Insane Minecraft Potion Brewer – Must Watch!

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Hey guys Michael 23b here and this is my smart fully automatic bulk potion brewing machine that’s right it’s smart not only because it has the potion recipes programmed into it but it can also make anywhere from 3 to 27 potions at a time and it can detect when an

Ingredient runs out so it only makes as many potions as there are ingredients for it it has a selector panel with all the potions you could need as well as the potion modifiers it has an item sorter for inputting your ingredients it has a glass bottle input for automatically making the water bottles

It has blaze powder fuel input and more now this certainly has been a long awaited video as I originally made my first potion brewing machine a year and a half ago and I actually made this one not long after that uh but I just never

Got around to making a video about it so here we are this machine is definitely a lot bigger a lot more complicated uh but I think that’s dressed ified given what it does so let me break it down for you let me give you a demonstration and uh

Yeah here we go so this is the selector panel we have all of our potions here we have night vision invisibility leaping fire resistance swiftness slowness water breathing healing harming poison regeneration strength weakness and slow falling and we can select any of these that we want and the light will turn on

When we right click the note block we can select this one instead and that light turns off it goes down to here or select this one or select this one or select fire resistance and uh it’s important not to spam like not to click the Note Blocks too quickly but for the

Most part it’s pretty quick in switching um and yeah we also have our modifiers over here we have duration strength Splash and lingering uh and the interesting thing about this panel is that we can you know we can select whatever modifier we want we can make our fire resistance longer uh but we

Can’t make it stronger so glowstone doesn’t apply to fire resistance and similarly there’s a few potions here that can’t have Redstone applied to it there’s a few potions here that can’t have glowstone applied to it so I won’t be able to click and enable glowstone for this one uh but I can enable

Redstone then we have our splash potion we can make a splash potion with the gunpowder and we can also make it lingering by using the dragon’s breath uh but the other thing about this is that we can’t enable dragon’s breath without enabling the gunpowder so if I

Try to disable the gunpowder it’s going to disable the uh dragon breath as well because uh in order to use dragon’s breath you also need the gunpowder so say I try to activate that it’s going to activate the gunpowder as well so yeah pretty nice but I’m going to turn that

Off so let’s make a uh a long fire resistance potion uh with Splash um so here also is our panel for selecting how many potions we want so we can select 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 or 27 just by turning the arrow so I can make

12 by doing that I can also make 27 by turning on the lever and that just overrides what whatever is up here uh but let’s make 12 for now we have our glass bottles that we can input into the chest we can put blaze powder in there

Um and we have our system ready light so uh this light right here will tell us when the system is ready to make a potion and unless this light is already on I won’t be able to make any potions so why can’t I make a potion well let’s

See we have some ingredients here most of these ingredients are St stocked uh but it looks like our gunpowder and our Magma Cream is out so let’s go ahead and input these into the system I’m just going to throw some in here and that runs straight to the item

Sorder and here in a moment this light will turn on telling us the system is ready you see those lights turned on and this light’s turned on and we’re ready so let’s go ahead here a nice little jingle and and this light starts going back and forth telling us that the potions are

Brewing and uh of course there are several potions or each potion here takes a different amount of time to brew so some require more ingredients to brew them and some require less of course it also depends on how many of these you’re using so it’s variable in how long it

Takes to Output uh but if you’re doing like three potions or doing 27 potions it doesn’t matter how many uh Potions you’re doing there’s no difference uh in that regard um but yeah let’s just wait a little bit and we’ll have our potions output so here you can see the Brewing

Stands they have our fire resistance potions it’s currently putting the Redstone Dustin then we also have the gunpowder that will go in and uh these lights you can actually see they just reset but there were four of them off saying that uh there’s four Brewing stands that are currently in use

And that makes the 12 potions that we want and here in a moment uh the system will detect that everything is done Brewing so that should be done and then you’ll see that the dropper starts dispensing them out there’s all our potions going and we hear a nice little jingle

