Insane Minecraft TRAIN TUNNEL Build!

Video Information

Hello stream hello hello hello I’m going to move that that over there hello hello everything looks to be working hello hello hello all right who we got in here oh fly skish and batsy told me I smelled quite rude honestly uh burning Viper so many people are here offline snoob

Dreams uh Michael Aaron Damon hello hello Elissa hello toast Goblin H Ringo freeze Viper Leon Isa hello hello hello all right I’m done scrolling I’m done scrolling why am I here Sam I don’t know cuz you want to watch a stream still waiting for the episode out which one I am

Uh that’s it’s going to be a while till the next one what if we get the stream to 100 likes that’s what we did last stream I think we can do it again I think we can do that again uh my current PC components are nowhere actually well

Then on my twitch if you want to see my current one um but right over here chat uh which you can’t see right out of frame is my new pc um which if you want to see the specs of that you can join my Discord uh but yeah like the stream

People and um let’s get into Minecraft I mean I could could I show it it’s a mess but I can it it it’s there computer um it’s it’s there it’s sitting there computer and then I have my my current PC is under the table um love your voice thank you

Um they are in your PC hopefully they are in my PC indeed love from India welcome welcome Sam if you ever in this world which I hope is pretty far in the future sure get steam reals oh wow it’s it’s it’s closer than you think um it’s

Closer than you think um no I love it it it starts now which is ah it starts welcome in Creo hello hello plunk as well welcome welcome welcome Denis hello um I love how he read Viper twice but wiper you’re quite popular Viper is popular oh that

Ah go uh should try should try the world without mods if I load into this world without mods that’s not going to work doesn’t work like that hamster hello hello magic as well welcome in welcome in uh I need oh my skin was broken uh I’m actually going to need

This Stone now that I think about it so I’m going to grab that and we’re going to place that back now you can’t join this with vanilla stand with the rench always with the rench what do you mean oh I accidentally messed with my uh audio settings on my headset ah when

When the next video come out um 1st of February is 1st of February a um a Thursday yes it is 1 of February next video have played hermitcraft yet no I’m I’m not on hermitcraft um can I open chat while full screen mode um no clue

No clue honestly I don’t think it has stuff like that sadly porno native speakers indeed what is hcraft Herra is a Minecraft server um I am gonna check one second it’s good I’m just going to little shat icon on top right all right appar you can ah love it um there

Is not create on on the hermitcraft server though it’s a vanilla server the shat is okay better nice can I sleep Please T’s going to be sick yeah it’s going to be good we never had one ah look at that I’m playing on my own mod pack and if you want to download it you can do that in my Discord um uh uh all right so Jens welcome in as well welcome

Welcome welcome I’m so excited for my new pc but I got to stream first and then and then I can fix my new pc um all right so plan for today uh I know I took the the thumb picture over here SK hello hello welcome in uh but what

Happened to Minecraft support server did something happened no we closed it down cuz no one really played on it so I just said I closed it down uh the I the payment I paid for it Runs Out in 2 days but it’s currently on my this world um instead um we’re going

To be transforming this today um I’m pretty sure I want to cover it up here as well but I want to transfer this because um it looks a little weird with the train tracks flowing floating and all that five bu why the Train’s clip and looks eh well because building the

Five Bo why takes more time it they don’t really clip the they do clip a little bit but the trains are three blocks wide and honestly you’re not going to notice it clipping if you don’t look close enough so I don’t know if you want to look close enough to it

It does not bother me uh what is SK oh SK shucky all right nuh nuh see I actually thought that you Clos it because of me I thought I did something no it was fun but no one really played on it so it was an expense

That was pointless um I need to fix that so let’s go and grab some deep St first of all and then we’re going to try to create some sort of a cave and I’m thinking I’m thinking we either do a I kind of want to do like a mushroomy cave

Thing I I’d really want to do like a mushroomy very like like glowing mushroom things I like trains who doesn’t who doesn’t who doesn’t who doesn’t uh Elan split hello hello been now trying to get dark oak sapling in Amplified Biomes O and uh what am I looking for oh brain brain now

Braining Love Trains yeah right uh deep slates ahuh I I know my things got back to study we’ll be back later all right I think Bernie is one of the only people that were here when I was working on my La my last cave um and I was working on like a

Custom mushroom biome in it uh and then I lost my hardcore world so uh why am I in here I’m not you get onek likes on the stream I will download create and my dad I’m not going to get that so um it will be fine I love train engineering new trains

Mon and train signaling oh yeah what specs do the new pc have the new uh specs are in information in the Discord um no um on that with the the um with the uh are those off they are off um with the new um with the new world and um ending

This world it’s it’s closer than I think most of you guys think I will say that much it’s I think it’s closer than most of you guys think it is uh oh no wait okay no good uh then rotate it around roller on uh this no I wanted to

Turn I don’t like the new ones I like the old style locomotives yeah I mean this world is more of the old style as well so definitely I agree with you I think the all the ones are cool as much as like magnet trains and all that stuff

Is kind of cool as well I think they old one take the cake I do have a date there’s there don’t worry there there’s a few episodes left but um um it it it is closer than I think most of you would think it is

Um as to when this world is going to end but it’s nothing we have to think about now think Viber no um it’s about you can make the rubber things that connect the wagons I mean yeah there is a r everything though or like make them okay

Well uh this isn’t this is only one wagon I’m trying to look for a train play in the snow yes D all right have fun um yeah there is a little rubber thing though I mean it shows up when you build a train uh wiper does know yeah wiper does

Know look at that um uh now the question is I have to actually start this I I have an idea but I don’t have a great idea I have a slight just like M yeah this is what I want to do but I don’t know exactly how we’re going to do it

Stam get a heart attack I did not get a heart attack I’m I’m I’m completely fine my my hair is itching me though uh I think we’re going to want the highest point let’s do I think we’re going to do yeah around here I think

This is a good height um so I’m going to extend here and into the middle and then we’re going to create some sort of a shape to get this cave started I’ve honestly had very little like I have obviously done cave ter forming and stuff like that before but it’s it’s one

Of those things that I haven’t done enough to really be that good at it or at least not know exactly what I’m doing so we’re just going to play some blocks and uh and see kind of what happens honestly um the the only cave transforming I’ve done like that’s been

Like a lot of cave transforming that’s been an already existing cave so um but yeah I think that’s pretty good and then and then we just get some sides going up to it and we should be good should be good new specs are insane they’re all right they’re good they’re good finally

Works at least I um it wasn’t an expensive fixed I thought I had destroyed the motherboard which would have been that would have been annoying cuz I wouldn’t have buy buy a new one and um and install it and all of that stuff so it would have been more expensive but

Luckily it was just a little bench pin and they managed to fix it in the store and yeah pretty cheap fix so got we got new pc um okay I’m going to start extend this up and then I’m going to start pretty steep Hi D hello hello uh I think it

Might be A Little Too Tall honestly cuz it’s going to flatten up really really quickly which we’ll probably fix this up a little more we going for like a doome shape I would want to go for Dome shape and this is definitely not the strategy

To do that how are you today I’m doing great I’ve got my new pc it works um yeah I think that’s a bad strategy to do that I think we’re going to start from the bottom and go upwards instead I think that’s going to be a better strategy

