Insane Mega Build in Minecraft – BLCKDETH’s Gaming Lounge

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[Applause] [Applause] h He good afternoon and welcome back to black theft scam L my name is black d and here we are with our favorite little nasty monster Hy getting ready for another awesome stream here on a beautiful Monday so let’s just get everything set up and I’m still missing my

And rep it’s going to be painful today but hey good day Indo good to see you man how are you doing welcome back to the game loung so yeah people uh good news bad news and all the other news in between so we’ll have a quick chat about

Everything and then go from there um good news we’re growing and thank you and welcome to all the new subscribers and there’s been a few more since this morning streams so I have’t update of that but yes good morning and welcome to the loung it’s good to have you all here

So a little bit of bad news uh I had to do some moving around of stuff on the weekend on my Xbox uh and something went wrong something went wrong the uh stuff we’ve been working on yeah the F now just listed as corrupted um we had uh I don’t know it didn’t

Properly save it and it is it is busted up that’s the best I can give you that thing is busted up so I went and quickly rushed around and I found us a brand new place to start so Happy Days oh here we go thank you

Kindly yeah messed up my wrist a little bit so strap it up my hand on head so yeah this is our new one still haven’t set up my PS4 sadly fair enough man but yeah this is going to be our new home I said the other one this gupt that

I I tried um earlier I tried again it’s now all messed up so we have to kind of do our thing here Ty to my friend that’s close enough so yeah uh there’s two Villages here the area is nice and flat so we’ll just build here

Um yeah we just make the best of it um obviously for farming we don’t really have to worry too much um we can have a look little look see around but yeah this space here seems plenty big like I I was just creating new ones in and out

In and out in out just trying to find that perfect nice place for us to build cuz I thing is building at 20050 by 180 blocks by 200 tall you need to be basically at about 63 64 blocks from a ground level you need to have a big flat open area

And you need to have enough width to stick that thing in here and we definitely have that we got trees everywhere and everything give me like five minut going to set up my PlayStation yeah man we’re going to we’re going to be we’re just starting the stream so take your time brother oh

Yeah unfortunately we had that problem but hey one of these things that happen I will I will do my due diligence on this map and actually make backups after every stream um so that we have something to play with I know I had another backup off that map but that one went into

Creative mode and this I screwed around with stuff because I was trying to figure things out so yeah not ideal but yeah you can see absolutely gorgeous little place where this one is um I found another one where actually spawned inside of a uh cherry blossom Meadow was so

Nice I just want to see what the hell is here then we’ll set up another little base like we did and the other one there’s another Village here I wonder if we could build it this way yeah you should be able to squeeze it

In so I just have to figure out where we want to squeeze this SP into then slap it in here cuz that is really nice hey there’s a ship out there how cool is that yeah I think we going to have to measure see if it’s 180 across and then 250 back and

Then we should be pretty pretty cool so I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll stay out of the village so we don’t murder everybody off there uh basically just set up shop where we spawned around there is but oo we’ll take a couple of measurements

Here I also forgot to make a spawn chest cuz I so rushed so 152 0 and I’ll write this down you ever tried Foxhole no I haven’t what’s that bring out the paper I got my drawings on this corner is a basic tool cool man that’s 92 –

351 so 180 is we need to get to uh negative 90 let’s see if we can squeeze this I’d love to have that thing set out look out over this this is freaking beautiful here man I know there’s a fair amount of off we have to scrape but not that

Hard I also know that this doesn’t have the other nities we were going to have but there we are yeah those will easily fit in here how cool is that man how cool is that I will easily SL flip into that spot side to side so theel can

Be adjusted across the top like in between there so it sits out here so we just scrape all of this off um which allows me to build a decent size Farm anyway um and then let’s just go this way um and go way so then we need one there one

351 I’m not going to do this in my head uh too too late on a Monday afternoon to be doing this calculation so it is 351 minus 285 so we need to get to -66 that is what we’re trying to get to is -66 we can do that then we can fit this

Thing in that way so claw so claw will basically sit this way faing out on the water and the you know the the longest part which is the length of the thing and just expands over this um I’m happy to Glass over the river so we can

Actually keep the rivers as a nice little part of the flooring here hey HKS yeah we’ve got beautiful space here to build yeah this thing was sitting there with space to spare man there just got plenty of space to spare yeah we got more than enough space so

Awesome so now I just need to do one thing and that is to jump in a hole and die so now I have to start all over again with everything well I might as well see what’s down here before I pop my own cogs saved by the millimeter of water there

That huge flow um don’t say anything too useful but there’s a little bit of lava that’s freaking awesome uh I want it to be here um my C is – 55 I start a farm here this base was cool with you get a spotus 55 – 200 uh – 55 – 55 –

200 go find them see what it is 3 we tiny is at cuz I want to be kind of close to where we spawn so um we kind of be in the B zone so yeah 55 – 200 what I said Turn out here somewhere there you are um yeah this is all going to be basically inside the B sign yeah upd so long no idea uh let’s go um um Yeah um yeah so yeah this so area and uh we’ll be kind of yeah we’ll scrape this off cuz I want to build it out so you can see the O the water it’s not really an ocean we can make water here but it’s nice like

That but yeah we need we need to plant stuff and get ready um and then I need to start Bing this all out again really the thing I didn’t want to do uh cuz yeah I need to basically plotted over the top of all this stuff oh

Sick okay Claw is on its way again and this time I think because we’re not building over ocean we don’t need so much setup work the deserts are so dangerous man that was gorgeous that place we found but hey hello buddies why is there so many of you I’m playing this on

Easy just hops on somebody else real a little tiny parasite no no thank you there there good there is a lot of them and there’s one riding something down there too it’s not a cool place to be it’s a dangerous place to be and I basically busted up my axe couldn’t eat

Okay thank you sheepy hey get away this my my damn Lamb Chop I’m not sharing get away from me get away dude move thank you okay um jeez we’re going to have to set up some safety here then I will get my pad off the light back I’m going to put

This on your side okay need that there that has got all my drawings on it and it shows me exactly how much I need to do of everything uh without that we’re kind of burned but yes um this time rather than going for the desert Stu I went for a

Meadow thing um we will need to get to the nether so we can start um doing our nether thing we need to move this Farm I’ve got a good idea of where to put it to I’ll go and find it so I’m probably going to just die

Shortly all so we need to go out this way cuz I said this whole areaa is going to be just flattened down plus we have some a little bit of fly Bell there so like there’s nothing wrong with that place that is nice but I want something

That’s a little more permanent we don’t have to mess around with because I don’t want you guys to make something awesome and then basically screw it up I’m just being mindful do it once do it nice and then uh don’t have to harass you guys if every

Time um I think out here is a good spot for us you’re not a good spot though um like right out here we got nice trees we got a bit of everything here and we’ve got flowers out here cuz we’re going to have to make a flower biome got

Popped um yes so basically just turn left and then run out this way that’s basically what I want to do so I’ll check the cords and then we’ll throw it out here somewhere this should be outside of the B zone so this area can be developed for our food and other

Needs I like this spot we can even go to the other side like I said that actually be mine and that and my rotten meat nice so 0- 180 something around there or the side pick this side uh 160 20 150 uh let’s type this in so um minus 150 was it

