Insane Minecraft Adventure: Epic Audiobook!

Video Information

Hello everyone I’ve experienced some downcast moments since my phone was recently stolen and it’s been affecting my mood YouTube has been quite timec consuming and I feel the need to prioritize self-care and rest consequently I’ve made the choice to create lengthier videos approximately twice a week rather than producing

Smaller daily segments I’m optimistic that this adjustment will yield positive results if you’ve already viewed the initial three segments feel free to skip ahead to the 1 hour and 57 minute mark I modified the gameplay because the story line is still relatively brief I trust it won’t be too disruptive let’s play

Minecraft in a world of swords and spells by zeror vanesh chapter 1 death has anyone ever played a Sandbox game personally I always loved games like those where the world was an open place free to explore to your heart’s contend stories adventures and perhaps even romance but Minecraft in particular was

The one game that captured my heart I bet a big majority of you have probably played play that game before but I still think some explanations are in order in the world of Minecraft every tree every Mountain every living and breathing creature are shaped by blocks tools and

Structures are then created by using blocks as well giving them a distinctively blocky appearance the game offers several different modes for the players to enjoy there is the creative mode designed for Limitless creations and imaginations survival mode designed for players to experience what it’s like to live in the Wild’s and natural

Environment with nothing but their wits and skills let’s not forget about Adventure Mode either usually it involves player created Maps which are programmed differently from normal gameplay often with specific objectives or goals available in the world of Minecraft the players are the absolute ruler of the world they are the

Sovereigns who are capable of governing over everything that exists in the world players can create anything from their own hands all that is needed was the imagination inspiration and dedication to complete one’s Masterpiece and currently I am building a gigantic City in the sky of course it’s not just any

Kind of City I am doing everything in hardcore mode on my own what’s so special about building a city in hardcore mode you say well this mode is where the player can only live once in survival mode while the difficulty scaling is set to the maximum you would

Need to keep a very close look on your health hunger and resources to be able to survive under normal circumstances to build a normal town in hardcore mode would take a very huge amount of time and effort Gathering resources on your own battling foes and mobs on your own

Surviving the harsh conditions of nature on your own and build a town while at it that definitely does not sound easy now does it but really I am a veteran gamer who has played search Minecraft for over 8 years this really is just a piece of

Cake for me let’s get back to the subject you must be wondering why I am building a huge City in the sky in hardcore mode right to be completely honest I feel much happier working my brain and focusing my energy into creating things that I like in search

Minecraft more happy when compared to dealing with the problems of reality and social expectations at least playing Minecraft helps me channel some of my negative energy productively so that they do not boil over at the worst possible timing and makes my emotions much more stable and regarding my

Decision to undergo such a big project in hardcore mode we will have to look about several years backwards in time the time when I sent my ex out of my home well I can’t really complain I have no quams about it as long as their new boyfriend can give her the happiness she

Deserves I felt that my mission in that relationship has been completed but of course I am a mortal man and any mortal man will definitely feel bad after breaking up with someone that they genuinely loved not to mention I was the one who initiated the breakup so I

Decided to dedicate my attention on trying to build a big project in my favorite game on Hardcore Mode the aching in my heart was drastically reduced after several months of hard work and since I thought I have already come too far to abandon the project I

Just decided to stick with it my current daily routine is just the infinite Loop of going to work work on the project go to sleep Etc I earn enough money to keep my entire family stable and in my opinion I have really understanding parents so there was no trouble on that

Front I let out a big YN as I stretched my back the city in the sky is almost finished I estimate that it probably needs only a few more blocks of stone to be truly complete oh or I can already feel the Euphoria of accomplishment and the pride for seeing everything to the

End filling me as I made my way to the last part of my city finally after so many years of mindboggling hard work it’s going to be done I controlled my character Avatar to descend from a steel Tower Park hour style I love the feeling of adrenaline csing through my body the

Thrill and suspense of danger where a single misstep will have me falling to my death in all honesty having something like an ender pearl to teleport would probably be more efficient since it would save time an ender pearl is something that can be obtained by killing an Enderman an Enderman are tall

Black and purple human ored creatures that are vulnerable to water and have the innate ability to teleport wherever they please a regular player Avatar has the height of two blocks while an Enderman is three blocks tall they are very slim and slender and usually leave you alone unless you aggravate it or

Until you stare at their eyes they grow enraged and aggressive when someone stares at their eyes their behavior almost reminds me of a monarch that lashes out because they simply cannot stand eye contact with peasants since they can teleport whenever they want to whatever location they want it’s very

Difficult to fight and defeat them you never know where they ended up until you see them again and when you do they are either trying to run away or Ambush you and you can do nothing about their actions as you simply can’t stop them they have the aforementioned weakness to

Water and are hurt whenever coming into contact with it rain water sea water even a splash of water from a small pond will hurt them enough to back away so submerging oneself in water is a foolproof plan of protection when fighting against them by throwing the ender pearl obtained from an Enderman

One could teleport to the location where the Pearl has landed I decided against using an ender pearl but I also have to confess that I am unable to something was wrong with my game data and for six whole years not a single Enderman has spawned or appeared before me so it’s

Not like I can actually get an ender pearl in the first place I only realized this problem regarding the game data and lack of Enderman 6 months ago but since my goal was to build a city in the Sky I decided it was unimportant my vision

Grew clouded as an intense pain in my left chest almost made me fall unconscious I was diagnosed with hereditary heart problems when I was young but the doctors promised us that it was not dangerous the pain usually Fades after a while so I never really paid much mind

To it it has accompanied me for many years so I ignored the pain just as usual and went back up to the top of the tower after retrieving the blocks of stones to complete the finishing touches on my work later in the future when I think back on the events that happened I

Wondered if I jinx myself when talking about not meeting an Enderman for six whole years since it was exactly at that point that an Enderman appeared before me at the very top of the tower and one single attack caused my character Avatar to die no I didn’t fall off the tower

And die from the fall damage just pure damage from the Enderman sitting before the computer screen I stared at the reddish game over message displayed on it with an inexplicable feeling of rage and disbelief inside me why I am wearing a false set of diamond armor how is it

Possible for an Ender to take out all eight of my health a hearts in one hit staring back at the screen again I noticed that this particular Ender seems very different from the normal generic Ender that I know of the black purplish body had white particles on it almost

Like a night sky full of stars is this a bug and what sort of bug could cause this but I am in no condition to ponder on this strange occurrence since the pain in my chest due to hereditary heart problems continues to magnify it must have been triggered due to my influx of

Intense emotions damn it am I having an actual heart attack right now all that I wanted was to enjoy my game so why didn’t the doctors say that my heart problems pose no danger on my life why is it suddenly so much worse right now why why did I

Send her away I loved her so much so why did I why I can feel my heartbeat spasm as my vision continues to darken the pain is slightly more bearable now but I really don’t think I can make it am I really going to just die like this I

Still have so much regret in my heart I deleted my save data with blurry vision as both tears of pain and regret flow from my eyes but hang on for a moment why is there a revive option available the last thing I remember before I blacked out completely was the clicking

Sound from the mouse I held in my hand when I clicked on the revive option after that I fell into the dark abyss of death chapter 2 rebirth when I opened my eyes I took a deep breath almost like I took a long swim and finally broke

Through the surface of the water after a long period of time was it all an elaborate dream and why do I hear the sound of a crying baby is this a hospital uh if this was really the hospital then why am I lying on the stone tiled ground with a baby right

Beside me as I tried to squirm I soon came to the realization that I couldn’t it feels like some kind of cloth is wrapped around my entire body stopping me from moving even a tiny inch my vision slowly began to clear and I found myself staring at a gigantic pair of

Doors made out of thick Stone it seems like I am lying in a courtyard of some sort seriously though what the hell is up with the size of that door it’s so huge gigantic would still be an understatement is this perhaps a church what other sort of place would have

Doors this large made out of stone to boot I found a lot of strange looking plants growing All Around Me Grass Grass Grass that’s probably grass too and several piles of wet wooden things I am certain that I’ve never been to a place like this before I lived in the cities

All my life am I in the countryside is all this just a dream if that is really the case then why is the sound of rainfall so deafening I can also feel the wet droplets falling and rolling down my face the gigantic Stone doors creaked scratchy as someone came out

From the building oh my it’s a beautiful nun she seems to be saying something but I don’t think I understand any of it what a huge bu too I think I can see it bouncing n no no no no no naughty thoughts I shouldn’t be thinking about

Something like this right now as the nun continues to babble in a strange language that I cannot understand she knelt and took hold of the baby lying right beside me I watched the nun swiftly dashed back into the building leaving me all alone outside in the rain

Gee thank you very much shoutings in the strange language were heard from the open door it seems like the nun is shouting something to someone and the craggy voice of an old lady shouted back at her the building let’s just call it the church for now other loud noises

Came from within the church which begs the question why the hell is a grownup man like me lying outside the church in the rain wasn’t I just having a heart attack in front of my computer after playing search Minecraft for several hours straight more shoutings were heard

From inside the church and this time a male dressing like a priest stepped out from the door technically I don’t think this guy would fit the appearance of an actual priest since he isn’t dressed like the priests that I knew of same goes to to the nun they are all garbed

In strange garments that look nothing like the stereotypical priest robe or nun habit that I am used to is this really a Church of Christ I suddenly realized that the priest also had horns similar to a cow protruding out of his head with the big flapping ears to match

Frozen completely in shock I wondered if I stumbled Upon A cosplay Convention of some sort hang on if those big ears are actually flapping then does it mean that those are real am I actually seeing a demium now a beast man the horned priest

Had a kind smile on his face as he knelt down and scooped me up into his arms are people all so large or did I just suddenly shrunk down I tried to protest since I was not fond of skin contact from people that share my gender but all

That I managed to get out was a squeak how is he holding me up I am an overweight man who has at least 100 kilos 220 lb on me how strong is this guy and why is this priest holding me in his arms anyway I would have preferred

To have the none hold me instead I would have been so close to those two large buns is it because that he is a beast man with Superior strength compared to a human as I stared into the eyes of the priest I saw his eyes reflect the image

Of a baby with brown hair and I came to the realization that said baby with brown hair was actually me I tried to shout and was rewarded with the universal crying scream of a baby and since I can feel that I am able to consciously control the pitch I guess

That’s my voice now the other baby was already out of the rain soaked swaddling cloth and was having the water wiped off from its body by the nun from before and by another much older nun oh my the other baby is a girl sorry for seeing you naked in your birthday suit my

Sincerest apologies it took me a few more seconds to look over her and what caught my eye was her unnaturally black hair it looks like there is silver sand dust mixed into it making her hair look like a night full of stars of course such a strange coloration instantly

Reminded me of the strange Ender from earlier the first Ender I’ve ever encountered Ed in six years straight with strange and noteworthy coloration being able to kill someone wearing a full set of diamond armor in one hit and this baby girl has the hair color that matches the color of that strange Ender

A coincidence I think not there was also a fact that the girl has a necklace with an ender pearl on it as I stared at the necklace I realized that the baby girl was staring at me as well as I established I contact with her the images of an enraged Enderman bashing me

To Pieces flashed through my mind sending sh givers down my infantile body the image only lasted for a split second and after it cleared away all I saw was the eyes of the girl staring intently at me something very upsetting seemed to have happened as the priest and two nuns

Gave out sudden exclamation of shock and dismay the baby girl was then swiftly deposited onto a stone pedestal and another wave of shocked exclamation were given as strange signs and letters floated into the air the strange signs and letters don’t look like any of the language I have seen before it’s not

English or Spanish Japanese not Russian French Arabic or Chinese either in fact I can safely state that this language has nothing related to any of the languages on Earth the priest then reached his hand out toward the baby girl touching her on the forehead before muttering a string of even stranger

Sounding words the string of words sounds almost like a song as it is evenly structured and even has a sort of Rhythm behind it then the hand of the priest began to Glow almost like magic magic magic of course if I wasn’t a baby I would have probably screamed in shock

Seeing all of this I came to the conclusion that I am probably no longer on Earth it seems like I am being reborn as an infant into a strange New World chapter 3 the reincarnated Enderman this is something that happened when I was seven you freak monster you do realize

That true monsters are actually much stronger than all of you combined don’t you I stood in front of Grace against six bullies in the hallway of the orphanage sigh I am dripping water all over the floor right now thankfully I intercepted in time before they spilled

The bucket full of water over Grace what is a useless villager like you doing here can’t you see that I am a great Mage yeah mitti is the greatest go away stupid villager stupid idiot I harped he being able to light a candle with magic counts you as a great Mage

You are just an immature bully then I swept my outstretched finger over all the other bullies in a hall and youu five are just his hairless goons that are nothing more than insignificant hairless Goonies gooni plural form Goonies is actually a creature unique to this world they are usually used as a

Swear word or insult inside a conversation H how do I explain this for species such as humans and elves who do not hold a big amount of fur on their body calling someone a hairless goon is like calling them a swine a brute or worthless animal the reason to that is

Because Goonies are a type of domesticated animal who produce nothing but fur it’s a bit like sheep from back on Earth where they can produce sheep fur but the difference between a sheep and a gooni is that there is seldom any amount of meat on a gooni therefore

Making them generally inedible so since Goonies produce fur and nothing else a hairless goon would be completely worthless we are not hairless Goonies not hairless Goonies we have hair oh my if all of you have hair then you are simply just Goonies I sent out another jib and watched them win

Despite Goonies being able to produce fur the quality of the fur is very bad and the amount of fur they can produce is even more laughable generally a type of domesticated animal that has very little Value Plus the cost to nurture a gooni is quite High to the point that

Goon fur farming often becomes unprofitable anyone with half a brain would just directly go for sheep fur farming by the way there are also sheep and cows similar from the ones on Earth in this world however they often hold very unique coloration such as a blue

And pink sheep or cow you you stupid villager damn you are you protecting that monster is there something wrong in protecting someone else from harm me protecting Grace from you lot is none of your business I stared down the bullies as I talked my oh my what do they think

They are doing trying to argue with me I am someone who has at least lived for 37 years mentally go away we are going to purge that monster with Justice repent for your sins go to hell the bullies seem to have grown extremely angry then the tallest

Bully with a wooden stick in his hand stepped out from the small crowd I am MTI the one who will become a hero when I grow up I will destroy you both in the name of Justice with his pece said MTI directly starts to chant trying to cast

A spell on us I really wonder how many loose screws this MTI person has for casting and standing still right in front of the enemy what the hell does he think is’s doing it’s a different thing if you can cast a spell quickly or instantaneously but it’s obvious that

MTI is using a very unnecessarily long winded spell chant I waited for a couple of seconds watching the smug expression on M’s face for a bit then proceeded to punch him directly in the gut ah Mimi damn it as mitti was rolling on the ground in pain the other bullies started

To scream and shout different profanities mitti is being completely ignored despite the fact that he is rolling on the ground crying and announcing his pain with big fat tears all the while being curled up in a ball I then picked up M’s wooden stick that

He used as a staff and smacked all the other bullies on the head they immediately dispersed and ran away typical throwing the wooden stick out of the open window walking past mitti who is still curled up on the ground I stood standing over Grace who is sitting on

The ground are you all right did you get sprayed by any water I watched Grace intently her long Starry black hair doesn’t seem to have any wetness and there are no signs of water over her clothes either she was probably startled and in shock though glasses oh they are

Over here I picked up the glasses that have fallen on the ground and handed them to Grace she took the procured glasses and after making sure they are settled properly on her face raised her head to meet my gaze I am fine her blue eyes are shimmering tearfully it seems

Like she is barely holding on to them and not balling loudly like MTI on the ground a her small stature and cute eyes are a splend Ed sight to see Lis are definitely the best don’t worry you also have talent in Magic you can definitely make them regret this after you reach 10

Years old and start your magic lessons looking at Grace who was still sitting on the ground I was reminded of my own time and experience where I was bullied I simply can’t just leave things be well although technically I was killed by Grace the Enderman I don’t hold a grudge

Against her Yep this cute little girl who has just been bullied was that fearsome Enderman that killed me with one single hit and myself well it looks like I was reincarnated as a Minecraft player or more often known crafter into this strange New World it took a lot of time

For me to reach the conclusion that Grace was the Enderman who killed me and I have the powers of a crafter Grace herself doesn’t seem to have any sort of memories Associated from her previous life seeing as that she was just a mob and just a mob that was a bunch of

Program zero and ones but anyway she holds all the unique things an Enderman or Ender woman has she is scared of water in other words she gets hurt every time she comes into contact with water speaking in terms that are used in This Strange New World Grace is hated by the

Water Elementals of this world this is related to the magic system of this world where magic is essentially the Mage calling out for the Elementals to do their work an example would be if you want a fireball you use spell chance to communicate with the fire Elementals in

The atmosphere and they will produce one for you water Elementals exists in the atmosphere like all Elementals and also exist inside natural water such as rainwater sea water lake water Etc every time Grace comes into contact with water that contains water Elementals inside it she will get hurt

However processed water do not hold water Elementals and therefore she is safe to drink things that have been processed like drinking boiled water eating soup taking a hot bath also Grace grows enraged whenever someone looks her directly in the eyes and ends up intimidating anyone who does by imprinting frightening images into the

Beholder’s Mind therefore the special glasses that I crafted just for her we will talk about how I made these glasses later in conclusion her unique hair color being unable to interact with natural water and strange phenomenon when looked in the eyes makes her a target for the bigoted and ignorant

Grace is being treated as the cursed child of the orphanage and mistreatment bullying verbal barbs are always directed at her as a result speaking of which Grace doesn’t seem to be able to teleport yet hopefully she can learn to do that as she grows older W son you

Naughty child you’ve been fighting again you’re going to the naughty room tonight the shrill voice of the old nun resounded through the Halls ah it’s that Troublesome old hag again chapter 4 is this cheating you always go and pick fights for no reason at all goodness gracious you’re not getting dinner

Tonight you hear that the old nun threw me into an old room which had the rank one magic disabled Ward placed a ward comes into completion by Magic creating an area that has certain restrictions or special conditions in this case the room if a mage was thrown into a room with

Rank one magic disable then they cannot cast spells that are ranked one or below no matter how hard they try but since I am not a mage neither have I learned any magic only orphans who are older than 10 can take classes to learn them the ward

In this room made no difference to me this old room only has a rickety old table with a moldy goddess Bible set on top of it and an most broken bed nothing interesting here a perfect place to hold irresponsible and naughty children in the eyes of the adults the goddess Bible

Is a Bible from the religion of vom vom is a religion that worships the goddess of the same name and is considered to be the most popular religion in The Gnome World The Orphanage that I am currently living in is a Branch Church of vom the Goddess is

Well I think we should leave that particular topic for the future anyway since this room is used to isolate naughty children from the world the words repent for your actions is heavily implied but seriously does a normal child have the brain capacity and attention span to repent when even the

Majority of adult have no idea how to do it since I frequently stand up for grace and fend off the bullies for her I have entered this room so many times that I can safely call myself a regular at the naughty room most of the time the adults

Preach things such as don’t solve things with violence tell the adults first or something when it happens but I think all of us can agree that it’s a load of bull crap as orphan to have nothing no family no possessions no worth all that we have is ourselves and our fists so

Naturally we solve conflicts with the limited things we possess oh right hello everyone I am wson and yes I am breaking the fourth wall to speak to all of you my name before my reincarnation to this world is unimportant so I will just leave that out my real age is relative

Since my physical body is currently 7 years old while my uh soul is 37 I died when I was 30 yep I’m just a kid now as for the fact that I have been reincarnated I personally believe that I am the only person who is aware of that

Although Grace has technically also been reincarnated she holds no knowledge and recollection of anything since she was formerly a computer program filled with zeros and ones seriously though I bet all of you have read bunch of stuff about how people become overpowered after being reincarnated or reborn so

You must be wondering why I don’t seem to be capable of anything special well it all has to start with the occupation system of this world in this world there are roughly three categories that can Define all the sensient species that exist a fighter a mage or a commoner

Well technically there are only two categories the fighter and the Mage with the commoner encompassing all the other less useful people there are also many different ways to call a commoner such as a villager peasant bumkin pean Etc but most people stick to calling us kind of people the commoners personally I

Like villager best because of testificate you don’t get the joke well too bad but I’m sticking to comma there exists a special artifact in this world that distinguishes people it’s called The Stone tablet of identification as the name implies it is used to identify something the way this

Stone tablet works is by touching the stone tablet with any part of one’s body or in the case of an object letting a part of the object touching the stone will make it start to list off the statistics of it things like Health Mana attack defense agility accuracy and

Experience points and other similar things will be provided you heard it right basically this world is just like a big role playing game if it’s not then it’s something very similar to our RPG so by referencing the statistics shown by the stone tablet one can deduce and predict an individual’s future career

