Insane Minecraft Modded Gameplay- No Sleep, No Gods

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Already I do believe we are live greetings Adventures welcome back to another our episode of Tire plays mod of Minecraft where we’re back on the heresy revamp world trying our best to not fuck up and die um in between last stream and this one I added a couple of mods booted up a

Separate world that I’m doing more testing on than creative and for now we’re going to just stick to beans one uh without further Ado I’m going to go ahead and just start right up actually hold on a sec let me go and pop out the Discord cuz I am

Currently in the patreon Discord just chill in VC people come and go they please I guess all right beans one uh the reason why I made beans 2 as I said is for Creative testing additionally some mods required World gen so I wanted to see if they worked

Without having to go a bajillion blocks away I forgot to do the fucking promo post on Tumblr give me a moment uh howdy jinx this think this is the first time you’ve appeared on one of my streams uh Magic Moment oh my God chat this is jinx this is one that

I’ve this is one of the folks I’ve recently kidnapped I say jokingly let’s jokingly totally please help I’m in his b look okay I I have not legally I have to say I have not kidnapped this individual got off the Record no I haven’t I haven’t kidnapped anyone yet

Yet yeah you fools I am his accomplice we are stealing you you’re stealing chat yes I am totally stealing chat I am whisking them away to the wonderful world that is pixels I fucking guess um no no pixels oh no I don’t know why people I don’t know why people show up

To my stream no I haven’t even seen that shit that is that is torture how dare how dare you do such a thing I don’t even know what you’re referencing I’m going be real why the fuck is my desktop Google Drive open because it I didn’t even mean to open that shit okay

So this is a problem this amount of bookworms in a singular fucking chunk is going to lag my game to hell and back actually Tech remove them that’s actually the solution so today I’m going to go ahead and work on some storage stuff I’ve been looking through the blood magic Discord and I

Realized that I can link up blood Magic’s routing nodes with uh occultism magic storage system I might even be able to do some funky shit with ARs Nal because I have ours ultius which allows me to uh bridge the gap I was thinking you just have all the mods I have a lot

Of magic mods I I only know what like half of them do I’m be real all right why all right actually hold on wait I wonder what is the delay between the stream in Discord it’s fucking significant I’ll tell you that oh I forgot what I left my

Backpack in oh oh gosh yeah no it is God you just mentioned how you were doing the magic mode yeah no uh there is stream delay I apologize for that um I can’t do anything about it is what it is it’s all good it’s all good uh chat get fucked I

Guess yeah fuck you jack chat chat yeah fuck you chat in Minecraft in Minecraft no wait no that’s not in the sexual sense just in the sense of you guys can just deal with it deal with it yeah there we go yeah that that’s that’s much better shit up let’s go what’s going

On oh just watching the stream ah I see all right so we get up to right now I just trying to get my inventory sorted out because it’s a fucking disaster I’ll be honest and the only way that I can actually fix it right now is bookworms and bookworms um be

Real are not exactly the best solution cuz these guys are a massive hindrance not only they a bunch of entities that are constantly loaded and my status effects are constantly affecting um I could only make so many of them because I don’t have many books and quills and I

Don’t have much in the ways of source gems and Source gems are really fucking annoying to make because I need either lapis or amethyst to put it in here get Source from this put it over there which requires either burning wood or waiting for crops to grow and in order to burn

Wood I need to spend bone meal and oh NOP that’s the wrong button I don’t often go out of peaceful mode so I’d have to set up an automatic farm in order to make vegan bones um I was willing to wait uh what update are you play uh I’m in 1.20.1 oh

Shit uh oh yeah I forgot about that wait hold on where’s my here’s the fun just get lucky and find a fossil in the desert yeah so that’s the thing I don’t know where I do is I don’t have any special movement Tech like the most I have is walking on

Water I don’t have a broom I don’t have teleportation I don’t have fall damage immunity or anything like that I can just walk on water I can also swim infinitely I’m basically a mer person person yeah I did P tired happen to write me down a handy little list of

Shit I need to do I see of let’s uh blood magic the alchemical reaction chamber machine I already got that actually the alchemy table already got that new farms sentries and witch generator occultism Satchel already got that and then the storage system FY what the fuck is that uh and then ours better

Source generator heal wait wait wait what was that last thing you said uh FY uh it’s a mod that I have no idea what the fuck it does why does that sound familiar it’s from the creators of occultism it’s actually technically a dependency of it

But um the B all I know is that it’s heavily inspired by th craft and that it allows you to technically make infinite resources is just a pain in the fucking ass to set up I see I see I see I’ve personally never experimented with before and I

Still need to figure it out but yeah um also I think hold on a minute uh in Destiny 2 what was that get off of Minecraft and play Dawning don’t give a fuck about Dawning I didn’t touch Festival of the lost I didn’t touch Guardian games I’m not going to touch

Dawning that is crazy I genuinely do not care I my first one so I’m gonna enjoy this the heck out of it oh wait is your first Dawning yeah I I always stopped playing uh when Dawning came around I’ll be real every time that I have to deal

With Destiny I just I do the story and then I leave I don’t touch PVP I don’t touch nightfalls I don’t touch strikes I just fuck around on the planets or I do the story and leave right what was that there’s got to be Dawning story right no there fucking isn’t it’s just

Loot the weapons have L don’t they yeah but I can always look at that on ishar or like G soard do it no Balls look I will care eventually I love this G eventually I had to I had to think of a condition of when I would care and then I just gave up and said eventually I car but then I didn’t yeah I guess um two three four this is such a good

Gun need a book of binding for a fot why the fuck do I not have any yet all right have a good and there he goes wow rude all right I need a jean how the fuck do I not okay oh that’s what was uh so I need a fot I need

Jean I’m going to nod my oh thiry okay yeah yeah yeah occultism yeah all right I need to get get green dye how the fuck can I get green dye um Uh you got the thiry book though don’t you what was that the thiry book yeah I I’m working with occultism right now and hold on is that a desert no it’s a beach fuck um I mean also in my uh private world I found a Village that was like two or

Three villages combined and it was fucking huge and the village mod that I added again as I said earlier in the Stream I added a bunch of world gen mods that I had to create a new world for so I wouldn’t have to travel fuck ton of a distance a way to

Find but uh hold on a maybe I can uh hold on way points temp Waypoint is that what that went to temp yep there we go all right I’m just going to run over there see what I can find I yeah exactly I have uh speed and then

I also have uh like hold on do I actually have my water walking lily pad on yes I do okay yeah no I can just full send it um do I have all my shit in my Satchel yes I do okay all right yeah I’m just going to go ahead

And just run over there see what I can find if I can find a desert that would be great if I could find an alternative source for green die that’d be even better I mean I could possibly do some shit with batania and try to figure that

Out but honestly patania makes my head hurt patania is a tech mod in Disguise is a tech mod disguising as a magic mod and that fact pisses me off nature yeah uh nature how how about you deal with routing numbers and dealing with like yeah no exactly like honestly

Bania is Bania is neat in concept it’s neat in in in uh practice problem is I suck at practicing it ah yes One does not simply practice yeah no no you don’t practice batania you commit to it and then you cry out of that you go and ask campy

Understand this out that go and ask Hami cuz Hami for some fucking reason is able to understand Bania that’s all he understands he he simply just cannot understand that Eater of gods is stronger than destroyer of WS no Destroyer Devourer of gods is stronger than Eater of Worlds and devour of gods

Is about to be even more scary cuz apparently they’re updating it and making it about like at least five times bigger if not larger oh so this isn’t counting Death Mode Destroyer of gods no no no this isn’t counting the update Devourer of gods update Devourer of gods the only

Thing we’ve seen of it is it’s head and its head is bigger than the current of our of Gods like half of its fucking body let’s go yeah so um dog is going to get bigger yipp yeah cuz like the fight is already kind of

Wild right and then a way to cheese the fight actually oh absolutely yeah no you can just uh do shit with a mine carts and teleportation but like if you don’t do that the fight’s already a little nuts and then you add shit on top like infernum cataclysm Catalyst uh whatever

Pick your pick your Calamity add-on Right add that on top and then whatever the fuck the dev team of Calamity is trying to make right now cuz that shit is terrifying they’re trying to make pain what was that they’re trying to make pain full stop no no they

Don’t they’re not trying to make pain they already did that I’m be real um like I’m not good at Calamity I will be the fir I will be completely honest and fully admit that I suck at Calamity I suck at the mod I suck at any add-ons

That I ever add if I even look at a slightly difficult add-on I can feel my inside Shel and die that being said it is one of my favorite mods oh absolutely it is a blast to play yeah even though you die like every two seconds it’s like

This is fun you die every two seconds until you become God out of that or you have a friend of yours tell you the most broken build in the game from like day one God for like two minutes and then and then it’s like yeah no

And then you don’t become good and then it’s sad but then you become good again you know it’s an arms race you’re always losing yeah that you’re always losing Phantoms what fuck off but yeah you should go to the Nether and get bones from from the uh bones

Aren’t the concern bones aren’t the concern it’s actually getting cactus trying to think where Cactus could spawn aside from the desert uh I have no idea um oh there’s something here maybe you could make Cactus somehow depending on what your mods are I can Chuck slime ball into an

Alchemy Catalyst but I need Mana pearls for that Mana pearls are pain in the ass to make um cuz I know for all uh I can’t fuck pronounce it the one that you were mentioning before that’s basically just Alchemy so yeah but the thing is I just

Looked and I can’t with that mod I mean I could possibly do it with uh what’s the fuck called mystical agriculture but that requires me setting up an entire mystical agriculture thing and on real I don’t feel like doing that for a singular Cactus for a singular Cactus yeah no fuck that

Fair enough fair enough all right do I have a I do not have that okay all right I’m going to go and put that there and grab these that way I don’t have to deal with the cool down of that what oh fuck I deleted the wrong one no Um wait a minute you right oh hold oh wait okay no all right I I was so confused I’m like H that is some severe stream delay if uh friend from earlier was still talking but wait someone was talking in chat no no no no

No uh in the call the one who was talking about Destiny no I realized my my my stream is like not live it’s like seven minutes back and I had no idea ah F iess I mean guess you could you could find um cactus by that beach no Cactus doesn’t spawn at beaches

It only spawns in deserts and I know that for a fact yeah know it’s an unfortunate fact but I do know it all right I can put that in there that away that away that that that nope I need those um oh mending uh uh don’t care about that actually I

Might need that uh oh sing don’t need that that don’t really care um I don’t need I might as well try and collect them I don’t need Cloud shaping because I can do that with blood magic I don’t need that cuz I’m not going to go down vampirism just yet

Um don’t need any of the werewolf stuff cuz I’m not going to go down like anthropy yet um I need that like anthropy or vampirism uh like anthropy why not both True vampire werewolf let’s go I am a threat that is what I am yeah no like why why not both vampire werewolf no I’m a problem honestly yeah do I have any trinkets in there that I can put away cuz I think I have yeah I have a trinket bag in here yeah

Curios container and I am running low on rooman fuck um H uh well actually hold on do I have an EA slot open no I don’t it’s Tak by tar gem don’t really need that honestly um Grant imunity to follow damage and increased jump height okay why do I have

So many fucking Spore sacks why do I have those why do I have two rings of recovery why do I have three pairs of Kitty slippers what you apparently P tired was just a fucking hoarder it is what it is ky slippers all they do is make Creepers avoid you they’re kind of

Worthless oh yeah unfortun they look stylish not really no oh they’re just goofy well then I am sad don’t be sad I’ll give you them I don’t want them yipp do you even have Minecraft yeah H what do you mean do I have Minecraft we played on front I think it was like

Season one Frontiers oh yeah no it was like no it wasn’t fron te it was the other one uh not not Tavern uh not Tav no cuz like why it was with the create mode oh that was uh what’s it fucking called coping coping that’s it yeah yeah

Yeah now I remember yeah I’m losing my mind man I I’m pretty sure that is where I met you or maybe I met you earlier might have I don’t who knows time is weird why do is there glass there no game is just having a fit okay wait is there no chest here

Bruh hello H is is the Amanda is the Amanda is it robot yes I felt that emotionally how’s it going guys we’re chilling we’re chilling how are you I just got done playing lethal with and Phoenix I really wish my computer would let me stream that wait you’re unable to stream lethal

Company I can play it but my computer doesn’t let me stream it for some fucking reason wait like whenever I try much on their computer yeah no what whenever I try to stream it it just kind of doesn’t sure this mod pack holds more requires no no cuz you used optimization mods right

Tired how many I don’t fucking know I don’t remember what I put in this shit all all of them what version 1.20.1 Oh yeah this is the most stable version of Minecraft I’ve seen so far like the performance is fine on this version surprisingly yeah I know who knew that

Moan could actually do their damn job it didn’t mean it’s good just just that it’s the most stable of the most recent ones it’s shit but it’s good shit it’s shit but at least it works it’s on a scale on a grade scale it’s not an F A best best of the worst

Yeah it’s not dog shit it’s just regular shit yes any anyway you all right love yeah I I’ve not been sleeping right go sleep yeah please go sleep no what if we said please well I did just say please and she said no so how rude you you cannot say no to please

That is not how this works I already did sleep is the problem I’ve just not been sleeping right Sleepless ah Jinx I don’t think sleeping less is a solution to having bad sleep true because she isn’t sleeping right so she would have to sleep right she’s currently sleeping left left what yeah

No what she’s not sleeping right therefore she’s been sleeping left I’ve killed him I I I don’t see oh yipp the fool he’s beix quick get him indeed the for the fucking hell quick while he’s distracted take him down I’ve been distracted the fuck you mean I’m playing Minecraft on stream

What the fuck you mean distracted my attention pan is currently divided more than a goddamn hydromech this shit is everywhere at once what the fuck is this why are there chickens why is there a ritual circle around a chicken I I’m I’m going to walk away from that before I get consumed by

David but David is hungry do not feed the Basilisk he is hungry do not feed the Basilisk what if he said please then I’d be concerned where the Basilisk learned English he he got it from a book where did he learn to read he has eyes he can read

All you must do is look at the words repeat them your SP your silence speaks volumes thank [Applause] you what’s going on nothing I am giving Brain Rush to what Jinx said to feed the Basilisk apparently Neo do not feed the Basilisk feed the Basilisk we’re talking about

David you remember him who’s David the fucking chicken oh yeah feed the Bisk no you the one who had to contain him remember consume wait no it’s not my job anymore consumed it’s not your job anymore it’s it’s like a janitor who retires and immediately throws like a clob of Blood

On the ground it’s just like I’m done against the system not my job not my problem it’s not my job anymore I win that one guy Le leaving the ch reactor you know who won the lottery I did how many root did someone in the chobble reactor experience a lot

Yes there’s a room down there that if you walk in it’ll give you stage four cancer still let’s go oh is that the no it’s not it’s it’s it’s not stage four cancer I’m pretty sure it just kills you in like four days what do you mean cancer is hard to beat

I’m already on stage four Jinx no that’s that’s not how that works you look pretty strong hey it’s me Goku what oh no who would win Goku or Waffle House uh Waffle House are you kidding me exactly Waffle House is the domain of the Gods you don’t enter there

Trying to challenge someone dude Waffle House Waffle House never closes not even during a fucking tornado okay but actually wouldn’t show Waffle House wouldn’t close during Chernobyl let’s be honest you know something is wrong when Waffle House is closed yeah no like actually that is a thing The Waffle

House Index I’m pretty sure it’s actually recognized by FEMA like nuclear fallout still open like I genu like I can’t remember if this is a meme or not but I’m pretty sure FEMA actually recognizes the Waffle House Index as like a thing you know the the fucking government agency for dealing with uh

Like disasters and shit no yep no I must have missed that when I sent a nuke to several small countries and we’re back with the war crime jokes folks I’m pinpointing I’m pinpointing I pinpointing your location now no no what do you mean back with the war crime jokes it started whenever I

Joined the call no you haven’t made one yet no no no no no no no no no my my sheer existence my humor is war crimes that’s it that’s all and yet you have yet to make one I don’t need I don’t need I don’t

Need to make a war crime joke to make a war crime joke anymore I am the joke I am the war crime I am the joke you fool you idiot need bird seed let’s go seed dude this is amazing yall should play Destiny 2 Dawning

No do not tell these folks to play D2 cuz if they don’t play already I don’t want them getting consumed I’ve already been consumed yes I played once and thought it was mid and left I played once thought it was mid and left yeah I took up better H like I took

Up better gaming Hobbies like fortnite that’s funny well calm down now no no no in reality I took up okay Amanda you’re a faking hypocrite cuz earlier like last stream you said oh my God you you you’ve played fortnite I can’t date you you fucking hypocrite I just said I

Was lying oh I didn’t hear that my bad it was a joke it was a joke you fool I I say it’s a joke I still have fortnite on my fucking on my thing LEGO fortnite same I fucking I I I installed fortnite on my computer it’s

Here it’s here I want to get rid of it but I don’t have the strength to open up epic games and get rid of it just cuz I’m too precious space then you it’s not a strength issue five terabytes of space two more terabytes where are you going to put all

The porn are we allowed to talk about that on YouTube you’re right they’ve done it they’ve cracked the case wide open wait no wait hold on let me rephrase where can you put all the corn yeah corn you Mard me YouTube or whom the porn SKS corn wait there’s a fucking room

