Insane Mahito Finds Game-Like Ability in Isekai Minecraft!

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Me see let me see show me ah yes Isa came at me with tremendous pressure I was somewhat scared so I took out a piece of mithril ore and handed it to her it’s definitely mithil ore the Purity is high kak how many do you have 13 including that one there are about

150 iron ores 500 copper ores 200 silver ores and 13 mithril ores the amount mine seems to be relatively small it depends on the refining but with 13 of these we can at least make two swords Kake don’t tell anyone about the Mythril okay why yeah it seems it was something

Extraordinary it’s a magical metal that is often heard of in fantasy but is it precious in this world as for me I was wondering what I could craft with it I’ll put it in my inventory then I held out my hand and IA place the mithil ore

In my palm I took it quote Ellipsis do do question mark quote Isa didn’t let go of my hand I grasped it lightly and tugged on it but she wouldn’t let go do you want it quot Ellipsis do dot question mark quote Isla’s eyes shine brightly well it’s dazzling no it’s not

Dazzling but it is sure as dazzling when I glanced at silie she let out a sigh and nodded well then I guess I’ll do it quote Ellipsis dot do exclamation mark exclamation mark quote Isa raised an inaudible cheer and danced around while raising the mithil ore above her head it

Seems she was delighted what a joy as the magician and Alchemist Isa must have plenty of uses for it she worked very hard silie smiled bitterly at Isla’s happiness I don’t think silie is able to pay the salary for Isa at the moment so

I guess she thinks she has to give her a good treat once in a while maybe when we had finished Mining and removing the scaffolding from the canyon jagira and PNA joined us PNA was empty-handed but jagira had killed a deer-like animal I think it was a Yaky or something like

That it’s a pretty big one he he he this new model is amazing I was able to kill it with a single Blow from over 300 ft away there was an arrow wound and a sword wound on the side of the neck of Yaki perhaps one of the crossbows arrows

Destroyed its cervical vertebrae and when it collapsed she ran over and killed it with her dagger that’s amazing I would have shot it in the Torso instead I made a pillar to hang Yaki with a wood block and hung it with a rope Sophie and jagira pulled out yaki’s

Internal organs together then they plunged it into the river we’ll eat the organs here kak make sure the fire is ready I I ma’am as I watched selfie and the others start processing the organs I prepared to build a fire I wonder if there’s a fireplace on the crafting menu

So I take a look Katakana middle do simple Fireplace stone X20 there is something just right for it so I crafted and set up a simple fireplace oh it’s rather nice when did you build that I’m tired of being surprised by everything kosak does pno was surprised to see the

Unexpectedly Splendid fireplace that appeared before she knew it and Isa said something Indiscreet when she saw it I’m not saying that I’m not actively trying to surprise them but I am letun have lunch when silie and the others who had finished preparing the internal organs returned I lit a fire in the simple

Fireplace and roasted the organs we only had enough internal organs to cook and eat right away so we mainly ate the heart liver and tongue I sprinkled the salt I had in my ventory and used grated guik as a condiment it was delicious I also brought some okonomiyaki for lunch

And shared it with the four of us by the way Pera and jagira had brought baked bread and dried meat but Isa hadn’t brought anything I completely forgot about that be careful it’s hard to be stringent I had a feeling kosak would take care of it you see I can’t work

Miracles to create food out of nothing is that so she looked at me as if to say you can do it can’t you I wouldn’t say I like it when people look at me like I can do it because I can’t kosak could do it that’s why you’re popping out things

I don’t understand you know silie and even jagira say such things Puna silently nodded and put a piece of yaki’s liver in her mouth it seems to be her favorite food don’t get me wrong I can’t do that I’ll say it clearly I can’t do that my ability is to transform

What is there into various things it’s not the ability to create something out of nothing I desperately tried to explain but everyone just replied appropriately I can’t figure it out after that we finished our lunch collected the Yaky that we had cooled in the river and decided to return to the

