Insane Minecraft Reality: Everything I Order ACTUALLY Appears!

Video Information

Today anything I order on Amazon I get in Minecraft wait anything but what happens if my order turns against me and do I need money well let’s begin by setting up a computer in Minecraft okay so that’s the crowd for a computer so pretty much we put some iron right there

Get our glowstone in one Diamond get the resin for the circuits and now finally with one glass we get a computer in Minecraft searching on the internet and so now that we have a computer in Minecraft we’re gonna get a nice setup by placing it right here there we go oh

Gosh that breaks the laws of physics it’s all good though rate the PC set up with the comments down below it can run Minecraft though and so now for the magic guys once I right click this this happens and now we can use Amazon so this is the keyboard we got the screen

And of course we have Amazon anything we buy here or a search we’re gonna be getting in the real world that’s how much money we have right now for example if we can get an iPhone but what I was thinking to start off is what if we just

Look up lightsaber let’s real quick search that and now we have lightsabers oh wow that’s a lot of them we got purple ones we got red ones green ones okay these are a little bit too expensive 50 for that let’s go right here and make sure they’re under 25 this

Is better okay we only have ten dollars to our name oh and this one’s perfect 9.99 ignore the ratings but it looks like a pretty cool lightsaber how is this gonna be in Minecraft though so all we got to do now is real quick go to the

Bottom and when we click buy now things are gonna happen let’s go ahead and do our first purchase in three two one buy now oh and we spent the ten dollars okay so when do I get the item oh wait what it comes in drone yo it’s an Amazon

Drone we gotta give a name to the Drone in the comments down below but how does this work Mr drone do you give the item or does it drop it oh and so now we can open the Amazon package and we got a broken lightsaber find batteries check

The nearby Village oh is the lightsaber telling me where I’m gonna get the batteries this way so I’m gonna guess this is also how we get more money to buy something else again but the force leads the way it says so there’s security outside and inside I’m gonna

Guess we can go inside that way we need the batteries and we need more money to do some more Amazon purchases so by the way we got to do that many Amazon purchases on the screen right there so right now this is only the beginning and

I have a lot of purchase ideas oh gosh okay we’re going in oh my goodness don’t spot me oh gosh okay okay why do we have the secret agent music right now I don’t like that security please so many have fast textures on please don’t have fancy

Graphics he did not see me through the leads all right we just gotta go through one more thing guys actually I just do this oh this is genius oh let’s go okay let me block that off again go in here and we got a battery piece wait we

Needed nine batteries for a lightsaber oh my goodness okay now let’s just get out and so this is one out of nine batteries oh and now the lightsaber is pointing me this way all right do your thing I need money and batteries oh is it to the homeless Soldier do you have a

Battery grow their house you want me to grow a house I could buy one on Amazon can I do that how do I grow a house oh my gosh wait there’s a house seed right there I barely saw that buddy you’re not gonna fit in that house right there do I

Need bone meal I might need bone meal I have an idea one second all right let’s get both meal the old-fashioned wait there we go instead of Grover’s house do I just bone meal at once oh no it’s growing yo oh we’ll get it going it’s

Almost a blocked all oh man I wish this thing worked oh it’s going fast okay you might want to move out of the way come on buddy you can’t buy this on Amazon that’s for sure oh my goodness oh and it’s a full-on-grown house nice okay all

Right do you like that and that’s gonna be the second battery piece all right almost enough for the lightsaber now it’s pointing me this way all right that’s the next battery Mr villager what would you like me to do they love plants build them a tree house do you at least

Have some Treehouse stuff nope he doesn’t oh wait what activate tree mode Street mode activating tree mode let’s do it in three two one three mode what does that do why is it shaking oh my gosh why does your house have a tree mode activation well we got a treehouse

Yep it’s a treehouse for sure for sure amazing all right buddy you don’t really need me but do I get the battery from that yes I do now that’s gonna be three batteries for the lightsaber next up we have this guy a part of lightning rod for the battery

Piece what does that even mean is there something here oh what he has a trident called a Golem with channeling but that makes sense so now we just need to storm do you know how to do that though right click them oh my gosh that happened

Instantly he’s a god what the heck all right so now it’s channeling what we can do is let’s real quick suck up here do I just hit this thing oh that works yo and so do I just grab this now we have it a powered up lightning rod all right Mr

