Insane Minecraft Roguecraft Gameplay!

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Address though I think that would be very what if you did like you should give me your IP address I want to be able to steal it rman X is now online whoa no way I’m also I’m also on live whoa who yeah it hasn’t given it yet okay I

Beat the ball yeah [ __ ] real oh my God hi g hi Bon listen Bon is the reason we’re doing this Bon found this thing everyone everyone blame only that this isn’t drama M whoa no way invite us no I don’t feel like giving you guys my IP address

Yeah it seems like a bad idea yeah for some reason I don’t know why yeah little bit irrational but you know this could have been far it couldn’t no it would have not been give us your IP address now he wants there we go he’s lying don’t listen to the lies

It’s not gonna I won’t stream our drama I don’t care about the petition I lied in the election I won’t do anything you can’t hold me accountable I think he me to servent uh well okay yeah let’s see hold on starts out with let it load in oh there whoa Enrique

Sub H is grim gonna play for traa no 13 months and says hey Lil G is grim going to play bar trauma hey en Ricky 4 Crim might play Barr but you never know what that do no way they’ve already done he’s as unpredictable as a f

You we have only we only what do you mean what am I wearing what do you mean I forgot finally R let us in yeah yeah yeah hold on significant L drop real host world this one yeah share resource pack uh yeah there we go Rog like stream Rog like stream

Interesting hold on one second I I can I can also like I have a few free items with essential uh hold on free yeah for free I didn’t get the invite by the way you should still be to join you should still be able to join no it’s not it’s

Not even there anyway for free for free I can I can remove my shoes this is like the most horrible thing I’ve seen in a while like this sucks horrifying explode E you can’t even let me join no I don’t feel like giving you guys my IP address no flush are you guys can’t join can you I haven’t been giv the invite you should join this Co not okay hold on uh invite reinvite whoa invite whoa yo [ __ ] you explode gri you’re

Playing through essential there’s no IP address if you connect to someone through uh essential you there’s a way to get your IP address and age I don’t it do emot again it doesn’t leak you oh R hold r yeah yes have how much have you spent

Anything yet I spend some like like real money I mean not real money okay okay no us to fake money it’s not your actual IP isn’t it a dum okay well maybe we do this with a Rog like sometime then Alo fish welcome everyone I to many start

Talking right away I I can’t give everyone a uh special welcome so hello everyone welcome welcome smile the [ __ ] thing now let us in uh maybe sometime we we want to we want to try and beat it us three to begin with but that you mean 100% it no beat

The Ender Dragon ah okay that beat it not me get him get him get him you start to [ __ ] run okay yeah that’s what we’re doing what do you mean yeah that’s what you’re doing you should kill them right now oh you hit you hit me for 5

HP awesome start Oh Land wonderful land AO oh wait crap it actually exist land AO two players One S the boarding land yes this is such a good start this is sick oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that’s an awesome start okay yeah your actual IP isn’t that woring to

Be honest that is I still want to give people my IP like it’s one step of the way you could simply unplug your R to call or call up your I Fe I see I don’t use brain I don’t do that my Minecraft skin is awesome it’s

Drip Mando you can with Essentials you can give drip Mando uh like the actual shoes okay I see coal I don’t see copper anywhere though should we split up in the beginning or go together I think we split yeah and then like when we actually start getting our

Stuff oh this is a big hall for me so far holy [ __ ] I got a CO we actually are specialized oh my god dude this is [ __ ] awesome looking what is that we got a good sea like did we we started in the ocean like I’m talking about structure

Generation like World Generation in general it looks cool welcome to amplif terrain this isn’t even Amplified that’s the cool part I’m stealing this let’s see I just realized as well we we I need to like invest in fortune a lot earlier on specifically with the gold stuff to

Get more gold easier imagine doing that I don’t think iead I I just picked the [ __ ] potion effects cuz they’re funny sure looks like Amplified Amplified looks even [ __ ] more weird than this yeah I think this is just Amplified sa trying to complete this in Amplified I

Kind of want to try now oh but that would not work with Essentials what it’s the bar on top uh this so maybe I should explain this is a data pack it’s a data pack that was recommended in ideas by bonley it’s a very fun data pack we’ve

Been playing it for a little while but this is a fresh server uh so the way it works it’s basically a Rog like we go in we try and get skill points you can see our skill points by T this seed is extremely cursed there was sand in the

Air and it somehow fell down oh this seed is so per cursed holy crap sound sound tends to fall down you know yeah man what the hell you should know this but yeah uh this is basic basically wrong like uh we we go in we get skill points we upgrade and we

Go in again die and then go in again we die die again fall I don’t have this is actually a terrible spawn I think so far there we haven’t even F so to get skill points easily it’s either get what the [ __ ] is that it’s either get like some special

Advancements they give it uh do we have little guy little guy should be working yes his brain should be active he should he should be only half La botom I at the moment he should be conscious he should he should be conscious slightly he should be conscious only enough to like

Be good you know only enough to say party popper yeah yeah yeah the moment he says call on three is when weild B little guy explode okay I found something I’m going to check over where that like island is that’s a really nice

So yeah uh but yeah the bar on top DJ uh it is the difficulty the further up it goes and the higher the difficulty is the harder it’s going to get very [ __ ] fast see perplexium says say colon fre hey perplexium colon fre that’s a silly request I didn’t hear

It so you want me to screen share it like a Gob yeah go ahead wait what that’s a seal request but I love it you’re making me smile like a goofball with a banana on their head party popper I didn’t say it that uhuh that makes

Sense let me screen share little G so you guys can hear leaked Little G’s brain then I’ve done it quite a few times it’s fine you’ve leaked the brain brain Le you should have added n what what does that mean Fisher what you should have added nationality modifiers with

About 89% speed for sweds oh so I’m just really fast I mean so far my my build in this game when we played before that was just to get speed that’s about it mine was just a kill kill kill murder murder kills even then it wasn’t optimized it wasn’t optimal it wasn’t optimal

Damage I’m at least going to get one I’m getting one skill point this run this is awesome I can like three right now what how a hole what but you do you even have the copper for it yes I have the copper for it as well what the

[ __ ] I’m I’m literally hacking 16 copper that’s at least four damn only 16 copper shut up I got 20 uh do I get not oh no I’m getting two at least Grim you are just slow thanks man I’m trying my best least when we die my

Next upad is going to be just getting tools imagine being cringe I missed that shaking like five times come here look I get an Axe and the axe is just good imagine getting the axe upgrade you yeah you would be an axe youer what you yes you know what I shouldn’t say that

Should one shot me we’re going to be in like a team fight against all the [ __ ] mobs uh and it’s just going to be okay yeah time to die time to die what happens if you tame a wolf does it like stay with you between runs I

Doubt it I think it’s going to be like the shield where you can make it but it’s like you know no like it’s not going to be the wol teleports that’s the thing I see what you mean but there is a with try I out fortunately you’re going

To have to take down uh like a a iron armored skeleton to find out hold on so now that I have these parts I can make a skill point wow and now I have a skill point going to going to the nether for gold was a strat that is a interesting

Strat we have never gone through the Nether and I see a playing bar given by the fact that it’s going to it actually give us XP each time we going into The Nether like I mean skills would only give a few though uh we hey skill point

To skill point I true it’s like three oh hello wait do you have Friendly Fire is this like whoever ends up on top wins no we have friendly fire and we kill each other just because funny but no we are very much on the same team we’re meant

To be cooperating however we like to see who gets the most yeah uh average average Minecraft [ __ ] average Minecraft playthrough okay guys let’s work together 3 minutes later okay so my my my cors are minus three 30 million uh minus 30 million yeah why is it so far away why though

Like it feels un so you never need to find your own stuff again that’s a skeleton creeper jump scare cre you can go to the world border no we’re Way Beyond the world border yeah yeah we are the world border is what did I just hear a demon behind me

Or was that use me going insane the voices thees the I think the voices are winning the world B is 30 million flat I’m pretty sure it’s way smaller than that well you can custom set the world B yeah cuz I think I’ve been to it quite a

Few times I think the max is three uh I think the max is purple what purple said 30 million technically if you think about it the world seed spawn uh it’s not actually how the world generates it’s where you spawn because since the Minecraft world is infinite you will

Always spawn uh like it’s all of the worlds are technically the same world CU if you just keep going you will find the other seeds I’m just saying yeah it’s it’s 60 million by 60 million I don’t believe you lies yeah but we’re still like 50,000 blocks away from the

World of we are still like a surprising distance away though I live here I need food come on where’s like the the the cherries I can get from here I need so much xp all are the typical Sweden people what does that mean you know I I agree that King sureal

Typical Swedish people what the [ __ ] where did you come from what the [ __ ] what happened he manifested can you use SL teleport probably but we’re not allowed to Che we’re not allowed to that’s just me acally die explode no no skeleton leave me alone skeleton please I’m just a level four

Minecraft I’m us a level four unknown y please don’t hit me with your B no creepers leave me alone I only have hearts only have five Hearts I only have I call this a w that’s a I found some items I need a single iron I have enough to just make iron right

Here yeah what are you going to use the iron for the advancement that makes sense what happens when a player dies does it run end or uh the Run does not end uh they can spectate uh until everyone dies but we tend to use uh when someone

Dies we start asking the question are we’re ready to end the on so people don’t have to wait for too long yeah but yeah technically we could just like uh keep going if only one person dies we’ll see how we do though 3245 I could use a bit more coal oh but

Uh items that you find in the in like the world are durable they have durability yeah but like we don’t have to use those that much right yeah I’m just using as a wait what did you get did you get like a I found a ruin portal and I found an axe oh

Okay oh yeah Ru portals are actually so hyped now they actually give gear that’s another thing that’s another thing we can’t craft gear it is just not doable there’s no way to craft uh either armor or weapons or tools uh the only way to get those is to buy them with uh

Your skill points and then you get themes now Rune portals are always hype yeah that is true but now they’re extra hype uh all of the all of the gear we spawn in with are unbreakable however uh let’s see I can make I forget how do you make

Mushrooms to again uh two one of each mushroom with a bowl and then if you want to make the good one you add in a dandelion gives you gives you saturation no oh there go I’m going to be able to get four at least seven what the

[ __ ] he has seven bro yeah bro cheating bro cheating for real for real actually cheating AG what if you make the S Ste uh if you add in the Dandan you do get the suspicious St but it G it’s a suspicious do that gives you saturation so uh it

Basically refills your entire hunger bar with its uh thing so that that’s why I pick up them lines they’re good uh I need skill I’m just curious if find dark here there’s no deep dark here I won’t say where it is if I find it yeah I’m just curious if there is

One deep dark is good for giving one thing which is obviously XP you can make the sus no it is still it’s still suspicious too uh but uh depending on the flower you add in it’s always going to be uh the like they have set crafting recipes oh God don’t don’t

Try and take the vision of a back oh oh there’s a spider jockey there oh it’s gone oh never mind into the void there was a spider jockey now it’s gone spider disappeared anyways five in total how much I need for some good stuff I do not

Remember deep dork has the highest TI loot in the entire game that is true however the the thing we want in the deep dark is the [ __ ] XP cuz you get more skill orbs which you need in the crafting recipe for skill points uh by getting

XP that is that is kind of bordering now looking at the povs of mobs I’m in their mind I’m in the mind I’m commanding one to move to your location right now he’s on his way see all of the deep dark blocks drop a [ __ ] ton of

XP uh does the difficulty level go up Us by time too yeah uh so the longer we wait the long the harder it’s going to be right now everything should have uh gold gear or is it iron gear I don’t remember one of them they have leather