Elf Village and on the way back I had to walk with Isa on my back I can’t understand it but it’s okay after lunch we returned to the Elven Village and reached it while the sun was still high I don’t know the exact time but it looks

Like there is still some time before nightfall welcome back your highness yeah is there anything unusual the scouts report that the Giza has entered the forest they said it’s still on the Outer Edge so it’ll take some time before they reach the village I see I

Think it would be better to form a squad around those who are fast and reduce them Dan and Sama seems to think so too while silie and melty are discussing I set up the blacksmithing facility and start smelting iron in short the idea is to launch a gorilla war against the Giza

Which is hindered by the trees in the forest and cannot move as it should and to reduce their numbers before they reach the elves Village this means that more bolts will be used I think I should make the bolts quickly what’s that mixing table however there’s nothing I

Can do while I’m refining iron since there is nothing to be done I’ll explore the possibility of a new workbench and the moment I set up the mixing table Isa comes to me I had expected that by mixing do you mean making medicine that’s what I want to find out can I use

The medicinal herbs and poisonous plants you were gathering earlier permission granted Isa nodded happily so I opened the crafting menu on the mixing table Katakana middle dot distilled water material drinking water X2 Katakana middle dot small life potion materials medicinal herbs X1 drinking water X1 Katakana middle dot life potion

Material medicinal herbs X3 distilled water X1 Katakana middle do high life potion material medicinal herbs X5 distilled water X1 alcohol X1 Katakana middle do poison potion material poisonous plants X1 distilled water X1 Katakana middle do high poison potion material poisonous plants X3 distilled water X1 alcohol X1 Katakana middle dot

Cure poison potion material poisonous plants X1 alcohol X1 Katakana midle dot cure disease potion material medicinal herbs X5 Co poisonous plants X2 distilled water X1 alcohol X2 Katakana middle do alcohol material liquor X1 Katakana middle. salt peter material stable manure X1 ashes X1 Katakana middle. gunpowder material salt peter X1

Sulfur X1 charcoal X1 Katakana middle do gunpowder material salt peter X1 alcohol X1 fiber X1 no way quote question Mark what’s wrong no it’s nothing it’s a lie as you can see the last three are dangerous I don’t know precisely what stable manure means but I think it could

Be the dirt around the toilets or the Stables I’ve seen some stories on the internet about how they used to produce salt peter which is the raw material for gunpowder by making good use of the stuff around there the recipe for the first gunpowder is for blackpowder as

For the second gunpowder recipe I’m not sure but I’m sure my crafting skills will accomplish it this ability skips the process and the difficult details and brings you the result instead there are so many different kinds of gunpowder but it’s scary that they are all lumped together

As Gunpowder the recipe is obviously for black powder but I have a feeling that the result will be high performance smokeless gunpowder absurd are you copying me yeah something like that at any rate let’s make what I can make now I’ve left some meat in my inventory so

That I can make some alcohol I’ll make five small life potions ions three life potions and two for the rest shortly after the potion is ready I see that the life potion is red the poison potion is purple the cure poison potion is green and the cure disease potion is a golden

Liquid each comes in a glass bottle that I’m not sure where it came from the small life potion is called small because it is so small the bottle is so small that about the size of the bottle that usually contains the seven spices the life potion is about the size of a

Bottle of heram and Seed and the High Life potion is about the size of a one cup bottle the bottles of cure poison and cure disease potions are about the same size as life potions and poison and high poison potions are about gash upon ball size and the glass is obviously

Thin and fragile I wondered if this was designed to be thrown away after use is this the potion that kosak made yes the red one is life potion the green one is cure poison potion and the golden one is cure disease potion the purple one is a poison potion so it’s probably poison

What does the life potion do I think it heals wounds internal or external I wonder which one I have a feeling it’ll work either way what does the cure poison potion do since the name is cure poison I assume it would cure poison what kind of poison does it cure I think

It works on any poison and how about the cure disease potion since the name is cure disease I assume it would cure disease what kind of diseases does it cure it works on any disease I guess yes with each answer Isla’s large eyes become cloudy and vacant I know I know I

