Insane Minecraft Gens: Unstoppable Dimensions | OPLegends

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Yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again on giraffe. op for another jens’s video now before we get into the video if you guys do enjoy my content and want to support make sure you guys leave a like comment and subscribe if

You haven’t already but that out of the way we’re going to get right into it we have been afking our gens for quite a long time so all of our chests are stockpiled and we have to sell them now we have the sell wand so it will be

Pretty good for the money but you’ll see a lot of them are filled all the way to the brim possibly not the entire way I’m not sure I expanded this storage system halfway through so it’s probably going to be kind of annoying to sell but I’m

Going to go ahead and do all of that and on the right side we are at level 265 now if we check quests you will see we have a lot of quests to do my thought process with level 265 is we will likely hit Level 300 at level 300 we’re going

To be able to go to the end we’re also going to be able to go to the desert in this video so we’re going to be seeing two of the other dimensions on top of Mars so we’ll have Mars desert and the end actually my bad guys it’s not the

End it’s going to be the nether I believe I think they swapped it from the end to the nether yeah it’s going to be nether before we go to the end right here you’ll see that’s end Voyager so we’re going to be able to go to the

Nether not the end but that’s still going to be really good and there’s new trees there to level up even faster so we’ll have to give a look at that now one sad piece of information guys prisons is going to be coming out here soon that’s not really a sad piece but

This is probably going to be the last jens’s video it’s we we’ll see there might be more but I think we’re going to be swapping over to prisons again I myself I prefer jens’s over prisons but um prisons is still also really fun I’m not sure what we’ll do on prisons maybe

We do a Pay to Win series I kind of really enjoy pay to win whenever I can get pay to win I’m going to do pay to win uh but we’ll have to wait and see what happens with prisons but with all that out of the way guys let’s go ahead

Sell all of these chests I’ll bring you back after I’ve sold and we’ll see how much money we have we’re starting with 3.7 Bill uh I’m expecting us to get at least 10 Bill not entirely sure and then we can up upgrade our entire uh gen set

Up here so I’ll bring you guys right back after I finish selling all these chests and we’ll see what we get all right we are back after selling everything and when I said 10 mil I was a little off we are at 29 bill um so

We’re going to go ahead and upgrade all of our gens I’m not sure how far we’ll get but we will definitely get pretty far I mean minimum fire coral for sure right like yeah we should we’re we’re at brain right now so I mean we’re going to

See where we end up I’m hoping we end up maybe at horn coral it’s going to take me a very long time so I’ll uh I’ll definitely just do a cut but we are starting at everything is brain and we have 29 bill I might save like two bill

Just cuz we’re going to get gen slots from all our quests I’m going to go ahead upgrade all the gens and I’ll bring you guys back once I’m done that all right and that is the final gen right there we do actually have eight Bill left but I’m going to keep the uh

Fire Coral cuz I think it goes the nicest with our setup kind of fits into the color scheme but that is our entire gen setup all 373 gens to fire Coral which is super nice and now we’re going to be making about 1,200 per item on top

Of our boosters and all that it’s probably going to be like 7,000 per item but it’s pretty nice it’s a massive upgrade from what we were before and we still have eight Bill left over now what we’re going to go ahead and do guys is

We are going to go ahead to spawn I think there might be some quests in spawn we’re just going to start banging out all these quests and level up as fast as we can uh farmer Max I guess we’ll talk to him first and I think I’m

Just going to speedrun some of these quests because you don’t really need to see all of them we’re going to leave a few in cuz quests are still good to see but this one I think I’m just going to go ahead and finish and bring you guys

Back once I’m done the whole Quest all right we are at the end of the quest going to turn it in here really quick and see what we end up getting it wasn’t too bad we had to do 12 Enchanted carrots and then 100 fish uh let’s go

Ahead and let’s go ahead and see what we get from that really quick we get seven gen slots and oh 10 levels okay not too bad we’re going to go ahead to the next Quest open this free loot box I guess oh my goodness what’s he doing we’re going

To go ahead to the next Quest and just slam that out really quick might as well let’s see which one will that be um wood cutter Eric okay all the way over here going to go ahead and fly over to him and we’re going to just do this Quest I

