Insane Minecraft & Geometry Dash Gameplay!

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Okay there’s that change this to a game capture close Geometry Dash there’s no reason for that to be open right now okay close that open Minecraft hopefully it actually wants to open yes it does I think I fixed the error that I originally was having I can see that

Someone’s chatting but I don’t know who currently so it’ll take me just a moment that’s for jav YouTube open up my chat so I can actually like fully see my chat and not just like a corner of it so pop out there we go okay okay oh we have a half Pro is

Cool or a have so oh my gosh I see a Vibes I see a Vibes a Vibes a Vibes AES no no no not full screen I don’t want full screen thank you I I’ve been dealing with technology issues um and everything I’ve been having Tech technology issues for the past like 45

Minutes otherwise I would have went live 45 minutes ago because I decided that it was about time that I got Geometry Dash on here and everything cuz now I can and whatnot cuz yeah um I didn’t have money on my card I had it in cash that doesn’t

Help me when I’m trying to buy something digital um anyway so I I have Geometry Dash on here and I had to try and make it so that way my account worked so now I had to make a new account so I don’t know why I’m going

Here I’m going here so anyway um last stream we went over hermitcraft season 6 and season 7 now season 7 I whatnot I didn’t write down any um block pets and whatnot for but I’ll do that later and whatnot I did for season 6 so cuz like I

Said season 7 and season 9 are going to be the ones I’m the most familiar with because they’re the ones I’ve watched a million times and whatnot well this one I watched a million times from multiple different Hermits this one is the most recent and whatnot and this was honestly

Just a bit too short and this one I’ve only really watched fully once and whatnot like I it it’s been within the span of a couple years and whatnot of me watching it like I only really finished it this year and every or actually I suppose last year because it’s 20 I keep

Forgetting 2024 now so anyway I’m going to go to season 8 I I want to see the bottom hole Yeah Yeah Yeah I I’m not worrying about that honestly as much as I know there’s going to be issue when it comes to like resource pack things I

Don’t really care now I have no idea where in the world we’re at by the way um cuz I only really saw things um when it comes to um yeah I I didn’t really see anything past like BM whole shopping district area so let’s do a sltp at a 0100 Z because

This is near the yeah they all started around here and everything what in the world is that oh this one didn’t have a shopping district did it or did it I’m I’m not sure it might have it might not have I have no idea what why who how when love Tropics okay okay

That I I don’t know how in the world do they have time to make these big builds I’m sorry how did someone have time to make that this season was one of the shorter ones excuse me ex really how actually though how I want to know that looks amazing look at oh my

Gosh what I I when things like this still can somehow happen on a shorter season cuz this seems like it’s similar block pellets meaning if I had to guess it’s the same person or group of people good there we go I have speed actually is that calite that is

Calite oh that’s so nice nice what’s in Here the I recognize this area but I don’t at the same time although we are talking about season 8 here so I mean anyway this looks similar to the same type of thing but ooh did Green use inspiration from this is this is this part of something that

Grian built what what this looks way too similar to like the entities oh okay oh dear what I have no idea where I’m going by the way at all nor where I’m at so I just honestly kind of want to find bodm cuz I haven’t seen bodm I everything it’s been like such

A cut okay SP spawn false Gem and okay spawn I want to see spawn cuz I don’t think I’ve actually seen spawn there’s B um okay it’s oh yep okay this is the peace 11 plants one okay I never realized how big this was oh my word okay

Here let’s see how how this is okay I wanna I want to know okay also I love I absolutely love this by the way how everyone just dropped Back Down rocket flew off now I’m pretty sure this is impulse okay I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure this is impulse

Impulse I mean this definitely like definitely definitely feels like it should scream impulse so if it’s not I don’t know whose it is um but anyway what in the world did they make they they this is like a whole dang Factory I think that’s probably what

They were trying to make so oh yep there’s an i down there okay it’s definitely imp pulse also I love that I think I watched a video on someone um making something to do with this not fully sure so um now the thing I want to point out is mumbo’s base

Okay how in the world did he think of this like I know he used inspiration okay I know but act I I don’t even know what to what to think about this either like this looks so big because it is it this uses so many materials and whatnot what is this I don’t

Remember the all knowing po okay also I remember watching the episode where those were were um put around here this this this this insert a diamond okay where’s a diamond why do I forget where diamond is yet again this is one of those moments I’ve been playing Minecraft for

So long yet I don’t know where something like this is is like I should know very well I’m sorry was that an explosion okay I’m okay is there’s still okay there’s not I was like is there’s still things in there although I do know I can come into here which is mumbo’s proper

Like this I feel like I feel like there was something back here I feel there’s more I know that that there’s more it’s not right there where’s mumbo’s thing I know it’s here where is it really where is it I know Mumbo has an area that goes further down

What where do I find it I I want to see it I I don’t remember is it over here is is it right over here maybe I don’t know oh it’s right here is it There’s a Zombie down here of course nope that’s a strip mine dang

It I could have sworn Mambo’s base like he had a bigger storage somewhere I could have sworn where where is it not right there how do you get into it yeah there we go are you kidding it was is right there of course of course this cell isn’t the area I’m thinking

