Insane Minecraft Bedrock Minigames at THE HIVE!

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Tonight we are going to be playing on the hive maybe even some of the other fan servers or not fan servers but you know the servers with the mini games and we’re going to be streaming with JY and possibly even slates as well we are practicing for mcbc which is the

Minecraft Bedrock championships uh it’s kind of similar to the uh the other big event I forget the name of it right now that’s embarrassing uh but you know the the other big event that they do on Java Edition what’s the name of it ah you guys will remind me in chat

On my tongue it’s uh Minecraft is it just minec MCC yeah Minecraft championships there you go figured it out guys anyway ruce to the others yes I said your name though shush uh whoops wrong one anyway we are going to be playing on the hive tonight and possibly even the M mcbc practice

Realm uh reason being is we are going to be in the Minecraft Bedrock championships which is what mcbc stands for our team is slates and again and it’s like a 2 three hour event it’s going to be happening on the 17th at uh 2 p.m. Eastern I think it was Eastern it

Might have been Pacific I’m not sure I have to go check on that but either way that’s going to be event that we’re going to be playing in uh so we’ve been practicing a little bit figuring out our parkour skills and playing the other games and stuff like that so I guess

We’re just going to hop on to uh the practice realm right now and I’ll kind of show you guys around and we’ll talk through that a bit and then we’re going to hop into the voice chat with Jen in a moment and then maybe slce will pop by as

Well uh it is on a realm right now but I think the actual events going to be on a server so yeah it could to be fun I’ve never played in a uh you know competitive event like this before so it should be very fun I’m looking forward

To it it should be a good time uh even if we don’t do well but we’ve been doing pretty okay uh in our practicing now the parkour course on this the training course it is not it is not straightforward is is a very good training course uh because it does not

Hold your hand at all so I’ve been practicing this quite a bit there’s a few jumps on here that really get you uh the first like three four of these really easy uh but it’s very deceptive after you get through like the first six just command block right there uh then

It uh gets significantly more difficult so there’s only going to be one section of Parkour in the actual game game and that is going to be over the course of like 7 minutes so you won’t have too much time to you know get wrecked basically is what I’m saying Hello

Johnny how you doing welcome on in we’re doing something a bit different today uh we normally stream either Farm designing or other stuff like that this is where it’s somewhat sort of I didn’t even hit jumped on that one this is where it somewhat sort of gets a little bit different

Uh actually no we got like three more three more stages I’ve gone through this course like maybe five six times now I only actually completed it once because there’s some double NEOS at the end of it that are absolutely a pain and if you don’t know what a Neo is

We we’ll see soon enough we’ll see soon enough uh they are very pain but I’ve gotten really good at the single NEOS because I got stuck on one for like 30 minutes that’s no exaggeration either yeah all this parkour so far is it’s pretty simple and straightforward

Isn’t it uh this right here is where I always get tripped up though this ladders a man the ladder jumps are the worst thing ever for me I don’t know what it is about ladders but they are just the worst for me and of course right now I’m actually doing all right

Ah no I failed that’s the that’s actually the best I’ve done on this first try and and again I’ve done this one like five times now I don’t know what it is people who make parkour courses love these ladder jumps and I can never get the one around

The corner because I always hit the side of it and yes I know it’s a skill issue it’s a giant skill issue don’t worry about it I’m a big dummy dumb have you guys ever done parkour courses before cuz I’ve never actually done like a proper course before uh I

Did play through that spiral parkour map uh back in the day whenever that first released but that is honestly a pretty easy parkour oh man I cannot get that stupid Corner one I don’t know what it is I don’t go out far enough I hit the actual

Pixel the one pixel edge of the ladder I always hit that you can totally do parkour I bet you can ducks are known for being able to do parkour okay I got to really go no I got to like jump go out and around going treat it like a Neo it’s stupid Oh

I thought I was going to miss that one that one you can just kind of walk across okay there we go got it there we go okay yeah you get to jump and go around the corner of it the sound effects do help oh that’s the first time I’ve actually been able

To get that jump properly that one usually trips me up because you got to like I don’t know slide and get momentum and go around the corner it’s a bit of a weird Neo uh from here on out though it gets a bit different this one usually doesn’t get

Me too much except that this final glass pan has a different spacing so I usually over jump that and then that one’s just a headbanger you just got to kind of spam that one I haven’t figured out the trick to The Headbangers yet where like you have

A ceiling above you and you just got to you just got to spam and jump your way through it uh this right here is known as the rail gun this is really annoying and the really the only thing you can do about this is just Spam jump your way

Through it and that’s how it’s supposed to be done I’m surprised I got it that that quickly actually we’re doing pretty all right if it were for those ladders right now we’d be doing pretty solid time uh you can see the timer on the right on the right side

There uh that will go up to 420 in the actual event because you have seven minutes and I know haha funny number but you know that’s just how math Works got to like wait a second there we go you can’t start jumping once you get in there immediately also these chains

Are a bit broken I can’t go forwards right now and I can’t go right either like I I physically cannot walk around the edge of this there it goes this is a bug like you should not be able to stand right here these lanterns were messing me up

Yesterday yeah I just kind of slid off the edge of that one another skill issue so many skill issues they you’re going to be seeing a okay that one was a count I was reading chat um oh hi hi NY Ducks yeah so n is

One of the people who helps uh run this event by the way uh yeah so the actual event will be on the server uh there there’s I’m I’m I’mma blame this on realm lag right now because that seems like a perfectly reasonable excuse and I’m not used to

Playing on Realms therefore I have a great excuse I just way over jump that one I usually Blitz through these lanterns but for some reason yesterday I got stuck on this for like a solid minute oh come on I landed on it but slid off I I was even crouching I I

Definitely hit jump that time for sure NOP I didn’t hit jump that time bro come on just hit the jump the space bar okay yeah we knew this was going to be a good stream do I need motiv motivational signs again oh Midas yeah okay so we had

A uh a big group practice session the other day uh I don’t think it was really planned but me and slates and JY or I don’t know if yeah no Jen wasn’t there it just me and slat were going to meet up and then there’s like six other

People so we had like eight people on this realm and everybody was laughing at me failing parkour it was amazing but then I challenged them to do the parkour and they were all failing as well so it was a it was a great time uh yeah that

That’s when I actually did finish the course okay usually you can make this jump right here you can skip those wither skulls and then this is the first proper Neo so this is a Neo you got to go around a pillar in the middle uh so you

Got to jump to the side and then land on the edge I landed on it but I walked off that’s stupid come on I had that first try nope the One the Neo after this is uh actually the proper challenging one this is where I’ve been getting stuck a

Little bit but I’m getting so much better at at the NEOS like the first time I got to this jump I was stuck on this for like literally a like I don’t know 10 minutes and this jump right here oh I actually got that first try I was

Stuck on this four block jump It’s diagonal I was stuck on that for like a while yesterday and I’m not going to get it again that was it that was beginner’s luck right there beginning of the stream luck I hit the corner of it that time yeah this this one usually takes me

I hit the corner of it again this one usually takes me a couple tries to get past it’s mostly that four block jump that I can’t get I said I was getting better at Nia but now I just failed this like five times in a

Row okay I need to read the rest of the chat so I’m not trying to read chat while do parkour am I going to release a tutorial for the charry Tree Farm I will yes that’s going to be coming out on Christmas actually because it’s not just

For cherry tree it’s for every tree in Minecraft except for dark oak so it’s a mangrove cherry oak Spruce and I don’t know birch aelia tree farm okay I’m doing really badly on this pains I I’m usually Blitz through these pains I drinx myself yeah I normally do

That ah I actually got it okay the sound effects really help me there it’s two four block jumps in a rail it’s it’s kind of a pain but we we can usually get it so in the event the uh parkour course I believe it’s called The Gauntlet I almost said

Gladiators and there’s like three different stages to it there’s green blue and red stage and green it gets progressively more difficult so Green’s easy Blue’s medium Red’s like impossible from what I’ve heard so oops uh if we I’m thinking we can probably get to Blue it depends we might

We might not be able to get the blue oh I actually got it I I didn’t think I was going to get that one I like I over jumped it yeah we we’ll get this a couple more shots but if I can’t get it then I might come back later

So I just need to get good at this stupid four block jump see I’m getting decent at of this Neo now though yeah I don’t know what it is like I know how to do it it just doesn’t work it’s it’s a dumb jump now this practice course I believe

If I’m recalling correctly was made quite a while ago so the stuff in the actual event is quite a bit different now I hit the corner again I need to go watch some of the vods does not look like hi now we’re going to jump on Hive in a minute once

We uh join up with Jen because you know we kind of need people to play with on hive okay let’s see if we can get this ah again it’s just it’s just a weird jump some of these in the in the Future Part of the course get really absurd