Scientist can you make the weather go away yeah I think you just did it nice of my menu are powerful but let’s go ahead and make this trade of one part of lightning rod or another battery piece now that’s four lead us to the next guy

That’s gonna be this way oh this is farmer guy right here all right hello what’d you like to do hint Execute Order 66 on chickens oh he wants a Star Force chicken what okay what are the chicken said oh I see where the chickens are all

Right he wants Order 66 which means all the chickens are gonna be removed sorry about this guys over here chickens let’s go one last one and I picked up this Star Wars chicken look at this thing it’s the closest we’ll get to the lightsaber before we get the batteries

All right here we go sir One Star Wars chicken and now that’s five of them but that’s not all the ones we need next up we gotta go here um is it this guy with the eye patch oh he wants a computer oh that’s easy we already have all the

Stuff for this pretty much got double the stuff just in case I lost the first one but here you go a brand new accessory computer let’s go and get that other battery piece and now it’s leading me to you all right what do you want Oh Goldstone hint you smell glowstone

Inside oh wait what what is your house the heck you got corn here and stuff all right I’m gonna grab some of that coal but it looks like there’s a basement it says where you have the glowstone what the heck all right we got some Redstone

Too low-key I can get all the stuff I need in here but it looks like he has a cave parkour system all right um I’m gonna borrow this glowstone at the end here and is that it pretty much oh it dropped six all right let’s get that one

Glowstone go back and now with that done there you go that’s gonna be seven batteries finally two more to go guys all right we have one guy right here and I don’t know where the last battle would be all right what would you like me to do taxi needed straight Downstream oh

Like over there oh I can do that I will be your taxi boat today don’t mind me let’s real quick get the boat going right here come on buddy get inside all right straight this way buddy we’re gonna take you across where you wanted I

Think it was all the way to the house right there and make sure you have your payment ready of One battery all right here you go buddy nice let’s get that battery piece and the last person now is this way all right you should be the

Last guy and oh he wants a sandwich for a battery piece we just got a sandwich cracked and why is it wrong check yeah never eat raw chicken it’s not good but thank you I appreciate it and so now with all the batteries we will make a

Big full battery that is all we need to combine with our lightsaber where we get a power ful we bought it’s a working lightsaber oh that’s amazing and I can even throw it oh that’s insane oh what’s happening oh we just got 30 and so now that we

Have the working item we can use Amazon again okay thirty dollars let’s go back in right click and now we’re back with thirty dollars We’re not gonna go for an iPhone because that’s gonna be too expensive but this time what if we do something fun which what thirty dollars

We look up Lego Minecraft this might give us some fun ideas for example we already have a 90 thing right here let’s make sure it’s 25 to 50 and I think we found what we needed it’s thirty dollars say this is the Lego Minecraft the mountain cave 2800 piece Lego we got

Mine carts mobs even the full diamond which I kind of want and I mean we do need a cave in Minecraft to actually beat the dragon let’s click buy now and oh and that’s that bot is the Drone coming again oh I hear oh there it comes

Hello Mr drone I’m ready for my package there it is again the Amazon package and so what do we have this time wait why do I feel like I got skin well let’s go to right click this oh yo wait I’m in the Lego now this is the Lego cave wait

That’s not made of like okay we’re gonna pretend that’s Lego but there’s a block right there even when I walk everything it sounds like Lego I like this a little bit satisfying and it looks like we gotta get a key over here oh nice key

Okay and so with the key do we open up to the next area all right let’s put that in and now we get to the next little Lego area of the Lego cave oh what is this okay a lot of Lego parkour here at teams I’m really stepping on a

Lot of Legos don’t know I’m not damage but it’s all good we get a diamond pickaxe and now it looks like I gotta do another parkour all the way up here which is a smitten table is this gonna be another the right upgrade thing in another way ink it let’s see what it

Is yo all right the only non-lego pieces let’s real quick to submitting update another right ink it and what the heck oh and now we got it never I pickaxe required so let’s just put that in there and the door opens nice and now a dumb pickaxe is required is this diamond

Right here hold up I’m an iron pickaxe what is this oh there’s light blue concrete dang it how do I get diamonds then oh wait it’s that time door then hold up what is okay that makes sense all right so under the light blue concrete it looks like we have diamonds