Of although this is an area that I did forget about so like I kind of forgot that this existed so is it over here oh is this the treaty no is it I don’t know okay yes it is oh is that what those are apparently

Not where I don’t I I’ll have to back to that where’ all the diamonds go where did all of Green’s diamonds go I know he had diamonds granted he was oh wait a minute did oh I think he used them at the end the shulker monster you

Know one of these times I’m just going to go to each like base and everything and just clean it up and and everything or like organize it or something and just see what materials there are that are just randomly laying around like look at all this also I

Would never have thought about this this way of blending by the way I absolutely love this way of blending and that there’s a charge creeper in there that is amazing use up here everything I love the floating candles and the fact that that also exists the roof is

Beautiful that reminds me of a similar thing oh is this is where all those diamonds went make guess empty at the back oh yep yep it is it is De definitely so I will say I believe this is a mostly finished build let’s just double check the back here

So and I oh wait a minute it’s in oh he didn’t have to worry about it back did he so I will point out though this is nice how they combined these bases and whatnot like I don’t remember who it is that has this base but

Let let’s just look at how this connects you know we have Bas base buildings whatnot over here right also the fact that there’s a train right here and a train right here you know uh that kind of helps with things but anyway we have this type of

Thing over here and whatnot with the trees kind of going up here and whatnot matching with this which this Blends into landscape over to here which is the more pointy stuff with greens right here very much blending in with a bit of mumbos also kind of

Blending in over to it and whatnot I feel like the like out of this bit and everything I feel like the closest that doesn’t like actually blend together which it doesn’t need to blend together honestly this this looks just fine without is probably right here which by

The looks of it I think this is the most unfinished area of their Base by the looks of it just because that is still outlines it doesn’t look like it was finished probably mostly finished though so I want to see what stock is still in greenan

Shop all the scaffolding okay I I know this is in Grain shop but I want to look at it anyway an empty thing for whenever same thing here wait is it the same thing here Halloween head for sale 1,000 diamonds okay mini blocks so I don’t know exactly what

Those are but eh all red stone player doesn’t help silk touch mending all the books okay oh this is Rock Rockets some things over here something okay that’s a dig you die box oh sorry a quick fix box team train does not accept derp coin okay then we got all of that

Okay I I really like I really like this now one the the one base over here I have not watched I know I’ve at least watched one episode of that being built and everything I’m going to want to watch more of this I watched a small bit of like multiple small different things

Over here and whatnot I have not watched a single of this no idea oh yes mumbo’s base was sustainable the outline the outline okay I I can look at this door and know exact well wait yeah got got to got to there we go the fact that there’s an interior

This is and and everything as well as this this this is a mixture between Pearl and pearl um however with the interior it also could be gem but I’m I’m saying this is definitely Pearl cuz I’m pretty sure gem wasn’t quite I I don’t think gem was in BM what was jaming

BM I don’t remember really really no no you don’t shop where the see the and then we go here and then of course Mumbo mumbo’s meetings wasn’t there I could have sworn there was a thing down there for for where’s rails there’s rails okay wait a minute wait a minute let’s

Okay there we go oh okay there we go just have to have the one going at least there we go okay well I think I’ve seen enough of this one I want to go to the other other hermac Craft season and then I want to

Do a little bit of Geometry Dash CU I haven’t I haven’t done much of the um geometry dash yet now season 9 I’m going to be currently the most familiar with out of any of these just because it’s the most recent play Deck out is a hermit’s experience ooh

Okay well the question is where am I oh shopping district okay now gan’s original base next to scars yet again I feel like this kind of blends well together but still shows different now where’s I don’t remember where the where the entity currently stands and everything I don’t remember

Where the shops and whatnot are and everything there’s gigaby there’s gigal logs and everything TCG of course of course where is the entity I am probably going in the wrong place but who cares also yes the fact that there’s no speed oh wait a minute I’m staring right at the

Entity what am I doing okay I forgot how many things it is this this oh diamonds I want to see if there’s any other other um currency I believe there was a different currency and everything and I don’t know if anyone had done anything with it or

Not seems not there’s the there’s the resistance of course or resistance Alliance sign where okay let’s go here fade the honey panda Cleo made an Atlantis apparently tub fan mining desert mining area mining desert and Mesa okay okay which Farm is it how does my door keep getting opened so

Long of a hallway this is so long Frog Light Farm I am going to probably go over there and see what that looks like to get a better idea cuz I want to make my own type of design but it’s a Frog Light Farm false come on okay I don’t remember whose place

That is okay apparently there’s a broken bridge here no idea why that’s why I want to find the bases that I’m familiar with and I pretty sure we like I rarely saw nether travel so I’m pretty sure I’m not going to have any idea where I’m going so all the way over

Here all the way over here going very far going very far going very far going very far further farther farther nope I was going the right the right way okay I do think I watched a little bit of Rand dog soup group I do want to check that out by the

Way well hello there oh it’s the was I in the corre I was probably in the correct area weren’t I I’m am I missing an area why is this literally why why do these never show the people that I’m the most familiar with literally it never does okay um thinking season

