Insane Minecraft Gameplay with Pro Gamers LIVE

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So I should be live on YouTube in that case am I live on YouTube right Now just go back here I just close out all this he oh there’s two of them I am live technically so we can get rid of this one CU this one we don’t need any that’s why we can get rid of it we’re going to we’re going to delete this please go

Away it says I’m live right now uh how do I delete this what I’m live right now how do I delete it cuz there’s another one at like 7:15 and I Want to Be Live Twice oh I see it show him the game it’s very delayed very delayed well that’s not my

Problem Chris Chris Chris Chris CH hey man it’s in peaceful mode cuz I was trying to make sure mobs wouldn’t come and kill us while I was trying to figure this out I’m still trying to figure it out how do I there we go I’m trying to delete one cuz we don’t

Need it anymore so figured this out uh can I just like make a full new YouTube Studio tab oh my camera so now I should be able to go on to here give me a second give me a second give me a second move that yes let me

Go integrated camera boom and then F that can you hear me at all probably like in the Stream now we’re on YouTube studio so now we can go Yeah delete forever now we have this one oh there’s not a legit thumbnail on it it’s kind of fun uh anyways now I’m going to go tell some people real quick that I’m live you can still see everything right but like give a second give a second cuz it’s behind I’m off that Stuff Am messaging People Man I can’t cannot spell holy mod I still see well we’ll make a thumbnail for it later whenever I can figure out how to screenshot is my notifications on they are it’s good I’ll leave email open in case she responds I’m know way Chris me you can’t can’t even try at all

Because then I will get taken down all right put it back on nor that’s that’s the that’s the first thing I see I’m going go kill it we Chris I’m going to not over here any He’s going I ain’t going to let him though he you give me one piece of that okay Chris I’m gonna actually you can’t even hear me Chris I don’t care mat you know I’ll I’ll back tap this and you watch it on my phone and St

On can you hear me at all on the Stream little quiet yeah oh wow you’re Notting I can’t hear myself I can’t hear myself oh we have two watching we got two people watching two people W you know something that person I’m the second person uh I I still need food because

Chickens do not give me any saturation hey snow let’s not go that way cuz I don’t have food I can hear your laugh Chris I can hear you fight well shouldn’t have done give me H Food heart something oh my God I don’t like how it takes your hunger to regenerate heart

Anno we should probably get wood and build ourselves a house later we got to look out for sheep for beds that way we don’t have good need six [Applause] minimum me too Ain’t No Horses going to drop any but they are going to drop leather which is good for

Armor yeah food my food I saw this pig first it’s so confusing cuz I got a black sheep and now I saw him first and the baby’s not going to drop anything White Die Chris bro what quit it quit what saying that Stu I know I know what you’re doing quit cing boy I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you that and I’m pretty sure that’s the only time I hear you say that well as long as we streaming

Yeah can’t cuss in a stream whenever streaming Chris taken down CH I’ll get taken down I don’t want that where’ you [Applause] [Laughter] go I’m getting myself some flowers uh no you just went away from me what the heck oh well CH which direction did you go well then clearly you probably not even going there you are what the [ __ ] Chris oh there you go who we should probably go to that Sahara

Something let’s not go to the snow because we want well I need one more sheep cuz I got wool I got dye to a diet so I don’t got to oh that’s not a problem we need we need six minimum yeah exactly Where where did you go I’m going to collect this tree over here uh in what direction what did you go out in front of me or something which ones the big one Chris there’s three mountains four the big ones does not Help Turtles is is that a house down there whoa that’s where are you going I don’t know where you’re at what is this cobblestone stuff over Here I’m swimming out to the Chris I’m going to this because this looks like a [Applause] house it’s here you people I just need H uh why do you want to play them no just to swim over there um give me a second so I don’t drown I don’t have very I’m gamer Up oh that was a lot to you get there wa right where you um R so I can get over there I don’t know what it is over here oh it’s not a house it’s a ocean I have any tools here that there’s a chest here with a this stuff not the best

Chest oh I Forgot where’s Coordinates oh this thing does not support Ray tracing I was hoping my theater Would it like some World stuff Game I don’t see cornat hold on let’s there we go fixed it okay so what’s your third number third Chris they should be on for you as well yeah what is it what is it 53 and what’s your second number 62 then netive – 177 is the first [Applause] one direction did you

Go oh I’m kind of far away stay right there got me some food why is my experience going all the way out [Applause] there oh there’s nothing there uh mobs are going to spawn now on way cuz peaceful Mode’s on cuz you wanted me to turn that on yeah I need to get

Over I still don’t know where you’re at oh wait is that oh I found the GI of it I found that Tower thing are you still at the area yeah the one giant one yeah oh you know that little ocean m yeah there I’m already there I’m fishing I got a

Fishing luck of the sea and Unbreaking it’s not putting the experience [Applause] next okay yes I [Applause] did we go to this Pillager out first yeah oh wait need it’s on peaceful mode cuz your baby butt wanted it on that I just needed the you can turn it off [Applause] I [Applause]

Goes up to like 86 or something 84 I [Applause] think although my computer can’t handle it and you to can handle GTA 5 you know Minecraft actually oh oh has to have more oh GTA I don’t care getting the weather I late no because once we turn it off the

Normal mods going they’re going to be B what would be inis oh it’s the opening is not on the ground where’s my wood there it is Chris how’d you get up there of course SL I forgot ooh smithing templates those are good I I like bread smthing temp points are

Good because then we can use I don’t know if it’s these oh no it’s an armor trim is it pretty sure that’s an armor Tri cuz the uh thing I’m thinking of to like upgrade to Nether right I don’t think it’s it says a template I forget what

It’s called but I’m pretty sure it looks more nethery and a lei I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these in M for survival it’s been a while since I’ve Played I voted for you what I Ved that M yeah shut up who is that cuz I can hear them my Jack Chris you oh my god crap I better not get taken down I’m going appeal that so quickly it’s my friend now is my friend now I gave him a block

There we go it’s back on normal mode oh crap now there’s four people after me it’s not too big of a problem because I’m a proo Minecrafter that’s not do wait oh again he doesn’t care what’s W oh that’s good Chris shut up come I saying what am I

God oh wait I I already had a pickax well still don’t test it I’m not going to let my channel geten down somebody and they would not stop having a potty Map BL uh stick and a feather we need get some Flint oh I just saw two sheep spawn in front of me so they’re going to die e they’re going to die or the zombies going to die first oh boom uh I don’t think I need to fill they not going stay

Here wait wait wait um almost done that one That I went up there I give me a second I’m making a bed I need more Wood okay you caught yourself Good wait what happened you caught yourself you almost swore but you caught yourself good job Yeah if you want to keep on streaming with me you’re going to need to learn to do that More I got me no he took my wall now I got me no no no what are you trying to kill somebody’s calling me can’t you just like add them for the call or something I’m going I’m going to pick up Sam on the what well it’s on work

Now does it work though cuz I remember you’re told me it didn’t work okay well uh you have to add me on there and I have to add you yeah but I have to get off the world to add you oh I’ll do that real quick uh just let

Me call back my other friend hold up Swap all right Chris I’m going to leave the world so I can add him and then he’s going to join us as well the world okay so what’s your name I probably shouldn’t be showing me some stream but I can’t really stop that right now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] see You Is the is oh you can this space okay there we go add friends and boom and then mine is That now how do I add all three of you onto a call merge add Call why do I press merge I don’t know what that did it’s loading conference call oh we’re on the same call now all Right I I I just got it this morning so oh I have a ton on my Xbox and switch Sam okay I can hear You wait is he on the call yeah we’re all three on the call now I got a Batman pack today I bought this yeah I put on I I have I Have well I got to wait so he can add me as Well wait so I think it was Either it’s Set of message and through my friends and yes that includes her don’t say her name you know what her I’m talking about me don’t say her name wait me not her Chris it’s a her it’s a she Chris she I sent a message to my friends saying that I’m streaming including her

Don’t say her name you know what you know who I’m talking about yeah Sam you should know as well all right so now I should be able to join the world and we should we should all three not a realm it’s just a in the world I

Don’t have Realms or at the very least I don’t play for anymore me on oh he oh oh there there’s some here anyway so probably all right well let’s go back to spawn Chris uh wait where is Spa again I don’t really remember but I will find out where spawn is oh

Sheep that’s not where spawn oh he sent me his coordinates here what up7 56 yeah I can hear you we got to go back this way like a lot I’ll pick up food along the way cuz I’ve got a lot of at least I did and some wool cuz I’ve got a

Bed it’s 122 6756 that’s where that’s his coordinates oh wait I went past 122 122 here H all right Sam round rules no cursing and no swearing or no inappropriate jokes because I’m familyfriendly yeah I don’t know how well you can be heard on the stream but still take my

Bed I really that one um I have I have barely anything me as well oh I can make a ton of bread I’m fine you use a custom character I made this skin on some website yeah your hair is way too fast well I can’t do that Chris I can’t make

My hair like poofy like it is in real life yeah but Sam not on the or Chris not on the website I was using trying to there’s my it’s so confusing I’m used to left clicking on like a switch and everything else to do stuff I’m we got three viewers

How do I take it all at once like craft everything at once I don’t know I got six pie of bre everyone gets two I already ate one cuz I need it it’s by the crafting table no give two to Sam H some one more a what you

Say isn’t that uh Teddy from like fifth grade your Bread’s over there your Bread’s over there why are you killing the turtle I want I I want what how do I screenshot on my computer I don’t know dead does anybody have more wood there’s bread Sam Bread’s right there I need I’ll my

I why do I have SE grass I don’t need that you should make you should make your girlfriend Watch Sam see if she remembers me what no not really not really yes I do I just still need this I’m just going to take this I’m just going to take

That I don’t have my crafting table where I put it there CH I need more wood to finish the house Sam you should send the link to the stream to your girlfriend see if she still remembers me do do open I don’t wear a shirt at all what is this thing following you

Around Chris why is there just lay with my wool yeah we took my wool as well kill that thing oh it that’s my bed I need to get red thigh cuz Red’s the best color I’m running back home now guys I got wood the CF table right

There I forgot it goes on top of like that remember the cords Sam yes I remember oh I got a message from someone else saying I know you’re streaming right now it’s kind of cryptic but why is he saying can we share the bed I’m not even no I’m not picking up

The phone for him no I just I should I should I let him in guys should it be four of us Sam it’s Ethan it’s the it’s the weird Ethan Sam no there can be four it’s a four four wide I don’t think we should let him in I know he’s

Watching what do you mean prop L you spilled that stuff right there for no reason Chris you put this here for no reason we don’t need fashion we need to survive what are you talking where are you at Sam said you remember the cords I don’t even see your name tag got

Turn up my Rend actually I’m not going to do that my computer can’t handle it oh the baby Or you could just like that works go to sleep Chris where my trash who kept who ke who’s spamming l in the chat okay I think y all know the girl I’m talking about I say not to say on stream maybe I could stream this with her eventually that’s a maybe though I don’t know if she’s watching she knows but do

Not say any what hey what happened what about code names what about code names Chris I’m seriously going to kill kill this thing it’s annoying me I don’t know why it’s annoying me so much but it is yeah you know what else would be funny Chris not opening up my

Settings my sword broke are you kidding me my sword broke right as I was going to kill that stupid thing flying around how do I take everything at once how do I craft all the items at once need wood we B oh there’s a tree sapling right there that’s good I

Guess that thing lives for now until I make another sword Chris oh I have an axe o my bad you got out my way Chris oh here’s your your chest plate you got in my way I still have three pickaxes kill that thing uh I’m going to go mining y are

Both that’s why I come in with my axe where’d he go there he is get over here quit going up So die how much health does this thing have why is he look at me like that what the heck oh my God die oh I got the double hit bro what is where’d he go die die how much health does this thing need die die he’s on the floor no no

How health does he have die I can’t even reach that high oh there we Go I’m going to kill this thing if even if it breaks my axe die how much damage do this axe do four how much health does it have no I didn’t kill it it’s depleted like half my stone axes durability it better there ain’t no way it depletes all of it where’ it

Go that’s right help me out Sam it’s making fun of us no I got my ass oh that did a lot out I’m trying to kill this thing you’re getting it broke my axe if my ax is what the heck how much health is that they have I’m Googling this right now 50

It has a lot more than 20 Health they can restore one heart a second who how’s I supposed to know about that kidding me I’m I wasted my time trying to kill that thing whenever I can’t even kill it for the most part unless I put it in lava or Something I’m done trying to kill that thing Chris lucky your little pet is living I don’t know not on yours I don’t think I don’t think I hear it on you I’ve done streams though where you could where cuz like I always watch my stream

On my phone to make sure you can hear and everything and you full health and full hunger finally you little I need one I hate that thing I don’t like a anymore I regret voting for that thing it wasted my entire Stone axes durability Chris stop cussing Sam 1 Chris zero hope you

Die me so yeah I’m go to this cave over [Applause] here you know what I what he doing well the still foll me around follow it’s follow me everywhere until I find a way to kill it yeah that was my tree that was my

Tree I need my wool except I don’t but I don’t like that thing I’ve got a grudge against that guy now took up all my durabil how do you like craft it all at once CU I know you can do that remember out I didn’t need that so I got two

Pickaxes whatever just in case where are you inside a cave right now [Applause] [Applause] what [Applause] wait are you in this game or you are hold up let me craft something real quick oh was I needed stuff to make [Applause] scared I don’t want to get blown up by no creeper

