Insane Minecraft Gameplay

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Oh butt Waggles oh okay uh Clover hello how’s it going hello hello Hello hopefully you’re doing well I’m uh playing Minecraft heck Yeah I’m playing Minecraft MS ow it is Minecraft it is Minecraft wow Sensational gam playay Fantastical game playay wo wo we wo Minecrafters ragd doll hello how’s it going hey I’m finally in heck yeah baby project Delta is still in here playing run in a muuk ow ow Ron hello how’s it going um

Okay is my jetpack oh my God it’s so laggy my Jetpack is fully charged oh my God oh my God but we’re not here to mess around with my Jetpack today I am going to um I am going to do other things uh mine colonies is what I’m

Going to do so let’s find my town hall right right um not seeing it that’s okay I might have simply just overlooked it I like how I’m missing things who who’s coming in my base and taking stuff huh which one of you guys is coming in my base and taking all my things

Yeah you you better fess up bucko who’s taking my thing where where is all right okay okay so what we’re going to do is we type in town toe we’ll type in toe sure oh it’s right here okay all right and then we need my Builder’s wand which I’m not seeing

Anywhere your your co-workers love my pigs that’s exciting I’m I’m glad people do I’m glad people like the pigos they’re uh they they deserve all the attention you know they deserve all the attention all right so we have our town hall I haven’t really finished terraforming the land at all but you

Know you know um what do you know I’m going to put my town hall right here I feel like right here is like an optimal spot so let’s let’s clear the land really quick Karina hello it’s 2: a.m. for you my roommate’s sleeping I have a bit of a

Cold and you are great company well hopefully the cold goes away it’s never good to have have a have a cold slping my ping is 37 milliseconds okay all right Town Hall uh oh we suggest using build tool to place a schematic oh use build tool all right um

Which do I want to go dark oak let me let me see dark oak here decorations fundamentals Town Hall yeah I want to see what the the dark oak Town Hall looks like I actually kind of hate that okay so that’s actually okay what’s what’s tier five

E no I don’t I don’t want that I don’t want I don’t want dark oak I’ve decided against dark oak we can go with Urban Savannah what is urban Savannah look like oh Lord okay it’s it it seems very large oh yeah yeah that’s I ain’t I ain’t digging that I

Ain’t digging that okay we’re going with the different one then um Nordic spuse what is what is what is Nordic Spruce look like oh my God it looks very fancy very Nordic very Sprucey let me let me do a little swivel svel okay oh it’s got like a little Pond and

Uh huh I mean it wouldn’t it would it would be tier one to start off with of course it’s a lot of material still um n I’m not digging it also how come you don’t have the pigs in the screen anymore is in the game streams uh because my computer is

Broken and I’m streaming from my Mac and the Mac cannot handle uh multiple webcams at all like it’s just it’s it’s just not designed for it because there’s no like Eternal there’s no Eternal controls for for the web cams um and it’s just it’s just the quality

Is all over the place plus there’s not enough ports but yeah it’s mostly because my gaming computer is is dying um a lot of the ports are shot um uh whenever I plug uh the webcams in my my whole gaming computer just shuts down and it’s done

For I need a new computer but they’re too expensive I don’t have the money but my gaming computer that I’m on right now is from 2017 so it’s almost 7 years old now nearly seven years old nearly seven years old oh my Lord what is this oh oh my

God oh yeah it’s it’s straight up like a c it starts off as like a little Hut and then it turns into like a castle oh my God a community bulletin board that’s wild huh I mean do I want like just a giant Fort do I want just a giant fort in my

Base I mean maybe uh Let’s do let’s it would it would be like right here is where it would go so let me let me go and get my Jetpack and take a look dusty hello how’s it going munes hello do I have a VR no I don’t have VR

Anymore I I gave my VR headset to my daughter because I don’t use it enough and I know she would use it so she she’s been enjoying it got it this whole stuff is a bummer hopefully manage to get a new new stuff uh I won’t anytime soon I don’t I don’t

Have money so it it won’t be anytime soon that I would get a new one wow it’s got like a a little house on top oh it’s got like a little Courtyard even all right so this is definitely in my my top choices so far I mean it’s not going to look like

This right right away it’s going to look kind of lame to be honest it’s going to look like that and then like that and then like that and then like that and then like that um let’s take a look at some other ones really quick though let’s look at

Um let’s look at uh medieval dark oak we’ll try the fundamentals town hall there’s town hall and ALT Town Hall what does that even mean all right ow get over here why is this so tiny what is this okay what is what is what is alt Town Hall look like

Oh oh was it underwater underground no wait what no that is dirt I don’t I don’t understand what it’s why it’s showing these weird things so it would be huh all right then what about oh does it not have like the different tiers oh this one has a different tier oh they do

Have different tiers okay so let’s let’s see that’s pretty nice okay what about um oh this see now that’s I kind of did dig that see I kind of dig that it’s just it’s like it’s small enough and it’s not like overbearing uh I I actually really enjoy

This one it’s not like a big uh big big thing that’s out of place I actually I actually really enjoy that okay all right we’re going with this one I’ve I’ve already I’ve already decided I’ve already decided we’re we’re going with this oh okay anyways but yeah King of the pigs of

Guinea I don’t know about that am I am I really the king I just I just have some Gin pigs does that make me King okay um how I kind of want it like right here yeah so let me clear this spot here really quick all right oh any this oh okay come

On oh wait you’re not going to let me do that are you oh whatever oh it’s shapeless why are you shapeless you’re supposed to be a t okay all right let me go ahead and so yeah I’m uh I’m just I’m playing I’m just you know casually chilling here

Playing some Minecraft you know as one is usually ought to do on a Tuesday night and right I I want it right here yeah right right here let me let me just blop it down really quick fundamentals town Hall Town Hall level one all right so that’s the entrance

Yeah is this the entrance let me let me pull it up by yeah so that would be where the entrance is okay let me let me flip it around oh no this is the entrance ah ah I see I see okay so if it goes right

Here if that’s where it goes let’s see what it looks like a full oh my God that’s perfect okay um then we just push it push her back like to there oh yeah it just it’s just barely cut off right there um this is the entrance yeah I guess so

Okay I like that uh do I bring it just a tad over so that’s what it would look like you know what I dig it let’s go with it uh oh and it got placed sweet okay okay cool uh no own member colony found you do not have a colony create a

Colony create a new Colony word is out about a newly founded Colony soon the first settlers were join your Colony if there’s enough space around your town hall experienced Governors can turn off these helpful messages oh okay um enough space around my town hall

All right we got to we got to clear the town hall okay build options town map drop off a normal scale Minecraft map in the town hall inventory to okay I don’t want to do that hire mercenaries oh we got our first settler here oh okay it’s uh Yari e

Asku so what will it be for you someone talking to me and hello albino says Minecraft moment uh this this Yari here he’s in a Santa hat I don’t know oh oh okay henle oir is also in a Santa hat I don’t like the Santa hat can we turn off Santa

Hat Colony color white yeah sure that’s fun housing mode hiring mode kids will be born yes uh build options oh so I need those things who was that who who did I just who else just came in here Heath gardineer okay okay all right I see how it is um

First things first we need a a builder’s Hut by the way and I feel like we should put the builder hut uh over H where should I put the Builder side if the town hall is here I guess we can have the Builder set no we don’t want the Builder set down here

Maybe the town hall or maybe the Builder set can be like in this back corner I should probably sleep first yeah that’s not my bed here’s my bed I’m too fast I I I need to I need to slow down a little bit all right um the Builder set maybe

Should go like right back here just Nestle that bad boy like right here you know what I’m I’m down for that let’s go ahead and do that uh oh I have to do I have to I don’t know if if do I just need this builder hut builder hut let’s let’s

See wow why is the builder hut looks so fancy the tier one builder hut is looking extra fancy right now like already what the heck what does it look like when it’s fully set up oh my God uh sure let’s go back to tier one what

About alt oh see that oh see the alt looks way better okay we’ll go with the alts I like well do we go with the alt we could go with this one cuz this this actually looks like I would go to somewhere that looks like this yeah we’ll go with this one actually

Okay um tier one this is the entrance yeah is this where we want the entrance oh is this the border of my Colony oh yeah okay it goes all the way to the front perfect and it I think it expands as well so this is fine uh we have it nestled amongst the

Trees here we can have it nestled amongst the trees do we bring it down one no we don’t need to bring it down one I think I think this is fine I think I think this works right here I think I think that’s like Perfect all right

Boing all right and then we need to hire somebody oh where did it go it disappeared are you going to build this no I I made a uh I made uh a colony a a group of colonists to build where’s it at oh maybe because I don’t have in my inventory it wasn’t

Actually placed because it’s it’s not here do I need to build it first oh I need to build it first my bad okay so it’s wood and a door okay oh I I can do that in my inventory um all right so let’s do some wood and a Door and then I use my wand it did not make how do I do this oh it’s one more extra wood there okay there’s there’s the builders okay did it take my wand oh no it didn’t take my wand okay so I want I want I want it here uh

Fundamentals Builder’s Hut we wanted the the the regular builder hut yeah so we go up down swivel that boy around push it back push it back swivel swivel svel uh this looks solid yeah and we can terraform later of course as well then tier five it comes all the way out to

Here okay yeah I’m fine with that heyo nice it’s in the air your boys are in the play pin nice cool let’s see oh God understood all right so manage workers adaptability 4 Athletics 3 ah see now they have a better adaptability but their Athletics is

Terrible Heath on the other hand has one less adaptability but has two more Athletics so overall overall uh Heath would be a better Builder no so we’re going to hire Heath to be the Builder so where’s Heath at I don’t know where Heath is located uh but then

We also have to put in the items here oh recall worker okay so here’s Heath what does Heath need I think Heath needs tools I think I think we need to give Heath tools and I think he can only use wooden tools right now which kind of

Sucks but you know what that’s just what Heath do he kind of sucks you know that’s good old heathy boy anyways so let’s do that and then if we can see like a to-do list work orders oh I think I can make a to-do list Todo list no

List H let’s do at mine colonies uh clipboard all right it’s a clipboard okay so let’s let’s make a clipboard really quick so I can I can I can Curry over some materials that I need but luckily I played a lot so I I I should have everything I need um

Hopefully all right I got a clipboard I I need to take this no yeah it’s fine okay so we’ll go over here all right buddy what do you need uh no Colony set sneak use Clipboard on Town Hall oh okay we got to we got got to um select

The town hall nothing nothing requests on clipboard from what open request hey don’t don’t scream in my ear man what the heck oh my gosh how many pigs would you have then Ron nothing to request do you not have anything to request okay um CB cting recipes work

Orders teach recipe uh task is automatic use shears fill block builder hut assigned work oh I got to assign the work of building the builder hut I think build options oh yeah all right I do okay build building all right so he’s building the building a build request created for

Builder hut at colonies okay okay um I’ve started work on the builder hut okay so now what do you need work orders request pickup minimum stock required ah here okay so we need 33 dirt all right we got the dirt we got the torch coar dirt ah here shears oh you he needs

Shears okay and we’ll get some cobblestone as well all right all right we’ll go down here into my Labyrinth labyrinthine thing seven oops all right we’ll get another Shear here oh that’s the first time I’ve ever gotten a Shear that’s funny that’s too funny all right where’s

Where’s my where’s the the boy at Hey where’s The Courier oh he wants copper shears copper shears copper shears why copper shears okay I mean if if man wants copper shears I didn’t even know there was such a thing as copper shears in the game

But sure you do you you do you I guess copper shears we got it Fitz hello how’s it going oh man’s working what’s it today then don’t don’t talk to me oh he took the iron shears why’d you request copper shears what are you even breaking what is he breaking I think

He’s breaking the trees around here let me just let me just let me just help you by cutting these trees down yeah let me just let me just let me just get these out of the way for you there buddy bucko wait are you using the shears to cut the

Grass my guy just hit it what are you using the shear durability for I I I don’t know what this man wants you don’t there’s no request do you not can I not get a list of items that it needs Builder block required okay all right we’ll just we’ll just Cobblestone slabs Cobblestone

Stairs crafting table all right crafting table check it’s night time it’s always night time okay do I have do I have oh I have my sleeping bag hold on use shears on the sheep I don’t have any sheep I wish I had sheep but I don’t have sheep

Rip ripped to all my sheep homies uh it also needs dark oak which I have ow oops I’ll just uh I’ll just cut down another tree though I’ll cut down a couple more trees instead of going to get from my Supply I have too much stuff

We’re just going to we’re just going to we’re just going to we’re just going to throw some of these things away what am I what am I going to use a rose bush a fur sampling Industrial Hemp I’m not I I don’t need any of that I don’t need any of it

Okay all right so the man wants some Cobblestone slabs yeah we can make some slabs it’s not a problem to make some slabs all right po po pop and you want some stairs as well we’ll make some stairs all right then you wanted some dark oak stuff so we’ll see we’ll see

What what all dark oak he wants I also need to finish building this wall and then I want to build uh a little Bridge right here as well to connect the two sides I I want I want to keep the Ravine yeah hopefully everything’s okay uh

And all right um work orders no required resources slab log planks fence oak door coarse dirt okay he just needs he just needs so much stuff okay all right what is what is what just go down here ow empty my inventory let’s take this jetpack off because it’s it’s messing up my

Movement uh yeah okay put the put that back on so man needs some some dark oak planks and um coarse dirts how do I make coarse dirts coarse dirt what dirt dirt dirt coarse dirt coar dirt coar dirt gravel in dirts okay weird combo but sure I I can do

That don’t know why they need it but we’ll just make a ton of it how does that sound why is the table floating because he’s building the area he he he still needs to build the area can I make this jumpo I can all right um hello there buddy hi how’s it going

How are you uh it’s it’s okay coarse dirt dark oak planks so he needs a framed dark oak plank don’t know what that is oh in the architect cutter okay so he needs dark oak slabs 78 dark oak stairs my guy why is that like your key building

Resource that seems a little extreme yeah what is he laughing at you’re scared scaring me here buddy what can I do for you not laugh excuse you you’re scaring me there buddy all right so uh dark oak fence dark oak slab let’s just make the slabs really quick oh that’s trapo okay

