Insane Melon Farming for 500 Days!

Video Information

More than 8 months ago I managed to get to 400 Days in this world and I had so much to Do now I’m back to get to 500 Days let’s kick things off on day 401 melon seeds will being planted into the third layer of my huge Farm which spilled into the next day because of how much Farm there was and this is Trivial compared to what I’ve got planned one day this will reach the sky mark my words and

Knowing I’m going to build this up in the future I converted a boatload of melon slices into seeds in preparation and as for the base that still needed to be expanded and you know what that means a lot of melons are needed and I knew I was going to burn through a lot

And I also knew that it was going to be a pain working during the night so I didn’t I went back to the menel and farm and began work on the fourth layer I needed something to keep me busy during the night because most of the area I’m

Going into is uh not lit up so mobs are going to be in the way with the sun back up in the sky mobs couldn’t get to me and progress continued in fact even when it got dark I stuck to working on over water so mob buildup was minimal and

Here’s a surprise I was still placing melons the next day oh and even more of a surprise the day after that as well although I didn’t appreciate being speared by drowned thinking I was a walking fish filler well Sushi was served day 407 disaster I ran out of melons what did you expect

When I had an area as large as this to fill in but there was always more including this fourth layer of the melon farm I went back to work building until sacrilege occurred a Wandering Trader thought he could break a couple of my melon seeds and get away

With it that’s like killing one of my children looking at my third layer melons I was trying to figure out if I should let them grow a bit more or Farm them I decided I’d Farm them but I had one last stack of dirt on me so it made

Sense to get rid of it and put in a quick melon staircase for getting up and down between the layers so I don’t have to waste Rockets a lot long into breaking melons I knew something was up my axe’s durability was decreasing rapidly and another axe didn’t instab break the

Melons so yeah something was wrong on closer inspection the first didn’t have Unbreaking 3 and the second didn’t have efficiency 5 how did this happen I was bewildered so I had to put Unbreaking 3 onto ax number one and intended to upgrade ax numero 2 to efficiency 5 but

With short one level unnecessarily I chose to gain that level at the Enderman farm and efficiency 5 was locked and loaded on A2 and Universal order was restored day 409 I challenge anyone to find a more satisfying sound than a ripe melon being plucked from Mother Earth I sound so satisfying that I

Forgot to switch out my ax and it broke good thing I had some more to finish the farming and that my friends is almost four double chests worth from a single Harvest and some of them went into the economy because I have three Diamond axes that aren’t Enchanted I’d

Be laughed at by any other serious melon farmer if they found out so on trades reset sold melons to the farmers and bought books from the Librarians until they wouldn’t let me trade anymore for the day so I spent the rest of that time adding to the new layer of the melon Farm day 412 I bought the last four books needed and went to the Enderman Farm to slap those enchants onto the Axes now there was a lot so it continued into the next day and when I returned into the Overworld I was a new man a new man without any of my axes because I’d left them in my Sher box back at the Ender Farm axes collected it was time to

Hunt for ancient debris to give them that last evolution after I gave some anger management lessons to a few zombified Piglins I like strip my for ancient debris and with only 12 pieces to collect it wasn’t a big Deal Most of them I found on day 414 and the last two I found on day 450 now I’m going to let you into a little behind the scenes secret I actually filmed the first 20 days of this video before the 1.20 update so that’s a while ago and

Then I don’t know I got distracted and I ended up doing another project I think I started on the Minecraft hardcore series I don’t know meaning I didn’t need the Smith in temp plates to turn them from Diamond to netherite so if you’re wondering why that is that’s that’s why

Day 416 I was working moderately hard adding dirt to the fourth layer of the farm until I was Disturbed jealousy is an ugly trade and the only way to deal with people stomping over your melon crops is capital punishment day 4177 was an interesting day not really I placed dirt all day

Someone in the comments in my 400 Days video reminded me I had a load of dirt in the chests by the area I’d been renovating at the base of my ice Road staircase great because otherwise I would have to have gone collecting the stuff by the next day I’d got in all of