Oh no no no don’t go yet go okay I oh I got to navigate my way back over there cuz there’s already quite a bit of a map in there I’m not going to kill myself get it back get it backed get it backed Chris I am quite far away and I

Did not take my bed with me so give me a minute to get back to the base [Applause] Reapers the best H them [Applause] up have to double oo what do that mean that flipping La man oh my God my R qu over La open chat There’s a Witch how do I open up chat here the C let’s te up on that wood right we need we need but I found okay I was find out but chat y this take us forever oh got to go just got to go you know we can fist fight

This wait Sam you low it and me and Chris will get it oh we killed it I got a spider eye I’ll be fine oh I got Redstone as well I have it I don’t have it either I was away from you bones oh and I got arrows as well that’s

I it’s probably exploded you are just picking it back up I am I’m literally standing right on top of it oh that’s mine this is fun seeing you rage y all like the chat oh stone pickaxe so how much Cobblestone do I have I have 10 that’s just what I was wanting okay

So yall like what I’m putting in chat oh I got well that’s too bad because that’s how I feel uh I want you to get wait what not you let’s I’m looking looking did he just dig into the base no sixth graders allowed where I hold up give me one

Second and put that in there Chris the stone swords in here or not Chris uh Sam oh I did not land on that I did not land on that uhhuh no you ain’t uhoh I’m about dead I ain’t got food well actual food I gotot

FL and yellow D but I don’t need yellow D I want red Dy cuz red is the best color do hey hey all Sam I don’t Have was trying to look where I went and then you killed me you you pulled me into the hole yeah you did you couldn’t go back on the stream Chris you you hooked me on your fishing rod and you pulled me into the hole yeah you did look at the stream

Chris go back on the stream and you can see that you pulled me with your fishing rod and you put me into the hole I’ll do that when I out of the yeah I had two pickaxes and some Cobblestone I had two cobblestone as well I forget I forget why but I had

To all right so like I’d really prefer to have my two Cobblestone back so I can kill this kid with with a stone sword but like first up par not me that didn’t work we are literally each other because of you I was doing just fine you pulled me in the

Hole I had a fishing rod as well it had luck of the sea and Unbreaking 3 on it no no don’t you try me Sam don’t try me I don’t have food I have literally nothing oh I’m getting a message from him again sent me a picture of a Wilson basketball because he knows that’s my last name it’s kind of fun no that was mine Chris those Smith and templets were mine I finally have

Pants here we go go oh there we go that’s that’s this is oh who filled the hole back up oh they didn’t oh you’re coming with me little buddy no don’t you think you can escape me oh you’re coming with me coming with me get over here that’s right

No this thing’s coming with me no he got off my fishing rod H get him get get him thinking heal too fast bro oh you did f up the hole I I have No I don’t have any either bro what did I do what I how far behind is the stream oh I put it back in hour or not an hour minute 30 seconds it’s not that well we need water I I have iron you can’t kill the LA because it regenerates it like oh I D you it regenerates a heart every second

What it’s going to fly above us the oh that could work what we’re going to do we’re going to L pleas owner is going to come to me and someone’s immediately going to close the door is the here loser get in there no that’s the wall floor get in there go

Go like I’m trying to get my dog gun in the bathroom just goes everywhere but There blue flying thing Des die what I over maybe it’s cuz it knows what we’re trying to do so what if I just hide in here okay I’m over here I’m going to the house almost in the house one second y’ CH Need what I’m in the the house right now cuz I’m tiing my hair I only have three items cuz someone didn’t give me all my stuff back I had two wooden pickaxes and two cobblestone as well a lot more than two things care about you got to take the saplings and make more

Food because someone cannot keep their mouth clean wait let’s go oh that’s not oh boy I’m at half a heart let me look in the house let me look no oh I almost budy buddy oh that’s scar to that oh you’re half a heart yeah

Oh I forgot you have to hold it down on computer he no don’t you get my stuff like my stuff must St back I forgot they to hold it down on computer I just watched the Stream all right let’s go Min guys where I don’t have someone didn’t give me back my two pickaxes I haded two wooden pickaxes okay that is wait since you didn’t give us back our pickaxes you you have to make us both one stone one there we

Go give me my back give me my back C noises bro are you scared of a little noise can’t see I tried to download mods cuz Sam me you can play Java together now I Tred to download mods and it just won’t work no matter what version I’m on

I I can’t get my mods to work I’m going be right back I’m going to get a little snack and I got to go to the bathroom don’t kill me you know I’m going go to the house that way I that way I can just get my stuff back easily kill

Uh no I trust y’all cuz you know a friend trusts their friends up I’m Ming for I for I’m back now uh add chis back oh because I went to the bathroom all right there we go I was going to get a snack but my mom told me she ordered pizza so I guess I’m staying hungry for a few more minutes I very I foundat I found I found

Underwater Oh Lord help I’m hopefully someone remembers the cords cuz I don’t um do I just follow me guys follow me I’m getting Wood what you mean l i I was going to the bathroom bro I had a beat what do you mean I look so stupid this this this is one part of hair on the stream that’s just sticking out in the front is that still there is that still there I I don’t feel

It is that still there oh wait I was back like a minute for some reason I don’t know why on no it’s not there much more no more but I’m going fix but now B Chris you need to stop pressing oh I the B did I pull out part of the thing how

Did I stretch the rubber band to break a little bit or not rubber band my hair tie but whatever it has a rubber band in It what Sam you were there whenever I tied my hair back what are you talking about you seen that uh where where are the coordinates where is the base uh I don’t know about Chris but I am cuz I was just tying my hair back wait I think I might remember the

Way I’m watching your stream right now I don’t think this is the right way is it oh I am going right way this pig is juking me we’ve made like zero progress in the past like like 40 minutes I’ve been streaming for in total 80 minutes now I I’m

Going I’m going to plant some trees I’m cuz I don’t have mining tools except for wind pickaxe exra it I don’t how do I take everything at once cuz like that works I mean that works you can’t just take B once oh there got to be my control

Somewhere I found gravel guys take lot button three oh that’s I can make if I have no then you cancel button five what do you mean by button five I found iron Chris why’d you leave oh there’s a Enderman nearby that’s not want to do I’m mining Chris where’d you

Go why is the C depit so dark why is Chris not responding he still in the call is it just us now oh he’s gone oh I bet he’s getting some some something to eat then probably so you still watching from the stream right yeah look at this Lego car I’ll be

Back what were you doing Chris oh oh sounds like fun out there look at the car Guys Sam look at the car see It see the car Sam Sam do you see the car no oh maybe I should have taken the people out first oh well I ain’t going to show I’m stream again I probably should have taken the people out cuz I don’t know if she’s all right with this On oh well there’s one mistake I found many others what just popped off what it was one of that small pieces oh it’s right there okay good yo go to bed let me I go to sleep oh who B the monsters nearby lure them away Sam there we

Go oh I’m hungry but I can’t do anything are youing yes okay I need to move my bed so I can sleep all right I’ll be back all right [Applause] oh yay I can’t how do I pull bro we’re not saying any we’re not saying any names in this

Stream but how far behind is my why is it a whole 3 minutes behind we’re not saying any names but like like how do I pull cuz there’s someone trying to pull what do I have Arrow oh oh no you don’t you’ve had like two and I’ve had zero no [Applause]

Face oh yeah we’re about to go mining I forgot I know I need poing tips that’s what I need I need to get FL though I got just mine gravel for that yeah I got I don’t have any iron we should get three iron and make a

Bucket and we can make some infinite water and then I can find a LV oh Sprint what are you doing oh I don’t need water anymore so Sam I’ve got quite a few questions about your skin one what is it supposed to be two why does it have

Abs I can very clearly see the ABS on your skin what even are you what what you what are you supposed to be I can see the ABS but what are you carrot a carrot carrots don’t have abs though look at my head but like carrots don’t have ABS oh no

Sprint ah burn me in here uhoh oh I’m sprinting backwards okay I’m at one heart I need some food like badly unless I have some in my inventory I don’t I’m behind a Whole 30 seconds how am I so far behind I got I don’t know if is going to get here but

We’re having let’s Sam I need tips on how to pull because you’ve done it twice and I’ve done it zero times there’s a problem with that and it’s that I’ve done it zero times I mining how do I there’s got be a way to take everything in there at once

There no it is not goinging you looking at I’m killing someone drop sea grass 11 and down at Deep Sleep where are you digging at the LA is still here it’s just roaming around Before anybody goes before we end the stream we need to all take a picture together cuz I still need Oh I killed him in front of his son oh I just ate him in front of his son look at that face that’s right you leave I’m not I’m hearing my my Laugh In The Stream I sound so mentally unstable because I am baby turtles are so small like I can’t even really

Socer oh good beening for time I killed that sheep look let’s see if I can say a straight face I killed that sheep’s father in front of his face and then ate him in front of his face I [Laughter] yeah what you saying I was not

Listening I can hear the stream in the Stream I no no no it’s from my phone laughing at your I’m laughing at my laughing What Sam you I’ve been asking for quite a bit now and you still have given me zero pulling tips there’s your father that’s what he is now Oh it’s rain I Sam you have yet to give me any ping tots got lucky yeah lucky get lucky dude that’s the name of a song not a pulling pit but I’m [Applause] not oh who whoa no no no no don’t bur it we can get sapling from

This we don’t have any what are you doing oh I thought they were coming after me for a second you left the game the bees are still mad they’re not mad at me though uh damn did you make that skin yourself or did you get it from like a skin going

We’re probably going to these are probably going to come after you again oh you’re still on poison uh where did the bees even go I’m not going to I kill it seriously no saplings in this Tre oh [Applause] wait already what are you doing oh hey whoa who who who social distancing

Ah I hope think I killed you where’ all my stuff go no I had a lot more than this oh man hey no watch this I’m watch this get over here [Applause] oh creepers are the best I can make I got I I make I make put some perfect messages in the chat

Go to sleep Sam three watching and I think that it’s just us so I’ve been streaming for quite a while no rain no sounded like a creeper oh man oh I’m just that good he didn’t even do that much damage to me he did half a heart because of strategies

Yeah this is all you got to do look come here down down here Buddy Buddy Buddy down this is all you do where did you go I don’t have any of your things don’t take my stuff I don’t have any of your things how fast can I

Spin that’s I assume it’s quite fast I can’t tell how much am I spinning I can just turn back the playback speed to like 25 speed I cannot tell that’s too slow for me to tell what I’m going there was originally some writing on the back of my character but I

Decided to that hey probably replant those trees I don’t want seag grass I need creeper to make I need food in real life and in the game I don’t know where it went I don’t know did the creeper blow it up man this makes me angry angry oh I juked you

Yeah but like I Still d you though uh that’s not that’s not power that’s not working that’s not up that’s not up no F I did I had no idea must have been in the back po of my inventory so like where’ the rest of my stuff

Go that a ton of wood not just these logs yeah that’s my fishing rod my fishing rod no let me out let me out let me out maybe oh you missed oh you missed again oh no uhoh I had food on me did I uh I’m about to Oh I killed that SP right in front of not this one the other one That I was trying to slam the door shut on you hey whoa whoa whoa whoa who I saw you pick that stuff eight gunpowder oh okay I need I need two gun powder I want to cook it hi I need two I need two uh gun powder let’s go creeper [Applause] Co

Oh I he disappeared oh I can’t TR them is avoiding all of my all your flyer Where am I do there’s another One [Laughter] [Applause] where’ the other one go I need food that was the reason I needed food this give back my stuff here that was not it I had all that 36 wood every time you reel me in I get a hit you on there’s four people watching I have no

Idea who that four person is but uh well there’s two likes on it I bet that’s from you and Chris oh no you don’t oh no you don’t uhoh n no n no hold on wow I can’t see my chat is that a problem has anyone said anything in chat

One second I think I can check I get onto the stream on my computer I’m waiting to I’m trying to get onto the stream to see if I hav’t said anything in chat not studio just YouTu so we’re going to me the Z probably I hear you damaging me oh did you kill

[Applause] me that’s I don’t like that one man one jar what is that that’s not me that that’s me I don’t even want I hear you damaging me oh did you no one has said anything in chat oh people have been saying chat who’s been talk oh I know this

Guy it’s Teddy how long has he been watching there’s five watching oh cuz I’m my computer mute okay so I don’t have a way to keep chat open I can’t see anything is Teddy still watching is he even watching this entire time or just the entire time you’ve been

On we’ve been going for almost 2 hours oh he’s been here the whole time that’s quite crazy since he started that’s a long time but thanks my man I don’t have to way to keep up with the chat scen is it possible so hold up if I can

Like does it need to be full screen full screen how do this look uh boom now I can see chat as well there we go screen’s smaller but I can rehat 280 Subs wow that’s a lot that’s a lot more than me oh Chris is back Chris one of my friend since fifth

Grade has been watching the whole time El that’s 2 Hours three I don’t have any materials CU someone took all of mine oh Wow Sam what are you doing no Sam Sam’s the other guy That help this flipping away they should not be able to regenerate instantly like that just flying around here still can’t kill it what what are you doing Sam stuff Teddy have you gotten a girlfriend at all talking to the other guy in chat Rock does look settings on video R

Says I figured my I guess not we did Stu I mean kind of I don’t know what Sam was doing he was just running around doing stuff she’s not my girlfriend what do you mean by kind of she’s not your girlfriend then she’s my girlriend well then in that case I’ve had 20