Again and let’s go ahead and look in the potion output and we have our 12 fire resistance splash potions with 8 minutes pretty nice all right so let’s go ahead and do a different potion combination so we’re going to make 27 potions uh let’s use the dragon’s breath this time so we’ll

Make a long uh lingering potion uh and let’s do invisibility so this is arguably the longest one uh because it uses the most ingredients and looks like the system is ready so we’re going to go ahead and click it and here in a bit we’ll have 27

Potions output to the chest so let’s go back here into this whole mess and you’ll see this is where our ingredients get distributed you’ll see these ingredients have got loaded in and here in a moment they’ll start dispersing and you can see because all the lamps are off uh there’s no power

Going to any of these Hoppers which allows ingredients to get distributed to all nine of these Brewing stands and you just heard them all doing a brew there got the water balls the awkward potions golden carrots got all our ingredients up here and this popper out here is actually

Detecting that this still has ingredients in it it’s setting an output to here it has a hopper clock has another Hopper clock um and yeah this just basically make sure that the system still knows when it’s brewing and once it’s done Brewing or once there’s no

More items in this um the hopper clock kind of runs out and it tells the system that uh the machine is done so we’ll just wait for these to finish Brewing all right and here they come to go out boing boing boing they start getting dispensed by The

Dropper they go up to our potion output so let’s take a look getting loaded in and just like that we have 27 lingering potions of invisibility all right now I just have one more example to show you I’m going to select a fire resistance potion no modifiers and let’s

Try and make 27 of them um but the system isn’t ready yet so we’re going to go ahead and fill those magma creams I’m going to go in here manually and instead of inputting all these I’m just going to input a few so let’s do five of them like

That then we’ll go ahead over here and so it’s going to try and Brew 27 potions but it’s going to realize that there’s only five maget cream and thus it’s only going to be able to unlock five of the Brewing STS so let’s go and see that in action so you’ll hear the

Tick it ticks five times but it doesn’t tick any more than that and as you can see only five of these lights turned off meaning five of the Brewing stands uh are enabled and uh yeah it doesn’t do any more than that because we only have the five

Mag and as you can see it’s Distributing the items and we now have our five bring stands doing uh fire resistance potions we have the nether we have the magma cream and so yeah those will get done brewing in just a second uh but yes even though we detected or sorry even though

We selected 27 potions uh we should only get uh 15 potions in the output because of the limit on the magma cream so just wait a little bit can hear him splashing and there we go here’s our potion output and just as expected we only get 15 of

These potions instead of 27 pretty nice all right now I won’t be Brewing any more of these potions right now uh but I do have an extra little tidbit uh let’s select healing right here and let’s select glowstone and let’s say I had the glowstone selected and I switch back to

Fire resistance or any potion that can’t have uh glowstone applied I’ll click that and you see we hear a little note block sound and the glowstone gets deactivated and we can say activate Redstone if we want now if we switch back to healing or harming or whatever you see the Redstone gets

Automatically deselected because that’s not a valid uh modifier that can be applied to that potion so yeah it’s kind of smart this whole machine is kind of smart in that way too so it doesn’t allow um nonvalid recipes to happen all right so let’s break down how this

Machine actually works so I know this looks quite complicated uh but I’ll try and break it down for you as simply as I can uh but first off if you’re still watching this at this point that means you’re really interested and go ahead and leave a like on the video and uh if

You’re not go ahead and subscribe that would really help let’s reach 500 subscribers as soon as we can that would be very nice so thank you very much uh so let’s break it down so first of all this is where our selector panel is and the first part of the selector panel is

Actually um getting that to work and the way the selector panel works is that we have these Hopper Pairs and in each one of them there’s one stack of wall item it doesn’t have to be Emerald um but the current thing that’s selected you can

See there’s a block up here and we have the swiftness potion selected so we have no item in here instead it’s over here and that tells us it’s selected and yeah the way this whole selector panel works is that each time each time you rightclick a note block

