Insane Magic Tower?! EPIC Minecraft Kingdom!

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Everyone it is Toby hair back with the kingdom of Norma and I’m like some really weird issues right opposite fun 1.9 is a thing now as you can see look look that where are the village is going like I’m looking around like oh I want to trade with you oh you’re here now

What about this guy oh there’s a guy there as well they just keep coming and disappearing and I have no I don’t know how to fix I’ve tried googling everything I tried on this day off the vine whatever it does I don’t know like I mean now I can actually look at the

Map they’re all here look well it is I put some barrier blocks in front of the map because they kept walking into the map or as you can see we have now got this area done with the public assassination not execution sorry looking really quite fancy with these

Cool trees and here we got the cage current inmate w Leafs li crime was stealing a chicken so top AAA here as is a farmer and he stole a chicken is very grumpy tow bailiff ously cool name cool name well we got this area which is just our public execution we’re gonna put

Houses around the edge of it sooner or later and it’s really confusing why all these villagers keep loading and unloading and loading and I don’t understand it to be honest but this episode what are we gonna do I have no idea i’ve just stops on here no plan

Whatsoever which again could be a bad thing or a good thing all the boats are unloading and loading as well so just though is the item frame seem to be fine where you go voodoo it’s voodoo it’s the only explanation what does this town need what doesn’t it

Have that it needs mark we build and are these villages are spawning so many iron golems is ridiculous like it sags there’s one in this one in the farm there’s also one in that bite Oh Don’t Ask Don’t Ask the villages about their iron golems they can do whatever they

Want but hey um there’s a space here I’m probably gonna build a house in where’s the other house Erbil I built this house between episodes just a very simple little house that fits in fill space um we need we need to think of sling to build as many evil and needed so last

Time we did the capital punishment every other public execution we didn’t actually managed to get it finished because I ran out of time because all the shoutouts I was doing again thanks to those guys over on the plot world server if you didn’t know um yeah I saw

Exhume Iran there youtuber i watch regularly um and he said my eyes make him feel drunk completely understandable I’ve got crazy eyes and then everyone started going that’s the chat up line because I imagine he’ll die though just imagine imagine that being a chat up line but anyway right what do we build

Any ideas anyone hmm well considering we have a bell tower maybe we do like some sort of a church or something I don’t know maybe a clock tower um maybe a clock tower would look nice so let’s just see what what we can build so we got this

Area i’m just going to build some sort of a tower and then we’ll find a use for later looks like a pretty good place to put it here and that is wrong of course it is i can’t do anything right there we go three four five six seven eight nine

Ten thirty spilled it as far up as we possibly can that does that looks like a good height so let’s build them all up to this height and actually let’s lay out one two three one two three couldn’t have been more perfect so this is the

Tower we’ve got and what it’s going to be in the tower nobody knows yet because no I don’t even know this mount is gonna have to go leave the mound I’ll do some more building in between episodes and come up with some more ideas completely spontaneous ideas as usual what I will

Usually do is I think that could be good I do all right that’s got a record no planning goes into this and that’s the best bet about building no planning you don’t plan you go with the flow and if it doesn’t work you’re compromised if something doesn’t look that great yeah

Break it down and you start again something doesn’t fit the theme you change it if you have a new idea roll with it just roll with them so prime example of that he didn’t fit the theme but all he was bright green all all the right colors and we changed him to stone

To fit the theme we rolled with it and it ended up looking good and that is how you build eyes that is the fundamental rule of building just roll with it and hope it goes good but anyway I’m going to probably take some cuts this don’t even know whether I wanted to

Be a clock so what Tobit are I wanted to be should we just make it like mage tower boom we’re making a mage tower I don’t care what anyone says we’re making a mage tower and it’s going to be amazing so we’re just gonna actually do

This so we’re going to make a thing that comes out of it one more up should do now that this is going to be amazing there we go there we go this is gonna be amazing I don’t care what people say what we’re going to be building here is

Going to look great so it’s going to be a very wooden style mage tower that will fit in hopefully with the theme hopefully it fits in I mean we could just go ahead and build it and then it look absolute rubbish but trying to figure out this secondary

Tower move we just connect it to the primary one three one two three this is just going to be like a magic shop you know how it goes majors and stuff everyone knows majors and stuff right we’ll sort out in a minute let’s build the basic tower there’s not going to be

A huge amount of Interior on here it’s basically just going to be a big old wooden tower and all the detail we do is going to look good from the outside probably rubbish from the inside well hey exterior is my thing and I’ve also been taking some building tips off guys

On the server main grabbing nano he also came up help me come up with the name for this town as well fair lacto which sounds quite cool so now we got the realm of mormor with dark thorn hollow and firm lacto and that’s a really pretty cool name in my opinion if it’s

The theme quite well but hey we got plenty of time to build this mage tower look at this look at these villages look they kind of loading weirdly I don’t know if anyone knows a fix for that please do let me know but hopefully if everything’s gone to plan at the start