Well that’s fine I guess uh dark oak fence I don’t know how to make a dark oak fence is it is it um sticks and sticks dark oak fence okay uh and then framed dark oak it’s framed dark oak planks okay plain I don’t know why he needs framed

Dark oak planks but okay villagers speaking English is cursed it’s very cursed it’s very weird it’s very off-putting you’re right it’s super cursed it’s it’s Omega levels of cursed all right oh uh bricks uh it just said plain but I don’t I don’t see a post I don’t see what how

What what did he need all right we’re going back up here I need to fill this in badly what what else did this man need here framed dark oak dark oak planks framed in architector Arch Hector’s cutter framing type plane I I I I don’t know what he means by

That Dusty roads is that wrestling I don’t I don’t I I I don’t watch wrestling I’m sorry I’m sorry I never got the reference I don’t I don’t I don’t watch I don’t I don’t watch wrestling you’re going to travel to 2022 in Minecraft Timber frames dark oak planks

Plane oh oh I see it was Oak and Oak dark oak and dark oak so it didn’t it didn’t look like right I see okay man made me go all the way down there for that I’m going to get some uh some dirt here though so I can fill this step

In no someone with the YouTube name Dusty rhods was in the chat yeah he’s always in the chat you’re casual fan yeah dust Dusty Dusty’s been in the chat for like three years [Laughter] now it’s been a long time it’s been a very very long time yah here you’re you’re not allow

Down there that’s my base stay up top where you belong what the heck okay all right hopefully they don’t just fall off you know that’d be that’d be kind of sad if they just decided to take the plunge go for a quick little swim what are you doing over there

Henley how how did she even make it over there oh my God okay all right well we got the uh work order there you got everything you need there b bucko you got everything you need what do you need oh you’re not happy you’re

Not happy uh I think I need to put food they might need food they might need food so let’s let’s just get them their daily bread that’s right I’m going to feed them on nothing but bread cuz I currently have six 16,000 wheat is that my Max wheat that’s

My Max wheat at the moment crazy crazy you could say that I’m crazy about bread all right uh balance cool and I think I can just put this into the town hall inventory and they occasionally go back and eat it does he’s been the chat ever since Dark Souls

Streams I guess yeah I did The Dark Souls streams like three years ago uh I lurk a lot unless he’s playing Dark Souls in which case I can’t shut up I know I need I need to get back to playing Dark Souls I’m sorry I was I’m I

Started playing last week and I just I haven’t been back to it it’s um kind of bad I apologize I apologize guys oh I I don’t see an option to put the bread so I’m just going to give him something oh I just force fed him bread I I

Literally just forced fed him food I’ll just give it to him look he’s building yeah I’m sorry I I’m I’m sorry that I can’t keep a consistent schedule guys I’m very sorry kill a raid Captain you guys need to come back and come back and work I don’t like how they’re wearing Christmas

Hats it’s okay is the season after all right so this guy is building the builder hut um if if he’s building the Builder’s Hut I think we should probably work on like a house a warehouse no we should probably do like uh a Tavern Tavern or like a lodge there’s

Got to be something that they can they can sleep in we got to make something they can sleep in so they’ll be happy um craftsmanship decorations fundamentals let’s go to the fundamentals there’s no place like home for your colonists kind of like a house but cheaper also attracts

Visitors okay so it’s the tavern we can do the residence are a per per so the residence can hold multiple or the residence is for like one person Tavern is for multiple starting off anyways so we would want to make a Tavern and I guess we’ll put the tavern down

Here I would like the tavern down here um like right here would be pretty pretty dope for a Tavern right it’s Tavern level one uh where is it that two three cancel fundamentals Tavern ah here we go level one Tavern it’s it’s little it’s a little

Large it’s a little large cuz what level three looking like that oh it is is it inside of the wall at the very least it it kind of we would have to expand the wall also I’m going to get rid of this this road the road’s

Bugged it makes me Zoom really fast and I can’t it it is it doesn’t actually let me walk up on this ledge so I’m going to get rid of the road I’m I’m just going to put a more conventional road so maybe if I do that let me see what level one

Looks like uh yeah let’s let’s let’s let’s pull it that way one more so that way I don’t have to break down let’s see what it looks like full form nope nope NOP full formed level three tier three sub are you traveling to 2024 man built it man built the builder hut nice

So we it would it would be perfectly flush which is nice um we would have to adjust where the road goes which is fine because I I want to get rid of the road anyways so the new road would go here okay am I fine with that yeah I think

I’m fine with that I think I think that works out well I can just bring the road to here and then flush it along that way okay sure uh we’ll do that I think I think I think that that that’s Grand that’s well or hold on I could I can I

Can what’s what’s tier three looking like we can we can pull it this way and then move it back on I think is that fine ah we would have we would have to move this which you know what maybe we do move the wall just just a tad

Bit maybe we do move the wall we just we can put the wall uh like this instead it’s the same but better and then I can actually bring bring that back one let’s try it oops okay and then then be then it still be then it’s flush with this weird road which

Okay maybe we do that is that good you know what sure I got to I got to make a Tavern first hold on all right Fitz take care I’m sorry I don’t play Dark Souls enough I I feel really bad about that now I’m so inconsistent all right barrel

Barrel so actually we have everything we need to make a barrel all right we’ve made the barrel let’s go ahead and make that now okay let’s go and make this Tavern and then it’s it’s it’s that is the correct oh wow oh it does I don’t I don’t want it I don’t want it that high so yeah it it had to be this high level one is perfection here and then it’s it’s perfect it’s perfect all right beautiful all right

Oh oh I’ll have to move the whole wall back one oh shucks okay okay Minecraft is fun too not as fun as uh not as fun as Dark Souls we got to we got to admit to that Minecraft is not as fun as Dark Souls Souls I should I should really be

Playing more Dark Souls okay let me do these pop po po BP pop pop BP we’ll have to uh I think if we do that we should have enough and I won’t have to go make more hopefully oh not quite enough I will need to make one

More all right let’s go and talk to my Builder man back here and say hey build this up bucko this is it huh this is your B what what do you need oh my God so wise resource scroll to powerful tool that can help you gather resources more

Efficiently I really need one but I don’t have the time to go find it myself would you be willing to go get one sure I can find one for you I don’t I don’t know what what the resource scroll is but sure build options um Builder nope we don’t we don’t want to

Build this how do I how do I go back oh do I do it on the tavern thing instead oh my bad I thought I I thought I had to go to the Builder’s Hut to actually get it get it rolling but ah here it is okay um build building

Sweet sweet sweet sweet build request created for Tavern I’ve started work on the tavern okay and then do I need to talk To this for the required resources yes so he’ll come back here to pick up the resources and a sight oh no dark oak pressure plate did I not make dark oh I made trap doors I can make some some pressure plates really quick what how many pressure plates do you

Need I I made four did I not oh I have oh I have bits of all of this is what it’s saying okay so if I look here I need another Barrel some more dark oak just lots of dark oak lying Barrel standing Barrel some Stone some strips some beds

Okay all right let me go and dump my inventory really quick uh Mason hello how’s it going it’s going okay you know I’m just uh I’m just here chilling I’m here chilling playing some Minecraft trying to figure out mine colonies a little bit um my inventory is just too full of

Things too dang full of things all right let me see if I can’t dump that okay dump that let’s go and put this stuff into a random chest that I don’t need right now beautiful beautiful beautiful all right I need some more dark oak lots and lots of dark oak so

We’re just going to grab some planks grab the logs we’re out of dark oak logs so we’ll need need to find the saplings and place more dark oak it’s nighttime so we’ll go and sleep first ah I’m too fast okay oh I have a message here what is this oh okay

All right we’ll just plant some up then I want the restaurant right here oh project Delta left no why’d you leave project Delta why’d you leave project Delta shame sh game okay okay look at this hardworking man over here let’s can we feed him toast can you eat toast what’s it today

Uh is there he needs a resource scroll right right right right uh resource scroll it’s leather ah okay it’s just two leather some sticks and the Builder wand got it well we can do that we got sticks we got two leather resource scroll has been crafted so let’s go and

Give this man his resource scroll hey bucko here here you are this I can’t work you got to shovel you have a shovel in your hand right now oh my God I knew I knew these this stupid road would be bad it’s bad juju man he he couldn’t he couldn’t even get

Up we got to we got to replace the road we got to replace the road I need to find something else to put on put where the road is is this really the best the fastest route back okay sure sure um he wants stone tools now

Though we we we can do stone tools that’s not a problem we can do stone tools I gave him Wood Tools cuz I thought he would want wood tools but he wants stone tools he’s just that ungrateful can you believe that man so ungrateful also I just put up all my

Planks typical typical typical typical all right hey you guess what I got for you waiting for something bam there you go what where’s The Courier what you without this I can’t work I what do you mean okay here look I I gave it to you I

Can’t work like that I can’t work like like that what do you mean The Courier what do you mean you can’t work like that the for something I can’t work okay I was ready to just slice and dice them there but we we we’re fine we’re fine we’re

Fine wait what is this it’s the resource scroll did he not take it no Builder set oh I sneak it on him all right buddy where’s The Courier I can’t work like that what no Builder set sneak oh on the builder hut okay on the builder hut so then I can

See what I need oh that’s smart ah sweet okay that makes things a lot easier sweet okay it’s funny how he says he can’t work yeah well I I mean I can’t work uh it needs beds it needs specifically white beds and I don’t

Have uh I don’t have any sheep do I have any wool I have one oh that’s clay so I I don’t even think I have wool anywhere what are you dry IR nice I have I have no I have no wool okay since I have no wool I’ll have to

Go and Shear some sheep which you know I can I can do that really quick I think I think our buddies somewhere else have some oh bad bad look oh God the road makes me just zoom too fast I think our buddies have some sheep I think our buddies have some

Sheep up here let me see you got some sheep for me you have a chicken is is this your farm dang that’s it four four that’s all you got huh it’s all you got God huh okay well uh we’ll go and see if anybody else has any sheep let me go to

Here do do do you have sheep oh have no idea what’s going on there some weird magic mumbo jumbo stuff you do have some sheep though we’ll gladly take that not nine wool not quite enough um H what are these those are chickens we’ll see if we can’t find some sheep elsewhere I

Think it’s a base in the woods but I don’t know if they have any sheep we were just there I don’t think anybody else has a a good enough base set up right now currently uh I I I I guess we’re just going to run around for some sheep yeah ow we almost

Fell we need some standing barrels hold up hold up we we we need these standing barrels we’ll gladly take those okay what is that oh right Park let’s go back to the spawn maybe there’s some ow maybe there’s some some wool in this thing probably not um some wooden

Hes it’s all about them wooden hes yo oh the the ground is made of Wool Wool I don’t think I’m going I don’t think I’m I’m evil enough to to take the ground from them though you know I don’t I don’t think I don’t think I’m evil enough for that

What is that a barrel I will take this Barrel thank you thank you ow okay these trees aren’t growing either we can’t sleep we can’t sleep all right where is this list at andesite dark oak all right let’s get some dark oak o dark oak dark

Oak so we need some dark oak doors we can do that dark oak doors two more bam we got it okay uh dark oak fence some more dark oak fencing okay we can do that not a problem um bam uh that should be plenty dark oak

Pressure plate so we can do some more dark oak pressure plates bam okay dark oak sign and dark oak logs dark oak slabs uh how do I make a dark oak sign meline hello were you taking someone else’s Barrel no I wasn’t I didn’t take anybody else’s Barrel what

Are you talking about what are you talking about taking somebody else’s Barrel who would do such a thing I need dark oak log Zar Oak slabs we can do slabs we do some more slabs here and our inventory is now too full it’s plum full even coar dirts

Okay let’s go down uh let’s cut some some trees so we can Beque them upon thine Builder oh Builder my Builder please build my building I need you Builder to build my building uh okay it is is now dark though so first sleep first we sleep ouch

Okay hey what’s up oh you’re not here here okay so blop building inventory is full what do you mean he has an inventory that I I just can’t all right okay all right what what is what is what is in here that you don’t need you don’t need that you don’t

Need that you don’t need that you don’t need that what do you got in here buddy what do you got what all right all right F okay it’s fine andesite I don’t know if I have andesite anywhere we’ll go and find it then we need to make those beds as well um

Okay rart should become become a model help pay for for his veggies yeah you’re right he should it’s too bad he’s not in Minecraft we could have him showcased right here am I taking the builder stuff no I’m giving the Builder things he needs these things I have a to-do list for him

Right here he needs these things there’s a fly in my room as well dude what the heck I even know this is the first time I’ve seen a fly today I I I don’t understand man whatever we need to find some andesites andesites do you have andesites and the

Sites I have stone I know he needs stone do I have any andesite I might have some andesite if if not I don’t I do know where an andesite cave is it’s just a shame that I I have to go and find andesite at the andesite

Cave all right torches we can do some torches and let’s get some logs and make some beds we can make three beds for now okay one two uh three uh uh okay what are you angry about what is what is this what do you want what do

You want here buddy yes there are no guards I’ll work on that yes I know there’s no guards we literally just started you’re the only one working we know there’s no guards oh my God all right Bam Bam oh my God his inventory is full what do you not need in here you

Don’t need these leaves you don’t need the Wheats you don’t need the Sprouts or those leaves or those leaves or these what do you got stuff in here you don’t need buddy you got stuff in here you don’t need so rude so rude wait dark oak

Wood framed dark oak I have dark oak wood though oh I have dark oak log oh you can make dark oak wood weird I need to make some more dark oak wood okay super weird there all right we got we got too much stuff just just dump it in just dump it in

Here and we got to we got to start throwing some of this stuff away like these sticks the sapling I’ll keep those saplings okay let me go get to this andesite cave really quick I think I know where an andesite cave is anyways all right it’s

Here pretty positive oh my God yeah I was like I’m pretty positive I’ve seen Andy say it before it’s it’s it’s right here it’s literally right here all right don’t mind uh don’t mind me I’m just casually taking some andesite you know hopefully hopefully you don’t

Mind what is he going to be building He is building building a Tavern for the rest of his colonist to sleep at uh so they would they’ll stop complaining oh this is not the way you do not know the way cuz that is not the way ow Airship

