Insane Minecraft Pulsar – Brawl Stars – Episode 1

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Send the link okay I just have to get the stream real quick Um welcome to the person already in the Stream let me just pay this over about this There we go so how’s everybody doing it’s PSAR I’ve officially change my name back to poar brawl star so I don’t end up looking like a um like 16 like I don’t know 2016 cringe YouTuber I’m actually not becoming cringe this time so yay anyway let me go ahead and make a world

Real quick all right what should I name the world I’m going to let you guys decide that first name that comes in the chat I’m putting in I’m doing all right Madden Roger madx Rogers there Edgar all right it’s time to play the wonderful world of

Edgar we’ll be putting this on I think I’ll just keep it I think I’ll just keep it normal as for the advanced settings I think probably nothing yeah you know what nothing and let’s just create it’s going to take some time to load into the world but this is kind of like Bedrock

Edition so I guess that guess that’s reasonable so my goal here is actually kind of simple it’s just I guess try to build a stable Society Try Not To Die the usual Things Okay it’s about to begin first day of this world ooh uh huh okay hey you know what I could actually live with this okay so I think that’s a flower garden over there by a scarcity of trees Hill get some I can get some easy Stone that’s

Good BR me and friend started a world back in the day with our only goal being killing as much as much as possible my goal is kind of just to survive to prove to myself that I can actually beat the Ender Dragon cuz I have I mean I’ve already beaten the

Ender Dragon once before but that was like once maybe twice I can’t remember if I did it twice but I know I’ve done it more I know I’ve done it like more than once this could actually be a really good like place to have like a base like that way right

Here I know I I’m just going to collect some Stone here real quick get ourselves a pickaxe so anyway what do you guys want to talk about that shall be where my h of boat is right in there it’s like the perfect place how good the Minecraft music is uh

Really good actually I like I like the Minecraft music again I still kind of like the old I mean I didn’t say this before but I like the old Minecraft music better because it’s more nostalgic and there’s another thing that I’m going to do as well just because I

Love Nostalgia you’re going to have to wait to see that first off I do need to grab myself actually I’m going to save those I want I want one of these red flowers kind of want some of these for a farm also kind of sad that they still haven’t released bundles into the

Game I swear I seen some sheep over here if not I’ll probably just end up killing the local pop like I mean Game ending yeah Game ending cuz I don’t want to be um I don’t want to be on like YouTube’s hit list hey here’s some sheep that’s a lot of white

Flowers dude like why are all the Sheep up here here I used to play Minecraft with my dad in 2014 those were the greatest Minecraft days ever yeah I used to play Minecraft with my dad when I had like an Xbox 360 and everything was like old school I missed those days okay

How much wood I got 10 so I’ll just place a sapling down here and kind of what’s down what’s down here anyway uh just underwater cave is there any coal down here I can pill oh that one but I don’t want to die at all so I’m going to try it

There is a p there are some sugar canane here I could use what’s this Pond here that’s cool anyway okay that’s a savannah over there uh so far to my sight no Villages so far wait that’s a cherry blossom I you could barely see it but right over there that’s cherry

Blossom don’t ask me how I know that it’s just three you know Bedrock like Vision all right I know you guys want to see uh cuphead but I’m still having kind of Trauma from rumor so I’m going to get over that and then I’ll

Go kill her and I like I mean game Ender I keep saying the Forbidden word how close to the end of the first okay we got like maybe 3 minutes that’s what just what I see is probably like 3 minutes in the meantime I’ll go uh end these um shape real

Quick kind of just get enough food cuphead’s very stressful but it it makes it fun I agree the stress just makes it so much more fun okay I have seven sugar canane I might want to go ahead and start setting these up by the lake before um uh I completely forget about

Them can work on my enchantment table later on but I something I got to worry about later I think for now what I’m going to do is I’m going to collect as much trees as I can before night time and I’m going to start digging my hole

In the wall and I start working on my house during the night time instead of of making a bed yeah if yeah by the way to make this a little more interesting if any of you guys just want to strike up a conversation you guys can go ahead and

Do that cuz I’ll be happy to answer a bunch of questions if you really want to know I can answer them I mean I don’t know why I’m tearing down the local uh flower forest for my industrial gain but oh here’s another thing I suck at

Redstone so I want to try to get better at that in this game in this playthrough as well okay it should be almost night time by now what year did you start playing Minecraft I remember playing Minecraft when I was like 5 years old so we’re talking maybe

2011 like 2011 I started playing Minecraft oh there’s a cave right there honestly and I still look back on that I there’s a world that I used to play it was an old thing I started off in a snowy biome and I made like one of them like and

From the start of the game I had this really nice beautiful house with a nice farm that I had to keep on breaking the ice to cuz I didn’t know how to um uh stop it from freezing and I remember exactly one morning on that world I had spawn I had

Woken up from bed went down my second floor and then I just woke up to like three creepers by my door it was very interesting I’ll put it like that okay so now it’s time to go work on our home I mean it wasn’t like a big house like by any

Means like I’d say it’s more like a 5×5 house and then on the five top of the 5×5 house was a 3X3 so it wasn’t really like huge but it was a house it was my house a great addition and I think what I’m actually

Going to do now is I’m going to go ahead and get doors up so that way I don’t have to focus on mobs during the middle of the night time while I’m trying to do this like that one for example hello oh I need to Boop and Boop there we go

That should keep us out of uh Harm’s Way for at least as long as I’m making my um base oh question mark was an accident all right uh let’s I kind of do want a campfire though campfire would sound nice cook up some of my mutton okay I remember playing when I was

Little building a dirt house on the mountain a a mountain with no doors and I went exploring and came back and a creeper like I’d say creeper blew you up I guess while that’s cooking I’ll just um uh just kind of wait for these things to just kind of keep up all

Right something I do want to do is there’s the doors right here and I kind of want to make these piston doors eventually but that’s when I get better at the game what I’m thinking I’m going to do is there going to be piston doors here and I stretch this hallway out

Another um block oh need more oh there usually yeah I I wasn’t thinking that’s all right I can just heal that up no problem at least I didn’t catch on fire even though I could have just walked outside my door and just walked in in the water okay got 13 like 15

Charcoal h probably going to move that to the corner there probably this over here and I’ll probably take out the campfire probably repl place it with like a torch you get a couple torches on our on my back wall what game do you plan to play next to

The channel uh I don’t know I guess whatever game kind of interests me I’m also debating making this four blocks tall but I don’t know about that I’m just thinking about what I can want to do with this place um so if I stand stand at the back door and I just walk

In h let’s actually just make this four blocks tall just because because I got the time okay who’s your favorite music artist you don’t have to answer just asking um I am not really a big fan of most like singing artists it’s going to sound

Weird to say that but I’m not really a big fan of like you know like for example Taylor Swift Kanye West people like that I mostly just listen to NCS which is like no copyright sounds the kind of things you kind of just have on the background of music and stuff I like

Dub step a lot that’s kind of just a big thing of mine um trying to think about what I want to do for this thing though craft some Cobble stairs then how about so first off we break we break a crafting table and furnace again I think what I do

Now and actually we can kind of run it a little bit cheap here we can just break these two things cuz I know what I’m going to do for those probably place them with wood blocks just because yeah like this uh I think it I don’t know I have to

Kind of develop this wall a little bit more but think it’s going to look pretty good in the end at least for an entrance Think uh how would just like regular wood here Work it’s running so hard there’s a whole P pool out here mud out of dirt no no no no no no no no no get inside thank you I was just making sure no zombies get over here wait what’s that oh I kind of like that yeah yeah I love

That and then I think craft a couple Oak stairs so that way I can do this all right when the doors are dooring that’s kind of that looks kind of nice for an entrance but I think as well break these two blocks and do this and then these bottom

Two ah it looks a lot better I like it It looks like it’s about to be daytime as well so so this is why I actually grabbed the red flowers so make a bed and then make that bed red just like an Xbox 360 it’s just always red beds and I never and I never

Going to use a bed other than one of those red beds except if I really need to Okay but now I’m kind of curious what am I going to do the this Day oh found some coal in the wall that’s cool had another wild idea going to craft more um cob a couple more Cobble stairs see if this actually works out just how I want To hey you didn’t see that I didn’t try breaking Cobblestone with an axe you didn’t see that and then probably this set back wall I start doing some Oak like oak wood um that could be pretty good I kind of like that um I think now oh there’s a

Drown here time to engage oh there’s a skele hello hello apparently the drown still hasn’t seen me yet imagine being in the water you know what ah it’s a free bow all right day too and my trees grown too that’s nice so now that I have a

Bow and the front’s looking pretty good too honestly I like it I’m debating on uh actually I want to craft a boat I kind of want to go exploring and see what I can find cuz luckily now you can kind of make boats without having use a shovel which is such a great

Relief why are you doing another wait when are you doing another cuphead Liv stream when I stop getting traum when I really when I get out of this traumatizing thing of rumor I already hate rumor bro all right well time to go exploring see what kind of weird interesting

Things I can look for cuz I know there was a uh cherry blossom over there I kind of want to grab well it’s going to take me this way so I guess I’ll just follow the river see where see if I can probably connect to an ocean maybe what console I’m playing on

PlayStation and you can pretty much tell just because the fact that by me it always tells me triangle for inventory and then Square for crafting wait but inventory and CRA wait the square button literally is useless you don’t have you don’t even have to um uh you press the square button you

Literally just have to press inventory and then you just get it some llamas uh some more sugar cane I guess I’ll take it what is that hold on I want to see this more that that’s so pretty hold I need to see this I need to see this way further

Up without dying of course look at it it’s so pretty I can probably get some iron here though so there’s some coal there’s a creeper thinking a second time for a one-on-one duel ah whatever I’ll I’ll take it that goes steep okay let’s hope I just don’t fall down

There that’s uh that would be disappointing oh hello hello comic gamer Um I don’t know if I want to go down there just yet cuz I kind of went out just to explore but this interesting I want to see so if I just kind of do this and sit for a little while I can see resources there some glow squid there’s Some some of literally nothing okay what’s over here oh nope I am not I’m not doing that yeah if you don’t know skeletons in the uh in Bedrock Edition they shoot like machine guns so me even fighting them with no armor is an a obious

No I know I’m not a wuss I just know situations I can and can’t win and a skeleton is one I can’t win without having the upper hand okay apart from that it doesn’t look like really anything interesting it’s just a bunch of uh Casa biome and

Stuff there is this area over here that could be pretty useful my uncle got me like an ancient knife dang I know I got I know I got my cousin a knife for Christmas it was named L Jake and it’s just like a it looked like

An average knife but it did have some cool interesting things to it uh this terrain is kind of weird I don’t like it but whoops that’s my bad but anyway anyhoo what’s over here that I can use well probably some sheep more sheep uh it looks like a Stony Shore so

I’m definitely close to the ocean unless it’s just drain being stupid uh looks like it’s close to the ocean actually huh okay uh I can definitely make it home before night time cuz I’m just going to keep on working on my house during the night you want me to log I don’t have

PlayStation Plus anymore so I can’t really like play with people or is this single player survival probably single player survival if I don’t know if people can join oh well it’s already been 30 minutes I didn’t think it was that long but well 30 minutes 30 minutes I suppose

Um I have one Arrow I want to know if I can shoot a fish in the water it’s like harpooning dude they should really add harpoons to the game I mean I guess that’s Trident but like imagine they added harpoons which took iron and like chains to make which are

Actually just bow shots really good in the water wouldn’t that be a really of course when I don’t have they should add guns to fortnite you know I agree hit an emote uh hold on when I get home I’ll do it so anyway King let me show you my home and here’s my

Home okay there we go and now I think emote I hated that so much anyway so yeah that’s one of my plans is changing the floors and walls to like probably wood not like with this but actually if I did it like diagonally like uh kind of like a hold on let me

Show you what I mean could be expensive but if I do it like this and then strip the logs it could probably look pretty cool uh once again we don’t talk about that yeah let’s not I’m just playing around with certain Concepts and ideas right

Now and one of them is this for like an entry way uh I can’t stay unfortunately but good luck with the stream yeah thank you King by the way are we pushing tonight or is that off the table Chris Pratt all right cuz I’m still trying to pass Jimbo 3v3

So if I can do that I’ll be happy iron dude iron iron in the ceiling I mean it’s only one but it means I get a shield which means I don’t die anymore so and I think I’m just going to use uh cobblestone for the floor until I get

Some like deep sled or Spruce or something else by the way I have a question for y’all guys and you can answer this respectfully and I won’t judge you for it what is your favorite Minecraft YouTuber like if you have a favorite Minecraft Youtuber what is it clown

Pier never heard of that YouTuber I’ll probably need to see okay this is starting to take shape and then what I do here is I break these top blocks ooh that is so fire Mario Galaxy over Minecraft hot take actually never heard of Mario Galaxy before so so now is that a

Drowned peek through the door yeah it’s a drown right there okay and so I think what I just do here because this is kind of just a starter base at least for now until I make it something better is I’m gonna just uh put my put no double

Beds yeah I can’t rest what are you doing get out of here Leave all right I have my respawn Point set and I’m now trapped in the Stone yeah yeah that’s why you’re homeless yeah oh oh what’s the point of a double bed in a single player world literally just it’s funny wow this guy did not like the fact that I called him Homeless okay I think Uh I’m just going to set these here because like until I get a good place for Him bro ain’t homeless he was just looking for a new house nah he’s homeless for unfortunately I don’t have good middle point for this so there we Go and a couple chests all right this place is looking up this this place is looking Great I’m going to have to go mining one day though so Poar please say to snowy to help with his admins and Duty a n Server hey snowy there’s some apparently some people raiding your server there’s a flood War happening till 3:00 p.m. where I am uh flood warning morning all right now I just cook up this piece of iron get my wood ready for a shield fact I could actually create a

