Insane Minecraft Mod: Every Mob is a Robot!

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This is Minecraft but every mob is a robot today my friend bet me $1,000 that I couldn’t make him die in Minecraft so we have five attempts to try with robots from changing Minecraft’s more friendly mobs to Giant machines to adding lasers to Hostile Mobs to even a robot dragon

My goal is to create the most difficult Minecraft experience possible but I only have 24 hours in five attempts so can I kill him by attempt number five stay tuned to find out okay you have five attempts to kill me buddy go go go that’s was on the line all right here we

Go okay so let’s begin at level one where today we making robots yep and for the beginning robots let’s do pass mobs into a house so real quick let’s make a house there we go and so now this is where the fun part begins this right

Here is a coder item and with it we can code robots but when we right click it we can now edit the house to be an actual model so here’s the plan guys for the model we’re going to be starting off with this normal villager house first

Let’s get some new textures into place starting with iron blocks and anvils that looks a little bit more robotic and now let’s give this house some legs cuz we need it to fight the player yep that that’s going to be pretty big all right perfect time for some animations that

Simple idle and walk animation will do great and now for the fun part I’m going to click confirm on our first robot and now we get to do the code pretty much we’re going to call it the robot villager house it’s going to be very

High in health and a little slow and its main skills are going to be to throw villagers actual villagers and a Shockwave jump and might as well add some sounds of a villager H and some Shock waves all right with that being done let’s go ahead and click confirm

And it’s in yo this is going to be a fake house cuz pretty much if we walk in it it’s not real all this is fake but the YouTuber won’t know that and so what actually happens when I activate the robots is this there it goes but you’re

Probably wondering how are they going to activate the robot well it’s actually going to be pretty simple all we need is the stone button we’re going to put it right here and then we’re going to right click it with the coder and we made it so when he presses that which it says

Press me so to press it that’s going to activate but we’re not done I’m considering level one in passive mobs where we’re going to be doing the chicken the pig the cow and the Villager all as deadly robots so not only is the house going to attack them but next up

We have the Villager this is not going to cut it for combat so let’s rock click you real quick okay guys hear me out on this villager but I think it would be neat if he was controlling a bigger villager that’s the robot it probably doesn’t make sense right now but let’s

Start by shrinking the Villager down and putting him inside another villager okay this is this is already so goofy but it’s only the beginning of my giant army of robots that will win me $1,000 and next let’s go ahead and upgrade his legs I think a wheel in the middle would look

Great yep that’s giving good robot Vibes his arms are a bit too stuck and not moving we can fix that by making that rotate a bit too honestly I love this guy look at him he’s amazing all right let’s click the convert button right there and up next we have the code his

Name is going to be wheelie villager with the health of 15 we’re going to make it speed fast and his two skills are going to be to attack and to spin of course I’m very happy with this one let’s click confirm and we got it the

Villager robot spawn egg and so this is how it’s going to work again we’re going to be having a normal villager there until he presses that but when we activate him it’ll beat the robot villager he looks amazing and so now we have the Villager and the house done but

We still need some some more mobs to fight him so next up we are going to be doing Mr Cow how’s it going Mr Cow let’s get to coding you okay let’s take this cow right here and see how we can Robo ify him first let’s go ahead and rotate

Him and next I’m going to move his head a little forward and make him look correctly at us there we go let’s reposition his arms a little bit and we’re going to go ahead and add automatic utters to each of its hands yep I really said that automatic utters

And I think the cow isn’t looking menacing enough so let’s give him a nice paint job yeah that’s looking nice and by the way as we go into the next levels I’m going to be getting extra help from asset Mak and Builders but I think this

Looks great let’s now get him coded and in game this is going to be milky floats with the hell of 25 his speed is going to be a nice steady bit and his skills are going to be levitation so he can fly up in the terrifying milk blast very

Curious how effective this is going to be against the YouTuber but here we go let’s go ahead and get him in game in 3 2 1 and we got him the cow robot spawn egg where when we place him it’s just going to be a normal cow cuz again we

Got to have him press that but if we place him over here and hit him with the coder there he is the robot Cal house vill cow done next up let’s go ahead and do the pig we got to get lots of robots let’s do this one right here Mr Pig

Let’s go to you and this one we’re just going to go ahead and make a goofy right away we are getting rid of the legs he won’t be needing those we’re going to be getting something better next let’s give him some long Treads because I’m thinking we go ahead and make him a