9 okay who was he this time why am I drawing a blank to what gan’s Mega base was this season oh yeah it was that it was next to Mumbo one now which was also next to scar which is scarland you know there’s got to be scarland in here

Right there’s no way that scarland isn’t marked on here there’s literally got to be no way there’s you you cannot tell me that scar portal isn’t marked on here spawn Town false impulse Joe TCG Museum it okay there we go I’m back we’re back on mic anyway we didn’t actually leave my

Computer trying to think who the closest people and whatnot I’m just going to go the super group one because I do know I definitely want to see that and I don’t remember okay I don’t remember exactly where they are soup group is on five I believe sup group this such a nice

Tle doesn’t matter which one I go through I’m I’m going of course I why not okay here’s gem oh my okay so I will mention I still don’t have any um of the sounds and went not on so any of the special sounds are not going to be

There I want to look at this tree okay yeah I really like this tree I like the fact that there is Cherry leaves in it but there’s also the glazed terra cotta and there’s glass in here and there’s the um the pink in here and it wasn’t Cherrywood that they used they

Didn’t use Cherrywood that that I feel like is definitely a good a good thing that they did here they didn’t use the Cherrywood cuz I feel like the Cherrywood and everything like when you match the leaves to the tree it doesn’t always look right so this was definitely a good a good idea

So now I’m looking around here I absolutely love how much things is in Pearl’s Base by the way like there’s a lot of stuff there’s a water entrance here with a sword portal I absolutely love this area here oh my gosh now I want to know how this comes to

Mind like how do you think of this for an entrance this is a thing that I want to know because I really really like this entrance but I would never think to use magma blocks next to Red nether brick on an entrance you know anyway also that really makes this slow yeah

Okay anyway okay um I’m deciding what I want to finish doing like whether I want to continue doing this cuz I know I’m going to have to explore this more and whatnot to be able to fully find things and whatnot to the extent that I’m trying to

Find you know what okay I think I’m going to leave Minecraft for now um this means I need need to make it so you can see Geometry Dash instead I can do that capture I do need to do this and change it to speech chat of course okay one moment okay there we

Go let me do a high yep it it’s working okay now I am going to do one of the very rare occasions I’m going to well no I need to application audio capture and everything properties and I’m going to actually make it so you can hear things as much

As I know I’m going to get copyright because it’s Geometry Dash I’m fine with that Geometry Dash and I can change the display capture to be off and everything Chang this to be geometry Ash and let’s see see how that how that works let me

Turn this all the way down so that way I can’t hear it see how much you can hear here like I don’t know how well you can hear this I don’t know how well you can hear this you can’t hear this okay nor can you see this okay is that going to work

It’s trying to work no it’s not oh that’s why it decided that it needs to be humongous humongous why is that I I think I might have to expand this and everything how big is this Jesus I I might just have to re redo that yeah I’m okay I’m back um

Okay better add also hello there retro I do a game capture capture specific window Geometry Dash where’s my game capture game capture remove Okay add game capture game capture specific window where why why is that not doing what I wanted to let’s do game capture okay specific window okay

Properties here you know what for now I’m just going to show you the screen G capture is here close my game capture can you not hear me why why am I not oh I am okay I am ined okay had to make sure come On why can’t you hear Geometry Dash audio okay audio input audio okay let’s do Proper okay ignore the horrible audio for now IGN turn that down sound this not the image game capture color SCE browser it’s going to be this Geometry Dash okay wait that does not need to be that Loud okay I’m going go back to dash okay there we go I think I fixed it so okay um also here as you can see I I I have to actually add that but now I actually have another account and this is an account that I haven’t played

On nor have I played on PC so this is a brand new account with a brand new way of playing so Okay oh I can use this that’s nice I didn’t realize you can use a mouse Okay what mostly just the controls too I feel like it’s more of the fact that it’s um on a completely different size screen cuz I’m used to playing this on the largest screen of my tablet and everything where in reality right now yeah this is this is

Weird oh shoot I don’t even know if y’all can see that so also my day has been good okay turn this music down a small bit smid okay let’s see okay let’s see okay let’s do something like I’m going to say hi let’s see how this

Works I I want to see how loud it is because I need to be able to hear it yeah i’ say that’s good enough okay let’s go back on Track yeah I I think this one I don’t know why it did but I’m pretty sure it took me a lot of tries and everything originally so and I think it’s just because well it’s not as easy as the first one and at that point it’s still like I hey I’m

Still new to the game at that point so I will say the ship feels kind of weird I don’t know why I didn’t get that coin that’s much easier to get that coin than not get that Coin the next coin is a bit more difficult which Yeah Here we go so I’ve done a decent amount of this and I and everything and I can almost guarantee you the majority of the ones I’ve already done I can at least get close to um in just one go so also I’m curious which one of these songs are copyrighted which ones aren’t

