Insane Minecraft Melon Seed Farming with Caffeine Boost

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In the last stream we were working on completing the edge of netherite quest line we got our first nether star and are now able to duplicate them basically infinitely so long as we have enough Wither Skeleton skulls and Soul Sand which of course we can generate infinitely over with our straining setup

We also got the new end and nether trading stalls which allowed us to get endstone thus unlocking the Final Chapter of the quest book here that being the Ender W quest line which begins with this ender steel Quest now this quest in and of itself not too

Difficult it requires one dark steel one end Stone and one obsidian the quest not too bad however as we saw in the last episode we’re going to need a lot of resources to finish this pack and we’re also going to need a lot of endstone

Much of what is still left to do and still left to craft requires endstone and requires specifically these end steel ingots and so we are going to need quite a few of those and so part of my plan for today is going to be to automate processes like this so that we

Don’t have to keep manually making obsidian this one should be one of the easier automations to set up simply due to the fact that I think all we really need to do is set up at least one but maybe multiple fluid generators for lava and then again at least one if not

Multiple fluid generators for water pump all of that lava and water into the fluid mixer and boom we should have obsidian automated but now in terms of getting the quest complete the dark steel is made using iron ingots powdered coal and obsidian again even more obsidian required there and the powder

Coal we can make either using the SAG Mill or the mechanical squeezer I think the mechanical squeezer is faster I think it also uses a little bit less power so I think we’ll use that for now and my main goal as well today is going

To be to try and get some automation up and running so that going forward we don’t have to really do any of this alloy crafting automatically we can just request that our system do things like this for us and those things get done now you may be able to notice that

Between streams I have made a couple of changes specifically to our giant 17×17 Wheat Farm one of the reasons for that is that previously the farm that we had was off center with the middle of the base and it didn’t really work with the new base design we’ve got these

Semicircles on all four sides and the wheat farm kind of protruded out past where the semicircle would normally end it kind of came all the way out here and I think it just looked a little bit odd and so I tore the whole thing down and I’ve replaced the single level 17x 17

Farm with five 9×9 Farms so this does technically give us a little bit more in the way of wheat growth so there are more wheat seeds growing here the setup is exactly the same we have over here our charging station this is now receiving crw oil instead of lava we saw

Previously that that is a superior fluid in the fluid compressor and other than that everything else is the same we’re still using the provider frames to provide seeds to our chickens and we’re still using the Harvester and collector drone the drawer that the collector drone feeds to is down here that’s in

The exact same place it was previously and up here is the chest where we put all of the hes for our Harvester drone again the drones can work in a 17x 17x 17 area by default so they can go 17 blocks vertically as well which is

Exactly what we’ve got them doing here I did have to add more range upgrad to the collecting drone because it is all the way on the bottom and this is more than eight blocks tall so I think the collecting drone has five range upgrades

In it now to allow it to reach those top seeds however I am going to be honest here and say that this is mostly an aesthetic change because even though we are technically producing more seeds now it’s a very small amount before we were producing like around 260 blocks worth

Of of wheat farming now we’re doing like close to 300 blocks worth of wheat farming so it’s it’s a small increase and it’s not going to be be enough to get us the massive number of resources that we’re going to need to finish the pank but I didn’t want to tear it down

Completely because we spent so much time getting these drones to work but I do have a plan for today’s stream and that plan is going to involve getting seeds with an alternate method before I do that can I do this to get the end steel I totally can and the first thing the

End steel is required for here is making a compressed crafting table which in and of itself is not particularly useful however it can be used to make a double compressed crafting table again in and of itself not particularly useful but it is required to make the ultimate

Crafting table in fact we need nine double compressed crafting tables to make one ultimate crafting table which means we need 81 of these compressed crafting tables which means that we need at least 81 ender steel ingots and then we need about 244 is of these crafting tables and stone crafting tables not

Particularly difficult to do but ideally we’re going to do it with automation I think but before we get started with the seeds right now we are basically completely out of seeds you’ll see over here there’s nothing most of these guys now have no seeds I think maybe over

Here yeah my Emerald chicken for some reason has 27 seeds however for the most part no seeds and so the alternative method that has been showed to me by some of the other people playing on the patreon server here is to utilize melons because you can use any seed you like

With the chickens if I were to go ahead and take one melon seed and give it to my iron chicken for example it will go ahead and produce sorry my copper chicken I guess it will go ahead and produce copper ingots so if we can get

Melons to grow we can then just craft those melons directly into melon seeds which is already a benefit over the wheat because we can’t craft the wheat into wheat seeds we could run it through a sank Mill but the odds are not very high only 20% you can try and make those

Higher using some grinding balls but at that point the setup gets quite convoluted and the wheat already doesn’t grow that quickly so instead what I think we’re going to do is take our melon seeds here and utilize the destructor from refined storage to automatically break the melons once they

Fully grow to make this we need more quarts enriched iron because of course we do and we also need a destruction core and an improved processor between streams I did make some more silicon and I also made some more printed silicon which should be done over in here it is

Indeed we got another stack of there again mostly because I do want to get some uh refined storage automation set up today and I didn’t want to be waiting around for silicon what I’ve also done between streams is I’ve added a another wooden strainer here with a emerald mesh

