Insane Minecraft Mob Farm History Revealed

Video Information

I have been playing Minecraft for over eight years now and in that time I have made many a mob farm to harvest resources from the inhabitants of these minecraft worlds in the past videos of this nostalgic trilogy we looked at my many different minecraft bases and the best of many redstone contraptions I’ve

Made but in this one we will look at all the mob farms I’ve made over the years and behind me is the very first one deep underground we have spawning platforms mobs appear in the world and wander off into the water streams below to be swept away for harvesting it was simple and

Primitive and over the course of this video you’re going to see how both the game and the mob grind is in it evolved so we start off with a classic mob farm design the giant stone box built up in the sky this wasn’t the first sort of

Mob farm but it was the first one that I made a tutorial for on this channel and this was way back before it even started talking in my videos as well so I explained it all by pictures and text on the screen but today I’ll be able to

Just stick my head in here and give you a quick explanation we have spawning platforms we have slabs on them to stop spider spawning and then the mobs literally just wander around and eventually fall into these water streams which we have on every single floor and eventually they’ll fall all the way down

Here now injunction with that video I also made this XP farm and to be fair I didn’t big this one up as much as I could have it’s also a record disc farm what you can do is simply stand on the slabs here and then skeletons will be

Able to see you and they will start shooting at you which they’re doing right now and if they hit the creepers then you’re going to get records now if you want to collect the items you hit this lever here to activate the redstone now all the mobs that are falling down

Will instantly die at the bottom and then we can go down below and just collect the drops with a water stream here and look at that a crazy amount of them including the record discs now if we come back up here this is an XP farm

So you can go up the ladders and you can simply punch the mobs and get yourself a little bit of XP now there are many different ways in which too far mobs in this game and one of the popular concepts back then was to use Pistons to

Funnel mobs all the way down to a central point which you can see in action right now the Enderman wander they get pushed around and they make their way into this 2×2 chamber at the bottom and it’s down here that they very slowly get crushed to death not really

Taking advantage of full damage here there’s actually a few principles of mob farming I was yet to learn for example not even being able to really use this as an XP farm is a bit of a downside but I also built this in the middle of the

End dimension and as you can see I covered everything in water instead of just flying away over here into the void which would have saved me a lot of time and effort but let me remind you my friends this retrospect over previous contraptions is what it’s all about this

Was way before we knew the ins and outs of how mobs spawned and lots of different principles that has made mob farming so easy for example here I’ve kind of realized you know I’ve only made a handful of platforms 16 blocks that is gonna severely reduce the spawn rate of

The Enderman one of the first videos to blow up on my channel was my cave spider exp farm tutorial video and this showed you how to take the mob cages you could find in mineshafts and then turn them into farms that used water streams to shuffle all of the cave spiders to a

Single location where they were group up now this behavior unfortunately isn’t the same anymore so you don’t see farms quite like this this one down here doesn’t work like normal because I’m not in survival minecraft and they’re not tracking me up to the top here but essentially what would happen is the

Cave spiders would spawn fall into the water and get pushed all the way to the middle in the today’s game though they would climb up the walls and do all sorts of different stuff so anyway from here you’ve then just got a simple crusher and the Redstone is also very

Basic and not compact as well but this essentially brings them down to one hit – the player can then stand here punch the cave spiders and get their experience points now we’re going to gloss over this next one just because it’s not the most interesting but I’m sure you’ve seen a

Mob cage which you can find in a dungeon when you go caving well I made a tutorial to show you a very simple trap and I kind of wanted to put this in the video just because we will do some more interesting stuff with spawn as later on but the

Principle is so simple here and it relies on mobs nudging each other into this bit here and that they used to swim upwards in water which means they would drown start to take damage and then their drops would just make their way to the front there this of course worked on skeleton spawn

Is – and let me remind you that this was before we had hoppers to automatically pick up items now this next mob farm that I designed had quite the impact on the Minecraft community as you still see this mechanic around today this was the introduction of shifting floors into farming mobs in

Minecraft if I break into the top of the farm you can see that the initial designs weren’t particularly impressive but essentially the mobs will spawn on these strips here the slabs are again there to stop the spiders from spawning and then these would get pushed left to

Right and the mobs would simply fall down between the fence gates and get funneled to the middle here and then make their way all the way down to the very bottom now you might have realized that the farm is running without any of the redstone active and that’s because