Girls Oh oh there’s iron here thanks creeper buddy that’s why creepers are the best possible mod sound like something I can hear my mom Pizza your sword [Applause] break oh he left okay no I have nothing except for six logs and a stick insane bro I look different I Music let me guess dinner all right I’m going leave the world open and we stream running but got go eat dinner I will be back pretty quickly I’m sure what I’m going to eat some dinner Wait what are we Doing [Applause] okay I He much to hit me I still hit you what Right I E guess who’s back all right how many times did y’all kill me where did Sam go take a bath well he is small enough to take a bath like same height as you oh I’m at half a heart peekaboo peek peekaboo that’s enough peeko uh don’t kill me with half a

Heart been spamming Sam with messages wow I have who got a Cas slap saplings girl. friend do that you have you all too close what I’m talking to the guy in chat okay Chris calm down I know a’t you and no girl close not talking this you can you can relax I

Know know I know you are not close with any girl like how am I closer with girls than you are oh that’s not false what yeah oh that’s right stick p what does sticky keys even do ke on don’t want to turn on sticky keys turn disable disable the shortcut

Sticky keys we’re going to what if I turn that on what does it do press the shift key five times turn SEC keys on or off we’re going to turn that off I’ll turn everything related to sticky keys off so now I that’s all I want I’m clicking faster than my guy’s actually

Cing wa oh now it does that you should like you know add me to the game I don’t know about that cuz I can’t call you so therefore we can’t really talk wait your who who what are you doing no no there’s not there’s no hole in the back of my head

What fny what’s so funny not Chris you send me a picture of it cuz I know for a fact there’s not a hole in my Head I know there’s not a hole in my head cuz I made sure there wasn’t what where did that come from wait straight up it’s give me one second CH I need to fix this download that that there we go now I should be able to D

Here use the most recent one and that should be the better one are there still holes in my head uh not by the work of it no there’s not holes in there okay I fixed it I can just add people from here oh I didn’t know that oh I guess this is him

There there’s monsters nearby you go kill him cuz I’m at half a heart I’m behind you I ate two slices of pizza in like four minutes new PB new PB that’s right Teddy what did you think of the Lego car I showed on stream earlier why’ you break the carpet I didn’t mean

To you should probably go kill those guys oh look you should probably go kill that guy you I said you should kill him not let him Inside what oh Oh my he nearby what don’t open up the door oh wait I have a sword Oh where did he come from oh now I have health at least what kill Spider what Teddy what reminds you of what what are you being reminded of right now you I don’t have a girl unfortunately yet he doesn’t have a girl I was at a pizza place and we had half an hour to eat I ate a whole large pizza and five ped sugar covers brownies and like three Dr Peppers that sounds like something I would have as an average

Lunch also the Lego can is very good it is very good I had something the Aimbot oh my God he almost killed me yeah I just had some earlier today those are banging yeah and I I eat [Applause] them red nothing can conf red yeah

Yeah okay so Teddy how close are you in this other girl that you’re friends with Chad whose house is this it’s Sam want me to go take a shower cuz he’s so small how much stuff of M did he take wait uh either he didn’t take anything else

Or he put it in his inventory I almost killed him in a fist fight and he left yeah I oh no oh you trying to close my windows like trying to close a vacuum chamber okay my window is very easy to close oh yeah I’m at half a heart Again watch this magic trick oh man I magically got back all my hearts is Desa still at that school thankfully he’s not in any of my classes but yes Dean some kidy bullied Us in uh Elementary in fifth grade then one of our friends punched him in the jaw it was pretty

Funny I regret not doing it I should have done That he was in my uh tech apps class last year but we didn’t really do Nothing real I shouldn’t have Ang spider I I have a Minecraft spider scar me I took a shower the other day there a spider on the ceiling bro I was I was so scared no screw hygiene can I chat I can chat that’s fun Teddy how close are you in this girl

You speak of hey what Oh leave me alone I need to type something in chat okay stop it I’m typing can’t spell 60% cool I like some like a lot and a lot more than a lot and a lot more than a lot more but like me and her were we’re best

Friends and uh she knows that I like her they can’t yeah good but me and her uh were best friends and she told me she’s not ready to do any right now but when she is I will be in mine so I might have done uh maybe not I think you revealed enough

Information right now it they did not go to our school they went to a different element SCH they went to the same elementary school as the person I’m talking to right Now I’m not saying names though because I don’t know if you’d be okay with that yeah I don’t think what are you going on about Chris what what are you talking about hold up for what even I’m not yeah I’m not either that’s why I’m not doing it what right that’s

He he didn’t go well unless he went to but they did not go to our school she went to your school Chris you would be in seventh grade too had you not had to do kindergarten again yeah my brother had to redo first grade it’s pretty fun

Yeah Teddy I’m not going to say her name for privacy reasons although she knows who she is if she’s watching I doubt she to do to oh cuz I a on my phone watching my I’m back from the phone how long have we been going for 2 hours and 20 minutes

How do you redo kindergarten exactly I’ve never faed a great Al that’s embarrassing you just had to redo it for no reason I do it I’m only you’re only a half a year old and H is Where She Went yeah and I always went the Cottonwood I’m

I’m we should prank um Michael by taking all the stuff Michael who’s Michael the person you just went person down it his name is Sam too bad his name is Michael I now officially name him Michael and there’s nothing he can do about it where are some roses I want a red bed

Start taking all this stuff hurry start taking all this Stu I’m looking for a rose I’ll be back when I find one hopefully you join by now well it doesn’t take that long to take a b there’s like seven over here that’s perfect he’s been in there for like 10

Or 15 minutes that’s as long as it takes me to take a shower yeah you I’ll probably end the stream soon but I don’t know wi red die let’s go now I can get uh red bed why do you want to know who it is so

Bad Teddy it’s not like you go here oh I’m like very Hungry F where you touch you are weird and nobody likes you I mean like no one liked me anyways so no one likes me anyway so like it doesn’t matter doesn’t affect me that much and I already know I’m weird also I randomly burst out and an evil laugh or something like

That but for you teddy did you watch my GTA stream I watch not you Chris pedy the guy in chat that before the I said Teddy did you watch my GTA stream your name is not Teddy is it Chris I don’t know I just got here not oh I can’t Sprint

Anymore so I’m going to starve myself to death hey I’m trying to build up and take fall damage maybe we shouldn’t be hyped in that that day up but like hey give me back my sand hold on hold on give me a second I’m about to do

Something give me back my sign I took your sign yeah now my sand hold on she like signs oh my bad my bad oh that should do fall damage sor back that does Dam as well watch this Chris I’m going to do a 360 oh that was more than 360 I’m just that

Good oh I’m feeling like pain in my arms just a stiny pain watch this Chris I’m going go 720 720 watch oh that was a lot more than 720 Stu where’s my my rose your rose I or what are they called no me meal U equal house plus L buzzle

Plus as% Ashton that makes zero sense I know oh close the door on no no no I opened the door back up uh that’s right you leave me now I’m left with out a rose real I was going to give a rose to her and my parents ain’t let me buy one

Hey Rao what I got a red bed Blue’s not even that good of a color Chris what Blue’s not even that good of a color oh too bad that’s fine got an email from Reddit and not her I don’t like why Reddit gives me emails not Chris number one no names we fot

That huge why is that all I’m giving can’t need my why am I checking red we start a farm maybe but we need iron there’s no iron on island there was actually some iron over here right here but we need an iron or a stone pickaxe and someone took my

Cobblestone that kid Sam that’s his name Michael Michael Valentine’s Day is going to be so hype y’all someone uh what’s it doing hey look at the roof look at the roof W roof that’s going to be get rid of but I’m not going to put down

So Valentine’s Day is going to be hype for two reasons y’all wait what Valentine’s Day is going to be hype for two reasons number one number one number one either I will become either I will become the happiest man alive or Reason number two I won’t be alive that’s

C oh I actually got rid of the peeko door there we go back I’ll become the happiest man alive or I won’t be alive that’s crazy famous last words I should say to her will you make me the happiest man alive for at least 2 minutes will you make me the happiest

Man for the very two AA P up here saying names D it’s like when you choose the wrong dialog video game oh man what am I doing now God damn Chris cck person Teddy are you still there but like if you’re a kid I so many kid channels on YouTube that’s the I

Don’t wait how do I make a bucket forgot how do I forget how how did I forget how to make a bucket what is it not that I only need three iron what I feel so stupid how do you make a bucket let check how did I forget a

Bucket oh it’s three IR no oh yeah that’s right I need the Ingot I don’t think Oak planks are going to do a long that that should work I forgot you forgot to bro I have some pretty good on liners either I will become the happiest man

Alive or I won’t be alive that’s a bang real Chris go to sleep what do you think of those on liners Teddy or that one liner hey why why I other iron you made oh my God I I I needed that for the darn wait to despawn wait for to despawn

I’m not letting got I need my St run know something about it Teddy it’s a it’s a real thing Valentine’s Day is going to be either happy or [Applause] dead they me [Applause] everywhere like as fast as me Teddy in case you couldn’t tell I’m not mentally

Say or stable whatever in the house in the house in the house oh that’s not that’s not that’s not the door that was everything but the door give me back for Stuff why was that so funny pleas please please please that was everything but what I was wanting they

See just just wait for them to despawn they’ll despawn eventually right that was so scary I don’t even have all my St you took two of my iron for an iron sword though ignore the ignore the iron sword I’m holding in my hand right now if you we just ignore the iron sword

You have you did not take my iron real real Teddy how do I become mentally sane again after 21 rejections I’m not are you sure about that they didn’t mind Teddy how do I become mentally stable again cuz after 21 rejections I’m not quite mentally stable and falling in love with someone

Else did you not know about that 21 rejections and falling in love with another person and it being around Valentine’s Day I don’t do it by Valentine’s Day I’m going to die that’d be fun 35 are you sure about that I’m completely 100% how far behind is the stream on my

Computer it’s like back at like the first night or something I think it’s back number yeah it’s back where Sam was on Sam hasn’t been on in like 20 Minutes all the pillagers are gone then why are you still in here because they’re not gone I not look over to be fair he has a big ass forehead that looks like a rock that’s nice what’s nice that’s not that’s not that’s not what’s my set what is this SP they’re G fin

Leave no he’s not no they’re not get in the house I’m at three I’m at that you’ll die that is kind of nice isn’t it if you don’t or that you’ll die after Valentine’s Day if you don’t that’s kind of nice yet what listen listen for what I forgot what I

Was going to Say okay I think they despawn they they despawn yeah they definitely Desa I feel like this Particular let’s go steal all the stuff from Eddie’s house who’s Eddie Terry’s house no Terry camera Cameras let’s steal all the stuff from in here come on let’s see all this stuff what steal all the stuff from in here just to get revenge for stealing oops my bad my bad my my bad I didn’t mean to kill [Applause] you I didn’t know it was loaded you know

Lo oh it was [Applause] I’m laughing like that again hey give back on [ __ ] Arrow back my fing you go I don’t know it went that way that way is not enough clarification this way no it didn’t over here I it over here oh here it is

Where for the record I did not say the f word earlier I said f I picked it up here you go now it’s inside of me oh there it is oh wait piercing oh you know what that’s probably where the guys came from over there where stupid Turtle no arrow for you this

Turtle no arrow for you like my arrow back my arrow I fell with it you didn’t it’s not over here I literally just shot you well it’s not over here it’s not in me either it’s not in me either no there not there’s nothing inside of me it’s literally in you no it’s

Not I shot you with the arrow I here give me back my arrow one what I got spit on the death bro oh that was you I thought the llamas were attacking me here you pick it up he’s invisible my crossbow quit spinning on me Weir better of what of what

People what turn into I don’t know it’s gone into madness Sam was starting the madness anyways boy skeleton’s a monster you fine I’ll die for us not really you’re going to die first oh why is it pay now what happened whatever I’ll take it arrows no I can’t pick them

Up that skeleton didn’t drop any arrows either oh there’s another one where right here above or underneath where I am I’m hitting him I was he didn’t drop oh yeah oh give me it give me it give me it give me it no don’t put it inside of me I [Applause]

Got basically just part oh that’s the wrong button you got in the [Applause] way no no no no no no no no no no you better give it back better not load it up in your bow either that’s what I [Applause] thought shoot the AR why is it moving so [Applause] [Applause]

Fast my bad [Applause] little loser this blue little you still have the stream up yeah can you even see it where where’d he go oh there’s the area you you ped what on the you miss that La so hard where did he go where did he go there he is you

Little did he DOD your bullet again he sure did please please please I was aiming at the pig I am not blue wait I you are a pig I got him you but he probably at now he moved out of the way Sam are you back in your little

Shower or your bath my bad uh yeah we were screaming yeah we the stream is the stream where’d he go where’d he go where’d he go yeah gra anybody has any food I’m at 1.5 Hearts I know how to fix that I got food I got food I have

Food but it will make you not hungry anymore but you’re not hungry anymore I don’t have your stuff you took it all okay you took my arrow too my arrow well cuz we we have had a few pillagers pay give us a little sweet little visit and

Uh you should have seen it me and I we were trying to like hide in the house but I clicked on everything but that door so like they kept on getting inside get out my look out y’all Chris give me back my arrow give me back my arrow Chris give me back my

Arrow what do you mean on my arrow where’d it go Then do that stop stop taking my arrow this my one arrow and I don’t have Flint to crack another one I know you did but still man but you keep on taking it too that’s the problem this is the real target practice let’s go oh I’m goed my blood is

Wet let’s see how much of your stuff did I take oh quite a bit of it I was getting my arrow back I was getting my arrow back and St just happened to be in way there you go there’s all your stuff go behind you do I have your iron sword I do

