Insane Minecraft Altar Upgrades with Caffeine Boost – Modded Skyblock! #3

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In the last stream we were working on expanding our create setup we invested in this rotational speed controller we added a ton of extra water wheels and maybe more importantly than anything we automated the production of cobblestone via this cobblestone generator and we automated the crushing of that

Cobblestone into gravel and the sifting of that gravel into all of these resources Auto a atically and so now whenever we need iron or coal or lapis or copper we can just come into this chest we can throw it down onto our Depot and now that we have a slightly

More compact washing setup we can just take water like this drop it down like this and if we place our iron for example on like this it will just get washed into iron nuggets and Redstone now between streams I have gone ahead and buil another platform on the back

Side of the base here it’s the exact same as the platform on this side like it’s the same dimensions but instead of putting water wheels there I have placed down some Grace and of course I have utilized the cow seed to produce a lot of cows now I think I was doing this

Incorrectly in the last episode because in the last episode I did use more than one cow seed because my cow seeds kept breaking they kept disappearing so I think what I was doing previously is I was using my watering can and then it turns out you can rapidly right click to

Make this happen faster by the way if you hold right click it does work but if you rapidly right click it will grow the cam faster and what I was doing before is I was holding shift and Tim mine and then right clicking and if you do that

It seems like sometimes the seed gets used sometimes the seed gets replanted but if you don’t hold shift if you just hold the Tim mine key and just right click from my experience getting all of these cows the seed just keeps getting replanted again and again and again and

You don’t have to keep making new seeds you can just keep reusing that one seed continually which is of course much nicer now over here look at that our iron is done in fact we’ve made so much iron that we’ve kind of overloaded the depot there which is completely fine let

Me quickly craft those nuggets into ingots fantastic and we got 48 Redstone as well there although I see there’s no way that that was two iron I think yeah some of the iron got placed automatically into the uh the chest there something that does happen occasionally if you shift click the uh

Recipe out of the crafting station if you have at least one of the item in a chest that’s adjacent to the station it will occasionally put the rest of the items in there so if you’re wondering where your items went that is almost certainly the place but what I want to

Work on in today’s episode is two things the first thing I would like to do is kind of finish up what we were working on in the last episode and that is upgrading our alter to tier three once we have that alter upgraded I then think

We can pivot over and take a look at the right side of this main quest line here and get a little bit into bioman mostly because we need to get diamonds at some point to progress forward but I also noticed at the bottom here that we can

Use biom maning as a way to produce these nutrient bars that’s actually the mod that the nutrient bars are from and so if we can get ourselves a primordial cradle if we can get ourselves a decomposer some living flesh a biof forge and a digestor I think we could

Look at getting nutritional bars made which would be ideal for more blood magic work going forward now I do believe we’re going to need a lot of Flesh to make this work and I think we can use some of our cows here to provide that flesh although what I do think we

Should also potentially look at doing here is getting more wheat so that we can breed these cows without having to uh use the animal crop every time because although the animal crop does work it does take a little bit of time to to water and can it and you do kind

Of have to do it manually and if we already have the adult cows I do think it’s going to make sense just to get some wheat and breed them together now currently we are using the nature Essence to make wheat it takes three natur Essence to make eight wheat which

Is fine but it’s not ideal because it means we keep having to use the blood alter we continually have to use our sacrificial dagger and it kind of just takes time and hunger away from us and so ideally we’d like to be able to just grow some wheat for that we’re going to

Have to get wheat seeds thankfully we can run our wheat through the crushing wheels and there’s a chance here only a 25% chance but a chance that we get some wheat seeds and I’m hopeful that if we do get some wheat seeds here which we didn’t unfortunately but if we can get

Some wheat seeds which of course we should be able to get we can get more of the nature Essence here if we do one of these one two and three we can hopefully get eight more wheat and this should give us a much better chance of getting there it

Is of getting wheat seeds and I’m hopeful that unlike with the cow seeds we should be able to shift to make the wheat seeds grow faster at which point it should be substantially easier for us to get a large amount of wheat to then breed our cows there we go we got two

Wheat seeds and so now let’s give this a try we’ll take our hoe and then over here I’m going to jump in so I don’t have to open that gate because if I open the gate all the cows run out but over here if I do this and I do this can I

Shift to make this gr faster I totally can look at that fantastic and then we can use ultim mine again to harvest and we get more seeds as a result and then we can shift some more we can timite to harvest and if we just hold down the

Ultim mine Harvest key we can just keep shifting and keep harvesting for basically anlimited amount of wheat which is not already just a good food source right we can just use this as a food source initially until we get those nutrient bars going because it it will

Keep us fed it will stop us from dying but it’s not very good on the saturation front and so it’s not going to be a very good food source for trying to use the blood alter but it does also have the sight benefit of allowing us to try and