No they don’t have leather now right Lea is level two yeah those zombies were just old spawns yeah in level four all are charged yeah they have gold right now it’s gold that makes sense yeah B thank you thank you bonley uh I get one more skill here I

Think D that fast yeah we have you have to be [ __ ] fast in this but the thing is you get very op late game how how long are runs uh not that long anyways yeah but in general the game the game is designed to like you

Should be able to beat the game in where is it there are some like special Achi here as you can see uh hey I know there’s an advancement for the tank use inv vulnerable Shield while on half a heart T but a scratch scr oh now I have to try to get

That I’m GNA become a monk this is what I’m going for have Frost Walker lava Walker dirt Walker and levitation on at the same time I’m going to become the avatar do we get to join or is it used for the stinkers it’s used for the stinkers for

Now maybe we do one later where it’s like people can join wait I can like inter wa I can interact with the crafting bench actually wrong line yeah but here here’s the speedrun achievement you have to defeat it before it goes to difficulty level four also the Ender Dragon is uh a lot

Stronger so you can’t really use do normal run for it yeah I’m curious about that you ready to reset n bro bro I have enough stuff I just need a little bit more coal if only I had a little bit more coal what did you send oh [ __ ] goes he’s into my

Walls spectator is weird you can interact with a lot of things H not that much but you can interact with quite a bit yeah I love I can get two more skill points if I get a bit more XP best feature I just love how it does the screen shot sound

Effect I need to get some more kills sleep with one eye open Grim he lives in your [Laughter] walls oh [ __ ] hello oh I just found out how not to get bored now are you taking more screenshots no I think this guy is one shot me right now not no one

Known I’m [ __ ] gaming yes what is it he’s so small seven in total okay sleep with your singular eye open also I forgot to to even acknowledge it before because it was a funny message uh from enrick but enrick SS for [ __ ] 13 months which is like an absurd number okay what Dude [ __ ] Dam it I love that I need I need XP like this is just the best peach all thank you Essentials thank you for he comes in the trees oh [ __ ] thank you uh Essentials thank you for enabling my stalker thank you for being an enabler Essentials really appreciate it

Godic man looks at trees you have to believe me I’m getting these pictures on my phone slight laughter coming from the Trees he is behind you you were right there weren’t you no I was going to take a screenshot [Laughter] then wait what if I kill a b cuz they can’t really kill kill them wait I hear a sheep you they can kill you no they only sting once and the poison doesn’t kill

Me all how do you have 11 what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I just I’ve just been mining broing away okay we should reset I’m I’m getting I’m getting sick and tired of IM failed to load IM failed to load oh no this thing does damage but it won’t deal five hearts of

Damage no shot that it deals five hearts of damage was there some stream lag there I hope not I’m such a good person killing animals with my pickaxe just like just like the founders intended I saw what you done you haven’t seen anything you spying [ __ ] I have I see [Laughter]

Everything I’m in your wall I saw the like okay tell me if it happens too much cuz it might be one of those moments again with like the vsync problem why do I only have the option to be at the highest stream quality because you D you deserve nothing less my friend

And also probably because I have a wrong setting somewhere oh oh hello I found a funny pet mine mine that don’t care about anything else into the B what does that say stare into the abys stare into the abys what to the abys into the oh my God I thought I fell anyway

Mind that that was awesome down just like hearing the spectating the creeper and just hearing the block breaking sound effect I am near unknown push him down the voice are voice voes they can’t hurt me the voices are us voices they can’t hurt me oh [ __ ] I just realized I know what I

Need to have on my [ __ ] sound on soundboard now the [ __ ] Reaper sound no imaginary technique purple I don’t know I just know that somebody DED it over with muscle man imaginary technique technique purple purple you know who else you know else you know who else you imaginary technique purple

My Grim there’s a lot of skill points down there you should jump down I should yeah you should what do I get if I jump down to those skill points no he’s seen you he’s seen you he seen you hasn’t seen [ __ ] sh no he’s staring right at

You I’ll never guess what I’m looking through right now is it maybe the creeper hang on a sec I think I know where you [Laughter] are I might have an ink line of an idea of where you are imaginary technique purple hey Mr intern you should die you first okay oh

You got to do it now gr do the same thing now send screenshots to him hey I don’t do a funny post next to him come on yo no way no I’m just going to be like right here he won yeah he doesn’t know he doesn’t know he doesn’t know send it to

Him I don’t I don’t have enough friends oh that lags why does my I just do imaginary technique by bom Mr Porky explode uh soon oh [Laughter] oop my word is my word is your command power word kill then power word kill did my stream turn [ __ ] you couldn’t see

That on stream could you God damn it wait no turn went yes sir not much cost three bnk uh I could use yeah I’m I want to become I want okay so yeah now now we can use our skill points we collected uh to buy either abilities uh General upgrades or potion effects

Or uh classes over [Laughter] here is this Rog like uh Minecraft it is this Rog like is Minecraft okay let’s go but yeah if we don’t spend our points they get deleted so we have to make sure to spend all of them now and we can’t really save up no it’s a rogue

Light I [ __ ] guess it is oh I don’t like Bedrock die ow yeah I have my first spell wait did you get the mine one yep imaginary technique SL [Laughter] kill Counterpoint Rogue like sounds cooler that is true it very much does what does the spell do uh it cost 25

Mana I have 100 Mana you can see the Mana up here and well it mines very well and I can use key keep doing it the Spells are very op it mines anything even the Bedrock if it’s unobtainable you can’t place it down though oh cave oh big cave oh

[ __ ] guys come over here where are you good question where are you I’m in a cave [ __ ] what cave little one where the [ __ ] is the little one I see you over there come over to me I know over the hill I see you over the

Hill I’m get getting copper but I F okay whatever I’m going into the big big cave wait for me oh my God don’t leave me leave me don’t leave me Michael don’t leave me don’t leave me little K little G if you have to end a run send

Yourself to the void if it’s close enough you very much can where did you come from where did you go I’m killing chickens so come over to me where did you go where did you go I’m out of the cave now what what the [ __ ] wait I think I see where you went

Over the I see you okay yeah other way I other way no not that way to your left to behind you yeah no no down what the f go up I don’t I think I know where you need to go what what direction is that are you mining know whoa there he

Is that’s so rude what did the chickens do they had meat they had I I needed meat what oh Jesus Christ wasn’t even all of it there we go that’s already that’s already deep slate what the [ __ ] that feels like it was fast what the [ __ ]

[ __ ] dig down with the spell then dig more with the pig yeah I need to dig down three times with the pig to min max it oh also iron pick remember to pick up a piece of iron it’s a free skill point does it count like only why even buy pickaxe upgrades

SL that’s what I’m saying I mean if you don’t want to fortune on the pickax yeah you can get fortune on the pickaxe and you have to use up a spot for the area mine for other spells so that might not be what you want to do with your

Build oh yeah don’t forget you can as well use the iron to craft a shield you can’t get sh true out of all the items you can you can’t get the shield I mean makes sense kind of oh that just keeps going down huh yep I only have four

Coal I have like 17 coal if we get this lava that’s 100 items melted I have four iron right now my where [Laughter] roll uh wrong G my friend no anyway I I’m going to become a mage Mages are cool I like casting spells I might become either a mage or like a

Monk I want to spend points to troll you guys laa bucket challenge as’s just one I think that gives you you make a twitch integration data pack there is a twitch integration mod I can’t remember yay got one it’s the game with a difficulty part Why didn’t it

Work I don’t know that’s a great question let’s see they don’t know Grim they don’t know they don’t know okay question question for people people in chat do you want me to turn on music in the background or do you want the Minecraft music to go in every now and

Then cuz uh Minecraft is not that good when it comes to music in that sense it’s kind of rare no Minecraft does like the vibe of music yeah it does but like it’s it happens not that often play music yeah we’re going to turn off the music here then let me do

This like I’m gonna put on some JoJo music because that’s what this doesn’t feel like a Vibe [Laughter] stream uh oh oh oh wait no I’m tanking through it aha sure he’s taging through it surely play Minecraft music oh my God I survived in half a heart then not even close

No I don’t want to have the Minecraft music it’s too shill we need the chaotic one you need a digital circus we need digital circus that is true let me get this there we go just trying to get this one piece of lava we need the clown music One Piece

The one piece is real okay I think it’s looping surely it’s looping it doesn’t show me the loop oh yeah it’s looping probably there we go is it too loud it just got Harder oh yeah no we getting we get one for lava cool yeah if you really wanted to Minx it uh go ahead grab some iron first and then a bucket of lava I don’t know if that’s loud enough Minecraft music is too chill we need something better place the most

Silly and chill music possible goofy music goofy music good what do you mean play the m and show main theme seems fine no not moving man no yeah I saw you guys were watching that yesterday man that shows that show just scream like he sh it’s a it’s a fever

Dream isn’t it it’s a fever dream it feels like it shouldn’t exist moving goes crazy Though first atep episode is horrifying but the rest is good I had no [ __ ] clue what was going on I watched mman when I was little like I grew up on that [ __ ] movement goes hard there we go my load out for [ __ ] every game a shield in my

Fist oh they revealed some Co they tried to Mur an ant lion yeah they killed an ant eater okay those two things are very different yeah those two things are very different no yeah one of them is an insect the other one eats them why do you have 23

Furnaces why not so I can make a little House the ant line was a literal lion though that I mean it just makes sense if you think about it Really they made an ant lion burrow underground and then buried him alive yeah that’s how you deal with them duh what would you do let it live uhhuh good hello you know what you know what I know you know what no the furnace didn’t break yeah I

Want I want to make sure I didn’t break the furnace I wanted you to break the crafting bench I respect your [Laughter] sympathy oh Diamonds oh No Way coms no diamonds that didn’t give you any skill points yep that’s a creeper help you didn’t die right I have

One and a half heart oh you’re fine all right my survivability has increased 10 fold now I have a shield yeah same I why have I not crafted a Shield until now God damn I only have raw chicken could um don’t even have bread Brad Brad I don’t have bread no I didn’t

Buy any breit you don’t get I didn’t buy any bre didn’t some I can’t bake any bre I don’t have any [ __ ] what ow can we can we agree that little May is a horrible person no she she’s on that grind what can I say she’ll she she she knows what’s up I

Am one point away from being able to buy the tank next next round hey so it’s the intern you somewhere getting way more skill points than you no not way more I’m somewhere though no he’s about the same as me right now do you guys have any coal I need

Coal I I I have lots of copper and coal just experience little n like a professional hater yeah how can you hate her she’s [ __ ] awesome she’s a definition of the [ __ ] uh the world would be a better place without me in it that’s why I keep living she’s awesome yeah banana gets

It I had like a I had a Swedish teacher that like Lil May in in Swedish is called L me uh she and I had a Swedish teacher that was like named me so she used all the time you wanted to be called uh uh Little M Little M because uh she’s

Awesome which is very based who would not want to be little me oh no yeah I want coal I’m going to SEC get more copper and I have plenty of copper I’ll trade you even more no stop no no no leave me alone leave me alone

No I almost walked in that Spike and just died I don’t like the new bads they’re weird looking they’re funny looking too big yeah they look like a flying frying pan you’re laughing but you know I’m right that’s a guy fing can I steal some coal for you from you

Wait please ah I just run out of coal what a bumber get an extra Point [Laughter] did you really did you really run 11 coal left like thank you a monster I do know that that’s a m hippopo monophobia holy [ __ ] well I got to say that word is longer than a giraffe’s neck doing the limbo party popper that that word is longer than a giraffe next

Doing what limbo limo limbo X hello red welcome 36 months awesome L [ __ ] nail freaking pronunciation Americans will Lio make the neck longer I don’t think so aled would you like to join we’re playing a rogue like Minecraft uh thingy by to up that makes sense wor was worth a shot