Not Chris there’s stuff behind you right there there it is me back my sword or I’m hunting him down already where’ the mine where’s the mine here over here I got him give me back my arrow here we go we got the stuff we can leave him alone now here’s your

Sword you can leave them L all in my okay I need to kind of out way we up and kill it we tried to we tried to lure it in the house but that didn’t work I’m probably I’m not I don’t think I’m going to end the stream but I am

Going to leave in like 8 minutes to go take a shower and it will not take me 30 minutes well my bath bro why do you take a bath it was you took like an hour what what do you want Teddy I’m I’m killing myself right now

Wait I’m I’m so so I’m not hungry anymore I have eight rotten flesh you think you can stop me you’re right to some degree but on the other not really I’m hold back my give me one second guys she Goot back I’m my I need to go Why am I bro my thing my thumbs are so cold I can’t like move them properly oh my God yall know that when you’re trying to text someone or like email someone and like your thumb just doesn’t work properly on his the fish went on the water why is that so

Funny hey hey actually I wanted to die anyways so where is it connected to oh got a legendary astion that can that has that has aim where did you get that I need one iron for bucket I need iron then give me one piece of iron so I can make this

Bucket what were you trying to say we were we were to the arguing were you trying to say you’re being chased down by a baby uh I don’t need gold per se I’m just trying to get some a bucket once you come out I need aie of ir no you

Don’t wait no you do need iron mine gold I thought you were saying do you need iron or wait come I need only one piece for a bucket Teddy what are you trying to tell me I need a little if you I guys what do y’all say should I use

The one that says stuff on the back or no wait what should I use the skin that says stuff on the back or no CH fine because uh I I don’t want it to be night anymore I got to find which one it is is it is it this

One it is this one down let me fine uh yeah does I know there’s writing on the back you cannot see it I am in third person there’s riding on the back Chris oh my God send me a picture on your screen oh that’s not a creeper but that is that’s a

Creeper I have two and half hearts see Chris Chris wait there’s light in Sam’s house look come in here there is riding on the back what oh cool it didn’t send you g mean you good uh I don’t know you Sam help us no my he took my going take my bow

He’s going to take my bow I need my bow and arrows and I need them now you little Die there’s two of them there’s two of them I Retreat I Retreat I Retreat oh I Surrender I Surrender leave me alone [Applause] guys what what what because uh I I was trying to show him what it says on the back of my character but I don’t know if you can

See it or not I what do you mean does it not say anything it says stuff on my screen oh there’s a hole in my body that’s fun TR might not be showing up cuz I had the same skin on for so long I had the other one yeah that’s still the old

One I’m going to get spawn Camp by there one zombie well at least I’m not hungry hey hey hey he hey hey I better okay yeah my thing is still loaded up oh you suck oh I suck I miss the house that zombie indeed does not

Suck what do you mean you still can’t fine I just tell picture works there you mean slide is it bad that I don’t know what slime means okay I’m going to look at the definition yeah that’s what it says having or showing a cunning and seful nature yeah that’s me all

Right that sounds like me all right what does cunning mean what what what no I know what it says I know what it says yeah I know what Sam I made the shirt you don’t think I know what the IH heart a means on the

Back cuz I know for a fact it don’t mean I love Ashton cunning means having or showing a I was reading a Definition that is the most genuine scream I’ve bled out in a while it means either having a showing skill and achieving one’s Ends by deceit or evasion so probably that one or skill and oh wait attractive or quaint so it’s definitely not the second one

Bro I am not cunning but I am cunning at the same time there’s two definitions I’m going to ask yeah you got to save that one for the diamonds nothing what he was doing y’all hear the definition for [ __ ] we have five people watching now so I’m two of them Teddy’s one of

Them and y’all are two of them I’m two of them cuz it’s still open on my computer for some reason and it is way behind what we got five viewers though that’s that’s sick even though I know who all of them are it’s still good because at

Least people are watching and two of them are meting all right well I’m going to go take a shower I’m not I’m not ending stream I’m just taking shower I will be back in 10 to 15 minutes and you can you know that especially you Chris Chris where are you

Going what where are you going going he I’ll be back yeah why it off I swear to God I don’t know I have I’ll oh wait I don’t have you stupid creeper sword [Applause] okay hold on hold on hold On I’m not taking a shower because my dad is asleep and I don’t want to wake him up what Happen I can see that why the door the the Pika the the that door why to the other door out there if you touch you’re weird nobody likes you I already knew that bro look at what I did to my my hair tie no door G

We Teddy we need an F for the peekaboo door I put enough in the chat y’all I mcra that’s I oh that’s a lot of FS the the one the the extra one outside of our house we need to get a little place door I got you

I what are those pixel out there they’re just like Jing [Applause] cold Sam you’re German right who’s not watching the stream I know Teddy still is Sam are you on the stream are you not on the ah guys don’t go behind the house people you have

No I still don’t have the one iron I Needed oh I’m going to die that’s thank you let me not M oh there we go I what oh I have all I need there we go there’s a bucket all oh who patched it up I was going to put a little Pond right there oh well there’s this here oh no no

No can’t you make an infinite water thing with one bucket I forget how I forget how you do it you go [Applause] like this or something put the water in so it flows down and then like immediately bottle it like that or something hold up hold

Up no no no with one water Bott with one bucket though I know I know how to do it normally I’m just saying I think I think you can do it with one what Chris with I meant one water bucket not two I didn’t mean going down there and

Back that’s not what I meant uh I’m at half a heart so just give me like one second yeah thank you Chris that worked Chris don’t take my stuff no no no no no no no give me back my flipping crossbow give that back give me back the crossbow give me back the

Crossbow yeah you know I will okay so I got I got a water bucket which would be good for us and I got a B oh with two arrows so we’re good so you ran into a ravine down here well I’m down here so might as well Chris get your butt down

Here Teddy why didn’t you join I I added you like you said like you said I should you mean wrong way why are you down this way then uh go down this way wait where are you we’re we’re down in the cave okie dokie then you know if I were to just

Accidentally like Q you’d be dead Chris oh where my where’ my arrow go who took my arrow who took my arrow where’d it go where’d it go Chris Chris Chris I shot an arrow down this way and I don’t see arrow down this way and you know who was down this way You H see I’m a good friend we’re at Deep Slate no no I’m in a hole guys guys guys I’m in a hole right now I’m I’m in a hole right now don’t help don’t help don’t help I’m in a hole B forever all right let’s continue one there’s one with string guys we’re gra we’re so

Scared I should probably make it what was that oh that’s what that was so like oh I I can’t smell it I don’t have wood anyways so hopefully someone has wood for a crafting table I don’t you do no well too bad why is there a zombie villager down here oh there’s

Several die loser how do I look better than these things bro you know you Oh my he came out of the darkness don’t touch me do not touch me do I remember the way I don’t Know guys the the person I like responded yeah them them them them them did I go down too low probably uh take a right take the left oh wait no go down this way I’m going take this way and we just keep on going I see I saw a name tag for a

Second guys she responded to every single email I sent her that she didn’t respond to yet what you say it’s okay it’s okay and then uh we had a little mini conversation oh that’s a wall s Chris Chris Chris yeah one pickaxe two my crossbow three all my other stuff thank

You you can’t do it like I can you said it’s okay it’s okay and then she said you are right I can’t but you you are right after that too and then I said that’s all right and thanks for supporting you have a good night and she said you two no

Problem she doesn’t know the skin I have on right now well she does know that do no I can see fine enough that’s two creepers and a skeleton I can see fine enough not me though watch this I’m oh I don’t want to do it oh yeah watch this y’ I’m going to

Take like zero damage from this boom you oh that didn’t work that one didn’t work I put that in the wrong slot oh look Out we should probably go home pack it up go home how much what we get iron yeah all right that’s good we got to smelt it you probably should do that y’all y’all y’all she is unaware of the skin I have on right now however she does know

About it because I’m not that weird but I totally would be that weird I know I 24 or 24 cannot be divided in three equally can it oh it can eight 8 * 3 is 24 Chris hey where did you go up the stairs yeah we Went y I broke my hair tie oh no I don’t want to know what’s on that but there maybe I shouldn’t have put my hair time on that don’t know I don’t know why I do the things I do no I doesn’t you think this tastes like butter I wish it tasted like

Butter like so dirt but like worse than dirt oh you’re that’s Crazy my cat is I should bring my cat in but the problem is she’s going to lay in front of my screen and I won’t be able to see so I’m not going to do that that slipping away I hate that thing I don’t like him Uh I got some beef with that man I do not like him Sam we each get eight pieces if we’re going to split it up eily oh I’m stupid want said why are you people in my base but I’m not in his base so like he’s on the F right

Now guys we got water forever guys I have the best idea ever you move out my way I hate that thing so how many blocks up should I [Applause] go oh we’re going to go higher than that that’s baby numbers 250 that is too much I’m not getting 200 something pieces of

Good 130 that is also too much I’m not getting that much dirt either although that is just two stacks okay wait I’m going to make myself an iron shovel cuz that’s going to be a lot easier to do it with them 130 too much what rabis I don’t

Know I don’t know are you sure you had a whole stack there’s nothing in my inventory you didn’t die in there at all look look I can send you a picture of my inventory wait why is there bunch of lap out here Chris oh that that would explain where it

Went of lap out here I would explain where your lapis went Sam where was it oh I wonder who took that Chris I oh ignore that ignore that my bad that’s the wrong that’s the wrong ke oh I your bed’s a little wet Sam why uh you can you can just watch that

Though like it’ll be fine are you why are you rooll so fast like look look I’m going to send you like a picture or actually I can’t you have to just see the stream but like keep on moving like you’re moving the the thing so fast I going super fast on it

Though I’m changing a settings so I can friend you [Applause] cool how could I not you can’t go on the carpet hey oh you killed him too oh he had another he had some more lapis on him we can literally see it right there I love playing with that oh what uh

Oh I am on half a heart right now what what where oh thank you now I’m going go now I’m going to go kill myself cuz I need hold up y’all give me give me one second I’ll I’ll be with you shortly Chris just give me just give me a

Minute I just got to do one thing real quick [Applause] we so now I’m going to make myself an iron shovel that will hopefully get me at least somewhat closer to two stacks of iron to fill her up not iron uh dirt to fill her up with and then I don’t have sticks cuz of course not why do I Whistle so loudly what I just do all right you want to go back to sorry let’s go kill some people oh I’m so smart y’all look how swaggy these Le Bo are look how swaggy my my hoodie is bro hey what was

That what happened this time he blew out the wall oh it was our house I got another sign though our house is a living W it is there we go there’s a sign Perfect hold up hold up there we go hey home home home of a lonely guy that’s not your SP guy hey no no no no give me that back I was going to put something there no it was home of the Lonely guy spelled wrong fine whatever where did my iron shovel go

There it is all right so now I’m just going to I guess gold sucks oh this goes back I not I need a lot [Applause] of a lot of [Applause] good hey put That quit it Chris I’m do stuff right now you wanted me to build a giant pillar I’m trying to do that and whenever I’m trying to get materials to do that you want me to stop makes no sense Chris you think your boots are so swaggy look at my fabulous hoodie

That oh my bad I was going too fast what what does it look like Chris nothing what do you mean nothing you’re laughing for some reason oh no you don’t deserve it well it’s cuz it’s supposed to be like my hoodie with just some riding on the

Back it’s supposed to be my hoodie just has some writing on the back that’s not normally there also I can’t Center the darn thing which is annoying well I can’t Center it without it looking right back to dirt know this stuff tastes better than my freaking hair TI what the the [Applause] dirt I don’t know if there’s dirt in my hair tie somehow but like how much how much uh dirt I got now that’s at that’s at least 100 uh 14 you know what 114 good oh ain’t no one going to kill me up here Chris don’t you even try you’ll [Applause]

See guys I’m the one and only Firework and instead of going up I go [Applause] down Bambi no my inventory is nowhere near pool but Look Out Below Chris uh it’s raining trees it’s raining trees Chris no I didn’t want to I cuz I earlier I just had to press

Shift to sneak so I thought I would just have to do that again that’s right I forgot like but like I stayed in the sneak for like a second so I was like okay yeah I’m good and then as soon as I took a step forward it’s like

Nope well at least I need that love this Oh I thought that was for a second I’m like what the heck up up up oh chis Mo out the way I can’t going up am I close to top I don’t know that super delay is

So no it’s you oh I’m not sleeping yet for a while you’re going to miss the firework [Applause] show uh my firework show you know you should come I’m goated with the firor I just know how to I just know how to shoot stuff in especially something related to fire I’m a certified

[Applause] fire yeah certified fire Enthusiast oh yeah pyromaniac that’s what it is yeah look at all those creepers down there well time to continue building oh yeah [Applause] L I did it die [Laughter] again so good I’m glad that he’s dead it deserves to be dead more than me you

Know you died by a spider you guys going to see the firework show so like I can sneak in place by pressing the key but as soon as I move I get out of it that that makes no sense Teddy you still here or not wait who doesn’t have the stream open

Chris you have it open Chris you have the stream open oh so Teddy’s gone then w w how long have we been going 3 hours we’ve been going for three and a half hours boys we could go way longer yeah as long as Sam doesn’t fast as a fifth grader

And needs to go to bed at no oh but I’m just goated oh I missed I missed bang There was the firework there was the firework there’s a witch well where’s my crossbow that’s what I’m worried about and I got an arrow w that’s right I’m going to go back up

Because I just goated with with the the fire pyro like [Applause] that you going take me while get back up there though I messed up out the way you’re not the one with the water Bo Chris you’re not the one who can explode I’m surprised Teddy stayed that longer

