Insane Minecraft Revelation – Jahg’s Mind-Blowing Gameplay!

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Foreign hello my name is Jack and welcome back to another exciting installment of dark plays Minecraft and this is hopefully going to be the episode where I find the last tower now I have taken a few moments offline to let’s get into that wheat to um kind of plot out where the existing

Towers are against where I think the new one should be for the last one should be the gray one and I’m assuming that I haven’t found it already so and just forgotten um because I did check the videos but oh there’s potatoes um but I may have missed it because well

Potato now uh I have this stuff which is okay except for the apps I should really get a new X oh let’s get a new ax why not I do have some levels so I might as well slam those on lovely thank you very much

So in fact I should probably just top it up let’s see what we get if I well actually 23 is a good number I mean what can you get on an ax really that’s so important nothing nothing I say so let’s just poke that in there

See if we can get a high number uh 16 well let’s use something that Stacks 20 is close enough Boop there we are that’s good enough Unbreaking in efficiency both at level three that’s great now what I want to do is I’m going to head out head out in

Let’s see if I can work this out so I think the gray Tower should be according to my calculations there is a massive gap between the blue Tower which is over this way somewhere I’ve read the cows that’s why there’s quite a crazy number of them there um oh up the app

In fact I don’t know if I’ve got all the XP out of there hey guys let me through thank you there’s one in the floor what are you doing in the floor you can let them oh well yeah oh there we go level five not bad not bad at all

Now not that I really need to do this because of course I have a skeleton spawn over there in fact do I not that I could use now as I was saying between the blue Tower which is basically following this path so it’s kind of I think in this general direction

So I’m going to go this way and the white one was the orange one um well another one so there’s a bit of a gap and basically if I go off at a diagonal from the blue Tower I should be able to find roughly the area in which this

Tower is going to be possibly of course it could just be random and it could possibly just be anywhere frankly which would be very annoying which could have to quarter the map entirely in order to actually find the thing however I am confident that perhaps I

Mean the Gap is about twice that a bit as twice the size of the gap between the other Towers along this path remember many of them are on this diagonal along here which is pretty cool have I left my no I have not good uh I could say where’s my compass I will

Be needing that right so there’s the blue Tower I think that’s what those two lumps are in the sky there Sky lumps indeed I don’t know what I mean by that so let’s go right so oh gosh let’s just get to it of course the margin of error on this is

Absolutely humongous that’s okay oh I’m running out of poo that’s why I wanted to go back and collect a bit more as well so we’re doing well on on food foodness yes indeed so as you can see from the blue Tower I’ve got three of these things coming off going to different places

Um I haven’t put rails on any of them yet which is a bit of a bit of a cop out that’s fine I probably have the iron to do it now I think I’ve got 40 something 40 blocks of iron which is crazy number um okay let’s think so from the blue Tower

Blue Tower let’s head off in the same diagonal as everything else so it’s about there did I twiddle I twiddled yes so this sort of Direction you see these are kind of in the right sort of directions so kind of looks like I have possibly found the gray Tower and not

Thought about putting it on my list which is crazy oh well never mind we will find it today possibly so I guess it should just be a case of me walking in the direction I’ll get to the roughly the place I think it should be and I will return

Hmm well that’s a bit strange because this is roughly where the tower should be and I’m seeing nothing which is crazy I do see a exposed lava over there let’s go and see if it’s in the mountain or around it um it just appears to be a lot of lava oh that’s annoying

It’s like my calculations were completely wrong then good good good good good who’d have thought that I taught maths before hmm well okay that’s that is indeed lava right there uh I don’t no oh I do need to eat Nom um let’s make some torches it’s night

Time it’s probably about to fall soon give me those thank you and oh put it down there we are almost threw the lot of it into this lava not good um so maybe maybe it’s further this way maybe it’s in this one up here or just over it possibly but that I