Banner and I could probably connect that Banner to Uh so shield and then I need a banner where do I find those again here and then I’m pretty sure I can just connect this Shield to this Banner white Shield it’s it’s just it’s a paper Shield hey it’s becoming daytime again all right I need to get ready to go

Mining cuz I kind of want some iron just a little bit so I think couple Stone pickaxes should do me good with 59 torches looks like we’re good here now I just got to look for a good cave and I oh spider jump him oh hey I got a couple string that’s nice

Also free lead now what do you sell ugly just for that you don’t get you don’t get the freedom to live oh there’s a a couple drown down here there are so many things down here what what yeah come on yeah come on in okay wow there was so many

Things that’s just like a mob farm it’s so free you what wait is everything gone now what I might want to stop him before he uh becomes a problem I have no idea why people want to drown on my uh front lawn ow so since when do drown knock you

Down that’s like a that’s a full chain mail uh skeleton oh I might want to go up he dropped nearly his entire thing of armor I might oh I’m got to go go up okay I’m fine with it bro I make NOS okay now I got to find a cave there’s a cave

Over there I think oh that was a jump scare at least none of them had Trident that would have been bad by the way another game that I’ve actually wanted to play was Minecraft dungeons I actually have the game but I don’t know if it would be a good stream like stream

Material oh this is a horrible cave play Geometry Dash I’m pretty sure you told me to play Geometry Dash at least more than like three or four times already like I’ll get to it when I have the game okay and now I need to get I need to

Find another cave that isn’t just all water there’s a cave over there up on that Hill actually it’s bees I was up at 500 a.m. today so I was taking a nap just woke up let me carry you okay uh this is definitely where like wardens can spawn

So same as over there just any mountain there should be like a deep dark under it so not that I’m trying to look for a deep dark but I mean me kind of nearly dying to a warden would be funny so okay a bunch of things over there wait wait hey here we

Go unfortunately I don’t unfortunately though I do not have a bucket so I can’t I have to really take my time getting down there okay okay that’s cool oh hello whoops Okay all righty then I swear I just said I got to I got to be careful and then I immediately fall almost to my Death yeah dying is not in my rule book I won’t I don’t want to die cuz then I won’t care about dying anymore and that’s just sad listen the content’s more funny if I’m on the verge of death all L the time and I actually care about dying all Right okay oh this is creeper another one Shields are literally just instant winds some more iron I’m not looking to get jump scared by nothing so I’m actually G to take my time with this and be careful best advice ever don’t die you could get killed snow

2024 yeah had some really good advice by the way oh there’s a skeleton I just got to peek behind this wall and just hold my shield Out cool oh look at this it’s so beautiful it’s like a drip Stone I’m trying to make sure I don’t just get jumped here but it looks like I can be fine did you put a banner on my shield yep I had enough wool so I just decided to do

It cuz screw you I have money I guess then again I’m kind of poor right now so it’s kind of why I’m in the cave right now to become Rich I’m going to be like the kid screaming about those diamonds that one meme if you know what I know if you know you Know what PE what PlayStation you have PlayStation 4 I don’t have PlayStation 5 cuz imagine having PlayStation 5 okay oh oh imagine uhuh then over here is Nothing okay chill now worst part is I don’t even know howow how low I am oh there’s a zombie right here there’s a full iron armored zombie over there I kind of want him though yeah you see this it’s a full iron armored zombie he dropped some

Armor dude I love how the only armor that I have is ones I gotten from the dead mobs I’ve killed okay oh I know why it’s tooking so long long it’s because I’m in a m oh what the I don’t like you wait a minute is that a deep dark down

There hold on that’s literally a deep dark down there I see the blocks oh hello goodbye see you sometime soon man if you wake the warden I’m killing you I mean he’ll kill you first but I guys your boys going for Content let’s do this let’s do

This just yeah it’s literally a oh god oh it’s skeleton sitting there on the on the corner of the edge like a little wussy wait where Like my brightness is literally as high as it can be oh that’s why I have multiple pickaxes cuz I am a genius guys if I go down to this deep dark you guys got to subscribe do it all right what the are you seeing this you know what okay

I don’t want to do this but I got to do it if I want the content at least there is a uh River thing that I can do to uh get out if things get dodgy like that I like them okay I’m slowly eding edging downwards I have officially reached deep

Dark now I don’t know if I have uh if there’s any like what what what can I see hold on I’m going to Edge myself close closer to my TV see what I can see okay we’re good we’re good yeah this is Fine sneak 100 achievement I already did that oh wait is this is this It wait a Minute Wait I did It I did it y’all better subscribe I was a man for y’all I mean there was nothing down here but I did it yay I did it now I got to craft a pickaxe and grab some of this Redstone cuz that’s actually what I came down here

For it’s probably behind it oh no hold on it’s XP free XP I love this game okay my with how all right um iron pickaxe and then some red stone is up here for the grabbing okay two yeah I don’t know about the reach either like this thing’s always been confusing me all

Right I can make a farm I can make a my biggest thing is I was going to make piston doors so I can actually have a secret way in that isn’t really secret oh give back the torch you know know I’m actually quite tempted to look around cuz this can’t be

The only deep dark Right like that can’t be the only deep sway I know this game better than that they would always there obviously is more Get some more deep slate I want more iron I want some more I want more resources so I could be rich again like I was in the server yeah I was really rich in that server by the way dude I should have made a copy of

The world when it was like almost about to be over so I could show you guys all the beautiful things we Made do you know the codes in Minecraft nope I don’t care to realize them I don’t care to find out what I care about is getting rich oh iron more iron what the place uh any more deep slate down there I mean not deep slate but like uh you know what I mean Okay I don’t really care about gold too much though deep slate coal a it’s rare that’s real rare it is not peaceful it’s just very weird why there’s no mob spawning even I can show you right now hold on settings Let load see is literally normal difficulty yeah sometimes monsters just don’t spawn maybe cuz it’s night time and all them are spawning up oh me head he’s such a meanie Head it’s quite strange and I’m not going to complain cuz honestly it makes this whole entire trip a whole lot easier so now I just got to look down there see there is definitely more deep slate like the de like the skull and stuff definitely yeah yeah there’s definitely

More I see them I see it yeah you’re right I need to make a bucket uh only problem I need my furnace again okay oh I didn’t even need a furnace I can literally craft myself a uh bucket with a crafting table no I listen as much as I would

Love to do the clut as much as I would love to clutch a water bucket for views that is not I can’t myself I don’t want to okay I got a bucket of I’ve got a bucket of water I’ve got myself my crafting table that Squid’s about to fall to his

Death uh you can actually clutch on Bedrock I’ve done it before but it’s just a lot harder oh you jerk such a jerk you tried to shoot me off the way Ed oh so I think now can kind of just Coast down why did it lag ah baby zombie baby zombie baby

Zombie baby zombie we are just too good at this game you see the skull no because you’re blind but I can see the Skull but it’s definitely bigger so I have to uh yeah you guys are blind cuz you can’t see I have to tell you everything where do I go so down down it’s literally right there down again just got to find listen all right I’m using my expert I site right now hold

On all right there is literally no things I can trigger like right now with my vision I can tell you right now there’s nothing I trigger unless there’s something that I didn’t see you okay I still don’t want to take my chances with this though so I will be extra careful full

Coasting around these edges all right no there’s deep dark it’s like right here weird ah come on wait there’s more area down there there is a lot more area down there wait do I dare oh there is something there there’s a sensor this stupid skeleton just stop triggering the sensors skeleton I

Can’t I’m so mad that skeleton’s literally triggering the sensors and I can’t go over there without triggering a sensor and I don’t know if there’s a shrier over there but yeah skull shers are a skull shers are a whole another creature I have actually in the server I

Actually went to an ancient city one time I actually live Too okay there’s nothing [Laughter] oh my God okay okay all right that’s my jump scare for the day oh you know I’m beating you with a hoe wait oh wait what I did not see that creeper there okay normally creepers don’t jump me like that but that was the first time

I think I’ve really been jump scared by a creeper oh wait who who did the you you jerk hey try to craft a sword you’re not you’re not letting you’re not playing fair oh there’s two of them oh this is going to suck you know what don’t die die die Cool no what what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no hold up a second okay okay you can reach me okay hold

On oh my God what was that like somebody please tell me where those three zombies came from yeah like I would have had I would have had that like just F if not for like three zombies apparently coming from the roof to behind me and now I have a like rotten flesh is

Food I’m now debating on if I just leave or if I continue and be Reckless but for the sake of views we’re going Reckless I’m just happy that I lived but I only got six more torches so I’m going to be very careful coasting around here I’ll let you know about

Anything I can see I’ll light up anything that’s important so nothing over here I can’t see anything here creeper NOP no we’re not doing that I’m not getting jump scar twice oh okay anyway there’s so much flowing water okay all right I have now officially

Decided that we are going up why I don’t want to die I don’t got food on me I need to go up there and get food there’s also an entry way up there too okay uh I could literally just do a leap of faith ye I missed entirely

But we can still go up here I’m almost out get me out get me out just let me [Applause] leave okay I’m almost out almost made it come on L stretch that gave me a heart attack for real now where’s my home at wait wait how far am

I wait a minute actually though where am I oh I have some skeletons shooting at me not good oh almost fell down there that’s not good okay so if I just walk across the plains I should reach at least the place I remember I was I think there better not be Phantoms I’m

Going to be so mad if there is but wait I got a bed on my inventory if there is Phantoms I just simply sleep okay yeah I’m definitely close to home now I remember that um yeah I did forget deep slate but my safety is my

Number one concern I have 40 iron I have everything I need all I need to do now and I just need to make it home and not die to stupid spider jockey I get me away get me out of here there’s two Endermen there I don’t want

To kill them I don’t think I’m good enough for that oh there’s a fire oh there’s a lava pool right there would have known that if I wasn’t uh running for my life I have no food almost there finally I’m back home I can breathe finally I made it back home without

Dying I got jump scared by a creeper and I didn’t even get diamonds either that was such a waste I need food where I got okay I’ve got some mutton some beef I’m going to make a campfire it’s easier than just having a well all right so I’ve traversed through

Two deep two deep darks I mean they granted they were bad deep darks but deep dark nonetheless okay not going to lie I am glad that I actually did live that I actually just going to go to sleep YouTube is not pinging me I swear to God yeah YouTube does that it’s called

YouTube stupidity and there’s uh two Creepers I’m not I’m not I’m not happy but though I can block them though so do it oh there’s a skeleton down here by the way there is a reason why I grab these fences and that is because I want to

Make I want to fence off this place okay start off maybe here yeah campfires do cook food I actually have one in my house right now yo I can craft an iron axe I can’t I some sticks and then I can craft an iron

Axe yeah not a lot of people know but I know like breaking beacons with your fists wait you can actually break a beacon with your fist like there’s no way right yeah I’m an idiot it would be actually though but it would be kind of funny if you could

Actually break beacons with your fist another guy he’s going to die if he doesn’t have good trades yeah he doesn’t have good trades I’ll kill his llamas first and then I’m game ending him I guess I mean I guess mushrooms are good but I can find them anywhere else and just be fine

This right here this called home Security imagine mobs parkour over that I wouldn’t be surprised Dude I absolutely love this OG Soundtrack you finally hit 30k trophies well done I’m personally about to hit 51k like wait how long ago did I get 50K I think like a week ago but still well done I remember when I was 30k and there you go I have officially created a beautiful fence around my Property do kit yeah Kit’s a like I hate kit H all right so now that we fix a core issue of my uh problem I think what I’m going to do now craft myself a few more uh those craft a few more torches I’m going to go around lighting up this uh

Wall yeah the mobs can climb up the map Mountain but mobs usually don’t fall off the cliffs from my knowledge I know mobs won’t personally like just fall on top of me cuz mobs don’t exactly do that unless like you knock them off yourself there we go beautiful wall is

Now officially lit up I could probably do I could have probably done this with like Cobblestone wall bit better yeah they need to do a bunch of things to get like super they need I say probably instead of Kit Super Auto charging whenever he’s close to teammates like I mean instead of like

Auto charging all the time either Auto charge it whenever he’s close to teammates or don’t charge it at all okay 37 iron I ain’t craft myself some iron armor I just realized That all right I can live with that okay yeah that’s literally the point like if like if he doesn’t Char like I mean here’s the thing though Davey like K if kit doesn’t charge a super it’s still fine though because he’s got that Gadget that puts him invisible for a while like

Literally the length of a leon super so he can definitely approach people it’s like like instead instead of Kit being useful on like every single map and every single mode he would be good on like more bushy Maps which I could appreciate a lot more than just him being good

Everywhere cuz I mean he already just does super well when it comes to hopping on like a tank’s back and whatnot which Speaking of that I think it should be a set amount of healing for every brawler instead of like percentage based he’s going to become a Serge situation

With a gadget but at least Serge can do something without the gadget kit can’t at least without the super of course Y and if kit supercharges near allies that could Pro that could benefit Cheeseburger except an HP Nerf if Ki gets an HP Nerf and that’s it I’m going to be so disappointed okay I’m just thinking about what to do right now cuz I don’t really know the passive healing yeah that’s annoying I feel like it should be like a set

