Insane Minecraft madness with Aia Amare! Watch now!

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Hello hello hello hi higher Hello ha ha it’s a a back ey with some good ass lag hold up let me just close a few things I don’t need I don’t think need to have running uh hi hi everyone hello t z the gooby goo hello hi everyone wait why am I lagging

So hard is it because I have stuff open hold let me let me close out all my I have a few things running in the background let me close all of it he why are my fans running at Max at Max Speed that’s weird uh weird okay cuz I don’t even know where

To start today has been insane I I I don’t know where to start I I really don’t know where to start chat it’s oh firstly Hi how are you hi hope you’re doing well hope you’re okay hope y’all are doing all right how are you how are you hope you’re doing

Well good to see you again good to see you good to see you hi hello hi hi me give the super Les the M call it shut the [ __ ] up gley God damn well are are you trying to like speedrun to shut the [ __ ] up stepen damn shut the [ __ ] up

Gentley damn I don’t think I’m asking for much when I ask for normaly around here damn B thank you for the super go thank you thank you okay so chat there there’s been there okay what do I start with today today has been has been some [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll be

Fully I’m going to be fully true and real with you both true and or real where do I [ __ ] begin I mean like your sh was AB I need a lot back in streamlabs it’s it’s been today’s been weird T been really weird so in good

News U my auntie’s okay my auntie’s fine um she’s uh uh she has some bruising but nothing’s broken so she’s sitting on ice and stuff like that so um they sent her home today um and so uh she’s doing fine so uh scary part over scary part’s over so uh

We can confirm um we took x-rays and stuff like that she seems perfectly fine she just got a little bruised and so uh we just told her to be careful and uh my nie just went back over to my auntie’s place because me talking for as long and

As loud as I do is maybe not the best for for my streaming circumstances right yeah so there’s that why am I lagging so hard God they not okay here’s here’s a funny issue here here’s here’s okay now here’s where the [ __ ] [ __ ] happens oh a p is

Online how do I not does enter not talk anymore how do you enter talking mode how do you enter the chat huh wait how do you enter the chat oh God damn it I don’t know I’m going to sound rude ah I can’t respond it’s it’s a tab where enter no

Tab just shows you this enter usually does uh does Okay I uh T oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ did they change the controls for E we Enter uh me to okay so here’s here’s here’s the skinny here’s here’s the F Tom [ __ ] phom thank you for the soup thank you thank you there is some major Tom Foolery there’s a lot okay cherries welcome back happy 15 months thank you thank you I hope you have a wonderful

Day too happy New Year cherries thank you thank you so okay where do I start so I haven’t opened up Minecraft since I switched PCS right and so when I got home from Aluna Institute I was like oh I should probably download it real quick right and so I downloaded it and I

Was like oh yeah I need my shaders right and I think I remember how to do it from last time cuz I think it took me like a weeks to get it set up up it was taking so long but we got there eventually with

The help of everyone else and I kind of remember how to do it so I just did it myself this time so we have to download a few plugins you have to download a few things in order to uh get the shaders to work um oh cherries thank you for the

Five gifted if you always need to gifted membership from cherries make sure to think them properly thank you cherries thank you thank you and so um uh and so at one point I had to download I had to download something for my shaders right and it seems as though

Cuz I used the same website before to download my the shaders previously same exact process same exact link and this time it downloaded some weird [ __ ] into my computer some like borderline malware and so I had to spend 3 hours of my day fighting it off and deleting them

And I think I got it all I think and I hope I’m going to do another hard cleanse of my computer um after stream today but like the past three hours I’ve been fighting with my PC and I was annoyed cuz they they’d have steps in place where you could not uninstall them

Um after you’ve installed it I remember thinking like after I signed cuz no one actually reads the the terms and conditions [ __ ] right and I was like I recall there being a few terms and conditions to sign off on when you download the Shader stuff anyways I was

Like H if it’s quick and then I remember thinking to myself maybe I should slow down it’s there’s a lot of these this time did they change something and then like before I realized it a bunch of weird [ __ ] was downloaded and I was so [ __ ] annoyed because like

Girl I don’t know what happened it used to be the same website we used previously the same ones we’ve been using for a while I don’t think anyone has downloaded cheaters in a while and so um I think maybe something recent I should I’m going to Ping the Discord

Server after this is to alert them like hey if you’re going to download this thing you might want to be very careful right cuz apparently you have to click a button to skip that download look you have to open the page Lightning Fast click skip button and then download what

You’re looking for so I didn’t know that so I downloaded both on accident and then um [ __ ] yikes and so I was hoping and praying praying and hoping that nothing bad would happen I looked all at the I called my brother and he was like okay so none of this is

Actually dangerous but it’s just really [ __ ] annoying so you should be okay your PC should be okay your nii s stuff should be okay but it’s going to be take a minute for you to get rid of all of it I’m like fine and so I got rid of all of

It and so but it was still very annoying and also very scary and I’m just myed and like I just I just wow I imagine being the kind of person who develops those kinds of things and it’s like I I can’t even name the the I’m not going to

Name what kind of nonsense has installed my PC and it’s like it it took so many steps to get rid of all of it and so now I’m wondering is it like my PC that has is there something stle my PC is causing lag is is it the shaders are should I

Turn down the shaders should I turn off the shaders is it just is Minecraft just that heavy and so yeah yeah it’s really annoying it’s really annoying and so uh yeah it’s also so [ __ ] embarrassing and stuff like that because it’s like you know I’m you know

Like blank years old and I work for blank company and I should know a thing or two about computers I just wasn’t paying attention Point Blank I was tired and I was not paying attention and that’s how that [ __ ] got in and so I’m just really [ __ ] annoyed and really

Pissed like I was shaking from how [ __ ] mad I was no the thing is like I I ran whatever I could to check if anything’s running in the background nothing should be running in the background cuz I checked a bazillion times and now I’m just like well I bought a expensive ass

PC now I can’t even have proper frames on Minecraft how come I have no problem with balers gate but it’s Minecraft that causes me issues and let me just decrease render distance or some [ __ ] I don’t know uh video settings let’s reduce this let’s reduce this yeah I don’t know what else

Graphics just okay fast cool hopefully that helps it’s not helping okay well [ __ ] but anyways it’s just really annoying it’s it’s really annoying yeah my brother say it’s nothing scary it’s nothing bad or nothing um but he just said it takes a while to

To get rid of and it did take a while to get rid of and I think I got rid of most of if not all of it and so yeah yeah it just blo yeah yeah and so it’s annoying it’s annoying and so we’ll see I’m trying to

Make the most of it usually give myself time to decompress and be less angry about I’m still Giga pissed I’m super [ __ ] pissed because I don’t know people who make that I hope there you know there’s a special place in hell for you you just just so you’re fully

Aware if you make that kind of if you’re if you’re a it’s like I’m I’m the kind of person who’s very humanistic and I’m very understanding and I give people a lot of patience but if you if you’re the kind of person who makes that kind of

Program um no [ __ ] you actually [ __ ] you I hope that you lose a toe to take to gain green okay yeah I hope some I hope some way somehow someone slashes your tires oh wait you’re losing you probably don’t have tires of Slash never mind so uh

Anyhow okay and Ela just goes like oh God I [ __ ] hate technology luly cuz I was half expecting my brother to be really pissy and annoying about it but no thank God he’s I think we’re so over like the whole pointless teasing each other bullying each other [ __ ] and

So he’s like oh well here’s how to get rid of it then cuz like I don’t want to like it’s like that’s why like it’s like I’ve had friends have full-blown viruses in their PC but never did anything about it cuz they’re too embarrassed to ask for it cuz

It’s like you’re supposed to be technologically illiterate and you’re supposed to know better but like they’re getting sneaky these days so it’s whatever mhm and also my throat is [ __ ] killing me this air the air is so [ __ ] dry it’s so dry it makes swalling spit like swalling my saliva

Hurts so I don’t think today’s stream would be a particularly long one because uh I’m hurting this air is not it so my apologies if I sound a little scratchy the air is awful today um Charlie thank you for the super uh just click left Bo right Bo that I

Don’t know what that means thank you for the super thank you again for the Lego honestly yeah I hope they lose a I hope they lose a toad to Gang Green for no paf for no specific reason they can probably live without a toe but I wish

They lo I hope they lose a toe you know like a a big toe like in the scary stories to tell in the dark book you know yeah the air is just really dry it’s really dry where I’m at right now and usually the air around here is humid

But this time the air is dry dry dry dry dry so it’s like a like a cold a dry cold and so like just existing is G is G yeah pans thank you for the supera here comes the goop she’s going to play some Minecraft

She’s on a free Su hey shut up try what what song is it what song is that thank you for the super Phantom thank you thank you what is that I mean I’ll not kill you the forklift I’ll Fork you up though listen I’m not allowed to kill okay I’m already on several

Government watchlists I’m not here to make it worse okay maximum security is not great they don’t have Wi-Fi there I can’t stream if I’m in maximum security so you know how it is oh God can you hear how [ __ ] scratching my voice is I didn’t I didn’t

Even say I didn’t even I I spoke like three sentences today cuz once again I was pulled into the Aluna Institute even though I don’t really have to be there I don’t really me to be there or anything but I was pulled in anyways and despite being there for 9 hours I said

Like three whole sentences I said like three whole sentences so my voice isn’t super warmed up so my AP my voice cracks and stuff like that hm you can make it where I’ll try um Charlie SP thank you for the SAA that’s like the person who drained my

Account on Christmas by hacking my PlayStation account and buying 2K worth of games B on the Lego honestly no I it’s like it’s [ __ ] up it’s like a lot of like scammers online will like actively Target those who are less technologically literate like you know like for example the elderly and that

Kind of thing that’s so [ __ ] up bro that’s actually [ __ ] up H that’s awful yeah I think like uh I think one of my aunties is not a scammer but might as well should be uh fell into like a pyramid scheme a while back you like a nasty pyramid scheme I have

Nightmares of like of that happening to like me or something mhm yeah I love watching the the people who like hop on like the stream I think kid is one of them I really like like the the ones who like just waste as much

Of their time as possible I I love it I love it she’s good now yeah but drained her of 10 grand though you know like pyramid schemes it’s crazy absolutely crazy well as you can see I’m going to work a little bit on everything today I don’t

Only have a whole I only have a goal for today’s stream it’s I can just get some work done so I got some more progress done on the cloudhouse 2.0 but we’ll see we’ll see how it turns out mhm M oh yeah exactly those people are fun mhm yeah

Yeah mine diamonds well there’s a diamond City wall over there but we’ve all vowed not to touch the diamond City wall yeah yeah yeah my apologies God I’m really scratchy today aren’t I goodness I had lots of water too I was chugging water dinner I was really

Thirsty what the hell happened to me goodness gracious I guess I’m just going to do some good old uh uh some good old like pack a day uh cancerous long smoker roleplay today I suppose it’s not that bad okay yeah the air quality is quite dry these days goodness gracious

Goodness Me de Mommy thank you for the SAA this Su is not free sponsored by rage Shadow Legend listen you’re asking who SP I was sponsored by sh rage Shadow Legends last year okay you can’t just say that to me I I was actually sponsored by raid last year damn

Um just my w one of those I know it’s just your wallet G mummy huh okay I’ll s Minecraft this much rer yeah I went ahead and change the graphical settings to fast so we’ll see how that goes we’ll see how that goes listen I as someone has been

Actually sponsored by rage Shadow Legends damn okay then um I have pillars I want to put some pillars down yeah I SP of honey I I’m going to probably Brew some tea after this yeah a spot of tea to like you know Fix It Whatever plagues me should probably be

Would probably be a good idea what if I did this this might be a smarter idea what if I place the lantern right here yeah I think it’s the yeah I think it looks better looks a lot better actually yeah yeah okay let’s remove this as well need to be here mhm does

She normally have thoughts no y’all think I use my brain listen you don’t become a v by using your brain okay I just think real I just I just squint real hard and just hope that something comes out good you know oh yeah so so y’all want to hear the scary

Experience I had earlier my weird ass experience from earlier so so earlier I have okay don’t ask me why I may or may not have like two um like 30C count boxes of a a bed roll in my car in the chunk of my car right and so for for for

Science or whatever and so I was like you know I I’m going to probably crack open a cool one before stream I need to stay up place to do some work after this anyways and so I was like fine fine cool and like it’s a windy day today like the

Air is real windy and it’s really cool today and so I opened my car trunk and my dud it’s really really dark out and I live kind of like in the in like in bum [ __ ] nowhere and so I I heard like thudding behind me cuz

I was in my driveway and then like 30 ft behind me approximately I heard like like dragging thuing noises and I straight up thought there’s someone coming after me I straight up thought there was someone coming after me like straight up I thought someone’s behind

Me and so I like I I I didn’t turn around [ __ ] I grabbed my Red Bull and ran back to the house I looked I looked once over my shoulder to see who it was to see like if I should like you know and like know just just to see who the

[ __ ] it was um turns out the neighbor did not secure they recycling very well and it was a bunch of boxes just being blown down the street like like tumble weeds so it was it was not a person it was just poorly secured recycling there was a bunch of cardboard boxes someone’s

Amazon purchased flying down the flying down the street but I was scared I thought it was a person or something what if I get kidnapped what if I get Angel napped what if they asked land some money that’ be scary as hell and it was just

Boxes it was the one of the occasions where it’s like it it was actually just the wind like unironically it was it was just the wind it’s not a meme it was just the wind yeah let me thank you for the supera the sua is sponsored by L’s Hol

Wallet you think that after your wallet goes empty you’d slow down with these GM mummy it’s Financial it’s financial responsibility too much to ask of y’all Phantom thank you for the Super Why um for science acceptable casually welcome back copy 3 months lock and wall torture is a civil construction activity

Involving torture of architecture students also European Dent ARS let’s go oh my God go to bed listen I would have done architecture if I was better at math but unfortunately I’m stupid so yeah anyways fch okay no I thought I thought I was going to die I thought that someone was

Coming after me you know um that creepy pasta of that The Smiling man who follows you down the street I thought that was going to happen to me okay I thought it was A’s time to go I thought the Lord the Lord give and the lord

Taketh away and I thought the Lord was about to take us away okay I thought the Lord was about to take us away uh and now I was like no Lord I I do not want to be take taketh ath and so uh lo and behold it was it

Was it was just a box so uh cool groovy mhm I want to watch at night listen here I am a little silly a little goofy sometimes okay yeah I am stupid yeah okay it is what it is I’m not going to deny any further yeah I’m a

Little I’m a little silly I’m a little stupid just a little bit I’m very stupid and something thank you for the super imagine being kidnapped and your kidnappers like wait are you IMR need to San six W Aluna honestly it would be kind of scarier like what if they’re

Like crazy or something like that it’s like I pride myself in having among the most sane of viewer bases I believe but that’s scary okay I need I need a lot of wool and a lot of stickies okay we’re going to we’re going to go in a quick

Adventure to get a bunch of wool and stickies yeah we can we could use that okay wool and stickies okay are we I think y’all are mostly insane just you’re financially insane but like otherwise I think you’re pretty I think you’re pretty sane you know I have yet to see y’all do anything

Particularly unhinged so uh that was not an invit that was not an invitation by the way that was not an invitation but for the most part y’all seem to be you know like upstanding citizens yeah remarkably sayane for the most part you know yeah now the crazy [ __ ] y’all do behind

Closed doors no clue not the slightest clue but you know you do as you please I’m not here to judge you I’m not here to judge you okay I it’s it’s yeah it’s not it’s it’s not an invitation by the way it’s not an invitation it’s a warning I will I will

Uh I will choke you out with my little grubby hands if you dare do something too crazy yeah I I have nails on too yeah I grew my nails out they’re painted yeah that’s right Maya thank you for the super thing just means you understand

Boundaries and we do a good job I think yeah I think for the most part yeah like I really have no complaints I feel like y’all respect understand and respect my boundaries like it’s it’s it’s it’s easy you know yeah exactly exactly gentley are you [ __ ]

Okay hi silly yeah I’m totally saying I don’t know deza I mean okay okay there’s a select handful of you I know for a fact are not 100% sane but that’s from a year of us knowing each other a year and a half of us being acquainted and

Streaming together for a while now that’s how I know some of y’all however for the most part for the most part you you all are a samean bunch okay for the most part the most saying highly debatable but for the most part saying okay okay now where is the dad for

The the where’s the co the uh where’s not cotton it’s the oh wo wo wo it’s see my and if you have to say that you’re seane then you probably are not seane that’s that’s that’s where the issue starts and ends okay lucky where thank you for the super what if I asked

My job to host an aiji concert uh uh uh well any colors contact info is listed in the description you you’ll be the change you wish to see in the world so if you’d like to then then you absolutely can also very random homu this is super random love

You that’s all that’s the message yeah okay hi Kevin how’s it going I’m yeah you are say I think so yeah okay let’s see I don’t know if she’s going to see that she might be not reading the chat thingy Ria thank you welcome back up you four months the midh

Free member this actually free than you kind maidens honestly no the maidens are very good at inviting new maidens to indoctrinate them into are not cult okay the maidens are very good at that they’re very they’re very crazy but generous Bunch you know the maiden simply they they’re simply very they are

Very friendly in that way I need trees mhm oh Joshua neie thank you for the sua I mean thank you welcome back happy uh four months oh Pomo said aw spaghetti huh spaghetti what does spaghet what does that mean what does spaghetti mean is that a meme what does spaghetti mean a

Spaghetti bad she said a and then spaghetti is a spaghetti what does that mean I don’t understand what a spaghetti what a what a spaghetti a Cappy welcome thank you oh oh wait hold on Joshua thank you welcome back happy 4 months I hope you’re doing well also

When will there be another Minecraft collab um I don’t know I think um maybe soon I don’t know I think a few of us have been bouncing ideas back and forth for a little bit but we haven’t done one in a while yeah I think the last made a

Big collab was um for the cherry blossom update yeah Cappy thank you for the gift thank you thank you welcome new Maiden welcome welcome you are spaghetti well huh is it is it like an M&M thing like the wrapper a spaghetti oh no acceptable casualty thank you for the Supa see yeah

September 14th 2016 oh what is that supposed to mean anyways GM Mommy thank you for the Supa a tiny skrunky angel in the back alley told told me this how I buy a ticket for the next imri concert listen here I’m already having a coner I’m going to anime impulse literally next

Week literally next week Isaiah welcome back happy 4 months thank you spaghet honestly okay I’m going to say something very controversial I like spaghetti but fetuccini Alfredo is significantly better okay I’ll be completely honest and real with you fetuccini is infinitely better it is what it is I’m sorry spaghetti is fine

Alfredo is where it’s at specifically specifically of the um Cheesecake Factory variety okay mhm F thank you for the super spaget you my dad calls it spaghet he’s like go no what do you want for dinner you want the spaghet home I’m like you know you can just call it spaghetti he’s

Like no no you have to call it the spaghet I’m like okay dad you know now I’ve had sweet spaghetti I know some southern spaghetti have sugar in it and then there’s also like um the Jolly Bee spaghetti it has a banana ketchup in it mhm tomato sauce is fine but just

Alfredo is just significantly better okay it’s not that tomato sauce is bad it’s just fetuccini Alfredo is just that much better it is what it is I only speak the truth you know mhm yeah to my spaghet is your dad a memer he’s very like hello fellow kid sometimes

He doesn’t mean to but he does have like high fellow kids energy a little bit like for example he doesn’t want to condescend Me by asking me about like my physical or mental health and so he’ll he’ll like word it in a way like oh hey

Kiddo how are them uh how them brain waves going like that kind of thing like it’s it’s so it’s a very it’s a very Papa Mar response it’s a very Papa Mari adjacent mhm homemade okay listen my dad’s homemade spaghetti does slap though pea makes some really good spaghetti I will