Anyway thank you thank you right really appreciate it welcome invite us no no you’re the servant I am awesome sh we can red join but not us quite simple I know red I have known red for like [ __ ] seven years that is a small Difference I want to make this one making the two XP right I’m I’ve gone you guys yeah I oh wait you got the you got the diamond one I did hey G on an unrelated note can I have like four gold bars uh let me see if you actually can

Uh I need to do math in my head you can have you can have two gold bars what that’s not enough I want more after all I’ve sacrificed you gave me you gave me 11 coal I gave you eight coal actually you know what maybe you can’t

Have two gold dingers huh how about that what the [ __ ] you think I won’t [ __ ] [ __ ] up that bad but oh boy he forgets I have power GX you [ __ ] what’s happened what are happening if you race Parish with 10 I would never me Preposterous there been some balancing changes he

Did how dare you this [ __ ] I some power how did you guys not notice they haven’t touched Parish in like forever you you will die for your sins hey Unk know yeah I want you to take something from me what is it first of all this

Pickaxe then hit it into my skull and take my life oh no I got something better that makes sense oh I got Diamond you also got so much skill points from that yeah fortunately I can’t use them first increases the price of end stream by like 100

X I got quite a bit though where the oh my God you’re in a [ __ ] gold mine what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you’re surrounded by copper yeah now you can send him screenshots of stalking hair but if I do that the screen turns black on stream scav X

People waste men like they’re nothing yet he keeps doing this any I hope you learned your lesson thanks red appreciate it I [ __ ] hate deflation petal used to be like 25 points I’ll be back later and kill you again thanks man love you bye-bye noted

Where are you off to where you off to little buddy he’s going on a little Adventure going Adventure this is not nice this is not nice this is not nice going on an adventure this is not nice I hear a midet oh no that’s terrible truly the worst of Things so how about the reset huh no not yet yo my tricks do not work on me you mind they might be working on this guy little guy after him no don’t get stuck you idiot after him he’s to go to the right yeah go forward you dumbass go

Forward no yeah get his ass yeah get him no bro Miss diamonds I don’t can mine diamonds it’s it’s pointless I can’t do anything with them he he can’t make a iron pickaxe I’m the only one that can mine diamonds and I met an unfortunate end at

The bottom of the at the other end of an axe hey Unown stand still for a bit I need to take a good screenshot hang on a sec I see gold here yeah yeah I can’t even mind the gold no you should be up there no gold is an iron pickaxe it is oh L yeah oh here hey on stand still for a second I need okay never mind can you go up on that wooden beam so I can get like

Some good pictures here uh there’s nothing there don’t worry about no the other one no no what do you mean no what do you mean no there there’s nothing there creeper through Yeah yeah I Did 14 bro he’s try Harding over here come down calm down no he has so much more dude he has an absurd amount the C what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is she wearing uh with the she

Thing with Essentials you can add in like extra things around you uh and you get transactions yeah you get 1,000 funny coins oh is he dying you get 1,000 funny coins uh to buy stuff for he bought a sword I don’t know what unknown has bought and I

Bought a made outfit a suit and suit on that bowi mode and gra has like a million hours in Minecraft what does this man have I’m pretty sure he has oh you should have more than me uh no clue but possible yeah we should have around the same amount anyway yeah

Similar we were both Minecraft kids the intern is about to get promoted going to buy the company because he’s going to start getting paid no the bad ending the bad ending since the guy in the [ __ ] B disre end no my Company I’m getting back up so I can find some coal his back is hurting after this adventure the thing is me and unknown were together to try and [ __ ] oh come on it’s j it’s j you stand no chance against him get him hey hey funny funny intern stand can you mine that

Cobblestone and you stand still for like 10 minutes cuz I need to take a good screenshot yeah sure thing there’s only CER yay where the [ __ ] are you I’m getting out of here I won’t be here anymore this is the only way I see fit

Get out of here wait if I spectate you can I see him somewhere what huh what what the [ __ ] is the intern wait is there a village right there there’s a village right next to him yeah what the f how far did you go some distance this is a completely different

Terrain seen in months this is a completely different terrain what the [ __ ] travel the country wait hold on no I What no it’s here isn’t it end where the [ __ ] are you what it has to be like this way Right you ran so far [Laughter] you us ran for the [ __ ] Hills use the F3 Corners thing these are not helpful I found it that’s a stupid [ __ ] that’s so far oh there’re charged now oh lovely lovely jly what if I did Slash kill all no what if I you wouldn’t dare don’t let the thought win he’s letting the thought win nothing dude no

Balls well I do have balls now I got To I can just hear the mouse scroll wheel then hold on I can you just make it so it doesn’t like stop you just go here you have the scroll unlock yeah just like the the compressed air to it just What is this he’s doing a Rong like Minecraft draon yeah uh it is uh so quick quick summary it is a multiplayer which is pretty cool we play with Essentials which make it so that people can like uh we can play with the boys uh we have to

Collect skill points which you can see up here in the tab uh you you craft skill points and you get them from some advancements after you have gten skill points you can uh level up to get permanent upgrades to your character that you keep between runs you lose

Everything else between runs and then you have to get and beat the Ender Dragon and the Ender Dragon is also really powerful we we don’t know how powerful we didn’t watch that part of the video that showed us how this works it’s very fun Grim you should let us in next run

Also one one other thing with this with this mod with Essentials can’t we only play up to eight people yeah we can only play up to eight people I think am I wrong in that yeah no it’s Play account entertaining yeah currently I died thanks to a good friend of mine

Killing me a jolly good friend of his actually no two jolly good friends of me both of them had a part in my murder one of them I forgive um I I claim PA full deniability yeah you have possible deniability can’t you set the player limit somewhere I don’t know this is

Like this this is the first time I use Essentials G show what you’re wearing I can’t I’m dead oh wait no I can’t look how awesome I am y h loser so anyways rate everyone’s drip rate that everyone’s drip this [ __ ] only has like a

Sword uh this guy I I kind of like I take off the hat hang SEC hang on a sec let me just like dump all my inventory so I can s the full hold on the message for a reason I’m going to murder you look at

How daer this boy is he’s amazing look at him and then I am right here beautiful amazing enri added permission I’m going to murder you oh difficult increase things are getting funky now it’s getting night time You know what last stand on this stop [ __ ] got me boys [ __ ] he just completely locked

Himself in IRL Grime made dress stream when soon [Laughter] no oh God they in Diamond arm now they’re in diamond stuff there’s a charge creeper right next to hog also nothing as you can see things get a lot harder kind of fast depending on the difficulty the entire idea of this

Game at the moment you can get like Eye Of Enders at the start not at the start at the moment we can only go up to difficulty level 17 after that we will die no matter what like what you mean like did yeah after level 11 you lose a

Heart for each level uh and since we all have wait no it’s level 16 then never mind we can only go up to level 16 and since we all have 5 HP we will die then that’s the next sub goal yeah sure that’s the next sub goal why not why the hell

Not I I use I have so many sub gos yep you have more HP we don’t have that this run [ __ ] yeah next run can you guys [ __ ] die no two more SK points two more SK points I have more copper to smell you have enough [ __ ] copper you’re building a copper

Wall holy [ __ ] 19 you have enough he was just flexing with all that copper yeah [ __ ] is building up he’s he’s [ __ ] overlapping them calm down wa how far into the wall does this go what huh how about just the copper go why do you need this much copper I don’t I

Don’t need this much copper I need the XP oh no mightbe over for me oh no yeah please I just need please yes that say that he actually built a house please leave me alone please oh no oh God I need I just need to grab this and I’m done an erald pick

Up the aald you gotta no wait dude don’t throw now I’m done pick pick up the Aral pick up the Aral Emerald Emerald no did you get it I know what it must do with it Aral Aral Aral that’s rare it’s not that rare it’s half rare oh there he

Goes I guess that’s my qu to impale myself [Laughter] yeah pick up the Aral Hulk you got to go get the Aral you got to go get go get the Aral oh my God it’s an unbelievable amount it’s in there it’s in there go in there get the yeah get the arrow Char

Charge creeper yeah yeah it’s in there go there I need to up one more time first [ __ ] Lo a drain pipe oh my [ __ ] God bro holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude we’re not sitting around waiting for this holy [ __ ] uses power word kill in 10 seconds

Go out in a blaz of Glory I I can do this oh he really yeah you are intern is playing copper mining simulator while G and unknown are playing rooll craft fitting music it’s a really Co way to go out really cool way to go I don’t have

Enough for the Mage got the tank power word come [ __ ] excuse me let’s see there we go that was Grim’s fault I think yeah uh-huh yeah yeah I could almost max out my armor oh but I got to I got to get the Parry allows you to Parry any incoming

Damage area mine and Parry that’s all I need baby I’m doing some stupid all right I should start I should get some food as well where’s the food there it is there we Go what if I perish scream used at the very beginning of a new run oh please uh yay yipp that that uh uh And there we go I’m making a monk build let’s go baby Max Health nope monk monk let’s go I need to figure out how the Parry works okay wait unknown hit me we have to like try the with use your hand with use your hand I

Want to try and Parry it cost 70 to Parry okay 3 2 one go oh they worked wait no you don’t even ow oh wait do I just get a small window of in Vulnerability this music is me for real for real I get resistance three for small window yeah I need next oh my God it’s modded uh kind of I mean we have Essentials that’s the only mod we have the rest is just a data pack wel space fire I’m a peaceful monk

However I’m just a wizard with strength I’m just a wizard with 20 strength wizard with why are you a wizard do you have any spells I cast [Laughter] fist battle mage worst Swit integration we can add twitch integration later this is way too badass music for Mining Co yeah yeah baby let’s [ __ ]

Go last let’s [ __ ] go baby yeah twitch integration Rogue like what is the Music Co this is uh [ __ ] uh let me actually check credit song for my death uh but it’s a it’s a remix of it I [ __ ] love that trend on a side not I love the uh cred

Credit song for my death like that’s such a cool [ __ ] Trend did you deactivate Parish on purpose it has like an hour cool down it’s so you guys can’t spam it you guys don’t become too silly no they already are they’re still goofy yeah this is this

Is grim you should at least let in the money that give you money all of you bastards do something something I don’t care why am I mining when I could use like be not wait can I like Parry the ground what’s the ground Parry the earth I can’t

Okay so that I took one heart of damage from that jump normally I take just di instantly one and a half okay so I need to upgrade Parry cuz right now it only gives me uh resistance three but I oh oh my [ __ ] I hate this place oh [ __ ] there was like seven

Skeletons all skeletons firing squad let those who have sted bully you again we might do it some other time just not uh right now it does seem like a funny thing I want to try and beat it just with the boys to begin with have to make sure those is safe if

The the reason why some games work where very well I think uh with like chat that chat can join is because I know the game very well like I know risker 2 inside and out I know uh I know like [ __ ] secret laboratory this I have played

This for just a few hours it’s fun as [ __ ] but I still want to beat it once a bigy I’m a viewer with Prestige no don’t you [ __ ] dare get away get away Jesus that’s funny I just you know it’s this video that lives in my head R free right now the I

Accidentally timed I need a hero than thank you Grim for having that like um living my head rent free yeah you’re welcome you [ __ ] bastard did you get anything good uh I got seven iron I hate you now Grim don’t [ __ ] up the pyramid trap I tried to push him into it it

Didn’t work now now gri no now you have like 9 how many te do you have like in the down there nine yeah you have nine TNT which is disposal who knows what silly uh formy stuff silly entertainment you can get up too can I par a

Cactus I didn’t have enough Mana hold on I’d like to say that it’s a thing you have said now I think it’s the first time that has been said Parry is awesome I’m just going to level up the Parry I’m going to become a [ __ ] Parry

