Insane Minecraft Speedrun & Personality Test with Dream Team

Video Information

Oh you you you you you you you you you you you’re muted honey we can’t hear you is it fixed blah-blah-blah-blah-blah is it fixed blah blah blah okay it’s fixed I thought you guys were joking I thought it was a joke I thought it was a joke

Okay I can literally at this whole time I could see wait can you hear the game can you hear the game can you hear these breaking wait I’ll check myself I didn’t trust anyone I didn’t trust anyone okay can we hear the music loud music music okay okay all right it’s fixed oh

My god I thought you guys were joking I’m sorry I didn’t believe you okay oh my god like that’s like the biggest meme why everyone’s like oh you’re muted I thought it was a joke and I was like no what there was no struts in the show I just

Went in the shower okay but listen everyone’s always like Oh Mike muted my muted anything is on my stream I can see like my mic lighting up and even when it even before it was going up so I was like I know you guys are lying

Cuz the mic was like going up and down I could see the thing go up and down but for some reason it it wasn’t working I changed some settings so I must have just messed it up but I fixed it now but um thank you everyone who served I

Already said thanks to everyone but I guess it wasn’t picked up but thank you and MMX yes you’re muted we can’t hear you I’m sorry I I thought that was a joke I’m pretty sure I’m the chick trying to save money but I need to tell

You a mic is muted okay thank you everyone thank you everyone who told me I need trust you more in the future now all right this world sucks anyway okay I delete worlds I can’t believe my mic was actually muted and I didn’t believe you guys I

Can’t believe that yes I got a haircut I could get a haircut today hmm I don’t like this wall I just got a new one I just get a new one okay come on the one time we’re not joking about minding it on my own I know I know crazy

But to be fair like people have done that before I just didn’t believe them then so I’m just never gonna believe anyone but then everyone started saying it I was like what you entrust your own stands no I mean kind of not with a mic muted thing come on no one trusts that

That’s like the biggest livestream meme ever but everyone says it’s not my fault okay it’s my fault but it’s fine it’s fixed now it’s fixed I can’t believe like I actually had my mic muted I need a village otherwise this speedrun record isn’t gonna get broken Thank You Samantha thank you I

Hope you have a good day too thank you so the seed sucks no village okay new world Oh actually I’m not gonna bother doing the timer or should I okay fine I’ll do a timer fine fine timer timer I never like remember to restart it

Oh also look at this so like me and my friend Cindy we love you so much and thank you for all the amazing content Thank You Cindy and Linda thank you it’s like they’re right there was this so I had to deal with that oh yeah just before the scream I would have

Started like ten minutes ago but I had to get rid of that I’m sorry I wanted to show everyone Gogi wouldn’t know Mike I’ve got a mic can you hear me is it working oh I didn’t even get the time at what am i doing oh thank you for the bits you

Didn’t put a message there Thank You hunter thank you for the bits okay the timer is ready your new haircut looks good on you thank you how are you how are you today George I am doing good Freaker thank you okay I’m putting the house down yes I have wait where’s my box

Oh it’s here I have a box for catching a spider and I just if this is the wall you’re the wall I just go boom and then I slide the thing under and I catch her another window I have that right there all the time I’m always ready to get rid

Of spiders okay I’m ready with my timer look cute nice thank you what’s with the beat boobs hi George can we please get a bunk in the chat it’s extremely important I didn’t start the timer okay I just started out okay um if

You want to do a bunk you can do a bunk that’s up to you guys there Oh Kailyn thank you for the subs how many was that five I can’t see I think vibe wait let’s see did my thing work oh it worked wait look I said it operate it worked

Wait I thought I made it so it read it out hmm I thought I did that let me just quickly check I wanted it to read out gifted subs and love settings how do I do this I’m like bad I don’t know how to do it alright

Okay I suck whatever but thank you for the gifted subs thank you what am i doing okay and Gracie thank you for subbing Brooke and Emma thank you for something okay I don’t like the look of this seed and Bryce thank you for serving I’m keeping up I’m keeping

Up it’s working no village I’m not getting lucky is the music too loud is it too loud maybe I turn it down I think it’s too loud better it’s not too loud oh well too late I turn it down wait should I um I don’t even know what

I was gonna say oh I can’t read it it’s too far wait Genki soon thank you for getting seven subs thank you did it show up right I think it did show up I didn’t check I didn’t check how are you I love the new haircut thank you oh it’s troll

Jump again hello George temp I’m doing good today thank you hey this world sucks okay oh I knew what I was gonna do okay let me see if I can do this hang on can I do this this is the question on second guys this is like stream production quality enhancing

Moment stopped watch okay so the question is can I add this browser sauce no window capture add stop stopwatch add sauce oh there’s not what I want okay Oh God I’m scared to show this on the sphere in case something bad comes up okay let me isn’t that like a studio

Mode how do I do this I thought it was like a thing could you say hi to this slamming HGC we love you hello is slamming HGC thank you okay I know there’s like a studio mode somewhere how do I do this so you don’t mood oh god I

Don’t know how to do it okay I will get there I will get there where is it okay you know what into whatever I can do it I can do it properties and then I won stopwatch okay caption method much thing done okay and then bring on thank you for the gifted

Subs more gift wait did you already give subs you did didn’t you oh no that wasn’t you okay but thank you anyway thank you for the gifted subs you donated earlier okay thank you George I’ve never done it before so I don’t know how this works

If you could have anything in the world right now what would it be oh um a frozen lemonade I want a frozen lemonade right now alright so if I show this there’s nothing gonna leak that’s bad as there let’s make sure not trying to leak something okay so I can show this I’m

Pretty sure okay wait let me check this be careful oh that’s not good oh oh oh wow look at that unprofessional streamer alright so I just put it like that and then I put it under perfect weight let’s just start there I’m a professional streamer okay professional

Hello ever remember me of course bunny probably not but I was curious slow anyway you know heck I was very good luck and love you thank you yeah of course I remember you what is this public class short or found if ii don’t found wins print okay

Else it’s what is it says that either way I can’t okay ever thank you for the donor it’s funny happy to catch a stream again could I get a Jorge style virtual hug for the weekend of course here wait there you go thank you I just want to see what happens when he

Gets to a minute see how long he gets so we have to wait 10 seconds guys I’m sorry 10-second countdown um is it gonna fit okay well it’s perfect but when he gets it like 10 minutes it’s not gonna be perfect I’m just gonna preemptively do that and that should be fine alright

Make it smaller okay that’s probably fair enough oh I messed it up is that too small or is that fine is that good good hey what’s up hey what’s up Kalyan oh my god 15 times Caitlyn need to stop giving me so much money

I seen you giving a lot of people a lot of money and you know you need to calm down because you’re gonna lose money but thank you so much for so much money thank you is this good I think it’s good everyone seems to think it’s fine

Alright I’ll make it a bit wider just in case it isn’t fair and then we can go so to play all I have to do is go and then when it starts I click start okay like that okay go we did it we is in a village village village

Village there’s gonna be a lot of resetting the timer I probably just get that program that the speedrunning program be easier but I don’t know how I don’t know what it is hi cookie there there’s a new group challenge person we wanted you to name our group chat great

Today if you could have three wishes no exceptions love you hmm okay one second what would I name the group chat and his love from the cony known as k-pop stone and she was Eastern group chat what would I name it I I don’t know what what

Is in this group chat but you could call it the the dream smells bad group chat how about that okay this seat sucks so if I had okay if I had three wishes no exceptions what would the huh honestly anything I’m have to think about this

One oh I’m so bad at these types of questions when there’s like a million possible answers okay that’s a village that’s a village over there but I don’t think it’s the one with hay bales I don’t know if these ones have plate bells it went like questions where

There’s like a million different answers I just is calling thing like I’m like oh oh I can’t pick this one because what if there’s a better answer I’m just gonna feel I just think and go what are the answers okay okay 100 million subs on YouTube boom

You know what know a billion subs on YouTube okay I get the speed record speed run record right now on this dumb seed I’ll be funny and and I can have food whenever I want it right there okay that’s very useful very useful never have to make food again oh did not mean

To do that uh what am i doing what am i doing I need hay bales please to a six-block jump I don’t think I can okay there’s no hay bales huh I need a new seed okay you see it hey George isn’t my first time watching one of your streams

I recently got into you dream and SAP Maps content on I hope you guys videos thank you hope you have a good swim Thank You Aubrey thank you nothing here there’s nothing here I’m sorry but your virtual hug looks like you’re trying to choke someone no that is not what’s happening

Not at all anywhere in the world where would you like to go wait why is this tree like missing its bottom I don’t know um where could I go anywhere in the world and Jen Jen Jen key sim thank you again for more gifted subs thank you

That ad you taught me in it tell me na got a sub is he lurking here Tommy units looking stupid Tommy um where would I go anywhere in anywhere in the world I don’t know I’m so by these types of questions where’s cool where’s cool Florida no

Flora would be cool though at all places in America cool but I have been to a few places in America anywhere in the world why is this so hard for me I’m like trying to think of every option and then like pick the absolute best oh oh did I

Stop the timer I did okay let me know in two minutes all right let’s go this is the world record it rings bedroom No why is it so hard for me to think of this place I’m so bad Thank You your grandma thank you for the money thank you for

Giving your grandma’s money to me I really appreciate that and Oh Sophie thank you for the gifted subs everyone’s gifting subs today five gifted subs thank you hello George hope you’re doing well today are there any cartoons you liked when you were younger Oh a lot what did I watch I Wow

Okay well thank you thank you I watched the mr. beast firework video that’s that’s my celebration why am I getting so much wood no one stopped me no one stopped me okay door strats I’m not doing the door strats doe sprouts a dumb ok cartoons what cartoons did I watch

I’m suddenly having like I can’t remember anything I watched Thomas the Tank Engine when I was really young apparently that was like my favorite one but I don’t really remember watching it oh my god okay that’s a lot of subs Lizzie 50 subs oh

My god okay thank you so much if you got a free sub from Liz even make sorts of thang-thang that’s a lot of subs oh my god that is a lot of subs ah give me that I think I need like scroll down cuz

I know if I’m where I was missed what I missed thank you so much hide your high gold I’ve got the Ronis I’m checking home from bed oh my god you actually I’m sorry you’ll get better you will get better okay I need get out of here get me out of here

I’m really trying to remember what these stupid cartoons that I was like I can’t think play read donation I can’t do it all at the same time I just can’t what did I what did I watch just one cartoon George think of one think of one

The Simpsons there we go that’s not very it’s a bit of a normal one oh there were so many like cartoons that I watch so many Fairly OddParents spongebob oh my god there’s so many I can’t think of them right now I’m sorry but thank you okay so I got this get

That no bread eat the bread okay that should be enough I know I need a farmer hi gorg I don’t think my parents mind if I donate so here I am can I get a grog hug there you go and can you check out my Twitter DM Twitter DM

One second uh oh no where is it oh here copy okay and can you twit twit out can you check out my Twitter DM I made to help unclog goggles for my minecraft skin I’m very proud I will check out this room thank you you missed my doughnut earlier anyways good luck mate