Down here what the hell for the skull Throne I delete fortnite but I literally don’t want to log into epic games so corn for the corn Throne the fuck skeletons down here only chaos God I actually worship the only thing I worship is Taran Adams the developer for for Dwarf

Fortress dude he is the real God love him so much who are we talking about Jesus wept good Jesus wept good what py why Jesus Christ that was a move that made LeBron cry what is that a reference to something not getting yes look I I don’t I don’t know things

Okay I don’t know things you should start knowing things I should but you see the thing is I don’t care enough to know did you just say dude a seven-year-old autistic child found in a uh found locked in AA cage did you just say w w it’s not funny same it’s it’s

Hilarious he let the intrusive thoughts win I want to see the aftermath so bad but a firing immediately a firing squad yeah but you’re getting fired literally everyone should play Port boys the the actual punishment is having to fight fucking in real life from Calamity no fight

It no please have mercy I sent it to you to three Moon Lords oh moon Lords a fucking push over once you get to high like late game Calamity you fool oh yeah know get fucked I guess I’ll just I’ll just flip him off I’ll be like nuh fuck you

I will I picture like I picture like the autism creature like uh down perspective fucking just flipping it off understand why it’s autism creature that’s the I thought it was called no it’s got a lot of names yeah it’s got a lot of names but Bob some Jeff Gary something with a G

Gay yo I wish I actually forgot his name um I wish Gary was gay that’d be really funny leader of the cabal gay we are talking about Dominus GA by the way yes we are okay same so the folks who have no fucking clue what key is talking about one welcome to the

Normal and two we are talking about a boss in destiny that has been vaulted for how many years now oh I thought we were talking about an actual person no I wish I have no idea what’s going on at this point I am literally going mentally

Insane as am I welcome to the club you’ve caused me to actually go so insane I’ve booted up 5D chess again it be going through time please stop talking about 5D chest it will blow up my brain please no can understand boty bot for botania but not

Oh wa no that was the other one that was the other one the other one I don’t know there are too many people to remembered snowball final blows what the heck does that mean to buy this I don’t want to buy this Long Winter mom BL blue EV lante is so annoying

Sometimes I wish he would just shut up no please I want her to shut up should I put on speed yeah you know fuck it commence the Zoomies what the heck are you playing fuck you not Destiny no I’m talking about tired what the heck is

He doing um manipulating T not time uh I am I know you are that’s why I said it at first oh my God I’m messing with time such a yo you stream no go play Destiny Destiny player yeah that is a harsh insult damn extrem it’s harsh but

True I need to get Nano Munitions from this AFK guy why you just G to shoot him and immediately get like homing Rockets or some shit no I have to stand near them and I get like seven or like nine extra bullets when I run out of ammo and

It Stacks up to seven so now I have seven so I’m I have like a huge magazine absolutely humongous humongus so I got an idea for a new anime plot titties but big Bonas girl she got humus B Gas Christ at this point I think you’re just making

Noises nope nope it’s an it’s it’s real it’s real bangas and then this new girl no this transfer girl shows up and she’s got even Huger gas not the gangus the gangal gangas no how that h how did that hit that bomb was like several meters away the G do too why did

I say meters okay you say I’m sorry I just heard the what the fuck is a kilometer also ke they use meters in Destiny like unfortunately you’re going to have to be British for a moment Destiny is an American game desy’s American actually don’t you see the American

Flag exactly I actually hit him with the N of course n wins every single argument hands down you’re right you’re right no you’ve done it you’ve cracked the whole case open no oh I lost today uh excuse me your honor can you tell where I live because of what I when I say

Op was that oh o u o p e man couldn’t even spell his own word it’s not even is it’s the Canadians it’s not did you just call me Canadian did you just call op Canadian I thought it was it’s Midwestern it’s Ian I don’t fucking know you’re hurting

Me physically and mentally I’m sorry to me that’s just American oh yeah Jinx is Australian by the way wow look at this upside down person what a loser I I want I oh I want to clap back but I can’t clap reality I can’t jinx jinx scale one to

10 how bad are you going to how bad are you going about hey um tired server server server de okay Jinx Rend him a new one fucking full sand my friend oh mushroom what is this Wizard’s reborn more oh and I think I just saw something fucking die oh yeah no something just

Died for no reason I hate gadflies what the fuck just died oh what the fuck am I dealing with here game are you going to exist um oh no I need that I fuck all right I don’t need the carrot all right um oh I don’t like that thing I

Don’t know what it was what the fuck is that thing whatever that shit is I don’t like that also Jinx are you done yelling at Key just put in chat yes or no hey we we we good with the shit are we done with the shit that would get me

Banned look Tex right now uh builtin or no not builtin all right definitely not oh ping me when ping me when you come joking just just take a peek at that don’t even you don’t have to watch it but just take a peek oh I already know what you’re referring to don’t

Worry I didn’t need to watch it I don’t think I it’s referring to the joke I made let’s just say that yeah then you might want to delete that I put a spoiler warning over it along with a uh warning Gucci right warning America I will talk about this after

Stream sorry I gotta sorry I’m sorry I’ve got a no it’s my fault I got a the you started this you called me an upside down person I also called you a spider hugger how do you even live I see that I see that as a fucking with those things

Around you like actually they they literally stop bugs what do you mean but they are huge and they can kill you with Huntsmen aren’t actually that dangerous more people die to Huntsman than being by being surprised by them than actually being bit isn’t that right Jinx correct

They are their tee they can’t Pi human skin they actually can’t Pi I know Huntsmen are fine but like still like if you just they the big spiders that everyone’s worried about the Huntsman there’s literally no other biggest spider I know they’re chill but they scare me oh yeah no absolutely they’re

Fucking creepy I remember seeing a friend and just seeing the just a huntsman appear and just slowly crawl his friend is the Huntsman and I just fucking Zoom he just fucking zooms into the closet I’m like where the fuck did it go in your house yeah oh my gosh yeah

Spiders invade your house in Australia I was just looking at it was moving so slowly I look away for a Split Second Look Back gone SC it’s leg it’s back leg scar like what the fuck hey everyone in this VC like tired stream right now all right I don’t think you’ll ever

See it I don’t think you’ll see it update until you refresh the page spider uh then I’ll refresh the page I see no problem with where the fuck am I just austr is just Australian no New York he’s from New York no Spiderman the man spider the manmade of

Spiders what is this Anonymous object is this what is this an actual an actual DC Comic of Spider-Man where he DC Comic yes DC Comic yes but he is not Australian s but he is just many many spiders DC Comic with Spider-Man DC why the fuck this is drown okay normally

Drowned have like super cracked aim with their Trident right this motherfucker missed so many shots against me I it’s not even funny like I’m not complaining right I I hate being shot at it however I’m just going to taunt this guy like you saw that shit right wait wait watch let him

Let him watch watch let them watch also what’s your pronouns my guy uh Jinx OHS my guy I do not have preference my guy that is crazy is that a m shaft there is some kind of structure here yep that’s a m shaft I put my tilted tower in her Shifty shaft shut

Up shut up we’re not making those jokes today no no holding back hold holding back did you watch it I’m no I’m too I Australian joke can’t make YouTube not allowed watch the uh watch watch you you’re watching the video right it gets worse it gets worse

The more you watch it the more it gets worse why is there a creeper with a backpack what the fuck he’s just backpacking he’s VI speaking of backpacks watch the video ke no I’m not watching that on stream all right yeah no don’t watch it on stream obviously that will get you banned

Instantly okay ke I’m just going to remind you every five minutes to watch it even though you’re not going to watch it anytime soon going to remind can I tell you something right quick go ahead shut the fuck up yes okay damn these snowball he talked he

Talked he broke no he talked he’s not allowed please please no no no send him to the mega gay Zone I was going to say the g send him to the fucking coolong send him to the pear wiggler yeah what is the the bad pears

Go to the no what was it the fucking bad astronauts go to the what was that the children get sent to the pear wiggler and now my brain goes back to fucking okay so key I don’t know if you’ve been around for whenever Amanda and potato Go full RDR mode but um there

It’s there’s a couple of it there’s a couple bits of it in uh the quotes channel uh the one that my brain is going to is MAA what’s a fanboy MAA what’s a fanboy yeah every so often every so often potato one of the other folks who can do

Like half decent uh Red Dead characters he’ll join the VC and these two motherfuckers will passess around a singular brain cell like a blunt just going back and forth at it Dutch what’s ay Dutch look shit’s just it happens in this VC just I’m not to the corse

Wiggler AR just one more score Arthur just one more score just one more Big Score what the fuck’s going on at this I don’t even know what’s going on right now I’ll be real I don’t know he T talking to himself at this point when do you ever know what’s

Happening in this VC fair enough never ever fair enough we are never ever ever getting back together I just shot that man violence yo what by We are Never Getting Back Together guess what boys guess what oh god legendary apathetic enemy f watch that is not what was it oh my gosh please

Get I can’t I am sorry I can’t do it stop leaving us in suspense say Gamers well you guys keep interrupting me fuck I’m not saying anything a new version of immersive railroading is finally released after two fucking years o zap fish J the mive railroading again no you’re chasing the the

Key this is a Mythic Apothic Enemy No it’s an artifact Apothic enemy there’s no way in fucking hell I’m going to fight this thing legit you’re fighting it like you should in Minecraft cringe cringe supposed to be doing jumping Destiny 2 player that’s right I didn’t play during

The crafting but I still got the emblem because I Wind by it on the forums bro I’m joking I play I had to go is that an accomplishment or are you just calling yourself out no like I played once and I was like okay I I can’t access the

Crafing uh because I don’t have an the weapons so I’m just not going to play and so I left and yet he playing Destiny but hey um I still got the emblem CU I uh bitched and moaned on the forums yeah no Unholy the clip we have the

Clip show the clip of uh um the bear mauling Aramis what scan this guy’s balls hey that looks like a ble pass fucking hell you like saying that to us or just in general what the fuck I didn’t say it it was a ghost Shut Up N yeahuh that’s 2v one put your bitch ass up that’s my ultimate weakness two men two two women weat two people whe two yeah two individuals brain for want some Cool Whip my weaknesses F boy well you’d love to meet me wouldn’t you no that’s a joke okay

R that was a scaving insult holy shit shins he is never going to emotionally recover that’s the point I just not even therapy can fix him how’ you know permanently scarred I’m sorry just not even therapy can fix him just Glee in that statement yeah well are you the one with the god

Roll gando 47 they don’t play Destiny and therefore they win exactly shut up Destiny player man Howard no I just touched grass all respect you I touch Grass more than you I don’t want your respect it’s worth nothing M I can’t touch grass my Minecraft sheep ate at all

I don’t want your respect it’s worth dirt from rags to riches baby anyways Uh what the fuck how did I get two artifact items from this guy I mean I’m not complaining you know if I get a gold tarot card I can actually use that okay um how much who the heck is shooting get away from me I’m getting attacked by strange

Bugman tired oh man you got to shoot your you actually like these things what do you mean how do you like these bug people they like see cuz they’re cool they’re bugs The Hive are much better okay so all opinions are subjective but you’re wrong but you’re

Wrong no you’re wrong as I said all opinions are subjective I will not judge your tastes unless you will not judge mine Point your opinions invalid because you can’t speak anymore opinion your opinions invalid because you’re a destiny player look okay whenever the topic itself is Destiny I think

Think well TI’s a destiny player so he loses to Destiny player no I I’ll tell you exactly why tired wins in this conversation because we’re dating and I’m I’m I have an immense amount of nepotism in my body actually yeah no key um yeah no both of them both of them do

Have a bit of a higher ranking than you so uh get Fucked well trash I killed the public event thing with one shot all right I don’t want to hear it I don’t either event was it a public execution yes kind of yeah it’s kind of just how public events go it’s just public executions I killed it instantly it’s still like it’s still

Active it’s it’s lagging at this point it just doesn’t know how to cope anyway it can’t cope see cannot cope what the fuck are you saying now I’m sorry I’ve completely lost I zoned out like as soon as you started speaking so anyway I was thinking Jinx is a dick no I’m

Australian see there is a difference one is cultural and I was better wait hold on what am I doing here you have corn you have any corn whatsoever what you grow corn in your country why do you think that determin entire state that grows corn that’s how

Sad it is that’s all it is it’s just you have an you have a state that’s trying to mimic the Irish what the only oh wait why is there a child chasing me why is a child so fast why am I fighting why am I fighting myself you live in

Idaho no I don’t sorry for you she doesn’t know no I just I’m in America and I realized wait wait shit I’m fighting myself again oh no yeah no we we’ve done that a couple of times it keeps happening oh no it happened again not again what the fuck was that

Noise I’m gonna punch that guy never mind I’ll throw knives at him that sounds more fun molten honey bun go oh God I hate blo flies I hate blo flies anyways blood I’m really happy I said bloat flies not blood loss I’m perfectly fine with blood loss I have enough blood to

Survive I’ve survived it before I’ve surviv it again supposed to be what if you didn’t uh just I’m built different don’t worry about it hey Michael here what if you lost your blood look I I I’m built different all right I will survive no I’m going to head out all

Right have a good love goodbye Sil FISH fuck now the odds are even I hate bugs no still no no I me it was being kind it was three against one now it’s two against one stop fucking shooting me you piece of shit what was that that was a gr I made

Weirder noises before don’t worry about it happy growl noises uh no it was angry trust me it was angry oh Ang CL type what was that favorite elix enemy type you know like drag bandal wret Captain wretches because I actually have a scorn OC who basically leads a bunch of scorn wretches as

Like you know how there’s like different groups of the uh bar their arms uh so bres are basically just drags who have been allowed to wield Spears I know what they are I read the Lord they are merely General Grieves unfortunately no they are below drags hold on be one I still

Win what in the argument um so that’s why you like the wretches because they’re cool yeah you have a scorn Baron not even scorn Baron like pseudo Baron yeah it’s like it’s like a they are on the council but they are not granted the rank of Baron yeah

Like what Prince is that like King Knight they’re not one of fi ru’s like main uh Council but they’re like outer Council he hasn’t G on any uh land yet no well technically he’s the last one left because he hasn’t actually been offed during the main Baron

Hunt he’s not even a baron though yeah no no that’s why he was ignored epic what’s his name uh mvac mood I don’t know how that’s a mve but okay it’s a good name ah is like being Destiny or no no but I do have a couple of thean Destiny characters I have

Ttic uh I yes he is a no that was a very long uh amount of time between no I had to think sounded suspicious no I have a decent amount like I haven’t really done much with d and Destiny in a bit um I have like some

Random NPCs that I use for like giving out quests and shit but like in terms of ones I’ve played titics is the only one that I’ve actually managed begins again I’ve uh so he’s like the uh he’s like the ravager um he’s like the ravager baron but with

Wretches uh ravager one was the uh the one for the fucking like the I’m trying to remember the the dudes with the the chain on the lantern yeah yeah basically but for wretches yeah what is he is Apprentice or something no he’s just got a wait wait I got I got

It um what is it what is it uh it’s like Apprentice but for Knights but that would be like Squire I fucking guess no he his own the Le the fact is own thing just kind of similar to the other Barons cool I know I I never really

Liked the scorn because it just it’s literally just Undead Fallen yeah there there’s a lot of potential that’s been missed with them that much I certainly don’t like them that much they’re they’re interesting especially since the lore since the glycon with all like the information

About the hive mind and shit yeah oh by the way I have a lore question for the dawning what’s it is either cane real uh all the shit that you make technically doesn’t exist like I’m pretty sure like all the weird recipes and shit like just isn’t really

A thing it’s a complete lie like I know that like some things do exist like I’m pretty sure uh like taking butter is mentioned at least once to not actually be butter but like uh where’s the lore for this I need fuck if I know dude it’s been ages since

I’ve read that shit well then read it again and play the dawning with me no I’d have to get out of my room I have to go boot out my PlayStation I have to end stream I don’t want to do it you should really get Destiny 2 on PC my PC can’t

Run that shit oh man my PC is an absolute goddamn potato oh man I’m sorry all right oh man oh man why did fail safe just breathe into my ear get fucked I guess fail safe it’s time to destroy the Pilot’s ears mean the captain’s ears Captain

Whatever look okay I’ve been used to playing galvorn galvorn calls their Commander pilot or or captain or or command I I can’t even remember what galvorn playing so I have a D and D character named galvorn they are kind of like fail safe kind it’s yes honestly galvorn is a lot of

Things mixed together is it like is this like medieval no no no no galor is a it’s in a uh a future uh like a futuristic campaign uh they’re a combat assistance AI that lives in uh a character’s armor I got a limited wait I just got a

Limited time offer at the bungee store bruh imagine spending money on Destiny I would never you never huh and why are you in the why are you in the bungee store no I just got it from uh um it popped up on my screen right okay

Um all right I’m just going to go and put down a bunch of chests um I will work on sorting this shit out later where are the chests in this menu I don’t give a fuck dude I was talking to myself I hope no one looks at that look like what

Nothing okay what did you do you wait are you x-raying what bro there are so many mods in this mod pack I don’t even know what’s going on at this a screenshot of my uh entire screen in raid Team 6 VC text uh and also it’s not really x-ray it’s

