Video Information

All right guys so after a considerable amount of work i’ve managed to get my minecraft on to the internet so that we can play multiplayer now those of you that are watching if you have a minecraft account you can join however i do have to caution that if there’s lots of abuse

I will remove individuals uh so we also have to be quite careful about language as well but we’ll see how we go uh if nobody joins the game that’s fine but the server will will remain on uh we’ll see how well we go i do have a backup server in case

Something happens to this server i can always go back and restore the old game so let’s start so anyway we’re going to start by going to multiplayer and there’s my game right there but let me just show you how to get in so what you do well let me just let’s

Take this off first actually so to get in you go to multiplayer and you can either go to direct connection or add server the connection is the default port is 25565 as you can see so i’m going to permanently add this server so i’m going to call it

So let’s add the name if you have minecraft and you want to join and you want to do a bit of survival on the game that i was playing before you know please uh go for it yeah thank you so much by the way can you hear my voice

Please let me know if you could hear my voice because i think in the previous recording the microphone wasn’t recording so do let me know if you can hear my voice just let me know yeah right so the address is uh it is down here at the bottom you see down here

There’s the address right there by default the port is two five five six five if you don’t put the port number it doesn’t matter it will still work and there we go so we have capacity for 64 people although i don’t think we’re going to have that many but still

And then it’s just a matter of joining the server i haven’t fully tested the server yet i don’t know how stable it’s going to be but uh this is it so this is online and if i press tab hang on oh okay so i’m already an op so awesome

Yep so i have all my all my bits so this in fact is actually part five but i’ve decided to call it multiplayer oh oh did you miss me boy oh boy they never stop yeah so if anybody wants to try and join remember this is a live video

So i’m playing this right now awesome okay thank you for telling me that my voice is quite clear it’s great to have invite people into the game the only problem is that when you get outside people playing they can be quite abusive you know they can get quite abusive

Hang on let me just i need to change the uh the location of the address hang on where can we put this um maybe could we maybe like put it there if we just dump it there it might be okay i just don’t want it to obstruct the uh

See i’ve got all these tools but i don’t want to obstruct the view or what i could do you know if that’s at the top if the link to my youtube channel is at the top left corner i might put this on the bottom right so

Let’s fix this so we’ll just dump that there okay and that’s it all right let’s lock that in place and let’s play the game okay now i’m just trying to work out where did i leave off so let’s take a look Let’s get some wheat was going to go out hunting for carrots because i was building my farm on the other side i’ll show you guys if you haven’t seen the video the previous video that i made today i’ll show you what i’ve done so far i need to

I’m still working on this farm area okay so and i have a considerable amount of minecraft videos now within a period of two to three days so it’s quite remarkable or has it been two days i just can’t remember anyway all right so let’s open the door

So i’ll be growing all the cherries as you can see uh over there i’ll show you loads of cherries and that’s just regular wheat and we’ve got sugar cane in the back trying to get some carrots and stuff but i need to find some carrots first like there’s the sugar cane

Uh i did it wrong slightly wrong let’s put the seeds back all right good i’m also thinking of building a house on this side here i can’t remember which chest i put all my stuff on it might be on the other side let me just check

I was making oh i have to make torches don’t i yeah that was the problem i had before i didn’t have the torches um also oh yeah well i’m gonna burn some iron well we’re gonna forge some iron and we’ll need some wood all right let’s go back get some wood

Oh boy oh that’s not good oh it must have come from the tree oh the spider must have dropped out from the tree oh that’s really not good okay i’m gonna have to oh it’s climbed up the tree oh that’s not that’s not a good idea that’s really not safe

Okay let’s just check got some wheat all these weapons and things i think it might be inside the so let’s base take a look all right let’s have a look um here we go must be that one oh man i really don’t remember i don’t think they haven’t disappeared

Have they or have i used them all i don’t know i need to start organizing all my resources because right now it’s such a mess i don’t know where i’ve put everything so just open up the chests put chicken in there yeah and we’ve got eggs in there one of them used

To have pork but it’s all gone we don’t have any pigs anyway right so we’ve put the the iron and the gold and there’s a diamond dirt in stone uh buckets and my might be this one actually could be this one all right let’s see what do i need so

Let’s feed the sheep let’s feed the cows Right i think we can pop out for a bit i want to try and build a house here i think maybe uh house up maybe build it out of stone or something i’m still thinking yeah i’ve got to be quite careful with those spiders actually i uh underestimate them somewhat

I’ve got to get rid of that because it’s casting a shadow so oh yes i think i remember what i was supposed to do i was going to build a tower so that i could find this place later but in order for that to happen i need

To have lots of blocks of dirt so look i’ve got all this dirt here and i need to eat as well okay right so i need to find the right place to put this so let’s say if i start there i’ll change it up later so

I think i need a ladder i’ll need to build a ladder i think and yeah i gotta have some wood i need wood i could probably chop down the tree so all right i’ll chop these down actually so let’s do that let’s get some wood first Um um so i planted these trees earlier i’m gonna chop them down i need the wood anyways Well the great thing about the leaves is you can get the apples um i’ll keep that tree there for now i thought there were some other trees but um there’s these trees i’ll just i’ll do them okay all right that’s it now let’s do the other one hello welcome to the game

Welcome to welcome to the video of the game uh this game is actually online no one has joined yet this is a brand new server i’m using my single player server but i’ve migrated it to a multiplayer server so which is running off another computer

Hang on hang on where am i going sorry i’m going the wrong way oops let’s go this way So we’re going to build torches all right let’s sort out the wood there we go all right let’s get some sticks oh that’s a lot of sticks excuse me all right we need some more i think all right a bit more all right we’re gonna need some sticks for the torch as well

So oh wait did i put the charcoal the coal actually not the charcoal okay here we go so brilliant that’s what exactly what we need okay now i’ve got to be extremely careful here i don’t kill myself by mistake oh is that right some some computers can’t support 1.16.1

Oh no that’s a pity uh if i’d known i would have downgraded the server no well thanks for letting me know i i i was not aware of that so thank you for telling me oh i’ve got to be quite careful here whoa i’m not so good at this

