Insane Minecraft Ghast Farm – Tons of Gunpowder!

Video Information

Hello folks i’m ab fielder welcome to the second in my series of wonder 18 minecraft farms and today we’ll be building this super simple expandable gas farm in minecraft 1.18 changes to the mob spawning will make it more difficult to build super efficient creeper farms so why not build a gas

Farm instead for any single player world this would likely give you all the gun powder and the gas tiers you need i’ve got this bot up here who’s been helping me test the rates of this farm with 14 layers we get about 1800 gunpowder and 880 gas tiers per hour

As well the collection system is nice and simple we have it down here it’s just a rail running back and forth under the central portal down here and the kill chamber is even simpler let’s check it out we have a portal and then we have blocks either

Side of it the gas come through and they suffocate and then the items drop and immediately go back through the portal where they’re picked up by that rail system it’s that simple last thing to note because we’re building it on the near the roof i’ve got the

Do not spawn sphere in green and the despawn sphere in red so we put the afk platform up at the build limit and then we’ve got this green circle around it this is the area in which mobs can’t sport so we could actually expand the farm just a little bit you will get

Extra but it’s diminishing rates as you increase it more and more and then this despawn sphere here so anything outside of this circle if it spawns will immediately despawn so we don’t have to do any spawnproofing in the nether either so let’s jump into the tutorial

And first off the materials then if we take a look in this double chest we’ve got some building blocks we’ve got the obsidian we’ve got the glass this is per platform keep in mind and then the carpet you’ll need at the top the second section there is for the collection

System and then those final blocks there and the obsidian is for the kill chamber that’s all you need so just pause the video that’s what you need like say those those ones for the platforms the top section that’s per platform so let’s go ahead and build this thing

Up and the first thing you need to do is make sure you’re in a soul sand valley what would be really embarrassing is if you spent an hour recording footage and you hadn’t checked this really embarrassing okay once you’ve confirmed you’re in a soul sand valley placing two temporary blocks and that

Third one there is your permanent block our collection platform is going to be four by 23 blocks direction shouldn’t matter but you can see the way i’m facing in the top left hand corner so that’s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 and then four blocks out as well and then we’re gonna go ahead and fill this in if i’m going too fast for you at any point all you need to do is hit that

Pause button what i’ll try and do at convenient parts of the video like when we’ve done this platform for example is get a good angle for you where you can pause the video and then go ahead build it in your survival world and then resume the video there we go 4×23

Once you’ve done that pick it pick an end doesn’t matter which one come out one block and then on that corner place a solid block as well that’s where our rail will stop okay next up we’re gonna do the circuit for the collection system i have the items in my hotbar i’m going

To place in two more temporary blocks and then i’m going to place in a chest against there a double chest now you can go in and place in as much storage as you want this is just to show you how the storage will work get used to

Hoppers you need to place in two hoppers and shift crouch place them against that chest and then place a block on top of the one closest to the chest will look like that okay then on this side we’re going to build up our unloading redstone circuit ignore what

I’ve done there i placed that against the wrong hopper you want to place it against the first one you can remove the bottom block it’s just temporary get your comparator coming out of that first hopper then we want to crouch and place a block against the comparator

And then we want to place a torch a redstone torch on the backside of that block away from the comparator now we need to bring the signal back around so we place a block on top of the torch and a repeater heading towards that first hopper and then finally a block

Onto that repeater and that will bring the signal back round onto the powered rail that we’re gonna place there in the next step okay then you’ve got your powered rail the one on this hopper absolutely needs to be powered rail and this block here will need to be unpowered rail

The rest that we’re going to place in can be powered or unpowered rail you will need some powered rail to make sure the momentum of the minecart continues but if you’ve got enough powered rail then i recommend using it all except at the end here where you want to spin it

Round like this and then we head back up to the top grab your unpowered rail back down and then finally all the way back down here and don’t worry we’ll pause or we’ll hover over the top of this so that you get a better view and can complete it one last block that

Needs to be powered this one here needs to be powered rail otherwise the minecart might not come back make sure it’s powered okay and then we need to power this rail so assuming you’ve done it like i have then count down about eight blocks there we go place some levers on those blocks

And power them there we go that will power the majority of it if you’ve got completely powered rail you might need to go down like i have here and place another set of levers in and then turn those on and boom we’ve got our collection platform it’s

Completely done if i hover over it here you can pause the video up and build all this out in your survival world at this point we can place the hopper mine cart on and just see how this circuit works so there we go away goes