Little piggy tank that’s kind of a robot right now the Pig needs a weapon and I think the best one we can give him would be a super awesome stone cutting saw blade oh yeah that’s pretty sick let’s polish him up and there we go time to

Confirm and now on to the code where his name is going to be carrot poot and this guy will be a little slow and his main thing is that he can throw carrots yep that should be good enough all right let’s go confirm and we got it the pig

Robot spawn egg where it’s just the pig but let’s bring this guy to life oh there he is yo go on buddy that’s going to be now four robots we only need one more for level one let’s put him right here and now on to the chicken okay so

The first thing we need to do for this chicken is give it a way to get around faster I’m thinking we do what anyone would do and give it a fiery Tail as a rocket so we’re giving the chicken Rockets now we all know chickens love

Laying eggs but what if they could shoot them and you already know where I’m going with this we’re giving the chicken a bit of an extended barrel right there oh gosh what what am I making right now he’s looking great now let’s just give him a pain job and that’s perfect he he

Kind of looks very evil but you know what I’m going to click that convert button there we go this is my favorite name so far but it’s the Extraterrestrial chicken isn’t that excellent no no NOP all right please don’t click off anyways we’ll give him a

Health of eight speed very fast and his skills will be an egg to the YouTuber and of course flotation all right let’s go aad and click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the chicken robot spawn egg which again it’s going to be a normal chicken

From what the YouTuber sees but watch this guy oh it’s alive and so now that completes the first five mobs they fight but we’re not even close to being done guys this is only an introduction cuz when he defeats the house let me break this real quick I have an idea right

Underneath killing all the mobs is going to reveal an area down here I already set up where it’s going to be a laser robot hallway so they’ll be starting right here and their goal is to make it to the very end right there right now there’s no Stakes though let’s clean

This up a little bit more and and that’s a lot better and so their goal is to make right over there for right behind them I’m going to be making a special area that is going to be buried off and behind it a lot of robot cows this will

Pretty much Auto kill them and to open the barriers we need a camera so we will be using this Command right here where we’re going to be trying to find an actual camera looking thing I think this guy would be good all right let’s Pi you

Real quick and now we have a simple security camera head let’s C it to be better right click and so we’re just going to be adding some simple code to this this is going to be going from a head to a robot laser where the laser detects a player it’s going to release

All the cows simple enough let’s go and click confirm and now we have the laser spawn egg so all we do is real quick place it down oh it works yes all right so all it does is fire a laser and if they walk into it all these guys get

Released so let’s make it a little bit harder we’re going to put one there and there of course at the bottom I would say this is a pretty good setup now to deactivate all the lasers there’s going to be one final thing at the end all

They got to do is get to the end and click the sign that says click me got to love a good old sign but it won’t actually do anything until we Cod it so let’s right click that and all we’re really coding right now is a nice good

Old maze quiz where the only question is going to be are you going to get out of this level alive where if they say yes they’ll make it out perfectly fine and if for some reason they say no I’m going to release the robots it’s only level

One so we got to make it easy let’s go confirm so literally they would just have to click this and now they get the option are you going to get out of this level live but I think this level might be complete now so first they’ll be

Fighting the mobs up here and then getting access to the hallway of Doom can they survive let’s go and see all right Marcel welcome to level one that I got set up right now your only goal is to not die or at win $11,000 all right

So ready 3 2 1 press the button have fun oh God oh God introducing the village robots oh my gosh he’s immediately running what is he doing oh he’s pulling out the boat okay we’re going to the offense oh he’s on the offense a hybrid

A hybrid I’m running away and Boe and oh my gosh I already took down one of the robots okay maybe I made these guys too easy oh go go what do you think about the Villager inside of the villager oh nope you killed him so you don’t he’s

Already gone oh my God what about the house why are you just chilling over here come on go get him he’s scared he’s too scared of me it’s all good I understand wait he went in the air I thought I killed him okay we Dodge that we’re

Chilling oh my God this guy loves jumping my B oh no midair I killed the midair well that’s only part one done Marcel before you go in though how much health are you on I was down maybe four Hearts oh oh my goodness okay that being said your next

Goal is simply go down that hole and then just stand still go welcome to the hallway of death where in front of view you can see some lasers they’re not turned on fully yet though turn around though there are lots of cows waiting for you where the whole point of the

Lasers is if you hit one they all get released uh understood and now you just got to get to the end oh God okay oh Budd he’s going with the Crouch technique okay is he going to jump over The Lava oh he’s going to the middle

