Video Information

Ladies and gentlemen welcome in hope you all had a great New Year’s I know I did a decent one finally made this one welcome man John how’s it going man you are all good man been busy times you don’t have to worry about that it’s always going to be

Here we’re always going to have the vods or whatever if you want to go back and check stuff you beat everyone I don’t know man jam and jam and John man they they are uh they’re on the the ball but welcome in plague welcome in

Jam with the sussy face if you were here yesterday um I didn’t even know if I was going to stream today so it’s kind of like a New Year’s Miracle I’m just like I don’t know if you can hear my voice but I’m absolutely exhausted I’m so tired um I’ve been

Running around a lot recently and just not had a lot of uh sleep and welcome in ax Rose how’s it going hope you had a great New Year years good to see you like the stream thanks man um but I’m tired but I I worked today but it’s later so just playing

Undertale yellow yeah I had a friend tell me yesterday that I met um for lunch that they were playing undertale yellow and they said it was okay I remember playing that when it first came out forever ago the fan game very interesting that it finally released but that’s

Cool j probably prob knows more about that than me just to be honest just booting up Minecraft right now so sorry if it’s uh taking me a minute audio okay today could the music be a little louder for you guys before we start diving into this I’m a huge

Undertale fan I really like undertale as well seen a lot about it yeah it looks really cool um but I really need to finish Delta Rune I played the first chapter when it first released all right audio is good I think we’re ready to start thanks everybody made it to the

Pre-stream I want to start calling these the the pre the prep the prep streams but ironically haven’t played undertale myself a lot of people haven’t they just have seen people play it um but I understand that I was like that for a long time until I until I played it but I didn’t

Even beat it I uh I literally got to uh I think the um I don’t even remember never got into the undertale fan games played the main game and loved it but I listen to a lot of fan songs and they seem um and seen some of the fan Comics such

A funny Community it really is just like any other all right let’s go ahead and begin you here yesterday actually really quick want to do a little bit of an update for some of those of you who are not here yesterday um jam been tirelessly working on a wik a Wiki

Page um and here it is the link is in the description this is the peash Sheep Wiki if you’re not familiar link will always be in the description now threw it in there for stream um but it tells the tale of everything going on there

Are some ads on here so ignore those I just don’t have any AB blockers up but you can come here you know you watch the streams click on this right here and uh it’ll show me describes you know what I am and then right here you have a AT&T

Ad for a new phone if you need that we’re going to go ahead and exit out of that but Origins and lore go ahead and recap the whole entire story um from beginning to end that jam is currently working on and this goes up to about stream 39 so episode 39 which is

Insane it’ll be fully updated within 48 Hours dang dude that’s so exciting um that’s crazy um that’s really awesome but yeah you guys can go check that out whenever you want oh looks like we got a Minecraft’s uh Al it’s for Opera GX it’s a Minecraft guy promoting that um but

Yeah um also what I wanted to kind of show was uh this bot that me and jam uh got working yesterday well Jam programmed this this this program in Python and it reads it’s a it’s an AI bot that basically reads uh text speech and it reads the whole Wiki so I wanted

To show you like a tiny bit of it it’s really cool though um oh wait did something wrong j oh here we go second I’m trying takat is the player of the PE sheep Minecraft hardcore series and owner of PE sheep along with many other pets he live streams his

Adventures on the social media platform YouTube where several users join the chat to engage in conversations with him as he accomplishes tasks in the M it’s very cool we’ll just say that but I would to show that off the PE sheep wicker Wiki wicker the PE sheep Wiki is sponsored by

AT&T add added a a paragraph last last night before the last paragraph oh let me go check it out you added a paragraph I’ll go ahead and read it oh okay here taco cat began naming some of the Mason family members starting with Arnold the Mason villager

Taco cat made plans to continue naming more family members in the future as well as other villagers taco cat would also start extending the Birch perch structure to have an automatic melon farm consisting of plants surrounded by Redstone Pistons observers and a hopper a double chest and water taco cat was

Disappointed with the results of the automatic melon farm since it only collected melon slices instead of whole melons he didn’t he decided to replace the melon plants in automatic farm with pumpkin plants as whole pumpkins can be collected using the same automatic farming method yeah that was uh that was

The struggle to get the quartz blocks from the Mason men we were trying to make a bunch of money really quick thanks for that jam but yeah go check out the wiki if you guys haven’t checked it out after stream or whatever last paragraph is an estimate which should be

The last paragraph for the Cove so more info um should come before it for now cool very epic very awesome also wanted to look at something wanted to check out this poll I haven’t have a poll that I uh I’ve been meaning to check out that I did

Um I did a poll yesterday and I wanted to see uh what you guys thought so we got 11 votes wow wow so uh 36% of people said more Hardcore Minecraft streams 9% said more recap videos 55% said more anime edits which is really crazy to me um to think

About um but just this going year I wanted to kind of show it need to go for a bit VB you’re welcome or you’re all good man don’t worry about it play uh thanks for everyone yesterday too for the good words yeah for sure Jam Jam is a Jam’s a

Prodigy the one comment is from me might have seen it I don’t remember yeah I did all these would be great but I got vote for the Minecraft hardcore streams for sure the the Minecraft hardcore streams aren’t going anywhere I just wanted to see you know retention

Wise who is enjoying them the most I have a lot of people who love my anime edits I can actually like show you right now um example of that like this one piece edit has 27,000 views this random one has 6,000 7,000 2,000 1.8 th000 um I don’t know it’s

Weird man some of them just kind of pop off and people really like them like this one right here is my biggest one right now 110,000 views which is really insane um but so watch more Minecraft uh hardcore music videos they’re so cool those aren’t going anywhere either uh but yeah I just

Um I got to heed to both communities but I mainly the edits are like something I just really like to do so going to keep doing those going to keep doing pretty much everything we’ve been doing but let’s hop back into to Minecraft guys shall we yeah hardcore Minecraft’s not going anywhere

So um I I’ve been kind of falling down a rabbit hole okay of uh different Minecraft versions right I’ve been really interested in playing a hardcore version of of like alpha or beta would you guys be interested in that here’s Helen skeller if you didn’t mean yesterday might be a little laggy since

I start first started since I first booted up Minecraft again so would you guys be interested and something like that cuz it’s been something I’ve really wanted to do recently I I want to make like a cool thumbnail for it too of seeing old school Minecraft I

Want to do like a sheep’s face uh like we have the exact thumbnail but just make it like Stone you know what I mean so it be like an old school like Stone it’s really fun yeah something I really really want to get into and just see uh what we can

Do okay so we left off yesterday um building the club here it is um John knows a little bit about Sims 4 cuz I think he watches a streamer who plays it um this club was literally designed after a club from Sims 4 I think it was

A club I just saw an image of it and I was like oh that’s really cool we have this little music note on here as well um but it’s not completely done yet we still got to finish the floor but this is inspired from a Sims 4 build kind of

Funny um but yeah still need uh some more concrete so we’re going to have to get some more of that but before we do that we’re actually going to be going back to Crestville um and we are going to be getting um some more sorry I lost my TR thought we’re

Going to be getting some more um I need to upgrade my tools I need to to get a netherite shovel because mine is consistently breaking and is not fun um but if you haven’t been here here’s the bread shop the bakery Daisy’s designs the button shop the whole nine

Yards I only play like an hour of Sims but I do watch a stream we play it he plays Minecraft too funny coincidence yeah a lot of people play Minecraft um but yeah um so what I want to do today is I want to finish that build obviously but

I I’m really torn of what I want to do today part of me wants to work on some more builds let’s come over here can we can we knock any builds off of this have we done any of these that we can get off of here party animals we’re going to go

Ahead and get rid of party animals off this list because frankly we’ve done it so here’s like a representation of like all we’ve done what we have left to do kind of actually played it for the first time recently because fans wanted to see him play it that’s cool that’s really cool

People getting their first experience with it so so I’m torn I don’t know if I want to start on a new build or if I want to um start on the wall and kind of leveling this area over here um show you what I mean

So in the valley there is Duo’s wings I need to but it’s just like a build it’s going to take me a little bit so here we have this whole square right this is pretty much fenced in I want to get to the point where my residence of violet

Valley can run about right so I want the wall to be completed for the shopping area so here’s what we got so far in the shopping district but it’s going to kind of take a bit to do that um cuz the shopping area is probably going to reach

Out to here eventually but what I’m thinking is that um let me just honestly go up here I’m going to go up here and just oh there’s a goat up here hey goat hey goat time my render distance up and look at this um really quick have this load

In I like I like this view of it it looks like the one of the the topographical maps or whatever if you know what I know what I’m talking about so um that’s the valley dude we can uh get a nice cool little screenshot of the valley for what it for

What it’s worth right now that’s pretty cool really cool actually this looks sick that’s like the whole valley in one image so far anyway so over there that whole entire area right here is going to be the residential area right so uh starting from that house on the left queso’s

Household purple crazy craziness this is all going to be residential um all this over here shopping district but I want to start with the wall I’m not sure how to start and dude the Wall’s like glowy it’s so cool sorry for the lag it’s insane how

Much has been done I remember when this was just plain land I know it is crazy isn’t it it’s like a lava pool all the way in the distance over there doesn’t this look crazy guys like with the lights the club’s looking really cool

Too um but yeah what do you guys think I should do should I should I should I start like getting the area for the wall done or what should I do I don’t know what I want to do I don’t know Mount purple purple Peak purple Peak purple peak’s

Cool that is really cool all right right now we’re going to head back oh my gosh I can’t speak we’re going to head back to uh um Crestville where already put yeah sorry sorry John the thing is I just don’t want to get out of hand with the all the

Builds and get um burnt out on building like build after build after build I kind of want to change it up a little bit but I also want to have the residence cuz we have so many like residents of violet Valley now it’s insane

And I think they need to be able to to to run around and stuff that’s what I kind of want maybe uh maybe we’ll try to bring the thing is also with Fuego guys he’s all the way at the Coliseum right now and I keep forgetting this consistently

He there’s like a bridge I need to build to bring him over over from the chasm to uh crusty the Crusty tunnel to bring him over he’s got a little bit of a a voyage to go on not that we’re not going to get him

But that that build just going to be a little bit more complicated and I don’t know if I have time for it today I kind of want like the wall to be up before I do that build only because I want there to be like a grand opening

For like people to eat there the chickens cannot eat there though it’s kind of like blasphemy oh one thing we need to build in the valley and I think this should go in the uh in the Welcome Center where do you guys think this should go the Welcome Center or the residential Center

I was thinking about building a chapel like a church I think that would be cool The Violet Vatican all right ladies and gentlemen we’re back at Crossville so good to be back the community area I think so too and see did you come in we are back yay woohoo I love coming

Back to Crossville so much guys you know I do oh man I get so giddy coming back here it’s like a whole freaking thing I don’t know why I like forget about it I don’t forget it but it’s just like man I love it here yeah I agree I just think we need