Oh I got to I got to remove these roads too cuz they’re just actually certifiably a in every single metric all right I need to go ahead and cut that down I should make I should move not make no I don’t want to move it I should make another one Arch

Architects Arc how do you spell architects there we go stone slab log and an ingot okay he needs something else you see that he had a little Cog above his head that means he needs something else man’s getting testy with me man’s getting testy with me all right then iron ingots let’s go

Downstairs find some iron some n just need one right all righty alrighty all righty okay if all the pigs had careers which would they be in I I’m not sure I’ve never thought of it before never thought of that particular one before to be honest with

You they they’d all be only pigs models how how’s that sound that’s a little laggy just just just a tad bit what was that noise oh what is that I think that was just a fish I think I think that was just a fish hopefully hopefully it’s just a fish just a fish

All right I got to build a workshop right outside of his Workshop as well that’s that’s that’s what it’s come down to man that’s what it’s come down to we we’ll we we’ll do it right here and uh we’ll do Cobblestone first plant bricks Cobblestone bricks yeah and then we’ll uh

Okay we got a we got like a little working patio area to do things for him as well uh so what do you need I’m waiting for something please don’t mention it again you do you need another shovel what’s wrong what’s wrong with that shovel where’s The

Courier you cancel that request you have a shovel he took my shovel without this I can’t work no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no give me my shovel back where no you can’t just take my diamond shovel

You literally have a shovel right there man just try to swipe my diamond shovel what in the world World dude I’m waiting for something I’m waiting for something where’s The Courier oh my God please make space in my chest racks don’t mention it again he didn’t even he didn’t even take

The shovel he probably still thinks he has the diamond shovel that he tried to steal from me okay inventory there’s your shovel what the the heck why is your he has too much stuff why do you have so many things why just give me give me this dirt

Frustration andesite he needs more dark oak stairs frame dark oak double crossed dark oak planks and how many double crossed dark oak planks do you need 17 double crossed dark oak planks it’s getting dark we’re going to sleep you’re you’re going to keep working there bucko you can’t have my diamond one well

I guess my diamond one really isn’t special to be honest the only thing I have that’s special is my is my pick is my uh axxe being a Pianist myself I like the video with peanut and a chopping yeah you like that one okay um I don’t have dark oak

Planks okay dark oak planks it what double crossed dark oak planks bam there we go I’ve never been good at actually playing any instruments so I can’t I can’t say anything about anything like that I’ve always been bad it’s always it’s always just been really really bad what an embarrassment I’ve been Can

You hire the other Builder I can upgrade the Builder’s Hut look at these guys just walking around back here I can upgrade uh the builder hut so they can have more Builders uh right now the only worker I can have is is Heath unfortunately um I I if I upgrade the

Builder hut I can hire more workers I think that’s how it works or I can make another Builder’s Hut do we want to do we want a double stank builder hut and just have two Builders right now I guess I guess we could do that but we’re only working on

One thing at a time so I don’t I don’t think we necessarily need to I do want to build a bridge right here though um so we’ll we’ll just build a cheeky little Bridge really quick yeah we’ll do we’ll do something like that o you know

What we could do let me go back to this thing here dark oak on dark oak no we don’t want dark oak on dark oak we want dark oak on andesite maybe andesite is the core no I don’t want andesite as the core yeah cuz this kind of looks like a

A bridge is material yeah kind of I have no more space okay all right and then we can do um uh do I have any stairs on me I don’t have any stairs on me let me okay okay um way to be extra creepy there buddy I guess yeah

Sure you kind of threw me off there not going to lie laughing and then visiting a grave okay all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I I see you I see you I see you okay so we’ll do this and then we do something like

These yeah this is fine I don’t I don’t need too many of these it just needs to be a I don’t even the bridge doesn’t even need to be like this this thick this this bridge is actually too thick you know it’s it’s it’s too thick it’s it’s Mr

Thickums that’s the wrong type of plank okay um where is dark oak logs okay and then I want to do some fencing and I want the to be out of the logs so we’ll do dark oak fence okay oh actually hold on how how would I want to do

This we could do something like this and then and then have the fence in between you know just just to just to just to Spruce it up a little bit so it’s not so plain Jane h H I mean it’s not it’s not terrible it’s not great it’s not it’s not terrible okay

Sure sure sure sure sure we’ll we’ll we you know what we’ll go with it we’ll go with it I don’t I don’t hate it I don’t hate it uh let’s go a and just like put this stuff away though we don’t we don’t need that stuff is this backpack full of

Things no it’s not okay is this guy done with this yet you need you need anything else he needs another bed stripped dark oak how do I strip dark oak do I do I just place it and then strip it yeah that’s okay I do how many stripped dark Oaks does he

Need just the one all right so now I just needs framed he needs 105 framed dark oak planks okay that that should actually shouldn’t be too much of an issue he doesn’t need the double cross he needs the uh the plane the Plain Jane dark oak uh frames all right plane

Plane plane plane he needs 105 okay let’s make two Stacks that’s fine two stacks will be good all right oh but this won’t fit in here cuz he’s got he’s got too much stuff in his inventory let me see yeah his inventory is plum full all right

I’ll take that bread away he doesn’t need that bread right now Um oh he just he’s taking stuff oh sweet he just he just he just freed up some space bam oh he he couldn’t fit everything he just freed up some space bam there we go let me see your inventory directly buddy what do you got in here you could

You could hold so much more things why are you not carrying all of the things well what do you need what’s it today then I would like to make my job much easier if I had 86 stairs all right all right okay all right we we’ll make we’ll make 86 stairs

We’ll make you 86 stairs buddy all right we’ll make we’ll make you 86 stairs here’s 40 is there inventory for more there is inventory for more in here all right we need to make some more planks okay we have some more stairs beautiful we we still need we still need so many more

Stairs we just we have no space for anything okay let’s make some more planks we have Planks on planks on planks planks planks planks even more planks there we go so now he just needs barrels and a bed what do you what do you want why are you coming into this man’s

House get out of here no get go on you don’t you don’t just come into my Village listen look here listen you don’t just come into my Village walk into my buildings and cause a commotion we don’t play those games these guys man they think they

Think they can come in here and run the place oh I’m a Trader o you got to trade with me no I don’t have to trade with you you can leave and if you don’t leave I’ll make you leave nickel hello how’s it going you’re playing Pokemon Scarlet nice very

Cool let me let me let me let me switch this up so we’re going to switch this to shapeless and I’mma I’mma cut I’mma cut I’mma cut this boy up we’re going to get rid of my uh my thing here of this of this silly little

Uh silly little road that I made because it’s it it’s it it just it’s so inefficient and it doesn’t really work it’s really annoying okay ah there it is all gone okay we should uh oh should cut we should cut some of these trees down too poor llamas the llamas attacked me first

Listen I was just taking out the Traer and the llamas decided to go after me I it was self-defense it was castle doctrine all right in the US we have a thing called castle doctrine and I was just fulfilling my castle doctrine I felt threatened there was a a a home

Invader with with ravenous rabies filled animals invading my territory and attacking me he was he was he was soliciting me with things that I did not want to be solicitius just gone it’s just gone because it’s terrible it’s terrible terrible terrible thing all right what is in this inventory

Let’s let’s let’s clear that out okay okay I have some more that Stone Road uh what did I want to make the new road out of like I could I could choose a different material now Um we have aurine that could be interesting although it’s not very not a very Road material can we do anything with gravel we don’t have we don’t oh maybe what about just regular Stone what can we turn regular Stone into on this cutter oh not the cutter

Maybe we we maybe we do on this Mason table oh yeah okay dis disordered blocks Cobblestone load Stone pillar stone blocks sad Stone disordered Stone tiny layered stone bricks tiny stone bricks tiled Stone massive stone bricks what is a massive stone brick let’s let’s take a massive and I’ll take what is that tiny layer that intrigued me as well let’s take a look at these let’s take a look at these oh oh yeah

Okay I kind of like the tiny layered I don’t I don’t so much like the massive stone brick I don’t I I i’ I’m very much so opposed against that now but I can turn it back into something else so what if we do tiny layered and in the inside we do Tiny

Stone and then another tiny layered on the other side let me see here what what is this look like Tiny Stone tiny layered that’s interesting I kind of dig that I kind of dig that uh we don’t have anywhere near enough Stone in order to do that though

Can I do that in the arc no they wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to do that in the arc it’s just bricks all right so let’s do tiny tiny stone bricks and then we’ll do uh tiny layered tiny layered all right and then I should probably cook some more

Stone one two three four we’ll take four stacks of stone here uh we’ll come over here we’ll go into my big Mega furnace and put the four stanks in uh let’s take let’s move some charcoal over dark oak planks oh yeah we’ll take those we need the dark oak planks so I

Was using that I was using the the dark oak planks to make charcoal that’s why I don’t have any um so I don’t have any uh thingamabobs you know the thingamabobs oh it’s four wide though okay well I I I was thinking it was three wide but I actually have a

Four wide oh but this is three wide why is the entrance four wide listen don’t don’t ask me I don’t I don’t know I don’t know these things right okay and then it’s Tiny Stone and then it’s layered where’s my other layered at there it is it didn’t go into

My inventory I’m a little upset about that wait what did I not have a full stack of the layer okay never mind then I guess I guess I didn’t have a full stank of the layer uh did I not have a full stack of the layer

Did is this is this bugging out on me I must have because I don’t what is this oh blue skies oh it’s the everdon stuff okay the everon the everbrite I don’t know oh wait what was that about Spears a trough toolbox what’s this toolbox very useful workbench can be

Used to uh to enhance and upgrade tools oh but I think that’s only everbrite Tools uh I’m pretty sure guys that um I placed this brick right here and it it took my entire stack all right I’m just going to I’m just going to I’m just going to chop that up to being bugged they don’t even stack we’re just going to get rid of the

Tiny layered I’m I’m assuming it’s bugged and we’ll just we’ll just go with the uh the tiny stone bricks which you know these look fine too these these These are these are perfectly fine these are perfectly fine yeah Joseph hello how’s it going you’re Marshall nice how’s it been

It’s been okay you know just here chilling just here chilling I’m cooking up some Stone oh there’s the tiny layered stone brick maybe I didn’t have a full stack and I was just cooking it oh no it looked like Cobblestone can you blame

Me well hold on we can we can test it oh no it doesn’t it doesn’t okay I was just I I I had messed up okay then we can go back and do the uh we can go back and do what I meant to do then actually first I need to repair my

Pickaxe while I’m here I’ll repair my axe as well how long how far has I gotten Santa’s Factory I haven’t played it in a while so I couldn’t tell you um I was waiting for the for the update to finalize and it’s it’s been fully

Updated so I’ll have to go back to it eventually but I’m really bad about keeping track of things you know I’m very very bad about that I’m sorry all right tiny layered the tiny layer does indeed work all right perfect oh it doesn’t it doesn’t rotate right why why would it rotate

Uh I was kind of hoping it would rotate can we not rotate it is it always stuck in that orientation it is always stuck in that orientation is there a way to rotate a block with like a wrench or something a pipe wrench it’s pipes it won’t

Work um add Astro wrench nether quartz wrench Yeti wrench Yeta I can make a wrench with with copper ingots but what is it do probably nothing yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s been updated it’s been updated well I I officially don’t like the tiny brick anymore let’s get rid of it let’s get

Rid of the tiny layered yeah we we’ll stick with the Tiny Stone I I don’t know why I’m making this so hard on myself for something that I’m not never going to look at it’s just something for like cosmetically to run on okay um let’s go and sleep open up okay we can’t

Sleep what are you talking about look look look at the time it’s it’s it’s sleeping time sleeping time snow falls reindeer fly lights twinkle and brother I gift people what what I don’t what I don’t understand I don’t I don’t understand is my clock broken weird very

Weird let me go down here I think I have some more Stone here yeah let’s see that stone that stone shouldn’t be there I want I want all my stone to be down here all right so we’re going with oops we’re going with tiny stone bricks tiny stone bricks sounds good to

Me sounds good to me we’ll do some more tiny stone bricks tiny tiny stone bricks okay so are you Santa Claus then is that is that what you’re insinuating ho ho ho it’s me Santo Claus why is there a poisonous liel get out of here there was there was a poisonous

Dragonfly just chilling in my base like what the heck what the heck man okay Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam right up to my Airship there has been a death in my Colony a Pillager oh Lord Fortune where Pillager made oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God they were right they needed uh they need needed guards oh my God oh my God a there was a Pillager raid oh no rip oh it it it destroyed eh who cares long as long as my Builder yeah my Builder wasn’t killed so we’re good can

I help you yes I know I’ll I’ll work on the guards you really like a house you’re working on the house we need what what what what do you got here what do you what do you need what do you need here buddy white bre white bed standing barrels laying barrels I don’t

Even know how to make barrels okay barrels are easy we’ll make some barrels okay fine fine fine fine I’ll make you some gosh dang barrels okay jeez okay is that not how you make the barrel did I did I did I mess up no pretty

Sure oh it’s inverted I I did I did indeed mess up actually I I actually indeed messed up okay that I got to do sideways all right then I got I got to do this sideways too all right Bam Bam uh more planks more planks equals more good Pablo hello how’s it

Going I think I needed more of these barrels but I I don’t remember we’ll probably need lots so we’ll probably need lots we need nine and one we’ll we’ll need more in the future what can I do for you you know what don’t mention it again don’t

Mention it again get to work you’re you’re literally you are literally making your home so don’t ask for a home you know what here here you punk eat this toast eat that toast problem you need space in your chest my guy you’re you’re the one that’s that’s causing all this Mischief in

Mayhem it’s your fault it’s your fault just go and work what is that who’s that who are you why are you going over here oh it’s you the guy I fired eat this bread is a fine afternoon these guys are these guys are so

Annoying rip oh it has a spirit now so I wonder if I can use my Lantern on that hold on I got a lantern last stream and it said to uh prey next to a grave so I made a grave but nothing happened but there was something floating around that now so

Maybe just maybe I can do something if I can find my Lantern hopefully nobody took my Lantern I know I noticed people have been raiding my base for things not I’m not seeing this Lantern all right maybe I’m just blind Lantern we have copper