Maybe I made this a little too easy okay I and now if you look right in front of you you got to click the sign now are are you going to get out of this level alive of course let’s go with confidence oh all right and he did it I did not

Expect it to be that easy but that was level one Marcel what’s your thoughts opinions and any uh suggestions for level two uh bring it on or I’m going to be a $1,000 richer oh okay but Buddy’s got the trash talks all right on to level two okay time for round number two

Where this time we have access to a builder so watch this in 3 2 1 there we have it so this is going to be the M shaft of Doom so the person will just go on here get on the mineart and then go

All the way down here we go I got to put something in there and also something in those dispensers right there but their goal is to fall all the way down here and so this is going to be the main hostile mob roball area where hopefully

We can kill them and so these right here are the mobs I’m planning to use the Zombie Creeper spider skeleton and ravager so before I show you guys what they got to do down here let’s go ahead and start with the zombie hello Zer zombie let’s C to you up real quick and

Now because we’re at level two I can get a little help to make the textures better on these we’re going to start off with the basic zombie and disconnect his limbs cuz we got to make him robotic now let’s make them a little beefy here to

Give him some joints and for it being a zombie zombie mouths are kind of boring and normally so we’re going to add one with a massive Chomp let’s give him a bottom jaw almost like an Enderman and I’m actually liking this one pretty well now to making pretty friend is helping

Me with that awesome now let’s had a little bit of an animation and I think this looks pretty good let’s go and click confirm in 3 2 1 and as for the code his name is going to be Robo corpse cuz you know he’s a corpse and a robot

And his skills are going to be to grab the Target and eat their brains this time doing a little bit more damage cuz we’re trying to win the money and I kind of underestimated them last round what do we got to the zombie robot he’s a

Little goofy right now but he going to do great stuff but we don’t need him like that what’s going to be different about this area is we’re going to have spawners for them so that’s a tiny version of him where it’s going to spawn infinite zombies yep that means there

Could be 3,000 of them so why the zombie right there and right here let’s go ahead and do the next one with the creeper all right so the creeper is going to be starting off with of course a normal creeper but we’re going to go ahead and make him a lot bigger let’s

Position his legs on the sides so they can move around a little bit more robotic and we’re going to add little TNT cannons to to each side of him yeah I like that and finally let’s add a big old TNT cannon right in the middle of

His chest I think this looks pretty good now let’s add some textures with the help of my friend and perfect we now have a creeper robot but we need a little bit more movement and animation of course all right that should be set and we got it all right yet again it’s

Going to be a creeper spawner so this is the tiny version of him where there could be 3,000 creepers if they’re not fast enough all right creeper there zombie there up next why not let’s do the spider right here all right let’s go to you okay let’s take our spider and

Give him a bigger booty now let’s give him big old legs let’s make them even longer and of course spider needs its fangs so some nice Little Fangs right there I like it but he needs a nice looking texture that’s where my friend comes in amazing for this one in

Particular I’m going to need one of my artist friends off to help me with the animations cuz the spider has a lot of legs and might get a little difficult so watch this and oh my gosh he did pretty good all right let’s get to the code

Okay so I like the name for this one it’s called the web developer get it cuz it develops okay okay anyways it’s going to be a little bit slow but with 40 health and the main skills are going to be to web trap the enemy and also poison

Inject them them I thought that would be prettyy cool sounds good enough let’s go ahead and click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got the spider robot spawn egg with the spider robot spawner right here of course it’s going to be a lot bigger when they actually spawn but now we have

The zombie The Spider and the creeper now it’s time for the skeleton let’s put these guys right here in front of this house all right let’s go to you and we’ll do this one pretty quickly the skeleton all we got to do is get my man some upgraded arms I’m thinking we get

Him some high-tech crossbows for the arms too cuz it’s going to be a robot now let’s make the strings blue and a white arrow with the tips being red cuz I guess it kind of looks schol and to add to the cool Factor I’ve said cool so

Many times let’s give him a headband like it’s made of caution tape all right now to make him less bony we got to make his bones metallic of course polish it up a little bit and I think it looks amazing all right confirmed there and this is going to be barrage bone where

His skills are the arrow volley and an aim shot all right that’s good let’s click confirm and presenting the skeleton robot I like that he has two arrows right there oh man this looks sick and now for the hardest mob of them all guys we have the ravager and I think

