Insane Minecraft Mayhem: Lime Lemons

Video Information

D okay where is Zumi Zoom what is X B what n h j m b o okay hi starish okay I need to UND Def and put my skin on yo do you guys want to try and take a team screeny before we we start hold

Back I still need to put my skin on oh my God wait oh I was panicking and I was like space did not put the links there oh yeah no I was like wait wait where I went to the chat I didn’t realize that it was posted in our team

Chat I was going to ask but I I just didn’t know where they were I was oh the team skins yeah Goa oh yeah okay here they are I’m putting him on on right now oh my God top you’re throwing I am I forgot I thought I had

Throwing it’s I’m going to be throwing the whole event so don’t worry about it you’re kicked out of the team okay dying again I’m mad you’re dying a little bit I’m dying on the inside that counts H I guess I guess it does favorite second frag POV is Crazy

By the way I’m G to I’m not second fragging okay not too Cloud hi Pike man don’t call I’m Mickey I think it’s funny I’m still Mickey in this chat we’re dominating Mayhem that’s fine yeah I’m lagging but my stream quality shouldn’t suck this time at the very least I should be able

To you guys won’t be on 30 FPS theoretically I switched wait why does this look sucky wait why did the quality looks slow what happened hey I got my team skin now nice chat look space and doy made these they’re really nice looking skins so there goats for oh this is Jump pad

Where we taking screeny at um do you want to do in front of the trophy sure wait can we get on the TRU no I tried already I got a try once for believe oh wait I got lied to you oh wow oh I thought you meant like on top of the

Tury oh never mind that’s fair o oh you have a frog on yet I didn’t make it there Cosmetics it’s as lucky as a Pikman dude chat how bad is is it so I think it’s 60 FPS but is it the p is it like 720p or something that

Slow that’s my bad right I can’t tell which one it is Chad okay we’re going to go crazy this event we’re going to be back here again after you won the event in the same screenshot true but on top of the trophy this time oh yeah true exactly before

And after on the trophy chat is it my stream are the frames good and is the stream quality good yeah I I love the team oh I cuz I can’t tell I think the frames are good but it looks like the stream quality sucks so I need to work on

That why why are you getting after the event to you wait where am I yours six why is clown above me what the freak yeah earlier clown was in first and then we were all second third fourth and fifth yeah but all his teamat LG on

Why it why is the leaderboard just not have my teams skin on that’s that’s messed up wait no look at me look at me this is still my block where team skin I’m betraying this team for that one you can’t tell not going to lie okay

What I did is I swapped my uh streamlabs to be on a different drive cuz the other one was kind of dying and out of storage where I swapped it to my SS that has a lot more and it’s just more powerful game you want like but my internet still sucks

I have no idea so much for PR Queen thank you for the prime are you saying wasted cuz I never stream listen if my internet got fixed I’d be streaming so much more often you don’t understand but I can’t look at my stream quality I

Can’t like I need to fix this still I don’t know what like I’m looking at it that’s 720p so it’s so bad but Queen you’re still the goat for the prime subs and 13 months is crazy so what at least I think it’s my internet is bad so obviously that’s part

Of it but I think there’s something else I still got to mess around my stream settings cuz it shouldn’t be 720p cuz the frames look good now but the actual quality looks like really bad top stream month it’s just event bro it’s not even I’m not even it’s just

Events like I you can’t I I haven’t earned the title of top stream month when I go when I’m actually streaming hot PL and such again I again but once my internet gets fixed surely I’ve been trying for like a weeks to piix my internet by the way and I just can’t

It’s a stream FPS is it 30 well I like okay thank you that’s good to know I don’t I don’t know why it’s so low I I’ve been trying to mess around with my settings I don’t know why it’s 30 like it’s bad I’m going to find someone who really

Knows your stream settings and try and mess around after this or I might try a do you guys know if is OBS Studio better quality than streamlabs OBS cuz I think it’s that’s why I’m 30 FPS and low quality so it looks terrible for you guys so I’m really sorry

HL me me me okay dude but if valerin also me me mean Morgan was just here and then left oh Morgan’s back Morgan’s back wait so we’re just missing as and lucky yeah you don’t think it does matter wait where are they well well so I just

Lagged CH I lag so now it’s frozen for you and the quality is even worse whenever I lag it’s going to freeze for you guys and the quality is going to suck I’m so sorry that’s the worst part of my internet I stream with streamlabs yeah

Right now I’m using streamlabs OBS I was trying to download OBS Studio before but um I just didn’t have enough time to like fully set it up I I might have but I just don’t want to risk it hello hello hello so you think Bingo first right yeah youing first you have less

Time than last time first I like Bingo I’m not going to lie heck yeah yeah I’ll try with after this chat I’ll swap to normal OBS Studio I’m in no space to talk about game ideas for now I’m sorry you’re going to have to suffer with this horrible frames and horrible stream

Quality let’s go streaming on YouTube might make it better maybe I could do what I might Doo stream I’ll stream on Twitch with OBS studio and stream on YouTube we’ll see is there like a Lobby parkour somewhere yes yeah right the the main area um thank you oh yeah cuz that’s the one

You were doing earlier right yeah there’s so many people trying to do it I found the Neo that your inventory jiming wasn’t working on cloud yeah that I’m not going to do good in parkour it’s over it’s over well you’re fine cuz I’m also not doing good so it’s like evens

At wait that’s not how that works what do you mean Works smarter not harder jump don’t know how I mess up wait I’m cooking loveby away is this supposed to be a bunk bed there’s no here wait that’s such a far jump oh now we’re just waiting on ESP oh

I’m oh that wasn’t that bad oh there’s a b bed oh yeah there’s just SB I want to go in here no can you teach me how to PE really quick PE yeah I forgot oh okay um you just jump and then hold space like and

Then move when you hit the ground oh of course yeah how I mess up inventory juming should can I I’ll finish this I’ll try and finish this one I think I can cook parkour but I just don’t know a lot of the harder I have no

Idea we’re fourth right or I does It Go by color order yeah does it I don’t remember no idea I don’t know either is everyone on your team ready nope red is not oh Red’s not ready Red’s not ready they’re throwing maybe’s still like loading the decided not be ready

Yeah oh my God be chatted so oh my gosh my internet chat I’m you like how do you guys put up with this like I’m sorry you have you put up with a low FPS and the low quality like I I couldn’t watch a stream like this good luck

I’ll try and give you a good Minecraft Gameplay if you’re even going to be able to see it though that’s kind of the issue you the only two that ever say do we want PVP games later you guys think um um well how do you how do you

Two feel about PVP noad and de uh I’m better at parkour personally so yeah okay um I am down for or literally anything I play better as like a kind of range versus like in support I guess so okay I got you I don’t know maybe we

Just start with like Bingo and sple cuz there’s are more like um yeah Rish oh I’m really good atle I’m really bad atle that’s good thanks for the followers by the way my followers are broken but thank you I see you co Munch you go are my

Good yep I did that earlier where’s my Lobby music by the way this is just sad 100% oh no I jumped up that way and I I think I did the same jump you’re talking about and I just stopped and I just looked for a quick minute cuz I was so

Bewildered wait you can just cheat on part of the parkour and use a jump pad to get like halfway up yeah you just can let’s go oh my God yeah everyone’s here we’re starting event is starting yo well the music’s kicking in the music’s here I like the Main Music so loud

Music there’s a slider for it you can turn it down I oh oh okay oh my God I Su is this h no it’s my it’s my I can’t this is spectator the stream is so delayed dude I can’t fix it I’m sorry it’s not that delayed

Scar refresh for me it’s a few seconds behind only music’s so intense I can’t fix it though whenever I lag out I think I go further behind and I know the quality sucks it’s just going to suck I’m sorry I tried to fix it over the stream I swapped my um

Which drive my stream was downloaded on it did nothing it’s just I guess it just is my internet I’m going to try stre I’m going to try a OBS Studio next time too oh I just I see it in the distance wait CL how far have you made it on the

Parkway um just one jump that I keep failing and I I just I’m just bad it’s like it’s not a parkour day for me it’s it’s just like I don’t know no we have to forget what we’re going to do they’re already on game four d

Well how do I like I I don’t think I can fix it without starting the stream I can’t see [ __ ] oh it is so late dude why can’t I see I’m in the window let me help I’m just shaking ass my bad I restart the stream it’s just AFK what what’s up my

Bad that’s crazy Chad do I restart the stream Chad I’ll restart really quick to try to fix the delay sad They all look like Prep students thank you Doug thank you hopefully that helps a little bit it’s this quality is going to suck though I’m so sorry who just left jeez I didn’t know you could do that yeah what if everyone just logs out during their team introduction like you

Fire what the hell did I just see him flating wait everyone’s free wait what the what the heck what the hell we just got a little bit of fre how this voting system oh you have to uh oh my FPS is gone oh what is how does this work I

Don’t know but get them into our thing I don’t I think it’s good I’m just going to I’m just going to get them in their thing no idea we’re running out of pigs um I can’t reach I’m short I’m too short for this there’s one left in the middle everyone get

Him oh my god oh oh I tried to fall off we’re not allowed to fish anymore so do we get like stuff for it wait okay I clicked oh okay so Bingo or sple Bingo Apple okay Apple yeah that’s not an apple okay I ate it I

Ate the apple yum I also ate app what did the pig fishing do why did we why did we do oh we did the total votes oh that’s neat oh cuz we got 10 we got the most votes yay really that’s cool actually wait we’re the best big

Fishing yes we riged it oh that’s a lot of bingo weed it with our 10 P oh my God we’re so good Chad the stream’s back I’m sorry the quality is going to suck I’m really going to try and fix it for next time I hate my PC for letting it suck

I’m so oh I do too you can you guys can swap you Cloud if you want a better quality stream I’d highly recommend Cloud still also my good so give me the card please oh this map is cool I know I like the Cherry oh it’s I to turn my render

Distance oh okay bingo card oh Bingo c o dark oak diorite wall this is overwhelming my brain I can’t do this polish gr stairs how do you make a trap chest yeah is that with the uh the item the most points Cherry sign say sky Bango

You’re I might just rush I might I might just rush a bunch of iron because there’s like five things that just require iron okay yeah I’ll I’ll start doing like all the Cherry stuff so like the one in the bow sign Cherry B chest

