you

Have to do is just download the game using the link in the description and joining my guild and that’s it really really simple easy MMR all right so guys we’re doing The Supercharged round let’s do it 32 OverWatch blocks and five lives total in the battle it’s going be a

Turbo it’s going to be a turbo round gonna be a too round tobo tobo round what’s that an unmodded version of the Wolves oh okay that works I mean when was the last time we ever I don’t think we ever have done one as a group I don’t think we

Have yeah right who’s ready I’m ready let’s do it all right let’s do it do it three two one let’s go turbo round oh wow instantly encased an obsidian dead oh dude that’s that’s your favorite one right of course Fair one oh also uh game roll do fire tick

False oh just before I forget and I got the rocket launcher oh an edly drink with only five lives that’s particularly edly especially if you can get two people with it I got two people with it last time ha great what nothing okay okay okay okay are we doing teams

This time or is it still solo so many new people have entered the competition today it’s been amazing really that’s awesome that’s good news yeah keep breaking these there we go I’m going to ask your chat a question Jerome oh no what okay to everybody in Jerome’s chat what would

You do with $100 in Amazon oh that’s a good question yeah stream I’d love to see some of the answers I broke all my lucky blocks by the way so I’m like what all 32 this is lightning lightning Larry round I mean I’m I’m really trying to

Lightning here drone but I’m I’m not getting you know the best of luck on the lightning I just keep dying so you’re getting struck by lightning then basically good this is good oh no that’s a lot of TNT to be be set off great cool B B I’m I’m ready to go I’m

Ready to go as well so whenever you’re ready then let us know I got 11 blocks give me a second I’m trying to break these as fast as possible but I have get like oh I’ve lost there’s no two ways about this I have lost all right there oh there we go

Someone said buy a Lamborghini with the $100 oh dude there you go if you can let me know where you buy that on Amazon for $100 obviously so see no I think this man’s he’s he’s actually brilliant CU he can’t do it right away he’s going to

Take the $100 he’s going to invest it in a small business right and he’s going to grow that $100 he’s going to get to the point with that where he can buy a Lamborghini he’s brilliant I think or might just buy or or or he might just buy a toy car from Amazon

That’s a Lamborghini and be like I bought a Lamborghini guys there’s a lot of someone said buy a fre DS wow can you really pick them up for $100 now there’s a 2DS uh I guess it’s a 3DS but replace there it’s like $70 you play 3DS games that’s actually amazing

What I’m ready to go whenever Dr oh we actually need a kill CLE on as well uh did anybody run that already or not no sir I’ll take the second one Ben if you want you take the uh I got the first one give me a second let me grab it um oh

There we go right I’m running it now Dr all right and I ran it now we’re good all right here we go stream three two one go I would buy 2T a good idea macademia oh fantastic idea I would do that too if he’s for sale but I I’m not for sale but

You can buy my shirt at ice fair fair hey tuty oh no boy does D’s got full armor I wouldn’t no I’m running by Dr No you’re both stay in here with me oh well I think it’s pretty clear Alex won this one full armor

Oh oh no oh no okay Target Alex all right guys you heard it Target Ben no oh no oh no jez Al calm down this is my game I’m going to win oh no oh you know what I’m going to go this way Dr no I’m good bye there he is get

Him no go get him doesn’t die dude your Armor’s gone oh Armor’s all g i doesn’t die so this is what it feels like to be Ben I’m out yeah this is what it feels like to be Ben oh my gosh I love dud how good is your gear in 32

Blocks D did you use cre why are you shooting me I didn’t mean to oh no D you hit the vines okaye like up no well Alex is mono and mono but it’s me and you Jerome just click the surrender button yeah right I could prolong this battle with a

Knockback 20 sword I’m Not Afraid all right one last life oh no what who’s hitting me oh hello Mr it’s Bean I’m trying to help you Dr and giveing you some cover fire and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the end of me all right everybody it looks like Alex completely trumped over that entire uh bonus round there but a big thank you to nice posture for donating $2 he said

