Insane Minecraft Showdown: Dash vs SPEED DRAW!

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Today we’re playing speed draw in Minecraft each of us have 3 minutes to draw something and then we have to randomly look at another person’s drawing and try to build it and at the end we have to guess which drawing belongs to which build oh this is going

To be easy I’m going to be able to guess all of them we’ll see about that but first everyone get to their canvas we have 3 minutes to build and the timer is about to start oh okay I know what I’m drawing oh yeah me too and all right

Here everyone just grab your brush and all right let’s see what should I draw hm I don’t know the timer’s already started right oh gosh yeah you’re right the timer is started uh okay well I guess oh I’ll draw a computer okay here let me just select some black paint and

Okay here the first thing I need to do is actually draw the computer tower so I guess I can just have like a big tower shaped thingy over here like this there we go that looks pretty good and here let me fill it all in just like that

That’s looking pretty nice and H wait I should also add some red green and blue lighting over here to the top this is going to be the sickest gaming PC ever so let’s just put all of these lights over there boom and okay okay what else

Do we need for a computer setup and O okay we need to get the monitor next so here let’s draw that now we can just have a a little stand over here like this this will be the monitor stand and then we can draw the monitor on top of

It just like this there we go looking good and uh what else do we need oh wait we need to actually like fill in the screen so we can just put a bunch of blue paint in there like that and uh oh the next thing we probably need to get

Is the mouse and keyboard right so uh here I guess we can just like draw the mouse going from the side of the computer down here and then we can just draw like a little circular looking shape just like that there we go that looks like a mouse and oh wait here

Let’s add some mouse buttons over here like that there we go and oh wait wait hold on we also need to make a keyboard let me just grab some gray paint and oh gosh wait I don’t really have enough room for the keyboard I think I need to

Erase the monitor there we go let’s just erase that really quick and then just draw it up a little bit higher right over here boom there we go and there we go the new monitor is done and now I just got to make the keyboard really

Quick so let me just do that really quick there we go that’s looking pretty good and done there we go and me too done yep finished and I think I have the best drawing here there we go and let’s go all right well anyways now that we

Are all done let’s meet up in the middle again and what we have to do now is hit this button what it’ll do is teleport us to each other’s plots at random and then we have to build whatever drawing we get teleported to so is everyone ready yes

This is so fun all right all right so here let’s hit the button in three 2 1 here we go and okay which drawing did I get and whoa wait what is this what is this one oh I definitely know what this is I got a pretty interesting one and

All right here I guess let me analyze what drawing I got and okay hold on this kind of looks like a racetrack see we got like the Finish Line over here and then o all of these things over here are cars okay yeah I guess that’s what I’m

Going to build let me just grab a little bit of concrete and okay this kind of a weird colored racetrack we need to use pink concrete for the floor and then we need some brown concrete for the size and then what color cars we have we got green orange purple red yellow okay

Let’s grab like every color for the cars or actually we can just add the cars later here for now what we should do is probably set up the actual racetrack itself so here let’s do that now okay I think I’ll just build this up pretty tall I don’t know how tall this is

Supposed to go this canvas is kind of small and yeah you’re right we don’t have much room to build with but o wait guys we can actually build like underneath our canvas and stuff as well but actually I have an idea instead of building this by hand what I can do is

Just grab a shovel really quick and let me just run this command slash brush boom there we go and now what I can do is just draw on the floor like this let’s go this is actually op oh yeah that actually sounds really op and yeah

We can literally draw in the blocks but anyways here what I need to do for this racetrack is just make everything a little bit thicker so that’s got to make these Brown walls a little bit thicker and then I can put the pink racetrack on

Top of it and ooh wait I got an idea what if I make this like a double decker racetrack I can have a racetrack over here and then I can have like another floor on top of it just to make it even cooler well I’m building the canoe boat

Thing that was here and wait canoe boat thing that’s interesting right you’re building it really well it must have been drawn pretty well too oh yeah that actually looks sick I just built what I thought I saw all right but anyways I think this should be good for the first

Part of the racetrack what I need to do now is grab some pink concrete and just build like the actual racetrack on top of it because for some reason there was like brown concrete on the sides and then pink in the middle or wait actually

What I could do is just replace all of the floor on the inside with a bunch of pink concrete yeah this should be pretty wait you get to build a RAC track that’s awesome and yep I got a racetrack well I’m pretty sure I got a RAC trck it

Should be pretty cool it’s kind of like a weird color though it’s like pink and brown I’ve never really seen a racetrack that’s colored like this before well I like the style of whoever Drew mine because I’m building a giant birthday cake and whoa wait you got a birthday

Cake is it edible can we have it yeah I hope so and wow okay well it looks like speaker you got like the perfect match for the what you’re building but anyways here let me just continue putting all of this floor over here well I am starting my business Tower business Tower what

Yeah I’m pretty sure this is a business Tower that’s what I saw was on the drawing business Tower and okay okay we all drew some pretty interesting stuff I guess I can’t wait to see who got my drawing but anyways let me just finish up this racetrack over here all I got to

Do is just finish placing these Brown concrete over here for the outline there we go and O I should probably put some fence around it so that you know people don’t actually fall off the track when they’re racing I’m building this exactly as I’m seeing it but I think it’s kind

Of boring I’m just going to add some extra stuff yeah same here like whoever Drew this didn’t put any frosting on the cake what how could they do that and o yeah guys we should definitely add some like additional cool stuff to the builds but make sure not to make it look too

Different from the drawing because remember at the end we still have to guess what drawing or from what builds it’s fine I think the person that I’m building this for will really really like it and oh yeah same here hopefully the person I’m building this for likes

It as well but anyways let me just continue putting all of these fences around here and then I can start putting down the race cards it is actually going to be so sick well I just finished putting my wrecking ball attached to the business Tower this is going pretty well

What the wrecking ball attached to the business to what you got a the very interesting drawing I will say speaker man yeah some of this stuff is kind of weird but I guess it looks nice and uh yeah I guess so but anyways let me just finish up with this racetrack over here

As soon as it’s done I’m going to take it for a testment it’s going to be sick oh we should all race on the RAC trck to see who wins and oh yeah you’re right but anyways it looks like it’s almost done let’s see what did I miss and oh