So that we can make slime balls I did steal this everything upgrade from over here because I don’t foree us really needing more with the skeleton skulls at least not in the near future and so with these slime balls here we should be able to fairly easily make a bunch more of

This processor binding in fact I’m going to go ahead and just make a stack of that fantastic we’ll then take I think half of that and make half a stack of these Raw four basic processes and we’ll also take the other half stack and ideally use that to make the the gold

Processes as well so uh silicon wise we do have more in here again silicon is just sand in the sank Mill it’s a 50/50 chance but it does get the job done fantastic we could maybe do with getting a silicon chicken but to be fair I don’t

Know if we’re going to need that much silicon for now let’s do something like this and then let’s also do something like this fantastic and then if we grab a little bit of redstone using our inscriber over here we should be able to fairly quickly throw together some more

Of the basic processors and some more of the improved processors and once we’ve got those improved and basic processes we should be able to craft up the destructor now the idea here is that the destructor will automatically break any block that’s in front of it and place that block into the refined storage

System for example uh right now we have exactly 2,118 cend in our system if I place this Destructor down here it’s going to go ahead and break that sand and you’ll see in here now we’ve got 2,119 and we can do it again and we’ll

Have 2,120 you get the idea the idea for the farm though is that if we were to go ahead and grab a little bit more dirt and ideally also some kind of her to allow us to till the dirt we should be able to plant down our melon have that

Melon grow into a full melon and then the block is going to ideally be harvested by the destructor so let say for example that we plant down our melon seed here right so this is where the dirt is going to go we’re then going to Hur that and we’re going to plant the

Melon right then right here is where the melon’s going to grow we’re then going to place the destructor onto that and then we’ll connect it to the system now you might be thinking Isaac how do you know the melon’s going to grow there well we’re going to go ahead and block

Off these three sections to force the melon to grow here so that we can then break it with the destructor this will work but we can take things even further because it turns out that the growth accelerators from applied energistics actually work on melons they don’t work

On most things but if we go ahead and hold G here it does say the growth accelerator massively accelerates the growth of cus or amethyst when placed adjacent to the blooding block curiously it can also accelerate the growth of various plants and one of those plants

That it can accelerate the growth of is melon and so if we get at least one but I think ideally multiple of these growth accelerators we should be able to to accelerate the growth of melon quite a lot ideally I think we want to get three

Of these and place them around the melon it’s possible that um four might also work but I think three is probably the max now to make it we do need one of these quartz fibers which are glass and S quartz dust as we’ve seen before CTA squats dust is just certa squats

Crystals in the inscriber thankfully our inscriber is no longer in use and so we should be able to very quickly get three s squats dust at which point we’re almost good to go we also need more quatz glass so actually we should probably get an extra five C squat dust

And then we need to make some fluix cable as well that should all be fairly straightforward now these do require power and in order to power these we need an energy acceptor because unfortunately you can’t just pump power directly into them using an energy pipe you need an energy acceptor which kind

Of acts as the intermediary between the normal Power that we have and the growth accelerator thankfully this thing is super easy to make it’s four quartz glass four iron and one copper and the way this works is we pump regular energy into the energy acceptor and then we can

Use the fluix cable to move energy from the energy acceptor to all of our growth accelerators so let’s grab the remaining C squats dust over here that should be enough to get us the three quartz fibers which then should be enough to get us some em fluix cable again I’m going to

Make a bit of this because not only do we need six in order to make three of these growth accelerators which of course do require more of that qu glass two and three but we also need that flu cable to provide Power as well so what

I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead and get another one of the omnidirectional connectors here so that we can connect up the power wirelessly to our system using the wireless system that we set up in the last episode for that we need two more monodirectional connectors which of course requires more

Of these output variable Transformers I’m going to make a bunch of them so it’s easier for us to do this in the future we do now have more slime so we can go ahead and make more sticky pistons here and that’s going to allow us to make more of these input variable

Transformers again we’ll make more of those just to have them ready to go the cable also super easy to make I’ll try and make that in bulk as well so we don’t have to keep micro crafting it every time it’s needed and that should be our second omnidirectional connector

And so now what I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead and break this omnidirectional connector here because as I mentioned in the last episode These have a specific group and if we want the new connectors to have that same group you need to craft one of the old

Connectors with it and you’ll see now these are all linked to the same group 57 and so we can now replace this one here but we can also grab our cable along with ideally another energy exporter and we should be able to wirelessly send power over to here so

I’m going to go ahead and get rid of these sand blocks and instead I’m going to place down these growth accelerators and I do want to make sure that they’re placed down with these bits pointing towards the top because you can only connect fluke cable to these sections I think

It’s the top and the bottom you can’t connect it to the sides you’ll see it doesn’t connect these little purple squares in the middle show that the connection is possible and so if we do this and this we should be able to then place down our energy acceptor let’s say

Like this and then from there we should be able to place our energy exporter on the top you’ll see right now at the top there it says device offline if we place down a logic cable with our omnidirectional connector and then of course the final piece of the