Cuz I know some are some aren’t so I mean I’m going to be finding out anyway so then hello There I will say doesn’t matter which controls I am that one coin that I just recently passed I still can’t get that that’s like a really annoying coin I know what I need to do but it’s Annoying there we go go dry Out I know there’s a coin around here but I don’t really want to try and get it right now I know where the coin is but I don’t really feel like trying to get it right now it’s good to know that with how many times I died on dry out originally I’m able to do it now question is will I be able to do base after base because this

One I I swear I took at least like 10 th why did I just do that okay actually now I’m going to check real quick how many attempts that it took me on um yeah I think my original thing is gone cuz I know I did not get this in 63 Attempts unless I’m thinking of the wrong level which I could be I can’t I’m not going to say I’m not I very well could be oh wait no no I think I might be no I think I’m thinking probably of the next one E the three Spike jumps oh is it the wait which one am I thinking of oh maybe can’t look out but I mean oh yeah it is oh dear yep that’s the stupid the stupid jumps at the beginning and whatnot that has a spike at the top one block one

Block for you to right here and there those ones are so annoying like I I cannot tell you how many times I died on one of those like I died at like a million times I I don’t even know I’m going to have to

Check I swear if I pass this first try I am actually going to be shocked because this one I don’t think I’ve had them ending memorized cuz after I did it I I didn’t I don’t think I went back and did it more it’s like a no that was too

Difficult um however I will say currently it is quite fun hello there I I heard the high I didn’t say I I like I didn’t quite hear the full username it was something Theory I got it oh my God I love jumper jumper jumper is like got to be one of the most favorite F favorites of mine and everything when it comes to the actual Geometry Dash levels why did I do that I really could have just not done that I can get the coin here but I’m not going

To cuz Why did I jump at that end by the way I hate the fact that the coin is on the upside down plane part but by the way like I or why did why did I go up there I’m not getting the coin right now that’s going

To be too difficult for me to time and everything falling down maybe Hab it I know I mean I could very well try and get the coin if I wanted to okay that one that one I don’t have an excuse for that was just the high clicked Hello I I I heard Alex um and the number eight so I I’m going to need to check the username in a moment so that’s the annoying thing it it’s kind of quiet for um the text to speeech so cuz that that’s how I’m checking chat

Right now I I’m not checking it I’m just listening to it So there we go jumper I love jumper jumper is very fun K me here let me go to my stream so I can actually see my chat on my phone oh we got oh that was okay there we go I I have usern names I do oh this one I no

I hate this one out of all of them this is the one I hate the most so although I still like it but still I not we go okay I’m sorry I just did did like two people just join at the same time or is that just cuz there’s actually people chatting

Now cuz I don’t think there was people chatting previously much I want to check if you can pause on PC oh okay there we go yes yes I okay wait a minute wait a minute okay oh there I I see a ria in and we have aop Alex and okay that’s two people talking okay I I need to like figure out a higher volume um text to speech thing Y yep this is weird cuz I I usually don’t use this finger I usually use my thumb because I’m on my phone and what not normally and I started this on my tablet so it it didn’t really change things but now I’m on a completely different thing so I’m not using my

Thumb and my hands aren’t holding the device That is the annoying part okay that is the part okay that’s where drop and then jump instantly don’t jump jump again Let It Drop and then jump instantly again that’s the that’s the annoying part is right after that that yeah other than the fact that there’s a

Million three Spike jumps but those are three Spike jumps that I have to jump at immediately um I can guarantee you um even if my uh viewer thing says one person if there’s one other person here I have mine open so theoretically it should show two so probably just being annoying so Is what I need to not do that I just need to not do that so I’m curious curious who’s here no not clip Discord clip oh my gosh huh that’s weird oh ice hello there a I know but I don’t want to I don’t want to get the coins right now

I’m on new controls I’m going get used to these so I I’ve already played Geometry Dash for multiple years these are just completely different controls that I’m just not used to so and I made new account cuz for whatever reason I’m having a million technology issues which is why my stream isn’t 45

Minutes longer than it is currently Oh how is it that I I to do that again dang it oh thank you okay you know what I’m just going to go to to cycles for now oh I love and hate this one and when I mean by that I mean it just is very difficult for me to do but

At the same time it’s I I like this One Oh D Dang it it’s so close wait a minute D oh that’s annoying okay my chat has two times of every time someone Subs but you know what not the end of the World what wa know what dang it um oh just a cat I was like why is someone at my door no just just the cat playing with probably probably like a piece of like cardboard or something on a sounded like a paper thing about D oh no oh I didn’t realize that I didn’t pause It oh I’m curious if I’m going to actually be able to get the full Theory of Everything cuz I know I know that last time I tried doing that I didn’t really work out like I didn’t quite get there and everything because yeah um that’s just how that One oh dang it okay I’ll leave Cycles there for now except I do not oh this song okay I’m not going to worry about the demons cuz I can barely get it on controls I’m familiar with so if I do unlock any demons I’m not worrying about