Yeah do you want to do you want to rush this Cherry sign and I’ll Rush the boat so we can hopefully get both of them first sure okay sounds good oh it doesn’t disappear the glass oh wait hold on um I need to change my key binds real quick okay w we need

Birch dark oak stairs diamonds I’ve got I lied cool those are diamonds is there a dark oak thing oh dark oak leaves I’m trolling oh the thing doesn’t okay I have to right click bir okay I already have four diamonds if someone else can find the other four

Four already is crazy going for it you make fence okay I want another chest um iron bars you need six iron I have seven iron I can make the iron bars if you want uh yeah go for it that’d be great thank you all right uh di

Wall oh I found Birch Birch Granite stairs is this granite what tree is that dark oak wait trying to find a cave I can’t find one mine it’s mine be fair we’re all flying I was said one more mine how did you make a trip I just need

Two more diamonds I found two more diamonds iron bars nice one iron off from a iron what is it from the iron block oh hoer too I can a hopper actually I’m going to make a hopper okay bow nice with the hopper by the way where is

Copper I see diamonds do you still need them CL I no I got I got it oh my God you’re good wait I need my Boost where’s the lava where I see it I see gold is it a insta smell by the way oh it is thank god oh

See uh no next time or does it uh it gave me both it gave me an Ingot and there emerald I I pass through like yeah give me both give me raw and see that okay okay sick so you get kind of double Golds okay oh I found an emerald oh I

Have to actually smell the copper though Emerald uh what are we with iron by the way I have three extra iron um I don’t know what we still need actually we need a block of iron so if anyone has I’m I’m doing it now any extra iron in gets oh you’re doing it

Now nice okay um we also need power how do you make a power we need gold I think I’m going to go for block of raw I’m about to have the helmet by the way for the gold helmet all right crack stone bricks I’m going to go I’ve

Got some extra iron I’m going to go go um see if I can find what is it uh oak leaves we don’t need this just get shears up okay that just me up uh does anyone have any raw iron raw iron not raw not raw iron ra

Raw uh raw gold I have none I SM found I need um cracked Stone brids oh get the leaves if you can yeah got it okay umce I’m lagging I don’t like you we need mushrooms too okay wait I’ll do that I can do that ah I did the wrong one since I’m

Here I didn’t me the message wait uh we need Redstone and a piston blue wool I I’m making the loom right now by the way I just need three more I found a bunch of flowers I’ll be able to die crack stone brick I for the stew I don’t

Remember do you just need one I don’t think you need both I think you just need one what flower is this that’s a desser that doesn’t do you yeah apparently I only keep getting red ones so fun um blue wool do we have lapis anywhere yeah I haven’t seen any lapis I’m

Hunting with flowers there’s a whole flower bi out this way okay you I see if anyone has a brown busher please let me know unless I’m making this now that I’m seeing dud okay I have blue D if we need it dispensary dispenser seems easy need

R I’m just not getting a brown mushroom oh my God does anyone have one raw gold that’s all I need no um no yeah this is for it how do you make a dispenser I would like that there’s no brown mushrooms are you kidding this I don’t understand whatever what else do we

Need okay uh mushroom stew powered rail redstone repeater just won’t drop a brown mushroom I can do redstone repeater right now I’m looking for a sheep nice nice I don’t how do you make a repeater sheep found one three two need no please okay what else do you

What else do yall need gold and just gold I got gold I got the gold Block in a second I’m running out of food um powered railed I’m GNA go see if I can hun for Redstone then okay we just need six gold you have six gold cloud

From the gold wait I’ve just I’ve only gotten two items I’m kind of this is the oh we need we need a cloud smell your gold wait I have gold I have it I have it do you have gold ingots uh yeah oh uh can you come to me

Or can you just make the power rail oh you’re here give me the gold OTS where the heck did my crafting table go I can make one okay wait you I need sticks I just need sticks and I can make it where did my sticks go I don’t have

Any wood I have wood uh oh wait I can just make it okay I’m stupid I dropped it there we go okay we got it we we got everything we win GG G I got so many items that game I want to count I swear went czy the first

Time I felt useful in this game we did it 7 minutes that’s all we need did that took seven minutes yeah Jesus yippee yippee dude Kings actually I’m excited chat it’s over it’s so it’s fixed it’s un delayed I just restarted I can’t it’s going to keep getting delayed I’m so sorry

Chad I don’t know what I can do imagine good at individual mean Team game so that you’re in get get rolled okay huh hello yeah wait what huh imagine being good at Team games so that you’re individual gets yeah wait dude where my ended points what the freak I would have gone like

30th now you’re fre chat I’m going to try and only have my stream on my phone do you see that will help with the delay fishing rod I don’t know why it’s so bad though it’s going to be bad I’m so sorry Chad it’s just it’s just sad this is

Just sad oh no we can’t wait there’s a pig right there Cloud I got it I got it oh cuz oh no get it I’m getting it wait I’m going to do that [ __ ] a little too got it it’s gone fishing face over I kind of like

This I do what do you want I only got seven this time tripple tie I want to do sple I think if you guys are good with that SP yeah I’m done for sple okay it’s up you yeah did I got seven boots besides Canan Canan good yeah boats are over oh

Ohion I wouldn’t mind for okay com checko Fus up piggle going check when I beg I might def for this okay why is he saying that he has sandwich on his team mm oh I love not being able to see I’m with you guys I might just go

Straight for easy because my computer may die at any point I respect that I can respect I usually go straight medium unless it’s really hard then I go easy but I believe in you guys you guys will do so many amazing things I sure of it no you’ll be up

There with us well we’re all going to be amazing okay don’t worry endless endless proud of all of you we got this listen your computer is not going to crash and you’re going to go crazy yeah for real I’m knocking on the wooden desk we’re we’re good if it makes

You feel better U my computer’s also dying and my stream is now delayed by 3 minutes already from pausing so so it’s bad but it’ll be okay it’ll all be okay I’m sure I’m thinking do I defin if that is how you succeed go for

It yeah I can respect if you need you lock in all right [ __ ] it you got to lock in to be the best I I totally again it oh no here we go leaving you I heard so many fireworks on the hard yeah I just trolled like so hard wait that’s a block okay these are actually hard I got to not speedrun okay well they’re not hard they’re just not easy I should chill a little bit I’m doing this I oh my God

Okay I should just like chill on this what the heck is this oh NE CL you pass the fense NEOS already I’m right behind you oh my God you just scared me right when you said that I saw your face up here Okay oh burst time burst time oh you’re so right but no I’m not bursting I’m better than that oh I’m not wait is that is that a slime oh that is that’s weird I thought it was screen sing glass cloud and I was just like trying to make the

Jump this is long so don’t fall but it’s easy how do I oh just oh I fell okay I almost missed that that was really bad oh I should have for cl I want to go faster but I know if I fall cuz I’m going too fast I’m want

To be mad at myself so it’s like yeah that’s me well I’m going I’m trying to go fast and I keep falling so o double I’m just going to jump to that I think you’re can skip the last head jump on that level cloud if you want just jump straight to the left

One okay I no double Neo I’m being silly this is honey I think I I don’t think I’m supposed to jump on top of that what if I stop trolling you think that would be a w I think hey where did you go I did a

Double Neo I think I did it wrong oh that okay oh my gosh oh this level I’ll wa up no no no you got to catch up to me cl I know you can do it how need go slower what am I doing I’m just trying to run everything and it’s just not

Working you’re just trying to be the goat I can respect that double Neo again Ow that’s a weird jump wait so the levels kind of stay the same between like Events oh I’m I’m a troller ah just missed it what am I doing just do that I just what am I doing what I crouched off here you go oh that’s so weird oh I hate that I’m just lost on this level cloud you’re fine that’s that’s R

What I got a head time that one I tooy I’m lost so you have to like oh my God I hated That shifting off the edge you love shifting off the nope it’s come on oo catching up to you don’t do that I I actually do do that that’d be great I thought I was going to get stuck there for so Okay okay I hit my head that’s so fun that’s owie bunk ice oh oh you go inside I’m hard throwing if it makes you feel better um I’m just shift like how do I like shift off like that hello just it I don’t want to lose this guy I want to stay with Him oh my God that weird I want to stay with these guys so I can follow I should have played parkour before this instead of playing valerant okay Val’s fun though prity is okay I wish I knew do pey that’s what scary no no I’ve never seen the end of that game I’m I got to do that this time did you make it to the end of the course me yeah is that what you meant or oh are you saying crash last time okay nice I I actually finished the no I finished the whole course no that’s awesome I I I

This was actually my first event finishing the whole course as well so that’s W you’re crazy oh there’s no I finished the last time I played but I kind of had a little bit of a little bit of a throw well I didn’t get the true finish cuz I

Had I abandoned hard path last second but that’s okay medium got kind of hard so I I started running easy that didn’t go well either H I’ll be said to stream from your leap FR frog tablet it would be higher quality not the leap frog it’s so bad I

Have literally Minecraft and Discord open and I’m and like my streaming thing and it’s just like like I don’t know what’s happening oh there he goes oh uh oh everyone’s dying now see that that’s part of the issue no no B has perished yeah oh yep I timed

Out oh Rel log wait wait the pigs though oh no he’s up here okay you guys got it I believe like I’m a I’m in the oh I’ve been Dro I really like that Str wait it goes further I got it no I didn’t wa no I

Didn’t it looks like I got it oh you yes yes you guys got you guys got this I don’t know why I’m down here help wait are you wait can I wait how how did you do that what do we want um um multi multile I want multile I don’t

Want I don’t want right now please no how did you do that no man I’m impressed I don’t know I I was like somebody I think somebody TP me back they took noad they took noad no CH I tried to restart again so it’s not but

It’s so bad I don’t know what my PC is doing why is it so bad quality I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it’s so bad it’s so bad go watch Cloud the cloud he is going to be horrible just go watch Cloud I don’t know what my PC is doing it’s

Actually awful I’m so sorry all right time thanks for all the follows though you guys are still Goods over for everybody full aggro let’s do this we just go as a team and go murder people we just kill everyone yeah it’s time to be very violent I say probably the most