Guess we can just go through it I mean a lot of the stuff is just cut because it’s like you know chopping down trees condensing certain things you guys don’t really want to see that so uh we’re going to see what he needs 32 Enchanted

Oak logs I guess we’re going to go ahead get those oak logs and I’ll cut back for the next step and we’ll just do it that way all right there is all 32 Enchanted oak logs we’re going to turn in this part right now and see what we’re going

To have to do I’m assuming we’re going to have to just enchant another type of log not not maybe that’s the end of the quest hopefully uh yeah 32 Enchanted Spruce so we’re going to go do that again and uh we’re probably going to have to do one more log after that all

Right that is the final Spruce logs right there where do we turn it in again is it um oh we need to get Birch right away oh he doesn’t even okay well uh going to go ahead get the Birch and then I’ll bring you back and hopefully that’s

The end of it not entirely sure we’re going to have to find out though all right there we go that is the 32 Enchanted Birch we’re now going to go to Eric and turn in the full Quest and see what we get from the rewards I’m not

Sure hopefully it’s like the last Quest if it’s like the last Quest we’re hitting 300 easy in this episode uh okay eight gen slots no levels that is um it’s kind of scary uh I do not like that we got no levels but it’s fine we still

Have a good amount of quests left what 200 250 275 yeah hopefully hopefully it’s enough but we’re going to go over to traveler John Smith now and we’re going to head to the desert which is going to be the first of the two dimensions in this episode I don’t know

If the trees in the desert are actually going to be worth mining we’re going to have to find out let’s talk to him really quick we’re going to go on a camel ride all right yada yada yada go to the desert let’s go let’s go give me

Bring me go go go I want to go I want to go all right we are here in the desert um has anything changed since last map no it has not so it’s the exact same desert but we do actually have trees now we are going to instantly test how many

Points are we getting uh oh there goes our point booster that kind of sucks how many are we getting more or less or is it the exact same we’ll have to see I’ll have to level up at some point here and actually see how many levels or points

We get hopefully it’s a little better at least um but we’re going to have to see on to the next Quest right here we got traveler John Smith what’s he going to need us to do I don’t actually think we get any level points from this so I

Might have to grind which is going to kind of suck but it’s fine all right we need to chop down 600 Mangrove wood not too bad let’s get that done really quick is he done does he do okay yeah we’re going to mine the 600 Mangrove and I’ll

Bring you back once we’re finish that hopefully we get like 20 levels Within These two quests three quests so we’re only five levels away but we might get zero I’m very worried we get zero all right that was all 600 and we did actually get 10 levels and seven gen

Slots so there is nothing to worry about we’re probably going to be hitting level 300 without having to grind but honestly in that amount of time I was grinding we went up like 20,000 points so mangroves aren’t too bad they’re annoying to mine but like the uh the points you get from

Them are pretty good I think they’re a bit of an upgrade we’ll we’ll again have to come back and check we have even more to do what does this guy need is he just saying thank you okay yeah he’s just saying thank you but that is the end of

That Quest we got our rewards right there very nice and the next Quest we’re going to have to do is Mob hunting so we’re going to go ahead over to Michelle over here start this Quest and I believe she wants us to kill a bunch of spiders

Um the spiders aren’t too bad we actually can see the camels now because I swapped to 1.20 last map I didn’t actually have the camel model it was instead just a random donkey we’re going to go ahead and do this Quest and I’ll bring you right back after that and then

Hopefully we have enough levels to go to the nether cuz I think the nether is going to be really good for leveling up uh let’s go ahead and kill these 20 spiders and I’ll bring you right back after that all right we finished those 20 spiders going to turn that in really

Quick um I don’t know that might be the end of the quest but I really don’t oh he needs us to grind okay she needs us to grind 40 more spiders so we’re going to go ahead do 40 more spiders again and then go turn it in and hopefully we get

Some levels I’m not entirely sure though all right grind it out all 40 and again uh we didn’t have to turn it in but there is five gen slots no levels so I’m kind of worried um I can definitely grind out 15 levels but it’s going to be