To getting a dome shape uh we need to do we need to build some bridges in here anyways because I do want to extend it down and like kind of connect it up to like what we have down here uh so what if we instead start like

Down here it’s done with the 100,000 days video and it’s my first stream welcome in welcome welcome hope you enjoy the video um it’s been a while since I watched one of those I watched parts of beard Stones one uh Um um but other than that it’s been a while uh so that leads out to there oh maybe we don’t have to do as much as I thought uh cuz I watched every episode before yeah well some people enjoy I think as I think even some people that have watched before just

Like put it on in the background that’s usually what I do with those things uh um On this man’s Channel well you haven’t watched the ones that are private de you have found some things that are unlisted though which is uh odd um yeah we’re just going to replace all of that

Um let’s get some scafolding do you still have the support Ser world at least the seed I want to build a town on ground I wanted it might not look good I have the seed I also have the world I I can post the World download um for it

Eventually uh someone will have to remind me a little bit but uh I think I have it let me actually check I should have it saved on my PC in maybe backups no save uh create backup I do think I had it saved I think

I downloaded it or I just used it which I don’t think I did rojects patreon Ms World download no I think I saved it I just don’t know where I saved it um but the seed I think I do have somewhere technically we can go a little

Higher as well in here so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to start from this corner over here and then we’re going to use the cave walls we already have and kind of attempt to make like a lot people uh so if I just like wh go here and

Then would kind of just like go in here face wheel when what it’s already going I just didn’t get it wait you’ve been talking to yourself wait what um Flex Piel low and then what if we just like have a line going through the middle Here s was going insane kind Of I think that should like pretty well link up to over here oh uhoh sure I will eat a lemon I used to have that on my twitch streams like back in the day if I got a follower i’ take a bite out of a lemon um did not

Work yes the pillagers they’re friendly lemons are tasty and then what if we get a band going across like that and yeah maybe we can figure it out can we bring the lemon thing back no I’m getting n n uh-uh I’m try lemon on video better get people in here then I’m

Not sure how many likes we’re at but if you haven’t liked the stream you definitely should helps me out every subscriber one lemon oh uh-uh uh-uh that I I die v what do you mean how about limes limes is better I think but still no thank

You so what if we just connect that up there then we go downwards a little bit and we get something like that instead opinion on public transport Transit and depends on which country on Sweden has decent or has good I’d say Sweden has good uh as much as I like to

Complain about uh the the my bus and stuff it it’s not perfect but uh it’s good depends on where in the world you are though uh certain countries have better public transport than others uh Slayer Grandma honestly so for lik we’re a long way well we’re not that far off

Um a th000 no 100 100 likes see Sour Patch Kid uh yeah they have I’m not that oh my dad was in uh in the US and uh he brought back like the super super um um sour candy and uh and the he was in Texas or

Something I think he was in Texas and um he brought back this super super uh sour candy and um and we tried it and it’s it’s like our normal candy there was Zero there was Zero yeah Warheads exactly Warheads yeah yeah I think it was Warheads there was no sourness to those

Whatsoever they were like our normal candy and I was like there’s no way this is sour like there is no way they call this sour I was just like what I I will admit I was very confused on it I was just like huh um so uh those are not yeah exactly

But they the people that my dad was with in in the US they were just like oh this is so this is so sour and blah blah blah no I’m I’m next time he’s going there I’m telling him bring some real sour candy uh cuz they were yapping on and uh

Nah it was uh not very sour Just going to fill all of these little cracks and then we’ll get the inside fixed out a little better in a bit s for ads people sorry for Ads uh so we can run this across over here St me me and axis are going to play mod dead using e you want to join later no I don’t have the time thanky uh I’m setting up my new pc sour I can’t imagine how sour yall’s cand is the

WarHeads were literally like our normal ones like what our ones with just like sugar on them and I don’t know if we had a bad batch or something but uh yeah um should eat on camera to suffer maybe don’t eat anything on camera to suffer I feel like that’s

Bad I uh I feel like that’s not the way to get to get views soor it’s full I would honestly do not know what our most sour candy wouldn’t be you get salt salt licorice um it’s pretty disgusting um um I I do not like licorice at all

Um start to bleed yeah that’s pretty common I feel like hi the basic video when um I feel like that’s pretty uh pretty cobon though lucky sucks yeah Lu is pretty bad like finish licorice yeah I I just not a big fan of licorice at all

Honestly is licorice a big thing in uh in uh in in in the Dutch no not the Dutch land the the Dutch land the Netherlands that’s what it’s called Stam good job pill let’s get some torches up here so we don’t have any mob spawn whenever we cover this um we

Go can’t eat candy uh let’s head on the inside now and there’s going to be I ouch ouch either way cand is overrated it’s pretty good do not serve kids okay thank you um for now we’ll have to get some torches in here it’s always been kind of like a

Safe place just because it’s always been open when there’s Swedish Fish Swedish fish is not salt or sour at all that’s as not sour you yet what’s your favorite cry uh I don’t really know I I like I like a bunch of different candies just here saying hi hello

Stella what’s your favorite um Candy chat what’s the favorite candy I like fudge way too much it’s that just like candy though he took my suggestion what hello what suggest are you on boats ah can’t get up can’t get up American Twix I guess it’s different maybe from

European time to use backpacks I do I don’t use them too much much but I do have them um I really like e Claires I don’t I feel like I remember the name but I don’t remember um I don’t remember um I don’t remember what it is

Um exactly the cave no I I I was planning on doing a cave here hanky no I wasn’t planning on doing a cave all the time but part of a cave at least uh maybe not a full cave but I do I do I think I’m going to like the full cave

Vibe but in here wa if we just smooth this out the connection on the roof now and we can like start to form this whole thing should be pretty good stop throwing people you should stop throwing people yes yes indeed don’t throw people I think it’s U pretty bad um nuh-uh

Nuh clear like caramel with chocolate in the center I feel like I know what they are caramel with chocolate and CER um let me just clares oh those things isn’t that more like that’s not like a candy though that’s more like a dessert I know what in clar is yeah

Yeah cuz I like I swear I’ve known I I know what this is um mad style then I agree Viper um where do we start I’m going to probably work on this area over here I like samur well I do not I I I I don’t hate I don’t dislike

Semor um I don’t know if that’s like a thing that you have in other countries but they have uh I don’t I don’t like the mandasa um which I I don’t know what it’s called um in English but I don’t like it almond paste thing it’s

Um too expensive for Viper huh what C Ponto probably just like a uh I can’t I can’t remember what the normal cats it’s a mix probably uh I I I honestly got no it’s not from a breather it’s just a some family friends a while ago uh had

Some kittens so just bought P this create hardcore is hard somebody will run over by your train or be proceeded by your own crushing Wheels I’m going to be playing my next World in hardcore and um we’ll see I’ve only been run over by one train and then we’ve had the

Incident recently uh recently found you recently love your cont I thought you you loved me like loved my content recently but not before that thank you um boots thank thank you am I Weir for like a Whoppers I don’t think Whoppers is too bad honestly I I’m definitely I definitely don’t rate

Uh Burger King the highest fast food a lot of their stuff is pretty just like um but uh there’s definitely like a whoer is is all right uh I’ve had Kit Kat yeah yeah I think I have is that Kit Kat I have no it’s not kitat it’s I got Kinder