And occupation people who are born with higher physical stats will be more likely to become Fighters and people with higher magical stats will become mags there are also various smaller branches to these two very generalized categories mags can be elementalists Summoners curse Mage warlock Etc and Fighters have Lancer Warrior swordsman

Martial artist Archer Etc so what about commoners and what makes a person a commoner basically people who do not have any outstanding stats and anyone with average stats is considered to be a commoner nothing in this world prohibits commoners to train and become Fighters or mags but it has been proven again and

Again that it will be much much harder as for me I am someone who does not have outstanding stats and was therefore been labeled as a commoner I doubt my former occupation in my previous life would make any difference on what I am in this

Life so I just let it go Steve from Minecraft was nothing but a normal guy with a pickaxe anyway so even if something Minecraft related was mixed into my rebirth I guess the best I can end up with would be a minor by the way commoners also have smaller branches

Like farmer logger worker Etc I have confirmed that Miner is part of the commoner Branch as I sat on the almost broken bed in the room I contemplated on what could be happening outside right now I am certain that before I was thrown into the naughty

Room it was supposed to be chore time my chore was to tend to the farm and fertile Fields but since there are so many orphans I personally doubt that my absence will make a difference no one needs me at the farm anyway I muttered to myself as I opened my inventory and

Took out a bread then I took out a crafting table and set it on the ground initially the crafting table was just a small block that was in my hands but once it no longer came into contact with any part of my body it swiftly began to

Turn into a square block that roughly had the diameter of 1 M I suppose this ability would count as being very special right but this does not change my stats on the stone tablet it did not make any difference in my categorization as a commoner so my ability allows me to

Turn anything into blocks and store it away in a special space that only I have access to I call this space the inventory yes yes laugh at my lack of originality please why don’t you no matter how many things or how heavy they are none of them will

Affect my body once converted into blocks by my special ability although this is similar to The Very overpowered Hammer space where infinite amounts of things of infinite variety can be stored my ability has a capacity limit regular objects turned into blocks has a stack limit of

64 in other words I can have as many as 64 of something before I have to use up another bit of my space to make more Stacks the stack limit varies between different types of things and sometimes there are even things that cannot be stacked at all and my inventory has the

Space of 40 Stacks therefore 40 slots the first 30 is that bag and the last 10 is the belt or more generally known as the hot bar there is also the 2×2 crafting grid available so it’s basically just like Minecraft as mentioned before my ability will convert almost anything into blocks and a

Majority of times the the shape of the item was not anywhere close to rectangular but will end up as rectangular once removed from the inventory an example would be a small piece of chopped firewood once I removed it from the inventory it became a sizable rectangular block of log this

Phenomena is irreversible so I have to be mindful when I want to place things into the inventory tools generally do not turn into rectangular blocks or gain any blocky appearance like Minecraft tools which still mystifies me at times I simply named this process as conversion there are other interesting

Things to note when I played Minecraft I installed the minimap mod and damage indicator mod it seems like they have followed me into this new world and became part of my special abilities the mini map allows me to view things with a third person point of view on the map it

Also shows me if there are any friendly or hostile life forms around me the range is a circle that is precisely 100 m radius sounds big but actually isn’t the damage indicator enables me to see very basic information of someone else such as Grace lv3 HP 12 12ths status

Normal title none not very specific but it’s more than enough just like normal RPGs currently I have only discovered these two maybe some of the other mods I installed made it into this world but I have yet to discover them I held immense amount of gratitude for people who

Develop and create mods when I was alive as a gamer but now I wished I could worship them I munched on my bread as I placed three Cobble stones and two wooden sticks onto the crafting table to craft a stone pickaxe I carefully stole a few pieces of firewood and converted

Them into blocks of wooden log and after crafting a wooden pickaxe managed to sneakily mine some cble stones from the rivered near the orphanage so what was I doing with stone pickaxe in the naughty room you ask why I am going to use it to break out of course since I am supposed

To stay in here until the next Dawn I could use this time to do things I want without being disturbed such as going for a a walk on the mountains if I mind the walls then fix it by placing the block right back into the opening and

Voila I would be out all Minecraft players know that a locked door has no meaning monsters appear regardless whether if it’s day or night but it has been generally approved that nighttime is more dangerous so I might encounter a few but it’s nothing to worry about

Since the most I would have to fight with would be a very low ranked slimes so long as I avoid going too deep into the mountains that is I really want to experiment my powers and abilities on my own and I deemed the mountains to be the

Best place to do so as a side note 7 years ago around the time I came into this world a new type of monster seems to have appeared they are the block monsters AKA Minecraft Mobs I heard this from father marbon the priest guy who

Held me when I was a baby in chapter 1 the sudden appearance of the block monsters seems to be linked to my appearance into this world so they probably came along with me news has been spread that a city in the South was completely annihilated because a large

Swarm of creepers came out of the local dungeon and destroyed the city wall letting all the other monsters into the city in the middle of the night anyway the reason I want to experiment was because of the other things that I hold in my inventory when I was reborn into

This world the items that I held on to in Minecraft came along with me I currently have one enchantment table 13 Blaze Rod 64 glow stone a full stack for Netherrack two Nether wart one melon seed six Soul Sand 64 block of red stone and 13 potatoes

I don’t think I need to explain how showing off all these things would be very bad for me right none of them are things that I can casually take out from the inventory sigh I really wish I have a secret base or something I heard three knocking sounds from the small window in

The naughty room I took a look at the mini map and saw that it was Grace outside I opened the window and said isn’t it dinner time what are you doing here aren’t you going to go have dinner Grace timidly shoved something into my hands and left after quickly muttered

For you oh it’s a piece of bread how thoughtful of her chapter 5 torches are essential after dusk has fallen it became much darker forcing me to backtrack and create a furnace I can use the furnace after murmuring activate to it I do the same thing when using the

Crafting table and my inventory sometimes depending on what I am trying to do after activating the interface there were two slots the slot on the top is where I place the thing I want to burn the one below is for the fuel I want to use once both slots are filled the

Furnace automatically processes whatever was placed inside with that said I placed two blocks of wood into it according to the mechanics of Minecraft it’s possible to make charcoal by burning a block of wood in the furnace and after a little while I saw that there was indeed a black piece of

Charcoal that was previously a block of wood on the top the wood I placed below disappeared as it was obviously used up as fuel after placing a wooden stick and a piece of charcoal together I managed to to craft four torches it’s now possible to enter the mountains in the

Dark now with my mini map still active it should be easy to avoid any hostiles on the way as long as I don’t get careless the torch doesn’t need to be placed on something before they can be used so for torches should tie me over

For the night I wonder if the torch has some sort of duration since this is now real life it’s not like they could burn forever like in Minecraft but I believe I should bring a weapon with me just in case therefore for I crafted a stone sword the first objective to this

Exploration of the mountain is to find a vein of ores to mine in Minecraft ores usually appear close to each other so if you see one block of coal then several other blocks of coal should be very close this Collective of ores is called a vain I have done my research in the

Library of the orphanage and deduced from the fact that the village that I currently live in was previously a mining town a long time ago but they got very little profit from Mining and ultimately switched to farming the reason they did not have profit was not because there was nothing valuable to

Mine but rather it cost them too much to mine and whatever they could sell would not cover the costs effectively enough to make a big profit with that said since no one is mining the mountains anymore I would be the sole person to benefit from this Venture if I find

Anything valuable I wonder what I can find in the caves and abandon M shafts of course I wouldn’t enter a cave or abandon M shaft unprepared do you think I look prepared now do you think I am an idiot this is isn’t a game although it certainly looks and feels like one I

Don’t want to die then find out that I only had one chance at life my second objective is to find a place where I can set up my secret base of operation there are a lot of things that I want to experiment with such as brewing potions and my Minecraft related abilities I

Already have one of the necessary ingredients to brew a potion a Nether wart but I only have two of them in my inventory so I need a way to produce them first producing Nether wart is not such a big problem since I also have some Soul Sand for it to grow on six

Soul Sands to be precise the problem is that the soul sand is very weird when the block of Soul Sand is placed on the ground it starts to emit a miserable moaning sound as if whatever soul is inside the sand is in pain I don’t know

Whether the Soul Sand has any souls in it like the name implies but I definitely don’t want other people to witness that the chances that there are indeed Souls inside the sand is higher than I like since Soul Sand came from the nether dimension of Minecraft speaking of which if Nether wart can

Only be planted and grown on Soul Sand does that mean that the Nether wart absorbs nutrients from the no no no I am not going to think about it in any case the production of potions and experimentation of my abilities cannot be safely conducted inside the village

Without causing trouble so I thought why not do it elsewhere like in the mountains because if I do any of that inside the village I might get persecuted for being a necrom aner by imprisoning Souls into objects and growing questionable plants as well as having questionable abilities as I walk

Through the Tall Grass towards the mountain I was starting to think about what I wanted from my secret base speaking of a secret base the first requirement that I’m looking for is to have it in a place that is hard to find a place that can easily offer a lot of

Privacy maybe I should just dig a tunnel in the mountain then expand it sure let’s stick to that idea there are usually many trees near mountains and this time is no exception either I stepped into the forest and I never thought that real forests especially in

The night would be so Lively I always imagined a forest to be a tranquil and calm place but right now I am hearing all sorts of sound from my surroundings owls are hooting insects are chirping and other various unidentifiable sounds well technically I could identify all of them with my mini

Map if I wanted to but I have changed the settings so that they will not leave a mark on my radar I am glad that I did this since it could possibly overload my entire minimap with countless little dots but I can still detect poisonous insects and hostile Vermin so that’s all

Right oh there seem to be two slimes that are moving together not too far away from me small blocky slime lv5 hp88 title none and small slime lv2 HP 55 title none at least that was what I saw from the damage indicator it has other useful mod information aside from

Telling you how much health something has the small blocky slime retains its trademark jump sound from Minecraft while the other regular small slime is crawling slowly while making a kind of bubbling sound well I am somewhat glad that the mobs from Minecraft seem to be able to safely coexist with the local

Monsters this is the first time I have actively witnessed this phenomenon though both of the slimes are no bigger than the palms of my hand and since I am seven they are quite small indeed although both of them are technically monsters hostile being beings that will attack anyone on site the slimes in

Minecraft are not aggressive as long as they are not at a reasonable size and the small slime just seems to ignore me ah now would be a good time to try out my stone sword I slashed each of the slimes once and to my surprise when the

Blocky small slime broke apart in one hit the other was only slowly coalescing molding back together I guess they have different characteristics I seem to recall from our monsterology classes that slimes usually possess the physical damage resistance skill I swatted a second time and successfully killed it I

Think I heard an echoing voice in my head that said your LV has increased to two oh my it seems like the rules of this world are truly different I hope there are more beneficial effects for me to discover I have no idea how much my stats have increased so I guess the

First thing I do when I go back is to find the stone tablet of identification to find out the blocky slime from Minecraft dropped a slime ball just as usual while the other slime melted away and left behind its core huh the things they drop are different too since I was

Starting to get hungry I munched on some bread as I made my way closer to the mountains exploring the wild in the dark of the night that’s definitely something that normal peasants wouldn’t be doing if the nuns in the orphanage find out I would probably be in loads of trouble

The young nun with an impressive bust is called Mani while the old hag is called moressa all the kids call Old Hag maressa behind her back because she is very strict and mean oh it seems like my detector mod came along with me into this new life using the detector I

Managed to find that the distance between the abandoned mine shaft and where I am right now is around 100 m if the different colored dots on the detector are any indications there seems to be a lot of interesting things inside since it’s abandoned I guess I would be

Safe to mine to my heart’s content without anyone finding out then I looked around and found that there was an area with fewer trees that is about 50 m away from here if I can organize that area it would probably become a great secret base chapter 6 daily life in the

Orphanage when I awake from my sleep it’s still only 4 in the morning while most if not all of the other commoners are still deep asleep in their room I am already busying myself working on the farm but thankfully I’m not alone Grace was crouching on the ground near my farm

And then she waved a piece of white bread something that I crafted toward my face questioningly won no breakfast white bread in all shapes and forms be it toast or Bagel or whatever was a day commodity back on Earth but in this world it can only be afforded by the

Wealthy people in this world usually ate black bread which was actually black and not the Deep Brown kind of color that people on Earth associate with black bread it’s small and really really really hard you know how sometimes French baguettes are hard enough that they can be used as bludgeons in this

Case it’s like chewing on a piece of Black Rock for breakfast and since most orphanages are stereotypically poor that’s what we normally eat in the morning case in point the reason why Grace almost seems to be worshiping the white and fluffy delicious piece of bread she is holding in her hands

Naturally the fact that I have this kind of white bread around is a secret otherwise it would cause a big commotion in our village I will eat after I finish my chores I said to Grace while I threw the hoe in my hands away before immediately using another one the hoe I

Dropped on the ground just now was supplied by the orphanage and the hoe I am currently using is the one I crafted with the Minecraft crafting recipe there is honestly no need for me to compare the normal hoe and the Minecraft Hoe by using the Minecraft hoe I automatically

Turn the area surrounding the spot where I softly tap into Farmland I don’t need to use any force or strength behind the tap just enough for it to count truthfully it feels like using a paint brush and dotting the canvas it’s a wonderfully efficient tool allowing me to be able to quickly finish

My farm chores in record speed I am no farmer not in my previous life nor in this new one but I think being able to do all of this with such ease is totally cheating overpowered reincarnated people and their cheat likee Powers aside I guess I have my own sort of opness after

Being reincarnated despite having nothing flashy I am 9 years old right now yes the last chapter happened 2 years ago but I’m not good enough to write about the childhood Arc hence the time skip in our orphanage all the children who are older than nine are assigned chores work or training

Depending on their talents every single day the children who have the talent for magic will start to do rudimentary control exercises same for the fighter children they also have the option to become Auditors in the classes for children that are 10 years old or older but most children don’t do that and wait

Until they are 10 and attend fully but in the case of commoners one would only be able to farm ideally it would be great to send children off to the Village Smithy Oran or other shops to learn the trade but it is for some reason not possible there are

Approximately 60 children in our orphanage right now and around 60% 36 children are commoners all of the commoners are given the burden to sustain the orphanage with hard labor while the others train in other words we’re slaves woohoo till the Tilda Tilda anyway people back on Earth said that

High school never ends and that school is just a small projection of society it is also true in this case where there are the ones that are higher up the ladder and the ones lower down the ladder how cruel being alive truly sucks but then again I guess dying wouldn’t really be an

Improvement I’m speaking from experience here back to the subject since I am nine I am now one among many that is providing for the orphanage by farming all commoners that are 9 years or older are given a small piece of land and were instructed to produce something anything

Really out of it our daily work consists of planting weeding Vermin Exterminating fertilizing plowing Etc and so long as you do your job no one will bother you miniature version of contract responsibility system I felt that this was truly godsend the moment I was told all of this normally it would take at

Least at least 8 to 10 hours to do all the work but thanks to my special abilities I can handle everything within 1 hour after that I can just go off into the mountains to my secret base and do whatever I want isn’t it wonderful although old hag moressa constantly

Patrols and is on the lookout for people slacking off she has no objections for me since I have done all of my work perfectly and since I also have my mini map it’s impossible for her to catch me unless I want her to the mines in the mountain still have various ores in

Inside that I took advantage of and I have entered it many times within the span of 2 years honestly I was completely surprised by how little there was for me to mine no wonder the village did not want to depend on the mining industry for income but the things I can

Find in the mines are more than enough for one person me I have found iron ores coal and a very small amount of mithil it’s been 2 years since I have started to explore the mines but I still couldn’t find a lot of mithil only got kilograms in total as for why other

People did not think of mining individually for profit I guess it’s because of the monsters inhabiting the mines our village does not have anyone renowned for their battle prowess and there was also no reason to explore the mines the monster population in the mines isn’t very dense but the monsters are all around

Lv15 not particularly strong and their greatest strength usually lies in the element of surprise since I have my minimap it is virtually impossible to Ambush me so I am pretty safe seriously though anything above lv1 is enough to threaten the lives of commoners an lv15 in particular is quite dangerous for

Newbie Fighters and Mags in our orphanage none of the children are higher than lv5 even the children who are already taking classes for Fighters and Mags I am the exception since I have been doing a lot of different activities inside my secret base and the mountains I’ve been mining experimenting with crafting

Recipes experimenting with plants and occasionally hunting or killing monsters so I am lv15 right now by the way it is possible to gain exp for a lot of actions sewing running swimming organizing smithing farming and sometimes even sleeping but the best way to gain exp is still hunting monsters as

Of now the only person in our village whose LV is anywhere close to mine would be the old gizer that owns the antique shop so I have a pretty damn High lV for a commoner don’t look down on me but since no one would just randomly use a

Stone tablet of identification on people in the village this hasn’t been found out yet it will probably cause an uproar if anyone knows I have been experimenting extensively and came to the conclusion that this world shares a lot of features with the world of Minecraft when crafting it is possible

To replace the ingredient that is unique to Minecraft with something that is more common to this world for example a potion of healing from Minecraft would require a glistering melon something that requires one piece of watermelon and eight gold nuggets I have the watermelon part covered since I got the

Seeds and it’s just the matter of planting and harvesting them but how is the flipping nether am I going to get gold nuggets as I have stated before I found iron I found coal I even found mithil but not a single scrap of gold therefore I had to find a

Substitute a replacement there exists a somewhat rare medicinal herb called malba in this world majorly used to create healing products I am not a plant expert so the best physical description of malba I can give you is that it looks like grass but not like the common grass

On the ground I was made aware of its existence through reading the books in the orphanage and found them growing in the wild forests near the mountains it’s not easy for malba to grow and harder still for it to grow in large quantities yet the amount of malba that I needed to

Create a potion of healing was double the amount of malba the Apothecary would need to create a healing potion I took the seeds back to my base and grew them that way today is the day that I can finally harvest the malba I planted in

The base so so far I have been able to brew three bottles of the potion but I have never had the chance to truly try it out I am certain that it can be used to heal but I’m unaware of its Effectiveness so back to Grace hey Grace

What did you learn today I asked Grace this question as I put my Minecraft hoe into my inventory I just finished the work that was required for my farm today while I was explaining some of the things I was doing in the past 2 years

To all of you I still say that the Minecraft hoe is wonderfully efficient I turn towards Grace and saw that she was holding out a bowl of water for me I can freely control small fires and air now waving her small wand Grace made a fireball that was the size of her fists

Then added wind with a twirl changed it into a small swirling Vortex of fire wow amazing oh I really want to use magic too sadly I do not have the talent for it and my Mana pool was also pitifully small W son yes I said while watching the swirling fire Vortex dissipate into

Nothingness reward Grace stood up from her crouching position and held her head low to look at me Grace has grown taller in 2 years and is now taller than me by a forehead well she used to be an Enderman I guess she is definitely going to keep growing

Taller I awkwardly lifted my hand to Pat her on the head uh sure sure good job Grace I also rubbed her head Softly She was blushing and wiggling I take this as a sign that she is enjoying it she appears to be physically imposing because of her size calm and collected

Sometimes stoic but that is only in appearance Grace is very quiet she rarely talks only when necessary usually in shortened words or sentences she still has her cute moments and is not as cold as she appears to be she seems to really like being affectionate with me ah I can feel all

The Innocence coming out of her she is much taller than I am now thanks to her Enderman physique but I still think of her as a little kid if if it wasn’t for the fact that she had to train and chose to attend magic lessons I really wish to

Take her to my secret base and just teach her the way to play all of the nice board games that I had made since she liked the white bread so much I wonder how she will react to all the other different kinds of food I have in

My secret base chapter 7 in the secret base winter has come to our village right now I was in the farming area of my secret base busy spreading my homemade bone meal on the malba grass and when a chilly Winter Breeze brushed past me I quickly harvested them in case

The weather would make any unfavorable changes that I didn’t like turns out that I can use bone meal on any sort of plant and make it instantly grow even if the plants weren’t originated or related to the ones in Minecraft there exists local equivalent of fertilizers in the

Village and the farmlands but none of them are effective enough to make plants immediately mature like the bone meal once they are applied since I have hunted both animals and Monsters Inside the mountains I gathered the bones and crafted them into bone meal with the crafting table I have no idea whether if

It’s because of the special qualities of the Minecraft crafting table or if it’s because monster Bones have special properties in it but in any case my bone meals are irreplaceable to my experimentation on the malba grass malba is rare and I bet there exists rarer plants elsewhere in this world I really

Don’t want other people to know about my bone meal people would probably go to war for it as mentioned before malba is used for healing products primarily this world equivalent of healing potions the galba potion I have successfully brewed three potions of healing by substituting one glistering melon with a copious

Amount of malba grass and I decided to call this version the malba potion of healing yes it’s a very lame name I know I even found the name to be hilarious myself the normal malba potions are costly healing products and I had caught a few glimpses of it inside the village