Breed all of these cows so I’m just going to go ahead and give all of these cows a little bit of wheat here to try and get even more cows because I’ve been told that I need a staggering amount of meat if we’re going to get into bioman

So we can come back and we can breed these guys periodically for now though let’s pivot back over and see if we can’t upgrade this altar so the only thing really standing in our way of upgrading the alter is glowstone dust for that we need a spout and the spout

Is made with a copper casing and dried kelp so we do have some kelp although it’s not dried and of course we can Harvest more should we need to but all we should need to do here is pick up our water quickly light a fire again here

And if we go ahead and dry all of this kelp that should get us more than enough and then as for the copper casing that should be as simple as placing down some wood stripping that wood and then I believe just right clicking onto that

Wood I’m going to put the fire out again so that we don’t burn our base down but right clicking onto that wood with the copper Ingot perfect of course the wrench here would be ideal for picking this up fantastic and then it should be boom and boom a spell nice now I’m

Fairly certain that we’re going to want to get a deeper for the spout as well like this so that we can place water into the spout itself and then we can put the Lightning Charge onto the deer the spout will then dispense the water onto that Lightning Charge and transform

It into glowstone and if we’re going to make the tier three alter we do need need four blocks of Glowstone so we are going to have to get 16 glowstone in total which might mean that we do have to make 16 lightning charges which shouldn’t be too bad honestly that’s

Just 16 buckets of water which we have 16 lapis which is easy enough 16 blank slates which is going to be a little bit more tricky but not too bad at all it’s just a little bit of LP and then 16 nether quarts is definitely going to be

The trickiest part of the whole equation because we don’t have nether quarts coming in automatically but as we saw previously uh we can get that nether quartz by just washing our go and again we do have gold coming in automatically over here so if we do this and this we

Should get a decent chunk of nether quartz that we can use and there we go look at that we’ve got a ton of gold nuggets and 34 nether quarts perfect so once again let’s go ahead and just craft that up fantastic we’ll throw those in our chest for now

We’ll throw the nether quarts away for now as well whilst I was waiting for that to wash I did also go ahead and get some more andesite alloy utilizing the blood alter here I did craft a little bit of bread to feed us for that and

Just just like before all we should have to do here boom boom and boom and then I think is all we need for the Depot right the depot is just this and this fantastic so thankfully unlike some of the other aspects of create I’m fairly certain that the spout doesn’t require

Kinetic energy I think we can just place it down like this and if we can get the fluid into the spout it will be able to provide us with glow stone so there are a few things we have to do here first things first we need to get all of the

Items required to make all of the blank slates now if we’re looking at making the T3 alter not only do we need to get 16 glowstone which in this case looks like it’s going to be 16 blank slits but we also need to get some more runes now

This Quest here shows all of the runes possible for now we’re just going to start with blank runes so we need to get 20 blank runes if we want to upgrade the alter 20 blank runes is going to require an additional 20 blank slates and so in

Total we need 30 36 blank sleds which is going to be a little bit of blood but it’s only 100 LP per and it’s only 36 Rocky dirt which is just dirt and gravel and of course we do have a ton of gravel over here that we can shift right click

Out so long as we leave the mesh in there and of course as we saw in the last episode what we should be able to do now is craft our gravel and dirt into Co dirt like so and then we can take that cost dirt and craft it with a

Lightning Charge to get more dirt so that’s the easy way for us to duplicate dirt we do still have a little bit of dirt Essence but we are going to run of that sooner Rod the later we probably should continue to use the uh the easier cheaper dirt method that is renewable

For uh dirt crafting going forward but yeah basically at this point I think we just need to get 16 lightning charges and we need to get 36 blank sleds which I think actually should be fine let’s do this and this boom that’s 57 Rocky dirt we’ll go ahead and keep dropping this in

Here thankfully these are incredibly quick unfortunately they’re not I think we could ultimate this if we could get the the filters for the pipes but I don’t know if we have what it takes to get these just yet we totally do annoyingly with the pipes I’m fairly

Certain that you need to get up to the advanced pipe upgrade before you get any Whit listing capabilities although I am fairly certain that if we did some storage draw Shenanigans we could probably look at timating this for example if I were to get myself two

Chests like this and then we were to upgrade these to two storage drawers these are obviously spuce storage drawers which is not ideal but if we did this and this I’m fairly certain that if I put blank slates in here and we put down some item pipes here we can then go

Ahead and use our wrench to set this to extract and because nothing but blank slates can go into this draw I’m fairly certain that we can then put our Rocky dirt in here the problem you’re to here is that the if you put the rocky dirt in

Here and you set a pipe to extract it’s going to put all of the rocky dirt in there it’s going I believe let me try that actually just to make sure that is indeed the case but I think it’s going to move over all the rocky D which kind

