Insane Method to Conquer The End – Minecraft Polyworld Ep 206

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to the final episode of the pow almost kind of sad in a way isn’t it we’ve made it we actually finally made it version 1.2.4 although as of the time of streaming this 1.2.5 has been announced but God knows when that will be out if

That is out within a week exactly a week from now there will be one more episode that’s going to be a proper finale for sure but if not this is this is it it’s kind of anticlimactic cuz I don’t really have anything planned like at all I guess I could just fly around

The world I could build something but that’s even even more boring so yeah this is it this is actually it we have yes hello Jonas welcome back we have reached the end finally oh boy it’s been a very long journey very long journey I’ve made a lot of mistakes throughout this

But hopefully I’ll be able to rectify them in future stream died back oh wow so I want you to be able to stream tonight it seems fantastic um yeah I made a lot of mistakes throughout this uh and I will Rectify them I’ll go

On a bit of a tangent and a bit of a speech near the end uh about how I feel about this series how I think it went what mistakes were what I would have done differently uh what I think went well and then and yeah and move on for from

There um but until then this this new music is awful until then guess I can like fly around and like reminisce a little bit uh about all that we have achieved and even on the last episode this stupid tutorial is going to piss me the off all right

Um yeah I mean doesn’t really matter I I should repair this but it doesn’t matter at all now I I’ve generated a lot of chunks as the usual viewers here are aware so I’m not going to go through the entire freaking world cuz that that on its own

Would take like a long time but also don’t care enough for that but I will go over all the bases that I built except maybe the 1.20 base cuz I honestly have no idea where it is uh but I’ll go through all the other bases that I built throughout throughout the uh the

Episodes and I reminisce a bit you know femin bit think of this as like a Mini World Tour even though I’m not even going to be touring anything new just a way to say goodbye to the world I suppose and of course it’s raining and I can’t even skip to rain

Oh hello Ry you’re actually here for you’re actually here for the end for the final episode glad you can make it make a t chat does not work yes I noticed good thing that I’m that the streams are finally coming to an end cuz this chat thing is also very

Annoying soon the pain will stop yes hello welcome back yes it’s finally over I suspecting more people considering the end I mean the series kind of fell off near the end to be honest partially because of me cuz I’m not enjoying it anymore but also in general like I think people

Would have lost interest even if I was enjoying it that’s weird hold on look at this it doesn’t appear to be spinning like moving when I’m inside but it does when I’m outside that’s weird anyway um you play cool April fo build instead I already played the April fo builds off

I don’t want to play it again hello soybean welcome back to the stream my winter break ironic cuz I’m only going to stream today and then next week um Wednesday Thursday and Friday yes should be back home on Wednesday evening be able to stream have no education for 2 weeks

Lucky I I I still have work although I do have one day off so that’s great cuz I’m not even home For Better or For Worse it’s finally over yes so let let’s do a Mini World Tour I suppose so these are obviously the classic chunks they need

No introduction that’s the mansion that I built and the mansion that I um that I’ve spent the majority of my time in it actually went for several iterations originally it had it didn’t have the trap doors and it had leaves as Windows but eventually I caved and changed it

Around I think Rel leas 1.1 or 1.2 I changed that uh it did receive a few minor upgrades here and there but it has remained pretty static for the most part it served me well it was a good base it had a lot of um space in it I built it

In classic in Creative so that already feels kind of like cheating but uh yeah uh but I think the one of the biggest if not the biggest mistake that I did was the fact that I stayed in this base for the majority of the series cuz

I feel like if I actually changed base like that was honestly my plan but I never really went through with it I did build the bases but I never really used them cuz I was too lazy to like transfer all my stuff to and from but I feel like

If I had actually you know done what I set out to do and um change the base every time like there was a major terrain change uh terrain change I probably would have had a lot more fun with the game that’s something I definitely want to do uh in in in future projects

Cuz I I feel like that kind of bogged out experience a bit for me but more on the mistakes that I did than like the final reflection at the end just SP the stream playing some BTA I’m going to play some long drive after this I don’t want to start I don’t want

To play BT off cuz I don’t want to like invest time in in in something that’s temporary you know I’m going to have a proper BTA Series in sometime in the future but until then make a speech why you I should make the speech not you don’t like bugman yes yes yes bug

Bugman does it in a good way B about flying so it’s acceptable yeah I guess I did have infinite resources but at the same time when I built it I had nothing like I only had eight blocks to choose from um so as a result it it was very basic I had to

Like upgrade it with stairs um I had to upgrade it with uh Interiors the glass all that stuff so yeah it’s not that bad but still today is only for a little while Su is forever yes gab new said that I think um so that that’s the main base I also

Built this train station right here another build from classic as you can clearly tell uh the Clock Tower actually built later on I think I buil in like 1.4 but uh yeah this this guy I built also in classic as well as this the warehouse so these are like the free

Most used uh buildings or they were the most used buildings um the train station I didn’t even use it as a train train station cuz after a while like a mine cart slowly became obsolete so this ended up just being extra storage cuz in the central room up there I have like

Storage as you know with the uh spawn eggs and other cursed items that I got throughout my journey um so yeah not that significant of a building but it does have a lot lot of history behind it and of course everyone’s favorite the warehouse where I keep all of my

Belongings um also built in classic and uh yeah this this this is the building after my main base this is the building that I’ve used the most I have of course I have all these beacons as well but they came later so that so this is like the the

Main general area that uh I I spent the most time in Hello Alex welcome back to the stream back when mine cards were useful yes um so that’s that I also built that helicopter there but there isn’t much to say about that uh if I if we go over

Here um we have a bunch of builds from classic I mean this Village I built in survival mode and as well as the Farms that I don’t even use anymore uh but these are the 12 a chunks and I built this Ticky bar over here uh this uh boat and of course everyone’s

Favorite lava prison with the electric chairs and everything that burnt down after the uh lava setting wood on fire feature was added this all burnt down but this was once a uh a lava prison which is pretty cool I forgot to take my freaking bed again oh my for real

But yeah that that’s the lava prison good times good times um also build in Creative of course cuz it was building classic let me quickly take a bed and also rest up cuz I’m not galing with m i don’t want creepers blowing everything up in my last freaking

Day good old days when I was a we lad and James didn’t exist yes thank you well hello SE welcome back to the stream yes SE this is probably the final stream of the powod there might be another one uh next Friday if the next version comes out on Friday but if not

Then this is it this is the end um what do I come here for oh yes beds of course no way this is already the end yes it is welcome back do small I didn’t even know 1.2.4 was released 1.2.5 has been announced but we don’t know when it’s

Coming out it could be by this year it could be next year if it’s next year I don’t care if it’s if it comes out by next Friday I will cover it on the series yes it is the last episode SE again unless 1.2.5 comes out uh by the

End of next week in which case there will be one more episode which is going to be a collab I’m going to end it the way it began so basically a bit of History especially for U as you knew the first episode ever of the poly World um

Which wasn’t a pre-recorded video of course was a collaboration between me and zelator a fellow content creator you should check him out he’s also pretty cool um he also streams daily uh and that that’s that’s how this whole series began really like with a collaboration

So it only seems fitting to end it off with collaboration as well but I need to like prepare stuff for that I have other projects that I want to finish by by the end of the year like Plants versus Zombies next week and I only have three days to do it

So as a result I don’t think that’s going to happen but if the next update does actually come out by then I will set it up I I have a friend who can hopefully host a server if not then then we have a problem because I don’t think

He’s actually home so that’s that that’s a bit of a bummer but if he is that’s going to be perfect I can set I can have him set up a server for us and me zelator um bugman hopefully I don’t know if he’ll be able to come on and soybean will

Be um doing the final episode together not steel cat unfortunately cuz he’s away from home he’s not in the country during that time but uh yeah but but if not and most likely not this is the final episode I will also post a a download link uh uh for the world world

Download uh tomorrow because you know it’s a Friday and it’s going to be too late I’m going to be too tired and hungry to deal with it so tomorrow I’ll post a world world download for this world in case you want to explore it for

Yourself do be W it’s like 5 gabt or something like that so so yeah uh but definitely will be doing that new zel collab maybe big maybe lie 21 won’t come out on Friday 1.2.5 Su not 1.21 I’m aware that 1.21 isn’t coming out by of the year but 1.2.5

Might yeah please don’t speak French CU I don’t understand French so keep it to English why not me cuz you don’t have hisory with the channel I apologize I mean you do as a viewer but not as like a contributor or whatever one of the big OG viewers no

I’m not taking anyone in and like that I’m sorry you set up a server oh um yeah so so you you’re like the fallback then Alex I actually had no idea that you have po forwarding last time I that L of the polywood was back in classic oh wow

