Insane MCPE PVP Textures! Boost FPS! | Minecraft Bedrock

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What’s up everybody River here welcome back to Brandy video Minecraft Bedrock Edition as you can see we are back for a brand new video and I’ve got five new texture packs you go and show your price so without further Ado let’s actually go and get right into it just before I do

Continue though guys be sure to go next to drop a like right now on this video but the first pack we’re about to check out is gonna be the WAP m32x pack and as always if we want to see press the gear icon as you can see we got the night and

Day Sky option but in this video we’re gonna be checking out the nice guy because you already know it’s like usually always better anyway this is what the main menu looks like we got this insane custom background as you bros can see I mean it looks pretty cool

But anyway let’s actually go and press play and let’s actually drop right into it all right bro so we’re actually now head over here and take a look at this inventory like this is actually super super cool guys and it’s definitely one of my new favorite packs I mean just

Take a look at this sword on this thing it is crazy but as you can see we got the apples right up over there guys and basically the rice that food looking super awesome and this side over here we got ourselves all of the weapons on the

Top aka the swords and we got the edits for like the tools which look amazing in my opinion we got the Ender Pro in there which is like looking amazing as well like this whole pack is just like literally perfect I hope you guys do like it even like the tops of bottles

Are actually blue as well which I do like and yeah it’s overall really nice anyway we got the sword in hands we got the outlines on the ores you guys already do no it is actually looking super amazing we actually have ourselves clear war on over here and I mean dude

This is just so good we also got ourselves a custom inventory if you take a look at that once again with some blue and black and over there let’s actually go and eat up this apple though and let’s actually go and take a look at the

Bow next up that is with the bow axi does go ahead and look like play pretty cool as you guys can see we got the fishing rod as well too over there guys the block breaking animation which actually looks like and that’s pretty awesome we also got ourselves the ender

Pearl as well which is definitely one of my favorite new ender pearls it looks so cool I don’t even know how to explain it but it’s just awesome guys now we got the funniest day over here which is actually a low fire version so be sure

To take a look at that and then over here we have the instant Health which actually looks like that as you can see pretty custom and then over here wait we’re gonna go get some armor in a second I actually almost forgot to go and actually show you guys the Villager

So this is what the Villager actually does gonna look like for the crits ladies and gentlemen and yo that was pretty sick but all right let’s actually go and continue to show you guys the armor the armor is probably one of my favorite Parts on this set over here as

You can see we got ourselves a 32x sword and a 32x armor setting here which I think just looks amazing guys like overall this is such a good pack I feel like more people should like be using it so download this like right now if you

Guys would like to because it is Flames alright let’s actually go ahead outside it actually looks like this it’s actually pretty and same Bros I used to have my beautiful Skies off for a second so I decided to fix it but yeah as you can see we have this insane night Scout

Over here guys and once again yo that looks so clean that we got the moon over there boys and then we used to go in the nighttime pressure plate it basically just gets a little bit darker guys but anyway that is basically for this pack and let’s check out the next one

All right boys next up we’re actually gonna go and take a look at the 18 128 ice packs so this over here is actually a brand new one as well too I hope you guys are excited for once again this over here is actually a bit of like a

Mint colorway so yeah if you guys like that kind of like color over here be sure to go and definitely download this pack a link in description as always guys but without further Ado let’s actually go load up and uh let’s see what it looks like all right Bros this

Is what the inventory does go look like I hope you do like it but yeah for some reason it’s actually like kind of laggy in this like one area of my texture pack review map so I do apologize about that I have no clue why this is happening but

Anyway as you guys can see right over here we actually do have ourselves some pretty crazy edits in over here guys we got ourselves the golden apples out over here we got ourselves once again the rest the food over there only thing I don’t really like about this pack is the

Golden carrot it looks like there’s kind of a bit of a mess up over there but other than that the pack is actually looking really awesome and then once we actually do head over to this side as you guys can see we got the swords on the top which all look super amazing

Guys and then we got the two tools in the ender pearls like once again very very clean over there guys but anyway once I do head out over here like the lag stops it’s honestly weird this actually happened to me with one other pack in the past and I don’t know what

Happens but yeah as you can see it’s like super laggy and then when I turn over here it’s like completely fine I don’t know why let me know in the comments if you guys have actually ever had that issue and also not a really like minor thing I did notice is that

There is actually like that red triangle so yeah you might actually have like a little red triangle like moving around the screen guys and yeah that’s actually a little bit annoying as well but guys anyway I saw this pack is actually good all right let’s continue we got

Ourselves clear water on over here we got yours over here which actually super minimalistic as you bros can see once again looking super super far as zebras can see it is awesome we got these sword in hands oh we got ourselves the enchanted Apple a custom inventory guys

We have ourselves the bow over here which is actually a bit of a 32x edit which I’m actually really liking guys it takes a bit of a black bow over there which I actually really think is awesome and then remix ever sells the fishing

Rod is a lot too and over there guys not too bad we got ourselves the white wall that is the block breaking animation on it guys we got ourselves the Ender Pro Amigo and actually shoot this boom as you can see that’s actually what it looks like okay guys I once again I’m

Not sure what’s going on but when I’m holding this ender pearl it makes me so laggy like bro so yeah let me know in the comments if you guys get that issue as well too but that is like so strange I’ve never seen that on any other

Texture pack anyway we got the flint and steel knife stuff over here guys that’s what it does go ahead and I see look like as you can see we got the love fire in over there guys but anyway Bros we got the spawn villager next let’s go and

Actually take a look at it and those are actually the particles in over there pretty insane I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that before we also got ourselves the instant help though and then to go and actually wrap it up guys we actually do have ourselves the armor

Over here which once again looks super cool once again I really apologize about the lag like I don’t know what is going on guys just like when I look in this direction it is so bad but anyway let’s actually go ahead and get outside boys and this is actually what the outside

That’s gonna look like so it is actually glitched on 1.17 so if you do want to go next to get this to work you will actually have to go and downgrade your mind cries to an older version boys but anyway these are what this guys are actually supposed to look like for like

Daytime evening and basically night time as you guys can see I mean they actually look really cool so if you actually want to go and get access those be sure to go ahead NXT downgraded Minecraft to 1.16.100 or lower but anyway guys let’s continue with the video

All right Bros next up we’re gonna go and take a look at the dice’s Wonder K pack this over here actually came out about a month ago and for some reason I just never reviewed it but anyway guys we’re actually about to go and review it

Right now be sure to go and actually check out diceys as well great YouTuber and speaking of 100K be sure to subscribe as well to see you guys because the mics are giving away this iPhone XS at 100K subscribers on my YouTube channel so make sure to

Subscribe to me as well boys but anyway 128x I even checked out one of those in a minute so I’m actually excited but yo this is like see what it looks like and not bad not bad we got ourselves this custom background looking like it has

Shaders all over there and then yeah it looks pretty cool all right let’s actually go and drop right into it anyway Bros as you can see we’re exhale back over here in gaming this is actually what it does it’s gonna look like we got ourselves this pretty cool

Inventory we got dicey’s face over there and then we got ourselves like this red diamond armor which I actually think looks super cool now First Impressions this is definitely not a 128x pack so I don’t know why it said that but anyway guys this is actually still overall a

Super cool pack as you can see I like how they actually have the eyes on the apples over there we get the rest of the food over here and the ones we do head over to this side as you can see once again we got ourselves a pretty nice

Edit over there for the swords that takes a super second then oh okay maybe this is the 128x edit all right so I take it back boys they actually do have like two items over here with the 128x edit however the shovel isn’t really matching that kind of is an L I wish

They would have actually just like left it with one edits but overall it’s definitely different and I haven’t seen anything like it so let me know in the comments if you guys actually do like this or not but yeah overall I see do like and I think they see pretty nice

Over here we got ourselves the Ender Pro which is actually pretty cool as well let me know what you guys exceed to think about it but yeah that’s actually pretty nice deep over here as well too is pretty sick and then without further Ado yeah we got we have some decent

Edits but it definitely would have been a lot better if they would have actually like fixed this over there guys anyway without further Ado let’s actually go and head outside and there’s actually no Clear Water sadly but we still do ourselves the outlines on the oars and