Apothecary the color of the potion is much duller than my own bright red malba potion of healing by several Shades I guess my version is much more concentrated I have no idea how the actual malba potions are made but I know I made my malba potion of healing with a

Brewing stand from Minecraft putting in the malba grass that I just harvested into the brewing stand I started my second batch of malba potion of healing you all must be wondering how I got a brewing stand well remember all the different kinds of stuff I found inside

My inventory the first first time around there were several blaze rods that I used to make a brewing stand I can substitute unique ingredients with other things but I doubt I can substitute a brewing stand since it is part of Minecraft’s essential mechanics like the crafting table furnace and enchantment

Table the brewing stand can make three potions at one go and the amount of time it requires to make malba potion of healing is 3 hours the time is very long in comparison to normal Minecraft potions I have not had the chance to make any other potions yet so I have no

Idea whether 3 hours is the norm I am extremely curious to how effective the malba potion of healing could be since malba potion by itself can sell for a very good price already I could potentially sell my own malba potion of healing in the future if I decide to not

Sell any potions I can also sell a huge amount of malba by abusing the bone meal as well my my my great opportunities for me to become a merchant or Trader I have made my decision I am definitely going to be a merchant in the future I have been making

Improvements for my secret base Through The Years my most important objective after I have successfully created the secret base was to make a washroom yep you heard me right my first priority was to make a washroom in this medieval like world people do not think their personal hygiene is very important it’s not

Unusual to have not cleaned ones for more than a week but generally respectable people always make sure to bathe once every 3 days at least that’s what I know is happening in our village I have no idea if people outside of this Village take a bath once

Every day or once every month for all I know my world view is pitifully small right now it’s just the village and I anyway there is a very small public bath available in the village but since it’s the only one in the entire Village it is usually crowded in some way or other

Leaving the less privileged in our village unable to clean themselves properly and as we all know poor orphans don’t count as being privileged the children children in our orphanage usually go to the streams to dunk themselves every once in while this is a typically tameless method for cleaning

But also our only option it’s almost impossible to willingly dunk in a river or stream in Winter not to mention they are often frozen solid so the smell gets horrifying very quickly in that season therefore as someone who showered once a day in their previous life I decided to

Create a washroom in my private home away from home I first used chopped bamboo and wood coupled with stone to create the space face then I dug a big hole got rid of the sand and mud as best as I could and placed cble Stones all

Over the hole the water is taken from the pure spring water of the mountains where I diverted it into my heater my heater has two levels in it the first level is where the water first comes in and the second is where the water is heated I used a lit nether that will

Burn forever to heat my water the heated water will then go into my washroom and when I need to get rid of the spent water I just open a water gate to let it all go it’s a bit more Troublesome in Winter where most of the water is frozen

Solid I just take buckets of snow to the heater and do it that way so that was how I created my personal hot spring by using my knowledge and special abilities oh plus I made soap who knew science classes back in school would come in handy it’s a wonder that I even remember

How to make them since processed water does not hold water Elementals within them it was also possible for Grace to have a hot bath but I still haven’t shown her the secret base yet she is so busy with her classes and practices that I sincerely doubt there is the time one

Single commoner missing from the village would probably not create any fuss but I doubt having a prodigal Mage like Grace disappear for a day would be all right I sincerely do not wish to have my secret base discovered the swirling fire Vortex from last time is something that only

Grace can do normally that kind of thing will need a precise and slightly long spell chant to cast it as a spell but Grace can do it by simply manipulating the elements with her will she became an idol and was admired for her talents in the orphanage she is no longer bullied

And the bullies even became her admirers said admirers might refuse to acknowledge the fact that they admire her though because Children and adolescents are often needlessly rebellious but it was obvious to me that they admired her some even had a crush she no longer needed my protection there

Was no one that threatened her and she also had the abilities to protect herself now ah this Bittersweet feeling is this what fathers feel like when watching their precious princess grow up not that Grace was mine but I felt responsible for her on the other hand

Because I am friends with Grace I am being targeted my tools are often hidden or taken away by other children seeing it as a chance to inconvenience me but the things they can take away are the ones that I never needed so I just let them do what they wanted not like they

Can reach into my inventry to touch the things that truly matter who would need that stupid hoe given by the orphanage when I have the Minecraft one on my person there was a loud howl coming from the mountains that startled me when I was just getting ready to take a bath in

The mini hot spring it came from the directions of the abandoned mines it’s probably the Mountain King he is the most powerful entity in this area alv 33 wolf that is big enough to put elephants to shame I almost pissed myself in fear the first time I saw him but what the

Mountain King is doing is none of my business with that said there was immediately a manlike scream coming from the same Direction ah ah who would approach the abandoned mines oh no I built a temporary shelter near the mind so I don’t need to go between the secret

Base and the mind all the time whenever I want to work if they discover that shelter then that means there is a very high chance that they can find my secret base too I have to get out there and find out what’s happening chapter 8 King of the mountains Aran uncore fantasmal

Wolf _ LV 33hp 4997 5,000 3core status normal uncore title Mountain King oh my God it’s that frighteningly high number of Health again every time I make contact with him I always feel unsettled by that monstrous amount of Health he has by the way the fantasmal Wolf Part it’s related

To the life forms and species that exist in this world there is a system that is related to a being’s level of threat animals with special qualities or magical abilities other magical animals are beasts monsters a commonly acknowledged to be a nuisance at best and hostile at worst than there other

Fantasmal beasts despite being called fantasmal they are solid and corporeal instead of being see-through or Phantom likee it is because that the fantasmal beasts in question hold a lot of power that are Beyond mortal comprehension that they gain the name with powers Beyond mortal comprehension it is safe

To say that they are strong enough to cause huge scale disasters they are often intelligent or hold a certain amount of sence that makes them even more dangerous also so despite the Mountain King being the only living thing that is anywhere near LV 33 in the general area therefore the one with the

Highest LV the LV is truly not that high if you think about it in the long run it’s only 33% of the 100% And I even read about a theory in the books that the LV limit is nowhere as small as LV 100 if it were any other normal monster

That was LV 33 it can be easily taken care of with the correct preparation and procedures but it’s a fantasmal beast I believe all of you know that a majority of animals cannot recognize themselves in a mirror in this case I can deduce that the wolf has a certain amount of

Self-awareness and self-identity that it has given itself a name if they have enough intelligence to do that then don’t you think it’s frightening to imagine what else they can do I stood in front of the entrance of the abandoned mine with dozens of dead bodies littered

All over the place all the corpses had collars made out of iron or bronze on their neck are they slaves if they are slaves then these people probably came from outside The Village The Village has a handful of slaves nowhere near the number of corpses on the ground the

Slaves that are already dead aside the ones that are still alive are being attacked by the Mountain King s underlings namely the wolves in the pack I know that this might seem apathetic and maybe even wrong but I do not wish to interfere with whatever it is that’s

Going between the Mountain King and the slaves since they are Outsiders that came to hear unannounced I also hold no attachments to them to make myself care or the obligations to assist them what I am more concerned about is my temporary camp and shelter newo Tilda Tilda Tilda everything is being

Destroyed this is a disaster judging by the objects and items that are lying on the ground haphazardly I think the slaves were mining they probably came unarmed and unprepared otherwise such a large group of slaves would not have been attacked and eradicated so easily why did people enter the forests and mountains unarmed

And unprepared in the first place this can’t even be called a battle anymore the slaves cannot must any resistance whatsoever only several wolves were injured light and superficial wounds at best while almost all the slaves were routed and would you look at the Mountain King he only lost six Health

Six but I don’t want my Camp being destroyed any further as it is I think I need to intervene oh my you’ve made quite a mess I stepped out of the trees that covered me and shouted the Mountain King lifted his gaze from the chaos and

Diverted it to towards me he is close to one of the smaller caves near the west side he is covered entirely in bright yellow golden fur and stands over 5 m tall on four legs an average elephant back on Earth would be 4 M tall he is super duper huge we maintained eye

Contact for a few moments and then he decided to turn his body towards my direction I hastily lifted a wall of cble stones that I assembled in advance and watched as the Mountain King breathed fire at me oh my God a wolf can breathe fire a wolf can

Breathe fire a wolf that isn’t just a simple wolf but still it can breathe fire it’s not the first time I have encountered him nor is it the first time that he has breathed fire on me but it’s still a shock whenever it happens I can feel the intense heat even through the

Thick wall of cobblestone that is between me and a hot death the the Mountain King is quite tempestuous and unreasonable most of the time despite being so intelligent so you guys might be confused as to how and why I suddenly got a war of cobblestone well this leads to my

Explanation to some of the experiments that I made through the years I have come to the realization that I have a sort of sphere of influence where anything that is within range of it I can manipulate to a certain extent I discovered this completely by accident

But boy am I happy that I did I can assemble different blocks in advance then store it into my inventory as long as it is not too large for my sphere of influence to manipulate so think of it like making a three wall of cobblestone

And being able to put that thing into my inventory i dubbed this ability assembling I really couldn’t find any other phrase or term there are still limits to this ability though the things I assemble cannot be too big or too complicated the best I can do is assemble a wall or several stairs

Without needing to do it one block at a time pulling the wall of cobblestone out is a very effective defensive maneuver that has rarely failed me yet and since the wall of cobblestone has undergone conversion and holds similar properties to cobblestones in Minecraft it has a paradoxical quality of hardness in it

Paradoxical in the case that be it slashing smashing bashing Etc would not leave a scratch on it at all unless they continuously hit the exact same spot for a set period of time even if it did leave a scratch it miraculously mends itself when left alone for a few seconds

Even though almost everything in Minecraft was vulnerable to explosion I have tested out the wall of caral stones can still be an effective guard against explosions just not as effective when it is used to block other methods of attacks I always make sure that I have

At least one or more walls of stone that I assembled in advance whenever I confront the Mountain King the Mountain King and I have a very strange relationship normally it would have been impossible to never have monsters attacked my secret base and the abandoned minds but I struck a deal with

The Mountain King and he marked the territory as off limits and drastically reduced the number of monsters that would stick close to those areas namely he comes to take a piss whenever he feels like it then goes off to do his own thing we had a very intense me

Meeting the first time around he attacked me and I retaliated it is obvious that I am not strong enough to take him on my own so you must be wondering how I am still alive I was frantic and desperate when I shoved gunpowder I collected by slaying the

Minecraft creepers into a Detonator thin explosive sticks and threw them at the Mountain King using those as a weapon and using my Cobblestone walls it gave me enough of an edge to survive we went back and forth for a very long time and when I was just about to give up and

Drop he suddenly stopped attacking me turns out he was attracted to my position because of the food I had on my person namely the cured meat that was inside my inventory well to be fair it’s not exactly cured meat I just don’t know what else to call it I produce these

Meat jerkies through a lengthy process of salting them marinating them cooking them Etc they could be technically called bacon but that’s such an oversimplified version of it that I decided to not call it that and let me tell you they are delicious so I really couldn’t fault the Mountain King s

Curiosity and gave him some it was how we started this strange relationship I would periodically place my offering of cured meat in a spot that he frequents and he will grant me his protection all right all right please calm down and stop destroying my things

Or do I need to beg and prostrate myself before the mighty Aran king of all the mountains in the world I stepped out from behind the wall of stone I erected and found a snarling wolf Visage directly in my field of view sarcasm aside he might attack me again if I

Don’t go over the top with my words he gave me a huff as an answer I clutched more of the detonators in my hand and checked the mini map to make sure none of his underlings were going to attack me huh I see something else on the minap

There seems to be someone alive a Survivor among all the dead bodies the the mini map indicated that the person was right behind the Mountain King inside the small cave I took a peek and found a girl that looked like they were no older than 10 years old

She wore dirty rags and had a Slade collar around her neck she also has dark red hair but I am uncertain whether the color is natural or if it was dyed red due to all the blood but she has no ears there are bluish scaly fin looking things looking more closely I noticed

That she has more purple bluish scales around her cheek and limbs with a tail of the same color her right leg is a complete stump it’s bleeding heavily judging from the trail of Blood on the ground she probably tried to escape into the cave nameless lizard kinor lv5 HP for a 41 _

Status bleeding hunger Parkinson’s disease uncore title masterless slave nameless does this mean she doesn’t have a name waight for health she is only four Health away from Death I don’t really want to have more people dying you might think me cold and apathetic but I still have standards of my own how

About I make you a deal you can have all of these cured meat and I get the girl behind you I procured three small earns of the cured meat from my inventory and placed them on the ground I was planning to take some to the village and let

Grace have a taste but I still got more stocks back at the base so I am fine with giving these away to Save a Life did I ever mention that time completely stops inside my inventory the things inside will never spoil or break since time isn’t flowing the same principle

Applies to the chests I crafted I have a lot of them inside the secret base to store my things the Mountain King just came kept growling at me for a while but doesn’t seem to relent seems like it’s not enough to Plate him if that’s the

Case then you can have the cured milto beef too I took out a big n and placed it on the ground too milto is a kind of wild cow that usually live deep inside the mountains their LV are higher than mine and had very good stats they also

Get enraged when provoked so it was difficult for me to get these I had to lay traps and Ambush them for 2 weeks straight the beef is tender had a slight sweetness to The Taste and had a very chewy texture Ure it should get me a

Handsome price if I get to sell it it seems like adding the cured milto beef was the right decision since it gave another huff and eased itself from the previously threatening pose leaping away and into the woods in one big jump the underlings came forward and took the

Earns into their mouth Then followed their leader away from this place I immediately dashed to the lizardking girl and tried to ascertain her well-being or lack thereof there were a lot of Fallen scales on the ground that I assumed was originally hers and there were more injuries than the ruined leg

That was leaking blood your injuries are severe hang in there I muttered under my breath while I fished through my inventory for the malba potion of healing time to see what this costly thing can do chapter N9 the slave Vision asterisk I asterisk is this what dying

Feels like am I going to die being left on the cold hard ground all by my lonesome how cruel this world is cruel I am a lizard kin born in falano there is a legend in my homeland that says your life will flash by you as you die I

Watch My Life play out before my weary eyes being born into a family as the seventh child with three brothers and three sisters that are older than me our family lived happily inside our village in the forests but then I was born the chances of a successful birth were low

And my parents did not anticipate my survival Our Kind will lay white eggs in clutches and my mother had seven eggs but only six of them were white mine was purple and even as I grew the color of my scales were different from that of my family I was also born with the

Necessary talent to become a fighter with Talent Comes potential power all lizard kins respect and strive for power I could have been stronger than all of my siblings and perhaps be the strongest in the village could have been being the key word I was shunned and mistreated

Due to the color of my scales they call me cursed and they bully me belittle me even actively try to expel me from the village even my father sometimes I get punished for reasons such as they got hurt when trying to hit you you so it’s your fault but thankfully I had my

Kind-hearted mother and there were other Villages that helped me as well they often smuggle food to me when I am purposely starved that was how I lived but lizard kin is a patriarchal society when the patriarch of the family makes a decision people outside of the family

Would not interfere with it and thus I was abused by my own father I don’t know how to live my future in a home like this how can I achieve my future potential as a fighter and one day when my mother was trying to give me food

With without letting my father know she was killed my mother was killed by the hand of my drunken father he strangled her and twisted her neck with a loud snap she became cold and still forever my only hope was gone forever as well then one day a slave trader came into

Our village the trader saw that I had the potential to become a fighter the trader left a big barrel of alcohol in our house and my father just let the trader take me away I was too far into despair at that point to care that I became a slave usually slave Traders

Would take their slaves to the slave market in order to pretty them up and try to get a better price for them but the slave trader that took me met a merchant on the road and in a blink of an eye I was sold to the merchant the

Merchant threw two pieces of black bread and a pickaxe at me our Entourage had other slaves that were in better physical condition than me and they received the same things the merchant was on his way to an abandoned mine and turns out there was a rumor that there

Was some mithril in the mines but because the amount of mithil was simply too small the mining Guild didn’t bother to try and mine it on their own I didn’t think further on this after all I was just a slave but when I entered the area surrounding the mines I immediately

Thought that something wasn’t right the place was supposed to be abandoned yet there was a simple camp that was clean and organized and 3 days afterwards we were in big trouble we were assailed by wolves that came out of nowhere none of them were any regular animal kind of

Wolves they were magical beasts if it were just magical wolves then it might not have been too bothersome but they were very organized as if there was a puppet master behind the strings telling them what to do such as tactically cutting off our Escape Routes and surrounding us the merchant our Master

Simply ordered everyone to sacrifice themselves and save him and escaped on his own the other slaves were slowly killed off one by one I was never in good physical condition due to my abuse and lost a leg before I could even try to fight back at this point a gigantic

Wolf with golden shining fur emerged from the forest with the dead Merchant dangling between its fangs with my Master’s death I was released from the magically binding slave contract the other slaves also came to the same realization and everyone tried to escape but as each escape attempt failed and

Each of them being killed afterwards they all lost hope I dragged my battered body through the cave with the last of my survival Instinct driving me to try and escape to a smaller cave on the sides the other wolves were occupied and probably wouldn’t have taken notice of

Me but the gigantic golden wolf slowly approached I was going to die I was going to be eaten by the leader the alpha of the Wolves but then a voice rang out through the night oh my you’ve made quite a mess the expression of the alpha previously being tranquil and

Indifferent quickly turned into a furious snil it turned around and opened its more I completely froze in shock when fire came out of it what is that fire magic the alpha shot its fire into the direction where the voice came from at that point I’ve never witnessed monsters and animals using magic before

Only ever heard of it what shocked me even more was the voice it was the voice of a child as the fire from the alpha dissipated a wall of stone came into my vision a boy that looked perhaps one year younger than me stepped out from behind the wall the alpha kept the

Furious snarling expression but did not continue to attack the boy all right all right please calm down and stop destroying my things or do I need to beg and prostrate myself before the mighty Aran king of all the mountains in the world the alfha answered that with a

Huff the boy looked at me his eyes completely widening in Surprise how about I make you a deal you can have all of these cured meat and I get the girl behind you the boy somehow took out several earns from somewhere almost like from thin air the mighty Aran simply

Continued to growl if that’s the case then you can have the cured milto beef too and once again the boy almost seemed to conjure the N this time the N is much bigger then as my Consciousness started to fade I saw the king of the mountains leave as

The smaller wolves took the earns with them I heard the words your injuries are severe hang in there right before everything faded into darkness as years and years fly by I couldn’t help but think of this day this moment where I am in your arms I am grateful if I wasn’t

Picked up like a stray on that day I would have never known what it was like to have a great meal I would have never known what it was like to laugh with Joy or how it is like to love someone to love love someone enough to disregard my

Own safety I would have never known what my greatest joy my source of happiness and contentment was oh my dear beloved Master chapter 10 it all begins here if I were to bring this marvelous baby back to Earth I would be rich definitely Rich stinking rich I will most likely be

Swimming in Gold I never expected the malba potion of healing to be able to regenerate limbs this is completely unheard of I know it can be used to heal injuries but I have never heard anyone mention any healing method close to Growing new arms and legs in this world

And I doubt this could happen back on Earth until several centuries have gone by what the hell did I make this is almost as good as a miracle cure oh wait I remembered something it was said that healing potions in this world can only heal injuries wounds and restore

Vitality but not cure any sickness or disease I guess this isn’t a miracle cure after all therefore using healing potions to try and cure statuses such as poison would be pointless despite bleeding being counted as an abnormal status it’s something that can be cured with healing potions in this world but

Still this is astonishing and fascinating I wonder what other potions will be like speaking of which I have a theory related to curing status effects and diseases milk yep you heard me right I said milk within Minecraft consuming a bucket of milk will immediately remove any and all negative status effects and from

Poisoning being on fire blindness withering can be removed uh slight correction milk also reduces positive status effects so it removes status effects of all kinds regardless of whether it’s positive or negative milk is an excellent consumable in times of need I have done a little test regarding

Milk after placing some bottles of milk in this world into my inventory it gets converted into Minecraft milk I have drank milk once when I had a cold and it successfully removed the sickness in a jiffy but I have no idea whether drinking the converted milk will do the

Same thing to other people as well is it only limited to me or can other people drink the milk and be cured I Ponder the use of milk while I brought the unconscious lizard kin into my secret base do you want more I asked the girl

That was wolfing down the food that I offered she is currently on the bed that I have placed in the secret base biting through more and more pieces of the white bread I crafted I also roasted some of my specially processed meat there was a plate of it

Nearby its enticing Aroma filling the room nameless lizard kinor lv5 HP 38-41 _ status Parkinson’s disease uncore title masterless slave Parkinson’s disease is something that is very common in this new world that I inhabit almost anyone can get it it’s almost like the common flu back on Earth anyone whose

Physical condition isn’t at their Peak can get it the girl simply continued to tear cheerfully Devour the food I gave her I really feel bad for her this is probably one of the better meals she’s ever had she’s thin as a bone I am just glad that it’s delicious and tasty I