That is a long time ago like problem with that Alex would be that I’m going to have terrible ping and I’m the host um P&P is from Finland so I have much better ping with him i’ would rather that he host it but again that that’s we’ll see I’ll make an

Announcement about that next week um but yeah final episode let’s move on with the tour because I don’t want to waste too much time I want to play some long drive after this because also I’m going to be playing the long drive for the last time this year as

Well uh today so yeah it’s a two in one but yeah that’s the so these are the 12 a chunks and that’s the lava prison that burnt down uh the only reason why I built it out of wood back then was actually it’s two fa first there were

Only four blocks at the time uh Stone Cobblestone dirt and wood and technically grass as well but you couldn’t really build with grass um so that’s why I built it out of wood and also the wood back then looked a bit more like bricks it had a very different

Texture from what we eventually got um but yeah it eventually burned down I even play some signs over here it did burn down after a while um when you know lava started actually affecting wood so lava prison was built in 12a and it burned down in Alpha

1.1.0 I even had the dates there which is uh yeah really unfortunate and oh yeah 1.0 stream unnamed dog that I had just gotten fell in the lava and died as well here I completely forgot about that as well there’s so much history to the polywood already even though it’s only been two

Years what do you do next week next week I I’m going to finish plant with the zombies I’m going to wrap it up I need to do all the survival stuff so survival regular survival hard and Survival endless so a lot of plant versus zombies next

Week I also wanted to play Word of goo and I still might stream word of goo um during the weekends of January but it depends on how I’m feeling probably not we’ll see but yeah over here we have the original chunks so these are the very first chunks that I ever generated they

Were generated back in cave game um we have something here that actually is something cool that you can do yourself in INF def uh impossible water lava um basically when water and lava was uh first made to flow like this uh not didn’t yet implement the feature where

You know when flowing water flowing lava touches it creates Cobblestone so that’s how I have this over here very cool very cool uh here we have the oneyear anniversary it’s now 2year anniversary uh the cake and this is the war of Fame big shout out to all these lovely

Individuals here who supported me throughout the series um that that includes all the patreons and also the um the people who donated as well um especially this this person over here Rick pad is kind of an interesting case cuz they came out of nowhere and just donated 30 bucks just like that I

Guess that they were probably like someone who had money to spare and was like going through you know small streamers and donating I all there people that do that I would do that myself if I had the money but that’s why I’m begging you guys for money well not

Begging but you know that’s why I’m asking you guys for money cuz I don’t have of my own if I had the opportunity I definitely would do that but uh yeah shout out to all these lovely people here uh actually Bobby donated even more so I I am going to replace

This Firestone 40 fire stone 47 let me update this Firestorm 47 donated 19.99 there we go hey look you’re on here as well Alex I have part foring but I meant to Ser that I I pay like three bucks for a month oh okay hello cockit welcome to the last

Stream blood money that’s cool very generous yes um yeah shout out to to G lovely people uh over here the cake this is something that we did yesterday or the day before I already forgot we filled it up filled it up with actual cakes inside so the

Floor is made out of cakes and hind side I should have put them one block below but oh well uh and then of course over here we have all of the museums because this like the most historical area of the PO world I and this is another big

Mistake that I did which I’ll touch upon in at the reflection section of the of the stream but yeah these are all the museums that I built that I hosted so but before we move on to those over here we have a very Monumental piece we have the first ever placed and

Broken Block in the entire world first ever placed and first ever broken insane I know um and over here is the first thing I ever built in this world the first house that I ever made in the cave game version back when there was literally only one block Cobblestone so there’s

That um and and now I can move bu Museum so over here in the middle of the Mob Museum we have the block museum the original block museum uh this lasted me from classic to Alpha and basically the goal was to get one of every single block in the game

Um in these like museums so we even have like lava and water and kind of a funny thing with the with the water is that um I actually managed to get it very early on oh great now I can’t break blocks but I’m man to get this very early

On um using a developer build of classic 14a which allowed you to place water so yeah there’s a bit of trivia over there with this water Pond but otherwise the lava one I got in Alpha with the bucket uh and of course we have all these

Blocks here all these were very easy to get uh thanks to creative mode uh the only one that was a bit tricky was um I guess the grass in a way I had to like Let it Grow from the outside and uh also the Bedrock which I um I believe I

Actually got it in multiplayer um in multiplayer 16a or 17A one of the two I I booted up the W in multiplayer and I placed this using the solid command uh so admin could actually use a command to place unbreakable stone that regular players couldn’t break which was

The Bedrock and that’s how I got this Bedrock here so a bit of fun trivia for that but everything else was obtained for creative mode and over here we have the alpha stuff which is obtained legit of course uh and we also have some some crops as

Well uh let me catch some z’s cuz it’s training night I don’t want to get blown up doing this Nasco donated yes and he is on the boat no you’re not own the building Alex because you’re not uh High tier patreon oh great I forgot about this I should

Have taken some milk you’re not a high tier patreon only the highest tier guess speaking of of which I’m not going to plug my patreon here cuz this is a bit of a special stream but I really need to change the final tier of the patreons to

Something else cuz uh yeah this is a bit uh this is going to be outdated now but yeah this is the original block museum never first to be a pain in the BM yes oh wow you gave him 50 bucks damn and did he did he ever build

Anything for you cuz he only Built for for the other guy H anyway um and then when this became obsolete I built the art gallery over there which is also doubles is the second Museum but before we move on this is the Mob Museum here so my intention with the museum supped

To get one of every item block and mob in the game so this is the the Mob Museum over here and we have one of every passive mob and this was very easy to do because I have access to spawn eggs thanks to the um uh the totally

Legit uh through glitches obtained um command block that allows me to switch game modes so that’s how I was able to get out the spawn next for this so we have one of every passive mob over here um we have the um hostile mobs and special mobs over here we have even a

Gas and the Elder Guardian that’s why I have the debuff the squid which sometimes spawns sometimes doesn’t and over here in this corner we have all the Hostile Mobs as well all in solitary confinement all on display very cool and um I started building a second Mob Museum over

Here which I never finished because I I realized how annoying it is and also the main reason why I didn’t finish this one was because I didn’t know that piglins immediately turned to uh let’s get rid of this obstruction here really quickly o o o o o what did I ever do to

You come on I only killed your owner who gives you food um okay no nobody saw that okay just pretend that didn’t happen so so the reason why this build remains unfinished is piglins so piglins I had no idea that they immediately turn to zombify variants

Um in the overw world if I had I known that I would have made at least the second Mob Museum in the nether but because of that I I never really got around to finishing this I always kept like delaying it and now it’s just a very ugly L-shaped structure here that’s

It it does have some mobs inside that were added you know later on um like like these guys from 1.14 and and so and onward but it doesn’t have like the last mob that it had that I added is the B from 1.15 it has nothing

From 1.16 because of that barri that I mentioned I never bed updating it since um so yeah that’s that’s that one I don’t want this stupid leather magical squid timate poly inep chunat once what are the options to make a single donation like five bucks that another subscription to BU for that

Sorry you can uh yeah you can I’m pretty sure you can donate for YouTube there’s like there should be a little button next to the chat uh that should allow you I think the lowest you can donate is either three or five bucks you don’t

Have to donate of course d m this is free content for everyone only if you want to um so hopefully that answers your question the highest Ste should make a cute thank you carard for the that that’s not a bad idea the only problem is I I suck with Photoshop so I

Have to think of something else hello vaita welcome back and yes it is indeed the finale rip polywood yes K welcome back yeah the Super Chat yes do M yes I am monetized so Super Chat is available for me one Buck yeah oh yeah yeah I think $1 is the

Lowest yes cuz I remember now that Nasco donated um 2.55 cuz he’s he’s oh 222 actually because his username is 222 you should delete the word I’m not going to delete the word at least not until I upload it somewhere then I’ll delete it because it is taking up a lot

Of space and I will have other worlds in the future anyway um moving on we have the art gallery I actually buil this in infd believe it or not even though it’s it’s primarily hosts beta blocks but yeah this is the second block museum cuz

I ran out of space in the first one we even have like a little gift shop here very basic in a reception desk but over here we have the colors of wo uh then we have all the paintings every single one of them uh over here on this side we have

The beta 1.8 blocks uh because beta 1.8 was like a massive up update so we added a bunch of blocks as you can see all these blocks are beta 1.8 and only beta 1.8 um release 1.0 I should say cuz the not all of them are beta 1.8 but release

1.0 um cuz it was a huge update of course over here we have a I don’t know a dining area or something and on this side we have the alpha beta blocks uh the alpha beta section of the museum so all the blocks added in throughout our Alp or rather late Alpha