Give him that he makes the greatest spaghetti in my opinion we got lots of stickies we’re going have to make a shitload of banners what’s the formula for them uh we’re going to need more than that we’ll hold off for now yeah he’s just gone he’s just gone it’s

Like a an affectionate term for like a child makeing for the SAA cheese is better than I never had anything in a cheese sauce before because wait is Alfredo a cheese sauce I thought it was just a cream sauce it doesn’t taste that cheesy it tastes

Mild I’ve never had it I I don’t think I’ve ever had a cheese sauce before I don’t like I don’t typically care for cheese I mean not that I hate hate cheese I just don’t typically eat it oh it is oh I guess I like cheese

Sauce then cuz I love Alfredo so I guess I’m a cheese sauce enjoyer it’s cream and Parmesan really it’s so mild flavor I don’t only tease the cheese unless May I’ve been eating like a mild variant I don’t know I never noticed well crazy there we go cream and P

Oh I mean to be fair I don’t go to the local Cheesecake Factory looking for authentic Italian food you know it’s like imagine walking into Panda Express and expecting actual like authentic Chinese food you know it’s like it’s it’s American Chinese it’s like two it’s like apples and oranges it’s two

Different beasts you know that’s I always chuckle at this the the food snobs like it’s not authentic I’m like well I don’t think it’s meant to be I I always chuckle at those folks it’s not that deep okay looking good mhm yeah to be fair I love okay listen

Me and my friend trauma Bond I wonder how much we love Panda Express because during when we study for exams back in college our our struggle food was Panda Express we get orange chicken in the CH main girl we go to town on that we’d be crying over our worksheets and learning

But right before the exam it’s like our trauma Bond and now I just associate Panda Express with like academic trauma now which is you know cool I guess oh this looks pretty cool I like this effect looks pretty good nice mhm it’s mostly cream ah no I no I saw this

Crazy [ __ ] Tik Tok um recipe I think uh nail know me John is a YouTuber I’ve really been liking lately am I out of cotton I’m out of cotton already what the hell I need that much I had no clue should I hit the hay first

Yeah yeah I saw like they they made a sauce of like 10 cloves of garlic I mean I like garlic but that’s a lot of garlic oh my God heck what you want you’re so mother now you’re just serving leing on I feel like hex just learned a new

Term he just learned what mother was and now he has to use it to his full potential hi hex hello I saw a [ __ ] clip hex I sent it to you earlier I saw a [ __ ] clip and like he had a bgm he’s like oh God this

A bgm like I I immedately dm’ him I was like [ __ ] you my bgm is awesome [ __ ] you my bm’s great shut the [ __ ] up hack damn mind your damn business hex wire mind your own [ __ ] business [ __ ] listen I’m your Senpai okay and I’m going to pull Senpai Privileges and

Tell you shut the [ __ ] up do me a kind favor and shut the fresh hell up God damn thank you for stopping by hex hex is here I wish you wouldn’t be just kidding it’s hex it’s heck hecking ha are have thank you for the super mother

Tell your children not to walk my way listen here when I when mother is mothering I’m just mothering honestly I is mothering is just to be hot right that’s that’s what mothering is right right anyways um defin thank you for the super so in ISP Tech in

Installed the fiber box in Workshop SL room I checked it early and realized that a pupp was still on the wall M vacuum maintaining her V vigilance no way he didn’t knck her down at least once respect oh my God you know I was protecting that room devil you don’t understand the

Presence of an ayae will drive away evil people and evil spirits because they know better than to [ __ ] with me okay they know better than to [ __ ] with me they know they do they will they will get they will become they will become defeated they will die you know is it a

Risk they’re willing to take they really shouldn’t oh uh thank you for the superp jeans iie props told him what mother means I’ll pray for you the rest of the insanity oh god oh jeez that’s not very serving cleans of you you’re not being very mother you’re not mother hex I feel

Like someone taught hex a new word and now he’s just using it all the time I don’t know hex I I don’t know hex have you ever mothered I don’t think you’ve ever mothered okay listen heex I I think you you’re such a baby girl girl failure that I

Don’t think you can even come close to mothering if my if my judgment with wi ter mothering means is correct sir you are so far away from mothering you have no clue you will never surve [ __ ] okay you’ll never serve [ __ ] just imagine if someone I know walks into the

Stream mommy Bessy thank you for the gifted thank you thank you thank you Cy thank you for the SAA um A’s mothering okay M I can’t find my keys that’s a you issue honey do you remember where you put them think real hard damn okay okay

Damn yeah what the hell what the hell I don’t think okay his his bus’s probably rancid okay no absolutely not his busy is probably like it’s like you know those Venus fly traps I’m only non pregant I’m the only non pregant male to have delivered though way every Ser recently people be

Thinking I work at all for hex are you okay no no hex genuinely are you okay uh I’m not going to stream for long today do you need to talk after this are you okay hex I’m a little bit worried are you okay I hope you’re okay hex take moment

To lie down okay I you you you’re you’re you’re likely going through psychosis it’s okay it happens to the best of us just just just find somewhere to sit down okay just just relax for a bit okay it’s okay hex not everyone can serve [ __ ] like I can it’s okay listen I

Went to the school of serving [ __ ] and I got a degree in slayy so mhm when is Tex okay that’s a very good question I don’t think there’s an answer to that as someone I listen we’ve played OverWatch offline some before hex we seeing the most like

Like this sharp left turn kind of [ __ ] bless his heart bless bless his crusty Dusty raisin raisin looking ass heart okay he’s just aulu a little bit I love this woman honestly H honestly I think I think hex is just mad that I serve this much honestly I’m always serving do you see

These bre do you see these breasts do you see how much I am mothering right now do you not understand how much I mother now listen people say a you’ve changed since you got your outfit I’m like well yeah my breasts are [ __ ] huge now okay okay all right I’m always serving I’m

Always serving now okay now that my breasts finally have the freedom and have the ability to greet the heavens the way they’re supposed to what one can only become jealous you know and that’s why you had to give me blood sacrifice because you keep my breasts happy if you give me blood sacrifices

For fun m Maya thank you for the Sila so mother yes breasty yes yes breasty yes besties come on besties give me your blood breasty thank you for the super Maya thank you thank you yeah of course a g har precisely do you want to keep left

And right happy you have to make blood sacrifices it is what it is okay I’m sorry but them’s the rules them’s the rules okay you have to you have have to give deliver blood sacrifice for my breast to stay alive and happy Legend has it if if if you don’t

Give me blood sacrifices they reduce a cup size super lock on thank you for the welcome back happy 13 months I feel compl about to be in a cracks and the airbags are deploying what airbags what airbags are there like airbags at your desk or something are

You Dy oh guys don’t watch stream and drive at the same time that’s very dangerous you guys don’t do that it’s very dangerous don’t drive and watch streams at the same time yeah please be careful everyone listen I appreciate your support and everything but you please be mindful

It’s dangerous to do those things please be careful everyone goodness gracious if y’all got to an accident I feel so guilty come on y’all yeah don’t drive distracted mhm okay get what oh wait are the are they my breasts Min Moon ago and naturally oh my god did OBS die Hello yeah this happened last time it’s my Internet it’s my we’re we’re we’re messing with things right now and so sorry if it randomly did that I think it’s the U it’s my internet my apologies sorry about that is everything okay everything’s back to normal okay sorry about that sorry

Sorry yeah it’s cuz it’s my Internet it’s my internet cuz we just we finally got fiber in our area it’s just that again I live in bum [ __ ] nowhere so it took forever for fiber to be a to be available in our area yeah sorry about that today really is

The day of struggles isn’t it today is the day of a technical struggle where’s my phone hold on okay sorry I had to grab my phone real quick oh my God what oh my God hex hex DM me you [ __ ] [ __ ] hate you Illy okay she needs fiber for precisely

I I do though I do though yeah I do I need it okay not to alarm anything but I’m a vtuber and I need I need to have internet to function you know it’s still it’s the way things work around here mhm h it’s my breast yeah my my my my

Breasts are boobing breasty my breasts are are boob boobing I forgot I forgot how the meme works I don’t know how the meme Works something about something breasting breasting boobly is is that what it is breast breasting breasting boobly right is that is that how it

Is uh oh not this oh uhoh is it uneven ah I went for an outer corner for this one how did I [ __ ] this up oh don’t tell me did I [ __ ] it up okay it’s one in this is removed this is Removed uhoh I don’t know what I did wrong oh no why I come back to nothing nothing uhoh what I do wrong okay oh it is open by one it is open okay they’re they s on both sides okay that’s fine we’re fine okay good The Vibes are great

Good that is the point hopefully yes of course of course you know the only thing that would make this better if I had a is if I had a cutie Maiden by my side I I would love to have a maiden by me right now but unfortunately L I’m

Single wait did I tell you that one time my parents asked oh my God so listen so I’m very lucky to have parents who don’t really give a [ __ ] about like you know like personal like my my like my like like romantic preferences and that kind of thing they don’t really give a

[ __ ] a long time ago they asked me they’re like they’re like so are do you have a boyfriend yet and I was like no like okay like a girlfriend maybe I’m like no like okay just bring someone home eventually you’re going to be alone one day if you keep this up they they

Literally they literally defeated home have you ever been so bitchless what the [ __ ] OBS what the [ __ ] hold on wait hold on did did my did it just cut out wait did did my internet cut out again so sorry did that happen cuz I just got another notification saying that OBS

Disconnected for a second okay I’m sorry yeah now I’m paranoid what’s what the [ __ ] wrong with my internet am I the right one yeah this is the right one why I just got a new pc why do we need have internet issues now yeah sorry about that guys I I I

It’s it’s literally out of my control that’s what pisses me off so bad about internet troubles cuz I I I physically cannot control it I can’t do anything about it I just have to just sit around and deal so sorry about that yeah man wow it’s wow it’s testing

My mood today I’m trying trying to stay paused and everything but just wow things are not in my favor today goodness gracious goodness goodness what the hell is this all about is it because I was in a good mood yesterday I had to suffer for it today damn it’s kind of unfair but

Okay yeah my apologies no this just annoying because I’ve been in the game for well over a year and I should probably have this [ __ ] together but unfortunately I just hate it when things go wrong when they’re out of my control cuz like I’m a bit of like a perfection

I’m kind of a control freak in that in that matter and I just get really [ __ ] pissed when dumb [ __ ] happens and it’s I can’t do anything to stop it you know yeah but that’s just me I just I’m also just a massive hater and I hate everything so like we’ll

See yeah no my parents a while back um defeated homophobia by calling me bitchless so uh in case anyone wonders how my coming out story was like uh yeah I was have you ever been so bitchless that you defeated homophobia apparently I was yeah to be fair for some reason my

Family has a lot of us lgtb is you know I think the general consensus between me and a lot of my relatives is like life too short to really give a [ __ ] and so there’s a lot of us huh yeah mhm massive ha precisely precisely like I

What motivates you self hatred baby you know how it is you know how it is is it was your name probably who knows I don’t know a ever Mee andless developing forever socialite stress while car does exist you’re only on your screen she persists control what you can limit what

You can it must be good to releas a good rant if if need be release a good Rand I try not to ramble too much and I try not to get negative you know mhm I said lgtv is yeah n yeah did they [ __ ] stutter Ryan thank you for the super

[ __ ] mless what’s the difference okay listen listen silence you bitchless means you have no game main main lless just means that you have no maidens okay I have game I’m just I just happen to be Maiden lless right now my parents went in for the jugular they’re like just bring home

Someone at some point okay they they really thought I was so chronically maen list they’re like you know what just bring home we’re not even like just they they called me so bitchless that they they casually defeated homophobia that’s crazy yeah have you ever been so single that you defeated homophobia that’s

Crazy my parents are just worried cuz like I are you getting older are you have you not decid to settle down yet I’m like uh no they’re like well the clock’s ticking you know like as you get older you know it’s going to be hard to find someone I’m

Like um thanks Mom and Dad I’ll do what I can okay I’ll do what I [ __ ] can all right no promises okay let me get on the roof somehow let me pop this out okay I need a way up here let me get my dirt boyss mhm okay let should do it

Goodness God I don’t know how my throat can be so dry yet fluming at the same time pick a struggle pick a struggle honestly no it’s okay it’s like as of right now I don’t know how I feel about kids I feel like being a parent is hard being a parent is very

Hard um let’s see okay the roof is not bad but I don’t want anything to spawn in so I should probably put these bad boys somewhere uh let’s put it right here maybe May let’s see how that looks let’s see how this looks uh it might work sunin welcome back

Happy four months happy fourth month with I admirers thank you welcome back good to see you again thank you for rejoining thank you thank you what you say your throw having a boo boo would just smoo you make it better I I think it’s it’s my it’s my esophagus

At this point my my vocal cords I don’t know if you want to split me open and switch my vocal cors that sounds very dense yeah I don’t know having kids is is very difficult I mean I have no particular thoughts on it at the moment but it’s not high on my priority

Priority list cuz some people some people are weird about it like some people like oh you should get married to him cuz like you know your eggs and stuff I’m like whoa what the [ __ ] don’t talk to my [ __ ] uterus damn what the can I help you why are you talking about

My eggs damn leave me alone that’s weird don’t talk about that like you know like know one day the W the well will run dry I’m like okay [ __ ] do I look like a well to you damn okay uh oh where is it where is it there it is

MHM oh yeah yeah kids are like stent up for a life girl I paid off mine I don’t want any more of that [ __ ] I walk in and I hear the word you just I coward imagine imagine fearing the word eus unfortunately for you the only thing I

Fear is the crushing disappointment of my parents okay get on my [ __ ] level imagine we cowards the lot of them Oran thank you for the SAA thank you thank you I’m struggling enough with my money imagine trying to sell down the family let’s go care if I find a soul

That now I mean I have no particular thoughts one way or one way or another about it but like I can see the pros and cons honestly plus chattering seems really difficult what if like they turn out wacky what if I have kids and they turn into vtubers oh God

No sorry I I don’t think I don’t think I’d be able to handle that me personally you know I don’t think I can handle if my kid were to become a vtuber that’s no in this fil we have standards okay we have standards we have honor all right I

Would never allow my child to become a YouTuber we have standards all right Mhm yeah you know MH mhm also uh we have either a bot or a miner I I love playing the game of like who’s in my chat is this a bot or a miner I feel bad I know not all miners are like that I know some kids can be hip

And groovy and cool and stuff like that but like sometimes I’ll get weird comments I’m like okay are you a bot or a miner gay a European I saw a video of that that uh that show tune with aarion gay are European now I can’t tell

Oh yeah I remember yeah those was I remember a while ago during a Minecraft stream nonetheless we had some guy wall in like like trying to like market for his movie or something like that I’m like good for you guy but you’re you’re you’re you’re preaching to a vtuber do

You really want a vtuber Cy to watch your movie like listen here we’re all degens here are you sure you want that for yourself you sure about that mhm this is my first time seeing hello good to see you welcome on in yeah I mean like honestly honestly okay but but like if

If if he AA suid enough I would have considered it okay listen he he was supering in small amounts but if he dropped a couple of AAS bro I would have I’ve been like yeah I watched the movie it was the greatest it was a work of art it was it

Was a belongs in the Hall of Fame it deserves an Oscar deserves all the Oscars like I I will gladly accept bribes the economy is the way it is okay so like if if if they were just willing to you know expand their marketing budget I would have considered to be

Honest yeah I mean it’s called marketing it’s called yeah it’s called finessing okay it’s called being a businesswoman all right mhm is good for go for you I mean I mean has anyone done it before like tried to promote a business through super chatting a YouTuber I mean it’s I respect the

Ingenuity I don’t think I’ve seen that before so that’s new good for them I suppose that’s a that’s a fresh way to to shill to sh your movie you know good for you you know that that’s that’s groovy I guess you know good for you buddy okay see Charming foreign ports tiny

Shorts you can redeem points for watching ads for free super oh my God imagine like that’ be the actual like like like the dark alternate future of YouTube you can only get points to send super chats if you watch these ads oh my God remember like it’s like those those

Those things you can do back like in the day and you watch like like ads for like IMVU to get coins and [ __ ] like that that’s crazy that’s crazy I need we need the is of approval next work I don’t know the ISC of approval is very picky though I feel

Like my tastes are so picky exactly who knows at this rate no one does anything is possible I’m not trying to speak into existence I’m just saying it’s fully possible okay I’m just saying it it it’s a possibility do I want it to happen no but it’s a

Possibility we have to keep our minds open in case it does happen so you can prepare for it emotionally you know do I have any more Soul lanterns I might have extras in another build area let me see if the Barbie house has it H don’t give YouTube ideas I’m trying not to I’m trying not to they seem be on some silly [ __ ] right now where is do I not have any more of these I need to C my I’m so sorry good goodness gracious so sorry like I don’t know how my throat can be

So dry but so flamy at the same time do I really not have any uh Soul lanterns left I might have some in another build area we’ll see don’t worry YouTu won make get to hard for us to give money um yes they will you see there’s a new um patch

They’ve um updated where if you if you um super chats are now um they give you the plague it’s really rough yeah you hit send Super Chat and boom you got the plague it’s really sad yeah it’s the uh the plague update you can look it up I promise just trust me

Just just trust me okay good old fashioned plague update I need soulan for to make these right I think so okay I got these I got these okay I just need some iron mhm the sender one receiving uh the one sending yeah the one sending you just immediately get the plague immediately

Yeah oh you have the plague so sorry and that’s where I K my my my very smooth transition to um the plague role play ASMR you know goodness gra I need to clear my Thro I’m so sorry oh goodness gracious it’s like it’s a kind of fle where it’s starting

To choke you out a little bit goodness gracious it’s like that kind of FL Bodacious thank you for the SAA Bodacious I love the ter Bodacious you mean I can be blessed with Papa nurgle’s gift this easily a worshipper of nurgle what is a slander what the I bet you’ve been

Masquerading you’ve been mascera as a bird this entire time you’re not you’re nurgling I just know you’re a plague toad aren’t you you’re a plague toad I just know it I just know it not only are you Canadian you’re also a plague toad I should have known

It I can’t believe it Crow has been masquerading as a bird this entire time but they’re a heretic Chad do not fall for any of their tricks okay don’t fall for any of their tricks heretic heretic heretic fear fear not chat I will I will smite thee yeah Canadian plague told

Gosh that’s the worst yeah M thank you for the oh I’m 32 years old it’s been a good run at least gting the plague is kind of unique no no no no not actually the plue no don’t me no no no way okay no no you’re stuck

With me forever cppy thank you for the supera I found you faker precisely precisely we have we have an impostor a a a worshipper of nurgle and not the god emperor himself H what the hell what the hell Super G thank you for the super and

S cough cough oh oh you have the plague so sorry what if I use my my my Swedish accent with that okay oh you have the plague so sorry I heard you s the Super Chat and you have the plague now that’s un that’s unfor fortunate if only you pay with clarina

You see people with the plague love to shop the clarina you pay the Ws the twe the threes the four time by the four time you say okay I am finish you see when you get the plug you get be turnning Swedish yeah Shi thank you for the super

Well play it is then anyways well wub that’s a strong word wee anyways okay I need to split this up a bit okay put this away I need that AAR the Swedish play sounds the Swedish play that was no that was really good no I’m I’m Swedish real

I’m really Swedish I love the sh the clarina you wa the ones the TW the threes and by the fourth time you say okay I am finished yeah don’t you know I’m Swedish now a lure update a bit is Swedish I need nuggies okay yeah lure update I’m Swedish

Now okay now that’s more like it so to clear my throat so often I’m so sorry goodness if I go quiet I have Meet myself so I goass thank you for the super sish oh [ __ ] a rat oh [ __ ] a rat I hope that guy’s okay when I was worried about