That’s the final bit right there you see that’s a double Neo you got to jump from that little corner all the way around those two blocks and land right there and then you got to do it twice in a ra yeah oops I walked off okay we’ll

Give this like three more tries how about that there we go I think you got to wait until like literally the last millisecond to jump off the ledge I didn’t hit jump that time all I did but like it didn’t register yeah I asked them about the

Glitched water in the void and they were just like bug Rock and I was like yeah that’s a perfectly reasonable explanation I need no no further Evidence see look at that I’ve gotten the Neo three times in a row now there we go okay ah it’s such a dumb jump I think if

They remove these three blocks right here it would actually be a lot easier just be two four four block jumps uh no The Raid Farms aren’t broken at all they just Chang a little bit of RA Farm mechanics but they are still fully functional still fully functional uh I

Actually want to do a technical stream where we uh go ahead and try making a new type of raid Farm I never noticed this before you guys got some very broken stuff on this realm I bet you guys weren’t planning for 20 chunk render distance were you

Oh you got command blocks that’s hacks there’s a lot of command blocks actually anyway well I guess we’ll go hop onto the hive real quick because I’m just failing this parkour that’s where I keep getting stuck that one jump It’s pain pain is suffering uh you need to jump from the

Right then straight to the far block yeah oh it’s snowing that’s cute C okay so let’s see if we can’t join uh Jin real quick oh is this hide and seek or something are we just straight into a game I actually don’t know how Hive

Works I think this is the lobby we got to wait for uh them to stop playing hideand-seek I I guess so this is the Q&A part of the Stream bro you are bad than I thought yeah I’m worse than you thought yeah yeah I know thanks oh

Jeez to be fair I’ve never really done uh parkour before the most parkour I’ve done is like you know this kind of stuff just while idly playing in the world so I got like the the basic parkour down like I can do this stuff all day but uh

The weird jumps like NEOS and stuff I haven’t quite mastered those but then again I’ve only been practicing for like 2 3 days and you can see the progress that I made on the NEOS so we’re doing we’re doing pretty good there oh wow that’s do I have flight

Okay did not know I had flight wild am I a spectator I think this is just the lobby yeah this is where the PO Sor okay cool well we still got a minute for this to go away uh how long did it take you to make

The tree farm uh the Cherry one we worked on that for like a full month or more and that was even with a a prototype as well because firm developed the original prototype and then we refined it refined it ref refined it refined it 18 versions of

Refinement okay we’re going to go ahead and join Jen and then we’re going to play some different games here on the hive and and then uh we’ll see what happens hello there oh hello how you doing hello silent welcome on in um I’m doing good uh we’ve been winning a hide and seek

I’ve been playing some hideand-seek well I’ve been waiting for yall nice yeah I joined your team I’m just in the lobby right now oh cool yes we’ll be in the next one do we want to continue doing the hide-and-seek or should we go do something else we can do it if he R

The hideand-seek with a is a group it’s fine okay I don’t know if slates is going to be here you don’t know if slates is coming it’s okay we we can do Duos like we did yesterday yeah that’s true we’re doing all the practicing guys I was just telling people what’s coming

Up this weekend yeah it should be fun I’m excited for it yeah yeah I’m live yes hi silence chat hello on six five four three do they not find you one I am the winner nice nice there’s a couple other people there you are s hat hello yeah get my little

Stuff we go nice telling everybody we actually have a a TV team yeah we kind of do me you translates yep you’re disappointed the tree farm took so long I know I know but they there’s the bug with the tree farm it’s still not fixed so I was playing that

Where are you you know what can I do I’m still in the lobby did it kick you out yeah it kicked me out of the game uh okay I guess I’ll go back to HUB then let’s see uh I should probably make sure I’m in your in your

Group party uh let’s see oh yeah I need to invite you to the thing there we go okay I sent you a party invite uh open the menu to accept that be that one yep and then accept yeah so we still need to practice PVP and then we still need to practice spliff

And uh probably bridge and a couple other things as well yeah parkour definitely the parkour parkour oh my God yesterday was absolutely horrible yeah is there parkour on this I’m not sure gravity I don’t know what any of these games are I’ve never actually played Hive before

Oh the only one I know is the ones that we were playing yesterday and then I came back on to play hide and seek yeah um after we’d finished we also got to practice the building mini game as well uh should we try should we just

Start off with some bridge I guess seems like the easiest quickest thing to do give me two seconds I dropped my keyboard so it bed me out of this ah yeah fair enough Hive ah this is private might have to redo the uh the inv hi gummy daily gift wow that’s very loud

Okay where did it put me put me back in North America please take me to North America oh you have to buy all these things so many microtransactions yeah I was looking at that earlier I was looking at skins and stuff there’s a dragon skin and I want

It but I I’m saving my pennies so yeah everything’s super expensive too jeez is it’s like $17 for that I don’t know how many co I have this so pretty look at it how are you in the family we are good uh let’s see are you back on the server I am back

On North America server now we might need to send the uh okay yeah I’ll send you a a thing that’s a really detailed skin there you are oh there you are hi hello all okay so I guess we’ll try Bridge since that’s pretty simple straightforward just as a warmup straight forward

Yeah we were getting pretty good at that yesterday yeah we were doing all right for never having played it before yeah there uh the the maps are always different so you got to kind of learn each one people are sneaky yeah the the little drop off ledge underneath yeah okay let’s

See okay and also they can place blocks inside your like spawn yeah we worked that out yesterday night yeah nope nope yeah these guys aren’t very uh well played are they but NE neither are we yeah I see them oh man I was like a second away from

Getting them stone sword is just doing no damage straight for it he’s coming across again on left one down two down go for it okay he’s down you get him you get him yep I got him they keep knocking me off oh oh they they hit me off but then

They hit me again and I landed on the on the platform okay we’re good we’re good we got a straight Bridge across carry on on defensive okay I see I see you with your snowballs I’m going to die he’s down go for it I got on the PO yep you got it you

Got it get it nice there we go got it in the bag now yeah now now we’re doing things we just need one more to win yeah that’s oh bro they both just fell off yeah no it’s done it’s over we got this ain’t nothing they can do

Bye they both just walked off the the front there that was great yeah nice GG that’s a pretty decent game to start off with yes it was yeah so this is going to be similar to the game that they have on mcpc where you have to get

To their side and break their netherite block uh it’s not quite the same but it’s the the closest like analog that we could get to to practice on and also it’s just fun can I get a shout out of my channel for Sil please they’re really terrible team yeah

They weren’t too they weren’t too good and we can say that because we won I don’t think they were expecting us to be so full yeah get pretty aggressive aggressive mood today oh no no I’m stuck in a hole one down where’s the hole where’s the hole

Got him hey nice oh you got that like a second before they were about to score too nice solid it is oh they’re coming yeah I know okay one down holes hi hi everybody oops I’m in a hole again go for it they made a mess with this bridge

They’re just not defending at all no they aren’t I got it you still work konic well then obviously you need to get out of work earlier come on little oh he got behind us two of them yeah no we’re losing this one I can’t reach them yeah they just

Ran straight through us I didn’t see the second one yeah they both got past us they done they’ve messed up my stairs yeah they have coming it coming it coming go for it oh dude it’s still here yeah no no ain’t got nothing there we go you get him yeah I got him

Both where’ that guy go oh okay uh they’re both gone let’s go they’re underneath they’re underneath yeah no I got it first they had no defense on that they’re they’re along the side of the bridge yeah they tried they tried not very well but they

Tried can you still get bed Rob Block in survival you can yeah uh you just need to use a slightly different method uh you need the TN you need the TNT and dark oak uh Bedrock breaking oh sorry push to mute turned off for a second just talking about

Chat it’s easier to do well in team games if you communicate yeah for sure absolutely communication is key even if you’re losing it’s still very important tell about the having fun together right no it’s about the wending together come on that’s what I meant by having fun

Yeah yeah having fun by winning of course absolutely yeah oops here you got to back up or just uh here here’s bye snowballs are great they are I got that one yeah he’s kind of a butt with that uh bow okay I think he fell no he didn’t he’s he’s down

Below did you get him get him okay now he’s gone he’s coming again did you get him Co yeah knocked him off oh oh oh oh no I fell I was about to die anyway the block spam is really helpful okay that guy’s down you can push

It they get an aggressive defend in there yeah I think I got it though oh yeah no one second away okay I was on half a heart oh you got a premier video dropping for mcbc that’s great we need to go watch that oh who was that that was someone in

Your ATT uh yeah that’s Natty one of the uh persons that helps run the place I think one got behind us but I think I’m going to score first no yeah okay bro that was crazy they’re getting kind of good at knocking me out of the uh pit but I’m having half a