Lanterns I I don’t oh here it is oh it’s a familiar receptacle okay a familiar receptacle all right I got to go it was nice lurking here tonight have fun take care Karina take care have a good one take care have a good one right click while crouching to open the

GUI it said while in off hand so we’re not going to do that all right it does it not say a a prayer near a decorative Grave by holding the receptacle in your off hand should allow you to bring back to life your familiar and the receptacle contains the

The cre the soul of a creature all right I don’t know unless it’s it’s it’s like something different a block of wood for Craftsman being similar to a stone cutter I can make a sawmill I can make a straw simple grave getting started in with coral

Tombstone I have the grave dust we have that yep okay I’ve made Graves before is there nothing else 30 minutes after grave is placed or previous soul is used a New Soul will spawn okay and then what and then what and then what oh God okay

Um I can make I can make I can I can uh sure maybe you have to have in your main hand free or place it maybe no idea it it it says oh what is this I learned five different perks it says in your off hand it’s fine it’s it’s

Okay it’s okay I can make a tablet of assistance allows allows you to teleport to another player wow huh a grave plates what do you use the grave plate for engraved grave plates oh I can engrave a grave a bone needle in pregnated Diamond uh the ank

Of prayer hold right click near decu of grave to pre oh maybe I need this okay hold up it does say in offand prey so maybe that’s what I need uh then we get some gold down here all right let’s make this ank of pre here bam baby look at

That bam baby look at that so maybe maybe I got to go and pray now after I sleep of course after I sleep of course is this a white bed oh yeah all right I’ll give this to the guy I’m I’m literally giving the man my bed my very own bed the Founder’s

Bed you you better appreciate the Founder’s bed here bucko and then he should have everything he needs he should have everything he needs to uh get the job done all right so we’re going to pray with the ank of prayer it is hold right click near dective grave to pray

Okay bound forever your prayer has been heard your familiar has returned to the life breaking the receptacle is that my familiar you revived one of your familiars I I I okay is that my familiar what is it it’s a spirit I don’t I don’t I don’t understand I don’t understand

Do I do can I pick him up can I do anything with this guy any hello hello what do I do with them what do I do with them okay all right fishing rod of misadventure charm of the Earthly Garden strange Christmas hat plus 50 luck plus 50% speed holy heck

What the heck how do you get that uh you don’t really you can’t okay A Familiar receptacle this allows allows to capture the soul of one of your dead familiars I think maybe this is to bring back like dead cats and dogs and whatnot you have to impregnate a diamond

Okay but this is just a spirit I listen I don’t know we got we got a buddy chilling over here we have we have a buddy chilling now what do you who are you if you say so you just go away you know what our our boy Heath over here is working

Diligently and hard while you’re lounging around like a scrooge all right Heath what do you what do you got in here anything you don’t need I’ll take that oh man’s almost oh it’s following me it’s it’s following me okay cool I mean sure we’re fine with that right I ow I guess

So it teleports to me as well can we can we tell it to to stay like stay I don’t know oh oh yeah look we can watch watch the man build it oh no what did I press oh no what did what did I press it’s like F4 F5 F7

F9 don’t know how that happened but okay closing time can you be quiet you you’re you’re actually kind of ruining the mood here buddy all right you you can you can follow me around but we’re we’re going to we’re going to llama no it’s a spirit what are you

Called you’re you’re literally called a spirit Enderman overhaul but you’re called a spirit you’re not here Spirits uh Enderman I literally can’t disable him his sound Golem Hur yeah that’s the ones I shut off here’s the most recent Phantom are you a phantom oh okay he’s he’s he’s constituted as a phantom

Okay I didn’t realize how close that was to that that’s okay let me just put that up I’m going to drink some coffee get out of the shot Phantom should I be drinking coffee at 9 o’clock at night probably not oh jeez I’m tired are you done yeah I don’t think he’s

Done he I think he needs to go back and get his torches my torches I need to I need to finish um building this as well I need my toast I need my toast toasty toasty and we have two very nice I don’t think two more is going to be enough

Unfortunately tiny stone brick tiny stone brick pepper thy nice very cool very cool can I actually use my Builder wand hold on I I should have a one of my Builder wands still cuz I was experimenting with yes I do I made I made a bunch of Builders

Once in order to uh build my walls a little bit faster and they work does it work with this it does oh that that makes that makes things so much easier m okay the my my spirit is in the way now I’ve stopped drinking coffee at night saves me some ground coffee

Grounds also now mentally healthy oh my God he finished it he finished it yeah you care about your education that’s good all right this Spirit I’m I’m actually pretty close to killing it who’s car P Barber oh it’s somebody I can recruit oh my

God Cara B Barber how much do you need I need you 28 lapis Cara you’re you’re going to be the new Builder we need we need we need we need Cara and only for 28 lapis do I have lapis somewhere downstairs downstairs how much lampus do I have 109 baby let’s

Go car because look if you see his stat it’s five two oh adaptability what’s it today then let me see what’s your adaptability it’s still five but your Athletics is 17 you’re like you’re substantially better than every other person I have right now what about Henley Henley you’re already in my tribe get out of here Henley get out of here Henley I’m gonna hire Cara Cara all right I don’t have enough space to hire her what’s it today

Then can I tell somebody to leave like I got this dead weight here Yari why couldn’t you have died as well can I can I tell you to leave all right Heath all right Heath all right Heath we got we got to we got to build some houses

Heath oh I don’t want them to make babies hold on I I don’t I don’t want my guys to make babies in there so we’re going to uh uh kids will be born off all right she just got up in my face uh build options build building

What is this hire mercenaries how do I hire they do not name but you’ll get the feeling that they will not leave bare-handed hire at your own risk how do what do you okay sure oh yeah yeah why do they talk like that I did sterilize my villagers oh

Yeah they just hit me did they just hit me all colonists are tucked into bed okay how do I how do I pay them I don’t I don’t know what to pay them with weird weird Mercenaries all right a mercenary just stole dark oak planks oh my God they can steal my

Stuff all right guys we hired them but you know what they they they they sh be stealing my things no way he set me on fire it’s okay I’m actually like a 100 times stronger than them all right we’re killing these mercenaries they they they they can’t just go around stealing my

Stuff man that ain’t cool that ain’t cool I I was willing to pay them they didn’t tell me what they wanted and now they’re just they’re just stealing my stuff get out of here Heath all right where where are these mercenaries at mercenary mercenary vengeful Spirit mercenary all right so the other

Mercenaries over here oh okay okay all right all right all right all right so who’s the mercenary that stole my stuff are you over here somewhere is he inside this building where is he at oh he went back up okay ah he’s back up here I can’t have them stealing my things you

Know we we can’t have that happening get out of here ow he caught me on fire you know what I can catch you on fire too buddy punk punk you think you got me ain’t no way homie I got me wait what all right I killed I killed all the

Mercenaries my guy let me do that for you you’re so slow you’re so slow with it just get out of here why are you so slow okay all right okay can I put Let me let me go back down here creeps they were creeps man bugging

Me bugging me can I go down here and um I have one of these racks just full of nonsense another town hall actually can I just make some racks and have it inside of uh the Builder’s Hut what do I need to make a rack I just

Need a nice big rack or two you know just a big old set of racks for my guys to put their things in yeah ah here it is wood nugs and my wand all right it’s pretty easy to get some ranks then all right we need some nugs first we need some

Nuggies first we need the nugs the nugs the nugs the nugs what are they just going on the floor oh they are just going on the floor okay okay let’s make some racks baby let’s make some racks baby like why can’t I make more ranks baby oh my God okay hold

On um racks racks racks racks racks racks why can’t I make more racks than this oh I don’t actually have more planks okay there’s the planks all right let’s make let’s make all of the ranks what I don’t understand why is that not working all right we’ll do

This we’ve made 10 racks oh my Builder woned okay yep nice big rack for the guys put their things in good old Heath the heath needs a lot of racks man what was that oh maybe it was them I don’t know Heath Heath Heath needs a lot of ranks

Heath can I can I can I can I interest you in some ranks Heath I’m waiting for something don’t mention the guard thing you need another shovel Heath fine I’ll make you a gosh darn shovel Heath since since you can’t even make this I can’t work you can’t

Even make your own shovel Heath God I’m going to take it from your your your inventory of stuff Heath all right you couldn’t even make your own gosh dang shovel I’m waiting for something you couldn’t even not I can’t work like that he took my diamond shovel again

Heath are you filling the stuff up are you filling this stuff up Heath do you do you utilize that Heath he just he’s just filling this with garbage he’s literally just filling that with garbage oh my God Heath what is this what is what do you

What do you need for this dark oak fence frame dark oak dark oak stairs campfire chest coarse dirt Cobblestone Cobblestone slab Cobblestone stairs dark oak dark oak gray bed all right where’s my resource scroll is that on there okay it is we’ll get to work we’ll get to work Heath we’ll get to

Work is a shame that I got to do everything for you Heath it really is it’s a it’s a crying shame I need to empty my inventory it’s just it’s too it’s too overbearing just having a full inventory all the time I need I need my Toasties okay all

Right let’s start on the first thing on the list campfire how do I make a campfire I don’t know how to make a camp no stop there we go no stop it campfire my one desire all right campfire is sticks charcoal uh orc coal and log really log log sticks log and

Coal sticks log and coal all right let’s make a Campfire all right we got the campfire all right what’s next on the list chest we can we can make a chest just a nice I actually should have like a million chests yeah we got a chest okay what’s next on this Co dirts cors I had I don’t know where the course

Dirt went that I had prior maybe he has it in his inventory already maybe not I can I can just I can just make some more though so the coar dirt is gravel we don’t have any gravel and and dirts we don’t have any gravel is there like a gravel biome Anywhere are you gravel that’s maybe is there a gravel biome anywhere anywhere anywhere what are you gravel Beach I knew I saw a gravel biome okay all right we’re going to go get some gravel we’re going to take my Jetpack as as well look at us heck yeah all

Right put my chest on cosmetically all right ignition take off oh my God oh my God we’re so fast oh Lord okay all right all right it’s because I have a bunch of speed boosted things oh techn there’s a gravel Beach right here as well but I’m going to go to the big

Gravel Beach so it doesn’t look like I’m taking too much you know um what is all that oh oh what do I spy don’t mind me hello to the loots hello there loots oh that’s so much loots okay uh don’t need the wooden gears uh I’ll take the stone ax a fishing rod

Sure I’ll take the coal uh compressed iron ingots compressed iron Helm rotten flesh Wen thingy freezing Minun ammo what what I thought I had the turtle shell I guess it’s not it’s not permanent got it got it even even turtle shell is not permanent okay it’s annoying it’s a little Annoying not

Going to lie it’s just a little all right I’ll just take it all I can’t even take it all all right well we’ll go up all right put this stuff into here uh drop back down take the rest of the loot all right and then we’re going to go and get some sand

After we sleep oh my God okay now we got plenty of sand here as well um we just going to take a big chunk Oho there’s some tin ore in the sand okay plenty of gravel is what I meant not sand but now see what is this stuff what what what what is

You why are you here I’m just going to I’m just going to put some of this in here okay uh a little bit more gravel sure I’m just decimating this this landscape here this beautiful natural gravel Beach is just gone it’s just it’s just

Gone okay uh we going to go back I guess we’ll go back so this way right oh is this gravel as well oh there’s a gravel Beach Island so there’s plenty of gravel to go around plenty of gravel to go around man this jetpack uses up so much

Power this I’ve already used up like three three coal Stacks worth of power it just it just eats power oh my God praise be to the Lord baby Jesus praise be praise be Lord baby Jesus anyways uh yeah it’s right over Here Okay all right just turn that off and we’ll take it off okay um gravel dirts right coar dirts of course dirts all right we got coarse dirts course of dirts all right we are going to move things we don’t need can we just dump

Okay uh then we go to here and say like uh do these and here the booty we need that we don’t need these things we might need the fishing rod um okay I’m just going to put the fishing rod up compressed iron that’s fine all right so these are things that

I need and then everything else is not things that I need wrong one there’s my Toasties I need to eat some Toasties compress Stone okay I still haven’t finished that road I got I got too many things to do I got too many things to do

Okay let me let me look here Cobblestone we need another we need another stank of the Cobble all right we got a stank of the Cobble Cobblestone slabs let’s make some Cobblestone slabs why not okay we made some Cobblestone slabs Cobblestone stair a single a single cobblestone stair dark oak

Door we make some dark oak doors okay dark oak log 135 dark oak logs seems excessive but we can we can probably get it seems a tad bit excessive that is why we planted so many dark oak trees we got a a chip emotes we got a big chip emotes in the chat

Everybody can we can we all say big chip chith bigthe dark oak slab we need the return return the slab it’s return return in the slab right from Courage the Cowardly Dog some more dark Oak stairs uh ladies and gentlemen we need even more dark oak stairs okay bing bing binging Bing

Binging um okay we need more dark oak stairs oh my God how many more dark oak stairs that was enough okay a gray bed a hay B 46 Stone and some more torches all right so the gray bed is the only thing that’s going to be a little bit

Difficult um torches literally not a problem uh ladders might not be a problem Stones not a problem CU I oh do I have stone I cook did I cook enough Stone I didn’t realize I would need this Stone which is a bit unfortunate I’ll have to cook some more Stone all

Right I have no space for for the stone got it okay okay I need to I need to cook this Cobblestone because I need a lot of stone apparently okay all right we’ll just we just we just we’ll just do that we’ll just do that okay uh look at my listicle again hey

Bell hey Bell hay Bell we have a hay Bell in here uh we should have ladders in here as well ladders anywhere ladders I have a buttered toast we need yeah we need we need to make some food too I guess I don’t have ladders in here

My clipboard has two things on it um I don’t know why it’s showing two this is stuff that I need and that what is why are you showing why are you showing two one here man needs a shovel another shovel wait if he can take my diamond

Shovel does that mean he can just take my an iron shovel as well all I need sticks hold on okay okay can he just take an iron shovel does a man need an iron shovel to leave um ladders is it the rungs in the middle I’m assuming

Correct am I correct in that assumption here that it’s rungs in the middle is not rungs in the middle all right or it’s not uh sticks in the middle I should say that’s what how do you make a ladder oh it’s nothing but sticks what kind of ladder do I need it

