INSANE Minecraft room size challenge!

Video Information

I’m building a house in Minecraft but every room is a random size with the help of this handy dandy random number generator we’ll be able to create the most random and chaotic house in Minecraft this is how it’s going to work I’m going to get two random numbers from

The number generator and that will be the dimension of whatever room I see fit so if I get something huge like 10x 10 I might want to make that a kitchen if I get something small like 3×4 then that would probably be a bathroom if for some

Reason all of my numbers are roughly the same size well there’s nothing I can really do about that and that’s why it’s a challenge I’ve got some planks the generator has been set now let’s see what size room we get our first room will be

7 by four let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh I should explain I’m going to pretend these walls don’t exist so I’m going to make the interior of all these spaces the actual number so the inside will be 7×4 you see what I mean the inside is

7×4 but the outside is actually 9 by six if I included the walls in that size uh this is all we would have to build with so it’s just not going to work that way so the walls will not Count ta okay now to make this a little bit more challenging I’m actually going to pick and decorate each room as we go so I won’t be able to look at all of our rooms and pick where to put things that way I’m just going to have to decide

Right now what this room is going to be since this is Zone the smaller size we could make this a bathroom I just realized I don’t know how this layout is going to work wait how do I where do I put a door where do I put Windows

M you know what we’ll figure that out later in the middle of this wall we could place a double synced Vanity now I don’t have any mirrors unfortunately in this game but I do have these really pretty wall lamps just pretend there’s a a mirror in between those I mean we I

Guess we could kind of pretend with a banner oh okay that kind of works now on either side of the sink area we obviously need a place for a toilet and either a shower and a tub or both a shower in a tub I got some glass that we could put like

This for the shower wait we can do a shower and a toilet on this side and a tub on this side I don’t turn that back on we’ll Pretend This l is a shower head this button will turn the water on over here we’ll have our toilet and over here

We can make a tub with some trap doors now we just need a button for the water we can actually put some water in the tub then we’ll add a bit of carpet and some towels because we pretty much used three out of four walls in this space I

Guess that means our door has to go here now let’s see what our next room will be two by five what am I going to make this 2×5 a closet maybe a pantry then this is not good okay um 2x 5 2x 5 2x 5 looks

Like this what the heck wait it’s tiny but it could be a storage room so like a closet but like for chests and stuff all right obviously this can’t go here uh it has to be connected to the house maybe wait a minute better idea maybe it’s a walk-in closet off of the

Bathroom I did put a double sink in here so this could be like a primary suet bathroom okay let’s see so if it’s 2x 5 we have 1 2 3 4 5 and then we’ve got two 1 2 3 4 5 and two then we break this open and this

Could just be like a closet and I guess the door would have to also be here to a future bedroom so you’re kind of like walking through the closet to get to the bathroom there’s really no other way to do it I don’t I don’t know where else to

Put the door in here to leave anywhere else I mean maybe like like that I could we could put a door there okay maybe we do that instead hold on we’re putting a door here so that it’s a little less awkward 1 2 3 4 5 okay

Ta there’s our closet let’s just replace the floor and now we can figure out where to put things do I at least have a laundry basket no basket that’s like a picnic basket this is kind of like a little storage basket this may work for some that’s really big I don’t know

Never mind okay wait a minute I’m finding things how about this we could add a bunch of these drawers this oh it’s very tight in here it’s going to be very hard to try un close ah what if we just had like two sides like this and

Then like shelf shelf shelf shelf and maybe hold on wait oh ooh that looks kind of nice and you can actually kind of walk in here now again I’m going to use the uh light gray Banner trick to make a pretend mirror beautiful and now we can add some

Glowes to our armor stands wait can I put stuff on these shelves oh oh that’s perfect wait this could be Sho shelves oh whoa wait a minute okay I didn’t know I has such fun armor good by netherite see you later look at this look at this one oh

My goodness what even is this platinum armor oh my gosh oh that’s beautiful hold on I want to add all the boots look what I found since we have a lot of shoes going on in this closet we could pretend that this box is a shoe box

Taada okay hopefully this next room can be a bit bigger four by three this generator hates me what am I going to build that’s 4×3 oh no I don’t even know where to put something that’s 4×3 wait what about here 4×3 1 2 3 4 1 2

3 what even is this what even is this I need to be building like actual house things like a kitchen a living room a bedroom maybe a sun room and an office I this will not do I don’t even know what to do with

This okay I used my brain a little bit I figured out what I can do with this space it’s not like the best idea and it actually only works if we get big numbers next time but um this could be a pantry to a potential kitchen a strong

Emphasis on the word potential there because I don’t know what we’re going to get also so I think that this is going to be the front of the house so we’re going to have to add some windows eventually that might be kind of awkward because so far the front two rooms are a