Healing per second instead of like percentage based cuz I think that’s the problem cuz kit kit heals like 600 Health per second normally but anybody like if you’re on the back of like a Rosa you’re healing 10,000 like a th000 health per second and that actually is more than jeans

Healing like they need to make it like just a set maybe either 50050 600 or some different set number cuz that healing is ridiculous apparently it wasn’t so all right it’s going night time I think what I do now is actually do this do this break this and I think it’s now

Time to officially build more of the base I’d probably say 600 H all right So okay hello alexio pop how we doing today how’s our front lawn looking clean as usual I’m doing good just finishing up my house or at least making it better you could add glowstone or sea lanterns inside the pool to make it look better yeah I haven’t reach that point yet but

I will definitely whenever I get to that point what if you make a bridge so you don’t have to swim all the time oh there’s a sheep here hello or what if I just added some random boat in here just like a boat that I can just swim around this place with all

Right looks pretty good All Things Considered yeah not going to lie I’m starting to regret the um wood fence and not a cobblestone one cuz I’m already starting to run on wood okay now what am I going to do in here H actually you know what that’s actually a great

Idea and start doing the great dig down first off we need some Cobble stairs and um we got a bucket we need a hoe which I think I have one already we had a shovel we need one of those too okay so Am I into Marvel uh no in fact I’m actually not really into Marvel into DC into like really any of those things and it’s mainly because the plot of just most Marvel movies is just stupid I’m just not a big fan of It for example like uh trying to think of it like endgame I believe it was from my remembrance of the movie it’s like oh guy gets like a bunch of colored stones and just wipes half the Universe yeah exactly my point it’s just yeah I still like the spider I like the old Spider-Man movies I don’t know about the new ones but the old ones are good the old ones are pretty good so six 7 8 9 10 all right I’ve officially created what

I’m going to be using as the size of my farm at Le long ways also I don’t know if it’s just a me problem but do you guys like it whenever they like do you guys like it whenever the movies just make an unnecessary part two

To like their sequels cuz I don’t I don’t like them okay here’s the one that I’ve recently watched I’m not going to spoil the movie for you but it’s a monsters you University I didn’t understand what they were trying to do with that the only movies that I’m fine with

Uh sequels to are like Toy Story that’s literally it and that’s because they actually are understandable and how they are that’s the literally the only one that I can actually live with oh and for some reason I apparently found out there’s a Lego Movie too look did y’all know there was a Lego

Movie too cuz I sure didn’t like it all like I feel like it’s all it’s just with every like sequel to a movie is just worse than the original one oh and this one’s going to be very controversial but Star Wars I think got hit the worst with it

Like I like the first three movies but then I believe it was I forgot exactly which one it was but I believe the fourth movie just kind of Tanked the entire thing fourth or fifth it was one of those wow you’ve never watched Star Wars that’s very that’s actually very interesting

Interesting yeah I’m not entirely a Star Wars fan at least I used to be a Star Wars fan but after like the seventh movie where they introduced like Ray I just wasn’t and especially since the fourth movie like you’re telling me that we are living all right everything is Handy

Hunky Dory and you’re telling me that just in the ninth movie everybody dies like literally the plot of it just went to oh we’re just trying to stop like Emperor Palpatine oh shoot guess what all the Jedi died now that just move that it like escalates too

Quickly I played the game of Lego Nintendo 3D yeah pretty cool more of a Harry Potter guy Honestly though Harry Potter movies hit different I haven’t watched one in a while but that’s actually one of those movies that I would definitely rewatch again granted I am uh do would do have

It I don’t know just finding some small talk while I’m sitting here just casually mining Stone so what else you guys want to talk About to be honest I don’t really know what my favorite movie is but I like Percy Jackson wait isn’t Percy J I forgot wait hold on I’m trying to think about it for a second I remember my uh grandparents and my siblings were watching Percy Jackson yesterday I don’t remember what move

What it was but um it sounded Interesting Also why did I decide to make this big giant farm room when I have like 20 that is way too much Cobblestone that I should be using oh hello what are you doing on my Property uh hello you I whip out the sword he’s immediate like nope he’s like nope no I’m not doing this oh dude get out leave oh you really want to do this you know what I’ll let you into my I’ll let you into my house I I literally have my doors

Open I okay okay I guess I’ll just start crafting things while he’s sitting there uh let him cook let him cook let him cook you can do it yay you did it now you get now here’s the thing step two you’re getting drugg into my basement all right come

Here all right come here get in my basement come here come here and I shall beat you with a wooden trapo dude he is trying to crank he’s he’s literally trying to crank 90s on me I played fortnite before don’t test me boy useless he gave me a spider eye it’s so

Useless he’s more useless than me yeah I’m definitely not going to have enough uh enough pickaxes get in my basement and now I shall beat you with a wooden trapo somebody better draw a picture of that cuz I know when I was doing cuphead and saying weird things y’all guys were

Drawing pictures of that y’all better draw pictures of the weird things I say here okay get in my basement I shall now beat you with a wooden door buto there’s so many things to quote I couldn’t even get them all okay I’ve got a couple bits of

Wood using the most the most useless easiest to get tree again not as useless as I am but that’s not the point I played fortnite back I played fortnite before don’t test me boy dude know there’s only dude my history with fortnite it actually is very interesting

Cuz you see I didn’t start playing fortnite until my uh little siblings started playing fortnite and they to and they kept bragging to me like oh they’re so good at the game they’re they’re so much better than me and yada yada yada and they weren’t even getting first

Place Victory Royale all right so I decided to play fortnite and I decided to get out of the way of bots cuz I kept getting first place to get some Bots and stuff obviously cuz it’s cuz it’s easy I got in my first actual ranked Lobby game where like it actually was

Real people I placed first like first try it wasn’t even hard like I used like I remember I had the DMR which is kind of like a sniper assault rifle and I just I just slam people with that thing it was it was so easy then after that I stopped playing

Fortnite because you know fortnite’s cringe I don’t want to be I don’t want to be yeah I don’t want to be like that one of those people like cranking 90s on like I don’t want to be like cranking 90s I don’t want to be ninja it’s been years since I played

Fortnite I’m slow again well I got to go bye good luck with the stream yeah thank you man I appreciate that beef Beef oh I need a piece of coal I literally have one piece of Coal Okay uhuh so I believe it’s night five I’m pretty sure wait so hour 49 I slept like middle of one Night uh this is I believe night seven I think actually yeah this is probably night seven I’m just keeping the track and stuff so I know how fast I’m actually going with these things oh oh a Minecraft week and I’ve gotten like iron armor I’ve gotten

Um this for a house ha he can’t enter he’s so stupid look at him look at that little look at him he’s just so funny how do it feel not being able to enter my home anyway is he still there no he left he has a bit of a skill

Issue home you’re homeless that sounds like a skill issue imagine like you’re passing somebody on the street and they’re and they’re asking you for a dollar and you just you just respond with I think that’s a skill issue bro L plus ratio just get cash bro it’s not that

Hard oh you’re homeless just get a home it’s not that hard all right we have officially cleared out half wait hold on hold on try I’m going do this right we have officially cleared out half of my storage area anyway how long is this place I didn’t want to say how long is

This cuz I know people will take it weirdly you didn’t call a stack of logs homeless so yeah you aren’t wrong yo what if I just pay the Discord server again and just be like hey I’m making fun of creepers you better join how long is this hallway anyway 1 2

3 4 5 Six I love I love Minecraft it’s just so nice and relaxing and definitely not stress inducing at all it also feels really nice to not be going to work cuz I’m off not because I’m skipping it I promise you that yeah I’m promising you guys I’m not skipping work I just don’t have work

Schedule this like until like Friday so it’s quite fun in fact my schedule usually goes like Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I’m off and then Friday Saturday and Sunday I work like 9:00 to 5: however I actually have a very weird thing though on Sunday no not Sundays but Saturdays I get schedule for

10 to sevens so those are like 9h hour days which I appreciate cuz it’s an extra hour of free money it’s like a free money Glitch Bro found the money exploit fre oh my God oh come on we got zero people in here here I mean you’re probably one of them but we need more people I need more watch Hours hey we have one person it’s probably you Davey a there’s a beautiful cat that’s like running around my legs like a frantic hobo okay oh now what how is it how’s it looking outside not day yet okay cool hey REI what you doing a Reese’s sitting on my lap that’s so beautiful

Oh my little kitty cat He hits Me dude I remember when I used to get jump scared from my pickax is breaking now I Don’t that’s called Evolution my Boy I think people left because I’m just doing this boring thing promise you once I stop doing the boring thing I’ll probably I’ll probably get a bunch more viewers in here and here we go all right that I’ve cleared out a really big area he’s playing Cookie Run wait who’s playing Cookie Run

Radic day eight day eight we still haven’t died wait is he playing Cookie Run oven break or is he playing Cookie Run Kingdom or is he being a weirdo and playing Cookie Wars Oh thank God I actually play Kingdom as well like Kingdom Hearts not Kingdom Hearts uh so what does Redix like I don’t know what Redix has but I do know I have a level 60 Rebel with a Max skill so uh that’s quite fun so any

Who I need seeds I need seeds seeds seeds for days R is only level 4 24 I’m level 42 H it’s fun day to be alive yeah you quickly level up as you like do the story and stuff cuz you get like 1 Point like you get millions of XP

Every like few levels whenever you get like uh believe to either the six or seven or whatever level 19 okay I’m trying to recall what what my actual team is so I’m trying to recall it okay so I think my front line is fetene I have a uh I have golden cheese

Uh no my wait hold on no no my front line is Rebel fetene and then I got a middle of golden cheese and Rockstar and my back line I think is uh shining glitter maybe it’s either shining glitter or um Frost Queen I forgot which One front is dark caca and rebel yeah that actually works out really well it does counter uh pure vanilla I would love to stream some cookie run Kingdom Though like I would love to like make a new account of Quicky run Kingdom and just like push from the start middle is licorice and pirate I think you’re referring to Captain caviar if I’m not mistaken and then your back’s Clover okay well here’s my suggestion to you if

You get enough mileage there’s a rockstar cookie I would highly suggest getting Rockstar cookie because that is like one of the best epic Healers of the game but if if you end up getting pure vanilla like by any means I mean Rockstar is still better than pure

Vanilla yeah clo like Clover is an okay um uh healer but like later in the later you’re going to need better healers Rockstar is going to be that better healer yeah a Healer is definitely going to be Important yeah yeah it happens with most rare cookies the only one that actually doesn’t really fall off too bad is BlackBerry but Blackberry is like really only good in like Guild battles and stuff and even then there are still better Options spending all of day punching grass this my friends is called Peete Content I’m doing a lot better about not having to sleep all the time cuz sleeping is just a waste of time like you it’s like a waste of 10 minutes that you could be doing like anything else uh how many uh in just a second I may try to get more people into the

Server into the uh not the server but like the stream yeah the stream’s kind of dead but I’m having fun and I still have no idea how I want my original how I want my base to be like I have a good idea but yo what’s up der

Stars you’re the you’re the second person on the stream I’m so happy yeah just don’t mind me punching grass cuz I’m trying to set up a farm so I have a consistent amount of food okay yo you’re back all right would you ever do Minecraft with viewers yes I definitely

Would what y’all thought I was going to leave forever nah I didn’t think you were going to leave forever I just thought you wouldn’t come back for a really really long time seriously though if we can actually get a whole lot more people in here that would be amazing could revive this dead

Stream and now need to go get some dirt from my beautiful glorious farm and it’s about to be night time again so night 8 oh I have a maxed out inventory I think I’ll just go ahead and throw out this one measly arrow in my inventory

Uh that’s good enough I don’t have a lot of seeds so might as well I’m not going to make the entire Farm just yet cuz I still don’t have enough seeds build Canal Grand please that could be a pretty cool build project for a later date yo what’s up

Redix hello okay so now so we got 1 2 3 3 four five six oh yeah that’s right I need to make this bigger just this little corner okay and now I believe the fourth one is right this is just the fourth mean don’t mind using this for now what’s

Going on I’m making the Grand Reserve and by that I mean a farm wait okay so one two 3 4 One Two 3 4 you here playing some Minecraft making a farm that’ll feed me forever I was really thinking about making a vegan only playthrough as in

Like I only eat things that I grow did you know poar plays Cookie Run yeah I actually do play Cookie Run I don’t play oven break cuz oven break is a pay to win game but I do play Kingdom and I mean even though Kingdom’s

Kind of pay to win at least you can do some good things in it at least it’s not like pay to play like Cookie Run oven break is cuz literally every new cookie is broken kind of farm it’s going to be a wheat farm Okay so

Yeah you can play like Arena mode and stuff cuz you’ve got rebel I believe do you okay and I can live with this for a Beginning look at how much Stone I’ve farmed that isn’t right I should not have had that much Stone to begin With Check Discord I will in just a second let me uh just do that and then a torch in the Middle Right I’ve got some bones in here as well as some a couple more seeds too cuz the invite Lake expired H I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to line these this wall up with a little bit more torches so that way I can do This wait that wasn’t a full one pretty sure the name of my server Galactic Paradise gu got 13 seeds good enough oh wait I got more seeds look at how much look at how beautiful the Farm’s already turning out yeah the name of the server is I think like Galactic par poar Galactic

Paradise I believe so that’s my farm right now are you proud of me only thing I can do now is just expand it and hope it feeds me and if it doesn’t well it doesn’t feed me should use some Cobblestone fences what I was actually thinking about doing is I

