Video Information

All right yes we are live and we are here so yes hello hello hello hello hello and welcome welcome welcome to the last stream of 2023 it’s been an interesting year on our ninth episode of Minecraft headset is plugged in so I won’t have to worry about losing

Access to streams I’ve got a can of Monsters energy raring to go and I thought I’d start this episode with a bit of a nice s of chill music and uh I thought we’d also start byy farming this field because I think it’s just about time for us to do so so in

The last episode we did some things primarily yeah so I think there’s going to be a bit of a lag Fest potentially but in the last episode we hello Zaza hope you’re having a wonderful day but yeah in the last episode I basically just on I’m just going to be careful oh [ __ ]

I forgot to uh make the ammo that’s fine it’s fine we’ll make some new stuff I have to make sure I pick everything up cuz we’re going to need to do this actually what I might do is I might just take this opportunity to dump the stuff

That we have already and then go mental so yes in the previous episode we did some exploring I got some coal and then I went into the caverns we justed discovered a rather large amount of diamond so my gear is slowly but surely getting built back up which is

Important and okay I’m going to put these two into here these two we’re going to put into here I’m also probably going to put this here just so that way I have the entire inventory empty as much as possible just so that way we can actually ensure we have maximum coverage

So after a long period of time of waiting we finally now can start farming this rather large supply of wheat because obviously oh God already 64 I love it yeah this Farm is designed as well it’s designed for a very specific purpose allow me to make an

Absolute shitload of bread because we do tend to go through a large amount of food supplies relatively quickly but obviously what that does also entail is a large amount of uh this of course does entail a large amount of things so I’m just going to quickly Harvest all this

Stuff cuz the thing is in my previous attempts of farming or whatnot I would Farm but then I’d find myself not having enough so I decided you know what let’s let’s spend some time digging up the stuff digging up the materials getting everything we need and then moving on to

The next one but obviously this is going to be a bloody long time oh know this is fine this is this is part of the Allure this is the chill this is the beginning and as mentioned in the previous couple of Channel posts the stream is going to be

A bit longer because it is kind of a bit of a momentous occasion so the goals for today’s stream will be first of all to replant the farm and get that sorted so that’s going to be quite an easy objective I so we’ll start with a low

Hanging fruit and then we’re going to basically go for another run into the into the mines themselves so we can get some more diamond and then I want to get at least another I’m going to be a bit ambitious here and say I want to get at least

Another 25 Diamond reason for this is so I canot only craft Diamond equipment but also get a spare set of diamond should I fall though to be fair I have also installed a mod which allows uh bodies or corpses to now no longer lose your gear so a bit

Similar to valheim where if you die you get like sort of a tombstone or a sort of a permanent marker that allows you to retrieve your gear because I will allow that my Saving Grace because obviously I had a set of armor and I lost it because I was an inexperienced

Person in the nether Realm so now I’m like right okay this is where I need to need to be more you know I need to be more aware about things I need to be more cautious and more understanding so this particular run is just going to basically

Be here we go so this particular set of run is going to try and ensure that we are able yeah I’m going to need to take a hoe with me cuz I think there’s a few things here I’m almost full I forgot to get [ __ ] right okay I need to get a spare

Backpack I need to basically get a backpack and fill it up with nothing but seeds and be like Oh bollocks yeah no we don’t we don’t do this now all has to be done roughly the same time I swear to God having a backpack beforehand was like immensely

Useful so this one’s going to take a bit of time but I think it’s going to be important so I’m going to put this year uh cuz I’ve got the backpack in the background so I’m just going to pop it into my hand and I’m going to pop this I’m going

To put the standard backpack here pop that in here actually I’m going to put the bullets as well into next to the firearm torch as well um don’t need an iron pickaxe put that there right uh how do I trying to remember how to I always forget how to put this thing on

Options controls key binds uh recipes search for Journey map host tank backpack inventory there we go right oh boy yeah I realized this is going to be that’s a lot of Stu I need to move this out and put this in is there a to be fair there is also a dedicated chest

Which I’m going to be filling to the brim with all this stuff in so I should probably do that as well as move some of this other stuff around because I’ve got a dedicated wheat chest in fact I’ve got two dedicated wheat chests so I should probably do

That there we go and then yeah there we go that should be the plan I’m going to put the iron tool into here because that’s the thing we are going to grab an iron hoe and also going to grab a second iron hoe because I don’t trust the first

One yeah but the plan is basically so the first objective of our stream is just Farm all of the wheat that we have make as much you know use the I have a dedicated storage of like maybe a few Stacks worth of wheat available so that way we can

LOL there we go so get a few Stacks worth of wheat to feed the animals because then we know we’re safe of that one I’d say maybe four Stacks worth of uh wheat cuz that’ll be more than enough to like feed the animals for a time God damn there we

Go and then we’ll be able to replant all the seeds I’m fairly confident we have all of the seeds we’ll need from this One one particular push for that cuz I know from personal experience right where’s that bit right [ __ ] you I’m just I want to make sure I get that before anything else happens and [ __ ] you right okay so they’re going to be turning into viable Farm plots in a few so oh no Oh did I just I that was a forced habit you know when you do something like it’s so instinctive into you you don’t even think that was what I just me so yeah So the plan is yeah get that sorted and then get the gear set up so that by the

End of this stream I’ll have enough gear to be able to enter into The Nether Realm and survive the trips that is the that is the elements the the core elements of the plan because obviously what needs to happen is me being able to go into The Nether realm

And get what I need out of it because that I think is the major I think that’s the major bar I would leave that is something that I think is now the only thing primarily preventing me from I think that’s personally that that’s the one sort of that I think that

I think in order to make progression in terms of advancements we need to now start getting things like the end end to the end portal get the zombie doctor get the enchantment enchantment would be nice I’m not going to lie I’ll need to do some research on

That but that’s something that I can focus on in the early New Year and I think that is something something that there we go and we go for that one as well nice so that will be the plan that’ll be the rough estimation of things and then that way I can oh God perfect okay so I just want to illustrate one thing with this particular field cuz I’m I’m both proud of this field and I’m also slightly depressed by this field I had to spend so much time Gathering the the seeds because I did not have the

Seeds I spent so long trying to gather seeds for this field I ended up having to do like multiple runs where I would sort of like the reason why this particular field is so awkward okay yep oh no that does not work yeah there we go that’s what I meant to

Do right put them in the crafting things see these backpacks are the reason why I’m doing this right J I mean I’m still going to need to probably go absolutely apeshit with the seed production but I’m hoping that by the time I get through all of by the

Time I repl all of the seeds for the for this particular field I’ll still have a decent amount spare that’s the hope at least that is the hope it is a Monumental Farm project it’s unlikely that I’ll do something to this scale in future runs but I think as

A kind of a first option it’s more like a can I do this thing is this a viable plan does this sound a bit crazy and I’m like yes to all three of those AR are arguments know those all three of those questions but the real answer is did I

Get enough wheat to be uh to make the bread that I need to survive in any condition and I will answer with probably not there’s never enough bread and I realize that bread is probably not the most optimal or the most meta but I kind of find it the easiest to

Make and it does the job well enough you know it’s not like melon where I barely get enough out of eating five of the damn things and depending on your hunger State you actually can get quite a lot of energy or bonuses or what have you if

You actually kind of play the Zealot and push the Le push your hunger levels to the lower limits because the lower your hunger levels when you do finally get food it for some reason vastly increases the re um stamina regen SL health regen and if you’re in a position where you’re

Kind of desperate for health apart from you know eating meat which is the ultimate Saving Grace you actually then get the ability oh we’re almost almost done almost done with this run the first main object oh I forgot to um put a little thing on there I’ll need to get

I’ll probably need to come back with a little little foot stool h i surprised I missed that uh to be fair that was this probably was early on the project area I have to be a little bit more conscious as to how much room I’ve got

Cuz I do not have much left I tell you what what I’ll do is I mean it’s not the end of the world if we have to go oh kind of is uh okay I think we’ll have enough room to farm the remaining amount I’ll come

And yeah I think I should have enough room should he says optimism ever flowing yeah as long as we I mean I said it’s like a 64 stack so that should be fine yeah there we go yeah there we go it’s perfect but no like that’s actually pretty cool I’ve got some good

Gains but yeah like in terms of food production it does give me nice nice I think that’s everything I don’t see any floating resources anywhere so that should be it all right okay so we need to probably do something like this and then pop all of these into

Here pop these all into here Here right so Wood Construction go for an oak slab quickly get the oak slab set up and then we’re just going to go absolute ham planting all the seeds down and then we’ll have a then we can actually have a good calculation as to how much the yeah how much stuff we’ve got

Because then that kind of fixes that problem so carefully BL there we go yeah there we go so I would say this is a good opportunity to see what kind of food supplies we have now because that should hopefully last us for an well rather a long period of time I mean

Also I’m finding bits of loot across the world so it’s not like I will just look at that one thing and go I can’t now stand right I need you to go back to there and I’m going to go now and grab all the seeds only the seeds and I might

Need to make like a separate sign be like seeds and then wood right okay and then a few more Stacks into the crafting bit because it’s what we do and right grab that oh my God yeah we definitely need to probably organize the seeds in the and to the

Wheat I mean to be fair when I designed the original when I designed the the base when I designed the original base in mind I oh when I designed the original storage system I didn’t really have the intention or I didn’t really oh oh let start from the beginning I didn’t

Really have the original sort of thought process of maybe I should go for the thing Ah no I can’t can I no that makes sense right so without further Ado let us as long as it yeah as long as it does it as I intend it to that’s fine so we’re going to be staring at the ground for a little bit but I will be doing all

Of this stuff I hope again hopefully I will have enough for I should hopefully have enough for oh hello there’s ever more bits of loot I I said I should have enough seeds for this one cuz you tend to get more seeds whenever you’re farming the stuff

So the intention is we must not miss a single one but yeah I should hopefully have enough seeds to cover the entirety of this place hopefully I mean I said I went through so many runs when I was first oh that was close um I went through so many

Runs when I was first building this like the the field was very um how did I say the field was okay wow jeez one two I’m going to replace that pop that there I’m going to place here I’m going to pop that there I’m going to replace you pop

That there I’m going to place you and pop that there I’m going to place uh you and pop that there so like the when I first started making this field I ended up having to do so many runs where I just ran from A to B be just constantly farming grass and like

Not obvious and obviously not all of the grass nodes would actually work as it should do so you end up spending you know you end up killing more grass to try and get that stuff meanwhile I’m trying to constantly manage the whole day night cycle of vanilla Minecraft which I will agree

Which I will say is vastly shorter than it should be like oh my God if there’s one thing I would complain genuinely about when it comes to Minecraft is the day night cycle is too short absolutely ridiculously short like I appreciate you want to sort of make the game intriguing

But the fact that not only is the day hours too short but then you have creatures that attack you if you don’t you go to sleep but it’s like every 10 minutes you have to go into a bed it just completely limits what you can do I mean obviously you can survive the

Nights if you decide you know what I don’t think I’m going to sleep but the that’s besides the point cuz then you’re just constantly on nuisance Patrol trying to deal with the fact that some some creatures just decide you know what I’m going to attack you because you

Don’t have a bed or you don’t want to use the bed so increasing the daylight hours if I was to do a future run would probably be a number one on the priority list and in terms of how long that day cycle should be um

I kind of want to I would say ground uh generation zero is the game that spoiled that for me they in game or their day cycle is four Real World hours now that may seem like a really long time because you know 4 hours IRL is quite a long

Time but at the same time I also feel that you really do get a sense of an appreciation of the world that you live in by sheer Dent of the fact that you’ve spent ex you’ve spent two Real World hours just surviving the day and then when it finally reaches

Night you think Jesus you know I’ve done a lot in this 2hour period or vice versa you’ve been fighting for your life you know depending on the game you’re playing if you’re in a game where the enemies have a distinct Advantage at night and you Finly start to see the

Cracks of dawn you really can appreciate your emotion Factor and your you know personal skill level within the game because you have survived for over 2 hours in a pretty horrendous environment so it just makes the whole experience feel far more fun and enjoyable when you can have daylight hours that are

Meaningful rather than it just not be the case and to be fair there was one game Burnout Paradise that took it to the whole next level where it would actually base the day night cycle of the real time of the world so you would be driving around in game and I did this

Once for a day and it was actually really fantastic where I was just driving around using the real world clock and I would not I know when the day out you know when daylight outside started to go down so it did in the game and that was a really cool immersive

Feature I mean I’m not saying that every game should have this option because that’s face it you know it’s be bad enough it’s bad enough to sort of if you’re if you’re in a game that requires time and patience for you to do something to have to wait IRL real

Hours for the Wheats to survive then yeah no we’re not going to we wouldn’t have enough wheat to survive this but the fact that we’ve got such a but you know the option that you can have such a vast amount of time to be spent doing this is I think a pretty

Cool feature and I think it pretty cool I would say it’s a pretty cool functionality yeah I’m yeah I’m happy to see say that we are most definitely going to be covering the entire access we’re going to be going through a shitload of seeds but I feel like this is going to be

Fine which is awesome because that’ll be a great start to our 2023 finale stream well the last stream of 2023 I should say the finale stream will be me facing off against the Ender Dragon but I feel like we’re still a ways off that so don’t you

Worry this series will last a while yet a sord something G but yeah like I realized that growing all this wheat is probably not the most finger quote meta of uh of builds but I also not at the level of Minecraft skill nor desire to have the level of

Minecraft skill where I automate Factory style and I suppose I realize that might make me lesser of a player in that eye but there’s are the games I’m like major hardcore into that um there’s some other games that I spend I wish to spend more time into like I

Would say if in terms of like a scale of Minecraft fan that I am I think I would say I’ve gone from an outsider to like I’d say an a intermediate fan like maybe slightly more than a a casual fan you know for example I I don’t think