Master I need to get my Mana region up a fuckon and I oh pillage Outpost you’re not invited actually no you are you’re my shield okay pory protection I’ve only made one point so I need 25 for the Mage har no O2 into water I think I

Again I do need a resistance level five first for that though you should try paring slash kill you’re so right oh my God I’m going to like slash kill grim and x three two one man I love having 15 Hops I found I found stuff St kind of that kind of stuff wait do these [ __ ] also get armor oh thank God no oh hey a gun yay why do I have four chests all right pyramid I should probably smell some stuff this seems like a safe area to be in no ammo though

Yeah listen I’m a man of Peace However Parry Parish okay if I Parry the the thing that would kill me from Parish does that count like can I if I have to walk up to the source and then I like I like Parry like The Shard gripper does that count as me no okay I still have to die got

It no no you have to die okay like I pared though I dude I pared though what the hell I still find it funny though when you like when when you first introduce like per you were planning to use it just uh uh in Mr R you had the counter

Against it which was de best friend yeah it didn’t work gold right gold block from the ruin portal are we listening to the J jlot music because it goes Hard jlot music oh [ __ ] I forgot that he did [ __ ] cover up it I’ll have it my

Way no not that uh I still need to see if that’s on SP [ __ ] uh him lwig made like a channel that has a [ __ ] of copyright free music Grim stop making furnace houses I am rapidly approaching your location okay whatever look behind you no like seriously look behind you

Right now like to your [Laughter] side I’m leading the pillages upwards okay no don’t leave me down [Laughter] here no [Laughter] no I hello hi bye okay bye wait do you have an iron no I don’t have any iron here you go oh I thank you yeah we’re all friends

Here now don’t kill me like you’ve done before unknown turn into a heavy from Hit game the finals and destroy the house that Grim in good soldiers follow orders G you should kill someone with TNT I think this makes sense this statement is true I’m just like killing

A I’m kind of feeling a reset soon Huh okay that’s I don’t killing hey unknown unknown The Horde approaches you Su them you [Laughter] summon the TNT is for the parach come later we’re not surviving for like half an hour here we have been live for over an hour what the [ __ ] [ __ ] huh oh you’re not a

Good mod then you not holy [ __ ] that’s insane it’s almost did you see lightning then did you I think I just saw lightning oh he smells me must smell a little guy can I Parry the fall I can Parry the fall watch this one hour Minecraft 1 hour 30 on of

Minecraft not that much fair you were surrounded by wood why didn’t you smel everything I don’t really have a reason to I don’t have Coal like turn the wood into cut charcoal and then use the Charco very treasure map that’s that’s fun I get XP from the the wood why did I go did you give you that much do you get much xp from burning wood you can make

It into you can make it into like uh off you can make into coal you get a little bit of XP for burning like pretty much every anything yeah I’m just thinking though could you just get easy XP from just burning making it very slow XP yeah if

It’s very slow then yeah that’s what I’m just thinking I’m so good at building in Minecraft I’m a real builder at hard as you can see why did you use coal to smell copper then that’s anyway let’s keep going did I drop I dropped it honestly the

Desert isn’t the best place to just go exploring out at night yeah it’s very flat and open very flat Noob please I was there when Minecraft was found and you I was there when it was written I was there when it was written you cannot call me a noob oh let

First oh what the [ __ ] did I just find a really nice structure over there what the [ __ ] massive Sand Hill this culture Celebration s you know what that means sand he was there when the creeper won the mob vote oh my [Laughter] God I can’t believe actually could someone look up when the creeper was added cuz I might have been there no creeper was added like early

Beta like like INF Dev is yet inad in I used remember the story behind how it was added I might be mixing up because because of the the story is very Funny can I just see it inside here oh hello what was that noise sandwich sandwich sandwich where’s the chest where’s my bird CH Grime get an Exel now you are aware that it’s just going to get killed when I get booted out right we still haven’t tested that with

Wolves true I’m pretty sure they sit down when you die though so I don’t think they teleport after you there it is it gives you an achievement not all achievements give a skill point is this the charge creeper what is let me check nope the charge creeper is four swim in lava

Now again that’s not an achievement now you know is an achievement though face b a challenge true real I should get that I have 11 furnaces which one I use it’s funny par in the lava that’s not how this works that’s not IDE how this

Works hold let me make a staircase oh oh yo I got the 9 TNT thank you Grim yeah you’re welcome I don’t want it why do I have this shut up Perry fall damage I’m done that one ja don’t worry let’s see uh what do I need to smell

I don’t have enough gold [ __ ] it’s always the gold I’m going insane what level is the best gold what oh what the [ __ ] happened there give the cing some gold oh that’s so Grim you just make a diamond Pickaxe waa it Worked you should make a house of furnaces I’m not I’m not looking for anywhere to settle down you Know use the recipe book it doesn’t work and plus if it did work that would literally go against the developer’s intentions you know it will work though I’m going to try something dumb Scared there we go oh did you m the obsidian with your spell yep yeah I mean it can mine bedrock of course it can mine obsidian no but that’s not the dumb part what you mean it drops it yeah it also drops it like that’s not either the

Dumb part okay what’s the dumb part oh you’ll figure it out I so I don’t have a flint and steel do I have a steel no I don’t have gravel that’s the problem is there gravel here Noe so if I used do Bon Bonk Bonk Bon Bonk Bon Bonk Bonk I see what this is going to work trust oh oh my God why is it lagging so much now okay we’re Fine what’s up with the three pce pearls in your inventory I need those to get skills keep the obsidian to make an enchantment table Devon we reset soon Also my my only gear I have except for the crossbow I can only enchant the crossbow cuz this already has an enchantment on it that’s level zero get an axotal in the meantime but then I could die this is how you do it I think surely I could try and look for

Gravel in the meantime wait did I use your fire no I’m using S okay fact that is true that is true is there gravel in the large Forest okay I mean I mean there’s gravel like pretty much well by the way I got to say uh I’m scared you have one you

Only have yeah he’s cooking and I don’t like it what are you cooking uh rabbit all right got the h j what are you what are you cooking rabbit it’s rabbit season it’s w Season I have feather falling four enchanted book hell yeah love to see it oh gravel run out I got to run I got to go CRA down we go God damn it it’s it’s Open I got back and was just open Okay I probably should keep this in case something closest to spal I’m going to shill right next to you let’s See there we go there there yink Oh wait this might be huge for Me can you craft armor no I cannot you cannot craft any gear all gear has to be uh bought from the store that sounds so like wrong in like the wrong mindset with the wrong mindset in Minecraft like it no with the wrong mindset no you can only buy it in the

Store oh Oh you mean like that yeah you need a gold armor piece no things are they don’t only like things they’re also scared of things as long as I stay close to the zombies they won’t attack me same with the hoglands if I stay close to blue mushrooms they won’t even

Get close to me armor Monopoly oh big find foress oh nice what is that in your hand I didn’t I thought I didn’t bring a [ __ ] crafting table with me oh my God what the [ __ ] that was silent what the hell H the creeper didn’t make a his sound it justed goofing

Around when man when’s the uh when’s the uh difficulty changed that turns charge creepers invisible that’s on its way don’t worry Grim can you do a MLG Parry oh you to wait I was just joking joking I should probably not be here but like what if I can find diamonds in a chest Mushroom he okay well that wasn’t [ __ ] worth it now was it yay uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh no no please I need one more skill oh my God I need one more skill point than I can get the Mage holy [ __ ] yeah the nether hit’s Different this [ __ ] Blows I was way too close to dying then don’t you need 25 yeah I need one more what’s the advantage of the merge again uh I can have four spells equipped instead of uh oh that’s just zombies okay cool uh hold one I have enough yeah yeah yeah

I’m I’m scared that’s why I’m quiet uh but yeah I I get faster Mana regen and I can H hold four spells instead of uh instead of only three I think it’s going to be ja for me right now like I’m surrounded by zombies yeah I’m in a funky position at the moment

Pretty confident all the creepers around me are charged and there’s no easy way to get back out I have just see the way out right here shout out to zombies they’re shill as [ __ ] real [ __ ] rolling [ __ ] when they roll up with the full diamond armor so no not that full

Netherite set like I honestly think the nether might be the most well-designed thing in Minecraft is the intern still cooking yeah somehow I don’t I’m scared yeah I’m scared as well no the s rbit kill itself no well anyways time to cook the meat

Yeah I I think the nether is one of the most well-designed things in Minecraft just because everything has kind of a counter I guess in in the nether you know can I Sur this in time oh the Parry is barely strong enough I’m so cool I need to level up my

Parry I’m just leveling up my tool sets rabbit did time oh I just lost connection oh you did uhoh let me reset then ah [ __ ] what’s going to happen don’t tell me I just wait try try and rejoin try and rejoin at least not use the things you have uhoh

Can you guys still hear me yeah I can still hear you okay yeah Essentials disconnected somewhow I do not know why can you rejoin I’m trying to rejoin right now it’s just server my Minecraft crashed trying to rejoin let me try and relaunch the server I have a [ __ ] it did just crash

As well I have three pearls unreachable okay there we go host World let me try it again so annoyed I lost all my points you shouldn’t lose your points like 14 points then resarch pack yeah I I have it’s me it’s my server failed to download the essential [ __ ] crash what

Happened what the [ __ ] uhoh hello yeah Mr Minecraft music I mean right now oh wait I’m not in yet it’s stuck at 100% hello froste let me try and restart Minecraft completely what if this what if the world is [ __ ] corrupt oh you know what that means we were only two hours

In you know what that [Laughter] means sorry for being late was making soup that is not an excuse Mr frosted okay I want to see a letter from your parents uh telling me why you were late okay soup is not an adequate uh reason this will be going on your record

Sup this will be going in your record Minecraft Crush I don’t know use eat soup from the can cold okay host world yeah host World preparing resources oh no what oh what okay I’m in can you guys join I can’t join right now what doesn’t even show up here yeah

It’s not showing up you’re going need to send invite uh yeah did invite reinvite okay do I get a [ __ ] ton of skill pearls I heard I felt a bit of lag Spike there i’t I don’t see it still you still didn’t get an invite I got an invite did you get one

Now not showing up for me uh let me just remove you add you in I kind of I kind of wish that there was a you might have to relaunch Minecraft as well okay I’m going to relaunch it then works for me oh and I don’t get

More skill pears okay it all works so once you can rejoin my cooking resumes yippee he is cooking it’s actually going to be 50 just you wait currently getting getting my fifth stack of [Laughter] diamonds we don’t want to we don’t want to go too overboard you Know I’m fine thanks for Asking you di by lava I’m 30 let’s [ __ ] go Dude the nether is shill as [ __ ] try to get to the nether more often now shout out to the nether you guys are homies yeah I’m talking about you man yeah oh I almost walked into lava it’s now online I can see you you’re online now wait just wait don’t send it Yet that wasn’t me that wasn’t me Go away from me yeah it works all right I’m all I’m here with all my homies [ __ ] you go away where’s the where’s my homies yeah [ __ ] you go away zomes are actually so shill yeah they is viant you chill like that they actually like dude if you think about it

They are they’re such homies they only fight you back if you fight them and they also gang up with their homies absolute [ __ ] Lads let’s see now I have to make sure I don’t hold this while I’m like eating cuz yeah egg egg what what do you mean egg go I think I need to upgrade the par though maybe there’s an upgrade that let’s par reflect that is true yeah I do I do think that

Oh lava jump scare it’s fine though I never die Clueless cluess so how are we feeling on our reset no no why you got plenty [ __ ] you followed my stalker which goes crazy how about you go beat the game yeah I’m I’m starting to think I should do