Wait I need to add the Finish Line right okay let me grab a little bit of some black and white concrete and uh here wait where was the Finish Line at okay it’s on over here the right side I guess we can just build it over here like this

Let me just just clear out some space for it and let me put down all of the concrete boom there we go and actually wait I think I can make this even better let me just make this fence go a little bit up like this just like that there we

Go and now what I can do is just make this Finish Line like over here in the sky as well this will look cooler boom there we go but anyways now the next thing I need to do is actually add in all of the cars and I’m pretty sure what

We can do is actually grab some functional cars so let’s see and o yeah okay we’ve got a lot of vehicles here let’s see what are we working with here what type of car should I grab and H wait what about some go-karts Gokarts sound fun what about dirt butt and ooh

Wait actually hold on let’s see can I put dirt bikes uh I guess some of these could resemble dirt bikes like one of these vehicles over here is only one pixel big so I guess that can count as a dirt bike let’s see let me just grab a

Dirt bike and boom there we go this thing is awesome all right I’m just going to scatter these all around the track we can just have some go-karts around over here like this there we go boom and now the only thing I need to do is actually color them and okay there’s

A lot of bright colors for the car so let me just grab a little bit of every single type of dye I can find and let me also grab a spray can and a cra crafting table so that I can actually uh dye the spray can this thing is kind of boring

So I’m going to add some arms on the side and all right wait hold on what even are you building it wait what the what is that it’s like a weird tree orange chicken thing I think and oh wait yeah that’s pretty interesting I can’t wait to see who actually Drew everything

That we’re building once we like get to the end but anyways let me just continue combining all of this D with my spray cans well anyways what I need to do now is just go around and D all of these vehicles around my track so let me just

Go ahead and do that boom there we go these are actually looking sick W Dash you’re really getting Fancy with this and yeah I know this is actually looking awesome it looks exactly like what the drawing looks like it is actually perfect I’m probably going to win this

Honestly I don’t know about that my build looks almost identical to the drawing and wao okay yeah you’re just like a big cake and wait why is there water everywhere I don’t know whoever drew it put it in the middle of the ocean why would you ever put a cake in

The ocean I don’t know it’s kind of a weird drawing yeah that’s pretty interesting very abstract I will say but anyways now it’s time to build the second floor of my racetrack what I’m going to do is make the racetrack Loop all the way around and go like all the

Way up in the air that way if you’re looking at it from the top down it’s still going to look the same as the drawing but it’s going to have a bunch of additional features so here let’s do that now I need to start building a

Little rim and here let me just grab some slabs and H wait I can use these purple slabs since they’re going to blend in with the pink concrete that way the track isn’t going to look weird when it’s going up so here let’s just add these over here like this this is

Actually looking sick and oh wait hold on I think I’m going to have to get rid of this go-kart over here for now and I guess since this is like you know like a business center I’ll just have like some cubicles here and yeah nice that could

Look pretty cool on the inside of your build since you have like an office tower but wait hold on I got to test out my RAC trck I haven’t tested it out yet so here let me just hop on the dirt bikes since dirt bikes are the best and

Here we go let’s try going on the ramp let’s see is the ramp actually going to work and everything and H yeah it’s working perfectly as expected let’s go I’ll though we’re going to have to fix that we can’t just have a big drop over there because that is a a big safety

Hazard but anyways let’s just continue building this ramp over here we got to make it go all the way up in the air and then we can have like another loop or something and I don’t know but there’s a lot of possibilities here I don’t think

This is safe but I guess this could work what do you mean it’s not safe uh I’m kind of putting them in cages what wait the the workers in your office but like why I think that’s how to make the workers more productive what the I don’t

Think so but you have fun with that but anyways I got to continue this go-kart track this is looking sick and look from the top down it still pretty much looks the same as the drawing except when you look at it from the side that’s where things get pretty crazy and okay wait

Hold on it looks like I have to try to make it turn over here except it’s still going up this is going to be kind of tough I guess what I could do is just have like a little flat area over here like that and then I can have it turn

This way okay this is going to be kind of a sharp turn but it should do wait wait actually I just realized I got to put a bunch of fences around all of this to make sure people don’t fall off instead of putting all these fences down

Manually once I’m done with the actual track why don’t I just run the command SL SL one so that I can grab a one and then what I can do is go in this corner over here and just uh select this block and then go in this corner over here and

Select this block this is kind of going to mess with a lot of my R track but it’s going to be worth it what I can do is just look up and then run the command SL SL stack uh the 100 and boom there we go now we’ve got like all the fences

That we need although it kind of erased the the RAC trck that we already had H I don’t really want to rebuild it that’s going to take so long but what I could do is slash slash undo this and then hear me out what I could do is just go

Here and then select this position and then go all the way up over here in this corner and select a second position and then let me just go down right over here in this corner and then just run the command SL SL copy and now let me just

Slash slash stack the fence again there we go and pretty much now what I can do to repair all of the go kart track that got erased I can just go over here and run the command sl/ paste and boom there we go look this part of the go-kart

Track is still here but we still have all these fences around here as well so U I guess these fences down here we have to place manually or actually no we don’t what we could do is Select them like this and then again SL SL stack 100

Then boom there we go too easy wait Dash if you’re putting a bunch of fences won’t that like change what the drawing is supposed to look like oh gosh yeah you’re right I forgot about that um well let’s see I guess I can go all the way

To the top of my build and see how that looks as long as it looks the same as a drawing from the top down then it should be good and okay I need to break all these blocks over here there we go they are all broken nice and all right let’s

See does this still look like a racetrack oh gosh I got to go really high in the air oh gosh wait yeah speaker baby you’re kind of right it kind of like changed the entire look of the build what are you going to do about

It and wait actually I do have an idea what I could do is go all the way here in this corner and select this position and then let me go all the way down in this corner over here and wow okay I was very high in the air it took me a while

To come down and let me just run the command SL SL replace fence with glass boom there we go and ooh okay now this is looking really cool well that does look really cool yeah and look the best part about this is that now if you look

Down from the top it still looks the same as the drawing which is perfect exactly what I was looking for but here let me get rid of all of these blocks over here let me just select this position and let me go down over here and select this position and let me just