Pacifist of our team see what we’ll teach you the ways of murder don’t worry oh man I’m so excited to learn what murder is like it’s really fun RAC is cool contact my partners in my room with me uh they’re just they can’t hear what you guys are saying but they hear my

Responses so every I could be mean the race in real time so lack of context they have no idea what you’re saying now translate to me I’m not translating for you rude come on unlock the chat I want to say something I’m so excited this is going

To be great I have I have the ability to lag out probably I would hope Chad I’m I’m I’m ditching I’m ditching streamlabs next time I’m going to try normal OBS cuz this is worse I I switched off of my other like drive and now my computer’s even worse at handling

It I don’t know how it’s possible at me just my internet dude I’m so sorry that you all have to deal with this just go watch Cloud okay it’s going to be 10 times better oh wait do you drop right away okay um I don’t know we in the

Middle I don’t know it doesn’t matter though go in okay yeah get this orange guy you guys got this I’m just going to parkour because everyone seems to be teleporting a little bit oh God just a little bit of teleporting I’ll save you no maybe we should just murder people at

The bottom for kill points but are kill points a thing in this oh Jack down let’s go oh I I got myself I just walked into a one bu hole so two kills already one on Jack one on your okay wait let’s uh let’s meet up us

Straight at the top come over here cuz it’s a new wait oh no mad it’s oh it goes yellow now instead of red thank God I oh I W I may have just shot you I’m so sorry thank you for not falling I would have felt really

Guilty oh someone just shot me instead of shooting the floor cool that’s rude that’s what I’m saying I don’t know why they do that music a banger hey hey yeah this music is so fun sorry weade box this actually music is kind of crazy please don’t bench Me soul sense scary come here oh I just got dropped I just I’m top I made a mistake I jumped down myself like of my own free will and and on the last all right I’m on the last I’m on um third layer um oh someone’s

Dead and was going to murder me oh it’s lagging regular sple regular sple okay oh you get snowballs right okay okay I’m getting sleep from the bottom yeah watch out I’m just going to parkour this I think an live oh my God no no oh my God okay I’m on second

Later I got one I got red kill points W heck yeah W oh I almost got we lucky lucky want to okay um nice try whoever that was SP I’m scared of SP cuz you can just randomly get shot down in one by one randomly true that’s too spooky I’m going to try

To get the people on top I think well I’m going to try and do that to other people so I can get kill points I got anos what I didn’t get the kill what the heck oh my God oh my God almost knocked me down yeah I was

Aiming for the person next to you and I realized that you were also there I was like oh oops oh behind you guys are teaming at the top kill them yeah are they still at the top I forgot you can still bef oh my God I almost got

K Watch Out b Lea I’m fun with this scary though no oh my God I saw it too okay let’s chill with cupcake no man okay I’m also here I will try to get to you yeah if you can get a over to us Oh that’s oh I jumped

Down man oh I killed Mor again nice job to I mean I’m already dead so oh I just got I dropped from second to got you that sound like you Cloud I jumped from the first layer to the third layer like myself I didn’t even get knocked down I just like

Jumped oh well done you got the sebie survive stay alive no crazy I got hit back on the last second you did really well that has to be top 10 plays whoever is in charge of Mees please put that in Oh there I got I think kin’s got this kin’s always so good at SLE what a good oh we got orange oh oh kill him oh my God oh my God oh jump AR jump regular SLE again oh K’s going to get kills too oh it’s a one

One oh yes ARA come on Ara yes uh spooky oh oh oh my God oh my God what’s happening oh Kay’s kin’s crazy Kaylin’s crazy that’s wild I can’t believe I got hit back on and it saved me okay so we might be in last but it’s okay is everyone like

Slightly teleporting for you guys yeah okay well everyone’s been slightly teleporting this whole time yeah that’s a server at least don’t worry it’s not you yeah all right cool wait lucky still has the parrot oh my God yeah why is how does Lucky s that’s wild go let’s murder

Someone yeah we should be murdered though I’m with you I guess it’s so hard to murder in uh leg yeah especially with a lag oh I got murdered who was it I’ll avenge you it was orange chicken what the freak I think I might be lying might be cing

Um I’m scared like you jump faster than the eggs so you can just kind of jump past it you’re fast enough and you see it happening oh I just believe this is oh this is going to be scary oh no I’m just going to try and stay chill this is so hard

When people are just teleporting man mhm what do you do for me everything’s fine okay me and Emily are chill em oh my God I got dropped down to the bottom layer I on the bottom ler time to make a huge hole oh I just get away from

Me get away from me Cloud you can get points at least at the bottom that’s the one outside that’s true trying to sple people from the bottom oh okay I almost just fell that’s cool regular sleeve oh debb debb no Debbie that’s un like you [ __ ] nature tiger you get a

Life I’m going to try and murder space on the bottom for kill points oh my God wait she’s aggressive I’m sorry NAD to carry oh I’m just bouncing dude I have not stopped moving this whole game Space nice Cloud oh I got the kill easy

Wait how did you get the kill I don’t know that’s not I’m still top ler thanks for the points me oh oh my God I just got to not jump until after that’s the worst fle game I’ve ever played in my life I think cloud don’t jump at all until you jump

Away ow clown why I’m not even shooting no you’re lagging top that’s fine it’s not fine I’m scared oh I’m teleporting I’m scared they shot the area below you that’s rude oh I just accidentally I think I just shot hit all the way to third come over

Here I saw God right we can murder I’m about to say if get over there just stick together y I’m here with you guys is with you don’t don’t kill each other guys anthos is here there’s still like five oh ni oh so close so close I almost died there

That’s cool hey it’s me hey no no no oh my God I got the top ler yeah you got yoed oh wow they keep Ying me I’m scared I got luy please this round thank okay okay wait no more ice no more ice oh it’s

Scary I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you guys jack it’s okay jackass what kill points don’t work in this game I died it’s so fast Cloud you can’t even like react so you yeah it’s crazy just got to keep people away from you I like multile but some of them are

Just so RNG like they make it more RNG then normal sple yeah no that’s fair Oh red just jumed Off oh my god orange chicken nice nice on top oh Sho top there’s people teaming at at the top like that also sucks they’re not teaming well they are kind of teaming oh nice kill nice stay alive got you dropped sandwich is at you oh my God come on stop you got

This oh oh my God how’s no one dead yet I’m cutting them off this is my side no no so close that was crazy I got I got no kill points either that’s close though yes that was crazy well done if I cut them off a little bit sooner I

Think okay I oh what we started with this one wait can I pre you can pre- Rod someone grab someone oh the event yeah the event’s paused cuz Clown’s AFK you can regb someone that’s crazy you want to grab the same person CL yeah wait where are you wait I’m stuck on Qui

Actually I’m stuck on Qui fell down a layer technically like bring that person back up I if you rob them maybe I got pulled oh my God I got pulled someone had me let me go oh I dropped I’ll just chill on that’s fine I’m just going to run [ __ ]

It yeah that’s what I’ve been doing I got a person down to the last way oh I sleed myself lovely I play sple like a shark I just you can punch this we should just punch people yes Murder way four of us are here yeah we’re all we’re all chilling let’s just own the second layer oh I’m on the third oh uh why people just run through us like what is their goal what like how does anos just do this he just makes it it’s so

Hard because they’re all teleporting yeah kayin what the Freak music is banging okay it really is cloud I think just don’t jump I think you just shouldn’t jump until you get cuz every time I fall in it’s cuz I jump into a hole going to shoot not going to shoot go F5 it’s not Frost I frost

Yeah fool is just staying with us I love here r a little bit but ow all right okay scary not again please we just I don’t like our area it’s a whole we’re good are we this feels good it’s shrinking no we’re good we’re good

Are we yeah okay don’t Rod oh an is trying to murder CH please end 10 more seconds please end already please end no red I okay CL okay oh cut people off no make a hole we can there’s people below leeping us Cloud make a make a

Island oh going from below though I got pres pound cake yeah we are there’s holes why are there so many holes below us CL I hate this Crouch I think Crouch I can Crouch okay I hate this one with a passion and I died Cloud there’s lava below you

Though yeah spooky um that is spooky I’ll Crouch right here at least we did this one early yeah yeah at look out now red can make me drop so he’s okay oh I may have just like jumped down H all of yellow sticking yeah together on the yeah the

Bottom and then there’s two red on top I’m sorry yellow I don’t want the beef red team above you by the way oh oh top almost got kayin bro Kaylin’s so mean a that was close oh [ __ ] okayer they’re just yeah Cloud trying to leave this H player I

Be I think I’m going to focus on staying alive on Okay oh be careful of The Middle Red’s with you uh Cloud where’s your ground going oh my God oh my God nice be careful oh my God be careful Cloud just don’t jump it I think you can reaction and time it oh CH I don’t know my inter wait my

Bad I don’t know how my stream could possibly be so bad it doesn’t even work I’m restarting again cuz it’s the next game but like I don’t know what’s so wrong with it my PC is fine like my memory is running 40% cpu’s 15% so I don’t know what’s killing

It I really don’t know what the isue is so it’s really bad I don’t even know that’s bad bad though I’m sorry it’s like it’s worse than last time which is so weird last time my stream used to be really bad it’s cuz my CPU can handle it right but

Now my CPU is fine now it’s terrible so it must be my internet or maybe streamlabs just sucks I don’t know anyway I’m going to pee really quick so I’ll be right back hopefully my stream fixes itself Somehow hi guys what’s up sh I’m back everyone’s m in different no hello I just got back hello anoun so that’s never mind do I still have the Frog I don’t I want the Frog back oh that is that that is just not my skin that is just not

Me this is just this is not me who are you with the lead is it like the leaderboard skin is WR no it’s the cosmic the cosmic yeah that’s the selector supposed to like yourself and this is this is just not me who are you you got replaced I’m sorry

You find out this way better this is not me who are you it’s okay I got the Frog that’s what matters what do I want farone kind of looks good on the skin what’s winning right Now why are you is a crooked like that Guardians of the chambers yeah Pike it’s only 10 seconds behind cuz I every between each game I’m restarting but it’s so bad like what’s WR I need to fix this it’s so much worse than last time I thought I fixed it cuz last time

I L frames and low quality now you can’t even load the stream like so like dude why my CPU is so good now and how can it not handle this I’m just getting pranked yeah after each game it’s going to go and then I’ll restart and it’ll be fine