Uh can we drop down oops oh okay all right let’s do this again all right i can probably oh i’m not doing this too all well i need to hold the shift button so that there’s a far easier way of doing this actually i’ve done it before but anyway just

All right let’s drop down there and go up all right let’s put some more um or what we could do right oh i’ve got to be extremely careful here do i have enough dirt uh yeah that’s fine okay what i could do maybe just do this

Well i’m using my uh this is the new macbook that i bought i’m playing this on the new macbook i have a video of it on my youtube channel the channel that you’re on right now and it actually runs okay well i had to buy my own windows

All right let’s get some more dirt all right let’s put the sort out this ladder right i think it needs to be a bit wider i think this part oh man this is this looks so dangerous okay so it also makes a really good observation platform as well

We can probably put a fence around it so that we don’t accidentally fall off we’ll see how we go right um oh i i happen to have a fence right there so that’s very convenient okay so we’ll i’m thinking of maybe maybe put some water down there so if i do

Fall i hit the water and i don’t hit the ground so i’m not going to die might might be better um the server that i’m using i’m using my old macbook with windows as the server and that has 16 gigabytes of ram and this one is uh this computer that

I’m using to play the game it’s got 64 gigabytes although the game doesn’t use half that much ram the ram is for something else so all right look at that okay um well it’s getting dark so let’s just see how it looks all right look at that it’s like an observation tower

Okay we can put uh yeah just light it up slightly that’s good all right now what i think we need we could make a pool so if we dig i’m just worried that the phantoms are going to show up anyway so all right we’ll build a pool here

So it needs to be one two three four so one two three four five okay we’ll say 11 blocked 11 block diameter i think so like that let’s fix the ladder now for these kind of games you’re going to need more ram you’re going to need far more ram i say okay

All right there we go so now we need to do a bit more so one two three four five okay and the other side okay we’re gonna have to um okay let’s keep going sorry i have to check my phone a few times because i do get a few messages

Remember this is not a taped video this is all live so probably at some point in the future i’ll make a i can probably make a server that uses a a lower version of the game so it doesn’t require such heavy computer specs something to think about for the future

We need another shovel now that’s a lot of damage let’s see if it’s gonna leak i saw this dirt in half okay let’s get the uh buckets yeah i’m gonna have to dump all this stuff if i want to fit the buckets i need to dump all this stuff

So where did i put them yep there we go it’s right there all right let’s dump remember phil swift is amazing he’s so creative he’s so articulated And his ads are quite funny as well he has a real good sense of humor all right so actually i’m gonna sleep i’m gonna go in there and sleep right what what what oh okay never mind good all right let’s get out of bed open the door and

Oh watch out for the creeper oh no all right let’s go get some water we’ll need to fill up these buckets oh skeleton oh where’s he coming from now let me just tell you what let me just let’s just get through here first let’s sort this out first okay

This is most likely not uh deep enough i think this might be too shallow i might have to make it deeper so let’s maybe i’ll get the water first i think all right let’s eat the uh okay all right let’s do this again i think we need we need the sword yeah okay

All right let’s get the water all right all right let’s do this let’s go back let’s fill this up oh look at that that’s so nice oh i keep emptying the buckets by mistake right let’s go back yeah the current’s a bit uneven so

I’ve got to try and even it out as much as possible um all right let’s get the other buckets and that might be all we need but all right can we dig a little further down let’s see so let’s let’s consolidate all this together and let’s get the

Shovel and oh we don’t need that right by the way i want to make something very clear um all the software i use is original it’s all genuine i don’t i don’t use cracked or fake software um because number one it’s well it’s it’s not right

And it usually doesn’t work if i use the cracked one so and uh anyone that asks me about cracked software or fake software i’m sorry i can’t help you uh i can’t be responsible for that because i don’t get involved so so all my stuff is genuine okay anyway

I’m just saying all right so yeah it’s looking good so far i don’t know if i need to make it a bit a little deeper but be good if we get some fish or something in here but we’ll sort it out later all right we’re going to save all the

Bits of dirt because we might need it for the towel [Applause] so all right oh scores like your own your own private swimming pool look at that so cool yeah could we go a little deeper i don’t know so once i do this i’ll go to the top and

I’ll jump down and see what happens i think i need another shovel at some point i’m going to need another one oh we need some air give these people here come on minecraft you got what you want give these people here all right good next one

So do i have another shovel nope i’m gonna have to i have to make a couple more i’ll make three more so one two three there we go all right and we use we use this one okay let’s keep okay let’s go back down uh it’s a pity doesn’t seem like

Anyone’s gonna join the server but um it doesn’t matter because i can still play ah this is getting so much better now yep starting to get dark as well so let’s keep going so all right let’s keep going oh oh oh i need some air oh i need some food as well

I’m just gonna go and sort out some food on the other side so hold on let’s get some torches 57 okay that’s not too bad all right we’ll say oh skeleton oh i’ve got to be quite careful now uh oh let’s get out of here oh no that’s not good it’s not good

Let’s get away get away get away i need to get some beef sorry i’ve got guys many of them anyways Right okay oh i’ve got 20 pieces of beef wow okay that’s all the beef i need i don’t need any more so i’m going to spare you guys all right let’s feed them before i go okay come on guys eat up eat up i’ll do okay thank you nice day let’s cook

All right let’s wait for that to cook and yeah we’ll wait let’s feed these guys I’m healing up um all right how many more i think that’s all i need um i’ll leave the rest over there i just need 10 of them all right let’s okay so where will we okay so we were building this uh all right let’s see how effective this is

Let’s go to the top oh because of the fact that we have this fence here it’s going to be quite tough to uh jump oh it’s such a gamble it really is a gamble uh well what we could do is maybe take take this off and let’s see if we do this

And hack that and way although i do think it needs to be a bit bigger but still it’s a really good effort i would say maybe here yeah this this needs to go this needs to come back a bit um click can we get the beats of dirt yes we can okay

Um all right let’s go back up yeah that seems a little a little better although i think we have to the water needs to be topped up okay let’s move it a bit back yeah we’re gonna have to get more water right let’s yeah we need to get those buckets