A casual fan would be willing to build a farm this big just saying but I don’t think I would ever go to the extense where I would spend hours upon hours building something besides small things you know I’m talking like massive scale like Villages or spending hours on like I mean to be

Fair I’ve got uh I’ve got a friend bidden who if he’s watching this stream hi bidden he has like I’ve gone into uh a server that he was playing on and he was like yeah I’ve just spent you know couple days on this and I’m thinking oh

So he’s just like a little base or anything you know he’s got a little little hidey hole no not only is this place with like an automation mod with like [ __ ] he like some kind of it’s basically a giant Tower filled with these with a modified obviously it’s a

Mod but like it’s a it’s a tower with modified systems in play so you can so you can actually access a bunch of storage crates and it’s got like minds of Moria levels of storage rooms where it’s just vast and large and I’m just like Jesus Christ

And ironic as well my and to be fair a bit of a Funny Story with Minecraft and uh my family actually because my dad years ago when I was you know when I was obviously when I was a kid playing video games if any of you younger if well if

Any of you older Lads out there or lasses may recall the old days where they say oh you should just go outside and play you know your eyes are going to go square if you play on that console too long blah blah blah blah blah you know we’ve we’ve all been there they’ve

All said it well my dad was one of them he was you know he would he’d see how much time I would spend playing games like toku racing uh toku race cars or metal gear solid or you know or Halo or anything like that like he would he

Would give me the usual parental grief of just I you know you’ve spent too long on a on a thing that you’re enjoying and that’s keeping you occupied and out of my hair therefore go outside um and yeah so you know obviously you dealt with it and I managed it and

Whatnot and everything was fine anyway so years years later you know I’m visiting my dad and he’s sort of telling he’s got he’s like he you know he’s got like a PlayStation 3 and he sort of occasionally hops onto it and he’s like oh you know have you heard of this game

Minecraft and I was said oh yeah I’ve heard of it Dad obviously never played it myself but you know I’ve heard of it and I’ve seen some YouTube videos of people playing it so you know I’ve I this was back when I was very much the

Outsider I think it was around I want to say 2015 2016 when uh we had this and so he’s like so he tells me about you know how he’s you know when when he’s out off from work or everything like because he used to travel around a lot for work so

He’d be off to places like Dubai Singapore uh into Africa and all that jazz you know working for security companies setting up security software you know kind of all very pretty cool stuff and he would occasionally you know he’d be away for a time and then he

Would when he would come back he’d have like a few days to himself or he could like you know he’d be either needed to go into the office or he could just work from home anyway so there were times where obviously he was off and he didn’t

Actually need to do anything so he would hop on to Minecraft and he basically played on the PlayStation 3 edition so this is going back some time I almost want to say it’s almost pre no it was definitely before the PlayStation 4 came out so God is it even older than that

Was it even like 20110 2011 it’s I I feel like it’s over 10 years ago to be fair now maybe even longer and anyway more importantly he is telling talking to me about what he’s doing on Minecraft and again I’m thinking something similar towards bidden you know like oh he’s got

Like some silly little thing maybe he’s got his own little H you know little house or anything uh no no no no no no no he’s built himself on the PlayStation 3 version of Minecraft so already a little bit less than good version right a [ __ ] glass

Treehouse with a library and a fire pit and I’m talking like a really fancy kind of fire pit where it’s like lowered into the ground with like seating arrangements and everything Lighting on all [ __ ] sides and like he just he just built it and I’m like thinking to myself Jesus

Christ this is impressive you know and and it was a fairly large and sizable place so again I was like Jesus Christ dad that’s that’s actually really impressive Rive and you he was like this is all right you know spent some time on it and like he then says oh do you want

To see the cathedral and I’m like oh really there’s a cathedral so he walks me through this [ __ ] giant ass Cathedral with a massive Chandelier and pews and everything and I’m staring in disbelief at this point because my my my mind is just completely failing to it’s

Like what the [ __ ] and like you know he’s just talking about how like he’s just been using the dynamites to clear the the rooms to like build everything up and everything so I’m just staring Gob smacked into this thing and I’m like what the [ __ ] just Jesus

Christ and yeah it it was kind of mental just how much oh damn um it was mental just how much all right so one two three four five six right I’d say six stacks of wheat should be enough for the cows and other animals so

Perfect oh yes and I need to put the remaining amounts of seed in the inventory there we go anyway so almost near the end of his tour he then starts he then after the end of the tour of the of the cathedral he then talks to me about his latest project

Finger quote and it’s basically a [ __ ] um M shaft which like he’s blasted open with the dynamites now he hasn’t he hasn’t got any mod tools or anything like that so he’s literally I think he all I will say is he was in creative mode so I will for anyone who

Sort of feels like that’s not enough then fine but that’s the only the only thing I could say is that yeah it was in creative mode anyway so you know he’s showing me all this and I’m like how long are you on this game dad like are

You you know I’m thinking you’re going to be on for a little bit of time and he’s like oh I’m not on you know I’m I come on let me see yeah so wheat so he tells me like oh yeah no I’m I’m on but you know like some days I’m on

Like 12 hours or eight hours some days you know just I do find myself playing a little bit too long and without a sh almost without a second’s hesitation I immediately go Dad that’s way too long your eyes are going to go Square you should get outside and play more and he

Just he stopped what he was doing slowly turned around full realization on his face and I just looked at him with the smuggest grin I could possibly give and he just went yeah I get it now that that final realization of oh the thing that you’re having fun with

And you don’t really want to leave yeah you can appreciate just how uh you can appreciate what happens when someone tells you to stop doing that because they don’t quite understand what it is it was just this moment of realization I’m like yes Dad that is how it feels

Like I felt so I felt so happy about that moment because it was just like oh I finally get it’s one of those moments where you get to one up your parent on something even if it’s nothing really that serious it was just a bit of a joke

It was just that moment of oh oh so now you can appreciate what it’s like when you’re playing a game and someone tells you you should get off and go outside and breathe you know touch some grass it’s like well you know maybe maybe the reason why you’re not doing that is

Because you don’t like doing that or maybe you don’t like um or maybe because you’re you know busy with something and you’re having quite a lot of fun it’s just ah you know moment of Triumph a little personal moment of Triumph there but still so anyway as we’ve uh wrapped

That story up we have now sorted ourselves the oh to be fair I probably need to be careful with the backpack this backpack is nice but it is also kind of broken so I need to take this off so anyway um cuz it it is kind of broken this so

The basically for anyone who doesn’t know this backpack comes with a special ability uh which is the ability to see in the dark and it’s kind of broken like I’m talking when you put the backpack on on everything is visible at night so if I was for example put this backpack on

Which you know let’s say um so if I pop this down I put this back on I can see all the way into that cave I can see all the way into every dark spot no matter what and I wouldn’t need a torch and for me that is kind of

Broken egg of freedom no is there a chicken down there I will be pissed it’s just this little chicken that’s coming and eating all my [ __ ] and I’m like oh you [Laughter] [ __ ] no I don’t think it work did it is there is there there a hatchling down there I don’t believe I

Chose the right location to come down because I’m going to have to take some hit damage AR I yeah or if I try to that’s fine I I I’ll I couldn’t take a heart loss ow nice yeah so our main objective well our first main objective is complete we can

Now crack this can open and celebrate job well done and now that’s going to slowly but surely slowly but surely build up and we can kind of relax now what I am going to do is I am now going to feed the animals and then I’m going to use the I

Don’t think I’m actually going to need to make uh bread because we’ve got a decent amount of bread of course it’s [ __ ] raining hello how you Doing there you go animals there we go there we go go you guys go absolutely Yap [ __ ] there we go I probably might I probably might need to like get a pig or two as well at some point in the future but we’ll see right okay so the good news is we

Have gained all of the cool [ __ ] right so now we just need to gather up our equipment and get ready for another Expedition down Into the Depths I’m going to grab I don’t have much coal with us sadly I think I’ve got some elots of coal left I might grab

Some coal from here and make some ammo from this yeah that’s that’s going to be okayish not really yeah like that’s going to be manageable I don’t think I’ll be I’m going to be kind of focusing a little bit less on things um also I need a helmet don’t I

Do I have a helmet no nor do I have feet right I’ll grab iron helmet and iron boots it’s not the Perfect protection but it will do the job yay okay right how much mat tools do I have cuz I do want to make sure I have the right amount of tools

Tools we do have other tools but that’s fine for some reason we have sticks I’ll take some I’ll take some iron as well because I’ll need to make some nor tools so we need spare swords like how many swords do we need cuz I think we’ve got

A far amount of stuff I’ll also probably need to go on a massive um I’ll probably need to go on a bit of a massive things I have way too many shovels and way too many hes I mean I realize I’ve I’ve used a lot of hes but

At the same time I fear I may have done it a little bit too much but that’s fine um I think I’ll probably need to make at least cuz I got like one two three four and I’ll have like some other stuff with me as well but let’s say some swords so

One two three four five five swords and I’ll put some swords back into here one put you I’m going to toss the Nearly Dead dead into there so one I might also toss I mean I know I can fix this kind of but also can’t be bothered uh two

Three and I’ll put these two up to the top here so that’s fixed and set to go could do with some more pickaxes so one two more pickaxes one two one two yeah I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable amount of stuff and I’m just going to toss the the two stuff into the

Tools cuz it’s like I have enough iron now that I don’t mind so there we go I should probably I don’t want to no I can’t toss the the shovels and [ __ ] because that is that would be bad but if we’re talking other stuff I might to go for that I’ve

Also all right so I’ve got some other bits I’ll also need to grab some I’ll obviously need to grab some other stuff as well like these two five okay good it’s the M&S cookies as well my favorite version don’t know what they do with the M&S versions but they just taste so much

Better okay gear is good need food I’d say more bread cooked mutton for emergencies nah I realized that’s not a lot of carry space but the only thing is I’m really going to be keeping a coal gold diamonds and that’s really about it maybe a bit of copper if I’m Desperate make a couple more of these pickaxes so two more yeah that makes sense right so we’re going down into the depths our Quest begins a new So the plan is oh never mind our Quest does not begin a new just thought might as well fill up these

These two stacks with actually do I have torches available cuz I’ll just grab those instead yes there we go right now our Quest begins a new so I’ve got ammo for I’ve got a limited supply of ammunition that is just how it is I trade the axe for CU I don’t think

I’ll need an axe I’m just thinking I’m not likely going to need an iron axe nor a golden pickaxe even with the fortune stat on so if I do something like this as an emergency ranged weapon that kind of makes a bit more sense then way I don’t feel like I’m completely

Shating myself you know what I mean like it’s nice to have some kind of backups like I’m taking this very seriously everything that’s within my power to effect I intend to change in order to ensure 100 well to ensure as good a chance of survival as I

Can so back into the caves we go we’re not probably going to get out for a very long time the good news also is every time we’re in a every time we have a successful run I obviously can put some torches down I can then start saying hey I’ve

Explored this realm and we can then proceed on to the next bit and it just means that productive stuff like for example here not been here before and there’s a bit of iron already which is going to be very useful so oh nice so that just means that we have a

Bit more freedom with that as well intriguing that I don’t have any torches here because it looks like I’ve been hit through here before Oh I haven’t yeah no I have not because there’s [ __ ] coal here need this I’m kind of surprised that I’ve missed this every time I’ve been around

Here but there’s there’s the way with this game oh hi creeper hi how you doing move into a slightly safer position plonking this stuff down right let’s get back towards it and start mining some stuff so the plan here is basically go into the caverns get as

Much as I can get out so that can be either coal you know the main ingredient or the main factors I would say is coal then it must be something I’d say then Diamond because obviously diamond is very important and then it’s iron because then iron will give us the the

To well iron is the basis of all the tools I use as well as ammunition for the firearm oh hello there we go so and to be fair we can also use the ammo from this thing but I am going to toss the uh granite and other bits away all right it’s all

Good oh nice probably have like a storage of cobblestone as a kind of backup there we go right let’s have a look see what’s inside here shall we I mean it doesn’t seem too far into the cave and it doesn’t seem like there’s so look see oh

There’s iron I will gladly partake in some iron usage hello me thinks we’re going into a bigger cabern okay so it’s literally just a little side pocket into this little Cavern area which is fine that’s more than fine just going to keep lighting this place up and there’s another pitfall

Okay looks like it goes even further down which is fine it’s kind of what we need to have now I just need to make sure that the light is everywhere cuz we don’t want to give the enemies the ability there you are you son of a [ __ ] ow good shot though

LOL did you just shoot yourself right there we go so that’s something eat some food and let us continue this is actually quite a intriguing pathway we’ve discovered cuz it goes down as well by quite a reasonable amount even might have even found a rather impressive

Cave it’s like how the hell did I miss this I feel like i’ I feel like I was on the oh it might be something on the cusp of discovering but just through various circumstances and to be fair there’s a lot of copper here so that’s going to go

Useful for ammunition consumption that’s for sure but the main thing is coal Coal and yeah so silver silver that that’ be great wouldn’t it no I’d say the main uh the main factors are coal iron and Diamond those are the main sort of things copper is a secondary like if I

Am if I’m absolutely desperate for it and bearing in mind I’ve got a fair amount of it already at home I don’t believe I’m going to be in any position oh I let see that I don’t believe I’m in any immense Rush nor need for copper as I’ve got the bloody bricks of

The stuff all right let’s go get rid of this spawnable area hello how you doing how you doing enjoy the trip all right let me get this set up over here donk donk right I mean even if it’s just like a small outcropping it’s like it stops the

Enemy from spawning in which is what I want and there’s coal here so there’s you know I’d say it’s worth it the resources it takes to make these things is not that great so being able to get it back and some with coal is really

Good I’ll just seal this area up a bit there we go nothing else of importance in here I mean there’s copper which is great to see means I can get back to that once I need once I get everything else sorted and I’d say and perfect and there’s more of it how wondrous