Don’t know give it a go give it a go we’ll find it fear not fear not oh gosh I love these little Gully things that I like that’s great wee um oh yes that’s very very pleasing and I see a tree actually there’s one tree randomly Zoom

It actually oh no that’s I planted that on the way didn’t I did I no I don’t know it’s kind of interesting but there must be a ravine not a ravine what you call this let’s see now that is my path to the the towers of evil the the purple one

And the lime this oh this is a possible considering the green one before Oh no no just one of those smiley things ah Well it can’t be that one because of the um the the sand there that’s me climbing that one so I’ve already oops been up there

I guess it’s this one and this one over there um let’s take this one first I guess it’s taking way too long oh well never mind so um the gray Tower I don’t remember it from the the mystical land in the sky let’s do difficulty

Um and so far I think the difficulty has matched pretty much because we had the um the lime one and that was difficult and then we had the magenta or purple one and that was difficult let’s just go through here it’s probably going to be a lava one isn’t it um

Stubby ones generally are lava hello yep okay all right all right we get the idea yes your lava oh my goodness put down a block James hmm well clearly it’s not up there then it must be why I don’t know uh oh looks like there’s light up there

There’s light up there is that Zoom oh found it okay okay yes good right so it’s close to where I thought it would be but a little bit off well yeah you can’t be right all the time or indeed any time indeed those lights are very far away whatever

That was morning right that’s staying there uh and I don’t really have anything on me so I don’t know if we oh look at that there’s two pyramids of evil right there is that another one over there uh oh craziness right let’s I don’t really have anything so okay oh no uh

So does digging make sense or going in from the top I don’t know let’s try a dig through uh how tall are these towers normally well I don’t know let’s try at this level I assume it’s kind of centered on it I don’t know no no reason to believe that

It should be let’s go right here here oh my goodness it’d be nice if I could see aha uh let’s put some torches in here actually because we don’t want evil oh there it is wow it’s lower a lot lower than I expected so that’s the very top of it there wow

So I need to go even further down there’s the treasure room right there all right um okay so I should go a lot lower gosh how low can I go here wow wow this pickaxe is crazy there we go uh that might be about the right I

Think it’s still going to be lower still because that was just the top section wow craziness let me through oh but I’m so glad I found this this is the 16th of 16 Towers which means that next episode we can oh what is that what

Is that oh it’s the wall the gray wall gray wall That’s gray wall yeah I think that’s great wall it’s got to be gray wall yes okay uh that is cool beans no um how do I get down there though that’s kind of crazy um

All right uh so the next episode I can try and solve that puzzle with the the numbers oh great more maths let me just saw how well I did at that indeed oh well um so hopefully that will either lead us to some crazy treasure which would be

Amazing and very well deserved I think indeed uh or it will lead to my complete death complete death as opposed to incomplete death yes I don’t know what I’m saying now I’m just delighted that I found this um so let’s get down there Norm and let’s see if we can’t

Get in here where the heck is this tower for goodness sake is it even in here at all I don’t know anymore oh do I hear spiders I think I may have just heard the pitter patter of tiny oh bricks yes of tiny bricks uh have I gone too low

Oh yes no possibly what is this oh my goodness the tower is inside one of these things my goodness oh no that means it might connect in there oh gosh okay so this might be very difficult uh what does this put us out oh nowhere near the floor um wow okay

[ __ ] gosh do I think there’s a lot of evil in there I don’t know um all right well I’ve got a lot of torches gosh that’s all sealed is it up there oh no that’s not sealed well I guess it is now oh gosh wow I’m quite scared actually uh and I’ll

Probably be crying very soon oh well there’s the door I guess that’s useful to know whoa yes wow ow gone be gone um I guess you can move on as well or don’t your choice I guess you don’t have to get in the lava or not oh gosh there’s another one all

Right so wow um okay okay uh I’m going to build that up uh right that’s oh I hear bats that’s possibly not good I want spiders I definitely hear spiders now oh is this accessible this way no oh it’s all lit up do I trust this I don’t know um