Was going to grab a bunch of like coal from a nearby Stony Shore that I know of I was going to cook the stone in like a auto smelter and I was going to turn it into a bunch of stone bricks and I was going to build this place out of stone Brick and along the sides of the walls and stuff I was going to have some like archways that led into different rooms looking pretty nice outside look at how much stone I have that’s why so we can throw so we can kind of throw a stack in there and then just have eight Coal eight coal in there throw one right here all right now we have basically three stacks of stone bricks creating now it’s about to become day nine I craft 82 furnaces imagine I just craft 82 furnaces and use them as like the floor what was going to

Do there was something I was oh I was going to craft bread hold on look at how beautiful that Sunrise is bread bread I need I need more bread all right Cobblestone you’re going into a chest for now and I believe since these are the spawn

Chunks I can uh kind of put all this stuff in a chest and then I can just like I can kind of leave this place and I can get like I can go exploring to find like a village or something that I can totally not Exploit I need more bread Pulsar obsessed with bread Pulsar the bread obsessed it’s such a perfect name but something tells me there’s a village over Here ew ugly Lake I like this Lake this Lake look this Lake’s look this Lake looks weird but I think the only thing that saves this Lake um is L quite literally the flower Forest it makes it look all pretty and stuff I like it I like I like the

Forest is that a no that’s a tree screw you tree you had me think that was was a village for a second I guess Villages are made of trees I guess uh what is this beautiful weird looking thing down there it’s like an underwater cave technically cornflour any Anyway no way corn cherry blossoms ah pretty pretty aesthetic Vibes I need it I need it vill it need Look at them all human and all breathing and core and carrots give here give me give me give me give me me I want these carrots I want these potatoes these are mine mine mine okay cool okay I’m going I fine I’ll PL I’ll replant your I’ll replant your crops cool any

Anyhoo bro you okay yes I am perfectly wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s free that’s free I’ll replant I’ll replant you carrots I am lurking yo why are you lurking bro got to study biology I I was an AP biology I can help you

Study more potato more potato mine yeah there are my potatoes mine those are my potatoes also hey you know what hay bals means bread I have a lot of bread now Stacks and stacks of it so much bread bad o I need some bad croissant pretzel bread slaf and then uh what is

That a donut no it’s is that a pancake Wait hey what are you doing with those potatoes my guy he’s smelling the flow he’s getting high this is Minecraft get away from that thing you get go go no no no you don’t no these are my potatoes M mine mine mine mine mine mine you don’t get

Anything I’ll let you guys starve starve you know what I’ll I’ll plant it back just so I can peill for this more in a later date he’s getting high I don’t want my I don’t want my villagers getting high all right cuz it means they’re happy and I

Don’t want them to be happy I want these people to suffer because they hate for me for so long he’s getting high pulls are the potato obsessed we live in a society okay hey yo why is this guy holding out on with these potatoes apples in a Dy line oh baby we’re rich

We’re rich he’s get okay yo we’re rich yay we’re rich I got a corn flour we making it out of the flower forest with this one all right what else can I find there the there’s the cherry blossoms I got to mind myself one to grab some of the saplings though

And oh just just a villager whatever just some loyal wait okay that’s not a village I thought I saw something out of my peripherals for some reason but did not but now I can mine some of this pink wood listen all right guys you know call

Me weird but I can be the ultimate girl boss slay I never doing that [Laughter] again I am never doing that again playe never again this is how you can tell I’m going in okay this is how you can tell I’m going insane all right I’m saying weird

Things and that’s only when I go insane I say weird things okay we got saplings that’s good hold on ugly anyway he’s getting Looney he’s getting Looney all right guys I’m going to calm down all right a oh they tried to do it to me again they try to do it Minecraft knows

Me Minecraft like you don’t understand this Minecraft they try to make me fall into the most random obscene holes you’ve ever scen so what they do okay what they do is they just place a whole bunch of random holes they know I’m going to fall into at some

Point yeah they’re literally trying to make me die listen okay I am not going to let a game right at E10 plus beat me so I’m just going to casually ignore whatever happens and probably fall into that hole at a later date right now I’m busy cuz your boy just found some spruce

Trees and I and I need them I need them oh they’re there hey want some trees oh it’s like night time and I have no dude it’s like night time and I have no bed okay but I do have armor wonder if there’s a close by Village I can absolutely hijack until

Then boing boing boing boing bo uh wait boing Bo boing boing uh nothing boing boing boing boing boing what are those are those is that a spruce is that a swamp hold on boing boing that’s probably a swamp actually right there my sheep no how could he do that to my brown

Sheep um a this wolf is so wait how how long has it been since I’ve slept also I am actually a certified idiot I just remembered I can literally craft a bed unfortunately it will be just a plain old white bed for now my sheep no [Laughter]

Oh where do these people come from where what these people just spawn on top of me that’s not right he jumping me he jumping [Laughter] me I oh my God why are those monkey noises dude listen okay I woke I woke up I woke up to two to two gray guys gutting me

Down this is why y should subscribe he has a swamp bro why did they have to torment me like that that that wasn’t funny that was that was just mean by that that by that point that was just mean two gray people jumped me in the

Middle of a forest I don’t think that sounds right and I’m not right so unfortunately I can’t go back to that Village right now because I’m currently cursed with uh cuz now the villagers know I’m racist and killed them but not but killed those gray dudes but not them

Unfortunately bad Omen yeah they’ve cursed me dude they jumped me I was doing that in self-defense like I would have left them alone but they just jumped me out of nowhere like they started it I should have not gotten bad Omen from that it’s not Cannon I’m not racist I promise you

That never in my life have I said the NW I am not a Call of Duty player all right Source just trust me bro I haven’t said it oh oh I know what these people are trying to do they’re trying to make me they’re they this is Minecraft basically trying to get

Revenge I knew their little trick and they tried to silence me piece is trash garbage dude Mojang I I win again you can’t you can’t you can’t stump me yo what’s up it’s hack this is like a single player world and I also don’t have like PlayStation Plus so can’t

Really be playing with anybody I don’t know I’d have to there some experimentation to see if I can actually do that or if it’s just like people like but either just me joining them or them joining me I don’t know berries berries it’s Berry time it’s Berry time even though it’s an absolutely

Horrible food source I’ll still take it it’s [Applause] free I do not have PlayStation Plus unfortunately okay well unfortunately because those people jump me I have bad Omen I can’t I can’t steal from the villagers for another like 990 minutes however I can milk a cow and just be fine though Free all right yeah I did not okay I’m still so shocked that I just got like I wake up and and I just immediately get shot dude I just had a Eureka moment I know where I know where Minecraft officially takes place Minecraft officially takes place in America it’s

Official Minecraft takes place in America proof I get shot the minute I wake up and get out of bed wait hold on dang it you can’t milk sheep all right what’s the most cursed thing you can think about wait what hold on I need to see this let lgbtq stands for Liberty glad

Of our gun Liberty glad no no I uh LG wait that’s LG o That’s log which kind of sounds like the noise that I made with your mother last night but that’s not talk about that I mean I don’t know why I’m making mother jokes I’m not even old

Enough I ain’t old enough to do none of that hey yo that’s a real AO moment yeah I’m sorry that wasn’t I’m sorry that was uncalled for I’m sorry Rix I didn’t mean I didn’t mean to be rude I’m just still shocked that I got jumped like

That hey I think I’m close to my house again yep I’m definitely close to my house again we that’s the farm that is such a pitiful Farm but I do have more resources than I did before many of you experienced Minecraft players know about what I’m about to do

Here he’s in trauma he just doesn’t know it yet 63 wheat I am rich However something I know I can do though I can Walt my way over here like a totally not suspicious individual and I can plant some trees And I’m pretty sure this is day 10 oh what a ripoff I only got 25 stone from that that’s such a ripoff however 26 is better than nothing I’ll take it [Applause] all right night 10 uhhuh no I’m keeping track of this because I

Don’t know uh I want to keep a track of my progress over the days however I definitely feel a lot more accomplished now that I have a act starting up an actual successful Farm it’s successful I like me in real life I’m sad all right one

Seed no no uh uh no no I am not getting beat by seed I’m going out tonight and I’m going to go grab one seed hello hello border patrol I am not illegal as you can tell I am perfectly I’m a perfectly normal Individual what do you mean license and registration I don’t need That you know what no no no no no no n how about a license of registration these nuts in your face yeah I got to get myself the seed Seed give me a give me seed any Seed where so hard to see the grass I can’t see the grass yes seed seed SE I can get out I can be Free finally and I only got [Laughter] one how about I license and reg how about I license and registration these nuts in your face pul are murdering Porter Patrol I’m a very wise man don’t I wonder how many onhand crazy things I just I’m just going to look

Back on the stream and I’m just going to see how much weird things I’ve said this stream all right a chainsaw Okay and I think heo ISM he doesn’t know it yet actually that’s true I am indeed an autistic individual that’s a fun fact cuz remember guys fun facts have to be fun and if your fun fact’s not fun I’ll simply shoot you that’s that’s the rules nah just kidding I

Wouldn’t yeah it’s got to be fun like fun like uh trying to think of a fun fact right now like fun fact choo choo Charles is a pretty good game not going to lie boom that’s a fun fact there’s only like two people in the chat listening to my

Rambling but I do thank you guys so much for being here like it means a lot uh I’m going to describe it in the best way possible basically you’re on a train getting chased by a train with legs that is literally as good as I can put

It wait what hold on he just posted a fun fact there are 50 rules of Mandy the most broken one is Rule 34 never super at the beginning for more information on the pros and cons yeah but he is right though never use your super at the beginning of the game

It is so easy for people just to it’s very inconsistent and people can just easily Dodge it all right that’s looking pretty cool but you know what’s going to make that even cooler all right we break these walls and then we do this hey look at it it’s looking pretty There you go that’s going to be the entrance way of another room Or maybe even a small compartment system what if I combine my farm with my compartment System day 11 and my tree has not grown yet that is disappointing on the highest Degree wait fun fact Pulsar was psychopath back then but we don’t know it Yet I mean I am kind of mentally destroyed so I don’t know if that counts but it might count make it count if you want it to make it count Okay remember guys you’re worth something I love you okay whatever that was my pickaxe okay so so what have we learned from the stream so far the 34th Mandy rule yeah you’re right don’t mess with me I will I will pull out a iron wait I

Don’t I don’t even have an iron sword yet whoops can’t make that joke now man that’s so mean how dare how dare how dare I not be prepared for a VD for a live stream you remember those pillagers that will be you if you don’t subscribe jokes on you I’m already subscribed

Yo what’s up reix or reex or re uh yeah what do you need you’re not subscribe to your own channel oh no oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come on ah all right and now I just repeat this on the other side yo give re go yo give Redix and

Davey a round of applause they’ve been in the Stream nearly the entire time say why have you guys stuck around anyway oh I have to craft another pickaxe oh my tree grown yay oh I I actually need more slabs too so as well do that too I have been streaming for 3

Hours and I’m still keeping track of what day it is for I can Crouch under this a it’s such a dream oh I’m going to play cookie run all right good luck man and thanks for tuning in I mean if you’re going to leave then if you’re going to stay then yeah I

Thank you very much oh there we go that is a nice looking storage system it’s not that big cuz I plan on doing it all around for Cobblestone and wood and stuff so it’s going to be a fun day for Me so if I can’t wait to slave away in the mines for some cobblestone There we go I identify as a chair good for You what are you doing in my Land wait nah finally I can get my favorite Wood officially pass 3 hours on night 11 Give me the wood that I need to live more gray dudes what are you doing on my property get out go leave I’ll need you there’s five of them that’s no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No what are you doing on my property get off my property you gr what did I just say about my the property these people do not know respect okay you know what I shall teach them respect get over here oh God he knocks me back from Oh my

He he knocks me back so much it’s you and me partner yeah it’s literally just you and me me and him it’s a standoff look at thish so you good hello who did that oh oh you oh what a jerk what the hell in [Applause] the they shooting me on my

Property how many arrows do I got I’m about to shoot some people three got three arrows oh he made a mistake he’s on my property these people forget this is my domain okay about to shoot some people grp Hol are ready to commit Slaughter hey fake Lou what’s up

Man you joined at the right time those people did not like me ganking that guy that he that the guy that obviously had deserved to get slammed in the face with my stone sword now yo what is all right guys quiz time what’s pulsar’s favorite game shooting innocent people or committing tax fraud

Or see neither both wow yall just assume the worst in me I see how it is it’s actually neither the correct answer was me was playing Minecraft screaming into my mic and becoming a monkey on stream dude people look at me in real life and see my double bar glasses and

They call me Jeff and they call me Jeffrey D’s little cousin and it makes me sad I’m sad I I’m not Jeffrey dber I’m not I don’t even have a girl all right I’m just I’m just thinking right now what would I want to do with this

Place cuz I’ve got this entryway I kind of want to remove a couple of things and then drop down in here kind of have a hi donor hey buddy how you doing Fe why are you just saying feet it is almost day 12 and yes I have been keeping track W Oh social isolation is the wor Pas time you know That why can’t I play on the smpp because it’s unlocked under Realms and I don’t have Realms anymore Rip hey guys you want to see me fish it’s like one of my favorite pastimes and I’m only in oh yeah hold let me do this real quickly cuz I can uh grab the other four in here and then cook another stack of Cobblestone yeah yeah there we go uh what’s up uh donor all right it’s time to fish on my property Why wait what do you mean Why also ow my freaking ears burn oh my ears burn oh hey quincon welcome back why don’t I have real anymore more I’m broke I don’t got the money I don’t got the money I don’t have the money anymore I’m sad also can a fish just go on the rod

