Insane Minecraft Server Fun with Fans at Zevcraft!

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Good okay what is it what is the it’s site 516 on my yeah so my not let me uh is it on uh like is it on a what like how can you see it what did you literally type slash jooin site 516 yeah it’s kind it’s like big brain STS you

Know okay okay good my my mic sounds good hello bacon live um here let me hey can you like help me get some sure yeah yeah here let me pck my Discord I got nothing bro why can’t I okay I need to there we go there we go my chat overlay is now

Working hello hi um who’s here all right I also I got media rank so just cool like that yeah all right um I could probably also get a media I got Subs but like I get 3,000 views on my videos you wait you do let me see uh not every but like

Some what is that oo gold nuggets Yum Yum Yum Yum you have you got 15 views on your last video what are you talking about yeah last video yeah because I uploaded it too fast you oh you’re talking about shorts yeah shorts okay well yeah I mean shorts yeah hello the

Tree help me bro the those guns are [ __ ] dangerous Fu what you me you expect them to not be yeah me let okay hello oh bro that guy is killing me help help help help help help me help me help me G hey yeah all right all right I need to

Like here’s some come here hey okay I need to get like a see-through Hearts texture pack like a um like a what’s called what’s called I need a um oh sorry sorry sorry I didn’t know maybe I should get like a a here is there a mod

That lets my me see my hearts easier and they’re not this like okay hey oh my God no mon dr’s just open get back here no no oh wait that was you not this oh that no that was that guy that was that guy

Why did I H him why did I hit him why did I hit him why did I hit him where loot okay um let me check is there a health no I don’t want health indicators I just want o super simple health bar simple health bar that

Changes the way your health is displayed no this doesn’t look like what I want I just want to see no [ __ ] I don’t want that [ __ ] what is going on is that safe kind of only one attacks you okay so what do I need I I I I need swad

Sword and Riot stuff where did I get that I’m just going to get you some some of these for okay where where where here okay okay Tzu you’re over here all right T come on yeah yeah uh it’s an SCP server yeah it’s actually cool like it’s good ow why did I

Okay all right all right what stuff do you have nothing I got one one and a half stacks of gold I’m so you should here here what what armor are you on no armor I need wait oh you have no armor okay then you need to start all the way back

Here yeah yeah you need to start you need to start uh okay why okay there we go it’s opening so wait you can’t hell oh we got close ey okay you need to start down here hi I’m fory all right all right yeah you need to start down here okay I

Need shank how do I get shank uh shank so basically you go you get gold nuggets by walking on these things then you go over to Timmy Jimmy and you trade in oh yeah you go over to Timmy Jimmy you trade in buy gold nuggets for a prison

Coin and then you can trade it in for shank and this stuff why can I not drop items bro um yeah uh do SL toggle drops if you want to drop items oh toggle what is this guy you not to drop I got a gun now I’m going to kill

That here oh wait wait wait t t here t t here take take the oh wait I can’t I whatever I’ll just do this okay I’m just going to quickly get you some SWAT armor an AK cuz AKs are cool yes I here I’m going to go to where are you at come

Here I know I’m murdering him okay where what’s going on here fond where are you I’m in spawn I’m getting him through the first tore oh okay okay you do that here I’m going to I’m heading over I have oh my God there’s some sweaty guy there oh why

This guy just dude this guy’s broken oh God uh here yo so you need to get hey ELO get out three people Max get out yeah three people Max ELO all righty get get out three people Max three people Max in this PC here okay what’s what’s this okay right so I

Need to go I need to go past it oh no no I don’t want to go back on the pr wait okay there we go there we go finally over here fairness bro they don’t care can I what um okay T come into this corner all right

Umis so I need to start with Egypt okay there you go that’s next I’m going for this guy this guy is like I think this guy is better oh oh no no you’re right yeah it’s it’s a progression okay whatever hang on I’m going it whoever killed me there there’s a hunting rfle

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey there we go oh this is going to take a while isn’t it I want to oh and he wait he only drops one now or did they did they change the prices I hope they change the prices if he only

Drops one now let me check let me check okay um spiky hey I still need 48 spiky is threatening me by standing straight spy do spiky wait I need oh I need the old man’s cane first actually here I I’ll I’ll here oh God oops hey hey hey okay there we

Go hey man I’m just sneaking I’m just saying hi stop killing each other El’s actually being friendly for once let him be oh God oops I accidentally just used an ability that I didn’t mean to use why are you like this yeah exactly just stop killing he’s trying I’m trying to help him

Bro and I’m just calling did I oh crap I accidentally set my spawn point here okay here I’ll come back to the area you guys are at in a bit wait oh no the CIU I just you’re at the CI stuff okay to kill you you to kill him and he

Is like 10 times better gear and I just comboed him uh I need a ke where did I get I need to go out of here I need to go this is grease this is exit okay cuz I need to Gra from this idea how do you get here let me get you

Level three okay and how much do I need to upgrade to so I need to I need 25 fragments oh okay so this this should be the kind of the easy part uh I just need to find okay how much does this cost it

Only costs six how many do I have I felt like I had more yesterday where where did I use them them all four do I have like pv1 or something right I put the I I’m smart I’m smart I’m smart I’m smart we’re going to grind

This one cuz this is like the best one for early game players okay I only need two more I only need two more but the the mini ones give so much oh you you guys are fighting that yeah right the mini ones are so valuable like they’re

Like 10 times better than the small one I need key cards I can’t get out of here I hate spawn invincibility makes it way more annoying to kill them you just kill the small ones I’ll kill the big guy okay hello sir for a year and then we get we get

Stuff I’m just going to stand back and do this okay it’s time to grind ancient Pebbles all right I’m I’m pretty much dead now I’m in half a heart all right I’m going to take that stuff okay I got this guy all right there we go there we go

I’m going just doing I’m doing well I’m doing well I’m doing well can you get me out of here please um what are you guys doing SCI okay I got oh my God I started streaming and it got up to 15 that’s nice okay now I just need a [ __ ] key card

Bro where you go need I’m getting the key card I have key cards for you of level two already don’t okay okay I think I just need I need 64 of these no wait cuz I need 48 each time it’s so annoying and then I I’m just going to

Attack something and then die yeah exactly that’s what I want it I got you level three where are you at I’m at the thing where you get the level three come on follow me through here go to here wait somebody open the end what what there you go and what what

Does it do level three key card so you can get up to more places so you now need to grind this guy oh crap oh crap okay okay time to last he’s going to try to kill you he is killer this guy literally has killer all right

Um let’s go over here your gun is probably the most effective I’m just going to say wait so where are you guys um the agent where I got so many Prison coins you know that zero oh you guys you guys are at this guy here here

Do you want me to just here can I here tesu tesu let me let me beat him up for a bit okay here I just need prison compress sorry sorry let me toggle drops I got 29 compressed Prison coins all right no not that many you have 29

Comess Prison coins yeah I had so many emeralds left okay now I just need seven more compressed I have 18 I have 26 so here let me drop you seven drop two s there you go H the problem is I don’t have food W I usually don’t stream this early in the

Morning it’s kind funny here yeah you don’t here T take this oh oops what the hey hey you let him out oh sorry T I might have just hit you oh no yeah I think I did where’s tier spiky spiky I don’t think you want to fight Z yeah we’re here okay we’re

Going here now tuu all right this guy is probably the easiest I think oh it’s clown Pierce let me kill him I wouldn’t call this guy the easiest in the area yeah oh yeah I guess I guess in this area in this area I I was like I

Mean there’s like definitely slime is easier than but you know yeah hunting rifle is probably the best way to kill him I got a hunting rfle I just don’t get the gun other guns I’m dead all right uh oh not what I meant to

Do okay what do I need to get the gold potion I need to go and check all right so the does this guy sell okay he sells God potions oh I just need these fragments okay I should probably get some of these donez stand back you’re going to

Die yeah yeah I need some of these random let kill the random um okay oh God he deals a lot of damage me just St there we go there we go okay much better bro spiky stop you don’t have that oh there’s more oh this helps a lot with fighting

Him oh wow okay oh flashbang this is an actual flashbang all right old man I got two [ __ ] candles that’s nothing old man I’m fighting you and wearing your underwear at the same time What huh what you didn’t hear anything huh who said something you said something why did you

Say something so weird Von why are you so weird Von stop being weird you said it no I didn’t say anything you said something hm what I’m going to get some yo thatone that what no who’s who’s who’s wearing old man’s underwear I’m not wearing old man’s underwear you’re wearing old man’s