To the hop of mine car it’ll go down the rails and then come back let’s drop some items on the rail for this thing to pick up and we can see what happens there we go just a small number we don’t need an entire stack otherwise it will take way

Too long and then as this comes back you see it’s already bounced back and it’s on its way back it’s nice and quick here we go so once it hits that thing it’s got some items in the hopper now so the circuit has inverted and the rail is unpowered

Once that hopper is empty the rail gets powered and the mine cart goes off on its way again it’s that simple next up we’re going to build the first spawning platform and portal but before we do that place some carpet on top of these blocks here we don’t want anything

Spawning on these blocks okay where this minecart just came in we’re going to place our first block and we’re going to create a three by 21 platform this time so two three four and i’m not gonna try and count this because i’m gonna go way too

Fast but when you get to the end you’ll be one block short of where the rails come back there’ll be a gap there like that and that should be as long as you build that first platform correctly this platform will be 21 blocks long and same

At the other end it’ll be one block short of where the rails turn round don’t worry i’ll hover over this like say at the end so you get a better look so let’s take one block short of the the rails here okay we’re gonna leave a one

Block gap here because that’s where our portal is gonna go and we’re gonna build the exact same platform again so 21 blocks long and it’ll be one short of where the rails come back and then if we head up this end like that there we go and one short of where those

Rails turn back he just saw a glimpse of it there and if i place the block there that i’ve missed and go ahead and place all that in we have our two platforms you can pause the video there to count them out but they’re 21 blocks long they’re three blocks wide

Once you’ve done that what we’re next going to do is our portal now our portal we actually need to make 23 blocks long so we come out one extra block there fill it all in with obsidian and at the far end come out one extra block as well

And then this portal is going to be five blocks high so we have a four block gap in the middle so one two three four and then five and then you come across like that if i put some temporary blocks in here you can see that there’s a four

Block gap in between those two obsidian things there in fact when i go ahead and leave that in makes it easier just in case you need to pause the video and then go ahead fill all that in and that’s about the biggest portal that you can make in terms of width in

Minecraft if you go ahead and pause the video here you can build all that up you should be able to count the blocks with it being smooth stone should make it nice and simple for you once you’ve done that what you need to do is grab your nether coordinates and

Then you need to use a website like mavenspun to make sure you place the overworld portal in the correct place so if i stand here i’ve got what minus one six 167-167 and uh minus one five six five and all i need to do is go to that website it’ll spit out the

Overworld coordinates so that when i light it and step proof it’s in the wrong place i can rebuild it in the exact correct place this is quite important so make sure you do that once i’ve done that i can grab myself a flint and steel and light it if i built this

Correctly it will light and that’s embarrassing but it’s because i’ve got those temporary blocks in it’s not because i built it too big there we go if i try that again there we go let’s pretend that didn’t happen so there we go you can again pause the

Video if you need to and build all this up okay and when you’re done you can step through this portal into the overworld the overworld portal will naturally generate and let’s see if we need to move it and when it eventually loads here we go we are in the overworld and it’s not

Quite in the right place if we just stand here yeah it’s not in the right place so if this happens all you need to do is destroy this portal and it’s far quicker for me and creative than it will be for you in survival and go ahead and just take that out

I can be a good boy and fill that gap in there and then if i use the coordinates i got from that website like say i’ll put a link in the description and find the center block of where i’ve got to go okay it’s in this direction

And then a couple of blocks over i think yep and then we’ll knock this block out this is the center of the portal and then i’m just going to knock out a few more blocks just to make this easier for you guys to count now the portal is

Going to be seven by seven which gives us a five by five gap in the middle so we go out three blocks either side from that center one and like i said this bit here i’m just doing so it’s easier for you guys to count and then if i knock these blocks out

These are going to be uh obsidian blocks so seven obsidian blocks and then the same in height as well so that’ll be two three four five six and one more for seven and then we can bring that round if i place some temporary blocks in here hopefully

This time i think you know remember to remove them before lighting the portal and then just join all that up there we go and if i take out these blocks now actually if i put them back and then it gives you a convenient place to pause

The video and you can just you know come back and count if you need to okay so five by five and then take that out and you can light that up i’m just gonna set the time back today here because i haven’t stopped the time from cycling i want to keep it

Daylight for you in the overworld step back through the portal and what i recommend you do at this point is create another portal that you can travel through and to the overwatch we need to block that off so off to the side here i’ve already created one you don’t even need to go

That far before it unlinks in the in the nether so create yourself this portal step through and when it loads here we go there we go you can see that portal that i’ve created in the distance there so if we head back over and now all we need to