Mobs can actually move around freely when they are in distance of the player however if you’re too far away then you need something to automatically move them and that’s when the shifting floors come into place so you can see now redstone signals are being sent around

And the floors will be shifted back and forth so the idea of having shifting floors in a mob farm was shared with the community and players discovered that the blocks moving back and forth would actually allow the mobs to fall through them if they weren’t walking or moving

About on top of them and as you can see here the mobs spawn inside of the farm at various levels and slowly make their way downwards to the very bottom so it wasn’t the most efficient of designs but it was kind of ironic how the shifting floors went in this direction of course

Later on this was considered a bug and this feature was removed from the game now not long after this I designed an expansion to help the player pick up the drops that the mobs would leave on that platform it was now replaced with fence gates as the items would fall through moving

Fence gates now apparently I thought it is a good idea to put this button on the opposite side from where you actually catch the items which is down here but as you can see the water streams lead all the items to this pressure plate so

You can pick them up and look at this here in the background one of my classic and layer-by-layer tutorials this is how I got started on YouTube I showed people how to build things one layer at a time which a lot of people really liked so here’s another farm based around a mob

Cage I’m sure you’ve seen this a gazillion times however we’re looking at some old-school redstone some old ways of doing things here and as you can see activating the redstone will crush these skeletons at the bottom but they’re on a timer it’ll also stop new skeletons from

Falling in amongst this lot which then become basically one-hit-kill problem with this design though is that when you reset it you do have to wait for all of this redstone to UM power well this one certainly had some inelegant redstone but it was essentially a crush of fur Enderman and

This was my idea for using Enderman as an XP farm to simply look at them and bring them to a central location so you would spend your time over here angering the Enderman bringing them towards you they’d fall into the traps down below and then you could press the button over

Here and activate the crusher once the crushing was over you could head down to the bomb here and then simply one punch each of the Enderman this next concept is an automatic XP farm and it’s from so long ago that I had to refresh my memory on how this worked

You see used to regenerate health differently then so if you had some iron armor on or you had a sword which you could block with for an indefinite amount of time then you could let the mobs attack you and you’d actually regenerate your health but as you can

See here all of the wolves in the room will attack any mob that goes after you so that’s an automatic way to just stay here afk and continuously collect XP my next mob farm was a one-off that I did in creative and it’s because there were some bugged out seeds that could

Generate lots of these cave spider spawners in mine shafts together now these two are unfortunately outside the range of the farm there were 10 in this area in total and eight of them could be activated at once if the player stood just somewhere around here and I think you can actually

See them all as well I haven’t seen this thing for a long long time but I spent a long time engineering this so you could stand in one place and bring the spiders from all eight of them together so let’s turn off all of the lights that was very

Dramatic and let’s let the cave spiders gather now that I’m in survival mode they’re actually all making their way up to this spot and clustering together and that was the project to simply link eight of these up together it’s absolutely crazy look at the layout here

We can actually get a far better look at this farm if we are just to pop inside it’s interesting how I didn’t put water in every single block I guess the spiders track the player and so they’ll climb up some of them but it’s not quite as complicated as it looks but there’s

Certainly some interesting stuff going on here but all of the cave spiders wherever they spawn can make their way over to the crusher this next mob farming video I created was a three in one combo three different designs you could use in the nether dimension and of course one of the main

Principles is that you’re in a perimeter so that mobs are more likely to spawn inside of your farm this was an old method you don’t really see any more mobs could spawn pressure plates so they would immediately get pushed off and fall down to the bottom so we’ve seen

This principle already in this video and I simply applied it again here in the nether so zombie Pigman could also fall through shifting floors and that’s a way to farm them in the never this one over here is a very very early version of a classic farm you now still see being

Used today and we can actually change our game mode to survival in 1.3 and oh yeah I’ve got an anger them first right come here and there we go they’re all dying at the bottom so this didn’t include XP the player could then go all the way down to the bottom and collect

Their drops and I’m dead one point four was the pretty scary update there never got an overhaul and a new mob came into existence the wither skeleton and so this farmer be set up in the bounding box of a nether fortress so that we were skeletons could spawn in here and the

Only place they’re able to spawn is on these pressure plates now as they fall down there is vines who make sure that they fall from here and there’ll be one-hit kill when they land at the bottom now there was an exploit here that we took advantage of when we use

The crusher notice how its killed the Pigman it’s killing off the blazes and skeletons but it doesn’t do any damage to wither skeletons that stand on slabs and that was an old bug and that meant you could clear out the other mobs and keep all of the wither skeletons with

