Insane Minecraft Lava Challenge w/ Mikey & JJ!

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The extreme heat wave will continue for many days today it’s 120° make sure to drink plenty of fluids what 120 that’s insane no way it never gets that hot H maybe we should take shelter for a while I should probably check on Mikey I hope he’s

Handling the heat okay wa it’s so hot they weren’t kidding wow it’s never gotten this hot before this is crazy pH it’s hard to focus hang on oh no the fields dried up the water evaporated so all the crops died let’s find Mikey huh wait is that

Him that’s Mikey right he doesn’t look so good are you okay hey Mikey hello Mikey what’s wrong with him so thirsty no energy water please uh water yes there should be some in here who what the well has gone dry oh no this is really bad Mikey must be

Really dehydrated too uh here I brought some water for my house drink up in fact Mike you should probably drink up a lot thanks that’s so much better pH it tastes so delicious you saved me I thought for sure I was a goner thank you JJ

Wow I’m so glad you’re okay Mikey we’ve got a problem the well ran out of water and now the villagers are all in trouble now that you mention it the village is really quiet let’s check on everyone okay there’s no time to waste huh let’s see H what Mikey this villager collapsed

Could it be heat stroke let’s share some water with him yeah drink up okay what about the other houses this one’s empty what about the blacksmith H don’t no Mikey this one’s collapsed too uh-oh here take this water this is bad seriously poor villagers this is a total

Disaster they need water right away no not this one too here take some huh good job all this running is making me thirsty too things are not looking good Mikey this Heatwave is a big problem how much longer will it last wait wait a second

Huh Mikey do you see that no no no hang on that house it’s so hot and caught fire no way oh this is really bad we have to put it out uhoh let’s hurry there’s no time to lose come on I can’t reach oh no it’s burning down water we

Need water but the well is dry no what are we supposed to do it’s out of control we can’t give up we have to try it’s spread too far there’s no stopping it there’s just too much oh she it grew so fast it’s a lost cause Mikey yeah

It’s over yeah it’s already gone oh well hopefully it’s the only one I hope so losing this house is sad but it could definitely be a lot worse we have to protect all the others right the entire Village is in danger from this heat I was planning on just taking shelter but

We can’t leave everyone else to suffer we have to protect the Village from this heat but what can we even do it’s so hot I can barely move where would we even start you’re not wrong uhhuh oh I know huh could we refrigerate The Village

What how would we even do that well I have something that might help seriously here’s my house Mikey come on in it’s nice over here oh let me show you the basement down here cool ready woo I have something down here that’ll come in handy what is it I don’t want to spoil

The surprise let me see come on just a little bit further behind this door is a big surprise let’s go in open it’s colder in here than I remembered check it out it’s freezing what is it I thought it would be smart to build this room in case of

Emergencies wo there’s plenty of ice and water see this is amazing you never know when you might need ice yeah all right there’s nothing more refreshing the nice cold water this could cool The Village yeah we can use this ice M to basically refrigerate The Village this should beat

The heat until the heat wave is over yeah let’s do it but wait how exactly are we going to cool a whole village I have a plan let’s get this ice up to the surface okay here we are let’s build a refrigeration unit somewhere over here which should be

Able to cool down the entire Village first we’ll build a big row of ice like this got it here we go just like this okay that should be enough well maybe a little more we’re building a wall see oh this is step one we got this yeah this wall

Of ice is going to be huge but how how will it cool The Village it will trust me I don’t really see how don’t worry remember this wall is only step one then what’s step two we’ll get there if you say so okay I think the wall is

Big enough for now we have a wall of ice but how will it refrigerate The Village well the secret is this block I’m holding we’re going to use fans oh watch this okay I’ll place a fan huh it’s working a few more fans will make this freeze even stronger that’s so cool the

Fans blow cold air because of the ice oh that’s one row built it makes sense now let’s build a second robe okay more fans I want them to be evenly spaced like the fans in the top rope Mikey do you want to place the last one that breeze feels