The dirt Place what’s next to completely abandon that project and head back to placing melons to expand the base makes complete sense although the expansion of the base was a priority for me and there were a lot of unlit spaces I wanted to work on during the day while I had the advantage

Of the sun on my side talk about dedication to one thing at a time I was back at the melon farm working my little cotton socks off getting the bases of the trenches in place until night came and I went to light up as much of the base expansion as I

Could and of course get a few more melons placed never forget them the intention was to head back the next day to the farm but I didn’t have the wood for the trenches and I insisted on using wood because I didn’t want to use dirt and it’s probably the second easiest non

Melon block for me to get a hold of in large quantities and I’d gotten enough that I finished getting the trenches in place then it was on to my personal favorite job filling them with Water which definitely doesn’t affect my hand circulation and make them numb if it did I wouldn’t be hoing the dirt immediately afterwards why because it would be dangerous and I have nothing but the highest regard for health and safety I started to plant the melon seat prematurely I realized after a few lanes

Had been planted premature because it’s a lot easier to get the trap doors and torches in place first before the seat are planted luckily I remembered early on to avoid the inconvenience of melons getting in the way you know what it was almost a nice sight to see a phantom I’ve been using

The Sleep trick in my hardcore world where you lie down for a couple of seconds and then get back up to reset their timer but you don’t actually go to sleep so you don’t skip the night it’s a really cool trick and I actually learned

It from one of you guys in the comments so thanks for that day 427 seeds were getting put into the ground it’s nice having an auto melon farm because it produces slies and they’re easy to convert into seeds so running out was never an option by the

Next day they were all tucked up in their soily beds I’ve been trying to lay the melons out in a grid pattern so I can determine where each torch is to be placed however it began to thunder and I don’t like mobs so I went to place

Melons in an area already lit by torches where mobs would not be I’m no stormchaser so when the Thunder passed I stayed put to continue placing Melons and when it got dark I got torches placed at the grid intersections before going back to placing Melons and that was basically a day in the life of juice for the next few days there wasn’t much Variety in my Behavior it may look like a giant melon net but the layout was Complete all that needed to happen now was get the melons placed in terms of size this is the sort of scale melon royalty such as myself is suited for unfortunately this isn’t a multiplayer server where I’d get Workers to do that job for me everything I wish this world

Needs to be is to be accomplished by my own two hands and for the next 3 days I worked those two hands by getting a lot of melons Placed this was the progress once I ran out of melons as you can see it doesn’t look like much has happened but it has and you’re probably note that there’s a lot of terrain still within the base area I do plan to remove it but not until I filled the available gaps with

Melons is there a particular reason not really it’s just how I want to do it I went to bed to do the Sleep trick I spoke about on day 426 but got distracted and accidentally fell asleep for real that’s what always happens on Christmas Eve and I end up missing Santa

I was happy to see my crude melon storage area didn’t have enough chests to hold all of the melons now I’d added another layer to the farm which means I was dealing with big numbers I wasn’t sure if the four of my axes were going to be enough to farm on those layers

Because it really is massive but actually only cost 2 and 1 half axes worth of durability by the time I was finished so I could actually probably get away with adding another two layers onto the farm and still use the same four axes and the spoilers of work were

Over five large chests of melons the Georgia watermelon Association would be proud and those lovingly tended two melons went back into the base itself just imagine what it would feel like to walk across thousands of melons would that not change your life that’s what I’m about life changing work I’m leaving

Behind a legacy 92% of which is made up of water and here’s the progress at the end of day 442 and here’s the progress at the end of day 443 and 444 445 446 447 and 448 where I’ve ran out of melons there’s not much empty

Space left to fill in and so I found myself back at the farm the one place I would always return to is the cycle of the melon don’t hate it just accept it for what it is with only the single ax left with enough durability to get some

Serious farming done I thought it would be done by the end of the day but no it actually lasted me the entire day now that I’ve been filling in the grid the area underneath the infinite blanket of melons had become as dark as night not a

Place to grow melons but it was a place for evil to exist well as long as they exist in silence I’m not going to have a problem melon farming continued until my A’s durability reached slim gym levels and it was at this point I had more than