Cuz the early Alpha stuff I did have space for that in the original Museum but come Alpha 1.2 like with the pumpkins and stuff actually even earlier than that it seems yeah Alpha 1.0.5 is when I ran out of space so I built this Museum ahead of time uh my nether portal

Also disappeared unfortunately so that’s really I actually had an actual nether portal here that I got through beta 1 point six yes beta 1.6 test build free well okay oh well you deserve it don’t worry you made up your mind so no stopping you now thank you Del Moss I’m

Going to add you to the thing in a bit I’ll add you to a wall of fame and also Alex giving me his his last money you didn’t you really didn’t have to do that Alex thank you I appreciate both of you I appreciate all of you like all of you

Watching this my Shenanigans and putting up with my blue crap I appreciate that sing one of you I’m going to be rich yes I have an entire $6 I can buy a a burger from Burger King with this I’m so rich again I appreciate every single like even if

You just give me $1 even like half a dollar like 50 cents I would still appreciate it greatly I would cherish it from search how do you have $3 from search I didn’t know you could make money out of off of what what is that grass I don’t know I

Think this is what biome is this actually um it’s a desert apparently okay the last dollar um yeah and now that I think about it this is actually the the last chance that you guys have to like get your name on the wall of fame before the world goes public

I’m not saying that you should I’m not like pressuring you or anything I’m just I just now realize that that is an actual fact but yeah this is the uh the second block museum very cool very cool um and now we are moving on to the

Third block museum this one and this is like the the build you know this is like the the biggest build I ever made in Minecraft not just in this world but ever cuz um for those of you who are new I mean Del is a new but I don’t think

They know this but definitely Su you don’t know this but I am not a builder I don’t like building in this game uh and especially I don’t like building Mega builds okay like if I build something it’s going to be 100% something I’m going to use

Either a farm or a um a base you know or something like a storage area something usable something that I’m going to use I don’t just build stuff for the sake of building stuff because I I I I don’t like doing that I’m not a good builder at all I don’t

Have any building skills um oh or building ideas really so this is this was a big undertaking for me personally because it has like several floors and every floor is like themed around something so the first floor is themed around the strongholds from release 1.0

The second floor is from the uh uh 1.8 Ocean Monuments the third floor from the 1.9 uh Whatchamacallit the 1.9 end cities or whatever uh the floor after that is themed around the nether cuz you know the nether update and the last floor is themed around the deep

Dark so I have a little bit of a thing going on there and every floor gets thinner and thinner and there is a lot of space here um a lot of space for blocks uh I’m going to show that off in a second I just need to sleep

Again I’m broke I can’t do it it’s okay I you don’t have to of course what about the Church of ban craftology uh that’s I don’t think that’s as big that that that was still smaller VA it was the biggest thing I built in classic I think even bigger than the uh

Uh than the Mansion here but uh this is definitely bigger this is the biggest thing I built can buy you either robu C of Thieves currency Diablo 4 never going to do it or OverWatch one do it either yeah I’m not interested in any of those games either and you don’t

Have to do anything so just just being here and watching my my my my crap is is more than enough trust me she got shot in the Box yeah this is much bigger than that and it’s also built in I mean half built in survival so basically I lost my

Patience by the end and I built like half of it especially like the floor I I still built the walls in survival but the floors I built in Creative cuz I lost my patience so that the Nether and the deep dark floors I built um in Creative uh

The walls I still built in survival but the the actual you know floors and the ceiling I built in uh creative do I have regrets doing that kind of but at the same time I I I I don’t because they won’t even be used so here’s the thing the reason why I built

It this big was because this series The polywood was supposed to be my main Minecraft series moving forward on YouTube um and I was like supposed to play every single update that releases as it releases but considering that I stopped enjoying the game and it feels like a

Chore even after several extended breaks that I had um and also because of all the mistakes that I did which I’ll touch upon during the reflection at the end um I decided no this is not going to be my main series I will have another Series

In the future which will be my main series and I’m going to do things differently but again I’ll touch upon that at the end of the stream but that is the reason why this is so massive even though it only goes up to floor three and that’s why I don’t really feel

Bad about building the last two floors in Creative cuz they’ll never be used because the series is over won’t be touching this world ever again uh hello crazy welcome back to the stream what’s the size of your world uh last time I checked it was 3.6 GB but

It’s probably around 4 GB by now either four or five I’m not sure so it’s quite big it’ll take you a while to download it basically might have fallen you sure don’t want $4 in the world’s most valuable currency Roblox yes I’m sure I never played Roblox and I never

Will sorry to disappoint anyone here who might be a fan of Roblox but there you go you a thesis about the series uh no but I will I I do have things to say though for sure Robo can be exchanged for real currency kind of scares me yeah it kind

Of scares me too to be honest cestone is like 17 cestone is like 17 G yeah yeah but isn’t that like a server world uh anyway let’s move on before I get distracted again uh so yeah this is the the block museum this hosts all the blocks from release 1 1.1

Doesn’t have any blocks so from release 1.2 and onwards it host all the blocks and over here it starts with the jungle stuff and yeah we have all the World of Color stuff we have basically everything here um literally everything and some of this stuff was obtained by interesting

Methods but d like the command block here this is actually not obtained in Creative this is actually obtained in survival um using crossw commands basically 1.8 there was a bug where you could lag a world so hard uh that any commands that you executed in that world

Would transfer to the next world that you joined so that’s how I got the command blocks which I have all the blocks here and we have a bunch of blocks in the other floors as well uh in this floor we have already update o um ocean update and the the

Nether update blocks over here and then all of the um you know recent blocks from 1.17 onwards up here and we have a lot more space here as you can see and two more floors to go which are completely dark and full of mobs so that’s that’s fun so for anyone

Who wants to continue this project who wants to continue the um uh this stuff uh have fun clearing the last you fls of mobs although you could probably easily just switch game mode cuz that’s like very easy to do in this world by literally with this by the Press of a button

So called the poly of method yeah so was to be bigger also I almost forgot over here is the botanical garden and this is supposed to have all the trees and I just realized it does not have the cherry tree here I don’t know if I have enough space with I think

I do actually so that’s something else I need to touch upon but yeah this has every single tree in the game um like tree shape and it even has the these ones that are built manually which are the classic trees so the original tree shape the very first one uh the slightly

Modified version of it and then of course the regular Oak the balloon Oak the big Spooner Oak Birch Spruce even the mushrooms um the Jungle the nether mushrooms the dark oak a swamp Mangrove we’re missing Cherry here I’m aware I will get the Cherry by the

End and of course the big trees over here the big Spruce I don’t have the big Spruce actually I have the Big Pine and the big jungle but I I didn’t feel like getting the big Spruce cuz it’s basically 50/50 so one sufficed for me yes method out of context that needs to

Happen probably have enough content for an audio book thesis about polywood yes it’s like 200 over 200 episodes and God knows how many hours cuz every episode is on average like 2 hours long these last few have been an hour long but yeah and over here we have the item Museum

And the item Museum ideally you would want to do this with item frames but because I started this all the way back in inep item frames weren’t added until 1.4 so I did it this way so I have chests with basically all the items in the game but again this one just like

The block museum by G I started just cheating cuz I lost my patience with this this like my biggest mistake trying to 100% the game cuz it wasn’t fun it felt like a a CH like a a checklist basically but yeah we have all the items um in in different categories

Um not not much else to say really it’s very simple and this I built in indev I think actually bricks are unobtainable in there I started building this in inev with the the few bricks that I had but I finished it in infdev when I actually had access to Bricks using the brick

Pyramids um yeah that’s that let me grab my fireworks uh over here we have the um other preclassic chunks and they have uh oh great it’s thundering ow um over there we have the first thing that I the second thing that I ever built The Farmhouse might as well go to

It this is the The Farmhouse that I built and there’s mobs cuz it doesn’t even have any torches so I built this in pre-classic I think it actually it’s actually a pretty good build for preclassic like it actually looks like something cuz again keep in mind in pre-classic you only had

Four blocks to work with so not a whole lot 2 4 hours long jeez yeah yeah actually watch The Original Classic Alpha and beta World TS up to you we going have an AI do that that would be quite ironic let me catch some z’s CU I don’t

Want my house to be struck by lightning oh yeah fun fact that actually happened once in beta like my house got struck by lightning and it started burning down thankfully it happened very early on uh during my play session so I could I actually was able to revert to an

Earlier version without losing too much progress but that was annoying so that’s why I’m always paranoid whenever it’s um uh it’s thundering because the house is primarily at least the roof is made out of wood so yeah anyway let me grab a sign and honor Del MOS