More just Journey map doing its fucking thing that’s crazy I’m going to blow my brains out I suggest against that damn yo Telemetry tapioca Telemetry t two tigers taste take turns tasting tapioca what Reed shut up please Reed stop get stop talking who my brother ah he won’t shut up about

This single thing just keep saying it over and over and over again well my friend just sent me a Snapchat if I split my hair like Moses is it better or worse than what say shit looks terrible he’s so goofy he has such a goofy haircut oh

Banse hello baby yes give me the money all right so I think that I need to make a fuck storage system cuz this shit ain’t working if only you had the uh uh brain not worky brain not worky yeah neither’s mine gonna give up it’s not even that big of a thing I’m

Just gonna stop talking I just don’t want to think oh my God it hurts now all right which these do I want to use there’s that and then there’s are you able to unfocus your eyes not talking to you can you I mean maybe I don’t fucking everything go

Blurry by relaxing your eyes or whatever possibly I don’t fucking know I personally can’t um sadness yeah um I got the dawning Spirit what that means my brain just said fish like that that Meme has destroyed my cognition apparently everything has destroyed my brain and I’m okay with this I just

Found a gy that gives me plus 10 to all stats I am a very happy man all right I’m okay yeah I I know that exists weapon AC acquisitioned exchange ticket upgrade got to be kidding me what why do I have half this shit like whoa what the

Bounty um I’m not the only one that absolutely hates evon’s guts right I don’t know I don’t know everyone else’s opinion on the LI I hate her a lot I don’t know I just don’t like her she’s too fastive I’m be real gamer it’s kind of a bullshit reason to hate

People what character do you hate in Destiny 2 don’t know I’d have to think about it think about it not sure um mending C A binding do I even have any decent legs hold on Armor no inventory okay um infinite forest cake Exodus Shaw I don’t like

Shaw even though people are like oh but he’s he’s so much he’s such a better character because you learned about why he has a uh like a fire team and all that yeah he’s he’s interesting but like shallow a lot of how much they he feels too shallow I don’t like the new

Tutorial I yeah no fucking new light experience is absolutely abysmal like they are they are one of the most played games on Steam yet they can’t make a level that actually has traps that fit except for riven’s Lair that I mean grasp of avarus had some yeah but was that like reusing

Stuff no actually a lot of crossbow a shit was new uh for that dungeon damn well uh Point still stands then again I don’t know if it was new or not because I don’t know shit about this game what do you mean you’re literally like the number one person I know when it

Comes to lore then you don’t know people literally just about the lore I I I’m only about the lure because I don’t give a shit enough about pppp wait how do I even give her a cookie oh Riven no fail safe uh it’s somewhere in front

Of her yeah I know but like even the K on a nearby surface is the best you can do but fail safe seems appreciative well I guess you just interact with her I don’t fucking know um Jacobson staff isn’t that isn’t Jacobson one of the

Uh yeah he was one of the uh he was the captain right yeah yeah he was the captain blueberry crumblers all right did I happen to get hit with sangi and vampirus whenever was down there CU if I did I am fucked um yeah cuz hold on where did I put that

Okay so I have a have a Jee somewhere in here where did I put that shit oh there it is all right so I need the Jean I need the quartz and then I need to get what the heck wait I I thought I just oh wait I haven’t given shahan his cookie

Yet oh yeah all right let’s give him the cookie and finish this Quest all right and then I need kind of like the dawning event it’s pretty enjoyable what difficulty are you on I don’t remember easy I think possibly why because I’m too much of a lazy motherfucker to change

It ah my ribs motherfucker it’s like I do not care do it no y I think I just fully yep Queen sensor fully up nice in the hold on to shit they just been saying shit in chat em storage time ability totems are such a good mod the

Apotheosis gems always confuse me I don’t think I’m capable of mentally using them stupid idea you can make your storage system a giant Hopper system it goes deeper and deeper with that weird book thing that appears to use chest in to access it tired even knowing you

Terraria you love all sorts of lore l yeah I I I do like lore but I’m not good at it number one person I’m not good at it though what do you mean you literally documented every single aspect of of the complex complex yes that’s not lore that’s exploration there’s like a point

Difference trust you still Del things I I made the lore motherfucker that shit didn’t have okay I if I may that meant there was something to build yes all right yes there was something to build off of billian didn’t intend for there to be something to

Build off of well there still was even if he didn’t intend it fair enough like that shit was it was a complete accident yet he didn’t abort the idea yeah honestly like I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t told me to fuck off by now like all the shit that I’ve

Done I’m yeah know I’m surprised he hasn’t told me the fuck off I want to buy a um Black Talon uh ornaments so bad like Black Talon ornaments are really good right now do you use Black Talon I’m using it right now h also I enjoy it and if I had a really

Good ornament I would use it a ton do you have a build for it I don’t have a build for swords no but I will if I get the ornament I get sharp flavor yet okay go back in all I need the BS sword kills you think I can get the sword

Kills if I just like uh even if I have no ammo and my sword yeah I’m pretty sure at least I’m not 100% sure but what does SW mean fuck if I know I’ve heard it before but I don’t know what it means I hope it’s nothing offensive no it’s

Not why would Russian Badger be saying it constantly then exactly it could never could never piss I forgot I needed a block there right so I need a gold chock no gold chalk purple chalk losing my mind all right purple this guy knows what’s up lethal

Company hold on is sh saying uh shit got Tire doing with shit but you’ll find every D okay you say that as soon as I got the game I went onto the steam guys to try to figure out how I could be the best at using the

Terminal like I am watching guides on how to be the best at the terminal I am going to be dispatch okay don’t need you need experience and I can give you that experience uh pretty good with terminals not gonna lie there’s no way that’s where it comes from Thea no way in hell

That’s where that comes from uh all right so I need three quartz a Jee and a right that’s for that okay wait hold on is this what I just made uh serger higher binding what did I just put down serger your higher binding okay that’s good I gotta go

What what was that uh must craft a book oh dictionary Spirits I’m losing my fucking mind see you have a good there we go all right so that’s the dimensional Matrix and then for this is acus spectral compulsion okay so both these are acuses right now I just got to

Wait for this shit to complete they added more stuff to the terminals yeah I no no okay so it’s in the game but I’m willing to bet its order I am willing to bet its order happy ding oh howy T hello how’s it going I am doing Dawning

Shit so is key and he keeps trying to get me into the game well you see I’m about to hop off because I need toep I should go to sleep because I work at 9:00 a.m. but honestly at this point if I go toep delt I can’t what the fuck can’t

Pronounce that name just dude SW was a meme before or the Russian Badger began playing fucking totally accurate Battlegrounds I know I keep saying it’s way older than that right it is it just was officially put into totally accurate Battlegrounds which is also funny as all hell but all

Right this shit needs to hurry the fuck up all right even give me your goddamn Bounty so I can get this fucking over with goodbye j y you said I needed to head out all right so why are you taking so long you bitch anyways the original was from old Microsoft Texas speech

Somewhere what I I don’t know what that’s about I that’s old internet shit like that’s that’s old internet I don’t know that all I know is that your initial explanation was wrong all I know is that you wrong right let’s see cookies I need to master work my up there we go

Right let’s see what I can craft that such an absurd statement I need to Masterwork my oven don’t worry about it all right uh being able to make an absurd amount of fucking break dusted snowballs all right okay I was wrong that’s the origin of its truest form okay now no idea what

That means but neat I guess where did I put my book where did I put my book I’m losing my mind there it is all right and then I need to set up you’re going crazy tired where is the CVS Su special compulsion that’s a ritual I had down

Before Why didn’t just do these ones first what the fuck is wrong with me okay do I need I need two jeene fuck no I don’t need Jean I need folet WP uh do I have any books Whopper whoer Whopper Whopper trip Whopper Discord you

Want me to join in near future you have my stream and still have I do on on Discord too yeah so the stream the Discord I’m currently in is my patreon Discord why the fuck did I just get four of those from that okay you know what I’m

Not going to complain uh the Discord I’m current is my patreon Discord uh pay the money I honestly just make it I might just make it so that like even if you just buy a commission for me you can join but like yes but money yeah commission is money International Bank of

Money uh boom B okay have I enough cookies yet no fuck oh wait oh shotgun so I need yellow there there there and there I need the rocks there and there and then I need the candles there and there okay boom done all right so three gold and another

Stone pedestal is that right yep and then I need a Jee in the center so pedestal one two three Boop storage actuator base combine that with the dimensional Crystal Matrix yep and I just made 800 bright dust today y nice and then for the I forgot to add the blaze powder and

Then tired exploded how much Blaze do I I don’t have much all right uh I need okay stir TI higher binding I could do I have enough gas tiers hold on uh no can I make gas TI um well all you have to do is make a ghast cry right

So all right dimensional storage actuator fuck yeah where the hell my oven go right 128 did Bungie eat my oven oh have I just not picked up on Titan yet that would explain it I did not have it on tighten yet great job potato I a genius now I need to

Grab oh piss I forgot I can technically make five of these so I need uh more copper wait no I never mind I already have all the copper blocks I need 1 2 3 four five one two three four five actually hold on do I need any more of those

Okay oh God I need 10 oh I need one more God damn it you know what fine I’m going to take five six eight time to be very happy that for some reason Spirit fire duplicates items if I get lucky yes I am I am lucky apparently going to now it is time

For me toy and sleepy have good oh fuck it there we go what hold on what was that uh oh all right welcome to hell dude uh let me go and just shoot the invite right quick um friends all friends uh invite to Vibe Corner as a did I click the invite

That go through I think it did um and that should show up that is all right hold on a sec hold on is your is your patreon username yeus fetus I’m just making sure that’s you right also I don’t know if you got the server invite um oh hey love how’s it

Going H I dropped hello right I think that went through why is this shit being weird hold on a sec what did we miss uh nothing much I new person joined the patreon so I’m shooting them a uh server invite hey go go all right good

Fucking Lord I forgot I had it this unlocked yeah and then hold on a minute what else do I need for this I need silver and gas TI okay well and that stir TI higher binding fuck why did I do this out of order uh all right did that person get in here

Yet there they are why does it not show you up hold on a sec I’m okay edit rolls tier one p Patron there we go what okay there it is okay thank you Discord for the super delayed notification uh oh fuck hello he there how you doing good you a

Person it’s been a while since we last played your voice is a lot deeper yeah ah deep voed person ah scary immediate fear yeah in the span of the last time we played I turned 18 bro you sound like you’re in your mid 20s what the fuck how old are you I’m

18 nah dude since the last time we played I trans my gender it’s been a while my gender has been trans fucking reminds me of the uh the video where it’s like this guy reviewing like this cleaning video of and like seeing how soon they turn their bathroom into toxic

Chemicals and like and now you just made mustard gas and then they they made another video where it’s like dude they’re still doing this I’m a girl now I’m literally a girl now I’m trans now that’s how long you how long it’s been since I last a ratio your

Ass fucking love that video so fucking much he is a top tier meme no just top tier video full stop it’s just a great video in beginning I bro you’re still making these bro you’re still making these I’m a girl now I fucking love videos like

That now do I remember what I’m doing vaguely yes no no no you don’t vaguely I’m I’ve caught up on the streams of of this Minecraft series and you don’t know what you’re doing with all due respect you have no clue okay I have a fuck I I I I I am

Defending myself I have a vague idea okay I have worked with these mods before all right I have worked with these mods before I have a general idea how things function I know blood magic like the back of my hand unless they added some new shit in 1.20 in which

Case I’m as clueless as ever um ours I have a decent understanding of these bookworms are new to me though and I need to get rid of them because they’re laging because I’m pretty sure they’re going to start lagging my game if I start adding too many kill them they’re

Not going to be killed they’re going to be put out of their misery there’s a difference also like is he tied to a fucking leash don’t worry about it’d wander off if I didn’t don’t worry about it’s literally okay this is a demon From Another Dimension that I conjured solely

To crush obsidian and endstone his name is Bob that’s sad his name is randomized I didn’t make this no I think it’s Bob no we already know Bob damn that’s fair do I want Nickelback name him Nickelback I he’s going to die I’m not going to name him anything his name is

Nelder that’s close to Nickelback his name is Nickelback now I was thinking I was thinking more fucking Ned Ned Kelly that works too Ned Kell is wait is it or Ted Bundy hold on wa wait where are we going with this drinks Ted Bunny’s Ted Bunny’s the bad one Ted

Bunny’s the bad one which one is Ned Kelly H close enough oh yeah Ned Kelly was the one who fucking wore a suit of bulletproof armor oh [Laughter] yeah honest mistake honestly he wasn’t guilty he was just a he was just confused why are you staring at Nickelback’s eyes I I don’t

Know okay I’m just I’m losing my mind aggressive eye contact with Nickelback oh look at this Photograph look at this graph please look at it while I crush your obsidian look at this Photograph okay this is actually somehow working this shouldn’t but it does yeah

It’s not even like I I see that and that makes me angry wait what do you mean it’s not even I mean the ritual you have going on it’s not even oh yeah no the balls aren’t even sorry balls I said balls not balls I’m not British I’m not g

To oh yeah got some balls here you yeah hold on a second I need to adjust everyone’s volume real quick all right so I am I I can’t even tell what fucking status effects I even have currently doing homework and I just heard the word ratio from a video and I’m losing my

Shit oh are you doing like numbers and shit you oh I was asking theya he’s dealing with numbers and shit oh no it’s it’s US History shit what the even worse I mean there’s technically numbers there I’ve got a question to ask you do you have a criminal record no is that still

[Laughter] required why is there just a random candle here why did I forget to remove that what candle I I I don’t even know all right wait a minute okay all right I I did my math right I did my math right okay yeah by the way tired there’s a mod

That I need you to look at for lethal company It’s called Skin Walkers it makes your I’ve already sh shush I’ve already shown a little bit yes I have a vague feeling of what that mod does just from the description yes oh yeah also Amanda I don’t know if

You were in the VC whenever I said it I have been studying how to operate dispatch I have been reading steam guides watching YouTube videos I’m going to be the god best goddamn dispatcher that has ever graced that terminal cow not a coward I’m going to be the most vital Barry

Picker okay have you have you worked any with the what is it called radar uh extenders no because I’ve always joined amant’s lobbies and she’s a broke ass motherfucker Okay that is one of my favorite items because characters can hold it around and if you use the

Command flash it can blind enemies even those coil head motherfuckers oh it can it can stop them for five seconds just completely so what you’re saying is all of my the one time I bought them and everyone made fun of me for it I was

Right yes and you can use it as a camera to check the entrance to see if it’s safe to go back the entrance oh my God also does it stun gestur it does stun gestur and also you can stop gestur from winding up if everyone leaves the

Building you have the mod that turns it into free bird holy shit yes have full respect for you thank you finally someone recognizing my mod my modding is one of my favorite fucking artists someone’s finally recognizing my genius around here love I was in Co whenever you introduced that and I recognized your

Genius oh piss why are so many fucking vampires everywhere unfortunately I’m friends with some rather uh intricate people and there’s other mods that they play with um just look up lethal haptics if you want to know what I’m talking about I I’ve already seen it yeah they were brave enough to stream

With that on wait what is it BL plugs yeah oh I am not seeing the pro it’s what what is it called uh it’s the it’s the ultra kill it’s the ultra kill it’s the ultra it’s the ultra kill yeah I hate to be the bear of bad news

But I’m not seeing the downside of this neither am I no downside to it but uh there are explain to me uh streaming with it it’s not a downside until you join a Lobby and someone is able to see through your mod list that is required to appear whenever you load

Into someone’s Lobby and it shows you with that mod then you have to explain yourself no you don’t say anything you are you are at that point you are legally allowed to invoke the fifth actually no no no then you can play the mind game of how do you know

About it how do you know that mod how do you know this how do you know it has butt plugs because it literally says butt plug mod why did you look at it why did you look at it it was required to download it was part of the mod pack I

Downloaded seems kind of sus little defley don’t know bruh seems a little defley sounds like someone’s got a connected but plug to me sounds like someone found out the hard way in both terms wait not just the good all right these are only tier one stabilizers so it’s not going to do much

In regards it’s only going to hold about 1,200 items so 1,200 unique items and NBT stuff makes it weird so I’m going to eventually need to upgrade to tier two three and four stabilizers but tier four requires blocks of icenium shulker shells and dragon breath and marug actually no Marine books aren’t that

Hard to make no be the topic for the next few hours I guess can we not also we need to deal with you fixes as inverted Tower fuck is that the one that requires me to kill the where is you fixes as inverted Tower yep it requires me killing a goddamn a

Freee birds no the afre is a uh is that wolf trying to attack the where did you come from dude stop trying to kill my sheep no the Irish are here what give them the potatoes the Irish are here for your sheep no it was a

Wolf I I was going to say new zealanders but wait what about new zealanders and sheep I was going to say the Welsh everyone’s what ability do you have it must be it must be an Australian thing then I haven’t gotten a flight totem yet no I do have slowfall I also have

Immunity to fall damage because of a artifact oh that’s fair what ability totems do you have right now fuck if I know it’s a decent amount um you can see with just a normal ability totem blindness conduit power haste four jump boost three luck one regen one slow

Falling speed three strength one unlock one why do I have that I don’t need that water breathing um I mean technically you can see all of them even the ones that are applyed to enemies by just you know I I opened the uh I open the menu it might be a second