20 oh minus 20 sorry sorry minus thought over ah why so difficult controller is also on the frit so if you see it like skipping stuff it’s some of the buttons are getting a little mess up sorry so you can set up here and then we got

Plenty of place to build farms out here we’ got all the stuff on the side I just be absolutely freaking nice and then I can start in the daytime setting up so we can do stuff we’ve got plenty of sheep here so we can build some bits and uh basically going to

Just make a little barrier to keep these guys on the other side side okay oh you already got bits nice hey monster welcome back man got the logic with the INF yeah something new they added that’s for Sure proba not big enough but trying to set up a barrier here Okay come on die already je how many things is out here okay so yeah this is the this is where we set our base we just need a really secure design from all you parasitic creatures taking up residents and then we can start building uh cuz I actually want to start building

Today so yeah once the sun comes up most of our problems will be gone and then we can uh set up the base Here okay so here we are I can actually set up a proper base down here okay Mouse will talk turn not yeah I should actually hook mine up but too far away just doing other stuff so just set up a very basic perimeter and I think will’ll be

Good as long as we can keep everything on they dog out to not blow us up then I can go out there and start mapping out the thing again this time it’s easier got all the soil in the world to build with and I’m building basically on flat ground

So how easy do I want it really we go that’s actually really wed out nice what do you want to be so close puppy she wants to be close if I’m not not close close then it’s not good hey piggles okay beautiful moving up and W here

Me this level would be good to build basically everyone that’s just basically up it up here where I don’t have enough boock again yeah then people going just come here and then they should be safe from all the crazy dangerous things out there well up to here

I actually just prob a little PFF on this side as well keep them a little further away from us put water in to try and blow up then at least they w’t nuke a whole wall down there [Laughter] make this wall actually look like a wall I’ll allow you animals to jump over

And blow us up up buddy yeah that’s what we need know okay yeah once this wall is up then we can get our beds and stuff here might call brother play sure man like I said if youve previously c a visitor only status you’re probably not going to be able to

Play we will uh yeah we’re not going to repeat last time’s mistake so we say okay so I need to double up this wall cool okay Wall’s coming along nicely cuz a lot of this is actually going to get dug all the way out as well

Wait okay there we go uh okay not quite almost come on okay now we can clog up the last hole and then we’re good to basically roll you can still jump up over here um put some bits and pieces out here so you can easily get up onto this wall and

Get over so our area is a little more secure now um obviously we still have the little water issue here but yes that is basically um all we need from this Zone to stay safe so you guys want to move all the uh building stuff we have to this location

Then uh we can properly set up around here cuz we can basically do all our manufacturing and sleeping up here and all of the stuff down here can basically be Farm including we need a lot of sheep in here by the way so yeah uh yeah you guys get there going um

I need to get some wood and then we can build this place up look cool um I think we’re going to have to put some pces in to deal with all the uh unwanted monstrosity swimming around okay flatten us out area out as much as

We can then we like I said we need to get the trees and in here we need to get the sheep in here and we do need to keep out the drown cuz there’s a fair few of them in here don’t know why they’re in here but

I they they keep spawning over and just come and making a nuisance of themselves so let’s go get that and then uh yeah yeah it’s just get some trees in there we can start building and really get this thing moving forward H plenty of sheep up here which is

Nice what is out here Flowers FL blocks all sorts of crazy stuff we sitting this way huh kind of weird I thought I thought would sit that way but that’s what I wanted to do with the I want is to have that thing sit right over the uh the sun where it rise

And say B it according to that but I’ll build it this some just follows over the top so we can actually have it out over the water trying to find hopefully get a couple couple of saplings up here as well I know these trees have kind of

Ground real dense on top of each other but you always hype for a little sapling falling put this and this up there so we can see if saplings actually fall out I’m assuming they’re not going to no saplings around here apparently uh let’s take this tree out

There’s another e one to take out so I’m trying to uh only focus on taking out the stuff that actually makes sense to take out you don’t want to take down everything and then it’s you’re basically screwed beautiful oh we got one sapling I’m going to make it back to

Everybody setup so I can grab a bit as well actually be nice to start hauling all that stuff over this way yeah there’s plenty of stuff spawned in here I got no lights yet we’ll get there we’ll get there what of villagers chaming around out here I know we’ve got two villagers

Basically on top of us but it’ still be nice if it wasn’t quite there oh deep lake be nice building over this way PL need of sand out here as well so fine okay nobody here but yeah I’ll grab B and take it back to the base and then we can

Continue on with it nice okay startop taking this stuff with us move the base out get it ready I I need a pick for that one try to take everything I can carry without dying go can you burn to death already man thank you pleas zombies have becoming tough nice fin me dude

I need to try and make this gam of a run without getting nuked on the way through well we put the beds down there then yeah it’s easier Bas when you spawn all you do is turn left and then run towards the river and you’re there a very very short trip

All of fun there because of that dude okay here we are G let’s said the BDS can go up here CRA table that thing just break and just give me that um cross spot can be just here and chest and make this area a little

Nicer I do not want to get get shot from that side so there we go beautiful sugarcan G sand wood B all that good stuff can go up there that go there I need some wood so I’ll probably take this now where’s the stick couple of sticks grow stuff just out here for

Now we can extend this properly to something a little better okay I should probably also set my respawn to this area see I can make a fishing one as well that would be lovely yeah so much easier here to get all the grass we need place is going to

Look whack it’s going to be so quick to sit up here this time last time it was it was a little difficult there I going to lie it was a little difficult um yeah we’ve got a couple of sheep that’s already trapped in here which is nice the SE so that’s

Cool perfect we’re basically right on top of our spawn exactly what we need I need some fencing as well but yeah we’re going to we need to start measuring out where we want to put it I start building it said is Have to write down how to B it it’s not easy to straightforward so that is 183 wide 150 long 200 high I’ll start picking the spots and then basically laying it out trees we got a little bit of food growing probably mow down some more grass see we can get some more seeds

Going ah The Crab Claw block yeah I got the crab gloves on very cool to get those for threee is for the uh voting event the vot for the I think there emperor penguin armadillo or crab and then it is whichever one would be implemented with generally if you found them and whack

Them in the head of a stick you would possibly get something from them mainly in the form of something good like I think the crab was going to give you the ability to build further away from you if you killed a crab and got its claw

Uh I can’t remember what the pigin was in the arm I think was more armor or something but I think most people were after the crap at least when I was in the map doing when they had it up for voting um yeah in a few minutes I was

Sitting out there like everybody was running out to get voting for The Crab so I haven’t actually followed out which one was the winner prob we should let’s just get some food going 15 more lovely those will always be the last ones I’ll do man ah I keep doing that pring down a

Bumper and then jump like that’s going to help um one of the other games to play that’s how you have to jump but obviously it’s very confusing this one because it just screws up your controls doesn’t actually help your anything yeah we need to build some fin lineing

Around here so you b mongr stay out there far away and basically mow off all this stuff so we can uh move forward a good speed to build up the Sheep Supply cuz we are going to need a lot of sheep and we’re going to need to color them all so