Dream job hashtag five seven eight nine yes five seven eight nine everyone the shocking video every time you take damage has five million views and so dream promised he would do it this is true but oh no I hate these things okay this is fine like trick video has

Five millimeters and dream promised he would do if he gets a 10 mil he’ll do a face if it gets a 10 mil and do a face reveal I don’t think he’s gonna do that because he always says it has to be like kind of close to when we do the video

And it’s been like months now for like six months but yeah it’s formulated a lever thank you I’m really wasting this $5 to tell you we can’t hear the music anymore now you can hopefully but thank you thank you for letting you know and good

Luck on your world record at you I don’t need luck it’s guaranteed I’m gonna get the world record maybe hi George some of the person throwing you every day for a year again and I don’t know what to draw for day 24 how such what should I draw

You doing whoa another one okay you can draw me killing the ender dragon and get in the water record what do you use to make your Yeti mic sound so good a USB port that’s all I do is that it’s just nothing else let’s just plugged in good luck king thank you

Probably not Scott so if it’s not Scott who are you you’re not Scott I don’t know okay let’s not get too much work this time okay all right where’s the stone both the stone there’s no stone here no stone I’ll just get it myself this is fine I’m Kailyn thank you for

Gifting five more sobs thank you so much one second and we’re trying not to drown really quickly I don’t want any of that is this a useless thing okay it’s kind of useless oh I have a dolphin okay wait where was I oh I was over here okay why

What am i doing what am i doing just uh how are you joking okay this is actually I just want every star what is happening I have no idea what has happened hey I’m gonna have to swim back am i okay why they so loud and annoying love your haircut and game mine

Cutscene I’m worried it will hook bad wish me luck good luck you always need luck going into a haircut okay there we go um okay let’s go this is so slow three minutes already this is not good not good let me through okay I go alone I know you don’t like me

But we’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to be friends okay I only have three blocks Dora I would have saved you no seaweed or sir I hate dogs rats dogs rats not good okay come here man oh I’m scared I’m scared one two three okay okay we did it

You’re trim belongs in a museum slick that baby back pompadour style I don’t know what pompadour style is but that’s interesting it belongs in a museum wow that’s kind of mean well there’s a lot of wheat here Hydra don’t love you so much and hope you’re well could you

Say hi to my friends in sft WGC and Kiki and Toto hello hello everyone hi gorgey I would hi I just spat did you see that okay let’s forget that let’s forget that happened I would like to give you more money so thank you – thank you for your cuteness

And wholesomeness of my own currency is trash I’m sorry no problem you don’t have to give me anything also it is so trivial but can you try to say my nickname this is weird Alka I tried I don’t know if that’s right okay I need a

Farm oh I need to follow my a sock he’s up rocky I don’t know why I’m getting this much wheat it’s not really necessary okay I’m still getting wheat for some reason farmer farmer farmer where’s the farmer there’s no farmer of course there isn’t oh there should be a farmer over that

Right no it’s fine I’ll make my own farmer so I think you do like like that yes yes wait what yes no no yes okay I’ll just keep taking emeralds it’s fine okay and then this man please stop the trade okay that will that will do I’ll take okay good arrows okay I’m

Doing something good I think I left my crafting table it’s fine I don’t need it I want to saboteurs I won’t stop this to consume my nap aqus that sounds weird but I don’t know entirely what it means but thank you okay oh I’m so slow okay get out get out oh I

Want that oh I need one of these actually for a flint and steel okay never mind I suck I get rid of that go to upkeep at why not okay I need to hurry up what am i doing I’m like so slow oh there’s a bucket right huh

What a waste of iron um okay I think I I got everything one two three okay we see a lava pool lava pool hi George I let punk name one of my plants my name one as well yes name it name it Punk name it Punk I need a lava pool and then

We’re going to the nether we’re going we are going speaking of spider one time I found a scorpion a scorpion okay and my mom’s sink my parents and believe me also please make sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating well your health is important to me I I will try for you

Thank you I need lava pool but where do you live with us you can just find a scorpion in your sink I think there’s like a 0% chance that there would be a scorpion in my sink pretty much have you ever been sneaked by a friend just with the clock wait

Hi George have you been sneak by a friend and just for the cloud load odn I think someone already asked me this exact thing before maybe it was you I don’t think so I love you George what’s your favorite language to code in I know

A bit of Java and want to see what else I should learn um pythons nice to learn it’s got a nice a lot of nice libraries quite easy Oh didn’t mean to do that make stuff very simple very quick to do so off that you want pretty cool okay let’s go

Hi George is the infamous Esther again okay I said it all right Shirley I just wanted to say I wasn’t going to ask could you say I love you too Zack he deserves it and I love him so much thank you and have a great stream thank you

How much line did I get a five okay I make what do I make a sword okay bogey bogey really told his barber a little off the sides oh I mean some what oh my god I was I can you say hello to LEM para clips and

Manga Mannie shall fastest scooter boy I tried I okay I didn’t really try I went and I’m not lawful it is I went at a reasonable speed I didn’t want to rush okay I don’t care about this buried treasure map unless it’s why is it so

Small I’m so far away hey I just wanna thank you for keeping me sane throughout the quarantine with yours and dream teams content you weren’t really happy what’s one weird useless talent you have I don’t have a gravel that’s a weird tell him that I have and I need a gravel

Hey what’s one really weird useless tell him oh I think I have quite a lot honestly I reckon if you ask people that know me they could say loads but let me try think of one hmm I can like click my tongue that’s pretty weird and useless I guess a lot of

People can do that but I can do it really loud so that’s maybe better I don’t know okay whoa leave me alone okay I think I’m doing it right my stuff doesn’t burn I did it okay let’s go okay you never you never annoying I am a – 130 zero

Okay we’re in the nether at what time 11 minutes I mean that’s not bad right don’t burn me don’t oh they hate me I don’t have cold oh no oh no aah wait one oh they don’t hate me they love me wait do they love me I

Didn’t make a shield you’re right I will make one they gonna jump in my hole and they they gonna do it they gonna do it they’re gonna do it didn’t do it they love me for some reason why do they love me why do they love me I don’t have any wood aah

Okay I can get one in another load I can get what in another oh yes look at this oh they’re mad at me wait are they they are mad they’re very mad leave me alone Oh No why why why why why I should just dug into the floor okay

Oh I wasn’t doing too bad either okay we will learn from these mistakes this is just the beginning we’re learning I gotta go bye I love you thing thing I love you King thank you I’m having a bad day can I have a hug here

There is your hug oh I just like I wasn’t thinking I could have easily got out of that very easily I’m sorry okay George looking cute thank you thank you okay hi George not sure if you know this but Austria by the name nice twice broke the current 1.16 record and dreams world

Record with 28 21 minutes 8 seconds I think dream might have mentioned it into the time there yeah that’s crazy 1.6 I think oh wait I think that’s the one where he got like really lucky like he got all the ender pearls I’m like four gold ingots or something and the

Fortress was right there I think that’s the one but yeah that’s crazy I’m gonna beat it today obviously anyways good logs on the runs today thank you thank you okay jungle spawn with no village hi Georgia I love you and I was wondering if you

Could check my Twitter DM I have a story time here on how I broke my hand and got stitches Oh dream is here yes you can you can call me dream and I will pick that up what was I gonna say oh yeah I will okay the seat sucks but where is your

Desk cord refresh the page your discord no well I saying discord okay I have your Twitter it is in my notepad and I will check it out after this room thank you okay one second dream I will pick up you missed my donor okay what did you say what did you say

You said hi it’s Emmy I’m sorry I missed it I’m sorry hi George it’s me Lee remember me yes Kuwait I remember your name like your donation name how are you today I like the echo thank you also my cat’s tiny says hello to you and your kitty thank you

What’s your cat’s name that is a secret it’s very secret no it’s not baby and it’s not rubber it’s a big secret there where I live even though my house is the tree in the woods we have a love scorpions a big spider it’s the noise

Fun in the house yes that is very annoying beep-boop George died I died very sad f in the chat this is why the new nether is fun for speedruns no it is not fun and I hate it I’ll benek thank you for serving I I don’t want you to watch me you’re gonna

You’re gonna be sick watching me my trash runs as you always just wanted to clarify to everyone that I’m kinda broke Kalin with no money but you might know me as Kate no offense whether you like to cover my tweets and reply to me a couple of weeks ago about that stupid

Emoji tone good see yeah I remember but don’t waste all your money Kate oh wait yeah so here you oh you are the broke Caitlin okay I see you’re the broke Caitlin but you’re spending five dollars bleep bloop bleep bloop wait are you saying something hello oh okay hello your micro slicing

Up but I couldn’t eat one saying anything oh I said hi oh hello I just woke up Wow good morning DRAM thank you wow thank you for the bit golden Freddy thank you so did you want to say something to me drew huh or you just want to talk to me

I just want to talk to you ah Wow Jen wants to talk to me I can assist you okay okay you see my watch you run do you see my professional timer on the screen I do what do you think about that it’s good wait as you know

Never mind no one it true your name is actually Henry that is not my name is George with straight rolling also nice haircut you look very handsome thank you is your name leave I think that’s how you say Nev yes we’re different killings oh it’s so great this is a different

Game well thank you for the ten dollars Caitlin thank you I don’t know why I muted my mic to talk to the stream but I did it well don’t okay I uh I’ll try not to do that okay I’m here look at this epic seed dream look we

Won’t gravel or right off the start reset but I bought gravel if there’s not if you can’t see a village right from spawn just reset really yeah honestly okay well you know I have to open I’m just saying if you want to get like have a good time okay

Okay oh this is a good seed okay I’m going to that boat down there come on ah wait is there a boat down here I thought I saw one oh it was just gravel that’s good as well I need gravel normally drown okay I can’t oscy the next is watching this

Like what is this guy wait he’s doing the underwater gravel stress can you ask him if he was accessories like like rings or something please it’s for science I bet dream does know where accessories I have I don’t know why I’m just doing these dumb reactions to stuff okay so

Wait desert villages are useless now all right what do they have weights in them they have hay bells are they there okay the villages that pay bills are acacia desert and Plains okay gotta pogchamp await i bet you guys can’t do this backwards pogchamp what you see that how

Did you do that how does it’s a secret it’s a big secret okay the seat sucks ah you and dream you and dream should make a ringtone of you guys just saying okay I feel like I don’t want to say that but I don’t think we should do that

As a bad idea in Kailyn thank you for gifting five more subs how many subs you gifted today i gifted many subs thank you so much and there’s nothing here so there was a clip that I cut out of one of my videos and I was gonna just put on

– I said that I can’t be bothered anymore but the clip was they should totally add underwater villages to Minecraft yeah I said that one oh okay so this is what happened we like drove in the boat over like one of those underwater temple thingies and I was

Like oh my god it’s like Atlantis and dream was like ah they should actually add Atlantis like okay yeah I said they should add what underwater like like it wasn’t just as dreary but yeah in the water like underwater and then I thought they should they should add that as well

But they should also do just underwater villages and they have like mer villages that’ll be epic right and they’re like little swimming villages Atlantis strats yeah I would open up Atlanta strats okay I’m going to eat that walk that sucked so bad how are you gonna breathe there