Puzzle which is just one variable card inside of that energy exporter we should see this come online and we should see things start to work just a little bit faster so hopefully device online and these devices are also online I am being told that the melon has to go onto dirt

As well that is completely fine let me go ahead and place down some dirt right about here but you’ll see that stem growing substantially faster and if I do this we should hopefully see melon growing fairly quickly look at that we have a melon nice and of course our

Destructor is going to go and destruct it and that’ll pull it into the system and ideally that melon is then going to go ahead and place down another melon very quickly indeed and of course we can just then craft those melon slices into melon seeds and then send those melon

Seeds over to our chickens so what we can do here I guess is we can grab our refined storage cable we’re definitely going to need more than this of course to connect this up so let me quickly craft up some more quartz enriched iron and we’ll make a few more of these and

Just like before we can use our trusty pipe connector that being this snake looking dude right here to connect everything up so where is my newest cable it is here perfect so if we go ahead and put our cable in our off hand shift right click here and then shift

Right click here we should be able to make this happen now of course right now that’s going very high up which is not ideal I want this to go much much further down there we go okay so that’s actually gone all the way to 99 which is

Not ideal let’s go the other way here so we want this probably at least there but I guess ideally we want it to go down down down we could do it here and then just put some cover down but I think we might as well go one deeper like this so

That it goes down across round and then back up to our Destructor shift right click in the air Place pipes look at that nice and now if we go check in the refined storage system just as soon as we replace down our marble Plank and

Just just as soon as we grab another one of these marble covers to cover that cable up like so we should see melon slices coming in we’ve got seven and if we give it just a second here we should get under the melon spawning look at

That we from 10 to 14 to 21 they’re coming in very quickly it can be a little sporadic sometimes the melons they grow very quickly and it just places down melon after melon after melon sometimes it takes a little longer I don’t know if using the time in a

Bottle on a melon makes it much faster using the time B on the growth accelerators though might actually really help to accelerate the the Productions of melons and of course what we can also do is we can look at making speed upgrades for the destructor as

Well to really start to pull in those melons faster and kind of make sure that we’re not leaving any melons on the table as it were as for the speed upgrades we saw these previously we just needed more improved processes we can go ahead and make a few of these now in

Fact I believe four is the maximum we can make as per usual it’s just Quartz in Rich liion that we are light on we probably definitely do want to look at getting a quartz enriched iron chicken just so that we don’t have to keep doing this manually going forward sugar can

We’ve got a ton of fantastic and then let’s do one two and ideally I guess we’ll do three and but out of quartz R again four okay perfect and that gets us four that doesn’t get us that’s where our quartz en D went of course right

Fine let me get at least one or two more benches of this again thankfully all of this stuff super easy we got nether quarts coming in we got gold coming in and we’ve just got a ton of sand kind of passively already so getting more quartz

Iron not too bad boom and boom and now if we put these into the destructor that should just make it that much faster at breaking the melon so as soon as the melon is placed down it should almost instantly be destroyed and the melon slices should be placed into the system

Pretty cool stuff look at that it’s gone before you can even see it what we do want to do here we do want to make sure that we have space for the melons because right now if we just leave it it’s obviously going to fill up our system here with 19,000 melons that’s

Not going to be ideal so I think we want to make sure that somewhere over here there is a draw for melons and with that I think we also probably want to make sure that we get a void upgrade into that melon drawer as well so that if we

Ever do get too many melons we can delete the access and don’t fill up our set up down here now one thing that people have pointed out that we could do here is we could look at adding the silk touch upgrade instead of one of the speed upgrades to our Destructor the

Silk touch upgrade is going to allow the destructor to pick up the whole melon as opposed to the melon slices and in doing that we can then use that whole melon I believe to get nine melon slices per melon as opposed to the current you know

Kind of random 3 to fiveish melons per slice which would be ideal the only tricky part about this is that we need a silk touch book thankfully Ender does add the enchanter here which doesn’t seem too expensive it requires some dark steel ingots which we’ve seen we can

Make with obsidian powdered coal and iron along with two diamonds and a book the book of course we can get very easily we got paper and we can get leather from leather chickens if we go out and find one and once we have the enchanter we just need a booking quill

Also easy enough especially given how many insects we have now along with 15 lampis one slime and 13 levels we currently have 31 and so I think this is definitely doable let me go ahead and get some more dark steel here in fact let’s take a quick detour of a detour

And let’s quickly set up two more of these actually you know I’ll set up all four of these fluid generators for lava and water so that we can get obsidian coming in automatically all right so we have a basic setup here it’s all stuff we’ve done before we’ve got four fluid

Generators two producing lava and two producing water and then we got these floppers underneath so that all of the fluid can make its way into the fluid mixer and then what I’ve done here is I’ve actually gone ahead and run the pressure tube down underground and

Around from here so it just goes down straight across and then you can see here at the corner straight across again over to here I kind of dislike that corner is visible but I think if we just kind of do something like like this we

Can uh we can forget about it and even if we put a bit more sand down around here it’s going to look a little less odd that I kind of built a bit of an overhang on the backside here so you know what something like that should do

The job just fine and then we can of course cover this up right now it’s really really slow because we don’t have any modified blocks on the top there I do think that we can probably make another four vibrant alloy blocks here though let me quickly check the optional