Enough melons to finish of filling in the Area that was all of the melons placed in the empty spaces now it was time to remove the terrain trees and giant mushrooms that remained in my Haven of fruit then once they’re removed and also replaced with melons I can declare my base officially expanded I was going to

Say finish but there will always be more work to do playing in different worlds I couldn’t remember if I built an end farm in this one remember it’s been over 8 months since the last video came out and a tsunami of relief hit me when I saw

That I had previously you are a legend if I do say so myself I’ve been thinking about all of the projects I want to do in this world and honestly I think a thousand days won’t be nearly enough to get it done which I know many of you watching will

Be kind of happy about back in the over world it was time to remove the trees These guys probably thought they had a chance if they came with me in a group after spending a 100 days in the zombie apocalypse however killing groups of the undead was my speciality in the background of my melons the iron farm had been working diligently and it’s got me a lot of iron

For only a single cell Farm I have been tempted to expand it or make another larger iron farm somewhere else or to make more of them around the base and until I remembered I don’t actually use iron that much and what I have is more than enough for all my needs day

453 the blocks that needed removing in one of the sections of the base had been disappeared now while this area is prepped and primed for melons there are other sections of the base that are not and so I figured I’d want to get all of

The melon placing done in one go so work began on the spruce section of the terrain that had leaked into my base or was it my base that had leaked into the spruce section that’s a good question the next day I cleared the trees the dirt and the grass blocks giant

Mushrooms and Stone and by the next day after that everything that needed to go had gone and looking down at it from above there was a lot more space that needed fill in in than originally thought I think now that I’ve removed it it’s sort of highlighted to me how much of the

Space still needs to be filled by melons well it’s got to be done and I’m no stranger to placing blocks you know why because I’m 455 days deep into this world and it’s part of the game and so I placed melons in a frenzy until the next day when the

Expansion was complete it’s crazy how much more melons improve literally anything we’ve come a long way since day one now the base wasn’t the only focus of my attention I’ve been busy clearing out another massive section of the terrain because not only is that one of

The only things I seem to be doing playing Minecraft but also because I wanted a decent amount of space around the base of my ice Road staircase it’s a lot of work but nothing compared to the area I cleared out for the iron farm in my hardcore series The only difference

Here however is this video is only going to be a certain length because I’m on a strict time limit with day 500 being the last day I can work up to I mean don’t get me wrong like I said before the series is going to continue well past

500 days so I shouldn’t be concerned about getting it done for 500 days it’s just psychologically I want to get it done for then and I figured you know this is one of the many things I want to get done so I’m going to have to do it

Anyway so might as well just go at it now right and if the series is going to continue past 500 days maybe I shouldn’t be concerned with the time limit plus I’ve had a lot of people tell me they wouldn’t mind if my videos consisted on nothing but mining or some other grindy

Task so it’s time to put that to the test my pickaxe ran out of durability on day 461 but unlike in some of my other series I noticed before it broke I have one pick with full durability left my terrain clear and Antics was taking me

Further out into the areas I hadn’t lit up and mobs are a pain and so the Torches came out and the next day I took the work into those areas mainly the area in between the base and the staircase in as I’m planning to also remove that area and replace with melons

Too and because the space was light enough I continued to work peacefully during the night 463 I worked on mapping out the borders of the section of terrain I’m going to be removing between the base and the staircase perimeter and then went trading because for some

Reason one of my picks had efficiency 4 instead of five it’s been a while since 400 Days as I seem to have mentioned a lot so I can’t remember if previous me knew about this whatever the case presently fixed it the next day all I

Did was shovel dirt and the day after I went back to mining I was Now using my fortune 3 pickaxe so I was getting a lot of cobblestone which is a good thing because I have a plan to make a load of observers and pistons for a mega melon

Farm Auto at of course hence why I need observers and pistons I ended up getting onto my last shovel for day 466 once his durability was depleted I’d take all of the tools to the Ender Farm it was apparent I was going to have to move my

Beacon at some point because as dirt was removed a lot of stone was uncovered the next day it was time for the Ender Farm I know the additional ender pearls here are completely unnecessary but I can’t help but feel stressed about not collecting them I might do what I’ve