Maybe they have liked the little magma blocks somewhere so you can breathe under that oh my god they already made they changed the name thank you you know they made a group chat could dream smells bad group chat how do you spell about you took like a five minute shower

No it was like definitely more than five minutes and I had another showers today I’ve had two showers like the past 15 hours I’m extra clean the underwater villages could have that that block that makes you be able to breathe within a radius of it Oh what is that thing called it’s like

The ocean whatever yeah I’m harmonics cool underwater villages would spawn with a conduit a conduit yeah but you can’t take it or I was like the underwater version of an iron gold iron golem it’s like a but it’s like a it’s like a shock a shock

Oh yeah what could is a shark okay that’s how they add sharks they make this shark like a shark like it only protects the underwater villages that’s yeah like so like it won’t attack you unless you like a massive squid that’ll be cool yeah yeah Kraken I always were like Adam

A Loch Ness monster or something yeah okay and is this thing wears a check you wouldn’t be able to take like the conduit from there like did is this a good seed it’s not I guess I’ll just good to see if there’s a village to this

Way hi George I’m back this is James English for money that you check my inside EMS at jato car 17 I sent a couple video ideas and maybe super cool few just to know that you saw them happy fourth you brace well okay I will wait where did you do that that was

Donation what’s on your sword one second I think it’s mending I think well that was loud okay I copied you a message and it’s in the notepad thank you it is mending that’s pretty good though right I can just in Oh how’s it awful hair as well wait can I just oh look

It’s like it’s like invincible haha it’s invincible okay invincible sword you want to reset it’s been four minutes you ever found anything oh I don’t think I did I reset the timer I probably didn’t reset huh I think it’s less than 4 minutes but this okay the seeds can I sucks but

Isn’t that crazy how you put mending on a gold sort and then never break okay what does it break to be kill cows no it doesn’t thank you thank you I need the lock I am very bad it’s unbreakable okay mom trims come okay let’s see if you got it right

Mom James complaining about the 1.16 another update because another fortress is extremely rare oh okay more gifted subs from janky sim thank you so much thank you because never photos is extremely rare and now it’s extremely luck base which makes his speedrunning experience was and you

Trying to get people to vote to reverse it because he wants a new world record again I think that’s exactly perfect I think it didn’t sound like it was hard to tell what I was saying well denied to him I think really maybe I’m first listen

Yeah when I heard it on Twitter I was like what did I you say but yeah it’s 3:30 p.m. and dream just woke up also I’m going broke from donating is I love you bye thank you it’s sappy weasel I like sopping up weasel thank you oh my god more gifted

Subs Thank You Katelyn oh is it pronounced Catlin I just realized there’s no I that Catlin Mike going crazy is it Caitlin or Catlin have I been saying your name wrong this whole time okay there’s no village again okay I knew every sack oh you can beat

The game today I believe in you I’m gonna try also can you tell dream that leave such dreams third nipple says hello and then I love him very much I love you guys so much happy I’m a fantastic day do you hear that dream your third nipple loves you drew yay I

Don’t know you had a third nipple wait until you hear about the fourth today thank you I hope you like it and hello to the GOG Yi group chat oh my god GOG EE okay I was gonna punch that dog but I changed my mind that would have been mean hey why they

No villages so wait Catlin or Caitlyn I need someone to tell me am i doing survival it’s Caitlyn okay so I wasn’t saying wrong that’s good that was cut off the knife spin on my wheel I shall Nate dream I don’t have the hair which give me own keep it it’s already gone

Thankfully it’s gone I’m sorry it’s gone I can’t get it back for you and there’s no village can you all stream if you can look as dmj for as much and it came and I want to join the motion escort my out on Twitter is SAP naps simp I’m soldiering we’ll check it

At some point and you will get in okay I need a good seed this is the thing though I’m eventually gonna get a good seed and I’m just gonna die uh well there you go simple uh I need good smells yes streams doing work let’s go I

Love watching you and dream thank you lady you know I’m glad you enjoy it us content the seed sucks hi gorgey what’s your favorite animal um kind of basic I like dogs and cats they’re pretty cool hi George my 11 year old brother and I this place sucks

My 11 your brother and I are big fans of you and the dream team haha that’s can you say hi to him his name is Jayden hi Jayden what did I say alright yeah Jaden hello Jaden how are you and the seat sucks oh I want a good seed how many

Seeds typically it you have to go through DRAM now the Kingford lettuce guys you just spam the letter D to me I’m not gonna be able to even scroll up and see your like proof that you bought merger just spam me with the proof that you bought March

Instead of a D I can’t see oh my god no the last thing you want on your nether King burger is some piggelin hoof fungus but as it turns out there might be what you get I like this I like this minecraft version of memes where I get

Very epic come on I need a good seed okay it’s going to a village it’s gonna be a village here I just know where hi Jules I just woke up and saw the earring thanks for turning your haircut looks really cute ooh love you thank you thank

You Nia and Davis oh whoa Gifford 5 subs Thank You Davis thank you huh village yes it’s Caitlyn not Caitlyn okay I will remember I remember well I already knew it but I wasn’t sure but thank you for confirming I now know it is Caitlyn I mean Catelyn okay I’m joking

Can you use oh you know how many people are DME right now um at least theory it’s like a million a million whoa that’s a lot of people why is everyone saying gram it’s obviously George obviously yes this is true George hi I recently got my glasses from

My I don’t know how to say it but that colorblindness you should really get something for your protanopia it’s crazy how different things look good luck in your stream should I get them I don’t know I guess I should get them yes you should I probably should wait I don’t

Have enough sticks no I’m just kind of annoyed cuz like they said they were gonna send them to me and they didn’t now I have to buy them but I’m just like thinking if I just wait they might send them to me eventually no no I don’t have

To pay for them but maybe I’ll just get them and thank you for the bits whoa fifty five thousand bits thank you so much Rose fanboy that’s $50 right that’s a lot of bits there’s a lot you didn’t even put a message hopefully that wasn’t an accident

I’m sorry if it was I cannot refund bits no he’s gonna hit me is not something that is possible you cannot refund bits come here thank you so much if that was on purpose or either way thank you so much wait you just did it again okay no I

Just read it oh my god you missed my five thousand bits wait how long ago was it it was two minutes ago I’m sorry you just did it again oh my god now I feel bad I’m sorry but thank you so much there’s a lot of bits a lot he missed my

Donor but it’s okay I still stand you I’m sorry I’m sorry you it’s a weird sound um okay I need this stuff should have used door strats doe strats suck why did you invent door strats true because they’re a genius there are genius strats you can like I got two

Doors one time and then I used one of the doors to make the nether portal like as the blocks on the side whoa it’s great not it incredible as actually amazing revolutionizes speed running well IDM dream every day for like three weeks and he never respond about cyber

Did s mhm my toes there is sap on school weasel if you want to look at my DMS hash shameless plug well it’s up to Jerry my guess way that’s what to get in the disk what I’m assuming I’m not sure but I don’t know if you messaged me I

Will check another leather tunic okay this is strange so whatever okay so I need to make a bucket and then I need to take this and I need a lava quarry and then I’m I’m good to go but I didn’t get ours yeah you have no idea how hard I just wish

The fourth nipple dream has some weird weird stuff I don’t know George I’ve been donating to you since you’re a second stream and I’m actually going broke but who cares no no no don’t waste all your money don’t waste all your money please oh please Nia don’t waste your money but

Thank you so much for no wasting money I need a lava pool I literally found Baba home today check it out on our size dream was taking guys was we had a pretty good run today and then walked right into lava yeah that’s probably gonna happen to me probably hmm

Oh my god Catlin Wow I’m taking Caitlin thank you so much more gifted subs thank you very epic change my perspective oh okay I did it in Davis thank you for the thousand bits and you gave me a thousand more bits oh my god Roy sauce fan boy am i saying your name

Right chat spam F in the chat and I will send more bits okay well I can’t stop them I didn’t know that was the quest that was what was being gonna be said now not only gonna spam laughs I passed a law before wait did I I wasn’t looking

Where did you see a dream well I’ve been replying to everybody’s merch okay everyone I’m saying still where is it which direction help me quick behind near the village wait what how does George it’s me take my money at morning dream how are you doing well you

Asked me how my mornings doing near the village a long time ago I know and say anything are you probably dead nice don’t know this but I’m doing good thank you straight ahead what if they just rolling me oh they’re not rolling they don’t rolling you epic thank you

How do they see this and I didn’t see this okay maybe because it’s like thousands of you watching and it’s likely that you will see it and I don’t that makes sense I’m gonna do it in wood again cuz I have no other blogs okay

That’s good let’s go go go go to the nether without any protection that is what I like to do okay what am i doing I don’t have a flint and steel this gravel right here it’s perfect quick quick quick I go on I didn’t get

One what I think I did oh my god you gave 5,000 more beds thank you so much why are you giving me so many beds why you giving me so many bits Oh Flynn okay it’s about math guys he’ll give me more beds I’m joking you’re nothing to give me more but thank

You so much okay I’m going through I’m going through Oh okay shield okay in your hair to the birds so they may make masks for you you were into the nether three minutes faster than your last drug that’s amazing which way do I go you always want to try

It head like oh I thought I was a bull just for some reason yeah you usually want to try and head further into like the biome that you’re in if it’s a good biome okay like even if you have to like mine or something because it’s just like

Trash to go click the biomes are so bigs if you go into the soul stone Valley you’re just never gonna get out unless you like hug the edge okay looks like what’s your wife right now wait leave me alone give me that gold chestplate okay you didn’t give it to me

Extremely rude cool it’s Oh truth wait where’s my portal I’m not like zero zero I don’t know you can’t see them I don’t think I’m new zero zero is the portal right here I think it is so a good tip George hang on you’re gonna okay okay okay

A good tip is if you’re gonna mine gold like if you see a piggelin near the gold you one of mine just kill the pig one first cuz you can Critias Lee and kill it but if it surprises you and starts attacking you you’re gonna probably die

I’m gonna die I’m the best yeah you just go attack exactly what I was describing happen cuz plan that’s the difference yeah just give me the pearls give me the pause give me the pearls fire resistance potion that’s cool you suck it’s my Pig okay so which way do I go

This way this way um what’s your way what’s your way 85 okay you’re you’re decently high you could go lower I want to go up here wait no that sucks I’m gonna go I’m going this way I’m going this way hi dude I’m talking today so I can’t say

But good luck you can do it also hype OMG say yes yes I’m excited I’m excited for MCC we’re gonna win oh my god you gave me 5000 more bits what is wrong with you I’ve given me bits thank you say three four five minutes straight breathing is allowed okay I’m not going

To do that I’m sorry I know you gave a lot of bits but I cannot do that I cannot do that and Sophie thank you for a thousand bits so many bits I’m really hot okay fine on hopefully you can’t Hera Oh No okay whatever go away okay I’m gonna win I’m

Going to win hey I love you person beginning with D and George I have your screams by the way I do your parents still know about how still don’t know okay about grim if yes then oof if not an mega no of course they don’t know why

Would I tell them this okay I really don’t know where I’m going up this way nothing I seen it okay I’m moving her this way it’s not wasting money if we’re spending on you but maybe I don’t know I mean I guess depends how you feel about it but