Underwear not wear cool man you co man he can hit me from a while oh my God this speeds me up a lot okay wait oh no no this I still need to get old man’s cane okay how many does this cost I just need 20 this this is

Actually I think the easiest one to upgrade all right old man come here come here old man thank you boun guy that snaps your neck what guy oh the the 173 yeah he snaps your neck if you stop looking at him he’s where is he where is he where is

He he’s in place far away I I don’t want to fight the ravager he’s he’s weird mhm thank you very much sir pezo you’re fine if you think you’re not you’re fine I died see you’re fine I just just like Fon said you’re fine you’re fine to I

Said you’re fine I see you and you’re fine what’s going on all right um the annabis okay I need to what SE what did you just say what spiky says he killed 173 it’s cool all right I think I Need Just A little oh

Oops not what I meant to do all right I think I have enough let’s see if I have enough of this um I still need more okay I need to just go in there for a little longer come here old man you need to get beat

Up don’t you guys just love beating up old man don’t take that out of context out of Contex oh that gu has so much range where are you I’m fighting the slimes now since they’re the easiest I know spiky so so true so true all right oh my God what the hell die

[ __ ] got him all right um oh that guy has reach what hacker hacker who has reach that Bot Man Who yeah the Bots are always they have killer lit Kora grenade yeah they the the Bots have Kora I mean like how like you know it’s it’s

Like the easiest way to Cod it you know just making them hit whatever’s near them yeah pretty much they can attack anything in their range di old man all right just waiting waiting waiting and kill him oh no no kill him man 999 is so mean he tries to crush you

He’s so nice he just he wants to give you a big nice hug and then he ends up killing you in the but like we don’t talk about that part yeah yeah it’s just a nice it’s a nice little hug what is going on over there

Tzo are you in 999 having a good time n he’s not with 999 so he’s not having a good time um ah oh my God I just need to kill him one more time oh this is great this is great this is great here kill old Mano wow yo everyone

Laugh yes finally okay okay I can put these over here I like this now I I throw everything I don’t need in there I got I got these why do I keep having to combo them all yes look at this amazing oh yo hey oh he is oh my God that’s really good

Gear okay it’s time to start grinding for this wait did I go to the wrong one yeah I went to the wrong one I’m smart Okay Egypt I go to egyp oh wait there we go this should be close enough Boop thank you sir SS like an explosion

Hm oh somebody LED off an explosion or something on the um 999 I wonder how much damage this like how long it takes to kill him with this I do people always do it to 999 well cuz 999 is great to kill it with explosions cuz it also kills his

Little like minion man minion men that’s that’s what they are they’re minion men thank you very much sir ah I need so many of these I wish you dropped more ow spiky all right all right how do I um oh I I want to tell

This guy you do like no damage uh step on pressure plate to get gold and trade them in for coins there we go there we go all right um oh my God Who ah Sky come here sir yeah I get die oh these guys are so hard to

Grind swords do not deal enough damage I need yes I finally have a compressed Moon Rock oh I only need 15 more and no actually way more than 15 hello sir oh what’s this oh thank you okay okay I just need oh nope I still definitely cannot wait oops

Sorry oh I have slow mode I uh oopsies oops all right all right I’m I’m big I’m big friend oh hello oh wait yeah you get right I get SL fly cuz I wait or do I get slf I Get slf Right ultimate moderation you cannot use that command

Oh I thought that uh they said meteor rank got all Class A perms or class s perms all right there we go hi oh he me oops I got sneak kill I keep on killing these guys by accident oh God uh uh uh uh grinding I’m op cuz I’m

Grinding yeah yeah uh yeah that’s it grinding gr grinding yeah mhm that’s how I did I grinded nothing else nothing else happened just grinding yeah you’re good so you didn’t use yeah nothing nothing else happened dud just grinding just grinding you know grinding the ad

Didn’t give yeah no no yeah I don’t know what you’re talking just grinding grinding I just I just grinded really really no how do I keep on doing that every time somebody comes near I don’t want to blow people up I just I just you kill him stop

Sorry come on Sir stop killing my left click it’s left click every time so every time I hit him okay okay I’m going to be very careful just to okay oh yeah this guy has a I’ll just I’ll just use this instead oh okay 18 players yeah I’m live um yeah uh YT

Yipp yeah yeah all right um yeah I feel like it’s more of an early morning stream but you know it is bro then get daylight time today as well most people I’m sorry oh wait what’s down here I saw this the other day I don’t know what wait what

In okay I can’t get in all right all right thank you thank you sir oh my God Zev can I join VC uh no sorry it’s only three people people in VC cuz I feel like after three gets a little too chaotic oh my God why is

There so many people in VC okay I’m moving everyone out who’s muted no oh no I’m not M there’s three people now so okay everyone who’s muted is getting moved out no T supposed to speeding who’s first yeah but he muted if you’re if you’re just sitting in here

Muted I can give you perms to join but um here but Z but where are you at right now did you get like stuff for your for your right all right uh no the ad didn’t no no yeah I I’m just I just grinded

Like a oh my God I’m yeah yeah the ad didn’t or anything oops sorry sorry sorry sorry I meant to hit him he didn’t DM me um uh yeah nothing happened see the I just grinded a lot cuz I’m just good at the game I don’t cause chaos I just I

Don’t want more than three people in cuz it it just is chaos like just all everyone trying to talk over each other hello hello hello hello hello sir you damn it oh no you said it in the boxing VC does zcraft camir have something for

Okay hi hi hello oh what’s this it’s a rose poppy uh thanks what’s I I think I think you guys dropped one earlier so I have two now think you guys oh wait what’s the poppy yes poppy all right I actually need to re uh God potion cuz

Um oh you should give me a god potions I I mhm are they expensive for you no they’re really really cheap cuz I they oh my God bro every time every time every time I’m so sorry I’m so sorry okay okay okay I’m going to

Make sure I just hit this guy I’m going to make sure that I don’t hit in the air cuz if I hit in the air then I’ll accidentally kill people hi hi oh that’s some strong armor some strong armor dude his armor is so powerful he’s just one topping

It wait can I how much much do I do when I hit oh Talisman where do you get talismans I want a Talisman ah get crit canceled oh oh oh I just could canceled him except he didn’t crit me Ze am I hacking am I hacking

Guys you can see uh my hackerman’s right oh all slow mode slow mode slow mode it’s fine all right I need to um okay I’m going to go to spawn for a minute cuz I need to figure out where do you get where’s talismans or they or are they back there

Are talisman’s over there where are they um here ELO where are you I’m at the uh uh s CB whatever I don’t remember yeah yeah well okay that that totally tells me where you oh you get them from events okay okay okay what what yeah that doesn’t really tell me

Much just saying I’m a s doesn’t that doesn’t really tell me where you are oh B you know like when you you have to to go to the First new portal like oh okay okay here one second I’m going to I’m going to go over here cuz I want

To see this okay how where what crates heavy at I want a oh Halloween crate is locked Omni crate okay this is yeah that’s that TR oh I see that’s the Talisman a man I really want that cuz that won’t that will mean that I don’t

Um it’ll mean I don’t have to worry about accidentally killing people near me oh this is the one that I saw earlier okay right a now I’m getting this okay this is just good job noral chest all right demon wings that thing that is a thing okay man I see so I need

To but it would take hours and hours and hours of my time to get this so I’m just going to go back so you’re just going to ask the to give you no no I I I’m just I’m just going to go back you know you

Know you know oh hello the noob uh welcome to the chat all right Noob BR why are you so fast me yeah oh hey phone here one second f f f f f f f take that what’s this ooh God potion what does it do didn’t I show you a weren’t you there

When when uh m4k gave us all God potions when we were just starting no he wasn’t no I wasn’t SP I want one let’s go and farm this idiot hi bro wait uh wait where are you ELO Oh I thought you were I thought you were at the first portal

Yeah but now I’m at spawn getting new key card oh okay hi Exile oh hey exiled okay exiled just giving I’m giving my viewers a little you know a little boost little little boost little little that that for a key card level three I can get little funny token yes

Where oh I just died I’m on like the fifth floor or something I don’t I know um I’m going to the the I lost it I’m going to the God Realm all right all right I’m finally back at the God Realm there we go I only have two level

Key card four so I can get a I can get one for I have to do that another time okay a oops uh can I have Boost since I’m a viewer yeah if you’re in game I don’t know where you are oh hello yeah I they said that uh media rank had perms