Done in my hardcore world and put a load more chests for store in them when my tools had regenerated fully I hung around to consume all of the leftover XP you never know when you might have to do some emergency enchanting or name tagging then it was

Back to work doing the same interesting job of removing the terrain layer by layer the melons I’d put in place inside the huge cave a long time ago were starting to get uncovered it was fulfilling but also I couldn’t help but notice how quickly a pickaxes durability

Melts away when you have a huge amount of mining to do it made me think that I might need a load more backup pics to keep momentum going for longer because I can imagine I’m going to be building a lot of melon perimeters within this world I I enjoy large projects but the

Only off-putting thing about doing them during a 100 day series is that most of the footage ends up being kind of grindy and then I feel as if I’m doing a disservice to you watching but I want to do large projects so it’s a bit of an inevitability I can’t avoid and though

Yes I could break it up by splitting my time between multiple projects it’s really nice just to get into an unbroken River and focus on one thing at a time but that’s just another part of 100 Days videos I guess something tells me I’m going to have to make additional storage

Space below my house because no way is everything going to fit unless I get a lot more [Applause] Shers I towered up and all of my coal or blocks I’d mind via my silk touch pcks and then mined them back down with my fortune 3 pick as it gave me enough XP to fully repair that pick from zero back to 100 with co- War blocks to spare meaning I’d

Gotten another four pick’s worth of mining done for the day I wouldn’t have then once durability got low again I mined the remaining coor blocks plus an additional stack I’d found lying around inside of my my smelting Sher box gaining that extra tasty XP goodie bag

Which I used to mine what I could until the pick was on the verge of breaking and I had no way of repairing it and that was when I went back to the Enderman Farm to repair all of the Damage Done and unlike my hardcore world

I have few enough tools that it was done before the day was over I can’t imagine I’ll be needing to do that too many more times this video because I’m getting closer to the bottom of the stair case and more and more melons from underneath are showing

Through as I Stripped Away layers from the terrain meaning there’s less and less blocks I’m having to remove which is nothing short of encouraging because the more melons that was showing meant like I said the less blocks I had to mine but it wasn’t all sunshine and

Melons because I broke one of my netherite pickaxes and I’ve been so good recently and unlike during the first 20 days of this video I had now upgraded to 1.20 meaning I was going to have to get a smithing template if I wanted to upgrade Future tools to netherite that’s

What happens when you Daydream bang broken so when I got another pick from my shoker I continued The Mining and this time my eyes were firmly on that durability and I got low enough that now my beacon was uncovered day 480 I no longer needed to

Mine down from above with only a couple of layers left to go I could mine from the ground up I quickly had to put the work on pors to repair my tools for what I thought would probably be the last time this video and then return to the

Work and by the next day I’d completely flattened all of the terrain with a M Beacon’s inst mind parameters the project hasn’t finished by any stretch of the imagination but it’s another huge part of the overall process completed but I am going to have to move my beacon

And mine out all of the stone from in between my base and the staircase perimeter but I can wait for another video instead I wanted money from villagers because I wanted to buy a couple more Diamond picks and the enchants to go with it however I messed

Up the enchants because I wasn’t really paying attention and ended up making the enchanting too expensive to put the combined books onto my first pick man I I really hate that mechanic and the second pick I couldn’t afford to put all the enchants onto so the next day I went

Back to trading and the farmers wanted to buy a lot of the melons today I swear they reset their trades more than usual no complaints for me I chose to put the enchants on the pick at the Enderman Farm where I could level up quickly to regain the level spent on enchants now

I’ve been working on the perimeter of one of the Ice Road staircases but I had two the second I hadn’t done any work on don’t pull your hair out I had no plan on clearing out the area I simply wanted to map out the space I’d be filling with

Melons to be fair this area would be much less work because most of it is over ocean now my trade Hall let’s face it is Tiny and over cramped I’ve been thinking about making a much larg larger expanded version with lots of farmers and clerics clerics because I want a reliable source

Of redstone because I have a plan to make a huge Auto melon farm I could have set up another at the base but I wanted to avoid lag so I went searching for a village I found a PLS Village a few hundred blocks away from my cactus farm