Perfect and that’s gonna be three diamonds and now let’s real quick make one Lego crafting table get our Lego diamond pickaxe it’s pretty much a normal one let’s put that inside and does that open the door it does nice all right next up we have oh gosh okay like

A lava is very weird but we do have some normal things is this a button nope that doesn’t work what if we hit it with this I know that doesn’t work either oh it’s a button oh that makes sense okay so I gotta press the button and then it comes

Out with something okay let’s jump there there we go Lego buttons very nice let’s go on the normal blocks perfect and that’s that area done all right hello villager you’re not Legos friendly what do we do here lost puppy in cave oh I’m gonna guess we get the puppy from there

Bring it back and we get that door open got it all right oh my gosh this thing is loud holy oh it’s a little skeleton area all right fair enough oh we got the puppy it’s job of the month hello all right we’re continuing with the Star

Wars theme how do I grab him or maybe I’m supposed to grab a bone block and do they follow this oh they do all right it’s right this way my friend we gotta get you back to where you came from and now we just take him all the way back to

This guy oh he’s happy does that mean the door open oh gosh these ladders are so weird in Lego form what the heck oh it opened nice all right continuing up the cave I Amazon cave oh my goodness okay this wasn’t the Lego set I think okay we have

The minecartes here that’s what I was waiting for and creepers oh gosh okay oh and it says right there escape with TNT oh that makes sense now okay so we gotta fight all these guys luckily I can throw a lightsaber oh my gosh that does insane

Damage let’s do it again perfect oh wow that works nicely let’s slice you and I forgot I done so much damage let’s try it to you real quick and I think this is Lego Sand slice slice perfect let’s get all the Lego Sand wiper need and with

This I think we can go ahead and use all the gum powder to get some TNT okay so if I put the TNT here and put the TNT here uh well let’s work all right final there we go come on Legos blow up the Legos oh that sounds loud oh my goodness

Oh wait there’s a trophy at that yo is this everybody Lego trophy for a Lego Champion or just right click it oh we got 60 and so now we’re back everything’s completely normal but most importantly we have the money to use this thing again so time for our third

Amazon purchase we have that many purchases left to go and they’re gonna be getting harder but let’s rock click you okay back on Amazon let’s real quick hit search ready we did Lego Minecraft we did the lightsaber but now we need some armor let’s type in netherrite

Armor and let’s see what Amazon has to give us oh wow that’s actually pretty affordable 25.42 we might get a really good deal here I feel like this might be the best one it used to be 64. but now it’s 42. so let’s real quick click that

Select a size I don’t know how big my Minecraft character is so we’re gonna go in and pick large and now without further Ado let’s click buy all right that’s the money purchased and now where is that drone oh there it is Yo Mr drone welcome back oh would you subscribe to

The channel thank you very much I do appreciate that but let’s see that another right armor package I am ready to get my full set of armor so those hoverboards about to go up oh wait plastic have the right leggings ah it’s fake find a way to fix it oh we got a

Challenge portal hold up and it doesn’t even get full armor bars no but I’m gonna assume that challenge board was gonna give us more money again that is how many purchases we’ve done so far and let’s get this challenge portal going all right oh back is this that’s where I

Just saw this another place oh ironworker are you gonna fix the plastic oh it looks like he’s a good mood oh God reports he needs one armed leggings and one plastic leggings okay here’s the plastic leggings there you go my friend and iron does he have anything in here

Oh that’s actually very convenient because there’s one iron block up there and with this we can go ahead and make some Banda Lunas there we go iron leggings just for you so did we get another white kind now because uh I kind of got scanned by Amazon there we go

Netherite leggings nice that feels better oh wait what just happened we got 25 so am I gonna have 100 by the end of this hold up oh what the heck is wrong with you the Headless Village okay let’s go man you can even talk make them ahead

Oh I gotta make a mob head so we need the heads of the following mobs on the screen which includes the pig oh oh that’s all I get the head okay the chicken good old creeper and finally the goat sorry about this there we go and so

Now when we put all these together we got the mob head here we go buddy oh and he drops our helmet upgrade which I think we just put it with this and we finally get a normal netherright helmet amazing oh and that’s another 25 what’s