So nice yeah I’ll add the last one wow this looks awesome check it out the ice cools down the air and the fans blow that air across the village it should cool off in no time wow nice check this out Mikey what look at what the heat has done to The Village’s

Crops they’re going to need more than just some cool air the field is all dried up yeah the water evaporated leaving the plants to wither up let’s give them some new water like this so they can grow back but that’s ice not water yep okay yeah like that here’s why

Oh the air is hot enough that the ice will melt into water oh I see that makes sense next up the well this needs some more water too right the heat dried it all up uhhuh yep wow it’s going to take a lot of ice to fill it up all the way

But I have more than enough that is a lot mhm you did it good job JJ nice this should restore the well once the ice melts it’s definitely getting cooler but it’s still really really hot we should make a pool that’s a great idea Mikey we could be cool and

Comfortable with a pool let’s do it we’ll start by digging right here perfect that’s a good size maybe a little bigger yeah that’s good nice we’re done digging now let’s turn this pit into a pool this is exciting it’s going to be so sweet to have a Pool I’d like to make it a bit deeper good thinking not bad it’s starting to look like a pool it looks awesome all done woo now we just need to fill it in let’s use ice again all right I can help with that the heat should melt all of this

Into water pretty quick quickly yep the pool is almost ready mhm just a couple more ice blocks almost done that should do it now we just need to wait for the ice to melt I think everyone in the village is going to love cooling off in the pool

Mhm I hope they all start feeling better soon yeah is the volcano really going to blow Tonight do you want to go above ground and take a peek okay even if it does how big of an eruption could it be anyway okay H well how does it look do you see anything no way it really is a massive eruption yeah the lava’s pouring out out

So quickly run Mikey get back into the shelter I’m going I’m going waa hurry this is bad okay we’re sealed in I’m scared JJ sh really scared Mikey we’ll be safe in here I think all right no use panicking I need to keep myself busy I know what we should do let’s stop

Our faces and play computer games yay I guess we could might as well this is so much fun you said It come on come on almost there just a little [Applause] further yes I did it I won computer games Rock and shelter life is the best time for another round let’s go Mikey you’ve been playing for a while you should sleep oh H I guess you’re

Right I can pick up where I left off tomorrow let’s call it a night sure ah it’s nice and cool and the villagers are already asleep let’s join them sleep eat game repeat thanks to our computers spending a month down here is Easy h Huh huh uh what was that sound I think I heard an explosion in the living room seriously yikes no it’s it’s globa and it’s flooding man how’d that happen seriously oh it burnt a hole in the ceiling and now it’s seeping through we

Have to plug it before it gets any worse I have some dirt blocks but will they do the trick will they stop the lava Flow oh Mikey I think it’s working let’s see will we be okay we might be able to use dirt to seal the hole well it worked the leak it’s stopping look look look wow pH I thought we were done for is the lava level still coming down

Yes I think we’re safe wonderful we managed to survive yippee now everything in the shelter is back to normal I’m just glad we were able to protect the food yeah fortunately it’s a okay H uh Mikey yeah what’s the matter JJ everything’s all right isn’t it no look

The shelter is back to normal it isn’t the computers and TV they melted oh no they’re done H you look bored Mikey you have ever since you lost your games you know what what I think it’s been about a month so the eruption should be over by now oh so we did it we outlasted it that means we can go outside yippee Yahoo I’ve been bored out of my mind

Since the games went up in smoke follow me let’s head outside and breath some fresh air woohoo I wonder what it’s like out there hopefully everything’s fine let’s find out well how terrible The Village wao it got totally wrecked but look on the bright side at least we survived that’s

True uh-oh tonight a huge swarm of zombies is coming oh no all right let’s create seven zombie security systems to protect our house seven security measures should be enough to save us to start let’s build our first security measure here we can turn this into a protective layer of Security lva First Security

LV we’ll just dig a trench around it like this okay I’ll follow your lead yeah three spaces wide then we’ll fill it up with lava we got this this looks good now it’s time to pour the lava in nice job JJ even if the zombie swarm attacks there’s no way they can cross