Let’s clear some space so might not be too safe because of the darks yeah you see must be on the other side uh yeah that’s what we need we need that one and that’s it okay let’s go out i need to get as much wall as i can Good All right oh do i have oh do i have wood oh no i didn’t check it doesn’t matter all right let’s get the water right still need a bit more let’s go back and get some more water okay let’s go back oh no messed up yeah yeah

That’ll probably do for now i think so let’s go and all right let’s go up nice okay let’s get rid of these buckets all right we need a bit so this one this one and this one and we’ve got okay good now let’s go back so let’s put the shield away as well

Oh do you see that that’s interesting okay let’s go back i up to make sure that when we fall we don’t don’t accidentally fall in this part tell you what let’s uh let’s just fix this up a bit all right let’s i’m going to remove this part let’s get the shovel and

Okay can we let’s get this fence and let’s put it around is that good or is that too tight i don’t know all right let’s put the torch back it’s got two torches there as well all right now let’s suck i think oh look at that yeah that’s kind of what we want

Maybe we don’t no actually we might not need that okay well we need that for the ladder that’s fine yeah that’s good let’s that’s more reminiscent of what we want yeah that’s that’s good watch this let’s go up all right okay all right let’s keep building

Okay so what i so what we do is we keep so we keep building as high as we can we’re going pretty high as you can see oh that’s extremely high what if we look up oh look at that that’s awesome it’s like one of those daredevil high dive things

Now some guy goes up really really high and like does a really crazy cliff dive look at that all right let’s see okay are we ready three two one whoa yeah awesome oh yeah look at that that’s so cool that’s beautiful all right we need we do need some more torches though

And some more dirt if we want to get back up we need to we need to do this ladder yeah we’ll have to complete the ladder as you can see what time is it in my country uh it’s 7 41 pm uh i’m in hong kong so it’s 7 41 pm friday night

Um pokey topu which country are you in like where are you located if i didn’t pronounce that right i apologize all right so let’s get this on oops there we go now this seems so dangerous have to be careful you see if i if i fall down there i’m probably going to

Hit the surface oops there we go so we can you know just walk down like that look at that i’ll be really careful here i’m going to need some more wood let’s see i thought we had some wood but guess not just take this oh you’re in turkey ah okay

Oh good for you oh okay okay so so it’s 2 41. so where you’re at it’s 2 41. so you are five hours behind hong kong as far as i know yeah so guys there is a server unfortunately some people can’t join because they said that the uh because it’s 1.16.1 or

0.2 or something i’m sorry i’m i’m kind of new to this but because it’s 1.16 point something uh it’s slow for some of the old computers that’s what i was told i didn’t know about this i thought everybody could play so anyway it is what it is

All right now let’s make some uh ladders yeah it’s going to make a bed as well but if i want to make a bed oh i need some more wood see i might might have some wood here somewhere it’s not enough it’s not enough Actually i don’t think it matters we’ll just keep going hey guys so those of you that have joined welcome to this uh game um this is either a single-player game or it’s a multiplayer game either way you’re gonna watch some minecraft right let’s this is a vanilla minecraft this is not

How you say this is not a modified version of minecraft survival this is just the regular i’m just keeping it simple i bought this game many many years ago i’ve been very on and off with the game um it’s oh gotta be real careful then all right so one

Two three four five six seven eight oh look at that that’s so cool oh it’s the cloud oh look at that yes right now i need to actually i want to get rid of these torches so if i want to fall down i’ve got to fall down that way

So i’ve got to make sure i have an opening and i have to fall down in the right location if i’m slightly off i’m going to hit the surface and kill myself so i’ve got to be real careful so you need an opening like that see right so let’s just

Get through uh that’s for the ladder okay so we’ll have to be real careful here so that’s the so this is the hole you have to drop down okay right just just a bit more gonna be extremely careful here right now oh gosh i don’t know if we have enough

Right we shall see so let’s put these up first all right watch this okay three two one wow that’s so cool what i’d like to be able to do i want to light i want to like this up as much as i can so it’ll illuminate a little better

Um but i’m out of wood so i need to get more wood Hmm ah oh that thing about the lava was crazy um i managed to survive because um you know once i stopped i stopped burning and then i ate and i was okay in the end so i was i was all right i managed to survive i hear skeletons

They are some they are out there somewhere they mostly come at night okay um oh i can’t get past this area oh there’s no there’s no door thing all right i’m gonna need some of all this okay oh i think that’s all i need That’s a lot of wheat okay let’s open this and okay yeah there’s a lot of cherry as well as you can see oh what was that what was that what was that all right let’s um oh yeah we said we want to make we’re going to make a bed won’t we

Okay let’s make this bed so we need uh we need the wall as well yep there we go a bed um all right let’s wait for that so we’re sleeping outside there we go okay let’s get up oh we put it outside oh that’s not a good place to put it all

Right hang on let’s find a better place uh we’ll just well that’s not good either we can put this maybe we’ll put it uh i can’t do this properly all right let’s do this there yeah that’s better okay that’ll do all right so how long how long have we

Been playing this uh it’s been about it’s just over an hour oh oh yes i’ll have to eat yeah i’m gonna have to eat when i get to the top okay let’s keep going keep going yep there we go all right all right let’s eat the uh steak

Great okay now we’ll be quite careful here um the builder crafting table it’ll be quite careful with the crafting table because you don’t want to i’m going to find the best place to put it let’s say we just oh all right now let’s put the table here

So we don’t accidentally jump on this and then jump off so now now we still need a bit more so let’s um we’ll expand on this a bit okay let’s put this on yeah that’s yeah that’s going to be a whole lot better now so that’s really good okay now let’s

Put maybe we could put torches on each part oh yeah look at that that’s good all right what i could try is this just keep adding the torches as you fall alright so we’ll do that again i’m sure there’s a better way to do it but uh this is just one way

Uh you’re asking like what version is the server uh it should be one point sixteen point i think it’s one point sixteen point one is that right one point sixteen point one can anybody double check but that’s that’s the version it should be anyway all right let’s do this again

All right look at that yeah it’s not not perfect of course but it’s better than how it was before so oh no oh i hate those things oh somebody’s joined we have a visitor oh finally we’ve got a multiplayer going on oh gosh look at that a raid

Yeah it’s one point sixteen point one oh there’s somebody playing somebody’s just joined oh my oh boy just never i haven’t seen those guys for a while oh there’s a couple of them over there also um dear dear ah [Applause] so oh um i think you have to have premium i