Here for donating I think they donated five bucks correct me if I’m wrong AI That’s Just INF death plus why make a lightning rod yeah I know I know that exists now I just kept putting it off I kept forgetting yeah 5 yes with an AI voice reading it off what

Scary is that chat GPT can or not chat GPT but like AI can actually very scarely emulate anyone’s voice so don’t take any anyone’s word for granted unless you know that it’s actually coming from them don’t you make a lightning rod again I I don’t care I kind of forgot they exist

To be honest 1.14 Freedom bucks all right um Del MOS four hold on 4 99 hey you actually filled up an empty spot that was kind of irritating me so thank you for that as well oh you can do this now I completely forgot about this okay this is very very

Useful actually um Alex you donated an extra so it’s now uh let’s round it out to 2050 there we go really forgot about this why did why did it take them this long to implement this I don’t know I feel really honored I’m I’m glad that you do oh yeah I also

Forgot to do the the Cherry stuff hold on let me do that first this is this this to is such a disaster it really goes to show what what big of a disaster this this was the series I wish you could say it means a

Lot to me I guess it does I guess it does like at the very least I do appreciate the time I spend with you guys for sure I’m going to miss I’m not going to miss the the game play I’m not going to miss the world but I am going

To miss the streams I’m going to miss you guys um right where where do I have the Cherry saplings again over there I think why subtract one cent um because YouTube takes a cut it doesn’t take that small of a cut unfortunately but it does take a cut so I don’t

Know that was unintentional what what was that I didn’t see that I was a page for a while not as long as bugman but several months yes I know you pay me so I make mod all right um grab you one of you let me also grab some bone

Meal nine should be enough I hope yeah the community is nice the community is what made the streams really not the not the world mode not the streamer just the community just you guys like I legit dead ass would have ended the series maybe not as early as

1.0 cuz I was actually having fun with 1.0 but I would have definitely ended it by 1.9 it had it not been for the streams and you guys I don’t mean to to sound like you guys subjected me to this not at all uh

But but I did do this for you cuz I actually did like you guys made the streams fun and enjoyable and I appreciate that so thank you Santa Claus movie with my family now all right have fun VA thanks for stopping by I pay you to give me mod

Now give me time I have a job you know okay that’s really unfortunate but oh well yeah we barely have enough space but there we go we have the cherry tree now I don’t I don’t want that hello Bobby welcome back to the last stream of the Party

World wasn’t very often present on the streams yes I know but I do recognize you appreciate every moment of it yes likewise here those small like likewise here yeah yeah the old Minecraft Community can be kind of kind of out there R so all right here’s the Church of Baza that

Um uh VA was referring to by the way and over here are the remnants of the bank so this over here used to be a very crappy bank that I built in the 22A and why did I build a bank well because I I stole a bunch of iron and gold blocks in

Here because in classic it’s it’s all creative mode and I had like a bunch of free stuff in here uh these vots down here with the glass and I took all that out and I actually used it up for the beacons so I had no used to the bank in

The back itself was very ugly it was basically just a square a very simple building with a big dollar sign on top of it so I blew this thing to smin and I have no regrets doing that so there’s a bit of uh uh bit of history

There have been real nice yes maybe because this is the end and uh I’ve also be streaming other stuff as well so this is the Church of bza that I built in 22A not much to say most of these builds over here most of the stuff that

Actually built in this world were built in Creative in classic creative we have a bridge here a castle there a church another church there I’m very religious person I know um a disco here this tent uh Ki land over here was built when the colored wolves were

Added uh so most of this is like there isn’t much to say although an Enderman did steal this block apparently but yeah there isn’t much to say about these cuz um they were even that thing over there all of these were built in um in uh creative in classic creative even this

Swamp Hut here this skyscraper I built in survival it took a long long time but it came out quite well I’m not really going to go inside cuz there isn’t much to show it every floor looks almost the same but yeah it looks pretty cool especially with shaders when I built

This was using shaders actively and it looked really pretty with the shaders at night I didn’t know you blew it up yeah you haven’t been around for that long D small great is the beginning but this has been my only Real Entertainment this whole month yeah cuz you’re kind of bedridden which is

Unfortunate does that mean you blow up your party world too h i how did you that my best build ever Square I think all communities can be out there yeah true exactly yeah I like this uh skyscraper too it actually has glowstone at the top as well you can’t see it from

Here all right over here we have the 48 chunks I build this manger sponge again in Creative I build this in Creative I build this in Creative I built that massive tree over there in Creative I’m not really going to like waste too much time with G cuz they’re all buil in

Creative the Gold Pyramid uh I do want to visit G chunks over here so these chunks uh this is actually the um survival test chunks over here and all these dirt pillars are actually built to Mark like locations with ores to mine out which I never did

Mine out but yeah these are the survival test chunks you can tell because they’re so messy there’s like creeper hes everywhere let me let me go to the survival base that I had over here if I can even find it God this terrain is awful honestly like the classic terrain generator was

The third worst train generator after beta 1.8 and release 1.8 in my opinion the inep um 2G pling noise is somewhat better no don’t do this don’t worry if I do that it will be done with my boys here and we’ll do it after I upload the

Uh uh the the World download so it is going to be preserved I I don’t understand how it can be your favorite Jonas it was fun to play it but I’m glad that I that it’s over I just get done without dying from the towers I built I built double towers

And I dig dug out the the second tower that that’s how I did it the noise just needed to be smoother yes should do a cheer list of Minecraft Trin generation you know I really should Theos uh all right so over here yes here we go so we have a bunch of explosion

Crators here we have this gold tower that I built this these go up to the freaking height limit by the way the height limit was so tiny like compare that with the actual height limit Tower over there that I have and you can see just how much the game has

Evolved bugman doesn’t play Modern currently that much cuz he’s f using on uh the journey which yes he used to play Modern the certain person keeps annoying me by spamming me with brick emojis brick emojis Daniel no that’s un uncharacteristic of Daniel I I don’t know what you’re

Talking about crazy again I only remember you briefly from Omni that’s it anyway this is my original base this was my bunker here that I hid every night or every during survival test there wasn’t even nights and test and this is yeah the first survival base this is like a a

Basic house that I built and there’s like a tunnel here that leads into the bunker like so very cool very simple but survival test is so fast baced that you couldn’t really build anything fancy even if you wanted to even if you tried yeah that’s the survival test

Chunks and the survival test base very very based see what I did there before we move on to the flat lands here which are very important I’m going to grab a bed and sleep again so I don’t have to deal with any creepers ow why weren’t we discussing in GMS

Literally a few days ago how you also agreed that 1.8 isn’t that good it it’s basically like a slightly more polished version of beta 1.8 Terrain in my with my experience at least cuz I tried like several random seeds and my own world and they all look identical to one another it’s really

Boring it does have good moments that is undeniable R but in theory so does beta 1.8 to like release 1.0 only the mountains biome even though it feels dead as hell at least the terrain is interesting and you can like make it Not Dead by planting trees I

Guess yes Jonas that’s what I meant I’ve been getting converted oh no best your generation is 4K oh for sure that was Perfection anyway um these Flatlands here are kind of a mess cuz um these are okay so now we’re entering the inep chunks and these are kind of a mess

Because I just put whatever here like I I built random stuff so over here we have the Villager torture chamber this is the this is the reason why I have this absurd statistic with the Villagers um killed 1,545 villagers that’s because I had a villager spawner here that kept spawning

Villagers so I could do trades with them and if they didn’t have anything that interested me I just murder them it was very slow and grindy process but I kind of miss it was kind of fun killing these annoying bastards uh but yeah that that’s what this house here is it’s not

Actually an in-depth house the inep house is over there that um wooden Cube and there is actually stuff underneath the wooden Cube believe it or not that I expanded upon why why would I get banned every single micro player despises villagers it’s not just me so we have like a thing leading down

Here to a bunch of strip mines I I did this because I need a lot of cobblestone for something I don’t remember what and over here we have bed the bed chamber which actually turned into a Jeep SL chamber interesting um and this is where I

Fought um uh this is Lego Bedrock by the way I got this in inev from the inev chests that had you know all the blocks in the game including Bedrock um so I built this to fight the Wither and it was very easy all I had to do was summon

The wither then come out here and whack it with my son of you times and it was down but this doesn’t work anymore unfortunately cuz I mean it does I have to just replace the Bedrock but yeah we actually have stuff underneath as well which is pretty cool but I’m not going

To dig around there actually now to think about it I haven’t explored any of the depth underneath my base which is a bit of a missed opportunity I should I should have done that but too late for that now unfortunately I opted to do other stuff