Never mind okay I thought it was Kit Kat it wasn’t I’m we Big Mac guy I definitely prep prefer a Big Mac over a um uh um over the other one for millionaire shortbread oh the point feel like will there be a theme in the next

World pretty much the same uh where did you find your skin I just Googled honestly I I I want to get a nice one um wider and taller uh the trains in the world aren’t wider or taller so um no um the tunnels are kind of based off the train size

So uh I will make the trains the tunnels in the next World a little bigger but in this one I don’t want to go back and revise all the other ones and to me it doesn’t matter it’s Minecraft I it can be as unrealistic as I want it um if

It’s in hardore I say saws will do me in how would mechanical saws now there’s no way you like fall on a mechanical saw and die to that I think it’s the um you should make steampunk combined for wheat farm and such I mean it’s going to be like a steampunky

Medieval mix fantasy thing I want to do a little more fantasy in the next world uh which this this build right here that we’re doing right now is going to be a little more fantasy um just because it’s going to be a little like magical I do want to do a

A little more that I have been missing my magic my like fantasy building uh I want some castles I I didn’t I haven’t built a castle in this world and it’s sad uh I died more than once to Mechanical saw oo and your here you use any mod uh the

Whole mod pack and mod list is in my Discord if you want to check it out I can’t upload it on C anything so that’s the that’s the what you get just going to thicken this up a little bit here and like bring the roof down

With it a bit more I don’t really know what I’m doing at the moment I’m just like placing a few blocks full speed mechanical sauce two shot you yeah without armor but if you have armor you’re pretty fine um can you make a skin if you want an awful one I do not

Want an awful one no uh welcome back Leon uh say you will never get them but you have you ever hopped on a conveyor belt leading into di many times to that it is is it totally my fault definitely well I’ve fallen into the mechanical build multiple times but

I’ve not died from it like hold up no like I have one in my my base which I have fallen into a few times but like yeah sure you take damage but like it’s not like you sit in the mechanical belt for long it’s just like falling in oh you take damage and

Then you just get flung off you know it’s like yes sure three hits but you have the time to get out of there you create components nine times out of 10 you already have iron armor you’re fine well yeah I mean with half netherite I only have half netherite see whether the

Saw kills him yeah and then I actually die the saw wouldn’t that be something okay they do they do a lot of damage no I will admit they do a lot of damage but I still feel like the time TW it’s just a little bit too long for it to be like

Actually too too dangerous um I give up I had too many activities today already nor more studying textiles and then are so going to burn all my cloths as a statement all right have fun burning I’m commissioning a new skin I do want to commission a skin I just uh

Haven’t the trust it lay out in your next World trust me it’s worth it I’ve got a city city try over there then uh episode 7 if you want to check it uh it’s not done yet but um City St putting his hand on a circle sawway does it hurt yeah exactly why

Does this hurt guys what what me casually jumping on a on a saw and just like damn it kind of hurts guys kind of hurts um I think it’s all right it’s not nothing that’s going to be seen too much play parkour sper let’s not

I did that on on on skish stream uh I don’t know if skish uploaded that stream though he did a 12-hour stream uh he had to cut it a little short because um arthritis or what is not arthritis you that’s what you have skish that’s what

He has like a greater radio space layout that’s so boring I’m I’m sorry but a a I’m not building an American city here not for one they’re terribly designed and for too they look incredibly boring uh we we’re not building American cities here um ah I

Fell I’m getting liberated to his legs V saw it’s not that bad it’s not that bad I’m watching you in VR right now it’s kind of cool that yes have fun um I can watch being an American yeah I mean I’ve seen I look I haven’t been in

America to be fair but it looks incredibly boring I will not lie it looks very boring and not only does it look boring it’s just like very impractical most of the time as well uh I’m going to go make some more scaffolding cuz I need it gra some

B I’ve been once traffic is a nightmare yeah I could imagine like traffic sure traffic exists that’s I you don’t solve it by this but it’s it’s not bad um I really like the beard but it would be so much better if he added Narrow Gauge trains instead of the trucks I

Think he has the Narrow Gauge trains in the new area oh new new area did he do another one I’m an American no I hatte Americans I just I just think you’re cities are designed for I hate rectangular grids that’s why so just it’s still I yes I can see it

More like yes to be fair yes the city center most of the time is centered around a central point which for me this is that point and then the builds go around it and um I know Paris I gothenberg is also based on a on a um on a circular pattern from the

Beginning um I’m not I’m not dictating what mods ski shs adds to his you can suggest it to him but I’m pretty sure he’s not going to add it it times uh the place for parking and housing yeah I mean from what I look I I have no

Experience in my in it myself so like maybe it’s not that bad all over the place but from what I’ve heard you kind of need a car like you need a car I’m not saying a car isn’t helpful in Sweden I don’t need one like I’m I’m uh I’m practicing for

My for my like driver’s license and stuff like that but I’m in no real rush to do it because I don’t need a car I can do everything I can with a car sure it takes a little longer but I can really get like anywhere with without a

Car uh why America is badly designed yeah I think it’s uh it’s some I think it’s a Dutch guy that compare I think it’s a Dutch guy I can’t remember ah fell again rectangular grids are boring I can agree circular grids are good I just don’t think it’s like the Minecraft Vibe

You know if you’re if you’re looking historically though yes I will agree a lot of cities are um circular based um uh Paris is definitely one of the an obvious example uh of a circular based City uh gothenberg is as well it’s not too clear I would say um and like I kind

Of I kind of just like that this one I like I like thinking about Sidelines and stuff and I just kind of try to make it look good I’m not probably not going to do like any exact exact GDs but uh I do want to do some bigger city projects

Eventually um I would yeah Copenhagen is really nice uh architecture Vice they they have some really nice stuff in Copenhagen I will admit uh not that I saw much of I saw bits of it but um have I tried using what yo again hello paper um there is yeah there is

Public transport in um in America as well it’s arguably worse than in Europe um and I love the argument that oh America is bigger than Europe yeah that’s that’s a good one how youde when you switch blocks from building like a factory with different blocks I

Just kind of look at it and and switch blocks hello Alin uh so I mean you can see it in most my builds um in here the uh that’s a bad example maybe um yeah I think it’s quite clear here actually so first base was brick then I

Added in some darker blocks at the bottom because I wanted to uh I have Iris um boom Iris oh this is going to lag oh here he goes I can I’m probably going to be able to play with shaders we might be able to look at the world with

Shaders tomorrow’s chat it’s going to be exciting cuz tomorrow we’re doing it with a new pc um so at the bottom here I’ve done just like some darker blocks uh in that variant then I’ve grabbed like patches cuz in this build you see quite clearly there’s a patch there patch there patch

Patch this is a patch one I heard my name um someone told you to add something to your m pack I don’t know and I I I said you had arright this as well I think um I think it’s less obvious on my new builds but you can see like here is a

Patch of uh things um these are patched in um I do it most by hand I just kind of place it until it looks good it’s one of those things that you have to do either you can use OptiFine and you can just uh not OptiFine world edit and you

Can get a uh a fully randomized pattern which I’m not a huge fan of um they can have their uses I do definitely use the feature to like randomize patterns completely when I’m designing stuff but it’s also just like it’s not so like it’s not I don’t use it for