Run SL SL replace concrete with Air Boom and here let me do the same with the slabs boom there we go and now all I have to do is just focus on expanding this track and oh wait I also have to finish with this glass let me just

Continue SL SL stacking just got to do it a few more times boom there we go and all right now all of the inside is filled with glass I think I need to do the same on the outside though there’s still some of this outside wall that

Isn’t like stacked all the way up yet okay we have to select all this and then just continue SL SL stacking it I’m also building a little RAC track on my plot wait you are hold on can I see and whoa wait this looks pretty cool but wait was

This in your drawing kind of there was like little white things so I just decided to turn them into a RAC track oh oh yeah fair enough I guess so but anyways I’m almost done with my racetrack as well actually all I got to do is just finish putting all of this

Glass over here and actually wait I’m not almost done I’m almost done with the glass though so I just need to stack that in there we go now all of the glass is set up all I got to do now is focus on actually like you know making the

Track go up so here we go back to the track and oh wait actually let me add one of these glass sliding doors this could look pretty cool since it’s made out of glass it’s not going to like really look weird when you look at it

From the top and boom there we go those doors look pretty nice and there we go my money printing machines are done and wait your money printing machines what yeah obviously every business has one wait can I have some money printed uh sure how much do you need um maybe like

10 million, wait 10 million, I’m pretty sure that’s not a number I think it’s like uh 10 billion or something yeah just make up your M tell me how much you want um at least two I don’t know only two that seems kind of low no all of it

I want all of it uh you can’t have all of it all of it’s for the business I can give you a little bit of money though here you go yay and here it looks like we got another turn coming up so let’s just make another flat strip of land

Over here like that boom and then we can actually have it go up again right over here and wait okay this RAC TR is going to be kind of boring if it’s just like the same thing all the way up to the top I think I need to add some like you know

Surprises and stuff like that so uh hm what could I do and H wait actually I could add some unique stuff to the bottom of the RAC trck that way when you look at it from the top since this part of the RAC trck is going to be covering

It you’re not going to be able to see all the changes I made so it’ll still look the same as the drawing so uh let’s see what could we do with wait a minute what if I add some of these rims and some of these speed boosters yeah this

Could be sick if only I could have those in my race course and oh yeah right since you’re building a boat race course you can’t really have those but you can have like obstacles and stuff you can have like dispens that I don’t know shoot stuff at the racers to make it

More challenging oh yeah that’s a good idea yeah I know I’m pretty smart but here we can just start putting all of these booster pads all the way around the track this is going to be sick we just have to make sure to put them whenever there’s a flat strip of L

Because we can’t really have them like turning cuz that’s not going to work and H where should we put these uh you know ramps I guess we can put one over here at the start of the ramp so we can just have one over there like that and okay

Hold on let’s test this out let’s see how is this going to work let’s give this a going wa okay that may be a little bit too fast but uh we’ll go with it we’ll leave it there yeah let me just park this go-kart down here again and

Okay we have a few of these boost pads but now I think we got to add some obstacles cuz we don’t want the track to be too easy o wait I have an idea what if I add some ghost blocks that could be super cool pretty much what I can do is

Have an entire row of ghost blocks over here just like this and pretty much what ghost blocks are they look like normal blocks but you can actually go through them and pretty much what we can do is make it so that if you fall into the ghost blocks you have to restart the

Race so uh here let’s go down over here really quick and here let’s just dig beneath all of the ghost blocks just like this and now we got to build like a mini track over here that makes it so that if you fall over here you get taken

All the way back to the start so uh hm how are we going to do that o actually I have an idea what we can do is just have like a bunch of boost pads all over the floor that way if you land in here you’ll just immediately start going

Towards the start but uh first we should probably dig a tunnel that takes us to the start so let’s do that now and there we go I now have the tier two worker set up what tier 2 workers you have different tiers of workers yeah of

Course I have tier 2 workers you know you have to move up somewhere in the world okay well what do the tier 2 guys do and what do the tier one guys do oh they get cubicles instead of cages now oh oh that’s quite the upgrade I will

Say and there we go I think this should be good are we at the start of the racetrack down oh yeah okay we’re at the start over here this is perfect now what I can do over here now that I’m at the start of the racetrack up well I guess

The first thing I should probably do is make this area look nice so let’s set all of the walls to some concrete boom there we go that’s looking pretty nice let’s just do that to all of the walls around this entire area boom that’s looking pretty good and I guess for the

Floor we don’t really have to make it look nice since we’re going to going to be covering all of that up with these booster pads let me just slash slash stack this and boom there we go ooh that’s perfect they lined up perfectly with the wall now I can just put these

Other booster pads over here and then let me slash slash stack these ones as well there we go and then now we just need to wait for people to like get out once they get over here if we get have some sort of thing that boosts the cars

Upwards that would be pretty cool wait actually I think I got an idea what if we just have a bunch of these super steep ramps let’s just put these all up over here just like this there we go and okay that’s looking pretty nice hold on

I want to test out what happens if someone actually goes through the ghost blocks Let’s test it out with this go-kart right over here let’s just go down over here like this and whoa okay uh then we are going whoo whoo wa that is very fast and here we go w we Lally

Just get kicked out of the Arena okay well that works I guess and here let’s also make sure to cover up the entire thing with some ghost blocks so that it still looks natural when you look down uh we can’t really cover up this part

But that’s fine but uh yeah there we go I think that’s enough obstacles we should probably work on expanding the track for now since we’re kind of stopped over here we got to take this thing all the way up to the sky once I finish adding these tracks perhaps this

Race course will be finished and ooh wait you’re taking the traps idea that I told you about wait what type of traps are you adding oh I have some Arrow dispensers and I’m adding lava right now and ooh okay that sounds pretty sick I’m probably going to add some more traps

Later as well right now I’ve got this one ghost block trap thingy set up but I definitely got to add more like you later but anyways here it looks like we got another turn over here so let’s just have a little flat area just like this

And there we go boom and all right now we can continue making the track go up but wait as soon as we make the track go as far as over here we won’t have to build anymore what we can do is just like go down here copy this and then