It so I do want to get The I’m not going to worry about this next coin I believe it’s in this section I could be wrong oh I didn’t realize I hit that one that that was a gravity in the Me ah dang it so Close imagine one there’s like a couple um non demons I think there’s three non demons that I haven’t beat um okay I’m going to wait on that clutterfunk I believe is one of them that I haven’t beat imagine I do that on a new control on new controls just imagine I could have sworn that is supposed to like have more sp There Oh I don’t know if I’ve even gotten this far and everything originally okay oh I’ll wait minut now let’s let’s test my theory of everything this I’m going to go until I like actually pass it or I get sick of it oh oopsies I will say I absolutely love how

How Theory of Everything just is like everything about it honestly it’s just very annoying what do you no I definitely clicked there but whatever okay that One I will say I’m not doing 50 million extra um clicks that I don’t need to be doing which is definitely what I would have originally done sad huh I didn’t know that you could die right there like I actually didn’t Um Dang it oh I see a Zonk hello there you know I very well could do this stream also on Twitch but if I do this stream on Twitch I’m going to get copyrighted twice because that doesn’t sound like a good idea so I’m not going to also stream

On cuz this this is geometry Das some of it’s Copyrighted okay I that need that I forgot like goes last minute like right before I’m about to jump off the edge that was yet again didn’t know you could die there until until earlier Dang it that one I know how to do so like I like I did previously say I have done theory of everything but okay dang it okay here oh wait on Theory of Everything this one is one of the ones I don’t think I’ve actually completed in the one that I’ve done for

A while What okay either this mouse is being annoying or I’m just literally clicking a millisecond too late probably both now now as much as on here it’s not that bad and everything and what not I hate this mode compared to the rest uh I believe so next

Time next time I end up crashing into something or falling I wish I will double check so I love Hexagon Force I just don’t like this mode A dang it uh no this is electric electroman Adventures um where’s hex hexagon forces is here and of course I don’t remember which demon that is but that’s one of the Demons this one I can guarantee I have not finished because I’m still stuck at a point cuz I

Keep jumping in a place I really shouldn’t be jumping you know it’s right where the double um actually I’ll I’ll show it because I don’t remember the name of the thing in a moment and I’m confident I can get to that point and this is why I hate the mode this level right

Here that I also don’t like apparently I’m not going to be able to get to it uh yeah I have not done that on the normal mode that I’m used to let alone on here so I’m probably not going to be doing any demons on here for a bit until

I can at least do it on controls I’m already familiar with so or I get familiar enough with these so I’m not worried about beating demons though until I get the actual main levels oh hello there so and then after that I’ll do the main levels Demons What okay that’s just my

Mouse there we Go oh you have to actually okay I forgot it took me a bit to get that because my tablet actually has a delay I can do it as soon as I get up there this doesn’t have as much much of a Delay That is the part that I normally fail right before that I’ll accidentally run into that right here actually can you see my mouse I don’t know if you can see my mouse anyway um I’ll do blast processing why not I don’t I I think I have done blast pressing

And then after this we could do finger D should I do finger Dash first or Dash cuz both of them I’m I’ve done and I’m going to go until I actually complete it and everything for those two that’s not a question should I do Dash first or

Finger Dash actually here I’ll next time I die and everything cuz I’m probably going going to um go back and do some of the other ones until I have a couple Le This is a fun level by the way in my opinion at least so a Dang it so close okay here let me set up the poll on here is this really going to be annoying wh which account am I on come on Community moderation I want to do chat apparently not okay let’s do this then going to do it this

Way go to here go to here no actually can’t I do it through my do this no okay maybe not okay I know I can do a poll on here that’s the thing I know for sure channel here pause pop out chat how start a pole Das start the

Poll let’s go back to Geometry Dash Okay why what oh it’s a small bit of a long thing isn’t it okay go now things have been said in chat I will respond to them Momentarily Dang it okay let me check um for for currently um normally I’ll do level requests but this one I’m playing on a on PC I’ve never played on PC up until this stream so uh currently for this stream probably not going to be doing that so um one sec okay there we

Go so yeah dang it wait was okay there we go go dang it why didn’t why did I do that okay what’s my pole currently at cuz I can’t see it on my phone for whatever reason okay we have most people saying Dash so I think that’s just three votes

But you know what that’ll work so I’m going to cuz I I’ve like I said I’ve already done a lot of these and whatnot but oh geometrical dominate okay I’m no no no I’m doing Dash so I’m going to do Dash then oh Oops Geometry Dash Dash is very very fun in my opinion it’s probably the funnest One a dang it Geometry Dash Two one geometry cash It Kinder what are you barking for or I suppos growling okay there we go I really like Dash by the way I I I know if I mentioned that before and everything I if I had to say my my favorite ones to do whether we want to look at easy part

Or whether we’re looking at fun probably between jumper Dash and what was the other one I can’t remember the Name there we go Oh no no Kinder you just decided to go out there I’m not going to let you back in again and again and again Geometry Dash what oh just decided and just dog come in ker you better not want to go back in and out They Go 3 2 1 geometry Cash Dang it so close oh Geometry Dash oh I know but the reason I have the chat on screen is because it also does twitch chat so when I do stream on Twitch and YouTube I don’t have to change the thing otherwise it’ be a more accurate I never think like it would be so Delayed 2 one geometry cash Here we go now I’m going to go back to geometrical Dominator what what did the wrong just happen there I need to stop jumping there dang it that is a part that I need to get better at I need to get better at at um at that mode so cuz this one isn’t