Thank you I finally made it back to Florida figure out how hot and humid it is here I was also wondering if you and dream could say howdy but it’s my friend Carolyn happy birthday Caroline oh that’s the fortress oh my god I see the fortress it’s been too long

I can I can get a good time maybe that I’m not gonna beat the record there but oh my god it’s right there I’m probably okay I’m aware of jinx and I think I’m just gonna go I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going can I jump down here Oh No Let me in let me through you know what I don’t care I’m alive hey let’s go I have gold I trade why did he make that sound okay give me any pulse no sign to pause no come on oh my god please I’m not a hundred cents sure if I have for any

Buyer come into contact with someone who does and I’ve been sick for two weeks not very polite is not very POG I’m sorry that’s not public or I’m not getting anything come on come on no that’s obsidian it’s not what I want glowstone come on come on

What was that oh I know gets that’s quite good actually I know it’s not that many please why is this so locked based oh my god I have a lot of eye Nuggets there whoops has made another one okay what we didn’t get anything but that’s fine okay

It’s not fine but we will make it work maybe any more gold so slightly awkward but yeah see on dream stream I can’t come on I’m too it’s too high what happened on dream stream let’s see I said the tadpole we had named after him had died however we actually found him

This morning you found him so you thought he disappeared one oh the one that passed away was a different tadpole by the name with body typos look very similar recipes but okay everyone rest in peace buddy please F in the chat for buddy is very sad ripped my 100 bits

My I rip my bits oh my god a thousand more bits you just like oh I have these bits I don’t want them anymore just give them to George I don’t want them anymore hey George can you please say Donna is a loser I’m sorry it’s too late I said 10

Tickles that’s true you’re exactly tentacles and the octopus will have get it as like tentacles epic memes okay oh I didn’t mean to do that that’s fine I just realized my pickaxe is going to break we have to make a wood pickaxe or something

Mmm where do I go why is it so high up okay let’s go it would mean a lot if you could check your Instagram dealings from Margo to Wells Fargo and oh honey no oh no oh okay stop it haha I have fires essence potion its Opie

Okay we’ve got a blaze rod stop spamming your stored so much you trust me use your act you can kill them in two hits before they came and shoot at you George okay I use the axe okay I’m doing it too quick I know I know you don’t have to tell me

In Kailyn thank you for five more subs thank you I’m gonna drop that so we have light oh this is so good with her fire resistance potion is actually amazing okay I have four right here another one I do but where there is okay okay I still only have four please I

Need more dreamy said in the micro scope video that then I’m gonna die if I keep reading this donation hang on okay I have five that’s not enough What did he say we’ve got everyone 5 million bees who did well guess what the video has 5

Over 5 million he doesn’t want to do it because it was it took too long to get to 5 million which is fair enough oh no I feel hurt about it it’s okay it’s okay how was your day my day has been good also I’ve been donating almost every

Time since the first room do you remember I do remember course I can never say your name right so I’m gonna try cuz it’s gonna be wrong okay pick up one oh don’t do damage like that oh my god I’m gonna die this is taking a

Long time to get the blaze roads it’s been 20 minutes I mean in terms of my timing that’s not bad but it’s not world record George bullies me chat he is the bully I’m not bullying you I’m sorry I’m not bullying thank you for the beds

Okay I have seven that’s enough right I need to leave yeah I’m gonna check out one more what do you think one more please hard no you only seven funny dude okay okay I’m leaving I’m leaving because you don’t need to make a drink Stan so you actually have 14 so unless

You get 14 pearls my pickaxe is gonna break its gonna break its gonna break it broke okay wait oh no I need to make a wood pickaxe I already have one I’ll make another one wait can you mine the gold with wood please yeah you can you can also I

Recommend trying to get black stone if you see any which probably in this whole time Valley I think there is I will check this grab always gonna update didn’t uh let me out okay gotta go fast black stone black stone I need black stone I don’t see black stone um okay I

Have a decent amount of gold gold someone said there’s no black stone in this whole Santa valley that’s where he put your hand I said I said maybe so is it is it only in the what’s the other one called the doubter is it only in the

Delta then or can you find it in other biomes just rarely I do not know I’m messing the track I guess oh okay where are the people to trade with where are they where are the people there’s no people where did I even come from I

Don’t remember I came from me I came from it was like what 40 minus 20 okay it’s just like straight this way hi George my name is Becca and I understand that job interview at a coffee shop can you wish me good luck good luck hopefully you get the job have a good

Stream thank you I’m gonna try I’m trying it’s good so far if I did die it’s my first turn I made my friends Lilly and Kylie love you and dream so much I hope you have a great stream good luck thank you thank you oh this I really wish I had a stone

Pickaxe and twinges vibing yeah I’m not gonna kill it cuz it’s gonna kill me probably I don’t know if I meant did I say it I don’t know if I said it but Caitlin thank you for more gifted subs I don’t know if I set up I think I did

Have you or dreamed considered a bedrock manhunt or speedrun I don’t think so I don’t think we’ll do that ever trim just gave me the link but sighted beat him to it I’m not mad though @dm from dream is a team from dream all right you’re right that is true I’ve decided

To appoint George not found my Secretary of Agriculture oh it’s Joe Biden thank you Joe Biden make moo moo meadows great again we’re back in a few minutes okay a dream leaves he hates me my little sister is only six and loves your videos with struggles with names and cool SAP

No sappy nappy that’s his actual name she’s not struggling that’s his actual name this is hilarious by mu go I don’t know how to say his name but I do know that person Geico commercial but net oh I’ve seen that video I have seen that the Geico commercial hi Georgie it’s I

Don’t how to say your name Rana Rana again with more questions because I love you in your core if you could have any knowledge of five topics what would you want to know give me a serious answer five topics that’s a lot of topics okay let’s do like obviously

You’re gonna do minecraft I mean I’ve got like decent knowledge of Minecraft I’m like I need like expert minecraft knowledge and I can be professional professional minecraft ax okay that’s not enough I need for other topics I called you for other topic so I’ll try think of one or

Two more and you go back this way topics topics the master Koda again I’m also already kinda good not a master there don’t boost me in there soul sound okay o soul son make some noise now it’s like a of course one more topic that I can be

The master of languages speak every language that’d be cool okay so I think my portal is this way so okay I’ve been going 25 minutes so we’ve already missed out the speeder this the what the record but look it’s fine we don’t need the record we just

Need to win in a decent time and I’ll be happy I’ll be happy if I be sitting in a good time yeah I just get a PB I’m going for the PB so where was my portal I’m going the wrong way now oh no I’m not

Hey leave oh okay um 40 minus 20 40 minus 20 okay it’s like I think it’s just down here okay yeah so now we trade they so mad at me okay they’re not okay come on come on come on give me the underpass just where’s he going come

Back okay oh my god you dropped eight you give me a policy give me don’t hurt them ah I have 15 pearls oh my god oh my god Oh No and Lizzie what are you doing oh my god oh oh my god okay Thank You Lizzie fifty more subs oh my

God okay okay I’m I’m getting nervous now I need dream someone get dream I need help i need help this way don’t on the tree did it break I think that’s the breaking animation did it break it broke okay it’s fine we saw up 13 it was this way okay

I’m nervous now I’m nervous hi George my cat is actually having kittens right now oh my god we should rename one choice or dream obviously George Oh Jerry Matty I don’t know up to you it’s up to you I can’t name your cat okay I need pickaxe okay I’m like messing up

Okay twenty-eight minutes this is good for me okay this is good for me and Lizzie thank you so much again for 50 subs 50 gifted subs you’ve now gifted a hundred subs and that’s just this month I’m pretty sure I think you’ve gifted more definitely in

The past okay we’re still quite far out okay we’re running we’re running I think it was this way okay let’s go you know what let’s just do that I mean some of this good food uh honey – okay okay okay hi George had Ubuntu Cody to go to uni I

Did but I actually knew how to code beforehand but obviously I got better after coming to uni I 56:56 gravel over from trading I’m what editor do you use I use Premiere Pro I’m trying to learn how to use Jeep Oh editor for coding okay I use um IntelliJ I’m trying about

How to use Jupiter notebook you know anything about the pandas library I don’t I do not but I use IntelliJ recording in Java you miss my last one Sauceda and your epic I’m sorry but thank you for I mean ho again thank you I think I missed some donations but I can’t go

Back right now because I’m trying to I’m trying to go fast I’m sorry everyone if I miss her donation I do actually mind saying hi to Ellen and Luke hello Ellen I’m Luke hello – before intellij over eclipse i do 100% okay I’m like so far

Away still wait where am I okay that here I thought I’d lost them okay oh it’s night time I’m going to sleep okay it’s been 30 minutes that’s good for me I think my record so far is it’s 2 hours on stream so we’re doing well

This is definitely gonna be a record for me assuming I beat it arrows uh you’re right okay I might find a village on the way let’s pray we find a village and a bow wait I have a bow but it’s got 31 shots is that enough I don’t

Know if that’s enough probably not enough I don’t have string okay okay we’re gonna make this work it’s gonna work am i doing let me just get some wood in case I need a trade with a village okay let’s go go go go go go go

Go am I still in the right what’s the right way I think I am I think it’s like this way I’ll try throw another one just in case okay fine I’ll come on I still have one extra one is this way okay um I think I think is still fine I’m

Just like not move my angle I think it’s this way right I think I’m gonna keep going until another theater not a few hundred blocks thank you everyone in the chat thank you I need the hearts okay I can do it I can do it I’m uh I’m now in the range where

The stronghold can be I believe okay it’s gonna be right below me okay no one okay you see my progress but you I think three polls and they’ve all broken that’s really unlucky trying to avoid throw it what’s your chords right now I’m close I’m at 1,200 400 so why have

You thrown three pearls already well I threw one to know the direction and then I threw one again to just make sure that I was kind of the right way oh and then I threw one because I thought I was close enough and I thought it maybe would go backwards just to be

Safe just run it doesn’t take that long to run an extra like 500 blocks run next 500 blocks there are another one look it’s gonna be behind me now don’t don’t you you’re gonna throw it wouldn’t you just throw already throw it’s still this way though yeah you should you shouldn’t

Have thrown no George don’t don’t throw it okay wait where is Wade this why is it so big to be all the way up to like 3,000 so just okay I’m really glad your day is being good also do you remember Matt and think you would I do

Oh you remember me I didn’t think you would hey yeah I do remind me Bryce pronounced like Christina you said it wasn’t pronounced like Christina I’m pretty sure maybe I misread at that one time is that notion yes way don’t know I don’t know if it is

It’s like it’s kind of an ocean I don’t know um oh I would go in there if you can because boats are faster but it’s gonna be right here I throw another one no no don’t throw in yet why it’s gonna be behind us you haven’t been far enough

I’ve been far it’s behind me you just threw the last one like a couple hundred bucks before I would wait a little bit longer I would throw it like now like maybe it like 30 seconds what it’s gonna be behind me right now I’ve been going 35 minutes this is like

Easy record for me I think it’s behind me Karen uh-huh I could be I would wait just a little bit longer hi fine I’ll listen to you and then it’s once go off your course then you can know how close you are and then you can