Heart are you defending where’d he go he jumped over me yeah that’s fine it’s all good oh this bridge again oh he got over me I think he’s going to get it here unless he can stop him no he’s down okay oh I think oh no oh I had so much

Uh knock back there it was wild go for it I’m I’m going to miss it dude’s got too much knockback with the Snowballs yeah I think we just lost this one unless I can get it right here yeah okay oh no I fell in right as he

Scored uh Jen has a baby is why okay we we should have had that one we really should I didn’t see them come this way I thought they were both with you no I I uh no oh I just fell come on we can do this yeah game

Point do this this is game point byebye bye got one they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming no they’re still on their side okay one down me d oh no I’m down both on their St still I’m I’m oh he just like oh he’s going crazy

He’s going crazy oh no he’s going crazy what bro that was wild that was wild I don’t know he was just going wild on the side bro that was great crazy they could have just pulled out that trick at the beginning and they would have had it jeez they have to wait

Like 3 minutes wild hello Conrad welcome in security huh uh okay slates is going to join us in a few minutes sweet oh is there a team’s version of this rather than just Duos um I don’t know if there’s a trios or not I only saw solo and doubles

When I was uh in the thing though cool our pigo is naturally better than spamming I think I already read that but yes yes we are we’re very good spammers okay yeah dude’s got the Snowballs uh he fell down though he’s bad he’s real bad

Hi hi hi this might be the same team as last time even possibly I fell where’ he go uh he’s lower left you got him no h I think I got him yeah he’s down oh yeah it is the same people as last time it’s magic I fell they

Fell I just blocked myself well done Jen wow that was some block place in it they got they they’re going one offensive one uh yeah one one defense one offense yeah give me I’m trying to place the block is all come on okay D’s pushing left good somehow he still survived that no

He fell off okay I can’t believe they give you 10 minutes for this it seems like all the matches last way less than 10 minutes okay he’s dead pushing yeah push together on this die I died at least we respawn instantly they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming

Yep dud up above you oh I I fell but not all the way he’s coming he’s pushing where’s he G to go left or right left or right left or right oh he jumped over me got it got him die die oh I died come on

Got him this is such a stalemate now it is yeah oh I fell down he’s jump both of them are here they’re going to score J he jump me yeah all the Boo in the yeah boo get okay can you hold him up for a second

Knock one of them off I don’t know where the other is seems like that’s a yes oh okay I got most of the way there of a god Bridge okay go for it I’m distracting them nice there we go no no swearing thank you distractions work great I’m going right

Side again going up and over he’s waiting for me he’s waiting for me I got one here oh he’s off okay did you get it oh no just barely adrenaline right you want to go Magic’s down yeah magic is the one that we need to watch out for they’re actually doing

Decent he’s coming he’s coming he fell oh I think I got it yeah there we go one more one more happy birthday zombie one more now we we get some yep yep come come here magic he’s down they’re in the water oh they put blocks around their thing that’s really smart they blocked

Is I’m going to do that right now actually yeah oh I just fell bro he coming I jumped I fell yeah okay you got him uh he’s here oh he going on the defensive here no no bad bad bad get off oh there’s a hole up top I didn’t realize that

That okay uh no he he’s dead he’s dead he’s coming over though he’s coming okay he’s dead pushing BRS just got defensive all of a sudden they missed yo okay oh no they put blocks all over their top too okay this is good this is getting angry now yeah yeah

Yeah they’re really trying jumped over magic no oh I almost had it no oh man I switched off of it too quick I’ve gotten up there twice now though so I mean it’s just a matter of time okay he’s dead I’m shaking coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming no no

No I can’t stay on the platform got magic one good shot all it took yeah we almost got too much too much defense right now oh he got me while I was breaking a hole got him got to take deep breath yeah come on come on well I mean

If it times out we got this anyway but oh yeah true oh they are fighting to the nail now come on get in the hole I can’t get in there yeah jeez H the pickaxes are just not good enough no I feel like we are doing he’s coming he’s he’s below get

Him he’s down other one’s still over there okay we’re good we’re good oh he’s going round he’s going round no thank you no thank you no goodbye oh no he survived oh there he goes okay they still got one on defense okay we need to start pushing them cuz they’re they’re

Getting too comfortable coming over here he’s chasing you oh no no yep Magic’s here they’re going to get in get him oh he’s good to score oh my God he actually got it wow GG’s uh he was blocking me off as why I didn’t have a way to get up there okay uh

Defend is he here yeah got him he’s coming again to push yeah we got to get some of the stuff torn down in front of us too oh oh no he got around us oh he was being a sneaky no we just lost it he was

Super sneaky Bruh Bruh oh jeez my I thought he fell off but no he was being a sneaky that was good they were trying trying they were really trying for that oh whoops I hit the wrong button yeah not a bad game not a bad game at

All yeah uh diagonal thanks for gifting your sub to Hunter very nice of you have myout for the day right that was stressful I know yeah they had the strats there at the end they were blocking us off from our own portal so we kind of like you know defeat them and

Then uh yeah being the sneaky The Hub by the way yeah I’m here too hello also diagonal you gifted 316 Subs that is way too many thank you so much you’re crazy uh should we try I don’t know a bit of the cap the flag I guess yeah well that was fun

Yesterday was it here we played that yeah it was also do you guys in the chat know any of the servers that have spliff uh slates and I couldn’t think of any but yeah we do need to practice just Spa I love looking at everybody’s skins in these things yeah they’re wild aren’t

They there’s a parkour there’s a parkour pretty easy parkour thanks I fell off it already oh someone’s in my face I’m doing it backwards thank thank thanks for that this is so easy I’m doing it backwards I struggle wow yeah I know oh no h my have okay cool

Uh where’s our flag where’s our flag defend the flag I thought we were supposed to capture the flag defend our flag capture the other one Ah that’s too much for for me to keep track of also concrete powder doesn’t fall for some reason uh we got people coming in left side of flag

Okay some coming yeah all this guy’s got is block block placing r on the flag oh yep okay I’m going back to flag I did I did he got the flag yep I’m cutting them off there we go we got it oh no two more guys on

Flag uh we do not have flag they’re taking it left side uh I don’t know where he went H he scored oh did he oh no not yet not yet oh no I guess yeah they did never mind looking at the wrong thing place give me give me give me flag

Me got it get it yep I’m taking it out dude had such reach on me how was he doing that like he was knocking me back and and dying or he was knocking me back like forwards but then still hit me like every single

Time I was killed by bad look at look at this bro yeah bad sharpness I think he’s got reack or something cuz he’s like just had me up in the air literally could not do anything yeah he had me up in there too yeah yeah nothing you can do against

That I can’t even reach him give me give me come here yeah no he’s either got the mobile reach or he’s hacking he’s not taking any damage either he’s just spawn camping us he should really he really should be dead by now though cuz like I yeah I yeah no

That’s that’s hex it’s got to be high PVP is different I don’t know I don’t know about that seems a bit sus spawn camping isn’t cool SP spawn camping is the name of the game if you’re allowed to do it then people are going to do it just how it

Goes just how it be we starting the game in don’t don’t be weird in the chat thanks oh you can vote for maps I didn’t realize oh I didn’t know that there’s also an item shop so keep keep an eye on your gold yes people doing the thing what is in

The item shop actually upgrade items upgrade the blocks is 200 Co dud are here two on flag oh they’re here again it’s him again it’s him again yeah it is he’s he’s got flag yeah bad sharpness just literally like punching everybody up in the air nothing you can do against that

Literally nothing wow cool okay if we quadruple team this guy he should die right he die finally finally did yeah they got our flag though yeah they’re probably going to get back I don’t know I can’t even see it yeah no it’s gone it’s gone blue flag taken what he’s here what no

Okay we need more blocks on that thing we do or like Harden blocks or something I’m wait I’m waiting for 200 coins I’m going to upgrade the blocks okay I just got better armor one on top one on top dizzy again got front left of Base wow do on yeah do it on

Flag two three on flag sharpness is back can I take that enchant off yeah nothing you can do against that knockback it’s just wild they’re all here they’re all here no I wonder if that’s like an auto clicker or something see that he’s got that wild mobile

Reach had a dude trying to trying to Camp inside the hole Yeah there’s still dude dude in our yeah we got a dude in our uh store right now he’s distracting he’s distracting yeah we we already lost this of course it teleported me to a different place okay yeah it’s over yeah

I think we should just leave this because those that guy with the reach is just impossible I agree yeah nothing you can do about it is this just a piston oh it is wild yeah it’s it’s over unless they didn’t cap it the second time I thought they already had three