Don’t want others to end up not liking my food because it tastes bad I placed a bottle of milk before her and told her to drink it when she needs to wash the food down walking towards my storage chests I took out some leather and wolf

Fur winter is almost upon us I felt it was a good idea to make her some warm clothing placing them on the crafting table I made them into a furry wolf set that includes a cap a top leggings and boots hey don’t mock my naming sense I rather like furry wolf

Strange I didn’t know the girl sizes but after crafting everything it turned out to be exactly the right size I never noticed this when I made armor for myself in the past here wear these it’s going to get cold soon I placed the furry wolf clothing by the bed now how

Am I going to find a place for her to stay I doubt I can take her to the orphanage she would probably be sent elsewhere plus I would get my ears scolded till they drop if I take her back with me I guess the best order of

Business is to help her settle into my secret base and ask her to organize it for me when I am away I would need to ask for her consent though so I turned towards the girl who was finishing off some scraps on the plate thank you so

Much the girl wiped some tears from her eyes after she cleared the plate I noticed that the bottle of milk is already empty I checked her stats again nameless lizard kinor lv5 HP 38 to 41 uncore status normal uncore title masterless slave it worked it worked I

Started to move and jump in excitement milk is now officially a miracle cure I am going to be suu rich wait I think I should probably control myself it’s not good to act like a madman in front of strangers the girl was indeed giving me

A confused look staring at me as if I am some strange animal I cleared my throat to clear my thoughts and proceeded to take out a stone tablet of identification I found this tablet among the corpses and wreckage that was left behind in my formerly clean and organized Camp among the belongings of

The Dead it was inside a broken cart close to a wooden Carriage the Bloodshed was absolutely horrifying the smell of Blood Sweat piss and rotting body parts permeated almost everything I doubt I can get close without throwing up so going mining anytime soon is out of the question I took all the dead

Bodies and burned them all at once then I spread all the ashes into the woods may they all rest in peace it’s been 3 days and the girl only awoke just now I have been sneaking out from the orphanage more frequently in order to make sure everything is fine there is a

Curfew and they also count heads to make sure everybody is present my name is walson is it all right for me to ask for your name I have absolutely no idea idea how to address her I even used the stone tablet of identification on her once

While she was asleep and she was indeed nameless but that initial scan showed me that she has the talent to become a fighter I really didn’t expect that my father never gave me one she said timidly I winced in sympathy hopefully I didn’t drag up any painful memories sorry I

Apologized what else can I do but apologize in this situation I wanted to ask her more questions but I thought it would be better not to don’t worry Master why you re too kind you don’t any need to apologize to me she stuttered slightly oh okay hang on what did she

Just call me master with me suddenly freezing up she inquired in worry Master me nameless lizard kinor lv5 uncore HP 38 to 41 uncore status normal uncore title wson slave lo and behold the title stat changed right in front of my eyes what the nether is going on the

Title instantly changed when she called me master um Master slaves are properties to the Masters and since my previous Master died when you took me in I I am now your property now she explained as I was still frozen in shock th thank you for saving me I will never

Forget your kindness she then bowed to me while still sitting on the bed hey anyway let’s get that collar off shall we I tried to change the subject but it backfired on me when tears started to well up in the girl’s eyes why you don’t want me she gave me an extremely hurtful

Look gosh darn it she is so cute am I actually going to be a master to a cute girl right now master master AR does this mean I can do anything to her no no no no no no bad thoughts wson bad thoughts still I am somewhat elated and

Disgusted to suddenly have a slave of my own she might be a lizard kin but I think she is really cute that tail I really really want to touch her tail you’re going to live here and tidy up the place while I’m away if that is what

You wish then of course well I guess she has given her consent um you can freely use all of the things that are in here be it furniture or food I will teach you how to use some of them since they are unique I will leave things in your hands

Since I won’t always be here but I can’t just keep calling her as girl or slave I need to think of a name for her she gave me a very puppy I like look n n n g h so cute your name from now on is melan

Lissar and from then on the nameless girl has gained a name years later her name became a legend but that’s a story for another time chapter 11 Redstone physics master I have been wondering are you perhaps a megga chemist I saw you was able to create a wall no no I am

Just a commoner just a commoner I find that hard to believe I will take that as a compliment huh no I didn’t mean to doubt you master is really strong to be able to fend off that golden wolf I was just curious I didn’t fend him off not

Really but we came to an awkward agreement true so what is Master doing right now melan was standing right beside me brimming with curiosity we are standing in a dark room she must be wondering what I am trying to do here I just finished making a wooden training

Dummy and proceeded to take it out from my inventory you’ll be training yourself with this dummy that is specifically designed for combat training I patted the dummy then I pulled a lever on the wall and all the Redstone lamps in the room were powered on showering the entire room with light the wooden

Training dummy is 180 cm tall structurally divided into five parts with wooden protrusion all placed in different angles if you push one part all of the other four parts will shift in different directions according to the cogs deep inside the entire Contraption making the wooden protrusions swipe around dangerously but neither melon and

I are anywhere near 180 cm tall melon wouldn’t be able to utilize it completely yet but I am certain she will grow taller in the future combat training indeed you have the necessary talent to become a fighter it would be a waste if you don’t do anything with it

You really want me to train with this you made it with me in mind melon gave me a confused look yeah here I will demonstrate I pushed one of the wooden protrusions sticking out I had to quickly duck when one other wooden protrusion flew towards my head then had

To block another which aimed for my waist with a grunt I gave it another shove and the wooden protrusions quickly swirled in the opposite direction and another assault accompanied the spin I decided to make a training dummy that was suited for barehanded combat and martial arts it’s always a good idea to

Be able to fight without weapons because once once you lose the weapon you depend on your life will be forfeit plus using your entire body would increase general fitness I thought it would be great for the malnourished melon to start with martial arts is always best practiced with another person who also knows

Martial arts though the second best thing is to have a wooden dummy that can spin like this one specifically used to sharpen your stance and forms I took inspiration from a Chinese kung fu movie for the dummy but unlike the clumsy Contraption in the movie mine is far

More Superior I named it spinning dummy I am not even going to dignify all your pitying glances at my naming sense with a response don’t judge me there is a definite learning curve as long as the strength behind the blows are reasonable and won’t destroy the dummy in one hit

And since it spins and can build momentum the harder you hit the faster the dummy will spin each of the wooden protrusions are positioned differently with varying lengths so the retaliations from the dummy will have a wide variety hopefully enough to make it so whoever

Trains with it won’t get too used to the patterns too quickly speaking of which I quickly got overwhelmed and took several hits to the face I cradled my swollen cheeks as I backed away from the dummy I lasted less than 15 seconds I didn’t think I would do that badly that’s the

Gist of it so do your best all right making this wasn’t easy AG it really hurts I should probably get some ice later thank you master I will keep that in mind melon was eyeing the wooden dummy excitedly already preping to go as if she just met a new best friend if

You’re hungry you can leave through the food storage and take as much as you please same with all the other things just make sure you don’t make too much of a mess I had showcased most of the unique tools and Furniture in the secret base to melon out of everything she was

Most impressed by the hot spring and the Redstone lamps the world we are living in right now heavily relies on Magic so I doubt they have seriously considered the value and validity of science which explains the extremely slow advance and lack of tech technology by the way

Redstone lamps are pretty much just like the electric lamps back on earth except it didn’t run on electricity but ran on the power in red stone circuits red stones back in Minecraft had powers inside it when mining red stone or it would light up when being struck by a

Pickaxe Redstone is a power source all on its own and placing a trail of redstone dust on something will act like a circuit for the power to travel Redstone torches are one of the main power sources and much like a normal torch will emit light but this one will

Be a light forever while emitting a lot less light in any case Redstone torches are essentially an inexhaustible power source it’s ridiculous having an infinite power source this really feels like cheating however I have realized that since Redstone Circuits are essentially a trail of powdered Red Dust

They can be easily displaced by extreme weather conditions such as rain or strong winds so I had to use wax paper to make a protective layer for them essentially creating a very primitive electric circuit that instead of using PL plastic uses paper my secret base is extremely advanced in terms of

Technology right now if I were to make a guess it would be somewhere close to the stuff people had on Earth in 1950s definitely Superior to anything this world has to offer I had to resist the urge to Puff my chest out in Pride ah the sun is almost completely gone I have

To hurry back to the orphanage I have a sandwich in my inventry that I wanted to give to Grace white bread fried eggs and my special cured meat the white bread is made from the wheat I grew in the secret base the eggs are Catrice eggs and I

Fried them with deer oil I also painstakingly gathered rare herbs and spices deep in the mountains to complement everything naturally I took the seeds of the herbs and spices and hoped to grow them inside the secret base in the future don’t stay up too late all right I spoke to melon for the

Last time that night and departed going back to the orphanage chapter 12 making a party and now the end of autumn is near winter is almost at our doorstep the children of the orphanage completed their final Harvest of the year with the Harvest done preparations for the next

Winter were in full swing I along with several other commoners were weaving straw into straw mats we were also EES dropping on Mani the busty nun who is in a class 4 Fighters and Mags teaching them some common knowledge if you have someone you trust you can reach forward

With your heart and create a bond with them this connection is what we call a party and people who are in the same party will share the EXP that they gain and can converse with each other from afar through telepathy with the flow of Mana she then proceeded to explain

Further about the telepathic connection between party members in order to communicate with the party members with telepathy a small amount of Mana is required but the amount is so minuscule that even commoners can afford to use it although it has been noted that averagely commoners need to be at least

Lv7 or higher to be able to frequently communicate with telepathy otherwise their small Mana pool would easily be exhausted in my own mind I thought that this telepathic link is very much akin to trading phone numbers you share your phone number with someone you trust and they can communicate with you that way

Of course I know that is not the actual case but I just thought this would be easier to understand this world really is like a game despite how it’s real life I didn’t expect the class to be talking about this particular subject today and I guess I would have been

Shocked to hear this if it were the first time that I heard about it but melan has briefed me about this already so I’m not surprised to hear hear about the party system according to melon master and slave are already Bound by a contract and the contract induces a sort

Of forced party bond between the two So currently I am already in a party with melon we currently share our exp and I can talk to her from a large distance I did not want to force melon into anything and I have expressed my desire to free her frequently but she continues

To refuse to break the Master Slave connection that we have I grudgingly accepted that she probably would never want the contract to be be broken and a part of me was okay with it since having a cute girl call me master Tilda master all day long feels really great Burke

Stop it I need to get my head out of the gutter anyway as long as the Master’s party has a vacant place for a party member the slave will automatically join the party and after I named her melan Lissa I received this strange message inside my head melan Lissa lv5 has

Joined the party it’s still possible to disband the party but they will immediately rejoin so I guess there is no point to it I really hope everything will be all right in the mountains during winter will Melon really be fine all on her own she has been living

Inside the secret base for a month and she has brewed potions under my instruction and continued to train diligently with the wooden dummy I suppose she wouldn’t really need to leave the secret base and be at Nature’s Mercy since there is an ample amount of supplies stored in the secret base but I

Still can’t help but worry for her speaking of the wooden dummy melon is really scary her speed is so fast that that I can hardly see anything when she is training with the spinning wooden dummy now at this rate it’s definitely going to break Sai I guess I need to

Make a new one soon and that is all for today’s lesson children please go find someone and create a party with them the class is in the future need to be done with groups so now is a good chance to find a group for yourselves with man’s lecture finished the fighters and Mags

All started to cause a commotion well this has nothing to do with me I placed the straw mat that I just made to my side and took another Fistful of straws to start making another hey we should make a party too yeah let’s do that oh it seems even the commoners are trying

To group up now the main benefit of being in a party is the shared experience but doing manual labor such as farming yields very little exp there is honestly no point in sharing it so I just took my straws and left the church that was our orphanage

Wow it’s really cold I took out my first furry wolf clothing and put them on don’t look at me like that I really like the name wolon wolson I took a glance at the mini map and saw that there was only one person that was in the immediate

Vicinity hello Grace I sneakily took out the sandwich of bread eggs and spiced meat from my inventory I tried making something new and thought that you might want to be the first one to have a taste which is true despite me being the person who made this I still haven’t

Tried out the taste of the sandwich yet but it has a very wonderful smell so I guess it should be delicious right I really want to go to the secret base again Grace took the sandwich with a pout because she has to attend classes and lessons that teach magic most of the

Time she only has a very small amount of opportunity to go out I snack out with her to the secret base 2 months ago and she enjoyed her time there immensely so who are you going to group up with you’re really talented I bet you can

Become famous in the future there are a lot of people that will want to party with you Grace who was already talented with magic is making a frightening amount of progress in her classes Mani the busty nun is a Mage and father marbon can smacks enemies silly with

Staff imbued with holy power Grace is currently stronger than both of them combined when it comes to magical prowess I wonder what kind of Mage she will turn out to be in the future Grace wants to be in a party with walson she shy Curts it in my direction Grace has

Sent a request for a party dot really are you fine with having a weak commoner like me around I asked her I know that Grace really likes me as a friend but I didn’t expect this to happen at all she is a cute girl to boot no no no no

Naughty thoughts you are too modest she said um thanks for the compliment I am actually lv25 right now and aside from the nuns and father marbon I have stats that are superior to anyone in the village of course since I regularly hunt in the mountains I get a lot of XP I can

Feel several heated glares on my back the little sha asterisk theads in our orphanage are probably jealous of me right now oh ho ho ho ho ho well son don’t make trouble Grace smacked my cheeky grin off my face well all right please take good care of me Grace Grace

Lv10 has joined the party with three party members you now gain 3% bonus exp hasham Master what hash melon’s voice drifted through the telepathic link since the telepathic link is shared between everyone in the party Grace heard her voice as well Grace scrunched up her face into something that isn’t

Quite a scowl for a normal person but it is closest to what Grace can do right melon has only been with us for a month so Grace who only snuck out 2 months ago wouldn’t know about her it is also possible to get a feel of how the party

Members are whether they are injured or distressed Etc so it’s really convenient so naturally it is possible to know the name of all the party members walson is melon a girl she recently moved into the secret base I will introduce you to her later wson you flirt I was then chased

Out of the Village By Grace who was hitting me with her small staff non-stop wait why the hell are you attacking me chapter 13 Grace in Wonderland I am Grace I’m knew I knew from the very beginning that I was different my hair has a very strange color one that was

Described to be Darker Than Black yet shimmering I cannot safely approach water of any kind if I touch water that has water Elementals inside it it will create a rotting wound and I even have a curse whenever I look someone in the eye I grow impossibly angry and enraged with

The urge and desire to destroy anything that I look directly into the eyes at least I think that is a curse because my cursed existence brought other people unhappiness I was treated terribly everyone called me bad names freak monster Abomination I did not like it I

Did not like myself because cuz I seem to embody those things that others dislike but thankfully those are things of the past currently I like myself a lot because wson likes me just as I am despite the fact that I am not good with communication he always thought that it

Was Grace’s style of talking he told me it was cute but I didn’t understand it so I simply remembered that he said that I have the inborn talent to become a Mage and according to father marbon I will grow into a powerful and formidable one someone that will be clearly

Remembered in history in the future my curse for a lack of better word impedes my connection with water and as a result I cannot control the water Elementals in any shape or form without harming myself to perform any water spells on the other hand all the other elements easily

Accepted me and I can easily control all the others fire earth wind as well as light and dark any spell that has nothing to do with water I can easily learn and master I structuralize magic in my mind and by communicating with the Elementals through spell chants and

Words of Power perform the Spells I know with Nar and effort this process comes easily to me but I heard not everyone can do that Mani the teacher in our orphanage as well as father marbon discourages my use of dark spells but I demonstrated them to walson every once

In a while when I get some new ideas I will show my magic to walson and every time he gives me warm smiles and touches or stroking my hair although I am starting to grow taller than walson No taller than the majority of the other children I still like to keep my head

Low just because it will make it easier for walson to Pat my head walson told me that I was amazing that I was great and told me either was F asterisk King awesome I don’t really know what the last one meant but I simply remember it I would probably become an Elementalist

A kind of Mage that has control over at least three elements I have five out of six that’s in the future for me but what is the future for won unlike me he is a commoner but he is always doing amazing things walson makes me delicious food

That cannot be found from anywhere or anyone except him and deep down I am certain that those kinds of food are things that not even the wealthiest of nobles could afford on a regular basis and then walson always shows me the things he creates the things he made and

The things he crafted whenever he has the chance to do so I saw that everything he did from planting to processing to completion was always done on his own it baffled me and then I was invited into his secret base and what I saw completely blew my mind blocks that

Emit light something that walson called a redstone lamp saying that it was an alternative to candles and saying how it is better to read books in the night with it because it is superior to the candle he didn’t take those Redstone lamps to the orphanage though he must

Have his reasons I won’t pry there is also a personal hot spring it is very difficult for me to clean myself since I cannot touch water it has to be boiled first and I rarely ever take a bath in the rivers but walon’s hot spring passed

My curse since it was hot and devoid of water Elementals taking a dip inside it feels wonderful I was extremely tempted to permanently move into the secret base simply because of that and walson created other wondrous things every single one of them from walon’s hands for some reason walson also has a very

High LV aside from mani and father marbon he has the highest LV in the entire Village how in the world did he get to lv25 did he train him self somehow walson is nothing like a commoner and in my eyes he is someone that only exists

In stories and fairy tales he once told me of a story about a girl who fell down a hole and found a world full of Wonders I feel that whenever I am with him the world changes it becomes so much more wonderful he is the same age as I am yet

I always catch glimpses of immense wisdom that exceeds anyone whenever I look into his eyes sometimes I want to call him Brother Big Brother I think he will become someone incredible in the future future will I be able to stand by his side then Grace are you certain that

You want to party with walson Mani asked me in a tone filled with concern Grace insists only wson chapter 14 secrets to enchanting I was honestly surprised that Grace decided to party up with me the future lessons required children to be grouped up and I never thought that she

Wanted me with her since the next lesson was a practical one involving exploration and slime extermination I had to make some operations from what I could gather they are going to allow us to explore the flatter and less dangerous parts of the mountain then we need to bring back some slime core and

Slime ball as proof that we did indeed exterminate them and not just Frolic in the mountains all day I have a large reserve for both items inside the secret base so all I need is to present those and I can hog all that time for my own

Activities it would also be nice to watch the reaction of those snotty brats when I present a humongous amount of items they are children and they are really weak I have absolutely no idea how they can be this prideful about their so-called strength I snuck out of

Bed in the darkness and was in my secret base by the way melon was still training with the wooden dummy it’s been an hour since I’ve arrived and she’s still at it shees she’s staying up really late not like I can judge her though since I am

Here and awake I wanted to test something that I always wanted to try out before asterisk bang asterisk asterisk bang asterisk asterisk bang asterisk the sound of melon’s Swift fists impacting the dummy echoed through the cave it was quickly followed by the Frantic asterisk click asterisk an asterisk squeak asterisk from the

Turning of the cogs and wheels inside the dummy it’s just the usual sounds when melon was training I have mostly tuned most of them out when a loud asterisk crash asterisk resounded a big block of wood then flew directly into my face impacting it painfully splinters followed its wake but thankfully none of

Them came anywhere close to harming me extracting splinters is always a nasty business thus the spinning dummy was destroyed may it rest in peace or peaceless Melon rushed towards me to help and I had to divest some time into calming her down she then apologized profusely but I simply waved them off I

Told her to go take a bath in the hot spring to calm down I took out the enchanting table this is the one that I had inside my inventory when playing Minecraft its purpose is to enchant items granting them extra function depending on what enchantment was given

It can be used on most equipment it can grant protection fire protection blast protection and projectile protection to name a few or on weapons to make it sharp or granting it fire aspect to ignite foes on fire anyways there are a lot of different effects both big and

Small that enchantment can grant and augment I will just skip through it the enchanting table looks like a black obsidian table with a leather book that emits a soft life levitating over it I stood in front of the table and took out an iron sword to commence my experiments

Placing the and sword cautiously over the table I reached towards the leather book a bit nervously the moment my fingertips made contact with the book The Light immediately dimmed no wait the light converged inside the book I opened the pages huh there are words written inside the book and I can clearly feel

The magic coming from it but I simply cannot read them at all this also happened back in Minecraft so I suppose this is normal the enchantments are always randomly Chosen and the words are nothing but Cosmetics that are completely unrelated to enchanting it was best to just pick

An option and pray it’s the one you wanted how does it function though how can I control it to start the process my fingers slid through the words written in the book Feeling the hum of magic beneath it wait I can understand it it’s trying to tell me something cost 32

Levels that’s what I am feeling as I continue to caress the words in the book within the world of Minecraft it was essential to pay the price in experience points and levels for enchantments but the levels were frankly only an integrator that marked how much experience points you have and have zero