That’s why we need to kind of fence in the zone um we got a couple box here that startop making that That julos um yes I suppose we’ll just go from here nice yes you are the exact reason I’m trying to put fencing up here so we can live here in peace and not have to deal with you man you cool there let’s do this ow kind of painful

Snappy proba be worth putting four of these oak trees next to each other or build it sorry not next to each other build it in the zigzag pattern that’s what I found actually works based the zigzag pattern cuz I’ll turn into like a jungle I used to little way way back

This Bas I buil on top of a mountain top was going to isolate it put lava and stuff down the sides and because I had very limited space to build I started building these zigzag tree lines on top of the thing and yeah it worked really freaking wildly

Great like this one if that’s there let me put this one here and this one here and they should spring up and make awesome for us okay going to have to make some sticks Mak more fencing how did you do hey you guys seriously need to stay on the water

How much life do these things have oh there we go thank you what what happened buddy good just put this down here here don’t want a particularly stupid deep okay just securing our outer area so we don’t have any fur problems like you two harassing us

Here yeah we got saplings for days now we just don’t have anything else here which is the any kind of real problem find is building a a hole where did you go yeah I do not like you there nice thund is digging too nice everybody’s doing some good work I chop

This tree down and try and do some more fencing so we don’t have uh people just roaming into here ow can you go back in the water sir please the land is no place for animals like you come on back in the water back in the water

There you go you need to go learn how to swim there you go in the water where you belong thank you bad fish bad this guy too get HED in the head in a minute my friend be G the enemy of my enemy is my other enemy

Good you guys are you are a pain though res sering to get some food going here I could he’s decided that he wants to become a water crab oh man this place is so infested with bad things come on then I see M there we go he was he was just thinking about

That almost killed his buddy too okay keep digging I need this fence L up soon okay hopeful those trees will grow quickly and violently to what we need D got a tunnel down to the Center of the Earth already W uh I need some more stickage okay there over but there we go

Continue building the uh outer water this the f f Fage Ag and Fs did you get killed by your horse man there okay let’s keep going hey look at that oh cool we got a sheep nice I need a lot bigger spot for them but you guys really don’t want to deal with

You we go beautiful there you go there’s your PO baby we sleep till the morning we’ll be all right okay Sun’s down I think tiny is whacking a couple of dudes on the head so he can get to bed I can still hear stuff scurrying around it just laying there like

Hey nothing bad will happen to us if we don’t move all good switched over yeah this whole area here will basically be the Sheep pin so we can we can rectify the building of that shortly I thing I just want to do this right now obviously we don’t want

Uh R coming through the bottom here so yeah there we go yeah we have a little little problem here with our spidery friend holy crap you came over the top ah don’t want to deal with that he popped me anyway oh good he fell back down I think

He almost died died I hope you die hope you drown in there being a prick okay I just bought a solid wall around this side so we don’t have to uh deal with any unnecessary pain we probably have it out to how about here this will be good enough for our uh

I’ll see the fences to keep all the uh critton out yeah one part of seaw wall is done oh good come in sheepy come in come in please do I want you to wander off too far now I’d still prefer to make it out of wood but chop down the trees as we

Go and make more logs we need to get uh Stone we need Cobblestone and then we’re going to have to have that really really fun exploration again of getting drop Stone although there’s a couple of deep caves here might actually contain drop Stone so I’m positive we will find what we

Need okay make this into plank add on fence Supreme hello and welcome how you doing man it’s good to have you here yes of course you can join post up your tags and I’ll send you an invite be awesome to have you here with us yeah along

Nicely just so that you animals can’t get in here and I know they can get under the fence but I already thought about that too you only have to bed one up and they can’t get in you take a hike now buddy I need oxygen I’m going to drown in here dead

Ass I won’t I just pretend we didn’t see it man okay I think he’s drown enough he’ll just kind of stay out of the way so I’ll add you and friend for beautiful he beautiful friendship D time yeah we do this friendship dance because we want to be friends and

Because this is the easiest way to get my Xbox to accept new people other than just sitting there waiting for the thing to actually load you in there we go right at the top of the list fre can beautiful and let me know if you don’t get it I’ll send you another

One yeah man welcome we’re uh we’re busy working again on the uh massive build which is the Crab Claw Casino and Hotel we’ve had a little technical issue where it took out my previous save so yeah we’re starting again fresh really sucks cuz I had a sweet spot but yeah there’s nothing I

Can do about corrupted save files I I am not a no no magic I might look like I Can Do Magic but my beard does not give me the ability to do magic nice awesome thank you buddy but yeah we’re just trying to set up a secure base and then uh I will

Start doing the layout again for our project such a pain someone helping the cave uh once I’m done with this I can definitely come and help in the cave now we need to get some sheep in here yeah I don’t nice little place cuz we’re going to we had those

Place and the the desert beautiful desert spot um I’ve got a messed up uncorrupted thing anyway all it but yeah it was awesome beautiful spot there and we were going to build over this like mini Coral seat it just looks so good but no workies I

Brokies I’ll deal with that was was a nice surprise this morning I me oh I’ll just get it later 10 15 minutes before stream Bo hey your sa was messed up it was wonky the other day and I thought you know maybe maybe it just needed some time cuz my Xbox was playing

Up but no it needed more than a lot of time I’m going to need a little more soil too yeah my friends in here let’s try again I know sometimes it doesn’t always work on the first attempt we’ll get it going we will get it going he hulks there’s my massive underground

Base of the point that was nice man welcome back W it’s good to see you man man look good the Sheep’s all in here we can just keep luring them in yeah I just want to get some Stone oh sorry some mud too basic sure that uh don’t have any unwanted visitors in

This Zone ah there we go buddy has joined up nice yeah what I want to do is basically just pull these layers here ah we don’t drown do not want to drown drowning is no Runing is bad if I P these lers in these monkeys shouldn’t be able to get on wreck our

Day come on trees we need we need growth we need trees I’ll plant some out here so yes um Supreme when you spawn man just take turn left see the river run towards the river I will build some stuff soon to help you know which way to go short run to Victory land

Oh nice there quite a m awesome man there yeah now you guys are at least being F okay get this thing going the sea wall is done and we should be all right well not enough damn we need to do that side as well yeah we’re getting close we get some

More trees in here then we can definitely get it going I need stick I’ll give you all the wood I have and sticks that I have thank you buddy we’ll throw them there after we cook the food we’ll throw that in there so oh we got I need to make some more

Beds plus uh working on it so you can keep watch your eye for frats why it as blood Mo so m t ah you’re playing one of those ones that’s cool man that’s very cool I’ve seen some of that stuff online uh we don’t have enough beds for everybody we

Have two four five and we got three beds so I need two more beds for some of the Sheep are going to have to be sacrificed to make some beds oh sh them okay you can do that too I don’t know if we had any uh shears

Yet or enough iron to make them with so was a smack them on the head close enough really oh D got a lot of stuff alrons jeez we got already looted those guys up and carrots I’m assuming the we stri that out of the local villagers BR me some wood

Please uh I ain’t got no wood at the moment man we’ll get some wood shortly okay we’ve got enough beds for everybody nice like we got beds got some food we got a hole to go and dig into to that’s perfect I need a about 180 blocks 85 blocks for 200 blocks that