Flags did we clutch it or something is it out of five no it’s out of three oh yeah there we go okay we scared him off we’re not going to win this but it’s okay uh The Hive is just one of the featured servers dude on left side of

TNT ah yeah sharpness here we we we lost it it’s already over yeah oh one of ours took the red flag yeah it’s too late though yeah we got people spawn camping us with diamond swords I mean what is up with this knockback I’m getting like thrown up in

The air every hit it’s not normal when this is over back out yeah literally like impossible knock back weird I’m just walking cuz yeah wow wow H knockback has more upwards knockback that’s so dumb why would they do that it’s the most pointless thing ever it’s like all it’s all vertical knockback

Oh I can buy a diamond sword there we go now I can die with style yeah all right let’s back out of here yeah why would they cap the flag when they just Farm us yeah exactly right just Farm kills uh let’s see what else do we got I

Guess we could try the just build I don’t know what that is though I have not tried that either yet Duos I’m guessing it’s a build off potentially oh wow that look at that me look at the the arena so sweet pretty good I just I just love everything in here

Okay what what oh okay we have to pick a theme and stuff okay yeah this is just regular building yeah I think we should jump out of this because this isn’t what we need do one and then see what it does first uh you just have to build

Something and then people vote on your build okay uh I don’t actually see a way to leave Ohara did the little crab things they added new types of flowers they did yep small dried grass and stuff yeah we should just uh leave this I don’t they they usually give you an

Item oops not spawner okay uh SL Hub maybe there we go is it slub yeah slub no idea what I was doing okay so what are these ones over here uh we could try death run or gravity gravity looks like kind kind of sple and let’s try

It yeah could be could be something interesting guess we’ll find out either way we’ll learn something new and that is what is gravity h well it’s definitely spacing you’re in a dome oh is this just a dropper it’s a dropper oh hold on to your stomachs oh you die on

This that’s not where we go oh there’s a portal I see oh okay there’s slime I haven’t played droppers in so long the render distance really doesn’t help either vertical par yeah it kind of is oh finally hit the ground on one oh that’s not where you go Yeah okay well I made it and then ered out and I think I’ve been booted from the game oh rips gen winning something causes such an error wow oh man how are you supposed to get through this one I got like three or four in but now I’m getting stuck on one

Oh I see it okay yeah everybody’s getting stuck on this one a nearly got it it won’t let me back in the game will it probably not uh no but I think this is about to end yeah I’m in the lobby waiting okay cool dog was pretty at least yeah fun Maps hello

Hey how you doing we got the whole team together yeah yeah are you on the hive or should we go try something else I’m just I’m just loaded in cool one sec then I’ll add you to the party this is a different map different map then what do you want to play wow

That one’s amazing uh I’m good with anything how how’s the practicing been going uh we were doing pretty well on uh bridge and then cap the flag we just ran into dudes with like reacks or whatever oh it’s like always up in the air impossible to hit

Back yeah spawn camping too yeah it was good good stuff uh let’s see oh there you are slates oh there’s another level oh are you guys in uh EU uh we’re in North America oh oh um you me the region uh I don’t see you on my friends

List I might I might need to join you like I can’t send you an invite you’re in my friends list though yeah okay I can invite you okay uh there we go then you need to invite uh Jen as well yep incoming invites uh I might need to Rel log okay might be

It um we normally stream about two to four times a week we’re supposed to stream four times a week though I did I did there’s a third one okay yeah there five levels uh okay let’s see you send me another invite uh yeah I’m just uh load in back in oh there you

Go almost almost I did it almost come on ah on a c there you go now it says you’re online okay awesome let me 22 seconds left of this map so yay come on Jen Focus uh there’s not a trios version of bridge is there uh I don’t think so

Guess it’s probably hard to find teams of three yeah um I guess we could have I guess we could just try teams two and then one person be on the opposing team yeah we can do that okay uh are you back in the hub Jen yeah I’m back in the

Hub yeah okay great and then yes okay let’s see about this oh this is the right thing isn’t it uh this is survival games I think I okay well I guess we’re playing this right now all right Jen is Jen here Jen get in the party I don’t

Think uh oh uh saiden was in the party go in survival games yeah what in Duos yeah oh yeah you might have gotten kicked out because it’s Duos eight players needed to start oh okay yeah you’re definitely in a different game then uh oh oh okay it’s no PVP for a second yes

Dud dude’s right behind you though do you got a weapon uh no I do we’re good all right oh another guy nice lootable oh nice iron axe take that what’s the objective here uh survive yeah SkyWars basically but without the sky yes yeah without the sky Arena thing uh no but there’s a

Death zone I think where like after a certain amount of time you get teleported into like a small area if you’re still Al oh we got a flare what do these do oh that’s like a supply drop okay I got a piece of TNT and some

Webs oh nice apples and Pie cool we really need better armor don’t we oh there’s an iron sword sword I I got an iron axe oh got people right here they threw down a supply drop we can coming up nice grab that iron helmet uh oh he had full full

Stuff over here to practice oh diamond sword thank you yeah iron pants too I have a lot of TNT do you want some I got some as well I have like uh oh boom box poison boom box Frozen boom box fire boom box web boom box I got a lot of

Boom boxes he’s got everything literally so many want to buy a boom box yeah jeez man got more chests up here uh where she go okay you’re down here the first one g to throw down uh supply drop oh is that what the flare does okay I actually found a flare

In one of the chests earlier but I I threw it away oh okay the TNTs hurt yourself or um let’s try out find they do y that’s uh that’s great this thing takes a while doesn’t it yeah I’m pretty sure I don’t want to

I think we could have shot it down but I don’t want to waste my arrows yeah I don’t really have any arrows think I have yet two give me some loot Golden Apple uh you should take all right nice we need some we need to find some

Better armor uh if we head back over here there’s another flare in the chest okay oh there an end chest right there parkour oh ender chests a really good yeah uh nothing in it oh okay yeah here’s a flare all right I’m going throw it down over here somewhere yeah

Yeah okay should have seen me yesterday on the parkour map these guys nearly lapped me okay so still five others here let’s go oh there you go nothing good uh you probably need those arrows yeah yeah thanks all right yeah I guess do you need any food uh I

Have seven pieces of food all right all right I guess we can go hey Gilligan see if we can find anyone we’re not we don’t have the worst items which is nice uh piece of chicken take that apples yeah it’ be nice if we get a slightly better armor I guess yeah

Supply crat draw there’s no one here at spawn uh oh here’s some people oh yeah right right here yeah yeah uh bro got diamond armor it’s a 2v one we can take it I think especially because he’s very oblivious to what’s happening yeah oh my God bro so many TNT he’s

Running though he’s running I think he might be running into his teammate so just be careful yeah there’s one other dude up here yeah okay he’s cut him off oh wait another dude behind us but he’s he’s far away okay okay he’s still running there was another player up here as

Well all right I’m not sure where he went oh yo what bounce pad oh this was not a smart idea oh oh my oh my God no bro he planned that Retreat Retreat Retreat right here here uh oh there’s a supply drop right here okay

Bro I was not ready for that no I went up there I just cobwebs of fire everywhere oh there’s a diamond boots okay great oh my God going uh we went up a we went up like a boost pad and dude put down like so many traps at the top of the Boost

Pad he knew it was up yeah okay I have a golden apple nice I have like so so many TNTs just half my hot bar is TNT okay so two of the other players have very bad armor or saw them wearing leather so it I think we just got to

Worry about that guy in diamond yeah so Death Match starts in 30 seconds we’re going to get teleported to an area dude there’s one dude over here on the jump pad he just I don’t know oh wait me he got stuck in the cobwebs up there we could probably Rush

This I’m on your guys team oh wait there oh wait there’s two two guys this might oh wait this might have been a bad idea no I’m de here no uh Death Match oh yeah yes oh it’s you versus him okay you got this waiting for him

Still oh man the knockback Bro the knockback is so insane literally nothing you could do about that like come on yeah just straight up just whoop up in the air we nearly had him at the end there that that wasn’t so bad yeah nice saying all right back to the we

Go okay uh let’s see are you still in the party yeah oh uh what can we do with three players is she in the part uh it says you’re offline Jen think you have to be in uh North America again oh yeah you probably got to switch your your server

Yeah we’re playing with slates and Jen we’re going to be in a team on mcbc and couple days there we go all right okay go invite there we go Jen brilliant okay uh I have no idea where we’re at now oh you can hit the I don’t quite

Know how to get there there should be a back to HUB option somewhere SL I went I I stepped on something and I got teleported like to some other place yeah if you go back to the uh the inside of that tree oh yeah I don’t I don’t