Don’t don’t think you can do it without it i think you’ve got to have premium anyway i’m gonna keep playing how the trees have started to grow that’s good i’m gonna replant these seeds oh i hate those guys oh man they’re all over the place oh he’s got his crossbow right towards me

All right i’m gonna take this guy out shield oh this is why you shouldn’t have a bed outside yeah we’re gonna need a i’m gonna need a better helmet um i better sort it out now okay let’s all right let’s uh let’s get this wheat out the way oh we’ve got more people

All right we’re gonna need a helmet so there we go all right let’s um yeah this guy needs food if he wants food i’ve got food but he needs to find me first hey gotcha all right let’s get these guys got him yeah i need some too no problem right now um I need to pick up a few essentials yeah you can craft with the wheat no problem no problem at all yeah i like to build i like to build a little house here um out of it has to be out of stone but i want it to be a special stone all right

Okay oh right yeah one of them one of the players is one of my students all right awesome okay let’s um i want to get oh okay so this guy’s been making bread that’s good Uh oh yeah i was supposed to get the stone wasn’t i i have to collect the stone um right i need to drop all this off oh no oh no no no no no hang on hang on hang on wait wait wait wait wait wait don’t don’t don’t

I’m gonna have to make a gate all right so so far we’ve got three people all right you have to dump all this stuff uh right yeah oh no no no there’s a creeper oh gosh oh no the creepers in the in the in the base

Oh my gosh the creepers in the base oh no that’s not good oh no you are joking did you s did you see the creeper the creeper just went inside the base and the door was open that is not watch this this is gonna be bad oh oh actually

So what happened oh was it no hang on hang on oh right it ripped it ripped a hole ah no [Laughter] oh no that is unbelievable oh you’re gonna have to fix that man all right that’s gotta be fixed i’ve gotta fix it man it really needs to be fixed

All right i’m gonna have to get this i mean i couldn’t i couldn’t believe that like the creeper literally just went through the door oh well um open well someone opened the door and the creep the creeper just went right through all right good good it happens it happens right now um

Oh i don’t have enough charcoal oh it’s so annoying all right let’s try it i really need to sort this out right yeah i’ve got some iron and if you want some i’ll give you some oh what’s up is that llama i need to i need to offload some of my inventory so

Uh all right good now let’s oh let’s get rid of the shield wow oh and a man don’t like that all right now uh what was i gonna do i was gonna stone but i need some i know what i need excuse me i’m gonna need some uh

I’m gonna have to chop down some wood i need some wood Put one more oh you’ve got to be careful man you only got half a heart okay all right let’s just remove all this stuff okay good okay now uh what’s next all right what should we do next let’s um oh yeah that’s right i was gonna

Hang on how do i do this i need to i don’t want to make a mistake so all right so we’ll take this and take this let’s see so how do we do it is it like so you have you need the oak log so you burn the oak log to make

I think it’s charcoal all right now probably do some mining i don’t know i’ll have to bring all my gear all my equipment so i think that’s what i need yeah probably have to do some mining oh no it’s not lag is it oh oh good stuff hold on

All right good now i’m gonna all right mining time oh that’s useful okay let’s let’s go down wait is the bed still there yep still there good that’s what we need i need some of this yeah this is what we need i need as much of this as i can get

I’ve got some iron as well that’s good i found some iron ah okay all right so i’ve got 20 20 calls so what’s down here oh yes i’ve been there before what if i could say just dig that way let’s see what we’ll find all right let’s keep going

Oops oh a bit of lag oh 13 diamonds wait oh i’ve done it wrong okay i’ve got to go all right let’s keep going are we going the right way oh no i hate this stuff i’ve got to be real careful this stuff can kill all right let’s keep going

Yeah good stuff sorry i wish i could see what the other players were doing it’s just uh because i’m kind of doing my own thing at the moment hopefully i’ll be able to get out and see all right all right we’re going to get as much coal as we can

All right let’s put a torch yep that’s good um yeah i think we have i’m gonna go back actually uh which ways it’s not that way it’s that way and just just go back up all right how are we doing all right back out now let’s see uh right we need

Oh yes let’s burn this all right we’re gonna get some more iron and we’ve got coal right so we need we need to get some more furnaces i think all right so let’s sort this out yeah we need more furnaces don’t have enough because i want to build some some good stone

So it’s not there let’s actually we could put it there should be okay i think oops excuse me okay good now let’s put that there or we could yeah just do it like that great okay now let’s let’s get the coal and put it inside the furnace

And now how do we do this oh no no sorry i’m thinking of something else so i have to put the stones the cobblestone to be specific so that goes in the furnace okay and we need another one another batch so there we go just wait for that see what happens

Right now let’s how are we doing guys all right so there’s the iron and yep we’ve got some stone that’s good i need that because i need to build my my house i want to get into the action a bit so let’s so those of you watching the youtube

Video just have a look look oh check that out look at that oh he’s killing the cows oh my gosh setting them on fire oh man that is inhumane check this out look at that look at that right good awesome i’ll just follow him see what he’s up to

Whoa gotta be careful there i’ll just just go down and uh fully follow these guys so what’s happened what’s happened yeah i should have taken the pvp off yeah because you know last thing we want to do is start i mean yeah we don’t want to start annoying the

Other players because we’re supposed to be working together so we have to be quite careful right i’m going to go back outside to i’m gonna need some uh change the boots oh he’s got a horse it’s so cool so Mm-hmm huh all right i’ve got some i’ve got more iron here i’m gonna need to get more stone though sort this out maybe yeah we need more furnaces as well i think um all right let’s so Uh all right let’s all right we have some stone all right now the question is do we build the house over there or do we build a house over there All right so what on earth is that what is that what is that all right i’ll just follow him i don’t know what don’t know what he wants but okay yeah so those of you on youtube know this is not this is not a cracked server uh sorry guys i haven’t um

I haven’t been checking the youtube messages i’ve been so intrigued with the game i’ve kind of ignored the messages for 20 minutes um is there a white list for this game uh at the moment no no to my knowledge no if there is it hasn’t been set up yet oh