Already I’ve been sitting here waiting for like what like 30 seconds finally here we go enchanted book maybe a chant a bow oh my God maybe something I did it too early Wait no no I got to take the shield off Too so anyways guys welcome back to another video of this ah you know what I’m nah that’s classic 2016 moments I wish we had those instead of SK Ohio RZ here we go another fish a salmon I missed the good old days when Minecraft was Minecraft people did let and people did Let’s Plays but now every time you see a let’s play it’s a it’s a hardore series where somebody builds like a what is it like a

Whole big giant castle in like a 100 days of Minecraft like I swear Let’s Plays are literally like this so day one I chop down trees day two I kind of M some Stone day three I built the I built the Mona Lisa it was a long daunting process it

Took me 80 days of my life oh yeah the rest of those days I kind of just Farm melons thank you guys for watching the video subscribe turn on notifications so you can miss absolutely none of these if you miss them I will be like du lingo at

Your household bye that’s literally how they are nowadays and now I just kind of sad sad days I had to grab a bag of chips ah I’m sad I don’t have a bag of chips myself but but now I have an even better idea I’m going to go grab a I’m going to

Go grab a fish hello is there any Denis since I can rip out the ocean anybody here hello day four I got a netherite beacon it was it wasn’t that hard there’s like only one like hardcore player like 100 day player that I actually watch and I love for his name’s

Luke the notable the starter of the 100 day series he is my Lord and Savior he’s my favorite Minecraft Youtuber my babies it’s my baby get in the bucket no my bucket get get please please oh I just got a marine biologist you know what you’re free for

Now I will be coming back for you okay I completely forgot I had that as an achievement that I didn’t do all right we now get to travel home my baby please get in the bucket are kidnapping fish okay there’s a reason why I want to kidnap fish you see

This pond it’s bland I want to add fish into this pond it’s be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in your life so now that I’ve done all that I have 17 charcoal which is enough to smell up two stacks of stone I am feeling I am feeling great Pond My Little

Pond underwater cave system it’s the best it’s it an underwat a whole underwater cave system it’s the best Pond ever what was that I just what I just got a second salmon what’s the would be salmon if I actually caught him in my bucket dude I wish there was an

Achievement called it’s on my bucket list which would just be C every get every single type of fish in a bucket okay hey did I make y’all yawn a puffer fish okay guys you know what time it is it is officially time we got to do this but before we do that I

Have to get people in here yes I’ve got I will I will officially ping the server and I’m going to say if I can get my stream to 10 people 10 people I’m going to eat a puffer fish on stream if I reach 10 people I will eat a puffer fish on stream

Also it’s really lonely [Laughter] here eating a puffer fish on stream such a bait no I’m being de serious I will eat this puffer fish on stream if I get enough people watching all right yeah you’re right I’m still streaming so I have done this where it’s

My little sword system that I haven’t used yet not clickbait I promise you I’ve got the puffer fish in my inventory and I’m not afraid to use it there’s six people come on we need four more people and I will eat this puffer fish on stream hey actually just

To be sure just to let y’all know that I’m actually dead serious hold on let me drop my food let me drop my health real quick so I can actually eat this thing whenever we reach 10 people oh ooh okay we’re now officially able to eat a puffer fish I got school

Dang and now I will not eat this until I get 10 people Seven we got seven people come on guys we’re nearly there hold on let me get that uh fish in my inventory oh wait that’s right I need to push this wall back three T I’m sad is it I thought that was a pink sheep with the lighting and stuff I thought it was

The pink Sheep okay so tired and I’m going to I’m not going to sleep also night 12 and I haven’t slept in like 5 days we need three more people ping your friends I want to eat this puffer fish on stream it’s also really lonely here I mean there’s seven of you now but before

There was only two it was really lonely this Bedrock or Java Bedrock this is bedrock Edition to all my Java players and on my bed rockers eight people we got eight we need two more people on the Stream buar can I get mod please right now snow is the only

Moderator right now I’m thinking about any other future potential moderators speaking of which if you want to um uh I don’t know if uh I’ll probably talk to snowy about getting a couple more moderators through like applications and stuff I’m not sure but I just want to enjoy my game in

Peace hey there’s reix he came because of the puffer fish like all good local denisons people just want to see me suffer I mean I kind of asked you guys to be here so yeah and I do appreciate it just to know that so many of y’all

Guys are just willing to hop on if it means that I suffer and not to mention it also makes this a whole lot easier because I’m not sitting here bored out of my mind mining Stone Dorito stay Please just for a little longer then you can leave I broke my I broke it yeah I like suffering myself it’s dude y’all missed out on so much stuff while y’all were gone by the way I just want to let y’all know like earlier in

The Stream I got jumped by a creeper I I was sleeping in a forest and then I get jumped by like two gray dudes like just out of nowhere H really where am I going to get the other two two people I mean I could

Probably wait how am I going to get the other two people I just realized that we’re at like eight people and we’ve been at like eight people for like the past like 90 yesterdays that’s what you get for calling them homeless dude I literally have you nine people

Nine we’re getting there guys we’re getting there one more person one more yeah yeah I collect um uh fun fact did you know I Al actually do collect um uh Taco Bell um merch and stuff ah somebody Left a but yeah I do actually have I actually do collect Taco Bell merch like right now I have three work Hats I have three work shirts I have a um I have a Taco Bell box for the 60 first Anniversary and I believe I also have a couple other things like one thing is actually like a uh hold on let me uh see let me see what it actually says it says where’re when tacos win we all win on side H sitting on the side of my wall uh now at

7 please I would love please Stay do you collect Taco Bell diarrhea No in fact I actually don’t feel the aftermath of like Taco Bell anymore like I remember when I first started my job I started having like you know those moments but now I don’t really have those anymore

Okay bye I got to go do a biography on the man with the biggest mustache known to man kind that we don’t talk about cuz we’re going to get banned wait who is it hello is there any weird flying creatures that want to screw me over today no okay um where six people

No come on at this point I’ll never eat the puffer fish why not go to sleep it’s a waste of [Applause] time Dorito why do you want to see me sleep IRL that’s not right I’m back and you’re still streaming I’m at 3 hours and 30 wait what time is it actually hold on what the it’s a it’s 137 baby 1 37 the stream will go on as long as it does I want to see Pulsar chicken chicken chicken chicken it’s 138 now baby only fan when okay guys listen up if I’m going to make an only fan I’m going to be as cheap scand as possible

All right so here’s my here’s my uh all right here’s my plan step one I make an only fans step two I post pictures of actual fans like razor fans ceiling fans step three I make profit and that is my three and that is my three-step guide to getting rich quick hey day

13 cuz I promise you people are stupid nowadays like they like you could literally just post a picture of like your uh I’m trying to think about it real quickly uh how about a ther you can literally post a picture of your water bottle and get like somebody asking how much

However there’s been recent how recently there’s been a PowerPoint inflation that affects your economy negatively dude I hate PowerPoints I hate power points with the passion all right here’s my of stuff I have zero bling one gem 204 gold and 7,991 power points the economy is really good

Okay I have 10,000 power points and only 49 coins I love how there’s just so much more coins like more power Points I have zero coins but 16,000 power points yeah I definitely agree no coin should be needed to upgrade BRS cuz it l okay here’s what coins do does all right here’s all the things you need coins for all right you need coins to upgrade Brawlers you need coins for

Gadgets you need coins for Gears you need coins for Star Powers you need coins for hyper charges uh what else do you use coins for um true gold skins true silver skins which are those are just waste you should probably never use gold on those anyways is there a cat behind my never

Mind it I just realized my cat’s sleeping on my bed so and then what do you use power points for upgrading Brawlers that’s it I’m a cat of course I win you’re not Kitten around are you I’m trying to do I’m trying to do some me some Kit voice lines but

Obviously if you can tell I’m not doing good at Them back to the internet claws are out free Facelift we boys got a composter look at my beautiful crops look at all them grow oh that’s not growing oh I know why that’s not Growing fun fact plants need sunlight my plants need light to grow so if you don’t got light everywhere they won’t grow the more you Know got to go lick myself that isn’t that what of all I’ve been getting these past few weeks were only rares and super rares I’m so mad and I mini pull two legendaries on the same day dude honestly I’ve been getting quite happy with my um star drops cuz

I’ve been getting like epic star drops and and I mean it’s not like any skins but I’ve been getting a lot of like common pins I mean they’re not really too good of common pins but they’re common Pins I didn’t even place this down yet that’s me voice acting not me being sus [Applause] also we’ve got seven people K need a n no oh who’s this guy wandering on my land all smug and stuff what do you got five emeralds for a sapling uh-uh no you know what die die

Die get out leave how dare he charge me five emeralds for an oak sapling nine people now can’t balance Nerf dog yeah Doug’s kind of powerful I mean he can revive he can um uh he deals so much damage he one shots B yeah he definitely does a

Nerf he ones shots the Terra clones that’s too broken come on we need one more person and then I eat this puffer fish in my inventory Doug is good but he doesn’t need a Nerf who really needs a Nerf as Hank as aage dude that’s called inflation right there

10 people 10 people let’s go okay it’s time you know actually I don’t need to take my armor off for this all right oh y yay it didn’t even bring me to half a heart with a rip off oh God I’m Mighty that was such a ripoff I didn’t even get nauseated for

That Long oh come on that was such a ripoff but how long more am I poisoned 19 seconds seconds Okay after I ate it two people left like they only can’t like here so what they did was simple they came in here only to see me eat a puffer fish and then um once once I ate a puffer fish their life was complete they didn’t need any more

Of me so they just left I hope I take you hope I take take fall damage chicken hi oh fun fact chickens are not cute look closely you see that darker you see the darker uh White in there that’s his eyes he’s crosseyed guess what de nuts got him Nerf

Miner don’t tell them about the cows yeah I’m going to go commit die Dorito was never seen or heard from again all right how much how much leather do I even have I have 10 leather okay well actually that’s pretty good actually I’m going to save it

Wait what jokes are you referring to what am I am I doing something wrong here you’re going to give me brain damage and diabetes guys it’s official my jokes give people diabetes dad beat us I haven’t seen my dad in a while that’s not a Joke By the way lagging if you’re in the uh chat I do want to say I absolutely love your shorts not the physical ones you dirtyminded [Applause] people I just had to clear that up because I know for a fact y’all people are going to think of something weird

About that and y’ and then all of a sudden it’s going to go on Twitter and then it’s going to circle right back to me and then I’m not going to have a fun Time all right sniper and I do appreciate I mean d donor donor donor donor donor donor donor okay I do appreciate you be I do appreciate you being here by the way it helps out a lot I love you who’s this who’s this American walking around my front porch now

Whatever I mean what is he going to do shoot me look at my C look at my farm though that’s looking Juicy sniff Redstone sounds like a great idea but no you got to sniff sugar redstone’s not the good stuff see um I do need another pickaxe I swear every I swear every quote from man’s shot what are you going to do shoot me dude it would have been so funny you

Like what are you going to do shoot me and then I just get shot wait I already had another pickaxe on what did I I had another two pickaxes what the three oh my god I’m an idiot I I just remembered I have three pickaxes in my Inventory he say Hey you know you know who else has dementia you know who else has dementia Benson you know who wait a minute is there something I’m doing wrong here Joe Biden I don’t like to get political but I feel like we should have Kanye West as a President no listen hear me out Joe Biden can’t remember how to ride a bicycle I don’t trust the president who can’t even ride a bike down the street and Donald he’s kind of bit too cocky he not not going to lie he kind of sounds like a fortnite gamer

So about to build the fourth Reach In America he’s about a crank 90s on the Empire State Building yeah no more politics let’s get to the more fun things like uh Minecraft Minecraft’s fun I play PVP and Miner f what’s my nationality here something that’s inspir

Me also have you noticed that I haven’t done any shorts recently hear me out I post a rake up short as a joke it’s like and it starts and I just like I don’t know it’s like a rankup short but I absolutely trashed the rank up short like M like right at

The start of it B popularity be like say goodbye to your kneecaps chucklehead dude my ex-girlfriend commented on that video okay I think it’s 14 now I’m pretty sure it’s like day 14 I used to have game but then she cheated on me you know the worst part she cheated

On me with a man like 5 years older than her see here’s something you need to know about me when it comes to women I don’t care and by that I mean like if a woman if a woman dumps me I’m not going to be crawling back because I understand that no means

No do I still play PvZ Heroes yep I do but I I I never did ever tell her to this to her face but I’m just going to say this right now she looks like the oair delivery guy you know that for that one movie I forgot the exact name of the

Movie he looked like the oh hair delivery guy I wish I could just show a picture but like I swear when I told her that we’re I told her that we’re done I thought she was going to just whip out a gun and sing Let It Die Imagine he started singing let it die let it die let it shre up no do not don’t sing Let It Grow in the chat please I used to be in choir all right I used to sing really well and I still kind of do if I really Tried baby you did it wrong it starts with you you don’t know me but nine inside I’m just yo hair delivery guys why am I why did I decide to start singing it you don’t know me how do you know it I watched the movie yeah I watched listen I watch the

Movie I may not watch a lot of movies but that’s the one that I know and I didn’t realize it at first but it was actually my cousin my cousin told me about my girl my ex-girlfriend looking like the oair guy also I had this one guy in school

One day he decided to invite me to a Google doc and no joke the Google Doc was literally just a copy and paste of the entire be movie script I mean the entirety of the be movie script like literally every movement every single word like literally