This should be right here in the middle of it all so there they’re going to land see zombies spiders ravagers creepers and skeletons and finally the ravager into robot form here we go guys okay so hot take the ravager is just a big Angry Pig so we’re going to treat it like the

Pig and put it on some Treads again and let’s recolor him to make him look a little more metal and like a robot of course there we go sometimes simple is better let’s click confirm and his name is going to be the charge Crusher with

The nice health of 50 and he’s going to be very fast let’s give the skills a bull rush an impact Shake good confirm oh and there he is the ravager robot spawning all right let’s Place him down and oh my goodness okay I think we’re ready with the mobs guys so now you’re

Probably wondering how is he going to survive if they’re infinitely spawning well I might as well make a plan for him where he’s going to be needing the mea fragment five of them in each one of these houses so literally I’m going to put one right here there we go this one

Will be hidden right there simple one right there again might as well put it really high up there perfect and this one will be extra tricky he’s going to have to look straight up and so when he grabs all five he’s going to be able to

Do this scouch on the screen where he’ll be getting a me to defeat all the mob spawners and finally get out of here so all that’s really left to do now is to make the mech suit which is why Steve is right here all right let’s right click

Steve and so because he’s going to get out of this level by building a Mech in order for him to build one we got to design one so let’s start off with this Steve and make him much bigger and let’s open a hole in his face and now let’s

Give him a better paint job that’s all there it is to it so let’s go confirm real quick and it’ll be nice we’re going to make the health be 100 call him the iron Guardian but the speed will be slow where the skills are missile volleys slams and attacks let’s go and conment

In 3 2 1 and we got it the robot Mech so this is what they’re crafting so we don’t really need that right now but that should complete the level now to see if they survive level two here we go all right welcome back Marcel to level

Two where I’ve made sure this time that I hope you take more damage cuz last time that was a little bit embarrassing all you need though this time is one mine cart all you got to do is go straight and then uh you’ll see what happens and I’ll explain it when you get

There all right it’s all you now oh there he goes there he goes he’s going on the mine cart oh what wait what oh welcome died off the hle mob robot cave what is that is that a spider that’ll be the robo spider what you got to do is go

In each of the houses and find a crafting component for the craft on the screen and make your own Robo suit that being said if you look outside the window you have a bit of people waiting for you oh my God they’re on the door

I’m going just make it run for it you’re going to go for oh my God there’s cobwebs oh my goodness you I’m poisoned I’m poisoned how many components do you have right now I have two okay I need five I’m going to Gap I’m going to preg

Gap actually I should be using my gaps and I’m out of here oh Jesus there’s so many there’s too many oh god oh there’s one more all right I got three speed run this oh that’s a freaking cobweb oh my God oh God my computer’s about to

Explode I just need one more one more okay there’s only one building you haven’t gone into and it’s across the whole area so have fun oh good we’re going there it go Jesus where am I going okay here we go okay you got your five now if you look at the ladders right

There your mission is to go up it and get to the crafting table to craft the robot oh no okay we’re preg gapping again out of my way get out of my way oh my gosh Jesus robot me done though all all right you got the robot you got to

Defeat five mobs for this all to end B in your robot and do your thing oh my gosh you look this so cool all right I just need to kill five of these oh oh oh wait oh he’s using his launcher yeah oh my gosh we’re we’re playing the long

Range battle oh God I need to use that launcher oh you took one down only one left only one left I’m stuck in a cob we oh please oh my go oh we can take this we can take this we’re good we’re good a portal is appear nearby oh you got to

Get the robot and one to the portal oh my God go go go why am I reading for you and you didn’t it I should not be reading for you all right that was level two congratulations Marcel all right time for round two here we go okay on to

Level three this time we’re going to send it to night time real quick cuz we’re getting serious we cannot lose $1,000 so we got an even better Builder cuz watch this in 3 2 one we got a giant portal for level three I saw the fire so

Now we’re going to be doing the nether mobs but they’re not going to be small mobs like last time so to start off they’re going to be doing a simple parkour very easy isn’t too hard at all and the real fun is when they go through

The portal watch this this is going to be the special nether area they’re going into that being said it needs a little bit more decorations so let’s do some World Edit Magic and now that’s a lot better but if I go into spectator mode the mobs of this area are going to be

Separated into five parts 1 2 3 4 and number five where every area for example this one is going to have a different boss so these are the mobs are going to be doing right now the gas blades magma piglin and withered skeleton where we’ll start with this guy right here where