Know that what I am saying is absurd I know that but you know what I can’t help but agree with you I’m well aware of the fact that my abilities are ridiculously complicated based on my past performance maybe I’m not far off the mark with my answer give me everything a give me

Everything you made oh okay I was defeated by Isla’s gaze which made me feel emptiness through the darkness and offered all the potions I had made you should make as many potions as you can and give them all to me okay no I wanted to get some for myself too quote

Ellipsis dot dot quote when you look into the abyss the abyss also looks into you such words pass through my mind don’t go against the current Isa I feel my life is in danger yes with pleasure t n hi yond well I haven’t told her how much material I can use to make

Something so I can fool around with it also I told her in advance that I can’t make a quantity of alcohol-based potion I took the liberty of making one barrel of liquor and I’ll have to tell selfie about it later I wondered if it was too

Much or too little that I could extract eight alcohols from one barrel with the pressure of the ever intimidating Isa I made as many potions as I could with the materials I had on hand and handed it over to her I sneaked in a couple of

Potions each I might use them too I make sure that she doesn’t know no one knows right I watched her walk away with a basket full of my potions and decided to concentrate on the blacksmithing facility’s operation but there’s nothing to do is there I’m in the middle of mass

Smelting iron so I can’t even make iron arrowheads until that’s done after much deliberation I decided to check the contents of my inventory I’ve been digging many ores today so I really have a lot of things in my inventory there are many ores that I don’t know what to

Do with such as zinc nickel and so on I guess they’re used to make alloys but I don’t have any knowledge about Alloys to be honest I have to rely on the crafting menu for this I can immediately think of uses for lead though gunpowder lead and

Iron H let’s leave it at that for now I need stable manure to make gunpowder it seems that there is no cattle breeding in this Village so I guess I’ll have to collect dirt from the toilet what should I explained to silie no wait as long as

The refugees are making a living they must be taking out but they can if I make up a good reason I can collect them can’t I the problem is that it absolutely stinks well I can’t be helped I don’t want to do it but I have to I looked at the improved workbench’s

Crafting menu to see if there was anything else I could use and I found a spinning wheel in a loom Katakana middle dot Spinning Wheel material wood X20 mechanical Parts X3 iron X1 Nails X20 Katakana middle do loom material wood X20 20 mechanical Parts X2 iron X1 nail

X20 yes I can make it the question is do I need to use cloth no it is necessary if I want to make bandages or splints right when it comes to survival games bandages and splints are essential bandages can heal even the worst bleeding and splints can instantly heal

Sprains and broken bones it’s one of the most absurd things in survival games other absurdities in the recovery system are painkillers and energy drinks that heal wounds yep so I quickly made a spinning wheel in a loom and set them up the spinning wheel can turn the fibers

From plant materials into thread and the loom can make cloth from the thread what are you doing spinning threads when I was spinning the spinning wheel I was taken AB by silie who checked on me yeah it looks like I am just spinning a spinning wheel with nothing set on it

From the outside but by turning it in I’m shortening the crafting time please leave me alone why are you spinning the thread I need some cloth there are so many uses for it you’re right we can never have enough cloth anyway of course the cloth can be used to make clothes

Bandages and armor but it is also an essential military item you will never be in trouble no matter how much you have I’d also like to get rid of my sweatshirt that’s starting to look like crap speaking of which I need to take a look at your clothes as well I’m glad

You remembered not that I started making fabric with the intention of making my own clothes though Sophie told me a while ago that she was going to do something about my clothes by the way my sweatshirt is washed every day and my underwear too the way it works is that

Selfie does the laundry for us after dinner with water spirit magic it’s kind of fun to see the laundry spinning around in a big ball of water are you free at the moment I’m in the process of melting the iron I don’t think this is something I need to do right now anyway

Said kosak while pointing to the spinning wheel f umu letun go to the shared Storehouse then we can find some clothes for you that sounds great I quickly put the spinning wheel the loom and the improved workbench in my inventory and headed to the shared Storehouse with selfie there are plenty