That way hold up I think that might be a room up there I’ll go to that last before I guess we do the boots let me get up here and so if I put this right here oh yeah I can crawl in what’s this pressure plate for though oh so because

There’s a bunch of pressure plates and a bunch of Chess that says chest plate okay so is the upgrade somewhere in here oh that was quick okay we already found it hold up so if we put this with this we get the other way chess plate that’s

Gonna be another 25 right there and so now we just have the boots with these guys over there all right next up we got the weights we got the creeper Runner and the cow Runner when I go on this is a race start oh win the race three two

Oh gosh oh gosh okay let me get some stuff ready let’s go oh gosh oh gosh no no no no okay my sabotaging is not working oh my goodness the cowl Runner is actually pretty quick what if I throw the lightsaber I don’t know what just happened but I threw the lightsaber

Maybe that’ll do something okay we got the lightsaber back let’s keep going okay it looks like they’re sold down a little bit let’s get to the finished line and we did it yes oh man so do you guys have the upgrade oh I got dropped it the boots upgrade and now they’re

Going away sad sorry guys well I guess we’re gone but now we can go and combine these two things and finally get the last piece of netherite armor and we are full deathline thanks to Amazon not sponsored and now we have hundred dollars let’s go back to Amazon okay

Here we are back at the computer and boot up the PC okay now that we’re back in what if we do something weird like a YouTube play button we’re gonna get to 10 million by the way if you guys did subscribe but what if we got it in

Minecraft yo look at these things it’s gonna look like the real one though let me keep looking this might be what we need the YouTube one million subscriber play button for only twenty dollars we can get a fake 1 million subscriber play button so I’m not sure how this is gonna

Help us in Minecraft but I like it we can even bundle all this stuff right here by know what let’s just go ahead and buy now right click all right that is the 19 out there it is again yo buddy what if I can shoot it from the Skype I

Probably shouldn’t do this but nope does that work I miss let’s get that package there it is and so this should be our 1 million subscriber play button uh not 10 million yet because we haven’t hit that on the channel oh it literally worked I didn’t get scammed but where’s my name

Though oh even on a subscribe thing now on our screen so do I just right click this oh wait where am I now complete the task and watch the subscribers Skyrocket oh we have a one two three and four so I guess we’ll start with one fact do I do

Here oh make a buffet new cross unlocked wait how is this gonna up my subscribers though oh wait we have a camera rolling so I’m recording a video right now in a video video reception all of you we are gonna be eating great food but these are

The brand new cooking crafts on the screen where we’re gonna be needing pretty much all the materials right here what we’re doing is we’re gonna first make the watermelon stick very yummy and with the potatoes potato bread it’s literally breaded plus potato can’t forget about the Sugar Plus the carrots

There we go we get sweet carrots nice and now finally the final dish actually needs one pumpkin and with the wheat where you get pumpkin muffins look at that let’s get a picture of that all right so do I just put it here oh there

We go put one there put that there you get a three carrots pumpkin muffins get your bread and that’s our video done record the party show it off to the viewers all right camera go do some people real quick we’ll walk around there it goes come on buddy you got this

So at what point do we end the video is he pretty much done now oh wait I got something YouTube logo closer to a YouTuber adds 250 000 subscribers oh you and now we have 250 000. okay that’s number one done now up to number two

Which I’m gonna guess gets up to 500k well where the heck am I now she’s my mascot the other will die uh what type of video is this oh so my YouTube mascot is either gonna be the upside down pig or the very buff villager I’m not sure

The buff villager is very inviting at all he’s uh shaking his head to yes to me I I don’t like that no and what about the pig the pig is jumping I like the pig I’m choosing the pig there we go and the guy just fell all right Mr Pig come

Straight this way you’re now with me and we got YouTube logo let’s right click that and now that’s 500 000 subscribers all right one done two done now number three okay what is this gonna be oh what the heck bedroom gym Park office and bathroom record your day show them your

Life camera straight this way I’m guessing we’re making up a day in the life then all right this is gonna be a banger video so real quick this is how my day started first we woke up in full net right not plastic death right and got ready for a Minecraft day went

Straight to the next room which was the gym and got lots of workouts in uh we actually have a dumbbell right here which uh I I you know I I of course do every day we did our weights real quick then we went to the park and had a nice