Why aren’t the chests together all right all right i’ll see if i can fix it right so i think we need more of these things that need to burn i love it oh creeper creeper creeper i’ll get him oh yeah oh some good stuff yeah um all right we’re gonna get some redstone

So um right okay let’s go my screen brighter oh i need some torches so yeah no problem so wow so so far we’ve got seven people watching the video on youtube all right so there’s a horse this is the armor that i found i found this quite a while back and now

It’s on the horse looks really good yeah that looks good uh he’s uh shearing the sheep oh oh no creeper creeper creeper got him all right good wow that was close really close okay let’s go all right where are we going oh gotta be careful gotta be really careful now

Oh wow oh it’s pretty far down all right let’s go down oh man it’s oh it’s really far down there’s got to be a better way to go down okay let’s see um oh right you’re asking me about the server name okay hang on let me just let me type it

In for you okay oh let’s um um i’m gonna need the uh shovel but what i could do take the uh cobblestone and just do this i’m just gonna build something all right let’s bring this down a bit oops ah i messed that up okay let’s do it again

So i’m building uh some stairs to go all the way down ah i just dropped all the way down at least i didn’t die so oh good stuff good stuff um let’s see if i can finish the uh ladder oh that’s oh gosh oh boy oh boy oh i just fell

What did i fall into all right let me just let’s sort this out all right let’s oh oh oh oh there we go yeah i need that thank you let’s get the torch back up oh yeah that’s that’s good oh my god i’m sorry oh man we’ve been at this game

For so long it’s really dark oh you got to be careful about the uh some of the spiders are poisonous i’ve tried this before yeah i can hear spiders wait where’s my i don’t have enough torches i haven’t got that many left uh what’s down here

Yeah it looks like a mine shaft oh gosh oh this creeper creeper creeper oh it’s getting really dangerous now yeah got him god i’m gone i’m gonna yeah gotta be careful with these uh spiders because um yeah that’d be good i think so i do have some torches i did

I’ve got to get out of this place all right how many pickaxes do i oh actually i have more torches i just realized i had some in reserve so i thought he only i only had two left but i was wrong so i’m quite lucky okay i’m gonna have to heal up right

Oh no no no no no i’ve got to get out of here i’ve just just been given some more torches um creepers oh come on come on come on uh this is getting really dangerous now i wonder if i should just end the game i don’t know but the torches really help though

That’s just too dangerous all right i’m gonna get out of here gotta find the way out i just gotta get rid of get gotta get away from those spiders no oh man there’s spiders everywhere all right i’ve got two yeah they are they are ah there’s a minecart and there’s bread

Oh yes and torches i’ve got to be quick okay um yeah i’ve got to be quite careful quite careful um all right let’s uh i’ve got to get out of here oh i’ve got to get out of the mine shaft if only i had a ladder i just need a ladder

Right i might be able to to dig up but let’s see what i’ve got i’ve got no wood um all right let’s see uh how can i do this oops it’s too dark okay i’ve got to find a way to get out of here right see if we can dig up

Just worried about the food i’ve got i’ve got two bits of bread but i don’t know if that’s enough i’ll just do what we can might be able to dig my way out but we’ll see let’s get some eye oh there’s iron also good oh okay let’s keep going up and uh

Hopefully we’ll have i think for pickaxes we might be okay we’ll see just take our chances see i don’t know how far we’re digging up i really don’t know right almost there hopefully we’re almost there ah yes oh yes freedom yeah oh finally i managed to dig that is awesome

Hang on let me just i’m going to mark this area so i can remember how to go back to it next time finally i managed to get out it’s probably the it’s probably the best game i’ve played so far it’s definitely the longest game it’s like way over two hours okay all right

All right so we know the base is over there because you can see the uh tower thing yep it’s right there see see right there oh i’ve got to be careful All right we’ll have to run creeper [Laughter] i love the explosion and uh the chicken oh did you see that oh man steady on oh you got to be careful with that man all right okay at least i’m back so oh that sounds like a creeper oh look at this look at this

Oh oh no oh it’s just ripped off oh no okay it didn’t didn’t hit the farm thank goodness yeah no good all right let’s see we should have cobblestone in there okay oh we’ve got some iron so let’s uh let’s sort out the iron got to build a house got to build a

House that’s a huge tree all right i think we’ll build the house over there so let’s uh get ourselves some stone and let’s build oh i think we better eat as well yeah i think we ought to eat we got any beef let’s have a look chicken no beef

Let’s cook the chicken i could use that oh man wow all right let’s uh i need to cook all right let’s put all this away and okay got too much inventory so i need to sort it all out okay uh four apples five apples redstone all right we need

All right we’re gonna need let’s put the bread aside torches we’re good we’ll have two shovels in here and i’m going to consolidate all the stone and what else let’s put my sword there just in case we’ll have two swords and all right let’s get the uh stone

We’ll get the iron in just a moment also all right let’s build something so now it’s not gonna jump over is it no i hate you gotcha oh look at that sugarcane we’re gonna have to clean up that wheat in a moment right so how can we do this maybe from

There so we’ll say one two three i have to do this very carefully four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 we’ll say 14 that way and two three about down here one two three yep that’s good and we’ll have to bring it all the way around one two three

One two three okay one two three four and one two three four all right that’s the foundation we’ll sort out the flooring in just a moment yeah we’re gonna have to have we need a new floor for that okay uh what else do we need yeah that’s what we need okay some stone

Stairs okay and uh let’s put that together so let’s just go around and make sure it’s a nice anvil gotta be quite careful with this oh this part’s no good no i’ll have to maybe like this yeah okay and then just just have a gap there

And just keep that the way it is for now and let’s continue building this so i think we need windows okay you okay mango oh okay yeah i’ll have some thanks it’s just the mango yeah thank you um my wife’s giving me some fruit to eat anyway i’m gonna finish this off

Miss ya uh [Applause] [Applause] so so um All right i’ve put the microphone back on all right i’m going to try and i’m trying to build a small house thing here but i need to get some glass for the house all right so i’m gonna have to dump all this stuff um all right all right let’s do this let’s

I’m gonna venture off into the wild because i want to see if we can get some sand but i’ve got to go in the right direction so let’s see oh just fallen in the water that’s not good okay let’s keep going forward we might be able to find some sand because