For it to update on stream but yeah I I looked at it there all right so yeah 1,400 items that’s could be better it could be worse I mean this what it this all right it is what it is personally I find that mod also really beneficial because you you

Can also just you know like store experience oh what occultism no h to my brain thought we were still talking about lethal company in the but plug mod I’m like you are very far behind Jinx storing an important it’s storing a very important experience trust Me God I mean something’s being stored let’s move on no I I think we should stay on topic no okay I’m streaming on YouTube I’d rather not stay on topic let’s go more in let’s let what are the intricate working what was the first butt

Plug the real question is is there a sex with BC it needs to be answered no it doesn’t jinx it doesn’t need to be answered okay it doesn’t need to be answered but chat would you down there’s literally two people in chat and I’m pretty sure both of you motherfuckers are them

Well okay well answer your own question video and comment exactly yes we would see you’re the weird one let us continue talking about it come on for research of course all right I’m only going to keep around the bookworms so I can hold enchanted books and uh gems is that a fucking

Magical me system basically yeah magical system how do you expand it storage you see it’s only a 1408 yeah so each of these storage stabilizers there’s four tiers of them right now they’re at tier one um you can upgrade those and depending on the upgraded tier it adds different slots or

More slots interesting yeah all right also be totally honest whenever I did ability totems on my own server we did like ice and fire and bullshit um oh I just hunted fish fish I just hunted fish and they had like higher Rarities than any mob that I found and that’s how I

Got my first flight totem you just punted fish I just punched fish I mean if it works it works I guess life accident what’ you hit the first the first one that I got was water breathing and second one was dolphin’s Grace fucking save your luck right there and

Then after that I just it was just game from there fish time you know what that means fish you know what that means fish fish hello hello hello my name is Elder I don’t care no I threw in my axe hello my name is Elder price and I would like to share

With you the most amazing book hello book of is one of my favorite fucking musicals the fact that you said the book of M then I said mine comp and the exact same wait what jinx jinx we can’t make those jokes on stream no it’s not nauy naughty

Naughty naughty can’t say those things Jin shut the fuck up I know I’m sorry shut the fuck up those are some unhappy YouTube words I don’t want to probably won’t be happy with that either Kick’s probably all right with it and absolutely I mean twitch has been allowing people with

Their tits out for a while so yeah but that exactly that’s why twitch is getting better than YouTube and kick titties I mean kick you’ll just find straight up illegal shit discuss what this is though I actually saw someone get actually dead you know on stream that was not a good

Night no got shut up no can’t stop stop stop brain stop it hey you got some supressed knowledge down there intrusive thoughts n that’s not intrusive that’s impulsive no that’s intru either way let’s not talk about whatever the fuck’s going on on that website we’re not allowed to by

Law my lawyer must be present that sounds like a robot I was going for Squidward Squidward activation well I’ve never watched SpongeBob never don’t be late turkey sandwich they have it walking slash walking slush oh my God it’s him it’s the Squidward Spong The Man Behind the Slaughters I found the man behind the slaughter it was me why it was me why did I Go Goofy fuck up what did I go I actually love that they played a living tombstone song that was I saw that in film and it was it was honestly

I was pretty happy about that I was like hey yo did you fail to realize that every single original soundtrack from them was you know by songs and the living was by The Living Tombstone every single unique track Bang is no like every single like like the background Tex everything else he worked

On the movie it was all the living tombstone holy shit that’s why that’s why yo fucking disappeared it all makes sense yeah that all is that what lazy was about all I fucking loved that fucking Cameo they did a matte P Pat Uh cameo

Yeah yeah no Amanda and I were in a VC and when that shit showed up she had to pause the she had to pause it for a second the breakdown was in fact is one of the most important meals of the day but hey that’s just a theory did they

Pay you by the hour to talk I I wish I wish the ending was matat as a detective in the end I think this and this is what happened but that’s just a theory and then fat to Black and then he’s also completely fucking wrong of course you know I genuinely

Hoped Freddy either rocked his shit or he stole a pizza of it you realize that’s not the that’s not the only FNAF movie that’s been oh yeah no no no there’s no way in fucking hell it’s gonna be the last one they made Bank off that shit I mean I mean literally Freddy

Fazbear caught ATT taxi actually no I’m pretty sure it was golden Freddy yeah it was yeah it was golden yeah they they for two whole more movies there’s going to be two more FNAF movies with the main the same main cast honestly they did a really good job like especially with the animatronics

Did the animatronics were like physical models weren’t they yes like they were actual like yes they were actual animatronics and for the actual like uh Because the actual animatronics are dangerous to like be around that close in some scenes they actually had like people in suits but even the suits were very well

Made agreed also the way they did the fucking spring locks on one of the suits not on you know Afton suit it was really fucking well done it genuinely like looked I mean if it was well done on afton’s suit I mean man it wouldn’t have been it wouldn’t happened would it

True honestly me and my friends were like were con we were confused on how they were going to do it because either they were going to uh make it to where after obviously they were going to kill them like we weren’t sure because Vanessa was in the scene way

Earlier than what we know Vanessa in like we found Vanessa in you know security breach right and of course afon really really really shows up in the third movie as springtrap third movie and third movie yeah yeah yeah y but in the you doubled down on your

Mistake fuck I’m I’m okay hold on I’m not awake enough I’m not aw enough it’s 10:22 p.m. nothing is working in my brain let chill I’m gonna finish this assignment and then I’m going to see if I can get on some lethal company just in my own

B actually fuck it well no GTFO free weekend just ended GTFO is a banger game yeah they had last weekend they had free weekend and anyone who didn’t have the game could play it for the weekend I’m pretty sure they did that similar with fucking Diablo 4 or

Something yeah it’s a great fucking selling point especially because during that weekend they had I think it was like a good 40 to 50% off and so if you liked the game you could just buy it for a reduced price of course I still had to I had the

Game already which game are we talking about here GTFO gems Scrolls books one of the greatest FPS Shooters in my personal opinion Fair Fair Fit valid I would say it’s a great horror shooter yeah yeah you have good there what is I think my lowkey favorite favorite

Game would have to first person shooter would have to be um tribes of send when that was still around no solely because it played very similar to Quake but it was more slidy I guess it was more the um fastpac that I like not really the shooty but

Still I’m gonna go get more milk even though I sound like I’m in my mid3 drink no no don’t get the mil come back second or two minutes I don’t know I I live in the upstairs I have to go down oh I’m out of milk time to go no yeah

I was about to make a joke about that but I can’t see that clearly they’ve never been on this stream before we can make many jokes but that is crossing the line is it why did I just say I’m going to go get milk and then I didn’t go get milk

Let me go get milk fool I have distracted you the fool has fallen for the classic blunder of I don’t give a fuck what the fuck is that is that a Jesus um there’s a creature nearby I want you guys to guess what it name is well what is look like it’s a

Panda it’s apparently a common apathetic boss I just called Freddy Fazbear oh not that was only one night at Freddy’s what the fuck it wasn’t even one night I killed him in like 30 seconds Faz 3: a.m. chall Bruh guys I just saw pry Fazbear at 3 a.m. no all right I need to put all this away can put the bookworms over here so I can use that uh I got that I got gold uh what where H ho the fuck a fucking Necromancer what the fuck are you

Doing damn it jinx what what’ I do your fucking phone every time every time well I’m too poor to get another one it’s funny I’m stuck it’s funny though what do I have bound to ey hold on controls kebs I uh oh oh my God I have an idea for the

Sketch o got a beautiful idea okay done done back to game okay hell yeah now I can finally type without my computer throwing a fucking fit right yipp what are these called gloves okay no uh right get over here motherfucker you just look so fucking why the anti-aliasing go

Down the anti what the anti-aliasing on my fucking pen just went down for no reason I don’t think you know why the reason is Jank we love clip Studio paint in this house so much clip studio is quite good so good not okay all right these fuckers need to

Piss off do I have like an anti Phantom wait no what am I doing I can just sleep I’m an idiot find a key to True Darkness first part in Buried Treasure I didn’t come to me okay okie doie I Heard a Voice from the abyss let’s chill all right uh

We ran out of milk in the fridge so I grabbed a mug from the down from the basement freezer root beer root beer I mean a mug of milk oh all I’m hearing is root beer let me see if I can send you a picture

All so there’s all of that uh gems books look at the vampirism stuff um all right uh that’s okay okay Google unshit my jords what you heard the lad it didn’t work why’ you sound so distraught like because they shit their jords is it an obvious I know but like

That was like that sounded like genuine like sorrow cuz they shit through even say it again in the same sh sent the image and memes of my mug of milk what are we about to see hold on a minute no that is in fact a mug of

Milk um love no Jinx couldn’t say it so I did I no I was saying it he just said it in text come come come chalice no you cannot bring a cup of milk into the presence of why you frothing up the C I have to dink this much cuz I’m

6’4 you’re tiny tiny baby man how tall are you I’m 6’8 no 69 actually 69 nice so yeah I’m a bit of a giant and I don’t like it because I’m afraid of P what so you’re reti existence is just fear yes bruh i a l the problem is I’m still

18 I don’t give a fuck I’m still 18 I still have more to grow okay so one day you might catch up the Jinx is what you’re saying uh oh you watch me do it get the axe what do you mean get the axe are you intending on like chopping his legs off

So he can never be as tall as you no think him where he isk is I’m sorry just no iend not killing him where he is jinx yes okay I cannot condone murder legally lety now I don’t want to RSE psychology boys and girls can I change this what the fuck is that

Uh I don’t even fucking know all righty um yeah so all that’s normal and then all this is the shit that I can’t these are all like things with NBT data I fucking guess Um and then I put that away I have set up my storage system so let me go ahead and grab my to-do list where did I to list go there it is I need to turn off that magnet right Ault system storage system yes right come all right demon Realms command word come

I wonder if that would work would that work I’m asking I am asking for science I swear what was that would would command word come work technically now I’m not pointing fingers but Amanda definitely did not tell me to say that BR what what am I being accused of uh

You’re not being accused of anything we’re not accusing you of anything it usually happens so I’m just well I said you did not tell me to say it so obviously I’m not accusing you CU I would never do that no they would never I’ve known them for like 15

Seconds and no they would do that compared to be my my 6’4 friend here is Bilbo baggin what he small he’s tiny little baby man that is what he is he will grow to be big more crimes than you can ever think of and that is why you are baby

Man actually hold on I think I still have the crimes list saved to my phone the crimes list you know damn well what I’m talking about yes yes tell us your crimes yes no I don’t know about the CRI L cuz my memory is shit I’m not wearing a wire

Yes tell us your crimes hold on let me see okay let me see is it on my main Drive crimes committed genocide regicide communism just in general relics nameless trinkets artifacts oh wait have I checked artifacts no I have ah here it is okay turn the dungeon into a MH pit wait

No wait oh I remember the crimes list now you motherfucker turn the dungeon into a mosh pit should not be allowed to touch event summons Zerg the following blood moon Frost Moon Pumpkin Moon Martian evasion and the dungeon again someon calamitus on me with next to no

Prep failed to kill me you Gods me no failed to kill me you know what I’m just going to say it here slashes you in the chest and you’re on fire fuck you seven kidnappings and Counting okay so please post this list in not the built-in VC text but the

External VC text right quick because I can’t remember what’s on that list underneath the C comments wait where is rebirth coming out fucking uh next year oh it’s coming in February oh there we go I sent it all right let’s see this shit hold on oh yeah I remember

This Mac broke the economy killed a child contaminated her F lost is One V one with prepr Providence Brimstone Elemental not a crime just funny enslaved several dragons and calls them his family distributed illegal substances Boomie broke is that is that is that is that the magic mushroom thingy no it was Zerg

Potions oh uh Boomie broke the Rope blew up the desert summoned a fucking ravager kept using a stupid cat sword lag lost his One V one with night Providence get fucked LOL pixel pissed on several bosses I can’t remember if that was literal or not and then proba probably I

One yeah probably turn the dung into a MOS pit should not be allowed to touch event summons Zerg the following okay so woke up the idolm twice nearly crashed the server by fishing summon special variant to every single vanilla boss on my head with warning which

Failed to kill me at this rate I’m Immortal challenged you g to Knuckles and one became God to fight God challenged mutant and one squirrel in a top hat don’t ask I know what he’s referring to yeah um let’s see Nemesis of gravity halit Cannon plus chloros Shard darts plus

Ranger boosts equals lag and then also won’t get any good fucking sleep yeah that was that that was our that was our Calamity playthrough honestly we need to play Calamity again with updated mods and shit because like no no no I wasn’t there but I agree I

Agree honestly if you want you could join us like we should get I agree wholeheartedly then let’s go let’s go right now June this was June 28th 2022 the last time it was updated yeah it was it’s been a while since we’ve all played together like man did you want to join

Us for Calamity if we ever do like a playthrough like that again pretty sure m is doing a solo playthrough of Calamity aren’t you yeah yeah I’m doing a solo play through okay they don’t want spoilers ready I need to make a wait are they wait is that Persona 3 Reloaded is that

A re or I believe it is a remake yeah what is what are you talking about uh P Persona 3 reload oh yes yes yes that is right I need my all right uh what kind of shit do I need Roy it’s a battle royale okay I can see why

Now what tier blood Crystal fortnite but everyone drops money on death all right I need this one this one requires sunsh okay time time to do the thing I hate zone of sunshine is one of my favorite VR games I didn’t even know it was a VR

Game I was going to I was going to say I was going to say same but then I was like no cuz cuz my favorite VR game is still probably blade and sorcery oh yep there you go my second my like like I normally I’d say something like you know oh

Something very obvious like beat saber or something is my second one no everything everything goes down on the list because I just remembered i’ played gtf on VR that’s got to be my top play nuh but um honestly do you mean nuh honestly right I I can’t even say it’s

Any of those games any game that you guys would probably know because it’s not any of those games the game it is my second favorite game of all time for VR is Groundhog Day like father like son because that game is so fucking dumb and

Hilarious to the movie it is it is a direct sequel to the movie oh yeah okay which one of you fuckers rename the channel to war crimes 101 I actually didn’t know I don’t even have perms to do that no no no no no no it’s

Like the uh like the status in here oh well I have no idea that was they lost check okay probably ke probably ke but ke’s not even in here I think he went to sleep but he might have done that earlier because when I joined it was still that name

Huh not pointing fingers but finger point finger point all right To hey you guys want to see something a little dumb little stupid yeah I’m gonna hold on what what SL is that that’s okay that goes there that goes there okay so SL one extra level of Fortune creepers avoid the wearer do I have anything that gives me any more speed

Boosts uh knock back resistance uh oh increases aware’s movement speed after taking damage I’ll go and put that on um let me go ahead and turn off my fall damage immunity and also turn off my slow falling that way I can go ahead and I recently I’ve been playing crowd control

Minecraft uh and it’s fucking amazing H crowd control Minecraft never all right oh it’s just where stream can actually interact with your game and cause events to happen oh that’s what it is all right what are you Shing us T all right go to look at my stream and hold

On a minute do I have my Lily Pad off no I don’t okay look at how fucking fast I’m running God fucking damn am i d this is not my top speed because I have to take damage in order to hit my top speed hold on a minute let

Me go ahead and take damage right quick hello hit me bitch bitch blue path is fucking skeleton okay there we go I don’t even know what the fuck that dude is I’m I’m I’m running so fast that chunks can’t even load right yeah there’s no way in hell I’m keeping

This but it is kind of funny Thrasher damn yeah uh this is a combination of the God’s Crown speed force life force necklace oh sorry paranoia necklace and um a couple of Apothic boosts correct me if I’m wrong but I believe you can upgrade your speed boost one level more with the ability

Totem yeah you’rea right no I don’t I don’t have any more in there unfortunate yeah it is what it is what yeah actually I might actually have some ability totems oh fuck that was the other NBT thing I meant to put away fuck hold on well on uh L of us

REM all right yep okay yep that was a shit that I needed to put away oh yeah did you see that uh what is it GTFO got rundown 8 released gtf F God rundown eight released I didn’t know what that means how long has it been since you

Played GT oh quite a fucking while ah okay well uh they release new like branches of levels every couple of months and just recently they released Brown 8 which is the last one and I may or may not have just voice acted for it

And I may or may not be in the game uh I may or may not have called it a c chalice but but that also means that you can play all the previous rundowns at the same time because the game is now completely finished finished let’s

Go and it’s one of my favorite games ever especially since you know I voice active in it it’s special to me because I’m in it I in it which is a pretty big Flex in my own personal in my personal opinion because that also meant that I could have voiced for payday 3

But I kind of was busy whenever they were doing requests for voices so uh request of voices yeah wait who was the fucking uh the Aussie character in Payday 2 I can’t remember their name I can’t remember other uh what other was it Bonnie pretty sure she was a female

Australian I don’t think they had a male Australian shit oh wait fuck I forgot that Cork’s not in this version yet yeah I don’t need to worry about cork TS fuck yeah okay yipp yippe indeed um I wonder how much sh you know it was really funny when I played with

Vampirism uh with ice and fire and all those other mons cuz also one of the ability totems I had was fire resistance so I just continually got damage ticks but I wasn’t taking damage because I had fire immunity and so it just fucked with