That I want to have that representation in my world too I ain’t trying to hide that hey get out of the Axel Pond bro I missed it too I want to check on the Axel see how they’re doing who’s this Cassie’s right here we’ve got all

The all the the homies hanging out down here we got Rose we got kelen we got John we got Mr free we got lizot we got um plague where’s jamelot right here right uh jamelot there it is I have to check on everybody I think I got

Everybody I got everybody I uh still have two ax but I have no uh name tags but that’s all right all right I’m not going to get super sidetracked here I’m going to go and um get to my house I want to build uh a new shovel cuz my shovels been like breaking

A lot I’m going to get a netherite shovel what’s going on Flake Mr here what’s going on blush everybody’s chilling I can’t wait for the new Minecraft update honestly because like I feel like not that I’m running out of things to do obviously um but just like Minecraft like gameplay core things to do we still need to do the trails and

Tails stuff like we need a sniffer we need to get a camel we need to get all kinds of stuff oh and I don’t know if you were here John but we have found a new uh Al I think you might have been here we named her Pearl though we found her

Uh I don’t remember where we found her um but we did find her somewhere oh yeah she was one of the older o we got I think and we just found her randomly like in a chunk she was just chilling like with a fish but gave

Her a t of undying and she’s all suited up now all right let’s make a netherite shovel so my my gig trimers are in here I’ll broke got a mending book that’s what I want to put on it mending Unbreaking I want efficiency five but

It’s not a big deal if I can’t get it all right let’s make a shovel really quick with my riches oh I got some like blocks here take these bone blocks for sure that’ll give me some more carrots I was not there for Pearl glad

To have her yeah she uh she was kind of like a saved case she got saved um also wait I I had some uh of these rare diamonds diamond ores that I found that I wanted to place here cool cool look at my stacks of stuff such a such an old place oh

Welcome in Lizzy how’s it going welcome in you’re not late you’re good stream just started not too long ago not going to be live all day cuz I have to work but we’re here nonetheless all right I need some wood I need a stick I literally just

Need a stick to make a shovel do where are the sticks at some sticky business for Real where are the sticks at dude okay we go some of this Cherrywood we don’t do a lot of like uh crafting and stuff anymore that’s for sure oh man I need I need more

Levels yeah we were checking out the ax lles good old Liz lle I don’t have enough levels to to do this I need an efficiency book Infinity Swift sneak dang that sucks I’m a Christian I’m a Christian John um I I don’t know what to do what

Do you guys think I should do I need levels I need levels like right now to get a new shovel n denominational walking kangaroo shoes hard to walk probably crappy way to get XP fish wait does Christian mean you’re non- denominational I don’t really like focus on that kind of stuff too Much I just grew up like being Christian and going to church and stuff oh I can get efficiency freaking four right now I think what I need to do is trade with the with the the guys all right guys we’re going to do something fun we’re going to go uh mine some

Melons we’re going to go mine some melons and we’re going to get some more name tags and while we do that um we’re going to be getting some XP when we trade with the Villagers so that’s what I want to do we’re going to have a little bit of a

Melon moment # melon moment Christian is the religion Protestant gotcha oh okay good to know good to know look at all that sweet wheat oh man I have been starving my Minecraft character has been has been going through it and here’s the Birch perch actually funny enough that we’re going

To get to see this this is the Birch perch if no one’s ever seen this um this is uh my where some of the AFK Minecraft streams took place we haven’t even been up here dude uh since the uh the shaders update with the the glass that looks so

Much better but we’d watch these grow and uh we’d hopefully get some some stuff out of here 54 pumpkins bro let’s go um but yeah this is what we did thanks believe in God Jesus and all the stuff but slight variations looks awesome yeah it does um but yeah let’s mine some melons

Um we got a new choker box too we named it the party box for the for the for the party place oh don’t let me forget guys I need to get some sand and I need to get some gravel don’t let me forget please don’t let me forget I wish you do pinned

Comments so you could pin that and I could just like check it um but yeah we’ll be all right just got to get some uh some melons and this is going to help us get XP that’s why I’m doing it sanding gravel I noticed while re watching the glass was different in the

Perch you can pin things let me check oh here oh man thank you thank you John is this show pin for you guys we’re using the melon Reaper to uh to to reap some melons today game changer with penss yes sir get sand in grave you’re

Famous you guys are all famous with my eyes I’m just I just need 30 levels dude but this will help us get some name tags too I just don’t feel like going all the way down to get like um clay usually I do clay balls but I

Really don’t feel like doing clay I hope this gives me enough XP I think it should um I think it should hopefully don’t need any more Graves we really don’t we do not need any more Graves that is for sure but guys like back in the day those

Who weren’t here I mined so many melons and pumpkins for The Cove of light um one of my builds sorry my cat is going crazy right now she’s like on Bonkers I have 16 subscribers so I’m definitely famous totally hey man the sub count doesn’t matter doesn’t matter a single bit

One day I’d like to flush this area out a little bit more and make some cool Automatic Farms here there were there have been many talks of many different builds throughout the course of this series and we’ve actually accomplished a lot of them um but one build in particular that

I’ve kind of talked a little bit on not too much but is like a redstone uh uh focused town that has like a lot of different Contraptions and stuff and it’ll be like an Arc where I’m like focused on Redstone I don’t post anything so it’s

Only way to measure the success of my channel that’s a good amount of people considering no posts but um yeah like a town that has a bunch of redstone contraptions and stuff cuz I never really mess with redstone too much think I’ve only Built one Redstone thing in this whole world

But um Violet Valley is definitely going to take up our time for a while after that even we’re probably not going to build any more towns for a while yeah yeah yeah I didn’t even think about that dude I didn’t even think about that yeah there is I remember

Getting to that episode I only played like the first three episodes of Minecraft story mode I got to the part I think where you get to the end with the guy named I think his name was Lucas I don’t remember it’s been so long like entirely too long I had it on PS3

Bro if that tells you anything the biggest fan W what oh would you guys want to play it on live stream I feel like that’d be crazy do you guys think that would be fun I think that would be really fun I never thought about doing like a

Like a game like that but that would be fun I feel like yeah I think it could be fun I’d have to buy it can you still buy it yeah yeah I remember him a bit watched the heck out of that I I think I think we’ll do

That I think that could be fun been wanting to experiment more but also keep like the same sort of style I don’t really want to do like let’s plays but I would live stream it hope you still can I hope so too I’d get it on PlayStation

5 no I’d probably get it on Steam I’d probably get it on Steam well if it is if it is available for purchase we will be purchasing it that’s uh for sure all right thanks John I appreciate that man we could probably do like an episode

Of stream like I feel like that’d be a good way to break it up like I believe there’s five episodes I love The Telltale Games I’m a really big fan of them I love The Walking Dead ones I have them all Minecraft story mode has like such a

Cool charm to it I feel Like I’m going to cry uh John if if it’s not available for purchase bro I’m awaiting this response like crazy dude I really want to play that cuz I never beat it I never beat it and I don’t have it physically like I have it physically on

Playstation I have it on PS3 as digital it’s so weird that we got like a Minecraft Telltale Story game like but we’ve never gotten like an animated Minecraft movie like the Minecraft graphics are so like cool like the way they animate It Like official mojing why

Have we not got a movie bro like and they want to do a liveaction movie with Jason Mamoa that stuff’s going to be so bad they went bankrupt my gosh dude that is so freaking sad I knew they went bankrupt so you just can’t I you know I

Could probably order it online I could probably order it like a like a code for it I could I could probably order one let me let me check Amazon really quick okay let’s go a and check Amazon see if we can get like a download

Code uh yeah I I see uh holy crap dude these are so expensive dude they’re going for so much yeah the steam code codes are currently unavailable I see that but dude for like for like the PlayStation 4 edition the season 2 standard edition is $114.99 there’s definitely a scalping of

These which is really sad I literally have it on freaking PlayStation 3 though it’s at my mom’s house though got the ultimate edition dude I’m so jealous I’m jealous of you dude oh my gosh is my bed still in here for m to sleep it is guys this is a

Legendary place this right here I would sit here originally and watch the melons grow but when it got dark I’d come in this little area and I would sleep so I wouldn’t get Phantoms man I’m so I’m so disappointed so um there’s this website okay it’s a little sketchy but it’s it’s

Called play Asia and play Asia is basically a place at sells discounted um steam codes you know Xbox PlayStation codes and it’s based I think in obviously somewhere in Asia but you can buy them at a discounted price um for some weird reason I’m not really sure

It’s like Asian codes it’s not from the US but it’s like you know the US USA cracked thing whatever it’s not illegal at all you pay for it and it is official cuz I actually bought Call of Duty Black Ops 3 from there um and Black Ops one so

Maybe just maybe I could find uh an old code for Minecraft story mode on there if they haven’t been all scalped but we’ll have to see that could be really cool the only catch is that sometimes it takes like a month to get the code but

Um sometimes you get it like the same day I think it’s just like you pay for it and like if it’s found by like uh the server or whatever it sends it to you it’s kind of weird the old perch the ground perch yes sir

Yeah that’s uh if I if I knew someone who had it I could like steam share with them but I don’t know if any of my friends have it this pig doing over here there’s this sketchy uh site that had the option to buy download codes with Subway gift cards that’s so

Funny whatever it takes to get it try to play the first uh chapter season thing I heard the second one wasn’t as good it actually works yeah there’s so much weird stuff like that on the internet all right guys I think I’m done mining melons my axe is really close to

Breaking actually and I need that for build so but we got a good amount of uh of stuff so I think we’re okay let’s go see if we can uh get some get some sweet profit and some some sweet XP did you play Minecraft story mode

Jim that makes me so mad dude it’s like with you you can’t get it it’s out of your grasp so unattainable literally just unattainable 360 yeah it’s on Amazon like people scalped it bro there’s like the the copies are like hundreds of dollars it’s really sad since they went they went bankrupt

You can’t buy it anymore that is so freaking sad dude I cannot believe that oh please give me the enough XP I really need your guys’ sweet sustenance here I need it I need it we’re at level 25 boys hopefully that’s enough or not enough but hopefully I can get there

Please I might just barely get there don’t know though got a bunch of emeralds though I’m jumping in my kangaroo shoes it’s fun that’s cool Lizzy there are eight episodes of the first season the six was your favorite it’s a murder mystery with the bunch of famous Minecraft youtubers

Who play themselves yeah I remember that I never got to play it though I remember wanting it for like Christmas but I ended up getting like something better and completely forgot about Minecraft story mode I think I got like a uh like a Wii U and I was like freaking out because I

Loved it so much I got a Wii U for Christmas yay we hit Level 30 let’s go oh man that makes me so happy look that was my last melons that I had guys what are the odds what are the odds actually I can get like one more Emerald cuz I