Judge how far you want how far you go before you throw your next one it’s like so stop right now pause I think it’s like um it’s like place a block where you are that way you kind of know your angles coming this I mean I got like out

Here and then just like run in the opposite direction sort of more left instead of running like okay there you go Tara entering it yeah what that way what is that even mean okay either it’s going to different stronghold or it’s really close and you were slightly off here so there’s I

Think it could pretend to be under you right now like literally under right now but don’t dig down run that direction run that direction um place blocks so you know you through it like right now place box okay yeah you did Thank You Kayla I love you Georgian

Dream and I know everyone else head thank you so much Caitlin turn okay turn left here I got the water turn like totally left and just play ball place blocks there place blocks right there yeah you did yeah professional and fair go further away all right

Yeah there are now is this way we did it so now it’s just okay it was like right under me right no do you remember when I said yeah it was right there you know what I said it could be probably right under you it’s right there isn’t it it

Was right it was right where I said it’s probably right under you okay okay so we found out he go to your gravel your gravel yeah it’s here I did it a bit all right yeah it’s like right nice it I don’t know I don’t have arrows but I go

Down but is there a pointing going down I have all the walls yeah go down but I don’t have arrows um well I don’t want to try they’re us I don’t know why did you not get a rose all right mark it mark it mmm how many

Beds yeah well why did you not get Arras the whole point is you get arrows I have two beds ah um just go just go you can cuz even if you kill it in like three cycles you’ll get a really good time okay I’m going who’s going you’re

Gonna have to you need to get you need to collect blocks though so just go down and maybe click blurt yeah maybe they didn’t click there instead of how well is you can just tower up to each of the things and then be fine and then and

Then you can kill it in like three cycles and so it’ll probably take you like let’s just say seven minutes so if you go down and you get in there in the next like minute or two you can beat it in like 47 which I think will place you

In like the top ten and one point sixteen right now but only because there’s not a lot of runs to be fair but you can submit it high from the Minecraft except we played minecraft couch ah okay thank you actually I don’t know let me say version okay

Okay I got a ton of dirt I guess I’m gonna need more though if I’m tearing out all this why didn’t I get I just go look for it some chickens and I can get arrows I have a bar under I go quickly look I’m gonna go quickly

Look for some chickens are you sure all right I think I should I think they’re just they’re gonna do rare I’ll take it’ll be quicker to just go and then kill it in if I just find like a pie – chickens come on pot – chickens yeah yes enjoy a feather

I dropped a feather drop feathers give me feathers okay I got three feathers that’s what this 12 hour is right yeah okay let’s quickly make them 12 hours it’s better than nothing around for more if you want because then you just get a little bit more you could you

Could get all the crystals without towering up which could save you a lot of time oh my god oh my god oh my god what am i doing why am i looking right now the fifth place time right now 1.16 is 49 minutes okay come on we got to beat that

Am i okay I’m not beating that maybe actually it’s possible hey no chickens any more chickens quick chickens okay it’s not possible like Cristina at this point it’s easy if you call me okay I’ll call you Kristina I’m sorry I can’t say when I am right but I’m trying my nose

Is it you again why it’d be a jungle temple like right there and they’re gonna have like in the budget and you’re gonna just go in it and then my first time catching your stream and donating it to anyone thank you for the entertainment I love you in to him thank

You thank you where no chickens no I got my friend checked in a little bit ago showing up me and my friend Kylie however I’m not like that so if you cool however I’m not like that so if you could call both Jack and Kai stinky poo

L oh my god good luck on the restaurant thank you just go soon let’s go okay back if you see checking all the way kill them if not just go oh I don’t have much food either if what you have that’s it six-six-six burden to poke drops I have some chicken

Though that I can cook yeah Oh probably was temple everyone stand there was a jungle temple are you serious apparently guys if you’re trolling me don’t beat around like they could have just gotten you like a record like a not like I’m like an OB record but I could

Gotten you on the leaderboards come on we’re to the left of the right I said someone so to the left wait how do they see it I think it was in that little if you go to the right like in that little patch or whatever

And huh to the right to the right like towards that little Plains patch where you where you ran like to the edge of the jungle TDC yeah I didn’t see it I’m just saying that’s where people started spamming it hate rolling no I didn’t see anything there’s no way they could have

Seen that alright that’s rolling they go to the phase if it wasn’t like the edge or something I don’t see it okay everyone sing to the left this is rooms for wood it’s not like your I don’t think they’re try this many people at once spamming they’re saying

It was exposed I’m going I’m going this way like I don’t think people would just everyone be collectively spamming that at once left more like you’re going to deepen the job was there one yes thank you everyone thank you go go go go go quickly get the arrows and then go down

Wait that was loud wait there’s stuff in here right okay trash nothing worth it in there trash okay did you have two golden if I have loads of gold I have loads of gold I’m told my gold did I throw it out use it for your armor oh yeah yes smart did

You grab all the arrows for all the dispensers yeah missed here alright Tuesday I think this three isn’t that three one two is two it’s fine I got them wait oh yeah string and make a new bow grab the string oh you’re so amazing dream okay let’s go let’s go

Like that like that I not like that like that wait what was I doing I got caught pickaxe okay nikto cause it might break yeah there we go Georgina’s I know do I have word I avoid okay let’s go Oh hurry go go wait what are the chords favorite fire fifteen fifty fifteen

Fifty nine seventy okay this way oh my god oh my god miss gossamer 23 that should be enough to break all the crystals and then you can kill the dragon and I can make cool more as well is even worth my time to make more maybe once you’re sitting in the like waiting

For the dragon to like cycle yeah fifteen fifty okay it’s like right this way I’m going I’m going I’m going there it is come on you miss it barely if you miss it barely dig towards where you threw it whenever I said it was under you you know what I mean mmm okay

So fine it’s fine it’s gonna be here it’s got to be here if it’s if it’s not though dig yeah it’s like the OP there right now the way you’re facing the opposite way if it’s not right here okay okay wait where is it I’m down thud see

You’re fine go a little bit lower it’s not hey okay tear up to like 30 why 35 yeah and then dig the opposite way of the way that you were facing right now no way it’s not half why and listen for cave sounds listen really deeply for cave sounds not

Diagonally not diagonally straight that way no no George George just keep digging like further don’t and don’t dig dangly just dig straight and listen for cave sounds why is this happening do you hear any cave sounds go left George unless you hear case sounds I don’t I hear lava

Stop going right unless you have unless you hear cave sounds that way because I think it’s further this I just go back and throw another one talk about I’m just gonna back up hey quicker I can’t believe this come on quicker just throw one right

After you get up like a run a little bit that like the direction it went and then and then throw another one like the direction you were digging it’s this way stuff what do I do don’t break okay okay run to like the the Savannah tree

Okay you see the mana tree that’s in your path right there no you’re right you passed it you just passed it you just passed it now on behind you no no behind you way far behind you it’s like between these two trees probably think between these two trees that that tree

This mana tree right there and the oak tree behind you yeah when the zombies right here a little bit he’s right where these dummy died pretty much like but yeah right there right reading where were you doing that block why were you dug that block there you go

I bet you it’s there whoop step that’s not meant to happen dig dig dig okay it’s got to be here so fair you could also get unlucky that’s why you need to dig around and listen to cave sounds cuz you get unlucky use missile room barely and it’s like right

Near you you need to dig around that way you can get it 50 come on and you can just just be ready for done with your water and just dig straight down save time my hair lava I’m scared if I hear about it it’s gonna be here

It’s gonna be here oh my god where is this thing dig towards the cave that you heard day towards the cave that you heard what is this what is it oh yes okay poke poke wet house how much time 48 minutes okay it’s right here it’s not

Right here where is it where is it where is it huh ah I don’t like this room oh my oh why is that like copious amounts of lava I have a feeling it’s this way for some reason oh my god why so I even checked down huh this is for

Now not for now it’s too late we’ve invested too much in the herb okay did it pay off okay come on don’t do this to me again just want to quickly go through all the other rooms just boom I’m trying trying this love every way it

Makes it hard give it a you see a lot of boom just go the other way because it’s like whatever like there’s usually mold boys together I don’t think it’s down huh no why did I come from was it oh no this was where I came from where’s the rest of the stronghold

Where’s the rest of the stronghold you just gone down that lava that lava pit that lava hole down the lava hall shouldn’t have gone down so I just back up from where you kind of came from oh are you serious okay oh I hate this game so much calm down

What is this you’re doing extremely well George just calm down come on now go down go to the goes back up to where it you know you know you jump down here like this weird place okay yeah I need a better pickaxe hang on okay I’ll take them okay

Place the room show yourself yeah check the top left go back go back okay yeah left left behind you behind you behind you behind you yeah why is it so hard to find the room always can you say howdy buses to quit happy birthday quit I can’t block the

Area I cannot find the room I need wood now go down the hallway you were gonna go down the other way that’s right I think I came down here that’s nothing no not that way not that way I already went this way than that you didn’t go down the exactly – this whole

Place is useless yes this whole this whole areas this whole area is dead end why does it take me so long to find it I have no food left oh my god come on hopefully you’ll find a chest that has food in cooked chicken alright so this this whole air this whole entire

Area is useless just run back to your chest look I have the chest wait oh is this the food oh that’s food enough I’m in the chest I didn’t go down that way oh I’m gonna go this way I think go up the staircase up the circuit what

Staircase is that look starter staircase or is that like it just a staircase this is a random staircase go up it go up it I don’t know which one you’re in though not that one you’re going back to the one the one that’s like broken and

Shattered wait what is this oh I’ve been huh hurry up there oh my god why me no ok I’m going this way I hear an Enderman okay I think this is the Sala staircase please okay this is the stuff staircase here we go yeah try it okay up

On those staircases you know like on the staircases or wall oh you did it okay I have like no blogs go across just don’t go down these already went down you have tons of dirt George it’s funny like you’re saying everything right as I do

It okay it’s down hey this is it this is a got a bit come on yes okay come on stay out just go go you can do things while you’re in the while you’re in the thing it’s like it’s it’s you want to get less than an hour George come on wait what

Where’s my base powder did you throw out your blaze powder did you throw it out or did you use it all did you use it all no I didn’t use it all I must have thrown it you said three broke right three broke wait I didn’t recraft though I saw had one left

No are you joking okay I’m gonna I’m gonna spoil one end and finish like that’s not fair come on like what are you serious are you joking it could have just been oh they could have been one in here to begin with how did I know how did I

Throw it out and why did I throw my feather away I’m an idiot I must have thrown it I made 14 and then three broke wait hang on yeah I made fourteen fourteen because I had seven and three broke yeah no I didn’t even anyway I didn’t have it yeah you didn’t throw

Anyway I need one more I should have got one more you told me not to get one yeah but I didn’t expect you to waste your ender eyes like you did at least I didn’t throw in a way it’s true miss Foster fine all right look I’m cheating

I don’t care I’m giving my stole cheat no no George don’t you don’t you don’t cheat don’t you lady don’t cheat oh my god oh you want me to go to this even if you got it yes yes no it’s gone real quickly gone real quickly yeah because you already