Me and I had to listen to the hurt noise 24/7 until I fucking got the upgrade tree where I didn’t take fire damage from the Sun o it was torture it was complete torture yeah I I remember some of that and I never took that upgrade I don’t think um

You just have to use the umbrellas and shit yeah yeah and again it was an RP server so like it was fine I played by a bunch of random rules that I set for myself like okay I I would have used the umbrellas if not for the fact that they

Broke so damn fast yeah no like I remember burning through a lot of diamonds for them I they costed too much and they lasted too short I could not keep up with that yeah no honestly the problem I had was wool not diamonds because like diamonds we had shit to generate that but

W uh a certain someone um uh had killed basically every instance of livestock on the server and like the server was just so big that mobs wouldn’t really spawn or at least not properly so like it was hell to get string to make wool that’s the yikes so like we had to

Use fucking flax oh yeah flax in order to get string in order to make wool in order to make umbrellas which the flex from cuz Pam’s Harvest craft wait Flex is easier it might have been it was 1.12 I don’t fucking remember I do remember that eventually everything was just skipped

Because chain went into fucking what’s it called mystical Agriculture and mystical agriculture is kind of fucking broken like I remember he technically made vegan blood um he took uh the mystical agriculture plants made it so they grew through beef and then put that through a blood saeve that’s fucking

Amazing we also technically made a dimension where all the water was blood both blood magic and vamper in blood the ground was made of obsidian the sky was Pitch Black yeah that was interesting we had mcraft in that pack creating mods yeah we had mcraft in that pack um which uh

Did some funny things to the server internally the I don’t doubt that yeah no cuz uh you know when you have a bunch of shit posters making uh that many dimensions on a multiplayer heavily modded server shit starts to get a little weird eventually um but

Yeah I think I could One V one a warden and win let’s go you always say that every single player says that and then they proceed to get Echo blasted several thousand times and then they regret everything yeah well I have keep inventory on I can teleport back to my

Death pretty quickly I can technically get myself like four rows of Hearts I have crazy Enchanted armor even though it’s only like iron and shit um I have a ton of uh what’s it called fucking um tarot cards I have a decent netherite sword I have an auto feeder in

My back pack I have enough stupidity to compensate for my lack of skills I think I can win a w I think I can win a 1 V one against a warden well you just got to T yeah now I just got to fucking find a warden I’ve

Destroyed every single skull sensor in my area because I fucking hate them um mainly because whenever I found them I was way too fucking scared of wardens in order to test my luck but now I think I might be able to do it only problem is wardens Do not drop

Anything to compensate the feat of killing them yeah but you know sometimes it’s just about the effect that you did it unless they added more drops I mean I think they drop Echo shards um I’d have to check though I don’t know what Echo shards are but I hope I think they might

Be a modded thing actually um not entirely sure I’d have to check Jinx your fucking phone sorry I’m po no no no no I just hear and I think of the stupid fucking memes about that Sound Hey listen owning an Android or anything does not make you any worse than owning an iPhone iPhone users like myself are just a bunch of cult members and we’re too afraid to admit it except me who just doesn’t give a shit honestly it’s not because the iPhone’s better we

Just have been buying them for so long often that you know it’s too late to stop I’m just used to have the UI looks yeah like I I’m too used to it plus I don’t know if shit’s on iOS or Android and I honestly don’t give a shit

About learning a new Play Store whatever honestly I don’t even realize the green texts or blue texts anymore I just realize if they’re fucking answering my texts in general God I can feel myself about to sneeze really fucking hard dad sneeze knock back no I’m very happy that sneeze

Wasn’t like my normal sneezes cuz my normal sneezes are really fucking tiny like like the fairy sneezes I fucking hate it right like I hated it before I was trans and I still hate it now that I am yeah no my sneeze is like the Overture fucking Cannon

Like there’s no mercy whenever I sneeze you’ll hear it from wherever the fuck you are and it’s going to be loud and you’re going to go death hooray where the fuck am I going F boom sound effect but like if you went death where are the fucking am I

Going I’m going the same place I’ve been forgot I added that actually I don’t even know if I did I don’t remember I’ll have to check the mod list eventually or I’ll forget you just check in the recipe vogs yes I did however I’m not at home so I don’t

Feel like making it I could technically make a dimensional storage actually so that I can actually like access my storage whenever I’m out and about however doesn’t that take a lot of RF or grid power nope H all the shit that I’m working with is completely power free oh

Motherfucker that is the power of magic I don’t need to worry about FL too damn lucky back in my day we Zapped our shit look okay I don’t need to worry about flu okay I don’t need to wor about Redstone flux I got to worry about thic flux

Um actually I don’t need to worry about thic flux cuz uh C to the full Hub stcraft still hasn’t come out and I haven’t seen anything about it lately and I’m kind of what’s this about th craft uh so you know how Colts of the full hob uh picked

Up th craft after asor said he wasn’t going to develop th craft 6 anymore MH well I’ve heard jack shit about the new th craft and I am totally patient about it th craft is one of the best magic modes in my opinion I know I fucking love it I’ve

Done so much dumb shit with th craft and I want it to be brought to the modern version so I can do even more dumb shit like if I could combine it with modern blood magic and shit like malum occultism RS I irons I I want to dotism the one that you can

Like take DNA samples off people’s bed and then fuck with them no that’s witchery and it’s like subsequent uh versions like uh bitchman that’s my that’s my favorite magic mod yeah I I’ve worked with I like fucking with people yeah I’ve worked with bment 1.12 and then I think MAA what was the

Version that we played in fabric a while back oh sh she’s fucking gone uh there was a version of bewitchment that I played with in fabric with am Manda a while back um I don’t remember which version that was but um apparently the mod H like its development has been

Moved to fabric and I think it might actually be moved again eventually but I don’t fucking know um I really really like that and then uh I know there’s like older older versions of it like witchery is like the first version it’s ever been and shit like that not sure about

How much more than that though I don’t have extensive history about that mod or extensive knowledge about that Mod’s history I wish I did but I don’t because I’m fucking stupid silly you know it’d be interesting H uh I might be jumping the g a little

Too much but I think it would be entertaining to see like the patreon chat for uh what is it called Vault Hunters multiplayer what like folks in my server just playing Vault Hunters together yeah I mean I if I could afford to host a server I might do that

That does sound like a good idea and I want to play Vault Hunters what is that mod that I keep on using there’s one that lets you play multiplayer without having a server whatsoever uh it’s called Essentials but one person has to be online there needs to be someone

Online for that and it’s just like it’s like opening to land but like a lot more accessible I guess I don’t know the exact way to put I’m going to go probably eat I’ll see you guys later all right love you have a good one all right love you all bye

Bye and then there were three and then there were not mentally there’s only two at least if not less no there’s zero EXA how are you doing mentally you know what I’ve been doing pretty good that’s good um this is my last year of high school as a

Senior H and you know this year I don’t have to actually take any real classes uh I’ve got all credits for everything um I’m probably going to go major in Psychology and minor in music um I’ve got everything pretty well planned out damn I went to college one year after I got

Out of high school five day singular semester failed and now I owe the government money let’s sounds that sounds like most people’s experience with college I now work at a pet store though I do love my job genuinely like I used to work at a grocery store

And I was I’ll be honest I was fucking miserable because like it was a it was a bit of a ritzy uh grocery store so everyone there expected to be waited on hand and foot yeah yeah so like places like Sprouts or some shit no it was I

Don’t I don’t want to say the name CU I don’t know if it’s a regional thing like I don’t know if it’s like specifically in my part of the of the states but like it was definitely a smaller chain um well okay it’s a smaller chain but like

It it’s part of a larger company but it’s a lot more expensive so like all the people that go there are like Rich snuck stuck up snobs you know I think of Al these but yeah that now no it wasn’t Aldi but it had a similar

Vibe yeah um I’m not going to list any more names cuz I probably will find out eventually accidentally and it’s chill if you guess it I’m not going to say yes or no but what are we talking about sorry I I was just talking about my job before the one I currently have

Like it was okay it was definitely gooder stores the like the employers and the uh the other employees they’re going to be great to my knowledge but the people who go there to shop they’re going to be assholes yeah so like uh and don’t get me wrong having

Good co-workers is great but I mean if if it takes mental capacity to like deal with the people you are dealing with I think you know that’s not the best way to go live yeah I my job was definitely I was I worked as a cashier right and

Then I rung up one or two things wrong and they put me on bagging and the problem that I had was back then and still now to an extent I don’t have the uh like proper physical like dexterity not dexterity more strength actually of being able to like lift shit and like

Bag stuff so like so they just condemned you to something you just couldn’t do yeah no so they did that they said either go on bagging for like six months right six months or some some crazy stupid fucking number right or uh find alternative employment is the way that

They put it so I looked at manager dead in the eye and said I’m going to find alternative employment well actually I gave it a couple of days to try it out and I did not like it so I said yeah no um I appreciate the opportunity you guys

Have given me here I’ve definitely learned a lot of things and I think I can take these skills somewhere where I will be better at my job so I left and then a couple of months later I started working at the pet store and since then I have been a lot less overwhelmed

Mentally I can I can already tell that from my minor amount of time seeing you again yeah like I definitely feel like I I don’t know how to put it like whenever we were playing Terraria I could tell like you were you were happy to play but you know

It was already a lot of drainage on you you were like a thousand times more energetic yeah no like even though I have to go in at like 9 in the morning tomorrow and it’s like 7 minutes past midnight I’m not going to bed tonight cuz like I can handle work without

Sleeping right I’m just going to be working cashier for like 5 hours and then I have two days off I’ll be chill um and I hold on a sec my brain is delayed um I I can handle work without sleeping right as uh despite what that experience

Just seemed like I can handle it right um so if I go to sleep now I’m going to wake up at like noon right yeah I have to go in at 9: which means I need to wake up at about 8 I need wake up at

Around 8 right so I can shower get food Etc deal with traffic because there’s massive fucking construction on my way to work and like all that shit you know yeah you know I have to get up a lot earlier than n but it’s also a lot more

Fun uh I’ve got show choir me something called children honestly my whole entire personality is out online I literally have my last name and my first name on everything I I am on and so I do show choir and shit of course by my voice you can tell I’m a base

Too um and that’s one of my favorite things about life right now honestly just the fact that I’m able to sing with friends and shit yeah that sounds awesome I worked I think I told you this story whenever we were playing uh Terraria but I worked on construction in

My high school yeah yeah did I tell you that we hung a catboy yes yeah yeah like I had a ton of fun in construction for theater the teacher was a bit of a stuck up asshole but other than that my teacher do you think that’s just a theater teacher thing

Or I think as soon as you become a theater teacher you just lose all joy in life I know that or you become like some Whimsical Fay like there’s there’s no in between either you literally lose your will to live or your will to live is so strong

That reality cannot keep you Tethered to this Earth yeah cuz uh I kind of have a mix of those uh I have this old hag um who finds no joy in anything even in acting and then I have this bald like 300 lb like joyous child man who also is

At at the same time one of the most like condescending motherfuckers I’ve ever met and will mentally degrade you in the most happiest tone you’ll ever fucking hear and you’ll never recover from it what’s chat going on about I’m like half paying attention to chat there is a

Singular person here I think maybe I don’t know I I I have no idea what’s going on I’m just I just look over at chat and someone’s saying some shit that I don’t understand what did they say what did they say I don’t know you can look at chat

Yourself stop the cat what the fuck do you mean by that stop the cat I don’t know what we’re what the fuck Glutton fish stomach Glutton fish eyes don’t think I want to eat those can I get anything else from these things uh it appears I cannot uh all

Right you know what I still don’t know how it work H luck the luck modifier in Minecraft uh different drop rates I think or drop chances about that but I’m unsure on how it works with looting um I think it Stacks out of that or it just

Is weird I just know I just don’t know the specifics of it it’s just it’s math which means I don’t understand it I already passed all my math classes I’m not going to do any more math fuck that yeah not mood I’m I’m doing my senior year without any math without any science

Without any uh what is it without any English Arts I’m just you’re chilling I’m literally living the best life for my senior year let’s go this is what I’m talking about all right I’m gonna go into a test person in chat are you a bot if they respond to

That then they’re not a bot because Bots seconds yeah Bots have like no comprehension of what’s actually being said in the video right I mean they don’t respond like a bot so I highly doubt it yeah but I don’t know if that just luck or POV you call your viewers B okay so

They are not a bot okay you how could you you have heard hurt their feelings I think their messes I think their messages are just so like above sentient abilities that we’re just too like numb we’re too small brain to understand yeah it’s like it’s like that one uh Regular Show clip where

Rigby and morai learn a language so in incredibly high IQ that they everyone else sounds like gorillas me yeah fish I that’s just a dog fish all righty I am losing my mind I losing your mind I’m D hi did you end up finding a cactus by the way no I found

PL found magic plants though so it’s good enough motherfucker get over here Duke fishron looking ass get over here speaking of the dad jokes there’s a good chance in the next 10 or 20 years I might actually be a fucking dad H congrats kind of gay yeah being straight is kind of gay

You know being straight is a new gay I don’t know I liking women how us be of you I fellas is it gay to see I mean you’re literally looking at other men no I think it’s fellas is it gay to see I mean you’re literally observing a world where men

Are fellas is it gay to breathe air I mean you’re literally breathing in dick particles what that’s what the video says word for word it it is true it is true it is no word of a lie fellas is it gay to exist I mean you’re literally choosing to exist in a

World of dicks is it gay to pray I mean you’re literally getting on your knees for another man that’s a way of seeing it I guess father I have there listen listen listen because if you’re if you believe in Christianity you’re technically getting on your knees for three

Men also it’s polyamorous gayus that’s polyamorous gayus that’s three times the gay it okay all right but is it really three men if they’re all technically like ritually the same person or some shit then you’re just okay it’s polyamorous for a conjoined yeah no no no it’s like it’s

It’s it’s like polyamorous system gayness like yeah wait is the Holy Trinity the first documented system you literally haven’t wait is the yeah no is the Holy Trinity like the first system the first system what do you mean by that like a the did that’s a joke but

Like if they’re the same thing like they’re the same person but three different aspects the Holy Trinity yes and then my brain is thinking the UN Holy Trinity I have faith in my steam Library I actually need to play that game is it gay to have sex with a man yes well

Technically having sex with a man you don’t even beat around the bush with that one you get straight to the thing that actually would get the result of yes all right where am I where the fuck am I oh I am back in known territory like fuck just like the Book of Mormon

Said it’s okay to have gay thoughts it’s just not okay to have to action on them okay Gay Thoughts are fine gay actions no I you see look I actually no never mind I don’t have a point I just said look cuz I wanted to say something but then I

Lost it butons one that’s gay and crush it what I don’t know I’m quoting the fucking musical The Book of Mormon is the greatest musical I’ve ever listened and watched I thought it was a religion The Book of Mormon is an actual well Mormonism is an actual religion but the Book of

Mormon is a uh Musical made by the authors of South Park sorry we were talking about my I just got back wait no we were not shut the fuck up Jinx we can’t make those jokes on stream oh we talk up you bitch you know damn well what you

Just said didn’t I can’t help it yes you can you just take a second to think about the words that are going to come out of your mouth and then you don’t say them if they’re going to get me in trouble but I did and I found them funny okay

But did you consider don’t don’t just don’t just don’t but not even finishing that just don’t do not what the fuck pathetic coins vials of Arcane extraction uh B of arth apologize no it’s too late for apology now you must be publicly executed mood if I can find any more fellas

Mes okay I’m gonna go Ahad and ban this guy they seem to be a bot yeah um well they’re not a bot they’re just annoying and I’ll have you know I do have a dad actually the funny part about that is I have five moms Heim doll wait no what what was the

North God who was birthed simultaneously by nine mothers uh that would be a boulder ah thank you weird question immediate got an answer oh my God that is amazing what fellas is it gay to throw a hammer at your bro I mean you’re technically banging him

I’m pretty sure that’s class of is okay you I don’t think that’s over the line I don’t think that’s over the line is a gay to take out the trash I mean met a trash so you’re basically taking out another man damn what are these

Tweets fellas I mean no no no you could do that you could do that joke in two different ways fellas is it gay to take out the trash I mean you’re literally holding a sack fellas is it gay to be born I mean you’re literally letting an man bring you into this world

I what is a gay to drink water the male body is 60% water you’re pretty much consuming another man you’re 60% gay yes okay which I think technically classifies as bisexual holy fuck I just realized my fucking we laugh doesn’t get picked up by my fucking auto uh what is it called

Like your mic suppression so annoying one mys I don’t know staring at two balls in the sky sounds pretty gay me no that’s just God just like dipping it down for you real quick I hateing that already was just a brief moment of quiet and then

What is it gay to drink almond milk I mean you drink a n was that enchantment book just worker exploitation yes I I see I I see no downside to this enchantment it makes it so like if you because I mean I needed something to spice up my Minecraft let’s play and I

Thought hey you know what work exploitation sounds like a great one so what that enchantment does is it there’s a chance for sheep to drop like double wool or cows to like Drop double buckets of milk but if that happens they get damaged huh how the fuck would that work with cows

Would it duplicate your buckets no fucking clue never had it work okay I found a I found a good one all right Jinx we’re getting towards the end we’re we’re getting towards the end of that all right but it’s good okay all right all right last one I Pro last one fellas is