Arrived and built a village breeder for increasing the villagers to a healthy populace the trade Hall will be a separate building I was hoping to get the villagers transported before night but it didn’t work out like that and I ended up having to go to sleep to prevent themselves getting killed by mobs

Now we all know villagers are defenseless and stupid so I needed to transport them before night so I wouldn’t have to be concerned about mobs finding them and doing the dirty I’ve been getting into the routine of mapping out everything I build before I actually

Do so it might not look like I know what I’m doing but let me assure you I mostly do and the trade Hall I’m planning on building will house 180 villagers a lot of them are going to be Farmers like myself because I want big stacks of Wall Street Money The next day I made it clearer to Future me where the trade hall building was going to be that’s right I’m going to be having buildings more than one the rest of the melons I had on me I fooled in the platform ice roaded home and found an

Enchanted pick alongside enchants in one of my melon chests I’ve been wondering where this one had gone to so I thought I might as well catapult those enchants onto the pick and voila another fully op diamond pick added to my Arsenal but I’m not going searching for that Smith and

Template I just have to make do with OP Diamond picks and when I came back from the Enderman Farm to the Overworld I forgot my last sleep was at the trade Hall village so I had to travel all the way back to my base because I needed melons I always

Need them they’re my life and for the next couple of days I cleaved through each of the melon stalks separating them from the rest of the plants while simultaneously catching them midair and putting them into my inventory then it was back to the trade Hall to build up the buildings there are

Going to be three of them it’s going to be great I can just imagine myself walking through the hustle and bustle of Trades with pockets lined full of emeralds the thought motivated me to finish the buildings by the next Day and then it was back to the base to grab more melons again on a side note I’ve worked out how to travel and a straight line on my ice Road without having to constantly adjust my trajectory put the boat down in the middle of the road manually push it into

The rails and then I can boat in a straight line there nothing I can’t accomplish on my journey back to the trade Hall I have to pass the cactus farm and I realized I don’t actually have a nether portal set up meaning I always have to use the ice road to get

To it which don’t get me wrong isn’t a bad thing the ice road is amazing I’m glad I built it however a light to travel through the nether would be even quicker and now that I had a nether portal for the cactus farm in place I renovated the area inside the nether to

Not only make the portal a little saf and stand out but also because it looks better surrounded by Melons I mean let’s be honest if I were to ask you here and now put you on the spot what looks worse with the addition of melons you wouldn’t be able to answer me do you know why because nothing does melons improve everything there are a lot of zombified piglins and I thought

To myself it would be funny to hit one so I did I didn’t expect them all to be into Power walking because they were quick but you know what was quicker my sword threw their bodies inconvenience cleared up I lit the portal area put down a spare end of chest then went over

To the trade Hall and set up a portal there which I also built up with a little platform in the water let the thing up went through to the Nether and got the hot tourist destination completely by accident which is usually how I get that advancement I was in a so

Sand valy and the worst thing about this biome is the Ghasts that spawn here trust me when I say they’re out to get you second worst thing of the biome skeletons they’re also out to get you mobs aside I put my head down and worked on renovating this portal area

Like I’ve done with the cactus farm portal day 497 I ran out of melons filling in the gaps of the portal area so I had to take the ice road back to the base restock and travel back to the trade Hall to continue work that was a

Big portion of the day gone and the work didn’t get done until the next day all melons were placed however it still felt crammed and I thought heighten in the ceiling would fix that again I lit the place with torches and put down another spare Rend the chest and the portal was

Finished it’s a simple design all I’ve done is flatten the space put melons down heighten the ceiling and I like how it looks and you know what the slightly higher ceiling did fix the two cramped feeling at the portal in the Overworld there’s a patch of water in between the

Trade Hall and villager breeder that can only be crossed by boat or swimming and I don’t like that the solution fill the space with melons obviously just a slight tangent I wanted to show you this little 360 no scope action to take out a phantom I’m no

Straight Ranger to FPS and that wasn’t just a lucky shot because my accuracy with the Phantoms was on point that night I was like a sniping machine call me the white feather though I moved quicker than the white feather orbe it I know I wasn’t trying to avoid detection