Impact on the growth and stats in this world experience points and levels are essential to one’s individuality essential to one’s growth and affects you through your whole life I sincerely doubt that it will literally take away 32 levels not that I had that much I absent-mindedly gave the mental command

To select U it in theory if I couldn’t match the price then the golden letters would be unavailable for me to select but if was available so that means it’s not really the levels that the book will be taking I wonder what it will take from me I exclaimed without even knowing

What the words were then I watched as the glowing letters I selected flew out from the book glowing golden and swirling around me I immediately felt dizzy and light-headed this sensation like something was sucked out of me wait my Mana I lost a big chunk of my Mana the

Big loss of it caused my discomfort I crumbled and fell on Myas from the dizziness while the golden letters suddenly stopped swirling freezing in the air momentarily and shooting towards the sword on the table as if they were Birds of Prey swooping down for a Kill

Light Shine from The Sword but it soon faded away to show its coated in a purplish gleam that covered the whole sword it seems like this was a success what in the name of the Goddess are you doing now Master melon walked out from the bathroom she has been watching me

For about 3 minutes I let her think that I didn’t notice her hauh oh nothing just an experiment I placed the enchanted iron sword into my inventory iron sword uncore enchantment sharpness two knockback i o sharpness to increase damage and knock back as well interesting I felt myself out to make

Certain how much Mana it took from me mp301 is 621 H approximately half of my Mana is missing so the price for enchanting would be my Mana now I calculated it through my head again and came to the realization that it took away exactly 320 Mana wasn’t the cost

Supposed to be 32 levels does this mean one level in Minecraft equals 10 Mana here which means as long as I take enough rest and allow my Mana to regenerate I can enchant anything I want as many times as I wish I am going to abuse this to the nether then back again

I am just a low leaked commoner who has zero spells in their Arsenal normally I’m never going to even be using Mana I got enough Mana to spare melon I’m leaving now I stood up from the ground hn you’re leaving it’s really late it might be dangerous yeah I have to get up

Early to tend the farm speaking of farming I have run out of bone meal I will have to somehow find more monsters to P for their bones for it preferably Undead skeletons Troublesome looks like I’m running low on other things too I’ll need more Monster loots of drops later

All right I will watch out for mobs Master melon gave me an affirmative nod oh by the way I took out two new spinning dummies from my inventory I’m so sorry melon quickly Ducks her head in shame focusing her eyes on the ground it’s not like she did

Anything special but damn she broke the dummies through brute strength alone that’s insane I can quickly make more of them so don’t worry a true statement the reason it took much longer to make in the first time was because I diverted most of my effort and attention to the

Designs now that I have already done it once it’s much easier to make more thanks to the crafting table it will take probably less than a minute to get the dummy it’s the cogs and other small parts that give me trouble and eat up the time but even then it’s still

Relatively quick to make I already anticipated the destruction of the dummy so I already made them a few days ago I will be off then sweet dreams with that said I quickly made my way back to the orphanage with the night Breeze running through my hair chapter

15 field trip day today was the day that the children were going to explore the mountains funny this reminded me of the field trips I had back when I was a kid on earth oh wait I’m a kid now never mind the young Fighters and gags gathered around the clearing listening

To mani and father Marvin’s last minute lecture apparently father marbon did a live demonstration of slime extermination killing it while all of the kids were watching rip slime our objective for today is to explore the flatter parts of the mountains and scour for any low-level monsters for you to

Kill please bring back any slime cores and slime balls you acquire as proof of completing this exercise father marbon said as I said the trip was all about killing slimes speaking of which there is a LV 34 slime inside the deeper parts of the mountains it’s really big and even Aran

The gigantic fantasmal wolf doesn’t like to mess around with the Slime despite the fact that its level was higher than arkans the fantasmal wolf has far more Superior stats comparing the levels is not really a good comp comparison of strength personally I think the Slime would lose to Aran since he is much

Stronger in terms of stats I have observed the big slime for a while and came to the conclusion that it does not like to actively hunt other creatures it prefers to Simply devour rocks and trees and occasionally perform some water magic but that’s about it one could

Almost say that the big slime was peaceful except it’s clearly stronger than the majority of the monster population in the mountain even though fire is weak to water pitting the Slime and the fantasmal wolf against each other would still be rather silly wolves always hunt with purpose such as hunting

For food or eliminating threats to their territories but nothing will be accomplished by hunting a slime so Aran leaves it alone since it serves no purpose to fight it there have also been sightings about magical beasts wandering in the area aggressive wolves in particular please proceed with caution

And it will be a test of your teamwork if you ever meet them Father marbon continued ah seems like they are talking about the lone wolves or The Wanderers of the pack Aran has his underlings tightly under his control and they rarely ever wander out of the deeper

Parts of the mountains so this leaves two possibilities either they are the elderly who wanted to die in peace after no longer being able to contribute to the pack or they are the rash and Hot Blooded youth that went exploring on their own won not nervous Grace sat

Right next to me on the grass sounding slightly anxious you know I’ve been inside the deeper parts of the mountains I spend a lot of time there as well this is nothing really I responded plus I have my trusty minap I will be informed in advance be it weaklings or

Strong threats though I suppose only Aran and the big slime would count as threats in this region at least I stealthily snaked my hands and squeezed Grace’s hand trying to comfort and reassure her ah the soft and delicate texture of her small hands won mean me Grace blushed cutely but didn’t retract

Her hands or show any signs of rejection from my action why Tilda how cute and that will be all One Last Thing Before we all let you run loose father marbon gave a look towards Mani Mani took up the queue and stepped forward everyone please gather up here and take an alarm

Crystal before you go if you ever find yourself in danger pour Mana into it to activate it just like we mentioned in our previous lessons has anyone forgotten how to use them the children started to crowd around her just as Grace and I were going towards her mitti

Passed us by mitti is older than by 3 years which puts him at 13 years old right now he was already bratty back then and his brattiness is even more pronounced as he aged he also became one of Grace’s not so secret admirers he’s been looking for trouble a

Lot more often now but he is only lv7 he uses impractically long spell chants and has absolutely zero combat experience I can wipe the floor with him no matter what you did to force Grace to do as you say I will save her someday he said to her us then proceeded towards

Mani to take an alarm Crystal I have the strong urge to kick his us right now you know you were the one that bullied Grace years before right what do you think you’re doing trying to act like a nice guy when you really aren’t and what is with that nonsensical

Declaration did he read that off of some theater script what a drama queen I really ought to sneakily punish you somehow no wait I shouldn’t bother wasting my time on him there are lots of things I want to do today we’re heading towards the secret B after everything is

Done melon is everything ready I activated the telepathic link Yes master everything is waiting ready for you you get to live in a secret base jealous Grace said through the telepathic link oh right I am going to introduce them to each other today hopefully no fights will occur between them chapter 16 a

Nun’s prayer I am Mani cor helmat I am a human and I am currently 35 years old my current occupation is a nun I work in the village of sading and I live with my mother maressa and assist father marbon in his duties to the church and orphanage I have served for

15 years my talents lie in the direction of a mage a cleric to be specific I can use magic that is aligned to healing or to the element of light I of course studied other Magics but those two are my specialties despite being a none of

The religion of vom I do not view Dem humans with disdain like the Western branches I serve a branch that is much more open-minded about the world the vanon grella branch the gr Branch was created for centuries ago by an Elven priest of the same name he saw the

Darkness and Corruption within the higher echelons of our religion believing themselves to be superior to all other beings gr created a new Branch attempting to counter it the main branch treats all non-human and non- Elven species as demons therefore marking everyone else as worthless things they need to destroy but the only species

That are truly demonic are the devils and succubi in Ubi who can trace their ancestry to Hell the Demi humans really aren’t as horrible as the main branch portrays them to be they just live differently with their own traditions and values as long as they commit no

Crime they should not be punished for being different we also worship the goddess Vantin in our Branch exactly like the main branch but we welcome the other species with open arms as long as they convert into our faith the gr branch is more active in the southern

Part of the land it’s incidentally where more demons live there really are only two types of people in this world the type that commits crime and the type that doesn’t those are the words spoken by gr we do not oppress the other species of the world unlike the main

Branch who actively try to exterminate them with extreme prejudice but gr also lacks the popularity of the main branch we hold less power and sway than they do and as a result our branches are mostly placed into churches in poor or far away regions however we are resilient enough

To not not be eradicated by the main branch oh I have started rambling again right the orphanage our orphanage functions as a small society that can function independently with a certain amount of self-sufficiency the fighter and Mage children will be provided by the commoners their fighter and Mage

Talents will be cultivated while the commoners work to provide the orphanage initially I thought this was a good plan where everyone will be assigned duties and everything will be fine as long as everyone completes their Duty the reason I thought so was because ideally 90% of the children would be commoners while

The 10% are Fighters and Mags but recently this generation in particular the number of Fighters and Mags have risen as a result that the commoners are faced with the problem where they need to provide for more but lack the numbers to do so and the fighters and Mags have

Grown arrogant basking in their fake superiority this caused many headaches for my mother father marbon and myself we have no idea how we can change their attitude this really isn’t something that can be changed instantly as there are cancer and tumus that are hard to remove in normal society the same can be

Said to our orphanage we have to remove the root of the problem before anything major happens but how let’s talk about the more notable children in the orphanage there is a gr an outstanding fighter among the children he is 14 a gr was born with immense strength and father marbon has complemented his

Decent talent in Sword Play he might become a swordsman in the future he has a strong sense of justice but he is dimwitted extremely gullible he will be leaving the orphanage when he reaches 15 and I truly worry for him for the mags there is mitti who is also

Noteworthy he is 13 and already in a party with a gril they should become good partners in the future he has decent talent in Magic but has a temper and is mean to the other children oh and there is also another noteworthy child it’s a girl she is really special and

Not exactly in the normal way her name is Grace and she seems to have been cursed 10 years ago she was placed on our doorsteps on a stormy night when we looked at her there was the Visage of a dark slender monstrous being we have never seen or heard anything like it it

Startled all three of us after using the stone tablet of identification we confirmed that she wasn’t human Ender what is an Enderman we wondered father marbon used some cloaking magic to hide that information and to make it so that every time she was identified with the

Stone tablet it would show that she is human she is extremely brilliant and talented when it comes to Magic she has very strong control over the elements except for water she learned how to use dark element spells all on her own one could almost call her a genius in the

Past whenever someone looked her in the eyes she would go on a rampage she will destroy almost anything that is nearby and doesn’t listen to any of our Comm commands this lasted about 3 minutes as long as nobody looked her in the eyes again then walson came with a

Pair of glasses nobody knew how he got them but just that it worked walson is a commoner and maressa my mother deemed him to be extremely bad saying that he likes to cause trouble and she often sends him into the naughty room but personally I think walson is doing the

Right thing Grace was often bullied and it was wson who drove them away most of the time we adults often tell the children stories about Legends Heroes and Adventures walson took those words and became a hero in the eyes of grace through his actions he must be feeling

Cheated every time he is sent to the naughty room how sad I cannot override my mother’s Authority and therefore I cannot stop her from sending him to the naughty room nor can I get him out of it but I always knock on the window and ask

Him if he wants food or not he has never answered my inquiry though is he angry at us adults I thought at first but it’s it seems like I was too close-minded walson continues to smile sometimes unrepentantly please keep smiling wson don’t let our Injustice taint your smile

Unlike most children he does not like to be affectionate with me he also doesn’t seek affection from father marbon or my mother how strange he smiles more often than the other children making the other children seem very grim and weary sometimes the orphanage receives children whose parents had no space to

House them meaning that there are children who live in the orphanage but still have a family sometimes the parents will come and visit and then the children who are truly parentless will often cry but I have never seen walson cry I occasionally try to get closer to

Walson I was curious and wanted to know what he was doing but I never could catch him I asked the other children and they said that walson always disappears for a very long time he is a commoner and therefore is supposed to work on the farm so at first I thought he was

Shering his duty to go go and play but when I went on a patrol I was surprised to see that he has the most organized Farm out of everyone it was evenly squared and spread when I look at his eyes I sometimes see wisdom and age that

Does not belong in the eyes of a child he is 10 years old and 150 cm tall for feet 11 in yet he seems very reliable whenever Grace is not studying she always spends her time with walson I am worried he seems too mature chapter 17 preparation for a fight father marble

Has selected an area that regularly spawns slimes the area in question a small part in the woods is not as small as one would imagine if it truly were small then all the children would be fighting over the slimes instead fighting against them we were also told

Not to venture too far away not like I care the moment I made sure no one was looking I stepped into the woods scooped Grace up and dashed towards the secret base it will take some time since we are taking the long route but as someone

Whose level is 25 it’s a piece of cake with a blushing Grace the lowly in my arms okay fine she’s still technically taller than me I found myself enjoying the journey we swiftly arrived at the secret base and I immediately began to work by assembling the components for my

New Contraption Master I’ve brought the things you’ve asked me to bring but what are you using them for incomprehensible Grace was munching on a sandwich I made the moment we stepped into the secret Bas Grace sent melon quite a few looks filled with aggression what surprised me the most however was

The way and responded to that animosity firstly she politely introduced herself to Grace swiftly brought out our white bread and spiced meat accompanied with a jug of juice melon treated her like a guest of honor all the while after that she started to shower Grace with various compliments regarding myself regaling

Her about how much of a great person walson is or walson is kind beyond measure she also talked about how often she has heard me talk about Grace and the fact that she already knows quite a few things about grace through my words I felt very self-conscious while that

Was going on especially when grace started to nod in agreement whenever melon started to compliment me hash you’re doing a great job hash I told melon through the telepathic link hash being aware of the Master’s needs is the duty of a slave. has she replied blaz I

Bet she would have been an excellent and capable servant if she were to work in a Noble’s household probably even be the chief maid let’s not go down the capable made route yet it’s different kinds of capable after all all right it’s finished the dispenser is done I stood

Up from where I sat today ding ring tilder a dispenser is a redstone mechanism from Minecraft made by combining Redstone Cobblestone and one bow it can be used to shoot or eject things that are placed within it if you want to shoot something upwards make the dispenser face upwards

It just needs a power source now I also took some iron and crafted a mine cart then I joined two mine carts together to expand it this isn’t n something that can be normally done in Minecraft but since I am currently living a real life and real life physics still apply it’s

Possible for me to do that now I will reveal what I am using these stuff for later now then time for your equipment I took more materials from the pile that melon has organized for me iron lots of iron though technically it’s steel now firstly I refined two iron ingots and

Got a refined iron out of it not something that usually happens in Minecraft either aside from the darker color I came to the conclusion that it is much more durable and much harder to penetrate after some testing but its ductility and malib ility was too high it could stretch and spread into bizarre

Shapes that were not friendly to the human body so I added coal into it and I got steel I did not remove any impurities so it looks particularly dirty and impure not like I knew how to remove the impurities in my opinion it’s like throwing black sesame seeds into a

Bottle of milk I don’t think actual steel production would have been as easy as as I have demonstrated so I decided to call it black Iron instead in case things ever got really technical I placed the black Iron on the crafting table and applied the Minecraft formula

Used to create armor enough armor for two people both of which I intend to give to the girls I am already wearing the Prototype so I didn’t need to make another set for myself melon would be fine wearing a full set but Grace probably can’t handle the weight

Therefore melon set is made to protect her body entirely while Grace is only protects vital body parts in my own opinion I believe that all mags need to retain their Mobility meaning that I intend to push melon into the role of a tank this time I distributed some

Supplies 10 bottles of marble potions of healing and another 10 bottles of milk for each person inside waist bags with two very confused girls following behind me I made my way out of the secret base looking closely at my mini map I took care to avoid monsters and ended up

Before the entrance of a cave this is a cave in inside a big hill and it’s not the only cave since the hill is really huge They Came Upon some trouble the last time I was here but thankfully I got what I was looking for in order to

Preserve the natural order I only hit this sort of place once a year monster ecosystem is something even more delicate than normal ecosystems I will clear out this one then leave it alone for a year millimeter Master are you sure I believe melon frowned she must have taken note

Of the sweet scent coming from inside the cave or she heard the noises coming from the cave Grace shot melon with a look filled with confusion melon senses her smelling and hearing in particular are really sharp in comparison to Graces that’s right which is why I got both of

You equipment that is resistant to penetrating damage but we aren’t going to charge right in we must take safety measures first I took out a bunch of firewood from my inventory and carefully positioned them a few steps into the cave Grace can we get some fire please sure

With a wave a small Fireball flew towards the firewood after making sure that it was burning I started to take Earth and soil out of my inventory quickly sealing the cave entrance with them by the way spell chants are mandatory for all spells so despite the fact that Grace used magic without one

She merely made it so that it was very quick and unnoticeable to the point where one would mistake her being able to do that now we wait the three of us started to search for slimes to kill it was laughably easy to find with my mini map and easier still to eliminate them

We used this chance to work out some basic teamwork and coordination um has melon been deeply influenced by the wooden dummy or is it just me I say this because she uses her arms and legs to attack not that I am saying she is doing poorly without any weapons but slimes

Instantly die from one hit from her punches or kicks slimes have resistance to physical attacks you know especially blunt force trauma but then again if she could demolish my wooden dummy so quickly it wouldn’t really matter speaking of wooden dummies the one she’s using this week looks like it’s almost

Falling apart now what is she doing to that poor dummy even though she is doing great without any weapons I still think it’s too risky to go without one so I shoved an enchanted iron sword into her hands iron sword uncore enchantment Bane of Arthropods 2 this particular sword

Was the second blade I Enchanted it is only effective when used against arthropods so I still prefer the sharpness enchantment when it comes to General coverage I have already come up with a way to improve on enchanting so I might fix this sword later but this sword will be useful for our operation

This time so I gave it to Melon m Master this is millimeter weapon gifted by walon Grace had a slightly envious expression on her face huh no no this isn’t a gift melon’s eager face instantly fell so I swiftly added it’s a prototype a mock used for

Testing purposes I I am going to make another weapon specifically designed for you in the future melon gave me a happy smile after hearing that then I will hold on to this for you specifically designed despite having a blank expression it is very easy to see that Grace is feeling crestfallen Grace I

Won’t promise to make you a staff since I have no idea how but I promise to try I really didn’t want to make her sad and I did want to try to make a staff won great she seems much more happy now and seems like have successfully cheered her

Up I just hope her expectations aren’t too high wasn’t there a book on staff and magical Condit back in the orphanage party has gained 170 exp party has gained 163 exp level up melon is now lv7 party has gained 178 exp party has gained 181 exp party has gained 70 exp

Party has gained 69 exp party has gained 80 exp level up melon is now lv8 level up Grace is now lv1 at this moment a flood of messages appeared oh my I thought my plan would only weaken not kill but this is still good news I suppose the ones that had

Less exp were the younger ones huh uh melon was startled I leveled up and there’s a new skill all thanks to master I also have a new skill Grace said ah I am so jealous you can gain skills as you level up but I didn’t get any no matter

How many levels I gain I also wouldn’t be getting any in the future this is hm Grace mumbled and then a spray of flower petals came out of nowhere Grace who was originally on my side disappeared and instantly appeared on my other side oh right I almost forgot

Grace was an Ender so the teleportation skill was supposed to be unlocked through leveling up hauh how strange Enderman back in Minecraft could teleport freely I was wondering why she never did anything like that but turns out it was because she lacked the levels for it w

Walson i she then teleported back again melon had her Jaws on the ground in this world magical metastasis as in using magic to change one’s position is not something that is used lightly it is usually large scaled with high MP cost and cannot be used repeatedly but it

Looks like Grace did not have to worry about any of those issues thinking about it I thought it made sense after all Enderman are Infamous for their ability to teleport repeatedly Grace looks like she is panicking I guess it’s because she isn’t used to it possibly because

She has no idea how to control this new ability this is slightly worrisome so I tried to teach Grace how to control her teleportation by using my knowledge about Minecraft after an hour she seems to have gotten the hang of it and is not teleporting freely a very convenient

Ability if I were to say so melon gained skills that would physically reinforce her and even learned the passive skill martial arts which gives her a boost in attack and speed seems like what you learn is related to the things you train during the impromptu lesson time we

Still got numerous messages and pings regarding exp gains all right I think the wood should have finished burning by now I caught the attention of the two girls that were testing out their new skills there are probably a dozen that are still alive but they should be

Beaconed let’s go it’s honey time we then made our way to the cave which was the residence of gigantic wasps chapter 18 wasp nest I proceeded to unseal the cave entrance revealing several pieces of charcoal on the ground I pocketed them with the intention of reusing them

In the future waste not want not I could still use these to make torches then I asked Grace to use wind magic to conjure a small tornado at the mouth of the cave that would last for 5 minutes as for why the reason is simple just now I was