It gay to be a man I mean assuming at an arist Aristotelian view of Mind Body dualism you’re literally inside a man at all times my fucking god is it gay to exist is apparently the question that’s the last one that’s that’s that’s the last one okay sorry I had to dig

Deeper apparently said did that question I’ll say one last one because this one’s the most funniest fellas is it gay to be misogynistic I mean you’re literally treating men better than women damn that’s a bit too real unfortunately so oh hey a village oh one of the new

Villages wait I’m in unad I’m in New chunks I’m going to find some weird shit you you say that as I see you just kill villager or Pillager I don’t know what it was I think it was clown that was a clown full of slugs it was a clown full of booze and

Slugs well that was a Flawless gem I need that uh don’t need a FR there’s a cur right on the tip of my tongue yeah that was some difficulty to get in that door shut up uh do not hide from the Truth don’t care about the fish don’t actually no I don’t care about that I need to get that dark treasure all right uh I can go and put that away I can put this away I can put that Away up all right timeing to raid these motherfuckers for everything they have potato potato recovery it’s an enchantment for create that allows you to recover potatoes you fire from a potato cannon let’s go that’s fucking amazing that is the best wa wait this mod pack has create that it does some

Reason that’s the second best enchantment other than worker exploitation holy shit my game is lagging Poes all right none of this shit has the shit that I want this Village is scuffed and sucks yeah every single item on the ground has just been released no it hasn’t I have a

Magnet and none of it got picked up so it doesn’t exist hey is that a wraith with a totem yes it is and it’s totem of jump boost the fuck it we ball all righty I think I need to head back home and drop off my inventories inventories is plural all right so

Gem and then all the rest of the shit can just go in here I can grab that and put that away as well all right grabble this all right chat saying anything else no okay ow fuck I scratched my face no how do you fucking do that uh apparently

Easily what we call the big S that’s what we call cringe cring all right why do I have right I love how Alice’s fucking twitch recap is just five hours of you and that’s their most watched Channel dude I haven’t streamed on Twitch in at least a year I

Think godam obviously not because I mean this is this year’s recap I mean then she was watching old videos good point not even old videos old clips cuz all my videos are gone from inactivity you’d be surprised I see some videos still in there what wait a minute I think it’s like a

First person shooter maybe I don’t even remember if I streamed oh no I haven’t streamed on Twitch lately and also if it was a first person shooter was Destiny cuz I don’t play any others actually there might be a singular stream of Apex I don’t know it’s been ages since I played Apex

Though I’m might have to go get more milk I’m fucking no the milk the milk I am the Milkman my milk is delicious fuck I accidentally special delivery yeah Psychonauts Psychonauts is a great fucking game yeah psychon NS 2 is 100 bucks did you know that I’m calling bullshit oh well

Actually it’s um Fu I don’t know what the conversion is for you guys hold on let meble check like not to yeah 9 100 Australian dollars how much is you fucking dollar worth let’s see what the conversion is shall we uh 180 to USD that is about 70

Bucks all right so 66 of the US dollar how how the fuck did you do that math so quick I told you I finished on my years of cough cough nerd cough cough I just Googled it oh yeah know I’m not that good at math I mean I probably am I’m just too

Lazy to do it I just don’t care I could totally that in just like on paper in like a few seconds but uh I’m talking to people on the internet and doing homework I’m too tired to do that hold on hold on oh no I did not

Want to start I don’t want to start that up on war there we go real how do they know uh now you’re invisible no I’m invisible invisible invisible invisible invisible I am right through you inv all right I love Scatman John he’s one of my favorite artists SC

How long I’ve been streaming two Hours back uh yeah about two hours no three hours The Invisible Man you have been streaming for three hours what am I gonna do what am I doing I have a fucking list of shit I need to do step one find Cactus no step one is exploit Souls of the living apparently

Oh uh blood magic tribute that yeah uh blood magic so let me find these Claws and turn this off okay I’m now entirely invisible I can show my armor but my armor kind of sucks so do I even have a decent chest plate in here anywhere Um oh jinxy fucking died apparently no no no no no nope NOP nope nope why are all these chest plates just utter shit all right um what am I doing I need to sorry bang my mic no worries uh who fucking pinged me who pinged me in the art fight server

What the fuck oh sight announcements oh you fool all right right howy love I’ve eaten chicken y chicken oh yeah yeah sweet welcome back Amanda go excuse me um all right so that as he said that farming in the o I is the best way to get ability totems from my

Experience yes just murder fish okay fish you know what that means y I love I love killing fish and M M quantities right yes all right none of these guys have abili I may be emotionally sane but I’m mentally not hold on where’s my allocation at 75 okay time to restart my

Game oh no I noticed my frames were starting to suffer so uh let me go ahead and just pull up the uh uh oh text there we go technical difficulties I say even though I’m doing something I need to do all right whenever I used to stream I would

Always have to open the game first then the streaming software and if my game ever closed I don’t know why but my streaming software would just shit itself and just what streaming software did you use OBS I use OBS and my shit works fine did you not know that’s that’s what I don’t

Understand bad set up bad setup yeah bad setup that that’s just it get fucked I guess get better bad computer skill issue I don’t have the gaming chair also I will be right back y’all don’t say anything offensive uh Amanda you have mod Powers if jinxy tries saying

Something a little bit too Australian for chat you know what to do uhuh vegim might is good okay I got to mute you though I’m gonna say something offensive something offensive motherfucking elephants the fuck look at this shit look at this shit these motherfucking elephants God damn

It where are the El oh you playing dual Fortress yeah why not Rim because okay I I’ll tell you right now the difference between these two beautiful games rimor is a game dwar Fortress is a simulation right now I’m feeling a little bit more simulation than I am playing a

Game I want to see the lives The Sims I have the Sims theim The Sims 3 the simulation three n i I just don’t want to play The Sims 3 that’s the entire reason I just ain’t feeling it I’m not making you a farmer Guild fuck off no big

On finished yeah I say things I don’t even realize that I say it’s kind comes out sorry sorry that that that is it was milk I am the milk man my milk is milk my milk is delicious throws come delivery today did you know psychon Nords 2 is hundred Australian

Dollars yeah SS like so whenever I like like like let’s say a new console coming out let’s say for $400 for your price I’m like hell yeah that’s really cheap and then I see the Australian conversion I’m like that’s not cheap yeah the first mistake is thinking

Anything in America is cheap if it’s above 20 bucks I’m not getting it no like like like for example let’s say the PS5 is $400 I’m like oh yeah that’s that that’s a good price and then I look at the Australian conversion it’s 700 or 8

$100 I’m like oh you can multiply that by 1.3 I’m like yeah U never mind never mind oh my so cheap I could it’s a good it’s such a good price for you how with what money are we gonna buy it with wait how much how much money do you

Guys in like an not a lot not a lot um I don’t have I’m 18 well okay but rough what’s minimum wage what’s minimum wage minimum wage like depends on the stage8 a month and8 an hour eight a month eight a month eight a month yeah yeah I work

In a you know one of those like Chinese sweat shops okay you know I’m actually gonna look it up I think it’s it’s not very good anywhere to be honest but yeah I don’t really have way I don’t really have hourly shit because I just get like $200

Each time I do a voice line that’s very cool okay okay okay so your minimum wage according to Google is $725 per hour right it should definitely be a lot higher that’s what I’m saying what is America’s minimum wage 2023 $725 per hour yeah cost of living’s gone up so

All that money just immediately gets sunk into everything else oh hold on wait as of January 1 uh 2023 the District of Columbia had the highest minimum wage in the US at $1650 $1650 per hour I I ever have to worry about minimum wage I to go over there yes for

Australia uh is $23 an hour but we can barely even afford rent with that much that’s how afford rent yeah that’s 15 bucks afford food here I mean that’s higher and and and food and food obviously that’s higher than most minimum wages in

In the US oh no oh no don’t get me wrong it’s high but like at the same time we’re in that much fucking debt we can’t afford anything I you’re saying the US isn’t in debt we owe 300 trillion fucking dollars I don’t know to who but we owe $300 trillion dollar my

Freedom get over there all I know is that AUST the Australians got like 8949 billion dollar of of debt to 300 trillion I don’t know why we needed to do that but we money I mean we don’t have to worry about it cuz if we ever do worry about it you know suddenly

Two Towers Disappear wrong with you I get leniency I get leniency nepotism nepotism what the fuck I’m gonna get blamed for this if this channel gets the difference is tired not the difference between me and you is knows that he can’t stop me from saying shit that’s the difference he’s lucky I’m too nice

Yeah yeah wait hold on wait how the fuck do countries even get in debt just make more money make money that’s how you get in debt you you okay so you know how printing money is technically illegal unless the government does it obviously right MH what if you got a job in the

Government doesn’t matter where just anywhere just consider it a government job and you start printing money would that technically be legal because the government is now printing money no because you have to work inside of the treasury I am the head of Treasury this is my

Printer this is where the and besides if you actually work at the treasury they have really strict shit there the treasury is just a printing room it technically is it’s just it’s just a large pool of money that Jeff Bezos and Jeff Bezos only is allowed to go into to

Swim in annually you know what’s really funny you can buy sheets of $2 bills and they’re fungible money I did it once and no ST decliner they they how much like if you buy a sheet of $22 bills it’s 40 to bucks but it’s funny because I thought

That would be like a loophole no no no infinite money glitch Banks hate him he doesn’t know I know this little secret I have a gun trust me they all know that little secret they all want that little secret uh yes your turtle will come out to

$1,492 hey he doesn’t know I have this that I know this secret I have a gun oh oh TI has returned hello I think tired hi I’m meting Pocky I I said something offensive God damn it love I didn’t it wasn’t me huh I said God damn it

Love yeah but you know you wouldn’t have been able to stop me anyways all right scale one to 10 how offensive I did a 911 joke oh yeah I was going to say between um 9 and 11 speaking of which why was 10 scar guys let’s move [Laughter]

On he already knows the joke I’m pretty sure I’ve already told you guys apparently someone has listened to this conversation while playing Sky Block Was it enjoyable so they said listening to this convo while playing Sky Block kind of goes Burr don’t know what that means bur in a good way I know what it means I speak child on God shut the fuck it’s onus on Among Us microwave mod love that would get you

Excommunicated wait never mind no we’re no we don’t need to worry about getting excommunicated we’re gay we don’t need to worry about that you can’t do it because I already have B you Idiot I’m banned for most churches around my area because my parents are mostly gay that’s gay fellas is it gay to be gay I don’t know Lally like meno is very interesting and never say on God again I CR don’t ever I don’t say that what’s wrong with

You Amanda you heard chat next time you think you want to say that you don’t I don’t think you get get it I am youthful I don’t think you quite get it you see I have the voice I am in the call I can say whatever I want tired moving his Mouse over

Amanda I don’t know M temporary mute button sorry I’ll be really sad if you mute me I’m not going to mute you love I’m just going to stare at you I’m not going to mute you I’m just going to Def I can say whatever I want and nobody can stop

Me love me me if the Lord didn’t exist like fucking br fuck Pro your youth play go play fortnite or an active sport G plays an active sport uh have you ever heard of esport bro bro first mistake thaning I am youth I am old as shit love you’re 18 or 19 19

32 19 that’s 42 in goop years yeah active sport who do you think we are outs Gamers who do you think you are late considering that your sleep schedule was so fucked up when we played Terraria I just thought of a fucking great joke that’s a year

Late Sports oh my God tired on a motherfucking like one of those Saw traps and it’s like tired you are in a room with five other people you must talk talk to them all and get 12 hours of sleep otherwise this paper full of lore of your favorite video game will be

Burnt on wait I’m going to send you something I want you to say it in that voice please Jake yeah what are you about to send all right this might be fart nut’s death it’s not it’s not this is the death of fart this is the death of fart

Nuts goodbye fart nuts oh no oh you’re playing dwarf Fort oh they’re gone oh it’s the death of fart nuts bye fart nuts oh okay chat for context fart nuts is a name one for dwarves and Dwarf Fortress kid get out of the doorway I need to shut it I hear aggressive typing

From Jinx yeah cuz Jinx about to send you something I’m probably going to have to deafen for no no no I promise to God you won’t okay it’s it’s not it’s it’s not offensive it’s just really stupid it’s a bad day to be fart nuts I’ll start engraving the

Tomb it’s a bad day to be fart nuts God yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna do right by fart nuts um I’m gonna make I want to make like a uh I’m going to make an obsidian like slab for them CU they were mining that was the last

Thing they mined they mined obsidian of the volcano before they you know it will be said it is about to be said okay hello Richard in front of you is 10 p no fuck hello Richard in front of you is a 10 pound pile of peas to

Escape this trap you what stop stop eating the peas I haven’t explained the Trap yet rich see stupid fuck down Richard no Richard no how does one get dick from Richard you ask politely slow the fuck down Richard slow the fuck down Richard n howy AER Welcome to Hell wait

Who the fuck is pretzel and indidual in chat who the fuck are you I mean they were they were listening to Skylock playing I mean that’s already introduction to the to the group it’s a good day it’s a good day fart nuts is dead that’s not too good

But it’s still a good day hey Nickelback’s still alive I’m still happy about that I ain’t complaining about listening to any of this cuz Hypixel Sky Block is grindy and boring or grindy and long that’s on Godel Sky Block is too much for me honestly

I want to try some kind of Sky Block but I don’t know if I really have the mental capacity for it I want to try it simply for the fact that I can say yeah I’ve done it once and then never do it again the VC listen I’ve seen one video I’ve

Seen like a series of videos from technical blade rest in peace I love him but I cannot keep up with it so I just gave up hold on love what did you just send I just sent it in VC text Fart nuts has been missing for a week it is what it

Is and the farmers guild still wants it Bart nucks can’t even pronounce that Miner has been missing for I have SE I have sent you something it is much better in need you with friends however I don’t have friends that play Minecraft very often no friend and those friends that

Play Minecraft often the few of them they use butt plug mods and I’m not really into hearing that in my ears the best kind of mods could I could I get a link sorry could I get a link sorry could I get sorry [Laughter]

Sorry can I get a link sorry can I get a link sorry to me hey you okay King Shane King Shane like men men you you sound like you could give a really good as if you could even handle a fraction of my power as if you

Could even handle a fraction of my power who proceeds to rip ass what what the fuck why is there wild B Blood on the stairs who why is there B BL on the floor someone killed a Bor that’s all that needs to be said I guess it is what it is bar

Notes yeah new subscriber let’s go Welcome to Hell let’s go Welcome to Hell subscribing subscribing POV you subscribe nice The Traveler the fucking what now what huh huh I don’t know what you talk about yeah no I I’ve never played a game called Destiny 2 released by bunge

Creators of Halo and Marathon I don’t know what you’re talking about fuck off I love I love how you purposefully ignore Anthem we don’t mention that game anthem what’s Anthem wait what happened we don’t mention Anthem I don’t know what that is bad game what the fuck

The the the fucking listen listen tired lives under a rock entirely they’re like a worm bu oh holy shit you just found a saturation ability you don’t have to eat it was not bun it was BioWare never mind in that little Tower there’s a saturation totem

I was mistaken it was BioWare not B oh why is there grass down here okay how did that happen wait I swear to God fucking bung made Anthem no B seriously you know cuz antha was called a destiny killer and then it kind of just died yeah it killed

Itself no I thought it’s de like it’s I could make a really rancid joke and I’m not going to do it thank you for restraining yourself love oh when I restrain myself I don’t get to thank you I just gotta no no cuz we we need you to restrain yourself Amanda only makes

Those jokes occasionally no no no no no Ty knows that restraining myself to do that is a feet in it of itself yeah that’s why I’ve known you for little bit and I know P restrain the Australian what was that I’ve known you for a little while I know that’s already true

Yeah why can’t they still see me I’m invisible fuck off why are you putting fucking huh wait what other keep what did I just put on my chest they made um fucking Dragon Age didn’t they I don’t fucking Know look BioWare what games did you make H by made Boulders gate so they a come published it I don’t think they developed it hold up uh oh wait no that’s 1990s Boulders gate oh oh that makes a little bit more sense hello fart nuts engrave I’m waiting on Zoom link and the

Wait kills me f I still have I have a PNG of the text that drawing lesbians until my teacher turns on the zoom meeting that’s an amazing that’s right Larry and Studios made I remember the hell that was having Zoom meetings for school yeah no Zoom meetings for school was

Hell it it was it was rough don’t get me wrong working from home fucking fantastic but Zoom was not as stable as it needed to be for the time time that they needed it Zoom where you could have over 1,000 men talking to each other why would you

Want that match I don’t fucking know but we can do it yeah know it can exist try doing anything on it for normal purposes fuck you fucking combust yeah no perish yeah not even not even perish or anything just fuck you fuck you there’s a cold sore right on the tip of

My tongue and it keeps sitting against my spacer bar and it’s driving me nuts take it out I would it’s a cold sord Jinx I think you failed to understand how that functions why the fuck is there a bones color on the bottom of the ocean just cut it off cut off my

Tongue yeah you don’t need it they do it in prison what huhuh everyone he’s collectively confused literally your your m fish you know what that means fish boobs fish Bo boobs boobs I don’t know what’s going on right now do we really need to know though no

