Insane Minecraft Magic: Projectile Digging!

Video Information

Now in the new tube and the top manner welcome back to some more as Magica to write with last episode we’ve managed to get everything sorted guys and we started off really well until got to the oculus we had a little bit of a shaky patch there because I didn’t know what I

Was clicking on so we luckily when we kept a couple of those skill points anywhere from those orbs and I managed to get be able to get the dig spell which I’ve been told as they could want to get really at the start so anyway I’ve gone ahead and crafted myself the

Inscription table as you can see it requires one of these spell parchments a torch a feather some some wooden slabs and two wooden planks so let’s go and get that or some other achievement I love that can I put that there I can indeed look at that it’s brilliant that

So let’s click on this and whoa it’s too big for me GUI this is what I was saying in the last episode as well that’s wrong one the goo is like it’s too there we are that’s what it should be on where did that come from

Now I do have I’ve crafted myself some another iron sword and an iron shovel this time so we’re going up in the world slightly but we are look it up we’re getting a nice full chest of stuff here shimmer it’s looking very nice okay so let’s look at this crafting my first

Spell is what we were doing so let’s go back and let’s oh wow magical wall lectin crafty NOLA wonder where that was coming from Isis I craps me up in this place alright so where were we where were we up here your first spell okay place the

Book in the inscription table and drag the spell pass you want in order place what book and then craft a writable book okay so we need to craft a writable book not as a written book book is that a book and quill this thingy which is an

Ink sack a feather and another book I forgot I don’t think we got any leather of way that’s going to be a problem the thing is that I’ve actually got my thing out here so I feel very safe coming out here at night I’ve got a sir

I’m somewhat pops over the top there and starts trying to kill me we should have bounced happen so what I’m going to do guys is in the morning what I’m going to do is I’m going to go out there and I’m going to get some of my wheat which hopefully would have

Grown by then fingers crossed I don’t think I’ve killed a skillet I have got plenty of bones ix I got them from inside the temple themselves so we should have enough now that’s it a lot very good stuff I’m going to get met I’m going to get this

Weight and I’m going to create a cow pen and that will allow us to obviously be able to get the cows we need to get the leather we need for the books that we’re going to need to be able to craft all of our stuff so we’re going to do guys is

Much like my last episode I’m going to put in a little bit where I just like you know like a speed build I do a like a speedy bit in the middle of this episode and what I’ll do is I’ll wait till the morning which is very ill here

And then I will do a speed build of the little area we’re going to have our cows in whoo-hoo laughs we’ve got two of our cows got Bertie and Bessie so one you and one you start smashing your faces together please and there we go well junior down there now I’m going to

Need to come in so if you don’t mind moving out of the way of the exit there I do need to pop in thank you because Bertie old Bessie one of you is going to have to disappear thank you very much for that plenty of we plenty of leather

There that’ll do for a written book thank you very much thank you right let’s go inside first limb farm was dull let’s sort this tree out good stuff I’ll come back for the saplings later on okay so next thing is next we do need some more sugar cane at some

Stage but we’ve got plenty of that outside so we don’t need to worry about too much leather now I need an ink sack don’t I I remember rightly and a feather good stuff I think it’s a share plus one yes a book and quill brilliant that’s the writable book done my

Goodness oh yeah and I killed something what was it it wasn’t a structure as a mob right manna alamin ella ella a manor alum elemental I saw the mana elemental is a combination of vintage showers held together by bolts of raw essence they are towering creatures often reaching

Three metres in height they attack with bolts of rahmanir that lash out dealing minor damage but stealing manner and in return return to the elemental healing it based on the amount of mana stolen they are highly resistant to physical damage if all the mana is drained from

The elemental it will die nothing that’s what it is sorts of structures here crafting alter we’ll get to that anyway that’s one of our next ones and the first spell inscription table place the book in the inscription table and drag the spell pass you want in order from the top grey

Section to the bottom gray section once your combined complete you go to your craft alter so we need to make the book first okay book and quill in their projectile I dragged okay projectile dig that sounds pretty good pretty good to me name project I’ll dig a bit of digging date digging digging

Yeah sounds good to me and then remove the book okay we’ve got digging there by Harry okie a projectile dig sounds pretty good to me so next is this crafting alter then we need to make a crafting altar whoa harnessing the forces of creation the crafting altar allows mages to work

Miracles of magic this is where you will create all of your spell’s in as Magica the structure is upgraded by two main groups the caps on the men material both groups individually increase the available power of the altar and allow it to make more powerful spells the main

Blocks in order of power are as follows wooden planks stone bricks sandstone bricks which would nether bricks and nether quartz that’s the three effects there for the caps a grand total of five in the structure where I’m going to minute pause caps I must be these look

The the redstone box of redstone I’ve got around side there so for the caps got a lot of five in the in the structure the progression is as follows glass is one effect coal blocks is two effects redstone is three iron is 4 lapis is five gold is six diamond to

Seven and emerald is eight Wow so okay I think the best way I’ve got a witch wood forest not too far away from me so the best one for me I think will be which would if I use which would here now is it which actual water as it planks let’s