He’s not very robotic right now but with the coder let’s right click him we’re going to be taking this withered skeleton right here and making him a lot bigger and of course giving him some nice lanky longer arms and legs next let’s give him two Stone swords cuz one

Stone sword isn’t cool enough and I think some cool blue lights would make him look a lot cooler too so let’s add some boat to him and to his swords of course all right time to polish it up this is good and we’ll give it a nice

Edgy name called the Decay Droid where the skills are of course wither at Target and shooting the Wither Skull all right that should be good let’s click confirm all right let’s spawn this guy in oh there he is the robot Wither Skeleton oh my goodness he’s huge that’s

Only boss number one and so how this guy’s going to work is uh we don’t need him right now but I made it so when they walk in they’re going to spawn in automatically not to do the rest of the mobs in this room this room and these

Two last rooms here okay on to this room right here I feel like this might be a good spot for our friend the piglin okay maybe not that one sorry about that he pigin how’s it going buddy all right let’s go you real quick and with this

Dude right here we’re going to go ahead and take his head and shove it down into the chest cuz I feel like a little mixture of scariness could make the mech look cooler and of course cuz I said Mech we’re going to make it like that

With big long arms and legs so let’s disconnect them and make them big and segmented yep I like that all right just need some Polish and perfect can’t forget about the walking animations and then a fun secret attack animation which you’ll see a bit later and for the

Skills we’re going to be doing Spin and Chase all right let’s see it in game here we have it the piglin robot spawn egg which oh my gosh he actually looks pretty sick that’s going to be boss number two out of the five they have to

Fight all right let’s get rid of him and they’ll spawn automatically right there on to boss number three right here where we’re going to be doing now the Magma Cube all right let’s C to you and so Magma Cube is pretty difficult to make it feel like it’s robotic on its own I

Mean look at the guy but what if we combine it with a block that isn’t just hot but we can also make robotic we’re going to put the mag cube in a furnace and cut some holes for him to look out of it’s like a little mask now let’s

Lift him up a little bit and give him two little legs and feet and we can’t forget about some arms and Tiny pincers now let’s make him very big let’s polish up his texture and animations let’s click confirm and the name is going to be Lava lattice with the skills of

Heatwave and Fireballs let’s confirm there and now without further Ado there he is and as always we got to take him out cuz he’ll spawn automatically all right that is number three out of five and now for the final two here and here let’s start with the guy right over here

Where it’s going to be the blaze we’ll put him right up here all right Mr Blaze let’s Cod to you and for the blaze we’re going to be starting off by first skellum way up we want this guy to be huge it’s one of the last bosses and to

Make the blaze even hotter we’re going to be adding fire at the bottom of all its things like a bunch of little Rockets next up let’s make his entire body look like it’s made of metal and we got to give him the classic dark red eyes yeah this one needs a little bit

More polish and of course a crazy animation good enough all right let’s click confirm and again a great name for this one The Inferno spinner where the main skill is the fire rotors all right here we go confirming in 3 2 1 and I’ll present to you guys The Blaze robot

Spotter oh my gosh okay that’s actually sick I love that and so now for the final boss that is going to walk into we’re going to be going all the way to the very end of this place right here the biggest spot for potentially the biggest mob the gas oh gosh okay let’s

Get the coder on it okay as the last resort let’s make sure we have a tank of a mob and by that I mean let’s take this gas and make an actual tank so we’re going to stretch out its body and add Flames to the back can never have enough

Flames and then we’re going to add some armor we want this guy to be Arrow proof and to make it a cannon we’re going to add a massive cannon on top yes it’s a gas Cannon and to make it more futur istic and robotic we’re going to make

His face red like a digital screen and of course color the armor green all right add some more polish all right click and confirm and we’re going to call it the Spectre drone with the one skill being the fireball storm hopefully this pays off but let’s go ahead and get

It in game and this is it guys oh my gosh it’s insane oh oh oh yep and it’s already attacking stuff so now all five rooms should be triggered with bosses and all that’s love to do now is let’s start round three welcome to level three

All you need to do is go up the little parkour and then enter the portal and we’ll see what happens are you ready yes oh my gosh okay I don’t know why I made the parkour so easy I could have at least tried to kill him with this but

Honestly I’m kind of having fun watching him fight stuff what you think about this parkour incredible easy I’m in all right welcome Marcel to the nether your mission here is to Simply go ahead and fight the things I made for you the things oh God okay well more like robots