Know why I keep getting teleported yeah back to SP here we go there go I’m blind uh let’s see can we what can we what can we try with uh three play I we do actually need to practice survival games more because there is like a battle royale and the event yeah

Yeah that’s like pretty much the same game mode so we could do that um I think we’re just going to get split into two different games though uh we could try we could do solos solos should we’d have to go against each other but uh okay

Yeah that would work and I think the bridge should work as well just one of us will be on a separate team team okay custom server is that something we could do oh yeah we could do a custom server um that would actually if we wanted to

Play with viewers as well that’s a way we could do that if you wanted uh yeah that could be fine I don’t yeah I don’t know uh it still only allows solos or Duos though yeah there’s not much Trio options on here unfortunately that things she can get in

The party but you can’t do anything together yeah like we added this feature where you can invite your friends but you can’t play with them yeah uh I guess we’ll just try Doo Bridges and then hopefully we get put into you know the same the same

Game yeah okay we’re all here okay yeah we great we’ll just one person will just be on another team paper scissors for the uh it’s just going to split us up yeah it’s just going to be random yeah yeah okay now slates if you get on the

Opposing team you got to take it easy on us hey you and me let’s go okay we’re not going to take it easy on him deal okay your skin is so weird when you’re wearing a hat yeah I can’t see it’s R the wrong way bro oh oh

Oh how you like these snowballs you got the slates oh you got this go for it hey hey oh you know what I realized that we can place blocks on our own spawn so I’m going to defend our stuff real quick all right all right oh

Okay I let Jen get past oh the other uh oh J uh uh oh uhoh uhoh no no we got this we got this come on yeah boys denied let’s go hey nice hey Liz dude put a bridge like oh I can’t even pill her up to that bridge

Even they’re both dead okay they just oh I accidentally just walked off oops sh got him oh I think they both died let’s go for it awesome oh I’m dead yeah J’s dead too okay going for it going for it no I’m dead no I’m not dead I’m good yeah go yeah 31

Hey three 0 nice not too bad not too bad not too bad oh it’s like a whole ar oh you can actually go down here that’s wild I didn’t realize the game was like behind us yeah these are it’s pretty cool thank you for the dang it

CER uh thank you Maria and confetti Boom for the follows along with the Irish one state and OKO much appreciated guys okay I think I’ll just chill back this time while you go Sweet I guess we’re gonna win oh do you know how to God Bridge slates oh yeah yeah yeah yeah f a redundant question honestly two of them right here I think one got passed all right oh no they’re both dead we got them oh I’ve just

Fallen did you miss the thing I missed the thing sorry you had one job slates I’m sorry sorry okay beaten by a cookie come [Laughter] on that’s embarrassing he like them cookies okay you got it slates go I’ll distract them there we go okay maybe maybe you’ll hold back

This time just give him a little bit of a chance you know you know you got to make them think that they can win it no don’t don’t hold up BAS silence going crazy the Snowballs yeah boyss I did die though oh should died too a I almost saved myself oh Jin

Survived both of them got passed oh no I fell off I think they’re going to score no got one I got one oh he’s going over top no oh oh I just walked into the void that happens to the best of us don’t worry I just walked straight off the

Platform this is game point don’t you get no oh good yeah there’s a lot of holes on this map yeah I just followed you [Laughter] straight can I help be with the random this time game please it’s it’s random we don’t we don’t get to choose you two

Are op that’s why I said game not silent oh okay come on game you two are op together yeah I’m a bit but this is good this is good practice it is you’re doing well getting to our side Jen just practicing from earlier when we annihilated everything all right hey Jen let’s go

Prepare prepare to lose us I’m looking at you over there slates I see a half pixel of your eyeballs excuse me oh you survived no the night get get God bye hey nice that was it was I have to remember my teammate’s probably on mobile or something or just really

Bad no they are they’re Shooting yo what no that’s IL legal brid get out of here I don’t know how I think you probably should have won that oh you blocked my arrow how dare you oh you nearly had that oh she’s going to get it no no no come on no yeah

Bro yeah Jen’s dangerous man you got to watch out for that score sneaky come on sles I don’t know what to do you go for the snowball layout too or load out yeah oh there’s a build height yeah what you going to do what you going to do can’t do nothing bye

No come on no yo no why’ you leave the front and the back opening no no no no oh yeah there we go good game nice nice pretty good pretty good yeah the front and back of your thing was open for some reason like it’s just the sides are my teammate yeah yeah

Definitely it’s all your fault skillful Eagle jeez that was pretty good hello Jamie dream skin cool and trolling hello there goodness it’s dream oh my God amazing this is the oooo it’s got the ooooo oh my goodness Drew woo KN bed yeah yeah yeah oh us again

Are you shaking in your socks over there slates oh I am I’m staring at your cookie moner your Cookie Monster socks oh you Jen just walked right off how was that my fault that was not my fault at all bro the amount of knockback that you

Just gave me is insane SS yeah snowballs are crazy on the server yeah they are I got the build height what you going to do about that oh nothing I guess all right let’s see if dream actually does something no he did not absolutely nothing let’s go man I always dreamed of defeating

Dream turns out really not that hard bro you just walk into the void go go go bro behind you you guys a got nothing oh oh you scored oh I was already at your place Wow Come on Jin got one job behind you onat right where’s he going slippy little Cookie

Monster oh he here yeah no yeah no they both got over oh we need to defend our place like way more than that yeah okay okay maybe maybe I was talking some smack about dream but uh you know turns out dude might be kind of legit oh we need someone on

Defense cuz they’re they’re just coming right now uh they’re both here yeah that’s it I think we need to start with defense at the beginning of the game yeah what was that two Z or 3 32 or something 31 uh I think that was 31 you got I think

You guys got a point yeah I think we did I’ve lost yeah there’s a lot of pretty colors and a lot of fast running that is mini games in a nutshell indeed yep hey Jen all right hey see silent made a random let’s go okay all that crazy Dante welcome back

For 20 months how you doing all right thank you so much I’m on I’m on Blue Team this time as well oops byebye I’m really bad at speed bridging apparently I bet you feel silly wasting all your snowballs now don’t you slates yep oh bye we knocked each other

Off oh hi how’s it going down there oh oh oh glad I saved that Arrow a this bridge what is going on yeah this bridge is wild thanks for the followers hey naty oh a sneaky cooking monster has arrived did I get you yeah there we go

Yeah you did yeah nice that was cool hey get no okay is did our guy get it my guy get it no he did not get it pain and suffering pain is suffering oh oh no I thought I was going to fall off like three four there oh what what no absolutely not

Absolutely not J’s here no I’m not not for long yeah no you’re not where’s my guy at what is he doing he kind of just watching you die oh mind I’m watching you die oh one B behind no oh there’s a hole there yeah there we go that took a while that’s

Pretty well pretty well uh balanced yeah at one point do we get rid of this bridge and start making a new bridge oh like right now bro no oh wait what bro did it he got it before me no that was insane GG dude oh I bro you just jumped right off

Of that oh he’s jumping he’s jumping he’s over he’s over get him yeah he’s he’s good get the pig too no no no no bye oh get the pig yeah Boys 3 Z oh let’s go our guy did work that that random like yeah he did stuff he was good yeah

Okay so his tactic was to lay back for the first couple RS get into a false sense of security that he’s so we don’t have to mark him right yeah it’s not bad make people think you’re the the dummy I mean I do that all the time but

Yeah I kind of do that accidentally just like constantly okay we have a new friend new friend friend I’m a guy a bunch of numbers got a party hat that’s crazy all right J okay what’s your what’s your guys’s game plan what do we got in store uh think you maybe get

Across yeah get across don’t die whoa what bro just did stuff him bro no nice yeah nice now me too no oh wait oh oh God that was a little close that was very close coming back oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no Jen what you doing down there

I’m not here I’m not here oh you can just bridge over the top like that no come on jokes on you we can land on this bridge now oh whoops yeah you kind of Bridge Too Far whoops yay there we go we got this no yeah let’s go my guy’s so hyped over

Here doing the Crouch punch no no no no no no it’s over it’s over no yeah boys we got this thanks for the bridge it really helps actually oh I can’t believe I did this no yeah no no we got it we got it we got it no

No yo that was great that bridge was so helpful you have no idea bro oh my goodness you just land on it and just immediately run straight forward that’s actually a good tactic I’m going to build my own Bridge like that legit useful nice good games I think that was three Z wasn’t

It no I think we had a point I don’t know I’m not sure yeah it’s hard to remember got a new friend trolling thank you for three months of resubscribing how you doing be with a new friend we got just Alex bunch of numbers everybody’s got just a bunch of numbers