Can you dab please thank you so much Dylan rominsky as well for donating thank you mooseman thank you Nick plays thank you mooseman again thank you the vbc thank you Steven Jester thank you macadamia nut saying I would buy toti thank you jelly cloud 103 saying you

Should get a monitor uh thank you Ben petersdorf again for donating as well yes what’s your your stream schedule for the rest of the night I have one more stream going up in an hour and if you want the streaming fun to continue da just live streaming right now you can go

And check that out and Alex I’m sure you’re joining her as well yeah I’m going to join her right now so give her a big old Baka raid right there in the description everybody I’m going to be in the comments section I’m going to go comment as well right now she’s actually

Very close to 23,000 subscribers I know a lot of you bu have yet to to check out her stream so maybe we can help her out yeah and I’m typing in her chat Baka raid right now go and subscribe her let’s see if we can get her to 23,000

Everybody help her out right there in the description at the bottom go check it out help her at 23,000 tell her the Baka sent you everybody please and apart from that have an awesome awesome day everybody I’ll see you in about an hour with another live stream of my own take care friends

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lucky Block Walls The Movie!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2023-11-27 20:00:23. It has garnered 666 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:12 or 11352 seconds.

Minecraft Lucky Block Walls The Movie!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “My Application For {CHORSMP} Lifesteal SMP.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out and attract players from all over the world? One server that has been making waves in the Minecraft community is Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP action, and thriving community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

    FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Adventure: The Quest for Grass Biome Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with our intrepid explorer as they attempt to find a grass biome to build their nether portal. However, just like in real life, the grass seems to repel them. Will they overcome this challenge and succeed in their mission? Let’s find out! Exploring the Minecraft World Our adventurer sets out on a quest to locate a grass biome, a crucial step in their Minecraft survival strategy. As they traverse the vast and diverse landscape of Minecraft, they encounter various biomes, each with its own… Read More

  • Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with Sasu

    Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with SasuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sasu on 2024-04-23 05:55:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft Battle

    HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch vs Herobrine – Minecraft Fight Animation #animation #minecraft #herobrine #shorts’, was uploaded by HexPeace on 2024-02-16 18:13:05. It has garnered 229 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,shorts minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft facts,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft update,minecraft 1.20,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tips,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,minecraft fun facts,minecraft survival minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft short,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft facts,minecraft meme,youtube shorts,camman18 shorts,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft manhunt,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes – Epic Stash Raid!

    Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes - Epic Stash Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Raided Dupe Stash’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-18 10:02:14. It has garnered 231 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:35 or 5375 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Guardian Battles!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-03-15 01:24:38. It has garnered 215 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:29 or 16709 seconds. Come join me in my 5500+ Day Survival World Farmtopia. Bedrock version on PC. World Tour is on my page in a previous Live Stream. Split Stream with Tiktok! Support the stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable QT20 Server Discovery! Nether Update & Rare Blazerods Hunt

    Unbelievable QT20 Server Discovery! Nether Update & Rare Blazerods HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Server with QT20 Village and Nether Progress. Still on the hunt for Blazerods’, was uploaded by QT20 on 2024-04-07 22:50:35. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:14 or 4334 seconds. Minecraft — Watch live at Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ONE BLOCK END PORTAL REVEALED! πŸ’₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MENGUNGKAP MISTERI END PORTAL DI ONE BLOCK – MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION – LIVE’, was uploaded by JeeeInHere on 2024-07-11 19:32:30. It has garnered 265 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. TODAY WE WILL FIND THE MYSTERY OF END PORTAL IN ONE BLOCK DOES END PORTAL EXIST??? DONATIONS TO FEED THE WOLVES STARTING FROM 1K πŸ™‚ : tiktok : discord #Minecraft #MinecraftOneBlock #Minecrfatjava #MCPE #Windahbasudara #shaders #RTX #MinecraftSurvival #windahbasudara #Minecraft #MCPE #Minecraft1.20 ElestialHD ElestialHD Minecraft #akuzeru #mediashareon #live #minecraf tag: LIVE MINECRAFT LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL WINDAH… Read More