Just paste it up here again so that we can just have it infinitely looping should be pretty sick here let’s just continue making this go up a little bit just like this there we go and okay I think this should be about far enough

There we go yeah and now let me do SL SL wand again and okay this is going to be the tough part we have to select all of this perfectly so here let’s go up in this corner over here and we got to see what block is this at okay this block

Over here so we can just build out a little bit like this there we go and let’s select this as position one and then we can go down all the way over here and let’s just select our position two right over here and then hear me out

This is what we’re going to do we’re going to go right over here I’m pretty sure yeah this looks about right and we can just run the command SL SL copy and then let’s go up over here I hope this works and it doesn’t mess up the entire

Track let’s just go right over here and then run the command SL SL paste and boom there we go now we’ve got the track over here and oh wait hold on I think I did it wrong you can see the glass is kind of messing up okay let’s try SL

Slash undoing that let’s go back down here again and let’s just try copying it from over here and then let’s go up over here and SL SL paste it right over here boom and okay I think this should work perfectly yeah look at that anotherone little glass got messed up now all we

Got to do is just make everything connect just like that and boom there we go we can pretty much just like infinitely repeat this track now let’s just do the same right over here on the next floor boom there we go and let’s do the same all the way up here until we

Reach the very top end oh wait actually it looks like we’re pretty much already at the very top okay I guess we can put one more track down over here let’s slash slash paste that in boom there we go and okay perfect we are literally at

The top of the world right now this is awesome wow wait you have speed boost on every single Corner don’t you think this is going to like get a little bit out of control and oh wait no hold on don’t worry the speed boost was just like an

Error when I was copying and pasting it I’m getting rid of that right now just like this there we go and yeah there’s like a bunch of speed boots just flying around everywhere I need to get rid of this stuff oh gosh wa there’s also doors

Over here in the ceiling I need to get rid of this too and what why did my drawing get brought up over here let’s get rid of that all well I’ll leave you to that I’ve got to go back to my crypto Mining facility your what uh you heard

Me crypto Mining facility what are you talking about I don’t know but uh anyways let’s just continue building I got to get rid of all these doors that accidentally got pasted up over here all right well I’m just finishing up my sple area this area is going to be so awesome

And whoa wait a spliff area that actually is a pretty cool idea for your build wait what even is your build I’m still a bit confused on what it is um it’s like an orange tangerine tree monster thing sacrificing someone I don’t really know actually oh yeah

Interesting well I hope whoever drew it likes what you built yeah it’s very creative and uh I think so but anyways wait I’m looking at my thingy from the top right now and it still pretty much look similar to the drawing kind of what

I could do to make it look more like the drawing is just go up here and select all of this glass I just need to select this top row of glass over here at the top and let me just replace all of this glass with some brown concrete there we

Go and boom look now if I look at it from the top it’s going to look pretty much the same as a drawing yeah this looks perfect all right well anyways now that my main track is done I got to come up with a weight to have people like you

Know go back down once they reach the top because I can’t just have them like drop down over here that’s not going to take them to the bottom or wait is it actually hold on I might have an idea that could work what I could do is grab

Some more ghost blocks again and then pretty much what I could do is just have like a little area on this corner which is just all going to be covered up with some of these glass ghost blocks just like this and pretty much what people

Are going to have to do is drive their vehicles onto the glass ghost blocks over here and that’ll take them all the way down to the bottom I guess this could work uh here let’s try it out let’s just put down all of these ghost blocks over here until we reach the very

Bottom boom there we go and yeah okay I think this works it’s pretty much like an infinitely looping track now here the only way to find out is to put it to the test so here let’s grab our purple go-kart again and let’s go and wa okay

That ramp is so sick and here we go here we go so far so good the track is going good and oh yeah I guess the ghost blocks can also act as an obstacle for people going up the track we got to be careful to dodge them because otherwise

We’re going to fall so here we go let’s just keep going all the way around the track like this wao wait yeah this track is actually huge this is awesome we almost at the top though so let’s get ready to drop here we go and I think

It’s just right over here let’s try it out here we go and wa yeah okay it’s working perfectly let’s go that actually worked perfectly but now we need to add a way for people to get off the track if they’re like tired of racing or something so I guess what we could do

Just go underneath these ghost blocks again and then just dig out a little bit down over here and place some more ghost blocks and this right over here could be the exit area so people can just drop down over here and then they could drive

Their cars uh I don’t know off this way yeah this could be the exit uh what speaker what are you doing here woo what the heck did you just try my gokart track dude you fell into the Trap you got to be careful I didn’t know that

Was a trap yeah it’s not an easy goart track it’s supposed to be a challenge oh I didn’t know there was a trap hold on let me go again and uh okay he fell in it again that thing sucks uh no I’m pretty sure you’re just a really bad

Racer I did it first try uh no you’re just a bad Builder like look you can’t even do that did you fall into it again okay let me show you how easy it is all you got to do is just line yourself up with the bridge and yeah simple as that

You had experience and I did it oh my gosh and you’re actually so bad at racing wow that is uh impressive I’m not bad at racing I’m bad at bad courses uh no I think the course is just fine it seems like a skill issue to me and wow

You really cannot get this I literally just got stuck this race course sucks okay well I’ll was just leave you to it but anyways what I was thinking over here can be the exit so uh I guess let’s just build a little wall over here out

Of some glass oh I did it there we go oh about time but anyways here we can also get rid of this Finish Line over here since we’re technically moving the finish line up to the top and here let me just fill in all of that and what we

Can do here is just have a little Glass Wall or actually we should probably build it out some concrete so that people don’t run into it by accident and this could be the exit area where people can wait speaker did you just fall through the exit hey you made it to the

End oh my gosh that was terrifying yeah well I mean it’s not an easy track you know it’s a drop it’s pretty fun no no I thought I was going to definitely you know Splat oh uh well no no no don’t worry about it and oh wait actually

Speaking about that I should probably add like some sort of water or something at the end so let me just grab some water and a pressure plates and here look what I can do is just have some pressure plates going like that and then

Uh I can just have the water in there so look it’s like a perfectly soft Landing people will land into the water and then they can just drive off like this I guess that works but my business is going to sue you for all the damages I