In their names nowadays hey I’m with the with the Rando all right come on Alex we got this being with the r nope I I might I might have done a derp oh no I fell big derp okay why does silent keep getting the best teammates yeah he was pretty decent there wasn’t

He oh I completely missed oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you landed on the platform no nothing absolutely nothing oh no denied is Jen here no Jen’s here no let’s go Jen let’s go yeah both me and my dude were uh focused on defense there a bit too

Much shame you couldn’t defend oh no no nothing easy let you yeah that’s that’s the feel good point isn’t it yeah No bro I knocked you in there like yeah I threw a bunch of snowballs that none of them landed okay no no no no no no no no no no let’s go what you got it I didn’t even know you past us Oho sneaky sneaky I’m blaming that on you Alex every other

Team we won geez man my hey gilan thank you for the resubscribe with prime we’ll see what else there is right yeah sounds good yeah sure who we got who we got who we got we got Alex again uh you guys can going to have him this [Laughter]

Timeis yeah free Prime Subs are super handy aren’t they if you’re already pay for Prime might as well right it’s just free lovely little emotes okay let’s go come on slates yeah hey done for maps again he he voted oh wait hey hey no come on

Oh oh oh oh oh a I nearly had it are you just twirling around in a circle back there no you wouldn’t dare do that would you I would never do that they dzos oh you got this yeah yeah your pigos stand heck yeah oh my bad yeah that that’s why we

Keep losing cuz I just WRA off oh ah I gotta remember to use my hot keys for switching to blocks where’d you go slippery cookie oh oh better than a soggy cookie oh I got them both we still got this the there hang on hang on wait a minute no just just a

Flex bye Alex bye Jen bye Alexs go Jen hey oh oh I was helping bro I I was literally standing on their their thing for like 10 seconds I was just waiting for the guy to oh Jen’s going for it Jen did not go for it if only I was better at

Parkour no I’m not here I see you no you no you don’t you you see you see an illusion pretty not the actual pretty thing oh he get back here no no no no no yes come on slates we got this bro doesn’t Realize yeah we were right we were both back there that was great okay should we head back to HUB yeah jeez okay uh should we try survival games again we might get lucky and might put us in the game game we do need to practice uh this for

Sure is here oh hey yeah yeah cool put us all in the same Bruno how you doing thank you for the raid uh I don’t know I don’t know how you see who’s on your team oh yeah yeah yeah I’m with Jen you they they have a

Green name tag y I don’t see anyone with a green name tag uh oh flash to silent n me with lava yeah I legit do not see anyone with a green name tag I might be my own so I’m going just head off into the Wilderness this

Oh uh yeah yeah don’t go into it yet we can loot up and then take it here’s a helmet for you oh bro just drop some good stuff for me uh what does the activity tracker do I think it shows where people are I

Don’t yeah if you hold it out the uh the red spaces above your H hot bar where people are I think okay that’s great Jen do you want to take the teleporter I think there’s good stuff on cookie I got a cookie for the Cookie Monster the teleporter yeah yeah

Yeah hopefully yeah we’re good here I I got a I got this oh nice here’s a sword you can you can have a cookie oh my good thank you so much much here you take a sword I got to get the Cookie Monster cookie than thank you that’s amazing

Pie oh what this did not activate airspace is full three more cookies you like them cookies here there’s a supply drop over here that we can that’s Landing yeah I think I actually did get in here without a teammate that’s wild oh we have two supply drops uh bro slain by

Herobrine okay that’s good to know I just if you stand under the supply drop it kill you wow really yeah okay well Jen you’re on your own now that’s great hilarious oh there’s a team of two I got a buy I’m going for it guys going oh silence gaming I get the other

One no I’m still full health over here oh what is this another team I think this’s another team yeah I’m dead here I didn’t get that D guy in diamond armor though what happened to his teammate did you just run away yeah I think he ran away

Wild I had so much TNT going to that are you still alive John I am still alive you don’t have lava by any chance do here oh I’m dead you’re doing a Grinch movie marathon heck yeah Grinch is the best looking for some I’ve got a Tracker I’m looking for

Someone uh the colors change once they get close so like yellow is closer than red from what I knows oh I see your name they held up in a house okay okay teleporter interesting oh oops it teleports to me even just blow himself up go J you got

It oh watch out for that knockback where they at go spam yeah uh oh uh oh oh nice can knock him back into it no oh now he’s running he must be low I guess so yeah that knock back is wild like it it hits you but it doesn’t actually

Propel you let’s go nice yeah yeah definitely get that diamond gear oh you Specta yeah this actually a pretty large map yeah oh you got 10 seconds till death match so you’re going to get teleported in with all the other people that are alive so two others I think I think it’s a

Team is it yeah it is all right you got this J uh they’re coming for you that didn’t do anything that did it uhoh ah yeah yeah that knock back is rough nice shash yeah the knockback is crazy okay startled nice should we do that again

Yes that was fun yeah sure yeah it’s pretty decent hey look you’re up you’re up there on the thing district one second place it does districts what that yeah that that that was all you I was I died immediately it’s wild that you can get crushed by the air drops like just pancake

Boop that reminds me of my first ever UHC I I was brand new to Java I’d never played uh Minecraft on u a keyboard and mouse before and my uh teammate jumped off a cliff trying to chase a cow for leather five minutes in oh no yeah I don’t see any green

Names that’s wow kind of weird I guess it’s not a full Lobby maybe I don’t know oh man all I got out of that chest was arrows there was a diamond piece of armor in there too but I didn’t get anything yeah I need to take the coward’s way out

You’re getting chased Jen we might uhoh no Jen Y yo yo yo yo yo yo one’s dead one’s dead okay they’re both dead we’re good okay iron sword over here oh nice all right I’ve got two iron swords awesome I need food I need a regent yeah yeah I have stuff for you

Here take that and then take that oh wow can I get him can I oh I got them both that was wild oh nice I don’t know how exactly I did that but I did it I just took I just team wiped somebody green cap oh with like no armor either

Bro do you have what’s your sword I got iron snowballs actually uh hethen I could just hide up here at the top of this Tower guys cuz like if you try to come up the stairs like I got cobwebs in TNT so yeah it’s like a be good time oh you

Could sneak up the side though grab some gear and hide seems to be a good tactic yeah your name tags are hitting when you crouch right uh they should be don’t know Che there’s a bow in that one oh that’s good I have seven iron swords in my invent what why your

Barb give those chest don’t regenerate do they don’t know uh I don’t think so fair enough okay uh I don’t think there’s a way oh do you know if you take fall damage uh yes you do yep okay good to know I was going to say likely so oh there’s a guy

Here oh crap okay we’re good oh nice there’s a guy just sitting in the corner oh yeah there’s a iron helmet in there nice shaking an arrows just sitting here this building has some chests in it here we go I see you over there oh hi slates I saw oh you can come

Over here I didn’t realize there was a bridge between buildings we’re friends right uh that’s illegal oh yeah no you can’t team right they wouldn’t ban us though uh yeah you’re probably right uh oh wait never mind oh there is a do you have a what uh chest plate do you have

Jen chest plate as leather tunic okay I have a chain Mill one for you I got eight cookies do you guys want to be friends I mean I mean till the end yeah till we have to kill you oh wow I see how it is I saw a lightning Flash’s that coming

Yeah uh supply drop maybe right supply drop yeah yeah who’s supplying let’s see where it lands uh it’s right right on me hopefully not on top of me this time yeah please don’t cookies I got cies app app oh this dude was stacked oh uh diamond helmet for you behind you twet

O I didn’t mean to oooo that was an accident ooo I was trying to woo and I said yeah I don’t believe it oh name down there name down there yeah there’s a team below us oh I got a diamond helmet thanck you nice I have an entire inventory of TNT fear me

Bad with bow on this where are they going I need better armor and a better weapon I’m going to start fighting people there’s so many loot chests it’s kind of wild okay they’re in the yellow Tower Death Match death match in 60 seconds sorry silent yeah I’m sorry for you guys too

Oh I guess we’ll see F and pretty decoration everywhere though yep yeah the maps are really nice they’re they’re very well done interesting weird biomes really need better weapons web boom box Frozen boom box fire boom box you want a boom box oh I got a one too oh yeah those

Ones are good yeah 10 seconds all right get ready love you I’m not sure if oh it’s just us versus him oh what okay the others quit oh my goodness oh wait you thought I was done I ain’t done yet oh you got too many too many

Snowballs so guess what I got snowballs too oh no and you thought I was done with TNT uh I got more TNT oh wow you guys are district one what district am I uh seven oh wow are arrows not shooting uh they are for me yeah they definitely are oh sorry Jen

Everybody me no wait no I’m not I’m not losing like this you sure about that oh I’m not sure I’m not sure oh I’m not sure at all yo let’s go oh you absolutely destroyed us wow you guys are not being aggressive you could have had it