Have a little bit more in this chest come on guys I got a little bit more in Cell nice all righty we got three stacks of emeralds from that um just to put it in perspective all that time I spent mining back in the day three stacks of emeralds

Is nothing that would have only given me like three blocks or three stacks of blocks so and we need to re just react to DanTDM playing it be right back all right man I never really watched DanTDM much I was more of a Stampy long-nosed guy but I know he’s in the game

Too all right uh wait is there gravel in this chest sander gravel no little bit of gravel let checking these Rando chests look this puppy in here who is this puppy this a rando puppy get up boy we’re going out for a walk it’s been a really long time since

We walked the dogs they have been here since the the creation of crust Ville they have not moved one day we’re going to come back and we’re going to name every single one of these pooches uh but for now I want to take him for a little walk while we uh reside

In Crestville for a little bit okay let’s go buy some name tags from oh dude look at them all in a line dude they were all in like a conga line oh they’re definitely not going to do that again they were though they’re in like a straight line all the pooches we

Love to see it all right Min Mario how’s it going buddy it’s good to see you here to get some name tags I got 12 name tags let’s go dogs are the best I love them my go-to pet my go-to pet I guess are sheep now but they

Used to be chickens chickens used to be my favorite mob all right well we got 12 name tags and we got our 30 levels so let’s head uh out to uh do what we said we were going to do after we get the shovel we’re going to um Gil get gravel and

Sand we don’t need too much more just a little bit okay I want to set the pooches here um to be guarding the gate cuz I’m not I haven’t been here here a lot and I want um we need a we need an extra line of defense here so

We’re going to we’re going to leave that them there to do their to do their doings let’s go uh get this shovel though 12 name tags though that’s pretty good if there was anyone in chat who wanted to be named after an axel I’d say go ahead and do it because I actually

Have name tag never really do have those so and plus we always have to come back here to uh get uh stuff to make it all right I’m going to be making a netherite shovel it’s going to have mending on it it’s going to be the whole

Works actually we’re going to enchant it before we do this because uh it I think it’s more expensive to enchant if it’s a netherite that might be a misconception for me efficiency 4 okay so thank the Lord in heaven that I had uh these um Enchantment books

Because I only got efficiency 4 and I literally do not have any more levels to uh do this so I got mending and Unbreaking and that’s all we needed and now I’m going to make a netherite that is what I need right yeah all right cool I don’t have silk touch but that’s

Okay I don’t really care I’m already named after Axel yes you are check the taco cord if you have time okay let me check it really quick tord if you don’t know is just basically mod chat checking it really quick it probably was yeah it was probably a

Mistake sorry hey James sorry if I called you Jim I don’t know if I meant to or not I know I didn’t mean to that’s my bad dude also we’ve been rocking this same armor for a really long time what is this armor over here is this Enchanted it’s not didn’t even hear

It we could add some more smithing templates I kind of do want to change my armor it’s been a long time since we’ve done that should we make it okay what color should we make it guys green oh let’s get some colors green red or blue well

We got blue don’t we is this diamond yeah it’s diamond no we already have Diamond so wait there’s lapis though we could do lapis lapis Redstone green I’m thinking green I think I’m I think I’m going to do green blue would be too close to Blue’s

Color I agree oh wait amethyst wait can we do amethyst guys I think we should do amethyst for the valley for this Ark I think we should green is always litty to me okay but what about amethyst for the valley okay I think we should do it I

Think we should change our armor up for different arcs especially if they’re going to be like long arcs thank you guys for all your suggestions though wasn’t trying to Discount any of them I just didn’t know you could do amethyst all right well oh very rare instance where I’m naked very

Rare yo that looks sick that looks really good can always change it every Arc that’d be sick yeah we’ll do that I like in one piece a lot if you guys are familiar in one piece they’re always changing outfits for every Arc it’s really cool what’s that face for

Jam what’s that face for huh I think it looks good looks really good very smooth kind of matches the sword oh I looked at the Enderman I’m sorry buddy nudity sorry guys nudity on stream going to have to go ahead and uh get uh taken down for

Today all right now that we got all that taken care of got me my shovel let’s go ahead and name it okay so if you’re unfamiliar we’ve got a set of legendary tools right these tools if broken are going to have their own Graves okay um

So right now you know these are tools that are very important to the PE Isles in the whole world they’re that they’re very legendary Right legendary arms so we’ve got the Giga trimmers the cosmic nightmare which is my My Sword the melon Reaper which is my Axe and uh we’re

Going to do a shovel I still don’t have I have a p pickaxe but I don’t have it named so we’re going to go ahead and name the shovel um they must uh not do that in the early episodes because they have been wearing the same clothes this whole

Time yeah yeah it’ll be soon this ain’t twitch brother right all right we’re going to name this uh shovel I’m going to name it something good we’re going to name it the uh the planet the planet uh something Planet dirt Crusher I’m thinking large scale here I’m thinking oceans deserts Hills mountains Everything terraformer is good too the planet Ender land molder that one’s good I want to keep like this theme that I have though like legendary title like the cosmic nightmare melon Reaper the planet Violet how about something to do with Violet Valley VI the violet it’s the Violet something I don’t know Planet

Shaper you guys think it should be like something to do with Violet cuz the axe is to do with like the melons which is like The Cove of light Arc The Violet The Violet maker H maybe it shouldn’t be something crazy since it’s a shovel how about like the Violet The Violet

Spade if it were up to me I wouldn’t H well what do you guys think of the Violet Spade maybe not yeah it’s hard naming these tools it is let me get a drink the pit maker it’s a good one sort of does both purple planet shaper I like

That sorry guys it takes a while when you’re cooking like this that’s hard man so cos Cosmic nightmare the melon Reaper the giga trimers the Grave Digger well that’s kind of like a bad connotation it’s like I’m digging like an area where people are going to be buried grav Digger purple planet

Pummeler that’s the one that’s a good one purple planet pummeler I like Planet pumer I don’t know about purple purle oh you’re good Lizzy is that you spell pumer guys did I spell it right the planet pumer I like the planet pumer might spelled Pummel or wrong I

Don’t know how you spell it will you guys help Me Pummel is is it like Pomer like that jam we need you we do Jam Jam’s the most the smartest person in this chat maybe Lizzie might have him beat so that was right yeah we we were right all right the planet pummeler it is the the next

Legendary item to be in the Arsenal there she is the planet pummeler boys here to stay we’re never going to let this tool break so if you don’t know the legendary items we don’t let break and they all have mending on them oh my Cosmic nightmare

Doesn’t I don’t think it can actually So eventually when the cosmic nightmare can’t be uh repaired anymore we’re going to go to like one of the highest peaks in all the Realms and we’re going to put it on an frame and make like a memorial for it you’re look at in tradem

Market yeah that’s good the planet pumer I like that a lot thanks John for the and everyone else for the suggestions oh we got some good ones Let’s uh let’s get back to business let’s go get some uh some gravel okay let’s get down to business all right we’re going to get gravel

Here um I I kind of want to go down to the cove and see if I can get um what I was saying is uh I want to go down to the cove and see if I can get some gravel down there I might have some down there is

Why I’m saying that in that like big old chest um down in the Cove I have like a big chest from when I was mining dude this armor looks sick though I love it I’m really glad we kind of changed it all right we need to find the giant

Screw the giant screw is where the uh the ancient city is so uh give me one second I will be right back n n sorry about that guys uh had some uh packages I ordered from Amazon show up my for my girlfriend’s birthday so I had to get those so sorry about

That we’re going to go down to the Cove real quick and we’re going to check out and see if we got any gravel and then we’re going to get some sand and head back to the Violet Valley we’re going to pop or we’re going to try an MLG water bucket there really

Quick and if not we’re going to die and have a totem favorite fast food I don’t know all items from Etsy are shipping ass of this morning all that’s awesome Jam see if I can hit this MLG a man I suck I don’t know how many totems I’ve

Popped now it’s been a lot here’s the Cove been a while I popped a lot of totems down here that’s for sure fighting the warden all right I wanted to see if I could find some gravel in here um oh in this chest I have it over

Here we’re going to get back to this build eventually a lot of work to do here oh there’s some did a lot of work though that’s for sure R team MLG skill I will make an uh the next order soon probably at 975 Subs because of the order can take so long

For the a th000 sub shipment thanks man that’s so exciting 10 gravel ooh and some amethyst you can use that this literally had 10 gravel for me it’s a surprise unless Jam wants to reveal it but he doesn’t have to 24 gravel not a lot that’s for sure for

Each don’t worry Jim I won’t I won’t spoil it that’ll be a surprise for yall I was let to see if there’s any gravel like on the walls or anything in here that I could check also uh this is a historic spot right here that happened

Very early on so while I was looting this ancient city getting some role play right here I was sneaking around right sneaking right here jumped up here my game was lagging a little bit so when I open this chest to see what was in it and I I’m never going to move anything

That’s in this chest cuz this chest would have been what I died for one lead was the best thing in this chest cuz as I uh opened it a shrier went off and the warden spawned right there so I blocked up I blocked up right here right here I started blocking up

And he was like seconds away from obliterating me with one of his ballistic Biden blasts yep it’s going to be really exciting I’m so excited Jim so sub that’s the first time I’ve ever said that subscribe got to get to a th000 but yeah it was a very scary moment ballistic Biden

Blast yeah that that’s exactly what the Wen does symbolistic Biden blasts man I guess there’s no gravel down here huh it’s all right we can just go back up take these bones though getting these bones so I can make me some more golden carrots later cuz I’m going to run out

Soon but yeah here’s the uh Cove if you haven’t seen it in a while I always like coming back here let’s try to shoot up out of here might be able to one second N you’ve done well to survive against my attack so far but let’s see how you Faire against my Biden blast Biden blast I know this place not might not seem very impressive to a lot of you but like if you were here this took an undescribable amount

Of hours to complete just what I’ve done so far and this is my favorite spot to come back to and look at right here I really love uh the main place but if you tell me to sub I I won’t want to do it that’s why I don’t ask people to

Subscribe because if this is the thing I’ve been a viewer of channels for for like 13 years I uh never subscribe when people tell me to I I never did I never hit that sub button so I never say subscribe it’s not uh something that I really care

About is like forcing people to subscribe especially if like people uh like are it’s like their first time in the Stream it’s like oh don’t forget to subscribe it’s like if I’m going to subscribe I’m going to subscribe it’s you know you know it’s not like uh some sort

Of you know commitment you have to make to someone on YouTube there’s millions and millions of creators on the platform join for the first time you were working on the Cove mostly because the title was my kidney is gone I had to check it out oh you mean my appendix is

Gone oh so the first stream you saw was um when I got my appendix taken out wow that’s a good first one I was very uh very very not feel feeling good in that Stream So guys I don’t know where I’m going to get this gravel

From No Escape who is it Rose is trying to escape just joking she’s good he was in full recovery mode wrong organ stay for the anime talk he was in full recovery mode so me message at 4:00 a.m. freaked me out some wait was that when I was at the hospital