We don’t we can just live in Blissful ignorance ex like those who J I know those who have tongues cut off in Prison I’m sorry Goda reminded me of like the Frozen and the charred Dragon parts from Ice and Fire and I thought you found a dragon D and I was like oh shit that’s tier five in the making Dragon no I’m in 1.20 I don’t think that

The uh ice and fire uh 1 man can wish the polic are here a man can wait a manut the fuck up no like I’m pretty sure one point like what version of Ice and Fire likeit what version is the current ice and fire patch on like

The most recent one under GitHub let me see I’m thinking it’s 1.18 let’s see uh yeah 1.18 H well a man can wait and 1.8.2 yeah but that’s barely different yeah what version are you playing 1.20.1 yeah got what was that yeah I it was updated June 28 God damn they’re dead damn what damn you all right love no I’m

A beaver Beav is when they see a body of water out my hip motherfucker damn it damn it I love how beavers actually have a chemical stress response when they hear running water build build build build build it’s they’re literally a fortnite kid the second they get hit once congrats jinxy broke

Amanda it is a great analy oh shit a cow is found dead that sucks and I literally just thought of it on the spot let’s go nice job Jinx you you killed Amanda for a moment y fuck that’s so good that’s what she said shut the fuck up

Oh that’s what he said that’s what he said mogy I believe you just passed a fish that had an ability totem Fish no this is like return the slab not the slab the slab what return the slab return the SL I can’t even fucking get that deep I don’t have a deep voice I’m so Sad where is the fucking fish I don’t yeah that was like 10 next to yeah yeah that that motherfucker is Gone watching your stream okay I mean if you stream on Discord as well if I stream on Discord my computer’s gonna fucking combust you have a very valid point right there okay you remember what happened during Calamity hold on who hold on hold on hold on hold on hold

On hold on hold on the hits of monra parade has been founded inaccessible from here and looks to be or looks to your thriving economy for its future Prosperity me taking what hey you found it what slurp hey man it’s a little Goblin pit wait I’m not I’m not at war with the

Goblins huh yeah just make sure every single individual fish hey yo have you ever heard a few legendary fish good I’m not at war with the goblins it happens I guess yeah then get to war with have you come across mine goblins yet mine goblins my Goblin these

Nuts I saw that a mile away I know but she didn’t God you know what’s worse the only reason I fell for that is because of no no no no no because because earlier today I was talking to someone and it sounded like they were trying to do like a ligma

Joke and I was so cautious and they were like no not actually yeah I was actually asking a question I felt really I felt really bad I felt really bad and now it’s come back to bite me for not for for being caring I hate this look no cuz

The problem is now now the chances are like my boy chance that they’ll know you’re always thinking about these nuts jokes so that they’ll say something like that like no dude I was actually asking a question it’s like oh uh no what is about that these nuts and they just fucking ruin your

Fucking day I trusted you trusted you all right I’m going goodbye oh no we’re in a m shaft now this is fun talking with my fucking with me is a bad idea I had the brain dedication to memorize dwar fortress’s old keybinds and yet you couldn’t even remember that there’s

No to be fair they might act there might actually be mine goblins because it I I don’t know I I genuinely don’t know if explosives are in this game to a degree like just fucking spontaneously combusting goblins I win like I I only recently found out

There were hydras in this game so like a m Goblin isn’t too far off anymore holy shit y’all are great at distracting I just forgot completely about going to get more milk in my mug I’ll be right back milk Dad no back you want to go get the milk oh well I

Tried where the fuck am I uh you are in a mine have you tried you’ve cracked the case wide open congrats you are smart right did it they cracked the case wide open yeah baby that’s what I meant what I’ve been waiting for that’s what it’s all about the fuck is our

Conom why is there shit there’s a bull corpse in here uh get rid of it man throw it out throw it out now throw it in throw it in h the gritty what fuck up what okay on God boy on God even the youth was against it what do

You mean the youth I’m don’t say the youth that just makes you sound like even more of a boomer the Youth fucking all right big fucking CHR you’re not the only one that can spread chaos unfortunately no he’s just chilling up there this entire fucking Discord is a nightmare I joke yall are awesome yay yipp I was referencing the dumb meme where the guy get stuffed in the washing

Machine he was like this house is a fucking nightmare no he’s climbing on top of the fridge yeah he’s climbing on the fridge I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking then hold on a minute is that diamond no I’m losing my mind that BR

No get I hope not I hope that’s not what my brain confused it with I I wouldn’t be surprised I’d be I’d be disappointed but I I honestly at this point I would not be disappointed but not surprised my brain is confused even more actually no I think that would

Actually take the cake cuz the worst thing my brain is confused in a bit in a bit not not ever that video when that guy was stuck in the in the dishwasher and he said oh my God step bro shut the fuck up I’m going to kick your

Ass you fool you can’t stop me here actually I can shit uh uh um I have power goodbye someone took off their pants after they were done smoothing the floor that’s some based activity they wanted to see if it really was smooth what they rubbed their assx on it

Or something I don’t fucking know hey yo who’s rapping whose ass what the what God damn what you talking about hey look diamonds you’re diamonds diamonds diamonds very late to the Jinx I’m watching the stream live what do you mean doesn’t sound like a me issue that sounds like a you

Issue Jinx I thought you were in the future why are you in the past what the fuck is this shit you’re right I should have warned [Laughter] you damn it went over TI’s head we’re safe what happened nothing Victory what’s grite black Smite battle ax what never know dagger

Stone metal he will never know oh fuck oh I need to stop laughing fuck it was a good one though it was it’s GNA go through the V and be like what the fuck did they say you say that like I actually give enough of a shit to go through the

VOD damn like I it might be a nice joke but I’m also a lazy motherfucker that was a nice joke you got there Senator how let you back it up with a anything the memes Jack my sources that I made it the fuck up welcome back welcome I I see

You’re using the excuse of showing evidence to support your case the problem is I’m making an essay right now where I have to fucking show my evidence my evidence is I just made it up my evidence is that I made it the fuck up my evidence is my friend John he said

So my evidence is Joe who’s Joe but that’s not evidence that’s not evidence your friend’s testimony doesn’t he wouldn’t lie to me isn’t that right no his pants aren’t on fire he can’t be your honor he’s innocent how why his pants are on fire is just

G but neither is neither’s the other one your honor neither of them did it your honor what about your pants she fucking like throws a throws like a match over to him my word I’m on fire I’m lying huh that’s a Ace Attorney shit yeah objection n the fuck do you

Mean I declare you guilty you’re your pants are on fire you’re lying no my word it appears they do they are my word it does appear that way it does it does appear that I may have my pants on fire it does appear that my pants are combusted I have combusted my pants

Sh com bust in your mouth hey yo what’s no just gets worse just gets worse it just gets worse it just gets worse get out of here do you pronounce it do you pronounce it citrusy or citrusy you’re gonna shut the fuck up nowy uh hold on Herer just learned that

His uni as it own Zoom like system and that fucking system is face recognition forcefully turns on your mic and camera shares your screen and won’t count that you are in it until it recognizes your face on camera holy fucking shit dude that’s that’s that’s not chill I

Wouldn’t like that like all my classes at school if you didn’t turn on your camera for like maybe 15 seconds they didn’t count that you were there so what people did was they just turned on their camera for the 15 seconds that was required and then dipped okay you’re here like they just

Straight up left the call that’s why that’s why you take a photo of yourself I was Polaroid shutter camera take the photo put it right next to your screen with like Legos and some shit bam present for school even if it checks everything 15 seconds if your face is

There doesn’t matter I’m pretty sure South Park made a joke of this as well of the zoom shit I’m almost certain they did they had like an entire that was six whole blocks of fucking gold they had like an entire special dedicated to it I wouldn’t know I don’t watch South

Park ow what the fuck hit me they made a whole entire episode dedicated to Tik Tok wither conduit power Darkness gaze of Terror I’ve seen clips of that everywhere pull it pull the lever pull the lever no wrong lever cron wrong lever it’s the right lever it’s just

They work fast enough too slow gron too slow too slow gron nightmare stalker he’s like nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare why did you put the epileptic children in the laser tag room we’ve already had that joke on this channel once okay and I think I was the

One who made it which was a problem cuz I immediately regretted it such a kill the kill the elephant why does it make sense I can’t shut the door to be fair though it is an amazing joke no it’s not it’s very bad it is very good no it’s

Not it’s bad that’s why it’s good no that’s not how that works it’s like puns the worse they are the funnier they are okay you and I have drastically different opinions on humor which you know what to each their own however humor yeah I I don’t even know what my humor is at

This point it’s mine is just Australian humor I find everything funny and you also say you’re decent actually no I can’t even say decent amount an indecent amount of offensive shit I don’t even mean to like it genuinely just comes naturally and then you guys are like whoa you can’t say

That I’m like what what did I say you know cuz like a lot of shit is like a lot of shit is different in America like culturally wait yeah so to me whatever you like called me out I’m like what the fuck did I say no and then you point out

I’m like oh oh what happened love one of my dwarves one of my dwarves got eaten by the bridge what the what the Adam Smasher yeah we’ve we’ve had an issue right cuz we have like aggressive Wildlife here aggressive Wildlife is a nice way of putting it aggressive in a way that’s

Passive aggressive right passive aggressive Wildlife they don’t attack right but like we have 20 bores piglets and like at least five elephants that are just down where the bridge like the Lava River is that just sit there and want to get into the fort like at all times and they will stand on

The bridge specifically on the bridge so we can’t close it oh and so I’ve been trying for for the last year to get them off the bridge so that I can shut it and maybe they’ll fuck off cuz I literally only opened it so that the Traders could come in right

Welcome no not you literally not you um but like the issue has now become that I can’t like the elephants specifically it’s specifically the elephants right if they’re on the bridge if on the bridge I can’t shut it I finally got them off the bridge but one of the dwarves weren’t

Quick enough and right as it closed they were on the tile where it was closing and so they basically the game just thought it got sealed in a wall and deleted them from existence goodbye yeah so that dwarf poof gone you went actually delet him no he got s to the backs I need to go make a new I need to go make another slab one light wasn’t car cly dog Canadian Sh I remember These doors aren’t opening ever again Bing of what was that why is there I had 80 people or 90 people or Flopper um bingus obviously there is no right answer so yeah no there isn’t cuz they’re both okay they’re cats scly what about scrungo scrungle the

Hunts don’t forget let me do it for you oh yeah the fucking Boro the B the boy let me do it for you what the fuck’s going on in here oh she’s a massive vein of nothing it’s me oh my God it’s me what me for real ow motherfucker piss off dead

LeBron is new bour I don’t if we already said hello I’ve I’ve kind of zoned out a little bit so fuck is chance heart takes my Ling you only heart takes kiss I it’s just a sck what my stick of ram it’s burning memory she’s speaking code should be happy but M for

You I don’t know oh shit two people what no another has fallen victim there were two people who died in it oh that explains why it’s 88 and not 89 fuck barrel zombie and it’s it’s the worst part too it it was it was my wrestler right I have a squad of Axe

Dwarves but one of them just never equipped an axe so they’ve just been wrestling this whole time they’ve killed like eight boes with their bare hands they were so fucking legendary and now they’re fucking dead none can beat the bridge yeah the bridge is the Ultimate Weapon sadly except for the

Elephant the bridge is the Ultimate Weapon sadly um they just kind of got caught in the cross fire we’ll do morning soon poor thing GO train boys go train Oh I thought you said go trains boys I’m like hell yeah hell yeah let’s go well if I ever get raided

By like a goblin Siege or anything you know what to do I guess I’m kind of I guess I’m kind of set cuz like it’s not like they can enter it’s not like I go outside anyways either if they try and come down to where the Fort is all

They’re going to find is a Lava River and a lot of agitated like elephants oh so they’re going to instantly die yeah I’ve got an idea actually I’ve got an idea uh oh love every time you see you have an idea I start to Worry boys get your pickaxes I’ve got an idea pixes boys I’ve get an idea rattle them boys kids are play M I think they want to go back to the mines I think they want another round come for we are definitely some weird motherfuckers n would you rather you look at me

Straight in the face and say that n oh that’s yeah but when normal people have this much fun being dumb no you raise a very they considered insane now those kind of people who are considered normal who have that kind of level of fun are usually commonly known as people like Ted

Bu who oh thank okay okay under the Rock wins again I’m glad you made that joke because I was going to make some one very similar tied under the Rock wins again under the rock though we’ll find out what the fuck vampire yes huh fish fish fish fish fish my eyes have been

Fucking fang fish fish fish fish oh hello new folks in chat new people new people sorry I wasn’t paying attention to the chat that’s an old message how long ago like six minutes a good that’s a good 10 or 20 no no no hello I’m new

That was six minutes ago so I’m not that late I don’t hour that’s pretty close to 10 that’s I’m honestly PR later than that I didn’t that it’s pretty it’s you know six is just the new 10 hours ago so you know you know what’s the new 10

O what the fuck is that shit eight tonight uh nine you know it’s even funnier than the 21 11 what the fuck’s going on three brain cells collectively three brain cells we all rubbed them together that came out what came out it wasn’t in the amongus joke right CU I didn’t pay

Attention don’t worry I mean you could say it was an Among Us joke in some in some I mean I mean it was a crew of members and a few of them were Impostors and it they did they did sabotage oh we’re talking about 911 aren’t [Applause]

We to be fair I didn’t finish the joke you cannot compare 911 to Among Us you can’t do that apparently they did so Um blimp map for um that was a while ago the [Laughter] Hindenburg I’m Hindenburg no no no send those beans to the fucking back rooms oh my God they added the Among Us map in real life there it goes oh no it’s in place we’re we’re all losing our fucking

Minds I can make it I can make it it’s not a 911 show is it worse I don’t know depends on who you ask I guess the secret Tower oh hello J holy fuck that is a Big W get the fuck away from my window uh

Wait IRL IRL what the fuck fuck off it’s like the size of my hand okay Australia yeah it happens should happens I’m with a spider the sides of my hand but if I see a fucking Hornet or was bides I’m like oh hell no you fly get

The fuck out of here no that that motherfucker Stingers what about the fly oh fuck about f uh uh I need to get away from Bedrock need to get away from Bedrock get away from Bedrock can we talk about the Flies holy fuck do they

Get big I don’t know you guys flies fuck horse flies no we get blow flies it worse anything that’s a fly that’s too large to be a fly fuck that no I don’t think you understand this is a massive fly that flies so the when it flaps it

Swings it’s uh it’s thing it’s so fucking loud and it bites you so it’s a horse fly on steroids yes I don’t know anything horse fly on horse steroids horse FES on ketamine Wait no that’s not steroids um what were those ants called I don’t

Know if you have them there but I think they’re like sugary Durant or something honey no no no no no no no not honey bus uh they basically they they eat flesh we don’t have those we have those wait what we have those those exist in

America yeah we have those I’m not going outside ever again fuck that shit you what’s the outside and how can I avoid it we have what bullet ants oh yeah we have bullet ants in the US yeah we also have uh what is it the sandbox trees which you can’t be around

Or else they will explode and actually like put seed bullets in your skull and you will be dead ah wait what trees yeah sandbox plants over in Florida there’s a there’s a mangrove area of sandbox trees that uh their seeds are explosive and they reach up towards to 120 miles per

Second per second per second that’s a number oh wait wait do you guys have fucking uh what are they what are they uh I think they called the stinging tree we call them gimpy gimpy that is a dumbass name for a tree no okay hold on okay no it’s not a tree

It’s a plant but a more notorious name for it is called the suicide plant do you have those I don’t let me see think we do if we did I no we don’t have them they’re native to Australia is considered one of the most painful things you could ever experience mhm I

Know uh what’s his name that motherfucking weird ass motherfucker who I love but he’s insane uh bra uh fucking KY yeah um he brought one to the US and there’s a good chance he might have spread it somewhere so somewhere in the US there’s a good chance there’s like

One suicide plant yeah you would you would rather die than deal with that pain like genuinely fores will throw themselves off a fucking Cliffs just to stop the pain mhm uh I know I knew I knew an uncle because I knew what you were talking about

Uh it’s it’s it’s quite a funny story um he took a trip to Australia uh and he got some on his dick oh well sorry I hate to say but that think it’s cool rest in peace buddy yeah if he if he survived that that that man is a legend he survived it

Mentally he did not but he survived yeah oh yeah no I meant mentally that mentally good on him physically probably but physically you can survive that CU that’s just that’s just pain basically it’s poison ivy times a thousands yeah you can’t you can’t die from that from normal

Causes uh but you’ll kill yourself probably we dealing with the fool with the that Pion ah fucking Buck jellyfish they they are everywhere oh yeah we have Buck jellyfish over in Florida yo how dare you give them back yeah you can take them fucking take them they also have man of Wars but

Their less their less is bad I’m sorry box than the Mana War Mana Wars sometimes don’t sting okay um yeah Mana Wars are multicellular I mean they’re single cell organisms but they’re in a giant colony and sometimes they don’t designate any of their colony creatures to you know stinging so

Uh you can get lucky yeah you can get lucky correct by way you usually are fucked even if you get near one if you are stung you may experience paralysis cardiac arrest and even death hold within a few minutes of being stuned uhia yeah no that CH fish is just a massive fuck