Bathroom a and a pantry so um I guess maybe I might as well just start doing this that’s where the towels are okay um it’s fine we’ll just move those there perfect now for this walk-in Pantry I think we’re just going to put a bunch of

Shelves and chests in here and there we go okay I want my next room now I want something bigger please five by 8 we might be able to make that work 5x 8 5 by 8 let’s see what does that look like wait a minute let’s be

Smart about this if I build a kitchen that’s this shape that might make the front of this house look really weird but if I rotate it to go this way then it might make the front look better and possibly let us have an open concept kitchen living or dining room area yep

Let’s do the second option that’s not bad I move the door to the pantry over by one block that way we can push this kitchen back a little bit making the front a little bit more interesting and not so flat and I actually think it works obviously we

Need a nice big window in the front so let’s just put that right there we’ll swap out the floors and now we can decorate a kitchen first I think it would look nice if we switched up the textures a little bit so because this is where the majority of my cabinets are

Going to go we can use diorite for a backsplash in the center of this wall we can have an oven surrounding it we could have some cabinets a refrigerator and then some upper cabinets over by the window we can add a sink and in the middle of the space we can build an

Island now to make this room feel a little more lived in we could put a kitchen mat by the sink a toaster over here maybe a few cups some plates a sandwich salt and pepper shakers and some plants now we can just add some glass to all these windows and hope our

Next room will be large enough for a living room the random generator will give us 10 by 10 this is literally so perfect since our kitchen was 5x 8 and our living room is now going to be 10x 10 that means we can Center it to this room

And have an open area so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay now because this house is kind of getting a little long I’m going to keep the living room simple just so that we can expand

Where we need to as you can see I did put Windows on this wall because I don’t want to go out this way anymore so this will be the end of the house and between these two windows we’re obviously going to add a fireplace on either side we

Could have some hanging plants with some lamps in the corners then to keep things cozy we’ll add a carpet and since I kind of have this pastel blue and white theme going on I’m going to use these white armchairs for sofas and chairs but I’m going to surround them with some trap

Doors to give them some color perfect we could always add some more decorations later but for now I really want to see what size room we’re going to get if we get something small we can make an entryway and if we get something AIT bigger then we can make a dining room

Four by S okay 4 by S that’s sweet isn’t that what we got for this bathroom this is 4×7 okay so I’m imagining maybe a tiny dining room in that space or maybe a decent sized entryway I honestly feel like either one would work but let’s see so we have 1 2

3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I feel like it’s a little long for an entry way but if I close close my eyes a little bit it makes the front of the house look a bit better wait this could be like an entryway porch kind of sunroom place no

Hold on I have ideas ideas are happening okay it might be kind of weird because I’m building the porch kind of front entryway area up a block but like a little stair is fine maybe not right there though maybe we could put stairs there and then have front doors here

This could work since we’re not counting walls we don’t really need these here so instead we can just add some stairs here maybe some upside down stairs on the sides for some detail and then on all these Corners we could add posts so we’ll put a wall there a wall here a

Wall here a wall here and a wall here now I know it looks a little funny right now but just pretend there’s a roof and that it’s finished in between the posts we can have add a little bit of fencing and then because we do have this space

Right here we could add a bench and some plants now that our house has a proper entryway there’s only two more spaces we have to build well maybe three depending on what numbers we get I would really love to add a dining room off of the

Living room and we also need a bedroom but I was looking at the layout of this house and if you want to get into this bathroom you have to like go around the side and I don’t think that’s going to work we’re either going to have to get a

Weird number for a potential hallway or we might have to move that door our next room will be 2 by 10 wait that could actually work for a hallway Let’s see we have a space of two and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this could Work okay we actually go to hallway to make this like not so awful though I think it would be pretty if we had like tons of windows down here oh but it’s 10 spaces so it’s not going to be even hold on oh no no how about that that works

Maybe a couple of plants and a bit of carpet as a runner there’s even enough space at the end to attach another room let’s hope our numbers are good eight by 9 that’s actually really good I think 8 by 9 is too big for a dining

Room though so so let’s make that the bedroom now because we have a lot of space in here we can make a king-sized bed we’ll put three like this surrounded by some slabs and now we have a giant bed on either side of the bed we can add

Some light blue dressers obviously we have to put some lamps on them and then in this area behind the bed we could add some plants some cacti a Cool Glow shom Terraria and a record player across from the bed we can put a tiny TV on the wall

Then we can add some carpet some sheep plushies and some books cute now that that’s done hopefully we can get a decent size for the dining room six by 9ine this space is actually perfect for a dining room off of the living room but we’ve got a problem there’s nothing

Connecting this half of the house to this half of the house unless we want to walk outside to get to the bedroom we’re going going to have to add one more space and hope it fits in this place three by three okay those aren’t the exact numbers that I would have chosen