Everything I use it for certain things but um I don’t um I use it for certain things but I don’t um I I do most of the texturing by hand so much better looking yeah it ends up looking a lot better cuz I do do I don’t

Do I don’t really do gradients uh gradients is a very is one of those things that very much yes it’s easy to do um looks all right but it’s not that advanced honestly I I’m not a huge fan of gradients I I will use gradients from

Time to time for sure but for every build here I’ve used a gradient for example but it’s a sideways gradient uh this is a gradient as well so yes there are gradients but a person that only uses gradients for their build probably isn’t the best builder they’re

Not bad like you can make some really good ones are you do next SC no we bu we build very differently also I beg use to create scaffolding no go away skish go away nuh-uh I don’t want to do texture gradients are approximately correct I I just like I’m

Not a huge fan um and like um you can definitely use gradients like I I do use gradients in certain builds and C certain areas but if you only use gradients I would say you should Branch out and try to use some other gradients um I I’ve done weather texturing up here

So if you look at this build right here um it’s quite open this way and then it’s quite closed St because you have the M mountain behind it so on the inside here I’ve used regular brick and then I used I’ve used worn brick on the outside where the wind and everything

Will be hitting all of the vein and all that stuff so that’s more worn than this here on the inside um M uh did live out the back huh St my bag used to create no um so same like up here this corner here has the worn bricks same right over

Here and I’m like this side is going to be pretty protective a little bit more so that’s one of the ones you can use there’s also that example down here in this tree at least uh where I the decided oh the Sun is going to be coming from this

Direction in this world so I’ve put some lighter leaves here to like symbolizes that uh same on these rocks you can see there’s a lighter part here so there there’s a lot of things when you’re terreform have you already forgotten this uh you leave out the back you did leave out the

Back of the city leave out the back of the city I’m so confused Viper what why he wasn’t replying to me I was temp minutes back on the stream look at him ghost G that’s why it took you said oh yeah you heard my name and you’re 10 minutes late add ra mod

Pack uh I’m not adding any mods to this world um I feel like I got it I got to talk about that in the next video no I I don’t I don’t have any addons I’m not adding any addons so uh yeah gr are okay but they become better

When you think about lighning weathering and placing them exactly beard Stone welcome in good day good day we got the fancy people showing up for stream today um I was just talking about your world someone was talking about your world and I said something and I don’t remember what I said

Anyways in your next project Metro would be a great idea yeah we were just talking about something they were like oh you should have done this that why uh that’s why you should stream on YouTube bear was has been in my twitch streams as well so um I stream on

YouTube because I have 80 viewers here I have 20 on the twitch your windows now infesting my world we love to see it I am taking over um I’ve got my new pc beard it’s sitting right next to me it’s not working yet I accidentally closed it

When it was installing Windows so I’m I’m going to have to redo that um uh I’m afraid to do patches I mean patch beard Stone I’m we just talking about this we’re talking about uh texturing what what’s your favorite method of texturing like gradiant um Mitch Match uh patches uh

Weathering all of those things glad yeah amazing um you’re also investing mine I’ve been meaning to catch one of your stream for a while now welcome in welcome in um I think we’re pretty good on the shape up here I’m going to remove some scaffolding we’ll see how we do it

Um why don’t we get some another Builder here opinion Pache weathering I try to think where damp would be Etc yes that’s my favorite one that’s my favorite one um I’ve done it on my starter base that’s like I I was really into it when

I started this world so you see I have the warn bricks and the bricks here and then over here I do have this patch of like where the paint or whatever had like gone away but Pache weathering yes definitely that that’s my favorite I do

Want to do more of it I just I’ve been lazy if not cartoonish so blank wall but if you break blocks for example yeah exactly yeah yeah I agree agree I I do very mix of it all I think um um I think I’d mix the the Styles pretty

Well um I have leaned off in the weaing a little bit uh I do want to get back into it though because I think that’s one of the most fun texturing Styles um think about your Minecraft Builds as like a piece of art um that and like

Thinking about okay so this is a little corner here and I do want to like exaggerate that there’s a corner so I’m using some dark blocks in this corner um I’m not looking for a realistic feels feel so uh not uh St saying another Builder finally okay skish you’re in my stream

So skish I know how you texture okay how do you texture skish do you want to feel included so I not steam avils cuz I’m not adding anymore uh anymore much now I don’t want to do it now it’s up totally up to you man um we’re just got to remove some

Dirt here and I think we’ve got a pretty good shape and then I do want to extend in some like Aqua first Immortals hello hello no I don’t want to I don’t think I will don’t do it then thought about that sorry for the odds people

Uh I’m excited to play my world with a higher than 60 FPS um it’s actually at 70 now cuz I’m looking straight into the ground if I look this way uh GPU maxes out it’s actually pretty good in this area uh this area is fine cuz there’s like no nothing around me

Really maybe if I look up in this direction no all right it’s actually pretty fine area why ads cuz I uh I need to pay stuff hey hamster I think my MC build of a piece of art a piece of art that’s been thrown into a dumpster well

To be fair anything is Art these days um me not getting ads cuz I have premium but the ones that tend to go with patchy sort of stuff or like veins I like the vein mus calling up yeah exactly that just the patchy thing and doing it just

By hand is is I think I think the one of the best things when you can learn that oh it’s going to be fun um excited for the new pc yes so excited so so excited uh I love dump start self love yes indeed uh we get something like that

Maybe uh and then I think I need to think how long well yeah we’ll see we’ll see I I I want to give hints but then I don’t like I don’t know what to say uh Miss hello um I I want to give hints on when the

Next series is but uh there there’s a few people that know when it is there’s not many but there is a few some of my mods I’m not sure if all of the mods know um hanky knows because Hank is helping me with a pack uh actually no

Hanky doesn’t know hanky doesn’t know uh hanky doesn’t know all of the things um I’m going to do some Patrick gring work in my new base yes um the people Viper burning hanky well hanky doesn’t hanky knows parts of it but he does not know enough to like

No do I know I think I do yeah you probably misremember the dates though I don’t know anything there there’s a few people there’s some there’s some creators that know as well cuz I’ve been talking about it also time you have no idea how much I

Want to call my episode one when I move to one20 I me actual no no uh-uh nuh-uh um do you know do you guys want to know do you guys want to see I have this is okay I will say this this is months in prepare but I will show you I

Have actually been working on uh I I I was on the bus yesterday and I was like oh I got a really uh I’ve got a really really fun idea on how I can start the first episode uh of the uh of the New World um so this is months in prepare

Don’t worry um it’s not too too far off but it’s months it’s it’s some I will say it’s sometime this year um here we go let me show um it’s going to be pretty oh I can zoom in look at that uh can you see it chat I’m going to move it

Uh I think you can see it I think you can see it uh hopefully no you can’t see the text wait let me do this smart uh uh so this is this is this is the create season 2 World um what if I lied what if

I said the world I started over year ago wasn’t the world I’ve always wanted I thought it’s hilarious cuz yeah um it feels like um it always felt like there was something missing and this time it wasn’t trains um that’s that’s like the intro

Line I I like it I like it I like it Liar Liar yeah I love what if I lied yeah I like it planes oh what is it missing nice yeah got build up the hype now what what what do you CH what do you think this