Of yeah doesn’t really work too well at least not for our current stage of the game so I think what we’ll do instead is we’ll take this out we’ll put this back in here and if we were to go ahead and use our dagger a little bit after of course eating ideally some

Bread you can use a Hur yeah you just get less dirt B uh after eating some bread we can then dagger up but now if I put this in it gets transformed and it gets instantly pulled out so it just makes it a l faster for us to do this because we

Don’t have to manually pull each and every Rune out we can just put the dirt in and have them be automatically transferred into runes we’re already halfway there at 18 we just need to get another 18 of these and then we need to slowly but surely using our mixer which

Is kind of hiding back here we need to slowly but surely craft up 16 of the lightning charges all right so we got 16 blank runes in our inventory and a further 20 in the draw there that’s all 36 of the runes required and we also

Have 16 nether quarts 16 lpis and 16 blank slates so over here I think I can drop all of these in and then somewhat awkwardly because this is pretty far away but I think we can just kind of take a look of water put that in and

Then I’m fairly certain that I can just keep putting these buckets of water in not like that I don’t want it on the filter although I don’t know if it matters too much if it’s on the filter but I’d rather it not be shift right

Click to get rid of it there but I think now if I just keep putting buckets into the basing you’ll see at the top there it’s going to keep making blaze powder so all I have to do now is just put in 13 more buckets and 16 buckets of water

Later now all we need to do is just use our mechanical press here to klun all of those lightning charges and at that point we should be good to go we just need to get 16 buckets of water into the spout which is where things get a little

Tricky because I’m fairly certain that yeah you can’t just right clicker bucket onto the spout now there are fluid pipes I don’t know how easy these are to make the answer is fairly easy actually I’m fairly certain that these will work as I want them to we do need a bit of iron

Which is in here it’s it’s unfortunate this chest here is connected to the crafting station so if the Iron’s in here it will work you’ll see it’s available now but if it’s in this chest here it doesn’t work but either way we can take this out we can go ahead and

Make ourselves two buckets easy and then from there we should have basically everything that we need if we grab the Redstone to make a fluid pipe and then from there we could do it some kind of tank to allow us to store the water now I think that the seared tank would work

There’s also the uh the fluid tank from creat course here which just requires the uh the copper sheet and that actually seems pretty easy for us to do I’m also fairly certain that the copper that the tank from create can be made larger I think you can make multiple of

Those to make a bigger tank look at that boom loads of copper and loads of clay fantastic boom we want two copper plates one and two good stuff and we should then be able to make the tank we just need a barrel which is easy enough we do

Need slabs for the barrel but that’s fine we’ll take those we’ll make ourselves a standard Minecraft barrel and of course we will make the tank nice so I think now if I were to place the pipe down place the tank down I can put the water I believe oh you can’t the

Create tanks working the same way I’m a fool you can’t put water into the create tanks either those are going to be useful anywhere because we need these fluid tanks I’m fairly certain in the creation of a steam engine so you’ll see it’s required there so it wasn’t a

Complete waste but if we actually we want to extract from this we’re going to need a um a slightly different tank the one here I think from Mob grind utilities which is just a glass and iron I think is probably the best way for us

To go this can hold 32 buckets and uh if we place this in like so we can obviously place in all of the 16 buckets we need and then we can use our wrench here to set this to extract and that’s going to move the water over into the

Spout and then from there if we put the lightning charges on the base there you’ll see that it pours the water over the charges and turns them into glowstone and so once again all we need to do is pump a bunch of water up and into this tank here 16 buckets in total

Should do the trick and at that point we have all of the glowstone that we need and the only thing I think standing between us and a higher tier alter is a bunch of regular Stone but as we saw previously we can smirk Cobblestone to acquire regular Stone and so if I just

Do something like this we might want to go and get some more Cobblestone out of that drawer if there is cobblestone in that draw which I’m hoping there is and we also need to keep filling this up because we have two more charges left to

Go and we need seven Stone per Rune and as we saw we need 20 runes so we need 140 Stone which I don’t think is going to be too bad we are going to have to keep this lit and we are going to have to just like last episode make sure we

Don’t put too much Cobble turn down at once because right now we don’t have access to unlimited fire because we don’t have like a soul fire we also don’t have nether an but once we have 40 Stone we should be good to go okay so it turns out that the campfire

Actually works here so the campfire obviously super easy to make just wood sticks and charcoal and you can place that down in place of the fire to make the stone now the reason I didn’t do this previously is that if you break the campfire you then have to recraft it and

Because we’re using one fan currently for both washing and smoking my thought process was that it would be easier just to use the Flint steel but then people reminded me that we do have the carry-on mod the carryon mod is very Nifty in the allows you to shift right click to pick