Oh I definitely hear a lot of spiders in there all right um I had zombies but I think that might be just beyond the that one beyond the lava possibly I like the windows in here you can see out there that’s some that’s that’s a nice touch um

That is a very nice touch actually all right uh I guess we should just do the whole torch thing um let’s start this uh yeah it is dark gray this dark gray wool is really very very dark um seeing any spawner flashes so I think we may have done this oh that’s interesting

Oh that’s where the I guess where thing ends in the real world not real world the non-tonally type evil Place begins whoa what is that uh I guess that’s the stone of the Mountain showing through there can I even get up there yes oh gosh I can’t put torches in place there um

Uh okay a bit dark there because of course the oh um because of course the what do you call it a hidden the lights indeed lamps Redstone lamps that’s it get a torch there uh Saudi lit fair enough and you and you and I guess I need another one there

Then because of the lack of torch there wow okay are they behind here though oh it is behind there okay enough I guess just a bit of excavation to uh uncover them all right so now I guess we get up to the next part and at this point

We should expect there to be evil I think hello oh wow there’s there’s the outside world so it is accessible at the top that’s interesting I should probably um go out the top and see how how uh how high up that is no I mean yes see

Whether I can just walk off the top that would be amazing all right let’s continue up what have we got Tower 10 gray X minus 170 that’s the last Clues it’s boots oh have I got all the I got all of the bits and pieces I don’t know um possibly I don’t know

Uh I don’t know if I’ve got a full set of the chain armor this might be the last piece I’m not sure let’s continue up with sword in hand just in case to put the iron out there that’s crazy uh hello looks safe so far and this oh that’s crazy look at that

It’s just straight through the mountain I love it give me these things oh I hear lava should I hear lava well oh yes I should because this was like a pair of these things wasn’t it it was a lava one just next to it good that’s

Come in here and leak all over us I don’t think so and for some reason collecting these little bits of iron that are here why not and indeed tidying the building look at that lovely okay that gave me eight bits of mine not bad not bad right

Now where is the ladder here we go oh gosh I can see Blue Sky up there look at that look at that it’s amazing poof wow so it wasn’t quite visible from even from the top it’s amazing it’s one of these a gate oh well clearing up that one uh this one no

Oh that’s gonna be the last one I look at isn’t it here we go yes uh it is getting nighttime do I have my bed no it’s somewhere else where did I leave my bed oh well right let’s get a path going up here if I can given this iron while I’m here

Oh there’s my bed hello excellent now oh my goodness now well whatever uh let’s get to the bed now oh my goodness I’m just gonna kill myself one time with fall damage let’s do the sleeping all righty excellent okay give me that give me this thing and

Gosh tons of cold I didn’t need but that’s fine uh and okay okay I didn’t even need my ax ah now I need to get back gosh um I’m gonna take all of this treasure home I think I’ve taken all the treasure home from the the houses and so on that we

Made and we did the purple or the magenta whatever it was and the lime green Tower um if not I’ll just have to revisit it all I guess um at least I know where they all are and I’m working on connecting them all with the the rails although I haven’t

Actually done any actual rail yet uh okay so it’s just a case of running home so I will see you when I get there which will be forever away okay so here we are back at the red Tower oh I keep going through that and

It’s over here isn’t it yes pink let me down thank you I will eat okay right oh dear crazy those cows are still out there making a lot of noise now did I have uh here wasn’t it I do have a complete set that is fantastic I like it I like it a

Lot of brewing stand got a beacon that’s my first beacon admittedly I earned it my looting treasure but well it’s still it’s still a beacon and it’s still treasure and it’s still mine Etc now there’s not very many potiony stuff only one ghast here that was from aghast oddly enough indeed