That I’m out here with no gear you know a stone pickaxe I have to kill a blaze that is level five do I have enough should have enough I I still have you go away just get several beds you can win easily again it’s a harder fight it’s a very

Different fight I don’t know how what it’s it’s different about it but it’s supposed to be way harder we’ll see so it’s a gimmick that you get stronger every run every run you get points and the points make you stronger yeah M no go [Laughter]

Away sure I can get through a BT Delta all right I’m going to be back shut up oh I’m being surrounded by children oh no my weakness you have speed I can get past them watch this use Parry lava damage I don’t think you guys understand how parrying works so much more

Gold what sh oh it’s fine it’s a dead child they chill you should be able to tell the SES to go kill the alive guys technically you can uh if you if you get a [ __ ] uh Pigman uh with a crossbow to shoot the zombified Pigman they will use have an

All out War and it’s awesome I love the nether this place is awesome oh cool stage a [ __ ] raid on a piglin base it will start a [ __ ] gang war yeah isn’t cool I just realized I have four okay the longer you wait the more powerful I’m going to be for the next

One never mind oh [ __ ] I don’t have any stone at all ah but there’s a b Del I can get it Black Stone yeah what hold on music stopped are you still watching yeah uhoh six things are getting spicy now you still don’t want to reset

Nope I don’t care how strong you get I want to get something out of [Laughter] this oh that is kind of scared to see the [ __ ] suied piglins with the with the netherite is it enchanted netherite now no it’s just normal netherite now keep boring boring don’t care

Ask that’s why did the music scare me I put it on oh sh child what’s going on oh God they got NE right now the [ __ ] music with the child there go away feing music for the child Okay I should be relatively safe over here child boss theme how do I use up all my furnaces I built houses out of them before if only there was a good source for my furnaces of fuel around this parts s ah too bad guess I have to jump

In this lava to uh to go to the next run yeah you built houses out to them Hey listen funny dude the nether is [ __ ] bad ass for this though How much gold I get I need so much more again I’m thinking it’s time for a reset soon so unknown can actually join us yeah probably for is a pretty nice and round number but it could also be 50 Anon sent you an image by the way what’s even this [Laughter]

One I got to say not your finest work not my finest work but I think it’s funny when you bar in the distance you should like start editing yourself into these can it be poorly edited yeah of course you’re supposed to be able to draw on them or something as well you

Should totally let us join Noh oh my God you can okay reset in a Land of chaos and Glee live Lil G A gooper was he what with words of mischief and joy bringing laughs oh boy what a silly Soul spreading happiness like confetti huh party popper huh what huh

Huh I think it’s time for loty Grim you still aware what the [ __ ] was that about in a Land of chaos and Glee lived little G A goba was he with words of mischief and joy bring yourself laugh and oh boy silly Soul spreading happiness like confetti party

Popper myor says ly two time pensive hey mystore don’t be sad L gu here to make you smile twice as hard that feels like a threat some epic goofiness and shenanigans that’ll turn those pens faces upside down yeah yeah yeah we’re all smiling l g don’t wor don’t you worry buddy

We’re all doing good I’ll grab the pills do we roll up in cheese like last time the [ __ ] sleeping pills to [ __ ] lot you will smile two times harder where the [ __ ] did that come from the way is he saying things I don’t know oh [ __ ] it’s actually

Growing by the way I sent you what an image hold on wait did you send it oh of course you send it in game hold on yeah where else what I there he is whoa no way real very fitting music for the AI Uprising I have to

Say what’s going on no like he uh he said that Minecraft welcome gold welcome welcome do you happen to know where your brethren are for no particular reason I need them for things anyway I think it’s time to reset Mr ha gri Grim tell me when you’re about

Jumping tell me when you’re about to jump in used to rule the world L world Wait I forgot to tell you didn’t I no no no don’t worry don’t worry let let me cook let me cook let me cook let me cook as you playing on a Minecraft Ser this is not a Minecraft Ser we’re using the mod uh we’re using the mod essential

Which makes it so we can play land without uh being in the same room it’s very nice uh it’s Bas we’re basic playing a Rog like you know what else should go in that in that funny hole right there Mr intern oh hold on I have water breathing okay yeah yeah you you

Wouldn’t want to drown oh a no I was still making the picture still still unknown good more oh mage I have 17 more to place down 17 more yeah can I have some no how much is it to level up this bro [ __ ] off I’m trying to read

Parry level three baby Parry is maxed I have three more we can just throw them into like defense I guess or attack [Laughter] speed I thought I felt the sh push into the water there you go there you go B it’s a really nice mod to play with

Friends I’m going guess this is a map to basically grind off off levels it’s a Rog light basically so we start really weak uh we get skill points by playing the game uh we spend the skill points we become stronger and over and over again until we can defeat the Ender

Dragon it was released like yesterday let’s see I could go for another speed or better food I think I’m not going for armor Armor’s cringe I’m going for armor armor based haste upgrade your H to zero what do you mean to zero what huh I got scammed

Okay I got level three uh Parry and level this time yeah let’s go hang on a sec I’m not ready moment nice best part of it so far is the funny Doodles of your friend getting pushed off that’s all my friend getting pushed off that’s [Laughter]

Me you at minus one this is [ __ ] okay let’s go be taking can you stop I no you yeah what an awesome start Island it still used resistance three what per sucks B oh wait a second is it longer it’s only 50 Mana now it’s slightly longer as

Well it’s still only a resistance on my pickax now so hopefully get more Resources I can still only [ __ ] my man is so much FAS oh it goes up by five a second holy [ __ ] okay let’s go [ __ ] yeah is that the thing with Mage just get way more Mana region and you can also hold uh four spells hang going a second about sa my

Fortune 3 now so oh yeah we should also go together Fortune one right now but I can’t fortune 3 look at that little [ __ ] guy okay we’re going together we’re going together and we’re going to the nether oh yeah you can just give us easy access to the Nether and we get easy

Gold from there yeah as well we just need to pick up we can actually just snowball this now yeah we need to pick up a [ __ ] ton of copper and then we this world seed hang on a sec wait there’s lava right there wait hang on a sec we

Will literally hear like a few no it’s a very similar one though very similar seed though very similar time it’s time to cook with ARA mine I should be able to just beat the [ __ ] out of animals now yeah four hits four crits I mean with the with my fist

Yeah I have leveled up my mage part well enough now it’s time to level up the Mona Arcane monk Arcane monk my favorite build you have to remember you still yeah you still one shot me I could have just one shot you [Laughter] then Grim once again starting his run

With murdering animals again I’m not that much of a monk so far rud I don’t know what Jonah has mon is dein I do not I do not know that one hello hello uh stick together we can get to the nether quick yeah there’s we can

Go right away we need copper though I have we need way more yeah we need like two stacks each I have Fortune four so I focus so we need some iron to connect to get these together uh and there’s so much gravel tissu from holy [ __ ] there we go I got I

Got the Flint parish is off cool down we got to be fast boys come on well you be fast yeah but if I’m fast I can make the portal for you guys we got to go we got to go come on go good monk when he see a

Defenseless animal he’s going to beat it to death do we have iron I need iron quickly iron oh only copper [ __ ] I see Iron up up up up announcement perish is on the table I got to hurry oh [ __ ] like he that like it’s also the [ __ ]

Uh it’s also the [ __ ] uh credit song for my death music going on it’s so overly dramatic it’s so funny let him cook would be a shame if I Did it sure would where the hell did you go I’m still at the lava would be funny yeah uh-huh not going to lie now that’s a good [Laughter] argument there’s nothing we can do a a good work job bullies you love you I mean I I had way more points than

You guys you have a chance not to catch up yeah I’ll do the same thing I’ll try to do the same thing I did uh last you didn’t let him cook yeah and you said the music dies I didn’t find a single cave what if you guys just go together yeah hang where

Are you I’m I’m in I’m drowning uh I see your name you should you should get water water breathing then you can just go in any cave and aqu did you guys just run past each other no no no okay I thought you were just going to like loop around you

Where is he I have like 60 stack of copper right now I have Subway serers on the side my oh my God that’s all stacked by the way Grim oh my God all of those were Stacks hold on let me let me real quick that was my cooking maxing fortune and

Then trying to mine for diamonds Let me let me real Quick need to find a way to get deep down if find a lot of deep dark even now if I do this uh I need to copy another stack of coal this oh God I think that’s what I’m going to do next is invest in a lot of

Fortune oh this is this fruit fruitless there’s a lot of stuff down here all like in terms of just Co and there we go just grabbing it for the XP yeah this is going to get funky now I’ll start I’ll kill some animal oh [ __ ] wait no ah it didn’t

Work okay no it’s not going to work the bit’s not going to be worth it I’m not going to put put Subway Surfer on the screen what about Family Guy Clips professional OBS user I’m not I’m not you have a immediately like lost each other no I’m just running about

Okay where’s unnown he’s over there the cave he’s he’s in a cave below that mountain never mind he knows prob probably Knee Deep in water I I can even see his name also that is a empty cave like it yeah it’s not full of water so all right then I guess he went

Into a different cave ow most intelligent fellow uh yeah wait is that the yeah accurate FL from Thea it’s a very good emote going to start on smelting all of this copper yeah I probably should remake the emotes again now that I actually know how blender works they shill they

Homies no make him KY is that mid Grim what are you talking about salty that’s unknown that’s not even me what are you talking about salty are you’re being weird what the hell man yes yes maybe no there’s nothing here what do you mean see I could have gone for

Like I could have gone for like I don’t know the T pose or uh [ __ ] something that looks good but no this is way funnier do I have to show off my in incredible drip again main superiority yeah why not sleep is kind of funny showing

Off can I emot one dead no there he is look at that little Dapper guy the Knight kind of Rooks the M outfit not going to lie oh I really want to make the knight in a in a m outfit now oh no now we just play the waiting game

Oh [ __ ] yeah Jes Christ just make more furnaces dedicate the stream to that like I dude I made I made the defect model right and I rigged the defect I I we painted it I did all that that’s the first time I’ve done a model from start to finish like actually fully

Functional that [ __ ] is awesome holy [ __ ] I cannot believe I have not tried it earlier it works so well it’s so good mid night fan art when you like the D I’m actually GNA while we’re waiting here while we’re waiting let me boot up blender I cannot believe how [ __ ] good it is

Every now and then uh you get just like one of those moments where [ __ ] just clicks when you’re making stuff I think anyone that is trying to learn something or it’s trying to like make anything at all have had that moment that Eureka moment once or twice

I [ __ ] I had that uh yeah yesterday and it’s like the biggest one I’ve ever had so far and it was [ __ ] awesome hold on let me why is blender being so slow there we go look at this [ __ ] normally you guys have seen how my rigs look right they

Are they’re real goofy looking they’re used like sticks and everything this thing this thing is badass so I can I can [ __ ] I can pulse the entire upper hip of this green one here I can p use the legs individually here and if I want to POS

The legs like the hip like that I got that must me some go uh if I don’t want to if I want to move only the top half I move this if I want to move the [ __ ] knce I move this if I want to make him blink I have the eye

It’s it’s so cool I made I made this little funny guy so I can so easily just like pose him to whatever I want cuz all of these are like different things and you have seen my animations most of them are kind of goofy looking right if I go

Into defect walk most of my animations are kind of goofy this [ __ ] goes hard it’s slightly slowed down now because it can’t run at Max FPS but that’s a good animation that’s good I’m so [ __ ] proud F psycho [ __ ] yeah I’m actually so f [ __ ] proud of this Thing anyways back to Minecraft side tangent over it wasn’t uh wasn’t [ __ ] uh subnotica this time where did go there how much do you guys have to melt a lot make more furnaces for [ __ ] sake trying to find gold right I’m going to go to right now The hourless subnotica [Laughter]