Just says ladder it’s nothing but sticks butt sticks okay uh I need Cobblestone run out of space again all right and a gray bed and some more dark oak stuff but we’ll we’ll do that we’ll deal with that when when we when we deal with it all

Right put my diamond shovel in my my backpack so the man doesn’t take it where’s The Courier all right I’ll work on it open requests he needs a shovel where’s The Courier uh more details Please a minimum level of wood or gold with a maximum level of stone then why were you taking hold up he needs a max level of stone and yet this man was taking my d I can’t work like that he was taking my diamond he was taking my diamond shovel

Lambo you’ve been playing Minecraft since you were six nice very cool oh Henley died wait what what was that what was that notification about Henley dying oh my God there’s a Creeper explosion here did another one of my colonists die and I didn’t see it colonist Henley

O’Hare was oh no that was Henley O’Hare by a Pillager I don’t know listen I don’t know what is this what is this clipboard request pick up he wants he wants me to pick something up all right well let me let me see why do you have so many things my

Guy I don’t know H see I can’t put anything in there so these these ranks don’t count holy crap it’s a Blood Moon okay all right um it’s going to be difficult now protecting my guys it’s just going to be it’s going to be a little difficult as

All it’s just going to be a little difficult just a tad bit difficult it’s it’s fine it’s fine all colonists are tucked into bed oh right I they have the tavern oh they’re safe they’re safe guys they’re safe they have the tavern they’re actually legitimately 100%

Safe I was I was worrying about nothing okay I do have to protect them still though um dark oak stairs dark oak slab so we need some more slabs and need some more stairs you can do that dang I don’t think even early Minecraft existed until you were in high

School uh Minecraft came out in 2009 so it’s you know it’s not too too old all right slabs stairs where’s the hay Bell did I not did I put the hay Bell oh I put the hay Bell in here um um hay Bell so the only thing that’s missing now is the gray

Bed which I can just go and kill some sheep I guess it is the blood moon though uh I do have a lot of light around my base so not many things should spawn but if we wanted to fight in the blood moon I can go to the uh the starter Island here

Okay let me dump my inventory um what happened to my shears oh I gave my shears to the guy didn’t I can I make shears out of compressed iron no sag big sagge big sag moment uh I need to where’s my shovel don’t want to lose that where are my swords at

Ah don’t want to lose my summon Ender Chest sword do I have anything in my Ender Chest oh my God my ender chest is full of crap okay all my ender chest is literally full of everything okay where’s where’s my food the hot bar is not big enough we

Need we need a bigger hot bar what is that oh they’re sleeping oh no these are people that are wanting to join my Colony I think yeah okay um yeah let’s go to the spawn Island and see if there’s any any monstros I actually have enough light that the blood moon doesn’t affect

Me surprisingly enough uh and we’ll go to this island over here what is that thing a drown oh my God all right well he died very quickly it was a zombie villager um that really light is really lit up in the sky look at that just look at that

Thing you know what for being a Blood Moon this is pretty uh pretty pretty easy pretty GG easy zombie villager we got a bunch of spiders tons of spiders catch them on fire should probably pick up this stuff ah ah okay okay you love the chip and Luna videos good to

Know good good to know this man has golden armor not a problem for someone like me no problem at all just just taking them out just taking them out there we go a wraith just take it what happened to my little Spirit dude did he die I think the mercenaries killed him oh

Well oh it’s a zombie brute a Brutus it’s okay we took him out oh no it’s a spruce creeper oh he could have at least destroyed the entire tree oh I don’t have my I don’t have a chest piece on I was wondering why I was taking extra

Damage what is that oh my God no get that off there I don’t I don’t I don’t care about Henley’s death marker oh do I get the shovel he did not drop the shovel Shame Shame ow ow oh my God look at this guy he’s full kitted out it’s okay he died all

Right take this guy out as well there we go there we go there we go we just inventory is full of stuff again we love to see it love to see it oh what does it spell occultism step height plus three what the heck so how how high can

You how high can you oh he dropped his gloves how high can you walk with step height three Whoa man was shooting his Trident at me all right so I can walk up one block height what about uh two block height I can walk up two block height what about

Uh three block height now that’s too much I can I can walk up three blocks high with step height three can I go four blocks high that would be great I can go four blocks high that’s too much what about five blocks you can walk up five blocks six

Blocks six blocks I can walk up six blocks high look at [Laughter] this all right when would you ever need to walk up six blocks high that just that just just just it’s just it’s overboard that’s too much it’s too much okay he had a Wither affecting bow

Just out here killing zambonis you know as I do on my mornings look at that look look look at this cracked solar gy can you believe this is Minecraft everybody can you can you not literally ruining my morning by coming over here all right I have step height of

Six uh we’ll take this guy out too why not I know he’s literally just chilling doing nothing but I ain’t I ain’t liking the look of his cut I ain’t liking the look of his cuts oh my God I can just walk over my my

Gate I just I just walk over my gate that’s that’s that’s too much can I just walk up this oh my God I can I can like I’m like flying up uh oh no oh no oh yeah anyways oh what the heck oh my God what it was like putting me up the

Ladder um I can uh I should go and see if there’s been any more growth on these boys up here why have you not grown why is your flesh not grown more fur I need wool I need wool listen listen to me listen to me look look here listen I need the

Wool all right oh my God no I want to go into my base please oh my God all right we’re going to to grab a stack of wool we’re going to go to uh ly’s base all right um ah here it is Bam were you close enough to uh grow you

Were close enough to grow yay y well um ah we got the wool all right uh I do need to why are these mushrooms now weren’t they Source berries I don’t know I do need to figure out how to make gray wool though how do I make gray or gray dye

Oh God gray dye um black dye and white dye or I can get mystical gray petals from tall mystical gray I might have a couple of those actually that’s like I that looks like stuff that I would just pick up along the way you know know I should probably uh give these

Cows some food there’s the trough eat from the trough you filthy animals you filthy okay all right um oh yeah I might just I might just have that like thrown in here maybe maybe not no let me go down here usually trying to figure out tears

Of the Kingdom there’s a lot to go through I mean it’s it’s a very very big game it’s a very very large game I don’t see any um I can make white dye from Bones though so let’s make some white dye so that’s bone meal now it’s white dye and then I

If I have ink sacks anywhere I don’t think I have any ink sacks anywhere but I I can just go and get I can go and get ink sacks do we have have any squid yeah look there’s squid over here there’s squid swimming in the Deep

Over here we can go and swipe them a whole herd of them a whole herd of my boys uh I don’t have any space ink sack all right oh my God killed a fish uh did he not drop an ink saac there is ink sack okay I think I think that’s more than

Enough I think that’s more than enough just walk up the building is there a way for me to get permanent step height not that extreme but I I think I think some more would be nice uh okay so I have the ink sack I can make black

Dye so oh I have to make it into gray dye first gray dye then what do I do that it’s not enough no oh okay gray wool all right we have gray wool and then we’ll have a gray bed very cool very very cool and then that’s

Everything on the Builder list that this guy needs to to finish the town hall we do this bam inventory is full he doesn’t he doesn’t need all this dirt he he don’t he don’t need all that dirt all right now oh God it’s everything should be supplied right 100% supplied so yeah

He just he he’ll finish this town hall eventually and call it good Landon wants to join what do you what do you want he wants six cakes oh my God his stats are incredible though Landon’s insane Landon’s a Madman out here living the dream of the Chad dream

Life all right where’s this guy at where’s where’s where’s my builder at where are you at Builder oh God what do you need hey yes to see you don’t mention it again here I’m going to force feed you this toast God what oh I don’t want you using this

Path I don’t I don’t I don’t want you using this path you got to you got to go and use the bridge listen look look here listen look here listen you got to use the bridge it’s what I built it for all right you got to you got to I’m

Sorry you have to use it we’re going to make this a paral drop So you you’re forced to use the bridge all right is it is it the fastest way oh my god oh this he’s putting like a log down there is it the fastest way probably not

You could probably just walk like that but I either want you to walk like that or use the bridge do I cut the Ravine even more deeper into the uh the tree line back here maybe maybe I do maybe I don’t who’s to say who’s to

Say I do want to watch this guy do some work though so we’re going to uh go up and I wish I didn’t have these effects on me 20 seconds for the uh step height and then it’ll be gone I finished some quests ouch food and farming oh the

Shears yeah and then Mary had a little lamb what is is this purchasing Farm Supplies the Villager has more than one way to spawn oh you can build a market with some red wool some logs and some planks interesting we’ll try to do that oh I

Should um I should do I should save it yeah okay why is it why is it night time why why is it night time yeah yeah yeah I got white Wool all right come on guys go go to bed they’re going bed they’re going downstairs they’re making their way towards the tavern look at them they’re going up top what why do they go down first they they just got to go down and see if there’s anything they want to do

And then okay they’re in bed all right he nice okay I want to watch this guy build this I want to watch this guy build this where is oh it’s right here my other Mouse okay for for all right man this guy goes goes kind of slow huh oh no right come on

Tiny for yeah this guy’s just like super slow huh he’s just very slow it’s okay it’s okay it’s fine if he’s a little slow just a little bit why is there why is there a gosh dang Traer here what do you what do you want you can’t even get over here

Bucko how did you even get [Applause] there all right we stole his llama we stole his other llama big Lama jamama all right oh it’s actually coming along pretty nice huh look at this oh snap very cool very cool we should probably get rid of some of this dirt behind the house as

Well but we’ll do that at another time all right we’re gonna go and see what the heck is up with this oops how am I how am I not doing this come on all right we we’ll go the safe way not the fastest way what are you

Doing here you selling a globe you’re selling an Artisan Relic for he’s Forge I ain’t liking I ain’t liking anything you got for me buddy let me sit on you all right then burn anyways oh we actually can can’t go that way ow um I can’t actually pick any of this stuff

Up because I got I got too much stuff hey he’s almost done kind of maybe I don’t think so he’s he still got a long way to go actually come on man you you’re you’re better than this aren’t you let me let me look at you let me look at your stats

So what will it be for you six and eight like you’re growing fast you’re just not happy is all but he’s hungry oh he’s well fed so um he doesn’t he someone died decrease of happiness for fellow colonists are unhappy housing he doesn’t like his housing status doesn’t like there’s no

Guards all right we’ll we’ll we’ll get some Guardsmen yeah we’ll get some Guardsmen what do we need for some Guardsmen then so let’s make a guard Tower Guard uh guard Tower is a bow we need to make a bow I don’t think I’ve actually like ever really made a bow in Minecraft before how does one make a bow two oh okay uh sure we’ll make it out of that all right so first we got to make Zeo

All right and then we make Z guard Tower we get two guard towers from it as well interesting okay so if we go up oh my gosh trash the golden boots trash the golden boots I want to put a guard Tower right here I feel like a guard Tower

Right here would do us wonders so it’s under military guard Tower let’s see what the simple guard Tower looks like and at level five it’s it’s a little fancy it’s very fancy at level five what about the alt guard Tower oh now see this this I

Like then what about alt guard Tower at level five oh my God that’s even fancier what that’s fancier than the freaking okay hold on what about the basic guard Tower you know what the basic guard Tower is this this guard Tower seems pretty nice this guard Tower seems pretty nice

You know all things considered I think I think we’re going to go with this one because it it go it looks it looks decent we’ll build this guard Tower all right um I need to sleep one needs to sleep in order to leave one needs to sleep okay all

Right okay and then the other guard Tower we could put it up here by the front gate yeah military guard Tower guard Tower it can be the same guard Tower I I’m I’m fine with that and then we can we can have it turn towards the uh the the non-existent road

Here and it’s right on the cusp the cusp right along the edge which I think that increases once we upgrade our our uh Town Hall anyways so yeah I think I think this I think this works all right we’ll build two guard towers um now it’s just a matter of this

Guy finishing his job also I I really need to finish this road all right stop procrastinating on the the gosh darn Road that’s what we’re going to do next while he’s working on finishing that Tower or the town hall I’m going to get in here and finish this road it’s all about the

Road the road the road the road that should be enough right I would hope so I would hope this would be enough so we’ll see I will need to make um I need to make some uh oh he finished it of the centerpiece look at that all land within one chunk of tower

Has been Town Hall has been claimed nice okay cool it hasn’t extended all the way out yet but uh the job’s never done you got to you got to start work on this bad boy bam am guard Tower okay so let me go let me actually go up here oh you know what

Let’s let’s let’s finish this over here since we’re here since we’re here let’s finish this up so they’re not jumping around all over the place okay and we’ll go and take a look at this oh yeah very fancy you started work on the guard Tower very cool and so I should be

Able I thought to like put food in here I don’t I don’t know I’ll put some Toasties or something for now see if they eat the Toasties or Not huh okay okay I’m I’m digging it I thought I thought I I thought there was some other things permission citizen statistics we have one Builder um oh we can only have one Builder we only have three citizens oh because one of them died so I can get one more citizen okay

Uh I don’t know I could hire somebody else is there anybody that that I can hire right now we have Nico Co pepper he wants seven enchanted books oh my God no right away Catalina just wants 28 books uh Catalina is a very smart intelligent person maybe we uh we recruit

Catalina or mod hello mod mod has not as good as Catalina okay let’s see if we have I I should have 28 books I should have 28 books somewhere it’s a shame that we couldn’t get that one lady with the uh for the 28 lapis but it is what it

Is did someone take my books I know I say this every single time and then I find it what I’m looking for but I legit don’t see my books unless I have it in uh something else okay we’ll do this book book enchanted book book book

Book book book book book okay um I I actually do I still have stuff in my I do have stuff over here still it might be here we have a lot of enchanted books over here some more enchant tons of Enchanted books oh my God just just an

Absolute metric ton of enchanted books maybe we give these enchanted books to that guy um you know what maybe we do one two three I kind of like that one four five uh six uh seven all right let’s go see if we if if we can hire the guy with these seven enchanted

Books was his stats better actually let’s see I mean I think his stats were really good right oh yeah his stats are amazing need something we hired him yay Nico ni ni ni can I help you what can I do for you uh n Go 21 Athletics 10 adaptability I think he’s