Everything like I don’t know how he got I don’t know how he got the information for the be movie script I don’t know how he even got the be movie script I hope like movie scripts aren’t just able to be looked up with the search with the search

Engine but all I know is that he apparently got the B Movie script and he shared it with me and a couple other people who was your ex’s comment um I forgot the name actually hold let me see hold on I can probably look real quickly while I kind

Of let my crops grow cuz I am a uh certified person full of I pushed 50k 4 days ago since when since when did I push 50k I’m already near 51 what is this game what is this okay it was on my reverse polarity Uh [Laughter] One of her videos is tonight’s tubby part one no no bro no no what the it has sick and it had 600 views it had 600 views guys I think I might post a video on my stomach it’s going to get millions of views I’m obviously joking but what the

hold on hold on hold on hold on I have to I have to keep on looking hold on hold on wait do I have any more uh charcoal okay this is literally the perfect excuse just to AFK okay perfect excuse so I’m going to put my wood I’m

Going to put wood in there going to do that and I go down here real quickly going to collect my whole Farm because I look at how much riches I have so I’m so rich so I’m so rich now I should replant our uh Fields I I think I’m just I think I’m

Going to leave a comment a uh I I think I’m going to leave her comment a secret because I don’t want yall guys scolding her only person who’s able to scold her is me so how many more I have 27 more all right I got I got to keep I got to

Keep on I got to keep on doing some in oh I almost dropped my controller okay I got to do I got to do some more investigating what is this garbage tonight’s tummy part one tonight’s tummy part 2 three finale she has a finale to this

Milk biscuits and grapy tea and air all in my there ain’t no way there’s no way hold on I need to look at this early morning rumbles my belly bubbling away 7 minutes on my B versus my toes why did I date this woman why did I date this

Woman hi guys my channel is mostly tumby sounds but every now and then I never again never again Aaron mil what the she has like tummy lore what is [Laughter] this there’s literally a [Laughter] sequel hold on hold on I got I gotta watch This I Gotta I gotta watch this okay [Laughter]

I am so oh no Noah Noah bro she has a whole ass microphone like up on her tummy and she’s just sitting there rumbling it no dude no I can’t I Can’t what The swallowing air part One oh my tummy’s angry at me read description hold on so I had a lot of ice cream yesterday and today along with some chips a Dr Pepper and also a T-bone steak I started recording and everything was quite the quite the first few times

So I swallowed a little hair air you can hear it in the video and boy my tummy sure was happy about that now I’m just going to lay here and rub my unep tummy if we can get to 100 subscribers I’ll show my t unique okay okay hold on hold on okay I

Got okay enough of that okay I’ve spent way too long joking about that okay I need to get I need to get back to business it is officially night 13 guys or night 14 I don’t even know I’m going to say night 14 just to be funny all right

Not going to lie okay you should do a multiplayer with fans fair enough I could definitely do that within time um I’m I’m crippled from laughter see this is what happens if you don’t join my streams you don’t get to enjoy peaceful quality moments like this you don’t get to enjoy quality time

Wait I swear to I swear I have a hoe right I have a hoe right yeah I have two of them and they’re all just in my wooden box sounds so wrong when you think about It like that just made my day like I didn’t think for one I like you reminded me that she existed and stuff and I didn’t think that that would be what I saw whenever I just looked when I just when I looked at her oh my God but anyways I’ve talked too much

About that it’s not good I would keep family friendly okay family friend remember this is family friendly F this is a family friendly Channel okay I said one swear word and it slipped out it was my bad I apologize don’t cancel me I love you guys actually during cupet you swear twice

Yeah but this Stam I swore once I think it was that time I can’t remember if I swore any time before that like that was so Random though like that was not what I was expecting to see like today all right tummy l all right so now I H I’m placing down my

Dirt dirt is going down on the floor this is probably the weirdest looking basement you’ve ever seen in your life but I promise you it’s all going according to plan wait wait a minute is that the if am am I hearing things hold on is that the cat

That I wish to love and see hold on hold on baby oh what are you doing in here Garfield hey buddy all right I’ll let you down Buddy kit I wish I could see a I’ll probably show you guys a picture like in the uh Discord Now we got 30 Seeds now I just got to get more stuff for that I like the walls I like and I like this stuff so far so who’s on my land Nobody hello night seven of being creeped on by random flying floaty thingies no all right oh on Bye you oh D you missed the best thing Ever that is the thing that will be talked about for the next like 20 gen like next generation Like I’ll have a million subscribers and the question I’ll be asked is yo where’s your girl now H now it’ll be inside joke all right so uh oh that reminds me um and who’s commenting on what now oh hira’s alive carrying my girlfriend wow he’s carrying his girlfriend wait he had a

Girlfriend I didn’t know that hyra yeah hyra has a girlfriend apparently so uh uh new announcement I’m at school hey actually so hold on I could invite my brother to the um Discord but speaking of inviting people to Discord servers I have it is National um publicize your Discord day so here you

Go this will officially be pinged I should be doing this a lot more to my to my streams anyway but now if you want to join my um Discord server absolutely join it’s where you can get all my pigs for my for my streams all the pings for like random

Things you could even speak with with me after streams so I’d be really happy if you guys Joined is officially the morning of day 15 and there’s a American burning from losing weight yeah burn some calories he’s not burning calories anymore you know what this guy gets the fitness Grand Pacer test treatment okay and line up the shot the fitness Grand Pacer test is a multi-stage

Aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues can I line up the shot please please hit it I don’t think I hit it wait I hit it oh my God I hit him I hit him yay I hit him that was amazing it’s a Pog chant moment I shot

Him I’m stupid I clicked the link but I’m already in your server and American got American n I’m not going to shoot him that’ be racist but then again I shoot everyone Equally nice I got a rabbit skin wait I know what I needed I know I know exactly why I came up here now I just remembered it’s time to store my um uh all this um uh Cobblestone that I keep getting from all this mining and stuff I

Need a place to store it which is why I made my storage in the first place so grab some of these and what we do we craft ourselves 64 Stone but nah I’m not going to craft myself 64 Stone buttons who do you think I am you need to do homework shoot man

What kind of homework you got and I will have five chests dedicated to just Cobblestone because you get a lot of it biography oh biography on Adolf that sounds interesting actually Listen I’m not more important than homework if you got some homework get it done I now now video pollar will tell you don’t click off the video you stay here but this is stream PSAR I’m a whole different person uh I have new followers I have a couple new followers now that’s

Fun like can you guys believe it I have a couple new followers I mean I already have like 18 like 1,800 of y’all already following me but now I got two people on on the U PlayStation following me now let’s just hope they’re not following me in real life

Garfiel why do you meow like a kitten I’d follow you I knew it was coming I knew it was coming I still fell for it I have a friend request from cordel Hill 7 uh uh I don’t know where a good time would do that to be is maybe after the

Stream I’ll look through the friend requests see what I can Get by the way Cordo if you’re in the chat you just look up my um uh YouTube channel postar brawl stars and you’ll be able to chat in here unless you’re able to already chat in here without having to um do that All right so now we got all those and I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to make a chest for you a chest for you and a chest for where’s my di at I swear I have some di in here there there it is the one piece of

Dirat all right some Granite some andesite and I think the these last two chests are going to be for more miscellaneous um are going to be for more miscellaneous items so I’m going to put a stone stair right there just to indicate hey these are some items that don’t really fit important question

Diorite and deide your granite honestly now okay big question are you asking about if they’re polished or if they’re by themselves like polished or not polished cuz there’s different answers based on um uh if it’s Polished by themselves I’d definitely say andesite like an aite wins the like without Polished by a

Mile but polished I’d say diorite diorite a better polished block but in general andesite is just overall the better one I have four I have five stacks of granite I don’t know what I’m going to do with it but I’m glad that I have it

Is I’m going to put both of these here that’s just going to be miscellaneous stuff that like it’s like Stone stuff but it’s like Stone stuff that I don’t ever use it’s hard to phrase but uh how do I phrase it it’s basically the stone stuff

That I make and then I save for later like stairs slabs Etc so I have five Cobblestone chests because I’m going to get a lot of cobblestone two of these chests are going to be miscellaneous stuff like stairs slabs and stuff and these three are going to be just um my

Good old classic triplet of um de half decent blocks oh what kind of game do you want to play Dorito Battleship IRL with Dorito man Dorito come on man all right finally got that done now that we got that done we can actually officially do is

Work on this side work on the side railing here some of that stone some of that cob that stone brick brick it’s going to look fancy uh hello Cat what do you want wait where are you actually oh you’re right by the door hello all right all

Right okay guys big question do I change all of this um wood and stuff do I change it to Spruce or do I keep it wood like oak Wood Oh man there’s only one person left which country would I bomb I don’t know honestly it depends on which one started beef with me first this is exactly why I would be a terrible President just say that sounds like that sounds like chines people that sounds Chinese Chinese uh night 15 I think maybe I think it dude how have I spent so many nights just in here building no I didn’t say China I said it sounds Chinese

But I feel as if though I should go and um grab some Spruce Wood and probably switch the blocks around here because uh I grab I grabbed a bunch of Oak but then I realized that I don’t get Oak as much so I think what I’m actually going to do

I’m going to switch my Oak around to some spruce probably look better too with the um bricks oh yeah it looks a lot it looks a lot better I like it I like this one a lot more Kind of like the darker things Here Yeah it looks pretty Good come on in he just sort of disappeared okay so base looks like now I got to think about other things I got to do here um so what could I do okay what I could do now is I could break these cuz I don’t need them

Anymore it’s my favorite TV show The Amazing World of Gumball there’s no competition it’s just so much it’s just so good have you ever watched Amazing World Gumball it is such an amazing Show H like seral I think I’ve actually seen that show before okay cat meowing at my door again what do you want buddy I have like food in here okay how close to day is it not that close like a movie with a lot of parts like a series is that what you’re

Trying to say there a white man on my property again okay k k k um I’m not too interested in series it’s not like it’s not a me thing I’m trying to think about what I want to do cuz it’s not daytime Yet what about movies I’m not a big fan of movies here’s a bit of spruce wood I can use to Spruce this place Up which actually I just use Cobblestone which speaking of which I did tell myself I was going to switch these out to uh bricks Intent unintentional pun yeah that was actually unintentional I didn’t I didn’t plan on That it’s literally just me and you Dorito finally day 16 oh what the I’m sorry man I didn’t realize you were in there cuz I only saw like one person the only person chatting was Dorito man so whoops that was my bad Cobblestone slabs and some Cobblestone it’s time to work on some

Roofing All right so there’s two things under there hey I’m back how’s your who’s your favorite Minecraft streamer again look the notable cuz he’s notable Pulsar what’s up what’s up Cooper Lelu yo is this multiplayer uh no not entirely cuz I don’t have PlayStation plus I’m kind of Sad okay I started my biography with hit her was born on August in 2019 April 1899 I had to restart my device cuz everything was blurry and I couldn’t watch the stream good ooh it’s not good you got to watch poar streams in 1080P can’t be caught lacking that’ be

Wrong look at all this sugar cane so huge so much sugar cane so little Time which does give me an idea I need diamonds cuz if I don’t have diamonds I can’t I can’t get dog I have a search in Wikipedia Hitler life I want hopefully the FBI doesn’t get on your tail dang in 4 hours you made a whole

Mansion pretty much uh kind of I still have a whole bunch of things to do like an enchantment room a potion room Nether wart got to go to a nether I’ve got a whole bunch of things is that a guy with a Triton I’m scared get me out of here please okay

Why did the guy with why did a Triton guy have to spawn right as I’m trying to go to the place I need to Be he’s not funny you’re very unfunny Mister oh wait that’s D I swear I saw a lava pool somewhere around here I was going to get it for a Disposal system so I can throw away all my useless junk like spider eyes it was definitely around here I’m

Pretty sure I’m going to fall in it I don’t know where it is oh it’s right here okay no all right back home we go I also could burn down the local Forest yeah at any point I could even burn this dog you killed my brown sheep nah I I’m

Not that that cruel okay I wouldn’t burn a wolf on stream that’s that’s wrong and I’m not in game either I would never burn them either had to clear that up I would burn this chicken though wait wait I can’t grab my I can’t grab my lava I screwed Up okay cool rest in peace to whatever’s down There dude I love where your sentence just cuts off I haven’t played Minecraft in so long my world was just so good I had a whole hotel built and even started building a castle but then my and then it just ends off with NI so it makes it

Look like you’re trying trying to say the NW without actually saying it okay all right now I’ve got room for Disposal system oh Nintendo broke okay kitty cat I love you can you get over here yay there I go a I love the kitty cat I’m almost to 1,000 chat messages boom Disposal

System it’s such a low design qu that’s a low quality one but do you see all this garbage that is just sitting in my in that is sitting in here I guess I’ll keep this cuz Like just don’t follow fall in dude on my server that at least my old server I remember Dorito man wait I don’t think it was Dorito Man actually I think it was somebody else donor it was donor he fell in my Disposal system like donor and Tyrant I

Believe Tyrant fell in there too but he they both fell in there like they thought I had like a secret room down there and they both fell for it like I the words couldn’t describe to you how disappointed I was that day I love you cat I love you so much cat

Love you love you cat cat kitty cat why are you meowing there’s no like I don’t like so I don’t like uh understand and stuff get out of your copper bro who uses copper did my did I name my cat cat I have I didn’t name a cat cat but I do

Actually have a cat called mama cat so here actually I’ll name all the cats in my house right now Reese’s Garfield Asher which is kind of a stray cat just kind of outside that comes around and enjoys me and then I also have fat cat mama cat and then mink and