Perfect I’ll probably get rid of some of the other stuff as well so this goes further down Into the Depths as well as more caverns and [ __ ] which is fine oh yep there’s definitely a cavern here as well as more pits I swear to God this original Cavern system that I found

A number of episodes ago just keep surprising me with useful [ __ ] I mean it go this goes further but I don’t think there’s any there’s no reason to keep this here so I’m going to enact the whole block it up Pro uh block it up policy so I don’t get

Distracted there we go perfect so I’ll just put a little thing to say yep that’s that’s a no-o Zone because I have I have done that but I’m going to keep the area lit up so that nothing can spawn me right I see Iron down there already

I’ve also see that that we’ve been in this room previously just not lit it up enough it would seem so what’s down here then it’s possible that when I first came into this Cavern when I was running around like a headless chicken ah so this is the pitfall okay I didn’t have enough

Torches at the time to probably light all the entire I didn’t have enough torches at the time to light the area up so now that I do obviously we need to do so in order to ensure there’s no chances of or reduced chances of mob spawn now I

Realized that that’s probably a very basic mindset oh my God this is a very big amount of iron that we’ve got here Jesus I am fairly confident that we are now most definitely in a position where iron is literal piss like that is the value of iron we

Have right now it is I can piss iron and the game would not even critique me it’s intriguing when we reach those different stages isn’t it when you s of when you’re playing a game and like if if you’re new to the experience or whatnot and then you finally you know

You’re in a position where after X amount of time spent in the game you go oh yeah this is pissed now but previously you were like oh my God I I mean I remember finding iron the first time in the Bedrock Edition and I was like oh my

God I got iron after having to figure out after having to you know spend time looking on Google and YouTube to find out what the hell that is right I’m sensing there’s something down somewhere where not probably here oh no it was here wasn’t it cuz like

This goes into another cabin doesn’t it or does it no it does not or does it no it does not so I was mistaken oh no it was here wasn’t it yeah this is a separate location I’m going to pop this here and this then goes into another Cavern oh okay we see

I mean I’m seeing a lot of gravel here that’s what I’m seeing and there’s water pop some of that I’m so glad the zombies don’t attack the Torches can you imagine how irritating that would be to try and secure a location and have some [ __ ] [ __ ] mob keep attacking the thing that you’re

Placing to reduce the mob CH like it would be a challenge to be fair that to say that to be fair like it would actually work the logic of that but it is would still be irritating wow we’re already close to getting a stack already like I’m pissing through

The Torches which is good because I need to go through the Torches now all right let me have a look see okay So okay so this is just just copper copper Central that’s fine oh no there’s some iron there’s some iron I’m just trying to strategically place these now so it’s not so I mean they’re well lit and the main intention is get rid of the completely dark zones so we can

Increase our chances of not being mobbed by some rather nasties okay so that should should should be fine should should be fine should be fine and Bob and Bob oh okay maybe maybe not Bob hi hi Willow man willowman yes sorry not Willow man Enderman coal glorious coal I’m guessing this is

Clay uh no it’s wait really oh no it’s andesite right oh nice we have coal and a pretty substantial amount of coal happy bloody Doby Jesus Christ yes love it love it love it love it I probably should swap the music cuz it’s just playing the same [ __ ] again

And again like this this initial playlist when I first made it was meant to be just a low fly playlist you know royalty free able to play it without having a fears of copyright strikes and so far it’s been very play in that but it unfortunately is not been that hi no no

Ow that would have been very bad had I not had had I not have a gun um and that children is why guns are good all right let me just right let’s uh adjust the music shall we so let’s start the music player he

Says is that the right one no is it this one yes fantastic right okay back to the game right right I’ll need to say goodbye to gravel that one get rid of the andite move you over to there uh move you there move you there move you there move you

There uh good news is we got a Stacks worth of coal out of that which I am happy about so I definitely would say that is a win already to be fair what I might also do in a future playthrough is maybe adjust the stack size so important resources like

Coal or wood or anything I might adjust the the value of the stack so that instead of it being 64 on all around it could be something like 100 to 150 because then for example I could put 150 coal into a furnace and that would just burn whenever I want to which you

Know that that that’s pretty handy same goes for storage it makes it easier and dust requiring me th requiring me not to have so much storage because I can just be like I only need a couple of I need only a couple of containers worth because oh

Nice I only need a couple of containers worth in order to um to store all the resources I need aw that’s pretty and again I’ve just found another [ __ ] area just completely without realizing it I’ve been there’s areas that I’ve been exploring without even noticing like you can see there has like

For [ __ ] sake like you can see there are areas that I’ve been near and around but I’ve actually missed them that is is bad right let’s um continue to right let’s continue in our quest to mark up all the locations and also get away from the dudes who are nasty and

Scary right so that’s a safe location right we’re ready for whoever may be coming but until then right almost a Stack’s worth I’ll be taking the Flint as well just in case there’s some copper there’s a lot of copper here hello ow oh it’s worth it right didn’t mean for that to

Happen oh my Gideon yeah we’re taking this yeah no we’re taking this this area is definitely resource heavy I mean look at the amount of coal there is Jesus Christ like you know you’re onto a winning and of course there’s more hello no Ben Ben ventor I apologize if I

Butchered that hope you’re having a wonderful day just uh doing my old exploration and just enjoying just came across a bit of a stash of coal which I’m very happy to see because OB obviously cool is important right we are going to need to think seriously about dumping some stuff though definitely

Dump some of the DI right the andesite and the granite we’re already beginning to run out of room a rather concerning case of tals even with the bloody backpack we’ve got right I mean there’s no Lava patch nearby so I can’t dump everything too quickly but at the same

Time right Bom Bomb what be up here more importantly is there a way we can seal it to stop the nasties from coming back it looks like it’s just another outcropping that’s fine right let’s go so yeah the plan is so far well I say so so far the operation has been fairly

Successful we’ve been able to get a rather large supply of both I mean we’ve got a stack and a half almost almost a stack and 2/3 worth of coal which I am very appreciative of and we now need to just continue farming more iron because I’m

Using a large amount of it hi Weir Enderman sorry can I just sneak by you sorry thanks all right ah thank you see if you’re just nice to the Enderman he’s he’s nice to you you know he has a problem with people looking at him which is understandable some people

Are very self-conscious about their image but as long as you respect that he’s a nice dude I’d hate to have to kill some of them but well unfortunately um they have a particular thing that uh we can use which means he’s dead which

Is a bit of a shame oh my god when will this [ __ ] pickaxe breaks thank you I’m like I need you to break so I can [ __ ] have a slot [Laughter] free I mean holy [ __ ] we’ve done we have done very well this particular oh hello I’d say we’ve done pretty well for

Ourselves in this particular run mainly in the sense of just how much uh uh oh my God like iron and [ __ ] we’re using as well nice I mean the thing is also we’re definitely going to need to like probably I don’t know if we’re going to

Need to go and upgrade the firearm when going into The Nether realm I’m hoping not like I don’t want it to be overpowered when going into The Nether Realm all right we go Jesus Christ never seems to end oh and there’s another [ __ ] layer up there but of course what the the of

Course there’s another [ __ ] layer up there why wouldn’t there be another layer up there right we need to get some Stone cuz I need to make a bridge to cross that I could get some of the wood and turn it into ah that would be kind of

Cool but I think I’m just going to be lazy and stay down here and make my from the materials around me actually to be fair we could use the granite cuz it’s like quite a quick and easy thing it’s more just to explore and and obviously get more

Coal I will be proceeding further down Into the Depths to try and see if we can get some more Diamond how much do we have 18 uh I think we could probably do it if we had like a stack of about 20 20 20ish yeah I’d say 37 is probably

Enough yeah now I know we have enough right we need to make like a stairwell uh up here and then up here up here up here up here ah little [ __ ] over there gotcha right hey [ __ ] right let’s grab some exp cuz I’m about to hit Level

41 not that that means anything well actually it does it just it’s in a weird way right I think we probably will need to do something that allows us to have a bit more room so I’m going to just open up the slabs a bit and right oh yeah first of

All here we go and then pop this bridge across so I’m thinking we get rid of this one two right and then let me guess yeah oh [Laughter] oh that was close Jesus Christ that is genuinely scary right found some more coal almost two yeah two stacks of coal that’s an immediate

Win and I’m fairly convinced we’re about to get two yeah we’ve already got a Stacks worth of iron this is a successful run very very successful run oh happy Days unfortunately though we’re being hampered a bit by the lack of space in my inventory but that’s more because I’ve overpacked I was anticipating more time being spent down here and consuming more resources in My Expedition but unfortunately I’m not consuming them fast enough which is a which is something

That I’m honestly kind of happy to say as as much as as much as that sounds silly it’s like no I’m happy that I’m finding [ __ ] rather than going through a long oh God put some lights on around here cuz might as well use this Stacks worth of uh torches quickly hide

Around in here that’s a upgrade ow right don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall I only need six more ow [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I’m so happy that they’re killing themselves thank you

Oh that was kind of scary not going to lie that was scary and apparently I have an arrow in my head thank [ __ ] I brought armor yeah this armor is getting it this armor is getting its workout that’s for sure right so it looks like there is an even deeper darker passageway that

Is not really what I wanted to to be fair this is good it means I can proceed further down Into the Depths without so I can you know this is a a new pathway which has water which means there’s a higher chance of having diamonds in the

Area so in in a sense we found what we need this is a this is the perfect thing for an expedition episode like this like we have at the moment it’s just something that I was not really expecting oh and aite rotten flesh organize that a little better

Right put that into there we got some more supplies Fantastic I’m going to put some torches into here so that way we can finally begin to open up I’m going to put the stack of into there and I’m going to put the full stack of iron into there so that way we’ve now got other bitso pieces

Uh I’m also going to put another bit of torch into here so we can transfer a stack of coal into there fantastic right I’m also going to un on this so we have found a completely new sector oh another Pitfall wondrous well I see coal but I also see a pathway

Right this is actually quite cool though I’m actually quite I’m optimistic about this because this is actually really cool fun sir right turn the cookies for a little bit cuz I’ve had a few cookies already that should do we right seal this up okay so

I see a lot of bad guys over there how much ammo do I have not a huge amount but I’ll take care of the guys on foot all right I mean it’s a couple creepers so I could you know at worst there we go oh hello is that gold yeah we’re getting down

Into the Depths though I also see some torches which means have I been through this area and not realize the significance of it ow I fear maybe ow I have to be careful here ow ow actually thank you ow thank you you like come on you [ __ ] ow ow oh

[ __ ] oh jump jump jump jump jump get the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] up that was a little bit pushing our luck Jagger just a tiny tiny bit right I’m going to pop this here hello I could fight you now right good I’m just like

Yep let me focus on other things first right so I’m thinking perfect I really need to make some Gunpowder like actual TNT huh hello right let me have a look see if I get to here we pop this on voila fantastic or at least oh hello right so oh hello

So let’s have a look see pushing our luck a little bit today Jagger but I think that should be fine as long as I do this right I mean it’s awesome to see that we’re getting more oh God the amount of iron from this is wondrous

Right so where does this lead I know going up is not what I should be doing considering the fact that we want to find stuff in here but I’m also like curiosity is killing me well it tries to kill me but I somehow seem to dodge it a

Few times right that’s a pitfall so let’s put a cover on that and then an up out on that I mean the other thing also is uh is um trying to avoid d right I’m sensing this doesn’t really go anywhere important but I’m curious does this go

Anywhere I mean it’s like it it it does descend up into a uh into a cave and I’m seeing light around so it’s like I’ve been here somewhere okay no I actually I see light because it’s a lava which is good cuz there’s a few things I actually want to get rid of

Right so toss toss toss toss we got coal we got that got graestone get rid of that look at how much stuff we were able to get rid of Don’t Go Near the lava that would be bad nice okay so we’re going to just light this area up oh my God

I see grass here as well and I see what looks to be daylight potentially which you know what let’s find out it’s probably not it’s probably more lava but you never know right so there’s a bit of a big Pitfall there but right let me have a look see

So right two three four five six yeah that looks like a like a thing we can get to I mean think thing the fair is can’t speak the fair thing is though is if we can find another entrance or another Outlet then that means we get some much

Oh no there’s a torch there which means I have been through here before and that goes upwards even further I I hear a chicken I mean what is this I am very curious as to what this is cuz I’m like huh I feel like we’re on the cusp of getting out into

The I mean this is a new cabern so if I go keep going forwards I will in ably find myself at a point where I’m I’m outside of the caves cuz our elevation is not like dead dead right let me put a torch here and another torch

There oh my God it is it is oh oh it’s the nice cave entrance oh okay so okay this is the right hand side right okay toss that out toss that out right I’m going to need to I’m going to make this into a pathway as well as use up

My yeah this will be a good idea yeah all right so let’s get rid of some of these stalic mes Maybe cuz I’m seeing some hello hey hi Ali gamer welcome to the stream hope you’re having a wonderful time let me know if you can actually hear me or anything should be fine for that one hope you’re having a nice day I’m just discovering another entrance to the

Caves I’ve been exploring for a while right so I’m thinking a three step here and I should hopefully ah cool sweet yeah for some reason whenever you’re doing I’m wasn’t too sure if the music’s a little bit too loud or not and sometimes when you’re you know when you’re trying to use this

Thing learning to live stream on your own without really any kind of instruction manual it can be frustrating though I can already feel like I need to turn this down a little bit there we go yeah so hello what’s that that looks like a thing I’ve been nearby recently

So oh this is a nice entrance and I see more well we’ve come out of the base a bit so I’ll definitely take this opportunity to perhaps secure this Zone as well as I mean to be fair I’ve kind of come out of the area already like

It’s all kind of set so I’m like well might as well Bank the resources I’ve got as well as prepare to secure the next entrance way actually doing quite a lot to hang on is that a light that no that’s a natural light okay I was about