Of gems to offer as payment so there is no need to worry about it and that’s why we came to the shared Storehouse no I’ll take that stone don’t be a fool you owe me I’ll take it I want this one I’ll pay you with my bow and arrows a group of

People who look like artisans were gathered in front of the shared Storehouse arguing and shouting the storehouse keeper elf who watched them with a troubled look on his face noticed silie and me and his eyes brightened everyone The Miner who brought that stone is here now what the Artisan elves

Are all looking back at me at once yeah they are all beautiful but their eyes are bloodshot and scary I hid behind sfie quietly come SF the one in your back is that’s the marabito the elders were talking about right he looks like a normal human being but he certainly

Doesn’t have any magical powers wait kosak is frightened don’t come any closer silie stopped The Artisans and they stopped her eyes were bloodshot but she seemed to have retained her reason it seems that you were fighting over the distribution of the gems yes well it’s been a while since we’ve had anything of

That quality since the death of old Gaston who excelled in Earth Magic The Artisan elves nodded to each other I see so the master gem Hunter’s death was the reason for the decline in Supply H kosak take out what we dug up today how much

Do we have to offer now it’s twice as much as before I did as I was told and roughly pulled out the gems onto the wooden plates I had taken out beforehand the lineup is almost the same as the last one oh if there is this much I can

Make all I want this and that the eyes of the Artisan elves shine brightly Sophie ignored the Artisan elves snatched the wooden plate from my hand and took it to the storehouse Keeper of the shared Storehouse I’ll deliver this I’ll have to make some changes for it as

You wish I’ll take care of this one and you can tell Lisa in the back after handing over the wooden plate silie walked past the storehouse keeper elf into the storehouse and I followed her it feels like some of the Artisan elves are sending me moist glances and I’m

Afraid to leave s’s side yep there was a female elf right after entering the shared Storehouse I’m sure she’s Lisa since silie walked up to her era it has been a day before yesterday what do you want today I delivered twice as many gems as last time can you help me with

Kak’s clothes twice as many as before you say then how many clothes are you going to need there aren’t that many clothes that fit his size you know well you can put the rest aside kosak if there is anything you want you can take it you earned those gems after all my

Pleasure Lisa San went to the back of the storehouse saying that she would get some clothes that would fit me therefore I’m going to look around the shared Storehouse with selfie is there something you want i’ like some leather-based materials and some glue also some liquor what kind of liquor

It’s liquor I don’t care what it tastes like I just want it strong fumu I know where to find it so I’ll show you selfie led me to find some leather and liquor and I heard Lisa San the storehouse keeper elf calling for us so I took the

Items I had found and gone back to where we were the ones that seem to fit your body size were around here you can try them on in the shade over there okay I accepted the clothes and changed in the shade at the back the clothes Lisa San had brought

Were comfortable made of strong Fabric and easy to move in it was vaguely ethnic in design how about this when I returned to silie and the others in my new outfit silie and Lisa sand stared at me from my toes to the top of my head I

Felt uncomfortable my hair is black so it doesn’t match the color of my costume I guess well it’s okay isn’t it why bother to dye it do I have to match the color of my hair to the costume the evaluation was kind of subtle but I

Decided that it was okay because it was comfortable for me to wear now that I have some spare clothes I don’t have to worry about clothing anymore thank goodness for that after that we left the shared Storehouse with some strong alcohol leather and glue the Stairs Of

The Artisans as we left the storehouse were frightening it was the eyes of a wild beast with its prey in its sights let’s make sure that I never Le

This video, titled ‘#8 (Isekai Minecraft)finds this amazing crafting ability just like the games from his original world’, was uploaded by Mahito recap on 2023-12-31 04:57:35. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:54 or 1194 seconds.


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    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

    I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into the hearts of 271 people! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: MINECRAFT VIDEO: #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: Colin’s Playlist: Combined Playlist:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More