Gym and I messaged you was that win I bet it did freak you out I was freaking out I’m just checking these chests to see if I got any freaking gravel yeah save for the Minecraft yeah we we get up to a little bit of everything here I’m a big anime fan

Yeah it was really scary for me so like just to kind of recap what happened with my appendix I had been for like the past week I had have been having like a really horrible pain in my stomach and like my lower stomach and uh it felt like I just need

To use the bathroom you know how that is and uh it persisted and it made me like get chills and cold sweats and just really bad and I worked through it for like 3 days and I was like the last day I was like I calling off work I cannot

Do this like I really hate to miss work so I called off and I rested all day and I actually watched some one piece uh and just laid in bed I watched some Better Call Saul just chilling I was like I get this day off but I just

Really wasn’t feeling good at all and by the night time dude I was like throwing up and just it was awful and I like told my girlfriend it’s something I never do it was like I need to go to the ER cuz I think something’s wrong with me like I

Was throwing up a lot and throwing up was basically your body is like trying to get that toxic stuff out of you because when you’re appendix is about to burst it secretes that crap you know it’s just messing with your body so much

So went to the ER I laid in the ER all night I laid in the ER from like 12:00 to about 7 in the morning um and at about 5 or about um 4ish I think three or four they’re like oh you’re appendix uh needs to be removed so I had to wait

For them to get me ready and stuff and then I had to get shipped to a hospital and have it cut out that’s what happened and then I was off for like weeks I was off for a long time and I T I tried to come back and

Stream for a little bit but guys it was rough it was really rough when I tried to stream it wasn’t the best I’m going to bone meal some carrots really quick so I have some food cuz I have some gold at the Cove to make or not the Cove um at the

Valley so I can make me some more uh golden carrots yeah I’m way better now I appreciate it I wasn’t trying to like seek any sort of uh um you know sympathy from anyone I just wanted to let you know it was such a weird time like and

Then immediately after that I got Co and it was just like bro so I’m hoping to stay well this year CU that’s like the main thing that keeps me from making videos is like getting sick freaking sucks all right let’s go get some gravel it’s night time so it’s kind of like the

Perfect time to do it I need to get some uh gunpowder anyway yeah rough rough times but we’re good first time using the planet the planet pummeler oh I need to get squids too I need to kill some squids Biden blast get all that lovely sand new here

New immune system that’s what they say dude I really hope because my immune system is horrible it’s absolutely terrible I get sick constantly and it was like that since I was a kid like just have a weak immune system and it makes me sad dude cuz I would always like miss school

Sometimes and and sometimes it people would be like you got sick again yeah like I believe that but I I don’t know dude I just get to get sick constantly not sure what’s up with that but I have high like blood pressure I found out like uh 6 months

Ago and I was like vitamin D deficient but they were like don’t worry everyone is they just don’t know it I was like oh all right let me put some of this in the in the party box whoa look at that that’s a little cool cave that’s so funny cuz that

Probably leads right to the uh Ancient Ancient City if you go far enough right I just need gravel now I don’t really need any more sand I don’t think oh look at all this gravel dude this is so much beautiful amount sorry it’s so dark down Here ah my cat’s on my lap now say welcome to Rue all right got to head out see you later depending on how long stream goes have a good one y’all see you John probably going to be going for like another hour and a half maybe we’ll

See yeah man you have a great day I just saw a squid he’s not going to get away there he is she’s watching intently on the my cat’s watching intently she loves to watch me play games she gets mad when I like try to move her she goes like she doesn’t want to

Move how much gravel do I have Three Stacks is definitely not enough man there’s like some biomes that are like wind swept gravel Hills that would be awesome if I could find one of those but I don’t even need that much it’s the thing let’s just go back to the valley

Um let’s use what we have cuz I think I’ll have just enough to complete this build Enderman on the property need some uh sugar cane for uh my Rockets get a little bit of paper little bit of paper never hurt nobody a little bit more actually

All right let’s go back to uh the valley got 13 black Dy cat just attacked the mic mic attack checking to see if I have any ink sacks in this chest I used to like save them for mending Mario cuz he used to give me uh a lot of emeralds for him all

Right we’re donezo here we’re going to sleep really quick cuz I don’t want mobs to be like spawning and trying to get in the portal but we’re on day 943 guys so close to a th days I reckon we’ll hit it very soon we just have to keep checking you

Know we’ll just have to keep checking sorry I was checking something all right let’s go back Road again on the road again you guys have any plans for today what’s going on with y’all look at all these sheep that are going to be turned into something eventually maybe we don’t even know this could be the most important sheep in the series not him though nothing nah nothing hey sometimes

Nothing’s better than than something if you know what I mean you just got like nothing to worry about you know I wish I have to go to work I actually get a weekend off though uh I usually don’t get like a weekend I usually get two days spread out um so

I’m really lucky this week I I got I got off Friday and Saturday but it’s from my girlfriend’s birthday but I think I’m going to be streaming Saturday hopefully a long stream wait next stream is uh stream 69 kind of Wild Cat’s attacking the mic

Again got to have to put baby down sorry baby little baby baby baby I call her baby baby baby baby baby oh you’re a cat I’m sorry the talks get weird when we’re when we’re on the nether highway I have to find stuff to talk about Vine boom

Sound you know would be an insane anime moment as we’re traveling through the highway and on the side of the wall it just gets destroyed revealing like the nether outside and there’s just like some sort of like oh um I’m stuck I have to

Relo and it’s uh Joe Biden is what I was going to say with a Biden blast all right I can go ahead and unpin this comment you know out of nowhere I think I want to um I think I’d like to just pin random comments that I that I find interesting

Yeah good thing I relux I want to pin like random comments but you’ll never know why the comments gets pinned you might usually that’s probably just going to be funny all right back in the valley let’s see if I have any gravel in these chests please let me have that

Please where’s all the gravel at some in here some sand too cool made some Steve Harvey and Lan AI stuff and it worked out for some reason dude you got to send it to the to the to the chat I’ll I’ll check that out and also really quick I wanted to put Helen

Skeller on here Helen skeller so I don’t know when I’m going to do this but I need to get a book and quill and El turn and put the book and quill on there so I can write a book and put all the guys names in it

Cuz there’s way too many now like entirely too many posted it new show in Violet Valley let me check it out bro why do that look like exactly like the art style dude that looks like perfect that’s so weird Jam that looks looks exactly like the cool 9s art

Style man you got you got a good one with that one serial experiments of Harvey that’s so funny dude I love that blessed a blessed image all right all right going to pop some uh gold in this thing honestly this the world just kind of at this point feels like an animal crossing

Let’s play like oh we’re trying to build like a town you know it’s like the vibe I get that makes any sense why is there so many mobs dudes oh heck no there’s a demon in that computer ah I love Steve Harvey sometimes dude survey says all right let me kill these guys

Really quick no evil doers in my land all right let’s uh go ahead and finish the sidewalk cuz I know it’s not finished boom sidewalk done cool this place is so trippy oh I forgot the uh the glow stone should I just wait till I’m done to get to go get the glow

Stone why does this keep happening happening dude why are there I heard it that time but dude there’s so many mobs here I’m so quiet you’re good you’re good Lizzy I know I know you’re here it’s good to have you here creepers want a party creepers Just Want to Have

Fun oh creepers just want to have fun all right I got two stacks stacks on stacks on Stacks do we have enough though is the is the real question I think we’re just going to need more squids but that’s it I’d really love to not have to get more black concrete it’s really

Expensive like with the squids like there’s not not really a really great way to get it if if there’s a squid Farm maybe there’s a squid Farm I’m sure there Is okay squid farm would be like the most boring build ever I feel like cool so dark I’m going to take this torch just so I can see if stuff’s lit up yeah I think we’re all good here so this is all the the rest that I need

Actually which is really cool actually actually actually actually actually no actually all right squid time squid game squid game real quick I want to uh put some more uh path down since I’m here yes right here is where I wanted to put some path honestly I need a bunch of coal right

Now to smelt more smooth Stone uh that’s going to be a a sidewalk it’s going to go so I think how I want to do it is I want to have like a building here a building here and then do a block so I talked about that yesterday so

Building here building here block cuz I want to keep I want to have a bunch of space and this place is probably going to be really big we’re just going to build shops as we uh you know decide to and that tree staying there forever now JM the all heck na wish tree

It’s staying thanks to you cuz you wanted to hate on it all right um I’m going to go get some squids really quick this is like the place I come to get the squids dude they’re always here homies are always here chilling bro you know one thing I need to do guys

Like one of the legendary items I think should be my elytra don’t you think like I named the elytra like the uh I don’t know the Eternal wings or something something cool twistery squid game pun squid game actually loved squid game though it’s a good show really good really good

Story anybody seen squid game all right this this is going to be enough I think I got some Chinese takeout last night and it was so good I got some more of it in the fridge I’m going to be heating it up eating it up heat it up and eat it up

Let me get my peab bed out this is the Pea bed sleeping in the bakery sleeping in the bakery just baked up some dreams in my head all right I don’t know how much I’m going to need I don’t want to make a bunch of black

Concrete cuz I want to make some black stained glass as well man I’m probably going to need it all of what I have maybe not yeah I’m going to need some more it’s all right though I don’t know why I complain like there’s I can just kill more squids great

So yeah I I’m I’m getting very scared like right here in this area I always stand right here and craft and there’s always freaking Creepers bro all right this should be enough I really would like to make a store room though in this area cuz we’re going to

Be building so many things here and just being able to have like chests for like all the different types of colored concrete would be really cool you know even then I’m still missing like a little piece that’s why I want a store room though in like the community center

Area maybe the maybe the mobs like the the homies can get in there and just just pull out like a like a block or something and just stare at it I don’t know all right well that is it for this build’s pretty much done now guys flooring anyway for what for what it’s

Worth this build took me longer than I thought it would but I think it turned out well there it is guys here it is the club the club the party animals club I’m going to take the rest of the dieye I have which isn’t a lot and I’m going to

Make some stained glass uh some black stained glass with it okay 40 40 panes just going to go ahead and break these hopefully this is enough to do at least just this side and then later we can finish up the other side if need be it’s so

Dark I need to go get Glowstone is what I need to do okay there it is I feel like that looks way better than the other okay for now I’m not going to change the other side just to keep it keep it kind of Uniform it’s like this for now but we will change it later I might actually have a enough to do like one side or two of the sides cuz I have 18 pains left these pains are a pain dude never said that before I get enough for for one more I

Just do this middle One there we go that’ll work for now I can’t believe this is done party animals Club let’s go uh really quick and get some glow stone let’s go get some glow stone some glowy Stony just for some lights um maybe we could do some like carpet

And put I don’t know I want it to be dark the interior is not I’m not really sure I’m going to do it no one is chatting everybody’s chilling people be people just be chilling sometimes you know can I break it with this oh I can