The pretty scary update came the introduction of beacons which could play a valuable role in keeping the player alive using regeneration and resistance and so the automatic XP farm mark 2 was born we got some spores bringing in the zombies they attacked me I stay alive

And then the wolves come and they get the zombies I think everything that I’ve shown you so far has been from creative mode where I’ve been designing and figuring out how to make different types of mob bombs this though comes from the very first hermitcraft world where we

Made a witch farm and as you can see we’ve got a proper perimeter that was done in survival mode this project never got 100% finished and it’s also not working at the moment and I think this might be because I’ve opened the game in the wrong version of Minecraft so I’ve

Cleared the platform out and now I can show you how this farm works basically the witches spawn but also inside of a tripwire and that then activates the redstone at either end and that shifts the platform back and forth so that they fall through now there’s also a very

Cool little feature down here as well if I just fall down you’re gonna see that we land on these trap doors that open for a split second that is achieved by some carefully placed a tripwire right here so it’s perfectly timed so that they’d open for the witch to fall on it

And die and then their items go into the water streams and I believe in a later version of this game there was probably a hopper pointing into this chest this next absolute beast of a mob farm wasn’t created by myself this was originally made by Ke$ha one of the people who actually pretty

Much invented the coal Sept of Mob farming both hostile and with passive mobs and this was his beast up in the sky inside it we can see where the mobs spawn and then the Pistons are controlled by redstone to let water down to flush them all in the center through

This lava the reason that was done is so that mobs that had armor landing at the bottom would be on fire and supposed to have killed them as you can see a couple here have survived now the reason that I’ve included this one in my list is cuz

Myself and red eyes came over here and actually renovated this farm later on in the season and it’s also such a crazy cool classic mob spawner up in the sky I had to show it I should also mention that this of course was in hermitcraft

Season 1 so all of this was done in survival and I think the reason that me and red-eyes renovated this was to add the hoppers in at the bottom so we could collect items and also make storage of all the drops many of the farms that you’re seeing in this video obviously no

Longer work in the game but this one right here had a very short lifespan as it was created during one of these snapshots 41.6 what this farm did is exploit the behavior of zombies taking damage and then summoning in reinforcements nearby that’s why there’s all this water in the world to funnel

Those reinforcements up to where this current zombie is now the scre golems don’t actually do any damage to the zombie at all so once you’ve got one in there this farm can just keep going forever and ever and eventually you can kill off the zombies with a splash

Potion and take all of their XP now this farm is the one that you saw at the very beginning of this video it’s the Enderman farm from hermit craft season 2 and you’re gonna see some other cool farms from this season in just a moment but I totally forgot that I was

The one that came over here and built the end of a farm this season now Enderman farms have changed a lot over time they’ve generally got simpler but back then it used to be an absolute grind look at the size of this thing right here it took hours upon hours and

As you can see it’s very slim but once again it involves tripwire above where the mob would spawn so the get shuffled down and they eventually fall down and hit some vines which resets their full damage and then they go through the final drop that brings

Them down to one-hit kill at the bottom and I think below this soulsand there’s also hoppers that collect the ender pearls and hey this is a backup of the world so I can just destroy stuff yep there you go there’s hoppers down there this next design was one I was really

Fond of it’s a slime farm based around a slime chunk and what slimes do is they tend to just pick a direction and a go regardless of if they’re running into a cactus or not so eventually they take enough damage split into their smaller pieces those ones will die and the

Hoppers collect all of those items the problem with this one though is that it’s kind of ridiculously oversized and it uses a heck of a lot of hoppers because of that this then led me to take feedback from the community and make a revised slime farm of course the slimes will simply wander

Off the edge of a platform so rather than having the hoppers on every single floor we now use water streams at the very bottom to push them into the cactuses and underneath those there are hoppers and this was far more efficient way of doing things this next one was

Called the unique mob farm because the mops would actually spawn on the very same redstone that activates their removal from the farm itself and the one thing I remember about this is it being laggy and even in 2019 on a powerful computer it is still a laggy farm but

Yes as you can see the spawning spaces are literally part of the redstone that moves the Pistons to get the mobs shuffling down to the platform below so like you’ve seen before we’re using tripwire hooks to then move a signal downwards and back across to where the

Mobs spawned and that’s why it got the name of the unique mob farm because it’s kind of unique and different now I said that in this season a hermit craft there was some pretty crazy mob farms and this is one of them right here this was known