Of all um there we go rank’s below but uh I don’t see the I kept flying maybe that’s just like a bug you’re at spawn oh SL efly oh yo yo thank you thank you thank you thank you I did not realize that oh

That is nice okay I’m oh wait why am I eating gaps um just I’m trying to remember you trade in skulls and stuff all right um let me just eat this cuz I need I need saturation is four now to there we go okay take up here

Oh every time I go down every time I sneak to go down I just like send off like a sonic boom that’s 44 five okay that’s okay come here come here sir come here sir yeah mhm all right yeah I’ll come to you in a

Okay RI I’ll come to you hello where are you I don’t even see you I don’t even know where you are you you just like oh hey okay help for the viewer you know help for the viewer you’re just uh doing the I like oops I I didn’t mean to kill you

Sorry Sor sorry come here I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to kill you okay there you go there you go why does it look blue and I drop it on the ground but then it’s normal once if he picks it up weird okay yes yes you’re welcome epic viewers

All right what it’s like flashing to sometimes having two rows and sometimes having one row oh did I just go back I just went back didn’t I ah I don’t even know where I am okay going over here going over here you have 21 stacks of rocks for me okay I’m I’m

Coming all right I love how fast I can go with this okay hello oh hey Hey spook um oh oops I didn’t I didn’t mean to set that that Sonic Boom off my bad my bad there we go hey it’s very unpro okay there we go hey don’t come up here come hey

Hey there you go okay I took care of that so what point do you get the god potion what the god potion it’s where you get um in the last floor well I guess I’m technically on a floor right now but it’s like last SCP looking floor

This is the real I’m in the realm of the Gods now but it’s the easiest way to get it is with the old man cuz if you can one tap then he he just drops like you you he respawns really fast and so it’s really easy to get it with him hi hello

Okay let me oh oh let me check actually how I drop Oh Come okay hi welc come all right where are you toggle drops okay what what oh god potions a lot a lot of God thank you you should give me one of them I need to throw out my GL here I

Need to tole drops you should give me one of those gu potions you get you know you know best IDE in the world trust for real mhm mhm that’s why it’s the best IDE I didn’t immediately die I need to put this in there and put this in there

I need to put all my stuff that okay and I need to put some of these in here too there we go okay I got my inventory a little more organized now I just really need um fawn’s muted kick him SP no no he is not what are you

Talking about the tree what what are you on about what no did did you just start playing uh i m I’ve been muted a couple times ah you know I I started playing a from help I’m not saying anything I’m mute but otherwise I’m I’m talking yeah

Yeah I’m alive tree don’t worry bro when did I start playing well I mean you know it could have been yesterday it was it was yesterday it was most definitely yesterday yesterday I start Play You grinded a lot yeah just it was it was grinding I um it’s not like it’s not

Like told me ACH know it was it was just um it it was it was grinding okay I grinded yeah yeah and best grinder in the World grinding yeah I know I I did some off camera mining it was it was off camera mining guys yeah guys trust him

Camera it was all off camera you know it was all off camera yeah I we we off camera mining okay guys that’s a lot of it uh oh where do you get those cool potion things I want the infinite potion things that that seems nice I would like

You to give me a PO I already gave you a potion you did oops sorry sorry I I didn’t mean to kill you that fast oh actually I did over here going like this and there we go oh this is just a great way to do it can you kill fwn gazelle

From what’s fwn doing to you I don’t think that Crucible thing is infinite though what thing I don’t appreciate that it makes me feel not H not happy inside I feel BL now oh it’s wait it’s I didn’t even wait these bar you can open these

Barrels okay well that’s good to know I won’t have to toggle drops now to put my junk like my empty glass bottles two six let’s go all right um what is where does this go to what is this going to a shovel with redstone hello Mr okay he one Taps me

Okay I’m not going there anymore I’m going in there fun I know El it’s so fun when they can just I can just reset my point here what’s here okay all right now okay okay okay I have six compressed K’s favorite Moon and I need so so many more oh my

God okay so this is where I’m at I need ground Cur potions you just need oh you just need 64 compressed CP super coins for a potion what is I just go why am I in the end what is this place a temp what where are you

El temp weird smiley boss place uh are you in like the the devil no that that’s not a temple smile SM oh you’re at the smile oh God I’m I’m just sorry for you ELO hello uh good Gar I’m Bing that name gas I’m I’m sorry I totally botched that

Name but hi yeah I’m so sorry for you ELO oh my God here ELO I’m gonna I remember that so I’m I’m going to come and say hi and just uh oh oh this is just great plus I’m stuck in a hole you’re stuck in a hole you uh block

Glitch out that’s that’s what I always did when I was there uh I don’t have a block you don’t oh wait no I I do oh wait you’re already on this area nice okay so you’re at The Smiler I kind of just I didn’t have to hey

Okay here stand back ELO stand back stand back let me just okay um you going to One Tap him no that would never One Tap there a good person how did I die oh my bad my bad C4 wait what I I wasn’t even close to you oh sorry my bad my bad

You me like miles oh wow this doesn’t even do that much damage oh he killed everyone wait who a bunch of people just died oh sorry my bad my bad actually that might not him my bad that was probably somebody else is I’m coming Ze do not yeah I’m

Just I’m just a Elo Elo you might want to stand back cuz I if I miss him then everything around me just dies like yeah wait are you getting stuff well I already have five I I just wanted to upgrade my sword and my my thing how many do you need to

Do that I do not know oh hey I guess this is your friend yeah hi can you kill me what kill me why do you want to die he wants to die let him Die Why do you but why would you want to die I want to go

Back to see how much I need okay well just go into the Escape there’s an escape over there you can just go back over there and there shoot shot and kill me what is he oh my God oh my thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh yeah can I have a god potion a god oh yeah that that actually would help you a lot with this I don’t actually I mean it might you might still die but whatever you know take take a god potion this this might

Save you at some oh right I I need to I’m to die I need to actually take a god potion real quick okay um yeah yeah ELO so just take that and that you’re you’re going to need them for this this is this is going to take you a

While I only have the the head right now the other boss I just want to upgrade my sword and my all right oh [ __ ] I another hole okay hello there’s a bunch of explosives at spawn all right I might have exped a bunch I need five for the okay this is

Not too too bad I’m going over to um oh uh would you like to join the server I gave you oh yeah yeah yeah I’ll join that in a bit I’m just I’m playing this server for a bit cuz uh cool okay so yeah I

Need here let me uh did I just just go back I think I just oh wait I just went back to the exact same spot there we go okay now now I’ve gone down the path it’s really helpful thank you lot yes yes so now I I want to go grind the

Other boss before like I can finish upgrading my armor I just wanted to get uh uh better oh yeah what gear do you have I I have uh reinforced uh RT ah all right um and one oh my God I still only have nine and I need 16 just

To upgrade the sword and then cheapest I need 10 oh okay is this just a little expensive I could just sit here and constantly Crouch that oh hey wait genius is here oh wait genius yo hello oh first first I’m I’m the first one to

See the an Scara I’m cool like that yeah yeah guys I’m cool let’s go I’m I’m just too cool I’m literally just too cool oh my God I’m yeah I’m the first one to see annabis yeah oh and first kill on annabis too let’s go let’s go let’s go

Oh first kill on annabis oh yeah oh yeah SCH all the way first kill an anabis first kill an anabis oh yeah uh-huh uh-huh let’s go let’s go I didn’t even realize what’s who’s this guy who’s who’s this guy can I like click on him

Can I hit him wait am I I’m getting dealt damage I didn’t even realize somebody’s just Spam killing everyone oh probably what I’m not spam killing everyone dude I’m I’m not even close to you guys I’m at annabis all right I need to I need to get the

Um all I I need to go oh yeah the G potions are helping me so much thank you a lot can I have a potion my God ELO’s on The Smiler and I know the torture of The Smiler I don’t like The Smiler do you you know do

You yes I know got items well I I still I still had to fight the smer for a while oh okay I thought and and and then I and then I and then I started doing my off camera grinding yeah it was it was just a little off camera

Grinding you know yeah yeah course don’t don’t you just let it’s off camera grinding you know we hey ELO all right all right all right oh this is no that’s the why are you like this yo cuz I I have seven rows of cards I don’t I like five shot this

Guy I have 20 minutes of of God portions so I’m going to try to hurry up kill this guy get full armor get smile and after yeah uh all right hey hey hey die there we go thank you very much sir thank you very much I okay yeah I’m

Just is there a way to set spawn or you have to run back every single time well there is beds in each of the new areas yeah you didn’t see the beds you didn’t wait yeah you didn’t see those oh oops sorry sorry oh wait who just TP to me