Took what uh okay well anyways it looks like the exit area of my go-kart track it’s pretty much all complete uh actually let me fill in these blocks over here and wait what I could do just to make it look a little bit nicer is add some of these yellow lines over here

So that people know which way to go this will make it look more like a real road yeah this is starting to look sick there we go and boom there we go the exit area of the go-kart track is done hm what else do we need to build now well I

Built a bunch of traps in my race cor so maybe you should do the same oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right the traps I need more obstacles I completely forgot about that okay well let’s see what type of obstacles could I even do o I guess I could do something with dispensers let

Me just grab a few of these dispensers and uh where should I put this okay I’ll put it right over here I’ll just have the dispensers start uh over here like this and I can just have a bunch of dispensers going down just like this boom there we go and all right here’s

What I was thinking for these dispensers do is put some pink concrete around over here like this and then grab some Redstone and some repeaters and then let me put some redstone on top of all of these dispensers and then also have some repeaters going around like this and

Pretty much what I’m going to do is just make an infinitely repeating Redstone Loop so just like this and I don’t need these blocks over here actually let me just go ahead and start this now there we go and okay check it out now every few seconds these dispensers are going

To activate and fire whatever’s inside of them and speaking about whatever is inside of them let’s grab ourselves some Fireballs really quick and let’s just fill up all of these dispensers with a a bunch of fireballs that way anyone doing this race course is going to have to try

To dodge all of these Fireballs so let’s just replace all of these dispensers with filled ones there we go now they’re all filled up and oh wait hold on we have to reactivate the Redstone Loop let’s do that right now there we go and all right now check it out it fires

Fireballs every few seconds is actually awesome wait you’re using Fireballs that’s it wait what what do you mean that’s it is pretty hard no uh yeah maybe if you’re like a baby you are a baby I don’t know make it harder that seems super easy and okay okay I guess

If you say so um let me think what could I do next o wait what about I have like a lava dispenser that could be kind of cool that way like people are going to have to actually stop and wait if there’s lava so that if you’re going too fast

You’re just going to go into the lava so here let me just grab a few more dispensers and we can just place them down right over here just like this boom let me grab some lava buckets and okay I don’t know about lava that’s going to be

Kind of dangerous but wait what about some fake lava this could work pretty much fake lava just looks like normal lava but if you go inside of it you’ll get fire resistance and it’s it’s just not real lava and oh gosh I got to clear this it’s spreading there we go all

Right it’s all gone pretty much what I could do is just have a bucket of fake lava inside of each one of these dispensers and okay here now let’s put some redstone on top of all of these dispensers and then um H how are we

Going to do this oh wait what we should do actually is grab an observer and then just put the output of that Observer going this way like that and oh gosh wait that just activated that oh no oh no I did not mean to activate that earli

And pretty much what I was thinking is we can have one of these repeater Loops over here just like this and here let me get rid of this Observer for now we can put that later when we need it and then let me just activate this Redstone Loop

Really quick there we go and now pretty much what we can do is put this Observer down right over here like that and check it out look it’s going to like activate the lava for 1 second and then unactivate it again wait am I doing this

Right hold on I don’t think I did this right oh no wait it’s leaving the lava on for too long okay hold on I think I need to do this one more time and okay let me try this one more time I think I have to time it perfectly so that the

Lava goes at the time I want it to so let’s try this out and okay I think we got it working let’s see will this work in yes perfect but um hold on it’s not leaving the lava for long enough I wanted it to leave the lava for like 1

Second so that it could float slow down but um H how can we do that what we could try doing is adding a repeater over here and then just uh putting the Redstone there like that and then having the Observer right over here will this

Work and oh uh oh wait hold on I think I messed it up again oh gosh oh gosh okay this is not working okay I think this lava thing may have been a bit of a bad idea I cannot seem to get it to work

Okay well let’s just get rid of all this lava stuff I have a I have an even better idea and okay what about instead of all of that lava stuff what we can do is grab some ice and just put that around like a bunch of the floor to make

It super slippery this should make the track quite a bit more difficult and it’s a lot easier to set up than that lava stuff so here let’s just continue putting this around the entire track just like this uh let’s put like some over here as well and here I can just

Put this all around my racetrack boom there we go and okay I think with that my racetrack should be complete yep my build is completely finished and there I’m done oh yeah my cake is done too and oh wait perfect I think we are all done

But anyways now that we are all done that means it is time to see which builds belong to which drawings so here everyone get back in the middle all right well now do we get to see all the drawings and yep exactly when we hit this button we’re going to get

Teleported to all of the drawings and then we have to try to all guess which drawings are from what build so here let’s hit the button in three 2 1 here we go and oh okay here are all the drawings and oh wait look there’s mine

Right there oh wow that’s so nice oh this is my drawing oh mine’s over here this is mine wait wait speaker baby this one was yours wait you drew the racetrack well what do you think of my build track no this is a donut wait what

That’s a donut well why is there like cars on it and like a Finish Line those are sprinkles and that right there that’s the napkin that you eat with it that’s the napkin wait why is the napkin so small compared to the rest of the dut

The napkin is not small the doughnut is huge uh well uh what do you think of my racetrack then it kind of looks like a dut I guess uh hang on let me just get the angle right and yeah if you look at it from the very top it’ll still pretty

Much kind of look like a donut wait that’s so creative okay let me just get the angle right and oh you really got to like squint to see it and yeah yeah but look you can like actually see that it’s kind of like a donut see we’ve got like

The brown concrete over here for like the the main part and then we got the frosting on top as the pink road I was wondering why the road was pink you’re still missing the sprinkles though and oh yeah well okay speaking about the sprinkles everyone come down over here

To the start of the racetrack the sprinkles are the cars right over here as you can see they’re all like different colored and stuff and we have to hop in the cars and then do a race oh I totally see it and yeah yeah here everyone coming through this wall right

Over here and everybody choose their vehicle I’m going inside of this dirt bike right here cuz dirt bikes are sick is there no orange color one and uh orange color one we probably had one at some point and then uh I don’t know it probably got blown up or or something I

Want this pink one and yeah here everyone bring their vehicles over here at the start and then we can get started here everyone get ready this is about to be sick but be careful cuz there’s traps and uh things that we need to watch out for so is everyone ready everyone get