So I guess that’s not fair to say anyway it’s the last day day 500 usually on the last day of any of my 100 Days videos I like to relax and wander about reminiscing over my time spent in the said 100 days this time was a little

Different because I wanted to finish off placing the melons and I did though it took all of the daylight time to do it but again melons have been placed and the space better that’s no coincidence of course I’ve still got so much work to

Do in that area and in fact the world in general even looking at how much work is taking place to the base there’s still so many plans I can Envision but they can wait for future videos and well they’re going to have to because it’s

It’s the last day of this video if you did enjoy the video make sure to like And subscribe I’ve been dealing with some technical issues regarding my patreon which is why I’ve been ignoring it but now they’ve been resolved and I’m starting a Minecraft series over there

With more regular mini episodes if you don’t want to wait for the next big video to come out on the channel okay all right bye

This video, titled ‘I Farmed Melons for 500 Days’, was uploaded by Juice on 2023-11-08 15:00:00. It has garnered 50850 views and 4206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:59 or 1619 seconds.

In this video, I farm melons in Minecraft for 500 days. That’s halfway to 1,000.

Credit to for editing

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    Insane 4000+ Day Minecraft Challenge! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘4000+ DAY HARDCORE MINECRAFT – Episode #46 – J Stiz Stream Archive’, was uploaded by Stiz Archives on 2024-09-18 17:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:38 or 14018 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft with @JStiz ! Sit back, relax and enjoy hundreds of hours of Stiz’ journey through the Hardcore Minecraft game-mode from his Twitch livestreams! This playthrough was originally started all the way back in (July?) 2020! Join the chat and watch as J_Stiz starts from the beginning, creating a brand… Read More

  • Insane! Saving Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft

    Insane! Saving Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🖤I Save my Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-07-04 09:47:00. It has garnered 49124 views and 527 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING 😎😎II Save my Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft | TAGALOG | OMOCRAFT | TAROPAVILLAGE 🖤🖤🖤FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] 🖤GUSTO MO PURO JEYJEY ? 🖤KIMMIE CHANNEL – 🖤FB PAGE : 🖤FB GROUP : WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy

    Nova AnarchyNova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server… therefore there are no rules besides what can bypass the small anti-cheat, no doxxing, and certain things that hurt the server! Come join and start your adventure today! There is a playertime based ranking system. Read More

  • GroveSMP – SMP, Ranks, Chestshops, Playerswarps

    Welcome to GroveSMP! GroveSMP is a Minecraft SMP server where everyone can enjoy a variety of features such as ranks, lands, custom fishing, jobs, and more! Server Details: Java IP: Bedrock IP: Join our Discord for early access: Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan is the master, the creator of dreams. With humor and joy, each video brings a smile, Child-friendly content, going the extra mile. No pirated copies, only originals here, Cube Xuan’s channel, bringing laughter near. From animations to songs, each video a delight, Subscribe and join in, let your worries take flight. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft rules, Cube Xuan’s channel, the place for cool jewels. Stay tuned for updates, in rhymes we reply, For in this world of blocks, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” #minecraft #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial

    Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Force Load Chunks – Chunkloader Chunk Loading Are you looking to keep certain chunks in your Minecraft world loaded at all times? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will explore how to force load chunks using a chunkloader. What are Chunks in Minecraft? In Minecraft, the world is divided into 16×16 block sections called chunks. These chunks are loaded and unloaded as players move around the world. When a chunk is unloaded, it stops processing and can cause delays when reloading. This is where chunkloading comes in handy. Chunkloading with Chunkloaders Chunkloaders are devices or mechanisms… Read More

  • Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode

    Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode Minecraft One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge In the world of Minecraft, challenges come in all shapes and sizes. One such challenge that has been gaining popularity is the One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge. This intense gameplay mode pushes players to their limits as they strive to survive in a limited space with heightened difficulty. The Basics of One Chunk Hardcore In this challenge, players are confined to a single chunk of the Minecraft world, which measures 16×16 blocks. This restricted space presents a unique set of challenges, as resources are limited and dangers are ever-present. To add to the… Read More