Nice this one’s going to fall isn’t it no okay more anime Steve heart let me check it out bro who said anime survey says yeah all right I need more than this seven is not going to cut it where are can I find some freaking it’s probably because I’m in

Like a Soul Sand Valley I’d been sure to say that I don’t really want to go very far though is the thing okay I think for now I’m not going to do this cuz this is a a little bit of a dangerous area and uh I want to play it

Safe and be a little bit smart so I think uh I’ll get the glowstone later at Crestville so I have some I think in a chest so also curse realistic lame with Jesse Pinkman ew I don’t like that that’s really weird very very very cursed

Dude it looks like a Last of Us ripoff dude that’s probably where the AI like pulled that from 100% I like checking all these chests though cuz they have all the stuff from all the other builds it’s like really uh handy sometimes the realistic anime eyes

Right man I’m out honestly that kind of works too this kind of works this will work for now we need to finish the entrance later but this will be all right dude I don’t know what to fill in this place I don’t know what to put in here let me check it

Out that’s so funny dude I don’t know why the Steve Harvey ones were so good those ones are perfect especially with like his teeth are like perfect in those I feel like all right um we need to finish this build I don’t want to leave this unfinished I think there needs to be

Like a uh a DJ area or something I think I’ll do like Spruce for that like Spruce uh stairs and slabs That’s How we’ll do it think the DJ area can go like right here it’s so hard to see dude that looks like the center kind of so DJ area

Okay looks a little weird I’m not sure how I feel about it it’s going to be really dark so you’re not going to be able to see it very well I just want you to be able to know there’s like a little dj area in here you know what I mean um

I think we’ll put like a little Lantern here maybe I’m trying to decide how I want to do this I don’t really want there to be like a a disco floor I don’t think I don’t know this see I’m thinking I might want to come back to it because I I don’t

Know how I want to do it yet um I’m not really sure how I want to 100% do like the floor and stuff so it’s like not really sure what I want to do um and like when I get like that I I don’t want to like Rush something or force

It so let’s take a nap um Let me let me actually look at some inspiration real quick I’m looking at some inspirational images inspiration H people build some cool stuff okay we could do like a little bar area I see how there they have like there’s like a little bar got made like

A Bar all this look with white concrete so like something like this with uh with us some chairs some seating got a window seat there you guys think of that I’m going to steal this uh Lantern where’ we go yo what’s up what’s going on sabriel welcome in how’s it going my

Man it’s not centered it’s annoying oh there we go you guys think of this little like bar area little little area for seating and I uh I saw something else they kind of did that was cool going great how are you doing all right got to go to work

Soon so I’m a little bit sad but I’m okay can’t complain too much I saw uh they had like somebody did like a checkered floor and like the middle kind of like the dance floor if you will look at that I kind of like this kind of Blends in yeah I like

This I think we’re going to keep this what do you guys think we’re going to make it a little bigger of course I need some more concrete yeah we’re going to we’re going to do that 64 Freddy fast beard pizza place it kind of does I could see it Freddy Fazbear or

Yeah I think this is how I want it just making it one more big like this one wider I don’t think this looks too bad at all little dance floor you hate to you hate to not have a little dance Floor yeah we’ll rocket with this completely submerged I think above it this is like the center right see little dancer dancies little dancies are going to happen right here can I put something on the ceiling here okay I think I want like a piece of glow stone there where is that glow

Stone that I had yo welcome back John Freddy Fazbear pizza Vibes yeah that’s what uh that’s what Sabal just said I I have to agree with you there not going to be like a crazy super club like uh I don’t know but I I think I like this what do you guys think

Got the little bar area got the DJ area it’s it’s what but it you know it’s it serves its purpose you know I think later it would be cool to have these places go like under construction maybe to add like other floors and stuff we talked about that

Like the uh Daisy’s designs maybe or like the button shop having an extra floor or something like that I think I like this though for what it is thanks man I think it looks good too oh shoot I didn’t have a totem in my hand big rip all right I’m happy with

This I want to add like some wall art later on maybe um wouldn’t be opposed to that maybe could be some filler Arc later in the series yeah that would be cool some filler all right well I think uh party animals is it’s done I think it’s done

Guys I think we uh I think we did good with this build where’s my party box there just keep all my concrete and stuff in here for right now all the stuff I’m going to be building with and everything it’s like building blocks going back and forth Yes all right now that that is done I got this random chest here I want to get rid of this I want some of the stuff in there but like not a lot of it oh I got some flowers in here actually I want to these are these are going to be reserved

For concrete dye so let’s get everything out of this chest and then I’m just going to burn all this stuff cuz I I hate having these chests around really hate it these random chests that are like floating oh it’s not going to let me burn it is it of course it’s

Not um oh I could do that what a what a Chad life hack look at that Giga Chad hack dang I threw it down the hill oh I’ve never seen that that little that little uh thing where it’s like burning it’s like it was on fire I’ve

Never seen that maybe my brain’s blocked that out my entire life but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that trash we should have like a recycling center wouldn’t that be cool with a big like recycling sign that would be really cool like a big I don’t

Know why I just got that idea but I did then I have jump scare noise jumps AR noise uh Freddy Fazbear will you be my friend I’m only friends with other animatronics you get stuff in the endoskeleton first in skeleton all right well build is

Complete um I think we didn’t do too bad on it honestly um later on we’re going to have to have some like tour of this like for all of our residents because they haven’t even really seen much of this we’re just kind of we’re kind of just getting the town

Ready for him if you know what I mean like we’re just we’re doing some work you know we’re getting we’re getting the land ready we’re surveying um just getting some builds done right and then eventually we’ll uh get the walls erected and we’ll uh put them up yeah I

Really like for the way it looks from like outside too it looks really neat I like it add some more stuff later all right I think for now I want to place the remaining dirt I have let’s kind of flatten this area out actually I want to start over here more this

Area cuz this is where we’re going to have like a new uh sidewalk done with the role play I don’t blame you excuse me I need some smooth Stone got to sleep too got to do all kinds of stuff guys hit 940 Subs that’s cool there’s only so much of that I can

Entertain fill you there brother all right let’s uh let’s head back and go get some Stone over here and then we’ll put that in the in the smelter got to get more sidewalks you know got to have the sidewalk you did before the stream you’re moving up in the world what do you

Mean oh let’s see what you mean I’m hoping so man man I’m really hoping hoping and praying and praying and hoping two three okay so just leveling out this area I’m going to have to put torches under there later but I don’t have the coal to spare right

Now it’s so funny I have mountains of diamonds and gold and all kinds of other things but I don’t have coal I need coal I need to literally just go fill a Shuler box with coal I don’t think that’s how it works I appreciate the uh yeah I don’t know what I’m

Saying couldn’t think of the word all Right yeah this uh little piece is going to be all flattened over Al you can’t do any subscribers it’s true you cannot as I said yesterday uh I think see I need to get more of the sidewalk to uh kind of Judge where I’m going to put this next block I’m thinking it’s

Going to end like here I think would be a perfect spot to end it only because this little Hill this natural hill that the club’s on I kind of want to keep it there and I’m thinking maybe we’ll put like a a pool on the other side of that what do

You guys think I think that would be cool uh a pool like right here and this little area right here we could do like a pool that’s on top of the hill with the club so like there could be like a pool for uh for the the residence think that would be

Neat you can shout out Channel and Link that in the description there’s no official way to do it the pool the pool Arc I think it’d be neat one second I have to like shoot my cat away from she gets under my chair and I roll around in it

Sometimes um and I don’t want to like roll over her little feet or or her little hands so I gotta I gotta be careful so just give me one second all right good build like to see a pool that’d be good it’s F out pretty pretty

Well I think so too Veronica’s afraid of water oh that’s right I remember that from the lore hello resident how are you my cat’s being very bad right now I’m sorry I have to keep like shooing her away it sounds bad like Sho her away but it’s like it’s not like

She wants to hang out she just wants to bite the cord of uh my headphones and it’s like almost destroyed cuz she’s been biting it so much she’s bad she’s at that bad age be cool to have a cabana or something to buy potion drinks yeah that

Would be cool is there enough space up here let’s see there might be if not we can just kind of terraform it yeah there’s definitely enough space up here the pool could go like exactly right here so you could see it really well from the window so like right here a

Huge pool yeah and the Cabana little uh bar area could be right here really Encompass this area so we’ll we’ll do that um that’d be really nice banish from biting cats be like that sometimes yeah we have this like spray bottle we’ve been like spraying them with u not

Them because my other cat’s really good she’s almost 10 years old um but she uh she’s used to the spray but she just doesn’t care sometimes bro she’ just be chilling and one to to bite all right let’s oh she’s doing it again dude she never learns she never learns she never

Learns she never learned how to be good you hear the spray that’s what it sounds like all right I think I’m only going to be live for a little bit bit longer but I want to try to get as much done as I can I want to fill this area in this is

Basically going to be where another build’s at right here just got to do this dirt terraforming every now and then i’ like to have like the areas all flattened out so I can uh whenever I want to build something I just come over and build it you

Know YouTube signed me out during the live just now had to sign in did not click anything that’s weird cat spring ASMR that’s weird you YouTube and Google services be like signing you out sometimes oddly maybe it thinks you’re becoming an AI Jam because of all the

Talk hey Jam um this is a bit of a weird request but the the other day I stumbled back upon uh um one of your uh musics that you made for the shepherd I think it was the first song I don’t remember what it was

Called but do you mind if I play it on stream really quick I think it’s like a really cool like uh this up to you if you want me to play it but it’s I feel like it’s a really good like background song just like resonance I really

Enjoyed listening to it again you guys think would win Joel Miller Michael D Santa from GTA I don’t know I never play GTA sure okay thanks Heavenly light yeah I think that’s it so jam uh made a little game called The Shepherd showing off his skills um and I really like

It shoot I’m trying to find it again oh man I don’t know if I’m able to find it they don’t interest you last of us is really good very good story yeah go ahead and Link it I would really appreciate that cuz I really like it um yes we did go to school

Together all right I want to Loop this for a little bit I feel like it matches the Violet Valley very well Jam made this song for his game it’s really neat thanks man I appreciate that Sabel an Xbox person so no Last of Us for me it’s a good

Game yeah this song is like a Bob I love it going to Loop it for a little bit while we work on this it’s like like my perfect type of music it’s like my favorite kind s stuff yeah J Jam’s currently making a very large ambitious game right now he’s been