Like three and a half hours is pretty crazy watching the same [Applause] dummies watch the same three Dummies Play Minecraft is kind of crazy oh he’s back oh what’s your username but one second is Minecraft br0 what you don’t have any mods bed rock I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a

Zombie attack another zomb I se skeletons attack skeletons [Applause] though why is there a turtle in the tree oh wait he’s not in the tree type it I I kind of can’t cuz I’m I’m trying to do something right now hold up hold up there right there up up up up up [Applause]

All my leggings Chris you how you have full IR guys you going to enjoy the show still going mining again whoever that is falling behind me you’re not going to be behind me for much longer because the water flows stop know that is behind me the water flow is going to stop you

Know you’re going to die oh I almost just jumped off without the water that would have been bad look Teddy here’s the the name why that’s not my fault I have five Teddy oh no I don’t my someone took my iron now I can add Chris do you have a YouTube channel

Um no but I have twitch channel can my twitch you can add Twitches on YouTube Xbox party you can do that on here well my my my computer doesn’t have a headphone jack anyways guys who wants to see the show who wants to see the show I’m I’mma land it this time oh

360 oh I’m not good I didn’t even mean to walk off though but I’m just that good so who took my iron cuz I had five pieces left and I don’t have five pieces anymore I think I I have four left because I made uh stuff

Uh I have an apple but I just ate it so well I was about to eat the apple I don’t know if I did [Applause] anymore my other Arrow where is my other Arrow excuse me what the heck where’s my arrow where did that go Chris take my arrow check your inventory right

Now Zoom what you mean Zoom oh watch the trader oh where’d he go oh someone killed him already it says you’re not in one okay guys look [Applause] no it takes so long I’m here don’t gag on me someone give me a carpet right now give me give me like a white carp

No trying to do something that’s the wrong Button oh man yo all right Teddy you better give me back whatever you took Teddy you better not want have taken nothing go where did he go me back what you took buddy I w’t kill you what’ you take Teddy what do you mean Sam has crossbow

Someone has my crossbow and I’m not going to I’m not going to stop chasing you teddy I see that crossbow all we found out who has my crossbow there we go I don’t know whose that is but that’s not mine hey where’ my arrow go where’s an arrow

Where why is there just a line of torches over here where did the arrow go where did the arrow go where’ an arrow Go so we have sick feather so I just need see Flint what where what are you talking about arrows Chris you’re addicted with arrow I sure am now uh I an arrow like badly what let me kill myself first for my hunger uh goes comes back but also I

Need an arrow because uh I’m looking for some gravel right now where’s the gravel anyone got any piece of flint what’s going on over here Where’s some Flint someone better keep Teddy away from myself he took my enchanted my enchanted thing and he knows it’s mine cuz he’s been here the whole time Teddy knows that’s my enchanted thing he’s been here the whole time hold up I got to kill myself

First I’m your D hold up I got to kill myself what can someone like kill me real quick don’t take my stuff all right there we go don’t take anything all my stuff is something I truly need I I need all this stuff hey hey hey hey I’m missing

Something think oh there it is okay uh before we go I need one gravel just just one cuz I need some Flint oh the cave noises really scare you that much Sam why do you hate them so [Applause] bad what where’d he go you took [Applause] it [Applause] what happened look it

Again oh wow first TR for you really I need just just one stick now as well that’s stick feather Flint boom four arrows let’s go all right we can go now I’m ready are you already down here Sam all right I’m coming the stream is 3 hours and 50 minutes

Long we can do better oh okay well eventually I’m going to end it oh I I have so many I don’t remember my way I guess yes oh wait it’s this way and then we take the turn that’s right that’s right I remember it now I see your name c

Oh let’s go fight some people oh this is different hey where’ my water bucket go Chris you have it no no no no no give me the bucket and put the water in it and then give me that to make I need it for mlgs cuz you know I’m

A pro I’m a parkour car like that I’m just too goated like [Applause] that it’s kind of dark down here like just just a little bit uhoh no no no Sam you’re going to need to build us a way back up there cuz I have zero

Blocks uh yeah it’s going to be a very long M oh uhoh Wombo Combo what does that mean I don’t know what that means a that’s lava oh my that was close oh I’m just that good though I now I’m getting sniped run go quicker Chris you have have the sword

And stuff kill him you’re my bodyguard Chris I’m running into more danger Chris kill him he doesn’t snipe me I don’t know where I am yeah this is a lot more safe Chris oh those eyes just came out out of [Applause] nowhere Chris you go you go kill that

The skeleton over there cuz I’m at half a heart zero food oh there you are h no I can’t oh there we go that way will work well don’t look at them it’s that simple oh I can’t figure that out yes that’s that’s why you’re my bodyguard Cur you drop any arrows you

Did not El boo oh there’s some gold right here uh I still have only a stone pickaxe so oh oh oh oh oh now is not the time to fix my no I’m I got to speed down there quick bro I scream on the stream and it gets quieter the longer the scream

Is kind of fun I see you guys where’s my stuff where’s my stuff where’s my stuff where’s yeah where’s my Stu where is it at where’s all of this where’ it go where is all of it any of it he better not have he has a giant bone that’s cool

Uh give me back my stuff give me my stuff back where’d it go why is there a slime down here those are skeletons I’m not going that way that’s a creeper no one has any coal uh I don’t have any of my items Chris Chris did you

Take any of it Chris did you take my items Chris did you take my stuff well then where did it go okay wait I think I found I found a bit of it hey no no not my cross crossbow not my crossbow no no no no no no no no no no

No somebody better have my crossbow someone better have my crossbow let’s go find my crossbow and my arrows that’s all I care right now crossbow and arrows crossbow and arrows where did that where did that go where did that go that crossbow is my best friend other than the person that I like

They are my best friend okay where did that crossbow go Sam why did you leave the Game where did it go I don’t care if you’re shooting at me right now I’m going to find my crossbow it’s the last thing I do okay oh there’s there’s a lot of people over here I might be regarding this decision there’s a yet another skeleton

A why is there a spider in the base my crossbow how do I craft a crossbow how do you craft a crossbow Sam you’re still down there right you better find my crossbow no I died three times where’s the crossbow Sam you know I have zero items I died

Bro I would have taken care of it had I had my crossbow and four bow uh arrows but now I have nothing give me my crossbow what about the arrows yes give me that back my arrows give me those back Teddy give me those Teddy give me those

Arrows give me them at give me them arrows Teddy give me them arrows oh you don’t want To that’s what you get for not giving me my arrows where where did they go where’ they go all the way down here and a golden sword I wonder who this is I’m not taking your stuff no no no no no no it was it was

Teddy you can watch my stream it came out of Teddy look I got I got two Stone pickaxes and a golden sword I’m down here uh oh you’re right there uh ah no your your iron was a part of it too you have 26 iron and I died but it’s down

There where did my crossbow go don’t you tell me a zombie took it no no no no no no no no no no I refuse to believe it until I see it no no no no no no no get me down there get me down there go go go go

Go no no no no no no no I’m going to find this thing where is it where is it look out the wait uh-oh I don’t care where where where and where okay there’s something there’s one of your pickaxes Sam no I didn’t no no and no no you up

Here no no no no no I refuse to believe that no no no no no Chris Chris Chris Chris you’re going to tell me how I make another crossbow why did the Enderman care I didn’t do anything to him bro Teddy did you take my did you take my

Crossbow Teddy why are you sprinting away from me buddy why are you sprinting away from me he did take it get back here with my crossbow oh no you think your little speed running tricks are going to work on me guys I need some reinforcement up here he did take it I need

Reinforcement get back here you think you’re going to give me wooden sword huh get back here wait where get back here this is why no one misses you here Teddy get back here Teddy this is why none of us really miss you give me that back

Teddy that’s what I thought give me that back give me back my arrows give me my arrows he doesn’t he doesn’t how much do I believe him now I need make more arrows try me Teddy where is my gravel there we go there one Flint now I need a

Stick and a feather where’s the chicken that was the most intense battle Ever what happened what happened oh wa I can use an auto [Applause] clicker how is he getting you through your Shield like what how do people scam uh gu Sam like like how I was screaming no I think you’re shirtless oh yeah I am shirtless that is right you know I don’t wear a shirt much I never wear a

Shirt I can sleep happy knowing I got back my thing Sam I’m not or that Chris I’m not your bodyguard you’re my body it’s going so fast I can’t even see the thing open and close oh you’re f wow oh I don’t have an A what I have

That’s as fast as my mouse to let me go I swear I’m clicking fast and it’s actually going I need a what guys there only chickens around I need a feather ah yes chickens five people watching again Tedy are you watching the stream again I got two feathers

Y’all peace no who are this is the average Minecraft World with the boys right here no no no no wait wait wa wait wait L okay W that’s not I want to do what was I doing again oh yeah I need another Flint [Applause] I’m good for

You blow me wait for me wait for me where you at where you at where you at I got you oh he has armor on and he has an iron sword you know I’m just going to worry about my business and that’s making some more arrows Chris give me back my

Gravel give me my gravel it went in your inventory a you suck so do I [Applause] hey well I’m actually making a uh oh wait but if they kick them out you’re not going to have your thing he cannot attack players he he cannot use he cannot do anything except for attack

Mobs so uh yeah so now Teddy cannot do anything to us until he gives us back our TNT well he can he’s going to be able to move but uh he can only attack mobs did Teddy give it back he tried to blow up your house no he didn’t because it

Was in front of his house guys look my crossbow is back to its Glory it’s always ready to to shoot someone Teddy’s not going to do anything about it Teddy’s not going to do anything about my crossbow did Teddy give you back the TNT well did you blow it up yet

Wait wa wait who watch watch watch put down the TNT like get up here put the TNT down am I here you won’t be able to do anything anyways uh come on okay there we go put the put the thing in front of me put the thing in front of me put the

Teamt in front of me no yo I have a manal laugh holy moly out here come out here put the TNT in front of me put the TNT in front of me and blow it up I want you to do it that’s the most put it in front of

Me put right in front of me right here put it right in front of me explode me why no no no no no no no no no no no come on we worked hard for this moment we got to do it now you’re this time you’re actually

Going to turn into a fire oh yeah Here yeah but I don’t put the TNT down in front of me watch this watch this I’m going to live put it down put it down I’m going live watch you got to put it down where did you put it you didn’t put it any any you put the TNT

Anywhere put the TNT down I’m going to survive by standing right in front of it watch and if I don’t Chris you take care of my crossbow from this W okay take care of my crossbow in case this does not work and my arrows not you Teddy Teddy Teddy Chris you have

It no you little well I can’t kick him now cuz he’s going to keep the thing forever okay we we have a Qui SP you gave it to you okay and take the arrows just in case this doesn’t work Ted you little creeper help us out you’re a homie right the Creeper’s a

Homie that’s what I thought come on take those now now come on Sam oh got zom I’m a I’m a oneman army though probably but not right now because uh he ain’t going to know about it exactly he can’t cuz he knows he won’t be able to do anything

But too bad I went in stop now now you can now you can blow me up now you can blow me up that’s what I thought I yeah I would have trapped him in there I would made sure you trapped in there oh got you got

You uh I turn it off there we go I tra him in there tra him in there no get in there get in there get in there in there oh yeah now he’s stuck why would you close the iron door don’t open my door no no no no no

No no no put the TNT right in front of me oh okay Chase you’re lucky uh you already have my stuff oh wow everything thing’s going best what you Arrow explode me try to explode me I’m going survive it put it right in front of me peace offering two

Arrows one of my permissions back give me the arrows first wait he get any of back except attack yeah yeah yeah yeah uh give me the arrows first give me the arrows first he can’t drop items well he did now he did now all right well as the deal

Was well technically he didn’t give me them the creeper out me out so like technically the creeper helped me out so T Teddy did not give him to me the creeper did so like no no no no I want you to blow me up oh okay well now now now we’re not doing

This no no no no no okay I took like all of your stuff because I do not t t Okay so let’s just see here I had not this much wool I had two pieces boom that means everything else is not right where is my crossbow oh I okay good

Better you take like all this stuff back well it’s not like he’s going to be able to kill any of us hold up let me give you all this other stuff so we can get kill this back Teddy you’re want your permissions back but you are not showing me you deserve them

Back just like a well he took Chris’s stuff though like what was that hey that’s those are some arrows hold up hold up hold he look he has my shield he has my shield that’s too op he Attack I want to see him die oh he’s get out of my range oh you can’t attack me though that’s a problem isn’t it I need to breathe but so does he oh where I don’t know where he went I can’t see you anymore I’m drowning uh up up up

Up up where’d he go he went over that way what was that well good thing I had like two w a why was there a creeper here uh first we got a little problem at the house iwe to God a creeper was there right as I spawned in so

Uh oh it’s in my inventory but uh we are out of doors all right give give Chris back his stuff what it works from the back too you you can turn off the thing to drop items how do you do that no that is not he’s lying oh he is ly he’s

Lying cuz he was telling me earlier he’ll drop him for one of his permissions back oh that thing that Shield should not work from the back Shield should not work from the back like that that’s kind of messed up oh they don’t work from the back well we found that

Out oh I got an arrow let’s go w blow you up yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re going to blow me up y’all Chris Sam where’d you go you got the TNT right yeah yeah yeah yeah put it in front of me and let’s try to blow me up

I promise you I’m going to survive it how far behind is it it’s like a my computer’s a whole like 45 minutes behind somehow I don’t either but there’s not much you can do about it anyway so be little be low how do you change that a I was not Readyy all right now howed he’s got our stuff so that’s fun well he thinks he’s so cool cuz he can place blocks but it doesn’t know I can take that away from to oh Chris left the call no I came in last second at the explosion uh so someone took all of our