Instead he might all that in inev no I might all that in in release soybean think it’s because of the leadup to me being banned from Omni mro said you know that that’s the reason why I left Omni the freaking trolls man it’s not worth

It it’s such a shame too cuz the owner passed away tragically and like people just put a stain on his legacy that way scho trolls like that I hate them anyway um this is an Egyptian temple that I built cuz why not I was bored I think it

Actually came out quite well it even has like a little coffin here and two cats guarding it which aren’t even my own cats anymore oh they are okay I know that some of my pets for some reason don’t obey like disobey me ever since a particular update but

Thankfully those cats are not them over here we have a statue of myself that I built cuz again I was bored and a statue of retro Sonic Hero I believe was his name I I apologize if I forgot um I think it was R Sonic her he’s the

Diamond tier patreon and if you if you’re a diamond tier you I get to build something for you but that’s no longer going to apply I have to update my patreon this weekend or next weekend um cuz yeah the series is over but he I was not expecting anyone to you

Know become a diamond tier patreon but here we are so this build was dedicated to him I was like I I need to build something for you what do you want me to build he was like my skin and I’m like okay so yeah there we go there’s that we have Cave Story

Over there because Cave Story is the best game ever made 10 of of 10 if if you disagree you’re absolutely dead to me okay I don’t want to speak to you ever again if you disagree um but yeah that’s that’s Cave Story pixel wart uh over here we have what was supposed to

Be my mob farms and they do kind of work I guess but I have like a wither skeleton Farm I have a uh uh a Vindicator farm for emeralds I have a blaze farm a bunch of other Farms as well and these are like the very simple

Farms over here with spawners that spawn stuff up there they fall to their death and I collect their stuff on the bottom I never even use these Farms by the way the only ones I used were G free especially that one for uh wither farming and I again I got the spawner I

Had the spawners from indev um one of the blocks in inev converted to spawners cuz it’s happen to share the same IDE spawners and the spawn eggs I got from the uh uh that glitch with the uh command block that I mentioned my stone button was removed

Rip you wanted your skin no he wanted me to build his skin that out of context that sounds so weird mob farm enhanced dungeons um well that’s that that was that was that we also have some more Farms over here as well that didn’t fit inside of that

Dirt pyramid uh and over here we have the wall of everlasting furnaces these furnaces have nothing in them they’re always lit because of their state so I got these from uh the beta 1.8 uh beta 1.6 test build free chests uh and before they disappeared I

Wanted to you know place them in the world and I so I did and yeah now we have permanently lit furnaces here which is pretty cool uh and yeah over here we have some more mob Farms over there we have Phantom Farm which again I never

Used that glass en casing uh this is the Sher farm and over there we have a gas Farm I believe and of course over here this this elephant in the room I’m going to address it finally this is a tower to the height limit out of Netherrack

Because I had a bunch of Netherrack that I didn’t know what to do with so I was like let’s make a tower to the height limit I guess just because these furnaces are so lit I know right hello zelator welcome to last stream is it not the highest point of the source list

Uh oh it’s not actually it’s it’s actually below the scroll Ling maybe that’s why it doesn’t work but it does work sometimes I don’t know why never built a better Enderman found that was a big go of M to convince him to do it yeah I got lazy I’m

Sorry j Caro incident yes yes you remember that that’s when that uh Christian kid joined and we all thought he was a bot because of the way he spoke H good times you try to dig a hole in the first TR generation area the new caves no actually Del Moss that’s something I

Really should have done but it completely costed my mind that I have new caves underneath these old chunks so yeah that’s a bit of a missed opportunity there kind of a bum actually if 1.2.5 comes out by the end of next week and I happen to stream it I think

That’s what we’re going to do me me and the boys that’s what we’re going to do we’re not going to like tour the world again cuz I’m already doing this right now we’re not going to blow anything up we’re just going to explore the caves underneath I think that’ll be fun

They made me feel like garbage yeah same even though he has been causing a lot of trouble from Nasco and and and his gang from what I know but yeah actual NPC this is Shire way to get us cancelled yeah the all characters in my story personally all right

Um so let let’s move on up here we have something that’s that I’m very proud of cuz I built this in survival in inev holy crap I had nothing to do in inev so I was like let’s build something big this like the second biggest build that

I made in this world and probably overall uh this Castle here this is all survival all of it back then even if I wanted to I couldn’t cheat cuz there was no creative so yeah even the Stables I built in in Dev and these are the floating chunks of course the floating

Islands yeah right here you can see it has a dining table it has the throne room with a library underneath and the chest that magically vanished that’s the throne um this is the original house when I first generated this the uh inep house hey look they finally fixed the

Cobblestone in this texture pack actually tiles and also the chest here disappeared as well I don’t know why they disappear to be honest we have a igil the tree of eternal life and if I go go upstairs we have a bunch of stuff upstairs as well we have a second

Floor and the second floor has like the living quarters this like the living room this is the bedroom and over here’s the kitchen with a massive furnace with snow inside which is cool uh even underneath the staircases we have some storage as well this was this was a massive massive project back then

We’ll fix if death plus slabs or else later and yeah and over here we have the Attic So this like the uh the round table and a bunch of books and all these here were chests that again vanished for some reason you follow my DMs you were so

Proud yes I I really was and I still kind of am cuz it it’s a decent build especially for in there so yeah let me sleep love how the floating island did not get contaminated by grass yeah because it had no grass that’s why God speed Man uh yeah let’s take one last look at it as we go down there so this is the health launching that’s the hell Island that’s the second inev island that I made and it’s what’s cool is that from down here you can actually see the castle in it in all its

Glory look at that look look at that view that is just awesome definitely one of my better builds even though those two towers they look kind of weird like the big ones with the obsidian spikes I wanted to make them look evil but it it still looks awesome

Because it’s just like on top of this floating island here where jbug I don’t know jbug hasn’t been here ever since like episode 10 or 15 or something it’s snowing in hell yeah what’s also ironic is that the hell chunks actually turned into a snow biome it can’t even make this

Up since separating from normal W it couldn’t spread yes exactly L really looked amazing yes uh over here we have the duplication chamber I didn’t use this too much but this was back when there was the TNT dup so the way it worked was you place a chest you put

Something you want to dup in the chest um and then you place the TNT there you blow up the TNT and you keep the chest open as you blow it up and then you can take out the item from the chest and also it it drops from the chest on the

Ground so that’s the TT dup I did this several times primarily in inp to dup logs because until the very last version of inep logs were unobtainable for some reason so yeah I had to do it that way over here we have a very basic pixel out of my

Face and another inep house with the chest gone for some reason yeah you remember this don’t you uh over here we have the original Island this is the very first island that I made in inev the very first wood in inev I have a tank there cuz why not

And over here is my main base during indev uh until I got a chance to combine all the worlds this was my main house it did receive a few upgrades over over the uh over the uh literally years but uh for the most part it has remained mostly the

Same duping bat yeah I never dup diamonds I only D unobtainable using that method yeah it’s one of the first duplication glitches dark M so yeah I built this as Jonas there said in in January 22nd uh and oh wow this they actually fixed this so these chests here didn’t

Actually render properly but now they do and they even work properly as well but they used to be very glitchy cuz I did this when chest were chest were first added and I made them I made my floor out of chests cuz I could and for the

Longest time it was very glitchy but now it looks kind of lame cuz it’s you know it’s now normal uh we we have like a little indoors Garden here and we have a basement with smelting stations there uh this was the original sming station over here by the

Way when um the way sming worked was that you threw stuff in lava or fire to smelt it so this was the original sming station and when that was phased out I added all these furnaces here and this was my new smelting station I had a tree

Farm over here as well that I used a lot during inev I had a farm as well over here that I used during in there haven’t harvested this in ages oh yeah we have a half door here as well I don’t know what happened to the other door that’s

Funny the CH chests are no longer fortunately did you show the pool already uh what pool I don’t remember um here’s the second floor like a room there this is a stor room and oh yeah over here this is my initial two set so in the version of

Indev when I started uh you know this this world um you spawned with like this set of tools here uh except of diamond of course so I kept these tools when when durability was added I placed them in here and haven’t touched them since this this is the original tool set that

I used um including the Apple and this is the first diamond that I ever mined as well I think the upd and break yes that that’s also very strange and over here we have like a balcony which is really nice and of course the last

Floor is the attic up here which is the bedroom I did add this bed later on but in uh the bookshelves but originally was just these chests here so this is The inev Outpost um over here we have another Island this is my favorite island uh from inev

Because this is where I got most of my diamonds this was back when like diamond or veines were massive and I got like several stacks of diamond blocks thanks to this island alone and there’s still like 200 or so diamonds down there somewhere that I couldn’t find um so if