Anything you’re expecting here ah dude H after these past two levels I don’t know man I’m scared what is that taking first B the robo magma block looks so cool okay I’m on fire oh oh oh uh buddy is honestly not doing much oh yep you are

Being this guy up so bad yeah he’s gone already okay well that that was just the first one if you go on the hole to your left or that one uh you can pick either one there’s going to be something waiting for you in each one go left all

Right going left what is that oh my God the arms Robo piglin let’s see how he does against you come on baby show me what you got oh my God he’s full sprinting look at that go buddy I think he’s forgot how to fight oh no this is

This come bu e than level two I’ll take you out real quick oh my God his arms he’s in the lava you’re getting ganked kid and he’s gone I I I am being made a full right now what what was that all right go ahead and go back to the little

Hallway and go to the next hole got what the robo gas honestly you might need to use a bow here oh oh and I do need to use a bow dude he is not hit me once oh my gosh okay um Budd he is lost and he’s

Gone supposed to be my greatest mob um nice let’s go to the next room that this next one will do maybe some damage to you okay so it’s a blaze it’s a blaze oh come on Blaze do me proud oh my goodness what what have I done with these he all

Hasn’t hit you has he no all of the nether ones have failed me go go kill him just go kill him what is this this is this embarrassing I guess that’s one way oh no found the H go B oh my goodness what is this what is going

On well this is why you should check how much damage they do and hold well you know I’m not going to say Well done for that let’s go to the next boss my goodness are you ready yes sir oh gosh of course you are oh my God he’s got the

Js on all right good got two swords though hopefully this guy does some real damage did did I not code damage for this guy too I actually have not taken damage yet how have you made this so easy and he’s gone already oh my goodness you you you just got to go in

That portal Now you won well that was level three honestly okay we’re going to pretend this never happened um we’re going to go straight to level four now on to level four okay two attempts left guys we cannot fail now but with level four it’s a die Ender so I ordered a

Special build for this bring on the build in 3 2 1 presenting the end Gateway where all you have to do is go all the way up here and manage to get inside there so we’ll be giving him one ender pearl which is actually the theme

Of this area cuz with the ender pearl let’s go in there he’ll be going into the special and build with four different Islands we have the main Island right there which he’s going to need another one of these ender pearls there we go and now with this next

Island there’s going to be an ender pearl but this is where the robots come in what’s in the end Ender mites end men and just to throw them off a little bit we’re going to be getting these blocks right here so as for robots this first island will have the Ender bite robots

So to start off right here let’s go ahead and start with the first end mob the endermite he’s kind of cute now let’s make it deadly right click but what we’re going to do with this guy is first give him a more interesting shape almost like a computer bik coming to

Life next up we’re going to add some lights to him and it kind of looks okay but let’s actually spend some time now to really polish the shape I don’t really know what I made but it’s interesting yep let’s go ahead and coat him up this is the bite bug very low

Health of 10 but he’s going to be super fast where his skills are to bite the Target and throw the player yep I said throw so let’s confirm in 3 2 1 and here he is the robot endermite might look harmless right now but just wait till

They come through this place and to make it more difficult we’re going to spawn so many of them look at them ball and of course one in every floor one here one here another one here and at the very top we put one waiting for them right here beautiful that’s only Island number

One now on to Island number two we’re going to be doing the Enderman of course Ender pear in the chest so they can make it all the way over there so with the Enderman again we’re not going to be playing around let’s click with the

Coder and this one’s going to be a bit special we’re not going to spawn it right away cuz we’re going to be making a very giant one all we’re going to be keeping is the long arms and the face let’s make his head bigger and turn it

Into his body with his face as the screen Mr Robo Enderman of course he needs a big old Wheels to roll around on and let’s connect it I think this is a pretty good shape but let’s go ahead and make it have a little bit more details

With the help of my friend perfect now let’s add some color this guy is going to be huge so let’s click confirm and time to add some abilities to him and so how this guy is going to work is that I’m going to be giving him an insta kill

Power where his skills are to follow stare and if they look at this Ender bot they will instantly die all right let’s confirm that in 3 2 1 and like I said we are going to see him right away just wait till he comes through this place

All right so number one is done number two is done and now finally the last one the exit area this one’s going to be a little bit weird so if we go into the boat right now there’s going to be two chests with Eyes of Ender is need these

If he gets to level five but to get to level five first he needs to get through one of these so this might look familiar because if you guys know Minecraft floor or watch a lot of the videos this is going to be Herobrine’s alter but right