Up things in the game things like cows here can be moved more easily with the carryon mod but more importantly for us right now if we shift right click on the campfire I can then just move that out of the way obviously you want to try and

Do it without standing in it first but if you shift right click you can just move it and then we can place it back like this whenever not like this obviously like this whenever we want to do any smoking and then we can just throw Cobblestone down on the depot up

Here this drawer is full we’ve got 248 cobblestone in this draw which we can then draw from to put on here and so it should be pretty easy and in fact we’re very close to the 140 Stone required I do believe that in the first episode we

Got this coagulated blood but we have yet to actually transform this into a weak blood OB to do that we need 5,000 life points and currently our blood alter is completely empty and so I guess what we’re going to have to do here is continue to utilize the bread that we

Have to fill up our saturation and we’re going to have to continue to sacrifice for the blood alter making sure of course that we don’t go too far as to die but that’s already almost two buckets I don’t think getting to five is going to be too difficult at which point

We now do have enough Stone to make all of the runes and over here we have all of the blank slits required as well and so we just need 5,000 LP in our alter and once we got to five buckets we just have to throw in the coagulated blood

And boom we have ourselves a weak blood up that was incredibly quick and so now we can take this and we should be able to craft the blank runes do we have what it takes to make 20 of these I am fairly certain the answer is yes so long as we

Take the runes out of the draw let’s try that again boom I don’t know why it’s not putting all the items in but if we do this and this that gets us to 19 and we can do one more for 20 nice and that should be everything for the tier three

Alter so now what I think we’ll do we’ll tear down these drawers because they look horrible because they’re made of spruce but we’ll get rid of both of these and then we need to make our area here a little bit bigger so we can use the carryon mod on the alter that

Way we don’t lose the life points that are in it and then ideally we do want to get these runes back because we do still need these runes if we quickly check the sanguine centium this Booker right here we should be able to see what the blood

Alter looks like so the tier one blood alter is just a blood alter tier 2 looks like this which is what we had previously tier three looks like this it’s quite a bit bigger we also do need to get 2 468 stone brick braks as well to make this work but we’re essentially

Going to make this a little taller one taller to be precise so I think what we’ll do here is we’ll probably have to move our little kelp Farm as well unfortunately but what I think I’ll do is I’ll do something like this I want to make sure we don’t lose the the

Runes which we didn’t nice obviously we can’t move the Bedrock that’s going to have to stare there that’s completely fine I do think we’re probably going to move the dark o here though make our ring a little bit bigger but essentially we want to place down something here

We’re going to move the alter I think up by kind of just one block so before it would have been here in the lower level where the new ring is going to be we’re just going to move it up by one block so we’re going to put the alter on top of

The stone here and we’re going to put the eight runes like this then we can carry on the alter place that back down over here and then now the new runes are going to go down around here so it’s one two three four and five and then we just

Do that same setup on all four side so all of these are going to go that gives us 20 slots in total and then those 20 slots are going to get filled up with our blank runes so we do five on each side 1 2 3 four and five and once all of

Those are down all we have to do is get our eight stone bricks these do have to go I believe at least one block up so I think those are going to go here here here and here and we’re going to go one two one two one two and one two and then

We just top each of those with glowstone ideally not like that because if you do it like that there’s a pretty good chance that we’re can I carry on it I can’t carry on it there’s a pretty good chance that we don’t get enough glowstone back and so now I’m going to

Have to go and make two more lightning charges which is not too difficult but is a little bit tedious all right so I did this slightly incorrectly I put these stone bricks too high and instead of breaking all of the glow stone to then make a tone more I just moved these

Runes up so we were going to have them embedded in the floor but now we’ve got them one higher up that’s my mistake but boom I did make two more glow St to allow us to get that glowstone block and now we should have what I believe to be

A tier three alter we can take it one step further just for Aesthetics and we can do something like this which I think is just going to look a little bit nicer and I might do the same thing I did before I might put another ring of dark

O kind of around the base of this as well but I believe we do now have the tier three alter ready to go and we can put that to the test by trying to make this furnace because we have the smeltery controller it’s right here and right now we don’t have enough life

Points in here but we can get enough life points and ideally if we have some more bread which we do only just we should be able to uh to fill up and if I put this in look at that nice we get a furnace and we know

It’s tier three because this requires a tier three alter cool so the furnace is going to make our lives just a little bit easier going forward we can now actually smelt things which is good but now that that’s taken care of I would like to Pivot over to the right side of

The quest book and take a look at the biomancy section so this is a mod that I’ve not played with at all but the looks interesting to say the least there’s some uh some moving textures here that I’m very concerned about but anyway over here we have burn fragments

These are made with nether quartz and nature Essence that is completely fine we have four nether quartz that’s easy enough and of course we can make natur Essence with kelp or seagrass the only trouble that we’re going toenter is a lack of food but as we’ve seen before it