Mo okay well you know what that works I guess I I guess I’ll just do this each time give me more oh yeah the the guy that’s helping me uh your friend M4 something he gave me even more stuff all right oh nice guy yes I killed

Him all right all right two of those okay I just need oh wow it’s got 19 players on that was great oh wow yeah and there one staff yeah or what not pv2 SL pv2 um oh my God he is not helping I do not have five stacks of compressed SCP super

Coin no I do not oh my God he’s so he’s so fun all right uh now I know what you mean by helping this guy the mod just G me like so much stuff all right yo Zev it’s l it’s la uh can you move me into your stream VC

Sorry uh I’m only allowing three people oh F’s muted yeah sure sure mhm sure yeah sure you you so I don’t know if he’s watching the stream but yeah only three people but if somebody stays muted for a bit then I’ll move them out okay don’t I don’t okay

Okay I’m done with this armor next armor cuz if there’s more than three people it just gets chaotic you know yeah okay so I’m done with this time to go to the smile wait how much is the helmet I want to I want to at least get

The helmet okay the helmet is 10 wait I have enough for the helmet I have enough for the helmet I want to wait no no I want this okay I finally have the helmet there we go there we go sword’s already upgraded he already gave me 12 I

Might like already almost be done with there we go there we go smile need to eat this guy oh you’re not oh wait yeah I’m almost done with smile already my HP in one hit oh wait I found out how to AFK R this guy he just like I

Could just sit here pressing shift seven and the other one four hey wait I uh what’s the IP the IP of the server is uh site 516m hut. I’m done with smile oh nice the guy gave me four five stacks of compressed super coin so oh nice wait compressed super coin oh nice

Oh yeah yeah dude I need I need Super compressed super coins I need Super compressed super coins because then I can get like I I just want a lot of them because that will let me get um what’s it called the thing yeah it they’ll let me get the thing that’s and

It’s the thing I want the thing you know I can show you to grinding without mov yeah yeah if I just do this I can grind uh I got I need those so that I could I just need one more okay let’s see let’s go

See the flesh guy oh God what is why is it like is there a biome for every single BX after this and I’m running like so fast all all right all right is the flesh guy hard to be here die all right I’m just sitting up here waiting for this guy to come

Over Tzu bro he was here first he was here yeah but ELO I got no okay only three people I’m sorry you muted for a while so you got moved out I have to go soon okay I mean then once you move out tazu can come in all

Right say do only though not someone else well oh that’s an interesting strategy done with FL who joining couldn’t you here if I just go like efly I’m oops sorry can someone like me get press tab okay oh my God it’s it’s site 516 is the IP and it’s on M why is

Spook helping me so much thank you thank you so much oh my God Ze you have like the best teammates yeah um I’m already oh my God he’s sitting on his head okay I have flashes done let’s go hi hi Lan all right you joined I see Yo

Oh my God oh my God he made it cheaper he made it cheaper yo go to donor for real what server is this okay the server is called site here I’ll type it in chat site 516m hut. GG that’s the IP of the server he saw me he’s helping me so much thank

You okay guys let me uh it seems like a few people don’t really understand what the server is so I’ll just explain it on stream basically you first spawn in here now what you’re going to want to do is is either have a ton of people team up

On these SDS that’s one option that’s what I did at first and then I realized if you just walk on these you get gold nuggets then you can go over to Timmy Jimmy and you can trade in gold nuggets for Prison coins which you then can then

Get this armor and desert eagle and some key cards then you can go down here and you can upgrade to swat gear uh and then you go out here and you can upgrade to better gear and this you know that you can you can also kill this SCP and then

You can trade in the loot you get from him here and you just continue upgrading oh thank you thank you thank you thank you uh here I your friends are like the best people ever they they keep I’m already at the eye thing I’m done with the flash he is so

Fast yeah yeah so the best thing to grind is as SCP 999 when you’re first starting out it is just it’s awesome to r that I’m at SCP 666 I see all right um hey fond all right um Zoom I just died to a [ __ ] slime or

Whoever killed me right there oh thank you thank you thank you hello okay all right there we go he’s giving me more stuff yo let’s go y wait did this guy just drop more than I feel like he dropped more than usual for me no no no just this guy that

I was fighting okay well all right yeah one of them I’m catching you up like he keeps giving me stuff all right uh smiley face hello smile no I’m done with smiley face no somebody typed a smiley face in my chat that’s oh why did I just tried to I

Just tried to kill this guy instead of the boss I tried to kill the traitor instead of the boss because they have the same skin I’m smart I’m just I’m just insanely smart okay guys don’t ask you should take your own live you still have what what no uh in the chat okay

Demonic wait demonic Oh Oh I thought it was a word on Scramble I thought it was a word on Scramble I’m smart well killing Trader I op I know my God respawn immunity respawn okay oh God my FPS dies every time I do that oh I know that I know how I can

Um not have my FPS die in sodium I can specifically turn off those particles so where are they um where is this explosion so now yes let’s go oh let’s go it works okay my FPS doesn’t die when I do this now oh that’s so awesome hey hey get out of here like

They have good stack here giving stuff to everybody I know messed up for real I just got to oh wait why do I have 14 Mega compressed super coins because he keeps dropping something to me and you yeah wait oh I think those were from when I was

Grinding the uh that that boss the other day it was some devil boss that I was grinding the other day he was like a demon show your mods all right is it the devil eye is it in the eye yeah these are my mods uh that the

Boss that you fought yesterday was it in the in the eye was it what it was it in like a eye I’m no no no it was um it it was it’s in an earlier area but it’s the it’s like one of the hardest bosses in the

Game I mean I think it is the hardest boss in the game cuz it it was one tapping me um when I was in this gear oh God okay yeah um it’s in an earlier area it’s like it’s like SCP 99999 yeah Satan it’s Satan yeah that’s

The B I’m talking about um and that’s where I was getting my mega compressed WR cuz if I if I just snuck enough then I I it would it would just die you yeah yeah can one hit him but he can also one hit me that’s the thing I

Can one hit him but he can one hit me you know this ball I’m grinding kind of really taking a while to grind there we go yeah I will hey you don’t want hit him wait seriously Z got better than the own staff well it’s specific it’s this one

Sword that makes me so good without this sword that would be nothing all all right all right I need to turn on efly oh what I had the I didn’t even know I had fly enabled I don’t actually want to I use my ability what’s your

Ability uh X Ry you left a you should join back who left uh EXA he he’s Panther remember Panther oh Panther yeah yeah yeah Panther he one of the OG’s yeah I remember all of our ogs oh only seven a I’m going to turn this down a

Little I’m just uh my game your game crashed why did your game Crash if I just Spam collect I’m good I don’t even have to I can just Spam cck cuz this is I’m just continuously using my ability but I turned off particles I turned off explosion particles so it

Doesn’t lag my FPS anymore this is great my boss is annoying to fight what boss are you doing it Clos oh it needed to update it Clos Minecraft wow that’s dude where the bossy oh he’s over here like the double ey one it’s the it’s the one like after smile is it’s a

Flash flashh I mean yeah oh the flesh one no not the flesh one the the I one is the after flesh one oh the I one yeah yeah the other one um oh wow yeah that one was probably the one that I got through quickest actually no the one

That I got through quickest was probably like oh my God he’s fing up my inventory my inventory is full with what with compressed stuff he he just dropped me like so much stuff compressed what a compressed SCP super coin oh SC okay just compressed SCP super coin wait

Compressed not Mega SCP I was like oh my God Mega SCP but no he no no no that would be op man yeah dude cuz I really want super compressed uh SCP super coins because then I’ll be able to get um then I’ll be SE can you drag me into

VC there’s only like oh there’s only two people into VC here I’ll give you the rooll to get into VC there you go you have the RO to get into VC now oh die I need to get more gaps okay I this is just so fun I’m already done with this one

Too crates yeah yeah crates that’s what I mean I I I need I want crates that’s why I want H SCP super points so now I need the screen the screen I need this oh that’s I need the key guard seven this is going to be

Good okay wait oh no that’s not what I meant to do I didn’t mean to I want to put these back here and then I just need to grab if I go over here then I’ll be able to do it yeah I think this is the this

Is probably the best spot to grind these hello sir come on come on let me let me in all right uh do I still have okay I still have God potion for a bit I’ll just hey my God hello wait what someone me I wonder uh when all the Halloween

Decor will be removed oh what Halloween decor got removed uh what you trying to grind Jeff oh well I want to grind um the conu but right now I’m just grabbing uh some uh golden apples cuz I was just kind of low on food uh I think this is enough here I’ll