Yeah four kills that was it that was it I opened 36 crates that’s oh oh jeez uh there’s a setting in your video settings that turns off screen animations je that was pretty good should we try something else or you guys down for another one of these cuz we

Could do a c the flag uh either or I’m not first okay yeah uh let’s jump into the cap the flag real quick all right oh pretty good uh did you guys get Tak we got taken in you I I think if you go into to capture the

Pig p Us in okay uh let’s see let me make sure you’re in the party still okay uh here it is coola welcome in okay did you guys get pulled in yeah nice yep Y Cool another good Lobby this one has very easy parkour behind you

SS okay am I on I’m with you guys yay okay defend I need 200 points to F can upgrade Material oh this is a weird map yeah it is they’re coming right side yeah yeah yeah oh oh my oh my God there’s like aund of them oh my goodness I yeah no they’re all here yeah I’m respawning pushing together come on now okay I’m dead two three of them on flag

Flag yep come on J okay they’re good they’re very good yeah dud going left with flag yeah oh did we get himed launchy thing oh my god dude the knock back is just insane like what’s even the point of it why why is that a thing dude flag

Two of them on flag oh actually I’m just getting bow spammed that’s so cool yeah it’s very very good game isn’t it wow oh nice like impossible to kill them you’re really good at bread well we’re on the hive which is a free open to the public server so

Okay they’re they’re pushing hard are they I mean that’s what their General tactic is pushing hard yeah yeah yeah yeah uh one left they have one person defend in their flag all right yeah we should probably wow dude just kills so quick and he has so much health my

Goodness I mean he’s just in regular armor like us right yeah it feels like we dies so much quicker though it does Oh you mean on our team on left side team oh why is there a bounce pad there oh did he die no he’s just gone okay do it on our spawn

Point oh he just bought iron armor from our thing bro yeah like mid combat okay that’s great okay I need I need like a sword or something oh they have our flag uhoh yeah taking it it’s it’s already gone yeah I love that the concrete powder just floats oh

No if we didn’t know this game was broken enough I got blow up well at least I bow spammed a guy I touched their flag for a second and I bow spammed a guy with like 10 arrows oh I got 400 gold right now okay what up oh I got 400 gold

Too uh sword and then I think this might be my last one little one’s waking up all right all right oh they’re for you oh they have the flag add an absorption oh nice oh he’s good we’re good oh oh no I jumped down wow oops apparently you die if you fall down

There there’s a hole there oh wow I never knew that that’s wild dude left side yeah run that’s right get out of here how did they get the flag there’s two of them one on right side oh he’s going don’t let him get away yeah nice nice another one

Is oh the dude picked up the flag wait there was two of them there was two of them come on J it’s all you yeah no that’s it oh wait no oh no I can’t get yeah nothing wow we were all like right here okay these guys were level 20 I

Yeah we were not winning that game no they know what’s up oh yeah just that one guy got all the all the honors every single achievement yeah wow jeez try hard much yeah right come here come here right little one is awake any y’all still alive uh

Yeah yeah okay I’m going to bring you some friends cuz I need to go be mom now all righty it’s been great yeah it’s been fun thanks for playing yes got some good practi in I’ll be back tomorrow probably on here okay yeah I might stream again tomorrow too it’s been fun

Yeah this has been a lot of fun I’m save that where’s my buttons hey all the loves to you guys thank you Yeah all right yeah they were level 20s and we’re like level two yeah we were never going to get that no hey Jen thank you for the raid thanks for playing as well and also salt thank you for two years of re subscriber in I left we just oh they’re pushing left side

Already are they oh they are okay I might just try and go get their FL since they’re all pushing uh where’re red team oh dude’s here wait oh we’re Team yeah yeah was trying to kill our own teammate right dude’s got the flag he’s like way

Out front all right yeah we got I literally cannot catch up with him I’m I’m I’m like a second away from killing this dude no he he put some blocks down oh oh our guys’s caught up what the heck there we go okay we’re return oh no there’s two of them

Here wait did he cap the flag I don’t know if the dude has a flag or not oh he did he like picked it up and like went up the went up the thing oh okay that’s fine I think we have a strong team oh wait no we’re red hold

Up okay I got the flag I’m running nice all right yeah I’m down mid yeah yeah I see yep okay two guys on me yeah nice good stuff good stuff oh there’s another guy just on me I keep forgetting oh they they somehow got two guys in

Front of me oh no yeah okay I don’t know how they got up there did they use a Teleport or something yeah I think there’s teleport wow they’re all here three of them wow they yeah they just appeared out of nowhere okay right seriously I was like yeah we’re home

Free and then like suddenly there was like four of them just yeah oh they have our flag again what yeah all right okay the knock back’s pretty bad when you’re on the receiving end but it’s pretty great when you’re dealing it yeah come on get out of here how’s he

Still building up what is this we got guys on our flag again yeah oh my goodness they just bro will not die yeah there’s a bunch of sweats that play this game like yeah really where did he go what how did he get on that

Side of the wall he wasn’t even there he eat a chorus fruit or something he he’s gone he’s like straight up bro he’s got speed what yeah no he’s he’s it’s over where’s our teammates it’s I don’t know us and this one guy that’s that’s it

That is our team yeah yeah all right and they will not die either like they are just immune to death yeah oh my goodness ridiculous wow that was yeah that was rough this same group of people yeah look at that one dude MVP two caps that one guy was doing business

Jeez now see if the PE if the parkour was like this then I wouldn’t have any problems you know this is great yeah it was just like three block jumps you would be fine yeah no i’ be great I’ll be crushing it see but then everyone else would also

No no cuz no one else is as good as I am you see that’s why yeah oh yeah yeah yeah of course obviously s totally forgot about that yeah yeah yeah I me come on okay how many people do you have on a team is it four or six or what I think

It’s it should be six but I feel like half of our team just leaves immediately yeah seems like it oh this is a wild map okay well five of us are right behind you so okay yeah so we’re just we’re just going in strong they’re definitely going

To see our flag but we’re going to steal theirs damn it well yeah half of them are here as well so oh oh wow ye I’m going for it I’m in go go go I’m in no come on oh the knock back bro I died within like 3 seconds that jous I

Probably should have waited a second there you go I got you got it Go boys oh wait there’s a guy here in our base oh my I thought we were Red Team bro I was hitting the wrong person bonus iron mes got it I think it’s over cuz I cannot catch up to

Him okay I got theirs okay wait what uh ours is on right side dude’s just like crushing it yeah no two he killed two of us dang I oh you can’t return cuz they have ours oh man that’s so dumb I guess I’m just waiting here you have no way in a

Route uh well I guess we’ll wait for them to cap yeah cuz dude dude’s going to get it well they won’t be able to get their either oh yeah wait that’s true actually us is going to have to die yeah well if history is any just wait yeah history is

Any indication it’s going to be us well uh you know I’m going to upgrade my armor do you have 100 gold great idea yeah you you should definitely do that too yeah hetic is the one the flag and he’s just killing everybody or no sorry it’s iron that has the

Flag huh this SK literally just turn into like a stalemate yeah I could cuz they’re they’re not pushing it I guess they’re thinking we’re going to push it and then we just keep not or actually I guess our other four guys maybe are maybe that’s what’s uh happening over here they might

Just did everyone leave there’s only six people in the game oh wow huh well there’s four of us yeah so theoretically so wait three yeah no there’s four of us and two of them okay we can push this yeah all right let’s go oh wait I

Think we return flag can you oh wait can you turn it no okay the circle’s just always there okay well I’m going to push forward of our two guys all right and then oh there are they I don’t know he’s just bridging out oh you can’t jump on the tree

Okay our flag is left side yeah we could probably it’s a 2v3 I guess I get this guy okay nice it’s just the flag now yeah you still have you still have their flag yeah wait I don’t know uh yeah I’m not sure where he’s

At do we have to go to their place now back oh yeah he’s up there oh okay yeah there he is the rendered distance is not that great for seeing the flag is it no wait did they just okay Bros Got speed oh they’re behind

Us oh they’re both on me yeah yeah yeah I know they’re all here oh no I’m taking it oh that’s not good no oh no no we’re we’re good we’re good no no I think wait did I not pick up the flag no I definitely picked up the flag

What happened there oh bro what the flag was on me like I I definitely walk through it yeah oh we did okay we have the flag again at least yeah we’re in their base okay that was wild I don’t know how I didn’t pick it up but I like I yeah we

Should have had that these people with speed are actually so annoying yeah they’re they’re pretty rough he’s going to he’s trying to get our uh okay the way to go yeah uh we’re returning flag right now yeah it’s just we can’t let him get it nice