Of this video there would be a little bit of music as an introduction a little bit of medieval music which could sound quite cool not sure if that actually worked on are completely guessing that it did right let’s do the usual window design but we’ll add some detail on this

From be in a minute all right let’s sort this bout first off here we go so basically what we’re doing is aesthetics stuff that looks hopefully good from the outside but not necessarily from the inside and what we do here you grab our glass and we got this thing

And hey it’s not working because we’re unfaithful if we go into resource packs default hopefully this doesn’t crash anything look you got connected textures but oh my god the full compared to faithful this place doesn’t just doesn’t live up to the standard we’re going back to faithful there we go the nice clean

Texture anyway we’ll sort all this out I mean it we’re just going to do the designing where are we trap doors I want to do sign differently what what the hoppers do ya know maybe stone bricks labs and stone brick stairs could add something yeah I feel like this is gonna work this

Is going to look good hopefully yeah that looks decent that looks pretty decent and perfectly fine for what we’re going with now I’m only going to sign one side of this because then we will have time to do it well at least the front of it on camera and then all the

Off-camera work will go on after the episode where I finish this off and do a load of other stuff yeah we also need that action ooh I use copper wall to add in some detail down here we’ll add in this detail as well there we go starting in more detail from the

Side that looks good not from this side there let’s rip this out and different thing again because this is going to look good and I just realized I’m not really talking I why well I hi guys I’m Toby as you know and I like building stuff as you probably know as well hence

I’m doing this series but yeah there we go that that looks decent enough yeah that works i mean i’m almost tempted to do this all the way down that looks nice that does look nice you can do that we can do that yeah then it sticks with the

Theme on the side as well this is probably going to turn out looking alright hopefully maybe kind of probably not but what could we do here what could we do here we’re going to run call all the way up the side and then break it up at each floor with one of these

That does work that does work that is something we could roll with this could end up completely changing between now and next episode depends how I feel about it um yeah that looks good it fits it fits it fits roof dark oak wood without a doubt is going to go on the

Roof didn’t even have to think by lies it’s got to be dark oak wood so we’ll do the entire roof it’s just going to be a very square root because of the that the that it’s gonna be a square roof that is going to look half decent not completely

Decent only half-decent that that’s how I that’s how I do it half decently oh goodness me that frame rate was a bit weird then this could 10 end up looking absolutely horrible or again on the other hand pretty good depends which hand we choose hopefully the hand of

Looking pretty good because i hate rebuilding stuff one two three you want to check thing there we go now we’re getting somewhere yeah it looks okay that on these boots will have the roof flap John if you will over here we’re gonna have to change it up because there’s gonna be a smaller

Roof on this one if we get myself some dark oak slabs there they are what do we think about going around the edge like that and leaving that open I’m thinking let’s do it so realistically it’s just on the corners we do that and it’s gonna it’s kind of

Be what it is that’s all I’m going to say it is gonna do what it’s going to do so see how this ends up looking nowhere near as good as that roof over there it works thought that does work that does definitely work and with these slabs we

Can go around adding in detail not on these corners but those ones they’re starting a tiny bit more elevation tell me that doesn’t work that that does work that makes that is a wizard tower if I’ve ever seen one and we bang on time as well now the only concern I have now

Is this bit this little secondary roof let’s step out from the main roof hopefully without ruining anything doesn’t look like we are going to ruin anything no it fits it works except I feel like we can make this bit bit taller add in a little bit there we go that’s what I’m

Talking about and of course it’s not just going to end there we need to add in this if it is kind of look okay hopefully maybe yep you know what it works said these corners are a bit bulky so instead we’re just going to curve it

In on the corners this is not any less bulkier hey let’s just destroy all these underneath bits and change it so it’s like that sticks out a bit too much though it was good before we tampered with it there we go sorted which is 22 minutes

Old wrap up now then so thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the kingdom of warmer if you do really enjoy this series please do leave a like to let me know that you do like it respawns channel and lets me know that you really

Do actually like this series if you want to come up with a name for anything so say name this bridge or that bridge or you go Reena or the jousting area any names for anything all the bell tower the execution area or the Cathedral we’ve already gotten name for the tree

Which is dark thorn hollow we’ve also got a name for the town itself named by basically joint effort between me nano and what was his what was the last guy’s name oh god there’s a lot of villagers here why is also taking christ we got nano and that’s his book there and it’s

Feel like door and that’s how it’s pronounced son it’s a really cool name got the map here which actually needs updating now he built out but I’ll do that after I finished building it as a really nice addition to the town and if you want to get involved also with

Another suggestion either name something in the town or comment down below a build you want comment down below and then when you name it as you can see with these guys over here you will get you over the name special and then special thanks to so special thanks to

Your username and every ten episodes we do do a world tour this if you didn’t know this is a continuation of Toby’s random builds but now it’s a new series under the name of kingdom of moma and both series is can I have a playlist on

My channel go check them out but you will get a sign in every ten episodes we do a world tour so you’re essentially getting in shower every 10 episodes so I hope you guys have enjoyed if you like the video please do like it lets me know

You do like it and also comment um don’t forget to subscribe if you want to be notified when I upload we have reached 30 subscribers another huge milestone 30 people who have subscribed to me really great thank you guys for watching I’m out you yeah I felt coughing yeah yeah I fell in

The well but who there we go we’re out of the well thank God we can zoom now as well yay where my signs gone yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – The Kingdom Of Mormer #4 – The Mage Tower’, was uploaded by tobsterschomchom on 2016-03-21 18:18:53. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:23 or 1523 seconds.