Each time you input an option it goes into the system it resets um all the Hoppers both on the top and on the bottom down here um and then after it resets one of the items whichever one that you selected will get shifted to the back Hopper and that is currently what’s

Selected um and over here is where our programming happens so this is where um each potion has its recipe um encoded with observers so you’ll see I have a book with all of the different recipes um telling it which ingredients go to which potion and then as you can

See we have Hoppers here so let’s say for um this is night vision so we have this going to this one and this goes to this goes out here and this is the uh Nether wart you can see we have all of our droppers here each one uh with each

Ingredient then over here we have the modifiers like that and so each different recipe or sorry each different ingredient can be targeted uh by the programmed rails over here and observers so again for night vision we have that that going into this rail triggering the Nether wart and then we also have night

Vision triggering this and it goes out to here and that triggers the uh golden carrots and then that’s it for that recipe and then of course each other recipe triggers their own different uh ingredients and on the bottom we also have the programming so whichever potion

Is selected it will trigger one of these rails and that will trigger um whatever ingredients that it needs to out to here and when I say trigger I mean it it actually triggers uh these droppers so this is basically another selector panel so it’s uh selecting which ingredients

It wants to Target So currently we have uh these two being turned on and that goes out into the Pistons it fires these Target blocks down and then we have this line so this line is where the clock actually happens for dispensing items um so when we want to

Make potions this uh Redstone line turns on it makes a clock and it dispenses as many potions or it dispenses as many ingredients as we need so um if we’re making three potions it will only trigger once dispensing one ingredient each um and so on and so forth um and

Then it gets dispensed out into the barrels and I know um Hopper update order can be a bit tricky but I’ve specifically made sure that this works um no matter what so after all the items get dispensed they go into this Hopper chain they go through here and this

Hopper chain uh is continually detecting uh when there’s ingredients coming through and that allows us to wait until all the ingredients come through and they come into this chest and once there’s no more items coming through the hopper chain um after a little while the chest gets uh output onto the rail and

It starts dispersing its items and uh meanwhile while the chest is getting loaded this is actually this is the Redstone line is decreasing in signal strength um so if one of these lights turns off that means we’re making three potions if two of these lights turns off that means we’re

Making six potions so and so on and so forth that all depends on how many potions you’ve selected on the selector panel and then once that is all done once all the ingredients are dispersed it starts making the potions uh this comparator detects while there’s still ingredients in the system

And then it triggers this uh Hopper clock it allows this to turn on um and all these items flow over to here um and then this also triggers this which allows these items to flow over to here and at this point you’re probably lost um this is getting a lot more

Complicated um but yeah once the items are gone from the hopper that allows the hopper chain or the hopper timer to uh UNT trigger and all the items start flowing back and once all the items in both of these have flowed back then uh that will mean that the potion is done

Brewing and allow that allows the system to dispense the items to the output and it also allows the um all the other things to reset as well so goinging back and looking at this you can see it’s kind of like a barrel shape it’s kind of like an oval this is where

All the potion making happens inside the barrel um and then of course we have our item inputs this is where our item filters are we have each item and these filter items so when you want to put items into the system it goes through this Hopper stream or sorry water

Stream and it goes into the it sorder and it just recycles back and forth until all the items have got put in um and yeah we also have the rails over here obviously I know this is a lot of rails um but it shouldn’t be too

Expensive and this goes to our uh stock tracker so whenever an item runs out One one of these lights will turn off um saying you need to stock that item and and the way it knows if an item is out of stock is that these comparators are detecting um the items

Inside the dropper it goes through this uh torch line and it goes through here and it only detects um or or obviously it detects all the items whether they’re in stock or not but part of what makes this machine smart is that it only disables the system um if one of the

Ingredients is out from the potion that you’re currently making so um let’s say we are making a splash potion and the gunpowder is out then it would turn the system off light off meaning we can’t bre potion um but let’s say that we weren’t using gunpowder in