The lava so what be safe the zombies won’t even be able to get close to our house with all this lava in the way is that enough not quite just to be safe we’re going to make seven security measures seven for the second one we’ll build a barricade here behind the front

Door just in case the zombies break it down second Barricade barricade yep that’s right since our door is made of wood it might be easy for the zombies to break it down yep that’s why I’m doing this it’s another security measure I’m wiring it together like so next I’ll put a wall of iron bars on

Top there we go now I’ll put some Pistons up here as well some more iron bars some more Redstone zombies can’t break iron bars very well yeah that’s why the zombies will have a tough time getting inside I’ll place a lever right here and then the last thing to do is

Fill in the rest of the floor like this in the event that the zombies break down the door we can pull this lever W cool now that’s a barricade now we don’t have to worry about the zombies getting inside our house at all even if they break down the wooden door they

Can’t break through iron bars yep we’re definitely safe now the second one is done if the zombies manage to break through the barricade our third security measure will be a secret passage third a secret passage a secret passage awesome Yep now we’ll dig our way through let’s go really deep M it might

Be easier to make our secret passage with the help of some TNT and when we blow it up it’ll make our secret passage oh isn’t that easy let’s do this all right 3 2 One no no way that’s incredible wow easy peasy yeah okay time to clean this up let’s get Started our tunnel is complete yay now in the event of zombies breaking into the house we can escape through here but JJ we already have security lava and a barricade so I really don’t think they’ll be able to break into the house even though it’s unlikely they still

Might be able to break through in that case we need to be sure to be as secure as possible there’s something I want to build what is it I’ll start by digging this out what are you making D there’s a super important device we still need I’m

Setting this up there we go just like that well then I’ll connect this here almost finished great I’ll put some repeaters here now it all connects what is it JJ I’m making a super important device right now Mikey you just need to hook this up and place a few more repeaters

Here like this that should do it awesome what does it do all right good it’s all coming together this goes on top okay what could it be I have no idea sweet check it out what is this thing I’ll place blocks around the Edge then I’ll power it all up but first I need to put the power source here just like this and then I’ll connect that over here this will lead all the way outside woo okay Mikey right here I’m placing a button on the wall huh I wonder what that’s

For I’ll lead this Redstone around to the front of the house and connect it over there perfect bit of this bit of that almost done I need to connect it up here there that should work okay Mikey it’s all done I just need to fix up this last part and just like

That the next device is ready to go it doesn’t look any different though here’s the deal about this device huh if zombies manag to break through the barricade we can push this button wow amazing what is that it’s a secret entrance that’s super cool yep we’ll be safe in here if the zombies

Break in sweet this is incredible now let’s build our fourth security measure inside the secret passage our fourth one we’re going to go through this hallway and load it up with lasers fourth Lasers all right got it we’re going to place a bunch of lasers to make sure the zombies can’t get through yep just like this cool let’s set up the lasers let’s do this thing woohoo like this nice we’re connecting the lasers to stop the zombies from getting

Through there that’s good M sweet okay I’ll put another one down there wo nice job excellent there’s no way the zombies will make it through all these lasers next let’s build a basement in the back great idea we’ll enter it by dropping down down from above that

Sounds awesome I’ll use a command to make a passage that leads down wo he hey it worked epic afterward we’ll have to make sure it’s safe for us to jump down we can reduce the fall damage with hay Nails good thinking this will prevent fall damage

So it should be safe I’ll try it woohoo okay okay then from here let’s make another passage there’s something I want to put in a room down here I’ll use a command again to create a space and just like this I made a hallway now I’ll make a

Nice big room here a nice big room there’s something I want to put in here H like what there the big room is ready to go wow that was fast all right Mikey if the zombies make it this far there’s something else I want to build in here what is

It let’s make arot turrets fifth Arrow turrets you mean something that shoots arrows out of it yeah how do you make that we’ll launch a swarm of arrows at the zombies it works like this make sure everything is connected then give it a lever then inside the device I’ll add a