To say like if that’s another natur if that’s another light of me oh boy oh boy ow right so let’s have a look see oh [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] witch yeah no I have no sympathies for using my full auto mode on that guy I’m just like yeah nah I want to be

Balanced but I don’t want to be balanced against the witch he’s a bastard or wizard uh not really I I don’t have quite a schedule set up as of this point I do try I’m going to try and see if I can get some kind of oh god oh

Boy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve poked The Hornet’s Nest and it turns out a lot of people were home right bump bump bump okay so no to answer your question not I don’t stream every day but I stream a few times a week at a semi-regular interval though I

Do also do uh recorded content which I’m going to try and do a little bit more of into going into next year ow come on right I’m having you ow oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ah No [ __ ] literally that [ __ ] staling Mite piss ass piece of crap I need to make I know I’m going to do now I’m just going to go make some [ __ ] dynamite and blow that [ __ ] area up all that [ __ ] a I am going to [ __ ] nuke those goddamn

Stalagmites that is not the first time I’ve died to them either yeah I will be making some more live streams going into the new year and I am doing live streams a bit more than usual right okay I’m over there is well to be fair this

Is a good opportunity to test how the mod Works [ __ ] stall mes there’s well there’s something I I really hate these things right I’ve got some experience [ __ ] I could actually wear this thing right is there anything else I need no doesn’t look like okay so that’s yeah oh that’s good

That’s actually good I like that that’s a good test as much as I don’t want to lose my dude actually I lost all that exp which sucks but I was able to at least right did I lose anything in particular no nothing nothing super important was lost thank

Christ but [ __ ] sake that’s irritating lost all that exp which means I have to spend all that time Gathering up again which means if we wanting to use anything like I’m going to [ __ ] nuke this Zone I’ve made my decision I’m going to go start [ __ ] farming sand

Now to make as much TNT as I can possibly get I will watch the world explode and burn [ __ ] styc mes oh hello right going to colonize this Zone a bit as well just so we can ensure they can’t spawn out of this Zone again yeah it looks like there’s some

Zones here as well the thing is I’ve got a shitload on of copper copper I’ve got a shitload of gunpowder o nice speaking of copper and this goes into the cabins doesn’t it yes it does fantastic okay but yeah like right grab this yeah so what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to go make some TNT and I’m going to make it I’m going to I’m going to try and get as much as I can out of this thing cuz I’m like I’m going to try and blow up some things I

Realiz the TNT that I’m going to make is probably going to be a little bit disappointing but at the same time it’s like nah-uh I’m going to blow that [ __ ] up also I should Bank the resources I’ve got because I’m a bit worried I haven’t saved it hasn’t saved

Everything right so let’s put this to one side grab that grab that uh grab that put that there coal we probably should have like a separate I think I should probably delete the sign message here and then Crouch plon it here so boom boom boom that’s pretty

Useful and then we can put some of the stones and [ __ ] into here grab the bone make some bone meal so in case I need some for farming I’ve got it and then I goes here Flint goes here I guess and then don’t got much ammo left for the bullets all right [ __ ]

Um right [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that and everything else should be fine I think I could probably leave I don’t think I need to resupply my equipment but what I will do is grab a shovel and go a bit Ham on getting some sand so I can make some TNT I’m guessing

TNT TNT is sand yeah sand with gunpowder okay that’s fine I can I’ve got shovels I got shovels of Plenty am I going to need to you know what I’ll take two because as we all know one is Never Enough pop the that into there uh to be

Fair we do have some sand on hand already but I’ll just leave this in here and I’m just going to go on a bit of a rampage to to dig up some sand probably need to go to a separate Beach though cuz God damn it there ain’t no

Sand where’s a where’s a where’s a Sandy Place where’s a sand filled oh yeah that’s a good place for sand probably not going to get as much uh gunpowder out of it as I’d like but you know kind of wish you could make gunpowder rather than having to kill

Creepers for it I mean I could you know go on a bit of a rampage with the firearm that I got and like kill them that way but yeah you know it’s kind of yeah like uh let’s let’s go on a bit of a digging Crusade shall we and get

Some sand I want to get like a few Stacks worth of the stuff but to be fair we’ve actually I would say our first objective has been well the first the first goal on the on the episode has been reached which is we’ve been able to

Get a shitload of Co we’ve going get a few Stacks worth of coal which is important a couple of stacks worth of iron which is good because it’s going to help regenerate our equipment and now we are just going to go make some TNT cuz I’m feeling a little bit vindictive

Against almes and I’m going to blow a few of them up and make me f feel Better hi Dr Nel jik kovic I apologize if I ped your name my name is Mr Jer nice to meet you I’m just uh uh relative newcomer to Minecraft so this is my first ever play through and I’m playing a mostly is vanilla run of Minecraft so I’m doing uh

I’m learning how to I’m in the process of learning how to play whilst also oops Yeah I’m in the process of learning how to play whilst also experiencing the wonders of this game and I’m not going to lie it’s quite this game is quite a lot of fun

Just going to take advantage of the wall that is protecting me oops right now I need to get out of the wall that is protecting me No hello techno dream welcome to the Stream hope you’re having a wonderful day I’m just farming up sand all right let me have a look see get this stuff sorted B BM right let’s get rolling right let’s not trigger the water to come through because I kind of

Like I feel like I’m going to need all this sand to be able to make it I mean I’ve got like almost two stacks worth of gunpowder so I’m guessing I’m going to need a [ __ ] ton of sand to be able to work with that and I’m kind of grateful

That it doesn’t specifically require certain types of sand because that would be slightly obnoxious oh yes you must have the piss filled sand of Uruguay or something other like that you know just some random section of the map that you have to get to in order to be able to

Get the ability to blow something a bollocks there we go yes now yeah this is my first playthrough of of Minecraft and the objective of this entire playthrough is to basically kill the Ender Dragon I had a bit of a setback in previous episodes and I lost all of my kit it was

Exploring the nether realm for the first time so I’m now coming back into it trying to gather up more gear and Equipment I’ve had a couple of successful runs as well into the caverns and I’ve been able to get a rather large amount of of son of a

[ __ ] there we go I’ve been able to get a rather large amount of okay looks like I’m going to have to dig my way out looks like to Tomy oh thank you very much Ali gamer thank you very much for your subscription I do appreciate it uh I’m

Not too sure about Tommy I do I wouldn’t I mean to be fair like in terms of Minecraft players I wouldn’t exactly say I’m your average Joe Minecraft player like I know a lot of Minecraft content yeah exactly like I tend to when it comes to live streams while I don’t

Have a specific schedule to plan I do try to at least announce the stream a few minutes to head off well okay hly gamer have a happy New Year it’s been nice nice talking to you and hope you have a good one but yeah like when it

Comes to schedules I don’t really have a I’m not really great at the whole schedule side of things however I do um whenever I do decide when I have enough time in advance to sort of plan out a stream or doing something like that I do

Tend to I I do try and announce it as relatively early as possible so for example uh yesterday I did a thing saying like I’m going live tomorrow and then like an hour beforehand I’m like I’m going live an hour from now so it’s like while it’s not effic while there’s

No giant you know Stacks worth of info to say yes I am in fact going live at least you get an indication of yes Mr Jager is going live in a Fed in a short period of time God bless Community posts I swear to God if YouTube gets rid of those

I it’s like they’re doing their best to [ __ ] over as many YouTube content creators as possible and I can feel that this is the kind of thing uh no Christ no no no no no no no no we’re still in the buildup phase like I don’t believe I’m in a position

To get to that because again I’m it’s my first time playing through so I’m taking things a little bit slow I am using the 120.1 so when I first started that was like I think the latest slash thing ever there but I’m using like a cursed forged

Mods uh launcher style thing so like I’ve going I would say vanilla light so you know light Mo light levels of mods nothing overhauling uh the big thing I the biggest mod I would the two biggest mods I would say that I’m using is the journeyman map mod just because I want

To be able to navigate around the world and the backpack mod I’d say those two are probably the largest sort of things um that I am using but that’s about it right stack and a half of gunpowder curious to see how much TNT I can use from this

Right oh real 16 that’s it that’s it okay I was expect I was hoping for a little bit more but at the same time it do it do we doing right I think I need like a a lighter or something as well yeah like a yeah the Flint and stone what

Deal um I mean to be fair I can’t say I can’t to be fair I can’t really say anything specific about about the new version using Create mod I will actually to be fair one mod I really do like is the uh a nice actually to be fair I can

Farm some exp just from this ah perfect okay if there’s one mod I really do like that isn’t like big but I think personally speaking I like it a lot is the chimney mod and it’s probably a bit of a hard back to valheim but I’ve got a mod where if I’m

Using a chimney if I’m using a thing like a furnace or whatever there’s a like a little bit of a smoke stack that comes out and I made a really cool I made a um I made a chimney stack where all the smoke that comes up will

Come up to here so if all four of the of the furnaces are burning in the background they’re going to be digging into here which I personally think is a really cool thing so it also makes you kind of a a bit more aware of your surroundings and how you build things

I’ve even got it for like the F the the smoker over here as well so it just means that when you’re using a fire contagion stuff that is uh so see oh it’s all the copper and stuff so it just means that when you’re building your base you have to be

Conscious of what you you know what you’re doing with um things like that so I’m going to go lock around with also damn it yeah I think the other mod I’ve got I think the only H I can yeah I could definitely send them um a

Link for that if you bear with I’ll just quickly go to my launcher it’s quite it’s just I think it’s just called yeah it’s just called Advanced chimneys uh let me have a look see is there a way I could send a link to the website uh pollution of the Realms

Okay to find a way to get to this particular page trying to figure out how to link this [ __ ] if I go back to my mod pack and then just right click and then be like here’s the Link right well you’d think that they would just allow you to right click on the thing and then be like hey here’s the mod go enjoy is there a way to copy the link to this mod page you can tell I need this ah there

We go copy mod link right just see what this looks like on the notepad before I send it to you guys because I don’t want to spam you with stuff there we go there you go so that’s the you said the mod from this H the mod yeah so yeah these that’s

The advanced chimney mod so there’s actually another mod that goes with it called let me get the clackers there we go so there’s a mod that apparently what it there you go right so you can add an additional mod which is like pollution which obviously if you’re in that way inclined that’s fine

Right so let me just test this thing out so I’m going to make a bomb I’m going to plop this down so plonk I’m guessing Okay and then [ __ ] you you shitty stalagmite bastard enjoy oh nice oh my that goes down a long way right let’s carefully negotiate down

Ow right I’ll keep I’ll probably keep I’ll probably be a little bit more careful with the usage of the of the bombs but yeah that works but yeah so I said like this particular run is just a my first ever run so I’m taking this a little bit slower being a bit more

Cautious and learning how to play the game yes it’s a gun yeah I I’m not a fan of the fact that you don’t have a firearm in this game I kind of need a gun like it’s not even a question it’s a no you need a

Gun it’s kind of yeah so I got a mod it’s it to be fair the mod availability for the the version client that I have is quite limited so to be fair I wanted to go for something quite slow so like in comp like something that has the same firing

Speed as the crossbow because the crossbow is pretty good but the problem is the resources it takes to make the damn thing is a bit ridiculous so I wanted to go with something that was fairly slow firing but had the you know had the capabilities of a firearm which

This mod that I’ve got does that thing and it does also consume resources so in order to get the firearm I need to custom in order to get the firearm I’d need to use resources to craft the firearm itself which for some reason doesn’t have a degreg but eh

That’s not the end of the I suppose but the thing is in order to get bullets I need to use copper so that’s first of all a big win because that means copper actually has a use I need to use iron ingots and a fair amount of them to be

Fair and coal so it’s quite a resource intense uh recipe for yeah that’s that was the mod I tried to get initially but this version of Minecraft like the version I’m currently making a playthrough on doesn’t have the ability to get that mod so unfortunately I’m having to resort to just simplistic

Stuff which is a bit of a shame don’t get me wrong I am sad to say that it’s no longer it’s not a version I um I am sad to say that I can’t get that version of The Mod because I think it would be really really cool but I will happily

Say that this means that things are at least balanced so while it sucks on one element it doesn’t suck so much because now I’m like oh I need to use resources and [ __ ] and you know it does it’s not quite so so it’s like swings and roundabouts

I’d say I mean I definitely will feel like when I make the next playthrough of Minecraft I will be going with a version that favors more mods so I can get a bit more of a overhauled experience because I’m seeing some of the mods out there that are actually kind of ridiculous

Like there’s this mod which has like an underground no I can I can I can very well believe you I believe you when you say that I most I would definitely agree it’s just unfortunately when I Tred to be able to download it to my cursed Forge thing

It wasn’t there ow I think we’re back in the caves where we were originally yes I do believe we are unless there is yeah no we’re back into the caves where we were fantastic right so we’re back here which means I need to start plonking [ __ ] down there we

Go I have to be careful not to trigger any nasties right okay let’s have a look see so yeah um I think for this particular run I’m going to try and gather up there’s a lot of good resources down here yeah I I’ve heard I’ve heard my friends

Mention something along those lines so it’s like when I when I go for my second playthrough you know now that I know what I’m doing I’ll be able to get some mods that’ll add some variety because I am a huge fan of mods I feel like mods

Can make uh all the difference between a game being amazing and a game being okay and to be fair like it’s useful to have a game that is more mod friendly because you you want that capabil ow oh that’s not good that’s not good at all that’s

Bad yeah that’s what I was worried about slime Bowl whatever the hell this stuff is it does not look Pleasant right anyway so let’s keep making let’s keep Gathering coal because I’m going to need to make some ammo in the near future and I’m going to need to get as much as I

Can oh boy hi jerish welcome to the stream hope you’re having a wonderful day all right right trying to think how best to do this there we go nothing else in here house there we go perfect perfect and I see some gold I’m going to need some gold cuz

Gold so no sign of diamonds yet though I don’t think we’re at that level for diamonds which is important yeah there’s a few things that the there’s a few things that the launches and my friend’s been I’ve Got a Good Very got I’ve got a good friend of