I guess I don’t know what so like I I’m so sorry it must be my internet that’d be my guess but I like my internet cuts out every once in a while but besides that it’s normally pretty good so so I really don’t know like what the issue

Is I still appreciate you guys that are trying to hang around but I still highly recommend opening up Cloud stream if you want to watchable POV at the very least I can have this here as a vid for later like I’m not lagging in game at

All I have my freezes where I lag but besides that like normally I’m fine so I don’t I do not know what the issue is guys here was like one boat I lied I’m going to cry I can’t believe you the chamber what game is it of the

Chamber that’s fine we ready yes ready I think we’re ready uh yeah I’m not but yeah sure now we get all the stressful PVP games oo yay we made good choices yesses me out more than PVP not going to lie really yeah everything stresses me

Out ex opposite you know I was that way I did know the servers are texting oh Emily cupcake you’re throwing maybe that’s why orange come back wait orange and Emily are both rowing wait look Emily doesn’t know orange left cuz she left and he left and she came

Back what nro is oh there’s chopping skins okay you you guys had five minutes to do that yeah why did they wait until the timer wa now that is kind of crazy that they did that what did they sp there was time you know they just swap back into their

Normal skins where are they are you still waiting on I found him no he kept running away from me I don’t like him anymore what I love come back kept running away from me back ready yeah we’re ready run you said yeah good you still asked though so fair yeah

I was about say I don’t think we had a choice even though we had no choice at all I still respect you asking Guardians of the chamber y it’s valer me please ack Meer a new map yeah didn’t look at it at all I didn’t

Look at it either but it is new me neither it’s sewers is it is it a new map yeah sewers I think uh you’re right are we going to explore it is this it yeah where the spawns though that’s probably what nowadays uh spawns are I

Think right here here’s spe site I don’t think this is a spawn this is site CL that’s definitely not the spawn I the internet there’s no way that isn’t though like where else would you spawn uh here back here over here in the sewers like on I think like here right

That makesense yeah that makes sense that makes sense it’s really open then the site is no C it says this is wait what I don’t even know I’m lost don’t anymore and then green is B I guess we’ll just figure out we’ll find out yeah

I see W oh wait I think I found I might have found a spawn wait look there’s an A and A in the wall here this be a spawn so purple’s a and then Green’s B um wait so are the the sites are connected then through this no wait this isn’t a

Site I don’t know I’m so lost oh red brother don’t worry which side are we going left okay we get the hard match out of the way where do we want to go well we’re lime should we go B yeah that makes sense wait that mean there’s no purple team so

We get an advantage in the whole game I think that makes sense yeah we get an advantage be careful this I forgot to turn off my music what do you not like the music no I forgot to turn off my Spotify music oh okay oh um watch out for fanky

I might try mid as well we don’t see them they planted their box by the way so they yeah so the other side off my Spotify real quick okay CL then come left with me I guess should we stay here well they’re guarding and we’re guarding me and Cloud are pushing left

By the way to try and get some damage you guys might want to come with us we can uh I see one over yeah I see one Qui is is over here I’m going to stay back here just in Cas no I think you guys they’re all they’re all over here you

Guys should come with us if you can oh I have one I’m fling them yeah good backing up a little bit behind you yep behind you behind you I’m getting beat up nice oh my God I need help with two on I have two on me he’s running he’s

Running he’s running oh there’s another one I got clown I might stay together guys keep going hold W let’s run at them and get try and get their box let’s all going together oh do we have ARS left push push if you can push oh my God how is that hitting

Me okay I’m dead oh nice sure that’s so hard to push if they can well it’s cuz they’re defend well they’re not going to break our box either though like our box is going we’ll get points for having our box but H it is they played full defense I think

Most teams will not do that at least yeah I agree yeah I agree wait why didn’t wait we didn’t get points for it they didn’t break our box so I don’t think they they just don’t get points for it oh going oh yeah they don’t get points for it okay I see where

Are we going um lime I guess I think they’re virtually identical SES so I don’t know if it matters that much yeah the odds of who’s going to rush it first yeah oh I shot an arrow I’m stupid um guys come with us let’s just try and push early so we don’t waste

Time here they’re here yeah yeah they’re here one’s going to go to the left as well yeah I’m I’m I’m trying to save you yeah both hit one yeah they’re all they’re all M up hit two hit one space on the left oh they’re here

They’re on Me on the right oh my God what did they kill me and then leave you lagged out and I tried to save you yeah I lagged out’s at six in the middle I’m literally I’m one heart up top I’m two and a half I’m out of

Arrows oh behind you oh there’s one behind me oh no nice I got the sub one dropped do that one we’re do we’re do we’re do you CL right behind you oh nice was one okay assuming they’re going to push us and maybe I don’t know this is weird may just got to

Place and go I don’t like this map already yeah I don’t like the map you know what I’m guessing they did I’m guessing one person ran to that site planted and then the rest like the rest rent yeah took off somewhere else yeah that’s my guess I think that’s a good guess they

Dead all right we go L again uh yes I don’t know I don’t know don’t know anymore oh they’re also here they’re here they’re here they here they placed their box I hit iy to break it straight off that think it’s it’s too long to break we already put down okay we have

It watch out back up CL they’re rushing they’re running me down uh behind behind behind I’m half heart I got I’m getting hit by Faz Cloud nice running by the way I just killed both who were on you like they just let me them out in the

Back I’m getting bullied I’m going up Lu’s eight I’m dead oh my God I missed lucky was oneoc they were such a weird map other like five Maps better yeah is it just like too big maybe I feel like you’re not going to use 80% of the map is the issue yeah

Yeah yeah this isn’t even mid I thought this was the other site no okay it’s just so big and like two enclosed there’s only like two routes to go just yeah like there’s a lot of cover technically because it’s enclosed but there’s not a lot of cover because it’s

Just tunnels yeah I I I kind of like the purple s better I think we might want to try that yeah let’s try the purple s sure let’s do it at least cuz the lime site is not working mhm let’s do it oh this it goes pickles

Great and Wade we got this and Wade I believe wait carry and wait the carry wait the carry oh am I hit already how I hit twice they got their first let’s go other side let’s just run run back I hit one how do I get hit twice yeah yeah

We’re we’re going to the other side go I’m getting hit are you getting shot behind us yeah I warned you piggles they’re here they’re here they’re behind us keep running are you right behind keep running yep I’m here I just I stopped so I could check we can shoot them

Oh oh piggles is zom yeah I’m getting a lot of damage in Focus yeah nice job sandwich was one sandwich was one nice I got himad you guys got this I’m going to die is that everyone yeah okay I’m going to run for the Box yeah we killed them

All at least we got one nice hell yeah we did it well mine is faster if we both M it let’s do it yay y we’re going to get it almost there’s a thing we can do yeah there’s a thing we can do yeah wait the only the

Only team we’re beating is the team we lost yeah in the v that was kind of crazy yeah so we’re the only one so I don’t you’re speaking you speak big words no can I retrace your blink ability that’s funny oh pound is going to mine it with 6 seconds left Round

Over no round over who haven’t we gone against yet aqua this team orange team as well all the A’s oh fun all the A’s um let’s go yeah we got to go fast it worked out last time we didn’t plant there but it worked out last time I guess that’s true

Just go fast go fast go this Way ni I’m going to go around the left okay just going to go fast let all go do there yeah all right find you here here here are you flanking okay me and cl are flanking oh okay they’re like through the middle dude I hate so much your left to your

Left Frost nice watch out behind you dude I just understand three time a aost is here oh they’re here they’re here here there’s two here nice okay nice nice nice nice is that everybody yeah we got them yeah oh nice go go goink okay this should put us in fifth

Maybe yo we might go up to Fourth we’ll see oh and then immed we went back we went up and immediately went back down ex oh blue versus Aqua oh oh we glow for the final segment of this round did it say that every time I think so not

Paying attention oh red cooked sandwich just not paying attention oh well I just don’t think we made it that far for to GL cuz our games are kind of ending earlyer I guess mhm um two two more we can move up to like fourth if we win the next to yeah I

Guess we go purple we’re going purple again this has been working out Knock on Wood that purple wins Apparently going to go there’s two com there’s they’re coming here oh there’s okay I think route just sucks back go back yeah go back guys come back come back let’s go to the other side I think our route sucks apparently like you go through midest faster came from behind

Just keep running ow I got shot as well just run they’re coming they’re coming behind this Cloud by the way where me that’s you’re coming from oh they’re on me they’re so on me I’m coming through mid run CL run run spam AR Harry’s on five Harry’s on

One so somebody might come oh my God they came behind me [ __ ] jackass I hate this guy I killed Jack nice oh someone dropped oh nice nice I those I’m Sor done our carries have one kill bro carries I have how do I have zero kills

Embarrassing okay no man why do I have three kills get out of here Buck okay we’ll go to Fourth surely maybe surely how are we still say oh yes yes huge we’re insane oh Sandwich versus sandwi never mind sandwich is dead that’s awkward rip

I I think this is just r the PVP is a little bit to it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to make it the fourth now yeah now we can now we can make it do third wait second second’s not far third all right wait it’s sign though right this is only

Wor out this is the second last team wi yeah okay apparently purple yeah slime just doesn’t work lime sucks lock in lock in Molly rock and lock in’s go go through mid turn right here it’s faster okay that’s why we kept losing going to the other s they’re here them

Oh they they saw me they saw me I shot lucky once spaming I shot Nitro the pipe nice L’s at 11 oh on our box help oh I’m coming I’m coming it’s orange chicken alone one’s here I just nice is here at they’re shooting from mid Lucky’s hurt Lucky’s really low already okay

‘s by the way C Pig’s at 17 she’s the one shooting through mid I’m out of arrows nice Nitro I have one Arrow I shot I’m bad ni guy nice nice I got her good kill okay we got this we’re going to move up to top three I think I thought I thought

Off we just need a time it’s fine yeah we just need to warm up it’s okay we can do M it three times as fast cuz there’s three of us mining it let’s go yeah BR it Y how do we go down we go down that doesn’t make sense okay we got

Max points what the Yeah we both though how the freak did we go down look at the score differential it’s nothing we’re fine we’re 50 off the first the bottom three suffered but bottom three yeah yeah was close let’s go so we’re probably moving to like thir or fourth overall we’re