As the cage it was built where a nether fortress once was and you can guess what it’s for it’s for getting those wither skulls so the mobs would spawn inside of here and there would be tripwire hooks up above and as you can see the pistons would then push all of

The mobs down below and it’s the same old trick that we saw earlier except this time it’s automated so the crushing happens around the clock meaning the player can AF gain here and slowly accumulate these wither skeletons to come over here and kill now the iron golems were here I believe because magma

Cubes would fall off of the farm from above and they don’t take full damage so then the golems would clear them up take care of them and that means there can be more spawns in the farm above now this next contraption isn’t a mob farm but it’s something you would attach to the

Bottom of a mob farm and it is a valve for storing enough mobs to get to 30 levels of XP and this was thanks to a feature where weighted pressure plates could count the amount of entities on top of them so with a little bit of redstone down here at the bottom you

Could attach this to your mob farm and slowly build up towards 30 levels of XP and there we go hundreds of mobs spawns later larva reset onto the zombies to weaken them and you can see the piston has been extended so no more mobs will make their way into the chamber the

Player can then kill all the zombies and collect all of the XP orbs and then of course she got 30 levels in which to enchant with I believe I might have shown this project in the video the evolution of my minecraft the basis but we are here again because this is an

Absolutely almighty mob farm project there are so many portals here spawning tons and tons of zombie pigman that eventually wander off the edges and fall down into a trap at the bottom it is down here that they get crushed and then all of their gold goodies are dispensed

Along this ice pathway over to the storage area over there as you can imagine this project took me a lot of time I’m in a mansion of mining all of that obsidian this is just another bonkers farm and then there is this monstrosity which never really took off

At the time for obvious reasons but let’s go ahead and activate this farm you can see that the slime blocks go back and forth and shuffle off all the mobs of the platforms it’s actually way more efficient and faster than I remember this never really caught on though like

I said and it wasn’t until flying machines came about that these sorts of farms where you have the slime blocks going back and forth were really worthwhile however seeing the speed of this inaction I am pretty impressed with his weird and old farm design I made ok

This crazy project right here was made by tango tech it’s a double witch farm and I came over and helped of this project and built one of the two that you see down below this time the mob farms were getting even more advanced I believe this was designed by the zip

Crowds and now what happened is the trip wires were further and further away to keep light updates from reaching the spawning platforms to maximize their spawning potential but as you can see here they go through two sets of shifting floors and then they get killed down at the bottom very quickly the

Items then make their way up through the middle here and I believe the way that tango set it up is that the beacon beams change color on when items are making their way to the storage system up top and I can’t take credit for any of this crazy beautiful madness going on right

Here this was all the work of a tango tech and what an amazing project it was I was very happy to participate in this now this next farm is the saw I’ve been waiting to show you this is God fall where we take the concept of using an

Ocean monument to farm guardians and really go all out with the decoration and the scale and the femen as you can see here the guardians fall from the tanks up above now this used to work really really fast and I’ve got a feeling I might have opened it in the

Wrong version of Minecraft but if we take a look at what’s going on here you can see we’ve got a logo on the side we’ve got minecarts moving back and forth underneath these slaps to pick up all of the items it does however double

Up as an XP farm as well and I think you press this button here and a signal gets sent down to the bomb and you can see that water is spreading across all of those slabs which is why they are on top of the rales this means all the guardians that

Fall down now are going to end up in these water streams I don’t know if this behavior exists in the game anymore but Guardians oscillate when they bounce on top of slime blocks meaning they slowly get higher and higher and that way we can actually use slime blocks as an

Elevator to bring all of our Guardians up to the top it is quite the sight I really like this behavior and it was a very unique touch on an absolutely massive mob farm this thing was so much fun to make in the next part of the

Video you are going to see some more survival built mob farms and that’s because hermit craft season free had started at this point and one of the first farms that I decided to do was one known as the donor and the concept here might look similar we saw a primitive

Version of it earlier on in the video so this is where things were taken to the next level due to a bit of lazy coding in the game zombie pigmen that are aggressive at you will drop experience points even if you don’t kill them and so they fall the way down the bottom

There and the XP comes to us through this slime block elevator so I had to get the camera account on here and just see this from a few different perspectives this farm is pretty much commonplace on most servers now it’s such an amazing XP and gold farm but