Time where we chopped down some trees just like this and then halfway through the day we went to work to our office apparently and this is where I make the YouTube videos I think I just pressed the button and yeah we make a YouTube video like that 100 correct I don’t even

Know what these things are right here these are shelves kind of cool I’m gonna eat some potato bread on the way and now finally to end the day we go to the bathroom I guess we have the day off in the bathroom we got the toilet paper

Right here we got the toilet and the super bathtub and that’s gonna be it for a day of the life of right there and I guess is that a good video oh I guess it worked all right another YouTube logo let’s right click that and now we have

750 000. okay one two three done and now finally to get a million subscribers let’s do number four and what the hell is this now defeat yourself to beat all Hunter clone channels yeah there’s so many of me this is time for our Amazon lightsaber oh my goodness I have so many

Of them do I just watch it yo all right last bit of guys let’s throw that there and that was actually pretty easy less than a million subscribers and we had a million hey and now we get the true 1 million subscribe button you’re rolling in the money right click to Lee

All right let’s right click this oh and we’re back okay how much money did we get from that 150 well we get that’s under fifty dollars well so that’s the timeline of where we are right now with purchases this next one of course will get crazier let’s right click you what

If we just literally buy a car like a bus like you can straight up buy a bus on Amazon oh and they’re actually pretty affordable wait what let’s look around and see if we can buy a cool one we even have a double decker bus we have the

Monster bus a floating bus book even a long bus but I think this might be the bus we get guys we have enough money for that and it looks like a real bus like look at all the details watch me get something completely different anyways let’s click the buy button all right

That is all the money gone again and there Comes My Boy look at him all right let me let me throw a lightsaber does that work oh nope nope nope uh last time I come back thank you thank you all right good old Amazon and so is this

Gonna have a straight-up bus in it oh gosh I guess let’s check it out oh it does yo we got it the school bus here now what the heck am I supposed to fall oh the road oh place it hold up let me go to the door real quick can we go into

The school bus yo we’re the bus driver let’s go down the road then and I’m gonna guess that’s how we get our next bit of money okay the road ends here I’m gonna guess it’s to that building there can I ride the thing in there oh wait what Survive a School Day graduation

Comes with a reward oh that might be how we make money again all right so we gotta do five classes and we have students all over the place oh my goodness I’m a little bit too old for this uh all right we’re going back to school I guess all right teacher lead

The way looks like we have multiple classes and the first class is gonna be right here what do we got going on here there’s even a board oh that’s sick ready for the lesson what do we got to do oh oh wait wait dude do I gotta do

Something here oh question how many types of water are there oh I gotta answer these I think it’s ten actually eight in the overall and two in the nether oh nice next up homework collect each type of log where are those oh that’s easy all right luckily I don’t

Want to go all over Minecraft to get out these logs I don’t see the two nether ones maybe I can look around in the school all right let me just grab all these real quick and netherlogs oh right here now they’re right there and another right there all right board and now

That’s one out of five classes complete all right let me throw these all the way I think that’s the homework done and where did the teacher go was it over here no oh it was in here all right Ginger question how do you get stone

That’s easy we we don’t throw it in rice no we don’t smell Cobblestone we uh mine it’s nice and now I gotta go like toy Stone where is the stone though I’m gonna guess it’s these episodes let’s get eight of this all right there we go 20 different zones and how’s that look

Nice do it if I’m done all right next Lots we come looks like we’re going to this room right here and what’s in this board what do we got here question were diamonds most common oh this is more of an updated question gonna guess it’s

Gonna be over here oh nice all right the deepest part that makes sense teacher I’m ready for the next area it used to be y level eleven slash nine oh and it’s a redstone classroom but do we got a redstone question yep it is redstone fun

Um what type of question is this there’s three yeses I’m gonna go with yes hey we did it nice all right that’s easy enough and now for the final class I’m breathing through these oh this is a skull one okay what’s up our class is this so we’ll think we have four in

Schools here too are the student’s coming one all right Lord what do you got me doing question how many also mobs are there I think 32. yeah all right cool I heard that once I think and now homework survived the Ambush wait survive the Ambush huh oh my goodness in

The classroom all right hold up let me take out these guys that’s one down another one down another one down another one down and I think that gets the job done Ambush has survived teacher are we done did we graduate oh we did we get to our graduation paper and what is

This a cool school bus huh wait did that give us money 240 okay I’m gonna call that a dub oh and we got debt oh that sucks I’m gonna leave that right there and so now with the cool school bus we can ride all the way back all right see

You there okay 240 let’s go back in you know what I’m just gonna go straight forward guys dinosaur and we can get full of dinosaurs I mean we have a lot of money though so I feel like we can get something crazy okay it’s only 24.