Bunch of arrows wo impressive just like This so far so good there I filled the dispensers cool so if the zombies manag to get this far we can turn on the device wow that’s powerful that should hold the zombies back we can fight whole hords of zombies with this great work JJ I feel way safer with all this extra

Security we added but Mikey what if the zombies managed to break through all our security systems we should build an emergency escape six emergency escape now then I’m going to dig back here for this emergency escape tunnel I plan on using some TNT blast It Wide Open I’m going to load

It up with as much TNT as I can just like this that’s plenty of TNT all right 3 2 1 wow that’s awesome W that tunnel was easy you can say that again let’s clean it up okay I’ll help this is number six our emergency escape

We’re making it just in case we need it nice hey Jon what kind of emergency escape device will we make we’re going to set it up to take us straight to the surface using rails and mine carts rails and mine carts that’s the idea we’ll place the rails right here this way it

Will be an emergency escape device yeah that goes super fast amazing now let’s connect these rails Yeah check it out it’s night time we put on our Diamond equipment to prepare for the zombies and we even have golden apples to recover health with wow we’re really prepared Mikey we got this definitely oh no G look zombies we’re surrounded by zombies no kidding there’s a horde of zombies pouring

In oh this nothing to worry about JJ we have security lava right here so the zombies can’t even get a cross see they’ll fall right into the security lava check it out it fell right into the lava wao Mikey ni the zombies are burning

Up this is easy wao there are a lot of them but at this rate we’ll be fine we’re totally going to Survive huh uh hold on Mikey are the zombies getting closer H I think they are that’s not good why aren’t they dying what look Mikey the zombies made it throw cow there’s no way they’re coming eat your golden apples Yik there are so many Mikey we’re in trouble how

Did this happen would have thought they could walk over lava no you got to be kidding me they Retreat get the house house run away turn on the barricade great 3 2 1 now we can relax yep we should be safe now Mikey it looks like we’re going to be

Okay hang on a sec huh uh-oh the zombies destroyed our wooden door it’s fine JJ work it doesn’t look like they can break through iron bars P of oh I think you’re Right wait that’s not good they’re breaking the glass oh did we really forget to barricade the windows this is bad the zombies are breaking more glass they’re climbing inside there’s so many of them can we fight them off there are too many GG let’s try the secret passage run away

Hurry Mikey okay it’s open get in all right I made it good luck JJ come on come on quick we got away Mikey that’s good it looks like we can relax in here for a bit huh oh no they’re breaking through the secret entrance Mikey get to the back zombies are

Getting in carefully ouch stop try not to hit the lasers Mikey run away hang on the zombies they’re getting through the lasers the zombies they’re pushing past the lasers come on Mikey oh no oh no the lasers aren’t working on them I know get underground down here hurry wo made okay

Miky let’s activate our AOS security measure to stop the zombies yeah wao W it’s working they’re falling one after the other I think we’ll survive this me too security arrows are amazing they’re the best we can stop as many zombies as we need to you’re right this is a piece

Of cake now can see they keep falling oh bad news we ran out of arrows we have no choice but to escape to the mine cart hurry okay 3 2 1 the zombie swarm is coming I’m getting out of here too no that was close those zombies almost

Took me out pH they broke through our security way too easily we’ll be all right it’s time to launch our huge number of TNT Minecarts at them let’s do it yep just pull this lever there will it really beat those zombies we can’t

Know for sure but we have to try 3 2 1 launch wao wo huh oh wa what’s that w wow sweet oh Mikey incredible the L cards worked yeah he did this is terrible we’ve been Shipwrecked we can’t find land in any direction to make things is even more

Dire it’s said that at night hordes of zombie sharks appear in the ocean wait seriously I don’t like the sound of that so we need to build a floating security house yeah okay here’s the plan let’s extend our boat into a full-sized high security base cool I’ll use blocks of

Concrete to extend the area like this nice we’ll build our security house on top of this platform h now to fill it in we’re already off to a good start there now that the platform is done let’s start building the house on top oh I’ll just build it out here like

So almost done yep that looks like a good size I’ll use glass for this part a nice big window oh oh I actually want to make this part concrete oh something like that that will make the house stronger there H now for the wall on this side I’d like