If if for those of you who want to play this feel free to challenge yourself and try to find all the diamonds in these chunks here uh the only thing I built here was this the Food Mart cuz I again I was bored I had

Nothing to do an inev so I built this I I I was a lot more inspired back then it was a brand new series and also I love inev in general so yeah this is the inev house in this area and over here we have a special area as well my first ever

Diamonds are over here or were over here I should say I don’t think I actually marked it with a sign but I do remember it and again this is stuff that you guys didn’t even get to see on stream cuz this this was before I started stream

Yes here we go so over here I found my first diamonds yes back then diamonds could generate on any y level so there was like a diamond Orin right here that I got so this is where I got my first diamonds up for adoption yes yes I will tomorrow r

Late in was great to be honest and up here we have the paradise floting Ro and I I haven’t really done anything with this I kind of regret doing not doing anything with it now but yeah and that that about covers all the inep chunks actually no we have one more

In world over there which is the woods world it’s a Inland Woods type but again there’s nothing to show there either cuz I didn’t really do anything over there now let’s go to the other bases that I have um starting with uh the alpha base even though I

Should start with death one but whatever think the probably world like changing the host on a show yeah that would be interesting actually also I just looked at the time I don’t think we’re going to be playing the long drive today but that’s fine cuz I didn’t feel like playing playing it

Anyway like Doctor Who yes exactly so over here we have these are alpha chunks um and the reason why there’s so much snow is because this became a snow biome I think um so yeah and this is my Alpha base that built an alpha my Alpha

Outpost I think it came out very well like again back then I was more inspired so I actually built much better stuff and again I because it was Alpha I built all this in survival it took me like several several days like a week uh to

Build all this and I never even used it like that’s to think that I built all these bases and never even use them that’s going to change in the future I learned my lesson but yeah this this I was inspired by Skyrim with this house and like all the rooms and like style

Like the cloth and and all that it’s like supposed to look very medievo is yeah I had to deal with the alpha stairs that was very annoying but other than that I did have fun building this it has several entrances it’s actually a very cool house I really

Regret not using it over here is the main entrance like uh initially initially when I moved here in these chunks temporarily it was just this like just this house over here this was the entire house and then I expanded upon it uh with with everything at the back so this

Was the initial house and then over here we have a lot of space we have a kitchen here uh down here is the basement with a bunch of storage as well again you can clearly tell this is an unfinished build R this next method over here is

The dining area with a bit of a closet episode 207 is my take over up here the second floor I did I never even added fences here even though they did exist kind kind of dumb on my part over here there’s like a balcony with stairs leading

Down uh um this is the again a missing door for some reason but this is the bedroom master bedroom over here’s a study very cool very cool and up here’s the attic with a library and yeah that about covers this build let me catch some z’s and then we’ll move on yeah 2.7

2007 will not be you’ll take over if it comes out the return of the chicken oh yeah there’s also like some chicken LW as well but cockit can actually go into that cuz I’m going to be here all night if I go through every single little

Thing about the polywood you know I want to make this quick this so goofy oh I don’t know what happened to this door it used to be a regular double door here before all the other double do converted fine I do if you have the money to overow

Ming then why don’t you donate to me so I can continue working on if they plus full time and quit University and job and everything I have $8 enough to buy a flare I see what you did there that’s kind of grim all right now we’re going

To move on to the INF def area the INF de chunks if I remember where they are I mean these are in chunks over here these are uh two p in death chunks but uh okay the INF death area is over this way Legacy plus is the new Minecraft indeed that is the

Goal Midway through there is a Twist where Z suddenly becomes a new method that would be actually pretty cool M if you actually ever like want to do that and you want me to be a part of it in like the beginning I I’m all for it just hit me

Up and then we can we can like discuss that the jacuzzi chicken SE was my favorite character from the PO world the development was real yes all right so this is the INF death area and this is my INF death base again never even used this one uh but here we

Are not a vo character well that’s unfortunate so I built like a brick Manch here again I also built this entirely in survival no creative used this brick Manch I think it Al came out very nicely actually quite like this should be methods evil twin ah yeah

But I know that you have your own poly world z so I know you won’t do that Jacuzzi chicken I forgot about it too to be honest I’m equivalent sequel spin-off comic yes um so yeah this is the the INF death base wow wow kitchen kitchen sink kitchen sink

Mod pack um another half door here glitched half door this is the basement that one time oh God why um second floor again like I didn’t even bother doing any like internal decor here it’s kind of sad I built this really cool looking house and I never used it big mistake

Establish more La about even method actually like more MC yes oh hey fire Pro welcome back to being so this is the INF base let’s move on to the beta base Now Beta base beta base and if I remember the release base is close to that as well so we’ll visit

Those two bases then we’ll go all the way back I’ll do my little monologue that I want to do like my reflection about the series what I think went well what I think didn’t go so well what I would do differently and all that Shenanigans and that would be it that

Will actually be it wow cuz this update didn’t really add anything new it it’s just a buck fix update so there’s nothing really new to explore or cover all right so this way to the beta chunks function again if anyone wants to take over the series go right ahead I can

Even send you the logo as long as you give me credit for the logo cuz I did make it it take it took me quite a while to make it I made it in PowerPoint actually do a take over it will likely be a series of edited videos

Because I’m never going to have the patience to stream daily yeah like streaming daily was fun but it definitely takes takes its toe on you so I’m glad that it’s coming to an end to be honest here we have a brick pyramid by the way I have three of these and all

Three of them were corrupted by 1.13 which is really unfortunate but oh well but yeah right here you can see one of them these chunks of it but I’m going to keep going this way cuz it the thing is this way and my lro will not break that’s good

Evil method made the logo in word shuming weekly is the way to do it yeah like weekly not daily yes indeed um all right so yeah here we go so this is the beta base I built this in beta part continuation project so for beta I wanted for some

Reason I wanted to build a more modern style house so it looks ugly but it looks ugly on purpose cuz you know modern houses do be like that they look hella ugly at least in my opinion so yeah this is my Beta base very ugly the modern house

Yes I could have buil it out of iron to make it a bit more modernish I guess but W was a lot cheaper this actually took a long time CU again I also built this in survival uh it does have a Jacuzzi though it does have a pretty cool pool

Let’s head inside we have some reads over here uh we have this cool lava lava floor so this is actually if you listen closely this is Stone these are actually the Petrified Oak slabs because back then this was the wooden slab it was just a different

Metadate of the stone slab so that’s why the house didn’t catch on fire because of lava cuz this is not actually wood U Sandstone makes for really nice floor ink in my opinion I really like the the Sandstone texture uh and yeah over here we have like a second floor with some

Stuff um and behind here is like the kitchen area with more broken doors this supposed to be a fridge and these doors are supposed to be covering up the dispensers but I guess it glitched out over the updates uh and the second floor is kind

Of weird cuz you have to go like around here like like like so cuzz I didn’t have space for a staircase but yeah we do have like a little balcony here and you can actually walk off here because this was back when the fence actually

Had like a full hit box so that’s that was so annoying by the way I’m so glad that not change that and yeah here’s the bedroom I always in case you haven’t noticed I always build my bedrooms on like the attic on like the top floor I

Don’t know why it just always felt right also I had some half beds here but they also disappeared that’s really sad a lot of history has been lost and over here at the backyard we have a very nice pool actually did a very good job with this pool it looks almost natural

Actually I think it was natural I just extended it a bit and over here are the Farms that I never got around to finishing I would have had like a a melon and pumpkin farm here but I never got around to doing that and of course a nether

Portal so yeah this is the beta base really cool really cool Let’s uh do one last fly over I also did these things here on the roof for extra detail cuz I did I don’t like having flat roofs uh if we go over this way we have

The PC Gamer chunks like actually the PC Gamer demo spawn chunks I imported it in the part world so you get to see the PC Gamer logo here in shortly it’s yeah there it is it’s right there that’s the PC gamer logo can you release a light version

Where it’s just a spawn and sing chunks uh no I’m too lazy I releas the full thing if someone else wants to do that be my guest not going to stop you over here we have beta 1.8 developer build chunks that that’s another thing I regret doing so but again I’ll go over

That shortly right now we’re going to the release base there there are actually two release bases this is the early releasee base I built this in 1 Point 1.2 I think 1.2 1.3 somewhere around those lines that buil this house it’s entirely my own design and again I built it in survival

Um which is a really cool house honestly I really like this design uh and I have another house that I built in 1.18 chunks but I have no idea what that is like honestly so I’m not going to go there and that’s fairly recent too like if you go back around 10 episodes