See if it actually shows us that’s bricks at Sun stone which wood planks okay that’s planks and then it doesn’t matter which cap does it have to be got I don’t think it does have to be gold caps so really what we’re looking for now then is what we want to do here

It’s nine per one so we’re going to need a lot of gold if we were to use gold but we’ve got plenty of iron nine 18 36 45 we needed total of whatever we’re going to use so we haven’t go enough gold to do that by far so I think it’s an that

We’re going to be often to use there which will be for effects so forum 3 is 7 FX what’s the can we get a total of 3 & 8 so it’s 11 7 11 I don’t think that’s too far away I think it would be enough

To do a projectile dig spell I’m quite sure well I hope it is so we need a lot of which planks guys which wood planks what’s this magic walls oh this was the thing that was looking at VIN team dust – VIN team dust and the stone makes 16 magic walls and only

Attempt at the illusion block the magical wall wasn’t really able to blend in with its surroundings or prevent people from looking through the value though was just after having mastered mage leonidas criticizers for our efforts watching him walk face-first into one that’s when we knew it at least

Had some stopping power part right but when the fireball he threw out it bounced back and burnt his beard burnt his beard off we knew it was a keeper okay so to VIN tiem on one stone we’re going to need some of that let’s go and grab that now actually or just sucked

Off 16 VIN tiem which is good spunk you in there then get some venting dust on the girl we’re going to need one of you thank you and we are going to need definitely some of you I count at 45 so let’s put you in there and get you going

Very nearly finished with the VIN team does brilliant 16 magic walls good then we’ll put Digga jinn there for the moment we’re not using it right now right I’m going to need to get a proper axe here come on run on these sticks sticks and get an iron axe so then we

Can go over to the witch wood forest and and chop down a bear which would hopefully right I think we’re gonna have to deal with food at the moment did I get notes Upland seriously a sprit about eyes getting dark as well it’s getting dark guys you know what I’m going to

Wait until the morning and then we’ll pop over and ER and get some which would you now then YouTube I am back and as you can see right in front of me I’ve managed to build it the crafting altar and that’s going to help me craft my

First spell that’s that project our big one that’s going to help me out quite a lot with with my pickaxes and staff lat oh that reminds me actually I’ve just got to go and run this this command I’m Yui config and what this will do guys it will allow you to just edit

Where these things are so that they’re not right in your way woops well I wasn’t I’ll pull out of there don’t well that does so they aren’t right in my where which is good there we are looks a bit better now so yeah we’ve got this we’ve got it all nicely and ready

I’ve updated as Magica to one point one point see is it one point one point one see that’s the one and it comes with a whole host of changes guys as you can see there’s emerald blocks that I forgot there’s another page actually moonstone boxes nine effects and Sunstone is ten

Effects allowing you to stack up to 13 effects and these stack cumulative lists so for example wood blocks with glass caps would equal the amount of two effects whereas stone bricks with redstone counts would have maximum fire effects the maximum number the effects you can currently have on a spell is 13

Well luckily I don’t think we’re going to be using that much so I I really don’t know what I’m doing from this point on guys I really don’t know what I’m doing I know that I’ve got to take this this dig each spell that I did

Earlier and put it onto there but I have no idea what I’m actually doing here combination projectile dig one blank rune one vinton dust one error one snow bar one orange room when I shovel one iron pickaxe one spell parchment these are the materials that we need to obviously make the spell affinity

Breakdown earth under god knows what that means I have no clue what that means what is this lever who knows who knows what this lever does I have no clue and let’s look actually in a magic Knights now look it’s just mmm-hmm spell creation area okay place the book

From your inscription table on the lectern of your crafting altar structure and throw in a blank rune the book will guide you through the rest of the process showing you what you need when essence is required during the spell creation process use a crystal wrench to change the power type if necessary then

Flip the switch on the multi-block the structure will draw enough power that’s what the switch is far okay join of power then switch then turn the switch off automatically once your spell is created equip and right-click to name it and set the icon once you have done this correctly the spell will be

Castable otherwise it will show you the customization GUI GUI UI when you cast so it seems guys that the spell creation we need a blank rune we need a blank rune I believe that’s just some is it some cobblestone if I remember rightly it was something that looks like that

Yes good stuff so I just took it in oh my god that is awesome that is absolutely awesome so we need some vin team dill oh my God look at this got all sorts of fancy particle effects got my own fancy good I want to see this in all

Its splendor was brilliant right VIN team dust then I’m sure out some venting just kicking around or not I’ve not got any even team dust I’ll remind you I cited them all out in two chests dinner ah yeah you see it would help if I remembered where I put some stuff so VIN

Tiem dust shoot you in there then an arrow now I’m sure I’ve got an arrow from when I’ve been killing from scalers that’s good ooop of that ah that’s fantastic what is this what what are you what why why do I leave the snowball are what well luckily for me

Just outside here guys is a snow biome so I can go ahead I’ve got my iron shovel grab a few snowballs while I’m I suppose pop into here let’s took a snowball into the middle of that what do you think about the crafting structure meaning in the in the middle of the

Floor lightest I don’t know I’m not quite sure if I like it or not it might just become a crafting altar base what the hell is that an orange room so I take it we are going down the list so it is an orange rune I take out I’m going