Have the lava there you could have made a portal in the end room gone through what if there’s another fortress right there you would have regret it okay look I haven’t cheated yeah technically I’m pretty sure turning open to land on I haven’t cheesy guys I haven’t cheated

Guys speed run people I didn’t know strike it can be it can be your best it can be your best time ever so clearly did not cheat guys come on I kinda just want to go anyway there’s not gonna be a fortress it’s gonna take forever to find them

What if it’s right there what if it puts me in the same place okay hey speed run people I did not cheat obviously hmm oh this is so annoying that is so sad oh I wasted a lot where I just realized hopefully that’s not that’s not gonna I

Need two more okay we’re fine we’re fine okay we’re not fine okay we’re fine as long as this Oh where’s my water hmm okay we’re fine we’re fine I can’t believe I had I was a one-off did I throw my gotta learn you to how to

Like win to throw your eyes was he fat like I only heard that my name and like it first well you threw when I asked you how many of you throw and you said three and you were just across the border I’m like how did you throw three and you’re

Only a hundred blocks past where the stronghold can possibly be you know and boast in those three brokes all over the thing is you just only throwing one less and then boom you probably would have gotten it 40 – twins he was when my pourcel was 40 oh okay

You did amazing though you could it that could have easily been what our hang on 40 minus 20 hey this way so then where was it I was like so when he said there was a fortress right behind you oh there is what okay it was right by your portal what okay

What still you keep missing feeling you missed the lava both of getting that was right by the village you this seed is so Opie if someone else had to go this scene it could have been I don’t think it could be a record but gonna be able

Yeah I may have they had good luck it could have been okay hey dream you’re gonna have to like tell the speed on people that I didn’t cheat okay hey you can just verify my run for me I’m not a verifier what are you nothing you can just just become a verifier I

Don’t got time for that ain’t nobody got time for that okay oh my god if he had pushed me into the lava I would have ended the stream oh come on what go and go behind you you’re running towards a dead end hey left over left don’t go

Left just go straight go straight go straight okay wait was a staircase was that one what that was water Wow way the way you were going was that it was lettuce turkeys I can’t really tell your brightness is off I hate you so much if

It’s down here I don’t think it is is that sir hey no but it’s probably this way because you already check the other way it’s the wrong you’re on the wrong you’re in the wrong side of the 420 yeah there we go that’s right absolutely over here I know

Where it is oh just get one and get out I should be using my axe by even have it out they get one I got one okay where did I come from I have no literally no food where did I come from this way I think this way

Yep and then you came from yeah okay all right I didn’t cheat Illumina verify my run oh my god Illumina go back and give me my stupid victory what happened it’s been an hour okay I’m actually not sure is I think I think the rule is if you open a tool and

It’s to say well I don’t know you can think and see on the stream that you didn’t actually cheat but they can see another road on that you were getting ready to though you had the command typed and everything while I was like pleading you not saying please George

Please do not okay uh hog what am i doing okay diamond sword you need to cook food and cook food I’ve know what you throw your chicken what is wrong with me I don’t even remember doing this it when did I throw it out like I let

You don’t remember doing that at all five six seven eight okay what I need is one pork chop it’s fine oh my god I thought you could use those things you can use blue powder alright I thought you know you can use blaze rods that blaze better I’ll get on another one

Hey yogi what do you say what do you say love you sy d good luckk I said it thank you was it SID I don’t know how to say that I need to eat this stupid muffin why did I throw the chicken I just Oh my inventory wasn’t yeah yeah I won’t

Say I didn’t pick it up my inventory is full I think more subs I think I didn’t see those thank you okay I have no food do I just go um you’ll probably die if you don’t get at least like a couple like two pieces of food at least oh my god

And you could maybe do it but I think it just kills aam be taught in flash I’m trying to find them I don’t know how to get to them I hear like a million of them hey that’s one it’s gonna get blown up so yes just go I can do it without

Food right I don’t know George I would just be careful you already I mean you already not getting it under an hour so where does she fit zombies if you want to get in the top ten you have to be there before an hour and 20 minutes

Version okay I can but it to be fair that’s not like actually the top down like a luminous didn’t spin his run been accidents MS run etc but like its of the submitted runs that’s free real estate if they’re an awesome missing that runs they’re just too good like yeah I didn’t

Get the world record therefore I’m not gonna submit it okay icon be fair I’ve only I’ve only submitted world record fronts Mike I just want to go don’t have any food okay let me just throw out something I actually don’t need I don’t need

Put your bed in case you die yeah yeah I guess if you have a bed you could actually you could probably okay but then you but then you’re one less bed but that’s fine that’s fine you’re not okay okay let’s just go I’m just gonna

Go yeah just go just go I’m going I don’t need food okay just what do you extra careful do not look at any of them in okay for the world record here we go we’re at exactly five minutes and eight seconds this is the world record time yeah let me up okay

Wait what’s that sound that’s Katniss Everdeen I can hear here she comes and boom miss yeah right you’ll be careful cuz I don’t have that many arrows I might okay I’m missing okay listen everyone it’s me now I’m five I can do this I can do this this is like

So far my record though I’ve gotta win and within there why why okay I have 21 errors I can do it oh no wait what come on wait what tear up almost like a three high pillar just like four just like for that angle

On you can go back there oh go I don’t have enough blocks now it’s dirt you’re fine you can break one block at the top you’re fine I’m sorry okay this is painful okay we’re gonna get this done we are going to do it I don’t care

You have your takes 15 minutes George the good table day okay I can do it I can do it oh this is so annoying you know at least we’re gonna pick you next time oh you didn’t leave it I didn’t leave anything okay this is actually a joke hi Gogi how are you

Sorry if this is addy but I wanted to say I didn’t go to my sticker shop and I’m super proud of it I’d die if he mentioned it it’s sick beats studio on Etsy okay check it out everyone get some stickers hey Greg me again just wondering if he told Lily

She’s a stinky poopoo who’s simps for a green block man thank you silly Lily okay are you serious I’m gonna have to bring so much weight I might be able to I might did you die get get dirt before you go back I said it done before you go back

Icon when did you go back already again yeah I know I know I know I know I know it’s okay George oh they go up from that side without getting dirt like it might be just like a hill or something you know maybe I’m checking you show you a

Sort it just didn’t pan out this time you made a lot of mistakes but hopefully you learn from them that’s the nice thing about Minecraft yes I will take from this experience and lon I’ll cool this free real estate oh it’s so beautiful okay I’m gonna leave some okay fine I

Won’t leave anything okay I’m not coming back I don’t care like I’m not gonna die again so wait what if my stuff despawn where did I die it doesn’t cease what it’s like eight million eight minutes oh there it is all right now it’s GG this dragon is

Done for this dragon is so done for okay let’s not look at the Enderman again okay round two or round three whichever one it is okay see that is what I’m talking about that’s what I like okay come on okay Katniss just saw it on your stream hit him with the long shot

At NIST stop stop it that one said McClurkin saves you huh I don’t think they mad at me anymore you have rotten flesh eaters rich oh I’m such an idiot hmm hey you know what this is fine tear up their books no no no no no no no

This is the new strategy lose your stuff in the void George don’t okay new strategy yes imagine like it deleted all your stuff or something oh my waist why what sir okay that’s hey you know what it’s fine let’s just get out of here you have dirt you have tons

Of dirt just hurry up okay look it in okay don’t lose that material George it’s too late it’s literally too late you have so much why are you late Jim if you die you’re screwed no I’m not dying I’m not dying that’s just that’s just what we’ll do we just won’t die

Okay how many more stupid fellows other that’s one health is one I didn’t might beat here this chair just get it please Oh flora why okay this is it this is it that’s not eight minutes I have no iris no I can’t do anything eight minutes I was coming down I think

It’s not coming down are they mad at me okay in this time I’m gonna go I’m gonna go save myself in case I die okay come on where’s my hole here let’s go let’s go oh did you oh did you are using Optifine George yeah no y-you can’t submit around with

Optifine why because you’re using zoom and stuff does that mean minecraft yeah that’s fine though it’s your own personal best you’ll get it it’s your own personal best in your heart in your heart you you beat you beat the time in your heart okay oh yeah you know what I

Don’t care about that stupid rules I’m gonna make my own speedrun website or you can use up to fine yeah I don’t care about the rules okay you could like not told me that until like afterwards but it’s fine it’s your own personal time and in your heart in your heart and

That’s all that matters who can you weren’t you weren’t actually gonna submit it anyway I was well then you know then next time you’ll do it you’ll do better cuz you’re gonna learn and then boom okay well we ran our thought why I did not look at you sir what do

They teleport so much come back okay you die now okay calm down dragon get down okay it’s coming down okay here we go here we go I told all of you so much you can do it thank you I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it okay here we

Go here we go bad what what why I do anything wrong what what did I do oh come on come on get down from the sky get down from there come fight me come down oh my god I’m down oh my god hi again – I can tell your focus and

Just want to say good luck Thank You bubbles subtitle subtitles ok these are from a while ago I I wasn’t reading the donations I’m sorry I’ve caught a 32 minutes ago George apparently you’re not allowed to use Optifine zoom rip ok I think that is that is maybe true ok the Dragons coming

Down dragon is coming down it has a whole army of Enderman I would hit the like hit the dragon at least once or twice before using a bed like like I’d hit it like seven times it just doesn’t care I wonder if it’s wrong I wonder if it’s off to find him

Always finds like oh no get rid of dragon well Optifine does have some weird stuff like like one of those settings can literally change where the stronghold is in the world what yeah it’s like it’s like fast math or something I don’t know which one of those oh there’s some there’s some

Setting at least I remember somebody saying that well no it’s not fast man I don’t I don’t know which one it is but there’s there’s one that can there’s one set that does all I know is I want to beat this run before one hour 20 I don’t know

If it’s gonna be possible if the druggie was flying away but uh that’s true can remember like Palms was using badlion the dragon kept like insta killing him anytime he would like go into the middle it was like weird this is very annoying come on just throw a million fireballs

At me I don’t have any arrows wait okay I threw my feather away because I’m gonna do okay here we go I’m such an idiot why did it take me so long oh no Joe the dragon is flying off so fast so Daphne has to be like off the vine or

Something I mean or you’re just getting like insanely unlucky but actually I’m not 100% sure I know it’s usually based on damage maybe I think it’s damage loss like a random number though I’m not sure you stop no more stinky poo okay I think

You are a lot he’s off to find it’s not the zoom I think and I’ve been zooming and I can’t even go in there because there’s loads of dragon fire oh come on okay likewise is taking so long yeah George what am I meant to do not

Use up next time don’t use Optifine you don’t even need it oh wow comment down dragon and now it’s woman at 18 where’s the dragon I have no arrows this would be a lot easier if I had arrows I don’t have any food oh come on

Okay can I stand inside the thing when it’s coming down or doesn’t pick me Wow he took too long to respond okay here we go No so annoying where the dragon just keeps smelling you and flying away oh my god I don’t understand that you’re gonna hates me

Oh it’s gonna like come down right after 20 minutes and then that was easy umm it’s official gene thinks you’re a stinky poo so she’s running away she must sit oh no Jim if I sit inside the portal does it Boop me when it comes