Going to be our second Builder I his other stats are really good too though uh not really what do you need okay uh you’re literally building the guard Tower uh there’s no guard Tower there’s no guards in our town says the man building the guard Tower

Okay all right I see you I see you don’t understand anything Punk sorry I’m just rambling now I’m just rambling now okay beautiful H I’ll just I’ll just put these regular stairs here for now super ugly but you know what it is what it is oh no I needed those Cobblestone stairs darn it how could I oh no the table it’s broken all right

Um let me get rid of this stuff okay so I don’t need that I don’t and we need the co dirt uh put that up put that up put that that uh that that that um that that uh oh what is this thunder struck iron sword of blood

Letting plus three fire damage six attack damage 19 life steal has two sockets and your attack deals five damage to nearby enemies that’s actually pretty dope minus the uh H actually I kind of like that I like that a lot actually uh it’s not it’s not that good

Though compared compared to like what I have it’s not as good so we’re just going to we’re going to ignore it yeah we’re going to ignore it all right what else do I need uh Cobblestone Cobblestone stairs dark oak fence dark oak logs dark oak trapo dark oak fence dark oak trap

Door okay um I need I need one more dark oak trapo I need some more dark oak logs I need some more Cobblestone I need some more Cobblestone stairs okay dark oak trapdoor all right what else coarse dirts uh dark oak logs okay and then we just we just cut down some

Logs for the dark oak logs got it okay got it got it got it got it got it okay just grab some of these baddies why is there random dark oak sapling planted here who who did that what foul being would randomly plant a singular dark oak sapling you know that doesn’t do

Anything right they probably don’t know they probably don’t even know that I’m sitting here and doing nothing with my life I guess dang man don’t be so down and DOW oh God I I I was like where’s my bed I gave my bed away I gave my bed away Okay course dirt Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone own it wasn’t all Cobblestone I lied it was mostly junk okay I guess I can just like put all of this here and just come back to get it like we can we can you know I don’t see why not

Right that’s like all the stuff that I’ve been using faing around might as well just f it around right here next to the man keep it right there we we made to make it okay my bad my bad yeah here all right oh I didn’t finish this

Don’t sneak oh God I hope you’re not sick I hope you’re not sick oh no I don’t have a medic oh no it’s too early to have a hospital please don’t be sick they’re probably sick my whole colon is going to die now oh well oh well oh

Well are these different oh yeah they are weird weird weird okay man man man man okay what do you guys think what do you guys think I should do I don’t know I really don’t know I really don’t know why is this guy not finishing this

Yet let me go let me let me check this out let me let me see here what’s yes I know Heath I know adaptability 8 athletic 6 Nico is 1021 so Nico is better but not by much so we’ll probably keep this guy just because but he does need something don’t mention

It again he needs a pickaxe uh okay so we’ll make him a pickaxe then easy enough easy enough I was wondering what was taking so long here so we’ll make him a pickaxe all right Nico so what will it be for you oh hold on I don’t want to take him my

Pickaxe he might he might try to swipe my pickaxe uh work on it open request fulfill there you go he also wants me to pick stuff up I’m just I’ll take the shears is a fine morning maybe that’s what he he wanted was not the shears in there can you go back to

Work Nico can you go back to work go back to work that wasn’t Nico that was Heath sorry oh no he’s 60 76 blocks into the guard Tower which way does he take to get to the guard Tower he goes this way ah I should I should make some stairs

Here to make that Journey just ever so slightly easier we should make some stairs let’s make some uh I don’t want to just make plain Jane Cobblestone stairs can I can I make this out of something a little bit cooler what do I have oh I have that new Blue Block you know

What let’s let’s let’s do something with this Blue Block yeah can I do something with this I can’t oh okay can I do anything with this I can stone cutter it I don’t have a I don’t have a stone cutter though I can make a stone cutter really quick okay uh stone Cutter yeah all right we have a stone cutter uh I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just put it right there um yeah make some stairs out of it cut polished and cut yeah boy random blue stairs for the win and I didn’t even I didn’t even need that many just figured why not

Yeah just figured why not oh my God they’re very gy they’re very gy very very [ __ ] very very Gody you know what we might as well we might as well godify it up we’ll do we’ll do a little something like that we we put them over here as

Well look at this look at this Catalina get out of here Catalina I didn’t realize how deep that guard Tower was what no go down the stairs what man decided to to leap off the side instead of going down the stairs can you believe this guy can you believe this guy absolutely redonkulous

Man absolutely gosh darn redonkulous whatever whatever Whatever me go back up here can you get your things and go Heath GO Heath hi hi Heath can you get to work please I don’t understand why you’re not just filling up your entire inventory here Heath I I I I I really I really don’t understand why you’re taking so many

Trips oh Heath Heath Heath Heath he just he’s like jumps off halfway he’s a wild maniac he’s a manic man he always chooses the path of least resistance look at that man’s putting Cobblestone down very cool how did you do that Heath how’d you make a dirt path I didn’t give you dirt

Path of course dirt put lava that’ll stop him from jumping sure I’ll get right on that I’ll get right on that mhm sure totally 100% he almost has the guard Tower done he might just be able to finish it here U but it is it is getting dark don’t you dare son

Please finish it Heath come on Heath I know you can do it buddy come on no it’s not closing time it’s not closing time yet Heath don’t do it Heath come on finish this up buddy you gota you got to put the ladders down still come on

Heath the ladders go like right there I know they do you got to put this you got to put the uh or maybe they go like back oh well we can’t see inside now come on Heath come on Heath yeah woo let’s go Heath oh my God heck yeah Heath let’s go

All right and then Nico is yahir no we’re gonna go with uh we’re GNA go with um Nico why would we ever go with Yahira The Tavern at oh there’s a a bed slot at the tavern now for a new citizen too okay so we can we can hire somebody

Else so he’s going to need some things though what are you what are you going to need here buddy you’re need some I need a sword with a minimum level of wood or gold with the maximum level of stone to look continue working okay yeah N I can’t work like that he

Wants some he wants a stone machete how do you make a machete machete oh well he wanted a wooden machete but I’m just going to make a a stone sword all colonists are tucked into bed all right here’s ‘s a stone sword for the man I can’t work like that yeah no I

Can’t I can’t work like that all right without this I can’t work I I I gave it to you this man’s wild man this man’s wild all right oh yeah he does he need armor as well I’m going to go make him I think I think he can wear leather armor right

Now I I I should have enough leather right now to to for him to wear it no let me see here actually I don’t have that much leather do I have how where’s my rotten meat I oh I have tons of rotten meat though so I can turn rotten meat into

Leather by doing this here and that makes tainted leather and tainted leather I can cook I can cook the tainted leather oh but this might I mean I I don’t need too much leather it’s just I’ll need I’ll need another man you know like I need another another Guardsman so

I should probably make two stacks but at the same time oh well right all right I got I got I got leather armor for my boy Nico where’s my boy Nico at hey my boy Nico he’s patrolling fine afternoon isn’t it uh sure great to see you inventory what do

You what what what’s your drip looking like Nico I’m just gonna I’m just going to put this on you there you go Nico not that it it it shouldn’t be oh my God what what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I gave him the leather cap and it’s

What it was a super fancy leather cap do they come to the tavern to eat inventory I should put I should put some food in here then if they if they come to the tavern to get their food I should go get some more bread where’s the corer though I don’t

Have a corer yet um I should build a quer Hut though to cor Cory stuff around you’re right I should I should build another upgrade for the um the thing there as well so I can hold more or I guess I can take it from somewhere what’s not necessarily using it right

Now the this isn’t this isn’t using it so we’ll take that so we have currently 16k Wheats our Max of course is 16.4 if we put that in our new Max is 131k Wheats absolutely Bonkers we can hold 250 or 262 iron ingots by the way we have uh how much

How much do we have 10,000 okay we have 10,000 iron ingots it’s quite a bit actually if you think about it it’s quite a bit Okay I’m assuming that they this is where they eat from until they get a restaurant I I don’t know I I actually really really don’t know okay uh we can have him start work on the next build here or we can have him do like a little decoration right

Now too how about that what what do we got for decorations in this mod pack a big well a small well we can make Wells why why is your decoration a well huh why why why is the decoration a well I don’t want I don’t want those Wells what is

This just a a cheeky little well huh we do we want a cheeky little well right here uh maybe not and build a supply Camp can we oh we we we maybe we can switch panks as well um we can do uh let’s take a look at dark oak what

What decorations we got here just the supply Camp all right well we don’t want dark oak let’s go to Cavern oh facade beige Stone double oh my God no no no no no no oh no [Laughter] no mega tree magma what the heck is this all right let’s not do

Cavern let’s not do Cavern it’s not open to the public let’s Do uh there’s Shire Medievil Oak you can also do well small stable small log cart roofed Carriage small well small wheat cart I can just build that myself Town Center oh this is actually pretty cool this is actually pretty cool I don’t have enough space for it obviously

All right what was what was my design I was using um someone’s medieval Oak right I’m pretty sure it was medieval Oak that I was using correct yes it was okay maybe we keep medieval Oak do we want to build a well I feel like I could probably do

Something better there we don’t we don’t need to build a well we don’t need to build a well we we can just have him build this other guard tower all right have to have him build this one build options build building and we can go and see if

There’s anything else he needs really quick all right buddy all right let’s see required resources oh he has everything to do this one all right I gave him enough excess for him to build both last time perfect apparently I don’t know or he just hasn’t built it yet oh he’s go he’s got

To go back he still he just drops down instead of instead of going down the stairs he just decides to drop I should put walls right here then so I force him to walk all the way around who is this guy oh that’s the guard oh my

God he just decided to plunge into the water is that is that really like the safest thing in the world to do is just plunge into the water can he can he have a a Shield I don’t understand what that noise is I don’t I don’t understand what this noise is I think I think a bad guy spawned I don’t know where he would have spawned though um do I have an extra shield anywhere keep up the good work sport thanks thanks PP

Pep see you next time you come on the recommendation sure catch you on the next one uh okay so I don’t I don’t think I have an extra shield what is this noise here though I didn’t think anything could spawn back here is it is it further down I legit think something spawned

Down here Oh I have no idea what that noise is where it came from maybe up above hold on like yeah down there maybe all right what’s going on over here honestly have no clue I mean I don’t think it’s anywhere where it can get to me so we’re just going to ignore it I

Guess sure we’ll just we’ll just simply ignore it for now we’ll simply ignore it we’ll see what else this uh builder needs to finish this other guard Tower go ahead and go up here what do you need Kei I can’t work like that without this you need another

Shovel Heath you’re you’re always asking for shovels Heath can can we can we just listen you’re you’re overworking you’re you’re just you’re just you’re you’re not working these shovels correctly Heath you’re you’re you’re ruining them all right I can’t this like that can’t work you can’t work like this Heath I’m

Waiting for something I literally just gave you a shovel he C I can’t work like that what do you mean oh Heath you’re like you’re actually the worst you’re actually like the worst thing ever Heath you’re you’re you’re literally the worst ever all right what do you need here got

It got it got it got it dark oak stairs coarse dirt is did I not grab any coarse dirt okay uh course dirt dark oak trapo all right so I need some more Cobblestone some more ladders some more torches there’s there’s that all right torches dark oak trapo

Dark oak stairs and Cobblestone I have the Cobblestone um we need some dark oak trap doors bam we need some dark oak stairs Bam Bam Bam all right so I need some torches and some Cobblestone which I will have down in my base we’ll simply go back down here and

Grab some some torches and grab another stick of Cobblestone that should be more than enough that should be more than enough Bam Bam okay now it’s just a matter of him actually finishing it I guess I can go and try to find that weird noise again but I don’t want to dig up my whole base for it you know

It’s gone okay I mean it could have been something back here but yeah I didn’t think there was anything oh it could have been was it in this room no there’s nothing back here yet I have no idea literally not a clue literally not a clue

Okay look at this man oh that’s y here look at Nico look Nico got that fancy hat again where are you getting this fancy hat at Nico let me let me see your inventory here what are you hiding from me Nico Nico how are you taking damage on

Your things is it because you keep falling you’re to see you’re actually kind of the worst Nico you’re you’re actually you’re you’re the worst you’re the worst ni what do you need yes there are no guards or Barracks near your workplace oh all right we’ll build a Barracks back

Here I can build another guard Tower just everyone could be a guard um but we could we should should probably build a Barracks as well to be honest what better place than behind well we should probably just build some more guard towers actually wait how how deep does my territory go right

Now oh wow it actually goes pretty far here goes all the way down here huh okay very interesting it is night time all right Heath did you make it to your bed yet where you where you guys at who oh just barely wait do I have a

Bed up here I think I do right oh yeah I have a classic red bed did you guys are you guys not in bed yet what come on Heath what are you what are you doing over there Heath oh my God what is Heath doing is Heath

Stuck did Heath trap himself Heath oh hey good to see you why are you why are you digging de down so deep all right okay he’s just going to work he’s just GNA he’s not he’s not going to get any rest I’m not I’m not fixing this you you caused this problem

I I don’t I don’t understand I don’t understand why you’re digging so deep I I I really I really don’t understand why you’re digging down there so deep why are you digging down here oh my God I I almost just like fell to my [Laughter] death okay I don’t I don’t understand what

He’s doing I really don’t not not a single clue is he going to work oh my God why okay he’s working is he working he’s digging what are you digging if you say so you’re you’re you’re the worst he is a fine day you’re actually the worst he doesn’t like that there’s no

Guard Tower oh my God hello hello an it’s a fine afternoon it’s a fine afternoon oh no I didn’t want you to stay longer I was trying to see your stats and oh my God I gave all my toast to an an why’ you take my toast an need something Zoe say

So I don’t want you I don’t want you here what do you how’s your you eat after isn’t it isn’t it it’s a fine day it’s a fine day yeah sure Nico fine day swell day Tatum you don’t have a job yet I don’t know why I’m feeding you

Either all my stuff is about to break okay okay build another guard Tower I say we’ll we’ll build another guard Tower sure we’ll build some more guard towers or Barracks maybe maybe a Barracks what what’s let me what what’s what military things can we build we can build an