Smoking the Wasps to incapacitate them as well as creating carbon monoxide by burning wood into charcoal since the cave was sealed shut the carbon monoxide was circulating inside the cave I don’t need to explain what carbon monoxide poisoning is do I therefore to ensure that we don’t die inside the cave due to

Carbon monoxide I had Grace refresh the air through the tornado and then we entered the Cave the Cave is somewhat narrow it is wide enough to have four people walk side by side but there were only three of us so it was no problem as we walked inside the

Cave the smell of Burntwood permeated the entire place and then we encountered a creeper creeper uncore lv1 uncore HP 10 20 uncore status weak uncore title none what why isn’t this a wasp nest no wait monsters are said to be created through a mutation due to high concentration of Mana maybe their habits

Have been mutated as well creepers in particular love to spawn in Dark Places and surprise you by blasting you to bits but why didn’t the wasps kill them h i remember reading in a monsterology book that said wasps are territorial but not unforgiving as long as other creatures

Do not get in their way they can coexist does this mean that creepers act as some sort of guards for the wasps in exchange for shelter anyway if you don’t already know here is some information about Creepers they originated from Minecraft their habits um I don’t really think it

Should be called habits more like creepers exist solely for the purpose of sneakily exploding behind your back ssssss boom a self- exploding monster a suicide bomber their appearance will remind you of a walking Armstrong cannon from ginta they do not make any sound when moving so they can easily get

Behind your back originally in Minecraft they were always green but in this world they seem to have evolved and adapted they come in all kinds of colors now gray to hide better inside caves and green inside forests or bushes despite having developed heightened camouflage they still can’t escape the detection of

My minimap but seriously though their existence does not benefit anyone first they kill themselves so they do not do anything that benefits themselves secondly keeping them around doesn’t yield any benefits then they kill others through explosions so that’s not a benefit either since we’re here I

Started to teach melon and Grace on how to fight creepers as long as you are not taken by surprise it is just a matter of keeping your distance but things become very dangerous when the creepers come in groups of two or more fighting them in close range is straightforward hit them once then

Quickly Retreat out of the range of explosion then the creepers will slowly approach you and you just rinse and repeat until they die not really known as smart monsters if you happen to have ranged Weaponry fighting them is even easier just keep attacking it from afar till they die when Creepers die they

Drop gunpowder one could make TNT with those and I often slay creepers to create TNT for my convenience we continued deeper into the cave and it slowly became evident that the creeper was just one of the few survivors after my smoking strategy there were some dead bodies on

The ground and since the bodies are well dead they do not count as living things thus I promptly threw them into my inventory I looked at my mini map and slowly led the way deep into the cave where more survivors were we happened upon one of the main residents of the

Cave giant wasp lv24 HP 2 or 98 uncore status coma weak uncore title none it’s lying on the ground and it’s not moving they are about 1.5 M long and look like giant hornets the size is very intimidating anyone would be scared the first time laying their eyes on them

Surrounding it were corpses of its Brethren it’s still alive anyone want to take the first Blood of the day melon and Grace were staring but soon responded they shared a look with each other and then melon gave a Hugo on sort of gesture and Grace stepped forward

With her staff raised oh hang on don’t use fire that would make Gathering materials harder I reminded her grace took a moment to think then raised her staff again Shadow Arrow must have been a spell that she isn’t familiar with since it took a second of incantation a

Dark shadow soar through the air and penetrated the wasp’s head wow that was so cool dark Elemental spells party gained 183 exp level up melon is now lv9 level up Grace is now lv12 oh they leveled up again I kept vigil with my mini map leading us further into the

Nest we happened upon another Survivor melon didn’t spare much fanfare and killed it by simply stomping the head we then repeatedly eliminated the other survivors we saw asterisk SI asterisk this is almost getting boring but there was still more work to be done I noticed that something shown on the mini map was

Moving and it was quickly moving towards us the loud buzzing of wings reached us first giant wasp lv28 HP 611 123 uncore status weak enraged uncore title none if things get too noisy start using telepathy prepare for combat I shouted the brown insectoid monster swiftly approached us asterisk boom asterisk

Asterisk Splat asterisk party gained 1780 exp ahar and there was melon standing at the front of the formation with one hand holding a sword the other disappearing inside the head of the enemy it sank into the head completely cutting right to the Chase and ending its life please don’t get close to

Master whoa what a head shot I exclaimed her killing intent was leaking all over but I have to say is that sword in your left hand meant to be a decoration oh oh she was too fast damn it Grace mumbled hang on a moment these two are clearly

Treating this as some sort of game I was taking all of this seriously like real Combat there was more buzzing up ahead but it was soon silenced by a wish party gained 173 exp razor wind that was Grace’s voice damn I didn’t even see a Target and you just killed it instantly

Before I even detected it you know I really pity these wasps the girls are showing no mercy whatsoever oh whatever let’s just speed up the pace according to the mini map the bottom of the cave is much more spacious the closer we got to the bottom

The more wasps started to attack us but they were all viciously killed the two girls by my side seem to be really getting into it they continue to on-shot the incoming enemies seriously though I think they are doing very well because they are quite strong I sincerely doubt

Any of the children in the OR could imitate their actions right now by the way sometimes the enemies still don’t die in one hit but still die right after at one instance Grace’s aim was off and cut the Wings off instead of the head as the WASP crashed into the ground it slid

Towards melon and she slugged it in the head rip giant wasp seeing as how things are right now I think we probably won’t be needing the Minecarts let’s just sweep through this place and kill all the Wasps all right you two are doing great but we have to be careful we are

Getting closer to the queen I confirmed the location of the queen with my mini map and walked through the quickly expanding cave what entered our field of vision was a very big area that was probably almost the same size as a football court with the ceiling higher

Than 20 M there is a very unnatural looking lump on the top signifying the location of the nest with no more giant wasps there is only the queen who is inside the nest glaring at us with baleful eyes she seems to be quite angry giant wasp queen _ lv30 hp250 56 of 524

Uncore status enraged uncore title none I took out the wall of stone that I assembled in advance as for why I took it out the queen was already coming towards us the two at my side sprang forth without any commands Raz a wind the air was condensed into a blade and

Slashed the queen dodged the attack by accelerating unnaturally but quickly fell to the ground from a second razor wind it slashed through the wings holy crap this thing is huge it’s the same size as a truck razor wind razor wind razor wind wait what is she doing with those spells her Casting

Speed is really insane the interval was around 1 second per cast Grace is going to be terrifying when she grows up but the wind blades did nothing but leave gouges and slash marks on the queen what a durable exoskeleton these wind blades were able to cleanly cut the other wasps in half

Asterisk G AA asterisk the queen let out a harsh Screech and dashed towards us but before she could reach Grace she was pushed aside by something else melon was the one who tackled the queen and after recovering from the tackle started to wail on the queen with her right fist

The punch managed to open up a hole that leaks green fluid and then the queen swung its poisonous sting towards melon oh no she’s going to get hit at this rate but at that moment I saw Grace teleport right to her side grab melon and vanish in a flourish of petals they

Fell in a heap right next to my side petals are flutter wooo team work despite the fact that they landed gracelessly keep in mind that Grace only had this skill to practice for about an hour being able to get such a good result is really astounding although we

Have healing items at the ready in case melon was injured we bore witness to a very great feat of magic melon you hurt I’m fine thank you Grace when did you two get so Cooperative melon knows how amazing won is therefore a companion wait what the heck the girls stood up

And faced the angry wasp queen ah that Stinger is really dangerous I really think I should do something about it with that said I took out my custommade bow by the way in Minecraft we get this Crosshair thing and whenever I try to shoot with this

Bow I get a Green Dot that tells me where I am shooting it’s almost like it’s laser aimed Grace please distract it for me I don’t want it to dodge with that weird acceleration thing Shadow Arrow Shadow Arrow Shadow Arrow wait you didn’t need to Rapid Fire the queen managed to dodge

The first but was immediately injured by the other shots I tied a string made from spider silk on the arrow and shot it at the vulnerable soft underbelly of the queen I had no trouble hitting my mark when it was shown to me in green pulling the string I quickly sprinted in

A circle at my usual speed when I ran through the mountains by the time the string was getting short the queen was lying on the ground squirming bound and tied melon here then melon cuts off the head with the Bane of Arthropods Enchanted word ending the battle party gained

7,583 exp level up walson is now lv26 level up Grace is now lv6 level up melon is now lv14 waa that’s a lot of exp our levels Rose very quickly speaking of Melon really should have used the sword in the first place to end up using her f is just anyway the fight

Felt all right we all came out unharmed and showed good coordination lastly I used the dispenser to shoot a TNT the TNT was slathered in slime fluid and managed to stick on the wasp nest that was the Target The Nest exploded I was waiting right under it with a

Gigantic ear as honey started to flow I till a sweet honey it’s been a while since I’ve eaten any chapter 19 count the spoils it will take two more hours for the sky to grow dark which which is when I will need to return to the other

Children oh since we are on the subject of time I wanted to mention that this world calculates time differently half an hour is one time unit which can be recorded with a special magic imagine how ticks work inside Minecraft and are differentiated from real lifetime except this time it’s half an hour being

Counted as a tick the name of the time unit isn’t actually tick though I still have my mini map which has the 24-hour time function built into it which is how I can get a grasp of the time so quickly back on Earth it’s usually Sundown

Around 6 but in this world it’s 7 not really a big deal since all one needs to do is grow used to it I personally think it’s similar to having more daylight in summer and less in Winter kind of situation anyway before we head back to the orphanage I wanted to take both

Grace and melon back to the secret base first we ended up killing a total of 35 wasps aside from the obvious honey there was also quite a lot of reusable stuff we could Salvage such as the 27 B Stingers plus one gigantic Queen Stinger additionally there’s also 60 insect Wing

Membranes four of them being from the gigantic Queen I should find some time to study these materials their quality shouldn’t be anything to scoff at since they came from Advanced monsters melon managed to learn a skill called physical reinforcement in this Venture technically it’s a magic spell that is

Not labeled under any element more on the elemental topic later though as long as this skill is active it will continuous drain and consume Mana since the skill is only lv1 she did only learn it today after all the Boost is very meager but after coming to the base and

Asking her to practice on the wooden dummies while activating physical reinforcement left me quite speechless it took only a few hits before the wooden dummy laid in pieces Mari it was because the durability has already been worn down but seriously this dummy is practically new it’s only

Been on duty for a whole week but after using the stone tablet of appraisal something was clarified to me melon’s attack stats are abnormally High somewhere around double of mine and she is 12 levels below me is this the difference between a fighter and a

Villager a feels bad man so it was with a heavy heart that I eliminated the doubts I had before melon this is a new dummy or rather it’s an iron dummy I set the new Iron dummy on the ground in terms of structure and function it is

The mirror of the wooden dummy except it is made out of my black Iron master you really didn’t need to do this for me but I did therefore in order for my efforts to not be in vain do your best and hit this as hard as you can okay maybe I

Could write a training Journal recording how many dummies Mel and Destroy in the future and using that as a unit to measure one’s progress ha ha ha currently three dummies have died how many more will she Slaughter just kidding years later when I look back and think about this this I

Cringed at how I made a flag here and so with the objective of training her MP capacity and increasing skill level in mind I had melon practice with the dummies with physical reinforcement constantly in use next up is Grace today she learned the teleportation skill that

Is unique to the gender species known as the gender Tilda Dimension leap father marbon managed to conceal any information pertaining Grace’s status as an Ender and also H her true stats but if Grace is willing one could use the Stone tablet of appraisal to take a look

Or maybe someone with a skill like Clear Eyes would be able to see through the illusion that marbon has made I digress back to the gender in this world spells that are related to space a dimension travel are all big and flashy requiring long chance and large Mana

Costs it’s not that they are a rarity where it’s very hard to find since some of the big cities do big Transportation with mass teleport but more likely it is completely impractical to use this in combat and also so one needs the talent and Affinity to learn this kind of magic

So despite the fact that it’s not too rare it’s not common either not common enough for me to have seen anyone use this kind of magic at least but the Ender Tilda Dimension leap has no Mana Cost needs no incantation and can be used by Grace whenever she wishes there

Is a cool down of 0.5 seconds basically a blink of an eye the range limit is 128 M this opens up so many possibilities for Grace she can repeatedly teleport around the field Hitting and Running like a phantom my good mamar this is such a cheat worthy skill also she has

Managed to learn a passive skill called chorus seed along with an active skill called chorus bloom in this world if you learn a skill without ever having been able to use it before then the stone tablet of appraisal will not be able to provide any information for you we could

Not use it to gain information on what these two skills can do chorus flower is a kind of flower that grows in the end in Minecraft a place that is filled to the brim with Enderman and other end related creatures didn’t think that this would actually become a skill though let’s

Test that skill in the future it’s got to be another cheater skill anyway asterisk Grumble Grumble asterisk wallon here Grace reached a hand towards the back of her neck and proceeded to untie the necklace she has always worn with her it’s her ender pearl necklace I

Remember it’s just a thin cord plus an ender pearl but I did a double take since there was suddenly a second ender pearl on the necklace a a we quickly took a look with the stone tablet of appraisal and determined that this necklace is an augmented equipment that

Can grow with the user something more often known as growth equipment it’s a piece of equipment that could grow as long as the user keeps growing I heard that the elves are the most renowned owners of this kind of equipment elves as a race hold a racial skill called elviz short for

Elviz it’s a skill that can turn the item into their own personal growth equipment but this skill can only be used once per lifetime for example there was an Elven Archer who found a bow he really liked by using Elven eyes on the bow the bow turns into his personal

Weapon that grows stronger along with him growth equipment is really an interesting topic I read it in a book but never thought I would see one with my own eyes in Grace’s case as long as she keeps growing the necklace seems to create more ender pearls in a manner

That is similar to cell division what was originally thought to be a decoration quickly became so much more than that as we started testing surprisingly it wasn’t as similar to the Ender Pearls from Minecraft as I thought it would be in fact these ender pearls seem to act like a waypoint as was

Mentioned before Grace’s teleportation range limit is 128 M but with the pearls it can be exceeded no matter how far away she is she can choose to teleport to where the Pearl is so let’s say she is across the country and she wants to go home if there was a pearl inside her

Home she could instantly return but someone who isn’t Grace can still use the Pearl it just functions differently I can throw the Pearl and I end up teleporting to where the Pearl landed just like in Minecraft except the Pearl instantly returns to my hand so it can

Be used repeatedly wow this thing could cause a revolution here the spare you have it Grace took the new Pearl and handed it to me it feels like Grace is trying to tell me something this doesn’t feel like an ordinary gift anyway I accepted it with gratitude as everyone

Sat in a loose circle on the ground we organized the things and reviewed our performance today I questioned Grace about her use of Magic the speed of the razor wind spell can be affected by the air and wind therefore making it easier for nimble opponents to dodge and when I

Saw that the Shadow Arrow flew much quicker I really wondered why didn’t Grace use something like a shadow cutter spell but then Grace told me more about magic in general the incantation is based basically an instruction for the spirits in the atmosphere or it can be

Said as a blueprint woven with words and then given to the spirits to build almost all magical incantations that were passed down are unthinking incantations think of it like trying to order food with a different language you memorize the words but have no idea what the words mean then you list down the

Steps of making the food in that language to the chef that only understands the other language try and think of I want a cookie with chocolate chips baked inside the oven for 30 minutes then cooled on the tray in a different language now try I want fire

Shaped in a ball sent towards my target swiftly in order to modify spells one needs to deepen their understanding of the spirit’s language the vocabulary and grammar are just two of the many obstacles to Magic it is also the hardest thing to teach when it’s related to magic though which is why

Incantations are still memorized and not structurally created letter by letter from the spirit alphabet not only do you not really know what the incantation will produce you also have to watch out for your Mana if you don’t have enough Mana for a spell that you don’t understand dangerous things might happen

Um I thought I heard someone say that imagination is magical before I thought back to several quotes inside books I have read while on Earth I like that way of thinking we’ll study more grace gave me a decisive nod I have confidence in her she will definitely make it work

Somehow if anyone could do it it would be Grace So by beating enemies that have higher levels than ours was a great way to increase our levels today was a great success but the strongest enemies around the forests and mountains are all around level 40 or so if we keep getting

Stronger it will also mean making it harder to go higher I have been stuck on lv25 for two whole months I finally made it to lv26 today watching the sky slowly darken I quickly grabbed Grace and made our way back to the orphanage of course

I didn’t forget to grab the big bag of slime balls and slime cores on my way out what do you think I am an idiot I think I brought around a 100 or so I thought that it would have been a good number to bring but it turns out the

Other children all got less than 10 how unfortunate for me mitti the idiot that was 2 years older than the both of us said something like you relied on Grace and whatnot challenging me for a jewel I took care of him and that’s about it chapter 20 sting like a bee it’s snowing

Winter has officially begun finally there is a significant decline for out door training sessions for the fighter and Mage children during winter similarly the children who are commoners are also more relaxed than usual since winter is a farm slack season but we still have other jobs to do we spend

Most of our time inside the indoor Workshop pickling or drying vegetables with salted water what they make here doesn’t taste too bad but my stuff tastes where a better ever since grace started to regularly eat the food that I made she always Sports a frown when eating food provided by the orphanage

Now neither of us would be able to ever go back to those days where we were able to stomach their food not that we wished to as mentioned before the kids are now in sconed indoors since weather conditions are not ideal for outdoor activities Mani took the chance to teach

The fighter and Mage children other things such as reading and basic mathematics for most of the children in the orphanage they find those lessons to be extremely Bland and uninteresting as for me I took the opportunity each winter to learn more about the language of this world it took about 3 years give

Or take incidentally after coming back from the mountains with Grace I came into contact with a stone tablet of appraisal Troublesome very Troublesome I can modify my stats to show false information to a degree the stone tablet of appraisal comes in many different rankings it’s easy to influence the

Outcome of a normal one than it is to influence one of higher quality the tablet in the orphanage is a very old normal one it didn’t take too much effort for me to change the results from the scan I already tested this with the tablet inside my secret base which is

Also a normal one Grace and melon were very willing when I used it to scan them so it suited me just fine with that said let’s come back to the present I am currently inside my secret base it took a lot of effort getting here without leaving a trail since walking on snow

Would leave very obvious Footprints an earlier promise I made to melan demanded that I make a good weapon for her and right now I am doing my best to tailor a sword for her so I brought out the gigantic Stinger from the wasp queen that we got but it could be said that

This Stinger isn’t actually a stinger since it looks much more like a gigantic irregularly shaped blade it’s already shaped like a bladed Weapon It’s about 50 cm long and has a black Sheen to it it is also more durable than my black Iron but I wonder how durable it

Actually is seems like a good component for a weapon it would have been aggravating for the normal Crafters to use such durable materials but I have no trouble on that front since I have a crafting table from Minecraft a lot of stuff which is not in Minecraft can

Still be created by using it as long as it fits with the things I want in my head I think this ability is related to my imagination using it to bridge the gap arand it’s completed yes it was super effortless the original shape of the Stinger remains mostly unchanged with some

Minute differences after it is officially made into a weapon by the way the Stinger is hollow inside there exists a small tube likee structure connected to the poison sack that would have pumped poison into the victim in its original state the hole is very small and does not hamper the sharpness

Of the weapon so I decided to modify it for my own benefit I connected a small bag that contained a Magic Stone air to it I obtained This Magic Stone when rescuing melon discovering it on the broken Carriage nearby after identifying it it was confirmed to be of high quality not something obscenely

Expensive or rare but it’s the real deal a Magic Stone is basically a stone that can store magical energy a Mana inside it by injecting a bit of Mana into it a spell that was keyed into the stone would activate once it runs out of energy you just need to refill it and

Seal it inside to be able to reuse it the small bag that has the Windstone is then implemented into the hilt of the blade aside from being made out of my black Iron I also added some powdered mithil mithril is something that has very high magic conductivity and

Therefore valuable on the open market it is also quite rare I only have a little bit of it available so I need to be careful and efficient weapons made out of mithril could also be strengthened by magical enhancements that were given to the weapon a useful property that not

Many other metals or minerals have the Magic Stone I have connected the Black Blade with has the spell heavy wind keyed into it it is a spell that produces winds with heavy pressure and since it is condensed while sending it out of a thin tube from the blade it is

Quite deadly if you stab this weapon into an enemy’s body then activate the Magic Stone you can cause an explosive amount of damage I gave this weapon the name blade B stop laughing at my naming sense I know you’re laughing after that I placed it onto an anvil seeking to

Enchant it in Minecraft an anvil can be used to enchant equipment when used together with enchanted books you might wonder what these enchanted books are well essentially I take ordinary books and place it onto the enchantment table and bestow the book as a special property one book Can Only Hold one

Enchantment and because of this some people might think it’s stupid to use enchanted books but there are many different enchantments that are available in Minecraft and if you want something specific then the chances of getting what you want are way too small you have to repeatedly enchant it until