Yo is that actually an animated no way there’s animated blocks that’s actually sick as you guys can see so I actually really rate that X haven’t seen that in a minute guys on any pack so let me know what you think but wow that is really cool all right we got these sorting

Hands out we got ourselves a really cool inventory for the XP bar as you guys can see the XP bar is actually an RGB colorway and also just noticed as well like the leaves over here are moving easy well that’s actually really nice so wow all right we got these sword in

Hands though guys we ourselves the enchanted Apple let’s actually go and eat up over there we got ourselves deep over here with the insane indicator I do really like this bow over here nice and it’s actually kind of I feel like tilting a bit in the more upwards

Direction compared to your average pack so let me know what you guys think about that I really like it we got the fishing rod over here as you guys can see though we got ourselves the white wall it’s actually go ahead and break that whoa okay that’s actually really sick as well

Honestly I can’t hate on that that’s actually amazing what okay I wish my pack actually had that we got ourselves the Ender Pro over there let me know what you guys do think about it we got ourselves the fire over there which is actually super cool as well guys you

Love to see it we got ourselves these spawn Ville drill takes to go and take a look at the crits and the crits over here are actually pretty default but overall this pack is amazing and I also just realized regardless is a custom Crosshair as well too which is actually

A bit of an ax so let me know what you guys do think about that but anyway over here guys to wrap it up we got ourselves the armor over here overall pretty nice so be sure to go and take a look at it and we got dicey’s face like all over it

Guys but anyway let’s actually go and get out over here and let’s actually go outside and this is actually what the outside looks like okay they got a nice blue sky yo this daytime Skies likes you looking pretty far and then once we go to night time it is actually just a bit

Damned anyway guys that is gonna go and wrap it up for this one let’s check out the next pack all right Bros next up we have the Sailor 60 next let’s actually go and take a look at it and this one over here was actually recommended to you guys by

Me on Twitter be sure to go and actually follow my Twitter as well at real River of rain if you guys actually would like to go and I see suggest basically some packs I review but this over here was actually like reviewed a lot and yeah

We’re gonna go to take a look at it I heard it’s actually really good the Java looking menu screen already looking pretty POG and then this is what it looks like in game this is actually pretty nice all right so this over here is actually the inventory the armor what

Is going on there all right I think the inventory is a bit gushed out for the armor but as you can see that’s what it looks like I mean that’s actually pretty cool though no cap guys then we got ourselves the armor over there as you

Can see with a very very nice added ladies and gentlemen not too bad all right we got ourselves The Sword in him and then yo we got the golden apples over there as you can see looking amazing guys so what is going on we got

The RC food over here and then once we do have to receive this side over here as you can see we actually do have ourselves all of these swords which actually look pretty cool and then over here we are ourselves like some tools we got the ender pearl like Etc it’s

Actually pretty nice but anyway guys let’s actually go and get right out over here and yo we got a really nice clear water as well too I do really like that and if you take a look at the oars the orders are looking really good too yo

Look at those the blue ones actually look really nice let me know what you guys think looks like some of the mics you don’t have outlines which kind of sucks it looks like only like a couple of them have it yeah only like the iron the diamonds and then like the gold have

It kind of like weird how the other ones don’t have it but anyway it is what it is boys the emeralds do look super cool though all right we got these sword in hands out we got the custom inventory we got ourselves the enchanted Apple over

Here guys let’s eat up we got ourselves the bow over here as well and this is what it does go ahead and actually look like hope you guys like it we got the fishing rod as well too over here which looks pretty pogway ourselves the white well with the block breaking animation

We get the ender pearl which is once again another amazing item I do really like that the flint and steel guys as you can see we got the low fire on it over there we also have ourselves the spawn a villager guys let’s go and take

A look at the crits and as you can see they are actually kind of custom we’re going to actually get a crit okay I didn’t really get it but you guys did see it was actually kind of custom all right and then we got ourselves the instant health over there and then to

Wrap it up as always we got ourselves the armor set which oh that actually goes together really nice all right that makes you really liking this one over here let me know what you guys do think about it in the comment section below but uh overall pretty nice all right

Let’s actually go and get out of here though boys and let’s actually go and check out the outside but this is what the outside XD does gonna look like we got this really nice karate background over here with a rainbow over there and yeah overall it’s pretty good and if we

Go to night time as you can see it’s the exact same thing but it’s just dimmed down a bit anyway guys that is actually gonna go and wrap it up for this one but now we’re about to check out the final pack of the video any last one for the video boys he’s

Actually gonna be dicey’s 100K pack and you guys are probably like well didn’t you just review dicey’s 100K pack so this over here is actually his second pack I guess he actually released two texture packs guys for 100k so we’re about to go in AC take a look at this

Next one over here and see I guess if it’s better than the other one but yeah as you can see there’s no changes for the main menu over here guys but once we do heading game hopefully there is I see some changes guys but yeah I’m actually

Really excited to see what dice is actually cooked up was and as you can see this is actually it over here so we got ourselves I see a bit of a default editing over here but it looks like the armor and everything is definitely changed so as you can see this is

Actually what the armor does go and look like guys I see over there not too bad if I have to say anything bad about it I do wish that there was a custom inventory kind of disappoint they don’t have that but anyway guys let’s go and continue we got ourselves the faithful

Added golden apples over there so if you guys do like 64x edits be sure to take a look at that and then we get the rusty food over there over here we actually do have ourselves it looks like once again these 16x at it swords I gotta be honest

Though I don’t know why daisies does this but anyway yeah some of it’s just 60 nights and then some of it just like goes through 32x so yeah ladies and gentlemen I’m not too much of a fan of that over there with like the different pixel edits in there but overall I mean

It is still really nice edit and when you’re like actually playing with it you probably don’t really care about the different style of edits but anyway guys we got ourselves sleep over there which is actually pretty cool let me know what you think we also have ourselves like

The flint and steel over here and the potions which also look super cool guys all right well it takes you go and head outside and as you can see there’s once again no clear water but we do have ourselves guys like outlines on the ores over here and the oars are actually

Pretty custom as well too I think this is actually like a bit of a faithful edit for like almost everything but it’s actually got like you know a 16x edit for the sword over there so let me know what you guys think I don’t know but

Anyway that is Alex dude over there hope you bros do like it and then without further Ado we got the sword in the hands we ourselves the custom inventory and obviously the RGB basically for the XP bar which I actually do think is pretty cool all right we got ourselves

The enchanted Apple already over there as well too we got ourselves the bow which is actually pretty nice all right that over there he’s actually pretty good guys we got the fishing rod as you can see as well we got ourselves the white well that’s what it does gonna

Look like for the block breaking animation guys we got ourselves the ender pearl as well too with a minimal edit but I do think it’s really awesome that we got the flood and steel over here guys we got ourselves these spawn Village let’s go and actually take a

Look at the crits and looks like this time the crit is actually a bit different so we do it versus I see a bit of a more faithful edit on over there a bit of a more faithful edit particle let me know what you guys think and then

Over here we got ourselves the instant Health which is actually pretty good all right without further Ado let’s actually go and head over here though and this is actually with the armor that’s gonna look like and I gotta say the armor does look really nice let me know guys like

This over here is probably my favorite part of this texture pack though like that is super cool guys but anyway I really like this I feel like it’s actually definitely growing on me let me know what you guys think I also did just notice they actually have a faithful at

It as well for this over here yeah Bros when I was first reviewing this pack I wasn’t really sure like if I was liking you or not but I think it’s definitely growing on me like once again it looks kind of weird like when you’re looking

At it on signs but once you actually like have in your inventory like it’s actually kind of nice to have a 60 night sword and also have a faithful at it for like the blocks at the same time anyway I feel like some people might like that

Some people maybe not but anyway guys I don’t know but yeah overall it’s definitely growing on me guys and download in description all right let’s actually go and check out the outside and the outside it’s actually pretty cool all right so this is actually the night sky we got ourselves the Aurora

Borealis over here guys for the daytime and then over here at the night time it looks like it’s the exact same thing but it’s actually just darker a bit guys anyway thank you so much for making this far in the video if you made this far in