Our recipe and the gunpowder is out so even though the gunpowder is out um if we’re not using gunpowder in our recipe then it will still allow us to make potions so in contrast to my first machine uh my first machine actually wouldn’t allow you to brew any

Potions whatsoever if any of the items were out uh but that’s not the case with this one you can have as many uh of these ingredients out of stock as you want just as long as the potion you’re currently making um as long as it has all the ingredients that’s needed it

Will allow you to make it so so let’s look at the number of potions panel there’s a comparator behind this item frame a comparator behind the lever and I won’t dig too much into all the hectic stuff that’s going on here but basically we’re transferring the signal strength

All the way down to here into this system and kind of what this uh memory cell does is that is that it keeps track of how many potions we’re goinging to brew so you can see it’s currently on signal strength nine um that means we’re going to make or we’re going to unlock

All nine of the Brewing stands um because I actually had uh the 27 I had this lever trigger before um but of course the whatever uh number that you have have selected on here doesn’t get input into the system until you actually start brewing the machine um but yeah

Once you start uh Brewing stuff or once you turn on the machine um this Hopper or sorry this comparator clock um it ticks down so it will tick from 9 to 8 8 to 7 and then to six five until the signal strength is completely gone and that dictates how many uh

Brewing stands we’re unlocking so something else we have is the glass bottle input you can put glass bottles into here and this goes into this Hopper chain all the way down to here and it goes to our water water bottle dispenser um so you have all the glass bottles in

These uh droppers and then you have dispensers here um and then there’s a water here that makes the water bottles uh when they’re ready so these dispensers are empty um but when we’re triggering the machine these glass balls will get input and then it’ll dispense fill with

Water and then they come down to here and they get input into uh our water bottle input over here and those go into the Brewing stands on this side so on this side we have water bottles coming in on this side we actually have the

Fuel coming in and on top we have our uh ingredients that get dispensed into the system and of course this is where our rail is for the fuel input so whenever we want to input fuel we put it into the chest and then we would dispense or we press the button

So You’ click that and it would uh if there was stuff to dispense into it if uh the uh fuel was out we’d be able to dispense this mine cart and then it would go down this rail and then it would go over to here and it would start dispersing the items

Until there were no more items in the cart uh and yeah that is uh pretty much a rough overview of the entire machine so one other thing to mention is that the system doesn’t actually allow itself to run it doesn’t allow you to brew potions unless all of the following conditions

Are true so a recipe must be selected the bottles must be stocked the fuel must be stocked the ingredients that you’re using must be stocked and Brewing must not be in progress in order for you to hit this button and start brewing something um and in addition to that if

Something is currently uh Brewing then you can change you know what potion you’re making you can change the modf fires uh but this won’t this information that you’re selecting over here won’t get input into the system until the Brewing cycle is done so this basically safeguards you from uh breaking the

Machine um it safeguards you from changing the inputs while it’s currently operating all right so I hope that wasn’t too terribly long- winded um I know that was still a very rough overview I can’t possibly go into detail about every little Redstone line that’s

On here um but I will try and help you out in building it if you want to build it I know um most of you watching this right now probably aren’t going to build this um but if you do there will be a World download in the description and

I’ll also have a schematic um so first off if you are going to build this I’d recommend downloading light matica um and you could build it layer by layer like you over here so you can start from the bottom and then you can go up and

You can place these as you go so see I could start making this and then I could go to the next layer and let’s pick our rails and something to note about rails is that um these will try and turn if you’re making it so you don’t want that

To happen um but just make sure that all your rails are facing the correct direction um this should be pretty easy to do um but you know if you’re doing something like this and you try and do that it’ll turn like that um you just

Want to start over here and then go up and yeah just make sure they’re all facing the correct direction so um shouldn’t be too hard but if you do encounter that issue that’s what you do so you could so right now I’m using like matica you could uh

Just go up from each layer build each layer one at a time um and it’s important to know you have water you where all the water is um and of course some of these Hoppers and barrels and things will have items in them so if you see that you can hold