Way we’ll go that way go that way P out over sitting on the front my game happens every 10 days because fair enough man all there we go put some Vines growing on here as well that’s cool oh a tree next to a just shoved me

Into the ground like what the hell was that man they kind of scaped me a little bit they kind of scaped me okay let’s get out of this Forest of Mason pain we need to finish up the uh law section there so we can actually you loving it yeah

Beautiful oh I should be able to be good up G bro how you doing brother it’s good to have you back here with us on the lounge we got a salmon and salmon babies look those baby salad okay nice yeah I already see that thing coming out wanting to be difficult about things

Here so we’ll just uh just build a little straight piece rather than S of following the coastline It generally keeps the uh problematic ones on that side of the things so very beautiful basically out here that’s a lot of high actually they all of there go thank you okay

Nice all sorts of interesting cave stuff going on down there sweet all right now we’re secured and our hole in here so we don’t really have to worry so much about all the bad bad things will come over the the F and B us you what I mean we got to

We’re going to start Fring stuff I need to make it deeper there so I can’t stand I have to swim okay put all this wood away uh okay you’re not supposed to be in here but doesn’t slight miscalculation there so got you buddy okay I think he’s trying to get away

Now is going to kill me need a bu right where that thing is now they shouldn’t be able to swim in anymore okay now we should be safe that was freaking close man this dude’s always find like a little Gap somewhere in your stuff and just brought in but

Yeah now we’re good we can use this water we can Harvest all the stuff and I can start doing some calculations of how I need to build this one and I got a orderless shell so that’s cool put that in there that that that that and that and there you guys can at

Least have some stuff to build with as well I want to go back out to that far corner on that side of the hill and it work my way back this way so we can figure out how much we need to strip off and now how far back we need to

Boat hey we got some pumpkin out here he hey I’m making a watch there on the mountains down the rivers um just focus on the build man we’re not building anything else this is purely a mega build thing so no Towers no no nothing man we are just going to be focusing on

Doing the mega Bol so getting resources and Bing this is not a free play whatever there’s none more of that it’s just the crab casino and hotel which I now have to remap and problems I have to do with this and we’re going to have to scrape a lot of soil off

Okay yeah we’re going to have to take a lot of soil out of here right bring it down to 63 we’re basically good look at that there is the the ship that I want to kind of have in view when we built this thing and that thing so we’re going to have to

Build over this piece the part of this ocean thing here is going to be basically covered up all this is going to be covered up nice little sand P here for us to hold out of so I marked down last time and um 92 there’s a lot two

More yeah we can B build back a little bit wipe down this area just if we build it so that we follow that edge and we don’t have to build too much out here that would be freaking great so for the AR spot 340 okay start doing our calculations based on this

One this way so this corner is then 150 – 340 and we need get 183 blocks that way uh that’s 150 let’s go up this side there 150 so we need to get to 50 30 33 so I get to Bally – 33 –

32 CU Zer is also counted so you have to count Zer so you always have to add or subtract one right in the middle of the equation though hopefully it’s not right on this Bank not that we’re going to be building right onto this thingz it’s not square

But it’s good spot for me to sink my thing so 30 there go beautiful we not perfectly straight 40 so it’s actually here okay um so what’s the mega thing we’re building it is a massive Crab Claw which is going to be the casino and hotel

Man I’ll show you at the end on one of my other ones what it looks like there’s murder on my minecra I play the cor was qu on 3 minutes was there enough all so now we need to go this way 100 200 sorry get my my numbers out uh 249 249

And gu so my coordinates down here is down as- 132 minus 40 so we’re just going to run in with this one let’s do this again so we’re at 340 – 248 going to 9 yeah to 92 then I need food thank you creeper you actually did something useful for once I need

To I’m going to die up here hey D man how you doing man welcome back to the gamer it’s good to have you here we’re building a mega building which is called The Crab Claw Casino and Hotel so there’s actually going to be a crab claw it’s going to be about was 183

Blocks wide 249 blocks long about 200 blocks high and going to have all sorts of goodies in there okay down I need two doesn’t seem right two is die there then that’s fine it really doesn’t seem perfect good 200 I suppose this right 300 just do the calculation my black

When is the next stream uh tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. man I’ll be the next one but thank you for tuning in man stay safe have a better one and look forward to catching you tomorrow doing good that was good d man that’s was good man so we need that thing to be

248 long so that makes 100 yeah it is 922 oh Wild hey oh ho damn all right whoa we got skeleton dudes everywhere we got we got multiple skeleton horses here guys I mean multiple skeleton horses I’ve never seen so many look at that skeleton horse land

I’m trying to beat the Skeleton off the top of the horse but that a going to happen I ride you I don’t want you to die we need to capture these they make good good pits for the inside of our hotel need to unleash the dogs unleash the the hounds of

War what I wanted to do sorry horsey not trying to kill you I’m trying to kill your uh your Rider hey HKS wow I’ve never seen that many freaking skeleton horses in one spot I know other Village had like one okay look at that now we’ve got skeleton horses and all sorts of

Goodies there nice there we look what did I get I got a bow and I got an Unbreaking helmet that’s fair enough okay uh where the hell did you guys even come from from that’s a really good question is where the hell did you come from oh yeah I need to get

To 90 32 92 see there skeleton mes here too oh Dam all right I want to go to sleep there’s too many damn skeleton horses here okay that that is literally more skeleton horses than I have seen in the whole game in one night that’s that scary stuff Alie

That’s scary stuff baby they will eat you they’ll Eat You Alive i’ have to protect you yeah i’ have to protect my iron oh man yeah whatever is Shar in these chests is everybody’s there is no this is mine this is yours this is all for the project we’re all working on

Same project man so just just be chill that’s like I said this is the Mega Bo and we’re all working on a project together so that’s the whole point here up Sunday so yeah just be cool with it let’s get the thing bought it’s going

To look awesome and yes I need to go get the other guys details I still have it somewhere um the first guy to donate I’m going to actually have to put it back in here leged well at the end of the day man like I said this is a me Mega Ball

Project this is not a you come and play your own thing somewhere on my server this is we play to give man we’re all just trying to set up here so we can get all the bits cuz we’re going to need to go to the never so that

We can get you know all the stuff to start making concrete we still need orange flowers in here we need to start taking the orange dye and dying the Sheep so we can have tons of orange wool because we’re going to need that and we’re going to need basically half

Orange half black we need food to just basically support ourselves and we basically just need everything to SP support us and everybody else wants to come and play with us and help us build cuz at the moment yeah this is again a bloody mess because there we B

Start from the beginning but once this goes and we start laying that Foundation out like last time and we start putting the walls on it’s going to look freaking awesome man so I just want to want to kind of chill out here and play I know people are very

Used to this is mine this is yours I’m going to steal stuff I’m going to kill you for stuff so ain’t none of that here damn there’s a lot of skeleton horses out here so yeah think of it that way and then you’ll be happy because then you realize

That you just you’re just going to live do your thing try and further the project rather than further your own stash I need to get back to 32 32 is over this way can you go away man ah well I need to bring it up so we worked out was 92

You did get out of your freaking hole you need to go back in there man you don’t want to really deal with you guys I hope the Sun comes out and deals with you for me uh so need to be a 32 90 all right cool get those tree chopped down and