You got what you were looking for wasting a lot of time and resources which is why enchanted books are a good thing by enchanting the books separately I just need to collect the necessary books I want and then use them together to get what I need currently I can

Produce two enchanted books per day after so many days I have finally acquired the books that I was looking for speaking of which since real life physics are actually applied what other things that could possibly be altered in Minecraft the enchantment table required exp but now in this life it uses my Mana

What else could change there are so many possibilities it’s worth looking at I suppose opening the Anvil interface I immediately used sharpness 4 knockback two and looting two that’s three books already gone but I don’t feel any regret when I presented this gift to melon the

Smile on her face and the happiness that practically oozed from her was all worth it what kind of man would I be if I didn’t live to make girls smile I didn’t forget about Grace either sneakily stealing a book from the library I researched more about the structure of

Magical staves it would hardly be any trouble to create a basic mage staff but why the heck would I want to create something so normal and boring to give it to Grace she deserves much better I am definitely going to give her her something awesome or try to the book I

Snuck out of the library only recorded the barest of facts I will end up going blind if I truly wanted to make something better it’s not something as easy as making a sword so I can’t just wing it I guess I will have to be a bit

Of a jerk and leave Grace hanging for a while chapter 21 right for the picking two more Winters flew by I am now 13 years old in body and 43 in mind I don’t really feel like I have entered my midlife phase in fact it’s hard to fall

Into midlife crisis when I have a brand new beginning puberty is on its way though which is something that I will have to watch out for I took a peek into the training room inside the secret base making sure that melon is occupied and less likely to notice when something

Happens the training room was a new addition to the secret base that I made half a year ago inside the room are 10 spinning iron dummies with improved schematics and movements Not only was the mechanism upgraded I also connected them all together which means by hitting one dummy all the other dummies will

Respond as well effectively creating a 1 vs10 situation additionally I installed the iron dummies in various places such as having a few on the wall another few on the ceiling Etc so when you start training with these they will literally attack you from all directions I also

Added some dispensers into some of them there are rocks that have been painted with ink that would be shot from the dispenser that makes it possible to count how many times you’ve been hit and urge you to become better I added some redstone mechanism to improve the functionality of iron dummies and with

That created new functions and mechanics in the room the new stuff is too numerous to count and too complicated to explain properly man it’s so bad that it took me a whole year to finish all this as for why I decided to do all this it was because I wanted to disperse the

Blow behind melon’s attacks that’s right you heard me all this just because melon’s blows were too strong she goes through iron dummies extremely quickly one iron dummy would quickly lose all its durability and break so I thought 10 dummies all at once should be able to

Force her to spread out the attacks and by extension increase the lifespan of the dummies all right she isn’t paying attention to me I took that chance and brought out a set of chain mail and continued my work this set of chain mail’s appearance is modeled after a

Onepiece dress its color is black because I used black Iron to make it but this time the black Iron isn’t just iron and coal or carbon I added powdered mithil into the mixture which was made possible thanks to the crafting table to increase its magical conductivity it offers physical protection and magical

Conductivity simultaneously because it holds the property of both the original black Iron and powdered mithil if this equipment were to be sold on the open market it would definitely fetch a handsome price not to mention that I am going to enchant it later speaking of enchantments I have made it my mission

To make them every day and stockpiled a staggering number of enchanted books with lots of variety in 2 years I also made some nice breakthroughs on that front it turns out that the types of enchantments available from the enchantment table are no longer limited to the ones that are tied to Minecraft

But those are pretty rare and we don’t have many of them in stock let’s talk about marketing later you might be wondering what I’m doing right now well I’m trying to sew a layer of silk padding under the chain mail wearing the chain mail bear would definitely be uncomfortable and wearing padded

Clothing under the chain mail would be cumbersome it also makes the person wearing it look bloated which is visually unappealing with that in mind I used special silks that I gathered from spider arachnid monsters using my own special weaving technique I have managed to create silk cloth that is both

Ductile and breathable fashioning it into a one piece dress was even easier oh I have to make the silk dress detachable to make it more convenient to clean or replace this whole thing is my present for melon’s 15th birthday and coming of age that’s right tonight is

Going to be a party in this world turning 15 years old is an important important Milestone presents are given and even families in the bottom of the financial ladder will try their best to scr up a bowl of meat soup for the birthday kid to be alone and have nobody

To celebrate my 15 years old birthday with is a pretty miserable experience the importance of this coming of age thing is so high that it cannot be clearly measured in melon’s case she is older than Grace and Me by 2 years and today would be the day she turns 15

That’s why I must fulfill the obligation as her friend and get a good present for her which is also the reason why I am taking advantage of the time to work on the finishing touch as for the weaving techniques I learned them from the village textile shop me going to the

Textile shop is mostly due to the orphanage regulations all orphans at the age of 15 must leave the orphanage and they made arrangements for children that are 13 years old to receive training through apprenticeships they send the children into town and let them gain experience by working remember how I

Mentioned it would have been great if they sent us kids to town and learn how to work Well turns out they already had that system in place it’s just that there were not enough openings for work that would warrant recruiting kids that are below 13 I chose to work in the textile

Shop when given the choice since despite the many useful features of the crafting table there are still limits I am not too concerned about my future since I am very rich oh wait correction I have the potential to be very rich all I need to do is actually

Sell things on the market and I will start to roll in Hills of gold with my brewing stand I have created a very powerful healing tonic known as asterisk drum roll asterisk the M beta asterisk todder asterisk stage whisper for those who are wondering it’s short for malba

Potion of healing beta dot I have officially named it m beta for various reasons firstly the original malba potion which I refer to as malba potion Alpha is very inferior by comparison since beta stands for two in the Greek alphabet I I thought it would be nice to

Distinguish my creation as the improved version of the original this baby can regrow limbs enough said also because M beta sounds really badass and medically professional I am going to use this from now on unfortunately I have had second thoughts on selling this world changing medical cure on the open market if I

Ever wanted to sell them I would have to water it down or dilute it with something else potioneer aside I can still make lots of money by selling personally crafted equipment though but then again I can’t just throw Enchanted equipment which has special properties and functions onto the market without

Consequences either a insert long suffering sigh here you guys have no idea how dismayed I am you guys have no idea how dismayed I am anyways 2 hours have passed since I started to work on the chain mail there was finally a heavy thud that indicated that melon had

Exhausted herself and collapsed on the ground she must be very tired now despite having installed an emergency stop switch the only way to get her to stop is to wait until she tires herself out something which is extremely impressive 2 hours inside a training room that has 10 rotation dummies made

From hard iron attacking from all sides who would be able to last that long against 10 opponents melon melon are you all right I shouted in concern as I hid the finished chain mail inside my inventory I’m asterisk half asterisk fine Master a moment I am glad you are

Unhe hurt relax and go wash up I will put your clothing at the usual spot okay she seems tuckered out by the way the training room and the bathroom are connected this also means that there is less chance for melon to wreck our plans while she takes a bath I was thinking to

Myself H it’s 5: in the afternoon it’s almost time when suddenly flower petals appeared in my vision won good afternoon Grace greeted Me by using using the gender Pearl that is housed inside the secret base she can easily transport herself back and forth now hi

Grace how was work do you like your job at the Magic Stone Shop she is currently interning at the magic stone shop and her main contribution is to inject more Mana into the stones we mentioned that storing Mana into the stones is essential before but I have neglected to

Mention that not everyone has enough Mana to store but since Grace has lots of Mana to spare she took the job work was smooth no problems for me she said Grace’s skill in expression has improved a lot in these two years she has started to use me and I in Her speech perhaps

That is due to the fact that she has a friend in melon to chat with now since they started to get along they also attended each other’s birthdays and since today is even more special than the ones before there was no way Grace would miss it I took out a

Handmade sandwich with the usual specially processed meat in it and handed them to her speaking of which Grace didn’t stop growing in the vertical department and is now half a head taller than I am we started to prepare for the birthday feast and brought out the separate presents we

Prepared Grace what did you get for her I asked as I secretly observed the bathroom door in case melon walks in I almost wanted to take a peak key word almost but I also almost got my head bashed in by a staff the last time the

Melon here now is different to the one we met four years ago she has a healthy and strong body now not to mention gigantic boobs since she is doing martial arts training her body is also quite attractive with an enticing vest line and curves quite sexy I like it

Sometimes I would grope at her us or pretend to grab her boobs despite her wearing armor over her chest she then gave me an embarrassed look and said stuff like Master please don’t or Master this is indecent despite openly sexually harassing her she doesn’t seem to actively prevent or refuse them in fact

Her behavior almost makes it better but of course Grace is usually right behind me ready to smite me with her staff when that happens ah everyone is here at this moment melon stepped out from the bathroom with some light clothing on her person her lovely red hair was still

Dripping with water but it only makes it look more bright and luminous like a rose-colored flame surprise todda Grace and I took our poses something we practiced for a dozen times to get it just right and shouted happy birthday congratulations on your Coming of Age The Look of utter surprise on melon’s

Face was absolutely Priceless chapter 22 bad Harvest bad Omens we all enjoyed the celebratory Feast W son you’re squashing me hey hang on didn’t you volunteer for this both Grace and I were lying on top of melon’s legs enjoying the soft feeling of her body initially it was

Just me but Grace didn’t like being left out and decided to join me we all look like young siblings vying for the attention of their elder sister which technically isn’t is n false since melon is 2 years older than us I suppose there are some of us that look up to melon

Thank you both for the wonderful Feast melon was still smiling and I noticed some traces of unshed Tears in the corner of her eyes I will feel content so long as she keeps smiling melon has already started to wear the chain mail I gifted her and she also has a pair of

Lizard leather gloves on her hand Grace was the person who gave the gloves to her it seems like she used all the money she gathered for a month to buy it the gloves are made out of desert lizards skin which is not native to our region

It must have cost quite a penny the reason Grace thought it was a good gift was because she noticed that melon preferred to fight with her bare hands I should probably enchant those when I get the chance to I want to temporarily abandon the cheerful atmosphere from our

Previous subject since what we are going to talk about now would not be so cheerful well I have been smuggling some food from the secret base into the orphanage Granary the orphanage is going through a tough period since we had a bad Harvest this year despite not liking

The orphanage a lot I was still raised in it and I wish to help them I can’t bring any meat and I have to limit the number of potatoes that I want to bring otherwise they might become suspicious I have brought my own food reserves to

Help the orphanage which is why the food reserves in the secret base had lowered sharply this has been going on for several months now the stuff that we had in the secret base was enough to feed the three of us for an indefinite amount of time but it couldn’t sustain the

Orphanage for long I have tried to supplement our supplies by using lots of bone meal to help produce more crops but this method requires tons of bone meal and I have officially run out of bone meal the source of the bone meal comes from Bones it could be Bones from the

Undead or even normal animals but if I want to get those bones then I have to go hunting and going hunting when we had a bad Harvest isn’t really a good idea the bad Harvest also made the monster population decline since food is scarce if I go hunting for enough bones to

Supply enough bone meal to to feed everyone then I might as well kill off everything that is not a productive thing to do also who would have enough time to hunt for bones all day then smuggle food into the orphanage during the night it’s a pretty timeconsuming

Operation by the way the reason we had a bad Harvest this year is not related to the weather conditions we didn’t have a drought this year it’s because the land has become less fertile but when I say less fertile it’s also not caused by overc propping because it’s not just the

Farmland going less fertile the entire region is experiencing the same problem it’s enough that even the plants in the forests are wilting by the dozens something that is normally impossible something must have happened this isn’t natural The Village has sent out bounties for adventurers to come investigate find out why the manor of

The land is running out was what was written on the bulletin board since I am not very sensitive to magical energies I consulted Grace on what that meant and she told me more about it essentially The Manor in the soil is disappearing for some reason and since all life

Requires Mana the life that lives off from the land is starting to decline the adventurers local to our village are already preparing to launch an investigation but they cannot go further into the mountains mainly because they are mindful of the golden fantasmal wolf that resides there not wishing to

Encroach aran’s territory it’s also thanks to Aran that my secret base wasn’t discovered by the investigation since it’s inside his territory the other Village closest to our village is 2 days away on horse and carriage travel it’s called The tku Village both sading our village and toku Village are in the

Very remote part of the Kingdom to our East is the great Forest of nacula the adventurers have to travel to toku Village then make their way into the great Forest of nacula in order to avoid Aran but the toku village wasn’t hit as hard by this incident as we are I have

Begun my own investigation as well I have noticed that the closer it is to my secret base the wilting and decaying also gets more severe after a week of observation I did did not take any actions since I have come to the conclusion that the source of the

Problem was definitely not in our forest asterisk sniff sniff star I snuggled my face into melon’s thighs and inhaled her scent it has a slight fragrance to it I am very glad that I still remember how to make soap from my previous life anyway the great Forest of nacula in the

Ancient language nacula means mysterious Beauty and is also the name of the patron guardian of the forest the forest is big enough to cover 5% of our Reg and it’s literally a sea of green when you turn your head to look to the east only the outskirts are counted as true Forest

Since the deeper you go the more and more it starts to resemble a jungle the monsters that inhabit the jungle are very strong they would have been an ideal Target for me to raise my level if it weren’t for the fact that it was too bloody far away despite the fact that my

Secret base is located in the deeper parts of the forest it’s still only a small section of it Aran lives here after all if we try to compare the great Forest of nacula with an apple then the forest I am living in is counted as the apple skin the nacula forest is filled

With Mysteries I have determined that something must have happened in the jungle-like part of the forest the distance is pretty far but I think it would be manageable if we take advantage of Grace’s ability to teleport but I shouldn’t rely on that completely one rule of going into the jungle is to go

Prepared the closer we get to the center the more plants that could decrease visibility will appear there are also swamps and bogs which are dangerous in their own right in that case Grace’s ability to teleport will be restricted by the terrain which is why I have been doing my best to

Prepare for our campaign this has forced me to double my efforts on finishing the chain mail that I wanted to give to melon Master it tickles melan was starting to blush but her facial expression didn’t change too much melon is cautious when it comes to emotional display it’s kind of endearing W son

Don’t screw around I really wish that Grace could stop poking me with her staff so threateningly chapter 23 zombie Rangers and bone meal we have dedicated 2 days to preparing for the trip and today is the day that we have planned to head out but to be completely honest it

Was really because we had to wait 2 days before Grace’s day off we can’t just leave our work behind and go on an adventure you know have to be responsible and all our objective is to find out why the land is weakening and hopefully solve the issue if I can I am

Not trying to be boastful and say that we can single-handedly solve the problem but I am just saying that it would be great if we save everyone’s Time by investigating and resolving the issue both at once we have no idea what is causing this but it has been causing all

The Farmland near the area to go Barren in a blink of an eye assuming that this was truly caused by the lack of Manor in the land then this could be categorized as a disaster like how earthquakes and tsunamis are counted as disasters The Manor of the land suddenly disappearing

Is also considered to be disastrous although I originally thought that the issue was similar to how the nutrients in the soil were out of of balance which would cause infertility the problem is really much more serious than that slowly everything will Decay until there is nothing but a Barren desert if things

Get to that point then it’s truly hopeless and irreversible speaking of which this world does not often experience troubles like this since even if there was a drought and no rain would fall people could still hire mags to cast water magic and water the crops that way it was obvious that it wasn’t

Just a bad harvest in hindsight bad Harvest for everyone everywhere nearby and several months consecutively infertility wouldn’t be like this unless someone intentionally saled the fields but assaulted field is very obvious to notice and assault every single field at once would be impossible to not be ratted out by someone no

Casualties have been reported the price for food stuff has drastically increased it should be just a matter of time before someone and eventually everyone finally starves to death famine how scary the capital of our kingdom shouldn’t be aware of the news yet but Messengers have been dispatched they

Would probably send some help later on hiring adventurers is probably just a stop Gap because if an average Adventurer could solve such a large issue on their own then they would be heroes and not adventurers Grace melan and I are walking along the marshy bog we were wearing shoes with long traction

Cleats to avoid slipping so much mud Grace was already starting to spam teleportation not willing to touch the ground for too long hey girl don’t be so lazy if you only teleport and not exercise you’re going to grow fat master be careful melon was surveying the surroundings with a frown on her face

She was wary for a reason and I am aware of that reason we have already been surrounded but honestly we really have no intention to avoid combat in fact we are Mighty curious to what we would encounter around this region ominous clack clack sounds were coming from every direction rotten zombie Swordsman

Uncore lv3 31 uncore HP 365 or 365 uncore status curse of the Wither icore title none rotten zombie swordsman _ lv32 HP 380 or 380 uncore status curse of the Wither icore title none rotten zombie Archer _ LV 33hp 40242 _ status curse of the Wither icore title none rotten zombie Mage

Uncore lv30 uncore HP 355 355 uncore status curse of the Wither icore title none rotten zombie Berserker uncore LV 36 uncore HP 721 a 721 uncore status curse of the Wither I berserk 3core title none five of these zombies are walking towards us in an almost orderly

Fashion all of them are wearing tattered equipment the biggest one of all has a gigantic Rusty Axe and full body armor which almost half of it has rusted over the heck their level is pretty damn high at first I thought we would eliminate all Undead that we encounter since we

Really need more bone meal but their average level exceeds 30 plus they have a Mage and a Berserker could this be a team of adventurers that died here a long time ago in terms of strength that Berserker in particular stands out oh I think I should explain the differences

Between zombies and skeletons skeleton monsters appear naturally in environments with high Mana density while zombies require corpses and have to be altered postmortem and that curse of the Wither what is that status I’ve never seen it before it reminds me of a monster that a player could encounter in

The nether of Minecraft the Wither Skeleton they are a type of skeletal monster that has pitch black coloring fire immunity and causes the negative status effect wither to be applied to whomever it attacks the Wither status is similar to poison in that it would continuously chip down your health over

Time but this sort of monster should only appear in the Nether and so far I have never seen anything like it in this world also the zombies do not seem like they are losing any health which must mean that wither and curse of the Wither are two different things is it a coincidence

Should we retreat no it doesn’t look like that’s an option they are already starting to fight us I took out a wall of stone that I had assembled in advance using it to block a dark sphere that was sent by the zombie Mage they are too slow the zombie Mage continues to chant

Um do zombies have the vocal cords to chant spells anyway it’s not stopping and it has successfully casted a spell already so questioning it now wouldn’t matter hey girls don’t use fire we won’t have bones to make bone meal otherwise Shadow Hammer Grace did not bother to

Give me a response and showed me she understood with her actions instead I inspired Grace to create this spell I originally brainstormed with her about new attacks and told her that having a black hammer to deal blunt damage wouldn’t be a Miss she has successfully decided cered the ancient alphabet and

Created a new spell of her own what a genius the spell can deal massive damage but because of that fact that she still doesn’t have high efficiency for that particular spell she cannot cast it in quick succession the zombie Mage from earlier seems to be dumbfounded and was

Immediately crushed to bits by The Hammer by the way spells in this world are made up of the elemental energies of fire water earth air plus light and dark the first four are bound to certain forms like fire you can’t expect a Fireball to not be burning and still

Call it a fire spell but light and dark are not bound by forms you can change its shape however you want as long as you know the words to reshape them Grace’s Shadow Hammer is a good example of how malibal spells are so long as you

Know what you’re doing like magic is not often used offensively and is more focused on healing or supporting but light magic has the special effect of cleansing and is excellent when used against Undead but that way the undead would all evaporate in this case we we want the

Bones so light magic is out of the question the zombie Archer shot an arrow at Grace but she disappeared in a flurry of flower petals using teleportation to avoid attacks is only one of the many applications of it the moment that Grace disappeared another Shadow Hammer slammed into the Archer from top to

Bottom once again crushing it to bits how amazing grace is lv27 but she can handle lv30 monsters with such ease it seems like I was being too much of a worrywart when the thought of retreat came into my mind we can take on these guys no problem the

Enemy only had two ranged attackers and both were handled by Grace so now I switched my attention to melon I guess I know why Grace didn’t immediately fire spells at the other zombies now melon is having a Clos ranged combat against the Berserker and the two Swordsmen no wait

The Swordsman can’t even touch her that means they are not really part of the combat one of the Swordsmen listlessly threw out an attack melon would misdirect it by pushing it away the end result was that the blade ended up cutting the other zombie Swordsmen an arm fell off then melon swiftly ended

The first zombie who dared to attack her with a vicious elbow Blow To The Head at the same time she did a roundhouse kick that scattered the zombie missing an arm into pieces she’s only lv26 but her power is irrefutable she kills these monsters in one hit the last one remaining the

Zombie Berserker made some clicking sounds and lifted its axe to make an intimidating overhead strike watch I was still in the process of pronouncing out when melon defeated the Berserker she closed the distance in the blink of an eye and the zombie Berserker was missing a knee she did not falter and continued