That bad on here but I’m just not used to to you know to all the modes and I’m not going to worry about the coin right there so this mode is the one I’m not as used To what I forget the you can go on the gravity oh my God that messes with me because normally I just avoid the gravity but I got it into and everything cuz that’s what I got into my into memory is just do that and Everything what that that was like just a very small smidget Off oh that that was how was I hit I I started bit too late dang it you know what here I I really want to do finger Dash right now so I’m going to do finger Dash and then after this I’m going to probably figure out which colors it is

That I have unlocked and see if I can get the colors that I like so oh I have to get the chests too I don’t know why I didn’t just hold there dang it just why I need to get used to this Mode Done dang it to like not not fully straight but like decently straight fly there and because I’m not used to that the mode on this control kind of difficult when you need to anyway not when you don’t need to when you don’t need to you can do it just F you know that’s

Right he I didn’t okay there we go I needed to itch for a minute and what not and just took any moment too long you can do that I didn’t know you could actually oh I didn’t know you could click that orb too soon and fall I actually didn’t know

That it is good to know by the way I will notice um I I will mention a thing why does dash introduce so many new things in one level like it’s the introduction to like three different things like there’s the swapping of gravity and whatnot like going 90 Dees or whatnot you know

Um there’s also of course the new mode there’s the in a new um orb and everything actually is there one or is there two I think there’s only one new Orb so I mean there’s it it’s the same type of orb going in a different direction but it’s just or oh come On done oh what did I hit did I hit the corner or did I just hit the edge of the of one of the Fire oh I want to do one of my one one of the levels that I do oh shoot um I’m going to have to add a thing in the description unless I already added it I very well might have already I added it okay I’m going to stop finger dash for

Now yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I already watched the this part hello there I’m not worrying about time right now by the way it’s nor only the last one to worry About I see you oh my God I didn’t realize that I see you with that oh cuz previously I haven’t really done this much with audio D it okay no sound oh hello there hello has been a while okay okay I’ll go do finger Dash then here actually here let me go from

Where I haven’t done and then I’m going to go all the way back and everything to the ones that I know I have completed but for so I’m starting to get more used to these Controls oh come on oh I keep thinking e is pause for whatever reason I know okay there we go and the stretch real Quick Ginder enough dang it okay Kinder come on go out there really need my head I hope everyone’s ears are still okay I didn’t realize the up arrows also Jump oh wait that isn’t the up era that’s that’s W okay what what what the heck I have to bring my head a little bit farther back so that way it looks a little bit more Normal done dang it it was so Close it I figured done Oh my God are you kidding that’s A he What do you what do you mean I jump oh that was that okay Tier what kind enough There we go all right King King that good living room living room no more BK no BK hopefully he doesn’t continue breaking okay I’m going to continue doing the tower till so I at least have a thing of each of them even though I know I can get all

The coins and everything the only one that I haven’t gotten all the coins for is the um the boss fight one the um so and if you didn’t know I do um things with the blue and the um the white first before I worry about time Now this one I love and hate I oh I missed one but dang it not the end of the world though shouldn’t be here oh well too bad I’m warning you uh-huh sure you are oh that you shouldn’t be here yes I know you told me that originally before that oh that’s annoying

I’m warning you okay I need to not do that you shouldn’t be here I can tell but I’m still going to be I’m warning you what you shouldn’t be here okay after I pass this level cuz I will pass this and everything that’s when I’m going to mess with my character I’m warning

You okay you can R me how you want props to you you shouldn’t be here yes I know I know well I’m warning you of Darkness yes yes I do of you pe meaning okay another time you can explode wait a minute there isn’t a coin over here is

There nice thing about not going for time now O Okay the seller okay now I need to mess up my my character Andel okay so from here um I think I’m going to go with this for now I don’t think I have any of these do I yes I do any no any is a different one

Okay I want over here but I’m not going to have any see doesn’t look like I have what is glow 10 packs oh I forgot what that those are a thing I I almost forgot that gauntlets exist okay let me finish finish doing the main things of the tower which is basically just

This Intrusion detected oh there’s like a whole thing to this isn’t there so I haven’t properly listened to all the audio bits of this when I was doing it cuz I was doing it often times while was watching the dog so I was in the living room so oh I shouldn’t do that

I don’t understand why it is that that falls and everything when that is pushed but whatever Oh I couldn’t do anything about that other than not go there I think what I’m going to do is after I complete this I’m going see about doing um like getting Lun right after this is finished now this I want to actually like fully hear because I haven’t fully

Heard it other than the stupid beginning because it’s the cut scene and everything so not this part I haven’t really heard this part this is the part oh my gosh I haven’t actually heard these course this sounds so much better it’s a good thing that this doesn’t do

Anything not liking where it is that it’s do so it didn’t like give me the actual Um sounds of the actual boss oh my God are you kidding okay at least I respawn here so it gave me the music I think it was because I don’t normally have my sound effects on whenever I am listening to it oh my God are you kidding me I did that