Yeah oh he jumped over damn it yeah you know it’s gone it’s got to be low oh he’s inside of our place yeah I know he’s boxed in this is just like is he going trying what what’s he going to do oh he dropped it I didn’t know you could do

That come on die dude there we go finally fin jeez man okay there’s another guy here team yeah we’ll just return our flag and get this guy there we go okay cap it finally let’s go we did it after a war yeah where’s speed H it’s the speed

Barries I believe oh okay yeah yeah uh let’s see here we go 40 gold I just bought like four of them block upgr absorption wouldn’t be too bad okay I’m going to stay on defense all right I think we outnumber them right now oh yeah it’s 2v4 yeah just and we’re

We’re still kind of losing yeah they’re good at Oh I thought you just had to run run through the flag to pick it up uh yeah it’s currently no one coming to base that’s good I’m going to try and get their flag yep there might be a Teleport somewhere on the

Map it probably is if it’s like the other Maps oh yeah you can’t use the teleporter with the flag though really Sil I guess that makes sense kind of just running for my life where you at oh I see you uh yeah no you got some guys on

You you got one guy on you you can’t eat the berry with the FL that’s good there we should be good yeah I’m Ching down iron right now right now nice oh speed does not last that long at all how do I have a diamond sword get

The drop on the guy he’s low and I still die yeah I don’t like come on I don’t understand it it’s fine we got that’s two flags okay we might actually win this one yeah see I got 400 gold I’m going to try and do some upgrades here I bought absorption

What yeah see the GU cracked isn’t he I he placed down a boom box and he one shot me I didn’t know that yeah all right yeah I’m still going to stay on defense oh yeah no there’s a guy on flag hold up turn around okay this

Cory oh never mind I got we good we good yeah I knew they were going to try and do something oh okay try to buy flag curse um it says unavailable I’m just I’m going to get Block upgrade I guess or Arrow upgrade actually there we go one guy lower front

Um there we go oh what just happened there I just got thrown oh I think bounce pad maybe could have been take this guy oh oh yeah those things do damage yeah they do I’m down no dang oh yeah okay oh a third guy’s going in there

Yeah it’s you fully regen when you get a kill so that’s oh that’s good yeah yeah that makes sense actually okay well we do have two extra Hearts now um yeah I just yeah I could just wait the three minutes as well uh you and me let’s just push it yeah all

Right I don’t know why there’s a gap right there but okay oh yeah our teammate actually we got three us here right now yeah yeah he’s two of them are here okay he’s dead oh no he has the flag oh no he does not have the

Flag oh man the the knockback is just rough ah yeah yeah nothing I could do man the knockback is crazy yeah literally nothing we’re just going to take all of us in there yeah you can’t stop us all still going to lose yeah probably yeah I feel like we have

Max upgrades right I mean Probably oh guy so low no oh oh nice nice they’re both there okay yeah now they just respawned up here with full health yeah yeah think I might just oh they say speed berries too yeah yeah yeah I’ll try and get no yeah I’m dead yeah

Not go come on our extra I found the water no I found the water oh I should be good no I I don’t know this map oh I ran into a wall jeez we’re doing rough you know what let’s bring in some TNT let’s spend all of our coins get some arrows some

Blocks and TNT let’s let’s restock this um yeah blocks uh see I’m going to grab a speed Berry as well and then a TNT where’s our fourth teammate at oh no okay we’re all going and now it’s literally all four of us we’re probably still going to

Lose they know it takes us like 30 seconds to walk there yeah okay one more oh come on I cannot do yeah we can’t even hit him thank you nice okay he must be berries go vom oh guys going for it he’s got it

Come on yo he just like built up and out of there that was wild nice hey let’s go okay okay I think we got it yeah unless they teleport ahead oh there’s only seven seconds well we really did wait down the clock didn’t we didn’t think that would

Actually happened no I did die bro how is that such a stalemate 4v2 like come on yeah man y most gaps most kills dang yeah they were doing stuff, 1300 gold 1300 gold is crazy that was wild they they knew what they were doing they they

Op uh do you want to play Maybe One Bridge or one game of bridge and then call it good yeah sure so then we’ll be up against full randoms yeah stuff’s fun though yeah I haven’t played Min games like this in years yeah it’s it’s really

Fun okay I’m going to put some blocks over our little hole real quick okay okay I’ll try and hold them up yeah see how good they are oh this guy oh my my oh wait why’d he go is he a problem no he went up but I I blocked it

Off so we’re good yeah yeah okay okay other guy did you get one yeah yeah they’re both well the one guy is the leap feather which is kind of like the the cheat power up where you just like Le past everyone oh okay oh he’s gone oh there we

Go oh he got pasted should be fine just watch behind the other one’s done yeah NOP we both fell okay I might just run in yeah they don’t even notice you well one guy does but you’re good you got it nice awesome hello orca oh are you getting it yeah yeah there we

Go this might be a quick match yeah honestly just one guy doing distraction is so helpful yeah definitely one guy’s down you got this yeah not even a problem Oh wait or maybe not might be a problem yeah problems problems might be oh there’s we got nice nice nice nice he’s

Gone oh oh no I got knocked off all right I’ll just try and oh I should be good yeah you’re good cuz I’m good too we’re both right here they Ain got nothing on that awesome that pretty good game yeah I’m I’m feeling pretty good about the event now we’ve practiced a fair

Amount yeah I think yeah we have good teamwork and we’re getting better yeah we got good call outs good communication yeah it’s going to be a lot of fun yeah getting better at PVP and parkour and all that yeah I know right it’s been years since

I’ve done any mini games last real mini games I did was uh on Legacy console okay I’m going to fill up the top hole again okay yeah okay one person oh never mind yeah no he he made it oh oh there you go got him snowballs for the win oh you still got

This oh maybe oh they didn’t push you at all though yeah kind of just watching yeah you got this nice oh oh no no oh man that was so close never mind oh come on there we go yeah that took some effort they had decent defense but like they haven’t

Even built out at all yeah although you did just build them a bridge for them to spawn on though dude got pasted um uh I’ll try and oh no I could do nothing oh yeah okay yeah he just Out Of Reach yeah got one oh wow I died real quick

Oh what no what no did you see that that was insane yeah see the the Lea feather is kind of broken yeah for real that absurd make it come back yeah uh okay yeah they’re okay rush rush yeah I’m going to go right okay I’m just going to go straight

Through yeah nice okay game point nice gu okay he’s dead he’s dead yet go go go oh I down we can regroup oh he used his Lea feather but he’s down yeah okay got that guy too okay oh I thought there was a bridge right there whoops was good I think oh

I’m not good crap there’s so many blocks on this side right now half a heart no okay oh I think I got it no yeah no yeah yeah hey let’s go Amazing oh that that was a really good game that was I like fell in and got knocked out like three times they tried they really tried yeah dude had the leap feather that was crazy yeah all right I think I’m going to leave it off on a win that was yeah that

Was pretty good thanks for playing all right yeah thank you have a good night you as well catch you later sometime all right see you yep see you bye that was pretty good so we are practicing for mcbc which is an event that is happening on Sunday U let me get

The exact time for you cuz I can’t remember if it’s 2 p.m uh Pacific or Eastern and that’s kind of a big difference H let me see but yeah it’s going to be great I’m going to be streaming here on the channel so is Jin

And slates as well we’re all on a team and it’s basically a series of mini games and uh the better you do in each game the more points you get okay 2m. Eastern nice thank you so much for that uh yeah it should be really good and I’m

Excited for it we we’ve gotten in some good practice and it’s going to be a great time I think there’s let’s see R through the thing thingy right now one two three four five six there’s six teams of three so quite a few people playing some of the people are really

Really good uh some of them are absolutely like just op at parkour and stuff so we’re going to uh see how well we can do and hopefully we place you know fairly high and at least not be dead last that’s kind of what we’re

Going for we’re all a bit of try hard on our team and none of us like to lose so that’s where we’re at um but yeah it would be cool if we could you know get get a high placement uh there’s no like Prize or anything it’s just bragging

Rights uh but yeah I’ll guess I’ll catch you guys in the next live stream we might be streaming some more of this tomorrow it was really fun hopefully you enjoyed it we had some great games tonight uh let’s see if there’s anyone to raid I kind of doubt there will be

Because when is there ever anybody to raid uh we got ourselves nobody twitch I is streaming 45,000 Watchers I don’t think they need my RAID anyway I’ll catch you guys on the next one go watch the video that I uploaded to YouTube today and

This video, titled ‘THE HIVE & Minigames with friends! 12/14/23 Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2024-01-02 17:15:00. It has garnered 702 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:56 or 8996 seconds.

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    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More