To make something fancy I want to build it out of fences this is going to look really unique all right then next up I should give us a door or maybe two oh and can’t forget the roof I can help we don’t need any too flashy just some more Spruce Wood thank you

Mikey I think I want to cover it with a layer of slabs okay I think an overhang would look nice okay it’s almost done now nothing can spawn on top of our roof nice thanks for the help Mikey before we add security features I want to make it

Fancier huh does this look good maybe I’ll add a pillar here something like this sure that looks good enough next up Mikey I think our house needs an underwater area yeah here’s what we’ll do for the underwater part oo the underwater level of the house will be really important for

Security thanks Mikey mhm the fence Park will extend down too this will look even cooler underwater And then below that part I’ll put more Spruce planks what do you think I like it I think I’ll make this part All Glass oo yeah it’s going to take up the whole wall it’ll be great oh yeah now that looks cool the floor should be something strong like more concrete

Blocks concrete is probably zombie shark proof And the floor is done I think I should reinforce this wall though to make it stronger oh awesome with that our underwater room is complete woohoo almost we can’t use this room if it’s full of water right let’s use sponges in here to quickly soak up all the

Water Mikey uhhuh watch what happens when I place a sponge huh hang on a second what hang on Mikey there’s too much water for them to soak up really maybe we should go from the top down let’s try let’s try again I can’t tell if it’s working huh

A h maybe if I just oh look it is working oh let’s keep going I see we just need to put them at the top of the water wo it’s draining let’s keep it up yeah check check it out this side of the room is mostly drained let’s keep placing sponges almost done

Wow you did it that’s the last of the water awesome now let’s clear up all those leftover sponges right this part’s fun all done finally all the water’s gone we did it all right now Mikey I’d like to turn this into a storage room oh storage help me replace all these floor blocks

With slabs on it we’ll split the lower section into two levels and put storage on top I see the slabs will let us fit in more chests all right now let’s divide this with another level this will be the floor for the storage room see

Oh there we go just like that thanks for the help Mikey of course before we add chest I’d like to give it some finishing touches huh I’ll replace these slabs with wooden blocks Oh maybe some more on this side uhhuh and some slabs along the top this is really starting to come together but I still want to make it look a little fancier so I guess I’ll add some walls to this space oh finally I want this wall to be wood that’s much

Better we should also raise this part up with slabs so the chest can go on top let’s put chests all around the sides of the room oh good thinking Mikey thank you there’s room to fit chest in the middle too next for our storage area I’d like

To make a secret entrance so cool to start I’ll place a ladder that leads into the storage area and next to it a lever then I’ll have to make some room behind it for some Redstone I guess this outer wall will have to be thicker that’s easy

Enough it’ll look nicer if I extend it all the way there we go now let’s get out the Redstone Dust nice let’s see right here I’m going to need to place a sticky piston there we go then place a wooden plank in front of that and replace this nice

Wow now if you pull on the lever the secret entrance opens up that’s awesome thank you all right then Mikey we’re all done here we’ve completed the secret storage area what’s next good question for our next task let’s work on the first floor interior I think this needs a glass railing yeah

I want this to look stylish what else will we need in this room maybe a TV for when we want to relax I think this wall will be the perfect spot and of course we’ll need a sofa to sit on of course H how about a gaming PC

Over here that’ll be fun don’t you think oh yeah I think so too there oh and can’t forget the chair that’s better perfect next I think I’ll Place some carpet here like this woo a carpet always ties the room together oh thanks Mikey yep okay looking good I like it

Now let’s do the interior for the underwater room yeah we could make this a bedroom what do you think of that idea that’s perfect great my headboard will go right here nice that’s tall enough I think I want a double bed how about you

M and there you go thank you oh and I’ll give us some side tables nice and then we’ll need something to put on those tables like these lamps there we go one on each side table oh yeah this looks like the perfect spot for a painting yes

What do you think should we put carpet in this room too definitely this is starting to look really nice it looks great let’s carpet this entire room woo that’s perfect oh we can’t forget to add a ladder back up mhm otherwise there’d be no way out of the bedroom we’d be stuck