Those who become vine famous I feel like your life Turns Upside Down you become V vine famous I hope they’re all happy but thank you for the supera thank you thank you J momy thank you for the supera sweet a can I just have the

Plague no no no no you have to get the both when you contract the plague I turn into Swedish mode I love the shop the clar I have not listened to the ballom beautiful Le I need catch a on it yeah lure update [ __ ] I’m Swedish I have potato

Chiy I have I have Jaga Rico Umami sewi flavored chippy it look little potato stickies got the crunch hell yeah now want some uh it’s super yummy mhm the SE flavor is the best flavor in my opinion mhm it has a nice like Umami flavor hey baby girl I’m putting the

Mommy and um mamy sorry I’m sorry I don’t like the way that I am either I’m sorry okay well this the Roo thing is mostly done it looks like I don’t know if I can add anything on top though oh a catch of play you cough the

You cough I love the catch the plague you cough the ones the TW the threes and by the fourth cop you say oh no I am finished that’s a good H snap you how am I lame what how am I lame how am I lame I’m cool

Okay I’m cool I’m cool and hip with the kids I’ll have you know the kids I used to tutor love me just singing yeah yeah just so you know the kids that I tutored the kids I taught they think I’m cool as [ __ ] all right I am actually like a [ __ ] Giga

Chad to them like unironically like an actual Giga Chad so uh yeah mhm yeah I’m super cool like super [ __ ] cool uh okay directly above me did I [ __ ] oh God damn it I missed one I’m one off no okay that’s more like it acious Crow thank you for the supera

A filthy chaos worshipping heretic worthy of being burned at the steak sure fair enough a plag tote of course a Canadian that’s a [ __ ] too I live in the land the free where I’m free to worship nurgle no no no no you’re afraid to worship the god Emperor incorrect Bodacious Crow incorrect

Correct incorrect no no no no no no listen here chat you smell that chat you you you smell that chat you do you smell that stench I smell heresy I think I think that’s heresy heres delate them Delight Bud’s Crow sorry we only worship the god Emperor on

These parts keep your nasty nargle to yourself audacious Crow yeah that’s right I bet you’re a plag toad a heretic and a secretly a Canadian that’s right that’s right yeah you’re not one of us free folk like in America yeah I bet I bet you know what a kilometer

Is I I bet you know what a kilometer is disgusting disgusting uh wait did it die again what happened wait it okay okay I didn’t even get a notification that time what happened this internet stuff is so annoying yeah is it okay now I’m just I’m lost like it stopped for some people

Okay is it is it cuz I didn’t get like I didn’t see a blip in my OBS I saw no blips no nothing yeah it says my internet’s healthy is it like a YouTube thing is YouTube [ __ ] up is that is that what it is I don’t know I really can’t

Tell damn it keep missing it is it is it’s it’s it’s I don’t know it’s maybe it’s a YouTube thing I don’t know like I love it when the I love it when the things are supposed I’m supposed to use to for for work just decide not to work

For some reason yeah I love that yippee Woohoo yeah that’s the coolest yeah yeah but thank you for the super Bodacious Crow how I bet that was bod’s fault I bet a certain heretic caused my stream to lag me thinks that’s the work of a heretic chat pass me my bolt gun thank you for the super Crow Devon

Thank you for the super hi I’m Devin from a small startup finder mudio company called umbrella I was wondering if you to partner up some V with some vials of your plague is that umbrella core like from Resident Evil I only know Resident Evil because Leon Kennedy’s moans when he gets wounded and

Dead by daylight he has very like suspicious moans oops Yeah that’s all I know about him it is okay yeah cuz guys you guys don’t understand so in dead by daylight one of the playable survivors is Leon Kennedy and they gave the most like submissive like moaning groaning noises ever I don’t know

Why yeah it’s like when I run around as Legion or the clown I wound him he’s like ah I’m like what hi weekly Stars how’s it going we’re seeing a lot of new people in chat lately huh welcome on in thank you for the super dein acceptable casualty thank

You for the super Mr Electric turn their pen 15s into pen is to pen was you delete PP can you delete PP okay sure H then thank you for the Sila Kaz is breaking OBS must be Z is war yeah it’s zinch yeah it’s a heretic in the chat it’s a heresy yeah

Honestly he got me feeling a certain kind of way just saying okay just saying just saying just saying just saying he had me feeling a certain kind of way about him they they did not have to make him sound like that they they really did not but they they they actively chose

Violence and they they they made they they made the active choice to give Leon Kennedy that voice you know I mean sure you know what you do you buddy but okay [ __ ] okay all right we’re playing like that then okay damn all right uh I don’t know how to lay this down

Properly ah annoying yeah doing this this angle you kind of hard but we’ll manage we’ll manage we we’re a tough Bunch cuz it wants to do that G it’s late I have to put this down all the time then Mo this I don’t need it okay I don’t know is the target audience

In De by Del the kind who would like Leon ked’s moans is that the case no clue I don’t know what the the targeted player base for dead by daylight is but have to do it like this don’t I okay then lay down this then lay down ah dang it so annoying

Okay and then we have to do the same on the other side okay you know what we’re just going to fill this up real quick so I can stop falling through it y there we go he does get very baby girl energy honestly if there’s going to be I I

Think of the Dead by daylight survivors he is very baby oh come on he’s very baby girl give me a breath okay stop that oh no I didn’t mean to do that okay got how annoying a placement of the stairs can be H yes the baby girl I think so salty Vin

Chippy listen salty Vinnie chippy is the best kind of chippy just saying okay you can like other chippy but they’re not as good as salty Vinnie if the salty Vinnie if the chip doesn’t burn a hole through my tongue quite frankly I don’t want it I need to feel something for once

Okay and so I want the salt to even eat chippy to to burn my mouth it needs to rip a hole into my tongue okay that’s how I know it’s a good salty Vinnie chippy okay does that work okay then over Here yeah mhm salty B chippy well I always I’ve always been sitting like that why just walk into I don’t know okay y y’all okay some of y’all some of y’all are very Normy if if salty Vinnie chips are considered a wild topic of conversation I’m glad you weren’t around for me to

Plan my funeral okay if you think me speaking about salt like about chips is is wild then girl you are not not going to survive the random events you’re not going to survive them cuz that’s that is Peak weird okay I fully admit my random event streams are Peak what the hell is

Happening here but like I’m just talking about chippies and just chippies yeah but apparently it’s inappropriate to have baby battles at the at my funeral apparently it’s like a fuxa or something but honestly those people are just too weak anyways did I do this right no I need to do it

Like this I think yeah forgot it goes this way I think ah I forgot how to Build I think no that works that doesn’t well how do I get the shape downstairs to look right H Han thank you for the super salty Vinnie chippy sounds like a mafiosa ni it kind of does hey yo y you see salty Vinnie oh it kind of does I can kind of see

That now listen here my F’s going to be lit cuz it’s going to be like a treasure hunt my body is going to go like go missing on the regular okay my body is like you’re going to have to wander through like multiple mazes to try to

Find my my Taxidermy body doing like a funny pose off screen somewhere you know please work here here ah why want to be so fussy okay okay I need I need correct these I get it now ah was that like I don’t know I high remember the plot of uh of

Beade it was like it was a corner of my childhood but I hardly remember a lick of it okay it was something like this I think I think U I really don’t remember I’m going to hope it’s it’s close to this shape I think it was this shape I don’t

Remember yeah no I remember call watching bab I just remember I I don’t just remember much of it it’s probably something probably it’s a your basic Shonen plot wasn’t it h yeah bab was like kind of iconic for a while it Sur was H yeah actually question Chad what it okay

So what is a piece of anime or obscure animation media that you think people need to check out more I’m curious because I’m going to shill it right now monoke no not princess monoke but Studio jii a great movie nonetheless I’m talking about manoke Ki okay monoke the anime not the princess

Monoke movie I’m perpetually mad that it’s it does not get recognized enough for how good it is it’s extremely good it’s a really [ __ ] good anime and just not many people have seen it and like I get it you know can have it all some people just not going to see it

That’s fine it’s like whatever but you need to watch it it is so Imagine Sherlock Holmes yeah Sherlock Holmes but damn it uh a damn it I’m not thinking okay here here I’m out of [ __ ] stairs of course I am it’s really [ __ ] good it’s really good simple gear for

Far away Paladin yeah it’s like things that you think are not appreciated enough or seen enough love live like the an like the the game is not a rhythm game I recall playing love live like the the rhythm game back in college for a little bit I was never very good at

It I was going to say isn’t love life kind of popular though the anime oh yeah isn’t that kind of popular though have you heard of one okay I’m going to be I’m going to say something Brave once my frames come back thank you Brave at controversial I have only seen a little

Bit of one piece and there’s so much to get through I kind of don’t want to start it I have no time for it call me on Beast or whatever and I hear good things about it but like there’s like a thousand some odat episodes to get through uh

Huh it’s I feel like that’s a lot to get through and I’ve heard very mixed things about the early episodes but I feel like you need to know the context to enjoy the series and plus the animators went through all the trouble to do everything

So I want to enjoy it and want to watch it but I’m not willing to sit through so much of it Mhm yeah I don’t know I I’ve not read I’ve not gotone to an anime series that has hooked me very hard lately it’s like even with jiujitsu Kaizen I think it’s good but I wasn’t like hooked on there obsessed with it anything maybe I’m just depressed but I have not gotten like

Psychotically involved or obsessed with an anime series lately yeah to be fair I actually have not watched anime in almost a year so yeah I haven’t really had time to so ah come on pick up the damn thing it’s like it’s partially my fault I have not

Watched anime in ages but that’s because I physically have no time in the day for it so uh yeah mhm for ey to check JoJo again I want to I just I have no time I’m I’m so busy it’s like guys you don’t understand the

Reason why when I work from home my days are so much easier because my days are so packed the extra 2 and 1/2 hours I regain from working from home are enough to get like additional work done to make my day easier that’s how insane the schedule is you literally don’t

Understand I plan my days by the hours I have no choice I am psychotically busy even things that need you are kind of slow like I’m not planning anything or I’m not working on anything I still have to plan them pretty much basically by hours

At at least by groups of 3 hours by quarters of the day because it just that’s how the way the schedule turns out okay there you go um um Cathy thank you for the soup and his name is liffy that’s monkey he’s going to be king of the Pirates on the grand

Line up for One Piece H yeah action shows they can be fine I think um I don’t know I’ve yet to been moved by a particular action show plots unless it’s berserk then I’m kind of moved by cuz I like berserk quite a bit

But it’s like I don’t know I mean I I can turn off my brain and just enjoy visuals for the sake of enjoying visuals but um none no stories have particularly grabbed me uh too hard what was I doing nothing has grabbed me too hard lately to be honest so many of these

Stairs and then I need a smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth I wish there’s a way to organize your your inventory or something there it is should probably cook some of these I wish there’s a way to to uh uh how you say like like organize your inventory according

To names rather than just trying to eyeball it is oh y’all okay again I I I’m so sorry I feel like isekai I can’t stand isekai I really can’t stand that the the enemy I it’s like but but it’s like I know there’s good isekai enemy out there

I’m just saying I have yet to find another one that I personally like okay I personally do not really care for isaki anime I just don’t oh come on everything needs to be on the the dirt block doesn’t it oh my God catch me c me a break okay there let’s go back

Up okay yeah I’m just not particularly impressed by isai anime it’s very meth to me did I space this wrong hold on does it need to be one over it needs to be one over I hate I hate building from under like this it’s always such a pain in the

Ass okay here then here okay here here here here get rid of this and this place this and this ah stop doing Not yeah is it’s Like uh acceptable casualty thank you for the supera uh if you have two hours watch p p boy too good I’ve never heard of it huh H yeah know it’s like I don’t know like I think it was it was wild because like one of an an acquaintance of mine like loves

Konosuba if that’s how you pronounce it and I was like you know like I I was like they’re like you need to watch this I’m like well I will watch it but I’m just going to warn you ahead of time I don’t typically like isekai and they’re

Like no no no no it’s different you’re going to like this one I’m like okay cool cool like you know like and so they were so mad when I didn’t like it I’m like it’s not bad it’s is not to my taste I just don’t like it and they’re

Like but Clos was liked by son like yes great but it’s not for me it’s not that deep like people who get offended they don’t they don’t you don’t like the exact same anime is is them is so wild to me it’s it’s not that deep it’s

Really not that deep you know you can calm down it’s not that big of a deal I didn’t even say it was bad I was like I never I try to speak in like neutral terminology it’s like I don’t think anything is bad I just think it’s not

For me you know and that’s fine it’s just not to my taste and my tastes are very specific and that’s totally fine that’s totally respectable but like they were genuinely upset like but but but Kono was the the best like that’s good for you I’m glad you think it that way I

Just I told I warned you ahead of time I warned you I I don’t like isekai but then like lo and behold I don’t like the anime A whole lot oh jeez I wonder why dang you can’t you can just have [ __ ] around here can you okay I think I fixed it niceo

Rby that’s guy than you for the Sila thank you thank you um I also recommend the chain come the rapes of time of em Romance of the Three you know what I you know I’ve seen um shoot what’s it called um Thunderbolt fantasy uh lightning something F I think

It’s the forgive me if I if I remember the name wrong but it’s a series it’s puppets by the way it’s me it’s it’s puppeteered um again I Jim Henson I love puppets I love Mr I unironically like Mr Meaty but but I think it’s Thunderbolts fantasy something like that but it’s puppeted

It’s insane insane I’ve only seen small bits and pieces of it but bro it’s kind of insane it’s kind of insane I need to finish up watching that but it’s I’m quite liking it already yeah I already quite like it mhm well to be fair I love the Arts I

Love the theater of it all I love puppets and that kind of thing and like I th enjoy The Dark Crystal I thoroughly enjoy um like Mr Meaty I mean you should not compare Mr mey and Thunderbolt fantasy uh as the same thing they are wildly different but I like them

Both I quite like the both of them for different reasons mhm okay there we go and we go up here yeah I’m so sad you know I really want to read The Dark Crystal comic I yet I have yet to get around to reading the comic I know the comic is very

Extensive but I have yet to get to it I can put this directly on the line perfect it stuck in my head yeah yeah it goes hard I heard it goes really really hard yeah it’s chines yeah I heard it’s a Chinese Series yeah yeah

Mhm yeah no there’s a comic for the I don’t know where you can read it though I’m I’m out of glass yeah but there’s a there’s a Dark Crystal comic yeah apparently the universe of like The Dark Crystal is very extensive but like man if y yeah if yall haven’t seen a Netflix

Series you need to watch a Netflix series it’s actually really really good it goes hard honestly okay I’m going to Fang go for a second the design of the Skies is already A+ it’s already fantastic the hunter skus the hunter skus is so freaking cool

Have you got okay if you have time right now open up a new tab open a new tab and look at the H the hunter skus it is by far one of the the hardest things in this universe it goes hard it’s so [ __ ] cool you need to see it it’s so

Cool oh my God just tickles my brain love it it’s so edgy okay play fit it fits perfectly yay okay I need to put water in it somehow mhm now the skies are some like um they look like like the skis themselves look like raisins with emotional issues but

Like they’re cool looking I like them mhm the name again The Dark Crystal oh the SK it’s like s key s key s k e k s i s skus yeah I think the plural skis um but the hunter skus is from the Netflix series bro the design goes hard the design goes

Hard okay I think we’re good here I want to have like a big found like a water feature in the middle just fill it up a little bit it looks cool as it goes hard it goes super hard okay so we’re going to do something a little quirky a little

Silly okay we going to fill this up with water H I should probably open up this bottom one then I probably can’t have it at the shap ah dang it it oh sry I hit my mic sorry about that yeah I love this house well I love you baby

Girl what you know one of these days I thought about doing like a like a rizing stream I just make you as uncomfortable as possible like heyo baby girl you smell a nice day your hair looks delicious I’d like to put your hair inside my hair like something stupid

That you do have Bookers you recommend I liked reading the Aragon sering a while ago but lately um if you can read it read Innocent by shinichi Sakamoto or the the grandm of demonic cultivation I’ve been reading it I like it yeah mhm I do that every stream no no I don’t and

Thank you do Kenny thank you and I’m a building Master just like in The Lego Movie hell yeah brother I should probably change the size I kind of want to like have one like thing in the middle of water I I know how it’s going to

Work yeah I a [ __ ] boy baby girl raise ASMR is awful your point so I should do it right no sexy C sexy C is not a joke it was genuinely sexy what are you talking about what are you talking about the Santa stream was not a role play I was

Just being genuinely sexy what chat I was I was being genuinely sexy what are you talking about you know were you’re not moved by how sexy I Was okay a water bucket might come in handy right gra about now yeah it was an it was actually really sexy you know my Christmas gift to you is my sexiness you not many can handle it I understand that it’s very intimidating understandably so so um not

Many can handle the the sheer sexiness I bring to the table you know it takes a certain kind of person to make sexy look this good you know and I I’m always I’m always up for a challenge always yeah wow that’s a lot of potential mob spawns or probably do something about it

Mhm yeah where’s the receipt um here’s my source I’m me and I know I’m sexy okay mhm the only thing sexy about you is your financial stability oh yeah it’s it’s called being stingy okay it’s called being stingy I very seldom spend on personal personal effects I feel there’s no

Need does that look okay let’s go down here h i mean I think it works how do y’all feel about this this does this look okay I think it looks all right doesn’t it h also I know it’s not centered I had to I have to use these as beams it’s not

Centered mhm the stream is super relaxing it’s my first time watching life from you’re very F entertaining oh thanks D Kenny I just honestly I just a how do you handle your streams I just talk a lot yeah yeah nothing is quite as sexy as forkless certification this a

Minecraft art now I just have shaders on it’s called having shaders yeah I think this looks pretty solid sure hell yeah brother okay I need get rid of these little boy D DS wrong one there you go okay I think we’re having the core Pieces come together it’s looking good looking good it’s

Looking proper it’s looking proper now I can start adding in the the the lanterns she dorks I do not dork around it’s called being an architect okay I’m being smarticle particle about my house building things okay I’m big braining some designs it is what it is you’re just jealous nerd

Mhm I’m getting new sense and oh nice okay there we go I live in this m watching your stream I’m kind of relaxed the way on the way you talk I makee you relaxed I I make I I make you relax wait are I wait chat do you find

My my streams relaxing do do you find them relaxing do you do you find my SKS relaxing oh they are D Is that relaxing I bet you’re very relaxed right now nothing like the soothing calm sounds of a [ __ ] kazoo oh yeah oh yeah hell yeah and there is this lover no I my house is actually quite old my door is quite thick um back in the day

They used to make doors out of solid uh plywood um these days they make door out of uh wood pulp um it’s not as soundproof as uh these kinds of doors so my door is actually pretty thick mhm yeah cozy right everyone cozy cozy yeah also I’m like kind of burning my

Corn is how bright this build is me building an all white was not a good idea cuz it’s hard to see [ __ ] my Corners are burned clean off okay nice so so the fountain featur is a nice idea I quite like it um let’s have maybe a desk area over

Here does it mean dor no shut up shut up OE what’s expensive oh the solid wood doors oh yeah that’s my house is from the 70s this house is old okay welcome to flash exactly my house is in Perpetual light mode I’m here to test the the the the structural Integrity of your

Corneas mhm yeah yeah the high quality con the wa Precisely No my parents when they walk by my room they can hear the kazoo they’re like why are you playing the kazoo so late at I’m like well mother and father don’t ask questions okay just accept it okay Mom Dad stop asking questions and just and

Just roll with it just roll with it okay don’t stop asking questions you don’t you don’t need to know it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine I promise okay what should I put here I don’t know maybe like a shair oh no cuz the bed