Now there’s no Herobrine we can fix that robotic style all right prepare for some goofiness let’s right click coder with this and so we’re going to be starting off not with Herobrine but his Altar and think of a way to make it more menacing cuz usually just blocks right there

First let’s lift it up and make it floating and I really like the arms we ended up with from our giant Enderman so let’s just copy those over and scale them down so now it’s literally an alter with arms all right let’s add some animations and I think we’re set for

Coding cuz the only code it needs is to summon robot Herobrine yep I really said that so after read confirm we’re right on to the next thing which is going to be Herobrine and of course we’re going to be starting off with Steve again but

We’re going to scale him way up and make him a lot more robotic and instead of glowing white eyes cuz it is herrine we’re going to make him glowing red eyes amazing let’s just copy the animations from The Steve Mech and base him over here I think you’re ready with confirm

This is going to be the final boss we need and there it is Robo Herobrine and the alter that summons him I made it so the alter does it over and over again so it’s more of a challenge all right time to put it to the test here we go all

Right Marcel welcome to round number four all you got to do is go ahead get to that chest grab an ender pearl and enter the Gateway are you ready I am ready all right good luck have fun go inside oh there’s a chest okay ancient

City all right so you get one attempt to ender pearl to each island and if you fell well you you lose $1,000 I know you’re going to end pring do your thing oh God okay this one looks easy we’re in oh easy enough oh God what are those

Things you don’t want to get hit by them that that that’s all I’m going to say right now do I go up this uh yeah you know what you might want to go up there oh God don’t worry you’re going to be happy with what you see when you get to

The top more cell oh oh okay okay ew get out of here oh well just one of them my all the way down now let’s go quick and we’re good Ed when again oh god oh please make it fall down yo all right buddy what you got to do is grab the

Chest yep yep you probably want to get out of here soon before he blast you and he’s blasting oh he’s jumping he’s jumping he’s jumping he’s crazy please make it oh gosh oh gosh okay I know you’re very good at end pears make it oh

My gosh oh I made it let’s go okay now your final mission is go in the ship get a couple things and then you’ll see what happens okay this is going to be for the final level that being said you still have one thing to fight all right Marcel

Turn around real quick this is your final boss it is theine Alter I don’t remember how much damage I made too but uh I don’t think the alter actually fights itself can it Spa some bind please oh my gosh you’re going to knock him off no no no no that was too easy

All right that’s going to be level four on to level five okay I didn’t want to get to this but we got to do level five the question mark question mark question mark where I have a big plan for this one as you can see we already have the

Build and it’s just four eyes Avengers missing where we gave it to them right at the very end of the last thing now when they go into it they’re going to be going here and this is the final build I got made with the final weaer area

Warden area and guardian area the three Minecraft bosses being the final boss except there’s going to be one last one right here which we’ll do at the very end so let’s go ahead and start over here and spawn our first boss which is going to be the warden not very robotic

Right now so let’s fix that right cck you and now we have to do our absolute best on this Warden we cannot lose the $1,000 let’s start off by making him much bigger longer in segmented arms and legs a bigger chest and an even bigger head I’m feeling pretty creative with

This one so let’s add two heads not just one liking it so far let’s add some sharp bone pillars to his chest and some plating all over him perfect next up all we did was just some texturing and animating so let’s click confirm and this is going to be the robo Sentinel

Where I’m going to be giving them a whopping 400 Health with the skills to Chase and Sonic Boom the target all right let’s click confirm and here it goes there it is the robo sensal that’s going to be number one done next section up let’s go ahead and do the Elder

Guardian where uh there’s no water but we can fix that because it’s going to become a ro robot let’s right click you and so with this guy I think the biggest thing we can do is remove the weird tail and make his eye huge let’s go to add a

Cap on the back of it to replace that tail almost like a big robotic squid bad fact though let’s actually full send the squid idea why not I’m adding a bunch of tentacles oh gosh okay yeah this should do now let’s get a basic texture done

It’s not great but again I’m going to send it to my same friend for animating and texturing and we’ll see what they can do oh my goodness this is actually really good all right let’s click confirm and this will be the Watcher again with 400 health and it’s going to

Rapid Fire shoot Guardians at the player let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 oh there it is the Watcher oh my goodness it came out so good if I lose from this I don’t know what else will beat him all right that’s one and two done now for the

Second to last boss guys which is going to be the Wither let’s real quick right click you and so the first thing we’ll do is add some awesome robot machine cannons to its head next let’s add a more detailed head shape and of course add some big ribs to this guy I’ve