Down here that’s much better H I think some flower pots would be a nice touch what do you think totally cacti are my favorite plant I want one in every pot maybe one more over here so cool all right and with that Mikey our our underwater room is complete nice does

That mean our security house is ready to go not quite we don’t have any food yet so we should set up an underwater Farm oh yeah Farms need a source of water so I’m going to let in a little bit from outside right here careful okay now the underwater Farm is

Going to go over here an underwater Farm sounds really cool I’ll make a hallway here this part’s just the hallway leading to the farm the actual Farm is going to be at the other end the ocean has plenty of room so I’m going to make it really big why not right let’s make

It huge yeah then we’ll never have to worry about food yep we can spend our whole lives down here and we’d never run out of food there wow for the walls of our farm I think we should use glass blocks sure if we use glass glass then we’ll have a

Really good view of the ocean good point filling in the walls sure does take time but it’ll look really good when it’s Done okay now the ceiling thanks Mikey all done there the glass room is finished but it’s still full of water so we can’t grow crops yet let’s drain this room using sponges right one by one these will soak up all all the water there we go looking good wow the room is slowly

Draining very slowly finally wow they soaked that water right up now we got to get rid of them all Right the water has been drained woo our crops will need plenty of light to be able to grow underwater so let’s use lanterns okay these lanterns should provide all the light we’ll Need all right that should be enough of them thanks Mikey what’s next oh we can’t forget the water I’ll go ahead and dig some holes in the ground a thanks Mikey I’ll add some water here too nice there we go whoops there the next step is to till the field I’m ready this

Part’s easy just grab a hoe and hold down right click on It hey that’s looking pretty good what crops should we plant maybe some carrots to start sure okay this step is really easy too just start planting carrots all over the place that’s good it’s nice to have multiple types of food so we should plant some wheat too okay

There next up let’s plant some Potatoes all right done thanks the final two rows let’s plant pumpkins and watermelons oh yeah my work here is done oh Mikey oh hey JJ I’ve been hard at work prepping my security wo what did you make well this is the first thing huh I made armor

Oh iron armor H all right let’s put this on then yeah awesome thank you Mikey you’re welcome but wait there’s more take these oh carrots I gathered the carrots from the farm thanks I’m going to eat some right now good idea we should eat before the zombie sharks show up these are

Good there more this is the last thing oh Tada is that a rocket launcher Mikey actually it’s a multi rocket launcher uh we’ll have nothing to fear from zombie sharks if we have these I don’t know Mikey rocket launchers are powerful but are you sure they’ll work against

Underwater targets what do you mean of course they’ll work JJ rocket launchers are the Ultimate Weapon the strongest there is I thought you knew that huh what look over there oh no Mikey the swarm of zombie sharks is here and they’re attacking oh man I was hoping

They wouldn’t show up but it’s okay I’m prepared for this moment Bring It On watch me JJ yeah here I go go get them I’ll deal with these zombie sharks bring on the Rockets yeah ready fire take this you lousy fish wo why isn’t it working huh it’s the

Water it’s slowing down the Rockets So they miss the Sharks no way oh man you’ve got to be kidding no effect at all the Rockets are just fizzling out Mikey rocket launchers are useless underwater so all my prep was a waste don’t worry I have just the thing let’s

Activate the Tesla guns that one’s close 3 2 1 Fire w wow yeah so cool H wo it’s working yeah look at him go this is awesome yeah they’re dropping like flies stupid game we can just sit back and watch the zombie shots don’t SC the chance just like I hoped

Woohoo Tesla guns are awesome this is too easy let’s finish them Off Huh they’re calling for the most massive eruption in history tonight and they expect the volcano to be active for a Month what a gigantic volcanic eruption starting tonight and it’ll last a whole month let’s go check it out for ourselves Okay wo they weren’t kidding it’s smoking up here oh this is getting out of hand we can’t stay Mikey we have to find cover as quick as possible but but there aren’t any shelters in our village you’re right buddy so I guess it’s up to us H since there’s no safe