This was one of the first times it was really fully utilized and it was one of my favorite pills from season free of hermitcraft once again we’re in the nether and it’s a similar type of farm to what you’ve seen before this is an afk wither skeleton skull farm but this

Time the design is a little different we’re using slime block sweepers to move all of them off off of the platforms down into these crushers down below and the trick once again is that they crush all of the mobs except the wither skeletons those are the ones that stay

Alive you can see the trick here in action so then the player can come along and simply kill all of these wither skeletons back on hermit craft season free one of these witch farms below me I helped to build and I don’t know which one it was but we introduced a new

Member to the sir mr. impulse sv by bringing him on and asking him for help building one of these witch farms he built one I built one tango and mumbo built the other two now once again I can barely even remember building this but it’s quite similar to the one from the season

Before right except the spawning area looks a little more advanced there is soul sand iron blocks and redstone blocks here and it’s all kept in the middle of darkness and oh look at this it’s actually free hi this one but yes it’s a classic witch farm and of course

All the drops from each of these gets sent all the way to the storage system in the middle once again we have a never themed farm this is my tripwire based at blaze farm it uses tripwire to detect the blazes push them with pistons all the way down to the bottom here and

Actually push them through into a portal which is disabled at the moment but the idea is that that could put all of the blazes into the overworld so you could accumulate a lot of them and kill them at a later date two things about this

Farm first of all I actually sat on this design for like over a year there was just one little thing about it that I couldn’t fix and eventually i sussed that out the other thing that I really like is it actually uses the items moving back and forth between hoppers to

Automate powering the Pistons which saves on a lot of redstone so far in this video we have mostly seen hostile mob farms but now we’re gonna see an ink farm of all things it looks a little derpy but let’s also take the environment into account this is

Amplified terrain and in the middle of this desert we decided to build our ink farm it’s the perfect environment to build one and so we have this crazy inverted pyramid field leading to a squid that’s got water streams below it and of course they spawn in there they

Also get zapped by Guardians on their way down to the bottom and then all of the drops get collected this my friends was such a wonderful project do you remember the wither cage from season 2 well I kind of did it all over again in

Season 3 and the bit at the top is a prank this was known as the skull storm farm and that’s because it was a wither skeleton skull farm that you could afk and kill the wither skeletons using doggies so let’s have a look up the top

Here as you can see you’ve got your spawning platforms to bring them over skeletons and other mobs down to the bottom area there are things like cactus and hoppers on the side to catch the magma cubes that occasionally fall into them and then down the bottom here the

Player can simply afk over on this spot and the dots will go out and attack the wither skeletons and their skulls will drop into the crazy amount of hoppers that are just below the carpet it’s a really amazing farm and this is the little walkway to get up into it we also

Created these communal areas for people to come and store their own dogs so that all of the people on hermit craft could use it together and then all the drops got shuffled down into these chests have a look and see if there’s any skulls left over that’s surprisingly they’ve

Been ransacked but it also produced gold and coal and arrows and bones as well I’ve locked into this world I’m in survival mode and it is just working this is an automatic XP farm using wolves like you’ve seen it before but this time I don’t even have to worry

About taking damage the skeletons fall onto here and if I’m standing on this trapdoor then the wolves go ahead and attack it and I collect the XP if we go into spectator mode you can see that I have mysterious rooms full of wolves and another mysterious room with skeletons

Not sure what that’s about but it’s a classic mob cage farm the skeletons get funneled up a water stream and then from the top they fall down and they take damage so they become basically one-hit kill and that’s when the Wolves go ahead and attack them and in this version of

Minecraft they drop XP this next project was a slime farmer but none like I done before this was not one slime chunk or two or free but for all next to each other just like this now this wasn’t one of those farms that I made look pretty

But you can appreciate the amount of digging that went into this and in order to lure the slimes off of the platforms you can see that periodically there are iron golems so the slimes would make their way towards the iron god fall off the edge and like you saw

Earlier in this video a classic concept using the water to push them into cactuses and collecting the items of hoppers this is a witch farm for Minecraft 1.9 and I made this during the development of that update and like you’ve seen before it involves mobs spawning on a platform where there is

Tripwire the difference is this time the redstone it controls manipulates the water so that water streams slowly flush off the witches as you can see it’s a compact and elegant design and like always the witches fall all the way down to the bomb here and you can collect

Their drops with some hoppers the next form you’re about to see is also not a hostile mob farm and it was also built at the very end of the season meaning that it barely got put to use and just look at how bonkers this is right here