Do is block it up and this is what suffocates the gas and send the items back into the nether literally just block it up that’s it and on the other side as well lock it up here we go last couple of rows there we go and if i zoom out there we

Go you can pause it at this point and that’s the overworld portion of this farm done so head back into the nether once you’re back into the nether i’m just gonna place a temporary block here to denote that this is the center portal so we can have a total of seven portals

From each layer so three either side of that central portal and the process for this is basically a repeat of what we’ve already done just follow the portal layout exactly like this and then build another free blog platform the other side of the portal and do that for free portals either side

Of that center one so you end up with seven portals and i’ll show you what it looks like at the end here we go and that’s exactly what it’ll look like you’ll have seven portals total and you’ll have the platforms either side of all those portals so it looks like that

Great place to pause the video and build up this uh this first layer once you’ve done that and come back you can go ahead and light all the portals now if you see some skeletons spawning don’t worry once all the portals are lit doesn’t matter the if i put on the light

Level overlay this is mini hood i’ll leave a link for that tutorial in the description below skeletons won’t spawn anymore there was a gas borne there as well which is superb right what i recommend you do at this point is choose one of these end portals and step

Through it make sure you come out in your overworld kill chamber your suffocation chamber if you do you can be pretty confident you’ve built everything right up to this point and look there’s that skeleton that wondered through okay break the blocks and what we’re actually gonna do i’m gonna kill that skeleton is

Step back through this portal ignore the fact that i place the blocks back i’m gonna knock them out step back through because what you need to check is that you spawn back in the center portal here we go boom i’m in the center pool now i am pretty confident that i have

Done this farm correct all the portals are linked up exactly as i expect and if i go back through because i need to place those blocks back in i should end up in my suffocation chamber when it loads there we go and yep boom i’m in the suffocation chamber block it

Back up and go back through that other portal when we get there the next thing we need to do is start placing the glass around the edge of our farm to make sure that the gas don’t fly off somewhere that we don’t want them to so we’ll

Create a glass ring around the side of the farm you’ll need to do this for each layer so i can get rid of that temporary block now i can grab myself some glass blocks and then here we go so it needs to be above the level of the

The platform just the one block and then you need to go all the way around the ata edge and then on these end platforms so it looks like that and then same on the other side all the way down try not to hit the portals as you’re doing it and then

All the way on that end and then background and meet up with the first block that we placed oops one block too many there and making the right hash of this there we go last block in okay that’s the edge done now what you do next depends on how big

You build this thing i recommend that you build more than one layer build at least two layers to get a decent amount of gunpowder you can do this whenever you feel like you can change this font doesn’t matter but if you want to build another layer and it’s

Actually really simple if we grab a smooth stone i was just pointing out a skeleton that had gone through there because he spawned on top of the obsidian portals but we’ll fix that don’t worry so we’ve got glass we’ve got carpet and we’ve got our building block of choice if you want

To build another layer the top of the portal is your next layer so you just build it exactly as you have done before copy the layer below exactly the same just build your portals up like that copy it it’s 100 the same every layer you do identical i can’t stress this enough

When you get to your top layer whatever you decide is going to be your top layer what you need to do is place carpet on top of these pools because skeletons can spawn on top of the portals and gas can spawn on top of these portals as well so make sure you

Carpet up all of these portals and when you’ve done that we now need just a little bit more glass so that the gas don’t have a chance to fly off and remember you only need to do this for the very top layer all the other layers the platforms above will stop gas from

Going anywhere so one block gap in between the portal and the glass and then just do that for all of them as well you might not need it on these ones that i’m doing in the middle but it makes the farm look a little bit nicer

So that’s why i’m doing it but you might be able to save some glass you can test it i haven’t tested it without the glass i recommend putting it in looks nicer but you might not need it anyway once i’ve done all this that’s basically the

Farm done all you then need to do is place in your afk platform which needs to be at the build limit as long as you build the farm exactly as i’ve said if you build the platform your afk platform at the build limit your farm’s going to work perfectly

There we go glass is in so then all you’ve got to do is build your afk platform and you literally just need to pillar up to the build limit for your platform and then you just stay there afk and get all that wonderful gun powder and the gas tiers as well

If you need a lightmatic of this file it will be on my website that’s i’m going into freecam now which i use tweaker i use with the mod tweakaroo link for a playlist on how to do that will be in the description below i’m

Also gonna use carpet mod to make this a little bit faster so you can see what’s going on and surprise surprise i’ve done a video on that link will be in the description below as well to all this kind of stuff anyway folks i hope you found this video useful this tutorial

Useful if you have leave a like consider subscribing to the channel i’m mad fielder folks that’s all i have time for goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ghast Farm Tutorial – 1.18, 1.19 Really Simple Lots of Gunpowder and tears’, was uploaded by abfielder on 2021-11-22 14:30:04. It has garnered 118270 views and 1919 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds.