Then we’re basically got the foundation laid again so like I said this st’s not going to take long because we’re not Bing out over the ocean we don’t have to deal with the copious amounts of things that spawn out there or uh try and build this over basically nothing so this time

Is going to be easy but that is our that is our marker and then from this side I need to get back so just make a out of this my pin at Pin did you take my pin oh you did take my dir little dog um so this side would then be

– 32 – 92 now we need to get to 150 92 15092 let’s go wait wrong way I’m so gungho to run that I just took off like a rocket in the wrong direction and I can’t believe that’s 200 blocks across but yeah this place the The Bu of the side

Of this place looks small now compared to this open area we have we’re going to need to cover all of this with we’ll cover it with glass once the building is on top but yeah all the rest of this is going to have to be flattened out 150 92 is0

150 okay so straight through here down to the water straight down there to there and then across up booster how you doing man welcome back to the game good to see you so yeah that Hill basically has to go this hill has to go all of

This has to be flattened down to the right level and then I’m going to start laying out what I need to lay out so we can get this thing going just put the this Co coords down which is 150 – 92 more than big enough okay how you doing I’m doing good

Man I’m doing good how’s things kicking in your world everybody else is digging out for some sweet sweet goodies I just look at this so we need to be from the bottom is 42 blocks we’re going to put this up here under 50 so we need 42 blocks which makes that 10

10888 is right here 108 then we have 87 more okay going to break out the calculator again I’m not doing this uh 107 minus 87 20 nice that should have been an easy one to do my head rough what’s up man yeah 108 on is that so that’s 23 0 was

Wrong PO is here it is important I get this right I always want to screw myself so 92 and 23 oh wait that’s between the two pigs never mind I’ll do the other calculation from the top of the list get above the water monkey okay so from the top outer Corner

Down as 54 blocks that is then 54 minus 150 this yeah the back end of the thing is going to be built into this uh this whole river is basically up to it is going to get glass covered on the one side the side it’s not glass covered

It’ll just be covered with other stuff all so from here we need to go 50 four so 32 makes it zero and that makes it two makes a 2 22 21 because you have to move one back because of zero okay 21 I I have to dive down and then boild up again

21 okay there we go so yes this will be the edges of the building which is pretty cool and then from here we can just start building the rest out again open opening 87 blocks across from here to that polar there um I need to count on a little bit more

Cuz these are literally the corners so we need 30 Block in from each side of 27 open in the middle so that would take us down to 501 easy done at least when we’re not going to get empowered to death by that guy yeah I knew that was coming

Next although I did get to the drag strip last night so well as long as you didn’t die man that’s good news I’m just doing silly things is a little dangerous and you can get messed up but you don’t really mess yourself up now that all of you three still alive I

Still don’t appreciate that that’s right on my build area I don’t want them there I want to be able to peacefully go out there and not constantly worried that I’m going to get bloody killed Old jeez don’t to ficial my BS out of the river again what are you guys up to anyway I haven’t heard or seen of anybody in a while so assuming everybody’s deep Dave deep cave diving stuffs nice I’ll make these ones tall so you can set

Out what was that a some the spears that’s been lodged into the Earth okay so now we’re going to go this way and then from the bottom up with it’s another 30 blocks so we’ll skip that measurement again and then do it again and there is a guy there as well I

Did see him I’m aware of you back there silly silly subtle this is one eight I have to minus 30 so 78 78 you guys are just a freaking nuisance in the water you know that so we’re going to have to definitely get the uh glass panels buil

For this area so we can cover that whole thing up so we can go in there you get some love for me wish to give you some love Elks little silly puppy love from all people all we get a little treat from them tonight but yeah these guys are wildly irritating wildly dangerous

Too okay that’s all my go spoed out everywhere what I’m really after is that more than anything 78 78 92 28 3 78 92 there that’s the outer wall this is the inside so this whole area here needs to be glossed up we’re not going to do any of

That so can go down well to your hand black um my rest man I’m I messed my hand up a while back I think um so basically from here on your rest so it’s basically do it on this side uh basically from here upwards I just really freaking hurts I strap it

Up doesn’t move so much I don’t know what I’ve done I think I just overdone it more than anything and yeah my hand just not happy with me at the moment I have to get some fresh chilies to rub it and get that goodness flying

Through there and get my op red light on it but yeah it’s just it freaking hurts like hell man the only way that I can actually play games without feeling like I’m going to pee myself is to have this thing strapped on I couldn’t actually find my other one

I’ve got another one looks like a fingerless glove basically we got a thumb hole and then no Fingers um that one works really well that gets stinking hot in there too all this is the back part of the complex built so yeah everything on that whole thing can be glass I just

Need to start Gathering sand I know where to get sand from I’m going to go back to base oh hello so we can start getting that ready and then we’ll basically start stepping it out and boarding it down that way right the spot where it’s perfect oh yeah man right I I’ll survive

Oh you guys are digging pets there’s like massive pets everywhere around here hey we got fire that was nice thr that up there hey looking freaking good here guys I have to say you guys are awesome at this man real quick got tons of sheep already we got all Garden going I actually

Expand this out have some more space to plant um looking freaking nice here very excited with this never mind I think apparent doesn’t want more buildings there yeah let’s at the sack hey we got beehives yes I love bees I was very excited the other day we

Had one of the Australian teddy bear bees um stop off in our garden about the size of a bumble be but they’re basically like a little rounder so I look like a really fat bear what monsters are nearby man oh probably this one have to maybe move the beds into like the

Middle so we’re further away from all the the pain we’ll we’ll sleep out here it seems safer rather than dealing with this constant silliness up here monsters are still nearby oh monsters yeah I thought we would be far enough away can I have the seed uh sure thing

Man let me bring that up while you guys figure out how to kill things uh is this in game I think it’s in game there we are I’ll type it up so you can just copy it how about that 7 2 1 7 1 9 6 9 100 1

4 5 9 1 6 one I’ll put it in the description sorry I normally do put these things in the description but because yeah the other map crashed I just didn’t have time but I’ll copy that and to the description for the next for Wednesday stream hey h oh it’s a good

Puppy and it’s a fat little belly So Soft Els a dog no problem brother problem I don’t even know where everybody else is I really need something help H good that puppies I don’t think everybody’s going to sleep what right let’s go kill things I need food there we got

Iron wonder if we have any lava lava lava lava need some buckets I can get some lava need some DP Stone you guys seen any drip Stone yet I want to see what you guys actually B here but I’m going to kind of die first hey Apex how you doing man it’s

Been a long bloody time welcome back to the lounge brother de black be careful buddy de Bo it stay safe man look forward to catching you next time we need more chests as well make some chest uh what do we need for chest we chest start having space for all sorts of interesting

Things one not really interesting things just really anything we need to put stuff away in dump this under here don’t pick it up again but I need a I’m a czy myself into something I don’t think that’s going to work you guys designed that one a little well there but there’s another

Way that’s a long time yeah man it has been a long time I think last time you were here I didn’t even have my um before I started with the webcam stuff man hey and you can see hogy now dirty pug that’s always snoring around here somewhere oh yeah thank you tiny looking

Awesome okay need that I need that the rest I don’t really need time seeing you oh that’s been a long time man what have you been up to what’s kicking in your world I need 30 33 across these dudes are still Ching up here I