Sassy and then I have uh skinny cat at least well they call her skin well they call her skinny cat I just call her Bob yeah I have a lot of cats how many cats um right now I believe well we I never ever actually look at skinny cat so or Bob

Yo imagine I actually streamed Battle Cats cuz Battle Cats is such a dumb game I think it would be like the kind of stuff I’d like to see night 16 guys 96 guys like oh my God that is so that is so so cringe like Becky what’ you do to my

Makeup oh he got a th comments nice Becky is that a nose ring boom boom do I have a do I have an iron pickaxe in here iron pickaxe in you nope don’t have an iron pickaxe fine I’ll stop kitty cat kitty cat what do you

Want for a context this cat does this where the cat will literally uh be out at me until I let her out 5 seconds later cat will want back in I don’t know why but cats will do cat things what chapter am I on none cuz I deleted the game I’ll redownload it

Who’s your favorite braw star Creator other than yourself me now but actually all in all seriousness though um I don’t know actually there’s a lot of them that I like watching not up close in real life you dirty minded freaks but seriously though it’s probably uh try to think of the person

Trying to talk about here uh lapsa yeah lapsa crying man um Jimbo yep Jimbo’s my favorite there’s no there’s no like he literally shouted out this channel like I I he’s obviously my Favorite kitty cat hey Kitty I love how I’ve just been sitting here going like hey hey kitty kitty kitty kitty cat and you guys have just been sitting here watching me play Minecraft Kitty what do you want I love you C dang like you’re straight screaming at me screaming bloody Murder Nice I wish I could hear this cat this cat’s like screaming bloody murder everywhere cat act like I haven’t fed her for like a few days and I’ve definitely been feeding her I promise you that um actually I met PSAR and braw stars through El Mor is oh dang you’re

Right I watch kyus for sneak Peaks R for braw news Lex for wasting money bt1 for pushes and there are people for other people for gameplay I watch Kyros for his tier list and his like and his um sneak peeks I barely ever watch Lex but he’s kind of there I barely ever

Watch Lex I watch Nubs sometimes but it’s on occasions All right so now my inventory is a lot more sorted I think definitely a lot more sorted than I had it I promise you That okay now that I’ve done that I all right fellas I think my next step of action is to uh build this place more set up an enchantment wait nope I changed my mind my next plan is not that my next plan is cuz I’ve got

64 bread a lot of charcoal potentially a lot of sticks I think I’m going to go into a cave and I think I’m going to go get myself some diamonds why because cuz I’ve gone 4 hours nearly five without diamonds I hate my iron Stuff okay so got a shield got armor I just got cold all of a sudden all dang it okay my friend by this point had so many diamonds I did I’ve officially slept for a night it’s now the morning of day 17 I think I I am not

Sure don’t fact check me on that cat can you stop cat please I’m trying to focus on The Game Stop stop screaming at me cuz I know it’s not cuz you’re not cuz I know for a fact you’re not screaming at me for something important just like children they scream

At you for no reason doesn’t matter what you do they will just keep on screaming that’s why you got to use the old good oldfashioned nap time spray you just pray on a quoth you put it over your kid’s mouth put them right to sleep right real

Quick imagine I did a imagine I did a stream where I just speed ran the game hello oh it’s just a water cave it’s so worthless like me I’m worthless hey oh it’s you I like you he’s just harpooning me like a whale I’m my ex-girlfriend’s a whale

Too but that’s not the point the point is he’s ugly I don’t like him poer really be throwing himself under the bus for Content yeah you know the deal I like to absolutely trash on myself for Content it’s so whole new okay anyway Pulsar when are we going to play Among Us

Soon don’t take my word for it I promise you I will be playing it one day and I’ll lose all my fan base oh look at this beautiful looking cave this may be the place where I find my diamonds just you wait and see it’s

Going to be it cat I’m trying to focus right now can you stop uh can you stop screaming I love myself coal I’ll take some coal step step one we find some step one we find some diamonds step two we profit oh we’re already already like we’re already down

Here hey wait a minute this ain’t right I’m already down here I know I haven’t been down here before but I’m already down here that’s weird kitty cat the next time that I let you out I’m not letting you back in and that’s a that’s a promise big man hey Titan TV

Man wait is that that’s literally diamonds right there there’s no way right I no no there’s there’s no way there’s no freaking way that’s literally diamonds what ah stupid stupid wall yippee I found some diamonds I want this iron though kitty cat when I loot in ancient

City soon soon trust me I will do it I’ll do it for Content wait now how many Diamonds oh just hey we got some diamonds now okay now uh give me just a second I got to go to the restroom and I gotta let the kitty cat out all right I’ll be

Right back don’t leave me just talk about things like normal like ask about how the weather is I’ll be right Back For For all right I’m back let’s Continue more diamonds like right there wait wait wait wait I need to get back to a ledge Again And some lapis at you right there I actually need That Diamonds were so popular they added them IRL dude no way oh right there that’s a second Diamond nothing above me Assassin’s Creed die die fun fact I’m actually a big fan of Assassin’s crew games playing Bedrock yep you know me I’m I’m a hardcore bed rocker but that was actually kind of

Disappointing I mean I got two diamonds yeah but it was like a small cave and it literally just it literally gave those diamonds to me on a silver platter which I’m happy for don’t get me wrong I like the fact that they just gave me free things

How close all right it’s about to be the night of I think day 17 I’m pretty sure is this an ocean it is an ocean yay hey and I did sleep so I should not have problems with Phantoms I hope welcome to Minecraft but it’s always night creeper

Zombies is there anything else here that I should know about oh that’s a chain mail armored skeleton hello yeah oh when switch your build for rumor uh sooner or later I promise you that I will be switching my uh thing by the way the person that came in my

Room was my grandmother so that’s fun couple other places I could look for things almost 5 hours guys we’ve so we’ve been streaming for almost 5 hours why have I done this to myself why have I done this I don’t know I won’t even ask I’m just going to

Accept the the fact that I have been streaming for as long as I Have do you still remember where your house is yes because I am good at this game I don’t need coordinates oh yay 5 hours by the way P wait I have a great idea oh boy what’s your great idea you know how your bio says subscribe for a

Cookie I’ve been streaming for five ow I been anyway I should play Cookie Clicker and then just give a cookie to everybody that who subscribed to the channel dude imagine I just start asking y’all for your addresses and the next thing you know y’all guys get cookies sent to your

Houses I’m literally going to be the Mr Beast of cookies like I gave a I gave a dozen box of like subway cookies to every subscriber’s house Subway Subway cookies dude they hit different and I mean Subway cookies are kind but 1.84k wa do you mean 1.84 did

We really gain 10 subscribers in that in a short amount of time like that like I doubt we gain that many subscribers give us Taco Bell what kind of uh what kind of Taco Bell you guys even want 1.83 I can’t read nacho Taco Dorito tacos dude Dorito tacos are quiet

Expensive bro I mean they’re not like too dastardly expensive but pretty cool my break Food Dude I get fun fact I here’s an actual fun fact though I actually get $10 free like food per shift I work three days a week so we’re talking like $30 worth of free fast food every

Week the more you know ah vegans I should be careful yeah I get like 960 ready do work fast food I work at Taco Bell as a service Champion I’m right now learning to be a team trainer so I can train people on the job you will find me IRL ah Vegas poar

2024 my brother is a trainer at Chick-fil-A he might train me oh that sounds nice so there are a couple food items that we serve at Taco Bell that are such a pain to deal with like such a pain pain to make such a pain to like

Handle I am a cashier but I’m learning to be a cook and these items just I hate them I don’t like ow who hit me anyway and they are nacho fries and the chalupa box it’s like a chalupa Cravings box so nacho fries are basically fried that come with like a nacho cheese

Seasoning and they’re easy to make okay all you do is like you just kind of grab your load of fries you put them in a fryer you fry them and you just shake some seasoning on it is that another Village oh it is another Village I kind

Of want that though I at one and a half health I’m not going to be doing that again but as I was saying of course it’s easy to make problem is when we make them we’re not supposed to make overly huge batches of them and so we’re like talking maybe

Like um five six large fry portions it’s not that big and there’s a abandoned Village I Haven I haven’t seen those in a while wow does he got an iron sword it should be a fight to the death then get over here oh cool he dropped his iron sword that’s pretty that’s pretty

Neat so but I mean that doesn’t sound like a problem right here’s the problem it takes about what 3 five minutes like 3 to 5 minutes to fry a batch of fries and it makes like six or seven batchet like orders of large fries per order oh

So the problem is that people already order like three large nacho fries cuz remember they’re fries people go a crazy over fries is that a is that a cat is that a baby zombie riding a cat I kitty cat so when you have like every customer ordering nacho fries you eventually get

To the point where you have to make them like you have to make like so many batches of fries and cuz it takes like 5 minutes to make them when we run out and somebody orders one we we’re at a loss cuz we have to say oh sorry can you mind

Pulling forward to like the parking lot we’re currently making fries and they get so frustrated at that because we don’t have fries at the ready and the second thing is the chalupa craving box now you don’t know what that is it is literally the best deal you

Could potentially get at a fast food place ever and this is not because I live it’s not because I work there and I’m marketing it no it is literally the best deal that you could ever get it is a Chalupa Supreme a beefy five layer burrito a crunchy taco order cinnamon

Twist and a medium drink for5 heard me right $5 a chalupa on its own costs $4.99 so the chalupa box cost as much as like a whole chalupa I did the math it’s $14 of food that you get for $5 it’s basically like three times the money it’s basically profit every time

You get it so um my problem with this is since it’s it’s so cheap people can order this like groceries Taco Bell price I mean there’s a couple things that are kind of overpriced like beefy five layer burritos I I’m going to say it right now bp5 L burritos are

Overpriced I like since I work at since I work at Taco Bell I can experiment with like a lot of different things and one of those things is prices I can experiment with prices and so every day I look for way cheaper ways to make things and I kid you not I

Can make a beefy five layer burrito for a whole do25 less than what is advertised it is so easy to do but uh when people order the not the um uh the chalupa craving box they order like groceries and it take and it and it’s not like oh it’s an easy box to

Make too because I mean you got chalupas which you have to fry the shells of so that’s all so that’s like a that’s a long wait on those too you got B5 LS which are pretty easy to make all things considered I know how to make it myself

The only problem is I don’t know how to really wrap the things incredibly well so every time I wrap what it looks like a freaking ribbon but whatever I’ll give it I’ll do whatever it there then you got crunchy tacos which are just crunchy tacos I mean those

Things are pretty easy to make it’s just like me cheese and lettuce so yeah like no joke I’m pretty sure Sunday I was working the drive-thru by myself because I had a coworker who doesn’t know how to listen for SE like she it’s like she’s deaf she just

Doesn’t like I tell her hey that’s customer’s order and she just get and she just stares at me and she’s like wait what like she does like no no idea what she’s doing like I mean she’s worked there for like a week sure but when I was trading her and stuff like

That she sounded like she understood what I was saying when I was saying like hey we got to get these orders out as uh snowy yeah I’m training women all right where’s where’s the closest nearest ledge that I can um jump off of and not hit the side

Here fullstar turn Minecraft stream and how to cook a Taco Bell stream okay guys it’s time hopefully this isn’t that fight to kill me let’s go I did it guys I did it y’all better subscribe y’all subscribe a Minecraft brawl star players talks to women dude most of my managers

Are women like I only have what like one person one person who is a man who is a manager and I work with him on Sundays even my general manager is a woman crazy we close yeah Chick-fil-A is close Sunday right I’m like we don’t close at all during

The week like we’re open 20 we’re open like a good s like I don’t know like 18 hours a week like 80 18 hours a day like we’re open for a very long time okay now I usually work 9 to 5es Sun Saturdays though I work 10 to

7s because my what my manager does is she schedules me and like somebody else to be uh uh the service champions of the day and then they don’t like they schedule one person for a service Champion to start at 5:00 and then they schedule another one to start at 7:00 so

When I would so when I would leave and when um uh my other person would leave it would just leave the guy scheduled at 5: to be the only service Champion for another two hours so my manager has asked if I’m perfectly fine working 10 to sevens to

Have that little jump cut between um uh the first um uh like when I like I don’t know it’s basically me fing in the place for a potential guy I guess okay yeah I’m close to the home now I know that for a fact I’m definitely close to

Home in fact it’s right over there I can definitely tell by the line of sugar cane just stretching for Miles Dude wait Chick-fil-A made a post on Father’s Day that on that day everything’s free and father days was on a Sunday that is so fun all right who actually all is down here nothing okay all right we have two we have two diamonds I mean I can answer really much

Of a lot of your questions when it comes to like um Taco Bell because I work there and I know a lot of things okay I’ve got 43 seeds probably finishes this Farm actually is there any secrets I mean not really any not really any secrets the internet tells you I

Guess cuz I mean we have a bunch we have a we have new items that come in every now and then that change up our menu and stuff like that and I have actually been told by my manager that I’m not supposed to um say anything about them because

Obviously um that’s a surprise but you see all these news people they like to spread they like to spread what we’re doing everywhere without our consent and so apparent everywhere is going to like um uh show it did anyone receive a flash flood warning uh flash I have I don’t remember

I will tell you though if there’s any one thing that I love about Taco Bell it is the fact that I can just talk to you guys about stupidly funny things like really funny stories that I have that Taco Bell and it is okay guys it’s time to go out and