A little annoying so I’m hoping this next Quest is going to give us levels at least I mean I I really don’t think it will worst comes to worst we’re just going to have to grind out 15 levels I mean it’s not not the not the end of the

World but it’s not going to be fun there’s five gen slot so we are now at the 400 gen slot total which is super super nice this uh what’s this guy Genie Mark is going to want us to grind 15 camels and he’s probably going to want

Us to come back and grind even more I I have a good guess um we started that Quest yet let’s see what does he want us to do total 15 camels and then another 30 camels so yeah I’m going to go ahead Grind All 45 camels and I’ll bring you

Guys oh they actually sit down that’s kind of neat I’ll bring you guys back after I’ve grinded all uh 45 camels all right we are back with the 30th camel right here we’re going to go finish it just make made sure yeah there we go okay we did actually get five levels

That is so much better than I thought it was going to be and 10 gen slots so we are up to 410 I’m going to have to grind 10 levels and I am not excited to do that but we’re going to have to do it either way is there any quests left I

Don’t think we do no there’s not level 300 yeah that sucks it’s fine I’m going to go ahead grind out these 10 levels and um probably bring you guys back after that it might take me a good amount of time so it could be a bit of a

Time Jump but I’m going to I’m going to go ahead and bring you guys back after we hit Level 300 and we can go to the nether I believe yes the nether uh so I’ll bring you guys back after I’m level 300 all right guys we are currently

Grinding up to level 300 but I’m going to go ahead and buy a full wooden Set uh it’s going to cost us 7.5 bill but I thought i’ just cut back and show you guys cuz I think I’m going to be grinding um potatoes do these not give

You any speed bonus are you kidding me oh my God I just got beamed I thought they gave me a speed bonus are you kidding oh my why did I buy these These are so useless do they do anything oh my god well um that was a that was a waste

Of money okay well I’m going to continue grinding and I I’ll be back once we’re level 300 I just got completely scammed why all right we are back after grinding for about 4 hours and we hit Level 300 right there they actually give you some loot boxes and gen slots which is kind

Of kind of cool and a 1.5x permanent money multiplier which I did not even know that was a thing I kind of want to look at Milestones now some good mtis here yeah that’s not that’s not bad at all it’s the only money one there but

You can get a lot of Point mtis through this but we are now level 300 so we can go ahead go to spawn and talk with portalis man dude over here and uh we’re going to be able to go to the nether which is super super dope so we’re going

To go ahead talk to him really quick and get started on this Quest I actually have not really been to the nether ever nether used to be level like 425 and I can’t lie I’m not grinding to that at least not in the normal time frame we

Got to level 3 00 so far which is like pretty good but um we need to condense One Enchanted portal okay how hard is that going to be let’s see Enchanted portal obsidian okay so I’m going to be here for a bit of time is there any more

Obsidian around or no it’s just this okay I’m going to go ahead and just grind this obsidian with my super drill right here and I’ll bring you guys back once I have the enchanted obsidian required for this Quest already we mined all the obsidian required for that we

Can turn that in and we’re going to be able to go to the nether now turn it in and um what is it okay whoosh Voom all right that’s pretty cool two gens oh only two gen slots that’s kind of kind of mid but it’s fine we are here in the

Nether now now it’s kind of changed from the last map it’s a lot larger which is super nice I’m not sure if there’s a bunch of people grinding wart or chopping trees I don’t know what you do here we can actually see we have 9967 points at the moment if we break one

Lock here how many do we get okay it is actually a lot more it is what is that around 40 per log so you can actually level up pretty quick here which is nice do we have any other quests or is that is that it oh that’s that’s literally

All there is so level 300 but this is the nether I believe mining obsidian here is pretty good or whatever it is you mine I mean we’ll have to go check are any of these things worth it can we even can we mine any of this what what

What what do we even m is it crying obsidian um you got the Striders down here I’m not sure where you mine I can’t lie I I’ll look around really quick and bring you guys back if I do end up finding it I I am having a hard time all

Right so I couldn’t actually find where to uh mine anything but I did find the sign which is pretty neat it’s a little messed up I’ve been wanting Turtle EGS on my Island for like the last two seasons and they’re taunting me which is very toxic but it’s fine so we’re going