Her assault by Landing an uppercut while the zombie Berserker was tilting to one side due to losing its balance the uppercut went right through the skull obliterating it in one hit her actions were smooth and not a single move was wasted I stared at melon speechlessly wo

Kung Fu Master her level hasn’t risen too much since the time we went honey hunting 6 months ago but she has undoubtedly become stronger how the hell did she get this strong all I ever did was make 10 iron dummies for you to practice did that really make that much

Of a difference I got to look at her stats again with the tablet of appraisal once we get back technically all three of us are having a hard time trying to increase our level since normally it’s not possible to go on Expeditions frequently plus we were all busy but man

Melon’s growth is phenomenal master all shattered Bones have been gathered melon came towards me casual and unbothered not a single hair out of place as if nothing had happened Grace was Examining The Tattered remains of the equipment that the zombies once wore ah okay let’s

Go then we all moved on chapter 24 lost adventurers after the end of that brief Skirmish we rounded up all the bones on the ground going through the calculation with a unique formula in my head I came to the conclusion that this could make enough bone me to sustain the three of

Us in the secret base for a week huh you think it’s less than you’d expected well this is the normal amount if we add into the fact that we want Grace and melon to eat well melon who is a close range fighter especially needs to have a heavily regulated diet for

Better physical fitness her physical fitness will reflect on her performance in battle and we don’t want her to get hurt simply because we neglected to feed her right also she is 15 and still in the growing phase where people could potentially shoot up like grass stalks racially speaking I have no idea whether

15 is still counted to be growing for lizard kin but probably yeah maybe the equipment that the zombies were wearing were all poorly maintained not that a zombie would be able to do that but in any case it’s too badly damaged for us to make any use of it from the

Appearance of the stuff I think it’s safe to assume that they were a party of adventurers we also found the special name tags that only registered adventurers would own the zombies did not die recently so they probably aren’t the group of adventurers that were hired recently to solve the case judging from

The age of the gear it’s safe to say that they died a couple of decades ago another fact that supports this assessment is that the special tags used a design that was popular 30 years ago I managed to discern that because I’ve learned a lot more than just sewing in

The village I’ve also learned some necessary knowledge for appraisers a bit of archaeology and other stuff other people in the village would probably Focus only on one profession but I’m not like that and think it’s not good to spread out my field of knowledge to such

An extent andway back to the topic the jungle looks okay there doesn’t seem to be any problems yet but I did learn something after that Skirmish it’s not wise to judge someone’s level of strength based on their levels there are other factors to include like skills a normal tablet of appraisal can only

Reveal what the skills types are and not the level of the skills if I only think about levels eventually I would end up facing someone like melon whose strength is not not really represented by it should I buy an upgrade for my tablet is it possible to do

Modifications it would be nice to know more about myself and have accurate information about my partners I’m overthinking and I’m off topic again back to the subject we might know more about the jungle if we go deeper into the withered grounds let’s keep going I

Told melon and Grace at the same time I looted all the equipment and placed them into my inventory it might be possible to find out more information about these dead adventurers we have the special tags and perhaps we could erect a senar for them their Spirits haven’t been put to rest

And have wandered for at least 20 years I truly pity them um Master yes melon I hear the sounds of battle and there is also the smell of blood in that direction should we take a look melon pointed to the east a seriously I didn’t detect anything with my mini map and it

Has the range of 100 m I didn’t expect melon to have such Keen senses and sounds of combat it feels like for individuals are fighting according to the vibration they are probably fighting very fiercely vibration hang on she has Keen enough senses to exceed the range of 100 m and

She can sense vibration you’ve been holding out on me melon my dear I neglected to inform you that I’ve started to become sensitive to all kinds of vibrations I apologize if I have convenienc you o so you awakened a skill good for you aw man I also want to get

New skills was it because of the training with dummies must find out more when we head back if only I could let you have my skill it would be great for your master won is great regardless Grace who has been quiet for a while suddenly spoke

Ahaha I was just joking we were moving while chattering normally when people say moving from one place to another they mean that they walked but all three of us are using our own methods of travel to go deeper into the jungle melon was up ahead swiftly leaping from

One Tree to another Grace had a bit of trouble using her teleportation since the environment is extremely humid and saps her strength the cool down of the ability has noticeably lengthened but staying together with us is not hard at all I took out my special invention from

The inventory while I was watching the two of them move through the jungle like the wind I remodeled the dispenser into a minute dispenser by combining my talents in weaving with this little thing I have been able to shoot sticky strings made out of spiderwebs it is

Shaped like a forearm guard and I wear one on each arm I’m also wearing suction gloves there is that feeling again stop mocking my naming sense these suction gloves allow me to stick to walls with my hands and help when climbing vertically their appearance is deceiving since they look like normal gloves but

Each finger has a small special Magic Stone on it truthfully the magic Stones aren’t really special per se it’s just that they are the type used for household cleaning it imitates the function of a vacuum cleaner and sucks up dust when magical energy is given those are the common types and the ones

On my gloves are custom ordered magic stones with upgraded vacant absorption despite being custom ordered they still come in pretty cheap it only took me a few wolf skins worth of money to buy them although I had no trouble on the monetary side I was given looks of

Bafflement and perplexion by the people in the village like they thought I was funny in the head anyway it gives me enough suction to hold my weight and stick to surfaces thus allowing me to climb walls with relative ease yes you read that right relative climbing walls this way still

Demands a big amount of muscle strength to pull off but my level is high enough for me to do it so it’s not too Troublesome our and you guessed right the inspiration came from my previous life on Earth from the person that shoots sticky webs and climbs walls

Swings from one building to another while wearing a red and blue bodysuit this method of movement needs very precise control as you all recall I have already made this thing a few chapters ago which was approximately half a year ago I’ve been practicing for 6 months

And let me tell you it wasn’t a nice experience at all I fell then I fell the next time I fell the other times I fell again then I fell again some more and yes you can substitute all the fell from the previous sentence with fail but now

I have finally done it asterisk Greers gives son skeptic looks asterisk okay fine I have only managed to become proficient enough to swing from Big structures to another asterisk Grumble Grumble asterisk oh oh oh I can see them I caught up to melon with my smooth acrobatics asterisk readers gives walson

Skeptic looks again asterisk and managed to see four figures fighting in the distance with my mini map no matter how many times I see it I still think Master is a genius for coming up up this method of travel mmph melon praised me then stopped on

Top of a tree to look out into the distance wson is amazing don’t flatter me I’m going to blush it feels nice to have one’s ego stroked a he he being able to imitate scenes in comic books is great but actually being able to do it is a whole different story comic book

Fans always dream of doing the things that superheroes in comic books do they would kill for this kind of thing the three of us stood on the treetop s looking 50 m in front of us at the scene where four people were fighting against a gigantic snake Lawrence LV

29hp 49452 uncore status snake venom 3core title none Mirabella uncore lv30 HP 11 e284 uncore status coma Elven ised uncore title none kabore lv32 HP 172 of 576 uncore status normal uncore title none colon _ lv27 HP 97256 uncore status normal uncore tile none from the look of their gear they

Are adventurers all right the party composition is the female lying on the ground in a coma has a staff on the ground nearby and looks like a mage then there is another person who is rolling on the ground in anguish haven’t seen that one fight yet but I guess it’s a

Fighter there are two more people at the front of the formation and it’s it’s a middle-aged male with a big shield and another male who is much younger than the previous one running distractions on the side with twin daggers as for the enemy hug am manra _ LV

36hp 1568 2253 uncore status curse of the Wither icore title none holy crap the snake that is very colorful and vibrant barely lost half of its Health the adventurers are definitely in big trouble if this goes on they’re going to get wiped and two of of them are already

Incapacitated it doesn’t look like they could just Retreat what do we do Master can we save them both melon and Grace spoke is there any reason not to save them of course we will do something it would be sinful if we just stay here and turn a blind eye to this Grace don’t

Approach distract it for me it’s probably not a good idea to spread the knowledge of Grace’s teleportation ability even if the situation is a bit dire Master does this mean you will front it by yourself oh my I can’t just let the spotlight stay on the two of you

All the time I also want to show the girls my strength yeah melon stand by for now melon’s hand-to-hand combat is still too freakishly strong it would be better if I handled this with that said I shot a sticky spider string to the tree trunk on the side and leapt off the

Tree at the same time a massive amount of Razor wind air blades assaulted the huge am manra all right I just need to let Grace grab its attention for now the adventurers at the bottom seemed to be clueless to what is going on as I swung

Down from the tree I shot another sticky string and pulled the twin dagger wielder away from the snake’s range well met good night I threw a bottle of milk that forcibly reverted one’s status to normal towards the incapacitated adventurers watching it shatter and splatter them with white liquid as the

Shield Warrior started to turn towards me I shot him a face full of sticky web to block his vision then proceeded to pull P him closer to his comrades using a powdered quick sedative made from the spores of slumbers shroom I put them directly to sleep sorry tilder although

I’m helping I don’t really want to show you guys what I can do with my various inventions I turned my gaze to the distracted huge am manra despite having been assaulted by Grace’s razor wind the air blades cannot cut into its durable scales thus doing nothing except

Distracting it but that’s okay I shot a sticky string and watched it attach onto the side of the snake’s head and forcefully yanked it to make the snake turned towards me shra the huge manra immediately started to fling its head around madly and I cut the string before I was pulled away the

Special string I have made was made by using the crafting table and three spider strings spider strings are already durable on their own but my kind is on a whole new level it wouldn’t have broken under normal circumstances yes yes yes I love you too watching the

Furious snake hissing angrily at me with its mouth wide open I threw a stick of d it directly into it with another String Shot I closed the snake mouth then it promptly exploded with a bang party has gained 4,720 exp good night I said to the Headless snake that line was okay that

Line was RI Al lame I’m feeling embarrassed Grace can you help me out here send them back to our secret base please I wave towards the Ender Girl chapter 25 an odd barrier a your back already ready did you tie them up properly I had Grace take them back to

The base after healing them with my potions I also instructed her to tie them up tightly due to her ender pearls acting as way points she can bypass the teleportation range limit and go in between them as she pleases currently Grace has four ender pearls she has

Gifted me with one and we placed another in the secret base she has two more on her person and hasn’t found any need to use them just yet it seems like the pearls automatically appear when Grace’s level of strength increases how convenient right back to the present I sent her back with the

Adventurers told her to tie them up and she immediately reappeared a few seconds later I didn’t a not good with knots Grace said this with a slightly embarrassed look ah it seems like she doesn’t know how to use ropes I guess I should have melon do it instead in the

End Grace took melon with her back to the base and then they both returned by homing on to the ender pearl on me we finally moved on after after using up about 10 minutes for the entire rescue asterisk aam asterisk capture of the adventurers we came all the way here by

Following the marks of the withering and always went towards the direction of heavily affected areas but after coming to a certain point the withering of the land is too serious and widespread for us to gauge the direction by judging the severity of the withering on the way

Here we also encountered a handful of monsters and magical beasts curse of the Wither all the ones we came across shared this trait melon and Grace dis match them with ease every single one of the hostiles is below lv35 but heading to a certain direction will always lead to Stronger enemies that exceed

Lv35 if we go by my experience with Gaines in my previous life this could be a lead that will get us closer to the heart of the corruption party has gained 766 exp party member melon is now lv27 melon nonchalant broke a giant mantis in half before my eyes and we continued to

Walk through the bog after witnessing the adventure as we helped earlier from fighting I have come to the conclusion that melon and grace are abnormally strong did you know we encountered an even bigger snake but it was instantly killed in one shot the two of them finished it without losing a single

Point of HP under 10 seconds how powerful are they really the boggy Marsh we are walking through is slowly starting to turn black which confirms that we are heading in the right direction more monsters came our way and they had a noticeably higher level of curse of the Wither status on them the

Environment is taking its toll on the girls though Grace in particular is having trouble casting spells quickly the humidity is strong enough to give her a strange debuff likee status that lengthens her cast time still she still casts really quickly despite that so hopefully it won’t make too much of a

Difference as for melon her Keen senses have the side effect of being weak against strong stimuli the unpleasant smell of the black bogy Marsh is making her crinkle her nose and placed a Perpetual frown on her face a gem I stopped in my tracks the two girls also

Stopped what lies before us is a huge Rocky wall one would see from a mountain you could raise your head and look upwards but could not see the top to climb over it but according to my mini map it should have been nothing but the trees and the jungle in front of us

What’s going on is my mini map broken unfathomable could it be an illusion no wait it’s solid Master is something the matter does it have to do with this mountain how strange there shouldn’t be a mountain here melon and Grace both see the wall in front of us so it’s not just

Me hallucinating but what concerns me is that the mini map shows that there are more hostiles Beyond the Wall wandering there is absolutely no reason this tall wall should be here if that is the case I pondered this strange situation while keeping an eye out on the minim map

Assessing our surroundings there seems to be a gigantic tree inside the rocky wall which isn’t impossible is my minim map actually malfunctioning no no that should be impossible ah could it be something like a portal disguised as a wall of stone I took a few steps back while that thought

Ran in my head and proceeded to dash toward the wall at full speed AHF asterisk CK that hurts I rolled on the ground in pain while I cradled my beaten face Master wallon a ah I’m all right very painful I reached towards my my inventory and took out a chunk of bread

Which I proceeded to Chow Down the lump on my head gradually disappeared but the pain remained as I grit my teeth and stood up with a painful expression this is also another ability I have gained from Minecraft as long as my belly is full I will be able to regenerate from all

Kinds of injuries the extent of this power has not been tested yet since I am reluctant to harm myself not like I would really willingly cut my arm off just to satisfy my curiosity so this isn’t a portal that we could walk through my S senses have given me pain

As a testament of that wait senses could it be that this is a sort of Illusion that fools the senses like I actually didn’t bump into anything but my brain thinks I did speaking of which it did not feel like I ran into a wall of rocks

More like running into a wall of glass instead what is this a barrier Grace won could you take us into the inside of this mountain then get stuck in rocks if anything bad happens just come back out you won’t die while being stuck in rocks

For a few seconds Master this idea is a bit crazy melon objected but still proceeded to hold on to Grace’s wrist NN Grace was silent for a moment and then took my hand in the next instant my vision went black for a moment and I was immediately greeted by light and the

Sight of the dark boggy ground twisting my head backward I see a thin layer of something that looks like a barrier and looking past it is exactly where we stood just a second ago ain’t this barrier a bit too too clever no one would ever be able to get through this

Under normal circumstances not only did we have to teleport with Grace I wouldn’t even notice that something was wrong if it wasn’t for my minim map impeccable prediction won as expected of Master ah I told you both that you really shouldn’t praise me like that I

Will blush I scratched the back of my head and then reflexively shot a string of spiderweb with my left hand the spider web struck a kirene horse which I proceeded to fling towards me without really thinking this is melon punched it twice then kicked it away with a high

Kick hang on a Kiren horse K the monster that has the appearance of a horse stood back up after being attacked by melon and Beed its teeth at us Fair Karen youngor LV 47hp 2842 or 3542 uncore status curse of the Wither 9 frenzy title fairy tree

Guardian wait a moment what the heck is this it looks quite strong and that level it’s the highest level I’ve ever seen on a monster and the combo attack from melon just now only did less than a thousand this isn’t good Master what do we do the source found it Grace stared

Intensely in a certain direction I followed Grace’s gaze and saw a gigantic tree if I were to judge it according to my experience from my past life it looks like it is extremely old one Millennia is probably the minimum ancient fairy tree uncore LV _ HP 2765 91 97651 21

Uncore status wither curse of the Wither xcore title ancient fairy symbient there are countless black things twisting and Twining on the tree trunk it’s also spreading what is this is this a monster no wait hash hurry leave can’t control Hash A Voice resounded through my head I saw melon and Grace frowning in

Confusion it seems like they must have heard it too was that telepathy fairy Karen youngor LV 48 uncore HP 3678 3678 _ status curse of the Wither 9 frenzy uncore title fairy tree Guardian fairy Karen youngor LV 47hp 3542 or 3542 uncore status curse of the Wither nine frenzy _ title fairy

Tree Guardian there were two more eoin Kirin behind the tree but did not try to attack us all three of the fairy Kirin held Madness in their eyes but do not seem hostile at all it almost looks like they are being controlled H judging from all those different kinds of games I

Played in my past life someone or something placed a curse on the tree which affected the Guardians of the tree as well all right if the source of all this trouble is the tree then we just have to settle it here if my guess is correct then the telepathic message must

Have come from the tree in front of me too bad Mr tree we won’t be heeding your advice backing out is not an option I would want to take melon Grace I called out to the girls and the three kierin seemed to become Restless in anticipation yes no killing don’t go for

The kill aim to incapacitate we’re giving them milk afterwards hash no please Escape Kill ah he H hash there came another telepathic message which I promptly ignored K the Karine that was bound by the sticky webs managed to break free and quickly Dash towards us yes master okay I smiled then shot some

Sticky webs forward

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Isekai | Part 1-4 | Light novel Audiobook’, was uploaded by Listen while you work or play on 2023-10-26 02:11:52. It has garnered 168 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:35 or 12875 seconds.

Chapters 1-25

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Dying from a heart attack when playing Minecraft was definitely not the way I thought I would die. Being reincarnated afterward was also not what I thought would happen. But I guess having another chance at life is a great thing! Now, how am I going to live in this world of Swords and Spells?

Author 呼嘎 Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fanfiction/ Fantasy / Harem / Isekai / Romance / Slice of Life

Tags Based on a Video Game Carefree Protagonist Caring Protagonist Childhood Love Determined Protagonist Game Elements Hard-Working Protagonist Level System

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    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

    Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans Exploring the Depths of Space in Minecraft Calling all Minecraft and science fiction enthusiasts! In this exciting adventure, inspired by Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece Interstellar, we delve into a space-themed journey within the Minecraft world. From fields to spaceships to black holes, it’s all here! As we explore the depths of space in Minecraft, we also recreate the enchanting atmosphere of Interstellar. Creating a Space Odyssey Embark on a journey like never before as you navigate through the vast expanse of space in Minecraft. Build your own spacecraft, cultivate fields, and encounter the mysteries of black holes. The possibilities are… Read More

  • Jay’s Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins

    Jay's Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins Minecraft Vanilla Survival EP #001 – TERRAFORMING & UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY In this exciting episode of Minecraft Vanilla Survival, our adventurer delves into the world of terraforming and unraveling mysteries. As the terrain is prepared for a new base building project, a journey of discovery begins. Terraforming Adventures With shovel in hand, our protagonist embarks on the monumental task of reshaping the land. Each shovel of dirt brings them closer to their vision of the perfect base location. The process is not just about moving earth, but also about shaping dreams and possibilities. As the first section of “Shovel… Read More

  • Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

    Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting portals with Obunga vibes. Peter Griffin’s face, a sight to behold, In the realm of gaming, stories unfold. With rhythmic voice and playful tone, We’re diving deep into the unknown. Creating portals, sparking delight, In Minecraft’s world, shining bright. So join us now, in this playful quest, As we journey on, putting our skills to the test. Obunga portals, a sight to see, In Minecraft PE, where we roam free. Read More

  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

    Jagatbhaiya's Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jagatbhaiya op, shining bright in the light. Crafting news with rhymes, a true delight, Keeping the viewers hooked, day and night. With each update, a grin and a spin, Delivering facts with a playful spin. Engaging the crowd, drawing them in, In the world of gaming, where you always win. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft

    Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Challenges Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft challenges? Join Alex and her sister in the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation for an adventure like no other! 🎮 Setting the Stage In this thrilling challenge, Alex and her sister embark on a journey filled with obstacles, surprises, and, of course, plenty of fun! As they navigate through the Minecraft world, they encounter various tasks that test their skills and creativity. Gameplay Highlights From building intricate structures to overcoming tricky puzzles, the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation offers a unique blend of… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Newbie baited!"Looks like the noobs aren’t the only ones falling for traps – this meme has definitely caught some unsuspecting victims with a score of 21! Read More

  • Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge's Minecraft Mayhem In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Gou Xiong Ridge, where the story molds. The corn cannon army, a strange sight to see, Attacking with kernels, setting the mobs free. Warwick & Huayi Games, the blogger in the know, Sharing updates, with a playful flow. Mini world explanations, brought to light, With authorized content, shining bright. So follow along, with a click and a bell, For Minecraft news, that’s sure to compel. In rhymes we speak, in rhymes we play, In the world of gaming, where we’ll stay. Read More

  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

    Villager's spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol Why did the villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi” all the time! #villagerproblems 😂 Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

    Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft's Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mega Base!!! ( LIVE )’, was uploaded by JustCallMeCat on 2024-09-05 01:41:17. It has garnered 101 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:17 or 8897 seconds. Its what you think it is… I Have Merch? Discord: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #streamer Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More