Want to kill them off cuz I want their horses but on the other hand I don’t really do much I just kind of okay never mind app have to just annoy them enough oh I got D thank you IO bony soul over yeah this one’s coming with

Us I another one in uh just been working on my English assignment that’s basically it fair enough been playing much War Thunder lately man I’m currently working on uh both getting the Tog and the mouse so I’ve been been busy with that we had a good freaking morning this

Morning had some really crap matches too but it was all in all was pretty freaking wild yeah if you guys want to build a horse pen in there that would be awesome don’t really want to lose these dudes but that was the other P it’s 30 n we bu 30 n what is

This 6 22 30 and that makes – 10 oh right we’re counting up Doodles counting up so 21 + 30 is 51 50 one okay something is not right here I don’t think this is wide enough cuz there should be 27 Gap in the middle here what level are you on wunder uh

One 100 now I maxed out quite a while back yeah so BR 1K Subs yeah man we’re going good we’re uh definitely going to hit uh 1,500 by Christmas so that’s the the big goal now it’s 1,500 by Christmas that’s 30 blocks apart this really feels wrong I somewhere I screwed up

Here oh wait no it didn’t that is the bloody thing that’s fine that’s perfect that actually how it’s supposed to be but you need to go away nobody loves you that is the entrance there it’s not perfectly align to where it should be but I think it’s a pretty good alignment of this

Thing anyway this dude he’s like I want to come and arrest you you’re building on my swamp like you and your swamp can take a hike man yeah we’re also going to have to find make like a th000 buckets to go hunting for tropical fish the other place we

Had literally was like a tropical fish spawner what we bought on it’s a tropical fish spawner okay we need to start working out where we go wrong what is wrong this one is free out and then we need to build yeah I double Step Up long six

Doubles uh anyone got bone uh I think there a small chest Che CH whatever you know what I mean right bur flers thank you something about this feels off I still believe somewhere in my calculations I’ve screwed up something I know what I just I feel it in my bones something ain’t right

Here there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 okay but we need 11 more one we yeah I know some more soil go back to the base and grab some more there man but yeah uh Apex it was cool uh

Getting to 1K as well man I was actually on my quite a few months ago we were doing I was when I started you uh Minecraft it was pretty freaking cool we getting like 4 500 views on a video but uh yeah things got a little out of hand and was left uncontrolled

And yeah it completely died off we still have our village that needs to be finished so um there will probably be a point where I will go back to that Village oh somebody popped open there which it was you I shoot you in the head M’s got all sorts of goodies

There but yeah it was it was good night had photos up up posted all a big 1K thing it was cool cuz I got 1K then it went down then it went back up and I was like okay now I’m going to be in for like at least a month wait it was

Submitted on the Saturday and I think Tuesday morning when I checked my phone they accepted my application and I was enrolled into the uh the whole you know YouTube Partner program so that was frecking wild one two three four 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22

23 4 25 26 78 9 30 1 to 33 yeah let’s just chop off the exes yeah hopefully we’ll get back to those sort of numbers here I think it will start getting more once the uh base of this thing goes up think people will then be uh very

Interested to come and join us again and you know really start playing and getting wild with it excuse me sorry I’m going to step it up and it is six long six long so we’re going up so we’ll do one I just build there please one so two three four five

Six one two three got there keeps putting everywhere else yeah also if you stand on the bottom now I’ve realized the B you can mine faster to do it the old fashioned painful way Plus on really deep water one two three four five and six one actually this up

One two three four five six and we need five of these that is one two three so we need two more yeah one two three four we need one more sorry can really kind of burn yourself here without paying attention so one two three four five and six he beautiful is

Our double steps then we need to make 11 18 step I don’t have enough blocks for that so have to get some soil soon that’s basically that has to be so that con is already starting to Bo up I just need to make sure that I’m always within that

Line yeah you guys are super uncool here I’m just going to Chum back to where we need to be get some more stuffs really do wish I could turn on my T-rex light that a coolest T-Rex light like a neon sign that I got yesterday but it’s so freaking

Bright you can’t actually tell it’s a sign it just is literally just bright nasty I’ll show you guys I just hooked it up to my battery pack but yeah just above there there glows thank you oh good you guys already got the dripstone going you people are awesome that’s nice

Man R stone for life baby at that beautiful yeah this place is going to look whack um I will take some more of the soil though um I’m going to need to make some black dye so I’m probably going to have to start hunting some of the

Squ uh no I haven’t seen any dripstone yet but I haven’t been underground yet there’s a couple of places where there’s CES and I don’t see anything when I do down there but I’ll keep my eyeballs peeled cuz we need definitely need more drop Stone and there’s no caves here

So thing is I think in this map because we’re not doing it in the desert which is a real painful challenge to be frank oh sorry oh Nice oh sweet people are so kind that’s I can man throw that diamond in there at the rest of it people can use it rather people using stuff than me holding on to it to be cool but yes black dye that’s what we need so cuz I

Said half the this hotel we’re going to we’re looking at for all 25 levels is about uh it’s I think it was 1.2 million blocks and that’s why we need to focus on stuff we can generate rather than stuff we can just page cuz 1.2 is a hell of a

Lot I need to build a library too somewhere all really don’t appreciate the fact that you are so close to that fence line I want this fence a lot thicker so chummy and Pals over there don’t nuke us off the face of the earth when they

Go off CU that’s what’s going to happen there but yeah so we’re looking at uh over a million blocks of the layers and that’s one layer and that would basically just be like the skeleton of the thing and like I said I’m thinking about a three layer thing but I think

Um if we can generate enough you need to seriously take a hike man um we’re going to generate enough blocks that the outer skin I’m not going to double layer I make a double layer but it’ll basically be all the sides up stepping out that will all be orange

Concrete so I want this thing to Glow it needs to be awesome we can even add red concrete into some of the parts but uh orange will be the color we focus on there and then the inside will be orange wool orange sand orange uh uh what is that terracotta and orange glazed

Terracotta so those are the things we’ll be be using to uh make this thing awesome although the bottom layers by the way is going to have to be orange glass so that you can actually see through the first few layers I think it’s going to that would

Be the nicest and yeah we’ll just do it with um orange paines doesn’t need to be orange glass blocks cuz yeah I don’t even I haven’t done the C calculation of what it would actually take to do that the correct answer is too bloody many so

Yeah that is the correct answer it’s too bloody many okay what are we doing so we got food going got trees going we need more flowers it’s one thing we don’t have here so I’m going to flatten out this section here and this will be our flower

Bed area so we can plant orange flowers in the own we’re obviously going to need other color flowers as well we basically need something of everything because in the rooms we’re going to be doing color so we basically going to need a bit of everything greens blues I’m going to basically make the

Whole color palette right that you get in the game and then will have a couple of sheep of each color but mainly focusing on those black sheep they need to we need majority Black Sheep cuz the majority of the stuff is going to be black wool on

The inside to make it look nice you know um I don’t know if you guys have ever been to a casino in a hotel I’ve been a couple of times not to stay or to gamble um it’s just to go there to eat um so just usually they have amazing