You get to see that anyway so no point in going back I I built it maybe in 1.0 I think it was 1.3 actually Sobe I think I built it in 1.3 look at the Tall Grass texture it’s not right yeah it looks weird I don’t know why um but yeah this

Is the 1.0 like a release base which again I also never used but it’s quite nice cuz it has a lot of space has a very cute design a lot of like stone bricks a chimney here it’s an L-shaped house I know soybean loves his L-shaped

Houses with like a balcony here at the corner uh there’s like a little garden inside which is really cute um here’s the kitchen the living room with the fireplace uh down here we have a basement as well I actually really like what I did here with the basement like

With the glow Stone in the iron bars I think it look it it looks really cool actually like this was back when I was inpired you know I haven’t built stuff like this ever since like 1.8 I think the last thing that I built that I actually am fond of is the

Skyscraper which I built in 1.8 1.7 and 1.8 is when I built it the top glass is not HD oh it’s not HD so it’s because of a texture pack I didn’t bother updating it oh well flat out the japa texture that’s that’s awful so over here we have like a living

Room another living room another small balcony over here with a pressure plate that isn’t working there we go another small balcony and up here is the attic and surprise surprise the bedroom is in the Attic again I I don’t know what it is but every time I build a house in this

Game I always always put my bedroom in the Attic always and we even have like an enchanting table cuz it was already implemented by that point my game looks like 1.0 yes because I’m using a texture pack that is based uh on 1.0 textures I’m using the faithful classic faithful texture pack

Because I don’t like the new textures also welcome to the stream Aurora this is the the last stream that you actually joining of the series but yes welcome I like slipping in the Attic yes so that’s that’s the last base that I’ll be showing off here let’s let’s go all

The way back home and I’ll do like a bit of a bit of a reflection session and that’ll be it for the episode and the entire series as a whole Eric bed good idea oh thanks again I I always built my attic my bedrooms in the attic I don’t know

Why every single house here that you’ve seen um has had the bedroom in the Attic every single one much prefer modern faithful feels like actual textures I don’t know I prefer this one I never I I did find the shadowed savann but it was very small

Alex I found all of the biomes I have the achievement for it please show the pool next to the TR tennis C oh yes I will do that too uh hello Nina more welcome to the stream I don’t know what you mean by Dev versions

If you mean the the terrain for the dev versions it was back there but I’m not going back there I apologize I have a bit of a r to to make before I end it off I think I found one 1.33 as well yes it’s Joe over

Yes indeedly doodly it is indeed Joe over finally it’s jber oh yeah another cool thing here with the manga sponge I actually built like the phases of it and you can actually with the new extended height you can actually build like the next phase of this but it’s going to take you

Forever and I built this in creative mode by the way in 198 creative mode so I didn’t even have flight it was it was pain at least I had infinite sponge but still would be prob was stream about a good method rant yes exactly the like is

Yours why don’t you people like my stream go ahead and like it right now gu I’m going to ban you all just kidding by the way you don’t have to I I don’t like the the YouTube who beg for likes you know I’m not like that

If you want to you’re more welcome to but I’m not going to like force you over mind you or anything even though I’m doing that just now but I’m only doing it because Jonas brought it up being a manga sponge is not fun yes I’m not going to do it

Again no one likes the end of the pow yeah maybe because nobody liked the powod not not really to begin with but nobody really liked it ever since I stopped enjoying it so let me take a look at these guys real quick yeah yeah that that works I think

All right um sorry about that oh right and you have seen this base several times I’m not really going to CH this base to be honest uh I I do yes I remember what I came up here for I want to put this in here and I also want to get some

Food I’m St actually no I’m not going to get any food because I’m just going to be ring I’m just going to eat some cake here all right Evo Jon us you wouldn’t ban your own moderator right all right I’ll think about that I usually sleep outside and

Not have a base until I get for a second I I forgot you’re talking about Minecraft I was like you sleep outside what um yeah um just like you build beforehand interesting yes so basically the way I play the game Aurora is I make a little hidey-hole or like a very basic

House and then I expand on the house that that’s that’s how I do things very old school I I don’t like sleeping outside even though you can do that I I’m an alpha OG and back in Alpha you couldn’t even sleep at all there were no

Beds and in beta there were beds but you couldn’t just pop a bed and sleep in the middle of nowhere where you need to have like light at the very least otherwise moners would spawn in on you which was a much better mechanic in my opinion but

Hey who who am I to judge um but yeah that’s why I I I still play in like a very old school way number one method viewer I’m not crying yeah over there is the pool basically the the reason why coage wants me to go there is because one of I I I

Was like throwing eggs at the pool and a a chicken actually hatched inside of the pool but it drowned because it couldn’t swim up cuz it was a baby and I I basically it lived for like two seconds it was kind of sad but

Yeah so that pool also has like a bit of a history line is here yes p man welcome back also have the the back rooms underneath but I’m not really going to show that cuz I I was there literally yesterday so you can go and check that

Out for yourself for 11 seconds yeah yeah I don’t think you were there so ibean you kind of missed that part that was hilarious um but yeah so guys that I guess concludes our little tour that that took me an hour and a half holy crap and I didn’t even go through

Everything it’s been it’s been it’s been a it’s been quite a journey it really has been first of all I’m not really good at this type of thing but I would like to thank every single one of you who has watched even just one episode of this I would like to thank

All my regular viewers which are like soybean cockit MAV is fairly new but uh of course thank you as well Alex Jonas who has been here from the beginning thank thanks to all you thanks to also the new viewers even like people like Aurora who is here literally for one

Episode I’m sorry I’m sorry about that but thank you very much for tuning in as well I I appreciate all of you I really do um again I said this earlier but if it wasn’t for you guys if it wasn’t for these streams this playr would have probably

Ended maybe not with 1.0 cuz I was actually enjoying early release believe it or not but around 1.8 1.9 is when the game started getting becoming stale for me and I probably would have just quit then there and then but thanks to you guys I pulled through and actually made it to the

End um was it enjoyable kind of and and that really leads me to all the mistakes that I made um throughout throughout the series I made a lot of mistakes because I I I I kind of wanted to like play it in a I guess a

Unique way uh so like my goal was to reach the latest version and play it in like a completionist sense so I wanted to get like every single block every single item every single mob every single achievement here which I did do in the end but admittedly by the

End I I did use cheats for a few of these CU I just lost my patience and the series was coming to an end um so that that’s a bit shameful uh I think in the future I will attempt to get these but it won’t be be like a COR

Priority or anything I’ll just go with the floor and get them whenever it doesn’t really matter at all as well because um like some of these reset anyway so I’m G to take my time but I do want to eventually do this legit get advancements legit but yeah

Completionist was my play style for this playful and I think that was a big big mistake that was probably my biggest mistake I have three massive mistakes that I made in this series that made it a lot less fun for me which I want to touch upon now that was the first one

Trying to 100% a Sandbox game like Minecraft is a dumb idea and not a good idea at all I do not recommend this to anyone because here’s the thing Minecraft is a game that you’re supposed to play on your own you’re supposed to play the way you want to play and yeah I

Guess if you if you want to play it this way fine maybe you maybe you might enjoy it maybe I don’t know but for me personally it wasn’t enjoyable so this is not the way to play the game for me um so that was my first mistake cuz

Again Minecraft Sandbox game you should just do whatever the heck you want I guess it’s kind of my fault cuz I kind of wanted to do this but by the end I I felt obligated to do it because you know I I spent so so much time I spent like a

Year and a half up until like 1.9 1.10 when the game started getting stale for me I spent such a long time like doing this completion style and I was enjoying it in the the beginning but I felt obligated to finish it and that that was a mistake I should have either stopped

Doing it this way or never done it to begin with but again I could have really predicted that so now at least I know for the future not going to 100% the game again that was my first mistake villager reactor no Jonas no all right um second mistake cheats and developer

Builds it all began with the developer build so for the new viewers here who are unaware and this is not something I like to talk about often because it it’s kind of a stain on my not really a stain on my reputation but it’s not something

That I like talking about cuz it’s it it’s in the past but my career on YouTube began with remakes Recreations of lost Java Edition versions in particular developer builds which were like you know verses that were never released to the public I I was like I

Started a project that was like two 3 years ago now I started a project called the recreation project which was the goal was to recreate every single missing version that we know of and I did achieve that goal with the help of a few people um

But after I did that I basically did it because I wanted to make a playr like this with unobtainable and a lot of developer builds because they’re developer builds they and they were before creative mode I actually started um you actually started with those items like you started with a

Bunch of items in your hot bar like a diamond too for example for testing purposes and you start with those items every time you respond so what I would do is I would climb up to that Tower there jump off so I would die respawn