  • 💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥

    💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining an ELEMENTAL ONLY Server…’, was uploaded by Cash on 2024-07-11 15:00:21. It has garnered 1325185 views and 12240 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:51 or 6171 seconds. Today, Cash and his friends look back at all the times they were turned into ELEMENTALS in Minecraft! What is your favorite moment? Watch to find out! Merch: Socials: #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shorts

    Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts’, was uploaded by DEVIL GAMING on 2024-05-22 12:28:00. It has garnered 12592 views and 218 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts #gamingshorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #minecraftlogic #shortsviral shorts Hamid t gaming spider-man ultimate techno gamerz balveer bhutiya kahani hay hay hay hay hay hay hay hay how to apply online driving licence sabse bada ladka short video sonic exe song techno gamerz robloxwwe shots रियल माइनक्राफ्ट minecraft techno gamerz free fire shorts hamid t gaming serbian dancing lady maizena minecraft video… Read More

  • Isaac’s Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft Updates

    Isaac's Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Updates are SCARY in Ultra Hardcore Minecraft | Stream Highlights’, was uploaded by IsaacDumpsDirt on 2024-07-20 02:46:14. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:38 or 878 seconds. This is a stream highlights video of my second Minecraft Ultra Hardcore (world 2) stream. This is a minecraft series in the version 1.20.6 where I am playing in ultra hardcore mode. Ultra Hardcore mode (UHC) means that I do not regenerate health once I lose it, so in order to regenerate I need to use items that give… Read More

  • Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village – EPIC!

    Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival – Limelight 12’, was uploaded by Micropig on 2024-05-05 09:26:56. It has garnered 731 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:31 or 631 seconds. 🎉 I built a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival which will be filled up with minecrafty stuff one day, maybe even villagers 📝. I really enjoy building in Minecraft and the creative aspect, this was a lot of building in Survival Minecraft was a real challenge collecting all the materials needed I even did a bit of building on a… Read More

  • Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!

    Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Trio Season 1 Ep 3: Op Gear!’, was uploaded by RealRandom_boy on 2024-08-01 21:55:17. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:57 or 417 seconds. I got Op gear!!! Yes i wont be out of this series anytime soon! Ignore this: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs Streams

    Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs StreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrun but Chat Controls the Game part 1/2’, was uploaded by SuperMcGregs Streams on 2024-09-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:17 or 6977 seconds. 26:44 Gameplay start Feat. @markenator Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Hi, I’m SuperMcGregs! Welcome to my VODS channel. I like to play video games and stream them on twitch. I am a variety streamer. Need a server? Use my link to create a server for your favourite game Don’t forget to use the code SUPER… Read More

  • 💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯

    💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft please subscribe my YouTube channel 👻🤍🐯🤡😈💀☠️🐅👹🎃♥️’, was uploaded by mr.minecraft483 on 2024-06-12 11:45:02. It has garnered 405 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Mr Thyme’s CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!

    Mr Thyme's CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Added Your TERRIBLE Ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Thyme on 2024-07-26 17:29:45. It has garnered 653 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:09 or 849 seconds. all resource packs, addons, and datapacks created by me with the exception of: Swagcasters 90s car pack (test version0.0.7) by Swagcaster Create Mod by simibubi Legacy4J by Wilyicaro special thanks to @G1ppied for command block and function help Read More


    OMZ vs FAN GIRLS: EPIC MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK!Video Information This video, titled ‘OMZ vs CRAZY FAN GIRLS : EXTREME CAMOUFLAGE HIDE and SEEK in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-07-22 14:33:44. It has garnered 23798 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:12 or 1212 seconds. 🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍 in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: OMZ vs CRAZY FAN GIRLS : EXTREME CAMOUFLAGE HIDE and SEEK in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Crystal) 🔥 Press like… Read More

  • Magic Moon

    Magic Moon¡¡¡Bienvenidos y Bienvenidas a MagicMoon!!! Cuando Magic Moon se alza en el cielo las reglas cambian… La Luna Mágica ha imbuido al mundo en una magia ancestral. Explora las maravillas que trae para ti el overworld, lucha contra los jefes en otros mundos y preparate para convertirte en el mejor aventurero. MagicMoon es la llave para desbloquear un mundo oculto lleno de posibilidades infinitas!!! Ven y desvela los los secretos de la Luna Mágica. Si lo sueñas todo es posible!!! Read More