Right here this is my bedy bu this is fine creatures and sunlight sensitivity are definitely getting disent but precisely you’re going to getting flashbang imagine wake up in the morning the first thing you see is a casual flashbang you know mhm yeah I’m just feeling patriotic we call this an open floor

Natural liting okay if that’s what the scientists call it what time do you usually stream at around between like 5:00 p.m. to 800 p.m. is uh PST usually usually there are some outliers though mhm tables and chairs maybe mayh have let me see how it looks downstairs cuz I might knock out that

Little floor thingy I have yeah I might just knock this out I okay let’s have a kitchen like a let’s have a kitchen of some sort let’s have a kitchen of some sort over here I forgot how to do it but there used to be a hack

On how to like make a campfire stove situation I think I to knock it one floor down right hold on let me double check I think it’s a knock it one floor down uh like so I think I don’t remember there used to be a hack on how

To make like a steaming like kitchen set I forgot what it was H looking resident hell yeah hell yeah brother maybe a desk Maybe H you like a like a book area yeah mayhaps it’s this is unfortunate cuz I have an even numberers it’s hard to put furniture around honestly tomorrow’s

Stream oh yeah yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be difficult for me like a book yeah a booknet could be nice let me get my bookcases Yeah tomorrow’s I’m playing Lethal lethal company twice because I’m silly exactly there’s no curtains here you’re just going to see me Buck Naked

Just yeah just you’re welcome the rest of the neighborhood you’re welcome you know you can stare at my um my impressive uh muscular body where my bookshelf I could have SW I had more I could have had more of them isn’t 6 a.m. PSD tomorrow yeah

Yeah yeah I forgot what time let me let me check y’all expect me yall actually expect me to remember my schedule I don’t remember my birthday okay so that’s a big ask um there it is that’s my schedule tomorrow it’s 9:00 a.m. PDT so did I not set the times for it

Oh shoot I think I I may have timed it wrong hold on actually have I I don’t know if I timed the first leval company thing right on the sketch I don’t know if I did yeah I don’t know I need to double check with um with uh the calendar cuz I

May have toggled of the time for the second stream correctly but I think I may have got the first one wrong yeah well either way I’m I’m pretty good at disciplining myself to wake up on time for things so it shouldn’t be too bad honestly and plus like again I don’t

Really sleep a whole lot anyways so it doesn’t really make much of a difference to me well either way I’m going to be tired either way so it doesn’t matter mhm six what PST a CST what 6 what 6 what like EST 7 a.m. CS that’s that’s late that’s fine I wake

Up at 5: in the morning every day to go to work so it’s fine y’all I don’t me have to worry about it I like I don’t sleep like at all so mhm yeah I think I put the time time wrong did I put the time wrong yeah

I think I got the timings wrong for the first one it’s cuz I I I very rarely uh double stack streams and so I just forgot to check the first one my apologies what was I here for the shelves right do I just Stam up and not have any

Extras dang bookshelves are the most annoying things to craft I also need paper I’ll sleep at some point it’ll be fine that’s why actually when I got when I went to Japan back in October um I kind of amazed the other members like you don’t have jet lag aren’t you like

From overseas like aren’t you from like America don’t you have some crazy jet lag right now I’m like well I don’t sleep enough to get jet lag so and so I didn’t get Jed like at all and coming back I got none either so I’m kind of like an unkillable God in that

Regard I simply cannot be stopped oopsies mhm I took the fattest nap in my car at the Luna Institute to though oh that was a good ass snap I passed the [ __ ] out it’s like I had plans on just like browsing Twitter for a little bit and

Then like waking up like a half hour later I I scrolled through Twitter for like 30 whole seconds and I woke up with my phone on my face it was wild I was asleep asleep and because it’s nice and chilly out I can just whip out my blanket I put

My head on my pillow oh girl those card naps hit good yeah little I need Clear My Throat again I’m so sorry I’m so flum pardon it’s like I’m choking on it Jesus Christ it’s so hard to like to talk and also like not choke on my own

F I feel like it’s it’s getting very annoying okay uh that’s pce at okay yeah thought I feel like I was choking in FL for a second Christ I’ll be fine life ain’t Fair okay so very open design just’s realize how how little Walling there is for this

Building huh prob the least walled building I’ve made so far oh I need to actually craft right P allergy I don’t know we’re not getting we’re not really getting any pollen honestly I think I might just like one of those stupid random things where just you’re fling for no

Particular reason sometimes the body is a little bit silly so it could just be that okay let put the away the Extras okay yeah I’m very short of breath suddenly I think temp I was momentarily trying to choke down on fem and [ __ ] like that so I think I got a little short of breath okay put this away I have to organize everything thank you for the super um what a nice

House you’re a great dorch engineer and cute cute destruction bson you’re just making up words now thank you for the sua goodness gracious stop Silence You goodness oh God I’m so FY it’s so hard to talk God yeah it’s like it’s like you know like where your nasal canal and your

Throat join up into one tube that area has fles and it’s like if if I talk and I don’t care you can hear wobble in the background in in the back of my throat it’s also like suffocating me slightly I should probably take like a Mose next or something maybe I’m getting

Sick I don’t know um then I need to crafting I’m very distracted today I can’t focus too good oh Pomo left that only produces 23 I need more wood that’s why okay yeah I’m very short of breath that’s concerning okay exactly some PE uh that sounds like a horrible

Idea that sounds like a terrible idea goodness shut up pricious Crow shut up now you’re a H’s okay now Herold of FL is more like it goodness goodness gracious pardon me yeah goodness it’s so hard to talk today gosh you ever have those days where just your brain’s a little

Scrambled I think it’s cuz I had a rough day that’s I’m not mentally fully functioning okay come on get up there okay put this away leather do I need to purge More Cows I might have to start purging some cows okay can put these Away do I have enough wood wood chopping it is yeah I’ve had green tea but I just have nothing at my desk uh at this moment that would help yeah but I honestly I hate walking away from stream to like uh how you say like uh to do things off screen because

It’s not it defeats the point of live streaming a little bit to me okay let’s see what was I doing uh right wood right right Cho on this side are okay I’m not going to mind any of the diamond stuff I God move okay there we go

Exactly it’s I don’t know I’m having one this brain fart kind of days it’s cuz I was fighting for my [ __ ] life on multiple occasions today it was not okay um any oak trees around like at all please any uh let’s go that side okay should be some here

Then okay that’s more like it yeah it’s also cuz it’s the new year and so um people are coming back from vacation at Aluna Institute and so now like they very conveniently saved a bunch of stuff for me to work on like oh no sorry I forgot to send

This uh we need this like right now but we forgot to send it last week when we’re on vacation I’m like oh well I love paying for your incompetence right I love being a team player yeah I love it yeah awesome H International chip oh nice I want to

Go on a vacation or something I still have a week to I think I have a week of vacation left still yeah I don’t know to spend it I I kind of want to save them for just like my mental health days I’m just like oh yeah I cannot go to the AL

Institute today girl I [ __ ] hate hate driving in I girl I [ __ ] hate driving in I feel like I sound like a spoiled brat cuz I used to drive into the office five times a week and I only do it three times now but even then I feel like it’s such a

Waste of time I can do everything remotely you know like imagine having to go into an office just to stream it’s like it’s it’s nonsensical you can do it all from home anyways but for some reason I live in a we live in a society where it’s you have to do the [ __ ]

Most you know um no it’s more like my uh my fysal year doesn’t end like everyone else’s my fiscal year is on a different schedule so um the fiscal year doesn’t roll over until later and so that’s why I don’t I still have my vacation days

Cuz they don’t roll over cuz [ __ ] that am right they don’t roll over you use it or you lose it so yeah I wish you could roll over but no mhm oh P’s back would she have okay earlier I was having some wild connection issues it’s it’s stabilized

Now but I was having some pretty crazy connection issues earlier so God I’m short of breath and so maybe um P was having the same issue yeah you know it’s really funny cuz one of like someone like HR had to send us an email a while back because um one of

The people I I work with that I don’t like actually actually I do not like him at all he’s if anything the the only way I can describe him is um piss baby and so like he did this thing where like we have sick days but like sick days are

You reserved for when you’re actually sick someone you know is sick and you take care of them or if you have like a doctor’s appointment or something like that he like you know like when we take sick days do we all do we like how how

How do how do I English do we all use our six days properly no sometimes I just want to sleep in I’m like I feel ill but I feel fine I just want to sleep in right and so like you know sneaky sneaky sick day with this [ __ ] with a little

Piss baby over here he did this really stupid thing where he split up all five of his sick days cuz it was almost the end of the fiscal year and so he split up all of his sick days into half days so for 5 days straight

No like for several days in a row he had half days and he’s using the sick days for those which is so [ __ ] no one’s going to believe you everyone knows you’re not actually sick if you just have a bunch of half days of course they’re going to

Find out that you’re not actually sick and so um man got on got on his ass about it duh I don’t know what the [ __ ] he was thinking that make any sense by the way I think I made no sense I’m so I very discombobulated I think I’m just tired I’m deeply

Discombobulated okay there we go yeah I don’t know how I think he got away with that I think like the blind could see that you know hi thank you for the SAA first thing I did when I got promoted to manager was told people just stay home whenever they wanted nothing bad happen

Honestly the thing is my my boss is remote and so she’s pretty [ __ ] chill and so like when I when I stay home the same amount of work gets done I just get extra sleep I have extra time now you know she just gets done but I think the

The because we’re in a large hello because we’re in a large building we pay for that building they want to utilize the building you know I think that’s probably the main issue but in reality working from home is fine if not better in many cases yeah I’m sick of this [ __ ] damn

Mhm yeah exactly half day every day oh yeah I wonder who would notice H yeah exactly that’s I usually use my sick days for like my migraine days cuz when the migraines do get too bad for me to handle with either like sleep or medication then I’ll actively just [ __ ] it I can’t do [ __ ] today I’m just going to stay home I’m just going to relax

Like that kind of thing very it’s really nice when it’s rainy isn’t it this area looks really imagine living here when it’s rainy oh my God reading a book and looking out the window be so nice in this kind of weather can you imagine so cozy hi

Dynamic be so cozy oh yeah working Health yeah I have um a few friends who are nurses pain pain pain pain it’s so cozy isn’t it it’ be loud yeah the pter patters would be loud as hell but I don’t know if yall know but the window directly to my left is a

Giant [ __ ] window right so when it rains I hear it it’s extremely extremely loud mhm yeah yeah blanket some tea yeah I would Ponder in here I would absolutely Ponder mhm yeah and very much Ponder 16 hour okay let me see so I work um8 to 9 hours at a Lun Institute and

Then I stream for like typically on average around 4 hours is my average time about and there’s also Me 3 hours of offline work so let’s be let’s be conservative say it’s 6 hours of nii Sanji per day and N 8 to n let’s be conservative let’s say eight hours of of

Uh Aluna work of Institute work so 8 plus like six that’s like what 14 hours uh per day oh no thank you for the sofa yeah made sing L I had some wonderful K barbecue with a friend hadn’t seen in 2 years and wishing another friend good

Luck he’s moving oh K barbecue dang not I was just thinking about cheese corn I really want cheese corn now sleep like 2 hours yeah about typically on nights I have 4 hours of sleep that’s pure luxury baby luxury that’s a luxury right there

Mhm yeah I could use I could go for a cup of coffee right now honestly mhm yeah so like that’s generally how the cycle works and then whenever time I have on this side I try to sleep or work out or something mhm yeah I mean the only thing carrying

Me through is like I actually like nii Sanji I like streaming so that’s what carries me through it but like if I didn’t like this then I’d be I’d be I’d be exhausted I mean I’m already pretty exhausted but like I’d be miserably exhausted you know mhm yeah yeah I mean I shouldn’t

Complain I I hope I hope I’m not coming across as complaining or nothing I’m just giving perspective on it as someone who does work full-time outside of this it’s it’s my fault I chose his lifestyle and I let staff know as soon as I signed

The contract I no as we were signing the contract I was like hey by the way like they already been new I I told them agent years ago like hey I don’t plan on quitting my day job and they’re like okay you think you can handle this then

And I was like yeah and so uh entirely my doing entirely my doing staff’s not forcing me to do nothing okay if anything staff’s begging me to take breaks if anything staff is like making a summoning Circle that I somehow managed to get some rest okay let’s put this here I need

More like ah I need more L stuffs okay hope it doesn’t look too weird I really want more end rods though but I don’t know where the end is honestly I actually never been to the end in This Server I have like in personal worlds

And in other like Realms in the past but never here I think they would look nice here I think the the f look pretty good here I’m Conjuring a blanket and pillows for you honestly guys I get scolded regularly by my manager but lightly scolded mind you

But like I am always a red to fill I was like I’m tired M son and she just puts her hand on her hips and I can hear her sign like a I wonder why I’m like I know I know I just like swiming and she’s and she’s like I’m glad you

Like streaming but you do need a rest I’m like but but no sweet only swing I can I can I I know she’s I know she has her hand on her hip she has the the angry mom pose just he like goodness s that’s a really ugly cough pardon me

S CLA he precisely precisely and plus there also like stuff like for example the YouTube algorithm and how ridiculous it is so like taking long breaks especially a Channel of my size is not the bestest of ideas where is it it’s under block right also if you see me using my

Pickaxe on this is cuz I have pickaxe uh with a silk touch so don’t be like oh you have to use an axe I know to use an axe I have a silk touch though okay uh put this right here okay let’s find a place to make my reading

Look oh no manisan is not a tiger mom trust me a tiger mom will push you to the brink of exhaustion to get you to do well in classes if anything staffs on is like cool mom who brings you like like gets you Donuts on the way to school okay

Okay the staffs on is doing their [ __ ] best okay there we Go yeah it’s also just sucks because like I know for a fact YouTube will not push certain things like for example schedules and sometimes like I I can use schedules of like wondering how like um like wonder how y’all Vibe with this schedule do want me to play this want to

Play this and I’ll often use like likes and interactions to kind of gauge whether or not you like a certain schedule but there are times when I know for a fact YouTube did not alert you that my schedule’s up because some days there a normal amount of likes like the

M I expect then some barely I’m like okay it’s not a matter of yall disliking it you just didn’t see it you just didn’t see it and so YouTube’s a little bit silly like that which is kind of annoying but you do you know uh can I make like a little seating area

Here I kind of want to make it like a cozy reading Nook of sorts Chris BR thank you for the super hi I thank you for streaming tonight today honestly hasn’t been good streams always raise my spirits I appreciate that thanks good of course no I’m glad

To hear that no it’s like because girl I did the exact same thing when I was when I was a fan I mean I still am a fan when I was a like um casual viewer of nii Sanji girl I do the exact same thing

Before before I go to uh bed I’ll just scroll through find my Oshi find a VOD from my Oshi and just watch until I go to bed you know mhm yeah exactly exactly yeah the the YouTube notifications are not reliable it’s just it’s just annoying it’s annoying cuz sometimes YouTube for

Whatever reason chooses an arbitrary reason to not function properly you know yeah mhm yeah yeah so yeah let’s see I don’t know how I want to make this out to be I guess little I could use a chair or two honestly let me try this let me try This I want to make a chair I don’t know which wood which wood would look best with this I guess maybe the Sakura wood the cherry bossom wood I don’t know there’s not a whole lot of pink in here though should I use bamboo cuz it’s kind of golden colored

H yeah exactly yeah I know hi Kyle how’s it going precisely no it’s like sometimes like they just won’t alert people of anything you know no it’s really annoying it’s really annoying H super annoying you’re a casual viewer to fact my first who here is experiencing an ya Amari stream for

The first time okay gim Lamy I’ve never seen you here before so um welcome to the I Amari stream who else is is is freshly brand new who knows who’s been here who’s coming here for the first time goodness gracious me what if what if what if there’s new people so

Yeah there’s lots of new people in here oh my goodness welcome who am I I am I am Mari the guardian angel of nii sanjian six wave Aluna yeah now the first time I’m pretty new ah I see welcome toab are we yeah we’re live on YouTube yeah does that

Make you uncomfortable have you heard this game this is a game called Minecraft you build things with squares with these three 3D squares yeah yeah we’re all new here oh my go I’m this is my first ever stream this is my debut stream you guys the first time I ever streamed

Mhm yeah it’s yeah it’s my debut stream hi hi haa yeah you are funny as the first time I watched you thank you really your first time your first time deselle nice nice wow wow nice nice omg omg hello yeah I don’t know what 3D squares are called they’re they’re they’re I don’t

Know yeah it’s a really cool indie game it’s really small right it’s still it’s still in beta so mhm yeah why is the 2D anime girl I don’t know it’s me though I really look like this I Channel I think duck Kenny is actually genuinely I think we’re all

Just horsing around a little bit but I think duck Kenny is actually new here hi hi DG Kenny how’s it good welcome here welcome on in welcome on in yeah of course of course yeah yeah I’m very new I I just debuted I just debuted today today’s my debut stream mhm

MH welcome I’m looking forward to my career here in nii Sanji nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah czy czy chat will play chat gotcha what’s chat gotcha what what what’s what’s chat what the [ __ ] is a chat gacha what is that supposed to mean hold on what what’s what’s what’s

What’s chat gacha what is that is it like is it like memberships is that what it is huh it’s a niche indie game exactly exactly mhm the M snipping oh we cut off me oh M snipping oh you remove members from the maiden ship gotcha gotcha mhm yeah I’m a vocaloid yeah

Mhm I’m a vocaloid mhm oh my God D Duc I’m so sorry wait y let me why’d you take away a Meen why why did you steal a Meen why guys my goal is to get maidens not lose them could you please return my maiden please thank you you return the maiden

Immediately thank you no no no no no the maidens must be here forever oh my God not wash my blood I hate that I was I was um introduced to that song through a blood raining night no it’s my maiden not the maiden or raser what the hell what the hell no the

Has been transformed into a crispy chicken sandwich no no no return my maidens Jim me stop stealing my maidens stop it stop stealing my maidens I need them yeah I need I need my maidens no I’ll come back to this don’t steal my meens you guys I need I need my [ __ ]

Guys that’s messed up that’s messed up what the hell e do give it back my maiden give me back guys my quest for for maidens will be will go on forever if you keep stealing them oh I see how it is I see I

See I knew it y’all know for a fact that you don’t have any RZ you cannot attract to me in the way that I can therefore the only way for you to acquire medens is for you to steal mine that was your plan all along I’ll have you know that’s properly

Messed up that’s proper messed up you know you can’t attract a me of your own so you’re stealing mine actually [ __ ] up though that’s properly [ __ ] up I can’t I can’t believe you done this I can’t believe you oh I have this right here I can’t believe you done

This thank you my house is very wonderful thank you thank you mhm listen maidens are fickle they will change sides very easily I must remind them as to why I am the maen maiden acquirer mhm mhm no no actually carlac loves me the most so um anyways he

Actually he actually um carlac likes me the most so um yeah how do you make brick skin it’s it’s out of clay right is it is that bricks I think so so my mans are very very loyal my maidens would never slander me they only

Listen to me and they only tell me the things I need to hear like compliments and stuff like that mhm maidens do your thing maidens are always good to me they always tell me the right things they never make fun of me and yeah okay my

Manens are a good Bunch mhm you think you’ll finish his build nah I’m just chipping away at it little by little w okay where can I find some clay yeah shut up you I’m not one of those I’ll have you know that I’m overflowing with Charisma and

Coolness okay could have maybe a clay deposit around here somewhere I have plenty of RZ plenty of RZ mhm list here con listen no no no no no no you misunderstand you misunderstand I have coolness flowing through my veins all right many wish to be just

Like me oh what how this get all this get over here many wish to be like me okay unfortunately it’s not possible oh here’s the area I fix after literally ruining it okay there has to be clay in here somewhere mhm I with no that makes that’s like