Should just be a case of Shifting over here a little bit until we have a decent amount of wheat maybe a or we could also potentially do another quick little bit of cow breeding here if these guys are ready which of course they are I don’t

Know how many cows we’re going to need but I’m going to kind of hope plan for the worst and and just breed as many as I possibly can and then let’s keep getting some more wheat here boom and boom there is 18 bread fantastic and that should hopefully feed us enough to

Get us some more life points we need three natur Essence and three natur Essence later we have four burn fragments so the burn frag Ms are used here to make the burn Cleaver it says read description burn Cleaver is used to obtain biomancy specific loot from mobs that is otherwise unobtainable kill

Animals that seeds of are included in the quest book I see to get needed ingredients so this seems pretty straightforward it’s just two sticks and three burn fragments something like this with the burn fragments here here and here that’s correct and so if we were to

Kill a cow with this I think we’re going to get drops that we otherwise wouldn’t get such as a senu right here now the first thing that we’re actually looking for here actually I guess the senu is needed uh but over here the bile gland looks like it’s required to get the uh

The decomposer and the sharp Fang is required for the primordial cradle so it does sure if you press control that the bile gland can be obtained from these animals and the cow is on the list there so the cow will give us the bile gland the sharp Fang however is not obtained

From a cow much to my dismay cows not notorious for their Ferness and so we there’s our B do though which is very nice indeed but we are going to have to get a different animal and I believe of the animals listed also let me see if I

Can’t just like pull these guys over here with the wheat and then Let’s Escape while they’re all facing the other way but what we should be able to do is summon a wolf down here there is a wolf seed so the wolf seed is a block of

Burn so we are going to need bur meal for this which um I assume we’re going to get with the composter although we could also sift sand which is interesting and probably a better solution it doesn’t work with the mesh we have unfortunately and I don’t think we have

An easy way of getting Burns and so if we want to get a block of burn here I do think the composter could be an easy option for us though because we have so many wheat seeds at this point that getting some slabs getting a composter

And then just throwing all of our wheat seeds at the composter might not be a terrible way of getting nine bone meal we’ve got almost two stacks in our inventory here and then we’ve got a further couple of stacks up in here as well and of course we can get really as

Many as we like through shifting so I think getting nine burone meal from the composter here shouldn’t take us too long and once we got nine bone meal we can do this get our bone block and then from that point on I think it was just more nature Essence right which we can

Of course get from the blood alter we are missing 200 LP that is just fine although we do want to make sure that we continue to eat here because sitting around on half a heart is not going to leave me feeling the best but if we do

This and this we get our wolf seed and this could take a little while I guess because we need to plant the wolf seed of course and then we need to use our water and can on it but um we’re probably going to want to get multiple wolves again using ultim mine here

Should get us a wolf that then also has has the ability to go another wolf as well so I don’t know I guess we can use the carryon mod here to move this out I don’t know if killing the wolf at this stage will get us anything with the

Dagger the burn Cleaver I have a feeling that it probably won’t yeah I think we’re going to have to wait for those to grow okay so we got another baby wolf here and I’ve been feeding him some of the uh raw beef from our cows here to

Get him to grow a little faster but it’s not great it’s going to take a while and we’re not guaranteed to a Fang from him so the twitch chat has pointed out that what we can do here is we can craft bamboo using nature Essence then from

There we can craft that bamboo into a block of bamboo and then the block of bamboo surrounded by Ninja Essence gets you panda seeds the panda seeds can be planted and obviously grown just like any other mob seed the benefit of the panda seed is that Panda seeds can also

Give you bangs so if you kill the panda with the bur Cleaver here we can get bangs from the pandas the benefit though is that unlike the wolves that need to be fed meat in order to grow faster we can feed the pandas here bamboo to make

Them grow faster and we can get bamboo from nature Essence which we can of course get from Kel using our blood alter and so it should be a lot easier for us to get and grow panders then it is going to be for us to get and grow

Wolves and of course the twitch chat is right here I forget every time but we can just shift to uh to grow this incredibly quickly and then if we just hold down the Uline key we should be able to get all of them all at once fantastic so bamboo is substantially

Easier I’m sorry my friend um you’re in the wrong place anyone else okay fine we can’t take all of you out come on bring them back in the amount of times I’ve had to do this I need to I need to reevaluate my gate system anyway over

Here the panda is ready so we’ll alter mine right click fantastic this guy’s rolling around and so we should be able to accelerate the time here quite a bit using the bamboo so it doesn’t take like 20 minutes it’s going to take 20 seconds that’s fantastic and then once he’s

Ready we can of course use our bur Cleaver and then we can just repeat this process if we need to until we get the sharp Fang required for the primordial cradle it looks like we do have to go through this to get to the decomposer anywhere which is what’s required for