Mine who plays uh a lot of Minecraft so he has a a lot of knowledge on like what’s the best things to work with he was very helpful when I first started playing this thing hello Sai Kumar welcome to the stream hope you’re having a wonderful

Time hope it’s all going well over in India the weather is a little bit [ __ ] where I am but it is uh what it is it would you know it’s British weather you know con ODS it right and have to be careful now because if I’m

Not I will get killed and I will lose my gear for a period of time so in a sense I don’t really with the amount of diamond I have one could say oh you don’t need um how do I feel like this is familiar swear to God I’m just slowly

But surely carving out this entire Cavern system I’m bearing in mind this is just a Cav system there’s like only one there’s not there’s like a shitload of other locations and I’m just like more car right how we didling I could definitely feel like I need to get more torches in the near

Future but the thing is now I can actually make the damn things ah yes we are now finally reaching the lower levels e bugger nice and he fell to his they disappeared somewhere oh Cherry Grove whatever that means oh yes we’re we’re in the zone again we’re in the diamond Zone again or

At least we’re relatively close to the diamond Zone I don’t think we’re in the actual Diamond Zone but like you know near the diamond Zone I mean the more yeah I’m definitely going to need to get some more iron Perfect Right ow right yeah if you have a look see at how much

Uh stamina I can get when my health is low with the bread it’s ridiculous right ow get some lighting in this area there is a creeper around here so I need to be careful oh did the creeper get taken away I think did oh no there it

Is thank you I appreciate your gun PW nice I don’t need it okay right we’re in a bit of a nice dark Cavern hopefully areas where I can find some diamonds I’ve got lapis to be fair I don’t think we’re quite that low yet like we’re low sure but like we’re not that

Low no way oh [ __ ] yes that is that is dope good right I’m going to quickly quickly pop this down I found another Crystal yes that is dope oh [ __ ] uh I’m going to pop the Slime balls in there that’s a lot of [ __ ] things I’m going to

Put this is a lot of crystals um put the TNT into there smooth Bassel Jesus Christ that is actually really [ __ ] cool right okay I’m going to to try and find a place to toss this um bow there you go I don’t need your bow nice nice nice I’m getting so much

Loot from this like I don’t know what I can do with the crystals but I know I can use them for something I I think it’s like enchanting or whatever um think so I can’t honestly say personally but what I can say nice what I can say though

Is actually no I don’t think I can actually get the optify one I think there was something I tried to get but I don’t think I could actually get it which is a bit of a shame uh okay oh nice nice I’d say that’s a pretty successful hole Yeah def that

Is real nice real real nice that is actually really [ __ ] good especially since what is it like I don’t have the ability to like uh my PC has a 64 gig of RAM I felt like I upgraded it uh last year and God yeah it was it’s been about a

Year since I Had It upgraded jeez but yes um I upgraded the rig and it was very much needed because while I you know I think it was I had 16 gig of RAM previously so while it wasn’t like quintessentially useless it was not like it felt very H it felt very uh

Handicapped oh [ __ ] ow right opportunity to get rid of some useless stuff nope nope but yeah like in terms of gaming quality in terms of quality performance I’d say the 64 gigs of RAM is a nice sort of future proofing slash capabilities to like live stream with a higher frames uh with

Higher frames that that was the intention when it came to this stream but it came to the upgrade was just I want to be able to stream games like Star Citizen or play games like Star Citizen and record it without suffering major frame losses as well as being able

To stream other games that previously I might not have been able to to because my computer wasn’t unable to like process it without having major like brain fart deaths which like streaming if there’s one thing I will say about streaming is that it is resource intensive if your rig is like good

Enough to play the game then you’re going to have to make your rig a really [ __ ] hot mod but would it not but would it Al would it not reset all the progress I made I wasn’t aware that you could do that but I’m a bit worried that as I’ve spent

A lot of hours in this world any sort of changes that I’ve done may not be saved to this world or does that not really apply because I’ve already made a certain amount of advancements I’ve made a certain amount of exploration I mean the world I’ve explored is quite significant along with

A few other sort of stuff okay well to be fair I that’ll be something I could probably do think to about into the future but at the moment I’d say I’m pretty okay at this level because again this is my first ever playthrough I want to kind of get the

Experience of relative like okay this is kind of how it would be in a vanilla um vanilla style scenario es he says Vanilla Star scenario but I’d say I I would say I’ve been fairly faithful with the exception of the firearm the journey map and the backpack I’m more or less completely

Vanilla when it comes to crafting or whatever I know there are mods out there that like completely change the entire game and that is something I’m going to be doing in future playthroughs right I will have to unfortunately pause for a few seconds whilst I I say a few seconds a few

Minutes whilst I nip to the bathroom but we shall continue and I think I’m probably going to go into the depths I’m going to probably xfill because I got enough uh materials here to last for a while now but I do need to go to the L rather

Urgently so I might have to might just have to wait here whilst oh no I see the night sky I see the outside world oh no way is this the exit that like I when I first started playing like if you have joined us at at this point

In the episode and are curious as to what I’m talking about feel free to go to the links Down Below in the description whereupon you will see yeah that was not well handled uh I’m trying to think of a way of getting up I think I’m just going to

Have to just dig my way up uhoh right this way this way dig this way there we go there we go there we go perfect okay good no no no oh God I am not going to lose my [ __ ] Farm to you anchors but if you are curious about

Watching me from the start feel free to go to the links Down Below in the description whereupon you will not only see the beginning of this playthrough but also the the playthrough of a generation zero gameplay uh you also see the play through let me just pop these here as

Well but also you will see the footage of a generation zero playthrough that I’m currently running okay so um ah click click right I think that’s all sort so if you bear with us for like a few minutes I’m just going to quickly nip to

The bathroom and then once I get back we can continue our journey and getting some more stuff so BRB and I return oh my goodness thank you very much for your patience guys unfortunately it was the other scale of the N of requirement for the bathroom which means yeah that that one so

Unfortunately when that happens you can’t really odds it but we are back we’re ready and I’m going to hit the thing think right so let’s get this stuff sorted and let’s get our stuff there we go uh dirt Crystal d d d right terms of gear and equipment I think we’re doing okay

Probably need to go into here pop that into there grab that pop that into there grab that going to grab that other a stack of iron because I think I can now start to go a little bit more open with the whole putting coal in uh putting coal in and stuff probably

Need to use some yeah probably need to use some materials to right I think I’ll go for that right okay so how we diding oh yes I have TNT I’ll probably put the TNT in a slightly safer location as well as whatever this is whatever that is so boom boom

Buom need to get rid of some of the other stuff like the dirt right get rid of you get rid of you fine get rid of you get rid of you get rid of you and that should be fine all right that into there pop you into there pop you into

There pop you into there right quickly pop lank get over my legs because it is actually quite chilly it’s one of those wonderful time periods where it’s not so cold that I can’t manage it and have to put the heating on but it’s not warm

Enough where I can just deal with it and not require some kind of covering so it’s one of those awkward things cuz I when I get into my when I get into the chair to get into the whole streaming side of things I have to take a couple

Of extra seconds and be like right just warm myself up a bit right okay let’s have a look see more gunpowder and an iron stack I know I’ve got more iron Stacks in there but still uh boom boom boom okay let’s make some bullets right two three four five six seven

Eight right that’s a pretty reasonable amount DK DK right me see so I think one two like bit of a restock but considering yeah so one two three like three stacks of bullets should be fine hello welcome to the stream I unfortunately can’t pronounce the previous one because I can’t read Arabic

But I can read Amy steak so welcome Amy steak hope you’re having a wonderful time just been away on a bathroom break but I’m back and ready to go so we’re going to be proceeding with the next half of this stream basically going to go into the depth to try and gather some

More how are we doing with tools yeah we don’t need a shovel anymore yeah that’s fun uh in terms of torches let’s say one more stack should be safe there we go we’re about to run out a on a stack is there any stack that

Isn’t like 100% 64 no uh oh there is fantastic okay that’s perfect yeah so anyway as I was saying so we’ve completed this Mission or this particular Expedition and now we’re going into welcome back B hello hope you’re having a wonderful time so we’re going to head back into the depths

And we’re going to try and get ourselves some more Diamond cuz I feel like I’m on the cusp of being able to make not only two sets of diamond gear but also diamond tools diamond weapons I know I’m I know I’m going the wrong way for this but I’m also going to

Just kind of cuz this goes down to Nowhere did it yeah this does um I go this way kind of raises back up again doesn’t it kind of say I’d want to go and de sayde say so going into here I think I probably want to clear this area

Out just so I can make a more direct pathway down into the thing rather than having to constantly go through that long ass um and slightly janky tunnel I’m going to try and make this into an actual entrance way so going to just do a little bit of

Customization here whilst I make my way down south uh could just Advance along that way couldn’t I doesn’t really Advance me much I come down to to here I’d say yeah here is where I want to be right so first of all let’s get the andesite bridge set

Up a thank you very much for saying so though don’t don’t give me false praise if you find there’s something if there’s something I could do better or if you find that there’s different bit of content that you want me to do don’t hesitate because obviously I’m here to

Learn as much as I can about streaming and doing whatever so if I’m too quiet too loud if the music’s too quiet too loud don’t hesitate because obviously if I don’t improve I might never if if if anyone says oh I’m doing really good I might be really doing

Really [ __ ] and not being aware of it right I think kind of want to make this andesite bridge as much as possible son of a [ __ ] I’m like [ __ ] just give me more and theight I actually need it for once I don’t want to have to be forced to not have

Andite Mr Anders sight surprise assum me right think I have enough to hopefully do the next stage right right okay first of all let’s collect all the ight that I wasn’t able to pick up earlier right There we go music’s a little bit okay okay okay that’s something I’ll keep into mind yeah I’ll try and I will do my best for that one next time right there’s a little bit [ __ ] wuy but this is a like it’s a simplistic entrance to a thing but any that we got

The bridge set up yeah right anyway let’s go and ow [ __ ] you right let us head downstairs shall we trying to think if there’s any specific uh locations I need to make or something to be able to get to but there isn’t is there I mean I’m just

Trying to think of all the locations where I’ve been going to and I’ve been exploring the caverns to try and get into all like the the Diamond spawning zones and I’m just trying to think cuz I’ve been exploring and you know I’ve been doing so it’s one of those things where

It’s like I know we can find more diamonds we just need to be you know kind of Lucky yeah minus 11 is where we’ll be able to find a good I mean to be fair we’ve been able to find diamonds in uh in and around this region it’s just less common I think I found oh no this Cavern goes back up doesn’t it son of a [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that my dear is why we take [ __ ] Firearms with us the hell is this oh nice we got a glass bottle and glowstone dust right I’m going to pick I’m going to get rid of this pickaxe Crap all right son of a [ __ ] nice nice nice right I just need to break through and like force this area to be yeah this area looks somewhat familiar to when I was running around with that backpack yeah there’s a broken backpack in this um right okay jumping around okay oh hi

Creeper not today [ __ ] oh hello you scary you know a thank you might have been appreciated considering the fact that I just stopped you from getting killed hang on LOL oh nice there’s actually a a reason for this place to exist so one two three any distinctive reason for this being here

No okay guess not I know there’s like a poisonous spider somewhere oh that’s even worse yeah that’s the poisonous spider yeah so I need to be careful with that one right good news is we got rid of that bad news is there’s another [ __ ] up there but I’m shooting that wanker oh no

You don’t that’s going to cause me problems in the future no mistake right well at least I’m going to get all the strings from this cuz then this will be at least a decent Hall of strings so guess I wasn’t here beforehand ideally I would have liked to

Have gone back I would like to come back here with a [ __ ] flamethrower but unfortunately we don’t have the luxury of such things so unless oh no wrong on right let’s have a look see oh I think there’s a helicopter outside some n Dell is trying to escape from the law

And the law got lazy and got a helicopter at least that’s what most helicopters are unless it’s a helicop unless it’s the air ambulance oh no no no no no I lack the skills to make a hardcore world I mean I I don’t know maybe maybe sometime

Down the line when I’m feeling somewhat you know when I feel like my mental health can withstand the strain and stress I think it’s doable like I I saw um I saw Wellen do um a video on it once which was pretty cool have I been here before no I have

Not all right I will first of all get rid of the stupid right so I have definitely not been here before okay that’s something good to know there’s actually something I’m I’m actually quite happy to I mean I say that in a sort of a negative way I’m

Actually quite happy I’ve not been here before so nope nope nope nope nope nope uh nope and I’m going to pop you into there pop you into there pop you into there dump you perfect but yeah I saw Wellen uh make a video on it and actually it was one of

The reasons that it was one of the things that started to get me interested in playing Minecraft because it was like hauh this Minecraft game actually has something that isn’t just you know just you know the boring stuff there’s actually some oh [ __ ] is it a skeleton

Spawner I think it was a skeleton spaw of them but that’s cool to see that we can get a chest worth and we can pop that bread back into there and we got some coal and a couple of golden apples which I’m very happy to see not such a keen

Fan on the rotten flesh though but gunpowder yes name tag yes wheat yes music disc yes coal yes I mean I wouldn’t say Minecraft is shitty without mods but I definitely feel that Minecraft is more d diamond yes Diamond I would say Minecraft is lack it can feel lacking after a while without

Mods I think that’s the more appropriate terminology because a game is not shitty because it lacks mods a game is shitty because it lacks the capacity to do certain things and one of the I’d say one of the key things in certain regards is Choice player choice like the ability to

Improve or change the scenarios to how they see fit whereas you know because if a game it’s a bit like playing with someone in the schoolyard if they if you can only play by the rules they dictate then it’s not very fun but if you play by let’s

Say by your own set of rules you can you can that you can adjust onto the fly or you can you can see other people’s rule sets it’s it’s it’s just more of an entertaining experience all around that’s why when it you get games which like that’s why it gets really