Archery combat Academy guard Tower Barracks protects your colony from Raiders protects and expands your Colony kind of like guard dogs but humans oh so what is a oh God what is a Barrack look like that’s it oh uh okay hey just tuning in what did I miss

In the last three and a half hours uh I started my uh my my Village of peeps I started my dudes we got uh we got we got Heath over here he’s uh he’s building a guard Tower pretty cool Heath pretty cool we have Nico down here guarding our base we have

Uh a Tavern if you want to uh to to get some fine me how are you and by fine me I me uh bread and toast uh if we go we have a guard Tower right there if we go up here I have my town hall another one another one a mysterious scroll

Pouch anyways here’s my town hall maybe I need to put food in the town hall they’re not eating the food from here so I don’t know where they get their food I guess I have to make a restaurant I guess I have to make a restaurant I did start a whole Township

Here’s my bridge I actually kind like that bridge um here’s the Builder’s Hut I should I should just build some guard towers back here all right I need a bow and arrow to make some more guard towers or to get some guard Tower placements up and going so let’s get

Some string one two three one two three Uh B and we do that and then we do planks that’s not planks planks that’s not planks either do I not have planks okay all right planks planks it’s not that what is it then is it sticks I guess I can just look it up guard Tower

It is planks what why did that not work oh well oh well it is what it is okay let me grab these we’ll plant some more more of these oh didn’t it didn’t drop enough to replenish itself very weird very weird we’ll put a guard Tower back here yeah

Right right here sounds good to me Perfection military guard Tower guard Tower guard Tower bam yeah that works all right so he’ll come and work on this guard Tower as well um and then he should be happy that his workplace has a guard Tower right hopefully I don’t want all of my people

Just to be guards though we need to make I want to build like a restaurant down here I think I think that’s what I need is a restaurant and I want the restaurant to be um right here I think how much space do you need for the restaurant Craftman uh craftmanship

Masonry Metallurgy carpentry no we don’t need any any that is it infrastructure a canal or a m shft no fundamentals restaurants cook oh my God how big oh my God how what say what what is this why is wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

This is a Level One Restaurant even oh my God okay can we do a small restaurant something small and quaint and cozy like this except not what does level five of this look like oh my Lord oh my Lord what why everything got to be so overdone oh my God

Okay okay all right all right well the restaurant clearly isn’t going to go there then um someone became an Archer who became the Archer yah here became an Archer I mean you’re the best I got so okay okay um I guess I’ll get you a bow and then I think that leather’s done as well perfect one two three one two three I don’t have any space at all okay

Um so let’s let’s just make the bow first do I need to give them arrows as well I might have some arrows that I’m not using let me see I have some arrows okay let’s go ahead and uh get our Bowman here Johnny Bowman hey waiting on it here you go open request

Fulfill do you need arrows oh right away uh I don’t know he wants boots he so he wants he wants armor now so that’s yeah that’s fine we can give him some Armor All right so we’ll give him we’ll give the boy some Armor All right and then uh uh oops what

Okay some boots and oh no I didn’t oh okay well we got we got an extra shirt now for the KN guard obviously um recall worker I’ll take care of it and fulfill fulfill fulfill fulfill oh hey do you need arrows I don’t I don’t know if this

Guy needs arrows what are you doing with glowing were you Underground when did you go underground you he you were awesome thank you it’s very kind of you to say it’s very kind of you to say Um that’s wild what when did when did when when did our boy go underground also we should just connect that why not it’s night time sleep time [Laughter] okay and then we should have our Guardsmen work on the guard Tower by his base so he’s not upset

Spaghetti then we can also hire uh or we can recruit some new some new people as well all right uh build options build building there you go buddy there you go we have we have in we have we have space for some more colonists so we should definitely see if we can’t recruit

Somebody we should definitely see all right there’s Heath going he was just chilling here we have Zoe we have an is it is it just Zoe and an Lis their stats are okay what did Zoe want 21 nether quartz now their stats are great if we want anybody we definitely

We definitely want Zoe So 21 nether quartz I will probably just have to go to the nether really quick to get that I I need to free up inventory space first though oh my God they started working on the guard Tower wonderful I’m just going to dump the

Rest of this stuff because I don’t I don’t think I need it I don’t think I need it we just we just put it all here I’ll just take a stack of bread I can make it into toast but at the same time like that’s too much work

Man it’s too much work all right I need nether quartz nether quartz all right um some right over that’s not nether quartz we just what is what is dig yeah we just we’ll just dig a little bit Crimson iron ore I’ve not seen this we’ll grab

It uh go that way nothing that way nothing oh what the heck are those oh my God okay what in the world they were flaming I here some nether quartz uh they were flaming uh oh my God there’s more oh my God okay there were nether silverfish who

Who would have thought who would who would have thought you’d see nether silverfish I definitely didn’t think what is this a zinc all right let’s go that way nothing some more Crimson iron I think licky needed some Crimson iron eh okay uh we’ll go this way oh there’s some

Lavi well we’ll remember not to go that way Soul stand oh Soul Stone what is Soul Stone for who knows Lord Zachary the ninja has spawned I’m sorry what why is it there’s also a trador in here Lord Zachary the ninja where the heck is Lord Zachary the Ninja

There’s a lot of Soul Stone oh what is that Solium ore all right well he’s a ninja so he’s he’s obviously he’s hiding he probably shouldn’t have announce that he he spawned in but uh seeing as he is a ninja it just it just take his time I’m

Sure what is that oh that’s the nether fortress silver nether ore okay what it me oh God I’m hungry I was digging a little too much it seems okay nether gold I I really need oh jeez okay um I would really enjoy having oh I’m out of diamonds rut R

Raggy that’s not good ah nether quartz okay perfect please give me enough nether quartz this looks like a not a lot of nether quartz I also need to go mining for some more diamonds because I have no more diamonds in my repair kit to keep my stuff checked

Up this is this is 100% enough okay o what is that oh magma blocks yeah we’ll take some magma blocks why not just a few huh okay 31 nether quartz that’s more than enough for the lady an and I guess zanki never showed himself a true ninja never let you see him I

Guess go ahead and go on up go on up all right who are you oh finegan who’s fin Day to you fine day fine day problem can I help you finin does not want to talk to me me okay uh oh it was Zoe and we got Zoe

Now Zoe welcome to the Colony you’ll get a job here soon Zoey need something finegan I don’t know your stats are okay if you say so an your stats are better than an stats at the very least if you say so but I think I think I

Have I have I have more than enough people right now let me see another gosh dang Trader spawned is there a way to stop Traders from spawning because it’s it’s a little excessive it’s a little excessive what do we have here um sta oh my God yeah I can have one more

Citizen what were you doing Nico whatever uh he’s back here building on this guard Tower yeah look at him go heck yeah Heath work stronger better faster harder you know the whole shabang the whole shebang all right cobbled Soul Stone what do I use Soul Stone for I could

Probably make it back into Soul Stone I can make an Awakening pedestal Soul stone bricks an Awakening altar wither prooof block an enchanter I can make an enchanter what is an enchanter what is what is what what crafts tools yeah but what is an enchanter Enchanter who knows who who knows who knows I don’t know I’m just going to go put the rest of the stuff into a chest and never look at it again okay um what else do I need to do here I I really need to repair my stuff

This is diamonds these are iron and this is like turtle shell which I don’t have an extra turtle shell so it’s probably I probably just going to have to say like put it put it away for now do I have any other helmets I I thought I had I have this compressed

Helmet that I’m wearing I can’t turn it into a silent gear I don’t get as much armor but I get knockback resistance I don’t even get that much knockback resistance it’s actually over all like worse than my Eddy’s stalwart Turtle clo Turtle Helm of toughness but I I don’t have any turtle

Shells to to fix it so so sad Um I might have an extra helmet though I have another compressed iron helmet well let me fix what I can fix and I I might have some diamonds I I do have 60 diamonds admittedly okay so we’ll fix what I can fix which is all of this so we’ll fix

You wow that was expensive to fix okay very expensive to fix wow good thing I had I had some I had some levels saved up jeez all right then I can fix this oh I I need to fix my uh my iron sword oh my God 11 levels to fix up my iron

Sword what are you doing to me here buddy dang that’s too much that’s way too much all right everything’s fixed up I do need a helmet though so so uh I really need to empty this inventory too I got I got a just inventory of garbage in my Ender

Sword okay Cobble deep slate oh yeah we’re we’re maxed out on that okay um and then I have a backpack full of stuff as well yep a backpack full of stuff an inventory full of stuff too much stuff too much stuff what does dump it what what does dump it

All what is what is dump it all okay so I am oh yeah I do have some helmets here bobett blessed bobett blessed iron crown of the fourleaf Clover of the fourleaf Clover magic damage taken is reduced I get two armor plus four Health Plus okay so but it’s got It’s

Socketed see now this is four armor and five Health it has protection 4 and has mending repairs tools using Aura what Nature’s mint where it repairs my tools bro I’m I think that’s what we’re going to be using here it doesn’t have a socket oh Noe that’s the wrong

Thing it doesn’t have a socket so we can’t um we can’t uh we can’t put anything any cool things on it but if it repairs my tools and it has protection four and it gives me four armor and five Health that seems pretty dope so what’s what’s our health looking like right

Now our attack speed’s slower because we have a negative attack speed on this I think I don’t know why we have a negative attack speed uh we have 33 Health right now Austin hello how’s it going we have 33 Health at this point in time which is pretty cool pretty cool we should

Make some toast and then this is making Stone it made all the stone toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toasty okay spaghett I can make spaghetti well I I I can’t make spaghetti but in the game but we we we should be able to how

Do you spell spaghet it’s spaghet oh there we go we we spaghetti squash squash we can’t make spaghetti oh maybe it’s under pasta yeah we can make pasta we can make some pasta with meatballs how to make raw pasta wheat dough and a cutting board wheat flour we have to

Grind holy heck we have to have create to make pasta we have to make a [Laughter] grindstone oh Lord oh there’s no there’s probably another dough there’s a there’s there’s that dough there’s nonc create dough which is Farmers Delight dough okay which is just wheat and a water a water bucket

And then a cutting board how do I make a cutting board cutting board uh okay let’s let’s do let’s make some spaghett spaghet spaghet spaghet spaghet we are making spaget we are making Spug it we are making Spug it I wonder what it going to be a

Spaghetti all right then we need to make a knife we need to make a knife um does it have to be cus quartz I can make a nether ah okay you know I just got nether quartz so let’s make a nether quartz kife um here we

Go let’s make a another quartz kife CU why not right and then I need some buckets and some water and a bunch of Wheats all right all right let’s make some boets and then go get some all right two booket should be fine let’s go get some spuget let’s go

Get some spuget let’s go get some spuget oh yeah all right so now what we do is we do a these and then we do a this and we got to do do actually I have this is this has water water bucket in it

But it’s fine I can yeah why why not why you know what there we go I used up the water in my backpack that’s been sitting there for a long time all right and then oh wait I have a sink I legit have a sink I have a sink right here

Okay all right where’s that cutting board all right cutting board and then we take we take that and then we cut maybe with a different tool okay uh maybe you want to use a different tool than the nether knife on this H yeah sure why not okay oh my

God uh all right so we got some raw spaghet look at all of our raw spaghet all right so we got some raw pasta and then we can cook the pasta so let me let me look let me look this up really quick pasta yeah we Ed that funky water

Me and my family originally from Phoenix we moved to another area where it’s cold and snow the other day and we’ve been playing in the snow nice your first snow experience okay we cannot do that because that’s like some weird stuff we need a cooking pot and a

Fire and then we need to put like tomato sauce raw I don’t want to do all that I don’t I don’t want to do all that oh God okay so we need tomato sauce which is two Tomatoes bro can I can I just can I just cook the

Pasta can I can I can I can a man just cook some pasta what is this oh I can make a vegetable noodles I can make um uh squid ink I just I just want some like basic stuff uh dried kelp bacon eggs okay all right pasta with meatballs

I need I need minced beef and tomato sauce how do I get minced beef okay so that’s easy minced beef is easy so we we we can we can make minced beef it’s the tomato sauce that I think well you know what we can we can do the

Tomato sauce as well do I have raw beef here I don’t know all right so Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes tomatoes do I have tomatoes do I have tomato seeds anywhere I have magic beans ah tomato seeds okay all right so tomato seeds are not

Going to be a problem it’s you know what I think I think this is actually a lot easier then I just need a cooking pot as well you try to building snowman but it just turn out well snowman takes practice snowman takes practice I will say that a snowman takes some practics all

Right um how do I make a cooking pot probably just like that hey what that’s a cauldron all how do you make a cooking pot cooking Pot uh do I need a cooking table as well I need a cooking for Blockheads book hey Y what so I need Stone terracotta I ain’t got time for that I actually it’s fine we can we can do terracotta all right it is a lot of work

To make some spaghetti guys this is this is let me let me tell you something this right here is a lot of work to make some spagett but we doing it we are making the spaghett I wish I knew where my books went CU I had a bunch of books and

They’re not here Aztec Vince left the game rip rip rip rip um okay let’s do uh I don’t see the Harvest Moon has risen hey the Harvest Moon this is this is perfect timing to uh grow my my tomatoes yeah yeah let’s do that really quick I had I had Oak

Planks my bad my bad guys I did have Oak planks all right so if we go over here you can see my uh what is that what does it just oh it just it it just it just grows it that’s pretty cool hey if I have it

Next to my hoe it just it it plants it right away well that’s pretty exciting that that it works like that okay cool uh all right so Tomatoes I have a Rotten Tomato even wait okay there’s my tomatoes tomatoes are not an issue we need some beef I’m sorry

No no no no no you don’t need to stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you don’t need to kill my cows stop stop stop stop stop oh my God oh my God he’s going to kill my cows he’s going to he’s going to

Kill my cows I got to fire him I got to fire him I got to fire him uh uh fire fire no maow fire pause pause pause don’t kill my cow don’t kill my cows oh my God he was he was on a rampage man saw man saw

Red he just wanted to kill all of my cows he just he just wanted to kill all of my cows oh my God all right so if I unpause him will he still be aggro please leave my cows alone please leave my cows alone I think he’s leaving my cows alone