The 2nd in my series of simple Minecraft 1.18 farms I build this super simple ghast farm, for a single player world this will provide all the gunpowder and tears that you need. With the 14 layer farm in the intro you’ll get 1800 gunpowder per hour and 880 ghast tears.

1.19 Fix ––GJn-p4


Links for the litematic portal calculator tweakeroo series (what I used for freecam) minihud series, the debug menu, light level overlay and despawn sphere



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    About Us Elysia is a whitelisted Minecraft server with a semi-vanilla experience. We prioritize inclusivity, with a focus on being LGBTQ+ friendly. Our community consists of dedicated players aged 16 and above. Features Opt-in Proximity Chat Mod Armor Stand Tools Discord integration for server chat Web-based world map Gradual world border expansion Grief prevention systems Adult staff team Opt-in only PVP Decorative player heads Decisions made by community vote Sleep skip Non-Features We do not have keep inventory, different game modes, economy plugins, or donator perks with advantages. Join Us! If you’re interested in joining Elysia, apply for our whitelist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – [Attention D-Class! Report to Test Chamber NOW]

    Looks like the D-Class personnel are getting a taste of their own medicine with this test chamber meme – hope they remember to bring their pickaxes and diamond armor! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Unmasking the Skin of the Sneaky Minecrafter!

    Crafty Clues: Unmasking the Skin of the Sneaky Minecrafter! In the world of Minecraft, Radjet Tigris roars, With a goal to reach 3000, and open new doors. A saber-toothed tiger, fierce and bold, Creating content, with stories untold. Live-streaming on specific days of the week, Crafting videos that are unique. With a dream to graduate to Live2D, Radjet Tigris aims high, for all to see. Follow on Twitter, TikTok too, For updates and content that’s new. Support this Vtuber, in their quest, For Minecraft adventures, they are the best. Read More

  • Freddy vs Iron Golems: Battle Royale!

    Freddy vs Iron Golems: Battle Royale! Freddy better watch out, those iron golems are no joke! They may be made of metal, but they’ll still iron out any wrinkles in his plans. Read More

  • Ultimate RTX Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21+

    Ultimate RTX Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21+ Exploring Realistic Shaders in Minecraft PE 1.21+ Minecraft enthusiasts are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through the use of shaders. Realistic shaders, such as the RTX Shader for Mcpe 1.21+ and Render Dragon Shader Mcpe 1.21+, bring a new level of visual appeal to the game. Let’s delve into the world of realistic shaders in Minecraft PE. What are Realistic Shaders? Realistic shaders are modifications that alter the lighting, shadows, textures, and overall visual quality of Minecraft. By incorporating advanced rendering techniques, these shaders create a more immersive and lifelike gaming… Read More

  • 5 refined ladies fight ender dragon! #hololiveenglish

    5 refined ladies fight ender dragon! #hololiveenglishVideo Information This video, titled ‘【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies, 1 ender dragon! (finale) #hololiveenglish’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-25 00:34:19. It has garnered 52298 views and 7030 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:39 or 8559 seconds. 2024.08.16 RELEASE!! Mori Calliope Major 2nd ALBUM「PHANTOMIME」 Pre-Order▶ 🟣LIMITED DEAD BOX🟣 【Mori Calliope International Online Shop/UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Limited】 ¥10,780(税込) / USD 76 CD: 11 TRACKS INCLUDING BONUS TRACK (A) Booklet (32P) [GOODS] 1 FOLDED POSTER (Desing A) 1 TRADING CARD HOLDER (with neck strap) 1 Membership of the Dead (Official Dead Beat Member’s Card) 1 TRADING CARD… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: One Chunk vs Fan Girl

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: One Chunk vs Fan GirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ONLY ONE CHUNK vs CRAZY FAN GIRL’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-17 13:30:28. It has garnered 35545 views and 809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:35 or 1355 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Stream: EPIC Drip Reveal! 🔥

    Minecraft Stream: EPIC Drip Reveal! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Who saw this on stream?? #minecraft #foryou #live #youtubeshorts #viral #shortsvideo #fyp’, was uploaded by Drip on 2024-05-11 03:57:16. It has garnered 10067 views and 290 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Im just a dude trying to have fun while supporting his family! If you wanna be nice 🙂 (Donations)- Kick- Tiktok – Twitter – Read More

  • BeckBroPlays Unbelievable: Hackers vs Epic Minecraft Houses!