To need some orange dye ultimate right rune let’s have a look it’s that one yeah orange die rose red dandelion yellow I don’t have got flowers to be able to do this you know and offer a yellow one but I haven’t got a red one I

Haven’t got a red flower looks like I’m gonna go I have to go on the hunt for a flower guys and I’ll be right back well I found some more yellow flowers and I’ve just found one rose and usually they come in in in more than just one

Was some more summer stuff there and I would have liked it if I could’ve get more of the roses but I mean what I’ve got is enough it’s just if I if I need some in the future run away the creeper it’s a mana creeper it’ll suck all my

Mana even though I’ve got none and gotten it it will suck all your mana so unfortunately I can only find one at all there we are there we are found you you’re all Ida near is that another witch wood forest it is it’s a lot of which would now surrounded

By which food forests all right let’s say we’ve got enough now to be able to to go through with quite a few crafting recipes so I’ll see you guys back on okay guys look at this we’ve got some orange dye let’s pop one in there with

This blank room now to get that orange room for this for the spell plot that in there what else do we need now an iron shovel that much I can do with my iron ingots though they are I’m sure I’ve got some sticks kicking around if not be

Easy enough to make them I’ve got plenty of wood on sticks brilliant and iron shovel fantastic hope this works and iron pickaxe and there we are that’s the iron pickaxe done is this the last piece a spell parchment spell spiel my god spell parchment please where is

This spell parchment oh yeah I remember that I remember that recipe look al it got enough woody earth to make some mass sticks so I think this is going to do it guys spell parchment and this is the last component are we going to get the

Spell or is it going to blow up in my face I shouldn’t think so ah that music was legendary that music was awesome awesome projectile dig spell we’ve got it here what does it say about right-clicking not doing somewhat with it now that silver skills have no idea

About that okay so the book will guide you through the process when essence is required during the spell process that’s nothing we’re fine there once your spell is it created equip it and right-click to name it and set the icon once you have done this correctly the spell will be castable

Otherwise you’d be shown in customization GUI again when you cast okay so oh dig edge you’ve got to leave it as Diggy jump me we’ve got to leave it as digging what do we what what oh my God look at all these symbols month so

What do we give it I mean I can’t properly see these because my must scale my GUI scale and much wood should I give it one of the easier it looks like a dig egde kind of spells in it and yeah I think so I think we should go

With this one here and and how do I do it then ah I didn’t mean to do that are of royal terror a dickish place degage so what I do just press a skip well our ion X no no no how do I get up there yeah yeah

Right how do I actually use this 10 ah man I’ve got a first spell oh Jesus Christ scare the life out me that is literally what is that what’s happening why am I getting loads of like manna I know let me just do do this again because things are acting away a little

Blue thing there right okay let’s put you there so I can actually see what you’re doing and why why am i getting tons of what is that anyway I love the sound one I absolutely love that sound it’s fantastic so in theory now guys should never need another

Pickaxe let me see if it works on like arsons the flower or whether I do need another pickaxe estimate but I found any hours anywhere be useful for when I’m actually if there’s something in ceiling I can’t get to know I never noticed that before I’m gonna new torches it’s

Possibly a bad idea to come down it but that’s the that’s the basis of of spell creation right there love the sounds absolutely love the sounds than the fantastic really good job on them love the spell creation process I love the graphics around the spell creation

Process as well the only thing I’m not so sure of now guys is I think somebody’s somebody’s changed the textures of the stuff so it looks different and I’m not entirely sure if it actually looks better let me go another look even team looks pretty much

The same they all look the shimmer right I’m not entirely sure that the shimmer right looks better than what it currently what it previously did in all honesty I don’t think and the are as well they are I don’t think looks as good as what it used to but that’s just

That’s just me okay it’s just me so project out all these things still actually there so how do I get this off how do I get you off that and please ah there we are shift and right click I’m gonna have to get a chest for me new

Books are are I’m gonna say get a bookcase but I’ll be real bubbly or crafts there’s no point in that and I’m not installing any other odd skies it’s literally just as Magica right I think the next logical step apparently in the next logical step your first bill is

Apparently Nexus having a nexus hmm so what I’m going to do guys is in between episodes I’m going to have a read up about necks I as you can see Nexus is his next sigh and see exactly what I’m doing what exactly will be my next step because I think getting this projectile

Digs Bell is going to be really good I’m going to test it on some arse as well and we’ll see how things go so thank you very much for joining me guys this has been the end of episode 2 of my ass magicka 2 let’s play and until next time

Guys I’ve been a soft month thanks very much for watching and as always stay safe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Ars Magica 2 Let’s Play – Part 2 – Projectile Dig’, was uploaded by HaighyorkieChilled on 2014-01-16 16:54:14. It has garnered 29772 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds.

I start Ars Magica 2! It’s a let’s play revolving solely around this one magic mod. I haven’t had much chance to see this in action so i’m going into an LP of this totally blind. it’s using the new 1.1 version of Ars Magica which has changed how things get unlocked to see. Please feel free to check this mod out here: or you can get it as part of SolitaryCraft!

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    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC:… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More