A giant 3d grass block built around the farm and on the inside we have lots of grass and the means to dispense water across all of these platforms so passive mobs like sheep and cows and pigs would spawn on this inside area here and the water sweeper would flush them all off

Into the bottom where they get sent into the never all-in-all I gotta say this was a pretty bonkers project and I’m really sad that I never really got to use this farm but don’t worry next season we’ll be able to passive mob farm now this blaze farm is unlike other

Farms you’ve seen before it uses the mobs natural tendency to wander to shuffle them into these spaces down here so the blazes are actually allowed to roam free on this platform here after they’ve spawned and then we take advantage of a bug in 1.9 where we can actually move blazes through Pistons so

The blazes wander into the center there and you saw that the pistons actually pulled it through into this spot now what’s happening down here is that the blazes are getting crushed one by one so that blaze is queuing up to be crushed so it’s of one-hit-kill

And then the blaze is going to get moved through the piston down into this killing chamber so basically they continuously spawn the stance pull them through into this crushing trap and like always you come down here and the blazes of one-hit-kill so as the Minecraft game receives its

Updates over time various forms that we had that worked in the past no longer do and the donut was one of those victims so in my AFK XP and gold farm video we updated this to the donut – and this improves the design with a whole bunch

Of new features for example there were iron golems around the outside to lure magma cubes off of the platform so they could plunge to their death there were now four places at which the zombie pigmen could par find to the player and this means that wherever they spawned

They could take a quicker journey to fall to their death and so we’re going to need to see this in action the XP balls get shot along the ice at the bottom and then pushed all the way up to the player which always just looks absolutely magical of course there’s

Loads of redstone going on here to pick up as many of the items as we can and make all of that stuff happen and actually brings all the items above the player so when you’re here collecting your XP you can head down through the elevator in the middle or go up to that

Area and as you can see you’ve got access to in chanting and this is where all of the items get stored so the farm you just saw I also built on season 4 of hermit craft and that’s where we are right now and if you remember when I

Showed you the passive mob farm from season 3 I said that we’d see another one very soon and this is the one that I built on season 4 and you can kind of see it in action as there are these grass chambers down below and then water

Is flooding over the edge so this is very similar concept to what you saw last time however it’s much more compact and again we make use of a nether portals so on these floors right here mobs are able to spawn then occasionally the water will get activated and flush

All of the mobs into the nether it is in here that they die a horrible death when they come through the portal they’ll eventually fall down onto the magma blocks below the reason there are slabs though is so that you can keep horses because horses are a little bigger than

A regular block so they won’t actually fall down the bottom and that was a way for me to also farm horses once again we have another witch farm but this one I am very fond of because it used a very unique concept where you had skeletons with flame bows

Shooting the witches off of the platform now the reason they’re doing this is because there’s iron golems over the back that they’re aiming at their flames also go into the water here so that they fall down onto floating sand blocks which causes them to de-spawn so it

Doesn’t cause an issue that way now let’s simulate it a little bit as I’m too close to the farm for mobster spawn but here’s a bunch of witches and as you can see they’re getting shot off and then they fall all the way down to the bottom where they die it’s a really

Impressive mob farm however it was unbelievably tedious to do all of this right here in survival minecraft you can see that skeleton has even managed to break out of its minecart and those sort of problems happened a lot when creating this farm and I also ended up building this absolutely ginormous dropper

Elevator to bring all of the items from the witches to this afk spot up in the sky where the storage was taking full advantage of skeletons in mine carts we have a farm here that produces records because creepers that are one-hit-kill land after they’ve taken full damage in

The path of a skeleton once again trying to shoot at an iron golem and here we have that chibi floating sand again so that if the arrows land in this area they get automatically D spawned now the spawning platforms here are really clever the carpets are there to stop

Spiders spawning the trapdoors are up the top so that only creepers can spawn in this area and then there are cats sitting in the middle of the chests which means that the creepers run away from them and eventually make their way into these water streams and then of

Course over here we have a water stream elevator to bring them to the top and drop them down now the record farm that you just saw was from a tutorial world it was based off of a farm I built on season 5 of hermit craft you can see the

Skeleton the iron golem and if we just go through the wall here you can see the spawning platform so it was pretty much the same thing just built in an actual survival minecraft world and so the next few farms that you’re gonna see are from this season of hermit craft now this next