Lined up on their marks and all right all right here we go let’s all go in three 2 one let’s go and here we go here we go no wait I fell in the Trap oh gosh wait how did I fall in my own trap come

On come on I need to go back up to the start to go through the door come on come on and let’s go I made it through the traping oh gosh I like the fire area I kind of went through there but here we go I’m making good progress and there we

Go hon you guys are slow wait you already made it to the top and whoa I just saw you dropping down all right well here I’m coming in second place I’ll take second place don’t fall through the traps there we go no you’re not Dash I’m catching up and wait what I

Just fell through the floor and oh yeah yeah right I speaker I think you may have fell through like the area where you’re supposed to go through at the end that’s actually like one of the obstacles and I’m going through it right now here we go boom there we go too easy

I finished good job you got third but anyways what do you guys think of my build I think since I won I give it a 10 out of 10 is pretty cool I think it’s really cool that the cars are the sprinkles so I give it a 10 out of 10

Let’s go uh well there was no orange car and it looks nothing like a donut so you get a negative one what a negative one okay well fair enough all right well here I guess let’s check out what the other drawings are and okay whoa I’m

Actually very curious to see what we got next wait what is this one supposed to be oh wait Ruby is this one yours oh this is the one that I built yeah and wait who drew this what is it it’s me I built a tropical Treehouse don’t you see

It oh that’s what that is oh wait it’s a tropical Treehouse wait hold on Ruby what did you oh you built like a guy well I thought like okay so the big head The Treehouse looked like a head to me so I gave it a beak and eyes and then I

Gave it a wood body and then leaves I just thought he was like some sort of monster guy oh yeah I guess it does kind of look like some sort of monster but wait do you have any stuff on the inside of like it’s supposed to be a tree house

Right I have a little bit of stuff in it but first first we have something to do everyone choose one of these little houses I’ll go for this one and ooh okay okay I’ll go in uh this one over here I got this one okay just stand on the

Outside of the door okay don’t go in yet we go in at the same time all right and three 2 1 go and all right let’s go and wait why are there pressure plates here is this a trap or something uh what is that sound what the wo I guess speaker

Baby got unlucky he chose the trapped one wo that is pretty unfortunate but whoo wait what do you have down here oh that’s my spliff game I guess it got kind of wrecked but I guess we can do that next right now and O okay you have

Spliff in your build all right all right well here I guess let’s grab some Diamond shovels really quick y everyone get your shovels and here I can set everyone to survival mode let me just run the command just like that boom there we go and all right is everybody

Ready all right let’s go okay we’re going to start in three two one go and all right let’s go let’s go and wa what I don’t I don’t think he built this spliff right oh oh oh there’s three layers oh I see okay this is going to

We’re going to be here for a while what we are I thought that it would be Mak it more exciting ow what I got speaker man and wait hold on does one actually fall already what I started suffocating I just fell straight through I what happen

How did you fall through a sple with three layers that takes some new skill um GG I guess I started suffocating I don’t know what happened wait me too wait what is going on I think this spliff game is cursed don’t say that about my spliff game get over here oh

Wait wait me you guys St to think what is going on I don’t know Dash do you want to work together to get speaker baby oh yeah yeah sure sure sure let’s target him come here speaker baby all right this is getting boring what the speaker Mill what are you doing

Collateral and oh gosh my Ruby got out all right speaker maybe it’s me you now come here what is exploding speaker man do not see him he’s like throwing TNT everywhere oh my gosh we need to avoid that now too wait I’m kind of cheering

For speaker man now get him get him all right well come here speaker baby you’re going down next and oh gosh that was way too close wait wait hold there’s like a sign on here what does that say loser and oh okay I okay I see how it is wait

Does that mean I win um I guess so yeah and okay I’m setting everyone in creative mode again but anyways uh I guess that was pretty cool but wait we got to check out what the next drawing is I’m curious to see who drew mine and

Wait a minute hold on I drew the computer right over here and wait that’s what you drew for it speaker man yeah it’s a business Tower isn’t it but a business Tower no speaker do you not see it’s a computer look we have the computer here we have the mouse here the

Key key board the monitor what did you think it was Oh I thought there was like a business tower that had like a wrecking ball on it with a canoe and a guy with a TV head what did you thought this was a canoe uh no dude that’s

Supposed to be the keyboard and that that’s not a it was supposed to be a mouse not a wrecking ball oh well I filled the wrecking ball up with oil just to fill the business what you filled it up with oil that’s kind of weird wait hold on you thought the

Monitor was supposed to be a person yeah it looks like a little guy I I thought you just forgot the arms what no speaker it was supposed to be the monitor well anyways it looks like you got a lot of stuff inside of your Tower I guess let’s

Check it out yeah we could go check out the workers as you can see at the bottom we have our work MOS for the day uh Mission money mission money mission money mission money mission money you guys seem to be a very uh money driven company you know what they say about

Life life’s like a sandwich no matter which way you flip it the bread comes first okay whoa what the speaker of it I don’t think these are very good work conditions these are my tier one workers don’t worry they’ll get their first raise after three lifespans on the job

Do you need help guys they say they need help anyway on the next layer we have our money printing machine check it out wa what the this is awesome you literally have actual money printers here okay that is uh pretty interesting what I didn’t know that you could just

Print money oh yeah you can this is our main money of cash flow wait is this legal it depends on how you look at it but uh anyway on the next layer we have our tier 2 workers oh oh there’s a tier 2 workers said uh wait what is this oh

We got to remind them of what they’re selling and uh there’s no one here it’s their day off it’s their only day of the entire 10 decades oh oh oh it’s their day off okay I see but anyways what do you got on the next floor uh on the next

Floor we have uh a a Bitcoin minor Bitcoin minor wait what’s a bitcoin oh it’s like virtual money wait virtual money no it’s not real like emeralds oh no it’s very real and it’s very very expensive hey put that down that’s very expensive oh okay I’m sorry I’m sorry

But what do you have on the next floor on the next floor over here we have our oil storage area oil storage why do you need oil to make french fries uh no the oil is the most financially stable income on the world ever and oh uh okay