Third currently yeah third it’s so close like it’s close let’s go let’s go W carry okay third yeah we’re fine the gap’s not big either yeah we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine oh and that gap’s the top half Gap and or especially the top five Gap is Big so that’s good six

Points between second and fourth that’s crazy I think Captain a what oh he the individual points okay oh I was like H yeah I thought he meant team points I’m like are you sure that looks a little bit more than six to me for somebody who prides themselves on

Statistics that’s not how the math Works chat is anyone still here My Stream closed my stream closed on my phone I don’t even know if you guys are still here 20 people how you guys here here I only got two kills wait the stream’s not even delayed

What’s happening in the world W I guess you only got I got 14 have I ever gotten top half I don’t know if I ever have I’m second you sandwi l i I did a little bit on some of them I’m sorry those I sold

Two of cloud when when it was us 2v2 I one tapped the last two people I definitely so those two so I’m sorry in that round where they were just so tunnel visioning me and then you just got two free kills like I it worked to be fair you were doing W

Kiing yeah yeah y did great apparently I have almost 600 ping W my ping is 460 at the moment how do you have better ping than me you’re using a pH I don’t know 269 is the server just that I’m 269 ping wait maybe that’s my my my stream sucks oh I’m

Cooking oh that was mine what the heck oh my God that one got launch BR yeah we can get that one okay two of them fell out of oh my god oh hello there’s so many on the sides oh I’m stealing one from yellow hold on oh wait get the ones

Do you get do you see the side ones do you see look at this pig oh the one in the air oh I died no do we want another PVP game or do we want razor um I want I want combat Cube okay yeah combat Cube comat might be the

Goat yeah I don’t know how this new one works cuz they changed it from the pyramid and I’m like oh no um we got six vots okay chat I’m going to read you much just let me try to get points I was hiding and stealing kills 14k du yeah

I’m here hi Frost I don’t know my stream’s fine apparently wait rap RAC racer that kind of sucks that sucks this is Str My Stream was dying earlier so maybe can I bring it back up on my PC then and it’ll not be dead oh it looks fine okay W apparently

It’s working now I don’t know why I changed literally nothing but cool the quality is still low but um no more whatever that’s unfortunate no more Minecraft no more Minecraft oh is this different oh no this is ice boat oh I can’t ice boat at all if it

Makes you feel better I can’t ask if I can jump in your yeah you just join us oh okay we got a minute I’m scared of the water sections I’m scared of the ice I’m scared in general yeah my boy Trevor on the mountains yeah I don’t think a map has changed too

Much last time I don’t remember what the update video said so okay here we go right side’s faster right surely I don’t know it looks it looks FAS we’ll find out well there’s a lot of people here on the right so so even if we’re slower with we’re with everyone else so that’s

Fine yeah pause from time to time yeah it’s really bad my stream quality sucks this time I’m sorry that you guys have to deal with but we’re going to cook rapid Racers though okay lock everybody’s over on okay made mistake guys oh bad no I mess with the drop yeah you DC you’re

Going oh that’s not that’s not good what what just happened what okay my my keyboard’s glitching out me what the [ __ ] hold space on the Slime by the way guys it’s faster I just are you okay okay uh my keyboard is just not working like hello I’m jumping

H is it the server cry it’s not the server oh my path sus I’m going to follow this pink Dude it’s so weird I’m playing sound wait I want to follow this pink guy but I’m getting too close to him so he disappeared and know I can’t follow him anymore oh Bon that’s a bad boy oh okay I must have screwed myself so hard I don’t think street viring is

Worth it there Oh that’s bad oh I dude Very not again is everyone dying I hear so much internet issues Oh I make that apparently yeah my internet is struggling for some OD reason Bounce oh my God that could have been bad you got this that was a good balance oh the water just stops you that’s good bouncing on the Slime is so weird in bus I took that turn bed oh that’s bad kayn come Here oh my God go really far down on the l section like even more than you think otherwise you’re going to Bonk okay where yeah I hadit a slag Tight hello trying is trolling me oh my God I’m so lost hello oh my God I three tried and snar that did nothing oh there’s a lot of people out of me sandwich for first I’m probably going to get like seventh them Oh oh my gosh it’s all close I’ll take This man my internet Bri your team is non-existent bro’s on a solo yeah where are they are we team laggers we’re actually just team laggers um Cloud keyboard died my other two teammates are lagging bad and I’m lagging the lag is just rough sandwich SW cooked

Though I’m I’m happy I’m ready for PVP games though I think PVP games is where I’m going to cook in events in general now I I did worse than I wanted to in race there though in a sorry rapid races my Trident section sucked and I bonked

On the elytra I was second place and then the elytra happened and I just I hit the stupid salag tyte and that literally got me fifth instead of like second because you know these were all super close actually not probably third I probably lost fourth and fifth too uh those

Two Cloud that’s so unlucky by the way did your keyboard just stop working okay I’m alow I don’t have a team anymore guys where are they I’m I’m just not even getting responded to you got this Debbie you’re really close oh Debbie’s def well you got this

Snowman thanks I have no idea what I’m doing or where I could be at this point ice ice boats I think nad’s probably last then oh my God hey hello oh God go noad can I get in your boat I’m living wait no mat too fast I’m living I haven’t lagged out Yet you got this you have 2 minutes you have 2 minutes it’s finishable oh my God you just zoomed what do I do here cloud is still muted I’m scared I think it’s Trident or elytra oh you did elytra ohra the purple pads will boost you back

Up okay yeah fly you got this aim lower than you think it it drops down really far really fast yeah that’s a head hitter ah purple like aim aim really far down on this section yeah oh are you oh my god hello thank you crazy go go go no you’re

Cooking 40 I think you can finish nice I try and get to the purple pad yeah this is the end of the eltra section bun I think you just have Trident and then the last section you have a trident use your Trident yeah oh I see you got no idea

How to trade you’re doing a good job so far absolutely flopped by the way I used to [ __ ] trid this is also where flops so don’t Worry you’re cooking by the way you’re doing this fast am I under water yeah you’re lagging lagging just a little bit oh okay nice go up oh no can you just swim up come on let me up oh hold on nice yeah I can um you’re almost the end of the Trident

Section you have just like few more boosts then you hit the wall and go down here the B 30 SEC go go go turn around where am I going where am I going I The nice no no no no she hit the hard jump no and fell on the easier jump the Boost just before I could do it oh no 10 seconds Warning oh you’re so close this was the last section make it no oh [ __ ] wait what does running ranks mean I was the best runner I was the 15th best swimmer I can see where you did block ranking main Cloud got 67 fourth and ice but nice Cloud by the

Way just didn’t lag out I would have actually done well N elytra I sucked at swimming apparently damn oh anent yeah okay Nitro 26 seconds I got fourth that’s cool I went up a placement from them oh never mind it was the [ __ ] I hate Trident who added them into

Minecraft okay what did we okay we got not last it could be worse it could definitely be worse what are we overall then like fourth or fifth then we might have dropped I’m sorry yeah there’s a big gap in don’t worry about it lag sucks we have PVP

No okay we we yeah we got second oh and it’s multiplied okay we’re going to be fifth top Mayhem God yay let’s go top I barely PE in there okay fifth yeah that makes sense but this we can bring it back yeah especially it’s PvP with it’s a two

Battle Royale PVP games so it’s really and this is where apparently the lagging out help so I should be okay here true you can just trace your blink away from people mhm what do we want for game number six we have Sky game and we have combat Cube I

Think um H I would take com back cu okay chat I think I dropped yeah I’m thir it’s close I I need to I can cook in the PVP games how good are their teams pink is kin red dropped down G space where blue is sandwich pickles

Wait and spelled that I don’t know I just blue is really similar to our team and PVP I hate Trident TR I got at least P kin with two PVP games yeah you muted You’ M I know I thought it was all of race cloud and then since then are you

Serious yeah okay I was like complaining the whole time like I was like okay my yeah my just stop working um I was going to say we got not last with two te like very technical problems which is kind of hype yeah yeah we got not last with

Bottom two in the whole game and Cloud got 20th so I’ll take it even with the world against us we can’t be dead last yeah okay pigs pigs but somehow I’m still seventh after that because of the individual uh thing time how am I missing I got roted ow I’m

Going to Rod off there’s no wait there’s a pig over there can we seal yellow’s do you see yellow’s Pig down there steal it no there’s barriers you got to jump down wait I want it oh there’s very okay hold on yellow doesn’t even know they have we

Got it it we couldn’t pull it I think we got good amount of pigs here though like nine nine pigs six pigs what all right what okay I didn’t get any I’ll be real which one are we building sure yeah I V comat okay combat

Cube Cube okay cool scre right up in the sky combat Cube which one I I think I’m more scared of Sky Skirmish because of just falling off in the void calculating votes what do we got oh my God okay yeah very much com I think guys I think it’s combat

Cube it might be I think it’s combat Cube might be playing combat Cube okay we got to there’s new kids so we really got to investigate there’s new kids too yeah all right so we’re playing Agra right uh yeah sure if y want to hello I’m a PVP and Trust I think we

Have better of a a better chance of fighting teams head on than M at the end yeah I agree just be as aggressive as possible I guess yeah just need to stick we just got to take smart fights too so oh yeah that’s you no I think we should we should take

Dumb fights take dumb fights yeah yeah every dumb fight yes okay so we can capture one of the points like off rip and then from there we’ll figure it out mhm okay um Cloud you’re going to be our leader I believe in you a great leader just okay okay yes

So all right if I must oh the map’s the same still that’s good yeah I loaded in when everyone else loaded in this is spelling really good this is so good so okay all right what we doing um that I have a sword dude wait who who CL who has iron

Sword um brawler oh give me give me okay I’ll take heav me I can’t switch off Miracle crossbow a crossbow okay off go go okay I have wait how oh you pick the guy I’m stupid that’s we do you have the cloud pick no I don’t have it who has no you

Have it you have it you have it you have it okay okay I kept looking the sign instead of the guy magical gun apparently I resistance I have a sword this time on tank let’s go last time I had nothing so guys just so you know by the

Way apparently if I after I shoot somebody 15 seconds afterwards they start healing 15 seconds I don’t know why both of these crossbows have this but it’s fine okay interesting yeah we’re we’re kind of catching that dub we’re fifth we choked the last game but we have two PVP games left so we