I want to make some glass but i have no sand so oh if we can get some carrots we can get the pigs onto the farm as well be good to explore down there at some point anyway i’m sure we’ll find something ah should be some sand over there okay let’s start

Let’s start digging yeah that’s good oh i’ve got to be careful right how much time we’ve got 24 okay let’s right over there that’s what we need okay all right let’s dig let’s scoop up the sand with the shovel uh get as much as we can

Only 64 blocks might be okay for now okay how many have we got 49 okay it’s not too bad still get a bit more i think the sugar cane although we should have plenty of that anyways oh gosh okay um i’ll just just take it anyway just take it right shovel

All right 63 okay just one more i think and we’re done all right okay we’re done let’s let’s go no yeah i’m trying to find my way oh creeper creeper creeper yeah there he is okay i need to sort him out all right i need to

Yeah um i’ve got to find my way out first it’s just too dark all right okay oh we’ve got another gawker 37 we have a newcomer all right right ah ah so my friend here is stuck all right i need to okay i’m gonna try and sort this out

Just want to know if was it that mine shaft place ah my f3 okay oh yes okay ah right oh i’m not used to this at all okay so let me see um oh is okay um all right i’m gonna go work on the base hmm

We have to make some more uh fences as well yeah we need we really need them um i haven’t got any wood though so unless the wood’s in there oh no no it’s not enough we need some more to sort it out in a moment okay let’s get some glass and

Let’s make some panels so i think it’s like this wait or is it yeah there we go that’s that’s what we want good good good all right let’s put the glass on over here right glass paneling windows all right now i’m gonna need a door yeah we’re gonna need uh some wood so

Let’s get some wood so i’ll need to chop with the axe and there’s a lot of trees um wow oh my gosh we’ve got five people including myself well i don’t know where they’re from but okay i don’t know i don’t know how unpredictable this is going to be but

We’ll see never had this many people but uh we’ll see interested to know uh some of these people might not be oh australia cool right oh i’ve got lots of wood there’s a lot of wood all right how long’s the video been going wow we’ve been playing for nearly three hours

Okay i have to make a decision whether at some point i’m going to stop the server but uh we’ll just i mean as long as i’m playing we’ll just we’ll just keep going so those of you that have just joined and if if you’re watching my youtube channel

Uh my youtube video and you’re playing the game i really appreciate that you’ve joined the game so thank you so much for joining ah need another axe nope i’m all out okay i’ll have to build another one okay here we go let’s build all right let’s keep let’s do this

Uh some people are joining and uh quitting i don’t know if it’s because of lag or something but uh i wonder what’s going on all right anyway i said i was gonna build some oh no no no no oh gosh that’s cool i’ll be careful be careful with that my

Friend be real careful oh my gosh like who all these people joining oh my gosh oh okay hello sorry i’ve just i’ve completely lost uh i’ve lost track of uh how many people are in the game oh we have pumpkins oh well done so whoever got the pumpkin well done that’s really good

All right well done yeah if the game uh if the game is slow for you i uh i do apologize uh the server’s in hong kong so if you’re not in hong kong we can’t guarantee the speed i mean we we have a fiber connection we have a speedy fiber connection but if

You’re from another country it might not be as fast so we can’t guarantee the speed sorry about that guys but it’s really great that you’ve tried to connect so i really appreciate that uh sorry that the speed is not great but you know we can probably do better next time okay anyway

Um now i’m going to build the oops what am i doing All right so we need a a gate we need to build some gates okay so we need some sticks and okay we’ll have 10 gates that’s probably more than enough so all right let’s sort this out we’ve got some axes as well and that that works quite well so okay so we’ve

Got one there we need to we need to do this because it’s hard to get around right so that’s okay we’ve got that that’s okay too and i think we’ll have another another gate here right okay and we’ll put the torches so we know it’s a gate just like that oops excuse me

Okay right we definitely need a gate here we we have not had a gate we need one right now so there’s the gate all right i think we’ll have one we’ll get one here also so um i’m just worried they’re gonna crash into those crops but we’ll there well we’ll see if it

Messes up i’ll just take it away later so all right here we go one two there we go good stuff right what about here um yeah we could do this also okay one two there we go and uh i think we’ll need one here also oh what’s happened why is it done that

It’s probably lag but okay yeah as i said unfortunately we can never uh guarantee the speed if you’re not connecting from hong kong so you’ll have to do it at your own risk unless there’s a way we can make the server faster i’m all ears i mean we’ve got a fiber connection so

I’m guessing it must be the geo location but it also depends on the individual’s uh speed yeah take a look at that yeah i mean not everybody has a pristine connection let’s keep going all right so what’s the next thing we’re going to do i think we need to

Yeah people getting a bit antsy about the lag oh i mean if there was a way i could fix it i would do it but it’s it’s difficult guys i’m sorry this is why we have loads of minecraft servers worldwide so if one server is slow you just join

The other one that’s just the way it is yeah i just wish there was a better way oh gosh no please don’t do that no no no no no no here okay well he got through oh great all right well yeah he does seem a bit slow wow look at eight people

We’ve got eight people on the server not to say that it’s a fast game but it’s an accomplishment so wow this is one of one of the longest videos i’ve ever made it’s phenomenal oh it’s my brother oh my brother’s on this server right uh yep so i’m just having a drink so

All right okay i’m back in the game so oh someone’s got diamonds i don’t believe in this whole game oh thanks for the chicken i can’t believe in this whole game i’ve been playing for so long i only got one diamond just one diamond and yeah i think somebody’s taking it so

I’m pretty sure i put the diamond in there but uh oh never mind it doesn’t matter i can always get another one all right let me just somebody typing in french i’m just having a look at the live chat somebody typing in power games is that is that french anyway let’s keep going

Yeah i’m pretty sure someone’s taking my diamond ah it doesn’t matter who cares right i’m going to see if i can build a roof on that house thing so let’s see what we can do i’m going to try and build a roof thing but i need to get more stone

I’ve got to get the pattern right also all right let’s see so i’m going to use these stone stairs just like that that’s 46 stone stairs i will go up and we’ll try try to get this done i need the ladder to go up what’s everyone doing over there let’s