Down an i and see what uh things are in each Hopper um but also give you um specific details on what you need to fill here at the end of the video um so don’t worry too much if you don’t want to do that um but yeah light matica is a really great

Option if you want to do that this um but yeah let’s move over to here so in order to make this easy on myself and in order to try and make this easy on you as well I’m not going to do a block by block tutorial CU honestly that

Would be way too complicated um that would take way too long for me um but I have broken it down layer by layer over here um so hopefully you’ll be able to um download this world and you can try and build it layer by layer uh so let’s go over the necessary

Uh stuff to build this so first of all we need at least 27 stacks of building blocks you’ll need some slabs you’ll need stairs you’ll need some other building blocks some more slabs um and yeah you can basically just look at all the required stuff there need a whole

Bunch of chests and barrels and all this here’s all your Redstone stuff you’ll need a whole bunch of uh activator rails you’ll need some regular rails some detector rails some powered rails um and you’ll need a whole bunch of redstone block now most of this will be Redstone

Dust but just for condensing purposes I’ve condensed it down to redstone blocks for now um and then also you need a whole bunch of observers sticky pistons Hoppers uh plates you need an oak button or you need a wood button and a stone button um and you need three

Dispensers sorry to droppers and yeah you can see everything that’s there uh now you need a whole bunch of wool this isn’t actually necessary I just like it for color coding so these could be any solid block if you want you will need some glass um a lot of this is actually

Necessary some of it isn’t but most of this is um you’ll need nine water buckets you’ll need some cake uh Brewing stands uh mine cart with a chest mine cart with a hopper and then up here you’ll need some filter items you’ll need a whole bunch of glass bottles you’ll need a whole

Bunch of blaze powder for fuel and of course not only do you need Nether wart you need all of the ingredients um that you would want to use in your system so you can input that into the system and then you also need the ingredients for

The item filters as well so you’ll want to take that into account um you’ll also need some additional filter items you’ll need an arrow for the item frame you’ll need 39 uh item frames doesn’t matter if they’re glow or not um and then you’ll also need uh each different potion um so

You can put these on the selector panel of course you don’t have to do that you could use signs as well to indicate which um options or which potion uh but yeah so you can pause the video on each of those while you get your items and then we start off here

Okay now before you get started building it it’s really important to know which direction you’re facing so I originally built this machine facing south so if I’m facing the selector panel I’m facing south uh you could also be Facing East and really the directionality of it shouldn’t matter too much um there’s

Just one small important thing to note is that if your selector panel is facing north or west instead uh you will have to change one of the Rails down here uh so this is a curved Rail and it’s entirely dependent on which way the machine is facing uh so again if you’re

Facing if your selector panel is facing north or it’s facing west then you’ll need to come in here remove this torch and leave that block there and I’ll place redstone dust and we’ll remove this block as well and so yeah uh if you’re facing north or west then this

Is what the setup should be like but if you’re facing south or east then you can just leave it with a torch like that so this first platform here is 39 blocks long so you’ll want to start out here so wherever you’re going to put your panel

The left most part of it is going to be here and then you’re starting with this one this is one two 3 and you’ll go out 39 blocks then you have uh seven Redstone lamps here you have two Redstone lamps here you have three planks two planks three planks two

Redstone lamps three planks and eight planks over here so just are different sections of the panel and then um we’re going to start with the first layer down here so you’re going to go down one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then you’re going to go

Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 then you’ll place your block here and this platform is 12x 6 and then you have a one block Gap and this platform is 4X six and that is our first layer of course this will isn’t

Necessary that’s just to count it out so let’s move on to the second layer you have your rails you’re going to start to place your rails and then you’re go going to place this over here you’re going to go down 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

And then you’ll place a block here and place this shape and yeah I won’t go too much into detail about every single layer uh but you’re just going to copy this layer by layer um you’ll place your water and then yeah just going all the way down we’ll worry about putting items