Blocks on the fluid generator there are of course higher tier blocks but netherite is an in one it’s just as good as vibrant alloy speaking of netherite we do of course have 238 netherite scrap over there which is almost enough to finally get us that ancient chicken over

Here I believe we’ve got one scrap in there we do so we need 249 more scrap to make this happen I think this is still kind of doing its thing oh it’s not and that’s because one of the meshes broke that is completely fine let me see if I

Can’t get another Emerald mesh going here we definitely can fantastic and that should definitely get us the the remaining like 13 netherite scrap at which point we can get the netherite chicken going and hopefully by that time we’ll have the melon system running as well so that the netherite chicken can

Actually get seeds to produce the resources that it needs so as for those vibrant alloy blocks for those it is just a bunch of vibrant alloy which we can make with the ender pearl fragments of course we’ve got a ton of Ender Pearls now so these are not a problem at

All along with as we saw before the energetic Alloys which is just Redstone gold and glowstone glowstone is the only thing that we’re kind of light on we should definitely look I think at getting a glowstone chicken we can make more glowstone with the dollstone and we

Can get the dollstone with the regular Stone and fused alloy fused alloy also doable it’s greens Infinity compressed iron and hardened Sandstone all right and not too long later we got 38 vibrant alloy ingots and we’re still processing more D Stone into more glowstone I do

Think this should be enough to get us to 250 which would then of course get us a glowstone chicken and that means in the future we don’t have to go through that doorstone method in the future which is not too difficult it’s just a bit of a pain getting the fused alloy smelting

The Sandstone into Harden Sandstone is it just all takes a bit of time it’s just unnecessary I think and the glowstone chicken will make our lives so much easier either way over here we can do this we can get three more vibrant alloy blocks and still have enough left

For a fourth one uh which is actually what I need ignore me I do need four vibrant alloy blocks with not enough left for a fifth one back over here though using our new jet boots that we got last episode we can now do something like this one two and three four of

Course getting rid of those horrible bits of stone on the sides and hopefully now we should see the lava and the water come in a fair bit quicker the water is always going to come in Faster it’s just produced quicker than the lava is let me quickly check the outputs here it’s 50

It’s 50 for water and 25 for lava so it’s also quite possible that um we might want to swap one of these if we swapped basically we need one fluid generator for water for every two for lava and so if we wanted this to be even

We need four for lava and two for water which is unfortunate but to be fair this also is just kind of working for now and so if we were to go ahead and grab another storage door which of course we’re going to color with marble and

Black brick like so we can then place that down over let’s say I think we can just put it here and I’m fairly certain that we should just be able to extract from the top like this and like that and like this we totally can we can then go

Ahead and lock this boom and cool we now have obsidian coming in automatically of course at some point we should definitely look at getting this connected up to our refined storage system but for now we have obsidian and we don’t have to make it manually so we

Can bring this all the way back over to here and we can look again at getting that silk touch enchantment so for this as we saw a second ago we need dark steel dark steel is Obsidian which is why I made it in the first place uh let

Me go ahead and put this Stone away and you’ll see already we’re at 750 melon slices which um has gone up very quickly in a very short period of time I’m very happy with that we’ll take some coal and we’ll take some iron back over here we

Should be able to throw our coal into the mechanical squeezer get a bunch of powdered coal and of course we can then take that powdered coal and produce all of the stuff that we’re after over here in the alloy smelter and if we give it a

Quick tap here we should be able to get the four required dark steel very quickly let me just check that I don’t need more dark steel after that I don’t think I do okay so now I think it’s just a case really of getting two leather for

The two books required and so real quick let me go ahead and grab my sword because between streams I did have to get more leather to make another fluid compressor I actually blew up one of the fluid compressors over here this one blew up last time it does now have a

Security upgrade in there so it’s not going to blow up in the future but uh real quick let me grab my sword because my minigun is now out of ammo and let’s go see if we can’t find two more leather chickens to acquire two more leather all right so a couple of leather

Chickens later and I think we’re basically good to go here there’s actually by the looks of it even more leather chickens just over here we don’t need more than eight I did miscalculate because we do need two bookshelves as well so I think eight is the number

Required but all of a sudden it took me a few minutes to find the uh the first a but now now that I have the leather I need they’re everywhere non-stop leather chickens so we’ll quickly just grab a few more pieces of leather here just in

Case we need some more later on in the episode there’s even more over here now they just keep spawning in now that we don’t need them but uh once we’ve killed these three we will we’ll head back and we’ll get ourselves a few bookcases I’ll

Leave no I’m not going to leave you here we go perfect all right so now we’ve got 14 leather let’s get our home stone and let’s teleport back over to here fantastic now let’s see about getting that enchanter for this we need quite a

Few books so we need two books to do the actual um enchanting and then we need six books to make two book shelves and for that we need some more sugar can sugar can we have over here we have currently got you’ll see my drones are not doing a particularly good job I’ll

Have to take a look at um why they’re not working as intended at some point between streams but for now boom 63 paper and we should be able to get the remaining three books and that should be everything for us to go here so there’s