Let’s put this in there while I think about it do I have anything cooking no yes only okay fair enough oh that’s reasonable I suppose right I’ve got tons of Cobble where it’ll come in handy when I need to uh well why not throw it in now that’s a

Good idea pink and well that’s still doing so that’s fine and pink and marvelous crazy number of Bricks now I apparently failed at shift clicking those into there that was odd um good good it’s giving me double drops because of the mcmo plugin marvelous those cows are very loud

Should I go out there and slaughter them all no they’re my friends in fact now that we’ve got all of the um what are my columns gosh up there many have have already escaped uh now they’ve got all of the bookshelves I guess I could let them out guys

They can’t get out uh maybe if I tempt them with with a bit of wheat up sheep’s out and come on cow you can do it hello oh no you can’t do it there we go that’s good that’s good they’re getting out the other side as well yes hello nice

I just want to make it a little less crowded in there for them admittedly it’s now becoming a little bit multi-colored out here look at that pink sheep miles away white sheep over there my goodness crazy craziness okay you don’t really know dear oh whatever

Oh we’ll get the idea uh I have to let a few of those out oh there’s mushrooms group oh oh I’ve got my sub touch shovel that I can use it on this stuff now amazing oh that’s good and I could can I can I still touch shovel on these to give me

The actual blocks that I could build out of mushroom blocks to different types that would be amazing okay I’ll obviously have to try that at some point how’s this doing that is cooking Stone the random iron this was let’s take that out put that in uh iron you may go in

There lovely look oh 49 plus this that’s bound to be enough for rails isn’t it um oh don’t run on the crops all of this and I think there’s still a couple of stacks of the rail I couldn’t bring back um I’ve obviously this is all from is this all from the one

Chest no yes possibly yes because these came from other things I don’t know a ton of redstone but probably not enough redstone hmm I don’t know do something with that uh all right I still have all this can’t be gone uh surprising how quickly it builds up again after you’ve used it

All I guess um all right well I guess at this point I know it’s a short episode but I guess I’m done until I can solve this um the numbery puzzle so thank you very much for watching and if you wish to donate to me to keep my channel going to

Keep me in food and housing then feel free to do so in these difficult times for me using the link in the channel page and in the video description indeed indeed oh no after that um if you’re not subscribed and would like to then that’s a nice thing you can do

Please feel free to do that and if you liked this video then why not like this video indeed thank you very much and goodbye

This video, titled ‘jahg Plays Minecraft – 305 – A Matter of Deduction’, was uploaded by jahg1977 on 2013-07-29 05:00:14. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:18 or 1578 seconds.

Hello. Our hero has plotted out on a bit of graph paper the positions of the fifteen towers discovered so far in order to try to piece together a clue as to the location of the Grey Tower. Goal: Locate the Grey Tower, and rummage within it for loot.

Note: The wool towers were built by laznliz and the design is amazing; you can find the original in a town called Thieveholm on a map from the TSS Minecraft RPG server. That map is unfortunately no longer available for download.

jahg is having real financial problems at the moment, and he’d really appreciate any help you might be able to give: Only donate if you can, don’t feel bad if you can’t.

Links of Interest: Bukkit: mcMMO Pluign: RecipeManager Plugin: Lockette Plugin: FalseBook Plugin: Multiverse: SkylandsPlus:

Minecraft is an amazing game created by Mojang AB. jahg is an amazing person created by his parents.

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    Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. BeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘m̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ #̲ #minecraft #funny #challenge #comedy’, was uploaded by M̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ on 2024-01-17 10:48:15. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!

    Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Super ‘ENCHANTMENTS’ !!!’, was uploaded by Ego Mania on 2024-07-06 14:10:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Op Enchants… Minecraft 1.21 / Minecraft 1.20 / Minecraft 1.21 Updates / Minecraft Hindi videos … Read More

  • INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby’s Minecraft TLE

    INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby's Minecraft TLEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLE Daily Fishing Day 66’, was uploaded by Tolbby on 2024-06-21 17:00:01. It has garnered 416 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #shorts #minecraft – Title : Front Porch – Artist : Good News Tunes – Album : / Royalty Free Music #sadly #no #tricky #trials #or #1.21 #yet #WHY #AM #I #MAKING #THE #LIBRARY #SO #BIG #AHHHHHHH Read More

  • SkyNation

    SkyNationJoin SkyNation, where top-tier skyblock gameplay meets creativity and community. Explore custom-built islands, thrive in a balanced economy, and connect with our welcoming community. With endless fun, exciting events, and unique challenges, your skyblock adventure starts here. Come and be a part of SkyNation today! Read More

  • Marthia Nations – factions, vanilla

    Marthia Nations Join us at Build your own empire, a moving fighter jet, or a small town in Marthia. This SMP turned Nations server has been around for over half a decade, with the current world played on for three years. Marthia offers a community-driven semi-competitive Minecraft experience with highlighted plugins such as Movecraft, Cannons, Brewery, and VanillaTweaks! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Respawning for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Respawning for Revenge“Me trying to retrieve my stuff in Minecraft is like trying to navigate through a messy room blindfolded – a hilarious disaster waiting to happen!” Read More

  • Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer

    Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer Welcome to lkdis Gaming, where we bring the heat, With Minecraft updates that can’t be beat. Join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we explore the digital realms, day and night. Game reviews and previews, we’ve got them all, Helping you decide which games to install. Let’s plays and walkthroughs, come along for the ride, With entertaining commentary by our side. Tips and tricks to level up your game, Expert advice to bring you fame. Live streams for interaction, don’t miss out, Join our community, scream and shout. Tech reviews to keep you in the… Read More

  • Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes Superdog and Supercat may have superpowers, but they better watch out for Dân làng nâng cấp in Minecraft. Those villagers mean business when it comes to upgrading their village! Watch out for their diamond swords and enchanted armor, superheroes! Read More

  • Unleash Insane Power on Hypixel with Breeze Client

    Unleash Insane Power on Hypixel with Breeze ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Budget Minecraft Hacked Client For Hypixel? | Breeze Client’, was uploaded by cyde on 2024-08-15 13:16:19. It has garnered 3196 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:39 or 459 seconds. 🔗 Purchase At 🔗 ► ► ► Title: The Best Budget Minecraft Hacked Client For Hypixel | Breeze Client Breeze Client is a hybrid client for minecraft PVP. It works on Lunar Client, Badlion Client and Forge. It works on many servers like Hypixel, Minemen, veltpvp, coldpvp and lots of other servers. It has killaura, scaffold,… Read More

  • Confronting Upper Moons! Mystery Island Akuma: Ep. 9

    Confronting Upper Moons! Mystery Island Akuma: Ep. 9Video Information This video, titled ‘FIGHTING ALL UPPER MOONS!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma [#9] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-08-19 17:00:14. It has garnered 43976 views and 2557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & finally… welcome BACK to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! I have got together a bunch of my friends are we are all trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma!?! 💛 – Subscribe for More: ⇒ @ButterJaffa ⇐… Read More

  • Explore Legit Survival Island WOOD! 🌴 – Minecraft Map Tours with Droid

    Explore Legit Survival Island WOOD! 🌴 - Minecraft Map Tours with DroidVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Map Tours | Walk With Droid | Legit Survival Island WOOD | Legit Survival Minecraft Maps’, was uploaded by Legit Survival Maps on 2024-06-21 15:30:07. It has garnered 183 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:46 or 166 seconds. Take a walk with Droid through our most recent map, Legit Survival Island WOOD Edition. We’ll talk about the map’s original concept and its features, and take a brief tour around the island. Then we’ll announce the next edition in the Island series! Music by IanB, 2014. 0:00 Intro with Droid… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Cannon destroys everything!