Look for uh another cave we need more diamonds I need them now why is there any music playing I that I’m probably uh deaf I I probably deaf but I don’t hear any music all right why you my that block of dirt I was making sure that the sound was

Working cuz for some reason some reason I’m not hearing any music and I’m kind of Worried ah remember what I said about those holes in the ground that they want me to die there was another one and now I know what they’re going to do they’re going to try to silence me with a couple gray dudes wa Wonder oh there’s a cave it’s caveen

Time oh diamonds where where are you oh hello this cave is cursed I’m not I’m not going down here at least this side that cave is cursed Minecraft moment hey guys welcome to Minecraft episode one today I’m going to show you guys how to commit tax fraud in

Minecraft tired of having to ride off your taxes to the IRS yo I think this guy likes tax fraud you know if we find a desert we have desert temples could raid some desert temples and then I’ll be happy forever Fun fact the top top of those mountains have stupid loads of Iron by the way a floating tree floating tree what is this what is this Game we have some white men guarding the Walls oh wise tree how Dost thou float yes Get me up to the top of that tree I want not that tree get me up to the top of this mountain I want all that iron up on that top of that mountain I mean look at it it’s so huge also there’s a bad lands over there yo M Shafts dude I wonder how many people are going to like like come back to this game how many people are going to get bored and they’re going to like go watch YouTube after like okay hear me out imagine there’s some people out there right the guys who just came into the

Stream of the beginning of the thing and then like they left I wonder how they’re going to feel when they realize that I’m still streaming after like how long I don’t know they’re going to be confused okay oh where oh iron tree oh iron okay no there’s no iron up here

I and I’m now getting swore by zombies what is this game here’s some iron they’re going to hate that they missed out on tummy lore hey guys I have a massive question and I’m going to be so surprised if you know this what is that white block over

There cuz I know what it is I want to know if you know what it is oh not you okay uhuh snow um hold on how close Okay okay let me show you what this block is over here so this block cow site it is a really beautiful white

Block but Flor you used to only be able to find this stuff in amethyst geodes but now you can actually find this in uh these in top in at the top of really high mountains in these little strips jerk uhuh uh uh no not Again how many times have I been jump scared this game Dude calai is literally diorite premium and I see him coming don’t Worry there’s another CR hey buddy bye buddy and no I will not be cleaning this up I’m never ever going to come back here anyway so I just want to say though calite is a really beautiful block oh it’s wondering train here hello guy oh there’s a zombie here that’s why ah

Spider weird eight weird eight legged crawly things that there’s emeralds hi hello bye there’s a bunch of emeralds wow wear crawly things I’m not losing to wear crawly things okay yeah you can find the you can find cowside on the surface but you got to go to these really tall mountains with

Stone tops that’s where you find It there’s a creeper behind me I knew it hey buddy gu the bye buddy if you get five emeralds I can finally get that oak sapling dude oh you want to go wow when your auto aim doesn’t work ah Get Wrecked I been streaming Minecraft for nearly 6 hours oh hey

Buddy you want to die what did he even sell anyway glow stone that’s cool and melon seeds give me that melon seed I want to I actually kind of want that melon seed though because I don’t have cuz I don’t think I’m a close to a

Melon kind of want about two stacks of this uh calite before I come back cuz it’s not the main attraction but I kind of want some six 7 8 9 60s 1 2 3 4 cool Cal sites are really pretty block it acts like a it’s like a roadway up to

The top of the mountain not going to lie though I’m really happy that I found a um uh this biome well not this one but the bad lands I have been dying to get some a uh chest board on my floor and this this is the easiest way to get terra Cotta going to collect some iron though because iron is a beautiful Resource yeah we need even more resources like we need even more Diamond uses All right I love how I came out here for diamonds and I’ve gotten sidetracked and now I’m out here the bad lands life is fun is that a desert over there it is a desert it’s not it’s not as exciting to find anymore yeah you’re yeah you’re totally

Right like diamonds they’re not like is that a is that a m shaft down there you may not be able to see it but that wait is that is that a jungle wait is that even a jungle too yeah it’s a jungle dude oh what the what the

Freck there I said freck you proud of me I said freck I I drop the f bomb on you like I usually do but you see I have a great idea all right let me show you a really cool little neat trick only 4,000 damage oh come on why is it

Not like 10,000 damage come on now and stunning every shot come on oh my God he said oh my God he said Frick oh my God he’s such a n i love comedy comedy but here’s the interesting thing all right first one for step you

Make a pair of shears step two and you go for the cobwebs step three you now have cobwebs in your inventory and I kind of want cobwebs so when you got a mic yeah when I got a mic dude streaming got so much more fun but hey there’s another thing you

Need know about this too I can get diamonds here you can get cob wow he’s surprised you can get cobwebs with shears did you know there’s also a time where you can turn one cobweb into n string the more you know well here’s the fun thing I’m going

To do I’m going to grab these rails it’s basically like an iron per bar if I do it Right I don’t know what I’ll ever use these things for but I’ll have them that’s the benefit some beneficial stuff right there now where oh where oh where are these beautiful Minecart with chests where where a where nope yeah uh hopefully there isn’t any spiders that spawned there shouldn’t be

Though because this place is covered in Sun so uh wish me luck I knew it there’s none the worst part is I don’t even have coordinates on so I don’t even so the only way I can remember my way back is remembering the direction I took I’ll knock this thing out cuz I

Don’t want to deal with them Oh there’s a creeper hello you know the easiest way to beat creepers watch this and you just hit their feet by the way I love the three people who have stood here and just watch me mine cart with chest make sure it’s Safe mine cart with chest is officially safe me I will be taking those power grils though those things are freaking Expensive I don’t really need pumpkin seeds I don’t really need the mineart with chest or the book or or you or you okay hello you’re a regular Spider I’m not scared of You hey where’d you come from you Jerk Dude I didn’t realize how cool this actually looks when you actually start intertwining with Everything this is probably the coolest looking M shaft I think I’ve ever been in H I need to be sure I’m knowing where I’m going otherwise I’m going to get lost so okay so that’s where that is which means that if I travel back I travel to here need a cave down there walk around a little bit to this Ravine that brings

Me around to this corner that leads me to a way down here that leads me to a mine cart chest oh love you leads me to another pickaxe that’s actually very beneficial gives me a couple more torches I just kind of doubled my torches there apparently those uh some rails I’m not

Probably I’m probably never going to use detector rails because they’re kind of useless like I’m being dead serious so I don’t understand the point of detector rails I might just be bad at redstone Stone but I’ve never really seen the use of detector rails when you have powered

Rails why is chat so far back it’s cuz it cuz it has the register between the chat on the YouTube it has to do that to uh Playstation so takes uh some time for it to even load in realize it exists where Parts I don’t even realize how low I am

I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to try and hopefully I don’t have any uh creepy cwes be very very careful to not let any of these creepy crawlies get to me you stupid get out here I’ll need you here that’s why you’re nonexistent now like my love life

Okay yeah but it was uh yeah but it was talking about Taco Bell part wait what is that it’s a spider okay it’s a spider there’s a second floor Well it’s okay spider I got him though he really dead Cave spiders scare the Jeeps out of Me if you don’t know that you do now cuz K spiders could actually be scary cuz they actually deal damage I like regular spiders they deal like no damage okay I know couple ways out now I believe I already been there wait hold where am I going so this is where I’ve been

If we travel left that’s a way out travel these ways we’ve already been there that’s fine you travel this way that leads to another dead end so I have to go back down here which I will be doing I will absolutely be doing okay I’ve been there there’s a spider

Jockey the spider killed the uh skeleton that was not my fault officer he did it not me huh huh there’s an area down here that I don’t know but that’s where the fun begins hello goodbye hello goodbye whoosh goodbye okay those Corners were useless like me but you okay you’re

Nothing you are where I came From oh this is a new Area Okay what time is it now actually oh wow it’s 353 I have really been streaming for that long all Right All Right by he almost got Me get he there was two of them there better not be a third one behind that wall oh no never mind there’s a cave spider down here that ain’t nice that ain’t pretty Cool Wait H So H yeah we’ve been running we’ve been kind of running out of things to say okay here’s a way out and finally we’re free okay finally I escaped but yeah so that’s that up there basically I went through the entire under floor of the mountain so h

Going to go to this top of this mountain see where I am right nowo boop boop boop boop boop Bo Boop okay there’s actually a jungle over here there’s a jungle temple right here hold on that’s the first time I’ve seen jungle temples in like

Ever yeah I want to take terra cotta but well actually I wanted diamonds that’s what I really needed all right so I think I know my way back but I haven’t ever seen one of these jungle temples in like a years I’m pretty sure years because they’ve

Changed the generation so much it’s hard to find these things wow I can’t wait to totally break these traps okay oh wait I actually want to Sol this legit mainly wait did I just wait wait a minute what oh wait there’s something there’s a piston going off somewhere Hello you know what screw it some wild armor trims I love these armor trims so much Dude there’s some other things that I can also yoink here oh I literally solved the Puzzle dude I actually solved the puzzle and then I gave Up okay so now now the second one I’m literally just going to break cuz all right well see you I guess yeah woreless chest whatever so that’s the entire jungle temple done and I believe my home is that way so thank you guys so much for watching the stream that was potentially the

First 20 days of my survival world I can’t believe I’ve been streaming for 6 hours and I still have energy lift babies so yeah subscribe if you have not yet which I suppose yall guys are and and I will see you guys in the next Minecraft stream tomorrow yay all right

Well see you later bye

This video, titled ‘minecraft is pure insanity – Episode 1’, was uploaded by Pulsar – Brawl Stars on 2024-01-09 22:15:23. It has garnered 114 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 05:53:10 or 21190 seconds.

Subscribe for a cookie 🙂

Art made by SS art manager

Also here’s my discord link 🙂

  • Mastering Shovel Enchantments

    Mastering Shovel Enchantments The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Shovel Shovels may seem like a humble tool in Minecraft, but with the right enchantments, they can become incredibly powerful. In this guide, we will explore the best shovel enchantments available in both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Essential Enchantments: Unbreaking and Mending Two crucial enchantments for your shovel are Unbreaking and Mending. Unbreaking, available in three levels, significantly increases your shovel’s durability, making it last almost twice as long. Mending, on the other hand, regenerates lost durability by collecting XP orbs. With these enchantments, your shovel becomes nearly indestructible. Efficiency:… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building, surviving, and exploring, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Just like in the YouTube video where the creator builds a beautiful underground house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much larger scale. Imagine constructing your own underground fortress, gathering resources, and defending your territory against other players. The thrill of survival combined with the joy of building is what makes… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft

    Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft Peppa Pig’s Adventure in the World of Minecraft Peppa Pig, known for her love of jumping in puddles and playing in the mud, found herself in a whirlwind of unexpected adventures when she fell into a particularly deep puddle. Suddenly, she was transported to the blocky world of Minecraft, where she had to navigate through challenges and dangers to survive. Meeting a Dinosaur Friend As Peppa explored the Minecraft world, she encountered a friendly dinosaur. Together, they formed an unlikely friendship and embarked on exciting quests. Peppa’s new dinosaur friend quickly became a valuable ally in her adventures, helping… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft content like the one in the video above? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Join players from around the world on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of survival mode, creative mode, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – dive into the world of Minewind today and… Read More

  • Ninja RPG Mod: New Jutsu & Attribute System!

    Ninja RPG Mod: New Jutsu & Attribute System! Welcome to the Naruto Mod Update 0.2.0! Enhanced Ninjutsu and Genjutsu The latest update of the Naruto Mod brings exciting changes to the gameplay. Jiraiya’s ninjutsu now includes a backswing, enhancing his accuracy and impact. Additionally, under genjutsu, players and NPCs are unable to use substitution jutsu, adding a new layer of challenge to battles. Improved Projectile Trajectories The flight trajectories of various projectiles, including the giant fireball and rasenshurikens, have been corrected for better control and precision. The powerful fireball no longer causes self-harm, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. New Sound Effects and Food Items Minato now features… Read More

  • Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design

    Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design In the world of Minecraft, our hero stands tall, Crafting paths and beaches, having a ball. With smooth stone in hand, the island takes shape, Each block placed with care, no detail to escape. The frog still lingers, a mischievous friend, But our builder’s focus, will not bend. A path is laid, in a 4×4 design, Extending the island, a work so fine. But why stop there, a beach must be made, With an umbrella for shade, a perfect upgrade. The island is protected, only our hero can roam, In this Minecraft world, they’ve found a home. So subscribe… Read More

  • Herobrine: The Philosopher

    Herobrine: The Philosopher The Surprising Side of Herobrine: A New Perspective Herobrine, the infamous villain of Minecraft, is known for his mysterious and sinister ways. However, in a recent encounter, a surprising revelation was made – Herobrine is considering a career change! A Change of Heart During a funny video, Herobrine is seen expressing his desire to explore new aspirations beyond his villainous reputation. This unexpected twist in the storyline has left players wondering what could possibly make Herobrine want to abandon his evil ways. Exploring New Horizons As the adventure unfolds, players are taken on a journey to discover the motivations… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: UU-Matter Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: UU-Matter Madness! The Fascinating World of UU-Matter in Minecraft Prominence II Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Prominence II In the vast and immersive world of Minecraft Prominence II, players are constantly discovering new and exciting elements that add depth to their gameplay experience. One such element that has captured the attention of many is UU-Matter. What is UU-Matter? UU-Matter is a unique and valuable substance in Minecraft that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is created through the use of a Matter Fabricator and can be transformed into a wide range of items, making it a highly sought-after… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: Modpack download: Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More