The enchanto and then if we want to get the silk touch upgrade this is where the bookcases are required we need two book cases here which of course requires planks which as of right now our system does not know how to make so we’ll do something like this and then we’ll get two

Bookshelves one and two and now all we’re missing is the standard upgrade base and of course the silk touch book so if we throw down our enchanter I don’t believe it requires power so I think we can just put it down here we then need to place in the required items

In this case we need a bck and quill boom along with one slime and 15 lapis we have got 47 slime and we have got loads of lapers we needed 15 32 is more than 15 and so back over here boom boom boom it’s just that easy there’s our

Silk touch book and so now we should have everything that we need in order to get the silk touch upgrade and it’s at this point that I have to test something here because I think what we should be able to do is take these melons out and place them into a compacting draw

Now this is where it becomes useful because if we go ahead and put the silk touch upgrade in here that is now going to take and Place full melons into the compacting drawer and the benefit here is that one melon in a compacting drawer is worth nine melon slices so if I take

These seven melons out and this one melon slice we should see look at that a melon comes in and that melon is worth nine slices and so now we’ve almost doubled the amount of melon slices that we get her melon that comes in and we

Can still do the same craft we just no longer do it with these melons we do it with these melons which are the same melons but just in a different form and so uh we could leave this draw here I don’t think it’s really going to hurt

Anybody we can always move the melons out if we decide we need it in the future but now in here our system has access to those melons in block form and in slice form and of course we want to take those melons crft them into melon seeds and then Place those melon seeds

Into ideally what I think is going to be this draw here but just to keep our old system running as well I will go ahead and get another storage drawer and of course texture that as well and I think we can just place that down next to the

Pre-existing drawer to allow both of those to work at the same time and there we go we have melon seeds and just like before all we need to do here is set this to extract and always active nice let going to start taking the melon seeds out and distributing them amongst

Our chickens here to begin producing resources again nice and that’s going to be way faster than this Farm really could ever be and the thing is we can duplicate this fairly easily we just need more growth accelerators CU they’re really the only tricky bit and we can

Use the same energy acceptor we can use the same om directional connector here all we need is more growth accelerators and more destructors to kind of duplicate this setup over and over and over again twitch chat is right I do need to set round robin here to enable

There we go to make sure that not all of my melon seeds go to to one very melon chicken which it looks like they have done over here this guy’s got 64 that’s fine though so now the next question is getting those seeds automatically over to that draw because right now they just

Sit in our system in melon form speaking of which let me quickly do what I said I was going to do earlier and that is grab eight obsidian here so that we can make a void upgrade for that melon draw just to make sure that should the worst

Happen and we end up producing two many melons that any excess melons do get deleted I don’t think that’s going to happen though because we’re hopefully going to turn all of our melons into seeds and send them all to the chickens now to do that I’m going to get a

Crafter from refined storage that’s this guy right here I believe that the the blue one is the default color for this we need a construction core two Advanced processors and a destruction core the construction and destruction cores are easy enough the advanced processor slightly more tricky it requires these

Raw Advanced processes which just require the mro blocks usually this recipe requires diamonds but thankfully it’s actually a lot cheaper in this pack which means we can probably make a bunch of those right out the gate if we just take some more of our crystallized mineral craft that into yet more of

These Minal blocks fantastic and then from there we can go ahead and craft up really as many of these as we like obviously silicon not withstanding we do have more silicon being made over here and we do now have a bunch of Glowstone as well almost enough not quite enough

But almost enough to get that that glowstone chicken for now we’ll take the these and we’ll also take of course the printed circuit boards at the printed silicon and the Redstone and we’ll Place those over into our inscriber boom boom and boom and as soon as we have at least

Two of these Advanced processors we should be able to get the crafter up and running now we are also going to want to get a Paton grid which is this guy right here for that we do need yet another Advanced processor we also need another machine casing the machine faing itself not too

Difficult and then another grid which is also not too difficult it did use the construction and destruction car make another one of those because we need it for the crafter as well we then need a basic pattern which is just quartz enriched iron glass and Redstone of

Course quarts enriched iron I’ll make a stack of that fantastic Paton acquired we’ll make a few of these and boom there is our patent grid we’ll get to that in just a second and of course the crafter itself also not too bad does require another machine casing which is just

Stone and quartz enriched iron and we are almost good to go but we did use one of our Advanced processors making that crafting grid thankfully we made extra and so it should just be a case of this nice so let’s go ahead and place this down we don’t really need this pulsating

Photov volting module anymore we can move this and in fact for now I’ll leave that crafter there I do kind of want the crafter pointing upwards so I’m going to kind of tilt it like this and for now I will put this down over here we do still

Need to uh to change this because currently we are still only using solar power for this setup despite the fact that we’ve got 32 million Redstone flux backed up over there but real quick if I do this it just makes it a little easier

For us to use our time and a bottle on these machines over here though what we can now do is we can use the crafter and the patent Grid in combination to teach our refined storage system how to craft certain items the way we do it is in the

Patent grid you place these patn into this slot right here you then teach it the recipe you want it to learn in this case we want to teach it that one melon slice equals one melon seed and then you click the create button and it encodes the recipe we can then place that