The video be sure to subscribe for a free iPhone I’m picking the winner at 100K subs and shout out to dices for creating this epic pack but without further Ado catch you both with my next one peace out everyone thank you what’s up everybody River here welcome

Back to brand new video on my YouTube channel today’s episode we’re gonna be checking out five new PVP texture packs for Minecraft pad Rock Edition and we’re actually on the latest version of Minecraft 1.17.2 so you guys can go and check this out on that version but anyway I hope

Your Bros are excited let’s get right into it though without further Ado let’s actually go and press the gear icon let’s go over to global resources my packs and we’re gonna go and see firstly start off with the Sakura 16x so this one over here is actually a bit of a

Pink PVP pack so if you guys actually do like that color be sure to definitely go and take a look at but yeah it’s actually super amazing so let’s actually go and press back on settings and as you guys can see we got ourselves this insane menu screen which I actually

Really like once again it’s like all blue and everything and we got ourselves a bit of pink Accents in here with the matte black buttons but anyway let’s actually go and press play and let’s drop right into it alright bro so as you can see this is what it does gonna look

Like from the inventory I mean it actually looks pretty cool as you guys can see now I don’t usually like pink texture packs obviously but yeah this one over here actually has some really nice edits and and I had to throw it in because it’s like a new one as well too

And it’s just fire so hope you bros are enjoying it as well but anyway let’s actually go and get right into it and also I would like to mention there is actually a bit of a glitch of basically like that red square that actually moves around from the corner and stuff on the

Latest version so yeah you guys actually might have that air on the latest version but if you’re on like basically another version like other than 1.17 or whatever you should be fine anyway that we’re gonna continue with the review but yeah it is up in the corner it moves

Around a bit but yeah hopefully it’s not like too annoying for you guys on 1.17 anyway though without further Ado as you can see we got all of the custom golden apples right over here which actually looks super cool and then we got ourselves the rest of the food which I

Think actually looks super awesome now if we go and take a look at this side over here as the Bros can see we got ourselves all of these swords which are actually really really insane we also like see a pretty thin sword over here so yeah as you guys can see like the

Blade is like super thin and uh it’s kind of like a short sword as well but yeah I actually really like this 16x edit pack and I hope you bros do as well too we got a villager chilling over here but yeah we got some more of the tools

Over there we got the ender pearl the bow and so once again some epic epic items but let’s actually go and get right outside and as you guys can see we actually do have clear water and we have some really nice oars over here as you

Can see the original blocks over here I actually do look super super cool without lines around basically most of them and I love these over here as you guys can see we do have ourselves I see a bit of that pink and diamond in over here but anyway let’s actually go and

Continue we got these sword in hands we got ourselves the enchanted Apple let’s eat up we got ourselves the bow next up over there that’s what it does go look like in yo there’s actually a bit of a custom particle effect as well too as you guys can see it’s right over there

Nice nice we got ourselves the fishing rod as well all right and then we got the ender pearl next up over there and that’s what it does go and look like we also got ourselves the low fire over here as you guys can see and it’s got a

Bit of a vintage Vibe on it I hope you Brothers do like it we also got ourselves the light blue wool over here and basically this is the block breaking animation we got ourselves the spawn villager okay Galaxy I’ll let you go we need adult villagers guys I’ll take you

And spawn in and out of villager though and that is what the particle effect does look like once again guys on 1.17 it is a big glitch for the particle effect it spawns it a bit on top of the Villager but yeah anyway without further Ado thanks to wrap it up with the

Healing potion though and yo that actually looks pretty sick and then over here we got ourselves the armor which I actually think looks super Super Awesome with the sword but yeah let me know in the comments if you guys are actually liking this pack so far but I am

Definitely enjoying it and then to wrap it up over here sadly yeah once again all 1.17 the skies are glitch this is only on Windows 10 though so if you guys already see on like ncpe or whatever though you should actually be fine but yeah this is basically supposed to be

Like Day evening and night time I’m pretty sure guys anyway without further Ado though let’s check out the next pack all right bros we’re gonna go and deactivate that and head into the next pack over here so the next pack is next to the awful 16x and this one over here

Is actually a brand new one is which I’m really excited to check out there’s a gear icon so we can actually go and change the resolution to night sky or day sky and so let’s go so yeah basically this over here is actually working on Windows 10 with this guy so

Yeah I’m Gonna Keep It on night sky though you guys already know the nice guy is like always the best guy usually but yeah this over here is the custom background we got the matte black buttons as well but it goes clear as soon as we hover over it anyway though

Bros let’s press play and let’s actually go and drop into the map alright Bros and as you can see we’re X and now back over here and this is what it does it’s gonna look like I see a bit of a default edit so if you guys like default edits

Be sure to definitely take a look at it anyway Bros I have to say though the enchanted effect on this one is literally insane and it might be the best one yeah as you bros can see like that is just so cool like the enchanted effect is amazing guys but anyway let’s

Actually go and get right out over here and check out the items so we got ourselves the apples right over here as you can see we got the rest of the food Hopi Rose like it and then once we head over here we exceed over sells basically

All of the edits and yeah it is a bit of a default edit but I have to say they actually did do a really really amazing job of just the enchanted stuff that looks so cool as well too oh my goodness but yeah once again hope you guys like

The edits alright let’s head out and here is what the items do gonna look like so this one over here doesn’t really have once again too many edits it is a default edit however they do save clear water which I really do right and we got ourselves short swords so as you

Guys can see we’ve got these sword and hands over here let’s go with the enchanted Apple nice up over there that’s what it looks like we got ourselves the bow over here boom boom boom hope you guys are excited for the bow you’ll love this see it we got the

Fishing rod as well too which looks pretty pug and then we got ourselves the Ender Pro which actually looks super cool as well too as you guys can see we got the fluency which is actually a bit of a low far edit next up we got ourselves the block breaking animation

On the light blue wall and boom that’s what it does go look like we got the Villager next up over here and it looks like we do ourselves actually so pretty basic particles so yeah nothing really crazy over there but this is what the potion looks like all right pretty cool

I also couldn’t tell if that was normal or not it might be a bit more Vibrance but I I don’t really know guys anyway though over here all right this is gonna be my favorite part over here once again is the enchant effect like this is guys

No cap the best internet effect I feel like I’ve honestly ever seen like this is actually super sick especially on this default edit you know they didn’t really do too much but the things they actually did do actually is a really really good job and like a crazy 10 out

Of 10 edit so I hope your Bros actually do like that for real boys but anyway let’s actually go ahead and get outside and I’ll text you go and check out the sky and these guys should actually work on Windows 10 and there we go so this

Over here is daytime correct the Mungo and then over here is actually nighttime guys so that is it it looks like it’s literally the exact same but oh yeah so it actually does get a bit darker for the Grands and everything but the sky stays the same anyway Bros I hope you

Actually did enjoy this one let’s check out the next one though alright Bros next up we have the atlas 16x so let’s actually go and activate it but yo just like the profile picture for this pack looks amazing guys so I’m already super hyped this is another 16x pack but I

Just really do like the color purple and I had to go and check this one out guys so yeah we are so like see purple and black buttons over here which I really do like guys and it looks really nice with the brand new Minecraft 1.17 background with the amethyst and

Everything all right let’s press play though guys and let’s actually go and drop right into the map though whoa okay this is actually pretty sick as you guys can see we got ourselves like this purple inventory over here and then we ourselves like a bit of a pixelated

Background around my character like that is actually so cool I hope you guys do like him anyway Bros looks like we also do ourselves I see a bit of that red triangle back at it once again which kind of sucks but this pack over here is actually still super sick and let’s

Check it out all right so these are the apples over here I have to give those a 10 out of 10. I actually really really like those golden apples in there oh yeah I just really like the enchanted Apple like the golden apple and even the

Normal Apple I mean it just looks super amazing overall guys like I gotta give that like literally a 10 out of 10. are you serious that is so good I haven’t really seen anything like that in a minute so I actually do like the new stuff and then over here we are sells

The food over there guys and then this side over here is where we got the swords which are actually all miniature so hopefully you guys like mini swords let me know in the comments I mean I’m kind of a fan of them but I don’t know

Let me know what you think chat it’s actually pretty cool though but yeah we’re gonna go and check that out in a second that’s what they do go and look like and then over here we actually do over ourselves basically the rest of everything else so be sure to definitely