World is missing um to be fair it’s missing addons but it’s not add-ons I will say it’s not add-ons this where this missing add-ons I do want add-ons but it’s not add-ons anyways thanks for script off to record my videos hey SK is in here stealing it’s just

Like it’s it’s just like when Jojo and beard was on the world they were just like there with their um with their um schematics and quills out I turn around beard standing in the corner just like I’m just going to write this down turn around and then Jojo and then beard has

Been distracting and JoJo’s grabbing the actual schematic um I need some more water water go Bears on the ceiling we look so good um I don’t I it’s either going to be a lush cave or it’s going to be a mushroom cave actually let’s let’s do a vote can

We do a vote can you do a vote on YouTube can one do a vote I feel like someone can like you can do a vote but I I don’t know how to I feel like there is a possibility to do uh engage with your audience I found

It I found it chat okay ask a question what um should the cave be uh question mark um add option and we’re going to do three options we’re going to do Lush cave uh we’re going to do mushroom um cave glowing cuz glowing mushrooms is kind of cool and or we’re

Going to do drift Stone cave start pole how do I okay start the pole all right there we go we can vote video idea I have yeah we all this like one Lush cave well there it’s one cave so o Lush cave a why do you guys so

Want the Lush cave how does no one want the okay how does that 50% what is this mushroom cave okay drstone cave I can I can I can see that one trailing off um see it’s going to be between mushroom and Lush cave um what’s the vote for the

Vote is for the cave what are we going to build in the cave are we going to do a lush or mushroom cave I really want to do a mushroom cave but uh it doesn’t look like it there some would be dangerous I don’t really care uh let look your plans for episode

One I think uh my plans are literally build a starter base I think uh so if I did yes then um I did kind of leak that one but I’ve already said that’s what it’s going to be so what if both yeah well I I don’t

Think I I want to do both I I do one of them a giant excavator was written yeah that’s because I want to outdo skish that’s because I want to outdo skish Lush mushroom cave me thingss mushroom cave with lots of lroom a lot of

Lroom can we get some Lush rooms in chat if we do a lroom cave cuz I’m I’m not sure how we’re going to do that but uh I don’t know a set date I have a set date yes but uh I’m not saying that set date yet I have

A set date for when this series end and for when the next one starts cuz I’m going to get him back with what use my title how would you do a lroom I I don’t know lroom drip cave lroom lroom all right all righty chap all righty chap how about folder called create

M maybe there’s some Creator goals in there creator collabs that I have planned I’ve got one with SK and everything on it that’s why it’s a dot dot dot cuz beard stone is at the end and it shorten it off it’s a bunch of creators build hello Lush on the top

Mushroom on the bottom yeah I could see that I could see that um I think I think what we should do is get the bridge in first I can we agree that we should get the bridge in first let’s get the bridge in first and

I want to build that in Creative uh do I hold up yeah Bridge do I have one of those can you pin a message in uh Mr B Mr B was just in here you can creative test world exclamation park pin it how do I pin it help

Uh Christian why do you have 166 mods a lot of them can someone pin my message one of the mods can you pin my message or write one your own that I can pin um just bridge for the 100 yeah probably going to be a wooden bridge

We’s see how we do it let me look at this yes windows isn’t even installed as a Windows lot the they comped um we can pin it well can you write the message yourself then um I don’t know how to pin it just write the message yourself and I can pin it

But I can’t click on my own message apparently you can click the three dots next to the least icon creative test World there we go no if I just there’s some hundred things in it oh there we go ah pin message message pinned here we go thank you

L we got it create test World um CR um Stam is cheating yeah I cheat on The Daily Um maybe update the title I no I’m not updating the title title stay um okay I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m thinking I do want to try something um I do want to try something we’re going to remove all of the deep State I think back to there over on this side

Trust bridge for the win I think a trust Bridge would look good um but I do have another idea I don’t think I don’t think we can have anything like up on it can you update t on YouTube since when I don’t think you can actually that’s that’s true uh stream

Settings edit I can actually update the title yeah I can update the title uh but I don’t want to we’re still building a train to also same thing uh we’ll bring it back to like there then we remove all of the Sleep slates yeah under yeah exactly uh but I

Do want to see so I do want to get some metal gers see how this works um and then we’ll get that that’s okay yeah move this line here over to that point I guess yeah and then if we get some of that that that in our off

Hand we place that over here we get those throw pulley above for the above supports I don’t know how good it would look with a uh let me connect that to over here we got a curved one and then we remove this one and we connect this one to over

Here we get two curved ones what was the old Ram old RAM on my PC uh 32 gigs 64 is overkill honestly I I I it’s probably it’s Overkill but uh I was like it’s not that much more expensive I’m just going to do it who knows might be useful at some

Point um 32 is also overkilled 32 is not Overkill no I I would not agree with that I don’t think 32 gab of RAM is is overkill especially not if you’re streaming and recording and stuff at least and using editing softwares and all that stuff is it is I’m okay with

Eight eight is way too little honestly depends on what you do on your machine but I would I would say a like 16 minimum 16 would be the minimum for me and even that is probably on lown play create well yeah you need eight Ram

To play create but you record you do a lot of other things you yeah you like yeah it’s it’s just better to have a little more and it’s definitely not expensive I’d say 64 is overkill 32 I wouldn’t say is 32 is pretty good I minus 32 nice

Now the question is just how I get supports onto this um which is you know 128 gigs I mean there’s people with what 2 terab of U of Ram uh not people professional stuff beams yeah more beams uh um Central trust unit we have to do

Something over here and then we can have something that’s like supports this area going out and yeah I like the I like the things that you can get that you can get like curved with them what your recommended specs don’t ask me ask someone who knows what they’re talking about which is not

Me I’m a YouTuber was everyone Ming so hard you’re upgrading your PC is people Ming over the fact I’m upgrading my PC for servers and experimental PCS um honest yeah for servers and I I feel like also you could like I don’t know animators stuff like

That I don’t think it would be too farfetched but way how are you doday Sam I am doing good got the new pc at home so we’re feeling we’re feeling good Um I hit the roof has 4 GB of RAM play M with 37 I mean ram doesn’t really have an impact on FPS it’s just if you can launch it or not um probably going to have to just do an industrial Ironbridge then yeah just

Going to use a bunch of these and then we’ll see what we can work I want a PC but I’ll probably have to wait because monetize YouTube yeah might have to wait longer it’s can take a while uh and B the 4 409s yeah I know one that

Has four four time yeah 409s are way too expensive though 47s are way too expensive as well so um this is the middle over here and we do need like a trust going down from this so what if we go two sides of there two blocks of

There then we just like wrap this downwards a bit we can connect that up there no we just connected down only good if you’re playing FPS games I mean doesn’t matter for Minecraft Too Much I wouldn’t get a gaming laptop honestly if you’re if you want to get a

PC at some point just save for the PC instead gam lops are pretty eh pretty if you already know you do want to get a PC eventually just save for the PC instead uh cuz to get something decent on a gaming laptop you’re going to have to spend a lot of

Money you might just do some steel Construction yeah I’m not an engineer chat I want to be an architect not an engineer um steel it it looks pretty bad I won’t lie but yeah um if it works it works um I think we’re going to get some

Shoots down here just to connect it up to the ground make it look a little more supported yeah we’ll ler we ler the sides but uh we’ll do it in just a bit um I feel like if we just Spam enough enough of this it should it should