Pattern into our crafter and now our system knows how to craft melon seeds if we type melon seeds into the system you’ll see we don’t have any in there but there is the option to craft them if I click on this and I said that I want

To craft one melon seed start and start it is going to take one of my melon slices and craft it into a melon seed if I wanted to go ahead and craft let’s say 64 melon seeds I could select 64 or type in 58 start and start and it’s going to

Craft up 58 melon seeds not particularly quickly you can make the crafter faster with speed upgrades just like everything else and that should hopefully be making those a little bit faster now again you can put up to four of those in at any given time to really make it a lot

Faster but essentially now our system is capable of making the melany seeds the next bit though is of course getting those melon seeds over to here so the first thing we need just like before is another exporter the exporter as we saw before is really not too expensive one

More construction core is easy enough and boom we have an exporter nice how much cable do we have not much is the answer so we are going to once again get more that’s fine and just like before we’ll go ahead and use our pip player in fact never mind I completely forgot that

We already have pipe over here the pipe goes around to an imp which I think is under here somewhere there it is so in fact we should be able to run some Cable Round to this exp fairly easily and I’m actually interested in how good of a job

The pipe connector does here if I do this and this and then I right click let’s say here on this side like this and then we scroll up that’s actually pretty great shift right click Place pipes look at that fantastic I really like this pipe Placer by the way this is

A Fant fantastic mod let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 and ideally seven but I did drop one little bit of marble down into the uh the basement there that’s fine let’s do that uh broke my pipes did it break my pipes oh did it break this pipe here oh

It did break this pipe here okay that makes sense that is my bad I should have known where the pipes were let’s do this this and this thankfully it’s a pretty easy fix there we go that should bring everything hopefully oh no it doesn’t quite bring everything online because uh

Okay hold on hold on slight you know I was just talking up the Praises that’s okay slight rework required we’re going to have to do kind of something more like this and this with this pipe here so we can set that to extract again to pull out the

The chicken goodies and then we can go here and then back up like that perfect okay I think in the configs you can kind of tell it what it can and can’t break and so I assume that you kind of want to maybe set it up so that it doesn’t break

Those pipes but anyway now that that is is set up this is going to export what we tell to export now of course by default here we can go ahead and just like we’ve done with our other exporter we can grab the melon seeds and we can

Say hey export the melon seeds and it will take the melon seeds that we have out of the system and it will send it around to the drawer so let’s say I put this here and we go back over here we can place our melon seeds into the

System like so and they’re slowly but surely going to get taken out of the system and sent around to the drawer however as soon as we run out we’re going to have to request more if we want more to be made thankfully that is where the crafting card comes into play and

The crafting card is called the crafting upgrade I think actually from refined storage this guy super Nifty we need another blank upgrade we need another construction core and we need two regular crafting tables but the idea here is that if you put the crafting upgrade into an exporter it will try and

Export any of the items that you’ve requested if you have them so if we have any melon seeds in our system it will pull them from the system and put them in the drawer but then if it runs out of melon seeds and we don’t have any it

Will then request the system craft them if the system knows how to craft them and that’s exactly what we’re going to do one thing I think I will do here is I think I will make a draw downgrade which lowers the amount that a draw can hold from a default of

248 down to 64 so if I put this in this can now only hold a stack of melon seeds the reason I’m going to do that is that that basically means that it’s only going to keep crafting these until we’ve got a backlog of one stack and then it’s

Going to stop crafting them but you’ll see at the top there melon seeds are now coming in despite the fact that we didn’t have any before and if we were to go ahead and look in here and type in melon we should see the number of melon

Slices that we have going down because they’re being used to craft those melon seeds and so at this point in time I think really all we want to do is get more speed up grids to try and really just make everything faster let’s make a few more stacks of silicon blend let’s

Make a few more stacks of quartz enriched iron let’s make a couple more of these upgrade bases which of course requires yet more of these improved processes but once we have more speed upgrades we can make the exporting faster and in fact we could even put a

Stack upgrade in here to have it export a stack at a time and we can also put speed upgrades into this crafter here to make this much faster at actually crafting the melon seeds all right so a few more processes later we have five M speed up grids let’s do this to make

That nice and fast and over here we’ll do this as well just to make that a little quicker and yeah look at that we’re seeing the melon seeds com in nice and quick not that we really need them coming in any quicker you’ll see that already we’re starting to fill up

Basically all of these chickens on melon seeds and so now chat we can kind of go back around over to here we’ve got over 250 netherite scrip and so we can take all this begin pumping it into our netherite chicken and boom we now have a 10 10 10

10 ancient chicken which we’ll take of course and let’s go and get another stasis chamber do we have some spare ones we do nice these were from our chickens over there that we had previously so let’s put you down I guess over here we of course do still need to

Get another storage draw and stuff underneath there but the 10 10 10 chicken is good to go and speaking of 10 10 10 chickens I feel like we might as well kind of also do the same with a few other things here glowstone is the next

One that comes to mind for me if we want to get the remaining 50 glowstone we just need to make some more dull Stone which really wasn’t too difficult the hardest bit is just the um the Sandstone but we can take our smooth sandstone and smelt it over here that’s going to get