I’ll grab a little more how come they using Essentials broadcast uh what they’re using Essentials in making no someone K me essential now no me but now right now and I need to do the boss I every time you talk ELO talks so I can’t hear what you’re saying cuz he

Keeps on talking over you yeah I know it’s fine what am I getting damaged by oh this hey hey hey hey no you don’t you don’t get to do that you don’t get to do that no no no no no no what are you doing is this guy

Machine gunning me that’s mean this is kind of impressive how like every single boss has like a whole Bo and this one has a whole freaking Castle this guy this guy keeps on going after me I don’t know what he’s thinking how is there a whole castle here for one

Boss oh my God their stuff is so good I he just flying wait how is he flying wait is this I I don’t know owner you might want to check this guy I just saw him I don’t know is that need kind of looks like that guy was he was

Only class D so I don’t know how he was flying oh my god oh so so okay so heot me said Zev you said I can join next uh oh yeah yeah here I you have stream VC access it’s kind of just whoever whoever joins joins

Um yeah so yeah whoever joins joins and there’s only two people in the VC so I guess you know anyone with stream vcx can join right now why did I just get the smile did smile Escape why is smile why do I have the smile

Bossar yeah me too wait hey we’re at the same place can you help me I don’t have I you’re fighting the scream yeah the scream okay oh this guy yeah the one that takes me like takes like 10 minutes to get up go up and two shots spe so someone’s

At school that’s they making me die every single time all right who who’s that what the heck um bro okay somebody’s just spawn killing uhhuh who’s SP oh oh my God oh my God oh my God I I know who it is okay okay somebody I know who it is it’s dark

Galaxy 74 I think hi um they were they were using the yeah they were using a weapon that kills everything near it um what what exactly do I do what does what do at the moment I have the like orange arm the CD stuff but I don’t know what

To do oh um you know in the first hallway oh my God he’s still using his ability dude dark galaxy key who is flying oh uh here here oh this is annoying so I still need 30 no I need2 shining shining flashh oh my God okay hello hello hello hello hello oh my

God yes there’s I’m there’s he’s not here spam killing anymore okay I can I can go now how do I uncompress how do you uncompress what the into who the hell just okay there we go sir um okay you uncompress uncompressing the prison blocks um sorry I don’t know why I’m blanking

Was it no no no no I don’t think it was uh don’t think so it was a deot yeah uh here let me look back it was it was a DCL class who was flying yo Exile if I look back on my stream yo what’s up

I’ll be able to okay yeah it was when I was over here it was I think it was wa wait wait yeah it’s at um here watch this watch this he flies at it was don’t okay one second second I’m going to wait to watch yeah it’s

Bloody it it was uh wait oh crap it was oh he he left but it was bloody 8706 you can see him fly at um oh God I I can’t I don’t know the okay the time stamps are a little weird on this but

Yeah if you go back a little bit like 3 minutes of my stream you can see him uh fly um Yeah I ran out of oh because someone killed me oh who that’s sad I just I I just strug oh yeah where do I uncompress where do you un I just took the the potion and someone passed right next to me and just one shotted

Me Ze you where do you okay sir I’ll go to spawn and show you all right um all right where where are you L okay come here I just got one shot by ELO oh my God ELO sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I can’t get through that yeah yeah no no we we

Have we have I have passes too all right all right over here you the CI agent let you uncompress yeah Ze what what key do you have uh level seven what I’m at level six hm hey CU I’m help me try to beat this boss that I’m my God I’m still just grinding

The one I’m at it’s so like it takes so long the thing is if you help me grind on my boss I I can help you grind for your boss grind this one okay ELO you can’t help me grind on my boss I One Tap

My boss it’s just that my ELO I wouldn’t recommend I would recommend standing back I I know I went this guy shot you’re you’re going to die if I if wait do I have Auto do I have Auto jump on oh my God why do I have Auto jump on it randomly

Okay I I I hit him once but I hit him once I hope that helped yeah well I I one tap it oh hello ah yeah you might want to stand back I’m just oh oh okay oh oh you you’re Invincible all right good okay back to grinding the screen I

Think the only thing I hate about the screen is that it takes me like 5 minutes to get back all the way up there and I I I have to like go five times and I don’t even have a PO anymore so I wait what’s the satanic staff

Do all right I’m going to grab the I’m going to get the satanic staff to see what it does back up we go to the boss prob die one shot again does anyone has join the server now once uh I I’ll yeah I will join it later

I just want to stream this server for a while cuz I I I also said I’d stream it yesterday when I got meteor and I don’t want to like just have a short stream on it back we go wait what you need compress satanic and a that’s going to take

Forever me I guess I could just stand here sneaking like this is it’s not that hard to grind this boss it just takes a while I really don’t like screen and I don’t want to just press shift a t how do I use the like pressing shift Ah that’s how

I I I’m also a little wary of joining off mine Hut servers um cuz you know like they’re off mine Hut which means it can be a lot of unwanted stuff uh which is why I’m a little more wary of joining up um come on come on come on come on

Come on come on come on come on I did again too hard oh hey SP do you have God potion that I can have you have God I need go potions this a I need go potion do I have an ability no I don’t yeah I can’t touch sh oh okay I

Set yeah I want to sit but I I can’t oh wait no this is what I want to fight I want to fight this my the thio class hello what Z what key card do I need to get to where you are uh where I

Where do you mean where I am like where the maximum I have key card level seven well what what key card do I need to get to be able to go through to the Deep till where wait why isn’t this working oh there we go wait is the max key card level seven

Oh I’m about to get yeah kind of just I don’t know why it just stops increasing after level seven by the way guys tell me if this is too loud oh crap I accidentally just hit him instead of using my ability if I hit him then he doesn’t then he kills

Me yeah actually wait Ze where did you get the C potions oh in that past that door oh well I can’t s you going to you going to scream screen I oh okay yeah sure I’ll help you with the with the screen you have do you have I can have

Like at least one bye I I have God potions uh I actually need to get some more of my private Vault cuz I I like ran out uh and I need to get another row of them but I’ll I’ll get that in a minute well guys you guys

Spam abilities I have operator so I can see oh God he can see his Shad is only oh I fell all right I got you one yeah the time that you can like fight it like what do I do oh sorry yeah yeah if if I if you want me to like the

Top I just got to the top and I got one shot yeah sorry it’s my ability bro I you can just fly okay that I don’t like this all right well I have got you four death powder oh that’s really nice I need like 32 oh yeah well here I

Dr I’m I’m just dropping five death powder yeah oh wait I I need I like I can’t even I didn’t even manage I dropped him at the very bottom and then you yeah there you go I got it I I did not F I fed on purpose I need SL side

Okay there we go um wait maybe this guy can help me it’s spook no it’s not spook I mean it’s M Class A wait can he help me okay I have a lot of that’s a lot of Satan’s infection okay I I don’t I can’t tell if he’s helping me or

Not Hey spook he’s doing screen but he doesn’t need them right I don’t think he does H what is this he he has like the same armor like the gas thing all right um hi fond yes yay I have so many people helping me I’m just that good on

Oh and my back is okay I would go over there but he’s using his ability which is even stronger than mine ah I’ll I’ll just wait Lain isn’t even speaking yeah oh they F saying that you’re not even speaking so you shouldn’t be in the VC well there’s not really much speak

But because I’m just trying to grind like I mean I’m speaking I got blaze rods not S I see there’s yeah I see so there’s two different paths you can go down what’s the difference of the two paths why would people choose SAR over uh

Koncho what what is why is why is he holding a book in his hand my S so much easier to grind and clch you wow uh actually no s’s harder to gr than Kono I have ay go oh oh oops sorry I was is trying

To come over here uh oops here I can give you I can give you your moon rocks back if you want them I’ll uh I’ll give you your moon rocks back 18 I oh my God I don’t I need like 42 actually uh I don’t know who I just

Killed but if you want your moon rocks back I can give them moon rocks oh okay I just died I I it was I I don’t know where he is I I I want to I need to give to Moon oh my God that is insanely powerful I

Can’t I I just can’t enter that area now okay I’ll be at I’ll be helping you guys for now um help me help me where are you I’m at spawn you’re at spawn yes okay there I killed I killed SDS for you okay so I have 522 I need

Like 41 I’ve managed to get full SW that’s okay full SW okay then then get a key card and go out the door give God pot God what’s after just normal iron um after iron is uh SD armor SD yeah see I got SD here let me just I’ll deal with this