Detour I think I’m running out of rant material with subnotica for now don’t worry there will be a part two sometime maybe another side T this might take a while yeah starting the timer now I need a side tangent I need something I need something to rant

About what do I think is a annoying that guy you know what actually I figure out what I want to rant about I figure it out why the [ __ ] did they had in the glow squid dude actually I’m going to rant about the mob vote in general holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is

Wrong you know what happened with the glow squid so many yeah but still still the problem is that it’s still like a [ __ ] problem in general Mojang’s part the problem is that they add in useless mobs why do they design useless mobs why what the [ __ ] mobile stinky yeah like

People have people pointed out it didn’t [ __ ] matter that the armadillo won why because they added in the [ __ ] extended reach for the crab anyway the only one that didn’t wasn’t added is the [ __ ] penguin so far who gives a [ __ ] about it anymore I find it funny by the way so

Many more people were um after the mod vote was won for the uh for the sniffer so many more people people came out for this uh for the Rascal Rascal where’s my Rascal boys no the Rascal would have gone hard yeah the sniffer was the worst

One I don’t get why people [ __ ] liked it so much I have more why are they even bothering upd in the game let people do it the problem is that you can’t mod Minecraft very easily on every platform uh I would I would say Java Minecraft is the peak of Minecraft to be

Honest all right uh they need to stop making [ __ ] on two engines so they can make stuff faster that’s the problem though Bedrock is the bigger platform Bedrock is the way bigger platform but Bedrock is the worst version it it’s actually terrible it’s really inconsistent and everything it has uh like Redstone

Barely works it’s not a good it’s not well made and that’s and then we’re comparing it to [ __ ] we’re comparing it to a Java game that is like 15 years old just blame it on the lime guy that lives in Florida for all the mob boats makes

Sense no oh [ __ ] silver [ __ ] silver [ __ ] silver [ __ ] there’s more that’s the first time I’ve seen that there uh they can spawn in Mountain bines it’s not hard to export a Java game to console it’s still a Java game apparently jav I mean Java is becoming outdated quite fast I would

Say at least for games I’m going to specify at least for games Diamond Java is Java where are you down the staircase oh you being a staircase I’m trying to find gold where’s the staircase it was you passed it was right next to the Bur stack Bedrock has a lot

Of useful features that should be in Java but Java use run as you Superior yeah true as well I gave you a bunch of furnaces they yeah I don’t understand what they’re focusing on cuz the thing is we know they can make good updates that’s the

Crazy part there it is the nether update that [ __ ] slaps dude the nether update was like the hardest [ __ ] they’ve ever released that is such a good [ __ ] update and I do not understand how they made a terrible update after that they just keep making bad updates what the

[ __ ] like okay the armor trims kind of cool that but that is like that is on like the same level as adding in the [ __ ] uh that is on the same level as adding in like the Pigman the nether update was so [ __ ] long ago yeah this is the most sold game in

History of video games can you believe it I think as well is just a case if they realize they don’t have to try anymore no that’s the thing though I think they know though they don’t have to try I have I have met Mojang developers Mojang developers have gone

And like talked on my school about being a Mojang developer they are really passionate about everything they do this is not on the developers sorry corre yeah correction not developers the corporate [ __ ] realize they don’t have to try as hard anymore yeah definitely the developers are fantastic

They are trying their hardest they are adding in great features they are like should I really should uh emphasize it’s not always the developers so it’s always never try and blame developers unless they actually publicly Stay s Activision um um it’s if they say stuff on their

Private account so they yeah um but yeah [ __ ] it is management definitely cuz it’s so hard for the developers to add in things into Minecraft but that’s another weird [ __ ] part if the three mobs that are put up on the mobbo were all approved by

Microsoft uh to be added into the game a note a point of note with like the mobs is most of them are just like hute little guys right that is most of the mobs are being added and most of them don’t even drop anything like they’re not that

Useful it I think I think they’re trying to make Minecraft way more family friendly right they’re trying to go for a smaller demograph a younger demographic no they’re go trying to go for a younger demographic than fortnite and fortnite already has a pretty young demographic yeah uh but at the same time

Fortnite is trying to go for older uh demographic which is quite interesting actually yeah it’s an interesting development because I feel like it was the other way around not too many years Ago I don’t know if Microsoft just forces them to do the mob vote at this point you have three perfectly fine green lit mobs I like the thing is they get really good publicity they get really good publicity from it so it might be a combination of Mojang or like

Microsoft not wanting to add in too much stuff oh look at that uh and it might also be a combination of like uh [ __ ] what was I going to say like the like moag noticing hey we get bus about it if we if we [ __ ] do this

Publicity my ass just [ __ ] up the entire Community it still is a PL this Le don’t get people talking about the game when there hold on that was a good point when was the last time we had a vote for a hostile mob mob it wasn’t the first mob

Vote and the second mob V the first mob vat was only hostile mobs and we picked the worst One The Phantom I’ve got to say that was during a time where actually everybody was wanting a flying hostile mob yep well a lot of vocal minority of

No everyone wanted a flying mob we just wanted something in the sky and we picked the wrong one we should have picked uh any other one like dude The Blaze one would have gone so hard it would have worked so well with the [ __ ] nether update as well yeah also okay good job Community the reject bat that is scared of cats and in the second mob what ever uh they added uh the possibility for the iser I like the iser cuz I thought oh wait they might add in more magic like when it comes to Minecraft I want to see more World building in

Minecraft is that used me hey hwk I found some gold here if you want to use the pickax oh yeah um where exactly uh oh that’s an iron that’s an iron vein you found an iron vein I actually found an yeah look up you can see it because there’s like a block of

Ore so there there’s one that is worth nine in a bunch of it you can find that with gold as well oh diamonds I you guy could have been cool a mad I kind of wish there’s a ping icon we just want to make this not be

Minecraft I found oh I found a diamond fossil huh yeah I I pointed that ear I looked at that on your stream when you were likeing and then they’re really rare they’re cool uh but yeah I like the World building in Minecraft I don’t know

If I’m the only one but that’s why I vote for the Golems every time I want I want more magic kind of weird like the idea of um like kind of like L but I guess it’s always been kind of prevalent in this in this game yeah I

But like I think World building is fantastic for this game I just like World building in general World building in general is awesome yeah that’s well I just realized fck you we can just like share the XP things orbs right I have like let’s see I have enough diamonds to

Make like at least two no four three of those yeah or things like high XP ones the max XP or only thing that came back was the savan update we never got the savan update we got the we got the swamp update that’s the only thing that ever

Came back got 14 gold right now and they said they were going to add in all three of those uh updates we have gotten the tiger update which was foxes and berries that’s it we have gotten the swamp update which was chests with bolts canap POG and

Frogs that’s it wait no also the cool swamps no they that was a good update because they added in the cool swamp as well yeah they added the cool swamp the foxes are kind dude the foxes aren’t that cool they’re all right they’re not that cool savan update soon TM they are going

To do the savan update I do believe them in that they they don’t lie however they wait they lie and they are also extremely extremely slow but I do think that the savan update is coming out why do they lie they said they would have the Vault

Mobs in eventually Y no but like more with the bundles oh yeah yeah wait why is bundle still not a thing cuz they can’t make it work on phones no I thought that they did make it work on phones they didn’t get a satisfying way to use it on phones I’m

Not lying this is the reason they don’t lie wait they lie like how you had to like take a double back on that the poor skeleton got sent to hell down he goes you guys should reset smile no not yet we we’re resetting out um 40 yeah [Applause] what that’s stupid you’re

Lying I don’t maybe we are maybe we aren’t why can’t they they do bundles like in every other mod does backpacks uh great question yeah very question you’re completely right you can click bundles really Mojang has no excuse where’s the parish button for in hog no it’s a 1 million redeem

No it’s the uh end stream forever redeem I saw your name tyag once but now I lost it I’m trying to get get back out now I’m trying to get the [ __ ] out okay no this Is that’s not how that’s not how you do it what what all don’t worry about it I’m not doing anything like stuff I’m going to smell next Parish SL kill everyone it is equals no is it I found some more diamonds and gold Nichols not about what the [ __ ]

This a surprise tool we’ll be using later and you guys again you guys are playing so boring holy [ __ ] you would have went to the nether but unfortunately somebody had to fall into a what what do you mean the voices pushed me that’s what they all say where the

Hell did all of the stuff go someone hungry mind it where why I didn’t I I don’t know I don’t think you can do spaces in that spaces should be fine otherwise that might kill me as well let’s see let’s regroup let’s regroup yeah

Wherever Al is like no at the end of the staircase yeah wherever that is oh yeah I should friend request unknown and get in that way no no you’ll never get my name on yeah you’ll never figure out their names you’ll never figure them out I see your name tag right there

All all right uh let I have I have 16 gold and 23 diamonds I have 14 gold 19 diamonds right now cool I have three uh three skill pearls right now so that’s like nine skill pearls yeah I have uh eight skill pearls like sounds like somebody already friended you on essential

What was I talking ex about except for like the oh yeah the [ __ ] bundles no the thing is I feel like they got they just want to get it to work like in your inventory I don’t get I don’t know why it might be because of accessibility no it’s not why can’t they

Make it work what the [ __ ] the first version sucked ass do you guys remember the first B version of bundles not really you could put in stuff and then you saw them like cluttered in a small window and then you right clicked it and you threw all of it

Down on the ground in front of you oh yeah they don’t want it to be they don’t want it to be like shulker books that’s the thing but it is just shulker what what the [ __ ] I don’t understand also why would they make archaeology so boring I’m so pissed about

Minecraft they made it like real life no they could have been awesome if they added in cooler WS like imagine you’re doing the archaeology and you find a [ __ ] uh you find a grass block but it has a texture of alpha Minecraft that would be funny as [ __ ] I need

Uh there’s some there’s yeah a little bit of gold gold here or like maybe maybe they added in an archaeology villager and you can sell off the stuff for like a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] Emerald something something that isn’t pots why pots PS could be one of them yeah what the [ __ ] I want the unearth old nether architecture exactly dude I want to like unearth the neck and it just it’s just named Blood Stone that would be really funny it’s so simple too they wouldn’t they wouldn’t add dark Grim cuz blood is a family friendly uh game I’m going to make you into

Blood all right FL I love getting candles from archaeology I don’t I want to summon Herobrine dude imagine you’re doing that and you find a [ __ ] Herobrine glyph ah I’m so pissed would kind of go hard like use paintings why haven’t they done like Herobrin paintings they should

Be funny references why isn’t it fun references I’m losing my mind Gold armor yeah gold yeah it’s infite durability yeah all armor is infinite durability I think okay I think we end it now I’m I’m satisfied uh do you have any gold I have like I have gold no more gold okay I have no more gold yeah I’m

Completely done um so I see this tasty lava pillar here yummy said hey little guy what do you think better suits unknown gold armor or iron armor hey help the space bar when it comes to unnown go for the gold armor go for the gold armor go for

The gold armor it’s shiny fancy and a stylish to it’s just really quiet hold on party poer let me read it up again hey helps the hey help the space bar broke when it comes to unknown go for the gold armor my friend it’s shiny fancy and screams I’m a stlish Coober

Ready to party party Popper she the music being very loud just restart oh what are you doing arrine H H purple paage hey h wait H I got a friend request then from purple hi hello hi hello why the [ __ ] reset go reset now go I have 30 that’s enough it’s not Herobrine pack your bags It’s

Herobrine hey good hul everyone good hul yeah good hle guys yeah laugh at him ah ah ah he’s just juggling that [ __ ] the par is not can’t increase the level of this upgrade further no what mod client are you using we are us using Essentials that is the only mod we have