Working on it I think since he’s since like 2020 maybe before then it’s going to be amazing dude it’s that V he’s got that Vision so it reminds me of like old school Minecraft music for some reason but it’s got that syy to it you know I like it small Game Jellyman call me whatever just don’t call them late for dinner sorry you guys can unsubscribe now all right this is a perfect area I just kind of want to get the Outline of this Okay I think I like This go out a little bit more yeah right here I think is going to be the threshold of uh the uh shopping district for now and then it’ll uh the block will continue this way so it’ll go that way past the uh the place that’s how we’ll do That Coolio going to need some more dirt soon I just kind of like to do it as I have the dirt so I don’t like forget about It really thinking of saying that hey Jam I’m late for dinner Hey late for dinner welcome in late for dinner how are you yep so uh so right here you can see very rough uh very rough right now this is the sidewalk um it’s going to stretch

Out here and this will be like a new area for a new build this is going to be a huge build right here so we’ll Reserve this plot for another build build um honestly I don’t know what do you guys think should go here like a I don’t know

What size could go here like a like a grocery store or something taco man I’m good all Right pick this up a pool maybe we’re going to put the pool over by the club feel like a pool would be a waste of space for this much uh area we’ve got you thought Jame was late for dinner actually he just made it funny enough he just made it

In yeah we’re already doing a pool got to sleep again sleeping by the by the furnace going to catch on fire during the night why’ you say hey to yourself then all Right you know it be really cool to have like a sewer system running like underneath the sidewalks that would be really neat like little uh on like the little pieces like this right here you could have like a little uh manhole cover so you could hop

In there with like an iron trap door that’ be really cool I think we should do it the iron trap doors even though even if we’re not going to do a sewer underneath the the place I don’t know not sure um but yeah I’m just going to put the edge line

For this sidewalk right here going this way there’s more cave down there cat’s being bad dude my cat is so bad give me one second horrible cat not good horrible cat bad ruy bad you’re not supposed to chew on cords girl that hurts you wouldn’t mind a sewer system but it probably have

Uh you probably have to make it after yeah definitely going to be something I’d have to make like later On yeah let’s try to keep it PG uh sabriel I have to get on a lot of people for that um I just you never know who’s watching kidwise and stuff and I uh I just try to be PG here you know just keep it keep it clean keep it cool keep it

Calm we like to joke around here but we also like to keep it you know Respectful one second guys I’m really Sorry cat moment I’m struggling with her today I’m like it’s it’s kind of like being a parent not blocking you bro um yeah we’re we’re a chill Community we’re not going to try to be like harmful or hateful to anyone here yeah it’s just a warning I had to

Warned someone yesterday as well so it’s you know it’s I don’t I don’t really care what you say other like somewhere else but here I U try to keep it keep it familyfriendly at Least I know some people might think that’s cringy or whatever but you know this is a kids game at the end of the day it’s a game for everyone but it’s a game a lot of kids enjoy to watch so plus that doesn’t really that kind of you

Know I don’t know runchy humor doesn’t really fit the vibe of like what we have going here don’t worry you’re not going to get blocked unless you you know insane say some crazy crazy stuff I’ve we’ve never had to block anyone so all right um I really need to get

Some more stuff is your cat black to cat not gra say I’m talking about black no she’s uh orange and Y or white said orange and yellow second okay Minecraft attracts uh younger viewers quite a lot so not surprising yeah we have a lot of younger viewers I love all my younger

Viewers love hanging out Chilling I don’t want like cuz I feel like a lot of time when I was younger this is how I kind of felt about it I felt like I would go into streams and people would be like really talking about like some crazy stuff and it’d be

Kind of hard to get your way into like a community like that and I want this community to be very open yes he is a moderator Dam as well all right I have an efficiency five book right here dang guys I don’t know what to do right

Now I’m like out of a coal oh no I’m not here just grab some of that coal I didn’t grab a lot of coal on that trip you know um we have a good bit of stone brick CU I don’t really know if I should start the wall though because I I don’t

Really have like all the sidewalk I I want down that’s a big area it’s very Flat all right okay um I thought that wrench means your construction work working while you’re on this live stream that’s pretty funny I think what I would like to do guys is I’d like to uh I’d like to go get a bunch of lava so I could have like an automatic smelter for

Uh automatically smelt like this Stone over here so I can get some smooth Stone because I’m going to need a lot of like Smooth stone slabs for sidewalk that’s like my main thing right now so I want to dump this stuff in here cuz uh lava last a lot longer than

Uh than regular Coal if you know what I mean it it smells a lot of Items h no how is this happening dude man almost shot Migel and Tiny not safe in the valley not as safe as I thought all right John you’re Good yeah let’s go get some lava really quick oh shoot there’s a yeah Okay I have any iron I know I had a bunch of iron a minute ago just need to make some buckets here we go sure I don’t have any stray buckets laying around before I make a bunch make eight buckets actually I believe there was

Some lava over here so we’re going to go over this way and get some Yeah there’s some lava this way I believe what’s going on pigs see what I told you guys the music is good for the background and hey a donkey donkey Plateau Enderman stealing a block did I just make him mad I did all right I’m not going to kill him if he’s

Not going to try to all right if you want Cosmic nightmared I’ll let you get cosmic nightmared Then silly boy yeah it’s good background music the jam made I believe I saw a uh lava pool over Here where was it I know it was on the surface I don’t really want to go down to a cave right now as I’ll get sidetracked and lost lost be music for watching sheet basically an AFK simulator sounds like it I think some relaxing music yeah I love

It I could I could go to sleep too it I think Jam I think I might tonight we’ll See I’d like to make like an anime edit with with it maybe like a really chill like a I don’t know maybe like a Serial experiments Lane edit that would be crazy I need to watch the show first and then maybe I could do that venturing off to landz on Note over

Here don’t even know where I’m at it is cool Yeah here it is I found it let’s go let’s go very epic dude that’s the first time I literally got lava in a bucket That’s crazy dude that’s wild well we’ve got our lava we should make like a lava Factory that would be Sick I got a bow an Unbreaking 2 bow guess going be a nice replacement for my warden’s Bane for a bit I don’t think we went to school with a guy named Anthony we’re both graduated sa Br wo the lava gives that light up effect too that’s pretty Cool bro this cave too there’s so many crazy caves around here Dude when I made it I was at uh really at my most h less for the future because it was already 2021 and I was not sure what I was uh what was going on not really scared but I was feeling my weirdest when I made the soundtrack kind of put

Emotion into the music well I love that I think that adds a really cool layer to it it’s really cool to know that I think you’ll be all right though bro and I know you got I know you got this handle you’re inspirational to me with your your game and stuff and

Everything it’s really Cool no offense twice well thank you I don’t mind uh being told I sound young also bro what is this dude what is this bog cave or yeah this is bog cave right look at this dude just this with the music a lot better now that’s good man I’m really glad to hear

That this life thing isn’t easy it’s hard I’m going to grab this coal while I’m here mainly for Torches okay but at the time I was not sure if I could finish college and if I was going to get sick I understand man look at you now look at us we’re going crazy going stupid that is not a hack hacker man that should be your name Jam hacker man

Jam that’d be funny all right now I got to get back if I get out of this freaking hole I don’t know if this is bog cave or not yeah it is this is bog cave okay cool right Back it’s so easy to work well I will just tell you this sabriel I work a full-time job um and I also stream which I don’t view as as a job but sometimes it can be viewed as that I guess but you have no idea how much I hate going to

Work I want to do something I love to do but I view it as like a temporary thing just like school is jobs uh yeah see now Jam’s job you know he said it’s easier but I feel like I just my for me right now like when you grow

Up it’s like man I really want to be doing what I want to be doing what I want to be like doing like I want to be streaming I want to be creating content I want to be like creating stories online and stuff and it’s like I don’t

Have as much time because working you know it’s like uh I feel like school is simpler time for me Just cuz College cost money and make you learn a lot even things you don’t want to right um I don’t know I just thought it was funny that you said that that we were lucky I’m not going to lie man I I live on my with my with my girlfriend

And stuff and I moved out when I was remember moved out and uh it’s hard living on your own it’s not easy paying bills and stuff and keeping the lights on it’s uh it’s it can be stressful living with your parents I feel like sometimes it’s easy in school

Because it’s like you you know they cook for you they they they they make you dinner you got to when you live on your own you got to figure out what you’re going to make yourself for dinner that probably probably sounds like oh well that’s that’s just normal

Stuff but it’s like I don’t know all right now my automatic smelter is working so I’m going to keep this lava in this chest right beside it so I can uh get that cuz this is this is going to smell a lot of a lot of units that’s very sweet

Sabro honor your father and mother all right let me sleep I don’t know where the bed went we’re going to have this smelting over here actually I’m going to take a bucket as well with me over here nice got a good bit of stone I get another furnace really Quick just cherish those younger days I wish I would have more I wanted to grow up I wanted to be uh I wanted to grow up immediately I uh I wanted things to to be over but you learn a lot uh growing up so all right let’s uh continue with this

Path yeah that’s a cool quote oops so this is going to go out here these slabs are like more precious to me than Diamonds all right we’re going to get some dirt by like destroying some of these Hills and stuff like this one oh wow this this one too not that one like we’re going to get rid of uh these right here just to make it flat Here what looks so cool ye Jam’s always here it’s important can’t kill Jam Unkillable all right um I’m probably going to be ending it at 2 it’s like 1 153 where I’m at so I think that’s where when I’m going to end there’s a horse up there Peter the horse is here but I just want to get like a a

Landmark of uh how far this is going to go nah I don’t think so I think he would be completely unfaced I think Jam could be hit like uh head on like not in a car but head on by like a uh a giant uh semi tanker going

100 m 150 m per hour and be completely unfaced that’s just me though I’ve seen some crazy stuff all Right yeah but but Jim’s got God on his side look at the purple sheep frolicking Frolic no what’s your obsession with killing Jam man wants to kill you Jam excuse me All right got a little bit of uh Terraforming okay good response all right I hope this is on the same level I I think it is just going to walk from here right here wait a minute it uh needs to be here Too all Right oh really that’s really cool Robin All right let’s see if this is the same level as uh the sidewalk over here I really hope it is welcome back John we’re getting ready to end in a little bit um but I’m just trying to see if uh trying to get some sidewalks placed I’m

Trying to see if this is the same uh level is this over here oh thank the Lord that it is because it means I don’t have to do a bunch of extra crap means I can just kind of flatten my land up nicely done let’s

Go all right this is uh this is going to be the sidewalk it’s it’s going to stretch all the way around This uh no John did not go to school with Us okay we’re just uh right now I’m just working on getting this sidewalk done and I’m also just trying to get some dirt so I can fill in some some stuff old F welcome in It’s your first time being here welcome In I really hate to end dude I want to keep streaming that’s how it always is when I have to go to work it’s like bro why I got to go to work I want to stay streaming I want to keep the streams up have a pool right you might you do

Now cool I guess okay so this is going to be the sidewalk um this area is this area is going to be like the same we’re going to keep this little hilly area hilly terrain going to terraform the sides of it right here so it doesn’t