  • MoreCraft – Semi-vanilla SMP, Discord Community – Java & Bedrock – Whitelist – 21+

    About MoreCraft MoreCraft is a small Bedrock & Java server for adults (21+). We understand that life can get busy, so playing 24/7 is not required. We recently reset the server and there are plenty of opportunities for new players to join in. From a shopping district to mini-games, there’s something for everyone. What We’re Looking For: Players aged 21+ Active Discord users Enjoy a sense of community Kind, respectful, non-griefing players Apply now: Application Form Read More

  • ✧ ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ ᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ ᴘʜɪʟɪᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱ ✧ ᴊᴏɪɴ ɴᴏᴡ! ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ | ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ | ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Creeper’s Got Style

    Well, at least the Creeper can rock that green color better than most people can! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024 Welcome to Minecraft Live, where the fun never dies, Join us on September 28, for a big surprise. From Mojang HQ, we’ll bring you the scoop, New features and updates, to make you whoop. For ASL, BSL, and audio descriptions too, We’ve got you covered, for a great view. Tune in at 1PM EDT, don’t be late, For Minecraft Live 2024, it’s gonna be great! Read More

  • When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you see a mob in Minecraft and suddenly forget how to run in a straight line, zigzagging like you’re in a game of Minecraft dodgeball. Read More

  • 100 Outrageous Game Facts

    100 Outrageous Game Facts Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Gamer’s Paradise Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. With endless possibilities and a vibrant community, it continues to be a favorite among gamers of all ages. Unleashing Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its ability to unleash creativity. Players can build intricate structures, explore vast landscapes, and even create their own mini-games within the game. The only limit is one’s imagination. Building Blocks The game revolves around placing and breaking blocks. From simple houses to… Read More

  • Sneaky Love Prank

    Sneaky Love Prank Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this article, we delve into the exciting realm of GamerFleet, a community that brings together gamers from all walks of life to share their love for this iconic game. Discovering GamerFleet GamerFleet is a hub of creativity and camaraderie, where players come together to build, explore, and conquer challenges in the vast Minecraft universe. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, and OcTogamerZz, GamerFleet has become a beacon of inspiration for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide…. Read More

  • Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥

    Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘La Fin Du Serveur Minecraft RP Sera Demain …’, was uploaded by Flowser on 2024-08-17 00:04:07. It has garnered 3173 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:06 or 9546 seconds. ➤FOR DONATIONS! : Read More

  • The Haunting Minecraft Mod

    The Haunting Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You…’, was uploaded by Kiply on 2024-08-31 13:00:00. It has garnered 651972 views and 8282 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:45 or 1785 seconds. This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You… ❤️ Subscribe and 👍 LIKE to support the channel and see more videos like this! ✔️ FOLLOW ME ON OTHER STUFF 😀 Twitch: Discord: Twitter: Instagram: Edited by: @Editor_Ethan In this scary simulation challenge we find the horror mod a quiet place and the giant dweller worm, and the boiled one in… Read More

  • “Saahosins: Pirate King Eats Devil Fruit!?!” #clickbait

    "Saahosins: Pirate King Eats Devil Fruit!?!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘KING OF PIRATES #bloxfruits #onepiece #minecraft #gaming #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by Saahosins on 2024-07-19 06:11:24. It has garnered 467 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ALL MYYYYY FELLASSS HOW!!!!! SEEDHI BAAT IDHER H LINK BS mod ___________________________________________ TOP 5 BEST DEMON SLAYER MOD/ ADDON FOR MINECRAFT PE 1.19+ Top 6 Naruto mod/addon for Minecraft pe 1.19+[HINDI]#india TOP 5 BEST BEN 10 ADDON/MOD FOR MINECRAFT PE |1.19+ TOP 5 BEST ATTACK ON TITAN MOD/ADDON FOR MINECRAFT PE TOP 5 JUJUTSU KAISEN… Read More