But I think we can make it work unfortunately I won’t be able to have the dining room centered on this wall but we could just move it over a little Bit there we go so we can now create an opening from the living room to the dining room and now with this tiny 3×3 space we have access to the other rooms for this space we’ll add an area rug then we’ll add a table obviously add a

Bunch of chairs we can place some cups on the table have a plant in the middle put some more plants around the room and we can create an accent Wall well now that everything’s mostly done I’m going to add a few more details I should probably add a roof and then we’ll go on a Tour Tada look I know it’s not great but for what I had to work with it’s not bad our house now has a roof it’s very uh it’s interesting but it works let’s go on a tour so as you just saw this is the outside of the house then first we have

Our entryway for this I just made a little porch we’ve got a bench and a little plant and then the first thing you see when you walk inside is the living room in the living room we’ve got a cozy fireplace lots of cushions and places to sit we’ve got lamps

Bookshelves plants and tons of Decor across from the living room we have the kitchen we’ got little cups on the island there’s a sandwich over here again uh there’s lots of plants and over here we have the sink right off the kitchen we have a little Butler’s Pantry

I kept it really simple in here and I didn’t really decorate but we do have our cups and plates on display now if we go back out this way that little 3×3 hallway that we got actually worked out because not only does it give us a way

To the bedroom from the dining room but we can also get there through the kitchen before we go that way though let’s go to the dining room so in the dining room obviously we’ve got a table with some chairs we’ got a couple plants a light I made like an accent wall with

Some trap doors and then over here we have a frog photo between the dining room and the bedroom this is that little hallway that we got and I just decided to decorate it with some cushions and plants so that we could have a little window seat I think it’s cute but now

Here’s where things get a little weird uh if you ever had guests over at this house they would have to go through the master bedroom to get to the bathroom I don’t think it’s possible to get to the bathroom from nope okay that’s the closet yeah there’s no way that I could

Have connected the bathroom any other way so this is how you’d get there before we head to the bathroom first we have the master bedroom with our giant king-sized bed I actually placed one of the plants with a poed camera because I found all these pictures to display

Besides those pictures we obviously have lots of plants a record player books and sheep plushies now if we were to leave this space and go down this awkward hallway this is how you’d get to the bathroom in this bathroom we have a toilet some tow towels a shower sinks a

Tub and then through this door we have the walk-in closet even though it’s a little bit of a maze to get around this house I really like it what do you think about this random house let me know what your favorite room is in the comments

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This video, titled ‘💜Minecraft BUT Every Room is a RANDOM SIZE’, was uploaded by Katherine Elizabeth on 2023-12-02 17:20:01. It has garnered 799485 views and 7151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:14 or 1094 seconds.

💜MERCH! 💜 Building a minecraft house but every room is a random size!

For this Minecraft challenge video I built a minecraft house using a random number generator! Random numbers make random sized rooms. Which room is your favorite?!

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    Server Information: Server Address: Join Our Discord! Key Features: Custom Vanilla: Experience our server with a twist on Vanilla Minecraft. Play with custom materials, items, and weapons to combat unique adversaries. Dungeons and Quests: Protect Rosefall and uncover its mysteries. Delve into dungeons, tackle quests, and progress through the storyline while collecting impressive loot. Player-Driven Economy: Trade freely and set up player-run shops anywhere in the world, shaping the server’s economy. User-Friendly Land Claiming: Safeguard your property effortlessly with Golden Shovels provided from the start. Free Ranks: Earn ranks by playing and advancing on the server. Each rank… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who else misses this?

    “Ah, the good old days when all we had to worry about was Creepers blowing up our houses instead of adulting.” Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build

    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc “Finally, a game where my inability to stack blocks properly is explained by ‘realistic physics’.” Read More

  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

    Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!Video Information This video, titled ‘He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-15 16:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey … Read More

  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Nico's Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NICO Vacation In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-15 03:00:34. It has garnered 356182 views and 5196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, everyone has a NICO Vacation in Minecraft! The kids takes Nico and his friends on a mysterious island! What will happen on this Nico Vacation?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss 😭 MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

    "Tragic Minecraft Loss 😭 MrCreeper's Best Friend Dies" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft death of best friend 😥😪😭 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrCreeper on 2024-07-13 14:52:03. It has garnered 485 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftMods #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftTutorials #MinecraftTips #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftServer Minecraft Creative Minecraft Building Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Singleplayer Minecraft Mods Minecraft Skins Minecraft Maps Minecraft Server Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Crafting Minecraft Mining Minecraft Blocks Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Ender Minecraft Nether Minecraft Biome Minecraft Village Minecraft Farming Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Texture Pack Minecraft Resource Pack Minecraft Realms Minecraft Command Blocks Minecraft… Read More

  • “🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥” #minecraft #gaming

    "🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king👑 on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. descord link Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hàng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More