Food there so people can come in and have all you can eat buffets and stuff and it’s always like this super thick luxurious carpet it feels almost spongy it’s so good you know it’s always dark color is and a really bright thing so that’s kind of what I’m thinking here

We’re going to go with a sea theme nice and bright and all that stuff and then we’re going to have obviously all the the other B of pieces around it so yeah the black wall is going to be used basically floor the ceiling and most of the most of the

Areas um to give it the right feel there’ll also be a lot of concrete used because the concrete is such a nice solid color but that means we have to go down to uh the ne to start harvesting out every bit of um what up buddies every single chunklet that we can

Find of gravel cuz we are we’re talking thousands of not we’re probably talking hundreds of thousands of blocks other day we find that we just can’t do it then we’ll go to Orange Wood um so we need to get some Acacia saplings and that will basically suffice again the oress of that works

Well I’ve done the uh color coating bols and they work equally as well the orange wool doesn’t work so well for the walls it just doesn’t look quite right but everything else orange looks yeah Orange Wood works well so then we can just build massive Acacia forests as such and

Just have things where we continuously chop them down uh but we will we’ll make a good effort of building at least most of it with concrete but like I said the first first few levels can just big glass really and yeah if you’re wondering what I’m wasting my time with here is

Basically cutting up all these blocks so this can become our flower garden and I had it when we had our village as well I had flower gardens so that I could get all the dyes that I need it very helpful that was too yes I’m doing this waiting to see

How long it is before somebody becomes uh agitated by my uh my taking by hand oh go beautiful little water there gorgeous uh well actually put thank you buddy very kind illegal to do this by hand put that way I got more mud to BU which is good so

There we go put it up there light up this sign so I need to go and find flowers um I see a lot of flowers on that side sun is coming sitting over so yeah it’s still morning fin up there some stuff for glass there’s actually right on the

Front and the B Zone there’s actually a huge spot of sand there that we can Harvest out which will be the easier and nicer spot to harvest from because it is a massive Zone to cut glass down bed Flowers Those almost want to seem like it turns into a flower biome but I’m not buying it all the way not yet anyway yeah we got some of the tall ones so that’s nice there not a lot of it here actually nice man and yeah Sund is when to say thank

You to you man for all the support you’ve given the channel and all the awesome bits and pieces you’ve given me and also thanks to unre VI for uh last time for donating man thank you brother I will still put you on the wall of thanks inside of The

Bard and for anybody who uh donates or gives a deing this time you will also be added to that wall of thanks okay we got pink now so yeah I will make a list of everybody Sunday you are on the list man so yeah need to say thank you manely there little

Thanks and something special so I don’t know exactly where it will be but it’ll be somewhere inside of the uh the hotel where we’ll have that okay playing botom here I haven’t seen really reddish orange stuff yet no chicken No that chicken is going to fall in that lava and die if I don’t pay attention do what I’m doing I’m probably going to join him by accident interesting mountain range here uh I got pumpkins we got white defal I’m pretty sure that’s what these are

Nice so yeah I’m just hunting for all the flowers I need sunflower still all the other color so we got pinkies in here as different to the ones that I have nice grab another one there plenty in this spot I’m not doing no damage by helping myself a

Little damn okay welcome to the broken lands whack but yes we also have the beautiful broken ship sitting out so that’s going to be cool to have that as you know part of what we look out on from the hotel it really just makes me want to

Build the outside of that hotel still on glass but we’re going to have to find like six deserts to bolt the outer layer of glass although we bought with Pains of glass then we’re not too bad off I just want to get the first layer going and then we’ll worry

About I’m thinking about like maybe a concrete pillar structure to build the frame and concrete and then just glass uh glass paint it in the middle I think that’s going to be the nicest look okay goodies but yes um we’re going to have to find every

Micro inch of sand in this game we’re going to have to definitely discover deserts which is kind of a pain cuz you have to you know you have to FY so much only FY so much um and again you go yeah you can have a lot but again the quantities we

Require are kind of go oh found a cave nice man I’m interested in looking at this area here that chunklet there on the more left hand side got a 10 11:00 site yeah piggy piggy piggy but yeah I think it’s going to look good man I think it’s going to it’s

Going to look good and yeah it’s going to definitely be whack when we do finally have it out and everybody in the world can see our freaking awesome thing this is actually the thing where I’m thinking I will actually get a uh a server that it can be

Added on the server list it does mean that we all limited to how many people can play at any time to 10 and now we can hack it and add 32 but yeah there’s a good chance that thing is going to be coming server and then I

Will invite people to the server that I trust so that you can always have um it’s a m shaft sweet man that was beautiful in here as well can build like a big roller coaster thing ah so that’s where you went I see the uh uh what is those bloody things cherry

Blossoms out there I actually found one place where you spawn right in the middle of a Cherry Blossom Place yeah we’ll have to build like rail out to all these spots going look cool but yeah um so I’ll deal with that thing is basically where it is we could build

It up here too but I want to sort of between the two towns so we’ll take up that spot as you can see right there now we’ll go to the ocean that whole place is going to get wiped out and that’s going to be where the hotel sits

200 blocks which means that it will be a few blocks above the cloud so U we will build a deck on top I know a pool or a garden or something right on the roof and that will basically be above the cloud line so you can actually see it

So there some of the uh silly ideas that I have I can’t wait to implement them all some of the stuff I know will Implement I’ll go looks absolute crud and then I’ll have to come up with a new idea but if you guys have ideas I would I need to

Hear them too I am open to all the suggestions ah well you twoo lonely dudes and just grind out here I’ll just grab both of you as well lot of holes around here yeah that’s our little our beautiful little Safe Haven you animals can’t get in a look at that look at

That try and actually keep these things relatively confined although not too confined so I can actually grow stuff and still not be like right on top of each other’s necks cuz I know some of them needs I need a fa bit of space some of them will spawn so once

You hit them with a little love they will spawn everywhere and other ones will just give you a replacement I just give you a single one so yeah do some out here so yeah there we go we’ve got a bunch of flowers in here now and we can start making

Things hey look at that the orange sheep where’s his sheep going man what’s going on here oh sheep is going under under here they real far back yeah they got they got all they need down there we can just lure them out I like that you guys you guys are awesome with your

Ideas I still don’t know where that guy is or do I trust it oh ow try on time he’s right here let’s see if we can kind of lure him a little bit okay let’s head the sack baby where’s the monsters nearby I don’t know which monsters you speak

Of I’m to get a peaceful night’s sleep of us you guys the monsters I love that we have this many they’re going to look so good inside of the place but yeah people this is where uh I think we’re going to pull the pin on

This one it’s been a long day gaming and it’s been a bloody epic day so everybody thank you again for helping out with this sorry about the other one I don’t really know what happened it just kind of happened and it’s kind of super uncool as well but uh yeah as always

People it has been a great day gaming we will be back in 2 days time cuz there’s three streams a week of Minecraft but 2 days from now which is Wednesday for me we’ll be back same time doing the same thing I will continue to build the frame

Next stream the point is to build the frame the whole outside and then I will start shaving off the levels of where we need everything done so that uh that’s basic basically done and dusted um just so we don’t have any pains with things like we’ve got some soil in

There but yeah now we can have that all there so yeah hope you enjoyed the stream leave a like leave a comment after it finishes I need those comments to keep growing the Channel people on we are on such a good cause to get to that,