Guys all right he’s leaving my cows alone oh my god oh that was so nerve-wracking all right um we need some terracotta uh which we should be able to do I got I got some toast I’m just going to I’m just going to munch on this toast I’m a

Little I’m a little I’m a little hungry all right what happened to all of my books I could have swore I had oh there’s all my books I was like I could have swore I had a million and one books you hear me all right um I need some tables one

Two and then I need cooking for Blockheads one I need to cook a book all right I got a cook a book it takes a book to cook a book a cook a book why why do why why I’m not cooking all those books do I even need that for the

Cooking pot I don’t understand how do I how do I heat up the cooking pot though because I don’t think that’s the same there’s a farmers Del like cooking pot as well I have so many cooking pots a fiery cookie pot cooking pot I mean it’s probably beneficial to make

You know I should cook another one of these as well it’s it’s probably beneficial to to actually do some of these things though so all right we have cooking for Block rockheads 2 what does this book even say oh select an item on the right to

Receive its recipe well I I know this stuff what oh it’s just that cuz that’s all that I’ve ever cooked uh sir this is all you’ve ever cooked all right and then I got a cooking table I got a I got a cooking table even so I have a

Sink which is infinite water apparently I didn’t I didn’t realize the sink was infinite water and I have a cooking table oh I can make wheat dough from here all right so and I have that cooking pot wait all right so how do I uh cooking

Pot so yeah this is not the same thing as that okay oh no what do I do with the cooking pot do I put it on a fire what do I do with a cooking pot I got to make the other cooking pot I guess which is it needs um

Copper question mark all right let me let me look at this other cooking pot yeah it needs oh it needs bricks how do I make bricks how do I how does okay we have we have enough to make some bricks okay I was about to be angry and a wooden shovel

Okay and a wooden shovel not a problem do I play Train Simulator I I do not play Train Simulator I’m sorry you have school tomorrow and it’s 12:21 you’re up pretty pretty late then you’re up pretty late if you got school I need some water shame I don’t have my my my

Backpack water anymore we’re just going to ignore the darkness and hope that no monsters come to get us oh speaking of monsters I wanted to play that new um super hard Minecraft mod pack that has monsters I I just need to get around to it you know all right so I have this

Cooking pot now what do I do with this dinner served needs heat from below okay all right so if I need heat from below we can get a Fire um campfire my heart’s desire is a campfire we need some more sticks um piece of coal and some Stone which we have down here piece of coal and and some Stone and there is a campfire and you know what to make the campfire even more extensive we should make a wheat Barrel

As well okay does YouTube still have Super Chat YouTube does have Super Chat why you don’t have to Super Chat it’s it’s all right oh uh there’s just a sheer drop hole there okay let’s let’s be a little bit careful yeah uh we’re going to build that up so

There’s not just a big hole in the ground um okay so I need I need the Wheats and then I need a campfire and then I need the cooking pots how do you what does the cooking pot not work oh no that’s the wrong cooking pot it’s this cooking pot

Okay bam baby look at that oh it does build up a little bit of smoke okay and then I need to cook some tomatoes to make spaghetti sauce cuz we’re making pasta r on a quest to make some spaghetti guys that’s that’s literally what I’m doing right now

Spaghetti with meatballs so I need a I need a bowl I don’t have any bowls um I need I need a bowl let me let me let me build a oh let me build a crafting table so I’m not always opening up my thing here do I play

FNAF um I have indeed played FNAF have I played it recently not recently I will be honest with you am I up to playing it again sure it’s just a matter oh I just want to put the put put the bowl in there okay so we’re making some tomato sauce very

Cool now we need to take this raw meat meats and we need to make minced meat out of it okay so we’ve made minced meat guys so what I do now is I look at this baddy never been with a baddy and I need to make some more

Bowls okay and then I put the bowls into here and it needs raw pasta tomato sauce and minced beef oh my God we’re doing it oh my God we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re making pasta with meatballs look at this

And I get nourishments oh my goodness I’m not even hungry I’m still going to eat oh I can’t eat it hold on hold on oh I know how to get I know how to get hungry really fast I know how to get hungry really really fast um we come in

Here and we get the road I tore down my road because it was awful and I hated everything about it and I spent a lot of my clay on it like all my clay was built on this road but one thing that’s nice about the road

Is I can use it as a launching board look at this all right and then I can just come back here and we all right okay hellblade s you a sacrifice I I I have it but I’ve not played it I have it but I have not played

It okay come on come on we got to just we just got to jump we got to jump we got to get we got to get we got to get hungry we got to jump jump jump jump let’s jump it up I can hurt myself that gets me

Hungry oh there we go look I’m hungry now I want to get real hungry though yeah that’s that’s what I want to see true hunger three Shanks down can we see four Shanks four Shanks down can we see five Shanks all right all right this is good enough right okay pasta with meatballs

Everybody it’s an experience for sure it’s an experience oh do we got a little too close yay plated meals will prevent you from getting exhausted or hungry for a while Yo y my Shanks have plates I’ve got nourishments that means I I I’ll never get hungry for like the next 2 minutes yo okay okay I see you game and I got this this this I made I made that I didn’t even need to make this and I I I made it

Anyways I I didn’t need to make it but I still made it oops I’m throwing stuff that I don’t need to throw we got bread gross Fox spawn egg okay these random rewards are kind of crazy where’s Herobrine in this game uh he’s not in this one but there is a mod

Pack that I want to played that he is in oh did I get a Mega Torch from my um my random items oh yeah it gave me a mega torch and an advanced magnet oh my God yeah we’ll put that advanced magnet on my current magnet is only five blocks

We’ll take the advanced magnet do I have the magnet on yeah okay so the mega torch uh stops smob spawn for 64 blocks so I can I can just be like all right we don’t want we don’t want mobs back here boom Oh my God I didn’t realize it would be that

Ugly okay we’ll hide it right there okay um uh we got a lot of stuff how much how much spaghet was I able to make as well I should have like 12 12 things of SP spaghet oh it hung you can you can hang that wait what is it doing

Now oh I can change the way it’s the way it looks that’s so cool I have 11 things of spaghetti and you know what spaghetti is actually kind of easy to make I think I can just make spaghetti from here I can make toast from

Here I can just I can just can I just make this how do I um can I can I oh I just click it and it makes it oh snap I can make infinite spaghet guys spaghetti is the easiest thing to make now how are the pigs the pigs are

Doing really good the pigs are doing fantastic actually I’m a spaghetti master I need to open up a spaghetti restaurant that’s what I need to do I need to open up an Italian restaurant that’s that’s the goal now we need we need to open up an Italian restaurant that’s what I want to

Do we need to make a central okay so that’s the plan for the server there’s about six people on right now not on right now I’m the only one that’s on but there’s six people on the server I think we need to make a central Hub where we

All have our own little uh export that we specialize in I want to specialize in spaghett I can make mutton chop spaghett o mutton chop spaghett what is this squid ink pasta is nourishment for five minutes that’s pink salmon tomato and ink sack oh it’s any fish and a tomato

Okay this gives you strength regeneration oh my goodness okay that’s pretty dope look at that I just got I got pasta I do need to make some more uh tomato sauce though I do need some tomato sauce I went and said spaghet while I was out of

Out of this and man went yeah I’m going to make a whole restaurant all right look at I got I got spaghet I got spaghet I’m I’m gonna make me a restaurant I’mma make me a spaghetti Italian restaurant with some flatbread oh yeah do these guys eat spaghet hold

On Lion girl hello hi hi an enchantment table uh I have an enchantment table hold up let me uh let me let me recruit lion girl she’s so Random she’s so oooo she’s so Kawaii do I have have an enchantment table I’m pretty sure I have an enchantment table

Somewhere yeah right here she’s so oooo Kawaii look at that she’s coming down to to visit my house no no what happened to your outfit why do you look like a bum now why that’s not cool is there a problem there is a problem yes what there’s a

Major problem I was promised ooo Kawaii girl and I I got frumpy Village [Laughter] winch she’s laughing at me she’s laughing at me okay anyways uh Nico are you hungry Nico good to see you good to see you can you eat spaghet Nico need something ni can eat spaghet

Catfished in real life catfished in Minecraft I got catfished in Minecraft you’re tired Nico oh someone’s sick all right well I can I can at least go and and and give all my dudes here you know what have great to see you great to see you too yep yep yep anyways

We’ll uh why is everyone sleeping on the job I can’t I can’t that what do you need without this I can’t work he needs a shovel all right I I can make him a shovel I have too much stuff in my inventory hold on I need that um put

That there put the put that there okay he needs a shovel I I I feel I feel Bamboozled I feel Bamboozled everybody I I am distraught I am I am I am Omega levels of distraught get back here I made you a gosh darn thing and you will take it like

That there didn’t take my good one he did not take my good one okay we got some spaghetti yet I need to make um uh I I need I need more clay okay all right oh right I don’t have a bed anymore cuz I gave it to the town

Hall I got no bed on me we can use this bed okay um let me see here there is a mod pack Austin you asked for H Herobrine there is a mod pank that’s centered around Herobrine let me pull it up really quick let me pull it up really

Quick why is it not being pulled up there we go it is called fear Nightfall I’ve not played it yet but it’s supposed to be extremely scary extremely difficult lots of uh Cryptids and scps and and terrifying creatures and uh yeah it’s uh it has it’s like it’s main goal is

Herobrine so yeah I’m going to be playing that eventually sometime in the future but until then I got I got spaghet until then I got I got spaghet we need we need more tomatoes for the spaghet though we need more tomatoes for the spaghett all right let me let me

Actually dump everything first and then I’ll grab that okay bone meal we we did get some Rotten Tomatoes from that that’s okay I wonder what I can use Rotten Tomatoes for I don’t know okay I guess we’ll go and make some more tomato sauce some sushi tomato is that going through my base

No I got pasta bam I’m going to need more bowls all right oh can I make a cabinet and put the stuff in oh I can make a fridge can’t I um fridge I can make a fridge white concrete I don’t want to make concrete right now I can make I can

Make a multiblock fridge with just an iron door and a chest we can do that that’s super easy that’s super easy so easy I’ll do two of them I got two chests in here somewhere yeah chest chest and then I have you know 11,000 iron I think I can afford a

Uh a door or two so I made two refrigerator doors which can I can I stank them up like this I want I want my fridge over here heyo oh my God this game’s incredible guys this game absolutely incredible um put the minced beef in

There what what do I what do I do with the the tomats oh I just turned them into tomato seeds oh okay that’s easy enough and we have tons of tomato sauce and then I should make some more stuff can I also make cabinets yes I can I can make kitchen

Cabinets storage ingredients for recipes storage ingredients for recipes it needs terra cotta I wonder if that means for like this I don’t know raw spaghet we have some tomato sauce all right so hold on do we need the bowls in there because the tomato sauce has bowls doesn’t it does it need the

Bowls raw pasta gives you 30 seconds of [Laughter] hunger oh it it does need bowls okay all right that’s fine um just means we need to make more bowls which mean I mean we have we are kind of running low on wood actually we are we are actually running low on

Wood oh Lord I made too many Balls oh God I made way too many bows there huh so many bowls all right uh I I I mean I guess I can just put the bowls oh oh I could put them in a drawer yeah I can just put them in like a basic drawer for now anyways we have 190

[Laughter] bowls look at that all right then I can just put the rest of my tomats in there I can put uh some toast in there dude incredible in incredible why is it giving me bowls oh is it hold on so do I need the Bowls because the tomato sauce has

Bowls so you need to double up on the bowls that’s a little weird I will say they only stank up to 16 as well okay that’s fine all right that’s fine cool the buffet at the restaurant is exquisite you don’t we don’t have a restaurant we have we have we have spaghet though

Right away you wake up I I think I think they are tired I think that’s the problem here is they need a Barracks to sleep which is a block of iron all right we’ll we’ll make them a Barracks we’ll make them a barics I guess why am I running back down to the

Iron I literally really have all the iron I need in my inventory okay where’s my building tool right here I need some more wood all right okay Barracks all right let’s let’s go and let’s go and build this really or like get this started really quick and since it’s almost midnight I’m probably

Going to go ahead and end the stream here shortly it’s a little late it’s a little late is all um do I want let me I can I can put the barracks back here yeah maybe put the barracks over here I could put the barracks over here

Like looking over the waterfall or the the little thing there yeah maybe let’s see what the barracks looks like first all right so we have the barracks we have regular barracks which yeah it’s a bit extreme so we would want it like that yeah and then it gets like super massive though

Which I don’t hate let me let me take a look at it it looks like a freaking Castle what about the alt Barracks uh oh God I can’t even see what it is uh I don’t I don’t know what even what even are you supposed to be’s just make the regular barracks and

Um okay so this is where it’ll go you’ll cut all that down and then is this the front I guess the the front doesn’t really matter and then okay so Barrack’s level five okay so that is the fronts because then then don’t go like that I don’t think that opens

But but yeah that is that is the fronts okay okay level five man that that one’s extreme all right so so we want this to go down one and then he can just build it all beautiful okay all right what was what is all this wood oh that’s

Fur should probably finish this guard Tower back here though but I think we’re going to do that on the next stream has been a good good one y’all but I think it’s time for me to go to bed I’ve been streaming for four and a half hours you know decent

Stream we got some more spaghett spaghetti Oo we spaghetti all colonists are tucked into bed I again I don’t have my bed speaking of beds okay oh all right well thank you guys for watching I will have to catch you on the next one it was a fun one for

Sure it was a fun one for sure we made spaghetti I have a new goal in life which is to to make um which is to make uh an Italian restaurant in Minecraft and sell spaghett look at that we are stacked up baby stacked up baby pretty good pretty pretty dang

Awesome if you ask me whoa God oh because of the uh the the the road there what do you need buddy what can I do for you there’s no guard I know there’s no guard I know there’s no guard I’m sorry you need you need you need all the things that I don’t

Have you need you need all of the things don’t you you’re a man that needs many things many things I don’t have all right Cobblestone dark oak log okay all right I’m going to go ahead and go thank you for watching everyone I hope y all have a good one again take care


This video, titled ‘I am playing Minecraft now’, was uploaded by Reldrik on 2023-12-13 05:05:53. It has garnered 117 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:07 or 16387 seconds.

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

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    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More