Might be as long as I don’t keep lagging out which I am actually anyone’s ever just sat like the whole two minutes and just said you know what whatever kit they give is good with me yeah they just RNG it I mean there’s a map I have to like okay

We’re going left immediately key yeah does anyone have a key segment right now no I have a key segment okay I do too um take it Cloud go now you go get that one and then craft it and then capture okay I thought a attack of Killer Queen

Started playing I was about to cry okay let’s go straight forward and capture oh he did you miss you have to talk to the guy to capture it unlock hits yeah okay there’s a team in front of us let’s go to the yellow up here and get the key

Segment okay there’s one on left do we go left or right right right there’s already team on the left go go go mine what I got it did I get it yeah we got it I have the key segment I have the key segment I have one I have one I

Have one too how do we both get one oh because I already have matter let’s craft it and find a place to go wait where how we need we need another one we need that third one what you have another key what okay you don’t

Don’t know me little bro I don’t I don’t know how you have another one I miss a jump team’s here yeah I’m just going to push him back hello sir that’s weird okay my keyboard’s glitching out again um I don’t know what to do okay we got to wait let’s wait for

These guys okay next level let’s go back wait guys come back and we can get the key segment again it’s about to respawn okay okay yep and get did we get that one oh we should have grabb that one dude glitching go back go back again I don’t know what to do Pink’s

Here CL I don’t know that’s so bad oh the key segment’s still here yay oh I got it twice blue is here they’re capping what do we do here are any teams no teams are dead yet oh is blue for us I think we want to fight yeah we don’t want to

Fight yeah no we just chill I guess they’re about to engage with the team okay follow follow follow Sor yeah we can clean if they start fighting but be careful yeah okay don’t come back yeah come back come back come back they’re all up we want to get

Inside faster yeah get let’s just go here and left well there’s three teams in here be careful okay there’s a team going to we we might be sandwiched be careful follow follow guys come on come on come on go here fast go here fast go

Here fast and go left go left yeah fast okay yeah right almost let’s stay down I I think I think a lot of teams will go up so if we stay down we won’t see as many yeah okay we can maybe hold red yeah red is red is stuck does do you

Have a key segment again cloud like a magical one like you got last time no I didn’t I have a resistance but oh pink Red’s try and come over okay never mind they’re not I think we want to fight nothing honest like it’s too risky res they pulling up too many

Teams oh the Red’s like looking at yeah okay we don’t want to fight this let’s just go over here yeah come back guys run run run they’re following my keyboard’s glitching out really bad go up the water tower go up the water go up the water come up water come up water if

You can oh my God up up no’s one nice I fell down I down I fell down is one I’m getting Target ah my keyboard bro oh there’s here too yeah pink team’s here why did oh sence here too I jumped down yeah I did too I’m coming to you

Down there I just can’t do anything bro it’s just so bad I’m going to die scary why does red still want us oh there so many scary how do I’m healing so slow anyone capture this centerpiece I think we should be able to capture we don’t have

A key we don’t have a key to C never mind oh gotcha drink my oh Aqua doesn’t know we’re here stay very quiet stay quiet boys stay quiet and keep moving forward I want to um this is the I’m going to die yeah it’s really bad you’re good you’re good

A I don’t want to play entire time what don’t don’t C me I’m I’m nice guys no is there healer no why does phaser want me it’s because my health is low I’m sorry yeah okay y Nice kill nice double kill a okay um okay I think red wanted us really bad

So that was unlucky mhm we should did we have a Healer I fell down because my keyboard decided that it wanted to go forward when I was not pressing W I see Orange has it oh pigle yeah okay did we have a Healer that uh round I don’t think so I don’t

Know I don’t think so no mine mine mine was the arrow thing okay yeah so we got I had the arrow thing but I don’t know if I can shoot you guys here what I I’ll take magic there is AER this round it’s all switched okay yeah we make we want a

Healer for sure potion healer I can take I’ll take potion healer here let me that thank you uh I’m not Tak taking a trident absolutely not oh Cloud you’re stacked your armor and you have a stone sword too yeah I’m I think I’m going to

Take the Trident kit I I think that K’s really good I’m not going to lie what’s your just because also I have three how many arm you have potions and one uh I have guys you have one less than me and I’m a tank so that’s good what does the charm

Do right click actually I’ll see what else what kits aren’t taking Lord I’ve got the healing kit no not this one I also have a splash potion regen so no not that one a region okay that’s really good too yeah I’ve got three lingering healing I think your kid is really good

Cloud yeah yeah probably does anyone could I get key segments if anyone has any no nope no I don’t have any okay I wonder do certain kids get key segments that’s kind of cool I don’t know um let’s go right right away we get a key segment here let’s do it we’ll follow You wait Cloud let’s get it at the same time I think it might duplicate like last time no no no it didn’t duplicate I had one left over you only need two oh oh it used to be through oh that’s okay that makes sense they changed it to

Three for an event I’m going to that’s red oh red here red red here yeah get out of here yeah okay they’re aggressive so I think we want to go back let’s just stay away from them yeah we back up back up let’s um I got a little

Bit ofke on them that’s good come on we know Red’s an aggressive team I think it’s just not worth it it’s worth it you just stay away from them yeah um we have a key segment on the right still here okay cool okay one do you have a key I have

No oh that’s red again what are you sure what I have you have two let’s go back guys come on I only no I I made a key last time oh we we captured a point already oh there’s a key something right here that didn’t get taken yet

Cool in front of us yeah turn around turn around let’s Capt there’s a fight there’s a fight there’s a fight okay yeah yeah wait guys no follow Cloud yeah there’s a fight we can clean just be careful can I please come up here okay okay now be careful now stop fighting

Anos oh okay we let’s capture we can capture this I have a key okay let’s do it and then go back again and the key going to them I’m going to poke them I’m not going to go for okay I’m going to grab the key segment Cloud I trust you oh they they’re

Fighting in front of us again we need they’re fighting over here by us come back and we can go clear um okay now let’s start heading forward oh no the other team left it’s just sign now we can poke though okay um they’re all up let’s come up left

Here and just get high ground oh they’re shooting me yeah be careful oh I did not get up there oh I fell there’s stairs here we got to go somewhere right now yeah the about to come in we we can push we can push toward mid we can push to Mid like

They’re not here I’m getting shot at wa you guys over here come oh my god oh we want to go to Mid do you need help here wait wait yeah go go now now now guys over here guys do you see us come here yeah yeah yeah coming come com is that

Just orange like can’t right now team’s definitely shifting oh no man’s lagging out no yep I’m lagging we’re trying to guard no no mad I’ll body block no mad why is it only orange chicken here save yourselves their team’s definitely crouching in hopes that we push them

Yeah um okay I think no M okay we got to run we got to run yeah okay they get the kill points you run run run run go go up here go up go up there’s a team right right behind us yeah I can’t I didn’t go up I that’s

Fine okay I’m coming back up I’m good I’m good oh my God where am I getting hit from cloud run they’re right behind you keep running keep running behind you behind you pink is all behind youe oh and what the heck is happening jum down just jump down jump down to the

Middle jump down all the way I’m with you CL stay on the sides here stay on the sides here CL uh you have aqu or are fighting each other on the other side from where you are okay oh de no okay we’re fine blue only is one person yeah Blue’s

On the right of us you guys need to move you guys need to move yeah we can go we can come down there’s a team above you’re going to get dropped on you’re going to get dropped on oh my God oh God I’m uh do you have healing yeah D I’m

Low I’m low I’m one I’m one Pink’s rushing I I what you take so much damage in this what do I do what’s the point of the invis if they can still see me this kid sucks how am I tank and die in Two Hits what tank is so not worth

It yeah that sucks nobody lagged out so that’s unlucky yeah yeah that’s so unfortunate I’m so sorry it’s okay the one time it happens the one time I’m in part C I was like tank and had like the worst I was dying in four hits still it was so

Bad yeah yeah I don’t know it’s I wish you shoot I don’t know what to do I just want to rush people faster because we’re just going to die yeah yeah unless you’re we start taking fights then yeah we have one round left of this doesn’t hope that the kids are kind of

[ __ ] I like which one I’m we we probably want we we want a Healer again heavy was good bombing dude what wasone with reason I could take I’ve been freed I’m freed okay I’m here are you iron SW what what can I do that’s just

Like kind of dumb um I have a stone sword like anybody can do that what’s thiser there’s two healer kits I think if we get both that’s pretty good yeah yeah they just true you’re no mad I’ll take this okay you can try this healer one too if

You want it’s up to you n I’m going to play Scrapper I have a key fragment I can just give that to somebody immediately I’ve got a golden ax and a dream that’s all we’ll do okay you I also have a key fragment I have a wood so we can get a

Key off I’ll give this to you then okay sick Cloud I’m the first tank so I at least have a resistance potion this time so I shouldn’t die as fast second tank sucks though my keyboard is terrible I’m ordering new keyboard right after this game here I’m G just drop it

In this corner thank you did it drop yeah yes it did sweet okay we go straight and right is there capture point in this first room um no clue CL can you run and get the key on the right right away yeah oh I guess I have to craft a key still

Never mind so I’m also going to anyway um there’s a capture point though so let’s go straight let’s turn around actually there’s a team let’s no I want to go I want to go okay well I’m back by the way be careful we’re capping okay let’s go get another key

Fragment up here guys okay I’ve got a key fragment on me yeah I up ay fragment I don’t know when but I have one well we have one on the left over here too unless it gets taken okay nice can you drop your key fragment yeah uh back here here got you

Then we’ll turn around and cap capture the thing we’re just in mhm here let me get up here then oink and then there’s a key fragment ahead of us too too W sweet Let’s Do It um okay then we can wait for it to reset and get this one

Again I think mhm we have 15 seconds and then we’ll just a little bit can we just capture the same thing again like 6 seconds there’s a capture Point here okay we’ll just that to our left there’s a team to our left yeah we can capture this

This is good this is number three capture Point yep good by damage CL this is yellow thir Third Wish had a bow we can go back for more key seconds we want or if we want to stay aggressive then I don’t know I I think we should go