Us the hard Sandstone that we need and then we can combine that with our Grainer infinity and our compressed iron both of which we have and I might also do the quartz enriched iron as well I feel like we’re using a ton of the stuff and so it’s possible that it’s

Maybe worth just getting but we’re so low on iron though I think I might have to hold off on that one it’s definitely something I want to do but I think we might have to hold off for now it might not be a terrible idea though for us to

Look at getting another iron chicken potentially a few more iron chickens because I think we’re going to do a lot more power if we’re going to get to the end of the pack and so uh getting more power is going to either mean making more of these small reactors or making a

Bigger reactor but as we saw before the bigger reactor does require the higher tier of reactor casing and that higher tier of reactor curing this stuff right here requires a lot of iron so I think multiple iron chickens is going to be on the carders now uh real quick we’ll come

Back to the um to the chicken the next thing I do want to ultimate though is I think the alloy smelter so for that we need just another crafter which thankfully is not too difficult to make we made one of these earlier it is for oh just you gu it more quarts enriched

Iron we’ll get another stank as well as another machine casing and then another one of the construction and destruction cause but the idea here is that we can place this crafted down directly onto the aloy melzer like so and then if we can run a cable over to this which is

Definitely going to be easier said the nun so I’ve kind of put it in a bit of an awkward place in fact I think I’ll go ahead and move this kind of over to here uh let’s make sure we do have an energy pipe beneath that like so and then we’ll

Do alloy smelter and we’ll do crafter like that and then we’ll just run from our nearest cable which is over here I believe and once again I’m going to put my trust and faith into to the pipe connector I don’t know if 30 is going to

Be enough but if we do this here did that work resetting positions and then here yeah it kind of works it’s like it’s a bit far it goes around in a in a way I wouldn’t but do we have enough pipes we do cool all right I’ll take it

It makes my life substantially easier so this is now online fantastic and in theory what we should be able to do here is we should be able to for example teach our system how to make the end steel ingots so all we have to do here

Is inside of the patent grid click on the end steel go to the alloy smelter and then click the move items button that’s going to pull this down you’ll notice that it’s swapped from not processing to processing basically with processing unticked this is just regular crafting recipes that you could do in a

Crafting table processing is what you do if you want to craft with machines and so here we’re basically just telling our system very simply that if it sends obsidian dark steel and endstone to the Aly smelter it will get end steel back in could and then we take this crafting

Pattern here and we place it into this pattern here and now if I were to go ahead and request an end steel I don’t think it’s going to quite work but if I click Start and start it should send over the items if we have them and it’s

Going to make the end steal perfect the reason I say it doesn’t work is that right now this is not being pulled into the system I don’t think that you can push into the crafter you can’t so we are going to have to get some kind of importer down to actually

Import the final product in much the same way that we’re doing with the exporter but of course in the opposite direction thankfully the impuls are super easy to make boom and boom and if we go ahead and connect that up like so then it’s going to go

Ahead and pull that end Steel in and now we fully automated or not fully automated but now we’ve kind of automated the end steel the reason it’s not fully automated is that right now our system doesn’t know how to make dark steel which is something we’re going to

Go ahead and teach it in code we can then also place that into the top of the alloy smelter as well like so and then now we kind of open a bit of a can of worms because now we need to teach our system how to make the powdered coal

Because right now it doesn’t know how to make the powdered coal which means it can’t make the dark steal which means it can’t make the end steal and so the can of worms involves getting another crafter here and then that crafter need needs to go on top of the mechanical

Squeezer this one here uh you can rotate these I think I’m going to be able to do it with this wrench to point down you do want to make sure it points in the right direction like this down and this is not even the right place Isaac it needs to be the

Mechanical squeezer which looks similar but it’s this one right here and if we do this fantastic we can then connect that up like this and now we want to get another importer to place on here so we can start importing the powdered coal and over here we want to teach our

System that if it puts coal into the mechanical squeezer it gets the power of coal so if we do something like this and if we go ahead and get yet another importer boom and I think we’ll do boom because at this point we uh we do have another omnidirectional

Connector and so there is really no excuse for not quickly crafting another energy exporter especially given that we have the resources to do it as well as grabbing a variable card because then we can kind of just get rid of the solar panels entirely like this and just place

Down another energy exporter like this another logic cable like this and you guess it the omnidirectional connector like this with the variable card set to export energy and now all of this can use the power from our big reactor and it also frees up the bank here for our

Exporter which we can connect up like so and so now if we were to go ahead and request the powdered coal we got 45 in the system but let’s say we didn’t we can click Start and start and we might be able to just barely see it happen uh

Although somewhat annoyingly you might have to import from the bottom of the mechanical squeezer so it might be the case I alter mine that it’s going to break everything I think so let me try this I think we have to basically put the Importer down here and then

Connect it up around the bank in order for that to work yes that does now work with the Importer on the bottom it’s a little bit awkward because it means that for power we might have to do something like this which is is just so awkward

Because then we have to run the cable around like this there’s definitely a cleaner way to do this and we’ll figure that out shortly because I think I’m going to move some of these machines and probably make more of them as well but this is now working it’s getting the