Work so what if we just pull that over there we pull this over here then we were to eventually stand up some Stone I run 60 on game PC I will not uh best bu to start from streaming I mean I my PC isn’t great right now so I W it’s

All right like 60 FPS you can play with honestly um 60 FPS is playable Um this isn’t an area I’d be looking at too much so like if it just like kind of looks like there’s something there I’m not going to spend too much time on this because like what one G one block in the stone for more supported look yeah could do something like that

That’s true that’s true uh good shout um there um I do optimization crash your game yeah that’s uh I I uh I think we’re going to need one more support like over here somewhere actually good honestly I think so as well I I I’m not going to spend

Too much time on it because I I would probably spend more I would spend more time on it if it’s a bridge that say uh say was out here that I would actually see but um this one is just it’s just going to be sitting here so it’s it’s not going to

Be it’s not going to be anything that’s like yeah it’s it’s it’s going to be seen little bit as long as there’s something there I think it’s good uh Block in the stone I did that Yes I need to isolate my I need to insulate my window it’s f3c what’s f3c do can’t remember what 3C does honestly what does c do copy location hold FC to crash the game look at that what have I not I still have it no I haven’t had any tape okay I didn’t

Have any duct tape I do now though look here uh we’re just going to connect this up over here as well why not make it even more supported more Steel uh where in oh there we go no I haven’t burning okay I got home today it was cold it was like being

Outside in my room which I don’t I wouldn’t say is Ideal yeah I like I like the song TR as well I’m happy with them I’m I need to look through some more maybe grab grab some more more things um so we can find some new blocks new new blocks new new sounds Uh no not there H I think that looks pretty good as well just adding in a little bit of extra supports there we go stairs for trust it’s like thing is they’re a little too wide in that it’s just like a sure but I feel like just metal beams

Honestly I don’t think this looks bad I think this looks pretty good like it could be better yes I will admit it can be it could be better but it looks good enough it it’s not going to be an area which is seen of

Like enough for it to be like ah my PC built in about a week any MC mod ideas great look too blocky compared exactly yeah they look um they look too blocky I think I could always just like maybe do something like that which it looks all

Right yeah I think we’re going to do this I think this is going to be enough I think this should be good um I don’t think I need to do too much more we add a few more maybe over here create Origins and another MZ together would be fun to be honest uh

There was some YouTubers that did that F uh the empires gang did that um they all got pretty bored pretty quickly but I don’t I think that’s because they’re vanilla players and they didn’t really like create too much it’s a bad mod it could be fun but also could be can be

Pretty boring uh bridge bridge cave uh we select section uh get from there we can actually just start from there and then we do that over here down there down there even that and and that yep should be good what’s the air selection Mode called is light maica lights Masa Area episode 12

Boom boom boom boom CH I’m going to run the bathroom be you right back we do that h no chair stream for you guys uh we’re back chat um not like most streamers where the chat is more active when they’re gone uh let the revolution hey streams watch it uh create World create

World let’s go yeah let’s go first get the schematic in where is my huh what this chaos cuz there’s no emote only mode and stuff like that yeah the bridge is done the bridge is done in Creative now we need to build in the world uh where is

My shat where is my Ender pouch where have I placed it hello this is a sad moment my stick this is uh is done now comes the copying yeah comes the building uh Where where have I put it where have I put it I put it in my storage no what can’t just be gone have I accidentally put it in my Ender Chest yes I have I have indeed I have indeed got to love It well now I got to build the birge for real how far do I take it should go one block like that and then two block down yeah it feels about right maybe no no it’s not correct uh no it’s not correct oh it’s two blocks

Up wa now now it’s correct right yes now it’s correct ah Stam land whenever I ever said I was going to build Stam land Um I know I didn’t think about doing the schematic Cannon now we’re not doing it we’re doing this way cuz I can’t be bothered uh it’s not going to take that long Anyways all right metal gers never so M even copy over the Villager uh yeah like M copies over everything it’s pretty bad with create stuff though which is sad we need metal gers more than that I can tell you we need about that many shoots and we’re going to need a lot

More metal GS because it probably doesn’t count the the the Bendy boys um y gers yes hello again Stella always gers beard uh cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap more metal gter that’s not enough not enough mtic copy over entrance in the settings yeah I don’t really care it’s not an issue uh

It is not an issue and sometimes you do wanted to copy over entities so that should be enough GS um shoot some industrial iron I have one iron I can hopefully run my Farms now with a new pc I hope um oh 12 perfect um yeah that should be it uh

Wait I need tracks might maybe I don’t know maybe would entities be visible in the clipboard when using a cannon uh no uh yes spaic are there maybe not I can’t remember if spaic are there or not I don’t think so oh yeah so so beard when is the uh

When is the series uh ending um are you deleting deleting the channel now that you’ve been called out for now that you’ve been called out for um for yoinking the idea of a create series from someone uh what do we do first here we honestly remove this when the apology

Video uh it’s where the chat is activ As on Twitch but there’s triple the viewers yeah more people lurking how could be how could he I mean technically I have to delete mine as well I’m apparently uh teaching non-native English speakers um wrong words or something I can’t

Remember I don’t know someone complained that I didn’t announce words the correct way and I’m like yes have you ever heard of accents Um I thought it was just funny like I how it’s oh it’s oh no okay I don’t know what I broke I broke something it was really funny accent yeah what is an accent guys what I mean a clear copy you not a Russian Channel yeah you quite clearly did which is just like it’s I don’t know first of all I don’t think we care too much about being like copied in that sense it’s not like you took my whole video and like made it

Like the exact same thing you did your own thing you just named it same I’ve done that countless of times but but no we copied the idea of making a create series I feel like feel like I I was inspired by sh you were inspired by me so just goes goes around

Hello’s see that there yep we got the Bendy bendy boy oh fell got to great dinner and fun yeah no not again is even call having fun yeah who there we go cool we’ll remove this little deep slate row back here and then I think we’ll just start extending

Things up from like below and yeah we’re got to fix this part over here as well I forget that there’s no blocks there um let’s get this this part in first then hello crumble lers hello ah there we go thank you yes I could use the schematic Cannon um now watch me build

Instead uh where is the fin on this one right yeah that’s one more what are you using building uh like that like medic and if you’re on Forge I’m not sure um if you if if like mtic is a thing I I can’t I I really hope it

Is um if I ever decide to do Forge things but I don’t think it is does anyone who play Forge know if that’s a thing I don’t think so I don’t think so either and it sucks I hope um I don’t know I hope um I hope there’s

Some sort of like a port if I ever do decide to do anything on Forge but yeah probably just going to stick the fabric Forge Forge is is not where where my stuff lays my stuff lays in uh lag Matic no light Matic it’s on Forge just for one 16 yeah

Know it used to be a forge mod but uh it’s a fabric only mod now and we’re going to have to build up these things then if we can get that in the wall get that that no not that one it’s a it’s a little finicky in here

We we we good uh we’ll just extend this across now think about it I do need it to end off somewhere over here yeah know the reason for me not do being on Forge is just because the mods mods I need aren’t on Forge like replay and uh and