    BeckBroPlays Unbelievable: Hackers vs Epic Minecraft Houses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hackers vs The Most Secure Houses in Minecraft (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-06-16 01:00:35. It has garnered 53356 views and 2266 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:35 or 6695 seconds. Hackers vs The Most Secure Houses in Minecraft (movie) 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► MAIN CHANNEL: 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – Music: SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • EPIC SkyBlock Challenge on Hypixel with Friends! #Minecraft

    EPIC SkyBlock Challenge on Hypixel with Friends! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SkyBlock in Hypixel Server with friends | Road to 700 | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Warp Zone Worrior on 2024-03-07 19:28:31. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:13 or 15433 seconds. 𝙼𝙰𝙸𝙽-𝙸𝙿- Play.YPNetwork.Fun 𝙿𝙾𝚁𝚃- 25565 //COME JOIN MY SERVER Use this link to join the Discord server //F O L L O W Follow me on Instagram //Donation patron:- PayPal:- Google Pay :- rajesh.rsb111-1@okicici #minecraft #hindi #hypixel #hypixelskyblock Read More

  • EPIC Custom Rank 1 & Muzan Boss Battle!

    EPIC Custom Rank 1 & Muzan Boss Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM UPPER RANK 1 & MUZAN!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma [#10] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-08-26 16:00:31. It has garnered 42270 views and 2430 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:51 or 2271 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Today, UPPER RANK 1 & the final fight with Muzan!?! 💛… Read More

  • Unbelievable LIVE Minecraft Server in Indonesia!!

    Unbelievable LIVE Minecraft Server in Indonesia!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NYOBA SERVER MC | LIVE MINECRAFT INDONESIA’, was uploaded by SBSninja Ch on 2024-07-13 09:25:39. It has garnered 54 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:02 or 9842 seconds. #livestream #gaming #gamer #liveminecraft #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #reality #mediashareon (thanks for the support) Support Me: welcome to my channel masseh/mbae help the channel next to masseh mizakiCh : limitzCh : Read More

  • “Insane PE 1.20 Mods! Must Watch Now! 🔥” #minecraft #addon #kamenrider

    "Insane PE 1.20 Mods! Must Watch Now! 🔥" #minecraft #addon #kamenriderVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Mods/Addons for PE 1.20 || Subscribe 🔥 #minecraft #addon #kamenrider’, was uploaded by Satria walihuda on 2024-02-19 09:00:24. It has garnered 201 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #addonmcpe #kamenrider #minecraft #meme #kamenriderkabuto #addonterbaik #addonterbaru Read More

  • Unbelievable: No Pain in Mr. Reeler! 😱 #anime #memes

    Unbelievable: No Pain in Mr. Reeler! 😱 #anime #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘There Is No Pain 😔 #anime #animeedit #animation #memes #minecraft #funny #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by MR. REELER on 2024-02-21 03:29:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • DeadPurge Bedrock Realms

    Welcome to my Minecraft realm! About Me: I love helping people, but I also enjoy playing the game without constantly assisting others. My realm is in hard mode with one add-on for offhand torches. I enjoy building auto farms and exploring extensively, including end raiding and exploring ancient cities and the nether. Realm Details: World age: 500+ days Ender Dragon defeated: 1 time Building freedom: Build wherever you want, just not too close to others Currently playing with 1 other person and looking to expand my community Interested in joining? If you’re interested, please send me your discord username! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me watching the pathetic pale garden”

    When you try to show off your fancy garden in Minecraft but end up with a garden so pale, even a snowman would get a sunburn. Read More

  • Blockcraft: A Minecraft Parody

    Blockcraft: A Minecraft Parody In the world of Blockcraft, things are quite strange, Similar to Minecraft, but with a little change. The graphics are wonky, the controls are a mess, But hey, it’s all in good fun, I must confess. I tried to build a house, but it fell apart, My character got stuck, couldn’t even start. But through all the glitches, I laughed and I played, In Blockcraft world, where chaos never fades. So if you’re looking for a game that’s a bit absurd, Give Blockcraft a try, it’s quite the word. Just don’t expect perfection, or anything grand, But for a… Read More