Powered coal and the refined storage system is quite smart in that if you request something so for example if I requested end steel and we don’t have one of the required items it will then schedule a craft for that required item so let’s say that I don’t have the dark

Steel it will just automatically request the dark steel let’s say that I don’t have the powdered call to make the dark steel it will do a double nested craft it will make the powdered call first then it will make the dark seal then it will make the end steel it’ll do all of

The stages of The Craft and so if we have enough resources we can just click Start and actually do the craft of course the one thing we don’t have is Obsidian because our obsidian is over here and so for now I’ll go Ahad and pull this out but we could either do

With moving this draw or potentially we got two options we could either run some trim over here to connect this up and ideally also the menal up or we could just run an impul over or even an external storage over to give our system access to it that would be uh ideal but

If we kind of for now manually put that in there and we request let’s say 10 and steel start and start it’s going to do all of the crafting required whoops there we go I did this was set to disabled if you right click you can

Change it to uh Push Pull or disabled don’t set it to disabled if you do it won’t be able to accept items this is now working though I do think going forward I might even get more alloy smelters and kind of have one alloy smelter per Ingot because we need a lot

Of these Alloys going forward looking at some of the end recipes here with the infinity ingots and the infinity catalysts we need energetic Alloys we need porating Alloys we need cobat Alloys we need conductive Alloys as well as um you know more stuff for all of the the crystals and whatnot around the

Outside and so you’ll see here we need you know vibrant crystals and we need pulsating crystals and we need steel so I think we’ll probably look at getting multiple alloy smelters and making sure they all have good capacitors in them so they can all work very quickly but I

Guess we needed 81 end steel right we uh we’ve requested a few here but not quite enough uh we’re going to get to about 12 I think once the the crafter is done but uh if we really want to be able to craft this massive crafting grid which is the

Whole point of the next chapter of the quest book we need like 69 more of these so I believe then there is a way to craft this it’s a control shift click that allows you to request more of an item even if you have them so control shift and then click

Like that and we need 69 more of these so here we’re missing 21 endstone we’re missing um 94 obsidian so the endstone is going to be a tricky one we do have more obsidian of course and we can we can make more of that more quickly just by getting more of these

Fluid generators which I think is almost certainly going to be worthwhile just because as you saw before there’s so much obsidian required in the end game the endstone though is tricky because we have to use endstone like it takes endstone to make endstone and so we’re

Going to have to set up some kind of system that kind of Loops the craft here because we take one endstone and one regular Stone and then craft it into one stone that shouldn’t be too difficult I think if we extract from the alloy smelter here and we kind of round robin

We could probably distribute this so that half of it goes back to the top and half of it goes elsewhere and that would be way of kind of just actively producing endstone infinitely which I think would definitely be worth investing in because we need again a ton

Of endstone to push forward with this end steel quest line anyway I think a lot of that is a problem for future Isaac between streams what I think I’m going to do I’m probably go ahead and make some more glowstone and we’ll try and get the glowstone chicken I might

Even look at making some more iron chickens as well and kind of expanding out the area on the left and right here hopefully yeah look at that we fully backed up on melon seeds now and so we probably don’t really need the wheat Tower but I do quite like the look of

The wheat Tower over over there and so we’ll leave that going as is how are we doing on melons are we actually like backing up on melons still or are we actively losing melons we’re 179 I don’t really have a frame of reference as to

How many melons we had before so I don’t know if we’re gaining melons but I have a feeling that we’re probably making them faster than they’re being used of course if that changes with more chickens we can always go ahead and just duplicate this setup as well next time

Though we’ll come back I think we’ll look at getting many more of these machines down I’ll probably move this cuz I don’t think really like this area it’s not very good for uh the autocrafting that we need to do but I think what we’ll do we’ll make some more

Machines we’ll get a lot of stuff automated and we’ll look at getting the ultimate crafting table and the resource generator then we’ll look of course at getting these Neutron collectors which really don’t seem too difficult we’ll also look at alterating the production of these improved processors as well as

The advanced processors of course to make all of this easier so we can just kind of request most of this stuff and have this made for us because I think we are going to need a ton of neutron collectors because they are painfully slow we need a lot of neutronium ingots

And then we can finally shift our Focus to the final quest line and look at Al crafting the items required for the infinity catalysts here because we are going to need quite a lot of infinity Catalyst in order to complete this bit of the pank but as I mentioned that is a

Problem for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of desert opis Them Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Desertopolis | ENCHANTED MELON SEED FARMING! #14 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-06 23:45:00. It has garnered 19544 views and 768 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:39 or 3039 seconds.

Minecraft Desertopolis | ENCHANTED MELON SEED FARMING! #14 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Techopolis 2 Mod Pack –

Desertopolis is a questing based Minecraft mod pack for Minecraft 1.20.1, can you survive in the harsh desert?

Desertopolis is a completly custom world featuring custom structures and Yungs amazing structures as well. Has thirst and temperature, and has loads of custom recipes and automation things

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Desertopolis #Modded

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: * Twitter:!/GTWScar * Twitch: * Instagram: *TikTok: *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► 💬 Events Discord ► 🔴 Twitch ► 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More