No wow Grim not using your skill points oh no I knew what I wanted you know so I I’m already out kind I’m kind of fast All Right Time come on this time we speed speed run to the nether we so only [ __ ] try oh yo I got diamond tools now

Awesome whoa I can one shot you now you could one shot me before as well yeah now we have a fortune what is it now I havee pickaxe Fortune four pickaxe right now brim it is not optimal brim we don’t we only need coal for like

A bit of smelting we needed to get iron let the two viewers in extreme loud and extreme the loud incorrect was a sound 2 hours and 40 minutes in holy [ __ ] dude this this [ __ ] thing is awesome it does not feel like it’s been almost 3 hours so far it’s it feels like

It’s been almost three hours you were not a gamer okay also you play the game wrong smile okay also L Plus ratio okay I hear a child how you going to recover from this o that’s a that’s iron that’s that’s a bit a fair amount uh there’s some water over there go

There need we need lava magma there’s there’s one lava what the [ __ ] 69 bits funny number thank you so much for the 69 bits golden I really appreciate it man funny number true Real party poer party party popper what’s this popper of parties I hear what’s all this popping a party you see bsy party popper is funny your honor your honor that’s crazy he want to you he want to use yeah another reason we have to change those

Things guys I made a point I’m rich I got a point one point one point S gind one point for grimor grimor poer I hate the [ __ ] book cuz it just removes there any reason to actually craft imagine using the book I use it because it’s faster and I hate that they

Use it stupid don’t I pretend it doesn’t exist it keeps opening up I’m annoyed by it wait why does it keep what do you mean it keeps open I don’t know it keeps opening up every time we’re going to a new run it’s never done that for me I

Think I just have it off by default what the [ __ ] sounds like you use it as a crutch shut up I know the crafting recipes you have to believe me I know the crafting Recipes and then and then he told me and then he told me I was it as a CO and and then and that was really mean 99% smile rat on the emote shopping block I think not rat you really think Mr smile need to go Mr smile is like the only good emote

Like OG emote no Mr smile needs to stay that that’s like a legacy emote I think we have a few Legacy emotes uh like for example if you donate [ __ ] $250 you get the original pug which is definitely worth it wink wink worth it

Real uh oh wait I sto my [ __ ] now I think I have enough copper to go into it where devour is better than smile no devour is like an uncomfortable smile you know Mission smile that’s like a reassuring smile like no that’s a smoke smile that

Too but when I see like that when I see Mr smile I think of the like that one I think of reason to keep living I I think of that one like TF2 animation where it’s just the soldier smiling at you creepy not like the Mr devour creepy but

Like oh [ __ ] him smug doesn’t exist smug I could I see I think smug is good in theory it’s not good in practice it’s not a very good emote I want to redraw it and it’s just going to be better smile is just like a clueless but more Devourer that’s a sentence isn’t

It yeah that is a sentence you did say then yeah no but like clueless is kind of boring as well cuz it’s used actually the clueless face and I just made it pink we need to have our own one that has the same energy you

Know this should go down to a lava pool I forget there like a there was one em I don’t know if you have it anymore which is just like would it’s like confusion I guess you could say like when you’re squinting kind of it’s like the Mr Man

Squinting I oh yeah I I removed that one I likeed that one I think it was Mr angry or something I don’t know it just looks like it was either no but that is good what what Enrique did that is masterful craftsmanship that is really baller where the [ __ ] is the

Lava I hear a child no Mr stop yeah that’s the one think it was Mr Stu yeah I liked that one Mr stop was pretty good but like again I could make it better a little rough around the edges but he’s right flat flat clueless is so much

Better Drop Kick the the damn child that child is scary have you guys found any lava yet uh yes there’s a lot of lava but One S only ones yucky but you know I do have a lot of gold and I see some diamonds I’m going for the big

Leagues where do I have a [ __ ] Birch sapling that one is funny I like that one I found lava sources right now what level is like lava sources like the think it was 24 about oh I’m way too high then or yeah I’m still way too

High wait no I’m way too low wait I like this it’s like it’s the continuation of the clueless it’s like when he figures out that the burn was aimed at him he’s pointing out that he is sad mcaren sucks gangam is so much better you guys had the choice you

Picked the macarina you picked the macara your fault you sted it you child you fumbled it [ __ ] I don’t have any uh someone’s throwing [ __ ] glasses at him oh I hear that was a year ago the masses were wrong such a shite model as well I don’t have any uh wood for

Crafting [ __ ] it I’ll start going for the [ __ ] solo lava sources I swear I like it how we said we should stick together once we get the stuff ready we have split up every time now you guys didn’t follow me what can I say I am the main character in my story it’s

Not my fault that you guys didn’t follow me I am the world revolves are on me don’t you see I have so much gold right now I can’t do anything with it what are these things you making oh Diamond glasses I love eating glass electable much yummy Dude where’s the [ __ ] lava

At what the [ __ ] ow stop ow Grim you are aware me and Miss are waiting you’re not being let in you’re not being let in we have a lock on the door we change it regularly we change a lot I will eat the door no my one weakness to my my one door

Weakness you eating it they won’t get in it’s a it’s it’s made out of wood you fools they love it I love wood favorite meal [ __ ] I hear nothing God damn it okay I’m going to try and find a big opening I’m just saying G if you with us we Would okay where are you give me your cord huh give your in the surface right now I said if if you stuck with me you would have found it I’m going to find lava and I’m going to leave you behind you Grim I’m just saying I’m

Cooking right now I have 12 diamonds in my inventory oh no it’s kind of I have a lot of gold as well oh no you mind like two Diamond [Laughter] ORS wait no this is just me whoops that’s not an actual hole where are you grien sell me your door I’m not selling

You my door where am I I don’t really know myself second I am getting my little bunker right now it’s night time are you you’re in the caves yeah yeah oh Wait uh okay but would you sell it for a high enough uh price I don’t know maybe what what price are we talking about for a wooden oh eie noise what what price are we talking about FR a door if I can buy a new door and make Bank

Yeah I would sell my door I would sell Out I would buy you two M maker with the taste of normal 120 Mr Man they don’t have a value yeah they do they they’re worth one Mr Man I guess you’re right aren’t [Laughter] you they don’t what I’ve been selling you uh Mr Men Bitcoin Mr Men

Bitcoins all this time you fell right into my and now I won’t say anything for over a year [ __ ] lava please it’s just Silence Mr Co they are worth 0.005 Parish yeah no don’t worry I promise to refund you all guys just get back to me in like a g uh when you’re all about to sue me and then you half of your value what have you find lava you found lava um I see

Unknown I’m on my way where are you in what are you in an are you in an open area I’m in a m shaft oh I’m not going back to you I used Escape that my 185k coins aren’t worth [ __ ] any anymore now [ __ ] oh Copper this is such a bad run so far for Me they’re worth so many parachutes though I just realized they’re both stre room wait yeah yeah they are they’re they’re both there I gathered that much from them they’re just they really want to be let in they really want too and where Sher and end stream

Sad why why do you want to end my stream so badly no actually I see why see exactly why actually I take a back I’m sorry for screaming want to be silly we want to be goofy this stream has gone kind of hard so far though I this is fun this is very

Fun just oh wait is my schizophrenia kicking in again or was that lava oh no it’s just my schizophrenia don’t worry I’m fine the silly cor another single piece of lava yay y that’s two pieces critical silly Mass we’re going Beyond goofy oh no I need to switch play with these two

There we go uh oh that’s a lot more actually we’ll start with you wait no that’s just a single lava again God [ __ ] last time we got to the COC critical mask we ended up with the metor makeup stream that ended up with the uh

D day we cannot go we cannot go back we cannot go back to the Horrors that’s nothing why Hardware you go big yeah I have 10 points now oh my God 18 10 three 10 wait why the [ __ ] does he have 18 what the [ __ ] he’s been cooking I was trying to mine towards Grim but I just mined gold and diamonds on the way don’t mind I

Do I need now I just now I’ve just lost you entirely I got to say if I was I’ve been running away from you okay I was to improve this mod Y I would want um Iron to be a bit more Pro prominent I feel like iron is too common

Though maybe maybe not iron inot maybe iron block H yeah that’s fair um they could add in it’s just kind of useless could they could uh remove the gold diamond recipe and replace that with like oh big slime no that would be too op I don’t know maybe a alternative to The Copper

Gold it’s like no it couldn’t be Iron copper like iron gold maybe oh my God I nearly [ __ ] that Thank God I’m a tank cre lettu usce in like the wrong lettuce like the the vegetable lettuce or we will uh leak your DMs if you have my DMs you can leak them

Go ahead I don’t think I have anything in my DMs actually no I have some I have leaked my DMs myself actually now I think about it leak him again yeah leak him again where the [ __ ] am I I’ve got a lot lot of gold now I got

15 I’m trying to still find nether only 15 yeah I’m not been focusing on gold one goal like I gave up on the hole going to the nether I’m just trying to find gold and diamonds right now okay hold on big cave big this could be huge this could be huge for everyone

Involved within parenthesis me how much wood do I have none you love to see it I have wood that’s awesome you should go towards me yeah I am awesome you love to see It this is still your single sources of lava ah Oh wait I can get the I I could just go to the nether now as well what oh yeah I’ve got diamond stuff right I lost you again no there you are I think up here should be cave hey Grim let me in nap you can get in yourself

You have the key for the door group chat got leaked again no is Nab actually in the [ __ ] waiting room no he’s not oh my God he’s just talking [ __ ] yeah let me mine any diamonds since I have Fortune but what if I do it

Anyway uh I will a you okay M these diamonds for me thanks oh and there gold too yeah you can have the gold mine this for me more yay move I I can’t I can’t even hit the block I what huh huh there we go give them to me I got

Only only got one yeah give it to me no no it’s vital that’s it you’re going [Laughter] down in the arena so why do you mine or ow why do you mine diamonds and or if you can’t do [ __ ] with them I can do

[ __ ] with them uh if he mines them uh he gets more of them cuz he Fortune also for diamonds you can use it to get more skill points yeah let’s see there’s more diamonds over here bunch of stuff here [ __ ] where’s a single lava pool

Holy [ __ ] think I hear I hear lava I hear lava where I am where are you where did you go oh there you I’m on my way over here this way oh above you yeah there’s a there’s a bunch of lava there get down Mr President for

Me pick up Priority there there is another there’s another Diamond over there uh yeah and more gold why mine are [ __ ] on a copper though cuz uh I’m going to need the copper with the gold first I’m going to prioritize combining the diamonds but then after that it’s also the copper cuz

The copper is used like way more common you need 18 copper for it to be worth the same amount as uh Four Diamonds I think well no give that back you found one lava thanks man it was one yeah no there’s there there were more than one block dripping yeah cuz

It’s like flatten out oh right well I I I heard I got to say I really like this lava pool over here right now [ __ ] off well I’m just saying there’s a lot of lava here mhm how about you tell us where you are and we can do this

Together oh sure hang on a sec it’s uh do you know how to get there I just went down a hole thanks man very descriptive yeah welcome anyways good luck oh they’re charged yeah difficulty level four I have only three points to my name um shut up anyways get out of my

Head get out of my head get out of my head D anyways come on I’m almost there as well you’re talking Mighty [ __ ] for someone with a nether distance oh my God this I need to go up there the voice says they’re winning wa I just realized I’m covering

Gold so I’m chill with the pig are yeah damn I didn’t realize they would chill like that they aren’t flush Forest point I swear this is a [ __ ] lava source when I get to the top I’m going to lose it it’s just a single one okay there we go we’re fine we’re