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    "¡Última oportunidad de ser impostor en Among Us y Minecraft!" 🚪👾 #impostorVideo Information This video, titled ‘última oportunidad para salir en el pasillo de suscriptores #amongus #minecraft #impostor’, was uploaded by impostorsus on 2024-03-28 20:58:16. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!

    Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survivalcraft Gameplay – 250 Days on Cruel’, was uploaded by BAS17 on 2024-05-28 10:22:03. It has garnered 101 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. Hi I am BAS17 and welcome to my channel, where we explore the exciting worlds of Survival Craft and Minecraft! Join me on epic adventures, survival challenges, and creative builds as we dive into these blocky universes. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to never miss an episode!” This video is just about me making different furnitures at 250 days on… Read More

  • Insane MLG Slim Block in SMP! #minecraft

    Insane MLG Slim Block in SMP! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@MrCrazyGamerz_69 Silme Block MLG in This SMP #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr_Crazy Gamerz on 2024-04-12 15:10:40. It has garnered 12907 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More


    INSANE DOUBLE XP GLITCH!! | MINECRAFT EPISODE 17Video Information This video, titled ‘SLEEPY STORYTELLING | MINECRAFT | EPISODE 17’, was uploaded by Double XP on 2024-05-29 17:00:06. It has garnered 160 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:53 or 1373 seconds. There once was an Essi… Hayden: TWITCH – TWITTER – TIKTOK – They: TWITCH – TWITTER – TIKTOK – Double XP: TWITTER – TIKTOK – Our PNG Artist: #doublexp #minecraft #episode17 Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Secrets of Bocil Vtubers in Minecraft!! 🤯🔥

    Uncover the Shocking Secrets of Bocil Vtubers in Minecraft!! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】VTUBER BOCIL BIKIN SAWAH DI MINECRAFT !!🔥 – BIAR DAPET ILMU PADI 🤯??!!’, was uploaded by Ichinose Yuna on 2024-05-10 09:17:13. It has garnered 1259 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:55 or 8335 seconds. 【Minecraft】BOCIL VTUBERS MAKE A FIELD IN MINECRAFT!!🔥 – LET’S GET RICE KNOWLEDGE 🤯??!! Buy Yuna seblak at: Rules to remember when Yuna is streaming: • Please be kind to fellow viewers and comment using polite language. • Please do not engage in off-topic discussions. • Please do not Spam. • Please do not swear, criticize… Read More


    SURVIVING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IN HINDI: 100 DAYS IN MINECRAFTPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zombie apocalypse minecraft | 100days in Hindi…… Here’s what Happened #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Not gammer on 2024-05-10 15:53:08. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:00 or 540 seconds. zombie apocalypse storyattempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on a deserted raft. This minecraft challenge is extremely hard as I can only live off what I find in the ocean. Can I beat all the minecraft bosses? Obtain overpowered armor? And build my raft up to one of the best bases I have built in Minecraft? Watch to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skills: Yuto dominates in chill hours

    Insane Minecraft Skills: Yuto dominates in chill hoursVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】chill minecraft hours.’, was uploaded by Yuto on 2024-03-12 03:23:04. It has garnered 130 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:38 or 12338 seconds. 【Streamlabs Donations:】 note: please don’t feel obligated to donate, just you being a viewer is plenty to support but if you do donate it means everything to me 🙂 【Rules 】 ・Common sense ・Be respectful and kind toward everyone here ・No spamming / trolling, just block and rereport ・English chat only ・No sharing of sensitive/private information about others or yourself (doxxing basically) ・Mature audiences only, viewer… Read More

  • PinkCraft

    PinkCraftPinkCraft is a minecraft survival server with cool features like bosses, quests, gambling, level up system, unlockable enderchest layers and more! Join our discord for more information: Read More

  • FroobWorld – Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.6

    Server Information: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our Website Dynmap: View our Dynmap About FroobWorld: FroobWorld is a small survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy old-school SMP style gameplay, you will love our server. Our rules are simple – no griefing, no stealing, and no cheating. Chat is kept at PG-13 levels. Features: Land claiming: No limit to size (within reason) Lockette-style chest locking /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back commands Long-term maps 32 view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version No Resets [Join Now]

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version No Resets [Join Now] has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More