Back okay let’s get the team might be coming in I think we can get the key segment across and see over there I don’t know yeah I love when I missed a jump no yeah it’s still here okay s all right then we can double back no we only

Have one though keep running we might look at there might be one on this corner too then if this one was still here sure yeah it’s still here okay we’re going to have another one then I’m then U stay on that come back to the corner and uh we’ll get this

One so it’s battery set in 15 seconds so let’s get both key fr right here do you see how there’s one on like each side okay Cloud can someone go with Cloud up there and then other person come with me to the key fragment we’ll get both and

Then turn back around on keyboard I believe in you actually I don’t Cloud I’m coming to you oh okay wait yeah run to Cloud run to Cloud go to Cloud no no no go back Cloud one over room’s closing go go go we got to go fast guys

There’s a team here we’re going to have to fight run okay we’re fine okay they’re running at least cool Cloud uh can I get your key fragment okay I I have a key FR dude oh drop it does want it yeah I’ll drop It I’m dropping the key yeah I got this te split right here yeah I oh I dropped I’m an idiot I’m coming I’m stay up stay up I’m sorry I got aggressive okay we got to stay alive cuz we lost I want to get I want to get

To the top and snipe people okay there’s a team on you oh there’s a team oh God watch out oh I fell dude my keyboard Su I’m oh I can’t do anything to I need run yeah I’m I’m low as well I have healing if you can get to me

But I don’t know yeah where are you U I’m right behind you I I need it no I need it down here please pleasee okay a no we’re doing job too that’s why I didn’t want to be aggressive Cloud went up St into this I don’t

Know Cloud miss the sign team so we got roll there better stay alive take one with you nice jum CL I got no I died well we got to cck in the Z maybe it’s me streaming I might have to end it’s unplayable for me with my

Keyboard I didn’t get to use my resistance po that’s so bad we shouldn’t have gone up to fight that team Cloud didn’t see them though and I wanted to go help cloud and that destroyed us like that just lost us it’s locky’s parrot yeah it is locky’s

Parrot okay did you see it during um Racers I just saw the parrot just running see that’s funny though I think piggles wins this piggles oh pH R kill steel oh maybe OH Close oh pH R oh oh my god oh it’s close they they kept comboing each

Other oh well that’s we’re fifth could be worse yeah the Gap is kind of big though hey it does feel a lot better already I think it was just me solo team yeah nice it’s fine we got Sky game as so okay it’s at least we still a battle

Royale game so it’s possible to come back with Sky we just have to go crazy we want to rush mid for a good gear I think yes m is it I don’t if the server bridging is laggy though that’s what I’m scared about we’ll find out

Yeah God damn 49 oh I think I got nothing for this game okay we’re fifth oh we’re 2K there’s a finale game right yeah between top we got to make up 1.5k we have to be absolutely insane to make it up but it’s possible yeah we can do that it’s doable don’t

Worry I think my and everything’s working now so surely okay I’m still seventh with my problems like I don’t I’m I’m happy with that like honestly I’m oh sandwich I caught a sandwich and kayin it’s going to be close what oh my God go wait okay

What chat I could get free if we could I don’t know how our team didn’t get I think I can even catch up to six kind of can I see last game leader board do you guys know what the command is for the last game leader board or

Whatever I don’t know where I am I got put in the forever box um game leaderboard game six oh now I’m here I got 15 oh you got 12 that was rough that was rough we can cook in this game yes sandwich did troll I can still get first it’s

Doable well we have to cook in this game take it here we go my my thing is just not hooking on to the B wait what’s the point of pig fishing if there’s only one game left he there’s one game you’re still right I still want pigs though yeah fun

No I got it and then they sashed it from me wait there’s a pig here on her right up it’s is it oh I Died fishing phase over what was the point of the fishing phas wait we got nine boats let’s go yes V I’m going to vote for the feather you think I should just speed bridge to Mid or do my uh sure I can speed bridge too if you

Don’t want to I think we well I think we just need a lot of points so I’m just going to go crazy you know true playing tunnel Block in the SkyWars game that’s actually funny I might go big or go so many votes for Sky Skirmish and send it send it absolutely send

It here’s a tutorial okay we can go crazy void right now um yeah oh I’m just get the voting thing still oh there we go so yeah I was too it’s kind of Co I don’t want I was like am I lacking I’m scared kayin left the server kayin

Joined the server yeah we have a new map here too okay do you see those Stone that’s where the chests are wait there’s diamonds Diamond wait I see them I want that I think we rush mid right for the gear and then we play safe oh

Yeah no we don’t play safe what do you mean okay well we just got killed from not playing safe it depends Cloud we can play more Dam in this game though we we we didn’t play not like aggressive we played indecisive and also my keyboard wasn’t making me sad blame me

Keyboard 30 seconds so we have some chest on the oh there’s diamonds on the close Islands do you guys see that what team is that over there it’s can do you think can Will Rush us all the left CL uh should we go left I don’t think

Sign what right is what do we do let’s let’s go left yeah we’re going left you bridge at the start and then when there’s more of a gap I’ll Bridge okay I’ll later watch I for that jump I have a diamond scary yeah I’m so scared I’m going to

Fall Wii is not working for yeah I have a diamond already oh wait we we can make two diamond swords then we have three diamonds we need a wood don’t guys be careful about this jump keep coming to M though we’re going to keep rushing I can’t I can’t CL get wood we

Can make diamond SW how do we get how do we get Crafting Table do you have six Cloud do you have six um I do not does anyone sticks wait no how are you supposed to get sticks wait go go over here go over here there oh

My can I up here there’s crafting table in the we don’t have sck though how many diamonds do you have is there wood anywhere I have four I have three I have one okay let’s make a chest plate I guess can every pass your diamonds well we need oh there’s chests

In the middle they just opened up let’s go we can just take them I know things just everything’s justed out too any sticks boots did anyone sticks wa I need iron boots okay whatever like I don’t know where there sticks they just don’t exist okay uh guys let’s make a base in

This top right corner I guess and then we want to make a base well you guys I’m going to I’m going to play aggressive well I’ll be careful though look I’m gonna I’m just gonna play with you this is safe you don’t have to play with me

Don’t play with me I still have a wooden sword does anyone have anything better yes uh I have an iron sword it’s cuz my armor is really good Cloud so I want to oh they’re shooting me oh nice I got one oh they’re still alive oh I’m dropping down to kill them

Okay be careful of pink here this is oh there’s another team they’re running into a team are you serious that’s crazy oh pink here oh my God running run where did K go you oh kin’s coming yeah we need you a we need to go to Cloud where’s this is

Bad can we go down SC of yellow um I want to go up somewhere yeah um I’m still uh I can we can make take this pink base up here this corner we can take this corner yeah oh Red’s behind us yeah oh there’s a height B oh pink s below

Us they lost SP uh office here nice AO oh my god oh I’m going s that I have we can we can guard this red team oh and P’s below the red team oh debb no Debbie you got to how low are you oh no you’re full I’m full

Good I hit the I hit you tried it you might have to head down I put in a cake Tade oh my God nice okay stay up stay back up oh I’m getting help help help I got you dead I’m healing I’m healing we we should go back up we

Should go back up yeah go back up the’s like yeah oh just like right here stay over here yeah stay over here I’m like right below you guys I’m pre gapping no I got hit off oh no I should have webbed I could have webbed myself that was bad I could have

Done better nice CL I got second last that was good nice okay do it again oh this is what happens when I end my stream hey you can actually play the game yeah okay we need where do you get six in this game six are non-existent um oh wait there’s a tree

Behind us I’ll get well I mind wood at the beginning and are they rushing K’s rushing I Think yeah he’s rushing I gra back there he probably doesn’t want to fight you yeah nice just push him back just push him back okay cool uh try mining the wood at the start with an axe if you have an axe there’s iron helmet it didn’t give me anything any sticks okay

We got a giv I got a diamond I can go I can I can okay um what the heck is that God I don’t like this map yeah like it doesn’t give me anything I want to know where the stick are so bad oh Cloud just eat all eat up

All the diamonds okay yum yum yum get all the diamonds and then we want to take mid to get the chest yeah I can get a diamond chest plate if I get one more diamonds I have a diamond okay let’s um thank you then let’s go mid oh nice creeper oh

Man can someone drop one Diamond someone else picked up the one you dropped that oh I got it um does anyone have an extra iron chest chest plate not iron but chain mail I I have iron oh can someone give me a diamond at Mid please there’s Diamond here’s

A and IR Bo chest plate here CL can you give me your diamond please okay yeah here uh no man I’m oh okay and deie and deie oh let me drop this wait where’s that CH plate I need the up I Diamond I know okay here here where’s the chest

Plate mean not the yeah where’s the chest plate picked it up I don’t have it I well you can take mine you can take mine does anyone have better um better boots I have iron boots do you want them yeah if you have extra take them I

Dropped I have any arrows I have um one in my crossbow oh you have a chest wa can I have that back we are getting surrounded yeah be careful we can get these side chests still too I think um let’s go up let’s go up let’s take a

High ground and then we can right over here okay I’m going to play a little aggressive but I won’t yeah I see the pink team you can see players around here why is that guy going down there he probably got hit by a spectre Arrow might guess actually oh yeah they are

Spectre arrows you’re right that would make Sense um no one’s at Mid this is weird we just have all the teams kind of based up which makes it hard to kill you see that pink guy down there there’s pink team down there but they’re so far down that it’s not worth to go all the way down

Yeah science I don’t know how do you get sticks I I’m the trees don’t give you wood you can’t get sticks it’s impossible the trees just don’t give you wood like it it doesn’t work skyb you see is Pink’s stuck behind us by the way um pickaxe I have it

Oops uh we got to go down a little bit yeah skyboard um let’s go down in this tree kind of this height I hate these leaves I’m killing them I’m so sorry no where did Pink go I see them down there okay this team looks a little separated you like that they’re strong

Though um should we just drop to the ground Slayer you might want to oh yellow’s fighting over there ooh I just want to base up like on in the Cor While others fight while we wait do you see down here there’s a there’s blue team down here like

They’re fighting yeah like they’re all fighting yoink yoink watch out for that TNT yep watch out for TNT again behind you oh what okay cool in the void cloud in the void nice one more one more round one more one more we do it again I saw you Flo you