You yeah the the man of war is just a giant fu fucking fishing hook of death I just realized what the spider in my room was huh interesting it’s a red back uh are those venomous yeah but it’ll be fine yeah but it’ll be fine red backs are fun most Australian

Thing I’ve ever heard in my life that’s actually big one might be mother yeah that means there’s more in your house JG why that is a good point they do keep the bugs out I’ll say that about any spider in my house that keep theg I have been summoned I will

Be they just fell into the back and the spider is taking over just fucking turns back on the mic and it’s just like Minecraft spider noises no like objectively in America if a spider starts getting to a certain size it’s G to start having to pay fucking

Rent I don’t care how big the motherfuckers get but I better see some fucking pennies in my pocket uh why is my brain frying you lift it on over drive overnight for okay my computer’s only at 35% allocation apparently my my where place my brain is at 50 billion allocation Bas

Soever the fuck just happened there piss off and die oh I’m in a vampire Forest lovely oh no that’s infected what the fuck I might need to modify some of the drop rates of apotheosis this shit’s going a little crazy I kind of forgot how good apotheosis is oh

Yeah how good it is yeah apotheosis um well the term apotheosis means ascending to godhood um so you can kind of assume what that mod does for you yeah City is pretty much that yeah what is longetivity oh I need actually don’t need that um I’m playing I’m playing minecraft. Terraria

What actually speaking of Terraria I’m gonna I think I’m going to boot that up did you not just close it closed it a bit ago I was playing um door Fortress oh yeah I’m losing my fucking gourd man I’ve only been streaming for 2 hours B nuts died that should have been The

Telltale that I wasn’t playing Terraria I knew you weren’t playing Terraria but like my brain didn’t proc F nuts is dead fart nuts is dead where were you when fart nuts died where were you I was in the M shaft digging a tunnel to the volcano wait was I I don’t fucking

Remember shit fos is dead I just saw him walking down the hallway oh shit that’s a naked ass ghost what the fuck was that too the worst part is too I’m pretty sure if they had died they I I I don’t know if this is a thing I can’t remember they

Should maybe have hold on I’m gonna I’m going to fact check I’m going to go fact check this uh check this real quick oh piss that’s a ravager what the fuck okay um I don’t see it okay well oh motherfucker to my knowledge if if they died to Lava

They won’t have clothes oh so if I didn’t engrave fart nuts name on a stone I’m not joking by the way if I didn’t inscribe the word fart fart nuts on a Stone and place it down somewhere in my fort right they’d be angry about it and

They’d come to haunt my fort naked as a bear probably walk into the tavern and make someone shit themselves and cause the entire Fort to just lose their minds because that’s what happened last time I had dead dwarves it’s why I almost immediately deal with said dead dwarves because

Having a a ghost just appear like just a naked ghost appear in the hospital and distress all the patients is not a good thing apparently see yeah I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I mean like oh yeah uh hred I killed the Leviathan right s and

Leviathan yeah nice her name is amus I thought it was anaha fuck they changed it again no it was always anaha it was a siren my next is and then it was an I don’t fucking know it is 12:43 I’m still having to do assignments I talking people I haven’t

Talked to in a whole year my voice is a lot deeper it’s throwing me off I need some sleep I can’t go to sleep yet um Suffering apparently I got to kill the astrom next oh wait astrum Das or Ras oras okay yeah cuz Das is the Stompy one I think that’s oras Das is after look like a pancake yeah fuck that guy oh wait no we we didn’t have a problem with

Any of the uh we didn’t have a problem with either the Ashton bosses yeah I just don’t like his fight fair enough B I don’t like anything never mind I don’t want right now so Gollum ravager and Asom ass or astas you don’t like yeah no not really what the fuck is

Infected diamond ore thing from boring chaos if I mine it spawns Diamond termites how bad is that H they’re just annoying honestly does it still give diamonds it gives you Diamond sh shards so not really now can you make diamonds with diamond shards yes but it takes a lot of them I

See so I honestly don’t even consider it worth it that’s fair all right well I need to go you just got four diamonds from that little chest yeah no I think that I’ve warped my way through this cave enough I put a I put a Way Stone entally go

Through some rivers and do some fish murdering there was a creature beneath the ground it’s all that shit all right pop that away that away those away B Uh oh no I’m back sorry welcome back welcome back what I miss not much nothing in fact actually no you missed everything in go to gay baby jail you missed the end of the world oh yeah actually you missed so much that actually you’re no longer part of

Kidnapped friends actually what no I’m kidding what are you saying uh fuck if I know I’ll be real I don’t know don’t make shit up as I Go ah yes the paralysis stick the what okay you said stick right yeah I I’m just making sure I didn’t M hear that one I was about to paralysis dick okay honestly you said weirder shit before no I said tick tick as in a bug yeah the

Bug I’m just reading off some dangerous aminals that are interesting hey the only thing that I know are really dangerous are fucking red Locust Hornets those motherfuckers have killed me while I’m trying to leave a planet so often the hives are honestly not worth it yes like I don’t care how many

Thumpers you throw at me I don’t care how many coil heads you throw at me the fucking red Locust Hornets can suck dick I want to know what the most terrifying creature on in Australia is hands down I have a guess Karen I’d say emu since you lost a

Fucking war against them very close actually very close Castle oh yeah just literal like death Birds fuck did you just call it a toad no they have the toe and they have the horn yeah they’re literally the sizes of emuse vulia literally have Raptor Claws and they’re dinosaurs yeah and they have

Horns like that is terrifying it is just an oversized turkey on fucking steroids and we fuck you no on Dino dust I didn’t know if that picked up Dino dust they’re on Dono dust the real motherfuckers go on Dono dust that sounds like a drug dust that’s I do

Believe that is the point I do believe indubitably that’s the point of the humor I do believe that’s what the funny is commencing funny commencing laughing oh penis comedy where jokes are very up to standard fuck if I know she’s deafened no did did she say anything don’t think

So okay Angy water was fizzed up and now my shirt is all fuck I heard that yeah be white back for I believe you can craft ability totems I checked I can’t really yeah no uh it has been murdered you can make the bottle but you can’t make the

Totems so sad no I I I believe you can hold on there’s like specific recipes that are not in the actual thing um I don’t know what to tell you Chief I didn’t see it oh yeah I remember uh just craft three totems together and it just makes a randomized one

Yeah I believe it also matters on what their quality is so if you have three good quality ones that you’re not going to use of course it’ll give you a good one or will it fuck if I know no chance I no no use in not trying fair

Enough wait a minute do I have a tarot card that makes it so that my gold armor never breaks have I found that card yet damage wait he The Village three speed boost luck slowness night vision Thorns more damage to mobs huh hold on a second I need to go

And put you guys down here okay 54% of durability Dam damage durability damage huh can I put that with that no I cannot okay piss Piss uh do I do I massive cult chill fuck uh right for now I will put these away yeah flight totem was one of the hardest totems for me to get yeah probably because it’s super rare because it’s overpowered I mean it’s a lot better than having to use grid power for fucking angel ring

Fatality grain how the fuck do I find a crier hold on what mod is this true Darkness oh fuck this mod is huge I didn’t realize how big this mod is I did it on a whity why do you play on P I am not right now oh normally I play on

Peaceful because I’m a fucking coward but wait yeah no of course you’re not playing on Peaceful I’ve seen you fight mobs oh my God I’m stupid the Amnesia gets hard this one you know who else has dementia you know who else has d this a sovar love

SAR SC all what the what the fuck is this mod it is the true Darkness I know that dip shit but like what am I looking at here does it even have a guide book well of course Oh wait shit you wouldn’t understand the darkness

Mod no no I I remember what I remember there was this weird voice right okay so map I need to find a treasure map all right that one’s far too far away that one’s fairly close I’m GNA go too far away milk and probably go to bed so I’ll see you [Applause]

Dad come back no there he goes oh and aat is still deafened did they say anything before they went I don’t think she did no H oh well she’ll be back yeah hopefully I’m sure of it I’m going the wrong direction That and put this there no doesn’t seem like it okay I love having a zoom mod also are some pretty dumb bits and it’s actually convenient that’s a hole oh yeah yes it his a hole apparently their system won’t be able to spy on you if you use two

Computers at the same time smart all right big brain big brain also I don’t know how long ago that was sent my bad uh I think that was recently sent because I didn’t notice that when I tapped out all right oh there it is Coral amulet twitch

Recap I’m not going to bother with that oh it goes on my chest plate time of sleep with a totally cursed artifact totally yes totally all right now what do I do with this Coral amulet um doesn’t say what do I do with these um doesn’t say wait no wait that

Fucking wait so there’s one two 3 4 5 six five or six yes so there’s like five or six different variants that that thing can be used for um all right so the weird shit that I found I’ll just go and put that away then was that the map I already used

Yeah it is okay Y and then I guess see the other three Maps I’ll just go and put over here oh I don’t need my magnet on for this shit all right have to find the treasure why is there a creeper here no I already found the treasure it

Was weird but I found the treasure all right actually hold on let me go and find some more actually where’s the nearest one all right so the nearest one I need to go very far Southeast what if I just warp here I’m actually close behind you what was

That teleports behind you ah yes too easy right so now I just need to go northeast until the world starts to load I guess I work close to these other Maps not even fucking close do I have any spots near here game oh wait oh I passed

It close up okay so if I pop over up it’s probably by that snowy area yeah it’s right over here oh yeah there it is it’s loading in y just need to deal with all the sand here oh yes quick work that vein mine makes

This hold on a minute let me go and move chat so I can actually see that um it’s over this way there it is yay Hy how’s it going love I slam my head my desk and slipped for a little bit oh are you okay I didn’t like knock out I just laid

My head down for a while ah okay you all right yeah I’m all right I just needed some sleep some e yep slippy pretty B pretty mhm it’s even more Far West what the fuck it is all oh shit no I’m actually close all right sorry I’m just trying to find a

Buri treasure somewhere B Meure shut no I’m laughing because my brain just thinks of the stupid fucking memes that make that noise I know it’s your phone but it’s the meme phone no oh oh look at that right there right ocean amulet heart of the sea random umbrella all right guess that’s not what the game

Wants me to find oh mother fucking damn so what about here not pulling any punches Jesus all right so then right over here the punch will not be pushed no will not be pulled we just Sprint I guess yep all right this is probably boring as shit

But then again I don’t really have much else in the ways of commentary to give I’m just kind of looking for Treasure a VI yeah fair enough and I got to be here for a bit I guess you we’ve had our little banter comdy section now it’s just

The well we still do need microwave speaking of microwave can you guys hear my PC no nope okay no no no no stretch an intricate neite sword of sharpening I think that’s what it said uh netherite sword of the Storm sword of the storm oh did they add

Archaeology yeah but I have a mod that makes it better hell yeah because base Minecraft Archaeology is kind of a missed opportunity there most base Minecraft stuff yeah reals the which of these Maps was the one I hadn’t seen yet oh yeah okay they come in droves and they die

Perfect Right have I seen this map yet it’s the one that I’m currently working towards fuck right well do I need that no do I need that no do I need any of this no oh my God they’re dead all of them are dead yeah I don’t even know why that one over

There is dying but it is they were merely in the way thought they were oh hey dark shards hey and I got the stuff I actually needed from it too moon what you Trident hucking motherfuckers it is a child that was a child it was a child oh kill it o kill

It already dead love you know how it is fuck them kids you already know it’s already dead God damn In Cold Blood let’s go murdered good I don’t know why that drowned is dying oh it’s burning to death I see victory yeah leprechaun hat don’t need it I already have one oh even

Better all right and right around here yep right there Uh Quinn the toasty all right so I’ve gotten that one down what about this one uh currently at it fuck what about this one currently at it fuck okay well I’m out of maps and apparently I’m also out of leads that’s in hints not leashes I plenty of this back at

Home uh yes I’ve been killing a lot of wandering Traders but not the llas surely oh no they go too perfect no one see them suffer or maybe you do I don’t know dude okay I dislike llama like creatures all right when I was like 10 or so I went to a petting

Zoo and one of them spit on my face it was just disrespectful moment forward I am going to butcher you Amanda what the fuck did you just send me enus autism enus autism what I I I haven’t looked at it yet all I saw was the notification like the

First half of it because my phone is dumb and only shows like the first half of any not post that I get I am intrigued but huh penis or what kind of a description is that whatever will we do I I think this is a time when the phrase

Fuck it we ball is appropriate we balling whoa okay never mind it’s just a corpse fish Duke fish on looking ass oh my God Duke fish Ron’s in the game that is very similar to Duke fishron actually now that I got a good look at it yeah I called a Duke fishron looking

Ass for a reason because I madean it true but I didn’t know the similarities were so uncanny fuck get there’s grappling hook it’s what is the funny probably what she just sent me oh Suffocation breathing most my games okay 54% allocation it’s getting close to a

Reset oh no once it gets to around 70 is when you want to reset it fair how may your computer doesn’t just fucking choke and die fuck I going the wrong direction all right Goodbye for for you a werewolf yes you are did I get infected it appears I did not sadly sadly not no not sadly I don’t want to be a world right now IRL 100% I do in game not right now let’s go like anthropy IRL is

Gos you don’t even need to get bitten by world you just got to have enough stacking mental illnesses fair that is actually scarily true and then you get and then you’ll eventually add up the symptoms of like aside from yeah how many way points do you have out of curiosity um

10 only 10 W yeah normally I try to keep my way points down because I don’t like seeing all the lines everywhere looks up ah I have been blinded yeah no I’d rather not get flashbanged by the rainbow the gay have blinded you the gay already blinds me have you two to deal

With yes victory excuse me you are excused I want my loom to update to 1.20 what maloom is a fun mod what the fuck was that oh it’s a door knite how the fuck can I hit it from that far away holy shit what your just gave 8

Billion in funding to Inner City passenger rail including some highp speed rails holy shit train trains did you happen to learn this news via your trans uh artist Discord or just tum no no love I got in I got in Tumblr all I was going going to say cuz like I doubt

You’re the only trans girl who likes trains trans trains girl let’s go fuck you transport the transportation of course hey Amanda what part of the train do passengers sit the passenger car there’s a specific name for the passenger car no shut up what’s it calleda what’s a sh up

Okay I am curious It’s called a caboose but I made The Jerk It’s called a cusy you were curious curiosity killed the cat they s in the kaboy it’s funny they don’t think it’s funny it is hilarious what the fuck how did this go there there’s any

Oh cuz I don’t have that slot okay that’s fine Los my fucking mind I’m sleepy but I can’t sleep because if I do I’m not going to wake up in time for work but if you stay up you’re going to fall asleep Duram no I’m not work keeps

Me way too awake for that shit who fucking ped me which one you motherfuckers not me it was a ah all right let’s see all the gay shit you keep sending me show me the gay what the fuck happened to my to-do list I open my

To-do list and typed in what seems to be Swedish what the fuck all right sweds they’ve infiltrated do I want my beasting na later Decision fuck are you okay love no no why I don’t feel good but why I feel like shit no that’s legal stop did that [Applause] help you should rest to them no please no damn I tried no hey Jinx I have a question shoot are you going to be awake in four hours

Uh let’s see 6:30 yeah probably all right I’m going to go to bed I want you to spam the fuck out of my phone so I can wake up at uh at six o’clock you got it so six o’cl your 10 o’cl my time M too easy

One hour later passes out damn so stream over soon give me a minute okay just need to get the rest of the shit in the structure and put everything away got to say the goodbye mhm that’s to beasting cake this double layed Brios cake is oozing with a thick Rich vanilla

Cust and finished with crunchy honey almond God damn it and I have that downstairs I want some this sh tastes good for all right well I like to thank you all for tuning in I will see you guys next episode whenever that happens to be I’m going to

Go ahead and go to fuck to sleep all right

This video, titled ‘Tired Plays Modded Minecraft- Heresy Revamp Ep4: No Sleep, No Gods, No Masters’, was uploaded by TiredArts on 2023-12-13 07:39:27. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:02:46 or 18166 seconds.

Modpack Export: WIP

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Crafting Crew: Minecraft’s Best SMP Apps

    Crafting Crew: Minecraft's Best SMP Apps In the world of Minecraft, a new SMP arises, With a plot-driven story that truly surprises. Applications are open for creators to join, To craft their own tales and let their skills shine. The conflict of order versus anarchy takes hold, As players battle for power, brave and bold. Lore weaves through the server, expanding the tale, As players create their own stories, without fail. So if you’re a small creator looking to rise, Join this SMP and reach for the skies. The script SMP awaits, with adventures in store, Crafting Minecraft stories like never before. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Minecraft Gets a Boost! 🏹 #minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Survival Minecraft Gets a Boost! 🏹 #minecraft Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind server by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today! Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind now and see what all the hype is about! Read More

  • Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft

    Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft The Red Lang Transfur in Minecraft 300 days after the last animation, a new chapter unfolds in the world of Minecraft. Mr. White, alongside his wife Pink Justice, ventures into the unforgiving environment of the ocular forest on planet Melosator. Their goal? To establish a company producing scarlet drugs and flake, pushing the boundaries of innovation. A New Frontier As they navigate the challenges of the forest, Mr. White realizes the harsh reality of their endeavor. To adapt, they downscale their operations and secure jobs as regional managers for White Walnut and Pink Justice, a local corporation. The Birth… Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: Twitch: Modpack download: Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : skin minecraft: Donate saweria: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More