Place to hide nearby we’ll have to hurry Hur up and build a shelter ourselves let’s get moving yeah I’m fast to the Village quick Sprint come on we don’t have much time that’s right we are in for a world of trouble okay now uh let not Dilly J the

Volcano’s going to explode come in here Mikey check it out I need you to put on a helmet and take a pickaxe done and done good now let’s get cracking on a shelter under our house got it we’ll start here all right get digging I’m on it step one uh-huh keep tunneling down

We have to hurry though the eruption could go off at any time do you think this is deep enough M mhm we’ll clear some space in that case and begin working on a room yes sir let’s do it yay shelter making yay indeed Mikey we have to make this space magma ready

Then let’s get Building okay we want to make sure that lava can’t get in totally that’s the last thing we want in our hideout I think we’re almost done with our first space how’s this nice maybe a bedroom over here sure I’d also like to have a living room wo this ought to be big

Enough for now M and wo finished is it really check it out oh wait not quite actually we can’t forget the ladder true that wo there I added a hatch and now it’s done not bad huh it’s great H Ah that’s right this stuff up here

What let’s make this part out of stone cuz the lava could burn Through the Wood how does that look really good okay that should do it uhhuh so next up since this eruption is supposed to last for an entire month we have to be able to spend

All that time down here that’s right let’s set up the space with everything we need to survive for 30 days sounds great I say we start with the bedroom sure we’ll definitely want beds I know I will the villagers will be staying here too you know right right right let’s set

Up bunk beds woo this is what you have to do to make make them take these out there stunning adding a ladder in the middle and of course the bottom bunks very nice that about does it we’re done well let’s build another Lair there are going

To be a lot of us after all true this might not be enough for everyone how’s this it looks good Triple Decker beds coming right up awesome put this here fix this yay is this Better yes it’s great now we have room for six people to sleep amazing what we need now is a toilet and a shower for sure it would be embarrassing to have them out in the open drew that so we’ll make a dedicated bathroom for them great thinking something like This okay the toilet can go here uhhuh we’ll wash our hands in this corner o yeah great idea we’ll put the bathtub over on this side and the only thing left is the shower there it’s a tight squeeze but everything we need fits so it’s finished then yay

Fantastic we’ll place a door here and that’s the bathroom the bedroom’s done too ahuh so the next thing on our list is the living room oh what will we need for that well it’s also going to serve as a kitchen so we’re going to want to

Store a month’s worth of food or else we’ll starve good point so let’s make a kitchen area sure here we Go so for the kitchen corner what’s let’s make something along these lines okay how’s this very nice it looks great then it’s done w we even have a fridge so we’re going to spend a month in here yep but I almost forgot we’re going to need some food right let’s get Some there should be some in the supply shed oh let’s have a look see wow there’s so much these are our reserves potatoes carrots some of the meat and potatoes are rotten unfortunately but whatever let’s grab it all all right that’s a ton of rub we also have a large wheat Supply let’s

Take some with us it keeps well and we can use it to make bread wow it’s just wheat buddy and it’s all coming with us come here all right done not quite there’s there’s still some growing over on the farm let’s Harvest it okay grab everything you can sure

Thing wo well done wiers we gathered up so much food now H let’s put it all away before the volcano erupts good idea huh let’s put the carrots and the fresh meat in the fridge go for it pack them in there the potatoes too why not there now

H yes we’ll store the rest of the food as well as the wheat in this chest excellent idea that should be enough to get us through the month we forgot something super important what is it hang on a second what else do we need hang on I’ll show You huh okay one of these oh a TV and of course first we got to have a couple of these out this here and then yay uh what are those they’re computers for gaming oh now we can take it easy I see if we didn’t have our gadgets we couldn’t

Spend our month down here in this shelter it would be way too boring this stuff will definitely help us pass the time h hm we’re ready now we have everything we need right we can just sit back and relax not quite Mike you’re forgetting the most important thing huh