Might be a little bit tricky to spot but down in front of us there is actually a large tank of water and it is inside of here that we have a not terribly efficient squid farm and it’s powered by guardians so squid spawn in the water here occasionally

And then the guardians will zap them and their drops will fall to the bottom and get picked up by a minecart hopper traveling back and forth on Rails now as I said it wasn’t terribly efficient because there is a lot of water around here there’s an ocean around the outside

But despite this giant ocean the squid would still spawn inside of here just at a low rate but when you’re in your base all the time it adds up and you get plenty of ink sacs the next farm we’re looking at is a witch farm but unlike

Ones that you’ve seen before this one revolves around being able to use the looting enchantment and basically stand afk in this spot continuously clicking where the witches would fall down and then you’ll be able to get more drops and XP as well now this is the location

Of the witch farm once again a massive perimeter has been torched up so that no other hostile mobs can spawn in the area that means they all spawn inside of here and because the farm is not running we’ve got a crazy amount of witches now this uses the slime block sweeping

Method that we’ve seen used before in this video to flush all the witches down to the bottom so let’s go ahead and activate it and you can see they all get pushed off and then funneled down to that point down below where the player will be attacking them and from here you

Can see them falling down and we actually have an automatic kill mode as well as one for the player so all of their drops are being put into this crazy sorting system back here as well which can actually put the items into schalke boxes sistex glowstone and redstone will automatically be filled up

Inside Ashoka boxes and then put into these chests now as amazing as this setup was that’s not all there was also a slime farm around the back here and the two could actually be linked up together you might have noticed a trend in this video that mob farms are getting

Built lower and lower down in the world as opposed to higher up and that is to take advantage how the game spawns mobs they’ll actually spawn them faster when farms are built very low down in the world with no blocks above them so this is the slime farm and the slimes simply get

Attracted to the iron golems but of course they fall down into these water streams they go through a slime reducer that reduces them to the smallest size and then from there the slimes make their way up this ladder and into a water stream and can you guess where this goes

It’ll take the slimes all the way around to where the player is attacking the witches so not only can you kill witches the slimes will drop down and you’ll be able to use your looting sword on them now this next farm isn’t terribly interesting but mumbo space of course is

And it’s interesting to see that my newer computer can actually handle his base back on season 5 this place was a little bit of a lag fest for me but anyway I’ve been searching for the farming question it took me a while to find it because I didn’t realize that

Mambo had done this gorgeous decoration around the top of it and so on this island there was a very small space in which passive mobs could spawn and down here we built a passive mob farm for Mambo and it was very similar to the concept you saw in the last season but

This time we decided to use dispensers we’re a little bit of compact redstone around the back of it taking advantage of the new observer blocks at the time so just like last time the mobs get pushed off into a nether portal now one of the things you haven’t seen a lot of

On hermit craft are the various different farms I’ve made around mob cages they’re not terribly interesting but this one was a little different we’ve got two spider spawner x’ on that side and then one cave spider spawner over on this side and then i built this really cool little room around it you’ve

Got viewing platforms a storage area and you can walk down to the bomb here now I’ve put on night vision to make it a little easier to see let’s take that off for a moment though and now it is very dark and spooky anyway the spiders have been set up so

You can walk back and forth fear with a swords to kill them and the cave spiders I believe just fall down and die so their drops go straight into these chests oh yeah that’s right they actually get killed by magma blocks that is actually the fate of the other spiders

Over on this side as well you just also have the option for the plant to kill them now for a lot of you watching what I’ve built from this point onwards will be in recent memory as these farms were built in season six of hermit craft we’ve built yet another witch farm that

Elevates the mobs all the way up into the sky to the afk spot where the player stands and it again is a looting which farm there was however another farm I made at this time in creative mode this was with one of the first snapshots of 1.14 the introduction of the river Rose

Meant of course I had to dig out a ginormous perimeter and create a farm at the very lowest point in the world so the spawn rates were very high because mobs can spawn inside of River roses and the results of this were pretty good it was a very fast farm and now hopping

Back to the hermit craft season six server in the end dimension of course we built the Weaver Rose farm say platform up in the sky for Enderman to spawn on they get lured into the full trap in the middle and then the wither blast them at the bottom meaning that they drop not

Only ender pearls but Weaver roses as well and the best arm I think is our multi-purpose chunk of death this is a slime farm a passive mob farm a hostile mob farm and a cave spider spawn us farm all mixed into one it is pretty much the ultimate all-in-one mob farm then we’ve