You were so close to death I was I was justly clicked in the chest because it wouldn’t let me place blocks oh no okay I’m rushing left again from Fall damage I’ll grab that chest in the right okay I hope oh Blue’s going the other way from us which is

Good bunch of gold stuff I have a creeper spawning I I have TNT o it’s a little guy I love the little guy oh I don’t have I don’t have my damage check spal Arrow I’m lagging unlucky only I got a stick I got a stick

I got a stick found a stick impossible that’s so huge Mir yeah bring it to Mid if you can was it just in a chest it was just in a chest how do we not find any other sticks then I don’t know I have no idea yummy Diamonds oh yellow’s here too

Yeah yellow get the yummy Diamond could I get who has a stick I have a stick I have a stick up here M oh I I want can I have no Med ah I was going to jump across y sck Cloud be careful I’m not with

You okay I want I want to use a crafting table to make a diamond sword ours ours our chess chess came oh chess I’m watching yellow DEC run R run oh my God I killed everything the chests are on the side too yeah yeah I have a diamond helmet for

Someone come up top and let’s split armor you guys are you guys need some I have a chest plate I’m dropping armor yeah I have a diamond helmet for you I have a diamond no I have I have diamond boots for some Diamond Helmet right there

Yeah another iron IR iron helmet a yeah I got it take PS and okay wait let’s make these Bridges like a little bit wa why I don’t I have my helmet on I’m silly oh you should probably Gren hey why’ they do that to a nice base oh another

One it’s rather rude of them oh yellow’s below really ly L’s coming over oh Noe he’s going back the way game what is happening I don’t know we’re just kind of controlling two islands and I like it yeah yeah um okay I got Decay grenade I’ve

Got a TNT nice I can just kind of throw somewhere nice uh we’ve got who’s that behind you a cyan yeah canan’s looking at us on our Bridge they’re shooting you CL oh my God ow can is being rude pink behind us kill points are decreasing let’s just go over

Here let’s just take running around the sides they’re going to run to the pink they’re all fighting everyone’s fighting but us yeah well cuz no one’s on Mid they’re all fighting on the sides we’ll take it I want come over here kind of broken

The cloud um I lied I don’t want to go over there yeah come back come back run run Run oh someone’s glowing so I thought you behind you behind you keep running um no one is here no one wants the smoke blue below us yeah blue is does anyone have a grenade I do I yeah make it put it down put it down nice nice platform blue

Ooh okay uh they’re Pink’s coming over we can stop them side yeah I killed space nice thank over there there there we got to drop we need to get down we’s go let’s go down and oh behind us behind us there’s uh Morgan I dropped oh my God

That hurts hey I almost just through yeah watch out above border the seem fighing don’t engage yet just just chill just chill See’s looking like delicious kill points face watch out I want the kill a I lived yes I’m I’m down here oh we’re insane do you see me down here I

Liv oh we’re crazy do we make it back come on surely we make it back with us please we made it back surely we made it back three for three like we got to make that back come on put us in Finale that was sick I’m chilling Cloud I think you’re

First right surely surely we all surv at the we all survived at nice I got nine I’m chilling in the void though but I survived so it’s okay oh yeah okay yeah um we had to make a 1.5k and we did that on every team we did that on every team

We made it my God yeah there we go yes boys yes well done look at the G too that’s sick a that’s sick we went crazy come on we’re top two there we Are let’s go let’s go yeah I think that puts me in first s too NAD getting me and Nomad getting last RAC I’m so hyp I’m happy my stream started working by the way cuz it didn’t work for the first half of the Life’s good again

It feels good I was so nervous it feels good here we are I want to I want to go look the end of Bo Wii tough winner let’s go I haven’t been first inent in ages let’s go oh this is my first Mayhem final same same win this crazy they have a new

Finale and I have no idea how wait there’s a new one I didn’t know there’s a new one I’m sure we’ll figure it out okay oh if it’s Trident it’s so over look wait kayin has exactly 3,000 that’s so satisfying we have no idea what the

Finale is this is so much better first my if my keyboard wasn’t glitching out the whole time oh my God oh my God man that Sky game was that was awesome that was crazy well we just rushed M and got all the gear every time so made made it

So easy we just had such better positioning we just did we were just were better well it’s cuz we were mid and no one wanted to come M to fight us so they all killed each other on the outer ring no one wanted to take us on

We just did it okay here we go guys we win these we’re going to go crazy this what is this um yeah wait what is this mang how does this work actually has to read the tutorial this time there’s a tutorial right probably I hope uh nope

What I think it’s like Bridges but you don’t bridge and you have to get to the point on the other side you see the little thing this wood thing is it this wood thing what thing oh this thing what wait stop killing each other hit you what the

Hell H each other guys guys it’s knock back guys it’s knock back it’s like that one battle box map Jack no okay that was messed up okay we got to go crazy I fell in the water no I fell oh I’m sorry wait what he lived what Jack I

Did I thought you got Jack he was he was off the map I swear I swear he was off the map this music’s great I swear he was off the map thanks for the by the way we’re going crazy I’m going to stay back here I want to stay back here I

Guess I swear he was off the map I swear he was off the map here go I’m just going to bolt it you had someone going the long way around any guarding I got him gotcha oh I’m I’m on oh close no I was in good guarding guys let me in no let

Me in yeah I see you getting tossed around I can go over the top in I was in need to perish the need to perish oh oh people coming up people coming up watch out watch out nice nice hit nice hit oh I fumbled oh my God I was in I was in

Watch out there’s two coming two coming I just jump off I had a score I had a score dude I had a score it’s over oh they scored me they made me score myself wait no no I threw I had a point there I just threw a point that’s my bad Chad Jesus

It’s okay okay um okay it’s whatever we might want people to stay back yeah actually no knock back I don’t understand yeah Jack is taking whatever wa can I boost you wait to I’m yo no oh they’re kind of staying back uh Harry’s going from the left side around

I’m distracted go what oh where is he where okay Jack we got to kill Jack he doesn’t take knockback he’s Australian we got to get rid of him staying here dude we’re getting cooked yeah I’m going to I’m going to stay back Target Jack ow he’s too Australian for him to

Move I’m staying back oh you can watch that side I’ll watch this side yep I jack is I see yeah oh the both sponge dude 5,000 I wish I knew that I found Jack’s coming right side Jack’s coming right side watch out Jack’s coming no hurry dude how do I go back like

That nice nice nice pun me in I’m sorry oh I got scared you died to a teammate I think what go you just killed mean’s here Morgan’s here we’re stuck on defense CL I’m going in defend you got this’s back up top Morgan dude they don’t take

I hit Morgan no no okay this so bad we’re getting cooked we are getting red holy deleted Miss Bridges bring Bridges back I miss it I do miss Bridges actually this makes me yeah the lack of synergy is kind of crazy I’m not it’s fine I’m just going to hope

They take more knock back yeah cast on the right don’t let them score please I’m I’m like at the’s here I’m here on the left dude I moved so much nice nice how do we take last knock back I swear I moved twice as far as I do but

It’s okay we keep going we keep going our Ping’s too low for this game be the greatest let’s go we got one reverse I’ll Bo both you I’ll boost both you for going keep going I’m watching I’m going to go straight left no way is no ja us

On on the right again oh I see somebody I see Harry fre jackass dude I killed myself I had that oh on the side watch our left watch our left watch our left side Jack here oh my God I’m lagging what happened oh I’m nice job think he ran off no he’s someone

Still here someone still here dude I take almost knock back I fly I don’t know what I can do I’m going to try to sneak around go for it Morgan watch out Jack’s coming watch out there’s three on us no I’m in oh G I jumped after them G gg gg this is

A sing finale GG’s dude I wish we understood take I will take my one and leave yes Chad I threw dude I did terrible understand how we did really well that’s great so good okay for guys for next finale we got to just get VPN so we take last snip

Back yeah right you’re so right dude that was our sky was so sick it’s it’s it’s okay we got trolled in the last game that’s fine that’s crazy that was still aw I think this is the best Mayhem I’ve ever played yeah Chad I trolled I did terrible

There’s twice I killed myself there’s twice I was at the go and just died like what’s wrong with me where was my place and I was lagging the whole time oh I wish my stream actually like worked I’m pretty sure that’s better than I’ve ever before next the I can’t lie you played

Against the the finale yeah that’s true you know how it works to be fair I guess yeah I mean we just didn’t play well to be fair I was throwing but like actually they like whatever my head hurts holy [ __ ] can you check the Ping

Of other people I’m I’m going to cop he only 415 it’s my fault yeah it was nice meeting you guys by the way yeah that was great cloud and to I don’t think we ever interacted outside of this so yeah I don’t think so nice to officially kind of meet you

Both that was very fun yeah it was it’s okay that we didn’t make it was worth it honestly I’d rather have we made a crazy come yeah the comeback was insan yeah that comeback was crazy that was awesome what a nless finale does dude I got

First in event though one g i i i didn’t play the event amazing but I’m happy with how I did all right catch you later bye bye oh Cloud’s already gone too chat I’m happy with that event dude my spliff sucked though in my race oh my God that

Was a full yeah we can blame it it was a full European team like what am I supposed to do I I’m stuck here with my American thing like I’m going to go flying yeah I’ll I’ll take without game knowledge My Stream sucked though I’m so sorry it’s lagging out dude

Constantly you love European Morgan bro Kell’s not in this event so I can actually get pH thanks for subbing out Kell you just decided not do sign up so I could get first I appreciate you I’m lagging out so bad dude um My Stream sucked I really wish it worked

Better but I still thanks everyone for coming to watch that was still loads of fun like I don’t care I’m going to try and fix my stream for next time though and my internet my internet still sucks let’s find someone to raid I need to go eat yeah stream is

Dying so hard dude um who won it was orange team right is Morgan Live why can’t I find Morgan oh here s raid MC Morgan plays everyone hop on

This video, titled ‘Toph033 Minecraft Mayhem 27 Lime Lemons’, was uploaded by Matt Griffin on 2024-02-20 15:25:31. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:45 or 9105 seconds.

Toph’s POV of MHM27 on the Lime Lemons

Teamed with C10WD, DebbieMorales, and NomadWorld

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain

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  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

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  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

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  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

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  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

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  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

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  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

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  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!

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  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

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  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

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  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

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    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More