That’s that makes no sense failure RZ it’s either Riz no RZ failure RZ like you can’t have failure RZ it’s not it’s not the same it’s it’s too it’s like seeing like it’s like seeing like spicy water or something those those can’t go together okay if

You’re a failure you have no RZ but I have lots of RZ cuz I’m not a failure here mhm exactly thank you duck Henny you see already winning Bounty points with me already winning Bounty points they know what to say they know the truth they

Know I’m cool as hell I got plenty of Maidens I got their seats to prove it okay good Good nice okay good good good got lots of clay now things me or do we got a lot like like a disproportionate amount of clay I feel feel we got a lot of lot okay now where am I parked again I forgot where my build was it’s

Over here I think yeah at dark get a we like car exactly carc has standards and clearly I meet all of them okay clearly mhm where’s my where’s my build uh-oh [ __ ] lost uh-oh right here goby not lost goby found okay did I cook these Okay cool so we’re going to stand

By these furnaces and smell the fumes for fun hell yeah that’s right that’s right you lost in my Gooby will you try and feel but it’s endearing no I no I think I I do things successfully like I I I can eat a lot

I you know this one time I went out to eat and I was so hungry I had two bowls of udon and one sitting that’s pretty based I can eat that’s a giga chat move yeah mhm I can eat pretty good I eat plenty yeah oh my God then during the holidays

I ate so little I didn’t I during the holidays usually eat a lot but I kind of actively avoided the F and I didn’t eat a whole lot to be honest and I’ll be honest my auntie’s cooking kind of sucks it’s like this is one Auntie that we

Always eat holiday dinners at bless her heart her cooking is not very good bless her heart bless her heart it’s it’s not very good I eat it to be polite but you bet your ass are not going up for seconds okay like legit me and my brother get like McDonald’s on the way

Home or something I will eat it to be polite to be polite but like it’s it’s it’s not very good yeah actually F interesting that what what is the worst holiday yall have ever had like the like the the wildest holiday story you ever had like this one

Time um I was at a friend’s house for um for Christmas dinner and legit their sister fell through the ceiling like she her room is above the uh the dining room and something about the flooring or the ceiling or whatever gave out and so like she just fell through the [ __ ]

Ceiling and broke her leg that’s the most insane [ __ ] I’ve ever seen my entire life true story it’s actually insane legit you just fell from the ceiling yeah so be fa it was also an old house it’s probably like structurally compromised or something she’s fine she broke her leg though

Mhm one time my aunt struck you so bad oh my God no I see on the internet all the time I never thought it happened to someone I know mhm yeah exactly I’m just kind of like assuming this this like an old building I guess or just structural issues

A hand mine happened to me a week ago you fell through the ceiling you fell through the the floor what turn Japan booked in Airbnb to pass cuz we had a camp in the col Bean for few oh my God that’s that’s horrible you got set on fire Jesus Christ

Crow this the ICU d off what the hell I’m eating the potato stickies from Jaga Rico mhm all cousins and friends came over tested positive Co yeah that can happen it’s like imagine how I felt when I finally arrived home out of from after being out of town for so long I am

About to debut for nii Sanji I get test tested and boom it’s co the Panic inside of me the panic I mean like also like I have a lot of minor holiday headaches and holiday nightmares like for example like the aunties were like I I knew you s bab

Like who the [ __ ] are you again pardon me I know you H and and you are prob been still Bing the last yeah honestly working I used to work in retail right I’ve had to work during the holidays before I get sick immediately I think it’s because like

The increased like uh flow of people in the store I just get sick all the time during uh when I was working customer service back back in the day mhm I had wolf stalking me maybe you’re a furry GM lummy your real holiday horror is that you’re a furry okay anyways

Anyways cin last year so many family find love pizza honestly depending where you at 711 food can slap just 7-Eleven in America it’s like playing Russian roulette with like E coli so it’s different when time during the holidays my cousins were boxing each other one

Wanted to box with me and I broke his shoulder and sent him to the hospital oh my God that’s a [ __ ] gigachad I mean I mean um uh don’t do that that’s e that’s that that that hurt your relative don’t do that but you won though right you won you won

Though right you won don’t do that again my parents talk about their relatives yeah Same I remember we decided to we decided to drive to the mountains to see the snow the traffic was so bad no is also bad they started to park from the side Ro turn out uh a car is on their Jesus Christ I hate that I I haven’t seen you

Since your parents show me Ultra Fus you’ve grown so much I just wonder who they exact I just I said them blank like the eye Li eye emoji was like you are I know you also being in a family where honorific are a thing and it’s considered deeply disrespectful if you

Call them by the wrong honorific and I’m like who the [ __ ] are you and I to know how old you are I to know you’re I have to know your name I have to know which rank you are it’s so annoying God why can’t we just call each other bro you

Know why can’t we just do that the holies are so excited got sick from 24th to the second oh no has a maku that has the same energy as everyone’s so creative one of my Favorite Christmas Memories is my great grandfather play me according oh I want to play the

Accordion I learn how to play the Accord that’s a badass instrument yeah I’m so glad to be an English speaker l m listen here I am too but culturally cultur Al my culture things onorix are the most important things ever and God forbid if you get the ranking wrong so uh

Yeah I want to learn up with accordion new VAR oh yeah exactly I actually I was alerted this morning that there’ll be relatives staying at my place this weekend and so um I have now kind of like okay I would normally just be assertive and just be like okay you have

To do with me talking man but NDA because I’ll be honest my family probably can’t keep a secret my family gossips all the time they can’t they can’t keep a secret to save their lives okay so my mom and my dad know my brother knows okay and

So now I have relatives coming over and I just have to hope and pray they don’t hear me talking because a part of me wants to be like ah [ __ ] it I’m just going to stream as lot as possible then but also my safety so that’s annoying it’s

Annoying yeah I hope they don’t bring any funny diseases with them I don’t want to get sick I’ve been really good I only caught Co once I don’t want to catch it again yeah and I can’t even I can’t even be Petty bro I can’t even be Petty I I

Have to be subtle and everything I don’t want to like ruin any I don’t want to get in trouble you know what if I just like I don’t know what if I like just like pretended to be a corpse in my room what if they open the door when they you

See like my bloody body what if I scar them out of the house instead wouldn’t that work I don’t know they quietly bullying you ASMR thing I have this lingering fear this intense and lingering fear that someone somewhere out there would use my asmrs for nefarious

Purposes that’s why most of my asmrs are half relaxing half memes at this point one of these days I will do a night ASMR it’s just loud clanking of metal the entire time I’m going to do like I’m going to do like a night ASMR okay and

You’ll just hear this tiny voice from behind a full helm I just like hello Maiden how do you do then it’s the entire ASR is just loud ass clanking this metal gauntlets brushing past the microphone yeah mhm yeah yeah well for example I happen to like slime asmrs but I know that

Sounds coochie Jason someone’s going to think something weird about it so I’d rather not H yeah yeah okay your fear is asn’t for NSFW purposes I mean not I think it’s a bad thing per se but I don’t know I don’t feel fully comfortable with it

H yeah you know the Slime ASMR I remember getting the Slime and like listening to them like ooh that’s very that’s that’s very like the Vine’s like that’s a good [ __ ] sounds like and so I was like oh maybe not this one I mean no shame to those no shade or shame to

Those who want to do that for me it’s not really my brand it’s not really me yeah I have nothing against it I just don’t want it myself that’s all it’s like you know I just don’t care for it yeah precisely precisely Mhm yeah what if I just did like I was going to do a series of like this really weird ASMR is like golum roleplay ASMR where I just like like Dingle a ring around the microphone going Golem Golem Golem I eat fish raw that kind of thing

Yeah mhm the drive through ASMR Angel Burger is the best yeah exactly it’s like I feel like I feel like you can find better ASMR elsewhere but like I bring forth comedy in my ASMR I bring forth skits in comedy I keep things I I’m halfway between like

Making actual tingle sounds like actual like you know tingling the ASMR in rooms and stuff like that and also just halfway just like just stupid you know you should do um ASMR like the made one where your girl your girlfriend listen listen it’s been a while since I made

Toast and apparently the toaster got hot really fast and I forgot and it’s fine it was fine I ate it anyways okay okay it’s fine car it’s just a couple of carcinogens I’ll be okay all right MH mhm all right it’s like okay no I don’t want to

Waste food so during the mid roleplay ASMR I just I know I fully burnt the uh the toast I don’t not waste it so I just I just ate it it tastes bitter it tastes like carcinogens mhm I love an ace happy nice well that’s the Denny’s parking lot ASMR I released

One a while back yeah mhm you shouldn’t be using cars and gy are it’s not good for you your point I like to live dangerously mhm that’s a fun to show your pink ass your it’s purple now I happen to like my favorite son like listen I swap my room

Between pink and purple cuz my RGB striips can change colors so I have them set to either pink or purple mhm yeah yeah she purple hell yeah brother your made one is my f Maiden one or Maiden I don’t think I did a maiden one like my maid one

H has grab a bread knife and to scrap up in your sink no but it’s like the flavor those are the the funny Dark flavor crystals they’re fun F yeah I also want to do one okay it’s maybe too traumatic though but I kind to do an ASMR but like your older sister’s

Arguing with someone on the phone in the background like I’m just arguing with someone in the background or I thought about doing like a girlfriend ASMR your girlfriend is just a figment of your imagination and you just hear ghostly Whispers in the background yeah or like an ASMR you’re a

Chip inside a chip bag and this is the most obnoxious loud crinkling noises of a chip bag yeah I have a lot of really stupid [ __ ] ideas for ASMR I don’t I don’t take it too seriously to be honest it’s like why take it seriously

When you get to make it as a joke you know mhm yeah it’s like you get the crw to the chest and also the the obnoxious ass crinkling and me tossing the background and [ __ ] yeah yeah where it’s like ASMR a daily life into a stream I just break down

Crying middle of the stream mhm yeah yeah or I should do a stream where like I should do a stream but I’m Just Your Average Twitter user and it’s just me sounding really angry and typing furiously at the keyboard yeah mhm yeah or or what if it was like um like an

ASMR but you are an Amazon package and I just I just take like I just play recording of things being like tossed around the backseat of my car yeah yeah don’t into the computer yeah your point yeah ASMR stream forgot to turn off mic after stream I’ve only had a couple of

Hot mic moments I sometimes I forget to press the button is all oh these are done cooking nice give me give me give give me a man after midnight okay where’s The Clay Pot there is nice your exact knife Maybe maybe Hi hi this is the POV for Minecraft now okay I decided we’re going to play like this now okay yeah okay this is how also I realized that my my Minecraft audio is not on this entire time oopsies hi hello it’s Gooby it’s the goob hello are you ready to sacrifice your

Blood and Mortal positions for the gooby I know I am I love sacrificing things for the gooby it makes the gooy you’ll be happy mhm hell no boops I didn’t say you’re allowed to do that no boops allowed I don’t like being booped my nose is

Sensitive what if it breaks what if it falls clean off you know I got to be careful my nose is precious okay where are my little saplings ah here it is thank you for the blood thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it what you can see I

Know you can see my nose my nose is right [ __ ] there so shut the [ __ ] up actually shut the [ __ ] up oh my God can’t stand y’all okay let’s put this R here right here and right here here on top of these bad Boyso wow how lovely how pretty mhm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mod I have seen it already yeah I watched a lot of horror movies it’s just I have yet to honestly I have yet to see a hor movie that actually scares me well I haven’t seen a scary movie that’s

Actually scared me in a long time mhm yeah it’s kind of my fault but I think I watch so many scary movies I’m officially desensitized I don’t know if find a scary movie that actually scares me it’s been a while you know yeah yeah like the Wailing scared

Me a little bit I guess yeah uh the thing didn’t scare me I was more just impressed by it yeah what’s the thing behind you I have a [ __ ] mole on the back of my neck holy [ __ ] don’t be rude hereditary and mmer yeah they’re

Both good I like them they screw me that bad honestly they’re good MH Yeah well yeah cuz someone had a [ __ ] cursed ass Thomas Tank Engine but it’s one thing to see a frightening image it’s one thing to be generally scared by his by a movie though you know

Mhm yeah you got to run to the jump scare go yeah exactly exactly I like skin and ring skin and rink made me deeply uncomfortable and scared me for a while yeah mhm is found footage no I’m I’m so tired of found footage oh my God I’m so

Tired I’m so tired of found footage I’m so tired of it yeah watching the go having nearly midnight cereal midnight cereal time is the best time let’s go midnight cereal let’s go let’s go yeah yeah I can go for midnight snack to I have takoyaki in the fridge I might eat

It as a snacky snack I’m kind of hungry again just found footage of a being shut the [ __ ] up wiy that doesn’t exist it’s false it’s fake it it’s it’s Photoshop Photoshop yeah there’s no there’s no footage of that it’s all just Photoshop anyways mhm yeah

Mhm hard just slashes not really not I don’t think a lot of this the horrors I’ve been seeing lately have been mostly psychological slashers kind of died out in the 80s and 90s to be honest yeah mhm are you going to finish Faith No cuz I got

Spoiled M yeah good night Rog run good night good night yeah yeah mhm not those po Ros vers listen shut the [ __ ] up listen shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up actually Rosa Vera is not nerdy Rosa Versa is base though isn’t it okay don’t tell is Rosa Versa considered nerdy Content there’s no way no isn’t like I’m pretty sure Rosa Versa falls into icon territory it’s not even remotely nerdy I shut the [ __ ] up quietly okay okay they the rose of Versa it’s an ancient it’s well not ancient it’s like it’s an anime about women well a

Singular woman yeah yeah okay lady Oscar mhm it’s not that Niche is it I think it was pretty pop night when I was watching it is shut up not you’re too old no it’s not too old you’re too old listen here no no no no no no you

Understand lady Oscar is my queen okay she’s my she’s my aesthetic Queen in many ways can I please have my frames back inet thank you you don’t understand she’s my aesthtic queen I [ __ ] love lady Oscar okay mhm are you doing yourself well I mean I

Might as well I am I am perpetually bitchless I am deeply meanless so uh at least I have y’all I have the medion ship instead I have my means who watch me on stream and and also my body pillows so I don’t need a real life meden I

Don’t need a real life meden I have my my meons who watch me on stream and my three assorted body pillows I’m my ankle that popped out yeah mhm I don’t care who you are you’re still my maiden I don’t care mhm is he going to call Body P yet nope I

Haven’t M yeah you’re all my meens yeah you’re all my meting mhm yeah yeah my my my lovely Maiden w wow amazing even I okay except for grenley not grenley though no not not that one no no no Sho Sho but everyone else’s yeah yeah mhm and my man always take

Good care of me and never slander me right right yeah because if you want to be in my good graces the good graces of the gooby you’d know best to not UPS upset the gooby right right right you’ll never say anything to upset the goo because she’ll revoke your Meen rights

As well as your living rights mhm yeah as long as I’m in your Graces that’s good good that’s good for me of course Maya of course of course your opinions are based I respect that what do you what do you mean sure that that sounds very ominous what what the [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] huh huh huh you you got a [ __ ] problem with that buddy huh yeah taking care of you and sling around yes they are no one thank you for why are you steing my meetings that’s my meeting thank you for the soup

I me thank you for the gift of no one thank you of course we’ll never slender you you go should I pull the receipts no what is that what the [ __ ] is that do you mind explaining what that is what is this menacing Smiley what what is that menacing Smiley I don’t

Appreciate that what’s that for huh are you trying to make a statement huh what are you trying to do huh your face is pretty thank you my mama Juni well I’m not just beautiful I’m drawn that way yeah huh Isaac happy one in the mean ship what is that what is that supposed

To mean what’s that supposed chat what’s that what’s that supposed to mean what the hell is that supposed to mean what are yall trying to tell huh what you trying to do what what and now for the smilees what are you trying to do huh what’s this new tactic you’re

Using it’s it’s sad and pathetic I’m not faced by this at all stop smiling stop that stop what does that supposed to mean huh what the hell are you doing can I help you can I can I do anything for you Weir just happy stop being P stop being happy then be angry

H the KN to call me cute listen here y’all you better stop that what the [ __ ] is that supposed to me Murphy what the hell is that supposed to mean huh what the hell is that supposed to mean can I help you can I can I can I can I help you

What do you want from me huh what do you want from me this no I’m not a soon oh it’s po wait wait a second there’s po right here wait hold on P’s here hello why she have the normal Steve skin what why am I being pelted what what the

Hell ma’am can I help you ma’am please don’t hurt me leave me Alone leave me alone oh Lord she reloaded no no no no no no she can’t hit me past the water she can’t no no no no no I don’t want to be P my balls no no no help I’m being help I’m being attacked I’m being attacked help help

What I do to you what I do aort aort aort flee F she she’s not going to find me here she’s not going to find me me here she’s not going to find me here it’s okay she’s not going to find me here it’s okay we’ll be fine here where’ she

Go where’d she go is it safe to go back yet no no no she didn’t see me it’s okay is it safe to return to my ab okay I think I think she’s gone I think she’s gone oh God my roof is so bright ah okay I think she’s going we’re safe

We’re safe yeah yeah Mar keep your smileing to yourself anyways anyways Maya thank you for the super Taps the life tag Square Mario’s my what have you done to me what have you done in the Life tag what have you done devil thank you for the super this came

Actually from shaving my head why are you smiling hi my cute s Goa Chad listen listen you know I say this with love my brother has a wacky shaped head like girl I don’t know how his head is triangle shaped but it’s triangle shaped okay so a while back my brother shaved his

Head I’ll be fully real with you he look he looks [ __ ] stupid like I’ve never seen anyone’s head be shaped like a bicycle seat before but his head was shaped like a bicycle seat I I don’t know I don’t know how that happened like I asked my hair

Dress her about I was like is my head normal sheeted and she’s like yeah your hair your head’s pretty normal sheeted I’m like okay what happened to my brother this P my head looking ass damn I don’t know my brother just [ __ ] up shaped I guess I’m his sibling I’m

Allowed to say that yeah his head’s like triangular it’s like he has like a bump on his forehead and like two bumps in like the left and right back side of his head yeah I don’t know it’s it’s weird yeah yeah my head is nice and normal shaped and round my brother

Looking like a [ __ ] Phineas over here yeah exactly this funest looking ass [ __ ] listen I can help that I’m genetically more blessed than my brother okay the heavens like me a little bit more just saying just Saying 45 minut it thank you for the SAA thank you thank you if she tries to fight you again you just entty her pockets of spaghetti by saying love you Pomo Senpai or something easy one easy one I very I don’t want to make her think it’s our it’s like fake or

Anything no no no I only tell her I only say nice things to my Senpai when the time calls for it when it’s the right moment I can’t just say it for for no reason yeah nice sibling interaction yeah how may follow his [ __ ] head’s weird shaped

Damn you know like there he could have wor like a helmet as a kid like shape it better I don’t know not my fault his head is funny shaped listen he dropped me as a baby he deserves it okay I think he made an active attempt on my life

So if his head is [ __ ] up looking then honestly that’s what you deserve for dropping me so uh yeah he dropped me and made me stupid so this is but karmic Justice all right it’s karmic retribution for his actions for dropping on the head unironically as a baby so uh

Yeah he D fix my head yeah he knew the fate of our family were to have [ __ ] like Phineas heads and so he’s like no sis I’ll spare you this fate and Dro my head to correct it real quick but then I got um actual I I then I my memory

Turned to [ __ ] so uh there’s that yeah it’s the wildest tradeoffer in history honestly but no he his head is weird shaped it it’s really weird bless his heart bless him in his little socks definitely thank you for the Sila if he drop you fix your head he sparing

You the ridicule how your pain yeah so he called called me we for being a vtuber so my brother said V tubing is weird and I was like you’re right and I said yep you’re absolutely right it’s weird as [ __ ] isn’t it okay my brother is like V tubing huh