Stuff and he’s trying to run away D even M even M did you blow up I don’t know you have stuff in your inventory I don’t know wait I can’t what am I thinking C please have all my stuff chat Teddy you’re not going to escape me

Bro I all all okay but he took all my stuff I need Teddy you are not going to escape me don’t worry I you’re not that guy I’m going going exactly and then who’s he going to be asking for permissions or he can’t do anything oh yep carpet’s going to help

You out a lot yeah he can place it I’m I hope you die oh [Applause] how can this not reach him oh I got him that time oh I’m getting hit by some thank I’m getting hit by a salmon right oh no that’s a oh man what good

Where did that drown come from I didn’t see him nowhere I was too good why would you go back here T you know that’s where I am he wants he wants what C my inventory boat came and cl wants R what what’s the deal

That’s if he can what if he F fight you and beats both scenario no Auto clicker I know you got that then let me kill you right now wait is it both of us yeah both of us we’re both getting them cuz he thinks he’s going to beat us both in a 1

V2 all right now he’s going to have full health wait wait no never mind don’t kill me battle arena there’s no such we ain’t leaving the server because then it’s going to kick everyone off or should I just like go into a creative world Sam where are you or saw way over there

How far behind is my phone two minutes my going to bring a gun to a fist fight I have iron sword I currently have a iron sword okay wait let me take off my arm legit three wait don’t get rid of my cross you some me to keep that on

You give me one second I got to keep this I got to get this fan off man I’m too cold even with a blanket around me whatting did tinkering with I need I what settings is he tinkering with because I know for a fact is musicy your

What you got epic battle music so do I oh I can’t play it cuz I’m live streaming I think I can play it though I think I can can I use Nintendo music in this stream can I use Nintendo Music In The Stream ask Teddy if I can use some Mario

Kart 8 big blue music in the fight for the stream so here’s my plan I have an iron sword currently in my start to attack pull my IR SW Sam is telling Teddy everything Chris hold on hold on hold on I’m GNA get a boat I’m drive away all right Sam I heard

That we all heard that yeah we all heard that Sam you’re not sneaky fam you’re not Sly like me buddy hey no no no no no no no no no you’re not using that you are not using that that is mine you are not SL Shady

Slam okay wait hold up really quickly am I allowed to use no no no no no I didn’t say go oh really quickly am I allowed to use Nintendo music Sam Sam teddy knows more about Teddy knows more about copyright and stuff than me can I use Nintendo music t is not

Answering AFK easy W I’m just kidding ew about clap his cheeks bro look at the baby how small these babies are well maybe it’s not the best idea of you’re doing this at night be like that’s pretty that’s pry Aver doesn’t drop anything no it doesn’t

You I have a bow in my inventory so I’m literally bringing a gun to a yeah you do we’re not that stupid Chris can I use Nintendo music hold up I’m just Google this real quick because I want to use the big blue Mario Kart music can I use Nintendo music Chris or

Tell him we did not start yet you’ll not be able to use it in your video like getting copyright cream screw screw you Nintendo oh w w we are not starting yet oh that that would be why we were Going I don’t have full health either I’m at uh two uh of course there’s monsters nearby we got to kill him somehow oh PR oh I heard that wait arrows you give me your arrows right now oh oh oh wait cares about you Chris not me so I get free arrows if he drops any Goble you where is he at he does not care at all I got an arrow you kill me there you go

Take all this stuff back all right all that St back I need be killed for full health as well but I’ll wait for the morning what food allowed during battle uh we’re going to say no because I don’t think any of us even have food in the first place what

No I have literally nothing in my inventory except for an arrow three torches and a bone oh yeah I know you do cuz I gave you my CR and stuff hey you have my you have my water bucket right I’m not so who has my water bucket Then oh wait because the water is still down there do you have a bucket so who has my bucket then here me you see me yes I see you here’s the plan you’re going to One V one Chris he can hear you you know Sam can hear you teddy everything all

Right Sam are you ACH my what a snitch no okay good okay so here’s our plan you weren’t supposed to on that never mind never mind okay so here’s the plan what we’re going to do I’m going to give you one of my iron swords and your hand IR sword so

Who are you talking to right now Sam I’m a sleepy boy anyone have some wool that can make Teddy a bed so we can sleep as well yeah I have W hold up I have W it’s not my IDE that he cheat that uh Chris is giving me weapons I was just

Thinking it’s his idea to what oh I know I’m not that death nope Teddy wanted a one V2 Teddy’s going to get a 1 V2 uh that’s Chris not me I’m playing Fair Chris is not I can’t control what Chris does balls I can control what you do Chris is

The Sun up no is almost up oh oh CH oh he cares about me only bet I need to block real quick B bet come here come here little buddy what’s up you’re back you killed yourself for no reason you’re back Creeper Creeper you’re back get good creeper what was that

Screen Y how long stream been gone for does Teddy have a phone number my TV that was 4 hours ago and 40 minutes ago yeah I’m the OG I was the first one on the Stream True I can’t use Nintendo music bro but I use it on my on one of my other channels and I don’t get copyright claims Finally come onom wakey Wakey wakey wakey it’s time for school already shoot it’s almost midnight y’all it’s kind of crazy yeah how wait like or something well if I started it like 4 hours 40 minutes ago then I started at 7 I remember I was trying to set it up at 7 come

On I cannot control if Chris cheats three Sam you countown cuz he can hear you as well he can’t hear me unless he’s watching and even if he is watching is extremely behind I look like a psycho in the the video the stream time to die you

Wish ain’t no swim many swimming cuz I see you out there Sam I heard your plan oh Sam what the call he’s putting on his Auto clicker Sam Sam and Sam so Ted uses Auto clicker boom he gets zero permissions tell him that Z zero permiss zero permissions

Yes although I’m not sure how much stuff vars still has I everything well I have three items in my inventory that’s czy unless there yeah no it’s just three I proba put in h too late I see that bow I’m putting my in Sam you tell him he cannot use his

Auto clicker because then that’s considered cheating Sam what are even are you doing right now I’m trying to find I’m trying to find the where he I don’t see his name tag this is the best fight ever I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s pretty intense between me and

This grass right now oh my bad look straight up again Oh we said no Auto clicker I can quite clearly tell that that is an auto clicker zero Auto clicker was one of the rules [Applause] I don’t believe that for some reason have I cuz I don’t re that I don’t seem to remember him being able to click the

Stats w w so so he Chris didn’t oh he did now oh no no no no no no no no that is my problem no I don’t seem to believe that that was his Rock clicking speed that seems a little too fast to be real this Dr in the oh yeah true

Those arrows are mine Chris like you know you had a sword I’m not saying that you should have like you could have you not exactly I told you not to I don’t time to go I’m I don’t believe you w Us oh yeah there it is right there and this bow I don’t need w wood no I don’t have wood any what I what two string two string no I have 39 dirt 13 arrows and a crossbow is my guy just always prepared with the thing like that oh he is

This crossbow other than the person I like is my best friend I love this crossbow oh well what are you doing too much yeah yeah yeah what does this do again oh yeah customizations what’ you make a loom for I know but like why y want to do it again or what I

Still don’t believe you weren’t using the auto clicker though I don’t remember him clicking that fast you’re just bad yeah maybe but like maybe maybe but like that just seems too fast see that auto clicker yeah I can tell that for sure but what I also know is that you can

Change the speed in aut clicker too I’m not that stupid watch this well now you ain’t going to be able to do that where my I I’m pretty sure Sam has it oh no you don’t Teddy give me back my give me back that crossbow give me that

Back hey there’s my water bucket oh you’re not Teddy Teddy oh you wish you could do that didn’t you I bet you do wish you could do that unfortunately you Cannot I take I’ll take back my cross now as well as everything else he stole from [Applause] me I’m I don’t got any beef with Sam right now it’s all Teddy because Teddy took some of my stuff whose iron helmet is this Sam are you missing an iron helmet right right

Now Sam you are missing an iron helmet here you go Teddy took it Sam Sam give me back my up Sam teddy took your iron helmet it’s right there what the fge Ryland you CH does he think I’m Island ain’t no way not all I had I had some iron sword

I have three iron swords a sh I got I have an iron sword on me no Shield though and I I have I have bu for something in this you’re scamming where’s my C Go 44 torches whose are these running off my stuff who’s Cobblestone is this

A if Sam doesn’t give me back my stuff turn off whose iron sword is this I just k a zombie with it it’s mine it’s watch this boom no more door let me see another cool trick I learned I could do I don’t have any iron swords Sam I I I just dropped

One Sam give uh Chris back his stuff Sam why aren’t you answering Sam we can’t hear you oh there we go there we go I can again give Chris back his stuff he’s missing quite a bit oh yeah Teddy took those here you go Teddy stole from all of us

Oh let me back in probably uh wherever he went does not seem like he’s around spawn but that’s his own War he won’t Win oh who where are you there he is so whose Cobblestone is this whose leads are these and whose golden sword is Sam is this your golden sword oh I have I and I cobone I just gave Chris a stack uh there’s an act 37 go give that to Chris or Sam

There’s your leads is this your golden sword yeah uh I assume this is someone’s playing steal it’s not mine that’s what do you me God why do you care about me now I had how many hey who wood uh where did my arrows go I had like 14 or so

Arrows Sam you did you take my arrow Sam I have like 14 or something like that no no no no where the fud are my arrows no no no my see my my my thing is nothing without them uh we’re going to we’re going to IGN that Z okay good wait

What we couldn’t he any of that but I’m glad we couldn’t I gave you back all your stuff I you you my no my my my that was my though I tried telling you it was my I that’s I started oh we couldn’t hear you no want

In five minutes the stream reaches five hours y’all you’re on a tablet right now yeah I’m on my iPad too and it’s been on the the entire time oh mine at 14 hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa give me your arrows Loser well I killed Jerry so what you going to do about it Jerry’s dead and so are my thoughts and feelings for the most part for the most part my feelings are dead except to a certain degree most of my thoughts and feelings are dead most of them I don’t know

I still feel some things but not very many I still feel love and some other things like pain but that’s it PR I Feel Love and pain and that’s it and sadness and sadness love pain and sadness not on Xbox because uh my PC doesn’t have a headphone jack for

Someon I don’t have a head through my headset I don’t my I don’t have wireless headphones and I don’t have the headphones yet so that’s a problem You can just put a block in front of you and it will do like a little damage cuz for some reason explosion damage is calculated by your feet Oops oh is it me like you look away from the Sun like quick and look how much damage the

Environment this is like Mr Beast but the opposite look at that I’m going be a firework again y’all my dirt we got Yo for the for the five hour mark I’m going to become a firework I’m going become a firework for uh the 5 hour mark I don’t know if I’m going to

Reach there for the 5 hour mark But like is [Applause] counter how do I like put do I just like put a link ttch in the description or something I just put like [Applause] username my us so y’all before the stream ends we’re going to have to uh oh five hours let’s

Go I think this is like one of the longest amounts of times I’ve played Minecraft one play because like I used to play I was younger like n stop every day but then it kind of got boring you know I got but now like with more people it’s

Just F and stuff makes it more interesting exactly I probably would have been done a lot longer like the [Applause] more that’s why you should s crazy all right [Applause] guys no I don’t want to do that I’m jumping off the power what oh my [Applause] bad no no

No what happened I was paying attention to my phone not my [Applause] computer you was telling me how like I was showing everything on stream I’m like what and I was like oh and I was not paying any attention y’all before the stream ends we got to all post for a thumbnail shot

Real quick not right now not right now you know I got to do my my [Applause] St wait okay yeah I still got my bucket we’re good I didn’t think I didn’t realize I was showing everything Chris how you not said that I wouldn’t have die three watching so uh Sam and Teddy

Are not anymore it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I am watching on two things because I don’t know why why is the water what is that my homie that’s enough foris I don’t care Sam you can tell my you can hear me that’s even better uh Chris I hope you have a water

Bucket I know oh that’s not my fault five hours oh yeah I did it oh yo let’s post for a thumbnail real quick oh hold up wait I forgot I had this this skin on hold up I thought I changed it back to my my better one the the one I updated for

Reasons there here we go okay y’all let’s fix one yeah that’s just like bare inventory it looks better there then I got to turn off all the HUD elements and everything cuz you know cleanest possible picture there is Sam take off all your armor and everything oh wait look good where I

Am hold up I’m trying to hide all the HUD and everything uh yeah yeah yeah that’s fine that’s fine Teddy’s got to get closer all right hold up I should be in the center got way at Center properly Teddy that was not wrong move move go the other side of

AC Perfect all right and we’re good oh I got to turn I back on what I turned off all my HUD stuff so it looks better that’s [Applause] where did all my stuff oh it’s yeah why not oh I have someone’s iron pickaxe I didn’t you notice that until

Now I have someone’s it’s got full durability no no no no no who’s is this cuz I know I did not make one I will grant Teddy permissions so long he does not act crazy [Applause] again I give him all permissions however you better not just mess around screw this up

Fine Chris because you’re so insistent on it I guess to that degree no I’m coming down wait did I leave on coordinates I better not would have did I leave on coordinates while we were posing cuz we might need to retake it again then if I did

Oh yeah yeah that’s right cuz it was proba my a my freaking camera was in the way though of the perfect screen so we’re have to retake it again anyways no no no we’ll finish up this mining trip first ially to die I need to go back up