To go ahead mine some you know Nether Warts here and actually oh my God yeah okay Nether Warts are really good you level up super what the hell we’re leveling up so fast but I think you need um Soul speed on your boots here if we

Go look at our boots go check you can get Soul speed for I think it’s like 1.5 mil 2.5 oh my God so yeah you can get Soul speed on your boots and it’s going to be really worth grinding the Nether wart up here but for the most part we’re

Not going to have to worry about any of that cuz we’re probably not going to get that further when it comes to levels let’s go ahead over to our Island Again take a little look around and then we’re going to go ahead and talk about prisons

A little more cuz that is going to be coming out very very soon I don’t think I’ve been AFK in this so there is actually nothing to sell so instead I’m just going to go ahead and talk about prisons which is going to be releasing

On December 9th at 300 p.m. EST now if you guys do want to hop on again my IP is draft. op but they’re going to be adding a brand new enchant called Guardians blessing and it gives you a random pouch which could be beacons exp or rankup so I mean it’s

Going to be interesting I think it’s an enchant upgrade so more enchants are always nice they’re going to be adding turbo frenzy which is an upgrade to boost it gives a whole bunch of multipliers and uh it’s cool particles yada yada yada it’s more enchants are always nice it’ll be interesting to see

How those actually end up working uh there’s this brand new feature called the molten Forge now I’m not sure how that’ll work at all but it allows you to forge your old gems and Relics into an orb malti um and I’m wondering if it’s temporary I’m not entirely sure we’ll

Have to see how that works when it comes out it is very very soon it’s going to release literally tomorrow when this video goes live but if we go on prisons really quick I can show you it would use your your gems and your do I have any I

Don’t have any would use your artifacts and whatnot to forge down into something else one thing I’m personally super excited for when you rebirth you’re going to be keeping all your enchant upgrades I think this is amazing personally I decided not to rebirth too much on my main just because it was like

I don’t want to reset my enchant upgrades but them staying I feel like would help a lot and it should be very good for competitive in my in my personal opinion and then also they’re adding four new timed events I don’t know what I’m personally going to be

Doing this prisons map but I am kind of excited for it and Sky Block is just around the corner no release date on that is announced yet that’s something I’m personally super super excited for but yeah again if you guys would like to join the server giraffe. op

It is bedrock and Java compatible and I’m going to be here on December 9th for the release and uh I hope I see you guys on but that is sadly going to be the end of this video I’m not entirely sure if this will be the last gen’s video it’s

Very likely it could be maybe not but I do hope you guys enjoyed again if you did leave a like comment subscribe if you haven’t already and all that good stuff I’ll catch you in the next one hope you guys have a good day hope you

Have a good night hope you have a good rest of your life I’ll see you again when I see you till then much love later Peace you’re ofine screen up Come

This video, titled ‘THE MOST *OVERPOWERED* DIMENSIONS ON MINECRAFT GENS!! (INSANE) | OPLegends | Minecraft Gens’, was uploaded by SenorGiraffe on 2023-12-08 16:00:27. It has garnered 510 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds.

THE MOST *OVERPOWERED* DIMENSIONS ON MINECRAFT GENS!! (INSANE) | OPLegends | Minecraft Gens ———————————————————————————————————————————— Server IP – Bedrock port – 19132

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    Evil Doctor JAX Wants POMNI? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘JAX is an Evil Doctor! What Does He Want to do to POMNI? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS ep 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by JAX – Minecraft on 2024-06-14 21:00:36. It has garnered 18527 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:55 or 4015 seconds. JAX is an Evil Doctor! What Does He Want to do to POMNI? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS ep 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with… Read More

  • 🔥 Minecraft Hardcore Ghast Farm Resource Hunt 💎

    🔥 Minecraft Hardcore Ghast Farm Resource Hunt 💎Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Resource Gathering for Ghast Farm in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Roenn on 2024-07-15 16:41:33. It has garnered 106 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:36 or 8076 seconds. This is a live recording session for hardcore episode 6. Goal is to gather all the materials. New settings for livestream too, hopefully it looks good! Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT WOOL WORLD CREATION!! #MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I made the world out of wool #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-21 21:16:51. It has garnered 524 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment Tags:minecraft, minecraft hardcore, survival, acookiegod, minecraft survival, acookiegod series, a cookie god, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie minecraft, hardcore minecraft, cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, minecraft but, farzy, minecraft wool farm, acookiegod hardcore, hardcore, 100 days, minecraft mod, challenge, shulkercraft, farzy minecraft, minecraft tutorial,… Read More