  • ULTIMATE INTELLECT HACK in Minecraft!! πŸ”₯ +5 Intellect

    ULTIMATE INTELLECT HACK in Minecraft!! πŸ”₯ +5 IntellectVideo Information This video, titled ‘+5 Intellect is +5 Intellect #minecraft #twitch #streamer #mcyt #twitchclips #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Pyroscythe on 2024-01-05 05:45:27. It has garnered 2674 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heres some twitch clips of mine where I had some funny moments with my chat. Share it around if you liked it! Read More

  • Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fantasy House in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #minecraft_builds’, was uploaded by Aki Shirai on 2024-05-05 16:00:39. It has garnered 2225 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Dive into the enchanting world of Minecraft with my latest creation – a cozy fantasy house that’s sure to steal your heart! In this captivating video, I’ll guide you through the construction of this charming abode, complete with two towers, a quaint balcony, and a striking red roof that adds a pop of color to the landscape. Join me as we explore… Read More

  • EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle – PRO vs NOOB – Maizen Parody

    EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle - PRO vs NOOB - Maizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER-MAN BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Builders on 2024-03-05 09:00:14. It has garnered 16911 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:01 or 1741 seconds. In this exciting video, watch as JJ and Mikey team up to bring everyone’s favorite web-slinging superhero to life in Minecraft. Follow along as they meticulously construct every detail of Spider-Man’s iconic costume, from his red and blue spandex suit to his trusty web shooters. With creative building techniques and a whole lot of… Read More

  • FTB NeoTech Modded – Brand New Server

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We have a friendly community, no banned items, no tp cooldowns, and ranks available! What to expect in this modpack: Advanced Technology: Utilize cutting-edge tech mods for powerful tools and machinery. Automation: Automate resource processing and base operations for maximum efficiency. Innovative Building: Create complex structures and systems with a variety of advanced building options. Resource Management: Efficiently manage resources with enhanced storage and processing solutions. Diverse Mod Integration: Enjoy a seamless blend of technology-focused mods for a rich gameplay experience. Join our Discord: Connect to our server at: Download the modpack… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spooky Woods Scare in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Spooky Woods Scare in MinecraftLooks like this Minecraft player went from mining for diamonds to mining for a change of pants! Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time! πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ #meme #minecraft

    Mine Rhyme Time! πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ #meme #minecraft Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #fun2rhyme Read More

  • Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft

    Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft The Minecraft World Trade Center Mod Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new mod has emerged that brings a touch of reality to the virtual realm. The World Trade Center Mod, created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, allows players to experience a unique addition to their gameplay. Features of the Mod The World Trade Center Mod introduces a detailed replica of the iconic Twin Towers to the Minecraft universe. Players can explore the intricately designed buildings, complete with floors, windows, and other architectural elements. The mod aims to… Read More

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444

    Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444Video Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444] Hypixel Skyblock FREE COINS ! (!giveaway !discord !mod)’, was uploaded by AxE Tv on 2024-06-22 14:25:45. It has garnered 128 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:46 or 18466 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock ———————- Liens utiles πŸ™‚ ————————- – Twitch : – TikTok : – Public Discord: – Support the channel: – Twitter : – Ip Hypixel : —————————————-Β­Β­————————— Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest – Day 12

    Ultimate Armor Quest - Day 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore | Getting Perfect Armor! (Day 12)’, was uploaded by InfiniteAvocado on 2024-03-25 10:44:45. It has garnered 62 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:59 or 6659 seconds. Thanks for watching the stream πŸ˜€ Join My Discord: Minecraft – Gaming Livestream Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!

    Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE solo survival series’, was uploaded by Marvel Legend Master on 2024-06-04 09:26:49. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:19 or 6079 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Modern Mansion Build πŸ”₯ Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Modern Mansion Build πŸ”₯ Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern 🏑 House In Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Karan Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-22 04:32:00. It has garnered 1688 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC showdown! Arrwie’s LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage

    EPIC showdown! Arrwie's LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) - Nethpot MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-12 13:43:17. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… i am the unranked ht4 here… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video πŸ˜€ Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! want an edit? DM me in discordπŸ‘‡ Discord: arrwie (Before wanting edit say “Birdie” so i can know its my subscriber πŸ˜‰) Editing Software?… Read More