Guys I’ll deal with this for you guys my God you guys are okay boom boom boom boom boom boom boom really what someone killed me oh IM all right oh no did you guys just die too that wasn’t me that wasn’t me I didn’t he he why are you using that at

Spawn oh my God he’s so annoying you should I you can’t do anything when he’s using it at spawn 35 thank you so I would need like wait I need 41 wait 42 and 12 so I need like uh uh uh six more six uh eight more

Six more actually 10 tell okay I can’t remember thank you so much you’re the best all right all right I’m coming back oh my God it the yes all right uh yo L Lain where are you I just dropped some stuff in here so if if you want it you can come get

It yeah but this is a really cool server I actually like it yeah yeah I see there you go right what do I do with this slime uh you you scientist you trade it with the scientist than God found really wants more God God pots I think I need like

Two more I think I need one more I think I think yeah at least one more and 19 have enough what else going to get C4 Coco flashbang I think this is the last I need oh man SL suicide okay oh is here okay so oh hey 173 I’ve actually never fought

173 oh there’s just his victim spin sitting here okay oh I forgot I already had okay so leggings and oh now that wait no I need 22 okay I think I’m good can I transform these powder no um after I need I need a now now I need a key card level

Seven what is so I need two key cards level six going to head over here I just hope unscramble oh my God he guessed it so fast what what just happened I got like a flash of the outer world when I did that that was weird oh what just

Happened who’s doing that oh why am I getting killed over and over here oh my God okay I think they need to dis they need to disable like those crazy abilities cuz you can’t go into that area now and oh who’s doing that who’s doing

That don’t go is go the the other area I I can’t I can’t I’m literally just getting spawn killed I can’t do anything I’m getting spawn killed me I just okay I can’t I can’t you cannot stop yeah he can’t it’s true he can’t

Stop it I I the owner let me try it out at one point and you physically cannot stop it that’s that sucks um yeah and and if you hit too much it like it goes on for like a few minutes okay so I need as much ammo as possible

That’s why I like this one a little more cuz I can while while it does kill everything around me it doesn’t go on for like it’s not automatic I can just B kill the the the end oh I already have 10 okay that’s good oh I can actually finally trade these in

Too oh high F my all right and I stacking something I should be good oh oh my God thank you thank you thank you thank you okay that is very helpful oh [ __ ] A now I only have three left okay it’s time to continue oh my God I hello sir hello sir

How do you do how do you oh okay there you go I need to grab a God potion I didn’t drink the god potion in time I’m smart all right all right okay guys okay so technically a stack guys who is your favorite game don’t you love choosing which person is your favorite

Game okay I eight Tre key cards I think that’s good I actually don’t remember okay if I do this the best way to get Prison coins forite uh well more that you advance more that it’s going to get easier to ah oops I didn’t mean to do that well prison kind of just

Like all right um now I have four tier four I hope I have enough to get it Z I’m coming I’m about to get to seven okay I don’t think you are coming though I mean you’re still way in front of me but like you get the

Point yeah dude progression is slowed so much now that ah you might reach me before I finish this wait really I don’t know you’re joking this is I mean this is insanely slow I’m about to get the key card seven now yeah okay I I need one two three okay I need this

Guy is speeding I need like 40 more compressed moon rocks and you need 32 moon rocks to get one compressed Moon Rock and it’s so annoying to get one compressed Moon Rock keep well actually it’s not that annoying to get one compressed Moon Rock but it’s annoying to get a lot of

Compressed moon rocks so I’m just like here boy is play game this is me play game so you see this guys this is this is me play game I click I click I have two level five yes I oh uh thank you oh crap I you are you are the the

Goat I mean that is all the go but like this guy is over the go like he made me like upgrade so much no yep um what are the spine of 173 VI oh my god oh uh wait what bro who just killed me a I hope they’re not using a they’re

Using the lightning okay I guess I can’t go close now okay I’ll just I’ll just be at spawn again then hey guys hi Z I’m going follow you all right tier six I have two TI six let’s go oh I don’t have food anymore godam it I to get to you didn’t drop

Good seven here I come wait so Lin here go you should be going to the next area yeah I I have I have a ke card oh great then go to this area and start grinding wait yeah this guy does mad damage okay I’m at tier s what I’m at7 key

Card he like about a hard hard damage the Titan real world the thing is the armor doesn’t really give me that much protection but it does give me like a ton of um where are the V what okay I don’t know wait where am I supposed to

Go next now it gives me a ton of uh health so the the damage doesn’t really matter okay so I’m here oh there’s villagers here there’s Villers here okay so you know what here here lack lack this oh okay or not well if you if you come back I’ll show you something

That’ll help you grind okay so this okay wait this is Scream okay okay okay I’m in the right place I’m the right place now I need here L one take that take that take that all right there you go want me yeah I want you to drink

It drink drink drink all right now now kill it kill the boss kill the boss I need or the mob whatever you know this is so much oh my God Ze I’m at all right there you go you should be good for the next 10 minutes have

Fun I actually need to drink one of those soon okay let’s go let’s go see this boss that I’m supposed to fight at Planet thank you Z okay he does a lot of damage he oh the planet’s boss fond wants one yeah fond you already got one

I didn’t get one you should give me you shut up Eli you got so many you don’t you don’t need more oh this gu is not too hard he’s like I okay fine I’ll give you one fond here here fond fond you should go

To here fond fond turn how do I go why do I spawn all the way up there I have to Pi fall I don’t want like ruin this server’s economy cuz I I feel like you know that that would not be good but you know

Well I mean this guy kind of like kind of gave me like Max armor so like well not gave me Max armor but very good armor yeah I get what you’re saying no he didn’t he just help me grind to the pretty much Max oh I don’t have food anym I have to

Go back and should I just grind the thumi class for a bit I think that might be like kind of a strap just to get like some comp some Mega compressed what up L I can ow see here’s the thing this guy doesn’t I I can just like I can just sit

Here and do this give me a sec I actually I have enough bye actually wait no let me help you this is this is the Str guys [ __ ] cuz I really want to get that um I really want to get that shovel that he has cuz I think that’d be cool you

Know but it’s kind of taking a while to get the shovel I don’t know what’s going on but sorry Lo you’re like dying or something I at two hearts where is the drop something good okay and hello sir how do you do how do you do mhm mhm mhm

So all righty yeah um here let me T out and look at DMS when are you making another server yo okay um so I’m just like heyo stop man oh this guy SP wait I had to something give I’m back why am I dying over and over again oh it’s because I’m in his Circle of Death or something there we go um I have to get to oh you got to be kidding me he has to move I I can’t get in my room oh my

God can you move him I I can’t pass oh my God okay guys I might end stream in a second because uh my server uh is like you know it’s it’s almost ready it’s ready to be like start being worked on I think cookie set up pterodactyl which is

Amazing thank you Cookie if you’re watching the stream I bet I bet you aren’t watching the stream but you know like still crazy yes amazing can I can I help you work on the server no it’s we’re yeah there’s not really anything I think you could do yeah

But what this you we don’t need we I think we already have a builder I mean we might maybe we’ll get like Builders who Builders yo all right I’m putting all this in my ECA oh my God I need so much more wait wait did you end up actually

Looking at my yo Z I’m Class C let’s go I’m just that just that good at a class for real I don’t know what it does actually wait what do you mean your class C he look at that I’m Class C wait how how’d you get Class C uh a

Guy gave it to me uh um the uh the senior mod helping the whole time thank you lost ni not that way to oh it’s super compressed oh I could have got that a while ago actually G me like so much stuff I could have

Okay so now I can buy crates I can buy for some super compress I can buy crates what can I get crates Class C I can get super class D another class secr see Rank and a school of owner I don’t know what that does but cool thank

You a lot man really appreciate it all right okay I have 54 H and how much do I need to get this I need five of these oh my God I Need I need so many wait who’s here I could I would maybe I should just sit here afking I should see if I can I I can get the cuz I I I think if I if I have SL sit then I can get this really easily I

Have to get S does I really have to get the potions drop oh wait now I can actually go check where are the potions where are the potions actually a I’m smart what are the potions the potions yeah look at this God po okay five old man oh

God Thum guy is so hard to fight wait wait wait wait the old man stuff you need to you don’t even have to trade oh is this a Spam hit server or not is this what a Spam hit server like can you spam hit uh if you’re good

Enough like if you have good enough stuff then you can spam hit hi hi like it’s not that it’s a Spam hit server it’s that if you know like the better stuff you have the faster your attack speed is until eventually you can spam P okay I have to upgrade this and I