Frustrating when you see games that have the potential to be absolutely incredible but fail just short of the mark because they’re either lacking in the capacity to do things or they’re just unable to do stuff which is really really quite sad I’m totally sure what glowberries do

Quick question guys do you know what glowberries do like if they’re any good or is it just something that oh nice best of luck to you hope you oh [ __ ] it’s another one of those [ __ ] spawners is that a oh that is uh [ __ ] [ __ ] you that’s a [ __ ] maze in here

Right oh no I’m near lava pool right okay so I fell down into this little hole more golden apples and some torches get the [ __ ] in there right oh there’s some I feel like I’ve been here before but like back when I was wearing that very bad backpack that was well the

Not the bad backpack but the backpack that could be better right yeah I’ve been here before but not to the same extent that I should have done oh nice I hope you s I hope it succeeds for you mate right yeah we’re a little bit higher up

Than we should be in order to get the stuff but I’m like there’s a bunch of gold here which is nice but I’m not quite desperate enough to need to search for gold yeah this is the area I fell through yeah cuz this was like yeah cuz

We found a backpack with something in the backpack and then we went into here and there was an entrance to something and then there wasn’t and then I’m just going to dump this in here because I don’t think I need it um anything else in in particular that I’m

Like you know what I don’t need nothing really Springs to mind fell down here I haven’t been here just yet if I have I’ve not needed the yeah I remember being down here because the yeah we emptied these out and I made my way back up to two here yeah backpack was

Ah thank the emperor that would have sucked oh yes we’re back to where we started yes right let’s get another sword out shall we I mean at least I’ll have a shitload of string right fantastic like a yeah we got like a Stack’s worth of uh that stuff already which is nice oh

Nice [ __ ] that’s a pretty cool mod well that’s a pretty cool launcher I should say I mean it’s nice when people can actually do stuff like that because it helps people out you know it helps people find the right kind of launcher for them because sometimes when you’re

Playing through certain games some of the mods and other Jazz some of them are appealing and some of them aren’t so appealing so you end up having these sort of massive uh ah well I wouldn’t exactly I don’t exactly I would not exactly condone cracking this game considering

It’s not that expensive but if you have the option to give it to players I’d say hello oh Diamond yes more Diamond yes get the [ __ ] in there we got oh it’s my diamond I’m going to explore around now [ __ ] yes nine Diamond already that’s good that is that is really good bearing

In mind I am on this cusp of being able to go back into the nether realm now like the only thing that I’m going to really need with me is just the ability to have a spare set of armor and equipment oh wow this is the yeah this is the bit that I’ve

Seen neat got some chain as well oh nice that’s nice I mean I said it’s a I will say from what you’re describing sounds like a nice thing you’re doing gives more people a freedom to work with which I think is nice it’s it it doesn’t and again it gives players the

Option which I think is the most important thing when it comes to stuff like that right right so there is the does crystal grow could have sworn i’ gotten rid of this last time must do well happy days I say I guess uh this is we are now unfortunately full uh almost

Full no we are actually full [ __ ] H I think we probably should have to pull out not that I want to uh does this go anywhere not sure two three four does this go towards the dark Zone area no it’s not no this goes to a separate Zone which is fine I don’t

Mind this I think this was like near the end of the previous episode yeah this takes us to another location which is fine right um what do I not need to be fair every element of what I’ve got is kind of necessary oh hang on I I think I might

Have found yeah more of the dark zone right I’ll need to be careful right yeah this is the dark zone I’ll need to be careful there’s more to this cabern I know it walk and Crouch and just Crouch I think the safest option for me is just to crouch don’t okay nice

Say just walk carefully cuz there’s Diamond here right question is does this Darkness stuff My worry is this Darkness stuff works with the zombies and stuff rather than against them he gets like whatever happens this dark matter stuff lights up and then okay I’m relatively inexperienced with this dark matter

Stuff little lgy on putting this in is it like spawn something in right I’m going to carefully walk across this I don’t want to put a light oh what does that mean have I done something important cuz like I feel like I have like genuinely I feel like I’ve

Done something here that I previously shouldn’t have done what is the advancement uh achievements kill a mob near a skull Catalyst oh right so that is something that I can at least take with a bit of Pride fine diamond diamond looks like there’s a pathway through that I can avoid going near the

Skull oh boy yeah I see it I have to be very [ __ ] careful with my shots like the thing is if I’m yeah like I need to be very [ __ ] careful nice nice nice uh right how much diamonds I’ve got 12 that’s a lot of diamond

Nice best of luck with your launcher I’m just going to quickly uh right so I don’t see any signs of okay I think I went down here and I think this was when previously when I was playing through this Zone I had decided okay you know what we’ve run out

Of time and I need to bail sort of area yeah this was the I’m at the edge of my particular limit so oh [ __ ] I’m just looking at the the creeper and I’m like Ah that’s not a that’s not a good place for me to be in right now oh

Hello I need to be careful how I mine this because if I don’t do it careful uh lava comes along and is like hello and I’m like ow I’m on fire and then I’m dead and then everything I’ve gathered is wasted ah right okay oh hello

Hell right that’s that sorted now I just need to light the Zone up and we can try and find more Diamond because this area is unexplored yeah and I’m gathering up a lot of decent got a lot of lapis which is you know it’s good it’s good okay I’m in the

Diamond uh Gathering realm now uhoh more of the darkness I need to be careful right where is this okay so I’m guessing the darkness is in that room there yeah yeah I’m thinking there is something here right avoid this Zone at all cost then oh nice found another large cave going to

Quickly exfiltrate this Zone a bit whil it’s also lighting it up and this heads back into here oh nice okay I think I might what I might do is I might make this into a little staircase area I mean if I can add any if I could

Add something to the launcher I don’t know it’s a bit of a diamond diamond I mean I suppose my only recommendation I would say is don’t make it so EAS don’t make it so simple it’s complicated like allow play allow the option for play people who know what they’re doing

To yeah like allow people who know what they’re doing to have advanced interactivity with it it so that they can for example if there’s a mod that they have configs for or something like that you know quality of life things but don’t make it like so simple it’s stupid levels where

It sort of it has a very simplified UI with very Li with limited controls because you know you don’t want to you don’t want to strain the new person what I’d give for a tool that allows me to get rid of large chunks of gravel oh yeah the hammer mod yeah that would

Be yeah that would be all right hey bid okay fair enough like I can’t really say there’s anything specific I would say that makes a launcher amazing it’s one of those things that I would when I see it I can call it but rather the but I mean when it comes to mod

Launchers that’s probably my biggest complaint is when they try and make it so simple to use but then eventually it ends up being it just makes the process more complicated because you’re trying to decipher what the person is intending right rather than being able to figure out for yourself right so ah

Oh this is really bad I don’t really want to have to deal with this like I really don’t want to have to deal with that dud right pop that there o that’s a lot of that’s Diamond it’s like I was thinking to myself like that’s a lot of dark Zone

And then I realized there’s Diamond there and I’m like Ah that’s a lot of I need to get there right deep slate really come on come on right like I’m being as sneaky as I can trying to get into this area because I’m like I don’t want to lose out on the

Gear that we have here would feel better if I was in the bloody nether realm cuz like in the nether realm I can see [ __ ] and these things I don’t know what the hell they are a lot of the stuff here that’s going on at the moment is just information

That I am barely able to process oh boy so it’s just yeah like there’s a there’s a couple of things here and there that I’m thinking to myself [ __ ] but yeah I’m seeing a new Cavern or yeah no this is definitely a new cabern I’m seeing more mobs yeah I mean to be fair the curse Forge does the same thing as well so that’s one of the things I like about it is it streamlines the process but it

Doesn’t make it so easy that it’s like piss and then again Minecraft is is rather accessible when it comes to customizing mods so right I think I’m in a new cabin slash maybe connected to the other location don’t know not don’t know for sure what I do know is we need to start

Torching the place up to reduce chances of interacting with well to reduce mob spawns right L just doing a [ __ ] Zerg around oh that’s a lot of bad guys and that’s a big drop [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is a very nice cabin but a lot of stag

Mats right definitely a new Zone which is great nice okay bom bom bom bom right let’s right is that diamond no I mean okay so we’re now entering into the depths yep we’re in a new realm oh and it goes even deeper nice I won’t lie this is one of the more

Audacious uh or audacious styles of cave exploration but if it goes down below just keeps going seriously it just keeps going go up for a second to hit this anything useful in here no just a lava right okay there is that and if we head down into here is it just a lava

Pit yes it is yes it is nice I’m glad to hear it right let me head over to here right question do I have any useless stuff that I can get rid of not particularly right that just leads me to Nowhere which is fine actually quite far down to be fair the

41 let me guess [ __ ] starting M yeah does it allow me to go even further oh it does Into the Depths we go to the lava room oh nice it’s like its own little ah [ __ ] okay well this was a nice location except for the fact that I

Can’t not entirely sure if this is the right idea but hopefully if there’s anything that is there I can lure it into the lava pit whatever this stuff is oh it’s surrounded by lava right right I think I think probably what’s the best idea now is I should probably exfiltrate

With the diamonds that I’ve got because I’ve got like 17 diamonds at the moment so rather than risk losing out on the loot that I’ve got I’m going to kind of go right I’m going to call it make my way out of the zone and then proceed to

Exfiltrate cuz I think trying to I think pushing my luck any further that it’s already has been today is not a good shout especially since I’ve got diamond now sadly not as much as previous Expeditions but at the same time I would say good enough you know I’d say it’s good enough

We can if we find any more on the way back then bully for us but nothing especially nothing especially comes to mind when it comes to okay well I I kind of feel like the hammer Mod’s a bit too a step too far in terms of mods cuz like don’t get me

Wrong I like the hammer mod I think it’s great but I also feel like that’s something a second playthrough would benefit more from than a first playthrough cuz that did feel very cheap when I was using it personally speaking uh this goes up I see a torch which means I’ve been here

Before pardon me right just going to quickly pop this here and we’re going to try and enjoy this little segment oh okay let’s keep going again like the thing is if we can find Caverns without well the dark Zone [ __ ] then what the hell’s that what’s that what is that what is

That what in the emperor’s name is that what in the emperor’s name is that is that a dark creature thing what is that noise oh thank the okay sorry I thought it was one of those like uh I thought it was this Warden uh thing I thought it was the warden

Like the warden on his own turf basically cuz that would suck like a lot yes glorious I mean the thing is I’m aware of I’ve been I got the achievement by the way bid um for the sneak uh 100 apparently oh how right hello is that something I that

Looks like a light I placed it could be the light of the lava though reloading nice yeah it’s lava light Um I mean it really depends on what you want I mean I wouldn’t exactly say I wouldn’t exactly say I’m a a dedicated mod I consume mods I do love mods I feel mods are really important to games but I don’t uh I don’t know have the technical

Capabilities to make mods or at least not without spending a long time practicing right I hopefully yeah I’m hoping that this area isn’t going to be covered in so quick question bidden with regards to the warden is it something that you can actually kill like is it possible to

Kill this thing or is it going to be something that yeah I saw you coming [ __ ] is it something that once you’ve killed and like you put some torches around like what I’m doing now so for example if I was To okay and is it and in terms of like keeping it from respawning do I just delete the Zone in question so would I just go around with like a pickaxe and be like right I killed the thing now I need to quickly kill or to delete the remaining resources or something silly

Like that to ensure the uh he spawned through the streek being activated four times oh so it’s basically those are like warning uh sounds okay destroy the sensors and you’re safe okay okay cuz like when I destroyed the thing is when I destroyed some you know finger quotes when I

Destroyed some of the ground the I got all of a sudden the the screen went all dark and [ __ ] and I was like what the [ __ ] going on completely took me by surprise and then I was a bit edgy and then like I have to admit morale was hit pretty bad because

Um hang on let me see if I can do this huh most intriguing nice right so I’m going to start making my way that’s fair enough mate so I’m going to plun that stuff down there I’m going to try and make an exfiltration now because we’re at 21

Diamonds so I feel like we’ve got enough gear to be able to go into making our own equipment which is important whereabouts am I at this moment in time oh I’m actually quite far away from base which is actually pretty cool and I also I’m getting a nice visual indicator as well

Okay have a good one mow have a happy New Year right let’s have a look see I’m just going to get rid of some of these [ __ ] stickers because stellic mates are [ __ ] right I’m going to go over to the nearest lava patch as well when I

Could find one and be like right time for renge or Jabs anyway so we I think we’re yeah I’m probably going to call the Expedition so I’m going to need to exfiltrate and get myself into the safety zones I.E back to base he says going deeper oo that’s like a

Gate all right and that’s a gate to Nowhere son of a [ __ ] well we can use the corner deep slate right yeah so once I’ve done this we’ll have accomplished our objectives well we’ll have accomplished the third objective of the stream which is ow get enough diamonds to be able to

Make equipment for the nether realm So the plan will now be go back to the nether realm and uh see if we can get some material as well as the you know other stuff you know a little bit more exploration come on come on all right on your head be

It come on here we go ow that thanks for the Boost I don’t know how to make potions though like if I knew how to make them no trouble would happily make them ow meanie okay okay I’m thinking ow all right I’ll see how I can make a health

Potion heal potion of healing instant here Minecraft I need awkward potion awkward potion and a glistering moon then slice Nether wart kind of seems a little bit complicated right let’s try and see if we can exfiltrate through this Zone shall we yeah that feels fitting right we need

To make our way back up north though cuz because otherwise we’re going to be stuck down here for quite some time I mean we’re already going to be on a bit of a journey to get back to home all right Shields almost busted okay cheers for the advice on the

Shield I got spare Shields though just in case right oh okay good yeah cuz like I’m not against learning how to do stuff like that if the potions work then I’m more than Happ to grab them it’s more like I’ve never had to De I’ve never built