Into the uh barrels and Hoppers later so you have each individual layer that you could copy um just laid out over here so let’s go down to the end all right so once you’re finished building all the layers hopefully with not too much of an issue um you’ll have several other things to

Do like putting in items and putting stuff on the selector panel um so one of the things you’ll want to do is take your potions and uh rename them them to something or or remove some of their names so we’re going to call this night

Vision and I’ll put it here that way we can see night vision and of course if you don’t want to use all these potions you could just put signs uh instead um but one of the most important things to uh note is that um it’s very important that these are in this

Specific order so it needs to be night vision and then invisibility leaping fire resistance swiftness slowness water breathing healing harming poison regeneration strength weakness and slow falling so it has to be in that order otherwise um it’s not going to work the way you want uh something else you can

Also do is take these items in an anvil and rename them if you want to um this is duration this is strength this is Splash and this is lingering um and then of course you also need to input glass bottles so right now this lamp is off so meaning there’s no

Glass bottles or meaning that the glass bottles are low so we’re going to go ahead and input these glass bottles and uh after a little while those will cycle in and this lamp will turn on uh and something else you want to do is input your fuel so we’re going

To go ahead and put that in and I’ll actually take some of this for right now then we can go ahead and click that button and it will start dispersing of course we didn’t get all the items loaded in yet but yeah that will start dispersing and let’s go ahead

And look back at it so right now it’s just buring the fuel to all of the uh Brewing STS oops and something important to do is that you need to come over here and put uh 64 blaz power in that so this has to be 64 blaze

Powder and then you have to have some blaze powder in here so in order for the machine to detect that it has fuel it needs to be able to have blaze powder in this Hopper meaning that that brewing stand needs to be full of blaze powder

And this needs to have some blaze powder in it and uh yeah that will just continue dispersing the blaze powder until it’s empty and then eventually it will come back and we can pick up more of these um and yeah all right so next what we’re

Going to do is that we’re going to fill in our item filters so on the very first one here we’re going to have 41 Nether wart and then four filter items I would recommend taking sticks or whatever you’re using and retitling them the placeholder or filter or whatever just

Something that’s not going to uh get disturbed by other items flowing in so yeah 41 Nether wart and your four filter items uh the next one same deal except you’re using blaze powder next one is magma cream and then golden carrots rabbit’s foot sugar puffer fish glistering melon slice Phantom membrane gas

Tier spider eye fermented spider eye and then you’ll have a gap and this first one needs to be redstone dust and then glowstone dust gunpowder and dragon breath and then then what you can do is you can go down to your system down here and go into your ingredient input and

We’re going to toss in all the ingredients that you need so that would be all of these um and then so I’m just going to toss in the Nether wart and then this light’s currently off but here in a moment it should turn on saying that it’s in

Stock and there we go and next what we’re going to do is we’re going to come over to our selector panel and we’re going to come over to our hoppers or Hopper pairs there shouldn’t be any items in any of these and we’re just going to put one stackable item in each of

These and don’t worry if you hear anything just going to put just a single one in each so there should be seven hoppers in a line here then you also have your filter or sorry your modifier items and put one stick it really doesn’t matter what you

Put in here as long as this one stackable item and then we’re going to come down to the bottom come to these Hoppers I put one here and I could just toss this in so put one or no I can’t oops I’ll put one item here I’ll put one one item

Here one item here one item here put in the modifiers over here and that should be it for the selector panel so once you’ve put all those items in into each Hopper uh something you need to make sure is that all of these blocks are down so they’re

Right on top of the sticky piston as well as these ones these need to be right on top of the sticky piston uh that way it indicates that the selection is off um and then you also need to make sure that all these lights are off so if

All these lights are off off um all these blocks should be down all these blocks should be down um as well as the modifiers these redstone blocks they need to be uh out here uh touching the sticky pistons so they’re not um being output into here um