The you don’t actually Sh Uh one moment what okay I didn’t get any of the blue I forgot where the blue was okay okay and of course can’t do the second floor yet now then to go Gauntlets I’m assuming I’m going to probably have to mute a decent amount of this just because this is Geometry Dash but for the live not Really I heard something I don’t know what said in chat though CU this is quite loud in my Ear Oh oh yeah thate yeah this one is I I’ve done this one I’m already on the third one like actual level of this gaet just this is still a new account that I really made today I Reon this isn’t the one that I’ve been playing so it’s not already finished and it’s been

Quite a while since I done this Level There we go um I mean I’d say I’m good at the game I’m not like really really good at the game or anything but but I am like I’d say yeah this one okay I oh yeah I remember this one oh oh a shoot yep now I remember the annoyance of this

Level it’s a fun level but I remember that on Milli because that one I think took me a bit to actually realize that oh you have to get this key cuz I think it was the first time I dealt with anything that was to do with the keys so because Yeah Angels in The there we Go I really like that one uh yes you can so it’s the same thing as uh the majority of my usernames random woy oh wow the fact that this is the one I’m currently on that I haven’t passed this is where get this G my at Least why did I do that so I’ve gotten decently far I think it was like around 80 or something 60 or 80 I much I Never dang it okay I’m going to exit that I’m going to get the ice G I don’t think I’ve gotten past the first one on this one actually I don’t need low detail Mode oh that’s a Spike hm Well I want to give a try to each Gauntlet because some some of it I’ve done some of it I haven’t depends on which Gauntlet we’re looking at other than I think it’s a newer Gauntlet I don’t know if it came out with 1.21 wait no I’m taking Minecraft

No two I’m thinking of 2.2 yeah there we go I keep getting updates between Geometry Dash and Minecraft mixed for whatever reason because they’re like so similar right now because 1.21 21 and what not and 2.2 so like you know that yeah poison Factory or acid Factory I love this one

By the way I don’t know why I like this one so much I do not need load detail mode there we go I don’t want low detail mode I’m on the device that can handle it just Fine I haven’t beaten demons not because I can’t it’s CU I just haven’t had the patience I forget that this one you continuously change between small and uh I don’t I don’t no this is the part it’s the it’s the fact of it that I don’t like it because of the controls I I

Liked it on um Mobble could have gotten that coin but I didn’t oh come on I know I can get past this level so I will be getting past this Level Actually it’s 2:30 so I think the way this is going to go I’m going to uh the the first letter of each word so uh the r in random and the W in Wolf and and whatnot and if it’s not then there’s going to be none so I can I can always check

Actually I can check that right now that’s not that hard to check there yep it’s it’s the r and the W I still have to connect my YouTube but okay now I’m going to do one of the levels that I’m it’s still a work in progress so don’t yeah um let me see yep there we go so and this one I know will will not be um will not be copyrighted that’s

Fine wait why is this starting out blue I need to start okay I’m going to need a mess with that what oh the the coin literally just isn’t there so I still need to mess with colors and whatnot by the way so this isn’t going to look that terribly that terribly good

Oh it didn’t save my last thing did it or did it I’m not sure yep it didn’t save dang it Why didn’t it save okay oh let let’s do some of This I like I like these songs because these songs I’m pretty sure like I’m pretty sure any of the fat rap songs and whatnot are copyright free it or at least a Creative Commons anyway So No well I can but I’m not going To Here what okay I’ll do this one What Okay I’m going to go until I can’t like I F like I just There we go oh I’m not supposed to be okay I’ll do this one more time if I die again though I’m going to go make Food Okay well that is where I’m going to stop for now um actually it is 2:42 okay okay well I am going to stop here and everything and I think I am going to end my stream um let me just see if anyone’s live currently and and whatnot so I’m not

Going to do any um any raids this time um see if there’s anyone else doing Geometry Dash likely not so maybe Minecraft too they are not okay well no one is so um yeah well I think I’m going to end my stream here I will probably be live

Um like the next time I’m live I’m probably going to be either doing Minecraft uh like I was previously doing um in the same fashion or I’m going to probably be doing Geometry Dash so I don’t know which um I might decide that hey let’s do some Skyline cities that

Very welcome could be a thing cuz that is a game eventually I’m going to buy on here so I just don’t know like whether that’s going to be within a day or whether that’s going to be within a year I have no idea um but yeah that’s going

To be it for this stream I do hope you did enjoy and yeah bye

This video, titled ‘Playing some Minecraft and potentailly geometry dash!’, was uploaded by RandomWolf08 on 2024-01-02 22:56:03. It has garnered 91 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:34 or 9874 seconds.