Any potions before so it’s like I have no idea how would you even get started harder with that I tend to go with just the concept of make a [ __ ] ton of food and then just Pace myself which has so far been the most rewarding element to me oh

H effectively that’s one all I needed to do is just make sure not to hello think I’m able almost right I’m still down there yeah so I’m going to need to a little okay well obviously like like yeah I get you on that o diamonds all right spare one of those

Move the glowberries whatever they do get rid of the bow because we don’t need the bow three for the bow uh don’t Need these things they can go screw off and I don’t need that’s about it really right okay I was about to make my way it’s the extra he says might found an extract I’ll need to find an extract at some point but I’m just going to just trying to remember extract to

Trace My Steps really Bingo right we’re back into the Realms of getting out of here right okay so like if I make my way up up this little cabern that should in theory begin to take me to oh I’ve been here before nice that is pretty right let’s get some gold

Finally got some more coal coming in again I mean I’ve got like a couple stacks worth of coal but obviously you know if we can get more coal then I’ll I’ll gladly accept it there cool sweet okay I’ve been down there before but I want to get up and

Out making my way towards extraction whil also keeping my eyes peered for anything in terms of diamond cuz you never know you never know ow oh nice right I’m happy to get some more coal and then I’ll need to find a way of getting out I might have to end up

Extracting yeah I might end up having to extract onto a different entrance way no okay nice and to be fair all the gear and [ __ ] we’ve got should be more than satisfactory right just need to nice again with the giant [ __ ] caverns of amazing [ __ ] and the giant pitfalls of death

Before uh any Hope For Freedom yeah I keep finding more of this stuff ah probably need you know oh ah that’s us out of ammo not good yeah I’m out of ammo [ __ ] okay well no that’s actually a good thing because we can we can swap and obviously put something else in there

Instead right there go emergency rations are on fire Perfect Right popping down towards here oh my God this place is [ __ ] amazing this is what I mean about Minecraft it’s like I’ll think oh yeah I need to get out because you know I need to keep the resources I’ve got with me

Because reasons and then I do this where I’ll go around the corner and my brain goes yeah but you know you know but the desire part of my come on come on but you know the ex curiosity side of my brain goes yeah but there’s a cavern

That leads somewhere and I’m like I need to escape because resources and it’s like yeah but Cavern I’m like [ __ ] that’s a really good [Laughter] argument oh that’s pretty right ow uhoh nice right let’s make our way out judging from the cool so judging from our location if I can somehow oh

[ __ ] there we go at least I get ammo for it yeah like as long as I yeah if I can find a way of getting myself out of this Zone I should hopefully be able to and also you know if I can fight back again the spawns over here that’ll be quite an

Achievement one two three dump okay I think if I keep heading along this way I can not only maybe Forge a path towards the other giant Cavern but also hopefully link up and find a better exit SL entrance at least that’s the plan no guarantees that it’ll be perfect with

That son of a [ __ ] right that is a lot of stalic mites oh God my frames Jesus Christ what would I give for a fat man grenade launcher mod from uh Deep Rock Galactic cuz seriously there is a [ __ ] ton of terrain I would happily want to see

Nuked then again I would also wouldn’t mind a nuclear bomb mod that would be so [ __ ] hilarious then again there’ probably be a cave-in mod which will be even more terrifying right let’s take advantage of this opportunity and grab more copper that copper uh iron I should

Say cuz I’m going to need to I’m going to be needing to buy a I’m sorry buy I’m going to be needing to make a lot of [ __ ] ammo oh that’s a [ __ ] witch [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Emperor be with me how you know what I don’t care I have no idea what the [ __ ] I just did how did I do that huh okay I amum I’m a little speechless okay so that was close we almost had a

Had a rather negative experience with a unknown or underground oh God right okay we need to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge I’m also slightly stuck because there’s a giant Pitfall and I can’t really guarantee unless I just build my way down which I don’t have a huge amount of resources is to

Hand all right if I build this way I don’t know how the hell I did that I’ll be honest with you right well say is that is an impressive one all right see you see you in a sec Ben right right we need to exfiltrate but we’re also getting some

Good resources so I’d say we’re doing pretty good I think we’re up I don’t believe we can get any more yeah that was close but I don’t think we can get any more diamonds with our current elevation not bucker hell never easy is it ooh that looks like a place I’ve traversed

Before how’s my armor doing not very well Jesus Christ yeah I don’t blame the armor for being that heavily damage but you can think of how much health that has saved me it is well worth the price and this is where we have a shitload of weapons and equipment and materials

Because good God try imagine trying to survive with that and not yeah just a smidge right at least I can get at least I’ve gotten a shitload of um at lost at least I could say got a [ __ ] load of iron that will cook nicely yeah like a stack and a half already

Ow goes even deeper but does that mean we get oh we’re in the Realms of diamond again so maybe I mean I did say this stream was going to be on longer so we’re already at the three God three and a half hours three sorry 3 hours and 40 minutes Jesus

Diamond nice yeah this this is definitely going to be nice oh get in oh you magnificent bastard you this is [ __ ] delicious we’re also getting ever closer as much as it sounds like we’re not we are actually getting ever closer to other Caverns like it also we are getting ever closer

To some of the caverns we’ve explored to and getting ourselves closer to the exit so I would say this this particular run has been both extremely Pro profitable but also potentially has provided us a new route though to be fair I don’t think I could categorize the different routes

For that but you know it’s it’s definitely something I like oh that’s perfect not going to lie I am liking that so once we’ve done this I’m going to go for a quick run because I think we’ll have enough material to go back into the nether

Realm and that’ll be the first time I’ve gone back into the nether realm in a number of episodes so I would count that as a as a big win right right I think we’re almost up and out oh [ __ ] it I I keep seeing all this copper and my brain’s just like you

Should know you could mine it and I’m like I I know I can but I shouldn’t and my brain’s like you should mind that and I’m like no and then he’s like yeah but you you want to mine that and I’m like I do but I also need to get on with other

Stuff and it’s like no you’re going to mine that and I’m like [ __ ] I have to besides I am actually starting to get through some other stuff I am going to be using a fair amount of copper anyway and as well as a fair amount of iron so

Like as much as we are in a position where we don’t really need copper we actually may do need it cuz may do need it if I knew I know English there we go right that like yeah already a stack in a bit [ __ ] St mes cuz like it [ __ ] spawns in twos

As well oh my God it’s [ __ ] everywhere just trying to like figure [ __ ] out now I like oh my God come on come on come on load up come on come on come on come on load right I have got too much [ __ ] that’s fine toss that out toss that out all the

Loot once again right well we’ve got some stuff to cook in the background now which is going to be very useful and that should hopefully also be used by a fairly large amount when we inevitably start using bullet I’m going to be making a [ __ ] ton

Of bullets because I’m going to be going into the Zone like I’m going to be going into The Nether realm and I’m going to be having a majority of my I’m going to be changing my load out did I just toss my [ __ ] yes I did I’m going to be going into The

Nether realm and a majority of my inventory space will be taken up by ammunition for my firearm this thing is going to see some [ __ ] action [Laughter] it’s going to be a bit ridiculous to be brutally honest with you but hey that’s the point I don’t want to risk dying again

So if that means I can and the thing is also I might have to increase the uh the level of the thing also let’s quickly add you onto there into there perfect oh oh no there’s a the bat just landed in the bloody thing it’s not my fault didn’t do

Anything the bat was stupid right let’s get some more metal but yeah so I’d say this has been a pretty successful stream we’ve been able to accomplish multiple objectives and we’ve been able to get a pretty decent amount of loot in the process and and now all I need to do is just

Exfiltrate to a nice location right toss that uh is there anything useless that I don’t need no no okay we’re good I think a slightly safer Cavern slightly being the uh the word of the day uh let me think probably heish we can get into the next room from here that should be

Doable there we go we might be entering into the room oh hello happy days I’ll take that right do we go up I sense we’re on the cusp of getting out wish there was a an ability I could have where it’s like you feel you you

Knock the wall and it feels Hollow like that would be that would be nice ni where you know you can you can tell roughly how close you are to breaking through to another Cavern cuz I’m fairly convinced am I above cuz I’m probably just on the cusp of finding uh of getting

Out and it’s like I can’t y 62 why two oh I’m above it oh I’m like right above it oh so I’m like yeah okay that would explain a few things so yeah I’m above it oh no there it is ah [ __ ] right okay well the good news is

I found a cave and judging from the other stuff it might be that I’m safe to right we don’t want to go that way so I do this instead yeah this is the safer way yay I’m back and we have got regenerating crystals and more importantly we’re free we’re back to the

Beginning he says right so we just need to now xil trate to the other location and we’re good to go cuz I think if we go around the corner here we can actually get ourselves out of here and then over to the other side [ __ ] yes

Oh and that is what you would call a successful extraction after spending God knows how long under the ground ow right fantastic right we’ve now got 29 [ __ ] Diamond that is dope so in total we’ve got like probably close to 70 Diamond which is enough hopefully to make two

Suits one for main adventures and two for for backup as well as some tools I’m not aiming to get much tools but just some tools yeah we’re free we did it woohoo right first of all Let’s uh pop this In right grab some of that stuff right and then some golden apples right and then where be the diamond there be The Diamond check it out now now that is almost 94 like 93 Diamond that is [ __ ] awesome I am genuinely quite ecstatic with that knowledge right let’s make some diamond

Armor shall we so one set two set one leggings two leggings one helmet two helmet I will make some boots as well one set of boots two set of boots and then we’ll have the spare set go into there right I’ll also take off the gear

That we’ve got here CU this has served me very nicely diamond right gold tools I’ll make some gold feet right right one diamond pickaxe two diamond pickaxe [ __ ] it Three diamond pickaxe and then we got one diamond sword two diamond sword need to like sort out some of the

Other bits of gear that I’ve got so get rid of that pop that into there pop you into there for the time being and then I’m going to I will be rejoining and sorting some of the stuff out right these go on your feet so now I

Have golden boots which means I’m able to go into The Nether realm very well protected so Diamond goes into here and is protected along with my boots and Equipment finally back up to speed with that which is very nice I’m going to replace my bow and everything with the ammo as

Well head over to this region right okay oh no that needs to go back up into there so you you you and you and you keep the G stone bottle get the music disc get the book in here get the that in there anything useful cowberries not too sure

What they do but they’ll do something right so I’m going to put one diamond sword and one of the pickaxes in here as part of the spare gear set and then I’m going to probably craft another diamond sword and another actually no two diamond pick two Diamond Pickaxes seem

To be the most should be enough and then I just need to set the other stuff cooking into the background I also need to Fantastic okay 26 63 what’s this 24 25 right I’m going to put you right there we go cuz we got that we also got coal the gold into

Position right I’m thinking ourselves we’re getting pretty pretty good for that one oh we’re full on that one sadly um see the sticks and stuff that looks to be fine going to need to get some uh all right so grab some of the diamonds we’ll make a spare sword so I

Think two swords two diamond swords two yeah so two diamond swords and two right cuz I don’t have any other Diamond SW yeah so two diamond pickaxes and two diamond swords seems to be a reasonable amount of material and then everything else kind of can go to the Wayside of

Bit right so put the stick back put that into the diamond loot over there that’s 30 diamonds remaining which is great not going to lie pretty happy to see that right I’m going to have one of these go here one of these will go here but that’ll be only used when I

Need to be using it um more importantly right now we need more coal because I need to make an absolute [ __ ] ton of ammo ah yes we need to make gunpowder right you go up towards there there we go that should be enough for that hey Max welcome to the stream hope you’re

Having a good time all right grabbing you pop that in there right let’s go and make a shitload of ammo that’s a pretty reasonable amount of ammo I I am going to the nether realm so for the last little bit of this stream I’m going to be hopping into The Nether

Realm to uh first of all exact some Vengeance against the creatures that attacked me but also to start Gathering materials I need so I’m just thinking what we probably want is I don’t think I need as many torches four stacks of torches should be enough put that back into there thank

You right pop that in there you pop that there you pop that there you pop that there you pop that there this is this is going to be an Armament Force yeah I feel this is appropriate I’m not even joking just like yep this is an appropriate level of Weaponry when it

Comes to going into the zone right I’m thinking that is everything I could possibly need yeah no I think that’s a good thing right let’s go back into the nether realm it’s been a while since I’ve been there but before we wrap today’s stream up because I’ll say for another I say

Another 40 minutes I’d say you know it’s quite a long stream this one but this is the last stream of 2023 so I feel like the good up I’d say it’s we’ve been very lucky so far uh kind of kind of so in the in prev in

You know in previous episodes I had gathered all of the diamond to make a diamond armor set but I’d never gone into The Nether realm before so as I was exploring the nether realm there was a particular enemy that took me by surprise and unfortunately he killed

Me resulting in my body and and in a desperate attempt to try and you know recover the body I was killed a second time losing pretty much all of the gear that I had you know had gained up to that point pushing me back quite a bit

And obviously pissing me off quite badly so and also I’d lost a lot of the stuff that I’d found in um I’d also lost a lot of stuff that I’d found in the nether realm meaning that all of my progress up until that point had been more or less

Lost so I was been a bit of a downer for a long time so now I’m coming back and I’ve come back with a couple of other mods yeah no it was as my first time going into The Nether realm I learned a valuable lesson which is don’t get

Greedy the the old salatary lesson from uh tarov came back and reminded me just how much of a [ __ ] she is but it is a very very wise fact never get greedy because it’ll bite you and uh as soon as and and second come prepared don’t don’t

Spend don’t go to a place where you’re not prepared to stay a long time or or don’t go into an environment where you’re likely to get killed very quickly so I’m going into the zone and I’m going to try and see if I can get something

Out of it as well as some petty Revenge I’m also testing out whether or not the Firearms mod I got well the gun here is going to be any like if it’s going to be I don’t want it to be overpowered that’s the thing I want to have a challenge I want