So yeah they should be over here then we also have our selectors over here so each one of these droppers needs a single item so we’re going to do that all right and once you’ve double checked that each of these droppers has one item

In in it you can move on to the next thing all right so the next thing you want to do is come over to your Hopper timers we’re going to put 23 items in this bottom one and 51 items up here and then you’ll hear the system

Resetting because we put items in there um and that basically what that’s doing is that uh when the potions are done Brewing um all the items will flow back into here and it will trigger um and it will basically refresh all the uh selected items um and that just allows

Us to make sure that everything is reset and in the proper position and uh yeah so you need the 23 items down here 23 stackable items and then 51 stackable items there on the top Hopper and next what you’re going to want to do is come over to here to these comparator things

Place a lever and power it if it’s not already powered uh you just need this to be fully powered that way it’s powering this whole Redstone line um and then this is where our water bottles go so um you will want to pre-stock the water bottles that way it’s going into the

System so you could come over to here or anywhere and just start putting in your water bottles um it’s just important to pre-stock it that way it always has enough water Botts and then you can have the glass bottle uh glass bottle water filler do the rest and this is where our

Water bottle filler is you can see there’s water and there’s a actually like a water log stair here um and something important to do here is that you need to make sure these Redstone dots they are dots you to make make sure they’re not crosses so if they’re

Crosses they’re going to interfere with this um if they crosses here it’s going to interfere with the Hoppers so on and so forth just make sure these are dots and not crosses and then something else you also need to do these cakes I’m sure you probably already see saw in the layers

If you’re building this um but each of these cakes needs four bites taken out so just place down the cake and then right click it four times and that uh goes for the cake over here as well see if I can find it there’s a cake here take four bites out of this

One and yeah now over here again we have our chest mine cart this goes on top of the powered rail here and you need to make sure that there’s a solid block behind it that way it can get launched um if not it won’t get launched so yeah

Just make sure this is a solid block then over here um you’ll see these barrels and each one of these needs a single item so you can put a single stick if you want and this one as well a single stick and that will um output a comparative signal of one a signal

Strength of one um and that basically allows us to um decrement the signal strength when we need to and that’s for counting the potions that we’re making yeah that should be just about everything thing so um just make sure that all your uh repeaters in the machine are set to the correct delay

Make sure that all the comparators are set to the proper mode say this one is in subtract mode that one’s in uh not in subtract mode and so yeah just make sure everything um is correct um and that should be pretty much everything if you’re building this

Um something else is the Note Blocks this is just a small little thing uh but this note block here is set to to note zero so um just place it down should be fine this one you can place down and set to note three uh so you’ll right click

It three times this one will be six this will be note 9 UM and this one over here is note six and yeah that should be just about everything all the other note blocks uh are set to zero you should pay special attention to all the observers make sure they’re pointing the correct

Directions uh anywhere that you find them uh make sure that all your droppers are facing the correct direction they should be going down into the barrels um you know pay special attention to where all the Hoppers are pointing make sure you’re using dispensers in the correct spot so there should be three dispensers

As part of the water bottle filler and then everything else uh is a dropper and yeah that should be pretty much everything again if you’re building this I sincerely wish you good luck um and I’m sorry I couldn’t do a block by block tutorial it’s just way too complicated

Uh and big for me to do that uh but yeah hopefully you should uh have it working and in order to test that it works we can go ahead and select one of our things let’s select regeneration um and then we get a little ding um if all our ingredients are

Stocked and everything over here is stocked um we could make you know 24 potions 18 potions let’s do that and in order to test it we’ll go ahead and hit the button we should get that going back and forth and so yeah let’s just wait and see if those potions come out and

Something else you can do you can see there’s like kind of an air gap there that you might be able to see through that if you want to you can go ahead and cover this up there and yeah you can kind of block that off if you want um so yeah just a

Little bit longer for the Regeneration potions and oh no I I have no potions in my output what did I do wrong um you will probably encounter um some issues as well so you need to go ahead and diagnose oh hey look the uh chest mine cart didn’t dispense I wonder why that