I’ve heard of that online I’m like yeah he’s like so you’re in a big Corporation I’m like yeah I’m a nii Sanji it’s I’ve been watching them for ages and he’s like okay it’s [ __ ] weird and now look at me now my head head’s normal shaped [ __ ] you you know

[ __ ] you my head’s normal shaped now so I’m the real winner so um just saying yeah sculpt his head for him girl I’m not I’m good at sculpting not that good okay I’m good not that good I can’t fix everything I can only work with what

What God gave him and God did not give him a whole lot to be honest CU God G God gave him too much in certain areas of his head that’s why it’s triangle shaped okay so uh yeah yeah I’m eggy shaped looky I’m eggy actually hold on hold up hold up

Hold up me hide for a second hold up hold up okay is it right okay it’s not pinning super great huh no delay okay aha I’m the best eggy okay H I like being eggy eggy eggy has its benefits okay I’m an egg with unlimited potentials okay you got lots of

Potential I can do anything eggs can be used for variety of purposes all right okay yeah I’m I’m not going to say the word shush no I’m just I’m just I’m I’m cosplaying as cat Mar okay I’m not going to say the N word okay goodness gracious

You always be trying to trick me the S and stuff H yeah I’m an eggy with ear accessories hell yeah mhm I like how I said I’m not going to say the NY word then iately say it because I was humming that song Sorry anyways um no silence all of you uh 45 minute thank you for the super you can say you just egg ChatOn honon what hon

Aai is that a French word or something what is that supposed to mean is it a swear word what what does what is o o o mean what is that word what’s what’s o what’s that a wise really oh hor hor what wa wait it means isn’t it we isn’t it just

O UI hon H like why is it like that is it is it like we what yeah I think shat I think like yeah shat is is uh is uh cat French I only know that because in my genetics class this is a condition babies could have uh

Called uh CA and uh shat means like you know like the cat the cat so like the um the condition is called The Cry of the cat it’s a genetic conditions uh babies might have upon birth basically their cry sound like cat meows yeah uh J thank you for the Sa hot huh hot dog Hey listen here I understand your fancy language I’m my my grasp on l face languages is not half bat okay what the hell what the hell Jimmy’s mom are you going to finish That M Jimmy’s mom are you going to finish that Quest Jimmy’s mom want to go to CR jimy m I’m so sorry I can’t do a very good car we I can’t really do a good a good one wait hold on what wait what’s wait hold on what’s we was way how do you pronounce that word way it’s we way why why can’t we just say yes and yes

Why can’t why is it be so hard yeah I’m not a gy no It’s away like the protein I don’t know how I feel about that but okay wow my my nippy itches why itchy my skin dry I think my Skin’s dry Maya thank you for the SAA trade offer you get starby pinky drink pinky drinky wait I want a pinky

Drinky wait do you promise you’ll give me a pinky drinky wait Maya promise me you’ll get me a trink a a pinky drinky extra pink because sometimes you put too much coconut it’s not flavorful enough it has to be it has to be the right amount of pink really you promise oh

Boy oh no give me the pigy drinky give me give me give me the P give me give me the P yeah okay no okay no no no Savor that you’ll never get it again okay Savor that you will never get it get it again thank you thank you for the supera thank

You Josh thank you for the supera have you ever been Japan cuz I can Japan yet huh Japan what about what about Japan have you ever been Japan I can japania have you ever been in Japan I can japania have you ever been Japan I can Japan you have you ever been

Japan I can Japan yet oh just yeah you stinky shut up shut up I thought I thought was like some sort of cryptic coat or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Josh thank you for the super Josh Dam it Josh Maya thank you for the super the pink is the

Pinkest twink thank you I’m going to get a pinky drinky tomorrow it’s a treat for myself I’ve been a good goob I deserve a pinky drinkie I’ve been a very good goob lately I have not committed any crimes recently I deserve it mhm yeah I I didn’t know what I was trying to

Say I didn’t know what the hell brother you get is that’s cheating that’s chea okay from now on now I am now Banning the word NY I’ll never see it again never anyhoo anyhoo I’m now Banting the word if I some just catch a whiff of someone saying the word you’re going to

Get B and instantly instantaneously I tell you my sword yeah no I not not going to Bor Bor I don’t want to she will NY a a get let us get it yeah never never yeah yall trying to trick me and stuff don’t try to deceive the gooby I

Have I have a Paladin’s sense I can see through your nonsense like that like easily I’m new here hi Mike hello welcome on in only yapping what mean yapping so what if I talk fast and talk a lot I’m talkative it’s called being cripplingly lonely of

Course I talk a lot what do you expect what if we had a vis where you just said nothing what if I said nothing the entire stream huh huh huh what what about that huh huh would you like if I just never talked yeah yeah we can play

That game we can play that fine I’ll give you the Sound Treatment then fine not going to talk to you then no talking fine m is is w okay talking just just I’m talking now because my typy typy not very good because my typing not very good but I’m mad as [ __ ] angry

Gooby it’s killing your me those C no these are the ears of a panther a a wild mountain lion okay a mountain lion that that I can I can tear your face off yeah and just just one swipe for my powerful claw and you’re you’re goner mhm

Yeah yeah yeah I’m like I’m like a I’m like a lion s got the big meaty Paws I’ll mess you up for real for real okay I’ll mess you up big time mhm Mountain L mountain lion no not kitty cat mountain lion yeah no one thank you for the super just got

Back when an I become so adorable never was you’re delusional dulu is not the culu chat it will never be the Sal Lulu you must add my ankle you must re-evaluate your priorities Dev thank you for the super like the ears of a c listen here am I

Old enough to cough as a cougar I don’t think so it’s is a few Millennium years old enough to to qualify as a cougar I don’t think so I think I’m too old to be a cougar I think I I don’t know H I’m a mountain

Lion oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait listen here listen mountain lion there there I sorry I need to enunciate my words because otherwise they may sound like other words yeah yeah okay a mountain lion okay yeah yeah Iron Lion oh uh hey I say it’s a puma right Puma yeah Vox of

Puma no no Nicholas thank you for the super wild cats wave your hands up in the air that’s what we we do let’s get do it look at me and what do you see intelligence Beyond Compare I just got something something love the lyrics speak up loud and you’ll be

Heard I forgot the rest of the song no no no stick to the stuff you know if you want to be cool just follow one simple rule don’t M stick to the status quo yeah no touching the ears no I’m a ferocious mountain lion and with the

With the with with with with the proper anger levels I can swipe your entire face off mhm yeah okay mhm no touch you the ears no I I’ll I’ll Swip at you can’t say I reckon uh I I reckon I don’t know let face up no it’ll

Leave all blooded and stuff and I don’t want to get your blood in my hands listen this outfit is mostly white okay this outfit is mostly white if I were get a blood stain on it it would not come off okay therefore I must not get anything on it okay yeah

Okay I I reckon like when you reckon like it means like you you think something yeah what of the Bloods for a blood sacrifice no no it’s not don’t tell the authorities that okay yeah I think some blood would do W is for your aestic I don’t want blood spilled in this chat

Today okay n is for one of our quirky sacrifices yeah I’m gonna yeah yeah I’m going going to be you up yeah yeah hell yeah brother yeah yeah mm yeah you have eggy eye out the classic haircut for a little while the classic Haircut the the classic edition classic edition a there I reckon there’s a mountain line over there what about what about what you got on the way I talk again huh huh 45 minute thank you for the supera color Ralph the way she reckon oh my God shut the [ __ ]

Up yeah it kind of works though the the old Hair Works on this outfit pretty Good look at me and what I don’t know how my head feels even rounder with this I don’t know hold on let me check I don’t know how my head feels somehow rounder with the braid some for some reason yeah oh no I’m not cute shut up no I’m not

Silence shut up chat no I’m not lies and slander I’ll not tolerate the slander made against my good name I’m not cute I’ll never be cute a shut out of me stop it H yeah okay no no not don’t Co you C you co me the

Braid maybe I think it’s Al yeah I think it’s because it’s also the back of my head the way the the braid hangs over to the other side yeah my cheeks are not squishable I have you know I’ll bite I’ll bite you I’m an angry I’m an angry Mountain lying do I

Not have any trap doors on me I could have sworn I had a couple I could have sworn goodness gracious okay yeah what the hell the no I’m not going to no that hair with this outfit is maxing out the single mom who has three of her cards to CL check

Damn I’ll have you know my cards don’t decline that checkout okay I pay my credit card B okay all right damn what the [ __ ] how literally okay hey guys question mark question question what style do you think would suit me best in terms of like clothing style like did

Lolita um athleisure goth what what would you think something Roco what what do you think what style do you think would look really good on me I just want to know for science mhm mhhm full St of armor oh God that’d be so [ __ ] base though MH

Mhm yeah I think I kind of like Noel’s get from genin Impact kind of like the half armor half like dress outfit mhm would would I would I frighten you if I told you I actually had a slight gatu face back in college very it was it was more Neo gadu

It was very Neo gadu so it wasn’t like the the the like the old style from the mid 2000s it’s one of the more modern like the more the newer uh gadu Styles but back in college I was fair Fairly into that my closet was very much

That mhm it was a while back I wore like acrylics I did I would I’d be painted to the nine just to go to two classes that day Mhm Victorian ER over coats yeah yeah Mor K oh Mor K would be really cute the huge fluffy socks I’m actually wearing fluffy socks right now cuz my toes are cold usually I alternate between my Hospital grippy socks and my fuzzy wuzzies mhm yeah yeah I would tie my hair into like a

Very high half pony with a big bowl on my head with ringlet curls and have my acrylics and I wear like a a big hoodie and like a skirt with like boots mhm kind very cge cor Vibe is it because I talk about kissing girls is that

Why is that why sock check I’m wearing my fuzzy socks I yesterday I wore my my Hospital grippy socks yeah you wear L warmers um not typically unless it’s very cool CU where I live it’s often very warm and so I don’t really get a chance to wear like um thicker socks too

Often Bonnie slippers cute y socks you don’t you let your grippers hang out free no no no no I no listen I wear I wear socks in the house all the time just because like I don’t know I feel like your feet gets they’re softer that

Way and plus I have like a skin care routine like after I show shower I apply lotion all my body and take extra care to apply like really heavy like um really um dense lotions to my heel and like the uh like you know the ball of my

Foot my ankles just they’re nice and soft they feel nice when I put on socks and then once I lacer them up real good I put socks on and so it keeps the moisture and so when I wake up in the morning baby sockt mhm you open the floor dang what the

Hell what the hell I kog wait do y’all do that thing too where y’all like like and when you drop something do you just very casually pick it up your toes I do all the [ __ ] time I don’t want to bend over and so like I just grab things between

My toes and just transfer it to my hands I I’ve had to bother several people like U one of my early one of my earliest um roommates back in college um she just to give you a frame of reference she she ate boiled chicken as an actual

Meal unseason and I think salt and pepper boiled chicken with salad not grilled not poached not seared nothing boiled boiled chicken breast she wouldn’t even wipe she wouldn’t even like get the scum off the top of the of the the pot anyways but she’s that kind of gal

And she thought it was so crazy that I would just like pick up things with my feet and put them in my hand no was an active Choice she thought it tasted good and I was like what the hell what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Huh and like okay now listen listen listen it goes even further because she’d hop out of the shower to get ready for uh the school day right and she had this like kind of wavy brown hair but she wanted it straight but she didn’t like dry her hair completely before

Before flat iron in her hair and so like she her hair would still be kind of wet and she’ flat ironed that which is a bad idea so every morning I woke up to the sound of every single day every single day her hair girl her hair was crying out in

Agony I I just knew it I knew her hair was crying out in pure Agony that’s really bad for your hair it’s really really bad to be fair to be okay Ren is a good boy Ren actually dries his hair completely before he bared my flat iron

Okay I think his flat iron like broke his flat iron broke um like halfway into the Japan chip so when we’re on the Airbnb he just borrowed mine and so like he was smart he made sure to wait till his hair was dry first before he flat

Ironed I’m like thank You Ren thank you someone who gets it someone who gets it it’ be so funny cuz like part of our morning ritual is that like you know like we’d all like get into the bathroom and that kind of thing and then um we

One by one we just start passing around the flat iron then we pass around my dry shampoo we pass around my my hairspray so we all all of our heads smell the same good night Kaiser you take it easy good night good night mhm yeah yeah it’s hard well like look at

Ren he has that spiky black hair you know that hair is that occur naturally he has to spike it himself yeah some good old Hairspray will do it mhm yeah meeting alun and Japan ship was awesome it was really really great I I look I look I reflect upon that uh

Vacation very fondly mhm it was a lot of fun like I remember that one day where Scarlett opal and I were hanging out we had plans and all of them went to [ __ ] but we had so much fun just impromptu just wandering around anyways it was so much

Fun exactly I it’s it’s also just really bad for your hair oh yeah no I I think I brought big sexy hair I I didn’t I couldn’t find a travel size of Gabe I usually use Gabe for my hair but I couldn’t find a travel size one so I got like the miniature

Travel um big sexy hair cans mhm yeah yeah do you do hair care like masks not not really do hair masks no my hair is already pretty like silky and it gets really oily really fast and so um I try not to uh use too many oily products mhm

But because my hair is color treated I use like special shampoos for that but that’s about it I don’t like do anything too special to it yeah the flat iron the the secret seventh member of a Luna I don’t know what to do for this right now so this looks like a nice

Little SE welcome area I suppose you remember those the L’Oreal like the tiar free shampoo [ __ ] yo they’re lying that that was not tier free that was Agony okay like oh yeah tier free yeah these are safe for your children’s Liv no no my corneos were burning that was the worst try long

Hair as as a grown man’s very confusing honestly just invest in a good conditioner yeah invest in a good conditioner just like a decent one like you know like a $10 bottle of like a nice conditioner you’ll be fine you’ll be setad mhm um avoid using heat on your hair

Like if I had to give advice for someone with long hair um avoid uh using um oh also okay here here let me tell you what here’s a technique that y’all might want to know that will help you a lot with your hair and it requires no additional

Purchasing okay when you dry your hair don’t like put the hair into a towel and like rub it back and forth that will D that can damage your hair especially if you already your hair is already quite brittle do this instead you put your hair in the towel and you just gently

Squish your hair in the towel don’t rub it don’t be abrasive just gently Pat it and like squeeze the water out you just dab it off it leaves your hair less likely to have breakage especially if you bleach like my hair is um my hair is

Also color treated and so I just you know gently squeeze the water of my hair in the shower and then I just very gently you know just like roll out my hair and just like um roll it into like a like a a Twist and just dab the water out of it

Mhm yeah yeah oh the M those macrofiber towels are so good for that mhm yeah MH mhm yeah try not to rub it dry cuz it’s not it’s it’s it’s not horrible per se but if you want like an easy way to improve your hair’s Health then just patting it

It’s the way to go very easy requires no extra effort on your part it’s a very simple way to get your hair looking better you guys see shampoo yeah I do do you blow dry your hair all the way I never blow dry my hair I just let it dry

Naturally the thing is like a I I just hate the noise of blow dryers that close to my ear like even when I go to the the salon and I have to listen to the blow dryers it’s like nails on a chalkboard for me I can’t listen to it and so um I

Just let my hair dry normally just dry it naturally yeah it’s h it’s better for your hair and plus like I just time my shower so that it’ll be dry by the time I leave the house yeah I just give myself a couple of hours mhm

Yeah or you can be like Ed from 90day fiance and put mayonnaise in your hair I mean you could it’s weird [ __ ] but you could I need I need gray ass mhm I wash my GF hair so you have a girlfriend oh that must be nice it must be nice to have some

Maidens yeah that’s great I’m so happy for you I’m so so glad that you have someone who loves you in that way that’s fantastic that’s awesome I’m so [ __ ] happy for you I don’t know what that feels like that must be great to have somethingone in your life that loves you

Like that that must be so [ __ ] cool I I won we I won we I’m not bit I’m just a little Lon whe okay I just want to cuy of the booty does this look better let me see H which one do you like better should I add like some flowers to this

Or something or would these little bushes be better I don’t know chat what do you think no I’m Like honestly I appreciate I appreciate the honesty oh that’s so funny no I’m I appreciate I app appreciate the honesty oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s perfect I love that I love that honestly I love the dulu good for you [ __ ] good for you I’m so

Happy for you thank you oh my God I I Hon I love that for you honestly I love that for you slle live your [ __ ] dreams slle all day every day honestly you got this crimey that was funny as hell what the hell that’s so that’s so

Deeply like sad but also hilarious I bleed the first Split Second oh deblin thank you for the donation jump scare or no jump scare that is a question what is the answer we’ll find out oh I don’t have my headphones in I don’t know if the the

Que even went off because I I I take off my headphones when I stream Minecraft because I’m prone to ear infections so I need to be like uh careful yeah yeah mhm mhm I don’t want to like I I don’t I don’t want to like uh like get another

Ear infection cuz they actually super Hurt So Good night Josh take it easy good night good night yeah I’m not feeling super buildy wiy today for some reason I don’t know I guess gu I I need I think I need to start a new project that I’m really

Infused about cuz I just kind of did this just cuz but I think I need a project to really toss myself into I’ll come back to them I I’m not feeling a lot of inspiration I feel like it’s it’s getting more flushed out for sure ooh it looks really close from the

Outside that’s for sure I think it’s getting more flushed out but I don’t know I’m not super super into it right now that’s okay that’s okay I’ll just take my time with it I need I need that bucket though I do need this yeah I’m not I’m not feeling super

Inspired by this at the moment but that’s okay it happens here the underd dark like from huh I mean that would be pretty cool honestly one of my favorite builds is still this one oh especially at night on especially at night this build pops the [ __ ] off hold

On is it where is it is yeah I’m not feeling the Minecraft Muses today oh okay that’s very Brad where is it I think it’s over here somewhere there it is yeah I still think that this is among my best builds I think I was I was I was on to something

For this yeah The Hobbit the uh the the sh yeah I think this is probably among my better builds honestly this is really good I’m very proud of this I think it looks great yeah yeah mhm me personally me personally me personally yeah ain’t it adorable it’s it’s a

Facade though there’s nothing there’s there’s nothing inside these house a freaking ah underman okay over here yeah so these are all facades though uh this they’re not actually furnished so if you were to go inside uh a whole lot of nothing a whole lot of nothing yeah a whole lot of nothing

Inside these houses they’re a little sad but uh I still think it’s among my better builds for sure yeah I want another I want to make another I admire Centric build cuz I think the okay we have the 300K Memorial Garden right here dang when I say it like that sounds like

Someone died but um this one’s pretty cute I think this is I’m really happy with this build too I think it’s really cute very magical looking looks really great at night yeah they fake of course they were fake a real mustache looks like yeah this one’s really cute the little the

Little the little seats and everything this one’s really cute yeah and then I quite like the nii C bro two more waves got added I still haven’t made crisis yet I’ll get to it eventually I’ll get to it eventually well then there’s also the cloud house I

Think this is the first build I made on the new server this one has a little bit a special place in my heart I need to finish a Den’s parking lot but look the the look at the I admire Cottage okay this was the original chur

Cher blossom tree cuz this is before we had actual cherry blossoms okay but the the original I admire Cottage let me go to the front let me go to the front door there you go yeah okay I admire Cottage yeah I me I’ll spend the night here actually

Yeah that okay the TR bosses to me fair I still think it looks good though I think it holds up pretty okay I think it holds up just fine okay shut the hell up this is a good this is a good one this is good I think it’s

Solid I think it does the it gets the job done okay I don’t think it’s half bad I really don’t think it’s half bad yeah but I think this area is very it’s very cute I’m very happy with this one mhm uh gomi thank you for the Sila make