What could I possibly have overlocked for ordinary circumstances this would be more than enough but the whole region is about to be covered in lava so well the inside of our shelter is going to heat up like a sauna what that’s no good are you saying it’s going to get boiling hot

In here cuz we can’t survive that are you positive about all this don’t worry Mikey huh I have an idea we’ll build an AC system let’s head to the Village we’ve got some shopping to do Okay this is the place are you sure this guy only sells ice I’m positive that’s what we want to stock up on I brought my savings 100 100 diamonds W I’m going to use these shiny things to buy as much ice as we can all right we’ bought a huge supply

From the market wow we have more than enough to make an AC System okay this is the bedroom let’s carve out another space on this side sure this is where we’ll set up our system let’s do it got to make some room first of course so now Mikey uhhuh we’re going to place some ice on the ground okay now on the

Wall even just this will have an impact on the temperature I’m gling down already but it isn’t enough though oh Place some iron blocks in the Back okay the lever’s going to go here and the fan will go here wow amazing watch if I flip the switch like so whoosh W great huh fantastic it’s so much cooler now the fan blows the air off the ice and into the rest of the shelter That’s How we’ll

Counter the heat from the lava yay we won’t have to boil down here that’s right now let’s go round up the villagers I’m on It is the volcano really going to blow tonight do you want to go above ground and take a peek okay even if it does how big of an eruption could it be anyway Okay well how does it look did do you see anything go no way it really is a massive eruption yeah the lava’s pouring out so quickly run M get back into the shelter yeah I’m going I’m going wao hurry this is bad okay we’re sealed in I’m scared JJ sh really

Scared Mikey we’ll be safe in here I think all right no use panicking I need to keep myself busy I know what we should do let’s stop our faces and play computer games yay I guess we could might as well this is so much fun you said it Come on come on almost there just a little F there yes I did it I won computer games Rock and shelter life is the best time for another round let’s go Mikey you’ve been playing for a while you should sleep oh H I guess you’re

Right I can pick up where I left off tomorrow let’s call it a night sure it’s nice and cool and the villagers are already asleep let’s join them sweet eat game repeat thanks Rec computers spending a month down here is easy huh huh du what was that sound I

Think I heard an explosion in the living room seriously yikes oh it’s it’s lava and it’s flooded in how’d that happen seriously oh it burnt a hole in the ceiling and now it’s seeping through we have to plug it before it gets any worse I have some dirt blocks but will they do

The trick will they stop the lava flow oh Mikey I think it’s working let’s see will we be okay we might be able to use dirt to seal the hold it worked the leak it’s stopping look look look wow pH I thought we were done for is the lava level still coming down

Yes I think we’re safe wonderful we managed to survive yippe now everything in the shelter is back to normal I’m just glad we were able to protect the food fortunately it’s a Okay uh Mikey yeah what’s the matter JJ everything’s all right isn’t it no look the shelter is back to normal it is the computers and TV they melted oh no they’re Done Mikey you’re moving yeah I’ve been wanting to for a while actually this house is so loud it’s driving me crazy I live it because the rent was so cheap but I haven’t able to sleep a week since I’ve been here a wao just a second that’s a lot of villagers I

Know how could there possibly be so many of [Applause] [Applause] Them hang on I could be wrong but it looks like your place is completely surrounded by one family’s giant house huh I hear the villagers talking from every direction not only that I just realized right in front of your home there’s a farm full of animals that must be so

Noisy it is it’s so loud it keeps me up at night I totally get that oh you can’t keep living here buddy all this racket is clearly taking a toll on you you said it I can’t stay here anymore yep anywhere else would be better could

You help me find a new place I just want some peace and quiet sure thing Mikey let’s find you a new home today yay to get things started I say we look around for a super quiet house okay

This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ in Minecraft, But EARTH Becomes LAVA ! Best of Maizen – Compilation’, was uploaded by Perfect Maizen on 2024-01-11 01:08:07. It has garnered 12111 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:47 or 3767 seconds.

Mikey and JJ in Minecraft, But EARTH Becomes LAVA ! Best of Maizen – Compilation

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen –

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    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More