Take a look at it well as XD super cool but anyway guys let’s actually head out over here and as you guys can see we actually do have ourselves basically all the oars over here with actually outlines and everything looking super super awesome also this villager I said

I wasn’t gonna kill you but you are just getting annoying anyway that is what the particles do go next you look like Opie Royce do you like it we also got the custom inventory as you can see let’s go and I see it up an enchanted Apple over

Here not bad not bad we got the bow as well see which I hope you bro is actually do like not bad not bad and we got ourselves the fishing rod next up over there I like how they actually kept you know the whole theme though like purple and black I’m actually really

Like happy they did go and do that and then there we go we got ourselves the low fire ain’t over there pretty basic but I do rate it we got ourselves the light blue wool as well let’s see over here and that is the block break animation we got ourselves the Villager

I guess I already showed you guys but we’re going to show you again so yeah pretty cool and over there and then we got ourselves the potion of healing which is actually I think a bit of it added in there not bad not bad and then

Over here as you guys can see we got the armor which actually looks super puck in my opinion guys but anyway that is sexy about it for this pack over here without further Ado let’s actually hide outside and let’s actually go and check out the

Sky cell oh no this guy’s likes a good shot again but if you guys are on mobile once again or on 1.16 if you’re lower you should be able to go ahead and still get these Customs guys but yeah this over here I’m assuming is actually like

The daytime Sky the evening and then lastly the knights and yo I wish this were so badly on 1.17 Minecraft please fix this but anyway guys let’s actually go and check out the next pack all right Chad deactivating that we’re gonna go ahead and get into the next one over

Here so this one over here is actually the genuine 60 nice and just before I do go and actually like get right into it I thought you guys know this pack over here is available in like literally 10 different colors or like something like that all right maybe not and maybe like

Seven right but guys download description for all of them just go and check it out you can pick and basically yeah there’s different edits of the exact same pack like different colors and this one over here in my opinion is probably the one that I feel like is

Gonna be the best because it is actually a sunset one and as you can see we got ourselves the orange and the yellow over here and basically I just haven’t seen a lot of packs like that and people are always commenting my videos for yellow

Packs so this one over here is sort of yellow and then once again we get the day and the night sky we’re gonna leave it on Night Boys both sexy press back on settings and let’s check this thing out but yeah like I said I just got a really

Good feeling about this yellow and orange one and I’ve also seen a couple videos of it actually already to be honest but I haven’t seen like everything yet so anyway let’s go and press play guys and let’s actually go and get right into it but I hope you

Guys like the custom backgrounds you know that’s actually pretty POG in the matte black buttons this one over here nice looks super good and this is the inventory over here as you guys can see but take a look at the hearts and everything whoa okay anyway let’s go and

Get right into it as you can see we got the apples and everything right over there looking heat guys we got ourselves the rest of the items over there for the food and then this side over here is where we got ourselves basically all the

PVP items now if you guys do go and pick a different color it will basically go and change like the tools and like the ender pearl and you know a couple other things but yeah the rest of stuff is gonna stay the exact same color so yeah not everything this pack is actually

Sunset it’s only like the diamond stuff and like you know the hearts and like the food hunger bar whatever but yeah anyway that golden sword actually does look pretty good as well too though and then yeah that is actually about it over here I hope you bro since you like it

And those parts actually look super sick boys but anyway let’s actually go and get right out of here and as you can see we got ourselves actually the clear water in over here which is pretty awesome we got outlined oars as you can see and take a look at the diamonds okay

Okay I used to do rate this the diamonds in over here is actually pretty sick guys No Cap I hope you do like that but anyway let’s actually go ahead and continue we got these sword in hands we got ourselves the Apple it’s going to

Eat up not too bad not too bad we got ourselves the bow over here which is actually really nice to shoot surprisingly let me know what you guys think about that we got the fishing rod over here we got ourselves the ender pearl as well let’s see which I really

Do like we got the flint and steel which actually makes the low fire we got ourselves the light blue wool over here guys nice nice nice we also got ourselves the Villager next up and this is what the crit does go and look like pretty basic so nothing crazy on that

One sadly but anyway let’s actually go and spawn in the instant health and that’s what it does gonna look like I don’t really think there was an added for that boys but anyway it is actually not time to check out the armor and the armor over here I think actually looks

Really awesome let me know in the comments if you’re rocking with this colorway but I definitely am and I think it’s actually pretty different than you know a lot of the other basic types we check out where they’re like usually just like a blue or like I don’t know

Like green or red or something like they’re usually just like those colors well actually we do check out a lot of packs but basically we don’t check out a lot of yellow ones that often or orange ones and this one over here is a bit of

A mix I hope you do like it with the fade I think it looks nice but let’s actually head outside and as you can see this is actually background this takes the daytime so we’re like these golden Sunset Galaxy over here yellow this looks super cool chat all right let’s

Takes to go on nighttime now and nighttime is the exact same but obviously it’s a bit darker anyway without further Ado let’s check out the nice pack aka the final one for the video and this one over here is actually Causley revamped so let’s actually go and

Activate it over here and yeah this one over here is actually looking pretty cool guys but let’s actually go and press background settings and let’s see what the main menu screen looks like okay okay so we got ourselves like see this picture over here I don’t know if

That’s like a black hole or something but hey it looks super sick all right let’s actually go and press play though guys and let’s get right into it but this one over here is actually looking really nice so far actually and it’s kind of reminding me of java with like

The menus and everything and Aussie Bros can see we are actually now back over here and this is what the inventory looks like and this one over here is actually it looks like a bit of a black and white pack over here however we also ourselves like you know some different

Items as well too for like the bow and stuff but anyway this is xia so we got ourselves basically all the food over here with actually a bit of a playful edit guys which looks pretty sick and then we got the golden apples and they’re super high rise with obviously

Like faces in there yeah anyway hope you bros like that and then without further Ado we got ourselves I see some swords over here at the top looking super super amazing so yeah be sure to definitely go and take a look at me this sword in my hands right now is like literally

Amazing like that’s that might be the best start of the video guys and then we got ourselves like see some more black and white items over there we got the ender pearl which looks super awesome we got ourselves the bow over there like everything in this pack actually looks

Really nice like I can’t really complain about anything um so yeah let’s actually go and get right out over here though all right guys I don’t know why this is actually happening but I thought it was gonna mention it yeah if I’m looking over in this direction over here like I

Feel like the pack is like a bit laggy or like the movement is weird but like when I look in this direction over here I feel like the pack is actually a bit laggy but then when I look in this direction over here like we’re getting a

Thousand times more FPS so yeah I just thought I’d go mention that like yeah that’s like really weird but yeah anyway let’s actually go and continue over here and I mean it’s literally amazing though and yeah the edits are heat guys as you guys can see once again this is looking

Super awesome but yeah when I look behind me it just gets super laggy even in third person why is it laggy I don’t know but then when I go like this it’s like bro it’s like we’re good so yeah I don’t know there might be lag issues on

This pack guys I’m actually not really too sure but I mean it’s super good in this direction like I said but anyway the pack over here is super good once again like I can’t even complain 10 out of 10 edits guys look at that look at

That yo this is so so nice price but anyway let’s actually go ahead and get right into the item so we got ourselves the sword over here which y’all probably already seen we got the enchanted up let’s eat up over there nice nice nice

We got the bow as well too which looks a really really good so yeah we got this sick boat we got ourselves the fishing rod as well as two as you guys can see we are sells the Ender Pro let me go and shoot that over there and that’s what it

Looks like once again sorry about the lag I don’t know what I couldn’t stretch it’s so laggy I’m gonna try to keep it in this direction chat and then we got ourselves the Flint is still over here which actually looks oh that’s actually really nice we also got ourselves the

Light blue wool which actually looks like that over there that’s a nice edit we got the Villager over here as well too and this is what it does gonna look like for the PVP crayon let me do that again actually and this is what PVP crit

Looks like as you guys can see super super crazy all right we got ourselves the instant Health as well too once again looking so nice anyway ladies and gentlemen this is the armor over here with this sword as you guys can see and these are the rest of the sets I hope