Look all bad I’m going to do that later but for now I just want to get the sidewalks done so I have like the plots of land that I can build on um and get some walls up eventually but yeah this will be the sidewalk right here bro doesn’t have one he doesn’t Care all right let’s fill this In this will be really cool to uh finish this plot so we’ll be able to decide next what build we want to do Next Spawn one for you PS5 Spawner yeah I just want to have some time to eat and stuff before work so I probably will end in just a minute I just want to place all this dirt and then uh that’s what I’m going to do so but thank you guys for for tuning in

Today sticking around it’s been fun we got a lot done today I feel like um you know we we got the we got the planet pummeler we finished uh the club for the most part got some more name tags um had a nice visit to Crestville we’re doing good surveying

This land I feel like it’s going well um enjoying what the place is looking like so far so can’t complain about anything got Resurrected we did get a lot done I love these like little short streams where we get cool stuff Done yeah I’m glad you’re here too John but like I said don’t ever worry if you can’t miss a stream like you got lot you got your life to live man even being a mod and stuff like I completely get It like being a mod for me is more like a badge of like commitment and honor with some extra perks I’d like to have another mod as well maybe but right now I don’t know if there’s any candidates I like to have uh I don’t

Know how many mods you can have but I think four would be the kind of it’s kind of like a crew honestly wish I joined your stream months ago well you’re here Now let me sleep but I think four mods would be good like I said definitely going to be a While yeah I don’t really know of any other candidates right now for for mods so but you guys you know you’re definitely uh good enough we not like I’m saying oh I need some more cuz my mods suck to maybe Lizzy she’s the main one to try yeah Lizzy would be a great

Mod I feel like it’s crazy when Lizzy counted to 100 forgot about that yeah I think uh I think the the candidate the the re like the things I look at when choosing a mod is like in being interested in like what’s going on like and like just

You know just being cool just uh not going you know just interacting with others and Stuff cuz I don’t want to give someone a responsibility or anything not like it’s a huge responsibility but people who are like here a good Amount wasn’t expecting her to actually do it yeah I like Lizzy she’s cool I don’t know if she’s here right now though so Lizzie keep it up and you might be a mod Soon I kind of wish she was here because I I’d like to to talk to her about that for real not a lot of trees in the valley but going to take this one down sorry Valley Tree I didn’t even see it I think John saw it but what do you think Jam if you’re not busy with work do you think Lizzy would be a good mod one day she’s very funny and she’s uh she literally like followed me on Tik Tok

The other day she has like the the Veronica uh profile picture she uh she’s very into the world when people get more into the world as well it gets me excited and keeps me going too it’s like really exciting not Blood Brothers but uh you know all

Right I’m going to um I’m going to go get I’m going to go get the the sidewalk Out of the Furnace definitely responsible enough all right good Council has decided soon enough maybe we will uh we’ll see a Lizzy with a little wrench her ears are probably burning all

Right all right now I’d like the sidewalk to also go this way but I’m not sure how far I’ll wait no not right here for now I’m just going to complete what we have of the sidewalk right here definitely uh going to be a lot of materials but it’s okay

Slowly uh finishing this place up and it’s really cool I’d like to complete like the first the first blocks I don’t want to build like a bunch of different block or a bunch of build like builds in a bunch of different blocks we can build

The blocks but I want like to finish a block off before like I completely overhaul another one I’ll be at Lizzy’s funeral man I think she’s got some good years left so I think you’re uh you don’t got to worry about That man I wish she was in here now I’m thinking I would like get promote her to mod today maybe SLS spawn Lizzy does anyone remember when Lizzy uh joined in does anyone remember how many streams it’s been been a Bit I think this point in the channel three mons would work for this point yeah I remember when she had the L for her name and now it’s just a it’s a her her profile picture if you haven’t seen is literally I’m scrolling back up

To see I can see it yeah it’s literally like a um it’s a picture of violet Valley like it’s a picture of Um it’s a picture of it of like the community center like an early picture of it look at this though like just this right here this street corner this it’s actually looking the shopping district is looking really good really enjoying it pretty sweet so this will be probably

Where we construct the next build right here um I don’t want to stop today guys I really don’t let’s let’s push it back a little farther Let’s uh see what I’ve got in here I got some more uh smooth Stone you’re good you’re good John she I don’t think she I think she’d like being in mod chat too it’d be really cool like getting a hold of her sometimes I don’t know how to see the link man’s got 6,000 subscribers and doesn’t know how to sh how to sayare

L think you pretty much gave away your Rick Roll Just sing it in chat bro singing all right well there’s some of the sidewalk done found a comment on of her replyed to it telling her about it she get notification about it okay cool what’ you say to her what’d you say

To her John well we’ll give her we’ll give her like we’ll give her like 10 minutes okay we’ll give her 10 minutes and then we’re ending stream give her 10 minutes and then we’ll uh we’ll give we’ll give lizie 10 minutes okay then we will if she if she comes in

The 10 minutes will Crown her as mod I’ll know my uh uh my uh I’m running out of uh stuff my lava’s running out with nothing in there do I have any more dirt you were thinking of making you a mod if you’d be willing to do that along the lines of

That cool oh I do have some more dirt epic an epic an epic gamer moment oh I have tons of torches I think I’m going to like Place torches tonight just so I can keep some mobs out I think that would be a good Idea I’ll do you we all have those my elra is almost broken okay Really uh conflicted on what build I should build Here like next could try to contact her over private message and Tik Tok if she has even has that feature let me try that it Might I’m just going to ask her to join stream okay message has been sent one in a million at least I never thought about guessing someone’s phone number and you got to think of like the odds of them answering you know not High we’re like bombarding her with like messages like Lizzy get in the Stream right Now yeah I want to put like torches up and stuff here just so mobs aren’t spawning and it’s just lit up a little bit more it’s really dark out here I’m going to Sleep Okay I actually finish this little plot that’s Cool all right here we go guys this uh little plot of land is finished oh wa no it’s not I need to do this over here then it will Be like how we’ been playing uh Heavenly uh Heavenly light Jam song like this whole time it’s really become white noise to me so uh Soothing I have no idea what that means sabriel all right pretty much done with the the plot of land though it’s really big plot of land not sure what to put here honestly huge let’s go up here and look at it I don’t think Lizzy would put her phone

Number in in uh in the chat dude I’ll be honest she’s I think she’s smarter than that here’s the uh here’s the next plot why did you ask that too like why would you ask someone’s phone number very sensitive Information all right guys you could see like the buildings we have so far excluding the club are very small um it’s like sorry it’s like um a really big area do you think we should do a big build here or should we do several small builds I’m thinking

Maybe several small builds like one here so we have one here one here and one here so two more and then one on the side and then maybe like uh a little path going from right here like that leads to about right here and maybe there’ll be like a little shop right

Here as well that’s kind of like in the innards of the Town few small ones I’m thinking a few small ones as well um so let’s go kind of make a little marker let’s go look at what shops we have um so right next to like da these

Designs um we need to kind of like do this uh ergonomically you know get some some stuff that fits well together I agree with Jam yeah I think that’ll be a good idea let’s see what we’ve got on the on the board um on the drawing board we’ve got Redstone gaming

So a gaming store a movies uh movies that’s not going to definitely not going to be the movies Street vendors will have those just throughout the town Resort SL poool that’s going to kind of fall into the uh you know Axel daycare I’m not really sure if I want to do that

One just quite yet I don’t I kind of want that one to be on the main street because it’ll probably be like an axel face like we have it the ca Cafe caring Clinic could be it caring Clinic maybe Salon maybe um cave mini game no that one’s going to

Be on there like where uh the bog cave is and then pretty much it’s um just Fuego’s wings but I want Fuego’s Wings to be on the main strip as well so man not really sure um I do really like this um slamed work I really I like this right here the

Way I have this uh with like this little border right here obviously that’s I’m was let Spruce uh but I kind of like having this like makeshift type path that will go like this kind of like through here maybe have some like flowers around it and stuff so maybe the

Next shop could be like right here think in like a little area like that so how large is this shop um not really sure I don’t really want to make it the same exact size we’ll see but for right now let’s just say the shop will be this big

Okay got some Corners right there um light it up too have some Corners right there um probably going to stretch to about right here no I want it to be the same width I think I think this will be good what do you guys think got some zombies under there this

Okay for the uh for the next build I think this will be good kind of slotted in right there good place me too John I’m really excited to see what it’s going to look like um but one cool thing that we can do which makes me so excited guys we can make we

Can start on the wall here right here is where the Wall’s going to be so we’re going to have like uh this layer of dirt going along this but the wall it’s going to mimic this exact wall obviously it’s not finished on this side but it’s going

To we’re going to have it going this way oh shoot my elytra has no durability dang I can’t fly anymore um so we could start on the wall next episode after I think I always say that after we finish builds we’re going to start on the wall it’s probably was

Not going to happen but we could have the wall going into this right here and then we could use the mountain right here kind of we’re going to have to kind of terraform this to make sure like kind of like this to make to make it like a

Makeshift wall cuz I think the Cherry Grove wall would look really sick it’s like a natural wall you know like kind of how we have it in Crestville if you know what I mean kind of like this yeah I like this a good deal I like that so like this natural little Wall okay yeah and then we’ll kind of have this little area maybe do something with it we’ll see but we’ll have it and we’ll be able to like build off cuz this is definitely probably getting blocked over as well um cuz I would like to have shops on either side of like there’s

Going to be shops on this side as well so I can go and just put some dirt here just to kind of outline it um and then we’ll save some wall materials with the with this little uh natural mountain right here so I think that’ll be really Neat guys I really want to keep playing I’m so excited back to talking about Minecraft um yeah I like this I think this is cool um I’m thinking maybe bigger shop here and little shop here so kind of close them in close to each other so I like to have like a little path right here that’s going like uh I like to have like these little paths

We’re going to change this but this for right now this is just going to kind of help me have this little Border in between the buildings like that um obviously we are going to change this but it kind of connects to all the buildings I feel like it’ll kind of

Connect them so we’ll see how that looks eventually I’m going to go ahead and get rid of that power move John just Minecraft um but yeah so right here we will have another plot uh look who’s here okay all right well if you want to go ahead and uh if

You want to go ahead and uh do this let me grab some uh some leads or a fence got some uh got some visitors here dang it dude I’m going to need some wood to make a little fence not sure um what do you guys think the smaller shop should

Be could do the Redstone gaming one maybe not sure though Dang dude we got a whole stack of uh slabs that’s Awesome very epic nice we got all kinds of loot all right think do you think so I feel like Gamestops are always really small though that’s why I said that all right we’re going to Hitch these guys up here I’m sorry I have to kill you uh but you’re

You’re you you treat your llamas bad sorry guys but we’ll have some new employees it looks like so cupcakes in the bakery what are your options for builds salon right now Salon Salon I don’t no dude I think we’re going to need some we’re going to need new options hello

Guys you guys are going to get names later and new coats as well got some new llamas um as I was saying though before I got was so rudely interrupted by uh by the by the laundering Trader um it’ll go to about right here this one’s going to go out pretty far