1500 by Christmas which is going to be freaking awesome so so for me and H that would be awesome otherwise if you’re new here welcome to the channel it’s awesome to have you here and would love to have you sub and join and to come and help us

Out so that would be freaking awesome too otherwise people yeah come back next on Wednesday and join in or if you want to support me and Hy a little further we would appreciate it especially you huls then uh subscribe for a membership become a lounge brother the option is there there

Only one option so make it easy you get all your bonuses there also come over and um donate to us through the Super Chat super sticker and super thanks options as well as uh showing us some love through the merch store there’s a merch store there’s a merch store

Specifically for this board you’ll see there’s one as a crab s hey you guys no fighting man yeah yay I picked up some of your stuff brother he you need to drop all your stuff bro whoa how’s that guy so tall here but yes uh Sunday I’ll keep a hold of your

Stuff yeah I saw it I uh I didn’t miss that one brother I know you’re new to the channel but no killing man this is I say this is just chill time gaming don’t want anything crazy going on but yeah Su I got some of your stuff man

But with that said people stay safe have a better one and I look forward to catching you in the next stream so you can uh enjoy that see you guys next stream

This video, titled ‘A Fresh Start – Mega Build – Minecraft’, was uploaded by BLCKDETH’s Gaming Lounge on 2023-11-06 04:38:38. It has garnered 27 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:35 or 8495 seconds.

Join me on our first survival mode mega build! We are kicking things of for the Crab Claw Casino & Hotel! This monster build will be done in survival mode and everyone is welcome to join!

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Images: Thanks to Canva and FreePik for the free content that allowed me to create this masterpiece.

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  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Reverse the Verse: Minecraft Animation Reversed Video Fun

    Reverse the Verse: Minecraft Animation Reversed Video Fun In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. With updates and features, each one a delight, Spinning stories with flair, shining bright. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, Our narrator’s sharp eyes, capture the scene. Engaging and playful, with a tone that’s just right, Bringing Minecraft news to new heights. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting rhymes that excite, in the spotlight. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, Our favorite news reporter, always in prime. Read More

  • Jay’s Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins

    Jay's Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins Minecraft Vanilla Survival EP #001 – TERRAFORMING & UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY In this exciting episode of Minecraft Vanilla Survival, our adventurer delves into the world of terraforming and unraveling mysteries. As the terrain is prepared for a new base building project, a journey of discovery begins. Terraforming Adventures With shovel in hand, our protagonist embarks on the monumental task of reshaping the land. Each shovel of dirt brings them closer to their vision of the perfect base location. The process is not just about moving earth, but also about shaping dreams and possibilities. As the first section of “Shovel… Read More

  • Master Modding with Nikosnakes

    Master Modding with Nikosnakes How to Use Modrinth to Mod Minecraft💎Modrinth Launcher |✅4K Introduction In this tutorial, viewers are guided on how to easily and efficiently install mods on Minecraft using the Modrinth application. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this step-by-step guide will help you download and install mods seamlessly. By following these instructions, you can have your favorite mods ready to enhance your gaming experience in just a few minutes. Download and Installation To begin, users are instructed to download and install the Modrinth Launcher. This launcher serves as the platform for managing and installing mods for Minecraft. Launcher… Read More

  • Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World

    Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World In the coldest world of Minecraft, we dared to survive, Facing dangers and challenges, trying to stay alive. Eren Bilgin led the way, with skills so sharp, Exploring icy landscapes, with a beating heart. With each step we took, the cold seeped in, But we pressed on, determined to win. From crafting tools to building shelter strong, We faced the elements, all day long. The Minecraft world was harsh, but we stood tall, Facing every challenge, never to fall. So if you’re brave enough, come take the test, In the coldest world of Minecraft, where survival is the best. Read More

  • Lost My Minecraft World to the Ender Dragon!

    Lost My Minecraft World to the Ender Dragon! Lost My Minecraft Hardcore World to the Ender Dragon! 😱 Almost Close Call! Minecraft Fails 1000 Days In a heart-pounding showdown with the Ender Dragon, a Minecraft player came dangerously close to losing everything in their Hardcore world. The intense battle unfolded, showcasing a nail-biting moment where disaster was narrowly escaped. Will the player make it out alive? Let’s dive into this epic gaming moment! The Battle with the Ender Dragon The Ender Dragon, a formidable foe in Minecraft, poses a significant challenge to players. With its powerful attacks and ability to regenerate health, defeating this boss requires skill,… Read More

  • TypeScript Tricks for Epic Builds

    TypeScript Tricks for Epic Builds Exploring New Gameplay Possibilities in Minecraft with TypeScript For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to take their gameplay to the next level, TypeScript offers a powerful tool to create unique gaming experiences. By compiling TypeScript into JavaScript that Minecraft can understand, players can introduce new gameplay styles, challenges, and facets to their worlds. Getting Started with TypeScript in Minecraft Starting from scratch, players can create a new project using TypeScript to build custom gameplay elements. By leveraging tools like Minecraft Creator Tools and NodeJS and NPM Tools, the possibilities are endless. Layering in Additional Facets and Challenges With TypeScript, players can… Read More

  • Robert Downey Jr as Doctor Doom in Minecraft Mod

    Robert Downey Jr as Doctor Doom in Minecraft Mod The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods: Robert Downey Jr Doctor Doom Mod Exploring the Doctor Doom Mod In the vast universe of Minecraft mods, one particular addition has caught the attention of players worldwide – the Robert Downey Jr Doctor Doom Mod. This unique mod brings a touch of Marvel’s iconic character, Doctor Doom, into the blocky world of Minecraft. Players can now experience the thrill of embodying this powerful villain, known for his intellect, magic abilities, and imposing armor. With the Robert Downey Jr Doctor Doom Mod, Minecraft enthusiasts can unleash their creativity and engage in exciting adventures… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: New Bedrock Design!

    Iron Farm Madness: New Bedrock Design! Minecraft Best IRON Farm in 1.21 NEW DESIGN Bedrock Are you looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further! The Minecraft Best Iron Farm in 1.21 offers a new design for Bedrock players, promising an impressive output of over 350 iron per hour. Let’s dive into the details of this innovative farm! Farm Details Farm Performance: The iron farm boasts a remarkable production rate of +350 to +400 iron per hour, ensuring a steady supply for all your crafting needs. Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, allowing you to focus on other… Read More

  • Crafting a Hilarious Minecraft Music Disc

    Crafting a Hilarious Minecraft Music Disc The Gold Rush in Locus Aurea Gold Mining Commences In a surprising turn of events, gold mining in the Locus Aurea kicked off just a day after the Union’s establishment. Ten miners from each of the nine cities were dispatched to accelerate the excavation of the gold cave. Under the guidance of Ruber, the miners were directed to the exact location of the cave, a secret known only to a few. Conflict Erupts As the mining operations unfolded, tensions rose when Viridis, alongside the leaders of Forte Eterna and Oriente, decided to launch an attack on the Union army… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH!… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ 🐦-Twitter ➜ 👾 Discord ➜ 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. (Donate Here) #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: Those who want to sawer: Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / Facebook :… Youtube : Steam : Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More