You guys do like it but yeah once again sorry if it’s a bit laggy chat but yeah overall this is I see a super awesome pack at it and I really really do like it guys but anyway let’s actually go ahead and continue and let’s actually go

Get right out of here guys and head outside and this is with the outside that’s gonna look like so this over here is like the daytime and I have like CC in this background before but I actually really like it and I think it’s pretty

Nice and then over here if we go to night time guys it is the exact same thing it looks like but anyway bro is that is actually Noble to go and wrap up this video I hope you have enjoyed if you made it to the end of this video

Though if you’re not subscribed be sure to subscribe because it makes you giving away my old iPhone Xs and all you gotta do to enter night giveaway is make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel guys I’m picking the winner at 100 000. we still have a lot to go but I definitely

Think we can hit it by the end of this year if you guys hit that subscribe button so be sure to go and see about without further Ado I’ll catch you both my next one peace out everyone what is up everybody River here welcome back to a brand new video on my YouTube

Channel today’s episode I’ve actually got a pack already on right over here Android seal Minecraft Bedrock Edition guys for a brand new pack review so be sure to go and if you like in this video if you want to see where I got this pack from what it’s called and obviously the

Other packs and also don’t forget guys that 100K subscribers I’m giving away my old phone it’s falling out of the box but yeah guys I’m giving away this exact phone right over here I swear I actually didn’t drop it almost oh yo that would have been bad but guys seriously be sure

To subscribe 100K I’m giving away a free iPhone access but anyway without further Ado let’s actually go and get right into the video so the pack we’ve actually got on right now guys it’s gonna be the one but anyway Bros without further Ado let’s get right into the video so we go

And press settings global resources and active as you can see this is one of the number five spot River here guys we have the refault 16x now this one over here is actually pretty cool as you guys can see we can go and either choose the

Night sky or the day Sky which is you know on a lot of packs now but I do like that feature and yeah we’re just gonna keep it on default the nice sky but I hope you guys are actually excited I mean this one over here I actually don’t

Know why I didn’t like check it out in the past but yeah this one’s actually been ported for a minute and I’m really excited to go and check it out so let’s press play and let’s drop into it anyway Bros as you can see we are actually back

Over here and take a look at this pack I mean this over here is straight up he’s in my opinion let me know what you guys think like I didn’t think that there was like much ideas like pack creators could do but then I just looked at this and yo

It is actually insane like this is something like totally different that I’ve like literally never seen before especially on a 16x pack so let me know what you guys think we got the gapples over there guys looking super hype and then we got ourselves basically the food

Over here which all have an amazing custom texture like as you guys can see like I’ve never seen basically like any of these sections before and I think they’re icy are amazing so let me know what you boys do thinking and then over here we actually oversized a bunch of

Swords as you Brothers can see and the tools actually look really really nice as well as you can see once again they just have like a really cool edit and I love the colors and everything we also got ourselves the ender pearl the rest the items over here as you can see but

Yeah definitely something really different that was just not expecting I’m definitely a fan and I also really like the small Crosshair let me know what you guys think about that but I actually really love that small Crosshair and that we ourselves The Sword in hands over here guys we got

Ourselves the enchanted Apple let’s eat that up over there you already know let’s go with the bow and I might see missing arrows all right we got some arrows let’s actually go and test this out and yes we got ourselves a bow indicator as well two Bros which I

Really do like we got ourselves the fishing rod is the world soon that we get the end Repro which looks pretty hype we got ourselves the flint and steel as you guys can see whoa that takes super nice as well we got ourselves I can see a bit of a short

Fire in over there but uh yeah I mean I love shortfires obviously great for PVP we got ourselves the wall as well and nasty block breaking animation we got ourselves the instant Health guys I think that basically wraps it up guys I’ll text you go and head over here

Though and as you can see this is what the armor does go ahead and look like but guys we just have to go next to check out the Villager and then this guy but let’s actually go and take a look at this I’m actually really excited to see

It and boom so it’s actually a bit more basic but honestly it’s not that bad so let me know what you guys think about it nothing crazy but it’s actually pretty sick and then outside over here we actually did go and pick at night time

So this over here is actually oh so this is actually daytime as you guys can see with this crazy sky and then this over here is actually night time guys so be sure to go next to take a look at this pack overall you know it’s a pretty good

One but without further Ado let’s get into the next one all right bro is the next pack I’ve actually activated is the Euphoria 60 nice pack over here and this one over here actually looks super cool guys so I’m actually really excited to go and take a look at let’s press back on

Settings on as you guys can see all right I’ve already seen the main menu I already did go and accept it but as you can see it actually looks super super awesome guys with this Java loading screen and then yeah we got ourselves this cloudy background it looks super

Hype but without further Ado let’s go ahead and get right into this review guys and let’s see what it actually looks like but over here as you can see this is this so it’s saying some air but yeah we’re good guys anyway this is actually the inventory over here though

As you bros can see well that translator is like so fire let me know what you guys think about this but yeah this set over here is actually nice guys I like the potions I like the Android Pro like all the edits are really nice and I personally really really love this sword

So let me know what you guys think about the sword all right we’re gonna go and get more inside in a second but yeah we have the apples over there as you guys can see we are so the rest of the food we got ourselves a really nice Crosshair

Thanks a circle and it’s small I really like small crosshairs once again guys let me know what you both think but yeah super sick and then over here we actually have ourselves these swords which are once again super super awesome like these are once again just some

Great packs I’m showing y’all in the video we got some amazing tools a and your pro which looks a pop and as you can see and then we got ourselves the rest of the items in over here as well too so be sure to take a look down but

Without further Ado once we do head out we accept outlines on some of the oars over here guys and we actually do have ourselves Clear Water we got these sword in hands which once again I mean you guys already know my thoughts on it it looks so good and we got ourselves the

Enchanted Apple next up over there is wall two we got the bow is a while which is actually pretty sick so be sure to once again go ahead and download this guys Link in the description we have the fishing rod which looks like there’s actually like maybe a fish on it or

Something let me know what you guys think does that look like there’s a fish on it I don’t know to me it does but let’s go and actually take a look at the ender pearl whoa that was actually super sick as well we got the flint and steel

Which is actually low far as you bros can see we got ourselves the lime wall let’s actually go and break that we got ourselves a pretty basic animation but not too bad but I do rate it guys and that over here Gangsta ever sells the potion of facts but anyway Bros let’s

Execute and spawn in the Villager and let’s actually go and see the crit and as you guys can see that’s what it does go and look like but anyways now time for the armor the armor with the sword oh that actually that goes hard I mean

Guys let me know in the chat I want to see some flames in my live chat oh my goodness though this looks so good download in the description guys but let’s actually go and continue and the rest of the set once again 10 out of 10

As well but this is the outside over here in this like the daytime okay so as you Rose can see we got ourselves this pretty amazing sky and over here and then basically for night time it is actually a bit different so yeah be sure

To go and take a look at it but anyway Guys Without further Ado let’s check out the next pack alright Bros the next pack we have over here is the inquiry 16x and this one over here is also a brand new one that’s just been ported there’s also

Gear icon too so you guys can go and change it if you want like Night Sky Plus hit particle day Sky posted particle and then basically the same options with no hit particles so yeah be sure to take a look at that but I’m just going to keep on default the nice guy

With the hit particle you already know guys and let’s actually press back on settings and as you guys can see we actually do have ourselves these custom backgrounds and over here which actually looks really really nice let me know what you guys think about it but yeah we

Even got ourselves like some 3D looking treason over here really liking this but let’s actually go and press play guys and once again we get the matte black buttons once again go and see through love this see that but let’s actually go and get right into this guy so this is

What it looks like as you bros can see whoa another great one so yeah let me know what you guys think that is the diamond armor over there and then we already sells all of the tools and everything guys this actually might be my best video for showing you guys PVP

Packs yeah like these ones are just all amazing but yeah we got all the food over here guys and we got the apples on the side as you can see which actually looks super super cool so be sure to take a look at them but for real I do

Like that all right let’s actually head over to this side though and as you guys can see we actually do have ourselves all of these swords over here which actually super super amazing so be sure to go and definitely take a look at it guys and even take a look at the tools