Just just want to see what people are doing hang on i have no idea what’s going on all right how long has the video been going on for so i just got just got to keep track oh my gosh so we’ve been at this game well not everybody but uh

I’ve been at this game for three hours and 10 minutes that’s uh got to be a record for this kind of video and uh we’ve got quite a few people playing not everyone’s from hong kong not everyone here is from hong kong um oh i see someone’s building a portal so from the

Looks of things okay that’s good and yeah they want everybody to go to the nether realm only during thunderstorms yeah just go down and have a look i’ll just follow from behind it’s a nice mask oh oh what’s happening oh careful so he’s building a portal to the

Nether realm or the nether region whatever it’s called hey there you go cool oh that’s cool okay should we take a look alright let’s go inside all right let’s wait for this oh no no no oh no no no ah oh sorry guys i’ve gotta oh man sorry guys i’ve really messed

This up oh boy yeah i have this really bad habit when i’m near death i uh i keep disconnecting but the game is still running though the game’s still running i’m still here i’m still here so no worries okay it’s all right i’m still with you

Guys it’s just that you you can’t see the game so sorry oh come on oh where am i oh oh my gosh i wasn’t very well prepared for that guys sorry i wasn’t expecting so many enemies oh man oh boy oh boy okay i’m let’s get out of here

Oh man you guys got diamond swords and diamond helmets and things oh the phantom the phantom oh the phantoms ah this is becoming really intense now okay I’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna dump all this stuff if i go into the nether region and i die at least i’m not gonna lose all my good stuff so all right let’s just just dump everything here first okay oh what oh you stupid phantom oh get the phantom get the phantom

Yeah absolutely what about this can we can we go up here hang on let’s just go on by the way those of you that haven’t seen this i made this really really long tower so so it’s more difficult to get lost all you have to do is like when you’re

From a distance you just find the tower from the horizon and you can see so right it’s going to go all the way up to the top right like this yeah oh hello hello all right so all right okay watch all right watch this okay no don’t do that

Okay three two one no go [Laughter] there you go that’s how you do it oh gosh i need that’s how you do it okay oh no what’s happened why has this happened all right um all right i’ll fix it i’ll have to fix it how did the creeper get there

That’s so weird hang on hold on what happened to um what happened to the furnaces that were here somebody take somebody’s taking them away bad all right not to worry i can make new ones yeah i think somebody took some of my weapons in great haste

But uh yeah they probably need it far more than i but i don’t understand why so why would somebody take away the stone oh boy okay anyway let’s sort this out we’ll just uh we need um i need to get the furnace back oh gosh look at that

Who’s taking who’s taking the furnaces away anyway there we go i’ve got to get the charcoal again and oh still got some wood that’s good ah i’ve got no coal i can probably use wood so yeah it might be okay to use wood so let’s try okay okay now let’s um

Yeah we need to uh top up the oh gosh that that farm really needs to be we have to replenish look this yeah we’ve got to replenish this it’s it’s critically low so let’s um sort it out still got some gold all right oh boy all right let’s get some of this wheat

A lot of the wheat i used to make bread so i tell you someone’s having a laugh yeah somebody’s look somebody’s half inch them ah dreadful winner yeah but it’s just a game and we’re just having fun all right well the stone stairs are still there so that’s good i’m gonna

I need to take these ah someone’s been playing a prank yeah someone’s been up to the naughties all oh i need this also need that um um oh that’s it no more cows oh gosh oh we’re gonna have to replenish all this all right what time is it uh hong kong

Time it’s 10 12 p.m so all right gonna need all right let’s uh sort out the trees all right that’s it i’m i’m stopping the server because i’m really tired and that’s how it all ended alright guys i’m gonna have to stop the server all right that’s it i’m done okay all right

All right okay guys okay that i’m afraid is all the time we have because it is getting pretty late it’s we’ve been at this for three and a half hours so i am going to stop the server now okay oh yeah you can have a look at all my

Nice games on from steam [Laughter] okay now uh yes i’m sorry guys i’m gonna have to end the game there uh thank you so much for playing i’m sorry i had to uh stop a bit abruptly so yeah thank you so much for playing i really appreciate this this is this is cool

All right all right so thank you so much guys as i’ve said we’re gonna stop the server now okay thank you and good night

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft: Java Edition MULTIPLAYER [LIVE] 1.16.1’, was uploaded by Paul Marriott – CHANNEL of STUFF on 2020-08-07 15:20:14. It has garnered 4072 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:26 or 12626 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftsurvival #minecraftjavaedition #mojang

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  • “Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft 😂” #shorts #memes

    "Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft 😂" #shorts #memes “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, your base looks like a sad little dirt hut. But when you’re a pro, you’ve got a mansion with a swimming pool and a pet llama named Larry.” #minecraftgoals #buildingupfromdirt Read More

  • Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism

    Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Automation with Applied and Mekanism Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when delving into the realm of mods. In the latest episode, the focus is on automation, with a selection of mods from the 1.20.1 version of Minecraft. From familiar favorites to brand new discoveries, there’s plenty to keep both players and viewers entertained. Episode Highlights As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to a mix of gameplay and lively conversation. The host shares insights, tips, and of course, a healthy dose of frustration – not from themselves, but from the… Read More

  • Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!

    Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Relaxing Long Let’s Play #Series5 #Episode #025 | #letsplay #resourcepack #1.20 #Livestream’, was uploaded by WASH3D on 2024-04-24 20:19:27. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:26 or 15986 seconds. Minecraft Hard Survival in 1.20 Haven’t played Minecraft in a while. Wanted to hop back on Resource Packs!! I made my own for 1.19 Check them all out here This is a Technoblade Totem resource pack. This is a black & white Hardcore Hearts & XP bar with Diamond Armor. This is a… Read More

  • Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey’s Minecraft World

    Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey's Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-25 19:32:49. It has garnered 23589 views and 741 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:09 or 609 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to… Read More

  • “ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server – LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! 👀” #clickbait

    "ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server - LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! 👀" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream’, was uploaded by ALi plays Live on 2024-03-24 04:54:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream join my public … Read More

  • EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER – Join Shafu Bhai’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Now

    EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER - Join Shafu Bhai's 24/7 Minecraft SMP NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE SURVIVORS NEW SMP || Minecraft PUBLIC SMP || Join My Smp || 24/7 || Minecraft SHAFU BHAI SMP’, was uploaded by Shafu Is Live on 2024-01-18 13:09:43. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:23 or 7463 seconds. Assalam u Alikum, I am a gamer and I will give my best to entertain you . Plz support me 🙂 Discord: MINECRAFT SERVER RULES 1) You cant get in someone’s house 2) You need to get full netherite armour in order to get elytra 3) You cant… Read More

  • Join ElStipy’s JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftlive

    Join ElStipy's JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Te unes? Server JAVA/BEDROCK #minecraft #online #gaming #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by ElStipy on 2024-05-28 04:31:48. It has garnered 1881 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:28 or 13888 seconds. These are direct (or videos, I don’t know when you see them xD) where the objective is to have a good time Store code: ELSTIPY ****Social Networks**** Discord: Twitch: Tiktok: Instagram: Read More

  • SHOCKING: Serbian Dancing Lady Kidnapped JayJay & Mikey in Minecraft Challenge! – Maizen

    SHOCKING: Serbian Dancing Lady Kidnapped JayJay & Mikey in Minecraft Challenge! - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Scary SERBIAN DANCING LADY Kidnapped JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Maizen on 2024-02-27 20:43:57. It has garnered 21523 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:29 or 1229 seconds. How Scary SERBIAN DANCING LADY Kidnapped JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge? – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Read More

  • Day 19: Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Stream!

    Day 19: Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival Stream Series : Ep – 5 (Day – 19) (Horizontal Stream)’, was uploaded by NoisyNinja22 on 2024-03-17 16:58:08. It has garnered 44 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:33 or 13893 seconds. Join Us on Discord: Read More

  • INSANE Fight: Humans Battle Minecraft Monsters!

    INSANE Fight: Humans Battle Minecraft Monsters!Video Information This video, titled ‘People vs Minecraft Creatures in People Playground Ep.9’, was uploaded by TropyBlast on 2024-05-20 15:30:08. It has garnered 1602 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:07 or 187 seconds. Minecraft monsters attack people, people respond with weapons, a tough war begins. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will People defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video ” People vs Minecraft Creatures in People Playground Ep.9 ” Enjoy watching… Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for FREE! ➤… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft skills in 60 seconds!! #viral

    Insane Minecraft skills in 60 seconds!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #youtube’, was uploaded by Debojit Gaming 8.0 on 2024-02-15 16:03:35. It has garnered 4391 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #youtube #viral #minecraft #youtube #shortvideo #subscribe minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a… Read More

  • Terra Origins SMP

    Terra Origins SMPWelcome to our brand new Minecraft 1.19 server! The server has a 99.9% uptime and unfortunately only supports Java edition (sorry, bedrock players!). We have plenty of wonderful quality-of-life Fabric mods including: Origins, voice chat, backpacks, veinminer, and FallingTree. Griefing, raiding, and PvP are prohibited and we don’t tolerate any bigotry or harassment – it’s all about being friendly and inclusive. In order to play you’ll need to join our Discord to be whitelisted and download our mods. Here’s the link: Read More

  • NotHermitCraft SMP 1.20.4 Whitelist Java

    NotHermitCraft What is NotHermitCraft? A Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.20.4! We are a family friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft together. All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world! Looking for more members for a long lasting experience with limitless potential. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist. Simple Voice Chat is highly encouraged! HermitCraft inspired new 1.21 blocks – copper/tuff variants and the crafter. Diamond economy with a shopping district. Voice chat – with deep dark/warden interaction! Custom items. Custom music discs and goat horns…. Read More

  • SocialMC

    SocialMC🎉 Welcome to SocialMC! 🎉🌍 Server IP:📅 Version: Minecraft 1.20.6🏡 Type: Mostly Vanilla with ClaimsAbout SocialMC:Welcome to SocialMCthe ultimate community-driven Minecraft server! Our focus is on fostering a friendly and engaging environment where players can come together to build, explore, and have fun. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone expert, or just starting your Minecraft journey, SocialMC has something for everyone.Key Features:🌟 Vanilla Experience: Enjoy the pure Minecraft experience with minimal plugins to keep the game as authentic as possible.🔒 Claims: Protect your builds with our easy-to-use claiming system. Your creations are safe with us!🌳 Community Events: Participate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft player fantasy

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft player fantasyIt’s every Minecraft player’s dream to have a score of 591 on a meme about their favorite game, because let’s be real, who needs diamonds when you have internet points? Read More

  • Hide and Seek: Little vs Giant in Minecraft

    Hide and Seek: Little vs Giant in Minecraft In Minecraft, I played hide and seek as a little kid, Against a giant, the challenge, I did. Hiding in corners, sneaking around, Trying to avoid being found. The giant stomped, looking all around, But my hiding skills, they were sound. I giggled quietly, trying not to make a peep, As the giant searched, taking giant leaps. But alas, I was found, the game was done, But oh what fun, in Minecraft, we spun. So join me next time, for more Minecraft fun, Subscribe and turn on notifications, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE POWER UPGRADES?! Minecraft Sky Revolutions #13

    UNBELIEVABLE POWER UPGRADES?! Minecraft Sky Revolutions #13Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | BIG POWER UPGRADE! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-24 22:00:18. It has garnered 17747 views and 665 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:08 or 2108 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | BIG POWER UPGRADE! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: ★Watch Live On Twitch: ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: ★Join the GOC Discord: Sky Revolutions Mod Pack – Sky… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock Shenanigans

    Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT TEK BLOK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) bölüm 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by Eyüpcan Emanet on 2024-02-27 09:00:06. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hello everyone, I am Eyüpcan and today I am here with the video called MINECRAFT SINGLE BLOCK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) part 2. After watching the video, one block skyblock (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it. Thank you for watching. discord link: Etiketler; minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida Theme

    Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft City Live: Building in Florida’, was uploaded by AlphaHippoGamer on 2024-03-03 07:12:49. It has garnered 311 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:51 or 17751 seconds. Description will be updated at later date minecraft,minecraft city,minecraft live,live stream,minecraft live stream Read More