Video Copyright (keep in mind things like songs, other peoples audio, and such are likely NOT under this license): Default-RandomWolf08-Video © 2024 by RandomWolf08 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


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Music: Paradise by Justhea is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Make Our Moments by Bryo is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Lost by Hunter Milo is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Loser by tubebackr & Tetuano is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Freeze Time by Jay Someday is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Download / Stream:… Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Run Free by Hotham is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Stream: Free Download: Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Dreamy Morning by Wonki is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Time To Go by Balynt is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Music: Hold On by Markvard is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Support by RFM – NCM:

Music: Reflection [Original Mix] by Imperss is licensed under a Creative Commons License.… Support by RFM – NCM:

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of gaming content like @GamerFleet and @RON9IE, then you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or battling it out in epic PvP battles, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own unique Minecraft journey. Who knows what wonders you’ll discover and friends… Read More

  • Sneaky Mob Shenanigans

    Sneaky Mob Shenanigans Mob Samaj: A Look into GamerFleet’s Minecraft World Welcome to the world of GamerFleet, where Minecraft enthusiasts come together to explore, create, and have fun! In this vibrant community, players like Anshu Bisht, Jack Bhaiya, and OcTogamerZz embark on exciting adventures, build impressive structures, and engage in epic battles. The Fleet SMP Experience One of the highlights of GamerFleet is the Fleet SMP server, where players collaborate, compete, and entertain viewers with their gameplay. From hilarious moments to intense showdowns, the Fleet SMP experience is a rollercoaster of emotions for both players and fans. Memorable Moments and Collaborations From… Read More

  • Insane Grinder Destroys Bedwars in Paithal! LOL

    Insane Grinder Destroys Bedwars in Paithal! LOLVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding Bedwars Cuz im Bored LOL’, was uploaded by Paithal on 2024-07-28 14:11:08. It has garnered 212 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:37 or 4717 seconds. #Minecraft #Hive #Live #bedrock Playing The Hive With You!!! DIscord server: Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Ghost House Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Ghost House Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘GHOST VS the Most Protected HOUSE in Minecraft! Maizen challenge #minecraft #viral #gamer #gaming’, was uploaded by Dronio Creative Solutions on 2024-03-16 22:30:02. It has garnered 12254 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. Subscribe ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 250,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Our social network ➜ “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: #minecraft #майнкрафт ➜… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Griefing – Autistic Destruction!

    Insane Minecraft Server Griefing - Autistic Destruction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Griefing #9 | MineMalia | 500 ons | w/Autism Inc’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-07-28 13:17:07. It has garnered 991 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. hi minemalia LunarAlts Website: LunarAlts Discord: My Discord: Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked bedwars skywars sw astolfo novoline sigma 5 sigma5liquidsense moon rise sight zeroday exhibition flux cracked crack fdpclient jartex network lucky pika… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Tutorial: Merge Worlds into One!

    Epic Minecraft Tutorial: Merge Worlds into One!Video Information This video, titled ‘Come unire più mondi in un unico salvataggio – Minecraft tutorial’, was uploaded by Eihan – Minecraft on 2024-02-10 09:27:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link a MCA Selector = If you liked this video and want to support the channel you … Read More

  • Minecraft Price DROPPED! Download now & Game on! 😱

    Minecraft Price DROPPED! Download now & Game on! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Ohh Minecraft price is low in play store download now/All Games/#2/Thank you’, was uploaded by ALL GAMES on 2024-02-01 14:30:11. It has garnered 2766 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft tips from Cori Mictlan!

    Insane Minecraft tips from Cori Mictlan!Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting started in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Cori Mictlan on 2024-07-27 08:17:19. It has garnered 48 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:28 or 13768 seconds. Time to nolife Minecraft for a bit. Establishing a base and mine. Mastodon: Other Mastodon: Twitter: Stingers and backgrounds by @Spvwvky. Read More

  • Terrifying Dark SMP Ep. 1 – Is Not_Ankush_Gaming in Danger? 😱 #minecraft

    Terrifying Dark SMP Ep. 1 - Is Not_Ankush_Gaming in Danger? 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dark SMP Season 2 Ep.-1😱😱😱 #minecraft #darksmp’, was uploaded by Not_Ankush_Gaming on 2024-01-14 08:30:12. It has garnered 190 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:52 or 3832 seconds. Become a Member Today : Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel. Discord link :- Instagram link :- Rooter link :- Read More

  • Ultimate PVM Mob Battle Timelapse Minecraft!

    Ultimate PVM Mob Battle Timelapse Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVM Mob Battles Timelapse #minecraft #gaming #minecraftmemes #golem #mobs #pvm #timelapse #ravagers’, was uploaded by LaggonGaming on 2024-04-05 13:01:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Dingo hunts for Diamonds in Minecraft!

    Insane Dingo hunts for Diamonds in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Attempting to Find Hella Diamonds in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Surprise Dingo on 2024-05-26 02:21:43. It has garnered 98 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:29 or 11849 seconds. Tune in to watch some pheasants make fools of themselves on Minecraft! Read More

  • The Summoning Circle

    The Summoning CircleThe summoning circle is a server that offers a more challenging survival experience, equipped with levelled mobs. Essentials, economy GUI, land claiming, and chest shops, all come together to enhance a more cooperative playing experience. Try your hand at hardcore where you only have one free chance, or play in the normal survival worlds. More will be added to the server, in addition to rewards for content creation. Read More