  • Unbelievable New TNT Pickaxe in Seemoy’s Minecraft Addon

    Unbelievable New TNT Pickaxe in Seemoy's Minecraft AddonVideo Information This video, titled ‘World Utilities – TNT Pickaxe + MORE! Minecraft Bedrock Addon’, was uploaded by Seemoy on 2024-04-04 20:00:15. It has garnered 2835 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:55 or 175 seconds. In this video, we explore the World Utilities Minecraft Bedrock Edition Addon found in the Marketplace. This addon allows you to create insane tools like the Veinminer or Omni Pickaxe. Like and subscribe for more videos like this! Voice: – Attention Grabbing British Male #minecraft #minecraftmarketplace #utilitiesaddon #minecraftaddon #worldutilitiesaddon #bedrockaddon Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Hardcore: Dog Hunt & Epic Farm! 🐶🌿

    Intense Minecraft Hardcore: Dog Hunt & Epic Farm! 🐶🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: HARDCORE MODE】Finding a dog and starting my source farm!!!’, was uploaded by Aishii Ai Ch. on 2024-08-01 07:16:09. It has garnered 893 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 04:50:59 or 17459 seconds. Hai-Ai Everyone~! I’m Aishii Ai, a girl from the year 4000 who is here to entertain and make memories with all of you! ⋆ Leave a tip! ⋆ MC Hardcore logo by: Modpack used: AbePack via FTB ⋆❅ •*❆ My Socials ❆*•❅⋆ ⋆ Twitch: ⋆ Twitter / X: ⋆ Tiktok: ⋆ Instagram:… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Boiled One Mod!

    Surviving 100 Days in Boiled One Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in the BOILED ONE Minecraft Horror Mod’, was uploaded by Moose on 2024-08-16 13:00:03. It has garnered 199048 views and 3323 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:44 or 4424 seconds. Moose Survived 100 Days in the BOILED ONE Minecraft Horror Mod… the Boiled One.. will he survive a full 100 days in minecraft from stalking him in his world while he tries to build a base, to jump scaring him in the caves, moose and his friends craft guns to try to defeat the BOILED ONE.. which is like… Read More

  • “Insane Builds & Crafting in Minecraft! Must Watch!” #MinecraftMadness

    "Insane Builds & Crafting in Minecraft! Must Watch!" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Crafting Adventures and Epic Builds epi no 2#viral #subscribe #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Muheeb Ahmed on 2024-03-13 13:41:34. It has garnered 13 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:56 or 176 seconds. minecraft,minecraft builds,minecraft creative build,minecraft redstone builds,minecraft builds for survival,minecraft build ideas creative,minecraft but,minecraft mod,builds every survival minecraft world needs,minecraft survival build,minecraft build ideas,minecraft build hacks,minecraft building,minecraft build ideas 1.19,minecraft gameplay relaxing,minecraft relaxing gameplay,calming minecraft gameplay,minecraft gameplay no talking,minecraft mods . . If You want to ——- Follow me on Instagram-    / muheebahmedyt ​ Follow me on Tiktok- /… Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Builds! 😱 | Loner 98 #shorts

    INSANE Modern House Builds! 😱 | Loner 98 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Modern House Creations in Minecraft 🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by Loner 98 on 2024-05-22 01:30:11. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Amazing Modern House Creations in Minecraft 🏠 #shorts #minecraft YOUR QURIES :- minecraft shorts, minecraft shorts video, minecraft shorts hacks, minecraft shorts in hindi, minecraft shorts gamerfleet, minecraft shorts trending, minecraft shorts ideas, minecraft shorts in english, minecraft shorts funny, माइनक्राफ्ट शॉर्ट्स, minecraft modern house tutorial, minecraft modern house easy, minecraft modern house build, minecraft modern house kaise banaen, minecraft modern… Read More