Oh wow I see you have a lot of oil here all right well what do you have on the next floor oh this is our oil smeltery uh don’t worry about the smog that’s just a a work deploy dude I I think there’s a fire hazard I need to get out

Of here yeah dude I can hardly breathe no don’t worry about it OSHA violation more like OSHA guidelines guys I think there’s smoking coming from the floor over here and yeah wait speak there’s literally a smoke coming everywhere I I don’t think this is a very safe building

Uh it’s very safe that’s just the oil smelting all right well anyways let’s check out the last drawing guys oh yeah yeah yeah here I want to see what the drawing for your thing was speaker baby and oh wait is this one it wait your build actually looks very similar to the

Drawing you got like the cake in the middle of the water yeah wait that’s my drawing oh well I did it perfect right you got the cake and the ocean and a big candle um kind of well it’s first of all the ocean is right but it’s not a cake

And that’s not a candle what how is that wrong it’s an island in a lighthouse and oh that’s what it’s supposed to be oh didn’t you forget the light part of the lighthouse it looks like a candle well the background is white so like how am I

Supposed to draw the light if the background is white I don’t understand maybe like a yellow oh well I think my artistic twist made it better but do you guys want to check it out oh yeah I want to check it out let’s see it okay well

Over here we have to start with the jet ski race a jet ski race wait I have my own colors o wait you got colors for everyone that’s awesome yeah unlike somebody else’s racetrack okay I’m sorry I’m sorry but anyways uh when do we

Start okay we can start in 3 2 1 go all right let’s go hey wa Speakman got a head start what the going and here we go here we go come on come on and what speaker how are you still on the lead very fast and oh I won and here we go

Second place I’ll take that and oh it looks like Ruby’s struggling and oh fourth place nice but anyways what do we have on the inside of the lighthouse cake thingy over here well if you come in here we we have a little cake factory who who wait where

Were you saying my smoke was bad look You’ literally got a smoke stack right there oh well we have proper ventilation and you don’t and uh this doesn’t look like proper ventilation but anyways yeah this area looks pretty cool you got like the the cake areas over here but W these

Are some pretty big cakes wow blah blah ventilation all right well what’s going on with the next of this uh tour yeah if you guys follow me down here we have the mob fighting arena the mob fighting arena wao but oh but you have armor in

Here all right let me grab a little bit of this stuff over here and wait I’m guessing we have to be in survival mode for this yeah that’s why I gave you guys armor and oh yeah I guess so so here let me go ahead and set everyone to survival

Boom there we go and all right well I’m ready whatever oh yeah I’m ready come here Dad you’re going down no no no mom fighting we’re not fighting each other oh I thought it was PVP all right well I’m going to flick the lever in three 2

1 here we go oh wait here are the mobs come all right quick everyone take out the creeper before it blows up go go go and oh gosh wait there’s so many of them and wait that one just blew up oh gosh guys don’t hit me my speaker baby what

Is this going to stop why is there so many of them wait turn it off that’s enough I’m cornered oh gosh oh gosh they just keep coming guys I think we have to wait for all of the dispensers to drain before this ends we can do it we can do

It oh and by the way there’s no off switch we have to beat all of them oh my gosh wait hold on everyone take all the stuff out of the dispensers quick oh wait I think the creepers broke some of the Redstone as well but there we go

That’s finally over that was kind of fun I guess yeah it would have been more fun if you didn’t cheat all right well anyways uh what do you have next okay well we have one last room and it’s my favorite room of the entire tour wait

What is this over here I just noticed that the drawing of a cat a that’s so you I hate it what the just blew up Ruby with that thing come on oops why did you blow up my drawing what was that for speaker man uh you shouldn’t have been

Stand still close to a missile well anyways what else do you have I see you have an upstairs over here what’s up here oh yeah well I guess it’s good that we saved this part for last and uh okay well what is this area and wait what is

All this it’s an Intergalactic ballistic missile yeah oh you know it’s just my missile silo that I built inside of the candle hold up hold up hold up up this is not SP supposed to be a missile silo this is supposed to be a lighthouse and

I guys I think we got all of the drawings wrong literally every single one I don’t think it was too far off the only thing I messed up was the pink frosting fine if you’re not going to blow up the nuke I will myself wait what

The oh my God what was that a sweet relief oh my gosh everything just got blown up no not everything there’s a couple things over here that got missed what the why would you do it again that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the

Video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘Dash vs SPEED DRAW in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-12-05 06:31:18. It has garnered 70167 views and 873 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:28 or 2428 seconds.

Dash vs SPEED DRAW in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and the Speaker family are playing SPEED DRAW! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#minecraft #minecraftmods #dash

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    Chaos Unleashed: Terrifying Moments #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Terrifying Creepy Chaos Moments #5 #minecraft #gaming #scary’, was uploaded by CreativeRaccoonGamer on 2024-07-16 22:57:46. It has garnered 514 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Terrifying moments that happened in my horrifying Minecraft series called Creepy Chaos. These clips are from Creepy Chaos EP5 Make sure to check out the full videos on my channel! @CreativeRaccoonGamer #minecraftgaming #cavedwellers #minecraftgameplay #minecraftvideos #nightdweller #goatman #horrorgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #scaryminecraft #horrorshorts #minecraftscary #scaryshorts #minecrafting #minecrafthorror #herobrine #minecraftherobrine #herobrineshort #cartooncat #terrifying #horrify #horrifying #modedminecraft #mods #scarymoment #fromthefog #themanfromthefog #minecraftmods #cavedweller #nightdwellers #creepy… Read More

  • Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat’s Reaction Revealed

    Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat's Reaction RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘R.I.P Ag0bi L(録画できてなかったからチャットだけ晒す’, was uploaded by くたさん on 2024-09-29 17:40:47. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. RIP Ag0bi I wonder how it feels now after losing to the small fry. Losing to the athletes…w texture packs, minecraft bedrock texture packs, mcbe texture packs, minecraft bedrock edition texture pack, mcpe texture pack, minecraft pocket edition texture pack, texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shorts

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 14:07:19. It has garnered 487 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial – BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial - BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft’, was uploaded by BEAST X ANIME on 2024-01-08 12:51:09. It has garnered 1126 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:42 or 222 seconds. Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft credit – voltrax Read More


    SILVER'S EPIC ADVENTURE IN THE FIERY NETHER! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FIERY NETHER! – Silver & Friends Play Minecraft Part 9’, was uploaded by Silver The Hedgehog on 2024-08-19 21:30:18. It has garnered 7046 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:41 or 7061 seconds. Thumbnail by JerseyL0ad1ng: 💙Support The Channel💙 Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss a new video or live stream: @SilverTheHedgehogYT Becoming a member and get access to exclusive perks: If you’re feeling generous, feel free to donate to the channel! All donations are appreciated: Buy channel merch here:… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!