Go all the way over there but the old man I don’t trade for I didn’t I want to go see the God real what is the c real okay so there’s a start here there’s a desert there’s an es Escape all right I think if I just hold down

Left click yes if I hold down right click I can do this oh I’m so smart what’s the deser I’m genuinely so smart oh there’s a desert boss oh okay oh there a lot of damage no thank you okay so it’s the old man I can upgrade

For the okay so you’re working for okay so you’re working for this part you’re okay so you’re going at go what about the water water all right I think I accidentally just killed somebody sorry man I didn’t mean to come let me look at this in

Oh I can’t come here here okay but okay so what does the the tit that’s my question Titan is here there’s a gol there okay okay okay okay so compress dust slave why are these villagers called slave wow they’re they’re slaves to the Titans okay what do I do all

What oh that’s all going to make a server I’m not going to make a Lifest server I mean maybe sometime in the future I will but I’m it would be so popular what it would be so popular yeah but I’m making an earth anday enough

Yeah life still Earth SMP all no just an earth I know I know not still not I still heard are you going to add slime F no I mean probably not no no I’m I’m not having slime fun why is this guy always jumping off now I have jump off are you

Going to add it where you can make like tanks that um we’re going to add vehicles I don’t know what all the vehicles are going to be yet though you should make it tanks DRS planes and Jet Jet Jet no no jet they they lag out the

Server like even if it has really really good server hosting oh God what would just happen happened to my screen oh wait you killed them bro was I I I I I needed that the only way to grind this oh this is so how do I go back up I

Don’t know how to go back up back up okay I can go back oh crap not what I meant to do no this guy’s just killing him over and over again dark galaxy dark galaxy I feel dark galaxy was the one killing everyone earlier too

I I don’t know no but no he’s killing the boss over and over oh the boss I see oh that’s nice potion I need here and I can’t kill him and I can’t kill the boss and see yeah Crush you might want to stand back

I’m going to just grind this guy for a bit hey what stuff does he have I’m just standing here let’s go you have have good taking a while to so I can get one more of these oh my God wait I’m Invincible when I do this I’m actually Invincible yo yo hi

Owner um but I’m Invincible when I do this because I’m constantly I’m constantly in a damage tick that’s zero damage cuz I don’t take any damage from this and so I oh that’s so cool that is so cool hey hey all right there we go y oh oh don’t don’t kick me

From the VC I what is this right click okay powerful oh my God wait oh oh oh thank you oh my God I just got a I just got a few pretty good potion effects oh my God I’m even Invincible when this is happening oh let’s go I

Literally found an I literally found an immortality like thing I don’t know if like it’s an exploit or what but I I found out how to be literally Immortal could you can I get a potion now I’m getting one shot here yeah if I if I stop if I stop holding down right

Click I will die um that’s kind of so yeah that’s that’s a thing now if yeah if I stop holding down right click I’m going to die uh that’s actually kind of funny oh my God z z oh yeah what um I’ll L you back in a

Sec don’t kick me I won’t be that my god oh this is so funny I’m please please please please please I don’t think I can move though the only this guy can move with his ability but I can’t I just have to hold down right click while doing

This that’s kind of cool though that I can just be immortal as long as I do this and I’m getting all the loot from it wait this guy has full Omni gear oh my God wait this guy is full Omni gear I just realized I die if I die I want full

Gear yo Omni gear oh my God this guy is full Omni oh my god omn oh that is that’s cool I really want full on the gear I have a question I drink the potion if I die to the boss am I going to lose the potion effects yes if I die

To the boss if you die to anything if you die at all you will lose the potion effects [ __ ] of course I’m going to die this boss uh whatever let’s just do this maybe I won’t I don’t know I to make sure to not die oh my God this I’m actually

Invincible but it’s really really really like uh oh fell fell [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] take a back step oh man okay he’s dead now but heal heal he heal he I canot die this is the only way I’m alive right now just holding down this mouse

Button okay all right I need to Tab out cuz I need to see if cookie dm’d me but when I Tab out I’m going to oh oh okay okay okay I can stop for a second I I can tap it over to see who messaged me

All right all right yes yes yes and now I can continue I wonder if this I can do the same thing with this die here yeah man oh full omy armor that gu that’s cool all right um I’m going to probably stop streaming for now looks

Like the stream’s kind of dying down um what server is this oh I guess the stream’s not dying down all right uh site 516 TR oh oh oh I almost died um oh my God I don’t like this I don’t want to die oh I can actually move like this this is awesome

But it’s really buggy movement but it can move H you not want to die with this let’s go I need one more red stone and I can get a better all right all right don’t end stream I guess we’ll we’ll see we’ll see I don’t know what I okay I’m just

This this guy hello sir yeah no I died I can kind of turn my head up a bit so I can see what’s going on better I died you died shot me I died from the this boss now the thing is like what ah I can get respawn on top

He’s this is this is just my life now my life is just holding down this button okay go over here even if like I I have the potion I keep dying to this kid not kid okay screw screw off all right there we go there we go there we go I have

This I have 17 of these so I can upgrade my chest plate yes look at this look at this was there an event uh no there was not an event shovel I have a shovel now yes yes yes oh yes beautiful what’s over here this doesn’t do

Anything okay well I’ll just go back then hey ELO where are you I’m at this place here this you’re you’re here okay wait wait I think I have some left over of this I have some left over of this wait wait wait really really really really

Might be the next one soon like the same item I’ll I’ll I’ll oh great crap uh yeah yeah here toggle drops not in the port there you go I don’t I don’t think they’re I don’t I don’t know I don’t think they’re the compressed ones oh

Yeah those are for the next one but I’ll take the I those for the next one um yeah this one I need the four something all right here I got you another I got more plasma and I died again uh wait which one are you fight uh that’s actually I

Probably killed you sorry yeah here uh take those ELO turn around I yeah thank you hit him to actually hit him thank you yeah I need to UPG I might wait what the 70 * 30 damn boy that’s 70 * oh my God I had it on my calculator and

I totally wasn’t using a calculator cuz I’m smart yeah of course yeah all right also uh ELO I don’t need these anymore cuz the owner is very nice so I just you take those okay well you just you there you go oh my God yes thank you

Now I just have to not yeah now I’m not standing next to you with those with me drinking those Potions all right I’m going in here guys I’m still getting like five shots two shots so okay just I’m going to spawn okay thank you um okay drinking a potion now I also

Have a better so this shovel actually yo let’s go geom Min is coming along is G up no G Gman is like I mean it’s up for us to be for me to start working on it soon but not like up up right what’s this I want the class s

Oh my God okay so there’s these two aren’t very these two are the this is the bad drop and these are the good drops man I want one of these okay what’s this do okay I this um okay and then this is kind of cool what is this oh my God Notch

Deck God’s blade when is geom going to be up okay we don’t really have an ETA cuz like we’re so so early on in making it you know so we don’t like know what stuff we’re going to run into the omn Omni Katana is better let me see let me see

What’s the Omni katana oh I have the my my weapon that’s what the Omni Katana is okay um H so like a week a month or more I don’t know I mean it kind of it really depends on what roadblocks we run into and stuff oh I want this this is the stuff

This this stuff I want this is like okay cuz but I already have something that I can do basically the same thing with this I really want though this stuff it’ll just it it takes so long to get though the Omni great key you need so much super compressed SCP coins like I

Need Super compressed or like super super compressed super compressed um the the ones that are called super compressed SCP coin yeah the the like Rifts stuff um yeah I have like a whole inventory earlier you have a whole inventory of super compressed yeah uh the one of the

Mods gave me like a whole oh my God can you give me can you give me some super compressed wait ELO where are you ELO where are you right now right now only have 21 left you only have 20 wait wa wait I doubt he gave you super I think

He just gave you compressed no compressed my bad my B comess okay yeah yeah bro it goes It Go it goes SC here here’s how it goes It goes SCP super coin compressed SCP Co supercoin Mega compressed SCP super coin then Super compressed SCP super coin okay godamn yeah no he did

Not I I have 18 Mega compressed SCP super coins okay but I need more cuz I need Super compressed and I need like Stacks and stacks of super compressed because that will let me get the Omni armor and once have the Omni armor I will be Omni

Potent and nothing can stop me then cuz yeah wait what oh this is going to be a hard yo wow this is cool so come so you gave me exer oh actually that’s really good things no I need a compress oh no I don’t I need both