As well those look really really unique and even the ender pearl just this color of blue alone is just like really really nice if you guys don’t know my favorite color is blue so yeah I’m actually really liking all these blue packs today bullets yet outside and as you can see

We have ourselves no clear water but that can be fixed with an add-on and the oars are like sort of outlined so the diamond ones are actually outlined but looks like the other ones are sadly not outlines guys which is kind of strange but anyway it is what it is we got

Ourselves a really cool custom inventory though as you can see we got these sword in hands guys we got ourselves the enchanted Apple over there love this see we got ourselves the bow as well too as you bros can see once again looking super hype we got ourselves the fishing

Rod as well the end your pro which might be one of my favorite items the flindness deal over here which looks whoa that is mad guys we actually have ourselves low far and it’s actually really red that’s sick guys all right we got ourselves the reliable as well too

And that’s what it does gonna look like for the block breaking animation the instant Health guys let’s actually go and spawn the Villager though and take a look at this and next up though and whoa that is actually really cool as you guys can see there’s actually a bit of like a

Black and orange I wasn’t expecting that but yeah actually very very nice and then over here we got ourselves the set which actually looks once again amazing like all the packs I’ve checked out this video guys are so far 10 out of 10s in

My book so let me know what you bros do you think but anyway let’s actually go and hide outside and this is what the outside does go ahead and look like as you bros can see so this over here is like the daytime anyway Bros it looks

Like the exact same but the brightness has been lowered just a bit without further Ado though let’s check out the next one anyway Bros the next one we’re gonna go and check out is gonna do with the modifier private and this one over here is actually pretty cool I at least

Off for the armor the other textures are like decent but the arm over here is actually really unique and I thought we go next to show it off in the channel so let’s actually go and press back on settings boys we’ve already gone active as you can see once again the map like

Buttons and they go see through once they hover over it looks like a wall packs literally have that now but anyway we’re just gonna go into get right into it guys and let me know in the comments if you really like this kind of style or

Not because I don’t know if I do but I feel like the armor really looks awesome anyway as you guys can see this is actually over here basically for the inventory guys looking super awesome and then we get the armor right over here which has got to be by far my favorite

Part but anyway let’s go and get right into it we have ourselves the Apple’s icy right over there now it does look like the texture is a little bit messed up guys if I’m gonna be honest but the rest of the pack seems fine and yeah as

You guys can see we got the rusty food over here and then once we turn over to this side here is XD swords as you can see at the top so be sure to go and take a look at them all guys and then down over here we Excel ourselves basically

Even more crazy edits guys we got the enterprise we really do like that tools are actually pretty cool as well and then we also some nice potions as well you know some decent editing here so let me know what you bros actually do think about it as well these ones over here

Actually look like really detailed as well oh my goodness you’ll look at the detail and the shading on some of the like parts of this this is actually crazy looking kind of 3D oh my gosh but without further Ado let’s AC one had it

Over here as you can see we have a lens on all of the oars and we accept ourselves no Clear Water sadly but can be fixed I made a tutorial on it anyway though as you guys can see let’s go focus on the inventory we got blue

Hearts you know a custom inventory and over there which look really really cool and The Weeknd ever sells these sword over here as well too guys we got ourselves the enchanted Apple let’s go and eat up we got ourselves the bow as well too which is icy basically all

Monochromatic which I actually really do like regardless of the fishing rod as well we got ourselves the Ender Pro which actually looks pretty cool the flint and steel as you guys can see once again you know rotating to reduce FPS we got ourselves a bit of a faithful edit

On that we have the lime wool over here which is actually very interesting for a block breaking animation and we also have the instant health over here as well and that’s what it looks like but anyway Bros let’s actually go and take a look at the Villager all right let’s go

And take a look at the crits and as you can see we actually saw some pretty decent crits we actually have ourselves like some red Edition temples but anyway let’s actually head over to the armor and as you guys can see this is what it does go look like so yeah like I’m

Telling you guys I think the arm on this one looks super sick let me know what you bros think but I just had to go next to show this off because this is literally like almost looking kind of 3D and yeah let me know what you bros think

About it but yeah this is actually crazy and I’ve never really seen another PVP pack like this but let’s see how to inside and as you can see this is the outside for the daytime I think it actually looks super awesome as you guys can see look at this guy this guy is

Actually popping and then the nighttime pressure plate is right over here and this is what it looks like basically the brightness has just been lowered but anyway let’s check out the next one ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for making it to this far in the video

We got ourselves the ice 128x pack I’m really excited for this one so it takes to go press back on settings boys and this is basically what it does go look like as you guys can see it’s it’s actually pretty cool once again with actually the same background the last

Couple ones have just been having the same backgrounds but honestly I think it looks pretty cool so I can’t hate it and they actually turned great once you hover over it actually pretty cool and let’s actually go and get right into this but I’m actually really really

Excited and as you guys can see we are actually now in over here so this is what it does gonna look like basically for the inventory we got ourselves a see-through inventory and I just and then once again just really like the armor on this one so I thought I’d go

And show it off but everything else actually looks really good too like this is a really nice edit guys so be sure to go and take a look at with the low swords like this is a crazy one but anyway leave ourselves the golden apples which are like literally perfect in my

Opinion let me know true Bros do think but like too that is actually so clean that we got ourselves they rested the food over there and the ones we head over to this side we actually have ourselves these swords which are basically looking super super awesome now it does actually look like basically

The diamond sword is actually a bit of a short Sword and the rest of them actually might be a little bit taller but anyway the diamond is like what most people use so I don’t think it really matters but yeah the other swords are actually looking a little bit different

As you guys can see they have a point on the ends and then the diamond sword is basically just like fly at the ends but the rest of the tools over here I see do look pretty cool as well too as you guys can see we get the Android Pro in over

There like this pack is actually crazy guys everything on it is insane so let’s actually go ahead and continue but it looks like ah there is actually a bit of a glitch on the Flint is still in there like you guys know I will point out literally all the glitches if I find

Anything it looks like there’s like two little pieces which I don’t think are supposed to be there but either way it’s it’s great I can’t be complaining like I could not make a pack of this good guys but anyway let’s actually go and head right out over here and as you guys can

See we got ourselves in no clear water which is kind of an l and we do ourselves actually the lines on the diamond ore but once again looks like the rest of the ores don’t take CFL lines on them but anyway guys we have these sword in hands as you can see we

Got ourselves the enchanted Apple guys so let’s actually go and eat up we got ourselves the bow over here within indicator okay okay that’s actually really nice I do rate this bone over here we got ourselves the fishing rod azawad soon nice nice nice we have

Ourselves the Ender Pro as well as the Bros can see the flint and steel looking pretty cool once again with the rotating animation of reduced FPS a very edited though very high ends I like that I like that we got ourselves the wool next up over here guys for the block breaking

Animation I will say that is like the weirdest potbreaking animation I’ve probably ever seen but it’s actually really unique so yeah I gotta give it some for doing that guys anyway this is what the potion does gonna look like for the particle effect and without further

Ado let’s actually go and take a look at the crit particle as well and it looks like oh that’s actually a really nice one I actually like that guys we got ourselves actually a bit of a high-end blue PVP texture in there but anyway let’s actually go and head over here and

As you guys can see we have the arm over here matching with the sword and I think it looks really awesome like this is basically the reason I’m showing off this pack is because the armor I just haven’t really seen anything like it guys in a moment and uh you know the

Other armor is pretty good too but obviously this is the one I’m talking about that over there looks so nice but anyway let’s actually go and head outside boys to go and wrap it up let’s go and check out these guys so these guys over here are actually pretty cool

As well too as you can see basically matching the armor and everything and then it’s actually daytime but once we head over to night time as you guys can see it’s the exact same thing but the brightness has been lowered anyway Bros just before I wrap it up be sure to

Answer my iPhone giveaway by subscribing and I’m picking the winner 100K like comment and subscribe for more be sure to check out the emergency but without further Ado catch you Bros with my next one peace out everyone All right what’s up everybody River here welcome back to brand new video today I’m checking out five new texture packs so let’s drop right into but just before I do guys I’m giving away this free iPhone XS at 100K subscribers so you better go ahead and subscribe if you want to win