Is okay so I guess it must have just been a fluke um cuz I pressed the button again and it worked um after taking the ingredients out of course so now we have regeneration potions brewed and this should come out in the output down here momentarily and here they come very

Nice you can see it flashes saying there’s items coming in and then it will turn solid and we have our 18 potions of regeneration just as I requested you here 18 potions so it works beautifully I’m very happy now obviously if you’re going to build this it may not be all

Sunshine and rainbows for you you may encounter problems uh in which case uh you can join my Discord server and I will try and help you out if I’m not too busy um but yeah I know the machine is quite big and complicated um so you may

Have some issues but hopefully uh you’re able to sort it out yourself um and again there will be a World download and a like matica schematic in the description and I hope you enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching um yeah it’s taken me I mean

This machine took me quite a a while to uh figure out to build and yeah I’m just glad to finally have made a video about it hopefully it wasn’t too long and convoluted uh but yeah that is usually the case with my Redstone builds they big uh well not necessarily all the time

Anyway this is probably the biggest most complex machine I’ve ever made and I don’t really want to make anything like this again uh but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed hopefully um this is really cool to you make make sure to leave a like leave a comment and again I have a

Discord server if you need help um and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next video have a good one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Smart, Fully Automatic 9x Potion Brewer (Java 1.19/1.20+)’, was uploaded by Michael2_3B on 2023-12-17 22:00:06. It has garnered 238 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:39 or 2679 seconds.

This super smart potion brewing machine can brew anywhere from 3 to 27 potions at a time, and it knows the recipes so you don’t even have to look them up! Just select what potion you want, what modifiers you want, and how many potions you want, and it will brew them up all in one go!

Main features: – Recipes are programmed in – Prevents impossible potion/modifier combinations – Selectable amount of potions, from 3 to 27 – Glass bottle & fuel input, detects low stock. – Detects what ingredients are in stock / out of stock. – Item sorter for mass ingredient input – System only makes as many potions as it has ingredients for, regardless of how many you asked it to brew

World Download + Schematic:

And check out my original, simpler potion brewing machine:

0:00 Intro 1:06 Demonstrations 10:59 Explanation 23:09 How to build it 25:32 Required materials 27:43 Directionality 28:42 Layer by layer 30:40 Important things to do once it’s built 41:27 Testing that the new build works 43:20 Final thoughts

Join my discord!

Music from Youtube Audio Library: Benji by Dyalla

#minecraft #redstone #survival

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

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  • Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft

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  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

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  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

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  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

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  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

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  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

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  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

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    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

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  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

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  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

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  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

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  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

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  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

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    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

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  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

  • Mimo survival

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival Server (Version 1.20.4)Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The agony of another year without an end overhaul”

    Minecraft Memes - "The agony of another year without an end overhaul"Looks like Minecraft’s end overhaul is stuck in a never-ending loop just like my mom’s lectures about cleaning my room. Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial Minecraft Mob Farm: A Guide to Building Your Own Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? One essential structure that every player should consider building is a Mob Farm. This article will guide you through the process of creating your very own Mob Farm in Minecraft. What is a Mob Farm? A Mob Farm is a structure designed to harvest mobs for various resources such as experience points, rare drops, and more. By creating a Mob Farm, players can efficiently gather valuable items while also defending their base from hostile mobs. Building Your Mob… Read More

  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

    Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod TutorialVideo Information Hola Bienvenidos a una nueva review en el canal y nos encontramos en un mod muy interesante el cual tenemos en nuestra serie de enl eh el cual nos va a implementar Estas armas que estáis viendo aquí ahora mismo en la pantalla eh las cuales eh veremos más adelante que tienen unas habilidades especiales muy chulas ap parte de un diseño brutal y antes de empezar Ya con la review quería mencionar y comentaros de que estamos a nada de conseguir ya los 1000 suscriptores de acuerdo y eh est Muy preparando para el especial de 1000… Read More