Them I need okay so I need like two stacks just do okay all right oh what who just hit me I didn’t get one hit though yeah like seven rows of Hearts no wait I have how many rows of Hearts do I have I don’t can’t even tell how do you get your

What wait is that the thing that of the warden is what the the the power thing whatever yeah let me see let me see I actually don’t know I I I know you get it from a crate no no it’s from a crate oh yeah what okay

So there’s so many things I don’t even tell multis what’s better the omniversal katana or the multiversal katana probably Multiverse but the Omni means everywhere everything at once but multi just means multiple all better okay okay um the core giant thing isn’t working by the way it’s

Just here let me oh I died oh sorry my bad my bad my bad okay no no if I if I go with this right I can get I can get to the core giant I’m going to get to the core giant oh oh I didn’t get to the cor

Giant I’m just flash spawning oh nothing happened you guys didn’t see anything nothing happened nothing happened nothing nothing happened guys okay absolutely nothing happened all right l r just yeah I I did shut up nothing happened nothing happened you didn’t see anything you didn’t see I I

Didn’t you kill me I don’t have my psh anymore oh uh why boss so freaking hard I’m oh my God this is like I don’t I don’t know like I I have to spawn like four times to kill it just to kill it once and that give me

One of the like 6090 oh God just for one item wow like it takes I have to respawn three times get one of these items and I need 27 for sword and like 20 something for all the rest of skull of owner what the you can just get

The skull of the is it like good if it’s good then I could see but it doesn’t if it’s not good we have like we have like the same thing our server on the life you could buy the server yeah but it’s like it’s a crate

Reward okay so that’s aass B should be so unimpressed what okay so wait I’m on Class C can I only open Class C no I don’t I I’m class s because media rank gets class s perks you you need to you need to get the you need to get the keys

Over here or you can buy them on SL buy which is probably the better option but you know I don’t want to spend money on that cuz that’s 14 bucks that I don’t want to spend no but like can I just buy the Omi key and just should buy it I

Mean if you want to like if you buy the Omni key it doesn’t matter what you get you’ll be insanely powerful it’s 14 bucks to be as strong as me who’s shooting at me by the way is that yeah yeah wait do you have the Omni

Sword I I have the Omni I I have the Omni Inception Katana that’s what I used and that’s what makes me so strong oh my God told me a few months I didn’t say a few months what I I said I said I didn’t have an ETA that doesn’t mean a few

Months yeah you have class you okay so you’re opening class s and you had you got no no ranks and crates are not related if you buy an on om key you here yeah ELO if you want to totally buy an OM key like I I mean they are like that

Will make it doesn’t matter what you get too even if you get like a chest plate you’ll still be insanely strong yeah but and I’m pretty sure the owner will give you a refund if you don’t like the uh item you got or he’ll like give you a

New key and take the item away I think he I think he said something about that I’m not sure don’t quote me on that what I do as a Class C what do I get oh uh as a Class C you get let me let me see how am I supposed to

Do I do SL do I what do I what do you mean what does it give me what does it give me Class C gives you slash feed SL pv1 uh Slash uh player protocal GUI um yeah that’s what it gives you oh okay yeah but if you want to get a key

You have to buy those separately well yeah keys I can do it here or Bund class s bundle $50 wow oh $60 actually wow oh so class s the one that you have it’s n it’s 10 bucks mhm but it’s I have media but media gives a programs of class s so I

Didn’t grind for class s yeah I think you you should yeah if you want to get anything I’d recommend getting uh an omniversal key yeah probably but I so okay I got or if if you don’t want to spend money on that you could get a uh here

I think it’s cheaper to get a class wait wait what’s the class s key is only $10 and you could there’s like you can get the celestial Talisman omniversal battle axe or the Demonic Crucible all of those are insanely good how do you see what class what gives you what

Like what is there a comment like to see what per I get for classy no you can just do SL bu and look on their shop oh okay I already told you though it gives you uh it gives you the classy I I want to see the rest of the stuff oh

That’s literally all it’s okay whatever it doesn’t but it doesn’t give you Keys you you have to buy the keys separately yeah yeah yeah the keys are separate yeah okay so classy just gives me more commands can I oh my God okay if I just hold

Down I really want to get something like Class C Class B crate oh watch this guys I’m I’m going to be able to I’m going to be able to see this I’m going try to get the class C right but four okay it’s four super compressed darn it why did I just

Die cuz I’m better I don’t know why I just died I want to see what’s in the Halloween crate yeah they’re blocking it yeah oh you could still get you can still get a Halloween key from the key all crate wait when they do KY Alles you have a

Chance to get class s Keys oh my God that’s actually insane you should he owner you should give me a ton of key all keys cuz um wait is the OWN one I I don’t know the server is pay to win yeah I guess I don’t know I I like I felt like

For a while I cared a lot about that but like right now I’m like it’s you know and This Server you know you need to have money to stay float um and it’s a good server too uh all right what is up here oh this is just

Like okay this isn’t oh whoa yo I’m looking down on everyone n one okay so this so what you need to okay you okay wait you need a super wait what oh my God okay there sa super Co after to just compress what I had after you can get a Mega compress

Whoa wait I feel like you can I oh this is where that was I was brought here the other day and I didn’t yo okay I didn’t know this was where it was it’s like actual stuff back here oh my God that’s that’s much wait

Super com oh my God a St okay now I see what talking about yeah the administrator office okay I can’t go in there site records elevator to level three oh this doesn’t do anything I okay all right I’ll just go back to spawn oh my God I’m so fast I literally like I

Can’t move cuz I’m so fast yeah I have the same problem every day all right there we go for real relatable problem yeah um what do you what do you grind for the SCP coins what do I do what what do you what do you use like what do you kill like

Boss who grind the coins um the best thing to get uh super coins is uh the thumi 666x that’s the Slime no that’s that’s 999 the thumi 6666 is Satan the one that one Taps even me oh okay yeah the think that yeah hello sir oh yeah I that damn Bo

This game looks boring it’s fun though it is I mean but I guess fun is subjective like you know it’s like some people like Minecraft some people don’t what you know that you’re making that Earth server yeah what’s going to be the best way to make money I don’t even know yet

We’re not that far I mean probably sugarcane like most servers most Earth Cactus notar well Cactus or sugarcane one of those two probably do you ever SP good wait what old man is a lives in the M shaft the M yeah but like he does so much damage he

Does oh I never noticed cuz I would always one tap him yeah all right um he killed me like seven times and I did three hearts yet I’m getting there I am going to manage to kill him at least once all right guys I have yourself done have yourself done oh okay um

What do I do with this I can it does massive damage but I think it just one Taps old man’s how do I get a Red Lotus I just need a better sword onestly in every scenario okay wait Areo aoop aoop I’m like Zoro you know how he like teleports

To he’s like he just teleports to the other side of people with a sword he’s like I don’t know what wa is it’s like oh something in Japanese I will kill the omen once not before I leave I will you’re going to kill the own the owner’s in Creative not

The owner the old man I said oh the old man no he’s one hard pH ph’s playing the phone’s playing the Box server oh yeah I guess I could get on the box server for a bit thank you here trade this in all right I’ll get on the

Box server for a bit I’ll probably get it back on here later today just on my own um all right can you do an event on the box server it doesn’t matter how much people can you just do one I don’t know I’m kind of tired right now like I’ve I’ve been streaming

For over two hours yeah okay only wait tell let me guess she he’s AFK he is who um only online is AFK and he’s not even using the method what yo who is this m my bad maybe I should buff AFK and Nerf mine hey wait lockin lock loin I see you do

Not have the full uh root armor either all right yeah so let me let me go check I if you promis that you’re not going to steal anything come check my my thing out take one pair of boots I’m I’m probably going to end stream for now cuz

I’m tired and um I know right I want to start working on a geom as soon as it’s ready I I have you see like I I have armor and there go whatever I have the end stuff wait end yeah this is Ender this is Ender

Look yeah right so I have the end chest plate leggings pickaxe and axe all right n I’m good I two shot I two shot I two shot come back here little boy yeah Z what can you open applications for the new Earth server because I want to apply to be um okay

Maybe soon yeah all right I’m probably going to end stream for now cuz I am I’m really tired and yeah I’m going stream for like two hours I’m play some forite yes for the new OG season all right bye guys I’m ending stream I’m so tired uh make you dude I

L that’s what I’m going to do and that’s part of why I’m ending stream so I can work on G

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Servers With Viewers’, was uploaded by Zevcraft on 2023-11-05 18:35:50. It has garnered 93 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:02 or 7382 seconds.

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  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC:… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More