Look at this guy t-rex with the spring function and even in its natural habitat it looks insane I think this will help us beat Minecraft here’s the time one of the purchases where apparently they’re gonna be getting crazier so let’s see what happens now when we buy this

Dinosaur and let’s go ahead and click buy all right that is the money gone we still have a good bit and my friend yes you know what this time I’ll make a difference I’m going straight up to this man come on come straight down oh no no

No peas he’s gonna ignore me okay well uh it was a good run let’s just go all the way down and there’s the Amazon package all right oh dinosaur right wait are we growing this guy let’s I guess hatch them right here um yeah what’s up buddy that’s your my friend

Now hungry bring chicken oh yeah I can bring you to a chicken uh my friend come because right that’s white we don’t have a name for you yet but there’s a chicken right here oh he grew a little bit now he wants Nest make nests I mean I’m

Nesters so uh I will make you a small Nest just for your size it’s uh just gonna be a bull my man do you like it oh my God good big okay and now we want to walk bring to somewhere warm oh I know a spot

All right my friend how about this hey deserts what the Mesa run by him oh it seems I’d be an oh my goodness it’s the next we ordered let’s go oh my gosh they’re fine we want to eat people I got just the place all right buddy this is a

Village now how big are you gonna go from this oh yo and now he’s the troll dinosaur oh we got 380 dollars control with them okay this is actually an OP I am so sorry to all the villagers we did get a lot of money from that and now with this guy

Grown let’s go back to the sword all right we got my Amazon dinosaur right there and now back to the PC let’s go in so this is our second to last purchase and I’m thinking what if we do The Infinity Gauntlet this is gonna be expensive probably we have a lot of

Money saved up though and oh actually it’s not that expensive my goodness what are we gonna spend all our money on this is the one guys look at all the detailing on The Infinity Gauntlet this guy he could be me lay right there put

My face on top of it for 165 that’s how much money we have on the screen right there so I guess let’s see what we get where the challenges are gonna get harder because we are near the very end that’s the timeline right there let’s click buy now and that’s money wallet

Spin and where’s the Drone oh there he is this time okay let’s get the Infinity stir let’s see either drop oh there we go and here we go Amazon package oh we got it oh stoneless Infinity Gauntlet no Stones what do I do with this thing oh

Wait I just got teleported earned the stones defeat their challenges oh complete the ender pearl parkour oh are we using ender pearls to get all the way to the top they do damage at least because that’d be very bad oh no no no oh they don’t do damage nice all right

We can do this then well let’s get to the very top okay I can spam these and take no damage that is perfect I think we can hit that one nice okay we’re getting up oh gosh okay let’s try up there okay almost to the top let’s try

There oh and this might be it let’s press that button oh this is kind of cool what’s in the chest oh it’s a space Stone hold up so if we right click this oh wait I think that’s the wrong Stone on it I’m not gonna question it but does

This have all the stones oh it does wait so do I just add this to the thing now oh nope never mind it looks like we’re doing a challenge what is this make a scarecrow made like with a Golem with hay and pumpkin oh that’s a picture of

That right there and we got the pumpkin right there so let’s grab you real quick just need four of these and so what I’m gonna do is make with the hay bolts put that there get the pumpkin there oh and we have a scarecrow hello are you

Friendly oh I don’t think he’s friendly okay yep yep all right let me real quick use the lightsaber and I kind of forget how Opie this thing is but I think that’s done nice and now we have two stones all right number three the reality Stone what’s the challenge gonna

Be find the Imposter oh my goodness there’s so many of them oh wait I think I already found him right away hold up none of them have capes except this guy I’ve done this before hey buddy they’re the buzzer get over here there we go I

Literally let him on fire and that’s a job well done and now we have three stones perfect next up the Power Stone right like you and oh my gosh kill them all oh this is a job for the lightsaber all right let’s go guys get over here