Down it could okay well I most likely it probably wall I’m slightly low slightly low on hot but it does like spray like whatever it’s called oh yeah yeah okay stay away come on jargon come down it’s been 1 minute 19 I’m not gonna kill it

When it comes down it’s okay okay I don’t think it’s possible for the means to kill her right now come on come on let me in y-you know what just go me I’m going back why Burt why is it you had like stone in the thing you’re gonna spend like 20

Minutes breaking it dude oh wait did you break it yeah oh you broke it okay after the Chad show I said my name wrong Sid side I don’t know how to say I’m sorry I’m sorry mmm this is actually the most annoying and fight ever and it should not be this hard

Come on come on I can do this watching this is just that’s for a buddy on loop honestly it is like nothing is going my way the driving just doesn’t care about me not interested in it actually I don’t need to show where’s my water bucket oh

Okay just coming down coming down come on come on dragon accept with the feet this is it please one more okay we got this next time it all comes down it’s over and it will be a 1 minute and a 1 hour and 23 minute amazing run be seen

My previous run by like 40 minutes that’s epic and you’d messed up a lot so it’s like you have a huge potential to improve okay thank you I put my test plate on oh come on come on I want to win so bad please

Come down okay this is it this is not it okay this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it come on go go go go go yes yay okay ready wait wait wait boom yes one hour 22 okay let’s go

George is learning you doing like a proud of you thank you I did it I did it I did it on my own at Point 16 solo what was it one hour 22 and 30 seconds why is this oh okay I know why okay I’m going back for my my stuff

Wait what am i coming back for I don’t know what I’m getting yes pogchamp yes it’s okay you’re still my favorite speedrunner thank you i’ll I should be the crew this XP I left give me gimme gimme what level will I end up on find out 65 okay amazing

Okay where’s the egg okay but I completing everything and yes next generation the run was harder to watch than aluminous 9k followers video I don’t know what illuminant what isn’t aluminous 9k photo video nothing it’s a meme I’m not aware of this but I did it

We beat the game something stop mop has never done on the stream let me add and and yeah that’s pretty epic what was like checking where am I okay yeah so yeah look at me my goal dama I think I’m going to end this room now

Because me and dream have to record a video you don’t have if you don’t want to you can go again I mean yeah it’s only you want mister me for two hours I’m not gonna go again I can’t beat the game I could maybe do something else I

Don’t know but I don’t I don’t want to beat the game again I’m never gonna win this room again I can’t be like hours of just looking for the good seed and dying should we do something else dream will show you this guy’s end we can record we

Can record the video I probably don’t wanna record right this second we can record and later so if you want to keep streaming then you can okay okay maybe I will go on the survival server for about wait did I update the survival so I’m gonna remember oh I did I think Oh

Okay so the question is is my bass alive my others house is so ruined oh my god we don’t have any iron we have like nothing okay I want iron okay there we go okay let’s have a look what’s Punk done this time uh-huh oh my god oh my sword

Is still hair I’m gonna go eat um bye bye Tyrion you got I’d love you George bye bye look at this kill all these stupid chickens oh wait what oh wait am I like something just pops up but it’s not on here for me am i alas not working I

Don’t know I can’t see what just popped up okay well whoever did this it’s not good I can’t even open the chests I think I think there’s stuff in here oh yeah that’s epic that we oh okay we beat the my own record wait what do I need take that

Take that okay let’s just quickly get rid of this this trash I think I put chicken in here oh no I didn’t okay well those these two are meant to be here is this my stuff I don’t I don’t even know what this is I don’t wanna though I just want to kill

All these disgusting things these disgusting creatures why they here I don’t know okay that one that one showed up thank you for sobbing pop go Coco thank you okay alright so why is this everywhere my house is so disgusting it’s quite useful to have crafting tables

Everywhere first of all I don’t honk has the perfect touch for interior designing no no he does not this is not perfect this is terrible I don’t approve of this thank you varan not thank you call you miss my donation eight years ago I’m unsympathetic did well thank you let me

See what you said now that I’m not trying to beat a world record you said so I spent all my money on you in the last few streams I’m a true simp that is true simp simply ness right there and then you also said that you love my

New haircut thank you thank you punk interior design is my passion I hate this design I don’t even want this wolf hair but I guess it’s not any better than cobblestone but just because Punk put it here I’m gonna get rid of it so was the dragon messed up literally because I’m

Using Optifine is that why like that added like 10 minutes to my time probably maybe more I don’t know that’s annoying and why is this here this shouldn’t be here hi Georgia soon it’s my friend Patricia is but they can us wish her a happy birthday from her friends Stephanie and buleria Valyria

Happy birthday who was it Patricia pretty pretty Patricia thank you happy birthday why is there a whole hair why is there a whole I am interested to go down okay yeah at the time I will turn that off machi let’s leave that up so I can swim up oh that’s annoying

Oh what was he doing down here okay I don’t think there’s anything down here but let’s just remove this I know legend starts thanks for subbing yeah let me up huh let me up okay you know what okay perfect and hello artist sky 23 thank

You wait oh he built he built a whole you built he built a whole somewhere please call Hope ascent hope you are a simp is that glass I can’t tell I’m gonna go down anyway okay let’s say so hi I’m wondering if your dream need a thumbnail for the MCC I’m making

Something for purple pandas at sapping up you can you check it out on Twitter later I will check it out I I don’t need a thumbnail cuz I’m gonna stream on on Twitch I will check out I don’t know where dreams gonna swim but he might be

Streaming on YouTube so he might need one so what’s up here what why does this go daddy on there too wait what why is it so dark I can’t see anything am I in water I’m not in water where is this water coming from oh it’s in the

Sign okay and it is so ridiculously hard to see what I’m doing right now um okay I did it oh my god that was annoying when you’re gonna post more on Tech Talk honestly I don’t know what my tech talks have been so stupid that I don’t II

Don’t know what I’m doing with it it’s just these stupid things I would love you be checked out or phone my account I’m sorry I’m breaking everything why is there chicken in a hole okay okay here’s the same user as here okay I will check

Out your Tech Talk let me write it down on my list of tick-tocks to check I know $69 thank you so much it’s a lot of money also have you seen jaws not found is on takeoff I think I might have seen a few actually I think okay I have

Copied your name paste tick-tock thank you so much for $69 are you single asking for a friend yes I am oh my god last dinner for today I think thank you for a good stream Georgie thank you thank you for the donation Caitlyn and all the other ones

And all the subs and everything thank you so much white is he I hear him oh he’s over there Do you ever ever react to I don’t know how to say the name is that’s it I did not I didn’t know what let me just quickly do something Oh was that me I don’t care anymore I just hate these chickens they’re so annoying these chickens have to go okay good wait what

Where are these chickens coming from and why is it not oh my god just get out of here I think you missed my dinner earlier but it’s okay well I’m not being the dragon even though I’m a bit late thank you Maddy let me see what you said earlier Maddy

You said hello could I please get a virtual hug here is your late virtual hug there you go I’m sorry it was late I was late you’re late it evens out okay I’m not sure if you’ve read my donor from before because you were stressing our place powder I was making banana and

I was making banana of it basically I did read it I did see it and I read it basically I upgraded my Etsy shop sick beats to do selling stickers by the way I’m thinking about making eat the bread ones it’s really hot eat the bread ones thoughts either bread stickers could be

Cool could be pretty cool and how you do it project snows and I mean I suppose I’ll leave those ones alone I suppose I left them alone I left him alone can you fix the bridge that you broke punk where is he I don’t know

Where he went um he just dipped turn my phone on I just did turn my phone on I don’t know he can tell can you hear it at all I don’t know Oh wonder what that was Oh whoa okay that was close so all I need is

Flint any Flint oh my god why oppose not accurate come on oh I hate bows so much okay I need some gravel you missed my last area which was very important man so take my money I guess okay let me see what you said I’m sorry I think I might have read

It oh I’m back also thanks for not being annoying wait okay well I’m happy you don’t find me annoying loving you have a good night / dat UK is weird it is night right now also don’t forget my dear that’s very important Twitter is

Okay I will I think I wrote it down but I’ll write it down again in case I didn’t okay I have written it down thank you hey George I like your videos alone I was wondering what your favorite animal is I think I asked this earlier I don’t

Know I don’t really know I think I just animal animals like dogs and cats that was probably my favorite I just simple but that cool very epic okay that’s the clan Pfannenstiel okay George please leave the tree hashtag lemon tree rights I’m in tree what’s a lemon tree I don’t have lemon

Trees in Minecraft I don’t think consider reading to yard when you’re done screaming thank you for considering goodnight oh my god don’t burn Punk’s tree our funky work be hard on it he came prepared no way what how does he have so much water how does he have so

Much water come back come on come here pong is nothing no arrows no if you sacrifice yourself right now I will spare the tree sacrifice yourself now no sacrifice yourself for the tree sacrifice yourself come on let me through don’t really know what you’re saying

What is the MBTI test so we need to tell me what that is I don’t know that is geology commits arson is that my name now geology please don’t burn Wong’s tree up Hong Ki worked very hard on it okay Hong’s tree can survive for now

Okay for now wait what oh my god okay so fill this chicken it’s beautiful I don’t know what else I can do now I’m gonna farm this wheat because I want the wheat oh this is so satisfying ASMR it is so satisfying okay replan all this wheat then so I

Think I’m gonna end the stream after this I need to eat I’m in dream need to record a video so so yes and it’s a secret as a top secret where the video is but it’s epic we can code this really epic plugin I

Think you guys gonna like it but no no I can’t give any whatever you call them what do you call them I can’t tell you what it is it’s a secret no spoilers I don’t know I can’t speak English anymore this Punk would say English isn’t my

First language even though it is image being bad at the game image image being bad again okay Wow all these animals that’s a lot of animals okay okay perfect king of being booked and busy a fun have fun thank you for the stream and loving I can’t speak and love you very much

Thank you thank you bunny yes I’m extremely busy very busy all the time you know it’s just so busy you got over record videos you know sometimes Oh what is this okay interesting young sauce boy thank you for something so let me see ooh interesting um let’s see who is in the Minecraft

Category MBTI test okay let me see what this is MBT actually let me do it yeah MBTI test myers-briggs Type Indicator introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences and how people perceive the world and make decisions How many questions is that is it long can you take the MBTI personality test on screen please will often post the results super curious how many questions sir how do I take this test am I being stupid okay since it is really long like 10 minutes 10 minutes

Hmm should I do this now so I’m looking at this do it off stream okay everyone wants me to do that I think it depends how quickly you answer okay I’ll just rush it I’ll just rush it okay so I do that I do that I do

Okay can we see this not this website which one this one okay this one takes less than 12 minutes alright we’ll see about that okay let me let’s do that okay close enough you enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people I mean it’s between these two I don’t

Like how agree is on the Left that’s weird to me you often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas honestly I don’t really know what that means like you’d put time into doing something that’s just not gonna happen I feel like that never happens okay you trapped your

Travel plans are more likely to look like a rough list of ideas than a detailed itinerary no I would probably I don’t really travel but I would probably know exactly what I’m doing you often think about I see let’s do that I’m not gonna do every down to the exact detail