  • EliteEnder

    EliteEnderEliteEnder is a friendly, Semi-Vanilla minecraft 1.21 SMP. Join the Discord using /discord in game to apply today. We have /shops and host events often! With friendly staff and a nice playerbase why not join today! Read More

  • ISO SMP: vanilla, 18+, hermit-craft style

    ISO SMP – Brand New SMP Server Description: Join our 18+ community on this new SMP server launched on 2024-09-10. We aim to create a community of active players with the following features: Features: Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection 24/7 server availability No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Redesigning in Minecraft? Ah, spicy!”

    Ah yes, just like updating your Minecraft skin, this meme got a fresh new look and a high score to match! Read More

  • Minecraft: Thai Pants Hot, Cube Xuan’s Animation Plot

    Minecraft: Thai Pants Hot, Cube Xuan's Animation Plot In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video brings joy, that’s a fact. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, Cube Xuan’s channel, where happiness is found. No pirated videos, only originals here, For a daily dose of fun, subscribe without fear. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news with a playful light. Cube Xuan’s world, where laughter takes wing, In every video, let happiness sing. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Mixtape Droppin’ AYO!

    Hot Minecraft Mixtape Droppin' AYO! When you accidentally type “AYO” instead of “YO” in Minecraft chat and suddenly everyone starts dancing like it’s a party in the virtual world. #minecraftparty #oops #typo #minecraftmemes Read More

  • PALE GARDEN Recreation vs Minecraft

    PALE GARDEN Recreation vs Minecraft Recreating the Pale Garden in Minecraft A user has recreated the Pale Garden in Vanilla Minecraft without mods, and it looks even better than the original by Mojang… Snapshot 24w40a Update In a recent video, Minecraft player Abelirre discusses the new Mob, The Creacking, and the new Biome, Pale Garden, introduced in the Snapshot 24w40a update of Minecraft 1.22 and Winter Drop. However, Abelirre expresses disappointment in the update, citing the lack of drops, items, or new structures. Despite changes to the Colourful Bundles, the update falls short of expectations. Improved Pale Garden The recreated Pale Garden showcases enhancements… Read More

  • Crafting EPIC RPG in Minecraft NOW! 🎮

    Crafting EPIC RPG in Minecraft NOW! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Making an RPG in Minecraft [LIVE]’, was uploaded by ACraftingFish on 2024-05-25 19:12:06. It has garnered 830 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:26 or 7466 seconds. ▶ Join our Discord Server: ▶ Support me on Patreon: ▶ What is this Mod? This is a Mod that helps Content Designers on our RPG create quests much faster! ▶ Is the RPG going to stay vanilla? Yes, this mod’s only usage is for creating the RPG. ▶ Will this Mod be publicly available? No. Read More

  • Dillon’s Epic Nether Portal Failures

    Dillon's Epic Nether Portal FailuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dillon tries to build a Nether Portal in Minecraft Survival.. AGAIN’, was uploaded by KangarooJacketGames on 2024-07-25 16:36:11. It has garnered 202 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:48 or 9528 seconds. In today’s video Dillon continues his journey in Minecraft survival mode. Today’s mission? Build a Nether Portal! In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, pixelated, procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile… Read More

  • Insane dynamic lights transformation

    Insane dynamic lights transformationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Instalé luz dinámica’, was uploaded by RomeoMomeo on 2024-05-06 19:00:32. It has garnered 2533 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore Survival #shorts #minecraft #hardcore #survival #letsplay #gaming #awesome Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft NETHER Takeover!!!

    INSANE Minecraft NETHER Takeover!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but THE NETHER has taken the ENTIRE world!’, was uploaded by Paper Robin on 2024-03-11 17:00:13. It has garnered 665 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:56 or 296 seconds. In this Minecraft video, I’m playing a unique challenge where the Nether dimension has taken over the entire game! Watch as I fight to survive and defeat The Nether’s monsters to regain control of the world. This is sure to be an epic adventure filled with twists and turns! Will I be able to save Minecraft from the Nether? Watch… Read More