Okay that’s good there are actually so many of these moms my goodness okay lawsuit take you down right there and that’s gonna be that done and now we have four zones okay two more to go this time it’s the time zone all right here

We go what is this uh Escape you have 90 seconds oh my gosh wait wait it’s a little bit of time okay all right we’re going straight up I guess oh my gosh oh my gosh okay what’s going on up on my Hopper okay gotta get to the top up we

Go up we go up we go this is the longest run ever but we actually did that and not even half the time all right 45 seconds I’ll take that let’s real quick go up to the button press that and that’s double done and now we’re just

Missing one final Stone the one in the middle the Soul Stone there we go oh what the heck the soul protector your Soul’s gonna retrieve it quickly okay I’ll throw lightsaber does that work oh my gosh wait that doesn’t say damage okay let’s just go in for one swing he’s

In lava and down he goes hey let’s go and now we won nice okay it is a good time I want to step back oh wait now we have 500 yes in the full Gauntlet let’s right click that now that we’re back how do we use this thing oh reality today oh

My gosh oh okay I think I’ve used this before I can grab blocks and now they’re protecting me oh that’s sick and I can do time zone I can do space Stone which lets me teleport of course Power Stone which still has a big glass Soul Stone

Which makes a bunch of little army guys and the reality Stone okay We got one final person to do because that’s the timeline bar right there purchases and we’re now on the final one for 500 guys there we go so now at the end of the video guys I think it’s best if we literally buy Minecraft and oh wow

That way that’s zero dollars could we low-key save all our money but to beat the game as the final purchase what if we just buy the dragon like that let’s look around what we have I think I’m gonna go with this one we have Minecraft the end an official Minecraft novel so

It’s a book about the end where uh Loki we could become one of these main characters so we’re gonna buy the hardcover eleven dollars and all we gotta do now to end the video guides is Click buy now here we go bye now all right that is now purchased and so

Where’s that drum coming from oh it came this way all right one final verges buddy and I’ll be baby seeing you one day but I think this is it all right Amazon package oh and there it is Minecraft end let’s begin the story in chapter one and get yourself wooden

Tools wait my inventory is gone I lost everything oh no all right we’re just on the book then the book says might a tree all right let’s just mine a tree I guess we’re getting the tools again there’s literally some basic Minecraft stuff let’s get some tools that’s all the

Tools I need wipe us down oh I clicked the book again what’s here get yourself diamond armor the book is providing help oh what is this oh my goodness okay the book is literally holding my hand let me just real quick get all the diamonds out

I ever need all right that was easy and with this we can go ahead and make a full set of diamond armor incredible all right Buck what’s next the book is providing hope again chapter three find that’s right for a sword okay wait something table we have a portal right

Here and a ton of ancient debris also perfect already 64 colon here and all I gotta do really is make one diamond sword there we go and go blocks complete forgot about the gold blocks amazing and now we can go ahead and make one good old another one ink it nice all right

Damn sword Smitty upgrade another Ingot oh and there it is all right look what’s next now the book says follow the light oh is it just follow the Torches oh wait is this actually getting to the end now all right so the lights on me to go this

Way hopefully I don’t see many mobs on the way oh and now we gotta go down here all right how deep is this place gonna be and there it is guys let me real quick break that and luckily all the Eyes of Ender are literally already in

Item frames I’m loving this book right now making it very easy for me when do I get myself back though because I was not expected to fight the dragon without my lightsaber okay let’s put all these guys in here you go now we’re gonna do let’s go in chapter

Five defeat the dragon oh and my inventory is back all right all that’s left to do then is Mr Dragon we’re about to fight let me actually get the power Stone ready and will the purchase be worth it oh this doesn’t do that much what about a launching the sword all

Right let’s throw it right here oh oh my gosh I did so much okay one more time oh wait it’s coming down get him yes we got him and that’s gonna be it guys that’s gonna be a challenge complete and would you like to leave a review go let me

Know in the comments down below but that’s gonna be for Minecraft but you can Amazon any item hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Anything I Order, I Get…’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2023-10-20 23:00:05. It has garnered 610610 views and 10045 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:55 or 1795 seconds.

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  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

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  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

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  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

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