That for free guys let’s get it by the end of the year if we do that would be insane and that’s my goal so like share the channel boys but anyway let’s actually go and press settings over here and let’s go to global resources my packs and guys we’ve actually got like

Six packs that we’re gonna check out this one over here is my 64k pack that’s not part of the video but be sure to go and check that video out as well too guys anyway without further Ado the first one I’m gonna be checking out is

Actually going to be right over here the Chica fujiwara pack I honestly feel like I’m saying that totally wrong so if I am please let me know in the comments but this one over here actually looks really cool guys so let’s press back on settings and as you can see this is the

Custom menu screen as yeah it actually looks really cool as you can see not too much of a change but I actually really do like it we exam results the map like buttons it over there and yo this is actually gonna be awesome you already

Know guys all right we got an anime pack over here a lot of you guys keep asking for more so I hope you like this one but yeah this section events are over here looking pretty amazing as you can see we got these sword in hands and this one

Over here is actually a bit of a pink pack and I know I usually don’t review pink packs but a lot of you guys actually did like the last time I did review it so I thought I’d go and post another one and I mean there is actually

Some really nice edits on it all right we got the apples over here doing everything as you can see looking super Flames guys we got the rest of the food over there and then once we head over to this side as you can see it looks pretty

Crazy as well we have like the sword and then they shovel over there and as you can see the Ender Pro and everything else as well too still looks super awesome once again with this like black and purple theme I think it looks super cool but anyway Bros let’s actually head

Outside and as you can see the oars looks super awesome with the outlines on and everything and I’m just really loving the oars because as you can see like instead of just having the or gold like the actual like Chunk in it it’s like the whole entire thing boys like I

Just really really like the ores on here so let me know what you do think but yeah overall pretty amazing no edit for the netherade stuff but uh either way everything else still looks super fire we got like this really cool Crosshair as well too as you guys can see like

This actually might be my new favorite Crosshair I really like this all right we got the golden apple next up though you already know guys we got the bow over here that is what it does gonna look like we got ourselves a bit of a hard particle Trail as you guys can see

Over there we got the fishing rod is about two guys we got ourselves the white well this is with the block breaking animation looks like very custom we also have the ender pearl as you can see also an amazing item we have ourselves the fitness deal and it’s

Actually a white fire like what I don’t think I’ve actually like ever seen that guys if I had maybe like once but yo that is definitely something crazy I like that all right we got the instant health over there as you can see with the insane custom particle guys anyway

Bros without further Ado this is what the particle effect does go look like as you can see now it is actually a bit glitch on the latest version once again but you guys if you do downgrade it it will fix it I think that’s actually only for Windows 10. anyway we’re gonna go

Next to continue with the video though and as you guys can see over here we actually do have ourselves the armor which looks super super amazing so hope you boys do like it but anyway let’s actually go and get right out of there guys and we’ll text you going to head

Outside so this is what the outside looks like so I actually did go ahead and get this insane day sky over here as you guys can see and then when we go in the nighttime pressure plate it actually does go and get dimmed down a bit but

Anyway guys let’s actually go and check out the next texture pack alright Bros next up we have the sunset 16x I hope you guys are actually excited you already know we had to throw in a 16x pack and as you guys can see we ourselves like the whole night sky

Particle plus no particle so go and check that out but we’re just gonna go and keep it on the default for this video guys all right let’s actually press background settings and as you can see we actually have this amazing background over here I actually was not expecting this but yeah this actually

Looks pretty fire I hope you guys do like it all right let’s actually go and press play though and let’s take silicone drop right into it though and as you guys can see we’re actually now over here in game and yo take a look at that armor it’s actually a little bit

Glitched out it looks like when we’re actually like looking at or inventory but yo I’m actually really excited to go and check out this set as you can see that set looks amazing guys along with everything else in our inventory all right we got the food over here as you

Can see we got the golden apples yo those are actually really clean especially the enchanted one that looks Godly in there I hope you guys do like that but yeah overall the food looks epic and the ones we do head over to this side over here as you can see we

Have these sunsets sorted over there yo that is crazy and then the rest of the swords look pretty cool as well but obviously like the hype is definitely on the diamond stuff in there wow and then that editor Pearl the bow the fishing rod oh my gosh this is actually a very

Very nice pack guys all right this is what the outside that’s gonna look like as you can see we got Clear Water Guys we’ve outlines on basically all of the oars and I actually really do like them as you can see this over here it probably is my favorite for the diamonds

Yo that looks amazing by yeah the other ones are actually really epic as well too like I’ve never seen that Emerald one before and as you can see the other one still looks super cool as well guys but anyway we got these swording hands we got the whole entire custom inventory

We got the golden Enchanted Apple in there guys oh my gosh I might be so excited for that we got the bow over here as you can see with this purple particle looking pretty epic we got ourselves the fishing rod is the world too yo that is Colleen the white wool

Block breaking animation the Ender Pro you already know guys let’s go with that we got the flint and steel that’s what it looks like a very nice little fire like that is probably my best low fire texture pack I’ve seen in a minute that is actually kind of crazy all right we

Got the Villager guys let’s go ahead and actually show this off and that is with the particle effect does gonna look like guys and then we have ourselves the healing potion as well which is default but anyway guys then we got ourselves the armor look at the armor over here as

You can see that just matches so perfectly like 10 out of 10 for that over there guys all right let’s see wrap it up with going outside and as you can see this is actually the daytime over here looking pretty cool and then this is actually what nighttime looks like

Guys but yo insane pack once again just gets a bit dimmer like always but let’s check out the next one all right Bros next up we’re gonna take a look at the tangiro light blue pack so I hope I’m actually saying this name right but anyway we’re just gonna go and

Activate it that is it over there guys but I’m actually really excited to go and actually take a look at this and see what it is actually about but yo as you can see this is it over here we accept results some pretty cool buttons and

Over here as you can see once again those Java loading stream buttons guys but anyway let’s actually go and get right into it all right and this is what the inventory does look like once again I don’t know why the armor is a glitch like that but

All right maybe it’s supposed to be like that so you guys can like see you know what I’m saying your enemy when you’re in your inventory may be kind of a life hack boys but anyway that is the armor over there I hope you bros do like it

And we are sells all the food over here but take a look at those golden apples those like super cool once again I really like that one that one is so plugged all right this is overall amazing I hope you like it but let’s actually go and head over to this side

Over here and as you can see we got ourselves the diamond sword and everything is a while guys looking amazing and then we got the Ender Pro over there we have the bow I mean everything is just looking amazing like what I love this pack all right let’s

See what head out here though inside he’s actually no clear water but once again that can just be fixed with adding in an overlay like in other pack so yeah go check that out I’ve made video tutorials on it and then we ourselves the oars over here which actually look

Really cool like as you bros can see we actually have ourselves ores with the actual Cloud logo and everything I hope your boys do like it like oh wow that is see pretty high but anyway guys we got ourselves these sword enhanced we get the whole entire custom inventory blue

Theme as you can see and for the hunger bar it’s actually Sushi bowls which is really cool I think so yeah pretty nice all right we got ourselves actually this over here as well too we got the enchanted Apple guys we got ourselves the bow as well this is what it does go

Ahead and actually look like as you can see a nice heart particle we got the fishing rod guys we got ourselves the white wall block breaking animation we got ourselves the Ender Pro which I actually really like like that is actually pretty cool and their logo is

Really nice as well and then we got the fluid steel over here as well too as you can see with the low fire I do right now we got ourselves the spawn villager and that is with the particles do gonna look like four PVP boys this is what the

Instant Health looks like and then to wrap it up with ourselves the armor over here which once again just sets it all together like what that is so clean like all the sets as well are just all clean but I mean take a look at that diamond

One yo you can’t tell me that looks bad that looks super good but all right let’s actually go and head outside though guys and this is actually the outside over here as you can see we got ourselves this real estate backgrounds over here with this blue sky and clouds

It’s fire and then nighttime over here is basically just a bed dimmer guys but anyway that’s gonna wrap it up let’s check out the nice pack all right boys next up we have the red Kalua 32x pack unless xeactivate it guys and yeah oh there’s a cure icon on it so