To make it as balanced as I can do here it goes yeah okay okay I have arrived and I’m in the nether realm once again this time we are going to come back oh that sucks you have my deepest sympathies with that oh now this is far more fitting I love this site

Mods yeah no I mean you have my deepest sympathies mate seriously I mean I’m I’m this is my first time playing through on Minecraft but I can sympathize is as I’ve watched a number of wellins videos uh talking about hardcore world so I yeah right my first ever yeah you can

See where my death is it’s in that Fortress location so that was a while ago but still stings so as long as I don’t do anything as long as I’m careful I should be fine like as long as I don’t take the piss he says

Right so the plan is for this last stage of our stream is oh hello try not to get knocked into combat for these things okay okay so the plan yeah so my plan is basically proceed it yeah basically proceed to this world gather up some of the crystals try and

Figure out what to do with said crystals go into one of the fortresses see if there’s any special bit of loot we can gather from it kill a few of the [ __ ] creatures that attacked me and then exfiltrate but obviously keeping aware of how much time we’re spending because

Obviously I don’t want to be in here too long yeah Enderman ey gotcha okay that’s fine that’s what we needed this for oh [ __ ] I mean I need to find a way of removing some getting rid of the S good safer children Mark somehow I don’t know

Like I will try and if I will see if I can try and ctail my swearing or actually no no [ __ ] it like it’s one of those things that I’m kind of like oh [ __ ] oh that was close I don’t swear all the time but I also

I don’t know like for me I don’t oh okay I probably should be a bit more careful with what I’m doing I probably should be oh this Forest has nothing but except Ender yeah I yeah I see I mean I know there’s a technique you can do where you

Can actually kill the Enderman without putting yourself too much in danger or so I’m am told right so this area I mean as long as I don’t look at the look at him it should be fine he says finger quote I mean I’m going to need to like

Be careful how I approach the situation because I don’t want to get lost and I also have only one portal to get in and out of so I don’t want to go I don’t want to stray too far from the portal even though yeah use

Boats it’s a lava lake though soon as I put a boat into it it’s going to burn up right I think I want to get like a few Stacks worth of um the crystals put the end in boats then kill them um not entirely sure what you mean by

That cuz I’ve not heard of that technique before okay let’s have a look see all right right I need to be careful but this is a rather pretty forest in its own weird way okay I think one of the Ender had spawned in lava and then decided in His

Infinite Wisdom yeah this is just a bit oh what the [ __ ] I did nothing to you [ __ ] you’re the one who spawned in lava [ __ ] I think I knocked him off I got a diamond sword and I’m pissed and ready to use it how you doing you’re all right

Right me thinks we should probably exfiltrate out of that area so I can at least have the home thing for me did he actually fall to his death oh I did I actually got him my first Enderman kill yeah it looks like I’m going to have

To yeah that was actually my first ever Enderman kill like of this run and to be fair I would count that as an official first kill like I was with bidden one time and he showed me this rather cheap technique I’ll be honest with you of getting rid of them

Right but I won’t lie that felt good I don’t think I’ll be able to get the rewards for a it sadly right I need to head that way one two three I mean I’ve yet to test the Firearms mod on these guys if I could that would be great like

If I could somehow get the mod to right oh what are you doing come on don’t be like that let me get out you [ __ ] hey douchebag really really you’re being like that to me right now yeah I know they’re three blocks tall so if I go to like a dong dong and

Then just start attacking them then at least I can you know do whatever but that doesn’t really feel fair but then again this is there you go be careful you know what [ __ ] you oh it looks like they don’t have their mean to range mods yes I am digging the nether gotcha

I’m I going to be able to get the [ __ ] out of this room o nice I think I’ve got a Stack’s worth at least um I’m trying to find it don’t get me wrong like if I can find this netherite stuff then by all means I will do exactly

That but the problem is I can’t first of all I need to you know I’m just going to go back the way I came cuz at this point it’s like it’s taking me too long to able to get out of there so it’s like I might as well just

Go back the way I came dig down to level 15 gotcha okay hello right so I need to get to level 15 of this Zone gotta okay I mean to be fair yeah I’ll try and see if I can get down to level 15 if I have time I’ve

Like 20 minutes before I have to you know finish the stream but if I can get down there then sure not really any easy ways down there is there think I need to build my way across again hi Liam welcome to the stream hope you’re having a wonderful time

I’m just in the nether realm trying not to die which is easier said than done I’m going to just extend this out a tad so I don’t have to worry about my sanity there we go if you bear with I will okay right I’ll uh if you bear with I’ll just quickly

Find a safe place to stand I’ll get that Discord link for you guys if you are interested in hopping into the Discord it’s a relatively new Discord but rules and system in place are there and it’ll be a nice one so this is a gun mod um it’s basically a a projectile

Firearms mod that allows me to have some additional form of defense against rather nasty scary creatures because I found myself uh having a bit of problems relying just on a crossbow so having this uh firearm mod hopefully is not super broken and as a result I can actually defend myself in a

Much more adequate means oh I think the pigs just killed the ball which kind of sounds a bit kind of sounds counterintuitive or hypocritical when you think about it but hey ho oh hello nice a I right so I got to so yeah this thing has a limited

Amount this this particular weapon has an ammunition capacity hello how you doing sir don’t get too close to me a little ledgy with those why those guys come towards me I’m like this R’s too [ __ ] scary with my level no thanks I’d like to live first like I’ve only just got this

[ __ ] bit of armor let me at least enjoy the shine before it disappears but yeah so the my G mod is designed to provide me a means to defend myself against some of the nastier creatures out there but remain in a state of balance hello how you doing you’re all right

Hello I can’t do the friendly wiggle but I would love to right that’s a just an entire [ __ ] lake of lava yes I realize I need to enchant the gear don’t worry like believe it or not I am aware that there are things I’m not

I am not doing that could in fact be done you know that could make me do better that’s fair enough I mean to be fair this is more of a personal preference thing than a I need this to survive because like for me I’m you know

I’m a fan of firearms so the ability to have a firearm with me is nice I was hoping to find something like a matchlock or some kind of one you know slow firing weapon but the one that came with this mod which was the original

Intent of my my getting it um is a little bit overpowered so I wanted to balance things out by bringing a firearm that like didn’t do as much damage but actually could do you know was still quite yeah probably shouldn’t do that in front of these Guys run but yeah so like for me I like Firearms I’m a gun guy so the fact that this game does not have guns is a little disappointing so I decided to implement my own little thing to it and to be fair it kind of makes You’ think they would

Put guns in this game as it kind of makes sense as a natural form of progression you get crossbows so why not Firearms right right what is that over there that looks like some kind of building a look at the time not got long left about 10

Minutes well I say 10 minutes it’s more like my own personal timer for that one but still all right I’m going to make my way over there I’m going to go back to my death spot where I lost all my gear originally I put like like some kind of grave

Marker or something as a token of my respect and then I’m going to murder every single one of the bastards in there I mean again it’s one of those personal preference things like I realized that you know having guns is not a requirement in Minecraft nor the whatever

But it’s like it’s it’s basically I guess you could say it’s like the equivalent of rust you know you you you have you start out with bow you know Rock Stone bows and arrows and eventually you work your way up to guns which I’m not going to lie okay I am bricking this

Up oh my God emperor that was close we just going to we’re just going to seal this cuz I don’t want to ever be in that position again right I’m going to gather up like 20 amounts of this [ __ ] so I can like not die cuz holy God

Right to be fair I I’m not going to lie I’m actually getting the hankering to play Rust again oh no too close for my own personal Comfort right [ __ ] I am ready for you Pricks this time yeah douchebag ain’t so funny when you start getting shot and hurt for no reason

There’s got to be a way up for these wankers diamond armor [ __ ] these guys are armored [Laughter] come On sorry I can’t help I can’t take these guys seriously right where the [ __ ] are you pricks that’s my backpack it’s still here after all this time I may have lost some of it but I didn’t lose all of it thank the emperor right what can we we can

Exchange right dump that dump that right get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that well this was originally like this this particular set of gear was actually the gear that I had when I first came in

This is [ __ ] that my pre my first death had [ __ ] love this gun [ __ ] love this gun eat it dude [ __ ] full set of diamond armor probably what happened to wanker probably stole it from me Right I want to save that backpack cuz that’s like my first backpack uh what can I ditch like there’s some stuff I can probably put into here two full stacks of that stuff plus to be fair I could probably do this instead yep that that does the [Laughter] trick oh that’s [ __ ] satisfying if there’s a staircase down south then maybe that might be something I could use to uh uh more importantly yeah I think I might have to build down hello can you hear me if you can’t as I apologies if you um if I’m quiet or anything

Um should be available yep but yeah I have a i to be fair I gathered the quarts because I don’t know it looked important like I will I’ll I’ll for context this is my first playthrough of Minecraft so like a lot of the stuff I

Have so in terms of like reasons why I do [ __ ] is is like I’m exploring I’m trying to understand what this place is enjoy death [ __ ] he’s dead [ __ ] you [ __ ] you is that a pig spawner what is That I mean is quartz you I remember vaguely someone saying it was something to do with like the enchantment process is awesome ah [ __ ] Rel moving that feels so satisfying [ __ ] hell they’re coming through the walls what the hell oh they can actually live in lava it would seem

Huh I mean all I can say is this game’s [ __ ] me over in the past so I’m only returning the [Laughter] favor ah nothing like a middle finger in the form of a firearm guns are my best friend going I need to be careful because obviously if I’m not I

Could end up getting caught out and [ __ ] over he’s gone uh right that goes into there what is oh it’s a spawner of those things I’m going to need to get rid of those things oh dear God Emperor uh no I’ve have yet to find blue

Steel to be fair I hadn’t even heard of the stuff until um until I’ve gone into The Nether realm right right what’s in here War Pigs it’s template crying obsidian netherite scrap there we go found some netherite scrap kers of Vanishing I’ll take a free Diamond Sword any day of the

Week oh fair enough so why does people talk about it like that right I think I like I think I have broken through the I was to to say I have thought I broke through the uh the main line oh that’s how they got up but obviously not quite the

Same well I’ve cleared out Fortress I would say I’ve Avenged hey [ __ ] all right Liam well have a good one and have a Happy New Year thank you very much for tuning into the stream right I’m probably going to need to start X filtration now sorry it’s really hard to find these

Guys intimidating when they make noises like that just saying I mean I’m ready for him if I remember correctly are they above me oh yeah they’re above me yeah they’re coming in is re okay there is more to this place but I went inside the Interior right one 2 three four

5 I think it’s time for us to extract don’t you oh some reason my frames keep dying reloading I’ll uh set down a cand of light to highlight the location of the sad and tragic passing of my first characters yeah there it is ow Main prize room of some

Kind I think it was here I feel like it was no it wasn’t was it like a level below no don’t think so through it just felt like there was a it might have been a level above or a level below I’m not entirely sure at this

Point but I just want to put um a little I just want to put like a little torch thing down just to sort of illustrate the uh yeah I feel like it probably was lower down yeah probably it was a bit lower maybe there should be an entrance way or

Something that I dug in yeah there’s the ENT oh hello yeah there’s the entrance so here probably is where I died or something like that I went down into here yeah here is where I died that’s a little torch to say I have you know I’ve

Returned I have Avenged the death a few times over and now I need to exfiltrate oh God run right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here let’s get to that portal all right and uh once I escape and finish off the stream I’ll post a link

To our Discord and thing but if you’ve only just joined don’t worry we may be wrapping things up now but you can go to the description whereupon you can see this episode from the beginning and also many other episodes like you can actually see when we were

Here for the first time and just witnessed how terrifying that that particular thing was so thank you all so very much for watching if you like this kind of content and I’ll hope to catch up with you yeah I see you intercepting me [ __ ] and also thank you very much for

Watching this extended stream we’re a little bit over the time schedule now but I think this is a fitting thing considering it is the end of 2023 for us 2023 a bit of an interesting year to say the least but a year that will be remembered regardless how fondly or not fondly

And also this has been a good testing ground for the firearm and Escape wiggle oh it’s night T we’re alive again and I got some stuff I got the original backpack oh nice it’s like a night and like moon phases as well that’s cool well there you guys go we have not

Only accomplished the uh all of our objectives but we’ve also gained some surprise loot out of it as well which I did not expect I thought all of the loot that I dropped upon my previous characters sad demise would have um been lost but no a little bit of it

Remained now what we need to do is just find a way of making up find a way of making our path down south and I think then we’ll be in the clear of course the next major stage will be to be able to start the process

Of building up like the thing is we’re at the point now where I think we’re going to need to start seriously thinking on getting to the Enderman is he riding a [ __ ] he’s riding a [ __ ] spider I’ve never seen that before that’s hilarious and a bit adorable oh [ __ ] off

Not so funny when someone shoots you down [ __ ] uh what can we toss there we go let’s make our way back home shall we oh boy well we finally got some netherite herb scrap which didn’t think we could get and we’ve also now come back with netherite

[ __ ] oh wow The Field’s almost full again that’s good to see right let’s oh thank the emperor right oh I’m sorry you under attack oh no no no no no no no that was close see how much luck I’ve pissed away that time right think I’m going to call it on that

One so thank you all very much for watching I hope you have enjoyed and I’ll catch you all in the next stream next year this is M diea signing out thank you very much 2023 you’ve been a bit of an interesting year to say the least this is M diea signing out

Okay I think that might be enough there go

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Down the Rabbit Hole – Live Let’s Play – Part 9’, was uploaded by Mr Jaeger on 2023-12-30 17:51:18. It has garnered 95 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:48:21 or 17301 seconds.

Minecraft is a game that I never really got around to playing. Despite all of the hype and the content generated by it’s creation. Minecraft just didn’t end up on my to do list. Now however we’ll give it a crack and jump right into whatever hell awaits us.

Let’s see what my First playthrough of Minecraft looks like.

Live stream remnants –

Down the Rabbit Hole Playlist –

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    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More