The diamonds so he is done there are a lot of health bars here and I don’t want to die but look at that Fantastic look at that we got a a sharp Claw is that what we needed no we needed a sharp Fang which it does say we can get from a

Panda and so I guess let’s try that again all right so we’re going to go in for take two here we have a second Panda that is ready to go fantastic let’s see ideally the whole thing doesn’t fall off the edge that looks like a sharp Fang

Nice okay so now we have the sharp Fang we should be able to make the primordial cradle so it requires a cauldron which I believe is just this it is indeed along with five raw meat it looks like the uh oh we need two things that is unfortunate raw meat’s going to

Be easy enough for us to get the second Fang either is going to necessitate a second Panda or alternatively we do have a purpose built wolf here which only dropped claws not a single thing okay fine um I did I did the same mistake again I shift and then used

Alter mine to harvest the panda and so I’m going to have to get another Panda seed which isn’t too difficult but it’s a s mistake to make let me go get another the panda let’s see if we got get another Shar F and I’ll also do a

Little bit more cow killing as well to try and get this primodial cradle and then we’ll see if we can’t make this thing work okay so it took us like six more pandas but we finally got a second sharp thing and now have everything that we need to make the primordial creddle

Now for whatever reason uh this has not been liking me lately in terms of clicking stuff in but there we go boom and boom okay so I assume I can just put this down offer adequate tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of Exquisite

Flesh so this ISS to make potion of healing wait I need a potion of healing says to make potion of healing you have to make Netherrack from Cobble and blood in the spout then turn it into Essence in the altar from Essence make nether W and put into the create mixer with water

To make awkward potion and glistening melon to get healing potion and then spout into a bottle you can make melon blocks from nature Essence okay right not quite sure we need the potion of healing but I assume it is necessary here so let’s give this a try so it’s

Saying that we want to do this I assume and the potion of healing can be made with the glistening melon we need the awkward potion the awkward potion needs the nether Essence the nether Essence we can make from Netherrack and nether rck we can get from Life Essence in the

Spout with Cobblestone okay so over here this is empty can I I don’t know if I can take a bucket of Life Essence out of the the blood alter if I I might not be able to I might be able to use the fluid pipe though so if I were to for example

Take my sacrificial knife and do something like this we’ve got a bucket’s worth in there if I shift right click can I just put this in to get a bucket actually now that I think about it no that’s going to give me a bucket of

Water so I think what I might have to do then is take this place it down over here use the fluid pipe like this and then like this and then use our wrench to extract from that that does work and once we’ve got at least a bucket in the

Tank we can then take that tank and put it down over here again make sure it’s set to extract like that that’s going to bring it over into the spout and then we just put that over Cobblestone I believe it was and that’s going to get us Netherrack let me quickly check that

Again though to make sure I got that right it is indeed Cobblestone then gets us a nether an and then that nether ank can be used over here to make nether Essence cool and we need enough nether Essence to make nether W which in this case is two nether Essence so we just

Need need to do that one more time never mind it doesn’t use a full buckets worth it only used 100 Milli buets and so in fact we have more than enough uh blood here more than enough life Essence to make a bunch of nether EG perfect and

Then we can take that of course back up to here and uh I don’t want this or this what I want to do instead is get my dagger do a quick one of these and I’m not quite sure how much life Essence is required here a th000 it did seem like

Quite a bit 700 not quite a th000 we could pump backwards we could take the lp out of there and pump it back into the blood alter which is probably going to be worth doing at some point in the not so distant future because we are

Going to want to use that spout again for stuff that’s not just blood related but real quick here we should be able to do one more dagger and that should be everything for our second and for now final nether Essence so we just need to craft that with nature Essence nature

Essence we currently don’t have but we can use kelp or bamboo the bamboo is actually pretty easy to grow compared to the kelp which needs to be submerged underwater once again we do need a little bit more here boom and boom fantastic that though should be everything for nether wart and with that

We’re one step closer to getting our potion so I believe it said that we take a bucket of water and we place it into our mixer and then I’m fairly certain from there we add the nether wart so from the essence make the Nether wart

And then put it into a cre mixer with water to make an awkward potion so if I take one Nether wart and I drop it in here that is hopefully going to make an awkward potion so this does work but it needs to be heated using a blaze burner

And the blaze burner is one of those things that we don’t currently have we can make it though with 250 M buckets of Life Essence and an empty Blaze burner the empty Blaze burner four blocks of iron and a block of dried kelp that actually seems fine do we have nine kelp

We’ve got exactly nine kelp did we make too much dried kelp earlier we did we got 15 perfect so in that scenario we can do this to get a block of dried kelp we can then take our iron we do have enough to make four blocks of iron fantastic and that should