We’ll finish the mining trip first and then uh we’ll retake it I’m going to wait up inside in the house oh cave noises those are fun wait we just this exact same world maybe not I don’t know I’m just that good what time is it it’s officially 12

I think I have a ton of torches on me for some Reason what is tunnel vision well yeah that happens on Minecraft crack the lower you go Sam it’s an effect it’s a screen effect you’re good A diamonds those are mine those are mine those are mine I’m on lava those are my diamonds down there y’all it’s one Diamond at the very least all my stuff’s around it which means it’s mine that flipping zombie though I burned yeah so give me them all right I’m coming I’m

Back I’m back I’m back I ain’t got Nothing well we probably though I don’t know about all of us but like where’s my stuff got I got get but I don’t know some of it but I know for a fact my pickaxe didn’t Teddy you better not I know for a fact my crossbow did not get burnt cuz I saw

That and them diamonds where’ that diamond block go where where is that diamond I know for a fact I know for a fact that none of them that none of my crck took that loud so like uh where is my diamond where my crossbow cuz someone has a crossbow uh there’s something M

There so who Min the diamond block who Min the Diamond door and whoever did give it to me oh there it is thank you okay now I need to find my crossb because I know for fact that that did not bur okay good and my arrows Teddy you thank

You my arrows did not burn either so someone has those as Well anyone have my arrows as well I have 15 arrows I don’t have anything of any I have I had 15 arrows uh Sam you got Those who has my bucket as well cuz someone has my bucket unless where did my stuff go cuz I know my arrow didn’t burn someone has my bucket cuz the water’s right here wait how much heal do you have one heart oh never mind am might got burnt

By lava no cuz someone took the bucket and emptied up the water cuz it’s just sitting there ah I’m not going to go over that way I’m at one heart it did not burn I saw it the arrows are fine someone has them trust me no one is tricking me into where my

A he did not give a single darn about me until he until I came up behind him my diamond my diamond what anyways trust me y’all I know for a fact nothing that I care of in my inventory burnt okay my crossbow is completely fine and I know my arrows are

As well someone has them yeah sure sure is that yours or mine that diamond just H okay that that one’s yours yeah I holy chis you had a lot of stuff on me Jo you leave me alone W the skeleton has a sword and stuff on him

Okay I have my crossbow that’s all I care about right now that’s all I care about right now um I just saw something despawn from my eyes that’s fun uh there’s an arrow I will take that as a W uh uh I got to Dro this thing out and

The spider go go go go go how do I get back up how do I get back up no that’s the guy again I swear I’ve never seen the skeleton so Decked Out that that’s a zombie [Applause] run there’s a dead end down here someone help me

What are you have your hand right now sir I don’t know if I uh what is that in your hand sir that’s a block that’s a block of De plate there’s a baby zombie I’m running I’m running someone help me out help me out somebody please the stairs the stairs the stairs

Up up up up up I’m at half a heart you have mine and your stuff you can not die here help please who put that hole there oh my gosh are you still alive watch the stream CH I’m still watching the stream yeah but it’s really delayed where are you at right

Now CU on my phone I’m going up the stairs I hear something I just got to go I just got to go D leave me alone you skeletons I All right all right all right I got the stuff I got the stuff let’s get in the house first let’s get in the house then swort all all our stuff I need my own chest man okay okay I’m going put your stuff all in this chest okay

Uh I don’t know if it’s all of your stuff but should be for the most part now that is mine I know I don’t know think I thre it out but that diamond is mine as well yeah I know that I can’t I can’t remember them I can’t I’m going back to

Dang it bro I need all my arrows are gone except for four of them I got four of them back uh you think you nearly died bro you should been watching the stream you should have seen how I clutched up down there Sam wait do you

Have my test plate you have my test plate no I don’t are you sure that didn’t break yeah Sam you should have seen how I clutch up down there well I don’t know if at Dude what’s up with these things coming out of nowhere all reason bro he was nowhere to be he was nowhere near look you could even see the stream he was nowhere near where did he come from let me watch The Stream I’m watching where did he come from

Where are you going I’m you I’m just running around waterfall took me that long to notice it but I’m going go over to it cuzz why not y’ once y all get to the surface we got to retake the picture cuz my my uh what’s it called my webcam was in the way

You’re still rolling insanely fast in my stream look you’re still going super speed on man oh we were let’s go to the top let’s go to the top let’s go to the top the [Applause] top wait can you up that uh can you oh I can all right hold up let me [Applause]

In oh wait py space yeah yeah yeah yeah hold let [Applause] get you even like jump on a boat in Bedrock I forget can you jump on a boat in Bedrock Edition I forget no all right I got the boat I’m Coming Sam can you jump on a boat in Bedrock Edition get

Some no you can definitely do it on Bedrock because i’ I’ve done the like you know the that did with like the lava and stuff I’ve done that on my switch all the time so you definitely can I guess it’s not from the water though you have to jump on it from above

[Applause] gu I want to drive though you drove the boat out here so like okay you bring us back what the fre where it go where did it go is it in your inventory no it fall down it went all the way down whatever that’s enough for now are we do

Again put in my inventory I [Applause] guess [Applause] can you see our bases from here while I to I guess techn the base the tower kind of marks the base you know can you see our current shanigan a watching the stream that’s crazy W up we go up we go [Applause]

Okay this time I’m going to make sure that does not happen boom boom get in oh I should probably oh boomed with the sauce like that I that would never happen to me I I will cuz I have Java now I’ve been playing Bedrock more because I’ve

Been on the same world for 5 hours five hours I I that’s kind of wild wait check check the side check the side how much have we spit on now the stream is now 5 hours and 26 minutes where are y are y still down there

Well when yall are done we got to retake the thing so I guess I might as well resize my webcam now do Chris is there still writing on the back on your screen good mods can work on my PC like they just don’t want to I don’t know if I’m just not doing

Right there I down like a Lego texture pack and some GTA stuff that was it and none of them were working no matter what version it was for be the long ever on m not for me at once but in recent memory absolutely yes it speaked to

Memory I think one time I spent like a whole day playing just playing Minecraft on my Xbox that used to be me in like second grade I’m telling youall in second grade I was not a Nintendo kid in first grade in first grade no not where’s my hair tie it’s not on my

Desk when did I put it on my arm it’s been on my arm my my arm my hair TI has been on my arm for so long I didn’t even know it was on there you just lifted up your arm and I saw it my bra stop working for a second when

You said minec sometimes whenever like I’m doing something my thumbs will get cold and I’ll try to message someone but like every single word will be spelled wrong and that happens when I’m emailing her don’t I have like a custom character made I do why is he

Ball oh we got to fix this no this is a crie no I ain’t bald yeah for real like I’m really not bald I got this I got yo I’m not bald like really not bald you know where’s the hair they got to have a hair that’s like mine ain’t no

Way they don’t wait you use the ball character use bone character use the bone character what bone character bald character oh bald I’m trying to find the hair you the one with the little on it is this it is this the hair that’s the hair to some degree oh yeah here’s my custom

Character y’all oh why do you have a hair band why do he have a hair band what do you mean a hair band yeah there’s sunglasses I I’m telling you I don’t smile this much though here I think I can fix that I think I can fix the

Smile you know what even funnier you know hairc that’s that’s that’s kind of accurate can I like change the the the color of the mouth or no not let me do that why am I taking damage I’m not even on the I’m not even I was in the middle doing

Something I think I like the old skin better more I like the old skin better as well they added this mouth let’s go I love this mouth go back to the it’s still a smile and I don’t smile much there we go this one is definitely way better cuz I made it

Myself that’s why it’s so much better where right there that’s where they Are y’ I’m going to go view some skins to download hold up I’m going to download some skins y’all I better not be taking damage I acent hit you I was at one heart Hey heyy where’s my stuff all right I’m just take everything and put your stuff in the Chest Sam have you played the game stray it’s so good I have on my PlayStation I love that game I haven’t beaten it though you have to real quick he you accept I’m I’m almost uh chis send me a message on what it is before I say

Accept because I don’t know how much uh or not no send me a message saying what I just declined I’m doing something right now I’m looking up some skins to download uh holy you suck so horrible no no no no I got to be able to sort like most popular most voted most

Voted these are not the most voted ain’t no way oh it’s not I’m going I’m going I’m going to try make you figure it out first all right y’all I’m downloading a few skins right now oh what did I just hear creep the did he blow anything up if we leave we are

Dead how about with a your face hurts a surprise real H you were like oh what here you know deine you know you want to know what you acci tell me tell me tell me look at my hand hey whoa whoa whoa whoa you give me that

Back you give me that back that’s mine uh Sam Min that for me cuz I died I got I I may or may not be making this trouble right now hey hey hey no no no no no no no screw this skin stff you better stop give me my diamond give me my

Diamond I was trying to download a skin but it’s doing something ah ah I’m trying to download a skin is doing some stuff from up you on your bed hold up give me a second oh that’s cool we made progress e so is there like a what so how’s our

How’s our spawn doing I’m going to crouch out oh the BT Delta that’s not and I hear gas which are scaring me that oh my game just like froze normally it does that doesn’t GTA all the time oh my hey look there’s a ruined portal right there that’s fun uh anyways I’m

I’m going join youall why not head back why what reason do we have to Stak what oh my God please stop oh I got to check in on this this doing it closed my thing I that’s not how you typ I’m going to make a lead damn

It’s so laggy why is the stream so laggy in the nether Bro I’m downloading something right now maybe that’s Why no cuz it’s just fine but I was in the nether it was not good someone broke the Portal what was that noise What wait on the stream it still says started 1 hour ago What it says five hours ago for me server error uh nuh there we go I fixed it on my own I’m just that Good Opera GX I don’t want to use Aqua GX I don’t want to have to download Aqua GX man what bro it’s making me download literally everything else in the world just to download one skin My phone is at 9% okay okay okay thanks for downloading B BL BL I leave where did I Get now download the skin guys guys guys look skin number one skin number one here’s the first skin I downloaded yall I’m still inside of Sam’s house but oh let me see the let me see the y’ skin number one is this it’s the no it’s not look watch the stream

Chris stop CH for me watch The Stream ch is Teddy still in the game good cuz we need to retake the thumbnail oh like be be all right I’m going download another one this is just what I’ve been doing yes I know what I’m doing

Next Teddy up here I I can assume from the door I’m hearing that Teddy’s up there now okay let me up hey W I know I know I know I’m back on it I like that g more than the other one and then you were short just like your real he

All right y’ yeah y we’re going to retake the thing now no I’m in the middle cuz it’s it’s my stream fine fine never mind that works Teddy you’re on the other side you’re on the side of sand oh yeah everyone put everything in your inventory up that way it’s just

Bare hands looks better Terry take the not Terry Teddy take the stick out of your hand in the opposite direction of the camera well still waiting on Teddy Teddy go on the other side of Sam actually actually that’s that that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine and got

It getting on my phone that’s why I had his POS like that all we’re turn everything back on again this time my thing was hey bro whoa I’m at two hearts half all right y’all I’m download another skin real quick hey wait how long would your did I die I

Don’t know did I I sure did uh where’s my Stu wait how long was your like an hour and like 40 minutes or so I don’t even think it was an hour Hey where’s my stuff where’s my stuff which one of you two took my stuff Sam you got my

Stuff open up the door I can break no iron dropped this at least they used to right it to you as are you slow the oh there’s my bucket where’s my crossbow kind of you know that where’s my arrows where are my arrows where are my arrows I have four

Arrows I’m there we are all right I got him back that was all the stuff I had I I and give me a minute to download this other skin leave need my oh he can give it back y I’m doing like a big skin showcase I guess right now isn’t this fun not

Really don’t make me download off of you yet not just download the skin it’s not that hard there we go back guys guys guys guys skin number two skin number two oh he he’s not done properly guys it’s skin number too y’all what are we doing now I don’t know

What to do yo yo y yo yo skin number two Chris where are you wait where did my Shi go I don’t know oh I think I know where went it’s John Cena what happened stop shooting me how do you make a crossbow I didn’t try to kill you I’m just Hing

Here how didn’t make a crossbow isn’t it like boom boom boom and I think so guys are any youall even paying attention to my skin me but look at it Chris oh oh I’m going to leave now can y’all even see my skin I’m getting

G I’m getting G Sam do you like my skin do you know who it is oh that’s you Sam you like my skin I love it oh yeah D he was asleep and he got blown up how do you get blown up in your sleep I didn’t know you could get I didn’t

Know happened Chris are you watching the stream still kill yourself Chris what are you watching the stream still yeah do you see my skin on the stream oh not yet going to first person third person you know who it is once it once it pops up all right watch it watch it Chris

Because it’s going to be in there we’re going to go to the next One real Wait why he in my why you my this boy better not any he’s in my chest he’s in my in my let’s go GG yo next skin next skin yeah yo you you’re the oneing you br in my I and then you y’all skin number

Three and then you killed me took my St and then and then you just started spilling me so yeah next you know who this is would be funny break and you thought it would be Funny Chris is my skin even who it’s supposed to be right now you watching the stream is it a guy in a suit no okay is there a shortless guy is it still my normal skin yes oh well you have to watch the stream to see it then I

Am but do you even know who it is I mean you should yeah have to pop up though did you did you know the last one did you know the last one is the last one was John Cena well I couldn’t I wasn’t looking at the Stream

The one right now is Michael from GTA V the story mode what should I do now um do perfect do it Ender do it Ender no no me one second hey whoa whoa whoa what is that what’s going on what’s going on right now yo who just let a zombie in let alone