An eye admir shaped cloud it can be clean I’m not clingy but that’s a good idea I should I should make a giant I admirer somewhere like just like a massive [ __ ] imposing big [ __ ] eye admire with like glowing white eyes yeah I should make like a giant

[ __ ] eye admirer just like a big ass one oh yeah there’s also my hidden uh My Secret Garden thing where is it is it over here yeah my hidden cave where is it it’s right here I think thank you GM mummy thank you for the S yeah here’s my

Hidden cave I think I made this on Creative oh no we have cheats on for this yeah remember this thing cuz we I didn’t want I didn’t want to have this sheer rock face I just built this around it I just decided to decorate it yeah annab bill is just a big ass

Crazy looking ey admire yeah I’ll do that next time I think it’s a new project for us then where should we build it though h hey where should I build the giant I admire maybe right here what the [ __ ] is that hold on wait what what what is

That oh it’s like a little Gumdrop house that’s cute it’s like a candy it’s like Santa oh wait that’s cute though a that’s adorable it’s like a little like a little like a Christmasy kind of thing that’s cute a what’s this is this boxes I haven’t seen box play Minecraft in a hot

Minute what is this y that’s that’s a cool effect what’s this how do you get this glow how do you get this glowy effect how do you get the gradient like that how do you do that that’s cool H where should I build the imposing I

Admire guys where do you want me to park it there’s a big lot right here where it’s pretty empty you want maybe the water over here I don’t know we you all want the join I admirer we have we have a lot of options there’s a lot of free real estate here

H the a see iy H who about the Barbie house I did yeah they it flying over the city H like maybe around here actually what is isn’t this one of Alin senen builds cuz I want to eat up too much space let’s see what if I buil it over

The water over here or something this is pretty good spot right here next to the giant Pento H I love I love my little reception building it looks really cute I’m really proud of this build it’s super cute it’s really adorable there we go it’s cute me emerging from the water like a [ __ ] Kraken or something I should make it over here somewhere I don’t want to Cast a Giant

Shadow though that’s what I’m worried about I can always put it over the water somewhere right here maybe like right I’m kind of looking this area right here oh oh There drown right there oh sorry sorry sorry don’t B me sorry sorry sorry like just over here would be

Pretty nice I think like over this area ah how’ y’all feel about if I parked it over here somewhere or maybe in this corner just like what if I did like a sitting eye admire something because I don’t want to I don’t want to cast too big of a shadow

Cuz things things might spawn yeah maybe in this corner right here I have lots of space it’s right by the the uh the reception building too yeah what do you BL yeah the little yeah the little the little SP that’s it yeah I’ll park it right here then okay let me Mark my

Territory I might have an actra sign or two somewhere uh let me grab a sign or something yeah let’s see oh God I to learn I have to learn how to craft like pixel art in Minecraft now oh jeez we’re leveling up here we’re leveling up unwillingly I not have any

Signs uh I guess not I’ll just put down a crafting just to mark it as mine for now actually this trees over here I can just make a sign real quick there should be trees over here ouchie yeah at least colors are easy no I made the ey admirers very easy very

Simple that way they’re more fun to personalize and accessorize and in addition um it’s easier for me to make things to make like like stuff for y’all because your design is pretty simple and so it was partly me thinking it’s cute and also partly me thinking um uh just me being lazy

Mhm okay let me put it right around here oh the Shadow the Shadow the Pomchi blimp okay let me quickly make a a one of these two dads Okay I’m sign sign I saw the sign and open up my sign a future giant I admirer build there we go and then might as well make a chest or two just to make life easier of myself Yay yi yi Z welcome back happy 16 months thank you thank you a head empty blocks Cy doing things in Minecraft here to another 16 plus month my new Prof picture less scary it’s still hard what the [ __ ] is that it’s still horrifying what the [ __ ] is that zerel jeez

Jee what the what the [ __ ] is that no it’s not much better at all what the hell is that supposed to be what the hell is that what is that so know what really is that a furry I love the mixed range of responses the many mixed reactions to this

That’s funny yeah I think I’ll wrap things up for now let’s just chitchat for a little bit I’m starting to get a minor headache mhm an Andro with no facial skin okay that I don’t know I don’t know how you expected that to be less scary they’re both

Horrible it look like my sleep PES demon or something yeah what the hell what the hell dang okay well all right then yeah I have a minor headache yeah well to be fair I’ve been fighting a migraine I’ve been fighting off migraines all week but like it’s been kind of bad

Today I think it’s cuz was just a rough day yeah let’s just chitchat for a bit let’s chitchat let’s chitchat yeah yeah I to chitchat the ey admirers yeah well tomorrow is double lethal company I need still make the waiting for those but yeah mm

Yeah sorry if I was a little bit uh I was I was a little bit uh um a little how I guess a little brain fried today I had a weird day I had a weird day y’all those days happen sometimes don’t they but they’re never that fun are they they’re never fun Though I just want to have an easy day I just want to have a CH day where you do Nothing yeah I’m just my brain’s a little deep fried as all it’s also I think it’s like I don’t know like just just be just to be a little transparent the seasonal depression has been getting me a little bit and so like it’s I feel like it manifests itself from like from person

To person fairly differently it’s always a low hum in the back of my mind it’s manageable you know I I I think I I’m good at being a big kid big girl and handling it but sometimes it just get it is it sucks cuz sometimes like it

Happens to be mids sentence like the harshest wave of just like of lethargy it’s like G there been times I really have to clutch my chest and go ouch you know and so I’m trying to stay positive though I’m trying but just for full transparency I’m having a hard time

Bro then with my cat’s Condition it’s bro I’m having a Kuru one hell of a weird holiday y being 10,000 Lu direct into your eyeball why would you do that to me why why why that’s so rude that’s unall for what the hell is that for yeah but I’ll think I’ll I’ll worm

Around it it just some days is a little harder than others and today’s a little bit hard that’s okay it happens it happens oh my rist popped my R po get some rest I’m going to have a little snacky snack and then work at my thumbnails and do some offline offline work yeah

Mhm oh my God that squid [ __ ] scared me Jesus Christ it’s New Year yeah the New Year’s already kind of weird the New Year’s already kind of wild wa how’s y’all’s New Year’s coming along are y’all’s wild too are y’all’s New Year’s going kind of

Wild already or is it just me I I think we’re all getting off in a weird foot aren’t we right really is it good huh how’s it going for y’all is it is it okay just me I’m doing my best I having fun and she been hunting

In some games good good it’s finally oh hang in there girly hang in there yeah I think ‘s also just recovering from the holidays too Evan’s recovering mhm yeah 2024 is going to be a bit of a weird one I think we’ll see I don’t know I’ll take weird over chaos though cuz

2023 is wild Mhm every still alive CL yeah we’ll take it sometimes just surviving is enough you know that’s when I asked like when I was like what are your New Year’s resolutions some of y’all were like just survive and honestly we’ll take it we will take what we can okay sometimes

Just getting by is enough mhm yeah we’ll find a way around it we’re we’re nothing but resilient we’ll find a way around it mhm yeah yeah we’re we’re a tough Bunch you know us I admirers I and the I admirers we’re a tough Bunch okay we’re

Made of we’re made of Jolly bees we’re tough we’re tough as hell mhm yeah I have clle doesn’t kick my ass this year oh trust me college is a lunch of it’s a bunch of malarkey just do what you can to finesse it mhm 28 that’s kind of far away that’s

Like what how many years away that’s a lot okay I mean hopefully 2024 will be that is so pretty hopefully 2024 will be the year hopefully yeah I like to unsubscribe from the struggle the struggle uh package for this year please thank you thank you I like to unsubscribe from that

Please thank you very much thank you thank you thank longterm a why be alive by then I don’t know will I be alive H yeah what the hell no sometimes I like to like I mean I like having resolutions just to have a goal in the back of my

Mind but I don’t only hold myself to them too harshly to be honest mhm yeah I try not to the struggle yeah The Struggle Bus is a little wild can we can we turn where are the cheat codes for for 2024 does anyone have them does everyone have the cheat cats for 2024

Yet the first 4 days have been a little bit crazy can we get some cheat cats in here please I hope y’all don’t mind I have them written in the back of a sticky note somewhere oh man remember back in the days oh my God remember game facts

Remember back in the day oh my God Remember map quest oh my gosh I I ve I very much randomly like today was thinking about Map Quest I was like yeah it’s so nice to have Google like to have Google Maps just show me places cuz I can avoid traffic

Like I’ll be honest um also uh Jeep and Jin please stay on topic um it’s like honestly honestly I I use Google Maps in a regular basic yeah nope I don’t know what goes on your mind like if you comment that like what do you think is going to happen Peak meanless Behavior

Anyways anyways no I find it I find it so odd because I use um Google Maps these days to um actually like um sorry I’m distracted that was really annoying sorry my apologies Sor I I got fully distracted cuz I was annoying as [ __ ] actually anyways and

Anyways one of these days I’m going to choose actual okay I I shouldn’t even joke about that damn damn okay what is with it okay I’m just going to ask very plainly did balers gate do something because I love seeing new people on the channel that’s really

Great but there’s been a lot of weird stuff happening too like lots of like unhinged comments and that kind of thing and it just weird weird because I I like to have new people come in and you know like watch a stream and hang out cuz I

Love to meet new people I think it’s great but like what happened I never had this happen before I never had issues with my chat until very recently and so I’m just like huh weird that’s very strange yeah also like I think the fact that you usually

Wait exactly that that’s I mean I waited a long time for balers to get I’m like what 4 months late to the party mostly cuz my PC would literally explode if I played it any earlier yeah I don’t know it’s very strange yeah yeah no clue no clue like and I

Don’t want to be that [ __ ] like you say one thing I don’t like it’s it’s it’s yeah you’re out of here but like I just running out of patience a little bit I don’t know I don’t want to be that person I feel bad often times for it but like I don’t know

Just oh no worry sh thanks for stopping in thank you thank you you been very sweet thank you you too duck hny thank you very much thank you thank you mhm yeah and so like I don’t know it just it’s just sorry I just got thoroughly distracted by that because

I’ve not received a comment like that in a hot minute H yeah it’s also just like come on her voice is annoying but her tits are great like like you have neither pick a struggle dude you know whoever you are who commented that whoever whoever commented that you have

Neither you have nothing don’t do that yeah I don’t know I think and I just I’m just taking less [ __ ] these days yeah mhm but anyhoo anyhoo yeah yeah oh sorry you don’t like my voice oh sorry is this better sorry do I need to crank up the volume a little bit my

Apologies you don’t sorry my Sor you don’t s sorry Sorry s you don’t like my apology sorry I can’t hear the sound of the [ __ ] kazoo my apologies sorry sorry my apologies sorry I can’t hear the sounds of my kazil sorry I’m I’m legally de in one year my apology I can’t hear to I

Mean I have four years now but I I sorry I my hearing is not so good my apologies sorry sorry I just I just I’m trying to get behind the logic of that like I don’t know I don’t know what you expect by commenting like oh yeah they’re going to love this

It’s it’s so I think it’s like the voice doesn’t even bug me I’m just like what did you expect by saying that like what what did you expect from that like oh yeah she’s going to [ __ ] love this comment what what do he expect and it’s

Like I I know I’m socially stunted I’m very socially stunted I don’t know I I’m very bad at the whole socialization game but at least I don’t do that you know at least I have like at least I have a sense of like of like like okay that’s

Uncool if I shouldn’t say that but like I have a I may be socially sented but I still have an amount of social Grace but I what did you expect what do you expect oh yeah just like hands rubing together like oh yeah they’re going to love that it’s so

Weird oh but uh G Mommy thank you for the supera instead of specific resolutions I prefer to have a theme for for the year like Health travel engage job let’s pressure more that’s a good idea though that’s a really good idea instead of having specific so just

Having a general like genre that’s smart though it makes it more flexible while also staying on topic that’s a good one huh I should do that wait I should do that that’s smart as hell huh sorry V sorry I woke you up the sound of my sex you kazoo my apologies my apologies

Yeah that’s that’s smart that’s smart mm it’s okay they got B the the Divine Smite was divine and smiing we’re good okay the Divine Smite is divine smiing honestly oh girl I’m going to I’m going to be I’m going to like good old guiding bolt guiding bolt

Yeah and onity can be great because you can push your own boundaries but there’s also lack of accountability it’s kind of a double-edged sword you know it’s like through youtubing I feel I become more social and that kind of thing but then like when I’m offline I don’t have that

Same amount of uh I guess confidence or audacity I suppose I think there’s benefits to being anonymous online it’s great because you can be more yourself but there’s also no accountability and no one to keep you in check so mhm yeah yeah oh that one’s also not it okay

Anyways um so yeah like that mhm exactly exactly you know and I respect your autonomy you can say whatever the hell you want but you got you got to respect my autonomy too yeah yeah mhm May in the thumbnail well it’s just I don’t know I don’t

Know also like I would be real if seeing anime breasts in a thumbnail causes you to act a fool in a chat it’s a you isue okay I’m going to be very very real it’s like I’m it’s just a drawing dude relax what’s that meem who is it it’s

Like it’s a drawing dude relax it’s from SpongeBob it’s from SpongeBob yeah in the infamous words of SpongeBob it’s a drawing dude relax you know yeah also it’s like it’s like let me use a cute thumbnail dude you know if you can’t hold yourself together in the

Face of of an anime art then I’m sorry that’s kind of a you issue yeah mhm he CH I mean probably I would be too surprised it’s weird cuz I’ve used susser uh thumbnails before like I had like the like some my ASMR streams have some pretty uh suspicious uh thumbnails

Never had that issue before for I just think that perhaps balers gate did bring in a few Unique Individuals and that kind of thing and I think they’re just not as well acquainted the way I run the show here mhm yeah is that the it’s it’s it’s pretty booby it’s a little bit

Booby yeah I think it’s smid and booby but then so am I you know so yeah they’re flabbergasted the Mario iceam but I puted by B said want to be spoil oh no worries no worries but to be fair every playthrough is also very different to be

Fair but if want to avoid it that’s cool too mhm yeah it did start after the awards I think oh the vtu rewards people oh I hadn’t I’ll be honest I think I even forgot when that happened I paed a passing GL I’m very disconnected from that kind of thing

Mhm yeah I it’s weird cuz I don’t know I don’t know it’s like I don’t know it’s very it’s very odd it’s very odd I don’t typically have this issue yeah yeah yeah yeah the mindful the the Bluetooth the Skype call worms the Skype call worms you know I

Like to imagine anytime the cut scene and botherers gate where you have uh like the Mind flare Bluetooth connection I just hear like the Skype call noise in the background sorry one sec we’re making a a mental a mental a neural connection real quick yeah mhm yeah yeah exactly

Exactly either that was the Discord call like noise medal 5G yeah that’s the funniest [ __ ] oh my God oh my God yeah I I have that exact sound bite plays in my mind whenever I see that scene in uh whenever I see it happen in balers

G yeah that’s I like I don’t know I think I think balers skate I love it but it’s a little bit cursed I think it’s bringing in some unique viewers which is fine I think I don’t mind new be just I all I ask is follow the rules um but there’s also like

Like I don’t know this just I like bcap it’s a little cursed J Mommy thank you for the supera thank you thank you um speaking of B 3 an act reveal that okay guys now now now that I isn’t reading anymore I want to say that she’s super cute CL I admire Sor

Though you I’m not hush you shush shush shush no no thank you for the super anyway it’s very GM momy I appreciate it you always forget entertainers I streamers and YouTubers that are are humans who are effective actually I’m an angel but I also just have like um I also just have

Like I don’t know I think I think uh you I I believe so but I think people often forget like I’ll I’ll be very true and real here um I’ll be I mean this may be risky to say cuz I know there’s probably some newcomers to the channel who

Probably don’t know the way I run super great but that’s okay just a common risk when you’re a streamer um not even a risk it’s just a side effect um yeah I think people often forget that we are people you know um it’s partially because of the medium we work with that

Often uh removes that aspect of humanity behind us whether it’s intentional or not whether it’s intentional or not with good intention or not we don’t know for sure but it happens um but to be fair you walk in knowing about it you know about it

Yeah yeah I fully expected it to be much worse to be honest and so like I’m actually fairly grateful that it’s only been relegated to a few spots here and there honestly I consider myself quite lucky in a sense that my chat for the most part even with the people who do

Not know the rules or maybe are looking to click kick up a fuss it’s very rare for me very rare for me and so there’s only a rare occasions so I have to like poke and P and be like hey rules like that kind of thing I feel it’s it’s

Fairly uncommon for me which really grateful for grateful for yeah mhm yeah and so like like I try not to be too pressed about like well I have it better than everyone else to be honest I have I have it better than a lot of people in a sense that it so seldom

Happens to me I just think it’s it’s annoying but what can you do it happens it’s part of the it’s part of the job um Legends started coming here and I heard you were cool and cute I only have a handful of YouTubers I watch and interact with you’re quickly becoming

One of the most interesting a thanks Legend Le it’s awful sweet of you a thank you I’m just a little goob um definitely thank you for the supera uh like my party having to remind the DM we are talking VI a telepathy honestly when I when I conduct

DND D over like Discord I just use my funny little my echo to apply inside their head it helps mhm yeah yeah it’s like it’s like yeah I know it’s like I I try to be I try to be understanding basically I try to be understanding but my patience I

Had a bad day today therefore my patience is is shorter than usual I had a stinky day today and therefore I got Angry I demand Justice for Gooby I demand Justice for Gooby [ __ ] mad go be mad as hell bro I had a bad day I had a rough day today and so I’m about to pop off on someone I’m going to explode yeah I’m going to and my goal is to my goal

Is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody yeah I earned my pinky drinkie I earned it yeah hell yeah yeah yeah I think you’re so real like the real is why I really enjoy watching a thanks Jo a a you’re are too sweet nah y’ are too

Sweet you’re too sweet you’re are too nice nah no I’m very grateful you are so understanding so again my apologies if I sounded a little like a little like grumpy at them or nothing my apologies I I had a rough day today bro I thought I was about to get

Kidnapped in my own driveway but no it just a cardboard box to be fair I fully mistook a rock for a person once I was driving um driving around a while back so uh maybe my perceptions just not very good I honestly admire a lot of people

Who work in this industry it requires a lot of dedication and fix yeah I mean to be fair I think like um like yeah having thick skin is is very much part of the job honestly and like that’s why like it’s like I implore people to apply to

Whatever job they want if it’s nii Sanji then you want to apply thick skin it helps you know the community here is great but there’s always going to be people who are unpleasant and that kind of thing so building up thick skin really does help yeah and like and like

Not to discourage people but if you don’t have thick skin perhaps being in the public eye may not be for you like that kind of thing you know or you want to learn how to deal with it first before you start doing that kind of thing yeah

Mhm just send those oranges from your neighbor no apologies precisely now listen here those those oranges were the most sour things I’ve ever eaten my entire life they’re so s sour but it’s okay it’s okay it’s a sweet old lady you can’t just she calls me sweetie when someone calls you sweetie

You can’t just you can’t just you can’t just ignore them you can’t say no she she called me sweetie I can’t reject the orange now I have to eat all of it I just I mixing the oranges and like my salads and stuff it’s tasty add like a nice sour kick

Mhm yeah yeah how to get thick skin honestly kind of like for me it was trial by fire cuz a deep down I am a pretty sensitive person I do feel in that kind of thing but being in the business world for so long you learn to

You learn to to temper that a little bit and then trial by fire probably you learn to grow it you learn to adapt with it mhm life’s not going to give you freebies or handouts or be nice to you just cuz it wants to be nice you

Have to develop it at some point you know mhm yeah yeah yeah sometimes just good old fashioned Child by fire you know how like some parents will toss their kids into open pools to teach them how to swim it sometimes can be like that a little