Uh what is it called replay and uh litica I I can’t really make my videos without them so it won’t catch me playing on Forge um there we go then this one’s also going to be extended this one and one more over here I believe that one apparently

Water um then this one goes one further back perfect that one oh no wrong again I think we just extend this in and we should be good to kind of go I’m not really sure um uh hate forge on B server it’s unfortunate there’s no schematic handle

Allowed so building is a pain there’s no schematic Canon allow okay feels odd but hey I guess got to get one of them though it’s I I find it really really hard to build I find it really really hard to build in in survival uh I mean I I can

Do it I I I know how to build obviously but it it takes me so long and I can get so demotivated so so much faster the building creative it’s yeah okay I think that’s this bit over here done uh and then we just kind of need to do this one over

Here so we got to move no uh I have returned how Viper a I broke the whole thing why are things despawning they’re just not down here maybe watching from Honduras welome Um okay now where did these things go from I I’m guessing they went from this one I’m guessing they went from here well and then over here no the other one not that one when more back no that’s not what I want to do sure we can get the gerss in first

Then we get that in I’m going up by bo boy a jet pack better in create using than elytra jet pack is pretty boring in my opinion I don’t enjoy playing with a jet pack I think I think playing with a jetpack is pretty boring I I don’t know but hey that’s my Opinion do yeah a lot of people do I I just don’t think it’s that fun are grind in the angel ring yep for for like mplay like that yeah it’s nice but for like a long-term world no no no no no no nothing for me nothing for

Me I just I don’t know I don’t I don’t enjoy making my life too easy uh yeah I kind of have a server computer now as well so yeah we we should be able to do or I can use my old one as a Ser computer only fun for Sky Block mod

Packs yeah I agree I agree I don’t want to create a fight in the normal world I think it’s pretty boring honestly but hey each play the game like they want to some people think like m is born some people it’s everyone plays their own way and I think

That’s that’s fun things about Minecraft you can play it in very very many different ways which is fun um this one boom boom boom boom boom okay cool almost done with this then oh how what are you doing that there villager have fun um you’re going to be

Stuck there for a while I play on I have creative FL because of my origin yeah I’ve mean I can I can see it being a little more fun there if you have an origin uh I guess but yeah yeah I don’t know it’s never it’s never creative flight is not something that

Really appeals to me too much I think it would make the game pretty boring for me kind L yeah no no no where did that go oh over there perfect uh and then I think we just filled in that completely no yeah okay those get those in there that up

There more gers few more gers and then just cram a few more GS in here I don’t think we can ever get enough girders um no okay there we go cool cool bin people uh uh can I get around this somehow nope I cannot but uh I want to remove that one

I want you gun thank you cool cool beans for real for real yeah cool beans cool beans always it’s so cold in my room chat H it’s for reason what are you going to do now we’ll see uh I think we’re going just continue working on the shape two likes

Away from 100 oh my guys got a like now get us to that 100 really really appreciate it helps out a ton thank you thank you I feel like that’s good that’s a that’s a good like goal for each stream um during jary 100 likes I think that’s

Good I think that’s a good goal wow 99 99 one more one more come on chat you can do it um D now see chat good boy have fun one more I do not want to flood this villager down here I want I want him there think it’s

Funny um we need to work on this area over here I think that’s the one that’s your next stream catch you later see you later uh 108 likes can I see likes here why can I not see likes I want to see likes as

Well I can no we have we are way past the 100 likes Chad you’re delusional we’re at 111 likes actually I appreciate that that’s that’s awesome thank you what’re 111 maybe try refreshing I don’t know that them just exploded okay let’s go it worked thank you so

Much for the support people thank you thank you M say 49 I guess you got to refresh then it’s like 75 For Me Mine updates I think I think the one I have updates uh cuz mine is at 115 115 very nice shouldn’t you remove the pin message oh that’s true that’s true

I need more stone I have stone on me ha now it’s refreshed yeah I brail hello hello welcome in like a block up in that corner thank you how do you even pin messages you just the three dots next to your name I could do it I don’t I I’m guessing you

Guys can do it as well so like if you look at anyone’s um uh is we want to catch one uh when it starts yeah there is in my Discord there is in your time zones and if you look at my Community page uh there is uh so it’s

600 PM Central European Time um we can’t L bro um so if you want to join the Discord EI otherwise it’s 600 p.m. Central European Time uh on Monday uh Wednesday and Thursday and then 400 p.m. Central European Time on uh Sundays J January uh then we’re going back to

Probably some twitch streams and I’ll see if I continue one YouTube stream a week at least we’ll see how we do it we’ll see how we do it I might make make the switch permanent I want to make it permanent at some point points I just wish YouTube would fix the

Algorithm when it came to the stream like the algorithm is awesome for the stream itself yes I I like the way the YouTube does the algorithm for the streams itself but I don’t like the way it does or work together with videos it’s it’s pretty bad sad um that look a little

Weird this side is a little flat so we can probably just like then this in a little bit we’re going to be hopping around a bit on these streams not working on the same project each week um we’ll see what we do tomorrow uh I do want to do some

Recording in here and I think I’m going to start building like decorates the decorative stuff of the cave um before and oh wait with my new pc I think I can record and stream at the same time that’s a game changer that that’s a game changer

Um I need to test that that’s that’s a real game changer the donut tutorial 4.0 ooh where is that one uh uh that that’s going to be that’s going to be that’s going to be huge I’m going to be able to do a lot more things on

The stream which is going to be hype uh cuz then I can just cut away my audio cut away the music and only have the ingame audio and I can just oh that’s going to be really really good actually how do you stream and record there’s some OBS uh plugins that allows

You to both stream and record and the stream uh like you could obviously stream and record I may I might able be able to do it just like click both of them to be honest uh we’ll see I’ll test around with it but there there is either

Some plugins if you don’t want to like record all the audios and stuff yeah Discord is in the in the description um all the times are in your times on there if you look in the announcement chat or you can look at my commun community post and but then you

Have to translate the times for yourself I’m not a fan of this down here never thought of plugins for that one uh there is I can’t remember what it’s called I have it it’s something anyways that like you can add a filter to your stream thing and it basically just like records at

The same time as you stream um but I’m probably just going to like try to click record and see what happens speak slowly please I can’t I I speak the way I speak um I’m sorry if you can’t keep up um but I I I can’t changed the way I speak

Um um yeah the thing is like I don’t know how far down I want to go I think I think where it’s at now is pretty good as I don’t yeah I don’t think we want to I want to go down uh that much more uh just because it’s not it’s not

Going to be bit uh what called it’s not going to uh you blink Cloud put your mouth in slow mode um poor on Native fingers yeah I like your voice thank you second time the stream it’s the microphone I do like this crevice though like that that you

Against Ste see in here but what we’re going to do is oh hello guys again uh we’re going to work on covering it up a little bit um like it was never there like it was never there I knew it what H the mic is hype the mic is

Hype I don’t know about how my voice is in real life but you know mic doesn’t make it Worse I have dirt over there already so I’m just going to use back I think about it hello Sam welcome welcome welcome oh I’ve been in this area now I’m going to do a harvest food um no yeah no I’m not going to do Harvest I want to do it on a

Video should make a meet up meet up in real life no nothing that interest me uh if I ever go to a live event or like I don’t know twitch con or something like that no then uh then yes if if I something like that I’m never