You often think about what you should have said in a conversation long off is to taking place okay not often but obviously I do that sometimes I think everyone does that if your friend is sad about something at the end of the stream

I try wait is it on top now let me see that again did it work I work okay oh that’s $69 thank you so much right at the end of the stream I try I’m sorry wait what’s the point oh hey he’s doing something oh yeah

Thank you so much for the donation in the end thank you if your friend is sad about something your first instinct is to support them emotionally not just not to try I can’t speak not try to solve their problem well sometimes it sounds sad it’s not a

Problem that can be solved sometime this is not a problem sometimes they just sad like I don’t know I feel like honestly I feel like a lot of the times my friend my friends just aren’t sad I’ll just be in the middle I suppose people can really upset you I would say that’s

Fairly accurate 10% bro okay we will go faster you often rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation and keep it going I mean not with friends with like random people probably I’ll just I’ll go in the middle that’s fair enough I mean with my own

Friends it’s not like that but like with other people but I don’t know I go you someone called Alfred G donated 500 bits asking asking you to say hi to the saying hi to them and their friend but you missed it and they’re super sad because they spend a lot of their money

On it I’m sorry I’m sorry if you have time go back let me see when was this Alfred G where is it it’s a good pasta oh I see it I’ll go eat you remember me you called my friend Mary a boss hello anyway we both love

You we both love you do much okay we both love you too much can you say it back to us my name is chase I love you chase and Mary thank you and thank you for the luck I had you gave me the lock

And I won I won okay let me go back up now I’m sorry I missed your donation I think that was right when when I go like the end of Paul’s and I was like okay I gotta go I gotta go okay oh my god thank you for the sub what is

Your name someone someone snatched weave okay thank you oh that’s the wrong thing okay if you have to temporarily put your plans on hold you make sure it is your top priority to get back on track as soon as possible yeah you really worry if you made a good impression on someone

You met rarely worry I’ll put that there it would be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself without feeling bored oh well okay to be fair all by myself physically or like online because I’ll yeah if I haven’t spoken to someone fly even it’s like a

Day then then it’s weird so I guess I’ll agree with this yeah like the whole weekend I’ll agree with that you were more of a detail oriented than a big picture person I would yes I think I don’t know I want to go in the middle of these two but whatever you’re

A very affectionate with people you care about yeah no really you have a careful and methodical approach to life that’s somewhat I would say I want to go in the middle again I need more options I’ll go here you were still bothered by the mistakes you made a long time ago

Probably in the middle here again but I’ll go here and spaghetti ravioli thank you for cell Ben no middle wait what don’t pick middle what does that mean I’m not allowed to pick the middle I might okay 23% of parties and similar events you can most be found farther

Away from the action I don’t really go to parties but let’s say I guess I don’t know here you often find it difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them what does that mean let their emotions guide them I don’t know what that means these I’m just gonna go in

The middle what does that even mean when looking for a movie – what you can spend ages browsing the catalogue yes oh my god you can stay calm under a lot of pressure depends what it is I’ll just go here it depends we’re only 30 percent oh why are there so many

Questions why there’s so many questions why am I doing this I’m too far in now when a group of people you do not know you have no problem jumping right into their conversation I can do that online maybe in person not so much so I’ll go

Here I mean I can do it in real life but it’s much easier online obviously when you sleep your dreams tend to be bizarre and fantastical not really and your opinion is sometimes ok to step on others to get ahead on in life I mean yeah again it depends but let’s go here

You were dedicated and focused on your goals only rarely getting sidetracked oh I guess I tracked I get sidetracked if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting yourself oh wait I’m reading it wrong if you make a mistake you started if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting

Yourself your ability or knowledge it has happened before but let’s go ahead when I the social event you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and move towards I would say that’s very true you usually lose interest in a discussion when you get philosophical yeah middle you would

Never like soft cry in front of others I mean I would try not to but I would I wouldn’t know if I had if I had to cry I’m not much of a crier though you feel more drawn to places with a bustling and busy atmosphere you feel more drawn to

Places with a bustling and busy atmosphere than to more quiet and intimate ones I wouldn’t say I’m drawn to a place based on where the people are it’s just a place so the middle you like discussing different views and theories on what the world could look like in the

Future I suppose but not too much thank you for when it comes to making life-changing choices you mostly listen to your heart rather than your head mmm wait listen to your heart brother no no no really you cannot imagine yourself dedicating your life to the study of something that you cannot

See touch or experience I can’t see myself dedicating my life to the study of anything so I’ll just disagree I were only halfway through okay let’s go faster usually prefer to get your revenge rather than forgive I mean in terms of like actual stuff that matters like real

Life stuff okay let’s do it let’s do this based on real life stuff I don’t really get revenge in real life I can’t think of a time I’ve done that for like it mean like minecraft obviously it doesn’t matter as much I’ll just go here you can make decisions

On a whim it depends again what it is but I know we have to think about stuff the time you spend by yourself often ends up being more interesting satisfying the time you spend with other people and probably not I would just disagree you often put special effort

Into interpreting the real meaning or message of a song or a movie no you always know exactly what you want mmm no I want to go in the middle though thank you for loving milk chess thank you you really think back on the choices you made and wonder what you had done differently

That’s true I don’t ready think too much when in a public place you usually suits a quieter and less crowded areas no you tend to focus on present realities rather than future possibilities here you haven’t have a hard time understanding other people’s feelings mmm in the meadow yeah

Let’s go here though I feel like sometimes you go to aren’t as clear though which would make it easier we’re starting when songs work on a project you prefer to make as many decisions upfront as possible yeah somewhat when you know someone thinks highly of you you also want when you know someone

Thinks highly of you you also wonder how long it would be until they become disappointed in you know you feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking what conversation okay I just don’t do that but I wouldn’t say I would feel uncomfortable doing that but I just

Don’t do it you often drift away into daydreaming about various ideas and scenarios no you look after yourself first and others come in second it depends what it is let’s go here though even when you have planned a particularly daily routine usually just end up doing what you feel like at any

Given moment yes I think so your mood continued very quickly not so much you often contemplate the reasons for human existence or the meaning of life no you often talk about your own feelings or emotions mmm not feelings or emotions that matter at least you’ve got detailed education or career development

Plan stretching several years into the future I mean no not really I want to go in the middle you really dwell on your regret regrets I suppose her emoji thank you for sobbing spending time in a dynamic atmosphere with lots of people around spending time in a dynamic atmosphere

With lots of people around quickly makes you feel drained and in need of a getaway mmm let’s go here you also see yourself as more of a realist than a visionary what is a visionary I guess is it the opposite of a realist I mean it’s Google visionary is I’m

Assuming it’s just the opposite thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom that’s just let’s go I want to go in the middle of here but whatever you find it easy to empathize with a person who’s gone through something you as Punk doing hi

Gorg hello thank you for the bits hello you find it easy to empathize with a person who has gone through something you have never you never have I wouldn’t say so your personal work style is closer to spontaneous burst of energy than to organize on consistent efforts I

Would yeah yeah I would just like oh yeah it’s super distracted and now just eventually do it your emotions control okay we’re almost done I think this is probably the last bit okay this is the last bet your emotions control you more than you control them

No I feel long an exhausting week of fun parties just what you need No very only for yourself wondering how technology how technology cool techno tech okay you frequently find yourself wondering how technological advancement could change every light everyday life no you often consider how your actions might affect other people for doing

Something always consider I mean let’s go here not always you still honor the commitments you have made even you have a change of heart I have yes many a time and it’s annoying but whatever not all the time though you rarely feel insecure I would say so see

Your results okay the moment we have all been waiting for I don’t even know what its gonna mean but I don’t know what that means what does it mean what does this mean hey George hope you remember me a group of talented artists under the gym team also skilled made a

Mega all Club of you in half proton please check it out okay I will check it out thank you let me write this down Oh copy okay I will check it out after thank you so what does this mean virtuoso is TPA this trait determines how we interact with our environment

Okay like 5050 energy shows where we direct our mental energy intuitive an opposite oven I don’t know what that means nature determines how we just make decisions on couple of emotions 5050 I like very 5050 assertive okay oh there’s more No okay there’s a lot of stuff here

Honestly I don’t know what this means okay I’d love to explore with their hands and their eyes touching an exam in the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity how do we get dreams do a face reveal maybe at 10 mil sobs I don’t know maybe

They’re people with this person any type of personality type unnatural makers moving from project to project nice of her sir building the useful and superfluous for the fun of it and learning from the environment as they go often mechanics and engineers okay interesting aha – oh serves find no greater joy than

In getting their hands dirty putting things apart is this kind of about kind of like me okay there’s a lot to read here I’ll just scroll through it slowly so if you want you can watch the stream back and pause and read it but I’m not gonna read it all right now I’ll

Probably read it afterwards and their strengths and weaknesses interesting okay there’s like a ton okay I will I will look at this offer this Ram I guess you can just oh you can just go to this website oh you can see yeah but um wait how do I

Show that I think if I just oh there we go if you want here’s the website you can go read all about them so if you just put this in it will give it to you so so yes I think I am going to end this room now I’m hungry

Oh a punk left alright so I will read someone who can i raid he was live well there’s the test hopefully it’s what I don’t know is that a good that a good result I don’t know but all right so you a poll I see a lot of tap out a lot of

And Tommy in it and Ben X okay here we’re do a poll poll you guys decide raid Tommy I spell his name wrong but I don’t care tap L burn ax okay fine ah spell his name right fine you have one minute to decide who’s gonna win who’s gonna win who’s gonna

Get the host I think Tommy’s gonna get it Wow alright well thank you everyone for coming to the stream hope you enjoyed it thank you everyone who donated who gifted selves who sucked we just came and watched everyone matters thank you so much and I think Tommy is

Going to win so I think I can just close that now but um what is he doing he is doing how he’s playing hardcore okay similar to what I was doing so hopefully you guys will enjoy this – thank you for the prime Joey alright well thank you

Everyone I’m going to end this room I don’t know when I will screw next it could be tomorrow it could be next week it could be next month it could be never again this could be the last room probably not though but thank you everyone bye everyone oh look what I’ve

Got now actually can I do this full camera full camera it’s amazing alright alright I’m going to go now wait I need to go there okay I fix my my stuff alright bye everyone bye the raid has begun okay I’ll give it a minute and

Then I will end you can see like my mic now you can see my microphone you can see my microphone clean my room my room is clean I just I just have a lot of boxes here but like my room is kind of clean like I just have boxes oh my

Camera is blurry why is my camera blurry okay I don’t know that’s kinda clean okay bye everyone I’m ending this fam goodbye bye loud noise

This video, titled ‘GeorgeNotFound’s 19th Minecraft Livestream | 1.16 Speedrunning AND Myers Briggs Personality Test’, was uploaded by Dream Team Streams on 2020-07-11 07:00:14. It has garnered 250178 views and 3803 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:35 or 11495 seconds.

Original Title: 1.16 Speedrun World Record (ACTUALLY)


Survival World – 2:25:00

Myers Briggs Personality Test – 2:46:50

This stream was broadcasted on Twitch by the Youtuber GeorgeNotFound on July 4, 2020.

Twitch channel: Youtube channel:

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : skin minecraft: Donate saweria: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More