Usually gone with red for the other mobs but this one is going to be special we’re going to be doing some blue lights to his eyes to some type of power to him I think I did the same thing with the skeleton and because we’re going all out

Cuz it’s the very last level let me send him off to my friend to see what he comes up with oh my goodness yet again this is amazing let’s click confirm and this will be the mega wither again 400 health and the skill will be to shoot

Wither skulls very fast you’ll see that very soon all right let’s click confirm oh here he is okay when this guy gets taken down if he gets taken down we have one more guy left and he’s going to be at the center here let me real quick do

This come in/ summon Ender Dragon and it’s not going to be this guy time to bring out our ultimate robot let me right click you and here it is guys the very final boss that I’m going to be putting all the abilities to to make sure we don’t lose this money is also

One we’re not going to do ourselves in fact I’m going to make it a surprise so right now it’s kind of like a blank screen or I might put another Bob right there but for this one I’ve sent it off to my friend for all the texturing and

All the coding all I told them is to make sure the creator has no chance to survive but to see what was made watch that all right 3 2 1 oh and we have it right now right here but at the very end he’s going to spawn right there but all

That’s left to do now is the final round here we go and wish me luck okay Marcel level five you’ve made it full of me for four levels now $1,000 on the line but this one’s going to be a little different it’s a little harder to the

Point that I’m going to be nice and you get a notch apple right now I want to use a Jess yet but all I’m going to say is take your eyes ofender move forward did you almost just see it go go forward and go ahead and put the Eyes ofender in

The portal and then you’ll just see what you have to do all I’m saying is you’re probably going to die this round there we go oh God oh God defeat the bosses to win all these four levels have been easy I’m kind of scared there’s four bosses

I’m going to be the last one have fun buddy all right you got three areas to choose from you can do them in any order this is the ancient city right yeah yeah nice an City looks like a university right there terminology Bo nice okay oh

God what is that thing robot Warden go robot Warden okay let’s see what he can do three hearts to hit W oh oh yes yes oh gosh he’s getting no please please ,000 I need to keep the Notch Apple I don’t want to eat it

Yet eat it I eat it I need start doing damage come on Warden sword I’m winning with the first boss right come on come on you were messing around I have the bow I can’t sword Soul you’re so close please oh how much health do you have oh

Please oh oh yes and it’s gone I don’t know why I just said yes I should be rooting against you well congratulations you took out the first bot and to be nice I replenished all your stuff you get another Notch Apple a bunch of instant healing potions on to boss

Number two what the welcome to the guardian you might need your boat for this yep I’m pulling out my bow okay these kind of hurt guardian come on nah he’s too scared oh my God he’s actually getting dropped oh look at it twitching that is so much emper into this one no

Oh dude it’s tentacles H you don’t get any loot with this one oh gosh onos number three okay Marcel this is the last one out of the three before you fight me oh God come on bring it on what is that robot wither robot he’s not

Doing that much damage we’re oh God what is that yeah exactly I’m just I’m figuring out it moves right now we’re good we’re good this is definitely all in my control it’s hard to look at my my health I just can’t let the Wither effect drop me we got it to half it’s

Getting kind of low I can sort it wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo okay I got a little too low there did this thing just get harder cuz it’s low it’s so low please I can’t reach it one more hit oh oh it’s

Gone I got it oh man all right Marcel all you got to do now is go to the center the final boss will be waiting there all right all those bosses are dunzo I still have my Notch Apple I’m smell a little bit of a $1,000 somewhere

In the vicinity Mar so he said $11,000 I am your final boss just me but but don’t worry Marcel introducing the final the robo dragon that is so cool get over here buddy please oh my God my frames you are not winning $1,000 if you

Manage to kill me you get to win but you’re not I’m my I actually can’t hit you that movement is insane I have two pots left please shots on to me sorry buddy everything exactly breaking the PC where you oh no $11,000 I actually could smell it oh

My goodness Marcel thank you for playing but those ,000 are mine hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye Guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Every Mob is a Robot!’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2024-01-09 00:00:11. It has garnered 85544 views and 2834 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:45 or 2145 seconds.

Minecraft but Every Mob is a Robot! ft. @StimpyPvP ✅ xNestorio Plushie! Click Here ►

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🎉 What was your favorite Mob Robot moment in todays Minecraft, But I turned Mobs into Mechs and Robots?

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    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More