Going to set up a meet meeting meet it’s I don’t think people are going to fly to Sweden just for that first of all and it’s uh don’t think I would be able to watch due to the time zone but I guess not yeah here you are

Um I guess it’s a little if it’s a little early or a little late is it late or early it may be early then the Sunday streams won’t really w Really Work uh well it depends on where you are in the world as well um but that

If I ever got to like a if I ever invited to like some sort of an event yeah it definitely be awesome but I’m I’m not going to do anything on my own I don’t think it’s something that really interests me I’m going to chill on my

Own some more something thank you uh one day one day one day they will come uh I’m just going to connect this up over here maybe I build something on top of this cuz I it’s quite an open area uh City Gate’s going to be right here Lake right

There yeah this an open like area I could build something here we’ll see though for now we’re just going to single dir it cuz I don’t I don’t think I’m going to build anything here we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see actually wait let me look at my plants

Can I build any of my plants here there’s that one which I yeah but yeah I could see a build here um no no no uh yeah I could put one build here maybe one build needs to go maybe here and one build needs to go

Over here I need builds over here I need I need a few builds over here cuz uh yeah that’s where we need to fix up that train so I can do a few builds over there cuz like I’ve already really focused on this side of the whole thing

And I’ve stretched out to this area but never really got behind cuz I’ve never really had like a plan from the beginning over here so that’s kind of why I’ve not been uh not been in not been doing anything over here or over there plan like this on my

Save I I mainly plan because I have video videos to make I wouldn’t plan as much otherwise I I my plans that I look through are just videos I have dates on when I want to upload them and I have projects for them just because I like

Plan ahead cuz it makes it nice to just like transition into the next project when you’re done with one uh makes the transition nice to next project uh but planning definitely like like I I like doing the planning like I have my planning sketches from way long

Ago way long ago that’s good good words them good words um where would that be in here create videos maybe episode three maybe think where this would be uh yeah here it is cre plan cap on the channels it would be very annoying there are captions on the videos but uh

There’s no captions on a stream cuz live captions is very hard uh more thank you so much for the is that a super chat I I’ve bad this but thank you so much uh here we go here’s the plan I had from the beginning um and this I only

This is after two videos they did not pop up Uh Oh YouTube alert hello that really should have worked thank you so much uh storm it should have popped up on screen but I maybe it’s just late maybe YouTube is youtubing really like supporting you but important no worries just watch the

Streams watch the videos watch the um watch the um if you leave the uh the the super long video up then uh uh then um that’s a lot of reps if you just watch the the movie video I want some phone can you remove B’s Accidental ping from the thread what I’ll do it later um this is my original plan so Warehouse would go in this area I want to do a train yard over here farming over here Town lumber over here there it is super late but there it is you deserve more subscribers love content

Look at that look at that oh okay so I can just un message but it takes 5 Seconds yeah I’m mid stream hany why why do you want me to unpin a message is it that important what do I need on pin it from what do I need on pin oh you’ve removed

Guys good job um Minicraft there are subtitles on all of the videos and uh there’s no need to spam uh but I can’t put subtitles on a stream because I’m I’m talking now and I’m not going to sit here and write my subtitles at the same time

Um 10 10 isn’t it Muffin Man hello the muffin man Um okay St skill yeah skill isn’t it message for everyone yeah I don’t have enough context to do it now it’s hard to do subtitles on streams I don’t I can’t really like H it seems annoying but videos have it the videos have subtitles if you can’t understand

Everything I say then maybe I’ll watch the stream and you can watch the content the streams yeah it’s odd Viper it’s odd let give less support to the to them have been watching you foxy and beard some of my favorite content at the moment keep killing it thank you appreciate it

Love to hear it love to hear it what’s for been up to I haven’t like checked too much I’ve seen he made like a working tractor he’s done some things I I I haven’t like been able to keep up too much with this content though and some

Forklifts is what I’ve seen I’ve spoken to him a little bit here and there but I we haven’t really spoken about video stuff or like what he’s actually doing and I got to leave again have F uh just going to light this up cuz I

Can spoke with him a bit but I have no idea what he’s up to in this world don’t really know what be is is up to either I spoke to a bit more than foxy as well so I I guess the fossile fuel industry ah yeah I’m uh I’m staying out of that

There we go cool that feels so weird maybe I’m mobile thing are on mobile cuz look there’s three dots next to the thing in my in M thing M mind thing um PC on the stream yeah there some three dots you can click I don’t know is a YouTube thing yeah this looks

So weird I’ve had a whole air going down this is the cave I’ve used literally like to go all of my mining sessions and it feels so weird it not being like open the amount of times I’ve gone down this gone down this cave here feels feels odd uh I think we can

Do a little bit of better work up here as well this kind of almost looks like a TNT no TNT thing a creeper hole there’s a lot of these things around the world where you can just like oh the Minecraft train yeah you’re pretty cool but not right

Here oh also I did a thing yesterday um which I really liked hold up let me is it here yes it is here I remember where my path goes if you come up here you see I added a lot of tall grass up here and then I’ve added in a little pathway like

Going through the tall grass and I love it so much I love it I love it I love it it really like guides your eye through this cuz there’s like I don’t want to look over here that’s boring and then you end up at the star base which is um

We don’t have to look inside of it it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I really like it though it’s a cool little cool little pathway that if you’re just running around the world you’re just like oh what is this and then you’re you’re off on adventures I was added in

A little little bench don’t let the stream time go beyond the stream likes the wet go beyond the wet got 122 likes now that’s awesome thank you people um I really want I I really want mer three monitors back or well my my drawing tablet is one of my monitors

Because then I can have stream chat in a better place and it’s going to be awesome I’m probably going to have like stream chat over here so I like if I look at the mic I’m talking to you and it makes a little more sense cuz now I’m

Looking like away from the mic and a little bench so like the stream yeah I like the stream mhm mhm we’re not going to go longer than 2 hours though cuz I want to set up my new pc I think we’re actually pretty close to ending it here

Honestly I’m I’m pretty happy with what we got done today uh I want to go set up my PC and um tomorrow I got two monitors and a drawing tablet that acts like a monitor tomorrow what do we work on we’ll see we’ll see what we work on

Tomorrow um we might work on this over here tomorrow again or we might do I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see what we do tomorrow um most likely going to be terraforming it’s going to be a lot of terraforming this month um it’s kind of the plan for

The streams um well thank you so much for watching everyone and for everyone that’s been here and it’s been an amazing stream again um thank you for all the support and um I’ll catch you guys tomorrow at what is it called it’s 600 p.m. Central European Time so um

We’ll get some exciting rocking then again sharers people goodbye goodbye and adios goodbye

This video, titled ‘Building a TRAIN TUNNEL in Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Stam1o on 2024-01-04 07:15:39. It has garnered 2238 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:42 or 6882 seconds.

Building a TRAIN TUNNEL in Minecraft Create! If you enjoy the stream make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

Modlist/World Download can be found in my discord.

Chat Rules: 1. Disrespecting Anyone In Chat Is Not Allowed 2. Keep Everything On A PG-13 Level! 3. No illegal substances related topics. 4. No hate speech Tolerated At All. 5. Think Before You Say Or Write Anything. Use Common Sense. 6. Try To Not Spam. 7. English Only

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  • ModArchy

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More