    Insane Minecraft TNT Cannon destroys everything!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best TNT Cannon’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-08-02 18:00:35. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft channel! In this video, I’ll show you the best TNT cannon design that will take your Minecraft skills to the next level. Watch as I demonstrate how to build this powerful and efficient TNT cannon, perfect for defending your base or just having some explosive fun. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more awesome Minecraft content! Features of the TNT… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Play: Aizen vs. CW Minecub

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Play: Aizen vs. CW MinecubVideo Information This video, titled ‘CW MINECUB | LR – USS – SK – WV’, was uploaded by Aizen on 2024-08-19 01:45:24. It has garnered 415 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:53 or 413 seconds. xd ⛔TAGS robados❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY… Read More

  • Uncharted worlds await in PixelQuest Gaming! 🌎

    Uncharted worlds await in PixelQuest Gaming! 🌎Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure: Uncharted Worlds Await! Minecraft Survival Saga Begins! 🌎’, was uploaded by PixelQuest Gaming on 2024-08-24 06:58:01. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:01 or 1081 seconds. #minecraft #game In the heart of a pixelated universe, where blocks hold secrets and danger lurks around every corner, our epic Minecraft adventure unfolds. Welcome to the inaugural episode of our “Uncharted Realms” survival series! 🎮 ### Chapter 1: The Awakening As the sun rises over our blocky landscape, we emerge from our shelter—a humble dirt hut—to… Read More

  • EPIC NINJA LEGEND – Incredible Friendship in Minecraft SMP!

    EPIC NINJA LEGEND - Incredible Friendship in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Friends #bestfriend #minecraft #hulalala #SMP’, was uploaded by NINJA LEGEND on 2024-01-13 12:47:49. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Chroma Noob Exposes Minecraft Blocks!

    Chroma Noob Exposes Minecraft Blocks!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Shocking Truth about Minecraft Blocks’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-07-03 18:25:46. It has garnered 492 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna tv,swapna tv,bangla new… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft logic glitch! RIP pressure plate trap!” #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMING

    "Insane Minecraft logic glitch! RIP pressure plate trap!" #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘rip pressure plate logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMING’, was uploaded by DIMPLE×GAMING on 2024-01-14 07:11:31. It has garnered 4998 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. pressure plate logic in minecraft#viral#minecraft#youtubeshorts#ytshortsrip pressure plate logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMINGrip sand logic in minecraft #minecraft #ytshortsrip arrow logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshortsrip anvil logic in minecraft #minecraft #ytshortsrip anvil logic in minecraft #minecraft # tnt run in minecraft #minecraft #shorts 802430599305991.🙏minecraft#minecraft#youtubeshorts#youtubeshort#ytshorts#ytshort#shorts#shortultimate tnt run in minecraft #minecraft #shortsminecraft minecraft,j and mikey minecraft,minecraft,grimace shake,shorts,titanic,ultraman,kameramen,siren head,j and mikey,mipan dan zuzuzu,herobrine,choo choo charles,skibidi toilet 57,thomas,tiktok,tv… Read More

  • MineLegends

    MineLegends#1 Boxpvp server + friendly community + amazing staff + lifesteal coming soon . Read More

  • The Lodge SMP Semi-Vanilla 16+ Whitelist CurseForge Fabric 1.21

    Join The Lodge: A Long-Term Hermitcraft-Style Minecraft Server! We’re seeking active and mature players to join our newly updated 1.21 world, offering plenty of new land to explore! Server Features: Our server provides a variety of fun mods with a classic vanilla feel, including: More Structures Instanced Loot Biomes O’ Plenty Graves Waystones Expanded Endgame Grief Protection: To prevent griefing, we utilize claims through the GOML mod. Enhance your claim with beacon-like effects or grant permissions to other players. Routine Events: We regularly host exciting events such as Content Updates, Treasure Hunts, Halloween Specials, World Expansions, and more. Discord is… Read More