And get items and then store them in a chest and repeat the process again and again and again that began with like the whole downfall downfall of the series in my opinion because I accumulated so many diamonds so many Diamond TOS that I never even used I never had to go mining

Ever again I also got food this way I got a bunch of other stuff this way big mistake never gonna play those builds at least in this way ever again cuz it made the game way too easy made the game a cakewalk I also used glitches to do stuff I used

Duping glitches I used um a glitch that literally allowed me to get a a command block that I have in my basement which allows me to literally with the Press of a button to switch to creative mode I know I can just open to land and do it

That way but uh during the command block seemed cool at the time but it spoiled me a lot to the point where I I was using creative mode without even realizing it to like build stuff or whatever so that was that was like it’s connected all these are connected but that was that

Was another mistake that I did cheating I did way too much cheating which also ruined the fun of the game because I I was like I don’t have patience I don’t want to like you know mine for blocks let me just do it in Creative big

Mistake I did grind hard yes or but that was like in the early days that was like Alpha Beta and early release I grinded hard around the release 1.8 is when I started you know really cheating though yeah that was the second mistake so first mistake was uh 100% of the game

Second mistake was cheating third mistake staying here throughout the majority of the series I I showed you those awesome bases that I built I never used them even once you saw them for yourself like a lot of them didn’t even have finished Interiors I don’t even know why I built

Them like I built them with the idea that I want to move there and live there and and use them but I never did I guess because I just have so much stuff in this base that I was too LA to move all of it I could have just moved a chunk of

It but I also didn’t feel like rest like doing a soft reset like that and that was a big mistake cuz spending the majority of the series in a single location like this is not a very good idea at all cuz it it got stale very quickly I even like started running out

Of places to build stuff and not like I I build much anyway cuz I’m not a builder but um yeah that that was like the third mistake so in my next playr in my next series or personal playr whatever the hell I’m going to keep these things in

Mind so in my next play a I’m not going to 100% the game mode I just play for fun I’ll just do whatever I want to do B I’m not going to use any cheats no creative no developer builds no remakes no cheats nothing and C I’m always going

To change location frequently I’m going to move out basically every time there’s like a major terrain update or whatever I’m going to move out and I’ll leave the old base behind I if I if I happen to have too much stuff in a base and I

Don’t feel like moving all of it I’m going to move all the essentials so it’s all like a fresh start in a way I’m going to attempt playing the game like this yeah um in this way and if I have more fun then I’m going to take most of the

Stuff that I said about the game back during the series if I have more fun doing that but only time will tell and um yes 1.21 I think will be coming out next year aora but I won’t be playing it at least not on this world

Cuz that was that was the other thing I was supposed to continue this was supposed to be my main world you know um this was this was supposed to be my main world that I would continue playing on every other update so like 1.21 1.22 1.23 all these other updates I would

Have played on this world and I would have like updated the I would have gotten all the new achievements I would have updated the block and item museums and all that stuff that was the plan but that plan is no longer going to be it because if I learn anything over these

Past few months doing the polywood it’s that this world is doomed like the way I play in this world is just first of all the world is way too large I I generated way too many chunks that’s another mistake I did but a bit of a smaller one

So exploring like new chunks finding new areas takes longer and longer and longer um and second of all like I already did all this stuff if I continue it I I feel like I should continue with the way I have been so yeah this

Is um yeah this is the end this is the end of the world this is the end of the series um that being said I do have plans for another series next year which will incorporate the new rules that I just uh said so move out every time

There’s a major terrain change no cheats no remakes none of that buot crap just play the game casually and I’ll see how it is that way I I’ll again go through all the versions but I’ll play casually I won’t even do all these poly World Shenanigans with like combining the inep worlds and

Classic worlds and all that I’m done I’m done with that I just want to play the game and have fun so that’s going to be my focus moving forward and yeah I I guess that really concludes my speech I guess um again not not much else left to say other than

Thank you for sticking with me for all these months even though it has been quite Rocky for the past few months of the pows existence I do again appreciate all of you again if it wasn’t for all of you the series either would wouldn’t have happened at all or it would have

End it very quickly so yeah I I appreciate all of you for that it’s a good thing you’ve learned things along the way yeah so yeah that brings me to the good about the series I wanted to do this for a very long time

And I’m glad that I did it because I got to experiment with the game I got to learn new things about it and I got most importantly I got to learn things about how I want to play the game and how I would like to enjoy it and this is not

It we we witnessed history the start of something huge and its solemn ending yeah and another thing that I’m glad is that I’m glad I still finished the polywood even though it was difficult because uh I didn’t enjoy it at least I feel like I um redeemed Myself by finishing this

Series cuz you know you know what happened to craftology craftology just died it just ended so at least this series didn’t die even though it did get stale at least it didn’t die so the real polywood was the lessons were along the way exactly Z so I am glad that I actually finished

It I was here episode one yes I remember Ai and you’re here for episode last I’m Jonas there’s nothing to do in voice of the Void there’s only random events which are random I don’t have control over them I don’t want to waste time and in like important days that might have

Actual story events added to them in the future I’m not doing voice of the one until the game gets updated be patient I’m patient I’m patiently waiting for the next update you should patiently wait too was an hon to be here since episode 6 I thought you was here since episode

One as well coage that’s you learned how I I learned yeah the most valuable lesson I learned is how to express myself and how to stream cuz if you remember bad mic quality aside in craftology I was very clearly very nervous when speaking now I’m feeling a lot more

Comfortable with with like expressing myself online like all this stuff so this this series these streams gave me like the Boost that I needed to really hopefully produce better content in the future so I think that’s the the most important and valuable thing that I’ve gained from this series and the

Most important thing that I’ve learned thanks to you for doing such an amazing project it was unique and awesome yeah it it got stale near the end but it was definitely like a very big project like I’ve never done anything like this in Minecraft ever except my mods but that’s an entirely

Different topic alog together like every time I played the game and I had a longtime World it it never lasted more than like five or six months it’s unfortunate that it it ended up not being that enjoyable but again I’m planning to give it another shot and

This time I’ll try to make it as enjoyable as possible for myself so we’ll see how that goes I’m excited for the new year I have a big announcement to make in the new year on January 1st which is only like a week away so stay tuned for

That uh B big big changes are coming to the channel I still play 1.60 1.6 was like one of the few updates from model Minecraft that I actually really enjoyed 1. 16 was a great update so I’m not surprised that you’re playing it Aurora yeah if a 1.2.5 episode will

Happen it will be called the epilog let’s I watch the first episode of polywood in VC after the stream I I I won’t be joining you Alex cuz I’m hungry and I have work to do be subscribed and watching since ay excited to see how you go in the future

Yes I have big plans hopefully I can deliver on those plans but University will probably get in the way but we’ll see I’ll make the announcement either way yes I agree do most it definitely is 1.19 is a close second actually I think 1.19 is good too uh

Anyway my God pman please calm down yes I do I do inj Alex but yeah with all that being said I think I’m done with my little mon loock here I’ll be releasing the world tomorrow I’ll make a community post about it so stay tuned for that uh I

Also release it on my private Discord server uh for the patreons as well uh so it’s going to be archived there and I think there was something else I wanted to say oh yeah and potential final final episode 207 um next Friday potentially it all depends on mojen if mojen releases the

Next update if not then this is it if so then we might just see each other again uh in in here in this environment either way next week three more streams next week of Plants versus Zombies so stay tuned for that I’m going to wrap it up

Until the end of the year without that being said thank you all very much it’s been real it’s been fun thank you all for sticking with me all all this time for being a part of this journey with me and uh yeah have a good one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polyworld – Episode 206 – The End (1.20.4)’, was uploaded by method on 2023-12-23 09:49:17. It has garnered 143 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:11 or 6611 seconds.

A “Polyworld” is a term used to label a Minecraft World that has several terrain generators. In this video, I showcase my progress on my own Polyworld project, something that I have been slowly working on over the past year. The aim of this project is to have the most complete Polyworld imaginable. To achieve this, I am going through every single version of the game, including my own recreations of the missing developer builds and other versions. As a bonus, I will also be cataloguing all the available blocks, items, mobs and plants in a series of “museums”.

Current version: 1.20.3

World download (as of 1.9.4):

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    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: Discord: Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » • Donations Link: ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: ⭐Web: ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: Video on how to join the server —- texture pack link: Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? Ceres Fauna Youtube: Twitter: Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: Youtube: Donation, before: #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter Instagram Twitch Discord Kick Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!Looks like even in 2024, the only thing we can count on is Minecraft updates and memes! Read More

  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More