Thinking like right here like right here would be cool Obviously this is you know subjective we can uh we can also you know change this later like length and stuff and how big it’s going to be sorry about that um but I like to kind of have like an outline just for me because I feel like I I work better with

That kind of stuff be a big one more one could be the gaming store H Salon Salon Maybe I don’t know I just don’t know if I want to build the salon yet I’m not really sure how I would would want it to look what color do you think for a

Salon I’m thinking maybe I don’t know I don’t know see um you you can’t really see this yet but try to Envision this got an Enderman over there there’s going to be a wall right here going all the way along this so these uh front-facing shops right here are going

To be like front-facing to this street they’re obviously not going to go in this way because this is into like uh the actual like City part of it so it’s going to be something that um I hate to say like a mediocre one not mediocre but something that’s like uh not super in

Your face you know yeah I I I I think the the salon would would kind of match the aesthetic of this oh shoot oh shoot I fell into the [ __ ] hole fell into the [ __ ] Hole I got like a really bad bow right now I just picked it up from a skeleton cuz my warden’s bins busted up I want to stream for a lot longer than I was supposed to I need to end like right now maybe like green purple see I want

To uh experiment with all kinds of concrete so let me sleep real quick and just look at some some arrow is sticking out of my arm next stream’s going to be stream 69 too that’s kind of crazy um concrete concrete where’s concrete at why isn’t i l letting me look oh okay

So we’ve got magenta magenta could be be cool yeah it’s 226 here finally been been waai for that one uh Brown Canan pink I think a candy store would be really cool too red we just did Red Canan there’s green we need cactuses for that there’s orange um

Blue like a candy store would be really cool like for real lime green two yeah two 226 is or 227 is my time okay um be before I end we’re going to do a couple more things and then I’m going to be done but I have to end like

Right now cuz I need to eat dude um but I need to place these first I want to place these down arcade would be cool that would be really cool um I’m thinking something like I don’t know if I want the salon I don’t know

The salon would be cool but I don’t know if I want the salon this bit I don’t know actually that’s kind of like a perfect size for it it’s it’s it’s difficult laying these uh foundations candy store could work maybe write that down on the sign yeah after I

Place these uh down we’re going to go uh brainstorm just a just for a minute and uh get some more but I I will be live again tomorrow probably around the same time if not a little earlier um because I work the same time later in the

Evening so we will be back tomorrow for stream 69 most likely 90% chance of that I hate to be like 100% yeah I’m going to stream but um like yesterday I didn’t know it was kind of like a 50/50 I hate leaving you guys hang in but I appreciate it I will probably be live tomorrow though like I said 90% chance I will be what if you made the arcade in the game store that could work just need a big plot of land yeah that’s a really

Great idea actually super great idea I’m thinking the arcade will I know I keep saying this but I think that will also be on like the main strip as well we’ll see but that would be really cool just like a double feature like kind of an open floor

Plan I’m not going to worry about this area back here too much just because it’s not really going to be seen a whole Lot to about right here for right now be all right okay okay what should be my catchphrase try to make it to stream tomorrow no worries man I have a lot of catchphrases John I say a lot of Stuff tons of freaking uh slaps like still yeah um so it’s also going to go this way so this is like the double side of it we’re going to have this side as Well going this way okay yeah yeah I like that so um over here in the Bog cave which is a huge Cavern we’re going to do a mini game type area um it’s going to yeah like I said it’s going to be a mini game where you

Spelunk in a cave it’s going to be really Cool um so I kind of want to I want to get the sidewalk to that area as well and I I want to build it kind of like this so I don’t waste a bunch but I also get like the the ground workor L like that I think that’s kind of cool

How I have it okay um I think a little bit farther out not too much farther Though I think to about right here is good to about right here it’ll be neat I think so too I’m really excited to do this one because just look at the sheer scale of this cave let me get in here um there’ll probably be like um a main building not sure what the

Building’s going to look like um be a building and then there’ll be like a bridge that bridges over this Gap be long pillars holding the bridge up from like right here and there’ll be like a you know way you jump down into this I

Got to get a better look at this cuz I was just down there earlier it’s deep so deep dude yeah like right here it’ll be like some water down there you’ll jump into and uh yeah you’ll SPO in for some ores also be a really cool like uh

Way to like get ores for me too like iron and coal and there like look at all that iron down there and copper and gravel and just coal all kinds of stuff it’s a brilliant mind yeah swanking mini game will be really neat um but I think this will be big enough

For the for this second block right here so let me get back up here got another purple sheep over here hanging out um we’ll go ahead and block this off but this will be a huge plot of land as well to make a lot a lot of builds we’ve really focused on the

Shopping district a lot I I didn’t think we’d focus on it this much could not have found a better spot for Val Valley there’s so much great so many great landmarks I know I know dude we got so lucky I was really worried when I found this place cuz I was like

Oh I don’t know if this is it but the more we spend time here the more it just feels like home for Violet Valley The Violet Valley Arc has been awesome so far what do you guys uh think your favorite Arc is so far and uh I really want to know what

You think Jam because it’s it’s really interesting to me to cuz you’ve been here since the episode one episode zero really I think my favorite has to be uh I don’t know man I think it’s got to be uh either the uh the crust Ville like

I don’t know it’s hard Cove was crazy but Violet Valley might be the best so far I think it is too I think I think Violet Valley might might take the cake and only because I see so much potential for it that’s the main thing a lot of potential

Here all right well that’s all the slabs I have but if you if you can kind of Envision this this is going to be a like a mirrored plot kind of it’s going to look different obviously but on this side of the street we’ll have uh obviously right here we’ll have the uh

The mini game we’ll have a mini game on this side and uh I’m not sure I think we’ll have maybe some sort of cool like um walking trail or something that you can get up to up there great hunt through the Violet Valley is growing on

Me I also thought there’d be more focus on the community area whole series was a surprise was surprise after surprise I know by the end of violet Valley Archer will probably be my favorite but now it’s the great hunt good Arc as well if you if you had been there for

The co the co light Arc it was insane just fighting the warden finding the ancient city under Crestville a lot of uh lot of crazy stuff going on but this is how big the the plot’s going to be guys I would fly up but my elyra is going to

Break Kobe what’s your favorite one piece Arc just a hearing the name won’t be a spoiler Um probably uh water 7even or no no en enus Lobby enus Enis Lobby and water 7 but probably enus en Lobby it’s to do with Nico Robin very insane stuff uh but yeah this will be it it’ll uh connect here have to figure out what builds we’re going to put there so it’s

Really exciting right now it’s just the button shop all right man have a good one sabriel hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow but yeah we’ll just uh continue working on this tomorrow let’s go ahead and uh put some more things on the signs and then I got

To go looking forward to that one it’s crazy it’s insane Dude do we have some llama lovers over there hugging it out too by the sunset dude that that’s an image this right here with the Song that’s like a perfect ending scene a lot of like really good setpiece picks you could get like I like this one too just like this get the crafting tables out of there but it’s really cool screenshotted yeah you’ll enjoy water 7 you will love it yeah I’ve gotten so much freaking

Better at building dude it’s it’s so awesome to me cuz I never really built a crazy amount of stuff but uh I’ve hav I’ve been having so much fun building in this Arc I think here will be where the street vendors are this area and uh

Probably not as much of this area I’ll probably just have the wall going straight this way maybe we’ll see but here I’ll have like the Villager Street vendors with like all the little canopy like little stands and stuff like me like a melon stand a pumpkin stand like

Pottery stand there’ll be all kinds of like cool places uh there but that’s what I want to fill that area with see you man have a good one all right so let’s go ahead and add some new stuff candy store is definitely going to be one candy store cuz sweet

Sheep who’s going to be the pink sheep is uh going to be uh loving that uh Place presume it’s Post Time skip Arc I’d guess that is one I’d guess that uh the ones that are considered the best would be later no it’s not it is not time skip ena’s Lobby

Is not time Skip it’s pre time Skip it’s pretty much like in the same orc as water 7 but they call it like a different Arc Okay Candy Store uh arcade put that CU right now we’re not sure if we’re going to do it in the game store but we probably will they’re both pretty time skip um oh uh

Church church uh and the reason I haven’t focused on community area a lot is because I have I have it kind of torn up and this is kind of like the Hub where everybody’s staying right now this is going to be like really funny eventually when we let everybody like

Out we’re going to remember all this but this is uh I want the builds here to be very special if you know what I mean I want them to be memorable I want them to be just just cool builds like I’d like to have like the church I think right NE

Right here I think I’d like to have a church I’d like to have like a storage uh room to have all of like the stuff for materials and builds like a nice uh probably like a chest I don’t know maybe like right here not right here I want like another cool Community Building

Here but we’ll see no we’re not going to make the church on stream 69 not at all uh we’re just going to be normal stream but it’s going to be funny funny number um and today we made it to day 953 which is really crazy as well um but

Yeah candy store and arcade I want to think of like smaller shops you know like uh I’d like to do like a pottery pot Pottery Pottery House um we’re going to have like a little Pottery salesman but a pottery house cuz there’s a lot of like pots you can make now like shards

And stuff um I’m trying to think some other ones um what about like a carpet store for like because we have a lot of llamas Right carp carpet store would be cool there’s like all kinds of like rug stores carpet stores would be cool I think uh these are some good ones I think for now I’m going to end though but I think uh these are some good ones arcade uh

Sorry um yeah let me sort my hot bar for next stream but I think uh this is good this is uh some good uh some good stuff we’ll definitely be working on it next time um I think this is some good stuff yeah so we got a lot done today

I’m really excited to keep working on it um I’m thinking uh next stream we will start working on this build that’s going to be right here um continuing terraforming flattening this area and uh sidewalking but I think right here we will figure out what build we’re going to

Do um and that’s what we’ll do yeah maybe we’ll even complete this one we’ll see could be a longer stream we’ll see if I start earlier that is all right John all right then I’ll see you tomorrow I posted something in the taco Court I will definitely check it out as

Soon as I’m done but thank you guys so much for watching it’s been great tomorrow uh stream 69 I will see you guys there um we’ll get some more building done but yeah take care of yourself guys and I will see you around have a wonderful day bye yeah

This video, titled ‘THE PARTY ANIMALS: HARDCORE MINECRAFT #68’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-01-02 19:54:05. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:15 or 11475 seconds.

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  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraft

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  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! 🤯🎮 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: ➡️ TWITTER: ➡️ INSTAGRAM: ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: ➡️ DONATIONS: Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More

  • “Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds” 🔥😂 #shorts #viral

    "Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds" 🔥😂 #shorts #viral “When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft Bedrock but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all… Troll Face be like ‘Gotcha!’” Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member #shorts ✋ ✋ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – Joey – Katherine – Lizzie – Mog – Owen – Pix – Sausage – Scott – Shubble – Joel –… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches 🌿’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More