Built the ridiculously overpowered pillage or raid farm that exploits raid behavior to get all of the mobs from an entire raid in one go and drop them down for the player to kill just completely easily it’s absolutely ridiculous farm last but certainly not least we have a

Lever farm as well we actually built one of these in season 5 but I’d shown that in my evolution of minecraft bases video so I didn’t bother showing it in this one but it’s a similar concept once again using a mycelium Island to farm the mushrooms after conditioning the

Area so that mobs can’t spawn anywhere else and that my friends brings us to the end of this video if you have enjoyed it make sure to be subscribed to my channel for more incredible minecraft projects like this in the future and on your screen will be links to the

Evolution of my minecraft basis and also a history of my redstone contraptions if either of those appeal to you be sure to go and check them out and please do leave a like to support this video I appreciate you doing that thank you for watching and I’ll see you soon bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft : The History Of My Mob Farms’, was uploaded by xisumavoid on 2019-12-28 13:15:00. It has garnered 671413 views and 13863 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds.

Minecraft Showcase Playlist ► I’ve made a lot of mob farms in my Minecraft “career”. This video takes a linear journey through all the mob farms I’ve made in minecraft.

Minecraft : The Evolution Of My Minecraft Bases

Minecraft : A Retrospect Of My Redstone Creations

Links! 🧡 Xisuma Says ► 💛 Second Channel ► 📺 Live streams ► 🔷 Twitter ► 📘 Facebook ► 💻 Website ► 👍 Patreon ► 📞 Discord ►

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00:25 Minecraft Beta 1.8 00:41 Minecraft Beta 1.9 02:11 Minecraft 1.0 05:59 Minecraft 1.1 08:08 Minecraft 1.2 09:54 Minecraft 1.3 10:58 Minecraft 1.4 13:11 Minecraft 1.5 14:20 Minecraft 1.6 16:52 Minecraft 1.7 19:51 Minecraft 1.8 29:07 Minecraft 1.9 31:17 Minecraft 1.10 33:26 Minecraft 1.11 34:30 Minecraft 1.12 40:11 Minecraft 1.13 40:30 Minecraft 1.14

Other series on my channel Hermitcraft VI Playlist ► Minecraft Tutorials Playlist ► Minecraft 1.15 Update Playlist ► Do You Know Minecraft? Playlist ► Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist ► Minecraft Showcase Playlist ►

#minecraft #mobfarming #mobfarm

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    INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft caps derlemesi part 1’, was uploaded by Minecraft capsleri on 2024-06-13 18:57:27. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft capsleri, Caps, Minecraft capsleri global, Minecraft capsleri resmi, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, cpvp, pvp crystal, 2b2t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, how to crystalpvp, crystalpvp crystal pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal,pvp,pvp crystal,2b2t crystal pvp,crystal pvp 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft end crystal pvp,2b2t pvp,2b2t pvp montage,2b2t crystal,2b2t – spawn pvp,2bpvp,2b2t 00 pvp,pvp montage,crystalpvp,0b0t pvp,,2b2t 32k pvp,anarchy pvp,2b2t pvpbot,2b2tpvp,,2b2tpvpbot,,pve,list,best,meta,minecraft anarchy,blast,salc1,2b2t how to get started,wurst +2,how… Read More

  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

    LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE PvP Compilation’, was uploaded by LHxNinja on 2024-01-13 16:07:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Totally random Video Was ABIT lazy on the editing but hopefully this one does good! I won’t be posting for a while Since I’ve got School But I will be active on Discord So be sure to drop by(check community post) Yes, there is a big spoiler in this really short video As My Best Friend And I are Working On The First Official Project TFNAFMP-… Read More

  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

    EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE SPIDER PIT FOR THE LIGHT BLUE WOOL!!!: Isle Of Oblivion Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by Dahl Dantill on 2024-04-04 14:00:16. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:34 or 1774 seconds. Weclome to Isle Oblivion, A Minecraft CTM map in Minecraft version 1.20.1 I try to survive, gather resources and build epic things. #Minecraft #Hypermine #HypermineSMP Hope you enjoy it and if you do “SKELP” that like button Check it out here :- Minecraft is a sandbox construction game created by Mojang AB founder Markus… Read More

  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

    Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖Video Information This video, titled ‘Twilight Forest Tree House! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 23 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-04 18:08:00. It has garnered 8466 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:20 or 5840 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive chats, discounts on stickers, and more: hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the… Read More