    24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-04-24 18:56:51. It has garnered 84 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:34 or 4234 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More

  • Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?

    Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?Video Information This video, titled ‘The End Of Minecraft? | Minecraft SMP 1 Year Anniversary!! |Live|’, was uploaded by Schnozz on 2024-05-08 04:04:44. It has garnered 162 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:29 or 7529 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minigames #multiplayer #minecraftsmp #trending #enderdragon #newupdate #schnozz #stream #live #ps5 #1080p #eastereggs #secrets #letsplay #livestream #youtubegamingminecraft #youtubeshorts #youtubegaming #schnozz #schnozzminecraft #multiplayer Read More

  • Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs Herobrine

    Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs HerobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lobotomy Kaisen goofy Edit 2 | Steve vs Herobrine #fyp #minecraft #shorts #fypシ #meme #herobrine’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-03 00:17:13. It has garnered 16584 views and 795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. well I had many problem when rendering that why u may notice some problem is lighting and other stuff. excuse me on that, I’ll try to improve on that area 🙂 so this is a series of monster school , where u can feel safe because theres no cringy trends or skibidi rizz ohio stuff…. Read More

  • Atoq semi-vanilla SMP whitelist 1.19.3

    Atoq – Private SMP for Content Creators ⏰ 1.5+ years old world ✨ Events and polls ✅ Whitelist + Application 👥 Active community and staff 🌌 In-game voice chat, art, and music maker mods 📖 Lore 🔍 Java v1.19.3 🦇 Custom origins and beliefs Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers"One type of Minecraft fan builds elaborate structures, gathers resources, and defeats enemies. The other type just punches trees and walks around aimlessly. Read More

  • Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21!

    Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, Xiyu’s on the scene, Crafting new mining methods, with diamonds so keen. Building Iron Giant Farms, with a grin and a spin, Every update shared, in rhymes that win. From constructing beehive farms to brewing potions so fine, Implementing Silverfish Mining Method, results in line. The essence of gaming, brought to new heights, In every episode, Xiyu ignites. So subscribe and share, support the channel’s flow, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity glows. Xiyu’s the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in rhymes that gleam. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts #short Read More

  • Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map!

    Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map! The Mysterious Lumina Complex: A Steampunk Adventure in Minecraft Step into the world of Lumina Complex, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In this Minecraft CTM map created by Link2012 and Mowse, players are transported to a 1900’s steampunk facility that was once home to inventors, scientists, and visionaries ahead of their time. Unraveling the Mystery The story of Lumina Complex is one of enigma and curiosity. What led to the downfall of this innovative establishment? Why did its inhabitants vanish without a trace? As players explore the ruins of Lumina Complex, they are tasked with uncovering the… Read More

  • Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks

    Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks Exploring Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft’s modding community has been a vibrant part of the game since its inception. Countless modpacks have been created over the years, offering players new ways to experience the game. In this article, we will delve into 10 more ancient Minecraft modpacks that may have slipped your mind. Voltz One of the classic modpacks, Voltz, brings a unique blend of technology and warfare to Minecraft. Players can dive into the world of missiles, electricity, and more as they navigate this exciting modpack. Agrarian Skies For those looking for a challenge, Agrarian Skies is the perfect… Read More

  • Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPE

    Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixelart shout out 12 #minecraft #shorts #best #art #challenge #mcpe’, was uploaded by MAD M500 on 2024-07-14 15:30:07. It has garnered 578 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. 43934football player,football,guess the football player,quiz football,football players,guess football player,football quiz,quiz football 2022,quiz football 2023,can you guess the football player,guess the player,total football quiz,football shorts,girl football player,voice football player,quiz football players,high school football,female football players,expensive football player,11 year old football player,uva football players shotgamers react minecraft fails,minecraft,minecraft fails that will make you laugh,gamers react 200 iq minecraft plays,craziest minecraft clips,luckiest… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Facts

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft FactsVideo Information This video, titled ’43 Fantastic Minecraft Facts’, was uploaded by theOasis on 2024-07-30 16:30:00. It has garnered 41173 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. These are 43 Amazing Minecraft facts I am sure you didn’t know! Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video its my first one! 🙂 Subscribers when uploaded: 0 #minecraft #facts #illegal Read More


    INSANE BUNGALOWS on ANARCHY SERVERS - EPIC MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft anarchy servers be like.’, was uploaded by Bungalows on 2024-09-17 09:12:09. It has garnered 535 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. Minecraft anarchy servers be crazy. Subscribe? Read More

  • Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈

    Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma’, was uploaded by funkin style gamerz on 2024-05-31 12:30:15. It has garnered 2436 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma INSTAGRAM- || Don’t forget to subscribe, like, comment and share for more amazing shorts. || {Thanks for watch this short} funkin style gamerz shorts minecraft minecraft shorts techno gamerz yes smarty pie smarty pie Gamerfleet minecraft logic minecraft memes minecraft speedrun minecraft no logic cursed minecraft minecraft… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattle

    Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spider Moth Dweller vs Corrupted Champion | Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #mods #mobbattle’, was uploaded by Glorious Wroughtnaut on 2024-03-19 00:10:30. It has garnered 303 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. 2 scary Minecraft creatures are facing off against each other. Which one will come out on top? Read More

  • TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft Mayhem

    TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft MayhemVideo Information This video, titled ‘What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-08-01 10:30:19. It has garnered 2190 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:02 or 1922 seconds. What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live – Hindi & Java + Pe!

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live - Hindi & Java + Pe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by JIT SUBHA GAMING on 2024-02-20 14:18:51. It has garnered 1455 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 08:49:52 or 31792 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to… Read More