Chilling that’s all of them do I have gravel of course I have gravel I have like over a stack of it also I have Flint I don’t even need gravel we don’t need that we don’t need that okay oh I can get up on the surface you know where we

Split taking that as a no hello do you know where we split uh well I’m smelting gold right now awesome I’m going into the nether okay perlex says should I be mver oh perplexium you sneaky goober the trick to getting into Grim’s Minecraft server is him with your sill

Don’t tell him show and you might just an broer bro what a [ __ ] snitchy popper got them I think he needs aot on me yeah he’s getting too wise again he’s getting a bit too silly even though that’s encouraged here it’s a bit too silly right there look at this wise

Guy we we only allow a certain amount of silliness knap perms lost where didn’t we split up I made a nether Trap by the way watch out for that nether trap yeah if you go into The Nether you can’t get out I’m more damage I just realized can I go

Like P ra farming probably this is the one time you can do it with your gear but it doesn’t really give anything good it costs gold just curious though what did they drop uh they could give diamonds I guess I think thanks for the Soul

Sand okay I think I’m lost go up on the surface surface okay oh thanks for the golden arrows come on didn’t they make the portals work properly on exit did they a man no more goofing around what you mean by that I blocked it so if you go in you should just be

Stuck you can break block still a man goofy over no more haha no more no more fun I know you lose the no effect I see I am on the surface now uh are you in a birch Forest yep build right build straight up wait can we make soup from I forget

Can’t we make soup from the uh from the rooms in here I see you hul behind you fcking hi hello there’s a Soul Sand valy here I’m running out of food I just remembered I need more Al so I need three wood wood oh I am a monk however oh stand

Still I want your flesh where are you it’s getting dark and I’m scared uh Grim you’re not leaving that disgrace of a dirt pillar there it’s our Beacon oh hello don’t worry I’ll be gone like few hours as about 36 holy [ __ ] yep run out of Diamonds oh wait no right can do

This okay let’s try and build another portal see where it goes not a single run has gone fast we hasn’t beaten a shicken to death I should we oh there it is and then I area mine right before I go through this sucks still this sucks balls new plan push me

Out come back out I’m destroying the portal not going to mine the corners no that’s taking way too long you’ll be fine I destroyed the portal where am [Laughter] I oh I see you hold on see simple obsidian Farm my friend mine mine mine M mine mine mine mine mine mine it’s simp

It’s simple simp [ __ ] I don’t remember the line I don’t remember the line it’s simp s symmetry my friend that’s that’s the one oh yeah you don’t watch movies I can’t believe that you only watch the [ __ ] lord of rings not not only uh-huh what else do

You watch I don’t I don’t watch like series if that’s what you’re that’s from the FNAF movie okay well that’s FNAF hey Will welcome well FNAF is awesome I promise yep they they made a they they made a pillow for [Laughter] it where did you go how can you lose me

I was running in a straight line do you see the jungle I was I wasn’t keeping do you see the jungle uh I see oh hi don’t forget about the best part of sh was The Man Behind the [Laughter] slaughter destroying the portal should you strand the other guy there

True I [ __ ] hate this game what lava Pool okay let’s try it again oh this is more valuable than obsidian I need like I am actually I’m surprised I don’t have any wood [ __ ] hey by the way watch out behind you [Laughter] H I was really tempted to not say anything you would have probably died in the

Explosion do you have any food uh I have uh way thanks man ah my favorite if you want to cook it here no it’s fine I’ll take it raw sure I’ll cook my food done why don’t like it that’s more like it there we go uhoh what portal might be getting destroyed

Here oh my first iron inot F come on ow can’t come down from here go away stinker if only I had some furnaces oh wait I have 36 no n I just got here no n [ __ ] off this is not allowed stop I can get one oh my God I tyone

I need I need ah you need one gold I have gold thank you oh that’s is okay never mind we’re good now can I have some of that back got hungry sorry oh yeah going to Back just immediately react to the go yeah hey man do you want some do you want some other stuff um sure yeah here you go take that take this take that take that actually take those take that as well yeah those that uh yeah yep do you want this what

Do I want what huh do you want this hold on second do have this have have that uh you know what actually have that as well what I’m thinking about have that that that this and that and that and that you’re not allowed you’re not allowed to have this one this one is

For me a okay you can have it now yeah okay [Laughter] goodbye you got too many skill points no I used the skill points way before you did that we still the dramatic music but that was really funny nuh N I think you might just be delayed you lie Grim

Wrong when I saw it I I had I had used all my points already I could have gotten more upy you were still going for gold when I redeemed I didn’t see that ratio I guess guy holding your child above the source of their life so they freeze to death very

Based why would they do this Grim it’s it’s it’s time for The Detour is it I think it is are you just melting all the copper yeah yeah you are I dropped your bucket just go get lava what if I go into a fortress now what what could we have as a detour

Now oh they all have nether right now yeah I forgot about that [ __ ] nothing here what if I fly through the different biomes now can I still get the advancements when I’m dead probably not right Grim needs a parish that automatically ends his life we can do

That in some places uh but it can’t be Universal it’s not working Universal of course mine 50 yeah 503 he got all of the stuff I had start collecting for this and when I got into the nether I was going to be so good but I didn’t find any [ __ ]

Gold oh my God are you serious we were in a good spot in the portal before this okay okay the all the portal that we had before is right next to the new one we we walked like a couple steps in the overall that’s like half a millimeter

Here this is such a good spot didn’t know it oh I’m so pissed in Old risk rain it just shattered him to dust I don’t even remember that but I believe you it’s getting close to it oh my God so what’s your plans now right right now uh Fortress yeah something like that

[ __ ] ol of still doesn’t have a class wait oh okay no I thought I got 41 nuggets from one [Laughter] or gold it’s not that much of gold I I play part of gold which allows to draw 40 more gold I play pot of gold which allows me

To get 40 gold from one bane of gold grim look at stream Clips let’s see I would like to find a fortress Mr Porky explode oh I found one whoa Mr pork they do exist oh that’s that’s not a Zombie Pigman Mr Porky explode what if I just dropped some gold on

Him it’s so good Mr Porky explode soon Mr Porky I I want to know hold up M what happened in this clip like do you have a stream open uh no and I’m in a little you know you know in the beginning when I said like Mr Porky explode and you just fell

Off oh yeah do you do you remember why you just fell off did you just not see the edge uh I was there a block of water no not even remotely nearby I don’t know maybe I just maybe think I oh they have netherite armor as well you cursed

Him what is netherite armor my my mind Rejects My Body [Laughter] obeys oh hello what if you got I could I could do a reset right I’m kind of okay on points un is being Sh come on kill a blaze that’s all you have to do to start the ender dragon fight the intern simply followed your [Laughter] command I don’t even think you have to get the Blaze Rod did that not BL oh you need a blaz never mind somebody play that Looney

Music somebody play that Lun music right now I realized the musical pause Hold On music we got to see the Ender Dragon before the stream ends I kind of want to end stream now can go late be quiet I think this the last run but I really want to keep going with this

Though this was [ __ ] awesome you can’t do it come on unknown he’s right there I need it let me 57 points holy [ __ ] is that from the copper I gave you is that do you have all those points from the copper I gave you uh partially

That makes sense all they I also just had a [ __ ] ton of copper on me this is a good place to be in I’m going down taking a blaze down with me I got he did it the struggle this here now you just have to get out it was worth explodes ball

And now we just uh spy on h no he [ __ ] RP shove harp [Laughter] sh F the [Laughter] killionaire it’d be funny though if you fell off right now no no I won’t I want to get a little bit more gold first please fall into the

Lav if you were standing still like I was just about to go creative and just destroy the pl under you no no I want to get a bit [Laughter] more I just stay in the air for a couple seconds can loot fall down yeah ah fire

Resistance I should I should get a class now you probably should you’re a killionaire after do I want to get more health no almost won that run did we did we quick he do heals you for a few Hearts cool and you can level it up as well yeah um it’s

Funny I should probably get like a damage abil shouldn’t I what Grim died yeah isn’t that crazy nle I wonder what happened you know you’re in trouble when he uses your full name no his name is Sir nabt all right yeah my bad you’re right I have six still I

Spin I spent all mine on Max health I spent all mine maxing out my sword imagine spending anything on Max Health SM AG if I breathe in Direction you will coll you will collap damn I will collapse if you are in my general colle direction anyways guys guys we got to

Get a screeny oh my God it’s end of the stream this sucks I hate the oh my God guys it’s a oh my God this is awesome isn’t no way guys yo Grim would win in a fight I think whoa [ __ ] minecra Minecraft moment guys I just found this new way to

Play Minecraft and I’m here with my good friend unknown signal and this [ __ ] can we beat the Ender Dragon before the world becomes too difficult to bear no stay watching can we beat the Ender Dragon before the weight of reality crushes her [Laughter] dreams the answer may shock

You you guys should have a final PVP run I’m down no sure what what we just kill each other yeah yeah that’s fun we got to no we can’t kill each other right when we spawn in we got to move away a bit and then we have like

You know yeah okay everyone move kill each no no kill each other kill each other we got we got to find land first you two kill each other yes sir oh we have we have a battle arena over here we have an arena I’m droning hold on need to have this

Equipped that that doesn’t heal nearly as much as I thought it would you shouldn’t use that more wait no no we we should just gang Grim do this let me do this what get the [ __ ] back here Oh ding ding ding ding [ __ ] I [Laughter] can’t I was like to mention I have lost not a single thing by the way get away from me your your balls are weakless under under Water what I can’t even hit you what I my my attacks do no damage what I’m built different this is just going to be boring I think I’m build different why don’t you deal damage this is awesome yeah why do you actually not hit me I I can’t even okay this sucks can

You not do it because you’re a Healer I don’t can you wait hold on can either you damage I’m so cool oh my God fight fight fight fight no this is boring d okay am I in the wrong game mode hit me now what no you don’t you just don’t

Take damage this is fantastic no wait huh I couldn’t even I couldn’t throw the healing potion while I was looking at you do I take damage let me let me try this yeah I can how much damage does that do by the way not that much yeah you just you just don’t take

Damage I’m so cool no I take damage I take damage you take you don’t take damage why SL kill wa what the [ __ ] oh I can’t do that command I take damage from you right yeah what okay I’ll take it I win no I win you win by default that hardly

Counts I win I win H in a sec why did I take damage no l skill issue he’s a Healer however this is stupid you can’t even use my spells you’re not you’re not [ __ ] in the Arts okay anyway I’m built different that’s what

I’m saying H and H win stream I think he was winning anyway this is fun I like that yeah as you as you can see he’s clearly the best player in in our group yep Mr pory explode yeah and there’s nothing to disprove that he’s the best

One not a single moment in the entire stream that proves that he is bad at the game not a single moment at all yeah none at all he’s so good all the time let’s see let’s see let’s see who can we raid he smell good hey how about we how about we hold

On let let’s let’s kill fishy if he hits 30 viewers immediately dies let’s do that okay everyone everyone when we raid this when we raid fishy everyone you say time for knife he has in his title if we hit 30 viewers I will immediately be killed with a

Knife so everyone everyone when when you when we raid when we raid fishy you say time for knife it’s that [Laughter] simple time to get stabbed yeah wait do time for knife call 3 do what Deon do do do Deon dude copy deons copy deons okay byebye everyone thank you all

So much for stopping by this is way too dramatic music for the end of the stream this is awesome okay anyways bye-bye everyone this was very fun this was very cool and until next time Bing Bong you the YouTube viewer time for knife

This video, titled ‘Minecraft roguelite Rougecraft’, was uploaded by Grimenx VODs on 2024-01-09 16:34:23. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:23 or 13043 seconds.

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  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More