Be everything to make the burner the empty Blaze burner from there we need to just put that into the mixer with 250 M buckets of Life Essence uh this is one of those situations where I think what we’re going to want to do here is again

Use the uh the tank so let’s do this let’s set you to extract to take all of that life Essence back out and then if we take this over to here I’m hopeful that we can I guess empty out the water and the Nether wart for now if we put

The tank down and we once again extract with the fluid pipe like so and like so that should fill up with Essence it does indeed if we drop in the empty Blaze burner that’s going to get us a regular old fill Blaze burner fantastic we can

Then Swap this around we’re going to set you to nothing uh whoops I did not mean to break my water wheel there I want to do that and set you to extract I can replace the water wheel like so and before I forget let’s also go ahead and

Retexture that because it’s going to drive me in if we don’t fantastic but once the life Ence is back out we can then go ahead and put this Blaze burner beneath the Basin so here we could probably do with moving this but let’s put the blaze burner like

That and the blaze burner does require fuel so what we’re going to do is we’re going to put water back in we’re going to throw our netherwart back in ideally without falling into the abyss and then for this to work we need to provide fuel in the form of anything really to the

Blaze bner wood will work and boom we have awkward potion nice okay so then once we have the awkward potion and glistening melon to get healing potion and then spout it into a bottle so glistening melon we need to make a block of melon from nedge Essence I need nine

More nedge Essence which for us now is basically just nine more bamboo that’s completely fine the only tricky bit about this is using the dagger because we have such little Health but we can get some more bread and we can get our nature Essence and once we’ve got nine nature

Essence we can get our melons and I’m fairly certain from there you can’t craft these right no I think I have to place it and break it ax would have been helpful but that gets us melon slice and of course we can then just craft this with some gold

Nuggets to get the glistening melon so let’s take you let’s do one of these and one of these with the gold nuggets around fantastic and if we throw that glistening melon in over here I do believe we are going to once again have to provide some to the blaze burner I

Think one plank will do the trick and that gets us the potion of healing fantastic and so then we have to get the potion of healing into a spout and pull it down over a bottle so I think what we want to do here is we want to grab our

Tank we want to put the tank back down over here because we want to pull the life Essence out of this tank so we can use it again for other purposes so let’s do that empty tank over here we’re then going to put the tank back down on this

Side so we can pull the potion of healing out once we’ve got the potion of healing we then want to take that around over to here and then we’re going to spout that down over the bottle for the bottle we are going to need a bit more glass for the

Glass we can just use our smoker let’s do this we’ll get 32 more glass going and we do also of course have our furnace now but I do think that this is probably still easier simply due to the fact that it is already set up and doesn’t require fuel either it just

Works and it can do up to a stack at a time and I think that’s faster than smelting 32 glass either way back over here boom boom boom gets the bottle and if we drop that bottle down over here we should oh of course as soon as we

Do this and this we should get a potion of healing quite a few of them I guess and we’ve got enough for one more as well nice okay so let’s go ahead and figure out I guess what that’s used for it does also say that we need to get

Eight meat as well currently we have got zero I think we might have used the last of our meat on actually making the primodial Cradle so real quick I’m going to keep using the bone Cleaver here just because there might be more I don’t know how many of all of these items we’re

Going to need but we just need to get eight beef here which is not too difficult actually we’re already at seven and eight perfect so that’s that Quest complete and so now we need to get living flesh how to use the primodial Cradle feed the primordial cradle with

Some meat I assume about eight pieces use the potion of healing on the primodial Cradle full of meat when the flesh blob spawns kill it to get living flesh okay this sounds terrifying but let’s um let’s have a look so if I put this thing down that thing is horrendous and it

Moves okay so okay it’s full so it’s kind of like a a composter then we give it a potion of healing and then it does say at the bottom there’s a chance for the flesh blob to not spawn but I assume use the potion of healing on the primordial cradle full of

Meat one more do I need another potion of healing on this thing oh oh you’re the flesh blob my goodness what is this at least it’s um pretty passive and there we go we got some living flesh would you look at that all right so the living flesh is

Required for the biof forge we need slime here how in the world are we going to get slime everything else seems easy enough we can get more meat we’ve got the living flesh we’ve actually got a ton of sharp claws we got loads of them from the pandas the Slime balls though

Could prove tricky so it looks like we can combine duh with lime dye Do’s easy enough to create in fact I think we have some wheat flour from earlier when we yeah we do uh when we ran our wheat through the crushing wheels and so if we

Just get a bucket of water we can then craft that with the wheat flour to get a dirt nice and from there we just need lime dye which we can get from White dye which we can get from bone meal and a bone meal of course we can get from our

Composter like this and then as for that gets his white dye obviously like this as for the green dye then we just need Cactus which I’m fairly certain we can get from nature Essence so uh if we look at Cactus we can make cactus from Seven