We can choose night sky or day Sky we’re gonna keep it on night but this one over here is actually gonna be another pretty crazy one guys I’m actually expecting so let’s go and drop right into it you guys peep to custom menu it looks Fireball it

Takes you go ahead and drop right into it and check out the actual edits all right this over here is actually really good I hope you guys do like it like what I really like this right color it’s a pretty stellar guys and then we got ourselves the sword as well which is

Gonna be great for PVP all right we got all the apples on this side in there you guys already do know once again with this 32x looking edit over here love to see it and there we are ourselves basically the rice the food over here as

Well too which honestly looks like a bit of a 64x at it but I really like it all right let’s actually go and head over to this side though and as you can see these are these swords over here and I gotta be honest the swords are probably

My favorite thing in this pack I mean just take a look at the sword itself like it is just really good and I’m loving it all right the tools on the other hand I mean those look decent but why didn’t they do the shovel why is it

They just like forgot it I don’t know guys so that’s kind of it l over there but anyway we got the Ender pear over there pretty decent we got the bow I like that we got the fishing rod I like that as well you know what I’m saying

Everything else is while looking pretty good guys but all right that is actually really awesome but let’s actually go and head outside guys and let’s actually go and showcase everything and this is what it looks like as you can see outlines on the oars looking pretty awesome guys we

Got the clear water as well too and we got ourselves the whole entire custom inventory which I really do like all right it’s decent and we got these sorted hands over here as you can see guys we got ourselves the enchanted up let’s go and actually eat that thing up

We got the bow over here as well too that is what it does go look like guys so be sure to take a look at it nice particle is wow we got the fishing rod in over here we got ourselves the white well that’s the block breaking animation

We got ourselves the Ender Pro over there guys the fluid is still we got low fire and it’s actually kind of like a matte fire I feel like all right we have the Villager next up guys let’s go and take a look at the particles and as you

Can see those are actually pretty good over there we got the instant Health guys that’s what it looks like and then to wrap it up as per usual we got the armor over here which looks really really cool once again I feel like the sword is just the thing that makes this

Pack but the armor actually looks pretty good as well it’s you as you guys can see and without further Ado I’m hoping this sky looks good too but yo okay okay so this over here is sexy pretty nice I really like that and then nighttime is

Just a bit darker but yeah guys this makes me Pretty good overall not bad not bad but anyway let’s actually go check out the next pack all right boys we made it to the final pack of the video of these Sakura 64x pack so let’s actually go ahead and

Activate it guys and this is actually we have a gear icon and once again we got the whole night sky plus day Sky hit particle no hit particle thing we’re just gonna keep it on default but let’s press back on settings and let’s see what this thing looks like in y’all I

Had to save the best for last you guys already know this one over here is flexing on every other pack we’ve reviewed in this video this one over here is amazing Bob let’s actually go and drop in game guys and let’s actually go and show y’all the rest but yeah this

Packover is actually really nice all right we got ourselves the inventory over here as you guys can see looking super awesome I mean it looks like we’re wearing bubble gum armor this is actually stray fire like seriously I know I usually don’t like pink packs but like this one over here goes different

Guys all right trust me we got ourselves the golden apples over there looking super awesome I mean that editing there’s just so Swift I hope you like it and then the rest the edits as well too just look really really good I mean take a look at these edits I don’t know who

Foods in them like these daddies just look so insane like shout out to the Creator boys holy this is XC crazy but anyway let’s actually go ahead for this side and this side is where these swords are as you can see the swords look really good like all of them are just

Amazing obviously the pink one is definitely my favorite guys the diamond armor but let me know what you’re thinking I think this is a 10 out of 10 packed up and or Pearl 10 or 10 bow 10 out of 10 fishing rod 10 out of 10. I

Mean this over here isn’t really edited I wish they would have done that but it’s fine and then look at this we got the custom bottles in over there as well to you guys but all right let’s actually go and hide out as you can see we got

The Clear Water guys we got all the oars over here which look really cool I love the logo and everything as you guys can see it’s actually a bit of a flower and over there but yeah this is actually super super cool guys I actually really

Rate this all right they didn’t do the netherite once again a lot of the packs in review and just don’t do these they need to do them again I need to see some more people doing that but anyway guys we got these sword in hands we got the

Whole entire custom inventory I love it as you guys can see we got the the pink hearts we got ourselves the pink flowers and then onto the nine it looks like there’s a bit of a cherry blossom tree I don’t know if you can see that and the

Green for the XP bar is just so amazing so legendary all right we got these sword and hands oh we got ourselves the enchanted Apple guys so let’s actually eat up over there we got the bow over here yo that is actually super cool I love the particle on it we got ourselves

The fishing rod as well too as you guys can see we got the white wool that’s with the block breaking looks like whoa oh my goodness did y’all see that we got like a whole entire flower being created that is so sick oh my goodness it’s a

Very creative we got the ender pearl over there that’s what it looks like bit of a you know a sneak peek if you guys seen the outside there but yo that is actually cool and there’s also like a sound effect I had to do one more time

Just to see if it was like actually from the ender pearl or not but that was crazy all right we got the fluency over there as you can see a default low fire basically 60 nice low far in there but I do really like it guys regardless of the

Spawn a villager this is what the particles do look like really cool we have smells like some pink Japanese symbols in over there which looks super super cool all right we got the healing potion next up let’s go with that pretty cool as well and then this over here is

The armor as you could see once again just like a whole bubble gum armor say it looks super cool but all right guys to wrap it up let’s show you guys the outside all right this over here is probably one of the best outsides I’ve

Seen in a minute and this is actually it over here as you can see for daytime looks like we got some people subscribing as well too I guess I forgot to turn it off so shout out to them guys hit that subscribe button right now the

Video if you haven’t already but take a look at this insane background so this over here is daytime and then obviously nighttime is just a little bit dimmer but anyway guys that is gonna wrap it up for this video I really hope you have enjoyed I mean these packs are 10 out of

10 and I only showed you guys 10 out of 10 packs but without further Ado I’ll catch you in my next one peace out everyone thank you

This video, titled ‘TOP 5 MCPE PVP TEXTURE PACKS! *FPS BOOST* 1.20+ | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2023-09-26 04:43:44. It has garnered 343 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds.

Join My Minecraft Server! IP: RiverNetwork.Net TOP 5 MCPE PVP TEXTURE PACKS! *FPS BOOST* 1.20+ | Minecraft Bedrock

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DOWNLOADS! (This is a compilation video of Riverrain123’s BEST pvp packs he ever reviewed! To find the download links to the packs shown in this video be sure to checkout the original videos in the playlist below! Thanks!

Hashtags: #mcpeminecrafttexturepacks #bestbedwarspack #texturepack #texturepacks #bedwarspack #bedwarstexturepacks #bedwarstexturepack #besttexturepack

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    Breaking Mojang's Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks! The Exciting New Features Coming to Minecraft Introduction Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, recently teased some exciting new features that will be included in the upcoming Minecraft Live Event. From a new wood type to an overworld biome and even the possibility of fireflies, players have a lot to look forward to in the next update. The Minecraft Live Teaser Mojang accidentally leaked some details about the new update, sparking speculation and excitement among the Minecraft community. The teaser hinted at new additions that promise to enhance the gameplay experience for all players. Are We Getting a Horror Update?… Read More

  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

    🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵Video Information This video, titled ‘💵 Minecraft Survival #2 | mokix2dev 🔥💵’, was uploaded by mokix2dev on 2024-09-16 11:53:12. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. Siema! Dzis Nagrywamy Odcinek Minecraft Survival #2! wiec zachecam do Like Suba oraz Komentarza : ) ====TAGI==== minecraft skins minecraft movie minecraft za darmo minecraft launcher minecraft net minecraft film minecraft story mode minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft classic minecraft mods minecraft wiki minecraft premium minecraft skin editor minecraft download minecraft 1.20 download apk minecraft education minecraft java minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

    Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Z-Club Hangout Collab While Playing Minecraft PART II’, was uploaded by Zman’s Edits on 2024-06-10 12:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:- INSTAGRAM ID :- tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

    HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine june 18’, was uploaded by KILOBRINE on 2024-06-18 02:00:30. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:10 or 370 seconds. Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: StreetballninjaMusic⬇️… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More