Uh but my stuff’s in here you can pick up your stuff you know I hope he doesn’t pick up my diamonds cuz it’s not guaranteed he drops some where where is my stuff you take my stuff you take my stuff nobody had it oh it’s mine it was in my Inventory why don’t you die and you you little spider and you there we go let me get my skins in peace game being NOP I don’t want to open up my folders right now next who all right next Chris close the doors oopsies is there a skeleton out there Chris close the

Door I think there might be a skeleton out there look Chris do do you see this one oh is that the Lego one oh you can see it no I can’t no I can’t I’m looking at the stream oh that’s that’s W but my the one I made is better isn’t

It yeah let’s go my skin is still goed uh what am I going to do now bad you Sam what what character should I get a Minecraft skin up who is letting these skeletons in the Base wait Sam what who should I download a skin of Clancy put Tom most voted I don’t know what the guy looks like though so uh educated guest what does Tom Clancy look like fine I’ll put Rainbow Six Siege I don’t know if it’s going to show him but we’ll

See oh that’s not rainbow that’s rbow nope nothing so just Tom Clancy Tom Clancy rain six Siege does not work Chris you need to stop leaving the door open a this is why oops my bad I didn’t mean to kill you uh I have like most of your stuff in my

Inventory who had 60 something bone Meal what you send me I heard the creeper come on close the darn doors yo I have one heart I’m done with these skins bro we’re just going to keep it on my my good on one you can see on the stream the exact moment I’m like is not yeserday oh was

I love this [Applause] crossbow uh I don’t know I had gold boots or leggings give me one second y’all I need to just kill myself real quick cuz I have one heart oh what was that literally nothing that works too yes that works too Chris just punch me

So that way uh yeah I di someone punched me don’t take any of my stuff though I have like five items okay don’t take any of my stuff Teddy you give me my my stuff I see you taking them Teddy why are you going down to the Sam

Chamber what are you doing why are you going into The Nether I’ll break that darn portal get back here oh my God this is why I don’t miss Teddy Teddy give me back my Stuff you How do I make sure someone is banned from ever rejoining the game no no no Sam is fine Sam is not the one who took your bed WI in the nether gave me my crossbow back and then blew up all of my stuff Sam is not the one who did

That okay but you know what Teddy did he took my crossbow and then he blew me up and now it’s burned now my crossbow is gone Sam is fine Sam is not causing Mayhem right now Sam let me in I got to make sure any of my stuff’s bive anything survive that

Little no word I wish I could say oh my God oh my Wahoo but you know what isn’t my crossbow that’s right the only thing I love one why you so how do you make a crossbow cuz now I guess I’m doing that it’s not going to be as special as

The other one cuz I had that one for 5 hours wait hold up ain’t no way okay scratch that 6 hours look you can see look you can go back to it Chris you can see he went into there and took and took your bed and then blew us both

Up wait what did you do hold not Sam it was Teddy I know but St Sam is still car we at least need to get my stuff back my stuff’s all gone gone yeah so it’s mine we are literally Lally everything of mine is gone we literally

Have to start from scratch we might as well team up and start from look go back to 3 minutes 13 seconds ago wait were we already teamed up Chris go back 13 minutes 13 seconds ago I am I am born in the nether or not 13 three me

And him were in the nether go back like four minutes I know I know I did I did that’s tragic we need to start scratch okay we got Sam how do you make a crossbow you can start from it ain’t going to be as special as the first one but it’s is a

Crossbow crossbow here it is what is all this stuff what in the world three sticks two string a trip wire hook and an iron ingot so anyone have any of those flying around I have zero string because all my stuff got burnt by Teddy in the nether

Go back like 5 minutes Sam you can see it too oops wait wait wait why live if there’s nothing to us Sam is there way to make sure someone’s banned from ever getting back in the thing [Applause] heyy hey hey I’m just looking at it this is a health health I’ll I’ll

Right here iak yeah well Teddy took his bed and blew that up as well yeah so I don’t have any home why I don’t miss that kid hey are you here just keep B po yeah I was like a psycho right now whenever I look up I look at the

Psycho is that why no one likes me go wait how long have got 6 hours 10 minutes why do people do this me every time there’s something I care about it’s taken away then I do wait hold all that matter to Meep brick that crossbow all that so so are my feelings right

Now back back Back what the heck okay Sam com myself follow me follow [Applause] me come back check this come here is z the [Applause] bre look so emotional no stream and actually so [Applause] fun go ahead knock him with that crossbow I don’t care is nothing matters anymore this Minecraft series Got Deep real

Quick that crossbow is all that matters that crossbow is the reason I didn’t end it sooner give that back make myself a CEST I was going to frame that crossbow hold up let’s visit the grave let’s visit the grave I where’s the F why are you mining that with a pickaxe that

What exactly the Chris how far behind you are you in the Stream uh like 10 20 seconds why I don’t want to be reminded of anything in the nether right now hold up with our Let’s Go destroy that portal wait no Why what are you going A what the heck is that chat me of someone help me out that was not me Oh that crossbow is the only thing giving me any any kind of em you he look so GL in the Stream like nothing matters nothing Does where did my stuff go I had sword what are you doing why is there an Enderman that’s like one block ground cing around the house okay what Back I the break Go the nether is now actually home a place What Why Were you telling that bedge it’s not the same that one had piercing and it was the very first weapon item I I was Crb I I Qui Qui Breck get in the ne no my bed I lost the Bed no give me back my Bed we going to like beat the game on this FL or what we’re going to do that we’re going to need the Portal the [ __ ] [Applause] why is this worldall be [Applause] he I should have got that PL there [Applause] sh for why is it so [ __ ] quiet sh for mhm Huh huh Sh Ah a No yeah No No Why are we still here did you in stream for Chris what’s your Twitch name oh is there any capitalization or no no no Capital here the god gamer yeah what did you put again I am not streaming somebody saw me I feel minutes the most random [ __ ] ever yes Sh nine followers what happened are you the one with nine followers yeah drive like a yes what are we doing C CRA who are these random other people in the chat people they that

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with @Echy-ex5rj, @Mmm_Chezburgerz, and kristhegodgamer on twitch’, was uploaded by Super Bros Gaming on 2024-01-07 08:09:54. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:55 or 24475 seconds.

Me and friends play Minecraft because why not. People: @Echy-ex5rj @Mmm_Chezburgerz

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Machine Magic Madness: Applied’s New Look

    Machine Magic Madness: Applied's New Look Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Features and Adventures Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded? Join our adventurous gamers as they explore a selection of mods, encountering both familiar favorites and brand-new additions to their gameplay experience. From random conversations to intense battles, this journey promises to be filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering Applied Energistics As our gamers delve into the latest version of Minecraft, they encounter the Applied Energistics mod, which introduces a whole new level of complexity to their gameplay. From setting up the Applied Energistics system to navigating the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Crafting a Sneaky Farm Mart Entrance | Minecraft Ep 39

    Crafting a Sneaky Farm Mart Entrance | Minecraft Ep 39 Building a Detailed Farm Mart Storefront Entrance in Minecraft Survival Welcome to episode 39 of the Minecraft survival let’s play series by annihlillyate. In this episode, annihlillyate embarks on the task of building a detailed farming supply storefront as an entrance to the rooted dirt farming room constructed in the previous episode. Creating a Farm Supply Storefront Inspired by the concept of storefront builds popularized by Minecraft content creator Mumbo, annihlillyate sets out to construct a farm supply store and a flower shop as part of the entrance to the rooted dirt farming room. The vision is to create… Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity in Building Houses Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. In this virtual sandbox game, players can unleash their imagination and construct magnificent structures, including houses that defy the laws of physics. Building Your Dream House With a vast array of blocks at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. From cozy cottages to sprawling mansions, players can design and build their dream houses brick by brick. Utilize different materials such as wood, stone, and glass to add texture and depth to your creations. Customization and Personalization Make your… Read More

  • Daddy Long Legs Wanted!? JJ and Mikey SWAT in Minecraft

    Daddy Long Legs Wanted!? JJ and Mikey SWAT in MinecraftVideo Information hey Mikey what day are we having today Adventure day no Mikey it’s Tuesday all right that’s fine but we need to find something to do I don’t want to stay home hey guys I got a proposition for you guys what’s that you want to put us in jail you want to make some money yes we do that’d be great all right then follow me cool where are we going to the police station there’s a case what’s our job okay I’m alone at the policeman station I accidentally sent all the staff on vacation by… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Saddest Animation

    Uncovering Minecraft's Saddest AnimationVideo Information are you ready to cry guys because today we found the saddest animation and if you cry you you you suck so try not a cry challenge starting now and here we are in the mountains with sad music already with an Ender what is an Ender Dragon doing in the Overworld okay I have so many questions why is it going into a cave oh it’s little baby it brought fish for its little little egg but an but an egg can’t eat a is something wrong with the egg I hope not or maybe I do… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Finale! Don’t miss it!

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Finale! Don't miss it!Video Information oh God oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no how are you still spawning you have a torch on you uhoh uhoh oh I might die to these to these things we just break this we don’t need these guys just problematic there we go oh my God that could have been really bad I’m just just going to cover up all this lava too I don’t even want to deal with it oh some of this lava is just spilling CU of the uh the silver fish here okay we just get… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: Battling Wither Storm with Mods

    Insane Survival Challenge: Battling Wither Storm with ModsVideo Information check it out the never is now in tear down this is actually a mini version and I have shrunken down and this is me at regular size Also let’s see what happens if I jump into the lava here we go I’m fine hang on a second my pet robots are down here hello guys I wonder what you guys look like when I’ve actually like shrunk down my pets are giant look at Cappy he’s turned into a monster where’s Maxwell Maxwell wait what oh giant creeper ow ow ah what the where am I ah… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Discovery in Kimunoobda! MUST SEE!” #shocking

    "Unbelievable Discovery in Kimunoobda! MUST SEE!" #shockingVideo Information [Applause] he This video, titled ‘just for fun #like #viral #geography #history’, was uploaded by Kimunoobda-RCA;) on 2024-02-10 09:50:46. It has garnered 2425 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #like #countryballs #ww2 #gtr #racing #minecraft #cars #bruh #viral #nutshell#viralshorts #viralshortsvideo #viralshortsvideos #shortsvideoviral #viralshortvideo #cars #gtr #racing #viral #viral #minecraft #lifesteal #smp Read More


    SHOCKING: I LOST A FRIEND playing MCP!Video Information all right whats we need TR all right stream is going sorry happy y’all I don’t know I like have a talent in clapping bro you have Clapping Your mom no no like my hands CL my hands like I can clap loud like without without like heart trying all right what did all did you take you took Diamond say everything made some armor and some tools there’s a diamond ax in here if you want one Diamond I don’t have crazy loot or anything mother um all right wh list and Royal poison yay okay time… Read More

  • Insane Sweet Potato Minecraft Circus Pomni Story!

    Insane Sweet Potato Minecraft Circus Pomni Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘Digital Circus Pomni Story in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-01-15 20:56:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Kitchen Build in Seconds!” #shorts #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Kitchen Build in Seconds!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information how to upgrade your kitchen [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Build a kitchen in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #howtomake’, was uploaded by CutyCubes on 2024-05-27 18:00:01. It has garnered 1030 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • EZ Gaming FACE REVEAL in Minecraft?! #shorts

    EZ Gaming FACE REVEAL in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘FACE REVEAL! MINECRAFT is AMAZING! #shorts #short #live’, was uploaded by EZ Gaming on 2024-06-04 11:41:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trynottolaugh #trending Become A Member to support the Channel and get customized perks like Priority Replies, Shout-Outs, … Read More

  • Rede Notz

    Rede NotzServidor brasileiro de Minecraft: FullPvP/RankUp, explore desafios, conquiste ranks, e domine o PvP neste ambiente envolvente! Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21 & 1.20.6

    Minearchy SMP Minecraft adventure starts here at Lands of Minearchy! SMP Join our vibrant SMP community packed with exciting features. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, our inclusive community welcomes you. Minigames Experience endless fun with our selection of minigames! From classics like Prop Hunt to KitPvP and upcoming Bedwars, we’ve got it all covered. Ready to Start? Dive in now at: We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Symble Raid on June 13th. Intentional?

    I guess you could say they really “crafted” that date on purpose! Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure! Leap into the verse, where Minecraft news unfurls, GeminiTay’s hide and seek, with twists and twirls. Scott, Jimmy, Shelby, and Joel, seeking with might, In Gem’s intricate plot, hidden out of sight. Underwater caves, a challenge to explore, Scott dives deep, seeking more and more. Jimmy follows suit, but takes his time, Double the effort, in this hide and seek climb. Shelby and Joel, in the porch they roam, Searching high and low, for Gem’s secret home. Joel struggles, feeling lost and cursed, Gem’s hiding spot, the hardest, unrehearsed. Gem’s plot, a masterpiece, a true delight, Torturing friends, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “I asked my friend if he wanted to play Minecraft with me, but he said he couldn’t because he was ‘mining’ his own business. Guess I’ll have to go solo in the virtual world!” Read More

  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

    Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore Series: Crafting Iron Armor Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as our protagonist dives into the Hardcore series to create Iron Armor. Join the adventure as they navigate through challenges and triumphs in this survival-based gameplay. Exploring the Hardcore Series The Hardcore series in Minecraft offers a thrilling experience where players must survive in a harsh environment with limited resources. It adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for their survival. Crafting Iron Armor Iron Armor is a vital component in ensuring the player’s safety against hostile mobs and environmental… Read More

  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ ►Youtube Member ➜ ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Tiktok: Music provided by: @lowresbones @epidemic sound #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: Tiktok: Facebook: IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More