Nature Ence and so if we just once again take seven bamboo here we would need 1,400 M buckets of Life Essence which should be very doable and then from there we can just get all of the nature Essence required my inventory is a little bit full let’s try and free up a

Tiny bit of space here and once we have that I think we’re pretty much good to go we are going to have to smelt it of course but that’s the whole point of having that furnace that we worked so hard to obtain so let’s do Cactus boom

And then with that Cactus we want to try and get some green dye which as I mentioned we can do like this boom and boom and that should be everything I think for the slime ball and then in turn I think that’s also everything for the bio Forge here because again we have

The uh the claws and we need one more piece of raw beak we have one piece currently but we need four in total that is not a problem let’s take this let’s do you and let’s do you to get the lime let’s craft the lime with the D to get

The Slime fantastic then let’s grab have our Cleaver again and try and get one more beef fantastic and I think that’s everything do we have what it takes to make the bio Forge we do nice all right does the next Quest tell us how to use

The bio Forge it says you have to feed it some meat but the best food is a nutrient bar unfortunately we don’t have any nutrient bars left but let’s go put this thing down oh my goodness so the digestor is what we’re after because I want to be able to make

Nutrient bars the digestor here is is a biof forge recipe so do I just put all these items in living flesh we have flesh bits we also have right so we got seven flesh bits here I did just use one of my uh the living flesh so I might

Have to get another one of those which is is fine we have the potions for that and I guess we have more Robie for here which I didn’t think about but uh we got loads of Flesh bits we got 36 of them that’s fine we’ve got burn fragments

Whether or not we got three is unknown but I guess we can get more of those that’s not too difficult and then elastic fibers we need eight of those we’ve got some s loads of s the elastic fibers I believe we have to get via the decomposer interesting so we can put

Like our raw beef into the decomposer and use that as a way of getting a chance to get some some elastic fibers the decomposer is uh is up this way for the decomposer we need two more sharp fangs which means we’d have to go back

To uh to the old Panda breeding to get those which is not too difficult but but is possible and then what else do I need after that then I just need some bile the bile also acquired by the the decomposer as well it’s not the same as

The bile duct which we do or the bile gland I should say which we do have but we are going to have to go ahead and get this decomposer I think but then once we have the decomposer the nutrient paste here is made in the digestor so we get

The digestor and it looks like we can just put kind of anything into it I don’t know what this means here where it shows like the negative one number but it looks like we can kind of just wait a short period of time and we can turn certain foods into nutrient

Paste and then we can craft that nutrient paste into nutrient bars which are going to be not only good food for the biomantic stuff going forward but also good food for us as well all right so I’ve gone ahead and made a a new lot platform next to our platform for the

Pandas because we had way too many pandas spawn in walk away and then just roll right off the edge of the platform which was not ideal and so what I’ve got ahead and done is just made a few pandas here breed them to get a third Panda and

The plan here is just to kind of breed these pandas because it takes a long time to grow the panda seeds using the watering can it’s nowhere near as fast as the other options so the uh the cow seeds grow real quick but the panda seeds for whatever reason take a real

Long time with the watering can so what I’m going to do between streams is I’ll breing together a few more of these pandas I’ll probably get some more with the panda seeds as well so we have a decent number of pandas because it could take us quite a few it took us like

Seven or eight pandas before to get two Fang and so it’s possible it’s going to take us quite a few to get two more of those in order to get the decomposer uh once we have the decomposer that is going to unlock the ability first to get

Diamonds via these quests here and also we got go this way as well by the looks of it to get this exotic compound but I’m also very interested in getting down to these nutrient bars as well so that we can get a more sustainable and just a

Higher quality source of food and once that’s done this quest line is basically done we do have to set up like an actual smelter at some point I believe to get Alloys which I believe is something we’re going to need for the late game

But as soon as we we have the diamond I think we’re ready to move on to the next chapter of the questbook and kind of start working towards this tier 4 alter there are also things we can do of course at this point to make our lives a

Lot easier there are things like upgrading the blood alter we can get different runes right now we’re just using blank runes but there are upgraded versions of runes that we can use to make the the alter fer we can use it to get more LP for every dagger use that we

Use uh we can also get like intense Alters as well to also make things faster and to increase the amount of LP we get there’s a lot of blow magic work that can be done to make our lives little easy and to make things better and I do see that simple storage network

Is in the not so distant future as well which I think will be very helpful for accessing and managing our storage and so there’s a lot for us to do but right now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of project sacrifice There

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Project Sacrifice | FLESHY TECHNOLOGY & ALTAR UPGRADES! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-17 23:00:27. It has garnered 22306 views and 904 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:04 or 2764 seconds.

Minecraft Project Sacrifice | BIOMANCY: FLESHY TECHNOLOGY & ALTAR UPGRADES! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1:

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    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More