Bit yeah when old ladies call you H honey or sweetie oh man that it warms my heart so much like my little raisin heart exactly I I just can’t say no to her mhm yeah yeah exactly it’s like it’s very fascinating because like when you’re a streamer and

You know that you’re live all the time there’s a certain amount of self-awareness I keep with me at all times where it’s like it’s okay it’s a live broadcast so don’t [ __ ] up don’t break NDA don’t say something controversial in that kind of thing especially in a corporate setting you

Have to be a little mindful of these things um but I think over the past year and a half you just get used to it honestly you get used to it and I think the fun I have on stream just makes everything a habit just I don’t really

Think twice about these things like okay don’t say this word don’t talk about this topic don’t do this don’t do that it just become second nature once you have fun with then you’ll kind of find your your your uh your flow it this everything comes secondary honestly I

Enjoy this job too much to be weighed down by the the handful of negatives that come with it honestly like being here is been is too much fun and even though I’m kind of bitching now about like oh two whole Chatters in my chat tonight were a little Annoying It’s it’s

Nothing it’s grains of sand and a giant desert of positives and so it’s it’s really no no skin off my back you know the the the pros deeply and heavily outweigh the cons deeply and heavily for me at least yeah mhm yeah you will same things to my face

To be fair I’ve had a cut happened a couple of times but they were they they you can’t please everyone yeah some people just dislike you and that’s fine I mean forcing them to like you be even more Awkward honestly so like if you want to dislike

Me that’s fine it’s not my business mhm oh precisely no I helped her um I helped her take out her trash today I think she’s clearing out like one of the like the guest rooms in her house and so she was having a hard time getting um bags out from her uh her

House to the front and so um I just pulled my car over cuz just got home from Al Luna Institute and so I just helped carry some bags in I CH nail though yeah yeah it’s some [ __ ] exactly exactly no fun really is honestly fun is

Fun is like I don’t know I feel like this very rare very seldomly is there a job that I would actually like you know and I feel like a lot of us are willing to suffer at jobs we don’t like for the sake of being paid very very seldom is

There a job that I actually like very seldom do you find work that you actually enjoy and can support you and so like that’s why I that’s why being here is very good being here is very good I happy I you very happy here I happy

Goob mhm thank every no yes y’all are sweeter y’all are sweet if if guys I think I might have a cavity from how sweet you are H yeah yeah yeah RIS them up real good yeah mhm yeah yeah that’s right I did it yeah that’s right

Mhm no you no T paxis I said it first I said it first M I said I said it first I said it first it is what it is I said it first I said it first look over there I said it first yeah yeah I said it first say just got

Here sorry son I feel so bad you keep catching watching the end of stream scenario I’m so sorry no it’s y’all y’all are the sweet ones yeah y’all lookie going to take two chips to dentist um those are called those are called us um by yearly check-ins you

Should be going to those anyway so um whatever zerio shut the [ __ ] up oh my God how dare how dare you I was scared for my life how dare you I thought I was about to get kidnapped I thought I was about to get you point no one thank you for the sua

Thank you thank you I activate my trap card no you no no you no you no no no no no no no take it back take that [ __ ] back take that [ __ ] back silence silence I have one okay listen here y’all may have the Uno reverse cards but I talk louder

Therefore I win isn’t how all arguments go I’m louder therefore I win girl you wa too sweet for us you spoil us enough and we are always appreciate you for your kindness hard work in every stream project you bring us you make us so proud each and every day well You I could be always doing more I had a stroke who I had a [ __ ] stroke I could always be doing more no plus look y y’all you yall spoil me a lot you’re very kind to me you’re very good to me okay so silence s guy thank you for the

Super thank you thank you just got in back in time for a no they’re just funny triangles okay they’re’s funny triangles yeah but but we could SPO you spoil me plenty yeah you spoil me plenty yeah you you spoil me enough okay yeah um um oh no oh no uh what’s this the

Stream’s ending now oh no oh yeah I have to go now cuz the stream’s ending yeah um I I have to log off now because uh uh um um uh uh Angel Duty’s call yeah I got to go now now yeah yeah um uh you can’t

Uh you spoil me enough okay bye bye Bing D it wait no moss moss M stop that M Moss M you spoil me enough I’m spoiled enough I’m fine uh uh look over There uh it’s uh it was um it was um a letter that says that I’m spoiled enough and you’re you’re done so um yeah yeah thank you thank you for the the the pink supera for the big pink supera oh oh go oh go I’m going to burp

Wa oh my God I just released the most gamer barp I was I really is the most Scooby-Doo sunning ass burp damn okay wa no no no Dy Raider no no no you’re you’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good good night we’re fine thank you

Thank you for the pink Super moss you guys spoil me way too much guys I’m already very very spoiled okay I’m fine I’m fine thank you you’re too sweet thank you thank you thank you the guys the new year just started please practice financial responsibility for the new year thank you star Creator

Thank you for the super SC scratching Tiger Hidden boot that’s not a real movie it’s hidden dragon you ding-dong that’s guy thank you for super tactical yeah it was this I made a tactical Retreat I’m not running anywhere no I’m not running anywhere it’s just it’s nothing it’s it’s nothing no no no

Yeah anyways um no one thank you for the super no I’m spoiled plenty enough thank you very much no one thank you thank you I’m I y’all take very good care of me I feel bad I I feel I okay I’m I’m going to be real I feel B I think I was

Venting at y’all a little bit earlier I’m so sorry I don’t mean to do that sorry I think today is just a hard day for me I just kind of accidentally vented a little bit my apologies everyone sorry to made you uncomfortable but anyways Devin thank you for the

Super free super now no no no no no no no no no no you know what’s Over the Rainbow um nothing nothing look over there um make KNX thank you for the supera free super party no no no no no uh if you say that you’re going to get abducted by

Aliens not even like the cool Ren kind it’s like actual aliens like Fire in the Sky like that one okay thank you thank thank you for the super thank you yeah GM lumy s I’m spoiled plenty I’m spoiled plenty thank you for the super GM lumy thank you thank you thank

You thank you very much okay also Moss I just looked at your profile picture it’s so fluffy and cute thank you I was just zooming on your PR but you’re so fluffy so fluffy so SLE but anyhow but yeah any anyways no I just I don’t I don’t want to catch be

Caught venting or nothing like that because I don’t know I feel like my problems should just be my problems you know they they shouldn’t be leaking like that so my apologies I I often think my fortitude is much stronger than it actually is m m thank you for the 10

Gifted M that’s enough thank you very much thank you thank you I’m not even on screen thank you very much thank you thank you y’all are much too sweet to me y’all were much too sweet thank you thank you thank you a 45 minutes thank you for the supera thank you thank you

Oh wait I forgot I forgot my [ __ ] line [ __ ] [ __ ] y are throwing me off here thank you Moss for T gifted if yall received a gift and membership from Moss make sure to think them properly thank you Moss 45 minute thank you for the super Party People aliens no they’re not

Party they’re there to kidnap you no no okay silence silence good night sh thank you you’re so sweet thank you for stopping by today thank you thank you a you’re are too sweet you’re are too sweet okay okay okay that’s enough okay I’m spoiled penty you I’ve done you you’ve done your

Piece okay you’re good you’re good thank you I appreciate it thank you for listening to me thank you for following the rules and um thanks for hanging out for some more for the crafting of the mines and um y’all take it easy okay okay youall have a good night okay thank

You for everything I appreciate it yeah just sorry just what a day what a [ __ ] day oh we can just chat here for a little bit I guess I can finally slap on my back yeah I was very head empty today so my apologies I was very head empty not a

Whole lot of thoughts going on behind behind be eyes My Eyes Are Open yet nothing was really being processed oh well what can you do but thank you anyways everyone thank you thank you yeah yeah I’m much too sweet y are much too sweet I noded to the how can I

Not be addicted to streaming if it’s an excuse to hang out with y’all of course I didn’t going to be addicted I think it’s pretty I think if someone if someone had a a viewership as as sweet and as kind as y’all I think any to be addicted to streaming let’s be honest

Here okay thank you for the Super Y sound yo yo you still sound fresh not spoil it out I’m spoiled rotten shut up bod CH I swear to [ __ ] God I swear to [ __ ] God I swear to [ __ ] God nurgle is the least based how deare you here we worship the god Emperor

Okay God what the hell yeah yeah M mm yeah yeah w w whatever I know I really said damn what a week I’m like ya it’s only Thursday it’s only Thursday this like three more days ago what the [ __ ] why why for S Queen yes indeed hell yeah brother

Of course thanks thanks for stopping by AIS thank you thank you I appreciate y’all coming in anyways I know that like I was a little off today but hopefully tomorrow I’ll be more refreshing I think I think a collab is what I need I think

I need a collab you know I try to I usually stray away from collabs just because I don’t want to clog them or anything because I don’t know I have to be in a kind of mindset to be able to collab well but um luckily tomorrow I’m

Collabing with people I like a lot so um yeah I think it’s what I need I’m alarus you’re alarus he she me alarus of course you too nla hope your Friday’s wonderful too thank you for the super a real talk your streams brought me out from lurking a that’s sweet well

It’s like the lurkers people who lur are also very valuable as well you know like I appreciate yall cuz girl when I was a fan when I was just a fan of Ian myself I would also just lurk streams just lurk mhm and everything changed and I got maxed sideways by by a

Membership not gifted I bought one by myself cuz I wanted it mhm yeah yeah I could I could do it um it’s like plus like I like I really like VI I like kuna I like Millie I’ve never met toi before toi is um a virtual real

Member that I know through opal and opal and I clicked immediately in Japan so were actually quite close and of course Fu Chan’s in there and Fu Chan’s always a good time and I’m looking forward to the collabs tomorrow I’ll do my best to wake up on time J Mommy thank you for

The SAA thank you thank you I can’t spell bg3 I can SPO I’m I’m spoil guys I’m going rotten I’m actually going to go rotten okay I need to visit the dentist three times now okay I’m going to go super rotten and spoiled okay I was too scared of chat before

Today so thank you of course don’t feel like feel pressured to chat or anything you don’t have to at all if you don’t want to like just hanging out in the background and just listening in is PR perfectly acceptable you know so don’t worry about it don’t worry about it just

Do whatever you want in uh in your own Comfort comfort zone yeah mhm you’re down to earth nature sincerity and passionate energy are actually actually a big thing a thank you I don’t know I just it’s like for for a while I thought that playing a character of some sort would

Be like the the Strat for this but I kind of quickly learned that I don’t know I feel like I’m just happy just being as oh [ __ ] oh ow ow the cringe this sounds so [ __ ] cliche so [ __ ] cliche but being myself is the best

Thing I could do honestly and so I feel stupid for even trying to put on a character to begin with and so like honestly I’m just been my [ __ ] self I’m just be my own goofy ass self it’s funny cuz like my brother even mentioned he’s like aren’t you supposed

To play a character or something you’re exactly the same off online as you are offline I’m like yeah you know he’s like damn [ __ ] you’re exactly you’re exactly the same I’m like yeah well [ __ ] damn what the [ __ ] what you expect D live laugh love exact I’m living

Laughing and loving in that exact order in that exact order and that’s right here thanks yeah you’re too sweet I am a humble Gooby yeah it’s like I don’t know I feel like it’s like I listen I’m a I’m a role player I I love D and D I love role player I love run Fest I I unironically enjoy lar and so like I thought I could pull it off but after the first week I

Was like oh [ __ ] I hate this I take a are you know honestly I have opinions on that like being quit un CIT slept on I I mean it’s obvious I’m not the most popular member but I think like compared to like where I was before nii Sanji I think girl this is

Successful you know and so like I feel like perhaps some don’t see me and that’s fine they don’t have to if they don’t want to and I don’t see any good complaining about viewership and that kind of thing and so I just don’t look at it you know I can’t be upset about

Numbers if I just don’t look at them you know and so I’m very happy with where I am if if being underrated or being undetected means that I can still have an amazing Community like this then that’s fine that’s good enough for me you know if this is if this is being

Unpopular this is being quote unquote slept on damn it’s still pretty [ __ ] good I I really do have no complaints Teresa thank you welcome back happy two months in the mainship has got my eye pupp nice it’s so cute oh oh okay that took a

Hard oh my God love love love you too thank you thank you take take good care of her feed her Cheesecake Factory okay she’ll look after you thanks Teresa welcome back welcome back yeah yeah I’m glad you come hanging with us and staying real Mak of course no it’s

Like it’s nice to have like it’s been a while since I’ve done this isn’t it had like a little post um like end screen just chitchat the volume’s not too loud on the music is it I’ll crank it down a little bit so you can hear me okay

Especially cuz I’m speaking a little more lowly than usual um no it’s like I think it’s it’s nice to have these like very heart to heart just casual like hi I’m not I’m just I’m at this very moment I’m not a streamer as soon I I’ll tell you what as

Soon as I switch to the outro screen I am no longer a streamer I’m just a and so I I turn off the the the quick CPS I turn off this and that I’m just myself right now it’s nice to have these little heart tohe heart talks we haven’t

Had any of these in a long time yeah we even had these in a hot minute so I kind of missed it also I’m so sorry for keeping you up by the way I’m so sorry from keeping you up awake my apologies it’s a Thursday too so sorry about that

If you have to go you can go sorry I don’t want to keep you like hostage here or anything yeah my apologies I admir are PR I admirers are amazing and that’s least to care with you because you being you just being you motivates us to to be oursel and by

Hardworking you are also motivat us such an inspirational you sticky oh it thank you of course no you’re so sweet duck honey of course of course you’re you’re y’all are very very sweet to me your D and D streams are my absolute favorites I’ve always wanted to play but never been

Able to find a group willing to teach a new group but your streams always make me laugh want to keep trying a ni that’s very sweet of you to say a that’s what I love about D and D I feel like uh DND D is so old open ended so literally anyone

Can join in anyone can play and nothing worms okay my greatest Flex my greatest like achievement the greatest feeling in the world is when members of Ian will DM me to ask to be part of the next game like that to me is like G Bliss absolute

Bliss you know it feels like like cuz I’m not the bestm I clearly have a lot to learn still but I have pride in it I have pride in the ability to to conduct DND to some to some Effectiveness and that kind of thing I can hold my own to

Some degree and actually conduct a at least somewhat cohesive game and so the fact that members will actively seek me out to ask to join games is the best thing to me the best feeling in the world like like like a senpai that was actually a little shy to talk to

Sometimes was in a meeting with me and was like oh by the way can I join your D and D game like huh re really I can I mean you want to of course you can yeah and it’s it’s always like such a nice fulfilling feeling when um

Another LI or will ask me for either like you know help with something like uh maybe like they need my art skill for something or they want me to include them in a stream it’s just the best feeling ever honestly it’s like not even just like on a public front just like

Behind the scenes help you know organizing this making this making EX socii for this feels good you no h yeah it’s a really good feeling it’s like that’s my biggest [ __ ] flux right there oh yeah hell yeah way to sleep at a h you need to sleep though

Come on you need to sleep though you can’t he what up you have no sleep guys don’t take after me you need actual rest come on y’all come on y’all your unbeat up being I am is clearly something worthwhile about that I I think so too I think so too I Dre my

First campaign of the party I was like 5 levels in didn’t didn’t get it for a minute now my character is one of the Legends awesome good for you good good on you for integrating really well I feel like I’m so emotional but I’ve been here for a few hours and already love

This love to be more AB of course no we’d be happy to have you but within your comfort level if you don’t have time for it and that kind of thing no pressure no pressure but you’re always welcome here everyone’s welcome here yeah yeah yeah a good dance with gold

Exactly well to be fair I I learned from some pretty cool people so it’s only 10:30 I got oh no worries jaell your bg3 streams got me got me to give Lian stud’s other game Divinity original oh yeah I saw Scarlet stream that is it good jumping in back H I

Heard I sh I saw that sheep play it I’ll ask her about it it’s been one of the best communities I’ve been in watching your streams being more involved it’s one of my has2 day a thanks so and S you you made the Minecraft skins didn’t you

Yeah I you I you did I know who you are you guys my memory is quite bad but I still know you it’s been a year and a half at this point I know quite a few of you but thank you like know the the artists the Clippers um the music

Creators like the viewers the lurkers the VOD Watchers the commenters you know people who just live tweat about it like all are really good amazing and um valuable parts of the community I know it’s been a year and a half already can you believe oh uh by

The way I guess if you’re still here then I guess you get the benefits of hearing some uh some Insider info um so I will be hosting a game show um for the 1 and 1 half year anniversary I don’t know if the rest of Luna has anything

Planned but I wanted to do something for them anyways and it comes with a special twist because it’s going to feature our managers so yeah so so um manisan will be getting involved a little bit in it so please look forward to it oh good night KY take it easy okay

Good night rest well mhm yeah so uh Manan will be getting involved and so uh it’ll be a fun little game show nonsense listen here my manager and I are on the very same like brain waves so yeah good night good night Moss and I looking play start for the rest of

The night oh I need play start at some point you take it easy thank you very much V mon well actually all alona’s managers there’s three of them so uh yeah Mhm well I’m going to go ahead and get ready for bed well first I need to do some some a little bit of work and then I’ll go to bed so um yall take it easy thank you for tuning in today and I’ll see you tomorrow for the collabs okay

I might sneak in perhaps like a gorilla zatu depending on if my body gives out but we’ll see if not then I’ll save it for Saturday okay good night everyone good night Byebye good night bye-bye Hello can can you hear me can can can you hear me now wait am I me no I think I okay hello excuse me [ __ ] excuse literally I just say good I just said good night I just said good night what the [ __ ] is this supposed to mean huh

What the [ __ ] is this huh huh care to [ __ ] explain GM lumy Murphy star creator Devin Squirtle Jang you America explain America explain what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this vibing no no no these Vibes are tainted no no no no no no no I said I said good night it’s

Over I said I’m still muted no I’m not no Murphy did you did you just try to Gaslight me through a Super Chat did you just try to Gaslight me through that’s [ __ ] up that’s Fu you trying to what the [ __ ] is wrong with y’all what the

First you you call me the Gizzy Gladiator now you’re trying to convince me I’m muted huh can I [ __ ] help you silence subscri thank you for the super welcome welcome the PO the 25 post party shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up all of you silence silence

Silence stream’s over go home go to bed go go sleep God damn don’t jobs me to do jeez good night good [ __ ] night good [ __ ] night here here here here here I I suppose I must resort to to more drastic measures a moment please I’ll have to use my powers of

Hypnosis oo spooky boobss oo spooky boobs they’re convincing you to go home I’m already spoiled that’s no thank you for the superc stop that no no you feel the the the intense urge to to stop and go to bed oo spooky boobs good night Devin good night oo spooky boobs the spookiest boobs

O you’re going to go to bed now you’re going to stop that good night oo oo oh my head got C woo okay good night good night I forgot okay good night for real b b listen here listen here listen here no no no no no no no no you’re leaving

Right now good night happy seven months good night good night bye you you don’t deserve that smooch I’m taking the smooch back okay it’s mine good Night

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 no thoughts, only blocks 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-01-05 06:57:24. It has garnered 6213 views and 990 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:44 or 16484 seconds.

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Unbelievable Build!

    Unbelievable Build! Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of Build Battle and Lucky Block Skywars Unleashing Creativity in Build Battle In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players like 3omry_ on Twitch showcase their building skills in exciting challenges like Build Battle. In this fast-paced competition, participants have limited time to construct themed creations. From fire engines to intricate scenes, the possibilities are endless. The thrill of the clock ticking down adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Victory in Second Place Despite the pressure, 3omry_ and their team managed to secure second place in a recent Build… Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

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  • Speedrun: All Biomes in 6 Minutes!

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  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

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  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

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  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions & Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

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  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

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  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

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  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

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  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

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  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

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  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

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  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

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  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​] RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More